2 values
Which of you got a full ass beard Just those of you reply im trynna ask questions
I Hate Waking UpWhen I was sleeping I was thinking about her and how much I love her.. I had a lot of nice things to say and I opened up about wanting to explore my sexual fantasies with her. It was beautiful.. until I woke up and I realized one time I asked to talk to her. She said ok. I opened up, and got ignored.. that pissed me off. Im so.. so close to telling her off.. telling her to go kill herself.. telling her to she shouldve died on her birthday. I mean it too. Im not just being angry. Im so tired of this
My science teacher gave me one of those fake contract things that arent really legally binding, so I signed it in cursive with the name Simon Riley (or ghost from call of duty), lets see how long it takes for her to notice.
SOSHonestly, I hesitated to post on here but after a couple days of reading others post I think Im ready to bring my thoughts to my keyboard. Recently my girlfriend had a miscarriage. Afterwards she was broken I could see the life slowly leaving her body day by day. I tried to comfort her, but it seemed as if she was too numb to the pain for me to help her. I could never have understood her grief even though I tried. Last week she took her last breath in this earth, the pain was too much for her to bear. Ever since Ive been in such distraught. I feel like nobody understands how heartbroken I am. I just want to feel again. Maybe thats why she did it.. she got tired of feeling nothing.
Ive been pronouncing the word juice as Jews all year And no one has ANY IDEA So when I say I am going to consume the juice. #well.
Waiting too long?Hey just a thought, but ppl usually say "I'll end it this weekend", or "next month". Is it weird that I'm waiting yrs. It isn't for things to get better just need to accomplish a few things and uphold promises. After that, I'm out. Anyone else do this to?
Any Dog owners/adopters here I got questions I want to adopt a dog since I feel sorta alone during free time and got nothing else to occupy myself so I want a companion and as well its be nice to give a dog a home So here are questions I got .what do I need to sign or go through to apply for an adoption .how often should I get them examined by a vet . Whats generally good dog snacks or food to give them .what actives should I try to do . What human food they can have (I know chocolate and sweets are not good for them) .how do I make sure to have a good connection
Does your subconscious ever take you for a ride?So, long story short, a close friend of mine committed suicide a couple years back and ever since then the holidays trip me out (they were born smack dab on Christmas Eve, fml). Examples: on Christmas Eve back in the year of my friends passing I had a panic attack that landed me in the hospital. The following Christmas Eve I thought very abusive and homicidal thoughts towards a loved one, when that's never happened in my life (like a demon took over me); I had to remove myself from the situation. And this year for some reason I'm having the worst set of flashbacks paired with depression that I've had for a while (my post history probably gives certain things away). These extremely dark feelings always come on all of a sudden like I'm being swallowed by a cloud of doom and it's like, why? There's not a lot of intellect or logic or even romance to my experience. It's not like I'm sitting here reminiscing at the good times I've had with this person; especially because my memories in general are so patchy. These feelings and memories feel entirely distilled in my bones. They feel physiological more than psychological. Usually my brain has a switch. I waver between two extremes of full and uncontrollable emotions and emotional numbness. For the most part I can turn the emotion switch off. I can tell myself "nobody gives a shit about your problems" and then I feel content to continue being a robot, but around this time of year, idk, I lose my shit, it's so hard for me to control myself and I get scared. I have family members I need to take care of and a suicide attempt can't happen at this point. If I fuck up, if I lose my job because of a no call, permanently disfigure myself due to a suicide attempt, or die, they get fucked worse than I do. I don't want that. I'm feeling not well.
I will look through the history of the first person to comment Probably
bored and tired and lonely f here Yeah, Im just super bored. I should probably be asleep cause Im really tired but whatever.
Why Not?I've given up anymore. I can't stand it. I can't stand being alone, I can't stand working or studying or doing anything. What's the point of going to school, racking up thousands in debt, just to work and hate working until I die? Why not just die now, if that's all it's good for, if all I'm going to cease to exist eventually? I truely am forever alone. I scare everyone away, no one really gives a damn about me. I'm just here. Living. Wake up, feel exhausted, no one can even care to ask anything. I scare anyone away. I'm okay with life, if I can just experience the feeling of someone caring. Someone to come home to, lie next to. But I don't. And I'm too depressed to even try to find that, find a way of functional relationships. I don't even know how to introduce myself to strangers. It's just one last adventure that I can afford. See where I get, and end where I end. Because, what's the point of trying? What's the point of continuing when I have no one I trust, no one I can be fully open with and talk to whenever? It doesn't help whenever I get this way at night, no one gives a damn to reply to my texts.
