id (string)
translation (translation)
{"pl": "Zosta\u0142 nim Artur \u015awi\u0105tek, d\u0142ugoletni prezes Klubu Uczelnianego AZS PWSTE Jaros\u0142aw, przez ostatnie 4 lata dyrektor Biura Rektora jaros\u0142awskiej uczelni.\n", "en": "The plenipotentiary is Artur \u015awi\u0105tek, a long-term chairman of the Academic Club AZS PWSTE Jaros\u0142aw, head of the Jaros\u0142aw\u2019s college chancellor office for recent 4 years.\n"}
{"pl": "fot. Bart\u0142omiej Pacek Artur \u015awi\u0105tek ostatnio mocno zaanga\u017cowany by\u0142 przy projekcie reaktywacji koszyk\u00f3wki w Jaros\u0142awiu.\n", "en": "Photo Bart\u0142omiej Pacek Artur \u015awi\u0105tek has been recently deeply involved in the project of reactivating basketball in Jaros\u0142aw.\n"}
{"pl": "Artur \u015awi\u0105tek nie jest postaci\u0105 anonimow\u0105 w jaros\u0142awskim \u015brodowisku sportowym.\n", "en": "Artur \u015awi\u0105tek is not an anonymous person in the circle of sport in Jaros\u0142aw.\n"}
{"pl": "Absolwent Akademii Wychowania Fizycznego w Bia\u0142ej Podlaskiej od 2002 r. jest instruktorem w Pa\u0144stwowej Wy\u017cszej Szkole Techniczno-Ekonomicznej w Jaros\u0142awiu, a od 15 lat pe\u0142ni funkcj\u0119 prezesa\n", "en": "The graduate of the School of Physical Education in Bia\u0142a Podlaska has been an instructor at the State Higher School of Technology and Economics in Jaros\u0142aw since 2002, and he has been a chairman for 15 years.\n"}
{"pl": "Polacy po pierwszym treningu w Pary\u017cu, czekaj\u0105 na ostatniego rywala\n", "en": "Following their first training session in Paris, the Poles now wait for their last rival\n"}
{"pl": "Polscy siatkarze odbyli w pi\u0105tek pierwszy trening w Pary\u017cu, gdzie w sobot\u0119 wyst\u0105pi\u0105 w meczu o br\u0105zowy medal.\n", "en": "On Friday, the Polish volleyball team had their first training session in Paris, where on Saturday they will play in the bronze medal match.\n"}
{"pl": "Podopiecznym Vitala Heynena drog\u0119 do wywalczenia tytu\u0142u zamkn\u0119\u0142a czwartkowa pora\u017cka ze S\u0142owe\u0144cami 1:3 w Lublanie.\n", "en": "The path to the title was blocked for Vital Heynen\u2019s charges owing to their 1-3 defeat on Thursday against the Slovenians in Ljubljana.\n"}
{"pl": "G\u0142o\u015bno by\u0142o o ich k\u0142opotach z podr\u00f3\u017c\u0105 na ten pojedynek.\n", "en": "There have been a lot of media reports about their troubles travelling to this clash.\n"}
{"pl": "Tym razem oby\u0142o si\u0119 bez takich problem\u00f3w \u2013 w pi\u0105tkowe przedpo\u0142udnie udali si\u0119 razem ze S\u0142owe\u0144cami czarterem do Pary\u017ca, a kilka godzin p\u00f3\u017aniej odbyli trening w s\u0142ynnej hali Bercy.\n", "en": "This time, there were no such problems \u2013 on Friday morning they used a charter and went with the Slovenians to Paris and a few hours later they took training in the famous Bercy Arena.\n"}
{"pl": "Wed\u0142ug relacji os\u00f3b obecnych na zaj\u0119ciach, szkoleniowiec mistrz\u00f3w \u015bwiata by\u0142 poddenerwowany.\n", "en": "According to onlookers, the World Champions\u2019 coach appeared flustered.\n"}
{"pl": "Jak zaznaczy\u0142 asystent Heynena Micha\u0142 Mieszko Gogol, tym razem g\u0142\u00f3wnym zadaniem nie by\u0142o samo \u0107wiczenie siatkarskich element\u00f3w.\n", "en": "As Heynen\u2019s assistant Micha\u0142 Mieszko Gogol pointed out, this time the main purpose of training was not just about practising volleyball techniques.\n"}
{"pl": "\u201ePojechali\u015bmy na hal\u0119, ale w zdecydowanej wi\u0119kszo\u015bci by\u0142 to czas dla zespo\u0142u.\n", "en": "\"We went to the arena but it was mostly about providing time for the team.\n"}
