2 values
It just rained so its time to go drifting Lets fucking go boys lets hope I dont hit a tree or something
Tonight is the night I finally am brave enough to do itI've fantasized about suicide for years. Tonight is the night. I bought a bottle of my favorite whiskey, made homemade tacos (my favorite), and now have a noose tied and waiting. I wont delve into the events that has lead up to this or my whole life story. This isn't a cry for help so much as I just want to fucking see people care. Once I'm dead I wont be able to see my family and friends care about me so I turn to reddit in my moments before.
I speedran cuphead and im on speedrun.com yay :
Most questions you asked about me probably could be awsered by "it is a Trainwreck" Take because I forgot a word in the og Wanna try asking some?
I got the travis scott burger I went to mickey ds and ordered the burger and got the most annoyed sounding oh proceeded by laughter from me and the employee. ngl it was pretty good ./ would recommend
has anyone ever had this idea popping the air bubble in a nike air shoe and then inhaling the gas
I got a girlfriend (again) I broke up with my ex yesterday and today my best friend confessed that theyve liked me since th grade. Shes such a great person and I think our relationship will be awesome
Damn, I hate introductions Like, what am I supposed to tell? It's always the most awkward part of a conversation
dont know what to domy boyfriend just got taken away by paramedics and I dont know whats wrong with him but seeing him in so much pain made me want to scream and its bringing back old memories of my dad dying and I dont want him to die, I just want him to be okay, and I couldnt go with him because of my stupid ass job and I tried to call my sister about it and all she did was make me feel worse because every time I call her she just has to find something I did wrong and belittle me the entire time and my boyfriend is the only person in real life that cares about me and if he isnt okay or if he dies I swear to god Im going to just blow my brains out because Im fucking tired of everyone I care about dying!! he was perfectly fine today, why couldnt he just stay fine! Im so fucking stressed now I dont know what to do with myself
I keep saying to myself Im done and tired... and yetIm still here... day after day taking one step at a time, though I am tired of the bs.
I want to die.There's no saving a loser like me. No one wants me. I hate you all for your worthless platitudes and encouragements.
I'm ready to kill myself.My life has become a complete waste. I'm ready to kill myself. Somebody please guide me. I want to die effective immediately. I want methods that are guaranteed to work. I dont want my attempt to fail and I'm a vegetable for the rest of my life Somebody please fucking help.
Shitty Photoshop (part ) Hello there. Do you have a shitty idea that you want to get photoshopped (shittilly of course). Well do I have news for you. I will do my best (I am legally obliged to say I wont try my best) to photoshop your ideas. Now streaming on nowhere.
This always makes me feel better, and I'd like to shareI hope nobody minds me posting something preemptively positive here. I won't be offended if a mod wants to remove it. I browse SW off and on. Maybe one day I'll have to post here for myself on a non-throwaway account. Hopefully not. Anyway, I wanted to share this picture. When I get those feelings I look at it and can't help to feel a little better, and it's that little bit that counts. I know it's fantastical and fictional but still, there's a core truth there.
The feeling I get when my see my math teacher read the memes I posted to my WhatsApp status is indescribably awkward Its not just that a teacher seeing the memes awkward its that he is a teacher at a religious private school and that he just reads, its like he is silently judging me based on my memes.
Day of slowing down on videogames Once again, end of day, making a log, getting closer to the end of the week, already got my hour in, got my excersise, but i don't feel happy yet lol, How are you guys doing?
Catholicism is the strangest thing Ive ever seen... Apparently Anyone can baptize. Baptism removes all sin, including original sin. Only priests can give confession. Confession removes all sins. You can only be baptized once. You're better off being unbaptized because anyone can baptize you then having to rely on a priest to give confession or last rites. Catholicism is such a joke lol.
I worry for my life. Every day I feel closer to committing suicide. I wish I had a loving parents and felt the confidence I need to survive. Please help. This is very serious. I am not faking this. I feel at wits end.(Spaces for easier readability) There is a vast array of issues I am facing that trouble me very. I am and I am still living with my parents. I know lots of people still live with their parents at my age, but my parents will not pay for college and they are very mean to me, they insult me shatter my confidence, they treat me like I am horribly inferior to them, they scare me to death with threats about how my so many horrible things are coming my way if I don't"Listen to their wisdom". Something to know is that I have a relatively sever form of epilepsy and I cannot survive without my pills or else I go into seizure. I am seeing a Neurologist about this but my parents won't take me to a psychologist saying I can deal with my depression probables on my own. As a result of all the doctors and medical care I need its much harder for me to leave the house. I am deeply afraid I will perish. What should I do?
