{ "de": "1934 besuchte José Ortega y Gasset Husserl in Freiburg.", "en": "José Ortega y Gasset visited Husserl at Freiburg in 1934." }
[ 100, 100, 100 ]
[ 0.9553316831588745, 1.552362322807312, 0.850531816482544 ]
Edmund Husserl
1934 besuchte José Ort@@ ega y G@@ asset Hus@@ ser@@ l in Freiburg .
[ -0.4458000063896179, -0.2745000123977661, -0.07199999690055847, -0.002300000051036477, -0.005900000222027302, -0.14579999446868896, -0.07500000298023224, -0.012400000356137753, -0.026900000870227814, -0.036400001496076584, -0.05299999937415123, -0.14990000426769257, -0.012400000356137753, -0.1145000010728836, -0.10999999940395355 ]
{ "de": "Eine enttäuschende Neunte in China bedeutete jedoch, dass er in der Gesamtwertung auf den sechsten Platz zurückfiel.", "en": "However, a disappointing ninth in China meant that he dropped back to sixth in the standings." }
[ 61, 70, 87 ]
[ -1.1951539516448975, 0.04217636212706566, -0.3127948045730591 ]
Felipe Massa
Eine enttäu@@ sch@@ ende Ne@@ un@@ te in China bedeutete jedoch , dass er in der Gesamt@@ wertung auf den sechsten Platz zurück@@ fiel .
[ -1.8716000318527222, -0.2978000044822693, -0.10170000046491623, -0.11259999871253967, -0.7271000146865845, -0.296999990940094, -0.05900000035762787, -0.2547000050544739, -0.07360000163316727, -0.7203999757766724, -0.39480000734329224, -0.1582999974489212, -0.17990000545978546, -0.14339999854564667, -1.4277000427246094, -0.10980000346899033, -1.2279000282287598, -0.07020000368356705, -0.7642999887466431, -0.791100025177002, -0.39969998598098755, -0.1379999965429306, -0.22869999706745148, -0.43529999256134033, -0.11100000143051147, -0.11140000075101852 ]
{ "de": "In seinem Tagebuch, Chase schrieb, dass die Veröffentlichung von Mason und Slidell \"war wie Galle und Wermut für mich.", "en": "In his diary, Chase wrote that the release of Mason and Slidell \"…was like gall and wormwood to me." }
[ 52, 45, 49 ]
[ -1.6914198398590088, -1.2163119316101074, -3.7132880687713623 ]
Trent Affair
In seinem Tageb@@ uch , Ch@@ ase schrieb , dass die Veröffentlichung von Mas@@ on und Sli@@ dell " war wie G@@ alle und Wer@@ mut für mich .
[ -0.326200008392334, -0.1987999975681305, -0.03420000150799751, -0.031700000166893005, -0.8325999975204468, -0.7411999702453613, -0.019999999552965164, -0.1274999976158142, -0.14229999482631683, -0.10610000044107437, -0.20679999887943268, -1.0602999925613403, -0.18369999527931213, -0.046300001442432404, -0.07840000092983246, -0.14810000360012054, -0.008500000461935997, -0.004100000020116568, -0.14949999749660492, -3.2797000408172607, -0.16760000586509705, -0.704200029373169, -0.6787999868392944, -0.12370000034570694, -0.02710000053048134, -0.0568000003695488, -0.725600004196167, -0.09830000251531601, -0.12950000166893005, -0.11420000344514847 ]
{ "de": "Schwere Arquebuses auf Waggons montiert wurden Arquebus à croc genannt.", "en": "Heavy arquebuses mounted on wagons were called arquebus à croc." }
[ 61, 55, 85 ]
[ -1.1951539516448975, -0.7129166126251221, -0.49176815152168274 ]
Armoured fighting vehicle
Schwere Ar@@ qu@@ eb@@ uses auf Wag@@ gons montiert wurden Ar@@ qu@@ eb@@ us à cro@@ c genannt .
[ -0.9337000250816345, -1.049399971961975, -0.18199999630451202, -0.13840000331401825, -0.9854000210762024, -1.1289000511169434, -0.5509999990463257, -0.05400000140070915, -1.2510000467300415, -0.3257000148296356, -0.9657999873161316, -0.02889999933540821, -0.039000000804662704, -0.05979999899864197, -0.11800000071525574, -0.16680000722408295, -0.051600001752376556, -0.3968000113964081, -0.11379999667406082, -0.11400000005960464 ]
{ "de": "Sobald der nordpazifische Lachs nach dem Laichen abstirbt, fressen in der Regel lokale Glatzadler fast ausschließlich Lachskörper.", "en": "Once North Pacific salmon die off after spawning, usually local bald eagles eat salmon carcasses almost exclusively." }
[ 91, 89, 87 ]
[ 0.4590657651424408, 0.9986274242401123, -0.3127948045730591 ]
Bald eagle
Sobald der nord@@ pa@@ zi@@ fische Lach@@ s nach dem La@@ i@@ chen ab@@ stirbt , fres@@ sen in der Regel lokale G@@ lat@@ z@@ ad@@ ler fast ausschließlich Lach@@ sk@@ örper .
[ -1.1591999530792236, -1.2769999504089355, -0.4975000023841858, -0.026100000366568565, -0.011500000022351742, -0.053300000727176666, -0.030500000342726707, -0.09030000120401382, -0.17890000343322754, -0.2290000021457672, -0.03150000050663948, -0.5867000222206116, -0.02290000021457672, -0.61080002784729, -0.21130000054836273, -0.11959999799728394, -0.23070000112056732, -0.06499999761581421, -2.034899950027466, -0.11860000342130661, -0.06300000101327896, -0.7850000262260437, -0.6646999716758728, -0.013899999670684338, -0.9395999908447266, -0.1168999969959259, -0.08150000125169754, -0.46810001134872437, -0.289000004529953, -0.21899999678134918, -1.1230000257492065, -0.7742999792098999, -0.1264999955892563, -0.11159999668598175 ]
{ "de": "Sie verübten Kreuzfeuer an der Guamaní River Bridge, Coamo und Silva Heights und schließlich an der Schlacht von Asomante.", "en": "They engaged in crossfire at Guamaní River Bridge, Coamo and Silva Heights and finally at the Battle of Asomante." }
[ 61, 58, 88 ]
[ -1.1951539516448975, -0.5618979930877686, -0.22330816090106964 ]
Spanish–American War
Sie ver@@ üb@@ ten Kreuz@@ f@@ euer an der Gu@@ am@@ an@@ í River Bridge , Co@@ amo und Sil@@ va Hei@@ ghts und schließlich an der Schlacht von A@@ som@@ ante .
[ -0.5479999780654907, -2.7967000007629395, -0.36000001430511475, -0.15950000286102295, -0.5252000093460083, -0.4020000100135803, -0.013199999928474426, -1.1131999492645264, -0.20029999315738678, -0.4867999851703644, -0.05590000003576279, -0.10419999808073044, -0.03440000116825104, -1.4336999654769897, -0.2094999998807907, -0.14020000398159027, -0.42500001192092896, -0.0066999997943639755, -0.2483000010251999, -0.10589999705553055, -0.04179999977350235, -0.04410000145435333, -0.0038999998942017555, -0.3246999979019165, -0.4271000027656555, -0.6134999990463257, -0.1128000020980835, -0.021400000900030136, -0.4772000014781952, -0.08139999955892563, -0.008100000210106373, -0.0272000003606081, -0.11500000208616257, -0.11389999836683273 ]
{ "de": "Mehrere WHA-Teams umworben Gretzky, insbesondere die Indianapolis Racers und die Birmingham Bulls.", "en": "Several WHA teams courted Gretzky, notably the Indianapolis Racers and the Birmingham Bulls." }
[ 100, 74, 88 ]
[ 0.9553316831588745, 0.24353449046611786, -0.22330816090106964 ]
Wayne Gretzky
Mehrere WH@@ A @-@ Teams um@@ wor@@ ben Gre@@ tz@@ ky , insbesondere die Indi@@ an@@ apolis Rac@@ ers und die Birmingham Bul@@ ls .
[ -0.5083000063896179, -0.038600001484155655, -0.07890000194311142, -0.9315999746322632, -0.17810000479221344, -0.7311000227928162, -0.7204999923706055, -0.4611000120639801, -0.011599999852478504, -0.01489999983459711, -0.020899999886751175, -0.16179999709129333, -0.5529000163078308, -0.2410999983549118, -0.027499999850988388, -0.06870000064373016, -0.007600000128149986, -0.01889999955892563, -0.17509999871253967, -0.12729999423027039, -0.1988999992609024, -0.014700000174343586, -0.018200000748038292, -0.06679999828338623, -0.11540000140666962, -0.11219999939203262 ]
{ "de": "16 Penn State, in dem Rothemd-Neuling Jim Kelly warf 280 Meter und drei Touchdowns in seiner ersten Karriere starten als Miami Quartier zurück.", "en": "16 Penn State in which redshirt freshman Jim Kelly threw for 280 yards and three touchdowns in his first career start as Miami's quarterback." }
[ 58, 73, 88 ]
[ -1.3605759143829346, 0.19319495558738708, -0.22330816090106964 ]
Miami Hurricanes football
16 P@@ enn State , in dem Rot@@ hem@@ d @-@ Ne@@ ul@@ ing Jim Kelly warf 280 Meter und drei Touch@@ down@@ s in seiner ersten Karriere starten als Miami Qu@@ artier zurück .
[ -0.1826999932527542, -0.16419999301433563, -0.010599999688565731, -0.1793999969959259, -0.4812999963760376, -0.19280000030994415, -0.3488999903202057, -0.9323999881744385, -0.7021999955177307, -0.565500020980835, -0.6844000220298767, -0.38850000500679016, -0.14830000698566437, -0.08049999922513962, -0.008299999870359898, -0.004999999888241291, -0.5116999745368958, -0.5133000016212463, -0.2953999936580658, -0.3012999892234802, -0.10939999669790268, -0.22470000386238098, -0.024399999529123306, -0.08309999853372574, -0.19850000739097595, -0.7488999962806702, -0.12080000340938568, -0.020600000396370888, -1.1678999662399292, -0.2849000096321106, -0.43230000138282776, -0.8460999727249146, -0.09260000288486481, -0.3497999906539917, -0.11050000041723251, -0.11169999837875366 ]
{ "de": "Am 12. April 1983 ernannte die Landmarks Preservation Commission das 69. Regiment Armory zu einem offiziellen Wahrzeichen von New York City.", "en": "On 12 April 1983, the Landmarks Preservation Commission designated the 69th Regiment Armory an official New York City landmark." }
[ 92, 69, 86 ]
[ 0.5142064094543457, -0.008163167163729668, -0.4022814929485321 ]
69th Infantry Regiment (New York)
Am 12. April 1983 ern@@ annte die Land@@ marks P@@ reservation Commission das 6@@ 9. Regi@@ ment Arm@@ ory zu einem offiziellen Wahr@@ zeichen von New York City .
[ -0.28700000047683716, -0.05380000174045563, -0.048500001430511475, -0.01510000042617321, -0.84170001745224, -0.03739999979734421, -0.17890000343322754, -1.0607999563217163, -0.6692000031471252, -0.06759999692440033, -0.08609999716281891, -0.03440000116825104, -0.6409000158309937, -0.08540000021457672, -0.38960000872612, -0.013199999928474426, -0.04230000078678131, -0.016699999570846558, -0.009800000116229057, -0.6665999889373779, -0.19869999587535858, -0.30239999294281006, -0.06849999725818634, -0.014499999582767487, -1.3926000595092773, -0.037700001150369644, -0.024700000882148743, -0.07649999856948853, -0.11720000207424164, -0.11020000278949738 ]
{ "de": "Danach kamen chinesische Junks mit Gewürzen, Vogelnestern, Haiflossen, Kampfer, Rattan und Perlen in den Norden von Borneo.", "en": "After that, Chinese junks came to northern Borneo with cargoes of spices, bird nests, shark fins, camphor, rattan and pearls." }
[ 59, 66, 85 ]
[ -1.305435299873352, -0.15918175876140594, -0.49176815152168274 ]
Danach kamen chinesische Jun@@ ks mit Gewür@@ zen , Vogel@@ ne@@ stern , Hai@@ f@@ lossen , Kamp@@ fer , R@@ att@@ an und Perlen in den Norden von Bor@@ neo .
[ -0.8167999982833862, -0.25949999690055847, -0.3513999879360199, -0.694100022315979, -0.10450000315904617, -0.9111999869346619, -1.3875999450683594, -0.21449999511241913, -0.17409999668598175, -0.1145000010728836, -0.07079999893903732, -0.38580000400543213, -0.1234000027179718, -0.311599999666214, -0.3684000074863434, -0.004900000058114529, -0.11800000071525574, -0.04749999940395355, -0.024800000712275505, -0.12150000035762787, -0.38100001215934753, -0.014499999582767487, -0.20999999344348907, -0.14239999651908875, -0.0575999990105629, -0.9104999899864197, -0.3127000033855438, -0.25929999351501465, -1.080399990081787, -0.02800000086426735, -0.03269999846816063, -0.12720000743865967, -0.11209999769926071 ]
{ "de": "Sienna Miller porträtiert The Baroness als einen der Hauptantagonisten des Films G.I. von Stephen Sommers 2009", "en": "Sienna Miller portrays The Baroness as one of the primary antagonists of Stephen Sommers' 2009 film G.I." }
[ 73, 59, 66 ]
[ -0.5334660410881042, -0.511558473110199, -2.192014694213867 ]
Baroness (G.I. Joe)
Si@@ enna Miller por@@ trä@@ tiert The Bar@@ on@@ ess als einen der Haupt@@ ant@@ ag@@ onisten des Films G.@@ I. von Stephen Somm@@ ers 2009
[ -0.049800001084804535, -0.005200000014156103, -0.011800000444054604, -1.3660000562667847, -0.013799999840557575, -0.06689999997615814, -0.3695000112056732, -0.045899998396635056, -0.06750000268220901, -0.03849999979138374, -0.14110000431537628, -0.8251000046730042, -0.12380000203847885, -1.217900037765503, -0.21549999713897705, -0.03009999915957451, -0.029899999499320984, -0.9664000272750854, -0.9146000146865845, -0.23149999976158142, -0.1581999957561493, -0.35569998621940613, -0.029600000008940697, -0.006200000178068876, -0.04399999976158142, -0.32199999690055847, -0.3693999946117401 ]
{ "de": "Die Roundhead Belagerer bemühten sich, eine neue Festung auf Wall 's Furlong zu erheben, aber nach einigen Kämpfen mit den Cavaliers scheiterten sie.", "en": "The Roundhead besiegers made an effort to raise a new fort on Wall's furlong, but after some fighting with the Cavaliers they failed." }
[ 91, 90, 88 ]
[ 0.4590657651424408, 1.0489670038223267, -0.22330816090106964 ]
Siege of Worcester
Die Ro@@ und@@ head Bel@@ ag@@ erer bemüh@@ ten sich , eine neue Festung auf Wall ' s Fur@@ long zu erheben , aber nach einigen Kämp@@ fen mit den Cav@@ ali@@ ers sch@@ eit@@ erten sie .
[ -0.3043000102043152, -1.4048000574111938, -0.034699998795986176, -0.01269999984651804, -0.2476000040769577, -0.10989999771118164, -0.1881999969482422, -1.6505999565124512, -0.12370000034570694, -0.10760000348091125, -0.8086000084877014, -0.8086000084877014, -0.12280000001192093, -0.09489999711513519, -0.7324000000953674, -0.9835000038146973, -1.204200029373169, -0.11959999799728394, -0.6658999919891357, -0.011300000362098217, -0.6014999747276306, -1.6160999536514282, -0.15929999947547913, -0.3626999855041504, -0.25529998540878296, -0.2599000036716461, -0.22059999406337738, -0.06759999692440033, -0.12600000202655792, -0.1762000024318695, -0.08569999784231186, -0.0348999984562397, -0.12219999730587006, -0.35440000891685486, -0.01769999973475933, -0.11469999700784683, -0.11349999904632568, -0.1987999975681305, -0.1143999993801117 ]
{ "de": "Als der legendäre Wrestler Jake Roberts Orton riet, The Undertaker nicht zu unterschätzen, führte Orton ebenfalls einen RKO auf Roberts durch.", "en": "When legendary wrestler Jake Roberts advised Orton not to underestimate The Undertaker, Orton performed an RKO on Roberts as well." }
[ 56, 70, 63 ]
[ -1.4708572626113892, 0.04217636212706566, -2.460474729537964 ]
Randy Orton
Als der legend@@ äre W@@ rest@@ ler J@@ ake Rober@@ ts Or@@ ton ri@@ et , The Under@@ tak@@ er nicht zu unter@@ schätzen , führte Or@@ ton ebenfalls einen R@@ KO auf Rober@@ ts durch .
