id (string)
translation (translation)
{"pl": "Na razie nie jest w stanie lata\u0107.\n", "en": "For the time being it is unable to fly.\n"}
{"pl": "Wypuszczenie go teraz wi\u0105za\u0142oby si\u0119 z tym, \u017ce najprawdopodobniej nie prze\u017cy\u0142by zimy\u201d, dodaje Walasek.\n", "en": "Releasing it now would make it probably incapable of surviving winter\" adds Walasek.\n"}
{"pl": "Personel po poddaniu \u0142ab\u0119dzia rehabilitacji zamierza wypu\u015bci\u0107 go na wiosn\u0119 do tego samego stawu.\n", "en": "The staff after completing swan rehabilitation intend to release it in spring to the very same pond.\n"}
{"pl": "W\u0142adze gminy \u017bukowice po otrzymaniu informacji o przyczynie z\u0142ego stanu zdrowia zwierz\u0119cia zamierzaj\u0105 poinformowa\u0107 o sprawie prokuratur\u0119.\n", "en": "The authority of \u017bukowice community upon receiving the information on the reason for animal\u2019s bad condition intends to notify the public prosecutor\u2019s office about the case.\n"}
{"pl": "Do zdarzenia dosz\u0142o w Zamecznie\n", "en": "The event took place in Zameczno.\n"}
{"pl": "Gowin: \u201emusimy pobudzi\u0107 polski, drobny handel\u201d\n", "en": "Gowin: \"We need to excite the Polish small trade\"\n"}
{"pl": "\u201eSkuteczne opodatkowanie hipermarket\u00f3w nie rozwi\u0105zuje problemu drobnego handlu, trzeba b\u0119dzie zastanowi\u0107 si\u0119, czy pa\u0144stwo ma jakie\u015b instrumenty pozwalaj\u0105ce pobudzi\u0107 polski handel\u201d, m\u00f3wi\u0142 w pi\u0105tek wicepremier, minister nauki i szkolnictwa wy\u017cszego, lider Porozumienia Jaros\u0142aw Gowin.\n", "en": "\"Efficient taxation of hypermarkets does not solve the problem of small trade, we need to think if the state has any instruments enabling to excite the Polish trade\", said the Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Science and Higher Education, leader of the Agreement party, Jaros\u0142aw Gowin.\n"}
{"pl": "Gowin podczas rozmowy w \u201eSygna\u0142ach dnia\u201d w radiowej Jedynce stwierdzi\u0142, \u017ce handel jest opanowany przez mi\u0119dzynarodowe sieci, kt\u00f3re narzucaj\u0105 polskim producentom tak niskie mar\u017ce, \u017ce w\u0142a\u015bciwie polskie firmy nie mog\u0105 si\u0119 rozwija\u0107.\n", "en": "During the discussion in \"Sygna\u0142y dnia\" in the Programme One radio channel, Gowin said the trade was possessed by international chains which impose such low margins on the Polish manufacturers that the Polish companies cannot develop, as a matter of fact.\n"}
{"pl": "Na uwag\u0119, \u017ce z tym problemem bardzo trudno walczy\u0107, wicepremier przypomnia\u0142, \u017ce rz\u0105d PiS pr\u00f3bowa\u0142 si\u0119 z tym zmierzy\u0107 na samym pocz\u0105tku kadencji, ale dosta\u0142 \u201ekontr\u0119 ze strony KE\u201d.\n", "en": "In response to the comment that this problem is very difficult to combat, the Deputy Prime Minister reminded the Law and Justice government tried to cope with it at the beginning of its term, but \"it was opposed by the EC\".\n"}
{"pl": "\u201eWygrali\u015bmy przed trybuna\u0142em sprawiedliwo\u015bci i mam nadziej\u0119, \u017ce je\u017celi Zjednoczona Prawica wygra najbli\u017csze wybory i sformu\u0142uje rz\u0105d, to do tego tematu wr\u00f3cimy\u201d, m\u00f3wi\u0142.\n", "en": "\"We won in the Court of Justice and I hope that when the United Right wins the next elections and forms a government, we will come back to that topic\", he said.\n"}
