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# This code is part of Qiskit.
# (C) Copyright IBM 2017, 2018.
# This code is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. You may
# obtain a copy of this license in the LICENSE.txt file in the root directory
# of this source tree or at
# Any modifications or derivative works of this code must retain this
# copyright notice, and modified files need to carry a notice indicating
# that they have been altered from the originals.
AST (abstract syntax tree) to DAG (directed acyclic graph) converter.
Acts as an OpenQASM interpreter.
from collections import OrderedDict
from qiskit.dagcircuit import DAGCircuit
from qiskit.exceptions import QiskitError
from qiskit.circuit import QuantumRegister, ClassicalRegister, Gate, QuantumCircuit
from qiskit.qasm.node.real import Real
from qiskit.circuit.measure import Measure
from qiskit.circuit.reset import Reset
from qiskit.circuit.barrier import Barrier
from qiskit.circuit.delay import Delay
from qiskit.circuit.library import standard_gates as std
def ast_to_dag(ast):
"""Build a ``DAGCircuit`` object from an AST ``Node`` object.
ast (Program): a Program Node of an AST (parser's output)
DAGCircuit: the DAG representing an OpenQASM's AST
QiskitError: if the AST is malformed.
.. code-block::
from qiskit.converters import ast_to_dag
from qiskit import qasm, QuantumCircuit, ClassicalRegister, QuantumRegister
q = QuantumRegister(3, 'q')
c = ClassicalRegister(3, 'c')
circ = QuantumCircuit(q, c)
circ.h(q[0])[0], q[1])
circ.measure(q[0], c[0])
circ.rz(0.5, q[1]).c_if(c, 2)
qasm_str = circ.qasm()
ast = qasm.Qasm(data=qasm_str).parse()
dag = ast_to_dag(ast)
dag = DAGCircuit()
return dag
class AstInterpreter:
"""Interprets an OpenQASM by expanding subroutines and unrolling loops."""
standard_extension = {
"u1": std.U1Gate,
"u2": std.U2Gate,
"u3": std.U3Gate,
"u": std.UGate,
"p": std.PhaseGate,
"x": std.XGate,
"y": std.YGate,
"z": std.ZGate,
"t": std.TGate,
"tdg": std.TdgGate,
"s": std.SGate,
"sdg": std.SdgGate,
"sx": std.SXGate,
"sxdg": std.SXdgGate,
"swap": std.SwapGate,
"rx": std.RXGate,
"rxx": std.RXXGate,
"ry": std.RYGate,
"rz": std.RZGate,
"rzz": std.RZZGate,
"id": std.IGate,
"h": std.HGate,
"cx": std.CXGate,
"cy": std.CYGate,
"cz": std.CZGate,
"ch": std.CHGate,
"crx": std.CRXGate,
"cry": std.CRYGate,
"crz": std.CRZGate,
"csx": std.CSXGate,
"cu1": std.CU1Gate,
"cp": std.CPhaseGate,
"cu": std.CUGate,
"cu3": std.CU3Gate,
"ccx": std.CCXGate,
"cswap": std.CSwapGate,
"delay": Delay,
"rccx": std.RCCXGate,
"rc3x": std.RC3XGate,
"c3x": std.C3XGate,
"c3sqrtx": std.C3SXGate,
"c4x": std.C4XGate,
def __init__(self, dag):
"""Initialize interpreter's data."""
# DAG object to populate
self.dag = dag
# OPENQASM version number (ignored for now)
self.version = 0.0
# Dict of gates names and properties
self.gates = OrderedDict()
# Keeping track of conditional gates
self.condition = None
# List of dictionaries mapping local parameter ids to expression Nodes
self.arg_stack = [{}]
# List of dictionaries mapping local bit ids to global ids (name, idx)
self.bit_stack = [{}]
def _process_bit_id(self, node):
"""Process an Id or IndexedId node as a bit or register type.
