2 values
Just fought with my parents... Again Filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler
some people are so annoying abt to gift them gorilla glue
Thinking about suicideSo i have been thinking a lot about suicide after one particular moment. I found out recently what could be the cause of this but im not sure. I am thinking about maybe methods and i don know wich one to choose. . Jumping from the th floor. hanging. going to a gun range and quickly shooting myself. I have been a pain for all my life. I have had my parents fight because of me. I have had my mom cry many times. I went to a therapist and that didnt help and now im stuck on wich method to choose.
This is kinda serious but idc if you skip A lot recently Ive been looking back into my past and every time I do I get really sad knowing all of my family will be gone one day as Im the youngest. I take pills to help with this kind of stuff but sometimes they dont work and Im almost out. Is there any advice anybody could give me to take my mind off of this thought?
I have a child with a woman I don't love and I'm stuck in relationship prison. Ending my life is the only fair way outIn a relationship with a woman who has a vastly different linguistic and cultural background to me. Neither of us is remotely fluent in each others language but the relationship somehow worked for the first two or three years. But I slowly came to realize I wasn't in love anymore. I was staying in the relationship out of a combination of fear of being alone and lack of courage to finish it. We continued having sex once or twice each week even while I didn't feel happy. Our contraceptive method failed and now we have a child together. I am but I never thought I'd be a Dad. I love my daughter and she is nine months old. I find the loss of individual identity as a parent very challenging but there are positives to being a Dad. Any positives though are outweighed by the fact I am stuck in relationship prison. It would be unfair and a dereliction of duty as a dad to end it with my partner now. It would also mean possibly losing access to my child and having her grow in from a different country to me. So I need to stay with my partner. But staying in this relationship is making me miserable. We barely talk to each other except when playing with our baby. I think daily of how unhappy I am. I envy every single person who is in a happy, passionate relationship in which they have fulfilling conversations with their partners. Deep down I want to be single while also playing a big part in raising my child. But this is not possible. I am caught between a rock and a hard place. I wake up every day knowing it'll be a struggle not to end it and I see taking my life as the only reasonable way out. If I am not meant to ever be happy, then I'd rather not live. As much as I love my baby it is impossible to feel happiness in an unhappy relationship. My child would be better off in the long run without the negativity of an unhappy parent.
Choose a name Make up a name for an imaginary band just curios
On the topic of dating I know most are probably sick of love stories, but I wanted to share my little story here. I lost my crush to some random guy she met while getting drunk. Call me a nice guy if you want, but most other girls here like the generic bald smoker guy, % of boys I know in the nearby area have never had a girlfriend. Recently met a girl over Discord, who lives in another country. We hooked up. She's coming here soon, I can't wait :) I'm done having my confidence destroyed by some low level hoes. I finally found love, and I hope it works out.
I can't go another year like thisAs we're approaching , I've become more sure that I don't want to be here anymore. The last two years have been hell, and I can't do this anymore. It hasn't gotten better and I'm tired of having to stay strong. I'm so tired.
Now more then ever I hate my body for looking like a female teen So you seen the title, I started hating my body. Not because Im slightly overweight, no because I look like what I am a girl. This used to not be a problem back when I was like , but now Im older and look more and more like a women I am starting to hate it. I kinda wish I stayed not looking like how youd expect a teenage girl to look. So any advice or anything? I dont really know if I should just try waiting this out or doing anything about it.
Anyone else here dealing with autoimmune issues and feeling close to the edge?I have vasculitis with the cause determined as autoimmune. My optometrist thinks I may have multiple sclerosis and referred me to a neuro ophthalmologist but I had to cancel the appointment due to the expense, so I don't know if I really have multiple sclerosis or if there's something else happening, like vasculitis affecting my brain. I have what feels like an endless list of symptoms and what's worse is some of the health issues are visible, like eczema or petechiae from vasculitis. At least when it's internal I can hide it and pretend on the outside that everything's okay. I'm struggling more with it all now as winter has settled in. I've felt increasingly hopeless about the future as the day has gone on, and currently I'm in the dark without even starlight. I'm wishing I won't wake up tomorrow, and pondering hurting and potentially killing myself if I do. It's hard handling these things, remembering all the while you're such a disappointment to everyone.
Im going to end it allI want to die. The only difference if I died tomorrow morning or years from now would be that I suffered for longer. I hate myself and I cant see any point in living any longer. Everything in my life is going horribly and I know it wont get any easier or better.