[ -0.4449000060558319, -0.4318999946117401, -0.017799999564886093, -0.07329999655485153, -0.4961000084877014, -0.01759999990463257, -0.043299999088048935, -0.07509999722242355, -0.016499999910593033, -0.00800000037997961, -0.032099999487400055, -0.06319999694824219, -0.023499999195337296, -1.0456000566482544, -0.008899999782443047, -0.3450999855995178, -0.516700029373169, -0.011900000274181366, -0.005499999970197678, -0.07410000264644623, -0.16590000689029694, -0.15629999339580536, -0.0738999992609024, -0.0478999987244606, -0.11550000309944153, -1.6083999872207642, -0.09799999743700027, -0.03539999946951866, -1.6538000106811523, -0.9541000127792358, -0.09939999878406525, -0.006500000134110451, -0.6847000122070312, -0.015699999406933784, -0.03970000147819519, -0.09350000321865082, -0.10939999669790268, -0.11219999939203262 ]
{ "de": "Unterdessen entsandten US-Garnisonen in Japan ständig Soldaten und Matériel, um Verteidiger im Pusan Perimeter zu stärken.", "en": "Meanwhile, US garrisons in Japan continually dispatched soldiers and matériel to reinforce defenders in the Pusan Perimeter." }
[ 100, 72, 100 ]
[ 0.26545146107673645, -0.9439568519592285, 0.850531816482544 ]
Korean War
Unter@@ dessen ent@@ sand@@ ten US @-@ Gar@@ nis@@ onen in Japan ständig Soldaten und Mat@@ éri@@ el , um Vertei@@ diger im P@@ us@@ an Per@@ im@@ eter zu stärken .
[ -0.9603000283241272, -0.01360000018030405, -1.1094000339508057, -0.0989999994635582, -0.08709999918937683, -0.29829999804496765, -0.14589999616146088, -0.5023000240325928, -0.014700000174343586, -0.1168999969959259, -0.24240000545978546, -0.03790000081062317, -1.07669997215271, -0.07050000131130219, -0.1265999972820282, -0.15870000422000885, -0.09200000017881393, -0.08399999886751175, -0.24060000479221344, -0.11540000140666962, -1.082800030708313, -0.04919999837875366, -0.3160000145435333, -0.4544000029563904, -0.06960000097751617, -0.08820000290870667, -0.13279999792575836, -0.014999999664723873, -0.026900000870227814, -0.14630000293254852, -0.49459999799728394, -0.10949999839067459, -0.11180000007152557 ]
{ "de": "Das Cover zeigt ein Foto von The Huxtable mit einem geknackten Rahmen, das das beschädigte und komplizierte Erbe der Serie symbolisiert.", "en": "The cover depicted a photograph of The Huxtables with a cracked frame, symbolizing the show's damaged and complicated legacy." }
[ 53, 67, 60 ]
[ -1.6362792253494263, -0.10884223133325577, -2.7289347648620605 ]
Bill Cosby sexual assault cases
Das Cover zeigt ein Foto von The Hu@@ x@@ table mit einem ge@@ kn@@ ack@@ ten Rahmen , das das beschä@@ digte und kompli@@ zierte Erbe der Serie symbol@@ isiert .
[ -0.6141999959945679, -0.08449999988079071, -1.4285000562667847, -0.5457000136375427, -0.1234000027179718, -0.6019999980926514, -0.4334000051021576, -0.033900000154972076, -0.05299999937415123, -0.8500000238418579, -0.2881999909877777, -0.6450999975204468, -2.05679988861084, -0.3917999863624573, -0.066600002348423, -0.14489999413490295, -0.20579999685287476, -0.45190000534057617, -1.054900050163269, -0.896399974822998, -0.06069999933242798, -0.02539999969303608, -0.2142000049352646, -0.16030000150203705, -0.05939999967813492, -0.2249000072479248, -0.22689999639987946, -1.0500999689102173, -0.21400000154972076, -0.06920000165700912, -0.11209999769926071, -0.11270000040531158 ]
{ "de": "Die Verwendung von Furchenwischer oder ein längeres Mouldboard auf der Rückseite Körper wird das Problem zu überwinden.", "en": "The use of furrow widener or a longer mouldboard on the rear body will overcome the problem." }
[ 57, 52, 55 ]
[ -1.415716528892517, -0.8639351725578308, -3.176367998123169 ]
Die Verwendung von Fur@@ chen@@ wis@@ cher oder ein länger@@ es Mou@@ ld@@ board auf der Rückseite Körper wird das Problem zu überwinden .
[ -1.2670999765396118, -0.32910001277923584, -0.6585999727249146, -0.4717000126838684, -0.2890999913215637, -1.2045999765396118, -0.7062000036239624, -0.16089999675750732, -1.4204000234603882, -0.10599999874830246, -0.22269999980926514, -0.961899995803833, -0.010099999606609344, -0.023900000378489494, -1.128100037574768, -0.8522999882698059, -1.0489000082015991, -1.4098000526428223, -0.24609999358654022, -0.1251000016927719, -0.04820000007748604, -0.6927000284194946, -0.3124000132083893, -0.11150000244379044, -0.10980000346899033 ]
{ "de": "Unterschiede in der Dimensionalität von Phonen und Erregungen bewirken, dass sich die obere Ebene in viele Zustände des Phonon-Feldes verwandelt.", "en": "Differences in dimensionalities of phonons and excitons cause upper level to transform into many states of phonon field." }
[ 59, 65, 89 ]
[ -1.305435299873352, -0.20952129364013672, -0.1338214874267578 ]
Sound amplification by stimulated emission of radiation
Unterschiede in der Dimen@@ sion@@ alität von Ph@@ onen und Er@@ reg@@ ungen bewirken , dass sich die obere Ebene in viele Zu@@ stände des Ph@@ on@@ on @-@ Fel@@ des verwandelt .
[ -0.832099974155426, -0.5453000068664551, -1.0269999504089355, -0.34220001101493835, -0.25060001015663147, -0.2459000051021576, -0.2775000035762787, -0.45829999446868896, -0.5891000032424927, -0.12210000306367874, -0.29840001463890076, -0.34049999713897705, -0.3901999890804291, -1.173699975013733, -0.2578999996185303, -0.22059999406337738, -0.48500001430511475, -0.698199987411499, -0.12780000269412994, -0.058800000697374344, -0.1517000049352646, -0.2937999963760376, -1.4342000484466553, -0.03920000046491623, -0.5115000009536743, -0.07100000232458115, -0.18150000274181366, -1.2206000089645386, -0.32010000944137573, -0.03269999846816063, -0.23260000348091125, -0.560699999332428, -0.1152999997138977, -0.11209999769926071 ]
{ "de": "Durch Oxidation trübt ihr Glanz schnell in der Luft.", "en": "Their lustre tarnishes rapidly in air due to oxidation." }
[ 90, 73, 89 ]
[ 0.4039250910282135, 0.19319495558738708, -0.1338214874267578 ]
Alkali metal
Durch Ox@@ id@@ ation tr@@ übt ihr Glanz schnell in der Luft .
[ -1.6720999479293823, -0.1680999994277954, -0.06809999793767929, -0.1362999975681305, -1.0388000011444092, -0.4081999957561493, -0.6262000203132629, -0.07349999994039536, -0.8400999903678894, -0.31949999928474426, -0.6162999868392944, -0.02930000051856041, -0.1542000025510788, -0.11330000311136246 ]
{ "de": "\"Renaissance Humanism and the Future of the Humanities\".", "en": "\"Renaissance Humanism and the Future of the Humanities.\"" }
[ 1, 1, 1 ]
[ -4.503593444824219, -3.431251287460327, -8.008647918701172 ]
" Renaissance Human@@ ism and the Future of the Hum@@ ani@@ ties " .
[ -0.2973000109195709, -0.3700000047683716, -0.11479999870061874, -0.2215999960899353, -0.15760000050067902, -0.05310000106692314, -0.07010000199079514, -0.05090000107884407, -0.055399999022483826, -0.04280000180006027, -0.013199999928474426, -0.006300000008195639, -0.10159999877214432, -0.21289999783039093, -0.11479999870061874 ]
{ "de": "Sie bündelten ihn in ein Feld und \"tarred und gefiedert\" ihn.", "en": "They bundled him into a field and \"tarred and feathered\" him." }
[ 71, 54, 63 ]
[ -0.6437473893165588, -0.7632561326026917, -2.460474729537964 ]
Fianna Éireann
Sie b@@ ünd@@ elten ihn in ein Feld und " tar@@ red und ge@@ fi@@ e@@ dert " ihn .
[ -0.32989999651908875, -0.36579999327659607, -1.0398999452590942, -0.2126999944448471, -0.09709999710321426, -1.1971999406814575, -0.5440000295639038, -0.15379999577999115, -0.2353000044822693, -0.23260000348091125, -2.377500057220459, -0.8999999761581421, -0.5139999985694885, -0.7039999961853027, -0.1738000065088272, -0.026000000536441803, -0.06759999692440033, -0.1437000036239624, -0.1834000051021576, -0.11209999769926071, -0.11320000141859055 ]
{ "de": "Er regierte unterdrückerisch und fast bankrott Mali mit seinen verschwenderischen Ausgaben.", "en": "He ruled oppressively and nearly bankrupted Mali with his lavish spending." }
[ 57, 68, 85 ]
[ -1.415716528892517, -0.058502696454524994, -0.49176815152168274 ]
Mali Empire
Er regi@@ erte unter@@ drück@@ erisch und fast bank@@ rot@@ t Mali mit seinen versch@@ wen@@ der@@ ischen Ausgaben .
[ -0.8382999897003174, -0.46399998664855957, -0.16779999434947968, -2.2453999519348145, -0.21209999918937683, -0.2176000028848648, -0.20649999380111694, -1.3884999752044678, -0.0494999997317791, -0.017000000923871994, -0.13269999623298645, -0.03669999912381172, -0.15129999816417694, -0.5120000243186951, -1.6548000574111938, -0.01119999960064888, -0.01489999983459711, -0.125900000333786, -0.07440000027418137, -0.11829999834299088, -0.11240000277757645 ]
{ "de": "Als letzte katastrophale Coda zur Expedition erwähnt Thucydides das Schicksal einer Staffel von fünfzig Triremen, die zur Linderung der Belagerung der Prosopitis geschickt wurden.", "en": "As a final disastrous coda to the expedition, Thucydides mentions the fate of a squadron of fifty triremes sent to relieve the Siege of Prosopitis." }
[ 60, 59, 60 ]
[ -1.25029456615448, -0.511558473110199, -2.7289347648620605 ]
Wars of the Delian League
Als letzte katastrop@@ hal@@ e Co@@ da zur Expedition erwähnt Th@@ u@@ cy@@ di@@ des das Schicksal einer Staff@@ el von fünfzig Tri@@ re@@ men , die zur Lin@@ derung der Bel@@ ag@@ erung der Pro@@ s@@ op@@ i@@ tis geschickt wurden .
[ -0.3808000087738037, -0.4862000048160553, -0.9904000163078308, -0.010599999688565731, -0.13650000095367432, -0.505299985408783, -0.12700000405311584, -1.1818000078201294, -0.07020000368356705, -0.3582000136375427, -0.05570000037550926, -0.06430000066757202, -0.11020000278949738, -0.05550000071525574, -0.11249999701976776, -0.18359999358654022, -0.07000000029802322, -0.4088999927043915, -1.2182999849319458, -0.13359999656677246, -0.39399999380111694, -0.42890000343322754, -0.03200000151991844, -0.30799999833106995, -0.40950000286102295, -0.21539999544620514, -0.2101999968290329, -1.1894999742507935, -0.41370001435279846, -0.04340000078082085, -0.1453000009059906, -0.08330000191926956, -0.016899999231100082, -0.09539999812841415, -0.704200029373169, -0.04450000077486038, -0.04190000146627426, -0.07270000129938126, -0.1080000028014183, -0.023399999365210533, -0.4553999900817871, -1.0262999534606934, -0.11159999668598175, -0.11209999769926071 ]
{ "de": "Die HSBC prognostizierte auch, dass Vietnams gesamtes BIP das von Norwegen, Singapur und Portugal bis 2050 übertreffen würde.", "en": "The HSBC also predicted that Vietnam's total GDP would surpass those of Norway, Singapore and Portugal by 2050." }
[ 100, 100, 89 ]
[ 0.9553316831588745, 1.552362322807312, -0.1338214874267578 ]
Die H@@ S@@ BC progn@@ os@@ ti@@ zierte auch , dass Vietnam@@ s gesam@@ tes BIP das von Norwegen , Singapur und Portugal bis 2050 über@@ treffen würde .
[ -0.8726999759674072, -0.13429999351501465, -0.08489999920129776, -0.013100000098347664, -0.5202000141143799, -0.039000000804662704, -0.02410000003874302, -0.121799997985363, -1.2768000364303589, -0.13210000097751617, -0.14159999787807465, -0.8324000239372253, -0.06909999996423721, -0.37400001287460327, -0.10239999741315842, -0.13269999623298645, -1.2941999435424805, -0.9569000005722046, -0.015399999916553497, -0.11159999668598175, -0.03240000084042549, -0.12269999831914902, -0.02850000001490116, -0.16009999811649323, -0.020999999716877937, -0.16910000145435333, -0.1632000058889389, -0.5666000247001648, -0.11230000108480453, -0.11180000007152557 ]
{ "de": "Die lokalen Bäche und Seen hielten Tiere wie Süßwassermuscheln, Fische, Ostracods und Schnecken.", "en": "The local streams and lakes held animals such as freshwater clams, fish, ostracods, and snails." }
[ 81, 73, 88 ]
[ -0.09234081208705902, 0.19319495558738708, -0.22330816090106964 ]
Paleontology in New Mexico
Die lokalen Bä@@ che und Seen hielten Tiere wie Süß@@ wasser@@ mu@@ scheln , Fische , O@@ stra@@ co@@ ds und Sch@@ nec@@ ken .
[ -0.7577999830245972, -1.0367000102996826, -0.41499999165534973, -0.05139999836683273, -0.1282999962568283, -0.04019999876618385, -0.7994999885559082, -0.14810000360012054, -0.21209999918937683, -0.2328999936580658, -0.2906999886035919, -0.04320000112056732, -0.028699999675154686, -0.10840000212192535, -0.31139999628067017, -0.11800000071525574, -1.2222000360488892, -0.026200000196695328, -0.051500000059604645, -0.30320000648498535, -0.24549999833106995, -0.06400000303983688, -0.007699999958276749, -0.0551999993622303, -0.3375999927520752, -0.11640000343322754 ]
{ "de": "Er kritisierte spekulative Philosophie, indem er Metaphysik mit Ideologie gleichsetzte.", "en": "He criticised speculative philosophy, equating metaphysics with ideology." }
[ 100, 84, 89 ]
[ 0.9553316831588745, 0.7469297647476196, -0.1338214874267578 ]
Karl Marx
Er kriti@@ sierte spek@@ ulative Philosophie , indem er Met@@ ap@@ hysi@@ k mit Ideologie gleich@@ setzte .
[ -0.2978000044822693, -0.17010000348091125, -0.03629999980330467, -0.5468999743461609, -0.1509999930858612, -0.0568000003695488, -0.7662000060081482, -1.215499997138977, -0.09629999846220016, -0.10729999840259552, -0.044599998742341995, -0.023600000888109207, -0.06199999898672104, -0.39649999141693115, -0.026399999856948853, -0.03680000081658363, -0.376800000667572, -0.11050000041723251, -0.11209999769926071 ]
{ "de": "Stepan stirbt und überlässt das malachitische Schrein seiner Witwe Nastyona.", "en": "Stepan dies, leaving the Malachite Casket to his widow Nastyona." }
[ 60, 86, 90 ]
[ -1.25029456615448, 0.8476088643074036, -0.04433482512831688 ]
The Malachite Box
Step@@ an stirbt und über@@ lässt das mal@@ ach@@ i@@ tische Sch@@ rein seiner Wit@@ we N@@ ast@@ y@@ ona .
[ -0.10779999941587448, -0.10849999636411667, -0.20399999618530273, -1.1165000200271606, -0.9664999842643738, -0.3855000138282776, -1.0686999559402466, -0.7972000241279602, -0.012199999764561653, -0.40799999237060547, -0.04479999840259552, -0.7497000098228455, -1.1132999658584595, -0.23690000176429749, -0.015399999916553497, -0.015200000256299973, -0.08789999783039093, -0.021900000050663948, -0.05900000035762787, -0.021400000900030136, -0.11410000175237656, -0.11230000108480453 ]
{ "de": "Jackson ernannte sechs Richter am Obersten Gerichtshof.", "en": "Jackson appointed six justices to the Supreme Court." }
[ 100, 100, 87 ]
[ 0.9553316831588745, 1.552362322807312, -0.3127948045730591 ]
Andrew Jackson
Jackson ern@@ annte sechs Richter am Obersten Gerichtshof .