{"pl": "Chodzi\u0142o o tym, \u017ceby bardziej sp\u0119dzi\u0107 go razem ni\u017c trenowa\u0107.\n", "en": "It was about spending that time together rather than training.\n"}
{"pl": "Porozmawia\u0107, zastanowi\u0107 si\u0119, jak to wszystko odbudowa\u0107 jako dru\u017cyna\u201d, relacjonowa\u0142.\n", "en": "To talk and think about how we will rebuild it all as a team,\" he reported.\n"}
{"pl": "Potwierdzi\u0142, \u017ce p\u00f3\u0142fina\u0142owa pora\u017cka by\u0142a bolesn\u0105 lekcj\u0105 zar\u00f3wno dla zawodnik\u00f3w, jak i dla sztabu szkoleniowego.\n", "en": "He confirmed that the semi-final defeat was a hard lesson for both players and coaching staff.\n"}
{"pl": "\u201eZostali\u015bmy brutalnie sprowadzeni na ziemi\u0119.\n", "en": "\"We were brutally brought down to earth.\n"}
{"pl": "Bez dw\u00f3ch zda\u0144 jeste\u015bmy rozczarowani.\n", "en": "We\u2019re disappointed, there\u2019s no doubt about it.\n"}
{"pl": "Ci\u0105gle wierzyli\u015bmy, \u017ce wr\u00f3cimy jeszcze do tego meczu.\n", "en": "We still believed we would go back to that match.\n"}
{"pl": "Dyskutowali\u015bmy o tym meczu mi\u0119dzy sob\u0105 w sztabie, trener rozmawia\u0142 sporo z zawodnikami.\n", "en": "We discussed the match amongst the staff, and the coach talked a lot with the players.\n"}
{"pl": "Jako dwie g\u0142\u00f3wne przyczyny pora\u017cki wskaza\u0142bym nieskuteczno\u015b\u0107 w ataku i znacznie gorsze ni\u017c zwykle radzenie sobie z pi\u0142kami sytuacyjnymi.\n", "en": "I would suggest that the two main reasons for our defeat were the ineffectiveness of the attack line and coping with situational balls much poorer than usual.\n"}
{"pl": "S\u0142owe\u0144cy byli pod tym wzgl\u0119dem od nas znacznie lepsi\u201d, analizowa\u0142.\n", "en": "In this respect, the Slovenians were much better than us,\" he said.\n"}
{"pl": "Jego zdaniem, \u201eBia\u0142o-Czerwonym\u201d na przeszkodzie nie stan\u0105\u0142 stres, zwi\u0105zany z wyst\u0119pem przeciwko wspieranym przez g\u0142o\u015bn\u0105 i liczn\u0105 publiczno\u015b\u0107 wsp\u00f3\u0142gospodarzom turnieju.\n", "en": "In his view, the White and Reds had not been under stress due to being up against the tournament co-host, in front of a large, noisy support.\n"}
{"pl": "Przyzna\u0142 za to, \u017ce mistrz\u00f3w \u015bwiata mog\u0142a nieco u\u015bpi\u0107 g\u0142adka droga do p\u00f3\u0142fina\u0142u.\n", "en": "He admitted that the smooth path to the semi-finals could have allowed the World Champions\u2019 to let their guard down.\n"}
{"pl": "\u201eBy\u0107 mo\u017ce, gdyby w fazie grupowej przydarzy\u0142a si\u0119 nam pora\u017cka w podobnym stylu, to szybciej by\u015bmy przeanalizowali t\u0119 lekcj\u0119 i p\u00f3\u017aniej inaczej by\u015bmy grali w dalszej fazie turnieju.\n", "en": "\"Probably, if we had been defeated in a similar way in the group phase, we would have learnt that lesson quicker, and later on we would have played differently in the later stages of the tournament.\n"}
{"pl": "Ale to tylko gdybanie\u201d, zastrzeg\u0142.\n", "en": "But these are what-ifs,\" he reserved.\n"}
{"pl": "Gogol ma nadziej\u0119, \u017ce z\u0142o\u015b\u0107 zwi\u0105zan\u0105 z czwartkow\u0105 pora\u017ck\u0105 Polakom uda si\u0119 przeku\u0107 w agresj\u0119 w meczu o br\u0105z.\n", "en": "Gogol hopes that anger due to Thursday\u2019s defeat will morph into aggression during the Bronze medal match.\n"}
{"pl": "\u201eMam nadziej\u0119, \u017ce poka\u017cemy w\u00f3wczas swoje prawdziwe oblicze.\n", "en": "\"I hope we will show our true colours then.\n"}
{"pl": "Jest si\u0119 o co bi\u0107.\n", "en": "The stakes are high.\n"}
{"pl": "Ostatnio medal ME wywalczyli\u015bmy w 2011 roku\u201d, przypomnia\u0142.\n", "en": "The last time we won the medal during the European Championship was back in 2011,\" he recalled.\n"}