Be smart when your posting because you might fuck it up and realize it was not a good idea to post that. And I'm telling you, its gonna get bad *fast*.
My emotions hate me So, I just failed my driving test. Apparently when the instructor have to stop you from almost killing both you and them. It means you automatically fail. So my next appointment is October th wish me luck
I just want someone to give a shit.I have friends and I love them. I have my mom and I love her. But we're not affectionate and that's just how it is and it isn't going to change. But every person I try to form an affectionate relationship with just wants to use me for sex or to boost their self esteem, then either pretend I don't exist until they are feeling down on themselves again. I can't put myself at risk by trying to meet many people during covid and honestly that's fine because I don't have the emotional energy for that. But the few connections I've made in the past couple years just seem to go the same way. No matter how well I think things are going, it always seems to go the same way. They like me enough to keep me around as a consolation prize for when things go badly with people they like better. I just want some kid of consistency. I just want someone to really care about me, not just when they want something from me. I never meet people like that, so I've started shutting myself off to everyone and it's so fucking lonely.
My crush fucking blocked me At the beginning of the school year online I began chatting with a cute girl in my online class who had a lot in common, it took me a lot of courage to email her first but we became friends, I made friends with another guy who exchanged discords with me, after around a day of talking about anime and stuff he started asking me what sex position I liked the best so I blocked him, later that day my crush asked if I have any other online friends so I mentioned him turning out to be a predator and I seemed to weird her out so she did t respond for days and I woke up once to see she blocked me so I had a panic attack and threw up into my toilet and cut my arms up with my sharp pencil
Debt and miserable lifeI'm in grad school and I shouldn't be. Hate it and have no interest the career it leads to. Only went to grad school because I have an English degree and didn't know what to do with it (only got it because i enjoy reading books, big mistake). Now I'm here, my grades are garbage, job outlook is bleak and if I keep pushing on I'll only be in more debt and unemployable in the field bc my record is atrocious and I can't network for shit. If/when I drop-out the only thing I'm qualified to do is retail. No hope of paying up the hundreds of thousands (not exaggerating) I've racked up in grad school debt. I've been suicidal since I've been here. Tried a couple times. Had the perfect setup but couldn't see it through. Made friends and lost them when they realized how miserable I am. Same goes with dating. Spend a lot of time alone. I'm disappointed how my life's turned out and I know I'm the only one to blame. I had everything practically handed to me growing up and i fucked it up myself. I don't have a dream in life or a passion. I was fortunate enough to experience a lot of cool stuff growing up and I have no burning desire to do anything else. I know we all die eventually, but I'm pretty much done with "living" now, it's pretty miserable.
I've been suicidal for years, why am I still alive?I'm turning next month. I've been suicidal since I was . More than half of my life. Looking at the math, I feel like a fraud. I feel like I should have killed myself already. Survivor's guilt maybe? Why haven't I done it yet? Hope or cowardice?
We literally just accidentally killed two fucking birds. I feel real guilty. So there were a lot of mice eating our fruit in the backyard so we set up mousetraps with bait. For the first few days we caught a few mice. Then today I went to the park with my dad (with facemasks and social distancing ofc) and then we came back and my dad said there were two fucking birds in the mousetraps. They were the beautiful birds that had beautiful voices and flew around the garden and made us happy. And we fucking killed them. My gosh oh fuck.
Body dysmorphiaHello, Im and I think I want to end my life at the end of this year, Ive tried for so long to deal with my body dysmorphia but its getting worse Ive tried to get help from a physiatrist but I was told it will be a long wait its been since may last year and now with this pandemic Im afraid it will be pushed further I cant live like this every night I cry to myself to sleep wishing Id just pass away, I look in the mirror at myself over times a day it could be mirrors, reflections or a phone camera if I catch a glimpse of something I dislike Ill spiral down a hole, it might sound stupid but my biggest reason for wanting to end my life is my weight I was bullied growing up for being skinny Ive tried for years and years to gain weight and guess what? Out of all those years I only gained STONE I force myself to eat so much as my mind keeps telling me Im disgusting for being skinny and that Im anorexic, I started my main weight gain journey at Im now and Im only stone heavier, how can someone only gain stone within years I feel like a failure, I dont deserve to be alive, I feel like my mind is right I need to die, when I die I want a closed casket so nobody can see me at all I dont want to be a embarrassment to society. Im sick of this
Im not black anymoreToday i was supposed to stop drinking alcohol because im partly addicted, and having sex, and masturbating times a day, and a bunch of other unhealthy stuff that im doing because of depression and w.e. Im constantly sick and unhealthy, someone gave me a bit of hope that i could change that, so today was the cutoff point. But today i was told im probably not black for having a different opinion than someone else, i've been told i wasnt black since i was a kid, for speaking proper english(shocking i know), trying to get good grades, listening to rock music, just being myself. Bullied over alot of it. Never felt like i belonged in a community, and after hearing it again after so many years i can push my "stop drinking" back a few days, cracking a few cold ones. This drink is for all the people who feel like they dont belong anywhere
Im gonna watch Netflix with my mom Night fam, wish it was like a girlfriend or something, but ehh, so people dont have moms
I don't know what I want to do with my life As you can tell my the title, I don't know what to do with my life. I don't know what to go to college for let alone what college to go to I don't know what job I want let alone what I want for a career Im currently in a career tech school but my program isn't what I thought it was and I don't want a career in it. I don't know what to do and I'm a junior in high school, I want to make my parent proud. Neither finished college, my dad didn't even finish high school. They both want me to go to college but tbh at this point living in a van sounds better than being a pencil pusher in a cubicle for the rest of my life. Anyone have any advice??
Dont take this down thanks What would be considered underweight for someone ?
I just want to go at this point I am years old and have been burned out to the point I rarely enjoy anything nor can I do things I want. I am working on it with my psychologist , but I am worried I don't have much time left. My depression is getting worse , I have been suicidal for past years , but now I think I am in danger I fantasize about death on daily basis and really think it would be a good solution , but damm I cant do that to my mum and friends. FUCK I am getting way too emotional writing this down and just hope this isn't my final and last thing I post /write If you wondering why my mind is so messed up it can't decide whether to kill myself or keep on fighting is mostly loosing the fight for many many long years. This kept on so long I started doubt I will ever break out of it or have decent life. And with decent I don't mean money , partner or anything material. A decent life for me would be one I can enjoy or at least stop hurting myself and wishing to die. I HATE MYSELF so much , I started to get teary just continuing with this post . but at least I know I have some emotions FUCK this really feels like I am writing a suicide letter. I hate my own my doing this to me. I am fucking lost cause. I should really just write one and do it. If anybody read this nonsense , thank you .
reasons why you should be my new fren!!!!! . I don't have tik tok or any social media except for reddit . i'm ' . I play a lot of instruments so i can serenade you!! . i don't really like wearing makeup . i have lots of hoodies . i'm a witch so i can do witchy things for you!!! . i have doggies you can see pics of ( dachshunds and aussies) . I am a democrat but i don't care what your opinions are, as long as you don't use them to hurt other people!!!! . i run an environmental club at my hs because *the earth is nifty and so are sharks* . Idk i think i'm pretty but thats just me maybe nawt . i'm not a dry texter . i'm the personification of these emojis; . i speak french so i can like read you french novels! . **I DON'T TRUST DOLPHINS, BIRDS, OR MONKEYS!!!!!** . i don't do my taxes i'm too turnt up that's a lot but ummmm yes!!! be my friend im lonely please don't be mean Thank you for coming to my ted talk
Its time to sleepIm yr old in his rd year of highschool.. I used to be partially depressed but now its progressed and has gotten worse. Im tired of fighting n running. Tbh i should have killed my self in middle school but a lil late for that now is it. Im not happy i never was i dont even know what happiness is, ever since i lost my dog who i grew up with becuz as a kid i had no friends n she was my only friend i ever had and when no one was there she was there for me. She gave me a purpose to live but now shes gone n i have not a single purpose to live, nothing to lose at all. Im single been that way for a while. Im not ugly but im no girls type atleast thats what i think. But ill probably be a guy who has mail order bribe or something but ill likely kill my self on my birthday which is in june during the st week. Today my depression is at severe levels so i may kill myself today. Everyday theres a pain in my chest that comes from my heart its the only pain i can feel, it gets worse as i live on and im tired of suffering. I have options Pills Gun Carbon monoxide i have access to all of these things
Question to those "fluid" people If gender is a social construct (meaning it has no artificial value) then you shouldn't be offended if i call you he/she if you look like that gender, or have attributes literally only that gender has.
Hey u/gamerdude GO TO BED
Whats the least painful way to dieIts been very long, very sad and painful years. The last year has been filled with so much heaviness, heartache and dread that i find it hard to stay positive, calm or normal when Im alone anymore. The last weeks Ive been unable to stop myself from crying in public. The emotional pain I feel makes it feel like my legs stop working sometimes if Im having an especially bad day and I cant seem to make this go away. They go numb and it usually doesnt come back for - mins at a time. Im really not here to ask for help, Ive tried so many times to get help and it doesnt last. People dont care to be near me unless Im my usual happy self. I dont have access to guns. I want to end my life very soon after closing all the loose ends I have with family and friends and I would appreciate any advice.
How long do crushes last I've had crushes that have lasted multiple years then I've fooled myself into thinking I liked other people for like a week or . I hate that I keep crushing on different people constantly lately. I mean I'll like someone but then once I get to know them I'll realize we don't really connect or we'll stop talking or whatever else. I just want to know I can find a person I genuinely like and connect with to fall in love with. I currently have a crush on this guy but I won't tell him cause I'm and a half yrs younger than him so obviously it wouldn't be smart because it would just put him in an awkward position. Idk how long this crush will last but I don't just want to move on in weeks and go crush on the next guy it genuinely bothers me and I have so many crushes
Guys i finally did it! I've got a girlfriend She's really nice, plays Genshin with me, and watches anime... wait. I'm starting to suspect it's just one of my bros in disguise trying to comfort my lonely ass...
anyone else get stuck in their heads? like when im not doing anyrhing that needs my full focus or i get a bit anxious i just start zoning out and cant focus on anything. happens so much at work. i cant focus on anything so i make a bunch of mistakes and it also makes me quiet and awkward. idk i hate it
HiAnyone wanna talk? Very lonely.
I have a new proposal for numbering years We should stop saying last year as and instead call it BC, as in Before Clown World because thats all is. would be CE, as in Clown World Era. It pisses me off that the alt-right stole the term clown world last year because they threw a hissy fit over the world not being like the s anymore. They were one year away from REAL clown world. Like it seriously feels like were living in a simulation all of the horrible things that are going on. Like on top of the pandemic theres yet another tropical cyclone that will make landfall on the Atlantic coast this year in a few days, and this one will be a category Hurricane that will probably devastate Central America but thats just par for the course for . I know that this shit wont go away when ends but considering that the clown world bullshit literally started on New Years Eve with the announcement of the coronavirus (which has probably been in America for like a year at this point imo, but because China is modern day Nazi Germany they almost certainly covered it up for months and theres an off chance they even engineered it) and then all the Iran tensions beginning as soon as started, maybe things will rapidly get better around New Years Day. Its unlikely, but Ive been shocked repeatedly this year. Lets just hope that isnt CE.
will probably overdose tonightmy ex broke up with me two days ago and it still really hurts. i hate myself so much. i think everyone would be better off without me. i dont care to live anymore and i think today is my last day here
Rating flags until I get a girlfriend, or just a friend, or just someone I can associate with (day ) Today : (Andorra) Andora's flag is cool i like the coat of arms in the middle but the colors could have been different these colours can easily get confused with moldova or romania /
I could right now.I could right now. And I've had to put the bottle of pills back twice today. It would be easy. No one is here. Shit, I'm not even home. I'm waiting to go into work. But I could do it and all of this would stop. Fuck everything right now. It's only getting worse. I'm either drunk or I want to die. There's no in between.
I get closer and closer to killing myself every dayNo matter what they always win. Making this post will not make me feel better, but it entertains the people that watch me. I know this and I still sit and do it. I'm so fucking sick of this. I can feel my mind slowly going. I can't endure this.
zzzquil..?apparently drinking a shit ton of zzzquil with a shit ton of alcohol can kill you? does that actually work? I don't know if asking this would be against the rules but I just wanna know. like, I know that attempting to od might lead to just a fucked up kidney or liver so I find it odd that a cough syrup you can buy anywhere is lethal if you take enough.
The royal family in a nutshell: The one that cant die, the one that kinda looks like a black ops zombie, the bald twat and Ron Weasley. I cant be assed to remember the rest.
Anybody else get like random depression on sundays? As a kid Sundays were always so freaking depressing like id wake up on Sunday be fine and then like around sunset. Id just get smack by the biggest depression wave ever, and it always happened. Every Sunday. The depression felt so lonely. It eventually stopped and didnt come back until today. Right at sunset, it was the same feeling I got every Sunday all those years ago. I immediately recognized it, but why did it just come back all of a sudden? Anyone else experience this or is there something wrong with me?
What do I do AAAAAAA i flirted with a girl as a joke and now she flirts back seriously what do i do now aaaaaaaa help meeeeee
Quarantine birthday So on th I turned and im from the UK and it means I could legally drink alcohol and I fucked up. Bought myself a jack daniels whiskey and drank it all in a night but it was a good birthday, I got super drunk and i dont remember any of it. My advice for all people turning in quarantine that lives in the UK don't make the same mistake you'll be ill for the next day.
I FIGURED IT OUT The next theory channel mat pat will come out with is about conspiracy theories. At :
My other acc got banned for "sexualizing minors" Cause Reddit is delusional and on some toxic masculinity shit thinking males can't be called boys when I said "boys are cute". I definitely didn't mean boys my age or + year old boys. Surely I meant year old little boys.
Any of yall so good at arguing you come up with rebuttals for your own arguments Wait I suck at arguments what am I on about-
When procrastination comes back to haunt you Just got pulled over by police for the first time and i am m without a fucking license (cause I am a lazy fuck) my dad's gonna be so pissed.
i want to dei want to kms. this is my main account and i cant be fucking bothered to make a throwaway. everything is too much. im just a fucking coward. i dont know why im posting here. just have a good day guys.
Do you guys remember boredbat? He was this guy on here I think yesterday. He missed a joke on a post and threw a total hissy fit. He was also definitely not a teenager. Really weird guy. Glad he's gone lmao
Okay so basically, require girl. Talk, you, me, DMs Let me walk you through it. You press my name, hit chat, then we have a bomb ass convo and become friends.
How do i know if my crush(es) likes me? I currently have crushes. One guy is very extroverted but nerdy. We talk alot at school but he doesn't seem to get my hints. I have no idea if he's friendly or likes me in that way. Second guy came a little late into the school year and had trouble making friends. I helped him and we still talk. He's very very shy and usually hangs around. I invite him to play cards and we usually walk to the train station after school together. the second guy is not conventionally attractive(ugly), to me he's very attractive though. his personality is very special to me and we also talk. He's a little awkward sometimes though. All of these three are great choices tbh, but they also all have flaws which is perfectly normal. The thing i wanna figure out is how do I know if they like me? What kind of things should i look for? also who should i go for out of the three? keep in mind that these descriptions were very short and simple. tldr; what do i look for to know if someone likes you. and who do i choose.
Fuck humans Seriously we fucked up this whole world really bad. Just look at this one particular sub where yall fighting over sexism. fuck it i give up trying to make peace between you. but i have something to say reject humaity return to monke and dont forget i love yall even if you fight over stupid things . so if we could please....stop? yeah thank you.
Whats the difference between Michael Jackson and a PS? Nothing, kids turn them both on.
Anyone up for a chat? Am bored aff M, straight, high and skinny but ig that doesnt matter since this is the internet. FillerFillerFillerFillerFillerFillerFillerFillerFillerFillerFillerFillerFillerFillerFillerFillerFillerFillerFillerFillerFillerFiller
Advice for school kids Since I am the type to yell out wrong answer in Kahoot, a lot of people decides to ignore me completely. So this time, I yell out the right answer to make them contemplate themselves.
i havent got any sleep and im breaking downis anyone available to talk to. Suicide hotline is still busy.
all my online friends r gone uhh rip, they havent been active/online in a week and I'm kinda worried for them. they were so active in the last weeks and then they just suddenly disappeared without a word. like damn, i feel so lonely & pretty anxious now
I dont wanna liveIm thinking about killing myself I cant cope with the pain no more and my girlfriend doesnt make it any better
In the nd grade i had made an economic system with pringles So i had made a dictatorship based off pringles where me and my best friends would buy pringles which most kids didnt have and wed trade them for other things. But later on they became super valuble And id give some people pringles for swings etc. I became super cocky for a bit and then after a few months the teachers caught up to what i was doing and they finally stopped me. Is this how economic systems formed?? If i did this a few thousand years ago would i have became a king??? Would that lead to modern history??!?!
This is probably stupid but- Send me your tiktok account and Ill follow- fr just bored and new to the platform so just hmu.
A message of loveI'm new to reddit, and honestly I came here hoping to get some help for myself. I don't have friends who will listen to me, I don't have family. But when I see all of you who are struggling just as much as I am, it makes me want to reach out again and hold you, and tell you that I'm here without any platitudes. I have no advice because I have none for myself. Living in this world makes it so difficult to maintain compassion because there are so many living things in need of help, it overwhelms us. But I'm glad I feel so strongly for all of you when I read your posts, it means I can't be entirely broken. The world has tried its best to take away what makes me "me," but it hasn't succeeded. We are taught in our society to make small talk and laugh at each other when we show passion, or any kind of emotional response toward anything. I refuse to be like that, I outright refuse. One of the things that drives us all to this point is trying to conform to this apathetic wheelhouse of consumer-supplier insanity. My conclusion now is to not do that. Instead find people who are willing to be open and kind with you. Be real with them. Surround yourself with people who are real, and don't live in this cloud of multitasking indifference that we think every day has to be made of. I don't know if that makes sense.... hopefully whoever is reading this understands. There are songs, movies, books that have all influenced us because they successfully described our own feelings. We looked at the endings of those things and said "Yeah, so what's the answer then?" and they gave us no answers, because there really are none. The only thing we can do is love each other, and be present for one another. Feel free to message me, anyone who wants to. Stand out in the sun today for five minutes and remember that I love you.
Im really thinking about killing myselfIve really noticed over this whole lockdown thing that no one gives a single fuck about me. Everyone uses me and I feel I am worthless and just straight up useless. I have no talents no skills nothing . Ive got no one to talk to. Girls use me for attention. My friends make no effort to talk to me and my parents dont believe I have depression. I know the words Im gonna wright on my suicide note. I know where the gun is. I have no purpose so no one will miss me :).
why are people making adhd seem like a good thing As someone with ADHD I can confidently say YOU REALLY DO NOT WANT THIS. You might think that since I constantly have something to obsessively talk about that you would love to be friends with me but in actuality it's because I literally always forget that I got a notification from you because I was doing something and I take a few hours to respond and so that makes it so that I dont exhaust all my conversation topics at once. GOD FUCKING DAMNIT THIS WAS SUPPOSED TO BE A RANT ABOUT WHY ADHD SUCKS. I think the way I wrote this speaks for itself. ADHD IS NOT A GOOD THING
Suicide over WPDThe forum r\watchpeopledie and similar are havens for filth and encourage death. The moderators are racist, xenophobic and literally admit to getting off to these deaths. Im having a freak out because of that forum, it shouldnt exist. Im already bleeding out, this night B.B. my last post why does such filth exist cd
Image not being able to post This post was made buy high karma Virginia gang
Number Game? Sorry to add onto the shitposts in new, but I really like chatting so maybe we could play the number game. f by the way, and please don't be over the age of . We could also play [chess.com]( or among us or [skribbl.io]( if you don't feel like playing the number game.
The only reason why I'm still alive is my familySo I thought over it and I came to the clue that I need to tell someone ... I'm currently ( getting next week ) and have nothing to live for except my sister's my little brother and my loving mother Everyone else from my family doesn't want to have anything to do with us. For example my grandma she does anything she can to play me and my brother against my sister and my mother My dad avoids paying child support sins he divorced my mother. I don't have any job or idea what I want to do with my life I hate myself and don't want anyone to worry about me cause every time when I find someone who I think I can trust and tell him/her about it they just say the usual bulshit like " don't say something like that / man up / good joke " and so one and so on And then after tow days or so after telling what's up they just start ghosting and never talk again I just can't trust people anymore I just want to be happy again and don't worry what I want to do with my life I hate myself and society I want to turn back time and life in a time where you just could go raid another village and die in honor I don't want anyone to feel sad for me but it would be great if someone could tell me something that can help me getting happy again
Oi, the person reading this... Your lips are dry as all hell. Like damn...you should get off reddit for a while. Yeah yeah go lick em all you want, just go drink a cup of water or something. And do your homework, for god's sake.
How do you not hate yourself? year old male college student who dreads waking up every day here. I have no money, no sight of a woman, anxiety disorders, and major ADD. The only time I enjoy myself is when I'm in a social setting where I can be distracted from my hateful inner thoughts, I need help asap. I feel like Ive been heading down a dark path and there is no way for me to get out. I don't think I have the balls to kill myself but its something I think about once a while. I don't know where to turn or how to get back to the loving and fun self I once was. I only get glimpses of the old me when I'm out drinking with friends, and the next day its only worse. Idk, need someone I guess
I'm so tired of everythingI don't want to do this anymore. I hate myself, I'm a loser. Nobody wants to hang out with me. The loneliness is the worst. Sometimes I feel so alone that it literally hurts. I don't deserve this, I'm not bad person. I'm tired of being sad all day, of pretending I'm fine. People will be better without me.
I just watched a movie and now I am a crying pile of hot mess Yeah I'm a mess but at least I'm still hot hahaha No
You wanna know the best part about burning bridges?Eventually, youre gonna be on an island with nowhere to go. Every time I burn a fucking bridge I tell myself its the last, but here I am again, actively fucking up other peoples lives like its a necessity. I havent thought about jumping off a bridge seriously for years, but I do now. Its kinda ironic, dont you think? It hurts the fucking worst when its your fault. Theres no excuses, nothing you can tell yourself when its your fault, because its yours and yours to keep. Its always been my fault. Every step of the way in this life Ive ruined all my chances of having people in my life by doing something stupid and making the same mistakes over and over again. Maybe this should be it. Im running out of matches. I feel like Ive exhausted every fresh start there is and no matter how nice or welcoming someone is I fuck it up, I just fuck it up over and over again. I get caught off guard and realize Ive always been this way and I always will. Theres only one way to stop the burning and that is to remove the source, so Im thinking its about time to put out the fire before someone else gets burned. Hopefully theres a bridge I havent burned to jump off of
People need to stop telling males to "man up". They're human too. Its ridiculous that someone's emotions and depression can get ignored under the excuse of their genders. And then you're oh so shocked when they end up killing himself. "I never though he would kill himself..he was a happy person.." No, you just never listened to his depressed thoughts and ignored them. Fuck people who tell males to man up just because they're experiencing some kind of negative emotion. It can seriously affect on kids. Guys and girls, all of your feelings are equally valid. Dont forget that.
First person to comment gets a silver award. Yes I'm gonna give the first person to comment a free silver award I got.
Suicide in the gaming communityIdk why Im writing this but all the recent deaths in the gaming community just hits me so hard. I was pretty suicidal like years ago and still think about it from time to time. And then these people that I look up to and that hold my passion are just gone because they just cant handle it all anymore. I keep thinking that while Im doing my daily activities theyre just gone forever. Thanks for listening to my tiny rant. This problem needs to be addressed before many more decide that its not worth it anymore. Rest In Peace all
I can't kill myself because I'm too scared of punishment in the afterlife, but I hope my childhood cancer comes back. Then I can die with the luxury of saying goodbye, my loved ones understanding, and knowing I can't be punished for it.I want to die young so badly, and if I could back years to when I was I would've taken my opportunity then.
How to block out sound in your bedroom I'm currently in bed in my room and can hear my sister and her boyfriend moaning even though she's in the loft and I had a YouTube video on. It's currently extremely hot so I cant put a pillow over my head without suffocating myself and overheating. How do I block this out
good Instagram meme accounts ? Bro Im desperate the only good one I have is IGOTZUCC and hes goated but I need more funny ones cus reddit memes are fr trash
Posting everyday... Until it's no longer today. See you never
Hey anyone wanna chat or if u need emotional support I am open too Just dm me. My dms are always open..............................................
Memes Guide On How Not To Be Depressed! . Always do actions that will make you feel happy/ proud of yourself. This will result in your brain be happy and confident in itself at all times. . Surrounded yourself with people that you trust and feel warm too. You dont always have too open up to said people, but be happy that you have people to with at all times. . Say this phrase to yourself, if you feel like youre in a deep and rough spot in life:I am the most powerful living thing in the universe! This helps with self-confidence and will help you think more clearly. . Drink Warm Milk or Chocolate Milk, dont drink Chocolate Milk daily since you know, chocolate, but this will help you feel warm inside and make your worries melt away. . If you have pet, make them special in your eyes. This will help you feel like you can do anything, and that feeling everyone, is great for self-worth. . Always feel like you can be someone that always can be dependable. You can always help anyone you can, but remember, someone can count on you. . Try to relax, read a book, take a warm shower/bath. Watch some shows or movies, I recommend the genre that you are familiar in and you can relate too. This can really help put out your dreams in life if you want to pursue them.
Day of asking you how you are How are you doing today? You can tell me. Any secret you tell me will be kept safe
Childhood abuse making me suicidal again..I was molested by two family members growing up along with extensive physical and mental abuse... I was homeschooled for highschool (online school, my parents didn't do shit) and after I moved away and went to college I was raped... My entire life my family projected me as some kind of object they could use.. I was only in online school to care for my little brother while my mom worked... After the first time I was molested and confided in my older male family member that I wished I never would have told anyone, and that I'd never tell anyone if something like that happened to me again, he molested me and tried to rape me a few years later... I feel like I trapped myself with that one. My mom found out about that last year, and still put the Blame on me. I was . I have tried my best to move on and forgive and forget.. But today someone said something to me that triggered all the thoughts. Memories, regret, fear and pain... I want to hurt myself so badly.. I used to cut and burn.. I have tried to kill myself before... Everything in life is already so fucked up right now I really just feel like leaping from a building... I have a kid, so I'm trying not to be selfish or overreact... But I have no one to talk to. God please help me...
No one would come to my funeral anywayYou ever get the idea in your head that you legitimately wouldn't be missed by anyone you currently know? I've been actively suicidal for about a week now and that feeling gets stronger and stronger with every fight, misunderstanding, squabble, or any other time I feel like I get in the way of those around me. It makes it so, so incredibly tempting to just fucking do it, because I have nothing to live for, especially without friends (I have no family.)
Never cheat on your soulmateTwo years ago i cheated on my girlfriend, i Was cuddleing with another woman in bed. No sex or kisses, still not okey. She still decided to be with me, she cries all the time still thinking about it. Now it looks like she had enough and will probably leave me any day now We both love eachother so much. But she cant take the pain. I Never believed in the term soulmate before i met her and now i have fucked up everything in my life. If/When she leaves me i dont want to live anymore, i Really just want the easiest most painless death i can get. So ashamed that i will make her even more sad from me doing suicide, and i feel so sad for my family and friends. Life is without her. She is my best friend since i Was years old and now i will lose her forever
Help meI couldnt just let myself press against the noose. I inhaled some helium to try and make myself pass out so I wouldnt have to even decide to do this, but as I got lightheaded I freaked out. Was planning on simple suspension Short background: Come from wealthy family. Got everything I wanted as a child. Really wanted to go to a specific university but they have rejected me times now. I cant handle not being there. I was valedictorian and I just graduated undergrad top of my class from another top school, one I never wanted to go to. Have published research papers. Was dating a girl and I helped her write her PhD application to this school as I was writing mine. She gets into every school she applies to because she is a diversity student. So I dump that fucking bitch, she doesnt deserve to go there more than me. Tired of this shit. Worked my ass off in undergrad and I was supposed to be rewarded with this. People say the world doesnt owe me anything but the world owes me this. And since I couldnt get it, I have suffered not being there for four years, and I have to watch and be an accomplice to everybody around me getting in, Ive been trying to just end this bullshit But even just getting light headed I start to freak out. Life isnt worth living but in the moment the primal instinct kicks in. Tired of everything and I hate everybody around me. And because I hate everybody, they all hate me back. But I really only want to get into this damn school so who cares if they hate me. It was my birth right and Ive been robbed of my future by these admissions committees. Theyve made a mistake times now and I cant see how they can keep making this mistake. Everything is wrong How do I keep this primal instinct from kicking in? Is there something I can take in my sleep
What's a reason to not end itI have already attempted suicide once. I was lucky to survive, but now I'm thinking about trying again. I just don't know what to do anymore I feel horrible and deep down I just don't see a reason to carry on. So I just want to know, why should I keep trying.
I swear I was excited to be a teen as a kid What a dumbass I was, this shit sucks.
Hey girl are you my phone screen? Cause I like it when youre turned on
I just had the best dental hygienist at my dentist appointment So idk about you people, but I go to the dentist every few months to get my teeth cleaned. Anyways... I am that type of person where I hate talking to strangers. I'm an anti social/introverted person. So this is how my dentist appointment went. The dental hygienist said hi, I said hi back, she asked how I was, I said, good, asked how she was, she said she was fine. You know... it's that weird introduction that's kinda forced when you are at the doctors office and they ask how you are when they call your name and you walk towards them. I sat in the dentist chair thing (no idea what its called) and the hygienist did no small talk with me. AMAZIIIIING. Who wants to talk with someone when you have all of this metal crap, and floss in your mouth? Not me. And when she was using the metal pick to scrape the plaque off my teeth, she didnt even stab/cut my gums like other dental hygienists have done. My mouth didnt bleed at all. (Dental hygienists can be aggressive when scraping teeth) The only time it bled was when she flossed my teeth. That's my fault because I dont feel like flossing. My mouth wasnt even sore after the appointment. This girl was the best dental hygienist ever. (The hygienist did talk to me a little, to say things like close your mouth or turn your head etc.) If you read this post, thanks for reading. If not, oh well. Have a great day!
I'm so sad right now.. ...And it's not like romance is going to fix it all but I'm so lonely and I just want someone to put all my love into ^shitpost ^over
I don't know what to do at this point.I am a complete and utter piece of shit. I don't care what my friends or family say, I know it and the person I wronged knows it as well. I don't know why I bothered trying to make up with them, all it does is cause them more pain. Something deep down in me wants to believe I'm a good person, but rereading old dms only solidifies my hatred for everything I am. Have you ever wronged someone so bad it can never be repaired? The last time we communicated was over years ago and I still can't get over them. I try to distract the pain with drugs, mind numbing video games, constantly going out, and yet when I return home and all is said and done? nothing. ever. changes. I can't drive because I'm too much of a pussy, I can't even call my own mother when she needs me. It's so hard to speak to her after she was diagnosed with schizophrenia that it's almost unbearable. Hell, I can't muster up the will to brush my teeth half the time. I'm literally worthless. All I've done is cause problems for others. I can't even communicate with any of my friends about how I feel because they don't really care. They either try to change the subject or I'll get a "don't do it that would be awful" and that's the end of the conversation. that's how it always is. I hate myself so much. Maybe this sleep will be the last. One can only hope.
pls everyone tell me something positive about yourself prove me that there isnt just negativity