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posted an update May 8
🔥 Prometheus 2 was recently released by Kaist AI as an alternative and closely mirroring both human and GPT-4 evaluation, and surpassing the former Prometheus!


🌬️Fine-tuned on top of mistralai/Mistral-7B-Instruct-v0.2 and mistralai/Mixtral-8x7B-Instruct-v0.1
🗂️The datasets used for fine-tuning have been publicly released i.e. prometheus-eval/Feedback-Collection and prometheus-eval/Preference-Collection
🤝🏻Unified LM evaluator for absolute (a single prompt-completion pair) and relative (two completions for a given prompt) due to model merging
❌No longer needs a mandatory reference / golden answer, but can still be provided optionally
🔝Surpasses the former version of Prometheus, and has a high correlation with human, GPT-4, and Claude 3 Opus scores when evaluating LMs
📝Apache 2.0 license

Long-story short, an amazing job from Kaist AI bridging the gap with LLM evaluators other than proprietary and bigger models!

This week at Argilla, we decided to add a new task to use Prometheus 2 as an LLM evaluator using distilabel, so we implemented PrometheusEval.

😱 Using PrometheusEval running their 7B variant with vLLM in a single L40 on top of HuggingFaceH4/instruction-dataset, we got the 327 existing prompt-completion pairs evaluated and pushed to the Hub in less than 2 minutes!

Find the generated dataset and the code at distilabel-internal-testing/instruction-dataset-prometheus
