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Original model: NousResearch - Obsidian-3B-V0.5

gguf q6 quantised version by Nisten

To run the server inside /llama.cpp/ folder IN YOUR TERMINAL

./server -m obsidian-q6.gguf --mmproj mmproj-obsidian-f16.gguf -ngl 42

that's it, it's literally one command, you open your browser now at

FIRST TIME TO RUN mac or linux, make a new folder, COPY PASTE THIS TO DL & RUN EVERYTHIN whole in ONE SHOT

git clone -b stablelm-support https://github.com/Galunid/llama.cpp.git && \
cd llama.cpp && \
make && \
wget https://huggingface.co/nisten/obsidian-3b-multimodal-q6-gguf/resolve/main/obsidian-q6.gguf && \
wget https://huggingface.co/nisten/obsidian-3b-multimodal-q6-gguf/resolve/main/mmproj-obsidian-f16.gguf && \
./server -m obsidian-q6.gguf --mmproj mmproj-obsidian-f16.gguf -ngl 42
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