Evaluate documentation

Creating an EvaluationSuite

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Creating an EvaluationSuite

It can be useful to evaluate models on a variety of different tasks to understand their downstream performance. Assessing the model on several types of tasks can reveal gaps in performance along some axis. For example, when training a language model, it is often useful to measure perplexity on an in-domain corpus, but also to concurrently evaluate on tasks which test for general language capabilities like natural language entailment or question-answering, or tasks designed to probe the model along fairness and bias dimensions.

The EvaluationSuite provides a way to compose any number of (evaluator, dataset, metric) tuples as a SubTask to evaluate a model on a collection of several evaluation tasks. See the evaluator documentation for a list of currently supported tasks.

A new EvaluationSuite is made up of a list of SubTask classes, each defining an evaluation task. The Python file containing the definition can be uploaded to a Space on the Hugging Face Hub so it can be shared with the community or saved/loaded locally as a Python script.

Some datasets require additional preprocessing before passing them to an Evaluator. You can set a data_preprocessor for each SubTask which is applied via a map operation using the datasets library. Keyword arguments for the Evaluator can be passed down through the args_for_task attribute.

To create a new EvaluationSuite, create a new Space with a .py file which matches the name of the Space, add the below template to a Python file, and fill in the attributes for a new task.

The mandatory attributes for a new SubTask are task_type and data.

  1. task_type maps to the tasks currently supported by the Evaluator.
  2. data can be an instantiated Hugging Face dataset object or the name of a dataset.
  3. subset and split can be used to define which name and split of the dataset should be used for evaluation.
  4. args_for_task should be a dictionary with kwargs to be passed to the Evaluator.
import evaluate
from evaluate.evaluation_suite import SubTask

class Suite(evaluate.EvaluationSuite):

    def __init__(self, name):
        self.preprocessor = lambda x: {"text": x["text"].lower()}
        self.suite = [
                    "metric": "accuracy",
                    "input_column": "sentence",
                    "label_column": "label",
                    "label_mapping": {
                        "LABEL_0": 0.0,
                        "LABEL_1": 1.0
                    "metric": "accuracy",
                    "input_column": "sentence1",
                    "second_input_column": "sentence2",
                    "label_column": "label",
                    "label_mapping": {
                        "LABEL_0": 0,
                        "LABEL_1": 1

An EvaluationSuite can be loaded by name from the Hugging Face Hub, or locally by providing a path, and run with the run(model_or_pipeline) method. The evaluation results are returned along with their task names and information about the time it took to obtain predictions through the pipeline. These can be easily displayed with a pandas.DataFrame:

>>> from evaluate import EvaluationSuite
>>> suite = EvaluationSuite.load('mathemakitten/glue-evaluation-suite')
>>> results = suite.run("gpt2")
accuracy total_time_in_seconds samples_per_second latency_in_seconds task_name
0.5 0.740811 13.4987 0.0740811 glue/sst2
0.4 1.67552 5.9683 0.167552 glue/rte