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posted an update Jan 11
🙋🏻‍♂️hey there folks , 🌟Tonic here
- just a 🛠️builder from 🗼Paris !
Everyone is making something special for their first post , so since i got access to **GPUZero** , well, my first post is about **GPUZero**

### GPUZero is here !

This one's great for builders like me that are often making and serving models to their community.
- demos get popular then fade away
- they retain interest over the next three months as folks have questions

**GPUZero** lets you serve demos to your community over time while optimizing for costs .
Believe it or not it's actually impossible to pay for everything over a whole month if you have even one GPU running at a time.
I'm so excited for this because it lets me serve a complete stack of specialized models and to build with them too.
- all optimized for efficiency in dollar cost.

check out some demos that are available on GPUZero :
- Tonic/marker-texify : this one is the first one i made it's for an image to latex formula model.
- : this one probably actually works better on GPUZero than on a standard A10, but dont take my word for it , try it out 🤗
- : this one was my greatest technical achievement, check the dates and times on it too, there's a backstory to this one so i'll maybe tell it in another post

hey @Tonic both of the space links seem to be broken, can you update them?