id (string)
translation (translation)
{"pl": "Zabawki z serii \u201eCreatable World\u201d nosz\u0105 peruki.\n", "en": "The Creatable World line of dolls is fit with wigs.\n"}
{"pl": "Dzieci mog\u0105 zatem zdecydowa\u0107, czy ich Barbie ma mie\u0107 kr\u00f3tkie w\u0142osy, czy d\u0142ugie.\n", "en": "Kids can decide whether Barbie should have short or long hair.\n"}
{"pl": "Ich garderoba sk\u0142ada si\u0119 zar\u00f3wno ze spodni, jak i z sukienek.\n", "en": "Their wardrobe consists of both trousers and dresses.\n"}
{"pl": "W mgnieniu oka lalki mog\u0105 z dziewczynek sta\u0107 si\u0119 ch\u0142opcami i odwrotnie.\n", "en": "The girls can turn into boys and vice versa in a blink of an eye.\n"}
{"pl": "Dost\u0119pne s\u0105 tak\u017ce w r\u00f3\u017cnych kolorach sk\u00f3ry i z r\u00f3\u017cnymi ubraniami.\n", "en": "They are available in different skin colours and clothes.\n"}
{"pl": "Zrezygnowano te\u017c z podkre\u015blania charakterystycznych cech p\u0142ciowych \u2013 genderowe lalki nie maj\u0105 ju\u017c pe\u0142nych ust, d\u0142ugich rz\u0119s i szczup\u0142ej talii czy \u2013 w przypadku Kena \u2013 szerokich ramion.\n", "en": "Typical gender characteristics are no longer emphasised \u2013 the gender dolls no longer have full lips, long eyelashes, slim waists or, in Ken\u2019s case, broad shoulders.\n"}
{"pl": "Firma uwa\u017ca, \u017ce dzieci nie lubi\u0105, gdy ich lalki maj\u0105 narzucone normy p\u0142ciowe, a niekt\u00f3rzy rodzice i feministki s\u0105 przekonani, \u017ce zabawki robione z my\u015bl\u0105 o konkretnej p\u0142ci hamuj\u0105 ambicje dziewczynek i wzmacniaj\u0105 tradycyjne stereotypy.\n", "en": "The company believes that children do not like it when gender norms are imposed on their dolls, while some parents and feminists are convinced that dolls made with a specific gender in mind hamper the ambitions of girls and reinforce traditional stereotypes.\n"}
{"pl": "\u201eNowe lalki pozwol\u0105 wszystkim dzieciom czu\u0107 si\u0119 wolnymi\u201d, zapowiada firma Mattel.\n", "en": "\"The new dolls will give all children the sense of freedom,\" Mattel argues.\n"}
{"pl": "Lalka Barbie, kt\u00f3ra pojawi\u0142a si\u0119 na rynku w 1959 roku w stroju k\u0105pielowym i butach na wysokim obcasie, by\u0142a w przesz\u0142o\u015bci wielokrotnie krytykowana za propagowanie \u201eniezdrowych kobiecych stereotyp\u00f3w\u201d, takich jak na przyk\u0142ad nienaturalna proporcja cia\u0142a.\n", "en": "The Barbie doll, first launched in 1959 in a swimsuit and high heels, has often been criticised in the past for promoting \"unhealthy female stereotypes\", such as unnatural body proportions.\n"}
{"pl": "Koncern zareagowa\u0142 na krytyk\u0119 i wprowadzi\u0142 ju\u017c na rynek lalki o r\u00f3\u017cnych kolorach sk\u00f3ry, a tak\u017ce bardziej zaokr\u0105glonych kszta\u0142tach.\n", "en": "The company reacted to the criticism and has already introduced dolls of different skin colours and more curves.\n"}
{"pl": "Pojawi\u0142y si\u0119 tak\u017ce lalki w hid\u017cabie.\n", "en": "Hijab-wearing Barbie dolls have also been introduced.\n"}
{"pl": "Zandberg: ko\u0142o b\u0105d\u017a klub Razem mo\u017ce mie\u0107 kilkunastu pos\u0142\u00f3w\n", "en": "Zandberg: the Razem Group or Club Can Have More than Ten MPs\n"}
{"pl": "Zandberg zapytany w radiu ZET , ilu kandydat\u00f3w jego partii mo\u017ce dosta\u0107 si\u0119 do Sejmu z list ugrupowa\u0144 lewicowych (KW SLD z kt\u00f3rego list startuj\u0105 kandydaci do Sejmu SLD, Wiosny i Lewicy Razem, startuj\u0105cy ze wsp\u00f3lnym logo \u201eLewica\u201d), odpowiedzia\u0142, \u017ce to zale\u017cy od rezultatu komitetu.\n", "en": "Zandberg, asked in Radio ZET how many candidates of his party can get to the Sejm from the leftist parties (KW SLD, whose lists comprise the candidates from SLD, Wiosna and Lewica Razem, with a common logo of the \"Left Wing\"), replied this depended on the election committee\u2019s result.\n"}