{"pl": "Pary\u017c jest pi\u0105tym miastem, a Francja trzecim krajem odwiedzanym przez Polak\u00f3w podczas tych mistrzostw.\n", "en": "Paris is the fifth city, and France the third country visited by the Poles during this championship.\n"}
{"pl": "W fazie grupowej rywalizowali w Rotterdamie i Amsterdamie, na dwa pierwsze spotkania fazy grupowej udali si\u0119 do Apeldoorn, a na p\u00f3\u0142fina\u0142 przenie\u015bli si\u0119 do Lublany.\n", "en": "In the group phase they competed in Rotterdam and Amsterdam, then went to Apeldoorn for the first two meetings of the group phase, before moving on to Ljubljana for the semi-final.\n"}
{"pl": "Nick Kyrgios: kara surowa, lecz w zawieszeniu\n", "en": "Nick Kyrgios: a harsh but suspended punishment\n"}
{"pl": "Australijski tenisista otrzyma\u0142 16-tygodniowy zakazu start\u00f3w oraz grzywn\u0119 w wysoko\u015bci 25 tysi\u0119cy dolar\u00f3w \u2013 w p\u00f3\u0142rocznym zawieszeniu \u2013 za naganne s\u0142owa, gesty i czyny podczas ostatnich turniej\u00f3w ATP.\n", "en": "The Australian tennis player was given a 16-week ban \u2013 suspended for six months \u2013 and a fine of 25,000 dollars for the use of reprehensible words, gestures and deeds during the last ATP tournament.\n"}
{"pl": "Dzia\u0142acze ATP World Tour trac\u0105 cierpliwo\u015b\u0107 do Kyrgiosa, ale wci\u0105\u017c jeszcze daj\u0105 mu szans\u0119 poprawy.\n", "en": "ATP World Tour members have lost patience for Kyrgios, but they will give him a chance to improve.\n"}
{"pl": "Podsumowanie wyst\u0119pk\u00f3w najbardziej nieokrzesanego tenisisty zawodowego ostatnich lat wygl\u0105da gro\u017anie \u2013 16 tygodni przerwy plus spora grzywna, ale jednak obie kary s\u0105 wstrzymane na p\u00f3\u0142 roku \u2013 okres pr\u00f3bny, w kt\u00f3rym krn\u0105brny sportowiec b\u0119dzie m\u00f3g\u0142 si\u0119 poprawi\u0107.\n", "en": "The summary of transgressions given against one of the most controversial professional tennis players of recent years reads menacingly \u2013 a 16-week ban and a substantial fine, with both having been suspended for six months \u2013 a probation period during which the recalcitrant athlete can improve his behaviour.\n"}
{"pl": "Nick Kyrgios ma dopiero 24 lata, ale rozrabia ju\u017c od dawna i dorobi\u0142 si\u0119 swoistego tenisowego rekordu \u015bwiata \u2013 musia\u0142 zap\u0142aci\u0107 najwy\u017csz\u0105 w historii dyscypliny pojedyncz\u0105 kar\u0119 finansow\u0105 za \u0142amanie zasad zachowania na korcie i obok niego.\n", "en": "Nick Kyrgios is just 24 years old but he has been courting controversy for a very long time, beating a tennis world record by having had to pay the highest single financial penalty in the history of the sport for breaking rules of conduct both on and off the court.\n"}
{"pl": "G\u0142o\u015bne przekle\u0144stwa, dziwne gesty, niesportowe zachowanie, obra\u017canie s\u0119dziego i widz\u00f3w, z\u0142amanie dw\u00f3ch rakiet podczas przegranego meczu z Karenem Chaczanowem \u2013 za to wszystko po sierpniowym turnieju ATP Masters 1000 w Cincinnati zap\u0142aci\u0142 113 tysi\u0119cy dolar\u00f3w.\n", "en": "Loud swearing, strange gestures, unsportsmanlike conduct, insulting a judge and the audience, breaking two rackets during a defeat against Karen Khachanov \u2013 all rule breaches for which he paid 113,000 dollars following August\u2019s ATP Masters 1000 tournaments in Cincinnati.\n"}
