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what would happen to the sub if all the mods were banned at once? jsnmedknddkwmlm was n mwkaisjwlaosneod o m ra
I am going to die aloneThat is a fact. I'm not saying it to victimize myself, or to get pity... That is just a fact. The only reason % of the people I know talk to me is because: College stuff, favors (like lending pencils, markers, or stuff like that). They pity me, treat me like a kid, they're nice in the moment but then I'm forgotten. I'm not going to live the rest of my life labeled as a disabled person... When I'm not like that. That's why I want to die, because of that label, no one will take me seriously, and I'll probably end up unable to find a job, getting older and dying alone at -... That's the only thing I want to avoid.
if i see one more white kid say the n word i stg americans r wack
I dint expect this So i was going to a online class about math and nobody was there so i went to the th grade's whatsapp and i found out everone was on mass and then they showered me with photos, videos and voice clips as evidence like we were on a Among us game
Help a brother out? On [chess.com]( me (EamonB) and u/Steven-ODonoghue (Steven-ODonoghue) are under fire from a raging troll that can't be reasoned with. [This is the forum.]( Could anyone who has an account help us out? If you don't have an account, can you at least read through and tell us what to say in the comments? Thanks in advance, team.
Don't feel like my life should continueFeel like I'm at a point where I shouldn't pass the age of , that this is as far as I can go and that my story ends here. I also don't know what reason there is to live, why does anyone bother, I've stopped caring about everything, I can't find anything that makes me want to live. I just wish I didn't exist.
Life doesn't want me to be happyAfter a year and half of increasingly worsening depression, I started to feel good last month. My best friend came back into my life, i was beginning to stand up for myself against my family, and i was spending more time with my dog. Everything came crashing down last week when I was hit with a depressive spell that wouldn't end. Tomorrow I have plans to get together with my cousin and a friend from out of town and get drunk. I have health problems from previous substance abuse and I know if I go too far tomorrow I'll end up in the hospital, possibly knocking on death's door. That doesn't scare me, if anything it feels like death would be more welcoming than life is. I made a promise to someone recently that I would be by their side until the end, perhaps the end is sooner than I thought. I can't help but feel like nobody would shed a tear over the loss.
posting my perfect gf part . be or older . live in england . let me soil you because you deserve it . let me do the housework and cooking because its fun . like me back. so yeah, if you fit these can we please go out, i dont care about looks and i would love to know what you like :). just kidding, im ugly af so no girl wants me
Why does everyone expect you to act like an adult soon after you turn ?? Just let me continue to watch Netflix and play Skyrim. Nothing's changed you know...
Come and think of it (part ) Today is Christmas eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve Context: my bio [part ](
Fellow dudes, what would you do if you woke up as a female? Personally, Id get my uterus removed so I dont have to deal with cramps.
idk whats wrong with me.I've never officially been diagnosed with depression or anxiety or anything (never actually been tested tho), i've never really had much bad shit happen in my life, and yet there are days where i just feel hopeless and empty and just wanting that fucking razor back. (TW Oops) I still dont even know myself why im like this, and i know deep down there are some people (not many but some) who care about me and yet some nights it just feels like there's noone, and that ive hurt or upset everyone ive ever known. As i type this i've got the stuff right here and everything just feels fucking down and heavy. i dont even know what to do. I still dont even know whats fuckin wrong with me.  also worth noting, when talking to friends about it, ive always made up things to kinda give myself a reason for why im always so fuckin suicidal and depressed, but when i die i dont want my parents getting in shit for stuff that never happened. what the fuck do i do.
Got in an incredibly minor car accident, but afraid of consequencesUh... Long story short, I pulled a hit and run on somebody after panicking. After we had pulled over. Like a dick. Doesn't help that the guy in my passenger seat was screaming about the guy possibly pulling out a gun when he reached into his passenger side. It's worth noting that it didn't look like I did any damage to his car, though I only saw it from an angle and from afar. He might have got my plate, I'm not sure, but I'm very concerned about whether or not he did. Like, I'm prepared to kill myself if the cops show up. I can't go to jail. I can't afford a fine. My life will be ruined. I'll have to die. It's really petty, I know, but I am stressed the fuck out right now and ready to blow my brains out of they show up. I don't wanna die, but I don't want to live in misery over something small. I know I'm being paranoid, but my stress levels are through the roof. I just needed to get home. I didn't see him coming. I don't know what happened. It's the second accident I've gotten into within a span of two weeks, and I feel really shitty.