What can I use for ODIm planning to end it all at age , Im gonna write my note tonight and od tomorrow, if I try to do by taking grams of my anti-depressant, paroxetine, What will happen? Will it be quick and painless or violent and painful
I'm coming out as a racist I've been closeted racist all my life because of social oppression and lack of acceptance of us in today's society, today I decided to come out and live my true self
I just hope there is no hellI was raised a fundie so there is still that fear of hell that keeps me from pulling the trigger. But it will eventually happen once this primitive ideology gets completely wiped from my brain
Why should I not?Well I guess I don't really have to explain what my intentions are but I guess I can give you guys a background. I live in a perfect house with a perfect family, non- abusive parents, nice siblings, in the middle to higher class and go to a private Christian School. Yep, doesn't sound like I should be on here. So go ahead and Down vote me telling me that there are more suffering people on here and that I shouldn't even complain. I get it, it's happened before. It's just that I'm not happy with my life. I know that I have a mental illness called sensory processing disorder -ya I know it's impossible to diagnose yourself-well that's exactly what my parents say and I'm just doing this for attention. I want to go get help and talk to a psychologist but I'm only , my parents have to get me one. I have no money to pay for one. They are never home and just once I would like to have a normal conversation before being interrupted by their work phone. I literally have no friends at school so I'm alone on this one, and to top it all off our school "winterball" is coming up and everyone around me is getting asked. Ive never had a boyfriensd or even a person attracted to my fat ugly face so I probably will be alone my entire life.Before you go off telling me it's just teenage girl hormones I've been alone since rd grade when my only friend left to find someone better. Well this is getting pretty long and probably half the people have stopped reading this rant. So I'm just going to stop. Thanks to anyone who read to the end, I guess I just needed to get this out, it didn't really help though.... edit: thank you guys so much I never thought anyone would respond to this. I feel so much better and even though I'm not the most popular girl in school I really don't care anymore (besides they are really annoying anyway). So you guys are amazing and I finally got through to my mom and we are trying to find a good counselor for me. Again, thank you.
i feel so devastated and i miss them its always hard for me when a friendship ends, or at least i think that is what is happening. i thought he cared. i always cared. i thought we were close. i mean i was the one that did the unadding but fuck if he didnt act cold as shit. i dont know what i did. he says itd been rocky but i hadnt noticed it. i thought we were doing good. hes all i can think about. not in a weird way or anything. but im obsessing over it. i cant cope im just smoking and cutting myself i forget to eat. hes the only one left who knew how bad i could be. and now i have no one like that. im so alone and isolated
Day of walking away from a toxic friendship: She scares me Yesterday was the first time I've felt a sense of self after walking away from a seven year toxic friendship. She'd conditioned me to rely on her for all my happiness, so I couldn't walk away. Now thinking about it, she scares me. She scares me because not only is she a bully and a bitch, she's incredibly smart. She's scary because she knows exactly how to manipulate others and use them to her whim without them ever saying a word about it. It takes an incredibly strong person to walk away from her, the only three I know of that have ever broken her hold on them are my best friend, one other guy friend and myself. There's others who've seen through her before being drawn in though, which takes a very perceptive person to do.
The Only Thing Keeping Me From Killing Myself is Keeping My Job and To Save My Mom the Heartbreak.I recently got broken up with, after feeling like Id never fall in love again he came swooping into my life, making me feel safe, treating me better than anyone has ever treated me, and now he left me. He has his own battle with depression, I understand that his leaving is not my fault but my depression doesnt. I love him, I miss him. We were long distance and I know that the relationship is almost completely irreparable because of that. I want so badly to just let it all end. It was so sudden. A complete and all the love and affection he gave me is gone. Its like his feelings for me were wiped from his hard drive. Anyways obviously from the title I wont do anything. If I fail itll make my life worse. Ill never be seen the same by my family, Ill be placed in in-patient care and lose my job, and itll hurt my mother to a point where Im afraid it would break her. I just want to be numb. Any goos advice on break ups would be helpful. Distractions, hobbies, etc.
Life was bad and Im bad at lifeDad was a paranoid schizophrenic and alcoholic. Mom was poor and I grew up poor with extremely crooked teeth I didnt get fixed til I was but I let destroy my self-esteem before that and it held me back. Just a total jack-o-lantern smile. I tried college but failed out twice due to panic attacks the first time, and depression the second time, mostly just from the pressure of being behind my peers and intense financial constraints. After failure #, my Mom lost her house and had to move in with me which really didnt help my dating or social life. At that point I think I started giving up. Got into drinking to escape feeling trapped which temporarily really worked, but of course only made things much worse. Somehow had a pretty awesome ex-girlfriend come back to me last year who I hoped to join in NYC but was too broke to make the move at the time. Got too stressed about money and freaked out about it, so she ditched me which I cant blame her for. The worst thing is she said she felt guilty. She went from in love with me to guilt over abandoning me. Ended up making the most Id ever had by far a few months later, and if Id just chilled maybe Id be there with her now. She ended up marrying a rich kid in the meantime. I got depressed and anxious months ago about this and about my failures and mistakes in life. Had a nervous breakdown and ditched the job. Realized recently I just made things so much worse by not pushing further but honestly, I just felt done. Now I am totally done. Im just so done with this. Im bad at life. It was fucking bad to me. I didnt ask to be born into this.
fuck itI've lost everything that mattered to me. I haven't talked to any of my "friends" in weeks other than small talk. Grades are awful, parents are pissed, I'm depressed and my family won't get me help. There's literally no reason for me to live anymore. Well, if you are nothing, you can do no wrong \_()_/ I've been planning to end it for a while, and now might be the right time. But knowing me I probably don't have the balls to follow through.
