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posted an update Jan 6
Switching to author_model-name

I posted a poll on twitter, and others have mentioned the interest in me using the convention of including the author name in the model path when I upload.

It has a couple advantages, first and foremost of course is ensuring clarity of who uploaded the original model (did Qwen upload Qwen2.6? Or did someone fine tune Qwen2.5 and named it 2.6 for fun?)

The second thing is that it avoids collisions, so if multiple people upload the same model and I try to quant them both, I would normally end up colliding and being unable to upload both

I'll be implementing the change next week, there are just two final details I'm unsure about:

First, should the files also inherit the author's name?

Second, what to do in the case that the author name + model name pushes us past the character limit?

Haven't yet decided how to handle either case, so feedback is welcome, but also just providing this as a "heads up"


I've switched to author.model-name like 1-2 month back. Would be nice to have a standard across all quantizers.
How much you've settled with '_' as the separator?

I've carried over the convention to the filename too, that can help those just download particular files if the model name is the same.


I don't love the period in the name since I don't like using it for purposes other than the file extension

I don't love the underscore either for what it's worth, but period feels wrong haha

- is probably ideal but then those are used in both author and model names already so the distinction between the two becomes blurred

I'm all for including the author's name. If I find a good model and want to look for others from the same author, It's nice to have their name front and center. Aside from the, very valid, collision problem, prepending your name to the model name is simply good marketing. As far as exceeding the character limit, that's a no brainer... you simply would need to apply for a legal name change to a shorter name. I'm thinking "Bart". Don't laugh, I really think it suits you :)