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posted an update May 28
everything-ai v2.0.1: more AI power on your Desktop

What is everything-ai?

πŸ€– everything-ai is natively a multi-tasking agent, 100% local, that is able to perform several AI-related tasks

What's new?

πŸš€ I am more than thrilled to introduce some new functionalities that were added since last release:

- πŸŽ™οΈπŸ”Š Handle audio files or microphone recordings, classifying or transcribing them with almost every audio-classification and automatic-speech-recognition model on Hugging Face Hub.
- πŸ“½οΈ Generate video from text prompts with almost every text-to-video model on HuggingFace Hub (original architecture by [Vasiliy Katsyka](
- 🧬 Predict the 3D structure of proteins from their amino-acidic sequence, with EsmFold by AI at Meta ([demo]( as-cle-bert/proteinviz)
- πŸ‹οΈ Finetune HF models on several downstream tasks with AutoTrain local integration (AutoTrain is developed by [Abhishek Thakur](
- πŸ—£οΈ Unleash powerful LLMs and exploit larger database collections for RAG with the integration of Hugging Face Spaces API and Supabase PostgreSQL databases ([demo](

How can you use all of these features?

You just need a docker compose up!πŸ‹

Where can I find everything I need?

Get the source code (and leave a little ⭐ while you're there):
Get a quick-start with the documentation:

Credits and inspiration

Shout-outs to Hugging Face, Gradio, Docker, AI at Meta, Abhishek Thakur, Qdrant, LangChain and Supabase for making all of this possible!
Inspired by: Jan, Cheshire Cat AI, LM Studio, Ollama and other awesome local AI solutions!