{"pl": "Zaznaczy\u0142 jednocze\u015bnie, \u017ce \u201eskuteczne opodatkowanie hipermarket\u00f3w nie rozwi\u0105zuje problemu polskiego, a wi\u0119c drobnego handlu\u201d.\n", "en": "He stressed also that the \"efficient taxation of hypermarkets does not solve the Polish problem, i.e. of the small trade\".\n"}
{"pl": "\u201eNad tym trzeba b\u0119dzie si\u0119 zastanowi\u0107, czy rz\u0105d, pa\u0144stwo ma jakie\u015b instrumenty pozwalaj\u0105ce pobudzi\u0107 polski handel\u201d, powiedzia\u0142 Gowin.\n", "en": "\"It will be necessary to think it over, if the government, the state has any instruments to excite the Polish trade\", said Gowin.\n"}
{"pl": "W maju s\u0105d UE uzna\u0142, \u017ce Komisja Europejska pope\u0142ni\u0142a b\u0142\u0105d uznaj\u0105c, \u017ce polski podatek od sprzeda\u017cy detalicznej jest niedozwolon\u0105 pomoc\u0105 publiczn\u0105.\n", "en": "In May, the EU government decided the European Commission made a mistake declaring the \"supermarket tax\" was prohibited state aid.\n"}
{"pl": "Ustawa o podatku od sprzeda\u017cy detalicznej zak\u0142ada\u0142a wprowadzenie dw\u00f3ch stawek podatku od handlu: 0,8 proc. od przychodu mi\u0119dzy 17 mln z\u0142 a 170 mln z\u0142 miesi\u0119cznie i 1,4 proc. od przychodu powy\u017cej 170 mln z\u0142 miesi\u0119cznie.\n", "en": "The Supermarket Tax Act assumed introduction of two sales tax rates: 0.8 per cent for revenue from PLN 17 million to PLN 170 million a month and 1.4 per cent for revenue above PLN 170 million a month.\n"}
{"pl": "Podatek mia\u0142 obowi\u0105zywa\u0107 od wrze\u015bnia 2016 roku.\n", "en": "The tax was to be in force from September 2016.\n"}
{"pl": "KE we wrze\u015bniu 2016 roku wszcz\u0119\u0142a post\u0119powanie o naruszenie prawa unijnego przez Polsk\u0119.\n", "en": "In September 2016, the EC initiated proceedings concerning the violation of the EU law by Poland.\n"}
{"pl": "Bruksela argumentowa\u0142a wtedy, \u017ce konstrukcja podatku mo\u017ce faworyzowa\u0107 mniejsze sklepy, co mo\u017ce by\u0107 uznane za pomoc publiczn\u0105.\n", "en": "Brussels claimed then the tax structure may favour smaller shops which may be considered state aid.\n"}
{"pl": "Stwierdzi\u0142a nast\u0119pnie, \u017ce danina zosta\u0142a wprowadzona w \u017cycie w spos\u00f3b niezgodny z prawem.\n", "en": "Next, it decided the levy was implemented illegally.\n"}
{"pl": "Wyda\u0142a te\u017c nakaz zawieszenia stosowania podatku do czasu zako\u0144czenia jego analizy przez urz\u0119dnik\u00f3w w Brukseli.\n", "en": "It also issued an order to suspend the tax application until its analysis is finished by the officers in Brussels.\n"}
{"pl": "Polska nie zgodzi\u0142a si\u0119 z tym stanowiskiem, ale pob\u00f3r podatku zosta\u0142 zawieszony.\n", "en": "Poland did not agree with that stance, but the tax collection was suspended.\n"}
{"pl": "Majowa decyzja s\u0105du UE otworzy\u0142a drog\u0119 do ponownego wprowadzenia podatku, ale nie sko\u0144czy\u0142a sprawy.\n", "en": "The May decision of the EU Court opened up the way to the repeated introduction of the tax, but did not end the case.\n"}
{"pl": "24 lipca Komisja z\u0142o\u017cy\u0142a bowiem w Trybunale Sprawiedliwo\u015bci odwo\u0142anie.\n", "en": "On 24 July, the Commission filed an appeal in the Court of Justice.\n"}
