2 values
I cant escape the thought of deathWhen I ran into the bathroom crying a few days ago the first thing that came into my mind was to drink the bleach by the toilet, even when Im not sad or down (which isnt very often), i still see ways to kill myself, like when I was in london awhile ago on the subway platform all I could think of was jumping on the tracks
Im killing myself through voluntary dehydrationI cant find how long itll take but Im guessing days for me. Before I started I ate ~ calories for days and purged and took laxatives. I Looked how long itll take to die and I keep getting very different results. Im afraid itll take up to days because I am a physically healthy teenager. I am currently hours in and I am in pain, probably from the laxative abuse and purging. Pfft of course its from those things. currently I am experiencing headaches, my stomach and chest hurt, and I get dizzy standing up. I keep cramping in my stomach and I feel physically bad but honestly this is the happiest Ive been in a long time. I feel guilty for doing this but finally itll end
Tired of trying. Feel like giving up and dying.I'm years old and I don't see any reason or justification for living for the sole purpose to live. Since I was young I was very competitive, always trying to strive to be the best at everything I did. This lead me to isolation and not having many friends but I think this is mainly due to the fact that I was at a small school. When I was , I always felt that I was different. I never really fit into societies norms. I've never been the person who likes to act superficial and disingenuous and trying to act superior than others. I've always had a kind, modest and honest heart but this characteristic doesn't lead to anything. Not even a girlfriend or friends. I've tried so hard to fit in and to make friends but it only ends up with I being by myself. Another thing is i've also had a mental health issue which lasted for years which has made life very difficult for me. Recently I've recovered from it but now I'm back, society has changed the people I know are more developed than me, succeeding with their goals and that also applies to the people I've met and talked to. This is great for them and I wish them all the best but I feel like i've wasted my life and have a huge hill to climb. Even though I'm trying to be the man I'm born to be the hill it feels so high that it has become more than overwhelming. I'm tired of talking to people to try and make friends with them. I'm tired of trying to have an identity in this world. I'm tried of living a lonely life. I'm tired of this life I've wasted. I'm tired of trying. I'm tired of starting again at an age where I'm suppose to have settled down. I'm tired of loosing. I'm tired of being kind and a nice person but I don't know how to be mean. I'm tired of it all. I'm thinking of ending it all. There is billion people in the world. Hundreds of people die every day, I think life begins after death. This life is only a test and I think I have lived a good life, lonely yes but I've given it my all and I'm always back to square and I'm not getting anywhere. It's worn me out. I'm not scared of death.
Day of posting different song lyrics until I forget :) We're no strangers to love You know the rules and so do I A full commitment's what I'm thinking of You wouldn't get this from any other guy I just wanna tell you how I'm feeling Gotta make you understand Never gonna give you up Never gonna let you down Never gonna run around and desert you Never gonna make you cry Never gonna say goodbye Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you We've known each other for so long Your heart's been aching but you're too shy to say it Inside we both know what's been going on We know the game and we're gonna play it And if you ask me how I'm feeling Don't tell me you're too blind to see Never gonna give you up Never gonna let you down Never gonna run around and desert you Never gonna make you cry Never gonna say goodbye Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you No, I'm never gonna give you up No, I'm never gonna let you down No, I'll never run around and hurt you Never, ever desert you We've known each other for so long Your heart's been aching but Never gonna give you up Never gonna let you down Never gonna run around and desert you Never gonna make you cry Never gonna say goodbye Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you No, I'm never gonna give you up No, I'm never gonna let you down No, I'll never run around and hurt you I'll never, ever desert you
I have many jokes about unemployed people Sadly, none of them work
I just wanna kill myselfI should have been an abortion, Im a disappointment.
Sad.I just called the suicide hotline for the first time today. I'm having a really hard time with seemingly everything in life. The woman who I spoke with was very kind, but I know I'm going to feel this way no matter what. I was with a girl for a few months and I thought we were soulmates, but now she's ghosting me and I'm absolutely heart broken. My rd birthday is in months and I'm not sure if I'll make it or not. I'm trying so hard to stay strong, but I feel like there's no hope left for me. I'm absolutely dying inside... I hope someone out there is able to relate...
