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Mar 12

Indirect measurement of atomic magneto-optical rotation via Hilbert transform

The Kramers-Kronig relations are a pivotal foundation of linear optics and atomic physics, embedding a physical connection between the real and imaginary components of any causal response function. A mathematically equivalent, but simpler, approach instead utilises the Hilbert transform. In a previous study, the Hilbert transform was applied to absorption spectra in order to infer the sole refractive index of an atomic medium in the absence of an external magnetic field. The presence of a magnetic field causes the medium to become birefringent and dichroic, and therefore it is instead characterised by two refractive indices. In this study, we apply the same Hilbert transform technique to independently measure both refractive indices of a birefringent atomic medium, leading to an indirect measurement of atomic magneto-optical rotation. Key to this measurement is the insight that inputting specific light polarisations into an atomic medium induces absorption associated with only one of the refractive indices. We show this is true in two configurations, commonly referred to in literature as the Faraday and Voigt geometries, which differ by the magnetic field orientation with respect to the light wavevector. For both cases, we measure the two refractive indices independently for a Rb thermal vapour in a 0.6 T magnetic field, finding excellent agreement with theory. This study further emphasises the application of the Hilbert transform to the field of quantum and atomic optics in the linear regime.

The FAST HI 21-cm absorption blind survey. II. -- Statistic Exploration for Associated and Intervening systems

We present an extragalactic HI 21-cm absorption lines catalog from a blind search at z leqslant 0.35, using drift-scan data collected in 1325.6 hours by the ongoing Commensal Radio Astronomy FasT Survey (CRAFTS) and FAST All Sky HI Survey (FASHI), which spans a sky area of 6072.0 deg^{2} and covers 84533 radio sources with a flux density greater than 12 mJy. 14 previously identified HI absorbers and 20 newly discovered HI absorbers were detected, comprising 15 associated systems, 10 intervening systems, and 9 systems with undetermined classifications. Through spectral stacking, the mean peak optical path, mean velocity-integrated optical path, mean FWHM and mean HI column density are measured to be 0.47 and 0.30; 27.19 and 4.36 km s^{-1}; 42.61 and 9.33 km s^{-1}; 0.49 and 0.08 T_{s} times 10^{20}cm^{-2}K^{-1}, for the associated and intervening samples, respectively. Statistical analysis also reveals that associated systems tend to be hosted by red (g-r>0.7) galaxies at lower redshifts, whereas galaxies hosting intervening HI absorption are typically found at higher redshifts and are of a bluer (g-rleqslant0.7) type. A noticeable difference is observed in the positions of foregrounds, backgrounds of intervening systems, and high-redshift and low-redshift associated systems on the WISE color-color diagram. All identified foreground sources in our sample have W1-W2 magnitudes below 0.8, suggesting no Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN). In contrast, backgrounds of intervening systems tend to have W1-W2 magnitudes above 0.8, indicating AGN presence. For associated absorption, most low-redshift (zleqslant0.5) systems show W1-W2 values below 0.8, while higher-redshift associated absorption (z>0.5) displays a broader range of W1-W2 values.

Extremely Dense Gas around Little Red Dots and High-redshift Active Galactic Nuclei: A Non-stellar Origin of the Balmer Break and Absorption Features

The James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) has uncovered low-luminosity active galactic nuclei (AGNs) at high redshifts of zgtrsim 4-7, powered by accreting black holes (BHs) with masses of sim 10^{6-8}~M_odot. One remarkable distinction of these JWST-identified AGNs, compared to their low-redshift counterparts, is that at least sim 20% of them present Halpha and/or Hbeta absorption, which must be associated with extremely dense (gtrsim 10^9~{rm cm}^{-3}) gas in the broad-line region or its immediate surroundings. These Balmer absorption features unavoidably imply the presence of a Balmer break caused by the same dense gas. In this Letter, we quantitatively demonstrate that a Balmer break can form in AGN spectra without stellar components, when the accretion disk is heavily embedded in dense neutral gas clumps with densities of sim 10^{9-11}~{rm cm}^{-3}, where hydrogen atoms are collisionally excited to the n=2 states and effectively absorb the AGN continuum at the bluer side of the Balmer limit. The non-stellar origin of a Balmer break offers a potential solution to the large stellar masses and densities inferred for little red dots (LRDs) when assuming that their continuum is primarily due to stellar light. Our calculations indicate that the observed Balmer absorption blueshifted by a few hundreds {rm km~s}^{-1} suggests the presence of dense outflows in the nucleus at rates exceeding the Eddington value. Other spectral features such as higher equivalent widths of broad Halpha emission and presence of OI lines observed in high-redshift AGNs including LRDs align with the predicted signatures of a dense super-Eddington accretion disk.

Physical properties of circumnuclear ionising clusters. III. Kinematics of gas and stars in NGC 7742

In this third paper of a series, we study the kinematics of the ionised gas and stars, calculating the dynamical masses of the circumnuclear star-forming regions in the ring of of the face-on spiral NGC 7742. We have used high spectral resolution data from the MEGARA instrument attached to the Gran Telescopio Canarias (GTC) to measure the kinematical components of the nebular emission lines of selected HII regions and the stellar velocity dispersions from the CaT absorption lines that allow the derivation of the associated cluster virialized masses. The emission line profiles show two different kinematical components: a narrow one with velocity dispersion sim 10 km/s and a broad one with velocity dispersion similar to those found for the stellar absorption lines. The derived star cluster dynamical masses range from 2.5 times 10^6 to 10.0 times 10^7 M_odot. The comparison of gas and stellar velocity dispersions suggests a scenario where the clusters have formed simultaneously in a first star formation episode with a fraction of the stellar evolution feedback remaining trapped in the cluster, subject to the same gravitational potential as the cluster stars. Between 0.15 and 7.07 % of the total dynamical mass of the cluster would have cooled down and formed a new, younger, population of stars, responsible for the ionisation of the gas currently observed.