{"pl": "W US Open 2019 te\u017c nie gra\u0142 d\u0142ugo, ale zd\u0105\u017cy\u0142 publicznie powiedzie\u0107, \u017ce dzia\u0142acze ATP \u201es\u0105 skorumpowani\u201d, co zabola\u0142o w\u0142adze organizacji tak bardzo, \u017ce wdro\u017cy\u0142y dochodzenie dyscyplinarne przeciw Kyrgiosowi i po paru tygodniach poda\u0142y wspomniany werdykt o zawieszeniu start\u00f3w i kolejnej grzywnie.\n", "en": "Despite an early exit at the 2019 US Open, he still had time to state publicly that ATP members \"are corrupt\", which offended the organisation so much that they implemented a weeks-long disciplinary investigation into Kyrgios, which later issued a suspension and another fine.\n"}
{"pl": "S\u0142owa o korupcji jednak mu wybaczono, po wys\u0142uchaniu obwinionego i poznaniu kontekstu wypowiedzi.\n", "en": "However, after hearing from the accused and being provided with the context around the statement, the words were forgiven.\n"}
{"pl": "W uzasadnieniu dzia\u0142acze tenisowi podali jednak, \u017ce dochodzenie wykaza\u0142o, i\u017c zachowanie Kyrgiosa przez ca\u0142e minione 12 miesi\u0119cy w wielu przypadkach budzi\u0142o powa\u017cne zastrze\u017cenia i stanowi\u0142o niemal ci\u0105g\u0142e naruszanie zasad, \u017ce bez przerwy obra\u017ca\u0142 w spos\u00f3b wulgarny osoby zwi\u0105zane z turniejami oraz widz\u00f3w, st\u0105d wysoka kara.\n", "en": "In a statement, tennis officials claimed that the investigation showed that Kyrgios\u2019 behaviour in the past 12 months was in many cases highly questionable and was in almost constant violation of the rules; he continuously vulgarly insulted people associated with tournaments and spectators, hence the high penalty.\n"}
{"pl": "ATP da\u0142o mu jednak pi\u0119\u0107 dni na wniesienie odwo\u0142ania oraz od razu odroczy\u0142a wykonanie wyroku, nakazuj\u0105c spe\u0142nienie w ci\u0105gu najbli\u017cszych sze\u015bciu miesi\u0119cy kilku warunk\u00f3w: w turniejach ATP Tour i ATP Challenge Tour Kyrgios nie mo\u017ce ju\u017c w \u017caden spos\u00f3b naruszy\u0107 regu\u0142 kodeksu post\u0119powania obowi\u0105zuj\u0105cego tenisist\u00f3w profesjonalnych, w szczeg\u00f3lno\u015bci nie mo\u017ce wi\u0119cej przeklina\u0107, niszczy\u0107 rakiet, k\u0142\u00f3ci\u0107 si\u0119 z s\u0119dziami oraz publiczno\u015bci\u0105, ani \u017caden inny spos\u00f3b zachowywa\u0107 si\u0119 nieprzyzwoicie i wulgarnie.\n", "en": "However, the ATP gave him five days to appeal and immediately postponed execution of the sentence, ordering him to meet several conditions during the following six months: during the ATP Tour, and ATP Challenge Tour tournaments Kyrgios may no longer in any way violate the professional tennis players\u2019 code of conduct, particularly he may not swear, destroy rackets, quarrel with judges or the audience, or otherwise behave obscenely or vulgarly.\n"}
{"pl": "Dosta\u0142 tak\u017ce zalecenie, by szuka\u0142 \u201eci\u0105g\u0142ego wsparcia\u201d od trener\u00f3w mentalnych podczas turniej\u00f3w i tak\u017ce poza sezonem konsultowa\u0142 si\u0119 z osobami specjalizuj\u0105cymi si\u0119 w rozwi\u0105zywaniu problem\u00f3w sportowc\u00f3w nie radz\u0105cych sobie z w\u0142a\u015bciwym zachowaniem.\n", "en": "He was also advised to seek \"continuous support\" from mental coaches during tournaments but also to consult in the off-season with experts specialising in solving the problems of athletes who can\u2019t cope with their behaviour.\n"}
{"pl": "Pierwszy komentarz (w mediach spo\u0142eczno\u015bciowych) Nicka Kyrgiosa do werdyktu by\u0142 taki: \u201eHej wszyscy, wci\u0105\u017c mog\u0119 gra\u0107.\n", "en": "Nick Kyrgios\u2019s first comment (in the social media) on the verdict was as follows: \"Hi everybody, I can still play.\n"}
{"pl": "Musz\u0119 tylko kontrolowa\u0107 moje zachowanie, to wszystko.\u201d\n", "en": "I just have to control my behaviour, that's all\".\n"}