{"pl": "W czwartek s\u0142u\u017cby prasowe TSUE przekaza\u0142y PAP, \u017ce sprawa jest obecnie na etapie pisemnym, w kt\u00f3rym zar\u00f3wno Komisja Europejska jak i polski rz\u0105d przedstawiaj\u0105 swoje argumenty na pi\u015bmie.\n", "en": "On Thursday, the CJEU press service told PAP the case is at the written stage now when both the European Commission and the Polish government present their arguments in writing.\n"}
{"pl": "Na razie nie wiadomo, czy i kiedy ruszy procedura ustna, czyli wys\u0142uchanie stron i ewentualna rozprawa.\n", "en": "For the time being, it is not known when the oral procedure is to start, meaning the hearing of the parties and a possible trial.\n"}
{"pl": "Potrzeba dobrych kilku do kilkunastu miesi\u0119cy od wniesienia odwo\u0142ania do og\u0142oszenia wyroku.\n", "en": "Up to more than ten months are required to make an appeal against the announced decision.\n"}
{"pl": "\u201eTakie post\u0119powanie trwa \u015brednio rok\u201d, powiedzia\u0142o PAP \u017ar\u00f3d\u0142o w Trybunale w Luksemburgu.\n", "en": "\"Such proceedings take one year on average\", an informer in the Court of Justice in Luxembourg told PAP.\n"}
{"pl": "Jak ubra\u0107 dziecko na chrzest?\n", "en": "How to dress a baby for a baptism?\n"}
{"pl": "Podsuwamy kilka praktycznych rozwi\u0105za\u0144\n", "en": "Here are some practical tips.\n"}
{"pl": "Chrzest to niezwykle wa\u017cna uroczysto\u015b\u0107 w \u017cyciu niemowl\u0119cia i jego rodzic\u00f3w.\n", "en": "Baptism is an exceptionally important celebration in the life of the toddler and its parents.\n"}
{"pl": "Cz\u0119sto jest pierwsz\u0105 okazj\u0105, przy kt\u00f3rej wok\u00f3\u0142 dziecka skupia si\u0119 ca\u0142a rodzina, wsp\u00f3lnie \u015bwi\u0119tuj\u0105c jego pojawienie si\u0119 na \u015bwiecie.\n", "en": "It is very often the first occasion at which the whole family gathers around the baby to celebrate her/him.\n"}
{"pl": "Nic zatem dziwnego, \u017ce \u015bwie\u017co upieczeni mama i tata chc\u0105, by ich pociecha wygl\u0105da\u0142a w tym dniu jak najlepiej.\n", "en": "No wonder that the new mom and dad want their child to look perfect on this day.\n"}
{"pl": "Zanim jednak i Ty podejmiesz ostateczn\u0105 decyzj\u0119 co do stroju dziecka, zastan\u00f3w si\u0119, czy b\u0119dzie r\u00f3wnie\u017c wygodny.\n", "en": "Before you make a final decision about what your child will wear make up your mind if it would be comfortable.\n"}
{"pl": "W sklepach mo\u017cna bowiem znale\u017a\u0107 wiele strojnych komplet\u00f3w, kt\u00f3re nie zapewniaj\u0105 maluchowi nale\u017cytego komfortu.\n", "en": "Shops are full of elegant costumes that will stop your baby from feeling comfortable.\n"}
{"pl": "Na co wi\u0119c nale\u017cy zwr\u00f3ci\u0107 uwag\u0119?\n", "en": "What should you consider?\n"}
{"pl": "Podstawowym kryterium wyboru ubranka do chrztu jest wiek dziecka\n", "en": "The first criterion of choosing the baptism dress is the child's age.\n"}
{"pl": "Jeszcze do niedawna chrzci\u0142o si\u0119 kilkutygodniowe maluchy, ustrojone w bia\u0142e zestawy i w\u0142o\u017cone do takich samych becik\u00f3w lub wielkich poduch.\n", "en": "It was not until recently that toddlers who were just several weeks old were baptized in white sets, lying in the same cradles or huge pillows.\n"}
{"pl": "Dzi\u015b dzieci przyst\u0119puj\u0105ce do sakramentu cz\u0119sto s\u0105 starsze: kilkumiesi\u0119czne, roczne, a nawet wi\u0119ksze.\n", "en": "Nowadays it is often older children who get baptized: they may be several months, one year old or even older.\n"}