Is it sus listening to Megan thee stallion IM A HOT GIRL I DO HOT SHIT
Does anyone else listen to The Crane Wives?? I just really wanna talk to someone about it, and when I had my friends listen to their songs they didn't like it-
I keep having fantasies of disembowelling myselfThey dominate my mind, every empty second is filled with a burning desire to disembowel myself. Just writing this now it seems ridiculous - remembering the emotional whiplash of going from an eruption of laughter to trembling in fear of my own thoughts.
How do I search for those memes, where you wake up in the past and your friend goes like (for an axample) "corona? home schooling? Tf are you talking about it's go grab your controller we're about to play some halo" Question above
Life feels like a ton of work with very little payoff.I'm only and I already feel done. There's just no point anyway. I used to think I was depressed because I just sat at home all day. Now that I'm actually doing things life just seems like having to do a bunch of shit I don't want to do and never getting what I really want. I don't think it matters what I do. I almost never feel happy because I'm so depressed and have such a bad attitude and I'm too lazy and unmotivated to even do anything about it.
okay i am literally restless right now i keep pacing up and down the stairs bc im so frustrated my ex wants to stay friendly with me. he cares that i have expressed that i dont like him at all. and he wants to stay in touch. and i still like him. i know i still like him. so im avoiding contact bc im not gonna be the girl who disrespects a girlfriend. im so frustrated right now. hes not respecting her by being friendly with me bc he makes inappropriate jokes and encourages me to make them. he stalks this profile so ill delete it in a few minutes bc otherwise hed know. he probably does know. fuck. i wanna fucking end my feelings
What was I going to say... I forgot
How can I start loving myself again?Its been months since I attempted suicide. Ive been telling everyone how much better i feel now, but in reality Ive been getting worse by the day. I cant even tell you why Im so depressed and hate myself. I grew up in a loving household thats financially stable, I have close friends. For some reason Im just fucked up in the head I guess, I cant even tell you the last time I genuinely smiled or laughed or even had a good time. Im getting really tired of putting up this front of fake happiness. Just need some advice I guess
I just wasted hours of my life... I was coding some stuff which was going to display some characters, but the formatting didn't work, some stuff was one space to far to the left. So I messed around with some numbers to get it to work, and that accidentally destroyed another part, which made the entire thing crash if i used another function, so I decided, f\*\*k this, I don't know what's wrong, and rewrote the entire code, which took about hours. when I was at the same stage, I got the same formatting issue, after messing around with some numbers I realized the problem, the space, that is , wasn't gonna show anything, so I hadn't run the function that assigned what they should write out, the thing is, that it wasn't gonna show anything, but it still needed a value, so it'd come with, and show. I just needed to type instead of , but instead of doing that, I spent hours rewriting the entire code.  TL:DR I had written , where I should have written , forgot it had to be , didn't get it to work, spent two hours rewriting the entire code, to realize it when I was done
I have a abusive family... please tell me what i should do? (Re-post from /r/Advice)My dad is crazy we ran away from him me my mom and my sisters (From Asia to Europe). Because my moms parents were abusive as well and my dads parents were too my mom likes nobody else than her old friend which she doesn't talk to anymore my sisters agree with everything she says i don't know why but they are like that. My mom threatened to kill me or herself because she was annoyed by my "Actions" which i have done my whole life but now she has started to call me out for little things. She calls me dumb, idiot, crazy, ugly, delusional, and more mean words. A part of her hate is built up on me being atheist/other religion because i don't believe in things that she does she tells me you can be whatever you want but i'm sure shes not really saying that. She abuses me physically and mentally i don't want to call the police on her or do anything bad to her because she took the pain of giving birth to me, i know many will disagree on that i do too in some way but not %. Shes sexist and she hides that by saying she only likes European men and all Asian and Middle-eastern men are idiots and sexists when shes the one that is sexist. She says that she hates us (Me and my sisters). She only laughs and hangs around my sisters. She threatens us to leave the house or suicide so we shut up, and tells me shes gonna kick me out of the house (I am ).. i do want to grow up and leave but obviously i can't do that. I thought of suicide many times and tried to do it but my sister caught me and she said don't do that because she and my mom will get upset (It has been times that i have tried to suicide). She does many more things... I just wanted to make this as short and understandable as possible thanks. Please help me i don't know what to do with my life i would greatly appreciate it if you help me. (Also hitting your children is illegal in my country)
So when I was - years old I had a Guinea pig and his name was Billy I took of him so well but one day I came back from school and found him missing and I searched for him then I stop Then several years later my mom told me that she had buried billy in the backyard because he had died and was starting to stink up the house Its a good thing that billy didnt do the whole pet cemetery thing that would have been really crazy and creepy
I support MAPs I need to know where the fuck i'm going
Please remember that there is a time and a place This is for anyone who has an interest in dark comedy. So the other day at school I had a diabetic seizure and could have died, now these dipshits who I thought were friends decided that it would be funny to start laughing as it happened, and when people tried calling them out on it they refused to take responsibility. If you do like dark comedy just remember that THERE IS A TIME AND A PLACE.