Isotopic effects in molecular attosecond photoelectron interferometry

Isotopic substitution in molecular systems can affect fundamental molecular properties including the energy position and spacing of electronic, vibrational and rotational levels, thus modifying the dynamics associated to their coherent superposition. In extreme ultraviolet spectroscopy, the photoelectron leaving the molecule after the absorption of a single photon can trigger an ultrafast nuclear motion in the cation, which can lead, eventually, to molecular fragmentation. This dynamics depends on the mass of the constituents of the cation, thus showing, in general, a significant isotopic dependence. In time-resolved attosecond photoelectron interferometry, the absorption of the extreme ultraviolet photon is accompanied by the exchange of an additional quantum of energy (typically in the infrared spectral range) with the photoelectron-photoion system, offering the opportunity to investigate in time the influence of isotopic substitution on the characteristics of the photoionisation dynamics. Here we show that attosecond photoelectron interferometry is sensitive to isotopic substitution by investigating the two-color photoionisation spectra measured in a mixture of methane (CH_4) and deuteromethane (CD_4). The isotopic dependence manifests itself in the modification of the amplitude and contrast of the oscillations of the photoelectron peaks generated in the two-color field with the two isotopologues. The observed effects are interpreted considering the differences in the time evolution of the nuclear autocorrelation functions in the two molecules.

Constraining atmospheric composition from the outflow: helium observations reveal the fundamental properties of two planets straddling the radius gap

TOI-836 is a ~2-3 Gyr K dwarf with an inner super Earth (R=1.7 R_oplus, P=3.8 d) and an outer mini Neptune (R=2.6 R_oplus, P=8.6 d). JWST/NIRSpec 2.8--5.2 mum transmission spectra are flat for both planets. We present Keck/NIRSPEC observations of escaping helium for super-Earth b, which shows no excess absorption in the 1083 nm triplet to deep limits (<0.2%), and mini-Neptune c, which shows strong (0.7%) excess absorption in both visits. These results demonstrate that planet c retains at least some primordial atmosphere, while planet b is consistent with having lost its entire primordial envelope. Self-consistent 1D radiative-hydrodynamic models of planet c reveal that the helium excess absorption signal is highly sensitive to metallicity: its equivalent width collapses by a factor of 13 as metallicity increases from 10x to 100x solar, and by a further factor of 12 as it increases to 200x solar. The observed equivalent width is 88\% the model prediction for 100x metallicity, suggesting an atmospheric metallicity similar to K2-18b and TOI-270d, the first two mini-Neptunes with detected absorption features in JWST transmission spectra. We highlight the helium triplet as a potentially powerful probe of atmospheric composition, with complementary strengths and weaknesses to atmospheric retrievals. The main strength is its extreme sensitivity to metallicity in the scientifically significant range of 10--200x solar, and the main weakness is the enormous model uncertainties in outflow suppression and confinement mechanisms, such as magnetic fields and stellar winds, which can suppress the signal by at least a factor of ~several.

Protosolar D-to-H abundance and one part-per-billion PH_{3} in the coldest brown dwarf

The coldest Y spectral type brown dwarfs are similar in mass and temperature to cool and warm (sim200 -- 400 K) giant exoplanets. We can therefore use their atmospheres as proxies for planetary atmospheres, testing our understanding of physics and chemistry for these complex, cool worlds. At these cold temperatures, their atmospheres are cold enough for water clouds to form, and chemical timescales increase, increasing the likelihood of disequilibrium chemistry compared to warmer classes of planets. JWST observations are revolutionizing the characterization of these worlds with high signal-to-noise, moderate resolution near- and mid-infrared spectra. The spectra have been used to measure the abundances of prominent species like water, methane, and ammonia; species that trace chemical reactions like carbon monoxide; and even isotopologues of carbon monoxide and ammonia. Here, we present atmospheric retrieval results using both published fixed-slit (GTO program 1230) and new averaged time series observations (GO program 2327) of the coldest known Y dwarf, WISE 0855-0714 (using NIRSpec G395M spectra), which has an effective temperature of sim 264 K. We present a detection of deuterium in an atmosphere outside of the solar system via a relative measurement of deuterated methane (CH_{3}D) and standard methane. From this, we infer the D/H ratio of a substellar object outside the solar system for the first time. We also present a well-constrained part-per-billion abundance of phosphine (PH_{3}). We discuss our interpretation of these results and the implications for brown dwarf and giant exoplanet formation and evolution.

Galaxy Spectra neural Networks (GaSNets). I. Searching for strong lens candidates in eBOSS spectra using Deep Learning

With the advent of new spectroscopic surveys from ground and space, observing up to hundreds of millions of galaxies, spectra classification will become overwhelming for standard analysis techniques. To prepare for this challenge, we introduce a family of deep learning tools to classify features in one-dimensional spectra. As the first application of these Galaxy Spectra neural Networks (GaSNets), we focus on tools specialized at identifying emission lines from strongly lensed star-forming galaxies in the eBOSS spectra. We first discuss the training and testing of these networks and define a threshold probability, PL, of 95% for the high quality event detection. Then, using a previous set of spectroscopically selected strong lenses from eBOSS, confirmed with HST, we estimate a completeness of ~80% as the fraction of lenses recovered above the adopted PL. We finally apply the GaSNets to ~1.3M spectra to collect a first list of ~430 new high quality candidates identified with deep learning applied to spectroscopy and visually graded as highly probable real events. A preliminary check against ground-based observations tentatively shows that this sample has a confirmation rate of 38%, in line with previous samples selected with standard (no deep learning) classification tools and follow-up by Hubble Space Telescope. This first test shows that machine learning can be efficiently extended to feature recognition in the wavelength space, which will be crucial for future surveys like 4MOST, DESI, Euclid, and the Chinese Space Station Telescope (CSST).

Promise and Peril: Stellar Contamination and Strict Limits on the Atmosphere Composition of TRAPPIST-1c from JWST NIRISS Transmission Spectra

Attempts to probe the atmospheres of rocky planets around M dwarfs present both promise and peril. While their favorable planet-to-star radius ratios enable searches for even thin secondary atmospheres, their high activity levels and high-energy outputs threaten atmosphere survival. Here, we present the 0.6--2.85\,mum transmission spectrum of the 1.1\,rm R_oplus, sim340\,K rocky planet TRAPPIST-1\,c obtained over two JWST NIRISS/SOSS transit observations. Each of the two spectra displays 100--500\,ppm signatures of stellar contamination. Despite being separated by 367\,days, the retrieved spot and faculae properties are consistent between the two visits, resulting in nearly identical transmission spectra. Jointly retrieving for stellar contamination and a planetary atmosphere reveals that our spectrum can rule out hydrogen-dominated, lesssim300times solar metallicity atmospheres with effective surface pressures down to 10\,mbar at the 3-sigma level. For high-mean molecular weight atmospheres, where O_2 or N_2 is the background gas, our spectrum disfavors partial pressures of more than sim10\,mbar for H_2O, CO, NH_3 and CH_4 at the 2-sigma level. Similarly, under the assumption of a 100\% H_2O, NH_3, CO, or CH_4 atmosphere, our spectrum disfavors thick, >1\,bar atmospheres at the 2-sigma level. These non-detections of spectral features are in line with predictions that even heavier, CO_2-rich, atmospheres would be efficiently lost on TRAPPIST-1\,c given the cumulative high-energy irradiation experienced by the planet. Our results further stress the importance of robustly accounting for stellar contamination when analyzing JWST observations of exo-Earths around M dwarfs, as well as the need for high-fidelity stellar models to search for the potential signals of thin secondary atmospheres.