{"pl": "Nietrudno si\u0119 domy\u015bli\u0107, \u017ce tak du\u017ca pociecha potrzebuje ju\u017c nieco innego ubranka do chrztu .\n", "en": "It is quite obvious that such a big child would need another baptism costume.\n"}
{"pl": "Je\u017celi zatem Twoje dziecko w dniu chrztu b\u0119dzie mia\u0142o 3\u20134 miesi\u0105ce, zapewne uroczysto\u015b\u0107 sp\u0119dzi w w\u00f3zku albo na r\u0119kach rodzic\u00f3w lub chrzestnych.\n", "en": "If your child is baptized at the age of 3\u20134 months, she/he will probably stay in a baby carriage or on the hands of its parents or godparents.\n"}
{"pl": "Najlepszym wyj\u015bciem oka\u017ce si\u0119 wobec tego wystrojenie go w wygodne, bawe\u0142niane \u015bpiochy albo komplety.\n", "en": "It is best to choose comfortable, cotton sleepers or costumes.\n"}
{"pl": "Chocia\u017c ten element garderoby uznany jest za str\u00f3j codzienny, wystarczy wyszuka\u0107 jego od\u015bwi\u0119tne warianty, na przyk\u0142ad z falbank\u0105 albo koronk\u0105.\n", "en": "Even though these clothes are often considered to be rather casual, you just need to find some festive variants, for example with frills or lacing.\n"}
{"pl": "Dla ch\u0142opca idealne oka\u017ce si\u0119 body z nadrukiem muszki i szelek.\n", "en": "An ideal solution for a boy is a bodysuit with an imprinted bow-tie and braces.\n"}
{"pl": "W przypadku starszych dzieci mo\u017cna sobie pozwoli\u0107 na wi\u0119ksz\u0105 fantazj\u0119 w ubiorze.\n", "en": "In case of older children you can allow yourself for more fantasy.\n"}
{"pl": "Dziewczynka b\u0119dzie wygl\u0105da\u0107 \u015blicznie w prostej, tiulowej sukience\n", "en": "A girl will look beautiful in a simple, tulle dress.\n"}
{"pl": "Wielu rodzic\u00f3w dziewczynek z ut\u0119sknieniem patrzy w stron\u0119 bogato zdobionych, falbaniastych sukienek na chrzest w komplecie z p\u0142aszczykami, opaskami i czapeczkami.\n", "en": "Many parents of girls would like their kids to wear richly ornamented, frilly baptism dresses, combined with coats, bands and caps.\n"}
{"pl": "Niestety, du\u017ca liczba producent\u00f3w do ich wyrobu stosuje sztuczne, nieoddychaj\u0105ce materia\u0142y, w jakich dziecku jest po prostu niewygodnie.\n", "en": "Unfortunately, many manufacturers use artificial, non-breathing materials that does not prove comfortable for the child.\n"}
{"pl": "W poszukiwaniu odpowiedniego ubranka lepiej b\u0119dzie zajrze\u0107 do sklepu Asanti for Kids, kt\u00f3ry oferuje eleganckie stroje na bawe\u0142nianych podszewkach.\n", "en": "Trying to find an appropriate costume is worth visiting the Asanti for Kids shop, offering cotton-based, elegant costumes.\n"}
{"pl": "Delikatne, tiulowe sp\u00f3dniczki, satynowe sukienki, koronki, aplikacje i urocze komplety sprawi\u0105, \u017ce Twoja c\u00f3reczka b\u0119dzie wygl\u0105da\u0142a prze\u015blicznie i czu\u0142a si\u0119 komfortowo.\n", "en": "Delicate, tulle skirts, satin dresses, lances, appliques and cute sets will make your daughter look beautiful and feel comfortable.\n"}
{"pl": "Idealny str\u00f3j dla ma\u0142ego d\u017centelmena: bawe\u0142niany garniturek\n", "en": "An ideal outfit for a young gentleman: cotton suit.\n"}
{"pl": "Jeszcze do niedawna w\u015br\u00f3d rodzic\u00f3w ch\u0142opc\u00f3w panowa\u0142a moda na garnitury b\u0119d\u0105ce kopi\u0105 \u201edoros\u0142ych\u201d modeli.\n", "en": "It was not until recently that the parents of boys preferred the suits resembling the \"adult models\".\n"}