{"pl": "\u201eWierz\u0119, \u017ce wynik Lewicy b\u0119dzie bardzo dobry, bo czujemy, \u017ce ludzie wi\u0105\u017c\u0105 nadziej\u0119 z tym, \u017ce Lewica ma ju\u017c nie tylko racje, ale ma te\u017c si\u0142\u0119\u201d, zaznaczy\u0142.\n", "en": "\"I believe the Left Wing result will be very good as we feel people hope for the fact that the Left Wing is not only right, but also powerful\", he emphasized.\n"}
{"pl": "Wed\u0142ug Zandberga wynika z tego, \u017ce lewica mo\u017ce mie\u0107 60\u201380 pos\u0142\u00f3w.\n", "en": "According to Zandberg, this means the Left Wing may have 60\u201380 MPs.\n"}
{"pl": "\u201eTo oznacza\u0107 mo\u017ce, \u017ce ko\u0142o b\u0105d\u017a klub Razem b\u0119dzie mia\u0142 kilkunastu pos\u0142\u00f3w.\n", "en": "\"This may mean the Razem group or club has more than ten MPs.\n"}
{"pl": "Ale to zale\u017cy od Polek i Polak\u00f3w.\n", "en": "But this depends on Polish women and men.\n"}
{"pl": "Ja nie b\u0119d\u0119 zgadywa\u0107 i m\u00f3wi\u0107, jak to si\u0119 wydarzy\u201d, powiedzia\u0142.\n", "en": "I am not going to guess and say how it is going to happen\", he said.\n"}
{"pl": "Dopytywany, czy Lewica Razem b\u0119dzie mia\u0142a oddzielne ko\u0142o, Zandberg odpar\u0142: \u201eMy jeste\u015bmy um\u00f3wieni na to, \u017ce jeste\u015bmy r\u00f3\u017cnorodni, i nie b\u0119dziemy udawali, \u017ce tej r\u00f3\u017cnorodno\u015bci nie ma.\n", "en": "When asked if Lewica Razem was going to have a separate group, Zandberg said: \"We agreed we are different and are not going to pretend this difference does not exist.\n"}
{"pl": "My\u015bl\u0119, \u017ce t\u0119 r\u00f3\u017cnorodno\u015b\u0107 Polacy nagrodzili, bo pokazali\u015bmy, \u017ce r\u00f3\u017cni\u0105c si\u0119, potrafili\u015bmy si\u0119 dogada\u0107 co do wsp\u00f3lnego programu\u201d.\n", "en": "I think Poles rewarded that difference as we showed we can agree a common programme despite of those differences\".\n"}
{"pl": "Pytany, czy najwi\u0119kszym beneficjentem wsp\u00f3lnego startu, jest lider SLD W\u0142odzimierz Czarzasty, Zandberg odpowiedzia\u0142, \u017ce jego zdaniem najwi\u0119kszymi beneficjentami s\u0105 centrolewicowi i lewicowi wyborcy.\n", "en": "Asked if the major beneficiary of the common start is the SLD Leader, W\u0142odzimierz Czarzasty, Zandberg replied he believed the major beneficiaries were the Center-left and Leftist electors.\n"}
{"pl": "Z kolei na uwag\u0119, \u017ce to SLD dostanie ca\u0142\u0105 subwencj\u0119, odpar\u0142, \u017ce \u201ecelem partii politycznej jest to, \u017ceby reprezentowa\u0107 swoich wyborc\u00f3w\u201d.\n", "en": "In response to the comment that SLD would get the whole grant, he said \"the political party\u2019s objective is to represent its electors\".\n"}
{"pl": "Zandberg przyzna\u0142, \u017ce w wyborach do Sejmu zag\u0142osuje na siebie.\n", "en": "Zandberg admitted he was going to vote for himself during the Sejm elections.\n"}
{"pl": "W przypadku wybor\u00f3w do Senatu zaznaczy\u0142, \u017ce zastanawia si\u0119.\n", "en": "In the case of the Senate elections, he emphasized he was not sure.\n"}
{"pl": "\u201eOferta jest r\u00f3\u017cnorodna i w tej ofercie s\u0105 kandydaci i kandydatki, do kt\u00f3rych mojemu sercu jest bli\u017cej, ale s\u0105 te\u017c tacy, do kt\u00f3rych mojemu sercu jest dalej\u201d, stwierdzi\u0142.\n", "en": "\"The offer is versatile, it comprises candidates closer to my heart but there are also some further to it\", he said.\n"}
