[Document(page_content="[Music] [Music] beep-beep-beep beep-beep-beep coming through like a fax oh jeez ma TT lost a temp at 11:00 on a track I'm [\xa0__\xa0] I'm not packing our mats wrap it now wrap packing now and I'm Sammy and I'm tipsy I'm blacking out I'm just acting out what you asking now think that I'm a dictionary with the answers pal I've just been giving good vibes and following signs go to your Instagram and make sure you're following my yeah repping it fam yo respect to the man he saw the effect that I had extended a hand they used me as the weapon that youtubers try and end up disrespecting the crap what the [\xa0__\xa0] is with that bro but a makeover fam so but I can't do an expose in the pan wait that was a lie this right here with a freestyle guy no take two yeah this is the truth I'm just being an authentically me you should try to sing for you one day you do it for fun the next we doing it for fun is essential I ain't hating get your paper baby miserable millionaires competing for that trending page maybe I want attention to go show some boobies in my thumbnails for the clicks and views problem get my fancy cyberbully uy got a Twitter army but I'm lonely Betty over give me double constantly please tell me that you love me Oh tell me that you love me the algorithm loves it when you screwed up the algorithm loves it when you boot up so please be mine and I will vlog in every everyday and even if we break up we can make it fake and Channel dominate mystery me nominate it supposed to 2018 masturbation a self-proclaimed plagiarist LaBeouf ain't got [\xa0__\xa0] on this I still passed the grade ain't got paid in fact it made me rich all fashion extra bitter like sweetness flavorless y'all actin so sour you probably make a freeze like this love my life me too audited I got it Lynn I think it's time that we tossed the list of standoffish nests and got a grip like you're not with it Namie fans after your stuff up I think that you about to trip just an everyday bro being corny your lyrics leave me empty like a rice sized bond me you and the hoes in your video is for me bloated mind with facts and expose you as a phony little crate cheap unfriendly your fan me yo baby but never mes mbm pause got 11 what a lucky roll 7 got talent to France so humble we never stumble online the body strong now guru spot you on the head like that little rabbit foo-foo never heard this town from me nah that's that new new about to get that honest Aubrey Graham head sends true I just need my just pancha I mean what step backs what's there right what's that what's there [Music] you", metadata={'source': '0tO_l_Ed5Rs'})]
[Document(page_content="hi everyone so today I am here to do a super fun video and it involves the iPhone X iPhone 10 I'm really excited to do this video because as soon as you guys heard that there was gonna be a facial recognition on this phone a lot of you guys were tweeting me um you guys tweeted at Apple like me promise fun so I thought it'd be really fun to do an actual test now that I have the iPhone 10 in my hands and it's actually not mine this is my friends I'm still loyal to my 6 plus I am so excited to try this and a super nervous this is probably the hardest challenge I've ever done so yeah I'm going to slowly start doing the brows and then just transform my whole face I've also watched James Charles video I saw it last night and it inspired me to do this even more so let's not waste any time and jump right into it I'm ready to set up the face ID so get started and then okay continue starting with the brows I'm going to completely conceal it and draw a new brows in [Music] okay guys look at how high I made my brows they look nothing like my natural brow so let's see if that is enough before the iPhone see you guys it's locked right now let's test it out No it opened okay well I just got to do the rest of my eyes and then let's see if that will help [Music] okay guys look at how big my eyes are it's really exaggerated you can see my eyes looks so much bigger these are not my Asian eyes anymore so let's see I'm a fingers crossed but I'm hoping this is gonna work all right so it's locked and then here we go it opened it opened okay let's keep going guys now to the lips [Music] so guys the big dramatic eyes did not work but I am praying that these tiny little emma watson lips might change things up so here i have the phone again and ha that'll work this time okay so mad it still did not work okay maybe it's the contouring let's get to contouring I have a lot of Hope in contouring [Music] okay guys and now I have done all the contouring I wanted to do that Mariah Carey cheekbones I try to slim my jawline so if this doesn't work I'm probably gonna rip out all my hair so let's just let's just hope this is gonna work okay it's not working okay let's try it again okay okay I can't put this phone this is driving me crazy okay it opened guys um so the the last thing I'm going to do is actually I should probably try the prosthetics too but I want to try contacts and wait and see if that makes any difference so it'll be really quick change [Music] the wig is on I also put on my circle lens let's see if the size of my eyes the color and also the lower hairline is gonna make any difference let's see who knows it opened again I don't know what to do at this point I am so stressed out guys I've done everything I could you know it does not look like me at all I look like Kylie Jenner Plus Mariah Carey so I don't know what's going on I I do have one more trick up my sleeve and it is this little nose and scar wax I just want to extend my nose and my jawline and just see if it's gonna work maybe I just need to drastically change my face okay that's a good [Music] finally guys look at my nose it's so much longer I also have an extra chin so this is my last resort I don't have any other tricks so I'm hoping this is gonna work if not I I give up Apple you win so here we go I'm so scared okay let's go let's do this it did not open do this again no it just goes to two and then it stops it's not opening guys I seriously make up I don't think so I think the reason why is because the face detection it works where it reads like the depth of your face like the structure of your face more so you do have to drastically change it and yeah I'm really impressed I think I really want to get an iPhone 10 now too so let me know what you guys thought of this whole process this was really fun to try and yeah that's all I got for you guys today and until next time bye", metadata={'source': 'BWPrk9PUwQE'})]
[Document(page_content="hey Jim what's up buddy this is not funny why is my stuff in here wow that's weird ooh daughter stapler that's pretty good yeah well I'm not paying for my own stuff okay I know you did this cuz you're friends with the vending machine guy Oh Steve yeah oh no no no that's my pencil cup I don't think I think so and you're gonna hand it over to me oh well well well look what the cat dragged in from Stamford a Dwight fact I am older I am wiser do not mess with me okay sounds good what are you doing I'm gonna track him up I have a spy under my forehead oh good well you look at my forehead well not meet my eye line Jim I am stop acting like an idiot okay hey buddy and you know what I am going to zone you out for the rest of today yeah I need to stay focused and I don't have to see you tomorrow or Sunday and please don't call me and we'll see how things go on Monday one thing but tomorrow you mean Saturday right dad seriously Vanessa neck yeah that's the safest part of a car in the event of a crash driver always protects his side first what is this how did they get out I'm sorry professor Copperfield's miracle legumes I was in Jamaica and I got lost and it was getting dark this one night and then out of nowhere this guy comes with a cart and he's selling these Dwight he told me things about myself but there's no way he could have known and that's a common swindlers trick probably probably so I buy some I turned the corner I feel like an idiot so I go back to get my money he was gone so you want to sell me magic beans correction I do not want to sell you professor Copperfield's miracle legumes nice try no correction terrible try Michael and Jan definitely made out oh maybe more yes Oh also it is Thursday but Dwight thinks it's Friday so keep that calm damn was in our file I have to reboot again hey do I do you one Altoid what do you think in school we learned about this scientist who trained dogs to salivate at the sound of a bell by feeding them whenever a bell rang for the past couple weeks I've been conducting a similar experiment right okay I'll turn sure into it yes what are you doing what I don't know my mouth tastes so bad all of a sudden bah hey Dan this is Jim it is about 11:15 and I wanted to know what you were up to tomorrow which is the 15th and that is a Saturday Saturday so just let me know what you're doing tomorrow Saturday for lunch okay talk to you soon what's this looks like a red wire well that wasn't here before was a computer do I mean computers have wires yours doesn't doesn't it no it's going in a different direction than the other wires all right I'm really busy I can't talk about this anymore I got 500 feet of red wire at a flea market up I'd done more in high school 20 bucks for the whole spool crazy what a deal oh he'll be fine I made it up there Jim put those away really sorry Pamela put those out all right just out of curiosity what were the claims for those beans or legumes Dwight you're just gonna make fun of me so how would I you know what this ends now hey Jim hey how's it go oh my god did you see The Apprentice last night of course it's on every Thursday night so how could I miss it can you believe the Trump fired no that was on believe who who was it who did he fire you didn't see it no when I got drunk with my laser tag team last night crap day night hell was I thinking that's impossible it is right I mean it is impossible all right I'll take them they're probably worthless probably leave the telescope I started with a thumbtack and traded my way to a telescope but in a way the most valuable thing here wasn't the telescope at all no it was this packet of beans so I traded the telescope for it and I can I can just go buy another telescope hello this is Dwight Schrute hello hello this is Dwight hello hello yes we do have that hold on one second Jim what are you doing and how many would you like hang that up right absolutely I can get that out to you", metadata={'source': 'bqgVB6Vl-lI'}), Document(page_content="are you doing and how many would you like hang that up right absolutely I can get that out to you immediately this man is an impostor do not do business with him this is not quite true Dwight left his cell phone on his desk so naturally I paired it to my headset okay fine I'll just let it go to voicemail hello is Dwight hey is this Dwight yes it is oh my goodness you sound sexy oh hey yeah I'm working out pam pam you are not talking to Dwight right now you're talking to Jim Dwight no Pam I'm over here I'm confused disconnect that right now you give me your earpiece can't do that unsanitary ah okay you know what fine I will reprogram my phone to go to my office phone done mr. white oh and I Ford his desk phone to mine oh hello mutter good news I've married tell thaw sir such a nice woman hey it's 12:20 where the hell's joint knowing never missed a day my ass [Music]", metadata={'source': 'bqgVB6Vl-lI'})]
[Document(page_content='Wait, are there any other girls? (upbeat music) Hey guys! Welcome back to our channel. Shawn Johnson official. I\'m Shawn. I\'m Andrew. We\'re married. Today we are doing something\nthat I have been dreading. (laughs) We are going to Google\nourselves, and see what comes up. Oh boy! But before we do it, make sure you press the subscribe button, comment down below.\nPress the like button. Turn on notifications. Do it all.\nThank you, thank you. Yes, we love you guys. Who wants to go first? You. Guys, so I saw the Liza\nKoshy Google Myself video, and I was like, "Shawn,\nwe have to do that." Wait, okay, I think the\nfirst one we google Andrew. Then we google me, then\nwe google you and me. Okay, okay, I\'m down for that. Okay, what comes up here? I\'m a little nervous, I\'m not gonna lie. Google Images: Andrew East. I\'d be surprised is\nanything came up, really. (laughing) Hey, looking pretty good, alright. You look kinda like you\ndon\'t wanna be there. Well, I was tryna... It\'s like football, so you\nkinda gotta act, tough. How about this one? Hey bro, I\'m so tough. What\'s up man, what\'s up? Thick neck. I used to do that for every\nsingle football picture. You\'re such a dork. What are you thinking right now? Oh shoot, I don\'t wanna be\nhere, I don\'t wanna be here. (laughing) Kansas City was a rough time for me. How about this one? That\'s actually impressive. That\'s a pretty cool picture. How\'d that happen? Remember I did a front roll? What? I\'ll put that clip in. That was awesome. (upbeat music) (mumbling) Yeah. Obviously, that\'s what\nthis whole thing is about. What is this? That was... I had dark hair, I like it. Wait, question of the\nday because I\'ve been thinking about this. Do you guys like my\nhair darker or lighter? That\'s a question? Yeah. I like it darker. I know you do, you want my hair black. I always liked brunettes,\nbut I married a blonde. Let\'s see what\'s googled about you. Andrew East. Chiefs is the first thing that came up. Chiefs, NFL, age, Vanderbilt,\nwedding, education. Everyone knows about your education. Andrew East and Jordan Rodgers. Huh, I\'m surprised. Wow, Jordan! For those of you who don\'t know, Jordan Rodgers who won The\nBachelorette I think season 23. Also I feel weird saying\nhe won The Bachelorette. Just cause that whole\nconcept is weird to me. But we played together at Vanderbilt. Pretty good friends. Is there a picture of you two together? Okay, it\'s got articles. We going articles now? Andrew East\nOh boy. Wait, girlfriend? Easy. Look at the flow. Guys, should I bring that back? No.\nI\'m debating it. No\nIt\'s like halfway there. Dork picture. They make you do the, they make you. Dork. Okay, first thing that pops up. Wow, my People article. Your People article? Okay, poorly phrased, admit it. Your People article? Who is Andrew? Wait, click on this. Who is Andrew East dating? When did this come out? 26? Age 26 and his zodiac sign is Virgo.\nI\'m a Virgo. Guys I\'m not gonna lie, I\'m\nnot big into zodiac signs. Relationships: One total. You got three thumbs\nup, how many do I have? What are the thumbs up? Do I have any? No thumbs up! Hit the thumbs up button. Oh and they slapped me\nwith the married tag. Do you see that? So? What? Is that bad? Go to your Wikipedia. Wait, do you edit your own Wikipedia? No. Wow, look at my professional NFL career. Geez. That\'s pretty impressive. That\'s so many teams in three years. Married to Olympic gymnastics\nchampion Shawn Johnson. Wow, this is it? Nobody\'s got any deets on me? Kinda boring babe. That was a pretty boring Wikipedia page, I\'m not gonna lie. How much is Andrew East worth? Yes! What do we have? Affair, married, wife. Wow, we chill with this already? Was your mom a basketball player? "Since having players in\nhis family background made "him to think of\nestablishing his football", wait, "his career in football itself." Did that sentence make any sense? No, but wait, later your', metadata={'source': 'STI2fI7sKMo'}), Document(page_content='parents got a divorce. "And he was brought up by his older sister "taking special care of him." Whoa. Okay, he doesn\'t have an older sister. His parents are definitely\nhappily married. Wait, was your mom a basketball player? Pretty sure she was not. No but there was another\narticle that said that. Also we got some really\nsketchy ads over here that we\'re probably\ngonna need to blur out. Okay, but all this personal stuff is. Wow, my net worth is five mil? Alright baby, you\'re doing good! Yeah! That\'s right babe, good job. I can assure you, it\'s much more. I\'m kidding. Eye color? Blue? Not even close guys. Verify. You tell me. What colors is my eyes? Not blue. "East is not interested in\nstudying his academic study "rather, he used to practice\nfootball from the early time. "Andrew was even planning\nto study business during his "graduation but he quit his education." This is not true. I graduated from high school and college. I graduated twice. And grad school. These people did not do their research. They got our wedding date right. We didn\'t date early 2010\'s. But we did start dating then. "His wife Shawn Johnson is\nalso record holder athlete." "He never involved in extramarital affair "besides his wife." That doesn\'t make sense. Okay, but guys, the funny thing is, I am a very sincere and faithful person. "Even he is planning to get his own futsal "to young kids who are\naddicted to playing football." This is crazy! "Therefore, his current net\nworth is nine million dollars." Not five. Told you guys! And my net worth last year is\nfive million which is funny because I just saw an article. Go back to that how much I\'m not worth. They said you weren\'t worth anything. Yes. Okay. "It has been a somewhat\ntumultuous year for me and Andrew" Not true. We struggled through our\nfirst year of marriage With conflicting schedules, stressed to be able to see one another. "Times have been tough\nfor the duo who have "an unwavering love" which is true. "Money was short and opportunities\nwere hard to come by." My net worth says I.... "Is not known considering\nhow difficult it has been "for him and Johnson to get on their feet, "it might not be substantial." So we have not substantial\nall they way to nine million. This just shows you the\npower of the internet. So many different voices. And it says, "these two\ntalented athletes work," It\'s fake news! and money is sure to come" It\'s all fake news. The nine million and the not substantial. All fake news. This is all ridiculous. Okay, your turn. Your turn, you ready for this? I\'m just going go ahead and do it. Google Images first, gotta\ngo in the same order. Okay, I\'m excited. Are you nervous? Mm-hmm. Shawn Johnson. She did take my last\nname, guys, by the way. I did. I\'m technically I\'m Shawn Johnson East. I got rid of my middle name Machel, and made Johnson the middle name. She spells her name Machel,\nM-A-C-H-E-L, which is crazy, I can\'t believe that\'s our first picture. That\'s the first one that comes up. Cute, cute, cute, gymnastics, cute. I actually like that picture. Adorable. Crotch shot. Crotch shot? Crotch shot. These are all gymnastics. I think you look amazing there. Oh I think that\'s gross. Oh I like that one. You do? Yeah. Wow, that\'s a crazy picture. That\'s wild. Look at that bootie. Bootie, bootie, bootie. Is that the first thing you look at? Fired! (laughter) When\'s the last time you googled yourself? It\'s been a long time. (mumbles) That\'s Adventure Capitalist right? That is Adventure Capitalist. If you haven\'t seen the show it\'s on CNBC, 10 PM eastern time every Tuesday night. Every Tuesday. Hey you\'re looking pretty good there. (laughter) Nice. I\'m losing my hair. It\'s actually amazing to me. All these different pictures. There\'s like a gajillion. You have so many different\nlooks that you can pull off. Yeah, I kinda look', metadata={'source': 'STI2fI7sKMo'}), Document(page_content='looks that you can pull off. Yeah, I kinda look\ndifferent in every picture. You look way different there. Not my style. Not my groove. I mean you\'re still beautiful. I\'m still your wife. Still beautiful but not my preference. Dancing with the Stars. Can we just talk about this. Go up. That is disgusting. She says that about\nevery picture of herself. Oh, here\'s baby child, awkward. Funny? That\'s cute. It\'s awkward. You know everyone goes through\nan awkward painful stage. Which picture did you and Nastia do? I\'m not gonna lie, I do\nnot like leopard print. Not my favorite. Really, zero pictures\nof you and I together. Wow, can we talk about the outfit? Who is this? That is me. Leather? That is pleather. Pretty aggressive there. Pleather. Okay, obviously you with\na bunch of gold medals around your neck. Oh boy, ex BF? (laughter) Wow, a photoshoot flexing together. I\'m not gonna lie, that\ndoesn\'t even make me mad \'cause that is -- Douchey. It\'s kind of embarrassing. (laughter) It\'s pretty bad. That\'s a good picture of us. The crew. Oh God. Yes, here we go. Okay, first of all, first picture is her and her