Indie-ish Playlist [ Heres some music for people that want to be that fake indie kid in overalls who judges everyone else. hope it helps <
Tired of not being normal like everyone else.I genuinely think my life is not worth as much as anyone elses. I have so much shit that I have in my head that makes it so fucking difficult for me to even function in society. I feel like its not even worth it at this point to go through so much fucking trouble for me to just plain live. I have issues with my health that probably should be seen by a doctor but nope. My anxiety prevents me from doing this shit. My depression tells me theres no fucking point either. If I was a normal person, Id be able to see a doctor, a dentist, a fucking HAIRDRESSER with no issue. But these are things that are genuinely so hard for me to do that I just say forget it. There are so many other things contributing to my general unhappiness with life. So basically, Im exhausted with living. All people in my life (my parents) would probably be happier without having to treat me like a fucking five year old. I wanna be gone so bad.
when i think it can't get worse, it doesnot graduating in may anymore. got kicked out of my university. bc i was dumb and got caught smoking weed. years down the drain. nothing to show for it. bye bye pharmacy and mba dreams. my nd and final appeal just got denied today. there goes the bit of hope i had. as if my depression before this happened wasn't bad enough already. and now i have a court case to deal with. i'm and my future got ripped out of my hands. i can't smoke or drink these feelings away bc i chose to enroll in a substance abuse center and they will test me. so all i can do is sit here and HATE MYSELF. i don't have anybody to turn to or anybody to talk to about it. i'm all alone and can't handle any of this. i haven't told my mom bc i can't have this conversation right now. i just want a horrible accident to happen to me so i can finally peacefully disappear. i wake up every day wishing it was over. just wanted to get this off my chest.
When the impos Poster is sus
My school thinks I have corona Its was my birthday on Friday so I was able to stay home and my mom wrote a note saying I was throwing up now my school is sending me home till my COVID test comes back negative.
Its officially spooktober! Its : and its the first minute of spooktober!
Now I'll show something scary to English speaking people
Jules for euphoria is Shes ACTUALLY gorgeous like I wanna kiss her oml
I havent cried in over a decadeI've struggled with feeling suicidal for a while but tonight has just hit a real crux for me. Nothing I ever do seems to go right for myself and every time I feel like I'm finally getting somewhere and improving things for myself I find some way to fucking it up, again and again and again I always seem to be faced with my own destruction and failure and nobody seems to understand or want to have an extended conversation about it. I know I'm not the worst off person in the world, and I know that even my pass is nothing compared to some other people I know but it doesn't stop me from feeling like my life is already over and I have no prospects at success so what the fuck is the point. I'm just rambling because I'm honestly afraid of myself right now, I'm sorry for this post.
I want to drink myself to deathand I don't even drink, it just seems like a good way to go. I think it's primarily the loneliness that gets me. I hate it, I just want it to end
I owe you all an update. I'm changing my course in life and my depression is lifting. I want to live.I was suicidal and highly unstable for to months following an unusual layoff. My position was eliminated just months after leaving my parents' house for the first time and had to move back. That destroyed me because it had taken me a year to find that job, I'd only been there for a year, and I have bipolar type II. Life was already hard and then my independence, privacy, money, ability to date, sanity, and friends all slowly disappeared as I wen't insane for a few months. I genuinely wanted to die. It took me a year to give up on my previous career (business analytics and strategy) and chose a new direction. This is daunting but also very exciting. I'm extremely stressed out over an exam I need to study for to the point of having trouble eating (type A personality and I test well; its all on me if I fuck this up instead of doing great). My two close friends decided they've had enough of my crazy bullshit, so now I have none. A few months ago that would mean a desperate cry for help on this sub. Instead, I'm just focusing on trying to see have no friends as an opportunity to expand my horizons and reassess how I treat people. There is a couple at my BDSA group who seem super chill that I always talk with, I should try asking them to chill at some point. I think part of the problem is that I get along better with people who are a little older. So yeah, thanks for all the support over the years SW. From when I wanted to die because I was undiagnosed and bipolar five years ago, to what will hopefully be the last suicidal post from me just two months prior to this one. Good luck out there and don't forget that things CAN change. You just have to be relentless and never stop searching for a cocktail of coping mechanisms. If something doesn't work, its okay to be sad, but don't use that as an excuse to give up. Be proud of yourself for trying, and keep going. And never keep doing something just because it *should* work and isn't. That's a dead end too. You just have to keep moving forward and keep trying new solutions. One day at a time. One foot in front of the other.
Its all a fucking lie. You "theres hope out there" assholes are sadists and evil.Ive listened to you for years, and wish i had ended my life a long,long time ago. Hope is toxic. It wont get better. It will only get worse. I knew then and now: I will never be loved. I will never do anything to justify the agony of my existence. I will never be happy. families, love, jobs that arent comperable to serf labor: These are sometimes things. % or more of people dont get to have any of them. yes, suicide was then, and still is, the answer. these "its never the answer" people are fucking lying. they enjoy watching you suffer.
Tiananmen square guy is honestly such a chad He is the epitome of big dick energy
Help figuring out a word Can someone help me come up with a word for when someone treats you like youre in a relationship with them, although you are not?
I dont want to kill my self but I dont want to live either and not being able to do either makes me sadderEvery time I think about killing myself I think of my grandma getting a call or someone telling her that Im dead and I killed myself. And Im so scared whats gonna stop me after she dies. I just dont understand how some people can be happy and not want to fade from existence. I just know some many bad things are my fault and I stress and disappoint my parents so much. But my grandma keeps me from ending it and I dont want to know whats gonna happen in ten or fifteen years
Do any of you girls get like freaking death symptoms before your period? So sometimes I get a migraine that feels like a tumor but nope it subsides when my period comes. Sometimes I lose my appetite for literally a week but nope goes away when I bleed. Sometimes I have literal ACHING pains in my stomach or chest and it completely goes away before my period. And now my lymph nodes swelled up, you guessed it, right before my period (apparently it happens due to a hormonal imbalance). Like WTF?!
Sometimes I feel like a child of the universe, highly blessed and highly favored...And other times I feel like death would be better suited for me. I feel so lonely, drinking in my car so I dont feel so sad. I just want to know if anyone else understands this feeling.
I love black people I want more black friends in my life :(
Has anyone ever tried to explain to non rap fans about rap Like it's so weird because what you think it would be easier to explain than that. And a recommendation never try to explain to your parents why rappers die young.
who do you ship in the r/teenagers community? ill go first me and mnbxnny me and git-commit-die
This is xi jing ping speaking, thank you for commiting out your task We now know trump's favorite peanut butter, your payment of , yen and chinese wives will come through now.
Sincere words for whoever needs to hear them.Today I lost a friend. Which is almost months since I had lost another friend. One shot himself and one overdosed. These were people that I shared many laughs with, these were people I had the pleasure of working with, these were people who I cared about very much. You always look back and regret not doing more. Maybe I could've said something or done something to change whatever pain they were going through? I keep running it through my head. I'll never know. We live in strange times and we are all struggling to cope. That doesn't make the feeling of being alone any less real. These feelings are valid and it's OK to feel them but know that you aren't alone. I myself have struggled with depression and suicidal thoughts for as long as I can remember. I couldn't tell you what keeps me going. Perhaps it's just waiting to see how the world turns out. Who knows? Maybe things will be worth it. To those of you who need to hear it, there is love for you, you do matter, and the world can be a pain filled place full of uncertainty. But still... You matter, and even if we've never met I have love for you. Your pain is my pain for we are all in this together.
I hate myselfI hate everything about myself. I can not find one positive feature. Everything I have done anything right. Always fucking things up. I can not think of any reason for anyone, including myself, to want to be associated with me in any way. I have always had my fake smile up. But every happy thing i see, every happy couple, I die a liitle more. I just stay awake at night trying to think of reasons not to kill myself, and I cant. I just lay there hoping something will take my life since i dont have the courage. All i really want is someone to care. But that wont happen, so i have just accepted my life long lonliness as fact.
What else is there left to sayI hate myself. I wish i were dead
My family just spent minutes getting a DVD to play since we have smart TV now and need different adapters I don't even know why we're bothering, we've already watched National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation times by now and my dad will probably just fall asleep in minutes
I hate uninvited guests They were like uhhh we are coming in an hours and we are gonna stay the night there. I would not be so annoyed even if they told us the night before that they were gonna stay the night but no they have to tell me an hour before arriving. And the worst part is that theg have to travel for hours to get where I live. They could have also told us before they left their home but they had to tell us just an hour before arriving
Coming off of Effexor sucks....So I've been slowly reducing my dosage, gradually increasing Wellbutrin. A few days ago, I finally reached the point where I could cut the Effexor out entirely and I felt pretty good. My outlook was better, and I really felt like I was going to be okay. That was like four days ago, and now, I'm right back to the point where I sleep all day long, and every waking moment feels like torture. Every time I think I might be able to get up and function, I get the horrible dizziness that accompanies Effexor with drawls. Suddenly, I can't think of a scenario where I don't end my own life. In March I tried to kill myself, and today, I'm right back to that point again. The thing is, it's so much worse. I'm just so angry, and I have zero patience for other people. I know these feelings are all basically chemical, and that if I just hang in there, it's going to get better, but I'm just so tired of this crippling depression, and I'm almost ready to do anything to escape my own life. Has anyone here gone through Effexor withdrawls before? How much longer can I expect to feel this way?
I hate my step mom My dad is engaged to her. Everyone in the family knows shes using him. She doesnt have a job and has a drinking problem all while my dad wakes up at AM to begin working only for her to complain about how stressful her day was. And then he cleans the house. Yesterday I got a message from her that I was speeding when I was going in the passing lane. She told my dad and now my dad and I are not in good terms. I know theyve been fighting but why TF do you have to take it out on me? She never gave me shit in - years and now shes being a total bitch. Regardless Im in NYC now and blocked both of them.
GoodbyeThought I should atleast have the decency to say goodbye, so no one wonders whether I'm still around or not. When this post is read I'll already be out the door and on my way to my tree with a rope in my bag. All my belongings are given away, money donated away. Only thing left is for me to go away. Sorry for those who spent time trying to change my mind, for what its worth, you made me stick around a few more days. But I'm still me and still set on doing this. Bye.