Yo dm me Bored and all So hit me up yall
Feelings fucking suck Feelings fucking suck especially whenever their your best friend, you know they like you aswell, theyve fucking hugged and kissed you a few times, and you cant fucking say jack shit because of their parents. Fuck. My. Fucking. Life.
Can I please not see a Henry stickman spoiler for one fucking recommend refresh Fuck you im turning off reply notifications because I want to not have spoilers
Domestic Abuse Situation, Suicidal, need advice.I live in Montreal with my boyfriend (gay couple) and I need to leave due to his abuse but am unsure how. I have about a thousand in savings, wanted to get on Welfare and Disability ( I have PTSD and general anxiety ) but since he and I are common law and he works I am not eligible. I would need to drain my savings account and also get a place of my own (but he would have to pay for me to get it and they would see that, or I could drain savings on a place then apply, but if denied I'd be broke and no way of leaving the city). I am thinking about Ottawa but it would be the same thing, need to drain savings to be eligible. I'm nervous to be homeless in the winter, so I was also thinking about using the savings to fly to Edmonton or Vancouver, where it's warmer ( though I know Vancouver is really expensive, less now than Toronto ). Starting to lose my grip as the anxiety is wearing on me from the fear of being alone, homeless in winter (Montreal or Ottawa), losing my savings just to apply for assistance,.. Feel scared to choose between being homeless in the winter or going to Vancouver or Edmonton but never being able to afford a place. Any advice would be appreciated.
Girls if reddit, how much do you think does it hurts a guys when you kick him in the balls? Or do you think he is just over showing the pain. Also would you do it to someone for reasons other than physical abuse by him
need help for my new friend. basically, i met this girl really recently that goes to my school. Ive only really had one conversation with her. she seems like an extremely nice person overall and is almost always positive. but, today on her Snapchat she posted a picture of herself saying she bawled her eyes out before school and that she wanted to kill herself. i didnt really know what to say, and it was during the school day so i couldnt really reply to it. but now its the end of the school day and she posted another pic. it read: i want to kill myself and everyone thinks im joking this is when i knew i had to say SOMETHING to her... im just really not good at comforting people, i just dont know what to say. i know how she feels, as im depressed myself currently, but i just dont know how to make her feel better. despite just meeting her, i care and wouldnt want anything to happen to her. please help
My opinion about equality Equality is not a natural human thing. Naturally, humans organize into hierarchies with people at the top and bottom. The notion of equality is simply a created idea to combat human nature in a way that is, in the end better for everyone, because humans are often despicable creatures.
I know where your heartache exists Its when you are alone and when you're around me. Filler filler filler filler
I feel like everything is just falling apart this year...I just want to go home and take care of myself for once, but I have no home to go to. I try to be grateful for what I do have but Ive lost the spark to try to be hopeful. Ive left a bad relationship from cheating and now Im paying the price for constantly worrying about my current so cheating on me. Ive allowed others to dictate what I should become when Im an adult and now Im jobless without a clue of what I want to pursue or qualified to do. I have no self-esteem, no longer attractive anymore. The only one thats useless is me. I only think about suicide because I just wonder if its better than wasting away like this. But the image of my sibling keeps me alive. I dont know what to do. Im lost and the only person who can help me is myself.
I just want to stop hurting.I'm in a lot of pain. I'm transgender, waiting on hormones (three more months of waiting). Every day without treatment hurts. I also have a panic disorder, GAD, and paranoia, and possibly depression, all of which cause me pain on top of being trans. I don't want to die - I have one shot at life and there's a lot I want to do with it - but I want to stop hurting. I'm scared of myself. Intrusive thoughts tell me I want to hurt myself to feel in control of my own body, I want to end my suffering. I want to live but I'm so fucking terrified that I'm going to listen to those intrusive thoughts one day.
Life is pointlessJust need someone to talk tooooo..
I wanna quit piano lessons. How do I tell my parents? I've been playing piano for years. I always sucked honestly because I seldom practiced it. I love playing pieces I have already learned, I hate learning new stuff. My parents always wanted me to keep playing it because I have no hobbies rather than this. I feel like going to piano lessons is a waste of money but I find it hard to tell my parents. Please, how do I tell them?
Life is too hard and I just want to die.I've come to a point where I don't care if I come across as weak to normal people. The truth is, I have nothing to look forward to in this life. Everything just seems so bleak. I can only distract myself for so long until I inevitably and it all. Oh well, I guess I'll stick around until I find a way that is easier and painless.
Quick update on my shoulderIt's certifiably fucked up but not terribly I seem to have something called frozen shoulder. And now I just saw a bright flash of light in the sky and think I need to get inside
Too Far GoneThis thread is useless. The people that come on here and are actually planning on killing themselves have already been lost. There's no point in trying to "help" them because they've finally realized that life is worthless and that nothing ever gets better. Some people realize this and are stupid enough to try and get over it. So, for all of you fake ass commenters and positive pollys put there, you. are. wasting. your. time. And until you get it through your thick fucking skulls that life is LITERALLY THE WORST THING THAT CAN HAPPEN TO SOMEONE, you'll be speaking into deaf ears. This is bullshit. There are like people on planet fucking earth that know what I'm talking about.