[ -0.06679999828338623, -0.1477999985218048, -0.03229999914765358, -0.11860000342130661, -0.41780000925064087, -1.6174999475479126, -0.46320000290870667, -0.07639999687671661, -0.14959999918937683, -0.11079999804496765 ]
{ "de": "Im Doppel erreichte Mirza ihr drittes Halbfinale Grand Slam, in Partnerschaft mit Vesnina, wo sie Svetlana Kuznetsova und Vera Zvonareva fielen.", "en": "In doubles, Mirza reached her third Grand Slam semifinal, partnering Vesnina, where they fell to Svetlana Kuznetsova and Vera Zvonareva." }
[ 84, 87, 90 ]
[ 0.07308115810155869, 0.8979483842849731, -0.04433482512831688 ]
Sania Mirza
Im Doppel erreichte Mir@@ za ihr dritt@@ es Halb@@ finale Grand S@@ lam , in Partnerschaft mit Ves@@ n@@ ina , wo sie Sv@@ et@@ lan@@ a Ku@@ z@@ net@@ so@@ va und Vera Z@@ von@@ are@@ va fielen .
[ -0.845300018787384, -0.462799996137619, -0.483599990606308, -0.02239999920129776, -0.03460000082850456, -0.3984000086784363, -0.018200000748038292, -0.060600001364946365, -0.8422999978065491, -0.04089999943971634, -1.291200041770935, -0.1225999966263771, -0.006599999964237213, -0.8095999956130981, -1.8732999563217163, -0.6065999865531921, -0.13269999623298645, -0.015799999237060547, -0.06279999762773514, -0.03660000115633011, -0.17579999566078186, -0.2418999969959259, -0.16210000216960907, -0.6610999703407288, -0.06560000032186508, -0.02810000069439411, -0.08399999886751175, -0.06769999861717224, -0.07850000262260437, -0.026599999517202377, -0.0414000004529953, -0.021199999377131462, -0.1234000027179718, -0.00930000003427267, -0.07890000194311142, -0.008200000040233135, -0.02500000037252903, -0.025800000876188278, -1.2036999464035034, -0.11320000141859055, -0.11209999769926071 ]
{ "de": "Der Tornado fuhr kurz nach Tennessee fort, bevor er sich abfuhr.", "en": "The tornado briefly continued into Tennessee before dissipating." }
[ 85, 87, 88 ]
[ 0.1282218098640442, 0.8979483842849731, -0.22330816090106964 ]
Tornadoes of 2017
Der Tor@@ n@@ ado fuhr kurz nach Tenn@@ es@@ see fort , bevor er sich ab@@ fuhr .
[ -0.7954999804496765, -0.05050000175833702, -0.06260000169277191, -0.017899999395012856, -1.1454999446868896, -0.26010000705718994, -1.4589999914169312, -0.005400000140070915, -0.05570000037550926, -0.014600000344216824, -0.21230000257492065, -0.4431999921798706, -0.16220000386238098, -0.14380000531673431, -0.9825999736785889, -1.621899962425232, -1.1083999872207642, -0.1103999987244606, -0.11110000312328339 ]
{ "de": "Pujols sorgte für Leichtigkeit, als er dann in die Booing beitrat.", "en": "Pujols provided levity when he then joined in the booing." }
[ 53, 51, 52 ]
[ -1.6362792253494263, -0.9142746925354004, -3.4448280334472656 ]
2015 St. Louis Cardinals season
Pu@@ j@@ ols sor@@ gte für Leichtigkeit , als er dann in die Boo@@ ing beit@@ rat .
[ -0.1639000028371811, -0.05220000073313713, -0.03750000149011612, -0.9753000140190125, -0.3077000081539154, -0.2687999904155731, -2.3926000595092773, -0.275299996137619, -0.3734000027179718, -0.11860000342130661, -0.6539999842643738, -1.0989999771118164, -1.1180000305175781, -1.2239999771118164, -0.4625999927520752, -1.4428000450134277, -0.1518000066280365, -0.11249999701976776, -0.11159999668598175 ]
{ "de": "Plum Borough School District umfasst etwa 28 qm.", "en": "Plum Borough School District encompasses approximately 28 sqmi." }
[ 64, 49, 57 ]
[ -1.0297319889068604, -1.0149537324905396, -2.9973948001861572 ]
Plum Borough School District
Pl@@ um Bor@@ ough School District umfasst etwa 28 qm .
[ -1.5716999769210815, -0.09300000220537186, -0.05209999904036522, -0.008999999612569809, -0.053599998354911804, -0.07329999655485153, -0.1785999983549118, -1.0825999975204468, -0.12470000237226486, -0.944599986076355, -0.15139999985694885, -0.11209999769926071 ]
{ "de": "Am 25. Februar 1991 feuerten irakische Truppen eine Scud-Rakete auf eine amerikanische Kaserne in Dhahran, Saudi-Arabien.", "en": "On 25 February 1991, Iraqi forces fired a Scud missile at an American barracks in Dhahran, Saudi Arabia." }
[ 100, 81, 97 ]
[ 0.26545146107673645, -0.07543668150901794, 0.582071840763092 ]
Gulf War
Am 25. Februar 1991 feu@@ erten irak@@ ische Truppen eine S@@ cu@@ d @-@ Rak@@ ete auf eine amerikanische Kas@@ erne in D@@ ha@@ hr@@ an , Saudi @-@ Arabien .
[ -0.1753000020980835, -0.06239999830722809, -0.04360000044107437, -0.024900000542402267, -0.4778999984264374, -0.13899999856948853, -0.3133000135421753, -0.07590000331401825, -0.8313999772071838, -0.5519999861717224, -0.9641000032424927, -0.02459999918937683, -0.06949999928474426, -0.26600000262260437, -0.06689999997615814, -0.11209999769926071, -0.2190999984741211, -0.20810000598430634, -0.1891999989748001, -0.057100001722574234, -0.019099999219179153, -0.29159998893737793, -0.18379999697208405, -0.03280000016093254, -0.01720000058412552, -0.09309999644756317, -0.33570000529289246, -0.023000000044703484, -0.8432000279426575, -0.02019999921321869, -0.2621000111103058, -0.11100000143051147 ]
{ "de": "Die 1990er Jahre wurden von bewaffneten Konflikten im Nordkaukasus heimgesucht, sowohl lokalen ethnischen Auseinandersetzungen als auch separatistischen islamistischen Aufständen.", "en": "The 1990s were plagued by armed conflicts in the North Caucasus, both local ethnic skirmishes and separatist Islamist insurrections." }
[ 100, 80, 95 ]
[ 0.9553316831588745, 0.5455716848373413, 0.4030984938144684 ]
Die 199@@ 0er Jahre wurden von bewaffneten Konflikten im Nord@@ k@@ au@@ kas@@ us heim@@ gesucht , sowohl lokalen ethnischen Auseinandersetzungen als auch separ@@ atisti@@ schen islam@@ istischen Auf@@ ständen .
[ -0.5796999931335449, -0.4708999991416931, -0.041200000792741776, -0.3264999985694885, -0.7439000010490417, -0.645799994468689, -0.048900000751018524, -0.1762000024318695, -0.14869999885559082, -0.09210000187158585, -0.041099999099969864, -0.05119999870657921, -0.01679999940097332, -0.07079999893903732, -0.7134000062942505, -0.004800000227987766, -0.23999999463558197, -0.2822999954223633, -1.5290000438690186, -0.14219999313354492, -1.1363999843597412, -0.22059999406337738, -0.08739999681711197, -0.09070000052452087, -0.07829999923706055, -0.10429999977350235, -0.1678999960422516, -0.050200000405311584, -0.08760000020265579, -0.07739999890327454, -0.11909999698400497, -0.11180000007152557 ]
{ "de": "Punjab sah sich Invasionen der Achaemeniden, Griechen, Skythen, Türken und Afghanen gegenüber.", "en": "Punjab faced invasions by the Achaemenids, Greeks, Scythians, Turks, and Afghans." }
[ 59, 78, 88 ]
[ -1.305435299873352, 0.44489261507987976, -0.22330816090106964 ]
Punjab, India
Pun@@ j@@ ab sah sich Inv@@ a@@ sionen der A@@ cha@@ em@@ en@@ iden , Griechen , Sky@@ then , Tür@@ ken und Afgh@@ anen gegenüber .
[ -0.08089999854564667, -0.15320000052452087, -0.04780000075697899, -2.0281999111175537, -0.1462000012397766, -0.7638999819755554, -0.01769999973475933, -0.057500001043081284, -1.25409996509552, -0.420199990272522, -0.024700000882148743, -0.06759999692440033, -0.6230000257492065, -0.21549999713897705, -0.11860000342130661, -0.09910000115633011, -0.11469999700784683, -0.027300000190734863, -0.1754000037908554, -0.1151999980211258, -0.06310000270605087, -0.06270000338554382, -0.12849999964237213, -0.03530000150203705, -0.059300001710653305, -0.41260001063346863, -0.11150000244379044, -0.11209999769926071 ]
{ "de": "Am 17. Januar warfen rund 100 Bomber eine hohe Brandkonzentration ab, insgesamt etwa 32.000.", "en": "On 17 January around 100 bombers dropped a high concentration of incendiaries, some 32,000 in all." }
[ 55, 68, 62 ]
[ -1.5259978771209717, -0.058502696454524994, -2.5499613285064697 ]
The Blitz
Am 17. Januar war@@ fen rund 100 Bom@@ ber eine hohe Brand@@ konzentr@@ ation ab , insgesamt etwa 3@@ 2.000 .
[ -0.265500009059906, -0.10700000077486038, -0.07349999994039536, -3.0589001178741455, -0.02199999988079071, -0.9571999907493591, -0.08510000258684158, -0.12729999423027039, -0.11420000344514847, -0.3822000026702881, -0.31220000982284546, -0.5834000110626221, -1.3530999422073364, -0.09910000115633011, -0.4259999990463257, -0.2062000036239624, -0.5130000114440918, -1.0794999599456787, -0.2897000014781952, -0.11900000274181366, -0.1988999992609024, -0.11079999804496765 ]
{ "de": "3, April 1947 \"Zorro 's Strange Duel\", West Magazine Vol.", "en": "3, April 1947 \"Zorro's Strange Duel\", West Magazine Vol." }
[ 100, 93, 85 ]
[ 0.9553316831588745, 1.1999855041503906, -0.49176815152168274 ]
3 , April 1947 " Zor@@ ro ' s St@@ range Du@@ el " , West Magazine V@@ ol .
[ -1.238700032234192, -0.34940001368522644, -0.03799999877810478, -0.01269999984651804, -0.21130000054836273, -0.00860000029206276, -0.31029999256134033, -0.16099999845027924, -0.11249999701976776, -0.18889999389648438, -0.01360000018030405, -0.018200000748038292, -0.16990000009536743, -0.11169999837875366, -0.16339999437332153, -0.16599999368190765, -0.2401999980211258, -0.34709998965263367, -0.019700000062584877, -0.11190000176429749, -0.11900000274181366 ]
{ "de": "Die Armee stellte oft neben schlecht ausgestatteten Sheriffs und vorübergehend organisierten Stellungen Polizeiarbeit bereit.", "en": "The Army often provided some policing alongside poorly resourced sheriffs and temporarily organized posses." }
[ 70, 77, 91 ]
[ -0.6988880038261414, 0.3945530652999878, 0.045151837170124054 ]
Die Armee stellte oft neben schlecht ausgestatteten Sh@@ eri@@ ffs und vorübergehend organisierten Stell@@ ungen Polizei@@ arbeit bereit .
[ -0.5960000157356262, -0.059700001031160355, -1.1777000427246094, -0.5598000288009644, -1.7598999738693237, -0.5023999810218811, -0.8774999976158142, -0.37860000133514404, -0.028300000354647636, -0.02800000086426735, -0.26910001039505005, -0.45320001244544983, -0.12120000272989273, -1.4212000370025635, -0.15150000154972076, -1.680299997329712, -0.8734999895095825, -0.7621999979019165, -0.10939999669790268, -0.11159999668598175 ]
{ "de": "Dies war der erste internationale Verband in Harbin.", "en": "This marked the first international bandy in Harbin." }
[ 57, 27, 42 ]
[ -1.415716528892517, -2.1224234104156494, -4.339694499969482 ]
Dies war der erste internationale Verband in Har@@ bin .
[ -1.24399995803833, -0.5077999830245972, -0.7759000062942505, -0.11990000307559967, -0.2784999907016754, -0.18809999525547028, -0.19300000369548798, -0.048700001090765, -0.018400000408291817, -0.11879999935626984, -0.11190000176429749 ]
{ "de": "Sophomore Jacory Harris leitete die neu umgesetzte Straftat.", "en": "Sophomore Jacory Harris directed the newly implemented offense." }
[ 48, 58, 67 ]
[ -4.601715564727783, -2.1363110542297363, -0.8317691087722778 ]
Miami Hurricanes football
Sop@@ hom@@ ore Jac@@ ory Harris leitete die neu um@@ gesetzte Straft@@ at .
[ -0.05009999871253967, -0.09059999883174896, -0.04089999943971634, -0.00839999970048666, -0.02160000056028366, -0.004900000058114529, -0.5480999946594238, -0.5429999828338623, -0.2467000037431717, -1.0799000263214111, -0.3009999990463257, -0.20200000703334808, -0.023900000378489494, -0.15039999783039093, -0.11140000075101852 ]
{ "de": "Das brennende Treibmittel erzeugt inertes Gas, das den Airbag in etwa 20 bis 30 Millisekunden schnell aufblasen lässt.", "en": "The burning propellant generates inert gas which rapidly inflates the airbag in approximately 20 to 30 milliseconds." }
[ 55, 62, 85 ]
[ -1.5259978771209717, -0.36053988337516785, -0.49176815152168274 ]
Das brenn@@ ende Treib@@ mittel erzeugt in@@ ertes Gas , das den Air@@ bag in etwa 20 bis 30 Mill@@ is@@ ek@@ unden schnell auf@@ blasen lässt .
[ -0.607200026512146, -1.0500999689102173, -0.10859999805688858, -0.12960000336170197, -0.7317000031471252, -0.21539999544620514, -1.146299958229065, -0.24889999628067017, -0.08959999680519104, -0.1996999979019165, -0.4052000045776367, -0.5141000151634216, -0.10639999806880951, -0.07180000096559525, -0.4652000069618225, -1.0706000328063965, -0.06780000030994415, -0.2628999948501587, -0.07090000063180923, -0.09860000014305115, -0.0348999984562397, -0.008899999782443047, -0.014700000174343586, -0.8011000156402588, -0.2809000015258789, -1.4666999578475952, -0.37560001015663147, -0.11020000278949738, -0.11259999871253967 ]
{ "de": "Danach haben die Pinguine die Nutzung ihrer Winter Classic Trikots 2008 eingestellt.", "en": "After this, the Penguins discontinued the usage of their 2008 Winter Classic jerseys." }
[ 92, 76, 84 ]
[ 0.13463850319385529, -0.4247618615627289, -0.10779284685850143 ]
Pittsburgh Penguins
Danach haben die P@@ ingu@@ ine die Nutzung ihrer Winter Classic Tri@@ k@@ ots 2008 eingestellt .
[ -0.696399986743927, -1.710800051689148, -0.1662999987602234, -0.2922999858856201, -0.0066999997943639755, -0.09719999879598618, -0.7419000267982483, -0.8129000067710876, -0.3856000006198883, -0.490200012922287, -0.059300001710653305, -0.18240000307559967, -0.019999999552965164, -0.008299999870359898, -0.3621000051498413, -0.1120000034570694, -0.11230000108480453, -0.11230000108480453 ]
{ "de": "Sara flieht, Alex ruft Sebastian und versucht Sara weiter zu belasten.", "en": "Sara then flees; Alex later calls Sebastian, further attempting to incriminate Sara." }
[ 100, 70, 100 ]
[ 0.26545146107673645, -1.2608678340911865, 0.850531816482544 ]
Doble Kara (season 5)
Sara fli@@ eht , Alex ruft Sebastian und versucht Sara weiter zu bel@@ asten .
[ -0.30239999294281006, -0.7002000212669373, -0.0210999995470047, -1.7854000329971313, -0.18400000035762787, -0.5077999830245972, -0.30379998683929443, -1.5454000234603882, -0.20000000298023224, -0.6265000104904175, -0.9261000156402588, -0.19499999284744263, -0.6330999732017517, -0.597100019454956, -0.12030000239610672, -0.11500000208616257 ]
{ "de": "Paige schlug Shutouts in seinen ersten beiden Starts auf und schlug 14 und 18 aus.", "en": "Paige pitched shutouts in his first two starts, striking out 14 and 18." }
[ 84, 84, 100 ]
[ 0.24647627770900726, 0.9575095772743225, 0.26545146107673645 ]
Satchel Paige
Pa@@ ige schlug Sh@@ ut@@ outs in seinen ersten beiden Star@@ ts auf und schlug 14 und 18 aus .
[ -0.3476000130176544, -0.010599999688565731, -1.5870000123977661, -1.3079999685287476, -0.05889999866485596, -0.06689999997615814, -0.589900016784668, -0.5019000172615051, -0.23119999468326569, -0.4742000102996826, -0.15289999544620514, -0.0215000007301569, -0.43810001015663147, -1.0032000541687012, -0.4779999852180481, -0.659600019454956, -0.1492999941110611, -0.06830000132322311, -0.9203000068664551, -0.12370000034570694, -0.11219999939203262 ]