Making plans to kill my selfI find myself to busy to kill my self, I had all these thing I needed to do before I killed myself. I needed a note (Done) I needed to make sure I tried getting help which did not go a single place but I tried, I need to make sure I was very close to my birthday that way my parents don't have too many occasions to be sad about, but lately I've felt like I need to do it sooner but I can't find a single minute alone my parents are planning so many things and I don't want to disappoint them and ruin there plans but I just can't stand it anymore! Every second I try to convince myself of the bright side but I feel like I'm being sarcastic with myself nothing is nice I have no nice thing in my life to be happy about I'm grasping at any little things to do! I'm so lonely I'll talk to anyone but everyone hates me! I have no one! I can't stand this anymore I have to get out of this! I have to die, But I can't even do that!
So Im pretty sure I just saw a gift for Christmas I wasnt supposed to see. My mom isnt home and I have no idea what to do because what I read on the box that was delivered is something I already have...
I feel useless and pointless.I'm . My boyfriend just broke up with me today after nearly a year, because I have a lot of severe mental health issues, can't hold down a job, and spend a lot of time just sitting on the couch. I'm genderqueer, and it makes it really damn difficult to find a partner who understands and loves me for who I am. He says he loves me, but we're just "not a good fit". At the same time, he's only giving me days to find a place to stay. My mother is abusive, my family can't take me in, and my only option is my friend in Indiana, whose fiance wants to interview me before I move in. So I basically have nowhere to go, nowhere to turn, unless he gives me more time so I can work things out with my friends. Honestly? After being broken up with twice in two years, losing my daughter to my other ex, having a shitty mother, unsupportive family, no job, no car, no college degree...nothing to be proud of, I just want to end it all. I have been officially diagnosed by a psychiatrist dring a visit to the mental health hospital with PTSD, Bipolar II Rapid cycling, Borderline Personality Disorder, Panic Disorder, and severe depression. I don't want to live anymore.
I'm scaredI'm scared of everything. Every damn moment it seems that I'm frightened by what could happen to me or other people. There's no way to fix this other than suicide, and I don't get why it isn't a good enough reason.
Slaves to the establishment slave to my parents and more specifically slaves to the male disease of Money.I am in a cross road at the moment. I had my money stolen by bandits and I suffer from a medical condition and no one else seem to give a shit. The light at the end of the tunnel is fading and not getting brighter. It sounds like the establishment have made it so that we fall prey to their predatory practice and know exactly how families will breakdown so they either force it to break it down or they sell a fantasy to the masses and people buy it. This western or eastern civilization is created off a sick mind who get a laugh out of human suffering and treat people as digital numbers. I just feel like getting away from it all and not going back home. I don't care if it offends my mother/father or creates a missing person list, but honestly, I don't like where civilization is heading towards. It seems that the establishment have pounded money so much in our heads, that it has become the cornerstone of civilization.
The shame.. months ago I was an extremely suicidal and pathetic mess. I contacted my ex. This conversation escalated. In the end she insulted me SO badly and it was SO spot on that I couldn't deal with it anymore. It kept repeating over and over again. When I woke up I felt like a piece of garbage because of her insults. Out of frustration I kept sending messages to her and deleting it within minutes. I wanted to kill myself to make those thoughts stop, but I'd only prove her right with that. I feel so embarassed that I was acting like this too.. I feel like I lost my dignity. Her insults will repeat on my deathbed. I can't shake them. It fucking sucks. Something died inside of me after hearing what she's said and I'm very afraid it will never come back. It doesn't help that I'm extremely neurotic. My goal for the next years is to become a very succesful and impressive person, but if her insults continue to linger then I'll never be % happy again and I'm very afraid that something so small and stupid as contacting my ex has ruined my life.
Here is some advice from me. If someone calls you "Daddy", say "Are ya winnin' son" (or whatever their gender is, too many to count).
I Translated meet the engineer x from Russian to English... Hi buddy, I'm an engineer. This means that I am solving problems, not problems like "What is beauty?" Because it will fall into the realm of your philosophical enigmas. How do I keep Hubbard's wicked mother from ripping off her structurally fat ass? Answer: Use a pistol, and if it doesn't work ... Use another pistol. Take, for example, a large caliber tripod mounted on a small old number that I used, built myself and you hope ... not aimed at you.
POV you woke upJerry, terror of under the door
I swear my dad and I are on the same brainwave Last night, during dinner, as we were talking, I began a sentence with "is it just me, or..." my dad instantly retorted "yeah" and I instantly answered "okay." Everyone else was confused because it all happened so fluently. And this isn't the only time this has happened. My dad is a pretty goofy guy, and does those things a lot, but I always seem to catch on instantly and continue the joke, and I always think that's really great.
