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[I 2025-02-06 14:30:15.041 ServerApp] Extension package jupyter_lsp took 0.2983s to import [I 2025-02-06 14:30:16.739 ServerApp] jupyter_lsp | extension was successfully linked. [I 2025-02-06 14:30:16.744 ServerApp] jupyter_server_terminals | extension was successfully linked. [I 2025-02-06 14:30:16.749 ServerApp] jupyterlab | extension was successfully linked. [W 2025-02-06 14:30:16.751 JupyterNotebookApp] 'password' has moved from NotebookApp to ServerApp. This config will be passed to ServerApp. Be sure to update your config before our next release. [W 2025-02-06 14:30:16.754 ServerApp] ServerApp.password config is deprecated in 2.0. Use PasswordIdentityProvider.hashed_password. [I 2025-02-06 14:30:16.754 ServerApp] notebook | extension was successfully linked. [I 2025-02-06 14:30:17.430 ServerApp] notebook_shim | extension was successfully linked. [I 2025-02-06 14:30:17.804 ServerApp] notebook_shim | extension was successfully loaded. [I 2025-02-06 14:30:17.807 ServerApp] jupyter_lsp | extension was successfully loaded. [I 2025-02-06 14:30:17.808 ServerApp] jupyter_server_terminals | extension was successfully loaded. [I 2025-02-06 14:30:18.042 LabApp] JupyterLab extension loaded from /home/chaeyun/.conda/envs/risall/lib/python3.9/site-packages/jupyterlab [I 2025-02-06 14:30:18.042 LabApp] JupyterLab application directory is /data/conda_envs/chaeyun/envs/risall/share/jupyter/lab [I 2025-02-06 14:30:18.053 LabApp] Extension Manager is 'pypi'. [I 2025-02-06 14:30:18.386 ServerApp] jupyterlab | extension was successfully loaded. [I 2025-02-06 14:30:18.394 ServerApp] notebook | extension was successfully loaded. [I 2025-02-06 14:30:18.395 ServerApp] Serving notebooks from local directory: /data/projects/yejin/VerbCentric_RIS/ReferFormer [I 2025-02-06 14:30:18.395 ServerApp] Jupyter Server 2.15.0 is running at: [I 2025-02-06 14:30:18.395 ServerApp] http://localhost:5727/tree [I 2025-02-06 14:30:18.395 ServerApp] [I 2025-02-06 14:30:18.395 ServerApp] Use Control-C to stop this server and shut down all kernels (twice to skip confirmation). [I 2025-02-06 14:30:18.574 ServerApp] Skipped non-installed server(s): bash-language-server, dockerfile-language-server-nodejs, javascript-typescript-langserver, jedi-language-server, julia-language-server, pyright, python-language-server, python-lsp-server, r-languageserver, sql-language-server, texlab, typescript-language-server, unified-language-server, vscode-css-languageserver-bin, vscode-html-languageserver-bin, vscode-json-languageserver-bin, yaml-language-server [W 2025-02-06 14:31:50.823 ServerApp] 404 GET /hub/api (@::1) 179.74ms referer=None [I 2025-02-06 14:31:50.827 JupyterNotebookApp] 302 GET /tree? (@::1) 0.51ms [I 2025-02-06 14:31:53.423 ServerApp] User 09e1c030b1ec4bb68957ab993d4377f9 logged in. [I 2025-02-06 14:31:53.423 ServerApp] 302 POST /login? (09e1c030b1ec4bb68957ab993d4377f9@::1) 1.16ms [I 2025-02-06 14:32:05.968 ServerApp] Creating new notebook in [I 2025-02-06 14:32:06.446 ServerApp] Kernel started: 5d7b2dc4-2827-441f-b000-c315d487a88b [W 2025-02-06 14:32:06.458 ServerApp] delete /gpt_ref-ytvos_numbered_cy-jvsc-01c75e0b-00a9-46d9-9ef5-cef387099deb810a8dd4-69a4-4831-a7c1-98121c4af797.ipynb [I 2025-02-06 14:32:07.994 ServerApp] Connecting to kernel 5d7b2dc4-2827-441f-b000-c315d487a88b. [W 2025-02-06 14:32:08.754 ServerApp] 404 GET /nbextensions/viewer/extension.js (@::1) 1.43ms referer=None [W 2025-02-06 14:32:08.755 ServerApp] 404 GET /nbextensions/jupyter-js-widgets/extension.js (@::1) 1.86ms referer=None [I 2025-02-06 14:32:45.217 ServerApp] Creating new notebook in [I 2025-02-06 14:32:45.480 ServerApp] Kernel started: 72239f5d-4d18-4a03-8eed-3375f161975b [W 2025-02-06 14:32:45.492 ServerApp] delete /check_image_numbered_cy-jvsc-9867d5b1-af20-4268-8b58-531863f46cb2f672a8a4-bc6f-48b5-923c-58bb212ea0d7.ipynb [I 2025-02-06 14:32:46.166 ServerApp] Connecting to kernel 72239f5d-4d18-4a03-8eed-3375f161975b. [W 