{"pl": "\u201ePowiem natomiast bardzo uczciwie i jasno, \u017ce gdybym w okr\u0119gu nr 44 senackim si\u0119 znalaz\u0142, to wzi\u0105\u0142bym za\u015bwiadczenie wyborcze i zag\u0142osowa\u0142 w innym okr\u0119gu\u201d, podkre\u015bli\u0142 polityk.\n", "en": "\"However, I will tell very honestly and clearly that if I were in the Senate district no. 44, I would take an election certificate and vote in another district\", the politician stressed.\n"}
{"pl": "\u201eChyba nie skusi\u0142bym si\u0119 na oddanie g\u0142osu na ministra Kazimierza Ujazdowskiego (kandydata KO - PAP)\u201d, doda\u0142.\n", "en": "\"I would probably not be tempted to vote for Minister Kazimierz Ujazdowski (a candidate of KO\u2013PAP)\", he added.\n"}
{"pl": "W tym okr\u0119gu poza Ujazdowskim startuj\u0105 lider Obywateli RP Pawe\u0142 Kasprzak oraz Marek Rudnicki z PiS.\n", "en": "In that period, apart from Ujazdowski, the other candidates include the leader of Obywatele RP Pawe\u0142 Kasprzak and Marek Rudnicki from PiS.\n"}
{"pl": "Dakar: Otwarto najwi\u0119kszy meczet w Afryce Zachodniej\n", "en": "Dakar: The opening of the biggest mosque in West Africa\n"}
{"pl": "Dziesi\u0105tki tysi\u0119cy ludzi z ca\u0142ego Senegalu zebra\u0142y si\u0119 w pi\u0105tek w stolicy na inauguracj\u0119 ogromnego meczetu, uwa\u017canego za najwi\u0119kszy w Afryce Zachodniej.\n", "en": "On Friday, tens of thousands of people from across Senegal gathered in the capital city for the inauguration of a huge mosque, considered to be the largest in West Africa.\n"}
{"pl": "Muzu\u0142manie przybywali autobusami, samochodami i pieszo do dzielnicy Bopp, gdzie stan\u0105\u0142 nowy meczet, mog\u0105cy pomie\u015bci\u0107 30 tys. wiernych.\n", "en": "Muslims arrived by bus, car or on foot in the district of Bopp, home to the new mosque, capable of hosting 30,000 worshippers.\n"}
{"pl": "Obiekt zosta\u0142 zbudowany przez bractwo Mouride, nale\u017c\u0105ce do sufickiego nurtu islamu, kt\u00f3ry dominuje w Senegalu.\n", "en": "The facility has been built by the Mouride Brotherhood, part of the Sufi strand of Islam that dominates in Senegal.\n"}
{"pl": "Prace nad meczetem rozpocz\u0119\u0142y si\u0119 dziesi\u0119\u0107 lat temu na podmok\u0142ym obszarze o powierzchni sze\u015bciu hektar\u00f3w, przekazanym przez rz\u0105d.\n", "en": "Work on the mosque began ten years ago on a swampy six-hectare area of land donated by the government.\n"}
{"pl": "Nazwa meczetu Massalikul Jinan (\u201e\u015acie\u017cki do raju\u201d) pochodzi od tytu\u0142u wiersza szejka Ahmadou Bamba Mbacke, XIX-wiecznego za\u0142o\u017cyciela bractwa, czczonego przez wyznawc\u00f3w jako \u015bwi\u0119ty.\n", "en": "The mosque\u2019s name of Massalikul Jinan (\"The Paths to Paradise\") comes from the title of a poem by Sheikh Ahmadou Bamba Mbacke, the 19th-century founder of the brotherhood, who is revered by followers as a saint.\n"}
{"pl": "Meczet ob\u0142o\u017cony jest marmurem karraryjskim i posiada pi\u0119\u0107 minaret\u00f3w.\n", "en": "The mosque has a Carrara marble exterior and five minarets.\n"}
{"pl": "Najwy\u017cszy z nich ma 78 metr\u00f3w.\n", "en": "The tallest is 78 meters high.\n"}
{"pl": "Meczet w \u015brodku pomie\u015bci 15 tys. wiernych, a drugie tyle mo\u017ce przebywa\u0107 na zewn\u0119trznej esplanadzie.\n", "en": "The mosque has a capacity of 15 thousand worshippers inside, and another 15 thousand on the exterior esplanade.\n"}
{"pl": "W bogato wyko\u0144czonych wn\u0119trzach mo\u017cna podziwia\u0107 poz\u0142acan\u0105 kopu\u0142\u0119, gigantyczne \u017cyrandole i dekoracje r\u0119cznie wykonywane przez robotnik\u00f3w z Maroka.\n", "en": "In the lavishly finished interiors one can marvel over a gold-plated dome, giant chandeliers and decorations hand made by Moroccan workers.\n"}