{"pl": "W praktyce Australijczyk i tak b\u0119dzie mia\u0142 co najmniej dwutygodniow\u0105 przerw\u0119, gdy\u017c w Pucharze Lavera zaostrzy\u0142a mu si\u0119 kontuzja barku, musia\u0142 wi\u0119c zrezygnowa\u0107 z najbli\u017cszych start\u00f3w w Pekinie (30 wrze\u015bnia \u2013 6 pa\u017adziernika) i Szanghaju (6\u201313 pa\u017adziernika).\n", "en": "In practice, the Australian will have at least a two-week break, because during The Laver Cup he exacerbated a shoulder injury which forced him to withdraw from ties in Beijing (from 30 September to 6 October) and in Shanghai (from 6 to 13 October).\n"}
{"pl": "W rankingu ATP Kyrgios zajmuje 27. miejsce.\n", "en": "Kyrgios is in 27th place in the ATP rankings.\n"}
{"pl": "W tym roku wygra\u0142 dwa turnieje \u2013 w Waszyngtonie i Acapulco, zarobi\u0142 ponad 1,3 mln dol., wi\u0119c nawet po grzywnach sporo mu zostanie.\n", "en": "This year, he won two tournaments: in Washington and Acapulco, earning more than 1.3 M dollars, so even after paying fines, he will have a lot left.\n"}
{"pl": "GUS: W Polsce \u017cyje si\u0119 coraz lepiej\n", "en": "Central Statistical Office: level of life in Poland constantly rising\n"}
{"pl": "Z opublikowanego w pi\u0105tek przez GUS raportu na temat bud\u017cet\u00f3w gospodarstw domowych wynika, \u017ce jako dobr\u0105 lub raczej dobr\u0105 swoj\u0105 sytuacj\u0119 materialn\u0105 ocenia\u0142o w ub.r. a\u017c 44 proc. z nich.\n", "en": "According to the report on the household budget that was published by the Central Statistical Office on Friday, as many as 44 percent of households regard their financial situation as good or rather good.\n"}
{"pl": "Rok wcze\u015bniej ten odsetek wynosi\u0142 37,2 proc., w 2016 r. 33,5 proc., a wcze\u015bniej \u2013 od 2009 r., gdy urz\u0105d statystyczny po raz pierwszy zbada\u0142 subiektywne oceny sytuacji gospodarstw domowych \u2013 nigdy nie przekracza\u0142 30 proc.\n", "en": "A year ago it was 37,2 percent, in 2016 33,5 percent and earlier, from 2009 onwards, when the statistical office first conducted a survey on the subjective evaluation of the situation in the households it was never higher than 30 percent.\n"}
{"pl": "Za z\u0142\u0105 lub raczej z\u0142\u0105 swoj\u0105 sytuacj\u0119 materialn\u0105 uwa\u017ca\u0142o w ub.r. \u0142\u0105cznie 8,1 proc. gospodarstw domowych, w por\u00f3wnaniu do 11,2 proc. rok wcze\u015bniej i ponad 20 proc. w 2009 r.\n", "en": "Last year 8,1 percent of households regarded their financial situation as bad or rather bad, in comparison to 11,2 percent a year before and more than 20 percent in 2009.\n"}
{"pl": "Najlepsza jest sytuacja materialna gospodarstw domowych os\u00f3b pracuj\u0105cych na w\u0142asny rachunek.\n", "en": "It is freelancers who have the best financial situation.\n"}
{"pl": "W tej grupie za dobr\u0105 lub raczej dobr\u0105 uwa\u017ca j\u0105 przesz\u0142o 70 proc. respondent\u00f3w.\n", "en": "More than 70 percent of survey participants perceive it as good or rather good.\n"}
{"pl": "Na drugim biegunie s\u0105 gospodarstwa domowe rencist\u00f3w, gdzie odsetek takich odpowiedzi wynosi\u0142 zaledwie 18 proc.\n", "en": "As opposed to that only 18 percent of pensioners responded in this manner.\n"}
{"pl": "Na subiektywn\u0105 ocen\u0119 sytuacji materialnej gospodarstw domowych du\u017cy wp\u0142yw ma tak\u017ce liczba dzieci.\n", "en": "The subjective evaluation of the financial situation is merely influenced by the number of children.\n"}
{"pl": "Najgorzej wiedzie si\u0119 rodzicom samotnie wychowuj\u0105cym potomstwo, spo\u015br\u00f3d kt\u00f3rych dobr\u0105 lub raczej dobr\u0105 sytuacj\u0119 materialn\u0105 deklaruje 32 proc.\n", "en": "It is lone parents who are living in harsh conditions, 32 percent of them perceive their financial situation as good or rather good.\n"}