{ "de": "Zu den Kieselsteinen gehören Quarz, Quarzit, Quarzsandstein, blassrosa Lehm und Chert, eingebettet in eine Sandmatrix.", "en": "The pebbles include quartz, quartzite, quartz sandstone, pale pink mudstone and chert, embedded in a matrix of sand." }
[ 100, 73, 72 ]
[ 0.26545146107673645, -0.7100200653076172, -0.9439568519592285 ]
Geology of Tasmania
Zu den Kies@@ el@@ st@@ einen gehören Quar@@ z , Quar@@ z@@ it , Quar@@ z@@ sand@@ stein , bl@@ ass@@ rosa Leh@@ m und Ch@@ ert , eingebettet in eine Sand@@ matrix .
[ -1.5226000547409058, -0.15029999613761902, -0.227400004863739, -0.7512000203132629, -0.1501999944448471, -0.01979999989271164, -0.3950999975204468, -0.05719999969005585, -0.1460999995470047, -0.1152999997138977, -0.04769999906420708, -0.3792000114917755, -0.05119999870657921, -0.12120000272989273, -0.03660000115633011, -0.2526000142097473, -0.15440000593662262, -0.06650000065565109, -0.12189999967813492, -1.7395000457763672, -0.07779999822378159, -0.10920000076293945, -2.0636000633239746, -0.11909999698400497, -0.15780000388622284, -1.7977999448776245, -0.03680000081658363, -0.20350000262260437, -0.2606000006198883, -0.11550000309944153, -0.3490000069141388, -0.17800000309944153, -0.048900000751018524, -0.11680000275373459, -0.11309999972581863 ]
{ "de": "Doch die anhaltende harte Knechtschaft der Bauern durch den polnischen Adel und vor allem die Unterdrückung der orthodoxen Kirche entfremdeten die Kosaken.", "en": "However the continued harsh enserfment of peasantry by Polish nobility and especially the suppression of the Orthodox Church alienated the Cossacks." }
[ 61, 79, 70 ]
[ -2.6394481658935547, -0.1395036280155182, -1.0106889009475708 ]
Doch die anhaltende harte Kne@@ cht@@ schaft der Bauern durch den polnischen A@@ del und vor allem die Unterdrückung der orthodo@@ xen Kirche ent@@ frem@@ deten die Kos@@ aken .
[ -1.7418999671936035, -0.4009999930858612, -1.547700047492981, -0.6599000096321106, -2.0922999382019043, -0.13169999420642853, -0.01810000091791153, -0.5896999835968018, -0.453900009393692, -0.1527000069618225, -0.6133000254631042, -0.07079999893903732, -0.2603999972343445, -0.01549999974668026, -0.19110000133514404, -1.1930999755859375, -0.10109999775886536, -0.23749999701976776, -0.13210000097751617, -0.14740000665187836, -0.07590000331401825, -0.0284000001847744, -0.05559999868273735, -1.0684000253677368, -0.07349999994039536, -0.79339998960495, -0.15459999442100525, -0.021199999377131462, -0.018400000408291817, -0.11919999867677689, -0.11240000277757645 ]
{ "de": "Insbesondere können chimische Hämoglobine in Pilzen und Riesenanneliden sowohl Globin als auch andere Proteinarten enthalten.", "en": "In particular, chimeric hemoglobins found in fungi and giant annelids may contain both globin and other types of proteins." }
[ 76, 92, 71 ]
[ -0.4247618615627289, 0.13463850319385529, -1.1024123430252075 ]
Insbesondere können chim@@ ische Hä@@ mo@@ glob@@ ine in Pil@@ zen und Riesen@@ ann@@ eli@@ den sowohl Glob@@ in als auch andere Prot@@ ein@@ arten enthalten .
[ -0.6985999941825867, -1.3172999620437622, -1.1756999492645264, -1.2282999753952026, -0.014299999922513962, -0.014999999664723873, -0.08869999647140503, -0.0697999969124794, -1.1141999959945679, -0.07609999924898148, -0.12630000710487366, -0.15780000388622284, -0.8792999982833862, -0.9293000102043152, -0.17790000140666962, -0.09160000085830688, -0.3555999994277954, -0.4526999890804291, -0.14509999752044678, -0.18960000574588776, -0.0949999988079071, -0.1981000006198883, -0.26330000162124634, -0.3003999888896942, -0.475600004196167, -0.05620000138878822, -0.11959999799728394, -0.11190000176429749 ]
{ "de": "Die Osmanen drangen in die Walachei ein, um Basarab Laiotă wiederherzustellen.", "en": "The Ottomans invaded Wallachia to restore Basarab Laiotă." }
[ 100, 86, 92 ]
[ 0.26545146107673645, 1.2744206190109253, 0.13463850319385529 ]
Stephen III of Moldavia
Die Os@@ man@@ en d@@ ran@@ gen in die Wal@@ ach@@ ei ein , um Bas@@ ar@@ ab La@@ i@@ ot@@ ă wiederherzustellen .
[ -0.20010000467300415, -0.24709999561309814, -0.015399999916553497, -0.11869999766349792, -2.2035000324249268, -0.0210999995470047, -0.027699999511241913, -0.36800000071525574, -0.41990000009536743, -0.06199999898672104, -0.04010000079870224, -0.025299999862909317, -0.15279999375343323, -0.27129998803138733, -0.1281999945640564, -0.10459999740123749, -0.06369999796152115, -0.06840000301599503, -0.0820000022649765, -0.05860000103712082, -0.03550000116229057, -0.008700000122189522, -0.647599995136261, -0.11089999973773956, -0.1111999973654747 ]
{ "de": "Riefenstahl filmische Rahmung der Flaggen gekapselt seine Ikonographie.", "en": "Riefenstahl's cinematic framing of the flags encapsulated its iconography." }
[ 86, 72, 89 ]
[ 0.5260988473892212, -0.7198434472084045, 1.7497872114181519 ]
Leni Riefenstahl
R@@ ief@@ enst@@ ahl fil@@ mische Rah@@ mung der Fla@@ g@@ gen ge@@ kap@@ selt seine I@@ kon@@ ographie .
[ -0.3540000021457672, -0.00559999980032444, -0.009800000116229057, -0.3644999861717224, -0.4456999897956848, -0.3361000120639801, -1.0144000053405762, -0.09650000184774399, -0.16419999301433563, -0.699999988079071, -0.09239999949932098, -0.062300000339746475, -1.4026000499725342, -0.03310000151395798, -0.06650000065565109, -0.746999979019165, -0.0754999965429306, -0.028200000524520874, -0.2597000002861023, -0.11299999803304672, -0.1128000020980835 ]
{ "de": "Vom Südhang aus starteten persische Bogenschützen und Katapulte ihre Geschosse.", "en": "From the southern slope, Persian archers and catapults launched their projectiles." }
[ 85, 80, 100 ]
[ 0.353780597448349, 0.32368743419647217, 0.26545146107673645 ]
Wars of Alexander the Great
Vom Süd@@ hang aus start@@ eten pers@@ ische Bogen@@ schützen und Kat@@ ap@@ ul@@ te ihre Gesch@@ os@@ se .
[ -1.0185999870300293, -0.2425999939441681, -0.017000000923871994, -0.6732000112533569, -0.8317999839782715, -0.039000000804662704, -0.11760000139474869, -0.09189999848604202, -0.08489999920129776, -0.18410000205039978, -0.12999999523162842, -0.08839999884366989, -0.03359999880194664, -0.022199999541044235, -0.12060000002384186, -0.23019999265670776, -0.5464000105857849, -0.031599998474121094, -0.07890000194311142, -0.13210000097751617, -0.11089999973773956 ]
{ "de": "Kublais Armeen unterdrückten den Aufstand und stärkten die Yuan-Garnisonen in der Mongolei und im Ili-Flussbecken.", "en": "Kublai's armies suppressed the rebellion and strengthened the Yuan garrisons in Mongolia and the Ili River basin." }
[ 100, 78, 81 ]
[ 0.26545146107673645, 0.006776364054530859, 0.05066851153969765 ]
Kublai Khan
Kub@@ la@@ is Ar@@ me@@ en unter@@ drück@@ ten den Auf@@ stand und stär@@ kten die Yuan @-@ Gar@@ nis@@ onen in der Mon@@ gol@@ ei und im Il@@ i @-@ Fluss@@ becken .
[ -0.05180000141263008, -0.0658000037074089, -0.04989999905228615, -0.3353999853134155, -0.009700000286102295, -0.08730000257492065, -0.28360000252723694, -0.1143999993801117, -0.09570000320672989, -0.6694999933242798, -0.1289999932050705, -0.04910000041127205, -0.13930000364780426, -0.40450000762939453, -0.041200000792741776, -0.17190000414848328, -0.04399999976158142, -0.6456000208854675, -0.06109999865293503, -0.015799999237060547, -0.1746000051498413, -0.19050000607967377, -0.11810000240802765, -0.030500000342726707, -0.012799999676644802, -0.019099999219179153, -0.14339999854564667, -0.638700008392334, -0.16689999401569366, -0.10599999874830246, -0.5852000117301941, -0.2062000036239624, -0.8888999819755554, -0.11400000005960464, -0.11230000108480453 ]
{ "de": "Saaphyri ruft dann Prancer und übergibt ihr den Scheck, und Prancer weint und umarmt sie.", "en": "Saaphyri then calls up Prancer and hands her the check, and Prancer cries and hugs her." }
[ 100, 97, 99 ]
[ 0.26545146107673645, 0.582071840763092, 3.3343424797058105 ]
I Love Money (season 2)
Sa@@ ap@@ hy@@ ri ruft dann P@@ ran@@ c@@ er und über@@ gibt ihr den Sch@@ eck , und P@@ ran@@ c@@ er wein@@ t und um@@ arm@@ t sie .
[ -0.7009999752044678, -0.05609999969601631, -0.01940000057220459, -0.027400000020861626, -0.07720000296831131, -0.6097999811172485, -0.19009999930858612, -0.010400000028312206, -0.05590000003576279, -0.10339999943971634, -1.3030999898910522, -0.840399980545044, -0.550599992275238, -0.2849000096321106, -0.8475000262260437, -0.6118999719619751, -0.0203000009059906, -0.4973999857902527, -0.4948999881744385, -0.08299999684095383, -0.014399999752640724, -0.14300000667572021, -0.10320000350475311, -0.4526999890804291, -0.11110000312328339, -0.19370000064373016, -0.0778999999165535, -0.030400000512599945, -0.10279999673366547, -0.15459999442100525, -0.1225999966263771, -0.1137000024318695 ]
{ "de": "Ablagerungen von Chert entstanden aus der Ansammlung siliculärer Skelette mikroskopischer Organismen wie Radiolaria und Kieselalgen.", "en": "Deposits of chert formed from the accumulation of siliceous skeletons of microscopic organisms such as radiolaria and diatoms." }
[ 85, 81, 77 ]
[ 0.353780597448349, 0.48214295506477356, -1.887333869934082 ]
Sedimentary rock
Abla@@ gerungen von Ch@@ ert entstanden aus der Ans@@ ammlung si@@ lic@@ ul@@ ärer Skel@@ ette mikro@@ skop@@ ischer Organismen wie Radi@@ ol@@ aria und Kies@@ el@@ al@@ gen .
[ -0.7271999716758728, -0.036400001496076584, -0.5070000290870667, -1.2329000234603882, -0.05350000038743019, -1.6035000085830688, -0.6675000190734863, -0.33239999413490295, -0.35670000314712524, -0.028999999165534973, -1.4121999740600586, -0.8992999792098999, -0.44920000433921814, -0.11389999836683273, -0.030899999663233757, -0.11289999634027481, -0.4311000108718872, -0.019300000742077827, -0.14730000495910645, -0.04039999842643738, -0.2678000032901764, -0.18240000307559967, -0.09049999713897705, -0.07540000230073929, -0.17679999768733978, -0.7311999797821045, -0.21230000257492065, -0.21040000021457672, -0.1088000014424324, -0.12349999696016312, -0.11159999668598175 ]
{ "de": "Nadal zog sich aufgrund einer Handgelenkverletzung von der amerikanischen Schaukel zurück.", "en": "Nadal withdrew from the American swing owing to a wrist injury." }
[ 100, 83, 100 ]
[ 0.26545146107673645, 0.7990540266036987, 0.37321150302886963 ]
Rafael Nadal
Nad@@ al zog sich aufgrund einer Hand@@ gel@@ enk@@ verletz@@ ung von der amerikanischen Schau@@ kel zurück .
[ -0.0803999975323677, -0.054099999368190765, -0.3111000061035156, -0.12080000340938568, -1.069000005722046, -0.30070000886917114, -0.24770000576972961, -0.006000000052154064, -0.46790000796318054, -0.5121999979019165, -0.07000000029802322, -1.5571000576019287, -0.28630000352859497, -0.3181999921798706, -0.3817000091075897, -0.07769999653100967, -0.17159999907016754, -0.11029999703168869, -0.11150000244379044 ]
{ "de": "Allerdings kapitalisierte Crapp nicht, da Toshack nur acht Läufe in einer Folge von acht Overs zugestanden hatte.", "en": "However, Crapp did not capitalise as Toshack conceded only eight runs in a sequence of eight overs." }
[ 61, 53, 68 ]
[ -1.85105299949646, -3.3553414344787598, -1.124381422996521 ]
Third Test, 1948 Ashes series
Allerdings kap@@ it@@ alisierte C@@ rap@@ p nicht , da Tos@@ h@@ ack nur acht L@@ äufe in einer Folge von acht Over@@ s zuge@@ standen hatte .
[ -1.6700999736785889, -1.7603000402450562, -0.2644999921321869, -0.2378000020980835, -0.15330000221729279, -0.015200000256299973, -0.054999999701976776, -0.2572000026702881, -0.18129999935626984, -0.33480000495910645, -0.008799999952316284, -0.08619999885559082, -0.01730000041425228, -0.6966000199317932, -0.13089999556541443, -1.4735000133514404, -0.06849999725818634, -0.2542000114917755, -0.2994000017642975, -0.5827999711036682, -0.11069999635219574, -0.09070000052452087, -0.8413000106811523, -0.08150000125169754, -1.4486000537872314, -0.23409999907016754, -0.7196000218391418, -0.1111999973654747, -0.11249999701976776 ]
{ "de": "Der Spadix ist etwa drei Fünftel so lang wie der Laichling, mit blühenden Teilen bis in den Durchmesser.", "en": "The spadix is about three fifths as long as the spathe, with flowering parts up to in diameter." }
[ 88, 86, 84 ]
[ 0.6756935715675354, 1.2744206190109253, -1.2321383953094482 ]
Colocasia esculenta
Der Sp@@ adi@@ x ist etwa drei Fün@@ ft@@ el so lang wie der La@@ ich@@ ling , mit blüh@@ enden Teilen bis in den Durchmesser .
[ -0.7056999802589417, -0.14300000667572021, -0.05389999970793724, -0.03840000182390213, -0.6675999760627747, -0.6047000288963318, -0.23479999601840973, -0.0722000002861023, -0.022299999371170998, -0.05460000038146973, -0.9065999984741211, -0.3346000015735626, -0.19300000369548798, -0.29429998993873596, -0.48100000619888306, -0.6305000185966492, -1.5735000371932983, -0.3643999993801117, -0.30630001425743103, -0.9933000206947327, -0.1476999968290329, -0.3472000062465668, -0.2264000028371811, -1.0640000104904175, -0.657800018787384, -0.05040000006556511, -0.125900000333786, -0.11339999735355377 ]
{ "de": "Französisch stattdessen verstärkt habeō mit obligatorischen Subjekt Pronomen.", "en": "French instead reinforced habeō with obligatory subject pronouns." }
[ 87, 77, 96 ]
[ 0.17000332474708557, -0.3296757638454437, 0.492585152387619 ]
Spanish verbs
Französisch stattdessen verstärkt ha@@ be@@ ō mit oblig@@ atorischen Sub@@ jekt Pr@@ onom@@ en .
[ -0.5902000069618225, -0.2563999891281128, -0.2101999968290329, -0.08950000256299973, -0.03790000081062317, -0.018699999898672104, -0.1590999960899353, -0.5486999750137329, -0.2061000019311905, -0.36980000138282776, -0.5084999799728394, -0.020600000396370888, -0.014299999922513962, -0.11469999700784683, -0.11569999903440475, -0.11169999837875366 ]
{ "de": "Der Cantus firmus dieses Ornamentchoralvorspiels wurde 1543 von Louis Bourgeois geschrieben.", "en": "The cantus firmus of this ornamental chorale prelude was written by Louis Bourgeois in 1543." }
[ 100, 84, 76 ]
[ 0.26545146107673645, 0.9575095772743225, -0.4247618615627289 ]
Der Cant@@ us fir@@ mus dieses Or@@ nam@@ ent@@ ch@@ or@@ al@@ vor@@ spiel@@ s wurde 15@@ 43 von Louis Bour@@ geois geschrieben .