{"pl": "Poliestrowe marynarki i spodnie, sztywne ko\u0142nierzyki czy kaszkiety cz\u0119sto sprawia\u0142y, \u017ce m\u0142odzi eleganci g\u0142o\u015bno demonstrowali swoje niezadowolenie.\n", "en": "Polyester jackets and trousers, stiff collars or caps often made young elegant boys show their dissatisfaction.\n"}
{"pl": "Dzi\u015b na szcz\u0119\u015bcie zosta\u0142y one wyparte przez wygodne, bawe\u0142niane komplety.\n", "en": "Quite luckily, now they were replaced by comfortable cotton costumes.\n"}
{"pl": "Wystarczy spojrze\u0107 na zestawy dost\u0119pne w Asanti for Kids, czyli mi\u0119kkie, dresowe spodenki, a do tego bluzka ozdobiona z przodu na wz\u00f3r kamizelki.\n", "en": "You just need to have a look at the sets available at Asanti for Kids, namely soft, tracksuit shorts and a blouse with a front vest-like pattern.\n"}
{"pl": "Stroje te wygl\u0105daj\u0105 niezwykle od\u015bwi\u0119tnie, a jednocze\u015bnie nie kr\u0119puj\u0105 ruch\u00f3w poznaj\u0105cego \u015bwiat malucha.\n", "en": "Those costumes look very elegant and at the same time do not constrain the movements of the toddler who is discovering the world.\n"}
{"pl": "Krystyna Paw\u0142owicz opublikowa\u0142a o\u015bwiadczenie maj\u0105tkowe\n", "en": "Krystyna Paw\u0142owicz published her declaration of assets\n"}
{"pl": "Krystyna Paw\u0142owicz z\u0142o\u017cy\u0142a o\u015bwiadczenie maj\u0105tkowe na koniec kadencji.\n", "en": "Krystyna Paw\u0142owicz submitted her declaration of assets at the end of the term.\n"}
{"pl": "Wynika z niego, \u017ce pos\u0142anka PiS zgromadzi\u0142a 110 tys. z\u0142 oszcz\u0119dno\u015bci.\n", "en": "The PiS MP managed to gather PLN 110 thousand in savings.\n"}
{"pl": "Przypomnijmy, \u017ce Paw\u0142owicz zapowiedzia\u0142a odej\u015bcie z polityki.\n", "en": "As a reminder, Paw\u0142owicz announced her departure from politics.\n"}
{"pl": "Ko\u0144cz\u0105c kadencj\u0119, dysponuje kwot\u0105 110 tys. z\u0142\n", "en": "As her terms comes to an end, she has PLN 110 thousand in the bank.\n"}
{"pl": "Jak wynika z o\u015bwiadczenia z\u0142o\u017conego przez pos\u0142ank\u0119, pobiera ona emerytur\u0119 o miesi\u0119cznej warto\u015bci 4,7 tys. z\u0142.\n", "en": "As indicated in the statement submitted by the MP, she receives a pension of PLN 4,7 thousand.\n"}
{"pl": "Paw\u0142owicz posiada mieszkanie o warto\u015bci 570 tys. z\u0142 oraz nieco mniejsze, kt\u00f3re wynajmuje, pobieraj\u0105c 880 z\u0142 miesi\u0119cznie.\n", "en": "Paw\u0142owicz has a flat worth PLN 570 thousand and another, smaller one, which she rents out for PLN 880 thousand per month.\n"}
{"pl": "Pos\u0142anka inwestuje r\u00f3wnie\u017c w metale przemys\u0142owe, wyceniaj\u0105c inwestycj\u0119 na 150 tys. z\u0142.\n", "en": "The MP also invests in industrial metals \u2013 an investment she values at PLN 150 thousand.\n"}
{"pl": "Wcze\u015bniej o\u015bwiadczenie maj\u0105tkowe opublikowa\u0142 r\u00f3wnie\u017c Jaros\u0142aw Kaczy\u0144ski.\n", "en": "Earlier, Jaros\u0142aw Kaczy\u0144ski also published his declaration of assets.\n"}
{"pl": "G\u0142osowanie nad przerw\u0105 w obradach na czas konferencji Partii Konserwatywnej\n", "en": "The voting about the adjournment of session for the duration of the conference held by the Conservative Party.\n"}