Precision measurement of the last bound states in H_2 and determination of the H + H scattering length

The binding energies of the five bound rotational levels J=0-4 in the highest vibrational level v=14 in the X^1Sigma_g^+ ground electronic state of H_2 were measured in a three-step ultraviolet-laser experiment. Two-photon UV-photolysis of H_2S produced population in these high-lying bound states, that were subsequently interrogated at high precision via Doppler-free spectroscopy of the F^1Sigma_g^+ - X^1Sigma_g^+ system. A third UV-laser was used for detection through auto-ionizing resonances. The experimentally determined binding energies were found to be in excellent agreement with calculations based on non-adiabatic perturbation theory, also including relativistic and quantum electrodynamical contributions. The s-wave scattering length of the H + H system is derived from the binding energy of the last bound J=0 level via a direct semi-empirical approach, yielding a value of a_s = 0.2724(5) a_0, in good agreement with a result from a previously followed theoretical approach. The subtle effect of the malpha^4 relativity contribution to a_s was found to be significant. In a similar manner a value for the p-wave scattering volume is determined via the J=1 binding energy yielding a_p = -134.0000(6) a_0^3. The binding energy of the last bound state in H_2, the (v=14, J=4) level, is determined at 0.023(4) cm^{-1}, in good agreement with calculation. The effect of the hyperfine substructure caused by the two hydrogen atoms at large internuclear separation, giving rise to three distinct dissociation limits, is discussed.

Gaia Data Release 3: Summary of the content and survey properties

We present the third data release of the European Space Agency's Gaia mission, GDR3. The GDR3 catalogue is the outcome of the processing of raw data collected with the Gaia instruments during the first 34 months of the mission by the Gaia Data Processing and Analysis Consortium. The GDR3 catalogue contains the same source list, celestial positions, proper motions, parallaxes, and broad band photometry in the G, G_{BP}, and G_{RP} pass-bands already present in the Early Third Data Release. GDR3 introduces an impressive wealth of new data products. More than 33 million objects in the ranges G_{rvs} < 14 and 3100 <T_{eff} <14500 , have new determinations of their mean radial velocities based on data collected by Gaia. We provide G_{rvs} magnitudes for most sources with radial velocities, and a line broadening parameter is listed for a subset of these. Mean Gaia spectra are made available to the community. The GDR3 catalogue includes about 1 million mean spectra from the radial velocity spectrometer, and about 220 million low-resolution blue and red prism photometer BPRP mean spectra. The results of the analysis of epoch photometry are provided for some 10 million sources across 24 variability types. GDR3 includes astrophysical parameters and source class probabilities for about 470 million and 1500 million sources, respectively, including stars, galaxies, and quasars. Orbital elements and trend parameters are provided for some 800,000 astrometric, spectroscopic and eclipsing binaries. More than 150,000 Solar System objects, including new discoveries, with preliminary orbital solutions and individual epoch observations are part of this release. Reflectance spectra derived from the epoch BPRP spectral data are published for about 60\,000 asteroids. Finally, an additional data set is provided, namely the Gaia Andromeda Photometric Survey (abridged)

EIGER IV: The cool 10^4K circumgalactic environment of high-z galaxies reveals remarkably efficient IGM enrichment

We report new observations of the cool diffuse gas around 29, 2.3<z<6.3 galaxies, using deep JWST/NIRCam slitless grism spectroscopy around the sightline to the quasar J0100+2802. The galaxies span a stellar mass range of 7.1 leq log M_{*}/M_{sun} leq 10.7, and star-formation rates of -0.1 < log ; SFR/M_{sun}yr^{-1} ; <2.3. We find galaxies for seven MgII absorption systems within 300 kpc of the quasar sightline. The MgII radial absorption profile falls off sharply with radii, with most of the absorption extending out to 2-3R_{200} of the host galaxies. Six out of seven MgII absorption systems are detected around galaxies with log M_{*}/M_{sun} >9. MgII absorption kinematics are shifted from the systemic redshift of host galaxies with a median absolute velocity of 135 km/s and standard deviation of 85 km/s. The high kinematic offset and large radial separation (R> 1.3 R_{200}), suggest that five out of the seven MgII absorption systems are gravitationally not bound to the galaxies. In contrast, most cool circumgalactic media at z<1 are gravitationally bound. The high incidence of unbound MgII gas in this work suggests that towards the end of reionization, galaxy halos are in a state of remarkable disequilibrium, and are highly efficient in enriching the intergalactic medium. Two strongest MgII absorption systems are detected at zsim 4.22 and 4.5, the former associated with a merging galaxy system and the latter associated with three kinematically close galaxies. Both these galaxies reside in local galaxy over-densities, indicating the presence of cool MgII absorption in two "proto-groups" at z>4.