Return a list of tuples (Register,index).
reg = None
if in self.dag.qregs:
reg = self.dag.qregs[]
elif in self.dag.cregs:
reg = self.dag.cregs[]
raise QiskitError(
"expected qreg or creg name:", "line=%s" % node.line, "file=%s" % node.file
if node.type == "indexed_id":
# An indexed bit or qubit
return [reg[node.index]]
elif node.type == "id":
# A qubit or qreg or creg
if not self.bit_stack[-1]:
# Global scope
return list(reg)
# local scope
if in self.bit_stack[-1]:
return [self.bit_stack[-1][]]
raise QiskitError(
"expected local bit name:", "line=%s" % node.line, "file=%s" % node.file
return None
def _process_custom_unitary(self, node):
"""Process a custom unitary node."""
name =
if node.arguments is not None:
args = self._process_node(node.arguments)
args = []
bits = [self._process_bit_id(node_element) for node_element in node.bitlist.children]
if name in self.gates:
self._arguments(name, bits, args)
raise QiskitError(
"internal error undefined gate:", "line=%s" % node.line, "file=%s" % node.file
def _process_u(self, node):
"""Process a U gate node."""
args = self._process_node(node.arguments)
bits = [self._process_bit_id(node.bitlist)]
self._arguments("u", bits, args)
def _arguments(self, name, bits, args):
gargs = self.gates[name]["args"]
gbits = self.gates[name]["bits"]
maxidx = max(map(len, bits))
for idx in range(maxidx):
self.arg_stack.append({gargs[j]: args[j] for j in range(len(gargs))})
# Only index into register arguments.
element = [idx * x for x in [len(bits[j]) > 1 for j in range(len(bits))]]
self.bit_stack.append({gbits[j]: bits[j][element[j]] for j in range(len(gbits))})
[self.arg_stack[-1][s].sym() for s in gargs],
[self.bit_stack[-1][s] for s in gbits],
def _process_gate(self, node, opaque=False):
"""Process a gate node.
If opaque is True, process the node as an opaque gate node.
self.gates[] = {}
de_gate = self.gates[]
de_gate["print"] = True # default
de_gate["opaque"] = opaque
de_gate["n_args"] = node.n_args()
de_gate["n_bits"] = node.n_bits()
if node.n_args() > 0:
de_gate["args"] = [ for element in node.arguments.children]
de_gate["args"] = []
de_gate["bits"] = [ for c in node.bitlist.children]
if in self.standard_extension:
if opaque:
de_gate["body"] = None
de_gate["body"] = node.body
def _process_cnot(self, node):
"""Process a CNOT gate node."""
id0 = self._process_bit_id(node.children[0])
id1 = self._process_bit_id(node.children[1])
if not (len(id0) == len(id1) or len(id0) == 1 or len(id1) == 1):
raise QiskitError(
"internal error: qreg size mismatch", "line=%s" % node.line, "file=%s" % node.file
maxidx = max([len(id0), len(id1)])
for idx in range(maxidx):
cx_gate = std.CXGate()
cx_gate.condition = self.condition
if len(id0) > 1 and len(id1) > 1:
self.dag.apply_operation_back(cx_gate, [id0[idx], id1[idx]], [])
elif len(id0) > 1:
self.dag.apply_operation_back(cx_gate, [id0[idx], id1[0]], [])
self.dag.apply_operation_back(cx_gate, [id0[0], id1[idx]], [])
def _process_measure(self, node):
"""Process a measurement node."""
id0 = self._process_bit_id(node.children[0])
id1 = self._process_bit_id(node.children[1])
if len(id0) != len(id1):
raise QiskitError(
"internal error: reg size mismatch", "line=%s" % node.line, "file=%s" % node.file
for idx, idy in zip(id0, id1):
meas_gate = Measure()
meas_gate.condition = self.condition
self.dag.apply_operation_back(meas_gate, [idx], [idy])
def _process_if(self, node):
"""Process an if node."""