ex boyfriend. "Andrew East is Shawn\nJohnson\'s boyfriend." That\'s not even me. That\'s not you. And then it\'s you and\nme with my head cut off. (laughter) No respect. And then it\'s you and D Huff. Hey, I love D Huff. And then I\'m probably\ngonna see some other boy. D Huff was never a boyfriend, guys. I mean, this guy\'s stealing the show. Mark Balice is on there. Shawn Johnson, body issue. (whistles) Back when I had abs. Is that an ab vein? Yeah Whoa, chill. That\'s scary. That actually scares me. That is horrifying. Uh, we need to blur some\nof these pictures out. Wow. Andrew Dean. Is that you? No. Why are all these weird pictures on here? Wait go down. What? That was me a week before the Olympics. You literally look like a doll there. You look fake and itsy bitsy. I was itsy bitsy. Shawn Johnson, first article\nthat pops up, USA Gym. Your wesbite. Guys, if you haven\'t seen that, go check it out. Go to it. It\'s pretty dope. I\'ll show it to you real quick. Oh look, with the most\ncurrent Instagram picture. We need to fix that. Very cool, okay, I\'m about\nto get scolded real quick. Oh boy, I guess it broke. It broke. I guess this is news. Guys, if you didn\'t\nknow, I just debuted on Adventure Capitalist on CNBC. However, not long after that,\nI filmed the second show, MTV The Challenge. Wait, what are the things people Google? Shawn Johnson what? Go back. Oh yeah, good call. Shawn Johnson, let\'s see what fills in. Instagram, Shawn Johnson East. Net Worth Here we go. Here we go. Six olympic stars who got\nfilthy rich after their games. Ah ha! Michael Phelps became the first hundred million dollar olympian. Are you close to that, Shawn? Are you number three on the list? I\'m number three, man. Wow, good for you. Okay, balanced and danced\nher way to an estimated nine million dollars, estimated wealth. I\'m not gonna lie, Shawn,\nI\'m a little disappointed. Your net worth is only equal to mine. I know, I know. I didn\'t even have to go to the olympics. You didn\'t even have\nto go to the olympics. That is so true. Okay, next article, come on. Okay. Alright. What else are people googling? Okay, let the record\nshow that we do have the same net worth, though. Theoretically. Well, we are married. Affair, married husband. I\'m married. Okay I\'m excited. How many children does Shawn Johnson have? No. Four feet nine, is that accurate? Shawn Johnson in any relationship affair. Okay, Shawn Johnson quiz,', metadata={'source': 'STI2fI7sKMo'}), Document(page_content="let's see if there's a quiz. How well do you know Shawn Johnson? Let's try it. Okay, let's see if you can pass. Do you love gymnastics? You do? Well then this quiz is for you. We are 25-30, that's scary. What is your age? What is Shawn's middle name? - [Both] Machel. Born in the month of-- It's Mimi, it's Mimi. Shawn's middle name is Mimi. Come on, at least get it right. No, I just wanna see-- Click on it. No. Yes. Oh look what you did, you zoomed in. Born in the month of... January. I was born in APGAR's... What the heck is APGAR? The baby test? The baby crying test? Yeah. How is that even a question? That's ridiculous. Do you know what your score is? I do. I'm gonna say 4, that's the highest score. Do you wanna know? Yeah. It was zero. I was\npronounced dead at birth. Wow. You knew that. I don't know what freaking APGAR is. Shawn walked at the age of nine months. Nine weeks, she just,\nstraight out the womb, baby. She just popped out and\nstarted strolling around. I did start walking at nine months. Hey, click on it. Shawn never, geez. When is Shawn Johnson\nDay in the state of Iowa? Do you know? Yeah. October 17th. Yeah. Is that right?\nMm-hmm. Wow.\nShawn lives where? Her email. (laughter) 95% well! Oh, you know what? It must've been the APGAR score. Oh, I was gonna say, what? Shawn, we only know you 95% of the time. Okay, we'll work on it. That was pretty fun, huh? Should we take another Shawn quiz? No, try Andrew East quiz. Maybe we should make a whole vide on the quizzes made for you. Yeah, no quiz for, oh wait, but there is Andrew East'... That was fun. The quiz was my favorite part. All I can say is anyone\nwho posts stuff is weird. Like all that stuff. Stop posting freaking crotch shots. All that stuff was pretty much wrong. Yeah, anyways, if there's\nanything you find on Google about us that you feel you need to share-- Link it down below.\nPut it down below. I'm actually interested in that. Yes, please do. But until next time,\nplease give us a thumbs up. Even if you don't like it Subscribe. Turn on the notifications. Thanks for watching, guys. Peace. (upbeat music) ♪ Oh oh what you gonna\ndo with all that cash ♪ ♪ I'm gonna, oh oh, stay\nout in an all nighter bash ♪ ♪ I'm gonna oh, oh, buy\nmyself a nice suite and tie ♪ ♪ And then I'll give my boss the finger ♪ ♪ In my private jet flyby ♪", metadata={'source': 'STI2fI7sKMo'})]
[Document(page_content="( claxones sonando ) ( rugido de metro ) ( ♪♪ ) Hombre:\nDamas y caballeros. W. Como eres. J.Lo. ♪ Dos cuerpos entregados ♪ ♪ Un par de enamorados ♪ ♪ Flechados ♪ ♪ Cansados ♪ ♪ Sudor desenfrenado ♪ ♪ Cuando tú y yo\nnos juntamos ♪ - ♪ Sin piedad ♪\n- Hombre: Aquí no aguantamos. ♪ Nos damos ♪ ♪ Cuando hacemos el amor ♪ ♪ Amor, amor, amor ♪ ♪ Vuelvo a la vida ♪ ♪ Siento que vuelo ♪ ♪ Cuando hacemos el amor ♪ ♪ Amor, amor, amor ♪ ♪ Vuelvo a la vida ♪ ♪ Cuando toco tu cuerpo ♪ ♪ A la la la eh ♪ ♪ El sudor de tu piel ♪ ♪ A mí me vuelves loco\ntus besos en la piel ♪ ♪ Ahora eh ♪ ♪ Quiero tu desnudez ♪ ♪ A mí sí tú te vuelves ♪ ♪ Luego lo hacemos otra vez ♪ - ♪ Cuando se pone el babydoll ♪\n- ¡Uf! ♪ Arrasa ♪ ♪ Una copada viene\ny tumba la casa ♪ ♪ No sé qué me pasa\npero cuando me abraza ♪ ♪ Con su fuego me trastaza ♪ ♪ En el medio de la cama\nse entrega ♪ ♪ Siempre pa' delante\nsabe cómo se atreva ♪ - ♪ Y se pega ♪\n- Y se pega. ♪ Se pega ♪ ♪ Cuando hacemos el amor ♪ ♪ Amor, amor, amor ♪ ♪ Vuelvo a la vida ♪ ♪ Siento que vuelo ♪ ♪ Cuando hacemos el amor ♪ ♪ Amor, amor, amor ♪ ♪ Vuelvo a la vida ♪ ♪ Cuando toco tu cuerpo ♪ ♪ Amor toda la noche ♪ ♪ Bañados en sudor ♪ ♪ Tenemos la fortuna ♪ ♪ De perder el control ♪ ♪ Se oculta la luna ♪ ♪ Cuando sale el sol ♪ ♪ Se pierde mi blusa ♪ ♪ Y tu pantalón ♪ ♪ Suma la cama\nResta la ropa ♪ ♪ Bésame rico\nVuléveme loca ♪ ♪ Así, así, así ♪ ♪ Así, así, así ♪ ♪ Sabes a cielo\nHueles a gloria ♪ ♪ Dame la vida\nY la victoria ♪ ♪ Así, así, así\nAsí ♪ ♪ Yo quiero sentirlo lento\nTu cuerpo ♪ ♪ Moviendo así\ncomo el viento ♪ ♪ Se mezclan\nlos sentimientos ♪ ♪ Muy lento\nMuy lento ♪ ♪ Para aprovechar\nel tiempo contigo, bebé ♪ ♪ Cuando hacemos el amor ♪ ♪ Amor, amor, amor ♪ ♪ Vuelvo a la vida ♪ ♪ Siento que vuelo ♪ ♪ Cuando hacemos el amor ♪ ♪ Amor, amor, amor ♪ ♪ Vuelvo a la vida ♪ ♪ Cuando toco tu cuerpo ♪ ♪ Cuando hacemos el amor ♪ Wisin: Hay emociones\nque no puedes controlar. ♪ Vuelvo a la vida ♪ Sientes que te vuelves loca. ♪ Cuando hacemos el amor ♪ W.\nJennifer López. ♪ Vuelvo a la vida ♪ Señores, bienvenidos\nal otro nivel. ♪ Eh, eh, eh. ♪ ( motor ruge )", metadata={'source': '9t9u_yPEidY'})]
[Document(page_content="which one's better I think I need to see them on well hallo everyone it's me Christine again and welcome to another episode of win exciting game show where we dip a bunch of random objects into nail-polish floating on water and see if there's a lot of marble we're gonna need a contestant aren't we who do I gotta pay today to play with me man wait you want to come play a game with me no okay fine Jen if we can't have been then we gonna have Jen come on let's go to start painting my nails thank you for coming Jen and for today's contestant we have she was the result of an unplanned pregnancy that's not sure you were she was once expelled from school for bullying no she was 12 ended suspended she was colored all over my Sailor Moon coloring book when we were children that I did do I still hate you for that my sister Jen why don't you tell us a little bit about yourself Jen well I grew up in Richmond Hill Ontario Canada right sorry haha shut up because now we have a word from our sponsors today's episode is sponsored by fast fee best fiends is a free puzzle adventure game where he builds a team of tiny heroes to defeat the slugs all you have to do is match same colored object Howie I grow you so much make you big and strong big and strong and guess what this month best fiends is having their biggest update ever adding over 150 level whoa what I'm on level a hundred and forty eight you obviously have too much time on your hands you're a slug who needs best friends when you have best beans right Jen it's good to have real person human contact no incorrect bonus if you download today you'll get five dollars worth of golden diamonds for free just make sure you click the link down below in the video description box alright well that was fun and money now don't you want to hear what the grand prize you're playing for is Jen it's a bag of Halloween candy there's no actual bag here YouTube is fake okay how about if you beat me then you get all the ad revenue that's a verbal contract right there well then you better just agree [\xa0__\xa0] I'm the older sister okay then I act like it all right everyone now it's time to play but first we're gonna need some water in these bins all right audience everyone can we get a round of applause come on you gotta get here great whoa so can I start pouring [\xa0__\xa0] in Jenna oh my god the first item we're gonna water marble Jen's gonna love this one our shot glasses because I enable your drinking problem it's mine isn't ready neither is mine why not Oh No I'm not a witch it's like skimming the pool see Wow oh-ho that is magic look at that look at that see isn't this exciting spending time with me know who do you think wins me I think mine I was like a cooler straight vote for me otherwise I'll come after you you heard me [Music] the next item we're gonna water marble is a phone case whoop competition's heating up better put my hair up oh I need to protect my nails because I don't know if you notice but I did nail art Jen look at my nails look at them you know it's weird that everyone was asking for you to come back on my channel someone actually said that you were their favorite person on my channel well I'm not surprised at all I'm wasting so much nail polish well if you never use it anymore anyways [Music] okay ready watch and learn look ma no hands and you go and then and then somehow who wants to buy it only $12.99 that's a pretty sick profit margin well you know I like to make money that's why I hang out with you everybody vote I win right [Music] Sylar tried to attack me in my sleep last night at least you listen to directions jag clean the next item we're gonna water marvel is something I relate to very much a dirty potato they always say my contour looks like a dirty potato that's the joke you don't watch any of my [\xa0__\xa0] videos I'm gonna make my potato Hollow so I can make it more beautiful are we gonna eat these after yeah this is dinner I thought I", metadata={'source': '0PpNlNJ6Nng'}), Document(page_content="Hollow so I can make it more beautiful are we gonna eat these after yeah this is dinner I thought I would make it okay I think I won this one again this will make for a great paper mine wins because of the bright vibrant colors on a potato and it just looks better can't wait to take all the ad revenue from this channel no just from this video it's probably gonna be demonetised so yeah sure you can have it [\xa0__\xa0] my hands are water my baby sue there is 25 years ago this is littering what we were doing together Oh yours looks like the eighties like Saved by the Bell are you not using the stick at all what's wrong look ready watch and learn oh my god look I'm doing it oh my god guys oh [\xa0__\xa0] I think mine looks better I think that when I get point that's what you get when you [\xa0__\xa0] whistling honestly getting high I think I want to have a good time bad she's got no water marble is a beautiful snapback we look like twins remember this one's got to be a wide water marble because you got a big hat for your big head literally gonna say the same thing stop stealing my [\xa0__\xa0] joke it'd be terrible if you were youtuber because we'd probably come up with the same stupid [\xa0__\xa0] and then we post it on the same day and then everyone would be like you copy always in my head I'm not always there when you call it sometimes and I gave you I'm doing my own marbling watch this oh that's how you were fertilized ready ready oh that's so cool it's really good right oh my god like this video oh no I clearly when I clearly know Jenny I win I win there's no debate here did a third party vote bad you gone he dipped and left if everyone else agrees I win then I think they do they just all agree no they do yes they do else that cancel your channel and give it a gentlemen are you ready for the next item no what is it I'm getting hungry hockey sticks because we're Canadian [Music] yeah okay we both have to restart why because I don't really mind that I'm wasting all of this because this one's Kylie Jenner's balls Jen do you not know how to differ your Lily dipping I think mine wins I like the colours so much you can't just say that because you chose the color so you're by I think you missed the point of this no yours is not Canadian is a murder scene it's red white and Hollow I'm so high right now the fumes I can't even breathe like it is going here I went no I win I win i way i wouldn't want to see you're the most difficult congesting I find shakes out of six I have something really special for you a bra for me I had a training bra from you that looks like a minnow Kandra it's the powerhouse of the cell okay you make me do like [\xa0__\xa0] yeah that's my fault I like my bra better oh my god no like come on come on you cannot even contest how much better my looks Jenner's looks a little small it she was born like that knowing that Chi Minh's better coverage on christine's I think we need to give her ding ding ding ding dinging and the host yes you are you can leave we're gonna water marble let's Starbucks cup you put like no effort into that look it's an S okay that's actually right you're like you put know everything in there here have a drink hey that's pretty cool mine's better no there's an S on it for Starbuck they're stupid who wins mine's an Astra Starbuck mine has more lines and creativity definitely Jen's yeah such - sir stop laughing at me you're not gonna be so giggly when you get water marble whoa you know what she's saying she's saying hallo I don't control your children one oh my god hey man whose baby's better which one is more unfit to be a mother we need a tiebreaker and then we can oh my god I just get held myself I mean after you I think we both lose a point for this all right and that wraps up well what is it about function and the scoreboard says this we'd all like to thank you for coming out today and playing Jen you're right certainly like a big waste of time look at my hands don't worry", metadata={'source': '0PpNlNJ6Nng'}), Document(page_content="today and playing Jen you're right certainly like a big waste of time look at my hands don't worry it'll wash off the floor come on tell people to subscribe don't forget to subscribe too what's your channels name again don't forget to subscribe to my channel why don't you let me know in the comments who else you'd like to see you on will atwater Marvel because I'm not inviting her back again yay yay cuz I won I'm a winner yeah we can't have that up initial thanks so much for watching and we'll see y'all at a bar pretty much [Music]", metadata={'source': '0PpNlNJ6Nng'})]
[Document(page_content='- It unlocked! I can grow a mustache\nand still use my phone. - Ahhh. ♪ (ragtime music) ♪ - (FBE) So today, you are\ngoing to be reacting to... this! - What\'s this? (chuckles) - Is this the latest iPhone?\nX or something? - This is a bit bigger.\nIs it the new one? Is it the X?\n- Okay, this is what? The iPhone something.\nThe iPhone X? - Is this the iPhone X?\n- iPhone X. I hear about this phone! Too bad it costs, like,\n$12,000 or something, or I\'d like to have one.\n- (FBE) That is the iPhone X. - Oh my god.\nFire alarm, gotta go now. - (FBE) We talked about this\nonce before on the show. - We did.\n- (FBE) But now we got the real thing. How\'s it look?\n- It\'s so small. This ain\'t no 10.\nAre you serious? - I don\'t need to upgrade\nmy 6 is what I thought. (laughs) My 6 works fine. I finally\nlearned how to work it. I don\'t want to have to\nlearn all over again. - (FBE) So for the first time\never on an iPhone, there is no Home button.\nSo to go Home, you have to swipe up\nfrom the bottom of the screen to the top of the screen. Oh, no. Wrong way.\n- Whoops! - Oh! Okay, there.\n- Hit the side here, and then-- okay,\nand then there-- yeah, and then okay, it\'s--\n- (FBE) It\'s-- (chuckles) You\'re--\n- (Siri) That\'s what I thought. - (laughs) - (FBE) Obviously, one of\nthe most talked about features of the iPhone X is\nApple\'s Face ID, which allows you to unlock the phone\nby scanning your face via the facial recognition software.\n- I did hear that. - It sounds great. I don\'t know if\nit will work all the time, though. - (FBE) So if you\ngo to the Settings, we can actually set up Face ID\nand see if it recognizes your face. - Settings...\nHow do I go to Settings? Ah, there it is. Okay, I see it now.\nI just need to look. - Set up Face ID. All right. - "First, position your face\nin the camera frame. Then move your head in a circle to\nshow all the angles of your face." Okay. Uh... This little arrow\nis showing already. Oh, I see. Like this? - This is really cool.\n- Done. So I hit "Done"?\n- (FBE) So now, swipe up. See if you need a password. No password! It\nrecognized your face. - Ohhh. So that\'s how you know.\nHmm, I don\'t know. With all the zillions of faces\non this Earth, you mean this phone won\'t ever make a mistake?\n- (FBE) All right, it recognized you.\n- That is pretty cool. - It didn\'t ask me for anything.\n- (FBE) Exactly. It saw your face. - Oh, so I don\'t even have to\nposition certain things. It just automatically\nknew it was me already. - These days, I do it with my finger\nso what\'s the big difference? - (FBE) Now it\'s your face!\n- Okay. (chuckles) - So far, I like\nthe feature, you know? I didn\'t have much\nof a problem the old way, but maybe this is\na split second faster, and God knows we need the time.\n- (FBE) One of the things, if you recall from the commercial,\nis that Face ID will recognize you kind of no matter what.\nIf you put on a hat, if you grow a beard,\nany of that kind of stuff, it will still recognize your face.\n- That\'s right. \'Cause I can look very different\nif you remember what I looked like when I first started here.\n- (Johnny) Who let the dogs out? - (FBE) To test this feature,\nwe actually have some disguises for you.\n- Oh, okay. - (FBE) And we\'re gonna\nsee if it recognizes you even with the changes.\n- Okay. - Oh, how cute! I like that.\nI look like the judge from before. Yeah, it recognized me. - Okay, now it opened\nwith a hard hat. So it knows me anyway.\n- Yes, it works. It works just\nas fast. Oh my gosh. - (laughs) Oh, goodie!\nI always wanted a mustache. Oh, it did! - Not good, \'cause\nI\'m a different person, and it still let me use the phone. - It unlocked! I can grow a mustache\nand still use my phone. Wow. - Aw. It recognized me.\n(chuckles) Shucks. - Can\'t fool this baby.\nNo wonder it cost $12,000. - That would be hard, wouldn\'t it? How can it recognize me\nwith a mask on? - Ah-ha! So it won\'t\ndo a full face-- of course, there\'s\nnothing to recognize. - Mm-mm. That\'s good.', metadata={'source': 'DM-ni_LSOFE'}), Document(page_content="do a full face-- of course, there's\nnothing to recognize. - Mm-mm. That's good.\n- It didn't. It didn't. Good phone! - Ah. Voila! We got him. (laughs)\n- That is amazing technology. I think that's fantastic.\nIt would be great if you could just\nuse your face for everything. - There are emergencies in life.\nDo I have time for the phone to recognize my face\nbefore I can call 9-1-1? - (FBE) I know the one feature\nyou were very excited about is... - (gasps) Animojis!\n- I do use emojis. I don't know how this works.\n- (FBE) So if you see on the left, there's a bunch of\ndifferent possible icons. You can pick whichever Animoji\nyou wanna try to use. - This one.\n- Oh, that's what my friend was doing the other day. She must've had an iPhone--\noh my god! The unicorn is talking. (chuckles)\n- Is that a pile of poop? I like that one. (laughs)\n- (FBE) So make faces, and see if the pig matches it.\n- (laughs) Oh, (snorts). - Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha. Mm. Mm. - Ahhh! - I love that!\n- (laughs) (laughs) This is fun! - Haa! Ehh! Eh-ah! Ahh! Well, it can really\nonly open the mouth. Okay, so-- oh, no!\nIt does the eyebrows. - Now, thinking ahead,\ncan you send this as a message, a talking message? (gasps)\n- (FBE) That's what we're gonna have you do.\n- Oh my gosh! Okay. - (FBE) You can hit the little\nred button the right, and you will record a message.\n- This is the bear that you've always feared,\nthe kung fu panda! - Oh, okay. So,\nhow you like me now? - Hey, I'm a big pile of poop!\nIsn't that great? Ooh! Ooh!! And I'm stinky!\n- (in deep voice) Hi, handsome. Want a date with a poop?\n- ♪ Playa ♪ (farting)\n- (FBE) So if you tap on the message that you just sent,\nyou should be able to hear your Animoji.\n- Okay. And then? - (poop) Hi, handsome.\n- (laughs) - (chicken) Hi there.\nI was just wondering how you're doing today.\n- (laughs) - (pig) Well done.\nYou finally made the big time. - Ah. What are they doing?\nWith all the technology, they got you laughing at yourself! I don't know if\nthat's progress or not. - I think it's silly.\n(chuckles) I'm sorry. I can send just\na regular text message. It's not for me, I think. - (FBE) Finally, when you\nwere younger, obviously, no one had a cellphone.\n- Yeah. - (FBE) And now we're at the point\nwhere cellphones are cameras, people listen to music off them,\nthere are GPSes now, and now they can even\nrecognize your face. - It's Star Trek\nand all the sci-fi movies I loved back then, and Star Trek,\nand all the-- I mean, I'm waiting so I can be beamed up.\n- A lot of times, I just grab my camera,\nmy phone, and start taking pictures, and the quality is like, what?\n12 megapixels? Just as good as\nthe $5,000 camera I'm using. - (FBE) How do you think\nyou have adapted to all the different changes\nthat cellphones have gone through over the course of your lifetime?\n- I'm still a dinosaur. I still struggle.\n- I'm amazed by all of it, but no, I do not\nkeep up with all of it, 'cause I really don't need to.\n- I need it to be able to get people's\ncommunications on a dime. This is the way everyone\nis communicating to me, so I'm gonna have to be able\nto get the communication on the go. - If I didn't have\nthe loving attention of my children and grandchildren,\nI would be way behind. When I was young, I didn't even know\nwhat a cellphone was. I didn't see television till 1950,\nand look how far we've come. - Thanks for watching this\nepisode of Elders React. And thanks to Jason Smith\nfor watching last week. - If you want a shout-out\nlike Felix Jacobs, make sure to leave a comment.\n- Hey, guys. Panda Ethan here from FBE.\nThanks so much for watching this episode of Elders React.\nAnd if you're here in the first 30 minute of any\nof our new episodes going live, be sure to leave a comment.\nYou might just see it featured. Bye, guys.", metadata={'source': 'DM-ni_LSOFE'})]
[Document(page_content="[MUSIC] That's not his briefcase. That's not his drink. >> No, wait. >> No, hope it's waterproof. >> We're filming a crowd scene here. >> No, no, no, no, no. There is soda everywhere. >> [LAUGH]\n>> This guy's a lunatic. >> One, two, three. [SOUND]\n>> What? [MUSIC] >> And the winner of this match,\nHeath Slater. >> There's a spinning heel kick. That caught Owen Hart right in the beak. Who is that guy? We need some security down here. >> It looked like Edge. >> Owen Hart's got Edge rolled up. >> Yes. >> And Owen Hart gets the three. [SOUND] [MUSIC] >> Here is your winner, Owen Hart. >> Baron Corbin is about\nto become the WWE Champion. As soon as Mike Chioda rings the bell,\nthis championship reign is over. Baron Corbin is about to\nbecome the WWE Champion. John Cena, wait, cover. Cover by Mahal. Jinder Mahal. Mahal could care less. >> Here is your winner and still the WWE Champion, Jinder Mahal. >> Baby. No. Okay, all right. >> Wait a minute. [CROSSTALK]\n>> Wait, Cole? >> My, what the? >> God. My Lord, he's right behind us. [CROSSTALK]\n>> Look at this. >> Tatanka just picked up the win. >> Here is your winner, Tatanka. >> Hey, Goldust got some moves. >> Like MC Hammer with makeup. Haha, look at him. >> MC Hammer? >> He's breakdancing. >> You can't touch this. >> I think John Travolta-\n>> Yes, it is. >> Uh-oh. Wait, wait, wait, wait, she fell. >> Wait a minute, wait a minute. >> I think she hurt herself, guys. >> Cody, Disaster Kick. Here's the cover on Fandango-\n>> Wait a minute. >> With the distraction and\nCody picked up the win. >> Cody's an opportunist. >> I don't think he'll listen to her. She should be on the floor\ntrying to help her man. >> Jesse Ohlmeyer telling her right now,\nyou gotta get out of here. >> Get on the floor and help your man. >> Both guys out. Look at Heenan. He's up on the apron and Virgil as well. What is this? >> She took off her dress. She took off her skirt, Gorilla Monsoon. >> Look at Jesse,\nhe doesn't know what to do. >> I don't believe my eyes. >> Look at The Million Dollar Man,\nhe don't know what to do. >> I don't know what to do,\nyou don't know what to do. >> Prepare yourselves for Under Siege: Part II, baby. >> Wait a minute. What the hell? >> Whoa. [SOUND]\n>> Did that just happen? >> Yes. >> Here are your winners and the new Raw Tag Team Champions,\nSheamus and Cesaro. >> Austin, what the hell. >> Look at this, the ankle lock. Wait a minute. It's Kurt Angle. Kurt Angle. Austin's opponent at, hey. RVD beats Austin. [MUSIC] >> Go for a ride and\nthat'll be it and what the hell? What the hell is that? [CROSSTALK]\n>> It was lightning. >> Lightning struck the ring. I can't believe I'm even- [MUSIC] My God, what is going on here? What the hell is going on here? >> That was the strangest\nthing I have ever seen. >> Uh-oh. >> Wait, wait, wait. >> Look out. >> The spear. >> We are about to see the most\nelectrifying move in sports entertainment. [MUSIC] >> Wait.\n>> What? >> What? That is Stone Cold. >> What the hell? >> The Hellraiser is back. The man that will beat\nthe Rock in WrestleMania. >> What is he gonna do? Look out, Rock. >> Who in the hell knows what\nThe Rattlesnake is gonna do? Wait, there's a roll-up,\na roll-up, a roll-up. Did he get it? Yes. My, God, Hurricane. >> Here is your winner, The Hurricane. >> Austin distracted The Rock and\nHurricane has beaten The Great One. [MUSIC]", metadata={'source': '069D0NmW39o'})]
[Document(page_content="one of the biggest names in musical theater the star and creator of Hamilton has plunged right into his next act it's in a place a long way from Broadway but very close to his heart as David Pegg no shows us as the creator and star of the Broadway sensation Hamilton lin-manuel Miranda is used to getting mobbed by adoring crowds but the crowds that greeted him a few days ago in Puerto Rico were different they weren't here to just applaud him they wanted to thank what's your biggest concern for this island it's still the immediate needs of the hardest hit towns it's those towns and the mountains and the hardest hit town that we're still struggling to get aid to in the aftermath of Hurricane Maria Puerto Rico is still reeling 53 days later much of the island remains without power I feel very proud to support Hispanic Federation because your money is going to lie hinton in Puerto Rico helping themselves sense the storm the 37 year old Miranda has been using his voice and his fame to sound the alarm what is expected of you as a Puerto Rican well it's it's complicated because I didn't grow up here so it's this weird mix of I will do anything to support the island but I also don't for a second pretend I know what's best for the island because I don't live here my job is to amplify the concerns of authorial it's weird because I remember when my grandfather was building this house while Miranda wasn't born here his parents were and lin-manuel spent summers as a child visiting his grandparents in Vega Alta outside San Juan my grandfather built house around the porch here as with much of the island there is little left they bought this property and the only thing that was here was a porch and and they built the house around that and now that porch is still here the porch survived has survived them and has survived this hurricane and has survived everything the day after the hurricane hit Miranda did what he does best [Music] he wrote a song almost like preyas inspired by West Side story's Maria to raise money to help the devastated Island get back on its feet [Music] he rounded up some of the world's biggest Latino stars from JLo to Rita Moreno how much money has been raised through the Hispanic Federation not even including almost like praying we've raised about just shy twenty million dollars how much money has a song alone brought in I don't know yet you know I know that we've sold over 150,000 copies on iTunes that's a dollar 29 each so that's minimum 150,000 but as he was finishing the song Miranda got caught up in a controversy on Twitter with President Trump with September 30th when the President of the United States tweeted the mayor of San Juan who was very complimentary only a few days ago has now been told by the Democrats that you must be nasty to Trump and you tweeted you're going straight to hell real Donald Trump no long lines for you someone will say right this way sir they'll clear a path any regrets no those were the only words I had on the occasion you know disasters are moments when leaders unite us you know they're no one's fault and he starts attacking people on the front lines thank you for everything you guys do last week we hopscotch the island with Miranda in Isla Verde he made sandwiches at a relief kitchen and then visited an aid distribution center in San Juan where he met with the mayor Carmen you lean crews it's a boost and it brings joy to people's hearts I also want to tell you that I'm jumping back in when he wasn't making friends he was making headlines announcing he will return in the lead role of Hamilton for a run at the University of Puerto Rico in January 2019 it's weird just yesterday the Smithsonian announced that I donated my act to costume to the Smithsonian thousands of tickets will be sold for just ten dollars though more expensive travel packages will be offered to help bring tourism back to the island let's make them crazy jealous celebrated", metadata={'source': 'c-3JxzN2u34'}), Document(page_content="will be offered to help bring tourism back to the island let's make them crazy jealous celebrated for his musical about the immigrant who became a founding father lin-manuel Miranda has found his next act and nothing but faith and the character and the resilience and brilliance of the Puerto Rican people if they're given a fair shot to come back we'll have an even better political than before", metadata={'source': 'c-3JxzN2u34'})]
[Document(page_content="it looks like a whole lot of nothing an undeveloped area about 45 minutes west of downtown Phoenix off i-10 near Tonopah but this land is now in the hands of one of the richest men on earth I have a dream that every child in America will attend a great school one Bill Gates and his plan is a big one Belmonte partners in Arizona based real estate investment group says a firm owned by gates dropped a whopping 80 million dollars to kick-start the development of a brand-new community they're called Belmont the angle turned this blank slate roughly the size of Tempe into its own smart city driverless cars digital networks data centers you name it Bill Gates is known for innovation and those kind of things and I think he picked the right location he's coming to Arizona Ronald shot of the Arizona Technology Council says this spot while remote now is a good one in part due to the proposed I 11 freeway which would run right through Belmont and connect to Las Vegas finally Arizona is getting recognized for being a place for innovation 3800 acres will go towards office commercial and retail space 470 acres for public schools plus room for 80 thousand housing units their goal is to try to make this most positive state to do business in and advocate for the technology industries now with the exception of those details I just talked about the attorneys representing the investors are staying pretty tight-lipped they're not commenting on when construction will start or if Microsoft will be opening an office there Bianca Bono 12 News", metadata={'source': '9KIP-Ncp2jU'})]
[Document(page_content="G: It's happening. G: Hi guys, my name is Grace Helbig, if you did not know, now you know. Your life is different now. Look who's here! It's Molly Burke. G: She has transplanted to Los Angeles from the lovely Toronto, Canada, and I'm so happy that you're here. Literally we're in her -- M: this is the first time- M: Time I am ever filming in this apartment, and you are here with me to do it. G: Yay, we have a really fun challenge today. We are going to be decorating cakes: blind! G: I mean you're gonna be doing that anyway. M: I decorate every cake blind and when I say I decorate every cake blind. I don't decorate cakes. M: So it really- even though I'm blind and live every day without sight. It's still going to be a challenge for me G: I have sight and this is going to be bad I've actually done this one time before with my friend Mitchell, and it did not go very well Mitchell: Okay, well my hand is in the -- the stuff. G: Oh you're using your hands? Mitchell: Are we not supposed to? G: You can, I didn't realize that would be an option I'm just trying to get the least amount. Mitchell: How, how? Mitchell: She's getting foundation on the -- she's got a lot of- her skin's bad. G: You only have to cover the top of the cake. We don't do the side. Mitchell: Wait, what're mine? G: Just the top. Mitchell: Oh, it's just the top. Then- where am I check me? G: Mouth Mitchell: So I'm good? G: Did I do a mouth? Can I move on to eyes? Mitchell: Is that enough? Mouth? G: Hey, where's my other one! G: Where's the eyes? G: Where did the cake go? G: Did I get eyes? G: Did I get- am I done? Mitchell: Am I done? G: Am I done yet? Mitchell: What am I supposed to be feeling? G: Your cheeks and lips are the same colour! Mitchell: Cheeks, cheeks. G: Am I done? Am I done? Mitchell: NO, I'M DONE! Mitchell: Come on! Mitchell: Yeah, I was done at the same time. M: I'm really interested to see what goes down here. G: I got here and Molly and her mom had already made these funfetti cakes for us to decorate, so you guys have already gone above and beyond. We have a bunch of different cake decorating apparatus. M: So many options! G: And not only did they make cakes they made funfetti cakes. M: Always the funfetti. I feel like the icing is honestly gonna be the most struggle. G: And well we have knives. That's good Okay, what have we decorated cake for each other? M: Aw... G: Cause we're sweet. M: And then we eat them. G: Oh yeah, that's my favorite part of this game. This is just all a big ruse to get the cake eating part of it. I say let's do like five minutes. M: I think it's gonna take me five minutes just to ice this. And I'm gonna put the blindfold on myself as well. Just so that nobody can be like she's sighted. G: Right. M: She cheated. G: There's all these conspiracy theorists out there that really think Molly is sighted. M: Which is hilarious. G: Go f*ck yourselves. M: Thank you, Delta. G: Oh, are these Delta- M: My delta flight is providing us with blindfolds. G: Oh my god, not advertised, not sponsored, but I mean reach out Delta. M: We're open to it. We're gonna have to open these. M: Okay, and there is a napkin if you need it. I feel like hands are gonna be really involved with the icing. G: Hands are a utensil, right? M: I hope you washed your hands, because I'm not eating that cake you haven't. G: Mom, are we set? Molly's mom: Go! M: Oh, I love with the spoon. G: Oh, and it's gonna devolve into hands immediately. I'm sorry that I'm gonna destroy your kitchen. M: Okay, there's a nice like clean new carpet below me. G: I feel like my cake is really becoming beautiful. M: I'm glad you're confident in yours. G: Yeah... M: I don't have much of it at this moment. G: If anything my hands have gone for a makeover. M: I'm not bothering icing the edges. G: We haven't got time for that. M: We have so many options for decorations, which is great. M: Oh, I had a plan for what I wanted the edges to look", metadata={'source': 'KODzih-pYlU'}), Document(page_content="options for decorations, which is great. M: Oh, I had a plan for what I wanted the edges to look like and it's gone awry already. G: I want to say I had a plan, but I didn't. M: My hands are so icing-y. G: I think this is happening. I have some concepts in my mind, but I have a feeling it's not translating correctly. Let's see where our other treats- Haha. M: Yeah gummy bears were an option. I'm not sure why M: Breaking my brand-new bowl. G: Haha. M: You know I'm left-handed. Which is what you biggest issue here. G: Like, I'm blind but my left handedness is stopping me. G: Okay, I feel like my cake is coming to an end in terms of its decorating decoration. M: I'm almost done, I'm just gonna attempt to write. G: Oh god bless. M: Which is going to be the real downfall. G: I- know that mine has not gone the way that I would have wanted it to, but art is not for interpretation. It smells amazing in here by the way. M: It smells like a lot of funfetti. M: I'm gonna say my fingers are sticky enough. G: Yeah. M: And I think that I'm done. G: Okay, I'm gonna say I'm done too. M: The reveal. *suspense music* G: Wow. Wow, yours is so pretty. M: It's supposed to say smile. I don't know if it wrote anything. G: Um, it definitely doesn't say anything. You can see the attempt to write smile. M: Okay. G: But there is a dog hair in it. M: That really is the epitome of my life. I have a guide dog his name is Gallop. He's like this big black dog. Everywhere I go he stands on my left side guiding me, all the time I just have hair all over me left side. G: You just gotta wear black pants all day. M: Not my aesthetic. G: Not my aesthetic! G: Well, speaking of Gallop, my cake is a tribute to Gallop. It was supposed to be a dog shape on here, but it's kind of like a Warshak- M: What did you make the dog shape out of? G: Every candy I could get my grubby hands on. I started to try and draw it with some cake icing, but I felt like that wasn't going well. So I tried to make a dog shape with all of the candy. It looks kind of like a butterfly. M: Did you just kind of like throw them on and then try to mold it. G: Yeah... M: Is that the technique? G: Yeah, it looks a little bit like a butterfly, a little bit like a crude penis. Maybe a little bit like the letter I, kind of. It's not good. M: Well here I have a smiley face, cause you make everybody smile and laugh. G: Aw god bless. M: And then you have such a colorful personality, so we did the colors. G: Yeah, you really nailed it. Yours looks like it's actually really well done. M: And then it was supposed to say smile. That was gonna be like the finishing touch. G: It's the thought that counts. Give us some comments down below which cake did you love, which cake did you hate, you guys gonna tell us all those things anyway. M: Would you- they're probably gonna be like I'm not gonna eat either of them because they're nasty. They had theit hands all over them. G: Oh yeah, I'd definitely pick out for like 10 minutes when I got here and then just put my hands in icing and put it on a cake, so... This was really fun. I feel a domestic af, like a domestic goddess. M: I feel like a housewife. G: If you guys haven't already go check out Molly's channel. We're doing another thing I'm terrible at. Identifying odors over on her channel, so go check that out, the link will be in description box below. But go check out all of Molly's videos. She's super sweet, really funny and just an overall breath of fresh air. M: Oh... Thank you. G: Thank you. Um. We'll see you guys next time. I don't know. How do you barely have any icing on your hands? M: Um I used the napkin that we provided. G: Oh, no. I'm just a trash monster. I went full out. M: I- I utilized this to its fullest potential. G: Yeah, I'm like what's a napkin. What does that do? I don't know.", metadata={'source': 'KODzih-pYlU'})]
[Document(page_content="mr. bill McGee's parking-lot chronicles once again episode three we got clay Thompson the legendary 40 and their special gifts for you guys to send some inspiration your way let's get it started here with a future legend klay Thompson I got a question clay how do you feel about turn to clay in the press they turn to clay again oh man china clay well I mean I was happy just came off my second NBA championship you know and I was over this having a good time and I didn't know everything would go viral as it did I forgot the internet was so worldwide you know it is undefeated but I think people saw the other side of me that they don't see on the court did I see my face you see always show emotion but I was just having a great time in China no you have fun too absolutely and the Chinese people love that they love it efore T how's it feel just being a legend in the bay like everyone knows you your a stapl if you comes if you come to Oakland you got to say what's up to you 40 I came with a game with a da you know and just kept working hard you know if you keep throwing things at the wall eventually I'll stick you know I've been getting my justice do later on it later age but through all my whole career I've been solid not salad kept it one never tell them that you make beast oh oh yeah I do produce you know I'll know where I heard him on the way to China you know everyone was asleep tell them the turn boy see news story 14 hours in the flight I'm looking around the plane he claims he has a DD I seen a full effect he's standing he can't sit down for it and me and him I was up for 8 hours like hey clay check this beat up check this beat out for 8 hours like a lot of good ones a lot of bad ones Wow a lot of good ones let believe you're not an artist oh so am i art it's just in a different way you know you see me shoot the ball I asked art I'll do that I'll be back again in so long here I'm saying especially you got a lute li anything you want to tell the people about what you got going we are 30 years in this thing man I got young talent and after Pharoah on VP Lee we can go on and on for every we just grateful to still be here and still put out great music and we let away as we love our soil we Northern California all day man stay tuned we hear what my guy art with an amazing story I'm gonna let him go ahead and tell y'all his story and his foundation and just what he's doing in the community randomly a young man a stranger ran up shot me took my wallet took $20 out of my wallet and ran off I woke up from a coma about a month later on Christmas Eve pretty much to learn that I would never walk never talk again well here I am speaking with tutorial and you know my goal is to get back on my feet to walk again I do walk with the robotic exoskeleton suit yeah you know song I'm not giving up on that dream you know we got clay to come on getting a wheelchair before I play some ball so we got to get you in a sauna player definite know me man when I started joining three of them what is their foundation about so what my foundation is about is to spread spinal cord injury awareness to stop senseless gun violence going on but also to help you know spread a adaptive sports like wheelchair basketball and get young youth that are disabled to meet their favorite athletes or their favorite entertainers or what nothing to get that awareness out there and I got this wristband and I'm in the middle of the room broke it when when KD first came out here I gave him one of the year you know it just really means a lot because a mentor of mine he came in after when I woke up out of a coma with the same specialized wristband that said life goes on to put it on me and you know I I never took it off and it's something that keeps me going so just to put that message out I've been and I could be applied to anything you know mr. bill McGee's parking lot Chronicles thanks for watching check me out on Katie's channel", metadata={'source': 'w0XYVssCKjw'}), Document(page_content="know mr. bill McGee's parking lot Chronicles thanks for watching check me out on Katie's channel and hey you", metadata={'source': 'w0XYVssCKjw'})]
[Document(page_content="man there was a time when Mel Gibson was America's Sweetheart now he plays [\xa0__\xa0] I want to go back I've been Mel Gibson was mr. good guy back when the biggest fight you could figure the Sega Genesis versus Super Nintendo and even then people didn't really give a [\xa0__\xa0] we all game together let's go back [Music] daddy's home too so daddy's home - is this equal to daddy's home which I saw for the first time pretty recently long story short discipline cracked me up at the end of daddy's home one you see a cameo by John Cena so you're like alright Mark Wahlberg's gonna have to ultimately swap roles with Will Ferrell he's gonna be the underdog now how's that gonna go doesn't really matter because they're bringing in the parents it was like the writers were like we saw meet the parents and Meet the Fockers and well how could we not now they're doing that yeah they bring John Cena in at the end but it's just one more iron in an already very clustered fire but I liked his Will Ferrell and Mark Wahlberg they actually do a really good job together this is not the first time being on screen together maybe that praise is a praise for the first movie what is they're actually quite good when they're working together also great casting on the part of their parents John Lithgow is absolutely who I could see being the parent of Will Ferrell's character Mark Wahlberg's character who it is that'd be yeah Mel Gibson and he's a total dick in this movie and it does work conceptually what doesn't work is the execution the movie is way too cluttered it's a [\xa0__\xa0] and quite frankly it's a bit of a drag the main schtick of this sequel is not John Luke cows character it is Mel Gibson's character you see why Mark Wahlberg was posturing in the first movie he gets it from his dad but his dad is truly a dick in a Christmas movie is a movie that takes place in the holidays with men of the holiday cheer as you're watching this curmudgeon is [\xa0__\xa0] [\xa0__\xa0] puff his chest belittle everybody it's kind of a drag yes it does have a nice family message at the end but every movie that takes place in the holidays has that it's Christmas movie 101 if you're a Christmas movie and you don't have that are you really a Christmas movie and there's no real comedy with Mel Gibson's character he just says something douchey and he laughs at his own joke most of time Mel Gibson's just walking around going I have known a hundred of those in life they're about as entertaining as you are now that's why I say he was good casting conceptually and the movie reuses a lot of the old jokes from the first one something that lands on the top of a car-crushing it little Ferrell getting electrocuted to death there are a few others let's block Wahlberg's character in the first movie he was kind of a dick but you could tell he did have a heart somewhere in there and even when he was talking with people like he was talking to Thomas Haden Church you could see that he had charm he had charisma earlier I could see why people gravitate to this guy Mel Gibson you don't couple times he walks off with chicks but you don't hear what he says to them it's just something that happens in the back grounds they're like I don't think they could write any charm for your character you gotta take the movies word for it that it works and the movie feels like it's way too long that's not to say the movie actually is long in its runtime but I'm just saying it feels like it's way too long guys in the end meet the [\xa0__\xa0] Gibson was it takes the family concept that we've seen done in movies before it takes the Christmas element that we've seen done in movies and done better the jokes were bland they were dry and in some cases were used in the first movie you feel like a sequel to daddy's home needed to be vomited out and now it's been vomited out and you're just not gonna remember the thing in t-minus one day ya already forgot I love to laugh couple of chuckles in", metadata={'source': '9xSx-5tmq44'}), Document(page_content="gonna remember the thing in t-minus one day ya already forgot I love to laugh couple of chuckles in this movie but for the most part no laughs all right guys so daddy's home - have you seen it what did you think about it or it's a sequel that's not as good as the first movie for you whatever it is whatever you think comment below let me know and as always if you like what you've seen here and you want to see more click right here to see more [Music]", metadata={'source': '9xSx-5tmq44'})]
[Document(page_content="I haven't been myself recently. I suffer, you know, from PTSD. It just won't go away, for a long time. I hope that you think twice about what you are doing to nation's veterans who are willing to die\nto protect this nation. If the army asked me to go again, to be deployed again I would absolutely go. I may give out but I never give up.", metadata={'source': '1cgK-BIrXes'})]
[Document(page_content="- Here guys, Jonathan here. Just dropped a video on some of the best iPhone Ten accessories and today got something for\nthe Pixel Two and Pixel Two XL. It is no secret that it has probably the best smartphone camera\nin the game right now. If you disagree, let me\nknow what your pick is with the comment down below. But today if you're a Pixel fan, get excited because I\ngot a couple of gadgets that should elevate things\nand take full advantage of the amazing camera\ninside the Pixel Two. So this is a two piece case,\nslash, lens combo from Moment and how it works is you pop on the case and that then adds a layer of modularity in the sense that you can\nswap out different lenses, there's a wide angle,\na telephoto, a fisheye, and even a macro for those\nsuper-close tight shots. So the first thing that\nimmediately jumped out to me with these is build quality, presentation, are all extremely well done\nand they are built like a tank. They are freaking heavy. I'll let you in on a little secret before every Ossen Evans\nvideo, he curls these 856 times and that is a secret\nto those Atkins gains. Speaking of presentation, anything that comes in a case or a bag always makes you feel just a\nlittle extra special inside. Here we have the wide angle\nlens and I'll pop it out. They also include a lens cover\nso you're not gonna scratch that glass, which is really nice. Very well thought out. Here's the telephoto 60 millimeter lens and again same deal there, lens cap and there's just a really\nwell though out system. Now as far as installation goes, we have a marker here on the case, we have a marker here on the lens, so they make it extremely\nsimple to not screw this up. Pop it in, slide, we have\nthe Moment logo there. You can clearly see once\nyou take the lens cap off the 18 millimeter sight in there. And now it is time to test this guy out. So to give an example\nof how much this alters your field of view, I'm gonna snap a photo here, but I'm also gonna pop up the lens and show you how much\nthat alters the image. So we had that beautiful wide image, now we are much more cropped in. I'm gonna snap a photo. And take a look back at these pictures. The standard stock lens in the Pixel Two, that's a great picture. But as we swipe over\nto that wide angle shot you can see so much more in there. You see the sky, we got\nthat street going across, into the sun peeking outta the corner. It's doing a great job\nwith the highlights. You're not really losing any quality. You were just getting an\namazing looking wide shot. It's pretty incredible. Seeing that makes me want to\npop this immediately back on because we got some beautiful sun creeping through that tree. I'm gonna see if I can\ncatch that right now. We got them palm trees and if I were to take this off, there's no way we are getting that much. Yeah, that's like crowding your image. There's no way we are\ngetting that much detail. I would have to scoot\nway the hell back there. Man, can I just give the Pixel 2 some major credit right here? The sky is completely visible but we are still getting that\nbeautiful ray of sunshine blasting through those leaves, beautiful. Now on top of photos, these lenses will also work through video. So what you're watching right now is me being shot through the Pixel 2 with that wide-angle lens. It's gotta make this little bit of scenery look extra cinematic but if\nwe were to take that lens off you guys could see how\nmuch of that wide angle we are losing. I have no idea what this\nlooks like right now. I'm sure it is nowhere\nnear as cool as before. Well let me know in the comment down below what you think of the quality\nwith the lens and without. Lastly, there is one shot I want to get. Part of me really wishes\nthis light bulb was on because that would be\na freaking cool shot, but I'm still gonna try to get it anyway. I don't think I would normally", metadata={'source': '4v0nOAzcG2A'}), Document(page_content="a freaking cool shot, but I'm still gonna try to get it anyway. I don't think I would normally\nbe able to get anything close like this without the wide-angle lens so if I could just get a\nlittle bit of exposure, bring that down. Snap it and that is a\nreally impressive image. Now if I were to swipe this off, yeah that is cool but it's nowhere near that wide angle shot. It just adds a whole layer to that photo. Now quick update, initially\nI wasn't the biggest fan of needing a case to use a lens but the more and more I use it, the more it find myself liking it. One, it's not something\nyou gotta think about. You just swap it on and you're good. And two, if you've ever\nused those lens attachments that don't require a case, sometimes they don't always align properly but with this you get\nit perfect every time. So we've seen what that\nwide angle lens can do. Now it's time to check\nout that telephoto lens. We're gonna add some\nlength to this Pixel 2. Pop it on, pop the lens cap off. I think we're gonna test it out with this nice little arrangement\nof flowers right here. What I'm seeing immediately right now is some really nice\nblur in the background. It's got a super-nice roll-off. This is not in portrait mode. I'm gonna snap a photo but you\ncan see that is really nice. For reference I'm going to pop this off and we should effectively\nlose all that right now. So yeah, you can see the\nimage is nowhere near as compressed with this. We still see a little bit\nof that in the background but comparing it to this shot with a telephoto lens on, you can see we got that nice\ncircular fall off ball action. Boca, boce, whatever you want to call it, it is pretty as hell. Now to kinda take that one step further, what I'm gonna do is pop the lens back on and also check out this\nwith portrait mode enabled and see what that does. So right off the bat, that's going to crop us in\njust a little bit further. We have some nice foreground going on, we still have that ball in the background. I'm gonna take the shots, let it process and right there that is pretty impressive. So we see a little bit\nmore blur in that light in the background. But either way, with or\nwithout portrait mode, having this telephoto lens\nis a really nice addition. From there, Rich, let's flex those breads. We got Rich in frame, photo taken. One without the lens just for safety. Now we see all your legs in that shot. Take it a look back, so that\nis without the telephoto lens. It's pretty nice. - [Rich] Yeah. Oh that's really nice. - [Jonathan] Look at that!\n- Oh, got a little flair too? - Yeah, I love what it\ndoes with the background, the blur, the sun, it\nholds all those highlights. This is pretty damn cool. Ugg, I though I was gonna go to move that. I wanted to bring the flowers\nso I could catch the sun. It's not gonna happen. Oh we got a train coming! Quick, Rich.\n- Yeah? - Hit me with the stand. Hook me up. This is also a really\ngood test of how quickly you can get set up. (upbeat music) Look man, I'm like one\nof those Instagram kids. And this guy I'm\nfollowing, what's his name? It's Steve. Steve is moving it. He said get that (beeps) outta my way! - [Rich] Demonetized. - Holy crap, man, using this telephoto\nlens on video right now, like that is freaking crazy. It's like portrait mode\nall the time but in video. I'm not sure how that\neffects stabilizations, so let me know what you guys think. But just what I'm seeing right\nhere through the viewfinder is kind of crazy. Like the light behind it,\nthat is some insane footage. So with this that is gonna\nadd a complete different layer to your arsenal with the\nPixel 2 in terms of video. Now I'm not gonna lie, initially when I saw these,\nI was a little skeptical especially because of the price point. They aren't the most\ninsane things in the world but they're also not the cheapest. I guess in the grand scheme of things when you compare it to", metadata={'source': '4v0nOAzcG2A'}), Document(page_content="other camera gear out there, it kinda makes sense. The build quality, the fact\nthat it's well presented, you have a case, you have a lens cap. It all kinda makes up for that price. But more importantly the image quality. That wide angle lens was awesome, but after seeing what this did, especially for video, it\nhas definitely won me over. With that said, that has me\nsuper-excited for these to come to the iPhone Ten. I believe they're currently\navailable for the Eight and Eight Plus right now, but as we know I think the\nPixel 2 and the iPhone Ten are currently the two best in the game. Aside from that, thank you\nguys very much for watching. Hopefully you enjoyed the video. If you did, and you are\nfeeling like being awesome, make sure to go Richard's\nBread on that like button. If you missed it, we are\ncurrently giving away a brand new Xbox One X Scorpio Edition. You can check that out\nhere or in the link below. This is Jonathan and I\nwill catch you guys later.", metadata={'source': '4v0nOAzcG2A'})]
[Document(page_content='*Intro song* Hello, friends and welcome to another video. This week, I\'m going to be wearing a full face of online dollar store makeup. So I\'ve heard about this website "Shop Missa", which is an online makeup store where everything costs one dollar. From primer, to foundation, to eyeliner, it\'s all one dollar. Now they say that the reason that their costs are so low is because they have direct relationships with manufacturers. but whenever I see super low cost anything combined with the fact that it\'s online, my spidey senses tingle. Now I\'ve tried dollar store makeup pretty recently from the Japanese dollar store "Daiso" and I was pleasantly surprised by how much of the stuff ended up looking pretty good. But the lingering question that I had, and many of you had as well, is how well this very low cost makeup would perform over the course of the day, or even, let\'s say, a week. So I thought "why not do both?" Try out online dollar store makeup for a week. We\'ll see how long it lasts, and also how long my skin lasts. *Voiceover* Alright, let\'s start shopping. It looks like it actually might not be "Shop Missa", it might be "Shop Miss A". But, I think I like "Shop Missa" better, I\'m sorry. Tyler, do the song. *Tyler, offscreen* Shop Missa Yeah, see it wouldn\'t work with "Shop Miss A". *Tyler, offscreen* Shop Miss A *laughs* I\'m gonna try and replace everything in my everyday makeup routine, So like complexion, cheek, eye, and lip products. I think let\'s start with the face products, so I\'m gonna click on face and body and go down to the concealer. Looks like we\'ve got a few different things. Clean Color, Santee *Voiceover* Oooh, I remember that brand from Daiso. It looks like this brand, AOA, might be like their in-house brand and they have a lot of different colors of this "Wonder Cover" concealer. Lemme click on this one "classic ivory". Not to be like Grammar Police, but they did misspell porcelain as "procelain". So, Shop Missa, just letting you know. Classic ivory look a little bit too pink for me, but beige and light ivory both seem like colors that would work. Let\'s open up light ivory, which is the one I want. Interesting! There is a different customer review star even thought it\'s like the same product but just in a different color. Someone says "Yellow and too dark" Danielle says it\'s great though, I\'m gonna go with Danielle on this one and hope that Danielle is right. So I\'m gonna add this one to the cart and also add beige to the cart. They are both only $1 and I feel like, you know, getting two will just hopefully ensure that one of them will match. I\'m also gonna grab this color corrector in peach for my under eye bags. So let\'s grab a foundation too while we\'re at it. These look kind of exciting. Looks like anything close to my color is already sold out. So, uh, never mind. How about this thing? Oh, just kidding, those seem to be sold out too. It is available in "medium bisque", but based on the swatches, I\'m not sure that would work. That\'s what I was thinking. Clam chowder. So let\'s take a look at these ones down here. L.A. Colors Foundation It\'s got three and a half stars based on 13 reviews. Ophelia says it\'s amazing "heart" But Thalia, Brenda, and Allison do not like it. Let\'s just give it a shot. Let\'s go with this one, creamy beige, and then I\'m also gonna get "natural" as well. On the plus side, these are both in stock. But, then again, on the con side, maybe the things that people like are sold out and this is kind of what\'s left behind So why don\'t we look for some other face stuff. I would say that loose setting powder is something that\'s like pretty vital to my routine because I\'m like an oily/combo gal, so I really bake it all down. Wait, is this it? It doesn\'t look like they have any loose setting powder at all. Which is sad. How about this thing, "Kleanista Pressed Powder"? I think that people are using this as a literal foundation powder, but, it\'s', metadata={'source': '8mhTWqWlQzU'}), Document(page_content='Pressed Powder"? I think that people are using this as a literal foundation powder, but, it\'s powder, and we need to get something to set it down. So I think we should maybe just go with this. Let\'s see about some contour. Interesting, it says that it\'s on sale for $1, but originally was listed as $39. I\'m not sure I buy that, but I may buy this. 79 reviews and 4 stars--that\'s pretty promising actually. Alright, I\'m gonna add this to my cart and call that our contour product. I\'m also going to pick up a bronzer while I\'m at it. Alright, so let\'s move on to the eyes. Currently, my liquid eyeliner is like the only product that I\'m kind of like "holy grail-ish" about, so we\'ll see how this eyeliner stacks up. So I\'m looking specifically for a black, matte, liquid eyeliner. It\'s hard to tell if this right here is like a brush or just a stick because the liquid eyeliner I used from Daiso ended up looking pretty good, but it did have kind of a sharp stick at the end. Like a quill. I mean, I feel like for this, we just have to pick one and go with it. This one looks as nice as any of them, and it seems to have pretty good reviews especially from Megan. So, Megan, lead me to the light. I\'m gonna add this to the cart. And I\'m also gonna grab this mascara which Sariah seems to like. She says "It\'s average like any other mascara". That sounds like a winner. So let\'s do eye primer next just to help out the eyeliner stay where it\'s supposed to be. Looks like they only have one listing for an eye primer. They\'ve got 2 options, matte and shiny. I feel like usually I go for matte, so let\'s do matte. And it\'s sold out. So, never mind. Let\'s go for frost then. I guess that\'s fine. Alright, so let\'s look for some eyebrow pencils that\'s usually what I use one of the easier ones, like the beginner ones where you just go "merr, merp". Looks like we\'ve got some gels, some powders, some stencils, and we\'ve got a product called the "Santee Eyebrow Sword" That sounds like something I want. So I\'m just gonna get black brown and black kind of like mix them together, I feel like that makes sense. The fact that it\'s called a sword, *clicks* is honestly enough for me to add that to the cart right now. So I guess actually all we have left right now is lips. So I wanna test out a liquid lipstick. Feel like, you know, $1 lipsticks are a danger zone for me. This looks like a nice color! Yeah, look it\'s like a purple-pink nude. Like a little everyday but like a little exciting at the same time. Oh, and people seem to really like this one. Cristina says "very very good" with an extra "o", so it\'s "goood". So, let\'s get this and try it out. Okay, so I think that that is a full face of makeup products. Honestly, from what I\'ve seen from the swatches online, and the reviews, I\'m excited for some of these products, a couple of them had more mixed reviews, but I feel like we\'re gonna find some gems. I\'ve got a good feeling about it. Alright, so here are all of my $1 makeup items. These are my own brushes, but the rest of the stuff is my new, everyday makeup routine. For the next week. So, what I usually do to start off is eyebrows, so let\'s take my eyebrow swords, which are, sadly, not called eyebrow swords on the actual packaging. On one side we\'ve got a spoolie, and on the other side we\'ve got the triangular pencil. Alright so I\'m gonna dive right in. Spool it up, brush it down and then let\'s see how the sword is doing. That looks pretty good. Yeah, I mean it looks maybe like a little bit almost like a mixture of a gel and a pencil. Like it feels really soft. That\'s an eyebrow, I think. What do you think? *Tyler, offscreen* I mean you had an eyebrow before, but yeah. To be honest, I can never tell with eyebrows. This is the one that I did in black, and this one\'s in black brown. On camera, you can\'t really see a difference, so I guess I could go with either. But I do actually think that the black one, in person,', metadata={'source': '8mhTWqWlQzU'}), Document(page_content='so I guess I could go with either. But I do actually think that the black one, in person, kind of matches me a little bit more. But overall, definitely a useable eyebrow pencil. Or sword. I want an eyebrow sword, shield, and jousting stick please. So next I\'m going to try the eye primer. It\'s one of those thing I feel like I wouldn\'t necessarily want my eyelids to be shimmery every single day of my life, but it looks cute. Alright, so now I\'m gonna move on to the complexion products. Let\'s open this up and just go in the bags. Pack your bags, let\'s wake up the face. Okay, that looks about the right color. It\'s a little greasy, almost like a Ben Nye stage makeup. But I feel like the coverage is pretty good. I mean the interesting thing is it\'s kind of almost getting more orange and like more spread out the more I touch it with my finger. So over the course of the week, I feel like I\'m just going to use this one a little sparingly. Alright, so let\'s get another concealer going. So this one is light ivory. Let\'s see what beige looks like. They look pretty similar to be honest. I think that light ivory is probably gonna be the better match. This feels also like a little bit on the greasy side, but it seems a little less like crazy pigmented. Like I feel like the peach was just like "I\'M HERE". It is not the easiest, easiest to blend out, but it\'s definitely workable. Alright, so that\'s concealer. So, next I think we\'re gonna tackle foundation, which I also have two of. Oh, also I\'ve already put primer on. So don\'t worry. This is creamy beige. and this one\'s natural. I think that creamy beige looks a little bit closer to the concealer color, so I think let\'s go with creamy beige for now, but I feel like we can substitute them both in. It smells a lot like Coppertone Sunscreen and I seem to be going through it pretty fast. It does look nice, actually though on the face but, it seems to kind of be pretty watery. But for a dollar, I feel like we can definitely make it work. Alright, so I think that that is gonna conclude my foundation portion. I think that I\'m maybe a little bit orangey compared to my double chin, but I think that the concealer is kind of skewing it that way and also the peachy color corrector which kind of migrated across the face. Next I\'m gonna set everything down with our pressed powder. I am a little bit shiny right now, so hopefully this will help me. I mean I\'m not sure exactly what to say because it seems like fine powder foundation, I\'m just worried about it as setting powder. Alright so let\'s do contour next. My contour kit looks pretty legit. I feel like from the looks of it, I\'ll probably be using this one on the bottom right. Just gonna get some on there Suck in like a fish, and go to town. It\'s a little bit red. Maybe I should try this cooler toned color. Ah, yeah I think that one\'s gonna be better. So we\'re gonna use the one in the middle actually for the rest of the week. Before I blend that in, I\'m gonna also add my sun glow shimmer bronzer. Oh that\'s kinda nice. Definitely shimmery. And then blend it in with a little bit more of that pressed powder foundation. So we\'ve got eyeliner, mascara, and lipstick left. So I\'m gonna go in with my eyeliner. It looks a bit like the quill I was describing; It seems to be more of a stick than a brush. It almost feels like rubbery. So it doesn\'t feel as sharp as the one I tried from the Daiso video. Okay, let me dip back in. There we go. I would say that from my first impressions, it seems like if I get the product on my eye, like it looks pretty good actually. But if I\'m trying to draw with the tip, it\'s actually hard to get product off. It\'s actually a lot easier to get product off the sides of the tip. So now that I finished off my second eye for eyeliner, I\'m just gonna put my mascara on really quick. They say comb for longer lashes, but I don\'t really understand how you\'re supposed to comb. But first I\'m just', metadata={'source': '8mhTWqWlQzU'}), Document(page_content="for longer lashes, but I don't really understand how you're supposed to comb. But first I'm just gonna use the normal brush on my lashes. I think think mascara actually is pretty nice. You know it just seems to be like coating my lashes with some black stuff so that's always good. Oh that can't be right. That looks stu-oh! Oooooh. *Tyler, offscreen* That looks like you're just pushing your eyelid around. *Safiya* Yeah, that's kind of how it feels. This thing seems to have make a couple of my eyelashes just stick straight up in the air, But I like the mascara. Alright so the last thing that we have to do is lips. Okay, It definitely looks like I'm gonna to be needing to do a couple of coats to like get it to be a full, opaque, lip color. But I do like how it feels. Also, it looks like the butthole coverage is pretty good. And that's always a priority for me. Alright, so I think with the completion of the lipstick, this is our finished Shop Missa makeup look. I'm gonna be wearing this makeup look all day and then also for the rest of the week. So I'm gonna check back in in a couple of hours. Alright, I'm back. I've just been sitting in the other room editing and I think that I have reached some grease levels. I'm Sandra Dee. The biggest issue right off the bat was the powder situation. Everything else seems to be okay though so I think that the problem starts, and probably stops, with the fact that I tried to use that pressed powder foundation as setting powder. I'm getting close to the time where I would usually take my makeup off and I think that I've re-powdered my face so many times that like I have just a layer of powder on it. So after that first day, I decided to introduce a true setting powder just to kind of like give everything a shot. Okay, so I've been wearing my makeup for a couple of hours already and I think it's definitely working better with some setting powder on. and I think that everything is seeming to be a little more satin looking rather than straight up wet. Over the course of the week, I actually eliminating the color corrector and the concealer from my routine almost entirely. Just because they seemed to be pretty oil based and didn't really like to stay on my skin very well. These adjustments definitely helped keep the oil more in check and later in the week, we tested it out a bit with some spicy curry sweats. Okay, so we just finished dinner that was a little spicier than necessary. But, I think overall my makeup is still chilling. I will say, however, my nose is a-runnin'. Besides the liquid complexion products, I did have a couple of products I really liked. The big winner of this week was the eyebrow pencil It's actually pretty similar to the one I use currently which is this one. I definitely go through the formula a little bit faster because it's kind of like softer, but in application, they're pretty similar. And this one's like 20 times cheaper. So, I'm very pleased with this. A couple of other things I actually really liked included the eyeliner and the lipstick. For the eyeliner, once you get it on your face, it really doesn't come off or fade. It almost turns into a little layer in itself. The only thing I don't like about it is that you kind of have to dip the tip into the liquid a few times to really get enough for the whole wing but once you get it on, it's good. The lipstick was also pretty good. It does dry a little wrinkly, but it's pretty comfortable, and it seems to be a good dupe for a couple of my favorite lipsticks. In this lighting they don't seem to be perfect color dupes, also I really messed up that swatch. But they are in that same color family and I would say that this lipstick is not decidedly worst than those. You know it just takes a couple layers and I feel like I'm pretty much good to go for most of the day. I don't see anything. Smooth. Stain-free. It's not bullet proof, it does come off a little bit with eating but", metadata={'source': '8mhTWqWlQzU'}), Document(page_content="anything. Smooth. Stain-free. It's not bullet proof, it does come off a little bit with eating but you can just put it right back on. Just layer it and it'll be fine. So besides how the makeup was, the other big test for this week was how my skin would do. Most of my skin issues have been while I'm wearing the makeup how much oil I've been producing. But in terms of breakouts, I think that we're doing pretty okay. Maybe I have one pimple kind of over here that's forming like nothing that's too bad or catastrophic. Overall, I don't think I would recommend the complexion products like the concealer or the foundation, that said, I did only try out one type of concealer and one type of foundation, so if you could do a little more trial and error, and maybe hit up the site when things weren't as sold out as when I bought stuff, you might be able to find something that works. I would say that the contour kit, the bronzer, and the eyeshadow primer were kind of in the middle. Oh, and the mascara. It's fine. I think it's mostly just cute. The products that I definitely would recommend, though are the eyebrow pencil, the eyeliner, and the lipstick. All in all, I think I would buy from Shop Missa again. I probably won't go for anymore face products, but I am interested to see what other lipsticks they have. Because I did see some other colors on their website and this was $1. And it had pretty good butthole coverage. And that's priceless. Thank you guys so much for watching, if you liked that video, make sure to smash that like button. And if you want to see more videos like this, make sure to smash that subscribe button. A big shout out to Amburly for watching, Thanks for watching Amburly, and I will see you guys next time.", metadata={'source': '8mhTWqWlQzU'})]
[Document(page_content="there's a butcher in this town preying on poor women the Gotham police stand twiddling their thumbs your evening attire sir that was not the suit I need Alfred I mean to rid Gotham of the Ripper he's a skilled hunter he's just getting started you're studying me you're a fascinating subject I'm not just another pretty face Bruce Wayne you are under arrest you can't imagine I'm actually the Ripper the deluxe suite I need to get out of here Gotham needs the Batman every moment puts women in danger get off the street now", metadata={'source': '6340tX9M_eM'})]
[Document(page_content="[Lele] Hey good luck. [Natalie] I don't need it, but you will. (Lele laugh hysterically) [Natalie] I'm sorry. What is so funny? [Lele] Who are you? [Natalie] Who am I? Somebody who's getting their license today! [Natalie] Your very immature. And that's why you won't be getting your license! [Intercom] Paging Lele Pons? Lele] Oh me? Okay I'm going first. You've been waiting here. Sorry! *laughs* [Lele] Hi [Justin] Hi, my name is Justin, I will be administering your driving test today. [Lele] I'm really nervous about this. [Justin] You shouldn't be it's just gonna be the two of us. [Lele] Actually, no [Young Ezee] LETS GET IT POPPIN AYEE YO LELE ABOUT TO GET HER DRIVERS LICENSE !!!!!!!! [Justin] Woah, woah, woah, woah,woah, woah, woah!!!! [All girls] AYYEEEEEEE [Justin] woah woah woah woah woah woah [Justin] Hold on, hold on. We can't have your friends back here! [Lele] Why not? Young Ezee] What do you mean? [Justin] This is supposed to be only me and you. [Friend #2] Well, maybe we can come to an agreement. Don't you think? Maybe you should sit back here, and we'll judge it from here. [Justin] *awkward* ahhh *lets out air* *laughs* [Friend #2] Okay fine, I'll just massage your shoulders [Justin] Umm... [Justin] Come on, come on. Here put the keys in the thing, let's do this. [Justin] Alright, so we're gonna drive straight towards the cones, we're gonna take a left around them,... *lots of screams* JUST DEAL WITH IT IT HAS NO CURSES JUST TURN OFF THE SOUND OKAY IM TIRED CC HALF DONE BY CHLOE AND TORI CANT GAME K BAI [Justin] Come to a stop, come to stop. [Lele] You see I parked. [Justin] Yeah, you parked. That's about the only thing you did right. [Justin] You hit every single cone. In fact, there's probably still some under the car right now. [Lele] Exactly. [Young Ezee] This is gonna go viral!!!! [Lele] Gonna go viral. [Justin] Okay, so the next order of business is the slalom. Don't ask me how to spell it, we've got to go in and out of cones. [Justin] Okay? [Lele] Okay. [Justin] You think you can do that? [Lele] Yeah I got it. [Justin] Okay. [Justin] California state law says that we do this blindfolded. [Justin] It's why there's so many good drivers in California. You have to feel the car. [Fi] Blindfolded?! [Katherine] Mother, you've got this. I love a bumpy ride. [Lele] You guys ready? [Justin] Okay. That was great. Let's just pull it to a stop right over here right over here All right how am I doing not good girl you can't drive. I can't cook so you know what I do I keep my butt out up. Yeah. Why don't we just pull over and talk about any person? Let's take outside right all right. Just pull over there. I gotta figure out Great going back there. I'm cuz you need and see all those cones I'm sure your test might well it went well What is it with you you want a drag race? No way if you sure you're hoping I do want to race Let's get it. Oh you do okay loser loses their license, okay loser Katherine do you think I got it Lily? I just going down. It's about to be dressed Don't worry buddy got What do you mean I don't get my license a I get everything I want you'll have to come back next time to get your license I could just punch you in the face to see you next year No, you're a horrible driver wait wait, what do you want? I'm sorry wait, I mean we almost died like 17 times Well the last time I checked drag racing was eat legal. Yeah, and I got a rollin camera, buddy Well your face all right here, okay, just Take it", metadata={'source': 't4YAyT4ihIQ'})]
[Document(page_content="uh we're gonna explain now why tony is here this is nfl sunday and there are some calls on this sunday morning from some of the players to put an end to thursday night football eight players got hurt just this past thursday including seattle seattle seahawks star richard sherman sherman wrote an article called why i hate thursday night football calling the league hypocritical for preaching safety but then asking for players to play games on only three days rest other players echoing that sentiment this week injuries are part of the game but thursday night game there i feel like thursday night games put people in harm and when everybody's not prepared so to lose a player of his magnitude his caliber is just uh it's it's tragic all right so let's bring in tony do you think if there's any football is going away well the current contract for thursday night football expires at the end of the season that contract was for 900 million dollars for two years so that's one reason why you would imagine it's not going away the ratings relatively are still good enough and the quality of play maybe you can question whether it's good but you can argue the teams are making money off this the players are making money off of this and there's a current state in the nfl now with player suspensions we just talked about it with ron that yeah that's what that's looking like player protest and the commissioner roger goodell is in his own contract with negotiation that's tense right now but if the players think it's unsafe and and they're at risk and they're all getting injured doesn't the nfl have to do something that is the dilemma it's a great question sarah three days rest how does your body recover after three days rest how does your body recover after seven days rest it's my opinion that if you took all the players injured in the nfl right now put them on one team that team would win the super bowl by 40 points but we're talking about aaron rodgers and jj y we're talking about the best players in the league but there is one other thing from thursday night's game i want to show you seahawks quarterback russell wilson this is another issue for the league we're just compounding issues here he took a hit to the to the chin and was told by the referee as his league protocol to go to the concussion tent and take a test video showed him in that tent for fewer than five seconds with nobody else in the tent he decided not to get a test and went back out on the field that's going to be reviewed by the league as well so the league's got a lot to look at here um and i would expect the fine coming see what are the what's the league saying about thursday night the league is saying that it's still quality play for them and it is and the ratings i'm sure are are where they kind of want them to be and the teams are happy to play in these games but do injuries affect ratings so if if the great the best players are the biggest stars are out i think that's what the league is most concerned about as far as ratings player protest there's an argument either way suspension's an argument either way but injuries to the biggest aaron rodgers these are the guys in commercials odell beckham and richard sherman as well tony really always is such a pleasure today quickly uh college football huge shake up yesterday two of the top three teams in the nation go down yesterday alabama number one or number two in one poll number one and the other barely held on so we're gonna see a big shake up miami is back we saw this game on abc listening they beat notre dame by 33. number one georgia lost by 20. it looks like auburn as well so alabama miami oklahoma going to be the top three in some ways i didn't know you were jumping in it's very sorry to cut you out what i did want to say was we always love having you on thank you very much that part that is also even ron backs me up on that hi everyone george stephanopoulos here thanks for", metadata={'source': 'L_5_slz4ke4'}), Document(page_content="part that is also even ron backs me up on that hi everyone george stephanopoulos here thanks for checking out the abc news youtube channel if you'd like to get more videos show highlights and watch live event coverage click on the right over here to subscribe to our channel and don't forget to download the abc news app for breaking news alerts thanks for watching", metadata={'source': 'L_5_slz4ke4'})]
[Document(page_content="by the way I suppose you know with this Harvey Weinstein thing in the news of course all over the news yes that that it the irony is we have a man in the White House who talked about Greg sadly there is an irony about all of us is there not George well it's a repetition you know because all your years involved with [\xa0__\xa0] you never hassled anybody or grab anybody yeah did you ever grab anyone by the [\xa0__\xa0] against their will you never sexually harassed and hey boner have you [Laughter] got such a beautiful here it's some people that are kind of skittish right Oh or maybe afraid and you're trying to persuade that but you know do we need to call the police what are you saying George in other words they were taught but you never held a job over someone updating no no no I never did that oh I see what it's about it's not about sex it's about power right it's about power but you didn't do this grabbing it work oh no no it wasn't that word okay it was either in my home Oh what do you mean like to be some guy who was hesitating to have sex with you and then you gave him a gentle squeeze on the on the balls or something mmm more than a gentle but it wasn't that didn't involve power I say over the other ten my tits and and the Howard or the Trump guy uh you know this that's about power and I you know this is a big issue today but I don't think will you ever on this set of Star Trek and let's say one of the extras who's playing a Klingon would you ever force him to blow you or anything like that to be specific a Klingon yeah no no a Starfleet officer I Starfleet officer blue you not not officer Oh someone under your command blue you on the in the script it was someone under my command yeah really is that right so while you were working on Star Trek someone under your command his job wasn't determined by my right I understand in other words it wasn't sexual harassment no right it was consensual I see you know", metadata={'source': 'AJYb0Yom5UQ'})]
[Document(page_content="Lila am from Portland I know you went to Trump and Marla maples wedding the famous story that I've been telling is that I got up to dance I had a camera sitting on the table when I got back to the table the film was taken the KGB I have a lot of photos from the wedding and I didn't take your pet they did not and I post them occasionally where you had the war with Trump I am assuming did he did he come on the Rosie O'Donnell never because I never liked him really if you're 55 and you grew up on Long Island you know that he's a fake a phony and a fraud it was no mystery to me so I didn't have him on ever what is it like what has it been like for you having the President of the United States criticized your physical appearance I mean what is that done to you well not only my physical appearance everything my sexuality my parenting my wife like he he went really back crazy you know that make you go about crazy well I could say that when he first did it when he wasn't running for office it was like just this loser blowhard like who really cared but that's big the grass which is a great book and I don't really travel in his circles it's not like I'm ever Atlas circ and I see some Trump people you know I'm a normal person who goes to the mall and the Cheesecake Factory so Donald Trump's opinion of me not really relevant but when he got to be President it was very trippy it took me about six months to regain my equilibrium is that true I feel like I fell through the ice and I just was waiting to resurface I it's a badge of honor to be disliked and hated by this man right but to have it been done to you personally for a decade makes the PTSD fairly intense and you have to say to yourself what is it about you that drew this out of him well that I told the truth about him at a time when everyone was afraid but then I did the really offensive thing to him I told the truth that he was bankrupt four times that's what did it that's not a selfish man that he got his daddy's money and that he also notoriously ripped off all these private contractors family businesses all over New Atlantis city went under because of his unethical ways so I told the truth about him 10 years ago at a time when anyone could have found out those truths about him but the media decided not to print it while he was running not to talk about the fact that there was no equivalence between him and Hillary Clinton they acted like he was a legitimate candidate so I feel like the mainstream media is really responsible thanks for watching watch more clips here and subscribe to our channel here see ya", metadata={'source': 'k8NxqyGcZA4'})]
[Document(page_content="but wait a dollar for every time I looked bald in my intros because I wore my hair in a ponytail I swear what is up you guys amber welcome back to my channel and today not only am I not bald but I also have lots of new things to show you not that those two things are really related at all but whatever so today we are doing an eBay haul because honestly I wasn't even really planning on doing this video I just have recently become obsessed with buying things on eBay so I figured you know I would just go ahead and show you what I got not further ado here we go a very extra but I didn't put that in the title because I figure do you guys just knew that already eBay shopping home alright so as you can see I literally got so much stuff some of it I haven't even opened yet so I'll look in that live in action on camera with you guys but we're just gonna go ahead and start with one of the coolest banger deals that I got this week look at this you guys remember this photo I posted up this Tom Ford and perfume on my Instagram ruler this little mini bottle of that perfume is three hundred and ten dollars so uh needless to say I did not purchase that but they also had an even bigger giant bottle that was a quality $850 so did you snap that picture in the store and left and then looked for it online and look what I found brand-new in the box I know my name is broken what can you do whatever the rest of them look fire but like oh my gosh literally this is so well exactly what it says granted the only catches the bottles empty and there's not actually any perfume in there but who cares I just wanted it for decoration anyways as a collectible they only made a couple of them so in a couple years this will be worth quite a bit anyways so an investment and I got this very cool and then denied bucks so I don't really know what that's actually a bargain or not it's still really overpriced but and really twisted over-the-top shopping logic technically I did save seven hundred bucks or at least that's what I'm gonna tell myself super fun um what else did we get lots of things haven't we open this I just opened this like a rabid animal I don't know why I did that oh my gosh this is the original Kim and Kanye vogue cover which if you guys have been watching my videos for a while you guys know I just love them and this photoshoot was literally one of my favorite things in the world so this is the fancy all wrapped up brand-new version and I got it for like $23 I think so super cool collectible item for cheap in fact I'm pretty sure that's what I got in this package too so let's see this is the Kim Forbes cover I got what is this oh my god wait what oh my god you guys I'm literally dying I ordered that magazine from a Rando off eBay and look at this thank you for your I love your YouTube babes this is hilarious thank you wow that is so funny everybody's so small but anyways thanks the haul I love it it's gonna sit on my coffee table next to the road one and both of these are joining my cam paper magazines oh I'm gonna keep these all right there Oh with the random pumpkin in the back but anyways alright what else did we get oh yes shoes ye oh my god I literally so excited to show you guys these okay so I've left designer shoes my whole life but I just never felt comfortable especially not much money on a shoe because like what are you serious [Applause] I know I know my singing voice sucks but bees don't suck they're beautiful these are my new shoes brand new Manolo Blahniks in the box makes it I guess they're not technically brand new they've been worn like one time but you can see fully authentic so stinking cute oh my god I am literally obsessed with these as you can tell by my screeching um but these are like $2,000 boots but on eBay the starting bid was $70 $70 granted I didn't get them for $70 I ended up getting them for like 130 I think but either way I freakin steal I'm never buying designer shoes", metadata={'source': 'gLswXiRLdkA'}), Document(page_content="up getting them for like 130 I think but either way I freakin steal I'm never buying designer shoes at full price again Oh to go with the mystical shoe I got ah some fuzz but not really but you guys are always asking me about the white fuzzy jacket that I wear and literally all of my lip books it's literally the best I'm obsessed with it where all the time I actually got it on the side of the road in London for like $20 if you missed that video here it is so that was when I picked up that fuzzy baby I searched it searched honey low to find a dupe of it and low and behold there on eBay so I'll admit it looks very crazy with my current outfit of the day but oh my goodness I finally found one for you guys and look at this this one's even cooler because it has like tufted layers of fuzz so very luxurious looking PSU guys this is of course fake fur but a vegetarian for like seven years but we got some faux for the reaction going on instead so super fun great way to steal the look for half the price and without hurting our fuzzy friends it's such a look maybe I'll just leave this on course to the video now but maybe just for this next product okay so next we have diamonds except not real diamonds they're definitely fake but you're there anyway I love rings I'm wearing literally all the time so I thought it would be cool to have some costume jewelry so I bought this one online and in theory it would be really beautiful but it actually ended up being like a piece of cheap plastic so I was very salty about that like you can see one of my nice rings next to the cheap plastic one they're just not the same at all so big buzzkill but you know still kind of fun to wear to the bars at night in the dark and tell people you're engaged to a billionaire already what else do we got here Oh actually how about this little cutie storytime behind this ever since my vintage shopping hall I've been obsessed with vintage things I just think they're the coolest so I thought it'd be fun to get a little bottle of vintage perfume this one's actually from like the 50s I think and still full of the original perfume that would be just such a cute little decoration but uh you can also see in reference to my hand it's literally this big so cute but um literally looks like a Honey I Shrunk the kids kind of thing can I even make a reference to that does anyone know what I'm talking about I swear I'd turn 24 and it's like I suddenly got old and crusty but anyways yeah super cute but next time I think I'll read the dimensions on things before I buy them alrighty let's see what else speaking of Chanel we've got so Chanel friends except of course it's not really Chanel because it was $26 but I'm gonna show it to you anyway I just love celebrity style dupes so this is just a really nice little black tweed jacket you can see it's got pockets and everything cute detailing so here's the fashion show so cute everything looks friggin weird with what I'm actually wearing so hang on let me change my quick there we go much better but you can see super cute little tweed should now inspire jacket it's very regal and classy probably a lot more classy if you weren't wearing like ass bearing booty shorts but you know hey fashion is fashion by the way both this jacket and the fuzzy black one are brand new with tags actually had no idea but there's actually like a whole section of ebay that's basically like Amazon do you guys hear that why is my house so loud anyways like I was saying there's actually a whole section of eBay that's just like Amazon that has like brand-new with tags boutique II kind of stuff so super cool I had no idea so I'll do like a full cheap eBay clothing haul soon but anyways for now next product concert merch Kanye canceled this tour before I got to go to it but you can see I still got the official concert rich online so cool they have merch from like every concert ever basically so go ahead get the click and", metadata={'source': 'gLswXiRLdkA'}), Document(page_content="online so cool they have merch from like every concert ever basically so go ahead get the click and you can find whatever you want really the only thing you got to watch out for is there's a lot of fake March out there and since I'm not allowed to endorse the fake products make sure you buy the real ones and last but not least actually already showed you guys these but all the celebs are wearing it just realized that really should have called this video like buying a bunch of Kim Kardashian inspired things on eBay but you know whatever um so like I said if you click around on eBay right now you'll see these shoes are literally selling for like seventeen hundred bucks but for some reason some girl will be okay with selling um for 300 bucks so I bought them it's important to treat yourself every once in a while even if it is for a bunch of like really random weird stuff so anyways there have you guys that is my little eBay shopping haul I hope you guys enjoyed the video because honestly one of the reasons I started my youtube channel was like I would always text my mom and my friends like pictures of things that I bought and literally no one cared so I you guys adults the love of stuff with me so anyways thank you guys so much for watching I love you so so so so so much sending you all the love and kisses in the world and as always if you have any questions comments concerns all my socials are at amber shoal so you can hit me up on there my IG will be popping with all sorts of new fun I just like smack myself in the face with this new fun thanks don't forget to subscribe to the channel for lots more random shopping content did whatever other nonsense I want to share with you guys I love you so so so so much kisses till next time I love bugs XO [Music] okay you guys we're gonna do a special bonus challenge that I just invented it's called wearing everything you bought all at once oh my god yes look", metadata={'source': 'gLswXiRLdkA'})]
[Document(page_content="[Music] i found a love for me darling just dive [Applause] [Music] beautiful and sweet well i never knew you were there's someone waiting for me cause we were just kids when we fell in love not knowing what if [Music] your heart is [Music] in [Music] listening to our favorite song when you said you looked a mess i whispered underneath my breath but you heard it darling you look perfect tonight [Music] well i found a woman stronger than anyone i know she shares [Music] to carry more than just my secrets to carry love to carry children of our own [Music] darlings [Music] dancing [Music] [Music] listening to our favorite song when i saw you in that dress [Music] baby [Music] [Music] she looks perfect i don't deserve this you look perfect tonight [Music] you", metadata={'source': '2Vv-BfVoq4g'})]
[Document(page_content="We are here in Dubrovnik, Croatia, shooting a new video for Alan walker. My name is Darja\nand let me take you behind the scenes. ♪ All it takes is that one look you do ♪ ♪ And I run right back to you ♪ ♪ You crossed the line ♪ ♪ And it's time to say F you! ♪ MAKING OF: EPISODE 1 ALL FALLS DOWN This is the first of three music videos\nin the world of Walker universe. The story began\nin Alan's last music video, Tired. You see Walkers assembling\nand making time capsules right before the solar storm hit the Earth\nand wipe out all technology. In All Falls Down,\nwe're quite far in the future. The world is clearly marked by the events as we can see in the dystopic\nand empty landscapes. We see a group finding the time capsule \nthat they buried in Tired. That’s like the main story\nin the All Falls Down music video. And we introduced a lot of new concepts\nand ideas to the Walker universe. For instance, I really like the drones. Right now, we are using this logo things,\nbut in the video, once we throw them up in the air,\nthey become these amazing drones. They will play an important role\nin the following video. The locations, the props, the costumes, everything is very well thought out and it will only get better\nonce the story progresses. I really can't wait for you\nto see the rest. ♪ And that's that ♪", metadata={'source': 'YlvCVbfS9M0'})]
[Document(page_content="hello everyone today I'm going to be creating a look foo inspired by one of the looks that I did myself several years ago for jeschill caption here lots of gold lots of bronze lots of lash lots of lip liner and lots of contour it's very full on look however for this look I shall be darkening my skin considerably my skin is of course very very fair but I shall be darkening my skin to look more tend I never wear fake tan or dark in my foundation ever but I shall be doing so for today's fellow I suddenly don't have any issues with lightening or darkening skin for editorial purposes or for industry purposes it is certainly done with an industry because I shall be darkening my skin substantially I shall be taking the foundation I'm going to use on to the ear slightly and on to the neck as I intend the coloration to do all one consistent tone to prime and moisturize my skin first of all I shall be going in with Bobbi Brown's vitamin-enriched face base and I absolutely love this product it's fantastic primer under makeup and I'm just going to apply a very liberal layer of that to the skin using a Space NK foundation brush it has quite a strong scent to this primer it smells very like Turkish Delight which is one of my favourite sweets within the previous look if I recall correctly I used mac cosmetics Studio Fix foundation in the shade NC 30 and that is what I'm going to use here today so I'm just going in with that first of all as you can see it's drastically darker than my natural skin tone I'm just sticking out on the ears I must admit I find this a little daunting the prospect of going from having a moon tend to a suntan imagine how awful ooh tragic it would be if this was a revocable and now I'm just going to go in and buff all of that through and correct the texture with a furless cb1 brush you just taking a tiny bit of that foundation on the brush and stippling it all in now because this foundation hasn't given me the desired coverage that I want I'm going to go in with some of Estee Lauder's double where maximum cover in the shade 0-3 creamy vanilla this is my all-time favorite foundation however the shade range is not particularly I think there's only about six or eight sheets but it's a very high coverage formula it's a little bit lighter than the foundation that we've gone in with already but what I'm going to do is just use it to lift the coverage in certain areas however even though the Double Wear Maxima cover foundation shade range is considerably limited I absolutely love the foundation just goes on so easily and now I'm going to go in and cream contra from my custom palette and I should be using both these two tones here the lighter one is super Kivar ultimate foundation in the shade 22 and the darker a super cover ultimate foundation in the shade 11 and I don't think I should use that much of the 11 but definitely the 22 I'm just going to cut in with that all the terms that I'm using today are going to be warm tones and I'm stippling that in I'm not actually buffing it just stepping it in on top well this will just provide us for the base as we will be going in with additional bronzer nowhere to apply a little bit of that around the forehead as I do have quite a large forehead it almost has the same mass as Russia I'm going to connect it slightly into the eye so that we have a base for lift that may seem as if I've been very aggressive but I'm not actually this brush is incredibly soft I am being slightly vigorous but I do want it to be absolutely seamless so that we have no harsh lines amongst the sea of orange and then I'm going to take the side of the brush and contour the nose ever so slightly the way that I contour my nose is a little different I don't normally contour my nose but if I do this is the technique that I use and I bring the two lines as close together as I possibly can just to really slim down nose into the sockets lightly and I'm going to blend", metadata={'source': 'MyEqfBkzESU'}), Document(page_content="as I possibly can just to really slim down nose into the sockets lightly and I'm going to blend that in with FLS cb1 brush just very delicately pattern it I don't want it to be too obvious so I'm blending it out as much as I can I'm just blending the edges and now with a clean version of the same brush which they used to contour which is a Charles Fox eight one four six four zero five brush and then just taking this lighter tone here and what I'm doing is a climate as our under-eye concealer and this shade is by super cover it's one of the ultimate foundations what I'm doing is just applying that as a concealer to highlight and brighten this area now because of the kind of nodes that I have I call this section the shaft the long part of the nose and then I call this the tip the shaft on my nose is very very thin whereas the tip is considerably wider now I have no concern about the thinness of the shaft but the tip is very very fat so the way that I correct that is by actually widening the shaft and thinning the tip so my nose is almost shaped like a triangle what we want to do is flip that triangle upside down and what I do by doing that is actually applying highlighter quite quite widely at the top and then I pull it down the nose thinning it as we come down to the tip and I don't take highlighter all the way to the tip and then to further create the illusion of slimness I take the highlighter tone right up the side of the nose right up to where we countered a moment ago and paint alongside it then cut across so you see a sharp cutter there which then brings the nose in and I take that highlighter tone just down here and rend pull it upwards a note and as you can see by just applying that technique of using the highlighter tools just to nip the nose inward it is a much more effective technique at slimming and thinning a nose as opposed to applying darker tools so we use our lighter tools to cut and slim the nose and then blend all of that in I'm just going to do a little bit of that highlighter tone just run the knife where there's a tiny bit of shadow just to brighten that area and setting through only the areas that have applied highlighter to with some of Inglot mattifying loose powder on a mac cosmetics one three eight brush and just making sure that eyebrow area set through as well with a Zuber one one four brush and i'm going to take a derma color cream concealer in the shade d40 on a Mac two six three and then begin sketching in the eyebrows and I want the address to be quite harsh and quite penciled looking so that's the eyebrows more or less done I'm going to come back to them later on to apply a little bit of powder in them play a tone slightly darker than what I've gone in with but once I have completed the rest of the eye look now for the eyes I'm going to create a very dark socket and then cut in with concealer then apply pigment on top of it but first of all I'm going to apply some of Urban Decay's powder eye shadow in the shade buck from The Naked palette as our transition color it is going to start building up a socket first of all and I'm not going to create too much of a wing to there I'm going to keep the look quite rounded as it was originally and to do that you just bring your tone slightly higher in the central area of the eye and don't wing it out for too much I'm going to take that tool quite far into the inner corner now I'm applying some of mac cosmetics powder eyeshadow in the shade Sahara two to seven and just warming that tone up I'm filling in this area and I'm just taking that ever so sorry underneath the eye and I've actually changed my mind I'm going to wing it out ever so slightly but not a upward wing almost a widening wing so it's still a long it's nice but it's not totally uplifting it is more broadening I don't actually mind of that color comes down quite far underneath the eye as well then I'm taking some of mac cosmetics powder", metadata={'source': 'MyEqfBkzESU'}), Document(page_content="color comes down quite far underneath the eye as well then I'm taking some of mac cosmetics powder eyeshadow in the shade Brule and with the same two one seven just brushing that underneath the brow as a match highlight I will go in with the shimmer shade shortly and now I am taking a mac cosmetics / - eyeshadow in the shade so and I'm packing that into place on an Inc lot 8o h PS brush when i'm festival doing is just sketching in the socket even though we're going to go back in and cut in any way i just want to build up as much color as possible in that area there digging some of the espresso on a mac to one seven i'm just blending going back in with a soft brown color just to ensure seamlessness and now I'm applying some of mac cosmetics powder eye shadow in the shade lem age which is this beautiful blue green black teal shade like a dark turquoise and I'm applying that on the same pencil brush from before now connecting that into the socket just ever so slightly and with a cleans over 2 to 7 brush I'm just blending all of that now before I go in and apply some gold pigment to the eyelids I'm going to festival apply this very pale shade from my customized palette and this is the shade dee 406 and it is one of the Kryolan derma color cream concealers and I'm just taking a very slight amount of that only curved concealer brush this one is the unbranded I've had it for years but what I'm doing first of all it's just cutting in a crease in the eyelid and a great way I've been able to do this very well is to actually look down in a mirror which gives you a gauge of where you're placing the product now I don't necessarily need it to be too neat at this point as the product I'm going to go in with anyway it's so finely milled that you will see speckles of it through the socket but I just want a very sharp guide on the eye first of all so that is the base for our pigment now applied to the eyes now this is the fun and beautiful yet very messy part and I'm going to be going in with some of mac cosmetics reflex glitter in the shade bronze reflex which is this absolutely beautiful golden e bronze shade it's absolutely gorgeous one of my favorite golden products now I would apply this with a concealer brush this one is unbranded however I'm going to use one pump of mac fix+ on the brush just so that it grabs the product and because this is a loose product sometimes it is better to apply these facing down so that you do not get too much fallout and as you can see I'm just tilting my head down ever so slightly and I'm actually going to change to a Mac to 3:9 brush as I offend the previous technique wasn't as effective I'm just beginning to just pack that onto the eye coating all of the concealer that we have and really just pack it on and start to build up the product and I don't really mind if there's fall down as the whole oak is going to be quite golden and sparkly no I'm not very keen on the immediate harshness of the crease so I'm just going to brush run to the edge of the crease just to soften the edge going back in with the two and seven that we had our espresso on just to soften that in and if you have any excess of folder and you can go back in with your Perdue brush from before and just lift any of that product so that is the eyes almost complete I'm just going to go in and apply some gel eyeliner and this is the English AMC gel eyeliner in the shade 77 and I'm actually going to draw a very harsh graphic cat eye so I have drawn in quite a graphic sharp cat eye and I've lifted it more at their two corners so it cuts right across the eye I didn't want something that was following off my eye shape as I wanted to lift to the eyes as I did in the original look and I took the gel eyeliner are quite far down underneath the eye but just soften the harshness of the line I'm going to go back in with some of the la merge color and just blend it into the black gel liner that we have applied", metadata={'source': 'MyEqfBkzESU'}), Document(page_content="in with some of the la merge color and just blend it into the black gel liner that we have applied on a Charles Fox eight one four six zero three one brush then taking a cleaner so about two to seven brush just soften what we have applied blending it ever so slightly just to ensure seamlessness I'm going in and curling eyelashes then I'm going to apply some of the bombs what's your type in the sky of course when I'm doing first of all is just blackening the eyelashes before we go in with false eyelashes and I'm going to go in and apply a set of custom-cut false eyelashes so that is the islands complete I've gone in and applied false lashes and of course the eyelash glue dries clear but I went over the top of it with a tiny bit of bourgeois liquid eyeliner now I'm going to go in with some of mac cosmetics matte bronze and use this as my contour really gently sculpting really just flicking that color upward and brush it over very very softly very very faintly because I like contest to look very seamless so I applied quite loosely and quite liberally to the cheekbone but working it upward rather than underneath the cheekbone I found that it just lifts and sculpts the face perfectly certainly my own features of course contouring must be applied suiting to your own features and is going to apply that to the forehead and you can really get away with quite a lot of contour and bronzer on more tan sort of skin tones and since my skin is tanned today and were to apply quite a lot of bronzer I'm just connecting up from the I sort of swishing it backward tiny bit of it on the jaw I don't normally do this but I just want to keep the tone and the hue very consistent there's definitely an equilibrium between how fast muted I am by this and how strange I also find it so that were less completes all the sculpting work within the face now for blusher I was going to go in with something that's pinky and I might depending on how I feel but I'm first of all going to apply this sleek makeup blush by three in the shade lantern which is this matte orange here now this is a fantastic tool for warming up any lip I'm just going to apply that on a Zuba one to six what this will do well just almost connect Russia and the bronzer together as you can see that just lifts the color ever so slightly now I'm gonna go to apply a little bit of it just lift the face and then I'm going to take this sleek makeup face form and apply the blusher from this palette on the same brush this is a really pretty pinky shade and as slight golden reflex in it so it's going to look really pretty on the cheekbones and I've been slightly excessive with it but I kind of think well I'm neon orange anyway so I might as well but I always go back in and just meet everything down with our powder brush from before no before I wasn't necessarily that keen on the eyebrows but I actually quite liked them as they are and I think I'm going to leave them now if I highlighter I'm definitely going to apply the bombs mary-lou manizer highlighter I'm going to apply it and I'm a planet on a Wayne Goss number two brush it's going to play a little bit of that to the chin a little bit to the cupid bow you know let's go back in a new turn whatever you'll apply and I'm going to play a little bit of that to the forehead just add some machine and then quite a lot of it to the center of the nose and I always like a little bit of shine here and then I would apply a little bit of it just to the inner part of the eye one technique when using highlighter or shimmer tones is by planet to an area when you start to buff it it can I become more shiny because I don't want to apply too much product in that area I'm just buffing it in you're going to actually go back in with your blusher brush from before and just connect everything together insuring seamlessness now I couldn't quite resist so I'm going to go in and apply even more highlighter and this is Inglot", metadata={'source': 'MyEqfBkzESU'}), Document(page_content="I couldn't quite resist so I'm going to go in and apply even more highlighter and this is Inglot sparkling dust in the shade 0-2 so being able to try them out of myself is definitely very interesting now Phillips I'm going to go in with some of L'Oreal lip pencil in the shade rosewood I had to really rummage around my archive to be able to find this color it's very similar to spice by MAC Cosmetics it's definitely got a slime or raspberry tone to it then spice and I'm obviously going to over draw the lips with this kind of look I think that's a croissant well the lips now over lined I'm now going to go in and apply lipstick originally I used Beauty UK's lipstick in the shade however today I really like this lightly pinky look on the lips already so I'm going to go in and apply MAC Cosmetics lipstick in the shade is Saint Germain as it's a perfect Barbic color and I kind of felt like a change from nudes I don't want to apply too heavy out there to still be a slight ombre on the lip and I'm just taking a slight amount of elam ascus lipstick in the shade Lev which is slightly lighter tone and I'm just blocked in that onto the lips and the lip liner on the lipstick have merged very nicely together and I'm now going to block lip service is slightly as I feel like I put a little bit too much one great technique is just to take a little bit of tissue paper bite into it and when you do that fooled the edges are that just removes all the excess product on the lip and I'm not just going to even at the neck tone and apply additional foundation to areas that require tanning and down just a little all looks really seamless I'm just going to add a little bit of shimmer to certain areas on the neck and I'm just going to contour the neck ever so slightly just so that it doesn't all look like such a flat shape there's definitely a stark color difference between my regular skin tone and that of the painted on one it's definitely very interesting to try out these looks but I don't think I will be telling that often and very fond of my very fair skin I definitely enjoy recreating some of my older looks looks that I did when I was a lot younger as a very glamorous look very bronzed look when golden like my body actually can also be worn with the hair up which is a much more classic take on the look so that more or less completes the look I very much enjoyed creating this look even though I don't think I will be tanning myself anytime soon what suddenly not for a long time I definitely enjoy creating this look and using the color palette for which that I did and I think it can actually be really quite fun trying out different styles and different looks and I definitely had a lot of fun creating this look I very much hope that your friend today's film either interesting useful helpful or beneficial and once again thank you so much for watching and of course take care bye", metadata={'source': 'MyEqfBkzESU'})]
[Document(page_content="(lighthearted music) Thirst, t-h-i... - [Female] r-s-t. r-s-t. Thirst tweets. Daddy. Exclamation point, exclamation\npoint, exclamation point exclamation point, exclamation point. Use my face as (laughs)... Trampoline. Thanks? Thank you? (laughs) I just remembered how sexy Mark Ruffalo is and now I need to lie down. Take a little extra time for yourself. (laughs) One more? I hope destiny allows me to\none day call Mark Ruffalo Daddy as a cigarette loosely\nhangs from my lips. (laughs) I'm just... I'm flattered. What can I say? I'm flattered. Thank you. Thanks for this. Thank you. (dramatic music)", metadata={'source': 'pa_oUisZZy0'})]