Quantifying spectroscopic Ca II exocomet transit occurrence in two decades of HARPS data

The field of exocomets has been built around the unmatched number of detections made in the circumstellar disc of the archetypal star Beta Pictoris. An exocomet detection in spectroscopy is identified by variable atomic absorption features in a stellar spectrum, associated with transiting gas in and trailing an exocomet coma. This paper presents the largest spectroscopic search for exocomet transits to date, which overcomes the limitations of biased samples of stars with debris discs, and instead looks through the approx7500 stars in the HARPS archive for signs of exocomets in the CaII doublet (H:396.847nm and K:393.366nm). The search resulted in 155 candidate stars, which after filtering for false positives (e.g. binaries, stellar activity, etc.), were cut down to 22 stars. These 22 stars are classified into Tier1, 2, and 3 exocomet candidates, reflecting the confidence level of their exocomet detection. Our two best candidates (Tier1: Beta Pictoris, HD172555) and four lower confidence candidates (Tier2: Gl1, HIP5158, HD94771, HR1996) are discussed, yielding a detection rate of 0.03% (Tier1 only) and 0.1% (Tier1 & 2) in the HARPS sample. Both Tier1 stars are known exocomet host stars. These two young A-type stars correspond to 0.4% of all A-types in the sample, suggesting that detecting signs of exocomet transits using CaII is more likely around young A-type stars. Reanalysing a past HARPS study, we found no evidence to support the previously claimed four exocomet detections, indicating either that those detections are not robust or that we are only sensitive to the strongest signals.

The chemical inventory of the planet-hosting disk PDS 70

As host to two accreting planets, PDS 70 provides a unique opportunity to probe the chemical complexity of atmosphere-forming material. We present ALMA Band 6 observations of the PDS~70 disk and report the first chemical inventory of the system. With a spatial resolution of 0.4''-0.5'' (sim50 au), 12 species are detected, including CO isotopologues and formaldehyde, small hydrocarbons, HCN and HCO+ isotopologues, and S-bearing molecules. SO and CH3OH are not detected. All lines show a large cavity at the center of the disk, indicative of the deep gap carved by the massive planets. The radial profiles of the line emission are compared to the (sub-)mm continuum and infrared scattered light intensity profiles. Different molecular transitions peak at different radii, revealing the complex interplay between density, temperature and chemistry in setting molecular abundances. Column densities and optical depth profiles are derived for all detected molecules, and upper limits obtained for the non detections. Excitation temperature is obtained for H2CO. Deuteration and nitrogen fractionation profiles from the hydro-cyanide lines show radially increasing fractionation levels. Comparison of the disk chemical inventory to grids of chemical models from the literature strongly suggests a disk molecular layer hosting a carbon to oxygen ratio C/O>1, thus providing for the first time compelling evidence of planets actively accreting high C/O ratio gas at present time.

The Apache Point Observatory Galactic Evolution Experiment (APOGEE) Spectrographs

We describe the design and performance of the near-infrared (1.51--1.70 micron), fiber-fed, multi-object (300 fibers), high resolution (R = lambda/delta lambda ~ 22,500) spectrograph built for the Apache Point Observatory Galactic Evolution Experiment (APOGEE). APOGEE is a survey of ~ 10^5 red giant stars that systematically sampled all Milky Way populations (bulge, disk, and halo) to study the Galaxy's chemical and kinematical history. It was part of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey III (SDSS-III) from 2011 -- 2014 using the 2.5 m Sloan Foundation Telescope at Apache Point Observatory, New Mexico. The APOGEE-2 survey is now using the spectrograph as part of SDSS-IV, as well as a second spectrograph, a close copy of the first, operating at the 2.5 m du Pont Telescope at Las Campanas Observatory in Chile. Although several fiber-fed, multi-object, high resolution spectrographs have been built for visual wavelength spectroscopy, the APOGEE spectrograph is one of the first such instruments built for observations in the near-infrared. The instrument's successful development was enabled by several key innovations, including a "gang connector" to allow simultaneous connections of 300 fibers; hermetically sealed feedthroughs to allow fibers to pass through the cryostat wall continuously; the first cryogenically deployed mosaic volume phase holographic grating; and a large refractive camera that includes mono-crystalline silicon and fused silica elements with diameters as large as ~ 400 mm. This paper contains a comprehensive description of all aspects of the instrument including the fiber system, optics and opto-mechanics, detector arrays, mechanics and cryogenics, instrument control, calibration system, optical performance and stability, lessons learned, and design changes for the second instrument.

Estimation of Classical Cepheid's Physical Parameters from NIR Light Curves

Recent space-borne and ground-based observations provide photometric measurements as time series. The effect of interstellar dust extinction in the near-infrared range is only 10% of that measured in the V band. However, the sensitivity of the light curve shape to the physical parameters in the near-infrared is much lower. So, interpreting these types of data sets requires new approaches like the different large-scale surveys, which create similar problems with big data. Using a selected data set, we provide a method for applying routines implemented in R to extract most information of measurements to determine physical parameters, which can also be used in automatic classification schemes and pipeline processing. We made a multivariate classification of 131 Cepheid light curves (LC) in J, H, and K colors, where all the LCs were represented in 20D parameter space in these colors separately. Performing a Principal Component Analysis (PCA), we got an orthogonal coordinate system and squared Euclidean distances between LCs, with 6 significant eigenvalues, reducing the 20-dimension to 6. We also estimated the optimal number of partitions of similar objects and found it to be equal to 7 in each color; their dependence on the period, absolute magnitude, amplitude, and metallicity are also discussed. We computed the Spearman rank correlations, showing that periods and absolute magnitudes correlate with the first three PCs significantly. The first two PC are also found to have a relationship with the amplitude, but the metallicity effects are only marginal. The method shown can be generalized and implemented in unsupervised classification schemes and analysis of mixed and biased samples. The analysis of our Classical Cepheid near-infrared LC sample showed that the J, H, K curves are insufficient for determination of stellar metallicity, with mass being the key factor shaping them.

Interferometer response characterization algorithm for multi-aperture Fabry-Perot imaging spectrometers

In recent years, the demand for hyperspectral imaging devices has grown significantly, driven by their ability of capturing high-resolution spectral information. Among the several possible optical designs for acquiring hyperspectral images, there is a growing interest in interferometric spectral imaging systems based on division of aperture. These systems have the advantage of capturing snapshot acquisitions while maintaining a compact design. However, they require a careful calibration to operate properly. In this work, we present the interferometer response characterization algorithm (IRCA), a robust three-step procedure designed to characterize the transmittance response of multi-aperture imaging spectrometers based on the interferometry of Fabry-Perot. Additionally, we propose a formulation of the image formation model for such devices suitable to estimate the parameters of interest by considering the model under various regimes of finesse. The proposed algorithm processes the image output obtained from a set of monochromatic light sources and refines the results using nonlinear regression after an ad-hoc initialization. Through experimental analysis conducted on four different prototypes from the Image SPectrometer On Chip (ImSPOC) family, we validate the performance of our approach for characterization. The associated source code for this paper is available at

Galaxy Spectra neural Network (GaSNet). II. Using Deep Learning for Spectral Classification and Redshift Predictions

Large sky spectroscopic surveys have reached the scale of photometric surveys in terms of sample sizes and data complexity. These huge datasets require efficient, accurate, and flexible automated tools for data analysis and science exploitation. We present the Galaxy Spectra Network/GaSNet-II, a supervised multi-network deep learning tool for spectra classification and redshift prediction. GaSNet-II can be trained to identify a customized number of classes and optimize the redshift predictions for classified objects in each of them. It also provides redshift errors, using a network-of-networks that reproduces a Monte Carlo test on each spectrum, by randomizing their weight initialization. As a demonstration of the capability of the deep learning pipeline, we use 260k Sloan Digital Sky Survey spectra from Data Release 16, separated into 13 classes including 140k galactic, and 120k extragalactic objects. GaSNet-II achieves 92.4% average classification accuracy over the 13 classes (larger than 90% for the majority of them), and an average redshift error of approximately 0.23% for galaxies and 2.1% for quasars. We further train/test the same pipeline to classify spectra and predict redshifts for a sample of 200k 4MOST mock spectra and 21k publicly released DESI spectra. On 4MOST mock data, we reach 93.4% accuracy in 10-class classification and an average redshift error of 0.55% for galaxies and 0.3% for active galactic nuclei. On DESI data, we reach 96% accuracy in (star/galaxy/quasar only) classification and an average redshift error of 2.8% for galaxies and 4.8% for quasars, despite the small sample size available. GaSNet-II can process ~40k spectra in less than one minute, on a normal Desktop GPU. This makes the pipeline particularly suitable for real-time analyses of Stage-IV survey observations and an ideal tool for feedback loops aimed at night-by-night survey strategy optimization.

PCB-Vision: A Multiscene RGB-Hyperspectral Benchmark Dataset of Printed Circuit Boards

Addressing the critical theme of recycling electronic waste (E-waste), this contribution is dedicated to developing advanced automated data processing pipelines as a basis for decision-making and process control. Aligning with the broader goals of the circular economy and the United Nations (UN) Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), our work leverages non-invasive analysis methods utilizing RGB and hyperspectral imaging data to provide both quantitative and qualitative insights into the E-waste stream composition for optimizing recycling efficiency. In this paper, we introduce 'PCB-Vision'; a pioneering RGB-hyperspectral printed circuit board (PCB) benchmark dataset, comprising 53 RGB images of high spatial resolution paired with their corresponding high spectral resolution hyperspectral data cubes in the visible and near-infrared (VNIR) range. Grounded in open science principles, our dataset provides a comprehensive resource for researchers through high-quality ground truths, focusing on three primary PCB components: integrated circuits (IC), capacitors, and connectors. We provide extensive statistical investigations on the proposed dataset together with the performance of several state-of-the-art (SOTA) models, including U-Net, Attention U-Net, Residual U-Net, LinkNet, and DeepLabv3+. By openly sharing this multi-scene benchmark dataset along with the baseline codes, we hope to foster transparent, traceable, and comparable developments of advanced data processing across various scientific communities, including, but not limited to, computer vision and remote sensing. Emphasizing our commitment to supporting a collaborative and inclusive scientific community, all materials, including code, data, ground truth, and masks, will be accessible at

Signatures of the Shock Interaction as an Additional Power Source in the Nebular Spectra of SN 2023ixf

Red supergiants may lose significant mass through steady winds and episodic eruptions in the final 100-1000 years before the core collapses, shaping their circumstellar environment. Interaction between supernova (SN) ejecta and distant circumstellar material (CSM) can generate shocks, which can energize the ejecta and serve as a key power source during the nebular phase of the SN. In the present work, we investigate the nebular spectrum of SN 2023ixf, observed one year post-explosion (at +363 d) with the recently commissioned WEAVE instrument on the 4.2m William Herschel Telescope. This marks the first supernova spectrum captured with WEAVE. In this spectrum, Halpha exhibits a peculiar evolution, flanked by blueward and redward broad components centred at simpm 5650,km,s^{-1} from the rest velocity of Halpha, which are seen for only a few SNe to date. These features indicate energy deposition from shocks generated by the interaction of ejecta with a CSM expelled nearly 350 - 640 years pre-explosion. Comparisons of the +363 d spectrum with model spectra from the literature, that include varying shock powers, suggest a shock power of at least sim 5 times 10 ^{40},erg,s^{-1} at this epoch. Additionally, analysis of the [O I] doublet, along with other prominent emission lines, provides evidence for clumpiness, dust formation, and asymmetry within the ejecta and/or the surrounding CSM. These emission lines also helped to constrain the oxygen mass (approx0.19^{scriptscriptstyle +0.08}_{scriptscriptstyle -0.04} M_odot), He-core mass (<3 M_odot) and the zero-age main sequence mass (lesssim 12 M_odot) of the progenitor of SN 2023ixf. The comparison with other Type II SNe highlights SN 2023ixf's unique shock interaction signatures and evidence of dust formation, setting it apart in terms of evolution and dynamics.

Total Nitrogen Estimation in Agricultural Soils via Aerial Multispectral Imaging and LIBS

Measuring soil health indicators is an important and challenging task that affects farmers' decisions on timing, placement, and quantity of fertilizers applied in the farms. Most existing methods to measure soil health indicators (SHIs) are in-lab wet chemistry or spectroscopy-based methods, which require significant human input and effort, time-consuming, costly, and are low-throughput in nature. To address this challenge, we develop an artificial intelligence (AI)-driven near real-time unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV)-based multispectral sensing (UMS) solution to estimate total nitrogen (TN) of the soil, an important macro-nutrient or SHI that directly affects the crop health. Accurate prediction of soil TN can significantly increase crop yield through informed decision making on the timing of seed planting, and fertilizer quantity and timing. We train two machine learning models including multi-layer perceptron and support vector machine to predict the soil nitrogen using a suite of data classes including multispectral characteristics of the soil and crops in red, near-infrared, and green spectral bands, computed vegetation indices, and environmental variables including air temperature and relative humidity. To generate the ground-truth data or the training data for the machine learning models, we measure the total nitrogen of the soil samples (collected from a farm) using laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS).

