ehdwns1516's picture
# ehdwns1516/gpt3-kor-based_gpt2_review_SR4
* This model has been trained Korean dataset as a star of 4 in the [naver shopping reivew dataset](
* Input text what you want to generate review.
* If the context is longer than 1200 characters, the context may be cut in the middle and the result may not come out well.
review generator DEMO: [Ainize DEMO](
review generator API: [Ainize API](
## Model links for each 1 to 5 star
* [ehdwns1516/gpt3-kor-based_gpt2_review_SR1](
* [ehdwns1516/gpt3-kor-based_gpt2_review_SR2](
* [ehdwns1516/gpt3-kor-based_gpt2_review_SR3](
* [ehdwns1516/gpt3-kor-based_gpt2_review_SR4](
* [ehdwns1516/gpt3-kor-based_gpt2_review_SR5](
## Overview
Language model: [gpt3-kor-small_based_on_gpt2](
Language: Korean
Training data: review_body dataset with a star of 4 in the [naver shopping reivew dataset](
Code: See [Ainize Workspace](
## Usage
## In Transformers
from transformers import AutoTokenizer, AutoModelWithLMHead
tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained("ehdwns1516/gpt3-kor-based_gpt2_review_SR4")
model = AutoModelWithLMHead.from_pretrained("ehdwns1516/gpt3-kor-based_gpt2_review_SR4")
generator = pipeline(
context = "your context"
result = dict()
result[0] = generator(context)[0]