AutoTrain documentation

Model Choice

You are viewing v0.6.10 version. A newer version v0.8.4 is available.
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Model Choice

AutoTrain can automagically select the best models for your task! However, you are also allowed to choose the models you want to use. You can choose the most appropriate models from the Hugging Face Hub.


AutoTrain Model Choice

To let AutoTrain choose the best models for your task, you can use the “AutoTrain” in the “Model Choice” section. Once you choose AutoTrain mode, you no longer need to worry about model and parameter selection. AutoTrain will automatically select the best models (and parameters) for your task.

Manual Model Choice

To choose the models manually, you can use the “HuggingFace Hub” in the “Model Choice” section. For example, if you want to use if you are training a text classification task and want to choose Deberta V3 Base for your task from, You can choose “HuggingFace Hub” and then write the model name: microsoft/deberta-v3-base in the model name field.


Please note that if you are selecting a hub model, you should make sure that it is compatible with your task, otherwise the training will fail.