{"pl": "Budowniczowie twierdz\u0105, \u017ce meczet jest najwi\u0119kszy w Afryce Zachodniej, ale gmach i tak nie ma por\u00f3wnania do meczet\u00f3w w innych regionach.\n", "en": "The builders say the mosque is the biggest in West Africa, although the edifice cannot be compared to mosques in other regions.\n"}
{"pl": "W Maroku meczet Hassana II w Casablance mo\u017ce pomie\u015bci\u0107 105 tys. wiernych.\n", "en": "In Morocco, the Hassan II mosque in Casablanca can accommodate 105,000 worshippers.\n"}
{"pl": "Budowa meczetu, kt\u00f3ra kosztowa\u0142a ponad 30 milion\u00f3w euro, zosta\u0142a sfinansowana z prywatnych darowizn.\n", "en": "The construction of the mosque, which cost more than 30 million euros was funded by private donations.\n"}
{"pl": "Rz\u0105d, opr\u00f3cz ziemi, zafundowa\u0142 natomiast o\u015bwietlenie, urz\u0105dzenia sanitarne i sfinansowa\u0142 roboty drogowe o warto\u015bci 10,5 miliona euro.\n", "en": "The government, in addition to providing the land, contributed lighting, sanitary facilities, and roadworks worth 10.5 million euros.\n"}
{"pl": "Trener Smy\u0142a: Naszym problemem nie jest \u015al\u0105sk, tylko my sami\n", "en": "Coach Smy\u0142a: Our problem is not \u015al\u0105sk, only ourselves\n"}
{"pl": "Pass\u0119 o\u015bmiu ligowych mecz\u00f3w bez zwyci\u0119stwa pi\u0142karze Korony postaraj\u0105 si\u0119 przerwa\u0107 w pi\u0105tkowym spotkaniu z wiceliderem ekstraklasy \u015al\u0105skiem.\n", "en": "Korona\u2019s players will try to stop a bad streak of eight winless league matches on Friday, during a meeting with the Ekstraklasa\u2019s second placed team \u2013 \u015al\u0105sk.\n"}
{"pl": "\u201eNaszym problemem nie s\u0105 wroc\u0142awianie, tylko my sami, musimy pracowa\u0107 nad tym, co gramy\u201d, podkre\u015bli\u0142 trener kielczan Miros\u0142aw Smy\u0142a.\n", "en": "\"Our problem is not the players from Wroc\u0142aw, only ourselves, we have to work on the way we play,\" emphasised Miros\u0142aw Smy\u0142a, coach of the Kielce team.\n"}
{"pl": "Pi\u0142karze Korony ostatnie i jak do tej pory jedyne zwyci\u0119stwo w lidze odnotowali w pierwszej kolejce, kiedy na wyje\u017adzie pokonali 1:0 beniaminka rozgrywek Rak\u00f3w Cz\u0119stochowa.\n", "en": "The last, and so far only victory in the league that Korona\u2019s players recorded in the first round came when they defeated an expansion team Rak\u00f3w Cz\u0119stochowa 1\u20130.\n"}
{"pl": "P\u00f3\u017aniej kielczanie zanotowali dwa remisy i sze\u015b\u0107 pora\u017cek, a we wtorek przegrali 0:1 z Zag\u0142\u0119biem Lubin w 1/32 fina\u0142u Pucharu Polski.\n", "en": "Later on, the Kielce team recorded two ties and six losses, and on Tuesday they lost their match with Zag\u0142\u0119bie Lubin 0\u20131 in the round of 32 of the Polish Cup.\n"}
{"pl": "\u201eNapawa mnie optymizmem to, \u017ce w ostatnich sekundach meczu pucharowego pi\u0142karze walczyli o bramk\u0119, chcieli zremisowa\u0107.\n", "en": "\"It makes me optimistic that in the last seconds of the cup match, the players fought for a goal, they wanted to draw.\n"}
{"pl": "Ich upadek na muraw\u0119 po ostatnim gwizdku nie wynika\u0142 z za\u0142amania, tylko to by\u0142 upadek z\u0142o\u015bci, bo byli tak blisko\u201d, powiedzia\u0142 Smy\u0142a.\n", "en": "Their fall on the turf after the last whistle was not due to an emotional crisis, it just showed their anger as they were so close,\" said Smy\u0142a.\n"}
{"pl": "Jak zaznaczy\u0142, \u015al\u0105sk posiada bardzo silne skrzyd\u0142a, dlatego b\u0119dzie uczula\u0142 zesp\u00f3\u0142 na gr\u0119 w bocznych sektorach boiska.\n", "en": "As he pointed out, \u015al\u0105sk has very strong wingers, that is why he will remind the team to play with width on the field.\n"}