[ -0.4185999929904938, -0.9872000217437744, -0.05889999866485596, -0.0024999999441206455, -0.008299999870359898, -0.5687999725341797, -0.25290000438690186, -0.00839999970048666, -0.520799994468689, -1.476099967956543, -0.33869999647140503, -0.8155999779701233, -0.3181000053882599, -0.42570000886917114, -0.13619999587535858, -0.45179998874664307, -0.35420000553131104, -0.0357000008225441, -0.14219999313354492, -0.02759999968111515, -0.022700000554323196, -0.004900000058114529, -0.3856000006198883, -0.10920000076293945, -0.11230000108480453 ]
{ "de": "Beim Open GdF Suez zog sich Williams wegen einer Knieverletzung vor ihrem Halbfinale mit Dementieva zurück.", "en": "At the Open GdF Suez, Williams withdrew before her semifinal with Dementieva because of a knee injury." }
[ 82, 77, 100 ]
[ 0.03186763823032379, -0.1516791731119156, 0.26545146107673645 ]
Serena Williams
Beim Open G@@ d@@ F Su@@ ez zog sich Williams wegen einer Kni@@ ever@@ letz@@ ung vor ihrem Halb@@ finale mit Dem@@ enti@@ eva zurück .
[ -1.5305999517440796, -0.06129999831318855, -0.0957999974489212, -0.08720000088214874, -0.052000001072883606, -0.03310000151395798, -0.027300000190734863, -0.37459999322891235, -0.49480000138282776, -0.009399999864399433, -1.2373000383377075, -0.7827000021934509, -0.09939999878406525, -0.7041000127792358, -0.23890000581741333, -0.05739999935030937, -0.4763999879360199, -0.6895999908447266, -0.38029998540878296, -0.04529999941587448, -0.44940000772476196, -0.007400000002235174, -0.029899999499320984, -0.013000000268220901, -0.05570000037550926, -0.11240000277757645, -0.1120000034570694 ]
{ "de": "Doch der letztendliche Meister Rafael Nadal besiegte ihn im Halbfinale.", "en": "However, the eventual champion Rafael Nadal defeated him in the semifinals." }
[ 85, 82, 100 ]
[ 0.353780597448349, 0.640598475933075, 0.26545146107673645 ]
Richard Gasquet
Doch der letz@@ ten@@ dliche Meister Raf@@ ael Nad@@ al besi@@ eg@@ te ihn im Halb@@ finale .
[ -1.406599998474121, -0.7551000118255615, -1.7100000381469727, -0.37610000371932983, -0.02879999950528145, -0.8026000261306763, -0.015399999916553497, -0.009100000374019146, -0.0032999999821186066, -0.052799999713897705, -0.7369999885559082, -0.08550000190734863, -0.11869999766349792, -0.1193000003695488, -0.21250000596046448, -0.27149999141693115, -0.052799999713897705, -0.12890000641345978, -0.11209999769926071 ]
{ "de": "Der brennende Tod von NAACP-Führer Vernon Dahmer, Sr., 58, 1966 in Mississippi.", "en": "The 1966 firebombing death of NAACP leader Vernon Dahmer, Sr., 58, in Mississippi." }
[ 80, 86, 100 ]
[ -0.18274100124835968, 1.2744206190109253, 0.26545146107673645 ]
Ku Klux Klan
Der brenn@@ ende Tod von NA@@ ACP @-@ Führer Ver@@ non D@@ ah@@ mer , Sr@@ . , 58 , 1966 in Miss@@ issi@@ ppi .
[ -0.6111999750137329, -2.3736000061035156, -0.24050000309944153, -0.1517000049352646, -0.9118000268936157, -0.0071000000461936, -0.03480000048875809, -0.4846000075340271, -0.46950000524520874, -0.04280000180006027, -0.013500000350177288, -0.07649999856948853, -0.022700000554323196, -0.03519999980926514, -0.19900000095367432, -0.03689999878406525, -0.10540000349283218, -0.3959999978542328, -0.03290000185370445, -0.8532000184059143, -0.10890000313520432, -0.23909999430179596, -0.0038999998942017555, -0.006399999838322401, -0.006200000178068876, -0.16869999468326569, -0.11379999667406082 ]
{ "de": "Später verlobt er sich mit Brunhild am Hofe Heimir.", "en": "Later, he will betroth himself to Brunhild at the court of Heimir." }
[ 72, 79, 100 ]
[ -0.9439568519592285, -0.1395036280155182, 0.26545146107673645 ]
Später ver@@ lo@@ bt er sich mit Brun@@ hil@@ d am Ho@@ fe Hei@@ mir .
[ -0.2662999927997589, -1.6832000017166138, -0.19460000097751617, -0.03139999881386757, -0.12290000170469284, -0.1256999969482422, -0.828000009059906, -0.008500000461935997, -0.01810000091791153, -0.08150000125169754, -0.439300000667572, -0.7249000072479248, -0.006500000134110451, -0.5364000201225281, -0.07500000298023224, -0.1193000003695488, -0.1143999993801117 ]
{ "de": "Nach einigem Plädoyer tauschte seine Mutter das Akkordeon gegen einen Danelectro mit einem kleinen Verstärker in einer örtlichen Pfandwerkstatt ein.", "en": "After some pleading, his mother exchanged the accordion for a Danelectro with a small amplifier at a local pawnshop." }
[ 100, 81, 75 ]
[ 0.26545146107673645, 0.05066851153969765, -0.46859022974967957 ]
Jerry Garcia
Nach ein@@ igem P@@ lä@@ do@@ yer tau@@ schte seine Mutter das Ak@@ kor@@ de@@ on gegen einen Dan@@ elec@@ tro mit einem kleinen Ver@@ stärker in einer örtlichen Pf@@ and@@ werk@@ statt ein .
[ -0.366100013256073, -0.9517999887466431, -0.012900000438094139, -0.9926000237464905, -0.021299999207258224, -0.0640999972820282, -0.05790000036358833, -0.21529999375343323, -0.18770000338554382, -0.33959999680519104, -0.05050000175833702, -1.618299961090088, -0.06270000338554382, -0.014000000432133675, -0.014399999752640724, -0.033799998462200165, -0.5519999861717224, -0.9713000059127808, -0.045499999076128006, -0.09870000183582306, -0.015799999237060547, -0.621999979019165, -0.19679999351501465, -0.15700000524520874, -0.07890000194311142, -0.019899999722838402, -0.361299991607666, -0.516700029373169, -0.9466999769210815, -1.0958000421524048, -0.08810000121593475, -1.4316999912261963, -0.03819999843835831, -1.121500015258789, -0.10639999806880951, -0.11259999871253967 ]
{ "de": "Im Ultimate Marvel Universum erscheint Hercules als einer von Nick Fury 's Howling Commandos.", "en": "In the Ultimate Marvel universe, Hercules appears as one of Nick Fury's Howling Commandos." }
[ 100, 81, 79 ]
[ 0.26545146107673645, 0.05066851153969765, -0.49907243251800537 ]
Hercules (Marvel Comics)
Im Ultimate Mar@@ vel Universum erscheint Her@@ cul@@ es als einer von Nick F@@ ury ' s How@@ ling Comm@@ and@@ os .
[ -0.4453999996185303, -1.3050999641418457, -0.09459999948740005, -0.00930000003427267, -0.22910000383853912, -0.9334999918937683, -0.04349999874830246, -0.4593000113964081, -0.09730000048875809, -0.18440000712871552, -0.17030000686645508, -0.7588000297546387, -0.08799999952316284, -0.46799999475479126, -0.1696999967098236, -0.10239999741315842, -0.07400000095367432, -0.21799999475479126, -0.03759999945759773, -0.0038999998942017555, -0.011800000444054604, -0.05790000036358833, -0.11550000309944153, -0.11389999836683273 ]
{ "de": "Sie kommt während des israelischen Rückzugs 2005 in Gaza an.", "en": "She arrives in Gaza during the 2005 Israeli disengagement." }
[ 100, 71, 94 ]
[ 0.26545146107673645, -0.9427810907363892, 0.31361183524131775 ]
Juliette Binoche
Sie kommt während des israelischen Rück@@ zu@@ gs 2005 in Gaza an .
[ -0.7529000043869019, -0.5834000110626221, -0.6186000108718872, -0.29589998722076416, -0.15600000321865082, -0.9484999775886536, -0.05730000138282776, -0.10520000010728836, -0.45260000228881836, -0.45489999651908875, -0.03099999949336052, -0.0925000011920929, -0.10679999738931656, -0.11100000143051147 ]
{ "de": "Memorable Providence, Relating to Witchcraft and Possessions.", "en": "Memorable Providence, Relating to Witchcraft and Possessions." }
[ 100, 82, 91 ]
[ 0.26545146107673645, 0.1457545906305313, 0.16777265071868896 ]
Salem witch trials
Mem@@ orable Provi@@ dence , Rel@@ ating to Wit@@ ch@@ craft and Pos@@ ses@@ sions .
[ -1.0865000486373901, -0.6137999892234802, -0.032499998807907104, -0.007899999618530273, -0.20069999992847443, -0.2526000142097473, -0.10109999775886536, -0.19689999520778656, -0.0017000000225380063, -0.05829999968409538, -0.05040000006556511, -0.29319998621940613, -0.013199999928474426, -0.515500009059906, -0.8833000063896179, -0.12229999899864197, -0.11559999734163284 ]
{ "de": "Einige Jahre später entwickelte Ford das Modell 18 mit dem 221 CID Flathead V8.", "en": "A few years later Ford developed the Model 18 with the 221 CID flathead V8." }
[ 100, 81, 96 ]
[ 0.26545146107673645, 0.05066851153969765, 0.43120184540748596 ]
Economy car
Einige Jahre später entwickelte Ford das Modell 18 mit dem 2@@ 21 C@@ ID Fla@@ the@@ ad V@@ 8 .
[ -0.8855000138282776, -0.10289999842643738, -0.0803999975323677, -0.43070000410079956, -0.01679999940097332, -0.5063999891281128, -0.20100000500679016, -0.08030000329017639, -0.1550000011920929, -0.5239999890327454, -0.3522999882698059, -0.05090000107884407, -0.2809999883174896, -0.024800000712275505, -0.08540000021457672, -0.31859999895095825, -0.05460000038146973, -0.06109999865293503, -0.0828000009059906, -0.11999999731779099, -0.1120000034570694 ]
{ "de": "Der Thorax besteht aus drei geschmolzenen Segmenten, dem Prothorax, Mesothorax und Metathorax, jedes mit einem Paar Beinen.", "en": "The thorax is made of three fused segments, the prothorax, mesothorax, and metathorax, each with a pair of legs." }
[ 100, 79, 74 ]
[ 0.26545146107673645, -0.1395036280155182, -0.627045750617981 ]
Der Thor@@ ax besteht aus drei gesch@@ mol@@ z@@ enen Seg@@ menten , dem Pro@@ thor@@ ax , Mes@@ o@@ thor@@ ax und Met@@ ath@@ or@@ ax , jedes mit einem Paar B@@ einen .
[ -0.435699999332428, -0.37369999289512634, -0.016699999570846558, -0.3278000056743622, -0.10649999976158142, -0.16279999911785126, -1.2799999713897705, -0.11699999868869781, -0.2994999885559082, -0.07280000299215317, -0.048900000751018524, -0.01730000041425228, -0.5598999857902527, -0.6858999729156494, -0.3546000123023987, -0.01080000028014183, -0.01769999973475933, -0.125900000333786, -0.28790000081062317, -0.04500000178813934, -0.011300000362098217, -0.01730000041425228, -0.22349999845027924, -0.16779999434947968, -0.16200000047683716, -0.05900000035762787, -0.010400000028312206, -0.3052000105381012, -1.4722000360488892, -0.18729999661445618, -0.7613999843597412, -0.37689998745918274, -0.40540000796318054, -0.04659999907016754, -0.13539999723434448, -0.11249999701976776 ]
{ "de": "Berkmans prominentester Kritiker war Most, der Berkman als Ärger oder Flunky herabwürdigte, den Frick selbst angeheuert hatte, um Sympathie zu gewinnen.", "en": "Berkman's most prominent critic was Most, who belittled Berkman as a nuisance or a flunky hired by Frick himself to garner sympathy." }
[ 100, 82, 70 ]
[ 0.26545146107673645, 0.640598475933075, -1.8340680599212646 ]
Alexander Berkman
Ber@@ k@@ mans promin@@ ent@@ ester Kri@@ tiker war Most , der Ber@@ k@@ man als Är@@ ger oder Fl@@ unk@@ y herab@@ wür@@ digte , den Fri@@ ck selbst an@@ geh@@ eu@@ ert hatte , um Sym@@ path@@ ie zu gewinnen .
[ -0.30320000648498535, -0.16019999980926514, -0.21070000529289246, -0.4846999943256378, -0.09520000219345093, -0.39169999957084656, -0.06639999896287918, -0.02800000086426735, -0.20919999480247498, -0.066600002348423, -0.15639999508857727, -0.1729000061750412, -0.16670000553131104, -0.08669999986886978, -0.07940000295639038, -0.40610000491142273, -0.29829999804496765, -0.4797999858856201, -0.3203999996185303, -1.8208999633789062, -0.02290000021457672, -0.12549999356269836, -1.510599970817566, -0.40230000019073486, -0.7789999842643738, -0.15940000116825104, -0.8841000199317932, -0.10379999876022339, -0.030500000342726707, -0.4650999903678894, -1.233299970626831, -1.0996999740600586, -0.014600000344216824, -0.02979999966919422, -0.27070000767707825, -0.12870000302791595, -0.14949999749660492, -0.17069999873638153, -0.008999999612569809, -0.09619999676942825, -0.17219999432563782, -1.2448999881744385, -0.11050000041723251, -0.11159999668598175 ]
{ "de": "Ein drittes, persönlicheres Zitat fügt zusätzlichen Subtext hinzu.", "en": "A third, more personal quotation adds additional subtext." }
[ 100, 100, 95 ]
[ 0.26545146107673645, 0.850531816482544, 0.6796283721923828 ]
Symphony No. 7 (Shostakovich)
Ein dritt@@ es , persön@@ lich@@ eres Zit@@ at fügt zusätzlichen Sub@@ text hinzu .
[ -0.36160001158714294, -0.16930000483989716, -0.11270000040531158, -0.19859999418258667, -0.9613999724388123, -0.2612000107765198, -0.05689999833703041, -0.8191999793052673, -0.045499999076128006, -0.37119999527931213, -0.8956999778747559, -0.5468999743461609, -0.017799999564886093, -0.04769999906420708, -0.11100000143051147, -0.1120000034570694 ]
{ "de": "Vier der Seiten waren Seegrenzen, mit drei Schichten Kanone auf jeder, zwei Kasematten Ebenen in der Festung und eine Barbette Ebene auf dem Dach.", "en": "Four of the sides were seacoast fronts, with three tiers of cannon on each, two casemated tiers in the fort and one barbette tier on the roof." }
[ 100, 79, 90 ]
[ 0.26545146107673645, -0.1395036280155182, 0.450758695602417 ]
Fort Delaware
Vier der Seiten waren Se@@ egr@@ enzen , mit drei Schichten Kan@@ one auf jeder , zwei Kas@@ em@@ atten Ebenen in der Festung und eine Bar@@ bet@@ te Ebene auf dem Dach .
[ -0.3749000132083893, -0.9860000014305115, -0.11810000240802765, -0.2612000107765198, -1.1509000062942505, -1.521399974822998, -0.16290000081062317, -0.28049999475479126, -0.38999998569488525, -0.40450000762939453, -1.3803999423980713, -0.4156000018119812, -0.6376000046730042, -0.23929999768733978, -0.7106999754905701, -0.1412000060081482, -0.07339999824762344, -1.0521999597549438, -0.24869999289512634, -1.1606999635696411, -0.6687999963760376, -0.27219998836517334, -0.210099995136261, -0.08820000290870667, -0.1168999969959259, -0.9035000205039978, -0.1800999939441681, -0.02630000002682209, -0.1898999959230423, -0.9294999837875366, -0.09619999676942825, -0.1273999959230423, -0.01810000091791153, -0.11230000108480453, -0.11460000276565552 ]
{ "de": "Bands wie Pixies, R.E.M., The Replacements, Sonic Youth, XTC, The Smiths, Hüsker Dü, The Stone Roses, The Jesus and Mary Chain etc.", "en": "Bands like the Pixies, R.E.M., The Replacements, Sonic Youth, XTC, The Smiths, Hüsker Dü, The Stone Roses, The Jesus and Mary Chain etc." }
[ 93, 72, 100 ]
[ 1.2122151851654053, -0.9439568519592285, 0.26545146107673645 ]
Bands wie Pix@@ ies , R.@@ E.@@ M. , The Re@@ plac@@ ements , Sonic Youth , X@@ TC , The S@@ mi@@ ths , H@@ üs@@ ker D@@ ü , The Stone Ros@@ es , The Jesus and Mary Chain etc .