How the hell do you get a drivers license? I cant drive because my dad never bothered to teach me. I cant practice driving because my family doesnt have an old car for me to practice with. I cant afford driving classes. My family didnt have the money(and still dont) to buy a car when I turned . Even if I did get my license somehow, I cant afford a new car so Id still have to rely on my driving family members or Uber to get to school and work.
How do get out of bed when suicidally depressedDoes anyone have any tips or strategies for waking up / simply getting out of bed when severely depressed? I've been suicidally depressed for the past years. The way depression really manifests itself in me is that I tend to regularly oversleep (anywhere from - hours a night) because I find sleeping and dreaming to be effective escapes from depression and suicidal ideation. I consider it a major victory if I can get up at noon-pm, but most of the time end up sleeping until -pm each day. I feel like I've tried everything--I've set alarm clocks all around my apartment so I have to physically get out of bed in the morning, but I simply get up, turn them all off, then go back to bed as if the world depends on me going back to sleep. Even if I have something I'm looking forward to do in the day (which is rare), I have a hard time getting out of bed, or sometimes simply stay in bed and miss/cancel what I had planned for myself. Really feel like I'm helplessly locked in a pattern of oversleep that I can't break out of. How do you get out of bed when you feel you have no future?
Guys i cant sleep Its : help i dont wanna end up sleeping at
There's a huge wildfire in my area and pretty much every house in my neighborhood has burned down, possibly including mine. So how's the week gone for everyone else?
For those who crave knowledge I do all of these just so you dumbasses wont interrupt me finish my pasta plate ever again Cum tastes like salty milk with some extra weird flavor Poop tastes like hydrated dirt with some strange flavor Pee tastes like weird flavored water Human meat tastes like pork but its already salt flavored Being tall fucking sucks No you wont get a gf This sub is already gay and stuff so stop whining about those I will answer more in the comment section
Help would be niceUHHH I down a quarter of a bottle of cough medicine and there pills of something. I've been trying to through it up but I've been unsuccessful I did the at around hours ago I doubt that I'll die but my tummy hurts so if there's a way to relieve myself that would be great. Thanks
Some advice for you allAbout a year ago I posted that I felt like a failure who wouldnt do anything with my life, expected to head to a dead end job after high school and kill myself. I am now a year older and in my junior (almost senior year) of high school. I am going to college during my senior year to study in a field that I love and get a job im pretty sure ill love while being paid well. I never expected this just a year before and just want to say to all of you that things do get better, and life will be rough and hard but it gets better i promise. Keep going and trucking through because life is worth it.
I WANNA CUDDLE I dunno I just wanna cuddle with someone. Desperate. Like I really wanna fucking cuddle.
anyone else know an Odading on Among Us? like that guy is ALWAYS playing. Like ALWAYS. Never tried finding a public room without an Odading there. this one time he kicked me.
does anyone wanna let me rant its over really petty shit but i just need to vent lmao
I went through all of today thinking it was Friday I think I just had such wishful thinking that it was finally Friday and that I was finally done. This week has been hell for me and I just want it to end. Ive gotten bad scores, Ive had to deal with all of my friends coming to me about all of their problems, Ive been stressing over their problems and the tests so Ive been up until like AM every night, plus my mom and stepdad are starting to fight. Im truly done. Im just tired, stressed, and done with people. Right now I just find everyone and everything annoying. I guess I was hoping that maybe a day of doing nothing on Saturday would be perfect. Thats just what I need right now. But no....... of course not. Of course I have one more day of hell. Idk why Im so mad about this. I feel like Im being over dramatic but like...... Im just so done.
Building bridges in Mc and jumping offIm thinking of doing that
I don't want to die, but I don't want to live anymore.All I can think about is the relief I would feel from cutting my wrists and watching the blood drip down my arm.
I can crack my elbows and it makes a very loud sound I have been called weird because of it, is it like not supposed to happen
So I woke up to a delivery guy dropping a massive Box on our front steps It's a two foot tall cardboard box full of reese's, steaks, mine and my brother favor craft beers, fresh produce from our aunts garden a plunger and a bag of various Nuts and bolts,as well as a few large pieces of wood. With a hand written note enclosed from our dad, and I quote," we knew you would all forget the Essentials so we decided to send you some So your grandmother you stop worrying. We love you all , the spray in the box is bear mace not bear repellant stray is at a charging bear not at a person. Love, Dad The note was stuck to the largest box of multi size condoms I have ever seen. And placed on top of a stack of gay and girlie mags because and i quote from the note" for emergencies the wifi in Maine can be shit sometimes." And this package is not ever suprising to me ..lol
My year old sister "pranked" me before I say this i'd like to tell you about my sister, she might be crazy, I don't know how but she is different then others I guess, my mom Also let's her watch youtube kids. Any way here we go. I left my house to go to the store so I could get some chips, I ended up talking to some friends for about minutes. when I came back my TV was on the floor there was soda dumped all over my floor and bed, my controller which I still don't know if it's broke had some on it. She appearently was watching prank Channels. Sorry for the long post I just needed some outlet to say something.