I don't know where to start with you do you have any idea any idea who I am Basically I'm kind of a big deal
Almost hours after an attempt, not sure where to get help.sorry if this is not suitable for this sub, but hours ago i tried to kill myself with x mg of Paracetamol + Parabrom (?) pills. right now i feel so lightheaded and giddy, and really nauseous. i've been to the doctor, i was too nervous to tell her i OD'd so i told her i took a lot of panadol tablets ("about ") because i was sick. she didn't care and our consultation lasted for like less than a minute. what can i do now? is the nausea related. i've been googling and idk. thank you for helping each and everyone of us. :)
Is this bad? My cum is like a brownish color. Is this bad?
FuckIm so sorry. Thank you to the people who came here to help. some broken things cant be fixed
Fun fact if the day. The Greeks spelled the word Thoth as
Do any of my guys(me m) participate in semen rention? I found out about the practice around last year and it truly has changed my life, u do as well as other spiritual practices like meditation. I even got my other friends into it but from I know every other guy my age is masturbating and wasting their life force(no disrespect to anyone who does it just my opinion) I want more guys to do this to gain back our natural masculinity
Looking for people to talk to in DMs. Hey there! I'm looking for someone to talk to with direct messages. I'm an open book, so any question you have for me, no matter the topic, is fair game. Just keep in mind that I'll probably ask you questions that you don't get very often. My goal in this conversation is to get you to think about something you've never/rarely think about.
LetterWrote a letter today. To my family. Saying Im sorry and goodbye. I was have calmer suicidal thoughts and thought now would be a good idea to write it, as usually I have rash thoughts of suicide and never know which way I will end up going. Thought maybe writing on my computer was less personal. Do you think its easier for family to get a note, or to think it was an accident?
Trainspotting is such a good movie i love how depressing and horrible it is and how it doesn't glorify drug abuse but instead shows the horrible consequences of it. it also has what is arguably Ewan Mcgregor's best performance. / would get utterly depressed again
Dm for nuuumber game Preferably pls be + Im F btw for those who care
Morbid thoughts on mass violenceRecently mass killings for reasons political and otherwise have dominated the media. Every time another incident occurs, grief for the families of victims, as well as the overall communities, countries, and humanity as a whole is nearly overwhelming. But I am always struck by the same thought. Why wasn't it me? I would gladly trade places with any of the victims. These innocent humans presumably have families and dreams and lives that they want to keep living. Their deaths move people to protest injustices and address problems that may have otherwise been swept under the rug. Compassion and empathy abound, solidarity soon takes the place of shock. So why can't it be me? I have a death wish that I can't fulfill myself. Like many people with suicidal ideations and empathy. I love the people that love me so fiercely that I would rather spend eternity with a mind that aches for death than put them through the pain of my suicide. Naturally, death in this way seems like a welcomed out. And then I wonder about the victims. Who were they? Was a single one of them like me? Did any of them have lives so bleak that they fantasized about an easy out at the hands of a psychotic terrorist? Did they long for an end to the broken mess of their lives? The next step in my thought process is their loved ones. None of which should have to bury their dearest. Sorry for being so dark. Scotch and depression do that when they get together.
this sub be like guys today I talked to a girl I said hi to her and she said hi back and walked away guys I'm so happy and my mom said she is proud of me
Please help! My life is crumbling around meMy partner of over ten years just told me for several hours to never come back and to leave her life forever. Drugs and alcoholl were a major influence in the series of events that led to this. I have bawled my eyes out untill she fell asleep. Before she fell asleep she said dont expect me to change my mind when I wake up. I was given one choice. Leave within hours with all my things or go to jail. PLEASE HELP ME. I am scared and utterly shattered throughout my entire being. I have no idea what to even say, I can't even look at her without wailing. And she is now asleep. So I'm reaching out to the world, anyone everyone, please help me. My apologies were all 'noted', 'but not cared about'. I am having an existential and midlife crisis all at once. I am seriously contemplaring suicide and that scares me, because I know that this time will be the very last time. I have nothing to live for without her in my life. My entire 'estate'/(will) is dedicated to her, so at least she will be compensated for breaking her heart. The love of my life, my best friend and my soul mate, my entire life is crumbling around me and I feel like im sinking and cant stop from drowning.