[ -0.10620000213384628, -0.13030000030994415, -0.5012999773025513, -0.08060000091791153, -0.11659999936819077, -0.04670000076293945, -0.02250000089406967, -0.08529999852180481, -0.11819999665021896, -0.12890000641345978, -0.17579999566078186, -0.013700000010430813, -0.02449999935925007, -0.11180000007152557, -0.0044999998062849045, -0.01730000041425228, -0.11110000312328339, -0.07829999923706055, -0.00860000029206276, -0.11159999668598175, -0.09950000047683716, -0.06080000102519989, -0.023399999365210533, -0.023600000888109207, -0.11050000041723251, -0.07259999960660934, -0.009399999864399433, -0.053599998354911804, -0.07940000295639038, -0.007899999618530273, -0.1111999973654747, -0.061500001698732376, -0.009800000116229057, -0.06689999997615814, -0.08900000154972076, -0.10920000076293945, -0.061900001019239426, -0.03269999846816063, -0.10859999805688858, -0.03579999879002571, -0.011300000362098217, -0.6606000065803528, -0.14219999313354492, -0.11289999634027481 ]
{ "de": "1919 gelang es Prohibitionisten, die Verfassung zu ändern, um den Verkauf von Alkohol zu verbieten.", "en": "In 1919, Prohibitionists succeeded in amending the Constitution to prohibit the sale of alcohol." }
[ 100, 96, 92 ]
[ 0.26545146107673645, 2.858975887298584, 0.13463850319385529 ]
Culture of the United States
1919 gelang es Pro@@ hibi@@ tion@@ isten , die Verfassung zu ändern , um den Verkauf von Alkohol zu verbieten .
[ -0.26170000433921814, -0.12430000305175781, -0.131400004029274, -0.7731000185012817, -0.06880000233650208, -0.035599999129772186, -0.02290000021457672, -0.257999986410141, -0.23180000483989716, -0.03779999911785126, -0.3452000021934509, -0.3151000142097473, -0.3073999881744385, -0.18619999289512634, -0.23270000517368317, -0.1582999974489212, -0.12549999356269836, -0.02539999969303608, -0.11479999870061874, -0.19439999759197235, -0.10849999636411667, -0.1120000034570694 ]
{ "de": "Im Oktober 2016 lobte Farage Trump für die \"Dominanz\" Hillary Clintons und verglich ihn mit einem Silberrückengorilla.", "en": "In October 2016, Farage praised Trump for \"dominating\" Hillary Clinton, comparing him to a silverback gorilla." }
[ 100, 80, 78 ]
[ 0.26545146107673645, 0.32368743419647217, 0.617782473564148 ]
Nigel Farage
Im Oktober 2016 lob@@ te Far@@ age Trump für die " Domin@@ anz " Hill@@ ary Clin@@ tons und ver@@ glich ihn mit einem Silber@@ rück@@ en@@ gor@@ illa .
[ -0.12439999729394913, -0.04039999842643738, -0.0778999999165535, -0.06499999761581421, -0.08869999647140503, -0.019500000402331352, -0.02500000037252903, -0.023499999195337296, -0.8611000180244446, -1.0053000450134277, -0.16419999301433563, -0.34790000319480896, -0.6757000088691711, -0.10970000177621841, -0.1080000028014183, -0.015799999237060547, -0.14480000734329224, -0.0034000000450760126, -0.6790000200271606, -0.08009999990463257, -0.12929999828338623, -0.2944999933242798, -0.30480000376701355, -0.3587999939918518, -0.7717999815940857, -1.2055000066757202, -1.3451000452041626, -0.013899999670684338, -0.035100001841783524, -0.13099999725818634, -0.11060000211000443 ]
{ "de": "Nach einem kurzen Touchdown-Laufwerk erholten sich die Colts wieder.", "en": "After one short touchdown drive, the Colts recovered the onside kick." }
[ 100, 86, 93 ]
[ 0.26545146107673645, 0.5260988473892212, 0.27314433455467224 ]
Peyton Manning
Nach einem kurzen Touch@@ down @-@ Laufwerk erhol@@ ten sich die Col@@ ts wieder .
[ -0.24250000715255737, -0.7360000014305115, -0.18629999458789825, -0.722000002861023, -0.04439999908208847, -0.6043000221252441, -0.9193999767303467, -1.9541000127792358, -0.864799976348877, -0.6902999877929688, -0.16670000553131104, -0.053199999034404755, -0.06909999996423721, -1.2869999408721924, -1.799399971961975, -0.11069999635219574 ]
{ "de": "1943 wurde er von der 77. Indischen Infanterie-Brigade zur Operation LongTuch ernannt.", "en": "In 1943, he mounted Operation Longcloth by the 77th Indian Infantry Brigade." }
[ 100, 100, 78, 50, 68, 45 ]
[ 0.26545146107673645, 0.37321150302886963, -0.23458971083164215, -0.892187774181366, -0.11585824191570282, -0.8843808174133301 ]
Indian Army during World War II
1943 wurde er von der 7@@ 7. Indi@@ schen In@@ fan@@ ter@@ ie @-@ Bri@@ ga@@ de zur Operation Long@@ Tu@@ ch ernannt .
[ -0.05260000005364418, -2.536099910736084, -1.2180999517440796, -0.9273999929428101, -0.1193000003695488, -0.08969999849796295, -0.04639999940991402, -0.7440999746322632, -0.47269999980926514, -0.10350000113248825, -0.015300000086426735, -0.008100000210106373, -0.7394000291824341, -0.8029000163078308, -0.008700000122189522, -0.007300000172108412, -0.14090000092983246, -2.1322999000549316, -0.13979999721050262, -0.043699998408555984, -3.6445999145507812, -0.047200001776218414, -1.5921000242233276, -0.11159999668598175, -0.10999999940395355 ]
{ "de": "McKinley beruhigte geschwollene Federn von Partybigwigs per Post und persönlich.", "en": "McKinley soothed ruffled feathers of party bigwigs by mail and in person." }
[ 89, 100, 89, 35, 46, 40 ]
[ 0.8113570809364319, 0.26545146107673645, -0.1338214874267578, -1.4963297843933105, -1.030801773071289, -1.064661979675293 ]
William McKinley 1896 presidential campaign
Mc@@ Kin@@ ley beruhi@@ gte gesch@@ woll@@ ene Fe@@ dern von Part@@ y@@ big@@ wi@@ gs per Post und persönlich .
[ -0.15850000083446503, -0.018200000748038292, -0.029999999329447746, -0.5547999739646912, -0.23340000212192535, -3.2792999744415283, -1.1480000019073486, -0.11630000174045563, -0.023900000378489494, -0.05429999902844429, -0.7208999991416931, -1.3604999780654907, -0.11169999837875366, -1.1342999935150146, -0.22519999742507935, -0.028699999675154686, -0.2542000114917755, -0.20839999616146088, -0.1551000028848648, -0.3292999863624573, -0.12939999997615814, -0.11460000276565552 ]
{ "de": "Der Tornado überquerte Minnesota, wo eine quonset Hütte und ein Pole Schuppen zerstört wurden, bevor der Tornado bei Eldred zerstreute.", "en": "The tornado crossed into Minnesota, where a quonset hut and a pole shed were destroyed before the tornado dissipated near Eldred." }
[ 75, 80, 89 ]
[ -0.7192625999450684, 0.32368743419647217, -0.7641415596008301 ]
Tornadoes of 2007
Der Tor@@ n@@ ado überqu@@ erte Minnesota , wo eine qu@@ on@@ set Hütte und ein Pole Schu@@ ppen zerstört wurden , bevor der Tor@@ n@@ ado bei El@@ d@@ red zer@@ stre@@ ute .
[ -0.30869999527931213, -0.04690000042319298, -0.0625, -0.026399999856948853, -1.6339000463485718, -0.16920000314712524, -0.026200000196695328, -0.18490000069141388, -0.15469999611377716, -0.47380000352859497, -1.1888999938964844, -0.10830000042915344, -0.0908999964594841, -0.0632999986410141, -0.13600000739097595, -0.3077999949455261, -2.0973000526428223, -0.23319999873638153, -0.019999999552965164, -0.13850000500679016, -0.19210000336170197, -0.37860000133514404, -0.08550000190734863, -0.2937999963760376, -0.12269999831914902, -0.05990000069141388, -0.026799999177455902, -1.4235999584197998, -0.06279999762773514, -0.07779999822378159, -0.020099999383091927, -1.4802000522613525, -0.6538000106811523, -0.08910000324249268, -0.11050000041723251, -0.11379999667406082 ]
{ "de": "Die Weibchen des größten, der Grautinamou, wiegen bis zu 2 kg bei einer Länge von bis zu 49 cm.", "en": "Females of the largest, the grey tinamou, weigh up to 2 kg with a length of up to 49 cm." }
[ 100, 93, 80 ]
[ 0.26545146107673645, 0.22412516176700592, 0.32368743419647217 ]
Die Wei@@ bchen des größten , der Grau@@ tin@@ am@@ ou , wiegen bis zu 2 kg bei einer Länge von bis zu 49 cm .
[ -0.9485999941825867, -0.612500011920929, -0.03550000116229057, -0.8600000143051147, -0.373199999332428, -0.6288999915122986, -0.9623000025749207, -1.395900011062622, -0.10989999771118164, -0.047600001096725464, -0.07800000160932541, -0.13940000534057617, -0.17820000648498535, -0.16920000314712524, -0.1225999966263771, -0.2102999985218048, -0.08070000261068344, -1.0232000350952148, -0.16509999334812164, -0.2630000114440918, -0.59170001745224, -0.12470000237226486, -0.08799999952316284, -0.033799998462200165, -0.03500000014901161, -0.11270000040531158, -0.11289999634027481 ]
{ "de": "Harris, Jonathan, Byzanz and the Crusades, Bloomsbury, 2nd ed., 2014.", "en": "Harris, Jonathan, Byzantium and the Crusades, Bloomsbury, 2nd ed., 2014." }
[ 79, 68, 74 ]
[ -1.7001351118087769, -1.4703928232192993, -1.476121425628662 ]
Second Crusade
Harris , Jonathan , By@@ z@@ anz and the Crus@@ ades , Blo@@ om@@ s@@ bury , 2nd ed . , 2014 .
[ -0.14329999685287476, -0.1177000030875206, -0.016499999910593033, -0.12110000103712082, -0.00860000029206276, -0.06719999760389328, -0.007400000002235174, -0.3610000014305115, -0.04960000142455101, -0.019300000742077827, -0.022299999371170998, -0.1160999983549118, -0.028200000524520874, -0.031099999323487282, -0.07159999758005142, -0.006800000090152025, -0.12280000001192093, -0.3804999887943268, -0.3003000020980835, -0.11649999767541885, -0.12150000035762787, -0.06040000170469284, -0.12449999898672104, -0.11330000311136246 ]
{ "de": "Zwei Nu Mou, Babus Swain und Ezel Berbier, erscheinen als optionale spielbare Charaktere in Final Fantasy Tactics Advance.", "en": "Two Nu Mou, Babus Swain and Ezel Berbier, appear as optional playable characters in Final Fantasy Tactics Advance." }
[ 87, 78, 100 ]
[ 0.5683892369270325, 0.006776364054530859, 0.26545146107673645 ]
Zwei N@@ u M@@ ou , Bab@@ us S@@ wa@@ in und E@@ zel Ber@@ bi@@ er , erscheinen als option@@ ale spiel@@ bare Charakter@@ e in Final Fantasy Tac@@ tics Adv@@ ance .
[ -0.8174999952316284, -0.10620000213384628, -0.05460000038146973, -0.09109999984502792, -0.020899999886751175, -0.17010000348091125, -0.014399999752640724, -0.04610000178217888, -0.07750000059604645, -0.014700000174343586, -0.08879999816417694, -0.12770000100135803, -0.10050000250339508, -0.004000000189989805, -0.03180000185966492, -0.06629999727010727, -0.10329999774694443, -0.2581999897956848, -0.2736000120639801, -0.5209000110626221, -0.39079999923706055, -0.16869999468326569, -0.8120999932289124, -0.09529999643564224, -0.30140000581741333, -0.06669999659061432, -0.4108999967575073, -0.0357000008225441, -0.00839999970048666, -0.026499999687075615, -0.050200000405311584, -0.012299999594688416, -0.015799999237060547, -0.12060000002384186, -0.1120000034570694 ]
{ "de": "Einige waren im Gefolge der modernen Säkularisierung zusammen mit Katholiken und anderen christlichen Gruppen desillusioniert.", "en": "Some disaffiliated along with Roman Catholics and other Christian groups in the wake of modern secularization." }
[ 69, 78, 75 ]
[ -1.419323444366455, -0.23458971083164215, -0.051030486822128296 ]
Einige waren im Ge@@ folge der modernen Sä@@ kul@@ ar@@ isierung zusammen mit Katholiken und anderen christlichen Gruppen des@@ illu@@ sion@@ iert .
[ -0.7620000243186951, -2.139400005340576, -1.708799958229065, -0.9889000058174133, -0.010700000450015068, -0.2969000041484833, -0.3127000033855438, -0.11069999635219574, -0.010099999606609344, -0.015799999237060547, -0.07540000230073929, -2.0429000854492188, -0.09629999846220016, -1.3869999647140503, -0.13379999995231628, -0.1860000044107437, -0.08659999817609787, -0.2596000134944916, -1.307800054550171, -0.7458999752998352, -0.023600000888109207, -0.07029999792575836, -0.12129999697208405, -0.11140000075101852 ]
{ "de": "Verdunkelung der Brustwarzen und Areolas durch eine Zunahme der Hormone.", "en": "Darkening of the nipples and areolas due to an increase in hormones." }
[ 82, 86, 100 ]
[ 0.03186763823032379, 1.2744206190109253, 0.26545146107673645 ]
Ver@@ dunkel@@ ung der Brust@@ war@@ zen und Are@@ olas durch eine Zunahme der Hor@@ mone .
[ -0.6208000183105469, -0.21850000321865082, -0.15160000324249268, -0.19619999825954437, -0.013100000098347664, -0.0044999998062849045, -0.026399999856948853, -0.12680000066757202, -0.28450000286102295, -1.002500057220459, -0.7312999963760376, -1.126099944114685, -0.6017000079154968, -0.44679999351501465, -0.03189999982714653, -0.03700000047683716, -0.1826999932527542, -0.11580000072717667 ]
{ "de": "Pharnaces richtete einen Hinterhalt mit ausgewählten Infanteristen und seiner ganzen Kavallerie ein.", "en": "Pharnaces set up an ambush with selected infantrymen and all his cavalry." }
[ 81, 78, 100 ]
[ -0.07543668150901794, 0.006776364054530859, 0.26545146107673645 ]
Pharnaces II of Pontus
Phar@@ n@@ aces richtete einen Hinter@@ halt mit ausgewählten In@@ fan@@ ter@@ isten und seiner ganzen K@@ av@@ aller@@ ie ein .
[ -0.19920000433921814, -0.036400001496076584, -0.04919999837875366, -2.2539000511169434, -0.33550000190734863, -0.018200000748038292, -0.016100000590085983, -0.17749999463558197, -0.17489999532699585, -0.3765999972820282, -0.017799999564886093, -0.007300000172108412, -0.3434000015258789, -0.17890000343322754, -1.0872000455856323, -0.4302999973297119, -0.19539999961853027, -0.004000000189989805, -0.04859999939799309, -0.06509999930858612, -0.7437999844551086, -0.11020000278949738, -0.11209999769926071 ]
{ "de": "Die japanischen Gärten im Irish National Stud, Kildare, Co. Kildare", "en": "The Japanese Gardens at the Irish National Stud, Kildare, Co. Kildare" }
[ 100, 83, 76 ]
[ 0.26545146107673645, 0.7990540266036987, -0.4247618615627289 ]
Japanese garden
Die japanischen Gärten im Irish National Stu@@ d , Kil@@ dare , Co. Kil@@ dare
[ -1.2194000482559204, -0.5393999814987183, -0.030899999663233757, -0.7166000008583069, -0.4659999907016754, -0.01850000023841858, -0.07999999821186066, -0.0544000007212162, -0.19210000336170197, -0.026200000196695328, -0.05270000174641609, -0.17000000178813934, -0.1485999971628189, -0.0551999993622303, -0.053199999034404755, -0.14409999549388885 ]
{ "de": "1979 Drucke aus Paris, 9 zeitgenössische Druckgraphiker, The Ruskin School of Drawing and Fine Art, Oxford University, Vereinigtes Königreich.", "en": "1979 Prints from Paris, 9 Contemporary Printmakers, The Ruskin School of Drawing and Fine Art, Oxford University, United Kingdom." }
[ 100, 80, 91, 100, 100, 100 ]
[ 0.26545146107673645, -0.04441756010055542, 0.045151837170124054, 1.1216191053390503, 1.2149686813354492, 1.098711609840393 ]
Takesada Matsutani
1979 Dru@@ cke aus Paris , 9 zeitgenössische Druck@@ graphi@@ ker , The Rus@@ kin School of Dra@@ wing and Fine Art , Oxford University , Vereinigtes Königreich .
