mc4_nl_cleaned /
Yeb Havinga
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9.21 kB
pretty_name: mC4_nl_cleaned
  - no-annotation
  - found
  - nl
  - odc-by-1.0
  - monolingual
    - 1M<n<10M
    - 10M<n<100M
    - 10M<n<100M
    - 10M<n<100M
    - 100M<n<1B
  - extended
  - sequence-modeling
  - language-modeling
paperswithcode_id: mc4

Dataset Card for Clean Dutch mC4 🇮🇹

Table of Contents

Dataset Description

Dataset Summary

A thoroughly cleaned version of the Dutch split of the multilingual colossal, cleaned version of Common Crawl's web crawl corpus (mC4). Based on the Common Crawl dataset. The original version was prepared by AllenAI, hosted at the address


The Dutch portion of mC4 was cleaned in a similar fashion as the English cleaned C4 version. See GitLab for details.

In summary, the preprocessing procedure includes:

  • Removing documents containing words from a selection of the Dutch and English List of Dirty Naught Obscene and Otherwise Bad Words.

  • Removing sentences containing:

    • Less than 3 words.

    • A word longer than 1000 characters.

    • An end symbol not matching end-of-sentence punctuation.

    • Strings associated to javascript code (e.g. {), lorem ipsum, policy information in Dutch or English.

  • Removing documents (after sentence filtering):

    • Containing less than 5 sentences.

    • Containing less than 500 or more than 50'000 characters.

    • Not identified as prevalently Dutch by the LangDetect package.

Using parallel processing with 96 CPU cores on a TPUv3 via Google Cloud to perform the complete clean of all the original Dutch shards of mC4 (1024 of ~220Mb train, 8 of ~24Mb validation) required roughly 10 hours due to the demanding steps of sentence tokenization and language detection. The total size of compressed .json.gz files is roughly halved after the procedure.

Dataset Structure

Data Instances

An example from the dataset:

  'timestamp': '2019-02-22T15:37:25Z',
  'url': '',
  'text': 'Japanse bedrijven zijn niet alleen hondstrouw aan hun leveranciers , ze betalen ook nog eens erg stipt. Alleen is het niet zo makkelijk er een voet tussen de deur te krijgen. Met de volgende tips hebt u alvast een streepje voor.\nIn Japan draait alles om vertrouwen. Neem voldoende tijd om een relatie op te bouwen.Aarzel niet om tijdig een lokale vertrouwenspersoon in te schakelen.\nJapan is een erg competitieve markt.Kwaliteit en prijs zijn erg belangrijk, u zult dus het beste van uzelf moeten geven. Gelukkig is de beloning groot. Japanse zakenlui zijn loyaal en betalen stipt!\nJapanners houden er eigenzinnige eisen op na. Kom dus niet aanzetten met uw standaardproducten voor de Europese markt. Zo moet een producent van diepvriesfrieten bijvoorbeeld perfect identieke frietjes kunnen leveren in mini- verpakkingen. Het goede nieuws is dat Japanners voor kwaliteit graag diep in hun buidel tasten.\nEn u dacht dat Europa lijdt aan reglementitis? Japanners kennen er ook wat van. Tal van voorschriften zeggen wat je wel en niet mag doen. Gelukkig zijn de regels helder geformuleerd.\nHet gebruik van het Engels is niet echt ingeburgerd in Japan. Betrek een tolk bij uw onderhandelingen en zorg voor correcte vertalingen van handleidingen of softwareprogramma’s.'

Data Fields

The data contains the following fields:

  • url: url of the source as a string
  • text: text content as a string
  • timestamp: timestamp of extraction as a string

Data Splits

To build mC4, the original authors used CLD3 to identify over 100 languages. For Dutch, the whole corpus of scraped text was divided in 1032 jsonl files, 1024 for training following the naming style c4-it.tfrecord-0XXXX-of-01024.json.gz and 8 for validation following the naming style c4-it-validation.tfrecord-0000X-of-00008.json.gz. The full set of preprocessed files takes roughly 215GB of disk space to download with Git LFS.

For ease of use under different storage capacities, the following incremental splits are available (sizes are estimates). Important: The sizes in GB represent the estimated weight for :

split train size (docs, words, download + preproc disk space) validation size
tiny 10M docs, 4B words (9 GB + 27 GB) 12k docs
small 20M docs, 8B words (18 GB + 54 GB) 24k docs
medium 50M docs, 20B words (47 GB + 135 GB) 48k docs
large 75M docs, 30B words (71 GB + 203 GB) 72k docs
full 103M docs, 41B words (109 GB + 279 GB) 96k docs

You can load any subset like this:

from datasets import load_dataset

datasets = load_dataset('yhavinga/mc4_nl_cleaned', 'tiny', streaming=True)

Since splits are quite large, you may want to traverse them using the streaming mode available starting from — Datasets v1.9.0:

from datasets import load_dataset

mc4_nl_full_stream = load_dataset('yhavinga/mc4_nl_cleaned', "full", split='train', streaming=True)
print(next(iter(mc4_nl_full_stream))) # Prints the example presented above

Dataset Creation

Refer to the original paper for more considerations regarding the choice of sources and the scraping process for creating mC4.

Considerations for Using the Data

Social Impact of Dataset

With more than 200GB of cleaned Dutch text and more than 41B estimated words, this is by far the largest available corpus for the Dutch language. The second largest dataset available is OSCAR, which is only 39GB in size for its deduplicated variant. Using this corpus for training language models with adequate computational resources will allow researchers to reach parity with the performances observed for the English language. This can in turn have important repercussions for the development of commercial language technology applications for the Dutch language.

Discussion of Biases

Despit the cleaning procedure aimed at removing vulgarity and profanity, it must be considered that model trained on this scraped corpus will inevitably reflect biases present in blog articles and comments on the Internet. This makes the corpus especially interesting in the context of studying data biases and how to limit their impacts.

Additional Information

Dataset Curators

Authors at AllenAI are the original curators for the mc4 corpus. For inquiries or requests regarding the Dutch cleaned portion contained in this repository, please contact me at

Licensing Information

AllenAI are releasing this dataset under the terms of ODC-BY. By using this, you are also bound by the Common Crawl terms of use in respect of the content contained in the dataset.

Citation Information

    author = {Colin Raffel and Noam Shazeer and Adam Roberts and Katherine Lee and Sharan Narang and Michael Matena and Yanqi Zhou and Wei Li and Peter J. Liu},
    title = {Exploring the Limits of Transfer Learning with a Unified Text-to-Text Transformer},
    journal = {arXiv e-prints},
    year = {2019},
    archivePrefix = {arXiv},
    eprint = {1910.10683},


Thanks to, @dirkgr and @lhoestq for providing the cleaned_it_mc4 example that shows how upload a dataset to the Huggingface hub.