[Document(page_content="I broke my flip-flop sandals songs if you're in Australia bunch of thong wears [Music] [Laughter] so let's make a pair of hard drive 33 suggest doing it out of stuff that we can find here does that what he said you said superglue zip ties to get some tape to make your own sandals out of the things you use the most so we've got some do it come over here I was thinking like foam we got like my plastics drawer where's my home this squishy foam that I need I think we get too out of that I think we can use some wood to do we have like the wood on the bottom is like the grippy pads plus we want something I think help us lock in the the juice oh you need it we need a sandal design let's do that really quick okay let's [Music] take a picture of it yeah cameraman John has converted the drawing of my feet or the tracing of my foot into an illustrator file that we're gonna cut out on foam and then thin wood so that means it's later time the laser job was off his off the edge like then don't let me put it off yet it's okay okay now I gotta cut the wood piece I don't know what kind of wood to use I was just thinking this that was here we're gonna get two of these or is that that's this we're gonna be able to put that right here no we could twist it oh it's brilliant good job it's just temporary [Music] okay yes so the you know actually I have no idea how this is gonna feel so let's let's just tape my thinking wow I'm not doing a very good job spitting out whole sentences my idea is to kind of cut this into sections so that you've got more flex of the flip-flop but I don't know if that's necessary so let's figure out what it actually feels like when you kick up it like picks the whole sandal up is this no flex jerk but it feels how will this this tape stick to hair no do you want to try one what do you think should we segment it not having leg hair yeah so we got segments where I think the appropriate where you put your weight on your feet your arch we made it up that means Laser bandsaw yeah when this thing folds we want there needs to be more gap because there's a chance this gets curl so I need to take these edges off these edges these edges off all right I'll be back in a second too much dust I just remembered that we also need to figure how the straps go I'm thinking the zip ties we could like trap the bottom of the zip tie under the wood I had a thought the thought doesn't make any sense anymore the little centerpiece should be like here that through there and we also have to go through the wood in the same spot and then we can just wrap this around the wood and glue it down and then this I would look like it goes from the front way back there I got it this is it Bray nope nope nope nope nope nope Oh God okay who I'm doing is I'm drilling holes in the wood so that we can pull the zip types or that feels good this one I haven't even cut that one yet we mass-produces will just code this into the laser fire that fits all right let's glue this is hot glue stick to this let's find out where is that leftover piece Oh sitting on Chelsea oh I forgot about yeah yep that'll work [Music] so pulling the zip tie through oh man she's gonna like you we're straight through your skin it doesn't feel I mean doesn't feel good but it's not like terrible how tight should that be we're gonna bend these down and then like your super glue them - I got it put some foam on these they're done and we made little Garrett John made little cat pads so I'm not slipping I you know I can only die so many times before I can't die anymore so let's go take these out for a spin on the town I'm gonna get blisters on my toes [Music] [Music]", metadata={'source': 'Cr9oGxr0Qa0'})]
[Document(page_content='If you’ve ever seen Quentin Tarrantino’s\nhit movie, Pulp Fiction, you’ll know it opens with a scene in which Samuel Jackson\nshows his surprise regarding the legality of cannabis smoking in Holland and the fact\nthat the French eat their fries with mayonnaise. “Ugh” is his reaction to the use of such\na condiment. Well, we can tell you “ugh” works both\nways, and there are plenty of things Americans eat, do, believe, and say, that European’s\nfind plain weird. Today we’ll look at some of those things,\nin this episode of The Infographics Show, American Things Europeans Find Weird. Don’t forget to subscribe and click the\nbell button so that you can be part of our Notification Squad. We’ll stay with food and restaurants for\nthe time being. As we’ve discussed in other shows, not everyone\nin the world is so draconian about tipping. In fact, in some parts of Europe, throwing\na buck on the counter after receiving a cold beer would be totally insulting. In many European countries, tipping in some\nsituations can be seen as charity. When visiting the U.S., many Europeans might\nfind it weird that a waiter or waitress keeps coming back to your table. In the States, it may been seen as just good\nservice, but to some Europeans, it could be construed as someone getting in the way of\na good meal. That meal, by the way, could be about three\ntimes larger than many people in Europe are used to. In general, American food portions look to\nsome Europeans like they are supposed to feed two people. It may also seem like an act of largesse to\nsome Europeans when someone keeps refilling their glass of soda or cup of coffee for no\nextra cost. In terms of the food itself, as we noted earlier,\nAmericans and Europeans have very different ideas about what goes with what. Pancakes for breakfast, with fried chicken,\nare you kidding me, says the travelling European. And what about putting honey on bacon for\nbreakfast? The Frenchman wanted mustard with his sliced\nbeef and tasted something not like mustard but a sweeter version with less bite. The Italian went to Chicago and in one restaurant\nordered a pizza, only to be served what he thought looked more like a quiche or a cake. So, what about when Europeans head to the\nstore. Again, the rather affable smile and general\nfriendliness of staff may seem strange to someone from grumpy England, where service\nwith a smile is certainly no guarantee. In fact, it’s been remarked that American\nfriendliness can result in some Europeans thinking something suspicious is afoot. If that European is in the store to buy a\npacket of cigarettes or a bottle of wine, they may be extremely surprised when they\nget asked for ID, as that might not have happened to them for over a decade or two. On top of Europe mainly having laxer laws\non age restrictions, ID-ing people is not such a big deal as it is in America. Only in July this year, Oasis frontman Liam\nGallagher said he was ID-ed in the US after trying to buy cigarettes. He tweeted, “I’ve just been told I can’t\nbuy cigs unless I got ID, I’m forty-[expletive]-four… has the world gone mad.” Indeed, in his home city of Manchester he’d\nprobably been buying his smokes for 30 years without a problem. And then the European looks inside his or\nher wallet, only to see a bunch of notes that all look the same, all the time wondering\nhow this could possibly make any sense. The good thing is in America you can pay with\nplastic just about anywhere, which is something many Europeans are still not used to. They may also be unpleasantly surprised to\nfind out when they do buy something, taxes get added on top of the price they saw. So, they try and get back to their hotel,\nbut have to ask the way. They are told to walk six blocks this way\nand turn left. Only for some Europeans not familiar with\nthe U.S., giving someone directions using ‘blocks’ may seem weird. Parts of Europe were not built with city blocks', metadata={'source': 'l4bAoNAx2uo'}), Document(page_content='in mind, and just gradually spread in a way that makes it hard to find your way around. When they finally do get back, they settle\ndown to watch some TV, only for some reason the shows are interspersed with commercials\nthat seem to be longer than the actual minutes given to the actual content. This drives some Europeans crazy. At some point, they might come across World\nWrestling Entertainment, and be quite confused at how some Americans can get so worked up\nabout what to them looks like an act with an ending already scripted. You may have to be American to enjoy that\nkind of drama with such passion. Turn over to the news and, depending on the\nchannel, this may also look something like a drama or a soap opera to a European; they\nmay easily believe they are watching a news satire. One of the great things in America, though,\nfor some Europeans at least, is the fact that some things are open 24/7. Can’t sleep, just go out. Shopping hours are relatively quite restrictive\nin many European nations, but in most places in the U.S. in or near a big city, there is\nalways something to do or buy in the middle of the night. In Europe, the BBC reported that London, England,\nand 6 cities in Spain were the better 24 hour cities. Now we’ll visit the sensitive issues of\nreligion and patriotism. World Atlas puts America at the top of the\nlist as the most Christian nation in the world. In the U.S, on any given day, you might hear\nthe word God, or at least see signs pointing to where you might find him. While parts of Europe are also predominantly\nChristian, the omnipresence of God in the streets may seem a little overbearing to many\nof these nations that have forgone church duty. It’s the same with flags everywhere. You won’t go far in America without seeing\nthe Stars and Stripes, whereas in Europe, flags are usually designated to the top of\npoles outside of official buildings. Seeing one planted in a garden may induce\na travelling European to believe that he is at the house of a hardcore nationalist, not\njust someone who is proud of where he comes from. Interesting side note: A 2014 survey revealed\nthe most patriotic country in the world was Thailand, closely followed by the USA. While it may not seem too weird for Europeans,\nthe fact that some people in the states carry firearms might be scary. Per capita, more people in the states own\nguns than any other country. While most cops in Europe do carry guns, it’s\nunusual to see a cop in England, Scotland or Wales carrying a gun. The fact that regular Joes might be carrying\na firearm seems fairly weird to many Europeans. It might not seem so strange to Serbians,\nwho also have a high rate of guns owned per person. Size also matters to Europeans when traveling\nin the States. In America, everything just seems bigger,\nand not just the aforementioned dishes. The roads and streets seem larger for the\nmost part, and if you don’t have a car, it can seem hard to get anywhere, especially\nin a place like LA. The cars themselves seem a lot bigger, large\nenough to crush Mr. Bean in his mini; and the people inside them also seem big on average\n– if not taller, than wider on average. The skyscrapers are taller, and in general,American\nhouses statistically have a lot more space than the average European house. One survey stated that the Danish had the\nmost living space in Europe, still much less than Americans, but much more than the Brits\nthat to Americans might seem their whole house is smaller than their basement. It may not be that weird, but one might ask\nwhy everything is so big in the U.S. As for appearance, some Europeans may find\nthe amount of Americans that are continually decked in what looks like gym wear a bit strange\nas most are not going to the gym. Other styles, that are mostly an 80s thing\nbut seem to have stayed around a little, are the Big Hair styles on some older American\nwomen. Big lips and big breasts, may also be a fashion', metadata={'source': 'l4bAoNAx2uo'}), Document(page_content='women. Big lips and big breasts, may also be a fashion\nweird to some Europeans, while in the USA the president still seems to sport a fake\ntan. On the positive side, Americans all seem to\nhave such perfect white teeth, quite different from those Brits. This was hilariously depicted in an episode\nof The Simpsons in which The Big Book of British Smiles horrifically demonstrated the apparent\nlack of dental hygiene in the country. So, what do you Europeans out there find strange\nabout Americans? And Americans, what do you think is weird\nabout Europeans? Let us know in the comments! Also, be sure to check out our other video\ncalled the Loudest Things a Person Can Hear?! Thanks for watching, and, as always, don’t\nforget to like, share, and subscribe. See you next time!', metadata={'source': 'l4bAoNAx2uo'})]
[Document(page_content="hey guys it is Peri and John Roker here right now we have a big review for you it is our non-spoiler review of Justice League I can't believe the day has finally come first off we're gonna start by talking about these heroes here so who stood out to you you know this is gonna surprise a lot of people I actually enjoyed ray Fisher a cyborg I think everyone else came and brought their stuff Ezra Miller was fun to watch everyone says he stole the movie but I really liked the way ray Fisher underplayed his character he was more subtle he was more calm you sense that there was alive he was processing and he actually was integral to the plot and the whole saving the Justice League when they needed it at a certain moment so I want to give her a Fisher special shout out cuz they're gonna give everyone else a shout out in this Justice League but he deserves it he did a really great job I will second that I did like his performance I mean really I kind of liked everybody in their role but what I liked more than the individual was I liked the whole I was really enjoying them coming together and working together and just being the Justice League when it comes down to individual characters especially cyborg and Aquaman I think those are two instances where maybe a longer running time wouldn't serve them well because they do start to bring up little bits about these characters especially characters that we haven't seen on the big screen before in this iteration of the DC film franchise and their ideas that deserved a whole movie and it felt so truncated and cut short but it also didn't take away from their value to the team so it did wind up balancing out but I think that the team as a whole was much stronger than any of the individuals I agree and that supports the argument that we should have maybe had some standalone movies with these characters before we did a Justice League because we're doing a lot of work as the audience filling in these holes with the back story there's characters for example flash you're having his dad in prison which we've seen in the TV show as well so it's his story but we would have liked to have a little more time with that you know so I agree with you Perry absolutely and even when it comes to characters that we have seen on the big screen before like Wonder Woman and Batman they tease some great stuff with Wonder Woman with what she was going through after the events at the Wonder Woman film I would have loved to have seen more of that for all I know maybe that is what we will get in the next Wonder Woman movie but I wanted more of that I liked her and forth her dynamic with Batman and how that tapped into what they went through in BBS I think that we could have gotten more of that as well but I did enjoy what I saw in there so really there's a lot of good it's just I wanted more so it speaks to how how appealing those characters are and especially how appealing they are when they all come together hmm all right so let's move on to the big bad well I love Ciaran Hinds as an actor I think voiceover wise he did a fantastic job bringing that character to life but it's a CGI villain and I just it just bothered me to see the CGI villain it just didn't have that same kind of weight that you wanted to have and Steppenwolf is a historical character in DC Comics purse premiere to New Gods there she's involved with Darkseid there's so many connections here that you can play around with and I felt like a lot a lot of it wasn't really brought to fruition in a way that I would have liked and I think a lot of the way was that CGI did the end that axe was great but but just everything else about it it was like what was your point what do you do why are all of a sudden you coming out here we get the backstory but we don't get the weight of the character and what exactly the character is trying to do and I think that has I had an issue with that absolutely what I didn't like", metadata={'source': 'ryqZUqgjvW8'}), Document(page_content="is trying to do and I think that has I had an issue with that absolutely what I didn't like about Steppenwolf is pretty much exactly what you just said that he did feel I mean he felt like a video game character it was very heavily animated and when you have people like let's say Aquaman in a physical suit right there and you're putting them together it's almost like maybe the CG isn't that bad all on its own but when the rendering looks different from person to person and then with the backdrop that's when it becomes a bigger problem but what I did like about Steppenwolf especially when you consider where the character fit in this story is how simple his goal was yeah and take over the world and I think it it was effective it was believable it made sense and it also didn't require the movie to over explain what he was up to and that left a lot more time to explore the Justice League and their relationships so I did appreciate that and another thing that didn't mean it is directly connected to Steppenwolf but I actually did like what the mother boxes did also for our heroes instead because yeah we know it Steppenwolf's relationship with the mother boxes is pretty cut-and-dry even though I I did giggle every time he cases like mother but the mother boxes by themselves they do shed some light on these individual characters and the group of people that they come from and I think that wound up serving them in the story pretty well so now we got to talk a little bit about some of the behind the scenes stuff particularly our our director situations so directing wise how do you think this hall came out I think you can tell some people been saying oh you can't tell you can tell that every scene Schneider and then just in a week like literally the film brightens up halfway through you can absolutely tell the difference is that whole intro is absolutely Zack Snyder the whole darkness all of that from the beginning and then all of a sudden a certain somebody shows up and it's a brighter palettes brighter colors brighter suit all of this happening and you're just like you can tell that their jokes all of a sudden that where the jokes were a little weird in the first part of the movie they're jokes all of a sudden land and work in the second part of the movie so you can tell where this division happens that being said it didn't take away from my enjoyment of the movie I got it I felt it but it wasn't like with neckla Pixar's brave which it which felt like two absolutely different movies this felt a little more seamless scene it didn't it felt seamless for me I'll actually disagree on that I do think I saw moments where knowing their body of work I could say oh that's his ex nighter type of thing that's a Joss Whedon type of thing but when I'm looking at the movie as one big experience it's not like black and white I don't think it was jumping back and forth I think the biggest thing that I was able to see by how much this production had gone through was the fact that it felt like scenes were cut short and things were published that's what I noticed more than anything but really the two directors whatever Joss Whedon wound up doing on this movie I was not sitting there and noticing all of that there are some digital elements that you know you could tell were changed when you watch the trailers and then when you watch the movie a certain mustache maybe notice that kind of stuff but when it comes to these two directors working on the same piece and coming out with this final product together really it didn't take away from it at all I was not looking for it I was not noticing it and I think that the biggest problem was some of the directing was just a gay yes a great example is probably the opening sequence with Batman fighting that one right I think that the action wasn't covered particularly well the geography of that scene isn't great and even when you have Batman landing significant", metadata={'source': 'ryqZUqgjvW8'}), Document(page_content="well the geography of that scene isn't great and even when you have Batman landing significant punches you don't feel the punch like you should so I think some of the action could have been handled a little better and shot better especially in the third act but really when it comes to joss whedon and when it comes to Zack Snyder I was not seeing a noticeable difference quite like you were yeah but I also want to give a shout out to the score I hearing though that Danny Elfman Batman's score works so seamlessly in the movie was one of the highlights for me an incredible surprise for me and I enjoyed that and of course the Man of Steel stuff coming back that score from Hans Zimmer all of those were placed in the right times and they were subtle and when you picked them up you nerd it out or geeked out like crazy so I really I wish it I felt more of Danny Elfman's flavors throughout the entire thing there's one particular scene that highlights Wonder Woman where I'm like oh that that's him that's him and I wanted more of that but the little bits that I heard I did enjoy now let's move on to talking a little bit about the franchise overall because clearly some of the things that we see in Justice League might have been a reaction to how people receive BBS so are you feeling good about what Justice League does for the DC film universe right now I am I think it's a it's a good step forward it's not a Wonder Woman step forward but it certainly is a better step forward than BBS I absolutely hated BBS everyone knows this but I felt Justice League was a step a better step in the right direction so once we get in the next film it at least gives you hope that they're figuring it out and you could feel throughout the movie that they were course-correcting this entire franchise through the movie which is an interesting thing to experience and analyze and watch so for me I think this is a good step forward our next step forward yeah I liked this movie I enjoyed it as its own thing I can't quite figure out what it means for the franchise though just because it feels so drastically different from both BVS and Wonder Woman I think the tone that they ran with the pace that they ran with and even the length of the movie I think it served this particular movie well it's just a little difficult to figure out what that means for the DC film franchise after this beyond the fact that when this movie concluded I sat there and I said to myself I like these characters I want to spend more time with them so in that respect I think it served the franchise very well it's just when I'm talking about things like tone and style and color palette and all that yeah I don't really know what it means because we've seen so many drastically different interpretations of that so that's it no putting the pressure on you first yeah give me your score well listen this is gonna be interesting school I give it seven and a half I would have liked to give it an eight or a nine or a ten but unfortunately villains stuff has I have issues with and there are gaping plot holes in this movie but there's enough here for me to enjoy is enough here for me to want to go back and see the second time so for me it's a seven and a half absolutely and those post-credit sequences really put it over the edge as well oh wow no my score is gonna sound so low compared to yours but I'm gonna give it a six out of ten oh wow I I enjoyed it I think it's got some serious flaws it's unfortunate that they're there feels like there's certain parts of this movie missing that I think might have made it stronger but when it comes to entertainment value and just the love of the characters I think it got enough right that I was enjoying myself from start to finish I walked out feeling pretty happy I'm excited to see it again it's just there's certain flaws that I can't really forgive and that six out of ten is primarily for the entertainment value of the", metadata={'source': 'ryqZUqgjvW8'}), Document(page_content="that I can't really forgive and that six out of ten is primarily for the entertainment value of the film and the fact that it made me happy and like these characters even more than I already did so that is our non-spoiler review of justice league for you we will have a spoiler review we will have more videos about Justice League so keep an eye out for all that please like this video share it subscribe please comment when you see Justice League be kind and also keep an eye out for more movie reviews right here on collateral [Music]", metadata={'source': 'ryqZUqgjvW8'})]
[Document(page_content="so when you're alive to see a new movie come out in a major franchise you have this unique opportunity to play a fun game where you put yourself on the record guessing what's gonna happen before it happens and no one can ever do that again after it comes out I could just sit here and write my beat for beat fanfic about what I think is gonna happen but that would be painful instead I thought it would be funny to make a bingo card of highly specific things that I think might happen and then when the movie comes out I can play bingo and see how many times I get a bingo in bingo the more specific the better because the nature of a bingo card is that you're not gonna get every square or it's not a good game of bingo so some of these are weird you gotta go big or go home so a bingo card that's 25 things let's go number 1 BB 9 e gets one confirmed kill number two ugly dangerous monster the new trilogy needs some big ugly iconic monster for like a mini boss fight scene that doesn't advance the story something that translates well into plushies or novelty t-shirts something that can attack your ship in Star Tours rathtar doesn't really cut it the original trilogy has rank cores sar lacks whomp buzz the prequels out all those sea monsters around ohto gunga even rogue one had Mads Mikkelsen number three Huck's goes to jail number four kylo doesn't kill Leia kylo Ren already killed his father so killing his mother would be kind of unshockable of something equivalent to what we already knew he was capable of being unable to kill his mother shows inner conflict and it's interesting oh hey he knows about a good time to start that Redemption art Leia won't die by his hand and I also don't think she'll die by anyone elses I think she'll live I think this movie might end with like an aid maybe like a Mon Calamari looking aid to be like general we must move you to a safer location so removing her from the actual action of the story but keeping Leia as a living and powerful presence out of respect to Carrie Fisher dine in real life number five ray learns to swim I think I just want to watch ray struggle to swim and be bad at it because I can't swim I just sink I I'd like to see her being upped in a way that I am number six no poured casualties not even implied ones number seven han Solo as a ghost I don't think this one's gonna happen but we got to put some wild cards in here that's the point of bingo I don't know what I meant by that's the point of bingo number eight Snoke is seven and a half feet tall he's short enough that he's essentially human sized but tall enough that is kind of awkward looking number nine force lightning bonus points afraid as it but somebody should do it number ten rogue one shout out some character from rogue one could get some in name only shout out in a line of dialogue because brand synergy and stuff some incidental character could have the last name and or and you'd be like oh my god what if that's casting indoors nephew well how about that or historical text mentions true in way or Jetta or something number oh look I'm out of fingers number eleven kylo Ren cries real tears you see them in his eyes and one of them goes out on his face he always looks like he's gonna cry but I wanted to actually cry so I can watch and enjoy number twelve Luke is not the father I've said before that there are a lot of reasons I don't want Luke to be raised father I made a whole video on at one time although I find it highly possible that we just won't find out one way or the other until episode 9 but if we do find out Rey's parents in this movie I'm gonna guess that they're not Luke or Leia or Han number 13 and this is the free space gray Rey I've been saying this since the force awakens came out but I think Rey is putting out some serious dark side vibes and I think she's gonna be tempted by it in this movie she had this terrible fight for your life childhood alone raised by this evil", metadata={'source': 'I-5CODzeGEE'}), Document(page_content="by it in this movie she had this terrible fight for your life childhood alone raised by this evil slug monster thing that doesn't really inspire Jedi goodwill and tranquility and stuff but don't take my word for it look at her super dark gray outfit for this movie so yeah I'm really confident in this one I'm making it the free space number 14 lightsaber built from scrap if Ray gets a lightsaber in this movie I don't think she'll build it in the traditional appearance I think since she's a scavenger it's gonna be made of cobbled together bits maybe she'll make a saber staff like Darth Maul but in a different color or maybe she'll just put Luke's lightsaber on one end of her stick thing so it's just like a stabby long thing I don't know weapons I think the thing that will make it look weird and unique is that it'll just be this hodgepodge of different materials and metals maybe like something you'd build with the blade builder lightsaber system get yours at Target today it comes in purple number 15 Rose Tico is us by number 16 Rose Tico's sister will die I've learned basically nothing through osmosis about Rose Tico's sister except that I'm pretty sure she has a sister and her sister is a pilot for the resistance being a pilot is a pretty dangerous job so sight unseen I'm just gonna guess that she'll die horribly and we'll see if I'm right number 17 canto byte alien horse race I know there's a casino planet and I think that for one of the establishing shots like like a two-second shot we're gonna see all these quadrupedal ian's lined up to race and people are like betting on them and we're like oh it's like a horse race but they're aliens because it's Star Wars number 18 somebody dances to my recollection we didn't see a single character dance in the force awakens unless general Hux counts I'd like to see at least one character with a speaking role dance if anything I'd imagine it would be one of the characters that can toe bite but I'm prepared to be pleasantly surprised I like my characters to dance in movies if nobody dances it's hard for me to tell that everything's okay and we had a good time number 19 Luke lives I'm just gonna be bold and make a guess about this one there are two possible outcomes Luke lives or Luke dies fifty-fifty so I'm just gonna get in and say that I think that he lives narrative Li it does make more sense for him to die because he's the mentor I don't know I just feel like they killed Han in the last movie so killing Luke might kind of feel like a rehash and I feel like everybody's expecting it so that might be why they wouldn't want to do it number twenty Poe Dameron turns evil he was on the evil side in that one movie poster literally every character was delineated by good and evil Poe Dameron was over on the evil side what does it mean I'm just kidding actually I think he's gonna die I think you should have died when his ship went down in the force awakens he's living in borrowed time you guys number 21 don't trust laura dern number 22 ray cuts a limb off somebody the last movie echoed beats from a new hope so I feel like this movie might echo beats from Empire but I think the best course of action would be to subvert expectations that Empire lays down a big beat from Empire Luke getting his arm lopped off and I think this movie should have that too but reverse it so Ray's the one doing the lopping it would be kind of shocking and dark and go with my gray ray theory especially if her opponent was already down and she just kind of did it vindictively like that time that kylo Ren was lying on his back in the snow and she sliced his face up she cuts their arm off when she totally could have not cut their arm off not to be mean to kylo Ren but personally I would like it if it was kylo Ren this time - it's a Skywalker tradition number 23 BB 90 is a girl we haven't had a girl asked for Metroid in the movies before and haven't had that many girl droids", metadata={'source': 'I-5CODzeGEE'}), Document(page_content="we haven't had a girl asked for Metroid in the movies before and haven't had that many girl droids in general unless they have stereotypical girl jobs like like delivery room droid thanks I just want this sexless inhuman ball to be called Shi for no reason number 24 c-3po explodes no I'm just kidding I think we're gonna have an arbitrary new stormtrooper armor design like in Episode seven it kind of made sense that the stormtroopers look different now and then in rogue one it was like let's have different colors cuz then we can sell like the toys to go with it so I think this time we're gonna see another new stormtrooper design and it's not really gonna like do anything different she's like yeah number twenty five my lack guess is darkside ending like the movie ends with ray apparently ambiguously turning to the dark side probably with the best of intentions like to get the information that she needs to defeat them although her motivations may or may not be made clear this is my boldest guess and completely baseless but it's bingo go big or go home and I realize that making a bold guess sets me up to look like a huge idiot when the movie comes out and I got it wrong but I have no shame about that I acknowledge that I'm not psychic besides it's bingo remember whatever that means I just figured that since this is the second film in a trilogy it'll want to end with a bang and since there are two years till the next one it'll want to leave people guessing and give them something to make endless YouTube speculation videos about so Ray making a drastic decision with unclear motivations would fit the bill for that like his she undercover is she evil and has to be redeemed and even better kick in the pants would be if as ray is defecting kylo Ren is in the process of turning good again like he comes to her like hey I don't really want to turn good yet but like I don't really like Snoke anymore and I don't want to kill my mom and if I try to leave he's gonna try to kill me I was thinking like I'm powerful and you're powerful you need a teacher and I could teach you and we could kill him together yeah yeah I could be your teacher and we could kill Snoke together because I'm afraid I have a lot of hurt feelings right now I'm also crying while I'm telling you this I'm crying real tears and Ray's like I'm listening to you right now but what I'm hearing is that Snoke has a job opening and you're left with this weird ending where Ray's showing up at the first-order headquarters like who's gonna train me and kylo was like on some planet somewhere like in a swamp like I can't go home and now I'm also gonna die and everybody gets to spend 2018 like what's gonna happen is rave really evil is she playing a long con will kylo Ren go crawling back to Luke who survived this movie will Luke be a bro and loan kylo Ren his prosthetic arm to fight with will Chewbacca ever find love again will kylo Ren train that pork in the force so that's my whole bang card I can't wait for the movie to come out so I can play bingo and and get lots of bingos and call out bingo during the movie in the theater drop my pork I [Music] you yeah that's all I got I'm gonna think of more as soon as I post this so make any guesses about Finn Finn is gonna I don't know I think the Millennium Falcon is gonna blow up you know in Harry Potter when they kill off Hedwig it's like that was your childhood and innocence and we killed it it'll be like that but it's just a ship so you're like oh no no I just have my memories of it and a perfect Lego replica", metadata={'source': 'I-5CODzeGEE'})]
[Document(page_content="me Beecher he is the newest resident to Big Cat Rescue he is a five-year-old male first-generation Savannah cap savannah cats are a hybrid between an African servile and a domestic cat [Music] hoping that's what you would be eating I would never recommend anyone ever doing this I thought I was so informed Oh and he's gotten to hurting people so how old was he when he first started really showing movie was well first day became Tara Charter right away well then he had this clause and I mean he was fighting he was aggressive and he could stay in that red zone for hours and I mean open a door I mean my daughter standing next to me having a conversation nothing to do with feature he came out from under the bed and I've got the pictures of it the damage he did from here logo down her account for a whole length was black and he's done a lot of damage I see you later once we get him outside he won't be at me he wants to be outside he wants to be allowed [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music]", metadata={'source': 'FEjZiCPuvqQ'})]
[Document(page_content="Hunger claws at your grumbling belly. It tugs at your intestines, \nwhich begin to writhe, aching to be fed. Being hungry generates a powerful,\noften unpleasant physical sensation that's almost impossible to ignore. After you've reacted by gorging\non your morning pancakes, you start to experience \nan opposing force, fullness, but how does your body actually know\nwhen you're full? The sensation of fullness is set in motion\nas food moves from your mouth down your esophagus. Once it hits your stomach,\nit gradually fills the space. That causes the surrounding\nmuscular wall to stretch, expanding slowly like a balloon. A multitude of nerves wrapped\nintricately around the stomach wall sense the stretching. They communicate with the vagus nerve\nup to the brainstem and hypothalamus, the main parts of the brain\nthat control food intake. But that's just one input your brain uses\nto sense fullness. After all, if you fill \nyour stomach with water, you won't feel full for long. Your brain also takes into account\nchemical messengers in the form of hormones produced\nby endocrine cells throughout your digestive system. These respond to the presence of specific\nnutrients in your gut and bloodstream, which gradually increase \nas you digest your food. As the hormones seep out, \nthey're swept up by the blood and eventually reach the hypothalamus\nin the brain. Over 20 gastrointestinal hormones \nare involved in moderating our appetites. One example is cholecystokinin, which is produced in response to food\nby cells in the upper small bowel. When it reached the hypothalamus, it causes a reduction in the feeling\nof reward you get when you eat food. When that occurs, the sense\nof being satiated starts to sink in and you stop eating. Cholecystokinin also slows down\nthe movement of food from the stomach into the intestines. That makes your stomach stretch\nmore over a period of time, allowing your body to register\nthat you're filling up. This seems to be why when you eat slowly,\nyou actually feel fuller compared to when you consume your food\nat lightning speed. When you eat quickly, your body doesn't\nhave time to recognize the state it's in. Once nutrients and gastrointestinal\nhormones are present in the blood, they trigger the pancreas\nto release insulin. Insulin stimulates the body's fat cells\nto make another hormone called leptin. Leptin reacts with receptors\non neuron populations in the hypothalamus. The hypothalamus has two sets of neurons\nimportant for our feeling of hunger. One set produces the sensation of hunger\nby making and releasing certain proteins. The other set inhibits hunger through\nits own set of compounds. Leptin inhibits the hypothalamus neurons\nthat drive food intake and stimulates the neurons \nthat suppress it. By this point, your body has reached\npeak fullness. Through the constant exchange \nof information between hormones, the vagus nerve, the brainstem, and the different portions \nof hypothalamus, your brain gets the signal\nthat you've eaten enough. Researchers have discovered that some foods produce \nmore long-lasting fullness than others. For instance, boiled potatoes are ranked as some of the most \nhunger-satisfying foods, while croissants \nare particularly unsatisfying. In general, foods with more protein,\nfiber, and water tend to keep hunger at bay for longer. But feeling full won't last forever. After a few hours, your gut and brain\nbegin their conversation again. Your empty stomach produces\nother hormones, such as ghrelin, that increase the activity of \nthe hunger-causing nerve cells in the hypothalamus. Eventually, the growling beast of hunger\nis reawakened. Luckily, there's a dependable \nantidote for that.", metadata={'source': 'YVfyYrEmzgM'})]
[Document(page_content='Johnny: You are tearing me apart, Lisa! When you think of "it\'s so bad, it\'s good", you probably think of some movie with laughably horrible acting and writing. A movie that\'s so bad, it becomes really fun to watch. You watch it and make fun of it with your friends because such a bad movie takes itself so seriously. "So bad, it\'s good" movies go as far back as the B movies of the 40s and 50s. The concept has always been the same. They\'re guilty pleasure movies where you enjoy the movie because of its excessive use of: movie tropes, poor over-the-top acting, and terrible camerawork, and it makes sense It\'s not hard to see the similar laughability of Robot Monster in 1953 and Sharknado (2013). The problem is that analysis of "so bad, it\'s good" usually stops there, but I think you can go much deeper than that I want to talk about what\'s at the core of this phenomenon, and make the case that the techniques of "so bad, it\'s good" are present in tons of critically acclaimed movies, and almost all the time, It\'s done on purpose. So let me explain. Erin: Michael. Michael: Walk with me. "So bad, it\'s good" movies are an extreme version of the idea that audiences enjoy theatrical and over-the-top movies that still take themselves seriously, This concept is called "camp." And it\'s another tool at the disposal of a filmmaker. When you think of campy movies you may think they\'re always made unintentionally. Like Tommy Wiseau trying to film a serious movie and accidentally creating the ultimate camp classic. But that\'s actually not the case. Directors constantly pretend to take their dumb movie seriously to create a whole new level of entertainment. Anthony Ferrante: But if everybody is earnest and serious and treating it like it\'s, you know, a regular earthquake, or it\'s you know an alien invasion or whatever it is, then, then that sincerity kind of translates, and then you can go even further with your villain, which is the Sharknado. You can do crazy stuff. Kimberly Q: And that makes it even more funny. Camp isn\'t necessarily a genre of movies. Some movies can have elements of camp without exclusively considering themselves "so bad, it\'s good." Maybe the perfect balance of camp and sincerity is the Princess Bride (1987). The movie is actually smartly written and well executed while also having a ton of campy and corny moments Montoya: You seem a decent fellow. . . I hate to kill you. Man in Black: You seem a decent fellow. . . I hate to die. The swordfight blurs the line between cartoonish and serious. The stakes are high and the scene is expertly choreographed but they also do random flips. Camp makes the Princess Bride fun to watch without making it a movie people make fun of. It\'s over the top but never too much so and it always treats itself seriously. Camp can actually sometimes save a movie. Johnny Depp\'s performance turns the Pirates of the Caribbean from a derivative action flick to a charming and hilarious franchise. And it\'s because of his campy, exaggerated, but grounded performance. Norrington: You are without a doubt, the worst pirate I\'ve ever heard of. Sparrow: But you have heard of me. Wes Anderson is a champion of camp. His set pieces are famously symmetrical to the point of impossibility. The camera constantly spins from one character to another. He loves using outdated cartoonish special effects And he awkwardly cuts conversations at the end of each sentence. Sam: Why do you consider me your enemy? Redford: Because your girlfriend stabbed me in the back with lefty scissors. Sam: She\'s my life now. Redford: Congratulations. Anderson creates charming and critically acclaimed films despite breaking countless film conventions. Campy film techniques give movies that extra flair that makes them fun and devastatingly rewatchable. Campy filmmakers strike the balance between the impossible and the realistic. So that movies have elements of camp while also having just a hint of', metadata={'source': 'jGiqc3HSxEg'}), Document(page_content='impossible and the realistic. So that movies have elements of camp while also having just a hint of seriousness So they don\'t seem like they\'re trying too hard. Anderson: For me, you know, Rafe is playing a real person and making him a real person and Even though the context is this sort of invented country in this invented version of history and and so on I sort of feel like we just try to make it as realistic as it can be Given given what it is exaggerated and campy filmmaking happens all the time so this Becomes this And this Becomes this Quentin Tarantino loves camp. If you have a villain, make it a school girl and give her a flail as a weapon. His love for the theatrical and exaggerated shows in the fact that in all of his movies characters pretend to be somebody they\'re not. Winnfield: Come on, let\'s get into character. The result is hilariously over-the-top, but serious moments of poor or flashy acting. Landa: Arrivederci. Raine: A-reev-a-durchey. Camp is also extremely common in dialogue; so many movies have characters say things nobody says in real life... Rollo: This is one doodle that can\'t be undid homeskillet. ...but that doesn\'t make the dialogue bad. Well sometimes it does... Johnny: I did not hit her. It\'s not true. It\'s bullshit. I did not hit her. I did not! Oh, hi Mark! ...but it\'s also a way to make movies fun. Aaron Sorkin is one of the best screenwriters in cinema, and he loves campy dialogue. In many scenes he favors exaggerated dialogue over what someone would actually say. Summers: Ann. Ann: Yes sir? Summers: Punch me in the face. Go ahead. Aaron Sorkin\'s famous "walk and talk" style from West Wing feels extremely theatrical and contrived It\'s been reused to the point that it\'s been parodied in just about every TV sitcom. He even parodies it himself. Sorkin: Walk with me I\'m Aaron Sorkin. His snappy dialogue also gets reused to an amazing degree. This is you and me talking Dana. I\'m not other people I\'m not other people. I\'m not other people. I\'m not other people! Don\'t talk to me like I\'m other people. But it\'s not bad writing. It actually takes a very talented writer to create a style that\'s so easy to parody, but remains fascinating to watch. He\'s not technically original, but he still keeps it fresh. We can feel his classic style, but we don\'t loathe it. We embrace it. To a crazy amount actually. It\'s almost worshipped to the point where they make actors recreate Sorkin style on talk shows Camp is letting movies be movies and it\'s a concept we feel everywhere. Basically whenever a movie does something over-the-top that would never happen in real life, but the movie still executes it sincerely Impressive clergyman: "Mawwiage..." And "The Room" fits quite nicely into these concepts of Exaggerated and entertaining filmmaking. What makes the movie stand out is that it\'s one of the few campy movies that took itself completely seriously without having any idea just how over-the-top it was. It\'s still camp, but it\'s so unique because of how blissfully unaware it is. Johnny: Hi doggy. Clerk: You\'re my favorite customer. Johnny: Thanks a lot! Bye! And this brings me to the most important component of camp: Camp defies binary thinking in the movies because it\'s both bad and good. It objectively breaks many of the principles of filmmaking: Unrealistic acting, cheesy dialogue, and extreme filming techniques are almost always frowned upon, but the crazy thing is camp is not bad. Sometimes it\'s actually extremely entertaining, perhaps the most entertaining kind of films that exist. Because many directors can be serious and many directors can be funny But not many can be so serious it\'s funny I embrace camp because movies shouldn\'t always play it straight if they don\'t want to. On the contrary, camp lets movies be what they were meant to be: Entertaining. So the next time you watch a movie don\'t just consider whether it\'s good or bad Consider if you like it for', metadata={'source': 'jGiqc3HSxEg'}), Document(page_content="time you watch a movie don't just consider whether it's good or bad Consider if you like it for its guilty pleasures. Consider that it's so bad, but that's not a bad thing It's actually a great thing. It's so good that it's bad. Lisa: Do you want me to order a pizza? Johnny: Whatever. I don't care. Lisa: I already ordered a pizza. Johnny: You think about everything. Thanks for watching Outro: Here it is, a groove slightly transformed! Just a bit of a break from the norm. Just a little something to break the monotony of all that hard... [video end]", metadata={'source': 'jGiqc3HSxEg'})]
[Document(page_content="♫♫♫ ♪ Bass is kicking, drums is drumming\nBeatin' down the block, you can hear me coming ♪ ♪ Bass is kicking, drums is drumming\nBeatin' down the block, you can hear me coming ♪ ♪ Bass is kicking, drums is drumming\nBeatin' down the block, you can hear me coming ♪ ♪ Bass is kicking, drums is drumming\nBeatin' down the block, you can hear me coming ♪ ♪ Bass is kicking, drums is drumming\nBeatin' down the block, you can hear me coming ♪ ♪ Bass is kicking, drums is drumming\nBeatin' down the block, you can hear me coming ♪ ♪ Bass is kicking, drums is drumming\nBeatin' down the block, you can hear me coming ♪ ♪ Bass is kicking, drums is drumming\nBeatin' down the block, you can hear me coming ♪ ♪ Bass is kicking, drums is drumming ♪ ♪ Bass is kicking, drums is drumming ♪ ♪ Bass is kicking, drums is drumming ♪ ♪ Bass is kicking, drums is drumming ♪ ♪ Bass is kicking, drums is drumming ♪ ♪ Bass is kicking ♪ ♪ Bass is kicking ♪ ♪ Bass is kicking ♪ ♪ Bass is, is ,is, is, is, is...♪ (Put your hands up). ♪ Bass is kicking, drums is drumming\nBeatin' down the block, you can hear me coming ♪ ♪ Bass is kicking, drums is drumming\nBeatin' down the block, you can hear me coming ♪ ♪ Bass is kicking, drums is drumming\nBeatin' down the block, you can hear me coming ♪ ♪ Bass is kicking, drums is drumming\nBeatin' down the block, you can hear me coming ♪ ♪ Bass is kicking, drums is drumming\nBeatin' down the block, you can hear me coming ♪ ♪ Bass is kicking, drums is drumming\nBeatin' down the block, you can hear me coming ♪ ♪ Bass is kicking, drums is drumming\nBeatin' down the block, you can hear me coming ♪ ♪ Bass is kicking, drums is drumming\nBeatin' down the block, you can hear me coming ♪ ♪ Bass is kicking, drums is drumming ♪ ♪ Bass is kicking, drums is drumming ♪ ♪ Bass is kicking, drums is drumming ♪ ♪ Bass is kicking, drums is drumming ♪ ♪ Bass is kicking ♪ ♪ Bass is kicking ♪ ♪ Bass is kicking ♪ ♪ Bass is kicking ♪ ♪ Bass is, is ,is, is, is, is...♪ (Put your hands up).", metadata={'source': '5E4ZBSInqUU'})]
[Document(page_content='( bright, upbeat music ) ( fire crackles ) Welcome back. Now, for years, Nickelback\nhas been the band that everybody\nloves to hate. It has almost become cliché\nto make fun of them. And, for a moment,\nwe considered that it might be\nplayed out and in poor taste to create a game that makes fun\nof their ridiculous lyrics, but then we decided\nto do it anyway. It\'s time for... I hope not. I don\'t smoke\n"Nickel-crack," Link. It\'s not the \'80s. So then all these are really\nNickelback lyrics. - You just gave away the game.\n- Well, okay, here\'s\nwhat I\'m gonna do. I\'m gonna read\nsome lyrics for you. They may be real and dumb, and that would be\nthey\'re from Nickelback. - Yes.\n- They may be just\nreally dumb, and that means\nI made them up. - Okay.\n- If you get three right-- - Came from "Nickel-crack."\n- If you don\'t get\nat least three right, you\'re gonna be punished with\nthe worst thing I can think of, you\'re gonna be forced to listen\nto a full Nickelback track on noise-cancelling headphones\nin "Good Mythical More." But if you do get three right,\nor more, I gotta listen to it. That\'s right. Here we go, Link,\nhere\'s your first song lyric. What? That\'s it. It didn\'t rhyme\nat the end there. Yeah, well... - Got a little...\n- Yeah. Kinda fizzled out. It probably rhymed\nat some other place. Mm. I\'d like\na big black jet - with a bedroom in it.\n- Who wouldn\'t? Do those exist? If you\'re Nickelback. You know what?\nI think this is real. I think I have\nenjoyed this song in my normal life\nin the past. In the distant past. - Final answer?\n- Final answer. All right, Link,\nyou\'re right. It is real. It\'s from\nthe song called "Rock Star." - Let\'s have a listen.\n- "Rock Star." ♪ I need a credit card\n that\'s got no limit ♪ ♪ And a big black jet\n with a bedroom in it ♪ ♪ Gonna join the mile-high club\n at 37,000 feet ♪ - Sounds like a country song.\n- Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Nickel Creek and Nickelback\nshould get together. They should!\nAnd make a dime. Nickel Creek\nshould come... ( laughs ) They can call it "Dime Piece,"\nthat could be their new album. You\'re off to a great start. Now, technically, 37,000 feet you\'d be joining the\n7.007 mile-high club, but... - you know what? Math.\n- Oh, you would? - Yeah. But math.\n- Here\'s another one. Oh, she\'s not? "Arson" and "scar, son"... Uh-huh. ...definitely rhyme. It\'s got Nickelback\nwritten all over it. Nickelback\ntwo for two! All right, Link, - it\'s fake!\n- Oh. - But it could\'ve been!\n- I mean... It\'s, like,\nsomewhere right now, the songwriter for Nickelback,\nwhatever his name is, is like...\n( mumbling ) Oh, yeah,\nhe\'s taking notes. Because I did\nextensive research on every song\nthat has ever been written and no one has ever rhymed\n"arson" with "scar, son." Oh, really? Yeah, that was\ncompletely original. There\'s a first time\nfor everything. Here\'s another one. I can see him showing up, he\'s\nlike, "Guys, gather \'round. Yeah. I got an idea\nfor a new track." "I bet you\nthere\'s a man in there." "There\'s a-- you know\nabout an hourglass? Well, there\'s a man." Yeah. "He\'s in the sand,\nhe\'s in the sand, yeah." This is...\n( laughs ) It writes itself.\nYes, Nickelback. Link, this is a little bit\nof a trick question. These are real lyrics,\nbut they\'re not from Nickelback. - ( buzzer ) \n- Who is it? They\'re from\nPuddle of Mudd. That\'s Puddle of Mudd - with two "Ds."\n- Yes. Not to be confused\nwith Mud the band, or Mud II the band,\nyes, that\'s a thing, or Muddy Waters,\nthe blues musician. Not to be confused\nwith "Muddy River," a song by Johnny Rivers, not to be confused\nwith the Los Angeles River, not to be confused\nwith drinkable water. Never try to\ndrink Nickelback - is what you\'re saying.\n- Yeah, well, that\'s the moral of the story.\nOkay, here we go. Yes, no. - What does it mean?\n- Mm. Anything you want it to. Literally,\nthat sounds like something we would\'ve written in the\nWax Paper Dogz days, you know? It\'s, like,\nit\'s nonsensical, but it sounds cool. - Yeah.', metadata={'source': 'puqaWrEC7tY'}), Document(page_content='Wax Paper Dogz days, you know? It\'s, like,\nit\'s nonsensical, but it sounds cool. - Yeah.\n- Sounds real cool. I gotta keep riding my money\non Nickelback. I cannot step away. - All right, Link,\n- Nickelback. - you\'re correct!\n- Yes! This is from\n"Where Do I Hide?" Let\'s have a listen. ♪ Got a criminal record ♪ I can\'t cross\n state lines ♪ ♪ First on the bad list ♪ And you\'re last on mine - I can\'t take anymore.\n- ♪ Lookin\' for a scape-- I can\'t take anymore. If you don\'t listen\nto the lyrics, which I think is the way\nyou\'re supposed to enjoy it-- Yeah. I mean,\nI\'m just being real. - Don\'t be real, Link.\n- It was catchy. - What?\n- It was catchy\nback in the day. If you don\'t try to make sense\nof it and you\'re like, "Yeah, this is good,\nI think." I was thinking,\n"Speaking of \'where do I hide?\', if anybody has an answer let me know."\nBut if you... You don\'t want to\nhide from that? I kinda liked it. Okay, Link,\nyou\'re two for four, so that means,\nif you get this one right, you do not have to listen\nto Nickelback and I do. Okay. - Mm.\n- It\'s all true. It\'s all true. - No, it\'s not.\n- Ladies love limousines. We\'re not gonna make\ngeneralizations about ladies - just because Nickelback does.\n- I\'m just saying,\nin my experience, any time I\'ve gotten\nout of a limousine\nand there\'s a lady there, - she\'s...\n- Don\'t. Or a man. - What-- just... don\'t--\n- I\'m just saying. I\'m not with him\non this. - Ladies--\n- Everybody loves\nlimousines, okay? Ladies love long cars. ( laughter ) It\'s a rapper\nfrom the \'80s. Um... You know, I\'ma dance\nwith the one that brung me. It\'s Nickelback. - You\'re right, Link, it\'s real.\n- Yes! Yes! Yes! Feast your ears\non this. ♪ After hours and alcohol ♪ Every club,\n we\'ve seen \'em all ♪ ♪ As long as we don\'t need\n to stand in line ♪ ♪ Party scenes ♪ And billboard dreams ♪ The ladies love\n those limousines ♪ Oh, man. ♪ Ladies love\nthose limousines ♪ Don\'t become a fan. That was from the song\n"See You At the Show," and, Nickelback,\nno, you won\'t. Really got a way with melody,\nthose Nickels. Congratulations, Link, you\'re gonna make me\nlisten to Nickelback while you get to play\nwith cute dogs in "Good Mythical More." ♪ And light \'em\nup, up, up ♪ ♪ Light \'em\nup, up, up ♪ ♪ I\'m on fire! Click through, because\nwe did the impossible. We taught some old dogs\nnew tricks in the next segment. Check out the latest episode\n of our podcast "Ear Biscuits" to hear all about\n our Tour of Mythicality\n and more juicy goodness. Juicy goodness.', metadata={'source': 'puqaWrEC7tY'})]
[Document(page_content='Hey there, welcome to Life Noggin! What’s your favorite kind of dream? One where you can fly? One where you’ve won the lottery? Some people can manipulate their dreams into\nwhat they want them to be, but how? Generally speaking, dreams are narrative experiences\nthat occur while we’re sleeping, often during REM sleep. You may have heard of lucid dreaming. General lucid dreaming is when you know you’re\ndreaming while it’s happening. Some lucid dreamers even say they can control\ntheir dreams! About half the population has reached general\nlucid dreaming at some point, but it’s not that easy to intentionally do. So, how can you train your brain to have lucid\ndreams and even control them? It’s impossible to say that one thing or\nanother will definitely produce lucid dreams but some experts and lucid dreamers have provided\nsome tips to try to induce them. They say that dream journals could help you\nachieve a lucid dream state. Keep track of what you dream about and look\nout for recurring objects, people and places in your notes. Once you’ve identified them, you may be\nable to consciously recognize these elements within your dreams. You can try to prep your mind to recognize\nthese signs by telling yourself before bed, “The next time I see ‘blank’, I will\nrealize that I’m dreaming.” You may also be able to increase your chances\nof lucid dreaming as you go about your day by doing a mental check of, “Am I awake?” This will encourage your subconscious mind\nto do the same while you’re dreaming, increasing your likelihood of having a lucid dream. In fact, in a recent study, out of 169 participants,\naround 17 percent of them were able to have a lucid dream during the trial period using\na combination of methods. So, what happens in a lucid dream? Well, it begins by you becoming fully aware\nthat you’re dreaming while you’re dreaming. Other than recognizing your dream signs, this\ncan happen in a variety of ways. For example, reading is apparently surprisingly\nhard in dreams. Lucid dreamers say you may try to read a sign,\nsee that the words are jumbled and realize that you must be dreaming, otherwise you’d\nbe able to read them. Lucid dreamers also say it can happen when\nyou notice something impossible or out of the ordinary in your dream… like if you see a dog talking on a cell phone. The dreamer realizes those things aren’t\npossible and that they must be dreaming. Some lucid dreamers even claim to be able\nto control their surroundings, their actions and actions of others within their dreams. Effectively creating the dream they want! Studies have found that lucid dreamers are\nmore coherent in lucid dreams than in regular sleep and that they exhibit increased activity\nin certain frequencies within the brain! The areas of the brain associated with self-reflection\nand self-assessment light up. Wild, right? Scientists have even called lucid dreaming\na “hybrid state of consciousness” that exhibits an increase in networking throughout\nthe brain. So lucid dreaming is definitely a real thing. Other than mental prep, there are a few more\nways to influence your dreams. One study found that if you smell something\nnice, like roses, while you’re sleeping, you’re more likely to have positive dreams,\nversus the horrible smell of rotten eggs, which prompted more negative dreams. Studies have also found that low-current electrical\nstimulation is capable of inducing lucid dreams. Businesses have jumped on this idea, creating\nheadbands that electrically stimulate the brain while you sleep. Experts are reluctant though, because it’s\nunclear what effect this stimulation has on other areas of the brain. Aside from playing around with your dreams\nfor fun, controlling your dreams can be very beneficial for dealing with PTSD and post-traumatic\nnightmares. By mastering these dreams, PTSD survivors', metadata={'source': 'vU14JY3x81A'}), Document(page_content='nightmares. By mastering these dreams, PTSD survivors\nfeel safer in their awake state and have less nightmares, anxiety and flashbacks. Have you ever been able to control your dreams? Let us know \nin the comments!', metadata={'source': 'vU14JY3x81A'})]
[Document(page_content='GUS: Uuuuuuuh... Hey Josh? JOSH: Yeah? GUS: Uhm... I\'m tryna take a shower right now, I don\'t- Not really sure what I\'m lookin\' at. Uh... What do I do to get started? JOSH: Ok so um; You see the panel there? You\'re gonna wanna type in the password, It\'s "Hemoglobin". GUS: "Hemoglobin"? JOSH: Yeah "Hemoglobin", as in, like, the cell? GUS: The cell that carries oxygen through the blood? JOSH: Yeah, yeah, yeah. GUS: Ok. JOSH: "Hemoglobin" is the password. (Computer Beeping) GUS: (Mumbling) He-mo-glo-bin... (Error Noise) Uhhh... It says denied. JOSH: (Mumbling) Denied... GUS: Yeah. JOSH: Oh, OH yeah uhm... Yeah, actually we changed it, it\'s "Platelets". GUS: Ok, "Platelets". (More beeping) (Accepting Noise) JOSH: Yeah, sorry, I had the wrong cell type. GUS: Ok it went through, now what? JOSH: Uhm, so, You\'re gonna wanna take the pull start, And just give that a few tugs. GUS: The pull start? JOSH: The pull start, Yeah. You see it right at the bottom there? GUS: Uhhh, yes! Okay, (Engine attempting to start) Its not, The engine\'s not turning over yet. JOSH: Yeah, yeah, I forgot to tell you, You\'re gonna want to have the choke on, Make sure you pull the choke all the way out, And kinda feather it once it gets- GUS: Ok, ok ok ok. (Engine starts) Ok, yep, it\'s up! It\'s running. JOSH: Ok, now you\'re gonna want to listen carefully, Pull down the red lever. GUS: "Pull down the red lever"? JOSH: Yep. GUS: Ok... Uhm, (Creaking noises) It\'s pretty tough! Ugh... Ok, JOSH: Ok, you got that? GUS: Yeah, it\'s down. JOSH: Alright, now push the aquamarine button. GUS: "The aquamarine button"? JOSH: The aqua- the aquamarine button, yeah. GUS: Ok, (Error Noise) It\'s not doin\' any- Oh, aquamarine? JOSH: Yeah, Aquama- Aquamarine. GUS: OK (Error Noise) Oh shit! Oh! Josh, It\'s squirtin\' ketchup! JOSH: Not the teal button! The aqua- aquamarine button. GUS: What? JOSH: Don\'t hit the teal button. Hit the aquamarine button. GUS: Oh, Uhm, (Accepting Noise) Ok, It\'s go-, it\'s um, It says "Engaged"? "Engaged"? JOSH: Yeah it should be, that should be good. GUS: Ok, uhm... The water\'s not running, Should it be going, right now? JOSH: Uhhh... GUS: Ya know what Josh this is just, This is too much! Just forget it dude, I\'m taking a bath. Josh, your bath is working, right? JOSH: Yeah sorry, bad news on the bath... That only works on Tuesdays. GUS: Son of a bi- ♫♫', metadata={'source': 'lZ68j2J_GOM'})]
[Document(page_content="so uh how y'all doing first off welcome thank you so much for being part of the final stretch every single conversation that you have with the voters of the 13th district matters so so so much there's a few things that they need to know number one I'm a 33 year old stepmom number two I was born two buildings over that way so I've lived here my whole life number three I was the lead reporter the Gainesville Times coming in this community for nine years two months in two weeks all that means is I know a public policy issues because I covered them I've completely emphasized the issues that unite us instead of the discriminatory social issues that hurt our community that's the message I want you guys to bring out to the doors today when we vote we what we want I can't hear you when we vote we when we felt we we felt we let's go in we're on our way to the headquarters of Danika Rome a trans woman who's running for a state delegate position there are monuments to Confederate soldiers kind of everywhere it must be difficult anywhere but especially in a small southern town to be transgender and to open yourself up to the sort of criticism that comes with running for public office I wouldn't want to run for public office in the town where I grew up it's really moving to see momentum behind transgender people today especially in the political world hey how are you good yes today going we are on pace today to knock over ten thousand dollars Danika isn't a career politician she's part of the new wave of first-time candidates running for office all over the country she's focused her campaign around policy not gender and hopes her hometown roots and years of experience reporting on local politics will help her win over voters but she's up against an established Republican who's been in office over two decades and the race is so close that it could go either way so with hours until Election Day her campaign and army of volunteers are out in full force [Music] you haven't been in the middle car before here I love live music you know that's my thing and I've barely got any shares this whole year whatever time I'm not spending on the campaign I try to spend with my family and that's it I don't have a social life anymore I don't have normalcy what is a day like make phone calls knock on doors stress up we are in a small neighborhood that I can't remember the name of but it's in the middle of the woods and I'm told it's near where Danica lives so she's come here today so that she can talk with people who she's close to in her community she might not know them but she lives in the same neighborhood a son Danica is hoping to unseat Bob Marshall a GOP lawmaker who's 25-year career in politics has largely focused around anti LGBT policies like opposing gay marriage and bringing North Carolina's restrictive transgender bathroom bill to Virginia schools Danica's campaign is focused on highways and teacher pay but bob seems to have focused his campaign around her transition he's misgendered her in interviews sent mailers alerting voters that she's trans and refused to debate her on the issues route 28 is like one of the key parts of your campaign I'll try the key yeah that's about it you know I mean fixed route 20 and innovate my slogan on January so we're on route 20 right now but Minister this area in particular if this was 7 o'clock Monday morning right now this is bumper-to-bumper about transportation affects every single person every single person every person even if you were a shut-in and you never drive if you have Goods or anything provided to you then transportation affects this is a defining difference all right you can even read it in the paper I spent that interview talking about route 28 delegate marshal declined to be interviewed for them I've been talking about this for 10 months and what's delegate marshal hitting me on my gender does this surprise you the way that he's approaching this", metadata={'source': 'iyrefjMs64k'}), Document(page_content="delegate marshal hitting me on my gender does this surprise you the way that he's approaching this campaign no I came to realize a long time ago that when people talk smack about you based on your gender it's not about you now they might pick apart your looks they might say that your voice is too deep they might say that your hands are too large I've heard every nasty thing under the Sun turn out oh I've heard it all and Here I am you know two days away from Election Day feeling pretty damn good about hours away yeah and it's just like you know why all that stuff just smack don't tell me why I can't succeed tell me what obstacles are in my way that I need to overcome in order to succeed hi my name is danica I'm running for the House of Delegates how are you you know whenever you're out in the world we never know when someone's gonna know whether or not like your what your gender is and that they could make an issue of that it never comes up how do you deal with the uncertainty around it or do you not bother you at all look I won't have done if I thought that I was gonna get myself killed doing this I would have done it but at the same time I know the risk associated with it I know I could but I also know that just by being here by me running this race I'm making it more possible for other people like us to run races like this Robin S's my life story is a typical white I was in fifth grade for sure I knew I was trans by the time I was in seventh grade there was zero question about it and I had no one to talk to I didn't know anyone who was like me all of the trans people I had ever seen work you know character jurors on Jerry Springer and Jenny Jones and Mario or whatever you know for me to think back about it it's like there's a lot of sorrow that goes into it and at the same time I can say like you know I can remember a lot of good stuff too but I kind of mentally blocked out a lot of the 90s just be honest with you you know you go to bed at night you could wake up the next morning and the last thought of your day the first all your day is still half not her yet you know and how I can't live as her coach became eager why stay into adulthood and thorough transition it's [Music] for a local delegates this is amazing after Trump won there's been a clear rise in energy and grassroots movements especially on a local level and dandak has made the delegate position in the State House Representative school I have been involved with Danica's campaign actually since I believe it was February she's so funny she cracks the best jokes like she's just very real and very down-to-earth so I've been involved ever since all of these people are giving up their Saturday to go and knock on doors sometimes I met Danica out of metal shown Fairfax one thing that really inspired me about Danica is like the confidence that her voice just like really it's art it's really hard to explain anything she's gonna be a good candidate I absolutely yeah she's very smart he knows so much about you know policy and just really good candidate she's gonna do Jamie nice to see Jamie Kenzie thank you guys for being here I'm just [Laughter] anytime that same container comes into your office that's a good day you will not stop Danica Roman in anything related to this state and especially this community we win some of these races we win these statewide you're gonna see 25 and 30 and 35 year old first time candidates popping up in every legislative race in every congressional race all across this nation well I've seen you do your best work I know you can do it you're the battleground with the battleground so let's go win it's really exciting seeing all of these people here the election is quickly approaching and the momentum is high [Music] so tonight is our last night together as a team in the privacy of her own know cocoon here before we changed the world tomorrow I'm really excited I'm scared I was I've been really", metadata={'source': 'iyrefjMs64k'}), Document(page_content="here before we changed the world tomorrow I'm really excited I'm scared I was I've been really really scared especially the last few weeks and I've been scared my whole life I've been scared a transition I was scared to get into this race you all know how I talk about Littleton your own transphobic Clara her mom taught me align first because a campaign talking about how this poor little kid you know when she finally decided percent as a little girl who she is at school she got the crap kicked out of her imagine how scared that little girl was to go to school after Trump's inaugurate our Trump selection last year and she decided she was going to do it anyway and now I'm gonna try to make it a little bit easier for her and how amazing it's gonna be after what happened last year we get a thing you know what discrimination is a disqualifier inclusion is a victory lap and once we have fun this what's left to do right [Laughter] we're here outside of a school where Danica is speaking with voters at the very last minute before they go in to cast their votes it is frigid out here there are people with coffees and coats and come out to vote despite this horrid weather hey how you doing hey Angelica yeah how are you I don't know what's your name Laurie Penco hey Laurie thanks for coming on out and battle in the rain forest okay yeah you can get you got you got my word on that go to the left and straight ahead I'm in this to win I'm not in this for you know a merit badge of courage oh the trans woman right now and what a great job she did no I'm a minute four fifty point zero one percent of the vote I don't have a plane beat don't have the pace my doctor and this is it I'm all in on this election almost eight o'clock here the polls have been closed for less than an hour and there's a lot of energy in the room people are really excited as you can see it's not just Danica here it's the Democratic Party who've come to celebrate and to work and hope that their win tonight's election more came in just in the last couple of minutes that's crazy now at the 7920 precincts and she's at fifty three point four percent so we've just heard that 90% of the local precincts have reported and she's leading with 55% [Music] [Applause] a couple things two members of the NBTA Fairfax County Board of Supervisors and of course General Assembly we will fix route 28 - every person who's ever been singled out who's ever been the misfit who's ever been the kid in the corner who's ever needed someone to stand up for when they didn't have a voice of their own this one's for you this election has to prove nationwide that discrimination is a disqualifier point here that no matter what you look like where'd you come from how you worship who you love how you identify and yet how you rock bring those ideas to the table because this is your America - this is our Commonwealth of Virginia - this is one of the people who came to watch Danica's victory speech tonight was Clara the 10 year old transgender girl who Danica talked about the night before the election she was being bullied pretty badly with kids making fun of her and they kept going after her and like a lot of kids that go through this kind of bullying she decided that it wasn't worth it and she tried to jump out of a second-floor window and she kept telling me that there was nobody like her and she was too different nobody would ever understand her and there was this article about Danika i remember thinking there's hope and this and she had to see it yeah when I showed her no article and she read it probably three times and her jaw just kept dropping and she looked up at me when she was finally done with this smile on her face that I had not seen in months and she said she's just like me I said she's just like you she said how does she do it how did she put herself out there in front of everybody and do that and I said because she knows who she is and she said if", metadata={'source': 'iyrefjMs64k'}), Document(page_content="out there in front of everybody and do that and I said because she knows who she is and she said if Danica can do that I can do that and so now that's her motto that's her catchphrase it's there Danica can I do that I can and from that point on she's been dreaming of being the next Danica she gave us so much hope I mean it sounds like she really changed her life she gave me my daughter back has it changed the way that you see your future do you feel like you have a future now and that I can come president one day yes or do the same thing Danica - yeah absolutely congratulations Clara high five you did it girl [Music] one of the things that you mentioned this weekend was about how many people have come out to support you particularly this one young trans girl and Sarah I was fortunate enough to meet her tonight and she shared a bit of her story with me and it really hit home for how meaningful just being visible is the best contrast I had with Ella commercial on social issues in particular on January than anything else was just my presence my mere presence was the contrast it's just yep I'm here and I am unapologetically here yeah so now what but kids like that I mean I'll speak up for her rights any day of the week we have to take an account people who have been historically disadvantaged and making sure that they have a fair shot but their quality of life that they can succeed in their quality of life just like anyone else they can enjoy the same quality of life anyone I want them to understand that they can succeed because of who they are not for what discriminatory politicians tell them they're supposed to [Applause] seeing Danica win tonight made me feel like it's possible that things can change in the United States that politics on a small scale can have national impact you know for any transgender person whether you're a journalist or a politician you're always concerned about whether someone's going to be able to see beyond your gender and tonight Danica and her success in this race proved that yeah it's possible [Music] you [Music]", metadata={'source': 'iyrefjMs64k'})]
[Document(page_content="this is Derek does stuff with the front today's friend is Victoria Beckham fashion advice from the one and the only Victoria Beckham takers takers anybody oh come on you need advice no advice mothers can be shy don't be shy anyone two dollars I will give them that they won what they really really want you look suspicious do you like to ask Victoria Beckham any fashion queries Thanks is it really so bad to still wear white after Labor Day Sun is still shining you may as well wear it whilst you can thank you very much howdy-hi execute on behalf of my friend who's a super fan of yours and she's too is your friend right here come over here should I keep my how does it look down take it down I liked it back in the band because I think it's super flattering on your face did you think when you came to New York you've been hating Victoria Beckham on an iPad in the middle of Central Park this gentleman looks very dressed up for you I'm not saying this to kiss your ass by the way you were my favorite Spice Girl thank you very much that's a very bold jacket that you're wearing there talk me through it yeah I love mermaids so that is how you painted as yourself it's a great jacket thank you you got 2 bucks graduating high school and a few months what's your advice on the dress to her for me that just makes you feel super confident and comfortable and something that you feel really really good in this your whole class over there your whole class wanted to say hi to Victoria Beckham that they do another question for Victoria back you do oh great you're very shake during the summer it's best to wear it with an easy flat shoe and if you're doing a clot in the winter I think that it looks cute if you have a long boot underneath a lot Victoria that was a lot of information that a lot of fun for you you are closer than Derek will kind of come home for me my question is what's the best thing to wear in high heels when I do wear a heel I try forget to go to something a little bit normally I'm running around after four children you look like a ballet dancer or something yokka have you ever met a Rockette before never this is the first time fashion advice you don't they think you've got to have a good coat I mean it sounds obvious but in New York gets so cold thank you so much I love a simple white t-shirt so I'm a big fan of your outfit how do you make gym clothes see your body you can be comfortable I think that that's sexy Derek do you keep really saying howdy I'm just a nice southern boy from Missouri I got good Midwestern morals howdy partner Oh howdy we got another taker right here I'm pregnant congratulations you know what I did I took my gene and I cut little these people with their fancy have you ever seen these little one wheels things that is so cool could you pop a wheelie or anything do you think these are fashionable they're very fashionable and I love how you uh put in safety first yes thank you there's nothing more stylish than safety absolutely yeah I loved how you said can you do we use on it because if you think about it you're permanently doing a wheelie on that dad why don't we look at what you're wearing it's a nice jacket nice jeans a cool food you'll be happy to know I'm wearing the shearling collar not only for fashions sake but to protect my neck from this heavy advice but you've got me wearing all through central for sensible as well Derek look at all the money we raised today Wow money what do you me to do with it I would like to donate the money to un AIDS because I'm a UN aids goodwill ambassador so that's why would have the money to go done and done thank you so much guys do you have one last look of Central Park Columbus Circle me", metadata={'source': 'SGVbdo2CkgI'})]
[Document(page_content="How long did I last? (orchestral music) Oh shoot. 10 seconds. 20 seconds. 25 seconds. I used to play the flute so, it'll probably be a while. A long time. I think I can do two and a half minutes. A minute and a half. Sure, if you wanna time me,\nwe'll give it a shot man. We'll do whatever I can. (light orchestral music) Ready. Ready. It was the longest one\nout of anybody, for sure. I was starting to get a little\nlight-headed at the time. That's it. Okay. Oh my God, I'm gonna explode. Okay. I can't. Okay I'm done. I have to breathe. Okay. Okay. Alright, that's it. Okay. I'm gonna give up. That's a long time. Four minutes? Okay. How long was that? Okay. I was close, with my first guess.", metadata={'source': 'zxUwbflE1SY'})]
[Document(page_content="I was influenced to work in natural history because I was intrigued by the natural world at the time I'm just gonna move in a bit is what I'm getting in the moment is a bit wide at five years old I was made a member of the Cousteau Society and I was given many of his books and posters and I was completely captivated by these images much of his work was done with scuba which limited observations above 250 feet the advent of the Cousteau of submarine saucer permitted him to extend his observations to 1,000 I was simply amazed by the animals he was saying in the landscapes and there the blueness of the sea this character was travelling around the world and having adventures in the deep sea in submarines and now the past the world it was quickly realized that the diving saucer provided an excellent means for gaining much of this information as I grew older I realized that camera work was a way of coming closer to that understanding it the camera Joe was allowing you to be an adventurer we can land on here in the course of my career I felt on the ground back on boats on papers and on helicopters that's interesting the conditions are always difficult it's not like walking down the street in you low fallin on cliffs I've fallen into sewers now been attacked by harbor you so it's got me into trouble often but I don't regret it because I'm I'm still functioning and you learn from it the moments when you get the shot everything conspires to make it work they're very rare but they're worth waiting for when that moment finally arrives and the light turns on the behavior happens the iceberg flows faster the right angle it makes your heart be faster they make the hair stand up on the back of you Nate [Music] that's company really nice [Music] oh yeah that's what we go [Music] those moments are so worth waiting for they're irreplaceable [Music] you know he was until I was working on planet Earth and I suddenly realized I was actually doing the job won't set out to do I'm lucky enough to follow the adventures that I was reading about as a child it has an isotope [Music] you", metadata={'source': 'N0tmF4j4K6g'})]
[Document(page_content="oh yeah thank you very much so this gentleman certainly needs no introduction my name is Marc Bezos and you're all welcome to call me what my friends do they usually just refer to me as Jeff's brother by the way just so you know it actually does go both ways my brother has a TED talk about small acts of kindness being a volunteer firefighter and it has millions of views and every once in a while somebody will stop me and say I love your TED talk about being a firefighter and small acts of kindness and I if I I usually you know say well thank you but that's really my brother his TED talk but if I'm in a hurry I just say thank you thank you yes absolutely but if any of you do get confused I'm the one with the smaller bank account to your left so he's the big brother so Jeff before we get started I think you know this is a obviously a crowd of influential people people who are starting out I think we might as well just make the most of their time I'm just going to dive right into this if you don't mind let's go you are captain of industry amazon.com private spaceflight with Blue Origin the Washington Post levels of you know Fame and wealth that are hard to comprehend I guess you know one question that probably is at the top of everyone's mind is if you had to choose one thing what would you say is your favorite part of having me as a little brother [Applause] I think I've taken the liberty of writing some thoughts I know you answer this and there are many things I love about having mark as a brother but what he just did is number one at the top of this what I am with my brother I just laugh continuously yeah because he's the funniest guy in my life well thank you you're an easy audience and I appreciate I am actually an easy audience that is true he is I am alright so so here's what we're going to do if all of you don't mind so the fact that you know a fireside chat among brothers this is not unique for us this is something that we do quite often it's rare that we have you know a couple thousand more closest friends with us yeah and it's also really usually actually have a fire yes and bourbon yeah which we don't have now but now so and what what we're going to talk about the things that I'm gonna chat with Jeff about or not the sorts of things perhaps that you would hear in most interviews because you know I don't you know 2p2 rules is not really my jam so we're not going to talk about those things but you know we do have a shared history you know so what I really want to focus on is you know the influences and the inspirations that have led to some of the things the foundation of you know what is a little intimidating he knows way too much it's so and what I'd like to do is invite all of you to join in on you know what is some of our greatest hits I guess from my point of view and because we have such a shared history what I've done wants to gesture grin as I've gone through and taking the liberty of pulling together a bunch of family photos so I'm gonna be throwing some of those up behind us and just so that you guys can sort of understand so if we start talking shorthand you'll understand what it is that we're referring to so all sound good all right so I am gonna and I appreciate your page that this is not the sort of thing that I usually do so I appreciate your patience so we're just going to dive right into it so when we were kids we would spend every summer on our grandfather's ranch in South Texas we called our grandfather pop that's pop there's pop right there we were probably just fixing that windmill yes always fixing windmills yeah before you were climbing them and smashing bottles upon them which he did recently in a Instagram video so you know one of the things that we that we would do you know every summer it was really a magical experience there's a little Jeff yeah that was my maximum cuteness right there all downhill from there that that's a 1962 International", metadata={'source': 'Hq89wYzOjfs'}), Document(page_content="that was my maximum cuteness right there all downhill from there that that's a 1962 International Harvester scout we all learn to drive beyond that car that car once you can drive that car you can drive anything and then this is so there's the two of us that is Jeff teaching me how to open or close gate which doesn't seem like it would be that complicated but I was having trouble wire gap gates are tough and then this is that's red well that's Christina or sister Christina but the horse red that's red that's yeah so I guess one of the things that that we learn every summer yeah this is pop again so there was as we as we alluded to with the windmills there was always work to be done on the ranch and yeah one of the the things that you know I think we learned to value and you've spoken about this in the past is the the role that resourcefulness self-reliance yeah plays it's certainly on a place like the ranch but yeah can you talk a little bit about well so one of the great things that you learn first of all we had a very fortunate lucky childhood we got to spend a lot of time with pop and our grandparents and you learn different things from grandparents than you learned from parents it's just a very different relationship I've spent all my summers on his ranch from age 4 to 16 and he was incredibly soft for Lion you know if you're in the middle of nowhere in a rural area you don't pick up the phone and call somebody when something breaks you figure out how to fix it yourself and so as a kid you got to I got to see him solve all these problems and be a real problem solver he even did his own bed Neri work he would make his own needles for the suture up the cattle with he would like take a piece of wire use a blowtorch to heat up pounded flat sharpen it drill a hole through it make a needle and some of the cattle even survived and so you know but but you did we learned a lot of things from watching him because he would he would take on major projects that he didn't really know how to do then figure out how to do them you know a good example of that is you know you guys built a house yeah I think I think he bought this out of a Sears catalog it was a kid house and we built that thing somebody came out it all showed up in big boxes and somebody a professional came out and poured the foundation and then we did the rest of it but I'm pretty sure it was quite a project in going there some of that you can see some of the cows there that didn't survive procedure so you know when I was going through these it certainly I came across this photo yeah I'm not exactly sure what it was you're doing here almost positive looks like we got wrong maybe that vent really pissed me off I don't know that's certainly well I think there's a couple things here first of all OSHA would not be pleased with the way you're on that ladder and you know here's as though you've you're crafting a spear I don't know what I'm doing yeah so and you know I think that you know if you can talk a little bit I know that there's you know this bulldozer in the background that's a caterpillar bulldozer that my grandfather bought used for five thousand dollars which is an enormous bargain you know this thing it should cost way more than that the reason it was so cheap is it was completely broken the transmission was stripped the hydraulics didn't work and so we spent basically a whole summer repairing it and big giant gears would arrive by mail order from Caterpillar and we would you know we couldn't even move the gear so Mike the first thing my grandfather did was build a crane to move the gear so that's that kind of you know self-reliance and resourcefulness and the you know there's also there's a story that you know is somewhat legendary in our family one of the things that pop did one summer it was a little out of character oh I know what story you're talking about so he really actually was a very careful conservative", metadata={'source': 'Hq89wYzOjfs'}), Document(page_content="oh I know what story you're talking about so he really actually was a very careful conservative sort of person not prone to crazy acts or anything who kind of introspective and even and very imp and introverted quiet person but one day he was all by himself he had driven to the ranch and he was at the main gate to the ranch and he forgot to put the car in park and so when he got to the gate he noticed that the car was slowly rolling downhill toward the gate he thought this is fantastic I have just enough time to unlatch the gate throw the gate open the car is gonna drive right through and those will be wonderful he almost got the gate unlatched when the car hit the gate and it caught his thumb between the gate and the fence post and it stripped all the flesh off of his thumb it was hanging there by a tiny little thread and he was so angry at himself that he ripped that piece of flesh off and threw it in the brush got back in the car drove himself to the emergency room in Dili Texas 16 miles away and when he got there they said this is great we can reattach that where is it and he said I threw it in the brush they drove back with the nurses and everybody and they all they looked for hours for the thumb and they never found that piece of flesh something probably eaten it so they they take them back to the emergency room and they said look you have two choices you're gonna have to have a skin graft for that and we can sew your your thumb to your stomach and leave it there for six weeks that's the best way to do it or we can just cut a piece of skin graft from your butt and just suture it on and it won't ever be as good but the advantage is your thumb won't be sewn to your stomach for six weeks and he said I'll take option to just do this skin graft from my butt and they did that it was very successful it worked fine and he but the funniest thing about this story is that I have incredibly vivid memories when we all do of him he definitely his mornings were completely ritualized who'd wake up eat breakfast cereal read the newspaper and shave with an electric razor for a really long time like he would shave with that electric razor for like 15 minutes and while he's eating his cereal and when he was done shaving his face with that razor then he would take two quick passes over his thumb because his thumb group but hair which by the way did not bother him at all no he was completely unfazed by unfazed so thumb but hair aside you know the the value of resourcefulness right and and self-reliance what how do you how do you apply that to you know the work that you do on a daily basis how do you well I think you know there are a lot of entrepreneurs and and people pursuing dreams and passions in this car you know you always you you the whole point of of moving things forward is you run into problems you run into failures things don't work you have to back up and try again each one of those times when you have a step back and you back up and you try again you using resourcefulness you're using self-reliance you're trying to invent your way out of a box and I have with tons of examples at Amazon where we've had to do this we've failed so many times we have write the iowa's think of us is a great place to feel because we're good at it we have so much practice and I get to give you one example we many years ago now we started we wanted a third party selling business because we knew we could add selection to the store that way and we started Amazon auctions nobody came I think maybe our mother the only one who purchase something I bought a coffee cup you got a coffee I did okay so there were those who purchasers and and and that's an we so we said well look we do we open this thing called Z shops we train which was like fixed price auctions again nobody came I didn't use that and then finally and each one of these failures it's like a year you half long and so we're trying to invent new things", metadata={'source': 'Hq89wYzOjfs'}), Document(page_content="each one of these failures it's like a year you half long and so we're trying to invent new things and we finally came across this idea of putting the third-party selection on the same detail page is the same product detail pages that we had our own inventory on our own retail inventory on we called this marketplace and it started working right away and so that just that resourcefulness of trying new things figuring things out what the customers really want yep yeah pays off and everything and it pays off even in your daily lives you know how do you help your children what's the right thing my wife has a great saying we let our kids use even now they're 17 through 12 but even when they were 4 we would let him use our knives and by the time they were I don't know maybe 7 or 8 we would let him use a certain power tools and my wife best to her credit she has this great fascia so I would much rather have a kid with nine fingers than a resourceless kid and which I just think is a fantastic attitude about life luckily you have resourceful kids with 10 fingers yeah exactly and you know I know that resourcefulness is so important you actually if it was a prerequisite for the selection of a spouse right so this is yeah I had I did in my 20s this is you know you way you know pre tender pre-match calm and so I had this but at a certain point I decided I wanted to get married and I had all my friends setting me up and I had my list of criteria and this was like good old-fashioned blind dates I went on dozens of blind dates and it turns out it kept meeting people who were professional blind daters and I sort of became a professional blind dater and so we would sit down and most of the conversation was quickly about how yeah we're not right for each other but how do you meet people and you know it's actually turned into a right but when I was time my friends my criteria one of the ones that I would list was that I wanted a woman who could get me out of a third-world prison and my friends were like what are your future plans you know and I said no it's just a visualization for somebody really resourceful because I you don't want to go through life with teammates who aren't resourceful and so you do want to go through life with people who if you need could get you out of prison hypothetically speaking hypothetically speak yeah so you know so this is a picture from the recent that was last summer I think yeah we took that we were on a family vacation and I you know so this one jumped out at me because you know you're doing Mackenzie curls there with your wife and you're looking a little buff and so that of course you know made me think of this now as internet memes go swole Jeff is pretty cool right so you know if swole mark raced across the internet I'd be pretty psyched but you know I I this got sent to me by so many people variations of this right oh my god your brother what sauce your brother yeah and then you know but it confused me because in all honesty this is what I grew up with [Laughter] [Applause] yeah I'm just saying right so that you know where when you guys saw us well Jeff I was like I was surprised too right I mean Isis yeah this image sexy right that I I remember that I am how old are your Halloween costume I am one of I had some friends and we went as the foo no no no wait wait wait wait wait there you go here we go that is yeah yeah the winners Ladykillers chicks love that they love that that we were we were very successful in high school so as fitness goes and then and then you know there was this guy who's like what late 90s Jeff right something like that and you know your eating habits at this point in your life we're not great no my this is this is you won't even believe the story it's gonna have to believe me that I tell you this is true when my wife and I got married I had been eating a whole can for a couple of years I had been eating for breakfast every morning a", metadata={'source': 'Hq89wYzOjfs'}), Document(page_content="I had been eating a whole can for a couple of years I had been eating for breakfast every morning a whole can of Pillsbury biscuits so I would wake up in the morning I would preheat the oven to 375 I would get out the bacon the baking sheet I would crack open the Pillsbury biscuits place them on there and with butter and I would eat the whole coke in and I was skinny Ezreal and it was just and I am I after watching meat when so then we get married and she watched me do this every morning as my spouse for like three months and then she finally stopped me one day and she said do you know what's in that and I was like honestly that wasn't even a concept for me that there was something in food you know that there was like I had never read a nutrition label in my life I eat what tasted good to me and so she kind of showed me the ingredients label and we had a little very rudimentary discussion about nutrition and I stopped eating the biscuits well I'm frankly very happy and somewhat surprised that you survived all of that we're glad you're still with us so she was incredulous so one of the things I want to talk about a question that that we've talked about before you were 30 years old in 1994 when you decided to start amazon.com you had a great job you had I remember you had a great apartment on the Upper West Side married for a year had been married for you had not been eating biscuits for nine months and I'm just you know how did you go through making the decision to drop it was a very good job and take it take this chance it all seems very obvious now right this many years later that it paid off but at the time it was not obvious no no it was and and and I did do a lot of soul searching I I went to my boss at the time and I really liked my job and I told my boss I was gonna go do this thing start an internet bookstore and my wife had already told my wife and she's like great let's go and I I said so I'm also gonna do this he's like this is a good idea so I think this is a good idea but it'd be an even better idea for somebody who didn't already have a good job and that sort of made some logical sense to me and he convinced me to think about it for a couple of days so I went away I was really trying to get my head around how to think about this and I think for me the right way to make that kind of very personal decision because those decisions are personal they're not like data driven business decisions there they are you know what does your heart say and for me it was I could the best way to think about it was to project myself forward to age 80 and said look when I'm 80 years old I want to have minimized the number of regrets that I have I don't want to be 80 years old in a quiet moment of reflection thinking back over my life and and catalog you a bunch of major regrets and I think that regrets our biggest regrets in most cases you can murder somebody okay you'd regret that but in most cases our biggest regrets turn out to the acts of omission its paths not taken and they haunt us we wonder what would have happened I loved that person and I never told him and then they married somebody else I did you know I didn't do this and so that's the frame of mind that I put myself in and I and once I did that once I thought about that way it was immediately obvious to me I knew that when I'm 80 I would never regret trying this thing that I was super excited about and failing if it failed fine I would be very proud of the fact when I'm 80 that I tried and I also knew that it would always haunt me if I didn't try and so that would be a regret it would be a hundred percent chance of regret if I didn't try and basically a zero percent chance of regret if I tried and failed so I think that's a useful metric for any important life decision and this is this is you know our sister took this photo but you know she was I don't understand why she thought this was a momentous occasion you and", metadata={'source': 'Hq89wYzOjfs'}), Document(page_content="photo but you know she was I don't understand why she thought this was a momentous occasion you and Mackenzie yeah we're about to take off driving across the country to start Amazon go to Seattle and that's a yellow lab kamala named after a Star Trek character we're so happy to have these family photos but we can't for the life of us figure out why Kristina bothered to take them but we're so glad she did and then you know she also was smart enough to tell you to leave the dog yeah she saved us probably because we were to drive across the country with the dog which was probably not a good idea she said I keep the dog and when you after you guys get settled I'll send you the dog so what a question I have is you know we just talked about the fact that you know there was certainly no guarantee that Amazon was going to or no there never any kind of startup I think what would Jeff Bezos be doing if this hadn't worked out I I I think I it's a good question and nobody ever really knows what life what twists and turns life takes my best guess is I would be very happy software engineer yeah and working on anything in particular today I might be I don't know I'm very very curious about machine learning and artificial intelligence and and you know we're doing a lot of that probably I would be attracted to that field today and if you know I thought this question I not sure exactly how you would answer it but I am curious you know like your fantasy job not the one that would pay the bills well that I have I have is Union and you know what it is I think he knows my guess is bartender I and I do have by the way I'm really glad I'm wearing my honey badger don't care a t-shirt there it and that thank you for that photo because it looks like I've had about four of those yeah I appreciate you that's like a Bloody Mary that's a really start what are brothers for early start but yeah I have to make a mean cocktail I I do I pride myself on my craft cocktails and I I am and I I do have this fantasy that I want to be a bartender and I know that it is a fantasy like if I were actually a bartender right there fight like it's I'm glamorized the job in my mind I know that but but I love people I like talking to people I love making cocktails you're not very fast I'm super slow it would have to be a bar we'd have to charge a lot for drink and they would and you'd be Europe there'd be a big sign behind the bar that says you can have a good or you can have it fast which is what but yeah I have I have a kind of fantasy there so if we could shift gears a little bit I want to talk about Blue Origin yeah so Blue Origin is your private spaceflight commercial spaceflight company and we'll talk in a minute about all the work that you're doing in that regard but I guess what I want to focus on for a minute or two is the inspiration for that the passion behind it so you know I'm gonna put up a phone this one's really more embarrassing for me than for you but so here we are this is like you're about to block a soccer kick or something that's I'm auditioning for Alvin sorry the far right there is our dad that's Chico in the man over there on the right he's Cuban and it's a kind of you know it's one of those tricks at the universe place on you that my mom's name is Jackie and my name is Jeff and there's no J in Spanish and so he still has to call her Jackie and me yes but he sounds exactly like Ricky Ricardo delightful guy but yeah that's the whole crew that's the whole crew there so you were the bounding Torian of your high school in Miami and I had the opportunity to give a speech yeah at your graduation and you I think the vast majority of your speech was about colonizing space I think all of it I think all of it is yeah right so I still remember your closing line I mean even then it stood out to me yeah and it was do you remember I do I remembered the closet it was something like space the final frontier meet me", metadata={'source': 'Hq89wYzOjfs'}), Document(page_content="do you remember I do I remembered the closet it was something like space the final frontier meet me there that was a that was yeah so and I've been passionate about space rockets and rocket engines since I was a 5 year old boy and so you know I want to talk about that a little bit cuz you know we've talked about or you know it certainly the story you've told about having seen the moon landing in 1969 right so this is pop again that's Christina that's our sister on the floor so this was a very familiar setting for us anytime pop was watching TV yeah he had perfectly good furniture I can see it but yeah no place for laid on the floor to watch television and you remember as seen exactly like this when you were watching the lunar landing yeah no he yeah and I I do think you never know exactly you know you don't choose your passions your pastures choose you how you how they are form you're never completely sure but I do think you get imprinted somehow early on with certain things you just get excited about them and because you're excited you pay more attention and they grow and that's spaces like that for me I watched Neil Armstrong step under the moon when I was five and you know I I do wonder I know that pop was a big fan of the Watergate trials also watch those and yeah I'm setting just like this he was kind of a news junkie anyway religiously you obsessively watched the Watergate hearings I you know do you think at some level that might have influenced you at least by the post yeah it's hard to know you know I bought the post because I think it's an important institution and you know I told the team at the time like you know I the post at the time had it was kind of financially upside-down had a lot of work to do no fault of their own the internet had really taken the wind out of newspaper companies and I said look you know I would not buy a say financially upside down salty snack food company but post is real institutional I think matters and and needs some runway so that's why I did it I happen to know the guy who owned it for so many years yeah Don Graham who is just an amazing person and so that all worked out but did watching the Watergate hearings with pop on the carpet have influenced that probably right at some level you know so going back to to Blue Origin I mean you know space has been such a big part of your life for so long and certainly every memory that's induced and we lived in Houston those marks not too far from our house I think that you know it's science fiction science fiction movies books you know I my passion for that stuff certainly came from you know watching you enjoy it so much but you know I look at this picture and you know I thought to myself well I've seen that face recently haha and it's and this so this is you're standing on the landing pad yeah in West Texas the launch and landing site in West Texas where you're do launching and landing a new Shepherd vehicle for Blue Origin so if you could just take a minute or two and help us understand what is Blue Origin up - well Blue Origin is the vision for Blue Origin is millions of people living and working space and the key thing is we have to dramatically reduce the cost of access to space right now space travel is very expensive and the reason it's expensive it's not hard to understand it's because we throw the hardware away after each use and so we need reusable rocket vehicles and that's what Laura John is working on we're working on making sure that we don't have to throw the plane away every time after you fly out you know to your vacation destination that would definitely increase the cost of your vacation and and so that's what we need to do and we can do it it's totally possible and I think it's I think it's important yeah this is uh this is what the booster looks like when it's coming back down yeah in this cowboy hat still has champagne stains that's right your head still kind of stains so", metadata={'source': 'Hq89wYzOjfs'}), Document(page_content="yeah in this cowboy hat still has champagne stains that's right your head still kind of stains so you know I guess you know if we could ton of my favorite shots this is the booster and pin and that's West Texas it's beautiful country so if you could just talk a little bit about you know you've been passionate about space your whole life you know you know this is not just a plaything for you know guarded Blue Origin is doing is not you know no nice thing I mean no actually this is a important way my view is like Minh credibly important work that needs to be done and done as quickly as possible and I have my own reasons why I believe that they can be explained pretty simply and it's not for me it's not the there's a very kind of common argument that's been around for a long time actually kind of first popularized by arthur c clarke so in all civilizations become spacefaring or extinct and this is the kind of plan B argument that you know when earth is destroyed somehow we'd better make sure that we don't have all of our eggs in one basket and I hate the plan B argument I think you know Plan B with respect to earth being destroyed is make sure a plan a works so we have sent robotic probes to every planet in this solar system believe me this is the best one we know that it's not even close you know my friends who say they want to move to Mars or something I still like why don't you go live in Antarctica for a year first because it's a garden paradise compared to Mars and so we really this is that this planet is so amazing it's a jewel in our solar system and we have if you take baseline energy usage on earth and just compound it at a few percent a year for just a few hundred years you have to cover the entire Earth's surface in solar cells so that's not going to happen so we have two choices we either go out into space or we switch over to a civilization of stasis and personally I do not like the idea of stasis you know we have it's our grandchildren and their grandchildren will live in a much better world if they can continue to advance and develop and use more energy and and all of the things that we've enjoyed for hundreds of years as a civilization of growth I don't even really believe in stasis I think things are either growing or shrinking I don't I think stasis is highly highly unusual and in real life doesn't exist I don't even think Liberty is consistent with the idea of stasis I mean if you get real stasis somebody's gonna have to tell you how many kids you can have how much energy you can use there'll be all kinds of things that just aren't consistent with with liberty and freedom so but in space we have for all practical purposes unlimited resources we could have a trillion humans in the sewer system and wouldn't still wouldn't be crowded and so then if you had a trillion humans you'd have thousand Einsteins and a thousand Mozart's and a thousand DaVinci's and how cool would that be but we have to go to space and we have to go to space to save earth that's why this work is so important and we don't have forever to do it we've now gotten so big as a civilization on earth that we kind of have to hurry and so I believe that the you know the really in the kind of a long time frame the most important work I'm doing is is Blue Origin and pushing forward to get humanity established in the solar system so and what sort of time frame are we talking about well the grand vision you know trillion humans in the solar system and so on that's I mean that's hundreds of years but you know but in and we can have in just a couple of decades I think we can have a much lower cost space travel and then we can start to you know have really a dynamic entrepreneurial explosion in space you know you can't really have much entrepreneurial activity in space today because the just the basic price of admission is too expensive I mean just to do anything even something relatively small in space is", metadata={'source': 'Hq89wYzOjfs'}), Document(page_content="admission is too expensive I mean just to do anything even something relatively small in space is still very very expensive we need to lower the cost of admission so that thousands of entrepreneurs can have companies in space kind of like what we've seen on the internet right now you can't be two kids in a dorm room can make Facebook but they can't make a space company it's not practical we want I want to make that practical yeah just so you know and and you know that leads me to think about some of the conversations we've had this is another view of those mountains in West Texas you know sitting around that fire pit and some of the most profound conversations for me anyway that that we've had are around the topic of long-term thinking yeah which is something that you've really embraced and you know you've brought to the businesses that you run and you know if you just talk a little bit I don't think that most people who are running businesses or who are you know making even starting a company like Blue Origin allow themselves to think in centuries even for visions for a vision of what they're creating or you know it Amazon I know that you've said you know five to seven year time frames for experiments that you're running where does it talk to me about long-term thinking and your point of view on well long-term thinking is lever it lets you do things that you could not do or couldn't even conceive of doing if you were thinking short-term so if I you know that's why you know that I have a project where I'm helping a group of people build the 10,000 year clock it kind of ticks once a year and dongs once a century and the cuckoo comes out once a millennium it's a bits of big 500 foot tall thing inside a mountain right here inside one of those mountain range and the ten thousand your clock is a symbol I don't think it'll do anything for the first few hundred years but after a few years once it's old you will start to pay attention to older symbols and so a few hundred years from now I hope that people will think about that as a symbol for long-term thinking if I you know if I collaborated with somebody here in this audience and I said look I want you to solve what world hunger and I want you to do it in five years you would properly reject the opportunity you would say look it's not possible it's not practical but if I said look I want you to solve world hunger in a hundred years that's a job you'd take because it's a much more addressable problem you can first create the conditions you have time to create the conditions where then you can solve the problem and so that's that's a very important way of thinking and and I find it's and it works with everything I mean you have to back up and find the right time horizon for what you're trying to do but you know at Amazon we probably do most of our things we expect that to get some results in sort of five six seven eight years but we find a lot of our you know other companies that compete against us in various ways they're often trying to get things done and you know two or three years and so we can do things that you know if you if you if everything has to work in two to three years then that limits what you can do if you give yourself the breathing room to say okay I'll I'm okay if it takes seven years all of a sudden you have way more opportunities the one of the things I want to shift to here is when when we are raising a glass around a fire and you usually have a toast the standard toast a standard toast that you usually kick off the night with yawn its to adventure and fellowship to adventure in fellowship and literally that's like that he kicks off its about every dinner with right every dinner every night and it's you know it's interesting to me because I know that you are somebody who pays attention to the words that you use right you're careful about the words that you use and those seem like very specific words so I was", metadata={'source': 'Hq89wYzOjfs'}), Document(page_content="right you're careful about the words that you use and those seem like very specific words so I was wondering if we could just talk a little bit about why adventure and why fellowship and as I was thinking about this you know it occurred to me that you've been taking some adventures you know throughout your your whole life here your grandmother nanny yeah that's nanny and you know when you were a kid you used to take road trips with yeah Danny and Wally by armed Caravan Club road trips you had 300 Airstream trailers here yeah all driving down the highway together that we'd park so before they were hipster cool big wagon wheel formations yeah there was no avocado toast at this and and you know you and I had the good the fun opportunity we drove across the country yeah yeah and the defender in there that was a great that was an amazing trip that was a very truss and then you know we also we spent three days on horseback that was a 50 mile ride in West Texas yeah every day is super fun my butt hurt yeah I apologize about the quality like I said this is not what I do so this is the best I could do here but I did take this picture that's Jeff sleeping on that trail ride it was cold this is that ring of you can see how I'm keeping that pillow from my this is when you know it's really good to be a mammal you provide your own heat provide your own body heat keep the frost away from your face I guess I guess you know all of these adventures you know this is this is a you're dropping down into a cave yeah rappelling down that was really fun that you were on that trip I was on that trip too you know but so you know people have asked me this you know because they know that we we go on a lot of adventures together and they're a bit incredulous when I when I answered the question but they asked me you know is he on his phone the whole time can he ever unplug and they're incredulous when I say honestly he's not on his phone that much he's just you know when you you're just your we drove across the country and you know it's not that you didn't do the work but most of the time it was it was this and I see the same thing when you're you know with your kids and you know it's how do you I don't have a fraction of the responsibility that you do and I find that I'm always wrestling with you know my phone I'm just curious like what sort of discipline or what sort of you know how do you go about compartmentalizing the way that I you know I do not so like when I have dinner I have dinner whether it's with friends or with my family and I like to if I'm I like to be talking to the people I'm with I like to do whatever I'm doing I don't like to multitask it bothers me if I'm reading my email I want to be really reading my email when I my mom tells a story about me being in Montessori School and then they couldn't get me to switch tasks so the Montessori School teacher would have to literally pick up my chair and just move me to the next task station so I don't know it's not like it's not intentional isn't neat I don't need discipline in order to not be checking my email for me it's very natural I love being present and whatever I'm working and I'm happy multitasking but I do it serially you know I will spin and then and you don't you know honestly if something really important is happening somebody will find me you know it's not like I have to check my text messages every five minutes or something like that it's not that's not a not a big deal right and usually when they do find you it's rarely to give you good news oh yeah no if somebody comes and says you need to check your text messages right now that's got to be bad news that's usually actually honestly you know it's usually a family thing it's like a medical thing or something it's like but it's not I I think that it's probably just a very personal decision I think some people are very good at multitasking and so they can do two things one sand you", metadata={'source': 'Hq89wYzOjfs'}), Document(page_content="I think some people are very good at multitasking and so they can do two things one sand you know I am at restaurant with my wife or something and we'll see a couple both texting but every once why they show show that their phones and it seems like they're having a very nice date so I'm not sure there's anything wrong with that it's just not how I'm wired got it so you know going back to you know the sense of adventure you know what can you talk to me a little bit about what the role that adventure plays in in your life and you know what is it that it brings to you it's it's more than just a distraction ya know I so that when I say to adventure Fellowship for me adventure is a you can choose we all get to choose our life stories and it's the choices that define us not our gifts everybody in this room has many gifts I have many gifts you can never be proud of your gifts because they're gifts they were given to you you might be you know tall or you might be really good at math or you might be extremely beautiful or handsome or you know there are there many gifts and you can only be proud really of your choices because those are the things that you are that you're that you are acting on and one of the most important choices that each of us has and you know this just as well as I do is you can choose a life of ease and comfort or you can choose a life of service and adventure and when you're 80 which one of those things you think you're gonna be more proud of you're gonna be more proud of having chosen a life of service or adventure you see this in your firefighting work and everything else you do Robin Hood so on and so on and I feel that that is a you know for me adventure is a shorthand way of thinking about that got it and I think that one of the other things that we've talked about when we talk about adventure is you know exposing yourself to new things right and and you know maintaining that childlike sense of wonder totally and you know I know that you know this is important to you certainly in in our personal lives which is why we do all of these fun things but it also plays an important role in you know how you approach the businesses that you're involved in them if you want to be an inventor of any kind inventing a new you know a new service offering for customers or a new product or anything the being an inventor requires because the world is so complicated you have to be a domain expert I mean in a way even if even if you're not at the beginning you have to learn learn learn learn learn enough so to become a domain expert but the danger is once you've become a domain expert you can be trapped by that knowledge and so inventors have this paradoxical ability to have that you know 10,000 hours of practice and be a real domain expert and have that beginner's mind have that that look at it freshly even though they know so much about the domain and that's the key to inventing you have to have both and I think that is intentional I think all of us have that inside of us and we could all do it but you have to be intentional about it you have to say yeah I am gonna become an expert and I'm gonna keep my beginner's mind but I know that I mean this is so important you're always you know it's it's a regular refrain even at Amazon this far into it that it's still day one day one so you know one of these so I guess the other half of that toast is you know to fellowship yeah right to adventure and fellowship and again fellowship is a very specific word right you know friendship is much more common so what why did you what like what about what is it about fellowship me the word fellowship conjures a vision of traveling down the road together it's a it's a it has more journey in it yeah I'm in French so my friendship would be is great it would be great to bellow ship captures friendship and traveling that path together this is so this is down at the bottom but there we are yeah there's", metadata={'source': 'Hq89wYzOjfs'}), Document(page_content="traveling that path together this is so this is down at the bottom but there we are yeah there's our brother and there's McKenzie our brother-in-law Steve yeah friend Danny no I'm great great trip that was that was quite you don't have to worry about checking your phone there no no no radio signals down there so you know another adventure I guess an opportunity for adventure and and fellowship fun trip was this trip and you know we were out at sea for 30 days young and we did this when you've been out at sea for 30 days this looks like it's in focus so but why don't you you know can you talk a little bit about what we learned excuse me by the way where I be R game is very strong are you crushing me on the beard game I don't even try the beard my beard thing doesn't work at all I get that crap beard but the we this is the recovery expedition we went and recovered the Apollo 11 saturn v f1 engines from the bottom of the atlantic under 14,000 feet of water they'd been resting there peacefully for more than four decades and we did it it was the it was a it was an incredible adventure the captain there were 60 people on the boat including our mother Jackie and she was the only woman on the boat so it was 59 men and my mom and when I first got on the boat the captain came and found me and this is a big 300 foot boat with you know a moon pool and and diving submersibles remotely operated vehicles very high-tech the captain came very nice Norwegian guy and he said I we've never had a woman on the boat before and I've taken the liberty of removing all of the pornography from the common areas and I just wanted to make sure that's okay with you and I was like yeah that sounds good that's good I never did find that stash and so so we were successful we recovered those engines and we're so where are they one of them is at the Smithsonian and one of them is at the Seattle Museum of Flight well hopefully there'll be some other five-year-old who runs into them and inspired as you were you know they're incredible engineered objects I mean still today there's probably no rocket engine that has been more successful than the Saturn 5 f1 so you know one of the as I was putting this together and looking at all of these pictures and you know thinking about the adventures that we've had together and you know I again you know knowing how much time and effort you put into Amazon in the Washington Post and Blue Origin and you know I also happen to know that you're a devoted husband and beloved father with your kids you have a fantastic relationship the bezos's have a lot of kids we has four I have four sister has three yeah we're making sure that the population doesn't go that we need we need to go into space yeah well one of the I guess one of the questions I have is you know how do you go about establishing that work-life balance that everybody you know talks about and thinks about you've got I mean you live a big life right and how do you how do you I get down in a lot I get it I teach senior executive kind of leadership classes at Amazon for our most senior execs and I also teach or not teach but I also speak to interns so kind of all across the spectrum and I get this question about work-life balance all the time from from both ends of the spectrum and the my view is I don't even like the phrase work-life balance I think it's misleading I like the phrase work life harmony because I know that if I am energized at work happy at work feeling like I'm adding value part of a team whatever energizes you that makes me better at home it makes me a better husband a better father and likewise if I'm happy at home it makes me a better employee a better boss all the things it's not about it's not primarily about there may be crunch periods where it's about the number of hours and the week but that that's not the that's not the real thing usually it's about do you have energy and is the is your work depriving", metadata={'source': 'Hq89wYzOjfs'}), Document(page_content="that's not the real thing usually it's about do you have energy and is the is your work depriving you of energy or is your work generating energy for you and you know there are people everybody in this room notice people you fall into these two camps you're in a meeting and the person comes in the room some people come into the meeting and they add energy to the meeting other people come into the meeting and the whole meeting just deflates and those people just they drain energy from the meeting and you have to decide which of those kinds of people you're gonna be are you gonna add energy and the same thing at home and the same thing at home and it's so it's a wheel it's a cycle it's a flywheel it's a circle it's not a balance because of balance that's why that metaphor is so dangerous because it implies there's a strict trade-off and you could be out of work have all the time for your family in the world but really depressed and demoralized about your work situation and your family wouldn't want to be anywhere near you they would wish you would take a vacation from them and so it's not about the number of hours not primarily I suppose if you went crazy with you know 100 hours a week or something yeah that maybe maybe there are limits and they probably but I've never had a problem and I think it's because both sides of my life give me energy and that's what I would recommend it's what I do recommend to interns and execs so we're out of time I just want to say that you know first of all thank you all for joining us around the proverbial fire pit it's it's it's not lost on me that I'm incredibly it brings me joy to have the opportunity to have conversations like this with you often and I do cherish those opportunities and there's just one more so thank you very much thank all of you I guess there's just one more thing to say we should toast yep to adventure fellowship [Applause] you", metadata={'source': 'Hq89wYzOjfs'})]
[Document(page_content="Ryan: Why are we dressed like this? Greg: We're supposed to be homeless.. cause, like, we haven't done it in a while. Ryan: We haven't done it in so long, so we look old. Ryan: So we go a little less homeless.. *laughs* Ryan: Well this bit doesn't work. Ryan: Welcome back to another episode of I DARE YOOOOOOOOOOOOOU! We take your dares Put them in a hat and if we draw it the player council then decides how many points its worth based on how daring of a dare it is if the player passes, another player can take the steal DUUUUUUUUUUUNNNNN DUUUUUUUUUN DUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUN The first player to get ten points will get something amazingly not amazing as well as their name in the hall of fame NOPE jk they get the ball of lame. basically just write your name on a ball of aluminum foil It's pretty lame [Conversation] Ryan: One point! Two points! Three points! what really happens during that animation? You do it Derrick, yeah you do it Derrick Alright, so the person with the least amount of points has to do the loser dare, I am about to write it right now Nice Derrick! Nice Derrick how do we decide who goes first? We make up like a thing spin the bottle, stab your hand the hardest with a fork, No not that again [witch laughter] Draw out the longest chip oooooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhh Don't Squeal around, no cheating You guys are just going to go like this... Oh wait [laughter] AWWWWW!!! It's actually hard to grab (laughter) Go Derrick! [Ryan] Wait as it goes on... Ohhhhh Derrick! Paco's first I Dare You ever, it better be good. [Paco] I'm gonna win! [Ryan] That's what you said about Parkourse (pig snorting) Throw a egg on a car outside and go lick it of\nyou must swallow what does that mean ohhhh, lick it off. I won't do that on my car. Lick it off the tire. Ohhhh, that's even more gross [Paco] That more gross! [Ryan] That is more gross Derrick is not here, but we're thinking about changing it from the car to this dirty\ntrash can because it's dirty you're changing it to a trash can\nbut we're gonna bump up let's say 3 - that's easy How about this, how about this? Keep the shells in there for extra\npoint for I don't want that I don't yeah that's too many points veto I'll do all\nthat for three so please agree to the three yes all\nright Greg I'll let you do the honors bro can you break this egg for me I wondered why you squashes the egg in there\nthink you said three for the show sorry I've messed up the egg crack oh (slurping noises) two\npoints for the whole thing that's one point what though\nDerrick didn't get it Paco got a point come on that come up boys you know what\nthis is your game this game is about being gross you're when I'm a disgusting\nperson I know okay I dared to let other players choose an item for you to brush\nyour teeth with Oh Paco found a broom and we're debating what to put on top\nyeah you don't have to eat it but this is now I know you don't like Mayo so two\nboys to do that with mail go on three point what's 30 put like leg hair and\nstuff on there such a three point okay I'll do it alright let's make it then I\nhate me oh dude how much you get a nice 100 its on expensive how much - so much\nhair you come into it but just go quick I say for five seconds already got one that manaizy fresh smile I got manual in\nmy lips they're not gonna be chapping, it's all got chapped off let's go Will!!!\nI dare you to pick your nose with a hot Cheeto, yeah we got some extra extra hot\nso we're gonna test it out to see what how many points is worth got tobits I\nhate spicy stuff so that's barely in the dirt no it's in there I could feel the\ntingle right now so well how many point is that word I'll say two points two\npoints for will around yeah go oh this See, he already gets one point now one when it\ngets back to him. you I dare you to faceplant on five different things let me ask you\nthis what kind of point value are looking another four three or four when", metadata={'source': 'd380meD0W0M'}), Document(page_content="this what kind of point value are looking another four three or four when\nyou face nine is this like a scorpion FaceTime my scorpion face man you know\nlike wonder legs like kick up over their head\noh like the stepboys one what what is a basement to you then then a why just put\nmy face on the ground right on that being putting your face on the ground\nface mine is like this that's a face yeah yeah we got some flour and then we\ngot some vacuum dirt look at the season (Music + Evil Laughing) I'll juice do boy okay I got a measure I dare you to chug as much hot sauce as you\ncan okay we got here we got Tabasco Louisiana hot side sriracha how much is\nthis worth I need to how do I know we should do we should have salted the rim\nwith some hot cheetos it's not too late something to sriracha oh I smell it there's\nlike a tomato shot hurt just like when \n(Choking) down the wrong tube - oh that was burnt yeah\nDerrick!!! Zero point Derrick they call him!\nFill a hat with Legos and where then wear it and do a head spin\nOh where's the Legos at? Ok, we adjusted it because Derrick is a\nbreakdancer we're gonna let Derek's breakdance the 20 seconds he's gonna\nhave to put on socks and gloves filled with Lego so we get a show let's do it\ngo how many points is this oh we just like after receiving boom 5 6\n7 star look at all these cuts to all three\npoints right there three point five go paint it wax the top\nof your hand yeah I don't want to do that you're knocking Siri I don't think\nwe even need to wax it would you die for that Welcome to the barber shop I'm Derek I'm\ngoing George Costanza. -Greg- all right here we go Derek great this is crazy dude do you look\nlike a samurai yeah this is the final I think we need a loser dare let's just\nfinish you with this this is like way better than yeah I'm taking turn on the ACS is hot Went out then, eating with the guys, with the guys and I came here to visit Erika. Derek- 'How you doing' Erika- 'Hey' Derek- What's so funny? Erika- I don't know why are you recording me I dunno 'It's time for me to get a haircut what do you\nthink' (Erika laughs with shock) Erika- Why'd you do that? Derek- Do I look good or what Yeah you look good horror *Laughter* Were you the only one that did that or\nsomebody else did it? I'm the only one Why? *gasps* that's coz you guys filmed I dare\nyou huh? Yeah. Did you at least win? Oh I won. YouTube does things", metadata={'source': 'd380meD0W0M'})]
[Document(page_content="Do you know what, I'm gonna be totally real with you guys I Okay this shirt I look... It's a cute shirt trust me it's just it's this angle that's bad for it and, I'm not gonna go change so... Wearing a different shirt now I'm not, gonna lie to you guys i searched the web for hours yesterday trying to find a fun thanksgiving recipe because as we all know thanksgiving is in a few days, weeks. I don't know I'm no Thanksgiving specialist but, it's coming up and I wanted to make a thanksgiving recipe for the fam for the squad cooking with Emma, squad. But no. I could not find anything that inspired me. Instead we're making funfetti cake. Welcome back to another installment of cooking with, Emma. I know, we all love it. Well, especially me. I think I'm the one who loves it the most. It's fun. Actually, do you know what? Hold on a sec. Oh this? I am taking cooking with, Emma to a, whole new, level this season. no. This episode. Usually I have to like get my hands all dirty and then i try to touch my phone to like See the recipe and then I like scroll in my photo album to like find the recipe that i screenshot it and it takes forever but now I got it right here so this already is going off to a fucking swagging start. This recipe is gluten-free, vegan... anyone can eat it basically unless you're, like, allergic to sprinkles I don't know. Preheat the oven to 350. This is old hat for me ok I've been doing this for months. I'm feeling like this might be the episode where I don't have an epic fail. Don't wanna jinx it though. Ow. Is this even oven safe? Made in USA. Oven wear...Oven wear. This can work in the oven. Or so I think. Oil that shit up baby. Oil it up! I'm gonna use coconut oil today to grease this shit because I don't know about you but I am a health guru. ooooooooo! woooooo! Sorry I kinda got carried away there. Okay also this camera angle is ass. My camera setup for cooking with Emma is different angle every single time It's just different, okay, so it's hard for me to set this up. The large mixing, bowl, combine all dry ingredients. Ew. I'm never doing that again. Big bowl. How big though? By large, bowl, do you mean like this or do you, mean like this? I don't know if you guys bake a lot like I do... if you start like mixing all your ingredients in a small ass bowl, that is just a recipe for disaster. You will have flour and shit all over your kitchen because it's just--you can't! So the bigger, bowl is better. Even though this is impossible to wash. I am not hashtag privileged. A hashtag kardashian and I don't have a dishwasher so I have to hand wash this shit. And it's huge! First ingredient... oh, shit. The first ingredient is already complicated because this recipe is gluten free, we basically are using oats as flour. But obviously oats, as you can see here, are big! So I have to grind them up myself. Ugh! I feel like I'm literally in the 1300s grinding with a fucking windmill or some shit. So we have to use our blender today I'm just gonna use one of these little pussy blender cups, because like, that's just the best option. That was one of the worst things that ever happened to me odhh i didn't say, what i'm making, okay? I don't even think i said what i was making i'm making fun fetty, cake That's a mess i love funfetti i think funfetti is one of the best kinds of cake in my opinion, do you Want this this is gonna be too small this is gonna be way too small, we need the food processor? Where is it i don't know i have no clue, where is it i'm at? A loss for words i don't know, where it is oh here it is yes? See, that's much better i'm kind of hopeful for this episode i think it might be good for me i think it might be really Good for me now it's time for emma to attempt to use this i have no clue, how To, use it okay so far so good power on? Maybe this isn't gonna, be so bad after all i've never made my, own flower before i feel like a pilgrim Speaking of pilgrims", metadata={'source': 'MltuW2kcREI'}), Document(page_content="so bad after all i've never made my, own flower before i feel like a pilgrim Speaking of pilgrims it's almost thanksgiving i personally am not the biggest fan of thanksgiving it's just not my fav Okay, thanksgiving for me i like it but, because i'm a vegetarian i don't have That many food options that i can eat so like it's not as fun for me as it is for everyone else on the other Hand i do celebrate black friday? Often pre-heated when you learn, about the history of thanksgiving it's kind of depressing but, we all talk, about that so this is our sweetener? It smells so odd it always smells weird oh my god i never bought, my measuring cups out sorry, yeah, oh, also if you, want to know something fun i One tablespoon of baking powder that's a lot of fucking baking powder that's so much I don't know How to feel, about that hopefully i don't get poisoned i don't know. Anyway, okay, now, we mix this You know most people have a whisk at their house it does the job and it does it just fine but My, house, my house is a little bit different because in this house, we raise baking gurus in this house, we have mini whisks If you, have seen, some cooking with, us with, me of course you're, familiar with, the mini whisk, but if you have not then please, meet my little friend this is my mini whisk he's honestly the star of this show Moral for is mini whisks are better than regular whisks and i don't need to discriminate looks like something gordon ramsay Would probably shit out of his, ass one cup of freaking, milk jesus christ Well i'm using almond milk today because guess, what, this recipe is vegan so oh This, recipe called for a flax, egg, which is basically like When you mix flax seeds with water and it forms like a gel and it's supposed to be like in a kind of well see I didn't want to do that because that seemed like a lot of work So i'm actually going to be using 1/4 cup of applesauce instead because i googled it and it said that applesauce can Replace eggs in any recipe that might be where i fuck upl this could be the end at the same time i was not trying to Make a flax, egg, so like it was just this is just how. It had to be vanilla extract Let's see if we fucking spill this today Fuck I already, spilled it i uh i always spill the vanilla *gasp* again? are you kidding? I totally jinxed it Last ingredient, well not quite nut butter in the recipe it says you can, choose any nut butter You, want but it says, we recommend? cashew Butter which is weird but it's even better because that means all of you guys with peanut allergies or? Even almond allergies you guys are safe to eat this recipe you are welcome a hashtag versatility, okay? You're, welcome anyways cashew, butter i don't know how i feel about it on its, own but in recipes i've actually Had it in recipes and it is phenom You know so it says 1/2 cup of melted I have a bunch in front of my microwave right now let's move it out of the way That's up to pee so bad if you pee so bad but like i'm not gonna go because, oh? I'm busy right now. Cashew, butter, is sticky as fuck that's probably, why, we're supposed to microwave it, oh? sorry, neighbors and Okay, we're gonna warm this up for 30-second intervals it doesn't tell me how Many sprinkles to add it just says, add sprinkles so like this is gonna be fuckin wild can i also tell a story About them i bought these sprinkles this one too getting these sprinkles, was not easy, may i also mention getting this Cashew, butter, was not easy i had to go to two stores to get this cashew Butter i had to go to three stores to get the sprinkles wow Okay, i kind of explained that badly, okay, so first i start out By, going to trader joe's they, did not have sprinkles or cashew, butter then, i went to whole foods They, had cashew, butter, which i then purchased, but they, did not have sprinkles at all then i went cvs And i was like they must have sprinkles no it was walgreens, fuck you Walgreens", metadata={'source': 'MltuW2kcREI'}), Document(page_content="all then i went cvs And i was like they must have sprinkles no it was walgreens, fuck you Walgreens They had literally every kind of baking thing that you would ever need, along with 15 different flavors of jell-o but they did not have any sprinkles so then last but not least i go to safeway, shout out to you safeway, i found exactly the sprinkles that I needed did I just burn this? Ew ew ew ew ew ew ew, maybe I did just burn this i don't know Okay, now it looks like it's time to actually, add the sprinkles i'm adding a bunch, okay i'm sorry They're all sinking to the bottom look, they all sunk to the bottom i can't even see it okay that That was a sound i'm sad to say it but the mini whisk has to go into retirement for now Because this is a big, bowl and it requires the big guns i don't know About you but i like a Ton of in funfetti i don't like it to be just like every once in a while you get a little color spec i like There to be fucking color specs muffin, everywhere, okay, this matter smells so, weird so we're two balls deep in it now you, that's a gross Okay, anyway i'm to add more sprinkles fish i knew that this was gonna happen i was gonna go overboard i'm gonna go overboard that's So much better Okay, i think we're. Like almost done which is like really weird if you like, these videos always go by so quick Because like i'm just like a really efficient, baker i'm just really efficient in the kitchen There's one of those pour batter into greased baking dish and top with extra sprinkles Right balls i mean, okay so this is my, baking dish It kind of looks nasty it literally kind of looks like, ass no no not like Ass it looks like actually poop feces have you heard of her, oh, oh? oh Okay, i ate too much okay She's so cute, okay, she's going in the oven now 25 minutes baby Normally i'd be really upset that i'd have to wait 25 minutes for this to be done but in the meantime i have another assignment I have to make the glaze because obviously this is cake, not so it needs to have like Some sort of frosting classic glaze on the top obviously Okay, two tablespoons of coconut, butter You, don't know, what coconut butter is i don't either so that's fine where's my tablespoon i'm freaking out, oh? oh i grew in the same shit this is so hard that's what she said coconut butter is so hard i Can't even get it out. Okay, that's like i'm gonna work out for the rest of the year 15 seconds on the clock Next step it's adds two scoops of protein powder to the coconut butter so i have all of these i don't know Which one to use i'm super ripped if you can't see so, my, like, main food group is protein powder so i have a lot, laying around, and Where's, my, fucking mini whisk She i have to piss i have to piss i've had to pee this entire filming process Half the reason, why i talk so fast because they, always have to pee this, makes me nervous Because protein powder to me actually, like realtalk protein powder is kind of doesn't taste good i mean i love the effects? Because it makes me fucking ripped Oh it has like nice little vanilla beans in it that's so cute it has like little vanilla beans in it that's an artsy bro Okay, i mean it's not the worst thing i've had i mean it's up there but it's not that bad i can definitely consume this On top of cake especially yeah count, me in so i should probably clean up my station this is my Melis hair part about fucking with, emma, is it i'd actually clean up after myself which is appalling? Why'd i do that, why, did that why, did i do that i really? Don't want to clean this up i do not, want to clean this up right now i do not Want to clean it up i don't ever want to clean up ever if it was up to me i don't know i just would Never clean up again It's ready let's see how it looks look at her she looks kind of good i think i can't really no Oh, i think she's done Okay, so this is i have to let, it sit for another five minutes which, is kind of a long", metadata={'source': 'MltuW2kcREI'}), Document(page_content="she's done Okay, so this is i have to let, it sit for another five minutes which, is kind of a long time and i'm a Little bit pissed, because like i was ready to eat but all good things come with time All right it looks like i'll see you little sweetie babe It's time to, assemble the pie i mean cake, what the fuck we're. Just gonna, add that glaze straight on over? Look at that We are so cute together she didn't really hold, together too, well but she Also, is kind of brown, which i guess is what you would expect, if he trying to make healthy, cake But it's all about the flavor let's just have a nice bite She's not great you know, she sucks i'm mad don't make this at home i tried, okay? I, did she said it didn't work out, oh? But i hope you have fun with me anyways if you Did give this video a thumbs up subscribe to my channel comment down below Anything you want i love you all so much appreciate every single last one of you and i can't, wait to see you next time you", metadata={'source': 'MltuW2kcREI'})]
[Document(page_content='♪♪ Carol: Ezekiel! Just go!\nI\'ll hold them off! Ezekiel,\nwe can get you away. You can\'t!\n[Grunting] I can\'t leave you,\nYour Majesty. [Grunts]\nC\'mon, man, just go! You\'re my king! No, I\'m not! I\'m not your King! I\'m not\n"Your Majesty"! ♪♪ [Grunts]\n[Body thuds] Look at\nwhat\'s in front of us! That\'s what\'s real! Go. Go. I ain\'t no king! I ain\'t nothing. I\'m just some guy. Some guy who found... [Shiva growling] Shiva... ♪♪ C\'mon. [Growling] ♪♪ [Grunting] Shiva! Shiva! Run, girl! ♪♪ No! No!\n[Growling continues] ♪♪ Please, Jerry! Dammit,\nlet me help her! [Flesh tearing] You can\'t. ♪♪ [Walkers growling] ♪♪', metadata={'source': 'VifQlJit6A0'})]
