2 values
What do I fucking doI dont know what to fucking do with everything going on Just read my previous post for context I hate the fact that Im living I dont even see the comment posted If theyre encouraging me, thats fine
Anyone elses parents hate when you talk to strangers on games Ive been playing lots of valorant and other games with voice chat and according to my mother they are all weirdos online. Anyone elses parents like this. Also no Im not giving out my personal info
Just realized my crush was being manipulative I was thinking about previous school year before Labor Day ends and I need to go back to school and I realized my crush was manipulating me so she could get popular with her friends because "A bOy LiKeS mE" or something like that. and I feel really shitty. Oh well. Nothing major but it still hurts a lot.
more minutes more minutes or blue Spotify cheese, good by my friend, see you next year Filler pog filler pog filler pog filler
i dont know how to live with myselfive always been scared of everything, ever since i was a baby. this is natural, i know, but i never got over it, i cant swallow pills, i cant keep my head underwater, i cant choke myself out. only recently have i gotten over my fear of cuts but even so all i can do is little scratches that only bleed a little, pathetic little fucking scratches that dont even capture a fraction of what i wanna do to myself ive caused so much pain to others, i cant better myself, no matter what i try to do to better myself i cant do it, ill be called an asshole, ill have to hide in bathrooms on lunch breaks because nobody wants to talk to my dumbass. i dont know how to deal with people and i dont even have the option to kill myself my friends!! why are they still there!! im such a shit friend, i dont know how to talk to people!! i can almost guarantee you people are only friends with me because im that one person its fun to make fun of, to shit talk. "oh, hey, you know my "friend" animalcrossing? guess what he said!! what a fucking dumbass, i hate him" its so easy to guilt me, im so fucking scared of everything, but life has become so monotonous i cant even do the things i enjoy cause ive gotten so shit at the only thing i can do halfway decent lately, and anything i try to pick up i'll manage to fuck up entirely. im talentless!! im boring!!! ill never amount to anything, ill never be able to die when i want out of pure fucking fear and guilt im just living life hoping to be hit by a car peace x
I made a rap about millennials I think youll like it. It talks about the pros and cons of our generation, including what we need to do to make things better for us. Here it is:
Remember, if something feels wrong then that's because it is Listen to your gut and someday you'll look back and be glad you did.
Just tried to hang myselfToo nervous to go all the way. I've suffered from depression for more than a decade now, my entire adult life. I've tried to do the things which make people happy but they don't help, then the depression just eats away at them. I've had good friendships, good jobs and a great long-lasting relationship. I work hard to get them but none of them have made a bit of difference and now they just decay and fall apart. There is no source of joy in my life, what's so wrong with wanting to end it?
My friend is killing themselves rt now. Please helpMy friend is on bars of Xanax and g of coke. She has a super high tolerance but wants to die. She was clean for a year but a breakup and now this... What can I do? I don't think it will kill her but if she gets more it will eventually. I'm in Canada so if anyone know what I can do please let me know asap. Idk how long she has. Can I get her put in a drunk tank or something?
Losing myself and feel like ill never feel like myself againDoes anybody else here never feel like themselves anymore bcuz of what u have done in the past, and feel like you will never truly feel like yourself again? These thoughts make me feel like a horrible person and i just want to get back to feeling like myself again, but that was a long time ago and returning back to that state seems so far away, if not unreachable at all. Please help bcuz my thoughts make it worse everyday and i dont know what to do. Just feel like im a fake version of myself and i cant stand it anymore. Thanks
Maybe is time to goI'm tired of feeling alone
I Don't Like To ExistSo I am years old and don't like being alive. I have a family that loves me very much (I am angered at my parents, however, for being so selfish and creating a sentient being), and although my family has suspected I may be depressed, I have put their fears to rest by watching what I say and stating I was fine when asked. Yesterday, my weight system failed and I was unable to drown myself in my bathtub, and although I have revised my plan to make it more likely to work I started having second thoughts. However, these two statements from my suicide note sum up my emotions: "I have chosen to not be self-deceptive. Why do people play video games? To be in control. But this control is imaginary. The only way to have control over life is through death. I will procrastinate no longer." and "Life is a cruel game. Why torture yourself and make you have the illusion of self worth when there is really nothing there? You are nothing, just an irrelevant mass of organic matter. Your personality is made up of solely chemical reactions in your body, past experiences, and the environment. And yet there is such a clear and accessible option to cheat at the Game of Life: Trick the system and forfeit." I have come to discover that to do what I wish, I need a justification that I am not just an idiot driven to depression. Also, I would like a logical counter-argument on why not to die, if anybody has one?