Im so fuckin lonely I haven't saw my friends in more than months, i cant go out, i cant even ride my fucking bike, one of the only things i could enjoy bro, wtf is this, nobody even wants to talk to me in real life about my problems but i always do that, wtf im asking too much? i just want a FUCKING HUG, it'll be enough to make me feel happy for at least month, please someone tell me im not the only one who's like this
Ignore this. Its just a small rant. Im kinda angry right now since i joined a server on Among Us and since the game wasn't starting i decided to write "start" in the chat. A person named death note decided to say something like "shut up lime" (i was lime in that game) and was being a bit rude for literally no reason? I wasn't trying to be rude by writing start while they were talking to their other buddies in the chat, so i wrote "oh sorry". The game starts, someone reports the body, and death note and his friends start saying it was me with no fucking proof. I got voted off and lost my fucking temper, im very short-tempered and im working on fixing that but i got angry so i started cussing at the person, their friend jumped in to defend them. After the round ended, i rejoined that server and then they banned me. I mean fair enough, it wasn't nice of me to go off like that and im sorry to the person for loosing my temper, but are we gonna just ignore the fact they were being rude for no reason towards me?
Uh oh Looks like I just Slaughtered a fucking orphanage On my Juan
I went to the top of a mountain and Looked down on my crushes house
school starts in exactly two weeks, help no. ( whats the best away from people to stay away from me, not cuz of corona i just dont want to talk to people no. ( there is no number two
Minecraft (Java) Realm Hi, so I'll just get to the point I have a Minecraft realm (it is LGBTQ+ friendly) that needs some cool peeps to join, so if anyone wants to join just leave your Minecraft Java username and a little summary of your MC playstyle I guess (also discord username)
I have given upI was bullied all through school and high school it got so bad i had to drop out my senior year since then i have just being wasting my life for years now i have done nothing but sit and my room and rot video games used to help me take my mind of things now they don't even help me i never go outside i barley eat anymore i never even take showers anymore my anxiety has gotten extremely bad my mom throws me out almost everyday i will probably be homeless soon my parents have both made it clear they don't care if i kill myself so i don't know what is holding me back i have no friends no girlfriend nothing i don't know why i'm holding on still i want to die no one would notice or care if i ended things i am a waste of a life and i am pretty much worthless at this point. i keep hoping things will change but they wont if i don't kill myself i will just end up homeless probably on drugs to ease the pain i think me dying would be better than letting myself be destroyed i would rather die before the last piece of who i was ends up destroyed i just want to leave and find peace and happiness that is all i want is peace and happiness
I don't have anything to look forward toGod I'm just so over existing. I genuinely hate waking up in the morning. I don't want to be here. I'm tired of feeling sad all the fucking time. I'm tired of wishing a car would run me over or a plane would crash into my window. That's been my norm but I'm finally hitting the point of wanting to just get it over with myself. There's nothing in life I'm excited about. NOTHING. All my friends are far away, my mom makes me feel like shit when I'm around her but when I'm my usual + miles away from her I still feel bad. every day just feels like one continuous one. idk how to describe it but its like the sun is up, then it goes down, then I take a long nap and when I wake up the sun is up again, then it goes down, then I take a long nap, etc. im just over all of this shit. I wanna just feel nothing. I just cant think of anything worth living for right now
I would like someone to talk toOn the surface, I live a great life. I am a year old Austrian guy, come from a well to do family, go to a good school and get decent grades. I am well liked, but known to be more of a quiet and not so social guy, but incredibly intelligent and I seem to get along with everyone. I have my hobbies: hiking, mountain biking and building Lego sail boats and would be considered far above average attractiveness in terms of my physical appearance by most people.  The problem is that on the inside I am a wreck. It's hard to even describe how I really am on the inside. Recently I have contemplated suicide a couple of times. I get anxious and paranoid in social settings, I don't feel strong emotional bonds to anyone and spend more time in my head creating idealized versions of my life and the people around me, than I do in real life. Because of this I feel as though I have nobody to talk to because nobody who knows me would believe me. I have tried talking to people in my class, however they only see my outside. I am terrified of failure and even my own thoughts sometimes. I am manipulative and a compulsive liar, but nobody sees it. I would do anything to look good and the lengths I have gone to do so, have always horrified me in hindsight.  My outlook on the future is also depressing, as I see no point in working hard and getting good grades in school, to get into a university to study for years, and then to work and be miserable for years to make money to survive and then live out the rest if my life as an old man, with no use for any money I end up making.  I also daydream and fantasize a lot about how I would like to live, but know that I will never be able to achieve my ideals. In short, I just want to chat to someone who doesn't know me, but am to scared to do it face to face. Maybe that will stop me from getting suicidal thoughts.
Foooddd yall Heyyy guys Im actually happy rn. I have been hungry all day and have not had the motivation to cook or order anything. I just ordered food and Im waiting for it to come
Guys really need to learn that showing weakness is a sign if strength Showing weakness means you are strong enough to defend yourself If a bear is on his back he is weak in the moment but he is more than capable of defending himself if need be This works the same emotionally you look stronger if you are confident enough to show weakness
Now that I ran out of Futurama episodes to watch, which of these two TV shows should I start watching? Sofia The First or Vampirina? I need something to pass the time during my lunch breaks
You left a hole in my heart and now Ill leave one in my head.I dont know why Im posting this. I dont want attention yet I (sorta) want my story to be heard but this is mostly a vent. Whatever. Sorry for not being good enough. I knew I wasnt but I was hoping you wouldnt realize it so quickly. You told me forever and ever but you went back to him. I hope he makes you happy and I hope your fantasies come true. Goodbye mein Schtz. Dad, sorry for not being the son you wanted. I still love you. I forgive you. This isnt anyones fault, Im not a coward. Ive endured this hell for several years and for multiple people but now that Im alone I can enter my heaven without effecting others. May my Wrath and my Sorrow be quenched.