2025-02-06 14:32:47.092 ServerApp] 404 GET /nbextensions/jupyter-js-widgets/extension.js (@::1) 1.11ms referer=None [W 2025-02-06 14:32:47.093 ServerApp] 404 GET /nbextensions/viewer/extension.js (@::1) 0.84ms referer=None [I 2025-02-06 14:38:36.722 ServerApp] Kernel interrupted: 5d7b2dc4-2827-441f-b000-c315d487a88b [W 2025-02-06 15:27:22.906 ServerApp] 404 GET /hub/api (@::1) 332.79ms referer=None [I 2025-02-06 15:27:23.033 JupyterNotebookApp] 302 GET /tree? (@::1) 0.64ms [I 2025-02-06 15:27:25.982 ServerApp] User 9c560d44658d478aa5d6decbf8541260 logged in. [I 2025-02-06 15:27:25.983 ServerApp] 302 POST /login? (9c560d44658d478aa5d6decbf8541260@::1) 1.08ms [I 2025-02-06 15:32:06.555 ServerApp] Creating new notebook in [I 2025-02-06 15:32:11.934 ServerApp] Kernel started: 97e74450-8dc0-4ea7-b396-deccdfc0a23f [W 2025-02-06 15:32:11.955 ServerApp] delete /check_image_numbered_cy-jvsc-1a1215f3-c818-462e-a439-92c1dcbe474e70d6c3f2-c47b-4d0e-adef-589dd6523fcc.ipynb [I 2025-02-06 15:32:15.473 ServerApp] Connecting to kernel 97e74450-8dc0-4ea7-b396-deccdfc0a23f. [I 2025-02-06 15:32:15.678 ServerApp] Starting buffering for 5d7b2dc4-2827-441f-b000-c315d487a88b:2db8540d-faed-4333-80b7-7fde202eaafd [I 2025-02-06 15:32:15.679 ServerApp] Starting buffering for 72239f5d-4d18-4a03-8eed-3375f161975b:848b127a-dce3-4988-9ab9-aa3fc5535255 [W 2025-02-06 15:43:43.450 ServerApp] 404 GET /hub/api (@::1) 172.61ms referer=None [I 2025-02-06 15:43:43.455 JupyterNotebookApp] 302 GET /tree? (@::1) 0.67ms [I 2025-02-06 15:43:46.430 ServerApp] User 49ee40ca9dfd47c7b4fd4bf6b592f8d0 logged in. [I 2025-02-06 15:43:46.430 ServerApp] 302 POST /login? (49ee40ca9dfd47c7b4fd4bf6b592f8d0@::1) 1.25ms [I 2025-02-06 15:45:30.966 ServerApp] Creating new notebook in [I 2025-02-06 15:45:31.635 ServerApp] Kernel started: dde1cca7-f769-4156-a1a0-1303a7fb5ba5 [W 2025-02-06 15:45:31.654 ServerApp] delete /CRIS_hp_check_cygsds-jvsc-c01fd7dc-3a7d-48dc-b410-e6b5e4207a574d09512b-5033-42ea-91e2-034fca8b2587.ipynb [I 2025-02-06 15:45:32.747 ServerApp] Connecting to kernel dde1cca7-f769-4156-a1a0-1303a7fb5ba5. [W 2025-02-06 15:45:33.602 ServerApp] 404 GET /nbextensions/viewer/extension.js (@::1) 2.10ms referer=None [W 2025-02-06 15:45:33.603 ServerApp] 404 GET /nbextensions/jupyter-js-widgets/extension.js (@::1) 2.54ms referer=None huggingface/tokenizers: The current process just got forked, after parallelism has already been used. Disabling parallelism to avoid deadlocks... To disable this warning, you can either: - Avoid using `tokenizers` before the fork if possible - Explicitly set the environment variable TOKENIZERS_PARALLELISM=(true | false) huggingface/tokenizers: The current process just got forked, after parallelism has already been used. Disabling parallelism to avoid deadlocks... To disable this warning, you can either: - Avoid using `tokenizers` before the fork if possible - Explicitly set the environment variable TOKENIZERS_PARALLELISM=(true | false) huggingface/tokenizers: The current process just got forked, after parallelism has already been used. Disabling parallelism to avoid deadlocks... To disable this warning, you can either: - Avoid using `tokenizers` before the fork if possible - Explicitly set the environment variable TOKENIZERS_PARALLELISM=(true | false) huggingface/tokenizers: The current process just got forked, after parallelism has already been used. Disabling parallelism to avoid deadlocks... To disable this warning, you can either: - Avoid using `tokenizers` before the fork if possible - Explicitly set the environment variable TOKENIZERS_PARALLELISM=(true | false) huggingface/tokenizers: The current process just got forked, after parallelism has already been used. Disabling parallelism to avoid deadlocks... To disable this warning, you can either: - Avoid using `tokenizers` before the fork if possible - Explicitly set the environment variable TOKENIZERS_PARALLELISM=(true | false) huggingface/tokenizers: The current process just got forked, after