[Document(page_content="(gripping music) - [Announcer] One. (light music) ♪ Ooh ♪ ♪ Yeah ♪ ♪ Now, I'm out here looking like revenge ♪ ♪ Feelin' like a 10, the\nbest I've ever been ♪ ♪ And yeah, I know how bad it must hurt ♪ ♪ To see me like this, but it gets worse ♪ ♪ Wait a minute ♪ ♪ Now, you're out here\nlookin' like regret ♪ ♪ Ain't too proud to beg ♪ ♪ Second chance you'll never get ♪ ♪ And yeah, I know how bad it must hurt ♪ ♪ To see me like this, but it gets worse ♪ ♪ Wait a minute ♪ ♪ Now, payback is a bad chick ♪ ♪ And baby, I'm the baddest ♪ ♪ Stop playing with a savage ♪ ♪ Can't have this, can't have this ♪ ♪ Ah ♪ ♪ And it'd be nice of me to\ntake it easy on ya, but nah ♪ ♪ Baby, I'm sorry ♪ ♪ I'm not sorry ♪ ♪ Baby, I'm sorry ♪ ♪ I'm not sorry ♪ ♪ Being so bad got me feelin' so good ♪ ♪ Showing you up like\nI knew that I would ♪ ♪ Baby, I'm sorry ♪ ♪ I'm not sorry ♪ ♪ Baby, I'm sorry ♪ ♪ I'm not sorry ♪ ♪ Feeling inspired 'cause\nthe tables have turned ♪ ♪ Yeah, I'm on fire and\nI know that I burns ♪ ♪ Baby, fineness is the way to kill ♪ ♪ Tell me how it feel ♪ ♪ Bet it's such a bitter pill ♪ ♪ And yeah, I know you thought\nyou had bigger, better things ♪ ♪ Bet right now this stings ♪ ♪ Wait a minute ♪ ♪ But the grass is greener under me ♪ ♪ Bright as technicolor ♪ ♪ I can tell that you can see ♪ ♪ And yeah, I know how bad it must hurt ♪ ♪ To see me like this, but it gets worse ♪ ♪ Now, payback is a bad chick ♪ ♪ And baby, I'm the baddest ♪ ♪ Stop playin' with a savage ♪ ♪ Can't have this, can't have this, ah ♪ ♪ And it'd be nice of me to\ntake it easy on ya, but nah ♪ ♪ Baby, I'm sorry ♪ ♪ I'm not sorry ♪ ♪ Baby, I'm sorry ♪ ♪ I'm not sorry ♪ ♪ Being so bad got me feeling so good ♪ ♪ Showing you up like\nI knew that I would ♪ ♪ Baby, I'm sorry ♪ ♪ I'm not sorry ♪ ♪ Baby, I'm sorry ♪ ♪ I'm not sorry ♪ ♪ Feeling inspired 'cause\nthe tables have turned ♪ ♪ Yeah, I'm on fire and\nI know that it burns ♪ ♪ Talk that talk, baby ♪ ♪ Better walk, better\nwalk that walk, baby ♪ ♪ If you talk, if you\ntalk that talk, baby ♪ ♪ Better walk, better\nwalk that walk, baby ♪ ♪ Oh, yeah ♪ ♪ Talk that talk, baby ♪ ♪ Better walk, better\nwalk that walk, baby ♪ ♪ If you talk, if you\ntalk that talk, baby ♪ ♪ Better walk, better\nwalk that walk, baby ♪ ♪ Oh, yeah ♪ ♪ Baby, I'm sorry ♪ ♪ I'm not sorry ♪ ♪ Baby, I'm sorry ♪ ♪ I'm not sorry ♪ ♪ Being so bad got me feeling so good ♪ ♪ Showing you up like\nI knew that I would ♪ ♪ Baby, I'm sorry ♪ ♪ I'm not sorry ♪ ♪ Baby, I'm sorry ♪ ♪ I'm not sorry ♪ ♪ Feeling inspired 'cause\nthe tables have turned ♪ ♪ Yeah, I'm on fire and\nI know that it burns ♪ ♪ Yeah, I'm sorry not sorry, not sorry ♪ (gripping music) - [Announcer] One.", metadata={'source': 'KhdecX0qjNA'})]
[Document(page_content="Joe had that Winfield alright you know especially for me because I forgot up there like up there because they consistent the whole year so I really made this one that you know cuz my teammates at home to do patient [Music] Joe career-high in minutes tonight how did you feel what was working for you conditioning wise on the court that's good but I figure you know my my coach coach Bob I was good I was a good place and I wasn't a spy and the game was also slow they don't coaches felt like I should I should issue declare me and you and I was my career high minutes I never know what to say was aggressive and he was over crusty oh yeah I love when you guys I come out of the gate like I saw at the beginning of the game Mustafa Pasha guess we're going that's what I'll be needed the past couple games and I think you got me going to there being over aggressive and that's how they get in fights that Ben Simmons is a game changer how does he feel of the court to play is good you know we still getting better together we're still another each other obviously we found a way to do fondant ways I opened up the floor for man he does the same for me and the water passes so there are there are some players who given what happened between you and Willie Reed could have just been flustered by it but [Music] one of the guys on Twitter that was", metadata={'source': 'EJu_wPGFTw0'})]
[Document(page_content="[Music] hi everyone I'm facin today I'm going to show you my morning beauty routine let's start first uncle is as slow they're perfectly knee and facial cleanser to washing my face but them shake it [Music] don't forget the back I loved the eye mask before I start doing makeup just like three or four minutes in the morning time I know everyone's so busy now I'm gonna show you my secret weapon the tongue is Codan facial massager it helps to make the essence into your skin I found this massacre in Japan I can't love it let cut engineer don't forget it now let's start the makeup [Music] earlier it's my finger pipe in the concealer [Music] and I put this part close to my eye view the brush now then I'm not sure I hear used to my scar or together small tiny one [Music] smile naturally my eyebrows doc I just used my finger brush it easy okay now the last lap lipstick and then how do you think we make my day okay so this is my morning beauty routine thank you for watching love you all", metadata={'source': 'symdi5KSJts'})]
[Document(page_content="hey guys i'm nick and on this episode of the screen line i'm going to show you guys how to make something that's been so highly requested by you guys so these are earl grey macarons now these are very kind of it's an english tea for those of you who don't know what it is and they're so aromatic and they taste absolutely delicious so i'm super excited to bring you guys this recipe now before we get stuck into that i want to tell you guys about something that i'm excited about so in the spirit of giving back or giving thanks to all of the positive uh vibes that you guys give me in the comments every single week uh i want to start hearing from you guys a little bit more so what i'm going to do is each video i'm going to ask you guys a question it might be something that i want to know about you guys or something completely silly uh but you guys in the comments i'm gonna pick my favorite comment every week and in the next video i'm gonna give you guys a shout out and i think i think it's something that you guys will like uh so this uh this video's question to you guys is uh this is gonna be a silly one so i want you guys to tell me using only emojis how your day was today so using only emojis no words i want you guys to tell me how your day was it can be funny uh it can be anything you like i'm gonna pick my favorite one i'm gonna give you guys a shout out in the next video okay guys let's get stuck into my earl grey macarons okay guys so we're going to start off by popping some powdered sugar into a food processor along with your earl grey tea now i've just used the tea bags tea and i just cut them open and put it in there so we're going to process this together and the aim of this is to kind of get the tea into a powdered state so that it's not big chunky pieces of tea leaves now it's not going to be a hundred percent powder but just do the best you can with it then you're gonna add your almond milk and the rest of your powdered sugar and process that until everything is well combined pop that into a large mixing bowl you want to make a little well in the center and add your first batch of egg whites you want to mix that until it forms a paste cover it with plastic wrap and set it aside we're going to move on to making our syrup so pop your water and sugar into a small saucepan we're going to give it a gentle stir now i'm using a candied thermometer to get this to 115 degrees celsius once it reaches that temperature we're going to pop our second batch of egg whites into a stand mixer bowl using the whisk attachment we're going to whisk these to get them nice and frothy once you reach 118 degrees celsius we're going to very slowly in a thin and steady stream add your very hot syrup to your egg whites while your mixer is on high speed once you've got all of that in there continue mixing for about three minutes before you add your blue and aqua food gel and some vanilla extract now you want to continue mixing this for another four to five minutes until your meringue is nice and thick and glossy we're going to add our meringue to our almond mixture from earlier on so just one spatula full to begin with and we're going to mix that in there just to help that almond meal thin out a little bit before we add the rest of our meringue mixture now this is where a lot of people go wrong in the mixing stage so i like to use a spatula to go around the bowl and then through the middle and that helps deflate our mixture so that we can get to the ribbon stage and that's when the mixture falls off the spatula in a ribbon and disappears back into the mixture after about 10 seconds we're going to add our mixture into a piping bag fitted with a round tip add some dabs on each corner of your baking tray and line that with some baking paper we're going to pipe our macarons about three centimeters in width tap each side of your tray gently we're going to let these dry for about 30 minutes before we bake", metadata={'source': '7oRdswHqaf8'}), Document(page_content="tap each side of your tray gently we're going to let these dry for about 30 minutes before we bake them on 180 degrees celsius for 10 minutes now to our buttercream frosting we're going to add some blue and aqua food gel and some more of those tea leaf powder mix that until it's well combined you're going to add that frosting to a piping bag fitted with a wilton 6b tip and frost your macarons sandwich them together to finish them off and guys that is pretty much it okay guys so those were my earl grey macarons i hope you enjoyed watching this video if you did make sure you give this video a thumbs up and if you're if you're watching this and you haven't subscribed uh first of all welcome to the channel and i hope that you do hit the subscribe button because i upload two new videos a week on this channel uh now if you do subscribe or you're already subscribed make sure you hit the little bell button next to that subscribe box because youtube's uh sends you a notification each time there's a new video that way you don't miss out as soon as they're up okay guys uh i think that's pretty much it i can't wait to hear all of your weird funny whatever serious emoji comments in the comment down below thanks so much for watching i'll see you all on the next episode of the scram live", metadata={'source': '7oRdswHqaf8'})]
[Document(page_content='What\'s up everybody welcome back to my kitchen where safety is number one priority and today I\'m going to put to the test five ice cream gadgets. Let\'s see what I got today I\'ve got your super unique ice cream scoop. Let\'s see what it does. Okay. Let\'s open it up, okay This is how it works you lift it and then to press it to push it down, okay? Let\'s try it on the ice cream now. I\'m going to use a flat plate. Just to show you okay, you press it like this BOOM (1) . All The Way In Then , You Twist It And Lift It Up And Then You Grab This Part , Press It, And..Push it out Nice that looks awesome look at that. Perfect little hole, Perfect cube of Ice Cream * Another One Cause Why Not * Twist it , And pull it out nice this one worked even better Beautiful . You might have to use a spoon to take it off Wow amazing. For this gadget, I got here mini ice cream sandwich maker. Okay, let\'s open it up. Let\'s see what\'s inside BOOM . (2) Nice it comes in three We got a couple of cookies. Once again, we will need a plate And what we will do is push through into the cookie first BOOM . (3) . Just like that beautiful. Wow, that\'s a perfect hole Then we\'re going to get ice cream and push it into here There we go, and then we\'re going to go up another cookie and Stick it right in the cookie Just like that BOOM (4). I\'m gonna grab a napkin and clean this up a little bit And then we just have to twist it this way . WHOA NO WAY! How amazing it turned out to be! Let\'s try to do a star this time push it all the way down Make sure you get kind of soft cookies I got the soft cookies. It works well. Ice cream is melting right here, but it\'s okay Twist it perfect grab another cookie right here, and then we\'re going to Push it in into the cookie again Beautiful Wow look at that perfect star so satisfying and Then we\'re just going to take it out Wow this is actually amazing look at these beautiful ice cream sandwiches .Let\'s do a heart why not. Push it in Beautiful got our ice cream right here Twist it boom you got yourself ice cream in there and then push it into the cookie beautiful So satisfying look at that shape, and then we\'re going to take it out Awesome, and as you can see you can make different thicknesses up to you, and it packs it all together Beautiful ice cream sandwiches. Of course now we have to do a taste test Delicious. And for the next gadget We got here ice cream combination lock. If you living with brother and sisters or roommates And they keep stealing your ice cream. Well, there is a solution. Hopefully it actually works Okay we have our pint of ice cream and right here description it says "pint of ice cream" So that\'s what it\'s supposed to be for. Right here, it says the password. Now everybody knows my password Oh well, so let\'s say I open up my ice cream, I ate a scoop, then I\'m going to close it back up Then we\'re going to put this thing in here There we go, and then we\'re gonna have to remember the password Maybe take a picture, write somewhere down or just memorize it and now wow I cannot open it That\'s so cool Wow So nobody can steal your ice cream I had my doubts, I don\'t... I didn\'t think it\'s actually going to be working but it actually does and now all I have to do is type in my combination BOOM (5).and it\'s opens no problem Beautiful . Got another scoop of ice cream And then lock it up And it\'s locked definitely using this one around my house. Okay motorized ice cream cone. Let\'s see what\'s about Probably did not come with batteries, but let\'s find out. All right, let\'s stick the batteries in and This part detaches so that way you can wash it once again very satisfying way to get ice cream And if it\'s not enough just continue to stuff it in all the way . BOOM (6). perfect Then we\'re going to put it right here, and then press it and pull it out Beautiful wow that looks so cool maybe one more slice Now we got your ice cream all you have to do is stick your tongue out and', metadata={'source': 'nc99ccSXST0'}), Document(page_content="cool maybe one more slice Now we got your ice cream all you have to do is stick your tongue out and it's going to spin That's very cool gadget never seen anything like that and for the next gadget. We got here ice cream bowl maker Let's see how it works. Okay. Let's open up this gadget Instructions and the recipes for your ice cream. This is where you're going to put the ingredients But first we're going to lock it up and add ice in here It comes with this little tool to untwist it and twist it back up We put in ice into here first. Add ice as much as we can. that's what it says on the description Then we going to add a bunch of salt You're supposed to add rock salt, but this is the only salt I have Whatever salt you have just add into it okay, and then we're going to close it off Use the tool to make it close it off tight Same thing now. We're going to open this and add our ingredients I'll show you a simple recipe vanilla ice cream a cup of half-and-half Half a cup of milk you can use only half and half up to you couple tablespoons of Powdered sugar and of course vanilla extract we're making a vanilla ice cream Okay close it all the way with this tool. And now we play with this ball, shake it around I know, I bet Hugo and Luke will help me play with this ball. Do you want to?", metadata={'source': 'nc99ccSXST0'}), Document(page_content="Come on Hugo Kick the ball. It's too heavy for you? C'mon, fetch it. You're supposed to kick it not just sniff it. Oh there you go, Hugo is kicking it. Kick it Help me make ice cream keep kicking it by the way guys. I just got a reef tank on my second channel subscribe I'm going to show you how I'm going to set it up and learn with you guys it will be a lot of fun Okay, back to ice-cream. We gotta keep playing with this. Oh look, Luke wants to stop it now Here kick it kick it. Come on Luke, we got to play for 10 minutes * Cause I want Ice Cream And This Might Take A While * Yeah, he's playing yeah, yeah, keep hitting it keep hitting Luke yeah Haha he's so excited. Hey don't lick it though . ( Kick . Don't Lick ) How to make ice cream with your dogs this should be called the video Sit. Oh you sit down too? Ah ah, sit stay Now that's a good thumbnail. Don't you guys think? Okay get it You're so slow . let's open it up and see what we got boom nice looks like ice cream in there Nice it's like a big big slush ice cream very very foamy ice cream Maybe I shouldn't have to put that much milk in there. Only half-and-half one cup is enough otherwise it doesn't freeze as fast To the bottom that's like straight up the frozen part. So yeah, don't put more than a cup of half-and-half Otherwise it won't freeze as fast. Okay guys taste test Hmmmm very cold Pretty COOL ( Get It ?) We made ice cream and entertained our dogs Alright guys. That's pretty much. It. Let me know in comments below which gadget was your favorite also follow me on Instagram Links in the description. Thank you for watching and we'll see you next time", metadata={'source': 'nc99ccSXST0'})]
[Document(page_content="[Applause] second and nine pressure on prescott and down he goes in the arms of claiborne a lot of noise from cowboy fans in here ryan throws pass is intercepted up into the air and down with it is xavier woods and an early turnover as dallas takes over at the 20. his first nfl interception started with great coverage by anthony brown he is all over sunu the ball comes up in the air how about that play by xavier woods being able to lay out and catch this ball it appeared before it got to the turf that's a great job third down and seven prescott has to spin out of trouble drops it off to smith and smith is gonna be wrestled down just short the first down marker although that official comes in and says first donut one jason garrett when we talked with him [Applause] a little play action prescott's gonna keep touchdown dallas dion jones and then you got pool out here number 34. you got two guys who go with rod smith nobody accounts for dak prescott you see dan quinn over there on the sidelines he's saying you got to be kidding me after last week and what cam newton did to this defense great job of that here over the last two weeks on third down quick throw what a catch by julio jones [Applause] just sensational third down and seven ryan lets it go pass is caught hooper he's got a first down [Applause] this could very well end the first quarter ryan still one of the best [Music] prescott butler with a catch looked like he might have gotten held along the sideline as well and he's still good enough a lot of catches but the ones that he have have been pretty good down the field on some big plays and he's able to get rough past robert alford goes up and makes a play on the ball he's not been targeted yet third down and eight prescott fakes a throw and down he goes clayborn makes another play from the great play that we see every sunday third down and nine prescott is sacked brought to the ground by poe [Applause] on first down it's gabriel getting it on the handoff and taylor gabriel who can really run forced out by his first action toss to coleman running right and coleman breaks loose into dallas territory and a flag at the end of it on heath and off for the touchdown kevin coleman to have fewer they have none [Applause] prescott avoids a sack somehow and now will take off and get the first down watch beasley up top prescott sacked and the ball came out brady jarrett was the first guy there and the falcons take over jazz green adrian claiborne spin move right there gets past them and then grady jarrett is also with pressure on the inside but they had one-on-one on the outside to cole beasley and he runs right by which atlanta with a football trying to establish the ground game is coleman's got a big gap to run through and a nice start to the second half [Music] ryan keeps throws jones caught it and hung on going to the ground inside the 35. [Applause] ryan steps up throws pass caught inside the 10. that's gabriel again ryan and john hardy touchdown [Music] and a falcons beginning to show off some of these weapons that they have offensively justin hardy who came into this game with just 10 receptions but a great move off the line of scrimmage on anthony brown and he works the back line and wasn't much coverage there on him you see what ryan's looking at too three tight ends in the game as morris has his best of the day look at that effort and he's on top of bodies they could carry him right to the end zone themselves offensively and see if they get this running game going here he is again there he goes again and listen to all those cowboy fans in attendance two big runs a lot of time during the week trying to defense that play three tight ends in there again and morris with a nice carry for another first down first down from the 12. prescott is sacked again claiborne again field goals in his third game now with dallas [Applause] ryan throws pass caught gabriel inside the 35 coleman", metadata={'source': 'F388-6yDDpc'}), Document(page_content="in his third game now with dallas [Applause] ryan throws pass caught gabriel inside the 35 coleman left side cuts up field a nice move kevin coleman with a first down near the 15. next thing you know they're into the fourth quarter here's hooper the tight end to the goal line and just short of the touchdown straight play action cooper a walk-in touchdown atlanta now third and 13. grass got sacked again guess who adrian claiborne number five second and six coleman with a leap in a first down to the 40. [Applause] in between these plays here's ward big hole to run through for tyron ward who goes out of bounds at the 15. bad calf and all bryant's been good today it's from him adrian claiborne and there is plenty of time left for another prescott finds whit and witten's got a first down already lost his job and i don't anticipate him playing left tackle anytime soon again either prescott beasley with a leaping grab inside atlanta territory rescot tripped up flag on the play as brooks reed gets the sack field goal of course but they have not been the same team we've watched the last three weeks hey knocked out of his hand and that's claiborne again and mckinley gets on top of it for atlanta see if the hand was going forward or not it didn't think i didn't think it was and it doesn't look like it is there [Applause] no that that ball is out and it's a speed move short of one spin move where he started up the field you", metadata={'source': 'F388-6yDDpc'})]
[Document(page_content="what up guys today is the day you've all been waiting for we are finally taking the Miura to CarMax now you guys totally blew up the other video it's over a hundred thousand views has like almost 4 000 likes absolutely ridiculous so thank you so much I'm gonna set a light goal today of five thousand five thousand that's it I know you guys can do it you blew up the other video 5 000 likes the Diablo will go next the Diablo is a one of twelve only 12 in the world exists it's a special edition it's called the Alpine Edition so yeah five thousand likes the Diablo go next no need to wait any longer let's take this thing to CarMax really quickly before we leave what do you guys think they're going to give us so when you sell a common economics they look at auction results the auction results from the Mira s the last mirror s that sold as far as I know is Mecum Auction about two or three years ago I'll put it up right now see almost 2.6 million dollars and that car was in bad shape the guy who bought it how to put like 500 600 000 into it so he's a good three million dollars into it so three million into it what do you think they're gonna give us for this [Music] [Applause] [Music] John's got to be here for this too park next to the Mirror so I'm at CarMax um and we're gonna get the appraisal so he's gonna shawna's gonna walk you over uh what you got what they do yeah perfect yeah one of the things we do is we walk around the car we want to take down any conditions that may impact the value in any way get down the options of the vehicle get down the vent of the vehicle so what's gonna happen to us we're gonna go inside send all the pictures of my regional and uh do some research and see what we can offer for you okay from this point 15 to 21 minutes okay awesome yo I'm actually shocked by the amount of cars they have here look at this Shelby GT500 like what [Music] a GT350 wow wow a Jaguar F-TYPE [Music] you know CarMax is stepping up their game like this is no joke I want this car this is Avalanche gray it's called and this is my favorite color this is the color I almost gotten when I was looking [Music] 54 how many miles was it say the miles [Music] damn this is a beautiful car [Music] I want it I'm gonna start it up [Music] you know how to open the valves yeah okay [Music] [Music] well thank you so yeah I'm super excited to be here this has been a long time in the making um so the mirrors just parked right over there they are working on getting us an offer um they're I don't know they're going with their regional managers and stuff what oh my he's freaking out over this Jesus anyway uh yeah so they're working on getting uh an appraisal because it is such an expensive car that I need to check with a bunch of different people they need to research auction results and a bunch of stuff so uh I mean let's see what they're gonna give us I say 100 Grand like that's what I honestly think 100 Grand the CarMax has been so amazing about this PR public relations they have been so nice and wow they're just so nice here so thank you CarMax I know you guys are watching this so thank you CarMax like seriously CarMax good for you M4 2015. 2015 M4 damn m235 you guys have stepped up your game he just realizes m235 2016. that's a very good deal [Music] why is it got two lock boxes and this M4 even has the full carbon fiber roof I am proud of what CarMax has turned into this is the most expensive car ever taken at Carmax like any CarMax any CarMax is like no one has taken the car of this value to a CarMax before next time we're gonna bring a 918. it's cheaper but new hypercar that was a horrible comparison [Music] honestly in my opinion this is one of the most beautiful cars ever made without it though it's amazing the ZL1 looks huge compared to it I know [Music] so some things that are making it difficult to evaluate is Orange is worth more than any other color well most other colors green is worth", metadata={'source': 'U0hAC8O7RoI'}), Document(page_content="to evaluate is Orange is worth more than any other color well most other colors green is worth more the Orange is worth more than a majority of the colors and uh it's a series two it's a late Mira s which is going to make the car more valuable a lot more valuable because it more represents the SV so uh yeah hard car to evaluate 65 000 original kilometers and of course the Gated shift oh this is exciting the guy just said he's going inside to get the offer so he'll be out in a second huh how much do I think I said okay anywhere from 100 to 200 why 900. I don't think they're gonna offer 900. here he comes with the offer so what am I going to think about this all right man so we really appreciate you bringing your car by today here's your written offer for CarMax this is how much we can offer you on your vehicle today um as you see we didn't even have the Maria in our drop down menu so the notes down here show the car that we appraised here okay with the mileage and all that fun stuff so the software's valve for seven days and we appreciate you bringing it by hope you had a great experience with us awesome well thank you you guys were super nice thank you I appreciate it enjoy your afternoon guys thanks for coming by if you're interested in that Mustang let me know awesome thank you we sold it not I do still think this is one of the most expensive offers ever given to someone at caught him oh without a doubt without a doubt yeah I I'm unaware of anyone ever getting more than two or somewhere around close to a 200 000 offer gotta take the thumbnail all right guys well there you have it 199 and 998 dollars so 200 Grand girl uh obviously we did not take that offer I knew CarMax wouldn't buy it what are they going to do with it they can't put it on their showroom who's going to walk in and buy a mirror all right well you guys know the goal 5 000 likes let's hit 5 000 likes on the Diablo go next so that's the end of the video peace out guys", metadata={'source': 'U0hAC8O7RoI'})]
[Document(page_content="dude dude come on I knew it I hope you doing well welcome back to my channel now I feel like I haven't done a sit-down video in a while if you guys have been following my channel for a while you guys should know how passionate I am about fashion and how much I like to break rap boundaries and and I love to experiment with my clothes and clothing and I feel like clothing especially these days are such a such an open world for everyone in the past I've done one video where I called it a unisex clothing video which makes it means clothes for guys and girls minutes they say anyone can wear anything whenever they want it doesn't have to be put into a category it doesn't have to be called a name or anything like that it's just unisex is something that everyone understands straight away to know I mean even though like I said you guys know that lets see any labels so I thought I'd do an update version of why I've been loving or why I've seen recently and how I match certain things together I'm gonna start off by this mustard Dijon part wrong neck from H&M which I'm obsessed with it was 30 pounds from hating m-man girls guys whoever this is such a nice color such a nice autumn color and this is oversized I absolutely love this this could be paired with anything like a really nice smart pair of trousers like tucked in or out or like casual jeans or joggers like wherever you want I feel like this is so easy to pair with I'd also like to point out because I did we mention in my last unisex video that I did that I actually did a giveaway I would love to be able to give away one of these items of clothing so basically all I'm going to ask you guys to do is to tell me which item of clothing you want make sure to leave your Twitter out so I can contact you and what you love wearing in the winter and I'm going to pick a winner at random as simple as that the next thing I got from a source is this massively oversized white t-shirt with rainbow embroided love which I just think is the cutest the kids love is for everyone and love is very equal in my eyes everyone should experience love with whoever they bloody well want to see yeah amazing statement love is love who cares I got this and I thought this would look amazing with a really nice pair of smart jeans or cash like these are really casual smart I'm really into tucking my t-shirts and clothes into my jeans and charles's these days I don't know why I just think it gives it off like that extra bit of vintage vibe which I personally love I absolutely love this top long-sleeve really really nice fitted I think this is really smart I do apologize for the sirens like I said this would look amazing with like for me personally I usually wear skinny jeans like really skinny but I was thinking these would look quite nice with like this maybe like a slim fit light blue pair of jeans like maybe the waist size a little bit bigger so it fits in all nice and snug but yeah I really I'm really excited to wear this I think it's really nice the next thing that I've been really enjoying recently is embroided things like the love t-shirt and I found this in top man and they do loads of different types of embroidered t-shirts and jumpers and hoodies this one is just like a casual mouth and I thought this would look great with like obviously any child as you want but in a route rolled up sleeves rolled down or under a nice light jacket or something and they do either lighten for did stuff like burgers and fries I think it's really cute and it gives sight the plain t-shirt like something else to it and I really like the whole pop art scene as well so I'm really like that that was 18 pounds so I wore this one way to the ground on my snapchat story the other day follow me if you're not follow me or any and those of you went absolutely bonkers for it so this was 35 pounds from Topman and like you said like clothes have no barriers no gender so wear what you want it's", metadata={'source': 'kWIzjMWmuYk'}), Document(page_content="from Topman and like you said like clothes have no barriers no gender so wear what you want it's really nice really comfy the only thing I worry about is spilling something on it because it is obviously such a light color but I've been very careful about leaning against any walls or I'm taking it off from drinking or eating and keeping it well away from me but yeah I really really like this color because I wouldn't usually have the confidence to wear something this bright because obviously I'm clumsy mess and finally not everyone's biggest fan enter the velour this one of my favorite materials is not many people like it I'm not sure why maybe it has something to do with like their teeth going on edge I'm not sure explain to me in the comments if you have a fear of like the whole velour velvet sort of feeling this reminds me of proper 90s late 80s just the way it sits I've got this in a medium I kind of wish I could for like these size up because I do like to wear my size up but anyway this would be really nice with like black or like dark navy trousers or jeans I'm so excited to be able to dye experiment with all these different outfits in different ways and I really do hope you have some inspiration from this if you enjoyed this video and you want to see more of these types of videos make sure to give it a massive thumbs up I love you guys very much and obviously don't forget to enter the giveaway all you have to do is leave your Twitter app sign or leave your Instagram any way that I can be able to contact you pretty much what you like to wear in the winter and what item of this clothing we you would like to have and I go out and get it for you oh and let me know what your size is oh my god yeah so yeah thank you guys bye", metadata={'source': 'kWIzjMWmuYk'})]
[Document(page_content="I am in the National Advanced Driving Simulator\nat the University of Iowa. It's used to test drivers' reactions\nin a controlled, repeatable environment and also to test things that would\nbe unsafe in the real world. - Tom's currently in the\nsimulator, undergoing a study to look at driver response\nto unintended acceleration. The vehicle is going\nto accelerate quickly without any input from Tom,\nas if it were malfunctioning. Tom's going to have to identify that this event is going on and press the brake very quickly\nto bring the car under control. GPS: Turn left at the next intersection. Whoa... Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. That was terrifying! But there's a question\nI want to answer here. Recently, I did a video while driving. And it was on a dead straight road\nwith very little traffic, and I always felt in control of the vehicle. \nBut was I? Is it actually dangerous to talk\ninto a camera while driving? So, I'm going to spend 15 minutes\nin this simulator, distracted, trying to give this monologue\nto that camera. And I'm also going to spend\n15 minutes in here, not distracted just driving, and putting my\nfull attention on the road, and the team here\nare going to analyse my results and tell me how I've done. And given I was just doing 35 in a 25,\nprobably not that great. - The National Advanced Driving Simulator\nwas built to recreate the most realistic\ndriving experience possible anywhere. It has a real vehicle cab in it. We can swap different\nvehicle cabs, in and out. The motion base can travel 64 feet\nin the X and Y directions and these are basically steel\nbelts that are connected to large drives on either end and then, the hexapod portion of the\nsimulator is hydraulic, that allows us to experience\nroll, pitch and yaw. We also have a turntable that can\nturn 330 degrees in either direction. Overall, it has 13 independent\ndegrees of freedom. We have absolute control\nof what time of day it is. We have control over\nthe weather and traffic. - And yes, the graphics might not be up to\nmodern video game standards, but after a few minutes in here,\nwith all the motion, your brain just accepts that you're driving. - Very broadly, we are\ninterested in studying the relation between the driver and the vehicle\nto improve safety, so that encompasses things like\ndriver impairment, driver drowsiness, distraction or intoxication.\nSo we bring drivers in, actually give them a\nlarge dose of alcohol, get them in the simulator and\nwe can see how they perform. We've also compared that\nto things like cannabis, so some of the first studies\nwith cannabis and driving have been done in\nthe simulator here as well. As Tom is driving in the simulator,\ntalking to the video camera, I would expect to see him missing\ncertain information in the driving scene. Generally, we find that\ninteractions that take the driver's eyes off the road\ntend to be the worst but, even in situations where the\ndriver's looking straight ahead, if their attention is pulled to another task,\nlike talking to a video camera, that can also increase distraction and cause\nthe driver to miss certain things. If the driver crashes, they\nessentially move through the vehicle or the pedestrian\nthat they collided with, so, we don't simulate the\ndynamics of the crash, but we are recording that they crashed. We know the velocity of that crash. We know how severe that\ncrash would have been. - So, how did I do? - About as well as we would have predicted. Let me pull up an example, here. A vehicle is going to drive\nthrough an intersection. You actually have the red stop sign. - Yeah, I didn't see the stop sign, did I? - Completely missed it. - Whoa, just did not see that. The thing is, I'm actually\nlooking at the road, there. I'm actually... but I'm not\nthinking about the road, because I'm too busy thinking\nabout what my next line is. - Exactly, we would call this\ninattentional blindness. This is when your", metadata={'source': '_-aDHxoblr4'}), Document(page_content="inattentional blindness. This is when your\nattention is off the road, even though your eyes are there. You're missing information\nthat's out in the environment. - Wow. - So, we saw quite a bit of\nswerving at the beginning of your drive, you had some trouble\ncontrolling your speed. You were going about 35\nthrough a 25 school zone. Textbook case of distracted driving. - So, I basically, shouldn't\nfilm while driving. - Generally speaking, yes. - Thank you so much.\n- Thank you. - Thank you so much to everyone at the National Advanced Driving Simulator\nat the University of Iowa. Pull down the description or click\nthe link on screen for more about them. All the pedestrians here are just suicidal.\nAll of them. This is not a stop sign.\nI can just take this. Whoa, no I can't.\nYou're coming in from the right. Probably shouldn't check\nmy phone while I'm driving.", metadata={'source': '_-aDHxoblr4'})]
[Document(page_content='Wow! Look at all those batteries! What do you think Lucky? Oh wait your name\'s Toby not lucky. So check it out look at all these batteries Previously we did fly the airplane once in another video you guys may have seen it in the past That\'s well we technically "flew" the airplane, I mean it just got basically in the ground effect and flying a little bit But all you guys were like well. That\'s technically not flying And you may actually be correct because uh It was really only flying within the quarter span of the wings and we were flying on older batteries But now I have the correct batteries, so now we\'re going to answer the real question. can someone with just model airplane building experience albeit a lot of it build and fly a real airplane in their basement? Well. We\'re about to go find out I flew the airplane it flies great, holy craps got a lot of power now I push that thing forward this thing jumps into the air this thing flies amazing Holy crap. This thing\'s awesome It\'s only warm. It\'s not even hot I can keep my hand on that thing all day. We\'re good. We\'re golden About 40 miles she\'s about 35 miles an hour because that thing reads five high That is friggin fun Alright, so we did the flight between half and full power I\'m gonna get these batteries on charge because I need to see how much flying I\'m doing with the gas tank because I do Not want to over burn on fuel. Let\'s go charges these batteries back up and see what I actually did burn on that flight Well indeed it does fly so we burned about probably 7208 milliamps in each specific battery I mean the middle amps actually changed a little bit cuz of the cell\'s variations and all that but they\'re all very very very close so that means we burnt a little bit Under half a tank we didn\'t even quite reach half a tank of the capacity of the batteries I still looked actually get a watt meter onboard and actually monitor everything like is going on the airplane right now We\'re still experimenting with it, but blah blah blah. It indeed does fly. Let\'s make this nice and quick I got a cheat sheet here of things I need to talk about uh. This is an ultra light So it means if you\'re in the u.s. It falls into part one o three regulations meaning the airplane itself has to be slower than 55 miles an hour I think it\'s 55 or 65. I don\'t know but uh slower than that stall speed needs to be around 20 miles an hour Weight needs to be under 254 pounds before you put the pilot in there, but that\'s completely loaded - minus the pilot of course Let\'s see the motors are these turnigy 150 CC electric motors from hobby king. Huge thanks to them They made this project possible by donating those motors They actually worked kind of quite amazing for what they are because um those are model airplane motors They\'re not designed to run consistently at a high power setting which I specifically used them in and they held up great They only were hot or just warm to the touch I could leave my hand on them indefinitely so that means they\'re not Running past a temperature with you shouldn\'t be because uh my hands aren\'t on fire and burning off So big, thanks to them Thanks to a tattu for giving me a discount on batteries I spend about probably a thousand two hundred on these But they gave me half price off which is nice of them Banggood sent the charger Which I make charging these things a piece of cake. Yeah, check out this charger This is a like the I charger series. It makes charging sings pretty quick Come on I need you to move right now stay right there Let\'s see the plane is smart here only constructed a foam ,carbonglass, and some wood Some aluminum - you should also check out the previous build videos. I\'ll put them down linked below That\'s probably worth watching because uh the project actually did fly I didn\'t start a project and didn\'t finish it this actually completely Uh is finished now. the painting we will probably paint the plane later', metadata={'source': 'eNSN6qet1kE'}), Document(page_content="this actually completely Uh is finished now. the painting we will probably paint the plane later on in the spring of next year and this is probably the last video seen on this airplane for a while because uh Well, it's a little saturated. Let's move on to some other stuff, so huge Thanks to people that made this possible Thanks to my friend Erik Monroe for coming out and shooting some of the video of the day we were flying this thing Thanks to Dewey Devonport. He's the guy that has the the owns the property he does by plane rides Huge thanks to people on patreon you guys all made as possible without you guys I probably would would definitely be short changing some of the parts I used all aircraft grade hardware in this thing and everything is built very Safely if I could say that at least everything That is a critical to flight like you know I put some tape on. Look at my pitot tube That's just taped on that's totally ghetto on flight worthy things, but if that tape comes off. It's not gonna You know cause the airplane to crash But having cheap bolts break such as like in the wing bolts That will definitely cause a crash or having control cables break and stuff like that uh Also with the GoFundMe for the parachute I did acquire our BRS, but that BRS is too heavy So I'm going to probably sell that and get the right one for this airplane That one's actually made for the airplanes on the next size category up So that is way overkill and and I'm just lugging around dead weight Which ultimately works against me because it makes the plane more unsafe by carrying a too heavy parachute because uh Everything not flight critical I want to keep the weight off the airplane because weight hinders airplane performance at least for light airplanes So I think I have a few more clips here Oh, hey look look how big the dog is if you guys remember the dog from the beginning? Here's Toby. He's super big now Even though he was a munchkin in the beginning Grandma I need to take some measurements Yep It's definitely small But uh yeah, there's a bunch of extra clips so um man, just thank you guys cuz uh, this is quite an insane project probably one of the craziest things I've ever done in my life and Well, I think we're gonna end on that note", metadata={'source': 'eNSN6qet1kE'})]
[Document(page_content="I need it I Need you it's beautiful I'm taking you guys miss shopping with me today because I think I'm gonna start working on the Asian aquarium over the next few weeks, or a few days really but I'm in the mood to go shopping for some fish luckily I've got a hundred gallon aquarium sitting here empty that I'm gonna be able to use this quarantine system So if I do find anything and the tanks are not ready, I'll be able to house them anyways and hold them temporarily And of course we're coming back to one fish two fish here in Dartmouth, Nova Scotia Hmm More on that in a minute, I don't know if I'll actually buy anything while here, but you guys know me I simply like to shop around Look at what's available And you know I've truly feel at home and in a fish store like this and just a round fish in general Really so after a quick look around the store. There's nothing that I need Right now or nothing that's gonna suit what I need right now probably got to put an order in but there are a few things that have caught in my eye where I've caught my eye and a few things that stood out that I don't need but I kind of want But I don't know let me show you a few things This is the same type of Asian Arowana that I have I've been watching him for a while Nobody's bought him and you know it's kind of making me want him even more You know take him home type of thing, but yeah, it is an ultimate blood Asian, Arowana, I'm rarely on grade Beautiful stunning fish. It's a little bit bigger than mine if I got hit mine my two would fight Probably so if I got him I'd probably have to get this one now the lights in here are a little blue but this is a panda cross-back supreme so basically like a really nice fish that's gonna turn a little blue and You know really gold especially across its back now I had a panda gold before it was one of my first Asian, Arowana And they grow to be absolutely stunning one of the things that I find they're really well known for is You know perfect body shape and of course I know for many of you. It's really easy to say Joe We just get another one get another one well that one's about $2,000 and the red is about $3,000 so we're talking five thousand dollars for two fish tough pill to swallow but I'll try to baby something big these little coy angels also caught my eye Really pretty love their patterns but you know I already got a bunch of Platinum's with that said I'm kind of liking this little black one here the black and white Really cute. I of course the the the coy portion comes out in you know having three colors usually But I don't know I really like these black and white ones that I think they would contrast and really stand out with the Platinum's That I already have but these guys are much smaller than the ones I have but you know. I'm thinking about it and of course By me thinking by me thinking about it means I'm probably going to buy a lot of stuff by impulse I'm gonna try to hold back Because I do have some specific plans one of them is to get some coal draw me for that Asian tank leave it or not where are they you're such a Beginner type fish and in fact was one of the first community fish I ever had But in my opinion is one of the most underrated fish absolutely stunning makes a fantastic community fish now I don't know what you guys think should I go with you know just do a Gourami tank all the different species they technically are from you know different parts of Asia Or should I go with something different? You know maybe I should wait to see what you guys say in the comments section below these rants borås These are the SBS they do look Pretty amazing let me see if we can get actually get in there and see them yeah, they're a little panicked right now, but They look just like the Harlequin grass bora one of the massive difference That's also a fish that I was considering putting in there as well Yoji, it's actually a bunch of you know almost beginner", metadata={'source': 'TaTleo4cOs8'}), Document(page_content="I was considering putting in there as well Yoji, it's actually a bunch of you know almost beginner style community. Type fish that are all from Asia Why why wouldn't I get something more exotic? I truly want you guys to be able to do this and maybe grab some Inspiration from it with that said I always get some amazing comments and suggestions from you guys as well So make sure you leave me some in the comment section below because then I certainly appreciate it little silver, Arowana up in here They're always cute at this size those guys get to 4 feet long though They're the cheap is there I wanna you can buy but beginning to you know 4 feet long is a massive fish And I don't think a lot of people are really Prepared for that then this is another one look at this. This is a tinfoil barb So next time you go And buy these guys realize how big they get now if you had 5 or 6 of these at this size I definitely picked them up a little baby Oscar. This is like a long fin really cute oh He's got some peacock bass in here Get three four of them. I wonder. It's got some good-sized piranhas in here these are nice As some bikers in here these will be the Senegal's these guys stay relatively Smaller compared to a lot of the other bikers, so if you're looking to get one. This is probably one of your better choices nice big parrot big jack dempsey always attractive to the bigger fish Africans up here He's gonna look at the floor look at the size of these guys. These are red Billy saying in the size alone Yeah my mouth Yeah, saying if he's trying to get me to buy them some clown loaches to Nice size nice and active nice dark coloration these guys will look a lot better on a lighter substrate though clown knife This black ghost Another one over here oh and another one over there Maybe I should start buying all these baby monsters and grow them out for the 2020 guys thing a little sidebar. I'm I'm buying all kinds of fish that I don't need and probably not gonna have room for I think I'm going to start needing somebody to come with me to the pet stores and Slap my hands when I say I want Beckett So corridor then here over here For those that have been following me for a while now you remember that I did a store tour of this exact store I think it was a couple of years ago And you'll remember this exact point of view you'll also remember the guy that I did that tour with that was actually a store employee By the name of Matthew Hume now. He's he's actually owned his own pet stores in the past He's been a staple in the local coffee for many years working at almost every pet store there was in Nova Scotia So he's very well known Unfortunately over the past few months and even a few years. I believe it was his his wife was diagnosed with cancer, and it wasn't too long ago that she passed away and Left Matt and his three young children Behind now Jeff the store owner of this store has started up a GoFundMe to try to help raise money for him Because you know it's gonna be hard for him especially with young children but he also wanted to do something else a little more personalized for his good for his customers, so he is Doing a raffle here at the pet store third place is a two hundred dollar gift card to the store second place 300 all our gift card to the store Tickets are only $10 each the grand prize being a tour of my aquarium gallery I'm gonna leave all the details in the description below Just so I don't mess anything up But the way it will work is whoever gets the grand prize will be picked up at this store You're not being flown in we're not going to get you This is probably gonna be best for local people within the surrounding provinces however, if you want to fly in and meet at the store feel free to do so But you'll be picked up at this store We'll take you to my house where I'll give you a tour of the gallery in person you'll be the first person to ever do that and processive quite", metadata={'source': 'TaTleo4cOs8'}), Document(page_content="you a tour of the gallery in person you'll be the first person to ever do that and processive quite possibly the last Then we're gonna go for dinner And it's just gonna be like a one-on-one type of thing you meet Jeff and you can bring one so it'll be you plus another And I thought that was one of the most meaningful things that I could do to help the to help Matt Oh, and his family. Oh and 100% of the proceeds are going to Matt and his children I'm not being paid for this in any sort of way I just thought that this was going to be something that we can all do to help Matt out in this difficult time Now to purchase your tickets you can come right into the store and buy them right here, or you can call the store And with a credit card or whatever and do it that way I'm gonna leave all the details all the information in the description below Even if you don't plan on you know winning anything, or you can't do anything, please support it I think it's a great cause and again 100% of the proceeds Goes to Matt and his family of young children when I come to the pet store We usually need a pause I buy so much fish that I don't need I'm actually not buying any of the fish that I came here for there's not enough of what I want or what I'm looking for But me coming to a pet store is always Dangerous I need everything okay confession time you guys remember the bonsai trees that I seen here a little while ago This is what inspired me to do my little nano tank with the bonsais Confession is this well first and foremost. They only have one left here as soon as I put that video out They sold out of whom almost right away Which is always good? I love I love to see that sort of thing with that said I'm upset so many of you So what happened was you remember that I set that little nano tank up on my like little work table I drained it and moved it because I needed to move a lot of things around. I meant to fill it back up Grint the hide for this one I forgot to fill it back up and the entire tank dried out luckily there wasn't any fish in It but all the plants are destroyed. Just try it up into like this potpourri. Type of mix or just all crusty I had to admit it at some point and for those that watch my videos all the way through at least you guys will know and You can spread the word, so I don't have to talk about it anymore That's so embarrassing to talk about but I guess moving forward. I think I'm gonna need a bit of a I Need an assistant. I need it I Need you it's beautiful. Do you want to come home with me? Maybe we should bring Frank to the store to take you home? Oh? man this guy's so nice I Need you I can't put you in with Frank Frank will kill you, but technically you are way nicer than Frank Poor Frank feel so bad for him and and and he'd kill me if he knew I was looking at other flower horns Or you know even considering getting another one, but I mean that little guy is pretty stunning Let's hold a bet who think I've who thinks I'm gonna buy it here. We got a female flower horn She actually laid eggs in this tank which is interesting. She's got a little bit of a new clump, or cock as they call them Interesting maybe maybe uh Maybe Frank's girlfriend Frank's girlfriend She's not pretty enough for Frank though poor girl spent so much time bagging my fish. I'm trying to go get a haircut once again Coming for one thing and I leave with a box of fish that I wasn't here for but how could I know it? I'm gonna get all of these guys home acclimate them to Their temporary holding tanks and in the near future I'll show you what I got, but I want to make sure these guys are all doing okay. I want to get them home and So in the near future if you're interested in seeing what I got you know Make sure you do so you don't miss it", metadata={'source': 'TaTleo4cOs8'})]
[Document(page_content="seize it opening Adrienne Invitational he went three three one for that day congratulations first ten ten Heidelberg soil rolling it was right he's gonna throw a backside it's gonna be a long walk rigs the play I did a little hook and ladder so they went ahead and threw it out here to McGee and they had on the backside they flip it to him and he rolls it for the score the place is going crazy that is one for the hooks right there that is where the greatest plays I've ever seen in Heidelberg history how about Brock Reds of five years senior left", metadata={'source': 'zNqCVTs38nU'})]
[Document(page_content='Although it may not seem like it, on average,\nthe world is improving. Countries are growing their economies and\npopulations, and working together to build a stable global future. But not everywhere. In certain pockets of the world, war, chaos,\nand and increasingly uncertain political instability is pushing certain nations straight towards\ntheir eventual failure. So we wanted to know, which countries are\nat the greatest risk of collapse, and why? Well, to find out, we can use the widely cited\nFragile States Index, published by the non-profit think tank, Fund for Peace. Using 12 indicators, covering social, economic,\nand political factors, the FSI ranks all United Nations members based on their likelihood\nof failing as a sovereign state. Since 2014, the same three countries have\nranked at the very bottom, and one of them is the long struggling Central African Republic. The CAR, like most war-torn African countries,\nis the product of failed colonization by Europe, following the 19th century partition of Africa. After roughly 80 years of French rule, the\nCAR declared its independence in 1960, but was far from democratic. Almost immediately, the government began suppressing\nopposition, and was overthrown in a coup d’état. This new government was best known for establishing\na dictator, who was alleged to have personally ordered the murder of 100 child protestors. Over the next 40 years, a series of coups,\nforeign overthrows of government, and false attempts at democracy led to multiple civil\nwars beginning in 2003. For the past decade and a half, the United\nNations and the country’s former colonizer France have attempted to reach peace between\nthe country’s many different warring factions, with little to no success. Today, the CAR is one of the world’s poorest\ncountries and according to the UN’s Human Development Index, has seen less development\nthan any other nation on earth. It has also consistently ranked as one of\nthe most unhealthy nations, particularly in terms of hygiene, malaria, sanitation, lack\nof medical supplies, and most destructively: war. The country has even seen ethnic cleansing\nof its Muslim minority since 2013. Without the United Nations actively working\nto prevent a total collapse, the Central African Republic is the third most likely to fail\ncountry in the world. The second most unstable country is Somalia,\nwhich has been in the bottom three since 2007. Another victim of European colonization, this\ntime by Italy and Britain, Somalia has struggled since declaring independence in 1960. Although somewhat stable due to a dictatorship,\nIn 1991, the Somali Civil War broke out following the collapse of the Somali government. In the past 25 years, the country has been\nin an almost nonstop state of war, with religious and political factions alternately seizing\nterritory, and a steady growth of terror groups such as the al-Qaeda aligned Al-Shabaab. The lack of effective government has even\nled to pirates attacking ships near the Somali coast. Today, much of the country is still relatively\nlawless and in extreme poverty, with no real functioning economy or social services. But the most likely to collapse country in\nthe world, is also one of the most recently created. South Sudan only became independent in 2011,\nbut has been engaged in a bloody civil war since 2013. As many as 300,000 people were believed to\nhave been killed in just two years of fighting, with devastating ethnic violence, and more\nthan one million people displaced. In one notable massacre, members of particular\nethnic groups and religions were executed en masse by former pro-government groups,\nand local radio stations broadcasted hate messages, encouraging torture and murder. Attacks on hospitals, places of worship, and\nschools have left the country non-functioning, and barely held together by UN forces. These three nations follow a pattern of post-colonial', metadata={'source': 'GgVmn66oK_A'}), Document(page_content='independence and subsequent fragility. They are all marked by ongoing conflict, repeat\ngovernment turnover, violent insurgencies, and extreme poverty. With so many interrelated crises happening\nat the same time, these countries NEED the global community’s help, and without it,\nthey are likely to fail completely. As one of the most likely to fail states,\nSomalia is subject to more terror attacks than almost any other country. To find out more about Somalia’s history\nand it’s current struggle with terrorism, check out this video to the right. Thanks for watching NowThis World, don’t\nforget to like and subscribe for more videos every week!', metadata={'source': 'GgVmn66oK_A'})]
[Document(page_content="[Music] [Music] I got something to say hello hello even Carrie there's no such thing as tomorrow it's just a promise from a stranger [Applause] a promise from the stranger [Applause] down in lost him and now forget what guitar can you breathe in breathe out you come in that belong [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] wake up wake up there's no spare [Music] [Music] hello hello is this thing on I got something to say we've been carrying on [Music] you", metadata={'source': 'qC0I5PEhkJo'})]
[Document(page_content="I just think his athleticism his playmaking ability I've been knowing the kids since he was 14 years old [Music] you know I know what he's capable of and I wasn't throwing shade that effort at all if you would have got the pants and batman the trending controversy here and I was basically stating what I saw the dinner smithing and when I saw from Henry him coming out and watching the draft and I thought that he would be a great fit here with her Vegas you know and that's not the saying that Frank won't be a great fit I haven't seen much of them I know about him for my best friend who I went to high school with who actually played with him you know overseas last couple years but I mean it's the same if I'm I mean I think the Shiawassee should be a brown doesn't look it doesn't mean that miles Garrett is not gonna be a great football player but the shots that should have been our quarterback it's the same thing it's not you on the next guy this is that you state what you see is all that is clarification of people who just live in the box and for penis cancer well I've got some who said he says did you oh yeah it's definitely shy that's for sure so it was LeBron it was intentional that you brought up the Knicks that night well when I was watching the draft I didn't know the game and nothing knows the game I know where we're going and I knew the next was looking for have been looking for a point on my stage things that's false this is facts right so I thought it would pick them and they didn't like I said there's no shame no shade at a Frank I don't even know the key I wasn't even thinking about the kid when I was talking about Dennis Smith I was thinking about the systemics organization and Phil Jackson of the time and Dennis Smith talent and porzingis so what did you know him from this complaint in the summer Denison we're on all from Vietnam since he was in high school he trained with me a few times in my hometown back and my eyes [Music] [Music] stated facts that's all have you seen Dennis minute play I've also seen him play do you have any obviously you mentioned Phil just now we know what happened with some of the comments and I'm sure you saw the way things went with Carmelo here do you have a little sort of disappointment the way the Knicks said no no because now I'm a fan of the game you know as well it's a great win the Knicks the Celtics and the Lakers are great money all at the same time to miss its best qualities [Music] I don't have no I have no long doing from the Nixon organization I don't know how to you know we all know how to handle the Carmela situation way I'm not saying for Jackson that's not he's not here let's try it about the Shawn Watson it's the truth I'm done", metadata={'source': 'iIxy3JN3-jc'})]
[Document(page_content="Kevin working on some Kevin zombie crush it Bobby smashing in face yeah it's a bit sticky Wow that's disgusting pretty disgusting walk past something like this on the table you have to touch it yeah yeah so much stuff this is just like like fun house who is this guy what does this do tell me about these guys I thought those were vaginas sup see so great it's a good look I like the bigger nose for you what what do you do with this when they rip it open though reveal that's awesome rib cage just a little bit of muscle our space from preacher butthole face I can scare the little people with us take it I like his style all right there's your figure [Music] this we're and I'm so used to I'm so yeah to me it's super weird they're holding I'll take a picture of you taking picture of you [Music] end up my hat back one glasses well so creepy", metadata={'source': 'MNiweoKXwfg'})]
[Document(page_content='Hi guys! I\'m Ally Hickson, social media editor at Refinery29, welcome to my Sweet Digs. Two things before we get started, take off your shoes, because this is a no shoe apartment, and click below to subscribe. Come on in. I live in a three bedroom, two bathroom apartment on the Upper West Side. Though technically this area is "Lincoln Square." I have two roommates, and our apartment is 4800 dollars a month. Personally I think the rent is too damn high, but I really love this neighborhood, I love living a block from Central Park, I love being by Lincoln Center, One of my top five favorite movies is You\'ve Got Mail, and it\'s kind of like an ode to the Upper West Side. I feel like am Meg Ryan every day. This is my kitchen. I think it\'s a pretty large kitchen for New York City, to be honest. We have this amazing counter top here. It\'s probably where I eat most of my meals. Okay kitchen confession, um, I don\'t cook that much. I am a satisfactory cook. Like I won\'t starve. It\'s really my roommate Jess who\'s the cook, she\'s the true grown up of this apartment. My least favorite part of the apartment is definitely my bathroom, for a few reasons. I don\'t like sharing a bathroom. My least favorite thing of all is that we just have shower stalls, we don\'t have tubs in our bathrooms. I love taking baths, so I miss having a tub. Also it makes a horrible noise. I hate that sound. This is our living room. The couch is my favorite part of the apartment. The couch is also the most expensive thing in the apartment. It\'s like 800 dollars. At the time I wanted to cry and thought how could a piece of furniture be so expensive. It was worth it. I got it actually at Ikea, and people love this couch. Because it\'s so cozy. It\'s...it\'s special. Oh my god there\'s like a photo now of me like massaging my couch. I got this a bajillion years ago. Why am I holding a flask? It used to be on the other side of the room as a TV stand, but we got a a much larger TV. We turned it into a bar. And obviously we enjoy alcohol in this apartment. Help yourself. This is my roommate Ada\'s room. It\'s the smallest room in our apartment, but it has it\'s own private bathroom, so you\'re kind of winning. We took the closet doors off, so that way we could fit a larger bed in here. There are a few things in her room that are still things that, like, I brought in here. This wardrobe actually used to be my wardrobe, and she took it from me. That sounds so mean, "she took it from me," I mean she bought it from me. It was a gift. In the bathroom the thing I\'m most proud of in this room is I built one of those floating shelf thingies, and it\'s still hanging in there, and her stuff is on it, and it hasn\'t fallen over. So like, call me if you need me to build you something in your apartment. When I first moved in the apartment my rent was only $1400 a month, which is kinda nice, especially since I had my own bathroom. Now I live in one of the bigger bedrooms. I pay more rent. About $1590 now. Welcome to my bedroom. It\'s a much larger space. I have my own huge closet now, and a weird nook that I don\'t even know what to do with. I pile things in the little nook in my room, but I don\'t really pile things, like I throw it there for like an hour, and then I have to hang everything up or I can\'t go to bed. The only things that I really have a lot of are shoes and books. Anywhere there\'s room there\'s books and there\'s shoes. And if I had to guess how many shoes I have in total? 30 to 40 pairs of shoes. It\'s a lot of shoes. My favorite pair of shoes right now are these velvet ankle boots. And then my other favorite, I just got, are these little, like, silver school-girly shoes. They\'re really cute, and they\'re actually super comfortable. I could not choose a favorite book. Please don\'t make me. Please. Ta-Nehisi Coates. It\'s incredible. Between the World and Me. Toni Morrison, The Bluest Eye, which is one of my all time favorites. But really', metadata={'source': 'JBZTZZAcFTw'}), Document(page_content='the World and Me. Toni Morrison, The Bluest Eye, which is one of my all time favorites. But really great because she signed it. Pretty cool. This is honestly my 8th grade copy of Romeo & Juliet. You can flip inside and find really important notes like, "Romeo loves Rosaline." Insightful. My most sentimental piece of furniture is definitely my typewriter. My best friend from college bought me this typewriter when I went to journalism school. It was really expensive and cost her, like, all of her savings at the time. Like, actual friendship goals. I use it to write thank you notes, and I write letters to my grandmother on it sometimes. This is my roommate Jess\' room. She is really great at decor, keeping things neat and organized, and she has like a very set cute style. It\'s perfect. Jess\' room is not only super beautiful, it\'s also the largest room in the apartment. And it has a huge walk in closet that could probably fit like another family inside of it. She pays the most in rent out of all of us. A friend and I were looking at apartments, we both really love the Upper West Side. And then she spotted this place on Craig\'s List, and we both were like, it can\'t be real. And then we came here and it was the real deal. We fell in love, and now I\'m here, like, five years later. Which in New York is a long time. I would say like my shared space style is minimal. I\'m really big on keeping things organized. I don\'t know if you noticed already in our apartment but there\'s like not a single thing out of place. And that\'s not because you guys were coming to visit and we wanted to look cute, we legitimately don\'t leave crap out in our apartment. I would definitely move out, but it would take a lot to get me to move. I would probably want my own space. In my next dream apartment I want more closet space, because I have so many shoes. More bookshelves for all my books, and goals to have a washer-dryer in my unit. Maybe I\'ll be- oh! I\'m so graceful!', metadata={'source': 'JBZTZZAcFTw'})]
[Document(page_content="we'll see about our line is from the BBC Persian service and I think you've got more Upstate figures have you yes the death toll has risen to 400 they injured our 6000 so far and the epicenter of the earthquake itself was the Western city of sarples awho which was the worst hit two-thirds of the casualties as far as we know so far have come from that area one of the first heart-wrenching videos that emerged after 9:20 p.m. local time when earthquake struck last night was from a hospital in sarples a hog that collapsed and buried the hospital staff underneath but there are other cities there that are hit as well many remote villages that is harder to get access to but there seems to have been a division of labor between getting help to the bigger cities and the Revolutionary Guards go to the more remote villages but getting to the remote areas that we've been hearing has been difficult partly because of the mudslides as a result of the earthquake yes there's been a lot of mudslides some rows have been have been damaged so they're trying to deploy helicopters to get there that you know cutting through the bureaucracy and red tape to deploy all those resources itself sometimes becomes an issue earthquakes are not unknown in this region yet this one does seem to have caused a lot of damage particularly to smaller housing I'm just wondering what sort of regulations there are in terms of building technique for affordable housing in this area yeah you would think that we'll learn after all these earthquakes given that Iran is so prone to earthquakes the housing regulation standards governing the the engineering side of it the oversight is very weak so you know a lot of the government buildings themselves collapse what's created an outcry now on social media is the fact that the residential units that were built as part of the affordable housing by the previous government they were worse hit and many of the casualties came from those particular units but even the fact that the hospital that I mentioned collapse you know or other places that were meant to shelter people that maybe might be a wake-up call well you mentioned sheltering of people that's going to be a huge issue in the coming days isn't it because thousands and thousands of people are now homes the Iranian Red Crescent has said 70,000 people are so far they made homeless and need to get you know we need to get aid to them as far as as quickly as possible distributing tents restoring power to those areas the government is promising that within the next 24 hours power would be restored to most of the areas but if you look at the social media now you would see many users still anecdotally uploading videos pleading for help saying that we haven't seen any rescue help we haven't seen any power being restored so it's difficult to get a clear perspective when you don't have a presence there given where this has happened which is on the border between Iran and Iraq what what are the chances of one country helping the other if you know that they can travel just a few miles to offer help well this has never happened usually the earthquakes inside you're on a very localized but this one is unique in that it covers such a wide range of areas and it's you know it went across the border but Iran has wayna borne the brunt of the earthquake most of the casualties are from Iran and you know there the infrastructure is there the you know the Iranian rescue workers that dealt with this before so I don't think they'll be needing any help is such from Iraq and in terms of that infrastructure power water these are obviously things they're gonna have to sort out in the coming hours absolutely I think that they said that they've tried to distribute tens of thousands of bottles of water for the people you know as the water hasn't been restored yet electricity gas but luckily the communications is all well you know people can still upload videos you", metadata={'source': 'lBHPVE3AI6Y'}), Document(page_content="gas but luckily the communications is all well you know people can still upload videos you can make calls many of these providers are you know providing free calls to those areas for people to stay in touch that's good what's good you come down talk to us about it our land from the BBC Persian service think", metadata={'source': 'lBHPVE3AI6Y'})]
[Document(page_content="a review of the ion water cooler here's the unit insert class and restart unit Wow how easy that is this clears the fan error this makes sense because you can only reset a software with a power stable let your water system boot Wow voting is fun to watch use this time to dream about wildly carbonated water after setup is complete wait for a set up to complete press the type of water you want sometimes pressing a button opens a menu Wow remember this is still easier than using the old water on your way back to this cleansing menu screen is slow to update for your convenience Wow Wow the subscription piece for a water filter and the water filters to filter to force it to the filter wow that's a hot radiator wait a second I the radiator closest roots the down arrow on coal to adjust by uneven steps and it rolls over water built up on top and spreads around but that's okay Wow no way water can get through that chronic I'll be carbonated water ready wow those screws are not playing that's fine restart doing it again Wow notice the heavy-duty housing covering the radiator hot air rises so it makes sense to have the plastic grille angled down [Music] enjoy your mildly carbonated water from a subscription for", metadata={'source': 'eAyxMv4IBH8'})]
[Document(page_content="- [Narrator] According to\nsome science I made up, Pacific Rim is exactly 77 percent good. But regardless of whether or\nnot you agree with that rating, your argument probably isn't\nbased on the movie's plot. Any exposition Pacific\nRim accidentally featured was just an excuse to get as many ridiculous sci-fi concepts\non screen as possible, which is why the end\nresult is a movie featuring giant monsters, giant robots, and a smart person with tattoos. - What? - [Narrator] But I don't\nthink the story is that far from being great. In fact, the movie could've\nbeen a downright classic if you took the two leads,\nRaleigh Becket and Mako Mori, and switched them, like this. (dramatic music) Instead of starting with the scene where Raleigh just tells us the\nhistory of monster attacks-- - [Raleigh] And then we learned,\nthis was not gonna stop. - [Narrator] We should've\nstarted with this. That's Mako as a kid. She sees her whole city destroyed, and then she's rescued by Idris Elba, just like in that dream\nwe all keep having. It happens about halfway through the film, but if it had been the\nopening scene in the movie, we would've been introduced\nto the evil Kaiju and the heroic Jaegers from a\nhelpless child's perspective, which would've made the\nentire story feel bigger and more whimsical, speaking objectively. Then, in this scene, it\nshould've been Raleigh instead of Mako, who\nfreaked out in the drift. This would've been where we learn about Raleigh's tragic backstory and watch his brother get thrown into the frigid, Alaskan night. This simple change completely\nreshapes the movie. Now Mako is the emotional core,\nand the story becomes, one, child loses everything. Two, child grows up while\ntraining to fight in robots, and three, child avenges\nmentor's death, spoilers, and saves the world. So, there you go. With this one, small change, you get a Pacific Rim that\nis 27.3 percent better, giving it a total score\nof 98 percent awesome, meaning the sequel has\nquite a bit to live up to. - [Raleigh] Elbow rocket.\n- Elbow rocket, engaged. - [Raleigh] Now!", metadata={'source': 'ZAQs-ctOqXQ'})]
[Document(page_content="If you look at the current top ten in the prime charts you'll see the top 10 largest primes at the moment, and you may notice that one of them stands out. One of them is not quite like the others. It's quite a special prime, it was actually discovered fairly recently; \nit was discovered on October 31st 2016, it was discovered on Halloween 2016. But all the other primes are Mersenne primes, \nthey're all primes that are one less than a power of two. And there's a reason for that, because computationally it's quite easy to check if they are primes or not, right? There is a- there is a test for that which you can run quite quickly. Number seven there is slightly different. There's a couple of reasons why it's special and one of the reasons is that it takes us one step closer to solving a fifty-year-old conjecture. So let's take a look at this prime. So this number- it's called a Proth prime. So Proth prime's have this form where it's k, that's some number, multiplied by a power of two plus one. Let's see if we can find a Proth prime. What I'm gonna do, let's\ntake a value; I'm gonna say k is 19, all right? Let's take k as 19 and then we're gonna multiply it by powers of two, add one, and let's see if we get a prime. Well let's do the first power of two. 19 times 2, 38. Plus 1 that equals 39, but that's not a prime; it's 3 times 13 that's no good. Let's check for another. Let's try 19 again but let's do 2 squared. So 19 times times 4, well 19 times 2 is 38 so we can double that again. That's 76, plus\n1 that's 77; that's definitely not a prime, that's 7 times 11. Let's keep going, let's see if we can find one. Let's do \n19 times 2 to power 3. That is 153,153 is that prime? That's maybe not so obvious, but no that isn't prime. 19 times 2 to the power 4, ok we're gonna keep looking. I I think \nthat is - plus 1 of course - that is 305, that's definitely not a prime. Okay another failure, let's keep looking for a prime. Let's do the next one.\n19 times 2 to the 5 plus 1, I've got that as being 609, no that's divisible by 3.\n- (Brady: I think you're gonna get us) (on that top 10 list at this rate!\n- It's gonna- actually we've got it. We've got it - look\nat this one. 19 times 2 to the power 6,1217 - prime!\nThat is a prime. Finally we found a pri- took a while. Yeah, it took a while but eventually we found a prime. In the 1960s, mathematician Sierpiński said that if you take something of this form: it's k times 2 to power n plus 1, and you keep running through it, there are numbers that will never hit a prime. So you'll keep going forever and you'll never get a prime. In fact he said there were infinitely many of them. So there's \nloads of them out there. The natural question is, what's the smallest one? Ah, well we don't quite know. So they think it might be this number: 78557.\n- (Brady: As k?) Yeah that's as k. So I'm saying if \nwe multiply that by 2 to the n, and then we add 1; we run through that process we'll never hit a prime, it's never going to happen. In fact I know that's never going to happen. So a mathematician called John Selfridge showed that that's never gonna happen. He showed that this number, whatever it is, will always be divisible by one of these: 3, 5, 7, 13, 19, 37 or 73.", metadata={'source': 'fcVjitaM3LY'}), Document(page_content="So he said it's always gonna be divisible by one of those, so it's never going to be a prime. That definitely is a Sierpiński number, okay? This is a number that will never hit a prime, great; but is it the smallest one? That we don't know. Now there's quite a few candidates for this - well in fact we're gonna have to check all the numbers smaller than 78557. Well you can do that. And most of those were eliminated. Until roundabout the beginning of the 21st century there were 17 left. 17 that hadn't been eliminated. So there might be numbers that are smaller than 78557, and you could do this and you'll never hit a prime. So there were 17 candidates left. But, thanks to advances in computation, that meant we could start eliminating these candidates. Now we started to eliminate them until there were six left. These are the six that were left. The smallest was 10223. But here are the others: 21181, 22699, 24737, 55459 and 67607. So there were these six candidates\nleft. But things started to slow down and I'm afraid there was a gap of nine years before we were able to eliminate one of these six, which was this one here: 10223 because we now know that forms a prime. Here's, here's our prime, this is it! \nThere it is, we know it does form a prime. And now this is struck off the list leaving five left. Now if we can eliminate those last five candidates we will have proved that 78558 is the smallest Sierpiński number.\n- (Brady: So James, was this) (really large prime not so much found) (because they were searching for large) (primes but because they were trying to) (eliminate ks?)\n- They- that is part of the motivation for this. This was found by a guy in Hungary on his home computer. Where he's downloaded a program, you can get it from the PrimeGrid website. And this program was designed to eliminate those seventeen that if I \ntalked about. And using that program he finally eliminated 10223. So you can do this yourself, using your own home computer. So he gets the glory of solving that and the glory of striking off one of these candidates off our list. So we have these candidates and then you find a prime that kills it off as a candidate - so those primes are huge. This one that was found recently is over nine million digits long, it's a massive number. The largest of these primes that are killing off candidates, they've actually got a special name. They're called \nColbert primes, named after Stephen Colbert. Stephen Colbert, some people might know, as the host of The Late Show in America? American comedian? I don't know why these have been named after Stephen Colbert; I guess someone's a fan. But if we can eliminate all these candidates we will have proven that 78557 is the smallest Sierpiński number. We don't know it's true, it just feels true; in our guts it has truthiness. Obviously we love these videos about \narbitrary numbers and obscure details; but to see how everything fits together, to get that bigger picture, why not check out", metadata={'source': 'fcVjitaM3LY'}), Document(page_content="brilliant.org Here's just the start of their Number Theory course. It's full of little questions and puzzles that are not only good fun but really help you get your head around stuff. And have a look at that - how can this not be quickening your pulse rate? Whether you're really serious about mathematics or you just love to learn, Brilliant's interactive site is going to teach you all sorts of amazing stuff that you might not get from, say, just a superficial video - not that there's anything wrong with videos of course, keep watching these too. But seriously I honestly think you'll enjoy what these guys have made. It's a really really good resource. It's also just really good fun to play with. If you'd like to check them out go to brillaint.org/numberphile. The first 314 people who do, and sign up, can get 20% off the premium annual subscription. That's the first 314 - see what we did there? They don't just cover mathematics; there's astronomy, physics, computer science - all sorts of good stuff. Thank you to them for supporting this video and I'll put some details in the \nvideo description.", metadata={'source': 'fcVjitaM3LY'})]
[Document(page_content="Oh hey! I didn't see you there. Have you ever found yourself browsing around\nonline and seeing something you like and think to yourself, man, I would love to take that\napart and see how it works? That's what happened to me and this smart\nmug right here. This thing has an internal battery and heater\nthat brings it up to 145 degrees Fahrenheit. That's pretty impressive. I can be out here drinking hot chocolate in\nthe middle of nowhere, and have a drink hot for hours inside of this electronic thermos. This video is actually sponsored by YouTube. YouTube is launching a new channel called\nUnboxed, where they'll have a bunch of unboxings from different creators. All the latest and greatest stuff for the\nholidays. My unboxings are rather unique, so I'm glad\nYouTube reached out. With the holidays coming up, YouTube's new\nchannel is a great place to find gifts for those hard to shop for people...gifts like\nthis smart mug that keeps your drink warm for hours. I'll leave a link for you in the description\nof this video for YouTube's new Unbox channel. But now, let's unbox this mug and see what\nmakes it tick. Let's get started. [Intro] The Ember wireless temperature controlled\nmug is here. Something I never needed or wanted, but now\nI just need to own one. A normal thermos can keep drinks warm for\nquite a long time, but this particular Ember mug has a built-in heater that can actively\nheat up liquid on the go. Pretty cool. Inside the first box, we get another box with\nan orange Ember themed color scheme. Kind of cute. And here's the mug itself. Incredibly high quality cold thick plastic\n– had me thinking it was metal at first. But the razor blade of truth showed the exterior\nwas in fact plastic, as a lot of thermoses are. It's not a big deal in this case. The lid unscrews with this watertight rubber\nseal. During my time using this mug, it never leaked\nout the top. Inside the mug is all metal and has a few\nmore instructions tucked down inside. Now one cool thing about this mug is the way\nit charges. Inside the other half of the box we have a\nwireless charging station for the mug which allows it to keep beverages hot all day long,\nas long as the mug is sitting on the pad. The two golden pins match up with the golden\ncircles on the bottom of the mug, so it doesn't matter what orientation the mug is when you\nset it down. It'll charge no matter what way it's facing. The mug itself has a 2 hour battery life to\nkeep things warm away from the dock. It's pretty cool that it charges so easily\n– nothing ever needs to be plugged in. The lid has a little circle inside that can\nbe pressed down to let liquid out, and pressed again to seal it all up and keep the heat\ninside. The Ember logo is touch sensitive, and a long\npress of 3 seconds gets the mug to turn on. And then I can adjust the temperature of the\nmug with the physical dial at the bottom. Since this is a thermos, it can keep cold\ndrinks cold, but it doesn't have an active cooling system in place – just heat. And along with everything else these days,\nthere's an app that can control this thing from your phone, but it's nice to see that\nthe mug has it's own dials. It also does Celsius if you're into that kind\nof thing. Not calculus – just Celsius. Even though those are probably about the same\nthing to most Americans. Now I'm 93% sure that this mug is never supposed\nto be taken apart...I mean, it's a mug...but there are electronics in here somewhere and\nI want to see how it works. The expedition for screws yielded 8 underneath\nthe bottom rubber grip. The larger 4 screws fit my T8 bit, and the\nsmaller 4 screws fit my T5 bit. The removal of these screws allowed the metal\nplate to lift up and the bottom dial to pull away from the bottom of the cup. And unfortunately, this is where the salvageable", metadata={'source': 'qeWvgZLz9yU'}), Document(page_content="disassembly ends. There are no more screws. Everything is permanently molded shut. But we're going to continue anyway. Sacrifices must be made. I'll start by breaking the seal between the\nheavy thick plastic outer layer and the metal insides of the Ember mug with my razor blade. Then it's time to utilize the old rusty saw\nblade trick. It works every time. Now I don't blame Ember for making their mug\ndifficult to take apart. It's literally designed to hold liquid and\nthings that hold liquid need to be seamless and sealed. So they definitely get a thumbs up for extremely\nsolid construction in my opinion. The plastic molding rolls all the way around\nthe sides of the cup and seamlessly splices at the bottom of the mug. Finally, I was able to separate the internal\nguts from the outer shell and get to the interesting stuff. This big circular pad on the side is the thing\nsitting under the Ember logo as part of the system that senses your finger and turns the\nmug on and off. Right below that we have the LED panel that\ngives temperature readouts – both in Fahrenheit and calculus. And by pulling up the white insulating layer,\nI can get a glimpse of the liquid level indicators running up and down the side, connecting us\nall the way down to the blue circuit board at the bottom. I'll disconnect the heater coil ribbon cable\njust like a little Lego, and the battery plug with my plastic pry tool, because, like you\nknow, we don't want to like damage the mug or anything at this point. The motherboard is held in place by two black\nplastic clasps on either side and the whole thing can pull away from the mug base revealing\nthe equally blue battery. This little guy is an 1,120 milliamp hour\nbattery that gives the mug 2 hours of heat on the go. Finally the bottom plastics can come loose\nrevealing what I believe is the temperature sensor for the liquid inside. Remember that heater coil I disconnected earlier? Well that's hidden under all this black foam\nwrapped around the base of the Ember mug. The location makes sense. Heat rises, so having the coils wrapped around\nthe base of the mug is a pretty efficient design. Overall this is a pretty impressive system. If everything else is getting smart these\ndays, why not your cup too? The design seems solid from the inside and\nthe outside. And that heater coil was especially interesting. Definitely worth the tear down. As always, thank you so much for watching. I hope you enjoyed the unboxing of this mug\nand the tear down. If you have any questions, leave them in the\ncomments below and don't forget to check out YouTube's new Unboxed channel Thanks a ton\nfor watching and I'll see you around.", metadata={'source': 'qeWvgZLz9yU'})]
[Document(page_content="Hey Everybody, it's Norm from Tested Here at the Designer Con 2017 I'm kind of hiding behind this massive helmet here, because it's Hela from Thor Ragnarok Jose Fernandez. Jose, it's great to see ya. Iron Head Studios. Is this your first Designer Con?\nYep, first one. And tell me, what's with Iron Head? You guys have made a lot of costumes. Yeah, it's the end of film as it goes, but we've been consistently busy Hela was an amazing project for us to work on, for sure. The movie was well-received but all the images look amazing to me I think when the first trailer came out for Thor Ragnarok people were stunned by this silhouette as a helmet. You have Thor's Helmet, you have Loki's helmet, with the big antlers They're all so unique and distinct. Hela, it could have been CG I didn't realize you guys made a physical helmet for her to wear. Yeah, I think most of it was CG, but they did want moments for her wearing it. Even just for her own feeling, and she It was a great challenge, because it's pretty big, for me. The challenge was getting the weight right, the balance on her head. And getting it secure without actually having it come down too far her forehead. So, I think we nailed it. When I first saw it on her, walking around the studio, it was pretty impressive. So let's talk about fabrication. There's a bunch of ways this could have been made I assume the original thing was a 3D model? Correct. And then, is this hand-sculpted? Or is it printed? No, it's pretty much all 3D. So we modeled it in the computer, we scanned her. So we had her data, and then made a skull cap for her so it fit really well. And then we just started modeling it. Marvel was heavily involved in every minutiae, which was great. They were really on top of it. And once they were happy, we started printing the pieces. It was a very interesting composite. It's called SLS, but there's also one with a carbon fiber field So it's very light. Structurally, pretty sound. How many pieces is it? Almost every antler is separate. This cluster here in the middle. There's four of these there together, there's an extra one added. And all these large ones are all separate. They're wanted also modular, so they can remove some. So she can wear partials. So she can remove the large ones. Those can be CG'd in. She'd have like a more tailored helmet. So they're all kind of ... they all come off. And then balance is something you mentioned. How much does the whole thing weigh? I don't know. I should have measured. I think it's in the neighborhood of 4 pounds. That's light! That's so light! Somewhere in there. And is it affixed to her head? Is she wearing a skullcap underneath?\nYeah, exactly.\nIt's attached to multiple points. It's like magnetic closures so you can't see that stuff. So the ugly business is all underneath. So there's the physical fabrication, I'm assuming there's no rods or anything to hold that? No. Now with 3d printing, the finishes the SLS the SLA, they all come out with different finishes. This looks like it's almost like metal, but also maybe like a jade. So how do you get this finish? This particular process is very rough. As far as the outputs. It looks like a sand casting. Everybody in my shop, everybody's at the top of their game, so they finish it to this degree, so that it's just beautiful, and then the painter Mike Walachuk, who's a super-talented guy, seems like those cholo cars to me, it's beautiful, but it's like mottling, it's like a mirror chrome and then we mottle into that. It's multiple layers. Like a candy green, then you mottle some more chrome, then mottle again. it's labor-intensive.", metadata={'source': '6VhU_T463sU'}), Document(page_content="Lots of layers, to make it look like an other-worldly material. 8-10 layers at least Gosh. Wow. And then have that cut and polished. So it's just, you know, beautiful. So when you're printing it, is it printed a little larger? So you can sand it down? No, it's 1:1. It's a rough surface, but it doesn't really add much. It's just rough. \nGot it, got it. That's unbelievable. So much of this new technology. What else is Iron Head working on? That you can talk about? We've worked on Aquaman We didn't do Aquaman; we worked on Black Manta. It was a cool villain I like villains. Can't talk much about it. Other than, it's pretty cool. Oh! It's pretty solid. I can't wait for people to start seeing the imagery come out. Yeah, and then of course, there's imagery, and there's seeing this in person. And that's why it's so great seeing you at shows like DesignerCon Where we get to get up close with... wow. A real helmet, a beautiful prop from Marvel Thank you so much, Jose. It's great to see you again. Thanks.", metadata={'source': '6VhU_T463sU'})]
[Document(page_content='"Go to school, Summer. I\'ll go in Morty\'s\nmemory and do a little." Rick often plays God, "If God exists, It’s f***ing me!" while Morty is a mere mortal. But Rick himself certainly values Morty, enough\nto want to spend all his time with the boy, and if we dig deeper it becomes clear that\nMorty’s actually just as essential to the Rick and Morty universe, or rather, to all the Rick and Morty universes,\nas Rick is, and for good reason. So here are the key reasons we can see for\nwhy Morty matters. By the way, stick around at the end of this\nvideo, and we\'re going to tell you how to get a major\ndiscount on some really cool Rick and Morty gear we came across. "You two call yourselves geniuses, but you\'ve\nspent this time learning nothing! Come with me into the forest -- there\'s something\nI wish to teach you." "There\'s a heavy theme of creator and createe\nin Rick and Morty." The dynamic of father and son or creator and\ncreation is reflected in Rick’s contentious relationships with his creations. But while of course they’re literally grandfather\nand grandson, thematically, the father-son story is a key\npart of Morty’s relationship with Rick. Father-son narratives have been around for\nthousands of years, not just as a way of talking about literal\nparents and children, they are humanity’s way of dealing with\nour complicated feelings on life’s key principle -- new will inevitably replace old. Stories based on an "Archnemesis Dad" reflect\nour pain due to the inevitability of life cycles. In Greek mythology, Cronos, the youngest of\nthe titans, overthrew his father to become ruler, then became paranoid that his children would\noverthrow him, and decided to kill all his own kids by eating\nthem, as a precaution. But one baby, Zeus, was hidden by his mother\nin a cave, and grew up to kill Cronos and become king\nof the gods on Olympus. Perhaps the most iconic example of the Archnemesis\nDad trope is Star Wars, with Luke and Darth Vader. "You killed him." "No. I am your father." A key message of these narratives is that\nfighting the inevitable only helps it come to pass. In Sophocles’ Oedipus Rex, a prophecy says\nthat the baby Oedipus will kill his father and marry his mother. All of his parents’ efforts to avoid this\nonly make sure that these events do in fact happen. And Harry Potter features an original take\non the same motifs. Voldemort hears a prophecy saying Harry would\nkill him, so he tries to kill the young boy. But in the process, the powerful wizard inadvertently\nplants a bit of his soul in Harry, giving the young boy unique powers and acting\nas his "creator" in a way. Harry, thereby strengthened, grows up to become\nVoldemort’s downfall, and fulfills the prophecy. All of these stories demonstrate the pain\nwe feel knowing we’ll die and be replaced. But we can\'t prevent this universal destiny,\nso characters who try to fight this natural life cycle are punished. And the dad who tries to stop his son from\nreplacing him by squashing new life becomes a villain at war with the nature of\nlife itself. As we\'ve seen, the "Archnemesis Dad" trope\ncan apply to any Parent-Child, Creator-Creation, or Student-Teacher duo. Any relationship that is fundamentally about\nthe old passing on knowledge or life to the young or the young searching for their place in\nthe world. Rick and Morty aren’t father and son, but\ntheir relationship eerily follows this classic Archnemesis Dad narrative. Early on in the show, Morty admires Rick and\ntries to mimic him, spending much more time with Rick than with\nhis actual father. Morty’s time with Rick is an apprenticeship\nof sorts, though he learns more about controlling Rick\nthan about actual science. He can now see through Rick’s petty behavior\nand disable a nutrino bomb in minutes. "You should still stay back!" "Morty, how many of these --" "Too many, Rick! Too many!" Rick, meanwhile, seems hellbent on asserting', metadata={'source': 'wwZ-T_WQ03A'}), Document(page_content='his dominance and keeping Morty’s ego in check. "Just don’t get too big for your loafers,\nBuster Brown. A cocky Morty could lead to some big problems." This underlying dynamic explains why Rick\nso often feels the need to put Morty down. His behavior echoes many of the Father-Son\nstories in which the father tries to keep the son\nfrom gaining any power, fearing displacement. Their time together transforms Morty -- he\nbecomes increasingly jaded and callous. "Mr. President. If I\'ve learned one thing\ntoday, it\'s that sometimes you have to not give a\nf***!" And most importantly, his attitude towards\nRick changes drastically. He\'s now disillusioned with Rick’s behavior,\nethics and approach to life, "Come on, bird person. Rick\'s that complicated! He\'s just a huge asshole!" He sees through the bravado to the egotism\nbeneath. Rick’s pedestal has now cracked. "He bails on everybody! He bailed on mom when\nshe was a kid! He bailed on Tiny Planet! And in case I never made this clear to you,\nSummer, he bailed on you!" The “Archnemesis Dad” narrative has already\nbeen overtly featured on Rick and Morty in the Evil Morty storyline. Here we saw a bitter, cold Morty who hates\n“Ricks of all kinds” and devotes his time to killing them. This Morty possesses the solidified adult\nidentity and goals that every "son"’ figure must search for\nand eventually achieve, and this role seems to be ridding the multiverse\nof Ricks. The question that remains is whether our Morty\nwill renounce Rick. In Morty’s Mind-Blowers, we saw what might\nhave been the final straw as Morty snapped and actually attacked Rick. And in Ricklantis we see what appears to be\nEvil Morty returning and making a bid for city council in the Citadel\nof Ricks, suggesting bigger upheavals to come. If Rick’s story reflects the fear of inevitably\ngrowing old and becoming irrelevant, Morty’s story reflects the challenges of\ngrowing up. There’s a crushing realization that hits\neveryone sometime post-puberty - finding your place in the world doesn’t\nhappen automatically. Becoming an adult is really hard and seems\nto inevitably involve becoming disillusioned, disappointed or angry with your parental figures. "I\'m sorry! I ended up lying to you and yelling\nat you just like my parents did to me." The creator-creation life cycle eventually\nrequires the creation or son to become his own person and that means renouncing your idols or at least realizing idols are human, just\nlike everyone else. "My father kept me locked in a house until\nI was a teenager. and there was violence and...threats of poison\ngas. But also dancing." In many ways, Morty is Rick’s polar opposite. He’s naive where Rick is cynical, anxious\nwhere Rick is confident. Rick walks all over people, people walk all\nover Morty. "Glenn\'s bleeding to death! Someone call his\nwife and children!" "They\'re not robots, Rick!" "It\'s a figure of speech, Morty! They\'re bureaucrats!\nI don\'t respect them!" Morty asks a lot of questions while Rick has\nall the answers. Rick seemingly doesn’t care about anything,\nMorty cares too much about everything. Their differences make Rick and Morty an odd\ncouple, a classic comedic pairing based on two characters’\ndifferences. Some of the show’s inspirations were odd\ncouples as well, like Phineas and Ferb, and Doc Brown and Marty\nMcFly. Clashing personalities often result in comedy\ngold. Rick and Morty being dysfunctional polar opposites\nmakes us think that maybe combined, they could make one functional\nperson, which is probably why the fan theory that\nMorty is actually Rick’s younger self is so popular. There are obvious holes in this theory, like\ndoes that make Beth both mother and daughter to the same man? The show’s creators avoid definitive explanations\nlike this, for fear of writing themselves into a corner, and they prefer just messing with fan conspiracy\ntheorists, for example by placing a Rick-Morty hybrid', metadata={'source': 'wwZ-T_WQ03A'}), Document(page_content='theorists, for example by placing a Rick-Morty hybrid\nin The Citadel of Ricks. So Rick and Morty may not secretly be parts\nof the same person, but Morty is definitely the thing that’s\nmissing from Rick. So watching a show with just Rick without\na Morty would probably feel sad. Rick and Morty also fit the bill for hero\nand sidekick. Being a brilliant man of science who can’t\nstand most people and cares about little other than his work, Rick is an anti-hero type called "The Insufferable\nGenius." Sherlock Holmes, Dr. Who and House all fall\ninto this category. Insufferable Geniuses typically need a sidekick\nto help them navigate the world, due to their complete lack of social skills\nand their egotism. They’re often paired with someone more conscientious\nand likeable, a type called the Morality Pet. "You have got to find less debilitating outlets\nthan humiliating people. I hear bowling is more fun than stalking." Morty compensates for Rick’s lack of a moral\ncompass, calling out some of Rick’s most ethically\nquestionable behavior, like enslaving a miniverse or dealing arms. "Selling a gun to a hitman is the same as\npulling the trigger!" The Morality Pet bridges the gap between the\nInsufferable Genius and the rest of the world. It’s a special character who can understand\nboth the inaccessible brain and everyone else, and translate between the two. While Morty may not be as glamorous or get\ncalled a genius, it\'s the Rick who truly needs the Morty, and\nnot the other way around. "All right! Knock it off! You\'re not impressing\nanyone. Morty, not that I give a [bleep], but are\nyou okay?" Even though everyone thinks Morty is mentally\nchallenged, including his family, teachers and even the Vindicators. "Oh, so you\'re the leader now because we gave\nyou a jacket? You\'re the learning-disabled kid we do photo\nops with!" From what we witness he’s actually very\nwise. He’s not cerebral like Rick, but Morty’s\ngenius lies in his ability to identify other’s emotions and understand what to do with this insight. In other words, he’s emotionally intelligent. For example, in "Get Schwifty," Morty knows\nexactly how to help his dad feel valuable. "Hey, dad? Nobody’s smarter than Rick. But\nnobody else is my dad. You’re a genius at that." "Wow." At this point, Beth thinks Jerry is insecure\nabout his intelligence, but Morty knows that the real source of his\nfather’s insecurity is the fear that Rick is displacing him as\na father figure for Morty. Morty also correctly predicts that Jerry will\nbuy into the Plutonians’ fake admiration of him, understanding that Jerry is driven by a desire\nfor fame and admiration. "Oh man, this is definitely going to go to\nhis head!" Unlike Morty, Rick is actually not very smart\nwhen it comes to people’s emotions and motivations, possibly because he just doesn’t care very\nmuch about feelings. "Goodbye!" "So did you guys make out a little bit? Is\nhe gonna send you a postcard?" He builds Beth a perfect kids’ fantasy land\nto stop her from acting out, and never recognizes that what she really\nneeds is more attention from her father. "You can\'t do it, can you? You can\'t just\n[bleep] apologize." "Okay, okay, Beth. I\'m sorry. You think you\ndeserve an apology." But Morty knows exactly how his mother feels\nabout Rick and tries to keep her from getting hurt. "Rick, I can handle it if you go , but you’ll\nbreak mom’s heart, and I won’t forgive you for that." And he knows his dad is depressed after the\ndivorce, so he convinces Rick to take Jerry on an adventure. Rick is the brains of the show, and Morty\nis its heart. As the heart, Morty also has an intuitive\nunderstanding of ethics and decency. He pushes Rick to treat others with more concern\nand fairness. "Thank you, Morty. You are not like other\ncarbon-based life forms. You put the value of all life above your own." Morty’s intellect isn’t as easy to recognize\nas Rick’s, because our society places less value on emotional', metadata={'source': 'wwZ-T_WQ03A'}), Document(page_content='as Rick’s, because our society places less value on emotional\nintelligence. We tend to view it as inferior. But while Morty’s smarts aren’t appreciated,\nthe people around him clearly depend on Morty. So his form of intelligence does a lot of\ngood in his world. This one might probably make a lot of the\nwould-be Ricks in the Rick and Morty fanbase furious, but if there’s any character in the show\nthat represents the audience -- it’s Morty. Morty is the ‘normie’ of the show. He reacts the way a real person would when\nplaced in these situations, mostly by being completely terrified and on\nthe verge of a nervous breakdown. "That\'s it! I\'m done with these insane adventures!\nThat was really traumatizing! I quit! I\'m out!" He’s constantly horrified by Rick and by\nwhat they experience together, so that we don’t have to be, letting us\njust sit back and enjoy the show. Also, Morty has an anxious tendency to ask\na lot of questions, "So what\'s so special about these seeds anyways?" "You ask a lot of questions, Morty. Not very\ncharismatic." which conveniently allows the writers to slip\nin exposition without forcing it. If it wasn’t for Morty, we would probably\nbe confused most of the time, since Rick’s behavior is erratic at best. While most of us have probably thought about\nwhat it would be like to be a Rick, there’s nothing inherently bad in being\na Morty, and maybe this video has even convinced some\nof you that being a Morty has its merits. So maybe it’s a good thing that he has more\nquestions than answers. Like most of us, Morty is still figuring out\nwho he is and what his life is going to be like. And maybe we should ask more questions too. Do you sometimes get the urge to yell? "I\'m pickle Rick!" "Do you want a T-shirt that will say it for\nyou?" Then check out the Rick and Morty merch at\nSchwiftRickGear.com. They have some really cool stuff. Look at that sweatshirt -- it\'s gorgeous. Plus a whole selection of toys and keychains. Look, big-head Morty is holding the mega seeds\nthat we all remember were such a painful affair. Plus, if you enter your email, you get a whopping\n25% off. And it\'s free shipping over orders of $15. Just click the link in our description below\nto go to SchwiftRickGear.com and get 25% on the coolest Rick and Morty\ngear out there. Their clothes run a little small, so size\nup one or two sizes.', metadata={'source': 'wwZ-T_WQ03A'})]
[Document(page_content="they are not able to finish it the ones you wish you could have that you've got a good a stop now and they do throw away the Brawn stolen by Dennis Smith jr. and in attack he's done at the so many [Applause] Steele Wesley that fuse [Music] 4:42 go down to a port", metadata={'source': 'NZFhMSgbKKM'})]
[Document(page_content="Competition is on! We're making spaghetti burritos.\n-O.M.G, where did you get this? You gotta put water in this. You're gonna help me make this spaghetti. \n-Can't do a recipe without a shirt on. Even though this is a competition, I'm going to be nice. I'm gonna mix the game, and I'm gonna share it with you Hurry up. I got your spaghetti on for you, I'm already in the lead Careful, don't burn the top of your mouth like you did last time. Just a little skin was peeling off. I know. \n-It was gross. O.M.G, I burned my mouth. Was it hot? No, it wasn't, it was good. You're taking all my pasta. Leave me the rest. Yeah I'll just take this amount... Here-\n Wait, let me just have this.\n-Stop *giggles* Give me my spaghetti back\n-Alright, alright, sorry. Guys, this video is sponsored by Bon- Jovi. This sauce is the bomb. They own and operate a community restaurant called the Soul Kitchen with no prices on the menu It's completely donation based or grew in a community to help people out and the sole reason for this sauce was to support these restaurants So we have a special link in our description That's gonna. Give you 20% off all the products all that goes to a good cause I love what the foundation is doing and a message that they're spreading. Bon Jovi, I love your sauce. (I love your music.) This is a perfect portion for about two servings of pasta, which is the exact amount for these patches. This is one of my favorite sauces. All right, ready!\n-Go! We're just gonna make the spaghetti burrito I don't know what JP's doing I think he's gonna have a freezing process, but I've done it I'm not gonna really do anything to this. The sauce is perfect the way it is. Of course I have to try it where I put it in the burrito.\n-Yeah, I wanna too.\nYou can't have it Let me try a little bit though Perfect ?dramatic? sauce! I'm so ?nice?. There's kinda pretty by making it like giant. Very important you get the mozzarella cheese slices, that's what's gonna give you the cheese bowl and plus, mozzarella looks so good with spaghetti It's definitely not healthy for you, but it is cheesy. Now about two cups of that spaghetti, some Parmesan cheese on top of these, basil leaf. We're gonna have one more cheese on top.\n-Yeah, I think you got too much spaghetti in here. Don't break, it's gonna tear NOOOOOOOO! *beep* Alright, lets start over. And look it JP, from this one we took spaghetti out and made a spaghetti quesadilla, you want to try it?\n-Yes, I'm hungry. Bongiovi in my mouth You've got to hold on to what you got.\n-I hope this didn't burn...Are you trying to sabotage me? Alright, let's start over\n-All right guys. We're halfway there Julie's living on a prayer It's beautiful. It's perfect. It's my baby. We just took some oil, garlic powder, salt, pepper and that parsley that we just chopped up onto our spaghetti burrito And we're gonna shake on some of that Parmesan cheese It's my BABY. It's beautiful. It's like a restaurant ?in it? Good I think you win, I don't even want to go.\n-You don't even want to do it?\n-No I think you won.\n-He didn't believe that my burrito recipe was good enough So now he's giving up. YouTube is not gonna be happy if you give up Who is YouTube?\n-Everybody out there... *giggles* ...on YouTube It tastes like garlic bread, it's just wrapped around spaghetti. That was really good. That's a wrap guys Hey JP I wanna see what you're gonna to do. Hey guys if you're watching this video then that means I'm probably done What I'm gonna make for you guys, it's something, I'm gonna call a meatball MOG Cheese stuffed meatball roll wrapped in cheesy spaghetti battered and deep-fried with Italian breadcrumbs How did this going from the idea spaghetti burrito?", metadata={'source': 'dRpNZV18N_g'}), Document(page_content='-Like, you know, we put inside the burrito\'s gonna be like meatballs It\'s gonna be good. Give this video a thumbs up because this is another segment of "Julia Does Not Approve" No, I do not. What are you even to do? You\'re gonna put cheese and meat and then put some spaghetti around it... ...and then batter and deep-fry it?\n-Yes\n-So, you. That\'s our meat mixture. Palio, that\'s what we got. It\'s gotta be under eight inches. Can\'t say that was Julia\'s idea MEATBALL I don\'t know about you, but that looks like a meat log You love meat log. It\'s like a really long, flatten out meat log. Got my meat log! Get over here! Is it your mum\'s spaghetti recipe? Are you nervous? \'Cuz on the surface he looks calm ready. You know what I like just leave it on that for a second. All right back to pretending I\'m not helping you. I\'m gonna make the spaghetti out. I\'m gonna be using this Hardy garlic sauce. Awesome sauce. Put in the sauce with a little bit of hot water. Actually Julia\'s positive that she made her recipe. I am making the burrito out of spaghetti, that\'s why it\'s called a spaghetti burrito It\'s almost like a spaghetti pizza I\'m just gonna mix it in until it\'s like nice and cheesy.\n-This burrito is turning into a meal for seven people, huh. Couldn\'t you see that? From the loaf pan So it\'s not a log anymore.\n-I don\'t know if I trust you... I don\'t know if I believe that what you\'re doing is right I don\'t know if it makes sense to leave a rubber spatula on a hot pan but good job JP We\'ll be back after this quick message from JP\'s butt We\'re back, it\'s frozen. We got our giant gold play button. Although we wouldn\'t show you that. It\'s a sign and I\'m gonna win, ?\'cuz the play button came all those doing my thing? Well that\'s really dependent upon the vote\n-So I\'m gonna cut this off here.\n-The log is huge in there You made a giant log\n-But that\'s the size you want, guys, and there\'s a burrito. That\'s spaghetti burrito. This works. Oh, yeah You\'re making like a meatball... ...Juicy Lucy... ...Italian mozzarella stick burrito spaghetti things.\n-I think that\'s the name It\'s a loaf Eleven. That\'s what we were looking for! That\'s spaghetti burrito. This is the one that\'s gonna win Spaghetti as the burrito. Mmm...God. We got it so good on this He would write a brilliant mean tweet, maybe we should put this on Twitter and tie him He\'ll probably say something really mean if he doesn\'t I win That tastes just like mozzarella cheese, there\'s like so much cheese happening and the meat ball is good. It\'s flavored full. You did season it, it\'s... ...unmanageable to eat I don\'t approve.\n-You either like the loaf.\n-So put this on a sandwich right? Put some sauce cheese Maybe some more good, and then just eat it like this That\'s why it\'s both seated you did you did me proud it\'s a win, it\'s a win', metadata={'source': 'dRpNZV18N_g'})]
[Document(page_content="so what's the point in making art the point is to make so you can share so you may concern you may concern you're making share I'm Chantal Martin and I draw I'm drawing on canvases I'm drawing on rules I'm going on cars and drawing on shirts and drawing on shoes 99% of that is done live when you're drawing live you have no time to think you have no time to hesitate you have no time to plan you have no time to be anyone else so this is the cover of the home and garden section and it's it's funny I didn't know it was a big deal at the time so I only bought one copy so you have an extra spare copy out there I take it I remember my art teacher telling me Chantal don't apply for art school because you're not good enough and you won't get in at that point people were only telling me what I couldn't do so I ran away I started my career in Japan in a culture that was craft based in a culture where people learn things and practice things over generations over long periods of time and I remember thinking to myself what can I master in my lifetime what could I become a family confident with what about a line you know I draw I love drawing we all drop though with these these I'm gonna draw like this what kind of hard work and patience would it take so that when I draw a line is recognizably mine moving to york was very humbling because if no one knows who you are they don't care who you are and everyone is an artist and you start to lose your you start to lose your way and so I decided well I'm not going to not make up because you won't show it I'm gonna draw and make the world my campus and I'm gonna lose any drawing tool that I can get my hand I'm gonna drive I'm gonna drive the sheriff just give me a pen and I'll make something [Music] [Applause] [Music] you follow the Panda you allow it to you allow it to go wherever it needs to go wherever it wants to take you you are willing passenger [Music] and now you repeat that and you repeat that and you repeat that and repeat that but over time you get to extract what you look like over time you get to extract what your line feels like something that it recognizably yours we have this contact between our head and our pan it doesn't matter what industry you're in it comes down to drawing it comes down to that initial mark that you make and without this pen I wouldn't have traveled I wouldn't have collaborated this tool has allowed me to discover who I am [Music]", metadata={'source': 'vWYyZMH_QjA'})]
[Document(page_content='I\'m in Brooklyn today I\'m in front of Odd Felows ice cream shop. I know what you\'re thinking, why is he in front of an ice\ncream shop it\'s a meat show? Well I got an email from Sam Mason who is the ice cream\nwizard that runs this place and he said, "I have\nsomething that you must try." Now he didn\'t say what it was but I know that he\'s done some peculiar things\nwith ice cream flavors. So I\'m gonna go in there\nand find out what\'s going on and hopefully we\'re gonna do an episode of The Meat Show, let\'s go in. (upbeat jazz music) How are you? I\'m very well. We\'ve done everything\nfrom the maple bacon pecan to the foie gras, we\'ve done\nchorizo caramel is a big one. And today what we\'ve done is, it\'s the fall season and\nThanksgiving is upon us so we\'ve made a honey baked ham ice cream that has chunks of\ncandied pineapple in it. It\'s like all the best\nparts of Thanksgiving. All that I remember. Why meat ice cream? I mean it\'s delicious,\nit\'s not for any reason other than I get really bored in here so sometimes I have to kind of look for inspiration in different places. I don\'t think anything\'s\nnecessarily off-limits. I have no parameters when it\ncomes to making ice cream. But that might be the\nreason I emailed you anyway. Well listen it\'s a natural fit right? Yeah I figured if I\'m gonna call somebody it\'s gonna be you. So walk us through how you\nmade a honey ham ice cream. - [Sam] So for this we take a regular ham that you can get anywhere, cube it, we sear it to try to render\noff some of that water. And then we pour pineapple juice over it and reduce that and we add honey and we caramelize the whole lot together. After the ham and brown\nsugar ice cream go together they get way beyond blended. And then we pass it through\na very fine strainer. And then that then gets frozen. You\'ve really just extracted the essence. Yeah you want it to be smooth. I don\'t think you ever want to feel a hamburger in your ice cream. And we fold in the pineapples that have been candied\nwith a little bit of clove. (upbeat jazz music) I hear ice cream coming. (laughing) Ha ha you heard it? Alright I can-- Not only did I bring you\nthis experimental batch of ice cream, I brought you the\nbacon maple pecan ice cream. Okay so this is really the one that\'s on your menu all the time? Yeah that lives a strong life here. And what\'s this? Malted maitake mushroom and then this is what we\'ve been working on. Okay now I like this, ham ice cream. - [Sam] We didn\'t know\nwhat else to call it. You can tell that it\'s\nsomething daring going on right? But then you can definitely smell that it\'s got some savory elements to it. That\'s really interesting. I\'ve got my fingers crossed. Yeah try to get some of the\npineapple and everything. I think they all kind of need to be-- I like ice cream when it\'s\nsort of just that melted. Yeah it hasn\'t been in\nthe freezer very long. Tell me the truth. Tastes like a ham sandwich. It really tastes like, I mean it actually tastes really good. I\'m glad you like it. I don\'t know if it\'s the (mumbles) though. I was expecting something much more either really subtle almost like you wouldn\'t be able to tell, or the other extreme that it would just be like rank gaminess, but it\'s actually a perfect balance of the sweetness that you get from pork\nbut also that savory, you know, that barn yardy thing you know. I don\'t necessarily think that it would play well with other flavors so you wouldn\'t probably get it in a cone with another flavor, but I think that if you\'re\nan adventurous person. I was fully expecting to be like are you out of your\nmind, this is terrible, but it\'s actually really good-- I was as well. So obviously combining savory and sweet it\'s kind of a modern', metadata={'source': 'Lz7dya576HY'}), Document(page_content="approach to ice cream right? But even within that context we're talking about using like herbs and vegetables but meat is like pretty extreme. That's about as far as you can go. You're right, as far as you could go away from being dessert. And ice cream and meat might be on opposite ends of the spectrum. So do you think you're gonna put this on? At this point I can modify it so, I'm gonna lighten it up a little bit. I'm gonna take it down one notch. I could see it being a little more subtle. I can see it being more subtle for civilians but this is exactly what I want when I'm eating ham ice cream. Should I try the bacon first of the-- You know I think this is your,\nyou're driving the train. It's malt, peanut, maitake. Malt? Oh I'm a sucker\nfor malt, I love malt. So the maitake mushrooms are cooked in vanilla, burnt cinnamon and sugar for hours and hours and hours. The mushroom gives it\na certain umami kind of a, just rounds out, but it's not, it's a sweet ice cream, it's not savory. It's got almost like a\nliqueur flavor to though. It really takes on much more of the flavors of the\nspices but the texture is really nice, it's kind of chewy. Maple bacon pecan. This is a very classic. It's a bacon ice cream, fat-washed bacon. And then we candy cooked\nbacon with pecans. That's intense but the\nfinish is absolutely, I mean I like the up\nfront, you get hit with that smoke up front,\nyou get that saltiness but then that caramel that creamy vanillary smoothness comes off. - [Sam] Can start to\nmask some of that stuff. Yeah it's really, this is really nice. That's more polarizing,\nthat tastes like ham. No these are delicious. So these are available all winter long? All winter long. Alright thank you very much for watching. We'll see you on the next\nepisode of The Meat Show. Probably won't be from an ice cream shop, but we'll see you on the next episode.", metadata={'source': 'Lz7dya576HY'})]
[Document(page_content="okay thank you all for coming I'm soft obviously a very disappointing weekend you know I I fully understand all the whatever those differing thoughts and opinions might be and and you know we've got ourselves in a situation where we have a big big job ahead and absolutely doing everything we can to prepare our team for the next game I mean that's that's what's looming in front of us and and so are our coaches right now the focus on our team being with our groups focusing on real things that can help them as I mentioned before and then continuing to recruit you know so that's that's kind of our job description anyway and everything you want in coaching right now is right out there in front of you as far as all the parts and so that's what we absolutely have to do is put a plan together have a good good start to the week today as we begin with our team later this afternoon and and and get ready to go that's actually the one part that is remains constant in in our life of how we approach it they the players need our support and and coaching with every bit of passion and preparation that we can have and that's where we have to go with it you know if you want a quick summary of the last game all you have to do is look at the rushing statistics and the explosive place I mean that most things kind of tell the story and that our injury situation we've we've kind of reached a a point with luke gifford where it was decided that the best thing for him would be to have surgery this week and begin his process of getting ready better for the for his next go-around in the future so that's what will happen with Luke Conard young hurt his ankle had a high ankle sprain will be out for the game Tanner Lee is in the concussion protocol at this time so as you know that's a process that we go through day to day and and that's where it is and and Eric Lee has remained in that concussion protocol Connor Keter is possible this week and we'll just see how his back gets to feeling as the week goes on Jalen Bradley should be more ready to go I think he was pretty close for the game probably could have played in the game but he should be ready to go Mick Stoltenberg has had a little bit of a knee problem but we anticipate him being ok Chris Webber has had that neck and came in and out of the game a little bit but he should be ready to go Dedrick young has had a lower back issue and we're hoping that he's going to be ready to go as we get going I think you all know Penn State has a very good football team all around with a great runner the very versatile I really like the quarterback I think he's a great fit for what they do and their defenses physical lots of movement it's a it's a good defense so we'll have our work cut out for us for sure and from there I'll open it up and earthing as part of reps and is there a cut-off point in a week where you say yeah you know I think that you know with with the protocol that you go through there won't even be early on in the in the in the sequencing he won't get any reps so obviously he's played a lot and a decision about him can be made later when cleared and if in time but at the same time we are today practicing Patrick O'Brien as if he's going to start and that's that really fits because Tanner won't be able to do anything anyway yeah Andrew bunch will step in and be the number two quarterback I don't rule them in or out right now Stevie's in that protocol you know how that goes that's a day-to-day thing that only the medical people will come back and say if and when he's cleared in time to play and the timeline on it I don't know yeah I was proud of Patrick actually you know it's first significant time and you know it's a horrible time to have to play in a game where you're just passing almost all the time and they're teeing off with blitzes and rushes and so we get too much pressure and but I thought he hung in there made some beautiful throws and appeared to", metadata={'source': 'VJlSq6h0LNg'}), Document(page_content="get too much pressure and but I thought he hung in there made some beautiful throws and appeared to have a lot of poise as he played so I was impressed with that you know I think everybody can see he's got a big-time arm and can make some of those big throws actually showed good mobility getting out of the pocket got a first down or two and made some plays so I was I was I was proud of him in that way yeah guy kind of fell on his head you know first half it was right in before halftime well that's been a it the injury situation is you know it it's kind of football Sam you know and and I think what yeah I don't want to make too much of it but because it's all individual we're all disappointed when guys get hurt it's it's it's it's it's hard and it's it's hard on the team and it becomes amplified when you talk about losses you know and what that looks like and you know knowing as a coach you need every available person that you can to help win a game but at the same time in different circumstances it would probably appear I don't know somewhat normal I suppose in some of these I mentioned are kind of postgame things that guys go in for mix got that knee historically right so it was aggravated a little bit he I think he's going to be alright dead Rix had a bad back for a while but he's played and he'll probably play again Chris Webber's had the stinger he you know so I just mentioned them because they're getting treatment there you know you might see them with a few some guys with a few less terms and wonder what's going on so I just bring them up Aaron Aaron I meant to write that down here and I think we'll practice today and if everything goes well through the week you know his his deal is what happens on the first contact and so we'll try to help him with that when we get into full gear later on and see how he responds if he responds favorably that will be good the events were talking about geography what happened what did you guys see why did Saturday you know I think there are two things in general you know we we one of them for sure was we missed some place right I mean we we had opportunities to sometimes make a tackle and didn't complete the tackle and and then on some of them we were we were committed with a lot of people to stop short yardage for instance one guy misses the tackle there's nothing there wasn't much left as you saw and that that was you know so you you got to make plays and and that that was part of it and the other part of it you know we got beat on to speed options and it was basically about getting reached you know so when you are when you have a certain responsibility and the guys blocking you you've got to stay on the right edge otherwise there's going to be a perimeter play that you're susceptible to so you know the part of it is both parts are technical one of them is defeating a block or the other ones making a play making a tackle there's a lack of effort and yeah I didn't seem like you really about that watch it fill with your you know my first thought when I get that question after a losses is you know I I don't I don't think of our team that way you know i I'd you know and maybe and I don't want to be blind to it either I I think that the way this season is gone when you open the game with a kickoff like that there might be some some fragile parts that that you know it might be more nerves than it is desire and and and I don't I can't put a tangible thing down and say this was it and like I said I just I really don't want to think of our guys is not giving the right effort I believe in that and I believe in our players and and and so my first reaction is look at the film how can we help these guys and that's my response yeah there's a lot to part the parts to the preparation of a week right that the you know that I think I think a love coach's responsibility is the enthusiasm for the preparation and that can bring about motivation and", metadata={'source': 'VJlSq6h0LNg'}), Document(page_content="responsibility is the enthusiasm for the preparation and that can bring about motivation and excitement for anybody that's learning anything even if it's a history teacher walking into a room their their engagement with what they're talking about is important to how the students are going to listen and and so I think that those are parts you know and and and then the other part is getting good real practice where you know that you get a feel for what's going to happen in the game and you build confidence through the week and and that's what's disappointing as a coach one that that all doesn't come to basically come to pass in the ball game I just hate that for everybody because I know people are working in it and you know when it's not working then you got to go back and try to say why and and and and then in the meantime you've got to maintain a deal where you know you're we're we're we're accepting responsibility nobody's playing the blame game I'm not made making excuses about it it was it's what happened and we've got to help to help the players help the team in all those parts and when I say that about all the parts in coaching that come out these are it when the times are hard and you've got a team that hasn't achieved what they had hoped to wanted to up to this point then you've got a lot to deal with first have been given with that statement late to the party or five well do you know I think that the the way you do that is those those those parts that didn't work technically you go back and and every part of it whether it's helping a guy continue you know well here we are we have some young guys playing in the game right so they're you know that there's no end to how you can help that guy for his total future in football be a better tackler you know so you keep working on tackling you keep working with guys about defeating blocks and on this play where you have to be so you just continue to coach and and you know then then you have to be real about your plan if we do this this is how this is gonna work and you have to defeat this guy so much of football comes down to one-on-one you know it's it's who's gonna win the one-on-one battle it's an open field tackle it's me and you am I gonna win by tackling you or you're gonna win by beating the tackle if it's a block if it's coverage so much of it eventually comes down to who's gonna win the one-on-one our job is to help put our players in a good position to try to do that and teach them what needs to be done that will never end right I mean that that is always a process of growth and one of the things I like most about coaching you know I wanted to let Patrick play and take some shots and I know I know I hated doing that actually but I wanted him to here we are in a situation we're in the red zone he hasn't played much who knows if he's going to play next week at that point I was just going to give him some more snaps and that I know that's not very popular I know that people don't like that that's simply why I did it however long it was and where he is now what would be seen it kind of is growth as a quarterback you know I think Patrick has had the benefit of up time being in the room and I think Patrick has really stayed the course as far as his work weight room football meeting room I think it's kind of natural growth for a kid that has redshirted and then being then come into a backup role and in a you know you know at a pretty young age to be the number two quarterback is is is pretty decent shape for a guy positioning for the future I think he's been working toward that I think that's why he was somewhat poised and confident when he went in the game and and made some plays in the game which I was like I said I was proud of him so there's no doubt he's developed there's no doubt that he's been engaged and he he is undertaking that that part of becoming a college quarterback that you have to go through to be a good one", metadata={'source': 'VJlSq6h0LNg'}), Document(page_content="that that part of becoming a college quarterback that you have to go through to be a good one yes we do we do you know and last year we use Zach Darlington and we talked about we're talking about possibilities there so you know I've kept that room small for a reason and and then at times like this I wonder why you know so Saturday I you know I I I failed to mention this when I talked about a short summary of the game but and you know in a game that turned out like that this will sound probably not very important but fourth and one at the five to tie the game up again haunts me you know and and you know I think that you look at at like I said winning on those plays of whether it's a block or whether it's beating a man or making a tackle that's what we have to do better in those situations you know with it I think that probably the the main thing about I thought Michael Decker was coming on in a good way and growing and you know the the whole continuity from the center over to the right tackle has been interesting at best this year so you know the the one thing that is I think good for the offensive line is chemistry and continuity working together and so when you lose that now I will will say this is not necessarily the last week but I think though but the week before I was proud of how Cole step back in there Cole's been a you know he's been a guard he's been a tackle he moved into Center he's been a good teammate you know and and and was always vying for a starting spot somewhere Sam so it was you know in that way we have to still be able to function and so we're we're kind of proud of how he stepped in and did and you know if we can continue to grow that thing with young guys on the right and we've also talked about playing David Neville mole somewhere you know because David David is an experienced guy that that at one time was a starting right tackle and got hurt and we like how Hymas has come along and you know there's growing pains there but it I think it's good but so we're talking about different things that might help David's in the discussion about plains summer or doing something there to help in the interior even in the interior part well you know with with with looking at that he has as you saw he's he he's a fairly mobile guy and and made some plays with this feat you know for us to transition into a running plays with the quarterback might be a little different right now for our offense but you know what he can do you know when the situation calls for it for a quarterback and it's really there's a great feel to that about when is it time to say okay enough is enough I'm gonna make something happen here or move up into the pocket to throw but maybe end up running you know those are split-second decisions that are that are that are made and they're okay you know I think that you know I would like them to then protect themselves when they go down the field and be smart about it but I certainly have never told the guy not to do that I used to call timeout and celebrate if our quarterbacks ever ran for a first down but but they have and that's okay it's time to do that you know I think it's personal you know what they see and what they can do Tanner has made a ton of place stepping up with people in his face and doing that and so it's really what they see at the time if they can't see it then running is that option you know and and frankly a more experienced guy might see more in that situation too so that's where you might see a guy like Patrick run a little bit more doesn't have that experience of seeing all the stuff necessarily that Tanner has seen you know I think it will all come down to the the preparation of the quarterback and what he knows well and if that ends up being a little smaller package that's probably smart and well obviously going to be playing a good defensive front that we're gonna have to block and execute against so less maybe more in a game", metadata={'source': 'VJlSq6h0LNg'}), Document(page_content="defensive front that we're gonna have to block and execute against so less maybe more in a game like this for our new quarterback if indeed he is our quarterback oh I think McSorely is really a versatile competitive guy makes plays feet on the run throwing I think that you know as I've watched him through the years he is he's never out you know I mean their comeback in the championship game a year ago was interesting and I thought his play was outstanding in that game so I got a lot of admiration for how he plays yeah you know I think he's definitely in that discussion I don't know enough about all the other players to say he's the best player in the country but I'd like to see better you know that I mean he's certainly in that conversation and belongs there as far as I know yeah well you know there's no doubt about it you know we we we've just come through a game of 400 rushing yards so and we're playing them back like that so we've got we've got a big job ahead of us as I mentioned earlier [Music] well I'd Steve I never anticipated the disruption in the offensive line that we've had personnel-wise you you have to be ready for it but you know so in saying that then I would say you know we're we're not anywhere offensively as far along as I'd hoped we would be you know we have to score more points you know if in the future that this this that part of it has to change you know we have to score more points and you know because the it's very interesting to look around that teams are doing well and what's their formula you know some teams are just going to score I'll score people Ohio State you know goes 49 against a good team last weekend they're just going to score and other teams are going to do their thing offensively and play good defense and win Wisconsin you know they're gonna you know in the 20s maybe and sometimes bigger than this later in the second half but there's a formula for it and but for where we are right now we're not scoring enough points well I thought we would be a balanced team with a run pass and I thought with that balance we would you know I anticipated also a balance between offense and defense in a way that you know I don't know if I could say we would be more like Wisconsin than we would like where there's probably somewhere in between there you know being realistic about where we would be both sides of the ball but I certainly I certainly anticipated a season where we would be more balanced and score better right in the stores right once again we see a lot of pressure well you know it's it's probably the the when you when you're seeing like a team lat last week that is zone read type team you know that getting a bead on different pressures can be difficult probably at time so but the the bottom line is true of what you said that's where we are statistically in those areas that can change games so it's something I think strategically we are looking at some things that we know that are missing in in a factor of winning games that's a good question um you know with that that was a goal line specific for a goal line defense then it worked well worked nicely he did a nice job you know had we if we could pull back in time and think about that on fourth and one on that deal that might have been a good call you know and I'm saying that just like you are in hindsight but that it's definitely possible but it was set up specifically for a goal line Lots elements there Shawn I think that you know that all we can do is I try not to worry about too much about the logistics of what we just did we are back here it's Monday the kids were in the training room yesterday and doing their stuff the day after the game and we're gonna practice today and meet with the team and so we have an ample week to prepare you know I try not to make a big deal about travel you know we're gonna we're gonna every Friday night we're gonna get on a bus and go to a hotel there might be a", metadata={'source': 'VJlSq6h0LNg'}), Document(page_content="gonna we're gonna every Friday night we're gonna get on a bus and go to a hotel there might be a plane right in between there but you know try to try to just minimize that part of it I don't think that has to play a big role in it and then you know we'll have we've already been through one short week we're gonna have a similar pattern of how to get ready so it's not like we won't be ready for that and you just have to do this stuff and in our state I can make excuses about it but it's it's shallow but we'll have a plan for each one of these things how we do it and get ready to win yeah and you know I'm I'm obviously like I mentioned right off the top I know everybody and when I said that players coaches fans everybody disappointed in what's going on this place has maintained their passion for their teams and Husker football for a long time and I'm certain that they will continue to do that and they should and this is a I love this team I love their approach every week we have had very few issues except for the games and I appreciate that the work that they try to do and get ready and same with the coaches and I'm positive the the fans will forever love their team we will we never discount that as we get ready for the next game we will always anticipate making a plan to win the game and in doing that we'll feel better for the weekend and then we go on to the next one yeah you got it you know I think the best way to do that Andy is to teach them and bring them in I think this is a real important time for each position coach to stay close to his group for the coordinators and the staff to have a good solid plan and and present it with some energy and enthusiasm for it and believe in it we have some veteran people that have been through a lot of different things in coaching and and so I'm not really worried about that part of it I don't I don't think we're at a point where anybody has lost faith in what's going on I think that there's a trust with the coaching staff and the team and I think that they'll come to work today I would be I have I've been it's been consistent to this point I hopefully that it will be the same today thank you guys", metadata={'source': 'VJlSq6h0LNg'})]
[Document(page_content="starting next week you may notice more Sarasota police officers on some of the area's busiest streets four of the most dangerous roadways will be heavily patrolled all thanks to a new grant to increase pedestrian and bicycle safety ABC's Evans Dewayne Lindo is live in one of those areas with more details Dwayne well guys I'm at the corner of Washington Boulevard and 10th Street it's part of a 2 mile stretch where business owners are witnessing plenty of pedestrian and bicycle accidents the Sarasota police they're looking to change all that general manager of just trucks of Florida Kristen Stone has a business sitting right on Washington Boulevard near Fruitvale Road in the more than three decades running the company she's seen countless accidents on average one a week bicycles but with a new safety campaign beginning next week Sarasota police traffic homicide investigator Jason Frank is looking for accidents to decrease by increasing patrols in the area educate pedestrians and bicyclists and how to cross the street wear it across the street why it's so important to cross the street at crosswalks instead of darting out between two vehicles that are parked the goal of the safety campaign is geared to increase awareness of pedestrian bicycle and motor vehicle safety through education and enforcement a grant provided by F dot and the University of South Florida will allow officers to conduct increased patrols at four hotbed spots for accidents Main Street in downtown Sarasota Fruitvale Road from 41 east to boniva north tamiami trail from Mount Street to University Parkway and u.s. 301 from Main Street to Myrtle a series of accidents that Frank says has a potential to get worse on these stretches of roadways if laws aren't enforced the the importance of safety is our number-one priority and over the last few years we've had an increase and minor traffic crashes as well as serious injury or fatal crashes involving pedestrians or bicyclists and from stones vantage point along u.s. 301 the initiative is a win-win it probably will help with cutting back gun accidents any other kind of crimes as well more patrols equals less crime now motorists and pedestrians can also receive written words at some point down the down the road in the campaign those written warnings can turn into traffic citations with a monetary fine reporting live in Sarasota Duane Lindo your Sun Coast News", metadata={'source': 'KLZl_sxSN_g'})]
[Document(page_content="hey Jim what's up buddy this is not funny why is my stuff in here wow that's weird ooh daughter stapler that's pretty good yeah well I'm not paying for my own stuff okay I know you did this cuz you're friends with the vending machine guy Oh Steve yeah oh no no no that's my pencil cup I don't think I think so and you're gonna hand it over to me oh well well well look what the cat dragged in from Stamford a Dwight fact I am older I am wiser do not mess with me okay sounds good what are you doing I'm gonna track him up I have a spy under my forehead oh good well you look at my forehead well not meet my eye line Jim I am stop acting like an idiot okay hey buddy and you know what I am going to zone you out for the rest of today yeah I need to stay focused and I don't have to see you tomorrow or Sunday and please don't call me and we'll see how things go on Monday one thing but tomorrow you mean Saturday right dad seriously Vanessa neck yeah that's the safest part of a car in the event of a crash driver always protects his side first what is this how did they get out I'm sorry professor Copperfield's miracle legumes I was in Jamaica and I got lost and it was getting dark this one night and then out of nowhere this guy comes with a cart and he's selling these Dwight he told me things about myself but there's no way he could have known and that's a common swindlers trick probably probably so I buy some I turned the corner I feel like an idiot so I go back to get my money he was gone so you want to sell me magic beans correction I do not want to sell you professor Copperfield's miracle legumes nice try no correction terrible try Michael and Jan definitely made out oh maybe more yes Oh also it is Thursday but Dwight thinks it's Friday so keep that calm damn was in our file I have to reboot again hey do I do you one Altoid what do you think in school we learned about this scientist who trained dogs to salivate at the sound of a bell by feeding them whenever a bell rang for the past couple weeks I've been conducting a similar experiment right okay I'll turn sure into it yes what are you doing what I don't know my mouth tastes so bad all of a sudden bah hey Dan this is Jim it is about 11:15 and I wanted to know what you were up to tomorrow which is the 15th and that is a Saturday Saturday so just let me know what you're doing tomorrow Saturday for lunch okay talk to you soon what's this looks like a red wire well that wasn't here before was a computer do I mean computers have wires yours doesn't doesn't it no it's going in a different direction than the other wires all right I'm really busy I can't talk about this anymore I got 500 feet of red wire at a flea market up I'd done more in high school 20 bucks for the whole spool crazy what a deal oh he'll be fine I made it up there Jim put those away really sorry Pamela put those out all right just out of curiosity what were the claims for those beans or legumes Dwight you're just gonna make fun of me so how would I you know what this ends now hey Jim hey how's it go oh my god did you see The Apprentice last night of course it's on every Thursday night so how could I miss it can you believe the Trump fired no that was on believe who who was it who did he fire you didn't see it no when I got drunk with my laser tag team last night crap day night hell was I thinking that's impossible it is right I mean it is impossible all right I'll take them they're probably worthless probably leave the telescope I started with a thumbtack and traded my way to a telescope but in a way the most valuable thing here wasn't the telescope at all no it was this packet of beans so I traded the telescope for it and I can I can just go buy another telescope hello this is Dwight Schrute hello hello this is Dwight hello hello yes we do have that hold on one second Jim what are you doing and how many would you like hang that up right absolutely I can get that out to you", metadata={'source': 'bqgVB6Vl-lI'}), Document(page_content="are you doing and how many would you like hang that up right absolutely I can get that out to you immediately this man is an impostor do not do business with him this is not quite true Dwight left his cell phone on his desk so naturally I paired it to my headset okay fine I'll just let it go to voicemail hello is Dwight hey is this Dwight yes it is oh my goodness you sound sexy oh hey yeah I'm working out pam pam you are not talking to Dwight right now you're talking to Jim Dwight no Pam I'm over here I'm confused disconnect that right now you give me your earpiece can't do that unsanitary ah okay you know what fine I will reprogram my phone to go to my office phone done mr. white oh and I Ford his desk phone to mine oh hello mutter good news I've married tell thaw sir such a nice woman hey it's 12:20 where the hell's joint knowing never missed a day my ass [Music]", metadata={'source': 'bqgVB6Vl-lI'})]
[Document(page_content="hi everyone so today I am here to do a super fun video and it involves the iPhone X iPhone 10 I'm really excited to do this video because as soon as you guys heard that there was gonna be a facial recognition on this phone a lot of you guys were tweeting me um you guys tweeted at Apple like me promise fun so I thought it'd be really fun to do an actual test now that I have the iPhone 10 in my hands and it's actually not mine this is my friends I'm still loyal to my 6 plus I am so excited to try this and a super nervous this is probably the hardest challenge I've ever done so yeah I'm going to slowly start doing the brows and then just transform my whole face I've also watched James Charles video I saw it last night and it inspired me to do this even more so let's not waste any time and jump right into it I'm ready to set up the face ID so get started and then okay continue starting with the brows I'm going to completely conceal it and draw a new brows in [Music] okay guys look at how high I made my brows they look nothing like my natural brow so let's see if that is enough before the iPhone see you guys it's locked right now let's test it out No it opened okay well I just got to do the rest of my eyes and then let's see if that will help [Music] okay guys look at how big my eyes are it's really exaggerated you can see my eyes looks so much bigger these are not my Asian eyes anymore so let's see I'm a fingers crossed but I'm hoping this is gonna work all right so it's locked and then here we go it opened it opened okay let's keep going guys now to the lips [Music] so guys the big dramatic eyes did not work but I am praying that these tiny little emma watson lips might change things up so here i have the phone again and ha that'll work this time okay so mad it still did not work okay maybe it's the contouring let's get to contouring I have a lot of Hope in contouring [Music] okay guys and now I have done all the contouring I wanted to do that Mariah Carey cheekbones I try to slim my jawline so if this doesn't work I'm probably gonna rip out all my hair so let's just let's just hope this is gonna work okay it's not working okay let's try it again okay okay I can't put this phone this is driving me crazy okay it opened guys um so the the last thing I'm going to do is actually I should probably try the prosthetics too but I want to try contacts and wait and see if that makes any difference so it'll be really quick change [Music] the wig is on I also put on my circle lens let's see if the size of my eyes the color and also the lower hairline is gonna make any difference let's see who knows it opened again I don't know what to do at this point I am so stressed out guys I've done everything I could you know it does not look like me at all I look like Kylie Jenner Plus Mariah Carey so I don't know what's going on I I do have one more trick up my sleeve and it is this little nose and scar wax I just want to extend my nose and my jawline and just see if it's gonna work maybe I just need to drastically change my face okay that's a good [Music] finally guys look at my nose it's so much longer I also have an extra chin so this is my last resort I don't have any other tricks so I'm hoping this is gonna work if not I I give up Apple you win so here we go I'm so scared okay let's go let's do this it did not open do this again no it just goes to two and then it stops it's not opening guys I seriously make up I don't think so I think the reason why is because the face detection it works where it reads like the depth of your face like the structure of your face more so you do have to drastically change it and yeah I'm really impressed I think I really want to get an iPhone 10 now too so let me know what you guys thought of this whole process this was really fun to try and yeah that's all I got for you guys today and until next time bye", metadata={'source': 'BWPrk9PUwQE'})]
[Document(page_content="[Music] [Music] beep-beep-beep beep-beep-beep coming through like a fax oh jeez ma TT lost a temp at 11:00 on a track I'm [\xa0__\xa0] I'm not packing our mats wrap it now wrap packing now and I'm Sammy and I'm tipsy I'm blacking out I'm just acting out what you asking now think that I'm a dictionary with the answers pal I've just been giving good vibes and following signs go to your Instagram and make sure you're following my yeah repping it fam yo respect to the man he saw the effect that I had extended a hand they used me as the weapon that youtubers try and end up disrespecting the crap what the [\xa0__\xa0] is with that bro but a makeover fam so but I can't do an expose in the pan wait that was a lie this right here with a freestyle guy no take two yeah this is the truth I'm just being an authentically me you should try to sing for you one day you do it for fun the next we doing it for fun is essential I ain't hating get your paper baby miserable millionaires competing for that trending page maybe I want attention to go show some boobies in my thumbnails for the clicks and views problem get my fancy cyberbully uy got a Twitter army but I'm lonely Betty over give me double constantly please tell me that you love me Oh tell me that you love me the algorithm loves it when you screwed up the algorithm loves it when you boot up so please be mine and I will vlog in every everyday and even if we break up we can make it fake and Channel dominate mystery me nominate it supposed to 2018 masturbation a self-proclaimed plagiarist LaBeouf ain't got [\xa0__\xa0] on this I still passed the grade ain't got paid in fact it made me rich all fashion extra bitter like sweetness flavorless y'all actin so sour you probably make a freeze like this love my life me too audited I got it Lynn I think it's time that we tossed the list of standoffish nests and got a grip like you're not with it Namie fans after your stuff up I think that you about to trip just an everyday bro being corny your lyrics leave me empty like a rice sized bond me you and the hoes in your video is for me bloated mind with facts and expose you as a phony little crate cheap unfriendly your fan me yo baby but never mes mbm pause got 11 what a lucky roll 7 got talent to France so humble we never stumble online the body strong now guru spot you on the head like that little rabbit foo-foo never heard this town from me nah that's that new new about to get that honest Aubrey Graham head sends true I just need my just pancha I mean what step backs what's there right what's that what's there [Music] you", metadata={'source': '0tO_l_Ed5Rs'})]
[Document(page_content="really uh obviously the big question is how's Justin Herbert doing and do you feel like overall the team took advantage of the by in terms of getting healthy recharging Justin's doing well his bone is healing really good I had a good week of practice last week I had a good practice yesterday and I mean a lot of the guys that was nicked up they were back and seemed like they had some fresh legs after having a couple days off and had a very enthusiastic practice yesterday and they gonna be ready to roll it's just an included in that group that were nicked up in our back I won't call it is nicked up he was beat up but he's getting close he's getting really close you know guess we'll see how the week goes on and I'll get another x-ray and see where is where he is and hopefully he's completely healed and ready to roll milk helps I promise you that is helping big-time yeah a coach same about Troy dicey right a roll and can you talked about what a influence he is as a player on and off the field and some of the players you've coached how does he compare Troy he's back he's ready to go on he is Troy's just he's a kid that loved to play football he loves competing he loves being around his teammates it's just fun fun to watch it's fun to have him around he don't take a practice off you don't take games off I mean when it's time to compete he's ready to go every single time and as a coach you can appreciate that and you wish the entire team that way you know is the kind of guys you look for when you go and recruit they just live and and die to compete you know he loves competing and he's great to have he's great to have around and he's been big-time for our defense this year and glad we still have him coming back hey coach obviously justin and Braxton brings everything to the table how does the offense kind of go about their week with the uncertainty quarterback so you know who will start other different things they try and pick up on with each quarterback well we know what would Justin the he can he can run the entire offense you know and with Braxton he's getting there you know again he didn't he didn't had a luxury going through spring ball getting all the reps and going through training camp getting all the reps you know so he he had to just get in midway through the season and say hey you go take care of this you know and I shouldn't say fair or not but I'm just unfortunate that he was thrown in it in that situation but I think in the long run it's gonna help him tremendously getting that experience in games you know as he continued growing and in continue to get better he's gonna be fine hey coach I know you said kind of later in the week is when you're gonna decide on Justin and quest it is it is maybe a couple Justin questions I don't know who knows I do I mean do you have like a you know a day that that you want to decide that by and then what are those conversations and like with Justin kind of when you're figuring out if he's if he's good enough to go or not just accent how he feels how's that shoulder feeling and that's pretty much it I mean if we can leave we leave it up to Justin able to played about three weeks ago you know but I mean that's just the kind of kid a young man that he is he's such a competitor just like Troy guy he just loved to compete and want to help his teammates out so if we left it up to him he would have played like I said three weeks ago no matter if the bone was held at night so it's just again we'll get some what we'll get another x-ray this week and see where the ball is is whereas he'll hopefully it's completely healed and he can play but time line say 359 on Saturday hey coach you know in today's day and age you know high schoolers they commit they D commit to different schools any talk with Braxton or maybe what he's going through after you know first committing to Arizona and now you know obviously committee and playing for organ now he's a", metadata={'source': '-JVITToppE0'}), Document(page_content="first committing to Arizona and now you know obviously committee and playing for organ now he's a chance to step in as a true freshman and play against the Wildcats any idea what that thought process might be like for him no we haven't even talked about that you know that we haven't brought that up since that happened back in February whenever it happened back then I hadn't talked about that at all you know Brice and I just talked about him and his development and just continue to try to get better each and every week and don't worry about the naysayers or whatever I also um shared a story with him about the quarterback I had at South Florida you know I'm his freshman I put him in his first to pass it was interception and everyone said the kids suck and knowing he couldn't play it was amazing how he's a hero you know so I shared that story with him and just telling me just can't get caught up in that you understand where you're at and you got to continue to develop and let him know that we believe in them and that's why we want him here we know what he's capable of doing and know that he will continue to improve and he's gonna be fine Willie another quarterback question this one about Khalil Tate though you guys have faced a lot of dynamic quarterbacks like season yeah nothing like him do you have to do anything extra special this week I know there's other pieces of the puzzle with their offense but he's a pretty big piece of that is there anything extra you guys kind of have to do this week to make sure you can contain him on Saturday pray oh he's he's I mean no one stopped it yet this year he's a heck of a talent big-time football player and he's really good with the ball in his hand you know but defensively we just we got to be disciplined you know we got to be disciplined and make sure you do a good job of wrapping up and getting everybody to the ball guys got a run to the ball and are the most important thing we got to be like we got to get lined up you know you see a lot of the plays big plays they make defenses are a line right part of it we call the tempo and they're not getting set up I don't think you can complicate things trying to defend I think that'd get you to when you actually got to do too much in and then they don't do anything right you know but I will say this we got to be really good at tackling something we focus on a lot during the bye week we got to do a great job of tackling it make sure we're gonna know where he's at he's got a good good job of getting to him and and tackling I mean he's a good football player along with their backs their backs are pretty good players too and and they have some receivers that can make play it's a dynamic offense and how they challenge is you know but if we're we're on top of our game and you know play with a lot of emotion and passion and discipline and we have a chance Willie Tate didn't start to begin the season have you ever been in that position where you had a guy on your team and maybe didn't know what he could do until you saw him under the lights not at quarterback position probably no position was not the quarterback position I got to think that they knew what he can do you know they probably just didn't necessarily think he was ready yet you know and I always say the spot like the strange thing to some people some people show up and show out and some people go hi you know these kids show up and show out under the spotlight and and I mean they have a couple of talented back Corte bastard even the guy before I was telling he wasn't taped but he's pretty good athlete so gonna be honest with you you really don't know what you have until you throw them out during the game you know you can kind of assume and practice but yeah you don't know until you get out I'm in front of 5060 thousand people and see what they're capable of doing we all know about what he can do on the ground but what's his skills passing like", metadata={'source': '-JVITToppE0'}), Document(page_content="capable of doing we all know about what he can do on the ground but what's his skills passing like what have you evaluated him as a passer um he he's completely some passes you know he's completed a couple down the field he throws some screen passes and some hitches and some deep balls I think he's pretty good at what they asked him to do you know they don't ask me to throw it 20 30 times a game you know the way they run the football they don't have to his kind of his option football you know so long but when they do ask me to throw he's he's pretty effective with that as well hey coach he talked about it being in two games he's and how the guys embraced that mentality you know maybe forgetting about the FIR past 10 and now looking forward to just these two games at home maybe good you know like I said we had a very energetic practice yesterday in we talked about enjoying these last two weeks with with the seniors I know and telling seniors to enjoy it as well because they're gonna miss it you know there's their last to opportunity to play an awesome Stadium you know something they all dreamed up coming in here just playing and trying to make it their best two games they're ever played in Austin Stadium you know and the games before before this is nothing you can do about those but put up a high end and play these last two and like I said earlier we have a lot to play for and that's credit to our players of putting our football team in a situation where this time of year you still playing for something you know and that was the work that they put in early in the year you know and even though we had some bumps along the way ting still got a chance to do something so excited about it a great opportunity great challenge and head it was and I think they look forward to taking advantage of those opportunities yeah coach had a rare opportunity Saturday night to see your next two opponents were you able to watch that game and live and if so what did you take from that we encouraged by Oregon State running the ball as well as they did against Arizona I didn't I was with my kids I had a rare opportunity to spend time with them and enjoy them and it was great we went to the Globetrotter game and my two-year-old now has a ball and she's trying to spin it on her finger now but I spend time with them this this weekend and on Saturday so I watched I did watch him yesterday and and took this morning you notice him but didn't watch him Saturday I was watching Morgan and Jackson and not much will wheels old enough he don't spin it's my time with that kind of do his own thing now like can I get a DAP or something you know give me a hug or anything but um it was a joy spending time with Morgan she is a fireplug for sure which team really didn't watch didn't pay too much attention to or extend what they were trying to do anything it was more focusing on Arizona what they're doing it both on both sides of the ball and special teams and and what we can do to to try to um exploit some of their their weaknesses you know so focus more on them and come next week we'll focus a lot on on Oregon State you know they didn't do some good things especially second half or if they did you know running the football they started to run with some power and went down hill on them and did some good things Collins schooler seems to just make the plays that needed to be made for Arizona what's your impressions of him and just overall impressions of Arizona's defense he's he's a really good football player I like him he's he's he's a football player he's one of those kids you might look at him and like oh I don't know this kid can play ball you turn to families he's a football he's like his brother tough and just love to play the game and then you look at their team they're your ongoing defense they look a lot of young guys playing for him right now and they play hard they do some things to try to disrupt what you're", metadata={'source': '-JVITToppE0'}), Document(page_content="guys playing for him right now and they play hard they do some things to try to disrupt what you're doing up front and you're blocking schemes you know but they play really hard and they're young and they they'll give up some things but they also get something in return because they aggressive they are so they've do a great job by intercepting the ball you see that but like I said they give up some things and they get some things back so we got to be on our a game of running in throwing the ball it been two weeks I know you guys have a lot of questions will ya you're already asked about brass but obviously when you were hired you had to scramble and put together a recruiting class several of those guys work committed Arizona what's kind of a relationship like with Rich Rodriguez after that kind of was like before that you know see each other hello how you doing coach and that's pretty much it you know I don't think well at least I know what me I don't know what other coach I don't think you take it too personal is is what it is I mean we all understand what we're cruising this and got to do it to the end and you never know what's gonna happen you know these kids have choices and they have the right to do whatever they decide to do and and don't necessarily like it at times but it is what it is so you have to be prepared for everything but I don't think there's any animosity or anything like that you know I respect him and I would say he respect me", metadata={'source': '-JVITToppE0'})]
[Document(page_content="mr. bill McGee's parking-lot chronicles once again episode three we got clay Thompson the legendary 40 and their special gifts for you guys to send some inspiration your way let's get it started here with a future legend klay Thompson I got a question clay how do you feel about turn to clay in the press they turn to clay again oh man china clay well I mean I was happy just came off my second NBA championship you know and I was over this having a good time and I didn't know everything would go viral as it did I forgot the internet was so worldwide you know it is undefeated but I think people saw the other side of me that they don't see on the court did I see my face you see always show emotion but I was just having a great time in China no you have fun too absolutely and the Chinese people love that they love it efore T how's it feel just being a legend in the bay like everyone knows you your a stapl if you comes if you come to Oakland you got to say what's up to you 40 I came with a game with a da you know and just kept working hard you know if you keep throwing things at the wall eventually I'll stick you know I've been getting my justice do later on it later age but through all my whole career I've been solid not salad kept it one never tell them that you make beast oh oh yeah I do produce you know I'll know where I heard him on the way to China you know everyone was asleep tell them the turn boy see news story 14 hours in the flight I'm looking around the plane he claims he has a DD I seen a full effect he's standing he can't sit down for it and me and him I was up for 8 hours like hey clay check this beat up check this beat out for 8 hours like a lot of good ones a lot of bad ones Wow a lot of good ones let believe you're not an artist oh so am i art it's just in a different way you know you see me shoot the ball I asked art I'll do that I'll be back again in so long here I'm saying especially you got a lute li anything you want to tell the people about what you got going we are 30 years in this thing man I got young talent and after Pharoah on VP Lee we can go on and on for every we just grateful to still be here and still put out great music and we let away as we love our soil we Northern California all day man stay tuned we hear what my guy art with an amazing story I'm gonna let him go ahead and tell y'all his story and his foundation and just what he's doing in the community randomly a young man a stranger ran up shot me took my wallet took $20 out of my wallet and ran off I woke up from a coma about a month later on Christmas Eve pretty much to learn that I would never walk never talk again well here I am speaking with tutorial and you know my goal is to get back on my feet to walk again I do walk with the robotic exoskeleton suit yeah you know song I'm not giving up on that dream you know we got clay to come on getting a wheelchair before I play some ball so we got to get you in a sauna player definite know me man when I started joining three of them what is their foundation about so what my foundation is about is to spread spinal cord injury awareness to stop senseless gun violence going on but also to help you know spread a adaptive sports like wheelchair basketball and get young youth that are disabled to meet their favorite athletes or their favorite entertainers or what nothing to get that awareness out there and I got this wristband and I'm in the middle of the room broke it when when KD first came out here I gave him one of the year you know it just really means a lot because a mentor of mine he came in after when I woke up out of a coma with the same specialized wristband that said life goes on to put it on me and you know I I never took it off and it's something that keeps me going so just to put that message out I've been and I could be applied to anything you know mr. bill McGee's parking lot Chronicles thanks for watching check me out on Katie's channel", metadata={'source': 'w0XYVssCKjw'}), Document(page_content="know mr. bill McGee's parking lot Chronicles thanks for watching check me out on Katie's channel and hey you", metadata={'source': 'w0XYVssCKjw'})]
[Document(page_content="which one's better I think I need to see them on well hallo everyone it's me Christine again and welcome to another episode of win exciting game show where we dip a bunch of random objects into nail-polish floating on water and see if there's a lot of marble we're gonna need a contestant aren't we who do I gotta pay today to play with me man wait you want to come play a game with me no okay fine Jen if we can't have been then we gonna have Jen come on let's go to start painting my nails thank you for coming Jen and for today's contestant we have she was the result of an unplanned pregnancy that's not sure you were she was once expelled from school for bullying no she was 12 ended suspended she was colored all over my Sailor Moon coloring book when we were children that I did do I still hate you for that my sister Jen why don't you tell us a little bit about yourself Jen well I grew up in Richmond Hill Ontario Canada right sorry haha shut up because now we have a word from our sponsors today's episode is sponsored by fast fee best fiends is a free puzzle adventure game where he builds a team of tiny heroes to defeat the slugs all you have to do is match same colored object Howie I grow you so much make you big and strong big and strong and guess what this month best fiends is having their biggest update ever adding over 150 level whoa what I'm on level a hundred and forty eight you obviously have too much time on your hands you're a slug who needs best friends when you have best beans right Jen it's good to have real person human contact no incorrect bonus if you download today you'll get five dollars worth of golden diamonds for free just make sure you click the link down below in the video description box alright well that was fun and money now don't you want to hear what the grand prize you're playing for is Jen it's a bag of Halloween candy there's no actual bag here YouTube is fake okay how about if you beat me then you get all the ad revenue that's a verbal contract right there well then you better just agree [\xa0__\xa0] I'm the older sister okay then I act like it all right everyone now it's time to play but first we're gonna need some water in these bins all right audience everyone can we get a round of applause come on you gotta get here great whoa so can I start pouring [\xa0__\xa0] in Jenna oh my god the first item we're gonna water marble Jen's gonna love this one our shot glasses because I enable your drinking problem it's mine isn't ready neither is mine why not Oh No I'm not a witch it's like skimming the pool see Wow oh-ho that is magic look at that look at that see isn't this exciting spending time with me know who do you think wins me I think mine I was like a cooler straight vote for me otherwise I'll come after you you heard me [Music] the next item we're gonna water marble is a phone case whoop competition's heating up better put my hair up oh I need to protect my nails because I don't know if you notice but I did nail art Jen look at my nails look at them you know it's weird that everyone was asking for you to come back on my channel someone actually said that you were their favorite person on my channel well I'm not surprised at all I'm wasting so much nail polish well if you never use it anymore anyways [Music] okay ready watch and learn look ma no hands and you go and then and then somehow who wants to buy it only $12.99 that's a pretty sick profit margin well you know I like to make money that's why I hang out with you everybody vote I win right [Music] Sylar tried to attack me in my sleep last night at least you listen to directions jag clean the next item we're gonna water marvel is something I relate to very much a dirty potato they always say my contour looks like a dirty potato that's the joke you don't watch any of my [\xa0__\xa0] videos I'm gonna make my potato Hollow so I can make it more beautiful are we gonna eat these after yeah this is dinner I thought I", metadata={'source': '0PpNlNJ6Nng'}), Document(page_content="Hollow so I can make it more beautiful are we gonna eat these after yeah this is dinner I thought I would make it okay I think I won this one again this will make for a great paper mine wins because of the bright vibrant colors on a potato and it just looks better can't wait to take all the ad revenue from this channel no just from this video it's probably gonna be demonetised so yeah sure you can have it [\xa0__\xa0] my hands are water my baby sue there is 25 years ago this is littering what we were doing together Oh yours looks like the eighties like Saved by the Bell are you not using the stick at all what's wrong look ready watch and learn oh my god look I'm doing it oh my god guys oh [\xa0__\xa0] I think mine looks better I think that when I get point that's what you get when you [\xa0__\xa0] whistling honestly getting high I think I want to have a good time bad she's got no water marble is a beautiful snapback we look like twins remember this one's got to be a wide water marble because you got a big hat for your big head literally gonna say the same thing stop stealing my [\xa0__\xa0] joke it'd be terrible if you were youtuber because we'd probably come up with the same stupid [\xa0__\xa0] and then we post it on the same day and then everyone would be like you copy always in my head I'm not always there when you call it sometimes and I gave you I'm doing my own marbling watch this oh that's how you were fertilized ready ready oh that's so cool it's really good right oh my god like this video oh no I clearly when I clearly know Jenny I win I win there's no debate here did a third party vote bad you gone he dipped and left if everyone else agrees I win then I think they do they just all agree no they do yes they do else that cancel your channel and give it a gentlemen are you ready for the next item no what is it I'm getting hungry hockey sticks because we're Canadian [Music] yeah okay we both have to restart why because I don't really mind that I'm wasting all of this because this one's Kylie Jenner's balls Jen do you not know how to differ your Lily dipping I think mine wins I like the colours so much you can't just say that because you chose the color so you're by I think you missed the point of this no yours is not Canadian is a murder scene it's red white and Hollow I'm so high right now the fumes I can't even breathe like it is going here I went no I win I win i way i wouldn't want to see you're the most difficult congesting I find shakes out of six I have something really special for you a bra for me I had a training bra from you that looks like a minnow Kandra it's the powerhouse of the cell okay you make me do like [\xa0__\xa0] yeah that's my fault I like my bra better oh my god no like come on come on you cannot even contest how much better my looks Jenner's looks a little small it she was born like that knowing that Chi Minh's better coverage on christine's I think we need to give her ding ding ding ding dinging and the host yes you are you can leave we're gonna water marble let's Starbucks cup you put like no effort into that look it's an S okay that's actually right you're like you put know everything in there here have a drink hey that's pretty cool mine's better no there's an S on it for Starbuck they're stupid who wins mine's an Astra Starbuck mine has more lines and creativity definitely Jen's yeah such - sir stop laughing at me you're not gonna be so giggly when you get water marble whoa you know what she's saying she's saying hallo I don't control your children one oh my god hey man whose baby's better which one is more unfit to be a mother we need a tiebreaker and then we can oh my god I just get held myself I mean after you I think we both lose a point for this all right and that wraps up well what is it about function and the scoreboard says this we'd all like to thank you for coming out today and playing Jen you're right certainly like a big waste of time look at my hands don't worry", metadata={'source': '0PpNlNJ6Nng'}), Document(page_content="today and playing Jen you're right certainly like a big waste of time look at my hands don't worry it'll wash off the floor come on tell people to subscribe don't forget to subscribe too what's your channels name again don't forget to subscribe to my channel why don't you let me know in the comments who else you'd like to see you on will atwater Marvel because I'm not inviting her back again yay yay cuz I won I'm a winner yeah we can't have that up initial thanks so much for watching and we'll see y'all at a bar pretty much [Music]", metadata={'source': '0PpNlNJ6Nng'})]
[Document(page_content='Wait, are there any other girls? (upbeat music) Hey guys! Welcome back to our channel. Shawn Johnson official. I\'m Shawn. I\'m Andrew. We\'re married. Today we are doing something\nthat I have been dreading. (laughs) We are going to Google\nourselves, and see what comes up. Oh boy! But before we do it, make sure you press the subscribe button, comment down below.\nPress the like button. Turn on notifications. Do it all.\nThank you, thank you. Yes, we love you guys. Who wants to go first? You. Guys, so I saw the Liza\nKoshy Google Myself video, and I was like, "Shawn,\nwe have to do that." Wait, okay, I think the\nfirst one we google Andrew. Then we google me, then\nwe google you and me. Okay, okay, I\'m down for that. Okay, what comes up here? I\'m a little nervous, I\'m not gonna lie. Google Images: Andrew East. I\'d be surprised is\nanything came up, really. (laughing) Hey, looking pretty good, alright. You look kinda like you\ndon\'t wanna be there. Well, I was tryna... It\'s like football, so you\nkinda gotta act, tough. How about this one? Hey bro, I\'m so tough. What\'s up man, what\'s up? Thick neck. I used to do that for every\nsingle football picture. You\'re such a dork. What are you thinking right now? Oh shoot, I don\'t wanna be\nhere, I don\'t wanna be here. (laughing) Kansas City was a rough time for me. How about this one? That\'s actually impressive. That\'s a pretty cool picture. How\'d that happen? Remember I did a front roll? What? I\'ll put that clip in. That was awesome. (upbeat music) (mumbling) Yeah. Obviously, that\'s what\nthis whole thing is about. What is this? That was... I had dark hair, I like it. Wait, question of the\nday because I\'ve been thinking about this. Do you guys like my\nhair darker or lighter? That\'s a question? Yeah. I like it darker. I know you do, you want my hair black. I always liked brunettes,\nbut I married a blonde. Let\'s see what\'s googled about you. Andrew East. Chiefs is the first thing that came up. Chiefs, NFL, age, Vanderbilt,\nwedding, education. Everyone knows about your education. Andrew East and Jordan Rodgers. Huh, I\'m surprised. Wow, Jordan! For those of you who don\'t know, Jordan Rodgers who won The\nBachelorette I think season 23. Also I feel weird saying\nhe won The Bachelorette. Just cause that whole\nconcept is weird to me. But we played together at Vanderbilt. Pretty good friends. Is there a picture of you two together? Okay, it\'s got articles. We going articles now? Andrew East\nOh boy. Wait, girlfriend? Easy. Look at the flow. Guys, should I bring that back? No.\nI\'m debating it. No\nIt\'s like halfway there. Dork picture. They make you do the, they make you. Dork. Okay, first thing that pops up. Wow, my People article. Your People article? Okay, poorly phrased, admit it. Your People article? Who is Andrew? Wait, click on this. Who is Andrew East dating? When did this come out? 26? Age 26 and his zodiac sign is Virgo.\nI\'m a Virgo. Guys I\'m not gonna lie, I\'m\nnot big into zodiac signs. Relationships: One total. You got three thumbs\nup, how many do I have? What are the thumbs up? Do I have any? No thumbs up! Hit the thumbs up button. Oh and they slapped me\nwith the married tag. Do you see that? So? What? Is that bad? Go to your Wikipedia. Wait, do you edit your own Wikipedia? No. Wow, look at my professional NFL career. Geez. That\'s pretty impressive. That\'s so many teams in three years. Married to Olympic gymnastics\nchampion Shawn Johnson. Wow, this is it? Nobody\'s got any deets on me? Kinda boring babe. That was a pretty boring Wikipedia page, I\'m not gonna lie. How much is Andrew East worth? Yes! What do we have? Affair, married, wife. Wow, we chill with this already? Was your mom a basketball player? "Since having players in\nhis family background made "him to think of\nestablishing his football", wait, "his career in football itself." Did that sentence make any sense? No, but wait, later your', metadata={'source': 'STI2fI7sKMo'}), Document(page_content='parents got a divorce. "And he was brought up by his older sister "taking special care of him." Whoa. Okay, he doesn\'t have an older sister. His parents are definitely\nhappily married. Wait, was your mom a basketball player? Pretty sure she was not. No but there was another\narticle that said that. Also we got some really\nsketchy ads over here that we\'re probably\ngonna need to blur out. Okay, but all this personal stuff is. Wow, my net worth is five mil? Alright baby, you\'re doing good! Yeah! That\'s right babe, good job. I can assure you, it\'s much more. I\'m kidding. Eye color? Blue? Not even close guys. Verify. You tell me. What colors is my eyes? Not blue. "East is not interested in\nstudying his academic study "rather, he used to practice\nfootball from the early time. "Andrew was even planning\nto study business during his "graduation but he quit his education." This is not true. I graduated from high school and college. I graduated twice. And grad school. These people did not do their research. They got our wedding date right. We didn\'t date early 2010\'s. But we did start dating then. "His wife Shawn Johnson is\nalso record holder athlete." "He never involved in extramarital affair "besides his wife." That doesn\'t make sense. Okay, but guys, the funny thing is, I am a very sincere and faithful person. "Even he is planning to get his own futsal "to young kids who are\naddicted to playing football." This is crazy! "Therefore, his current net\nworth is nine million dollars." Not five. Told you guys! And my net worth last year is\nfive million which is funny because I just saw an article. Go back to that how much I\'m not worth. They said you weren\'t worth anything. Yes. Okay. "It has been a somewhat\ntumultuous year for me and Andrew" Not true. We struggled through our\nfirst year of marriage With conflicting schedules, stressed to be able to see one another. "Times have been tough\nfor the duo who have "an unwavering love" which is true. "Money was short and opportunities\nwere hard to come by." My net worth says I.... "Is not known considering\nhow difficult it has been "for him and Johnson to get on their feet, "it might not be substantial." So we have not substantial\nall they way to nine million. This just shows you the\npower of the internet. So many different voices. And it says, "these two\ntalented athletes work," It\'s fake news! and money is sure to come" It\'s all fake news. The nine million and the not substantial. All fake news. This is all ridiculous. Okay, your turn. Your turn, you ready for this? I\'m just going go ahead and do it. Google Images first, gotta\ngo in the same order. Okay, I\'m excited. Are you nervous? Mm-hmm. Shawn Johnson. She did take my last\nname, guys, by the way. I did. I\'m technically I\'m Shawn Johnson East. I got rid of my middle name Machel, and made Johnson the middle name. She spells her name Machel,\nM-A-C-H-E-L, which is crazy, I can\'t believe that\'s our first picture. That\'s the first one that comes up. Cute, cute, cute, gymnastics, cute. I actually like that picture. Adorable. Crotch shot. Crotch shot? Crotch shot. These are all gymnastics. I think you look amazing there. Oh I think that\'s gross. Oh I like that one. You do? Yeah. Wow, that\'s a crazy picture. That\'s wild. Look at that bootie. Bootie, bootie, bootie. Is that the first thing you look at? Fired! (laughter) When\'s the last time you googled yourself? It\'s been a long time. (mumbles) That\'s Adventure Capitalist right? That is Adventure Capitalist. If you haven\'t seen the show it\'s on CNBC, 10 PM eastern time every Tuesday night. Every Tuesday. Hey you\'re looking pretty good there. (laughter) Nice. I\'m losing my hair. It\'s actually amazing to me. All these different pictures. There\'s like a gajillion. You have so many different\nlooks that you can pull off. Yeah, I kinda look', metadata={'source': 'STI2fI7sKMo'}), Document(page_content='looks that you can pull off. Yeah, I kinda look\ndifferent in every picture. You look way different there. Not my style. Not my groove. I mean you\'re still beautiful. I\'m still your wife. Still beautiful but not my preference. Dancing with the Stars. Can we just talk about this. Go up. That is disgusting. She says that about\nevery picture of herself. Oh, here\'s baby child, awkward. Funny? That\'s cute. It\'s awkward. You know everyone goes through\nan awkward painful stage. Which picture did you and Nastia do? I\'m not gonna lie, I do\nnot like leopard print. Not my favorite. Really, zero pictures\nof you and I together. Wow, can we talk about the outfit? Who is this? That is me. Leather? That is pleather. Pretty aggressive there. Pleather. Okay, obviously you with\na bunch of gold medals around your neck. Oh boy, ex BF? (laughter) Wow, a photoshoot flexing together. I\'m not gonna lie, that\ndoesn\'t even make me mad \'cause that is -- Douchey. It\'s kind of embarrassing. (laughter) It\'s pretty bad. That\'s a good picture of us. The crew. Oh God. Yes, here we go. Okay, first of all, first picture is her and her ex boyfriend. "Andrew East is Shawn\nJohnson\'s boyfriend." That\'s not even me. That\'s not you. And then it\'s you and\nme with my head cut off. (laughter) No respect. And then it\'s you and D Huff. Hey, I love D Huff. And then I\'m probably\ngonna see some other boy. D Huff was never a boyfriend, guys. I mean, this guy\'s stealing the show. Mark Balice is on there. Shawn Johnson, body issue. (whistles) Back when I had abs. Is that an ab vein? Yeah Whoa, chill. That\'s scary. That actually scares me. That is horrifying. Uh, we need to blur some\nof these pictures out. Wow. Andrew Dean. Is that you? No. Why are all these weird pictures on here? Wait go down. What? That was me a week before the Olympics. You literally look like a doll there. You look fake and itsy bitsy. I was itsy bitsy. Shawn Johnson, first article\nthat pops up, USA Gym. Your wesbite. Guys, if you haven\'t seen that, go check it out. Go to it. It\'s pretty dope. I\'ll show it to you real quick. Oh look, with the most\ncurrent Instagram picture. We need to fix that. Very cool, okay, I\'m about\nto get scolded real quick. Oh boy, I guess it broke. It broke. I guess this is news. Guys, if you didn\'t\nknow, I just debuted on Adventure Capitalist on CNBC. However, not long after that,\nI filmed the second show, MTV The Challenge. Wait, what are the things people Google? Shawn Johnson what? Go back. Oh yeah, good call. Shawn Johnson, let\'s see what fills in. Instagram, Shawn Johnson East. Net Worth Here we go. Here we go. Six olympic stars who got\nfilthy rich after their games. Ah ha! Michael Phelps became the first hundred million dollar olympian. Are you close to that, Shawn? Are you number three on the list? I\'m number three, man. Wow, good for you. Okay, balanced and danced\nher way to an estimated nine million dollars, estimated wealth. I\'m not gonna lie, Shawn,\nI\'m a little disappointed. Your net worth is only equal to mine. I know, I know. I didn\'t even have to go to the olympics. You didn\'t even have\nto go to the olympics. That is so true. Okay, next article, come on. Okay. Alright. What else are people googling? Okay, let the record\nshow that we do have the same net worth, though. Theoretically. Well, we are married. Affair, married husband. I\'m married. Okay I\'m excited. How many children does Shawn Johnson have? No. Four feet nine, is that accurate? Shawn Johnson in any relationship affair. Okay, Shawn Johnson quiz,', metadata={'source': 'STI2fI7sKMo'}), Document(page_content="let's see if there's a quiz. How well do you know Shawn Johnson? Let's try it. Okay, let's see if you can pass. Do you love gymnastics? You do? Well then this quiz is for you. We are 25-30, that's scary. What is your age? What is Shawn's middle name? - [Both] Machel. Born in the month of-- It's Mimi, it's Mimi. Shawn's middle name is Mimi. Come on, at least get it right. No, I just wanna see-- Click on it. No. Yes. Oh look what you did, you zoomed in. Born in the month of... January. I was born in APGAR's... What the heck is APGAR? The baby test? The baby crying test? Yeah. How is that even a question? That's ridiculous. Do you know what your score is? I do. I'm gonna say 4, that's the highest score. Do you wanna know? Yeah. It was zero. I was\npronounced dead at birth. Wow. You knew that. I don't know what freaking APGAR is. Shawn walked at the age of nine months. Nine weeks, she just,\nstraight out the womb, baby. She just popped out and\nstarted strolling around. I did start walking at nine months. Hey, click on it. Shawn never, geez. When is Shawn Johnson\nDay in the state of Iowa? Do you know? Yeah. October 17th. Yeah. Is that right?\nMm-hmm. Wow.\nShawn lives where? Her email. (laughter) 95% well! Oh, you know what? It must've been the APGAR score. Oh, I was gonna say, what? Shawn, we only know you 95% of the time. Okay, we'll work on it. That was pretty fun, huh? Should we take another Shawn quiz? No, try Andrew East quiz. Maybe we should make a whole vide on the quizzes made for you. Yeah, no quiz for, oh wait, but there is Andrew East'... That was fun. The quiz was my favorite part. All I can say is anyone\nwho posts stuff is weird. Like all that stuff. Stop posting freaking crotch shots. All that stuff was pretty much wrong. Yeah, anyways, if there's\nanything you find on Google about us that you feel you need to share-- Link it down below.\nPut it down below. I'm actually interested in that. Yes, please do. But until next time,\nplease give us a thumbs up. Even if you don't like it Subscribe. Turn on the notifications. Thanks for watching, guys. Peace. (upbeat music) ♪ Oh oh what you gonna\ndo with all that cash ♪ ♪ I'm gonna, oh oh, stay\nout in an all nighter bash ♪ ♪ I'm gonna oh, oh, buy\nmyself a nice suite and tie ♪ ♪ And then I'll give my boss the finger ♪ ♪ In my private jet flyby ♪", metadata={'source': 'STI2fI7sKMo'})]
[Document(page_content="[Music] what's going on everyone we've got some pretty big news for you Tolkien fans out there so it was officially announced today that Amazon and the toki and estate and trust are developing the Lord of the Rings for the original streaming platform and they've also confirmed that the show has gotten a multi-season commitment already the show will be produced by Amazon Studios in cooperation with the Tolkien estate and trust HarperCollins the publisher and New Line Cinema which was part of Warner Brothers and they also handled all of the Peter Jackson films now the most interesting thing about this announcement is that the show will be set in middle-earth but it's not going to be a reallocation of the trilogy that we already got but rather original storylines preceding the movies so that's really cool to me because I think a lot of people were excited by the idea of a show but they were also kind of skeptical because they didn't want to just kind of reboot what we are already seen because the Peter Jackson films whatever you think about them I think that's pretty much like an untouchable property you can't really do that story again I mean in my personal pain I love the Jackson films I think that he did a great job with the Lord of the Rings story and to kind of redo that would just be a bit weird because you've got so much material to do other than that the deal also includes a potential spinoff series if this one hits out of the park so very interesting news what do you guys think about this are you now looking forward to the series that much more now that it's not going to just be rebooting the Lord of the Rings story that we saw but rather be new storylines with new characters set in the kind of middle-earth world I think that's a very interesting prospect but drop all your thoughts down in the comments below and for more updates on the Lord of the Rings TV series be sure to subscribe to hybrid Network thanks again for checking out this video if you want to get even more updates from us check out our social media platforms our website for the latest news and editorials and if you want to see our content get better donate to us on patreon and you can get exclusive rewards", metadata={'source': 'sH0Agabp3Rs'})]
[Document(page_content='- It unlocked! I can grow a mustache\nand still use my phone. - Ahhh. ♪ (ragtime music) ♪ - (FBE) So today, you are\ngoing to be reacting to... this! - What\'s this? (chuckles) - Is this the latest iPhone?\nX or something? - This is a bit bigger.\nIs it the new one? Is it the X?\n- Okay, this is what? The iPhone something.\nThe iPhone X? - Is this the iPhone X?\n- iPhone X. I hear about this phone! Too bad it costs, like,\n$12,000 or something, or I\'d like to have one.\n- (FBE) That is the iPhone X. - Oh my god.\nFire alarm, gotta go now. - (FBE) We talked about this\nonce before on the show. - We did.\n- (FBE) But now we got the real thing. How\'s it look?\n- It\'s so small. This ain\'t no 10.\nAre you serious? - I don\'t need to upgrade\nmy 6 is what I thought. (laughs) My 6 works fine. I finally\nlearned how to work it. I don\'t want to have to\nlearn all over again. - (FBE) So for the first time\never on an iPhone, there is no Home button.\nSo to go Home, you have to swipe up\nfrom the bottom of the screen to the top of the screen. Oh, no. Wrong way.\n- Whoops! - Oh! Okay, there.\n- Hit the side here, and then-- okay,\nand then there-- yeah, and then okay, it\'s--\n- (FBE) It\'s-- (chuckles) You\'re--\n- (Siri) That\'s what I thought. - (laughs) - (FBE) Obviously, one of\nthe most talked about features of the iPhone X is\nApple\'s Face ID, which allows you to unlock the phone\nby scanning your face via the facial recognition software.\n- I did hear that. - It sounds great. I don\'t know if\nit will work all the time, though. - (FBE) So if you\ngo to the Settings, we can actually set up Face ID\nand see if it recognizes your face. - Settings...\nHow do I go to Settings? Ah, there it is. Okay, I see it now.\nI just need to look. - Set up Face ID. All right. - "First, position your face\nin the camera frame. Then move your head in a circle to\nshow all the angles of your face." Okay. Uh... This little arrow\nis showing already. Oh, I see. Like this? - This is really cool.\n- Done. So I hit "Done"?\n- (FBE) So now, swipe up. See if you need a password. No password! It\nrecognized your face. - Ohhh. So that\'s how you know.\nHmm, I don\'t know. With all the zillions of faces\non this Earth, you mean this phone won\'t ever make a mistake?\n- (FBE) All right, it recognized you.\n- That is pretty cool. - It didn\'t ask me for anything.\n- (FBE) Exactly. It saw your face. - Oh, so I don\'t even have to\nposition certain things. It just automatically\nknew it was me already. - These days, I do it with my finger\nso what\'s the big difference? - (FBE) Now it\'s your face!\n- Okay. (chuckles) - So far, I like\nthe feature, you know? I didn\'t have much\nof a problem the old way, but maybe this is\na split second faster, and God knows we need the time.\n- (FBE) One of the things, if you recall from the commercial,\nis that Face ID will recognize you kind of no matter what.\nIf you put on a hat, if you grow a beard,\nany of that kind of stuff, it will still recognize your face.\n- That\'s right. \'Cause I can look very different\nif you remember what I looked like when I first started here.\n- (Johnny) Who let the dogs out? - (FBE) To test this feature,\nwe actually have some disguises for you.\n- Oh, okay. - (FBE) And we\'re gonna\nsee if it recognizes you even with the changes.\n- Okay. - Oh, how cute! I like that.\nI look like the judge from before. Yeah, it recognized me. - Okay, now it opened\nwith a hard hat. So it knows me anyway.\n- Yes, it works. It works just\nas fast. Oh my gosh. - (laughs) Oh, goodie!\nI always wanted a mustache. Oh, it did! - Not good, \'cause\nI\'m a different person, and it still let me use the phone. - It unlocked! I can grow a mustache\nand still use my phone. Wow. - Aw. It recognized me.\n(chuckles) Shucks. - Can\'t fool this baby.\nNo wonder it cost $12,000. - That would be hard, wouldn\'t it? How can it recognize me\nwith a mask on? - Ah-ha! So it won\'t\ndo a full face-- of course, there\'s\nnothing to recognize. - Mm-mm. That\'s good.', metadata={'source': 'DM-ni_LSOFE'}), Document(page_content="do a full face-- of course, there's\nnothing to recognize. - Mm-mm. That's good.\n- It didn't. It didn't. Good phone! - Ah. Voila! We got him. (laughs)\n- That is amazing technology. I think that's fantastic.\nIt would be great if you could just\nuse your face for everything. - There are emergencies in life.\nDo I have time for the phone to recognize my face\nbefore I can call 9-1-1? - (FBE) I know the one feature\nyou were very excited about is... - (gasps) Animojis!\n- I do use emojis. I don't know how this works.\n- (FBE) So if you see on the left, there's a bunch of\ndifferent possible icons. You can pick whichever Animoji\nyou wanna try to use. - This one.\n- Oh, that's what my friend was doing the other day. She must've had an iPhone--\noh my god! The unicorn is talking. (chuckles)\n- Is that a pile of poop? I like that one. (laughs)\n- (FBE) So make faces, and see if the pig matches it.\n- (laughs) Oh, (snorts). - Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha. Mm. Mm. - Ahhh! - I love that!\n- (laughs) (laughs) This is fun! - Haa! Ehh! Eh-ah! Ahh! Well, it can really\nonly open the mouth. Okay, so-- oh, no!\nIt does the eyebrows. - Now, thinking ahead,\ncan you send this as a message, a talking message? (gasps)\n- (FBE) That's what we're gonna have you do.\n- Oh my gosh! Okay. - (FBE) You can hit the little\nred button the right, and you will record a message.\n- This is the bear that you've always feared,\nthe kung fu panda! - Oh, okay. So,\nhow you like me now? - Hey, I'm a big pile of poop!\nIsn't that great? Ooh! Ooh!! And I'm stinky!\n- (in deep voice) Hi, handsome. Want a date with a poop?\n- ♪ Playa ♪ (farting)\n- (FBE) So if you tap on the message that you just sent,\nyou should be able to hear your Animoji.\n- Okay. And then? - (poop) Hi, handsome.\n- (laughs) - (chicken) Hi there.\nI was just wondering how you're doing today.\n- (laughs) - (pig) Well done.\nYou finally made the big time. - Ah. What are they doing?\nWith all the technology, they got you laughing at yourself! I don't know if\nthat's progress or not. - I think it's silly.\n(chuckles) I'm sorry. I can send just\na regular text message. It's not for me, I think. - (FBE) Finally, when you\nwere younger, obviously, no one had a cellphone.\n- Yeah. - (FBE) And now we're at the point\nwhere cellphones are cameras, people listen to music off them,\nthere are GPSes now, and now they can even\nrecognize your face. - It's Star Trek\nand all the sci-fi movies I loved back then, and Star Trek,\nand all the-- I mean, I'm waiting so I can be beamed up.\n- A lot of times, I just grab my camera,\nmy phone, and start taking pictures, and the quality is like, what?\n12 megapixels? Just as good as\nthe $5,000 camera I'm using. - (FBE) How do you think\nyou have adapted to all the different changes\nthat cellphones have gone through over the course of your lifetime?\n- I'm still a dinosaur. I still struggle.\n- I'm amazed by all of it, but no, I do not\nkeep up with all of it, 'cause I really don't need to.\n- I need it to be able to get people's\ncommunications on a dime. This is the way everyone\nis communicating to me, so I'm gonna have to be able\nto get the communication on the go. - If I didn't have\nthe loving attention of my children and grandchildren,\nI would be way behind. When I was young, I didn't even know\nwhat a cellphone was. I didn't see television till 1950,\nand look how far we've come. - Thanks for watching this\nepisode of Elders React. And thanks to Jason Smith\nfor watching last week. - If you want a shout-out\nlike Felix Jacobs, make sure to leave a comment.\n- Hey, guys. Panda Ethan here from FBE.\nThanks so much for watching this episode of Elders React.\nAnd if you're here in the first 30 minute of any\nof our new episodes going live, be sure to leave a comment.\nYou might just see it featured. Bye, guys.", metadata={'source': 'DM-ni_LSOFE'})]
[Document(page_content="one of the biggest names in musical theater the star and creator of Hamilton has plunged right into his next act it's in a place a long way from Broadway but very close to his heart as David Pegg no shows us as the creator and star of the Broadway sensation Hamilton lin-manuel Miranda is used to getting mobbed by adoring crowds but the crowds that greeted him a few days ago in Puerto Rico were different they weren't here to just applaud him they wanted to thank what's your biggest concern for this island it's still the immediate needs of the hardest hit towns it's those towns and the mountains and the hardest hit town that we're still struggling to get aid to in the aftermath of Hurricane Maria Puerto Rico is still reeling 53 days later much of the island remains without power I feel very proud to support Hispanic Federation because your money is going to lie hinton in Puerto Rico helping themselves sense the storm the 37 year old Miranda has been using his voice and his fame to sound the alarm what is expected of you as a Puerto Rican well it's it's complicated because I didn't grow up here so it's this weird mix of I will do anything to support the island but I also don't for a second pretend I know what's best for the island because I don't live here my job is to amplify the concerns of authorial it's weird because I remember when my grandfather was building this house while Miranda wasn't born here his parents were and lin-manuel spent summers as a child visiting his grandparents in Vega Alta outside San Juan my grandfather built house around the porch here as with much of the island there is little left they bought this property and the only thing that was here was a porch and and they built the house around that and now that porch is still here the porch survived has survived them and has survived this hurricane and has survived everything the day after the hurricane hit Miranda did what he does best [Music] he wrote a song almost like preyas inspired by West Side story's Maria to raise money to help the devastated Island get back on its feet [Music] he rounded up some of the world's biggest Latino stars from JLo to Rita Moreno how much money has been raised through the Hispanic Federation not even including almost like praying we've raised about just shy twenty million dollars how much money has a song alone brought in I don't know yet you know I know that we've sold over 150,000 copies on iTunes that's a dollar 29 each so that's minimum 150,000 but as he was finishing the song Miranda got caught up in a controversy on Twitter with President Trump with September 30th when the President of the United States tweeted the mayor of San Juan who was very complimentary only a few days ago has now been told by the Democrats that you must be nasty to Trump and you tweeted you're going straight to hell real Donald Trump no long lines for you someone will say right this way sir they'll clear a path any regrets no those were the only words I had on the occasion you know disasters are moments when leaders unite us you know they're no one's fault and he starts attacking people on the front lines thank you for everything you guys do last week we hopscotch the island with Miranda in Isla Verde he made sandwiches at a relief kitchen and then visited an aid distribution center in San Juan where he met with the mayor Carmen you lean crews it's a boost and it brings joy to people's hearts I also want to tell you that I'm jumping back in when he wasn't making friends he was making headlines announcing he will return in the lead role of Hamilton for a run at the University of Puerto Rico in January 2019 it's weird just yesterday the Smithsonian announced that I donated my act to costume to the Smithsonian thousands of tickets will be sold for just ten dollars though more expensive travel packages will be offered to help bring tourism back to the island let's make them crazy jealous celebrated", metadata={'source': 'c-3JxzN2u34'}), Document(page_content="will be offered to help bring tourism back to the island let's make them crazy jealous celebrated for his musical about the immigrant who became a founding father lin-manuel Miranda has found his next act and nothing but faith and the character and the resilience and brilliance of the Puerto Rican people if they're given a fair shot to come back we'll have an even better political than before", metadata={'source': 'c-3JxzN2u34'})]
[Document(page_content="( claxones sonando ) ( rugido de metro ) ( ♪♪ ) Hombre:\nDamas y caballeros. W. Como eres. J.Lo. ♪ Dos cuerpos entregados ♪ ♪ Un par de enamorados ♪ ♪ Flechados ♪ ♪ Cansados ♪ ♪ Sudor desenfrenado ♪ ♪ Cuando tú y yo\nnos juntamos ♪ - ♪ Sin piedad ♪\n- Hombre: Aquí no aguantamos. ♪ Nos damos ♪ ♪ Cuando hacemos el amor ♪ ♪ Amor, amor, amor ♪ ♪ Vuelvo a la vida ♪ ♪ Siento que vuelo ♪ ♪ Cuando hacemos el amor ♪ ♪ Amor, amor, amor ♪ ♪ Vuelvo a la vida ♪ ♪ Cuando toco tu cuerpo ♪ ♪ A la la la eh ♪ ♪ El sudor de tu piel ♪ ♪ A mí me vuelves loco\ntus besos en la piel ♪ ♪ Ahora eh ♪ ♪ Quiero tu desnudez ♪ ♪ A mí sí tú te vuelves ♪ ♪ Luego lo hacemos otra vez ♪ - ♪ Cuando se pone el babydoll ♪\n- ¡Uf! ♪ Arrasa ♪ ♪ Una copada viene\ny tumba la casa ♪ ♪ No sé qué me pasa\npero cuando me abraza ♪ ♪ Con su fuego me trastaza ♪ ♪ En el medio de la cama\nse entrega ♪ ♪ Siempre pa' delante\nsabe cómo se atreva ♪ - ♪ Y se pega ♪\n- Y se pega. ♪ Se pega ♪ ♪ Cuando hacemos el amor ♪ ♪ Amor, amor, amor ♪ ♪ Vuelvo a la vida ♪ ♪ Siento que vuelo ♪ ♪ Cuando hacemos el amor ♪ ♪ Amor, amor, amor ♪ ♪ Vuelvo a la vida ♪ ♪ Cuando toco tu cuerpo ♪ ♪ Amor toda la noche ♪ ♪ Bañados en sudor ♪ ♪ Tenemos la fortuna ♪ ♪ De perder el control ♪ ♪ Se oculta la luna ♪ ♪ Cuando sale el sol ♪ ♪ Se pierde mi blusa ♪ ♪ Y tu pantalón ♪ ♪ Suma la cama\nResta la ropa ♪ ♪ Bésame rico\nVuléveme loca ♪ ♪ Así, así, así ♪ ♪ Así, así, así ♪ ♪ Sabes a cielo\nHueles a gloria ♪ ♪ Dame la vida\nY la victoria ♪ ♪ Así, así, así\nAsí ♪ ♪ Yo quiero sentirlo lento\nTu cuerpo ♪ ♪ Moviendo así\ncomo el viento ♪ ♪ Se mezclan\nlos sentimientos ♪ ♪ Muy lento\nMuy lento ♪ ♪ Para aprovechar\nel tiempo contigo, bebé ♪ ♪ Cuando hacemos el amor ♪ ♪ Amor, amor, amor ♪ ♪ Vuelvo a la vida ♪ ♪ Siento que vuelo ♪ ♪ Cuando hacemos el amor ♪ ♪ Amor, amor, amor ♪ ♪ Vuelvo a la vida ♪ ♪ Cuando toco tu cuerpo ♪ ♪ Cuando hacemos el amor ♪ Wisin: Hay emociones\nque no puedes controlar. ♪ Vuelvo a la vida ♪ Sientes que te vuelves loca. ♪ Cuando hacemos el amor ♪ W.\nJennifer López. ♪ Vuelvo a la vida ♪ Señores, bienvenidos\nal otro nivel. ♪ Eh, eh, eh. ♪ ( motor ruge )", metadata={'source': '9t9u_yPEidY'})]
[Document(page_content="it looks like a whole lot of nothing an undeveloped area about 45 minutes west of downtown Phoenix off i-10 near Tonopah but this land is now in the hands of one of the richest men on earth I have a dream that every child in America will attend a great school one Bill Gates and his plan is a big one Belmonte partners in Arizona based real estate investment group says a firm owned by gates dropped a whopping 80 million dollars to kick-start the development of a brand-new community they're called Belmont the angle turned this blank slate roughly the size of Tempe into its own smart city driverless cars digital networks data centers you name it Bill Gates is known for innovation and those kind of things and I think he picked the right location he's coming to Arizona Ronald shot of the Arizona Technology Council says this spot while remote now is a good one in part due to the proposed I 11 freeway which would run right through Belmont and connect to Las Vegas finally Arizona is getting recognized for being a place for innovation 3800 acres will go towards office commercial and retail space 470 acres for public schools plus room for 80 thousand housing units their goal is to try to make this most positive state to do business in and advocate for the technology industries now with the exception of those details I just talked about the attorneys representing the investors are staying pretty tight-lipped they're not commenting on when construction will start or if Microsoft will be opening an office there Bianca Bono 12 News", metadata={'source': '9KIP-Ncp2jU'})]
[Document(page_content="so it's been about a week since I got my hands on the new iPhone 10 and I'm sure you've seen all the videos on it already but I wanted to share my experience with you all and let you know what I think about it so this is my experience with the iPhone 10 after using it for a week [Music] one of the first things we should talk about is this display it's a 5.8 inch OLED super retina HD display which is a first on any iPhone and what that essentially means the blacks are deep the colors are vibrant thanks to that OLED technology and it's the highest resolution on any iPhone out right now now the thing I love most about this iPhone though is its form factor the screen is bigger however the form factor of the actual body of the phone is smaller so that means it's sitting in between the iPhone 8 and the iPhone 8 plus which has a 4.7 inch and 5.5 inch display respectively now let's talk about that notch that black ship at the top houses all the new sensors in camera they're being used for the new face ID feature on this iPhone 10 now after about a week of using the phone I can barely tell that that strip is even there whether I'm watching videos or I'm scrolling through Twitter I can't tell that it's there now I got used to it although people are still complaining online about the hole notch thing I like it you may not but you'll get used to it now back tracking the face ID though I think it's awesome since there's no physical home button on this iPhone there's no touch ID you're gonna have to unlock your phone with your face so how well does it actually work well out in broad daylight it works great whether you have sunglasses whether you're in a car at night whether you're about to sleep or whether you're in a car at night it works every single time and we actually just uploaded a video on TechnoBuffalo channel whether we could trick face ID or not if you want to go ahead and watch that video I will leave the link out in the description below now in terms of build quality it's the best iPhone today it feels like I really paid a thousand dollars which is still mind-boggling how much this phone costs however I do really like the stainless steel band around the phone and the all glass back in front it's a really great phone ahold and it reminds me of the Samsung Galaxy Note 8 or the s8 just a little bit less slippery now one of the biggest things I had to adapt or learn are the new gestures now since there's no physical home button there are new ways to go home or use the multitasking feature or access control center so in order for you to go home you have to swipe up from the bottom or swipe up halfway if you want to access your multitasking cards if you want to access control center you're gonna have to swipe down from the upper right hand corner or if you want to access your notifications you're gonna have to swipe from the upper left corner so trying to learn all these new gestures is a little bit cumbersome since there's no physical home button but after a few days of using the phone I eventually got used to it moving on to the camera is just like previous iPhones it's great I think the processing algorithm the Apple uses on their cameras are really well optimized for the hardware which gives its photo a really nice crisp natural look out of the camera now apply some filters through third-party apps and you've got yourself a really nice photo to post on Instagram another cool thing about the iPhone 10 is you have portrait mode on the selfie camera as well I still think it looks a little funky but hey there's an emoji which is definitely the best feature of the iPhone 10 I mean come on this looks awesome so after using the phone for about a week I noticed that battery life is really good on the 10 it's definitely way better than iPhone 8 I used previously and it definitely lasts way longer than that at the end of the day around midnight I'd have about 25% or more battery left after", metadata={'source': 'eijd-yjXY9E'}), Document(page_content="than that at the end of the day around midnight I'd have about 25% or more battery left after using the phone heavily during a day now we'll see how long this lasts but so far it's been pretty good anyways that's been my experience with the iPhone 10 after using it for about a week let me know in the comments down below what you all think of this video let me know if you're thinking of picking one up let me know if you decided to go with another phone like this video if you liked it and yeah I'll see you all in the next one [Music]", metadata={'source': 'eijd-yjXY9E'})]
[Document(page_content="G: It's happening. G: Hi guys, my name is Grace Helbig, if you did not know, now you know. Your life is different now. Look who's here! It's Molly Burke. G: She has transplanted to Los Angeles from the lovely Toronto, Canada, and I'm so happy that you're here. Literally we're in her -- M: this is the first time- M: Time I am ever filming in this apartment, and you are here with me to do it. G: Yay, we have a really fun challenge today. We are going to be decorating cakes: blind! G: I mean you're gonna be doing that anyway. M: I decorate every cake blind and when I say I decorate every cake blind. I don't decorate cakes. M: So it really- even though I'm blind and live every day without sight. It's still going to be a challenge for me G: I have sight and this is going to be bad I've actually done this one time before with my friend Mitchell, and it did not go very well Mitchell: Okay, well my hand is in the -- the stuff. G: Oh you're using your hands? Mitchell: Are we not supposed to? G: You can, I didn't realize that would be an option I'm just trying to get the least amount. Mitchell: How, how? Mitchell: She's getting foundation on the -- she's got a lot of- her skin's bad. G: You only have to cover the top of the cake. We don't do the side. Mitchell: Wait, what're mine? G: Just the top. Mitchell: Oh, it's just the top. Then- where am I check me? G: Mouth Mitchell: So I'm good? G: Did I do a mouth? Can I move on to eyes? Mitchell: Is that enough? Mouth? G: Hey, where's my other one! G: Where's the eyes? G: Where did the cake go? G: Did I get eyes? G: Did I get- am I done? Mitchell: Am I done? G: Am I done yet? Mitchell: What am I supposed to be feeling? G: Your cheeks and lips are the same colour! Mitchell: Cheeks, cheeks. G: Am I done? Am I done? Mitchell: NO, I'M DONE! Mitchell: Come on! Mitchell: Yeah, I was done at the same time. M: I'm really interested to see what goes down here. G: I got here and Molly and her mom had already made these funfetti cakes for us to decorate, so you guys have already gone above and beyond. We have a bunch of different cake decorating apparatus. M: So many options! G: And not only did they make cakes they made funfetti cakes. M: Always the funfetti. I feel like the icing is honestly gonna be the most struggle. G: And well we have knives. That's good Okay, what have we decorated cake for each other? M: Aw... G: Cause we're sweet. M: And then we eat them. G: Oh yeah, that's my favorite part of this game. This is just all a big ruse to get the cake eating part of it. I say let's do like five minutes. M: I think it's gonna take me five minutes just to ice this. And I'm gonna put the blindfold on myself as well. Just so that nobody can be like she's sighted. G: Right. M: She cheated. G: There's all these conspiracy theorists out there that really think Molly is sighted. M: Which is hilarious. G: Go f*ck yourselves. M: Thank you, Delta. G: Oh, are these Delta- M: My delta flight is providing us with blindfolds. G: Oh my god, not advertised, not sponsored, but I mean reach out Delta. M: We're open to it. We're gonna have to open these. M: Okay, and there is a napkin if you need it. I feel like hands are gonna be really involved with the icing. G: Hands are a utensil, right? M: I hope you washed your hands, because I'm not eating that cake you haven't. G: Mom, are we set? Molly's mom: Go! M: Oh, I love with the spoon. G: Oh, and it's gonna devolve into hands immediately. I'm sorry that I'm gonna destroy your kitchen. M: Okay, there's a nice like clean new carpet below me. G: I feel like my cake is really becoming beautiful. M: I'm glad you're confident in yours. G: Yeah... M: I don't have much of it at this moment. G: If anything my hands have gone for a makeover. M: I'm not bothering icing the edges. G: We haven't got time for that. M: We have so many options for decorations, which is great. M: Oh, I had a plan for what I wanted the edges to look", metadata={'source': 'KODzih-pYlU'}), Document(page_content="options for decorations, which is great. M: Oh, I had a plan for what I wanted the edges to look like and it's gone awry already. G: I want to say I had a plan, but I didn't. M: My hands are so icing-y. G: I think this is happening. I have some concepts in my mind, but I have a feeling it's not translating correctly. Let's see where our other treats- Haha. M: Yeah gummy bears were an option. I'm not sure why M: Breaking my brand-new bowl. G: Haha. M: You know I'm left-handed. Which is what you biggest issue here. G: Like, I'm blind but my left handedness is stopping me. G: Okay, I feel like my cake is coming to an end in terms of its decorating decoration. M: I'm almost done, I'm just gonna attempt to write. G: Oh god bless. M: Which is going to be the real downfall. G: I- know that mine has not gone the way that I would have wanted it to, but art is not for interpretation. It smells amazing in here by the way. M: It smells like a lot of funfetti. M: I'm gonna say my fingers are sticky enough. G: Yeah. M: And I think that I'm done. G: Okay, I'm gonna say I'm done too. M: The reveal. *suspense music* G: Wow. Wow, yours is so pretty. M: It's supposed to say smile. I don't know if it wrote anything. G: Um, it definitely doesn't say anything. You can see the attempt to write smile. M: Okay. G: But there is a dog hair in it. M: That really is the epitome of my life. I have a guide dog his name is Gallop. He's like this big black dog. Everywhere I go he stands on my left side guiding me, all the time I just have hair all over me left side. G: You just gotta wear black pants all day. M: Not my aesthetic. G: Not my aesthetic! G: Well, speaking of Gallop, my cake is a tribute to Gallop. It was supposed to be a dog shape on here, but it's kind of like a Warshak- M: What did you make the dog shape out of? G: Every candy I could get my grubby hands on. I started to try and draw it with some cake icing, but I felt like that wasn't going well. So I tried to make a dog shape with all of the candy. It looks kind of like a butterfly. M: Did you just kind of like throw them on and then try to mold it. G: Yeah... M: Is that the technique? G: Yeah, it looks a little bit like a butterfly, a little bit like a crude penis. Maybe a little bit like the letter I, kind of. It's not good. M: Well here I have a smiley face, cause you make everybody smile and laugh. G: Aw god bless. M: And then you have such a colorful personality, so we did the colors. G: Yeah, you really nailed it. Yours looks like it's actually really well done. M: And then it was supposed to say smile. That was gonna be like the finishing touch. G: It's the thought that counts. Give us some comments down below which cake did you love, which cake did you hate, you guys gonna tell us all those things anyway. M: Would you- they're probably gonna be like I'm not gonna eat either of them because they're nasty. They had theit hands all over them. G: Oh yeah, I'd definitely pick out for like 10 minutes when I got here and then just put my hands in icing and put it on a cake, so... This was really fun. I feel a domestic af, like a domestic goddess. M: I feel like a housewife. G: If you guys haven't already go check out Molly's channel. We're doing another thing I'm terrible at. Identifying odors over on her channel, so go check that out, the link will be in description box below. But go check out all of Molly's videos. She's super sweet, really funny and just an overall breath of fresh air. M: Oh... Thank you. G: Thank you. Um. We'll see you guys next time. I don't know. How do you barely have any icing on your hands? M: Um I used the napkin that we provided. G: Oh, no. I'm just a trash monster. I went full out. M: I- I utilized this to its fullest potential. G: Yeah, I'm like what's a napkin. What does that do? I don't know.", metadata={'source': 'KODzih-pYlU'})]
[Document(page_content="- Here guys, Jonathan here. Just dropped a video on some of the best iPhone Ten accessories and today got something for\nthe Pixel Two and Pixel Two XL. It is no secret that it has probably the best smartphone camera\nin the game right now. If you disagree, let me\nknow what your pick is with the comment down below. But today if you're a Pixel fan, get excited because I\ngot a couple of gadgets that should elevate things\nand take full advantage of the amazing camera\ninside the Pixel Two. So this is a two piece case,\nslash, lens combo from Moment and how it works is you pop on the case and that then adds a layer of modularity in the sense that you can\nswap out different lenses, there's a wide angle,\na telephoto, a fisheye, and even a macro for those\nsuper-close tight shots. So the first thing that\nimmediately jumped out to me with these is build quality, presentation, are all extremely well done\nand they are built like a tank. They are freaking heavy. I'll let you in on a little secret before every Ossen Evans\nvideo, he curls these 856 times and that is a secret\nto those Atkins gains. Speaking of presentation, anything that comes in a case or a bag always makes you feel just a\nlittle extra special inside. Here we have the wide angle\nlens and I'll pop it out. They also include a lens cover\nso you're not gonna scratch that glass, which is really nice. Very well thought out. Here's the telephoto 60 millimeter lens and again same deal there, lens cap and there's just a really\nwell though out system. Now as far as installation goes, we have a marker here on the case, we have a marker here on the lens, so they make it extremely\nsimple to not screw this up. Pop it in, slide, we have\nthe Moment logo there. You can clearly see once\nyou take the lens cap off the 18 millimeter sight in there. And now it is time to test this guy out. So to give an example\nof how much this alters your field of view, I'm gonna snap a photo here, but I'm also gonna pop up the lens and show you how much\nthat alters the image. So we had that beautiful wide image, now we are much more cropped in. I'm gonna snap a photo. And take a look back at these pictures. The standard stock lens in the Pixel Two, that's a great picture. But as we swipe over\nto that wide angle shot you can see so much more in there. You see the sky, we got\nthat street going across, into the sun peeking outta the corner. It's doing a great job\nwith the highlights. You're not really losing any quality. You were just getting an\namazing looking wide shot. It's pretty incredible. Seeing that makes me want to\npop this immediately back on because we got some beautiful sun creeping through that tree. I'm gonna see if I can\ncatch that right now. We got them palm trees and if I were to take this off, there's no way we are getting that much. Yeah, that's like crowding your image. There's no way we are\ngetting that much detail. I would have to scoot\nway the hell back there. Man, can I just give the Pixel 2 some major credit right here? The sky is completely visible but we are still getting that\nbeautiful ray of sunshine blasting through those leaves, beautiful. Now on top of photos, these lenses will also work through video. So what you're watching right now is me being shot through the Pixel 2 with that wide-angle lens. It's gotta make this little bit of scenery look extra cinematic but if\nwe were to take that lens off you guys could see how\nmuch of that wide angle we are losing. I have no idea what this\nlooks like right now. I'm sure it is nowhere\nnear as cool as before. Well let me know in the comment down below what you think of the quality\nwith the lens and without. Lastly, there is one shot I want to get. Part of me really wishes\nthis light bulb was on because that would be\na freaking cool shot, but I'm still gonna try to get it anyway. I don't think I would normally", metadata={'source': '4v0nOAzcG2A'}), Document(page_content="a freaking cool shot, but I'm still gonna try to get it anyway. I don't think I would normally\nbe able to get anything close like this without the wide-angle lens so if I could just get a\nlittle bit of exposure, bring that down. Snap it and that is a\nreally impressive image. Now if I were to swipe this off, yeah that is cool but it's nowhere near that wide angle shot. It just adds a whole layer to that photo. Now quick update, initially\nI wasn't the biggest fan of needing a case to use a lens but the more and more I use it, the more it find myself liking it. One, it's not something\nyou gotta think about. You just swap it on and you're good. And two, if you've ever\nused those lens attachments that don't require a case, sometimes they don't always align properly but with this you get\nit perfect every time. So we've seen what that\nwide angle lens can do. Now it's time to check\nout that telephoto lens. We're gonna add some\nlength to this Pixel 2. Pop it on, pop the lens cap off. I think we're gonna test it out with this nice little arrangement\nof flowers right here. What I'm seeing immediately right now is some really nice\nblur in the background. It's got a super-nice roll-off. This is not in portrait mode. I'm gonna snap a photo but you\ncan see that is really nice. For reference I'm going to pop this off and we should effectively\nlose all that right now. So yeah, you can see the\nimage is nowhere near as compressed with this. We still see a little bit\nof that in the background but comparing it to this shot with a telephoto lens on, you can see we got that nice\ncircular fall off ball action. Boca, boce, whatever you want to call it, it is pretty as hell. Now to kinda take that one step further, what I'm gonna do is pop the lens back on and also check out this\nwith portrait mode enabled and see what that does. So right off the bat, that's going to crop us in\njust a little bit further. We have some nice foreground going on, we still have that ball in the background. I'm gonna take the shots, let it process and right there that is pretty impressive. So we see a little bit\nmore blur in that light in the background. But either way, with or\nwithout portrait mode, having this telephoto lens\nis a really nice addition. From there, Rich, let's flex those breads. We got Rich in frame, photo taken. One without the lens just for safety. Now we see all your legs in that shot. Take it a look back, so that\nis without the telephoto lens. It's pretty nice. - [Rich] Yeah. Oh that's really nice. - [Jonathan] Look at that!\n- Oh, got a little flair too? - Yeah, I love what it\ndoes with the background, the blur, the sun, it\nholds all those highlights. This is pretty damn cool. Ugg, I though I was gonna go to move that. I wanted to bring the flowers\nso I could catch the sun. It's not gonna happen. Oh we got a train coming! Quick, Rich.\n- Yeah? - Hit me with the stand. Hook me up. This is also a really\ngood test of how quickly you can get set up. (upbeat music) Look man, I'm like one\nof those Instagram kids. And this guy I'm\nfollowing, what's his name? It's Steve. Steve is moving it. He said get that (beeps) outta my way! - [Rich] Demonetized. - Holy crap, man, using this telephoto\nlens on video right now, like that is freaking crazy. It's like portrait mode\nall the time but in video. I'm not sure how that\neffects stabilizations, so let me know what you guys think. But just what I'm seeing right\nhere through the viewfinder is kind of crazy. Like the light behind it,\nthat is some insane footage. So with this that is gonna\nadd a complete different layer to your arsenal with the\nPixel 2 in terms of video. Now I'm not gonna lie, initially when I saw these,\nI was a little skeptical especially because of the price point. They aren't the most\ninsane things in the world but they're also not the cheapest. I guess in the grand scheme of things when you compare it to", metadata={'source': '4v0nOAzcG2A'}), Document(page_content="other camera gear out there, it kinda makes sense. The build quality, the fact\nthat it's well presented, you have a case, you have a lens cap. It all kinda makes up for that price. But more importantly the image quality. That wide angle lens was awesome, but after seeing what this did, especially for video, it\nhas definitely won me over. With that said, that has me\nsuper-excited for these to come to the iPhone Ten. I believe they're currently\navailable for the Eight and Eight Plus right now, but as we know I think the\nPixel 2 and the iPhone Ten are currently the two best in the game. Aside from that, thank you\nguys very much for watching. Hopefully you enjoyed the video. If you did, and you are\nfeeling like being awesome, make sure to go Richard's\nBread on that like button. If you missed it, we are\ncurrently giving away a brand new Xbox One X Scorpio Edition. You can check that out\nhere or in the link below. This is Jonathan and I\nwill catch you guys later.", metadata={'source': '4v0nOAzcG2A'})]
[Document(page_content="there's a butcher in this town preying on poor women the Gotham police stand twiddling their thumbs your evening attire sir that was not the suit I need Alfred I mean to rid Gotham of the Ripper he's a skilled hunter he's just getting started you're studying me you're a fascinating subject I'm not just another pretty face Bruce Wayne you are under arrest you can't imagine I'm actually the Ripper the deluxe suite I need to get out of here Gotham needs the Batman every moment puts women in danger get off the street now", metadata={'source': '6340tX9M_eM'})]
[Document(page_content='*Intro song* Hello, friends and welcome to another video. This week, I\'m going to be wearing a full face of online dollar store makeup. So I\'ve heard about this website "Shop Missa", which is an online makeup store where everything costs one dollar. From primer, to foundation, to eyeliner, it\'s all one dollar. Now they say that the reason that their costs are so low is because they have direct relationships with manufacturers. but whenever I see super low cost anything combined with the fact that it\'s online, my spidey senses tingle. Now I\'ve tried dollar store makeup pretty recently from the Japanese dollar store "Daiso" and I was pleasantly surprised by how much of the stuff ended up looking pretty good. But the lingering question that I had, and many of you had as well, is how well this very low cost makeup would perform over the course of the day, or even, let\'s say, a week. So I thought "why not do both?" Try out online dollar store makeup for a week. We\'ll see how long it lasts, and also how long my skin lasts. *Voiceover* Alright, let\'s start shopping. It looks like it actually might not be "Shop Missa", it might be "Shop Miss A". But, I think I like "Shop Missa" better, I\'m sorry. Tyler, do the song. *Tyler, offscreen* Shop Missa Yeah, see it wouldn\'t work with "Shop Miss A". *Tyler, offscreen* Shop Miss A *laughs* I\'m gonna try and replace everything in my everyday makeup routine, So like complexion, cheek, eye, and lip products. I think let\'s start with the face products, so I\'m gonna click on face and body and go down to the concealer. Looks like we\'ve got a few different things. Clean Color, Santee *Voiceover* Oooh, I remember that brand from Daiso. It looks like this brand, AOA, might be like their in-house brand and they have a lot of different colors of this "Wonder Cover" concealer. Lemme click on this one "classic ivory". Not to be like Grammar Police, but they did misspell porcelain as "procelain". So, Shop Missa, just letting you know. Classic ivory look a little bit too pink for me, but beige and light ivory both seem like colors that would work. Let\'s open up light ivory, which is the one I want. Interesting! There is a different customer review star even thought it\'s like the same product but just in a different color. Someone says "Yellow and too dark" Danielle says it\'s great though, I\'m gonna go with Danielle on this one and hope that Danielle is right. So I\'m gonna add this one to the cart and also add beige to the cart. They are both only $1 and I feel like, you know, getting two will just hopefully ensure that one of them will match. I\'m also gonna grab this color corrector in peach for my under eye bags. So let\'s grab a foundation too while we\'re at it. These look kind of exciting. Looks like anything close to my color is already sold out. So, uh, never mind. How about this thing? Oh, just kidding, those seem to be sold out too. It is available in "medium bisque", but based on the swatches, I\'m not sure that would work. That\'s what I was thinking. Clam chowder. So let\'s take a look at these ones down here. L.A. Colors Foundation It\'s got three and a half stars based on 13 reviews. Ophelia says it\'s amazing "heart" But Thalia, Brenda, and Allison do not like it. Let\'s just give it a shot. Let\'s go with this one, creamy beige, and then I\'m also gonna get "natural" as well. On the plus side, these are both in stock. But, then again, on the con side, maybe the things that people like are sold out and this is kind of what\'s left behind So why don\'t we look for some other face stuff. I would say that loose setting powder is something that\'s like pretty vital to my routine because I\'m like an oily/combo gal, so I really bake it all down. Wait, is this it? It doesn\'t look like they have any loose setting powder at all. Which is sad. How about this thing, "Kleanista Pressed Powder"? I think that people are using this as a literal foundation powder, but, it\'s', metadata={'source': '8mhTWqWlQzU'}), Document(page_content='Pressed Powder"? I think that people are using this as a literal foundation powder, but, it\'s powder, and we need to get something to set it down. So I think we should maybe just go with this. Let\'s see about some contour. Interesting, it says that it\'s on sale for $1, but originally was listed as $39. I\'m not sure I buy that, but I may buy this. 79 reviews and 4 stars--that\'s pretty promising actually. Alright, I\'m gonna add this to my cart and call that our contour product. I\'m also going to pick up a bronzer while I\'m at it. Alright, so let\'s move on to the eyes. Currently, my liquid eyeliner is like the only product that I\'m kind of like "holy grail-ish" about, so we\'ll see how this eyeliner stacks up. So I\'m looking specifically for a black, matte, liquid eyeliner. It\'s hard to tell if this right here is like a brush or just a stick because the liquid eyeliner I used from Daiso ended up looking pretty good, but it did have kind of a sharp stick at the end. Like a quill. I mean, I feel like for this, we just have to pick one and go with it. This one looks as nice as any of them, and it seems to have pretty good reviews especially from Megan. So, Megan, lead me to the light. I\'m gonna add this to the cart. And I\'m also gonna grab this mascara which Sariah seems to like. She says "It\'s average like any other mascara". That sounds like a winner. So let\'s do eye primer next just to help out the eyeliner stay where it\'s supposed to be. Looks like they only have one listing for an eye primer. They\'ve got 2 options, matte and shiny. I feel like usually I go for matte, so let\'s do matte. And it\'s sold out. So, never mind. Let\'s go for frost then. I guess that\'s fine. Alright, so let\'s look for some eyebrow pencils that\'s usually what I use one of the easier ones, like the beginner ones where you just go "merr, merp". Looks like we\'ve got some gels, some powders, some stencils, and we\'ve got a product called the "Santee Eyebrow Sword" That sounds like something I want. So I\'m just gonna get black brown and black kind of like mix them together, I feel like that makes sense. The fact that it\'s called a sword, *clicks* is honestly enough for me to add that to the cart right now. So I guess actually all we have left right now is lips. So I wanna test out a liquid lipstick. Feel like, you know, $1 lipsticks are a danger zone for me. This looks like a nice color! Yeah, look it\'s like a purple-pink nude. Like a little everyday but like a little exciting at the same time. Oh, and people seem to really like this one. Cristina says "very very good" with an extra "o", so it\'s "goood". So, let\'s get this and try it out. Okay, so I think that that is a full face of makeup products. Honestly, from what I\'ve seen from the swatches online, and the reviews, I\'m excited for some of these products, a couple of them had more mixed reviews, but I feel like we\'re gonna find some gems. I\'ve got a good feeling about it. Alright, so here are all of my $1 makeup items. These are my own brushes, but the rest of the stuff is my new, everyday makeup routine. For the next week. So, what I usually do to start off is eyebrows, so let\'s take my eyebrow swords, which are, sadly, not called eyebrow swords on the actual packaging. On one side we\'ve got a spoolie, and on the other side we\'ve got the triangular pencil. Alright so I\'m gonna dive right in. Spool it up, brush it down and then let\'s see how the sword is doing. That looks pretty good. Yeah, I mean it looks maybe like a little bit almost like a mixture of a gel and a pencil. Like it feels really soft. That\'s an eyebrow, I think. What do you think? *Tyler, offscreen* I mean you had an eyebrow before, but yeah. To be honest, I can never tell with eyebrows. This is the one that I did in black, and this one\'s in black brown. On camera, you can\'t really see a difference, so I guess I could go with either. But I do actually think that the black one, in person,', metadata={'source': '8mhTWqWlQzU'}), Document(page_content='so I guess I could go with either. But I do actually think that the black one, in person, kind of matches me a little bit more. But overall, definitely a useable eyebrow pencil. Or sword. I want an eyebrow sword, shield, and jousting stick please. So next I\'m going to try the eye primer. It\'s one of those thing I feel like I wouldn\'t necessarily want my eyelids to be shimmery every single day of my life, but it looks cute. Alright, so now I\'m gonna move on to the complexion products. Let\'s open this up and just go in the bags. Pack your bags, let\'s wake up the face. Okay, that looks about the right color. It\'s a little greasy, almost like a Ben Nye stage makeup. But I feel like the coverage is pretty good. I mean the interesting thing is it\'s kind of almost getting more orange and like more spread out the more I touch it with my finger. So over the course of the week, I feel like I\'m just going to use this one a little sparingly. Alright, so let\'s get another concealer going. So this one is light ivory. Let\'s see what beige looks like. They look pretty similar to be honest. I think that light ivory is probably gonna be the better match. This feels also like a little bit on the greasy side, but it seems a little less like crazy pigmented. Like I feel like the peach was just like "I\'M HERE". It is not the easiest, easiest to blend out, but it\'s definitely workable. Alright, so that\'s concealer. So, next I think we\'re gonna tackle foundation, which I also have two of. Oh, also I\'ve already put primer on. So don\'t worry. This is creamy beige. and this one\'s natural. I think that creamy beige looks a little bit closer to the concealer color, so I think let\'s go with creamy beige for now, but I feel like we can substitute them both in. It smells a lot like Coppertone Sunscreen and I seem to be going through it pretty fast. It does look nice, actually though on the face but, it seems to kind of be pretty watery. But for a dollar, I feel like we can definitely make it work. Alright, so I think that that is gonna conclude my foundation portion. I think that I\'m maybe a little bit orangey compared to my double chin, but I think that the concealer is kind of skewing it that way and also the peachy color corrector which kind of migrated across the face. Next I\'m gonna set everything down with our pressed powder. I am a little bit shiny right now, so hopefully this will help me. I mean I\'m not sure exactly what to say because it seems like fine powder foundation, I\'m just worried about it as setting powder. Alright so let\'s do contour next. My contour kit looks pretty legit. I feel like from the looks of it, I\'ll probably be using this one on the bottom right. Just gonna get some on there Suck in like a fish, and go to town. It\'s a little bit red. Maybe I should try this cooler toned color. Ah, yeah I think that one\'s gonna be better. So we\'re gonna use the one in the middle actually for the rest of the week. Before I blend that in, I\'m gonna also add my sun glow shimmer bronzer. Oh that\'s kinda nice. Definitely shimmery. And then blend it in with a little bit more of that pressed powder foundation. So we\'ve got eyeliner, mascara, and lipstick left. So I\'m gonna go in with my eyeliner. It looks a bit like the quill I was describing; It seems to be more of a stick than a brush. It almost feels like rubbery. So it doesn\'t feel as sharp as the one I tried from the Daiso video. Okay, let me dip back in. There we go. I would say that from my first impressions, it seems like if I get the product on my eye, like it looks pretty good actually. But if I\'m trying to draw with the tip, it\'s actually hard to get product off. It\'s actually a lot easier to get product off the sides of the tip. So now that I finished off my second eye for eyeliner, I\'m just gonna put my mascara on really quick. They say comb for longer lashes, but I don\'t really understand how you\'re supposed to comb. But first I\'m just', metadata={'source': '8mhTWqWlQzU'}), Document(page_content="for longer lashes, but I don't really understand how you're supposed to comb. But first I'm just gonna use the normal brush on my lashes. I think think mascara actually is pretty nice. You know it just seems to be like coating my lashes with some black stuff so that's always good. Oh that can't be right. That looks stu-oh! Oooooh. *Tyler, offscreen* That looks like you're just pushing your eyelid around. *Safiya* Yeah, that's kind of how it feels. This thing seems to have make a couple of my eyelashes just stick straight up in the air, But I like the mascara. Alright so the last thing that we have to do is lips. Okay, It definitely looks like I'm gonna to be needing to do a couple of coats to like get it to be a full, opaque, lip color. But I do like how it feels. Also, it looks like the butthole coverage is pretty good. And that's always a priority for me. Alright, so I think with the completion of the lipstick, this is our finished Shop Missa makeup look. I'm gonna be wearing this makeup look all day and then also for the rest of the week. So I'm gonna check back in in a couple of hours. Alright, I'm back. I've just been sitting in the other room editing and I think that I have reached some grease levels. I'm Sandra Dee. The biggest issue right off the bat was the powder situation. Everything else seems to be okay though so I think that the problem starts, and probably stops, with the fact that I tried to use that pressed powder foundation as setting powder. I'm getting close to the time where I would usually take my makeup off and I think that I've re-powdered my face so many times that like I have just a layer of powder on it. So after that first day, I decided to introduce a true setting powder just to kind of like give everything a shot. Okay, so I've been wearing my makeup for a couple of hours already and I think it's definitely working better with some setting powder on. and I think that everything is seeming to be a little more satin looking rather than straight up wet. Over the course of the week, I actually eliminating the color corrector and the concealer from my routine almost entirely. Just because they seemed to be pretty oil based and didn't really like to stay on my skin very well. These adjustments definitely helped keep the oil more in check and later in the week, we tested it out a bit with some spicy curry sweats. Okay, so we just finished dinner that was a little spicier than necessary. But, I think overall my makeup is still chilling. I will say, however, my nose is a-runnin'. Besides the liquid complexion products, I did have a couple of products I really liked. The big winner of this week was the eyebrow pencil It's actually pretty similar to the one I use currently which is this one. I definitely go through the formula a little bit faster because it's kind of like softer, but in application, they're pretty similar. And this one's like 20 times cheaper. So, I'm very pleased with this. A couple of other things I actually really liked included the eyeliner and the lipstick. For the eyeliner, once you get it on your face, it really doesn't come off or fade. It almost turns into a little layer in itself. The only thing I don't like about it is that you kind of have to dip the tip into the liquid a few times to really get enough for the whole wing but once you get it on, it's good. The lipstick was also pretty good. It does dry a little wrinkly, but it's pretty comfortable, and it seems to be a good dupe for a couple of my favorite lipsticks. In this lighting they don't seem to be perfect color dupes, also I really messed up that swatch. But they are in that same color family and I would say that this lipstick is not decidedly worst than those. You know it just takes a couple layers and I feel like I'm pretty much good to go for most of the day. I don't see anything. Smooth. Stain-free. It's not bullet proof, it does come off a little bit with eating but", metadata={'source': '8mhTWqWlQzU'}), Document(page_content="anything. Smooth. Stain-free. It's not bullet proof, it does come off a little bit with eating but you can just put it right back on. Just layer it and it'll be fine. So besides how the makeup was, the other big test for this week was how my skin would do. Most of my skin issues have been while I'm wearing the makeup how much oil I've been producing. But in terms of breakouts, I think that we're doing pretty okay. Maybe I have one pimple kind of over here that's forming like nothing that's too bad or catastrophic. Overall, I don't think I would recommend the complexion products like the concealer or the foundation, that said, I did only try out one type of concealer and one type of foundation, so if you could do a little more trial and error, and maybe hit up the site when things weren't as sold out as when I bought stuff, you might be able to find something that works. I would say that the contour kit, the bronzer, and the eyeshadow primer were kind of in the middle. Oh, and the mascara. It's fine. I think it's mostly just cute. The products that I definitely would recommend, though are the eyebrow pencil, the eyeliner, and the lipstick. All in all, I think I would buy from Shop Missa again. I probably won't go for anymore face products, but I am interested to see what other lipsticks they have. Because I did see some other colors on their website and this was $1. And it had pretty good butthole coverage. And that's priceless. Thank you guys so much for watching, if you liked that video, make sure to smash that like button. And if you want to see more videos like this, make sure to smash that subscribe button. A big shout out to Amburly for watching, Thanks for watching Amburly, and I will see you guys next time.", metadata={'source': '8mhTWqWlQzU'})]
[Document(page_content="uh we're gonna explain now why tony is here this is nfl sunday and there are some calls on this sunday morning from some of the players to put an end to thursday night football eight players got hurt just this past thursday including seattle seattle seahawks star richard sherman sherman wrote an article called why i hate thursday night football calling the league hypocritical for preaching safety but then asking for players to play games on only three days rest other players echoing that sentiment this week injuries are part of the game but thursday night game there i feel like thursday night games put people in harm and when everybody's not prepared so to lose a player of his magnitude his caliber is just uh it's it's tragic all right so let's bring in tony do you think if there's any football is going away well the current contract for thursday night football expires at the end of the season that contract was for 900 million dollars for two years so that's one reason why you would imagine it's not going away the ratings relatively are still good enough and the quality of play maybe you can question whether it's good but you can argue the teams are making money off this the players are making money off of this and there's a current state in the nfl now with player suspensions we just talked about it with ron that yeah that's what that's looking like player protest and the commissioner roger goodell is in his own contract with negotiation that's tense right now but if the players think it's unsafe and and they're at risk and they're all getting injured doesn't the nfl have to do something that is the dilemma it's a great question sarah three days rest how does your body recover after three days rest how does your body recover after seven days rest it's my opinion that if you took all the players injured in the nfl right now put them on one team that team would win the super bowl by 40 points but we're talking about aaron rodgers and jj y we're talking about the best players in the league but there is one other thing from thursday night's game i want to show you seahawks quarterback russell wilson this is another issue for the league we're just compounding issues here he took a hit to the to the chin and was told by the referee as his league protocol to go to the concussion tent and take a test video showed him in that tent for fewer than five seconds with nobody else in the tent he decided not to get a test and went back out on the field that's going to be reviewed by the league as well so the league's got a lot to look at here um and i would expect the fine coming see what are the what's the league saying about thursday night the league is saying that it's still quality play for them and it is and the ratings i'm sure are are where they kind of want them to be and the teams are happy to play in these games but do injuries affect ratings so if if the great the best players are the biggest stars are out i think that's what the league is most concerned about as far as ratings player protest there's an argument either way suspension's an argument either way but injuries to the biggest aaron rodgers these are the guys in commercials odell beckham and richard sherman as well tony really always is such a pleasure today quickly uh college football huge shake up yesterday two of the top three teams in the nation go down yesterday alabama number one or number two in one poll number one and the other barely held on so we're gonna see a big shake up miami is back we saw this game on abc listening they beat notre dame by 33. number one georgia lost by 20. it looks like auburn as well so alabama miami oklahoma going to be the top three in some ways i didn't know you were jumping in it's very sorry to cut you out what i did want to say was we always love having you on thank you very much that part that is also even ron backs me up on that hi everyone george stephanopoulos here thanks for", metadata={'source': 'L_5_slz4ke4'}), Document(page_content="part that is also even ron backs me up on that hi everyone george stephanopoulos here thanks for checking out the abc news youtube channel if you'd like to get more videos show highlights and watch live event coverage click on the right over here to subscribe to our channel and don't forget to download the abc news app for breaking news alerts thanks for watching", metadata={'source': 'L_5_slz4ke4'})]
[Document(page_content="[Lele] Hey good luck. [Natalie] I don't need it, but you will. (Lele laugh hysterically) [Natalie] I'm sorry. What is so funny? [Lele] Who are you? [Natalie] Who am I? Somebody who's getting their license today! [Natalie] Your very immature. And that's why you won't be getting your license! [Intercom] Paging Lele Pons? Lele] Oh me? Okay I'm going first. You've been waiting here. Sorry! *laughs* [Lele] Hi [Justin] Hi, my name is Justin, I will be administering your driving test today. [Lele] I'm really nervous about this. [Justin] You shouldn't be it's just gonna be the two of us. [Lele] Actually, no [Young Ezee] LETS GET IT POPPIN AYEE YO LELE ABOUT TO GET HER DRIVERS LICENSE !!!!!!!! [Justin] Woah, woah, woah, woah,woah, woah, woah!!!! [All girls] AYYEEEEEEE [Justin] woah woah woah woah woah woah [Justin] Hold on, hold on. We can't have your friends back here! [Lele] Why not? Young Ezee] What do you mean? [Justin] This is supposed to be only me and you. [Friend #2] Well, maybe we can come to an agreement. Don't you think? Maybe you should sit back here, and we'll judge it from here. [Justin] *awkward* ahhh *lets out air* *laughs* [Friend #2] Okay fine, I'll just massage your shoulders [Justin] Umm... [Justin] Come on, come on. Here put the keys in the thing, let's do this. [Justin] Alright, so we're gonna drive straight towards the cones, we're gonna take a left around them,... *lots of screams* JUST DEAL WITH IT IT HAS NO CURSES JUST TURN OFF THE SOUND OKAY IM TIRED CC HALF DONE BY CHLOE AND TORI CANT GAME K BAI [Justin] Come to a stop, come to stop. [Lele] You see I parked. [Justin] Yeah, you parked. That's about the only thing you did right. [Justin] You hit every single cone. In fact, there's probably still some under the car right now. [Lele] Exactly. [Young Ezee] This is gonna go viral!!!! [Lele] Gonna go viral. [Justin] Okay, so the next order of business is the slalom. Don't ask me how to spell it, we've got to go in and out of cones. [Justin] Okay? [Lele] Okay. [Justin] You think you can do that? [Lele] Yeah I got it. [Justin] Okay. [Justin] California state law says that we do this blindfolded. [Justin] It's why there's so many good drivers in California. You have to feel the car. [Fi] Blindfolded?! [Katherine] Mother, you've got this. I love a bumpy ride. [Lele] You guys ready? [Justin] Okay. That was great. Let's just pull it to a stop right over here right over here All right how am I doing not good girl you can't drive. I can't cook so you know what I do I keep my butt out up. Yeah. Why don't we just pull over and talk about any person? Let's take outside right all right. Just pull over there. I gotta figure out Great going back there. I'm cuz you need and see all those cones I'm sure your test might well it went well What is it with you you want a drag race? No way if you sure you're hoping I do want to race Let's get it. Oh you do okay loser loses their license, okay loser Katherine do you think I got it Lily? I just going down. It's about to be dressed Don't worry buddy got What do you mean I don't get my license a I get everything I want you'll have to come back next time to get your license I could just punch you in the face to see you next year No, you're a horrible driver wait wait, what do you want? I'm sorry wait, I mean we almost died like 17 times Well the last time I checked drag racing was eat legal. Yeah, and I got a rollin camera, buddy Well your face all right here, okay, just Take it", metadata={'source': 't4YAyT4ihIQ'})]
[Document(page_content="I haven't been myself recently. I suffer, you know, from PTSD. It just won't go away, for a long time. I hope that you think twice about what you are doing to nation's veterans who are willing to die\nto protect this nation. If the army asked me to go again, to be deployed again I would absolutely go. I may give out but I never give up.", metadata={'source': '1cgK-BIrXes'})]
[Document(page_content="why we changed our name Monday calm the pulse really what be rappers now Deepika duh I knew it was really bad when I went on TV for the first time in my life and all the answer could focus on was how bad a named a pulse was I like to ask what the post is but I also like to understand where you came up with this let's skip over the name we have more interesting passionately about oh here's a big great name I have like a company named same familiar it's again you going safe an alien we have a big data theme they have the tool called big brain it's a big brain has all the data in it I'm usually good at this stuff so from now on we're Monday comm we needed a name that represented our friend who we are and what we're here to do my name means work the good stuff about it and the bad stuff it's name that people will remember it's a name that people can spell on the internet it's been brought to our attention that some people like weekends more than they like Mondays we get it the problems they're facing and problems we're trying to solve hundreds of thousands of people use Monday in ways we never expected they make airplanes massive TV channels video production agencies people have always asked like what is it in a sentence and we couldn't ever say it in a sentence but we can in a word it's Monday how people work together problems they have working together and all those challenges are what we're trying to solve here Monday in a way or vision", metadata={'source': '9Th4qTv-4jE'})]
[Document(page_content="Lila am from Portland I know you went to Trump and Marla maples wedding the famous story that I've been telling is that I got up to dance I had a camera sitting on the table when I got back to the table the film was taken the KGB I have a lot of photos from the wedding and I didn't take your pet they did not and I post them occasionally where you had the war with Trump I am assuming did he did he come on the Rosie O'Donnell never because I never liked him really if you're 55 and you grew up on Long Island you know that he's a fake a phony and a fraud it was no mystery to me so I didn't have him on ever what is it like what has it been like for you having the President of the United States criticized your physical appearance I mean what is that done to you well not only my physical appearance everything my sexuality my parenting my wife like he he went really back crazy you know that make you go about crazy well I could say that when he first did it when he wasn't running for office it was like just this loser blowhard like who really cared but that's big the grass which is a great book and I don't really travel in his circles it's not like I'm ever Atlas circ and I see some Trump people you know I'm a normal person who goes to the mall and the Cheesecake Factory so Donald Trump's opinion of me not really relevant but when he got to be President it was very trippy it took me about six months to regain my equilibrium is that true I feel like I fell through the ice and I just was waiting to resurface I it's a badge of honor to be disliked and hated by this man right but to have it been done to you personally for a decade makes the PTSD fairly intense and you have to say to yourself what is it about you that drew this out of him well that I told the truth about him at a time when everyone was afraid but then I did the really offensive thing to him I told the truth that he was bankrupt four times that's what did it that's not a selfish man that he got his daddy's money and that he also notoriously ripped off all these private contractors family businesses all over New Atlantis city went under because of his unethical ways so I told the truth about him 10 years ago at a time when anyone could have found out those truths about him but the media decided not to print it while he was running not to talk about the fact that there was no equivalence between him and Hillary Clinton they acted like he was a legitimate candidate so I feel like the mainstream media is really responsible thanks for watching watch more clips here and subscribe to our channel here see ya", metadata={'source': 'k8NxqyGcZA4'})]
[Document(page_content="[Music] i found a love for me darling just dive [Applause] [Music] beautiful and sweet well i never knew you were there's someone waiting for me cause we were just kids when we fell in love not knowing what if [Music] your heart is [Music] in [Music] listening to our favorite song when you said you looked a mess i whispered underneath my breath but you heard it darling you look perfect tonight [Music] well i found a woman stronger than anyone i know she shares [Music] to carry more than just my secrets to carry love to carry children of our own [Music] darlings [Music] dancing [Music] [Music] listening to our favorite song when i saw you in that dress [Music] baby [Music] [Music] she looks perfect i don't deserve this you look perfect tonight [Music] you", metadata={'source': '2Vv-BfVoq4g'})]
[Document(page_content="but wait a dollar for every time I looked bald in my intros because I wore my hair in a ponytail I swear what is up you guys amber welcome back to my channel and today not only am I not bald but I also have lots of new things to show you not that those two things are really related at all but whatever so today we are doing an eBay haul because honestly I wasn't even really planning on doing this video I just have recently become obsessed with buying things on eBay so I figured you know I would just go ahead and show you what I got not further ado here we go a very extra but I didn't put that in the title because I figure do you guys just knew that already eBay shopping home alright so as you can see I literally got so much stuff some of it I haven't even opened yet so I'll look in that live in action on camera with you guys but we're just gonna go ahead and start with one of the coolest banger deals that I got this week look at this you guys remember this photo I posted up this Tom Ford and perfume on my Instagram ruler this little mini bottle of that perfume is three hundred and ten dollars so uh needless to say I did not purchase that but they also had an even bigger giant bottle that was a quality $850 so did you snap that picture in the store and left and then looked for it online and look what I found brand-new in the box I know my name is broken what can you do whatever the rest of them look fire but like oh my gosh literally this is so well exactly what it says granted the only catches the bottles empty and there's not actually any perfume in there but who cares I just wanted it for decoration anyways as a collectible they only made a couple of them so in a couple years this will be worth quite a bit anyways so an investment and I got this very cool and then denied bucks so I don't really know what that's actually a bargain or not it's still really overpriced but and really twisted over-the-top shopping logic technically I did save seven hundred bucks or at least that's what I'm gonna tell myself super fun um what else did we get lots of things haven't we open this I just opened this like a rabid animal I don't know why I did that oh my gosh this is the original Kim and Kanye vogue cover which if you guys have been watching my videos for a while you guys know I just love them and this photoshoot was literally one of my favorite things in the world so this is the fancy all wrapped up brand-new version and I got it for like $23 I think so super cool collectible item for cheap in fact I'm pretty sure that's what I got in this package too so let's see this is the Kim Forbes cover I got what is this oh my god wait what oh my god you guys I'm literally dying I ordered that magazine from a Rando off eBay and look at this thank you for your I love your YouTube babes this is hilarious thank you wow that is so funny everybody's so small but anyways thanks the haul I love it it's gonna sit on my coffee table next to the road one and both of these are joining my cam paper magazines oh I'm gonna keep these all right there Oh with the random pumpkin in the back but anyways alright what else did we get oh yes shoes ye oh my god I literally so excited to show you guys these okay so I've left designer shoes my whole life but I just never felt comfortable especially not much money on a shoe because like what are you serious [Applause] I know I know my singing voice sucks but bees don't suck they're beautiful these are my new shoes brand new Manolo Blahniks in the box makes it I guess they're not technically brand new they've been worn like one time but you can see fully authentic so stinking cute oh my god I am literally obsessed with these as you can tell by my screeching um but these are like $2,000 boots but on eBay the starting bid was $70 $70 granted I didn't get them for $70 I ended up getting them for like 130 I think but either way I freakin steal I'm never buying designer shoes", metadata={'source': 'gLswXiRLdkA'}), Document(page_content="up getting them for like 130 I think but either way I freakin steal I'm never buying designer shoes at full price again Oh to go with the mystical shoe I got ah some fuzz but not really but you guys are always asking me about the white fuzzy jacket that I wear and literally all of my lip books it's literally the best I'm obsessed with it where all the time I actually got it on the side of the road in London for like $20 if you missed that video here it is so that was when I picked up that fuzzy baby I searched it searched honey low to find a dupe of it and low and behold there on eBay so I'll admit it looks very crazy with my current outfit of the day but oh my goodness I finally found one for you guys and look at this this one's even cooler because it has like tufted layers of fuzz so very luxurious looking PSU guys this is of course fake fur but a vegetarian for like seven years but we got some faux for the reaction going on instead so super fun great way to steal the look for half the price and without hurting our fuzzy friends it's such a look maybe I'll just leave this on course to the video now but maybe just for this next product okay so next we have diamonds except not real diamonds they're definitely fake but you're there anyway I love rings I'm wearing literally all the time so I thought it would be cool to have some costume jewelry so I bought this one online and in theory it would be really beautiful but it actually ended up being like a piece of cheap plastic so I was very salty about that like you can see one of my nice rings next to the cheap plastic one they're just not the same at all so big buzzkill but you know still kind of fun to wear to the bars at night in the dark and tell people you're engaged to a billionaire already what else do we got here Oh actually how about this little cutie storytime behind this ever since my vintage shopping hall I've been obsessed with vintage things I just think they're the coolest so I thought it'd be fun to get a little bottle of vintage perfume this one's actually from like the 50s I think and still full of the original perfume that would be just such a cute little decoration but uh you can also see in reference to my hand it's literally this big so cute but um literally looks like a Honey I Shrunk the kids kind of thing can I even make a reference to that does anyone know what I'm talking about I swear I'd turn 24 and it's like I suddenly got old and crusty but anyways yeah super cute but next time I think I'll read the dimensions on things before I buy them alrighty let's see what else speaking of Chanel we've got so Chanel friends except of course it's not really Chanel because it was $26 but I'm gonna show it to you anyway I just love celebrity style dupes so this is just a really nice little black tweed jacket you can see it's got pockets and everything cute detailing so here's the fashion show so cute everything looks friggin weird with what I'm actually wearing so hang on let me change my quick there we go much better but you can see super cute little tweed should now inspire jacket it's very regal and classy probably a lot more classy if you weren't wearing like ass bearing booty shorts but you know hey fashion is fashion by the way both this jacket and the fuzzy black one are brand new with tags actually had no idea but there's actually like a whole section of ebay that's basically like Amazon do you guys hear that why is my house so loud anyways like I was saying there's actually a whole section of eBay that's just like Amazon that has like brand-new with tags boutique II kind of stuff so super cool I had no idea so I'll do like a full cheap eBay clothing haul soon but anyways for now next product concert merch Kanye canceled this tour before I got to go to it but you can see I still got the official concert rich online so cool they have merch from like every concert ever basically so go ahead get the click and", metadata={'source': 'gLswXiRLdkA'}), Document(page_content="online so cool they have merch from like every concert ever basically so go ahead get the click and you can find whatever you want really the only thing you got to watch out for is there's a lot of fake March out there and since I'm not allowed to endorse the fake products make sure you buy the real ones and last but not least actually already showed you guys these but all the celebs are wearing it just realized that really should have called this video like buying a bunch of Kim Kardashian inspired things on eBay but you know whatever um so like I said if you click around on eBay right now you'll see these shoes are literally selling for like seventeen hundred bucks but for some reason some girl will be okay with selling um for 300 bucks so I bought them it's important to treat yourself every once in a while even if it is for a bunch of like really random weird stuff so anyways there have you guys that is my little eBay shopping haul I hope you guys enjoyed the video because honestly one of the reasons I started my youtube channel was like I would always text my mom and my friends like pictures of things that I bought and literally no one cared so I you guys adults the love of stuff with me so anyways thank you guys so much for watching I love you so so so so so much sending you all the love and kisses in the world and as always if you have any questions comments concerns all my socials are at amber shoal so you can hit me up on there my IG will be popping with all sorts of new fun I just like smack myself in the face with this new fun thanks don't forget to subscribe to the channel for lots more random shopping content did whatever other nonsense I want to share with you guys I love you so so so so much kisses till next time I love bugs XO [Music] okay you guys we're gonna do a special bonus challenge that I just invented it's called wearing everything you bought all at once oh my god yes look", metadata={'source': 'gLswXiRLdkA'})]
[Document(page_content="hello everyone today I'm going to be creating a look foo inspired by one of the looks that I did myself several years ago for jeschill caption here lots of gold lots of bronze lots of lash lots of lip liner and lots of contour it's very full on look however for this look I shall be darkening my skin considerably my skin is of course very very fair but I shall be darkening my skin to look more tend I never wear fake tan or dark in my foundation ever but I shall be doing so for today's fellow I suddenly don't have any issues with lightening or darkening skin for editorial purposes or for industry purposes it is certainly done with an industry because I shall be darkening my skin substantially I shall be taking the foundation I'm going to use on to the ear slightly and on to the neck as I intend the coloration to do all one consistent tone to prime and moisturize my skin first of all I shall be going in with Bobbi Brown's vitamin-enriched face base and I absolutely love this product it's fantastic primer under makeup and I'm just going to apply a very liberal layer of that to the skin using a Space NK foundation brush it has quite a strong scent to this primer it smells very like Turkish Delight which is one of my favourite sweets within the previous look if I recall correctly I used mac cosmetics Studio Fix foundation in the shade NC 30 and that is what I'm going to use here today so I'm just going in with that first of all as you can see it's drastically darker than my natural skin tone I'm just sticking out on the ears I must admit I find this a little daunting the prospect of going from having a moon tend to a suntan imagine how awful ooh tragic it would be if this was a revocable and now I'm just going to go in and buff all of that through and correct the texture with a furless cb1 brush you just taking a tiny bit of that foundation on the brush and stippling it all in now because this foundation hasn't given me the desired coverage that I want I'm going to go in with some of Estee Lauder's double where maximum cover in the shade 0-3 creamy vanilla this is my all-time favorite foundation however the shade range is not particularly I think there's only about six or eight sheets but it's a very high coverage formula it's a little bit lighter than the foundation that we've gone in with already but what I'm going to do is just use it to lift the coverage in certain areas however even though the Double Wear Maxima cover foundation shade range is considerably limited I absolutely love the foundation just goes on so easily and now I'm going to go in and cream contra from my custom palette and I should be using both these two tones here the lighter one is super Kivar ultimate foundation in the shade 22 and the darker a super cover ultimate foundation in the shade 11 and I don't think I should use that much of the 11 but definitely the 22 I'm just going to cut in with that all the terms that I'm using today are going to be warm tones and I'm stippling that in I'm not actually buffing it just stepping it in on top well this will just provide us for the base as we will be going in with additional bronzer nowhere to apply a little bit of that around the forehead as I do have quite a large forehead it almost has the same mass as Russia I'm going to connect it slightly into the eye so that we have a base for lift that may seem as if I've been very aggressive but I'm not actually this brush is incredibly soft I am being slightly vigorous but I do want it to be absolutely seamless so that we have no harsh lines amongst the sea of orange and then I'm going to take the side of the brush and contour the nose ever so slightly the way that I contour my nose is a little different I don't normally contour my nose but if I do this is the technique that I use and I bring the two lines as close together as I possibly can just to really slim down nose into the sockets lightly and I'm going to blend", metadata={'source': 'MyEqfBkzESU'}), Document(page_content="as I possibly can just to really slim down nose into the sockets lightly and I'm going to blend that in with FLS cb1 brush just very delicately pattern it I don't want it to be too obvious so I'm blending it out as much as I can I'm just blending the edges and now with a clean version of the same brush which they used to contour which is a Charles Fox eight one four six four zero five brush and then just taking this lighter tone here and what I'm doing is a climate as our under-eye concealer and this shade is by super cover it's one of the ultimate foundations what I'm doing is just applying that as a concealer to highlight and brighten this area now because of the kind of nodes that I have I call this section the shaft the long part of the nose and then I call this the tip the shaft on my nose is very very thin whereas the tip is considerably wider now I have no concern about the thinness of the shaft but the tip is very very fat so the way that I correct that is by actually widening the shaft and thinning the tip so my nose is almost shaped like a triangle what we want to do is flip that triangle upside down and what I do by doing that is actually applying highlighter quite quite widely at the top and then I pull it down the nose thinning it as we come down to the tip and I don't take highlighter all the way to the tip and then to further create the illusion of slimness I take the highlighter tone right up the side of the nose right up to where we countered a moment ago and paint alongside it then cut across so you see a sharp cutter there which then brings the nose in and I take that highlighter tone just down here and rend pull it upwards a note and as you can see by just applying that technique of using the highlighter tools just to nip the nose inward it is a much more effective technique at slimming and thinning a nose as opposed to applying darker tools so we use our lighter tools to cut and slim the nose and then blend all of that in I'm just going to do a little bit of that highlighter tone just run the knife where there's a tiny bit of shadow just to brighten that area and setting through only the areas that have applied highlighter to with some of Inglot mattifying loose powder on a mac cosmetics one three eight brush and just making sure that eyebrow area set through as well with a Zuber one one four brush and i'm going to take a derma color cream concealer in the shade d40 on a Mac two six three and then begin sketching in the eyebrows and I want the address to be quite harsh and quite penciled looking so that's the eyebrows more or less done I'm going to come back to them later on to apply a little bit of powder in them play a tone slightly darker than what I've gone in with but once I have completed the rest of the eye look now for the eyes I'm going to create a very dark socket and then cut in with concealer then apply pigment on top of it but first of all I'm going to apply some of Urban Decay's powder eye shadow in the shade buck from The Naked palette as our transition color it is going to start building up a socket first of all and I'm not going to create too much of a wing to there I'm going to keep the look quite rounded as it was originally and to do that you just bring your tone slightly higher in the central area of the eye and don't wing it out for too much I'm going to take that tool quite far into the inner corner now I'm applying some of mac cosmetics powder eyeshadow in the shade Sahara two to seven and just warming that tone up I'm filling in this area and I'm just taking that ever so sorry underneath the eye and I've actually changed my mind I'm going to wing it out ever so slightly but not a upward wing almost a widening wing so it's still a long it's nice but it's not totally uplifting it is more broadening I don't actually mind of that color comes down quite far underneath the eye as well then I'm taking some of mac cosmetics powder", metadata={'source': 'MyEqfBkzESU'}), Document(page_content="color comes down quite far underneath the eye as well then I'm taking some of mac cosmetics powder eyeshadow in the shade Brule and with the same two one seven just brushing that underneath the brow as a match highlight I will go in with the shimmer shade shortly and now I am taking a mac cosmetics / - eyeshadow in the shade so and I'm packing that into place on an Inc lot 8o h PS brush when i'm festival doing is just sketching in the socket even though we're going to go back in and cut in any way i just want to build up as much color as possible in that area there digging some of the espresso on a mac to one seven i'm just blending going back in with a soft brown color just to ensure seamlessness and now I'm applying some of mac cosmetics powder eye shadow in the shade lem age which is this beautiful blue green black teal shade like a dark turquoise and I'm applying that on the same pencil brush from before now connecting that into the socket just ever so slightly and with a cleans over 2 to 7 brush I'm just blending all of that now before I go in and apply some gold pigment to the eyelids I'm going to festival apply this very pale shade from my customized palette and this is the shade dee 406 and it is one of the Kryolan derma color cream concealers and I'm just taking a very slight amount of that only curved concealer brush this one is the unbranded I've had it for years but what I'm doing first of all it's just cutting in a crease in the eyelid and a great way I've been able to do this very well is to actually look down in a mirror which gives you a gauge of where you're placing the product now I don't necessarily need it to be too neat at this point as the product I'm going to go in with anyway it's so finely milled that you will see speckles of it through the socket but I just want a very sharp guide on the eye first of all so that is the base for our pigment now applied to the eyes now this is the fun and beautiful yet very messy part and I'm going to be going in with some of mac cosmetics reflex glitter in the shade bronze reflex which is this absolutely beautiful golden e bronze shade it's absolutely gorgeous one of my favorite golden products now I would apply this with a concealer brush this one is unbranded however I'm going to use one pump of mac fix+ on the brush just so that it grabs the product and because this is a loose product sometimes it is better to apply these facing down so that you do not get too much fallout and as you can see I'm just tilting my head down ever so slightly and I'm actually going to change to a Mac to 3:9 brush as I offend the previous technique wasn't as effective I'm just beginning to just pack that onto the eye coating all of the concealer that we have and really just pack it on and start to build up the product and I don't really mind if there's fall down as the whole oak is going to be quite golden and sparkly no I'm not very keen on the immediate harshness of the crease so I'm just going to brush run to the edge of the crease just to soften the edge going back in with the two and seven that we had our espresso on just to soften that in and if you have any excess of folder and you can go back in with your Perdue brush from before and just lift any of that product so that is the eyes almost complete I'm just going to go in and apply some gel eyeliner and this is the English AMC gel eyeliner in the shade 77 and I'm actually going to draw a very harsh graphic cat eye so I have drawn in quite a graphic sharp cat eye and I've lifted it more at their two corners so it cuts right across the eye I didn't want something that was following off my eye shape as I wanted to lift to the eyes as I did in the original look and I took the gel eyeliner are quite far down underneath the eye but just soften the harshness of the line I'm going to go back in with some of the la merge color and just blend it into the black gel liner that we have applied", metadata={'source': 'MyEqfBkzESU'}), Document(page_content="in with some of the la merge color and just blend it into the black gel liner that we have applied on a Charles Fox eight one four six zero three one brush then taking a cleaner so about two to seven brush just soften what we have applied blending it ever so slightly just to ensure seamlessness I'm going in and curling eyelashes then I'm going to apply some of the bombs what's your type in the sky of course when I'm doing first of all is just blackening the eyelashes before we go in with false eyelashes and I'm going to go in and apply a set of custom-cut false eyelashes so that is the islands complete I've gone in and applied false lashes and of course the eyelash glue dries clear but I went over the top of it with a tiny bit of bourgeois liquid eyeliner now I'm going to go in with some of mac cosmetics matte bronze and use this as my contour really gently sculpting really just flicking that color upward and brush it over very very softly very very faintly because I like contest to look very seamless so I applied quite loosely and quite liberally to the cheekbone but working it upward rather than underneath the cheekbone I found that it just lifts and sculpts the face perfectly certainly my own features of course contouring must be applied suiting to your own features and is going to apply that to the forehead and you can really get away with quite a lot of contour and bronzer on more tan sort of skin tones and since my skin is tanned today and were to apply quite a lot of bronzer I'm just connecting up from the I sort of swishing it backward tiny bit of it on the jaw I don't normally do this but I just want to keep the tone and the hue very consistent there's definitely an equilibrium between how fast muted I am by this and how strange I also find it so that were less completes all the sculpting work within the face now for blusher I was going to go in with something that's pinky and I might depending on how I feel but I'm first of all going to apply this sleek makeup blush by three in the shade lantern which is this matte orange here now this is a fantastic tool for warming up any lip I'm just going to apply that on a Zuba one to six what this will do well just almost connect Russia and the bronzer together as you can see that just lifts the color ever so slightly now I'm gonna go to apply a little bit of it just lift the face and then I'm going to take this sleek makeup face form and apply the blusher from this palette on the same brush this is a really pretty pinky shade and as slight golden reflex in it so it's going to look really pretty on the cheekbones and I've been slightly excessive with it but I kind of think well I'm neon orange anyway so I might as well but I always go back in and just meet everything down with our powder brush from before no before I wasn't necessarily that keen on the eyebrows but I actually quite liked them as they are and I think I'm going to leave them now if I highlighter I'm definitely going to apply the bombs mary-lou manizer highlighter I'm going to apply it and I'm a planet on a Wayne Goss number two brush it's going to play a little bit of that to the chin a little bit to the cupid bow you know let's go back in a new turn whatever you'll apply and I'm going to play a little bit of that to the forehead just add some machine and then quite a lot of it to the center of the nose and I always like a little bit of shine here and then I would apply a little bit of it just to the inner part of the eye one technique when using highlighter or shimmer tones is by planet to an area when you start to buff it it can I become more shiny because I don't want to apply too much product in that area I'm just buffing it in you're going to actually go back in with your blusher brush from before and just connect everything together insuring seamlessness now I couldn't quite resist so I'm going to go in and apply even more highlighter and this is Inglot", metadata={'source': 'MyEqfBkzESU'}), Document(page_content="I couldn't quite resist so I'm going to go in and apply even more highlighter and this is Inglot sparkling dust in the shade 0-2 so being able to try them out of myself is definitely very interesting now Phillips I'm going to go in with some of L'Oreal lip pencil in the shade rosewood I had to really rummage around my archive to be able to find this color it's very similar to spice by MAC Cosmetics it's definitely got a slime or raspberry tone to it then spice and I'm obviously going to over draw the lips with this kind of look I think that's a croissant well the lips now over lined I'm now going to go in and apply lipstick originally I used Beauty UK's lipstick in the shade however today I really like this lightly pinky look on the lips already so I'm going to go in and apply MAC Cosmetics lipstick in the shade is Saint Germain as it's a perfect Barbic color and I kind of felt like a change from nudes I don't want to apply too heavy out there to still be a slight ombre on the lip and I'm just taking a slight amount of elam ascus lipstick in the shade Lev which is slightly lighter tone and I'm just blocked in that onto the lips and the lip liner on the lipstick have merged very nicely together and I'm now going to block lip service is slightly as I feel like I put a little bit too much one great technique is just to take a little bit of tissue paper bite into it and when you do that fooled the edges are that just removes all the excess product on the lip and I'm not just going to even at the neck tone and apply additional foundation to areas that require tanning and down just a little all looks really seamless I'm just going to add a little bit of shimmer to certain areas on the neck and I'm just going to contour the neck ever so slightly just so that it doesn't all look like such a flat shape there's definitely a stark color difference between my regular skin tone and that of the painted on one it's definitely very interesting to try out these looks but I don't think I will be telling that often and very fond of my very fair skin I definitely enjoy recreating some of my older looks looks that I did when I was a lot younger as a very glamorous look very bronzed look when golden like my body actually can also be worn with the hair up which is a much more classic take on the look so that more or less completes the look I very much enjoyed creating this look even though I don't think I will be tanning myself anytime soon what suddenly not for a long time I definitely enjoy creating this look and using the color palette for which that I did and I think it can actually be really quite fun trying out different styles and different looks and I definitely had a lot of fun creating this look I very much hope that your friend today's film either interesting useful helpful or beneficial and once again thank you so much for watching and of course take care bye", metadata={'source': 'MyEqfBkzESU'})]
[Document(page_content="hi guys welcome back to my channel today I'm super excited because I'm gonna be trying out this crazy technique now I was watching Beauty vixen here on YouTube so she applied ice before applying makeup this is supposed to be like a pore minimizing primer and I wanna do that to my face because girl I have huge pores and if I could minimize them that would be absolutely amazing now I do use certain primers that do that for me but you know if we could do it the natural way and save some money oh why not we did two techniques so obviously I've known that to wash your face you're supposed to use warm water that's supposed to open up your pores and you're supposed to rinse it off with cold water which would close your pores and to be honest there's something that I don't really ever do like I just usually wash my face with cold water which I probably should change my routine and but that's just what I do if we're gonna be honest so I want to try out this technique today and which by the way I'm gonna have Beauty vixens video down below in the description box she did two techniques she applies it underneath her foundation the other side she actually bakes her face applies a lot of powder and she does the eyes over the powder so I'm gonna try out both techniques today I really hope you guys enjoy this video so let's go ahead and get started can we talk about this ice cube though it is the biggest thing ever I went to Walmart because I was looking for the little ice trays and they only have really huge ones and I was like what the hell is this so when I saw it I was like I guess I'll try it out and I [\xa0__\xa0] love him it just makes really huge ice cubes and I love it because you only need one for a cup this is not sponsored by the way all right so my eyes keep is melting I have to work really fast with this so I'm going to bobby pin on my hair because ain't nobody got time to get it in the way as you can see they are pretty big on my nose and right in this area right here I think we're gonna do this side just because it looks a little worse the only thing that I'm not liking is Isis legit like melting on me so here's the ice now we are going to just apply this this is really cold okay this is a dripping everywhere okay wow this is literally like freezing cold alright holy crap so I'm just gonna apply it like literally on the whole half of my face I'm just not liking that it's like literally melting on my face oh my goodness my face is so red okay let's do the forehead and let's hope my eyebrows don't fall off let's do the nose too so this is my face side by side I'm actually super surprised I mean it doesn't surprise me that much just because I know it's something so cool to my face and it is gonna minimize it but actually looking at it happen is so crazy so this side is a lot more minimized I think this side does look a lot more smooth I'm gonna go and apply foundation all over my face so one way that I think I would know is going over my pores with foundation because usually when I use a stick it kind of like possesses it so looking at the pores like this they look about the same size so right away I'm noticing this side of my nose looks a lot more smoother than this side this side of my face is still really cold though like I feel the coldness it's very refreshing I feel like my forehead I don't notice a difference because the forehead I mean the pores don't look super intense to begin with I think I'm really gonna notice more like on my cheeks which they're the most noticeable alright this is how my skin looks side-by-side with foundation on this is not concealer included yet I think it works it did minimize supporters a little bit I'm not gonna say it's like a drastic difference just overall my skin feels tight and lifted on this side is it just me or it does hmm I'm gonna apply some concealer I'm gonna try the next technique which is applying iced-over powder my face is all nice and", metadata={'source': 'OKoL852K9uA'}), Document(page_content="I'm gonna try the next technique which is applying iced-over powder my face is all nice and set so the next technique we are going to apply a bunch of powder on this side of the face it kind of reminds me of the technique where you dip your face in water and like sets your foundation that's kind of I think what it is you just apply a lot of powder and you're gonna take the ice cube and rub it all over the face so I have my powder right here and we're just gonna go hand so I'm assuming this is going to not only set my face really good but because we're using ice it's going to really minimize those pores and give you like really flawless skin but the only thing I'm concerned about is because we're using ice over foundation I would think my pores would somehow like collect some of that foundation does that make sense so I'm a little afraid of my pores are gonna get more clogged than they already are all right so we're gonna take that ice cube this thing slipped or right off my freaking hand right over oh I'm so scared I'm terrified and this fool is so cold dang if I could do this every morning it would wake me up I'm so scared for this to take off my makeup it's just so scary I would honestly say this is literally the exact same thing as like dipping your face oh okay so I think I'm done so I'm just gonna not touch this I don't want to dry it so all you're gonna do is let it air dry it's just kind of frustrating me because it's dripping a lot and once it air dries the powder is supposed to peek right through and that's when you go with your brush and blend it out and then that's when you see the final results so I'm just gonna let this air dry and I'll be right back okay so it has been about five to eight minutes so I'm actually surprised that the powder started peeking through because my face was so soaked I literally thought my powder was completely gone I'm gonna just dust off the powder I'm hoping the powder comes off because I feel like it looks so clinked on my face so what I'm gonna do now is just dust this off okay I honestly thought the powder would be so cleaned on me but it's actually dusting off really nicely this is where we're gonna see the difference looking at my face both sides look very great I think this side it's gonna really help just lock the foundation in pleased I don't know if I'm just like overthinking it well I really want to hear what you guys think in the comments down below but I feel like my face does look a lot more smooth and it feels more tight so I don't know if this eyes would actually not only minimize your pores but I do think it kind of helps to firm the skin and the only thing that kind of like I don't know feels weird is this side the fact that the pores are closing when the foundation is already on it I mean I know when I apply foundation it's already clogging my pores but I feel like I'm clogging them even more because I'm making my pores closed while my foundation on my face I'm gonna finish my face first and we will see then what side I like better and I might like both sides who knows all right you guys my face is all done this is how it looks close up so as you can see I mean it looks pretty flawless in my opinion I don't know what site to choose I don't feel like the firm face anymore so on this side where I applied the ice under the foundation I do think it minimized my pores and it did tighten my skin I don't know how I feel about applying ice over my makeup because one I could mess it up just because I applied a lot of powder it did like prevent it from getting ruined but I think if you did not do it right there is a chance that you might remove your foundation and - I don't know how to feel about your Porsche closing in on you while you have so much foundation on your face like I don't know how to feel about that it was just so messy when the foundation and powder was already on I think I was just prefer doing it overall with a", metadata={'source': 'OKoL852K9uA'}), Document(page_content="when the foundation and powder was already on I think I was just prefer doing it overall with a bare face probably would just do this side which was applying the ice underneath the foundation the eyes is so messy because it's melting everywhere I would say be ready with a napkin so you can grab the excess liquid that is dripping off your face let me know in the comments down below what you guys think would you guys try it out I would definitely do this on a day where I feel like my pores are just extremely extremely huge I really hope you guys enjoyed this video thank you so much for watching I love you guys so much and I will see you guys in the next one bye", metadata={'source': 'OKoL852K9uA'})]
[Document(page_content="(lighthearted music) Thirst, t-h-i... - [Female] r-s-t. r-s-t. Thirst tweets. Daddy. Exclamation point, exclamation\npoint, exclamation point exclamation point, exclamation point. Use my face as (laughs)... Trampoline. Thanks? Thank you? (laughs) I just remembered how sexy Mark Ruffalo is and now I need to lie down. Take a little extra time for yourself. (laughs) One more? I hope destiny allows me to\none day call Mark Ruffalo Daddy as a cigarette loosely\nhangs from my lips. (laughs) I'm just... I'm flattered. What can I say? I'm flattered. Thank you. Thanks for this. Thank you. (dramatic music)", metadata={'source': 'pa_oUisZZy0'})]
[Document(page_content="captain phone apps for technology productivity content creation creativity these are specifically on the iPhone but a lot of them can be found on a Android operating system home on Twitter I asked you guys what are your top eight apps that you have been using recently and you guys just responded with so many tweets it was really happy to see that some of you guys are still playing pokemon Co and what I noticed a lot is a new game show app called like HQ trivia and plenty of other things but the most consistent were messages snapchat Instagram and Facebook but for this video I am going to share my top ten apps that I use for just life in regards to productivity and content creation but let's start with number one and it's a very basic app but it's one that I discovered a very clutch feature and recently Instagram I'm on Instagram a ton but I just use it for consuming and then posting some pictures and video from my life but I figured out a feature that honestly I didn't know existed but it's been around for a while it's a way to treat Instagram kind of like a Pinterest I've never actually used Pinterest but I find a lot of inspiration and things I want to say for reference later on Instagram and you can actually do that within the app so the save feature they actually introduced something called collections where you can organize the content from Instagram that you dig so just today I created clothing inspo I only have one picture saved but I'm definitely gonna be filling out up and then spaces I love creative spaces and offices and things and so I put places that I vibe with in here the fact that this feature lives directly into Instagram is amazing speaking of Instagram my number two app is a app called enough on them on them on if you are very particular about your Instagram feed this app allows you to plan it out and see how your feet it looks and adjust to the content that you post so I think my feed looks pretty cool I like punchy trust and saturation but if I want to see the next Instagram that I'm gonna post is going to fit in to my feet I can upload that picture we'll just take this picture of John we'll say done and then you can see how that looks like within your feet does that fit so this is fantastic if you do the tiling on Instagram where you have three pictures is equal to one or the block of six pictures is equal to like one graphic or something this is very good to plan that out so I'm gonna keep all these ideas saving images for reference if you guys like to create mood boards IRL so literally taping pictures and things to the wall you're going to love this app called curators so basically what this allows you to do is create a mood board of text images links and add it to this massive board to reference to later I haven't played around a lot with this because I just discovered it but it is a fantastic tool to send maybe a mood board to a person or maybe a client you are working with or someone you're collaborating with okay guys we're doing good we're doing good four down six to go the next one I'm going to mention is Expensify if you are a freelancer of any type it is so important to keep track of expensive you buy a camera you are a videographer so you're using that camera for work you need to expense that thing for taxes so you can write it off and Expensify you can categorize your expenses based on trips or certain time periods so it is a fantastic way to get organized and you can also attach receipts to certain transactions up next is office if you guys are still scanning papers into computers what are you even doing this app allows you to take a document I'm going to find a document I'm going to set this document on a flat surface picture it's processing and boom it cross it perfectly into a rectangle so it looks like you scanned it and even if it's a little off you can go in and correct it so now that I have this beautiful document I can save it and", metadata={'source': 'UFYCTJlayS4'}), Document(page_content="off you can go in and correct it so now that I have this beautiful document I can save it and send as a PDF or email it straight from here next up is an app called breather let's just take a breather because I'm realizing going through 10 different apps is a lot breather is kind of like a Airbnb but for office spaces you can rent them by the hour or by the day I just discovered this but this is something I might utilize if I ever need to film certain things I need a new aesthetic maybe a new background I'm collaborating with someone and if I only need it for about two hours there are a lot of affordable options so I see this from the filming standpoint if I just need a space to film I see it was very affordable but it's obviously super clutch for meetings if you need to bring a team of people together these places are static yes yeah the next app is kind of out of right field but I've kind of been into cryptocurrency lately and blockchain and all of that fascinating technology I've gotten the question a lot what exchange do you use to invest into cryptocurrency and trade the app is called coin base here the main coins Bitcoin aetherium and light point now I'm not gonna go into the app and show you all of my financial info but trust me the UI is beautiful and if you are new to cryptocurrency and all that this is a good place to start the next app is G board it is a keyboard that has made my iMessage experience better so here are bringing you into my riveting conversation with Jonathan Hill we're talking about what kind of ladder should we get for the new office this is what Google keyboard looks like you can Google something right in the app and then push up the results to the message so I'll just hit share and I can send that to show him the closest lows you can get the search results from Google YouTube or Google Maps but my two favorite things about this app is the swiping this is so cool and then you can use the bar to scroll through these specific texts this is just me holding down the spacebar and it allows you to navigate throughout the text the swiping to text is so handy when texting with one hand I can barely type normally now my second reason why I love G board is gifs are right here the you know drawing is right here but you can search emoji so no more scrolling around forever to find that one emoji say New York and you got all the New York stuff [Music] my last two apps are for purely inspiration and consumption of books and podcasts so coming in at number nine is the podcasting app overcast usually I listen on Apple's native app but with their update the UI and UX is just so clunky there is no hierarchy to it and it's just it's confusing it takes about four clicks to get to anything so that's why I have chosen overcast some podcasts that I would recommend if you're curious is masters of scale with Reid Hoffman he formerly co-founded LinkedIn a few others open for business and start up with gimlet anything gimlet does is amazing so the podcasts open for business and also startup Rico decode is also a fantastic one and last but certainly not least is the Kindle app for awhile I was trying to force myself to sit down and read from a physical book because they look so cool it makes you look smart but it just didn't happen it's very difficult for me to read out of the physical book but it's so natural for me to have my phone in my hand suppose like Sarah don't fight it just read books on your phone and that way you can also highlight parts that you dig write notes and save them to PDFs or other forms of notes it makes reading fun it's so fun it's really fun and shout out to Kingston for sponsoring this video I have been using my Kingston bolt a ton [Music] it literally lives on my keys and it is a way to have removable storage for your iPhone's there is a thunderbolt on one side and a USB to the other you can plug it into your phone move photos video over to here so it", metadata={'source': 'UFYCTJlayS4'}), Document(page_content="side and a USB to the other you can plug it into your phone move photos video over to here so it frees up storage on your iPhone or you can shoot just directly to the bolt I made a video about the Kingston bolt you can check it out right here and all of the information is in the description below thank you guys so much for hanging out with me today I am moving into the studio soon I'm so excited John are you excited so I am thoroughly excited going to bring you guys on the journey but for now let me know if you like this video thank you for tuning in hit that subscribe button down in the description below until next time guys stay peachy okay [Music] [Music]", metadata={'source': 'UFYCTJlayS4'})]
[Document(page_content="good morning Oh God we're gonna do things today today we're gonna do things we're not really ready for I've heard that time you're supposed to live life but I had my doubts if you don't know I'm training for a half marathon that I'm running in October with my mom and my stepdad and I'm not a very good runner so I got hooked up hooked up in my 65 I got in contact with one of the Nike running coaches his name is blue and he's gonna train me and I think we're gonna write about five miles today from the day that I'm recording this there's exactly one month until the half marathon so far I've only ran four miles as my longest distance so this is good this guy he taught me they're doing six miles instead of five yeah so I've got to get real [Music] we did it 56 minutes I changed my entire running posture I didn't know I was doing it wrong yep I was running like what would you say sasquatch probably yeah we got on your toes yeah got your arm swing dial yes you're better now we have a slow-motion video that we can review all right here ya're state now your landing below your center of mass on the ball of your foot instead of on your heel which makes you over stride and then the other awesome thing you're doing is your arm swing you're getting the elbows back far enough and so your posture is nice and tall and you have that awesome forward lean so that is how you run I feel like I'm gonna feel much better in an hour right now I feel like I'm [Music] good morning today we are going to cryotherapy yesterday I ran with blue five and a half miles and I could use some help I've been meaning to do cryotherapy for quite some time but I've just been too scared it's only three minutes but it's really really freaking cold so the only way to do something that I don't really want to do is to have someone go with me isn't that what friends are for no they're not there to lean on they're not there to help you with things they're there to just go to things that you don't want to go to it okay we're in a tiny room Amy's going for us apparently his second person is going to be way colder weight holder that's gonna be me this is the chamber just as a preview we got some hello- 140 degrees we already have the fog starting oh my god we're at one 88 degrees much colder Megan's turn right : I have to get real yeah oh I feel it already yep oh you're negative 103 colder than this oh yeah [Music] oh my guys really good at awesome powers initiation complete it just falls to the ground what do you what do you say how was your first experience being frozen I feel like if I went like this I would have icicles from my unshaven life today running the Hollywood sign day too I think it's gonna be eight miles hey Tommy this is what we're looking at now see you where that little flag is you probably can't see at all it's like a worse version of the Grinch okay see you soon remember that flag has choking that was like yeah we're gonna be up there we went there there was seven miles lots of steeps up and down yeah else you're probably harder yeah it's very slippery but its longest I've gone longest one morning it is race day mmm just doing that Aries fall asleep feels so good to close my eyes this is what 4 a.m. looks like today we're running a half marathon believe it or not pumped yeah two one hi mom's here what's it happening now I am rubbing Megan down my body line so she doesn't shake big girl probs oh sure Cheryl problems like oh my god I don't think I could get more personal than you birthing me it's done I did it I ran a half marathon and I survived let me tell you it is not easy I wasn't expecting it to be easy but I did train for it it's funny that in the beginning of this video I was only running for miles and then I ran 13.1 and granted I did break down on the eighth mile because my knee hurts so bad and I was weeping for upwards of a half of a mile my mom actually gave me her knee brace because she also has a", metadata={'source': 'cccyOn99s4Y'}), Document(page_content="for upwards of a half of a mile my mom actually gave me her knee brace because she also has a bum knee but I was going down so she gave you her knee brace which is the epitome of what mothers should do you shouldn't run a half marathon unless you are doing it with your mom because who's gonna take care of you when you start crying I didn't have the energy to document after running that long especially because I was using both of my hands to ice my knees this is the recap of it [Music] don't you love when you wake up before your alarm and you're like I don't need your help I'm sassy to all of my electronics I also earned a souvenir this is the finisher metal rock and roll half marathon boom I did it yay I'm reliving it except for it my knees work this time the funny thing about marathons wouldn't knoe never did one the funny thing about race is in general is that they have these photographers taking pictures of you like the paparazzi except for all the pictures are terrible of course I had to buy them but now let's react to these little photos this is how early we started I had to be there at 4 a.m. I can't Where's Waldo myself in this but I'm pretty sure I'm between the groups of I don't want to do this and why did I sign up for it this is a photo of me being a half ballet dancer half crossing guard this one I'm not even running I think I'm trying to take off for flight in this one for with my arms like that okay I love this one you see that my mom has the knee brace on this is before the finish line this one I like because if you're a fan of the office or I've ever seen the episode where Jim and Pam get married they talk about taking mental images with a fake camera to preserve certain memories or special moments of their big day I did that here I've never ran this far ever my mom is an avid runner and I think it was a huge deal and a family bonding experience and I think it's very cute no joke here this one looks like this looks like I'm the spokesperson for speed walking this is Wonder crossing the finish line like you holster already girls um okay yeah this is us getting married apparently and yet another blurry photo that's what you get guys yes you're getting pride that you follow there is something yes you're getting fulfillment that you actually did something pretty hard but more importantly and most of all you get in blurry ass photos [Music]", metadata={'source': 'cccyOn99s4Y'})]
[Document(page_content="[Music] Montreal is a city of culture it's a city of history it's a city whose name it's like a big brown thing on the top of the white stuff and then I think it's kind of some cheese feel like I would eat this like if I was right about to hibernate this is what I would eat literally 20 minutes ago and we were doing this someone said are you baby driver I said yeah I've had a bunch of interactions with strangers and it's like a really nice way to be welcomed to a city I'd say [Music] there's so much information out there and at this point it seems like kind of a Montreal is a ton of really great restaurants why are we just eating 14 I feel like it's like this doesn't really matter [Music]", metadata={'source': 'uTH--XRCGxM'})]
[Document(page_content="[Music] see me the top of the world they got attention to busy [Music] won't forget where i started [Music] and it's crazy [Music] feels like a minute [Music] [Music] hey [Music] uh [Music]", metadata={'source': 'e4FApt6z55c'})]
[Document(page_content="and now an abc world premiere performance by taylor [Music] after the swift girls carrying the shoes down in the lobby candle wax and polaroids on the hardwood floor [Music] i [Music] squeeze my hand three times back of the taxi i can tell that it's gonna be a long road i'll be there for the toast to the town bay or if you [Music] mistakes [Music] hold on to the memories [Music] and i will hold on to you [Music] please [Music] anywhere [Music] there's glitter on the floor after the party girls carrying the shoes down in the lobby candle wax and polaroids on the hardwood floor you and me forevermore [Music] mistakes [Music] i'll be cleaning our bottles with you on a new year's day [Music] [Applause] you", metadata={'source': 'gEHCXl4J9Qo'})]
[Document(page_content="[Music] well greetings and salutations everybody welcome to the John Campea show here on my youtube channel I am of course your host John Campea and it is an honor and a privilege to have you guys joining me here today on this glorious Saturday morning it's the weekend congratulations you made it all the way through hello to all you guys in the chat board seeing Kevin Franciscus Jeremy Nilan Cain Lewis hello everybody everybody's good no echo today I had some technical problems on my show and on my video thing yesterday all right here's how today is going to go we've got a few items in the world of things we've got going on and we are going to be talking about things that you guys are bringing up to me and everybody stop saying that there's echo because there's absolutely no like oh so anybody um we got a few things going on and today I'm gonna take the topics that you guys have sent in to me how do you get a topic on the John Campea show it's simple you just email me anytime at John at the John Campea show.com that's John at the John Campea show.com send on in your topics to me and this is important guys a couple of very very key things here make sure you put that word topic in the subject line the word topic has to be in the subject line that's got to be there also make sure that you keep your email 290 words or less if you do not keep it 290 words or less then I simply cannot use your question because I wouldn't even be able to fit it on the screen if I wanted to okay with all of that out of the way oh I should let you guys know this too for those who are watching live and there's already a ton of you guys in the live chat board right now for those of you guys who are watching live make sure you get ready because near the end of the show I'm gonna save a few minutes for you guys to send in some live questions and how will you send in live questions it's simple you're just going to tweet to me at John Campea that's tweet me at John Campea you're just gonna send out a tweet start with that John Campea send it in and like I said I'm gonna save a few minutes near the end of the show to take your questions I'm gonna take just as many of your tweets as I possibly can and maybe you will see your tweet pop up here on the bottom of the screen alright with all that out of the way let's move on to the first question and the first question today comes from Jessica McNeil who writes hi John the boyfriend and I watch the show every day when we get home from work thanks for all you do well thank you very much Jessica oh maybe that means best friend and not boyfriend oh but when you get overworked clearly your boyfriend okay with Justice League reactions now out there how should we feel I've been excited for the movie but don't know how to take the limp the limited reactions I've been seeing please help well yeah that's been the big topic discussion for the last little while of course we got the first reactions for Justice League they hit online yesterday and we talked a little bit about this I'm going to go over those again today just for any of you guys who missed that video yesterday we're talking about some of those initial reactions we've seen come out just so you know I have not seen justice league yet I'm seeing it shortly but I have not seen it yet in my review I'm not going to give social media reaction though I'm going to put up my review on Wednesday which is still when the well 10 minutes short of Wednesday which is still when the review embargo lifts but I'll be putting up my review then so I haven't seen it yet haven't seen it I'm talking to several my friends who I know who have seen it and the reactions have been pretty much the same and we'll go over those here in just a second but it's now evolved beyond that now people are the question online has shifted from what are the reactions to Justice League going to be like and now that we've gotten a bunch of reactions the", metadata={'source': 'abGCYPCk294'}), Document(page_content="the reactions to Justice League going to be like and now that we've gotten a bunch of reactions the discussions I'm seeing happening online are how should we feel about these reactions because they're clearly not completely one-way nor are they the other way so how should we feel about the reactions well let's take a look at some of these reactions that we've had come up here for this we're gonna start this one off and some of these you may have seen some of you may not may not how the foutch is right solid Justice League is solid an entertainment despite some problems they pulled off a strange alchemy that works better than it should the story is lacking but the league is great and it is a blast to watch them in action together Wonder Woman is clutch obviously obviously okay well why not so peri Nemiroff writes here goes Justice League is super thin and has some very weak CG but has got heart and a positive vibe that works over I had a pretty good time and I'm looking forward to the next thing Justice League is good and I can finally talk about a Wonder Woman it's wonderful Aquaman is surprisingly cool flashes hilarious Batman is drunk the story is coherent and surprisingly funny it's not perfect but it's really enjoyable Eric Davis over there at Fandango writes Justice League is better than Batman vs Superman and Suicide Squad it's lean and mean and packed a superhero action I dug most of the lighter moments I think it is one of the best action sequences ever in a DC a moving of course Wonder Woman steals a show Paul surely rights Justice League is fun bumpy ride that succeeds in character but fails a narrative it's a mixed bag of execution that's saved by the actors who rise above the shortcomings to deliver and engaging funny hopeful yet flawed entering to the DC EU we read his yesterday Germain Lussier I think we're ready I can't remember Justice League it's ok narrative Li it's a mess the stakes don't work and the villain isn't great however the heroes are great it's funny and they're surprisingly effective character work I didn't love it but there's enough good pieces to actually keep me for the future we moved down to of course Terry Schwartz writes I am genuinely happy to report that Justice League is a lot of fun it's not perfect we're seeing that a lot it has its problems but it does the job of making you care about these characters as a team by its end it's also very funny lots of unexpected ways and of course my buddy done is n wrote Justice League was entertaining for a good portion of the time both in on storytelling and character development there's more fun humor and heart than Batman vs Superman but it also feels very rushed with some scenes given zero time to develop alright so basically here we go the basic idea here that we're getting the general consensus is this generally speaking the reactions are positive the reactions generally speaking are positive so that overall what we're seeing is a course of it's funny it's entertaining it's fun the hero characters definitely work and then we're also getting week story some poor execution weak villain not perfect okay but overall like I mentioned this on my video yesterday if you had like right down the middle it's half good it's half bad and you go over here it's a little more bad and you go over here it's more good clearly the the arrow is leaning more towards the good clearly this is a positive step in the right direction for the DCE you now I know look there were some people out there who were hoping I listen a lot of us almost all of us were hoping for the greatest movie of all time okay but I think deep down we knew we weren't gonna get that but the DCE you didn't need to completely crush Justice League that's know what they needed what they needed was to keep the positive momentum they got going with Wonder Woman going they needed to keep that positive momentum going that's what they really needed to do", metadata={'source': 'abGCYPCk294'}), Document(page_content="Woman going they needed to keep that positive momentum going that's what they really needed to do more than needing it to make it their greatest movie whenever they just at the bottom line they had to make sure they had a positive a new positive insertion into the DC EU to keep the positive momentum going that's what they needed because coming off the complete divisiveness of Man of Steel Suicide Squad Batman vs Superman they needed a couple of good films around you guys know I've been saying for months Justice League is gonna be the second film in the DC EU after one woman to score 70% or higher unwanted tomatoes I predicted that and after seeing a lot of these reviews or reactions I should say I am sticking by that I think we are going to see Justice League wind up in that 70% range which is a far cry above where we were with that right down the middle Man of Steel the more negative Batman vs Superman Suicide Squad you know look I am an odd duck in the fact that I'm one of the few people out there that I give positive reviews to every DC eeu movie I have given a positive review to every single DC EU movie yes I enjoyed Suicide Squad I know there was a hot mess in there but I thought overall the entertainment value outweighed all the problems I'm not denying the problems and if you hated it I'm not arguing with you but I think the positive fun aspects of that movie outweighed the negative I think the positive elements of Batman vs Superman outweighed the negative I obviously think Man of Steel had almost no negatives I think Man of Steel was almost flawless I think that was a terrific film but you know even we who like the DC movies we have to acknowledge they had their problems and as a result a lot of the audience has been split on especially the critics but now we're seeing positive responses and I'm sorry I talked to a friend of mine who's a die-hard DC fan yesterday and they were just crushed crushed at the reactions and I'm talking I'm like what are you talking about this is good news this is positive responses this is good stuff this shows us and this is important because I think there were some people out there thinking okay water woman was good but maybe that was a fluke okay fair enough some people were suspected that that's fine but there are a lot of people out there who thought one or one was a fluke if justice league comes out and leans more towards that positive thing and the general reaction is now from people watching it are positive that tells us that wonder one was no fluke that tells us that Warner Brothers and Justice League and and DC they are capable of consistently making films that are not divisive but that are films that generally speaking the wider audience and critics and the box office will enjoy and love and embrace this is huge news this is huge response this is a massive reason for people have been waiting for the DCU to really crack through to celebrate this is good stuff come on we didn't need Justice League to be the next Oscar winner nobody was like really honestly expecting it to be the next Oscar winner okay all I need to do was carry through that positive momentum Wonder Woman was no fluke DC and Warner Brothers have reorganized they shook things up a little bit they paused a little bit they put out a positive one or movie and now it looks like like not perfect has its problems yes but generally speaking positive Justice League movie this is terrific news this is great and I think this should excite everybody now should we temper our expectations a little bit going into Justice League yes we should temper our expectations a little bit we it's clear from all the reactions we shouldn't go in there expecting a 10 out of 10 the best movie of the year the one of the top 5 comic book movies of all time ok maybe that's not what we should expect but guess what ant-man is not top 5 comic book movie of all time and that movie's hella entertaining", metadata={'source': 'abGCYPCk294'}), Document(page_content="guess what ant-man is not top 5 comic book movie of all time and that movie's hella entertaining dr. strange is not a top-five comic book movie of all time and that movie is hella entertaining thor ragnarok is not a top-five best combo moves of all time but it is a hell of an entertaining film justice league can be a hell of an entertaining film we just need to adjust our expectations a little bit to not go in there expecting you know the greatest save the next Dark Knight we shouldn't go in there expecting the next Dark Knight and that's fine it doesn't have to be to be a great fun enjoyable movie going experience that sets up the DCU for future success and that's the takeaway I think out of this now look clearly everybody has kind of mixed feelings but leaning towards the positive that means there gonna be some of you guys to go to see Justice League they don't like it there's a possibility I may not like it it would be the first time I don't like a DC a movie but there's a possibility I may like it that's fine but at least it sounds like it's not going to be with the general movie-going audience in the critics it's not going to be the trainwreck that say Batman vs Superman was I mean I liked it but I go to admit to the rest of the critic community and a lot of the fans it was a train wreck okay fine that doesn't change my opinion but it sounds like Justice League isn't gonna be that and it feels like to me everybody who's on pins and needles about Justice League can step back take a deep sigh of relief and go you know what it sounds like basically people like this film and that is two in a row now for DC that's two in a row that are positively being received and we'll just have to see how this all pans out but and what about you guys what do you guess and I'm sure when we get to the Twitter part of the show the live show here you guys are gonna have a lot of things to say about this get those tweets ready I'll let you know when it's time to shoot in if you're not watching this live what do you guys think were you encouraged hearing these reactions to Justice League were you discouraged we're gonna talk more about a little bit near the end of the show and people start sending those lies tweets but let me know what your guys thoughts are - all right let's move on to the next question and the next question today comes to us from Rob Sanders this is a fascinating question hi John impressed with your show and making something on your own thank you so much I appreciate that Rob my question is in the wake of Hurricane Kevin Spacey do you think filmmakers slash producer slash directors will now use private investigators to look into their potential cast before they hire them to ensure there's nothing that will embarrass slash torpedo there Jex thanks a lot for the question man and it's not just hurricane Kevin Spacey him it's hurricane brett ratner it's it's hurricane harvey weinstein it's hurricane whoever else so in this whole movement in the political world when a political party is thinking about putting somebody up for election and to put somebody up to run for an election there's a process they go through that they call vetting and basically that means your own party looks very deeply in to you to go through your bank records they go through your history to go through everything just to desperately try to find if there's anything shady in your past that could come up to bite you in the ass later if an actual campaign gets started because you know once a campaign starts everybody else is gonna be looking at your history and they want to find if there's any problems first it's called vetting to some degree there is some vetting that goes on in the movie industry but you got to wonder though at this point if moving forward because look at what's happening to the movie all the money in the world from Sony being directed by Ridley Scott we just talked about this in the last couple", metadata={'source': 'abGCYPCk294'}), Document(page_content="in the world from Sony being directed by Ridley Scott we just talked about this in the last couple of days Kevin Spacey is one of the guys in the movie the movies coming out on December 22nd and Sony just decided to pull Kevin Spacey scenes out of the movie reshoot his scenes with the actor Christopher Plummer re-edit it and still have it out on December 22nd this is going to cost Sony millions to do it but they're going to lose less money doing it this way than they would have putting out a movie in theaters with Kevin Spacey right now right and I talked yesterday too about how could the whole Kevin Spacey thing possibly affect baby driver and the Oscar chances are future home video sales or all that kind of stuff and we'll have to just wait and see I mean there's only so much vetting you can do especially if you're putting out like you know oh gosh how many wide released films coming out every year and how much time do you have to actually go into it and all that kind of but I think you're right I think to some degree we are going to see this process of vetting of actors but remember it's not just actors now it's directors like Ben rat or like Brett Ratner it's it's studio executives like Harvey Weinstein but I do think when it comes down to it you are going to see an uptick in how much vetting a studio will put into their directors and their producers and their casts not a massively new big amount because I think basically soft your fellow human beings but I think you're gonna see an uptick and how much of that stuff has done great question all right let's move on now to the next question and the next question comes to us from good job Inc who writes hey John I think you're a genius Speaking wise well thank you so much good job Inc as an aspiring director my question is this why doesn't the director also get the Best Picture Oscar when the film wins said Oscar I know producers have a lot to do with the making of this movie but we all agree that the movie is the director's vision do you think this do you think that the director should get an award as well no absolutely not absolutely not and I think you're incorrect when you say the movie is the director's vision no actually the majority of the time the concept for the movie and the overall vision of the movie is determined before a director is ever even hired like a lot of times look it's it starts with a producer the movie is the producers movie because it starts with them them either recognizing they a script they think is really good or have an idea for movie and they hire writers to get a script going they then get all the pieces together they put and they're the ones ultimately who hire a director the other ones who bring in the director make sure they're on the same page with the director blow a lot now I've always said at the end of the day if you had to pick out one person that is most responsible not exclusively responsible but most responsible for the success of or failure of a movie not financially I mean quality wise okay not financially quality wise that's the director but at the end of the day this movie does not happen without that producer or that team of producers this movie simply doesn't get brought together that director doesn't even get hired without the producers at the end of the day the movie is the producers movie it was them that got the ball rolling it is them who put all the pieces together it is them who stood on the bridge of the ship and pointed the direction that they needed their ship to go and it's then the director who gets behind the wheel and takes it there but it is absolutely that now we've seen a lot in Academy Awards history at least anyway when the producers come up to accept the best picture award they will often bring the director up with them and that's that's a courtesy and that's I feel that's right because you probably wanted won Best Picture if it wasn't for the work of the", metadata={'source': 'abGCYPCk294'}), Document(page_content="I feel that's right because you probably wanted won Best Picture if it wasn't for the work of the director as well so that you offer will bring the director but no the Academy Award that statue or set of statues that go to Best Picture that belongs on the mantel not of the director it belongs on the mantel of the producer the Best Director Academy Award that belongs on the mantel of the director but otherwise it really does belong with the producers alright let's move on to the next question and the next question comes to us from one of my patreon supporters Jason Keyser who writes you mentioned that Disney was in talks to buy Fox in order to compete with Netflix if that's the case why doesn't Disney just forget about Fox and just buy Netflix all right thanks a lot for the question man and yeah so look we all the whole world turned upside down a couple of days ago when word got out that Disney and Fox had past tense had had some talks about the possibility of Disney buying some assets off of Fox they weren't buying Fox outright they weren't buying the Fox name but they were gonna they were looking at buying a bunch of Fox's assets because apparently Fox wants to lean down they want to become a sports and news primary kind of thing so they were looking at buying a bunch of assets particularly they were interested in their television assets to populate their upcoming Disney streaming service so that raises up the question apparently those talks have stopped and they've stalled that whether that they might start up again sometime who knows but right now that's not happening so the question then becomes well wait a minute and Disney said the reason we were looking into this is because our competition Bob Iger actually said this I'm paraphrasing but he said look our competition right now isn't the other movie studios our competition right now are these digital streaming services that are going into the home that's our main competition now so okay if you're looking at buying Fox assets to bolster your own digital streaming thing coming up in 2019 why not just buy Netflix if you're if Netflix is your competition just buy Netflix well there is there's a big hurdle to that and that is this the value of Netflix the value of Netflix look you can make an argument that the most valuable thing that Disney owns right now is the Star Wars IP they bought that for like four billion dollars okay keep this in mind when you're looking at selling your business and I'm not a MBA but generally speaking I've been told it goes anywhere from take the Revit what is your business worth if you want to sell it well take the revenue of your business and generally multiply that like per year then multiply that by five years some people say two or three or four but generally I've heard five but whatever whatever the Ru so let's go with five years forensic if you want know what the value of your business is take your annual revenue multiply that by five that should be generally speaking the revenue of your that should be the value of your business okay what's Netflix's revenue as of the last time I checked and it could be different number right now but the last time I checked Netflix had a hundred and three million subscribers worldwide a hundred and three million subscribers okay you take that on an average I know it's not exact but average that out to ten dollars a month per subscriber so let's just round these numbers out a hundred million subscribers at ten dollars a month that's a billion dollars with a be a billion dollars a month a month in revenue that is twelve billion dollars a year you want to extrapolate that over five years you are now talking a company that is roughly worth sixty billion dollars Disney bought Lucasfilm for four Netflix right now their general you know market value as a company right now is sixty billion dollars and that is only going up so you know Netflix wouldn't even sell for", metadata={'source': 'abGCYPCk294'}), Document(page_content="now is sixty billion dollars and that is only going up so you know Netflix wouldn't even sell for 60 billion because they know with the larger and larger share of this market they're getting and the more more they're starting to dominate the streaming space and the more and more the streaming space is starting to dominate the entertainment medium Netflix knows their values only going up next year their values gonna be even higher so Netflix wouldn't even sell for sixty billion dollars guess what it don't matter how big Disney is Disney don't have sixty billion dollars in their back pocket now on top of that you could get some FTC things that get involved there could be some League stuff involved there to where the government may view that too much as a potential monopolies and stuff like that so they might not or they might whatever they may or may not even allow some like that but the bottom line is the financials on that Disney's confront could probably buy a whole bunch of Fox's assets for like ten billion maybe twelve billion dollars in buy a whole ton of assets to put in a streaming service or think it's been five times that and not even get Netflix or five times that I mean so that I think basically comes down to the financial says why doesn't Disney just try to buy Netflix and like just in general well basically speaking because it's pretty damn expensive really damn expensive as a matter of fact okay guys we've got two more questions to go for topics and then I'm gonna live to the live questions that you guys are tweeting in to me but before we get to that I'm gonna take my daily commercial break where I do my little shameless plug this is of course my shameless plug for what makes this entire channel possible and that is of course my supporters on patreon here check this out for those of you who have followed me for any period of time you guys know that I made the decision recently to leave the corporate overlords I no longer wanted to work for corporations I wanted to be an independent content creator and the only way I've been able to do that is by the support of my patreon supporters so what I would like to do is to ask you guys who watch my shows who spend any amount of time with me every single month to consider going over to WWBT on Comm slash john campea there you'll get all the information about what exactly does it mean to be a patreon supporter of mine what does being a patreon supporter do for helping to make sure that shows like this one and all the other shows I do here on my channel can actually be produced and on top of that what benefits are there to being a patreon supporter and maybe if you guys can check that out if you decide you want to be one of my patreon supporters that would be awesome and if you don't that's perfectly fine too I'm just happy that you guys have decided to be here today and be a fellow movie fan and join us in the conversation so go check all right guys who I think I cut that off a little bit shorter who cares let's get back to the good stuff thanks guys for checking that out maybe you'll become a patreon supporter too all right let's move on now to the next question and the next question today I'll start only one last question today before we get to the big stuff and that alfred egg Koli who writes sorry if I butchered your name Alfred Aloha John big fan of your show thank you so much Alfred now that the first Justice League reactions by movie critics have come out for the Justice League do you still believe that it will become the number one compliment een and joined the billion dollar club all right thanks a lot for the question man and yeah so one of the things two specific predictions I've had for Justice League is number one it will become the biggest comic book movie financially of the year I believe it will beat spider-man homecoming and I believe it will ultimately top Thor Ragnarok as well and secondly I do believe", metadata={'source': 'abGCYPCk294'}), Document(page_content="homecoming and I believe it will ultimately top Thor Ragnarok as well and secondly I do believe it'll hit the billion dollar club it'll be the first DC EU movie now but by the way guys I've said this before and then I have a bunch of people get on my saying John do you know anything Dark Knight and the Dark Knight Rises they both made the billion dollars and I have to explain them yep but those were not DC EU movies so okay so calm down when I say that I believe Justice League will become the first DC EU movie to make a billion dollars I said DC EU bat Chris Randall and Batman films are not in the DC EU okay so I'm excluding those die Billy Justice League will become the first DC EU film that will cross the billion dollar mark it is hard to believe that it's going to be v DC EU film your 5th right the Man of Steel Suicide Squad Batman Wonder Woman and now here we go with with Justice League it's hard to believe that is the fifth one we haven't had one joined the billion dollar club yet but I do believe this one will do it I do believe it will do it now the question is okay I thought that before the reactions came out now that we see the reactions do I still believe it I absolutely believe it more right now I get and I could be wrong I could be totally wrong about this but I believe it more because I've always believed that for it to not join the billion dollar club I believe that the reactions would have to be negative and like overall negative I believe that if the overall reactions had been negative and really slanted negative remember we talked that the reviews have been slanting very positive they've even gret absolutely have been leaning positive had they been going skewing way negative then maybe I would question whether or not it would hit the billion dollar club but I believe skewing positive that means more people in advance you can see oh the critics like it okay I'll give it a chance but more than that if it is actually pretty good movie it's more likely that people will come back for repeat viewings and they'll want to come back for repeat viewings bringing new friends who haven't seen it yet and I believe all that will snowball and I believe it'll hit a billion dollars again I could be wrong about that maybe hits 900 million maybe hits 800 million maybe it does 795 something like that whatever okay fine maybe that's possible but if I had to put 10 bucks down right now I would bet that Justice League is gonna cross that billion dollar mark I really do I think it will I think it will end up being the number one comic book box office movie of the year and we'll just see how that all kind of goes fingers crossed okay guys with that stuff out of the way now it is time for me to go to you guys who are watching live and there's like almost 1500 of you in that chat board right now but I will go to you guys right now in the live chat if you guys are watching live you can start firing in your comments and questions tweet to me at John Campea just start firing those things in I am going to get my Twitter board now opened up here remember guys I do not have a crew of 23 full-time staff anymore I'm doing this all by myself on my own so forgive me if I there a little couple of a little hiccups in this let's see let's go to this one this first one comes to us from no me no me it's Assad who writes John Jessica Chastain or Amy Adams for Beverly in it - well okay generally speaking you know I basically believe whatever just getting an actress who's talented and that's fine but looking at the girl who played the young Beverly in it I could not help but think of both of these women like they I mean especially ah both of them she looks like I mean really I really thought Jessica or am i should say Amy Adams at first I love both Amy Adams Jessica Chastain if I had to pick one over the other I'd say probably I prefer Jessica Chastain but I love Amy Adams but when I was watching Beverly", metadata={'source': 'abGCYPCk294'}), Document(page_content="I'd say probably I prefer Jessica Chastain but I love Amy Adams but when I was watching Beverly in it all I could see was this is a young Amy Adams oh my god this is young Amy Adams so I mean it would physically speaking and physical looks aren't the most important thing but physical looks why she would be the best match I think for this young Beverly but look if they get either jessica chastain or Amy Adams these are both Oscar caliber actresses either way would be a win but look it doesn't have to be either one of these either I mean there's a lot of other actresses out there they could totally go as long as a talented actress to come in and do the role perfectly fine but I agree if it's either Jessica Chastain or Amy Adams that's will just mark will just mark that one down as a big win and move forward let's see this someone comes to us from algae orderin on over 3737 writes john you said you know the mother of all spoilers for the last Jedi has anyone in the fan and fan have been able to figure out those fan theories um no I haven't heard anybody throw a theory at me that is very accurate to what the big spoiler is now those who don't know I mentioned like a little gosh like six seven eight months ago that I discovered like a huge mother of all spoilers for the last Jedi and I remember I even said just I said just approved everybody and I told the spoiler to one human being and one human being only and that was Josh mokuba I told Josh mokuba the secret so that when the last Jedi comes out he can confirm that that was indeed the spoiler and so a lot of people started throwing theories at me on what that big spoiler was and I can say that nobody with any accuracy has has nailed what that spoiler so it's a big mystery I think it's gonna catch a lot of people off-guard I think it's gonna surprise a lot of people let's see next one comes to us from Harry Jay a Killick who writes John are you excited for Paddington to has it got a new u.s. distributor I live in the north of England and get to see it tomorrow well I do know this I went to go see daddy's home to the other night and in front of it played the the trailer for Paddington - I loved the first Paddington yeah it looked like it had some trouble they changed voice actors last minute all kind of stuff and how could this work blah blah Paddington charmed the hell out of me I loved the first Paddington you know what this trailer looks like it even takes it up a notch it really does i it just delighted me i watch that package and to trailer I thought it was delightful I cannot wait to see it it looks like one of those movies that's just gonna charm your socks off I cannot wait for that movie to come out I don't know about its distribution situation but clearly if they're showing trailers in North America they have a North American distributor but I have not looked into that okay let's see this next one comes to us from IO Warwick John who writes John would you consider going back and doing reviews of old movies well not not terribly old movies simply because those don't get a lot of views but what I have considered what I think we're gonna start doing is something I tried before and there was some success which is revisit reviews and basically that is hey I've reviewed I reviewed Deadpool right but then Deadpool came out on home video and I did a revisit review of Deadpool like how has our opinions changed of it now four months later since it came out in theatres now that's available for home viewing and talked about revisiting this movie now that it's not on home video and there seemed to be some interest in those actually do me a favor guys actually you know let me set up some homework for you do me a favor email me at John I need your help about this John at the John Campea show calm but don't put topic in the subject line put revisit in the topic in the topic line so email me at Jonathan John Campea show calm and put", metadata={'source': 'abGCYPCk294'}), Document(page_content="put revisit in the topic in the topic line so email me at Jonathan John Campea show calm and put revisit in the topic line and tell me if you think this notion of doing a revisit review now four or five months later now that the videos come out on home video and re review the movie again and talk about how maybe now that we've sat with this movie and lived with this move from our months have our opinions changed a little bit and what are we noticing in the movie now good or bad or whatever let me know if you think that's worth it or let me know if you think that's a waste of time I feel I want to make videos that you guys are interested in seeing so you guys let me know if it's something you're interested in or not all right let's see this one comes to us from Noemi it's a sad John can it you cross the 1 billion dollar worldwide if they make a big-budget superstar star any movie look any movie can become a billion dollar movie you never know if it captures all the lightning in a bottle any movie can become a 1 billion dollar movie so if you're asking me if it's possible if that too could become a billion dollar movie sure it's possible like any other movie it's unlikely only like 35 we're between 35 and 40 films in history of joined the billion dollar club so it's unlikely but it's possible but that'll be my answer for every movie let's see this next one comes to us from alone and in debt that's the best name oh and I feel so bad for you at the same time alone and in debt writes John now that The Incredibles 2 trailers confirm for next week what do you hope to see I hope to see kick-ass trailer I'll be honest with you I didn't hear maybe I've been disconnected for the last 18 hours or so if I did not hear that Incredibles 2 trailers confirm for next week if so super excited what do I hope to see just don't be if you're gonna say you're giving us a trailer just don't be some voice over from the first film with a logo that says Incredibles 2 just actually give us a trailer even if it's just like a 45 second one then I'm thrilled otherwise just wait longer I'm fine with waiting to okay let's go on to the next set and this one comes to us from where is it h en eb who writes john after phase 3 which actors that has ended do you think Marvel should get their contract prolonged for for new films um I mean all of them you know just look if with every actor contractually obligated them for as long as you can and when that runs out try to sign them up again if they want too much money replace the actor and get somebody new that's kind of the way I feel let's see this one comes to us from cell salic LM me one who writes John do you think Arnold will still be in shape once James Cameron gets the Terminator franchise rights back um they're already they're already making new Terminator films they've already announced them they are happening go look go look them up online they are happening they've got director lined up they've got their story lined up they got their actors coming back and never doubt if Arnold Schwarzenegger can keep himself from Shape Arnold Spohr sure he'll he'll be he'll be 90 and he'll still be in great shape so don't worry about that part let's see the next one comes to us from the Rhino City Rights John do you think Disney will have enough time to advertise a solo a Star Wars film or would December be a good time to drop the trailer um the plenty of time plenty of time look this whole notion if it's it look for Han Solo stars movie four weeks is all you need any movie with the word any live-action movie with the word Star Wars in it with those words in it Star Wars you need four weeks honestly and they will advertise more than four weeks but they could honestly start advertising the same this thing in late February if they wanted to they wanted to start advertising the same late February or early March they're fine they are totally fine this look I have to dry this on", metadata={'source': 'abGCYPCk294'}), Document(page_content="late February or early March they're fine they are totally fine this look I have to dry this on people yes a lot of studios still start marketing the things like four or five months in advance I still 100% believe you do not need to you don't need to know you put out a trailer six months in advance by the time that movie comes out no one's remembered that first trailer anyway there are very rare exceptions like that first Batman vs Superman trailer yeah we kept remembering that but that's like one in a thousand generally speaking six months later as the movies final open nobody even remembers what that first trailer was I really believe Studios can save a lot of marketing budget if they just want to or at least get better bang for their buck in their marketing budgets if they start advertising a bit later there's no need to drop trailers six months in advance five months advance there's no need so yes I believe Disney has all the time in the world to to do this I think they have all the time in the world all right next question comes to us from Mack the messenger who writes John do you think Green Lantern is in Justice League over under twenty percent okay I can honestly tell you this I have not asked anybody I know who has seen it and I had Dennis then over here the other night and I haven't asked him I guess he asked see in the movie I have not asked anybody if justice if Green Lantern is in Justice League I will take the slightly over 20% now if you were to set the line at 40% I would have said under but I will take the over on 20% if you're setting the line at 20% I'll take the over on that that Green Lantern's in it and of course there are some people I could get on the phone with right now who could answer that question for me but I don't want to know let's see this one comes to us from SM McQueen who write John with the success of the light-toned movies do you think that studios will only can making funny colorful fun films no because look there's there's lots of movies that have great success lots of them like the one horror movie comes out that does really good it's like John do you think all the studios will start doing horror movies outlook every year horror movies come out funny movies come out serious movies come out mystery movies come out sci-fi movies come out adventure movies come out dramas come out every year all these movies come out they will continue to come out you was there are very good heavy movies that make money at the bank there's some very good light two-hearted movies it's like just because one comes out is like the next thing you know there's this big dramatic piece comes out and makes seven hundred million dollars where was it allowed well everybody make dramas everybody already makes dramas everybody makes light fun movies some crack some don't but I don't expect huge to Tonique shifts in the industry when one film out of 500 that year does something that's been done before I mean so don't don't over exaggerate it don't worry about too much let's see this next one comes to us from the geeky Tocqueville writes John should Disney play the Fox logo from Star Wars if they were to purchase Fox okay look very important two very big things to keep in mind here number one there are no more talks with Fox that doesn't mean they can't start up again they might but as of right now there are no more talks but number two even if those talks continued and Fox bought the assets or sorry and Disney bought the assets off of Fox they were not buying Fox Fox was still going to exist they were just gonna lean themselves down to mainly focus on sports news and some lighter entertainment Fox was still going to exist so Fox still being a standalone company Disney just buying some of their assets on them Disney can't put the word Fox on their movies because they don't own Fox they were buying assets off Fox so let's say I come to your house and I buy your and let's", metadata={'source': 'abGCYPCk294'}), Document(page_content="own Fox they were buying assets off Fox so let's say I come to your house and I buy your and let's say what's your name let's say your real name was legally the geeky taco that was your legal name on your your birth certificate okay so I come over to your house and you sell me your bedroom suite and your car and your DVDs collection alright so you sold me your bedroom set your car and your DVD collection I can't start calling myself the geeky taco I didn't buy you I didn't buy your name I just bought some of your assets and now some of those assets even if that represented a lot of what you used to own are now mine the name is still yours because I didn't come to you and buy your name Disney is not was never looking at buying Fox they were looking at buying a chunk of Fox's assets that's what they were looking at so even if this deal does go through and even if the talks start up again and they're able to make a deal no you're not gonna see 20th Century Fox pop up in front of an x-men movie or in front of a new Star Wars movie because Disney does not own Fox they just bought some of their assets that's an important distinction to keep in mind alright I'll just take a couple more and then we'll wrap things up today um this one comes us from Blake kitty Sun nine John who do you think will have more screen time James Franco and Haley and covenant or Zachary Levi in Thor Ragnarok ah woo I think you know what I shouldn't have even taken that question that case that has a little bit of a spoiler in it so I'm not even gonna answer I can't I can't answer that question excellent question but I cannot answer that question a car G films rights Jon is there any chance we'll get a Star Trek for after beyond I really enjoyed all three of those JJ films uh yeah I still believe look I haven't heard anything about Star Trek the fourth Star Trek being canceled it's definitely on the back burner but as far as I know they're still planning on making the next Star Trek film which is great because I believe this last one Star Trek beyond was the best one of the JJ era and I know JJ didn't direct Star Trek beyond but it's still if he produces well these I call these last three Star Trek films the JJ arrow Star Trek films and I thought beyond was wonderful I loved beyond and JJ already announced that their plan for part four is to have Chris Hemsworth come back as James Kirk's father again Chris remember Chris Hemsworth before he was Thor he was James Kirk's dad in that opening scene of the first JJ Star Trek film so they were to talk about bringing him back and having some like time-travel stuff going on I have not heard that it's been cancelled so I'm just gonna assume that that thing is still gonna be happening let's see this next one Tyree hunter John how do you think jon hamm would do as Bruce Wayne if Bruce sheriff Ben stops playing him say man shall give who was any talented actor Jon Hamm is a talented actor so he would do great so what a hundred other talented actors but Jon Hamm is one of the talented actors out there I think he's fantastic if he's jumped in and played Bruce Wayne / Batman I think Jon Hamm would do great let's see this one comes out from char sharp Pierre writes a John after Batman vs Superman and Suicide Squad most critics were not excited for the future of DC films it's good to see that after the responses to Justice League they are enthusiastic see that's that's the big thing that's what I keep trying to tell people who are still trying to be like like sad about the reactions that we're seeing like there's some people like who are really verges another sad of these reactions like why are you sad this is positive yes okay they're saying the movies not perfect okay movies not perfect they're saying it has some story issues okay have some story issues but what the reactions are saying and maybe the right maybe the wrong but the reactions are saying though is that there is", metadata={'source': 'abGCYPCk294'}), Document(page_content="are saying and maybe the right maybe the wrong but the reactions are saying though is that there is more positive stuff than there is negative and then generally speaking the positive stuff outweighs the negative they weren't saying that about Batman vs Superman they weren't saying that about Suicide Squad they weren't saying that about Man of Steel but they are saying it about Justice League that the good outweighs the bad there's more positive stuff in this movie the negative stuff which overall made it for them to be an enjoyable experience watching the movie perfect that's what we wanted to hear so yeah I'm excited to hear that as well let's see let's try this Mass Effect fan X rights John what remake do you think is better than the original well the Scarface remake was better than the original John Carpenter's The Thing because remember John Carpenter's The Thing was a remake yes there was another remake after that but John Carpenter's the thing in itself itself was a remake I think the fly with go gold Jeff Goldblum was have freezing Jeff Goldblum saying the fly with Jeff Goldblum was a remake that's one that was better Lord of the Rings remember there was a Lord of the Rings animated film I believe it was better there are a number of remakes that have come out that I think were better than the original I'll say this totally unpopular I know this is totally unpopular but I don't care about saying what people agree with I just care about giving my honest opinion I thought that Jaden Smith Karate Kid was better than the original there there I said it no I don't think it'll be as remembered as that Karate Kid that Karate Kid came out it was it was very different for its time it did something other films didn't do but if I had to choose right now to walk into my living room right now and either watch that original Ralph Macchio one which I liked very much or watch the Jackie Chan one I I'm I'm probably popping in the new one that's just my thought that's not my opinion let's see this next one comes to us from 7th Venus writes John who is the nicest celebrity you have ever met Oh God lots of them lots of them the final three though would be honestly Jessica Chastain who totally mentally seduced me I mean oh my god because I met her I got together with her at a junket for the help which I you know me I love the help and I talked to her and we had a few minutes I was with her in Octavia Spencer and we had about 10 minutes to kill before we were gonna start our interview so the three of us are sitting there and we start talking about trips to Vegas and we start talking about cupcakes and all this kind of stuff okay fast forward now about six months later I go and interview Jessica Chastain again for another film and we sit down we have about thirty Seconds to chat and like remember these celebrities meet a thousand reporters a day like I never hold it against a celebrity that I don't remember you because I wouldn't remember them I mean I if they weren't celebrities I would remember if I'm meeting a thousand different people a day from this from this industry I would not remember anybody but I come in the room I go a mission a pleasure to see you and she goes she leans back and she kindness she goes did you bring me cupcakes this time and I melted I'm like oh my oh my god my part my heart's doing this I'm like Jessica Chastain remembered me Jessica Chastain remember me and almost I just wanted to melt on the floor I just wanted to melt that woman is so sweet she's the grace and then on top of that Milo Ventimiglia from this is us because of course I'm biased so I will always be indebted to Milo Ventimiglia because he's the man responsible for me meeting my wife and he brought her to a party that I was throwing for him in a little film that he was doing and he invited some people from an online fan group of his and my wife was one of them vited her to this party and that's where I", metadata={'source': 'abGCYPCk294'}), Document(page_content="an online fan group of his and my wife was one of them vited her to this party and that's where I first met my wife so yeah so I lose so Milo knows that story and he knows I'm very indebted to him and and Chris Pratt Chris Pratt just one of the best guys ever and here's this is similar to the story about Jessica Chastain so we had Chris Pratt and he came into my studio a couple of times actually he came in once for delivery man and he came in and hung out for like three hours in my office which was great and then he came into our studio one time for promoting guardians of the galaxy had a good time my wife Anne was there right so anyway fast-forward now like six months later and I'm at a press junket very similar to the Jessica Chastain situation and I walk into the room and it's Chris Pratt he's like John and I'm like oh my god you remember my name is yeah man and um he started he paused first I'm just house and doing house an you remember my wife's name I get out of that interview and I instantly text and um first thing Chris Pratt asked me was house and and she's like text backup wait a minute did he really remember my name I'm like he's just I don't asked house and and and text back to me oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god there's one of the coolest things ever but those have a look I've met many many other really nice really awesome really fantastic celebrities but those are the three that will always kind of stand out to me as being the ones that always remember anyway guys sorry for that self-indulgent story there none of you guys wanted to hear my personal stories but anyway that will do it for this install this saturday installment of the john campea show guys thank you so much like seriously guy I know I was asking for patreon support su but just the fact that you guys are here joining me and the other film fans online celebrating movies together it's really awesome that you take a part of your day o to join me here on the show and don't think I'm not cognizant of that I'm really aware of that thank you so much I'm very grateful i hey guys if you like this video click that thumbs up button that helps me out a lot leave a comment be good to each other when we're arguing and debating as well remember we're all film fans together let's not act like some of those six year olds out there who's like oh you don't like a movie I like well if you you're distant let's not be those pathetic bottom feeders let's actually be better than that because I and I love that when I see these great debates and discussions online between two people who are just happy that each one is also a film fan that's awesome so join me there guys make sure you subscribe to this YouTube channel become a subscriber to my youtube show and of course the John Candy show returns again tomorrow at 9 a.m. just in time to watch the show and then go watch some football you know that's why I do it at 9 a.m. on Sundays alright guys that'll do it for me thanks so much for joining me my name is John Campea and until the next time bye bye bye bye bye bye echo echo echo echo you", metadata={'source': 'abGCYPCk294'})]
[Document(page_content="by the way I suppose you know with this Harvey Weinstein thing in the news of course all over the news yes that that it the irony is we have a man in the White House who talked about Greg sadly there is an irony about all of us is there not George well it's a repetition you know because all your years involved with [\xa0__\xa0] you never hassled anybody or grab anybody yeah did you ever grab anyone by the [\xa0__\xa0] against their will you never sexually harassed and hey boner have you [Laughter] got such a beautiful here it's some people that are kind of skittish right Oh or maybe afraid and you're trying to persuade that but you know do we need to call the police what are you saying George in other words they were taught but you never held a job over someone updating no no no I never did that oh I see what it's about it's not about sex it's about power right it's about power but you didn't do this grabbing it work oh no no it wasn't that word okay it was either in my home Oh what do you mean like to be some guy who was hesitating to have sex with you and then you gave him a gentle squeeze on the on the balls or something mmm more than a gentle but it wasn't that didn't involve power I say over the other ten my tits and and the Howard or the Trump guy uh you know this that's about power and I you know this is a big issue today but I don't think will you ever on this set of Star Trek and let's say one of the extras who's playing a Klingon would you ever force him to blow you or anything like that to be specific a Klingon yeah no no a Starfleet officer I Starfleet officer blue you not not officer Oh someone under your command blue you on the in the script it was someone under my command yeah really is that right so while you were working on Star Trek someone under your command his job wasn't determined by my right I understand in other words it wasn't sexual harassment no right it was consensual I see you know", metadata={'source': 'AJYb0Yom5UQ'})]
[Document(page_content="tonight we're taking game night up a notch no more someone in this room is going to be taken and it's gonna be up to you to find them it's a murder mystery party whoever finds the victim wins the grand prize you're not gonna know what's real and what's fake wait a second can't just come in here and break the door little guys make sure you get a piece of this cheese okay Roger dad you drive safe I've always enjoyed the camaraderie of good friends competing in games of chance and skill dear Eva yeah it seems like Ryan you could curse I'm scared [Music] it's not a joke people are in real danger [Music] oh it's so much worse stop wait me I have kids at home now with an ass like yet you don't oh thank you oh no he died his instructions on how to remove a bullet didn't have rubbing alcohol so I got you this lovely sharp good idea way to pivot and then a squeaky toy for the pain [Music] you", metadata={'source': 'fNtLIcyjsnI'})]
[Document(page_content="We are here in Dubrovnik, Croatia, shooting a new video for Alan walker. My name is Darja\nand let me take you behind the scenes. ♪ All it takes is that one look you do ♪ ♪ And I run right back to you ♪ ♪ You crossed the line ♪ ♪ And it's time to say F you! ♪ MAKING OF: EPISODE 1 ALL FALLS DOWN This is the first of three music videos\nin the world of Walker universe. The story began\nin Alan's last music video, Tired. You see Walkers assembling\nand making time capsules right before the solar storm hit the Earth\nand wipe out all technology. In All Falls Down,\nwe're quite far in the future. The world is clearly marked by the events as we can see in the dystopic\nand empty landscapes. We see a group finding the time capsule \nthat they buried in Tired. That’s like the main story\nin the All Falls Down music video. And we introduced a lot of new concepts\nand ideas to the Walker universe. For instance, I really like the drones. Right now, we are using this logo things,\nbut in the video, once we throw them up in the air,\nthey become these amazing drones. They will play an important role\nin the following video. The locations, the props, the costumes, everything is very well thought out and it will only get better\nonce the story progresses. I really can't wait for you\nto see the rest. ♪ And that's that ♪", metadata={'source': 'YlvCVbfS9M0'})]
[Document(page_content="before his special performance at the couple's wedding reception samus sneaked into the church to meet Reverend dr. Simon woodland very well nice to meet you welcome welcome to Bloomsbury it's really good to have you thank you for coming how excited are you about today I'm incredibly excited I don't know about you you're the person that I'm doing the the stuff later the hard way it's so good I can't wait to meet them yeah and and see them what they like I've learned a really nice couple yeah we've got to know them over the last year or so that they've been coming here and they're just really nice really normal really down-to-earth quite planned about the day because oh I think this is going to be quite a surprise because I think they think they've got it all taped up this is this your first LGBT survey my first one yeah so the church has had three previous ones and they've all been men so this is the church's first females and we're sweating and it's my first one yeah it could be such a special day and as the guests arrive at the church it's time for Sam to hide away as he catches up with Katy Lisa's least and best woman as she's the only person who's in on the big surprise the hardest secret to my life [Music] [Music] marriages look different for different people some marriages have husbands and some don't some have wives and some don't but what all marriages have in common is that they make love central can you repeat after me I give you this ring as a sign of our marriage I give you this ring as a sign of our marriage Beck and Lisa I now declare you to be married the bride's may now kiss [Music] with the evening in full swing Sam is waiting nervously outside about to give Lisa and Beck a wedding present they'll never forget soon please bet it is time for the surprise of your very lives with a little bit of help from Lisa's best woman we have an evening a big secret from you please welcome [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] you miss my heart when the rest of me hit on you huge hun be even when I [Music] and God [Music] - when you walk through the door I just thought wow that is actually Sam Smith this does not happen to us all of my friends and best friends and family were really shocked it was just them you know another level who can say this sounds Smith song that we're doing but my auntie Lisa can [Music] just being a part of someone's day like that means the world to me and they're so in love it's just incredible they're so in love and it's so beautiful I just want to say a huge congratulations I saw the ceremony in London and it moves my heart so much to see you guys do this today and I truly hope you have a wonderful wonderful life together [Music] the day has been absolutely brilliant and then to have Sam Smith come and sing to us was just like the icing on the cake [Applause]", metadata={'source': 'DIU3xPdhCBI'})]
[Document(page_content="- I'm about to exposed\neverything you won't admit. (galloping) What up everyone is your girl Superwoman, and it's a regular day, alright. So you're having that relationship talk with one of your friends. Honestly, I can't even imagine being in a relationship right now. - Totally. - It's like I'm too independent, you know? - For sure! - Also, I don't need to seek validation from someone else's love. - You don't need no validation. - I'm just too like woke\nas a person, you know? Like I'm drinking a\nkale smoothie right now. This is gluten-free,\ncruelty-free, a recyclable cup. This company, they employ\nabandoned puppies, yeah. So I can't do all of this plus be in a relationship, it's too much work. And then she hits you with. - I heard Kenny has a crush on you. (ominous music) - What? - Yeah, Kenny told me\nhe has a crush on you. - [Narrator] Kenny has a crush on you. Kenny has a crush on you. - [Friend] Kenny has a crush on you. - [Narrator] Kenny has a crush on you. - [Friend] Kenny has a crush on you. Kenny has a crush on you. Kenny has a crush on you. (upbeat pop music) - (honks) Hurry the hell up.\n- Someone has a crush on me. Ho, call me a parking ticket\n'cause I just got validated. When you find out someone\nhas a crush on you, on the outside you might\nact like you're un-phased but on the inside you're like, yo, I'm the most bomb\nperson on the planet. And for some reason it makes\nyou want to be even hotter. Like let me put in a\nlittle bit of extra effort and see who else I can\nsnatch on these streets. Let me catch these crushes like Pokemon. Just absolutely feeling myself. Feeling myself all on the 'gram. Feeling myself while staying hydrated. Feeling myself in my bed. - [Camerawoman] Lilly? - [Lilly] Get out, I'm busy! And all of this leads to phase one of someone having a crush\non you: The Lead On. Now I hate to say it, when\nsomeone has a crush on you, shut-up, shut-up you're gonna\ndeny this, shut you face! When someone has a crush on you, whether you like them back or not, you are going to lead them on. Why, because it's human nature. Why for real, 'cause it\nmakes you feel powerful. You go hit them with the mild interactions like, yo, I'ma drop this\npencil in front of you, I'ma bend over, I'ma allow you\nto look at this booty okay. Consider it a charitable donation. Wait, don't charities only\ntake non-damaged goods? Shut the eff up, zoomed in Lilly. It's like reverse flirting like you have a crush on me, okay, cool, yeah. Let me talk to you here and there, you know, make your day. Um, hey, i'm totally\nlost, can you help me? But I wasn't lost, I just enjoy the power of making someone nervous. - Uh, it's a factorial so you\njust, multiply each one by n. - Wrong, is the summation? - Yeah, they're the same thing. - Wrong, he was so wrong. Maybe he only had skills in\npicking beautiful crushes. This leads to phase two, delusions. When someone has a crush on you, you start to read into everything they do and you conclude like,\nyo, this person's life revolves around me, psh, obviously. And you throw them a pity\nparty every opportunity you have because damn it must be so hard to have a crush on someone as fine as you. Aww, look at him over there\njust crushing on me so hard. - He's literally just drinking juice. - Duh, the juice is a\nmetaphor for how he's bottling up his emotions for me. - I think he might just be thirsty. - Exactly, he's so thirsty,\nhe's practically shaking. - He's just shaking his juice. - You know, when he\ntalks to me, he chokes. (man coughs) - Oh my god, I think\nhe's actually choking. (coughs) - He literally dies over me. (coughs) - I think Kenny just died. - It's like watching an episode of South Park over and over again. Poor Kenny, he used to have a crush on me. - Are you okay? - Now for this, one of two", metadata={'source': 'jp9hK-jY6yY'}), Document(page_content="things are gonna happen alright? Number one: you like the person back and ya'll go and get jiggy with it. ♫ Na na na na na na na na Number two: you don't. And when you don't, it's just\nanother regular day except the idea of romance has been\ninfiltrated into your mind, so you're having a conversation\nwith your friend like, I can honestly imagine myself\nin a relationship these days. - Totally. - You know, it's nice to\ndepend on people sometimes. - For sure. - I even stopped recycling\nand eating healthy because I'm like what's the point,\npeople crush on me either way. I think I'm just like,\nnaturally quirky and attractive. And then she hits you with- - I heard Kenny doesn't like you anymore. - What? - Yeah, Kenny likes\nTricia now, he told me. (ominous music) - Thus entering phase three: the break up. You straight up, breaking up with someone you're not in a relationship\nwith is the worst. How dare you not be dating\nme, and be cheating on me. Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa,\nwhoa, listen, hey, hey, hey. What's all this with you\nnot liking me anymore. - Hey, well I thought you weren't into me. - So that's it, what you're\nnot gonna like fight for me? - Fight who? - Anyone, honestly is chivalry dead? - I'm sorry, I like Tricia now. - No, no you don't, listen,\nfocus, okay, I am your crush. - But you said you didn't like me. - That's irrelevant. Listen, you're supposed to have a crush on me for a really long time. Why, because it makes me feel good. God, you know nothing about girls. - Okay, fine, I like you? - Damn straight you like me. Now pull yourself together, God, you're practically drooling over me. He has a crush on me. - What? - And all of this is my cheeky way of saying that I have a huge crush. Ah, sike, go to the end card. Yo, my lipstick matches my shirt okay? For that alone, give\nthis video a thumbs up. Check out my last video right over there. Second vlog channel right over there. Yo, super 60 starts right now, which means for the next hour, I'll be responding to comments down below so go ahead and comment,\nmake sure you subscribe because I make new videos\nevery Monday and Thursday. One love, Superwoman. That is a wrap and zoop!", metadata={'source': 'jp9hK-jY6yY'})]
[Document(page_content="(radio playing) - [Radio Voice] After serving\nseven winters and six summers, Remy Ma, finally released from prison. (high pitch hiphop beat playing) ♪ If Peter Piper pecked 'em,\nI bet you Remy duffed 'em ♪ ♪ I told you not to touch 'em,\nit's not up for discussion ♪ ♪ All my clothes is custom,\nstraight from France ♪ ♪ My hands like Mayweather's ♪ ♪ All my friends eight and better ♪ ♪ I get a lot of money, honey ♪ ♪ Queen Bitch, inf beam bitch ♪ ♪ Body a guy for my guy\nmake you a mean bitch ♪ ♪ I'm his dream bitch ♪ ♪ Mean bitch, take one\nfor the team bitch ♪ ♪ Wake me up, mmm, when the mornin' come ♪ ♪ You bitches ain't humble enough ♪ ♪ Mmm, when the mornin' come ♪ ♪ Mmm, when the mornin' come ♪ ♪ Wake me up, mmm, when the mornin' come ♪ ♪ Mmm, when the mornin' come ♪ ♪ Mmm, when the mornin' come ♪ ♪ These fake-ass bitches is done ♪ ♪ So wake me up early ♪ ♪ I'm rich, I'ma stay that bitch ♪ ♪ You fake-ass bitch, you\nowe homage, pay that shit ♪ ♪ Spray that fifth, the\ncrown, I'ma take that shit ♪ ♪ 'Cause you a clown and\nHomey don't play that shit ♪ ♪ See, they ain't slick, be\ntalkin' all cray and shit ♪ ♪ And then you see 'em ♪ ♪ They be like that they\nain't say that shit ♪ ♪ I hate that shit, I can\nmake or break your shit ♪ ♪ See, I got options, don't\nmake me weigh them shits ♪ ♪ I heard he lay that dick,\nyou let him filet that fish ♪ ♪ You just met him,\nhow he bae that quick ♪ ♪ I'll say it to your face,\ndon't gotta relay that shit ♪ ♪ If Nicole and Kid-man, OJ that bitch ♪ ♪ Take that trip, get\nmoney, make that lick ♪ ♪ Take your pick, that's\nyour set, claim that clique ♪ ♪ Bitch, you so thirsty, obey that shit ♪ ♪ If that's your dog, I suggest\nyou go train that bitch ♪ ♪ Wake me up, mmm, when the mornin' come ♪ ♪ You bitches ain't humble enough ♪ ♪ Mmm, when the mornin' come ♪ ♪ Mmm, when the mornin' come ♪ ♪ Wake me up, mmm, when the mornin' come ♪ ♪ Mmm, when the mornin' come ♪ ♪ Mmm, when the mornin' come ♪ ♪ These fake-ass bitches is done ♪ ♪ So wake me up early ♪ ♪ Kimmy B don't trust\n'em, I bet you Remy bust ♪ ♪ Got these niggas on\nlock, but we never cuff ♪ ♪ If Kimmy B don't trust\n'em, I bet you Remy bust ♪ ♪ Got these niggas on\nlock, but we never cuff ♪ ♪ If Queen Bee don't trust\n'em, I bet you Remy bust ♪ ♪ Got these niggas on\nlock, but we never cuff ♪ ♪ If Queen Bee don't trust\n'em, I bet you Remy bust ♪ ♪ Got these niggas on\nlock, but we never cuff ♪ ♪ Wake me up, mmm, when the mornin' come ♪ ♪ You bitches ain't humble 'nough ♪ ♪ Mmm, when the mornin' come ♪ ♪ Mmm, when the mornin' come ♪ ♪ Wake me up, mmm, when the mornin' come ♪ ♪ Mmm, when the mornin' come ♪ ♪ Mmm, when the mornin' come ♪ ♪ These fake-ass bitches is done ♪ ♪ So wake me up early ♪ (hiphop beat playing) (fire burning)", metadata={'source': 'pOEzjT-SED0'})]
[Document(page_content="i ain't gonna yak but i need to drink some water yeah yeah go for that water here's the hiccup you hiccup sometimes excuse me [Music] hey what's going on everybody for first week feast i'm shawn evans and you're watching hot ones it's the show with hot questions and even hotter wings and today i'm joined by legendary comedian and tv host bob saget you grew up with him on shows like full house and america's funniest home videos you can catch him on the stand-up stage and speaking of he's here to promote his latest special zero to 60 sets release on november 14th bob yeah i'm also going to show that pleasure to be here i've watched a lot of my friends a lot of comedian people a lot of people plug their stuff and they after they're done eating here they got to plug themselves yep does the tongue swell up does it like a puffer fish of some kind i guess we'll find out every person's different how are you with hot food i love this stuff i used to go to buffalo and i used to go to the anchor bar where wings were yes i know how to make them you know i used to make it with frank's hot sauce i mean this one's called mega death so that's nice we know where i'm heading [Music] where do i get the valentina i unscrew the bottle it's already on the wing oh the wings are pre-spiced and this is spicy a little bit a little bit a little bit so the hot sauce interview show there's really only one place to start with you because the internet recently went nuts with the revelation that you might be the lady on the front of the cholula bottle right what happened was uh someone sent me a tweet that said you look like her and i couldn't argue with it the cholula lady does to have a resemblance but cholula hasn't let go of me they keep holding onto the tiger's tail and saying we supply the spice bob supplies comedy and then somebody called up for my some one representative and said you want to do an ad because you're kind of talking about him like he's promoting your product but uh that's the end of the story kids it just sucks but i used to go eat these things and i know how to make them take butter and you take the hot sauce you put in there you shake it in the pan after you deep fried it yep but these aren't buffalo anymore once you put this stuff on it you just we've bastardized the art right are you ready to move on fart yeah what's this [Music] you don't care whether they're male or female but they're not they're not male or female though then flats are drums they're made of flats or drums that's what stamos says to girls because he plays the drums and he likes them flat that is awesome you're enjoying this one can i have more of this one yeah just i'm really good go go go go at it go at it bob very good so in addition to fuller house being one of the most popular shows on netflix full house has not even left the air since it debuted in 1987. no it'll never go away so what i want to do is hit you with some full house folklore and you can tell me if it's fact or fiction does that sound good sounds good to me i mean hot wings i'm ready to take a crap again it's true that dave coulier used to crash on your couch years before full house was even a thing i met dave when he was 18 i was 22. we had a mutual friend he's a great writer and director mike binder and mike said dave needs a place to crash and i said okay so he stayed at my house just like joey staying in the alcove is it true that you had to take a break from filming when you had the pony on set because it kept getting an erection in front of the light yeah that's in my book dirty daddy you don't want a donkey around kids and the kids were level with it and it looked like a you know teenager's arm and then staying on the topic of animals is it true that the golden retriever that played comet was also air bud yes what happened was uh he got air bud movie and stamos was pissed he was like [\xa0__\xa0] dog got a movie i didn't get a movie i want a", metadata={'source': 'duRDizP0gHQ'}), Document(page_content="bud movie and stamos was pissed he was like [\xa0__\xa0] dog got a movie i didn't get a movie i want a feature film yeah comet it was named after a cleanser cause i cleaned on the show because i was danny tanner could have been called windex but that would have been a stupid name for a dog is there windex or one of these wings am i gonna die no no no i don't think so then i'll go down too i'm eating the same one i don't want that neither of us go down on this thing poorly that's a great place i love portland i go there quite often no fat i'm in [Music] um there's tomatoes in it so you made your directorial debut with dirty work the first feature film i directed a movie when i was 21 about my nephew having his face reconstructed oh you wonder that makes me hungry do you want a student an academy award for this yeah how do you know all this uh i've been reading about you foreign i'm sorry so i won that and they took his face off and they reconstructed damn these are good so you made your feature film directorial debut dirty work in addition to being a fan of the movie it's also my favorite type of movie because it's blasted by critics but it's beloved by the people it got screwed dirty work was something that i loved and nor mcdonald's a friend artie lange i fought to get him the job and it was chris farley's last movie right god bless him donna john rickles cameo don rickles one of my dearest friends his loss is a big loss this past year has been very difficult the movie was kind of brash and had an odd viewpoint to it it's kind of guy humor not to say that movie critics aren't guys sometimes but um i don't know it was really made for 15 year old boys so when this is over you hit me with this paddle or my bare buttocks i did that to henry rollins and he liked it he seemed to enjoy it that's fascinating you get big names on this thing what are you doing with me we're very excited to have you here i'm excited to be here and everybody seemed excited when i walked in people were in the hallway going good luck like what am i going to prison am i going to go electrocuted all right what's this this is a queen majesty it's a scotch bonnet and ginger sauce so you know you've made it in pop culture when you become a staple in rap lyrics and bob saget against all odds has somehow some way become the most name-checked comedian in hip-hop so what i want to do is just bounce some of the most classic bob saget bars off of you and i'm just wondering how they hit your ear what you think of them does that sound good hit me all right so this first one's from lil wayne it's on all i have but [\xa0__\xa0] in my cabin more [\xa0__\xa0] than a pageant i keep a house full call me bob saget hell he's saying i'm i'm cool as [\xa0__\xa0] cuz you got [\xa0__\xa0] in your cabin but these [\xa0__\xa0] are dj steph and michelle so they're not like hoes he also says he wants a bob sack of money in that song which is nice that's a nice thing to hear who knew that i'd wind up here all right this one's from nacho picasso on naked lunch dagnabbit bad habits i'm raj rabbit i just took a key bump from bob saget well that's okay you know if you like that kind of layer i am not the drug guy people think i am i have gone through that in the early 80s i was hanging i'm a comedian so it was impossible to avoid right coke is you know obviously a key bump so it was around in the early 80s and i i can't say i didn't see it but you certainly didn't give one to nacho picasso no that would have been cool as hell but uh i don't think he was born this one's from machine gun kelly on miss me y'all in family houses like bob saget both parents i was on family couches like you don't want it i'll wear it inheriting hand-me-downs is a grown man embarrassed that's actually poetry that uh that's nice to be part of that i mean it's kind of it's sad but it's honest uh so i like that i never heard that this is your sauce you sell this [Music] you have a big enough following", metadata={'source': 'duRDizP0gHQ'}), Document(page_content="that i never heard that this is your sauce you sell this [Music] you have a big enough following there's millions of people following this um not to put it down but doesn't it shock you it started off as a goof and then the snowball just starts picking up momentum and then before you know it it's this big huge crazy thing you know that's great i say that about my penis but i would never eat it alright bob so we have a recurring segment on our show called explain that gram where you do a deep dive on our guests instagram pull interesting pictures that need more context but with you we've done a little bit of a twist we've pulled some great bobsaget throwbacks so i'll show you the picture and you can tell me what's going on the bigger story there okay okay all right all right laptop please let me just wipe all this bile off my mouth smart good time this is good this is actually amazing i recommend all of you doing this it's the last couple that are like insane right yeah don't uh don't put the horse in front of the carriage or however no you don't want to do that all right so this is a great pick you and johnny carson that was a dream i was on his show like 13 times i would tell him stories and i'd say this is true and he go i don't care just tell it and letterman did the same thing he really acquired some of johnny's best qualities that he would self-admittedly say my mother went up to him after a show once it was so embarrassing she goes mr carson we just want you to know you're doing a very good job there's some lady from philly and he goes uh thank you ma'am it's like 30 years he'd been doing this he's been doing it 30 years and then he goes want to see my new car and then i went out and looked at his new corvette and left my parents just left them they didn't deserve him after that we'll talk to johnny carson that way the king of everything do you remember this this is your roast the reason i was happy to do that roast is it was all my friends it's a 20-minute cut of norm people didn't know what the hell was going on he was really playing to the back of the room with that called me a week before and said i don't want to make funny i don't like doing roasts i'm just going to read jokes from a 1940s joke book i said norm you got a curse sometime you got to say [\xa0__\xa0] or [\xa0__\xa0] or something i don't like doing that meanwhile he did he finally by the end i was like because i had just directed him in dirty work i was like hey you know i'm saying you got a [\xa0__\xa0] dog face you know and then it was like it was a lot of really wonderful people were on it and then gilbert there's my don rickles there's don rickles you and don i loved him so much we just lost him and uh i called him like four weeks before he passed away his mind was really good all the way to the end and uh i said how you doing he said what do i have to do to get you out of my life and he went too far i mean i didn't think he had to do this i don't need a dirty dick dude i'll leave a clean dick that's how i got this movie made i just shot oh you just suck it right off just yeah clean steeped out that way oh i shouldn't have done that this i feel you play a version of yourself an entourage and i'm always fascinated by these shows whether it's curb your enthusiasm or entourage where celebs are kind of toeing the line between reality right fiction it's interesting when i first did entourage and i did like four of them the writer producer doug ellen wanted me to be more down on my luck you know oh my ex-wife got my money and all this crap and i said no i i i don't want to do that and he's well let's make him the ballsiest richest [\xa0__\xa0] ever then that's you know he doesn't care she can have as many houses as she wants and he's banging young girls and i'm like that sounds fun so uh i've been asked to do a lot of cameos and be the punchline in things like in half-baked doing a second dick for coke i did say that this is the", metadata={'source': 'duRDizP0gHQ'}), Document(page_content="the punchline in things like in half-baked doing a second dick for coke i did say that this is the closest i've come to that since then things get pretty serious here [Music] okay oh i shouldn't have done that oh man why did i do this this is what you wait this is a sound bite you wait for oh crap i hiccup when i hit real spicy food so get ready so it's coming i ain't gonna yak [Music] but i need to drink some water yeah yeah go for that water here's the hiccup you hiccup sometimes excuse me do you fart projectile vomit i hiccup good good i'm glad you checked that box instead of the others my ears started bleeding here it comes now my penis falls off and i throw it at your head and it looks like a unicorn whoa holy crap wait a second yeah i need a moment you took me from zero to ninety no you took me from zero to sixty hey i'm gonna hiccup a while don't make fun of it so america's funniest home videos used to be the only game in town when it came to embarrassing home videos but now of the internet and youtube yeah the camera phones and the lights live in this sort of thing but what the people are missing out on the internet in particular is the bob saget narration that's very interesting some people hated it i got thrashed by critics well i'm going to work hard on it i know and you were very good at it oh my god you want to get married we can eat hot wings and just [\xa0__\xa0] in bed what i want to do is show you some of the biggest most talked about clips over the last couple years i want you to react to it i only did five voices it was like oh oh look out you know that bad rocky boy that was my favorite or look at me you know some guy and then the guy goes jerry lewis are you even you know that kind of thing so this one right a science teacher doing a demonstration one two three let me know two three can you go full screen for me can you hit that right little thing hold still my students i am going to simply smash the center block and hit you in the dick you just have to be there for it it's really no talent you know hit you in the dick would not make it on the air today that's a shame but that's the hot ones well that's what they wanted to do they wanted to uh make it dirty leave that on what the hell is that i'll narrate that oh it's so beautiful here out in the ocean oh [\xa0__\xa0] i should just relax here all day i forgot to douche you know she forgot the douche and then you have the ocean is that offensive i don't want to offend anyone no no i think it's good i got one more for you okay all the knives [\xa0__\xa0] you [\xa0__\xa0] you i married you i gave you a baby why is she telling me to [\xa0__\xa0] myself [\xa0__\xa0] you [\xa0__\xa0] you [\xa0__\xa0] you and your sunglasses you piece of [\xa0__\xa0] get the [\xa0__\xa0] in here i want to have sex again ran me from behind hold my horns you shot him a [\xa0__\xa0] and i apologize to anybody i might have offended with my faux accent uh of anyone from mexico because i i god there's so much uh stuff in the world we gotta fix we do we do it bob that's why this is a nice show because you're distracting people from it and then people like me come on and remind them yeah yeah yeah that's that's that's the good thing what is this [Music] this is beyond insanity mm-hmm [Music] oh my god this isn't funny no it tastes like there's medicine in it not in a good way no no are you killing me you got orange juice you don't taste that you just taste potassium sorbate oh it's a lot of sorbets sodium i'm gonna toss this yeah yeah yeah smart that's tough do they have flames coming out here my [\xa0__\xa0] first okay go ahead what was your question i know when you do shows like this you get a million questions about being danny tanner right but sometimes i wonder you know what's the one thing that people don't ask you about that you wish they would when people just hit you with full house questions all the time what do they miss about bob they're it's kind of equaled out with my stand up i love", metadata={'source': 'duRDizP0gHQ'}), Document(page_content="all the time what do they miss about bob they're it's kind of equaled out with my stand up i love entertaining people hold on a second my nose is blinking although my lung is hanging out of my ass um you want to see yeah yeah yeah show it to me it's almost like jackass having dinner we'll put it in the trailer ricky gervais called this a cross between jackass and charlie rose which was like that is exactly that is exactly what it is and that gives you talent no it does because people are watching it because it brings people to the program they get to learn stuff and they'll get to watch someone suffer yep but you're hard ass so you're you don't you don't suffer i have the responsibility of the interview on my shoulders no you work out harder than i do no no i'm gonna be on a plane i hope i look like you at 61. i really do really i really do you won't if you eat this every week i'll look way worse look like the [\xa0__\xa0] keeper from tales from the [\xa0__\xa0] all right there's two left 500 times hotter than a jalapeno chili what i mean every disclaimer is happening right now this is this is unbearable just put your toes in the bowl don't don't do a camera this is unbearable do i have to eat more you don't have to eat more the people would probably want you to eat more i know you just got over saying what an entertainer you are but you don't have to eat more all right i'm gonna have another bite there's not much i care about you i like it i appreciate you bob if you saw me on the street out in front afterwards just lying there having a heart attack you'd help me okay i feel like it was my responsibility to help you all right watch this whoa bob saget splitting wings i love it oh please why don't i do that so you've been around comedy club since you're a teenager from emceeing at the comedy store to rubbing elbows with the young david letterman so as somebody who's been in the game now for over four decades i want to hit you with some yearbook superlatives and you can tell me which comedian best fits the description does that sound good yeah sure biggest drama king you know who i respect and love the death out of his marc maron it's not a drama king but it's depression my eyes are tearing up my mouth is on fire literally just feel like i i sucked a dead person's butthole the future of comedy is there a young comic that excites you i think they haven't been born yet and people are telling me now hey there's new community on netflix you got to see his new special uh but then i'll hold on this is uh incredibly painful um well that's the hardest one right no the last dab yeah most likely to fist fight a fan let me think who has actually done it someone like joe rogan is a great comedian and he is a ufc kind of guy but i never seen him do anything violent with a fan you know so that's like it's a dignified guy that's got the ability to do it it's comedians that are good feel things very very deeply i'm not that good but this has caused me to feel things very very deeply you're going to put more on it this is the last dab we call it the last dab because it's tradition around here to put a little extra on the last one you don't have to if you don't want to bob sag it and i would i gotta do it you said my name in a sentence so let me just uh little something don't go crazy no just a little dab a little dab will do you there you go that would be like a if i got some kind of a disease on my wiener that's about how much i put on of the medicine well i think maybe there's a multi-use here so you can have that bottle you can take it home with oh i'm not taking it on the airplane they'll arrest me okay well cheers cheers bob i wish you well i wish you well i'll see you on the dark side [Music] it creeps up mm-hmm you know what this tastes good different that's how it throws you i'm going to show you what a [\xa0__\xa0] i am whoa you've never seen him but well okay i don't know that's not happening literally", metadata={'source': 'duRDizP0gHQ'}), Document(page_content="a [\xa0__\xa0] i am whoa you've never seen him but well okay i don't know that's not happening literally died okay this is for you it's for the people that's for the people bob saget oh my god i'm gonna be on a plane in an hour so one of the things that stands out about your comic mind is not only how quick it is but how quickly it can go to a dark and sordid place not with the mega death and the last dab and the bomb swimming through that soup in your body i want to hit you with a little word association game so i'll just give you the word and then you can tell me the first thing that comes to your mind sound good i'd say great cantaloupe mother ferret richard gere halloween richard gere hot sauce mouth on fire the letter a uh and it's on fire amazing bob saget you made it through you conquered the wings you took on ten questions he drinks in my [\xa0__\xa0] milk i don't mean [\xa0__\xa0] muck i meant uh i'm a [\xa0__\xa0] i'm gonna sell this milk yep i'm a hiccuping mm-hmm i don't think you can get milk out of it but you gotta go to commercial [Music] it is plug time baby this camera this camera or this camera let the people know what you have going on you know i can't remember november 14th is the premiere date for my special 0-60 which is kind of just where i'm at in my life it deals with a lot of different things from my penis to viagra to the death of my mother i also have a movie that i'm very proud of called benjamin and it's got a great cast and except me but i am in it that's it just thank you guys you guys are all really really nice thank you bob that was really quite fun and it's a funny way to do it it's such a funny way because it does it is almost like a game show it has a dude you played dramatic music during it yeah yeah hello hot ones fans it's shawn evans new outro same message if you like what you saw throw us a bone maybe please it is dog eat dog here on the youtube streets hit that subscribe button knowing that you subscribed it is seriously the only thing that gets me out of bed in the morning thank you very much hot ones fans i love you", metadata={'source': 'duRDizP0gHQ'})]
[Document(page_content="hello everyone I'm Miranda sings and I have Tiffany's phone here thank you so much and I'm gonna go through her tinder profile and get her a BAE [Music] first of all I don't know how you can like this person there's faces on their faces so I don't know if this is what they look like in real life which way do I swipe right or left right if I want them this way this way someone help me laugher no oh she's right for yes left for no right for yes wait did I do always said no I meant to say is welcome William he looks cute I like that he's wearing purple he's got his hand out for you he's like come to me yes please he looks a little sad oh it's a match hey BAE oh I wanted to say banging out babe hey me I'll take your hand let's do it Winky how about the upside-down face cuz that could mean anything lead investigator at finding the chilli so like he likes to find Chili's restaurant sir Oh finding the chill I rent that wrong equally as lame okay Wow this one has a very sexy eye so I guess if I poke it I could whoa oh my god so much porn nope okay next one Michael he's 29 maybe he's a pastor maybe he's a singer like Britney Spears I'll do him okay this guy says he's 21 he is not a day over 14 years old so I would say yes Jordan this one oh we got a match at the 14 here I got it hi do you need a babysitter I'm available perfect this guy is really cute um however I think I want to date him so I'm gonna message him hopefully we'll match and then oh shoot I said no went the wrong way well that's good I don't want you to happen anyway um you can have him he's got a clear balloon that looks like a condom so Jesus protect Jamie oh you matched with Kondabolu hi Vincent's where did you get that hmmm looks suspicious he chose his profile picture to be with the MetroPCS sounds like a winner I'll match him for you this guy looks like he doesn't own a phone oh how come no one's responding to you is what I want to know I'm trying to get you a boyfriend here hi Robert looking for a boyfriend but no one is responding you're my last hope made a situation this guy looks very scary to me he looks sad let's see what's on her pictures Oh means if I can think about is like he mom he'd take this and then he's like you know would you be willing to take these pictures for him no no okay Wow oh okay now it's a yes so this guy is a local NYC Department of homeless so he's homeless do you have a home he can live in no see he does look homeless okay let me message him really quick hopefully it will match up oh you managed it but the homeless man hi do you need uh-huh are you okay aren't you hungry do you have food yes I have food okay two for one Alex you know has one picture that's suspicious swipe swipe swipe oh hey damn self-employed no thank you Brian he's got some nice facial hair but what I'm really interested in for you is the man in the back over his shoulder he is walking fine mighty fine so hopefully this count messages back I can have the man with the face hair you can have his daddy looks like we have a message someone wrote you back why are you people a little aggressive there are you a real person or a bond I'm American okay you've got some potential working for the Department of homeless services are you hitting on I think he's warning so hello beautiful eyes that one's gonna be the one yes it is I'm American he says cool wearin NYC are you living what Baraga hmm what should we tell him I'm in the same borough as his mom the same that's a good one the same one as your mom oh he got the booty booty Dave I don't like him it is Mike that's a good option for you he's self-employed he likes to dangle he what is that oh that's a dog definitely thought it was a human naked body playing on Savannah College oh of course love the way you lay on that dog let's check out this guy see being some good initials he's cute maybe he'll want to date me see me hi have you heard of Miranda sings she wants to date you", metadata={'source': '0O2IAz1E9Ts'}), Document(page_content="cute maybe he'll want to date me see me hi have you heard of Miranda sings she wants to date you there so I gotta get myself hooked up here to you know go for a selfish roberson so you're living in Long Island that's an alcoholic drink isn't it Long Island drink I don't drink so he's coming on a little too strong good yeah bye dami his name is a bad word so Robert wrote you back he said okay you're definitely a troll bye stop talking to me oh you're talking to me I'll pray for him look at this guy well I can see all the way up the shorts into the inner thigh a ladies dreamland swipe a car you can whoa the fine I prefer a fight to a Bratz we'll talk about chicken and men Simon 22 st. John's University graduated minced hello Simon Simon is for me I swanky it he likes you don't worry I will hook myself up Thomas is a little scary-looking hmm which means he might be good for you then Ben is terrifying swipe yes you're welcome Robertson is bi you are probably going to tell me to enter credit card information on some sketchy web site that's a good idea that is ask him are you telling me that you will give me your credit oh because I would like that oh you're beautiful oh hey how was your day I'm getting you the honk gums it was so great I'm a huge celebrity she is so famous and amazing Miranda sings if you tell everyone to follow her on social media I won't go on a date with you gotta get that prolong look he's interested who Robert beep you crazy lol he just called you a female dog he did which could be a compliment could be oh I don't want to see the news it's very scary okay Owen with a very big dog here's a nice smile he looks kind so no thank you Raja 23 he looks like he's always got something in his eye there his eyes look bothered here his eyes look squinting here he's got the glasses in the way he's he loves a pose he's always got a hand in the pocket what's he feeling for in that pocket we should find out I like you too it's a much good we can ask them what's in your pocket I see you camp around need help getting out Kevin 28 is that his girlfriend that little girl it's got his boyfriend I don't know I have a lot of questions got a wife couple of kids I've gotten sick of them so I hit tender when I can't take it what just kidding oh oh I feel like he's not kidding so I think hopefully will match and I can ask you about that funny life enjoy moment I'm Cory am let's be friends okay I'm not here to make friends buddy I'm here to get a boyfriend so it's a bench you're here to be friends Yeah right I'm looking for a bang mom aunt he's got a nice smile who the heck is aunt his father you think that's his daddy and think so is that his daddy or his daddy life insurance agent let's take it back to the time of face-to-face conversations this man says on an internet app great is that your daddy or yours adding either way can you share perfect on my facebook you mean like Colleen ballinger I don't even know who that is done I took a screenshot he took a screenshot of him telling everyone to follow me where's the screenshot how do I see it we need proof let me see the receipts once we get proof you got a date grow oh you up this guy wrote Bart I said hello he said oh thank you Wow riveting okay William oh snap William what's your phone number digits what's your salary texts use screenshots five five five five five five five five five five five five five five five five numbers we're a peon so I think the moral the story is you have a boyfriend and it is a car and you have lots of potential people who want to date you so you're welcome did I help you today now let me know if any of the hot ones write you back because those ones were for me tell them you are not interested don't those are for me so if you're watching the hot boys from here message me slide into my dams thank you", metadata={'source': '0O2IAz1E9Ts'})]
[Document(page_content='An ant is pretty stupid. It doesn\'t have much of a brain, no will, no plan, and yet, many ants together are smart. An ant colony can construct complex structures. Some colonies keep farms of fungi, others take care of cattle. They can wage war or defend themselves. How is this possible? How can a bunch of stupid things do smart things together? This phenomenon is called emergence, and it\'s one of the most fascinating and mysterious features of our universe. In a nutshell, it describes small things forming bigger things that have different properties than the sum of their parts. Emergence is complexity arising from simplicity, and emergence is everywhere. [Intro] Water has vastly different properties to the molecules that make it up, like the concept of wetness. Take wet fabric, If you zoom in far enough, there is no wetness. There are just molecules sitting in the spaces between the atoms of the cloth. Wetness is an emerging property of water. Something new only created by a lot of individual interactions between water molecules. And this is sort of it. Many things interact under a certain set of rules, creating something above and beyond themselves. It turns out that more is different. This different property is itself a new thing, and that new thing can couple with other new things to repeat the process. You can imagine this as layers stacked upon each other every, layer made from more complex parts. Atoms form molecules. Molecules form proteins. Proteins make up cells. Cells make up organs. Organs form individuals. Individuals form societies. But how can something be more than the sum of its parts? How do ants form the sort of cloudy entity that is a colony? By following a ruleset that produces order through chaos. For example, let\'s look at how an ant colony distributes jobs. Let\'s assume that a colony shall have 25% workers, 25% caretakers, 25% soldiers and 25% gatherers. Ants communicate their current job via chemicals. For example, the worker ant constantly secretes chemicals that say: "I\'m a worker". When ants meet other ants, they smell each other to gather information, telling each other their job and what they\'re doing. Both keep track of who they met in the past. Now, imagine an anteater kills most of the gatherers. If this isn\'t fixed quickly, the colony will starve. Many worker ants need to switch jobs, but how do you tell this to thousands of them? Simple. You don\'t. Our worker ant will still meet and smell other ants, but it will encounter almost no gatherers at all. It counts too few gatherers, until it reaches a critical point, and then it changes its job. The worker becomes a gatherer. Other ants will do the same, until after a while there are enough gatherers again. The balance is restored all by itself. The actions and interactions of an individual are random. You can\'t plan which ant will encounter which other ant. But the simple set of rules is so elegant that a colony\'s many operations emerge as a consequence. On an even more fundamental level, hundreds of millions of complicated molecules interact to maintain a robust and amazing structure. A being with vastly different properties than the sum of its dead parts emerges. The smallest unit of life: a cell. We still don\'t have a clear definition of what living things are, we just know they emerge from things that are not alive. Cells combine and cooperate. They specialize and respond to one another, and over time, we develop into complex organisms with remarkable capacities. Your arms and legs and heart are an incredibly complex and complicated system made of trillions of individual stupid things... ...and yet we breathe, digest and watch YouTube videos. How do your cells know what to do? Think of the pacemaker cells in your heart. Billions of them need to send out an impulse just at the right moment to collectively create a heartbeat. Our cells exchange chemical information with their neighbor cells to', metadata={'source': '16W7c0mb-rE'}), Document(page_content="create a heartbeat. Our cells exchange chemical information with their neighbor cells to see what they're up to, and then decide what to do. If it's among a lot of cells that are working on the same task, it will start working on that task as well, and sync up with them. There is no master mind giving commands. Just single units communicating with their neighbors, and acting according to the feedback they get. What about our most important part? What is the thing that asks these kinds of questions? Is our consciousness then an emergent property of the cells in our brain? This question is too big and important, it deserves a video of its own. Some things that emerge are hard to define. You can't touch an ant colony, only its parts. It has neither brain nor face, nor body. And yet the colony interacts with the world. Just like colonies emerge from ants, things emerge from humans, like Nations. What actually is a nation, is it its population? Is it its institutions, its symbols like its flag, colours or anthems? The physical things it makes like cities, the territory it occupies? All of these things are fluid. Populations change and are replaced. Institutions come and go, cities can be constructed and abandoned. Borders have changed all the time for most of history, and symbols get replaced by new symbols. A nation has no face, no brain, no body. Are nations not real, then? Of course they are, just like ant colonies, nations interact with the world. They can change landscapes, wage wars, grow or decline, and they can stop existing. But they only exist because of a lot of humans interacting with each other. But not just nations. All the complex structures that surround us emerge from us. Even if we don't intend to, we are constantly creating. Communities, companies, cities, societies. All of these things are entities that have fundamentally different properties and abilities than the pretty stupid apes they emerged from. We don't know why any of this happens. We just observe it, and it seems to be a fundamental property of our universe. It may be the most beautiful and wonderous property of our universe. [Outro]", metadata={'source': '16W7c0mb-rE'})]
[Document(page_content="Liza Liza its VOC oh my god the real one here we are in person where you've done you're massively successful parodies of this format stop flirting please now it's done do a real one oh god no pressure okay so how does this feel oh my god a little sweaty but very exciting how long have you been a video maker for a video maker like that title I've been a video maker for about four years now I'm getting old how many videos have you made way too many way more than I can count how does it feel having more subscribers than there are people in the country of Belgium you're serious well Belgium has great chocolate what an honor can I give you a present oh my god you shouldn't have but you did it thank you okay you describe your channel in three words three words introvert gone wild you describe yourself in three words a little brown girl how would your friends describe you in three words small tinted female how about Vogon three words who has good taste in people that they interview me oh my god speaking of taste this is the tastiest present I've ever received good-looking man jetpacks Kinski you know me to hell what do we have over here on your wall well I have to add it to my shrine of jet I'm very religious you tell us who is jet Pat Penske um one of the many voices in my head he's one of the characters I created was the biggest inspiration you have been creating him I'm very good-looking as man cuter an impression of jet pets in ski JIT was that it G so over here we have a photo of Helga and she also did a parody of 73 questions oh yes my other split personality she did 73 questions now it's my turn to do the real one okay so how you doing these days I'm just doing one day at a time what's the story Instagram or snapchat what's the best part about your job um well I can't get fired if you describe what you consider to be your job making content to make people feel contained what's most important to you mental health my own and of others what's the thing that you want people to talk about their stories um and use their voices to be heard in their platforms no matter how big or how small is Liza short for anything for life I'm five feet tall but it's also short for Elizabeth my real name's oh I made cookies for June why did you make cookies for me um because I'm trying to suck up to Vogue Oh check it out so do you have any tips for starting a YouTube channel um make an account start uploading videos and then be yourself it's very cliche but nobody else can do it they suck at it so what are you shooting this week for your channel um no idea actually I was actually writing ideas in my office you want to come up there and help me I was Lolita let's do it okay what's your weirdest habit mmm chewing gum all the time what's your biggest phobia having bad breath which is why I chew gum all the time favorite hobby boom photography follow me on Instagram plug which famous person do you admire mmm Jessica Alba and her company honest honestly it's amazing mmm whose inspiration to you growing up oh I'd have to say Jim Carrey and Raven Symone That's So Raven was my doing was a last show you watched mmm last show that I watched was a Broadway show look at me being cultured dear Evan Hanson Ben Platt is amazing what's the favorite film ooh anything with Jim Carrey I love him did I mention that what's your biggest fear re-election check out my office this is it this is your setup I love it all right so okay so can you film something for your channel right now um absolutely let's plug it guys check it out I'm doing the real 73 questions not the off brand knock off version make sure to check it out you can see it in the Lincoln bio please subscribe that's so cool how's that what's something you wish youtubers would stop saying Lincoln by oh please subscribe was it were you from Houston Texas baby just like Beyonce but like the off-brand version of her what do you miss most about Houston ooh the food", metadata={'source': 'nRafaCcfrcI'}), Document(page_content="like Beyonce but like the off-brand version of her what do you miss most about Houston ooh the food barbecue honey but also my family but also fajitas speaking of Houston I have to show you a mural check it out okay what's on your mural on this wall is a big map from Houston to Hollywood oh cool that's right it's my career path very similar to Beyonce we have a lot in common what brings you the most joy in life oh man the joy of others how many languages do you speak do you speak French no so it's just English see you Aikido their spine you want to conclude this you're a DJ what's your name be uh DJ booth hmm what have you felt genuinely starstruck by President Barack Obama you interview President Obama yeah I did what is he like in person um even better looking which youtuber inspires you ooh I would have to say the one I'm dating David Oberg what's something you could tell me about David oh he has great taste in women debri siblings two of them my mom made me two sisters but I'm the youngest what's the best part about being the youngest ooh um I have to say the hand-me-downs yeah oh and I like to think that my parents kept trying until they had the best one this is a really really cool apartment what's up with those plants oh I am a gardener I have a big green thumb and I can take care of these plants really easily because they're all fake every morning um every morning I start off with an alarm unfortunately what's your favorite letter in the alphabet favorite letter B because you can be anything what's the biggest pet peeve um biggest pet peeve humble brags shut up what's your biggest achievement to date biggest achievement um this definitely this what's the best song of all time ooh right now it has to be J Balvin me gente such a khatam that's the best dance move of all time no this is the dance move I do to that song a little bit of this what are you doing it's like twerking but for your shoulders how many kids do you want to watch this video as many as we can guys come on what's the best thing you've ever worn Oh best thing I've ever worn something oh oh I wore a dress to the VMAs it was an amazing dress by Sergio Hudson plug what's the biggest splurge biggest splurged only on food always food the most stylish personal life Oh jetpacks Kinski look at that good-looking wall but also Anna Wintour another nice one is there a message that you like to pass on oh yeah Anna did you see the cookies all right I got to wrap this interview up you know gold without YouTube what would you imagine yourself doing with your life oh I would probably be in school guys stay in school otherwise this happens who's your favorite rapper uh it's a tie between Chancellor rapper and candy wrappers mmm if you could change one blob what would it be what's the law that allows you to become a president what three things are most important to you in a person Oh humble integrity honesty and humor what's that three L's four okay what would you give five stars in this world you for doing this entire interview without any editing guts so nice could ask you one more question oh man can I actually ask you to ask me something unconventional but sure okay um that was I I show you a magic trick can you show me a magic trick yes okay here we go ready uh-huh Alec Cooke Brody Oh pretty much haven't been working on it all right that's incredible and this is an incredible real 73 question interview that's it we did it we did it Lincoln bio all right subscribe i Liza take care", metadata={'source': 'nRafaCcfrcI'})]
[Document(page_content="Welcome to the show. I am Samantha Bee. Thanks to senatorial candidate\nand sophomore enthusiast Roy Moore, Republicans\nhave to ask themselves a tough question. Which is worse, electing\nan alleged pedophile or a Democrat? Accusations today that\nRoy Moore initiated a sexual encounter with a\nthen 14-year-old girl and relationships\nwith three other teenagers. --gave her alcohol, touched\nher over her bra and underwear, and guided her to touch\nhim over his underwear. Another woman coming\nforward with allegations against Roy Moore. He said, you're just a child. And he said, I am the district\nattorney of Etowah County. And if you tell\nanyone about this, no one will ever believe you. It's difficult to hear\nabout these women's accounts. But I bet if R. Kelly\nput a sick beat under it, we'd dance to it. [GIGGLING] Some sex monsters\nare still weirdly tolerated. When Senate Majority Leader\nMitch McConnell heard the news, he immediately\nsprang into inaction. Can they see me\nif I don't move? They're reporters,\nMitch, not T-Rexes. It took us three\ndays for McConnell to get out of beach\nball mode and say he believed Moore's accusers. I'm sure it was their\nheart-wrenching stories that have helped him and\nSenate Republicans remember that they never liked\nSteve Bannon's candidates, I'm sorry, I meant sexual\nassault in the first place. I think he should step aside. He should step aside. He should step aside. For the good of yourself,\nyour family, in your state, step aside. Message for Roy\nMoore, senator? Get out. Get out! After a few days to\nweigh the pros and cons, Republicans are totally\nanti-child molester-- oh, whoops, except for the\nones in Moore's own state. The women should\nbe prosecuted if they thought Moore was\npredatory and allowed him to exist for 40 years. Other than being with\nan underage person, he didn't really force himself. He would still vote\nfor Moore even if he did commit a sex\ncrime because he could never vote for a Democrat. Take Joseph and Mary,\nMary was a teenager. Joseph was an adult carpenter. They became parents of Jesus. There's just nothing\nimmoral or illegal here. Oh, come on. I may be a dirty liberal now,\nbut I went to Catholic school. Even I know the Bible\nsays my teenage crush, sexy buff Jesus was an\nimmaculate conception. How can you call\nyourself a Christian and not know your\nhero's origin story? That's like being a Wolverine\nfan and telling everyone, you know, he got\nthose claws after he fell on a couple of hedge\ntrimmers in a tool shed. And Jim Zeigler isn't the\nonly Alabama evangelical who seems to have\naccidentally picked up the porn version of the Bible. Oh no, the three wise men\nare here to deliver a pizza. Almost 40% of Alabama\nChristians say these allegations\nwill only make them more likely to vote for Moore. I think it's just\npeople are attacking him because he, like, is a\nChristian and because that's how the world works. Am I going to believe\na lying liberal media? No. God forgives the\nfoolishness of youth. I think it's a witch hunt. We've all been young. We've all been rebellious. We've all done something. Hello, 911. I think everyone in Alabama\nmight be a pedophile. [CHEERING] Actually, Alabamans are\ngetting some support for their conspiracy theories. This week, some Alabama voters\ngot robocalls from an extremely real Washington Post reporter. Hi, this is Lenny Bernstein. I'm a reporter for\nthe Washington Post. I'm calling to find out\nif anyone at this address is a female between the ages\nof 54 to 57 years old willing to make damaging\nremarks about candidate Roy Moore for a reward\nof between $5,000 and $7,000 dollars. We will not be fulling\ninvestigating these claims. However, we will make\na written report. Whoa, hashtag fake Jews. Is that what you think\nJewish people sound like? Because it sounds like the\nPenguin fucked Fran Drescher. OK, so leaving\naside the voicemails of the elders of Zion,", metadata={'source': 't1shnJT8NCY'}), Document(page_content='Penguin fucked Fran Drescher. OK, so leaving\naside the voicemails of the elders of Zion,\nwhy does Roy Moore suddenly have so many friends? He\'s never been Mr. Popularity. When he went to Vietnam,\nhe was so disliked that even his fellow\nsoldiers wanted to kill him. Is it still called friendly\nfire if they hate your guts? What is wrong with Alabama-- OK, and also New\nYork, and Los Angeles, oh, and all the Thanksgiving\ntables where creepy uncles are still allowed.\nYou know what? Actually, this isn\'t\njust an Alabama problem. It\'s a human problem. It\'s easy to condemn\nsomeone else\'s predator, but it\'s harder\nwhen it\'s your own critically-acclaimed pervert. I can scream about\nRoy Moore all day. And I have, but it won\'t\nmatter if his own neighbors keep making excuses for him. Each community has to\nkick out their own creeps. That applies whether you\'re\nin politics, entertainment, or whatever the fuck you call\nSteven Seagal\'s profession. And it\'s hard, especially when\nthose people have the power to hire us, fire us,\nor presumably have us murdered by Russian mobsters. We\'ve made some important\nprogress in the entertainment industry, but it is not enough. Everyone in Hollywood\nis patting themselves on the back for exiling\nHarvey Weinstein, but this week the\nHollywood Reporter raved about "Daddy\'s\nHome 2," proclaiming, "Mel Gibson is once\nagain family-friendly." Because nothing\nsays family-friendly like a racist domestic abuser\nwith a drinking problem and the words daddy\'s home. So if you\'re watching from\nAlabama, first of all, go, Crimson Tide, I\'ll root for\nany football team that sounds like a really heavy period. [CHEERING] Secondly, if you want to prove\nthat your lovely state is better than liberal\nsex-crazed Hollywood, the voter registration deadline\nfor the special election is November 27. Please prove all of us Yankee\nassholes wrong about you. We\'ll be right back. [MUSIC PLAYING]', metadata={'source': 't1shnJT8NCY'})]
[Document(page_content="You crossed. Take your camera and point it across there at the red hand. That is a crosswalk. That's a 65 dollar ticket a piece. Get into my car. We just crossed the street, we just crossed the street without following the sign. That was it. And we got stopped. The young man in this\nvideo's name is Devonte Shipman. And he was stopped right here in Jacksonville, Florida. And threatened with jail time for essentially, jaywalking. You did do something illegal. You crossed the crosswalk. Yeah, I crossed the crosswalk. Against a red hand. I was sitting right\nthere when you did it. I wasn't paying no attention that's - you act like I really just committed a serious crime that's worth this time right now. It is worth the time. Walk to my car. It's not often we report on\njaywalking. It's a minor infraction. We've even seen cops do it. Shipman would later say one of the officers told him he was just stopping him to make sure he didn't have any guns, knives, or drugs on him. They even questioned why his friend\nwas wearing a hoodie. Then I'm gonna look\nmore suspicious. That's up to you. No. Apparently you don't even have free will anymore. Damn this crazy. N***a can't even walk across the street. I guess cuz a n***a black, can't do nothing. I guess like I look like I'm doing something wrong. Shipman's story isn't unique. And it led us\nto question, exactly how many people here in Jacksonville have experienced walking\nwhile black. Listen to me. I am doing you a favor. I'm not telling you again. What's your name? Devonte Shipman. Alright so there's another infraction. Not only was Shipman given a 62 dollar\nticket for failing to obey a pedestrian signal, he was also cited for walking\nwithout an ID. Which harkens back to troubling racist laws. And to be clear\nit's actually a citation that's meant for motorists. but the cop tried to give\nthat ticket the Shipman anyway. That charge was eventually dropped. The video struck a chord with thousands of people who shared it, and here in Jacksonville\nmany people can relate to Shipman's story. Why would you stop two black men\ncrossing that intersection? I was shocked because it's like I didn't really think\npeople actually get ticketed for things like this. You know what I mean like\nespecially not in that area you got people that cross that intersection day\nand night, like continuously, so I'm trying to figure out like why was at this\ncop at this moment stopping us. In Florida there are 28 laws pedestrians\nmust observe while walking. They include everything from jaywalking to walking on the wrong side of the road to failing to cross the road at a right angle or the\nshortest route. Yes, that's a thing. We wanted to see how poverty and race\nfactored into who's getting these tickets so we requested data from the\nstate. Here's what we found. In the last five years, Duval County police officers\nhanded out 2,208 pedestrian citations. The most given citation in Duval County was for failing to cross in a crosswalk between adjacent intersections with\ntraffic lights. But here's the thing, We examined those 658 citations and found that 54% of them were not given in locations with adjacent\ntraffic lights. They were legally permitted to cross, yet they still received a ticket. If you're living in the county's three poorest ZIP codes, you're 5.9 times more likely to receive a pedestrian ticket than anyone else in\nJacksonville. That's the highest percentage in Florida among large counties. With high-profile incidents of black men encountering police all across the country, Shipman decided to film his. You got people getting shot by police, you got people getting abused, it's just brutality that's just non-stop. So I just felt like I just needed to record\nit to prevent a situation. Getting stopped for jaywalking can feel so", metadata={'source': 'lJFqvRwOiis'}), Document(page_content="it to prevent a situation. Getting stopped for jaywalking can feel so\nabsurd that on more than one occasion, a person has called the cops on the cops. Jacksonville 9-1-1. What's going on there? Um, something is going on like a mile down the street. And I parked my 18-wheeler, in the parking lot like a\nhalf a mile and I'm trying to tell the officer that I park right there. He\ndon't want to hear nothing I gotta say. That's John Kendrick, a Jacksonville\ntruck driver. He was trying to park his 18-wheeler in his leased parking spot\nwhen a police officer wouldn't let him pass through. Stunned, he moved his\nvehicle to the median and called 911. The dispatcher told him to get the officer's car number, but when he stepped off the sidewalk, the officer ordered him to the ground, handcuffed him, and ticketed him for a pedestrian violation. But I was in the crosswalk at the time and he still locked me up, kept me in the squad car\nfor about four hours, five hours, on the spot. The guy kept saying that you're not\ngonna have no job tomorrow, you're not gonna have no job tomorrow. Kendrick received one of 387 tickets issued to people for walking in the roadway where sidewalks are provided. 78 percent of those tickets went to black people. They just cruel. And they be cruel to black people. I just hate to say it like that but they be cruel, real cruel. They think that we won't fight, and\nthat's what the problem is. They know that that we're scared, that some people are scared to go to court. You know me, I I turned out, I hired a\nlawyer, we fought and got the charges dropped. We spoke to the Jacksonville\nSheriff's Office and they aren't concerned about disparities. They believe\nthe numbers simply reflect who's breaking the law. They also said they're\nenforcing the law to keep people safe. If their citation efforts result in just\none less pedestrian death, they say it's a win.. One report ranked Jacksonville the\nfourth worst city in the country for pedestrian safety. But does giving pedestrian tickets actually help make walking safer? It's probably not a good\nuse of resources to be ticketing people and having education and enforcement programs in place to regulate behavior that just isn't\nfeasible, and isn't possible because of the physical environment. That's Andy Clark, who was hired by the city ofJacksonville to consult on pedestrian safety. After a year, Clark issued a master plan and wrote that no amount of enforcement will change behavior in this area. He\nconcluded that the city should invest in better infrastructure before it writes\ntickets. The reality is, the physical environment, the infrastructure for walking and cycling, is quite poor. And there aren't sidewalks, there's a\ndisconnected bikeway network, There are very few crosswalks, there's\nhigh-speed roads that have very few opportunities to cross. I mean it seems\nunfortunate to say the least and capricious at worst to be ticketing\npeople for behavior that just is impossible to do the right thing or be\nin the right place. The master plan found that Jacksonville was simply behind the curve on pedestrian safety. The city hadn't map which roads had sidewalks and put bus stops on streets that didn't have them. Experts agree that writing more pedestrian citations won't reduce the number of accidents. And the data shows, the people getting the tickets are mostly black, more likely to be poor, and they're walking in a city that just\nwasn't built for pedestrians.", metadata={'source': 'lJFqvRwOiis'})]
[Document(page_content="[Music] hey what is up guys mkbhd here and this is oneplus 5t it is literally the 2017 eyes version of the oneplus 5. now the oneplus 5 just came out in june of this year so it's only a couple months old and oneplus is a company that tends to cater to what their fans want that phone had a lot going for it but it just didn't feel very 2017 with all the other phones coming out but this this now we're talking so in case maybe you looked over the oneplus 5 a couple months ago this is their new one maybe you'll consider this is the top five new features of the brand new oneplus 5t so number one is the display and this is definitely the biggest change literally it's what makes it feel the most like a new phone it's now a six inch 1080p amoled display up front and it gets way closer to every edge so the side bezels are slimmer now and the top and bottom bezels are cut down a lot obviously that's very 2017. you already know screen to body ratio matters now and this feels a lot more modern already because of it now it's still not a quad hd display it's not quite at the level of the highest end flagships in resolution but oneplus also likes to stick with the lower resolution for longer as they have in the name of battery life and performance and 1080p obviously doesn't look bad at all so i get it also if you haven't noticed it is the new longer taller two to one aspect ratio we're seeing on all these 2017 phones so this one's 2160 by 1080. it's not new to android so apps already fill up the display and everything there's no real compatibility problems but still of course it gives you a bit of bezel when watching videos and things like that but we're just kind of used to this by now on these screens bottom line is the display is way better it definitely gets really bright so it's viewable outdoors and it has different color modes in the settings including an adjustment slider for color temperature so they've thought of all this stuff but you're probably not going to like this though it is an oled and the display does this weird rainbowing when you get severely off axis not a huge deal to everyone but i can already see this awkwardly making some headlines so number two is oneplus sticking to their guns with this design we have definitely seen this industrial unibody metal look before there are some chamfers and some light curves but overall it's the shape we're familiar with it resembles its little brother a lot but there are a couple of changes obviously with this nearly edge to edge display of course on the front there's no longer any room for that fingerprint sensor that they've always put up there so this is the first oneplus phone to move it to the back and they have put it in what i'd consider the correct place on the back which is just above the middle not too high not too low just right about where your finger rests naturally it's still ceramic it's still extremely fast uh still just as secure but it's on the back now like where it's been with the pixel and the v30 and others nice and something else that's usually pretty underrated with smartphones is good buttons in fact we usually don't really talk about them at all unless they're loose bad buttons so i feel the need to mention that the oneplus 5t has exceptionally good really clicky convincing crisp tactile buttons i like that about it and another thing oneplus has never officially said that the 5t or the 5 is officially water resistant or waterproof but i've seen some videos on youtube where the 5 holds up pretty well to some minor splashing so that could be a nice bonus to something you usually don't hear about with this industrial design now number three is what oneplus has decided to do with these cameras so the oneplus 5 already had dual cameras it had a main camera and a two times telephoto lens on the back pretty standard setup from what we've seen but this time they've decided to do some things a little different this", metadata={'source': 'Lxet1zLBTM8'}), Document(page_content="setup from what we've seen but this time they've decided to do some things a little different this time it's the same 16 megapixel main camera as the oneplus 5 but instead of a second telephoto lens it's another normal range camera same focal length 20 megapixels but with an f 1.7 lens focused on low light photography now here's the thing about that the main camera is already an f 1.7 lens and it's less pixels so they're bigger pixels so you would think that's also better for low light so how exactly is this second camera better for low light well oneplus says that the 5t in low light so under 10 lux will switch automatically to that second camera and use something called intelligent pixel technology which merges four pixels into one to reduce noise and enhance clarity in low light i can't find a better explanation than what oneplus says i'm not sure if it's hardware specific i would love to know exactly how it works but at this point we just kind of trust it i hope it works the way they say it does there's also still portrait mode in these cameras using all software to create a blur around your subject since you don't have a telephoto lens anymore it's kind of like what the pixel 2 is doing they still have clear zoom and pro mode and all the other stuff oneplus has been doing in the camera for years so that's good to see but yeah an interesting little shake up in the camera department and then number four a new way to log into this phone is their new facial recognition there's not a whole lot of information about this available but from what i can tell you from my first impressions it is insanely fast five ten times faster than face id on the iphone it's ridiculous so you can hit the power button to wake up the phone and basically turn it towards you as soon as it sees your face it unlocks no animation or anything just open immediately and then even if you're already looking at your phone when you take it out your pocket and you press the power button to wake it just goes straight to your home screen it doesn't even pause for a second on your lock screen to look at you which it's crazy fast it could actually get annoying if you just wanted to check your notifications so obviously it's brand new and this isn't a full review i will definitely have to do some more testing to figure out if this is the real deal but my first thought is how can this be so fast and also be just as secure not really sure yet but either way it's really interesting to see some phone makers already start to play around with more facial recognition stuff now that apple of course is so committed to it with iphone x and then number five last but not least is the stuff they didn't change one plus five like i've said already was a pretty great phone for the price they're really hell bent on being a good phone for the price so they kept a lot of those same things in the oneplus 5t they kept the headphone jack that's something a lot of enthusiasts refused to let die so this is one of your few phones left rocking it this year they kept the alert slider on the side again i mean if you've used oneplus phones for a while you kind of just get used to having this and switching between modes on the fly they kept of course oxygen os which is the rom that's always been pretty close to stock android with a few added features on top still has that shelf to the side of the home screen and those gestures for screen off that you can draw on the screen just overall a familiar experience for oneplus users right now it's on top of android 7.1.1 but i expect that it'll get updated to oreo sooner than later it kept the same specs internally as the oneplus 5 so still the snapdragon 835 chip and either 64 with 6 gigs of ram or 128 with 8 gigs of ram no wireless charging still but they kept dash charging kept reader mode and most importantly of all it's keeping around that same price it's starting at 499 which is very clearly", metadata={'source': 'Lxet1zLBTM8'}), Document(page_content="importantly of all it's keeping around that same price it's starting at 499 which is very clearly undercutting a lot of the higher end flagships we've seen in the last couple months so uh this might be the one oneplus 5 felt a little outdated this 5t feels very 2017 and still costs less than a lot of the others out there not bad let me know what you guys think until the next one thank you for watching talk to you later peace [Music]", metadata={'source': 'Lxet1zLBTM8'})]
[Document(page_content="yesterday I asked you to do the impossible can you describe yourself using only emojis and the answer is kind of we'll start things off real strong with a cry for help hell yeah come on man uh this looks like every one of my weekends actually drink vom repeat garbage fire nice ring ring ring ring ring ring ring banana phone not ch I don't like you so what I found most troubling was there was more than one minion Rock three count'em three minions roomy illustrates very nicely the plight of all youtubers did somebody say get paid get laid gatorade look you get points for creativity okay at least you spelled it out using emojis this one also gets points for spelling out who did this but I'm gonna subtract a few points just because how long did this take you man ah now here is the beautiful flag of Nepal however why didn't you create it using flags of Nepal and emoji itself this one didn't want to play the game yet somehow still played it I keep screaming but God won't answer I don't think that's an emoji remember me me big boy my life is very patrick euler look I didn't want to include this one but I didn't really have a choice okay yes somebody figured out how to do a moon truth or furry and emojis put that on a t-shirt I think I think this means you're a baby gamer which sounds like a terrible insult the hell out here a baby gamer this person illustrated the entire aging process in emojis I don't know why though this is cheating you can't use a frame from the emoji movie as an emoji even if it is a work of art let me guess you can drink beer all day but once liquor hits your lips your duns oh what's that saying beer before liquor you're bound to get sicker liquor before water your sister got hotter so somehow this person died and became a ghost I have questions hmm I think this one means you're a giant nerd the hell out of here jocks only this one's just a long list of foods and in case it was too subtle for you you nicely included obesity thank you for explaining it ah yes this is the official sign for celibacy me likey are you the silhouette or the police officer this this raises more questions than it answers all of you made a little little creature a terrifying ugly creature I think this means you're toxic I'm so sorry and finally a gun to the head now this one's a bit I got a question for you Thanksgiving is coming up and I want to ask you guys what are you thankful for [Music] please subscribe if emoji related humorous or thing also click right here to see the previous guy episode ah here's a clip what do you think will be in this year's YouTube rewind it starts with the sixth drone shot of daddy o5 dammit dabbing Garfield no Gangnam style no no I preferred the Harlem shake the tinkers rewind I", metadata={'source': 'TWpt-ze_cYU'})]