File size: 8,820 Bytes
10a95dd dd2dd36 a36bc66 dd2dd36 00d90ae dd2dd36 3291ddb ef02423 d7e9769 ef02423 3291ddb dd2dd36 3152d9e 10a95dd 3152d9e dd2dd36 cf8e5a9 3291ddb ef02423 10a95dd 55464af 3291ddb c981d80 3291ddb ef02423 3291ddb 10a95dd ef02423 4c3086f 00d90ae 4c3086f 10a95dd 00d90ae ef02423 00d90ae 4c3086f ef02423 10a95dd 4c3086f 10a95dd 905f4ca 4c3086f 10a95dd 4c3086f ef02423 00d90ae 4c3086f ef02423 4c3086f 10a95dd 4c3086f 10a95dd ef02423 d7e9769 905f4ca ef02423 cf8e5a9 ef02423 905f4ca ef02423 cf8e5a9 03a5cdb ef02423 03a5cdb ef02423 d7e9769 ef02423 d7e9769 905f4ca ef02423 |
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# This is an quote and post library for a specific thread in the WarOnline forum.
import WarClient
import requests
import re
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import urllib.request as urllib
import warnings
#import schedule
import time
#from tqdm import tqdm
# Define the login URL and the thread URL
login_url = ''
thread_url = ''
post_url = ""
# Define the login credentials
username = 'WarBot'
password = 'naP2tion'
# Start a session to persist the login cookie across requests
session = requests.Session()
def fixString(S):
# Substitute multiple commas with a single one
S = re.sub(",+", ",", S)
return S
def compare_pages(url1, url2):
#Compares 2 pages and returns True if they are the same
return urllib.urlopen(url1).geturl() == urllib.urlopen(url2).geturl()
def remove_non_english_russian_chars(s):
# Regular expression to match all characters that are not in English or Russian
pattern = '[^0-9A-Za-zА-Яа-яЁё(),.!?"\s-]'
# Replace all matched characters with an empty string
return re.sub(pattern, '', s)
def login(username=username, password=password, thread_url=thread_url):
# Log-In to the forum and redirect to thread
# Retrieve the login page HTML to get the CSRF token
login_page_response = session.get(login_url)
soup = BeautifulSoup(login_page_response.text, 'html.parser')
csrf_token = soup.find('input', {'name': '_xfToken'})['value']
# Login to the website
login_data = {
'login': username,
'password': password,
'remember': '1',
'_xfRedirect': thread_url,
'_xfToken': csrf_token
response =, data=login_data)
# Check if the login was successful
if 'Invalid login' in response.text:
print('Login failed!')
def post(message="", thread_url=thread_url, post_url=post_url, quoted_by="",quote_text="",quote_source=""):
#Post a message to the forum (with or without the quote
#quote_source is in format 'post-3920992'
quote_source = quote_source.split('-')[-1] # Take the numbers only
if quoted_by:
message = f'[QUOTE="{quoted_by}, post: {quote_source}"]{quote_text}[/QUOTE]{message}'
#message = f'[QUOTE="{quoted_by}, data-source=post: {quote_source}"]{quote_text}[/QUOTE]{message}'
# optionally add @{quoted_by} to indent the quoter
# Retrieve the thread page HTML
response = session.get(thread_url)
# Parse the HTML with BeautifulSoup
soup = BeautifulSoup(response.text, 'html.parser')
# Extract the _xfToken value from the hidden form field
xf_token = soup.find('input', {'name': '_xfToken'}).get('value')
# Construct the message data for the POST request
message_data = {
'_xfToken': xf_token,
'message': message,
'attachment_hash': '',
'last_date': '',
'_xfRequestUri': post_url,
'_xfWithData': '1',
'_xfResponseType': 'json'
response =, data=message_data)
# Check if the post was successful
if not response.ok:
print('Post failed!')
print('Post submitted successfully.')