{"pl": "Brytyjscy parlamentarzy\u015bci zag\u0142osowali przeciwko trzydniowej przerwie w obradach Izby Gmin na czas dorocznej konferencji programowej Partii Konserwatywnej, o co zwr\u00f3ci\u0142 si\u0119 rz\u0105d.\n", "en": "British Members of Parliament voted against a three days adjournment of House of Commons session for the duration of the annual programme conference held by the Conservative Party, which was requested by the government.\n"}
{"pl": "Za opowiedzia\u0142o si\u0119 289 pos\u0142\u00f3w, przeciwko \u2013 306.\n", "en": "289 members were in favour of this idea, whereas 306 voted against it.\n"}
{"pl": "Zwyczajowo Izba Gmin nie obraduje w czasie konferencji partyjnych, tak aby pos\u0142owie nie musieli rezygnowa\u0107 ani z udzia\u0142u w nich, ani z posiedze\u0144 parlamentu.\n", "en": "Normally, House of Commons stops its sessions for the duration of party conferences so that members of parliament do not have to resign from the participation in them and in the sessions.\n"}
{"pl": "Jednak partie opozycyjne uzna\u0142y, \u017ce w tak kluczowym czasie, jakim s\u0105 ostatnie tygodnie przed planowanym na 31 pa\u017adziernika wyj\u015bciem Wielkiej Brytanii z Unii Europejskiej, parlament nie powinien przerywa\u0107 obrad.\n", "en": "However, the opposition parties decided that the Parliament should not stop the session in such a key time, namely in the last weeks before Brexit that is scheduled for 31st October.\n"}
{"pl": "Za wnioskiem rz\u0105du o przerw\u0119 opowiedzia\u0142o si\u0119 289 pos\u0142\u00f3w, przeciwko by\u0142o 306.\n", "en": "The government motion to make a pause in the session was supported by 289 Members of Parliament, whereas 306 were against it.\n"}
{"pl": "Dwie partie opozycyjne ju\u017c po konwencjach\n", "en": "Two opposition parties already held their conferences\n"}
{"pl": "Brak zgody na przerw\u0119 mo\u017ce by\u0107 odbierany jako polityczna zemsta opozycji na premierze Borisie Johnsonie za jego decyzj\u0119 o zawieszeniu parlamentu na pi\u0119\u0107 tygodni (we wtorek decyzja zosta\u0142a uznana przez S\u0105d Najwy\u017cszy za niezgodn\u0105 z prawem i za nieby\u0142\u0105) oraz za to, i\u017c po orzeczeniu s\u0119dzi\u00f3w nie chce za ni\u0105 przeprosi\u0107.\n", "en": "The fact that the request for a break was refused can be perceived as a political revenge of the opposition aimed at the Prime Minister Boris Johnson because of his decision to suspend the parliament for five weeks (on Friday the Supreme Court found it unlawful and considered as null and void) as well as because of the fact that after the judge decision he is not eager to apologize for it.\n"}
{"pl": "Po tym orzeczeniu Izba Gmin wznowi\u0142a w \u015brod\u0119 sesj\u0119, a najwa\u017cniejszym wydarzeniem dnia by\u0142o wyst\u0105pienie Johnsona i nast\u0119puj\u0105ca po niej burzliwa debata.\n", "en": "After this decision the House of Commons resumed its sessions on Wednesday, the most important event of the day was Johnson's speech and a heated debate afterwards.\n"}
{"pl": "Johnson zarzuci\u0142 opozycji blokowanie brexitu oraz unikanie przedterminowych wybor\u00f3w.\n", "en": "Johnson blamed the opposition of blocking Brexit and avoiding earlier elections.\n"}
{"pl": "\u201eNadszed\u0142 czas zrealizowa\u0107 brexit.\n", "en": "\"It is high time to proceed with Brexit.\n"}