Estoy cansado de esta mierda.Me decid a escribir esto para desahogarme ms que nada ya que nunca comparto mis pensamientos ms profundos con nadie.
I dont think I have the guts to end my life. Im just nervous about everything and think it would be easier than dealing with it allIve been thinking about ending it all recently (or I guess more recently). Ive always thought about it. I can remember being real young or and thinking I could kill myself by dehydration and bundling up in my room with blankets and jackets, only to give up after minutes. Now it seems like everyday I wake up and think about not being around, or how I wouldnt have to deal with stress anymore. I dont think Ill ever have the courage to kill myself. The thought scares me a lot to be honest. Im just so nervous. Ive finally got my college degree and I thought that would instantly mean a good job, nope Im still working for minimum wage, and Im not sure how find a better paying job. Ive got no car and no license, hell I dont even have my own bedroom. My family is all fucked its more or less just me and my sister. I love her to death, but it just sucks. She is always with her boyfriend and hes whatever so forget just the two of us hanging out. I dont have a lot of friends, really just the one now, and Im really thankful for him but its usually associated with work and what happens if I leave? I dont know. I just wish life was easy rather than monotonous. It seems like its the same thing over and over again and I cant handle that.
People who constanly call for emergency mettings get banished pretty quickly 
Should I give up on NNN? I'm literally seconds away from nutting I'm so horny
So closeI can't keep the thoughts away so maybe I should listen to them.
If you got school go to bed Trust me it would make you feel so much better. I have problems sleeping but when i get a good sleep it is the best don't take your rest for granted
I wish I had a little sister I have older siblings but I don't have anyone younger than me in my family They all left home for university so I'm kinda lonely too
can i just go back in time and not itd be super cool and poggers if i could do that
No one to talk toI'm (F) considering it. Its been really hard to open up to someone, ive tried talking to a few close friends, but they didnt get it. Whenever i talk to my older friends, they start talking about how I am just a kid, then i just agree with them and not talk about it again. It makes me feel guilty about feeling this way. I dont really have many friends because I cant really relate to any of my classmates. I barely get the chance to hang out with someone, my best friend, started being really distant too. I dont have anyone to talk to. I feel glued to my bed, not wanting to get up, dont feel like listening to music, painting, anything. Tried talking to my parents, didnt work either. Im kinda anxious of posting this too, might get judged. What should I do?
Anyone can help?I don't know, i've had this all my life But the second I think i hurt someone, even a complete stranger, i just can't handle it anymore after, i become really depressed and annoyed, Even if it isn't such a big deal, even if it's something very minor, if i feel like I hurt someone, i get this major feeling of guilt that i can't ignore, this usually wears off in a day or if it's something minor. But the issue is you can't really not maybe hurt someone through words accidentally.
My mom needs mental help She think she doesn't but she always threatening me if I go outside by myself and accuses me of lying to my dad. She is a good mom but sometimes she can be crazy
FIRST DAY BACK TO SCHOOL IN-PERSON If someone comes up to me without a mask for a hug or somethin they will get dropped.
Why do I feel like this?I dont know why Im posting here. I just feel so empty and alone and I just need some support, I guess. Im still in school and Ive managed to fuck up my grades and drive away the only friends Ive ever had. I absolutely hate everything about myself. Waking up in the morning is just getting harder and harder every day. I cant imagine myself having a future, I dont have any hobbies or interests or things Im good at. I have no motivation to do anything. I just take up space with my constant negativity. The last week or so Ive started seriously considering suicide but Id never be able to do it because Im terrified of being a bigger burden on the people around me than I already am. I just wish I wasnt alive and I dont know how to stop feeling like this.
I made a bass video on my youtube channel. It isn't that great, but I kinda want some more music stuff on my channel. If anybody's interested I'd appreciate it if you checked it out. As for anyone who wants to learn an instrument - my advice would be to research it before you get it, and if/once you get it, stick with it and make sure to play songs you enjoy, otherwise you'll hate every bit of it! God bless, my fellow teens! Here's the video: [
So Ill drive so fucking far away that I never cross your mind, and do whatever it takes in your heart to leave me behindHate me today, hate me tomorrow, hate me for all the things I didnt do for you
I can't take it,I'm going to go lay down and let a train run me over, I'm , I drink my problems away, my parents abuse me, I get bullied and made fun of at school, I cut myself and I try overdosing, I've been kicked out of a hospital for trying to hang myself with bed sheets, I can't do it anymore I have no friends and I won't ever have a good life, so I'm just going to end it. Goodbye My discord even though Ill probably be dead by the time someone contacts me: Polen#
I watched BBC to support BLM ..................................................&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&
I dont want my family seeing me.I have made up my mind. I cant continue to fight just because of the guilt I currently feel, knowing about the people I will leave behind. I know suicide is selfish. I know it doesnt end the pain, it only moves it. But I could not imagine the physical strain my parents would go through if they found my dead body - i wouldnt wish that on anyone, regardless of me being dead. I want to jump into a river and be taken away, but I know my instincts will kick in and try and save me. Thats not what I want. Help me, Please.
Help?So im finally deciding to end it tonight. Now, does anyone know how much losartan mg is enough to do anything? If it's not successful, what are the medical injuries i would have to deal with?
I'm genuinely giving away an award to anyone going through a divorce or something equally as hard in life. Dont lie. Dont take an award saying you have depression and not have it. Please. This is for real. It is the THIS me approved award. Dm me and I'll give it to a recent post. If there is no recent post put a post on this sub saying a Morgan Freeman quote
PUT YOUR GENDER IN THE BAG I aint jokin put it in the bag.
Somebody wanna talk? Hey, Right now, it's am for me. And I'm just laying around thinking about life and other deep stuff. I've your down to keep my company for me bit, feel free to message me. I'm pretty good listener as well, so that's something. I'm open to dark humor and pretty bored. Anyways, have a great time and take care
I stole my friends heart I am going to sell it for dollars
change with my humor and behavior lately I've been changing my behavior a lot, the internet, especially discord, has made me a bad person, I said the n word and the n word hard r multiple times, I wasn't racist but you know it's the edgy humor, and now I feel really bad for doing that, I laughed at really racist "memes" and shared them, now I feel really bad for doing all of this do you think I'm a bad person? I don't want to be a bad person but I've done some things that I shouldn't have done. I don't know how severe these things are so please tell me if this makes me an asshole. I'm still in contact with people who still make these jokes and think being racist and not supporting LGBT "humor", should I break contact with them? they're cool people and the only flaws they have is that they are edgy, they are my only online friends and they actually are cool and good to talk to but I don't like the fact that they're so edgy. please give me advice.
I have been uncontrollably sobbing for half an hour now, this is what mental illness really looks like Maybe Im just speaking for myself, maybe this is just some desperate plea for understanding or a little bit of grace, but Im so tired, so so tired. Im tired of people looking at me and invalidating my struggling because I have a smile on my face. I laugh when people say aha mood when I talk about my depression jokingly, knowing theyve never experienced anything close to what I go through on a daily basis. I hate feeling like Im invalidating other peoples pain when I think that, even though it may be true. I know that their yeah my little brother broke my pallets the other day and I felt the same will never be the same as my curled in a ball, clutching my heart to remind myself Im still alive while gasping for air, sobbing uncontrollably over pain that I constantly tell myself is no big deal. If I hurt myself, even if its not with the intention to do irreversible damage, I feel like Ive failed and that I should be better, I should have just sucked it up when my father would yell at me that everyone gets sad and that people that are really abused are x worse than I am I hate that people think that Im doing it for attention whenever I rarely post something about it, wether it be for karma, snaps or otherwise. Im in so much pain but Im still living, that feels like too much and not enough all at once.
ive spent all day researching the best drug cocktail to doIm scared but i cant do this anymore
ill probably do it todaydidnt think it would be this quickly and im not really prepared but i cant do this shit anymore
How should I go out?What is the best way to die? Do something heroic and die saving someone. Get into a fight with a drug gang and let them shoot me. Pretend to shoot at the police (with fake gun or something) so they shoot me. Try to break a world record that has a high chance of being fatal. Get a pet crocodile. Trigger a feminist. Do it myself. You decide!
I got fired.I got fired yesterday. I committed "fraud" by entering fake email addresses on an application and was fired. The whole time I admitted what I did was wrong. But nobody backed me up. They just looked at me like I was a criminal. I was taught in that situation telling the truth is better than lying. Nobody at the new location backed me up. Not a manager. Not a coworker. Nobody. I have no money. My girlfriend kept telling me I should go kill myself. My friends are telling me I shouldn't and it's going to be okay. But I just feel like I have no talent and my life is over. I can't even think of what I'm going to do. I can't believe my managers are spinless and couldn't even do the firing themselves. They had a lady on the phone do it. I was just a number. A number that doesn't have a job anymore or a reason to live. I hate myself. I hate everyone. I want people and things to die.
Idk how to title this What stuff makes yous happy? I've been very depressed for over months now and I just want to be happy so what helps you guys?
just cheated on my online quiz cus Im a lazy piece of shit just copy pasted questions into google I feel like such a piece of shit im gonna go nowhere in life if Im like this
I can't do this any longer. I'm a year old male. I was diagnosed with severe depression when i was eleven. Ive been cutting on my legs and arms for years and i've just lost sight of a valid reason to continue my already pathetic existence. My mother has Breast cancer and has been in the hospital for months due to complications and the doctors are saying she hasn't much time. I plan to end my life shortly after the cancer beats her because the thought of life with my abusive alcoholic father isn't bearable. No one will miss me. I don't have any family other than my dad and the kids at school don't notice me so there isn't anyone my acts will truly affect as my mother will be dead before I cary out my plan. I just wanted someone to say goodbye to. Thanks for reading.
I miss recess Football
A YouTuber I really like was recently exposed as a pedophile Well fuck, I only discovered his content about months ago. Whatever, it's been a good six months with you, Niall. But no one can pay me to watch the content of a groomer, no matter how entertaining it is.
WHOEVER SENDS ME THE MOST MONEY GETS A SILVER kidding just tell a good joke or something
I don't belong here.I don't feel like I actually belong in this life. In this society. I'm not scared to die. Not anymore. I'm terrified of telling my family the truth. Because I know I'll have to tell them everything. My life is falling apart. I can't feel happiness anymore. All I feel is emptiness, pain, disassociation. I am so scared of telling everyone the truth. Because I know the only thing they'll focus their anger on is the fact that I'm fucking unemployed. Not the fact that I want to kill myself. But because I don't work. I can't work. My anxiety chokes me at every single job I get. Nobody understands... my family thinks anxiety is curable by just "putting yourself out there." And "getting out of your comfort zone." Like its that easy...
It will never get better.I'm tired of hearing these words. I've been waiting for years and it's only becoming progressively worse. I now see with clear eyes that I'll never be good at anything. I'll never achieve anything. I'm a waste of time, space and resources. I'll never bring anything valuable to this world. I shouldn't have been born in the first place. Every night I pray that I don't wake up, everytime I cross the street I pray for a car to kill me. I have terrible intrusive thoughts all the time. I can't live with them. I can't do anything right. Maybe I should just listen to them and finally kill myself. It would be better for everyone if I died. The world would be a much better place without me in it. I don't even know why I'm still alive. I don't deserve to live. I'm the worst person in this world. And the worst thing for me is that nobody understands what I feel. I've been trying to get help but nothing works. I'm just so tired. I can't do it anymore.
i think this is itI know what i have to do, I can't deal with this anymore. I just wanted to say thank you for all the times i've posted here and people have helped me.
having the thoughts againive been doing so well i havent hurt myself in months and its been even longer since i attempted taking my own life but i just feel so numb right now. ive barely eaten anything lately and i have no motivation to keep going anymore. i used to want to keep going for my future patients (im premed) and my future kids but lately i feel like its not worth it because thats so far away and there will be other people in the world to take over. im currently sitting on the floor in my bathroom right now just staring at my medicine cabinet because i know for a fact i have pills that will end everything and even tho im not particularly sad right now i just have no desire to keep existing. im pathetic and useless and if i had any hope that i actually have a purpose besides to die young i would be a moron. hoping not to wake up tomorrow because theres nothing nice to wake up. thanks for reading this x
Suicidal thoughts seems to be a weekly thing.I just hate thinking about school. My mom applied to special ed class without telling until the day I went to school. Now I'm not discriminating or hating against people with mental disabilities and I respect everyone but I do not belong there... They are children in a teenagers body and it drives me insane that I'm isolated from the whole school and will never get any friends. I feel like shit walking through the corridors to class feeling like less of a human. Seeing everyone living a social life while I'm just gonna spend years alone with no social interaction just rotting in the classroom then going home emotionally drained and sleep as soon as I come home and wake up in the night with so much anxiety. I hate being home because I hate being around my parents that lied to me and put me in this mess. I bottle up all my emotions pretending that everything is okay and that school will be fine when it won't. I will be miserable to the point where I finally will kill myself. Every weekend I get shit-faced just to get away from my problems. I'm stuck in this mess. School was fun when I had friends and I did good on all subjects and were motivated. Now I hate every little part of it and I hate being isolated. I hate my parents and I hate life. I do not have any friends and I want to kill myself.
Using this sub as a diary day Today i wake up to a nightmare about my old house, damn,I really need therapy I'll have to add it to the list of things I'll do when i get of here. Also at school i had a lot of inconveniences so I think it could be seen as a bad day...but it haven't destroyed my will to leave this place and keep the fight Rating my day was a / full of bad thing but it's what's on my mind that matters so let's see tomorrow
What's the longest you've called someone on Discord for? The longest conversation I've had with someone on Discord was hours long... It flew by so fast too haha, we get along really well. Wbu?
The most stupid debates I have ever seen Coke vs Pepsi Apple vs Samsung iOS vs Android City vs city ( of the same country)
School help Im really strapped on time, can anyone help me with two five paragraph essays I need to have turned in by the next hour?
I need help Hello there, I am not depressed or anything, I'm just lost in life and I feel like a failure. I am generally a very optimistic person, I pick myself up very fast and move on with life. But this feels like a major hurdle I can't seem to see myself crossing... I just finished high school and I am in the first year of junior college on a scholarship. I never really loved the science stream but I am good at science subjects. I have always loved art and I could do it forever if I could but never had the bravery to learn it officially due to my parents and my friends saying it is a waste of my talents. So in my first year during the quarantine I went through an existential crisis. I wondered about how insignificant I was so I tried looking for my calling. I tried learning to draw and I was surprised how persistent I was. For the first time I actually had the drive to do something and it was my reason to wake up in the morning. This time I don't have my parents with me cuz I am overseas. I thought it was just an impulsive decision so I kept it quiet for months, which is about the period of time I lose interest in something I thought I would do as a career such as coding. But it's been months now and I still love learning to draw, like studying anatomy, perspective, capturing motion and character design on my own. And now I am lagging behind my studies, I am getting crappy grades, have no motivation to study school stuff, worried I won't get to second year which means the cancellation of my scholarship. I called my parents, told them that I want to pursue a career in art and of course they are shocked and disappointed. Them finding out about my grades didn't help too. I don't know what I should do. I want to just drop out of junior college and enter polytechnic school to study art. My parents aren't rich which I am aware of, and I don't want them to incur the cost of my scholarship which contractually obligate my parents to pay the cost of my accommodation and first year school fee if I don't get to second year. They also told me that they will not financially support me if I pursue art. But I feel like I am wasting my life not pursuing what I want. What should I do? I know it isn't the biggest problem anyone has faced but I just don't know what to do...
Dont do anything im about to say Never do anything I'm about to say otherwise I'm Gonna have to tell my crush I like them Give me a reason to not do it You have the power here im looking Up to yall i have Never given up hope in yall, so im gonna say it one more time, please dont let me down you have all the power here dont let me down
the pokemon smile app is so cute i know it looks childish but i think its adorable and if it motivates me in a good way to brush my teeth then ill use it!! i highly recommend it!!
Winter is interesting for mearound this time of a year I'm quite depressed every single year..I always start regretting and remembering every single thing I've done wrong and no I can't change. It's always around now till the end of december.
Help me determine if I should call the policeNobody, friends and family, that I know of, will give me advice on this. My mom last texted me with vaguely suicidal messages. She is going through a rough divorce with my dad, and she called me tonight to ask me for a tactical favor. I responded like a robot to this, because honestly, my mom and dad have been feeding me information I cannot possibly understand at this point. I was once suicidal and horribly depressed but I'm ok with life now and I just don't 'get' their struggles. I try, but I can't. So my mom could of course tell this, and she got upset and hung up. She told me in a text message to leave her alone. She said she felt lost and had no choice but to feel lost. She said "nothing would go to your dad. I took care of that this week. He deserves nothing from me. Everything I have goes to you kids". Then she mentioned a paper she has due tomorrow and how she might have to drop out of school and quit work. Personally, I don't trust the police and I think they tend to escalate situations. My mom stopped texting me an hour ago and won't respond to texts or calls. I know some of you will be screaming "call the police!" but really, she has not explicitly threatened it, and the last time I called the police just got mad at me. What the hell do I do?! EDIT: Also, from her text messages, she says she doesn't know how to face tomorrow, that she's not okay, and that her life is ruined. **UPDATE: I called about ten mins ago to be on the safe side but my mom lives on a private property with the gates usually locked and the operator told me that they cannot enter the premises if the gates are locked. I will update this when they call me back. Thanks for your support.**
I fall down the stairs A LOT. I have no idea why. I literally just fall down, and then I break my leg or brush it off. But i fall down the stairs at least twice a month.
: AM (All nighter grand finale) Spent the last hour playing terraria on steam while listening to youtube. Feeling ***VERY TIRED***, see ya later fellas have a good day :\]
all i am is a fucking unwanted burdenI feel like i manage to hurt everybody that I get close to and all I do is ruin lives. I'm too much for everybody and a burden for my family yet I'm still too fucking cowardly to kms. If I wasn't so scared of failing I'd be dead. But guess I'm too much of a coward to try. Wish I was fucking gone. I feel like everybody secretly hates me and if they don't its because they take pity on me. What is the point of my life when there's nothing good. I'm too needy too dumb too fucked up for anybody. At this point ive given up on everybody and stopped trying.. especially in this quarantine. Texting just feels like so much work. I just fucking hate myself and everybody else hates me too. Then here i go crying for fucking help on this subreddit where there's people who are actually suffering. I'm just a waste of space and time and i should just be fucking dead.
check out a friends stream for the lolz if you want to [ filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler
Posting pics of Hugo everyday to cheer you up - day [enjoy ](
im hi. i tried killing myself last night and im so mad that it didnt work. i wanna be gone already, im done listening to everybody. im done trying over and over again. so im trying again tonight and im gonna be way more harsh. i dont deserve to live. i wish i was good enough, i wish my parents loved me. i wish i was somebody else. medication doesnt help, fuck medication it does nothing. im ending it all i hate it here so bad and i dont wanna be alive anymore. i dont care anymore.
Can I hold hands with you first one to comment gets to hold my hamd
anyone else got swamp ass???? every damn time i exercise the stupid ass hairs sweat like crazy. it's like skid marks, but wet
I FUCKING hate everyone Gonna kms later, no I'm not karma whoring and pretending I just find it **fucking** hilarious seeing the people I'm the comments talk shit like "you matter don't do it" and start some giant ass argument lol ok bye suck a dick no one's loves me or you
He hasnt heard of the smiths *dies* Obvi if he hasnt heard of the smiths i cant talk to him /s
There's no such thing as a save space anymore.... People tend to find places like chatrooms, groups, communities etc just to rant about their personal lives and find people to relate and be comfortable around with, such as a save space...but of course "if there's a light, darkness follows it" I joined an art community once, left that shit because it was toxic asf, I never really understood the difference between criticism and bad judgement [or someone just making fun of me] [I was back then] and when I soon realized that, I felt stupid and betrayed. Now I bet this poor girl felt kinda the same way, the one who got banned, I bet she thought this subreddit was also some what of a save space and tried to expose that "person" not for her to be ridiculed and banned. I feel like she won't be coming back even if the ban has been uplifted.
Helium asphyxiationIve heard its a easy way to die. You use a gas mask to inhale the helium. Your body treats the helium like oxygen however because its not your body starts to shut down. You initially pass out, which is why the gas mask is needed to ensure you keep breathing the helium in even after you pass out. Your brain starts to die then your organs. Ive been researching that it only takes a matter of minutes before its irreversible. Im waiting for my gas mask and helium tank to arrive. No one has any idea. My mom thinks Im a fat failure and I dont disagree. My ex thinks Im a burden and all my friends are just people who Ive crossed pastys with. My father was the closest person to love me for who I am, but he died years ago. I have no true friends that care about me. I dont have family I know more than a stranger on the street. Im just waiting for my packages to arrive and off to freedom I go. Im sorry if this sounds selfish, but I promise Im saving the world from the misery I bring. I lived a lie for so long until I realized when I needed help I stood alone. If I asked for help I would be ridiculed. Treated as incompetent. I am not incompetent when I put my mind to it. more days until freedom.
Thinking about this I dont know if this will change, but as if now new York> California
How do I know if I'm crazy, or enlightened?I know that grandiose ideas are a symptom on mania... and I have some pretty crazy ones. Idk... it's confusing.. I feel so disconnected from reality. I'd rather hang out where I get to watch the universe. I trudge through life but I keep having these epiphanies that tell me I need to kill myself to get to my next, better life. Keep the cycle moving.
Hey guys, can I get your feedback? I could really use your feedback on my streetwear brand... Could you guys check the comments here for the link to my brand and let me know what you think? Any feedback at all seriously helps so much. Thanks a lot!
Suicidal when aloneIdk if other people feel this way but I struggle to keep myself together when alone for too long. And by too long I mean a couple hours will really start to weigh down on me. It can go one of two ways usually. This morning for one example, as my bf was about to leave for work, I began to panic before I was even left alone bc I am scared. I will start to hyperventilate/cry, essentially have a minor panic attack bc I guess I psych myself up. Or sometimes I will be fine if left alone but only for a short amount of time in which I feel this desire to be alone as well. I have to want some private time usually to just be fine with it. But its very short and usually only to gather my thoughts and emotions or sometimes lye down for a bit. I get tired and exhausted if at social functions and often want to leave and go home. I hate myself and hate my private time so why do I do that if I am so lonely. Complaining at all feels shitty bc at least I have a boyfriend who I see. We live together and sleep together but just the thought of him going out starts to make me panic. Not because he is with other people but because I know unless I tag along I will be alone. Friends? I can only take them in microdose. I eventually want to push them away and sulk alone to my miserable headspace. I don't wanna burden anybody.... so i just keep quiet until the panic is too much and I become manic almost. I feel crazy sometimes with rage or heartbreak over stupid shit. Too damn sensitive or something. If I am with people though... or preferably with my boyfriend who is also my best friend, I at least feel SOME purpose. With people my biggest issue is enjoying the things they enjoy and also not wanting to hide under a rock within a couple hours. Im just a spoiled brat or something who needs things her way. Doesn't know what she wants but knows plenty of what she doesn't. I really fuckin hate myself
I feel like I can't breathe any moreI've had a hard life, I was controlled and repressed most of my life,til I reached my early teens. I'm , and I live with my mom, she's really christian, and controlling, and I'm a wild child who just wants to be her self. I broke my ankle a while back,and I'm struggling to build up my strength,and my required range of motion so I can walk again. I never go out, I'm an introvert,longing not to be. I'm home schooled, so all week all I do is school,then to work, then home again. If I'm lucky, I get to see my brother or sister, and that's it for friends. Some days I just want to end it all....I WANT to live, I WANT to...I need to...I just don't know how to..
I keep doing self destructive shit, and it keeps working.Just tell me you're struggling too. That even though I'm here, sitting alone in the dark, that I'm not alone. You're sitting somewhere too. Fighting. I push and I push and I push and I end up with nothing. I'm trying my best. I'm doing everything I can. But it's never enough. My depression is affecting my relationships. I'm miserable to be around so no one chooses to be around me. I'm so lonely. I want desperately to die. I don't want to keep trying. Every effort I make towards a healthy life exhausts me further. I have no purpose. I have no will. I'm living purely on my obligation to family. Only breathing because they told me they don't want me to kill myself. But they don't know how to help me. They don't know how to fix me, or how to make me feel better. How to make me feel like living. At some point, shouldn't they understand how much pain I'm in and allow me to die? To set me free?
I can't do this anymore.My entire life has been one failure blurring into the next. I'm tired. I want to drive my car into a god damn wall. I don't want this fucking bullshit anymore.
I plan on killing myself todayIm just tired of always wondering why. Why i wake up for work and pay rent and save money. Tired of wondering why i can't cry anymore, I'm tired of wondering where my brother and grandmother are, and if I'll ever see them again. I'm tired feeling like there's no point in existing to just end up not existing in the end of it. I'm tired of fighting addiction, and feeling like all I'll ever be is a lonely depressed addict. Ive tried to get help, go to rehab, attend step meetings, recovery houses, tried to make sober friends. But I just can't seem to connect with anyone. I can't seem to grow a bond or brotherhood with anyone. My mommys going to be devastated and my sister will be beyond repair... I love them so, for many years the thing thsts kept me from killing myself was the fear of what life would be like for them without me. But I've found myself tortured for living for other people. Ive always felt different, like I don't belong anywhere. Even in a room full of addicts and people who are doing drugs with me I feel like the odd one out. I've tried antidepressants, but they made me a fat fuck which leaves me even more depressed. I steal klopin from my mother's purse so i can just go to bed and not have to live the day. I stay up at night researching the perfect combination of drugs to make me feel ok. I was depressed before drugs, since I was ive felt this way and i am now.... Maybe somebody on this thread will have some words to help me, to change my mind, or at least keep me going another day but for now my plan is this; Get off work and take the rest of my antidepressants and anxiety medication, take a bunch of pseudoephedrine and cough medicine. If I wake up in the morning I'll continue my day normally until I get off work. I'll be on the bus to kensington Philadelphia to get a bundle of heroin and cocaine. And die peacefully In a Park preferably under a tree. If that doesn't work I will give up, tell my mom what i did and try to get help.
i just realised how much of a slt my ex is lowkey ive known her for a long time, and shes never not had a bf. i broke up with her two weeks ago and shes already with a new guy. god im so happy i broke up with her tbh lmao
My husband would be better off without meThinking of hanging myself once again. I have a nice guy that Im not good enough for. I dont know what else to say here. I have too many mental health problems and they control me too much. Im a cancer to everyone around me.
somebody talk to me about whatever pls im bored send something random, rant, say something deep idc
Haha...I promised myself at that once I reach years old I'd commit suicide...and it's months away. I can't wait to just postpone my suicide and do absolutely nothing in regards to planning it, reach , then self-harm at myself for being such a pathetic degenerate for not taking my plan seriously.
AdviceUgh tonight is the night. Or so I thought. But I never got the pills I needed. I guess my own laziness saved my life. I still want to die, but have no way to. So I guess Ill try this. There are these three girls I know. I kind of like them, and different people I know think that each might like me. I dont know how to find out, or even approach the issue. I talk to all of them, but idk how to figure this out.
Am i the only one that feels like they fake their depression even when they show symptoms?^^^
My milkshake brings all the boys to the yard now i dont know what to do with them
:(Every day is hell and people around me just terrorize me. What am I? What have I done wrong? I never hurt anybody ... Why do I deserve so much hatred....? Life is unbearable. It sucks. My boyfriend is stressed but won't listen to me. I don't fucking know what to do. I'm not in control of anything and I hate it. I wish I had something sharp but all my knives suck. Fuck. I can't fucking do this
Rip my life So basically were in library period where we are reading, and I pretend I read a ebook, but Im just on reddit, and I go onto a post, which is a video, click on it and FUCK YOU CUNT blows at full volume, everyone silent and they look at me. Fml
not about suicide but i still need help!ive been having dark thoughts lately, like wanting my mom to die, i dont want that to happen but i can get it out of my head, everytime i see here i think, "i wish you were dead" and i cant get that out of my head/ please help me. PS. i love my mom with all my love and im a sane person, but i just cannot stop thinking about it. im startinh to get worried.
in total this year, i have absences at school. so you know theres an issue with the school system if you never attend class yet almost have straight as. but fr though, just give me the assignments and ill do it. im not going to wake up at am just for my teachers to take attendance.
Do any of you guys know John Dubucs Reddit username? Asking cuz I have a Silver Award
Feeling death approachingDoes anyone else experience this? I don't have a plan in place or anything, I just know it's coming soon. Like I can't think long term, even something as close as Christmas feels too far out. Every time I try it just feels fake, like yeah it'll probably happen but I'm gonna be dead by then. Is this a thing that happens to sane people too?
Can someone please explain ()()()())()What the fuck are free awards?())())()()()()()()
this question is bothering me a lot is lmao pronounced as el-mao or le-mao or la-mao
Dads are more important than moms Prove me wrong
I justttttt wantttttt you badly < Yes you reading