liswei's picture
de81b31 verified
library_name: transformers
license: apache-2.0
- liswei/Taiwan-Text-Excellence-2B
- liswei/PromptPair-TW
- yentinglin/TaiwanChat
- liswei/Taiwan-ELM-270M
- apple/OpenELM-270M
- zh
pipeline_tag: text-generation
<img src="" alt="Efficient LLM for Taiwan">
> Efficient LLM for Taiwan
# Taiwan ELM
Taiwan ELM is a family of Efficient LLMs for Taiwan base on [apple/OpenELM](
The project aims to provide an efficient model for researchers without access to large-scale computing resources.
The model is trained using a custom fork of [LLaMA-Factory]( on 2B Traditional Chinese tokens and 500K instruction samples.
We will extend the model to train on larger data sets and different base models if there is sufficient demand.
## What is being released?
We release both pre-trained base models and instruction tuned variants with 270M and 1.1B parameters.
Along with the model, datasets used to train the base and instruction-tuned models are also released.
List of released models:
* [Taiwan-ELM-270M](
* [Taiwan-ELM-1_1B](
* [Taiwan-ELM-270M-Instruct](
* [Taiwan-ELM-1_1B-Instruct](
List of released datasets:
* [liswei/Taiwan-Text-Excellence-2B](
* [liswei/PromptPair-TW](
## Usage Examples
We adapt the LLaMA2 template:
<s>[INST] <<SYS>>
{{ system_prompt }}
{{ user_message }} [/INST]
The model could be load via `AutoModelForCausalLM` with `trust_remote_code=True`:
taiwanelm_270m = AutoModelForCausalLM.from_pretrained("liswei/Taiwan-ELM-270M", trust_remote_code=True)
We also support additional generation methods and speculative generation, please find reference at [OpenELM#usage](