
LLaVA-MoLE: Sparse Mixture of LoRA Experts for Mitigating Data Conflicts in Instruction Finetuning MLLMs

Published on Jan 29


Instruction finetuning on a variety of image-text instruction data is the key to obtaining a versatile Multimodal Large Language Model (MLLM), and different configurations of the instruction data can lead to finetuned models with different capabilities. However, we have discovered that data conflicts are inevitable when mixing instruction data from distinct domains, which can result in performance drops for tasks of a specific domain. To address this issue, we propose to apply an efficient Mixture of Experts (MoE) design, which is a sparse Mixture of LoRA Experts (MoLE) for instruction finetuning MLLMs. Within the Transformer layers, we extend the popular Low-Rank Adaption (LoRA) method by creating a set of LoRA experts specifically for the MLP layer, and route each token to the top-1 expert based on a routing function, allowing adaptive choices for tokens from different domains. Since the LoRA experts are sparsely activated, the training and inference cost are kept roughly constant compared to the original LoRA method. By replacing the plain-LoRA of LLaVA-1.5 with our MoE design, our final model is named LLaVA-MoLE. Extensive experiments proved that LLaVA-MoLE effectively mitigates the data conflict issue when mixing multiple distinct instruction datasets with various configurations, and achieves consistent performance gains over the strong plain-LoRA baselines. Most importantly, on the mixed datasets, LLaVA-MoLE can even outperform the plain-LoRA baseline trained with twice the samples.


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