MSA-3D: Metallicity Gradients in Galaxies at zsim1 with JWST/NIRSpec Slit-stepping Spectroscopy

The radial gradient of gas-phase metallicity is a powerful probe of the chemical and structural evolution of star-forming galaxies, closely tied to disk formation and gas kinematics in the early universe. We present spatially resolved chemical and dynamical properties for a sample of 25 galaxies at 0.5 lesssim z lesssim 1.7 from the \msasd survey. These innovative observations provide 3D spectroscopy of galaxies at a spatial resolution approaching JWST's diffraction limit and a high spectral resolution of Rsimeq2700. The metallicity gradients measured in our galaxy sample range from -0.03 to 0.02 dex~kpc^{-1}. Most galaxies exhibit negative or flat radial gradients, indicating lower metallicity in the outskirts or uniform metallicity throughout the entire galaxy. We confirm a tight relationship between stellar mass and metallicity gradient at zsim1 with small intrinsic scatter of 0.02 dex~kpc^{-1}. Our results indicate that metallicity gradients become increasingly negative as stellar mass increases, likely because the more massive galaxies tend to be more ``disky". This relationship is consistent with the predictions from cosmological hydrodynamic zoom-in simulations with strong stellar feedback. This work presents the effort to harness the multiplexing capability of JWST NIRSpec/MSA in slit-stepping mode to map the chemical and kinematic profiles of high-redshift galaxies in large samples and at high spatial and spectral resolution.

StreamAdapter: Efficient Test Time Adaptation from Contextual Streams

In-context learning (ICL) allows large language models (LLMs) to adapt to new tasks directly from the given demonstrations without requiring gradient updates. While recent advances have expanded context windows to accommodate more demonstrations, this approach increases inference costs without necessarily improving performance. To mitigate these issues, We propose StreamAdapter, a novel approach that directly updates model parameters from context at test time, eliminating the need for explicit in-context demonstrations. StreamAdapter employs context mapping and weight absorption mechanisms to dynamically transform ICL demonstrations into parameter updates with minimal additional parameters. By reducing reliance on numerous in-context examples, StreamAdapter significantly reduce inference costs and allows for efficient inference with constant time complexity, regardless of demonstration count. Extensive experiments across diverse tasks and model architectures demonstrate that StreamAdapter achieves comparable or superior adaptation capability to ICL while requiring significantly fewer demonstrations. The superior task adaptation and context encoding capabilities of StreamAdapter on both language understanding and generation tasks provides a new perspective for adapting LLMs at test time using context, allowing for more efficient adaptation across scenarios and more cost-effective inference

Fast Training Data Acquisition for Object Detection and Segmentation using Black Screen Luminance Keying

Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) require large amounts of annotated training data for a good performance. Often this data is generated using manual labeling (error-prone and time-consuming) or rendering (requiring geometry and material information). Both approaches make it difficult or uneconomic to apply them to many small-scale applications. A fast and straightforward approach of acquiring the necessary training data would allow the adoption of deep learning to even the smallest of applications. Chroma keying is the process of replacing a color (usually blue or green) with another background. Instead of chroma keying, we propose luminance keying for fast and straightforward training image acquisition. We deploy a black screen with high light absorption (99.99\%) to record roughly 1-minute long videos of our target objects, circumventing typical problems of chroma keying, such as color bleeding or color overlap between background color and object color. Next we automatically mask our objects using simple brightness thresholding, saving the need for manual annotation. Finally, we automatically place the objects on random backgrounds and train a 2D object detector. We do extensive evaluation of the performance on the widely-used YCB-V object set and compare favourably to other conventional techniques such as rendering, without needing 3D meshes, materials or any other information of our target objects and in a fraction of the time needed for other approaches. Our work demonstrates highly accurate training data acquisition allowing to start training state-of-the-art networks within minutes.

The nature of an imaginary quasi-periodic oscillation in the soft-to-hard transition of MAXI J1820+070

A recent study shows that if the power spectra (PS) of accreting compact objects consist of a combination of Lorentzian functions that are coherent in different energy bands but incoherent with each other, the same is true for the Real and Imaginary parts of the cross spectrum (CS). Using this idea, we discovered imaginary quasi-periodic oscillations (QPOs) in NICER observations of the black hole candidate MAXI J1820+070. The imaginary QPOs appear as narrow features with a small Real and large Imaginary part in the CS but are not significantly detected in the PS when they overlap in frequency with other variability components. The coherence function drops and the phase lags increase abruptly at the frequency of the imaginary QPO. We show that the multi-Lorentzian model that fits the PS and CS of the source in two energy bands correctly reproduces the lags and the coherence, and that the narrow drop of the coherence is caused by the interaction of the imaginary QPO with other variability components. The imaginary QPO appears only in the decay of the outburst, during the transition from the high-soft to the low-hard state of MAXI J1820+070, and its frequency decreases from approximately 5 Hz to around 1 Hz as the source spectrum hardens. We also analysed the earlier observations of the transition, where no narrow features were seen, and we identified a QPO in the PS that appears to evolve into the imaginary QPO as the source hardens. As for the type-B and C QPOs in this source, the rms spectrum of the imaginary QPO increases with energy. The lags of the imaginary QPO are similar to those of the type-B and C QPOs above 2 keV but differ from the lags of those other QPOs below that energy. While the properties of this imaginary QPO resemble those of type-C QPOs, we cannot rule out that it is a new type of QPO.

Hyperspectral Unmixing: Ground Truth Labeling, Datasets, Benchmark Performances and Survey

Hyperspectral unmixing (HU) is a very useful and increasingly popular preprocessing step for a wide range of hyperspectral applications. However, the HU research has been constrained a lot by three factors: (a) the number of hyperspectral images (especially the ones with ground truths) are very limited; (b) the ground truths of most hyperspectral images are not shared on the web, which may cause lots of unnecessary troubles for researchers to evaluate their algorithms; (c) the codes of most state-of-the-art methods are not shared, which may also delay the testing of new methods. Accordingly, this paper deals with the above issues from the following three perspectives: (1) as a profound contribution, we provide a general labeling method for the HU. With it, we labeled up to 15 hyperspectral images, providing 18 versions of ground truths. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first paper to summarize and share up to 15 hyperspectral images and their 18 versions of ground truths for the HU. Observing that the hyperspectral classification (HyC) has much more standard datasets (whose ground truths are generally publicly shared) than the HU, we propose an interesting method to transform the HyC datasets for the HU research. (2) To further facilitate the evaluation of HU methods under different conditions, we reviewed and implemented the algorithm to generate a complex synthetic hyperspectral image. By tuning the hyper-parameters in the code, we may verify the HU methods from four perspectives. The code would also be shared on the web. (3) To provide a standard comparison, we reviewed up to 10 state-of-the-art HU algorithms, then selected the 5 most benchmark HU algorithms, and compared them on the 15 real hyperspectral datasets. The experiment results are surely reproducible; the implemented codes would be shared on the web.