I haven't had a moment in my life with issues. Every day has had some sort of bad part.I just can't live like this anymore. I have so many mental and physical issues it kills me. I with it actually killed me because I don't wanna live anymore. I'll never be truly happy. I always wish I'll get hit by s car or shot or something. Maybe I'll just hang myself and end all this suffering
pasta pasta pasta i want to eat pastaaaaaaa ok im going to make cup noodles now
Should I report myself to the mods? Everybody says I'm a pedo but I really dont think I am, but I have been wrong before so if I really am like yall say should I just report myself like I would any other pedo? (if so, then reporting me helps too btw thanks)
I feel stuckI have dealt with thoughts of suicide and depression since middle school. At points these thoughts are far more manageable than others. However, the past month or so has been incredibly low, it's a new point of exhaustion. I have been seriously planning suicide. The crux of it is that I don't want to hurt my family which is what has been keeping from doing it for so long, and wouldn't want to do it in my home (which is where my parents live, I don't want them to associate my potential death with their house), which is a little difficult to circumvent, as I do not have a location. I have toyed around with going to the free counselor on my campus, but I don't want to be forced to go to a psychiatric hospital if I open up about my problem, being that I want to die (I cannot afford to foot that bill). I have also thought about talking to my mother, but I'm not sure how that will turn out and I don't want to place that kind of burden on someone. Plus, that would probably give me less opportunities to do so if I told them. So I guess I just feel stuck, and I'm not sure what to do or what I should do. Sometimes I feel like it would be so much easier to just have a terminal disease, that way I could get to say goodbye to everyone properly without feeling so damn guilty over not wanting to exist.
How can I confess without ruining a friendship? I've liked this friend for over a year. I've had to keep my feelings a secret. She's had a fair amount of heartbreaks, I don't want her to think I could be the cause of another one. She is one of my only friends and I don't want to ruin that. The reason I didn't put this in r/relationshipadvice is because, these are teens. This subreddit also, shares just enough to be good.
I am struggling to stop self harmingIt's not exacly s\*\*\*\*\*\* but I figured some people with more experience would know how to help... I'm years old, male student and since I've started trying to stop self harming I noticed I got angrier at people. It's like I need to release my anger on other people, but I don't want to be this way, they are nice people that sometimes annoy me a little, but it's been years since I've felt THIS angry before, I don't want to go back to who I was.... And sincerely, as bad as it is, i prefer to keep self harming if it means i'll be nicer to the people I love...
Why is there a massive jump between and year old? There is a massive difference between years old. years old listening to Kidzbop on YouTube Kids and Roblox years old listening to rap and play warzo e with the boys on discord And also at years old. The gap is massive What your opinion?
I did it reddit I finally did it I asked out my crush off like years because of the inspiration storys on reddit .thank you all
First person to comment a suspicious pickle stole my finger gets a reward ... Do it! for unspecified reasons :/ *******************
A post for all of you wonderful people Listen, if you're going through a lot during all of this and think there's no way to be happy and everything is gonna break you and you think suicide is the answer to all of your problems, dont do it, you know why? Because I CARE FOR YOU!! YOURE THE MOST BEAUTIFUL THING TO COME IN THIS WORLD NO MATTER WHO YOU ARE!!! EVEN IF YOU DONT KNOW ME THAT DOSEN'T MATTER! I FUCKING ADORE YOU NO MATTER WHAT, You have strength!! You're a strong and powerful person, you cant let your mind and body poison you!, because if you keep hurting yourself you're body will rot away and I will NEVER let you hurt yourself like this, and you think nobody really loves you, well I LOVE YOU I WANT YOU TO FEEL LOVED AND HAPPY NO ONES DESERVES ANY SORT OF PAIN!!, you are important! You are perfect just the way you are, I understand you...I understand peoples pain, and I can help you!, remember I'm always here for everybody. I love everyone just the way they are. Take care if yourself From -kylie
It sucks that life is so painful for some of usKnowing one day the pain will stop provides me with a sense of peace. No matter how much I suffer, one day it will all come to an end. And there will be nothing again, just like there was nothing before my birth. I hope. Are you afraid of death? I am afraid of what comes after it. I'm afraid of the possibility of another life, of another existence. I'm not afraid of nothingness.