{"pl": "Trzeba go zrealizowa\u0107, \u017ceby uszanowa\u0107 wynik referendum.\n", "en": "We need to do it to respect the results of referendum.\n"}
{"pl": "Brexit musi nadej\u015b\u0107, \u017ceby\u015bmy mogli zaj\u0105\u0107 si\u0119 umow\u0105 o priorytetach obywateli, o s\u0142u\u017cbie zdrowia, o kosztach \u017cycia.\n", "en": "Brexit must come so that we can deal with our citizen priorities, with health care and costs of living.\n"}
{"pl": "Brexit musi zosta\u0107 zrealizowany, \u017ceby\u015bmy mogli zjednoczy\u0107 ten kraj\u201d, m\u00f3wi\u0142 Johnson.\n", "en": "Brexit must come so that we can unite this country\", said Johnson.\n"}
{"pl": "Konferencja Partii Konserwatywnej ma si\u0119 rozpocz\u0105\u0107 w Manchesterze w najbli\u017csz\u0105 niedziel\u0119 i potrwa\u0107 do \u015brody 2 pa\u017adziernika.\n", "en": "The conference of the Conservative Party is to begin in Manchester on the coming Sunday and last until Wednesday, 2nd October.\n"}
{"pl": "Konferencje dw\u00f3ch g\u0142\u00f3wnych ugrupowa\u0144 opozycji \u2013 Partii Pracy oraz Liberalnych Demokrat\u00f3w \u2013 ju\u017c si\u0119 odby\u0142y.\n", "en": "The conferences of the two main opposition parties, the Labour Party and Liberal Democrats, were already held.\n"}
{"pl": "Jednym z uzasadnie\u0144, kt\u00f3re podawa\u0142 Johnson wyja\u015bniaj\u0105c tak d\u0142ugie zawieszenie parlamentu, by\u0142y w\u0142a\u015bnie partyjne konferencje.\n", "en": "One of the justification for such a long parliament suspension given by Johnson were party conferences.\n"}
{"pl": "Media: Andrzej Duda obwinia Izrael za antysemickie ataki w Polsce\n", "en": "Media: Andrzej Duda blames Israel for anti-Semitic attacks on Poland\n"}
{"pl": "\u201ePrezydent Andrzej Duda uwa\u017ca, \u017ce antysemickie ataki w Polsce s\u0105 reakcj\u0105 na antypolsk\u0105 retoryk\u0119 izraelskich przyw\u00f3dc\u00f3w\u201d, pisz\u0105 zagraniczne media.\n", "en": "\"President Andrzej Duda believes that the anti-Semitic attacks in Poland are the reaction to the anti-Polish rhetoric of Israeli leaders,\" foreign media report.\n"}
{"pl": "Rzecznik prezydenta zdecydowanie zdementowa\u0142 te doniesienia.\n", "en": "The president\u2019s spokesperson firmly demented these reports.\n"}
{"pl": "\u201eTo po prostu nieprawda\u201d, napisa\u0142 na Twitterze B\u0142a\u017cej Spychalski.\n", "en": "\"It is simply not true,\" B\u0142a\u017cej Spychalski wrote on Twitter.\n"}
{"pl": "Izraelskie media, \u201eHaaretz\u201d i \u201eJerusalem Post\u201d, powo\u0142uj\u0105c si\u0119 na \u201eJewish Insider\u201d, pisz\u0105, \u017ce Andrzej Duda podczas spotkania z przedstawicielami diaspory \u017cydowskiej w konsulacie RP w Nowym Jorku o\u015bwiadczy\u0142, \u017ce to Izrael ponosi win\u0119 za ostatnie antysemickie ataki w Polsce.\n", "en": "Israeli media, including Haaretz and Jerusalem Post, cite the Jewish Insider in writing that, during his meeting at the Polish embassy in New York, Andrzej Duda stated that Israel is responsible for the latest anti-Semitic attacks in Poland.\n"}
{"pl": "Prezydent powiedzia\u0142, \u017ce wzrost atak\u00f3w antysemickich w Polsce to reakcja na antypolsk\u0105 retoryk\u0119 izraelskich przyw\u00f3dc\u00f3w.\n", "en": "The president said that the anti-Polish rhetoric of Israeli leaders is to be blamed for the increase of the number of anti-Semitic attacks in Poland.\n"}