{"pl": "\u201eMamy \u015bwiadomo\u015b\u0107 jako\u015bci przeciwnika, ale te\u017c patrzymy na to, co my chcemy gra\u0107\u201d, doda\u0142 trener.\n", "en": "\"We are aware of the quality of our opponent, but we also look at how we want to play,\" the coach added.\n"}
{"pl": "W pi\u0105tkowym meczu w Koronie na pewno nie zagra pauzuj\u0105cy za nadmiar \u017c\u00f3\u0142tych kartek Ognjen Gnjatic, w kadrze zabraknie tak\u017ce kontuzjowanych Jakuba \u017bubrowskiego i Michaela Gardawskiego.\n", "en": "For Friday\u2019s match, Korona\u2019s team for sure won\u2019t see Ognjen Gnjatic who is banned for too many yellow cards, nor Jakub \u017bubrowski, and Michael Gardawski who are injured.\n"}
{"pl": "Buduj\u0105ce natomiast jest zg\u0142oszenie si\u0119 w meczu pucharowym kilku zawodnik\u00f3w z ch\u0119ci\u0105 gry.\n", "en": "It was encouraging that a few players were willing to play during the cup match.\n"}
{"pl": "\u201eMamy b\u00f3l g\u0142owy, niedawno wydawa\u0142o si\u0119, \u017ce go nie b\u0119dzie, a teraz jest\u201d, stwierdzi\u0142 Smy\u0142a.\n", "en": "\"We have a headache, recently it had seemed like we wouldn\u2019t have it, but we have it now,\" Smy\u0142a stated.\n"}
{"pl": "Obro\u0144ca Korony Daniel Dziwniel podkre\u015bli\u0142, \u017ce \u015al\u0105sk nie b\u0119dzie \u0142atwym rywalem na prze\u0142amanie passy o\u015bmiu ligowych mecz\u00f3w z rz\u0119du bez zwyci\u0119stwa, natomiast w ekstraklasie ka\u017cdy mo\u017ce wygra\u0107 z ka\u017cdym.\n", "en": "Korona's defender, Daniel Dziwniel, pointed out that whilst \u015al\u0105sk would not be an easy rival against which to halt their streak of eight winless league matches in a row, however, in the Ekstraklasa, anyone can beat anyone.\n"}
{"pl": "\u201eJeste\u015bmy dobrym zespo\u0142em.\n", "en": "\"We are a good team.\n"}
{"pl": "W ostatnich tygodniach mo\u017ce nie pokazujemy tego na boisku, ale przyjdzie ten moment, \u017ce b\u0119dziemy wygrywa\u0107 i wierzymy, \u017ce b\u0119dzie to ju\u017c w pi\u0105tek\u201d, zaznaczy\u0142 pi\u0142karz.\n", "en": "In recent weeks, we may have not shown it on the field, but that time will come when we will start winning, and we believe that it will be on Friday,\" the player said.\n"}
{"pl": "Po dziewi\u0119ciu kolejkach ekstraklasy Korona z dorobkiem pi\u0119ciu punkt\u00f3w zajmuje 15. pozycj\u0119.\n", "en": "After nine rounds of the Ekstraklasa, Korona has five points and is in 15th place.\n"}
{"pl": "\u015al\u0105sk zgromadzi\u0142 o 12 wi\u0119cej i plasuje si\u0119 na drugim miejscu.\n", "en": "\u015al\u0105sk has 12 more points and ranks second.\n"}
{"pl": "Pi\u0105tkowy mecz w Kielcach rozpocznie si\u0119 o godz. 20.30.\n", "en": "The match will start at 8:30 p.m. on Friday in Kielce.\n"}
{"pl": "Te drzewa mog\u0105 ca\u0142kowicie znikn\u0105\u0107 z Europy\n", "en": "These trees could totally disappear from Europe\n"}
{"pl": "\u201e42 proc. gatunk\u00f3w drzew sk\u0142adaj\u0105cych si\u0119 na drzewostan Europy jest zagro\u017cone\u201d, ostrzega Mi\u0119dzynarodowa Unia Ochrony Przyrody (IUCN) w opublikowanej w pi\u0105tek \u201eCzerwonej ksi\u0119dze drzew europejskich\u201d.\n", "en": "\"42% of European tree species are considered threatened,\" warns the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) in \"The European Red List of Trees\" published on Friday.\n"}
{"pl": "Na czele listy s\u0105 kasztanowce i jarz\u0119bina.\n", "en": "Chestnut, and mountain-ash trees are at the top of the list.\n"}
{"pl": "IUCN, organizacja maj\u0105ca siedzib\u0119 w Gland w Szwajcarii, publikuje list\u0119 zagro\u017conych gatunk\u00f3w europejskich drzew po raz pierwszy.\n", "en": "IUCN, an organisation seated in Gland in Switzerland, has published the list of endangered European trees species for the first time.\n"}