Why does everyone on this subreddit seem to be an alt social reject The people here are really cringe tbh,
guess my second name youll get a cookie
I am pretty convinced I should have done this in ,I have been coming around to the idea that I should have killed myself in . The year before columbine. The year before I saw any school in my district do anything about bullies. ... I was bullied so severely I didn't realize how abusive my home life was until I got to be an adult and realized people with healthy families don't have drug addiction rampant in said family and nightmares about dad aren't normal. was the first year I thought about killing myself and I just feel like I wasted my chance by chickening out. It's likely my mom would have left my dad. My younger brother would be better off and might have gotten help. And maybe they would have looked into those bully's lives to see what made them want to and succeed in destroying me. They did destroy me. It's just that no one noticed until I got to be an adult that can't function. I can't love people who love me back. I only love people that like me enough to fuck me and chuck me. Thus I havent touched anyone in years. I have been unemployed for almost a year and a half after I was living with a lady paying her rent for the privilege of watching her kids for her for bucks an hour. I never had the time to get the mythical second job that would have made that worth my while and I ended up moving back in with my mom after getting trapped with this lady who had all my stuff and I perpetually didn't have enough money to get a place of my own. Now I live with my mother and she lives in a place no bus comes and I can't get a job anywhere because nowhere will hire me as soon as they find out I don't have a car. I missed out on the chance to make my death meaningful and now I will just look like a useless fucking fuck up.
I got to round in cw zombies Is anyone proud of me?
Been feeling bad about myself, had to get an ego boost by curb stomping my year old sister at chess The amount of power I feel forcing a queen blunder in turns is amazing
HelpI just watched a really triggering scene in a tv show. I wasnt sure if this was the right subreddit to post on but I feel so helpless. I dont think I really want to die, I just want to be saved. I want someone to need me alive and to tell me that. I can't do this on my own. At the end of the day I don't know if I can be saved, I just can't keep living like this. There's nobody I can talk to about this without feeling guilty. I'm sorry.
I don't even know what I want to doLike honstly I am not depressed. I'm just at this point where I'm already a junior with a . GPA with no chance of going anywhere for college. I have no college fund. I have nothing to move onto. For the past week I've been just looking up ways on the Internet to kill myself. I'm taking everything with a okay manor. I just feel like that would be the best bet. I'm also really intrested in where we go when we die. I do not believe in heaven beacuse it seems to far fetched but I've always though of what would actually happen when I die. I don't know though.. I've been going on with my life as normal. Making plans for farther dates and such. I just don't know if I will do it or not and when.. I guess you can say in seaking help even though I feel it would do no use. But I just figured why not post somthing.. thanks
I'm ready to go.I've been feeling unloved, disliked, and unwanted. I've finally made a decision about what to do. It may seem an odd way to go, but I got my hemlock seeds in the mail, and I'm going to get drunk and then take all of the seeds at one time. I just wanted to say thank you for all of your support.
I need helpAl I think about now is pulling a trigger on myself. All Ive ever wanted to do is just make people happy, make them laugh, and care. But no one does the same for me, no cares about me. People backstab me, use me, and overall are just fake to me. People pretend to be my friends because my parents are rich. They never invite me to anything, its always when can we come over, when can we use the boat. My life should be great, right? No, all I want is a meaningful attachment. But people are heartless, they done care what their actions do to me. How do I not care about it, how do I escape? All I think about everyday is killing myself.
I dont really know Do you ever just have that one person who you dont know if you like or not? You know you like them but dont want to let yourself like them because you know youd be broken if they didnt like you.