Constraints on the variation of the fine-structure constant at 3<z<10 with JWST emission-line galaxies

We present constraints on the spacetime variation of the fine-structure constant alpha at redshifts 2.5le z<9.5 using JWST emission-line galaxies. The galaxy sample consists of 621 high-quality spectra with strong and narrow [O III] lambdalambda4959,5007 doublet emission lines from 578 galaxies, including 232 spectra at z>5. The [O III] doublet lines are arguably the best emission lines to probe the variation in alpha. We divide our sample into six subsamples based on redshift and calculate the relative variation Deltaalpha/alpha for the individual subsamples. The calculated Deltaalpha/alpha values are consistent with zero within 1sigma at all redshifts, suggesting no time variation in alpha above a level of (1-2) times10^{-4} (1sigma) in the past 13.2 billion years. When the whole sample is combined, the constraint is improved to be Deltaalpha/alpha = (0.2pm0.7) times10^{-4}. We further test the spatial variation in alpha using four subsamples of galaxies in four different directions on the sky. The measured Deltaalpha/alpha values are consistent with zero at a 1sigma level of sim 2times10^{-4}. While the constraints in this work are not as stringent as those from lower-redshift quasar absorption lines in previous studies, this work uses an independent tracer and provides the first constraints on Deltaalpha/alpha at the highest redshifts. With the growing number of emission-line galaxies from JWST, we expect to achieve stronger constraints in the future.

Optical night sky brightness measurements from the stratosphere

This paper presents optical night sky brightness measurements from the stratosphere using CCD images taken with the Super-pressure Balloon-borne Imaging Telescope (SuperBIT). The data used for estimating the backgrounds were obtained during three commissioning flights in 2016, 2018, and 2019 at altitudes ranging from 28 km to 34 km above sea level. For a valid comparison of the brightness measurements from the stratosphere with measurements from mountain-top ground-based observatories (taken at zenith on the darkest moonless night at high Galactic and high ecliptic latitudes), the stratospheric brightness levels were zodiacal light and diffuse Galactic light subtracted, and the airglow brightness was projected to zenith. The stratospheric brightness was measured around 5.5 hours, 3 hours, and 2 hours before the local sunrise time in 2016, 2018, and 2019 respectively. The B, V, R, and I brightness levels in 2016 were 2.7, 1.0, 1.1, and 0.6 mag arcsec^{-2} darker than the darkest ground-based measurements. The B, V, and R brightness levels in 2018 were 1.3, 1.0, and 1.3 mag arcsec^{-2} darker than the darkest ground-based measurements. The U and I brightness levels in 2019 were 0.1 mag arcsec^{-2} brighter than the darkest ground-based measurements, whereas the B and V brightness levels were 0.8 and 0.6 mag arcsec^{-2} darker than the darkest ground-based measurements. The lower sky brightness levels, stable photometry, and lower atmospheric absorption make stratospheric observations from a balloon-borne platform a unique tool for astronomy. We plan to continue this work in a future mid-latitude long duration balloon flight with SuperBIT.

Generating $π$-Functional Molecules Using STGG+ with Active Learning

Generating novel molecules with out-of-distribution properties is a major challenge in molecular discovery. While supervised learning methods generate high-quality molecules similar to those in a dataset, they struggle to generalize to out-of-distribution properties. Reinforcement learning can explore new chemical spaces but often conducts 'reward-hacking' and generates non-synthesizable molecules. In this work, we address this problem by integrating a state-of-the-art supervised learning method, STGG+, in an active learning loop. Our approach iteratively generates, evaluates, and fine-tunes STGG+ to continuously expand its knowledge. We denote this approach STGG+AL. We apply STGG+AL to the design of organic pi-functional materials, specifically two challenging tasks: 1) generating highly absorptive molecules characterized by high oscillator strength and 2) designing absorptive molecules with reasonable oscillator strength in the near-infrared (NIR) range. The generated molecules are validated and rationalized in-silico with time-dependent density functional theory. Our results demonstrate that our method is highly effective in generating novel molecules with high oscillator strength, contrary to existing methods such as reinforcement learning (RL) methods. We open-source our active-learning code along with our Conjugated-xTB dataset containing 2.9 million pi-conjugated molecules and the function for approximating the oscillator strength and absorption wavelength (based on sTDA-xTB).

MassSpecGym: A benchmark for the discovery and identification of molecules

The discovery and identification of molecules in biological and environmental samples is crucial for advancing biomedical and chemical sciences. Tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS) is the leading technique for high-throughput elucidation of molecular structures. However, decoding a molecular structure from its mass spectrum is exceptionally challenging, even when performed by human experts. As a result, the vast majority of acquired MS/MS spectra remain uninterpreted, thereby limiting our understanding of the underlying (bio)chemical processes. Despite decades of progress in machine learning applications for predicting molecular structures from MS/MS spectra, the development of new methods is severely hindered by the lack of standard datasets and evaluation protocols. To address this problem, we propose MassSpecGym -- the first comprehensive benchmark for the discovery and identification of molecules from MS/MS data. Our benchmark comprises the largest publicly available collection of high-quality labeled MS/MS spectra and defines three MS/MS annotation challenges: de novo molecular structure generation, molecule retrieval, and spectrum simulation. It includes new evaluation metrics and a generalization-demanding data split, therefore standardizing the MS/MS annotation tasks and rendering the problem accessible to the broad machine learning community. MassSpecGym is publicly available at

Overview of the SDSS-IV MaNGA Survey: Mapping Nearby Galaxies at Apache Point Observatory