I'd like to know what friendship is.I don't know where or how to beginning these words. It's a foreign topic, for the least to me, what it means to have someone in your life. I suppose people or certain people are drawn to each other. What I am about to say I don't say because pity is in my mind. I come from circumstances where I was severely isolated, and in that isolation along what can happen there, you can forget what it is like to be someone. I say it because it's the only thing there is in my story. No fancy things, no joys, just survival. I'd like to know what can be out there, or at least getting to say that I tried to make a difference in my life. Know someone, share our struggles, learn from each other, just being there in the moment. This is a take on hope, no more or less, to know a another side to life.
I don't know anymoreI just feel like i wasted most of my years here on earth. I feel sorry for my parents, i'm just a fuck up. I'm just thinking about it...
the most disappointingly unsatisfying screenshot.  [I panicked...](
Spreading God's word day John : If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sinsand purify us from all unrighteousness.
haha amgs ... ..- ... ... ..- ... / .- -- --- --. ..- ... .-- .... . -. / - .... . / - .-. .- -. ... .--. .... --- -... . / .. ... / ... ..- ... ..-. ..- -.-. -.- / - .-. .- -. ... .--. .... --- -... .. .- \- .... . / - .-. .- -. ... .--. .... --- -... . / .... .- ... / -... . . -. / . .--- . -.-. - . -.. .- .-.. .-.. / - .-. .- -. ... .--. .... --- -... . ... / ... .... .- .-.. .-.. / .--. . .-. .. ... ....
going to be dead by the end of this month or the yeari think im going to kill myself soon. im tired of it all i cant get through four more years of high school i cant do life anymore i cant keep breathing no one even cares anymore i need to die successfully so my parents dont have to pay bills. for now i will manifest it
Day "I stopped counting after " of not going out aka quarantine I'm sitting here swinging my old Karate batton. I have no will to do anything. I'm tired and bored. I'll not make this post too long but long enough for it to be posted and I don't have to use the word "filler" again and again. Because, the word filler is really boring....yet again I'm really bored so I can relate to the word "filler". He and I have a few things in common so it's chill.
I pretty positive that Monday will finally be the day.I've tried hard to embrace living life disabled but after a year I cannot see anything to look forward to. I've lost not only my body, but my lust and excitement to live and wake up everyday. I said to myself if I ever end up a quadriplegic I am ending it. I've lived a great life, it is time to end it.
Guys today my cat died. This morning my cat who I adopted months ago passed away today. I knew he wouldn't live long because he had leukemia but I didn't think that he would be gone so soon. I never really had any pets and I now really feel that having a pet is very enriching. You get all sorts of new experiences. This morning when he passed I stayed by him until he died. I felt that I didn't have enough time. I dug him a grave today and put him into his favorite bed. He wasn't the smartest cat in the world but he was my cat.
I just watched the social dilemma on netflix Its good to know that theres a profile of me that says how much furry porn i have Thats a joke btw i dont have furry porn but its still scary af
I feel like life just isnt for me.I used to have such hope inside me. That life will get better, or if I get this job Ill feel better, or if I get a wife Id be better. But it turns out, it never really does get better . Theres just something inside me that doesnt enjoy living, but is also too much of a wuss to just pull the trigger. I had dreams, and I would work so hard for them and Have always come short. When Ive had jobs,Ive been such a loner I cant really communicate well with others at the job. Ill do my job well, but for some reason I feel terrible because I cant joke and gossip like the rest.Even when I see my check I dont really feel that good(its a a week). I buy people things, I still dont feel happy. I buy myself things, I still don't feel happy. I just dont get it, I just feel like Im not meant for this world. And if I killed myself, hopefully Id come back as someone who was better fit to live in this kind of society.
Dark humor is like food Sometimes its shit
Im so comfy Im snuggling into my pillows and sheets I want them to smother me and suffocate me UwU
I dont knowEveryday my mom comes home and screams at the top of her lungs about how she hates her home and hates it here and no matter what I do she persists, in tears, screaming for hours until she goes to sleep. I get two to four hours of sleep a day. Only when shes at work. I cant bring myself to sleep in the daytime unless Im high. Im searching for a job but cant get one because I have a record after a drunk incident this spring. Everyday that goes on, I sit in this house with my mom and listen to her cry and cuss and scream like she has for the past years. She screams at me, the cats, everyone. And she blames me for not cleaning up. I clean and cook every day. I have to to keep my mind off of killing myself. My mother sleeps from when she gets off work to when she goes in so from am to :pm. I want to die. I spend my nights watching my favorite Netflix show to distract myself from my ruined life. Tonight I dont think anything will help. Im tired. We have no money. We have no food. Im going to be going to court in a few months. I think I should just go ahead and die. I cant see it getting better. It hasnt since I was a child and it wont now. Living with my dad isnt an option, hes tired of me. My mom refuses to let me leave the house much anyway, just like she used to when I was a kid. I have no friends. I have no one. I dont know.
Avicii and Verne Troyer died by suicide.Yet noone does anything about it. I will fucking join them someday probably at this point
I don't know what to do anymoreI entered college last semester and I have been struggling. My parents are no help at all, they still see me as a kid that doesn't know any better, and they constantly mock me and force me too stay. Right now, I am feeling worse and worse. It's hard for me to go to sleep, and when I do I'll only sleep a few hours. Today, though, is the day that I trully think that I dont know what to do. Ive went to this test, studied a lot, did great on the practice tests, and, just a few minutes ago, I opened to see a zero. I've done okay in the rest of my classes, but not great. I honestly dont know what to do. I basically cannot stand anyone I meet, and I have started considering suicide more and more in the past few months. I have been told that I shouldnt complain, but what else can I do? I'm going to the gym, managed my time correctly, and all of that stuff. I really don't know what to do, I am uninspired, tired, and considering dying. The only thing that can of stops me is a lack of strength to do it, but everyday, every second I do feel more determined to do it.
things that give off major lgbt teen energy: using both you and u in the same sentence all lowercase or ALL UPPERCASE and nothing in between doing this thing ,,,,,,, instead of .... using these emojis ironically dating every gay in a km radius of you because youre extremely touch starved drinking monster being emotionally attached to a shape or an animal (mines triangles) never getting over that ONE ex/crush falling in love easily only wearing one pair of shoes (and its vans) complaining about being broke but spending all your money on jewellery, shoes, and your one hobby (probably art, lets be honest) frogs
Something shady is going on in my country (Spain) So some of you may have heard that there where neo fascist terrorist attacks in Spain (I think my friend with the inappropriate username posted about that) and the thing is all the right leaning parties said something about and claimed they didnt do it. Except for one extremely far right party who said nothing. Am I just going a bit crazy because of the shock of something like this happening or does this make sense?
Can somebody talk to me?I re-made a reddit account to repost this because somebody thought I was trolling, i'm just looking for somebody i can talk to, and hopefully relate to. Okay, so i'm almost , and i suffer severely from hyperhidrosis(sweaty hands and armpits). I wouldn't wish this on my worse enemy, everything in my life is good except this, perfect girlfriend, friends, etc; but i can't live another day dealing with this. minutes after I put a shirt on, it's drenched in sweat and just a couple minutes after washing my hands, they're dripping wet. I'm getting sweat all over my keyboard typing this, sitting here shirtless continuously wiping my hands and armpits with a towel. Whenever people are here, I have to keep going to the bathroom unless I want to get sweat everywhere. I want to live, but I know that this is only going to get worse, and the only reason I'm alive is to not hurt the ones I love. I don't know what to do.
For all the horny fuckers in this subreddit Mia Khalifa, Eva Lovia, Abella Danger, Riley Reid, Alexis Texas, Mandy Muse, Nicole Aniston, Autumn Falls, Cali Carter, Gabbie Carter, Nancy A, Lana Rhoades, Eva Elfie, Mia Malkova, Brandi Love, Lena Paul, Angela White, Emily Willis, Elsa Jean, Piper Perri, Sydney Cole, Kiara Cole, Alice Redlips, Dani Daniels, Adriana Chechik, Asa Akira, Dillon Harper, Sasha Grey, Alina Lopez, Eva Veil, Kimmy Granger, Little Caprice, Megan Rain, Madison Ivy, Athena Faris, Leah Gotti, Cherie DeVille, Shaiden Rouge, Tori Black, Kenzie Madison, Janice Griffith, Peta Jensen, Mia Melano, AJ Applegate, Blake Blossom, Kelsi Monroe, Adria Fox, Melody Marks, Lindsey Love, Romi Rain, Emma Hix, Bree Daniels, Faye Reagan, Stella Cox, Alison Tyler, Jewelz Blu, Teanna Trump, Kyler Quinn, Adria Rae, Katrina Jade, Miss Banana, Indica Flower, Jada Stevens, Remy Lacroix, and Crystal Rae
Why are all the hot boys dead?? Like really George Washington.. DEAD SHAKESPEARE... DEAD Picasso, ALSO DEAD
MaximillainMus is a terrible person and heres why First of all he attacks anyone and everyone and anyone, he has made a disabled person eat his own shit because he threatened to find him then kill him, one point max actually BRAGGED about cyber bullying. Instead of targeting small yters swearing youtube should be banning max. Dont believe me? here is a video MADE by penguin discussing this. I want this issue to recognized, who knows when is the next time he strikes?
I've never felt this calmI've failed school times. I can't land a stable job. I'm just an explosive ball of anxiety and have been my whole life. My therapist told me that life is not for everyone, and I agreed to give school one last shot this year. When I fail this last time, I finally have permission to leave.
Despite getting a few bad grades I am happy today >:) When I was leaving class today, I saw a boy I like standing outside the school waiting for someone (his parents probably) to pick him up. I said Hi to him as I was leaving and he said Hi back. I'm happy for today
lost my only friendJust lost the only friend i thought cared about me. They were so kind and caring i thought the friendship was amazing. However turns out they just wanted to be in a relationship and clearly im not in the right mental state for that so ive lost my only friend. Im so unbelievably sad i dont know what to do anymore. It seems as if nobody truly cares about how i feel anymore. I know its selfish to want someone to care about you but its just who I am. I told them id try to better myself and stop hurting myself and then we could talk again but i dont know what to do. In just want to pass away, at least now I know nobody would care :( Also i know relationships are good i just really need friends right now im not in the right headspace to be in a relationship its too much my last partner really messed things up
One of my life goals is to be unironically called a devil worshipper IRL. I'm not one but I want to give off that vibe y'all.
Real friends are there when you need them the most.I have realized that if I kill myself today absolutely nobody will notice, absolutely people. I have decided to see if any o my school \*\*friends\*\* that are nothing more then colleagues and a bunch of douchebags will even see that I disappear. I didn't write them any messages for almost weeks and none of them none have reached out to see if everything is ok or if even I am alive.
I just cant go on anymore as a loserIm and my future holds nothing Im mediocre at best at my career and I know Im gonna die alone I know eventually my depression and anxiety will eat me alive and at this point Im just waiting for it all to end Im not good enough for this world and I never will be so I just want out
I wanna start watching anime, any suggestions? Ive never watched anime. I wanna watch it in english (i hate reading subtitles). I prefer stuff with either (a)very strong storyline or (b) rom com type stuff (ik, im very basic). I think a lot of people of this sub have already watched a lot of anime, would you like to recommend me something?
Suicidal ideation Ive been having the past weekI dont find that life is worth living anymore. I was going to kill myself on March th, but didnt do it. I that regret so much. At the time, I realized I was tired of trying to find reasons to live, and tired of trying to convince myself its worth being alive. Now its really more pointless. Theres no point in me living. I wish that my household had a gun so I could get it over with. Or that I had a car so I can could drive into the woods and never leave, or drive off a cliff. I have no autonomy anymore, Im just stuck and I feel like everything is pointless, the future I see for myself is empty The people I live with would be happier without me. I feel like my friends dont care about me. I cant do the things or go to the places that distracted me. Im really just taking up space. I want the relief and peace I imagine oblivion would give me. Lately Ive been telling myself Im ready. Im done. Im ready to go. My plans arent aligned to whats reality though. In my perfect world I would be able to go somewhere and end it where no one could find the remains, I dont want anyone burdened with whats left. But Im tired of being tired. Im tired of existing worthlessly
I have a silver award, would anyone like it? If so, tell me what your favorite animal is. If its my favorite animal too or its on my list, you get the award. Good luck :)
incel probably gonna slit wrists I just really don't want to go on anymore, too tiresome. What's it all for in the end anyway?
How many people are in AP European history right now Because i am dead inside bc of this class and I want to commiserate with someone
Is it just me or does it jusr not feel like Christmas Eve Like shit. I was really hoping this would be like my ray of happiness but it kinda feels like every other meh day anyways merry christmas i hope you guys dont feel the same
anyone wanna listen to music with me and pretend were runaway lovers laying in a field watching the stars plz lmao i have so many love songs but no one that wants to listen to them with me click this link if u have spotify premium to listen with me girls or boys idc i have love for both
help?I'm and i just want to kill myself. I got barely into university in a course i have no interest in learning. The only reason i am in there is because my mom really wanted me to go. I don't have any friends to spend my free time with. So all i do is go to class and stay in my room all day. I don't have any hobbies. All i want is to be with someone to have someone to spend my time with, maybe even someone to love. But i don't even know if it will make me feel better because i'v been alone for so long. If it all stays the same i don't see myself finishing university. I just can't get myself to do anything. I'm just so tired of being lonely.
I want to die badlyI want to die so badly but I'm such a pussy that I can't even end it... There's something wrong with me. I'm only and already addicted to alcohol. I hate myself...
I dont knowIve really been struggling lately, it feels like every day is a competition in my brain as to wether or not Im just finally gonna kill my self. Its been getting worse over the past - months. I think about suicide every day, I fantasize about just driving up to this really beautiful town and falling asleep in a field. When Im driving its the same, I get this unbelievable euphoria when I think about just crashing. Im so lonely, I wake up every day and I feel absolutely worthless and like the world has no meaning. We arent going to mean anything in years, so why does it matter if we are here now? I cant find the joy I used to have for anything, I cant even get my brain to fucking read a paragraph in a book anymore. My friends all abandoned me because Im too much. I found out a few days ago the guy Ive been seeing for a year is talking to someone else too! So thats really cool. I know Ill never be good enough for anyone. Its not like Im HIDEOUS, Im just nothing special. I want to move far away, and see if that changes anything, but I know it wont. Im sure Ill be miserable until I end up inevitably killing myself. I dont know if I can take much more of this bullshit. I dont think Im meant to be alive.
whateverLost my truck driving job, wife is pregnant with rd kid. I have chronic back pain so no chance of a laborer job and I live in a tiny town with no good prospects during a pandemic. Life is one sick joke. There is literally no reason to be alive as a man if I cant win any bread. No gov't programs to find a new job either. I'm pretty sure there is no god or gods. Looking forward to a dirt nap. Growing up as a kid you buy into those fantasies that life is going to work out for you if you work really hard. It doesn't.
I'm done.Last week was an Election Week and it was absolutely pure Hell for me. I completely broke down on Thursday; received hours of sleep, missed class by taking a nap, can't take my exam on time because of this stupid spyware software that we have to install on our laptops. I thought the weekend would make things better and that I will get back to normal today, but nope, I missed my two morning classes (earliest is , need to wake up at : to get ready) by sleeping in soundly. I went to be at which has been the latest I've slept at. Only a few weeks left in the semester and my grades are plummeting. I would be surprised if I'm able to make it through next year. I forgot why I'm in college in the first place. I want to be a nurse. I want to work in healthcare. But my motivation is dropping by the day and I'm just really mentally exhausted. All my life I've been an average student, never had a job or any volunteer experience, living with my parents, and has really bad mental health. Basically I'm hopeless and I could just kill myself right now. This year is by far the worst year ever and I could really take a break. I regret for not taking a gap year. Then again, I don't even know what I would do during that gap year. At this point, I don't even know what I want to do with my life anymore. Goodbye thousands of dollars I've just spent for this semester. I want to cry again but I live on campus and I don't want others hearing or seeing me being miserable. Right now would be a great time to study for finals but I'm still behind on weeks load of assignments. I'm really thinking about ending myself tonight. I just don't know how to do that.
I been really tryinI've been depressed since I was real little. I think it runs in my fambly, which just kind of makes me feel worse about it I'm , living on my own & going to school w/ a scholarship. I go to counseling (but it's getting expensive), trying to see a psychiatrist, buying books myself . doing anxiety and happiness meditations and all this shit but nothing helps me too much I know the logic bhind why suicide is stupid- but geeeee whizz, that sure aint doing me any favors I just feel so bad and scared all the time that the only way I can describe it is that I want to kill myself. & I feel like I wouldn't till I was good and old or everyone I loved was dead or something else but the narrative in my head is I want to die I want to die I want to die I want to die maybe I'm lazy, too, but homework and work and any life thing just kills me I don't care, I have no energy, it's pointless to me edit : and I've never had friends or been In a relationship I've always felt so weird, my whole life, like I was in a movie, disconnected not a real person
I Want To DieI just can't do this anymore, its dragged out too long.
sick of all the drama i dont want to livei am sorry been dealing with alot of shit
Im seriously considering itMaybe tomorrow or next week. I cant see myself living to the end of high school. Im only . I have a life plan, I know where I want to go to post-secondary, I know my future career. I have things to look forward to, but I just dont care anymore. Im not excited by any of it at this point. I dont think I wanna wait this out.
To whom it may concern, my sweetest friends.I remember a time and remember it well We were so young back then it was so hard to tell Times so simple, who'd have thought, solutions never delivered even though sought I'll never fit in more do I try, never show you a tear Only cry when I hide I feel it calling, knows me too well Cant be long now but is it heaven or hell
Hey guys, whats each of your favourite shows? I personally like community, parks and rec, arrested development, Rick and Morty, solar opposites, American dad, futurama, and breaking bad. How about you guys?
IdealizationI drank last night & in a fight with my SO. I'm a horrible drinker do to mental health issues, I know better & deeply regret my decision. Today I have such bad anxiety, and suicidal thoughts. I'm unhappy, i have so much love to give, but feel its never wanted. I'm a stay at home mother, and the codependency is driving me crazy as well. I feel drained by my thoughts today. I'm embarassed of myself. I'm not sure how to get help, because I'm scared.