{"pl": "Zosta\u0142a sporz\u0105dzona przez specjalist\u00f3w, kt\u00f3rzy na podstawie bada\u0144 doszli do wniosku, \u017ce spo\u015br\u00f3d 454 gatunk\u00f3w drzew wyst\u0119puj\u0105cych w Europie (a tak\u017ce w innych miejscach \u015bwiata) 42 proc. jest \u201ew wysokim stopniu zagro\u017conych\u201d.\n", "en": "It was drawn up by experts, whose research established that of the 454 tree species in Europe (as well as elsewhere in the world), 42% have \"a high risk of extinction\".\n"}
{"pl": "W\u015br\u00f3d przyczyn Czerwona ksi\u0119ga wymienia szybki rozrost aglomeracji miejskich i globalne zmiany klimatyczne.\n", "en": "According to The Red List, the reasons for this are the rapid expansion of urban agglomerations and global climate change.\n"}
{"pl": "Jednak najbardziej zagro\u017cone s\u0105 te drzewa i krzewy, kt\u00f3re wyst\u0119puj\u0105 jedynie lub g\u0142\u00f3wnie na naszym kontynencie.\n", "en": "However, the most endangered trees and shrubs are those found only or mainly on our continent.\n"}
{"pl": "Je\u015bli chodzi o typowo europejski drzewostan, to wed\u0142ug specjalist\u00f3w z IUCN zagro\u017conych jest 58 proc. gatunk\u00f3w, a 15 procentom, tj. 66 gatunkom drzew i krzew\u00f3w, grozi wygini\u0119cie.\n", "en": "When it comes to the typical European forest, according to the IUCN experts, 58% of species are endangered, and 15%, i.e. 66 tree and shrub species are at risk of extinction.\n"}
{"pl": "W\u015br\u00f3d g\u0142\u00f3wnych przyczyn deforestacji Czerwona ksi\u0119ga wymienia b\u0142\u0119dy w eksploatacji drzewostanu, przyspieszon\u0105 urbanizacj\u0119, zbyt intensywn\u0105 wycink\u0119 drzew, a w dalszej kolejno\u015bci po\u017cary las\u00f3w i zmiany zachodz\u0105ce w europejskim ekostystemie.\n", "en": "The main reasons for deforestation stated in The Red List are over-exploitation, accelerated urbanisation and hyper intensified forest clearing, but also forest fires and changes in the European ecosystem.\n"}
{"pl": "Wed\u0142ug autor\u00f3w raportu mocno zagro\u017cona jest tak\u017ce egzystencja wielu europejskich odmian krzew\u00f3w, mch\u00f3w i porost\u00f3w.\n", "en": "According to the report\u2019s authors, the existence of many European varieties of shrubs, moss, and lichen are under a high degree of threat.\n"}
{"pl": "\u201eNast\u0119pstwa dzia\u0142alno\u015bci cz\u0142owieka prowadz\u0105 do stopniowego zaniku gatunk\u00f3w europejskich ro\u015blin i stwarzaj\u0105 w Europie niebezpiecze\u0144stwo wygini\u0119cia wa\u017cnych i niedocenianych odmian, kt\u00f3re stanowi\u0105 podstaw\u0119 europejskich ekosystem\u00f3w i maj\u0105 wp\u0142yw na zdrowie naszej planety\u201d, podsumowa\u0142 raport Luc Bas, kt\u00f3ry kieruje europejskim biurem IUCN.\n", "en": "\"The impact of human-led activities is resulting in population decline and a heightened risk of extinction across Europe of important species that are undervalued and form the backbone of Europe\u2019s ecosystems and contribute to a healthy planet,\" said Luc Bas, Director of IUCN\u2019s European Regional Office, summarising the report.\n"}
{"pl": "Grzegorz Schetyna: Nie obiecam 600+\n", "en": "Grzegorz Schetyna: I will not promise 600+\n"}
{"pl": "\u201eDzi\u015b PiS chce przekupi\u0107 Polak\u00f3w, oferuj\u0105c im za wolno\u015b\u0107 rozdawnictwo na kredyt, kt\u00f3ry b\u0119d\u0105 musia\u0142y sp\u0142aca\u0107 przysz\u0142e pokolenia\u201d, m\u00f3wi Grzegorz Schetyna w wywiadzie dla \"Rzeczpospolitej\".\n", "en": "\"Today PiS is trying to bribe Poles by offering them a free-for-all on credit that will have to repaid by future generations,\" says Grzegorz Schetyna in an interview for Rzeczpospolita.\n"}