We present an overview of a new integral field spectroscopic survey called MaNGA (Mapping Nearby Galaxies at Apache Point Observatory), one of three core programs in the fourth-generation Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS-IV) that began on 2014 July 1. MaNGA will investigate the internal kinematic structure and composition of gas and stars in an unprecedented sample of 10,000 nearby galaxies. We summarize essential characteristics of the instrument and survey design in the context of MaNGA's key science goals and present prototype observations to demonstrate MaNGA's scientific potential. MaNGA employs dithered observations with 17 fiber-bundle integral field units that vary in diameter from 12" (19 fibers) to 32" (127 fibers). Two dual-channel spectrographs provide simultaneous wavelength coverage over 3600-10300 A at R~2000. With a typical integration time of 3 hr, MaNGA reaches a target r-band signal-to-noise ratio of 4-8 (per A, per 2" fiber) at 23 AB mag per sq. arcsec, which is typical for the outskirts of MaNGA galaxies. Targets are selected with stellar mass greater than 1e9 Msun using SDSS-I redshifts and i-band luminosity to achieve uniform radial coverage in terms of the effective radius, an approximately flat distribution in stellar mass, and a sample spanning a wide range of environments. Analysis of our prototype observations demonstrates MaNGA's ability to probe gas ionization, shed light on recent star formation and quenching, enable dynamical modeling, decompose constituent components, and map the composition of stellar populations. MaNGA's spatially resolved spectra will enable an unprecedented study of the astrophysics of nearby galaxies in the coming 6 yr.

A Model RRNet for Spectral Information Exploitation and LAMOST Medium-resolution Spectrum Parameter Estimation

This work proposes a Residual Recurrent Neural Network (RRNet) for synthetically extracting spectral information, and estimating stellar atmospheric parameters together with 15 chemical element abundances for medium-resolution spectra from Large Sky Area Multi-Object Fiber Spectroscopic Telescope (LAMOST). The RRNet consists of two fundamental modules: a residual module and a recurrent module. The residual module extracts spectral features based on the longitudinally driving power from parameters, while the recurrent module recovers spectral information and restrains the negative influences from noises based on Cross-band Belief Enhancement. RRNet is trained by the spectra from common stars between LAMOST DR7 and APOGEE-Payne catalog. The 17 stellar parameters and their uncertainties for 2.37 million medium-resolution spectra from LAMOST DR7 are predicted. For spectra with S/N >= 10, the precision of estimations Teff and log g are 88 K and 0.13 dex respectively, elements C, Mg, Al, Si, Ca, Fe, Ni are 0.05 dex to 0.08 dex, and N, O, S, K, Ti, Cr, Mn are 0.09 dex to 0.14 dex, while that of Cu is 0.19 dex. Compared with StarNet and SPCANet, RRNet shows higher accuracy and robustness. In comparison to Apache Point Observatory Galactic Evolution Experiment and Galactic Archaeology with HERMES surveys, RRNet manifests good consistency within a reasonable range of bias. Finally, this work releases a catalog for 2.37 million medium-resolution spectra from the LAMOST DR7, the source code, the trained model and the experimental data respectively for astronomical science exploration and data processing algorithm research reference.

Conditions for radiative zones in the molecular hydrogen envelope of Jupiter and Saturn: The role of alkali metals

Interior models of gas giants in the Solar System traditionally assume a fully convective molecular hydrogen envelope. However, recent observations from the Juno mission suggest a possible depletion of alkali metals in Jupiter's molecular hydrogen envelope, indicating that a stable radiative layer could exist at the kilobar level. Recent studies propose that deep stable layers help reconcile various Jupiter observations, including its atmospheric water and CO abundances and the depth of its zonal winds. However, opacity tables used to infer stable layers are often outdated and incomplete, leaving the precise molecular hydrogen envelope composition required for a deep radiative zone uncertain. In this paper, we determine atmospheric compositions that can lead to the formation of a radiative zone at the kilobar level in Jupiter and Saturn today. We computed radiative opacity tables covering pressures up to 10^5 bar, including the most abundant molecules present in the gas giants of the Solar System, as well as contributions from free electrons, metal hydrides, oxides, and atomic species, using the most up-to-date line lists published in the literature. These tables were used to calculate Rosseland-mean opacities for the molecular hydrogen envelopes of Jupiter and Saturn, which were then compared to the critical mean opacity required to maintain convection. We find that the presence of a radiative zone is controlled by the existence of K, Na, and NaH in the atmosphere of Jupiter and Saturn. For Jupiter, the elemental abundance of K and Na must be less than sim 10^{-3} times solar to form a radiative zone. In contrast, for Saturn, the required abundance for K and Na is below sim 10^{-4} times solar.

PDRs4All. XII. FUV-driven formation of hydrocarbon radicals and their relation with PAHs

We present subarcsecond-resolution ALMA mosaics of the Orion Bar PDR in [CI] 609 um, C2H (4-3), and C18O (3-2) emission lines, complemented by JWST images of H2 and aromatic infrared band (AIB) emission. The rim of the Bar shows very corrugated structures made of small-scale H2 dissociation fronts (DFs). The [CI] 609 um emission peaks very close (~0.002 pc) to the main H2-emitting DFs, suggesting the presence of gas density gradients. These DFs are also bright and remarkably similar in C2H emission, which traces 'hydrocarbon radical peaks' characterized by very high C2H abundances, reaching up to several x10^-7. The high abundance of C2H and of related hydrocarbon radicals, such as CH3, CH2, and CH, can be attributed to gas-phase reactions driven by elevated temperatures, the presence of C+ and C, and the reactivity of FUV-pumped H2. The hydrocarbon radical peaks roughly coincide with maxima of the 3.4/3.3 um AIB intensity ratio, a proxy for the aliphatic-to-aromatic content of PAHs. This implies that the conditions triggering the formation of simple hydrocarbons also favor the formation (and survival) of PAHs with aliphatic side groups, potentially via the contribution of bottom-up processes in which abundant hydrocarbon radicals react in situ with PAHs. Ahead of the DFs, in the atomic PDR zone (where [H]>>[H2]), the AIB emission is brightest, but small PAHs and carbonaceous grains undergo photo-processing due to the stronger FUV field. Our detection of trace amounts of C2H in this zone may result from the photoerosion of these species. This study provides a spatially resolved view of the chemical stratification of key carbon carriers in a PDR. Overall, both bottom-up and top-down processes appear to link simple hydrocarbon molecules with PAHs in molecular clouds; however, the exact chemical pathways and their relative contributions remain to be quantified.