parallelism has already been used. Disabling parallelism to avoid deadlocks... To disable this warning, you can either: - Avoid using `tokenizers` before the fork if possible - Explicitly set the environment variable TOKENIZERS_PARALLELISM=(true | false) huggingface/tokenizers: The current process just got forked, after parallelism has already been used. Disabling parallelism to avoid deadlocks... To disable this warning, you can either: - Avoid using `tokenizers` before the fork if possible - Explicitly set the environment variable TOKENIZERS_PARALLELISM=(true | false) huggingface/tokenizers: The current process just got forked, after parallelism has already been used. Disabling parallelism to avoid deadlocks... To disable this warning, you can either: - Avoid using `tokenizers` before the fork if possible - Explicitly set the environment variable TOKENIZERS_PARALLELISM=(true | false) huggingface/tokenizers: The current process just got forked, after parallelism has already been used. Disabling parallelism to avoid deadlocks... To disable this warning, you can either: - Avoid using `tokenizers` before the fork if possible - Explicitly set the environment variable TOKENIZERS_PARALLELISM=(true | false) huggingface/tokenizers: The current process just got forked, after parallelism has already been used. Disabling parallelism to avoid deadlocks... To disable this warning, you can either: - Avoid using `tokenizers` before the fork if possible - Explicitly set the environment variable TOKENIZERS_PARALLELISM=(true | false) huggingface/tokenizers: The current process just got forked, after parallelism has already been used. Disabling parallelism to avoid deadlocks... huggingface/tokenizers: The current process just got forked, after parallelism has already been used. Disabling parallelism to avoid deadlocks... To disable this warning, you can either: - Avoid using `tokenizers` before the fork if possible - Explicitly set the environment variable TOKENIZERS_PARALLELISM=(true | false) To disable this warning, you can either: - Avoid using `tokenizers` before the fork if possible - Explicitly set the environment variable TOKENIZERS_PARALLELISM=(true | false) huggingface/tokenizers: The current process just got forked, after parallelism has already been used. Disabling parallelism to avoid deadlocks... To disable this warning, you can either: - Avoid using `tokenizers` before the fork if possible - Explicitly set the environment variable TOKENIZERS_PARALLELISM=(true | false) huggingface/tokenizers: The current process just got forked, after parallelism has already been used. Disabling parallelism to avoid deadlocks... To disable this warning, you can either: - Avoid using `tokenizers` before the fork if possible - Explicitly set the environment variable TOKENIZERS_PARALLELISM=(true | false) huggingface/tokenizers: The current process just got forked, after parallelism has already been used. Disabling parallelism to avoid deadlocks... To disable this warning, you can either: - Avoid using `tokenizers` before the fork if possible - Explicitly set the environment variable TOKENIZERS_PARALLELISM=(true | false) huggingface/tokenizers: The current process just got forked, after parallelism has already been used. Disabling parallelism to avoid deadlocks... To disable this warning, you can either: - Avoid using `tokenizers` before the fork if possible - Explicitly set the environment variable TOKENIZERS_PARALLELISM=(true | false) huggingface/tokenizers: The current process just got forked, after parallelism has already been used. Disabling parallelism to avoid deadlocks... To disable this warning, you can either: - Avoid using `tokenizers` before the fork if possible - Explicitly set the environment variable TOKENIZERS_PARALLELISM=(true | false) huggingface/tokenizers: The current process just got forked, after parallelism has already been used. Disabling parallelism to avoid deadlocks... To disable this warning, you can either: - Avoid using `tokenizers` before the fork if possible - Explicitly set the environment variable TOKENIZERS_PARALLELISM=(true | false) huggingface/tokenizers: The current process just got forked, after parallelism has already been used. Disabling parallelism to avoid deadlocks... To disable this warning, you can either: - Avoid using `tokenizers` before the fork if possible - Explicitly set the environment variable TOKENIZERS_PARALLELISM=(true | false) huggingface/tokenizers: The current process just got forked, after parallelism has already been used. Disabling parallelism to avoid deadlocks... To disable this warning, you can either: - Avoid using `tokenizers` before the fork if possible - Explicitly set the environment variable TOKENIZERS_PARALLELISM=(true | false) huggingface/tokenizers: The current process just got forked, after parallelism has already been used. Disabling parallelism to avoid deadlocks... To disable this warning, you can either: - Avoid using `tokenizers` before the fork if possible - Explicitly set the environment variable TOKENIZERS_PARALLELISM=(true | false) huggingface/tokenizers: The current process just got forked, after parallelism has already been used. Disabling parallelism to avoid deadlocks... To disable this warning, you can either: - Avoid using `tokenizers` before the fork if possible - Explicitly set the environment variable TOKENIZERS_PARALLELISM=(true | false) huggingface/tokenizers: The current process just got forked, after parallelism has already been used. Disabling parallelism to avoid deadlocks... To disable this warning, you can either: - Avoid using `tokenizers` before the fork if possible - Explicitly set the environment variable TOKENIZERS_PARALLELISM=(true | false) huggingface/tokenizers: The current process just got forked, after parallelism has already been used. Disabling parallelism to avoid deadlocks... To disable this warning, you can either: - Avoid using `tokenizers` before the fork if possible - Explicitly set the environment variable TOKENIZERS_PARALLELISM=(true | false) huggingface/tokenizers: The current process just got forked, after parallelism has already been used. Disabling parallelism to avoid deadlocks... To disable this warning, you can either: - Avoid using `tokenizers` before the fork if possible - Explicitly set the environment variable TOKENIZERS_PARALLELISM=(true | false) huggingface/tokenizers: The current process just got forked, after parallelism has already been used. Disabling parallelism to avoid deadlocks... To disable this warning, you can either: - Avoid using `tokenizers` before the fork if possible - Explicitly set the environment variable TOKENIZERS_PARALLELISM=(true | false) huggingface/tokenizers: The current process just got forked, after parallelism has already been used. Disabling parallelism to avoid deadlocks... To disable this warning, you can either: - Avoid using `tokenizers` before the fork if possible - Explicitly set the environment variable TOKENIZERS_PARALLELISM=(true | false) huggingface/tokenizers: The current process just got forked, after parallelism has already been used. Disabling parallelism to avoid deadlocks... To disable this warning, you can either: - Avoid using `tokenizers` before the fork if possible - Explicitly set the environment variable TOKENIZERS_PARALLELISM=(true | false) huggingface/tokenizers: The current process just got forked, after parallelism has already been used. Disabling parallelism to avoid deadlocks... To disable this warning, you can either: - Avoid using `tokenizers` before the fork if possible - Explicitly set the environment variable TOKENIZERS_PARALLELISM=(true | false) srun: Job step aborted: Waiting up to 32 seconds for job step to finish. slurmstepd-node05: error: *** STEP 7716.0 ON node05 CANCELLED AT 2025-02-06T16:54:16 *** slurmstepd-node05: error: *** JOB 7716 ON node05 CANCELLED AT 2025-02-06T16:54:16 *** [C 2025-02-06 16:54:16.389 ServerApp] received signal 15, stopping |