def getMessages(thread_url=thread_url, quotedUser="", startingPage=1):
# Returns all the quotes for #username in the specific multi-page thread url
allquotes =[]
page = startingPage # Counter
lastPage = False
# Initial values for messangerName and the message ID
messengerName = ""
messageID = ""
quotedID = ""
# Patterns to search in the last quote.
namePattern = re.compile('data-lb-caption-desc="(.*?) ·')
messageIDPattern = re.compile('data-lb-id="(.*?)"')
quotedIDPattern = re.compile('data-source="(.*?)"')
quotedNamePattern = re.compile('data-quote="(.*?)"')
while not lastPage:
response = requests.get(thread_url + 'page-' + str(page))
if response.status_code == 200:
# Core of the function
html_content = response.content
# Parse the HTML content using BeautifulSoup
soup = BeautifulSoup(html_content, 'html.parser')
# Find all the message in the thread page
messageData = soup.find_all('div', {'class': 'message-userContent lbContainer js-lbContainer'})
for data in messageData:
# Get the messager username
matchName =
if matchName:
messengerName =
# Get the quoted ID
matchID =
if matchID:
quotedID =
# Get the message ID
matchID =
if matchID:
messageID =
matchQuotedName =
if matchQuotedName:
quotedName =
if quotedUser and (quotedUser != quotedName):
# Make sure that the messages have a quote inside
blockquote = data.find('blockquote')
if blockquote:
# Extract the text
text = data.find('div', {'class': 'bbWrapper'})
for bq in text.find_all('blockquote'):
reply = text.get_text().replace('\n', ' ').strip()
allquotes.append({'reply': reply, 'messengerName': messengerName, 'messageID': messageID, 'quotedID': quotedID})
continue # There was no text in quote, move next
#check if that is not a last page
if not compare_pages(thread_url + 'page-' + str(page), thread_url + 'page-' + str(page + 1)):
page += 1
lastPage = True
lastPage = True
return allquotes
# Core Engine of the Client
def WarOnlineBot():
login(username=username, password=password, thread_url=thread_url)
#print("logged in")
# All messages (with quotes) by ALL users:
allMessages = getMessages(thread_url=thread_url, quotedUser='', startingPage=1)
# IDs of the quoted messages, replied by the bot:
messages_by_bot_IDs = []
for msg in allMessages:
# Set a list of replied messages IDs
if msg['messengerName'] == username: #message posted by the WarBot
messages_by_bot_IDs.append(msg['quotedID'].split(': ')[-1])
# remove empty and repeated elements
messages_by_bot_IDs = list(set([elem for elem in messages_by_bot_IDs if elem]))
# All messages (with quotes) sent _FOR_ the Bot:
messagesForBot = getMessages(thread_url=thread_url, quotedUser=username, startingPage=1)
# IDs of the messages, quoting the bot:
messages_for_bot_IDs = []
for msg in messagesForBot:
# Set a list of posted message IDs
# remove empty elements
messages_for_bot_IDs = [elem for elem in messages_for_bot_IDs if elem]
# Filter to leave just the unanswered messages IDs:
messages_for_bot_IDs = [ID for ID in messages_for_bot_IDs if ID not in messages_by_bot_IDs]
# Reply the unanswered messages:
for msg in messagesForBot:
if msg['messageID'].split('-')[-1] in messages_for_bot_IDs:
originalQuote = msg['reply']
quote = remove_non_english_russian_chars(msg['reply'])
message = ""
while not message:
message = WarClient.getReply(message=quote)
# Post-processing fixes:
message = fixString(message)
print('Quote: ', originalQuote)
print('Reply: ', message)
login(username=username, password=password, thread_url=thread_url)
post(message=message, thread_url=thread_url, post_url=post_url, quoted_by=msg['messengerName'], quote_text=originalQuote, quote_source=msg['messageID'])
time.sleep(10) # Standby time for server load release
if __name__ == '__main__':
timeout = 5 # min
# Start the scheduler
while True:
timer = range(60 * timeout)
for t in timer: