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I'm currently sitting in my car on a mountain trying to talk myself out of jumping off the tower.I've had enough of this life. I have set a date to end it but I feel it's too far away and pointless. years is enough time to endure the suffering and I'm half ready to do it. The only things stopping me are my kids. And I'm scared that I'll survive and be even more of a burden.
Bruh fuck the people that sort by new All the real homies sort by top all time Here is a girl for yall to simp for
I Can be a Dreamer Since sometime i felt bad with myself, Keeping the constant Thoughts of being forgotten, being left, not being enought abs other things my body Shape and my work un the Last year of High School. Today it is the day number of consecutive Happiness, I probably changed or matured a Little Bit, but if you feel like what I Felt before, keep going, things turn out to be better, I am happy and gonna find new friends when the summer break ends , new hobbies, new place to study, college and ,Maybe with some luck, a loved one too, Today is the start of my new life
She told me she'd look after my dog once I'm gone (F) My best friend and I went on a walk yesterday and I told her about my suicidal plan. We sort of talked about the way I was gonna do it (She's the only one that knows I'm gonna kill myself), and I told her that the only reason I wake up everyday is because of my dog, Milan. My parents told me that if I kill myself, they'd put him up for adoption. I don't want that for him. I wanna see him grow old, but know I won't be able to do so. He means everything to me. A couple seconds passed, and she said "Don't worry. If you ever kill yourself, I'll look after your dog" Now I feel a lot better. The day I finally take that step, I'm gonna leave her and my family a letter. I hope she takes care of him when I'm gone.
Struggling on my first survivors birthday.I made it a year, but Im still not entirely sure how to cope. Today is dark and rough, and Im just not always sure how to make it through, even though I have so far. I want to fall back into old habits. Today, I am struggling.
I don't mean to get all political and stuff but... wat the *fucc* is cheese
Dm me. Do it for the children they want you to do it
The worst part of being as sad as I am The worst part is I want to die but I'm in so much pain that I can't even kill myself. If any of you direct me to a mental health helpline,I will block you. Period. I just need to get this off my chest. I don't cope with sorrow like everyone. I don't cut myself. I'm already in pain I don't want to cause more pain. I just want to die. I don't even have the strength to do so. Fuck everything. Ugh why the fuck was I even born. I don't want to live. Take this shit away from me. Everyone be like "you should be grateful for what you have". I'm not even rich lmao. My mental health has to be in negative digits.
Dont you love it when you're horny and your brain makes you think you have a crush on someone Yeah, great shit bro. Jesus Harold Christ almighty why does this happen
Has anyone here been skinny and bulked in muscle? If there are any teens that spent the time to do so, how did you do it? More specifically how long did it take you to gain x amount of pounds with the way you did it?
my brother's gf is a fucking hottie fr smh bruh i swear if i was yrs older imma nick her from that mf real quick
Anyone down to play Minecraft? Would anyone like to have a group of people to play on a Minecraft server? Im just missing friends and social interaction :) maybe if anyones down they could get a server up and we could play :)
I want to scream after help but I cant and I wontI know this episode will pass, I know morning will come and I will feel slightly better. Surviving the nights are the hardest part right now. For a while it went well, I even got the job I wanted, and Ive been working out, my friends say Im more outgoing and seem to be getting better, and generally I agree with them. And then night comes and my partner goes to bed and I cant sleep and everything comes crashing down and all I want to do is die but I cant say anything because Im doing so good right now and I dont want to disappoint my friends with the truth, but at the same time I desperately want to reach out to them, but I cant because I want to be able to kill myself in peace when the timing is right. I just want to be able to sleep and get through this episode, and I know I will, but I also know the night will come when I wont. I wish guns were legal in my country, this would all be over.
It would be nice if life didn't suckLife is hard. Lots of people agree on that, but for me, life just seems to hard to be worth it. It's generally not an enjoyable experience. I feel like plate of bad food that I'm being force-fed. I can't just stop eating it, as much as I wish I could. Maybe if I wasn't so lazy I'd be able to make an effort to enjoy life. I'm kind of stuck with that, though, because it's kind of difficult to stop being lazy when you're too lazy to. Anyway, I want to die. It would be nice if someone handed me a gun. Either that, or tell me how to make life not suck. Thanks. < TL;DR Life is hard, and therefor not worth it. I want to die.
Anyone elses teacher use a website named whiteboard? Its some stupid website where you gotta use ur computers touchpad or mouse and solve math questions your teacher gives you, but it doesnt help that my teacher wants all the work down aswell I just wanted to know if anyones teacher also use this website
I dont wanna live anymoreIm at a point where i just dont wanna live anymore. the pain is to much and it just keeps getting worse. I think suicide is the only option.
I feel lonely Im the youngest child and all of my siblings are off and married so its only me and my parents at home. I hardly see them outside of dinner though so Ive pretty much been entirely by myself for the past months (outside of work). Idk, I just want to be a part of something again
Killing myself to escape humanity?I often think I want to kill myself so that I'll never have to deal with another person ever again. The only times I am truly deeply happy are when I am alone in nature. It's always been this way. I feel alive taking walks under starry skies, going barefoot through the moors and being surrounded by animals only. My mind and my body, just everything that I am, registers other people as a threat. True contentment and happiness can only be found in solitude. I feel broken when I deal with people. I feel a constant sharp pain that makes me think sth is wrong with me. But here is the thing, all of this instantly ebbs away when I am alone in nature. Maybe I just don't belong in society? I'd be okay with that. I never asked to become human. I'd rather be a free animal tbh. So what can I do now? I just never want to see another person ever again. People are fundamentally untrustworthy and cause so much pain. I'd be myself and I'd feel whole living alone in the woods. It's either that or killing myself. Both are valid options to escape humanity. Suicide would also mean that I won't be a person anymore, which is my biggest wish. I know I'm supposed to enjoy being alive. I know I'm young blabla. I miss the stars and solitude and I want to go into nature and just let myself die whenever I want to.
I just really need someone to talk to.I'm to much of a coward to come out to my family. I'm afraid if they found out everyone would hate me and I get too embarrassed or prideful to talk to my friends about it. I would just feel like I'm complaining. I've thought about suicide and my death a lot lately. I don't think I would ever actually do it but the thought is still there whatever that means.
Sorry Guys To all you guys i just argued with, i got completely confused because i was going between different things arguing with different people, i left reddit at one point and came back and had new messages. so if a false accused you of saying something you didn't im sorry. Ok lets listen to this debate about this instead. [
I googledI googled, "I see no way out". The first link is to a reddit suicide watch from . So I figured I ought to post. I honestly don't see a way out. My life has been reactionary based. I have never been one to have life goals. I was told everything would fall into place. It hasn't. The shrinks later on told my a bit why. Childhood brain damage left me inept at future planning and a bunch of other things. Well... that isn't quite true in some senses. Some things did but they were reactionary. I didn't seek the job I have now nor did I ever want it. I remember being in nd grade telling myself I never ever want to work in what I do as it would be a living hell. It worked out in that I made a couple million but I don't have a clue how to spend it. It is just a number on a statement. I wanted to share my life with someone. To have a family, be a dad, a grandpa. Only ended up being the kooky uncle. I had to let go of the woman I was with. Her world was nothing but lies. I know now why she lied but all the same there was no need to lie to me. With the brain damage I have I see how things are and adjust/react to them. If I am fed lies I shut down because there is no way to react to untruths. Now with my waning life as it is, old, covid- era, reclusive, I do not see a way to see a way out. I go try to sleep. I tell myself it is ok. But there in a sense I am lying to myself and I shut down.
Should I try anime? Guys, totally honest, should I start watching anime since I have nothing to do most of the time? And where can you find it? Do you have recommendations?
What the fuck? What the fuck is a girl? What are they? Why are they here? Why do they want me to subscribe to their onlyfans?
So yesterday my mom met some friends she told them a story about me from when I was like five or something She said something about how I used say gay girls are the luckiest because they get to kiss girls *and* be girls and my closeted transbian ass is just sitting there on my phone internally screaming How the fuck did I think I was cishet for as long as I did?
The th will be year and I am still here by the grace if God.The dark thoughts come and go but less often now. Maybe because of the upcoming date I am thinking about it again. I have no plans to follow thru with it. I am just extremely sad and want it to be over. Going to take zquil so I can sleep tonight. The pain is some unbelievable, I never thought it could drive a person to this extreme. "Talk to me Goose."
I want someone to tell me Im a band person and to kill myselfIm a worse person than you think
Reviewing water everyday until I get a girlfriend day month of this now. Great water today. Very pleasant surprise on this month anniversary. Cool and refreshing. Quenched my thirst very well. /
How do I change my playlist cover on Spotify? I think theres been a new update because when I googled it it was showing things I couldnt do, Ive tried desktop and iPhone
One of the coolest songs Ive heard in a long long time Im stoned right now lol so that might be influencing my opinion a bit and making everything better than it is
i need advice about my friend plsmy best friend, you could say she is literally the love of my life, struggles with suicidal thoughts. she had a really bad struggle last week and has not been the same since. she doesnt live close to me. so the only way to talk is texting and what not. we used to talk all day, everyday and now i barely hear from her. i am trying to give her space, but i feel so helpless. i feel selfish for texting her, even once a day. but all i wanna know is if she is there, if she is doing okay, if she is taking care of herself. what do i do? how is the best way to support her? i dont wanna lose her- and that goes in all forms of her not being here or not being able to have the same relationship. my heart is just hurting so much for her.
Can't sleepI've been up all night tonight thinking about my plan to kill myself . I want to run away first . I will withdraw everything that I have from the bank and begin to walk as far as I can away from my hometown . Once I've gotten far enough away , I'll kill myself . Probably through overdose or suicide by cop or some other means like that . And the thought of it is just so enticing . I hate every waking day of my life nowadays . I literally do not go a day without telling myself that I want to kill myself . I plan on leaving on my birthday . Gonna leave a note telling my family that I have to go find myself or some equally believable bullshit . I think it's perfect. I will die and they will most likely think that I just ran off somewhere and didn't decide to come back . They'd miss me but wouldn't be forced to grieve. God I fucking hate this . I hate having to reach out like this because every time I do I just argue and make others upset .
I wish I had the courage to end it. I hate my life and I don't want to be hereEveryday just merges into one. I don't find happiness in anything anymore, even when I went on holiday doing things I enjoy all I could think about was how I hate my life. I have everything I want, I'm young, have a good job and money, nice car, place to live, dogs and all the other stuff you treat yourself to. Sometimes it's as if the only thing that loves me is my dog. Nobody notices me. I have no friends, literally no one. The only people I talk to are colleagues and it's a work conversation. I just wish someone would notice me, or someone actually wanted me. Everyone I've ever known has fucked me over and I really don't know what I've done to deserve such a shit life. I bet no one in the street thinks twice about looking at me, no one thinks wow she's pretty. No one I've known ever actively seeks my company it's always me who had to start any conversation, but everyone is all gone. I have nothing to live for, nothing to look forward to and no reason to live. If only I could find a way to do it painlessly but I'm too much of a coward to do it anyway, so I'm doomed for a good / years of feeling so utterly worthless, shit, ugly and numb. No one would bat an eye if I dropped off the grid. I didn't choose to have this life and it's so unfair. I hate my life. I am so alone, loneliness is what's gonna kill me.
I'll try to kill myself tommorow nightI'm a year old from a India, my friend gifted me a video game two year back called counter strike global offensive, back then I was new to gaming and suddenly got hooked, whenever I felt sad or depressed it helped me cope, then flash forward few days back on my birthday my parents agreed to let me spend ruppes ($) on an in-game item which can be cashed out for real money later so it wasn't an issue and I got scammed just a week later losing it, I felt so sad that my parents hard earned money is wasted this way and had waiting so long to get that item. I feel like killing myself not over the money but because of how much it hurts
I just don't care anymoreI want to quit life. Do you remember the computer games you played as a kid? They always had a quit button on the main menu. I wish life had one of those. I'm not upset or mad at any one thing, I just don't want to play the game of life anymore. I don't want to be on this planet with any of the billion+ other people. People always say "What about family?" and the thing is: I'm ok with being selfish about this. I just hate how it will be milked on social media. Nothing surprises me anymore. I can fake everything for a bit, but eventually it all comes flooding back. I don't want antidepressants or therapy. Deal me out.
What does overdose of Nembutal feel like?Anyone attempted Nembutal and survived? What did it feel like? Could you feel the not breathing part? Was it horrifying?
How could you help somebody with depression? I have a friend that is very depressed and I wanted to ask you people on Reddit if you might know any ways I could help. She has been dealing with it for almost this whole year now and had been on anti depressants for around a month. The first few weeks it seemed the medicine was working but as of now I dont think its helping. I try to text her sometimes but hardly ever replys, not to be rude she just really doesnt have the energy. Does anybody here know how I could help?
The images of my parents and boyfriend crying hurts just as much as livingIm so tired of not knowing whats wrong with me. Every day i try so hard to be the best i can be but none of it matters. i know my worries are irrational, i know i worry too much, i know i cry too much, but what more can i do? I've gone to get help but i cant stick through it, ive asked my parents for counseling but they dont believe my pain. Im scared to talk about my serious deprsesion with my boyfriend because he lost his mother this way. I've been bullied my whole life, i've been called annoying by my family, i've been called annoying by the school children for years. Now im an adult, and none of it has changed. Friends come and go, of course thats a normal part of a life but the demons inside of me say that its because of me, that its only logical everyone will disappear. All of this unresolved pain and insecurity is eating me from the inside out. For years i thought it would get better, but it only gets worse.I'm so close to giving up on everything, so close. I dont know where else to go, i dont know what else to do. I will never change, i will never be less annoying. I havent seriously gone out and made friends for about years, i have completely isolated myself. I annoy my boyfriend for no reason, i love him so much i love him with all my existence but it hurts too much burdening him. I dont know what i do wrong i dont know why everyone around me hates me. Im so scacred to be alone, because i know eventually i will give up for good. If i had psychic powers none of this would happen. Even when i ask for understanding and communication so i can not cause fights, i end up causing fights. I'm hysterical right now. I have never sobbed so hard in my life, i cant stop shaking i cant stop coughing from all of the mucus that is building up in my nose and in my lungs. This post is nothing but rambling. I have no where , no one. No one believes my utterly unbearable pain. I feel like my heart is being stabbed and squished everyday. I hate myself. I spent the whole day contemplating if i should just jump in front of traffic already, but the images of my mom and dad and boyfriend crying hurts just as much as living.
At the tipping point.My head is a mess. This'll make little to no sense, structure wise. I just.. can't see myself going on like this anymore. It's been going on for far too long. I'm in under a month and I've been self harming since the age of , suicidal thoughts from age , attempts on my life thus far and I can't even do that right. I'm so fucking lonely, ugly, depressed, in debt.. the list goes on. The past few months I've been out, drinking, taking drugs. Not giving a shit about my life and honeslty hoping it takes the edge off or pushes me over the edge into being able to kill myself properly. I've seen therapists and psychiatrists since the age of . I've been medicated since that age, going through countless different ones. Nothing helps. I don't have the motivation for life anymore. It's not for me. My parents dont give a fuck about me, I meet people, make friends and I end up fucking things up both accidentally and on purpose. It's a vicious cycle of destruction to others and myself. I'm better off alone. And, I'm better off dead. This world isn't for me.
M. Haven't talked to anyone in almost a year, lost girlfriend, lost religious beliefs, dropped out of college years ago (I think, last years have been a loop), jobless, penniless ( in my name), grew up and live with abusive family. Can't delude myself into prolonging this anymoreThere is so much I'm not writing out of shame. It would also be impossibly long. I've been writing this for hours now because somehow I know this might be one of the last things I write. Well I don't know anything anymore. The only thing that makes me go on to see another day is the faith of stumbling on an opportunity that could make me go work or do anything far away from here and have a fresh start. Aside from this contrived scenario there is only so many times I could soldier on and give it *one more try*. I'm a sad thing to look at now for few years now. I'm in a comically impossible situation that I can't get out of. I shouldn't have forfeited my life into my parents hands. I was always predisposed and taught to live my life with them as the center of it, and slowly but surely I sabotaged my life to fulfill my roll has an extension of their miserable existence. It saddens me because I know I had the predisposition for doing something great with my life if only I had grown up with a normal household. After all I felt pretty close to it and I grew up with narcissistic, vile people. And they were at home all day, every day, with a steady *much higher than average income* since they were doing something pretty much illegal. They used that time to treat everyone in their vicinity like trash, including each other. Social services would have taken me away if only they knew what went on over the years. But I grew up in a don't ask don't tell environment. Well... it is what it is. And what's done is done. One thing is certain, the act of living in my shoes is worse than the nothingness of dying. I can't trick myself into enduring misery any longer, nor would it be an act of love. Ending this would sort of be the biggest show of love I could do to myself, actually. Fuck, I even feel ashamed for having written a post on suicide watch when I'm feeling suicidal. I can't even do a suicide watch thread properly
Girlfriend tried to attempt but doesnt want to spend night in psych wardTRIGGER WARNING- self harm will probably delete this as soon as the situation is under control but basically she has self harmed in the past and was sent to the psych ward but had a bad experience being misgendered and not being able to sleep etc. Today she and I got into an argument which I wont go into detail about but basically I told her I just need time to think and shes afraid were going to break up. I got a text from her because we were sitting in different rooms that said It wasn't sharp enough and I'm afraid of dying. Please don't make it complicated I can't deal with going to the psych ward it's shitty there and I won't be able to sleep I'm alive and I can't do it, please don't send me there it was difficult last time. I came into the room and she (voluntarily, I didnt ask) showed me what she did. She wasnt bleeding anymore and not deep. I dont know what to do. Shes not physically hurt and I guess we could go to the walk in first thing tomorrow since Im sitting with her to make sure shes safe but I dont know if thats the best option. I dont want to go against her wishes but if that keeps her safe I will. She keeps asking me if were going to break up and I dont want to but if certain relationship flaws continue without me seeing any effort from her on fixing it I might have to but obviously I dont want to tell her that right now. Her dad is in the other room unaware of whats happening and I dont think my girlfriend would appreciate me telling him. Im just so confused on what to do right now. Any advice helps. She seems to be feeling somewhat better and is eating the meal I prepped earlier thats she refused to eat before. I dont know if shell attempt again or if i should even ask that. I just want her to be safe and comfy. I love her so much it hurts to see her like this and I feel so guilty that I might have caused this. She is depressed and not on any medication, every so often she relapses into self harm, but shes never been suicidal
.I just need to die, nothing less, nothing more
Just wow. StopGaming Just revisited an old Minecraft world and, instead of jumping in and playing, proceeded to get hysterical after realising the amount of hours and blocks placed. I couldve been doing so much but I decided to pour my teenage years into God damn pixels.
ChatHi. y male. Im not sure what i can help with, but i want to. My mom was suicidal for years, and we got threw it together. If u want to chat or something, feel free to. Not sure if i can help, but if u need someone to talk to, im here. Live in norway, so the time zone might be wrong, but ill reply when i see it
i feel so stupidi have like . friends and theyre always busy. if they do hang out with me its out of pity. no one actually likes me, i dont even like me
I require help brothers So I like this girl and I've asked my friends what I should do and they said see if you can tell she likes you and I'm stumped. Whenever there's some other kids around she acts different than when there's less and ive got no clue whats going on.
anyone up like now? I could use some talkJust got dumped without a reason and I'm panicking since a few hours ago. I don't mind being dumped, yes is painful but my problem is the lack of communication. I tried explain myself and got thrown out and blocked everywhere, I can't force a talk if she doesn't want. Then I panic and now the problem became that I panicked. I have a very important meeting in hrs. I can't sleep and I'm scared to miss it because it's a medical thing and I don't have any money to fix this if I miss it. Moreover, my best chances to raise some cash in the next days was with her, I'm totally lost now, I need to put the pieces toghether again and I'm no position to do such. Stupid me for going into this, I knew I needed more time to stay with a girl but now I don't know where to turn. My dogs gave me the strenght to walk home to meet them again but I'm panicking hard I'm shaking I've a bit of blurred vision and I puked twice. I don't think I can do this alone, and nobody is here for me