My dads laptop is technically better at gaming than my PC He has an i- and a GTX ti I have an FX- and an HD He got this as a business laptop, his job? A mail man
everyone only cares about themselves, so no one will miss me if im dead.i dont have any friends. the people i hang out with constantly talk over me, dont acknowledge a thing i say, and make me feel really shitty about myself. i dont consider them friends. theyre just people i spend time with to feel like less of a loser. people would only miss me for what i did to or for them. ive been told that im hardworking. yeah, because no one else will do it. people would only miss me on reddit for the nsfw content that i post - of course no one actually gives a shit about some fat & lonely bitch. people would only miss me for being a good listener. yeah, because no one ever wants to hear what i have to say. people would only miss me for doing the shit that no one else wants to do. i want to end it all. im fucking tired, man. i put way too much effort into my relationships with others, just to get shit in return. why doesnt anyone care about me? why doesnt anyone love me enough to actually value who i am as a person and not just the things im capable of? i know i need to notice these things within myself, but damn.. how nice would it be to have someone else acknowledge how hard i try not to fucking kill myself everyday? life has been so fucking hard recently. - my dog got sick. i spent over $k for his treatment and thank god hes better, but im still suffering financially because of it. my job doesnt pay that much and i feel like im never going to get back to where i was before paying everything. i dont have pet insurance or anything, so everything was paid out. of. pocket. - my therapist is moving on to another role. granted, i only see her once every - weeks, but those appointments help so much. now im going to have ANOTHER therapist who i need to tell all my past traumas to. im tired of repeating my story. im glad that shes found a better job though. - i got ghosted by someone i was really into. i know its a part of life. just sucks a LOT when it happens.. amongst other things that i dont feel comfortable sharing on reddit. im so heartbroken. and sad. and alone. no one would give a shit if i killed myself, so why not just do it?
Ayy whats up losers Its am, im lonely and depressed and for some reason i feel high
I have a very big brain plan for me and a friend So last Christmas I bought a laptop for $ on sale, its retail price is $. I want to sell it for around $. This $ would be enough for the parts i have yet to buy for a PC, as I already have a case and PSU. I'm % fine with buying some parts secondhand which I'll need to do. I was planning on getting parts and building a PC with Christmas money, but I might not have to do that now. At Christmas I usually get ~$. If this goes as planned, I won't need this $ unless I decide I want to upgrade my PC, which I won't. So, I plan on putting this $ together with however much money my friend gets for Christmas (probably won't be more than $) and I'll put together his first PC. He's never owned a computer capable of playing games, so this would be huge for him. I'm excited now; I want to start working on this and try to make this plan work out. We would finally be able to play games like GTA online together, which we've been wanting to do for ages.
just got called handsome and this feeling is pretty great you know that meme of "what gives people feeling of power" well the third bar is definitely being called handsome. this shit feels euphoric rn. Imma never forget this
All I really want is too dieIf my parents died, so there wasn't someone an officer had to goto too say "sorry sir/ma'am but we need you to identify the body" i would be as soon as I could. I have the noose, just sitting in my car. I know where I'm going to do it, I know what I did wrong with tying it off last time. I spend most of my days imagining going to the spot, stepping out if my car onto the curb, walking under the bridge and through the trees to my death spot. It was so hard to do but now I know more or less the strength required to walk off that plank. I know where in myself I have to reach to walk forward with that rope around my neck. I'm not so stupid to say that in that half second of free fall, I will regret it. But every day I'm just filled with the stupidly numbing horrible depression. I regret most of my life, it makes sense I would regret the moments before death. But fuck fuck fuck I just want it to be over. I can't stop myself from doing stupid shit, its like I don't have a choice, I just see forward and I don't see paths. Just this one solitary line to the end
Define me dark humour Also, what is your guys opinions on Why do black people go to church? Because they have no father. Could you guys take this as dark humour or is it offensive af.
I just got an EMG It wasnt that bad actually. They didnt do the needle part on me. Its just like getting shocked by static electricity but stronger.
i need to stop getting attached to girls i meet online and text for a few hours but i wont
Day of writing something positive that happened to me today Found a video of the principle of my school in a weed suit
crazy user & / or rare users comment my user is not rare lol
hello guys and guyettes discord server and my friends r trying to get new peoplee, we chat, send memes, play games like minecraft among us overwatch all that stuff, and such going on, is not a commitment, guys and girls welcome, dm for link :D
Soo like why did america go to war in the middle east? Definitely not for *freedom*. Political stability and trust in the middle east?
I cant take this anymoreIve been bullied my entire life in every possible way all the way from th grade which took a terrible toll on me.. and whats making me really fucking upset is that now that i remember not even a single person gave a shit or did anything to help me at all when i was being bullied. My self esteem is non existent and i dont think ive felt any emotion whatsover for as long as i can remember. I have terrible trust issues and i cant make friends at all and even when i make some "friends" it feels like a one sided friendship and that theyre just putting up with me... i really cant take this anymore and want to end this shit.. i just recently turned and im seeing no hope for the future... this may be well my last and only post on here ..
Why don't we careI had a loaded gun to my temple, finger on the trigger but I just couldn't. I thought I could go to the hospital and check myself in but I can't afford the bill I would get not to mention wonder if I lose my license because of it it would always follow me around. But why is that why don't we care about people that hurting it's all about money or pushing a new drug or the label of being damaged. It's like you're in a hole and you're sinking faster and you try to help yourself up but everything is just Out Of Reach