{"pl": "Odni\u00f3s\u0142 si\u0119 do s\u0142\u00f3w izraelskiego ministra spraw zagranicznych Israela Katza, kt\u00f3ry stwierdzi\u0142 w lutym, \u017ce \u201ePolacy wyssali antysemityzm z mlekiem matek\u201d.\n", "en": "He was referring to the words of Israeli Minister of Foreign Affairs Israel Katz who stated back in February that \"Poles suckled anti-Semitism with their mothers\u2019 milk\".\n"}
{"pl": "Andrzej Duda powiedzia\u0142, \u017ce \u017ca\u0142uje, i\u017c Izrael nie przeprosi\u0142 za upokarzaj\u0105ce wypowiedzi swoich polityk\u00f3w.\n", "en": "Andrzej Duda said it is a pity that Israel Katz did not apologise for the embarrassing words of his politicians.\n"}
{"pl": "Wspomnia\u0142 te\u017c o akcie agresji na ambasadora Polski w Izraelu Marka Magierowskiego.\n", "en": "He also mentioned the act of aggression against Polish ambassador in Israel, Marek Magierowski.\n"}
{"pl": "W maju zaatakowa\u0142 go napastnik, kt\u00f3ry krzycza\u0142: \u201ePolak, Polak\u201d.\n", "en": "He was attacked in May by an aggressor who shouted: \"Pole, Pole\".\n"}
{"pl": "\u201eCytat jest nie tylko niedok\u0142adny.\n", "en": "\"Not only is the quote inaccurate.\n"}
{"pl": "To po prostu nieprawda\u201d, napisa\u0142 na Twitterze B\u0142a\u017cej Spychalski.\n", "en": "It is simply not true,\" B\u0142a\u017cej Spychalski wrote on Twitter.\n"}
{"pl": "Podkre\u015bli\u0142, \u017ce Duda \u201enigdy nie powiedzia\u0142, \u017ce Izrael jest odpowiedzialny za ostatnie antysemickie ataki w Polsce\u201d.\n", "en": "He stressed that Duda \"never said Israel was responsible for the recent anti-Semitic attacks in Poland.\"\n"}
{"pl": "Zdaniem Spychalskiego portal \u201eto wymy\u015bli\u0142\u201d.\n", "en": "Spychalski said the portal \"made this up.\"\n"}
{"pl": "Wed\u0142ug rozm\u00f3wc\u00f3w \u201eJI\u201d podczas spotkania dosz\u0142o te\u017c do sporu mi\u0119dzy ocala\u0142ym z Holokaustu, odznaczonym Krzy\u017cem Komandorskim Orderu Zas\u0142ugi RP Edwardem Mosbergiem a rabinem Shmuleyem Boteachem.\n", "en": "According to \"Jl\" sources, during the meeting a dispute occurred as well between Holocaust survivor Edward Mosberg, awarded with the Commander\u2019s Cross of the Order of Merit of the Republic of Poland, and rabbi Shmuley Boteach.\n"}
{"pl": "Mosberg mia\u0142 zgodzi\u0107 si\u0119 ze s\u0142owami prezydenta Dudy i powiedzie\u0107, \u017ce to \u017bydzi z Izraela \u201etacy jak Israel Kac\u201d s\u0105 odpowiedzialni za wzrost antysemityzmu.\n", "en": "Mosberg allegedly agreed with President Duda\u2019s words by saying that Jews from Israel \"like Katz\" are responsible for the rise of anti-Semitism.\n"}
{"pl": "Wed\u0142ug \u017ar\u00f3de\u0142 portalu Boteach mia\u0142 przerwa\u0107 wypowied\u017a Mosberga.\n", "en": "According to the portal\u2019s sources, Boteach allegedly interrupted Mosberg\u2019s statement.\n"}
{"pl": "Kim jest Bana\u015b i czym zawini\u0142?\n", "en": "Who is Bana\u015b and what is his guilt?\n"}
{"pl": "Wynajmowana przez sutener\u00f3w kamienica doprowadzi\u0142a dziennikarza do odkrycia zaniedba\u0144 w o\u015bwiadczeniach maj\u0105tkowych Mariana Banasia.\n", "en": "The tenement house rented by pimps let the journalist discover some negligences in the financial statements by Marian Bana\u015b.\n"}
{"pl": "Podsumowujemy kolejn\u0105 afer\u0119, kt\u00f3ra wstrz\u0105sn\u0119\u0142a obozem rz\u0105dz\u0105cym.\n", "en": "Here is the summary of another affair that was a major shock for the ruling party.\n"}