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abs: github: propose a trainingfree Personalization approach for SAM, termed as PerSAM.

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FormNetV2 establishes new state-of-the-art performance on FUNSD, CORD, SROIE and Payment benchmarks with a more compact model size

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study the best way to place these layers using a neural architecture search inspired approach, and achieve an improvement of 1.3 CHRF (1.5 spBLEU) points over not using LSLs on a separate decoder architecture, and 1.9 CHRF (2.2 spBLEU) on a shared decoder one

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On the AlfWorld instruction following benchmark, the PET framework leads to a significant 15% improvement over SOTA for generalization to human goal specifications

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project page: Applying SELF-ALIGN to the LLaMA-65b base language model, we develop an AI assistant named Dromedary . With fewer than 300 lines of human annotations (including < 200 seed prompts, 16 generic principles, and 5 exemplars for in-context learning), Dromedary significantly surpasses the performance of several state-of-the-art AI systems, including Text-Davinci-003 and Alpaca, on benchmark datasets with various settings

AK ·

github: propose a triagent generation pipeline consisting of a generator, an instructor, and an editor to enhance the customization of generated outputs

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abs: github: present Shap·E, a conditional generative model for 3D assets