[ -0.03150000050663948, -2.290800094604492, -0.025299999862909317, -0.17569999396800995, -0.06549999862909317, -0.14399999380111694, -0.16840000450611115, -0.35600000619888306, -0.8745999932289124, -1.2460999488830566, -0.07109999656677246, -0.2962999939918518, -1.1243000030517578, -0.015300000086426735, -0.00860000029206276, -0.008999999612569809, -0.09380000084638596, -0.2809999883174896, -0.011099999770522118, -0.06599999964237213, -0.008799999952316284, -0.08609999716281891, -0.17749999463558197, -0.03189999982714653, -0.052000001072883606, -0.1428000032901764, -0.8090999722480774, -0.05050000175833702, -0.20810000598430634, -0.11349999904632568 ]
{ "de": "General Sir Edmund Ironside der Britischen Armee kommt über Gdynia nach Warschau.", "en": "General Sir Edmund Ironside of the British Army comes to Warsaw, via Gdynia." }
[ 78, 77, 74 ]
[ -0.0830475389957428, 0.39484483003616333, -0.627045750617981 ]
1939 in Poland
General Sir Ed@@ mund Iron@@ side der Bri@@ tischen Armee kommt über G@@ dy@@ nia nach Warschau .
[ -0.6129999756813049, -0.121799997985363, -0.041999999433755875, -0.006000000052154064, -0.11980000138282776, -0.020099999383091927, -0.9089000225067139, -0.7275999784469604, -0.14820000529289246, -0.05620000138878822, -0.34459999203681946, -0.38029998540878296, -0.13760000467300415, -0.14069999754428864, -0.02850000001490116, -0.14419999718666077, -0.02199999988079071, -0.12200000137090683, -0.11100000143051147 ]
{ "de": "Zusammen mit Bryson DeChambeau verloren sie am Freitagnachmittag 4 und 5 an Europas Sergio García und Alex Norén.", "en": "Paired with Bryson DeChambeau in the Friday afternoon foursomes, they lost 5 and 4 to Europe's Sergio García and Alex Norén." }
[ 100, 82, 91 ]
[ 0.26545146107673645, 0.1457545906305313, 0.18308283388614655 ]
Phil Mickelson
Zusammen mit Br@@ y@@ son De@@ Cham@@ be@@ au verloren sie am Freit@@ ag@@ nach@@ mittag 4 und 5 an Europas Ser@@ gio Garc@@ ía und Alex Nor@@ én .
[ -1.5048999786376953, -0.09910000115633011, -0.04230000078678131, -0.05429999902844429, -0.019899999722838402, -0.04560000076889992, -0.007000000216066837, -0.048500001430511475, -0.02979999966919422, -1.4631999731063843, -0.24869999289512634, -0.4731999933719635, -0.37459999322891235, -0.04010000079870224, -0.14560000598430634, -0.03700000047683716, -1.7651000022888184, -0.5067999958992004, -0.3357999920845032, -0.5041000247001648, -1.3004000186920166, -0.16699999570846558, -0.010900000110268593, -0.04100000113248825, -0.023099999874830246, -0.13279999792575836, -0.012400000356137753, -0.023399999365210533, -0.015699999406933784, -0.12520000338554382, -0.11270000040531158 ]
{ "de": "n. Lactucinus Maximus, Konsul suffectus 437 v. Chr.", "en": "n. Lactucinus Maximus, consul suffectus in 437 BC." }
[ 82, 69, 91 ]
[ 0.1457545906305313, -0.7202449440956116, 0.4590657651424408 ]
Valeria (gens)
n. Lac@@ tu@@ cin@@ us Maxim@@ us , Kon@@ sul suff@@ ect@@ us 4@@ 37 v. Chr .
[ -0.18780000507831573, -0.04149999842047691, -0.04899999871850014, -0.026000000536441803, -0.034699998795986176, -0.014100000262260437, -0.038100000470876694, -0.16009999811649323, -0.800599992275238, -0.004800000227987766, -0.33869999647140503, -0.01140000019222498, -0.0421999990940094, -1.0786000490188599, -0.03660000115633011, -0.3912000060081482, -0.5885999798774719, -0.12700000405311584, -0.1128000020980835 ]
{ "de": "Die Südflanke fließt zunächst entlang einer Rinne, bevor sie sich ausbreitet.", "en": "The southern flank flows at first proceeded along a gully before spreading out." }
[ 100, 82, 72, 100, 90, 100 ]
[ 0.26545146107673645, 0.1457545906305313, -1.6550947427749634, 1.1216191053390503, 0.799085259437561, 1.098711609840393 ]
Lascar (volcano)
Die Süd@@ flan@@ ke fließt zunächst entlang einer Rin@@ ne , bevor sie sich aus@@ breitet .
[ -0.5008999705314636, -0.8776000142097473, -0.047200001776218414, -0.22830000519752502, -0.33250001072883606, -0.6218000054359436, -1.1019999980926514, -0.32499998807907104, -1.1030999422073364, -0.02800000086426735, -0.725600004196167, -0.16130000352859497, -0.2712000012397766, -0.12240000069141388, -0.23549999296665192, -0.19900000095367432, -0.10999999940395355, -0.11259999871253967 ]
{ "de": "Alan Davis erhielt entweder eine Gehirnerschütterung oder einen großen \"Stinger\" und verpasste das nächste Spiel.", "en": "Alan Davis sustained either a concussion or major \"stinger\" and missed the next game." }
[ 100, 87, 80 ]
[ 0.26545146107673645, 0.5683892369270325, -0.9392014741897583 ]
2007 Oklahoma Sooners football team
Alan Davis erhielt entweder eine Gehir@@ ner@@ schüt@@ terung oder einen großen " St@@ inger " und ver@@ pas@@ ste das nächste Spiel .
[ -0.02239999920129776, -0.010300000198185444, -3.170099973678589, -0.2493000030517578, -0.5800999999046326, -0.10050000250339508, -0.013299999758601189, -0.04479999840259552, -0.03629999980330467, -0.1281999945640564, -1.4966000318527222, -1.426300048828125, -0.25369998812675476, -0.24889999628067017, -0.05090000107884407, -0.1071000024676323, -0.20630000531673431, -0.22579999268054962, -0.20649999380111694, -0.08250000327825546, -0.21119999885559082, -0.11580000072717667, -0.11289999634027481, -0.12890000641345978, -0.11140000075101852 ]
{ "de": "Hesekiel überzeugt ihn, mit ihnen nach Alexandria zu marschieren.", "en": "Ezekiel convinces him to march with them to Alexandria." }
[ 100, 82, 100 ]
[ 0.26545146107673645, 0.1457545906305313, 0.6946992874145508 ]
Morgan Jones (The Walking Dead)
H@@ es@@ ek@@ iel überzeugt ihn , mit ihnen nach Alexandria zu mar@@ schi@@ eren .
[ -0.5232999920845032, -0.019500000402331352, -0.007300000172108412, -0.012199999764561653, -0.6489999890327454, -0.22849999368190765, -0.32670000195503235, -0.23989999294281006, -0.12139999866485596, -0.16580000519752502, -0.2883000075817108, -0.31679999828338623, -0.3395000100135803, -0.02669999934732914, -0.0706000030040741, -0.11540000140666962, -0.1128000020980835 ]
{ "de": "Es war verboten, einen abgebrochenen Kämpfer zu schlagen und unter der Taille zu greifen.", "en": "Hitting a downed fighter and grasping below the waist were prohibited." }
[ 65, 61, 63 ]
[ -2.05314564704895, -2.2215230464935303, -3.1977250576019287 ]
Es war verboten , einen ab@@ gebro@@ ch@@ enen Kämpfer zu schlagen und unter der T@@ ail@@ le zu greifen .
[ -2.3046000003814697, -0.4205999970436096, -0.2728999853134155, -0.3280999958515167, -0.4327000081539154, -3.0573999881744385, -1.2782000303268433, -0.024900000542402267, -0.0674000009894371, -0.3718999922275543, -0.5163000226020813, -0.729200005531311, -0.17430000007152557, -1.0611000061035156, -0.5950999855995178, -0.7329000234603882, -0.03480000048875809, -0.04179999977350235, -0.35600000619888306, -0.28349998593330383, -0.11010000109672546, -0.11050000041723251 ]
{ "de": "Am 5. Dezember wählte der Republikanische Kaukus Ron Ryckman, Jr, zum Sprecher und Don Hineman zum Mehrheitsführer.", "en": "The Republican Caucus, on December 5, elected Ron Ryckman, Jr, as Speaker and Don Hineman as Majority Leader." }
[ 100, 78, 82 ]
[ 0.26545146107673645, -0.23458971083164215, 0.640598475933075 ]
Kansas Republican Party
Am 5. Dezember w@@ ählte der Republi@@ kanische Kau@@ kus Ron Ry@@ ck@@ man , J@@ r , zum Sprecher und Don Hin@@ eman zum Mehr@@ heits@@ führer .
[ -1.2049000263214111, -0.07100000232458115, -0.05000000074505806, -0.6808000206947327, -0.08299999684095383, -0.1687999963760376, -0.4562000036239624, -0.20759999752044678, -0.1500999927520752, -1.176800012588501, -0.01769999973475933, -0.011900000274181366, -0.04039999842643738, -0.07159999758005142, -0.5598999857902527, -0.16359999775886536, -0.10719999670982361, -0.3709999918937683, -0.4244999885559082, -0.211899995803833, -0.2395000010728836, -0.01860000006854534, -0.010300000198185444, -0.004900000058114529, -0.46230000257492065, -0.5587000250816345, -0.24169999361038208, -0.2985999882221222, -0.12860000133514404, -0.11110000312328339 ]
{ "de": "Ouidah, wie von Bruce Chatwin in The Viceroy of Ouidah beschrieben.", "en": "Ouidah, as described by Bruce Chatwin in The Viceroy of Ouidah." }
[ 90, 73, 100 ]
[ -0.04433482512831688, -0.7855013012886047, 0.26545146107673645 ]
World of The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen
Ou@@ i@@ da@@ h , wie von Bruce Ch@@ at@@ win in The Vic@@ ero@@ y of Ou@@ i@@ da@@ h beschrieben .
[ -0.18610000610351562, -0.08150000125169754, -0.09059999883174896, -0.05139999836683273, -0.22419999539852142, -0.20029999315738678, -1.367799997329712, -0.013899999670684338, -0.0494999997317791, -0.06710000336170197, -0.019200000911951065, -0.5485000014305115, -0.48829999566078186, -0.08709999918937683, -0.02449999935925007, -0.040300000458955765, -0.24379999935626984, -0.012400000356137753, -0.06639999896287918, -0.06729999929666519, -0.041999999433755875, -0.10220000147819519, -0.14669999480247498, -0.11339999735355377 ]
{ "de": "Einige andere später Trilobiten verloren auch Gesichtsnähte secondarily.", "en": "Some other later trilobites also lost facial sutures secondarily." }
[ 93, 85, 100 ]
[ 1.2122151851654053, 1.1159651279449463, 0.26545146107673645 ]
Einige andere später Tril@@ ob@@ iten verloren auch Gesichts@@ näh@@ te sec@@ on@@ dar@@ ily .
[ -0.8152999877929688, -0.6945000290870667, -1.111799955368042, -0.21490000188350677, -0.01889999955892563, -0.033399999141693115, -0.5853000283241272, -0.7577000260353088, -0.8607000112533569, -0.21060000360012054, -0.09650000184774399, -1.8654999732971191, -0.06769999861717224, -0.01769999973475933, -0.08990000188350677, -0.11729999631643295, -0.11320000141859055 ]
{ "de": "Bis April 1918 bestand das Regiment aus 2.400 in fünf Bataillonen.", "en": "By April 1918, the regiment consisted of 2,400 in five battalions." }
[ 93, 85, 100 ]
[ 1.2122151851654053, 1.1159651279449463, 0.26545146107673645 ]
Bis April 1918 bestand das Regi@@ ment aus 2.@@ 400 in fünf Bat@@ a@@ ill@@ onen .
[ -1.031999945640564, -0.2290000021457672, -0.009499999694526196, -0.42100000381469727, -0.21400000154972076, -0.06599999964237213, -0.03009999915957451, -0.15479999780654907, -0.43810001015663147, -0.05620000138878822, -0.9434999823570251, -0.1371999979019165, -0.014800000004470348, -0.006800000090152025, -0.0640999972820282, -0.13099999725818634, -0.13130000233650208, -0.11249999701976776 ]
{ "de": "Die Episode schließt mit Bloom Lesen einer Zeitschrift Geschichte namens Matcham war Masterhub, von Herrn Philip Beaufoy, während Stuhlgang im Nebengebäude.", "en": "The episode closes with Bloom reading a magazine story named Matcham’s Masterstroke, by Mr. Philip Beaufoy, while defecating in the outhouse." }
[ 78, 58, 82 ]
[ -0.39734962582588196, -3.1623342037200928, 1.509533166885376 ]
Ulysses (novel)
Die Episode schließt mit Blo@@ om Lesen einer Zeitschrift Geschichte namens Mat@@ ch@@ am war Master@@ hub , von Herrn Philip Beauf@@ o@@ y , während Stu@@ hl@@ gang im Neben@@ gebäude .
[ -0.3102000057697296, -0.590399980545044, -0.7960000038146973, -0.2224999964237213, -0.12099999934434891, -0.026399999856948853, -1.0392999649047852, -0.7035999894142151, -0.5961999893188477, -0.49540001153945923, -0.09049999713897705, -0.02070000022649765, -0.03970000147819519, -0.06499999761581421, -4.755199909210205, -0.08780000358819962, -2.2739999294281006, -0.13089999556541443, -0.18050000071525574, -0.7290999889373779, -0.042500000447034836, -0.0007999999797903001, -0.06210000067949295, -0.02800000086426735, -0.11389999836683273, -0.2078000009059906, -0.4690000116825104, -0.33090001344680786, -0.02969999983906746, -0.928600013256073, -0.42660000920295715, -0.04969999939203262, -0.11339999735355377, -0.11400000005960464 ]
{ "de": "Sie reisen dann nach Miami, um Dazzler zu rekrutieren, genauso wie Antimatter wieder zusammenkommt.", "en": "They then travel to Miami to recruit Dazzler just as Antimatter remerges." }
[ 100, 93, 85 ]
[ 0.26545146107673645, 3.9618473052978516, 0.4310128092765808 ]
Nico Minoru
Sie reisen dann nach Miami , um Da@@ zz@@ ler zu re@@ k@@ ru@@ tieren , genauso wie An@@ tim@@ atter wieder zusammen@@ kommt .
[ -0.9599000215530396, -0.2087000012397766, -0.573199987411499, -0.15860000252723694, -0.008299999870359898, -0.38190001249313354, -0.09860000014305115, -0.10209999978542328, -0.021400000900030136, -0.04430000111460686, -1.065000057220459, -0.3285999894142151, -0.010599999688565731, -0.0071000000461936, -0.05429999902844429, -0.37279999256134033, -1.5760999917984009, -0.125, -0.30469998717308044, -0.016300000250339508, -0.46309998631477356, -0.9401000142097473, -0.34150001406669617, -1.3791999816894531, -0.11089999973773956, -0.11129999905824661 ]
{ "de": "Sie umzingelten Haman, als das 2. Bataillon zerbröckelte.", "en": "They surrounded Haman as the 2nd Battalion crumbled in disarray." }
[ 100, 100, 70 ]
[ 0.26545146107673645, 0.850531816482544, -1.2608678340911865 ]
The Great Naktong Offensive
Sie um@@ z@@ ing@@ elten Ham@@ an , als das 2. Bat@@ a@@ illon zer@@ br@@ ö@@ ck@@ elte .
[ -0.44530001282691956, -0.23149999976158142, -1.5642999410629272, -0.01600000075995922, -0.08420000225305557, -0.02669999934732914, -0.09570000320672989, -0.6901000142097473, -0.37610000371932983, -0.288100004196167, -0.44209998846054077, -0.029999999329447746, -0.023399999365210533, -0.15029999613761902, -1.3517999649047852, -0.5677000284194946, -0.032999999821186066, -0.07100000232458115, -0.10080000013113022, -0.1216999962925911, -0.1103999987244606 ]
{ "de": "Selten können Teratome ein wachsendes Teratom-Syndrom oder eine peritoneale Gliomatose verursachen.", "en": "Rarely, teratomas can cause growing teratoma syndrome or peritoneal gliomatosis." }
[ 100, 81, 91 ]
[ 0.26545146107673645, 0.48214295506477356, 0.045151837170124054 ]
Ovarian cancer
Sel@@ ten können Ter@@ at@@ ome ein wachsen@@ des Ter@@ at@@ om @-@ Syndrom oder eine per@@ it@@ one@@ ale Gli@@ omat@@ ose verursachen .
[ -0.8424000144004822, -0.025100000202655792, -0.4814000129699707, -0.09459999948740005, -0.1753000020980835, -0.005900000222027302, -1.7762999534606934, -0.42730000615119934, -0.07159999758005142, -0.12770000100135803, -0.17399999499320984, -0.5227000117301941, -0.320499986410141, -0.032600000500679016, -0.1923000067472458, -0.40720000863075256, -0.6323999762535095, -0.07169999927282333, -0.10580000281333923, -0.11800000071525574, -0.0035000001080334187, -0.08240000158548355, -0.0215000007301569, -0.7911999821662903, -0.11219999939203262, -0.11240000277757645 ]

Dataset Card for WMT20 - MultiLingual Quality Estimation (MLQE) Task1

Dataset Summary

From the homepage: This shared task (part of WMT20) will build on its previous editions to further examine automatic methods for estimating the quality of neural machine translation output at run-time, without relying on reference translations. As in previous years, we cover estimation at various levels. Important elements introduced this year include: a new task where sentences are annotated with Direct Assessment (DA) scores instead of labels based on post-editing; a new multilingual sentence-level dataset mainly from Wikipedia articles, where the source articles can be retrieved for document-wide context; the availability of NMT models to explore system-internal information for the task.

Task 1 uses Wikipedia data for 6 language pairs that includes high-resource English--German (En-De) and English--Chinese (En-Zh), medium-resource Romanian--English (Ro-En) and Estonian--English (Et-En), and low-resource Sinhalese--English (Si-En) and Nepalese--English (Ne-En), as well as a dataset with a combination of Wikipedia articles and Reddit articles for Russian-English (En-Ru). The datasets were collected by translating sentences sampled from source language articles using state-of-the-art NMT models built using the fairseq toolkit and annotated with Direct Assessment (DA) scores by professional translators. Each sentence was annotated following the FLORES setup, which presents a form of DA, where at least three professional translators rate each sentence from 0-100 according to the perceived translation quality. DA scores are standardised using the z-score by rater. Participating systems are required to score sentences according to z-standardised DA scores.

Supported Tasks and Leaderboards

From the homepage:

Sentence-level submissions will be evaluated in terms of the Pearson's correlation metric for the DA prediction agains human DA (z-standardised mean DA score, i.e. z_mean). These are the official evaluation scripts. The evaluation will focus on multilingual systems, i.e. systems that are able to provide predictions for all languages in the Wikipedia domain. Therefore, average Pearson correlation across all these languages will be used to rank QE systems. We will also evaluate QE systems on a per-language basis for those interested in particular languages.


Eight languages are represented in this dataset:

  • English (en)
  • German (de)
  • Romanian (ro)
  • Estonian (et)
  • Nepalese (ne)
  • Sinhala (si)
  • Russian (ru)

Dataset Structure

Data Instances

An example looks like this:

  'segid': 123,
  'translation': {
    'en': 'José Ortega y Gasset visited Husserl at Freiburg in 1934.',
    'de': '1934 besuchte José Ortega y Gasset Husserl in Freiburg.',
  'scores': [100.0, 100.0, 100.0],
  'mean': 100.0,
  'z_scores': [0.9553316831588745, 1.552362322807312, 0.850531816482544],
  'z_mean': 1.1194086074829102,
  'model_score': -0.10244649648666382,
  'doc_id': 'Edmund Husserl',
  'nmt_output': '1934 besuchte José Ort@@ ega y G@@ asset Hus@@ ser@@ l in Freiburg .',
  'word_probas': [-0.4458000063896179, -0.2745000123977661, -0.07199999690055847, -0.002300000051036477, -0.005900000222027302, -0.14579999446868896, -0.07500000298023224, -0.012400000356137753, -0.026900000870227814, -0.036400001496076584, -0.05299999937415123, -0.14990000426769257, -0.012400000356137753, -0.1145000010728836, -0.10999999940395355],

Data Fields

  • segid: segment id.
  • original: original sentence.
  • translation: Dictionary with pairs (source,target).
    • src_lg: sequence of text in source language.
    • tgt_lg: sequence of text in target language.
  • scores: list of DA scores by all annotators - the number of annotators may vary. [] if N/A (only for ru-en/test).
  • mean: average of DA scores. -10_000 if N/A (only for ru-en/test).
  • z_scores: list of z-standardized DA scores. [] if N/A (only for ru-en/test).
  • z_mean: average of z-standardized DA scores. -10_000 if N/A (only for ru-en/test).
  • model_score: NMT model score for sentence. -10_000 if N/A (only for ru-en/test).
  • doc_id: the name of the article where each original segment came from.
  • nmt_output: the actual output of the NMT model before any post-processing, corresponding to the log-probas in word_probas (the token is not printed, so the number of log-probabilities equals the number of tokens plus 1).
  • word_probas: log-probabilities from the NMT model for each decoded token including the token.

Data Splits

There are 7 configurations in this dataset (one for each available language pair). Each configuration is composed of 7K examples for training, 1K for validation and 1K for test.

Dataset Creation

Curation Rationale

The original text is extracted from Wikipedia, Russian Reddit and Russian WikiQuotes. Translations are obtained using state-of-the-art NMT models built using the fairseq toolkit and annotated with Direct Assesment scores by professional translators.

Source Data

[More Information Needed]

Initial Data Collection and Normalization

[More Information Needed]

Who are the source language producers?

[More Information Needed]


[More Information Needed]

Annotation process

[More Information Needed]

Who are the annotators?

[More Information Needed]

Personal and Sensitive Information

[More Information Needed]

Considerations for Using the Data

Social Impact of Dataset

[More Information Needed]

Discussion of Biases

[More Information Needed]

Other Known Limitations

[More Information Needed]

Additional Information

Dataset Curators

[More Information Needed]

Licensing Information


Citation Information

Not available.


Thanks to @VictorSanh for adding this dataset.

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Models trained or fine-tuned on wmt/wmt20_mlqe_task1