I honestly cannot cope anymore. Someone help me.I have posted here before ([]( , []( ) For the past weeks, I have been feeling VERY depressed. I got kicked out of my sister's house, and now I'm struggling hard, financially. I feel like my girlfriend is going to break up with me soon, the only person I truly love in my life right now, and I honestly feel like I don't deserve her in general. I went to the movies with my girlfriend and friends of her last night. Afterwards they went to a party while I went home (not much of a party guy). On my way home, for some reason, I drove through my old town where everything with my family happened. It was a very weird/depressing experience and I spent an hour sitting on a bench in the park crying in the middle of the night (AM) I woke up very depressed and I can't even be bothered to get out of the bed. I am supposed to meet my girlfriend in an hour, in which I wanted to talk about our relationship, but I have been crying for the past hours and my eyes look like an absolute mess. I just want someone to talk to. Sadly, I have lost all of my social circle within the last months due to them getting girlfriends/moving out. I'm sick of everything, and I honestly can't stop thinking that ending things is the best decision right now.
I think r/sgirls should be banned and heres why Whenever I search up this sub the sub r/sgirls or whatever is always one of the first things to appear. I looked at the sun out of curiosity. Its a porn sub which for this site isnt weird. What I hate though is that these young girls whom some can still participate in this sub are using their bodies for pornography. I dont feel like people my age or should be able to do this kind of thing. Is it just me
I just woke up, and youre next to me _______________________________________________________
Testicles are just miniature cum factories We must produce cum for the cm gods
Sometimes I wonderI look at my life and sometimes things are good. But then I think about the reality, I'm a college drop out who couldn't even finish when it was paid for him in full by the university. I have no real drive or any idea where I'm going in life. I'm working a dead end job with no real means of moving up. My wife constantly asks for a divorce and in reality I'm too scared to let her go because if I do I will have nothing. I don't have a home to go back to, I don't have a car of my own anymore, I don't know what to do with my life. The sad part about it all is that I try my hardest to not fuck it all up but it still happens every time I look back. It's not my first time thinking like this, I contemplate the thought all the time. But then I worry about the burdens I would be leaving on family. The debt, the bills, everything and it makes me feel like such a bigger failure. I know I'm bipolar and this is just a bad low.. but at the same time I wonder about this all the time. Would anyone even miss me?
why can't a girl just ride me already I don't wanna be happy, i wanna be horny
there's no way outive done everything wrong in the last years. everything i could have done that would fuck me over i did. i wish i didnt. i didn't realize id be here today suffering. its my own fault. my own doing. i had everything laid out in front of me to do exactly what i was supposed to and have things be right... but i ruined it. ill never forgive myself. ill never recover. the heaviness in my heart and twist of guilt in my stomach will never go away. i ruined it. nobody but me. i ruined my own future... im leaving. im sorry. im posting as a last ditch effort to see some sort of hope maybe. i did this to myself. i dont wanna live with myself anymore.
Im out of the hospital. I had to give up my gun. I regret everything.Hope is a terrible, terrible thing for me. I should have just done it.
ive been feeling more sad than usual i hate it social media really takes a toll on me dang
Sending positive messages to teens day You dont need nice hair, or a face, nice clothes or hips to be beautiful, true beautify can be found in an intelligent mind, and a good personality. Just like the one you have!
LET ME RATE YOUR KINKS :) Im gonna rate your kinks ( being hella sexy) and ( being eww wtf) so just leave you kinks in the comments AND IM GONNA RATE THEM!!!
I have an amazing life literally amazing why am I so sad and just want it all to endI have children an amazing boyfriend I have a great job a wonderful home Im not rich but we are very comfortable but I cannot ever get over my overwhelming sadness and wanting it all to end. I imagine it daily. Driving off the bridge in my car, overdosing on pills, shutting the car in the garage and taking a nap. I image the letters I will leave and how everything will be better when I dont have to do this anymore. Why is the actual living so so hard.
The cutest thing just happened to me I was petting my kitten while watching Dreams newest yt vid, the hitman premiere and i decided to boop the kitty, and the kitten booped me back!
Im getting sick of this but I cant leave I dont know what to do. Ive known this guy for years now, and all that he does is just toxic. I get yelled at for asking questions or simply not responding to a text fast enough for his liking. I have to watch what I send to him because I dont want to aggravate him. Ive broken down so many times talking to him because of things hes said but havent told him because, again, I dont want to piss him off more. But I feel bad. Im the only person he has to talk to, and hes always home alone. Hes really depressed and Im trying to help but I Think Im just making it worse.