{"pl": "W\u015br\u00f3d par z dzie\u0107mi odsetek ten waha si\u0119 (w zale\u017cno\u015bci od liczby dzieci) od 55 do 60 proc., a w\u015br\u00f3d bezdzietnych gospodarstw domowych wynosi 48,8 proc.\n", "en": "Among the pairs with children this number is, depending on the number of kids, between 55 and 60 percent, in case of households without children it amounts to 48,8 percent.\n"}
{"pl": "W tych statystykach wyra\u017anie widoczny jest efekt programu 500+.\n", "en": "The effect of the 500+ programme is merely reflected in those statistics.\n"}
{"pl": "Zanim zosta\u0142 uruchomiony (w 2016 r.) najgorszej swoj\u0105 sytuacj\u0119 materialn\u0105 oceniali rodzice samotnie wychowuj\u0105cy potomstwo oraz rodziny wielodzietne (z co najmniej tr\u00f3jk\u0105 dzieci).\n", "en": "Before it was started (in 2016) it was lonely parents and large families (with the minimum of three children) who perceived their financial situation as the worst.\n"}
{"pl": "Poprawa subiektywnych ocen sytuacji materialnej Polak\u00f3w to odzwierciedlenie szybkiego wzrostu dochod\u00f3w, przede wszystkim z pracy.\n", "en": "Improving the subjective evaluation of the financial situation of Poles can be attributed to the quick growth of incomes, chiefly from work.\n"}
{"pl": "To jednak nie wszystko, bo odsetek gospodarstw domowych, kt\u00f3re swoj\u0105 sytuacj\u0119 uwa\u017caj\u0105 za dobr\u0105, zwi\u0119ksza si\u0119 szybciej, ni\u017c realne dochody.\n", "en": "It is, however, not everything, because the number of households that perceive their situation as good is growing faster than real incomes.\n"}
{"pl": "Co wi\u0119cej, na poziomie wojew\u00f3dztw nie ma wyra\u017anej zale\u017cno\u015bci mi\u0119dzy poziomem dochod\u00f3w a ocen\u0105 warunk\u00f3w materialnych gospodarstw domowych.\n", "en": "What is more, on the level of voivodeships there is no exact correlation between the level of income and the evaluation of the financial situation in households.\n"}
{"pl": "Najlepsze oceny formu\u0142uj\u0105 mieszka\u0144cy wojew\u00f3dztwa opolskiego, gdzie swoj\u0105 sytuacj\u0119 za dobr\u0105 lub raczej dobr\u0105 uwa\u017ca 48,9 proc. badanych.\n", "en": "The citizens of the Opole voivodeship are the most satisfied, 48,9 percent of the survey recipients think their situation is good or rather good.\n"}
{"pl": "Dalej s\u0105 wojew\u00f3dztwa lubuskie (47,7 proc.), \u015bl\u0105skie (47,6 proc.), mazowieckie (47,3 proc.) i zachodniopomorskie (47,1 proc.).\n", "en": "The citizens of the Lubuskie voivodeship (47,7 percent) are next, followed by the Silesian voivodeship (47,6 percent), Masovia voivodeship (47,3 percent) and the Western Pomerania voivodeship (47,1 percent).\n"}
{"pl": "Tymczasem w Opolskiem doch\u00f3d rozporz\u0105dzalny (tzn. po op\u0142aceniu podatk\u00f3w i sk\u0142adek) wynosi\u0142 w ub.r. niespe\u0142na 94 proc. \u015bredniej krajowej, a w Lubuskiem 98 proc.\n", "en": "In the Opole voivodeship the disposable income (after paying taxes and contributions) amounted last year to nearly 94 percent of the average country income, and in the Lubuskie voivodeship to 98 percent.\n"}
{"pl": "Najwy\u017csze dochody mieli mieszka\u0144cy Mazowieckiego (120 proc. \u015bredniej krajowej) i \u015bl\u0105skiego (104 proc.).\n", "en": "The citizens of the Masovia voivodeship (120 percent of the average country income) and the Silesia voivodeship (104 percent) were the ones with the highest income.\n"}
{"pl": "\u015arednio w Polsce doch\u00f3d rozporz\u0105dzalny na osob\u0119 wynosi\u0142 w 2018 r. 1693 z\u0142.\n", "en": "In 2018 the average disposable income per person amounted to 1693 PLN.\n"}
{"pl": "W uj\u0119ciu realnym (po korekcie o wp\u0142yw zmian cen) zwi\u0119kszy\u0142 si\u0119 o 4,3 proc. wobec 2017 r.\n", "en": "In the real context (after considering the price change) it grew by 4,3 percent as compared to 2017.\n"}
