2 values
Christmas... MDD is a Fucking MonsterIt's very hard for me to do almost anything and even harder to feel good about anything. Someone I know that has control over me is being a dick and he really is not making me feel better. People say "you have such a good life", if I'm not happy it doesn't even matter. I want to do so much, but there's something in me that pushes me away from doing it and I really want to know what it is. This comes down to watching fucking TV. I have so much regret it alone just makes me want to leave. A bit of info: I'm I never had a drivers license or a job because my parents don't think it's good idea right now. I been asking for OT (for an other disability) and other things for like two years and they are still "working on it." I never had friends or been on a date. I had leave school for a while and I'm getting my GED. I will go to college if I live long enough. Just going out or being around people has NEVER helped me make friends. I went to Girl Scouts for seven years. I want to learn to talk to people, like at all. I am bit psychotic. THANK YOU SO MUCH!
InevitableWish i could remember a time when i felt loved. Or happy. Belonging. But theres never been any of that. I wouldn't have known what to do with it at this point. They will probably discover my body next month as ive already paid rent. I was years old. Try and get treatment before you are beyond help.
I promise Im gonna kms when I get outWhen I get discharged from this psych ward, I promise I will kill myself. If pills doesnt work Ill do and if it doesnt work Ill do until it fucking works. It just hurts so much, too much, way too much. Cant handle this shit. Emotional pains turns into physical pain.
I'm thinking of jumping off a bridgeAll my friends have either relationships and hookups, and I'm and I've had nothing. I seriously need a solid reason not to end it.
This life isn't worth of livingI'm studying my dream job to be. The one and only thing that I've ever felt good doing and that I've ever felt being good at. I love that job and I love doing that. I know that I'm great at that job. Like, *really* good. And I've loved every second of doing that. But this anxiety is killing me. I can't go to bed because I can't sleep. I can't get out of bed because of then I would have to do something. Most of the days I just lay on bed, just thinking nothing. I want to get up and do what I love, but I can't get out of my bed. And there I just lay, thinking about how I'm supposed to be at school. Feeling anxious for that. And then just completely giving up and doing nothing. Thinking everything and nothing at the same time. I've finally found what I want to do, but I can't do it. I can't be at working scene and doing my thing. Also I can't be at home. But that's all I want to do. I wanna sleep when I cannot and I wanna be awake when I'm sleeping - hours at a day. I really don't want to live this kind of life. This is not worth it. I've been struggling with this kind of shit for the half of my life. I just wanna go to sleep without feeling anxiety and depression about of waking up. I just wanna go sleep, calmly and peacefully. Knowing that this is going to end.
I'm gonna do it next week because I MUSTI don't care for my family and how will they feel when I die.I lost all my friends and I'm tired of this world.I hate majority of people and my life is total shit.You tell me that I need to struggle and work but I tell you that I can kill myself too.Unless my life is going to be only pleasure than death is always a better option.I made my life beyond repair so I must commit suicide no matter what.
The funny thing is...It's funny that even if I were to kill myself right now it would go completely unnoticed. That is, until the smell of course. My entire life I always thought that I enjoyed the peace and quiet, that serene feeling of being alone and I really did for a while. As the years went on I slowly pushed everyone away until it was just me sitting on my bed in a lonely apartment silently crying to myself. I used to be this intelligent student with a bright future ahead of me, hell I even managed to get myself in this highschool for career paths leading to medical and law careers. Sophomore year something changed, I became distracted and withdrew from simple things like friendship. The only friends I had either moved away or stopped talking to me entirely. I did what I was supposed to do and tried talking to my parents about this and they just ridiculed me and said I needed to toughen up. I started to blame everything I could for the way I was, that was except myself of course. My attitude just kept getting worse, I'm pretty sure people thought I was going to Columbine the school. Went to college. Didn't leave my room for an entire semester and flunked out. Moved across the entirety of the country to get away from all the shame and disappointment I got from my family. Tried going to a community college this time around, I finished classes before quitting that too. But hey at least I still have goals, I'm currently saving up for a . single action LR revolver with a nice mahogany grip. Like I said the funny thing is I guess u got what I wanted all those years ago
You know you are alone When you fall in love with a random new girl every day I feel like shit but at the same time extremely happy
What else is one supposed to do in this situation?When you don't enjoy doing anything and literally everything you do becomes tedious and miserable given a small amount of time, what are you supposed to do? I feel I have no capacity for happiness the way I have capacity for agony. I can feel basic or complex pleasures, I can feel enraptured, I can feel complete -- for as long as the simple, direct stimulation causing these feelings lasts. I can feel some alleviation of boredom doing certain things, but after a short time everything makes me feel miserable. The world hurts me. What else am I supposed to do to escape but die?
I'm definitely ready to go & I can't waitThe pain has outweighed the thought of hurting my loved ones. It's just too much to carry. I won't detail what I've been through. It's laid out in detail in my post history. We had a very long conversation last night. She ended up sending an email & I got it just as I was having a heavy bout of emotion. So I let the emotions run free. It went well for a bit but by the end she definitely doesn't want to be together, whether she has a boyfriend or not. I've been struggling with intense feelings of inadequacy, shame, loss, & guilt. I can't just "move on". I feel as though the reasons why she broke up with me were very fixable & preventable. I was working towards it in the end but by then it was too late. She was already too far gone. I've always struggled internally. She made me feel like I didn't have to anymore. But I got lazy & lost her. She's with someone else now. And I found out by seeing a picture. It haunts me every single day. I can't live with these thoughts anymore. I've had a very difficult past & she was the light in my life. Tonight I'm going to take a bunch of sleeping pills just to knock myself out. But tomorrow is when I'll make the real go. And I'm happy about it & looking forward to it. I need to let go. I can't be here anymore.
If you guys like staying up at night bc its dark and no one bothers you I suggest going to sleep early and waking up super early. Its kind of similar early in the morning and its peaceful. Im trying to do the same myself
Just some binary with no meaning at all
How do I go any further?I've read a lot of posts on this thread and pretty much all of them despite age and gender seem to be just as close to the end as I am. Times moving faster than I can literally perceive, I look at the time thinking minutes past and its hours later somehow. Everything looks more beautiful and vibrate, nature looks more alive and pretty glistening in the sun. Makes me feel like I'm never gonna see it again. Honestly the only reason I have constant suicidal thoughts is because I've never had someone close to me that I can lean on and talk to. Obviously I'm talking about about having a relationship with someone, but living my whole life without that is soul crushing. No girl wants a guy just because he needs her to survive, but that's the only thing I can think about that gives me any motivation to keep going, is to finally feel loved. Instead of being loved by my family my father beat me and my mom, sat her car on fire, discharged guns in the house, smoked meth, marijuana drank alcohol and probably did countless other drugs all at the same time making him a egomaniac villain. He plotted on murdering my mother through poisoning and wanted to kidnap me even saying, "I'm gonna take him and nobody is ever going to see him again." After he left all I had was my mother who was also gone because she worked at night and slept during the day. I was all alone from the very beginning. And now it's hitting me harder than ever. I just graduated in and now that I'm out of school I don't see people at all. Obviously the corona outbreak makes seeing people more difficult but I just can't stand to be all alone anymore. I have friends but none close enough to ease my pain. My step brother is there for me but I feel like I still can't connect with him like how I want to connect with someone.
Its : AM How do I stay up
I got a free hugz award best comment after minutes gets it
tor...the browser that your patents might not like tor is incognito . and can bypass restrictions your parent may have put on the internet. your welcome. on a serious note it can access the dark web, it quite cool
SUP HOMIES I made an epic Yt channel and I have some pretty awfu- I mean AWESOME ANIMATIONS! Heres the link:
Every day I feel less like myself and Im at the point where I dont even recognise myself anymoreI just feel like Im such a different person because I cant even enjoy the things I used to enjoy a cant feel things I used to feel and I lost people that were really close to me and it didnt affect me like I thought it would I thought Id feel pain or Id miss them but I was just indifferent. I feel like I dont have the energy to get out of bed let alone live. Ive been in a dark place recently and I just want to feel something because Im so tired of feeling nothing and emptiness
A list of all things you bad in america because of Trump's presidency. If you are gay and dating someone outside the states, you can't arrange a marriage visa. Transgender people cannot join the military before their transition. Only % of asylum seekers actually receive asylum, and most of them get kick back out with no trial. You can't live on anything below . dollars a hour, because of how high taxes are. Every one in ten black american male will be shot by a police officer. You cannot protest oil pipelines Supporting BLM is now a race issue instead of a police brutality issue. A native american burial site was blown up to build trump's wall. America will no longer fun WHO, even though WHO is majority funded by america, and WHO eliminated smallpox. Healthcare is more expensive.
I just failed at killing myselfWell, this is an all time low, I just tried hanging myself but instead i just woke up laying on the floor with my entire body tingling and my foot hurting, I can't even fucking kill myself correctly
The idea of the rest of my life depresses the fuck out of me...If I just picture my life.... I want to start crying. Seriously? This is what life is? Go to school for years, college for another (minimum), get a job, work, and pay bills until I die? Seriously? This life is fucking bullshit. Why the fuck should I stick around for THAT lollipop triple dipped in hell? I'm just so done...
Nearly attempted suicide. Chickened out. Wondering why I keep living.My own family doesn't even seem to care anymore. They don't even help me anymore. I went outside my apartment (My apartment is upstairs) And stood on the edge of the balcony on top of the stairwell...Looking down and contemplating jumping. Then I chickened out and went back inside. Now I'm laying here wondering why I keep trying to stay alive. I am in physical pain every single day of my life. My friends all rub their successes where I have failed in my face and I just don't want to be alive anymore. So why don't I just end it? Why do I continue bothering to stay alive?
Any Conservative or Libertarians on the sub? As a right wing individual myself, I was wondering about how common right-wing views are among the teenage populace. Thanks in advance.
tfw nobody will kiss your booboos and tuck you in bed and turn on cartoon network for you why even live     fillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfiller
You know she's a keeper when she got, Big tiddies, thicc thighs, a sweet personality, and a floofy tail
Why shouldn't I kill myself?I am a year old kissless virgin who is almost done with university with no social life. I am literally spending my entire day in my room because I feel like there is nobody out there who would want to be friends with some low value male like I am. Might be a good idea to spend less time on the internet because I feel like I am slowly getting 'corrupted' into an incel because of reading too much about stuff like social status and the / rule(% of the women go for the % of the men).
Holidays are the worst.Not that I dont want others to be happy, but for some reason seeing everyone laughing, having fun, & just actually... *living* reminds me of how empty life is for people like me and how much *I* have trouble living. Im feeling the worst today and its only the *beginning* of the holidays.
Fuck lifeIm in hs and I had three amazing friends, i treated them badly because one of my friends was my bf at the time. Everything is settled but the damage is done, I see my ex eveeyday in class and I wanna cry to my hearts attent but i cant. Everday I hear my ex talk to people and act hoe we used to. I cant evan eat lunch with my remabing two friends cause my ex is there. I seperated from everyone I held dear to me. And I cant handle it anymore i have no one to talk to and it feels like im glitching out. My hands are shaky and I dont know what I want to do so I would sit down than stand up than sit. If it wasnt for me having a cat I would have offed myself already
there are like... people id die for and two of them i dont talk to anymore lol
What happens to a suicide gone wrong?Like I plan on overdosing on three bottles of prescription medication. I'm mostly fearful of being in a coma or brain dead.
see me not as the way i appear but every little detail laying still under the surface like a gator looking like a log dont Look too close tho!! i only Trust these hoes abt as far as i can throw them
GoodbyeI'm just so tired of everything. None of my friends really like me. They just put up with me. I have nothing left worth living for, my depression is back in full, nothing helps, it just gets worse... I don't even know why I'm making this post. Goodbye
How do I explain it?I don't fear death, I'm ok with it being my time. But I can't seem to rap my head around the note I leave behind. I have a year old niece, how do I leave her with the thought that her aunt did it, so maybe it is ok for her too? I know my means, and when I want to do it, but I care so damn much about the ones I'm going to leave behind.
Tell me What is your favorite thing you ate today and why? if you havent eaten anything yet what would you want to eat and why? And if you have eaten but didnt like anything you ate why didnt you?
How tf do you become this dumb My geography teacher is such a... idk what. Idk what's wrong with her but she always tries to one up us(superiority complex?). My classmate got a dog? She's got a dog that's TOTALLY bigger. Someone is apologizing for being late? Rants about it during the next classes. She was talking to a teacher in the middle of the class and trashtalking us. I mean if you're gonna trashtalk us at least turn off your mic.
I had a moment last nightHi all, I'm writing on here because I had a horrible moment last night. I've been feeling down for quite some time and I don't really know why. I honestly believe it all boils down to being unhappy with my career. It's not going the way I want it to and I feel like I'm caught in a rut. Last night, I had quite a few drinks and all hell broke loose. My husband was asleep and I really felt like I wanted to end everything. I decided that I wanted to sit in my car in the garage and let the engine run, but instead I did the right thing and contacted a text message suicide hotline. I told the operator what was going on and eventually passed out drunk. The next thing I know, my husband and multiple EMT workers were in my bedroom checking my vitals. I told them I was fine and that I just had too much to drink. They eventually left and all was fine. It's now the next morning and I feel even worse than I did last night. I feel awful that I scared my husband as much as I did, and I feel horribly embarrassed because I'm sure my neighbors saw what was going on. I'm just so damn frustrated with everything and I'm not really sure what my next move should be in terms of recovery from this. Does anyone have any insight?
Someday, Ill take Rapunzel out to buy shampoo After all, Id hate to see her with dirty hair
Im here for you. Please.I know your brain is going to say things like oh shes just saying that to be polite and oh she doesnt have time for me because shes too busy with everyone else. You know how I know this? Because Ive been where you are. Maybe not in the exact same situation, but Ive been days away from killing myself. It makes me so upset that people cry out for help on here and no one answers. Im always here for ANYONE if you need some one to talk to. I can give advice, tips and you can rant to me. I can also just have a different conversation. I can (hopefully) make you laugh. I can just talk about your interests and your beautiful, unique views on the world. Whatever you want. The things your brain is saying that is discouraging you from talking to me, is not rational, true or welcomed by me. I will help you fight your demons. I am in YOUR corner. Always.
Fuck. People.Humans are the one and only reason I want off this Earth. You can't go anywhere nowadays without someone trying to scam you or take advantage of you. Every single day people remind me again of how much I hate them. No one wants to help others anymore. This world is a wretched selfish piece of scum that needs to just end already. If this isn't Hell Idk what is. Get me the fuck outta here.
Day of trying to make peoples days better [here ya go :p](
Yo what's up. I'm tired, hungry and bored plus my homies won't talk to me my pms are open
What do you do when youre in a bad mood Cuz im bout ready to break or kill something
Exams got my brain over easy fried I got a on my algebra exam and I have to get back tomorrow to finish my chemistry exam #fuck
Should I tell her how I feel? Hello there. So Ive been thinking about this for quite some time now and Ive come to Reddit for help. Im in love with a friend for a rather long time now, and I guess Ive been just hiding my feelings since then. But I think she feels the same way that I do, but then again Im really not sure. We do boxing together and we always have something to talk about, even in DMs, which is pretty much every day. But I dont know if its the insecurity boiling inside me or if Im just an idiot, but I seriously think that love is more than that. Its not just texting everyday and smiles at boxing, no, its more of a feeling. What I mean is, the feeling that you know that shes in love with you. All the little details coming into one giant truth: shes in love with me. My boxing coach says I should go for it, my colleagues said I should go for it, but I just cant keep myself from thinking: *does this feeling go both ways?* Reddit, give me a hand here.
I dont know what to do My house just burned down with all of our dogs in it and I dont know what to do
Cake Dy The way to type an ash () using a Windows computer is Alt+
I don't know what to do or what to thinkHello. These past few years I've been rather lonely and depressed and what has kept me going was the thought in my head of "It will eventually get better". But it didn't got any better, I continue feeling like shit, fewer friends, currently failling college and really low prospects for the future and what is scarying me is that what if it will never gets better? Is it really worth to keep going?
Fail after fail, why continue?For years of my life, I had tasted success and have enjoyed a good life. I used to get very good grades at school, being at the top % of my class. Then after th grade, everything started going downhill. I'm Indian and in this overpopulated country, there are always people waiting to take your place, honestly or otherwise. I studied science till th grade, I passed my school leaving examination with % in aggregate. Then I sat for two engineering entrance exams and failed with abysmal results. Then I took a drop of one year and reassessed my choices, thinking about what I really wanted. I discovered my aptitude lay in fincance and marketing. I used to read about the business world in the papers daily, so I made up my mind and started preparing accordingly. For the last months, I studied as hard as I possibly could, asking my friends not to disturb me, I gave up gaming, TV (I didn't watch much TV anyway), social media and everything in between. The syllabus for the entrance I was about to give was vague, so I asked a senior student of the college to guide me. I completed multiple books, doing well over sums in total of all types. Then today, I gave the exam and what did I see? They had changed the syllabus without prior notice. I was crestfallen. I could only manage to do %-% of the sums. EDIT: I sat for exams this year. In two I did even worse than last year. That's okay since my main focus was the rd one. And as for the rd one, you just read it. I cried for an hour straight for maybe the first time in - years. Now with an uncertainty looming in my life, I'm not sure of anything anymore. After giving up one year of my life, I achieved nothing and I don't know what to do anymore. Maybe I should just give up. EDIT : The entrance I gave takes into consideration half of the th grade marks and half of the entrance. I don't see myself going anywhere where there is only seats and around gave the exam. The ones having higher th scores are at an obvious advantage. We're not rich enough to afford a college in a foreign country. Our household earning is about $ per month. Much of it is deducted by taxes. Foreign courses will leave us penniless and if not, in a debt I'd spend my whole life trying to repay.
Girls dont know how to talk to boys. Girls: boys are soo stupid, they dont know how to respond to ok on messages. The boys: studying on how to respond to girls after they say I ok.
I'm fucking tiredI want to die. I've been holding in all the pain that my mom caused me, and I'm to scared to talk back to her when she yells at me, she gave me severe anxiety which makes it even scarier to talk back, I'm scared, in all argument she says that she is the victim and no one else is, in reality I'm the victim, and my last straw was pulled today, I was asking my little sister if she wanted sunflower seeds with her lunch and then my mom starts yelling at my for asking my little sister for something else with her lunch, I was just trying to be nice, I what I always get in return for trying to be nice is getting yelled at like I did something wrong. I fucking cut myself today in the first time in a year. I just want this to FUCKING END. All I do is get yelled at like I'm a fucking bitch. I want to be dead so I don't have to feel pain anymore.
I will end my life tonight if I do not get help. My one and only out reach for help. I posted in /r/relationships a few days ago about my girlfriend and mine problems and now she broke up with me. I have not been in a relationship in years or so and now I know i will not be in one again. Im done with this fucking life Im fucking useless no good peace of shit unworthy of love I have suffered depreation for about years i was instutotianlised when i was because of it and have not had meds since i will not tell a dr because i will not go back there I want to be in a loving relationship i want to be loved i want to be held i wan to be looked at with eyes that shows love. im dont im so sososo done i cant do it any more please help me. please i dont want to die but i cant live. sorry for any spelling and gramer mistaakes ive been drinking a little bit. maybe ill gain the courage to pull the triger.
I hate my lifeI'm a sophomore at highschool. I keep starting conflicts with my school counselor and my grades are so shit at school. I have no money and can't hire a tutor to make up for those grades. are money probs and doing sht at school thinking that you're worthless in life and in the future enough reasons for suicide?
Hopeless, chest hurts, feel ill, feel angry.I'm angry at life for not going the way it should have. I should not be bedridden at with no friends, and having not left the house for months. I should not rely on my parents for almost everything when i'm almost an adult. I should be going to school and be out in the world learning. My entire childhood and teenage years have been defined by panic disorder and psychotic depression. I was born mentally ill. I have never experienced normality, and for that I grieve. Things have only gotten worse in the past year, even after multiple hospital admissions, medications and therapy. I get recurrent infections and always feel ill. I have gastrointestinal issues that cause daily nausea. People say it is an effect of the panic disorder, which tells me that its irreversible. I'm tired. For the last few weeks my chest has been hurting unbelievably bad. I thought it was a heart attack from long term stress at first. I have uncontrollable anger to those around me because of how miserable I am. I go into rages and physically lash out. Afterwards I go to my room and plead for something to change so I can be normal. But in reality, I can't live like this anymore. I will NEVER be normal. I will never live a normal life. I was so naive as a young child and thought this was something every kid goes through. I had dreams of becoming a nurse or a doctor. Boy, do I miss the innocent dreamer days. I don't want to be stuck on disability money my entire life. I don't want to rely on therapy and medications. I'm too worn out to think about this. I need a break. I am scared
Plastic surgery is my only hope of ever finding any affection from anyoneI've been mocked my whole life for a deformity on my face that isn't my fault and I'm a GIRL so nothing but my face matters and I know this from studying society and just general experience and all that inner beauty blah blah blah makes me want to murder people. It's like rich people saying the material doesn't matter meanwhile it's worse because affectionate touch is a human need. yeah yeah i know get a dog or whatever if that helped i wouldn't be writing this. i don't even know, i want to live and to love but maxillofacial surgery is expensive i should've had it when i was a kid but my country was in the soviet union then and the so-called doctors didn't give a crap if i looked like a circus freak all they cared about was if i could breathe and eat then insurance wouldn't pay for any surgeries. worst is i am not religious so i don't get to find comfort in some sky daddy that loves me despite my dna. there is no such thing as love without the right dna if you're a woman.
I don't belong hereHello everyone. So basically this will be a rant about what's going through my head in the last months. Maybe there are people like me somewhere.. So, I've reached the point that I don't see a reason to stay on this planet/continue living anymore. At the end everything is useless and I can't contribute anything that would be helpful on a greater scale. Nothing really matters. I'm (we?) are trapped in this awful void without a reason. Some people suggest finding something that could make you happy or something that gives you a reason to live will help but I don't think this works for me. I can't ignore that there is no greater reason to live. In my opinion everyone just tries to ignore that there is no reason behind everything. I'm able to avoid negative thoughts for a short time but there is no escape. I tried almost everything. Working out, eating healthy, taking meds and therapy. Nothing really helped.. And don't get me wrong I haven't given up yet. I'm still going "strong". Surprisingly I haven't given up completely yet. But if my current state of mind won't change I can't imagine myself being alive in years. I feel like an alien trapped in this horrible world. Sorry if I made any grammar mistakes. I hope someone understands me.. It's really hard to write down my thoughts.
What's the first thing I should do when I enter class Seriously I dont know what to do or what to say
Tell me a helpful fact that i dont know I have a helpful award anyone who does
I was about to kill myself when someone randomly sent dont kill yourself, death will come to you at the right timeStill super suicidal though.
Suicide isn't cool You might be 'tired' of life, but killing yourself will not make things better... Mainly because, you won't get the satisfaction of feeling that tiredness ending because... y'know... you'll be dead. Suicide doesn't bring satisfaction or anything like that, you just cease to exist boom (unless you believe in an afterlife or reincarnation etc. in which case - you can't be certain anyway so it's still a bad thing to do). You get one life, it might be shit right now but that pain is temporary in the vast majority of cases. I think I read a statistic of people who survived suicide attempts and the vast majority immediately regretted it. If you feel suicidal, talk to someone, reach out, nothing good will come from keeping it all to yourself. Stay safe.
Willing to answer questions about acne Lmk what you want to ask me! I had bad acne when I was (not cystic acne, but texture was a huge issue) Now Im and my skin looks pretty good ngl (for the most part lmao)
I think I'm really going to do itI think it's serious this time. I've been thinking about ways to do it. Which would be less painful, faster. I've thought about it before. But something feels so different about it this time. I'm not crying, really. It's like I've accepted that I want to do this, that I'm going to. I'm not so concerned about who I'm leaving behind. I need to do this for me. I don't want to go to a hospital or inpatient facility. I've gone before. It's dehumanizing and made things worse. I just want this to be over. I just want all the pain to go away.
"The Day After..."... Ow. Serves me right. Oh man. Ow. I feel like shit (physically AND emotionally) so what did getting fall-down drunk do for me? Nothing but make me so sick I can barely move...and make my head feel like there is broken glass in it. The suicidal thoughts are actually STRONGER now but I am REALLY not motivated to do anything stupid. Well...I would like to say I will be killing myself today, and if ever I had a good time to do it...end the suffering right now...literally. I promised a friend I wouldn't today, and I don't think I will be able to do much today except lay here and moan (even typing this is painful...) and feel like I am going to hurl at any moment. Hangovers suck. I will say it again: serves me right. I deserve to hurt. Ow. I need to...*huuurk* go now.
If god gave me this body, fuck youUgly, short, balding, stupid...literally everything is wrong with me.
My IQ is lower than my body count
I am going to kill myself tonightI wrote my letter last night The only reason I didn't do it is because I thought there might be some chance my boyfriend would stay because everyone else has already given up on me He didn't and today he told me he is no longer in love with me after years I am broken and beyond repair I have nothing left to live for
Im gonna kill myself tonight.Its better for me and everyone else.
Hey guys good vibes only here in this comment section
byei cant they twke everything form me now my job i cant fucking take this why d i deserve this i love them but i cant deal with the way im trewted it doesnt matter if its here or my moms. if i fail this time its to a ward or my moms house to get abused again i cant fsil
Cries for help..Letting people know how you feel is a cry for help.. it means you want to be helped.. it means that youre not ready to go through with this.. when we no longer want to explain to others why, this is when its real.. when you no longer want help. I have bothered too many folk with my own feelings of inadequacy.. i can't do it again.. and some things just can't be fixed. And we know this.. but we cry out anyway.. in some vain attempt to find an end to these things.. but there is no end.. anyone who has been through these feelings has normally been through them several times.. and it gets so tiresome.. it becomes futile. I really want people to understand why.. but logically, its only me that needs to make sense of it.. and i need to stop subjecting my own misery on the people around me. Its just not fair on them.. Fact is all of us struggle.. we all have problems.. and its difficult for us all.. how can i, in good conscience, off load all this negativity on to some other poor bastard.. we're all the same.. and its not easy for anyone.
Whats poppin I just want to talk to people because its am and Im bored. What are u guys up to, hows it going
Songs you have connected to people or moments Typical bored at reddit night, lets talk about something.
How many people have you seen using an Obama username? Also hail Obama prism. If you want to. You don't have to.
The thoughts come right backI no longer want help because I accept it. I find myself actively planning suicide, and it's ok. It's probably the only kindness I've ever shown myself.
awhile ago i promised this to myself so basically, like . months ago I went out to play ball, and said if i was goin to hit / mid court shots im asking out this girl. this mofo here hit /. she said yes. months passed. pro tip on making decisions: before fliping a coin, decide which side will be which album, and before throwing it, youll already know the outcome youd want. (same thing with basketball) oh yeah, she know my account. if u see this, wsup boo :))
Should i tell my crush how i feel? I love them so much theyre so cute and fun to talk to but fear of rejection just is like n o
If my next gf gets upset because of my waifu I'm ending it right there Bitch no wiafu no lifefu! U can't share me with a fake anime girl o well It sounds like I'm joking but I've had a gf actually get upset and jealous of my waifu and dog lmao
The fifth day of trying#Today a person I know died .. I am sure she was a good woman and I hope she is in a better place now.. I arranged my room, I arranged the living room, and I drank enough water, I wrote a short story and Unfortunately, I cried in front of everyone when I knew that this woman had died ... she was very beautiful and she was A good mother
I'm a guy If someone says they're a girl they get platinum let's see what does me saying i'm a guy do Btw this is a meme i'm not karmawhoring
I just lost my job at Wendy'sI just got fired from Wendy's after working there for nearly years. I got fired because my pants kept falling and I didn't bother to buy a new belt or tighter pants because I thought it was a non-issue. This is my first time getting fired before. What should I do? I get depressed real easily and I'm contemplating suicide. I need help.
I just want loveWhy wont this world give me the one thing I want Romance its the only thing I want in life please dont say Ive got a focus on other things because it will just cause me to get angry and I can be very rude when Im angry so dont waste your time if this world doesnt give me love soon Im going to end it
What is your body count r/teenagers? Filler* *Filler* *Filler* *Filler* *Filler* *Filler* *Filler*
This might get burried under the girl who got a new car and the photoshop competition going on But...... i got internet explorer
I feel like a burden.To everyone. My friends, my family, e.t.c. I feel like I have failed at being a woman because of how ugly I am. I feel like I have failed at being a daughter because of how stupid I am. I feel like I have failed at being a friend because I can't stop pushing people away. I think I am just going to end it soon. I don't have any place in this world, and I have nothing to offer to society. I am just too broken and worthless. I don't think I am deserving of anything good in life. I am just a waste of oxygen and space. Wanted to leave something behind before I leave.
Am I banned from here This is a test because according to my alt accounts Im banned, or just reply yes or no I dont care
I'm a lieEvery day I put a fake smile a fake personality and fake laugh day after day for years every day was the same wondering if the day was the "day" the day when I will be set free from myself the day I can show what has been locked away for years behind the smile people saw daily just one of the only reasons I'm still going is seeing others smile because of me knowing I made some one smile knowing i might have made their day better .
I feel like I don't existBeen actively suicidal since I was . No good reason for it, no trauma, just became convinced I was an inhuman abomination that needed to be taken out. years later this is still the case. I literally do not think I am a person, and on many levels I feel that I'm not real at all. When I look in a mirror I can't recognise it as myself - it belongs to someone else, a shell I've invaded. I can't accept affection because it's not for me, it's for someone whose body and life I've stolen. I know it's not logical but I can't shake this feeling that I'm trespassing someone else's life. My existence just feels so fundamentally wrong. My need to punish myself is so strong that I've even started selfharming in my sleep. I want to die, I want to be killed, I deserve a painful death and I want to do it to myself. That said, I'm too incompetent to even kill myself. Lost count of my botched suicide attempts and got out of hospital for the last one days ago. Meds, therapy, helplines, hospitalisation, none of them have made a difference. I'm tired. Pretending I'm human is so much effort and I shouldn't be here anyway. I want to stop breathing and forget that I exist. The person whose body I stole can finally wake up and have their life back, and I can finally disappear entirely.
Reasons to live ?Im a F and recently ended a year relationship with M . Long story short Ive always suffered with depression but Im extra suicidal . I JUST got my first car , live at home , I think I may have dysmorphia because people tell me Im attractive but I HATE myself . So they just say Im faking it . I work at a laundromat so its not like I have a REAL career . Either due to my ugly appearance or maybe lack of finance no man ever wants to take me serious they just want to screw me . Besides my ex but I had to leave because I was experiencing disassociation after years of isolation and reprogramming (the first year was better ) . Im up to a pack of cigs a day , and any day I have off I get drunk . Recently threw away my rollerblades which was the last thing I could muster up the energy to do . years ago I lost my only sister to a drug overdose so I feel kinda stuck here for my mom and nephew as much as I want to end it for my own sanity . Sooo yeah I just need logical people to give me some advice , normally I can pull myself back but its been nonstop for months now suicidal thoughts .
why am i such an introvert??? i hate being an introvert, and i got so many friends too, so it makes it even harder for me :/
I'll be gone before too long.I'm ending it. That much I know. As of now it's just a matter of how, so what is the most painless way of killing myself? Notice I said MOST painless, I don't expect it to feel amazing you dumbass. One response with one word not saying what I want will cause me to delete the post, my profile, and go to TOR for an answer. Anyone that knows what TOR is knows that I'll find what I want there.
Want to goAt best friends place. Wanting to wait til they go to sleep and leave. Was raped March th tried therapy haven't managed to be home with my husband since even though it's not his fault. Not anyones fault. But cant seem to recover. Have enough combos of meds to end all the shit I've put everyone through. Only regret is that I didn't do it sooner so i wouldnt be affecting anyone.
Pepsi Can Coca Cola glass
I really want talk to someone. PleaseI just cant live anymore I have absolutely no motivation to do so. I go to bed crying and Im so anxious of going to school. I was an A+, now Im failing left, right and centre. Im so overwhelmed with Year . Can I just talk to someone.
What's the pointWhat's the point of a life like this.. having to take pills every day and see doctors all the time just to be "normal" It's just exhausting and is pushing me further towards the edge
will killing themselves make the person that made them do it feel bad?Not someone that literally forced someone to commit suicide but someone that done something intentionally that resulted in so much pain that they the victim took their own life
Beethoven and Mozart in heaven (probably) Mozart: i farted on your coffee today, Ludwig *laugh track* Beethoven: WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT???!!!!!! Mozart: it gives flavor Beethoven: *\*sips\** Beethoven: ..... Beethoven: mmm it does have taste *laugh track*
Currently lying with my back to the door of my bathroom with a rope around my neckWhy the fuck not. Girlfriend pregnant, too young to keep it but she's doing so anyways, fuck it
Who am I supposed to vent to about my problems??Whenever I vent to someone, they call me annoying and tell me to stop bitching about stuff... Do I have to just keep all my rage and problems inside?? How do I deal with them?
anyone in this damned cycle?- feel awful - see no way to fix it - still tries to do some improvements in life - things seem to get a bit better but.. - it ends up not working - tons of effort bring barely anything on the table - feel really awful now - as last resort go see the doctor - see a therapist and/or get meds - some kind of hope that this will help - none of it really helps - somehow you realize you must carry your weight alone - carry it for a while - restart feeling awful and rinse and repeat maybe it's just me but that's basically the past years for me
Why does everyone on this sub talk about their crushes? Bitch words cannot describe how much I dont care