An online calculator made specifically for my school district was wrong Like wtf leave it to my school to create a calculator that doesnt calculate, i didnt think stuff like this existed anymore
so after a bit of researchnasa published a paper where they state if you are going to m/s or more you are almost guarantee to die if you land on a hard surface. whats the formula to know my velocity at the end of a fall if I know the height of the building and my weight? also, apparently you reach terminal velocity after a fall of around meter, do you get to m/s ? I mean gravity pulls you max around m/s
I keep wishing there was a suicide button on my desk that could kill me as soon as i pressed it.You may wonder why I would want such a thing. In school there are kinds of people, the good and the bad. I am one of the good ones, however due to my thoughts I have been suffering greatly. Not only am I being laughed at all the time, but I made the worst mistake of having feelings for another boy in my year group, and it is painful for me to know that I will never be with him and that he is too cute for a boy like me. It hurts and I want it all to stop. Sure you may say "don't you have friends to talk to" and while I do, one of them is in the same boat as me and has even tried slitting her wrists and failed, my other friend is acting strangely towards me as of recent and that's possibly my fault too.
Why does this sub die at this time? Its so annoying sometimes. All the familiar people are Americans maybe thats why I dont see them.
What do this emojis means? It's quite simple this is cream this is rain this is a hand and this an eggplant Simple, right?
When I was really young a friend was showing me this porn video, and Ive always been on the dumber side of things so I didnt really know what was going on and now that I think about it, it was kind of weird. Like they got married, fucked the same day, then the girl got up to pee and it said, Dont have sex after marriage. What.
bruh i found acid in my room and i really fucking wanna do it now to see if i can act sober in front of my parents i lost it a while ago when i used to trip all the time and im so fucking impulsive that i wish it would have stayed lost
Why do they put wrappers on chocolate eggs? Like seriously I feel as if its just the most wasteful way of going about it. What do you think?
I'll never do anything meaningful with my lifeI have no skills, no motivation, no talent, nothing really. The thought of not doing something meaningful with my life makes me just want to give up, which I realize is totally counterintuitive, but it just makes me hopeless. I just quit my job as a dishwasher(again) last night, and I just feel like I'll never do something I'll feel is good enough in my life. I'll be a fucking dishwasher or some shit my whole life, serving people that actually have their shit together. Fuck that, I'd rather just die now, and I just might.
i just want guy love LMAO yall i just want someone to cuddle with but also be able to be sexual with them . i also just want good affirmations, if any male wants to send me something to simp over feel free
To anyone who wants to take time and read this. (, last hope)Depression runs in my family and I've talked to some people but I just don't feel like I have anyone to turn to anymore. My entire life when ever I get sad or upset someone I instantly think of what it would be like if I just didn't exist, if I offed myself. My job is to much stress and I will think of ways I can hurt myself enough to get out of work but not enough to die. But recently its been worse, I have fantasies of dying and it scares me because it doesn't scare me. I have thoughts of wanting to cut again, of feeling the blade again. But I can't, I've geld against for so long. But these thoughts keep pushing me and I'm afraid I'm going to let them control me again. I need help before it starts
I am thinking about making a book. Should I finish it? This is a little exert from it. BTW Im reading it in a video. Im self conscious about my voice so Im taking a risk posting this
Song recommendation again I dont remember what its called or who its by sorry
I need a different TextlineI know this might be a specific request, and Ill explain but the basic question is this: Is there a crisis Textline that works via website and not phone number? I tried contacting the standard but after glitching out my messages stopped sending. I do have functional WiFi though, and I can still use google. A hotline works too but Im not very good at live conversations. I feel stranded right now because my only recourse isnt at my disposal anymore.
Struggled with suicidal ideation since I was about , pretty much see no point in living any more.I really just see point in living. Nothing fulfills me or makes me happy. Nothing goes right for me. Every time I get into a relationship it goes great and gets my hopes up, and then crashes and burns and leaves me feeling x worse than if I was just lonely and depressed like before. I think a lot about just calling up my "girlfriend" and killing myself (I doubt she'd even answer her phone). I just am in a state of constant emotional suffering and see no point to living, when % of it is either monotony or going through an outright painful experience. It doesn't help that my "girlfriend" who I've been seeing since June and lives not minutes away from me never talks to me or makes any attempt to see me. I see her maybe once every - weeks, if I'm lucky, after I ask her a bunch of times. This wasn't the case at first, but it has been since about August. I am just so exhausted emotionally. I'm tired of nothing good happening. I'm tired of constant loneliness and suffering. I just want put a bullet in my head.
