clinical-mobilebert /
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Model Description

ClinicalMobileBERT is the result of training the BioMobileBERT model in a continual learning scenario for 3 epochs using a total batch size of 192 on the MIMIC-III notes dataset.


We initialise our model with the pre-trained checkpoints of the BioMobileBERT model available on Huggingface.


MobileBERT uses a 128-dimensional embedding layer followed by 1D convolutions to up-project its output to the desired hidden dimension expected by the transformer blocks. For each of these blocks, MobileBERT uses linear down-projection at the beginning of the transformer block and up-projection at its end, followed by a residual connection originating from the input of the block before down-projection. Because of these linear projections, MobileBERT can reduce the hidden size and hence the computational cost of multi-head attention and feed-forward blocks. This model additionally incorporates up to four feed-forward blocks in order to enhance its representation learning capabilities. Thanks to the strategically placed linear projections, a 24-layer MobileBERT (which is used in this work) has around 25M parameters.


If you use this model, please consider citing the following paper: