[Document(page_content='So we\'re gonna work with wild pumpkins today, the way you get one is you go into the forest and take a medium length cardboard tube and just want to give it a little *pumpkin mating call/roar* I\'ll just uh give this a minute and oh here comes one! Come on! Come on, buddy! See if we get him to jump right into my hand Come on little guy There we go look at this little ragamuffin Oop! Aww So we\'re gonna get the pie crust ready here. You want to take four or five slices of whole grain bread, Cut off the crust and then gently press those into a pie shell, Just keep spinning and pressing until you get a nice smooth texture, and then brush off the extra crusticles, and there\'s your shell. So we\'re gonna take our wild pumpkin and cut the top off and slide that can out. Give it a good rinse to get the guts off it and... Get that pumpkin into a bowl, we\'re gonna throw in two bagged eggs, 3/4 a cup of white sugar this will help the pie to taste just a touch sweeter. 1/2 a teaspoon of salt, and the spices... *sigh* This part\'s uh... a little bit sad for me; when I got the recipe from my mom she said it takes 1 teaspoon of cinnamon, 1 teaspoon of ground ginger, and a quarter teaspoon of cloves or and I quote, "I use two and a quarter teaspoons of pumpkin pie spice." *sigh* Just out here trying to come to terms of the fact that I\'ve been eating the pumpkin pie of shortcuts my whole life. Here I thought my mom wasn\'t afraid to get her elbows greasy and *sigh* Now I know she just likes to take the easy way out and the sad thing about it is that if you combine these spices which is super easy and then compare it to the pumpkin pie spice... *tasting sounds* So we\'re gonna use two and a quarter teaspoons of pumpkin pie spice And we just wanna wangjangle this together really good and once you\'ve got that mixed, pouring it into another bowl is totally unnecessary. In my family we usually add the cream directly from the udder of a cow but since I can\'t fit a cow in my kitchen, I\'ve got this condiment squeezer. And I\'m just gonna squeeze the udder while I slowly mix the cream until that\'s way soupier than you would ever expect. you\'re gonna be like, "no way is this a pie filling," but guess what? you\'re wrong, it\'s a pie filling. once that\'s nice and smooth, you\'re just gonna pour that in the pie shell and make sure you don\'t go too far to the top because this is basically a bowl of water. undow\'s on four twenty fundo and we\'re gonna cook that for 15 minutes at this hot temperature so that way we can get maximum crispy crustatude. and then after 15 minutes, we\'re gonna lower that to 350 and you\'ll bake that between 30 and 45 minutes. the way you\'re gonna test this by checking for the wobble you want to just give it a hit and if there\'s still a significant wobble, that pie\'s not cooked all the way through. you want some turgidity in the resistance of the wobbliness and jiggliness of the pumpkin pie filling. That\'s how you know it\'s done, and then once it\'s done you want to leave that to sit for at least an hour if not longer, And then all you have to do is decide how you want to whip cream it. You can do the mohawk, the fluffy bed cloud, the stupid. Feel free to do the rim job. You can go with the nihilist, the volcano, or the anarchist. ♪ Pumpkin, pumpkin, pumpkin pie get it in the season ♪ ♪when everything dies. Shove it in your face and try not to cry when you eat that pumpin\' pumpkin pie. My♪ ♪heart is sunken, shoulders slumping cause I can\'t get me a pumpkin♪ ♪PIE! PIE! PIE! PIE!♪ *single drum hit*', metadata={'source': 'hpapqEeb36k'})]
[Document(page_content="Ah first dates There's nothing like getting ready feeling those butterflies in your tummy and hoping you don't make a fool out of yourself So a little something about our first date. We actually met online Yeah, we met on MySpace And we were talking for about a couple weeks on AIM my screen name was miss twisted And I was skatessta08 So my parents never really allowed me on dates And this was the first date that my dad actually allowed me to go on So the date preceded my mom actually dropped me off I drove Because I had my own car So we agreed to meet in a very public place because I didn't know if I was going to be kidnapped by a strange old man the beard Oh cupquake, wait you weren't cupquake back, then, Oh miss twisted. How are you? What better place to meet than the movies? So I continued walking and as I look up I see this Really tall, skinny guy Walking towards me Smiling creepily, and I think I smiled creepily back I remember how nervous I was, incredibly nervous, to the point where my hands were sweating So much... And I was afraid to hold her hands. I was pretty nervous, too So we continued and went to go buy our movie tickets Which we probably should have bought earlier because the movie we wanted to see was sold out So since our movie was sold out we had to choose the next best thing Anaconda JLo, big snakes, yeah, that sounds like fun! We bought tickets we walked in and I remember thinking hey. I'm hungry. I'm gonna get myself some popcorn You want some popcorn? So we grabbed some popcorn and a giant Diet Coke I walked into the theater as the movie was playing the whole time. I was thinking to myself Oh My hand is it weird. Oh my gosh. Can I I mean should I grab it his hands right there? It's it's on the thing should we hold hands and over on my side I remember thinking oh god, okay, so we're here or we're about to watch the movies previews are done. Okay, cool movie started Oh shoot. We're not holding hands yet should I hold her hand? Wait, wait, my hands are very sweaty. They're so sweaty god Wipe them. Wipe them. They're there her hands there. I'm going for it. I did it Was very excited So no not that okay. I'm holding her hand now. What do I do next? Oh wait? Maybe I could put my arm around here. Oh, yeah, I'm gonna do that let me do one of these oh Yeah, there you go, yes, I'm getting further along in this great job Mario you're doing great So we're about 20 minutes into the movie, and I'm like alright, this is going good, maybe I should kiss her now here I'm going for the kiss We did She looked away what? What oh my mind? I was thinking oh? No, he didn't he literally just went in for the kiss and it wasn't a romantic moment. I'm not gonna Let it go down like this Who does he think he is I'm not that easy He needs to work for it hmm eat some popcorn So then I thought all right Mario just collect yourself put yourself together an hour later I say to myself alright Mario. You've Mustered up the courage to do one more time. Let's see it again let's see if you go all the way come on Ready Set weed luck guys and I think this is the moment Mario 90% can I get the 10 can I get the 10? We kissed so the movie ended we headed outside still with each other hey Do you want to get some ice cream? There's a cut stone? corner Little did you know I love cold stone, and they had to contain myself We walked over to the ice cream store and Ended up getting our own We didn't share so we finished our ice cream and it's time for her to go back and I remember thinking all right I'm and really held her hand outside of the theater got a hold her hand at least one more time before she goes so I reach in to try and grab her hand as we're walking away and It was one of those awkward moments It looked like we're trying to do a handshake, but I have no idea how we're gonna grab our hands. We're gonna interlock Fingers, or we're gonna kind of just go palm it palm and the next thing that", metadata={'source': 'EEIP1YpFXrE'}), Document(page_content="We're gonna interlock Fingers, or we're gonna kind of just go palm it palm and the next thing that happened was totally unexpected I kind of giggled and laughed about it and Did this secret handshake? Squiggy wiggly Well if you're a nerd like me I used to watch a lot of cartoons and with rocket power It was a little thing that they did I was like a secret handshake And they would just twinkle each other's fingertips and say squiddy wiggity wiggity And I thought you would understand what that was But nope I didn't, but I thought it was the cutest thing ever so I was like aww, look at her She's a dork, and I like it. I was so mortified. I can't believe he didn't watch rocket power Hey, I remember you being embarrassed. Yep. You kept trying to apologize, and I said no. No that's perfectly fine I like this this Wiggity wiggity way anything of yours till this day. We still And actually he asked me to be his girlfriend right then and there hey Tiffany oh god I'm so nervous where am I gonna say how am I gonna tell hey? Well you want to be my girlfriend? Okay What she said? Yes, oh my god. I'm so excited right now like the gentleman He is he actually walked me to my mom's car where she was waiting and she met him for the first time hi, Mrs Garcia uh I'm Mario nice to meet you I was super nervous to me her mom so nervous total brownie points with the Mrs Garcia thing though You got to be proper pro tip as we go our separate ways My mom was really giddy in the car driving home asking me How it was I asked her what she thought of him, you know she said he has really soft hands And that was our first date", metadata={'source': 'EEIP1YpFXrE'})]
[Document(page_content='*intro music* Hello friends, and welcome to another video. It\'s that time again. Time for another period video. And this month I\'ll be taking on another strange period product, period yoga pants. So I\'ve tried period leggings in the past, and I thought they were gonna be huge game changer. It sounded like, you got your period, you put on your leggings, you\'re done. But the company that produced them had a bunch of caveats, notably that you weren\'t really supposed to wear them without a pad, and also that they were meant to secure a pad inside of leggings, like, that was also their main function? It was a little unclear. Not to mention the fact that it also had quite a visible moose knuckle situation in the crotch region. So needless to say I was a little disappointed in the previous experience. But recently I found these period yoga pants by Dear Kate which seem to fulfill some of my expectations of the previous product. They say they can hold one teaspoon of liquid by themselves, which doesn\'t sound like a lot. But we\'re gonna push them to the limit, and see exactly how much that is. Okay, lets bring them out. [S] *laughs*\n[T] Sorry. I saw that one sailing towards my head; Dude, I was just like, "mm, yes". *laughs* Okay, here they are. So these are called the "Go Commando Capri Pants". I\'ve got one in this gray mosaic color, and one in this galaxy color. They are a hundred dollars each, so they\'re pretty really pricey. But I have seen some normal yoga pants in a similar price range, and if they do their job handling the crimson tide, they could be worth it. Overtime… over a lot of time. But overtime. So, first impressions of these pants is that they\'re more of like swimsuit material type yoga pants, I would say I definitely prefer the softer type of workout pants, but whatever they need to do to really get the job done… …I understand. So, it does look like this crotch is less of a square shape, which is already a good thing, It looks like I\'ve got more of, like, a triangle in the front, and a… pad shape in the back? I feel like this is gonna be probably the most visible part, but the front looks pretty smooth. I mean, I\'m gonna guess that this is the pad part that catches the blood. It is a little bit of a teardrop shape, so you\'re gonna wanna make sure you\'re, like, going right here. Or here. And you\'re not going, like, right up here. I feel like you\'re just gonna have to try and aim. Alright! Let\'s try \'em on. [T] Ooh.\n[S] I do like this pattern, um, I did get a couple of patterned ones just to… sort of live on the edge. I will say that, right off the bat, this crotch is smooth. There is no camel toe, moose knuckle, like, it\'s looking pretty good. [T] Right.\n[S] There is a little bit of a pad in the back, [T] Just a little bit of a diaper back there. But you\'d have to look really carefully. [S] Yeah, I think the pattern actually helps, almost, avert the gaze. [T] Yeah.\n[S] It\'s like, "oh, there\'s a lot of shapes happening". I think they seem pretty good, I think I got some good range of motion. I can definitely feel the gusset, like, moving around a little bit when I do stuff like this. [T] Okay.\n[S] But if I\'m just kinda like, *slowly jogs in place* [T] Little bobbin\'.\n[S] It\'s more just kinda, like, bobbin\' around. [T] Yeah.\n[S] It seems like it\'s in the right spot. [T] You\'re gonna get dizzy, you know that.', metadata={'source': 'l3xmc0pzzJI'}), Document(page_content='[S] It seems like it\'s in the right spot. [T] You\'re gonna get dizzy, you know that.\n[S] Why\'d I do that So last time when I tried out the period leggings, I wore them all week, but since these are, like, specifically designed to be activewear, or like, workout gear, I\'m gonna take these guys on three different workouts on three different days of my period, It\'s day one out of seven, so we\'ll spend the next three days working out. [T] Yeah, this isn\'t a workout, you know. You\'re just standing there. [S] We\'ll see what happens. So, for my first workout, We took these bad boys hiking. I wore the galaxy leggings. They were like, "we\'ll just put strategic red splotches, "just in case anything happens." [T] They could just be a nebula.', metadata={'source': 'l3xmc0pzzJI'}), Document(page_content="[S] Exactly. It's a galaxy. This was on a day two of my period and the flood gates tend to be pretty open that day. Does the positioning of the built-in pad change, so that it will no longer be able to catch But hiking is not a super frantic workout. You're kind of just, like, walking vertically up the mountain, like, kind of moving your legs next to each other. See, once you start working out, it's hard to tell what's sweat and what's not sweat. So I think I'm doing okay. I did feel like a couple of drops during the hike. We've made landfall. We hiked a little bit later in the day today than usual, so there's more people around to witness me. But I actually think that to the naked eye from far away I'm doing fine. Like, nothing weird's happening, and I will say that I don't think anything super tragic happened in the pants. We'll see when we get off the mountain what the damage is but hopefully I won't leak until then. [T] [S] You ran off this mountain cause you were nervous there was a mountain lion following you. [T] I did that. [S] Afterwards, when we got home, I checked out the situation. I think that I'm all clear. I don't think there was any leaking, which is good, obviously. I definitely do feel a little bit damp but I feel like, ya know, I was kind of wearing these for a couple of hours... and so like for those two hours, even on day two, it seems like they held up pretty well. And so, after that I was feeling pretty confident. Okay, so I'm post-shower, ready to tackle the day. I'm gonna wear, uh, my other pair of yoga pants for the rest of the day, and wash 'em both tonight, and hope that they're pretty quick-drying so I can wear them tomorrow to yoga. And I thought things were going great, but that is when I hit my first roadblock. Okay, so an interesting development has… developed. I just sat down in this chair to film a pre-interview for something, and I felt myself flowing, but not any more than I was this morning, so I thought that everything would be fine. But then, when I stood up and went to the bathroom, I noticed that I'd actually started leaking out of the sides of the little gusset area. Like, completely through on this side, completely through on this side, and completely through on the gusset part. Unfortunately, the other pair is the one that you can really, like, camouflage any type of stains, and with these gray ones, it's kind of out in the open. As I said before, Dear Kate mentions on their website that the leggings should be able to hold about one teaspoon of liquid in the gusset part. Now, I've crunched the numbers, and, on average, people lose between 35 and 50 mL of blood over the course of their cycle, which translates to seven to ten teaspoons over the entire cycle. So, roughly speaking, these leggings should be able to handle about a half a day or a third of a day for me, as someone who has a six- or seven-day cycle. But I was only filming about two hours, so I think another part of the problem is that when I was sitting down, the gusset shifted, so it was no longer where it needed to be to really provide that coverage. I feel like maybe it's meant for motion and not for sitting. So with that… bogey… on day one, I was a little wary going forward. Okay, so it is the next morning and my leggings are mostly dry, so I'm just gonna wear 'em and just hope for the best. So for my second workout, we went to yoga. Okay, I'm at yoga, ready to head in. Wish me luck. It's a steamy place, man. Day three, in general, is a little less crazy flow-wise for me, but, you know, it's still pretty generous. But in yoga, you are also doing a lot of different positions, you're sideways, you're upside-down, I mean, I'm not that good at being upside-down, but people are upside-down, so the movement-to-gusset ratio is quite high. Okay, so we just got out of yoga. If I thought that yesterday, I couldn't tell what was going on because it was just kind of like a soup, I", metadata={'source': 'l3xmc0pzzJI'}), Document(page_content="that yesterday, I couldn't tell what was going on because it was just kind of like a soup, I was wrong. That's today. I don't think anyone knew I was wearing period yoga pants. [T] No.", metadata={'source': 'l3xmc0pzzJI'}), Document(page_content="[S] But yoga was hot. And the butt, it is a-sweaty. But when I went home and checked out the situation, I did appear to have a little bit of leakage on either side of the gusset. Not a lot of leakage, not nearly as much as yesterday when I was just sitting down, but, kind of just like, a little bit on either side, kinda feathered, in a way. I had only been wearing them for, like, two hours tops, but I think part of the problem was that I was just in so many different positions that the gusset was just moving all around. So, even though I'm, like, really liking the way it looks, it seems like it might be a little bit… not as protective. So my final workout was on day four of my period. It is, like, late afternoon / early evening, and I'm heading to the gym to get in a different type of workout. I would definitely say that today is a little bit calmer downstairs than the last two days; it's less of a red wedding and more of just, like, a little birthday party or something, So, let's go to the gym. Hop on the elliptical for like, I don't know, like, 30-ish minutes, and then, uh, do some other stuff and, uh, see how it goes. I wore the gray mosaic leggings again, just to walk a little bit on the wild side. I don't really wanna, like, sit on any machines, like I don't wanna, like, row, or bicycle, or, like, lift, you know what I mean?\n[T] Yeah, you want to play it safe a little. [S] I wanna get on the elliptical and just… *replicates movement on elliptical* [T] You just wanna bounce up and down. Just…", metadata={'source': 'l3xmc0pzzJI'}), Document(page_content='[S] Just this. Though, to play it safe a little bit, I went into a less populated corner of the gym, on a machine that seemingly no one really wanted. And, after the workout, I went home and checked everything out, and it seemed like we were mostly in the clear. I noticed, maybe, like, a little bit of "feathering", I would say, outside the edges of the designated pad area. But, actually, for the first time, nothing has really come through to the other side. So I\'d call this experience, on day four, on the elliptical, a success. Finally. Leak-free. So, overall, I had a pretty mixed experience with these yoga pants. It is really smooth and discreet from the front, but that kind of leaves the gusset with a smaller surface area in general. It seems kind of like with these period leggings, either you have a good-looking crotch or you got coverage. So, I feel like we just need some, like, NASA-level sh*t in here just to fix this situation. \'Cause I want both. Given the swimsuit-like material, it also increases the swamp factor, which leaves you in the middle of the workout kind of wondering whether something is sweat or something more, so it\'s not really saving you on stress. If you wanted to get these, you could probably use them on the lighter days of your period without any issue, but if you\'re trying to substitute these in as athleisure on a heavier day, I would say you should definitely wear some backup, or just not do it. They are pretty easy to clean, and I also didn\'t notice any odor, which is a big plus. I do, however, smell, because I\'m working out, so I wonder if that\'s, like, camouflaging the period smell, or maybe it\'s just that I\'m not really wearing the leggings for long enough each day, that I\'m able to, like, gather a scent. Overall, I think I\'m gonna keep using these just because I have them and they were expensive, and I do think that there are some possible use cases, but the search still continues for that all-in-one period pant. It\'s my white whale. Or should I say, red whale. Thank you guys so much for watching! If you liked that video, make sure to sh-mash that like button, and if you want to see more videos like this, make sure to sh-mash that shubshcribe button. And if you\'ve already sh-mashed that subscribe button, make sure to also sh-mash that little bell icon in the middle to turn on post notifications so you get a notification every time that I post. Here are my social media handles, and make sure to check out my Nextbeat, I do a lot of daily vlogging and Q&As on there. A big shoutout to Young Günther (@Madison_Plays) for watching, thanks for watching, Young Günther, and I will see you guys a-next time.', metadata={'source': 'l3xmc0pzzJI'})]
[Document(page_content="It's changing, look how\nsexy, the whole knew look. The room just got\nhotter, it really did. I mean you can't be the\nSexiest Man Alive unless-- you're the sexiest man alive. No, it doesn't just happen. I mean, it's like-- Oh crap. What happened? That doesn't look\nright, I just realized. Well they do appear\nto be gym socks. Dammit. OK. I'll turn this way. First of all, it's a whole\nnew you because of this. You're going to change\nthe entire look now? I said this in the magazine\nwhen I did my interview for Sexiest Man Alive-- [APPLAUSE] I have been fat and\nugly my whole life and if only for one\nyear I get to be sexy, I am going to milk this for\neverything that it's worth. Own it, own it. Yes! Forget it, I'm putting\nmy foot back up here. You know what, when you're\nsexy you can do anything because then people will follow\nit going, well Blake does it. That's what I'm saying, the\nmullet's coming back this year. Whatever you want. It has to be. See that? That used to be ugly,\nit's officially sexy now. Not anymore. It's on the way to sexy. It's the beginning of sexy. It's the law now. It's the law. It's like the sun coming up. I'm sexy. It is like the sun\ncoming up, exactly. I know that you're friends\nwith Adam, it's a strong bond. And now he was sexiest\nman has he given you tips on how to handle this? He's not happy. No. You and Adam are\nreally close friends. We are. And somehow you can\nbe friends with him. It's one thing for\nhim because he's like the good looking\nguy on the voice anyway. Right. But I'm just saying\nthat Adam is not happy because he was the only\nsexy guy on the panel until this new law\nof the land was enforced by People Magazine. Gwen has known that\nyou're the sexiest man, but Gwen must be thrilled now. They're going to\nhardly pay attention to her when you walk in a room. They're going to go,\noh, Gwen was here too? You know, I feel bad for her. She has been in the spotlight\nand this symbol of beauty. And now you're\novershadowing her. It's going to be a tough\nthing on the relationship, it's going to be a strain. I know, I know. You know what, it's\ngoing to be humbling. It's going to be\nhumbling for her. But I think she's got\na big enough heart, she can deal with it. She has a good personality\nand that's all that counts. That's right, that's right. Beauty comes from within. Exactly, exactly. So you say you were not\nattractive as a kid. How would you describe\nyourself as a kid? Do I really have\nto say anything? It kind of speaks for itself. Yes. You know what, it gets better\nas you become a singer. Look at that. Wow, you really did have\nlong hair for a long time. Mullet. Yeah. Was that inspired by\nBilly Ray or anything? I mean, when I think of\nsexy I think of my heroes, and Billy Ray Cyrus,\nyou know, I can't think of anybody else with a mullet. I had a mullet. That was my mullet. Let's bring it back! I'd love to. You can do it. With this new power that\nhas been bestowed upon me I can bring the mullet back,\nwhich makes it OK for any of us to have one. Anybody that has a mullet, send\nin a picture of your mullet. I would like to see how many\npeople out there are still rocking it because we're\ngoing to bring it back. All right, that's enough of me. Take it off.", metadata={'source': 'eDelIZDzmwQ'})]
[Document(page_content='-we have you.\nDarryl Strawberry\'s here. -I\'m so excited for you.\nI\'ve heard that\'s your person. -Yeah, he was one of my\nall-time -- He was my top-ten athlete\ngrowing up. I\'m like, I love -- Yeah. Do you have a top-ten... -Kobe was my...\n[ Cheers and applause ] I grew up in California! -Kobe Bryant?\n-Yeah. -Are you a big fan? -Yeah, I was a big Lakers fan.\nMy 13th birthday, I went to a Lakers game,\nhad a Lakers cake, and you know,\nhad all the jerseys -- the home jersey,\nthe away jersey, the special edition,\nboth numbers. -That\'s right.\nHe as 7 and... -8, 24. -Oh, was it 8? Yeah. [ Laughter ] I was getting up there.\n7, 8... 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18,\n19, 20, 21, 24. -It\'s okay.\nYou got it. -Yeah.\nWell, I mean, 24 minus 8... 7. Uh, so, uh... [ Laughter ] I met him once\nwhen he was a rookie. He was barely on the Lakers,\nand I was barely a comedian out in L.A.\nSomebody asked us to go on a beer run together.\n-Nice. -And I was like,\n"Okay, let\'s just go." We went to a place called\nPink Dot, which -- Do you know a Pink Dot?\n-Yeah, delivery place. -Yeah.\nYou can buy stuff there. -So, you walked up to the door\nand they\'re like, "Nuh-uh, buddy."\n-Yeah, the guy\'s like, "We don\'t sell stuff here.\nYou have to get it delivered." And we\'re like,\n"I don\'t know what to do." And he put his ID up\nand he goes, "I\'m a Laker." And they guy\'s like,\n"Come on in!" -Yeah, it worked.\n-Yeah! -It totally worked.\nIt totally worked. -That\'s awesome.\nCongrats on the cover of "Glamour" here, and were also\nrecipient of a nice award. [ Cheers and applause ] Woman of the Year --\nCongratulations on getting a nice award, come on.\n-Thank you. Woman of the Year feels like\na really big thing. And, like, no one wakes up\nfeeling like Woman of the Year. You know? So.\n-No? But you do now.\nYeah! -Still don\'t.\n-I know. Tell me about this new shoe line\nand what you\'re doing here. -So, this new shoe line -- So, last year,\nmy first collaboration with Stuart Weitzman, has\nalready gone towards building three schools.\nThey\'re done -- One in Guatemala --\n-Is that right? -Yeah.\nOne in Guana, and one in Laos. And these shoes will go towards\nour commitment to build another three\nin the same countries. So it\'s awesome.\nAnd if you bought the shoe last season, your money has\nalready gone towards schools that are up and running.\nAnd yeah, it\'s really cool. -How does that feel?\n-It\'s awesome. I love it, I love it.\n-That feels great. -It makes me so happy. -What are they called, again? -These are called the EYELOVEs. -The EYELOVEs, so --\nOoh, I see. So, is this like an evil eye? -Yeah.\nSo, my dad\'s Palestinian, and it\'s a symbol\nthat I grew up with. And it\'s not only\nin his culture. It\'s in a lot of cultures,\nshown in different ways, drawn in different ways,\nbut it has the same meaning of protecting you\nfrom bad energy. And I think, besides\nthe spiritual side of it, it\'s just a good mental reminder\nthat when you put them on, just don\'t let those bad things\ncome your way and don\'t let\nit affect your day. So, kind of nice.\n-I love that. Yeah. And they look gorgeous. We actually got\na couple pairs in my size. -Okay, that\'s what I asked for!\nI\'m so glad! Do they fit?\n-Are these the eyes? -Those are the EYELOVEMOREs.\n-EYELOVEMORE, \'cause there\'s more eyes\non this, the EYELOVEMOREs. -You guys, Jimmy\'s\nthe only man in the world that these are made for. They\'re only for women,\nbut we made them in his size. [ Light laughter ] [ Cheers and applause ] You can wear them\nif you\'re a guy. I think they\'re still cool. You\'re going to walk in them? No!\n-Yeah. [ Cheers and applause ] -Okay, wait.\n[ Band plays music ] We\'re gonna foot model. -I mean, this is not bad.\nIs that how I -- Like that, like that? Yeah. [ Cheers ] Hey, they\'re comfy.\n-They look amazing on you! I\'m gonna wear\nthis around the house. I love \'em. Yeah.\n-And your toes are warm, right? -Totally.\nThey\'re toasty. This is fantastic.', metadata={'source': 't1Liix4gi7k'}), Document(page_content="-And your toes are warm, right? -Totally.\nThey're toasty. This is fantastic.\n-Great. -And again, Pencils of Promise. -Pencils of Promise, yeah. -Congratulations on that.\n-Thank you so much. -We love having you here.\nLast time, we talked about our love of burgers.\n-Yes. -And we had\na hamburger together. -We did.\n-A bite of a hamburger. Well, today, now I'm going\nto give you a bite of my favorite hamburger.\n-A tradition! -This is now a tradition,\nnow that we're doing this. This is from...\n-From where? This is from a place in New York\ncalled Island Burger. -Yes! -This is on 51st and 9th\nhere in New York City. And this is like --\nThis is like a secret one that's on the\nsecret burger list. -So, we'll try, like,\na new one every time. -Every time you come on,\nwe'll try a different burger and give props to\na good burger place. -Love it.\n-And any suggestions, you know, send them on in.\nIf you have, like, you know -- I know I'm going\nto hear from Wahlburgers. -My mom's going to be so proud\nof me that I putting my napkin on my lap.\n-That's what I was about to do. -There we go, mom.\n-I just want to take my flats off first.\nHere we go. [ Light laughter ] Here we go. Ready?\nLet's have a -- And cheers to you.\n-Cheers. And cheers to EYELOVE.\n-Cheers. I love burgers! [ Cheers and applause ] [ Band plays music ] [ Mumbling ] [ Cheers and applause ] [ Mouth full ] Congrats\non your new shoe line. [ Applause ] Go to pencilsofpromise.org\nto learn about a great organization. Gigi Hadid.\nLook for EYELOVE and EYELOVEMORE shoe selections\navailable today.", metadata={'source': 't1Liix4gi7k'})]
[Document(page_content="Hey guys, this is Austin. This is the MacBook Pro, and it is Apple's most expensive laptop. Now this is actually\ncomputer that we've edited all of our videos for the last year on. However, starting at $2,400,\nit does not come cheap. That's where Microsoft comes\nin with the new Surface Book 2. Now full disclosure. They actually did send\nthis out for review. However, as a laptop starting at $2,500, I'm curious to see how it stacks up. So I actually did a video\non the original Surface Book a couple of years ago and it\nwas a very, very weird concept. So the idea here is that\nyou're getting a computer that on the surface looks very\nmuch similar to something like a MacBook, but you can\nactually detach the screen and turn it into a tablet. Pop this guy open, and\nthe first thing we see is the well, the Surface Book itself. What really makes this\nunique is the hinge. So as you can see, when\nyou close the laptop, it actually doesn't go completely flat, and that's because, so if\nyou press the button here for a second, what you'll be able to do is remove the actual tablet. Put these two side by\nside, and at first glance, they look pretty similar but\nthere are a ton of differences. So first of all, while they\ndo have 15-inch displays each, the port selection is very different. Where the MacBook has\nfour Thunderbolt 3 ports, two on either side, the Surface instead has a single USB C paired with a Surface connector\nfor charging and docking, but importantly, it also\ntwo full-size USB A ports and an SD-card reader. When it comes to screens, it is really hard to argue\nwith either of these laptops, but the Surface is slightly sharper, with a resolution of 3240 by 2160 compared to 2880 by 1800 on the MacBook, and the Surface has the added benefit of being a touchscreen. Where the Surface Book 2 really\nexcels is in performance. So inside, it has a Core\ni7-8650U, a GTX 1060, 16 gigs of RAM, and\nanywhere between 256 gigs and one terabytes of SSD storage. With a GTX 1060 inside, this is going to be a very powerful laptop when it comes to video\nediting and even gaming. So to put things in context, a 1060 is usually what you'd find in fairly high-end gaming laptops, but one of the advantages\nof the Surface Book is that it's still fairly thin. Microsoft has updated\nthe Surface Book design since the original, so\none of the main things is is that you can now open and close it without having to put a hand\non it to sort of steady it, and the hinge feels good. So in tablet mode, you do\nget the full PC experience. So the main thing is\nyou're pretty much losing all the ports besides the headphone jack but what's cool is you\ncan actually just drop it right back on, even backwards,\nand you can have yourself a super cool, even weirder\nthan usual looking computer. It might be a bit low-key at this point, but I really appreciate the\naddition of a USB C port. So yeah, it might not be Thunderbolt, but I've actually moved\na lot of my accessories to USB C at this point,\nand it is really nice to be able to use a single\ncable to not only connect to a monitor but to get\npower into the laptop. Speaking of power, I love\nthe idea that I can use a single power adaptor\nfor not only the laptop but also my Pixel or even a MacBook. I like the keyboard. So the keys are on the stiff side, but unlike on the MacBook,\nthere's actual travel here. Now I do think I slightly prefer the way that the butterfly switches\nwork on the MacBook Pro but you're not going to be disappointed with either of these. Something interesting is that\nMicrosoft slightly tapers the middle of the keyboard\nand then it comes down on the sides, and it's kind\nof hard to see this on video, but when actually typing, what it means is that your fingers are going\nto be slightly elevated, which for me alleviates\na lot of wrist strain. The trackpad is decent. So as you'd expect from", metadata={'source': 'DhwwTxTh5To'}), Document(page_content="a lot of wrist strain. The trackpad is decent. So as you'd expect from\na Microsoft device, it is a Windows Precision touchpad and that means that not only do you get the additional three-fingered gestures like swiping up to pull up your desktops, but it also tracks really accurately. As good as it might be though, it can't match the MacBook Pro. This trackpad is enormous. I mean seriously, it's\nlike the size of my hand. Now yes, you can totally\nabide with the Surface, but Apple has the best\ntrackpads in the business. As you'd expect from a device\nstraight from Microsoft, there's basically no bloat in Windows, except there actually kind of is. So in a lot of laptops, this included have a few different preinstalled games such as March of Empires, Candy\nCrush, and while that's fine on a $300 laptop, when I'm\npaying over $3,000 for a laptop, I don't want to have any bloatware at all. And sure, it's easy enough to uninstall but it just feels weird\nthat they're trying to make a few extra bucks on something\nthat's this expensive. Where the Surface Book 2 really\nshines is in performance. So side by side with the\nMacBook, you can see that for shorter periods and\nsingle-threaded tasks, it does hold up pretty well, but on the multi-threaded side, you're going to lose some performance, but the real star of the\nshow here is that GPU. With the GTX 1060 inside, well, you should be using\nthis for video editing. I'm playing some Rocket League. Now I actually will say\nthat with this much power, you can play a lot more demanding\ngames than Rocket League, but even at 2560 by 1600 with\npretty much all the settings cranked up, this looks really nice. We're getting anywhere between like 60 and 70 frames per second, and because this is Microsoft, there's a little bit of\nXbox inside the Surface, as there is an Xbox One\nwireless radio built in. Now what's interesting\nabout having a GTX 1060 in a laptop that's so thin\nis that besides the battery, the base of it is totally\ndedicated to cooling it. So yes, it's a little bit loud, but no worse than most gaming laptops, and it's a lot thinner. For 15-inch laptops, battery\nlife actually isn't bad. So the MacBook should\ngo for around 10 hours, where the Surface is\nrated for up to 17 hours. Now that part of that is\nbecause it has two batteries, one in the screen and one in the base, but something to keep in\nmind with both of these guys is that when you're actually\ndoing heavier lifting such as gaming and\nespecially video editing, expect that number to be a lot less. The Surface has a pair\nof front-firing speakers in the screen and it sounds good, but the MacBook sounds phenomenal. It has two giant speakers\nbeside the actual keyboard and this is hands-down\nthe best-sounding laptop I've ever tried. When it comes to price, both of these laptops\nare incredibly expensive. So the Surface Book starts at $2,500, but that's only with a 256 gig SSD. Bump that up to 512, and you're at $2,900. The MacBook is $100 cheaper but I don't think that's\ngoing to change anyone's mind at this price point. If you can take advantage\nof the extra GPU horsepower and especially the ability to use stuff like the Surface pen, the Surface dial for maybe\nsomething like graphics work, then the Surface can make sense. However, when it comes to the MacBook, it's just a solid laptop all around. It's thinner, it's lighter, and while the touchbar\nmight seem like a gimmick, it really doesn't affect\nthe actual laptop itself, and stuff like Touch ID is\nactually really helpful to have. The Surface does have a\nwider variety of ports, but I've got to say over the last year, having four Thunderbolt\n3 ports on the MacBook has come in handy quite a bit. The Surface Book 2 might\nbe the most incredibly engineered laptop you can buy today. Everything from the hinge,\nwhich while maybe not perfect, is actually a really clever way\nof doing something like this to cramming everything you", metadata={'source': 'DhwwTxTh5To'}), Document(page_content="of doing something like this to cramming everything you\nneed for a full 15-inch PC into the thin screen, they've\ndone an incredible job. However, the MacBook kind\nof wins in its simplicity. Both of these laptops are available in a smaller 13-inch size,\nand in that comparison, the GTX 1050 inside the\nsmaller Surface book is a major contender with the MacBook pro. However, when you look\nat the 15-inch sizes, the Surface Book is a hard sell. So what do you guys think\nabout the new Surface Book 2? Let me know in the comments below and I will catch you in the next one.", metadata={'source': 'DhwwTxTh5To'})]
[Document(page_content='These are Google\'s Pixel Buds. They\'re\nkind of, sort of, Google\'s answer to Apple AirPods. They\'re wireless earbuds, though\nnot truly wireless, and they cost about the same amount of money, $159. On\none hand they\'re really good wireless earbuds that do a lot of the basics well,\nwhile also teasing that seemingly inevitable future of having super\ncomputers in our ears. On the other hand there are a couple of tiny nitpicky\nflaws that when added together kind of mar the experience. Up front though we\nhave to start with one of the features that Google\'s hyping the most about the\nPixel Buds and that\'s real-time translation. Can you tell me where the\ntrain station is? Can you tell me where the train station is? I can, the train station is over there. It\'s sort of wrong. Can you tell me where the bathroom is? Can you tell me about where the washroom is? There is a toilet nearby. That\'s good to hear. There\'s a toilet not far from here. Can you tell me how to get to the train station? Are you able to tell me how to get to the train station? Walk to the next block, go straight and turn right. Go straight and turn right. Hello and thanks for helping out. Hello and thanks for helping out. Is that kind of right? Yeah it is, it is. It\'s taking a while to translate it. Do you know how to get to the train\nstation? Tell me how to get to the train station. What\'s wrong about it? It would just be a bit like, you\'re kind of like, it\'s using the\nimperative so he would be a bit like, not very polite to just stop someone and say, "Tell me how to get to the train station." It would say, "Can you tell me how ..." So this is as if I was a rude five-year-old? Yes. Hey. Hey Dami, thank you for helping us with this. Wait, so am I speaking into the app or am I speaking at the Pixel Buds? That\'s also weird, you are speaking into\nthe app, but it\'s reading it out in English to me. Oh so you can hear it in English. So what it\'s showing up here\nit\'s reading to me in English. Would you rather hear both though? No. Can you tell me how to get\nto the train station? I told them how to get to the train station. Wow. This is not super accurate. Oh yeah? Yeah. What did it get wrong? Just like a lot of grammar, and you\'re speaking to me in a really informal way. This seems to be a problem with it\nis that it\'s very rude in the way that it\'s translating things. I\'m sensing a bit of hostility from you. The one common thread we saw across all the\nlanguages is that the translation is pretty crude so you\'re probably going to\ncome across as sounding a little bit rude or maybe even kind of like a\nfive-year-old and that\'s not a problem with the pixel buds themselves it\'s\nreally just a problem with where translation apps are at this point in\ntime and that\'s really all this is. It\'s not like the pixel buds are doing magic\nto translate conversations it\'s just leaning on the Google Translate app that\nalready, probably, exists on your phone. The weirdest thing for me is that with\npixel buds you\'re adding a whole nother device into what is already an awkward\nsituation when you\'re trying to speak somebody else\'s language and it makes it\na bit more impersonal. My co-workers didn\'t really seem to have much of a\nproblem with it, just testing it out, but I know for myself I would probably\nrather just use the app on the phone as opposed to adding a whole another device\ninto the situation. Now there may very well be a time one\nday where everybody is wearing the Pixel Buds and using them to talk to people\nacross languages and borders but that future is not here yet. This current\nversion of the project is only teasing and it\'s not delivering on it.\nGoogle assistant however, is much further along and here\'s the best thing about it\non the Pixel Buds: it is stupid fast. You just tap the right earbud and you\'re\nalready talking to the assistant. You don\'t have to wait for it to confirm', metadata={'source': 'mZpGOQ7tBKE'}), Document(page_content="already talking to the assistant. You don't have to wait for it to confirm\nthat it's heard you or anything you just tap talk and it's off to the races. It's\nso fast that I found myself begging for reasons to use it. I usually only use the\nassistant for things like weather or alarms, especially on headphones. That said, I think Google's assistant is the best of the ones out there and having it\nless than a second away definitely feels like a genuine step forward. I found\nmyself using it in ways that I never had, like asking it to tell me how long it'll\ntake me to get home on the subway or asking it to read me the news while I\nwalk from the subway back home. So let's set all these fantastical and futuristic\nfeatures aside now, because while they might be useful in a pinch, what you're\ngoing to be using the Pixel Buds for the most is listening to music that's coming\nfrom your phone and in the right setting they do that really well. They reproduce\naudio really clearly. There's a little bit of depth to it, more than I expected\nto find on earbuds this size and they'll do that for a while too. Google advertises\nabout five hours of listening time and I found that as long as you're not using\nthe assistant a ton, you'll get at least four hours of what they're claiming. But\nthe open air design of these earbuds, Google calls it semi occluded, is a\ntotally double-edged experience. On the one hand it's good for situations like\nrunning where you want to have sound from the outside world coming in, but on\nthe other hand it means that sound can totally drown out the music listening\nexperience. Especially if you're in a big city like New York. I found myself\nhearing buses, trains, traffic, people walking by me instead of the music that\nI wanted to listen to. There was even one point where I actually heard the music\nfrom someone else's headphones instead of my own music. That's annoying. That brings us to the last part of the experience with the Pixel Buds, which is\nthe case. I really want to like this thing and for the most part I do. It's\ngot a nice soft touch finish to it. It has a couple extra charges worth of battery\nin it and it will even quick charge the Pixel Buds. Ten minutes will give you\nabout an hour, which is awesome. The problem comes from just how finicky the\nprocesses is of getting the buds back in the case. You have to put\nthem in one by one and then you have to wrap the cord around just the right way\nor else the case won't close and Google even had to put a sticker on the inside\nof the case to teach people how to do that. Now the way that you get Pixel Buds\nto fit in your ears also has a couple issues. You have to tug on this little\nloop of the cable that connects the two earbuds together, which is a nice idea,\nbut that cable tends to slip over time and so I found that pulling them out of\nthe case the cable has slipped or even when I have them in my ears the cable\nslips and I have to constantly readjust them to keep them fitting in my ears the\nright way. Now the touchpad on the right is really fast for Google assistant,\nwhich is great and you can tap to play and pause music and you can even swipe\nto control the volume, but it's super sensitive and so you have to be careful.\nI found myself getting lots of accidental taps and swipes especially\nwhen I took the earbuds out of my ears and went to put them back in the case.\nThat was really frustrating because I would hear music starting to play again\nor I would lose my place in a podcast. It just seems like an easy problem that\nGoogle could fix if the earbuds know that they're out of your ears. Now these\nare admittedly little frustrations, but when you add them all up together it\nmakes for a more problematic experience than I was expecting with Pixel Buds.\nThere are a lot of good ideas in this product and I'm excited to see what\nGoogle does with that going forward. It's just painfully obvious right now that", metadata={'source': 'mZpGOQ7tBKE'}), Document(page_content="Google does with that going forward. It's just painfully obvious right now that\nthis is their first attempt at making wireless earbuds.", metadata={'source': 'mZpGOQ7tBKE'})]
[Document(page_content="Adam I've seen your show it's about proving things wrong but you can't do that to science science is how we find out the truth about the world yes it is but the way we do science is often flawed well not here it isn't Karl and I are working on a very exciting very solid study about how vitamin D affects human memory retention if you are a good little test subject actually if you're trying to learn about humans he's a terrible little test subject sorry what everyone knows testing on rodents is practically the same as doing actual human trials yes everyone knows that too bad they're wrong I've always wanted to be a balb CJ laboratory mouse but what are we doing here the same thing we do every night Winnie ruining a common misconception rodents make up 95% of all animals used for biomedical research in America that's 20 to 30 million mice a year whoa they must be such effective test subjects actually they're not out of all clinical trials based on mouse models the results don't apply to humans over 80% of the time well time to file these and those failed trials can cost hundreds of millions of dollars apiece and this drives up the cost of development meaning we get fewer new drugs yeah we're out of funding well then tell the cancer patients they'll have to wait Pete but how can that be I read my sir 97% of DNA with humans true but that 3% makes a big difference Mouse metabolisms are 7 times faster we have different inflammation reactions and you know people are over 3,000 times bigger and our bodies can have very different reactions to medicine in one extreme example from 2006 a new cancer drug was tested in mice and passed with flying colors but when human subjects were injected with just one 500th of the mouse dosage within hours all of the volunteers went into catastrophic multi organ failure and had to be rushed to the ICU oh the truth is testing on mice just doesn't tell us as much about humans as we think it does jeez Louise so why do we even use mice in the first place because they're cheap and convenient compared to other animal test subjects mice are a bargain and they're great in a lab setting because they're easy to tame in store and they breed like crazy congratulations 100 rodents are also super easy to genetically customize want a mouse with no immune system or how about one that glows in the dark tumors your fancy you can have whatever model of mouse you want finally the Animal Welfare Act the only federal law that covers testing on animals doesn't protect mice at all oh yeah we can never get away with this on rabbit so even though we know testing on mice as a problem we keep doing it anyways because it's easier and at this point it's almost impossible not to Willy this is dr. oz our aza director of the myelodysplastic syndrome Center at Columbia I treated six albert einsteins for her thanks Whitney and thanks for keeping me in mint condition medical science is almost entirely built around Mouse testing researchers have been using mice since the 1800s and students are taught on them from day one of school and most other testing methods are prohibitively expensive you quite literally cannot do a study without mice at the moment in the United States the FDA will almost never approve a trial in humans unless researchers have done it in rodents first the real problem is cancer research has become so mouse centric we cannot replace root and testing without over all in the whole system which is a shame because if we want to cure cancer in humans we should be studying human cancer cells we are wasting valuable resources and time on mice hey come on this is a family show thanks dr. Raza you're welcome and here's another tip if you put me in your bike spoke it will sound like a motorcycle hey Adam here if you like that be sure to watch all new episodes of Adam ruins everything every Tuesday at 10:00 on truTV", metadata={'source': 'FHl0nIdbiLA'})]
[Document(page_content="hey i'm bringing in groceries real quick but uh disclaimer real quick please watch the whole video try not to cringe too hard please do not try anything we tried we shouldn't have tried it but try not to comment mean stuff about how stupid we are and uh yeah enjoy well rose this is goodbye all my stuff's getting packed up right now guys all my shoes are gone all my stuff's off my dresser that big thingy my picture my stereo all my pillows are gone all i really have left is the bean bag and dom is here he's moving in when i move out yeah i'm moving in [Music] if you guys don't know dom he is from the meetup and i'm not moving gotcha i would never do that to you rose but i am getting new carpet today in my room and all this stuff's getting moved out we got to move my bed all the rest of my furniture all of my stuff is currently in my bathroom and my closet is it's so bad the entire bathroom is just completely full but you got to do what you got to do and then i'm probably never going to put this stuff back in my room i already know i'm going to be way too lazy to move all this stuff back in and we got new carpet in here they're definitely not going to know what difference why am i making a big deal about this it's softer okay it's like a centimeter longer than the other there's the old carpet here's the new carpet but dom drove here with two of his friends they both do flips they're amazing at flips they drove here in an rv they've been driving across the country the other two guys are brothers their name is jack and bailey should we go say hi let's go say hi oh my god that thing's huge feeder cold feet are cold feet are cold no what oh what's up jack she's naked don't film her either [\xa0__\xa0] clothes on dude this is a sweet rv maya master bedroom this is uh this is a flat screen tv we had guns in there um right here we got a pair of the newest gucci shoes that are out you're sick yes it's the rainbow that's for his brother right and then bailey sleeps up on the bunk bed whoa dude this is the legendary bag just like a table so you want to eat guys i want an rv now screw the lambo uh i installed a sub in here like two days ago no way your rib tattoo is almost as cool as mine oh he's got one too you're the only one jack oh this one's never going away i've had this before they've had their [Music] the table flips into a bed the couch flips into a bed and this is just sweet oh my god i didn't even say it what is going on guys today we're back and today hope you guys are all having a great day you guys already know we are back in kansas and i'm planning on staying here till christmas i want to make good vlog content for you guys throughout the holidays hi bro are we cooking up breakfast yeah bacon and eggs baby it's all about health that's why i have a red bull i wish we had the foam pit right now for these guys because they're insane they would be throwing triple backflips sadly we have like 50 foam blocks and those are covered in blood the carpet guys are here have fun i hate moving that bean bag oh my god you made it look effortless maybe i'm just push well i was going to take a shower but half of it's gone we got even more stuff in here looks like i'm going upstairs to my mom's but wait we have the same thing going on like yeah his is red mine's brown mine actually started out red and then it turned brown when i was like at the age of six dude the carpet guys are listening to some good jams this is from friends wondering what clothes to wear and they're almost done and since this isn't a mole like i'm about to put on some makeup i don't even care i'm about to own it i'm sneaking up into tristan's room i'm guessing it's just this one with this one hey guys it's tristan and welcome back to my youtube channel now we are sexy and we can carry on with the rest of the day better put this back so i don't get screamed at until tomorrow when tristan watches this luna you haven't been in the", metadata={'source': 'cmoknv58jjE'}), Document(page_content="so i don't get screamed at until tomorrow when tristan watches this luna you haven't been in the vlog come here come here come here what are you doing yeah good girl so we have big plans for today i hope you don't die about a fly over the car but right now we will get an early morning warm-up trampoline session for the day i wear my shoes yeah yeah no well actually no take them off i'm kidding i was kidding [Music] my [Music] so yeah we got this idea it was his idea not mine for bailey to actually flip over my ra like straight on he's done it from the side like right over here before and he's made it over a corvette he's super good he tells me not to worry but i don't want to kill a guy in my car today it's a big fat maybe right now like like the height comparison it probably goes up to my nipple so he's gonna have to go up like four feet this car is actually taller than my sister so it's gonna be a challenge for her to try to leap above the height that she grew from the earth we'll see he calls his brother his sister by the way fuel up so i can flip over this 8r bruh i hope you know what you're capable of we are going to eat our freddy's frozen cheeseburger luna not you not you and then we are going to the road by my grandma's house you guys know the road we will have an easy straight road perfect shot at this and no trips to the hospital today i don't think this guy knows that we're about to flip over a car well he is but still tristan's pulling up with the other two and uh i don't know if i want to drive like i'm obviously the most experienced driver it is my car dom might be driving i might be driving we'll do a ton of practice runs don't worry guys i think we're good i'm hyped for you i want to know how this is going to be an exhilarating event in this brisk cold weather she doesn't know either by the way this little one might yeah she might look at her she's happy she's like he's gonna do it you're about to head out you going somewhere just to get the mail yeah how are you good that good yeah love you love you too bailey nice to meet you young oh thank you thank you hello guess who's about to be flipping over my car i don't know it's not me it's my sister my sister's not going to flip over fly today he's got the red bull he's going to be doing a round off you know what a round off is yeah yeah he's going to do that like that's his normal standing backfield height oh there he is my buddy here is about to flip over my car yeah good good good you've been to south carolina no yeah not much to do today never been to kansas yeah we have two it's really ironic that we are doing this right by a cemetery they're actually there's people digging right now like this is actually not okay okay so we're gonna have to be careful nearest hospital about an hour we're gonna get the practice runs going let's tell your prayer real quick he's got it a marker where i should take off every time um i think well that actually was high yeah that was pretty high i've been trying bro ah i'm telling you i think you got it i'm like i'm not even scared for you we'll do more practice runs the guy in the truck's like i want to watch this he knows what we're doing good thing the graveyard's closed because then we don't have to take them very far this is going to be my takeoff marker i hope this wasn't meant to be over there yeah it probably was right here practice number two let's get it all right so uh this is sharks angle we're just checking out it looks like my sister i think i've said that oh yeah i don't think she would have made that one she better make the actual one let's uh let's do more practice more practice practice makes perfect he's done double back flips on concrete guys i think we're ready you wanna do one more just go for it yeah we're gonna go for it right now go for it all right we have 911 on call right now what was that three practice runs yeah three practice rounds and every time was", metadata={'source': 'cmoknv58jjE'}), Document(page_content="on call right now what was that three practice runs yeah three practice rounds and every time was perfect [Music] my god trust me my head didn't hit me no you are no you're good oh my gosh oh my gosh it's just my legs sore but it's not like nothing dude it's broken right now we're good lay down look at your leg that did not work [Music] oh we're good you're good good good okay you're completely fine again yeah oh no i'm done but thank you like which one hit it dude they're good you're good slide them back look at your [\xa0__\xa0] my feet are busy already as you might have guessed we're not trying that again i'm telling you i landed like best case scenario rolled out yeah you're right that was awesome i looked back in the uh the mirror and i saw you roll i was like thank god he's like wait till my mom's done my mom is literally going to cry oh my gosh dude my angle holy did like a double dude he's just laughing and we're watching this back oh i hope you know you just did basically a double layout on congress did it double lane people tell me to do it i just did it i was going straight on with him and i went off to the side because i was like nope don't call my mom back my mom just called i have to call her back no don't tell her anything follow her back but don't tell me what happened holy crap that's exactly what i said was going to happen i'm scared bro you good that's fine dude you're good it's a little bruised ain't nothing bad he's walking he's standing up he's fine maguire send me more pants oh rip just got him ripped dude i don't even want to upload this video i don't want to edit it i don't want to watch it i just want to crawl up in a ball and be like wow this is the thing though the fact that he's okay is why you can do that because if he was yeah no no no if he was hurt at all this clip would be deleted but he wants it up it should be everybody go follow bailey on instagram right now bagels underscore pain i'll put it up on the screen he says he's fine hopefully it's not just the adrenaline we're gonna go home make sure he's completely 100 fine so you do want this on my youtube channel yes this is me signing you over to the youtube rights of this clip of me dying hey maybe ari will sponsor me maybe you'll get your own all right how do you say this and be like yeah dude that was awesome grandma and grandpa weren't too freaked out right grandpa was laughing at the storm you're gonna flip am i gonna flip after i saw that yeah but not with the car moving about that life and that is what a real car front flip looks like successful game brother that one's not going as viral though okay we're driving home i guess i'll drive i don't want to drive right now guys all right so this is what should have happened that's what should've happened guys but instead bro if you were not okay i wouldn't be able to live with myself i hope you know that dude always be good see ya pray for my mental health after that hey you called yeah making sure everybody's still alive yeah we're all alive and well did you do it yeah it did something happen it's awesome mom yeah you're gonna enjoy it oh you're gonna love it we'll be back at the house and you having fun at disney world yep i just had a guy flip over my car kinda kinda nice yeah it was something he flew like an airplane mom you wanna see and roll double isn't that awesome double and yeah and we're alive isn't that awesome bro his shoes just flew off flew off if your head would have caught right there you would 100 this is why i'm happy i was growing up on trampoline because my body awareness when i'm in the air is unreal so i spotted the ground you spotted the ground you see like oh yeah there's the ground hey there's the ground okay now i need to tuck my head and land flat on my back on the road okay so i will say this the thing that i had to get used to with him is realizing that it's a sport that you guys do over and over and over again i'm", metadata={'source': 'cmoknv58jjE'}), Document(page_content="used to with him is realizing that it's a sport that you guys do over and over and over again i'm so scared people are gonna watch this video and be like tanner can killed him in his car he's stupid and every one of you is talking about that that's what i that's why i'm saying this the thing that it took me months and years to grasp is that you guys do this for a living and you understand yourself and you need to explain that in the video it's a blast oh yeah i'll sit down to an interview i'm down but that doesn't make me any less scared as a parent it's just like so that was ridiculous but on the bright side my room has new carpet i guess so bailey is icing his ankle we'll get him the massager soon and jack here wants to uh she's gonna try to flip off the top of the scaffolds into her uh little pond called a pool he wants to jump off the top floor of the scaffolding into the freezing cold pool he's not even getting paid oh my god [Applause] i don't like heights i mean i'm five eight and i'm already scared looking at the ground and we are out with the old microphone and in with this brand new one it is the new pro so hopefully it sounds good i'm gonna go help get some groceries but we are gonna go ahead and in this video here and hope you guys enjoyed it thank you so much for watching if anything he's a beast for trying it so leave a like on this video guys but yeah thank you guys so much for watching this video and don't forget to like share the video if you enjoyed subscribing and i'll see you guys next time [Music] [\xa0__\xa0] [Music]", metadata={'source': 'cmoknv58jjE'})]
[Document(page_content="[Music] well hello everyone it's me Christine again and if you live on the internet like I do then you may have seen what has been named the Diamond cappuccino [Music] [Music] if you are low sexual you know that's not diamonds okay that's hollow hollow see Oh which is short for holographic which is code for magical shifting rainbows for at least the past two weeks my twitter feed and Instagram tags have been completely full of this diamond cappuccino I don't even drink coffee and I need this right now now where the [\xa0__\xa0] do I order one okay Starbucks are you there it looks like what they've dubbed the diamond and gold cappuccino are available at a coffee shop named coffee by de Bella in Mumbai India I personally have not seen any other coffee company do this before and I'm wondering why I didn't think of this first I want the hollow in my tea please so it looks like the only place you can get this is in Mumbai but that's a little far from me in Canada so before I booked my flight to Mumbai I'm gonna try to make myself and by making myself I mean oh no no no I'll take a hollow glitter cappuccino please okay so we got to figure out how to make this this is really important it's not really clear what they're using to make it look like hollow glitter and I haven't been able to find an actual tutorial for this why would there be a tutorial there not a youtuber they're just companies selling a drink yeah good point I guess they wouldn't want to give away their secrets but I'm gonna find their secrets [\xa0__\xa0] mange mange what are their secret in order to figure out what the hell they used we did a little digging the director of coffee by de bellas says that coffee lovers shouldn't be worried about drinking their sparkly new creation the glitter they use is made from a combination of crystal sugar mixed with edible food coloring that's heated together to create a signature shine then I stopped their Instagram to see if they spilled their secrets get it spilled like coffee or tea a lot of people were asking can you drink it is this safe to drink and they were all assuring them of yes you can drink it and to one commenter they replied we make our own glitter which is made by a proprietary process from crystal sugar but basically I gather that all we need is crystal sugar right that's what it sounds like god we got lots of different colors of crystal sugar pre-made because this [\xa0__\xa0] don't know how to make anything in the kitchen it's very easy to make your own colored sugar by the way wait this is just sugar with food coloring basically pretty much and as far as we can tell crystal sugar does not come in hollow or anything other than one solid color the coffee company was making two different glitter cappuccinos one of them was the hollow silver glitter and the other one was a gold glitter which was not hollow which honestly looks a lot like this to me so I think first we're gonna try to make the gold one using this just to see if this sugar method works and then after that we're gonna try something else to get a real hollow cappuccino [Music] so really big mugs - I Hank spilled milk so it looks like when they start off pouring there's a little bit of espresso mixed with a tiny bit of milk already and then kind of like a floating layer of hollow glitter and then they pour it and the glitter kind of floats up accordingly [Music] you wanna cadurci know it's ready okay so first we pour a little bit of espresso and just kind of sprinkle it on top show us your latte I would there it is I don't know how the Fanny art could have been made well you didn't even pour it at the top did you even try yeah I was going like this that's what they do let's try this again and by let's I mean you kid I got sick of it actually yeah it's right you did were like the phony stuff what if you like like this there's a heart just stuff it's trying to water my I still can't do it of course sugar is going to", metadata={'source': 'MMGrzOu1amQ'}), Document(page_content="there's a heart just stuff it's trying to water my I still can't do it of course sugar is going to dissolve in a cappuccino you should try it some kind of has like the sheen or this look of like gold leaf on the top layer more like a shimmer or metallic sure I'm thinking at nail-polish tears and you could do this kind of sparkly or a shimmery cappuccino with any color of sugar there's this kind of silvery grey one here that would be the closest to the Diamond cappuccino but ultimately none of the sugars or any food coloring that we can find comes in holographic but what some food brands or cake decorator stores do have that is actually holographic is something called disco dust and I think that's just like one of the brand names for a product but it's basically food contact safe hollow glitter so one of the articles that talks about the coffee literally links you to a website that says if you want to try to make this yourself you can buy edible glitters here but it links to this website that sells these disco dusts which are often mischaracterized as edible when really they are non-toxic or food contact safe so your body is not digesting them decorations really is what they are my first thought when I saw the diamond cappuccino footage was that it was bit stuff until I read them saying that it was sugar and food coloring mix I've actually seen this stuff before because when I collabed with Yolanda from how to cake it is that hollow and I asked her if I could eat it no there's no such thing what is for food not toxic but it's not technically edible so in other words you can use them to decorate your cakes and [\xa0__\xa0] but like don't eat a lot of it and you ate a lot of it and that's what I did it tastes like burning you give me hollow and you tell me it's like food contact safe I interpret as edible people in the baking world are very aware of these products it is supposed to be for decorative use it's just not toxic so it's not a huge deal if you do consume it but it's not edible at the end of the day I'm pretty sure they are a polymer right there a plastic one article on edible versus non-toxic glitter says glitter intended for cake design usually called disco dust does not differ at all from the giant ten ounce tub of made in China glitter you can get at the craft section at Walmart that's reissue what I'm not an expert we are not experts on like cake ingredients and [\xa0__\xa0] so we can't say for sure so I think we're all curious is if we were to put this into a cappuccino does that look like what the design of cappuccino is hmm hey come on you get back to work Oh could you get the milk and not spill it everywhere [Music] whoa a little bit goes a long way oh my god that looks so good [Music] that totally looks like it simply just looks like hollow glitter on top of a coffee it's simply hollow glitter that's the secret and it's not melting right because it's you know plastic I mean I guess at a certain point plastic wouldn't melt if it was hot enough now that it's a diamond aka hollow cappuccino using a not approved for consumption disk or does glitter I think we should acknowledge what everyone's probably thinking using the non edible disco dust makes a drink that looks very similar to the Diamond cappuccino currently being sold unless we're completely mistaken and these actually edible sugar crystals exist in the holographic shade or food coloring or sugar on its own existing holographic and please let me know because I have not been able to find any of them and if there was a food dye that made things holographic the next 100 videos on this channel I'll be about making different food hollow right yeah like we want this to be true it seems that it's either the case that this random coffee company in India invented or developed a holographic way of dyeing sugar sugar or they're just using a product that a lot of people in the baking world are already really familiar with that is", metadata={'source': 'MMGrzOu1amQ'}), Document(page_content="using a product that a lot of people in the baking world are already really familiar with that is sort of dubious in terms of whether it's safe for consumption or not where a lot of people have kind of been confused about whether it's something you should learn on although they've replied in Instagram comments that it's edible and that it is a proprietary mix of sugar and food coloring you don't know maybe they do there is there something else I have a mission for any hollow sexuals out in Mumbai go to a coffee buy develop but go undercover don't tell them order this Diamond cappuccino take a spoon you're gonna extract the glitter use a paper towel hold on this parts a little messy what you trying to say I'm science science thing if you have a strainer that's great but if you don't you're just gonna go like this and then inspect it very closely and send me lots of macro photos because if it looks like this then maybe it's this but we don't know for sure and we don't want to be sued so we're not gonna come to that conclusion do you want to separate I kind of do you know I hate coffee well clearly gonna die no but clearly people can drink this we wouldn't be seeing these you know bubbly stories about this cool glittery coffee drink if the people were drinking it and dying I mean like I had it once and I'm fine don't spill the hollow oh you got real hollow lipstick beauty guru here's another thing though doesn't dissolve in your mouth it's plastic it's kind of like eating safe and that just seems so strange to me like you wouldn't you have people drinking it noticing that it's not like dissolving in your mouth but we didn't find that many posts of people like visiting and trying like it doesn't seem like there's a lot of evidence of people actually going and ordering even though they said that they sold a hundred thousand cups of it okay let's try that again [Music] you get the eye where's the art milks not foamy enough what if we just cover like the missing spots and more Halle that is art this looks like a non edible diamond cappuccino registered trademark clearly we aren't capable of doing latte art or any kind of art like nail art but honestly the best art of all is like full hollow so I'm pretty happy with this if I drank coffee this would be gone by now but you wouldn't drink this because it's plastic we could do something cool with these like a rainbow pattern raucous please woody yeah it is actually this is a youth extra-large actually fits here you and your kids can be pooled in Palo style and where's yours it wouldn't fit under your uniform that's okay I forgive you disguise [Music] [Applause] [Music] feel like it would look better if you just did it on top at the end like that now that's the hot new cappuccino trend mm-hmm a lot of sugar can I have like just a very sweet lizard okay I'll see you later Ben all right class so what did we learn today if I were told this were safe to consume a lot of I would put it in my tea every day I would like to put that [\xa0__\xa0] on everything and if I could make my tea Hollow and actually drink it I would definitely be giving you guys a tutorial haha subscribe I'm sorry so I think we may still need to book that flight to Mumbai do you think they tell us if they were just putting plastic and coffee I don't think they would legally tell us that hey if this company has invented holographic edible glitter then I would like to see proof that's a million-dollar idea yeah you should be selling that I will invest immediately mass markets available to everyone five percent real hollow sugar instead of like a rock or whatever yeah I'm gonna be off you want to play with their Ouija board it's almost 3:00 a.m. I'll hang out with Zozo in here what about the baby it's water marble you throw it out actually I think it's still alive [Music] okay Ben's gonna go for ten runs now and I'm gonna go to sleep cuz I didn't drink any this I'm wide awake I see", metadata={'source': 'MMGrzOu1amQ'}), Document(page_content="go for ten runs now and I'm gonna go to sleep cuz I didn't drink any this I'm wide awake I see home now I've been like hard it's in my cup okay alright guys thanks so much for watching and we'll see y'all [Music]", metadata={'source': 'MMGrzOu1amQ'})]
[Document(page_content="Justice League is finally here the movie in which Batman the flash cyborg Wonder Woman and Aquaman team up to fight against Steppenwolf we've already had movies with Wonder Woman and Batman in the DC extended universe but this is the first time we're really getting a good look at the flash Aquaman and Cyborg as most people know this film went under a very difficult production when Zack Snyder's daughter tragically committed suicide he had to step away from the production and Joss Whedon came in and did very extensive reshoots and rewrites henry cavill was working on Mission Impossible 6 at the time and had a mustache that they had to digitally remove for all of said reshoots because I guess a ton of reshoots and rewrites is just the Hollywood norm nowadays so how is Justice League well I can say this it's it's definitely a lot more consistent than I thought it would be for a film that is kind of directed by two people it does feel like one person directed this movie it's more consistent than I thought rogue one was in tone then certainly more consistent than Suicide Squad but it doesn't really feel like a Zack Snyder movie and I've seen all of his films this is the least zack snyder EO of all of the films that I've seen him direct and that could be for one of two things it could be that he has decided that he's going to make a more lighthearted film with a little less baggage or Joss Whedon has more of a stamp on this film than we're being led to believe whatever the reason this is a surprisingly light-hearted movie I would even go as far as to say it's a little fluffy and I'm not really necessarily saying that's a bad thing this is a easy enjoyable wash it's two hours in one minute and that's including credits this is due to a mandate that was sent out by Warner Brothers forcing the filmmakers to not make a film over two hours this can also be difficult with this movie because we're trying to introduce people like cyborg and the flash and Aquaman characters that were only briefly referenced and sometimes briefly seen in other DC EU movies and so they have to set up this team somehow get Superman back into play and set up Steppenwolf and have an actual movie that makes sense in two hours and due to that this movie can feel rushed character intros especially for people like the flash we've basically seen his character intro in the very first trailer it's so brief he's very excited to work with this team because he doesn't have any friends he doesn't have anything else to do it's funny it's very Barry Allen and I thought Ezra Miller was great as the flash I've been waiting ever since I was a kid to see the flash in a big screen movie so it was a huge delight to see the flash brought to life so well by Ezra Miller and some terrific special effects the Speed Force was extremely exciting and Aquaman was entertaining I liked Jason Momoa quite a bit as the character I thought he was funny he was likable and that's definitely the vibe they're going for here they are trying to do a course correction and be a little less serious and try to be more lighthearted and more fun and that's very clear when you watch this movie because as I said it is a little fluffy and when I say that I just mean that it's just kind of easy to watch and it doesn't feel like you're carrying anything with you while you do it which can also make the film feel a little disposable once you've seen it and some of this is due to Steppenwolf they try to take time to set up Steppenwolf and make you understand his backstory there's an excellent sequence onthe mascara where he is trying to obtain one of the mother boxes and all of the Amazonian warriors are trying to keep him away from it it's one of the best action scenes and one of the most exciting action scenes in the movie but as a villain I found him very weak because he's basically a big CGI monster in this movie and you never really feel as if he is a presence or", metadata={'source': '8KT1UCsOE74'}), Document(page_content="he's basically a big CGI monster in this movie and you never really feel as if he is a presence or something really to fear because this movie is very light hearted and that can be a big problem the sense of urgency the sense of fear the sense of realism is pretty much out the window you don't really feel like this is actually something you're supposed to be afraid of Steppenwolf he's such a CGI creation and he's so weak from a characterization point of view that I never really gave a [\xa0__\xa0] about him during the finale they're all battling in this sort of ghost town were not too many people live but there are a fair amount of people there they make that clear but they choose to only show one family throughout the entire film they constantly cut back to this family and you see they have kids and a mom and a dad and it's just this one family that you see and so you never really feel like people are in danger they only focus on this one family through the entire finale and so you just don't really feel like anyone's in real danger it's just a really pretty movie and you can be excited while watching really awesome superhero stuff happen and I'm not saying that in a derogatory sense I like me some superheroes I have my entire life and so anytime I can see some of my childhood heroes quite literally battling it out on the screen I'm excited to be there and I was excited to see Justice League and I think overall this is an enjoyable watch I wouldn't say it's a complete course correction but I would say it's a step in the right direction it is very rushed though as I said for instance cyborg betrayed by ray Fisher very well I might add I think ray Fisher as good as this character he is one of the most difficult characters to get across here because his backstory is very murky in the film I mean I know what it is in the comics but I have to always separate that I have to realize that this is a movie and the majority of the audience that goes to this movie like the general public who just wants to go see the Justice League they probably haven't read too many of the comics and so here we get some hints and some backstory explained as to what happened but cyborgs position on this team just basically ends up being the guy who interacts with things he touches things he reads technical readouts and he tells people what they need to know and he doesn't really do that much he has an integral thing that he has to do and he has to be there to make something work but just because he stands there interacting with something for ten straight minutes it's just not very exciting and I wish that cyborg had more to do than just be the guy who reads files and touches things gal gadot as Wonder Woman of course is great I loved her film she was one of my favorite parts of this movie as well Ben Affleck once again really strong as Batman and Bruce Wayne I've been on his side since before BBS even came out and he was great once again Henry Cavill as Superman this is my favorite Superman has ever been in the DC EU when he appears it's so awesome they really did some cool stuff with Superman and I won't give you any spoilers away but the things that they did it really made me happy as a longtime Superman fan and I think most Superman fans are gonna be happy with the way he's portrayed here and yeah in a few shots you can definitely tell the mustache has been digitally removed but I wonder if he really would have known if it wasn't so widely purported because everything now involving comic-book movies or Star Wars is a news article or a clickbait headline and so I if we didn't know we might not notice but now that we know you can kind of look in a few shots and be like that's definitely a cgi upper lip but it's not the kind of thing that would tank a movie it's just noticeable in a few scenes but again my biggest issue with this film is that it does feel rushed and I think if you delete the production issues", metadata={'source': '8KT1UCsOE74'}), Document(page_content="issue with this film is that it does feel rushed and I think if you delete the production issues and just not even think about that I think I would boil it down to Warner Brothers mandate that it has to be two hours or less because there's so much they're trying to do here and they don't have enough time to do it Barry Allen's setup is very very small as is Cyborg's they just don't give you enough time to really appreciate some of these characters and they're entertaining they're likable they save funny things and so you can kind of get behind them and appreciate watching this but there just wasn't as much depth in the team as I wish there could have been when you have to put certain things into a movie to set up other films and that's the only reason it really fits into this movie you're gonna get into some messy plot points and you're gonna get into some things that don't really work and that's the biggest issue of all cinematic universes something else I would have liked to have seen is a little more squabbling amongst the team more character confrontations things that they disagreed on because the scenes in which characters on the Justice League fought or disagreed I thought were some of the best in the entire film but it's brushed over so quickly to get to everyone battling Steppenwolf and a big red green screen area and I wish that there was just more character confrontations because that would give us more depth on the team it would give us more reasons to feel like they are separate entities trying to work together not just one big team that has one goal I think where you can tell the most that two different people have directed this movie and that there's been rewrites is that scenes don't always flow with a natural momentum scenes come and go and they feel like contained moments like a clip you might watch on YouTube that's really cool like ooh I want to watch that scene where Batman does that or I want to watch that scene where flash does this and it doesn't always feel like it creates a whole picture and this is the kind of thing that I have to remember because I'm such a huge fan of all these characters but I'm also someone who loves to examine film and this is not a comic book you know I know a lot of these characters backstories and I can look at this movie and I can fill in the gaps that are not in the movie I can say well I understand what Steppenwolf is doing here because I know what they're hinting it or I understand why that person's in the movie because I know what they're hinting at or oh that's cool they did that because I remember that from issue whatever but most people who go to this film aren't going to connect those dots and so some people will go to this movie and be a little murky on plot details and not quite understand what certain characters are talking about or what Steppenwolf is trying to do and that's understandable and I have to recognize that as a huge comic book fan but also as a huge film fan because there's two differences here and this is one of the biggest issues that I think any film adapted from any source material whether it's a novel a video game or a comic book has to face is how can we tell this story for an audience that has no idea who these characters are except for what they know from pop culture and justice league has some issues with that I think hardcore comics fans are going to get and appreciate a lot of the references more than general audiences will and since I love comics and I love these characters I found myself smiling for the most part this is a movie that I have enjoyed a lot more than some of the other DC EU films I think that it is light-hearted and entertaining but it doesn't really feel like it sticks with you that much it is a little bit disposable in the long run I can say that overall I have breached the gap and I am on the positive side here but it still got a lot of work and if there is an extended", metadata={'source': '8KT1UCsOE74'}), Document(page_content="gap and I am on the positive side here but it still got a lot of work and if there is an extended version it could improve some things because I don't really look at this movie and see one giant glaring flaw it's just totally very messy and it feels like a lot of thing are happening at once and it's villain is very very weak he's just a big strong guy that punches things and beyond that you can't really get that much more out of him but it's the chemistry between these actors the camaraderie amongst them all the dedication from all of them as well as the fact that this movie understands that this is supposed to be entertaining this is supposed to be exciting for people who have wanted to see this for a long time and it also is a little bit self-aware certain characters that wouldn't normally tell a joke do and that might be Whedon sometimes he likes to do that with comic book characters that are very macho he likes to kind of bring them down to earth a little bit and have them say something humorous and you're like okay that's a person behind that mask and that works all that being said it is a little sad though that to make a film that it seems like more people are going to enjoy than the others they had to make it a little more disposable so I'm curious what that actually says about comic book movies can you have it both ways can you make a comic book movie that's very serious and yet somehow still be very entertaining yes you can we've seen it done but have we gotten so saturated with comic book films at this point that we need one to be kind of fluffy to appreciate just something to think about I'm gonna give Justice League a b-minus I plan on seeing this one again I'm not gonna rush out and see it instantly but I do think that they are heading in a good direction guys thank you so much as always for watching as always if you liked this you can click right here and get steppen eyes [Music]", metadata={'source': '8KT1UCsOE74'})]
[Document(page_content="[Music] in the early part of the 21st century Donald Trump had just been elected president of the United States the American Empire was in decline after decades of global supremacy the people had become lazy and stupid this country then who is going to be cleaning up the country seemed to be hanging by a thread but then a small card game company from Chicago Illinois known as cards against humanity' launched a bold campaign to save America these scrappy comedy writers would come to be hailed as saviors by the American people they stopped Trump's border wall solved the problem of fake news and ended the creeping scourge of homework the struggle was real things just kept getting worse and then it happened cards against humanity' announced this crazy holiday marketing campaign and it only cost 15 on the first day of the campaign cards against humanity' purchased acres of land on the us-mexico border and didn't build a wall on it they retained a law firm to fight the United States government and prevent them from ever building the wall everyone who signed up for the promotion was given a small portion of the land that way together they owned it the government would have to take them to court and fight in order to put up the law this was just day one of the campaign there were still five more days five more days of incredible surprises all for just $15 so how did the promotion work it was simple people used the internet a popular technology at the time and typed in ww2 ARDS against humanity saves america.com to sign up what would follow was an incredible barrage of gifts and surprises that captured the heart of the nation [Music]", metadata={'source': 'cxMvzK2OQTw'})]
[Document(page_content="I really want to travel more but never again on Spirit Airlines You guys have flown on Spirit Airlines? The Motel 6 of the sky? You've experienced that?! The only airline with roaches. Except even the roaches walk on the plane and look around like...I don't need this... I feel like Spirit is so cheap they just tape a picture of clouds to the outside of the windows and drive you to your next location. I was on a Spirit Airlines flight this past summer and we were still at the gate we hadn't pushed back yet so I got on the plane and I sat down and the flight attendant comes on the intercom and she goes Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen this is your flight attendant speaking... JANICE! And I just wanna let you know we're having a bit of a WEIGHT DISTRIBUTION ISSUE on the aircraft today so if we have any volunteers that would like to move to the back of the plane we would greatly appreciate that THANK YOU! And I was like uh... a weight distribution issue?! So immediately I moved to the back of the plane and I sit down and strap myself in, and I look forward and no one else had moved! No one had moved so I'm thinking like okay do these people just want the plane to do front flips in the sky? A few minutes later I see Janice start to waddle her way toward the back of the plane she sits down next to me and she looks over and says Hey thank you so much for moving! And I was like yeah no problem, is everything ok? And she goes WE'LL SEE!!! We'll see?! Pretty sure you're not supposed to say that on an airplane, Janice! I feel like that should be their new motto Spirit Airlines...Fly With Us! And We'll See!", metadata={'source': 'YvfYK0EEhK4'})]
[Document(page_content="[Music] well greetings and salutations everybody welcome to the John Campea show here on my youtube channel I am of course your host John Campea and as always it is an honor and a privilege to have you guys joining me here today on this glorious Thursday which is technically I mean officially the 17th is the opening day of Justice League but really it opens nationwide in theaters everywhere to day so I'm so glad you guys are here and joining me to be a part of the show today got a whole bunch of stuff some very interesting things to go about and today's lessons is even a freaking nobody can be somebody on the internet I suppose but I'll get to what I mean by that in just a second all right here's how today's show is gonna go guys I got picked out five topics that you guys have sent in to me now how do you get a topic or a question on the John Campea show it's simple you just email me anytime at John at the John Campea show calm that's John at the John Campea show calm make sure you put the word topic in the subject line once again make sure you put that word topic in the subject line or else I'm not gonna see your email and also guys make sure to keep your emails to 90 words or less because if it's any longer than that I'm not even gonna bother reading it cuz I wouldn't even be able to fit it on the screen even if I wanted to then after that I'm gonna go to the live viewers for those of you guys who are watching live and I'm gonna take live questions and topics and comments from you guys that you will simply tweet into me at John Candy I don't send those in yet wait till closer to the end of the show before we get to that so with all of that out of the way let's get on to the first question of the day and the first question today comes from Shahrukh Ali who writes my question is how can the studios release films that have seemingly incomplete or poor CGI it's because they have a deadline to keep or they ran out of budget or simply they haven't noticed it if people like you and I can see it's poor CGI work how come the experts in studios are comfortable in releasing films like that okay here's the thing this brings up actually a much bigger topic and and obviously this is a situation that's come up a lot because of Justice League and one of the big things coming out Justice League is there's a lot of bad CGI look I saw Justice League for the second time last night I'm gonna go see it for a third time tonight I actually liked it even a little bit more the second time I saw it but what still stood out to me is bad CGI the CGI is bad in particular this guy this guy he looks like an NPC character in a cutscene in World of Warcraft that's that's how he comes across animation wise so that was bad and there's a lot of other bad things about it but whatever to me the good outweighs the bad with Justice League I had a good time with it again I'm gonna go see it for a third time tonight anyway so that's got a lot of people asking me how can bad CGI slip through the cracks like that how can bad CGI get to on screen and this led to this whole topic led to a little bit of drama with me yesterday I'll share that drama with me that happened yesterday which was my own bloody fault which is always the worst I mean when crap happens to you it's always great when you can blame somebody else but then you realize it was your own bloody fault and then you just a hot damn I'm really an idiot anyway but I'll get to that in a second so here's the thing about the CGI with a in particular Justice League now with movies as a whole yeah there are time limitations there are budget limitations hopefully you've planned in advance the money you need and you know to work within the budget that you have and you learn to work within the time constraints you have and every once in a while bad CGI still comes through it happens but for a movie like Justice League let's not pretend that Justice League is just like", metadata={'source': 'Y2-JjnW3w2g'}), Document(page_content="it happens but for a movie like Justice League let's not pretend that Justice League is just like any other movie let's remember this Justice League has gone through a lot of upheaval especially in the director's chair position all right because we all know back in May which was which is still six months away from the movie Zack Snyder had to get up and leave because of personal horrible tragedy then Joss Whedon comes in and he's got six months and if it was just six months to just put on the finishing touches like a lot of people like to believe that's probably fine but look we all know that the reshoots and the like reorganization of the film was far more massive than they let on okay all the trades reported at Variety whole Reporter everybody reported it Warner Brothers did the right thing they put on the PR thing oh no it's just minor little things it was major reshoots and you'll see for yourself when you see the movie so essentially Zack Snyder didn't have the full thing to complete the movie he wanted Joss Whedon comes in he's got six months to some what says you mean even harder thing to do which is kind of like retool practically the whole thing reshoot a lot of it rearranged the movie and and then you guys do all the post-production and you got six months forget two years you got six months so it is an unusual circumstance for everybody and that's why to me even though you know I said in my review and hopefully you guys saw my review of Justice League I said in my review yeah the there's bad CGI there's some really bad CGI in the film there's some very good CGI but there's also some bad CGI but I didn't get upset about it and maybe I should have talked about that in my in my review but I didn't get upset like there's no you know how dare Warner Brothers put out a sloppy thing like this was CGI I didn't get upset about it because I know that hey look Snider left he didn't get to finish Joss Whedon came in he had six months to do a monumental task as well as his entire crew there are extenuating circumstances that made me go okay it's unfortunate that there's some bad CGI in this film it did take away from the film a little bit but I get it I mean one of the things I did say my review is that the one mistake I think Warner Brothers made and this was I told you two months ago there were discussions going on at Warner Brothers about pushing Justice League into 2018 and I get why they wouldn't I mean it would be a PR nightmare so I get it I do I still think they probably should have pushed into 2018 to give Joss Whedon and the crew and everybody a little bit more time to get exactly what they want because at some point you run out of time well anyway this leads in to my personal story about this whole fiasco I found myself in yesterday and I got nobody to blame but myself for this so here's the thing so I'm sitting down watching TV with Ann right and as we do watching TV commercial breaks you check your phone see if there's any messages blah blah some new tweets and just four days I've been seeing these tweets and these messages will just screw Zack Snyder if the CGI is bad hello Zack Snyder does no good do good CGI or on the other side people just Whedon blew the CGI and blah blah and of course remember in the back of my head it's like look there are a lot of extenuating circumstances with this it's not just Zack Snyder it's not just Joss Whedon there are teams and scores of people visual effects teams everybody they all had their backs against the wall I mean this isn't on any one person that's what's in my head right so I hop on Twitter to basically say hey guys look Zack Snyder doesn't do at least this is what I think I'm tweeting Zack Snyder doesn't do CGI Zack Snyder doesn't sit down do the road of scoping he doesn't do the compositing he doesn't do the the character rigging or anything like that Joss Whedon doesn't go in there and he doesn't hop on my or a light", metadata={'source': 'Y2-JjnW3w2g'}), Document(page_content="rigging or anything like that Joss Whedon doesn't go in there and he doesn't hop on my or a light wave or whatever piece of software they're using these days I mean I think it's changed since I was in it but he's not doing it look they got VFX teams he got whatever so I get some people starting to tweet me and some of you know what I'm talking about so some people start tweet back to me debating whether or not the visual effects are always the directors fault and I'm I'm having some good debate with people like it was good it was civil it was good debate some people getting their their knickers in a twist but that's fine whatever and so finally then when it comes down to well on top of all that I get I suddenly start getting tweets and I get tweets from like like James Gunn director of guardians of galaxy and one of the most underrated films of all times slither and you know I've had James Gunn in my studio before I have a big fan of James Gunn so James Gunn tweets to me oh that's the wrong one here goes James Gunn tweets to me he writes hey John a good director oversees every single VFX shot again and again the director has as much say in the quality the artistry and the consistency between vendors along with editing a film it is the primary job of a director in a post heavy film of course of which I don't disagree with him at all I'd be absolutely I worked in the VFX industry for a while he's totally right and I respond to him yeah but I mean sometimes you run out of time and sometimes you run out of money in whatever right and then seth rogen tweets at me so Seth Rogen gets on Twitter he goes dude this is it's completely the directors fault often and then he writes VFX our tool like anything else and if a director can't use it properly it's no different than being able to use the camera properly or the actors properly and of course he's absolutely right and I like IT backs like hey all I'm saying is that it's not the directors fault all the time like even Seth said it's often and yes quite often it's the directors but then I get this guy on Twitter who responds to that and says John you said it's all the VFX people's fault and I get upset at that because I hate it when people put words in my mouth right so look I'm gonna warn you that mic many stories this story makes me look stupid so I'm getting upset because I do not like alone people put words in my mouth and I start to tweet back to this guy saying I never said that and then I go to get my tweet so I can copy and paste it and say this is exactly what I said but then I look at the tweet and the way I worded it and what I sent out and this is what I actually tweeted I tweeted remember folks don't blame the director for bad CGI that's on the and this is the line that's on the VFX team the director doesn't sit there in model animate roto they have VFX companies and teams that do that blah blah but the big line there is that's on the VFX team so here I am getting ready to tear this do two new ones saying I never said that don't put words in my mouth and then I go back and look at my tweet and I'm like god dammit I did say that and like again it was one of those situations where I'm just sitting there watching TV checking my phone and then tweet something out whatever and you know it's whatever look I'm a freaking nobody from Hamilton Ontario Canada that just happens to be living a little eh but I am a nobody and it's still surreal to me that I can put out a tweet and then I have like some of my favorite direct like James Gunn Seth Rogen and other people writing to me but here's the thing that that's on me that is all my fault I I worded that wrong that is not the intent I had for my tweet at all again like I didn't do a lot of heavy visual effects work most of the work I did in the visual effects industry was I mean I did a little bit of the the carryover work as we were a small visual effects company but my mainly my job", metadata={'source': 'Y2-JjnW3w2g'}), Document(page_content="little bit of the the carryover work as we were a small visual effects company but my mainly my job was to be the client services I would be the go-between between what the client needed make sure making sure our artist knew what was going on i sat there when our artists working 36 hour were straight only taking breaks to run to the bathroom and do a quick 10-minute run to 7/11 so they can get a Slurpee and a bag of Doritos sleeping on the floor of the offices busting their asses get things done and I'm very well aware of the current status of the VFX industry so somebody who has worked in that environment I was mortified to see that I wrote that line this is on the VFX team because that is not how I intended it and I'm an idiot and I should have been far more careful about that and I even had a friend of mine who's also in VFX who knows how much I revere VFX artists who write to me goes jad he didn't really mean this right I'm like no I did that was a stupid thing you know what I thought about pulling my tweet down but I thought you know what no I put it out there like that I need to own up to it I'm gonna leave the tweet up and just own up to it's like that was on me that was my bad so but it's funny that I'm sitting there last night it's like why the hell is Seth Rogen tweeting me but anyway good on them so but it comes back to my main point though is that even later James Gunn acknowledge that yeah sometimes you know even directors you run out of time you want you run out of resources and I think that's a situation with Justice League that's the bottom line here so I think that is the situation with Justice League that they ran out of time they ran out of resources they were up against the wall I think Warner Brothers should have given them more time by pushing it into 2018 given the circumstances and I understand they were worried about fan backlash but I think you and I as fans I think we would have understood look if Warner Brothers came out say hey look due to this horrible tragedy that happened with Zach's family it really threw a wrench because it wasn't like he was just another actor in the film it's the director of the film and it really threw a wrench in our things we feel like to do the movie justice no pun intended to do the movie justice we feel like we we need to push the release date and given them more time to do what they needed to do and that's where I think they should have done and that's why this happens sometimes all right thanks a lot for the question man it went off longer on that than I should have but whatever okay let's move on to the next question and the next question today comes to us from one of my patreon supporters I love my patreon supporters I'm one of my patreon supporters and Wragby who writes big fan since the AMC days thank you so much I don't know if you've been the most we if you have seen the most recent trailer of the new brie Larson movie best basmati blues but trailer as a whole really gave off the impression of another white person trying to come to India to save it while playing on common Indian stereotypes as an Indian myself it is increasingly frustrating this seeming so or seeing I think they meant so many Indian actors being typecast or Indian culture being used in such a fashion well thanks a lot for the question on rug and you know what I had seen that the trailer for this to come out I think came out like a month ago but I remembered you reminded me I'd never got around to watching it so I watched it now look I think you raised a very valid concern and a very valid issue let me start off by saying in case you haven't noticed I am a white dude so I'm a white dude so my my barometer and my cultural sensitivity is skewed towards me being a white dude which means I don't fully appreciate what somebody outside of my living experience how they perceive things how it impacts them in a very real and and tangible way it's outside", metadata={'source': 'Y2-JjnW3w2g'}), Document(page_content="how they perceive things how it impacts them in a very real and and tangible way it's outside of maybe even my ability to be able to understand that so I'm gonna give you my opinion on this but remember it's coming from somebody who admittedly is a white dude that doesn't fully understand or graphs the way I should the way other people from other backgrounds may view certain sets of material when it hits me a certain way so just let me admit that right up front okay I I watched basmati blues the trailer after reading your email and I was expecting to see some really horrible white Savior stuff in there my the way I perceived it and again my perception is skewed because I'm a white dude in North America but I'm just gonna be honest and let's this honesty is a good place to start the discussion so when I watched the trailer my impression of it was I didn't get a sense of white Savior I got a sense of a brie Larson character being a fish out of water and like what some American movies have done before is American goes into a different culture and they teach that culture the truth and value of the American Way like you don't drink beer watch football the American comes in and teaches them to appreciate football and rock and roll an apple-pie right so that's what I was kind of expecting to see in this trailer after I saw your email what I saw again from my very skewed perspective was a movie about brie Larson who herself was the fish-out-of-water not teaching the other culture how to be American / me not teaching the other culture how to be American and / rather the opposite that she was having her stereotypes and her understandings of another culture change and that that culture started to have an impact and effect on her rather than the other way around usually a lot of these American white Saviour movies it's the other way around it's the Americans showing the other culture how to be more American right this was to me and I perceived as being the other way around and it wasn't her it wasn't some white crow coming in and saving this culture from their own problems it was this white girl coming in and then as an insider tried to correct something bad that a white company that an American white dominated company was doing to them and so from my perspective I watched it and I thought it was pretty good but again I mean I'm not in your shoes so I can totally understand why you would watch that and then have a different perception I can say I thought it was rather refreshing that it wasn't brie Larson going in there to show India how to be more American and how American ways are better than Indian ways and blah blah blah I actually got the opposite from the trailer I felt like it was the culture that was changing her and that she as an insider was simply standing up to her own people who are trying to do something bad to this community that she was living in again that's just the way I saw it and again I have come from an admittedly skewed perspective of pale pasty white skin but listen maybe you guys have had a chance to see basmati blues the trailer for it at any rate jump in the comments section and let me know what you guys think about that okay let's move on okay there's some real idiots in the chat board then I'm just gonna get rid of here quickly okay anyway let's move on to the next topic and the next topic today Hall second let me move on from this the next topic today comes us from alejandro alonzo who writes hey John it has been the case that a lot of Marvel movies have had bad villains but great hero development critics usually like those movies enough to give them a fresh review on Rotten Tomatoes we've been hearing similar comments about Justice League if it turns out that this movie gets a rotten is there a case to be made that there is a negative bias around Warner Brothers or a positive one around Marvel thanks a lot for the question Matt absolutely not absolutely not", metadata={'source': 'Y2-JjnW3w2g'}), Document(page_content="or a positive one around Marvel thanks a lot for the question Matt absolutely not absolutely not and here's why I get frustrated with the amount of like there are some people out there and look we all do it and it's not even just Marvel and or just DC fans it's Power Rangers fans it's Star Wars fans it's Rambo fans it's whatever we all do this ok this is all of us we all do this that when somebody or a group of people don't like something we like we don't know how to handle that so we just try to come up with excuses for why somebody else didn't like what we'd like instead of just saying oh they didn't like it because it didn't work for them instead of doing that we come up with excuses there's bias critics are paid off they're like we that's what we do we do that sports fans do that I mean every we all do is part of one of the rotten things about being human I guess so anyway but I've been seeing a lot of people's like people criticizing justice as a weak story well will Thor had a weak story and they're saying it's fine well it's not an apples to apples comparison like for some critics that you might say this the story in Thor Ragnarok was weak but to a lot of critics maybe the story works for them and it wasn't weak just because you thought it was weak doesn't mean it was weak just because I think it's weak doesn't mean it's weak it's gonna hit everybody in a different way there's no need to come up with excuses now as far as Marvel villains go number one Marvel does get a lot of crap all the time for weak villains they get it all the time are you hear me talking about it all the time I hear all types of critics always talking about the weak nature of the villains but here's the big difference while Marvel does have and this is just from my perspective while Marvel does have a Malekith right bad villain bad villain in Thor the dark world okay most the Marvel villains haven't been bad they've just been weak and there is a difference between a weak villain and a beveling like for instance yellowjacket in ant-man he wasn't a bad villain it's just that it was a weak villain they hardly spent much time on him he only popped up when they needed him to further Paul Rudd's ant-man story there he wasn't fleshed out that much but I mean he was fine the character itself was fine there's nothing wrong with him it's just that it was a weak villain because it's hardly used and they only use him to further the hero's journey story so it's weak I'm forgetting the name of Mads Mikkelsen 'he's character in dr. strange not a bad villain no but hardly any time is spent on him he was it was a weak villain it's not fleshed out they really don't spend much time on the villain himself to let him become a three-dimensional character they just used their villain to propel along the hero's journey for the hero it's a weak villain but it's not a bad villain Malekith was a bad one but for the most part Marvel villains from my perspective have not been bad they've been perfectly fine villains it's just that they've been completely underused and they're weak I mean you get the odd exception obviously Loki is one they've used quite well I'm sure they've had one or two others they did a much better job with Michael Keaton's vulture villain they spent more time on him they gonna do his family background they they do better things with him and spider-man homecoming but for the most part they don't use their villains much and hence they're weak Steppenwolf is a bad villain alright and he's a weak villain - just like Marvel villains they hardly touch him except when he's there to punch somebody in the face but he's a bad villain in my opinion in any you may watch it and think differently you may think Steppenwolf is a great villain when you see the movie that's awesome I celebrate that with you but that doesn't mean that I have a bias that doesn't mean I've been paid off by somebody that just means okay you", metadata={'source': 'Y2-JjnW3w2g'}), Document(page_content="mean that I have a bias that doesn't mean I've been paid off by somebody that just means okay you saw it and you thought he's a good villain great I saw thought it was a bad villain fine so this is simply over simplicity people saying well that movie had a weak story they're giving a hard time well not all weak stories are equal some movie might have a weak story that's a little bit weak another movie might have it just a rotten horrible story that is terrible you can't just say well they both had weak stories so they should be rated equal that's that's not how it works so anyway that's that's just my thought on on that particular topic and I know most of you are wondering are you screaming screen John get to the Batman thing just one more question to go through until we get to the Batman issue and the next question comes to us from one of my patreon supporters Allendale who writes hey John when you talk about all-time highest box office grossing movies why isn't adjusted for inflation taken into account surely the box office is based on the number of actual tickets sold per film I'm sure the all-time top 10 list of films would look very different can you explain you please explain this as it's always puzzled me thanks and keep up the great work well yeah there look yours there are a number of factors that go into like understanding box-office right one of those factors is inflation you know what somebody paid for a five dollar movie ticket in 1980 five dollars is worth something different today so maybe we should take inflation into account since that's an extenuating circumstance and I hear that a lot here's the problem and here's how it's been explained to me and I agree with this 100% now first let me say there's no perfect way to do it I think we will all agree there is no perfect way to do it but here's the problem inflation isn't the only extenuating circumstance inflation isn't the only variable factor that we can take into consideration if we want inflation is just one so the question is why would we pick inflation as a variable factor and not take the other variable in factors we either it seems to me that we either have to just go hey pure number it's not perfect but go pure number box office go or it seems we have to take 10 or 11 variable factor extenuating circumstances into consideration not just the one being inflation because you can say but John you know it with inflation prices if you take that in consideration and you know cross-reference that and extrapolate that over time the blob yeah okay you could do that but then I would make the argument and what theater chains say well they have make the argument is that well then you have to take in consideration number of movies that came out because like for instance in the 1950s not nearly as many feature-length wide-release films came out as come out today far more competition exists today far more night and day difference competition today do we take that in consideration you know back in 1960s there weren't there wasn't and this entire huge entertainment industry known as gaming there wasn't this huge you know competitor for the entertainment dollar that didn't even exist in 1960 but that big major competition for your entertainment dollar gaming does exist today do we take that in consideration what about this what about that what about cost of running theories what about budgets of the movies should all these things to be taken in consideration to come up with some really big convoluted mathematical formula and what the industry is basically decided is you know what that's all a convoluted mess the best way imperfect as it is the best way to do it is to take all those variable factors out and just go with the pure numbers because if we bring in one variable factor then we have to consider other variable factors and then it becomes really messy so it has always been this way I'm comfortable with it being", metadata={'source': 'Y2-JjnW3w2g'}), Document(page_content="and then it becomes really messy so it has always been this way I'm comfortable with it being this way I'm not saying there's not a better way out there but it seems to me that this is the least imperfect one they're all imperfect ideas and options this to me seems like the least imperfect one all right now I'm going to go on to the final email question today and then I'm gonna do my little commercial break and then I'm gonna throw it open to you guys who are watching live and the final email question today comes to us from Francisca Ramirez who writes Ben being done as Batman seems like a foregone conclusion at this point is matt reeves is still is matt reeves is still working theorized if Matt Reeves is still working on a standalone Batman film or would that be cancelled if Affleck walks now in Francisco's defense she actually wrote that email prior to date yesterday's show I think she wrote that email on Tuesday or something but anyway so as you guys know yesterday I mentioned on the show that I spoke to a couple of people who told me who Matt Reeves is looking at and wants as Batman now before I reveal the name let me give a couple of disclaimers okay one of the two people who told me about this is one of the same three people who all the way back at the beginning of the year told me Ben Affleck was out as Batman alright and that obviously that worked that was true it's also important to note some people saying I'm getting tired of seeing Ben Affleck go back and forth look behind the scenes Ben Affleck snot going back and forth this thing about Ben Affleck leaving this was decided maybe like February this was decided at the beginning of the year this has been a foregone conclusion forever they've just been putting on PR spin alright not that it couldn't change behind the scenes but the decision was made forever ago anyway so I had this one friend of mine who is who's influential person in Hollywood tell me who it was and so I took that and reached out to this one guy who was one of the people who told me about Ben Affleck back in the day and I said hey this is the name I'm being told any validity to this and he told me you know here's one of the big differences though with the Ben Affleck thing it wasn't even a question it was it's done Ben Affleck is out Ben Affleck Saud is Batman it's done I mean you're not gonna hear anything about it till after Justice League comes out because that would be a PR nightmare for Justice League so they're gonna put on a PR spin everything but at the time was that it's different this time they with the Ben Affleck thing it was oh no it's done it's not a question it's done this is a little bit different says yes that is the name that was floated there has been some conversations but it's not a sure thing that this is happening it's not a lock it may not happen at all blah blah blah so it's a very different scenario than when he told me about Ben Affleck it's a very different one but still so who's the name here it is and actually you know what somebody in the chat board nailed it it's this guy Jake Gyllenhaal not a name I would have suspected not a name that I would have thought probably not the first one that I would have gone with but you know what when you think about it it makes perfect sense the other thing that I have been told because this fits in with that Jake is about nine years younger than Ben Affleck and from what I understand Matt Reeves --is Batman is either just gonna completely ignore the DCE you probably not or set it before the events of Batman vs Superman Jake Gyllenhaal I believe is 36 years old which makes him 9 years younger than Ben so there's a little bit more flexibility there you can go a little bit more prequel and you can fast-forward and put some fake beer I'm just now I'm just speculating about well maybe they'll put grain as beer it out of whatever now I'm just speculating on that point but here's one of the", metadata={'source': 'Y2-JjnW3w2g'}), Document(page_content="put grain as beer it out of whatever now I'm just speculating on that point but here's one of the things if this works out this is this is magnificent like you all know how I feel about Ben Affleck as Batman I've gone on a DES nauseam a Ben Ben will always be right here for me I love Ben but I think if you're a DC fan if you're a comic book movie fan the concept the idea of like one of the I think everybody would probably agree Jake is a top-10 like best actors in the world right now I mean can you just do to play Nightcrawler and by the way right now he's jacked like baby like he is in the best shape of his life right now so he is completely jacked um I think that if this works out I think that's wonderful I think it's absolutely freakin wonderful not that Ben won't be there you know I'm heartbroken about that but since that's already pretty much done if it turns out that Jake Gyllenhaal is the guy I think it's magnificent I think it would be magnificent now again I cannot stress enough from what I've been told there have been some talks there have been some discussions nothing's done nothing is guaranteed that this is happening whatsoever let's be very very clear about that but yeah I have heard from multiple sources and as a matter of fact I got an email about 20 minutes before I I went on air here today let me know yeah it was Rick who is runs another entertainment website not gonna give any more names because I don't know if he wants me sharing the name but about half hour before the show today Rick emails me because I put up that I was gonna reveal who they were talking about for Bennett for Batman and he wrote to me and he actually said he goes I actually have a source who says this name is this the name I'm like oh my god like hehe nailed it he totally nailed it so Rick you got it you nailed it it was him as a matter of fact so that's nay I've been hearing so the big question now becomes what do you think about that do you like the idea of Jake Gyllenhaal do you love him enough as an actor to youth like him enough as an actor do you think do you like the idea of it him and if what I'm hearing is true and I don't know if what I'm hearing is true about the time frame but if what I'm hearing is true about a time frame about up standalone Batman's being set before Batman vs Superman does that excite you does it not excite you but really the whole concept of Jake Gyllenhaal as the actor does that excite you let me know in the comments section below alright guys now I know you guys are gonna have a ton of things you want to say for those who are watching live there's like over two thousand of you guys and they'll have chat board right now so I'm gonna do this let me take my daily little commercial break here this is about one minute long plugging the only reason my entire show is even possible is my patreon supporters let me plug that we'll be right back to take your live questions let's do it for those of you who have followed me for any period of time you guys know that I made the decision recently to leave the corporate overlords I no longer wanted to work for corporations I wanted to be an independent content creator and the only way I've been able to do that is by the support of my patreon supporters so what I would like to do is to ask you guys who watch my shows who spend any amount of time with me every single month to consider going over to WWBT on Comm slash john campea there you'll get all the information about what exactly does it mean to be a patreon supporter of mine what does being a patreon supporter do for helping to make sure that shows like this one and all the other shows I do here on my channel can actually be produced and on top of that what benefits are there to being a patreon supporter and maybe if you guys can check that out if you decide you want to be one of my patreon supporters that would be awesome and if you don't that's perfectly fine too I'm", metadata={'source': 'Y2-JjnW3w2g'}), Document(page_content="one of my patreon supporters that would be awesome and if you don't that's perfectly fine too I'm just happy that you guys have decided to be here today and be a fellow movie fan and join us in the conversation so go and check out the website see if you want to become a patreon supporter and now let's get back alright and I saw I was kind of caught doing something there free shrimp so uh thank you so much all you guys were already my patreon supporters you guys make this show possible ok let's move on now to your guys live tweets once again simply tweet to me and guys make sure you're following me on Twitter as well tweet to me at John John at John can't be all right let's get on to the first tweet today and the first tweet today coming to us from Elijah 1989 nine-30 it's John do you think DC made a mistake not including Darkseid in Justice League at least in a post-credits scene nope nope hmm I would have felt forced to me to be honest with you I think I think was the right decision I really do I mean you know goes long I still think the 2 hour runtime was the perfect run time because the crib the crisp pace and that lean cadence to the movie forced the attention to be on the strengths of the film I feel like have they made the movie longer it just would have accentuated the weaknesses of the film and I think part of leaving Darkseid out of that contributed to that crisp pace that lean feel to the movie focusing on the strengths of the movie which are the characters and their chemistry together so yeah I think it was the right move honestly I really do this one comes to us from Ari Grande poops who writes John which post which post Toy Story 3 Pixar film do you like more inside out or cocoa my review for Coco's up right now you know what I'm gonna lean Coco it's and I had I had a little bit of doubts about Coco I admit but it's a real special movie I can't wait for you guys to see it um let's see let's go to this one disgusted pigs rights John you allow misdirect misdirecting adds but disliked Tatum Kingsman to ones what of twists as in psycho how do you laugh for those we'll look if you're talking about the difference I don't allow for misleading ads misdirection and misleading are two different things like with Star Wars what we're seeing last Shanta I believe there's a lot of misdirection but with Kingsman - that movie led you to believe that Channing Tatum was a major character in the movie that Channing - Channing Tatum's like 80% of the trailer and like he's in five minutes of the movie if that's a that's misleading that's not a misdirect that's misleading that's a flat-out lie with star wars the last Jedi and some other movies like look they're not misleading they're not misleading us about everything we know Ray's a major character in the film we know kylo ren's a major character in film we know Luke's a major character in the film and they might be miss directing us a little bit about what might be happening in this scene what might be happening that scene but that's a far cry from something like that or Mission Impossible - Mission Impossible - which made us think the ads for Mission Impossible - made us think that Anthony Hopkins was in the movie almost as much as Tom Cruise and Anthony Hopkins is in two scenes in the movies barely in the movie at all but he's like Tom Cruise Anthony Hopkins Mission Impossible - that's misleading misleading is like that Disney film Bridge to Terabithia where the entire trailers makes you think this is a fantasy movie with kids who discover a Magic Kingdom in the woods but the movie is depressing is about a kid who dies and this other kid dealing with death and it's sad and depressing and there were a lot of parents who were really pissed off at that it's like you took you made us think this was a fun fantasy family film instead I got my little kid crying because I brought them to your movie that's misleading misdirection and", metadata={'source': 'Y2-JjnW3w2g'}), Document(page_content="I got my little kid crying because I brought them to your movie that's misleading misdirection and misleading are different I'm perfectly fine with misdirection and trailers I do not like misleading a trailer to me those are two different things let's see this one comes to us from the Guzman Alvie who writes John why would you cast American Indian actors to play Indians with an Indian accent in it for a film shot in India I don't know look I look I look bottom line for me most the time I don't care just get a really good actor if you can find somebody of Indian descent who is a very good actor trained here in Hollywood so your director knows they can work with them better and you can put them in the movie I'm fine with that I'm fine with that honestly maybe I shouldn't be fine with it maybe a year from now I'll have a different opinion and I'll be disgusted that I had this opinion for now but honestly it's makes me is fine to be honest it's the movies it's make-believe it's pretend um let's see this one comes to us from Kevin Bernie who writes oh I sorry the your question got cut off so I can't even see what it says less let's try this one this one comes to us from Tilley Gilley writes John watching live from Australia huge fan simple question Shrek run or Shrek 2 if Shrek 2 is the one with Never Land or forever after land what's it called instruct can't remember I think Shrek 2 Shrek 2 is the one that I actually prefer more that's the one I like even better let's see here we go this next one comes to us from Oh Alex Simmons who writes hey John with Star Trek discovery season at the halfway point I'd really like to watch a video on you dissecting it look I don't know if I'll put together a full a full video on it but I've said from the beginning I trashed on Star Trek Discovery before it aired I said it was a stupid idea never gonna work blah blah blah blah blah what can I say got a call like I see it I really like it I really like it and I think it's a solid show and maybe I'll do a midseason review of it someone I think about it let's see this one comes to us from that Keith O'Neill says John if Jake Gyllenhaal rumors true when could we expect a formal announcement um good question not for a little while yet I would anticipate Justice League is just hitting theaters today they're not gonna want to have like Ben's officially out they're not gonna have they're not gonna officially acknowledge that yet as my friend I won't be surprised if they deny it at least at first they'll deny it at first whatever then we probably won't get an actual announcement till later on and and again let me resize the difference between the Ben Affleck situation which the guy told me it's done deal it's done it's no questions it's 100% he's gone way back when - now is it's like yeah that's been the discussion but nothing's happened as far as they know like for all I know Jake Gyllenhaal's already signed on for all I know he's already signed on for all I know those talks have already broken off I'm not sure but I can tell you that is who they were looking at at one point let's see if that actually carries through let's see Mays 219 writes John does Warner Brothers announced Jacobs Batman at the same time has been out as Batman okay so if it goes through Nate if jake gyllenhaal is our new Batman absolutely and you know what they'll continue what they've always done they will PR spin it they are never at least not for a few more years you're not gonna hear anybody acknowledge that Ben was actually out back in February and March you're not gonna hear them admit that what they're gonna do is they're gonna come up with another BS story and there's nothing wrong with this this is the right thing to do this is why you have PR departments but what they will do is they will come up with a story and say oh it's gonna be something like this you know Ben realizing with his schedule getting so full with other", metadata={'source': 'Y2-JjnW3w2g'}), Document(page_content="gonna be something like this you know Ben realizing with his schedule getting so full with other projects he doesn't have the enough time to properly dedicate to the Batman character that the Batman character deserves so Ben has decided to step away so another actor can come in and the funny thing is there's gonna be people out there who believe it like just like remember back you know Ben Affleck açaí think was it was Jimmy Kimmel it was that who he's on it was a Jimmy Kimmel or Jimmy Fallon I can't remember mate let's go Jimmy Fallon no it's Jimmy Kimmel let's say he's on Jimmy Kimmel and they ask him hey look their rooms going he might not direct the Batman movie are you and Ben Affleck goes no I'm directing it I'm directing Batman it's the next movie I'm doing the same month the news drops that he's not directing it and they put out this statement saying oh you know what Ben just realized that you know directing Batman and being the star of Batman is too time-consuming he doesn't feel to be done it'll do justice to the character so he's gonna step down as the director and just focus on acting as the character and I said at the time that's BS and now we just get this comment from remember we talked about this the other day Ben Affleck puts out the statement when somebody asked him are you gonna be the new Batman he says it's something I'm contemplating wait a minute so we went from oh I'm so dedicated to playing Batman right that I got a step down as director - I'm contemplating being it come on I mean we all know what's going on now so how they do it I do suspect though yes that if they announced Jake Gyllenhaal's Batman it will be done probably in the same breath as they announced Ben Affleck stepping away but they're gonna make it sound like Ben Affleck is stepping is a brand-new decision and all this this just we just realized Ben is getting so busy and he cares about the character so much he needs somebody else to do it and know that none of that will be true but that is with the way they'll probably spin it at any rate all right guys that will do it for me for today's installment of the John Campea show thank you so much for joining me listen guys while you're here click the thumbs up button leave a comment below and remember we're all film fans together debate discuss argue even that's the fun about being in a film fan but just do so remembering that we're all film fans together ultimately we're on the same team so let's treat each other as such that's really important again make sure you subscribe to my youtube channel follow me on social media on facebook on twitter simply at john campea they'll do it for me for now guys thanks so much for joining me and until the next time bye bye", metadata={'source': 'Y2-JjnW3w2g'})]
[Document(page_content="my mouth was kissed and now we're missin he sees access texting [Music] [Laughter] [Music] music oh here [Music] every team [Music] mp3 we love to assume his hands [Music] many light-years [Music] he's uh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] for [Music] [Music] [Music] No [Music] [Music] our [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] fortune said did I just fall in love with [Music] [Music]", metadata={'source': 'PHWAZNkqwN4'})]
[Document(page_content="hey I'm Tony Hawk and welcome to skate support okay we go is there a skateboarding trick called the eggplant yes there is a skateboarding trick called the eggplant I'll show you how to do it right now [Music] over there I'm gonna do a regular hand plant and then here I'll do an eggplant hopefully you can spot the difference we call a hand plant or invert is done by using your front hand to grab the board on your toe side and then using your trailing hand to actually stand on the coping and that's how you balance that's a hand planet here's an eggplant an eggplant is reversing those hands so using your back hand to grab the board your front hand to actually balance your body and doing the same direction of turning bro I need some advice on how to do a 540 on a skateboard my first advice to you is learn how to skate quarter pipes preferably bigger ones because the bigger the quarter pipe the more airtime you can actually get and have to spin a full 540 rotation I'll show you a McTwist actually a version of 540 right now this is a 540 on vert I'm gonna grab my board on my toe side which we call mute around my leg we call it that tuck knee and if you do a 540 grabbing this way assuming you go upside down a little bit that's me twist it's one of the scariest things to learn because when you start to do it you're blind to landing for a half a rotation so you kind of gotta use the force so I will say just get used to that spin until you actually start to land it [Music] hey Tony how can you please make another Pro Skater video again my contract is up with Activision they own the license to that actual name Tony Hawk's Pro Skater if we can come to some new agreement absolutely yes I'm in hi Activision free agent right here let's do some more fun stuff how do you do a boardslide on a bench rail or pipe on a skateboard I can show you the difference between a boardslide on a rail and a boardslide on a ramp right now you approach some sort of ledge and then you slide using only the board the wheels are off the ground [Music] this is what a boardslide looks like on vert let's see which skateboarding trick was the hardest to learn McTwist 540's it took me nearly ten years to figure out how to do in 901 of the tricks that I've only done a couple times in my life is a kickflip McTwist we just actually like my board does a kickflip and I catch it in the middle of McTwist and there are so many things happening all at once that it's almost like the planets have to align for it to work out perfectly years of struggle with that trick only to land to on video does anyone know how to set up a skateboard I have all the stuff just none of the tools or knowledge I do know how to set up a skateboard what you need is skateboard trucks wheels bearings and hardware okay so the first thing you do get a skateboard stripper grip tape you want to take the backing off get the sticky part down push the grip tape on from the center aisle so that you don't get too many air bubbles if you do get our bubbles take a box cutter or exacto and just slice them and put them down and no one will ever know that you didn't know what you're doing place the grip tape get it flat cut it around the edges don't cut too hard in another Sun you don't know what you're doing then you want to poke holes through the grip tape if you wear all the trucks go put the hardware through on top of the grip tape take your trucks so that the kingpins are facing in next you want to attach the wheels and I'm gonna give you my little handy tip for putting wheels on take two bearings you got the outer part of the bearing and the inner part of the bearing outer part is sealed put the inner part facing up two bearings like this take your wheel face down put on one bearing turn it over put on the other bearing put your spacer on and that's it and your wheels already good to go I give away my skateboard so much for auctions for charities and people I had", metadata={'source': 'UwdLlnPaRAU'}), Document(page_content="already good to go I give away my skateboard so much for auctions for charities and people I had to learn how to break in new skateboards constantly and now that's more what I'm used to every other pro swears by their trucks and how they turn and will hold on to them at any cost I give them away this is a technical question it says three flip is that the same as a tray flip and how can you do a varial flip but not a kickflip isn't very ill a shove it kickflip that is a loaded question okay a three flip is a nickname for a 360 flip also known as a tray flip so yes all of those are the same nomenclature a kickflip is when you actually just flip your board all around right a 360 flip is when the board does a full 360 rotation and a kickflip a very flip is half that so a varial flip is a 180 kickflip can you end up with more backwards how do you even kickflip a normal board how do you even stand on a skateboard without eating well those are two very different questions I'll take the second one first how do you stand on a skateboard without eating Center your weight and anticipate the motion that's gonna be the best way to be on a skateboard without actually falling off that if you just stand the skateboard stationary it tends to be a little too wobbly and there's not much leverage that you get from that tighten the trucks cuz you wanna be super wobbly use your back foot to push off and stand with your weight centers and make sure you're anticipating the motion let's see how do you even kickflip a normal board the idea of a kickflip is using your front foot to get the board flipping so while you're sliding your front foot to level out your board you actually slide it off of the edge of the board and that gets it flipping and the ideas you want it to be flipping while you're still going up so you catch with your feet and then you put it down it should be that easy but it's not I don't know why but recently I'm tempted to get a skateboard but I think I'd look ridiculous any advice on a starter board or rig midlifecrisis okay I'm gonna guess that you're somewhere between 30 and 50 a starter board it has sort of a distinct nose you know sort of a shovel nose in a wider tail some bigger wheels maybe something a little softer so you can cruise down the street as well as riding in the parks just start slow you know I don't think it's ever too late to start and it's a great way of exercise so good luck Tony Hawk how do you do and only a nollie is the basis of most skate tricks it's the way you lift the board up in the air using your feet I can show you how to ollie on flat and I can show you how to ollie on vert like this [Music] snap the tail and it was sliding from foot simultaneously to bring the tail up that's an ollie [Music] calling on veut is a totally different technique you're lifting up from a vertical plane so you're using friction way more and you're actually like floating and putting pressure on your board a lot more to keep it in the air because you're considerably higher than you are on the flat it says why can't you skateboard when you're 40 well I'm 49 the end okay this is a good one it says dude you're the best you have inspired me to skateboard please I have one question what was your first skateboarding trick the first thing I ever learned on ski bruh where I felt like I learned a trick was going up a curb I learned how to rock my board up a curb and then put my foot closer to the nose and actually lift my back wheels up to clear the curb and I think that's what sparks my interest in getting to the skatepark and learning tricks I still love doing it [Music] alright well that was skate support with wired and this is Tony Hawk thanks for watching", metadata={'source': 'UwdLlnPaRAU'})]
[Document(page_content="all right I'm done oh yeah okay I'm gonna do that right away look how big that guy is ah what's going on guys I am Matthias welcome to ten pointless tech gadgets that may waste your money today I'm joined by Connor he picked out 10 tech items that I'm gonna let you know whether they're tasteful or wasteful guys links down in the description if you do want some of these products if you do want them click the links and it helps out the channel crystal blue powers of 2 BCD and direct binary clock oh my gosh this is like this is like if you're a programmer and you're like the most hips or of all programmers and you're just like I will only tell time with binary code and just takes you like 5 minutes I don't see how it's binary though you see what I'm saying wouldn't binary be either 1 or 2 why is there a lines of for the lights display hour minute and second in binary code okay it's just a format right so this right here like if we click this and says calculate the values of the lit LEDs to derive the time oh yeah it's super fantastic I'll do that right away at the cart crystal blue classic bread we have the crystal blue all right see 10 hours 48 minutes 36 seconds okay so 10 hours how is that 10 hours so this is 1 and a 0 I see I see I can I get you I get you yeah ok so ok so hours and minutes so basically when I turn this on I should technically be able to accurately read the time as a binary nerd okay so this time right now is what it's 1 is that yeah it's 102 and 14 boom what the now we're adding its 102 so now it is do I add these two together so that's one so this 2 plus 3 so it's 5 five oh two right sure guys let me know down the comment you think this product is tasteful or wasteful I must say for me it's wasteful but for you know a binary snob if you guys decide a live Core cardia mobile ECG for Apple and Android devices fda-cleared clinical-grade mobile EKG monitor so what you put your fingers on it and it monitors your pulse all right doesn't your doesn't like your phone already do that I think it's no your Apple watch can do it too but I know a lot of phones can do it too like basically since the flash is so close nearly yeah it'll pick it up so you put your your finger over the lens and the flash at the same time and the flash will shine light and basically when your finger becomes more opaque that's your blood pulsing through what we should do it's a test it's like to see which one's more accurate all right okay so see now we have one that's completely app based see exactly literally exactly what I said you put your finger against the device so I mean this works I don't know how accurate comparatively speaking let's say that does so I mean this one's supposed to be like seriously seriously accurate and card supposed to connect it to your phone and put both of your fingers on it such as this okay so here are the results right so I'm gonna try and figure this out with you it looks like it says normal sinus rhythm unclassified um that was my rhythm that I did normal sinus rhythm okay weird it's say on that we just did 15 well yeah I mean that raises and lowers depending on the situation you know when I'm near you've Connor I'm super calm and relaxed you know dude you just put me at ease man dude hit me in the back do it do it do it do it stop stop your heart is exploding okay take it so I mean if it is able to get results it's hard to tell you know it's hard to tell if this is accurate or not because I mean I'm right next to the phone and it says no signal bad signal it's cutting in and out like I wouldn't recommend this honestly it seemed like I got a better signal from from the app that was free yeah so I said wait equalizer sound activated light up black plastic x plus y like why do they have to see plastic why couldn't they just say black tie maybe because people were getting shook that it was plastic when they bought it know what this plastic do you know anyone that", metadata={'source': 'k1cA-Wh3Tc0'}), Document(page_content="shook that it was plastic when they bought it know what this plastic do you know anyone that would be like heck yeah dude I'm gonna wear a light-up tie to work who's gonna wear that to a rave no raise that high by Studio sorry Add to Cart jeez that is heavy and what this literally is plastic it's literally just hard plastic Marv being hard plastic yeah I don't even know if this would look like a tie you know I'm saying let's try boom alright so cast oh it's actually working you can kind of see it but yeah let's turn the lights up you can kind of see the light on me you look so dead inside deep hey whoa how's it going guys play some music this feels like a real darkness situation it's so dim I'll keep the tie on for now but I have to say this is a wisdom ESCA light UV flashlight blacklight 51 LEDs wow that's a lot ultraviolet ultraviolet isn't that bad for you maybe that just means not visible to you and I oh I'm thinking of no yea UV blocks out harmful UV rays oh no I don't want to dude I don't want to add the cards oh my gosh look at that weird glow it's like a little glow of a lightsaber but let's find out if there are any creepy stains I don't really see much of anything we have a pretty clean office around here well yeah you do and what we were seeing was more just like reflection yeah I don't know what that stuff is it's like some type of like glitter reflection from probably like previous items or something yeah it could be because it looks like this I'm like glitter reflection all of them but to go to the bathroom no going on you can't handle that dude I would never ever be able to go to a hotel again I'm just I'd be much happier ignorant I seriously would I can't okay oh sit down I surprise for you oh you know what shine the light on the desk are you doing dude don't it this better not be biohazard material right now that you're messing with I will you'll and I'll and I'll end you that's crazy look at that isn't that weird oh it's whoa wow that's incredible look at that you these are so real big those are big scorpion oh they stink assume yeah I'm done oh yeah okay I'm gonna do that right away look how big that guy is mm-hmm now my heart is racing dude now get me a heart to measure I think that item is tasteful just be careful with that little scorpion there tasting too before the next product we're gonna do a little Twitter shout out today's Twitter shout-out is Bridget and Bridget ass hashtag hashtag ass Matt have you ever visited Alaska or ever want to know and I don't want to know actually I'm just kidding you really you guys is gonna be like fire like out the gate like that no I do want to go to Alaska I actually want to take a cruise up to Alaska let's not guys if you want your own Twitter shout-out make sure you follow me at Mathias I am and also give me a question using that hashtag next product M bright glow fob precision glow-in-the-dark key chain it's a glow fob hey man don't ever ask about my glow father the idea of this is that that's it it just glows in the dark so you can find your keys in the dark so maybe if you work graveyard shifts or if you like you go early in the morning to go play hockey or something like that it's always dark when you leave you know so I mean this could be very useful for a situation like that me I try to avoid being awake when it's dark just because it's a darkness situation and I avoid that entirely M bright is the brightest glow in the dark material physically achievable that's kind of interesting let's add the car all right oh it's tiny I thought it was way bigger than that all right so it doesn't look like this is glowing at all lights are just barely UV UV rays that might turn it yeah we should keep this yo do this and this is gonna be perfect for any time we have a glow-in-the-dark product check this out dude ready set dude look how bright that is that's intense I say it's pretty cool and I like the titanium so I say I", metadata={'source': 'k1cA-Wh3Tc0'}), Document(page_content="look how bright that is that's intense I say it's pretty cool and I like the titanium so I say I say wait they're tasteful Oh [Music] million-mile light battery three safety light that's powered by motion and throw something 30 lumens not super bright that being said this is like twenty four hundred lumens this light right here ipx4 rated weather and splash splash proof environmentally friendly so this is supposedly supposed to be able to do a mile a million miles a million miles so what does it mean for a million powerful go a million miles you can go a million miles and it'll still light it's not that the light can go a million miles cuz I was like how would you even the world isn't even would that work yeah that being said does light curve with the earth gravity has no effect on light I'm tripping a black hole can curve light though yeah which means light has mattes well light does have light does I'm trippin hold on it would seem that photons would be matter whereas waves wouldn't it turns out that both theories light isn't matter if photon is not matter because it has no mass but black holes can curve light they can they can absorb everything it's the absence of matter guys kind of look down on the comments below oh no down accounts below work it out figure it out figure it out Add to Cart are you ready yeah okay fine there Oh [Music] battery free safety light for runners it's powered by motion and engineered to never give up but that's not ever gonna like light up it's not ever gonna like mom maybe it does but not like really bright cuz like the amount of motion that you have it may be enough to like barely make that visible you know I mean I mean it's still it still has even if that's the case it still got a variety of other uses you know I mean like say you take this when you get lost you don't have power but you get lost you know you could just be like signaling up above if if the lights intense enough yes you might get a little tired it's still you know it's still pretty cool you know it still has a lot of practical uses besides just running so for that I'm gonna say it's tasteful yeah definitely very useful I think that's really I think that's really cool logitech washable keyboard k310 for Windows PCs ooh washable keyboard this is like perfect for you Connor I'm gonna just spill all of your keywords you guys bad all over them easy to clean and dry it with hand wash safe design suite ultra durable built to take washing and pounding alright let's test the dude Add to Cart Wow alright let's let's watch this keyboard dude let's clean it off wash it very mechanical yeah not great but obviously the purpose is to washes cool yeah let's let's dismiss it up with a dude alright so this does say in the instructions that you have to wait 24 hours before using it no yeah after you get a wet after you get away but what an accident you do that well my keyboard phone pull party dude both ends I'm gonna do is dry it a little bit just a little bit here actually I'm wearing sorry I don't want to get on the car no you're fine plug it in and test it out yeah plug it in so here's the thing we want to make sure this thing was shut I'm gonna plug this into the computer I'm nervous to understand sweet it's detected it it detected it now let's see you told me two times one time so yeah I say this is I see this is a tasteful Hexbug BattleBots arena to push activated pulverizing hammers oh I see on the side that's kind of cool there's like activated hammers there oh so if you push the other guy you can press the hammer oh yeah so Brian and I had tried them out before really yeah we've tried him out on this channel and I'm pretty sure I was like something or at least either I thought it or I said it something like I wish there was an arena so that you know it was more fun you actually seen a real battle box oh they're they're incredible it's like legit chainsaws in like oh yeah it's so cool", metadata={'source': 'k1cA-Wh3Tc0'}), Document(page_content="battle box oh they're they're incredible it's like legit chainsaws in like oh yeah it's so cool crazy I know but I would never do it just because I'm like once I built this thing and then just gets destroyed yeah you know like that's life man everything everything gets destroyed eventually just like every time cars mom shaves back it grows back dude so three and a half stars not bad not bad Connor do you think you're able to defeat me in a one-on-one b1 battle bot over lunch if I win okay but I brought my lunch today okay Add to Cart boom look at those sweet bad boys I think we haven't we tried those exact ones before so this one's the slicer this one's the Dicer I'm taking this guy okay that's fine you can have the purple one for Tina do you go and push you into a corner oh yeah yeah best out of three sure okay so I'll start over here then yeah you start over there I'll start over there for this ready three two one go [Music] wait wait wait go right - stall out where's my stall that's right wait back up back up yeah Rhea Rhea taxes oh crap I got a I got a rear-end you good dude I can't believe you actually flipped me three two one go what are you off the bumper wait wait come on bro here we go yes [Music] [Music] [Laughter] on steak good game good game so what do you think dude yeah that's fun for sure [Music] universal law enforcement reverse peephole viewer reverse people wait some type of Purdue hey Matt can I have it when you're done view real-time activity behind the door that has a peephole oh that's so creepy that this tech exists that's so creepy provides a clear discrete view into the room through a doors peephole effective on all major brands like I feel like this kind of thing shouldn't be accessible to the public maybe I'm just being crazy goodbye works better than I expected exactly as advertised crystal clear viewing perfect for any investigator Add to Cart dude let's be a perv you can carry in your pocket no will no you're a pervert a pervert oh my gosh dude this is like intense zoom check this out nothing happened dude let's get a fake door up in here and let's see if it works okay so here's the challenge all right you're right here okay you're on this side okay alright now this should allow you to see me okay yes because it's a normal people facing this way so look through it tell me how many fingers I'm holding up one you give me a thumbs up yeah I did now if I looking through here literally it's nothing I can't see anything well you're putting your head there anyways I don't even see the light honestly so let's see if this does anything right I'm gonna try it and did you block it no not at all I rejoice it's not working there's it the door I was looking through and still doesn't work thank you dearly what'd you say I don't know that it really works it's so so narrow so even even this room doesn't even work that great which is I'm kind of happy about yeah I mean I'm glad that it doesn't work great so I'm gonna I'm gonna give it a wasteful but I'm sad that it still works a little see that video right there those cups are edible cups that you can actually drink out of eat out of and then eat it's crazy you got to find out for yourself how good they taste high five", metadata={'source': 'k1cA-Wh3Tc0'})]
[Document(page_content='Hello, I\'m Gav. I\'m Dan. We\'re the slow-mo guys. I\'m cringing slightly because Dan has a Katana sword at my throat level. I actually use this to shave. Even just joking about that makes me cringe,\nCome on. because I know how\nimmensely sharp that is. You can see it. You can see the point just\ndisappear into nothingness. Yeah. We\'re gonna slice up some water bottles. You always see those compilations of very satisfying things, especially in GIF form. And one of them is just\nslicing through bottles with a Katana. Yeah I mean I\'m sure this is sharp enough, but it depends on my skill, whether I can actually get\nall through those bottles. How would you rate your\nskills as a swordsman? Not the best. I mean you don\'t really\nlearn it in the army. I guess, unless you\'re, I don\'t know, in the cavalry or an officer or something. Yeah, and use your Katana sword, hop on the horse. Yeah yeah, off you go. All right let\'s get to the\nslicing and the dicing. Filming this on the Phantom Flex4K, thousand frames a second, I\'ve got a long trigger\ncable so I can be over there, just in case Dan lets go of the sword, or it\'s cheap and it just\nflies straight out of the hill. Who knows. Do you want goggles or anything? What, in case I get a\nsword in the eye somehow? Oh I don\'t know. Whoopsie. Just looking out for you B. Cheers B. All right. How many do you think I\'ll get through with my first swing? Because I\'ve never done this before. I think you\'ll go like and get like six. Yeah?\nYeah. Ready?\nYeah. You\'re absolutely right. I got through like four and messed it up. I\'m so bad at this. I just saw water go all over the Phantom. Oh no. Probably should move it back a bit. Yeah. Your face. I\'m just concentrating too much. It got deflected so perfectly, that it just caught this one bottle here, right on the lid, and like, made a little leaky hole. You couldn\'t have done that if you tried. Imagine that, "Open this bottle for me," Za! Thank you. All right, we\'re reducing the amount to a measly 10. Measly 10. It\'s not the blades fault, because it\'s just going\nstraight through them. You saw on that last shot.\nI think what\'s happening is, as your blade hits at this angle, it just drives that angle. Like, whatever slight angle you have is like amplified when you go through. It has to be pitch perfect on where it hits and how it hits to go through all of them. Yeah. If I\'m even slightly off on the angle, it\'s just gone. It\'s very difficult. Flipping heck. Goodness me. Got no idea how many I got through there. I think it was about seven. Seven? That\'s my record so far. That\'s not bad. Cheers. Ready to go B. Ready to go. Right, I\'m gonna hold\nthe sword at a slightly, like, downwards angle, so that hopefully when I swing, it\'s gonna just stay level\nas opposed to going up. All right B. Okay?\nYeah. You ready?\nYeah. This feels weird,\nholding it like that but, here we go. Way better. Way better. I think you\'ve found your calling there. Flip! It went through like butter. They\'re all like very similar height too. Look, this just popped off. There was water held in there. Did you see that? So wait. It was just holding water\nand it just went "oof". So wait, you chopped that,\nand it fell and landed with water inside?\nWith water in it, yeah. How did you get such a perfect seal? I didn\'t even realize it had water in it because I picked it up\nand I was just like, "Whoa!" So you angled it slightly down. Yeah, I angled it down. It just doesn\'t fit naturally in the hands. It sort of fits slightly wrong. Oh my Lord! Every bottle still has water in the top. That was perfect. I didn\'t knock anything at all. It just went straight through. Some of the bottles barely noticed, look. This one landed with water inside it. It looks like the bottle\'s\nbeen somehow trapped in the table. It\'s like Willy Wonka\'s bottle. It\'s been like, X-Men-ed into the table. Before we move onto colored ones Daniel. Yeah. Now that you\'ve discovered', metadata={'source': 'bAkEd8r7Nnw'}), Document(page_content='your true sorting method. My calling in life. Why don\'t we just put the\nrest of the bottles up, and see how many you\ncan get through, yeah? Okay, so last time it was 10, and this time I\'m gonna\ncover the entire table and see what happens. And pretty much to see if it\'s a fluke. 16, there\'s an extra six. Little bit more pressure. I\'ve also switched the camera now to 4K, because I just wanna see the\nlovely resolution on this one. Be a little bit faster, but, oh the pixels. No pressure then. No pressure. Where do I even aim? Oh God, where do I aim? It\'s just too much. Looks like it went up again. Yeah. It looks like you got one more than last time. Oh I did, yeah. It was just a fluke maybe. It was a fluke. God. Ah. What? Come over here. What is it? So I think I know what happened here. You can see where you went wrong. Go on. Oh no! I hit the table.\nYou took a chunk of the table out. I was like, "I\'m sure\nthat would work again." It\'s because right, go back, rewind it. This is the problem. I was looking at that, the last bottle, because I was like, "Well, that\'s where I\'ve got to swing to." It was just too many to concentrate on. To be fair, the fact\nthat you hit the table and then hit 11 bottles, that\'s impressive to me. I feel like the technique\ndefinitely worked though. Yeah. It\'s just, I hit the table first. Yeah. Oh man. Where\'s this bit of missing table. Whoa! I just sliced it clean off. Look at it.\nThat\'s our favorite table Dan. No, the janky table has The jankiest table.\ntaken a hit. Should we try and glue\nit back together again? Well, if we can find the little... chunk. Oh. Where\'d it damn go? Here it is. Oh yeah. Let\'s get that back. Oh. There we go. I can\'t believe I hit the table first. What a mug. Okay, the colors are ready. Yeah. Better prepare for a\nsticky mess on this one. Oh yeah. We\'ll do it twice, I\'ll go wide and tight. Slower on the closeup. Okay.\nYeah. Yeah. Whoa. What a colorful, sticky, fizzy mess. Oh, I just put this lens on too. Oh no, has it got caked. Caked, the house is caked. Oh, the house is covered in red juice. Definitely went up again then? How can you tell? No idea. I wanted to just leave them\ncompletely where they were, but, because of the pop they\nkind of bang and explode. Yeah. So they just go everywhere. We\'ll get a closer up on now. Yeah. Yes, nailed it. Nailed it. Felt so much better. Whoa! Oh! Sorry B. Damn it. Oh! Geez! That\'s how you get ants. Every video that goes by, the resale value of this place goes down. It\'s horrendous. It\'s like tainting a place. You always know the guy\nthat just taints it. It\'s cool how the empty space clouds up, as they are breached. It\'s amazing how much brighter\nit gets after the hit. Like, this is quite a dark image. Yeah. You can see on the histogram, as soon as it starts happening, all the light goes up. Oh wow, yeah. That\'s how many brighter pixels there are. That\'s cool. Is it because the water\'s\nreflecting the light? Is that what\'s going on? What it is, is that the fizz is just making the liquid\nwhiter than it was before. Oh. And also, you\'ve got the sun glistening through it once in the air. My little pan there. Yeah, nice, strong. Very strong. I figured most of the action\nwas gonna go to the right, so, I\'ll wait for you to be done, and then go, "Whoop." Did you make the noise as well? I may have done. Can\'t believe I actually managed to get through all those bottles, and it was so much easier\nwhen I angled it right. It just went through all of them, it just felt like butter, it was nothing. My favorite shot is just the\nshard of table flying away. All right, I messed that one up, yeah. It was just too hard,\ntoo many bottles there. Very satisfying footage. Very satisfying.\nVery cool. I can see that perfect one', metadata={'source': 'bAkEd8r7Nnw'}), Document(page_content='Very cool. I can see that perfect one\nbeing turned into a GIF of just like, "Oh it\'s nice to look at, and I don\'t know why." Yeah. And then someone\'s gonna end it just before it goes through the last one. Unsatisfying. Yeah, that\'ll be so annoying. Hopefully you enjoyed that video. Feel free to follow us on twitter. You can subscribe to this channel. We also have a second channel. We do. BTS and all that. And we will hopefully see\nyou in the next video, because this is what\nwe do on this channel. We continually make slow-mo videos until the end of time. Which, for our videos,\nWhich, for these cameras, is really far away.\nIs forever. Yeah.', metadata={'source': 'bAkEd8r7Nnw'})]
[Document(page_content="Help! Shortly before 9am, fashion designer Gianni\nVersace was shot on the steps of his villa. Pronounced Versace. The singer? That's Liberace. He was a creator, he was a genius. Everything you see around us. This house, this company was his life. I will not allow that man -- that nobody, \nto kill my brother twice. So what brings you to Miami? I know people. Oh yeah? Verscace. Versace? You're creative, yes? Of course. I can be submissive. You have no idea. What do you do for work? This and that. What are your greatest attributes? I'm smart, I'm clever. I was thinking more \nalong the lines of how big? You can't do it, can you? Can't what? Stop lying. Andrew Cunanan, 27 years old. He's killed four men. This world has wasted me, and yet this world also made you, \nMr. Versace, into a star. You're not better \nthan me or the same. The only difference is \nthat you got lucky. The Assassination of Gianni Versace premieres\nWednesday January 17th on FX.", metadata={'source': 'xL_qpDkF5A8'})]
[Document(page_content='Today\'s video is sponsored by Anker. For deals on the latest USB-C chargers including one that can charge a MacBook and a chance to win a ton of different prizes Including an iPhone X. Check out the links below. The iPhone X ["TEN"] (said like this throughout the whole video except where noted), it\'s not perfect, but it is really good. Yo guys, Jonathan here and today I am diving deep into the iPhone X both the good and the bad, and if you picked one up I would love to know what your experience has been so far. So with the iPhone X, there are a couple key, elements that make this phone what it is. The first of which being the display. It\'s a 5.8 inch OLED panel with a classically weird Apple resolution of 2436 by 1125 and weird numbers aside it looks Really good. I think any doubt or concern with the display not being bright enough has been put to rest It\'s super bright the colors are extremely accurate and honestly the display is one of the most enticing features of the iPhone X. Now for the million dollar question of "Is there any blue shift?" And yeah, if you look for and you tilts it off access you will definitely see a little bit of that. It is by no means Pixel 2 XL status, but there\'s no denying if you\'re a little tilt and shift crazy you are gonna see a little bit of blue. Now the reason Apple is able to squeeze so much screen into the iPhone X because Of what is probably The biggest change to ever come to the iPhone and that is the omission of the home button. It is completely gone. Honestly, I got used to this and adjusted to it way Way faster than I thought I would no joke every time I pick up a phone that is not the iPhone X, I find myself Wanting to swipe up to go home. Now for the most part this works incredible And I don\'t find myself missing the home button, but there are a couple dumb things. One is Control Center. That used to be a one-handed move Where you swipe up and that\'s how you access Control Center, but now you got to swipe down all the way on the top. Right and most of the time to comfortably do that you need to use two hands. Conversely, You can enable reachability Which is not enabled by default, so pro-tip head in to Settings > General > Accessibility Once you have it enabled you can access for reachability by doing this really Really precise swipe down at the bottom edge of the phone It\'s definitely easier than having to reach all the way towards the top right of the phone and then swiping down But it\'s still two steps, and I don\'t think it\'s a foolproof solution. Now, I know Snazzy Q is busting out of the seams and has this well thought out to elaborate solution to this But I would also love know what you guys think is a better alternative to this weird Control Center option We have now. From there the other slightly dumb thing That\'s not really a huge deal is how you exit out of apps before all I used to do is open up multitasking and swipe Up and that was it Now once, you\'re in the multitasking window you actually got to hold the app wait for that little minus icon And then you can swipe out and exit out. Yeah, it\'s not the biggest deal in the world and before anybody yells at me I totally get it technically you don\'t have to exit of apps, but for me It\'s just kind of one of those unnecessary Two-step movements. Now with the lack of home button, the way You enable Siri is by one saying Hey [Siri], Not gonna say that and trigger your phone or two Holding the side button. Now one slightly annoying thing is if you have Do Not Disturb enabled, unless you are in Control Center There is no way to know that it\'s on whether you\'re in the lock screen or actually in the phone There is no icon in the top right-hand corner Which makes it super easy to forget that it\'s on. Now from there that kind of leads into the next Controversial thing with the iPhone X that is the notch. Initially every Mostly angry tech fans on Twitter seem to hate it Honestly though', metadata={'source': '9pbCuFxRuqs'}), Document(page_content='is the notch. Initially every Mostly angry tech fans on Twitter seem to hate it Honestly though the notch really isn\'t a big deal like 95% of the time I don\'t realize it\'s there. The only time I do notice it is when I\'m watching Widescreen video because the way that\'s formatted that notch is creeping its way in there And there is nothing you can do about it. Now the flip side of that for most YouTube videos that are in 16:9 you are not seeing the notch whatsoever. Yes, you can zoom in, but for the most part That\'s not the optimal viewing experience because you are chopping off heads #PrayForLamarr Over the weekend both Kevin Kenson and Austin Evans dropped some Incredible looking widescreen video and watching those back on the iPhone X, it kind of got me thinking Is this the future of content especially with more and more of these phones headed in that direction? the video you are watching right now is also in widescreen so if you\'re watching on an iPhone X or Galaxy S8 I would love to know how it looks on your phone Next is FaceID that feature that anyone anti-Apple deep down really wanted to fail, but it actuality It was really well done and well executed. Just like the iPhone X FaceID isn\'t perfect But it\'s really good for me. It has to have worked like 98% of the time there really hasn\'t been too many times where it\'s failed. It absolutely works at night, in the dark, whether you\'re in a car. I\'ve been in planes where it\'s worked flawlessly. On the opposing end of that spectrum. It\'s worked great outdoors, in sunlight with glasses on, with a hat on. The only time I\'ve ever really had trouble with it is in the middle of the nights when I wake up. I got one Eye closed and then it kind of trips up but for the most part It\'s worked really well, and I haven\'t really missed TouchID. I think where FaceID really shines is for password based applications especially when you\'re browsing online you\'re already looking at the phone So it kind of becomes this instant thing that you don\'t really think about The other pro with FaceID in the case where your hands are wet or it is crazy cold outside And you\'re forced to wear gloves Yes, the same argument could be made with FaceID in the situations where it doesn\'t work, but overall as a whole I think it\'s a step in the right direction Hasn\'t slowed me down at all. Now because of all that tech required for FaceID that is also yielded Animojis I guarantee you by now You\'ve probably seen some an Animoji Karaoke in your feed, but I want to give a shout out and some credit to Mr. Snazzy Q for the best one on the internet right now I kind of wish I had a dollar for every time someone said "The iPhone X [Ecks], the thousand dollar emoji machine. One, It\'s an Animoji and two, it\'s kind of fun man. So are Animojis is the sole reason why you would buy an iPhone X? Absolutely not. If you want to use them, they\'re there, but if you don\'t, no one\'s forcing you song- what does the fox say God, I remember that now as far as performance that A11 Bionic chip inside the iPhone X is no joke. Everything from Multitasking to gestures to gaming is buttery smooth. Now with all that power one area where the iPhone X and even 8 and 8 Plus For that matter excels at and are kind of in a league of its own is AR It\'s still really early in terms of the development of apps and games, but there\'s some pretty incredible stuff out there And if you own an iPhone X or 8 or 8 Plus and haven\'t checked out augmented reality yet It is a lot of fun. I will say it\'s worth mentioning This is the exact same chip also found in the iPhone 8 and 8 Plus so it\'s kind of a testament to their performance as well', metadata={'source': '9pbCuFxRuqs'}), Document(page_content='But as far as smartphone performance goes it is not even close right now. 3, 2, 1... "But the iPhone X doesn\'t have as many cores as..." Clearly it is not about the cores because there is some insane performance Coming out the iPhone X as well as the 8 and 8 Plus. So now that we\'re fired up and before anyone asked. What about the iOS bugs? Why did I have to bowl? Yes, performance on the iPhone X is incredible, But there is no denying iOS has been a little weird especially No one can forget that weird stupid. "I" glitch where you typed an "I" and it autocorrected it into some weird characters and a question mark Someone singing... I think. It has been since updated and fixed But it was out there for a long time and honestly that was one of the weirdest, dumbest, most annoying bugs I\'ve ever dealt with on a smartphone so to say the iPhone X has been an overall smooth experience isn\'t quite the case From there shift into some positive, the camera in the iPhone X has been incredible. Again, this features dual lenses, a wide-angle and a telephoto lens, But the big thing here is that telephoto lens now features optical image stabilization. Now we first saw this dual lens with OIS on the Note 8 It\'s something the iPhone 8 Plus does not have and it definitely makes a difference. The biggest thing I\'ve noticed jumping from wide-angle to telephoto is that you\'re getting a much more consistent image in terms of low light and low light performance Portrait mode in terms of the rear facing camera is excellent I think Apple does a really great job with this. As a whole there really isn\'t much to complain as far as the camera goes on the iPhone X. Images are crisp, they\'re sharp, they\'re vibrant, they\'re saturated. Now as far as the front-facing camera goes I would say it is equally as impressive as the rear camera my only real gripe with it Portrait selfies. Regular selfies look great; lighting, color, skin tones. My only complaint is I wish it was just a little wider something I\'ve always liked on Samsung phones, but as far as those Portrait selfies go it just seems like it\'s not quite there yet. The actual image quality and skin tones and color all look great, but for whatever reason it seems to have a real hard time with both hair and in my case Ears where it just doesn\'t get those correctly. With the Pixel 2, the images sometimes over sharpened whereas with the iPhone I much prefer the more natural look so if we could somehow combine both these elements That would be amazing now. I think the Pixel 2 might have the slight edge on the iPhone X as far as photos Go there is no comparison in terms of video. The color, the ability to go up to 4K 60 frames per seconds The image stabilization on the iPhone X is second to none. You have slow motion at 1080p, up to 240 frames per second which is ridiculous Music playing... So if you use your phone to capture and create video, the iPhone X is kind of in a league of its own as far as that goes. From their notable mentions, battery life on the iPhone X has been surprisingly good. It\'s not as good as something like that from 8 Plus or 7 Plus for that matter, but it is definitely better than both the iPhone 7 and 8. For me I\'ve been averaging about 6 to 8 hours of usage, so getting through day is not a problem whatsoever. The stereo speakers in the iPhone X yeah, they\'re not gonna blow your mind But I do enjoy having that feature and it does make a difference over phones that don\'t have stereo speakers. As a whole I think The iPhone X is the best and most exciting thing Apple\'s put out in a very long time. I\'m excited to see where this goes in the future not only with Apple specifically, but with the smart phone game as a whole. What I\'m saying is that it\'s a great time to be alive in terms of smart- phone technology and technology in general right now. The iPhone X is definitely a part of that. I\'ve enjoyed it Hopefully enjoyed this video if you do', metadata={'source': '9pbCuFxRuqs'}), Document(page_content="The iPhone X is definitely a part of that. I've enjoyed it Hopefully enjoyed this video if you do and you're feeling like being awesome make sure to go Batman on that Like button, this is Jonathan, and I will catch you guys later.", metadata={'source': '9pbCuFxRuqs'})]
[Document(page_content='Earlier this week, I saw\nthis video on YouTube it came up in my recommended\nsection of this guy taking his iPhone to Walmart and\nthere\'s this machine there that will buy your phone in\nany condition, you just have to answer a few questions,\nand it looked like this: - [Machine] Tap the type of device. Your device. So it got me thinking, how much would they give me for an iPhone X? Here\'s the plan right now,\nso we\'re going to pick up this iPhone hopefully we actually get it and it\'s not a scam, I\nmean less than retail after just 10 days, it\ndoesn\'t make total sense. Once we get the phone we\'re\ngonna drive all the way to Compton where there\'s\na special Walmart there, I kid you not, they have\nthe eco-ATM machines. Hopefully we\'ll get some\nmoney for this iPhone X. Maybe $900, maybe more? Dude, the people on Craigslist,\nthey all wanted like $1,300, $1,500 for the phone,\nlike the fact that I could be maybe be getting this phone\nfor $900, it\'s a steal. Is the bank open yet? - [Rob] We\'re caged in. Is this some GTA stuff\nwe gotta pull here man? (mimicking car sounds) Gotta get this guy some money. We got the funds. Let\'s hope this guy\'s\nlegit, it would really suck to drive all the way out\nhere just to have to go right back home, and\nit\'s such a good deal, like my mom always said, "If\nit\'s too good to be true, "it\'s probably too good to be true." I\'m proving that one wrong today. Mariachi band dude. Better pop a U-ey. iPhone X for a song, sounds good with me. (mariachi music) So we\'re like two minutes\naway right now, I\'m excited. Doing this at a 7/11, that\'s a first. Alright I\'m meeting the guy\nhere, he says which car, \'I\'m in orange, ya can\'t miss me.\' That\'s probably the truest\nstatement of this entire video. If I have to go walk\nin someone\'s car, Rob, you gotta get out with me dude. Got cash, my SIM card,\nSIM tool, phone, let\'s go. No, no, I\'m, no, this is\nsketchy, this is sketchy. "I\'ll be in a black BMW,\nwon\'t have my phone. "I\'ll park right outside." Dawg, why won\'t you have your phone? Scared. (organ chimes) Yo, we got that heat, we got\nthe heat, it was all legit. $900, That was the best\n$900 I\'ve ever spent. The phone\'s like 10 days\nold, let\'s go to Compton. (rapping lyrics) ("Be Humble" by Kendrick Lamar) We got a drive ahead of us. (hip hop music) Do you guys know your windshield, do you guys know the back\nwindshield is cracked? We got the windshield wipers still goin\'. They\'re filming us.\n(laughs) What\'s good, subscribe,\nturn notifications on! (laughing) What\'s good, hey! So we\'re about 15 minutes\naway from the place, we\'ve made some friends on the\nhighway, a bunch of you guys have been taking pictures of\nus, I\'m hoping the machine is open when we get there,\nthat would really suck if it\'s out of order, but\nwe\'re almost in Compton. - [Rob] It was never about the phone. Dude it was never about\nthe phone, you know this. It\'s just about the dance moves dude. We finally made it to Walmart,\nI got my iPhone X right here, the machine\'s apparently inside,\nlet\'s go sell this thing. I didn\'t do it, I\'ve never been able to click my heels, one day. So we\'re inside Walmart right now, and here is the legendary machine. Eco-ATM, instant cash for\nPhones, that\'s what I\'m about. So before we try this out with\nthe real iPhone X right here, I got a fake iPhone X, I\'m\nnot gonna go through with it, but I wanna see if the machine can recognize that this is a fake. Let\'s check this out. Alright, touch to begin, sell\nyour device, safety first. Okay, I need a photo ID, they\'re\ngoing the whole nine here. They\'re asking for my finger\nprint, my driver\'s license, Hi there.\n- [Eco] Hi there. I\'m Eco. - [Keaton] Hi Eco.\n- [Eco] Here are a few things to check before we start. - [Keaton] Okay. - [Eco] First, turn on your device and make sure you keep it unlocked. This is the fake iPhone\nX, like those settings are not on the iPhone by fault. Alright, I\'m all set.', metadata={'source': 'ItYOdWRo0JY'}), Document(page_content="X, like those settings are not on the iPhone by fault. Alright, I'm all set.\n- [Eco] Just tap when ready. Okay, I'm ready. - [Eco] Please tap the type\nof device you'd like to sell. - [Keaton] Apple iPhone. - [Eco] Tap the carrier\nthat your device was with. Unlocked, we're gonna say it's an unlocked phone.\n- [Eco] Please tell me- I would say it's pretty good, you know what, this thing's flawless. This thing is brand new, it's flawless. You'll see this video on\nFriday, the real vs. fake. - [Eco] Tap the cable type\nthat connects to your device. - [Keaton] Lightning.\n- [Eco] Now let's get your device ready for your ecoAppraisal, - [Keaton] Peeled of stickers, we're good. - [Eco] by removing any cases or stickers. I'm printing out a label\nthat will help me keep track of your device.\n- [Keaton] What? - [Eco] Please place it on\nthe back of your device. Yo, you put this label on the back of your phone so it can track it. There we go, nice snug fit. Ayyy, like a glove. - [Eco] Tell me about your\ndevice so I know what to do next. - [Keaton] It works! - [Eco] Next, I'll connect\nyour device to evaluate its electronics and condition. I wanna see how much it says\nthis fake phone is worth. - [Eco] I'm opening my drawer, where I'll do\nOh my God, look! Look at this!\n- [Eco] your full appraisal. What? - [Eco] Now, unlock your screen. It says it's charging. Oh my God, alright, whoa, that was, - [Eco] Hang on.\nEasy does it girl. Easy does it, girl, I'm\njust gonna, alright. Why is this harder than I feel? Okay, perfect, perfect.\n- [Eco] Great work. This is a pretty easy process\nso far, too bad we gotta do this a second time, this is the fake one. - [Eco] And we're off. I wanna see what it says\nabout this fake phone. This thing's running Android,\nand if we wanna cop out, 'Return my Device,' we\ncan hit the bail switch. Who owns this machine, I wanna know. Rob, how much do you think\nit's gonna give us, like $500? - [Rob] Maybe it'll give you $1000? Yeah, $200, that's what I'm thinking, they're saying $200, I'm saying (laughs). Look at this, it's saying Galaxy\nS7, not even the iPhone X. Alright, I put a fake one in there first. - [Eco] Are you sure you want to quit? Yes. - [Eco] Don't forget to grab your device. It says it's a Galaxy S7. I guess that's what the clone is saying. (buzzer) So on the fake iPhone X,\nit actually thinks it's a Galaxy S7 Edge, that's interesting. Now, we got the real iPhone X right here. We're gonna fire this thing up, we're actually gonna sell this one. I'm scared, please give me a good deal. If I turn it on, it looks\nlike it's an Apple iPhone X and the control center works on this one, on the fake one it doesn't work, make sure you check out\nthe video on Friday. Sell, you can even do an\nestimate, that's cool. The guy who sold it to\nme said it was unlocked. But I think it's Verizon. Alright, I'm gonna say it's unlocked. I'm gonna say it's flawless,\nthis thing's brand freakin new. - [Eco] Tap the cable type\nthat connects to your device. I'm printing out a label.\nGot another label, ayyy! This is the last and only\nthing that's gonna be on this phone, no case,\nit never even was dropped, didn't even see a life. I'm gonna miss you, iPhone\nX, brand new iPhone X. Goodbye sweet child. Whoa whoa whoa, check\nthis out, check this out. It says, 'Trust this computer?' I'm gonna say 'Don't trust'\nthis computer, that's whack, is it tryin' to get your data, maybe. I need to hit 'Trust this computer,' Alright, let's pull this out. Bam, now we gotta trust\nit or it won't sell. Nice Job, love compliments, wooo! Goodbye iPhone X. - [Eco] You can still get your device back It was nice seeing you.\n- [Eco] if you change your mind later.\nI'm not changing my mind later, don't\neven give me that option. Whoa, did you see how fast it's going? - [Eco] 1/3 of Android phone users don't use a lockscreen passcode. - [Keaton] No, I don't\nwant your bonus questions, unless you're gonna give me", metadata={'source': 'ItYOdWRo0JY'}), Document(page_content='want your bonus questions, unless you\'re gonna give me\nmore money for the questions, I don\'t want them. I like\'em, I like the\nquestions now, that\'s good. If you\'d asked me, "Have\nyou ever done that before?" I\'d answer honestly ... no. This machine is so loud. Hey, what\'s good man. - [Man] Hey, can I get a picture? Yeah man, what\'s up. I\'m selling the iPhone X right now. There you go guys, you\'re everywhere, Techsmartt Army is everywhere man. What\'s your name?\nAnthony. Nice to meet you Anthony, I\'ll see you. I\'m hoping for $400, vote\nup in the icard right now how much you think I\'m gonna\nget, $100, $200, $300, or $400. I\'m hoping $400. - [Eco] I can\'t offer\nyou cash for your device, but if you want I\'m still happy to recycle it for you responsibly. - [Keaton] Okay so, it\ndoesn\'t think it\'s a Galaxy, wait, what? Does it think it\'s an Alcatel\nOne Touch, wait, really? It\'s just telling me to\nrecycle my phone now, they\'re not even willing to give me cash. So like, what do we do, do I recycle it, and be a good person or\ndo I take that thing back, take that thing right on home. I\'m gonna hit \'Return my Device.\' - [Eco] Are you sure you want to quit? No I\'m not. I\'m gonna hit \'Recycle it.\' I just hit recycle it.\n- [Eco] Awesome, everybody wins when you\ndecide to help the planet and keep your devices out of a landfill. Everybody wins there guys. - [Eco] Now I check your photo\nID to make sure you\'re 18 or older and to verify\n(laughs) You need my ID? Oh wait, I can still say change my mind. It needs my ID, to make a donation. You shouldn\'t need an ID to recycle, guys. I\'m gonna give it my ID.\nlike, yes I\'m gonna give it my information, right\nhere, we got the ID son. - [Eco] Thank you, I\'m\nchecking your ID now. This won\'t take long. To finish your identity check, Now it wants a photo.\n(camera clicks) - [Eco] Looking good.\nThere we go, that was sexy. - [Eco] Now we just need\nto finalize a few things, and you\'ll be all set. - [Keaton] Can I still pull\nmy phone back from here? I\'m guessing that I can\'t. There we go, of course we can. - [Eco] Review the eco-ATM terms and conditions, and privacy policy. If you have any more devices\nto sell, we can do that now. We can pull it back, we can pull it back. Do we pull it back? We\'re too deep, we\'re too deep, no thanks. - [Eco] This is your last chance. It even wants me to\npull the iPhone X back. I\'m just upset we didn\'t get any money. There we go, How likely am I to recommend this service? Extremely likely, it was delightful. It\'s restarting, it can\'t\nhandle the iPhone X. Nice to meet you Matthew. Alright, there we go, I\njust recycled my iPhone X at a Walmart.\n- [Rob] How do you feel? Awful, oh wait, wait. Yo, yo, yo, there\'s a\nsecret slot, accessory bin. But you don\'t get any money for it. I shoulda just put the iPhone\nX in there at the start. Not gonna lie, I\'m pretty\nupset that the machine didn\'t give us anything for our iPhone X, my guess is it\'s cause the phone is so new it just hasn\'t been\nupdated in the machine. Let me know in the comments if you guys are more shocked than I am. Make sure you get subscribed\nwith notifications on so you guys don\'t miss\nanother video and follow us on our Instagram story because\nit\'s poppin\' over there, you\'ll see the whole behind the scenes. I\'ll see you guys in the next Walmart. Peace.', metadata={'source': 'ItYOdWRo0JY'})]
[Document(page_content='Give me your paw The other one. One more time. The other one. Good boy. Hey guys. So I get a lot of questions about\nhow I train my cats for my videos. Actually, the secret is I only taught them a paw trick and the rest are just something I made them get used to so I didn’t really train them. But I will explain those too\nif you want to try some of these with your cats. So, here’s how I taught them a paw trick. It’s nothing complicated. I just did this every time I fed them. First, grab their paw\nand let them get used to me doing that. Then, once they get used to it,\nthey will lift up their paw at some point. Grab it and feed them immediately. If you have more than two cats, having one watch the other one do it\nseems to help him understand what’s going on. Poki, can I have this paw? Thank you. Can I have the other one, too? Thank you. Poki! Give me your paw. Thank you. Can I have the other one? Yes! Give paw Thank you Can I have the other one? Yes Good boy. Cats are really curious, and especially living inside the house they don\'t have much entertainment aside from\nwhat you give them. So anything new in the house is exciting and\ninteresting for them and they just want to smell it and engage with it. So if you engage your kitties with your cooking\nby letting them smell the ingredients then it\'s entertaining for them to watch what\'s going on. Once they memorize the ingredient, they either lose interest... ...or go crazy for it. Since my cats like watching outside, we got them a cage so they could go outside safely. Over time they got comfortable and started\ntrying to explore outside their cage, so then I started taking them out for walks. They were kind of nervous first,\nbut they eventually got used to it. There\'s a doggie. There\'s a doggie coming! You okay? You\'re not scared? Bye bye "Excuse me."\nNot a problem. I guess you\'re not really scared of doggies, huh? Haku, what are you doing? Aghhh, come on! Who do you think is gonna clean your body?! *sigh* What\'s up? Is that cat nip or something? *cat sneezes* Of course you have to sneeze! *more cat sneezes* You okay buddy? When Kohaku got used to that,\nI put him in the basket of my bike. He\'s pretty laid back for a cat so he didn\'t mind and now he enjoys being in the basket\nand going for bike rides with me. Of course all cats have different personalities and some may not ever be comfortable going outside. Our cat Poki gets really stressed out by car rides\nso I don\'t take him with me. Some cats also startle easily and may run off\nif they suddenly get scared. It\'s important to pay attention to how your cat is acting and not push him to do something he doesn\'t want to do. Even if your cat doesn\'t like going for walks\nor watching you cook, he probably has personality quirks\nthat make him unique in other ways. Nagi likes to play fetch with plastic wrappers. *whistle*\nBring it back! Poki... is just Poki. Try playing with your cat in different ways and you might find something unique\nthat he or she enjoys! Thank you for watching! Poki, give me your paw. Okay, okay. You really want food! All right.', metadata={'source': '5530I_pYjbo'})]
[Document(page_content="are we going we're on we've been on Oh might work watch all of this quality content has been filled oh my and we get we can have it for the future generations to see oh my gosh when I see I brought my replacement here today this is my good pal that I've known for like two hours Matt Matt how you doing I'm doing great no we're gonna do a video game play right now and like what would you think what do you we're going to play a video game right now you know I've got here's the thing I got some quarters we're to go down to the laundromat because there's a video console in there it's called Donkey Kong oh it's really neat it's really cool it sounds super cool now what would you think what does the video game you think I've selected for us to play today I would assume it's cuphead it relates to animation and we literally just exactly Matt Matt Ben you're exactly right tell him what he's won he's won oh let's just play the video again here we go time to play the game if you look on his channel we did an amazing job of playing cuphead and the thing is I'm I did do an amazing job I'm fantastic at it I'm fantastic button has to be here on my channel it's it really exactly right so and also I paid him $10,000 yes here we are here's the game okay okay now I'm gonna be the blue guy I am mug man ah here's the challenge for you besides getting beside besides you to do this horrible interview okay we're gonna play cuphead yeah and I'm gonna interview if I can if I can focus on game and interviewing okay because I think my audience wants to know about you like they probably already know but I want to ask you a few questions okay great now first of all where we going come on out is that question number one where we going cuz I was gonna ask you where cause it was like where am I going do I go this way no see right there I don't know what I'm doing so on our channel we did the first three bosses so I think it's I think you're graduated and we got through I got through the three boss that did you bridge when you save me a lot though hildenburg that sounds like Steve Hillenburg creator of Sponge Bob plug Nickelodeon okay right threatening Zeppelin I'm gonna knock you up to regular Oh pass simple yeah okay Wow all right dude I come upon simple boat she does her final form and I think you'll get a kick out of her final oh if I can make it to the final form I gotta say we'll try yeah I believe it at this point you've beaten three bosses on simple but you helped me though but I have what we have here to but we have granola bars right by the power of granola oh we're in plains does this work the same way we just fire firing things see this reminds me of Galaga from the 1980s when I went to the laundromat and played down there see so this one how many quarters does this take I hate him I hate him that guy is the Iron Man three of this game I hate him so much I hate I hate Iron Man 3 I love Iron Man how do I save you oh I'm sorry so I wait I'm the last one in the game I'm actually saving you oh I got hit by a word don't worry so now you know how the how it works five million by so many words in my life I've never been killed like that though hey so wait so okay but but words leave psychological scars that can never heal says Timmy's dad hey you so man I got a couple questions for you okay okay okay uh what made you want to go on YouTube in the first place you have ten seconds oh so honestly I started on YouTube as a means of showing Wow now what I what I what I've learned about you is that you are not only just an amazing youtuber you are an amazing researcher and technical analyst of usually e-learning yep which is really cool and I think that's awesome and I think I need to learn more of those things cuz it's evolved on YouTube you have to know how to little some things like that people think it's just a lot of fun to make videos but to survive and make it like a business it's like oh we can teach me", metadata={'source': 'hXcoq5XDwyA'}), Document(page_content="a lot of fun to make videos but to survive and make it like a business it's like oh we can teach me how to survive this level number one you're doing are you saving me but you're saving me here we go hey I have another question for you who's your favorite character in Fairly OddParents tell your Penta oh my gosh timmy turner is there a reason why see what happened we're talking yeah we got pretty far reason why I would say is because because he has such a great sense of imagination flow and and a childlike wonder like um like see the world through his eyes I don't know like I love how Rio so I would say I mean obviously he's left the main characters by he's also like such a genuine soul and like special and like he always means well whether or not that necessarily goes well right right but like so I think all of that and another matpat question so what was your first big video that like took off your knees we're getting something oh my god help me I guess what you analyze sonic basically I did how fast the tonic be in real life yeah so right and so I analyzed I wish I was I'm gonna hold my man is lesser than at playing the game yeah I forget what makes me go exactly I know is there an asteroid there we play pac-man I will I will smoke you impact them will you yes I swear to I will smoke you impact I died how do I go oh wait there's things on the ground like this is like like things nique up on you you don't see you know I'm saying it certainly is it certainly now what did you just do that oh that was a special California doing ok it was a while ago thank you so many times a day today he's got some I think he's got some good stuff in there he's making his own dreams I probably get out of the way probably the same boots and boots get out of the way I'm just excited about the granola bars that's what's distracting hey what's the iMac I'm not jumping far enough ahead that's my way in life I meant not the game in life in the game really your game how are you getting past it welcome to one pays bills one plays video games welcome welcome g1 is a mortgage all right here we go Matt that's doing good for himself your mom and I are so proud yeah I didn't know your mom but I'm winning and learning yeah and come back to life thank you very much lovely and has seen the other side some mug names in the middie Flatliners that's what's happening around he's he's learning how to die coming back yeah exactly he's the Deadpool of the game why would we both died alright guys thanks so much for watching my special guest matpat go definitely check out all 19 of his channels I'm sure he needs your help whatever he's doing is gonna be great and thank you guys for tuning in leave comments in the comment section don't forget to subscribe because you know we have subscribers so let's get some more be a lot of fun and we'll see you guys next time bye bye oh by the way art gives you power use it wisely that's not even catchphrase oh I like that like that yeah I don't know who art is but he gives you power to use it wisely I know I need to meet this art guy in power hey heart fans subscribe here to keep up with me Danny Timmy Dudley bunsen and the noob network my new app full of cartoon shows and games downloaded here click over here to watch my most recent video and here to start a playlist related to this video whoa check out that awesome fare to be featured here use hashtag heart fan art and tag me I'm on every social media platform known to man cartoon butch out cancelled Rob", metadata={'source': 'hXcoq5XDwyA'})]
[Document(page_content="47 seconds of logos also DC Comics used to one to save the world narration question for the security personnel if you're taking this much care to lock this briefcase away in the armored truck why on Batman's blue earth did you park this far away from your entry point seriously look at the shot from above here's the van here's the entry point just put on a fake beak and take a seat in the triangle pond because you just made yourself a sitting duck why is her main work desk directly in the corner of all the fabulous artifacts she and the museum have collected this is like the bank manager having his office inside the safe deposit box vault Jesus Christ this movie's gonna take me all the way back to wonder little girl times CGI Asgard and CGI and Abu got nothing on CGI Wonder Woman place also couldn't the movie have started here little girl running in an ancient city probably Wonder Woman but I'm intrigued enough to pay close attention I mean why do we need the opening intro of her in present day being a curator I thought I'd seen enough from the Zack Snyder school of slow-mo badassery but holy did you just see that 10-foot spinning flip sword toss that MO could never be too slow random daytime armadillo is random also what is it with DC superheroes and childhoods other than the very forgettable daredevil but Marvel movies can you think of that spend time on the heroes childhood anyone Bueller and yet in the DC world Superman Batman and now Wonder Woman we always have to have a childhood opening our flashback long ago help me understand this bedtime book is it just the one picture is it Potter style coming to life for Diana also three full minutes a bedtime story exposition who wouldn't I prayed will never be called to arms classic not answering the question after aging from 7 to 13 and presumably training with Robin Wright for the whole time finally her mother catches her training my point is the movie chose a poor time to rapidly age up diana only to then introduce this cut by mom seen mom was asleep at the wheel four years before this girl will train her harder than any amazon before her whoa she just a 180 faster and more flawlessly than that red headed snowboard guy everybody loved ten years ago she must never know what the truth about what she is or how she came to be meaning she will definitely know that soon in this movie Diana went from 7 years old the 13 to however old she can be with gal gadot still pulling it off guessing early twenties this movie is doing some random time jumps you're stronger than I am again hey everybody Morpheus is fighting me I mean princess Buttercup is fighting Diana this [\xa0__\xa0] crash-lands is world war one plane in a mythical basically non-existent land but thankfully for him there was a brave local rebellious princess ex machina watching the show at that very moment convenient playing pieces convenient if this is where the plane breaks through and this is where it lands unless Wonder Woman javelin to piece of the plane about 300 feet there is no way this plane part would be floating here this soon after if wherever the Diana and her kin live is this easily infiltrated then it was never really hitting at all and I'm shocked no one prior to world war 1 even accidentally found this cloaked paradise like Magellan or Vasco da Gama's some also exactly what good is this hiding field if you can actually see things through it Seuss needs to up his camouflage game discount From Here to Eternity how did these arrows all get lit so fast and honestly if you're firing out into the ocean does it even help the movie will go out of its way later to show how much they know about the outside world but they're about to fire flaming arrows at an armored German naval division there was no way this Archer in this bowl should be moving at the same speed that's neither a super slow bullet that poses a no danger or that Archer is swinging at about 700 miles an hour Wow", metadata={'source': 've3oQBjcAGI'}), Document(page_content="super slow bullet that poses a no danger or that Archer is swinging at about 700 miles an hour Wow auntie auntie Opie's got skills we've seen before Legolas would definitely swipe right is what I'm saying no no my mentors death motivates protagonist cliche somehow these ladies with fire arrows defeated a German naval battalion and somehow that German destroyer we saw earlier played no part in this battle and I guess it just disappeared where was the firepower you know but there no he fought at my side against the UM you mean hit by your side from the invaders right general Ludendorff exposition bylaw so why would any military in any war conduct this kind of experiment in full view of the general officers I mean I guess she's a psychopath but that's just a waste of a good test subject right there this plane is airborne in about four seconds after traveling 50 feet I'm not saying you need a fast and furious length runway to get airborne but I'm pretty sure even the strongest dose of aviation viagra won't get it up that quick even though Steve not Rogers blew the [\xa0__\xa0] out of this base the Germans still managed to be right behind him when he approached Wonder Woman land would you say you're a typical example of your sex boobies got dick jokes yo good thing it's still ticking you let this little thing tell you what to do we are still talking about the walnuts right deep within the Amazonian jungle there exists a species of elk so stupid and so unevolved that even the most primitive of weapons can bring her down why is this here that's outfit oh this whole thing I just found it hanging in the middle of a room while I was stealing several priceless weapons that were unguarded and it happened to not only fit me perfectly but be colored completely different than anything else the other Amazonian women where you like it huh I know or at least I know I cannot stop you I just wrote in here in the middle of the night with a dozen of my warriors to say goodbye apparently you have been my greatest love today you know where my greatest sorrow thanks for the vote of confidence so the ship will just sail itself then is it a Tesla like the original Tesla if you never met a man before then what about your father I had no father my mother has sculpted me from clay and I was brought to life by Zeus this is the DCE you essentially rolling the Greek gods into actual reality and that is just kooky enough to deserve mention think about that Greek gods from mythology actually exist in the DCE Hades might be a villain one day he'll Ares is literally the villain of this movie something did come to me last night a different type of gas for you to restore your strength let's test it right now on you without any further research for all it came to me last night which was hours ago I've had hours to perfect and test it on animals and let's do this now wait a second movie you've established that Diana has been educated in the languages and customs of humans across the world and even read all 12 volumes of some academic porn encyclopedia she doesn't know what holding hands is she can't people with worldly wise and a fish out of water at the same time no one will be seated during the Princess Diaries portion of the movie she's trying you're not fit number 226 you a movie I understand how time works you over-exaggerated this joke by a factor of 10 Wonder Woman can now graduate with honors from the Clark Kent School disguisting yet release specs suddenly she's not the most beautiful woman you've ever seen see the secretary here would be excellent at cinemasins please put the sword down Lana how did she pull it out and walk here without everyone else in the store freaking the out they're all acting like they're seeing a guy with a mohawk when in reality what they're seeing is 50 times more rare and scary this is the most telegraphed head button all of movie dome series question two the bracelets act like bullet", metadata={'source': 've3oQBjcAGI'}), Document(page_content="most telegraphed head button all of movie dome series question two the bracelets act like bullet magnets or are these morons repeatedly firing at her at shoulder level watching her block every shot with no one thinking to shoot her in the goddamn foot and in further intelligence just moments earlier this room of sexist moustaches guffaw Diana out of the room but now she's just moseying around as they discuss war intelligence she opens the book to the middle and miraculously reads about the very gas Steve saw during his mission and he goes sir that is the evidence we need and no one in the room gives any more thought to any of the other military secrets and horrifying signs that might also be in that notebook beyond the money no to signor Giovanni it's a different story Sameer loses interest in the job and goes back to his excessive fondness for Diana this is what I call gal gadot d charming ed - he could run the mission from my office you run either Melissa McCarthy turning down this role or the character description was literally act like Melissa McCarthy there's enough head a few days a few days what room and board weapons they need driving people to get them across the border the Irish sniper guys beer budget alone is probably more than what's in that envelope also thank God he knows exactly which pub the hooligans Steve might recruit for his illegal mission hang out in either that or there's only one pub in England which we all know a true we deserve I have no idea where they are right now enemy territory or friendly but on a covert non-sanctioned secret spy mission to end the war is a huge open flame and copious drinking really why's nowhere better to be than in a war where you don't take a side at least here I'm free sure I understand I'm not wanting to be in the US but why not Canada or Mexico there's no man's land diana means no man can cross but she's not a minute let's go she's taking all the fire because she's currently the only target get the Germans a few more targets and I bet some of them start taking fire but whatever it's still not sure her bracelets aren't bullet magnets so this is awesome and also if I'm being honest a bit unrealistic I mean I know Diana is quick at blocking bullets and all but with this much automatic fire if she's not completely behind that shield she's taking some led to the legs for sure I know you can't see in there but we can all assume this is a stormtrooper right I mean these shots are so off Wonder Woman gets a chance to superhero pose twice before even addressing it movie takes great pains to show us that Charlie has lost his ability to shoot and never pays it off with any kind of redemption poor charlie I like how Steve and this movie thought Wonder Woman needed a boost to make this jump I know you can't speak Flemish so let me interpret they are saying the team in which she purposely destroyed our temple she is here to eat our souls well at least they should be saying that I love acting I don't want to be a soldier he's lucky indeed if it wasn't already obvious to you that David Thewlis his character was evil this please pay attention now focus change by the camera is here to hold your hand through the foreshadowing these folks are happy the Germans are gone for sure but they witnessed a handful of legit miracles today and this seems like more of a Suzy got married again Bloc Party you did this wait did off it was all you and you know it Jesus she came here in thanks so movie has time for this as does the war and the secret mission to find and destroy the gas weapon before the Germans can use it you saw it I've been out here the way she tossed at the machine-gun nest the way she took out that towel why the bystanders talk about superheroes so casually in these movies she jumped 80 feet in the air for pete's sake she freaking tossed a tank forget trying to decide if what she says is true how are you not either questioning your", metadata={'source': 've3oQBjcAGI'}), Document(page_content="a tank forget trying to decide if what she says is true how are you not either questioning your sanity or worshipping her as a god by now so for this gag to work it needs to be common for German officers to speak English maybe it was and yes he's technically talking to his driver here but this is 1918 I'm pretty sure anyone driving German officers for a living is speaking German not English and even his driver is speaking English to the German soldier guard what could Chris Pine do a German accent but not learn to speak two lines of actual German don't worry about it we all know they'll let you in anyway because it says so in the script what I'm more concerned about is how they don't recognize Steve those guys on the street in England certainly knew him by sight shouldn't he be on Germany's most wanted by now as if it wasn't convenient enough that this right-sized attendee happened to get stopped right here now she's going to walk straight into the woods at the exact place diana is waiting I might as well have had the dress fall from the sky who are you man who'd show you appreciation and genius like yourself dessert Steve makes a huge gamble that she feels unappreciated and of course he's right because movie last we left Diana she was on the side of the road sizing up that blue dress so what happened next certainly the driver would have noticed a passenger switch or a missing passenger and what about her invite could she leave the former dress occupant unconscious and undressed by the side of the road that's Dirty Diana wow what a beautiful shoulder blade back broach thing that looks nothing like the hilt of a sword you were wearing tonight Diana shoulder back brooches are a thing right enjoying the party English the official language of World War one Germany keep in mind that diana has proven to be fluent in many dozens of languages and I'm sure German is one of them but apparently at the halfway point of the film the studio ran out of dialect trainer money or something for the record she spends a lot of time dancing with the guy she's here to kill just letting him rant [Music] gasps hmm maybe last night's snowfall dance and drunk athon not to mention the implied boning were ultimately a huge waste of time considering you miss stopping the gas by literally minutes so she had her Under Armour on that whole time under that thin blue dress and Ludendorff couldn't feel it because what is it with this movie and just assuming Diane is invincible not saying she couldn't survive this lethal gas I'm just saying we haven't been given any reason to believe she would and more importantly neither is she well here's another literal machine delivered by the hand of God what luck so not only can she deflect bullets but she can direct them with pinpoint accuracy go drunk moving your home King told you shock of all shocks also let me get Ares plans straight here spend decades as a diplomat work his way into a cabinet position so that he can influence a possible armistice in order to keep a war simmering he's a god isn't he he does have more than the power to grow a great mustache and be ignored a cabinet meetings right now are gas masks a good disguise for sneaking into a German base manufacturing a gas for which gas masks provide no protection like yeah it hides her face but why would any Germans be wearing useless gas masks in this place well she luck in this battle I guess nice to know you Wonder Woman unless you discover some heretofore unknown well of power and strength inside you here in a few minutes I did I don't want to fight but it is a superhero movie so let the endless punching commence throwing a box of grenades at a king god that explosion conveniently blew her directly into Steve Trevor's running path it's almost like Ares has a sense of humor or something this playing door opens easily from the outside during takeoff were they expecting a pizza delivery well I exactly does all", metadata={'source': 've3oQBjcAGI'}), Document(page_content="easily from the outside during takeoff were they expecting a pizza delivery well I exactly does all this God punching even matter Diana knows at this point that Stephen Ares are right about humans being weak he's barely doing anything and man is willing to go to war seems to me no matter who wins people be people but why if the gas is flammable and all you have to do is make it explode why not land the plane away from the people and set a charge I mean it's a beautiful sentiment at all but completely unnecessary magically and just in time Diana discovers a deeper well of her power she never knew existed huzzah whatever it is I can't no wait so she could hear him or she couldn't or she couldn't but now she can and remembering or she can read lips but only after 10 minutes or so or maybe she's travelling back in time so she can hear what he said or maybe forget it it doesn't matter anyway we all know where this is headed cuz this this is Wonder Woman this is more like Godzilla breath here it's a good thing the movie so clearly explain how she got these powers what they are and how to defeat a god that Zeus couldn't even kill where are they holding him we should kill him now and be done with it [Applause] what the hell is this thing lieutenant blue I wanna know this is my canoe you're stronger than this Diana you think that's air you're breathing now can you get some towels for me please I'm really losing a lot of blood you sound like you're proving that guys oh oh whipping is far deadlier than you can ever imagine I don't know I can imagine quite a bit I am Diana of thymus Kiera daughter of Hippolyta queen of the Amazons you killed my father", metadata={'source': 've3oQBjcAGI'})]
[Document(page_content='-Absolutely. -I´m such a huge fan\nof the show. Steve is one\nof my favorite characters. -Thank you. Thank you.\n-A great -- He had a great Season 2,\nI thought. -Yeah, yeah. -Really enjoyed Steve\nin Season 2. -Yes, yes, yes. -A lot of actors prepare\nfor roles. I heard you prepared\nfor six weeks for an element of Steve that maybe turned out to be\na waste of time. -At the beg-- yes, at the\nbeginning of the first season, I got the part and talked\nto the Duffer Brothers, and they´re saying,\n"Yeah, it´s gonna -- he´s gonna be kind of, like,\nthis jock character. And he´s, like, a swimmer." They had that incorporated\nin the thing. So for, you know, the first --\nI don´t know -- for like six weeks\nprior to shooting, I was training, doing all this,\nlike, you know, swimming prep, and then show up, you know -- Also, I thought I was gonna be\nin, like, a Speedo. -Yeah.\n-It´s a TV show. Like, the first thing\nI ever did, I was gonna be in a Speedo,\nso... -Yeah, so you don´t want to be,\nlike, the chunky swimmer. Yeah. -I was gonna be known\nas "Chunky Steve" for the rest of my life.\n-Yeah, exactly. -No, but then, we showed up\nthe first day, and, like -- "Oh, yeah, the swim--\nOh, no, no, we cut that. No, we cut that."\n[ Laughter ] So that was totally --\n-So you just got like six weeks of working out\nfor nothing. -Yeah, it´s, like, the most\nin shape I´ve ever been. -Yeah, although, it is good\nto be in shape because -- and I remember this, but watching the show\nreally brings it into focus -- very tight jeans in the ´80s.\nAre you in -- -They´re very tight.\n-Yeah. -They don´t tell you about that\nwhen they cast you. -Yeah. -About the jeans and how tight\nthey will make them. -Yeah.\n-Yeah. -I feel like...\n-Oh, yeah. -...when you watch,\nlike, Jane Austen, you realize how painful\ncorsets look on women. And then, when you watch\n"Stranger Things," you´re like, "Jeans were not\na good time in the ´80s." -It´s a similar thing.\n-Yeah. -Oh, yeah. Jeans were very tight\nin a lot of ways and places that you might\nnot ex-- you know. And, also,\nthe material that they have... [ Laughter ]\nThe material is, like, stretchy that they have for jeans now,\nyou know. -Yeah. It has a little give.\n-Jegging? -Yeah.\n-It´s like nothing. It´s like you´re wearing\na baseball glove. -Yeah.\n-It´s like a -- you know. Very tight.\n[ Laughter ] -It´s basically like -- like,\nyeah, denim is chain mail. -Yeah.\n-Yeah. -So you´re having to, like,\nduck and run around, but you´re trapped. -One of the other things\nis you -- The Demogorgon last year was a man in a Demogorgon suit.\n-Oh! -And these are\npretty awesome photos of -- -That´s Mark. Yeah. -That´s Mark.\n-Yeah. -Who was a Demogorgon.\n-Yeah. -And so when you had to fight\nthe Demogorgon in Season 1, you actually had somebody\nwho was in the room. -Right, yeah, yeah, yeah.\nThat was kind of the big difference between\nthe first and second season. -Because now it´s CGI.\n-Yeah, it´s CGI. ´Cause they can´t have,\nyou know, like, a person on all fours\npretending to be a little... - Yeah.\n-...dog guy. -Like, you can´t have\na person this small in a -- I mean, they can´t --\nthey won´t let children do it. -Yeah, it´s, you know.\n[ Laughter ] They´re already breaking so many\nlaws with what they´re doing. I mean, compared to last year,\nit´s like I just felt terrible having to -- you know,\nhe´s in this big, hot suit, and he´s sweating. He´s getting, like,\nwater through a tube and a fan, and he´s, like...\nbetween takes. And then, "Action!" and I literally,\nfor like eight hours, had to just, you know --\nhit, just -- smack him, like... -Just whale on him.\n-Like, in the stunt, he´s, like, sweating and hot\nand tired and... -Was he ever like,\n"I´m not a real Demogorgon"? -Yeah. He´s -- I´d be like,\n"Dude, I am so sorry." I´m trying to sell it.\nSo, you know. -Your hair receives\na lot of ink. -Yes.\n[ Scattered cheers ] -Multiple --\n-Yes. -These are multiple headlines just about your hair\non the show. -This is so crazy.', metadata={'source': 'C4YNcqNF4hg'}), Document(page_content='-Yes. -These are multiple headlines just about your hair\non the show. -This is so crazy.\n-"How to Get ´Stranger Things´ star\nJoe Keery´s Gravity-Defying Hair."\n[ Light laughter ] I like this -- "We Need\nTo Talk About Steve´s Hair From ´Stranger Things´ Again."\n[ Laughter ] We already needed\nto talk about it. We need to talk about it again. -Yeah, yeah.\n-And this -- but this -- you just brought this\nwith you, right? -This was not --\n-Yes. I mean, yeah. My -- I mean, my parents have\nkind of crazy hair. [ Laughter ]\nI guess. I don´t know. Yeah, for a long time,\nmy dad was always on me about, you know,\ncutting my hair. And you know, "Go get a haircut.\nYou got to, like, gel your -- got to do something to get your\nhair to stay down, you know? Like, it´s too big.\nGet it down, you know? It looks crazy."\n[ Light laughter ] -So when you got the part,\ndid you call your dad and give him the news\nthat you were right? -Finally, I´m right, you know.\n[ Laughter ] No. No. No. Yeah. -You play a high schooler\non the show. What were you doing --\nwhen you were in high school, what were --\nwhat were your jobs? What were you doing for -- -Um, man,\nI worked at a restaurant. I was a --\nOh, I delivered pizza for -- -I was a pizza delivery guy,\nas well. Did you enjoy that?\n-It´s okay. -Yeah.\n-Yeah. I wasn´t so great at it. I didn´t have --\nIt was before -- I didn´t have the iPhone.\n-Yeah. -So I was just like -- as we´re getting the pi--\nI don´t know. -Yeah, no, you would have\na map in the car. -You would look at the map.\nYou would look at the map. And then -- And I didn´t\neven have one in the car. I didn´t even -- So it was just\nlook at the map and then say, "Oh, I guess that´s kind of\nwhere it is," and then just go. -Oh, so you´d\nhave to memorize the map? -It was terrible, yeah. -Did you ever have any angry\ncustomers who got late pizza? -Oh, that´s one\nof my dad´s favorite stories. This old guy just --\nI had to, you know -- I was calling him, hanging up. Like, calling -- Like,\n"I don´t know where you are." He´s like, "It´s over here." You know, it´s like this\nreally kind of weird building. And I finally pulled up. And I was like, "I´m so --"\nLike, "I´m terribly sorry. Of course,\nyou don´t have to pay. I´ll pay for the pizza.\nYou know, whatever." And then he didn´t say anything. It was this old guy with his\nhat, and it was just really low. He was really short, too. I just remember\nhow short he was. I pull up in my Volvo,\nand he just takes the thing. Just writes on the thing. Looks at me, like,\njust really dead in the eyes, and then gives me back\nthe receipt and walks inside. [ Chuckling ] And on the thing,\nhe had just written, "Pizza delivery is not for you." [ Laughter ]\nIt´s like... And then I quit.\nAnd that´s when I knew. -It´s funny. That´s great.\n-Yeah. -Yeah, he sent -- It´s also -- I don´t know who reads that and\nis like, "But it´s my dream!" -Yeah, I know, like -- Who´s like that´s their main --\n-Yeah. -It´s like,\n"Are you kidding me?" -Yeah.\n-"This is what I was going for." -I like to think that that guy\nis watching "Stranger Things," seeing you,\nand a tear runs down his cheek. -Yeah.\n-He´s like, "I told him to go chase" --\n[ Laughter ] -He was the guy. Yeah.\n-Yeah. "I knew. I knew." -It was you out there.\nWherever you are, old man. Yeah, yeah.\n-Thanks so much for being here.', metadata={'source': 'C4YNcqNF4hg'})]
[Document(page_content="come on are you guys oh wow you look beautiful thank you this is mod V me am i described are you being searched yeah oh wait when you're having a conversation does mod V also record what I'm saying or just what you're saying what everybody's saying okay just curious right I mean it's kind of amazing I can look back and tell you exactly what I said there's no doubt meeting the scribe for the first time it's just strange do you really want everything documented everything all right I'm gonna make urination Sam mom do you have to pee here you're good with your diaper [Applause] I just feel like let's just make Chris Turner so uncomfortable it's fun what she queefed in our workout was bigger than she did she was queefing she did you are funny you're funny to have around me oh thanks but I will say as a child the way you used to talk to me when I thought my name was Ted and all you do is get drunk it's wild please call child services you have no idea what I go through on a nightly basis don't punish me because somebody's writing everything down it's not funny anymore [Music]", metadata={'source': 'TN5jzDgORqQ'})]
[Document(page_content='[INTRO ♪] Earth’s climate has been through a lot over\nthe past few billion years, and at this point scientists have a pretty\ngood handle on how our planet has changed over time. But we talk about the future of the climate\ntoo. About how it’s changing more quickly than\nit has in the past, and about the dangers of rising temperatures and more severe droughts and storms. Our methods for predicting the future of climate are a little different than those for reconstructing\nthe past. The past leaves physical records we can study in things like tree rings and ice cores. The future requires us to be a little more\nabstract. So, we mostly predict the future of Earth’s\nclimate using computer models— mathematical reconstructions of our atmosphere that account for as much detail as possible to produce an accurate simulation. And it’s taken decades to build them up\nto the point where we can be confident that what they say is\naccurate. But it is. And what the models say is that our climate\nis changing, and humans are making it happen. Global climate models, or GCMs, grew out of early computerized attempts to\nmodel the planet’s atmosphere in the 40s and 50s. Scientists weren’t even trying to predict\nthe future— they just wanted to create a representation\nof the Earth’s atmospheric system as it was at the time. That was hard enough. Climate models, then and now, divide the Earth’s surface into chunks a\nfew hundred kilometers on a side, each with different properties like air movement\nand surface temperature. Then, the computer calculates how all those\nchunks interact with each other to see how things change over time. Those early models were super simple. They did things like combine land and sea\ninto a single damp surface with no geography, or represent the Earth\nas a cylinder instead of a sphere because the poles confused the computer. Thankfully, that didn’t lead to a whole\nmovement of cylinder-Earthers, though. All this simplifying was necessary because\nearly supercomputers were kind of limited. We’re talking, like, five kilobytes of RAM. Your phone has, like, 500,000 times that much. Still, it was enough to come up with a crude\npicture of Earth’s atmospheric currents and its\nwet and dry regions. Eventually, though, scientists wanted more than just a model of the atmosphere around\na featureless cylinder— they wanted something that fit ... an actual\nplanet. Now, they could make the model more accurate by making the chunks smaller, but that would\ntake more computing power. And what about the effects of mountains on\nair movement? What about warm and cold water circulating\nin the oceans? To answer those questions, climate modelers\nneeded more juice. By the 1970s, they were also beginning to\nworry about the greenhouse effect of the carbon dioxide we were adding to the\natmosphere by using fossil fuels. They thought it could trap the sun’s heat\nand cause the planet to warm. At the same time, computers were getting powerful\nenough that they weren’t limited to modeling the\npresent anymore. So, programmers wanted to start using models to predict future changes in the climate. But before a climate model can be turned loose\nto predict the future, it has to be able to predict the past—what’s\nknown as hindcasting. And that’s an important test, because if the model’s “predictions”\nmatch what we know already happened, we can be more confident about what it says\nwill happen in the future. Temperature records go back a century or more. If you start a model in 1850, it should be\nable to progress through time and match the general trends in temperature\nwe already know happened. And by the late 1970s, climate models started\nto be able to do this. In 1979, a report pulling from two different\nclimate models suggested that the Earth’s temperature would\nincrease as atmospheric carbon dioxide increased. Specifically, assuming twice as much CO2 in\nthe atmosphere, they predicted an increase between 1.5 and', metadata={'source': 'i9EyFghIt5o'}), Document(page_content='the atmosphere, they predicted an increase between 1.5 and\n4.5 degrees Celsius, which trends suggested could happen before\nthe 21st century was up. That range has proven pretty reliable ever\nsince. It still fits the warming we expect to happen\nover the next century or so, even as models have become much more powerful. So, models in the 70s were able to answer\none simple “what if” question: What happens if the amount of carbon dioxide\nin the atmosphere doubles? But these days, you can carry more computing\npower in your pocket than those early programmers ever dreamed\nof and use it to send people pictures of your\ncat that disappear after 10 seconds. Truly, it’s a golden age. And not only are cat pictures better, but\nso are climate models. We now have the resources to ask and answer\nmore detailed questions. And boy, do we have a lot of them. Governments want to know what will happen,\nin detail, in their corner of the world. And scientists want to know what will happen if we take measures to stop global climate\nchange, as opposed to letting emissions run rampant. With the models we have now, we can produce more customized predictions\nbased on different scenarios of what humans might do in the future, like how much carbon dioxide will be emitted\nover a given amount of time and how much land will be used for agriculture. You can also use these models to basically\nrun the predictions backwards, and calculate the factors that would lead\nto a certain amount of warming. So for example, if policymakers want to see\nwhat changes should be made to limit overall global warming to 2 degrees\nCelsius, they just have to use a climate model with\nthe appropriate parameters. That said, just because it’s the 21st century and computers are awesome now doesn’t mean\nclimate models have reached their perfect final form. The Earth’s atmosphere is an unbelievably\ncomplex system, and we don’t yet have models powerful enough\nto track absolutely everything. We also can’t account for every single thing\nhumans do now or might do in the future. So, we now know a lot about what will happen, but there’s still work left to do in perfecting\nour predictions. For example, up until 2012 or so, models weren’t great at predicting sea level\nrise— they undershot it pretty badly. UN reports in 2001 and 2007 made predictions\nfor sea level rise that failed to track with what we observed\nvia satellites by about 60%. That might be because the models didn’t\nfully account for the rapid changes in the ice sheets over Antarctica\nand Greenland. For the UN’s most recent report in 2013, the models were re-programmed and the projections\nfor sea level rise increased to be more in line with what we’re\nseeing happen. We want our models to do better, in part because we want to know what’s going\nto happen to our climate, and in part because accounting for all the\nvariables is just good science. With these constant improvements, every new prediction can be more detailed. And in the last couple of decades, we’ve started to be able to tailor predictions\nfor specific regions. Which is helpful, because people and governments in different parts of the world want to know\nvery different things. A farmer in southern Europe might want to\nknow if drought will affect their crops more severely in the\nfuture, while an islander from the Maldives might\nbe more concerned about their country being completely swallowed\nby rising seas. Now we can try to answer those questions, and a lot of the answers aren’t encouraging. No matter how you look at it, the models are\nvery clear that the planet is warming. That’s one of the easiest things to predict— I mean, we’ve been doing it since 1979. If we pump more heat-trapping greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, the\nnumbers come out warmer. There are factors other than greenhouse gases\nthat the models take into account too, like particulate matter', metadata={'source': 'i9EyFghIt5o'}), Document(page_content='that the models take into account too, like particulate matter\nfrom volcanoes and coal-burning power plants, which can have\na cooling effect. And we know the oceans will slow warming for\na while by absorbing CO2, until they run out of capacity. But all the predictions say the warming caused\nby greenhouse gases will have a stronger effect. Even in scenarios where governments around\nthe world work quickly to limit and phase out greenhouse gas emissions, climate models predict that the Earth’s\ntemperature increase will be at least around 2 degrees. In other scenarios, where we take less aggressive\naction or no action at all, the planet’s average surface temperature\ngoes up by more like 6 degrees Celsius. Which, if you’re used to Fahrenheit? That’s 11 degrees. That’s hot. But higher temperatures are far from the only\nconsequence of climate change. Using models, along with other tools, researchers predict all kinds of other effects. A comprehensive report by the US Global Change\nResearch Program, published in 2014, lists some of the consequences. It emphasizes effects on North America, but similar things would happen all over the\nworld. With more and more time passing between periods\nof freezing temperatures, plants could experience a longer growing season. That could actually have a net positive effect of causing plants to take up more CO2 so less\nstays in the atmosphere. But the good news pretty much ends there. In general, around the world and in North\nAmerica, there would be changes in the distribution\nof precipitation, including rain and snow. The changes tend toward increasing extremes. A warmer atmosphere holds more moisture, so\nwet regions will get wetter. But models show shifts in large-scale movements\nof air that would exacerbate dryness, too. So, for example, the dry American Southwest\nwill get even drier. And major events like droughts, heat waves,\nand powerful storms will get worse and more frequent. The effects of climate change on Atlantic\nhurricanes are hard to predict. We don’t know for sure whether it was responsible for the devastating 2017 hurricane season. But we know that as the global temperature\nincreases, the temperature of the surface of the ocean\ndoes too. And warm ocean water is hurricane fuel. Historically, warmer years don’t produce\nmore hurricane landfalls, so we may only see stronger storms, not more\nof them. But that’s not a sure thing. Climate change will have other kinds of effects,\ntoo, like rising sea levels, melting ice caps,\nand changes in ocean currents, but it would take a whole other episode to\ntalk about them all. Which is exactly what we did a few years ago. Thanks to decades of work improving climate\nmodels, we now have a very good idea of what’s happening, both globally and regionally. And even though our models have gotten much\nmore detailed over the years, those predictions of increasing temperatures\nhave stayed constant. Which is a good sign for the science of climate\nmodeling, but maybe also cause to be a little worried. We’ve always known the Earth wasn’t just\na damp cylinder. But as our ability to model the climate has\nimproved over time, we’ve learned a lot about how our planet\nworks, and what we’re doing to it. Thanks for watching this episode of SciShow. If you’re interested in learning more about\nthe effects of climate change, we have another video about just that topic. [OUTRO ♪]', metadata={'source': 'i9EyFghIt5o'})]
[Document(page_content="hey guys welcome to Collider movie talk movie talk from movie fans I'm your host Ashley mova and this is the daily show we give you all the latest news from the world the movies plus some insight into what it all means leading off the show today is Mark Ellis welcome one and all to the best movie news show in the entire galaxy a veritable spaghetti burrito of news for you guys this morning including a brand new teaser Quentin Tarantino may have a huge star in his next movie and of course now we get to figure out what men want the other than spaghetti burritos who's joining me Ashley oh here's Jon Schnepp sup everybody I can't wait to talk about the disaster artist but I'm under embargo no that's awesome go see it Kristian harloff is that your Apple why do you even Apple with you well it's not a stinky bagel but the good news one of the good news I'm very confused you ever see The Last Unicorn I've never seen it you should see you loved it I always thought it was has anybody he has seen Nellie yeah it has anyone here seen Kelly is that the name of the Last Unicorn is Kelly no it's just this crazy butterfly sings of wierd tune hashtag stinky bagel why you have him on the show ladies and gentlemen he gets right to the hard hitting movie news of the day even before we get to that rundown we have some very exciting news to report and it involves the sexiest man alive from 2010 so Ashley by my math that means at Blake Shelton is gonna be playing Deadpool in the year 2024 before we get to that Ryan Reynolds still gets another go-around come on Ashley he does but I don't have a run well it doesn't matter because we're just gonna gush about the teaser that we just received a couple hours ago where we saw Deadpool dressed as the legendary painter Bob Ross doing his version of the TV show very dirty very adult friendly lots of drug and sex references and then we also got treated to the first footage from Deadpool 2 so Ashley you and I got to enjoy this thing this morning the pre-production meeting what did you think about the first look at Deadpool 2 and then also the the Bob Ross spoof I thought it was hilarious to the it was almost dirtier than what I remember Deadpool to be which is just absolutely shocking I kept thinking is this real is this real he's making so many dirty jokes which of course I love I thought it was hilarious and I'm even more yeah it was almost like they took the r-rating that they had on the first day or they pushed it even a further step I thought that the the Bob Ross thing was funny and I was waiting for it to get old and it never got old because he's just so funny as Bob Ross and this is Deadpool in general and then we get to see some some quick images of what's going to happen all the action that's gonna be going on in Deadpool to some of our favorite characters from the first Deadpool and then we see a hand in ant Luke Skywalker's hand that is the hand of cable and that is according to the sweaty Jon Schnepp did you enjoy this teaser as much as I did I did I watched it with you I was laughing the whole time I mean you know making fun of Bob Ross is just fun because it's soothing everybody loves Bob Ross but ever like he'll make a little trees now make it read everybody could do it but Ryan Reynolds just does it I think the best I've ever seen like turning every single phrase into something dirty naming all the paints something crazy and 30 men in black every single paint like he just enjoyed just the the text that's going on underneath while he's talking about don't eat the trees so I absolutely I could watch an entire episode of Deadpool Bob Ross I would I can't I hope that's on the blu-ray DVD special and the like five seconds of quick like three frame flashes that we saw of Deadpool to just whetted my appetite I cannot wait to see this movie so yeah I loved it you say the word wet and it means something Christian I think you finally got through it I know", metadata={'source': 'PGWBA_OzCE4'}), Document(page_content="it you say the word wet and it means something Christian I think you finally got through it I know you might had some trouble watching the Deadpool 2 teaser this morning with the the tykes around well no it was funny because I was like well it didn't say read ban I didn't think it did anyway and so I started watching is like I was just doing the Bob Ross thing that's that's gray and then he goes I love cocaine and hear that I shouldn't hear that and then he stand then he throws the f-bomb and like all right we'll watch it later so but I did watch it I just want to know this is what I love about Deadpool in the marketing the first time is it's the initial pitches of how do they come up with that you know they're sitting around going well we had to do something bizarre and then Bob Ross is thrown out I mean that's like the last time I saw someone dressed up as Bob Ross was finstock when he did it for JT the trial of JT but that was the last time I've seen that I love that that happened I love that they did that I love that they kept the theme all the way through and then I so of course those images at the end didn't give anything away just like throw you back to that tone and said get ready for it and it's basically what they told you right off the bat was we're gonna have the same kind of marketing campaign times 20 yeah yeah I mean you get that painting at the end that I really look like the family portrait where you see cable in there you see the cabbie you see the old lady from the first movie TJ Miller and they're very excited for him and I really loved the end credits because they had all these random names thrown in there my favorite random name in the credits was for security it said Dalton but as I loved the boom boom goes the dynamite I love jimJam the movie comes out next year and if this teaser is any indication we're gonna have a pretty similar marketing campaign to the first one and that is very good news to my ears let's move on to our first official topic where I do believe there's some words on paper thanks to a report from the playlist it looks as though Rotten Tomatoes won't be unveiling their score for Justice League until Thursday at 12:01 a.m. Eastern Time nearly a full day after reviews go online the reason actually comes as part of a promotion for a new C its kippot show on Facebook and which Ron Tomatoes will officially unveil the score for new releases though many have taken online to say there's a massive conspiracy afoot with WB trying to delay the score until the movie drops for Thursday night showings it's likely this is simply a promotion for the Rotten Tomatoes original series as no doubt plenty of fans will be tuning in to see see it skip it to check out the score reveal for Justice League mark thoughts on Ron tomatoes delaying the score for Justice League from what we want to know about Justice League guys this is actually why they're doing it is to promote the new see it skip its show which is a show that I have a lot of friends over rotten tomatoes I've met with them and the two hosts of see it skip it our buddies of mine Jacqueline Kohli and she's gonna duel lo woo they're hosting it tonight and the reason why they're doing this show I think that even in the iterations this and I know this from talking to some people over Rotten Tomatoes is that they wanted to have a show where they cleverly reveal the tomato meter because obviously it's gonna get a lot of people watching it not just for Justice League because they've had this the works for a while and when they told me about this concept a couple months ago they mentioned that this is something that they want to do every week so this is not specific to just Justice League although I know that there's always gonna be fans that are saying well because we knew where the tomato meter was for Batman V Superman and maybe that turned some fans up maybe that galvanized a hardcore fan base maybe that", metadata={'source': 'PGWBA_OzCE4'}), Document(page_content="V Superman and maybe that turned some fans up maybe that galvanized a hardcore fan base maybe that just is a tertiary product of this but the reason why they want to do it on this show is because it helps promote this show and has less to do with Justice League but Christian I'm sure there's gonna be a lot of eyeballs on this program now because we get to see what the tomato meter is I'm very curious maybe so about I think it's a terrible idea I think it was a terrible idea for them to do this because they think you're putting too much pressure on the host I think that well you have to do there because I know both of the hosts I've seen they're working they're very talented and they're really good but what you're doing now is this has to be the best show that you have ever produced I mean this you cannot fail in this first show because all these eyes after are going to be coming after you for a Justice League to find out that score they have to be the funniest that they've ever been they have to be on point they have to make doubt the audience fall in love with them because the audience is going in general if you review Justice League and say one bad thing about it even if you loved it you say one bad thing they eat you alive the fact that you're holding this score back this is a volatile community that you're dealing with you so I think it was unfair to the hosts to do it for this movie first I think I understand the move I understand why they're trying to do it but I think it is a terrible move for them to do on their on their first done iterations of the show before no no I'm talking about holding the score I'm saying holding the score and then waiting for for Justice League being the one because yeah but it's not I haven't been on camera it would be like if we got to reveal it on movie talk I don't think I'd be that nervous if we got to because I've done movie talk but if we had a sit Tomatoes score my point is that not a lot of people know about the show and now to your point they will know about it more so now because of this review but you're putting a lot of pressure on the host I I think it's I understand the move but I think it's a terrible no I think they're great hosts and I mean no Christians are not speaking to me the great hosts but I like I just I I know them and I know they've worked in this industry for a long time so if you get this piece of information I think of anything it gets you excited as a host of like yeah we're gonna do a great show and that's what I'm saying it's not like the they're taping the show today right so it's not like the show is live watch so if something did happen or they didn't like a line or whatever you can you can take it out I mean this is like if you gave us movie talker schmoes to premiere something like that I think of anything I don't know my way to be able to step up and yeah but I don't know if I would do it though for I think I think there's I think that particularly it's just it is to hold that score back and let it go on on that particular show I think it I just think it's well it has less to do with the host and more to do with like taking an aggregate of all these different reviewers which is and then making a show out of it and then holding that back is the problem I have with it it's it should just be like here's what these five people have weighed in on and then ten more weigh in yeah and that changes the score it shouldn't be like we'll hold back on our score I think that's messy yeah that's it personally I don't care if they have a show or not I think it's great and I love rotten tomatoes because Rotten Tomatoes wouldn't exist if it wasn't for all of the different critics who are who make up what the sum total of Rotten Tomatoes is it's the sum total it's not its own specific well what did Rotten Tomatoes say it's like no it's what all these different people said you guys are part of the critics of Rotten Tomatoes", metadata={'source': 'PGWBA_OzCE4'}), Document(page_content="no it's what all these different people said you guys are part of the critics of Rotten Tomatoes so like if you guys did your review yesterday at 11:40 or whatever the embargo lifted last night you online right now can go and read every single critic who is part of Rotten Tomatoes who has weighed in and you'd may be able just by math but look you have to know math um way add up your own score it's like waiting for Ron to me this is goofy and just in its own way it's like be lazy and don't figure it out or go online read a bunch of other point my point is not not because like I said I know both the hosts there yeah very talent what I'm talking about is that I think it's a I think it's a kind of a not a great move by Rotten Tomatoes the company in general to hold it off go hey you want you want to find out what what the score is unjustly go watch it on our show of course the hosts say you wouldn't do that if what I was gonna say now was that of course the hosts are gonna be like yeah we want to take this on give it to us because that's big for them of course it is but Rotten Tomatoes as a company shouldn't hold score because of what everyone is thinking about with Justice League and want to know it there just we should point that was the point I was jumping off that is they you think if Collider had come up with the tomato meter you don't think that they're that you would want to come up with a way to monetize that or make it a big production just having it leak out slowly and watch it I think this is a I think this is a dynamic strategy to say we know that everybody's focused on the whole number and we're going to release it at this time the day before the movie comes I don't think that's fair because they released there are other numbers way before movies come out and that could help the movie or hurt the movie and now they're specifically doing it for 100 is it gonna be from every forever I think what they want to do with the show is it every week you don't know what the tomato meter is until you tune in to this show some pure B's and then what happens if you don't watch the show then you have to wait until like the day it comes out because you didn't get a chance to watch the show or your mate you're holding people hostage to watch your show so no but or you can actually be proactive and go and read your own critics like you find out like when I was used to be in Chicago I read Roger Ebert so I mean it's like you know what I'm saying like you have your favorite critics that you'll read and like I'm assuming everyone out there reads or watches different critics reviews of different things so you don't necessarily need an aggregate that comes up with a some number so I I think it's like okay if they do that for every single movie going forward but now it has to be like for every movie going forward they can't play favorites the optics on this might have a lot of people saying oh they're just doing this for Justice League and I think the point of the show is it they want to make it an event when they announced the score and I think that's fine because you're not holding people hostage because you're allowed to read reviews it's it this is not saying that we review embargo is up tonight it's the review embargo so that was up yesterday yes and all the stuff all day today you can go watch a review you're gonna see your Sabre critics field you don't get that collective score that's why a lot of people go to Rotten Tomatoes they go watch the collective score they don't go try a couple of your favorite views and of course like people have already looked at our review people have watched a Collider Ranger people have done that for shorten that's what they're gonna do like Jeremy John's review came out they click on it they watch it but then they also want to see what that collective score is going to be ours being one of those two and I think by saying well you can find out but find", metadata={'source': 'PGWBA_OzCE4'}), Document(page_content="is going to be ours being one of those two and I think by saying well you can find out but find out on Thursday at 8 p.m. it's like no just what is it well it is their company they could do what they want said of course someone else could come up with their own aggregate show mine is blue rotten green tomatoes or whatever like you know mine comes out every day I think it's a very valuable piece of IP that they created and so if they want to either monetize it or they want to say hey this we're gonna make this into a vent I think all the more power to me because it's a smart marketing strategy how do you feel about this hat um I think that conversation just got more intense than I thought it was gonna be what reversal than I thought um I think it's honestly I think it's pretty genius of Ron tomatoes to do this because they know that people just go online type look at the score and then that's all there is to it why not capitalize on people wanting to see your score so I think it's a pretty smart move but I definitely get your point Christian I don't think what it's like battlefront started as a battle do the same thing where they like they basically said you can have all these we're not gonna charge you for anything and then it's like aw but you have to do all these different things or you can pay it's like you're if this is from this day forward I don't have any problems are there specific about individual movies don't upholding information I think that's kind of like I cut actually off no I just think that people that are planning on seeing this opening week that this isn't going to change they're already bought they already bought their tickets they're gonna see it regardless and you know you'll be able to see the score if you're gonna see it next week anyway so I don't think it makes that big of a difference and you know what's funny is like it's not even gonna effect justly cuz most people actually liked it so it's like it's not gonna get it like a 13 on around tomatoes I don't know what Ron tomatoes is because they're holding the numbers back but when that comes out I can almost guarantee you it's going to be way higher than the Batman V Superman and Suicide Squad yeah if you really want to know what everybody thought about Justice League you can do your due diligence and go check out all the reviews that are out there already if you're so reliant on one number to tell you if you should go see a movie or not then I think that's a that's a fallacy your judgement anyway but if you want to wait for that number then you should probably check look I'm much more upset about the Blake Shelton's sexiest man alive you're telling me that's the sexiest guy on earth right now hold Gwen Stefani yep she's happy I don't I'd go Adam Levine all right next door in a new report from variety three studios have emerged as the frontrunners to distribute Quinn Tarantino's next movie the top three include Warner Brothers Sony and paramount with Warner Brothers actually transforming their lot to match the time period using the Warner Brothers logo from 1969 as the marquee outside the studio Sony also reportedly created a big pitch focused on marketing and domestic as previously reported Tarantino is eyeing Margot Robbie for the role of Sharon Tate and is said to have also written rules for Brad Pitt and Leo DiCaprio deadline is now reporting that Tom Cruise is also on the shortlist of talent Tarantino has spoken with about one of the two lead male roles though they caution it will come down to scheduling should nap thoughts on the top three Studios up for Tarantino's next movie and do you think Tom Cruise would be a good addition I love this I don't want to see Tom Cruise as Charles Manson I don't see Brad Pitt play Charles Manson you ever seen 12 monkeys and you see his like crazy performance in 12 monkeys you know what I'm doing it so yeah I'm really excited about I love that the studios are", metadata={'source': 'PGWBA_OzCE4'}), Document(page_content="12 monkeys you know what I'm doing it so yeah I'm really excited about I love that the studios are doing all this kind of stuff like rolling out the deluxe red carpet for Tarantino because all of his films are great I just watched hateful eating again a couple nights ago it's such a fantastic film and that they're transforming it out they just did they put all these 60 styled cars and the waiting room was all modeled with like 60 style furniture they did they went all out they're like look we're all in you got that hundred million son here's those gross points off first revenue son so those are the things that Tarantino's asking for which I think is ballsy I mean that's I mean he's at that point where why not be gangster so he's being gangster because he knows that everyone's gonna go see this movie it doesn't matter what it's called it doesn't matter if it's a it's about it's about Manson playing music the whole has nothing to do with charity it's just him playing his stupid songs everyone's gonna want to see it because Tarantino's writing it cuz he doesn't mess around so i think it's i think i love this news it kind of makes me feel like old hollywood you know when it's like this is the way things this is the way things should happen yeah I mean Warner Brothers brought does not care what the actual story of this movie is from recent reports it would take place in the late 60s early 70s but it might not tie in as directly to Charles Manson or the Manson murders as one might initially suspect so you write stuff this could be about Charles Manson introducing Brian Wilson to a sand guy to put sand in his studio for Pet Sounds for two hours and they would want it why because you got the name Quentin Tarantino and you have huge stars potentially Tom Cruise attached Christian they accepted they rolled out the red carpet when Tarantino arrived at Warner Brothers there was a circular entrance in front of the building with cars from the late 60s they the water brothers logo from the late 60s I mean they went all out to get this movie now they hear Tom Cruise might be involved was this something you try out 100 mil for yeah absolutely I mean cuz Quentin Tarantino is one of those rare directors that he sells the movie like there are there are a handful of directors that when you hear about their movie coming out you it's an event whether it's Quentin Tarantino Morton Martin Scorsese Christopher Nolan like you know Francis Ford Coppola people when you hear those names when you hear those names it's like okay I'm gonna see I don't care what it's about and then when you hear that it's like you said with Manson running around with a guitar and then whether or not whether or not Tom Cruise is gonna play Manson or somebody you know that's associated with him we don't know but Tom Cruise in a Tarantino movie is brilliant because the whole point of what he's been able to do with his career lately is he can flip it on it on its head and flip your perception of him on its head like that he did an entropic Thunder where you saw that that role used over wait a minute that that was Tom Cruise even know it was him to the ending he was eight he's able to do that he went back to action show that at his age he was able to do action and he's also he's he is able to take risk now I missed the other one that he did but I heard it was really good the the American made an American man was really good maybe stable to do more stuff there so I want to see what he's able to do in a Tarantino movie because I also want to see it's the one movie where he will have to listen to his nothing isn't listen to his directors but I mean it's not about it's not a Tom Cruise movie it's a Quentin Tarantino movie every movie he does it's a Tom Cruise movie this will be and Tom Cruise went at it with eyes wide yeah right right you know that was my little John Kruse I don't want it to be a combative situation and especially with", metadata={'source': 'PGWBA_OzCE4'}), Document(page_content="know that was my little John Kruse I don't want it to be a combative situation and especially with the way the mummy turned out it became cruise control became an action lose now I get that with Tarantino they know I know and I don't want to write I feel like it's got to be you know like you're doing a Tarantino movie you like that's what you're doing it's not like he's not he's not doing a Tom Cruise movie that has to be laid out but I wonder if this is maybe hinting at the future decision-making of Tom Cruise is that he might want to step away from doing as much action I mean look the guys coming off The Mummy where it wasn't well-received his performance felt out of place to a lot of critics Mission Impossible was great and then he suffered a very serious injury doing his stunts by the most recent Mission Impossible movie so this could be him transitioning slowly out of the action game and singing to take on more meaty roles that have more of a deeper emotional conflict within them and maybe more Oscar statues in the future yeah agreed okay good point Saul Ashley you like Tom Cruise in there you know well first of all when I read this story I was kind of a little bit bummed out that cuz I love true crime so much and to hear that this isn't actually going to be about the Manson Family murders I'm like well now what's it gonna be about than a year 1969 all right cool but um I guess you know talking to great talent obviously Tom Cruise he kind of annoys me sometimes cuz he he just acts like oh I'm Tom Cruise I'm comin I'm Tom Cruise but I actually did like American made so maybe he is branching out and being a little bit more you know on the DL and I think Jennifer Lawrence was actually even in talks at one point so well you know when you have top-notch talent with a great director it's gonna be fabulous right I just gotta add a lot of things happen in 1969 see some murder you know I know your murder obsessed but you know there's other things on the planet besides the Manson murdering people crime podcast to get your glory days Tarantino's a guy they could take any time period any premise and I think we've a nice tapestry he made up he named Rumplestiltskin but he could turn that straw into gold we got one more story and is this gonna be gold or well we're going to buy or sell now well then let's buy or sell with gold coins yeah and a report from The Wall Street Journal Illumination Entertainment is nearing an agreement with Nintendo to make animated Super Mario Brothers movie based on the iconic video game that's where the gold coins joke exactly elimination is owned by Chris melody andriy and Universal Studios and has produced a Despicable Me and secret life of pets franchises illuminations macguff studio in Paris is currently in the early stages of development with a release say yet to be determined Christian buyers sell an animated movie based on Super Mario Brothers very tentatively buying this because I want to see because ever since that 1993 crap pile on ice regardless what late to the party says it is it is garbage film and it is it almost ruined Super Mario Bros because they didn't want to ever put that they didn't want anyone else to ever touch Bob Hoskins career in tennis they wanted it said no no we're never no one's ever doing a movie ever again because that movie was so bad but the reason I buy it is because I think in animation form is where it should live and what they should do the reason I tentatively buy it is because I thought secret life of pets was a big big misfire I thought at the beginning of I thought they sold it to you as this is gonna be Toy Story with dogs and it became that for about 10 minutes and then it just became the silly crime movie dogs driving cars I hated that it was bad it's really bad and so what I'm when I get worried about it's the same thing they're gonna do is that they instead of saying what they should just do with this movie", metadata={'source': 'PGWBA_OzCE4'}), Document(page_content="same thing they're gonna do is that they instead of saying what they should just do with this movie is make it based on the game like he's got a you've got to rescue the princess he's got to go through the through these moments making a fantasy movie inside of this illumination studio and don't put it in don't don't put it on earth with you you know with humans and running around and then this is this other stupid adventure just keep it true to the game and then I'll bio once I see a trailer but I like the idea that they're gonna do it yes you almost worry about them staying true to the game or games because there's so much mythology to mind yeah all the Mario creations that have happened since when we first got to scene here in America in 1985 of me that was just a simple story of a plumber and sometimes his brother the first plumber done going to rescue a princess and now you have all these different cast of characters and vehicles and a useless dinosaur named Yoshi that does not belong in this movie at all how do you feel about the Super Mario Brothers has your opinion changed as we heard yesterday Brooke do the nanny Luke delimit that's right Donkey Kong Sun where's Donkey Kong that's the original that Donkey Kong shot have been being it or I know that's the only reason I'm gonna buy it if Donkey Kong they have to have the origin of Mario not Mario Brothers Mario the plumber saving the princess from Donkey Kong so I would love to see that part of the mythology built in and then you've got to buy from me yeah yeah I mean I think doing a CG version makes the most sense I'd like to see there I mean I talked about yesterday we were talking about like making a live-action you know marathon of all the stinko movies Double Dragon I think that Mario is cross-generational there's a lot of different people that have a huge affinity for Mario despite what we saw with the 1993 movie and the way to do it would be animated this could be it could compete with Mortal Kombat actually for the greatest video game movie of all time that's that's a yeah it's a tough thing to follow but I would love for this to work like I would love for this to work I think that Super Mario Brothers is the franchise that everybody knows and it could really turn around video game movies and I mean I love ilumination minions hold a special place in my heart so here we go yeah I will say how dare you on Yoshi Yoshi needs to be in this movie Yoshi especially animated film to have Yoshi in your she's gonna be like the comic relief of like the dinosaurs to help us rescue princesses we had ourselves we had our width we occasionally had fireball shooting from our crotches and that's all we need gonna get that checked yeah well yeah I mean it still hurts a little bit down there we'll Mario get to the castle find out thanks to illumination and our next story Shelby in a recent appearance on CBS Sunday morning original Halloween creator John Carpenter revealed that Blum House's new Halloween movie would ignore all the sequels but declined to reveal much else we now have a bit more clarity courtesy of co-writer Danny McBride in an interview at Yahoo McBride definitively vo the time frame will see the upcoming horror redo saying we're kind of ignoring all the films past the first one it picks up after the first one but it's sort of an alternate reality it's as if the first Halloween ended in a slightly different way mark buyer sell the new Halloween movie ignoring all the sequels and a sort of alternate reality now you're totally by it I don't need any other Halloween movies I like Halloween too and there's a couple other ones that no there's a lot of season of the witch fans out there but if you're ending at this one I mean the only thing that really smite our up was okay so we're ending it in a slightly different way than the original Halloween ends I I want to figure all that out because I don't think you messed with", metadata={'source': 'PGWBA_OzCE4'}), Document(page_content="the original Halloween ends I I want to figure all that out because I don't think you messed with the first one and I don't think that's dynamic Brides or anybody else is on this new movies intention especially with John Carpenter being involved somewhat so I like what I'm hearing I like the Jamie Lee Curtis is gonna be coming back so everything I'm hearing about this Halloween movie is a buy for me so far how about you should have yeah I'd buy it I mean mainly because of Danny McBride and just finished watching Vice Principals season two I mean the team that's behind this look they've done comedy so well comedy in a tragedy horror go hand in hand I think I'm looking forward to seeing what they're gonna do in the alternate version universe of Michael Myers so yeah everything you said I'm in Christian you in yeah big by yeah this is a very smart move there's been seven hundred and thirty three of Halloween's that we don't we don't we don't need any more to keep continuing on like eight nine Michael Myers in space Michael Myers in a volcano you don't need it anymore if you want it you go back and you say well we're gonna retcon pretty much everything and we're gonna say it's it's very similar comet Logan did if you think about it Logan is this side adventure to where it might it could tie into all the other extra movies you've seen but if they decide to do another one in that particular timeline then maybe it didn't yeah I'm fine with that because I think that if you the first Halloween is arguably one of the best horror movies of all time if you continue right where you left off and then Jamie Lee Curtis I think she died in like the seventh one or the 12th one whatever it was yes so but now that she's back alive and they pick up after it took off and they have a good story yeah this is a very smart way to do it big by okay well the next story is going to help all you ladies out there getting side arm ale noggins deadline reports that paramount players has signed empires taraji P Henson to star in what men want a comedy remake inspired by the 2000 hit romantic comedy what women want the new version follows a female sports agent who has been constantly boxed out by her male colleagues when she gains the power to hear men's thoughts she is able to take advantage of the gift and races to sign the NBA's next superstar the studio is fast tracking the film and is set for release on January 11 2009 teen Christian buyer sell what men want with taraji P Henson I'm gonna buy the what men want I'm gonna sell to Raj B Henson as the lead I would rather scene who was Tiffany Haddish fans Tiffany Haddish I'm not a baby I don't love trash Bri Henson I think that she sometimes this is something about her I don't know but I think that I would have much rather seen Haddish do this role but I do like the idea of the remake on the other side I think it's smart I think it could be really funny and I want to see I want to see what they come up with so I'm not just gonna say sell I'm not gonna see it cuz she's in it I do think she's a talented actress but I just there's something I just don't I'm not as big of a fan as everybody else's I'm a pretty big fan of Hanson I think I'll buy this I here's my issue with it it's not the star of the movie it's just at the premise like when what women won came out I'm not a woman so I don't know what that's going on in their head so I can give them the credibility of like oh well okay maybe they're thinking on a higher plane than all the crap that's going on through our heads but I know what happens inside this and it shouldn't it should never get out like it's like I I don't know how I can sit there and watch and see all these guys on screen and be like I know what you're really this is not what they're gonna be waiting there's no areas I'm buying it because that's what they're doing if they don't do it like I gotta go guys a dirty dog that's weird a crazy brain", metadata={'source': 'PGWBA_OzCE4'}), Document(page_content="what they're doing if they don't do it like I gotta go guys a dirty dog that's weird a crazy brain freaked out I mean come on that's what we if they're really gonna go there then they really got to go there doesn't even matter to me who is the female star right now they I mean you're right I think Tiffany Haddish would have been a lot better but the premise is what the way it's written is what matters you get a good actress I think she's a good actress so straight actress you know that's what I mean it's like Mel Gibson didn't really matter in that in his in that movie it matter how it was played out and you know so I mean I feel like the script is the most important thing and they've got to be harsh it's got to get you know it's got to get doggy Ashley Henson was crazy just build a bridge over that she was great in hidden figures do you think that she's the right star for this vehicle or do you think that regardless who's starring it this thing's going on now that Christian mentioned Tiffany Haddish don't even think of that I would have loved that but i'ma still be in the movie yes she could I'm really excited for this movie regardless though because it's been a while since we saw a good romantic comedy and they really hope that this brings back ROM cause because I love ROM cogs well hopefully we get rhythm comes back in full force that's not gonna happen it's not not with your inside men's minds it's not gonna happen I'm sorry to crush your dreams Ashley but that's not going to happen I love jokes like that though there's absolutely no romance whatsoever spaghetti or burritos no it's just the overall you keep playing of Super Bowls at Redskins right that would be a great playing the whole time music we are gonna move on to mailbag and we're gonna save some time to the end of show for you live Twitter questions to go ahead start tweeting us right now at Collider video in the meantime I want to remind everybody we have a very special screening coming up thanks to our folks here at Collider of video November 29 at 7 p.m. in Los Angeles Collider is hosting a thor ragnarok screening our own frosty stephen want rob will be moderating it you're gonna have an extended Q&A with director Tycho ytt you can enter to win right now on Collider comm again the screening actually takes place in November on November 29th in Los Angeles 7:00 p.m. so if you're gonna be in the Southern California area on November 29th definitely head to Collider calm right now and see how you can enter to win that contest should be a lot of fun the Justice League non-spoiler review is up both on Collider and video and on schmoes no YouTube channels right now so make sure you subscribe you can check out that before the rotten tomatoes core comes out tonight there's an all no Heroes is going to be up later on channel hosted by that's what he nerd mr. Jon Schnepp and an all-new Schmo down between team action and above the line drop yesterday you do not want to miss that match with all that being said we'll move on to mailbag you guys can email us anytime Collider video at gmail.com and occasionally it's gonna get read on the air we even include your name in there yeah Justin Wright a crew had an idea based on the new last Jedi IMAX poster that dropped recently I think it looks amazing but is it the best Star Wars poster it certainly makes the case for being one of the best but I would love to hear what the panel thinks is the best Star Wars poster release of all time yes including prequels all thanks it's a great question Justin one of my favorite Star Wars posters of all time is a prequel to the Phantom Menace it's one with young Anakin standing there and Tatooine with the background and then you see a shadow of Darth Vader over I think it was just very artistic very well done simplistic my favorite Star Wars poster of all time I love return of the jazz my favorite Star Wars movie of all time is the simple Return", metadata={'source': 'PGWBA_OzCE4'}), Document(page_content="of all time I love return of the jazz my favorite Star Wars movie of all time is the simple Return of the Jedi poster with the hands just holding the lights a well you see is the lightsaber going up it's just sometimes simplicity works but I do enjoy these character posters where they throw a lot against the wall Christian I'm intrigued by this IMAX poster because we see kylo Ren but it's also there's there's been in there and then he's holding the kylo Ren mask why would he be holding his mask is this some sort of graduation from the masker is just just having more appendages of him in the poster no we've seen it in the trailer he gets rid of the mask I mean he there's something that he wants I think that the mask is gonna signify something like to where he I feel that in that in that we see him the first time in force awakens and he's pretending to be Vader and then even ray says tell me you have this fear that you're not gonna live up to what Vader was I think he gets rid of it he's starting to get rid of that he's starting to become his own person so that's why he smashes that particular helmet but I love this poster I do and my favorite is new hope I mean new hope is is that that originals true the original Struzan poster that I can't it was true which one are you talking about the 1977 one with him on the rock yeah no that wasn't sure wasn't sure I was a Hildebrandt oh great that was the one wasn't Bob Ross but that was that's my that's my favorite I thought that that goes back to that George Lucas envisioned of what this thing was supposed to be this old school kind of serialized space opera and it still signifies exactly what Star Wars is today Jon Schnepp you dig this poster and your all-time favorite I like this poster you know we had talked a little bit about them you know Rey wearing a red cape but I guess a lot of people wear red capes in Star Wars but I don't know if that means anything if she's looking to go sit whatever but I think it's okay my favorite all-time posters both versions of the original Empire Strikes Back the Gone with the Wind version where you see Darth Vader in the background you see a tauntaun you see Han and Leia and c3po and r2d2 and then there is I believe it's a polish version that then was used here where it's darth vader like standing over all of these hats and it's just it really it's just this epic kind of uh as a kid it just made me because I loved Star Wars and then the idea that they're making another one was the most exciting thing to me because you didn't know what it was gonna be and where they're gonna go so I remember seeing those images and just all of my synapses were firing like oh they're on an ice planet and all this other stuff so to me when I see those two posters it brings back that childlike wonder so yeah so actually you have convoy around ditching the mask you have rey for whatever reason wearing a red cape anything standing out to you and particular about this new iMacs oh my gosh this poster is I love this poster so much I think it just might be my favorite colors together are red black gray I just it looks so sick and it reminds me of that shot that we saw in the trailer of the Red Room I love this poster Red's a fine color just as long as when you ignite a lightsaber as long as your your saber as long as your Khyber kit crystal doesn't turn the thing Reds lose your stream isn't red kids at home you're gonna be fine okay good let's move on the live Twitter right okay these violent delights have violent ends while there is a dramatic Twitter handle no that's their name that is their entire name right what are your thoughts on Universal pushing get out for the Golden Globes that's a comedy I love because I think it's it's it gives it a better shot to be recognized which is ultimately what the golden loaves are about and get out may not be considered a strict comedy but I think it's a horror comedy that's how I would", metadata={'source': 'PGWBA_OzCE4'}), Document(page_content="get out may not be considered a strict comedy but I think it's a horror comedy that's how I would classify it and it certainly has a lot more laughs in it than a movie like John Shep's favorite yuk fest of a couple years ago the Martian you like this move I hate this move absolutely it's one of the stupidest it's just like the Martian it's like get out is not a comedy I know you just said you think it is but it's not fun it's just funny moments in it I know I totally are I will argue with Mark after the show about this for at least five minutes it's not a comedy it's a horror movie with certain elements that are funny that's it I mean there's that I mean if you laugh throughout the entire movie good for you maybe it's a comedy for you but it's not classified as a comedy in any way shape or form this is so stupid I don't want to talk about it it's hard I mean I would say horror comedy there's a lot of satire and I think it's a musical she's so dumb do you think that there's an element to this decision Christian was because of who the director Jordan Peele was coming from a comedic background or do you think this is just a better way for the studio to get it more recognition all the above I think that um yet for the director for sure and Peele but I also think that and even the the guy who played his best friend there's only he all of his bits were calm he was funny but that's it let me finish my man Bob Ross getting his voice out oh you guys are cutting me off like I'm on fairness you do get an hour to talk in traffic on face won't eat a bagel disgusted you literally yell about getting cut off and I figured if you guys are gonna let me talk you keep going over the same points I might as well you know what an apples so mark what you were about to say nothing to say do you have anything you want to say if I get out and forget it all right so that my only point oscar's get 10 movies to nominate so if you get a more recognition at other award shows it could be more of a contender for mark mark I want to hear what Christian was gonna say it's so rude that you cut it well it's not it's it's not a comedy but there are comedic moments for sure the it's it's a Twilight Zone episode it is an overall Twilight episode it is haunting at points it is a satire for sure but it is it's not a comedy I mean there are funny moments the same way there are a lot of would you would you call scream a comedy accessorize a lot of the horror genre with some comedic moments and there's some funny stuff happening but it's not a comedy so I don't think this is a comedy either it's more of a dramedy if anything drama with some with some comedic moments but I would I recognize this move I would understand and say okay I can see why they would do this way more than the Martian okay actually if you are working at a video store yeah I don't I don't know what section I put this in but aren't you guys happy that it's actually getting recognition though like regardless of what it's being not only for organising the Oscars sure for that yes they're like regardless of what it's being nominated for I'm just excited I'm not because I think it's a short it's a short changing the movie it's short changing the directors short changing the vision of the film by calling it an effing comedy it's not a comedy it's not a musical either they should have just called it a musical because these award shows are so stupid they're worthless and that's what they're proving to me they're idiots I think the Golden Globes yes I would agree with you it's moronic I think we take all these things too seriously we take tomato scores too seriously but at least wallet one of us is getting all their fruit in let's do one more and then more okay Alan Reed writes if you could take a movie character to dinner who would you pick and why this Harding Michael Myers okay explain your rationale both you gentlemen are go Robbie plays Tonya Harding yeah", metadata={'source': 'PGWBA_OzCE4'}), Document(page_content="Michael Myers okay explain your rationale both you gentlemen are go Robbie plays Tonya Harding yeah and you said Tonya the character and Michael Myers is the original William Shatner mask so yeah but you're not getting Margot Robbie the actress you're getting her playing this crazy trailer-trash human being yeah but she eats Ashley you have anybody you would actually like to take these in her not named Blake Shelton the Joker I got whoo there it is the Joker just cause he's so hot there you go taking Jessica Lange from 1976 King Kong to a nice deal I think that she's been through a lot she was stranded on skull I went for a long time it was just her and a giant ape now look if I have to follow you having some sort of relationship with the giant prehistoric like ape I think I can do that okay I can be a comforting force I think I'm really good at being a nice ear to listen to people's problems she just had this this relate to this this is his boyfriend / Pet fall from the Empire State Building she's gonna be broken up about that we can share memories of pets that we've lost in the past then we can bond and forge a meal and hopefully enjoy a spaghetti burrito do I go with Julia Roberts from Pretty Woman you're taking her back fortunately you already took Tanya no take-backs yeah hell yeah because he's a cheap digs I could eat any he doesn't talk he's just gonna he has to take the mask off and get to watch him eat with his weird face someone said the Terminator it's a great idea to sit him by you're uh you just sit him right by your meal so no one bothers you or even the robot from rocky for I like that yeah I mean you could go with like a really rich person like Michael Douglas is Gordon Gekko because he's paying for the meal there's no way that ego is gonna let you pay for the meals who Tony Stark okay all right I might talk to Bruce Wayne too because like if I was there next to Bruce Wayne all I would do is pepper him with questions about this giant bat running around and you see I wish Bruce Wayne George Clooney no not Clooney I'd probably go Christian West Batman I want to see him just like I want to see what I want to see if he gives me any notes that he is a little upset that I'm making fun of this giant bat did he actually dresses up as cuz I know I'm on to you Wayne I'm on you Jack Burton Jack Burton from big trouble oh that would be good yeah all right well you guys have hang on I'm changing mine Snake Plissken oh there you go see okay but we have to be seated next to rocket racoon that bit going he's gonna eat a lot yeah well I have to fight the other raccoons on my back he'd win he would were there voicing him it's a character Movistar to break a pain fair enough it'd be really weird with Bradley Cooper hiding under the table right this was a really weird a very spirited episode of Collider movie talk thank you guys for joining us everybody behind the scenes as well as everybody up here on the table with me I let everybody get your individual plugs in but your mouths are all full with your various breakfast treats so for Ashley mova Jon Schnepp and Kristian harloff my name is merely Mark Ellis we'll see you guys tomorrow for another episode of Collider movie talk ballroom hey everybody Mark Ellis here thanks for watching this episode of collider a movie talk you want to watch more then click up here or you can click right here for more great content from Collider and if you haven't subscribed a Quadra video do so right now and share this video for watching you", metadata={'source': 'PGWBA_OzCE4'})]
[Document(page_content="moving on to the second game of our doubleheader Ben Simmons brought hope to those who trust the process in Philly leads all rookies in points rebounds and assists going into tonight's game against the Lakers our own Kevin Pelton believed Simmons could be the most versatile rookie ever seen Paul ever seen best all-around rookie ever best in recent memory okay outside of LeBron James but people forget Oscar Robinson as a rookie averaged 30 points 10 rebounds and nine assists but you know Orion and a lot of people in this Twitter Instagram age don't know that so you have to do your history Oscar Robin Oscar Robinson is the best rookie we've ever seen it's a little before my time but I respect that big-time history I'm wrong with I'm wrong with my guy who I think had it better up into this stage and this Magic Johnson magic had a great rookie year at first I thought LeBron but I looked at the numbers and I said maybe Ben's you know maybe maybe a little better than bronze but I'm going with magic right here I mean you talk about a guy that came in playing with the captain you know playing with the captain some great players and went and won a championship jumped sinner as a rook so I'm going I'm going with match I love both of you guys choices I'm gonna what they call split the baby because you said big all you said magic and then LeBron was mentioned how about Grant Hill that's where I'm gonna go that's who Ben Simmons reminds me of when he got drafted that's why I compared them to because neither one of those guys really shot threes but yet you couldn't stop him from getting to the basket they were explosive they were getting other guys involved and they were dunk on you that's what you see it from being Simmons you know it's one thing for God not to be able to shoot it's another thing for you still to not be able to stop them from getting to the basket yeah Grant Hill gave me nightmares comparison can I ask can I have an ID one oh you want to I would like to mention one guy I don't know maybe Tim Duncan tonight Tilly averaged 20 and 10 only four dudes had a better player efficiency rating in their rookie year so you know I'm contractually obligated to point out Spurs I wanted to make sure we got that into my X are questions you want to put it off you know what that's fine I would say what a whole side of the table tricky thing about Philly just thinking about like this Ben Simmons and embiid are so good we don't talk about the actual mistakes that they've made they took faults number one he's not in uniform they drop the MB in a lot only Okafor in the lottery he's not playing they're not really using sorry - he can ball he can bomb and he's good Wow that shows you when you have two anchors like they have in those two young guys who will both be all-stars this year it could turn around the excitement of your franchise Sixers the eagle is having a time right now", metadata={'source': 'uN9zBcweN4M'})]
[Document(page_content="hey everyone this is danny kaye dance music video to his song runners featuring da Frampton directed by Christopher yang hope you guys enjoy dad you see my paycheck I don't know the Mail's up there huh you missed ondrea's parent-teacher conference by the way it was yesterday it's kind of important to her that you go bring me another beer what are you doing I've got that thing this weekend I'm going on a town in New York you didn't say anything about going to New York she's 10 years old how old she is she's my kid you know what I can get through with this [\xa0__\xa0] that you're pulling but she's 10 she needs a dad but what comes after New York what are you gonna move there I don't know I'm still going to work I'm paying the bills you want for me to be a dad what about you what am I gonna do in New York I have everything here I have my job I have my friend just go go to war right now I can't stay with you yeah I don't want to have a conversation you're the one that's walking away you're embarrassing yourself [Music] yep she said of a god run in with so right I was never present when she called me on those nights I would always regret when we wrap it in those fights healing someone laughter almost nothing there's no life for the child life in what you gon do expect relations the demoscene unknown [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] here's easy time believing it so much scary and it's often a soul crush but varies in each sleeve but follow me closely pillage your votes fitter than most of us don't see me since when I'm so fat without a clear direction a purpose imperfections they Serbia is it all worth it everything we're unearthing that leaves house with feelings of unknowns and burdens and I heard the voice the most peers around me they speak without it and going about anything that's been hounding me every day let the city that we seek is where we have the blame all I ever wanted was everything every moment I wasn't wanted everything but having it wasn't never but never wanted everything led at every moment I'm also instead of anything I ran away from a knowledge so easy [Music] [Music] come back I wanna do it right but how long that takes it now I sleep at night his way to beyond me cuz I will end up wandering the fact that mine I found what I'm looking for words don't think it's haunting as we wanting it even more and most nights in a while who I do it for but some nights at Asus train sounds and faces towns that escape me and far off a place and I love it she is this reason why I'm in fond of it with every lesson that I've learned there will be nothing great minds have inspired made me I was started as lately but they believe what I got is make me accept this thing is coming because you each press I take a new one attract lots I am to you I owe it to this masseur the truth the watch group mercy I watch the show [Music] [Music] right but how long that tasted that my sleep at night his way to become because I'm a little wandering all right hope you guys enjoyed that video it was a lot of fun to watch and a lot of fun to see you guys work on it it's been a little while since we've done a Wong who presents but in case people aren't familiar every so often we like to feature work by our friends that are done outside of Wong Fu Productions like our normal crew and normal slate of projects and Chris did this on the side with Dan and I'm just really proud of both you guys for doing this and we get we just wanted to share it with the Wong flan it's because we felt that they would enjoy it so Dan why don't you tell us a little bit about the song you know what the inspiration was for it and what you hope people can get from it yeah the the biggest thing though is I am so thankful to Chris from the team and to everybody for taking their time because obviously putting together these shoots it's not easy it's not like a quick process and so one like we've been", metadata={'source': 'Mmkf4zYlW4E'}), Document(page_content="together these shoots it's not easy it's not like a quick process and so one like we've been doing this for a little while and I'm just really really thankful that it's out there so the song is basically and the music video is basically about this idea of stability versus freedom it's something that I think that a lot of us are kind of thinking about whether you're in college whether you're out of college and the song and the lyrics is all about this idea of trying to come to a conclusion of what do I want to get out of life and then realizing at the end of it that there's no way to really take control over that it's about giving up control to whatever might happen it's just understanding that you can't control everything and so that's ultimately what the song is about yeah the lyrics are very fast so be sure to read them well put the links in the description below yeah you you got very fast deer was amazing - how did that come about that god yeah Gia's amazing Dee has been in some other videos you guys have already done so like when she's a great actress yeah but the way that we originally got to know where is through music and she's always been one of my favorite singer songwriters and luckily I was able to meet her through the community and she agreed to come on to the song also big shout out to Tyler Carroll as well as Travis Atreyu who were the ones that write and produce the track - yeah and so it kind of just all came together really organically immunity so Chris why don't you take us a little bit through you know just how did it all come about first or like why did you want to do this I guess I wanted to do it because it was it was different from something I'm used to doing and Benson who's the producer on this music video we both worked on a concept to translate this whole dichotomy between stability and freedom and trying to make it a relatable experience for like young young adults yeah I realized actually that maybe a lot of people haven't even seen you before but in case you guys didn't know Chris is a huge part of the Wong foo team he's an editor and also cinematographer here at one four productions he edits like basically half of all the lunch breaks that you see on the second channel and then with a lot of our recent projects he's the one behind the camera so it was really cool to see you kind of step outside of that role and and take on the directing seats so what was we're there were some of the challenges maybe that you felt because I mean it is a little different than that role right I'd say like the challenges was like being resourceful and working on a very tight schedule and like trying to shoot and convey as much as possible and in like a very set very tight schedule I think that was probably the biggest challenge and all obviously like working with Dan was yeah yeah but it was cool because I've seen Chris behind the scenes too and again more of the editing or the the Samet ography where he's a little bit he's in the zone on that so it was really cool watching Chris and then Benson also be more in control of the shoot and be more in a director old kind of mode and so Dan I guess um you know just to close things out where can they find this song and more of your music yeah again I'm just incredibly thankful this is able to be the kickoff for everything and so the album is officially out now it's called escape from LA it's got that song along with seven other tracks on it it's streaming now on everything so Apple the Spotify is the whatever else having capabilities and you can find it just look up Danny Kayden on what ever dan AKA dan what do you have against la man why are you trying to get out of here no it's actually it's a very positive commentary about la okay and there's a lot of good things about a life yeah there's a lot of great thing but there's also a lot of things that I think hold this bag and it's about trying to just get out of that net la", metadata={'source': 'Mmkf4zYlW4E'}), Document(page_content="a lot of things that I think hold this bag and it's about trying to just get out of that net la mentality to enjoy LA all right well congratulations man always been a big supporter of your art and also your support for us and the community as a whole dan is he so he's an artist and a musician rapper but he's also a huge piece to a lot of people's work that you might already be fans of in the Asian American art and entertainment community so thanks Dan congratulations Chris be sure to follow Dan links below listen to more of his music and we'll see you on the next one who presents later", metadata={'source': 'Mmkf4zYlW4E'})]
[Document(page_content="Hey, man, why wouldn't you start from the bottom? It's Ben, that's why. - I'm gonna get another cider. \n- All right, guys...\n- Jesus Christ... Another one, aren't you driving, I'm gonna let Paula know, You're telling, you're dead meat. Let's play another game. - .. Lets see if I can grab one.\n- Yeah. I'll see what we got. Hey, can we play Twister? I'm not playing Twister with you, bro. Chill with the Twister, bro, how old are you? Old enough? Hmm, well there's this, we do have this... What is that? Secrets can't hide from THE LIE DETECTOR. -I'm down. We're not...we're not actually gonna play this game, are we? I don't know, looks fun to me. Let's do it. No, let's play poker or something, there's no way I'm playing that game. What are you afraid of? This is a kid's lie detector game, this-- It's not a kid's game, look, read it, it's fun for all ages. We're all ages, dude... You think that thing actually works? - Who cares, dude, you got a secret or something, you're tryna hide something from us?\n- I know... I know... I'm not gonna play this game. - Are you afraid of a little bit of lie detector game?\n- No, no, no, no, no--- Look, it's this or twister or strip poker, dude. - What's with you and getting naked and twisting? No. We're just gonna play some lie detector games...\n- No... no... no ways...\n- Oh, yes, we are.\n-I'm not going to play this-- All right...? Okay. Place the lie detector helmets on your head and the magical machine will reveal your darkest secrets... - Sounds fine.\n- Whatever. Just go. Okay, I'll go first. Hector... Did you cry during the Titanic? Absolutely not.\n*lie detector buzzes* You cried during the Titanic. Look at all of this secrets poking out of his pants. This thing doesn't work, it clearly doesn't work.\n*lie detector buzzes* It was like 15 years ago.\n*lie detector buzzes* Ten years ago.\n*lie detector buzzes* Five years ago.\n*lie detector buzzes* Four days ago!\n*ding* Whatever, Larry. Do you still wet the bed? No. *lie detector buzzes* Oh God? I drink, let me explain. I drink lots of water in habits. I have a small bladder. It's a condition. Condition, what's a condition called, Larry? What we don't know what you're talking about not funny all cool ah Larry, can you lick your elbow? No\n*lie detector buzzes* Why would you lie about that anyway my turn mmm? Hector... Do you have a secret that you don't want anyone to know? Yeah, I guess...\n*ding* You do...? Okay have you ever...\nHmm... I don't know... Killed anybody?\n-Wow... Dark... You Gotta answer it. yEs, I'vE kilLed sOmEoNe bEfOrE!\n*ding* In Call Of Duty. Oh... Mm-hmm. My turn Larry... What's your favorite color?\n-Purple.\n*lie detector buzzes* Hector were you home on the night of October 3rd, 2017? Yeah.\n*lie detector buzzes*\nLarry... Ya, got'em copy. ♪ Do you believe in love after-- ♪ Do you by any chance have a job that you've kept undercover? No... Nothing comes to mind.\n*lie detector buzzes* Larry, do you like ice cream? Yes., *ding* Hector, are you a hitman for the singing of mango cartel? No. *lie detector buzzes* Hmm... Larry... Are you a narc? No. *lie detector buzzes* Hector... Do you like cupcakes? Yes. Hector... How do you feel about anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law? Feels great... *lie detector buzzes* Where did you guys get all the good cards man!? Larry... Do you think you're messing with the same man right now now? No.", metadata={'source': '9SK1I0V6U5c'}), Document(page_content="*ding* Larry, do you--- (angrily) SHUT UP BEN!!! Hector did you know that there's a team of highly trained intelligence operatives in a van outside your house has been parked there all week? Larry did you know that I got people watching your people watch me watch you watch me? Did you know I have a sniper watching you right now? *shing* Ah! Yeah, well did you know that I have seen a pingas six best marksman watching you right now? *shing shing shing shing shing shing fast* I see where this is going... Guys? Guys? can we just calm down?! I've got 600 men. *shing x600 fast* Now look at you, glowing... like one big ol red Christmas light... It's time to open gifts you have a wife named Betty right Hector. He's your best friend man stop. No, he's not!\n*lie detector buzzes* He's not my best friend! *lie detector buzzes* Am I your best friend? No! *lie detector buzzes* Maybe! *lie detector buzzes* Yes, yes... *ding* What about you? Am I your best friend? No...\n*lie detector buzzes* You're not! *lie detector buzzes* Maybe. *lie detector buzzes* Yes. *lie detector buzzes* HELL YES! *ding* But I don't love you with all my heart! *lie detector buzzes* Yeah, well it's not like you've always been there for me! *lie detector buzzes* But you were my best friend since second grade. *ding* Stand down boys...\n*lasers go away* And who's your 2nd best friend? (angrily) SHUT UP BEN!!! Subtitles by ProKameron.", metadata={'source': '9SK1I0V6U5c'})]
[Document(page_content='As far as we know, humans are the only living\nthings that wear watches. But we aren’t the only ones that can tell\ntime. Earth’s movement sets the rhythms of countless\nbiological clocks. The 24 hour solar period winds cellular gears\ncontrolling sleep, hunger, and metabolism in creatures ranging from jellyfish to elephants. And our 365-and-a-quarter-day journey around\nthe sun regulates cycles of seasons, harvests, and migrations. But the phases of our planet’s nearest neighbor\nalso have a surprising pull on biological rhythms. [OPEN] For many species the moon’s glow is a cue\nthat’s crucial to their survival. Vampires and emo teenagers aren’t the only\nones who find moonlight romantic. Lots of animals use the 29-and-a-half day\nlunar cycle to sync up when it comes to finding a mate. Triggered by the full moon, impalas roar,\nwhich in turn triggers all their female mates to begin ovulation. Using a common signal like this ensures every\nmember of a species goes looking for a partner at the same time. Lunar cycles are especially important in the\nsea. Marine bristle worms live on rocky shorelines,\nwhere they rise to the water’s surface under the dim light of the new moon. The worms mass together, swirling around one\nanother and release their gametes in sync. This big mating party increases the chances\nthat any one worm will contribute to the next generation. Some eels also reproduce all at once, and\nrely on the dim light of the new moon to avoid predators. The moon also controls the tides, and that\npull can help some animals’ eggs and larvae develop and survive. Fish called grunion lay their eggs high up\non beaches during high tides, where the sand protects the eggs as they develop. They hatch when the next cycle of high tides\nwashes them out to sea. But what *controls* these living lunar cycles? These species must have an inner moon clock. When scientists raised marine worms in constant\nlight or darkness, they didn’t try to reproduce. But when they gave them artificial light on\na lunar schedule, the worms did their mesmerizing mating dance. The scientists found special neurons in the\nworms’ brains that respond to light, linked to timing genes that control these lunar behaviors. The moon seems to act like a signal that supercharges\nthe worms’ desire to mate when the light at night is just right. But the moon is more than just a clock. It transforms ecosystems. The full moon is 100 times brighter than the\nnew moon. This lets animals see their prey, forage,\nand navigate better. But all that light can be risky. Many species of frogs avoid calling to their\nfriends during the full moon, since the extra light makes it more vulnerable to predators. And all the manmade light sources now flooding\nthe night could provide a fake, full-time full moon that might throw ecosystems out\nof whack. So what about us? Women’s reproductive cycles are about the\nsame length as the lunar cycle, but scientists think that’s probably just a coincidence. If human menstrual cycles were, in fact, linked\nto the moon, why not our great ape sisters? Now that millions of women are using apps\nto track menstrual periods, it’s become pretty clear there’s likely no connection. So for antelopes, coral, fish, and even wildebeest\non the Serengeti, the phases of life are set by phases up above. Next time you take a look at that fancy clock\nin your pocket, remember that you aren’t the only creature on Earth who relies on a\nsatellite to know what time it is. Stay curious. Yes. Technically speaking, moonlight is just sunlight. So you can stop typing that comment. And no, there’s no such thing as werewol', metadata={'source': 'L9eFkmjIIWA'})]
[Document(page_content="hi I'm John Green welcome to my salon this is Mental Floss video and did you know that koalas have fingerprints just like humans in fact they're virtually indistinguishable from ours the only other animals that have fingerprints like humans are our relatives like chimps and gorillas anatomist believed that koalas may have evolved them as a way to help them grab and hold eucalyptus leaves and that is the first of many facts about koalas I'm going to share with you today that's right it's a koala only episode a koala tacular some sources say the word koala may have come from an Aboriginal word meaning no drink because koalas don't drink much but some say that's a myth and the term actually has Darragh origins that's a specific Aboriginal language and means animal speaking of koala linguistics there isn't a word for a group of koalas they don't actively avoid each other but they tend to be solitary creatures so it's not necessary to have a word for a group koalas also have a scientific name of course and the term for their genus comes from Greek words and means pouched bear but koalas aren't bears they're mammals with pouches which makes them marsupials it also makes them adorable so for a bit of koala history fossils have been found of their ancestors there were koalas very similar to the ones we know today as far back as 26 million years ago just for a bit of context our species has been around for about 250,000 years so one percent of koala history after the first koalas appeared there were for a time also tiny ones maybe just half as big and even more recently about three million years ago there were giant koalas double the size of the current one but back then Australia had mostly rain forests in the rain forests the eucalyptus trees were relatively scarce and yet koalas still used them for food that actually gave koalas an evolutionary advantage because as Australia became more dry many other trees receded but the eucalyptus is stayed around by the way we tend to think of koalas as a common Australian animal but they actually have 10 times more wild camels in Australia than they do koalas the reason for the strong association between koalas and Australia is partly thanks to the cartoonist Norman Lindsay at the turn of the 20th century he created a group of koala characters which were used to satirize parts of Australian culture another reason for the connection is that during World War one a contingent of the first Australian Imperial force actually brought a koala with them to Palestine as sort of a living mascot but whatever England had a lance-corporal goat in their army in 2008 Wallace moved from tree to tree but they revisit the same ones a lot their preferred group of trees is known as their home range and despite being fairly solitary like I mentioned before they do share trees and home ranges with each other but they also have a territorial side mail cool which are called bucks by the way females are dough's have a scent gland that they use to mark territory it's a brown gland on the chest that they rub on trees to inform other books you know this is my tree you can tell from my smell that's not the only weird thing Buck's do they have this low loud bellow according to experts it's similar to an elephant Rumble in pitch which is surprising considering their size this is meant to alarm other bucks and detract doze but for the record koalas rarely fight each other they also don't sweat even though of course it gets quite hot in Australia the reason they're often hugging trees is to stay cool and that's why sometimes they'll even hang on to trees that don't have eucalyptus leaves it's not that leopards primates and birds all use trees to stay cool although not all via hugging baby koalas are known as Joey's and they're very very cute but they're also kind of disgusting when they're young they don't eat eucalyptus leaves yet so they get nutrients from their mothers path", metadata={'source': '-oXybog2IuI'}), Document(page_content="they're young they don't eat eucalyptus leaves yet so they get nutrients from their mothers path which is essentially poop with a different composition like it comes out of their mothers bottoms and since I'm already ruining koalas for you they're kind of mean in 2006 The Sydney Morning Herald reported that some thieves had stolen a crocodile and traded it for illegal substances and according to a zookeeper they'd originally planned to take a koala but it quote scratched the out of them so in the end the thieves took the crocodile because it was more agreeable than the Koala in 2014 a koala named mundu escaped from his enclosure at the San Diego Zoo but he ended up finding a tree above his usual home and then just spent the whole day sleeping there the zookeepers got him back in the enclosure with some eucalyptus bribery here's some animals that would not be cute if they escaped from a zoo shark Hedgehog Aquaman bomb with feet speaking of Koala snapping the animals sleep between 18 and 22 hours per day but it's a misconception that they're always tired because eucalyptus leaves make them high they really just need to conserve their energy due to the low nutritional content of the leaves and they don't have great visions so they need their large noses to seek out the best eucalyptus leaves and they're pretty picky there are about 600 types of eucalyptus trees in Australia and they vary from area to area in a given region koalas tend to strongly prefer just one to three types although in a pinch they'll tolerate about 50 also if you're in Australia do not eat like a koala eucalyptus leaves are poisonous to humans most animals actually can't eat them either koalas have special microbes in their digestive tract to make their diet possible they also have to eat a lot due to that a fur mentioned low nutritional content they eat up to 2.2 pounds of leaves per day plus sometimes they keep some extra in their cheeks for later walls can also have heterochromia to eyes that are different colours one was found in 2016 named Bowie this is a very rare feature for marsupials unfortunately something that isn't rare for koalas is chlamydia an estimated 50 to 90 percent of the animals have it historically koalas have had very low genetic diversity and that's why so many of them are suffering from the same infection it also means it's going to be harder for them to deal with climate change and in addition to those struggles koalas are down to about 20% of their original habitat and sadly their population has dropped by about 95 percent since the 1990s and finally I return to my salon to tell you that koalas do not only eat eucalyptus they also eat dirt as I mentioned earlier the nutrition content of eucalyptus leaves isn't ideal so they get some calcium from dirt and it helps them to fully digest their eucalyptus thanks for watching Mental Floss video which is made with the help of all of these lovely people and thanks to all the koalas out there for being adorable even in hard times as we say in my hometown don't forget to be awesome [Music] [Music] you [Music]", metadata={'source': '-oXybog2IuI'})]
[Document(page_content="[Applause] draw up in Annapolis Naval Academy it's been a huge part of my life it's always a pleasure to be here I follow you guys every week confidence is really today's confidence it's not last week it's not next month so whether you won last week or didn't win last week that doesn't have anything to do with today it doesn't have anything to do with tomorrow don't worry about the army game there's nothing to do about any of that stuff only thing you can control is what you do today in preparation for the upcoming game next week against SMU you control what your effort is you control what your performance is put the most into it and you'll get the most out of it those good luck that rest of the year behind you every day every every week every season let's go out and get one [Music] [Applause] you", metadata={'source': '4ftGS_6i7mM'})]
[Document(page_content="I was on American Idol and I was a Broadway actor before I ever did YouTube it was all by accident I realized that I could make a name for myself it's the whole visual album it's my lemonade collated I've been shooting 16-hour days so what we're doing tomorrow I'm writing tonight that I ended up writing a full-on musical I just made a decision one day I want to talk about my most personal things and turn this we have had a very turbulent relationship I thought my mom was gonna respond to me coming out in a different way I was really becoming comfortable with being a gay man I refuse to let people scare me from being proud of where I am paulus was like a second home to me they were part of my community I think he was really trying to find a way to make the world accept him how was he gonna present it to the world it gets better video right when I needed it and then I found all of your work and it's really helped me through so change parts and change bars like that it's a beautiful thing [Music] [Music] go [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music]", metadata={'source': 'IKuKZIISPE0'})]
[Document(page_content='From producer Tim Burton and replacement director Joel Schumacher comes a Batman movie that replaces the 80\'s gothic look of the first two with the ecstasy soaked fever dream of the mid-90\'s. Yup, this is definitely the worst movie I\'ve seen 30 times Batman Forever After Tim Bburton made Batman cool for the main stream, then put too much kinky stuff in the sequel to sell kid\'s toys, Warner Bros. picked Joel Schumacher as the pariah-- err... director to push the franchise in a more family-friendly direction -Holy rusted metal, Batman!\n-Uh? But hey! If this was the way we had to go through to get Nolan... take it away, Joel -Can I persuade you to take a sandwich with you, sir?\n-I\'ll get drive-through. [sigh] Meet Val Kilmer\'s unique take on Batman He\'s not weird like Keaton, charming like Clooney, intimidating like Bale, swoll like Affleck, or emotional like a human. But he does contribute one major unique trait to the Batman legacy: His mouth is always open! I mean. bats do eat bugs... I guess that\'s one way to catch\'em Watch Batman face Two-Face: A man with the power of not being a threat half the time But there\'s also the onesy-wearing Riddler: Jim Carrey, at the height of his powers, brings the same manic energy he brings to his other roles Joygasm! Ssssssmokin\'! while Tommy Lee Jones makes the horrible choice to bring the same manic energy as Jim Carrey ...aand meee!!!! Watch these two actors try to one-up each other on camera ...while the real drama was apparently going down off-screen -He got up and hugged me, and said \'I hate you. I really don\'t like you\' Drill, as Batman faces his greatest danger yet, the only thing that can actually stop him for good: A therapist! Dr. Chase Meridian takes her place alongside Vicki Vale, as the latest Bat-girlfriend you\'ll never hear from again. She\'s got brains, brawn, and she\'s not using either of them Because all she does is perv out on a stranger in a rubber suit You ARE interesting Well, I wish I could say that my interest in you is... purely professional [many moans] My place. Mightnight I\'ve imagined this moment since I first saw you. Your eyes. Your lips. Your body. Experience the Bat-family grow bigger with Chris O\'Donnell\'s Robin, whose lame origin story of the Robin name I flew in like a Robin is still better than The Dark Knight Rises\' -You should use you full name: Robin\n-Thanks Witness a mid-twenties actor, who is best to play a cool teen, complete with cool motorcycle and learher jacket, giant 90s cool guy earring, and something no-one will ever make cool: Laundry Karate! Holy \'dry clean only\', Batman! This makes me wanna drink some bleach! So, witness the begining of the end of the original Bat-quadrilogy that put nipples on the Batsuit, launched Akiva Goldsman\'s career, and cut out the insane sub-plot with the giant bat, but survives today by hanging on to its three redeeming qualities: The Thumbs-up .gif The epic Seal song And the fact that no matter what you have to say it\'s not as sh*tty as Batman & Robin [Ka-ching] Never leave the cave without it Starring Hello, Reddit! I am actor and artist Val Kilmer. AMA! A chewed up Starburst! Jim Carries the movie Dr. Girlfriend The Adult Wonder Didn\'t sign up for this The world\'s craziest Laser Tag arena The "Batman! Yeah!" guy Batman! Yeah! The "Boiling acid!" guy Oh, no! It\'s boiling acid! and What\'s that, girl? Batman fell down a well? [bark] Batman Begins\n...to suck Did anyone notice Two-Face\'s lair only works if he is facing one direction? Do they have to rearrange the furniture when he turns around?', metadata={'source': 'CtBca6H6Teg'})]
[Document(page_content="right taste my Mo's film site is Justice League legend waiting for Justice League it was X Friday and this is a DC Comics Code the super group and this your first could real go at being Aquaman we have sort of seen you yeah we know we haven't so it's they're all there there's the flash Wonder Woman Batman cyborg and you Aquaman and why why act man why have you all been joined together in this way the world as we know it is gonna end no yes just I hate to break the news to my friends kind of save you obviously you know in terms of the superpowers cuz obviously all superheroes you've got super powers so command water-based could breathe onto water presumably yes but what else can he do he can command the ocean so he can you know I basically talk to fish if you wanted me to I don't know make you sushi I can do that like put the plant Jonestown for fish super-strength and and you've got your hang on it's a squint kwinda agent Quinton it's not the Trident yeah we don't get to try it into a little bit later next movie so I think the Quinn don't you step back there you this is this real good reaction to a for well done this one's a nice light one oh I see I could do that I do break a lot of these okay I mean I do break a lot of them but [Applause] [Music]", metadata={'source': 'pcWKpGzhgq4'})]
[Document(page_content="there's a rumor that he might be people sexiest man alive huh oh my god oh wow they got that right I need to know I knew I was on to something you had the right if he is what's the reaction if you wake up and that's the news Wow I'm gonna look really good huh I already had scored but now I've really scored there you go and is there like what's what's the reaction if he's not oh well I still score you", metadata={'source': 'g0K5QoEj7FQ'})]
[Document(page_content="as in his rear view mirror his former team indeed launching a three you can count it all cotton for JoEllen bead and kuzmic coming from the crowd Boyce Simmons on the run Wow try and stop him Ben Simmons third on the team he was the 27th pick in the draft yet he is third among rookies in scoring Dario sharukh in rhythm for three high efficiency there when you talk about not even having to worry about job Josh give and go and another dunk for been the past compliments of Jo Ellen beat who's averaging about three assists per game and unable to finish Lonzo ball still scoreless running the floor Simmons one more for Anderson is able to finish and a foul beautifully facilitated by Ben simony look at the vision Timmy to Big Ben to Justin sixer lead at 8 back him down he is simmons against ball and he got it done a confident looking Ben Simmons that time the other thing about Simmons just watching is his field it's got a credible field Radek with the jumper heroics overall for the Lakers Simmons nicely delivered to impede as Lopez came over to help out Ben said you know what I know my guys got to be open frankly these are two of the worst free-throw shooting teams in the league Simmons the Sun FriendFeed counted again and the big man goes to the line looking to complete his business he is so special - combination of strength and finesse absorbs the contact yet somehow still explodes to the rim nobody able to stop - whoa he's got ten one of three Lakers now in double figures coming a long way for that pass whoo nice look boy a nice pass indeed his fifth assist and a beneficiary Simmons another dunk for him to give him 10th his slow release give it Joel time to get out there Kontest sharukh got it Dario charge hits the three his second of the game ain't no shame in his game he is not gonna back down but can he deliver that time he got caught ball watching and Redick just snuck through the backdoor on the rookie and delivered - well whenever you gets caught staring at the ball you're gonna lose your man JJ recognizing Lonzo stairs that of Sam Perkins that droopy-eyed look that Brandon has Simmons attempt beam I'll tell you what they're working beautifully to get dozens i think he's gonna excel here i think this is a good place for him Kentavious caldwell-pope Ben Simmons very comfortable with that turnaround with the off hand and the wobble Kappa Rho is played well Simmons attracted the attention of the Lakers and be launching a three and donate goes for one and Jo Ellen be directing traffic at prep traffic cops using on nice look to Simmons beautifully delivered Jo Ellen be now tying a career-high his sixth assist Simmons moving on Randall caught it Don a gorgeous floater by Ben Simmons who is tracking a triple-double for him Brent brown is upset at Pat take a look at Ben the other end The Little Giant Killer finger roll [Applause] Simmonds yes [Applause]", metadata={'source': '9WT7NU3Rwr0'})]
[Document(page_content="of going to Target to go buy the album and so we're gonna go do that she's not are you really good Tania walk we're walking we're gonna go get some magazines you know doing it we're going we're going to target we've got it's Claire it's Ellie we have arrived in the um in the well-lit parking lot just want everyone to be updated that we've already started stalking Christmas stuff at Arco oh wait wait wait we've seen it we've spotted it just gonna slowly like reveal the fashion statement happening over here hi how's it goin garden has been partially walked into now it's been fully walked into we've walked into the target we're in progress of walking still just so you guys don't keeping updated it's wrapped in shiny plastic you have in your natural element oh how can you even see me whatever what I'm wearing me now what you just showed me this was us on the fearless tour babies we're in here and we're facetiming people were facetiming cam and target is really really very it's it's very social right now so everything in them is different except for this the album is the same because I only made one else well there's what is that album cause I'm really transparent about all this I'm freaking out listen to Taylor Swift's in second grade insane huge fan why are you freaking out [Music] there's a ton intro that you [Laughter] hey I'm just act from restless present this is what happened to Nashville Oh Jonah we performed her song on x-factor about four years ago yeah now we're talking hers right babe awesome thank you my gosh you're adorable that was really sweet I mean you in Western Kentucky the word in a target Nashville I live across the street and just came [Laughter] is our tradition and you helped us and you've been dealing with the kind of the crazy lady say hi to anybody Hey really good", metadata={'source': 'vZzIS17HexE'})]
[Document(page_content="hi guys welcome back to my channel it's a girl a jackie ina thank you so much for joining me on today's review Jackie Jackie Jackie Jackie Jackie Jackie Jackie Jackie Jackie Jackie Jackie Jackie Jackie Jackie I know I'm the last person on earth to review the morphe 35o r2d2 palette I am well aware that I'm the last person talking about the morphe 405 North polit I'm kidding it's actually called the three 502 palette and this is the sister palette to be ever so famous and ever so coveted three 5-volt palette that came out like three years ago and everyone went nuts I know this is gonna be a bold student but I really kind of feel like that how it is will put the warm well yeah I mean because you have like the Urban Decay Naked series but then when morphe came out with 3500 it was really like the only really warm neutral palette that kind of hit mainstream you know so we were shocked girl we didn't know what to do with it then it kind of got to a point where was like okay more okay we get it okay we see we knew we know it exists all right it keeps coming back okay we get it all right guy so now we have a number two palette I've been noticing there's a lot of stuff going with morphe they're like rebranding everything looks different even down to the promotionals on our visitas palette it looked completely different so you can definitely tell that morphe is coming for our edges okay so today I will be reviewing in DesMoines e35 old 2 palette for you guys by the way I've got great news all this time I've been using morphe and I was not an affiliate but uh as of last week that has changed it was definitely like oh okay well let me just get undressed over here sighs just go for it so um you're not gonna believe this but the name of the code is edges you guys don't like coming up weird name so I took a Twitter poll and everyone voted that they wanted edges so my morphe code is that just use code edges at checkout if you want a discount on all more few purchases you might need your edges after you see this tutorial for like about to cook up some fire with this palette so you might need your edges before we get started I'm gonna ask nicely if you're not subscribed if you are not subscribed when I tell you I will be coming for you and your grandkids find that button and make it and square up and make it happen okay I'm subscribed do it if you don't like warm neutrals what are you doing on Sasori oh just I'm just saying you already knew what you signed up for there's another collection of fiery hot oranges earthy tones you know what I think would be a great twist but then again it would probably different the whole purpose of being in the whole three five world family is that they added in like some dual chrome eat green colors like that would be kind of nice you know it's the ocean palette the Earth Wind and Fire palette I don't know let me start giving ideas first somebody steals them this retails for $23 I'm pretty surprised on the website it hasn't sold out yet I'm assuming they made a lot of a lot of a lot I'm so bad as a plus it has 35 eyeshadows and they're supposed to be blendable and very creamy which I find that sometimes Mac's from morphe can be a little tricky for me to work with because all my skintone like the shimmers across the board if you mess up shimmers you might as well just go out of business I'm not saying more if he does this but shimmers are easy to make sometimes with the mattes that really shows you how good the quality of a shadow is so I'm curious to see if these compared to the other palettes or if they're better and upgrade or if they're worse I've been pretty much a fan of morphe stuff across the board it's not the best stuff but it's also not the worst either it's like you get what you pay for you know and I think that that's also for the longest time while I didn't want to become an affiliate because I feel like people just assumed everyone who was", metadata={'source': 'p2EY93WfBQk'}), Document(page_content="while I didn't want to become an affiliate because I feel like people just assumed everyone who was affiliate was biased and I kind of held onto that but I'm not an affiliate and I still like this stuff and I feel like I've held on to that for as long as I possibly can so nothing's gonna change it's not like it's the first time I've been an affiliate for a brand I'm still gonna be giving you my honest thoughts and Tionne products let's get that very clear I'm gonna get into my base first I'm gonna do foundation brows all this good stuff I'm gonna wake up from the dead basically we'll get right into the eyes portion what did you I'm back they've kept the packaging but they changed the fonts this is the old and this is the new which I kind of think they could still benefit from changing this this is just you know for me and then when you open it up you get the sleeve with all the names which I personally first things first just for demonstrational purposes I'll hang on to this oh I'll play the game for now first color I will take is fire I love a swatch Barbies fires a little neon and I'm not trying to go me on just yet but I'm gonna take instead is heats which is this color right here yes heat taking Heat and I'm popping her right into the crease there's still a little bit of fire on my brush but that's okay first immediate thoughts is it could just be the way that I've prepped my eye it could be all in my head but I'm definitely feeling a little kick in the matte formula with this palette most definitely I'm finding this pretty easy to blend and I'm a swirler so as I dip and and swish-swish-swish I'm not getting a ton of kickback I'm not getting a ton of fallout why I'm getting followed on my eye but that doesn't really some people don't like fallout that doesn't really bother me and you know even though there's so many warm colors in this palette like it's isn't it's still technically fall or wait when did fall in I don't know I live in California so it's damn near spring all year round but this is definitely like a really nice color palette that I think you can get you so all year round I'm just saying cuz there's like earthy tones too it's not just about bright neons and oranges and you can also judge based on when you layer your mat so let's move on to the next color I'm gonna move on to chestnut which is a pretty warm burgundy brown chestnut is giving me a tad bit more kick back to thought I would point that out this time I'm using a slightly tighter brush to get into the outer corner of my eye this is a pretty subtle color I'm not really seeing a lot of it on top of our first color I'm also quite surprised that I don't really see a deep dark in this palette because I feel like brunette can take it there but brunettes almost kind of grayish so it looks more soft yeah just not it's just not giving me a ton of color like did I see the definition added to my crease absolutely but I wish I was getting a little bit more definition and this sometimes is the problem but I have the palettes like me it's almost like the dark mattes don't show as true to color as they should oh it's takete and start blending her along the bottom lashline girl if you have brown eyes if you have hazel eyes if you have green eyes this is going to be your look for summer 18 okay the brush I'm using by the way is the Sigma small taper to eat 45 I got big old bug eyes so it's hard for me to find brushes that don't make me look like a raccoon under here just to shake the table a little bit I'm gonna take brunette which is that sketchy color I was looking at earlier hopefully it's dark enough I'm almost kind of feeling like with palettes like these I think I need to start working backwards using the darker colors first and then layering it them into lighter colors because it's just you just gotta work sometimes just gotta make do that's all i'ma say brunette she's there brunettes definitely showing still", metadata={'source': 'p2EY93WfBQk'}), Document(page_content="just gotta make do that's all i'ma say brunette she's there brunettes definitely showing still pretty soft but it's showing up for sure start tapping at the lash line and then blend you know if you're a beginner with eyeshadow it's probably going to be more beneficial to do more tapping but it is swirling because once you're sore too far north good luck so I stick to the lashline and I start feathering the shadow upwards and that way I get more control over these colors so they be trying to take over okay you got to remind them I did this all right stay in your lane I'm also going to take brunette she's real cute or whatever and Davor in the inner corner I've been loving the halo look lately don't judge we all have our thing that we light so just blend that actually don't blend it tap her show her who's boss now I'm taking Chestnut in our same bottom lashline brush and I'm blending that out and smoking it well it looks really pretty long about lashline like this whole bottom look is just feeling very amber a very exotic a very summer in Miami I'm really kind of feeding for one of these too dark yellow Eagles these are just just doing something I mean right now um I think this is this is a tough choice I'm gonna go with this one this is zippy Zippy's cute personally I find I get along just well oh my god that's popping shimmer shadows on with my finger it just never really steers me wrong firing - I don't know why I just like layering shimmers just like doing I'm gonna actually take polished and this actually looks like rose gold let's see what that does on top of this color oh my god that's pretty that turned that into like a fiery almost like a cut like a copper and this wouldn't be a Jackie ina look without an inner corner color so I'm putting fewer right on top of it to prime to kind of brighten it up which was this color here lashes that I just discovered their base that Auk it's called whiplash and so I just bought I'm up a whole book cuz that was like I don't want one I want on all of them from this lash book I'm gonna be wearing fluff this is a color that I saw on Justine Skye a couple weeks ago on Twitter and I was like I don't know what that is but I need to have 12 of them but I've been rocking this lash oh ha these past couple weeks cuz they are really really nice this lash is like fixed so after I did my full face of NARS makeup a couple videos back a few guys told me to go out and get the casino bronzer from NARS and I actually do think I kind of like it taking casino into my neck and my jawline and the perimeter of my face this here was not god-given she's bronzed I'm gonna take peach my cheeks you guys this is probably one of my favorite products to launch this season from Too Faced their cream blushes oh she's starving you always girl oh I should shoot a campaign just like this let me just stop plan and okay so it's definitely not as bright as I thought it was gonna be thank God I've been dying to get my hands on this ever since I saw on Twitter it is beauty bakery's latest launch their coffee and cocoa palette look how beautiful look how I'm lost for words I'm initech la vida mocha and use that as a highlighter look how pretty that is this is actually looking and feeling more like it's supposed to be a blush so I'm blending that down into my cheeks and then I'm gonna take your grounded and pop that into my highlight that is so pretty oh my god now I'm taking a stippling brush because I do want everything to be blended especially with this look this is the perfect cheek oh my god look how pretty that is I'm gonna finish this off from my peachy matte spray love this stuff just this is pitch from colour-pop I always use this when I want to really really sculpted lip finish off this pulp and look I'm gonna take vinyl this is my girl orphis latest collaboration with more feet she's peach and she smells amazing so you know she's right up my alley actually more of", metadata={'source': 'p2EY93WfBQk'}), Document(page_content="more feet she's peach and she smells amazing so you know she's right up my alley actually more of like a peachy pink and the dark liner was so we can get that kind of ombre look don't it look like I'm going pumpkin picking or what do people do with the pump is out there pumpkin picking pumpkin jumping I don't know I never did stuff like that when I was a kid okay so that is the demo on the 3/5 Oh are two Z's now I've seen what the morphe double XL palette looks like aka the 3/5 vote so I'm gonna just keep making up names for stuff that's what I do I really wanted to do swatches but personally I kind of feel like swatches are kind of BS like I don't know is it just be like swatches don't really except for lipsticks lipsticks I do think our the one exception cuz you actually wear them the way that you swatch them unlike shadows when you blend them out you know what I mean um anyway just to render my thoughts I do think you definitely definitely get what you pay for for twenty three dollars I mean if you're starting out as a makeup artist or if you're just exploring makeup in general don't go out and buy a bunch of high-end stuff if you can't afford it if you can by all means but I think that companies like morphe are definitely bridging the gap from making artistic stuff you know affordable and accessible to people to the everyday average person just always be mindful though you do get what you pay for a lot of times I hear people compare this is the same thing as this enosis and I feel like when your chocolate like that is what will definitely definitely measure whether or not the quality of the shadows were really delivered what will show up on someone who's super super light or maybe even more on the medium side may not show up on me and that is definitely true for shadows when it came down to some of the colors like the deeper dark colors or the colors that were supposed to be deeper dark I had a little bit of trouble getting them to as you see show up on my skin tone and I always use the same base I used I did the same preparatory step okay so was it me I always go into that with some shadows knowing that I'm gonna have to do things a little bit differently so I would say maybe start with the darker shades first the darker mattes first and then work your way up to the lighter more bolder brighter colors because I think you may be a lot more happier with your application versus what I was trying to do working the other way around but honestly all in all great value for money I really like the color selections that more if he puts out I feel like it's foolproof you don't have to make your own palette or make the selections for you I think that morphing does a pretty good job at like creatively putting all the colors together for you at $23 a pop and you know the morphe codes be floating around you know like a lot of other stuff but you know that you can get a little bit of extra points off on top of that so it makes it worthwhile to be honestly do you guys like this look yes or no oh my god this highlight is doing everything for me I feel like this was like the perfect combination of colors for this look I don't think you guys enjoyed it I have fun hanging out today I hope you enjoyed today's video thank you again for watching and I I know i'ma see you on the next one right I didn't know I did not have to say anything all I do is I just sit back okay what time is it I did my thing I leave my tutorial right here for the world to see and you know you know what to do oh and don't forget to use code edges at your morphe check out thanks Thomas", metadata={'source': 'p2EY93WfBQk'})]
[Document(page_content="[Music] hey guys it's Jesse B so today is a different type of video I was sitting down last night and suddenly had all of these memories from when I was a kid flood back into my brain and I was like did anyone else do these things when they were a kid because some of these things were really really strange but then I started talking to some of my friends and they were like yes Jess I did that as well so I thought why not make a video on this because I'm sure I can think of tons of things that everyone did as a kid that they thought was weird what other people were doing - now I know I'm a lot older than a lot of my viewers I am turning 24 24 so my childhood might have been a bit different than yours so some of these things you might have done and some of these things you may not have done but I think most of them you have done so let's just get into the video because I like to have long intros for some reason first one wrapping your finger around the telephone cord while you talk to somebody now most kids today won't be able to relate to this but back when my parents had one of those phones or the cords on them I would just talk and be like yes yes oh I dropped my whole body around in it number two being able to open up a brand new CD without scissors or a knife I know a lot of kids perfected how to open this perfectly you go to the corner where it's kind of folded over it just like I don't know if you guys ever drank kool-aid or Capri Suns when you're a kid but they came in I was like juice pouch things and first of all for some reason I always had difficulty getting the straw and a little pouch but when you finish it is it only me already to spend a few minutes just blowing into the pouch so it would expand and then you breathe back in and it contracts and just keep doing that without only me maybe does anyone remember receiving those little art packs for your birthday or like Christmas or something because I feel like this was a gift that everyone just received and for some reason my favorite part after using all these supplies was reorganizing them back into the case that was like always amazing the crayons would just make that popping sound when it goes back in or it was great oh my gosh that click noise that you would get when rotating the wheel of your disposable camera whenever I want a vacation as a kid my parents would always get me one of those disposable cameras and the sound the sound of the click and then take the picture speaking of clickings you guys remember those pens that you can get that had like I don't know like ten different colors on them and I would sit in class and I would pull down each color and just click it and go in a circle but sometimes two colors would get stuck and then you couldn't use the pen anymore and I was really sad and I feel like they ran out really really quickly oh my gosh probably one of my favorite things was while I was sitting in class and I would put glue all over my hands and once it would dry I would just peel it off and it would be the most satisfying thing like it would feel good but it would look cool too like I was coming off your hand and look like you were shedding skin all over your desk it was great okay I just have one thing to say for the next one and that is bugles you guys know what you did with bugles oh my gosh you put them on then your fingers they look like which hands you run around you chase after your friends with them and then you just satisfyingly take them off and eat them and then put more on afterwards this one I know everyone has done its what do you make pillow forts as a kid I know my sister and I used to go into the basement and make this huge pillow fort and we had these little tiny DVD players and we would sit inside of the fort and just like watch movies all night okay I never personally did this one but I have friends who did this one and it was when they would mix a bunch of sodas from the", metadata={'source': 'Qj7DVNDb7To'}), Document(page_content="one but I have friends who did this one and it was when they would mix a bunch of sodas from the soda machine into one cup and they loved it and I never really understood that because I only wanted one flavor like I always felt like having more than one flavor we're just overwhelmed your mouth you know what I mean oh my gosh do you guys remember those bugs my parents used to call them couch bugs but I don't know what they're actually called but when you touch them they roll up into a ball do you know what I mean am I going crazy like I think everyone knows what those bugs are right they're creepy but like cute at the same time what about when you were a kid and you saw a punch bunny go by and you did the whole like punch buggy no punch back thing oh my gosh so my boyfriend ty still does that we'll be driving down the road if he sees one he'll literally just like punch my shoulder and I'm like really you're still doing that still I'm so horrible for knowing what these things are called but you know those things that when you're at camp or at school or something they were like parachute cloth things and you throw it up into the air and then put it behind you and sit down on the ground and you look up and you see all of those colors above you like a massive tent do you know what I'm talking about and then it would slowly fall down and then you get out and like do it again that was the best thing or do you remember when you had a CD and you put it in your CD player and it wouldn't really work too well so you take it out and like rub it on your shirt to try and get it to work better but usually the problem was there was little like marks or scrapes on the actual CD which really sucked because there was nothing you could do about that and the CD would just like skip while it was playing oh my gosh that was my favorite thing to do with my dad on a Friday night he would take my sister and I out to Blockbuster we would pick a movie gonna pick a snack and then we'd go back and watch it and like there's no more blockbusters around here anymore it's really sad do you remember smelling those like toys with the strings around them it was like on a ball with strings around it I don't know what they're called once again I have no idea what they're called but they're plastic E rubber spiky squishy toys yeah this is not going anywhere what about drawing that really stylized s I know everyone did this for some reason when I was a kid it took me forever to figure out how to actually do this all my friends were like oh watch me and they do it perfectly and I'd be like I don't get it but now I look back and I'm like jets it was so easy I could literally do a lock closing my eyes do you member telling your future with those um things that go like this cootie catchers what the heck were they called but you fold it up and someone would say like number seven and you'd have to do this seven times and they'd pick like one of those inside panels I need open it and tell them their future do you know what I'm talking about look for this whole video and roll watching is like no Jess we don't know what you're talking about or like playing mash where would also tell your few you're like your future husband the car the house the job you're gonna have how many kids you're gonna have I would take these things so seriously as a child like I got a future that I was not happy with I would literally cry and I'd be like we have to play again to change my future what about when it was really cold outside and you went out and when you blew out you thought there was like smoke smoke coming out of your mouth like I felt like a dragon I'd go outside and be like and it's giant like smoke cloud would come out of my mouth and I'd be like yeah I have a dragon inside me this one's disgusting but I know you've done it when you were really little and you picked your nose you tasted your booger I know everyone watching has what at", metadata={'source': 'Qj7DVNDb7To'}), Document(page_content="really little and you picked your nose you tasted your booger I know everyone watching has what at least once tasted a booger I don't even remember what it tastes like that's how long ago it was but I remember that I have before and it like gets stuck on one of your teeth and you're like it's so weird Oh a lot of you might have been too young for this but I remember when I was waiting for my ballet class to start my dad would be sitting beside me and I play on that snake game on his old like nokia phone I would never get very far like I would maybe last like 20 seconds and then I would die which is like really lame but my dad could play for like a really long time and I'd always be so impressed watching him play snake I know that for some reason I would take my Barbies in the bath with me I don't know why but I'd pretend they were like mermaids and I'd come up with this whole scenario in my head like they'd be at the beach or like something and my mom would walk in and be like Jesse you done your bath you and I'd be like no mom my Barbies are having a conversation right now and like their hair would be like all wet their clothes would be all wet and like I just like doing that I don't know why what about when you went on like long car rides and especially if it was raining out or something and you'd be in the backseat looking out your window and like pretending you're in a movie like you're in a movie scene where you're in the car just like looking all sad out the window and like there's a camera outside like watching you and you go down the road I'm like I don't know I always just had those thoughts as a kid it was really weird oh I remember I always used to catch grasshoppers but I would instantly regret it because I'd be holding them in my hands and I open it and they would have like peed all over me same with like ladybugs and stuff but I would continue to catch them even though I regret it because like they go to the washroom on my palms anyways though that's all I could think of right now if you guys can think of anything else that maybe tons of people would have done as kids definitely comment that down below I hope this was mostly relatable I feel like it was if it wasn't then I was definitely just a weird child by myself I don't know but yeah I hope you guys have an awesome rest of your day and I'll see you in my next video bye you [Music] you", metadata={'source': 'Qj7DVNDb7To'})]
[Document(page_content="all right so I have to know can I take some honey that is crystallized and extract sugar from that let's find out [Music] and goes the honey does it I warm it up first this seems that just spreading the crystallized honey out on the screen works a lot better than trying to drop it into the rotating blade I just gotta be careful to keep it balanced let's see what we got don't look at that looks like sugar to me honey sugar if I open this up and pull off the screen we can see some honey in there I'm sure there's some small crystals that didn't make their way through or didn't get caught in the screen this it's mostly honey again though it's liquefied although it is chemically different now since I think it's the fructose that crystallizes out first so this is going to be fructose depleted honey there you go some sugar made from honey I just took the granules out of the granulated honey it seems to resemble brown sugar probably because it's still a little bit moist it could probably dry it out a little bit more I'm just gonna lay this out on a tray and then gently heat it in the oven dry it out oh it seems to have melted apparently it has a lower melting point than other sugars that's interesting well", metadata={'source': 'Jidk0O6uu-0'})]
[Document(page_content="and this poop Dragon finds a pain in the ass good girl poop dragon's supposed to be hot good girl I beat it in one try if you think poop dragons hard you should never play diarrhea good good oh man you think poop dragon's bad wait until Siri how do I delete all of Twitter", metadata={'source': 'Y9nDagqKL7Q'})]
[Document(page_content="[Music] hello confetti club it is fixing and today is such an exciting day I'm so freakin excited it is a very special youtube birthday but not my actual YouTube birthday my actual YouTube birthday is August something but today is the fateful day I have received my 100,000 subscribers YouTube play button mmm and so I'm going to do a cheeky unbox for you guys I am a quaking if you look down you'll probably notice I'm a little bit past a hundred thousand that's cuz it takes like five months for these things to come I knew that going in but it still feels like an eternity because you just you're so excited to finally get this beautiful beautiful rumored illustrious it's like a unicorn it's like ooh only rumored will you ever see one in real life oh it's gonna have my name on it imagine if it like had the wrong name imagine if it was like some other random you do it'll be terrible I'm gonna open this bad boy up it says pixie locks on the box which is really exciting but I'm not gonna show you because it's by my hairdress if you don't know what these are I assume most people do but if you don't um YouTube sends out like these plaques called play buttons for different subscriber milestones so the first one is a hundred thousand which is my precious baby I have here today and the next one's a million which is the gold play button so this one's silver when millions gold ten million is diamonds and then after that is there platinum or am I crazy PewDiePie got a special Ruby one but he's the only one who's like vaguely close to 50 million so that was like special for him but yeah it was really exciting he is in there talked so snug [Music] [Music] it's just gonna be me making that sound for the video okay we got some nice styrofoam this is a real unboxing says YouTube on the box and I'm gonna try and get this on camera but also have a pure moment whoa well there's a letter oh you've just done something that very few YouTube creators accomplished how old is this you had an astonishing 100,000 people subscribed to your channel we know that numbers on YouTube can get really big but we hope that you don't lose sight of the reality behind that six digit milestone each and every person who is subscribed to your channel has been touched by what you created they were inspired challenged or entertained you achieve this milestone with hard work perseverance and probably a healthy sense of humor too what you've accomplished can't be taken away from you and we'd like to reckon if you lost if you like went down to under 100k but you already like had your play buttons unto you and you're lucky oops and we'd like to recognize you and all your hard work with a silver creator award a small token of our esteem and respect this is so cute we know that you don't do this for rewards you do it because you have a drive to create and share and because you've found an audience who cares believe us when we say that we can't wait to see what you do next a million subscribers may seem a long way off right now but you're closer than you think and we're rooting for you congratulations you're sincerely sue in watches sick CEO YouTube I'm really sorry that I can't pronounce your name Susan I know they send that to everyone but it's still really cute ever ever ever oh oh oh the back is so filthy that's my baby well that's me but it's on my baby oh I did it Oh shiny shiny shiny this is such a happy day this is such a special moment ah obviously I want to give a freaking ginormous thank you to all of you guys cuz like this is you this isn't like I did a good thing a hundred thousand times this is like a hundred thousand people were nice and like subscribed to me so like that's extra frickin amazing I'm so so so blessed and happy to have an audience that is so sweet and kind and always sweet and kind to each other and me and just so amazing I feel like the confetti club is special and I feel like every creator also says", metadata={'source': '0ANDjPQPS_Q'}), Document(page_content="just so amazing I feel like the confetti club is special and I feel like every creator also says that they're like oh like my audience is the best audience but like with a rock pretty hard every time I go down in the comments people are always like responding to each other helping each other out being sweet on Instagram there's a lot of like pixie locs fan accounts that are hilarious and I started following them and they're so funny and sweet and they're all funny and sweet to each other as well it's just like a beautiful happy community that just loves like colors and fashion and rainbows and sparkles but also it's down-to-earth and real about it you know what I mean it was crazy because my facebook like memory look back on what you did a year ago today thing was me posting about being right under 50,000 subscribers it was like I was like what do I say I was like if I hit 50,000 confetti club members before the end of 2016 I'm gonna cry and now a year later and I'm at a hundred thirty-five thousand and my silver play button and freaking crying and I just thank you I want to make it cute I don't know how I'm gonna do it but I want to make it cute so I'm gonna cut to that I don't want to do anything that would like permanently damage this because I feel like this is a sacred freakin like item that should not be tampered with so I want to find a way to make it kawaii and like fit my room and kind of fit my personality and like be a happy sparkle time but also something that is not permanent because again I don't want to I don't want to mess with this thing that I waited five nights for so we're gonna cut to me on my floor and see how I do that so I has my beautiful baby and my my plan my my beautiful brainchild is to like layer over and cut out a piece of cardstock that I can just ever so delicately scotch tape on so it doesn't actually hurt it even though I frickin put a little ding in it with my laptop when I went to go get the future confetti club member but it's fine it's and I have a large thing of fake flowers because I went through a phase where I just bought infinite fake flowers let's just see how she goes --is what color should I use this is what I got from designer Diaries I don't know if you're gonna be able to see it I feel like it should just straight up your pink though this one's really cool but or I could just like make it that should it be pink I want it to be in my background though of my videos I feel like that's like a rite of passage is to have your play button in the background of your videos I have so many purples am I gonna be okay or I can just do pink but it's on a pink background yeah [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] you know what are you doing up there what are you doing up there [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] there yay that's exactly what I had in my head oh look how happy he is oh yeah yeah yay and it's completely reversible because it's all just stuck on the paper that I Scotch taped it to so hey look it's cute but also reversible yay this videos feature confetti club member is Kelly Scott in bloom on Instagram I hope I said your name right she is looking so so cute happy belated birthday cheeky boo rockin that you look nice today TV with so many birthday themes cuz it was your birthday happy birthday again you're rockin it love you to bits you're adorable thank you for your support I love you guys so so much and I will see you in the next video which is not this one because this one is over bye [Music]", metadata={'source': '0ANDjPQPS_Q'})]
[Document(page_content="Ready As I'll ever be You really think high school's going to be all that different than middle school? I don't want\npeople to think I'm a loser Worst case you always have me What's up bro! Tidy! Keeping in clean tidy? Oh no Maddy Datner Everyone is on her feed Did you guy see Maddy's eyebrows from last weekend? On fleek! What about this one? Go with the football pic. It's more iconic. Like a Taylor Swift song. Oh you're so right. Prom is just around the corner. Guessing you still don't have a date to the prom Prom is about sex. Come on Maddy, g2g. Maddy, it's not what it looks like So it's not my boyfriend and best friend making out or some optical illusion of\nthat Well, if you'll believe that then yes! Oh my god Why are you doing this now I know how much being crowned Queen means to you which only makes me want it more.\nNow just reflect and listen to my urine hit the water. I reflected. My whole life has been a lie. Maddy what's wrong? I hate high school I never thought that popular kids in school had anything to get this upset about. Maybe she's not that popular. You okay? Why did all this have to happen right before prom? That's it What's it? Prom. What if we ruined it? Who would want to help us? Every kid you and your ex friends ever made fun of. The sweat stain on your back\nlooks like the United States of America I'm posting this. This is for all the a-holes who destroyed high school for us. We're in. We'll make it a night that they\nnever forget. We're gonna take a selfie. Hold on. We have to take at least forty or fifty to make sure we all look good. Part of me just wishes I could go to prom. Destroy that prom. Let me take off\nthose tighty whities Are you high? A little but that doesn't mean I don't mean what I\nsay. Welcome to prom! You guys ready to make this a prom they will never forget. Hell yes! I'm so turned on right now How do you do this? 39 more, here we go! 39 more here you go", metadata={'source': '6j-s9E3dRQ0'})]
[Document(page_content="hello my humming eggs out there welcome back to channels so good to see you again and can we just talk about this for a second since they sent mickey mouse to my house I mean guys he was right here so yeah I'm sure a lot of you guys saw the video on Friday that Disney sent out right now Mickey's going around to a bunch of different fans throughout the world and they're surprising them and I was one of them so if you haven't seen that video yet I will link it in the description there's comfortable place you can see I saw like a couple different places but anyways yes I wanted to talk about my side and actually share the video that they had me filming while we were doing it so this all happened like a month ago this happens like back in early October and I am so glad I can finally talk about it cuz I wasn't allowed to talk about it so uh background info on what happened so I was emailed by this company that Disney worked with in the past and they said hey we've made commercials for DC before if you ever saw the commercial with the Deaf family going to Disneyland and all the characters did sign language it was one of the sweetest courses I've ever seen they're like yeah we made that and Disney hired us again to now make a video for the internet about Disney fans can we come to your house and interview enough interview you I'm like sure come on over that's fine they're like okay this will work out fine we'll just shoot here in your house and just let you know it's gonna be a little shoot only a couple people nothing to worry about and we'll be there on Tuesday I'm like great and then I go out of my house the next day and I look all the way down the street the parking has been blocked off for this like the entire street and I'm like I thought they said I was like two people why do they need a whole street then the day of I look outside my window a little bit and there are cars lined up on this whole thing there are security right outside my front door there's these giant trailers down the block for me and I'm just like on this just to talk to me about being a fan okay so they came in they got the cameras rolling so they're like okay just tell us about some of your Disney stuff something through some of that and then they're like okay just make a youtube video I'm like well it's not that easy what don't make a youtube video they're like just just sit down doing impressions of stuff I'm like okay I just sat down and started doing impressions you'll see that in the video in a second but I was just like I know I'm going on and then lo and behold they snuck Mickey Mouse in my back door now it's just like what kind of shook me for a second because the first time like Oh Mickey okay see the park all the time wait a minute I'm not at the park I'm in right house what and on top of that the guys there said I was first on this whole going around the world and surprising people with Mickey and I was super honored by that top of that because of that I'm the first person in history to ever have that particular Mickey come to their home and here's the video clip that I recorded in its entirety walls is going on except for the parts press it up cuz that's boring to watch but uh yeah anything that we did in from the camera this is what I got so enjoy that we good welcome back to channel it's so great to see you again today and I thought today we just do some fun impressions here and there and specifically Disney because you guys know this he's my favorite other Monday's knee so let's get to it Matata what a wonderful phrase Hakuna Matata ain't no passing craze I got the characters mixed up but I don't think anyone will care but hey come on Matata ah in all seriousness that time alright do a couple more bones you'll bear it just wonderful to see you in the castle today ah but we must not tell the beast that would be completely awful yeah Mickey Donald good feeling any good oh boy hey pals it's the", metadata={'source': 'E_86MEdNsAI'}), Document(page_content="that would be completely awful yeah Mickey Donald good feeling any good oh boy hey pals it's the Mickey Mouse here join me - oh wow Minnie Mouse Oh it'll make me keep see you know uh that's funny because it's his birthday next month let's do a message for Mickey I'm a Oh Mickey friend's birthday is not in the video even last year yeah do it yeah everyone what are you believing this is whatever you want to say like a message to him to the camera whatever that would be okay a message is the camera happy birthday Mickey come on and I hope it's a real swell one something like that yeah it's right again okay oh gosh you've never been in anyone's house before so this is oh you're never too much house on the first house Mickey's ever gone to watching I can die happy man now oh thanks pal I did not I had no idea Mickey was gonna be here oh this is great oh yeah yeah this is my setup for my youtube videos Mickey where I do impressions of guys like you oh you see Mickey's face and you actually can oh we got it we're all gonna sit - okay so guys I actually got Mickey Mouse in my house talk about house of mouse right uh-huh so yeah explain what so you thought we were going to be one thing and now what happened tell us help catches up what was that good so I was told that I was gonna have the film crew come in and talk about being dizzy fan but they didn't tell me Mickey Mouse was gonna come to my house today yeah he's like I totally blew your mind tonight Mauri when I do impressions with characters I have to go to Disneyland but you guys came to me this time oh [Music] you're gonna squeeze mad oh right there right behind the ear yes all I love those scratches and I love the squirrel oh my gosh I'm so happy right now I don't really know what to say oh this is awesome so we are going about to start a tour for Mickey for his birthday you're the first stop oh starting off Mickey's birthday celebration this year oh gosh number one Oh about forever I can't I'm oh I'm good I'm gonna treasure this oh my gosh that's fantastic aren't you happy you get to take a seat for a little bit huh yeah maybe so I'm gonna feed all day yeah I get to kick back relax oh so you guys are gonna go around to like these new fans and Surprise them with Mickey yeah so we're gonna wander away so you know you're literally the first time have you noticed we were acting a little weird today because we were trying to set up the surprise I'm so glad I worried yeah I was gonna surprise whenever I look I go for a walk around my neighborhood and I saw the whole street was blocked on like they said there was just gonna be a couple people what what do they need the whole street for cuz yeah we're like oh yeah yeah it's a small shoot there's a couple of them I love it I love it so much Thank You Mickey oh my gosh and happy birthday let's do that standing up that was it stuff yeah hi one more look for the camera oh thank you Mickey on happy birthday oh this was incredible so thank you guys so much for watching I hope you enjoyed don't forget to Like comment and subscribe and I will see you guys later bye [Music]", metadata={'source': 'E_86MEdNsAI'})]
[Document(page_content="[Music] Kenneth and I are headed to our therapy our couples therapy session right now and I had an idea that I wanted to talk to you about and get your opinion on we're thinking about doing a podcast a Casey and Candice podcast that's like I don't know like an hour long or a half an hour long or something and calling it the title of the best part calling it therapy where it's just us talking there probably is but we can just make ours bigger and better and then crush the competition so let us know you think like that's a terrible idea just write terrible idea below if you'd be interested at all well the only thing is I'm tired of hearing the comments that I'm such a like bitching a dud I think people [Music] we're at therapy now but that's the idea let us let us know what you think we finished therapy how do you think today went today in therapy we talked about having more children and whether or not we want to move to California we should do the podcast the laws [Music] who are you taking your clothes off nice box because Joe to Billy love Billy NYC calm and by Candice's new cashmere sweater it's a little expensive for my audience honey $180 for pure cashmere bye honey great girl great girl check this out ready I want to I want to show this to you so get it got a screw here got a string here and on the other end there's like this pin that can be used to remove SIM cards I have permanently attached this to my desk now this may seem like a nothing but you know I change cell phones all the time and getting that little SIM tray out as a nightmare on my phone here oh and I want to get my memory card out to offload all the videos and stuff it's hard to get out and I can never find this thing and now look it just lives here this is exciting for me [Applause] I'm gonna be premiering a new video that I made that I've been working on for a long time I'm gonna like put it in this vlog it's like a four minute video to be part of this vlog you see one thing I want to do a lot more of on this channel is talk about creators other critters that I really like that I think you should follow that I think maybe you'll be interested in and the video that I made is about my friend Chantal who you've seen in this show before and she just started youtubing so I want to premiere her new movie on my channel even though it's gonna live on her channel I want to use in this channel and I want to use like this big audience that that this channel has to talk about smaller creators she's brand new she doesn't have any subscribers and to talk about other people that I think are doing amazing things in this platform and try to sort of elevate them a little bit shine a little spotlight on them so this is uh this is my friend Chantal Chantal is a fine artist do you go by that visual this all this find all this and the reason why I like Chantal so much as an art the reason why I like her as a person that's cuz she's cool the reason why I like her as an artist is because her only instrument her only actually have her entire art career was built with a pan just a pen look this is this is my apartment and then this is I have one of chantels paintings in my apartment that's Francine in my apartment a couple years ago had a studio here but we were friends before that yeah she had one of the best studios she had one of the studios in this feeling that has skylight you almost took it I was gonna take it it's just like four flights away I don't want to go up all those stairs I've always wanted to make a movie about Chantal and her artwork and who she is because she's such an interesting human being and we were kind of given the excuse actually from Sam are you gonna stick with that - oh yeah this is one of Chantell stickers we were given the opportunity because of Samsung you know part of their like creator creator initiative is enabling us to make movies and they were willing to sort of produce a case you nice that", metadata={'source': '2kyS6SvSYSE'}), Document(page_content="is enabling us to make movies and they were willing to sort of produce a case you nice that movie about Chantal Martin and I'm gonna premiere that movie I'm wondering where I should drop it let me finish let's finish okay let's finish an and it'll play cool I'm reviving my old youtube channel that I started probably 10 11 12 years ago right at the beginning and I forgot I had it actually one thing that I will say about Chantal is she is fearless about trying new things it's like I see everything is a blank canvas so you shouldn't be afraid of it you should flip that switch and then just use it as a challenge and create whatever you want how did you meet Kendrick Lamar still in Miami last year how did you meet Puff Daddy he came to the show I had a few years ago he probably doesn't remember okay so without further ado I'm good this is the world YouTube premiere of a Chantel by KC video it's like three minutes long but I'm really excited you're the first people to see this ever ready 3 2 1 so what's the point in making our the point is to make so you can share so you may concern your making sure you make your share I'm Chantal Martin and I draw I'm drawing on canvases I'm drawing on walls I'm going on cars and drawing on shirts and drawing on shoes 99% of that is done live when you're drawing live you have no time to think you have no time to hesitate you have no time to plan you have no time to be anyone else so this is the cover of the home and garden section and it's it's funny I didn't know it was a big deal at the time so I only bought one copy so you have an extra spare copy out there I take it I remember my art teacher telling me Chantal don't apply for art school because you're not good enough and you won't get in at that point people were only telling me what I couldn't do so I ran away I started my career in Japan in a culture that was craft based in a culture where people learn things and practice things over generations over long periods of time and I remember thinking to myself what can I master in my lifetime what could I become a family confident with what about a lie you know I draw I love drawing we all drop though with these these I'm gonna draw like this what kind of hard work and patience would it take so that when I draw a line is recognizably mine moving to york was very humbling because if no one knows who you are they don't care who you are and everyone is an artist and you start to lose your you start to lose your way and so I decided well I'm not gonna not make up because you won't show it I'm gonna draw maybe the well my canvas and I'm gonna lose any drawing tool that I can get my hand I'm gonna draw and villager on just give me a pen and I'll make something [Applause] we follow the pen and we're allowed to allow it to go wherever it needs to go wherever it wants to take you you are a William passenger [Music] and now you repeat that and you repeat that and you repeat that you repeat that but over time you get to extract what you look like over time you get to extract what your line feels like something that is recognizably yours we have this contact between our head and our pan it doesn't matter what industry you're in it comes down to drawing it comes down to that initial mark that you make and without this pen I wouldn't have traveled I wouldn't have collaborated this tool has allowed me to discover who I am [Music] did you like our movie we're good we worked really hard on that I hope you enjoyed it what are you most nervous about when it comes to being a youtuber I think what I'm most nervous about is continuously making and sharing and pulling out stuff that I'm proud of and putting out stuff that you're proud of to you make in your share and you make you gotta making sure making sure making sure making sure all right I'm gonna link Chantal shadow before below check it out she's new there's not a lot of stuff up there yet but it's happening I'm a", metadata={'source': '2kyS6SvSYSE'}), Document(page_content="below check it out she's new there's not a lot of stuff up there yet but it's happening I'm a big supporter and a huge huge fan and I hope you guys will but you should sell those stickers you could bank all your entire you sticker packs coming soon coming soon [Music]", metadata={'source': '2kyS6SvSYSE'})]
[Document(page_content='- (FBE) So, what we\'re doing today\nis one of the more popular things found throughout the internet\nis a wide range of so-called life hacks.\n- Life hacks. I know what life hacks are.\nI\'ve only seen them. I\'m like, "I should do that." - Oh, okay.\nI\'ve seen some of these, though. It\'s very Pinteresty or\nthey\'re ten second videos of like, "Here\'s a quick little\nthing of how to get ice cubes under your fridge." - Life hacks I feel are always\ncool for the \'gram, but not cool for real life.\nThey look really cool on the internet.\nYou see them and you\'re like, "Whoa, that\'s so creative!"\nAnd you actually try it and you\'re like,\n"What?" - I bookmark \'em now,\nbecause it\'s like, wow, I didn\'t know\nyou could do that. Like that little loop in the pot,\nit\'s meant to hold your utensils.\nYeah. - I\'ve done the pancake\nin the ketchup bottle, you know, instead of\nladling it into the pan, you put it in a bottle\nand squirt it in. I\'ve done that one before. - Sometimes, they can just\nbe really stupid, but there are some\npretty helpful ones. I\'ve heard of some\npretty good ones. It\'s basically a better\nor easier way to do something that\'s usually pretty creative\nand it\'s supposed to help, but sometimes it just\ndoesn\'t work. - "Use dryer sheets and a fan\nas an instant air freshener." That\'s pretty g--\nI\'ve never even thought about that. Do they just stick on, I guess? - But, why?\nJust get an air freshener. - The smell of dryer sheets\nis kind of overbearing and I don\'t think I\'d want that\nin my house. I\'d rather just get a little\nair freshener like a Febreze. - I mean, I guess you can,\nbut just a regular fan is fine unless your room just smells\nso dank and bad that you need to do this.\nI think that\'s pretty fine. - That makes sense.\nYeah, definitely, \'cause every time I go\nin the laundry room in my house, I\'m like, "It smells so good\nin here. I want the whole house to smell like that." - That\'s just lazy, to be honest,\n\'cause I don\'t think dryer sheets would actually work,\n\'cause it would probably be temporary, like it would\nprobably just smell good for as long as you have the fan on,\nbut what if it\'s cold and you don\'t have an air freshener,\nbut it stinks? - "Use a coffee maker\nto cook ramen." I feel like that\'s old news.\nDoesn\'t everyone do that? No? - A lot of these college kids I\'m\nassuming are just eating ramen 24/7 as the typical people would say.\n- (FBE) Pretty much. - This could really come in handy\nin dorms and stuff just because ramen noodles is the\nfood of college students, but we don\'t really have\na place other than the microwave to cook it. - Points for creativity,\nbut the second picture looks like it\'s a brain in a jar.\nI guess if it works, but I feel like this one\nis way over complicating it with putting it in an actual\ncoffee pot. I don\'t feel like that\'s\nnecessary. - But how do I use\na cup of noodles? I get the packets.\nThat\'s not gonna help. I\'m not just gonna\nput it in the bag. It\'s gonna burn through.\nIf you really love noodles, like everyone else does,\nyou will take your sweet time to make them good noodles.\nI know I do. - Why don\'t you just microwave it?\nThis is more work. Now you have to clean\nyour coffee pot. The next person who\'s gonna\nhave coffee is gonna be like, "That\'s a weird coffee flavor."\nJust use a microwave and poke holes in the lid. - "Heat two bowls in the microwave\nusing this handy trick." Okay.\nSo that\'s kinda smart. - I already do that.\nI just put them next to each other. It\'s not a big deal\nif they don\'t move. I still put \'em next to each other. - Yeah, I mean,\nthis would definitely work. Everyone has a cup.\nOne cup, one mug, whatever it is.\nYou could probably put a paper towel roll in there\nif you had to. - That one, I don\'t know\nif I completely believe it. I still like to make things\ndifficult for myself and just warm up\ntwo separate plates in the microwave at a time. - But then, it\'s off centered.\nIt\'s not gonna cook evenly. You have to put it in', metadata={'source': 'DbJ2s_g1oDc'}), Document(page_content='It\'s not gonna cook evenly. You have to put it in\nthe center so it cooks evenly. - I would get scared that\nthey\'re gonna clash together and fall on each other\njust for a mess, \'cause cleaning a microwave\nis a lot of work. - "Heavy sleeper, tired of\nsnoozing past your alarm? Use your smartphone in a cup.\nTrick to crank the volume." I\'ve done this before.\nI\'ve never used it as an alarm, but I have\nused this as a speaker. - I don\'t do that for an alarm,\nbut I do do that for speakers. - I do that sometimes in the shower,\n\'cause my speakers died, \'cause I like to listen to music\nwhile I\'m in the shower. I\'ll put my phone in a cup,\nso the music is louder, \'cause it just amplifies. - Now this one\'s legit.\nIf you can\'t afford, or you just don\'t have an iHome\nor something to boost up the volume, yeah, put it in a cup\non your desk. That one\'s easy. - Oh, okay.\nActually, we\'ve done this before at parties when we don\'t\nhave a speaker or if the aux doesn\'t work.\nWe normally put it in a Styrofoam cup\nor just whatever plastic cup that we have and use it,\nso I\'ve used this one before and it works pretty well, honestly. - No, I\'m not gonna do that.\nWhy don\'t you just hook it up to a speaker?\nThat\'s easy. Or face it towards a wall\nso the sound can bounce off. That\'s easier as well.\nDon\'t have to waste a whole cup. - "For an easy breakfast,\nmake a scrambled egg in the microwave\nusing a coffee mug." Why? - Ew, microwaved eggs?\nI thought microwaved bacon was bad. Come on.\nI don\'t like the whole microwave breakfast thing. - Now, that is a life hack.\nI didn\'t know you could do that. I knew you could cook cake\nin a cup. That still doesn\'t taste as good. - I\'m not trying to eat\nmicrowaved eggs. If I wanted to go that fast,\nwhether you wanted a quick source of protein or something\nlike that, the amount of time it would probably take\nto heat it up, you could probably make\na protein shake, or make a peanut butter sandwich\nor something like that. - Something about just microwaving\nraw eggs doesn\'t sound too delicious.\nYou scramble them and then stick it\nin the microwave to cook it? I just don\'t think it\nwould taste very good, but I guess if you\'re in a hurry. - Me and my roommates\nhave sort of looked up mug cooking things that\nwe could do in our microwave, but I\'ve never done them\nbecause putting an egg-- and I feel like it\'s not\ngonna cook all the way and then you\'re gonna\nget salmonella and then you\'re out\nfor the rest of the semester and then what?\nAll because you cooked an egg. - "Keep chargers from constantly\nbreaking by putting an old pen spring on them."\nI\'ve seen this one. I\'ve never done it,\nbut I really should get around to probably trying this. - I should try that one,\n\'cause I know a couple of our chargers at home are\nbroken and the wire\'s sticking out. - I don\'t think that one\'s accurate,\n\'cause it\'s still gonna rip. Mine hasn\'t, though.\nYou just need to take good care of it.\nTake good care of your chargers. Be responsible. - That could work, actually.\nChargers do this so often where after you use them\nfor more than a year, they just decide to give out\nand all the wiring comes out and then you shock yourself\nevery time you try to plug in your phone. - Wires always frig and fray\nwhenever you bend them around and then you have to buy\na new charger and it\'s a whole thing,\nso yeah, I do know a lot of people and I think\nI have used this one before, but I feel like I still\nfind a way to ruin it. - There\'s two things wrong\nwith this picture. One, that\'s never\nhappened to me. Two, this is a very, very old\npicture, \'cause those chargers I haven\'t seen since \'Nam.\nthose things are old. - Hair straightener.\nCollar irons. This is a dude.\nHe\'s late on the game. Us women have been doing\nthis for decades. - If it goes faster than it does\nto take an iron, then I guess that would work. - Hair straightener, collar.\nWhoa. I\'m gonna test that theory. - I\'d probably try a wrinkle or so,', metadata={'source': 'DbJ2s_g1oDc'}), Document(page_content='Whoa. I\'m gonna test that theory. - I\'d probably try a wrinkle or so,\nbut again, not too much just because I don\'t wanna\nburn my clothes. - I guess that would work, right?\nIt\'s just heat and pressure and I guess it\'s almost\nthe right size and like he\'s doing, you can just clamp it on there\nand have it iron. - If hair straighteners can burn\nyour hair, I feel like they can burn your clothes\nand that might be bad logic, but I feel like I\'d end up\nusing it wrong and then my collar is just gonna be\nburnt off and it defeats the whole purpose\nof the thing. - "Heat pizza with a cup of water\nto keep the crust from getting chewy."\nHuh, okay, I guess. It kinda gets some moisture\ngoing in there. - I\'ll be honest, I like the chewy.\nI like tugging. - Okay, I do that with my--\nI don\'t do the cup, I put the water in my rice,\nso the rice doesn\'t stay dry when I put it in the microwave.\nThat\'s kind of smart. - I\'ve seen this before.\nI\'ve never tried it and I have no idea how\nthe science behind that works, but I mean, if it works, it works. - Isn\'t it because the way the\nmicrowave works is it heats the water in the food\nand then that ends up getting rid of it.\nSo, by having the water it\'s like ref--\nI don\'t know. That\'s my best guess\n- (FBE) I think so. Something like that.\n- Something like that. - Sure, I\'d give this one a shot,\nhonestly, to keep the crust from getting chewy.\nBut even then, I kind of like day after pizza just because\nit\'s the whole thing of getting it out of your fridge\nand warming it up and it\'s just that little taste\nthat\'s different that makes it good. - Keep buttons from falling off\nwith clear nail polish. Okay. - I don\'t see that would\nhelp, really. I don\'t know where I would\nget clear nail polish. - I feel like I\'ve used\nclear nail polish for a lot of things like\nthe inside of jewelry. I definitely trust this\nif I felt like anything was gonna fall off, I\'d be like,\n"All right, let\'s strengthen the strings and try it." - I already know I would\nnever use this just for the reason being\nbecause I hate the smell of nail polish.\nAt the same time, it\'s like I\'ve low key\nalways wanted to get a manicure. - I\'ve tried this before\nwith tights though, so you have tights and if\nyou want to prevent them from ripping, put on\nclear nail polish, but then it just leaves\nthese globs of clear gel that doesn\'t look good. - I guess it just acts like\na reinforcement or glue to keep it from falling off.\nThat\'s a good one, for sure. I mean, why wouldn\'t you\ndo it, right? \'Cause the one time I wear\na shirt, my button\'s gonna fall off, so might as well\nput nail polish on it. - "Use your iron and some\naluminum foil to make easy grilled cheese sandwiches."\nI\'ve heard of this before, but I don\'t like grilled cheese\nsandwiches. I\'m so sorry, world. - I\'m gonna assume this is more\nof a college dorm thing, but yeah, I guess it would work. - So, if there\'s any place where\nyou don\'t have a stove or anything like that,\nlike a hotel room or a dorm room, or just anywhere else,\nyou could actually do this. - Lazy!\nWhy? Why would you use something\nfor clothes for food? And why would you put it\non top of foil? Wouldn\'t that be dangerous?\nYou don\'t know what that\'s gonna do. - That one looks like it\nwould take some practice, \'cause you don\'t wanna\ncompletely-- \'cause you don\'t wanna stop\nand unwrap it every 30 seconds, like "is it cooked yet?\nIs it cooked yet?" And then you could easily\nover cook it, too. - Pretty sure I\'ve seen this\nwith waffles and stuff like, oh yeah, you turn it upside down\nand you put waffles on it or pancake mix or whatever.\nI can definitely see this being efficient and saving time,\nbut just the fact that it\'s ironed grilled cheese kinda\nalters my thought and the mindset of how\ngood of an idea this is. - I like life hacks.\nThey\'re always fun. The only useful one\nI would use is the phone one. The phone one, the fan,', metadata={'source': 'DbJ2s_g1oDc'}), Document(page_content="They're always fun. The only useful one\nI would use is the phone one. The phone one, the fan,\nthat's probably about it. There's some better ones out there. - They weren't really helpful.\nI was looking for some that were gonna be super helpful\nthat would change my entire way of living,\nbut they didn't except the scrambled egg one.\nThat might be a game changer for when I run out of cereal. - There's some of them that\nI would probably not use just 'cause of how they are\nand how they play out, but if you're short on time,\nshort on money, life hacks are perfect. - Thank you guys so much for\nwatching this episode. - Subscribe for new shows\nalmost every day. - Let us know in the comments.\nwhat we should react to next. - Bye. - Hey everybody, Derek here,\none of the React Channel producers. You may not know this,\nbut my life is a disaster. It's a mess.\nIt's awful. I can't keep anything straight.\nWhat I could use is some life hacks. If you got some,\nput them down in the comments. Make me a better person,\n'cause I could use all the help I could get.", metadata={'source': 'DbJ2s_g1oDc'})]
[Document(page_content="Imagine a world without great lashes. We could never. Flirty winks and mysterious glances, the look of confidence and taking chances. Countless flutters and endless sass, here's the secret to making a great lash. Darkening eyes and lashes first came into fashion thousands of years ago. But it wasn't until the Victorian era that the practice began to gain widespread popularity in the West when Queen Victoria's perfumer combined coal dust and petroleum jelly to darken lashes. Which we wouldn't recommend. In 1915, a young woman named Maybel Williams applied a similar mixture to her lashes and inspired her enterprising brother, Thomas Lyle Williams, to package and sell his own formula. It came with a special brush to apply the product to both lashes and brows. It was a smash hit, launching the cosmetic empire Williams called Maybelline. Named after his sister, of course. Over the next few decades, new and improved formulas were introduced and application became easier than ever with the introduction of bristled brushes. But it wasn't until 1971 that Maybelline introduced what would perhaps become the most famous mascara of them all. Great Lash Mascara by Maybelline. That's right, Maybelline. The secret to a good mascara is all in the mix. And the ingredients have come a long way since the days of coal dust and Vaseline. First up: wax and stiffening agents are used to keep the mascara from being too liquidy. Next oil and pigment are added for color and consistency. Waterproof formulas include a water rebuffing ingredient. The ingredients are mixed, heated, and combined until they end up as the dark paste we know and love. It's the most famous mascara in the world for a reason and part of that reason is rigorous quality control. When the mascara liquid is all finished mixing, it's tested again. A device called a spectrometer splits light into separate colors called a spectrum. This allows the Maybelline scientists to see the chemical composition of the mascara so that the formula is perfect down to a molecular level. When the great lash formula first hits shelves in 1971, it was packaged in a pink tube with a green lid. Over four decades later, Great Lash continues to be packaged in the same signature pink tubes and green lids. Thousands of those little pink tubes are loaded onto a machine. Two-by-two, the tubes are placed upright onto a conveyor belt. Mascara is pumped into the tubes. Clear plugs called wipers are added to the tubes which will pull off excess product from the mascara wands when applying. This is to make sure your lashes don't get too clumpy. Nobody likes a clumpy lash. Aside from the formula, the wand was part of what revolutionized the way we wear mascara. The Great Lash wand is thin, designed to reach all the way down to the base of your lashes. It's made of a synthetic fiber that adds volume and thickness. Before these pink packages can be shipped out, another round of testing makes sure they are absolutely perfect. Thanks to Maybelline's solar panels, this entire production process is run with renewable energy and is a no landfill site. As hundreds of thousands of mascaras are on their way to a new home, they make a pit stop for labeling. Photos are taken to make sure every label is placed exactly correctly so that each bottle is— you guessed it— perfect. One tube of Great Lash Mascara is sold every two seconds. That's over 40,000 tubes sold each day. Translation: more than 4.5 million lashes are coated, thickened, and lengthened with this cult formula each and every day. Thanks for watching How Great Lash Mascara Is Made. For more videos, click here. And to subscribe, click here.", metadata={'source': 'dnA3Cd5xG5A'})]
[Document(page_content='I definitely posted a lot during launch week and a lot of you guys who have subscribed for vlogs or cooking videos More like, "What\'s happening!" but for most of you guys who know me, I\'m sure you weren\'t surprised I plan on doing the week with iPhone But I felt like I had posted so many videos within a week that I thought maybe I would just wait and do it two Weeks with iPhone so here we are, it\'s been about two weeks since I got the iPhone X It really is A beautiful device so the first week that I had it was basically filming and shooting and editing videos about the phone So I didn\'t really feel like I got a chance to try it out and use it in sort of an everyday normal Setting like I normally would so don\'t trying our testing week We tried out a bunch of things. The first thing that we tried out that I didn\'t even share on my channel because my sister post of the video is we did an underwater test, "Would face ID work underwater?" And number two, "Would your phone actually work underwater?" And the answer is no. It doesn\'t. The screen doesn\'t work on water. Since this was our video She volunteered to use her phone to do this test. Currently her phone is still working perfectly fine. The iPhone X is rated to be able To withstand at least thirty minutes underwater, it\'s recommended that you don\'t go past 3.3 feet Which thankfully the pool that we were in was about 3 feet cuz my sister dropped her phone, and we both like It for him to be quite difficult to go underwater Try to keep your eyes open while swiping up and trying to see if the phone is actually Responding to your face in this test we did conclude that the phone does not work underwater You weren\'t able to swipe up it also didn\'t recognize her face We did have some difficulties with face ID trying to recognize each of us with sunglasses on in very bright conditions so the reason for this is because if it\'s super reflective the phone is unable to see your eyes in this bright light and if You have the attention awareness on, if it can\'t see your eyes It\'s not gonna unlock your phone. The way that you can get around This is turning off the attention to awareness so basically you won\'t have to look at your phone this does make face ID a little Bit less secure so that means if somebody comes up to you They can swipe up and unlock your phone with attention awareness on if somebody tried to do that to you You would have to be looking at it for it to unlock It has been a little bit frustrating when I\'m outside walking my dog with my sunglasses on and it\'s super bright And I\'m trying to use face ID and it\'s not unlocking him, and he\'s pulling me super hard going to the bathroom And then I\'m trying to clean the bathroom up But I\'m trying to use my phone and unlock it and it\'s not working. So normally effectively I\'m going to be in a situation where I\'m gonna have sunglasses on it\'s super bright I do turn off the attention awareness, but for the most part, I have been keeping it on because it is an extra layer of security. Other than that I\'ve been pretty impressed with face ID I Know a lot of people have been saying with they\'re having problems some of my friends. They\'re saying it\'s not recognizing me It\'s taking too long Even at first my sister was having an issue where it was taking a while to recognize her And I think the reason for this is a lot of people when they first set up their phones It says hey its face ID times, set it up. and you\'re kind of in a hurry you want to set up your phone You\'re not really paying attention. You\'re just sort of moving your head around and I feel like that first set up It doesn\'t get a really good read on your face. So if you are having this problem I definitely recommend going back in Rescanning your face and seeing if that helps. Another thing that I tried was what if I looked like a zombie, what if my face was uncompletely recognizable? Well face ID recognized me. I decided to go all', metadata={'source': 'gHZ1Qz0KiKM'}), Document(page_content='what if my face was uncompletely recognizable? Well face ID recognized me. I decided to go all out I had this incredible special effects makeup artist Dan Gilbert come to my house make me look like a zombie and see, if we could fool, the face ID. Now one of the things that I read in the Comments is a lot of you guys are Suspect because you sent Justine during this whole process, you were unlocking your face from beginning to end, and the thing with face ID is It learns your face. So perhaps this entire time that I was getting my makeup done I was unlocking my phone Maybe the phone was learning my face throughout the whole process, which is of Very very very very a valid point and that I don\'t really know I don\'t know if that\'s the case. Now the reason that I decided to obscure most of the bottom of my face is because that Previous day that I\'d met Dan we did something for another shoot where I was a zombie and I obscured most of my eyes and most of my forehead so I thought I\'ve been unlocked with most of the top of my Face I\'m scared It\'s gotta be something down here One of the things that I did notice is that when you turn off the attention awareness is it\'s not actively seeking for your eyes So it doesn\'t lock your phone a little bit faster, so again if you are having some issues with it unlocking slow or it\'s out recognizing your face try turning that off try rescanning and Let me know if that works for you. Going back to the sunglasses I tested out probably like 15 to 20 pairs of sunglasses to see if they would unlock But I was right here in a controlled environment where there\'s no sunlight, it\'s my studio light. So with that I\'m not having a lot of reflection so all those sunglasses worked indoors But did they work outdoors and not so much I also heard that people were saying if they are able to unlock their phone using their reflection in the mirror Hmm, let\'s try it It unlocked Yes, it works! So it looks like face ID does work with a reflection of yourself in the mirror Interesting. But it doesn\'t work with a printed picture of yourself. One of the things that I was worried about with this phone is because It\'s so much smaller And I was so used to having the plus size phones that I wasn\'t going to like this as much as I do Surprisingly having a smaller phone is incredible I can fit it so much easier into my purses, into my pants pockets, into my yoga pants I\'ve got like a little side pocket thing when I\'m running or hiking or not really running Closely if just walking the dog around the block it\'s so great to not have such a Massive phone like I previously did. So the form factor of the X is comparable to an iPhone 8 or any of those phones that Are that size but the screen size is actually larger than the iPhone 8 plus. Which kind of puts this in the most perfect, Sweet spot for the size of a phone. I know what you\'re saying, "What about the notch?" "Do you love it?" "Do you hate it?" Honestly I am not really sure, I feel like I\'m kind of 50/50 because there are some times where I\'m like man Just don\'t trying to watch something and then as little notch is there and it\'s like why are you there just? For then other times it does fit pretty seamless with apps so I don\'t really notice it, but to say that I don\'t notice it all, I would completely be lying because It\'s there, like I don\'t know how you Can\'t see it like if you don\'t see this, then I don\'t know what you\'re looking at because it\'s there the knotch is there. But if they were to remove the knotch, I don\'t think I would be upset at all I think that I would be okay if it wasn\'t there I mean I see why they have to have the notch here because there\'s really nowhere else to put it if they didn\'t put the Notch there, then there would have to be some sort of a black bar up here Just to house everything that is inside of this notch, proximity sensor, it has the true depth camera, Speakers can\'t it\'s got so many things', metadata={'source': 'gHZ1Qz0KiKM'}), Document(page_content='this notch, proximity sensor, it has the true depth camera, Speakers can\'t it\'s got so many things inside of that little notch today I mean I get it, but how are they gonna get rid of it for the next phone, or are they not? Or is this is this the new normal I? Thought that I would be taking a ton of front-facing portrait selfies, but to be honest I really haven\'t taken very many I guess in the past week I\'ve just kind of been playing call of duty, so that\'s really not something that\'s very interesting to take pictures of. Especially a front-facing selfie My friend Joey said he\'s returning his iPhone X, No.1, because he wasn\'t a huge fan of the face ID and No.2, because The camera quality was too good And I a hundred percent get where he\'s coming from because when you take a front-facing picture now. I mean it sees everything It\'s like, "What?!" I\'ve taken tons of photos of my dog I\'ve taken what if I had been taking pictures of I don\'t even know honestly since I got through the iPhone released week I\'ve basically been playing video games, and it\'s been great, so yeah, I\'m looking through here I haven\'t really done a whole lot the past few days Here is a cute picture of My baby boy doggy and his friend Yossi. Fires picture my wine fridge while that\'s really exciting Oh, here\'s a picture of me and Alex Clark we did a fun video the whisper challenge video And we unboxed a very fun the Star Wars Jedi Challenge game What else are some wine, got a LAN party, more pictures the dog? Yeah, I basically have Done a lot. So other than taking pictures my dog. I\'ve been very very impressed with the new snapchat filters now granted I don\'t really use Snapchat as much as I used to I feel like most of the time when I\'m going to post something on snapchat I end up just posting it on my Instagram stories But I decided to hop into snapchat and test out to the face tracking features that they have now With some of their face filters, and they are very very accurate. I was very shocked. Hey guys. How\'s it going? I\'m just shooting some videos here, but I was testing out a new snapchat He\'s tracking on the iPhone 10 So like it\'s very very and it\'s like here\'s another one with glasses on like look at this like I move it and it does I\'m so impressed. I\'m impressed. Oh yeah, this is This is great One thing that snapchat did right is get in early get the face tracking features and really implement that to the max on snapchat Let\'s see what else have I been doing I mean the phone is obviously so much faster than the 7 although I did kind of have that middle phone I had the iPhone eight between the X so having the jump from the 8th to the X Didn\'t really have an overall feeling of that much difference because both of those phones the insides are basically the same thing Also the camera quality on the 8 is almost identical to the 10 being able to have the slo-mo options to go up to 240 At 1080 is pretty great although I don\'t really use it that often But I have found that I\'ve been vlogging a lot more on my iPhone because every time I go to vlog I either don\'t have my vlogging camera Or the battery is dead and a lot of you guys didn\'t really notice a difference when I went from this to the other one of course I can tell because I\'m the one filming and editing and the front-facing camera on here is obviously not as good as the 4k SONY that I used to film with, but overall the audio on this thing is great the video quality looks amazing. The photos look Incredible almost too good and too realistic. The battery life, I haven\'t really noticed That it\'s been worse than the 8 or the 7 mostly because I\'m always carrying around a movie, so I am unaware of battery life ever I don\'t know if it even gets close To being read I\'m plugging this thing in I\'ve also really loved having wireless charging pad one by my bed By my desk over there, and I even have this one over here, which has been my charger of choice the', metadata={'source': 'gHZ1Qz0KiKM'}), Document(page_content='By my desk over there, and I even have this one over here, which has been my charger of choice the Mophie Wireless charger, so I use this one of my desk and this one I kind of just move around throughout the house wherever I happen to be and in my bedroom. I have the Belkin one I\'m not really sure why I decided to do that I feel like I like the look of this one and it\'s a lot smaller than the Belkin I have some white lamps in my bedroom, so I felt like the white matched a little bit better But it really is nice. Just being able to roll over from my phone on the charger I don\'t have to worry if it\'s plugged in or if the dogs gonna jump down and knock a cord off the bed It\'s been pretty great so I know welcome Justine to wireless charging why did the pixel to? Decide not to do wireless charging. I\'m so confused I feel like they rushed the pixel to out just to be like here\'s our phone here it is It\'s ready, but it wasn\'t it wasn\'t ready. I will say the front-facing pixel to portrait mode is really really good I did a couple tests of that and I\'ll be doing a future video here Hopefully very very soon of the note 8 the pixel 2 and the iPhone X doing a little photo comparison video comparison I know a bunch of people have already done it But I\'m a little bit late either way even if I didn\'t do this video for you guys I would be doing this for myself anyway, so I just kind of want to test it out and see for myself what kind of results will I get? Stay tuned for that!! So I guess I should probably talk about some of the things that I Don\'t like about the new iPhone X, and there\'s not very many. I know what you\'re saying, "Justine! You buy this!" This is my video. I\'m telling you the things that I like and I don\'t like. one of the things that I absolutely do not like it all and it\'s been driving me insane is closing apps. Now Apple says that you don\'t have to close apps because It doesn\'t really make a difference. It\'s not gonna kill your battery. It\'s not gonna do this It\'s not gonna do that well. I like to close them I like to be able to just go and swipe right down here at the bottom see the things that I have open not Everything that I\'ve opened in the past two months. The problem now is to close apps you have to swipe up and you just hold and if there\'s a There\'s a delay now normally. You would be able to just swipe up from here to close, but now you have to hold in and then swipe up or Hit this little button right her. So, it definitely takes a few extra seconds Just to close some apps when before used to be super quick. Of course This is a software thing so that is a very very easy fix. Hopefully in a future update of iOS 11. Oh gosh, speaking of updates. Wow the biggest troll I feel like in internet history was the iOS Bug where it turned the letter I to like an A with a question mark or something there was a bunch of different things that were happening you would type a specific character whether it was an A or an I and Then you would hit Send and in that sending process between you typing it and actually hitting Send on Twitter or Instagram or wherever This would appear and most of the times when you were typing it you wouldn\'t actually see it until you hit Send Are you posted of whatever it was you\'re posting and this infected Everyone because it wasn\'t just an iPhone 10 thing it was an iOS update it took them probably like four days Maybe to fix it which I feel like is a pretty long time especially when the entire internet was just crumbling at our fingertips Most people on Android couldn\'t see the issues so a lot of them are very confused as to what we were all complaining about or What we were seeing the struggle was real Thankfully that update has been updated so if you guys haven\'t updated to the latest software update on your iphones, please Please too, It will save us all so much hassle. So I guess that\'s it I really don\'t have much more to say that I haven\'t already', metadata={'source': 'gHZ1Qz0KiKM'}), Document(page_content="so much hassle. So I guess that's it I really don't have much more to say that I haven't already said or I Haven't already posted in a previous video if you guys want to watch all of those videos I'll put a link in the description where you can check out my iPhone X playlist there's tons of fun videos there if you haven't Seen them already, and if you have seen them. Thank you I appreciate it. Be sure to subscribe because I have a bunch of fun holiday videos coming up Which I'm very excited about. Also some more fun, Tech videos, some gaming videos I know a lot of you guys have been requesting a Nintendo switch video, so yes That is coming very very shortly as well. I feel so bad I do so many things on this channel that when somebody gets super excited about something and they subscribe off of that specific video and Then I don't do that thing again for a very long time I just hope that you guys can find some entertainment in something here And that's really my my only wish, really. Well that being said, I'm gonna go and edit this video now So I will see you guys later. Bye", metadata={'source': 'gHZ1Qz0KiKM'})]
[Document(page_content='The presidency\nof Donald Trump. The man voted "Least Edible"\nby Cannibal Magazine -six years in a row.\n-(AUDIENCE LAUGHING) -A-- And I know,\nI honestly know that the prospect\nof talking about Trump yet again feels exhausting. We\'re all so tired of him,\nevery room in America should have a sign\non the wall that counts the number of minutes\nthat it\'s been since someone brought up\nhis fucking name. -(AUDIENCE LAUGHING)\n-But-- But that is the thing. Trump\'s presidency\nis like one of his handshakes. It pulls you in,\nwhether you like it or not. He\'s had so many\nterrible moments this year, you probably forgot about\nmany of them. Remember when he creepily told\nthe French president\'s wife -that she was in good shape?\n-(AUDIENCE LAUGHING) Or-- Or when his\ntacky golf resort was touted on the States Department\nwebsite? Or, when he shoved\nthe prime minister of Montenegro out of the way,\n at a NATO event. Look how proud\n of himself he is! -(AUDIENCE LAUGHING)\n-Look how proud he is! You should at least have to know\nthat Montenegro is a country before making a move that says,\n"Suck it, Montenegro." And there were also quieter\nbut no less alarming moments like when he explained how hard\nhe\'s been fighting to bring "clean coal" back\nwithout appearing to understand what that actually is. It\'s just been announced that a second\nbrand new coal mine where they\'re going\nto take out clean coal, meaning they\'re taking\nout coal, -they\'re gonna clean it,\n-(AUDIENCE LAUGHING) is opening in the state\nof Pennsylvania. -(AUDIENCE LAUGHING)\n-Listen, is it possible that Trump is well-versed\nin and is referring to flue gas desulfurization,\nfluidized bed combustion, and selective\ncatalytic reduction? Sure, it\'s possible, but let\'s agree\nit\'s considerably more likely that he thinks you just\ntake a bunch of coal and scrub-a-dub it\nwith a big ol\' sponge. -(AUDIENCE LAUGHING)\n-Oh, yeah, that\'s right. I\'m saying the president\nfundamentally doesn\'t understand what he\'s talking about,\nand you know what that means. -We got him!\n-(AIR HORN BLARING) -♪ (PRESIDENTIAL\nTHEME SONG PLAYING) ♪\n-We got him! We got him! I got him-- wha--\nI didn\'t get him? -Did I not get him?\n-♪ (MUSIC FLUBS OUT) ♪ I thought-- I thought--\nI thought we got him. I thought-- I thought we got him\nthat time. Well, that\'s fair-- okay. What? You think I don\'t\nhate myself, too? Alright! -(AUDIENCE CHEERING)\n-The point is-- The point is tonight...\nlet\'s pull back from the daily\nTrump-induced chaos and take a look at the norms\nthat his presidency has violated,\nand not the obvious ones, like the fact that he never\nreleased his tax returns, or that his own daughter\nand son-in-law work in the White House,\nalthough, admittedly, I am using the word "work"\nthere so generously that I should be able\nto deduct it as a charitable donation\non my taxes. Or-- Or that instead\nof putting his assets into a blind trust to help\nreduce conflicts of interest, he simply showed America that he has many\nlarge stacks of paper, presumable containing\nthe sentence "I can\'t believe\nI\'m getting away with this," printed 750,000 times. No, instead, we\'re going\nto talk about Trump\'s assault on something even more basic,\nthe norms governing how our leaders engage\nwith us, and how in turn,\nthat affects the way that we engage with one another. It\'s why even the notion\nof "getting him" can feel so hopelessly futile. And let\'s first stipulate\nthat it definitely doesn\'t help that so often what Trump says\nis complete nonsense. We often read transcripts\nof Trump\'s speeches, and it\'s something\nthat everyone should actually do once in a while,\nbecause when you strip away his blindly confident\nentertaining delivery and just read his words,\nit is staggering how incoherent he is. Here is a word-for-word\nreading of a speech where he talked about\nthe Iran nuclear deal. (MONOTONE VOICE READS\nON-SCREEN TEXT) -(AUDIENCE LAUGHING)\n-(READING CONTINUES) -(AUDIENCE CACKLING)', metadata={'source': '1ZAPwfrtAFY'}), Document(page_content='ON-SCREEN TEXT) -(AUDIENCE LAUGHING)\n-(READING CONTINUES) -(AUDIENCE CACKLING)\n-Holy shit. That is not a functional use\nof language, that is a drunk driver\ncrashing a pick-up truck -full of alphabet soup.\n-(AUDIENCE LAUGHING) Trump\'s actual speech patterns sound like when you write\na long text by choosing only\nthe predictive text your iPhone suggests for you. Seriously, we wrote\na message like that, starting with the words,\n"the nuclear," and here is what we got. (MONOTONE VOICE READS\nON-SCREEN TEXT) -(AUDIENCE CACKLING)\n-That makes exactly as much, and potentially more sense,\nthen Trump\'s speech about the Iran nuclear deal,\nmeaning an iPhone would be a more coherent\npresident of the United States. But with Trump,\nwe are familiar enough with his speech patterns\nthat you get the basic gist of what he\'s trying to say. The real damage isn\'t\nin how he says things, but from three key techniques\nthat he uses to insulate himself from criticism and consequence. And if we are not\nextremely careful, all three could have\nserious impacts that far outlast his presidency, and let\'s start\nwith the first one. Delegitimizing the media. Now, Trump has been\nattacking the press since he declared\nhis candidacy, and in a broader sense,\nhe\'s been waging war on the very concept of truth ever since he first\nturned to his mom and said, "Dada," and she said,\n"No, I\'m mama," and he said, "Fake news,"\nand shit his pants. -(AUDIENCE LAUGHING)\n-Now-- the difference now is,\nhe\'s crying fake news as President\nof the United States, and he is openly proud of it, to the point that he recently\ntried to take ownership of the term itself. The media is... is--\nreally the word-- I think one of the\ngreatest of all terms I\'ve come up with is "fake." I guess other people\nhave used it perhaps over the years,\nbut I\'ve never noticed it. -(AUDIENCE GROANING)\n-He just took credit for inventing the term\n"fake news," which, for the record,\nhe did not, meaning what he just said was technically\n"fake" fake "news" news. (AUDIENCE LAUGHING) A-- And you can imagine\nhim saying, "Well, I\'m not the first politician\nto criticize the press. What about Hillary Clinton? What about Barack Obama? What about Bernie Sanders? And that actually brings us\nto Trump\'s second technique, something called\n"whataboutism." It\'s the practice\nof changing the subject to someone else\'s\nperceived wrongdoing. Now, Trump does this\nall the time, most famously when he was asked why he hadn\'t forcefully\ncondemned the neo-Nazis in Charlottesville,\nand this was his response... What about the alt-left\nthat came charging at the-- as you say,\nthe alt-right? Do they have any\nsemblance of guilt? What about the fact\nthey came charging-- that they came charging\nwith clubs in their hands, swinging clubs? Do they have any... problem? Well, actually, no,\nbecause a Nazi killing someone with a car is so heinous, any other issues that might\nbe up for debate, under any other circumstances,\nkind of have to wait their turn. You can be wearing Crocs\nwith socks, but if you\'re using\nthose socked-Crocs to kick Hitler in the balls,\ndo you know what? I\'m suddenly not\nso fucking focused -on the footwear.\n-(AUDIENCE LAUGHING) Now-- Now this technique\nof saying "what about..." is actually an old Soviet\npropaganda tool, and the reason it is dangerous\nis because it implies that all actions,\nregardless of context, share a moral equivalency,\nand since nobody is perfect, all criticism is hypocritical and everybody should do\nwhatever they want. It is a depressingly\neffective tool, which is why,\non Trump\'s favorite network, you hear it all the time. The mainstream media\nfocused on the Trump campaign and allegations\nof collusion with the Russians. But what about the Democrat\'s\npossible ties to Moscow? FEMALE ANCHOR:\nFormer national security adviser General Michael Flynn, investigated for\nhis private meeting with Russia, but what about Hillary Clinton? The media wants to call', metadata={'source': '1ZAPwfrtAFY'}), Document(page_content='his private meeting with Russia, but what about Hillary Clinton? The media wants to call\ninto question the credibility, uh, and the trustworthiness\nof this administration, uh, but what about Benghazi?\nWhat about the blatant lies that the Obama\nadministration told us? What about the fact that\nBen Rhodes bragged about lying to the media\nand the public -about the Iran deal?\n-HANNITY: Great point. What about the fact that\nJonathan Gruber basically said the\nAmerican people were stupid? Okay, stop, stop, stop,\nbecause here is the thing, none of the errors those people\nmay have made in the past excuse the Trump\nadministration\'s actions. A defense attorney could not\nstand up in court and say, "Maybe my client did\nmurder those people, but I ask you this...\nWhat about Jeffrey Dahmer? -What about Al Capone?\n-(AUDIENCE LAUGHS) What about the guy from\nthe Silence of the Lambs? I rest my case here, people.\nI rest my case." The problem with whataboutism\nis it doesn\'t actually solve a problem\nor win an argument. The point is just to\nmuddy the waters which can make\nthe other side mad, and that actually\nbrings us to Trump\'s third technique... trolling. Now trolling itself\nhas been around for years. It\'s basically 80% of what\nhappens on the internet. It\'s-- it\'s when a\nYouTube commenter says something\nwillfully provocative like saying, "I\'ve aged like\nan apple core in a dumpster." or that I "look like a fucking\npickle with glasses." Now, it doesn\'t matter\nwhether they mean any of that, the point is just to\nget a reaction and to hurt my feelings\nwhich, by the way, it absolutely does. But-- But Trump... Trump may\nwell be the first ever troll to be elected president.\nAnd that\'s right, I said elected. Remember tenth president,\nSprinkles Fuzzwizard? He assumed office after\nWilliam Henry Harrison died and if you\'re thinking,\n"Hold on, Sprinkles Fuzzwizard was not\nAmerica\'s tenth president"... Really? Who was America\'s\ntenth president? Exactly. Let\'s assume\nI\'m right. The point is, as a troll,\nTrump often does things that have no effect\nother than to piss off\nhis perceived enemies. Like when he tweeted\nthis wrestling GIF of himself\nbody slamming CNN, or attacked Mika Brzezinksi\nby saying she was, "bleeding badly\nfrom a face-lift," or, as we mentioned\nearlier tonight, called a leader\nwith nuclear weapons "short and fat." And Trump even once\nretweeted a claim that he was the most\nsuperior troll on the whole of Twitter,\ncalling it "a great compliment." Which it is not,\nbecause sometimes when you do something that\nmakes a lot of people mad, it\'s because,\nand bear with me here, -you\'re a dick.\n-(AUDIENCE LAUGHING) If you-- If you sneak\ninto someone\'s house and urinate\nin every heating vent and they get mad at you,\nyou\'re not an epic troll sticking it to the\nsnowflake cucks, you\'re just\nsome fucking asshole. But the thing is,\nTrump\'s trolling is not actually without\npolitical value. Despite Trump\'s few real policy\naccomplishments to date, he has consistently achieved\none thing, and that is making\nhis enemies unhappy. And for many Trump supporters,\nthat itself counts as a major victory. Just listen to how\n Fox & Friends reacted after Trump freaked\npeople out by standing\nwith military leaders during rising tensions\nwith North Korea, and suggesting that it was\nthe "calm before the storm." I feel like he\'s trolling\nthe media. He is-- I think he\'s totally\ntrolling the media there. You do something like that--\neven the smile and the wink. Those of us that are sick\nof the status quo, the forgotten men and women\nwho voted for President Trump, want that town to freak out.\nI want those reporters going, "What do you mean?\nWhat do you mean?" It\'s beautiful to watch. Is it? Why?\nI\'m genuinely serious. Who benefits from mass confusion\nabout whether or not we\'re about to go to war? Are there thousands of\nunemployed factory workers across the Midwest going,\n"Well the plant closed down and I lost my healthcare.', metadata={'source': '1ZAPwfrtAFY'}), Document(page_content='"Well the plant closed down and I lost my healthcare.\nBut somewhere, a Washington Post reporter\nis scared of dying, so things are looking up. Mega!" Judging your political success\non how bad you make other people feel\nmakes just about as much sense as judging your success\nas a zookeeper by how many bears you fuck. Oh, wow, that is not\nyour job. I mean, I guess it\'s impressive\nin its own way, but it is definitely not what\nyou\'re supposed to be doing. And the surest proof of trolling\noften comes when a troll is confronted. Because that\'s when\nthey have to either put up or shut up. You may have heard about\ncases where people tracked down the source\nof something awful that was posted online,\nonly to find some sullen fifteen-year-old\nwho just shrugs and goes, "Well I don\'t know why\nI wrote that. I just did it. Stop asking me so many\nquestions." Well, that is basically\nour president now. I\'ll show you.\nRemember when Trump said that Obama had surveilled him\nin Trump Tower, tweeting... "How low has President Obama\ngone to tap-p my phones?" Watch what happens when he\nwas asked to justify that. Well, you saw what happened\nwith surveillance and I think that was\ninappropriate. -That\'s the way--\n-What does that mean, sir? Uh, you can figure that out\nyourself. Well I-- The reason I ask\nis you said he was-- You called him "sick and bad." Look, you can figure it out\nyourself, he was very nice to me\nwith words, but-- and when I was with him,\nbut after that there has been no relationship. But you stand by that claim\nabout him? I don\'t stand by anything.\nI just, uh... You can take it the way\nyou want. Okay, so let\'s walk through\nwhat just happened there. On the internet he claimed\nthat his predecessor committed an extremely\nserious crime. But in person, he is suddenly\nbacking down. First saying Obama was\n"very nice to me with words," then that, "I don\'t stand\nby anything." Which is one of the most frighteningly nihilistic\nsentences a president can say. I would honestly rather\nhear that from a clown holding a knife\nthan a president. Because at least when\na clown says, "I don\'t stand by anything,"\nyou think, "Yeah, that kind of makes sense.\nPlease make it quick." -And...\n-(AUDIENCE LAUGHS) And look, it gets worse, because\nthat interview kept going and Trump was explicitly\ngiven the opportunity to set the record straight\nfor the "fake news media," but he flat-out refused. I just wanted to\nfind out that-- You\'re the president\nof the United States, you said he was "sick and bad" -because he attacked you--\n-You can take it any way-- You can take it any way\nyou want. -But I\'m asking you, because you\ndon\'t want it to be fake news.\n-You don\'t-- -I want to hear it from\nPresident Trump.\n-You don\'t have to ask me. -You don\'t have to ask me.\n-Why not? Because I have my own opinions,\nyou can have your own opinions. But I want to know\nyour opinions. -You\'re the president\nof the United States.\n-Okay. That\'s enough. Thank you. Thank you very much. (AUDIENCE LAUGHS) Okay, so... There is a lot that is\ninfuriating about that clip. But Trump going back to his desk\nand pretending to work hard is an objectively funny\nthing to do. That\'s like your dog\navoiding questions by pretending to do his taxes.\nYou never do this, why would you need\nto do it now? Look, while there is nothing new\nabout any of these techniques, they are now coming out\nof the Oval Office. Which not only legitimizes them,\nit risks them spreading, and that, sadly, is happening. Last month,\nCongressman Paul Gosar used all three techniques. First, he suggested\nin an interview that the march\nin Charlottesville may have been\na false flag operation created by the left, which is\npretty troll-y behavior. And when confronted about it,\nhe deployed the other two tools. -It\'s all been debunked.\n-It\'s not been debunked. Absolutely not debunked\nwhatsoever. -So stay tuned.\n-The conspiracy theory that you have put out there', metadata={'source': '1ZAPwfrtAFY'}), Document(page_content='whatsoever. -So stay tuned.\n-The conspiracy theory that you have put out there\nhas been debunked. It has not been debunked.\nLook at-- Look at what CNN has talked about with, uh,\nwith what\'s going on with the Clinton administration\nright now with the dossier. Hardly an aspect\nin regards to debunk. You\'re not real news,\nyou\'re fake news. Sir, everything you\'ve said\nhas been debunked, why are you continuing\nto put this out there? So he\'s basically just\ncopying Trump. And if there is one thing\nworse than something terrible, it\'s a cover band\nof that terrible thing. If Trump is Nickelback,\nthat man is Bickleknack. Not as good at it\nas the original, and a horrible sign\nthat the disease is spreading. The problem is\nif that becomes the level of discourse\nin this country, we are seriously\nand lastingly fucked. And just this week,\nwe saw some of these techniques pushed to the absolute limit\nby the scandal involving Alabama Senate candidate\nRoy Moore, who has denied allegations\nof sexual misconduct with a 14-year-old\nwhen he was 32 and called them "fake news." Now, watch Sean Hannity\nthen use whataboutism to derail\na discussion about it. This 14-year old girl,\npurportedly, according to\n The Washington Post, told two of her girlfriends -what happened in real time.\n-SEAN HANNITY: Here\'s\na tough question... Do you think Bill Clinton,\nin retrospect, was a predator? But, that is not what this\ndiscussion is about. You might as well have said,\n"Here\'s a tough question, \'If you had to guess,\nhow many lobsters are there?\'" -(AUDIENCE LAUGHING)\n-"Like total? In the world?" Is that worth discussing?\nSure, but first let\'s finish talking about\nthe Senate candidate who may have made sexual\nadvances on a child. And, look, whether Clinton\nengaged in predatory behavior is absolutely a legitimate\nquestion, but it shouldn\'t really inform\nwhat we do about Roy Moore. And, even if you believe\nthe Democrats are guilty of a double standard,\nthe solution is not to have no standard whatsoever. That is why it\'s so important\nto train ourselves to identify these techniques because their\nnatural endpoint is the erosion of our ability\nto decide what\'s important, have an honest debate, and hold\none another accountable. And that erosion\ncould be so gradual that it\'s difficult to spot. It\'s like being murdered\nby a sloth. It happens very slowly\nand you might not notice -until it\'s too late.\n-(AUDIENCE LAUGHS) Now, listen, this is all\nvery bleak. I cannot pretend that it isn\'t, which is why it is so important\nto take some hope from this year\'s small victories\nlike the Muslim ban being blocked by the courts\nafter massive public protests. -(AUDIENCE CHEERS AND APPLAUDS)\n-Or, or, the attempts... to appeal Obamacare stalling, thanks in part to people\npressuring their lawmakers. And, just this week,\njust this week in Virginia, voters rejected Ed Gillespie\nfor governor after he ran a Trump-style,\ndog-whistle campaign. And that is encouraging\nbecause it\'s nice to know that if you use Trump tactics in a Virginia gubernatorial\nelection, you do not get\nto be "gubernator." -(AUDIENCE LAUGHS)\n-Now... further down the ballot there, Tuesday also marked the defeat\nof Bob Marshall, who earlier this year proposed\na so-called bathroom bill. He lost to Danica Roem,\nwho will now be Virginia\'s first openly transgender\nlegislator. And the tone that she has taken\nis already markedly different. Danica, you were running\nagainst, um, Robert Marshall, an incumbent,\nthirteen-term incumbent. He\'s also a man who referred\nto himself as "Virginia\'s chief homophobe." He refused to debate you\n during the campaign. Do you have anything\nyou wanna say to him? Come January, delegate Marshall\nwill be one of my constituents and I\'m not gonna disrespect\nmy own constituents. Wow, that is incredibly\nrefreshing. Just think about that. She beat a man who openly\ndisrespected her, but given the opportunity,', metadata={'source': '1ZAPwfrtAFY'}), Document(page_content='disrespected her, but given the opportunity,\nshe chose not to respond by tweeting... (READS TWEET) (AUDIENCE LAUGHING) It\'s nice! It\'s nice not\nto have that. And, look, Tuesday\'s results\nshould not make you complacent. They are absolutely no\nguarantee that the midterms will turn out at all well. That is why, though, you should take these moments\nof encouragement to help you keep going. Because the Trump Presidency\nis basically a marathon. It\'s painful, it\'s pointless,\nand the majority of you didn\'t even agree to run it. You were just signed up by\nyour dumbest friend. And-- And the fact is we are not even at mile six\nright now, or possibly even mile three. So, there is a long way to go, and though you\'re exhausted\nand your whole body is screaming for you to give up,\nand your nipples are chafing for some reason,\nthe stakes are too high for any of us to stop. And, I do realize that\nI\'m saying that as we\'re about to stop doing\nshows for the year. But-- But here\'s the thing, we won\'t actually\nbe going away entirely. You might remember\nearlier this year, we used our "Catheter Cowboy"\nto try and get information to the president in the\nad breaks of Fox & Friends. Well, Trump is still watching\nthat show and we know this because The Times wrote\na generally negative piece about its enormous\ninfluence on him. And because of that called it "...the most powerful TV show\nin America." A sentiment that the hosts\nwere very excited about. This program,\nthe program you\'re watching, is, according to\n The New York Times, "...the most powerful TV show\nin America." -TUCKER CARLSON: Wow!\n-AINSLEY EARHARDT:\nDo you know why Steve? Because we have\nthe best viewers. Yes. -No.\n-(AUDIENCE LAUGHING) No, you don\'t. Uh,\nyou-- you absolutely don\'t. Oh, an-- and look,\ndon\'t misunderstand, I\'m not saying that we have\nthe best viewers. -(AUDIENCE LAUGHING, CHEERING)\n-No, no. I\'m not saying that. No! I\'m explicitly\nnot saying that. You guys... are fine. (AUDIENCE LAUGHING) The best audience belongs\nto Ellen because this is how they greet her... ANNOUNCER: Here she is now...\n Ellen DeGeneres. -(AUDIENCE CHEERS AND APPLAUDS)\n-♪ (MUSIC PLAYING) ♪ None of you fuckers did that -when I came out.\n-(AUDIENCE CHEERS LOUDLY) None of you did it! But, the point is,\nthe point here is, just 45 minutes after that\ninformation was on Fox, Trump tweeted... (READS TWEET) So information goes right\nfrom that show into his brain,\nwhich is terrible. Because we would genuinely be\nbetter off if Trump was getting daily briefings\nfrom an actual fox and his friends,\na hedgehog and a weasel with its head stuck\nin a tin can. But, if Trump is going to keep\nwatching that show, we are going to spend\nour hiatus sneaking information\nthrough our Catheter Cowboy. So-- so a number of commercials\nare going to be airing on Fox News over\nthe next few months. Here is the first one... NARRATOR: Attention\n catheter patients... I\'m a professional cowboy. I use catheters and there\'s\ntwo things I know. I don\'t like pain when I "cath"\nand the term "clean coal" doesn\'t refer to the physical\nact of cleaning coal, that would be impossible. Coal is coal. Clean coal is a\nmarketing term the coal industry came up with for stuff like carbon capture\nand sequestration, an expensive process that\'s\nshown limited results at best. Also, Frederick Douglass\nis dead. -(AUDIENCE LAUGHING)\n-More tomorrow. Bye-bye. -(AUDIENCE CHEERS AND APPLAUDS)\n-That\'s good information\nfor him to know. That will be on Fox in the D.C.\narea later this week. And keep an eye out\nfor more of them, because that cowboy has got\na bunch up his sleeve. The U.S. Virgin Islands\nhas a governor, not a president. Here\'s a fun fact... There\'s actually no federal law\nagainst this, thanks to something called\nthe "First Amendment." Just because Jared Kushner\nis smarter than you, doesn\'t mean that he\'s smart. The Navy Seals\naren\'t actually seals. I know buddy.\nI was disappointed, too. There are many non-gold', metadata={'source': '1ZAPwfrtAFY'}), Document(page_content="aren't actually seals. I know buddy.\nI was disappointed, too. There are many non-gold\ndecor schemes that are actually very appealing. During an eclipse,\ndon't do this... Buddy, this can't be that hard. Nazi's... bad. One fish, two fish, red fish... Arm of the executive branch\nthat should operate free from White House\ninterference so as to avoid politically\nmotivated prosecution. -Donald, Donald.\n-(GLASS TAPPING) I don't think he's gettin'\nany of this. That's all for now, Donald.\nSee ya tomorrow. And, remember, if you're\nnot enjoying this, there's no shame in quittin'. (AUDIENCE CHEERS AND APPLAUDS)", metadata={'source': '1ZAPwfrtAFY'})]
[Document(page_content="I broke my flip-flop sandals songs if you're in Australia bunch of thong wears [Music] [Laughter] so let's make a pair of hard drive 33 suggest doing it out of stuff that we can find here does that what he said you said superglue zip ties to get some tape to make your own sandals out of the things you use the most so we've got some do it come over here I was thinking like foam we got like my plastics drawer where's my home this squishy foam that I need I think we get too out of that I think we can use some wood to do we have like the wood on the bottom is like the grippy pads plus we want something I think help us lock in the the juice oh you need it we need a sandal design let's do that really quick okay let's [Music] take a picture of it yeah cameraman John has converted the drawing of my feet or the tracing of my foot into an illustrator file that we're gonna cut out on foam and then thin wood so that means it's later time the laser job was off his off the edge like then don't let me put it off yet it's okay okay now I gotta cut the wood piece I don't know what kind of wood to use I was just thinking this that was here we're gonna get two of these or is that that's this we're gonna be able to put that right here no we could twist it oh it's brilliant good job it's just temporary [Music] okay yes so the you know actually I have no idea how this is gonna feel so let's let's just tape my thinking wow I'm not doing a very good job spitting out whole sentences my idea is to kind of cut this into sections so that you've got more flex of the flip-flop but I don't know if that's necessary so let's figure out what it actually feels like when you kick up it like picks the whole sandal up is this no flex jerk but it feels how will this this tape stick to hair no do you want to try one what do you think should we segment it not having leg hair yeah so we got segments where I think the appropriate where you put your weight on your feet your arch we made it up that means Laser bandsaw yeah when this thing folds we want there needs to be more gap because there's a chance this gets curl so I need to take these edges off these edges these edges off all right I'll be back in a second too much dust I just remembered that we also need to figure how the straps go I'm thinking the zip ties we could like trap the bottom of the zip tie under the wood I had a thought the thought doesn't make any sense anymore the little centerpiece should be like here that through there and we also have to go through the wood in the same spot and then we can just wrap this around the wood and glue it down and then this I would look like it goes from the front way back there I got it this is it Bray nope nope nope nope nope nope Oh God okay who I'm doing is I'm drilling holes in the wood so that we can pull the zip types or that feels good this one I haven't even cut that one yet we mass-produces will just code this into the laser fire that fits all right let's glue this is hot glue stick to this let's find out where is that leftover piece Oh sitting on Chelsea oh I forgot about yeah yep that'll work [Music] so pulling the zip tie through oh man she's gonna like you we're straight through your skin it doesn't feel I mean doesn't feel good but it's not like terrible how tight should that be we're gonna bend these down and then like your super glue them - I got it put some foam on these they're done and we made little Garrett John made little cat pads so I'm not slipping I you know I can only die so many times before I can't die anymore so let's go take these out for a spin on the town I'm gonna get blisters on my toes [Music] [Music]", metadata={'source': 'Cr9oGxr0Qa0'})]
[Document(page_content='If you’ve ever seen Quentin Tarrantino’s\nhit movie, Pulp Fiction, you’ll know it opens with a scene in which Samuel Jackson\nshows his surprise regarding the legality of cannabis smoking in Holland and the fact\nthat the French eat their fries with mayonnaise. “Ugh” is his reaction to the use of such\na condiment. Well, we can tell you “ugh” works both\nways, and there are plenty of things Americans eat, do, believe, and say, that European’s\nfind plain weird. Today we’ll look at some of those things,\nin this episode of The Infographics Show, American Things Europeans Find Weird. Don’t forget to subscribe and click the\nbell button so that you can be part of our Notification Squad. We’ll stay with food and restaurants for\nthe time being. As we’ve discussed in other shows, not everyone\nin the world is so draconian about tipping. In fact, in some parts of Europe, throwing\na buck on the counter after receiving a cold beer would be totally insulting. In many European countries, tipping in some\nsituations can be seen as charity. When visiting the U.S., many Europeans might\nfind it weird that a waiter or waitress keeps coming back to your table. In the States, it may been seen as just good\nservice, but to some Europeans, it could be construed as someone getting in the way of\na good meal. That meal, by the way, could be about three\ntimes larger than many people in Europe are used to. In general, American food portions look to\nsome Europeans like they are supposed to feed two people. It may also seem like an act of largesse to\nsome Europeans when someone keeps refilling their glass of soda or cup of coffee for no\nextra cost. In terms of the food itself, as we noted earlier,\nAmericans and Europeans have very different ideas about what goes with what. Pancakes for breakfast, with fried chicken,\nare you kidding me, says the travelling European. And what about putting honey on bacon for\nbreakfast? The Frenchman wanted mustard with his sliced\nbeef and tasted something not like mustard but a sweeter version with less bite. The Italian went to Chicago and in one restaurant\nordered a pizza, only to be served what he thought looked more like a quiche or a cake. So, what about when Europeans head to the\nstore. Again, the rather affable smile and general\nfriendliness of staff may seem strange to someone from grumpy England, where service\nwith a smile is certainly no guarantee. In fact, it’s been remarked that American\nfriendliness can result in some Europeans thinking something suspicious is afoot. If that European is in the store to buy a\npacket of cigarettes or a bottle of wine, they may be extremely surprised when they\nget asked for ID, as that might not have happened to them for over a decade or two. On top of Europe mainly having laxer laws\non age restrictions, ID-ing people is not such a big deal as it is in America. Only in July this year, Oasis frontman Liam\nGallagher said he was ID-ed in the US after trying to buy cigarettes. He tweeted, “I’ve just been told I can’t\nbuy cigs unless I got ID, I’m forty-[expletive]-four… has the world gone mad.” Indeed, in his home city of Manchester he’d\nprobably been buying his smokes for 30 years without a problem. And then the European looks inside his or\nher wallet, only to see a bunch of notes that all look the same, all the time wondering\nhow this could possibly make any sense. The good thing is in America you can pay with\nplastic just about anywhere, which is something many Europeans are still not used to. They may also be unpleasantly surprised to\nfind out when they do buy something, taxes get added on top of the price they saw. So, they try and get back to their hotel,\nbut have to ask the way. They are told to walk six blocks this way\nand turn left. Only for some Europeans not familiar with\nthe U.S., giving someone directions using ‘blocks’ may seem weird. Parts of Europe were not built with city blocks', metadata={'source': 'l4bAoNAx2uo'}), Document(page_content='in mind, and just gradually spread in a way that makes it hard to find your way around. When they finally do get back, they settle\ndown to watch some TV, only for some reason the shows are interspersed with commercials\nthat seem to be longer than the actual minutes given to the actual content. This drives some Europeans crazy. At some point, they might come across World\nWrestling Entertainment, and be quite confused at how some Americans can get so worked up\nabout what to them looks like an act with an ending already scripted. You may have to be American to enjoy that\nkind of drama with such passion. Turn over to the news and, depending on the\nchannel, this may also look something like a drama or a soap opera to a European; they\nmay easily believe they are watching a news satire. One of the great things in America, though,\nfor some Europeans at least, is the fact that some things are open 24/7. Can’t sleep, just go out. Shopping hours are relatively quite restrictive\nin many European nations, but in most places in the U.S. in or near a big city, there is\nalways something to do or buy in the middle of the night. In Europe, the BBC reported that London, England,\nand 6 cities in Spain were the better 24 hour cities. Now we’ll visit the sensitive issues of\nreligion and patriotism. World Atlas puts America at the top of the\nlist as the most Christian nation in the world. In the U.S, on any given day, you might hear\nthe word God, or at least see signs pointing to where you might find him. While parts of Europe are also predominantly\nChristian, the omnipresence of God in the streets may seem a little overbearing to many\nof these nations that have forgone church duty. It’s the same with flags everywhere. You won’t go far in America without seeing\nthe Stars and Stripes, whereas in Europe, flags are usually designated to the top of\npoles outside of official buildings. Seeing one planted in a garden may induce\na travelling European to believe that he is at the house of a hardcore nationalist, not\njust someone who is proud of where he comes from. Interesting side note: A 2014 survey revealed\nthe most patriotic country in the world was Thailand, closely followed by the USA. While it may not seem too weird for Europeans,\nthe fact that some people in the states carry firearms might be scary. Per capita, more people in the states own\nguns than any other country. While most cops in Europe do carry guns, it’s\nunusual to see a cop in England, Scotland or Wales carrying a gun. The fact that regular Joes might be carrying\na firearm seems fairly weird to many Europeans. It might not seem so strange to Serbians,\nwho also have a high rate of guns owned per person. Size also matters to Europeans when traveling\nin the States. In America, everything just seems bigger,\nand not just the aforementioned dishes. The roads and streets seem larger for the\nmost part, and if you don’t have a car, it can seem hard to get anywhere, especially\nin a place like LA. The cars themselves seem a lot bigger, large\nenough to crush Mr. Bean in his mini; and the people inside them also seem big on average\n– if not taller, than wider on average. The skyscrapers are taller, and in general,American\nhouses statistically have a lot more space than the average European house. One survey stated that the Danish had the\nmost living space in Europe, still much less than Americans, but much more than the Brits\nthat to Americans might seem their whole house is smaller than their basement. It may not be that weird, but one might ask\nwhy everything is so big in the U.S. As for appearance, some Europeans may find\nthe amount of Americans that are continually decked in what looks like gym wear a bit strange\nas most are not going to the gym. Other styles, that are mostly an 80s thing\nbut seem to have stayed around a little, are the Big Hair styles on some older American\nwomen. Big lips and big breasts, may also be a fashion', metadata={'source': 'l4bAoNAx2uo'}), Document(page_content='women. Big lips and big breasts, may also be a fashion\nweird to some Europeans, while in the USA the president still seems to sport a fake\ntan. On the positive side, Americans all seem to\nhave such perfect white teeth, quite different from those Brits. This was hilariously depicted in an episode\nof The Simpsons in which The Big Book of British Smiles horrifically demonstrated the apparent\nlack of dental hygiene in the country. So, what do you Europeans out there find strange\nabout Americans? And Americans, what do you think is weird\nabout Europeans? Let us know in the comments! Also, be sure to check out our other video\ncalled the Loudest Things a Person Can Hear?! Thanks for watching, and, as always, don’t\nforget to like, share, and subscribe. See you next time!', metadata={'source': 'l4bAoNAx2uo'})]
[Document(page_content="hi guys i'm shmee hello to you and welcome back to the channel especially you early and regular viewers who might actually recognize the car that is behind me four years ago i was here at the dubai motor show and took a video with this car the prototype devel 16 a car that claimed 5 000 horsepower from a v-16 and a top speed of 560 kilometers an hour that's 350 miles per hour well that was the prototype developed back here at this year's dubai motor show and we're going to take a look at not one but two cars that they are showing and believe me you're going to want to see these [Music] now the car that's behind me here is the very car that i filmed four years ago admittedly it's had a respray since then it's a slightly different color but that is the one that featured in a video that now has eight million views on youtube and a lot of you asking is this actually possible can a car really have 5 000 horsepower i'm going to touch more on that later on but first let's head and take a look at the two new cars to show you here well that's the prototype 2016 one is going to be the new develo 16. the other right in front of me is the six wheeled beastly devel 60. this thing is just crazy six-wheeler full off-roader it looks like well something out of robocop when we come around to the front of it i'm going to come back and show you around this and a little bit more about it shortly that's prototype at the moment but just just look at that thing anyway let's get to the main highlight of the show the devel 16 the new look of the two cars that we can take a walk around right now and explain how this works and how this has a 12.3 liter b16 quad turbocharged 5000 horsepower engine in the back now the first big thing to talk about is this is about straight line this is very much akin to a dragster really long wheelbase as you can see the wheels right at the back right at the front it has those crazy almost turbine-like exhausts at the rear it swoops around it's really quite interesting the way it's packaged like that then we come around towards the front which is of course the most distinct image from the car and you can see lots of familiarities from the devel 16 prototype that we saw before again reminded up to 5000 horsepower and it wears those badges to let us know that it has a v16 a v16 a 12.3 liter v16 so look at it it's low it's long it is it's kind of cool in the way it's designed it's very very crazy eccentric no question about that let's head from this car over to take a look at the other one in the pearl white with the blue contrasting against that so who knows what speed it could theoretically reach but in a straight line it can potentially have in the top version the 5 000 horsepower now there will be three different versions of the car in theory that will go into build one with 2 000 horsepower for the road one with 3 000 horsepower for the road and then 5 000 horsepower only reserved exclusively to go to the racetrack and that kind of makes sense because 5000 horsepower is a crazy crazy figure so somewhere in the back of there is the engine the power unit there is an active aerodynamic wing that will raise up out of the back although quite small i think given the overall scale and size of the actual car the way it wraps around is really quite fascinating and crazy in the the design but massively moved on from the first prototype you can see all sorts of intakes and ducts for cooling you have the i'm not quite sure exactly what to call them but the the strong lines over the roof that are no doubt for control and keeping the car completely straight and glued down and then around the front massive front splitter right down to the ground very very low all about downforce at that kind of high speed and what this thing's going to be going up to so the engine is american the design and body is going to be built in italy the same place that the new apollo ie is also built by", metadata={'source': 'VSVXhc5LlII'}), Document(page_content="and body is going to be built in italy the same place that the new apollo ie is also built by scuderia cameron glickenhaus in turin so that gives a little bit of credibility to the realism and possibilities of actually managing this and making it and creating it just coming around the other side i can only imagine there are some very very wide tyres that will be in there to make it possible develop 16. just look at just just look at this you could it's not about sticking your hand in you can stick your head in the back of those they're huge but let's come through and take a quick glimpse at the interior of the car but remember this is still prototype concept stage but you give a press of the button and it pops open and upwards attached by a hinge on the roof and then you're greeted by something incredibly futuristic obviously concept stage but completely minimalistic barely anything in there that you need a steering wheel that doesn't look like what you're familiar with from a steering wheel a carbon shell for the seat that's right down towards the floor almost flat flat on the floor and then a large digital display for all the information you could require dead ahead of you but other than that spacious easy to look around and just generally plenty of room inside so let's close it back down gently there we go the door is closed my goodness me so what do you think guys the devel 16 5000 horsepower can it be done what's it going to be like when that really really is built but let's move on for the moment away from the devel 16 to go and take a better look at the off-roader the devel 60 so this car that we're looking at the six-wheeler with portal axles independent suspension so it can actually lower itself down in theory so it can fit into garages it looks like i said like something out of robocop with the way the front windscreen works across there the door for passengers is very aircraft like it's actually on the other side but it opens up like a private jet and lowers the sort of steps out and down to make it possible to get in it car can be made from carbon or from fiberglass it has i think it's a 6.7 liter turbocharged diesel v8 for 720 horsepower and a thousand newton meters of torque it kind of rivals the mercedes six by that size and weight that feel i can't imagine what it would be like on the inside when it's completely built the lights are crazy as well but we should have could you imagine blasting across dunes or somewhere crazy and in something like that thing i mean it's just it's just i i don't know i don't know it's really cool if it pulls off and it comes together then i'm going to move a little bit back towards this car the original prototype of the devel 16 the car that featured in a video that managed to receive that many views you guys have all asked about due to a number of things you know it was a prototype it wasn't necessarily 100 complete one thing that's quite funny is the comments that came up referencing that it looked a little bit like a lamborghini veneno but the funny thing about that is this was actually built before the veneno was announced so it's completely coincidental that that actually happened however i do remember walking around this for the first time and thinking that this is i mean just crazy just absolutely crazy it was over in that far corner where the brahma stand is now even now when you do walk around it it's very high it's it's very tall stupidly long crazy crazy long hard to to describe but i suppose you can see the suv behind that looks rather small in comparison but hey not a bad effort for a first crack and it was cool to i don't know be part of that story and see the car when it surfaced here but now that's moved on to new projects 60 and then the final or the latest prototype of the devel 16. i mean could you imagine one of these on the road could you imagine seeing that on the road just driving away from you or coming", metadata={'source': 'VSVXhc5LlII'}), Document(page_content="of these on the road could you imagine seeing that on the road just driving away from you or coming towards you i don't really know what you would think of it anyway the guys have been really nice great to chat to and their drive and determination to make this happen is really quite incredible and great to see and hear about so best of luck to them with it i'm interested to know what you guys think 5 000 horsepower would you have it can it be done if you go for that you have a race sequential gearbox if you go for 2000 horsepower you can have the seven speed double clutch i'm just mesmerized walking around it and taking it in and looking at this thing and yes pondering pondering anyway i hope you've enjoyed the video and look at the devel 16 at the devel 16 the latest state here in dubai starting price one of these 1.6 million dollars well let me know in the comments down below what you think of it but i'm going to wrap this one up there thank you very much as always for watching guys that is it for this time i'm going to catch up with you again very very soon so make sure you subscribe check out all the latest videos click the bell for the latest notifications and everything as they get uploaded and a big thanks to the guys from develop let me come along and shoot this video anyway thanks again and i'll catch you soon cheers you", metadata={'source': 'VSVXhc5LlII'})]
[Document(page_content="me Beecher he is the newest resident to Big Cat Rescue he is a five-year-old male first-generation Savannah cap savannah cats are a hybrid between an African servile and a domestic cat [Music] hoping that's what you would be eating I would never recommend anyone ever doing this I thought I was so informed Oh and he's gotten to hurting people so how old was he when he first started really showing movie was well first day became Tara Charter right away well then he had this clause and I mean he was fighting he was aggressive and he could stay in that red zone for hours and I mean open a door I mean my daughter standing next to me having a conversation nothing to do with feature he came out from under the bed and I've got the pictures of it the damage he did from here logo down her account for a whole length was black and he's done a lot of damage I see you later once we get him outside he won't be at me he wants to be outside he wants to be allowed [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music]", metadata={'source': 'FEjZiCPuvqQ'})]
[Document(page_content="so when you're alive to see a new movie come out in a major franchise you have this unique opportunity to play a fun game where you put yourself on the record guessing what's gonna happen before it happens and no one can ever do that again after it comes out I could just sit here and write my beat for beat fanfic about what I think is gonna happen but that would be painful instead I thought it would be funny to make a bingo card of highly specific things that I think might happen and then when the movie comes out I can play bingo and see how many times I get a bingo in bingo the more specific the better because the nature of a bingo card is that you're not gonna get every square or it's not a good game of bingo so some of these are weird you gotta go big or go home so a bingo card that's 25 things let's go number 1 BB 9 e gets one confirmed kill number two ugly dangerous monster the new trilogy needs some big ugly iconic monster for like a mini boss fight scene that doesn't advance the story something that translates well into plushies or novelty t-shirts something that can attack your ship in Star Tours rathtar doesn't really cut it the original trilogy has rank cores sar lacks whomp buzz the prequels out all those sea monsters around ohto gunga even rogue one had Mads Mikkelsen number three Huck's goes to jail number four kylo doesn't kill Leia kylo Ren already killed his father so killing his mother would be kind of unshockable of something equivalent to what we already knew he was capable of being unable to kill his mother shows inner conflict and it's interesting oh hey he knows about a good time to start that Redemption art Leia won't die by his hand and I also don't think she'll die by anyone elses I think she'll live I think this movie might end with like an aid maybe like a Mon Calamari looking aid to be like general we must move you to a safer location so removing her from the actual action of the story but keeping Leia as a living and powerful presence out of respect to Carrie Fisher dine in real life number five ray learns to swim I think I just want to watch ray struggle to swim and be bad at it because I can't swim I just sink I I'd like to see her being upped in a way that I am number six no poured casualties not even implied ones number seven han Solo as a ghost I don't think this one's gonna happen but we got to put some wild cards in here that's the point of bingo I don't know what I meant by that's the point of bingo number eight Snoke is seven and a half feet tall he's short enough that he's essentially human sized but tall enough that is kind of awkward looking number nine force lightning bonus points afraid as it but somebody should do it number ten rogue one shout out some character from rogue one could get some in name only shout out in a line of dialogue because brand synergy and stuff some incidental character could have the last name and or and you'd be like oh my god what if that's casting indoors nephew well how about that or historical text mentions true in way or Jetta or something number oh look I'm out of fingers number eleven kylo Ren cries real tears you see them in his eyes and one of them goes out on his face he always looks like he's gonna cry but I wanted to actually cry so I can watch and enjoy number twelve Luke is not the father I've said before that there are a lot of reasons I don't want Luke to be raised father I made a whole video on at one time although I find it highly possible that we just won't find out one way or the other until episode 9 but if we do find out Rey's parents in this movie I'm gonna guess that they're not Luke or Leia or Han number 13 and this is the free space gray Rey I've been saying this since the force awakens came out but I think Rey is putting out some serious dark side vibes and I think she's gonna be tempted by it in this movie she had this terrible fight for your life childhood alone raised by this evil", metadata={'source': 'I-5CODzeGEE'}), Document(page_content="by it in this movie she had this terrible fight for your life childhood alone raised by this evil slug monster thing that doesn't really inspire Jedi goodwill and tranquility and stuff but don't take my word for it look at her super dark gray outfit for this movie so yeah I'm really confident in this one I'm making it the free space number 14 lightsaber built from scrap if Ray gets a lightsaber in this movie I don't think she'll build it in the traditional appearance I think since she's a scavenger it's gonna be made of cobbled together bits maybe she'll make a saber staff like Darth Maul but in a different color or maybe she'll just put Luke's lightsaber on one end of her stick thing so it's just like a stabby long thing I don't know weapons I think the thing that will make it look weird and unique is that it'll just be this hodgepodge of different materials and metals maybe like something you'd build with the blade builder lightsaber system get yours at Target today it comes in purple number 15 Rose Tico is us by number 16 Rose Tico's sister will die I've learned basically nothing through osmosis about Rose Tico's sister except that I'm pretty sure she has a sister and her sister is a pilot for the resistance being a pilot is a pretty dangerous job so sight unseen I'm just gonna guess that she'll die horribly and we'll see if I'm right number 17 canto byte alien horse race I know there's a casino planet and I think that for one of the establishing shots like like a two-second shot we're gonna see all these quadrupedal ian's lined up to race and people are like betting on them and we're like oh it's like a horse race but they're aliens because it's Star Wars number 18 somebody dances to my recollection we didn't see a single character dance in the force awakens unless general Hux counts I'd like to see at least one character with a speaking role dance if anything I'd imagine it would be one of the characters that can toe bite but I'm prepared to be pleasantly surprised I like my characters to dance in movies if nobody dances it's hard for me to tell that everything's okay and we had a good time number 19 Luke lives I'm just gonna be bold and make a guess about this one there are two possible outcomes Luke lives or Luke dies fifty-fifty so I'm just gonna get in and say that I think that he lives narrative Li it does make more sense for him to die because he's the mentor I don't know I just feel like they killed Han in the last movie so killing Luke might kind of feel like a rehash and I feel like everybody's expecting it so that might be why they wouldn't want to do it number twenty Poe Dameron turns evil he was on the evil side in that one movie poster literally every character was delineated by good and evil Poe Dameron was over on the evil side what does it mean I'm just kidding actually I think he's gonna die I think you should have died when his ship went down in the force awakens he's living in borrowed time you guys number 21 don't trust laura dern number 22 ray cuts a limb off somebody the last movie echoed beats from a new hope so I feel like this movie might echo beats from Empire but I think the best course of action would be to subvert expectations that Empire lays down a big beat from Empire Luke getting his arm lopped off and I think this movie should have that too but reverse it so Ray's the one doing the lopping it would be kind of shocking and dark and go with my gray ray theory especially if her opponent was already down and she just kind of did it vindictively like that time that kylo Ren was lying on his back in the snow and she sliced his face up she cuts their arm off when she totally could have not cut their arm off not to be mean to kylo Ren but personally I would like it if it was kylo Ren this time - it's a Skywalker tradition number 23 BB 90 is a girl we haven't had a girl asked for Metroid in the movies before and haven't had that many girl droids", metadata={'source': 'I-5CODzeGEE'}), Document(page_content="we haven't had a girl asked for Metroid in the movies before and haven't had that many girl droids in general unless they have stereotypical girl jobs like like delivery room droid thanks I just want this sexless inhuman ball to be called Shi for no reason number 24 c-3po explodes no I'm just kidding I think we're gonna have an arbitrary new stormtrooper armor design like in Episode seven it kind of made sense that the stormtroopers look different now and then in rogue one it was like let's have different colors cuz then we can sell like the toys to go with it so I think this time we're gonna see another new stormtrooper design and it's not really gonna like do anything different she's like yeah number twenty five my lack guess is darkside ending like the movie ends with ray apparently ambiguously turning to the dark side probably with the best of intentions like to get the information that she needs to defeat them although her motivations may or may not be made clear this is my boldest guess and completely baseless but it's bingo go big or go home and I realize that making a bold guess sets me up to look like a huge idiot when the movie comes out and I got it wrong but I have no shame about that I acknowledge that I'm not psychic besides it's bingo remember whatever that means I just figured that since this is the second film in a trilogy it'll want to end with a bang and since there are two years till the next one it'll want to leave people guessing and give them something to make endless YouTube speculation videos about so Ray making a drastic decision with unclear motivations would fit the bill for that like his she undercover is she evil and has to be redeemed and even better kick in the pants would be if as ray is defecting kylo Ren is in the process of turning good again like he comes to her like hey I don't really want to turn good yet but like I don't really like Snoke anymore and I don't want to kill my mom and if I try to leave he's gonna try to kill me I was thinking like I'm powerful and you're powerful you need a teacher and I could teach you and we could kill him together yeah yeah I could be your teacher and we could kill Snoke together because I'm afraid I have a lot of hurt feelings right now I'm also crying while I'm telling you this I'm crying real tears and Ray's like I'm listening to you right now but what I'm hearing is that Snoke has a job opening and you're left with this weird ending where Ray's showing up at the first-order headquarters like who's gonna train me and kylo was like on some planet somewhere like in a swamp like I can't go home and now I'm also gonna die and everybody gets to spend 2018 like what's gonna happen is rave really evil is she playing a long con will kylo Ren go crawling back to Luke who survived this movie will Luke be a bro and loan kylo Ren his prosthetic arm to fight with will Chewbacca ever find love again will kylo Ren train that pork in the force so that's my whole bang card I can't wait for the movie to come out so I can play bingo and and get lots of bingos and call out bingo during the movie in the theater drop my pork I [Music] you yeah that's all I got I'm gonna think of more as soon as I post this so make any guesses about Finn Finn is gonna I don't know I think the Millennium Falcon is gonna blow up you know in Harry Potter when they kill off Hedwig it's like that was your childhood and innocence and we killed it it'll be like that but it's just a ship so you're like oh no no I just have my memories of it and a perfect Lego replica", metadata={'source': 'I-5CODzeGEE'})]
[Document(page_content="Hunger claws at your grumbling belly. It tugs at your intestines, \nwhich begin to writhe, aching to be fed. Being hungry generates a powerful,\noften unpleasant physical sensation that's almost impossible to ignore. After you've reacted by gorging\non your morning pancakes, you start to experience \nan opposing force, fullness, but how does your body actually know\nwhen you're full? The sensation of fullness is set in motion\nas food moves from your mouth down your esophagus. Once it hits your stomach,\nit gradually fills the space. That causes the surrounding\nmuscular wall to stretch, expanding slowly like a balloon. A multitude of nerves wrapped\nintricately around the stomach wall sense the stretching. They communicate with the vagus nerve\nup to the brainstem and hypothalamus, the main parts of the brain\nthat control food intake. But that's just one input your brain uses\nto sense fullness. After all, if you fill \nyour stomach with water, you won't feel full for long. Your brain also takes into account\nchemical messengers in the form of hormones produced\nby endocrine cells throughout your digestive system. These respond to the presence of specific\nnutrients in your gut and bloodstream, which gradually increase \nas you digest your food. As the hormones seep out, \nthey're swept up by the blood and eventually reach the hypothalamus\nin the brain. Over 20 gastrointestinal hormones \nare involved in moderating our appetites. One example is cholecystokinin, which is produced in response to food\nby cells in the upper small bowel. When it reached the hypothalamus, it causes a reduction in the feeling\nof reward you get when you eat food. When that occurs, the sense\nof being satiated starts to sink in and you stop eating. Cholecystokinin also slows down\nthe movement of food from the stomach into the intestines. That makes your stomach stretch\nmore over a period of time, allowing your body to register\nthat you're filling up. This seems to be why when you eat slowly,\nyou actually feel fuller compared to when you consume your food\nat lightning speed. When you eat quickly, your body doesn't\nhave time to recognize the state it's in. Once nutrients and gastrointestinal\nhormones are present in the blood, they trigger the pancreas\nto release insulin. Insulin stimulates the body's fat cells\nto make another hormone called leptin. Leptin reacts with receptors\non neuron populations in the hypothalamus. The hypothalamus has two sets of neurons\nimportant for our feeling of hunger. One set produces the sensation of hunger\nby making and releasing certain proteins. The other set inhibits hunger through\nits own set of compounds. Leptin inhibits the hypothalamus neurons\nthat drive food intake and stimulates the neurons \nthat suppress it. By this point, your body has reached\npeak fullness. Through the constant exchange \nof information between hormones, the vagus nerve, the brainstem, and the different portions \nof hypothalamus, your brain gets the signal\nthat you've eaten enough. Researchers have discovered that some foods produce \nmore long-lasting fullness than others. For instance, boiled potatoes are ranked as some of the most \nhunger-satisfying foods, while croissants \nare particularly unsatisfying. In general, foods with more protein,\nfiber, and water tend to keep hunger at bay for longer. But feeling full won't last forever. After a few hours, your gut and brain\nbegin their conversation again. Your empty stomach produces\nother hormones, such as ghrelin, that increase the activity of \nthe hunger-causing nerve cells in the hypothalamus. Eventually, the growling beast of hunger\nis reawakened. Luckily, there's a dependable \nantidote for that.", metadata={'source': 'YVfyYrEmzgM'})]
[Document(page_content="♫♫♫ ♪ Bass is kicking, drums is drumming\nBeatin' down the block, you can hear me coming ♪ ♪ Bass is kicking, drums is drumming\nBeatin' down the block, you can hear me coming ♪ ♪ Bass is kicking, drums is drumming\nBeatin' down the block, you can hear me coming ♪ ♪ Bass is kicking, drums is drumming\nBeatin' down the block, you can hear me coming ♪ ♪ Bass is kicking, drums is drumming\nBeatin' down the block, you can hear me coming ♪ ♪ Bass is kicking, drums is drumming\nBeatin' down the block, you can hear me coming ♪ ♪ Bass is kicking, drums is drumming\nBeatin' down the block, you can hear me coming ♪ ♪ Bass is kicking, drums is drumming\nBeatin' down the block, you can hear me coming ♪ ♪ Bass is kicking, drums is drumming ♪ ♪ Bass is kicking, drums is drumming ♪ ♪ Bass is kicking, drums is drumming ♪ ♪ Bass is kicking, drums is drumming ♪ ♪ Bass is kicking, drums is drumming ♪ ♪ Bass is kicking ♪ ♪ Bass is kicking ♪ ♪ Bass is kicking ♪ ♪ Bass is, is ,is, is, is, is...♪ (Put your hands up). ♪ Bass is kicking, drums is drumming\nBeatin' down the block, you can hear me coming ♪ ♪ Bass is kicking, drums is drumming\nBeatin' down the block, you can hear me coming ♪ ♪ Bass is kicking, drums is drumming\nBeatin' down the block, you can hear me coming ♪ ♪ Bass is kicking, drums is drumming\nBeatin' down the block, you can hear me coming ♪ ♪ Bass is kicking, drums is drumming\nBeatin' down the block, you can hear me coming ♪ ♪ Bass is kicking, drums is drumming\nBeatin' down the block, you can hear me coming ♪ ♪ Bass is kicking, drums is drumming\nBeatin' down the block, you can hear me coming ♪ ♪ Bass is kicking, drums is drumming\nBeatin' down the block, you can hear me coming ♪ ♪ Bass is kicking, drums is drumming ♪ ♪ Bass is kicking, drums is drumming ♪ ♪ Bass is kicking, drums is drumming ♪ ♪ Bass is kicking, drums is drumming ♪ ♪ Bass is kicking ♪ ♪ Bass is kicking ♪ ♪ Bass is kicking ♪ ♪ Bass is kicking ♪ ♪ Bass is, is ,is, is, is, is...♪ (Put your hands up).", metadata={'source': '5E4ZBSInqUU'})]
[Document(page_content='Johnny: You are tearing me apart, Lisa! When you think of "it\'s so bad, it\'s good", you probably think of some movie with laughably horrible acting and writing. A movie that\'s so bad, it becomes really fun to watch. You watch it and make fun of it with your friends because such a bad movie takes itself so seriously. "So bad, it\'s good" movies go as far back as the B movies of the 40s and 50s. The concept has always been the same. They\'re guilty pleasure movies where you enjoy the movie because of its excessive use of: movie tropes, poor over-the-top acting, and terrible camerawork, and it makes sense It\'s not hard to see the similar laughability of Robot Monster in 1953 and Sharknado (2013). The problem is that analysis of "so bad, it\'s good" usually stops there, but I think you can go much deeper than that I want to talk about what\'s at the core of this phenomenon, and make the case that the techniques of "so bad, it\'s good" are present in tons of critically acclaimed movies, and almost all the time, It\'s done on purpose. So let me explain. Erin: Michael. Michael: Walk with me. "So bad, it\'s good" movies are an extreme version of the idea that audiences enjoy theatrical and over-the-top movies that still take themselves seriously, This concept is called "camp." And it\'s another tool at the disposal of a filmmaker. When you think of campy movies you may think they\'re always made unintentionally. Like Tommy Wiseau trying to film a serious movie and accidentally creating the ultimate camp classic. But that\'s actually not the case. Directors constantly pretend to take their dumb movie seriously to create a whole new level of entertainment. Anthony Ferrante: But if everybody is earnest and serious and treating it like it\'s, you know, a regular earthquake, or it\'s you know an alien invasion or whatever it is, then, then that sincerity kind of translates, and then you can go even further with your villain, which is the Sharknado. You can do crazy stuff. Kimberly Q: And that makes it even more funny. Camp isn\'t necessarily a genre of movies. Some movies can have elements of camp without exclusively considering themselves "so bad, it\'s good." Maybe the perfect balance of camp and sincerity is the Princess Bride (1987). The movie is actually smartly written and well executed while also having a ton of campy and corny moments Montoya: You seem a decent fellow. . . I hate to kill you. Man in Black: You seem a decent fellow. . . I hate to die. The swordfight blurs the line between cartoonish and serious. The stakes are high and the scene is expertly choreographed but they also do random flips. Camp makes the Princess Bride fun to watch without making it a movie people make fun of. It\'s over the top but never too much so and it always treats itself seriously. Camp can actually sometimes save a movie. Johnny Depp\'s performance turns the Pirates of the Caribbean from a derivative action flick to a charming and hilarious franchise. And it\'s because of his campy, exaggerated, but grounded performance. Norrington: You are without a doubt, the worst pirate I\'ve ever heard of. Sparrow: But you have heard of me. Wes Anderson is a champion of camp. His set pieces are famously symmetrical to the point of impossibility. The camera constantly spins from one character to another. He loves using outdated cartoonish special effects And he awkwardly cuts conversations at the end of each sentence. Sam: Why do you consider me your enemy? Redford: Because your girlfriend stabbed me in the back with lefty scissors. Sam: She\'s my life now. Redford: Congratulations. Anderson creates charming and critically acclaimed films despite breaking countless film conventions. Campy film techniques give movies that extra flair that makes them fun and devastatingly rewatchable. Campy filmmakers strike the balance between the impossible and the realistic. So that movies have elements of camp while also having just a hint of', metadata={'source': 'jGiqc3HSxEg'}), Document(page_content='impossible and the realistic. So that movies have elements of camp while also having just a hint of seriousness So they don\'t seem like they\'re trying too hard. Anderson: For me, you know, Rafe is playing a real person and making him a real person and Even though the context is this sort of invented country in this invented version of history and and so on I sort of feel like we just try to make it as realistic as it can be Given given what it is exaggerated and campy filmmaking happens all the time so this Becomes this And this Becomes this Quentin Tarantino loves camp. If you have a villain, make it a school girl and give her a flail as a weapon. His love for the theatrical and exaggerated shows in the fact that in all of his movies characters pretend to be somebody they\'re not. Winnfield: Come on, let\'s get into character. The result is hilariously over-the-top, but serious moments of poor or flashy acting. Landa: Arrivederci. Raine: A-reev-a-durchey. Camp is also extremely common in dialogue; so many movies have characters say things nobody says in real life... Rollo: This is one doodle that can\'t be undid homeskillet. ...but that doesn\'t make the dialogue bad. Well sometimes it does... Johnny: I did not hit her. It\'s not true. It\'s bullshit. I did not hit her. I did not! Oh, hi Mark! ...but it\'s also a way to make movies fun. Aaron Sorkin is one of the best screenwriters in cinema, and he loves campy dialogue. In many scenes he favors exaggerated dialogue over what someone would actually say. Summers: Ann. Ann: Yes sir? Summers: Punch me in the face. Go ahead. Aaron Sorkin\'s famous "walk and talk" style from West Wing feels extremely theatrical and contrived It\'s been reused to the point that it\'s been parodied in just about every TV sitcom. He even parodies it himself. Sorkin: Walk with me I\'m Aaron Sorkin. His snappy dialogue also gets reused to an amazing degree. This is you and me talking Dana. I\'m not other people I\'m not other people. I\'m not other people. I\'m not other people! Don\'t talk to me like I\'m other people. But it\'s not bad writing. It actually takes a very talented writer to create a style that\'s so easy to parody, but remains fascinating to watch. He\'s not technically original, but he still keeps it fresh. We can feel his classic style, but we don\'t loathe it. We embrace it. To a crazy amount actually. It\'s almost worshipped to the point where they make actors recreate Sorkin style on talk shows Camp is letting movies be movies and it\'s a concept we feel everywhere. Basically whenever a movie does something over-the-top that would never happen in real life, but the movie still executes it sincerely Impressive clergyman: "Mawwiage..." And "The Room" fits quite nicely into these concepts of Exaggerated and entertaining filmmaking. What makes the movie stand out is that it\'s one of the few campy movies that took itself completely seriously without having any idea just how over-the-top it was. It\'s still camp, but it\'s so unique because of how blissfully unaware it is. Johnny: Hi doggy. Clerk: You\'re my favorite customer. Johnny: Thanks a lot! Bye! And this brings me to the most important component of camp: Camp defies binary thinking in the movies because it\'s both bad and good. It objectively breaks many of the principles of filmmaking: Unrealistic acting, cheesy dialogue, and extreme filming techniques are almost always frowned upon, but the crazy thing is camp is not bad. Sometimes it\'s actually extremely entertaining, perhaps the most entertaining kind of films that exist. Because many directors can be serious and many directors can be funny But not many can be so serious it\'s funny I embrace camp because movies shouldn\'t always play it straight if they don\'t want to. On the contrary, camp lets movies be what they were meant to be: Entertaining. So the next time you watch a movie don\'t just consider whether it\'s good or bad Consider if you like it for', metadata={'source': 'jGiqc3HSxEg'}), Document(page_content="time you watch a movie don't just consider whether it's good or bad Consider if you like it for its guilty pleasures. Consider that it's so bad, but that's not a bad thing It's actually a great thing. It's so good that it's bad. Lisa: Do you want me to order a pizza? Johnny: Whatever. I don't care. Lisa: I already ordered a pizza. Johnny: You think about everything. Thanks for watching Outro: Here it is, a groove slightly transformed! Just a bit of a break from the norm. Just a little something to break the monotony of all that hard... [video end]", metadata={'source': 'jGiqc3HSxEg'})]
[Document(page_content='( bright, upbeat music ) ( fire crackles ) Welcome back. Now, for years, Nickelback\nhas been the band that everybody\nloves to hate. It has almost become cliché\nto make fun of them. And, for a moment,\nwe considered that it might be\nplayed out and in poor taste to create a game that makes fun\nof their ridiculous lyrics, but then we decided\nto do it anyway. It\'s time for... I hope not. I don\'t smoke\n"Nickel-crack," Link. It\'s not the \'80s. So then all these are really\nNickelback lyrics. - You just gave away the game.\n- Well, okay, here\'s\nwhat I\'m gonna do. I\'m gonna read\nsome lyrics for you. They may be real and dumb, and that would be\nthey\'re from Nickelback. - Yes.\n- They may be just\nreally dumb, and that means\nI made them up. - Okay.\n- If you get three right-- - Came from "Nickel-crack."\n- If you don\'t get\nat least three right, you\'re gonna be punished with\nthe worst thing I can think of, you\'re gonna be forced to listen\nto a full Nickelback track on noise-cancelling headphones\nin "Good Mythical More." But if you do get three right,\nor more, I gotta listen to it. That\'s right. Here we go, Link,\nhere\'s your first song lyric. What? That\'s it. It didn\'t rhyme\nat the end there. Yeah, well... - Got a little...\n- Yeah. Kinda fizzled out. It probably rhymed\nat some other place. Mm. I\'d like\na big black jet - with a bedroom in it.\n- Who wouldn\'t? Do those exist? If you\'re Nickelback. You know what?\nI think this is real. I think I have\nenjoyed this song in my normal life\nin the past. In the distant past. - Final answer?\n- Final answer. All right, Link,\nyou\'re right. It is real. It\'s from\nthe song called "Rock Star." - Let\'s have a listen.\n- "Rock Star." ♪ I need a credit card\n that\'s got no limit ♪ ♪ And a big black jet\n with a bedroom in it ♪ ♪ Gonna join the mile-high club\n at 37,000 feet ♪ - Sounds like a country song.\n- Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Nickel Creek and Nickelback\nshould get together. They should!\nAnd make a dime. Nickel Creek\nshould come... ( laughs ) They can call it "Dime Piece,"\nthat could be their new album. You\'re off to a great start. Now, technically, 37,000 feet you\'d be joining the\n7.007 mile-high club, but... - you know what? Math.\n- Oh, you would? - Yeah. But math.\n- Here\'s another one. Oh, she\'s not? "Arson" and "scar, son"... Uh-huh. ...definitely rhyme. It\'s got Nickelback\nwritten all over it. Nickelback\ntwo for two! All right, Link, - it\'s fake!\n- Oh. - But it could\'ve been!\n- I mean... It\'s, like,\nsomewhere right now, the songwriter for Nickelback,\nwhatever his name is, is like...\n( mumbling ) Oh, yeah,\nhe\'s taking notes. Because I did\nextensive research on every song\nthat has ever been written and no one has ever rhymed\n"arson" with "scar, son." Oh, really? Yeah, that was\ncompletely original. There\'s a first time\nfor everything. Here\'s another one. I can see him showing up, he\'s\nlike, "Guys, gather \'round. Yeah. I got an idea\nfor a new track." "I bet you\nthere\'s a man in there." "There\'s a-- you know\nabout an hourglass? Well, there\'s a man." Yeah. "He\'s in the sand,\nhe\'s in the sand, yeah." This is...\n( laughs ) It writes itself.\nYes, Nickelback. Link, this is a little bit\nof a trick question. These are real lyrics,\nbut they\'re not from Nickelback. - ( buzzer ) \n- Who is it? They\'re from\nPuddle of Mudd. That\'s Puddle of Mudd - with two "Ds."\n- Yes. Not to be confused\nwith Mud the band, or Mud II the band,\nyes, that\'s a thing, or Muddy Waters,\nthe blues musician. Not to be confused\nwith "Muddy River," a song by Johnny Rivers, not to be confused\nwith the Los Angeles River, not to be confused\nwith drinkable water. Never try to\ndrink Nickelback - is what you\'re saying.\n- Yeah, well, that\'s the moral of the story.\nOkay, here we go. Yes, no. - What does it mean?\n- Mm. Anything you want it to. Literally,\nthat sounds like something we would\'ve written in the\nWax Paper Dogz days, you know? It\'s, like,\nit\'s nonsensical, but it sounds cool. - Yeah.', metadata={'source': 'puqaWrEC7tY'}), Document(page_content='Wax Paper Dogz days, you know? It\'s, like,\nit\'s nonsensical, but it sounds cool. - Yeah.\n- Sounds real cool. I gotta keep riding my money\non Nickelback. I cannot step away. - All right, Link,\n- Nickelback. - you\'re correct!\n- Yes! This is from\n"Where Do I Hide?" Let\'s have a listen. ♪ Got a criminal record ♪ I can\'t cross\n state lines ♪ ♪ First on the bad list ♪ And you\'re last on mine - I can\'t take anymore.\n- ♪ Lookin\' for a scape-- I can\'t take anymore. If you don\'t listen\nto the lyrics, which I think is the way\nyou\'re supposed to enjoy it-- Yeah. I mean,\nI\'m just being real. - Don\'t be real, Link.\n- It was catchy. - What?\n- It was catchy\nback in the day. If you don\'t try to make sense\nof it and you\'re like, "Yeah, this is good,\nI think." I was thinking,\n"Speaking of \'where do I hide?\', if anybody has an answer let me know."\nBut if you... You don\'t want to\nhide from that? I kinda liked it. Okay, Link,\nyou\'re two for four, so that means,\nif you get this one right, you do not have to listen\nto Nickelback and I do. Okay. - Mm.\n- It\'s all true. It\'s all true. - No, it\'s not.\n- Ladies love limousines. We\'re not gonna make\ngeneralizations about ladies - just because Nickelback does.\n- I\'m just saying,\nin my experience, any time I\'ve gotten\nout of a limousine\nand there\'s a lady there, - she\'s...\n- Don\'t. Or a man. - What-- just... don\'t--\n- I\'m just saying. I\'m not with him\non this. - Ladies--\n- Everybody loves\nlimousines, okay? Ladies love long cars. ( laughter ) It\'s a rapper\nfrom the \'80s. Um... You know, I\'ma dance\nwith the one that brung me. It\'s Nickelback. - You\'re right, Link, it\'s real.\n- Yes! Yes! Yes! Feast your ears\non this. ♪ After hours and alcohol ♪ Every club,\n we\'ve seen \'em all ♪ ♪ As long as we don\'t need\n to stand in line ♪ ♪ Party scenes ♪ And billboard dreams ♪ The ladies love\n those limousines ♪ Oh, man. ♪ Ladies love\nthose limousines ♪ Don\'t become a fan. That was from the song\n"See You At the Show," and, Nickelback,\nno, you won\'t. Really got a way with melody,\nthose Nickels. Congratulations, Link, you\'re gonna make me\nlisten to Nickelback while you get to play\nwith cute dogs in "Good Mythical More." ♪ And light \'em\nup, up, up ♪ ♪ Light \'em\nup, up, up ♪ ♪ I\'m on fire! Click through, because\nwe did the impossible. We taught some old dogs\nnew tricks in the next segment. Check out the latest episode\n of our podcast "Ear Biscuits" to hear all about\n our Tour of Mythicality\n and more juicy goodness. Juicy goodness.', metadata={'source': 'puqaWrEC7tY'})]
[Document(page_content='Hey there, welcome to Life Noggin! What’s your favorite kind of dream? One where you can fly? One where you’ve won the lottery? Some people can manipulate their dreams into\nwhat they want them to be, but how? Generally speaking, dreams are narrative experiences\nthat occur while we’re sleeping, often during REM sleep. You may have heard of lucid dreaming. General lucid dreaming is when you know you’re\ndreaming while it’s happening. Some lucid dreamers even say they can control\ntheir dreams! About half the population has reached general\nlucid dreaming at some point, but it’s not that easy to intentionally do. So, how can you train your brain to have lucid\ndreams and even control them? It’s impossible to say that one thing or\nanother will definitely produce lucid dreams but some experts and lucid dreamers have provided\nsome tips to try to induce them. They say that dream journals could help you\nachieve a lucid dream state. Keep track of what you dream about and look\nout for recurring objects, people and places in your notes. Once you’ve identified them, you may be\nable to consciously recognize these elements within your dreams. You can try to prep your mind to recognize\nthese signs by telling yourself before bed, “The next time I see ‘blank’, I will\nrealize that I’m dreaming.” You may also be able to increase your chances\nof lucid dreaming as you go about your day by doing a mental check of, “Am I awake?” This will encourage your subconscious mind\nto do the same while you’re dreaming, increasing your likelihood of having a lucid dream. In fact, in a recent study, out of 169 participants,\naround 17 percent of them were able to have a lucid dream during the trial period using\na combination of methods. So, what happens in a lucid dream? Well, it begins by you becoming fully aware\nthat you’re dreaming while you’re dreaming. Other than recognizing your dream signs, this\ncan happen in a variety of ways. For example, reading is apparently surprisingly\nhard in dreams. Lucid dreamers say you may try to read a sign,\nsee that the words are jumbled and realize that you must be dreaming, otherwise you’d\nbe able to read them. Lucid dreamers also say it can happen when\nyou notice something impossible or out of the ordinary in your dream… like if you see a dog talking on a cell phone. The dreamer realizes those things aren’t\npossible and that they must be dreaming. Some lucid dreamers even claim to be able\nto control their surroundings, their actions and actions of others within their dreams. Effectively creating the dream they want! Studies have found that lucid dreamers are\nmore coherent in lucid dreams than in regular sleep and that they exhibit increased activity\nin certain frequencies within the brain! The areas of the brain associated with self-reflection\nand self-assessment light up. Wild, right? Scientists have even called lucid dreaming\na “hybrid state of consciousness” that exhibits an increase in networking throughout\nthe brain. So lucid dreaming is definitely a real thing. Other than mental prep, there are a few more\nways to influence your dreams. One study found that if you smell something\nnice, like roses, while you’re sleeping, you’re more likely to have positive dreams,\nversus the horrible smell of rotten eggs, which prompted more negative dreams. Studies have also found that low-current electrical\nstimulation is capable of inducing lucid dreams. Businesses have jumped on this idea, creating\nheadbands that electrically stimulate the brain while you sleep. Experts are reluctant though, because it’s\nunclear what effect this stimulation has on other areas of the brain. Aside from playing around with your dreams\nfor fun, controlling your dreams can be very beneficial for dealing with PTSD and post-traumatic\nnightmares. By mastering these dreams, PTSD survivors', metadata={'source': 'vU14JY3x81A'}), Document(page_content='nightmares. By mastering these dreams, PTSD survivors\nfeel safer in their awake state and have less nightmares, anxiety and flashbacks. Have you ever been able to control your dreams? Let us know \nin the comments!', metadata={'source': 'vU14JY3x81A'})]
[Document(page_content="oh yeah thank you very much so this gentleman certainly needs no introduction my name is Marc Bezos and you're all welcome to call me what my friends do they usually just refer to me as Jeff's brother by the way just so you know it actually does go both ways my brother has a TED talk about small acts of kindness being a volunteer firefighter and it has millions of views and every once in a while somebody will stop me and say I love your TED talk about being a firefighter and small acts of kindness and I if I I usually you know say well thank you but that's really my brother his TED talk but if I'm in a hurry I just say thank you thank you yes absolutely but if any of you do get confused I'm the one with the smaller bank account to your left so he's the big brother so Jeff before we get started I think you know this is a obviously a crowd of influential people people who are starting out I think we might as well just make the most of their time I'm just going to dive right into this if you don't mind let's go you are captain of industry amazon.com private spaceflight with Blue Origin the Washington Post levels of you know Fame and wealth that are hard to comprehend I guess you know one question that probably is at the top of everyone's mind is if you had to choose one thing what would you say is your favorite part of having me as a little brother [Applause] I think I've taken the liberty of writing some thoughts I know you answer this and there are many things I love about having mark as a brother but what he just did is number one at the top of this what I am with my brother I just laugh continuously yeah because he's the funniest guy in my life well thank you you're an easy audience and I appreciate I am actually an easy audience that is true he is I am alright so so here's what we're going to do if all of you don't mind so the fact that you know a fireside chat among brothers this is not unique for us this is something that we do quite often it's rare that we have you know a couple thousand more closest friends with us yeah and it's also really usually actually have a fire yes and bourbon yeah which we don't have now but now so and what what we're going to talk about the things that I'm gonna chat with Jeff about or not the sorts of things perhaps that you would hear in most interviews because you know I don't you know 2p2 rules is not really my jam so we're not going to talk about those things but you know we do have a shared history you know so what I really want to focus on is you know the influences and the inspirations that have led to some of the things the foundation of you know what is a little intimidating he knows way too much it's so and what I'd like to do is invite all of you to join in on you know what is some of our greatest hits I guess from my point of view and because we have such a shared history what I've done wants to gesture grin as I've gone through and taking the liberty of pulling together a bunch of family photos so I'm gonna be throwing some of those up behind us and just so that you guys can sort of understand so if we start talking shorthand you'll understand what it is that we're referring to so all sound good all right so I am gonna and I appreciate your page that this is not the sort of thing that I usually do so I appreciate your patience so we're just going to dive right into it so when we were kids we would spend every summer on our grandfather's ranch in South Texas we called our grandfather pop that's pop there's pop right there we were probably just fixing that windmill yes always fixing windmills yeah before you were climbing them and smashing bottles upon them which he did recently in a Instagram video so you know one of the things that we that we would do you know every summer it was really a magical experience there's a little Jeff yeah that was my maximum cuteness right there all downhill from there that that's a 1962 International", metadata={'source': 'Hq89wYzOjfs'}), Document(page_content="that was my maximum cuteness right there all downhill from there that that's a 1962 International Harvester scout we all learn to drive beyond that car that car once you can drive that car you can drive anything and then this is so there's the two of us that is Jeff teaching me how to open or close gate which doesn't seem like it would be that complicated but I was having trouble wire gap gates are tough and then this is that's red well that's Christina or sister Christina but the horse red that's red that's yeah so I guess one of the things that that we learn every summer yeah this is pop again so there was as we as we alluded to with the windmills there was always work to be done on the ranch and yeah one of the the things that you know I think we learned to value and you've spoken about this in the past is the the role that resourcefulness self-reliance yeah plays it's certainly on a place like the ranch but yeah can you talk a little bit about well so one of the great things that you learn first of all we had a very fortunate lucky childhood we got to spend a lot of time with pop and our grandparents and you learn different things from grandparents than you learned from parents it's just a very different relationship I've spent all my summers on his ranch from age 4 to 16 and he was incredibly soft for Lion you know if you're in the middle of nowhere in a rural area you don't pick up the phone and call somebody when something breaks you figure out how to fix it yourself and so as a kid you got to I got to see him solve all these problems and be a real problem solver he even did his own bed Neri work he would make his own needles for the suture up the cattle with he would like take a piece of wire use a blowtorch to heat up pounded flat sharpen it drill a hole through it make a needle and some of the cattle even survived and so you know but but you did we learned a lot of things from watching him because he would he would take on major projects that he didn't really know how to do then figure out how to do them you know a good example of that is you know you guys built a house yeah I think I think he bought this out of a Sears catalog it was a kid house and we built that thing somebody came out it all showed up in big boxes and somebody a professional came out and poured the foundation and then we did the rest of it but I'm pretty sure it was quite a project in going there some of that you can see some of the cows there that didn't survive procedure so you know when I was going through these it certainly I came across this photo yeah I'm not exactly sure what it was you're doing here almost positive looks like we got wrong maybe that vent really pissed me off I don't know that's certainly well I think there's a couple things here first of all OSHA would not be pleased with the way you're on that ladder and you know here's as though you've you're crafting a spear I don't know what I'm doing yeah so and you know I think that you know if you can talk a little bit I know that there's you know this bulldozer in the background that's a caterpillar bulldozer that my grandfather bought used for five thousand dollars which is an enormous bargain you know this thing it should cost way more than that the reason it was so cheap is it was completely broken the transmission was stripped the hydraulics didn't work and so we spent basically a whole summer repairing it and big giant gears would arrive by mail order from Caterpillar and we would you know we couldn't even move the gear so Mike the first thing my grandfather did was build a crane to move the gear so that's that kind of you know self-reliance and resourcefulness and the you know there's also there's a story that you know is somewhat legendary in our family one of the things that pop did one summer it was a little out of character oh I know what story you're talking about so he really actually was a very careful conservative", metadata={'source': 'Hq89wYzOjfs'}), Document(page_content="oh I know what story you're talking about so he really actually was a very careful conservative sort of person not prone to crazy acts or anything who kind of introspective and even and very imp and introverted quiet person but one day he was all by himself he had driven to the ranch and he was at the main gate to the ranch and he forgot to put the car in park and so when he got to the gate he noticed that the car was slowly rolling downhill toward the gate he thought this is fantastic I have just enough time to unlatch the gate throw the gate open the car is gonna drive right through and those will be wonderful he almost got the gate unlatched when the car hit the gate and it caught his thumb between the gate and the fence post and it stripped all the flesh off of his thumb it was hanging there by a tiny little thread and he was so angry at himself that he ripped that piece of flesh off and threw it in the brush got back in the car drove himself to the emergency room in Dili Texas 16 miles away and when he got there they said this is great we can reattach that where is it and he said I threw it in the brush they drove back with the nurses and everybody and they all they looked for hours for the thumb and they never found that piece of flesh something probably eaten it so they they take them back to the emergency room and they said look you have two choices you're gonna have to have a skin graft for that and we can sew your your thumb to your stomach and leave it there for six weeks that's the best way to do it or we can just cut a piece of skin graft from your butt and just suture it on and it won't ever be as good but the advantage is your thumb won't be sewn to your stomach for six weeks and he said I'll take option to just do this skin graft from my butt and they did that it was very successful it worked fine and he but the funniest thing about this story is that I have incredibly vivid memories when we all do of him he definitely his mornings were completely ritualized who'd wake up eat breakfast cereal read the newspaper and shave with an electric razor for a really long time like he would shave with that electric razor for like 15 minutes and while he's eating his cereal and when he was done shaving his face with that razor then he would take two quick passes over his thumb because his thumb group but hair which by the way did not bother him at all no he was completely unfazed by unfazed so thumb but hair aside you know the the value of resourcefulness right and and self-reliance what how do you how do you apply that to you know the work that you do on a daily basis how do you well I think you know there are a lot of entrepreneurs and and people pursuing dreams and passions in this car you know you always you you the whole point of of moving things forward is you run into problems you run into failures things don't work you have to back up and try again each one of those times when you have a step back and you back up and you try again you using resourcefulness you're using self-reliance you're trying to invent your way out of a box and I have with tons of examples at Amazon where we've had to do this we've failed so many times we have write the iowa's think of us is a great place to feel because we're good at it we have so much practice and I get to give you one example we many years ago now we started we wanted a third party selling business because we knew we could add selection to the store that way and we started Amazon auctions nobody came I think maybe our mother the only one who purchase something I bought a coffee cup you got a coffee I did okay so there were those who purchasers and and and that's an we so we said well look we do we open this thing called Z shops we train which was like fixed price auctions again nobody came I didn't use that and then finally and each one of these failures it's like a year you half long and so we're trying to invent new things", metadata={'source': 'Hq89wYzOjfs'}), Document(page_content="each one of these failures it's like a year you half long and so we're trying to invent new things and we finally came across this idea of putting the third-party selection on the same detail page is the same product detail pages that we had our own inventory on our own retail inventory on we called this marketplace and it started working right away and so that just that resourcefulness of trying new things figuring things out what the customers really want yep yeah pays off and everything and it pays off even in your daily lives you know how do you help your children what's the right thing my wife has a great saying we let our kids use even now they're 17 through 12 but even when they were 4 we would let him use our knives and by the time they were I don't know maybe 7 or 8 we would let him use a certain power tools and my wife best to her credit she has this great fascia so I would much rather have a kid with nine fingers than a resourceless kid and which I just think is a fantastic attitude about life luckily you have resourceful kids with 10 fingers yeah exactly and you know I know that resourcefulness is so important you actually if it was a prerequisite for the selection of a spouse right so this is yeah I had I did in my 20s this is you know you way you know pre tender pre-match calm and so I had this but at a certain point I decided I wanted to get married and I had all my friends setting me up and I had my list of criteria and this was like good old-fashioned blind dates I went on dozens of blind dates and it turns out it kept meeting people who were professional blind daters and I sort of became a professional blind dater and so we would sit down and most of the conversation was quickly about how yeah we're not right for each other but how do you meet people and you know it's actually turned into a right but when I was time my friends my criteria one of the ones that I would list was that I wanted a woman who could get me out of a third-world prison and my friends were like what are your future plans you know and I said no it's just a visualization for somebody really resourceful because I you don't want to go through life with teammates who aren't resourceful and so you do want to go through life with people who if you need could get you out of prison hypothetically speaking hypothetically speak yeah so you know so this is a picture from the recent that was last summer I think yeah we took that we were on a family vacation and I you know so this one jumped out at me because you know you're doing Mackenzie curls there with your wife and you're looking a little buff and so that of course you know made me think of this now as internet memes go swole Jeff is pretty cool right so you know if swole mark raced across the internet I'd be pretty psyched but you know I I this got sent to me by so many people variations of this right oh my god your brother what sauce your brother yeah and then you know but it confused me because in all honesty this is what I grew up with [Laughter] [Applause] yeah I'm just saying right so that you know where when you guys saw us well Jeff I was like I was surprised too right I mean Isis yeah this image sexy right that I I remember that I am how old are your Halloween costume I am one of I had some friends and we went as the foo no no no wait wait wait wait wait there you go here we go that is yeah yeah the winners Ladykillers chicks love that they love that that we were we were very successful in high school so as fitness goes and then and then you know there was this guy who's like what late 90s Jeff right something like that and you know your eating habits at this point in your life we're not great no my this is this is you won't even believe the story it's gonna have to believe me that I tell you this is true when my wife and I got married I had been eating a whole can for a couple of years I had been eating for breakfast every morning a", metadata={'source': 'Hq89wYzOjfs'}), Document(page_content="I had been eating a whole can for a couple of years I had been eating for breakfast every morning a whole can of Pillsbury biscuits so I would wake up in the morning I would preheat the oven to 375 I would get out the bacon the baking sheet I would crack open the Pillsbury biscuits place them on there and with butter and I would eat the whole coke in and I was skinny Ezreal and it was just and I am I after watching meat when so then we get married and she watched me do this every morning as my spouse for like three months and then she finally stopped me one day and she said do you know what's in that and I was like honestly that wasn't even a concept for me that there was something in food you know that there was like I had never read a nutrition label in my life I eat what tasted good to me and so she kind of showed me the ingredients label and we had a little very rudimentary discussion about nutrition and I stopped eating the biscuits well I'm frankly very happy and somewhat surprised that you survived all of that we're glad you're still with us so she was incredulous so one of the things I want to talk about a question that that we've talked about before you were 30 years old in 1994 when you decided to start amazon.com you had a great job you had I remember you had a great apartment on the Upper West Side married for a year had been married for you had not been eating biscuits for nine months and I'm just you know how did you go through making the decision to drop it was a very good job and take it take this chance it all seems very obvious now right this many years later that it paid off but at the time it was not obvious no no it was and and and I did do a lot of soul searching I I went to my boss at the time and I really liked my job and I told my boss I was gonna go do this thing start an internet bookstore and my wife had already told my wife and she's like great let's go and I I said so I'm also gonna do this he's like this is a good idea so I think this is a good idea but it'd be an even better idea for somebody who didn't already have a good job and that sort of made some logical sense to me and he convinced me to think about it for a couple of days so I went away I was really trying to get my head around how to think about this and I think for me the right way to make that kind of very personal decision because those decisions are personal they're not like data driven business decisions there they are you know what does your heart say and for me it was I could the best way to think about it was to project myself forward to age 80 and said look when I'm 80 years old I want to have minimized the number of regrets that I have I don't want to be 80 years old in a quiet moment of reflection thinking back over my life and and catalog you a bunch of major regrets and I think that regrets our biggest regrets in most cases you can murder somebody okay you'd regret that but in most cases our biggest regrets turn out to the acts of omission its paths not taken and they haunt us we wonder what would have happened I loved that person and I never told him and then they married somebody else I did you know I didn't do this and so that's the frame of mind that I put myself in and I and once I did that once I thought about that way it was immediately obvious to me I knew that when I'm 80 I would never regret trying this thing that I was super excited about and failing if it failed fine I would be very proud of the fact when I'm 80 that I tried and I also knew that it would always haunt me if I didn't try and so that would be a regret it would be a hundred percent chance of regret if I didn't try and basically a zero percent chance of regret if I tried and failed so I think that's a useful metric for any important life decision and this is this is you know our sister took this photo but you know she was I don't understand why she thought this was a momentous occasion you and", metadata={'source': 'Hq89wYzOjfs'}), Document(page_content="photo but you know she was I don't understand why she thought this was a momentous occasion you and Mackenzie yeah we're about to take off driving across the country to start Amazon go to Seattle and that's a yellow lab kamala named after a Star Trek character we're so happy to have these family photos but we can't for the life of us figure out why Kristina bothered to take them but we're so glad she did and then you know she also was smart enough to tell you to leave the dog yeah she saved us probably because we were to drive across the country with the dog which was probably not a good idea she said I keep the dog and when you after you guys get settled I'll send you the dog so what a question I have is you know we just talked about the fact that you know there was certainly no guarantee that Amazon was going to or no there never any kind of startup I think what would Jeff Bezos be doing if this hadn't worked out I I I think I it's a good question and nobody ever really knows what life what twists and turns life takes my best guess is I would be very happy software engineer yeah and working on anything in particular today I might be I don't know I'm very very curious about machine learning and artificial intelligence and and you know we're doing a lot of that probably I would be attracted to that field today and if you know I thought this question I not sure exactly how you would answer it but I am curious you know like your fantasy job not the one that would pay the bills well that I have I have is Union and you know what it is I think he knows my guess is bartender I and I do have by the way I'm really glad I'm wearing my honey badger don't care a t-shirt there it and that thank you for that photo because it looks like I've had about four of those yeah I appreciate you that's like a Bloody Mary that's a really start what are brothers for early start but yeah I have to make a mean cocktail I I do I pride myself on my craft cocktails and I I am and I I do have this fantasy that I want to be a bartender and I know that it is a fantasy like if I were actually a bartender right there fight like it's I'm glamorized the job in my mind I know that but but I love people I like talking to people I love making cocktails you're not very fast I'm super slow it would have to be a bar we'd have to charge a lot for drink and they would and you'd be Europe there'd be a big sign behind the bar that says you can have a good or you can have it fast which is what but yeah I have I have a kind of fantasy there so if we could shift gears a little bit I want to talk about Blue Origin yeah so Blue Origin is your private spaceflight commercial spaceflight company and we'll talk in a minute about all the work that you're doing in that regard but I guess what I want to focus on for a minute or two is the inspiration for that the passion behind it so you know I'm gonna put up a phone this one's really more embarrassing for me than for you but so here we are this is like you're about to block a soccer kick or something that's I'm auditioning for Alvin sorry the far right there is our dad that's Chico in the man over there on the right he's Cuban and it's a kind of you know it's one of those tricks at the universe place on you that my mom's name is Jackie and my name is Jeff and there's no J in Spanish and so he still has to call her Jackie and me yes but he sounds exactly like Ricky Ricardo delightful guy but yeah that's the whole crew that's the whole crew there so you were the bounding Torian of your high school in Miami and I had the opportunity to give a speech yeah at your graduation and you I think the vast majority of your speech was about colonizing space I think all of it I think all of it is yeah right so I still remember your closing line I mean even then it stood out to me yeah and it was do you remember I do I remembered the closet it was something like space the final frontier meet me", metadata={'source': 'Hq89wYzOjfs'}), Document(page_content="do you remember I do I remembered the closet it was something like space the final frontier meet me there that was a that was yeah so and I've been passionate about space rockets and rocket engines since I was a 5 year old boy and so you know I want to talk about that a little bit cuz you know we've talked about or you know it certainly the story you've told about having seen the moon landing in 1969 right so this is pop again that's Christina that's our sister on the floor so this was a very familiar setting for us anytime pop was watching TV yeah he had perfectly good furniture I can see it but yeah no place for laid on the floor to watch television and you remember as seen exactly like this when you were watching the lunar landing yeah no he yeah and I I do think you never know exactly you know you don't choose your passions your pastures choose you how you how they are form you're never completely sure but I do think you get imprinted somehow early on with certain things you just get excited about them and because you're excited you pay more attention and they grow and that's spaces like that for me I watched Neil Armstrong step under the moon when I was five and you know I I do wonder I know that pop was a big fan of the Watergate trials also watch those and yeah I'm setting just like this he was kind of a news junkie anyway religiously you obsessively watched the Watergate hearings I you know do you think at some level that might have influenced you at least by the post yeah it's hard to know you know I bought the post because I think it's an important institution and you know I told the team at the time like you know I the post at the time had it was kind of financially upside-down had a lot of work to do no fault of their own the internet had really taken the wind out of newspaper companies and I said look you know I would not buy a say financially upside down salty snack food company but post is real institutional I think matters and and needs some runway so that's why I did it I happen to know the guy who owned it for so many years yeah Don Graham who is just an amazing person and so that all worked out but did watching the Watergate hearings with pop on the carpet have influenced that probably right at some level you know so going back to to Blue Origin I mean you know space has been such a big part of your life for so long and certainly every memory that's induced and we lived in Houston those marks not too far from our house I think that you know it's science fiction science fiction movies books you know I my passion for that stuff certainly came from you know watching you enjoy it so much but you know I look at this picture and you know I thought to myself well I've seen that face recently haha and it's and this so this is you're standing on the landing pad yeah in West Texas the launch and landing site in West Texas where you're do launching and landing a new Shepherd vehicle for Blue Origin so if you could just take a minute or two and help us understand what is Blue Origin up - well Blue Origin is the vision for Blue Origin is millions of people living and working space and the key thing is we have to dramatically reduce the cost of access to space right now space travel is very expensive and the reason it's expensive it's not hard to understand it's because we throw the hardware away after each use and so we need reusable rocket vehicles and that's what Laura John is working on we're working on making sure that we don't have to throw the plane away every time after you fly out you know to your vacation destination that would definitely increase the cost of your vacation and and so that's what we need to do and we can do it it's totally possible and I think it's I think it's important yeah this is uh this is what the booster looks like when it's coming back down yeah in this cowboy hat still has champagne stains that's right your head still kind of stains so", metadata={'source': 'Hq89wYzOjfs'}), Document(page_content="yeah in this cowboy hat still has champagne stains that's right your head still kind of stains so you know I guess you know if we could ton of my favorite shots this is the booster and pin and that's West Texas it's beautiful country so if you could just talk a little bit about you know you've been passionate about space your whole life you know you know this is not just a plaything for you know guarded Blue Origin is doing is not you know no nice thing I mean no actually this is a important way my view is like Minh credibly important work that needs to be done and done as quickly as possible and I have my own reasons why I believe that they can be explained pretty simply and it's not for me it's not the there's a very kind of common argument that's been around for a long time actually kind of first popularized by arthur c clarke so in all civilizations become spacefaring or extinct and this is the kind of plan B argument that you know when earth is destroyed somehow we'd better make sure that we don't have all of our eggs in one basket and I hate the plan B argument I think you know Plan B with respect to earth being destroyed is make sure a plan a works so we have sent robotic probes to every planet in this solar system believe me this is the best one we know that it's not even close you know my friends who say they want to move to Mars or something I still like why don't you go live in Antarctica for a year first because it's a garden paradise compared to Mars and so we really this is that this planet is so amazing it's a jewel in our solar system and we have if you take baseline energy usage on earth and just compound it at a few percent a year for just a few hundred years you have to cover the entire Earth's surface in solar cells so that's not going to happen so we have two choices we either go out into space or we switch over to a civilization of stasis and personally I do not like the idea of stasis you know we have it's our grandchildren and their grandchildren will live in a much better world if they can continue to advance and develop and use more energy and and all of the things that we've enjoyed for hundreds of years as a civilization of growth I don't even really believe in stasis I think things are either growing or shrinking I don't I think stasis is highly highly unusual and in real life doesn't exist I don't even think Liberty is consistent with the idea of stasis I mean if you get real stasis somebody's gonna have to tell you how many kids you can have how much energy you can use there'll be all kinds of things that just aren't consistent with with liberty and freedom so but in space we have for all practical purposes unlimited resources we could have a trillion humans in the sewer system and wouldn't still wouldn't be crowded and so then if you had a trillion humans you'd have thousand Einsteins and a thousand Mozart's and a thousand DaVinci's and how cool would that be but we have to go to space and we have to go to space to save earth that's why this work is so important and we don't have forever to do it we've now gotten so big as a civilization on earth that we kind of have to hurry and so I believe that the you know the really in the kind of a long time frame the most important work I'm doing is is Blue Origin and pushing forward to get humanity established in the solar system so and what sort of time frame are we talking about well the grand vision you know trillion humans in the solar system and so on that's I mean that's hundreds of years but you know but in and we can have in just a couple of decades I think we can have a much lower cost space travel and then we can start to you know have really a dynamic entrepreneurial explosion in space you know you can't really have much entrepreneurial activity in space today because the just the basic price of admission is too expensive I mean just to do anything even something relatively small in space is", metadata={'source': 'Hq89wYzOjfs'}), Document(page_content="admission is too expensive I mean just to do anything even something relatively small in space is still very very expensive we need to lower the cost of admission so that thousands of entrepreneurs can have companies in space kind of like what we've seen on the internet right now you can't be two kids in a dorm room can make Facebook but they can't make a space company it's not practical we want I want to make that practical yeah just so you know and and you know that leads me to think about some of the conversations we've had this is another view of those mountains in West Texas you know sitting around that fire pit and some of the most profound conversations for me anyway that that we've had are around the topic of long-term thinking yeah which is something that you've really embraced and you know you've brought to the businesses that you run and you know if you just talk a little bit I don't think that most people who are running businesses or who are you know making even starting a company like Blue Origin allow themselves to think in centuries even for visions for a vision of what they're creating or you know it Amazon I know that you've said you know five to seven year time frames for experiments that you're running where does it talk to me about long-term thinking and your point of view on well long-term thinking is lever it lets you do things that you could not do or couldn't even conceive of doing if you were thinking short-term so if I you know that's why you know that I have a project where I'm helping a group of people build the 10,000 year clock it kind of ticks once a year and dongs once a century and the cuckoo comes out once a millennium it's a bits of big 500 foot tall thing inside a mountain right here inside one of those mountain range and the ten thousand your clock is a symbol I don't think it'll do anything for the first few hundred years but after a few years once it's old you will start to pay attention to older symbols and so a few hundred years from now I hope that people will think about that as a symbol for long-term thinking if I you know if I collaborated with somebody here in this audience and I said look I want you to solve what world hunger and I want you to do it in five years you would properly reject the opportunity you would say look it's not possible it's not practical but if I said look I want you to solve world hunger in a hundred years that's a job you'd take because it's a much more addressable problem you can first create the conditions you have time to create the conditions where then you can solve the problem and so that's that's a very important way of thinking and and I find it's and it works with everything I mean you have to back up and find the right time horizon for what you're trying to do but you know at Amazon we probably do most of our things we expect that to get some results in sort of five six seven eight years but we find a lot of our you know other companies that compete against us in various ways they're often trying to get things done and you know two or three years and so we can do things that you know if you if you if everything has to work in two to three years then that limits what you can do if you give yourself the breathing room to say okay I'll I'm okay if it takes seven years all of a sudden you have way more opportunities the one of the things I want to shift to here is when when we are raising a glass around a fire and you usually have a toast the standard toast a standard toast that you usually kick off the night with yawn its to adventure and fellowship to adventure in fellowship and literally that's like that he kicks off its about every dinner with right every dinner every night and it's you know it's interesting to me because I know that you are somebody who pays attention to the words that you use right you're careful about the words that you use and those seem like very specific words so I was", metadata={'source': 'Hq89wYzOjfs'}), Document(page_content="right you're careful about the words that you use and those seem like very specific words so I was wondering if we could just talk a little bit about why adventure and why fellowship and as I was thinking about this you know it occurred to me that you've been taking some adventures you know throughout your your whole life here your grandmother nanny yeah that's nanny and you know when you were a kid you used to take road trips with yeah Danny and Wally by armed Caravan Club road trips you had 300 Airstream trailers here yeah all driving down the highway together that we'd park so before they were hipster cool big wagon wheel formations yeah there was no avocado toast at this and and you know you and I had the good the fun opportunity we drove across the country yeah yeah and the defender in there that was a great that was an amazing trip that was a very truss and then you know we also we spent three days on horseback that was a 50 mile ride in West Texas yeah every day is super fun my butt hurt yeah I apologize about the quality like I said this is not what I do so this is the best I could do here but I did take this picture that's Jeff sleeping on that trail ride it was cold this is that ring of you can see how I'm keeping that pillow from my this is when you know it's really good to be a mammal you provide your own heat provide your own body heat keep the frost away from your face I guess I guess you know all of these adventures you know this is this is a you're dropping down into a cave yeah rappelling down that was really fun that you were on that trip I was on that trip too you know but so you know people have asked me this you know because they know that we we go on a lot of adventures together and they're a bit incredulous when I when I answered the question but they asked me you know is he on his phone the whole time can he ever unplug and they're incredulous when I say honestly he's not on his phone that much he's just you know when you you're just your we drove across the country and you know it's not that you didn't do the work but most of the time it was it was this and I see the same thing when you're you know with your kids and you know it's how do you I don't have a fraction of the responsibility that you do and I find that I'm always wrestling with you know my phone I'm just curious like what sort of discipline or what sort of you know how do you go about compartmentalizing the way that I you know I do not so like when I have dinner I have dinner whether it's with friends or with my family and I like to if I'm I like to be talking to the people I'm with I like to do whatever I'm doing I don't like to multitask it bothers me if I'm reading my email I want to be really reading my email when I my mom tells a story about me being in Montessori School and then they couldn't get me to switch tasks so the Montessori School teacher would have to literally pick up my chair and just move me to the next task station so I don't know it's not like it's not intentional isn't neat I don't need discipline in order to not be checking my email for me it's very natural I love being present and whatever I'm working and I'm happy multitasking but I do it serially you know I will spin and then and you don't you know honestly if something really important is happening somebody will find me you know it's not like I have to check my text messages every five minutes or something like that it's not that's not a not a big deal right and usually when they do find you it's rarely to give you good news oh yeah no if somebody comes and says you need to check your text messages right now that's got to be bad news that's usually actually honestly you know it's usually a family thing it's like a medical thing or something it's like but it's not I I think that it's probably just a very personal decision I think some people are very good at multitasking and so they can do two things one sand you", metadata={'source': 'Hq89wYzOjfs'}), Document(page_content="I think some people are very good at multitasking and so they can do two things one sand you know I am at restaurant with my wife or something and we'll see a couple both texting but every once why they show show that their phones and it seems like they're having a very nice date so I'm not sure there's anything wrong with that it's just not how I'm wired got it so you know going back to you know the sense of adventure you know what can you talk to me a little bit about what the role that adventure plays in in your life and you know what is it that it brings to you it's it's more than just a distraction ya know I so that when I say to adventure Fellowship for me adventure is a you can choose we all get to choose our life stories and it's the choices that define us not our gifts everybody in this room has many gifts I have many gifts you can never be proud of your gifts because they're gifts they were given to you you might be you know tall or you might be really good at math or you might be extremely beautiful or handsome or you know there are there many gifts and you can only be proud really of your choices because those are the things that you are that you're that you are acting on and one of the most important choices that each of us has and you know this just as well as I do is you can choose a life of ease and comfort or you can choose a life of service and adventure and when you're 80 which one of those things you think you're gonna be more proud of you're gonna be more proud of having chosen a life of service or adventure you see this in your firefighting work and everything else you do Robin Hood so on and so on and I feel that that is a you know for me adventure is a shorthand way of thinking about that got it and I think that one of the other things that we've talked about when we talk about adventure is you know exposing yourself to new things right and and you know maintaining that childlike sense of wonder totally and you know I know that you know this is important to you certainly in in our personal lives which is why we do all of these fun things but it also plays an important role in you know how you approach the businesses that you're involved in them if you want to be an inventor of any kind inventing a new you know a new service offering for customers or a new product or anything the being an inventor requires because the world is so complicated you have to be a domain expert I mean in a way even if even if you're not at the beginning you have to learn learn learn learn learn enough so to become a domain expert but the danger is once you've become a domain expert you can be trapped by that knowledge and so inventors have this paradoxical ability to have that you know 10,000 hours of practice and be a real domain expert and have that beginner's mind have that that look at it freshly even though they know so much about the domain and that's the key to inventing you have to have both and I think that is intentional I think all of us have that inside of us and we could all do it but you have to be intentional about it you have to say yeah I am gonna become an expert and I'm gonna keep my beginner's mind but I know that I mean this is so important you're always you know it's it's a regular refrain even at Amazon this far into it that it's still day one day one so you know one of these so I guess the other half of that toast is you know to fellowship yeah right to adventure and fellowship and again fellowship is a very specific word right you know friendship is much more common so what why did you what like what about what is it about fellowship me the word fellowship conjures a vision of traveling down the road together it's a it's a it has more journey in it yeah I'm in French so my friendship would be is great it would be great to bellow ship captures friendship and traveling that path together this is so this is down at the bottom but there we are yeah there's", metadata={'source': 'Hq89wYzOjfs'}), Document(page_content="traveling that path together this is so this is down at the bottom but there we are yeah there's our brother and there's McKenzie our brother-in-law Steve yeah friend Danny no I'm great great trip that was that was quite you don't have to worry about checking your phone there no no no radio signals down there so you know another adventure I guess an opportunity for adventure and and fellowship fun trip was this trip and you know we were out at sea for 30 days young and we did this when you've been out at sea for 30 days this looks like it's in focus so but why don't you you know can you talk a little bit about what we learned excuse me by the way where I be R game is very strong are you crushing me on the beard game I don't even try the beard my beard thing doesn't work at all I get that crap beard but the we this is the recovery expedition we went and recovered the Apollo 11 saturn v f1 engines from the bottom of the atlantic under 14,000 feet of water they'd been resting there peacefully for more than four decades and we did it it was the it was a it was an incredible adventure the captain there were 60 people on the boat including our mother Jackie and she was the only woman on the boat so it was 59 men and my mom and when I first got on the boat the captain came and found me and this is a big 300 foot boat with you know a moon pool and and diving submersibles remotely operated vehicles very high-tech the captain came very nice Norwegian guy and he said I we've never had a woman on the boat before and I've taken the liberty of removing all of the pornography from the common areas and I just wanted to make sure that's okay with you and I was like yeah that sounds good that's good I never did find that stash and so so we were successful we recovered those engines and we're so where are they one of them is at the Smithsonian and one of them is at the Seattle Museum of Flight well hopefully there'll be some other five-year-old who runs into them and inspired as you were you know they're incredible engineered objects I mean still today there's probably no rocket engine that has been more successful than the Saturn 5 f1 so you know one of the as I was putting this together and looking at all of these pictures and you know thinking about the adventures that we've had together and you know I again you know knowing how much time and effort you put into Amazon in the Washington Post and Blue Origin and you know I also happen to know that you're a devoted husband and beloved father with your kids you have a fantastic relationship the bezos's have a lot of kids we has four I have four sister has three yeah we're making sure that the population doesn't go that we need we need to go into space yeah well one of the I guess one of the questions I have is you know how do you go about establishing that work-life balance that everybody you know talks about and thinks about you've got I mean you live a big life right and how do you how do you I get down in a lot I get it I teach senior executive kind of leadership classes at Amazon for our most senior execs and I also teach or not teach but I also speak to interns so kind of all across the spectrum and I get this question about work-life balance all the time from from both ends of the spectrum and the my view is I don't even like the phrase work-life balance I think it's misleading I like the phrase work life harmony because I know that if I am energized at work happy at work feeling like I'm adding value part of a team whatever energizes you that makes me better at home it makes me a better husband a better father and likewise if I'm happy at home it makes me a better employee a better boss all the things it's not about it's not primarily about there may be crunch periods where it's about the number of hours and the week but that that's not the that's not the real thing usually it's about do you have energy and is the is your work depriving", metadata={'source': 'Hq89wYzOjfs'}), Document(page_content="that's not the real thing usually it's about do you have energy and is the is your work depriving you of energy or is your work generating energy for you and you know there are people everybody in this room notice people you fall into these two camps you're in a meeting and the person comes in the room some people come into the meeting and they add energy to the meeting other people come into the meeting and the whole meeting just deflates and those people just they drain energy from the meeting and you have to decide which of those kinds of people you're gonna be are you gonna add energy and the same thing at home and the same thing at home and it's so it's a wheel it's a cycle it's a flywheel it's a circle it's not a balance because of balance that's why that metaphor is so dangerous because it implies there's a strict trade-off and you could be out of work have all the time for your family in the world but really depressed and demoralized about your work situation and your family wouldn't want to be anywhere near you they would wish you would take a vacation from them and so it's not about the number of hours not primarily I suppose if you went crazy with you know 100 hours a week or something yeah that maybe maybe there are limits and they probably but I've never had a problem and I think it's because both sides of my life give me energy and that's what I would recommend it's what I do recommend to interns and execs so we're out of time I just want to say that you know first of all thank you all for joining us around the proverbial fire pit it's it's it's not lost on me that I'm incredibly it brings me joy to have the opportunity to have conversations like this with you often and I do cherish those opportunities and there's just one more so thank you very much thank all of you I guess there's just one more thing to say we should toast yep to adventure fellowship [Applause] you", metadata={'source': 'Hq89wYzOjfs'})]
[Document(page_content="so uh how y'all doing first off welcome thank you so much for being part of the final stretch every single conversation that you have with the voters of the 13th district matters so so so much there's a few things that they need to know number one I'm a 33 year old stepmom number two I was born two buildings over that way so I've lived here my whole life number three I was the lead reporter the Gainesville Times coming in this community for nine years two months in two weeks all that means is I know a public policy issues because I covered them I've completely emphasized the issues that unite us instead of the discriminatory social issues that hurt our community that's the message I want you guys to bring out to the doors today when we vote we what we want I can't hear you when we vote we when we felt we we felt we let's go in we're on our way to the headquarters of Danika Rome a trans woman who's running for a state delegate position there are monuments to Confederate soldiers kind of everywhere it must be difficult anywhere but especially in a small southern town to be transgender and to open yourself up to the sort of criticism that comes with running for public office I wouldn't want to run for public office in the town where I grew up it's really moving to see momentum behind transgender people today especially in the political world hey how are you good yes today going we are on pace today to knock over ten thousand dollars Danika isn't a career politician she's part of the new wave of first-time candidates running for office all over the country she's focused her campaign around policy not gender and hopes her hometown roots and years of experience reporting on local politics will help her win over voters but she's up against an established Republican who's been in office over two decades and the race is so close that it could go either way so with hours until Election Day her campaign and army of volunteers are out in full force [Music] you haven't been in the middle car before here I love live music you know that's my thing and I've barely got any shares this whole year whatever time I'm not spending on the campaign I try to spend with my family and that's it I don't have a social life anymore I don't have normalcy what is a day like make phone calls knock on doors stress up we are in a small neighborhood that I can't remember the name of but it's in the middle of the woods and I'm told it's near where Danica lives so she's come here today so that she can talk with people who she's close to in her community she might not know them but she lives in the same neighborhood a son Danica is hoping to unseat Bob Marshall a GOP lawmaker who's 25-year career in politics has largely focused around anti LGBT policies like opposing gay marriage and bringing North Carolina's restrictive transgender bathroom bill to Virginia schools Danica's campaign is focused on highways and teacher pay but bob seems to have focused his campaign around her transition he's misgendered her in interviews sent mailers alerting voters that she's trans and refused to debate her on the issues route 28 is like one of the key parts of your campaign I'll try the key yeah that's about it you know I mean fixed route 20 and innovate my slogan on January so we're on route 20 right now but Minister this area in particular if this was 7 o'clock Monday morning right now this is bumper-to-bumper about transportation affects every single person every single person every person even if you were a shut-in and you never drive if you have Goods or anything provided to you then transportation affects this is a defining difference all right you can even read it in the paper I spent that interview talking about route 28 delegate marshal declined to be interviewed for them I've been talking about this for 10 months and what's delegate marshal hitting me on my gender does this surprise you the way that he's approaching this", metadata={'source': 'iyrefjMs64k'}), Document(page_content="delegate marshal hitting me on my gender does this surprise you the way that he's approaching this campaign no I came to realize a long time ago that when people talk smack about you based on your gender it's not about you now they might pick apart your looks they might say that your voice is too deep they might say that your hands are too large I've heard every nasty thing under the Sun turn out oh I've heard it all and Here I am you know two days away from Election Day feeling pretty damn good about hours away yeah and it's just like you know why all that stuff just smack don't tell me why I can't succeed tell me what obstacles are in my way that I need to overcome in order to succeed hi my name is danica I'm running for the House of Delegates how are you you know whenever you're out in the world we never know when someone's gonna know whether or not like your what your gender is and that they could make an issue of that it never comes up how do you deal with the uncertainty around it or do you not bother you at all look I won't have done if I thought that I was gonna get myself killed doing this I would have done it but at the same time I know the risk associated with it I know I could but I also know that just by being here by me running this race I'm making it more possible for other people like us to run races like this Robin S's my life story is a typical white I was in fifth grade for sure I knew I was trans by the time I was in seventh grade there was zero question about it and I had no one to talk to I didn't know anyone who was like me all of the trans people I had ever seen work you know character jurors on Jerry Springer and Jenny Jones and Mario or whatever you know for me to think back about it it's like there's a lot of sorrow that goes into it and at the same time I can say like you know I can remember a lot of good stuff too but I kind of mentally blocked out a lot of the 90s just be honest with you you know you go to bed at night you could wake up the next morning and the last thought of your day the first all your day is still half not her yet you know and how I can't live as her coach became eager why stay into adulthood and thorough transition it's [Music] for a local delegates this is amazing after Trump won there's been a clear rise in energy and grassroots movements especially on a local level and dandak has made the delegate position in the State House Representative school I have been involved with Danica's campaign actually since I believe it was February she's so funny she cracks the best jokes like she's just very real and very down-to-earth so I've been involved ever since all of these people are giving up their Saturday to go and knock on doors sometimes I met Danica out of metal shown Fairfax one thing that really inspired me about Danica is like the confidence that her voice just like really it's art it's really hard to explain anything she's gonna be a good candidate I absolutely yeah she's very smart he knows so much about you know policy and just really good candidate she's gonna do Jamie nice to see Jamie Kenzie thank you guys for being here I'm just [Laughter] anytime that same container comes into your office that's a good day you will not stop Danica Roman in anything related to this state and especially this community we win some of these races we win these statewide you're gonna see 25 and 30 and 35 year old first time candidates popping up in every legislative race in every congressional race all across this nation well I've seen you do your best work I know you can do it you're the battleground with the battleground so let's go win it's really exciting seeing all of these people here the election is quickly approaching and the momentum is high [Music] so tonight is our last night together as a team in the privacy of her own know cocoon here before we changed the world tomorrow I'm really excited I'm scared I was I've been really", metadata={'source': 'iyrefjMs64k'}), Document(page_content="here before we changed the world tomorrow I'm really excited I'm scared I was I've been really really scared especially the last few weeks and I've been scared my whole life I've been scared a transition I was scared to get into this race you all know how I talk about Littleton your own transphobic Clara her mom taught me align first because a campaign talking about how this poor little kid you know when she finally decided percent as a little girl who she is at school she got the crap kicked out of her imagine how scared that little girl was to go to school after Trump's inaugurate our Trump selection last year and she decided she was going to do it anyway and now I'm gonna try to make it a little bit easier for her and how amazing it's gonna be after what happened last year we get a thing you know what discrimination is a disqualifier inclusion is a victory lap and once we have fun this what's left to do right [Laughter] we're here outside of a school where Danica is speaking with voters at the very last minute before they go in to cast their votes it is frigid out here there are people with coffees and coats and come out to vote despite this horrid weather hey how you doing hey Angelica yeah how are you I don't know what's your name Laurie Penco hey Laurie thanks for coming on out and battle in the rain forest okay yeah you can get you got you got my word on that go to the left and straight ahead I'm in this to win I'm not in this for you know a merit badge of courage oh the trans woman right now and what a great job she did no I'm a minute four fifty point zero one percent of the vote I don't have a plane beat don't have the pace my doctor and this is it I'm all in on this election almost eight o'clock here the polls have been closed for less than an hour and there's a lot of energy in the room people are really excited as you can see it's not just Danica here it's the Democratic Party who've come to celebrate and to work and hope that their win tonight's election more came in just in the last couple of minutes that's crazy now at the 7920 precincts and she's at fifty three point four percent so we've just heard that 90% of the local precincts have reported and she's leading with 55% [Music] [Applause] a couple things two members of the NBTA Fairfax County Board of Supervisors and of course General Assembly we will fix route 28 - every person who's ever been singled out who's ever been the misfit who's ever been the kid in the corner who's ever needed someone to stand up for when they didn't have a voice of their own this one's for you this election has to prove nationwide that discrimination is a disqualifier point here that no matter what you look like where'd you come from how you worship who you love how you identify and yet how you rock bring those ideas to the table because this is your America - this is our Commonwealth of Virginia - this is one of the people who came to watch Danica's victory speech tonight was Clara the 10 year old transgender girl who Danica talked about the night before the election she was being bullied pretty badly with kids making fun of her and they kept going after her and like a lot of kids that go through this kind of bullying she decided that it wasn't worth it and she tried to jump out of a second-floor window and she kept telling me that there was nobody like her and she was too different nobody would ever understand her and there was this article about Danika i remember thinking there's hope and this and she had to see it yeah when I showed her no article and she read it probably three times and her jaw just kept dropping and she looked up at me when she was finally done with this smile on her face that I had not seen in months and she said she's just like me I said she's just like you she said how does she do it how did she put herself out there in front of everybody and do that and I said because she knows who she is and she said if", metadata={'source': 'iyrefjMs64k'}), Document(page_content="out there in front of everybody and do that and I said because she knows who she is and she said if Danica can do that I can do that and so now that's her motto that's her catchphrase it's there Danica can I do that I can and from that point on she's been dreaming of being the next Danica she gave us so much hope I mean it sounds like she really changed her life she gave me my daughter back has it changed the way that you see your future do you feel like you have a future now and that I can come president one day yes or do the same thing Danica - yeah absolutely congratulations Clara high five you did it girl [Music] one of the things that you mentioned this weekend was about how many people have come out to support you particularly this one young trans girl and Sarah I was fortunate enough to meet her tonight and she shared a bit of her story with me and it really hit home for how meaningful just being visible is the best contrast I had with Ella commercial on social issues in particular on January than anything else was just my presence my mere presence was the contrast it's just yep I'm here and I am unapologetically here yeah so now what but kids like that I mean I'll speak up for her rights any day of the week we have to take an account people who have been historically disadvantaged and making sure that they have a fair shot but their quality of life that they can succeed in their quality of life just like anyone else they can enjoy the same quality of life anyone I want them to understand that they can succeed because of who they are not for what discriminatory politicians tell them they're supposed to [Applause] seeing Danica win tonight made me feel like it's possible that things can change in the United States that politics on a small scale can have national impact you know for any transgender person whether you're a journalist or a politician you're always concerned about whether someone's going to be able to see beyond your gender and tonight Danica and her success in this race proved that yeah it's possible [Music] you [Music]", metadata={'source': 'iyrefjMs64k'})]
[Document(page_content="How long did I last? (orchestral music) Oh shoot. 10 seconds. 20 seconds. 25 seconds. I used to play the flute so, it'll probably be a while. A long time. I think I can do two and a half minutes. A minute and a half. Sure, if you wanna time me,\nwe'll give it a shot man. We'll do whatever I can. (light orchestral music) Ready. Ready. It was the longest one\nout of anybody, for sure. I was starting to get a little\nlight-headed at the time. That's it. Okay. Oh my God, I'm gonna explode. Okay. I can't. Okay I'm done. I have to breathe. Okay. Okay. Alright, that's it. Okay. I'm gonna give up. That's a long time. Four minutes? Okay. How long was that? Okay. I was close, with my first guess.", metadata={'source': 'zxUwbflE1SY'})]
[Document(page_content='GUS: Uuuuuuuh... Hey Josh? JOSH: Yeah? GUS: Uhm... I\'m tryna take a shower right now, I don\'t- Not really sure what I\'m lookin\' at. Uh... What do I do to get started? JOSH: Ok so um; You see the panel there? You\'re gonna wanna type in the password, It\'s "Hemoglobin". GUS: "Hemoglobin"? JOSH: Yeah "Hemoglobin", as in, like, the cell? GUS: The cell that carries oxygen through the blood? JOSH: Yeah, yeah, yeah. GUS: Ok. JOSH: "Hemoglobin" is the password. (Computer Beeping) GUS: (Mumbling) He-mo-glo-bin... (Error Noise) Uhhh... It says denied. JOSH: (Mumbling) Denied... GUS: Yeah. JOSH: Oh, OH yeah uhm... Yeah, actually we changed it, it\'s "Platelets". GUS: Ok, "Platelets". (More beeping) (Accepting Noise) JOSH: Yeah, sorry, I had the wrong cell type. GUS: Ok it went through, now what? JOSH: Uhm, so, You\'re gonna wanna take the pull start, And just give that a few tugs. GUS: The pull start? JOSH: The pull start, Yeah. You see it right at the bottom there? GUS: Uhhh, yes! Okay, (Engine attempting to start) Its not, The engine\'s not turning over yet. JOSH: Yeah, yeah, I forgot to tell you, You\'re gonna want to have the choke on, Make sure you pull the choke all the way out, And kinda feather it once it gets- GUS: Ok, ok ok ok. (Engine starts) Ok, yep, it\'s up! It\'s running. JOSH: Ok, now you\'re gonna want to listen carefully, Pull down the red lever. GUS: "Pull down the red lever"? JOSH: Yep. GUS: Ok... Uhm, (Creaking noises) It\'s pretty tough! Ugh... Ok, JOSH: Ok, you got that? GUS: Yeah, it\'s down. JOSH: Alright, now push the aquamarine button. GUS: "The aquamarine button"? JOSH: The aqua- the aquamarine button, yeah. GUS: Ok, (Error Noise) It\'s not doin\' any- Oh, aquamarine? JOSH: Yeah, Aquama- Aquamarine. GUS: OK (Error Noise) Oh shit! Oh! Josh, It\'s squirtin\' ketchup! JOSH: Not the teal button! The aqua- aquamarine button. GUS: What? JOSH: Don\'t hit the teal button. Hit the aquamarine button. GUS: Oh, Uhm, (Accepting Noise) Ok, It\'s go-, it\'s um, It says "Engaged"? "Engaged"? JOSH: Yeah it should be, that should be good. GUS: Ok, uhm... The water\'s not running, Should it be going, right now? JOSH: Uhhh... GUS: Ya know what Josh this is just, This is too much! Just forget it dude, I\'m taking a bath. Josh, your bath is working, right? JOSH: Yeah sorry, bad news on the bath... That only works on Tuesdays. GUS: Son of a bi- ♫♫', metadata={'source': 'lZ68j2J_GOM'})]
[Document(page_content="Do you know what, I'm gonna be totally real with you guys I Okay this shirt I look... It's a cute shirt trust me it's just it's this angle that's bad for it and, I'm not gonna go change so... Wearing a different shirt now I'm not, gonna lie to you guys i searched the web for hours yesterday trying to find a fun thanksgiving recipe because as we all know thanksgiving is in a few days, weeks. I don't know I'm no Thanksgiving specialist but, it's coming up and I wanted to make a thanksgiving recipe for the fam for the squad cooking with Emma, squad. But no. I could not find anything that inspired me. Instead we're making funfetti cake. Welcome back to another installment of cooking with, Emma. I know, we all love it. Well, especially me. I think I'm the one who loves it the most. It's fun. Actually, do you know what? Hold on a sec. Oh this? I am taking cooking with, Emma to a, whole new, level this season. no. This episode. Usually I have to like get my hands all dirty and then i try to touch my phone to like See the recipe and then I like scroll in my photo album to like find the recipe that i screenshot it and it takes forever but now I got it right here so this already is going off to a fucking swagging start. This recipe is gluten-free, vegan... anyone can eat it basically unless you're, like, allergic to sprinkles I don't know. Preheat the oven to 350. This is old hat for me ok I've been doing this for months. I'm feeling like this might be the episode where I don't have an epic fail. Don't wanna jinx it though. Ow. Is this even oven safe? Made in USA. Oven wear...Oven wear. This can work in the oven. Or so I think. Oil that shit up baby. Oil it up! I'm gonna use coconut oil today to grease this shit because I don't know about you but I am a health guru. ooooooooo! woooooo! Sorry I kinda got carried away there. Okay also this camera angle is ass. My camera setup for cooking with Emma is different angle every single time It's just different, okay, so it's hard for me to set this up. The large mixing, bowl, combine all dry ingredients. Ew. I'm never doing that again. Big bowl. How big though? By large, bowl, do you mean like this or do you, mean like this? I don't know if you guys bake a lot like I do... if you start like mixing all your ingredients in a small ass bowl, that is just a recipe for disaster. You will have flour and shit all over your kitchen because it's just--you can't! So the bigger, bowl is better. Even though this is impossible to wash. I am not hashtag privileged. A hashtag kardashian and I don't have a dishwasher so I have to hand wash this shit. And it's huge! First ingredient... oh, shit. The first ingredient is already complicated because this recipe is gluten free, we basically are using oats as flour. But obviously oats, as you can see here, are big! So I have to grind them up myself. Ugh! I feel like I'm literally in the 1300s grinding with a fucking windmill or some shit. So we have to use our blender today I'm just gonna use one of these little pussy blender cups, because like, that's just the best option. That was one of the worst things that ever happened to me odhh i didn't say, what i'm making, okay? I don't even think i said what i was making i'm making fun fetty, cake That's a mess i love funfetti i think funfetti is one of the best kinds of cake in my opinion, do you Want this this is gonna be too small this is gonna be way too small, we need the food processor? Where is it i don't know i have no clue, where is it i'm at? A loss for words i don't know, where it is oh here it is yes? See, that's much better i'm kind of hopeful for this episode i think it might be good for me i think it might be really Good for me now it's time for emma to attempt to use this i have no clue, how To, use it okay so far so good power on? Maybe this isn't gonna, be so bad after all i've never made my, own flower before i feel like a pilgrim Speaking of pilgrims", metadata={'source': 'MltuW2kcREI'}), Document(page_content="so bad after all i've never made my, own flower before i feel like a pilgrim Speaking of pilgrims it's almost thanksgiving i personally am not the biggest fan of thanksgiving it's just not my fav Okay, thanksgiving for me i like it but, because i'm a vegetarian i don't have That many food options that i can eat so like it's not as fun for me as it is for everyone else on the other Hand i do celebrate black friday? Often pre-heated when you learn, about the history of thanksgiving it's kind of depressing but, we all talk, about that so this is our sweetener? It smells so odd it always smells weird oh my god i never bought, my measuring cups out sorry, yeah, oh, also if you, want to know something fun i One tablespoon of baking powder that's a lot of fucking baking powder that's so much I don't know How to feel, about that hopefully i don't get poisoned i don't know. Anyway, okay, now, we mix this You know most people have a whisk at their house it does the job and it does it just fine but My, house, my house is a little bit different because in this house, we raise baking gurus in this house, we have mini whisks If you, have seen, some cooking with, us with, me of course you're, familiar with, the mini whisk, but if you have not then please, meet my little friend this is my mini whisk he's honestly the star of this show Moral for is mini whisks are better than regular whisks and i don't need to discriminate looks like something gordon ramsay Would probably shit out of his, ass one cup of freaking, milk jesus christ Well i'm using almond milk today because guess, what, this recipe is vegan so oh This, recipe called for a flax, egg, which is basically like When you mix flax seeds with water and it forms like a gel and it's supposed to be like in a kind of well see I didn't want to do that because that seemed like a lot of work So i'm actually going to be using 1/4 cup of applesauce instead because i googled it and it said that applesauce can Replace eggs in any recipe that might be where i fuck upl this could be the end at the same time i was not trying to Make a flax, egg, so like it was just this is just how. It had to be vanilla extract Let's see if we fucking spill this today Fuck I already, spilled it i uh i always spill the vanilla *gasp* again? are you kidding? I totally jinxed it Last ingredient, well not quite nut butter in the recipe it says you can, choose any nut butter You, want but it says, we recommend? cashew Butter which is weird but it's even better because that means all of you guys with peanut allergies or? Even almond allergies you guys are safe to eat this recipe you are welcome a hashtag versatility, okay? You're, welcome anyways cashew, butter i don't know how i feel about it on its, own but in recipes i've actually Had it in recipes and it is phenom You know so it says 1/2 cup of melted I have a bunch in front of my microwave right now let's move it out of the way That's up to pee so bad if you pee so bad but like i'm not gonna go because, oh? I'm busy right now. Cashew, butter, is sticky as fuck that's probably, why, we're supposed to microwave it, oh? sorry, neighbors and Okay, we're gonna warm this up for 30-second intervals it doesn't tell me how Many sprinkles to add it just says, add sprinkles so like this is gonna be fuckin wild can i also tell a story About them i bought these sprinkles this one too getting these sprinkles, was not easy, may i also mention getting this Cashew, butter, was not easy i had to go to two stores to get this cashew Butter i had to go to three stores to get the sprinkles wow Okay, i kind of explained that badly, okay, so first i start out By, going to trader joe's they, did not have sprinkles or cashew, butter then, i went to whole foods They, had cashew, butter, which i then purchased, but they, did not have sprinkles at all then i went cvs And i was like they must have sprinkles no it was walgreens, fuck you Walgreens", metadata={'source': 'MltuW2kcREI'}), Document(page_content="all then i went cvs And i was like they must have sprinkles no it was walgreens, fuck you Walgreens They had literally every kind of baking thing that you would ever need, along with 15 different flavors of jell-o but they did not have any sprinkles so then last but not least i go to safeway, shout out to you safeway, i found exactly the sprinkles that I needed did I just burn this? Ew ew ew ew ew ew ew, maybe I did just burn this i don't know Okay, now it looks like it's time to actually, add the sprinkles i'm adding a bunch, okay i'm sorry They're all sinking to the bottom look, they all sunk to the bottom i can't even see it okay that That was a sound i'm sad to say it but the mini whisk has to go into retirement for now Because this is a big, bowl and it requires the big guns i don't know About you but i like a Ton of in funfetti i don't like it to be just like every once in a while you get a little color spec i like There to be fucking color specs muffin, everywhere, okay, this matter smells so, weird so we're two balls deep in it now you, that's a gross Okay, anyway i'm to add more sprinkles fish i knew that this was gonna happen i was gonna go overboard i'm gonna go overboard that's So much better Okay, i think we're. Like almost done which is like really weird if you like, these videos always go by so quick Because like i'm just like a really efficient, baker i'm just really efficient in the kitchen There's one of those pour batter into greased baking dish and top with extra sprinkles Right balls i mean, okay so this is my, baking dish It kind of looks nasty it literally kind of looks like, ass no no not like Ass it looks like actually poop feces have you heard of her, oh, oh? oh Okay, i ate too much okay She's so cute, okay, she's going in the oven now 25 minutes baby Normally i'd be really upset that i'd have to wait 25 minutes for this to be done but in the meantime i have another assignment I have to make the glaze because obviously this is cake, not so it needs to have like Some sort of frosting classic glaze on the top obviously Okay, two tablespoons of coconut, butter You, don't know, what coconut butter is i don't either so that's fine where's my tablespoon i'm freaking out, oh? oh i grew in the same shit this is so hard that's what she said coconut butter is so hard i Can't even get it out. Okay, that's like i'm gonna work out for the rest of the year 15 seconds on the clock Next step it's adds two scoops of protein powder to the coconut butter so i have all of these i don't know Which one to use i'm super ripped if you can't see so, my, like, main food group is protein powder so i have a lot, laying around, and Where's, my, fucking mini whisk She i have to piss i have to piss i've had to pee this entire filming process Half the reason, why i talk so fast because they, always have to pee this, makes me nervous Because protein powder to me actually, like realtalk protein powder is kind of doesn't taste good i mean i love the effects? Because it makes me fucking ripped Oh it has like nice little vanilla beans in it that's so cute it has like little vanilla beans in it that's an artsy bro Okay, i mean it's not the worst thing i've had i mean it's up there but it's not that bad i can definitely consume this On top of cake especially yeah count, me in so i should probably clean up my station this is my Melis hair part about fucking with, emma, is it i'd actually clean up after myself which is appalling? Why'd i do that, why, did that why, did i do that i really? Don't want to clean this up i do not, want to clean this up right now i do not Want to clean it up i don't ever want to clean up ever if it was up to me i don't know i just would Never clean up again It's ready let's see how it looks look at her she looks kind of good i think i can't really no Oh, i think she's done Okay, so this is i have to let, it sit for another five minutes which, is kind of a long", metadata={'source': 'MltuW2kcREI'}), Document(page_content="she's done Okay, so this is i have to let, it sit for another five minutes which, is kind of a long time and i'm a Little bit pissed, because like i was ready to eat but all good things come with time All right it looks like i'll see you little sweetie babe It's time to, assemble the pie i mean cake, what the fuck we're. Just gonna, add that glaze straight on over? Look at that We are so cute together she didn't really hold, together too, well but she Also, is kind of brown, which i guess is what you would expect, if he trying to make healthy, cake But it's all about the flavor let's just have a nice bite She's not great you know, she sucks i'm mad don't make this at home i tried, okay? I, did she said it didn't work out, oh? But i hope you have fun with me anyways if you Did give this video a thumbs up subscribe to my channel comment down below Anything you want i love you all so much appreciate every single last one of you and i can't, wait to see you next time you", metadata={'source': 'MltuW2kcREI'})]
[Document(page_content='♪♪ Carol: Ezekiel! Just go!\nI\'ll hold them off! Ezekiel,\nwe can get you away. You can\'t!\n[Grunting] I can\'t leave you,\nYour Majesty. [Grunts]\nC\'mon, man, just go! You\'re my king! No, I\'m not! I\'m not your King! I\'m not\n"Your Majesty"! ♪♪ [Grunts]\n[Body thuds] Look at\nwhat\'s in front of us! That\'s what\'s real! Go. Go. I ain\'t no king! I ain\'t nothing. I\'m just some guy. Some guy who found... [Shiva growling] Shiva... ♪♪ C\'mon. [Growling] ♪♪ [Grunting] Shiva! Shiva! Run, girl! ♪♪ No! No!\n[Growling continues] ♪♪ Please, Jerry! Dammit,\nlet me help her! [Flesh tearing] You can\'t. ♪♪ [Walkers growling] ♪♪', metadata={'source': 'VifQlJit6A0'})]
[Document(page_content="Ryan: Why are we dressed like this? Greg: We're supposed to be homeless.. cause, like, we haven't done it in a while. Ryan: We haven't done it in so long, so we look old. Ryan: So we go a little less homeless.. *laughs* Ryan: Well this bit doesn't work. Ryan: Welcome back to another episode of I DARE YOOOOOOOOOOOOOU! We take your dares Put them in a hat and if we draw it the player council then decides how many points its worth based on how daring of a dare it is if the player passes, another player can take the steal DUUUUUUUUUUUNNNNN DUUUUUUUUUN DUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUN The first player to get ten points will get something amazingly not amazing as well as their name in the hall of fame NOPE jk they get the ball of lame. basically just write your name on a ball of aluminum foil It's pretty lame [Conversation] Ryan: One point! Two points! Three points! what really happens during that animation? You do it Derrick, yeah you do it Derrick Alright, so the person with the least amount of points has to do the loser dare, I am about to write it right now Nice Derrick! Nice Derrick how do we decide who goes first? We make up like a thing spin the bottle, stab your hand the hardest with a fork, No not that again [witch laughter] Draw out the longest chip oooooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhh Don't Squeal around, no cheating You guys are just going to go like this... Oh wait [laughter] AWWWWW!!! It's actually hard to grab (laughter) Go Derrick! [Ryan] Wait as it goes on... Ohhhhh Derrick! Paco's first I Dare You ever, it better be good. [Paco] I'm gonna win! [Ryan] That's what you said about Parkourse (pig snorting) Throw a egg on a car outside and go lick it of\nyou must swallow what does that mean ohhhh, lick it off. I won't do that on my car. Lick it off the tire. Ohhhh, that's even more gross [Paco] That more gross! [Ryan] That is more gross Derrick is not here, but we're thinking about changing it from the car to this dirty\ntrash can because it's dirty you're changing it to a trash can\nbut we're gonna bump up let's say 3 - that's easy How about this, how about this? Keep the shells in there for extra\npoint for I don't want that I don't yeah that's too many points veto I'll do all\nthat for three so please agree to the three yes all\nright Greg I'll let you do the honors bro can you break this egg for me I wondered why you squashes the egg in there\nthink you said three for the show sorry I've messed up the egg crack oh (slurping noises) two\npoints for the whole thing that's one point what though\nDerrick didn't get it Paco got a point come on that come up boys you know what\nthis is your game this game is about being gross you're when I'm a disgusting\nperson I know okay I dared to let other players choose an item for you to brush\nyour teeth with Oh Paco found a broom and we're debating what to put on top\nyeah you don't have to eat it but this is now I know you don't like Mayo so two\nboys to do that with mail go on three point what's 30 put like leg hair and\nstuff on there such a three point okay I'll do it alright let's make it then I\nhate me oh dude how much you get a nice 100 its on expensive how much - so much\nhair you come into it but just go quick I say for five seconds already got one that manaizy fresh smile I got manual in\nmy lips they're not gonna be chapping, it's all got chapped off let's go Will!!!\nI dare you to pick your nose with a hot Cheeto, yeah we got some extra extra hot\nso we're gonna test it out to see what how many points is worth got tobits I\nhate spicy stuff so that's barely in the dirt no it's in there I could feel the\ntingle right now so well how many point is that word I'll say two points two\npoints for will around yeah go oh this See, he already gets one point now one when it\ngets back to him. you I dare you to faceplant on five different things let me ask you\nthis what kind of point value are looking another four three or four when", metadata={'source': 'd380meD0W0M'}), Document(page_content="this what kind of point value are looking another four three or four when\nyou face nine is this like a scorpion FaceTime my scorpion face man you know\nlike wonder legs like kick up over their head\noh like the stepboys one what what is a basement to you then then a why just put\nmy face on the ground right on that being putting your face on the ground\nface mine is like this that's a face yeah yeah we got some flour and then we\ngot some vacuum dirt look at the season (Music + Evil Laughing) I'll juice do boy okay I got a measure I dare you to chug as much hot sauce as you\ncan okay we got here we got Tabasco Louisiana hot side sriracha how much is\nthis worth I need to how do I know we should do we should have salted the rim\nwith some hot cheetos it's not too late something to sriracha oh I smell it there's\nlike a tomato shot hurt just like when \n(Choking) down the wrong tube - oh that was burnt yeah\nDerrick!!! Zero point Derrick they call him!\nFill a hat with Legos and where then wear it and do a head spin\nOh where's the Legos at? Ok, we adjusted it because Derrick is a\nbreakdancer we're gonna let Derek's breakdance the 20 seconds he's gonna\nhave to put on socks and gloves filled with Lego so we get a show let's do it\ngo how many points is this oh we just like after receiving boom 5 6\n7 star look at all these cuts to all three\npoints right there three point five go paint it wax the top\nof your hand yeah I don't want to do that you're knocking Siri I don't think\nwe even need to wax it would you die for that Welcome to the barber shop I'm Derek I'm\ngoing George Costanza. -Greg- all right here we go Derek great this is crazy dude do you look\nlike a samurai yeah this is the final I think we need a loser dare let's just\nfinish you with this this is like way better than yeah I'm taking turn on the ACS is hot Went out then, eating with the guys, with the guys and I came here to visit Erika. Derek- 'How you doing' Erika- 'Hey' Derek- What's so funny? Erika- I don't know why are you recording me I dunno 'It's time for me to get a haircut what do you\nthink' (Erika laughs with shock) Erika- Why'd you do that? Derek- Do I look good or what Yeah you look good horror *Laughter* Were you the only one that did that or\nsomebody else did it? I'm the only one Why? *gasps* that's coz you guys filmed I dare\nyou huh? Yeah. Did you at least win? Oh I won. YouTube does things", metadata={'source': 'd380meD0W0M'})]
[Document(page_content="I was influenced to work in natural history because I was intrigued by the natural world at the time I'm just gonna move in a bit is what I'm getting in the moment is a bit wide at five years old I was made a member of the Cousteau Society and I was given many of his books and posters and I was completely captivated by these images much of his work was done with scuba which limited observations above 250 feet the advent of the Cousteau of submarine saucer permitted him to extend his observations to 1,000 I was simply amazed by the animals he was saying in the landscapes and there the blueness of the sea this character was travelling around the world and having adventures in the deep sea in submarines and now the past the world it was quickly realized that the diving saucer provided an excellent means for gaining much of this information as I grew older I realized that camera work was a way of coming closer to that understanding it the camera Joe was allowing you to be an adventurer we can land on here in the course of my career I felt on the ground back on boats on papers and on helicopters that's interesting the conditions are always difficult it's not like walking down the street in you low fallin on cliffs I've fallen into sewers now been attacked by harbor you so it's got me into trouble often but I don't regret it because I'm I'm still functioning and you learn from it the moments when you get the shot everything conspires to make it work they're very rare but they're worth waiting for when that moment finally arrives and the light turns on the behavior happens the iceberg flows faster the right angle it makes your heart be faster they make the hair stand up on the back of you Nate [Music] that's company really nice [Music] oh yeah that's what we go [Music] those moments are so worth waiting for they're irreplaceable [Music] you know he was until I was working on planet Earth and I suddenly realized I was actually doing the job won't set out to do I'm lucky enough to follow the adventures that I was reading about as a child it has an isotope [Music] you", metadata={'source': 'N0tmF4j4K6g'})]
[Document(page_content="what up guys today is the day you've all been waiting for we are finally taking the Miura to CarMax now you guys totally blew up the other video it's over a hundred thousand views has like almost 4 000 likes absolutely ridiculous so thank you so much I'm gonna set a light goal today of five thousand five thousand that's it I know you guys can do it you blew up the other video 5 000 likes the Diablo will go next the Diablo is a one of twelve only 12 in the world exists it's a special edition it's called the Alpine Edition so yeah five thousand likes the Diablo go next no need to wait any longer let's take this thing to CarMax really quickly before we leave what do you guys think they're going to give us so when you sell a common economics they look at auction results the auction results from the Mira s the last mirror s that sold as far as I know is Mecum Auction about two or three years ago I'll put it up right now see almost 2.6 million dollars and that car was in bad shape the guy who bought it how to put like 500 600 000 into it so he's a good three million dollars into it so three million into it what do you think they're gonna give us for this [Music] [Applause] [Music] John's got to be here for this too park next to the Mirror so I'm at CarMax um and we're gonna get the appraisal so he's gonna shawna's gonna walk you over uh what you got what they do yeah perfect yeah one of the things we do is we walk around the car we want to take down any conditions that may impact the value in any way get down the options of the vehicle get down the vent of the vehicle so what's gonna happen to us we're gonna go inside send all the pictures of my regional and uh do some research and see what we can offer for you okay from this point 15 to 21 minutes okay awesome yo I'm actually shocked by the amount of cars they have here look at this Shelby GT500 like what [Music] a GT350 wow wow a Jaguar F-TYPE [Music] you know CarMax is stepping up their game like this is no joke I want this car this is Avalanche gray it's called and this is my favorite color this is the color I almost gotten when I was looking [Music] 54 how many miles was it say the miles [Music] damn this is a beautiful car [Music] I want it I'm gonna start it up [Music] you know how to open the valves yeah okay [Music] [Music] well thank you so yeah I'm super excited to be here this has been a long time in the making um so the mirrors just parked right over there they are working on getting us an offer um they're I don't know they're going with their regional managers and stuff what oh my he's freaking out over this Jesus anyway uh yeah so they're working on getting uh an appraisal because it is such an expensive car that I need to check with a bunch of different people they need to research auction results and a bunch of stuff so uh I mean let's see what they're gonna give us I say 100 Grand like that's what I honestly think 100 Grand the CarMax has been so amazing about this PR public relations they have been so nice and wow they're just so nice here so thank you CarMax I know you guys are watching this so thank you CarMax like seriously CarMax good for you M4 2015. 2015 M4 damn m235 you guys have stepped up your game he just realizes m235 2016. that's a very good deal [Music] why is it got two lock boxes and this M4 even has the full carbon fiber roof I am proud of what CarMax has turned into this is the most expensive car ever taken at Carmax like any CarMax any CarMax is like no one has taken the car of this value to a CarMax before next time we're gonna bring a 918. it's cheaper but new hypercar that was a horrible comparison [Music] honestly in my opinion this is one of the most beautiful cars ever made without it though it's amazing the ZL1 looks huge compared to it I know [Music] so some things that are making it difficult to evaluate is Orange is worth more than any other color well most other colors green is worth", metadata={'source': 'U0hAC8O7RoI'}), Document(page_content="to evaluate is Orange is worth more than any other color well most other colors green is worth more the Orange is worth more than a majority of the colors and uh it's a series two it's a late Mira s which is going to make the car more valuable a lot more valuable because it more represents the SV so uh yeah hard car to evaluate 65 000 original kilometers and of course the Gated shift oh this is exciting the guy just said he's going inside to get the offer so he'll be out in a second huh how much do I think I said okay anywhere from 100 to 200 why 900. I don't think they're gonna offer 900. here he comes with the offer so what am I going to think about this all right man so we really appreciate you bringing your car by today here's your written offer for CarMax this is how much we can offer you on your vehicle today um as you see we didn't even have the Maria in our drop down menu so the notes down here show the car that we appraised here okay with the mileage and all that fun stuff so the software's valve for seven days and we appreciate you bringing it by hope you had a great experience with us awesome well thank you you guys were super nice thank you I appreciate it enjoy your afternoon guys thanks for coming by if you're interested in that Mustang let me know awesome thank you we sold it not I do still think this is one of the most expensive offers ever given to someone at caught him oh without a doubt without a doubt yeah I I'm unaware of anyone ever getting more than two or somewhere around close to a 200 000 offer gotta take the thumbnail all right guys well there you have it 199 and 998 dollars so 200 Grand girl uh obviously we did not take that offer I knew CarMax wouldn't buy it what are they going to do with it they can't put it on their showroom who's going to walk in and buy a mirror all right well you guys know the goal 5 000 likes let's hit 5 000 likes on the Diablo go next so that's the end of the video peace out guys", metadata={'source': 'U0hAC8O7RoI'})]
[Document(page_content='What\'s up everybody welcome back to my kitchen where safety is number one priority and today I\'m going to put to the test five ice cream gadgets. Let\'s see what I got today I\'ve got your super unique ice cream scoop. Let\'s see what it does. Okay. Let\'s open it up, okay This is how it works you lift it and then to press it to push it down, okay? Let\'s try it on the ice cream now. I\'m going to use a flat plate. Just to show you okay, you press it like this BOOM (1) . All The Way In Then , You Twist It And Lift It Up And Then You Grab This Part , Press It, And..Push it out Nice that looks awesome look at that. Perfect little hole, Perfect cube of Ice Cream * Another One Cause Why Not * Twist it , And pull it out nice this one worked even better Beautiful . You might have to use a spoon to take it off Wow amazing. For this gadget, I got here mini ice cream sandwich maker. Okay, let\'s open it up. Let\'s see what\'s inside BOOM . (2) Nice it comes in three We got a couple of cookies. Once again, we will need a plate And what we will do is push through into the cookie first BOOM . (3) . Just like that beautiful. Wow, that\'s a perfect hole Then we\'re going to get ice cream and push it into here There we go, and then we\'re going to go up another cookie and Stick it right in the cookie Just like that BOOM (4). I\'m gonna grab a napkin and clean this up a little bit And then we just have to twist it this way . WHOA NO WAY! How amazing it turned out to be! Let\'s try to do a star this time push it all the way down Make sure you get kind of soft cookies I got the soft cookies. It works well. Ice cream is melting right here, but it\'s okay Twist it perfect grab another cookie right here, and then we\'re going to Push it in into the cookie again Beautiful Wow look at that perfect star so satisfying and Then we\'re just going to take it out Wow this is actually amazing look at these beautiful ice cream sandwiches .Let\'s do a heart why not. Push it in Beautiful got our ice cream right here Twist it boom you got yourself ice cream in there and then push it into the cookie beautiful So satisfying look at that shape, and then we\'re going to take it out Awesome, and as you can see you can make different thicknesses up to you, and it packs it all together Beautiful ice cream sandwiches. Of course now we have to do a taste test Delicious. And for the next gadget We got here ice cream combination lock. If you living with brother and sisters or roommates And they keep stealing your ice cream. Well, there is a solution. Hopefully it actually works Okay we have our pint of ice cream and right here description it says "pint of ice cream" So that\'s what it\'s supposed to be for. Right here, it says the password. Now everybody knows my password Oh well, so let\'s say I open up my ice cream, I ate a scoop, then I\'m going to close it back up Then we\'re going to put this thing in here There we go, and then we\'re gonna have to remember the password Maybe take a picture, write somewhere down or just memorize it and now wow I cannot open it That\'s so cool Wow So nobody can steal your ice cream I had my doubts, I don\'t... I didn\'t think it\'s actually going to be working but it actually does and now all I have to do is type in my combination BOOM (5).and it\'s opens no problem Beautiful . Got another scoop of ice cream And then lock it up And it\'s locked definitely using this one around my house. Okay motorized ice cream cone. Let\'s see what\'s about Probably did not come with batteries, but let\'s find out. All right, let\'s stick the batteries in and This part detaches so that way you can wash it once again very satisfying way to get ice cream And if it\'s not enough just continue to stuff it in all the way . BOOM (6). perfect Then we\'re going to put it right here, and then press it and pull it out Beautiful wow that looks so cool maybe one more slice Now we got your ice cream all you have to do is stick your tongue out and', metadata={'source': 'nc99ccSXST0'}), Document(page_content="cool maybe one more slice Now we got your ice cream all you have to do is stick your tongue out and it's going to spin That's very cool gadget never seen anything like that and for the next gadget. We got here ice cream bowl maker Let's see how it works. Okay. Let's open up this gadget Instructions and the recipes for your ice cream. This is where you're going to put the ingredients But first we're going to lock it up and add ice in here It comes with this little tool to untwist it and twist it back up We put in ice into here first. Add ice as much as we can. that's what it says on the description Then we going to add a bunch of salt You're supposed to add rock salt, but this is the only salt I have Whatever salt you have just add into it okay, and then we're going to close it off Use the tool to make it close it off tight Same thing now. We're going to open this and add our ingredients I'll show you a simple recipe vanilla ice cream a cup of half-and-half Half a cup of milk you can use only half and half up to you couple tablespoons of Powdered sugar and of course vanilla extract we're making a vanilla ice cream Okay close it all the way with this tool. And now we play with this ball, shake it around I know, I bet Hugo and Luke will help me play with this ball. Do you want to?", metadata={'source': 'nc99ccSXST0'}), Document(page_content="Come on Hugo Kick the ball. It's too heavy for you? C'mon, fetch it. You're supposed to kick it not just sniff it. Oh there you go, Hugo is kicking it. Kick it Help me make ice cream keep kicking it by the way guys. I just got a reef tank on my second channel subscribe I'm going to show you how I'm going to set it up and learn with you guys it will be a lot of fun Okay, back to ice-cream. We gotta keep playing with this. Oh look, Luke wants to stop it now Here kick it kick it. Come on Luke, we got to play for 10 minutes * Cause I want Ice Cream And This Might Take A While * Yeah, he's playing yeah, yeah, keep hitting it keep hitting Luke yeah Haha he's so excited. Hey don't lick it though . ( Kick . Don't Lick ) How to make ice cream with your dogs this should be called the video Sit. Oh you sit down too? Ah ah, sit stay Now that's a good thumbnail. Don't you guys think? Okay get it You're so slow . let's open it up and see what we got boom nice looks like ice cream in there Nice it's like a big big slush ice cream very very foamy ice cream Maybe I shouldn't have to put that much milk in there. Only half-and-half one cup is enough otherwise it doesn't freeze as fast To the bottom that's like straight up the frozen part. So yeah, don't put more than a cup of half-and-half Otherwise it won't freeze as fast. Okay guys taste test Hmmmm very cold Pretty COOL ( Get It ?) We made ice cream and entertained our dogs Alright guys. That's pretty much. It. Let me know in comments below which gadget was your favorite also follow me on Instagram Links in the description. Thank you for watching and we'll see you next time", metadata={'source': 'nc99ccSXST0'})]
[Document(page_content="I am in the National Advanced Driving Simulator\nat the University of Iowa. It's used to test drivers' reactions\nin a controlled, repeatable environment and also to test things that would\nbe unsafe in the real world. - Tom's currently in the\nsimulator, undergoing a study to look at driver response\nto unintended acceleration. The vehicle is going\nto accelerate quickly without any input from Tom,\nas if it were malfunctioning. Tom's going to have to identify that this event is going on and press the brake very quickly\nto bring the car under control. GPS: Turn left at the next intersection. Whoa... Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. That was terrifying! But there's a question\nI want to answer here. Recently, I did a video while driving. And it was on a dead straight road\nwith very little traffic, and I always felt in control of the vehicle. \nBut was I? Is it actually dangerous to talk\ninto a camera while driving? So, I'm going to spend 15 minutes\nin this simulator, distracted, trying to give this monologue\nto that camera. And I'm also going to spend\n15 minutes in here, not distracted just driving, and putting my\nfull attention on the road, and the team here\nare going to analyse my results and tell me how I've done. And given I was just doing 35 in a 25,\nprobably not that great. - The National Advanced Driving Simulator\nwas built to recreate the most realistic\ndriving experience possible anywhere. It has a real vehicle cab in it. We can swap different\nvehicle cabs, in and out. The motion base can travel 64 feet\nin the X and Y directions and these are basically steel\nbelts that are connected to large drives on either end and then, the hexapod portion of the\nsimulator is hydraulic, that allows us to experience\nroll, pitch and yaw. We also have a turntable that can\nturn 330 degrees in either direction. Overall, it has 13 independent\ndegrees of freedom. We have absolute control\nof what time of day it is. We have control over\nthe weather and traffic. - And yes, the graphics might not be up to\nmodern video game standards, but after a few minutes in here,\nwith all the motion, your brain just accepts that you're driving. - Very broadly, we are\ninterested in studying the relation between the driver and the vehicle\nto improve safety, so that encompasses things like\ndriver impairment, driver drowsiness, distraction or intoxication.\nSo we bring drivers in, actually give them a\nlarge dose of alcohol, get them in the simulator and\nwe can see how they perform. We've also compared that\nto things like cannabis, so some of the first studies\nwith cannabis and driving have been done in\nthe simulator here as well. As Tom is driving in the simulator,\ntalking to the video camera, I would expect to see him missing\ncertain information in the driving scene. Generally, we find that\ninteractions that take the driver's eyes off the road\ntend to be the worst but, even in situations where the\ndriver's looking straight ahead, if their attention is pulled to another task,\nlike talking to a video camera, that can also increase distraction and cause\nthe driver to miss certain things. If the driver crashes, they\nessentially move through the vehicle or the pedestrian\nthat they collided with, so, we don't simulate the\ndynamics of the crash, but we are recording that they crashed. We know the velocity of that crash. We know how severe that\ncrash would have been. - So, how did I do? - About as well as we would have predicted. Let me pull up an example, here. A vehicle is going to drive\nthrough an intersection. You actually have the red stop sign. - Yeah, I didn't see the stop sign, did I? - Completely missed it. - Whoa, just did not see that. The thing is, I'm actually\nlooking at the road, there. I'm actually... but I'm not\nthinking about the road, because I'm too busy thinking\nabout what my next line is. - Exactly, we would call this\ninattentional blindness. This is when your", metadata={'source': '_-aDHxoblr4'}), Document(page_content="inattentional blindness. This is when your\nattention is off the road, even though your eyes are there. You're missing information\nthat's out in the environment. - Wow. - So, we saw quite a bit of\nswerving at the beginning of your drive, you had some trouble\ncontrolling your speed. You were going about 35\nthrough a 25 school zone. Textbook case of distracted driving. - So, I basically, shouldn't\nfilm while driving. - Generally speaking, yes. - Thank you so much.\n- Thank you. - Thank you so much to everyone at the National Advanced Driving Simulator\nat the University of Iowa. Pull down the description or click\nthe link on screen for more about them. All the pedestrians here are just suicidal.\nAll of them. This is not a stop sign.\nI can just take this. Whoa, no I can't.\nYou're coming in from the right. Probably shouldn't check\nmy phone while I'm driving.", metadata={'source': '_-aDHxoblr4'})]
[Document(page_content="[Applause] second and nine pressure on prescott and down he goes in the arms of claiborne a lot of noise from cowboy fans in here ryan throws pass is intercepted up into the air and down with it is xavier woods and an early turnover as dallas takes over at the 20. his first nfl interception started with great coverage by anthony brown he is all over sunu the ball comes up in the air how about that play by xavier woods being able to lay out and catch this ball it appeared before it got to the turf that's a great job third down and seven prescott has to spin out of trouble drops it off to smith and smith is gonna be wrestled down just short the first down marker although that official comes in and says first donut one jason garrett when we talked with him [Applause] a little play action prescott's gonna keep touchdown dallas dion jones and then you got pool out here number 34. you got two guys who go with rod smith nobody accounts for dak prescott you see dan quinn over there on the sidelines he's saying you got to be kidding me after last week and what cam newton did to this defense great job of that here over the last two weeks on third down quick throw what a catch by julio jones [Applause] just sensational third down and seven ryan lets it go pass is caught hooper he's got a first down [Applause] this could very well end the first quarter ryan still one of the best [Music] prescott butler with a catch looked like he might have gotten held along the sideline as well and he's still good enough a lot of catches but the ones that he have have been pretty good down the field on some big plays and he's able to get rough past robert alford goes up and makes a play on the ball he's not been targeted yet third down and eight prescott fakes a throw and down he goes clayborn makes another play from the great play that we see every sunday third down and nine prescott is sacked brought to the ground by poe [Applause] on first down it's gabriel getting it on the handoff and taylor gabriel who can really run forced out by his first action toss to coleman running right and coleman breaks loose into dallas territory and a flag at the end of it on heath and off for the touchdown kevin coleman to have fewer they have none [Applause] prescott avoids a sack somehow and now will take off and get the first down watch beasley up top prescott sacked and the ball came out brady jarrett was the first guy there and the falcons take over jazz green adrian claiborne spin move right there gets past them and then grady jarrett is also with pressure on the inside but they had one-on-one on the outside to cole beasley and he runs right by which atlanta with a football trying to establish the ground game is coleman's got a big gap to run through and a nice start to the second half [Music] ryan keeps throws jones caught it and hung on going to the ground inside the 35. [Applause] ryan steps up throws pass caught inside the 10. that's gabriel again ryan and john hardy touchdown [Music] and a falcons beginning to show off some of these weapons that they have offensively justin hardy who came into this game with just 10 receptions but a great move off the line of scrimmage on anthony brown and he works the back line and wasn't much coverage there on him you see what ryan's looking at too three tight ends in the game as morris has his best of the day look at that effort and he's on top of bodies they could carry him right to the end zone themselves offensively and see if they get this running game going here he is again there he goes again and listen to all those cowboy fans in attendance two big runs a lot of time during the week trying to defense that play three tight ends in there again and morris with a nice carry for another first down first down from the 12. prescott is sacked again claiborne again field goals in his third game now with dallas [Applause] ryan throws pass caught gabriel inside the 35 coleman", metadata={'source': 'F388-6yDDpc'}), Document(page_content="in his third game now with dallas [Applause] ryan throws pass caught gabriel inside the 35 coleman left side cuts up field a nice move kevin coleman with a first down near the 15. next thing you know they're into the fourth quarter here's hooper the tight end to the goal line and just short of the touchdown straight play action cooper a walk-in touchdown atlanta now third and 13. grass got sacked again guess who adrian claiborne number five second and six coleman with a leap in a first down to the 40. [Applause] in between these plays here's ward big hole to run through for tyron ward who goes out of bounds at the 15. bad calf and all bryant's been good today it's from him adrian claiborne and there is plenty of time left for another prescott finds whit and witten's got a first down already lost his job and i don't anticipate him playing left tackle anytime soon again either prescott beasley with a leaping grab inside atlanta territory rescot tripped up flag on the play as brooks reed gets the sack field goal of course but they have not been the same team we've watched the last three weeks hey knocked out of his hand and that's claiborne again and mckinley gets on top of it for atlanta see if the hand was going forward or not it didn't think i didn't think it was and it doesn't look like it is there [Applause] no that that ball is out and it's a speed move short of one spin move where he started up the field you", metadata={'source': 'F388-6yDDpc'})]
[Document(page_content='Wow! Look at all those batteries! What do you think Lucky? Oh wait your name\'s Toby not lucky. So check it out look at all these batteries Previously we did fly the airplane once in another video you guys may have seen it in the past That\'s well we technically "flew" the airplane, I mean it just got basically in the ground effect and flying a little bit But all you guys were like well. That\'s technically not flying And you may actually be correct because uh It was really only flying within the quarter span of the wings and we were flying on older batteries But now I have the correct batteries, so now we\'re going to answer the real question. can someone with just model airplane building experience albeit a lot of it build and fly a real airplane in their basement? Well. We\'re about to go find out I flew the airplane it flies great, holy craps got a lot of power now I push that thing forward this thing jumps into the air this thing flies amazing Holy crap. This thing\'s awesome It\'s only warm. It\'s not even hot I can keep my hand on that thing all day. We\'re good. We\'re golden About 40 miles she\'s about 35 miles an hour because that thing reads five high That is friggin fun Alright, so we did the flight between half and full power I\'m gonna get these batteries on charge because I need to see how much flying I\'m doing with the gas tank because I do Not want to over burn on fuel. Let\'s go charges these batteries back up and see what I actually did burn on that flight Well indeed it does fly so we burned about probably 7208 milliamps in each specific battery I mean the middle amps actually changed a little bit cuz of the cell\'s variations and all that but they\'re all very very very close so that means we burnt a little bit Under half a tank we didn\'t even quite reach half a tank of the capacity of the batteries I still looked actually get a watt meter onboard and actually monitor everything like is going on the airplane right now We\'re still experimenting with it, but blah blah blah. It indeed does fly. Let\'s make this nice and quick I got a cheat sheet here of things I need to talk about uh. This is an ultra light So it means if you\'re in the u.s. It falls into part one o three regulations meaning the airplane itself has to be slower than 55 miles an hour I think it\'s 55 or 65. I don\'t know but uh slower than that stall speed needs to be around 20 miles an hour Weight needs to be under 254 pounds before you put the pilot in there, but that\'s completely loaded - minus the pilot of course Let\'s see the motors are these turnigy 150 CC electric motors from hobby king. Huge thanks to them They made this project possible by donating those motors They actually worked kind of quite amazing for what they are because um those are model airplane motors They\'re not designed to run consistently at a high power setting which I specifically used them in and they held up great They only were hot or just warm to the touch I could leave my hand on them indefinitely so that means they\'re not Running past a temperature with you shouldn\'t be because uh my hands aren\'t on fire and burning off So big, thanks to them Thanks to a tattu for giving me a discount on batteries I spend about probably a thousand two hundred on these But they gave me half price off which is nice of them Banggood sent the charger Which I make charging these things a piece of cake. Yeah, check out this charger This is a like the I charger series. It makes charging sings pretty quick Come on I need you to move right now stay right there Let\'s see the plane is smart here only constructed a foam ,carbonglass, and some wood Some aluminum - you should also check out the previous build videos. I\'ll put them down linked below That\'s probably worth watching because uh the project actually did fly I didn\'t start a project and didn\'t finish it this actually completely Uh is finished now. the painting we will probably paint the plane later', metadata={'source': 'eNSN6qet1kE'}), Document(page_content="this actually completely Uh is finished now. the painting we will probably paint the plane later on in the spring of next year and this is probably the last video seen on this airplane for a while because uh Well, it's a little saturated. Let's move on to some other stuff, so huge Thanks to people that made this possible Thanks to my friend Erik Monroe for coming out and shooting some of the video of the day we were flying this thing Thanks to Dewey Devonport. He's the guy that has the the owns the property he does by plane rides Huge thanks to people on patreon you guys all made as possible without you guys I probably would would definitely be short changing some of the parts I used all aircraft grade hardware in this thing and everything is built very Safely if I could say that at least everything That is a critical to flight like you know I put some tape on. Look at my pitot tube That's just taped on that's totally ghetto on flight worthy things, but if that tape comes off. It's not gonna You know cause the airplane to crash But having cheap bolts break such as like in the wing bolts That will definitely cause a crash or having control cables break and stuff like that uh Also with the GoFundMe for the parachute I did acquire our BRS, but that BRS is too heavy So I'm going to probably sell that and get the right one for this airplane That one's actually made for the airplanes on the next size category up So that is way overkill and and I'm just lugging around dead weight Which ultimately works against me because it makes the plane more unsafe by carrying a too heavy parachute because uh Everything not flight critical I want to keep the weight off the airplane because weight hinders airplane performance at least for light airplanes So I think I have a few more clips here Oh, hey look look how big the dog is if you guys remember the dog from the beginning? Here's Toby. He's super big now Even though he was a munchkin in the beginning Grandma I need to take some measurements Yep It's definitely small But uh yeah, there's a bunch of extra clips so um man, just thank you guys cuz uh, this is quite an insane project probably one of the craziest things I've ever done in my life and Well, I think we're gonna end on that note", metadata={'source': 'eNSN6qet1kE'})]
[Document(page_content="I just think his athleticism his playmaking ability I've been knowing the kids since he was 14 years old [Music] you know I know what he's capable of and I wasn't throwing shade that effort at all if you would have got the pants and batman the trending controversy here and I was basically stating what I saw the dinner smithing and when I saw from Henry him coming out and watching the draft and I thought that he would be a great fit here with her Vegas you know and that's not the saying that Frank won't be a great fit I haven't seen much of them I know about him for my best friend who I went to high school with who actually played with him you know overseas last couple years but I mean it's the same if I'm I mean I think the Shiawassee should be a brown doesn't look it doesn't mean that miles Garrett is not gonna be a great football player but the shots that should have been our quarterback it's the same thing it's not you on the next guy this is that you state what you see is all that is clarification of people who just live in the box and for penis cancer well I've got some who said he says did you oh yeah it's definitely shy that's for sure so it was LeBron it was intentional that you brought up the Knicks that night well when I was watching the draft I didn't know the game and nothing knows the game I know where we're going and I knew the next was looking for have been looking for a point on my stage things that's false this is facts right so I thought it would pick them and they didn't like I said there's no shame no shade at a Frank I don't even know the key I wasn't even thinking about the kid when I was talking about Dennis Smith I was thinking about the systemics organization and Phil Jackson of the time and Dennis Smith talent and porzingis so what did you know him from this complaint in the summer Denison we're on all from Vietnam since he was in high school he trained with me a few times in my hometown back and my eyes [Music] [Music] stated facts that's all have you seen Dennis minute play I've also seen him play do you have any obviously you mentioned Phil just now we know what happened with some of the comments and I'm sure you saw the way things went with Carmelo here do you have a little sort of disappointment the way the Knicks said no no because now I'm a fan of the game you know as well it's a great win the Knicks the Celtics and the Lakers are great money all at the same time to miss its best qualities [Music] I don't have no I have no long doing from the Nixon organization I don't know how to you know we all know how to handle the Carmela situation way I'm not saying for Jackson that's not he's not here let's try it about the Shawn Watson it's the truth I'm done", metadata={'source': 'iIxy3JN3-jc'})]
[Document(page_content="I need it I Need you it's beautiful I'm taking you guys miss shopping with me today because I think I'm gonna start working on the Asian aquarium over the next few weeks, or a few days really but I'm in the mood to go shopping for some fish luckily I've got a hundred gallon aquarium sitting here empty that I'm gonna be able to use this quarantine system So if I do find anything and the tanks are not ready, I'll be able to house them anyways and hold them temporarily And of course we're coming back to one fish two fish here in Dartmouth, Nova Scotia Hmm More on that in a minute, I don't know if I'll actually buy anything while here, but you guys know me I simply like to shop around Look at what's available And you know I've truly feel at home and in a fish store like this and just a round fish in general Really so after a quick look around the store. There's nothing that I need Right now or nothing that's gonna suit what I need right now probably got to put an order in but there are a few things that have caught in my eye where I've caught my eye and a few things that stood out that I don't need but I kind of want But I don't know let me show you a few things This is the same type of Asian Arowana that I have I've been watching him for a while Nobody's bought him and you know it's kind of making me want him even more You know take him home type of thing, but yeah, it is an ultimate blood Asian, Arowana, I'm rarely on grade Beautiful stunning fish. It's a little bit bigger than mine if I got hit mine my two would fight Probably so if I got him I'd probably have to get this one now the lights in here are a little blue but this is a panda cross-back supreme so basically like a really nice fish that's gonna turn a little blue and You know really gold especially across its back now I had a panda gold before it was one of my first Asian, Arowana And they grow to be absolutely stunning one of the things that I find they're really well known for is You know perfect body shape and of course I know for many of you. It's really easy to say Joe We just get another one get another one well that one's about $2,000 and the red is about $3,000 so we're talking five thousand dollars for two fish tough pill to swallow but I'll try to baby something big these little coy angels also caught my eye Really pretty love their patterns but you know I already got a bunch of Platinum's with that said I'm kind of liking this little black one here the black and white Really cute. I of course the the the coy portion comes out in you know having three colors usually But I don't know I really like these black and white ones that I think they would contrast and really stand out with the Platinum's That I already have but these guys are much smaller than the ones I have but you know. I'm thinking about it and of course By me thinking by me thinking about it means I'm probably going to buy a lot of stuff by impulse I'm gonna try to hold back Because I do have some specific plans one of them is to get some coal draw me for that Asian tank leave it or not where are they you're such a Beginner type fish and in fact was one of the first community fish I ever had But in my opinion is one of the most underrated fish absolutely stunning makes a fantastic community fish now I don't know what you guys think should I go with you know just do a Gourami tank all the different species they technically are from you know different parts of Asia Or should I go with something different? You know maybe I should wait to see what you guys say in the comments section below these rants borås These are the SBS they do look Pretty amazing let me see if we can get actually get in there and see them yeah, they're a little panicked right now, but They look just like the Harlequin grass bora one of the massive difference That's also a fish that I was considering putting in there as well Yoji, it's actually a bunch of you know almost beginner", metadata={'source': 'TaTleo4cOs8'}), Document(page_content="I was considering putting in there as well Yoji, it's actually a bunch of you know almost beginner style community. Type fish that are all from Asia Why why wouldn't I get something more exotic? I truly want you guys to be able to do this and maybe grab some Inspiration from it with that said I always get some amazing comments and suggestions from you guys as well So make sure you leave me some in the comment section below because then I certainly appreciate it little silver, Arowana up in here They're always cute at this size those guys get to 4 feet long though They're the cheap is there I wanna you can buy but beginning to you know 4 feet long is a massive fish And I don't think a lot of people are really Prepared for that then this is another one look at this. This is a tinfoil barb So next time you go And buy these guys realize how big they get now if you had 5 or 6 of these at this size I definitely picked them up a little baby Oscar. This is like a long fin really cute oh He's got some peacock bass in here Get three four of them. I wonder. It's got some good-sized piranhas in here these are nice As some bikers in here these will be the Senegal's these guys stay relatively Smaller compared to a lot of the other bikers, so if you're looking to get one. This is probably one of your better choices nice big parrot big jack dempsey always attractive to the bigger fish Africans up here He's gonna look at the floor look at the size of these guys. These are red Billy saying in the size alone Yeah my mouth Yeah, saying if he's trying to get me to buy them some clown loaches to Nice size nice and active nice dark coloration these guys will look a lot better on a lighter substrate though clown knife This black ghost Another one over here oh and another one over there Maybe I should start buying all these baby monsters and grow them out for the 2020 guys thing a little sidebar. I'm I'm buying all kinds of fish that I don't need and probably not gonna have room for I think I'm going to start needing somebody to come with me to the pet stores and Slap my hands when I say I want Beckett So corridor then here over here For those that have been following me for a while now you remember that I did a store tour of this exact store I think it was a couple of years ago And you'll remember this exact point of view you'll also remember the guy that I did that tour with that was actually a store employee By the name of Matthew Hume now. He's he's actually owned his own pet stores in the past He's been a staple in the local coffee for many years working at almost every pet store there was in Nova Scotia So he's very well known Unfortunately over the past few months and even a few years. I believe it was his his wife was diagnosed with cancer, and it wasn't too long ago that she passed away and Left Matt and his three young children Behind now Jeff the store owner of this store has started up a GoFundMe to try to help raise money for him Because you know it's gonna be hard for him especially with young children but he also wanted to do something else a little more personalized for his good for his customers, so he is Doing a raffle here at the pet store third place is a two hundred dollar gift card to the store second place 300 all our gift card to the store Tickets are only $10 each the grand prize being a tour of my aquarium gallery I'm gonna leave all the details in the description below Just so I don't mess anything up But the way it will work is whoever gets the grand prize will be picked up at this store You're not being flown in we're not going to get you This is probably gonna be best for local people within the surrounding provinces however, if you want to fly in and meet at the store feel free to do so But you'll be picked up at this store We'll take you to my house where I'll give you a tour of the gallery in person you'll be the first person to ever do that and processive quite", metadata={'source': 'TaTleo4cOs8'}), Document(page_content="you a tour of the gallery in person you'll be the first person to ever do that and processive quite possibly the last Then we're gonna go for dinner And it's just gonna be like a one-on-one type of thing you meet Jeff and you can bring one so it'll be you plus another And I thought that was one of the most meaningful things that I could do to help the to help Matt Oh, and his family. Oh and 100% of the proceeds are going to Matt and his children I'm not being paid for this in any sort of way I just thought that this was going to be something that we can all do to help Matt out in this difficult time Now to purchase your tickets you can come right into the store and buy them right here, or you can call the store And with a credit card or whatever and do it that way I'm gonna leave all the details all the information in the description below Even if you don't plan on you know winning anything, or you can't do anything, please support it I think it's a great cause and again 100% of the proceeds Goes to Matt and his family of young children when I come to the pet store We usually need a pause I buy so much fish that I don't need I'm actually not buying any of the fish that I came here for there's not enough of what I want or what I'm looking for But me coming to a pet store is always Dangerous I need everything okay confession time you guys remember the bonsai trees that I seen here a little while ago This is what inspired me to do my little nano tank with the bonsais Confession is this well first and foremost. They only have one left here as soon as I put that video out They sold out of whom almost right away Which is always good? I love I love to see that sort of thing with that said I'm upset so many of you So what happened was you remember that I set that little nano tank up on my like little work table I drained it and moved it because I needed to move a lot of things around. I meant to fill it back up Grint the hide for this one I forgot to fill it back up and the entire tank dried out luckily there wasn't any fish in It but all the plants are destroyed. Just try it up into like this potpourri. Type of mix or just all crusty I had to admit it at some point and for those that watch my videos all the way through at least you guys will know and You can spread the word, so I don't have to talk about it anymore That's so embarrassing to talk about but I guess moving forward. I think I'm gonna need a bit of a I Need an assistant. I need it I Need you it's beautiful. Do you want to come home with me? Maybe we should bring Frank to the store to take you home? Oh? man this guy's so nice I Need you I can't put you in with Frank Frank will kill you, but technically you are way nicer than Frank Poor Frank feel so bad for him and and and he'd kill me if he knew I was looking at other flower horns Or you know even considering getting another one, but I mean that little guy is pretty stunning Let's hold a bet who think I've who thinks I'm gonna buy it here. We got a female flower horn She actually laid eggs in this tank which is interesting. She's got a little bit of a new clump, or cock as they call them Interesting maybe maybe uh Maybe Frank's girlfriend Frank's girlfriend She's not pretty enough for Frank though poor girl spent so much time bagging my fish. I'm trying to go get a haircut once again Coming for one thing and I leave with a box of fish that I wasn't here for but how could I know it? I'm gonna get all of these guys home acclimate them to Their temporary holding tanks and in the near future I'll show you what I got, but I want to make sure these guys are all doing okay. I want to get them home and So in the near future if you're interested in seeing what I got you know Make sure you do so you don't miss it", metadata={'source': 'TaTleo4cOs8'})]
[Document(page_content="hey guys i'm nick and on this episode of the screen line i'm going to show you guys how to make something that's been so highly requested by you guys so these are earl grey macarons now these are very kind of it's an english tea for those of you who don't know what it is and they're so aromatic and they taste absolutely delicious so i'm super excited to bring you guys this recipe now before we get stuck into that i want to tell you guys about something that i'm excited about so in the spirit of giving back or giving thanks to all of the positive uh vibes that you guys give me in the comments every single week uh i want to start hearing from you guys a little bit more so what i'm going to do is each video i'm going to ask you guys a question it might be something that i want to know about you guys or something completely silly uh but you guys in the comments i'm gonna pick my favorite comment every week and in the next video i'm gonna give you guys a shout out and i think i think it's something that you guys will like uh so this uh this video's question to you guys is uh this is gonna be a silly one so i want you guys to tell me using only emojis how your day was today so using only emojis no words i want you guys to tell me how your day was it can be funny uh it can be anything you like i'm gonna pick my favorite one i'm gonna give you guys a shout out in the next video okay guys let's get stuck into my earl grey macarons okay guys so we're going to start off by popping some powdered sugar into a food processor along with your earl grey tea now i've just used the tea bags tea and i just cut them open and put it in there so we're going to process this together and the aim of this is to kind of get the tea into a powdered state so that it's not big chunky pieces of tea leaves now it's not going to be a hundred percent powder but just do the best you can with it then you're gonna add your almond milk and the rest of your powdered sugar and process that until everything is well combined pop that into a large mixing bowl you want to make a little well in the center and add your first batch of egg whites you want to mix that until it forms a paste cover it with plastic wrap and set it aside we're going to move on to making our syrup so pop your water and sugar into a small saucepan we're going to give it a gentle stir now i'm using a candied thermometer to get this to 115 degrees celsius once it reaches that temperature we're going to pop our second batch of egg whites into a stand mixer bowl using the whisk attachment we're going to whisk these to get them nice and frothy once you reach 118 degrees celsius we're going to very slowly in a thin and steady stream add your very hot syrup to your egg whites while your mixer is on high speed once you've got all of that in there continue mixing for about three minutes before you add your blue and aqua food gel and some vanilla extract now you want to continue mixing this for another four to five minutes until your meringue is nice and thick and glossy we're going to add our meringue to our almond mixture from earlier on so just one spatula full to begin with and we're going to mix that in there just to help that almond meal thin out a little bit before we add the rest of our meringue mixture now this is where a lot of people go wrong in the mixing stage so i like to use a spatula to go around the bowl and then through the middle and that helps deflate our mixture so that we can get to the ribbon stage and that's when the mixture falls off the spatula in a ribbon and disappears back into the mixture after about 10 seconds we're going to add our mixture into a piping bag fitted with a round tip add some dabs on each corner of your baking tray and line that with some baking paper we're going to pipe our macarons about three centimeters in width tap each side of your tray gently we're going to let these dry for about 30 minutes before we bake", metadata={'source': '7oRdswHqaf8'}), Document(page_content="tap each side of your tray gently we're going to let these dry for about 30 minutes before we bake them on 180 degrees celsius for 10 minutes now to our buttercream frosting we're going to add some blue and aqua food gel and some more of those tea leaf powder mix that until it's well combined you're going to add that frosting to a piping bag fitted with a wilton 6b tip and frost your macarons sandwich them together to finish them off and guys that is pretty much it okay guys so those were my earl grey macarons i hope you enjoyed watching this video if you did make sure you give this video a thumbs up and if you're if you're watching this and you haven't subscribed uh first of all welcome to the channel and i hope that you do hit the subscribe button because i upload two new videos a week on this channel uh now if you do subscribe or you're already subscribed make sure you hit the little bell button next to that subscribe box because youtube's uh sends you a notification each time there's a new video that way you don't miss out as soon as they're up okay guys uh i think that's pretty much it i can't wait to hear all of your weird funny whatever serious emoji comments in the comment down below thanks so much for watching i'll see you all on the next episode of the scram live", metadata={'source': '7oRdswHqaf8'})]
[Document(page_content="a review of the ion water cooler here's the unit insert class and restart unit Wow how easy that is this clears the fan error this makes sense because you can only reset a software with a power stable let your water system boot Wow voting is fun to watch use this time to dream about wildly carbonated water after setup is complete wait for a set up to complete press the type of water you want sometimes pressing a button opens a menu Wow remember this is still easier than using the old water on your way back to this cleansing menu screen is slow to update for your convenience Wow Wow the subscription piece for a water filter and the water filters to filter to force it to the filter wow that's a hot radiator wait a second I the radiator closest roots the down arrow on coal to adjust by uneven steps and it rolls over water built up on top and spreads around but that's okay Wow no way water can get through that chronic I'll be carbonated water ready wow those screws are not playing that's fine restart doing it again Wow notice the heavy-duty housing covering the radiator hot air rises so it makes sense to have the plastic grille angled down [Music] enjoy your mildly carbonated water from a subscription for", metadata={'source': 'eAyxMv4IBH8'})]
[Document(page_content="dude dude come on I knew it I hope you doing well welcome back to my channel now I feel like I haven't done a sit-down video in a while if you guys have been following my channel for a while you guys should know how passionate I am about fashion and how much I like to break rap boundaries and and I love to experiment with my clothes and clothing and I feel like clothing especially these days are such a such an open world for everyone in the past I've done one video where I called it a unisex clothing video which makes it means clothes for guys and girls minutes they say anyone can wear anything whenever they want it doesn't have to be put into a category it doesn't have to be called a name or anything like that it's just unisex is something that everyone understands straight away to know I mean even though like I said you guys know that lets see any labels so I thought I'd do an update version of why I've been loving or why I've seen recently and how I match certain things together I'm gonna start off by this mustard Dijon part wrong neck from H&M which I'm obsessed with it was 30 pounds from hating m-man girls guys whoever this is such a nice color such a nice autumn color and this is oversized I absolutely love this this could be paired with anything like a really nice smart pair of trousers like tucked in or out or like casual jeans or joggers like wherever you want I feel like this is so easy to pair with I'd also like to point out because I did we mention in my last unisex video that I did that I actually did a giveaway I would love to be able to give away one of these items of clothing so basically all I'm going to ask you guys to do is to tell me which item of clothing you want make sure to leave your Twitter out so I can contact you and what you love wearing in the winter and I'm going to pick a winner at random as simple as that the next thing I got from a source is this massively oversized white t-shirt with rainbow embroided love which I just think is the cutest the kids love is for everyone and love is very equal in my eyes everyone should experience love with whoever they bloody well want to see yeah amazing statement love is love who cares I got this and I thought this would look amazing with a really nice pair of smart jeans or cash like these are really casual smart I'm really into tucking my t-shirts and clothes into my jeans and charles's these days I don't know why I just think it gives it off like that extra bit of vintage vibe which I personally love I absolutely love this top long-sleeve really really nice fitted I think this is really smart I do apologize for the sirens like I said this would look amazing with like for me personally I usually wear skinny jeans like really skinny but I was thinking these would look quite nice with like this maybe like a slim fit light blue pair of jeans like maybe the waist size a little bit bigger so it fits in all nice and snug but yeah I really I'm really excited to wear this I think it's really nice the next thing that I've been really enjoying recently is embroided things like the love t-shirt and I found this in top man and they do loads of different types of embroidered t-shirts and jumpers and hoodies this one is just like a casual mouth and I thought this would look great with like obviously any child as you want but in a route rolled up sleeves rolled down or under a nice light jacket or something and they do either lighten for did stuff like burgers and fries I think it's really cute and it gives sight the plain t-shirt like something else to it and I really like the whole pop art scene as well so I'm really like that that was 18 pounds so I wore this one way to the ground on my snapchat story the other day follow me if you're not follow me or any and those of you went absolutely bonkers for it so this was 35 pounds from Topman and like you said like clothes have no barriers no gender so wear what you want it's", metadata={'source': 'kWIzjMWmuYk'}), Document(page_content="from Topman and like you said like clothes have no barriers no gender so wear what you want it's really nice really comfy the only thing I worry about is spilling something on it because it is obviously such a light color but I've been very careful about leaning against any walls or I'm taking it off from drinking or eating and keeping it well away from me but yeah I really really like this color because I wouldn't usually have the confidence to wear something this bright because obviously I'm clumsy mess and finally not everyone's biggest fan enter the velour this one of my favorite materials is not many people like it I'm not sure why maybe it has something to do with like their teeth going on edge I'm not sure explain to me in the comments if you have a fear of like the whole velour velvet sort of feeling this reminds me of proper 90s late 80s just the way it sits I've got this in a medium I kind of wish I could for like these size up because I do like to wear my size up but anyway this would be really nice with like black or like dark navy trousers or jeans I'm so excited to be able to dye experiment with all these different outfits in different ways and I really do hope you have some inspiration from this if you enjoyed this video and you want to see more of these types of videos make sure to give it a massive thumbs up I love you guys very much and obviously don't forget to enter the giveaway all you have to do is leave your Twitter app sign or leave your Instagram any way that I can be able to contact you pretty much what you like to wear in the winter and what item of this clothing we you would like to have and I go out and get it for you oh and let me know what your size is oh my god yeah so yeah thank you guys bye", metadata={'source': 'kWIzjMWmuYk'})]
[Document(page_content='Although it may not seem like it, on average,\nthe world is improving. Countries are growing their economies and\npopulations, and working together to build a stable global future. But not everywhere. In certain pockets of the world, war, chaos,\nand and increasingly uncertain political instability is pushing certain nations straight towards\ntheir eventual failure. So we wanted to know, which countries are\nat the greatest risk of collapse, and why? Well, to find out, we can use the widely cited\nFragile States Index, published by the non-profit think tank, Fund for Peace. Using 12 indicators, covering social, economic,\nand political factors, the FSI ranks all United Nations members based on their likelihood\nof failing as a sovereign state. Since 2014, the same three countries have\nranked at the very bottom, and one of them is the long struggling Central African Republic. The CAR, like most war-torn African countries,\nis the product of failed colonization by Europe, following the 19th century partition of Africa. After roughly 80 years of French rule, the\nCAR declared its independence in 1960, but was far from democratic. Almost immediately, the government began suppressing\nopposition, and was overthrown in a coup d’état. This new government was best known for establishing\na dictator, who was alleged to have personally ordered the murder of 100 child protestors. Over the next 40 years, a series of coups,\nforeign overthrows of government, and false attempts at democracy led to multiple civil\nwars beginning in 2003. For the past decade and a half, the United\nNations and the country’s former colonizer France have attempted to reach peace between\nthe country’s many different warring factions, with little to no success. Today, the CAR is one of the world’s poorest\ncountries and according to the UN’s Human Development Index, has seen less development\nthan any other nation on earth. It has also consistently ranked as one of\nthe most unhealthy nations, particularly in terms of hygiene, malaria, sanitation, lack\nof medical supplies, and most destructively: war. The country has even seen ethnic cleansing\nof its Muslim minority since 2013. Without the United Nations actively working\nto prevent a total collapse, the Central African Republic is the third most likely to fail\ncountry in the world. The second most unstable country is Somalia,\nwhich has been in the bottom three since 2007. Another victim of European colonization, this\ntime by Italy and Britain, Somalia has struggled since declaring independence in 1960. Although somewhat stable due to a dictatorship,\nIn 1991, the Somali Civil War broke out following the collapse of the Somali government. In the past 25 years, the country has been\nin an almost nonstop state of war, with religious and political factions alternately seizing\nterritory, and a steady growth of terror groups such as the al-Qaeda aligned Al-Shabaab. The lack of effective government has even\nled to pirates attacking ships near the Somali coast. Today, much of the country is still relatively\nlawless and in extreme poverty, with no real functioning economy or social services. But the most likely to collapse country in\nthe world, is also one of the most recently created. South Sudan only became independent in 2011,\nbut has been engaged in a bloody civil war since 2013. As many as 300,000 people were believed to\nhave been killed in just two years of fighting, with devastating ethnic violence, and more\nthan one million people displaced. In one notable massacre, members of particular\nethnic groups and religions were executed en masse by former pro-government groups,\nand local radio stations broadcasted hate messages, encouraging torture and murder. Attacks on hospitals, places of worship, and\nschools have left the country non-functioning, and barely held together by UN forces. These three nations follow a pattern of post-colonial', metadata={'source': 'GgVmn66oK_A'}), Document(page_content='independence and subsequent fragility. They are all marked by ongoing conflict, repeat\ngovernment turnover, violent insurgencies, and extreme poverty. With so many interrelated crises happening\nat the same time, these countries NEED the global community’s help, and without it,\nthey are likely to fail completely. As one of the most likely to fail states,\nSomalia is subject to more terror attacks than almost any other country. To find out more about Somalia’s history\nand it’s current struggle with terrorism, check out this video to the right. Thanks for watching NowThis World, don’t\nforget to like and subscribe for more videos every week!', metadata={'source': 'GgVmn66oK_A'})]
[Document(page_content="Joe had that Winfield alright you know especially for me because I forgot up there like up there because they consistent the whole year so I really made this one that you know cuz my teammates at home to do patient [Music] Joe career-high in minutes tonight how did you feel what was working for you conditioning wise on the court that's good but I figure you know my my coach coach Bob I was good I was a good place and I wasn't a spy and the game was also slow they don't coaches felt like I should I should issue declare me and you and I was my career high minutes I never know what to say was aggressive and he was over crusty oh yeah I love when you guys I come out of the gate like I saw at the beginning of the game Mustafa Pasha guess we're going that's what I'll be needed the past couple games and I think you got me going to there being over aggressive and that's how they get in fights that Ben Simmons is a game changer how does he feel of the court to play is good you know we still getting better together we're still another each other obviously we found a way to do fondant ways I opened up the floor for man he does the same for me and the water passes so there are there are some players who given what happened between you and Willie Reed could have just been flustered by it but [Music] one of the guys on Twitter that was", metadata={'source': 'EJu_wPGFTw0'})]
[Document(page_content="If you look at the current top ten in the prime charts you'll see the top 10 largest primes at the moment, and you may notice that one of them stands out. One of them is not quite like the others. It's quite a special prime, it was actually discovered fairly recently; \nit was discovered on October 31st 2016, it was discovered on Halloween 2016. But all the other primes are Mersenne primes, \nthey're all primes that are one less than a power of two. And there's a reason for that, because computationally it's quite easy to check if they are primes or not, right? There is a- there is a test for that which you can run quite quickly. Number seven there is slightly different. There's a couple of reasons why it's special and one of the reasons is that it takes us one step closer to solving a fifty-year-old conjecture. So let's take a look at this prime. So this number- it's called a Proth prime. So Proth prime's have this form where it's k, that's some number, multiplied by a power of two plus one. Let's see if we can find a Proth prime. What I'm gonna do, let's\ntake a value; I'm gonna say k is 19, all right? Let's take k as 19 and then we're gonna multiply it by powers of two, add one, and let's see if we get a prime. Well let's do the first power of two. 19 times 2, 38. Plus 1 that equals 39, but that's not a prime; it's 3 times 13 that's no good. Let's check for another. Let's try 19 again but let's do 2 squared. So 19 times times 4, well 19 times 2 is 38 so we can double that again. That's 76, plus\n1 that's 77; that's definitely not a prime, that's 7 times 11. Let's keep going, let's see if we can find one. Let's do \n19 times 2 to power 3. That is 153,153 is that prime? That's maybe not so obvious, but no that isn't prime. 19 times 2 to the power 4, ok we're gonna keep looking. I I think \nthat is - plus 1 of course - that is 305, that's definitely not a prime. Okay another failure, let's keep looking for a prime. Let's do the next one.\n19 times 2 to the 5 plus 1, I've got that as being 609, no that's divisible by 3.\n- (Brady: I think you're gonna get us) (on that top 10 list at this rate!\n- It's gonna- actually we've got it. We've got it - look\nat this one. 19 times 2 to the power 6,1217 - prime!\nThat is a prime. Finally we found a pri- took a while. Yeah, it took a while but eventually we found a prime. In the 1960s, mathematician Sierpiński said that if you take something of this form: it's k times 2 to power n plus 1, and you keep running through it, there are numbers that will never hit a prime. So you'll keep going forever and you'll never get a prime. In fact he said there were infinitely many of them. So there's \nloads of them out there. The natural question is, what's the smallest one? Ah, well we don't quite know. So they think it might be this number: 78557.\n- (Brady: As k?) Yeah that's as k. So I'm saying if \nwe multiply that by 2 to the n, and then we add 1; we run through that process we'll never hit a prime, it's never going to happen. In fact I know that's never going to happen. So a mathematician called John Selfridge showed that that's never gonna happen. He showed that this number, whatever it is, will always be divisible by one of these: 3, 5, 7, 13, 19, 37 or 73.", metadata={'source': 'fcVjitaM3LY'}), Document(page_content="So he said it's always gonna be divisible by one of those, so it's never going to be a prime. That definitely is a Sierpiński number, okay? This is a number that will never hit a prime, great; but is it the smallest one? That we don't know. Now there's quite a few candidates for this - well in fact we're gonna have to check all the numbers smaller than 78557. Well you can do that. And most of those were eliminated. Until roundabout the beginning of the 21st century there were 17 left. 17 that hadn't been eliminated. So there might be numbers that are smaller than 78557, and you could do this and you'll never hit a prime. So there were 17 candidates left. But, thanks to advances in computation, that meant we could start eliminating these candidates. Now we started to eliminate them until there were six left. These are the six that were left. The smallest was 10223. But here are the others: 21181, 22699, 24737, 55459 and 67607. So there were these six candidates\nleft. But things started to slow down and I'm afraid there was a gap of nine years before we were able to eliminate one of these six, which was this one here: 10223 because we now know that forms a prime. Here's, here's our prime, this is it! \nThere it is, we know it does form a prime. And now this is struck off the list leaving five left. Now if we can eliminate those last five candidates we will have proved that 78558 is the smallest Sierpiński number.\n- (Brady: So James, was this) (really large prime not so much found) (because they were searching for large) (primes but because they were trying to) (eliminate ks?)\n- They- that is part of the motivation for this. This was found by a guy in Hungary on his home computer. Where he's downloaded a program, you can get it from the PrimeGrid website. And this program was designed to eliminate those seventeen that if I \ntalked about. And using that program he finally eliminated 10223. So you can do this yourself, using your own home computer. So he gets the glory of solving that and the glory of striking off one of these candidates off our list. So we have these candidates and then you find a prime that kills it off as a candidate - so those primes are huge. This one that was found recently is over nine million digits long, it's a massive number. The largest of these primes that are killing off candidates, they've actually got a special name. They're called \nColbert primes, named after Stephen Colbert. Stephen Colbert, some people might know, as the host of The Late Show in America? American comedian? I don't know why these have been named after Stephen Colbert; I guess someone's a fan. But if we can eliminate all these candidates we will have proven that 78557 is the smallest Sierpiński number. We don't know it's true, it just feels true; in our guts it has truthiness. Obviously we love these videos about \narbitrary numbers and obscure details; but to see how everything fits together, to get that bigger picture, why not check out", metadata={'source': 'fcVjitaM3LY'}), Document(page_content="brilliant.org Here's just the start of their Number Theory course. It's full of little questions and puzzles that are not only good fun but really help you get your head around stuff. And have a look at that - how can this not be quickening your pulse rate? Whether you're really serious about mathematics or you just love to learn, Brilliant's interactive site is going to teach you all sorts of amazing stuff that you might not get from, say, just a superficial video - not that there's anything wrong with videos of course, keep watching these too. But seriously I honestly think you'll enjoy what these guys have made. It's a really really good resource. It's also just really good fun to play with. If you'd like to check them out go to brillaint.org/numberphile. The first 314 people who do, and sign up, can get 20% off the premium annual subscription. That's the first 314 - see what we did there? They don't just cover mathematics; there's astronomy, physics, computer science - all sorts of good stuff. Thank you to them for supporting this video and I'll put some details in the \nvideo description.", metadata={'source': 'fcVjitaM3LY'})]
[Document(page_content="we'll see about our line is from the BBC Persian service and I think you've got more Upstate figures have you yes the death toll has risen to 400 they injured our 6000 so far and the epicenter of the earthquake itself was the Western city of sarples awho which was the worst hit two-thirds of the casualties as far as we know so far have come from that area one of the first heart-wrenching videos that emerged after 9:20 p.m. local time when earthquake struck last night was from a hospital in sarples a hog that collapsed and buried the hospital staff underneath but there are other cities there that are hit as well many remote villages that is harder to get access to but there seems to have been a division of labor between getting help to the bigger cities and the Revolutionary Guards go to the more remote villages but getting to the remote areas that we've been hearing has been difficult partly because of the mudslides as a result of the earthquake yes there's been a lot of mudslides some rows have been have been damaged so they're trying to deploy helicopters to get there that you know cutting through the bureaucracy and red tape to deploy all those resources itself sometimes becomes an issue earthquakes are not unknown in this region yet this one does seem to have caused a lot of damage particularly to smaller housing I'm just wondering what sort of regulations there are in terms of building technique for affordable housing in this area yeah you would think that we'll learn after all these earthquakes given that Iran is so prone to earthquakes the housing regulation standards governing the the engineering side of it the oversight is very weak so you know a lot of the government buildings themselves collapse what's created an outcry now on social media is the fact that the residential units that were built as part of the affordable housing by the previous government they were worse hit and many of the casualties came from those particular units but even the fact that the hospital that I mentioned collapse you know or other places that were meant to shelter people that maybe might be a wake-up call well you mentioned sheltering of people that's going to be a huge issue in the coming days isn't it because thousands and thousands of people are now homes the Iranian Red Crescent has said 70,000 people are so far they made homeless and need to get you know we need to get aid to them as far as as quickly as possible distributing tents restoring power to those areas the government is promising that within the next 24 hours power would be restored to most of the areas but if you look at the social media now you would see many users still anecdotally uploading videos pleading for help saying that we haven't seen any rescue help we haven't seen any power being restored so it's difficult to get a clear perspective when you don't have a presence there given where this has happened which is on the border between Iran and Iraq what what are the chances of one country helping the other if you know that they can travel just a few miles to offer help well this has never happened usually the earthquakes inside you're on a very localized but this one is unique in that it covers such a wide range of areas and it's you know it went across the border but Iran has wayna borne the brunt of the earthquake most of the casualties are from Iran and you know there the infrastructure is there the you know the Iranian rescue workers that dealt with this before so I don't think they'll be needing any help is such from Iraq and in terms of that infrastructure power water these are obviously things they're gonna have to sort out in the coming hours absolutely I think that they said that they've tried to distribute tens of thousands of bottles of water for the people you know as the water hasn't been restored yet electricity gas but luckily the communications is all well you know people can still upload videos you", metadata={'source': 'lBHPVE3AI6Y'}), Document(page_content="gas but luckily the communications is all well you know people can still upload videos you can make calls many of these providers are you know providing free calls to those areas for people to stay in touch that's good what's good you come down talk to us about it our land from the BBC Persian service think", metadata={'source': 'lBHPVE3AI6Y'})]
[Document(page_content="some of the design projects that I\nundertake involve me designing the product and then manufacturing in this\ncase about 200 vacuum-form panels let's take a look at how you design and then\nfabricate for such a project my name is Eric Strebel I'm an industrial designer\nwelcome to my channel about product design and making I hope that you like\nand joy and become a subscriber make sure that you hit that little bell next\nto the subscribe button too in case you haven't already done so that way you'll\nbe notified every time I have a new video when you start designing a product\nit's often good to know exactly what manufacturing process you're gonna use\nso that you can design to that process I start this project just like I would any\nother one in an ideation phase where I'm creating a bunch of different ideas of\nwhat these panels could look like we stumbled upon this nice sort of simple\nelegant kind of half pill shape I even did an early mock-up where I cut some\nRen tools and vacuum formed on top of that really simply to see what that\nlooks like now one of the hidden features of this product is that it has\nthis special little hanger and this hanger allows it to be hung from either\ndirection and there's even a little notch that allows it to be hung on let's\nsay a pin or a nail in a studio environment this little detail that you\ndon't see what can be hugely beneficial to the client in the long run here's\nsome of the other variations of that shape and the different flat spots that\nthey have at the top and ultimately we even did one where the hangers were on\nthe outside we didn't go with that at some point you got to make a tool what\nyou're gonna vacuum-form on here's a quick little sketch something I could\nshare with the tool maker and then I have to make the CAD data of\nthe actual tool that's going to be cut by the CNC Machinist you'll notice it\nhas a couple little notches in the four corners there registration marks and\nthose are going to become important and helpful for later on in the\nmanufacturing process this is the final rendering just so the tool maker can see\nwhat's going on and what the tool looks like also for the client this is the CNC\nmilled aluminum part one half here is sanded now the other side is sanded and\nit involves me benching out and sanding everything by hand when you vacuum form\nparts they need vent holes and Here I am just drilling out the vent holes check\nout how my electric drill causes the video to wobble another Finnish mention the tool and\ngetting it ready for vacuum forming I can focus my attention on all the little\nhanger parts and those are gonna be laser-cut I'm certainly not going to cut\nthose by hand here's my material I already cut the size I'm using a PT G\nclear material it's easy to form and economical here you can see the tool\nbeing raised into the plastic PE TG it fits nicely and I can form two parts at\na time all right back to those hanger pieces\nwell those hanger pieces all need to get glued on to a sloping edge on the\nbackside of these formed parts so I route the one edge so that it can meet\nup with the formed part now in this case all the formed parts have been laser-cut\nI send this out to a local laser cutter it's outside the capability of what I\ncould do but those registration holes that those registration pins that were\nsticking up on the tool that I talked about earlier were important for laser\ncutting and aligning so they're able to basically come through with a laser\ncutter and cut all these pieces out here I'm solvent bonding the hangars in place\nI've made some forms or some jigs that hold the hanger in place and they're\njust made out of cardboard and these are also a laser cut they're my templates\nfor gluing everything together here I glue the pieces on and I just let them\ndry once they're dry I can pull them off the templates and then add the little\nhanger pieces on the side for support the parts are pretty big and the thing", metadata={'source': 'x-uBFJLY8Ow'}), Document(page_content="hanger pieces on the side for support the parts are pretty big and the thing\nthat nobody ever thinks about is the packaging and the shipping of these\nparts because ultimately they got to go for me I got to be painted they got to\nbe transported to the show and back again into some warehouse so great to\nprovide that as something additional that your client can really benefit from if you liked the video and you found it\nuseful smash that thumbs up button and leave a comment don't forget to\nsubscribe to my youtube channel you can click on a little icon on the bottom\nright of the screen to do that it follow me on Twitter Facebook and Google+ rock\non put here to watch some of the other\ndesign committee that I had if you'd like to have your\nmusic featured in one of my videos drop me a line", metadata={'source': 'x-uBFJLY8Ow'})]
[Document(page_content="seize it opening Adrienne Invitational he went three three one for that day congratulations first ten ten Heidelberg soil rolling it was right he's gonna throw a backside it's gonna be a long walk rigs the play I did a little hook and ladder so they went ahead and threw it out here to McGee and they had on the backside they flip it to him and he rolls it for the score the place is going crazy that is one for the hooks right there that is where the greatest plays I've ever seen in Heidelberg history how about Brock Reds of five years senior left", metadata={'source': 'zNqCVTs38nU'})]
[Document(page_content="- [Narrator] According to\nsome science I made up, Pacific Rim is exactly 77 percent good. But regardless of whether or\nnot you agree with that rating, your argument probably isn't\nbased on the movie's plot. Any exposition Pacific\nRim accidentally featured was just an excuse to get as many ridiculous sci-fi concepts\non screen as possible, which is why the end\nresult is a movie featuring giant monsters, giant robots, and a smart person with tattoos. - What? - [Narrator] But I don't\nthink the story is that far from being great. In fact, the movie could've\nbeen a downright classic if you took the two leads,\nRaleigh Becket and Mako Mori, and switched them, like this. (dramatic music) Instead of starting with the scene where Raleigh just tells us the\nhistory of monster attacks-- - [Raleigh] And then we learned,\nthis was not gonna stop. - [Narrator] We should've\nstarted with this. That's Mako as a kid. She sees her whole city destroyed, and then she's rescued by Idris Elba, just like in that dream\nwe all keep having. It happens about halfway through the film, but if it had been the\nopening scene in the movie, we would've been introduced\nto the evil Kaiju and the heroic Jaegers from a\nhelpless child's perspective, which would've made the\nentire story feel bigger and more whimsical, speaking objectively. Then, in this scene, it\nshould've been Raleigh instead of Mako, who\nfreaked out in the drift. This would've been where we learn about Raleigh's tragic backstory and watch his brother get thrown into the frigid, Alaskan night. This simple change completely\nreshapes the movie. Now Mako is the emotional core,\nand the story becomes, one, child loses everything. Two, child grows up while\ntraining to fight in robots, and three, child avenges\nmentor's death, spoilers, and saves the world. So, there you go. With this one, small change, you get a Pacific Rim that\nis 27.3 percent better, giving it a total score\nof 98 percent awesome, meaning the sequel has\nquite a bit to live up to. - [Raleigh] Elbow rocket.\n- Elbow rocket, engaged. - [Raleigh] Now!", metadata={'source': 'ZAQs-ctOqXQ'})]
[Document(page_content='"Go to school, Summer. I\'ll go in Morty\'s\nmemory and do a little." Rick often plays God, "If God exists, It’s f***ing me!" while Morty is a mere mortal. But Rick himself certainly values Morty, enough\nto want to spend all his time with the boy, and if we dig deeper it becomes clear that\nMorty’s actually just as essential to the Rick and Morty universe, or rather, to all the Rick and Morty universes,\nas Rick is, and for good reason. So here are the key reasons we can see for\nwhy Morty matters. By the way, stick around at the end of this\nvideo, and we\'re going to tell you how to get a major\ndiscount on some really cool Rick and Morty gear we came across. "You two call yourselves geniuses, but you\'ve\nspent this time learning nothing! Come with me into the forest -- there\'s something\nI wish to teach you." "There\'s a heavy theme of creator and createe\nin Rick and Morty." The dynamic of father and son or creator and\ncreation is reflected in Rick’s contentious relationships with his creations. But while of course they’re literally grandfather\nand grandson, thematically, the father-son story is a key\npart of Morty’s relationship with Rick. Father-son narratives have been around for\nthousands of years, not just as a way of talking about literal\nparents and children, they are humanity’s way of dealing with\nour complicated feelings on life’s key principle -- new will inevitably replace old. Stories based on an "Archnemesis Dad" reflect\nour pain due to the inevitability of life cycles. In Greek mythology, Cronos, the youngest of\nthe titans, overthrew his father to become ruler, then became paranoid that his children would\noverthrow him, and decided to kill all his own kids by eating\nthem, as a precaution. But one baby, Zeus, was hidden by his mother\nin a cave, and grew up to kill Cronos and become king\nof the gods on Olympus. Perhaps the most iconic example of the Archnemesis\nDad trope is Star Wars, with Luke and Darth Vader. "You killed him." "No. I am your father." A key message of these narratives is that\nfighting the inevitable only helps it come to pass. In Sophocles’ Oedipus Rex, a prophecy says\nthat the baby Oedipus will kill his father and marry his mother. All of his parents’ efforts to avoid this\nonly make sure that these events do in fact happen. And Harry Potter features an original take\non the same motifs. Voldemort hears a prophecy saying Harry would\nkill him, so he tries to kill the young boy. But in the process, the powerful wizard inadvertently\nplants a bit of his soul in Harry, giving the young boy unique powers and acting\nas his "creator" in a way. Harry, thereby strengthened, grows up to become\nVoldemort’s downfall, and fulfills the prophecy. All of these stories demonstrate the pain\nwe feel knowing we’ll die and be replaced. But we can\'t prevent this universal destiny,\nso characters who try to fight this natural life cycle are punished. And the dad who tries to stop his son from\nreplacing him by squashing new life becomes a villain at war with the nature of\nlife itself. As we\'ve seen, the "Archnemesis Dad" trope\ncan apply to any Parent-Child, Creator-Creation, or Student-Teacher duo. Any relationship that is fundamentally about\nthe old passing on knowledge or life to the young or the young searching for their place in\nthe world. Rick and Morty aren’t father and son, but\ntheir relationship eerily follows this classic Archnemesis Dad narrative. Early on in the show, Morty admires Rick and\ntries to mimic him, spending much more time with Rick than with\nhis actual father. Morty’s time with Rick is an apprenticeship\nof sorts, though he learns more about controlling Rick\nthan about actual science. He can now see through Rick’s petty behavior\nand disable a nutrino bomb in minutes. "You should still stay back!" "Morty, how many of these --" "Too many, Rick! Too many!" Rick, meanwhile, seems hellbent on asserting', metadata={'source': 'wwZ-T_WQ03A'}), Document(page_content='his dominance and keeping Morty’s ego in check. "Just don’t get too big for your loafers,\nBuster Brown. A cocky Morty could lead to some big problems." This underlying dynamic explains why Rick\nso often feels the need to put Morty down. His behavior echoes many of the Father-Son\nstories in which the father tries to keep the son\nfrom gaining any power, fearing displacement. Their time together transforms Morty -- he\nbecomes increasingly jaded and callous. "Mr. President. If I\'ve learned one thing\ntoday, it\'s that sometimes you have to not give a\nf***!" And most importantly, his attitude towards\nRick changes drastically. He\'s now disillusioned with Rick’s behavior,\nethics and approach to life, "Come on, bird person. Rick\'s that complicated! He\'s just a huge asshole!" He sees through the bravado to the egotism\nbeneath. Rick’s pedestal has now cracked. "He bails on everybody! He bailed on mom when\nshe was a kid! He bailed on Tiny Planet! And in case I never made this clear to you,\nSummer, he bailed on you!" The “Archnemesis Dad” narrative has already\nbeen overtly featured on Rick and Morty in the Evil Morty storyline. Here we saw a bitter, cold Morty who hates\n“Ricks of all kinds” and devotes his time to killing them. This Morty possesses the solidified adult\nidentity and goals that every "son"’ figure must search for\nand eventually achieve, and this role seems to be ridding the multiverse\nof Ricks. The question that remains is whether our Morty\nwill renounce Rick. In Morty’s Mind-Blowers, we saw what might\nhave been the final straw as Morty snapped and actually attacked Rick. And in Ricklantis we see what appears to be\nEvil Morty returning and making a bid for city council in the Citadel\nof Ricks, suggesting bigger upheavals to come. If Rick’s story reflects the fear of inevitably\ngrowing old and becoming irrelevant, Morty’s story reflects the challenges of\ngrowing up. There’s a crushing realization that hits\neveryone sometime post-puberty - finding your place in the world doesn’t\nhappen automatically. Becoming an adult is really hard and seems\nto inevitably involve becoming disillusioned, disappointed or angry with your parental figures. "I\'m sorry! I ended up lying to you and yelling\nat you just like my parents did to me." The creator-creation life cycle eventually\nrequires the creation or son to become his own person and that means renouncing your idols or at least realizing idols are human, just\nlike everyone else. "My father kept me locked in a house until\nI was a teenager. and there was violence and...threats of poison\ngas. But also dancing." In many ways, Morty is Rick’s polar opposite. He’s naive where Rick is cynical, anxious\nwhere Rick is confident. Rick walks all over people, people walk all\nover Morty. "Glenn\'s bleeding to death! Someone call his\nwife and children!" "They\'re not robots, Rick!" "It\'s a figure of speech, Morty! They\'re bureaucrats!\nI don\'t respect them!" Morty asks a lot of questions while Rick has\nall the answers. Rick seemingly doesn’t care about anything,\nMorty cares too much about everything. Their differences make Rick and Morty an odd\ncouple, a classic comedic pairing based on two characters’\ndifferences. Some of the show’s inspirations were odd\ncouples as well, like Phineas and Ferb, and Doc Brown and Marty\nMcFly. Clashing personalities often result in comedy\ngold. Rick and Morty being dysfunctional polar opposites\nmakes us think that maybe combined, they could make one functional\nperson, which is probably why the fan theory that\nMorty is actually Rick’s younger self is so popular. There are obvious holes in this theory, like\ndoes that make Beth both mother and daughter to the same man? The show’s creators avoid definitive explanations\nlike this, for fear of writing themselves into a corner, and they prefer just messing with fan conspiracy\ntheorists, for example by placing a Rick-Morty hybrid', metadata={'source': 'wwZ-T_WQ03A'}), Document(page_content='theorists, for example by placing a Rick-Morty hybrid\nin The Citadel of Ricks. So Rick and Morty may not secretly be parts\nof the same person, but Morty is definitely the thing that’s\nmissing from Rick. So watching a show with just Rick without\na Morty would probably feel sad. Rick and Morty also fit the bill for hero\nand sidekick. Being a brilliant man of science who can’t\nstand most people and cares about little other than his work, Rick is an anti-hero type called "The Insufferable\nGenius." Sherlock Holmes, Dr. Who and House all fall\ninto this category. Insufferable Geniuses typically need a sidekick\nto help them navigate the world, due to their complete lack of social skills\nand their egotism. They’re often paired with someone more conscientious\nand likeable, a type called the Morality Pet. "You have got to find less debilitating outlets\nthan humiliating people. I hear bowling is more fun than stalking." Morty compensates for Rick’s lack of a moral\ncompass, calling out some of Rick’s most ethically\nquestionable behavior, like enslaving a miniverse or dealing arms. "Selling a gun to a hitman is the same as\npulling the trigger!" The Morality Pet bridges the gap between the\nInsufferable Genius and the rest of the world. It’s a special character who can understand\nboth the inaccessible brain and everyone else, and translate between the two. While Morty may not be as glamorous or get\ncalled a genius, it\'s the Rick who truly needs the Morty, and\nnot the other way around. "All right! Knock it off! You\'re not impressing\nanyone. Morty, not that I give a [bleep], but are\nyou okay?" Even though everyone thinks Morty is mentally\nchallenged, including his family, teachers and even the Vindicators. "Oh, so you\'re the leader now because we gave\nyou a jacket? You\'re the learning-disabled kid we do photo\nops with!" From what we witness he’s actually very\nwise. He’s not cerebral like Rick, but Morty’s\ngenius lies in his ability to identify other’s emotions and understand what to do with this insight. In other words, he’s emotionally intelligent. For example, in "Get Schwifty," Morty knows\nexactly how to help his dad feel valuable. "Hey, dad? Nobody’s smarter than Rick. But\nnobody else is my dad. You’re a genius at that." "Wow." At this point, Beth thinks Jerry is insecure\nabout his intelligence, but Morty knows that the real source of his\nfather’s insecurity is the fear that Rick is displacing him as\na father figure for Morty. Morty also correctly predicts that Jerry will\nbuy into the Plutonians’ fake admiration of him, understanding that Jerry is driven by a desire\nfor fame and admiration. "Oh man, this is definitely going to go to\nhis head!" Unlike Morty, Rick is actually not very smart\nwhen it comes to people’s emotions and motivations, possibly because he just doesn’t care very\nmuch about feelings. "Goodbye!" "So did you guys make out a little bit? Is\nhe gonna send you a postcard?" He builds Beth a perfect kids’ fantasy land\nto stop her from acting out, and never recognizes that what she really\nneeds is more attention from her father. "You can\'t do it, can you? You can\'t just\n[bleep] apologize." "Okay, okay, Beth. I\'m sorry. You think you\ndeserve an apology." But Morty knows exactly how his mother feels\nabout Rick and tries to keep her from getting hurt. "Rick, I can handle it if you go , but you’ll\nbreak mom’s heart, and I won’t forgive you for that." And he knows his dad is depressed after the\ndivorce, so he convinces Rick to take Jerry on an adventure. Rick is the brains of the show, and Morty\nis its heart. As the heart, Morty also has an intuitive\nunderstanding of ethics and decency. He pushes Rick to treat others with more concern\nand fairness. "Thank you, Morty. You are not like other\ncarbon-based life forms. You put the value of all life above your own." Morty’s intellect isn’t as easy to recognize\nas Rick’s, because our society places less value on emotional', metadata={'source': 'wwZ-T_WQ03A'}), Document(page_content='as Rick’s, because our society places less value on emotional\nintelligence. We tend to view it as inferior. But while Morty’s smarts aren’t appreciated,\nthe people around him clearly depend on Morty. So his form of intelligence does a lot of\ngood in his world. This one might probably make a lot of the\nwould-be Ricks in the Rick and Morty fanbase furious, but if there’s any character in the show\nthat represents the audience -- it’s Morty. Morty is the ‘normie’ of the show. He reacts the way a real person would when\nplaced in these situations, mostly by being completely terrified and on\nthe verge of a nervous breakdown. "That\'s it! I\'m done with these insane adventures!\nThat was really traumatizing! I quit! I\'m out!" He’s constantly horrified by Rick and by\nwhat they experience together, so that we don’t have to be, letting us\njust sit back and enjoy the show. Also, Morty has an anxious tendency to ask\na lot of questions, "So what\'s so special about these seeds anyways?" "You ask a lot of questions, Morty. Not very\ncharismatic." which conveniently allows the writers to slip\nin exposition without forcing it. If it wasn’t for Morty, we would probably\nbe confused most of the time, since Rick’s behavior is erratic at best. While most of us have probably thought about\nwhat it would be like to be a Rick, there’s nothing inherently bad in being\na Morty, and maybe this video has even convinced some\nof you that being a Morty has its merits. So maybe it’s a good thing that he has more\nquestions than answers. Like most of us, Morty is still figuring out\nwho he is and what his life is going to be like. And maybe we should ask more questions too. Do you sometimes get the urge to yell? "I\'m pickle Rick!" "Do you want a T-shirt that will say it for\nyou?" Then check out the Rick and Morty merch at\nSchwiftRickGear.com. They have some really cool stuff. Look at that sweatshirt -- it\'s gorgeous. Plus a whole selection of toys and keychains. Look, big-head Morty is holding the mega seeds\nthat we all remember were such a painful affair. Plus, if you enter your email, you get a whopping\n25% off. And it\'s free shipping over orders of $15. Just click the link in our description below\nto go to SchwiftRickGear.com and get 25% on the coolest Rick and Morty\ngear out there. Their clothes run a little small, so size\nup one or two sizes.', metadata={'source': 'wwZ-T_WQ03A'})]
[Document(page_content="they are not able to finish it the ones you wish you could have that you've got a good a stop now and they do throw away the Brawn stolen by Dennis Smith jr. and in attack he's done at the so many [Applause] Steele Wesley that fuse [Music] 4:42 go down to a port", metadata={'source': 'NZFhMSgbKKM'})]
[Document(page_content="Oh hey! I didn't see you there. Have you ever found yourself browsing around\nonline and seeing something you like and think to yourself, man, I would love to take that\napart and see how it works? That's what happened to me and this smart\nmug right here. This thing has an internal battery and heater\nthat brings it up to 145 degrees Fahrenheit. That's pretty impressive. I can be out here drinking hot chocolate in\nthe middle of nowhere, and have a drink hot for hours inside of this electronic thermos. This video is actually sponsored by YouTube. YouTube is launching a new channel called\nUnboxed, where they'll have a bunch of unboxings from different creators. All the latest and greatest stuff for the\nholidays. My unboxings are rather unique, so I'm glad\nYouTube reached out. With the holidays coming up, YouTube's new\nchannel is a great place to find gifts for those hard to shop for people...gifts like\nthis smart mug that keeps your drink warm for hours. I'll leave a link for you in the description\nof this video for YouTube's new Unbox channel. But now, let's unbox this mug and see what\nmakes it tick. Let's get started. [Intro] The Ember wireless temperature controlled\nmug is here. Something I never needed or wanted, but now\nI just need to own one. A normal thermos can keep drinks warm for\nquite a long time, but this particular Ember mug has a built-in heater that can actively\nheat up liquid on the go. Pretty cool. Inside the first box, we get another box with\nan orange Ember themed color scheme. Kind of cute. And here's the mug itself. Incredibly high quality cold thick plastic\n– had me thinking it was metal at first. But the razor blade of truth showed the exterior\nwas in fact plastic, as a lot of thermoses are. It's not a big deal in this case. The lid unscrews with this watertight rubber\nseal. During my time using this mug, it never leaked\nout the top. Inside the mug is all metal and has a few\nmore instructions tucked down inside. Now one cool thing about this mug is the way\nit charges. Inside the other half of the box we have a\nwireless charging station for the mug which allows it to keep beverages hot all day long,\nas long as the mug is sitting on the pad. The two golden pins match up with the golden\ncircles on the bottom of the mug, so it doesn't matter what orientation the mug is when you\nset it down. It'll charge no matter what way it's facing. The mug itself has a 2 hour battery life to\nkeep things warm away from the dock. It's pretty cool that it charges so easily\n– nothing ever needs to be plugged in. The lid has a little circle inside that can\nbe pressed down to let liquid out, and pressed again to seal it all up and keep the heat\ninside. The Ember logo is touch sensitive, and a long\npress of 3 seconds gets the mug to turn on. And then I can adjust the temperature of the\nmug with the physical dial at the bottom. Since this is a thermos, it can keep cold\ndrinks cold, but it doesn't have an active cooling system in place – just heat. And along with everything else these days,\nthere's an app that can control this thing from your phone, but it's nice to see that\nthe mug has it's own dials. It also does Celsius if you're into that kind\nof thing. Not calculus – just Celsius. Even though those are probably about the same\nthing to most Americans. Now I'm 93% sure that this mug is never supposed\nto be taken apart...I mean, it's a mug...but there are electronics in here somewhere and\nI want to see how it works. The expedition for screws yielded 8 underneath\nthe bottom rubber grip. The larger 4 screws fit my T8 bit, and the\nsmaller 4 screws fit my T5 bit. The removal of these screws allowed the metal\nplate to lift up and the bottom dial to pull away from the bottom of the cup. And unfortunately, this is where the salvageable", metadata={'source': 'qeWvgZLz9yU'}), Document(page_content="disassembly ends. There are no more screws. Everything is permanently molded shut. But we're going to continue anyway. Sacrifices must be made. I'll start by breaking the seal between the\nheavy thick plastic outer layer and the metal insides of the Ember mug with my razor blade. Then it's time to utilize the old rusty saw\nblade trick. It works every time. Now I don't blame Ember for making their mug\ndifficult to take apart. It's literally designed to hold liquid and\nthings that hold liquid need to be seamless and sealed. So they definitely get a thumbs up for extremely\nsolid construction in my opinion. The plastic molding rolls all the way around\nthe sides of the cup and seamlessly splices at the bottom of the mug. Finally, I was able to separate the internal\nguts from the outer shell and get to the interesting stuff. This big circular pad on the side is the thing\nsitting under the Ember logo as part of the system that senses your finger and turns the\nmug on and off. Right below that we have the LED panel that\ngives temperature readouts – both in Fahrenheit and calculus. And by pulling up the white insulating layer,\nI can get a glimpse of the liquid level indicators running up and down the side, connecting us\nall the way down to the blue circuit board at the bottom. I'll disconnect the heater coil ribbon cable\njust like a little Lego, and the battery plug with my plastic pry tool, because, like you\nknow, we don't want to like damage the mug or anything at this point. The motherboard is held in place by two black\nplastic clasps on either side and the whole thing can pull away from the mug base revealing\nthe equally blue battery. This little guy is an 1,120 milliamp hour\nbattery that gives the mug 2 hours of heat on the go. Finally the bottom plastics can come loose\nrevealing what I believe is the temperature sensor for the liquid inside. Remember that heater coil I disconnected earlier? Well that's hidden under all this black foam\nwrapped around the base of the Ember mug. The location makes sense. Heat rises, so having the coils wrapped around\nthe base of the mug is a pretty efficient design. Overall this is a pretty impressive system. If everything else is getting smart these\ndays, why not your cup too? The design seems solid from the inside and\nthe outside. And that heater coil was especially interesting. Definitely worth the tear down. As always, thank you so much for watching. I hope you enjoyed the unboxing of this mug\nand the tear down. If you have any questions, leave them in the\ncomments below and don't forget to check out YouTube's new Unboxed channel Thanks a ton\nfor watching and I'll see you around.", metadata={'source': 'qeWvgZLz9yU'})]
[Document(page_content="Competition is on! We're making spaghetti burritos.\n-O.M.G, where did you get this? You gotta put water in this. You're gonna help me make this spaghetti. \n-Can't do a recipe without a shirt on. Even though this is a competition, I'm going to be nice. I'm gonna mix the game, and I'm gonna share it with you Hurry up. I got your spaghetti on for you, I'm already in the lead Careful, don't burn the top of your mouth like you did last time. Just a little skin was peeling off. I know. \n-It was gross. O.M.G, I burned my mouth. Was it hot? No, it wasn't, it was good. You're taking all my pasta. Leave me the rest. Yeah I'll just take this amount... Here-\n Wait, let me just have this.\n-Stop *giggles* Give me my spaghetti back\n-Alright, alright, sorry. Guys, this video is sponsored by Bon- Jovi. This sauce is the bomb. They own and operate a community restaurant called the Soul Kitchen with no prices on the menu It's completely donation based or grew in a community to help people out and the sole reason for this sauce was to support these restaurants So we have a special link in our description That's gonna. Give you 20% off all the products all that goes to a good cause I love what the foundation is doing and a message that they're spreading. Bon Jovi, I love your sauce. (I love your music.) This is a perfect portion for about two servings of pasta, which is the exact amount for these patches. This is one of my favorite sauces. All right, ready!\n-Go! We're just gonna make the spaghetti burrito I don't know what JP's doing I think he's gonna have a freezing process, but I've done it I'm not gonna really do anything to this. The sauce is perfect the way it is. Of course I have to try it where I put it in the burrito.\n-Yeah, I wanna too.\nYou can't have it Let me try a little bit though Perfect ?dramatic? sauce! I'm so ?nice?. There's kinda pretty by making it like giant. Very important you get the mozzarella cheese slices, that's what's gonna give you the cheese bowl and plus, mozzarella looks so good with spaghetti It's definitely not healthy for you, but it is cheesy. Now about two cups of that spaghetti, some Parmesan cheese on top of these, basil leaf. We're gonna have one more cheese on top.\n-Yeah, I think you got too much spaghetti in here. Don't break, it's gonna tear NOOOOOOOO! *beep* Alright, lets start over. And look it JP, from this one we took spaghetti out and made a spaghetti quesadilla, you want to try it?\n-Yes, I'm hungry. Bongiovi in my mouth You've got to hold on to what you got.\n-I hope this didn't burn...Are you trying to sabotage me? Alright, let's start over\n-All right guys. We're halfway there Julie's living on a prayer It's beautiful. It's perfect. It's my baby. We just took some oil, garlic powder, salt, pepper and that parsley that we just chopped up onto our spaghetti burrito And we're gonna shake on some of that Parmesan cheese It's my BABY. It's beautiful. It's like a restaurant ?in it? Good I think you win, I don't even want to go.\n-You don't even want to do it?\n-No I think you won.\n-He didn't believe that my burrito recipe was good enough So now he's giving up. YouTube is not gonna be happy if you give up Who is YouTube?\n-Everybody out there... *giggles* ...on YouTube It tastes like garlic bread, it's just wrapped around spaghetti. That was really good. That's a wrap guys Hey JP I wanna see what you're gonna to do. Hey guys if you're watching this video then that means I'm probably done What I'm gonna make for you guys, it's something, I'm gonna call a meatball MOG Cheese stuffed meatball roll wrapped in cheesy spaghetti battered and deep-fried with Italian breadcrumbs How did this going from the idea spaghetti burrito?", metadata={'source': 'dRpNZV18N_g'}), Document(page_content='-Like, you know, we put inside the burrito\'s gonna be like meatballs It\'s gonna be good. Give this video a thumbs up because this is another segment of "Julia Does Not Approve" No, I do not. What are you even to do? You\'re gonna put cheese and meat and then put some spaghetti around it... ...and then batter and deep-fry it?\n-Yes\n-So, you. That\'s our meat mixture. Palio, that\'s what we got. It\'s gotta be under eight inches. Can\'t say that was Julia\'s idea MEATBALL I don\'t know about you, but that looks like a meat log You love meat log. It\'s like a really long, flatten out meat log. Got my meat log! Get over here! Is it your mum\'s spaghetti recipe? Are you nervous? \'Cuz on the surface he looks calm ready. You know what I like just leave it on that for a second. All right back to pretending I\'m not helping you. I\'m gonna make the spaghetti out. I\'m gonna be using this Hardy garlic sauce. Awesome sauce. Put in the sauce with a little bit of hot water. Actually Julia\'s positive that she made her recipe. I am making the burrito out of spaghetti, that\'s why it\'s called a spaghetti burrito It\'s almost like a spaghetti pizza I\'m just gonna mix it in until it\'s like nice and cheesy.\n-This burrito is turning into a meal for seven people, huh. Couldn\'t you see that? From the loaf pan So it\'s not a log anymore.\n-I don\'t know if I trust you... I don\'t know if I believe that what you\'re doing is right I don\'t know if it makes sense to leave a rubber spatula on a hot pan but good job JP We\'ll be back after this quick message from JP\'s butt We\'re back, it\'s frozen. We got our giant gold play button. Although we wouldn\'t show you that. It\'s a sign and I\'m gonna win, ?\'cuz the play button came all those doing my thing? Well that\'s really dependent upon the vote\n-So I\'m gonna cut this off here.\n-The log is huge in there You made a giant log\n-But that\'s the size you want, guys, and there\'s a burrito. That\'s spaghetti burrito. This works. Oh, yeah You\'re making like a meatball... ...Juicy Lucy... ...Italian mozzarella stick burrito spaghetti things.\n-I think that\'s the name It\'s a loaf Eleven. That\'s what we were looking for! That\'s spaghetti burrito. This is the one that\'s gonna win Spaghetti as the burrito. Mmm...God. We got it so good on this He would write a brilliant mean tweet, maybe we should put this on Twitter and tie him He\'ll probably say something really mean if he doesn\'t I win That tastes just like mozzarella cheese, there\'s like so much cheese happening and the meat ball is good. It\'s flavored full. You did season it, it\'s... ...unmanageable to eat I don\'t approve.\n-You either like the loaf.\n-So put this on a sandwich right? Put some sauce cheese Maybe some more good, and then just eat it like this That\'s why it\'s both seated you did you did me proud it\'s a win, it\'s a win', metadata={'source': 'dRpNZV18N_g'})]
[Document(page_content="[Music] Vina and you hear me [Music] yes master where's Padma is she safe is she all right [Music] [Music] be careful not to choke and your aspirations director the Imperial Senate will not steal things when they hear you protected don't act so surprised your highness he wants on any mercy mission this time several transmissions were beamed to this ship by rebel spies I want to know what happened to the plans they sent you I don't know what you're talking about I'm a member of the Imperial Senate on a diplomatic mission to Alderaan you were part of the Rebel Alliance and a traitor take her away I suggest we use it don't be too proud of this technological terror you've constructed the ability to destroy a planet is insignificant next to the power of the force I find your lack of faith disturbing I've been waiting for you will be won we meet again at last the circle is now complete when I left you I was put the liner now I am the master will not can it be done he will join us or die Master [Music] apology accepted captain needa there is no escape don't make me destroy you obi-wan never told you what happened to your father he told me enough people be human no I am your father not true that is possible search your feelings you know it to be true [Music] with only one once thought as you do you don't know the power of the dark side I must obey my master I will not turn can you be forced to kill me if that is your destiny give yourself to the dark side is the only way you can save your friends yes the gods betray you but feelings for them are strong especially for sister Luke help me take this mask off but you'll die nothing can stop that now just for once look on you with my own eyes [Music]", metadata={'source': 'qrPPj3e2M-M'})]
[Document(page_content="so what's the point in making art the point is to make so you can share so you may concern you may concern you're making share I'm Chantal Martin and I draw I'm drawing on canvases I'm drawing on rules I'm going on cars and drawing on shirts and drawing on shoes 99% of that is done live when you're drawing live you have no time to think you have no time to hesitate you have no time to plan you have no time to be anyone else so this is the cover of the home and garden section and it's it's funny I didn't know it was a big deal at the time so I only bought one copy so you have an extra spare copy out there I take it I remember my art teacher telling me Chantal don't apply for art school because you're not good enough and you won't get in at that point people were only telling me what I couldn't do so I ran away I started my career in Japan in a culture that was craft based in a culture where people learn things and practice things over generations over long periods of time and I remember thinking to myself what can I master in my lifetime what could I become a family confident with what about a line you know I draw I love drawing we all drop though with these these I'm gonna draw like this what kind of hard work and patience would it take so that when I draw a line is recognizably mine moving to york was very humbling because if no one knows who you are they don't care who you are and everyone is an artist and you start to lose your you start to lose your way and so I decided well I'm not going to not make up because you won't show it I'm gonna draw and make the world my campus and I'm gonna lose any drawing tool that I can get my hand I'm gonna drive I'm gonna drive the sheriff just give me a pen and I'll make something [Music] [Applause] [Music] you follow the Panda you allow it to you allow it to go wherever it needs to go wherever it wants to take you you are willing passenger [Music] and now you repeat that and you repeat that and you repeat that and repeat that but over time you get to extract what you look like over time you get to extract what your line feels like something that it recognizably yours we have this contact between our head and our pan it doesn't matter what industry you're in it comes down to drawing it comes down to that initial mark that you make and without this pen I wouldn't have traveled I wouldn't have collaborated this tool has allowed me to discover who I am [Music]", metadata={'source': 'vWYyZMH_QjA'})]
[Document(page_content="Hey Everybody, it's Norm from Tested Here at the Designer Con 2017 I'm kind of hiding behind this massive helmet here, because it's Hela from Thor Ragnarok Jose Fernandez. Jose, it's great to see ya. Iron Head Studios. Is this your first Designer Con?\nYep, first one. And tell me, what's with Iron Head? You guys have made a lot of costumes. Yeah, it's the end of film as it goes, but we've been consistently busy Hela was an amazing project for us to work on, for sure. The movie was well-received but all the images look amazing to me I think when the first trailer came out for Thor Ragnarok people were stunned by this silhouette as a helmet. You have Thor's Helmet, you have Loki's helmet, with the big antlers They're all so unique and distinct. Hela, it could have been CG I didn't realize you guys made a physical helmet for her to wear. Yeah, I think most of it was CG, but they did want moments for her wearing it. Even just for her own feeling, and she It was a great challenge, because it's pretty big, for me. The challenge was getting the weight right, the balance on her head. And getting it secure without actually having it come down too far her forehead. So, I think we nailed it. When I first saw it on her, walking around the studio, it was pretty impressive. So let's talk about fabrication. There's a bunch of ways this could have been made I assume the original thing was a 3D model? Correct. And then, is this hand-sculpted? Or is it printed? No, it's pretty much all 3D. So we modeled it in the computer, we scanned her. So we had her data, and then made a skull cap for her so it fit really well. And then we just started modeling it. Marvel was heavily involved in every minutiae, which was great. They were really on top of it. And once they were happy, we started printing the pieces. It was a very interesting composite. It's called SLS, but there's also one with a carbon fiber field So it's very light. Structurally, pretty sound. How many pieces is it? Almost every antler is separate. This cluster here in the middle. There's four of these there together, there's an extra one added. And all these large ones are all separate. They're wanted also modular, so they can remove some. So she can wear partials. So she can remove the large ones. Those can be CG'd in. She'd have like a more tailored helmet. So they're all kind of ... they all come off. And then balance is something you mentioned. How much does the whole thing weigh? I don't know. I should have measured. I think it's in the neighborhood of 4 pounds. That's light! That's so light! Somewhere in there. And is it affixed to her head? Is she wearing a skullcap underneath?\nYeah, exactly.\nIt's attached to multiple points. It's like magnetic closures so you can't see that stuff. So the ugly business is all underneath. So there's the physical fabrication, I'm assuming there's no rods or anything to hold that? No. Now with 3d printing, the finishes the SLS the SLA, they all come out with different finishes. This looks like it's almost like metal, but also maybe like a jade. So how do you get this finish? This particular process is very rough. As far as the outputs. It looks like a sand casting. Everybody in my shop, everybody's at the top of their game, so they finish it to this degree, so that it's just beautiful, and then the painter Mike Walachuk, who's a super-talented guy, seems like those cholo cars to me, it's beautiful, but it's like mottling, it's like a mirror chrome and then we mottle into that. It's multiple layers. Like a candy green, then you mottle some more chrome, then mottle again. it's labor-intensive.", metadata={'source': '6VhU_T463sU'}), Document(page_content="Lots of layers, to make it look like an other-worldly material. 8-10 layers at least Gosh. Wow. And then have that cut and polished. So it's just, you know, beautiful. So when you're printing it, is it printed a little larger? So you can sand it down? No, it's 1:1. It's a rough surface, but it doesn't really add much. It's just rough. \nGot it, got it. That's unbelievable. So much of this new technology. What else is Iron Head working on? That you can talk about? We've worked on Aquaman We didn't do Aquaman; we worked on Black Manta. It was a cool villain I like villains. Can't talk much about it. Other than, it's pretty cool. Oh! It's pretty solid. I can't wait for people to start seeing the imagery come out. Yeah, and then of course, there's imagery, and there's seeing this in person. And that's why it's so great seeing you at shows like DesignerCon Where we get to get up close with... wow. A real helmet, a beautiful prop from Marvel Thank you so much, Jose. It's great to see you again. Thanks.", metadata={'source': '6VhU_T463sU'})]
[Document(page_content="inside a 60 Minutes interview with dr. Jon LaPook there you go we're good to go all right how many interviews do you think you've done over the years dozens hundreds hundreds at least is this one different yes I think it's probably the most meaningful interview I've ever done John in your sixty minutes interview with Olympic gymnast Aly Raisman she is speaking publicly for the first time seeing that she was sexually abused by the team dr. Larry Nasser you're saying you were sexually abused yes absolutely by the national team doctor yes while you were out there representing your country yes but she didn't want to talk in detail why I think she's still processing this she's young she's only 23 years old and this is her decision and we really respected that decision you know you you have a couple of warring things right on the one hand you have to be accurate you want to report as much as you can but on the other hand you really have to be sensitive to her I wanted to make sure that I did everything I could to not make things worse okay you're a teenager what was your typical teenager day so I would wake up I would eat I would go to practice the interview took four hours which is very unusual that's a long time a long time a gold silver and a bronze I have all the colors and I think one of the reasons why I took so long was I was really trying to let her be a partner in the interview I didn't want it to be certainly not a grilling I wanted to see that she was comfortable and then fire a warning shot say okay now we're gonna be talking about Larry Nasser we're gonna turn now to dr. Nasir - Larry Nasir when was the first time that you give her time to react to that and to process that and then to go at the pace she wanted to go I think about you know this interview coming out with the book like that's my way of having control you know because obviously when you are a victim of any kind of abuse you feel very vulnerable you don't feel like you're in control and that's a really horrible feeling this is somebody your whole life is had a routines and she's in control and she does it the same way every time when she does the routine and and I think I felt during the interview I wanted to give her that let her do it her let her do it her way it's her story were you ever alone with Nasir yes I was along with him and I I didn't realize it at the time but that's already a violation you're never supposed to be alone with an adult where were you when you were alone with him the first time I think the the most important thing is that you should never ever be alone with someone and they should never be making you uncomfortable this is not something where we're trying to yank out something that she doesn't want to say that would have been the worst thing I'm getting that you're a little reluctant to talk about yes she felt it was sufficient for me to say I've been sexually abused I don't think I need to go into graphic detail about how 3 and E Court is the 60 minutes producer for this piece I think that next line is fine graphic details she's very determined now to chart our own course and she's kind of gone from someone who was impressionable and young and trying very hard to please everybody to finally growing up and realizing I need to please myself and I think what she's determined to do now is to just take charge of her own destiny you know she's such a strong fierce at the title of her book she is a fierce person and she clearly has a strong ethical background her parents are very supportive you know Ally was present for their interview they were present for her interview the mother the mom was and and during the parents interview was interesting there were times when Ally would say mom you Denese answer that question right what did you say or nothing me an Ally's in the background going no mama you know you're you should say this or you said that wrong and and I thought well listen you", metadata={'source': 'QiIlcKiREUU'}), Document(page_content="mama you know you're you should say this or you said that wrong and and I thought well listen you raised an Olympic champion that's pretty yes it speaks to her really wanting to control this narrative control her story and good for her think about the courage it takes to come out with this to be public about this you're so close with Ali why do you think she didn't confide in you right yeah I mean yeah I mean I I don't think she knew I don't think there was education I didn't know enough to warn her that it could be someone she trusted they want to get a message out right to to parents yeah one of their main reasons for doing this is they wanted to make it clear to people that stranger danger isn't the real danger that your kids are facing then is that the real danger is someone you know someone you trust someone who's a community leader and we know this intellectually but how do you talk to your kid about this without undermining their trust in everyone yeah that's I mean you don't want them to start fearing every adult right none of us want to say any one your life might betray you that's not something you want to say to your kids so the question is how do you flip that around in a way and from what I've been hearing when we talked to people who who deal with this it's about you you have a right to be comfortable if someone's making you uncomfortable you tell your mom and dad we tell our children use your words well we have to tell the parents the same thing use your words with your kids more than 90% of the time when a child is abused the perpetrator is somebody the child knows it's an awkward conversation to have with your little with your little kid whether it's a little boy a little girl but we have to talk about it we have to make it so it's not awkward because the more awkward it is the more it's going to happen", metadata={'source': 'QiIlcKiREUU'})]