{"pl": "Jego zdaniem, \u201eca\u0142a polityka PiS to pic\u201d.\n", "en": "In his opinion, \"all of PiS politics is fakery\".\n"}
{"pl": "Jednocze\u015bnie polityk obiecuje, \u017ce \u201eco jest dane, nie b\u0119dzie zabrane\u201d.\n", "en": "At the same time, the politician promises that \"what is given will not be taken away.\"\n"}
{"pl": "Schetyna zapewnia w rozmowie z Jackiem Nizinkiewiczem, \u017ce ma pomys\u0142 na pokonanie Prawa i Sprawiedliwo\u015bci.\n", "en": "In his interview with Jacek Nizinkiewicz, Schetyna assures that he knows how to defeat the Law and Justice party.\n"}
{"pl": "Chodzi o mobilizacj\u0119 elektoratu przy urnach wyborczych.\n", "en": "The key is to mobilise the electorate at the ballots.\n"}
{"pl": "Jego zdaniem, opozycja ma wi\u0119kszy potencja\u0142 w tym zakresie ni\u017c partia Kaczy\u0144skiego.\n", "en": "He believes that the opposition has more potential in this respect than Kaczy\u0144ski\u2019s party.\n"}
{"pl": "\u201eDzisiaj ludzi \u015bwiadomych, kt\u00f3rzy chc\u0105 \u017cy\u0107 w normalnym pa\u0144stwie, jest wi\u0119cej ni\u017c zwolennik\u00f3w PiS, partii, kt\u00f3ra sprzeniewierzy\u0142a si\u0119 g\u0142oszonym warto\u015bciom, takim jak skromno\u015b\u0107, pokora, transparentno\u015b\u0107\u201d, m\u00f3wi Schetyna.\n", "en": "\"Today, the number of aware people who want to live in a normal country outgrows the number of supporters of PiS which, as a party, has betrayed the values it preaches, such as modesty, humility and transparency,\" argues Schetyna.\n"}
{"pl": "Lider Koalicji Obywatelskiej i przewodnicz\u0105cy Platformy Obywatelskiej zaznaczy\u0142 te\u017c podstawowe za\u0142o\u017cenia programu wyborczego KO.\n", "en": "The leader of the Civic Coalition and chairman of the Civic Platform also highlighted the basic points of the KO election programme.\n"}
{"pl": "\u201ePo pierwsze, nic co dane, nie b\u0119dzie odebrane, ale trzeba wyznaczy\u0107 kierunek na przysz\u0142o\u015b\u0107, bo PiS zajmuje si\u0119 wy\u0142\u0105cznie sytuacj\u0105 tu i teraz, nie ma planu dla Polski, co wida\u0107 cho\u0107by po dramatycznie niskich inwestycjach\u201d, stwierdzi\u0142.\n", "en": "\"First of all, nothing which is given will be taken away, but we need to set a clear course for the future, because PiS is focused only on the present; there is no plan for Poland, which is obvious taken the drastically low investments,\" he said.\n"}
{"pl": "Po drugie, chodzi o \u201euruchomienie energii Polak\u00f3w, pomoc i inwestowanie w tych, kt\u00f3rzy rzetelnie pracuj\u0105 - i tych, kt\u00f3rzy s\u0105 przedsi\u0119biorczy\u201d.\n", "en": "Secondly, it is about \"setting the Poles\u2019 energy in motion, helping and investing in those who work hard and those who are entrepreneurial.\"\n"}
{"pl": "Schetyna t\u0142umaczy, \u017ce w programie KO znalaz\u0142 si\u0119 projekt, kt\u00f3ry najmniej zarabiaj\u0105cym Polakom da wi\u0119cej o 614 z\u0142otych na r\u0119k\u0119, a wi\u0119cej zarabiaj\u0105cym \u2013 te\u017c po kilkaset.\n", "en": "Schetyna explains that one of the projects in the KO programme will put PLN 614 more into the hands of Poles earning the least money and also a few hundred more into those of the higher earners as well.\n"}
{"pl": "Polityk zaznaczy\u0142 te\u017c, \u017ce nie chce \u015bciga\u0107 si\u0119 na rozdawnictwo.\n", "en": "The politician also noted that he did not want to compete for who hands out the most.\n"}
{"pl": "Jak powiedzia\u0142, zrobi tyle, ile b\u0119dzie m\u00f3g\u0142 zrobi\u0107, ale nie obieca 600+.\n", "en": "He said he would do everything in his power, but he will not promise 600+.\n"}
{"pl": "\u201eNigdy nie pozwol\u0119 na wariant grecki, gdzie rz\u0105dz\u0105cy licytowali si\u0119 z opozycj\u0105 na rozdawnictwo, a\u017c w ko\u0144cu dosz\u0142o do upadku finansowego kraju\u201d, podkre\u015bli\u0142.\n", "en": "\"I will never agree to the Greek variant, where those in power went to war with the opposition bidding who would hand out more money, which eventually led to the financial collapse of the country,\" he stressed.\n"}
{"pl": "Schetyna w wywiadzie dla \u201eRz\u201d stwierdzi\u0142 tak\u017ce, \u017ce Jaros\u0142aw Kaczy\u0144ski i Mateusz Morawiecki boj\u0105 si\u0119 debatowa\u0107 z nim i Ma\u0142gorzat\u0105 Kidaw\u0105-B\u0142o\u0144sk\u0105.\n", "en": "In his interview for Rz Schetyna also said that Jaros\u0142aw Kaczy\u0144ski and Mateusz Morawiecki are afraid to debate him and Ma\u0142gorzata Kidawa-B\u0142o\u0144ska.\n"}
{"pl": "\u201eObna\u017cyliby\u015bmy ich hipokryzj\u0119 i propagand\u0119\u201d, powiedzia\u0142.\n", "en": "\"We would expose their hypocrisy and propaganda,\" he argued.\n"}
{"pl": "\u201ePycha kroczy przed upadkiem.\n", "en": "\"Pride comes before a fall.\n"}
{"pl": "Kaczy\u0144ski jest takim m\u0119\u017cem stanu, jak Bana\u015b jest kryszta\u0142owy\u201d, doda\u0142.\n", "en": "Kaczy\u0144ski is just as much a statesman as Bana\u015b is a crystal-clear person,\" he added.\n"}
{"pl": "Lider PO powiedzia\u0142 tak\u017ce, \u017ce nie zdecydowa\u0142 jeszcze, czy b\u0119dzie si\u0119 ubiega\u0107 o przewodniczenie Platformie.\n", "en": "The PO leader also said that he is yet to decide whether or not he will run for the presidency of Platforma.\n"}
{"pl": "Argentyna: Sze\u015b\u0107 martwych kondor\u00f3w wielkich\n", "en": "Argentina: Six Andean condors found dead\n"}
{"pl": "W argenty\u0144skiej prowincji Santa Cruz znaleziono sze\u015b\u0107 martwych kondor\u00f3w wielkich \u2013 informuje TVN24.\n", "en": "Six Andean condors found dead in Argentina\u2019s Santa Cruz province \u2013 TVN24 informs.\n"}
{"pl": "Specjali\u015bci uwa\u017caj\u0105, \u017ce do ich zgon\u00f3w przyczyni\u0142a si\u0119 dzia\u0142alno\u015b\u0107 cz\u0142owieka.\n", "en": "According to experts, human activity has contributed to their deaths.\n"}
{"pl": "Kondory wielkie prawdopodobnie zosta\u0142y otrute \u015brodkiem do zabijania drapie\u017cnik\u00f3w takich jak pumy, lisy czy dzikie psy.\n", "en": "The Andean condors were probably poisoned by agents for killing predators such as pumas, foxes, and wild dogs.\n"}
{"pl": "Zwierz\u0119ta mog\u0142y zje\u015b\u0107 toksyczn\u0105 padlin\u0119.\n", "en": "The animals could have eaten a toxic carcass.\n"}
{"pl": "Opr\u00f3cz jednego m\u0142odego osobnika, reszta martwych kondor\u00f3w by\u0142a doros\u0142a.\n", "en": "All but one of the dead condors were adult individuals.\n"}
{"pl": "\u201eTo du\u017ca strata dla \u015brodowiska, poniewa\u017c kondor musi osi\u0105gn\u0105\u0107 10\u201315 lat, aby sta\u0142 si\u0119 p\u0142odny i zdolny do rozmna\u017cania.\n", "en": "\"This is a big loss for the environment as it takes 10 to 15 years for a condor to become fertile and ready to breed.\n"}
{"pl": "Tak wi\u0119c tracimy chroniony gatunek, gatunek zagro\u017cony\u201d, m\u00f3wi Luis Jacome, dyrektor BioAndina Foundation, argenty\u0144skiej organizacji zajmuj\u0105cej si\u0119 ochron\u0105 \u015brodowiska.\n", "en": "So we have lost a protected, endangered species,\" says Luis Jacome, the head of the BioAndina Foundation, the Argentinian environmental protection organisation.\n"}
{"pl": "\u201eMy\u015bl\u0119, \u017ce stosowanie toksycznej przyn\u0119ty i trucizny nara\u017ca nie tylko ten gatunek na niebezpiecze\u0144stwo, ale wszystkie inne formy \u017cycia, w tym ludzkie zdrowie\u201d, dodaje.\n", "en": "\"I think that using toxic bait and poison endangers not only this species but all forms of life, including human health\", he adds.\n"}