{"pl": "Na tle poprzednich lat to wynik do\u015b\u0107 niski.\n", "en": "In comparison to the earlier years it was quite a low result.\n"}
{"pl": "W 2016 r. doch\u00f3d na osob\u0119 wzr\u00f3s\u0142 o 7 proc., a rok p\u00f3\u017aniej o 6,3 proc.\n", "en": "In 2016 the income per person grew by 7 percent and one year later by 6,3 percent.\n"}
{"pl": "Cho\u0107 wzrost dochod\u00f3w zwalnia, hamuje te\u017c wzrost wydatk\u00f3w.\n", "en": "Even though the growth of incomes is slowing down, it is also the growth of spendings that is decelerating.\n"}
{"pl": "Te w przeliczeniu na osob\u0119 wynios\u0142y w ub.r. 1187 z\u0142, co oznacza, \u017ce w uj\u0119ciu realnym zmala\u0142y o 0,7 proc.\n", "en": "Last year they amounted to 1187 z\u0142 per capita, so they decreased by 0,7 percent in a real context.\n"}
{"pl": "To pierwszy taki przypadek od 2013 r.\n", "en": "It is the first such a case from 2013.\n"}
{"pl": "W 2017 r. wydatki na osob\u0119 zwi\u0119kszy\u0142y si\u0119 realnie o 1,9 proc., a w 2016 r. o 4,3 proc.\n", "en": "In 2017 the spendings per person grew realistically by 1,9 per cent and in 2016 by 4,3 per cent.\n"}
{"pl": "Badania bud\u017cet\u00f3w gospodarstw domowych sugeruj\u0105, \u017ce statystyczne gospodarstwo domowe wydaje obecnie 70,1 proc. swoich dochod\u00f3w rozporz\u0105dzalnych, podczas gdy jeszcze w 2014 r. udzia\u0142 ten przekracza\u0142 80 proc., a do 2006 r. przewy\u017csza\u0142 90 proc.\n", "en": "As the surveys on the household budget suggest, an average household is currently spending 70,1 percent of their disposable incomes. In 2014 this contribution was more than 80 percent and until 2006 more than 90 percent.\n"}
{"pl": "Paulina Smaszcz-Kurzajewska w prze\u015bwituj\u0105cej bluzce\n", "en": "Paulina Smaszcz-Kurzajewska in a see-through blouse\n"}
{"pl": "Paulina Smaszcz-Kurzajewska zjawi\u0142a si\u0119 na zamkni\u0119tym pokazie marki \u201ePatrizia Pepe\u201d.\n", "en": "Paulina Smaszcz-Kurzajewska appeared on a closed fashion show for Patrizia Pepe brand.\n"}
{"pl": "Jej stylizacja niestety nie nale\u017ca\u0142a do udanych.\n", "en": "Unfortunately, her look was not a good one.\n"}
{"pl": "Paulina Smaszcz-Kurzajewska jest \u017con\u0105 dziennikarza sportowego Macieja Kurzajewskiego\n", "en": "Paulina Smaszcz-Kurzajewska is the wife of Maciej Kurzajewski, a sports journalist.\n"}
{"pl": "Paulina Smaszcz-Kurzajewska to polska dziennikarka i prezenterka.\n", "en": "Paulina Smaszcz-Kurzajewska is a Polish journalist and television presenter.\n"}
{"pl": "Jest zaanga\u017cowana w dzia\u0142ania na rzecz kobiet, dla kt\u00f3rych organizuje warsztaty interaktywne, wyk\u0142ady motywacyjne, prelekcje i panele konferencyjne.\n", "en": "She is involved in activities in favour of women, for whom she organises interactive workshops, motivational speeches, lectures and conference panels.\n"}
{"pl": "Przez 25 lat pracowa\u0142a w bran\u017cy public relations z takimi firmami jak PZU, Red Bull, czy Bayer.\n", "en": "For 25 years she has been working in the public relations industry with companies such as PZU, Red Bull, and Bayer.\n"}
{"pl": "Jako dziennikarka pracowa\u0142a w TVP1, TVN Style, Wizja Sport i TVP2.\n", "en": "As a journalist, she has worked with TVP1, TVN Style, Wizja Sport, and TVP2.\n"}
{"pl": "Kobieta jest autork\u0105 ksi\u0105\u017cki \u201eMama i tata to my\u201d, w kt\u00f3rej opowiada o zdrowiu, rozwoju i \u017cywieniu dzieci w wieku od 0 do 3 lat.\n", "en": "She is author of the book \"Mama i tata to my\", in which she talks about the health, development and nutrition of children aged 0 to 3 years old.\n"}