lol what have i done???? so i was bored and within a few hours i kind created a concept for an entire cartoon???? basically it stars one of my characters and its sorta his fight back and forth with the concept of the fact that hes literally gonna die before he turns (i would put the entire lore behind that but it will take me forever to type and i dont feel like it, in short he will die when people need him the most), so so the show is him taking in wisdom from all of his family friends who have been through hell and back, actually bothering to make some friends, sorta discovering his own identity, LITERALLY GETS ARRESTED but he gets out dont worry, all while keeping an audio journal on his phone so he can listen to it before he dies, as well as its there for his friends and dad to listen to after hes gone. on the last episode he realizes that he will always be needed, and becomes very weak until he finally comes to terms with the fact that death can't be feared, so he decides to do the last few things he thinks he needs to do before he gets home, where he tells his dad, "im tired, im gonna go take a nap." hugs him, and then walks into his room, lies down, and turns on the first recording of the audio journal, and the credits start. what have i done??????? help lol please
Still sufferingHey guys! Remember me? I actually starting to stay away from Earthbound related websites and quitting them for good. Also I have an coloring app which makes me calm down or just to spend my time away from real life. But things doesn't seem go really well these days, as I'm taking a prescription medication that can cause hallucinations, and I'm not really sure if I'm really immune to them. Also, I can't really find anything helpful to make me feel calm, and I feel like Giygas is trying to kill me for some reason (although the recent dream during my sleep about playing virtual reality with not much color and random three-dimensional shapes are a good sign that I'm in a good progress of deleting the trauma) I say I have at least % left of the trauma left in me for months. But I need to be at least % clean before going to New York for vacation. I have identified a few triggers and also how the trauma won't flow into my mind. . Trauma always appear when negative emotions emerge. . Enjoying my favorite music in the shower is a good way to not get triggered. . Trauma doesn't appear when I feel sleepy. . Trauma appears when I wake up in the middle of the night and not sure if it will attack me in the middle of the night (since I experience that in my dreams my middle school classmates are trying to drown me) . Trauma sometime appears when I dwell too long. At least I still have my beloved Hyakuya Mikaela. Without him, I won't survive for like months (counting from April ). He is the almighty comforter to me because he gives me the positive energy to continue on.
Offering advice if you need it! Did this post quite a while ago. Decided to do it again. I like to think I'm good at giving advice to people. If you need advice on anything, or just want to talk, or you have any personal questions for me(I have some posts about my life on my profile), go ahead and ask away. I'll try to hive you the best advice in my opinion. Btw, feel free to dm me if it's personal.
I have a crush on a girl So I have a crush on a girl and I need some advice
I Never Get to say Goodbye I really don't know how to start this post. Two people very close to me just died I have so many regrets, and if I knew when it would have happened I only would have changed one thing, saying goodbye. My cousin died in a car crash when he was only ten he had his whole life ahead of him, my dad didn't even attend the funeral, but even my old teachers came (we went to the same school) but thats a different chapter in my life. My grandma passed at only , she was the most wholesome person I knew and she constantly tried to make people happy. Due to the quarantine i couldn't see her in the hospital. I miss them, but due to recent events I have taken a bit of a different outake on life; I am less sad that they died, and more happy that they lived and died good people. I know they knew I wanted to see them again, but I can't help but feel a little guilty. Thank you for reading this, I feel like I have matured a bit.
If the things you regret most are the things you never done...I've thought much about this. And a lot of times it's true. I like this girl who I've been talking to for almost years now, I wish I had the guts. I've hated my family for so long now, I wish I had the guts. It all comes down to this. And as I can't tell the girl how I feel after years now, because I can't live without being her friend and no one on earth would like me. I can't get away from my family, I can't change anything. Maybe it all comes down to this, I regret the things I haven't done because I regret the things I've done. I regret my entire life. So by ending my life, this all becomes true. I can't regret it by doing it, and I can't regret it afterwords. I will do it, I know I can and I know I have the guts! I can and I will, once and for all!
I think its time.Shell never love me like I love her. I want my family back. I cant take this any longer. I wish I was brave enough to actually die. Why is it so hard.
I dont know what Im doing anymore.Im a mess. I have zero motivation to get myself together and even when I do try nothing comes of it. Im jobless, and my crap resume is not gonna get me a call back, and even if I got one Id bomb the interview. I feel like I have no confidence or drive. I dont have medical insurance right now and I have so many medical issues I wish I could attend to and I so thoroughly regret all the time I had insurance and ignored hospitals because I was too scared. I have so many people that love me and I feel like they dont even know me. Ive lost touch with everything I love. I just feel like a zombie.
Should I tell about my depression and thoughts of suicide?Ive had them for a long time but Im not sure if I should tell my mom. She is in a bad relationship that she wants to get out of and is trying to make money to get out of it. I feel like if I tell her it will be more problems on her plate and I dont want to bother her.
Major screwup and im done with thisI may have screwed up. Badly. Innocent people have been hurt. I was already suicidal but the thought of my daughter living with my suicide keeps me from it so far. Every hour of every day I wish for any kind of death. Illness car wreck, whatever. I dont know how long I can keep myself off the ledge.
I am an awful personI have come to the conclusion recently that the reason I gave no friends is cause I actually cant be bothered to be a good friend. I used to think it was because of my mental illness, that I just struggled to go out and meet people due to anxiety and so on, but I think that has just been an excuse- I am too self centred to ever be a good friend. And honestly, if I dont even have the energy to be a good person like everyone else- what is the point of me being here? I am trash. And I think I am going to let a lot of people down in the future if I stay. I think this is a sign- I ironically have been prescribed the pills I used with my last half ass attempt recently by another doctor. There just waiting there for me.