TINKERBELL or something like that IS BACK WE DID IT REDDIT
Offer: A PenppalI'll start with this: I have been in your shoes before. If you're here, chances are something is really bothering you. Maybe you don't know who to turn to, maybe you don't have friends that you can trust revealing information about your health. Maybe you just want someone to talk to, but you want it to be someone that doesn't know you at all. I've walked the same line before, and I know how shitty it can be. I am humbly offering a listening ear and friendly advice to anyone that wants a penpal to write to. Writing can be extremely therapeutic. Writing to another person can be all the better: sharing stories, experiences, and advice is something I value highly, and I feel that a lot of people that come here could benefit from it. Personally, I love writing to people and I am always looking for someone to talk to. You can be as anonymous as you would like to be--I won't even ask for your real name if you don't give it to me. All I ask is that you send me a PM with your email and as much as you would like to tell me about yourself. I'm offering a helping hand to whoever may want it. If you want a friend, I would be happy to be one. This offer extends to anyone that may want it, just please send me a PM with your email (reddit account works fine, too--whichever you prefer) and I will send you a letter shortly thereafter. I hope this finds someone that is really just looking for someone to talk with. I've lived a pretty crazy life so far (I'm sure you would find some of my stories pretty amusing) and, like I said, I have had battled my own big, crazy brain before. Your friend, instantkarma
My sister saved my life yesterday.My sister stopped by my house and dropped off an extra pumpkin she bought and some flowers. And we just sat on my patio and hung out. And i felt less lonely. Less like i wanted to cry. To think such a simple interaction... I've been in touch with the lifeline. I'm going into impatient care.
Im within single day driving distance of basically everything west of New Mexico Also southern British Columbia and a good portion of northern Mexico Driving distance basically means under hours of continuous driving Yet somehow the furthest east and south Ive been is Los Angeles, and the farthest north Ive been is Vancouver Washington
i like my hair short tho its nice and it gets less knotty and shit also long hair sucks
Looking for a pillow thigh gamer girl gf I will be your medic boyfriend in tf
Bored gang where you at? Lol Pretty bored, I wrote a story today in class. You can chat with me if you want to. And if not well, bye have a nice day.
I hate my life. There's no point to it anymore.The option of suicide keeps crossing my mind lately. I hate it so much but I honestly don't see a downside to it at this point. Nobody gives a fuck about me. Nobody's life would change at all if i were just suddenly gone. Not one single person would even notice if I were suddenly gone. None of my "friends" will even talk to me anymore and I honestly have no clue why. Not like I've done something to piss off any of them. I end up sitting alone in my bedroom alone day after day, trying to get some of my "friends" to hang out with me, even just for a little bit. I end up just sitting around, alone and forgotten. It's like some vicious circle. Being alone and forgotten makes me more depressed, yet being depressed makes people ignore you. Until you decide that living a life of depression isn't worth it anymore and you take the most obvious way out. Then, of course, everybody talks about how that person was such a good friend, and how great a person they were, even if they didn't fucking know the lonely bastard. Seen it happen so many times already in my short life. I'm so tired of feeling like i'm fighting for my sanity constantly. I don't really even want to commit suicide. I just want this loneliness, this emptiness, to go away. I so desperately need a shoulder to cry on, but those closest to me have turned their backs on me. I don't even know what the fuck to do anymore. Nothing excites me anymore. I have nothing to look forward to when I wake up in the morning. I feel like I have reason to live anymore.
Need more friends M Interests: Art in general, video games, snakes. Personality: layed back, and really just want people to play games with.
My friend killed himself last night and my girlfriend of years just left me. What do I do?I'm lost, guys and girls. I can't even begin to explain the amount of pain I'm feeling. I'm in the military and an amazing friend of mine, Roman, jumped off of the rd floor. I walked out of my room on the second floor and saw his dead body. I haven't slept since and I doubt I can (I'm at hours now.) My current ex and I had some problems when we were dating back in November with an old ex of mine trying to get back into the picture. We've been dealing with it pretty well, or so I thought. Things seemed amazing until the past week or so where she's just been...Distant. Today, we really broke it down and talked about it all. Her trust issues are apparently "out of hand" and she needs "a lot of alone time" to deal with them. Basically not to talk to her, the only person I really can talk to about my feelings. I mean, I respect her wishes, but fuck...I don't know what to do. I planned on proposing to her in September on our year anniversary. I'm so lost right now. I don't really know where to turn, and I need advice and some pep talk to keep my mind sane. Please help.