{"pl": "By\u0142a zaanga\u017cowana w wiele projekt\u00f3w, kt\u00f3re mia\u0142y na celu udzielenie wsparcia dla aktywnych zawodowo kobiet.\n", "en": "She was involved in many projects aimed at supporting professionally active women.\n"}
{"pl": "Do zarz\u0105dzanych przez ni\u0105 akcji mo\u017cna zaliczy\u0107 \u201eSie\u0107 Przedsi\u0119biorczych Kobiet\u201d, \u201eLo\u017c\u0119 Kobiet Biznesu\u201d, \u201eStowarzyszenie Kongres Kobiet\u201d, czy \u201eMake Up Buisness\u201d.\n", "en": "The initiatives she manages include \"Network of Entrepreneurial Women\", \"Business Women's Box\", \"The Congress of Women Association\", and \"Make Up Buisness\".\n"}
{"pl": "Prywatnie jest \u017con\u0105 Macieja Kurzajewskiego \u2013 prezentera telewizyjnego i dziennikarza sportowego.\n", "en": "In her private life, she is the wife of Maciej Kurzajewski \u2013 television presenter and sports journalist.\n"}
{"pl": "Ma\u0142\u017ce\u0144stwo ma dw\u00f3ch syn\u00f3w: Franciszka i Juliana.\n", "en": "The married couple have two sons: Franciszek and Julian.\n"}
{"pl": "Paulina Smaszcz-Kurzajewska pojawi\u0142a si\u0119 zamkni\u0119tym pokazie w\u0142oskiej marki \u201ePatrizia Pepe\u201d.\n", "en": "Paulina Smaszcz-Kurzajewska appeared on a closed fashion show for the Italian brand Patrizia Pepe.\n"}
{"pl": "Na wydarzenie wybra\u0142a si\u0119 r\u00f3wnie\u017c Natasza Urba\u0144ska, Katarzyna Figura i Beata Chmielowska Olech.\n", "en": "The event was also attended by Natasza Urba\u0144ska, Katarzyna Figura, and Beata Chmielowska-Olech.\n"}
{"pl": "Kameralny pokaz nie m\u00f3g\u0142by si\u0119 odby\u0107 bez \u015bcianki, na kt\u00f3rej gwiazdy pochwali\u0142y si\u0119 swoimi stylizacjami.\n", "en": "The intimate fashion show couldn\u2019t take place without a wall, where stars showed off their outfits.\n"}
{"pl": "Niestety, fotoreporterzy wychwycili ra\u017c\u0105cy b\u0142\u0105d Pauliny Smaszcz-Kurzajewskiej.\n", "en": "Unfortunately, photojournalists picked up on Paulina Smaszcz-Kurzajewska\u2019s unfortunate mistake.\n"}
{"pl": "Kobieta ubra\u0142a bia\u0142y stanik pod czarn\u0105 koszul\u0119, kt\u00f3ry mocno przez ni\u0105 prze\u015bwitywa\u0142.\n", "en": "She wore a black blouse with a white bra visible underneath.\n"}
{"pl": "USA: Trzy samob\u00f3jstwa w\u015br\u00f3d za\u0142ogi lotniskowca\n", "en": "USA: Three suicides among aircraft carrier crew\n"}
{"pl": "Trzech marynarzy pope\u0142ni\u0142o w zesz\u0142ym tygodniu samob\u00f3jstwa na pok\u0142adzie okr\u0119tu USS George H. W. Bush \u2013 poinformowa\u0142a ameryka\u0144ska marynarka wojenna.\n", "en": "Three sailors committed suicide aboard the USS George H. W. Bush ship last week, informed the American Navy.\n"}
{"pl": "W ci\u0105gu ostatnich dw\u00f3ch lat w sumie zabi\u0142o si\u0119 pi\u0119ciu cz\u0142onk\u00f3w za\u0142ogi tego statku.\n", "en": "A total of five crew members of this ship committed suicide in the last two years.\n"}
{"pl": "Poprzednie samob\u00f3jstwo mia\u0142o miejsce jeszcze w lipcu tego roku, a wcze\u015bniejsze w listopadzie 2017.\n", "en": "The previous suicide occurred in July this year, with the previous one taking place in November 2017.\n"}
{"pl": "Jak podaje CNN, wszyscy trzej marynarze w zesz\u0142ym tygodniu zastrzelili si\u0119.\n", "en": "According to CNN, all three sailors shot themselves last week.\n"}
{"pl": "Do ka\u017cdego ze zdarze\u0144 dosz\u0142o na l\u0105dzie, kiedy USS George H. W. Bush cumowa\u0142 u wybrze\u017cy stanu Virginia.\n", "en": "Each incident occurred on land when the USS George H. W. Bush moored at the coast of Virginia.\n"}
{"pl": "Jak dot\u0105d, w sprawie wykluczono udzia\u0142 os\u00f3b trzecich.\n", "en": "Third party involvement has been ruled out as of yet.\n"}