I can't feel anymore and I'm withdrawing from everyone I know.I feel like my life stopped and I'm just a husk of past mistakes. Everything I ever did is catching up to me. I've hurt people before and I'm reliving that mistake every night. Every embarrassing thing I ever did is eating me. I remember the lies I've told when I was a child. I remember promises I made which I deliberately broke. Up until recently, I thought I was apathetic. I did bad things without second thought, without remorse. I was a bully and a liar. I've manipulated people and was proud of it. I stopped socializing to prevent myself from making any more mistakes. I withdrew from the people I know for the mistakes I had already done. I had such good friends who constantly remind me that they love me. I can't see why. I don't understand why. I'm a bad person. I have always been the type to hold a grudge and would hurt innocent people in a fit of rage. Even before I realized I was bad, I was already suicidal but there's always that fear of dying. Now that I see what kind of person I am, it's easier. I just can't do it yet. I think my mistakes are calling to be corrected.
One good reason why i shouldn't kill myself?Every reason I've ever been given or heard is useless. I have no ambitions or hobbies. No desire to work. No interest in getting better, since nothing actually works. Tried basically everything. My entire life if I stay alive will be working a dead end minimum wage job for the rest of my life until I retire just to keep my boyfriend and family happy because I'm not dead. But honestly fuck that, why should I keep going if ***I*** don't want to?
ofc it's always the weekend when I wanna post a pic or video smh smhhhh
Donald Trumps brother died Donald might be a horrible person but be civil and dont be a fucking asshole trump is still I human being and he lost a family member which is a hard thing to go through regardless of who you are and its not ok to attack him on Twitter or anything because of it Also slowing down the mail is a felony Trump recently voted by mail in Florida I have a feeling trump will be arrested when he stops being president, he has committed multiple felonys and crimes in the state of New York And trump if you see this (which you wont) Im truly sorry about the death of your brother, I still hate you though
I'm DoneI lost the one person that means the most to me. I feel like it's all my fault. Even though he hurt me to no end, I don't think he always meant to. He's my best friend but he made it so I can't talk to him and that hurt. So I went and made it so he can never talk to me again. Now there's nothing left. I failed my college classes dealing with the court dates amd being generally too depressed to work on my shit. I blew threw ,$ in like months. I need to work but nobody is fucking hiring in my town. Was supposed to be driving but crashed a car in suicidal rage. I'm gonna be homeless in months because I was supposed to move with my best friend, now I don't have anywhere to move when my lease is up. I drink every fucking night when I used to be sober. I quit taking my medication. I'm in debt to my parents by ,$ for a lawyer for this bullshit I'm dealing with. Oh, my parents blame me. "Why did you go back to that asshole?"....because I fucking loved him. I still do. Every morning I wake up, I chain smoke cigarettes. I go back to bed for hours. I like sleep better because it's the only time I get to see my best friend and talk to him. Even if it's a nightmare. I'm probably going back to jail. I already ruined everything. I don't want to live anymore. I considered relapsing and overdosing. I'm only and my life is so cruel. I just want things to go back to how they were. I've never been happier than when you kissed me for the first time. I'm not fine.
Huge shoutout to u/DE I wanted to get notifications to see the bubble all stretched out and he spent the time to write out individual comments to do that
Life is just too much I don't know how to take itMy only reason to live is because a fucking video game I like is getting an update soon. That's fucking it. I have some stupid hope that that update will be the thing that magically makes me happy and gives my life meaning. I'm so fucking pathetic. You know what's going to happen when that DLC comes out? I'll play it for a few hours and realize that my life is still shit. I'll realize that I'm still worthless garbage who is just a drain on society. I'll realize that all I contribute to the world are memes I took two minutes to make and regurgitations of tired jokes. I'll realize that that will never change and that it would be better for everyone if I just died. I'm still thinking of how I'd do it. There are some good options. My mom's gun, the train track within walking distance... I'm shit. My life is shit. I make everything shit.
Wholesome Award? [When A post shouldn't have a Wholesome Award...](
dont think ill ever come out as nonbinary my parents. sad ! like i been out as bisexual for a hella long time but i think this is smth they simply would not understand & i have zero interest in putting forth the effort to explain it to them !!!!!!!! honesrly im p sure my parents would call it fake LOL or smth like that
For all the girls on this sub-reddit What is it like having boobs, is it a convenience or an inconvenience and would you prefer boobs or no boobs
No job, no career, no moneyI'm turning in days and the only thing I can think is: I have: . No job . No career . No money . No "true" independence. . No purpose . No future The only reason I'm still here breathing air is because my parents are still around, they are the only thing keeping me afloat. If they were suddenly gone I'd be suddenly "done". I have a college degree in Law Enforcement, but that was no help. A lot of times I regret going to college and wasting money on a degree that got me nothing more than a framed piece of paper on the wall. Getting my aspirations and dreams crushed is a repeating theme with me. I thought I had finally found the answer to this conundrum recently. I thought about going into Real Estate. Then, my friend who is actually in RE told me that it costs over $, just to get into the job, and months expenses because you won't start selling immediately. Been at this bullshit for too many years already. If things don't change SOON I don't know what I'm going to do.
WALLSTREETBETS just announced its next targets
Friend needs help My friend wants to ask out his crush to go fishing with him some day but doesnt know how. Hes obviously afraid shell say no and wants to know the best way to ask her out.
Yall ever accidentally see ur brother have gay s*x Im horrified. And yet he says Im not gay. And I was like nibba u not even wearing socks smh. But on. Serious note this did happen I want to kill myself
Please help how do you stop the horn? Ive masterbated like times today and I still feel the horn and now Im concerned anyone got any tips how to stop the horn because Im getting fucking concerned
I love it how someone can stupidly judge a person these days Like literally someone said I was gonna become a year old virgin all because I still play my Nintendo ds and do fan art of my favorite YouTuber and the same person thought I had Down syndrome when yet irl Im ft. Hes years old and get this he was trying to bully me
Holding it out for my parents' sakeAs the title says, I have no other reason to live except for my parents. They love me a lot and would be absolutely crushed if I ended my life. Besides that I have no other reason to live. I have got no friends. The ones I had left me when I could no longer serve any purpose. I have never been in a relationship either. My only sibling hates me to the core of her heart. To add to it, I am not close to either side of my family at all. All I have is my parents and my dog. For many years, all I desired was to love and be loved back (platonically and romantically) but that desire has mostly died out. I don't desire love and affection anymore. I have no other desires anyway. I don't desire a big house or flashy cars or branded clothes. I don't desires dozens of social contacts or head turning handsome partner. I don't desire fame or popularity. All I ever wanted was to peacefully live my life wity my loved ones. But it doesn't like that would come true either. But it doesn't matter anymore since most of desires have died out, rest others will follow the suit too. I often think about ending my life, what prevents me is my parents. They love me a lot and have provided me all sorts of material comforts. My abrupt passing will leave traumatised for rest of their lives. So I hold it out so long as my parents are alive I plan not to live any longer than my parents. Once my parents are gone, I will follow along as well. That's my little sob story. Thanks for reading
i don't know what to do with myself,please helpim thinking of just ending it all, grades at school are awful, i go to a school about cars but i don't know anything about cars(basically don't have any skills and probly won't find a job) all my "friends" hate my, dad refuses to finance me and my mother and nothing hurts me more than seeing her cry and pay everything for the of us please people of reddit, i don't wana end it but thats the only exit i have out of this mess of my life
Just another suicidal personHello. I don't know why I'm making this, I'm not trying to be edgy or anything. Just wanting to explain how I feel, Maybe some of you might get it. I'm suffering.. I don't remember the last time I was actually okay, lately every thing feels like an effort for everyone but myself. They say its good for me. No its only good for them to see another person go into their agenda. Living a social life, a lie. Its a lie to me. Fuck this bullshit. Everyday is misery and no one notices my pain. They only notice what I've true doing to get out of this Fucking life. Living. I don't feel like I'm living. The only reason I'm not dead already is because of this one girl k miles away. Im a piece of shit. White privileged piece of shit. At least I have a job and papers but god i feel so useless. I don't want to get up everyday. I don't want to breath. Sometimes I try seeing if I can just stop breathing. Or shut off a part of my brain that makes me remember to breath. So I can just fall and die. But if I did, shed be in pain and god who knows if this pain will go away while I'm alive Last week I got diagnosed for severe depression. Anxiety and bipolar disorder. Fuck. I don't want to be here. I don't want to see people looking at me different. If I just did go through with my death I hope people could move on. Just move on, but no. Apparently I'm just seeking attention. "Crying for help" Fuck them all. I don't want help. I'm not crying for attention. I'm only here because I don't want my fiance to die. I only went to therapy last week and to get diagnosed because my girlfriend was worried about me. Because I laid on the train tracks. I just want them all to leave me alone. What is wrong with me? I don't know. Literally every thing. I don't have motivation anymore. Anything else I do is just to please everyone else. To be a "great HAPPY citizen" and a part of "society" I'm isolated. Even with therapy. I keep getting worse. Angrier. Sadder. I'm just trying to hold on to this. I'm scared that all my problems are making my girl's problems worse
Hey so I have a question about bread Why do some people take the crust off? Nothing against y'all who do it in just genuinely curious. Imo the crust is really nice
Im too far gone. I cant get better.I cant get better & there is no point in trying any more. I might as well just press the self destruct button. I feel like I should either kill myself or just go back to drinking alcohol & taking drugs until I eventually die. At least it will mask the pain I am in.
Who is exiting quarantine looking like a fucking balloon I am. Ive gained lbs. during this summer, what about you guys?
Idk what to put so uh filler I'm so fucking mad at my introverted self bc I had a chance to date someone when they snapchated me that they like me. But my introverted ass just sat there brain dead at the thought and just left her on read. Overall what I'm trying to say is if a girl likes you try to hook up with her instead of being lonely ur whole life.
I don't know if I'll be able to keep living for a few months from here.I'm always exhausted, in inercy or empty. I can't focus, studying, God, I can't even read books anymore. I really need to go back to live like a regular human being again. However, I can't. I can't even take my meds anymore. Friends or other kinds of relationships don't matter to me anymore. Nothing is worth of keeping suffering. I'm done.
More advice from an Ogre, about Ogres Ogres are like onions Onions have layers Ogres have layers
anyone wanna try to make me not kill my self watched a movie, made me realize how fucking pathetic and worthless I am, how much better id be better off dead, how i should just run away and slit my own throat while chilling in an underpass. i just cant fucking take it. i want to be someone, I want to be useful, but I know Ill never be, im fucking worthless and pathetic with no hope of being loved because I always push it aside. as Ive been taught by life so far it doesnt fucking matter how I feel, it just matters that I do what I need to get done and move on. but whats the fucking point of moving on when I dont have a future, when Ive already fucked myself that moving on is like trying to fucking push a as an anorexic kid. i just cant, and i would rather die trying. I keep telling myself there is hope it does get better but lying doesnt fucking help anymore. i was always praised as the smart kid with a future, but I know my future is nothing. im pathetic. ive failed every god damn attempt at a good life because I never realized how good I couldve had it. i dont care about getting the future I want, or a future at all anymore. i just want to be happy. please. for a single. fucking. minute. of my pathetically fucking miserable life. Ive never smiled with genuine glee or happiness, its all been to try and fit in. everything I fucking try to do to make me happy just makes me want to fucking run a lemon-covered knife along every fucking vein and artery in my body. i just cant fucking handle it.
Im moving to silent hill Cya west coast time to face punishment for my sins in a ghost town
I need some help how do I bypass screentime on iphone
Im going to follow through tonight.The past two years have been a roller coaster with my wife. Heres my last post of her Now less than a month after proclaiming her love and telling me she had a flight booked to see me, shes with someone else. I really thought she would smarten up and we would be back together. But she hasnt sent the last step of the divorce papers back, this screwing me over for school-the only thing that was keeping me going. Come to find out its because she met someone. Posted lovey photos of them. While we are married. I have no friends. At all. My best friend bailed when my divorce process started because she was too busy. My wife and I had moved this best friend into her new place, and the friend couldnt bother helping me move or be around at all. Im diagnosed with several mental disorders and thought Id overcome them with long term meds. Apparently not. Guess Im just posting as a final goodbye, someone will find my phone and hopefully remember how much I Reddit. Thanks for the support and distraction over he years, redditors. I wish it were enough.
I tried to say goodbye to everyoneI tried to tell everyone on facebook to have a goodlife and they'd likely never see me again. And my internet for a second dropped as i posted it so it was never posted. I realized this and rewrote it, but then thought maybe its meant to be this way. Maybe i'll just go away without saying anything.
I made a huge mistakeI fucked up. I should have killed my self back then. Instead I stayed alive because I was in love with someone who doesn't love me or even like me back, but I knew dying would hurt them. Hurting my parents and my family isn't a consideration to me, but hurting him is. I don't know what to do now, months on. He is dating someone else, I want to die everyday, I've been hospitalised times in the past months. Twice within the last fortnight. I can't cope. I can't exist anymore. He knows that I stayed alive for him and it's not fair because if I die he will blame himself, but if I stay alive now, it's only so he doesn't blame his self. It's equally fucked up. I just want to be dead. The pain is too much all the time and and i can't do it. I'm alone and have no friends and I just can't see a reason to be alive, even if my brain was normal. I'm sorry.
I'm tired of writing my shit in vainSomeone please just go through my reddit history
I'm doneI'm completely done. I might kill myself. I've been self harming alot lately and i can't do it anymore. I have no friends, I'm depressed, I don't see the point. My parents dont get it neither. They say "Why are you like this?" or "Stop crying!" and it's tiring me out. I'd rather be dead than continue living this life.
// (edit) I have a tough time adapting to change My emotions spill, embarrassing rage My head feels heavy as the world keeps turning My eyes wont shut and my heart keeps burning I dont understand why I give so easy My heart feels weak and my stomach feels queasy I throw up my thoughts onto the page Herbal sedation of hibiscus and sage And no one will hear my silent cries My painful protests against the growing lies Its all so loud I do not dare The watching eyes That always stare Im just a kid I swear im learning Please just stop My world is turning White flashes Deepened gashes Stop the flow But still nobody knows.. ... Black.. ..silence.. My fist is bleeding I get up off the floor and notice The silver vase on the vanity Has finally shattered into insanity
tldr:i want to dieDon't need any consolation but i guess i don't have to point this out to people who have experience with depression. I am sorry for my bad grammar and punctuation but this is not my first language plus i'm not in the best mental state at all. I am in a really bad situation since i am alone, never go outside, don't have any friends (not even online), literally no one to talk with. sometimes i feel the urge to express myself, i have told that to my psychiatrist and he seems to minimize my problems and attribute those to my mental illness. I can't see anything positive about my life and i feel it's getting worse and worse. I know this is just a bunch of things without a logical connection that makes no sense, I fail at everything i try. Feel free to pm me if you dare
I have covid I got covid and I feel sick but Im good
There is no such things as friendsSo dont waste ur time on them.
If anyone who sees this plays (American) football or wrestles Wanna start a group chat type thing where we socialize about it???? Im bored
Every day is harder than the last.I'm just so unhappy, and I don't know why. It's absurd to be so unhappy. I have a significant other, a stable job, and friends. My life is fine. But I can't help but pick at all the negatives, all the little issues that just seem to pile up into a massive, suffocating boulder on my chest. Nothing really makes me happy anymore. I'm just so fucking tired all the time. At work, all I feel is the exhaustion of dealing with constant rudeness and belittlement. At home, I can't escape my own head. I'm trying to start a secondary career so I can finally escape my current workplace, but I genuinely believe that it won't ever take off. I believe I'm going to be stuck forever. And with each passing day, I drown more and more in the mud of my own thoughts. *You're not good enough.* *You're not talented enough.* *You're not worth the skin you inhabit.* I'm tired of being tired for no reason. I've been on antidepressants for about six months now. They aren't helping, but stopping them makes everything worse. I don't know what to do anymore. I just don't think I can handle much more of this. I don't know if I want to die. But the thought of living and continuing this charade turns my stomach.
Zit Problem It's in the title. Just wondering if you guys have any advice for cleaning the mini pepperonis from my face.
I'm Watching S E of Naruto Shippuden [Killer Bee and Motoi] and I'm crying. st- the rap where Killer Bee was like "I dont remember you trying to kill me but I remember the good times" and then they finished a first bump + years I'm the making. Beautiful....
I hate pissbabies bro I was in a subreddit, and someone gave this prompt thing right? And then I responded and got downvoted to oblivion. All for one stupid joke. Like bruh, I get yall are sensitive little bitches but istg what they did was just annoying. I said something about the friendzone and everything right? And then people got mad and said how oh the friendzone is creepy, men use it to vilify the woman for saying no, or you werent friendzoned, you were already in it. So naturally I got pissed and went off. Some people actually took my side but you know what? They got downvoted too. Their karma went down because some people just get offended by everything that fucking exists on planet earth. I apologize to anyone who read this rant, and thank you for your time.
th day of NNN and I want to die already Please let this month end I am being way too productive for my own good
Why does life have to suck during your teenage years? Seriously, it seems like every teen has to deal with a shit ton of homework, some sort of crazy mood swings, a touch of depression, and the unstoppable horniness. Why the hell did nature intend this?
hot be like The FitnessGram Pacer Test is a multistage aerobic capacity test that progressively gets more difficult as it continues. The meter pacer test will begin in seconds. Line up at the start. The running speed starts slowly but gets faster each minute after you hear this signal bodeboop. A sing lap should be completed every time you hear this sound. ding Remember to run in a straight line and run as long as possible. The second time you fail to complete a lap before the sound, your test is over. The test will begin on the word start. On your mark. Get ready! Start. ding, Attention parents and grandparents of young children. Gerber Life is accepting applications for their affordable grow up plan! The grow up plan gives your child $, dollars in whole life insurance protection now, and doubles automatically to $, dollars later, at no extra cost! Free information will be sent to parents and grandparents who call now! Dont wait, help give your child a head-start, for just pennies a day! Dont wait, call now for free information. Call ---. Call now!
MelancholyThis feeling never goes away smh..what's the point in living..if there's no point?? Life is horrible, I'm a waste of space, no one gives a fukk about me.. real shit , I have no friends, I hate people, I hate leaving my house, can't get mental help with no medical insurance..even when I do ..it doesn't work smfh, there's literally no point anymore..like why? I was supposed to kill myself on my birthday but I didn't..really wish I would've..
I don't want to be alive anymore after todaytrying to figure out my plans as of now to end my life. two people who I thought were my friends destroyed what little confidence I had left and I can't stop crying. I'd never talk about them, but I'm feeling so bad. I've been thinking about this since , but I've never gone through with it and I guess today's the day.
Yall know any good websites to watch movies for free Without ads that constantly show up as soon as you click on the screen
The lady that put on gorilla glue on her is getting to much pity and sympathy Tessica Brownor Gorilla glue lady is behaving shocked that her hair got ruined like what did she expect, that her hair would be totally fine? does she have any common sense? The gorilla glue packaging clearly said don't apply on skin and guess what under you hair skin and why should gorilla glue apologize to her, does gorilla glue advertise gorilla glue as a hair product no, gorilla glue did nothing wrong, it's her fault and she decided to sue gorilla glue like what? Seriously she's says that everyone makes mistakes and people are buying it but when harambe was killed everyone called the child's mother negligent but that was also a accident and the child's life was at risk but when this negligent grown adult puts gorilla glue on her hair everyone have pity on her, so stop treating her like she's a had bad luck, she definitely knew that it would be a bad idea to put on super glue on her hair, nobody in there right mind would put super glue on there head. people are donating money to her gofundme for a wig, like c'mon she should pay for her dumb actions, there people who really need help but instead people donate money to this woman who put gorilla glue on her head. Whatever it's not my money so of you want to donate I don't care. I'm just really angry that everyone who are defending her actions. The rant ended and rip harambe
Posting this from my new Samsung note Filler filler filler filler filler filler Filler filler filler filler filler filler
My girlfriend is already in touch with other men and I'm doneI've failed I know that. But I dont get how she replaces me tha fast.. She does with him what we have been doing, what I introduced her too. And she even added someone else. I fucked up, but this just shows that I'm not really worth anything. The pain I've felt throughout thepast - days has been on a different level, I can feel physically how my heart hurts. I dont want to say that I couldnt survive this, but I dont want to. I've had enough... I've endured so much in my life, worse things, but this feels like the last rope has been cut. I'm in a free fall for the last days and I dont even care about anything anymore. I'm currently bleeding on my keyboard because I did a deeper cut thatn usual. Not fatal though. I dont want to be dramatic. I just didnt even bother to put something on the wound.. I want to thank everyone who has talked to me in the past few weeks, even though I deleted a lot of my posts. I've read some nice things and uplifting experiences. Also the people who PM'd me: Thank you. It always made it a little easier. But I'm at the end of my strength. Dont be like me. Dont destroy everything you love. Be better. Wish me luck and courage. Good Bye.
If my appendix burst in my sleep and I die; I have a finally message to y'all. There's been ups and downs here, good, bad, ugly. But this place has always been one of my main escapes from the real world. It's probably shaped who I am for better or worse. There's a lot of people I let down in this life, a lot of people I should've shown I cared about them more. I should've been more open and not cold and heartless. I put too much worth in the wrong thing and that fucked me up. Tell my momma I love her. This is u/TheVeryEndOfIt signing off. ^^^It's ^^^probably ^^^just ^^^bad ^^^gas ^^^pain
I once again ask for people to join my discord server we have ssbu and many other games and a friendly community We need more people on the server who are active and friendly trying to grow it has been hard pm me for a link to the server than you
Feeling run down.I lost my job today. I don't have money for food or rent. Everything just seems to be getting worse and I'm falling further down the rabbit hole. When I think I've hit rock bottom, life somehow reminds me I still haven't felt ground. I'm lost and I don't know what to do.
Please click this link [ Please just click it. You don't have to sign up or anything. I get to download a game soundtrack for free if you do. I'm begging you. Also, go join that website, it's good. Free video game music
Dude my face is soft af right now Also I smell good and my hair is decent, taking like an extra minutes after my shower do make the confidence go up. Not like there's anywhere to go tho
It's everyone's favorite time, sad boi hours That moment when reddit is just about the only thing you feel comfortable talking to besides other person. I've been getting really sad lately, I feel like shit, and I don't know what I'm going to amount to in the near future. I never take initiative, I'm (the legal age to be able to get your drivers license where I live) and I've only driven twice because it scares me. I'm just about the worst at existing and it kinda sucks. So yeah
I dont care if youre gay, straight, bi, pan, ace or otherwise... I hate you all
Three top things about secondary school? Also best secondary school experiences
Do parents heed warning notes?You know, Dont look under the blanket. Im dead. Just call Dont want any unnecessary trauma.
You can get over a death.I feel like the people around me will get over me dying, living with me the way I am will fuck them up for the rest of their life. I'm not only putting myself through the pain but them too. Isn't it selfish to make them put up with me for the rest of their lives when I can give them a chance to work through the loss and get on with the rest of their own lives?
I called the sucide hotline todayFirst time in years. My life sucks: mom is dying, lost my biological parents as a kid and the love of my life broke up with me cause I am a shitty person. She said I deserved to be cheated on and that she is scared I would hurt her, I never have and never would. She has a crush on the person she cheated on me with. God I hate myself, I Miss her. I dont deserve to live, I hate myself, I just want to be gone
My ex is going out with me BOIS, but I have a mouth to leave the friend zone and prove I'm a good bf any tips Yes ik this sounds like a anime plot lmao but I'm FR any tips
Wanna hear something aggressively r/teenagers Sending a text message to a girl that ghosted u day one of water facts until you respond
Posting on r/teenagers everyday until I forget to post or get to the th day, day How the fuck is it the middle of september already
Trigger warning only read if you are not feeling low..I feel like ending things nothing has been right for this last year for me. I got jailed, I lost my job I am loosing my loved ones. It's sad that I used to look for happiness elsewhere but it sounds all too late to make changes in life now. I have tried medication. I have tried meditation. I still feel worthless, unwanted. Only happiness I have ever got was through helping others in need of help or someone to listen to. What should I do? Or you would do?
I'm gonna say this and I don't care who knows I like soggy French fries. There I said it I can't hide from the truth any longer.
when xxxtentacoin said who am i? someone thats afraid to let go i felt that wow what a bad start to my morning. how do i change this around???
Wish me luck I'm going into an interview at sonic. Wish me luck.
Losing friends...And not to death. Just from what I can only assume are my maladaptive behaviors. We had such fun that I was almost ready to call her my best friend. Then she moved and ever since then she has become more and more distant. In turn I've become more and more emotional and I'm sure that's not helping, but in general it really does feel like I meant nothing to her. It's been years since someone made me feel so alive when I was with them. I don't have many friends left, and losing her as one has hit me very hard.
Another shit year coming right upWhy the fuck do I even bother staying alive? I should just end it all and finally be done with everything. Theres lots of other more competent people that can replace my existence anyways.
THINGS YOU (PROBABLY) DIDNT LEARN IN SCHOOL: AMERICAN HISTORY EDITION (VOL ) . **Johnny Appleseed was based on a real person named John Chapman.** He collected and distributed apple seeds across the frontier during the early s. Chapman traveled westward planting small nurseries of apple trees, which he left in the care of the locals. . **In the s, geographer C. Etzel Pearcy proposed revising the U.S. map from to states.** He claimed the reduced number of states would reduce government spending. . Even though the Declaration of Independence was adopted on July , , making it our independence day, **John Adams said he believed Independence Day shouldve been July , since that was the day the Continental Congress voted for independence.** . **The Philadelphia Zoo, Americas first zoo, opened in July of .** The admission was cents for adults and cents for children. , visitors saw animals opening day. . **Meat packer Samuel Wilson was the inspiration for Uncle Sam.** During the War of , Wilson supplied the army with barrels of beef. . **The myth that the Liberty Bell was cracked during celebrations on July , is, well, a myth.** The bell actually first cracked in c. due to its poor quality. Many attempts have been made to fix the bell, but the fixes never lasted. The current crack the bell bears happened in the th century. . **rd President Harry Trumans middle name was just S.** His parents were unable to decide which of his two grandfathers they wanted to honor: Solomon Young or Anderson Shipp Truman. They compromised by using S, standing for Solomon and Shipp. . During World War II, the Navajo language was used as a code by the U.S. Marine Corps. The code was unbreakable due to the Native American languages complex grammar and the fact it had no written alphabet. *Please suggest ideas for my next series, TYPDLIS: European History*
whats a song you always cry too for me its weeks by Beach Bunny
Anybody willing to share a comeback story?I'm hopeless.
Dont you hate it when youre reading something and the scene ends too quick Its so frigging annoying
Anyone play smash? Yes Im a puff main yes I dont spam sing
Wouldn't mind someone to talk to.Lately things for me have been really eye opening. I'm a year old fuckup who graduated highschool by some miracle of God (cheating) and enrolled in college years later to get Ds and Cs. my family % believes I'm useless. I'm completely unable to get myself a job no matter how hard I try. I just don't know what to do with myself anymore because adulthood just seems to be punching me in the face over and over without giving me any break at all. My dad laughs at me for not being able to do things on my own and honestly, I believe him. I really can't do anything by myself because of how reliant I am to my parents. I also have taken something called synthroid my entire life and im not sure if im actually physically retarded or not. This might seem farfetched but honestly as far as I know, I could be. I feel distant from everyone I meet and everyone I see. I have a scar on my face right on the ridge of my nose that makes me look like a fucking dirty homeless kid wherever I go. My brothers both exceed in everything they do and make the road for me incredibly difficult because everything I accomplish has already been done by them so I get no recognition. Sorry that this is scattered everywhere but its am and I just feel like crying. I haven't been able to cry since I was like years old when I remember standing in the middle of the road, watching my father drive away in the rain after a huge fight and eventual divorce. The other more recent time was when I was and my dog Benji died. He had been a there for me through every important thing in my life that I can remember and just like that he was gone. I don't really even know why I'm sad, I've been feeling it on and off again the last few weeks. One night I want to kill myself and then I push it off and ignore it for a few days and it returns. I guess I just really don't know what I, one out of seven billion fucking people, can bring to the table that someone else couldn't. Everything I have ever done has been shadowed by other people. I really just want to give up.
Whats with the numbers and how do you get them? The question is pretty self explanatory
I'm messed up Hello people. I have a big problem and I don't know what to do with it, I have a girlfriend, she sadly lives in another country. I do love her! Two weeks ago there's a new girl comes to our class. I think I feel the same to her... And I don't know what to do now! I guess I love both of them but, I think I need to stay with the only one. The new girl seems like she likes me too. Today I chatted with her, she said that 'People say you like me' I responded with a no. I just want an advice or something, what do I do?...
I can't live like thisI can't be with the man I love. I'll probably never see him again. I don't blame him. He needs to get his life together. I see no other reason to live. I can't work because of my mental illnesses. I live in my childhood house I have traumatic memories of. I have no hobbies or talents. I've spent hundreds of dollars on psychics that just took my money. I don't want anyone else. I'll never love again and I don't want to. All I ever wanted to be is a wife and mother.I stopped taking my meds days ago. I haven't left my room in days so my mom won't even know the difference. My best friend thinks I'm pathetic and that I'm making myself depressed. Fuck this. There's no reason for me to live. I'm done. I feel like I'm not supposed to be happy ever so why endure more suffering?
th comment gets an award filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler
I made a horrible mistakeI think I may have HIV and might have passed it on to the girl I love. We dated for a year and a half. I have symptoms like prostatitis, swollen lymph nodes, and sore muscles around my pelvis. I was selfish and broke up with her in January and was slutty for a month after, but then we rekindled in March. I havent been with anyone but her since, but in that time we had unprotected sex. She knows I hooked up with other people but I should have proactively insisted on using a condom and didnt. Im getting tested Monday, if it comes back positive, I cant live with myself. She was so good to me and I really loved her but I ran away because I was afraid of the commitment and wanted to experience the single again. I am the asshole who may have killed her with a slow virus, I just cant believe how badly I fucked my life up.
I Swear My Partner is his own Worse enemy It's not like bad luck it's just his ooga booga caveman brain screwing his normal self over and over for the laughs
i dont know anymore ,so i just lost my boyfriend and he never chsnged his passwords yet so everytime someone texts him i can see it and then i got a message saying 'princess texted you" then i opened it and turns out he has been cheating all along . also i was crying for hours and i was aggreative becuase my bestfriend wasnt answering me basiclyy ingoring me and we lost our streak on snapchat so i was also mad about that so i was venting to a close friend and i was telling her about me and my ex and the cheating part and my grandmother dying and me thinking im gonna lose my bestfriend because of her boyfriend my bestfriend really changed and it wasnt a good thing ... so then my close friend made me feel a little better so i screenshotted it and posted it on my snapchat story but i was blurred out and i said shes always here to say my day and then my bestfriends boyfriend texted talking crap and it started alot of things so i had alot of people coming at me and she wouldnt just let me explain myself and just cut me off i always get hurt i just want someone to love me a boyfriend or bestfriend but i dont have that so why dont i just leave theres nothing to live for
I survived and now Im left wonderingYesterday I was told that I might be getting medically separated from my service because they found out that I have scoliosis and its bad as well with the person who I love the most in this world of years told me in person she had plans with another guy on valentines i never actually took the steps to harm myself until yesterday I sat in a hotel room drinking vodka while just taking random pills with it I wanted to black out and forget everything but I remember everything
(WARNING THIS POST IS GOING TO MAKE YOU MAD IF YOU ARE A WOMAN. IF YOU DO NOT WANT TO BE PISSED LEAVE THE POST NOW) And the film dark fate John Connor dies at the beginning and it wasn't a t that killed him it was feminism. Edward furlong you know the man that played John Connor in the second film he was going to be in Terminator dark fate but then feminists got a hold of the plot and guess what they made the main character a girl they made the Terminator that's going to save her a girl. And they literally bought back Linda Hamilton which is fine by me cuz she was great in the first film and second film. And upsets me because this is what Hollywood is becoming. Did you notice how an end game they killed off Tony Stark and Captain America and now Tony Stark's going to be played by a female which is going to be his daughter and I'm just mad.
I got my nd compliment in my life from a girl boys It was from my crush she called my eyes beautiful its a weird compliment but still one from my crush hell yeah
Anxiety is making me depressed I want to become an actress because acting is my passion and I havent found another job that would truly make me happy in life. The problem is, all these people are saying it is impossible to make it as an actress (including my parents, unfortunately). I understand that its very difficult and that statistics say I wont make it, but I honestly dont care if I become famous or not. The anxiety of being told that I will be a failure if I pursue this is making me question if I should do something else to make my parents happy (validation, ya know?). But, the thought of that makes me hopeless because I dont want to be unhappy with my life. Ive had depressive episodes in the past and I think another one is starting because of this among other things (also caused by my GAD). Help? Advice? Anything helps.