Lockdown is pissing me off So, lockdown, we are all used to it by now and would struggle to get back to the old life, but people are really pissing me off because I rarely go to my friends house and we can literally talk and play ping pong and that's it. Yet when I look at any social media I see the same people, right next to one another and completely ignoring social distancing. I have to struggle with just seeing my family and rarely my friend, and even when I see him I have to distance, yet apparently they have rights to see eachover without masks, distancing or anything It's just pisses me of that they have the audacity to do so.
week leftI'm gay, hideously ugly, have severe social anxiety and no friends. I just failed out of university and have no job and no money Killing myself next week
Anybody wanna talk? Idk i want to talk to new people and practice some english i guess
Do y'all trust your parent(s) with any emotional stuff? Personally I try to keep everything away from my mom it just turns out bad
What are you guys' favourite cars? Mine personally is the ' Mustang Boss or the Mitsubishi Eclipse GSX whats urs
Hey I need some quotes. I've run out of quotes of the day after three days I know I'm slacking. But I need quotes so I'm asking you guys. Please keep out racism that's not good.
Good quality content Me and my friends have made a youtube channel in which we have made a video about me going to dathomir in jedi fallen order [you can see that here]( my friend spent alot of time editing this, and would love to know your thoughts and appraisal (he did a beter job then I can do, you can know because I edited the among us videos) but do what you wish just thought I would share this with you good people
new herehey, this is prob gonna be a lame post but its :am and im up thinking about how much i hate going through the motions of this life im not living. im just existing, and barely that. i have no friends and im so disconnected from everything. ive healed and recovered before but i can tell its going to be ten times harder this time, and it feels impossible. ive been used, ive been abused, so much has happened these past couple years and i know people get through this shit but i dont even feel worth it. i cant figure out how to be a normal and high functioning year old with all my mental problems and i think about dying all the time. im in a dbt program and im getting weight loss surgery this summer due to a medical problem, im pounds, so i kinda wanna stick around for those two things to see if i improve but i feel like i go downhill no matter what i do. its like someone else has the steering wheel of my life, some different version of the true me that just wants to wreck the car.
Am I allowed to feel even the slightest bit happy ?I feel as if the moment I relax myself even a little or let my guard down the slightest or feel the smallest bit of happiness something happens to put me back in my place which is at the bottom or well my mind takes me there.
Wishing I was someone elseI don't know how to break this cycle. I'm desperate for someone to tell me that I'm not an awful person but I can't tell anyone because that's exactly what they would think of me. So then why am I even bothering to write here? Utter desperation, I feel alone in this to my very core and I will to the day I die. The thought of that is just, well I can't put it into words. I'm sorry, I'll stop posting now.
If I didn't have my daughter, I'd kill myself.That sounds like a positive statement, but it isn't. I want to die. I hate living. The pain my suicide would cause her is the reason why I stick around. I love her too much. So instead I have to just suffer and suffer for *decades* so that she won't be devastated.
Tried to look up reasons to live and instead researched more fatal methodsI get a tiny bit of motivation and try to get better, but it just leads back to killing myself. Don't know why I even try.
Thinking about doing it on my terms.Hey everyone. I am a year old guy and have been suicidal for at least the past years or more. What it also boils down too now is feeling I am not compatible with the modern day workforce. In my opinion people are meant to do more with their lives then grind away at a employment they usually do not like the majority of the week. I know what everyone is going to say, to go to school for something I would love, tried that did not work out twice, or start your own business, currently trying that and it is not working out. So with the very real reality of nothing but a life of menial work in my face and likely having the most money I will ever have in my life at this time, I am considering throwing $ into my forex account and using the rest of it to go to Europe and have a great time full of real life experience, trading forex when I can to try to make some cash. If it works out, pretty big if, great I will likely stay in Europe and continuing being nomadic and trading stocks, if it does not work out I will kill myself by jumping from heights likely. I really have no fear of death and have literally no friends, am over my relationship with my girlfriend and have no real connection to my family. I feel like a lot of peoples pain & misery is created by situation they truly do not want to be in, but are pressured into by modern society, which itself is a human creation, death on my terms is better than a shitty life doing awful work that makes someone else money doing no work just because they were lucky or born into it.
I like blood I feel satisfaction from red shiny blood that's dropping from a human person ^(but still in a safe way that won't lead to death or passing out)
If this next procedure turns up nothing I'm killing myselfI don't care I don't care I don't care I'm tired of people treating me like I don't know if I'm in pain or not I don't care I've got a bottle of opiate painkillers leftover from my last procedure so I'll take that and some over-the counter stuff. I don't care.
i zoom through the hallways i dont give a shit about their gender
Pro life or pro choice? Why? Lets get a little political. State your stance and then explain why you believe in it.
Posting until i get my first kiss ( day) It will go like that forever. ;(