creg_name = node.children[0].name
creg = self.dag.cregs[creg_name]
cval = node.children[1].value
self.condition = (creg, cval)
self.condition = None
def _process_children(self, node):
"""Call process_node for all children of node."""
for kid in node.children:
def _process_node(self, node):
"""Carry out the action associated with a node."""
if node.type == "program":
elif node.type == "qreg":
qreg = QuantumRegister(node.index,
elif node.type == "creg":
creg = ClassicalRegister(node.index,
elif node.type == "id":
raise QiskitError("internal error: _process_node on id")
elif node.type == "int":
raise QiskitError("internal error: _process_node on int")
elif node.type == "real":
raise QiskitError("internal error: _process_node on real")
elif node.type == "indexed_id":
raise QiskitError("internal error: _process_node on indexed_id")
elif node.type == "id_list":
# We process id_list nodes when they are leaves of barriers.
return [self._process_bit_id(node_children) for node_children in node.children]
elif node.type == "primary_list":
# We should only be called for a barrier.
return [self._process_bit_id(m) for m in node.children]
elif node.type == "gate":
elif node.type == "custom_unitary":
elif node.type == "universal_unitary":
elif node.type == "cnot":
elif node.type == "expression_list":
return node.children
elif node.type == "binop":
raise QiskitError("internal error: _process_node on binop")
elif node.type == "prefix":
raise QiskitError("internal error: _process_node on prefix")
elif node.type == "measure":
elif node.type == "format":
self.version = node.version()
elif node.type == "barrier":
ids = self._process_node(node.children[0])
qubits = []
for qubit in ids:
for j, _ in enumerate(qubit):
self.dag.apply_operation_back(Barrier(len(qubits)), qubits, [])
elif node.type == "reset":
id0 = self._process_bit_id(node.children[0])
for i, _ in enumerate(id0):
reset = Reset()
reset.condition = self.condition
self.dag.apply_operation_back(reset, [id0[i]], [])
elif node.type == "if":
elif node.type == "opaque":
self._process_gate(node, opaque=True)
elif node.type == "external":
raise QiskitError("internal error: _process_node on external")
raise QiskitError(
"internal error: undefined node type",
"line=%s" % node.line,
"file=%s" % node.file,
return None
def _gate_rules_to_qiskit_circuit(self, node, params):
"""From a gate definition in qasm, to a QuantumCircuit format."""
rules = []
qreg = QuantumRegister(node["n_bits"])
bit_args = {node["bits"][i]: q for i, q in enumerate(qreg)}
exp_args = {node["args"][i]: Real(q) for i, q in enumerate(params)}
for child_op in node["body"].children:
qparams = []
eparams = []
for param_list in child_op.children[1:]:
if param_list.type == "id_list":
qparams = [bit_args[] for param in param_list.children]
elif param_list.type == "expression_list":
for param in param_list.children:
op = self._create_op(, params=eparams)
rules.append((op, qparams, []))
circ = QuantumCircuit(qreg)
for instr, qargs, cargs in rules:
circ._append(instr, qargs, cargs)
return circ
def _create_dag_op(self, name, params, qargs):
Create a DAG node out of a parsed AST op node.
name (str): operation name to apply to the DAG
params (list): op parameters
qargs (list(Qubit)): qubits to attach to
QiskitError: if encountering a non-basis opaque gate
op = self._create_op(name, params)
op.condition = self.condition
self.dag.apply_operation_back(op, qargs, [])
def _create_op(self, name, params):
if name in self.standard_extension:
op = self.standard_extension[name](*params)
elif name in self.gates:
op = Gate(name=name, num_qubits=self.gates[name]["n_bits"], params=params)
if not self.gates[name]["opaque"]:
# call a custom gate (otherwise, opaque)
op.definition = self._gate_rules_to_qiskit_circuit(self.gates[name], params=params)
raise QiskitError("unknown operation for ast node name %s" % name)
return op