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{"tags": ["dragon", "dragoness", "horse", "bestiality", "dare"], "title": "A Stable Dare", "author": "", "prompt": "\"Are you really not gonna eat it?\" Yhrenna asked, accidentally thwacking her tail on the doorframe of the small hut repurposed into a stable as she followed her friend inside. The blue-gray dragoness wrinkled her snout, peering at Shira and tilting her head to one side with interest.\n\"Maybe,\" Shira answered her. \"Once I show you this, you might want to keep it for yourself.\" With a playful wink, the cream-colored dragon circled around the horse tethered to the ground with a short length of rope. The horse whinnied in protest, turning its head to glance over its shoulder before snorting with its wide nostrils. Shira waited until Yhrenna came close enough before gesturing to the horse's crotch with a foreleg. Yhrenna peered down curiously, following Shira's limb with her eyes and casting a look at the horse's hindquarters.\n\"What? What am I supposed to be looking at?\" Yhrenna asked her friend.\n\"You'll see,\" Shira answered, playfully waving her tail around while nudging the horse's sheath. The horse exhaled loudly through its nostrils when the cream-colored dragon began lightly massaging his sheath with her paw pads.\n\"Shira, what are you doing?\" Yhrenna asked in shock, peeking over her shoulder to check if anyone could possibly stumble upon them.\n\"Just watch,\" Shira said with a mischievous grin, lifting the animal's sheath with her forepaw and massaging its sack, trying to coax out the stallion's erection. She traced it with a finger, stroking and rubbing it softly as it emerged from its hiding place, throbbing in eagerness. Yhrenna watched the stallion's erection springing out of its sheath, growing in size and girth with every moment that passed until it was fully extended. It stood erect, long and thick and veiny, offering itself to Shira.\n\"Wow,\" Yhrenna breathed, impressed by how large the horse's organ was. \"I… I mean, uh, ew,\" she added hastily.\n\"Oh, don't be like that, Yhrenna,\" Shira laughed. \"There's nobody else here, and I'm certainly not going to judge you for being a little perverted.\" She backed off a bit, letting her friend get a better look at the stallion's cock, before tugging the gray-scaled dragon closer to the horse. \"In fact, I'm gonna dare you to take it into your muzzle.\"\n\"No way!\" Yhrenna cried, backing away as far as she could from the large phallus. \"That's… That's just wrong!\"\n\"What? You have a problem with sucking some stallion cock?\" Shira laughed, reaching a paw out to nudge her friend back toward the horse. \"Come on, you get to dare me too.\"\n\"But… it's just a lowly beast,\" Yhrenna protested. \"We're dragons. We should be above such things.\"\n\"Aw, come on, Yhrenna,\" Shira teased, stepping even closer to her friend and pointing toward the horse's cock. \"Just admit it. You wanna suck that thing. Look at the size of it! Look at how stiff it is!\"\nYhrenna squirmed nervously under Shira's taunting, her long tail swinging behind her as she stared wide-eyed at the horse's huge member while fidgeting with her talons.", "context": [{"text": "Yhrenna had cool gray scales, and was timid and curious yet sexually inexperienced; while Shira, with lighter cream scales, was more adventurous and confident, willing to experiment with new things. The two of them were in a small hut along with a tame horse Shira had abducted.\nYhrenna and Shira were adolescent dragons, roughly the same size of the horse. The horse's member was among the biggest they've seen so far.", "contextConfig": {"prefix": "", "suffix": "\n", "tokenBudget": 2048, "insertionType": "newline", "trimDirection": "trimBottom", "budgetPriority": 800, "reservedTokens": 0, "maximumTrimType": "sentence", "insertionPosition": 0}}, {"text": "", "contextConfig": {"prefix": "", "suffix": "\n", "tokenBudget": 2048, "insertionType": "newline", "trimDirection": "trimBottom", "budgetPriority": -400, "reservedTokens": 2048, "maximumTrimType": "sentence", "insertionPosition": -4}}], "lorebook": {"entries": [], "settings": {"orderByKeyLocations": false}, "categories": [], "lorebookVersion": 4}, "settings": {"model": "krake-v2", "prefix": "vanilla", "preset": "default-redjack", "parameters": {"order": [{"id": "typical_p", "enabled": false}, {"id": "tfs", "enabled": true}, {"id": "top_p", "enabled": true}, {"id": "top_a", "enabled": false}, {"id": "temperature", "enabled": true}, {"id": "top_k", "enabled": false}], "top_a": 0.98, "top_k": 0, "top_p": 0.96, "typical_p": 1, "max_length": 40, "min_length": 1, "temperature": 1.1, "repetition_penalty": 1.0075, "tail_free_sampling": 0.92, "repetition_penalty_range": 2048, "repetition_penalty_slope": 4, "repetition_penalty_presence": 0, "repetition_penalty_frequency": 0.025, "textGenerationSettingsVersion": 3}, "prefixMode": 0, "banBrackets": true, "trimResponses": true, "dynamicPenaltyRange": true}, "description": "Perverted dragoness incites her friend into bestial lewdity", "placeholders": [], "contextDefaults": {"loreDefaults": [{"id": "83896d3b-abac-4a29-a422-16235aac26a1", "keys": [], "text": "", "enabled": true, "category": "", "displayName": "New Lorebook Entry", "keyRelative": false, "searchRange": 1000, "contextConfig": {"prefix": "", "suffix": "\n", "tokenBudget": 2048, "insertionType": "newline", "trimDirection": "trimBottom", "budgetPriority": 400, "reservedTokens": 0, "maximumTrimType": "sentence", "insertionPosition": -1}, "lastUpdatedAt": 1653609037373, "loreBiasGroups": [{"bias": 0, "enabled": true, "phrases": [], "generateOnce": true, "whenInactive": false, "ensureSequenceFinish": false}], "forceActivation": false, "nonStoryActivatable": false}], "ephemeralDefaults": [{"text": "", "delay": 0, "repeat": false, "reverse": false, "duration": 1, "startingStep": 1, "contextConfig": {"prefix": "", "suffix": "\n", "tokenBudget": 2048, "insertionType": "newline", "trimDirection": "doNotTrim", "budgetPriority": -10000, "reservedTokens": 2048, "maximumTrimType": "newline", "insertionPosition": -2}}]}, "scenarioVersion": 2, "ephemeralContext": [], "phraseBiasGroups": [{"bias": 0, "enabled": true, "phrases": [], "generateOnce": true, "whenInactive": false, "ensureSequenceFinish": false}], "storyContextConfig": {"prefix": "", "suffix": "", "tokenBudget": 2048, "insertionType": "newline", "trimDirection": "trimTop", "budgetPriority": 0, "reservedTokens": 512, "maximumTrimType": "sentence", "insertionPosition": -1, "allowInsertionInside": true}, "bannedSequenceGroups": [{"enabled": true, "sequences": []}]}