[Document(page_content="good morning Oh God we're gonna do things today today we're gonna do things we're not really ready for I've heard that time you're supposed to live life but I had my doubts if you don't know I'm training for a half marathon that I'm running in October with my mom and my stepdad and I'm not a very good runner so I got hooked up hooked up in my 65 I got in contact with one of the Nike running coaches his name is blue and he's gonna train me and I think we're gonna write about five miles today from the day that I'm recording this there's exactly one month until the half marathon so far I've only ran four miles as my longest distance so this is good this guy he taught me they're doing six miles instead of five yeah so I've got to get real [Music] we did it 56 minutes I changed my entire running posture I didn't know I was doing it wrong yep I was running like what would you say sasquatch probably yeah we got on your toes yeah got your arm swing dial yes you're better now we have a slow-motion video that we can review all right here ya're state now your landing below your center of mass on the ball of your foot instead of on your heel which makes you over stride and then the other awesome thing you're doing is your arm swing you're getting the elbows back far enough and so your posture is nice and tall and you have that awesome forward lean so that is how you run I feel like I'm gonna feel much better in an hour right now I feel like I'm [Music] good morning today we are going to cryotherapy yesterday I ran with blue five and a half miles and I could use some help I've been meaning to do cryotherapy for quite some time but I've just been too scared it's only three minutes but it's really really freaking cold so the only way to do something that I don't really want to do is to have someone go with me isn't that what friends are for no they're not there to lean on they're not there to help you with things they're there to just go to things that you don't want to go to it okay we're in a tiny room Amy's going for us apparently his second person is going to be way colder weight holder that's gonna be me this is the chamber just as a preview we got some hello- 140 degrees we already have the fog starting oh my god we're at one 88 degrees much colder Megan's turn right : I have to get real yeah oh I feel it already yep oh you're negative 103 colder than this oh yeah [Music] oh my guys really good at awesome powers initiation complete it just falls to the ground what do you what do you say how was your first experience being frozen I feel like if I went like this I would have icicles from my unshaven life today running the Hollywood sign day too I think it's gonna be eight miles hey Tommy this is what we're looking at now see you where that little flag is you probably can't see at all it's like a worse version of the Grinch okay see you soon remember that flag has choking that was like yeah we're gonna be up there we went there there was seven miles lots of steeps up and down yeah else you're probably harder yeah it's very slippery but its longest I've gone longest one morning it is race day mmm just doing that Aries fall asleep feels so good to close my eyes this is what 4 a.m. looks like today we're running a half marathon believe it or not pumped yeah two one hi mom's here what's it happening now I am rubbing Megan down my body line so she doesn't shake big girl probs oh sure Cheryl problems like oh my god I don't think I could get more personal than you birthing me it's done I did it I ran a half marathon and I survived let me tell you it is not easy I wasn't expecting it to be easy but I did train for it it's funny that in the beginning of this video I was only running for miles and then I ran 13.1 and granted I did break down on the eighth mile because my knee hurts so bad and I was weeping for upwards of a half of a mile my mom actually gave me her knee brace because she also has a", metadata={'source': 'cccyOn99s4Y'}), Document(page_content="for upwards of a half of a mile my mom actually gave me her knee brace because she also has a bum knee but I was going down so she gave you her knee brace which is the epitome of what mothers should do you shouldn't run a half marathon unless you are doing it with your mom because who's gonna take care of you when you start crying I didn't have the energy to document after running that long especially because I was using both of my hands to ice my knees this is the recap of it [Music] don't you love when you wake up before your alarm and you're like I don't need your help I'm sassy to all of my electronics I also earned a souvenir this is the finisher metal rock and roll half marathon boom I did it yay I'm reliving it except for it my knees work this time the funny thing about marathons wouldn't knoe never did one the funny thing about race is in general is that they have these photographers taking pictures of you like the paparazzi except for all the pictures are terrible of course I had to buy them but now let's react to these little photos this is how early we started I had to be there at 4 a.m. I can't Where's Waldo myself in this but I'm pretty sure I'm between the groups of I don't want to do this and why did I sign up for it this is a photo of me being a half ballet dancer half crossing guard this one I'm not even running I think I'm trying to take off for flight in this one for with my arms like that okay I love this one you see that my mom has the knee brace on this is before the finish line this one I like because if you're a fan of the office or I've ever seen the episode where Jim and Pam get married they talk about taking mental images with a fake camera to preserve certain memories or special moments of their big day I did that here I've never ran this far ever my mom is an avid runner and I think it was a huge deal and a family bonding experience and I think it's very cute no joke here this one looks like this looks like I'm the spokesperson for speed walking this is Wonder crossing the finish line like you holster already girls um okay yeah this is us getting married apparently and yet another blurry photo that's what you get guys yes you're getting pride that you follow there is something yes you're getting fulfillment that you actually did something pretty hard but more importantly and most of all you get in blurry ass photos [Music]", metadata={'source': 'cccyOn99s4Y'})]
[Document(page_content="why we changed our name Monday calm the pulse really what be rappers now Deepika duh I knew it was really bad when I went on TV for the first time in my life and all the answer could focus on was how bad a named a pulse was I like to ask what the post is but I also like to understand where you came up with this let's skip over the name we have more interesting passionately about oh here's a big great name I have like a company named same familiar it's again you going safe an alien we have a big data theme they have the tool called big brain it's a big brain has all the data in it I'm usually good at this stuff so from now on we're Monday comm we needed a name that represented our friend who we are and what we're here to do my name means work the good stuff about it and the bad stuff it's name that people will remember it's a name that people can spell on the internet it's been brought to our attention that some people like weekends more than they like Mondays we get it the problems they're facing and problems we're trying to solve hundreds of thousands of people use Monday in ways we never expected they make airplanes massive TV channels video production agencies people have always asked like what is it in a sentence and we couldn't ever say it in a sentence but we can in a word it's Monday how people work together problems they have working together and all those challenges are what we're trying to solve here Monday in a way or vision", metadata={'source': '9Th4qTv-4jE'})]
[Document(page_content="captain phone apps for technology productivity content creation creativity these are specifically on the iPhone but a lot of them can be found on a Android operating system home on Twitter I asked you guys what are your top eight apps that you have been using recently and you guys just responded with so many tweets it was really happy to see that some of you guys are still playing pokemon Co and what I noticed a lot is a new game show app called like HQ trivia and plenty of other things but the most consistent were messages snapchat Instagram and Facebook but for this video I am going to share my top ten apps that I use for just life in regards to productivity and content creation but let's start with number one and it's a very basic app but it's one that I discovered a very clutch feature and recently Instagram I'm on Instagram a ton but I just use it for consuming and then posting some pictures and video from my life but I figured out a feature that honestly I didn't know existed but it's been around for a while it's a way to treat Instagram kind of like a Pinterest I've never actually used Pinterest but I find a lot of inspiration and things I want to say for reference later on Instagram and you can actually do that within the app so the save feature they actually introduced something called collections where you can organize the content from Instagram that you dig so just today I created clothing inspo I only have one picture saved but I'm definitely gonna be filling out up and then spaces I love creative spaces and offices and things and so I put places that I vibe with in here the fact that this feature lives directly into Instagram is amazing speaking of Instagram my number two app is a app called enough on them on them on if you are very particular about your Instagram feed this app allows you to plan it out and see how your feet it looks and adjust to the content that you post so I think my feed looks pretty cool I like punchy trust and saturation but if I want to see the next Instagram that I'm gonna post is going to fit in to my feet I can upload that picture we'll just take this picture of John we'll say done and then you can see how that looks like within your feet does that fit so this is fantastic if you do the tiling on Instagram where you have three pictures is equal to one or the block of six pictures is equal to like one graphic or something this is very good to plan that out so I'm gonna keep all these ideas saving images for reference if you guys like to create mood boards IRL so literally taping pictures and things to the wall you're going to love this app called curators so basically what this allows you to do is create a mood board of text images links and add it to this massive board to reference to later I haven't played around a lot with this because I just discovered it but it is a fantastic tool to send maybe a mood board to a person or maybe a client you are working with or someone you're collaborating with okay guys we're doing good we're doing good four down six to go the next one I'm going to mention is Expensify if you are a freelancer of any type it is so important to keep track of expensive you buy a camera you are a videographer so you're using that camera for work you need to expense that thing for taxes so you can write it off and Expensify you can categorize your expenses based on trips or certain time periods so it is a fantastic way to get organized and you can also attach receipts to certain transactions up next is office if you guys are still scanning papers into computers what are you even doing this app allows you to take a document I'm going to find a document I'm going to set this document on a flat surface picture it's processing and boom it cross it perfectly into a rectangle so it looks like you scanned it and even if it's a little off you can go in and correct it so now that I have this beautiful document I can save it and", metadata={'source': 'UFYCTJlayS4'}), Document(page_content="off you can go in and correct it so now that I have this beautiful document I can save it and send as a PDF or email it straight from here next up is an app called breather let's just take a breather because I'm realizing going through 10 different apps is a lot breather is kind of like a Airbnb but for office spaces you can rent them by the hour or by the day I just discovered this but this is something I might utilize if I ever need to film certain things I need a new aesthetic maybe a new background I'm collaborating with someone and if I only need it for about two hours there are a lot of affordable options so I see this from the filming standpoint if I just need a space to film I see it was very affordable but it's obviously super clutch for meetings if you need to bring a team of people together these places are static yes yeah the next app is kind of out of right field but I've kind of been into cryptocurrency lately and blockchain and all of that fascinating technology I've gotten the question a lot what exchange do you use to invest into cryptocurrency and trade the app is called coin base here the main coins Bitcoin aetherium and light point now I'm not gonna go into the app and show you all of my financial info but trust me the UI is beautiful and if you are new to cryptocurrency and all that this is a good place to start the next app is G board it is a keyboard that has made my iMessage experience better so here are bringing you into my riveting conversation with Jonathan Hill we're talking about what kind of ladder should we get for the new office this is what Google keyboard looks like you can Google something right in the app and then push up the results to the message so I'll just hit share and I can send that to show him the closest lows you can get the search results from Google YouTube or Google Maps but my two favorite things about this app is the swiping this is so cool and then you can use the bar to scroll through these specific texts this is just me holding down the spacebar and it allows you to navigate throughout the text the swiping to text is so handy when texting with one hand I can barely type normally now my second reason why I love G board is gifs are right here the you know drawing is right here but you can search emoji so no more scrolling around forever to find that one emoji say New York and you got all the New York stuff [Music] my last two apps are for purely inspiration and consumption of books and podcasts so coming in at number nine is the podcasting app overcast usually I listen on Apple's native app but with their update the UI and UX is just so clunky there is no hierarchy to it and it's just it's confusing it takes about four clicks to get to anything so that's why I have chosen overcast some podcasts that I would recommend if you're curious is masters of scale with Reid Hoffman he formerly co-founded LinkedIn a few others open for business and start up with gimlet anything gimlet does is amazing so the podcasts open for business and also startup Rico decode is also a fantastic one and last but certainly not least is the Kindle app for awhile I was trying to force myself to sit down and read from a physical book because they look so cool it makes you look smart but it just didn't happen it's very difficult for me to read out of the physical book but it's so natural for me to have my phone in my hand suppose like Sarah don't fight it just read books on your phone and that way you can also highlight parts that you dig write notes and save them to PDFs or other forms of notes it makes reading fun it's so fun it's really fun and shout out to Kingston for sponsoring this video I have been using my Kingston bolt a ton [Music] it literally lives on my keys and it is a way to have removable storage for your iPhone's there is a thunderbolt on one side and a USB to the other you can plug it into your phone move photos video over to here so it", metadata={'source': 'UFYCTJlayS4'}), Document(page_content="side and a USB to the other you can plug it into your phone move photos video over to here so it frees up storage on your iPhone or you can shoot just directly to the bolt I made a video about the Kingston bolt you can check it out right here and all of the information is in the description below thank you guys so much for hanging out with me today I am moving into the studio soon I'm so excited John are you excited so I am thoroughly excited going to bring you guys on the journey but for now let me know if you like this video thank you for tuning in hit that subscribe button down in the description below until next time guys stay peachy okay [Music] [Music]", metadata={'source': 'UFYCTJlayS4'})]
[Document(page_content="[Music] see me the top of the world they got attention to busy [Music] won't forget where i started [Music] and it's crazy [Music] feels like a minute [Music] [Music] hey [Music] uh [Music]", metadata={'source': 'e4FApt6z55c'})]
[Document(page_content="[Music] Montreal is a city of culture it's a city of history it's a city whose name it's like a big brown thing on the top of the white stuff and then I think it's kind of some cheese feel like I would eat this like if I was right about to hibernate this is what I would eat literally 20 minutes ago and we were doing this someone said are you baby driver I said yeah I've had a bunch of interactions with strangers and it's like a really nice way to be welcomed to a city I'd say [Music] there's so much information out there and at this point it seems like kind of a Montreal is a ton of really great restaurants why are we just eating 14 I feel like it's like this doesn't really matter [Music]", metadata={'source': 'uTH--XRCGxM'})]
[Document(page_content="and now an abc world premiere performance by taylor [Music] after the swift girls carrying the shoes down in the lobby candle wax and polaroids on the hardwood floor [Music] i [Music] squeeze my hand three times back of the taxi i can tell that it's gonna be a long road i'll be there for the toast to the town bay or if you [Music] mistakes [Music] hold on to the memories [Music] and i will hold on to you [Music] please [Music] anywhere [Music] there's glitter on the floor after the party girls carrying the shoes down in the lobby candle wax and polaroids on the hardwood floor you and me forevermore [Music] mistakes [Music] i'll be cleaning our bottles with you on a new year's day [Music] [Applause] you", metadata={'source': 'gEHCXl4J9Qo'})]
[Document(page_content="tonight we're taking game night up a notch no more someone in this room is going to be taken and it's gonna be up to you to find them it's a murder mystery party whoever finds the victim wins the grand prize you're not gonna know what's real and what's fake wait a second can't just come in here and break the door little guys make sure you get a piece of this cheese okay Roger dad you drive safe I've always enjoyed the camaraderie of good friends competing in games of chance and skill dear Eva yeah it seems like Ryan you could curse I'm scared [Music] it's not a joke people are in real danger [Music] oh it's so much worse stop wait me I have kids at home now with an ass like yet you don't oh thank you oh no he died his instructions on how to remove a bullet didn't have rubbing alcohol so I got you this lovely sharp good idea way to pivot and then a squeaky toy for the pain [Music] you", metadata={'source': 'fNtLIcyjsnI'})]
[Document(page_content="[Music] well greetings and salutations everybody welcome to the John Campea show here on my youtube channel I am of course your host John Campea and it is an honor and a privilege to have you guys joining me here today on this glorious Saturday morning it's the weekend congratulations you made it all the way through hello to all you guys in the chat board seeing Kevin Franciscus Jeremy Nilan Cain Lewis hello everybody everybody's good no echo today I had some technical problems on my show and on my video thing yesterday all right here's how today is going to go we've got a few items in the world of things we've got going on and we are going to be talking about things that you guys are bringing up to me and everybody stop saying that there's echo because there's absolutely no like oh so anybody um we got a few things going on and today I'm gonna take the topics that you guys have sent in to me how do you get a topic on the John Campea show it's simple you just email me anytime at John at the John Campea show.com that's John at the John Campea show.com send on in your topics to me and this is important guys a couple of very very key things here make sure you put that word topic in the subject line the word topic has to be in the subject line that's got to be there also make sure that you keep your email 290 words or less if you do not keep it 290 words or less then I simply cannot use your question because I wouldn't even be able to fit it on the screen if I wanted to okay with all of that out of the way oh I should let you guys know this too for those who are watching live and there's already a ton of you guys in the live chat board right now for those of you guys who are watching live make sure you get ready because near the end of the show I'm gonna save a few minutes for you guys to send in some live questions and how will you send in live questions it's simple you're just going to tweet to me at John Campea that's tweet me at John Campea you're just gonna send out a tweet start with that John Campea send it in and like I said I'm gonna save a few minutes near the end of the show to take your questions I'm gonna take just as many of your tweets as I possibly can and maybe you will see your tweet pop up here on the bottom of the screen alright with all that out of the way let's move on to the first question and the first question today comes from Jessica McNeil who writes hi John the boyfriend and I watch the show every day when we get home from work thanks for all you do well thank you very much Jessica oh maybe that means best friend and not boyfriend oh but when you get overworked clearly your boyfriend okay with Justice League reactions now out there how should we feel I've been excited for the movie but don't know how to take the limp the limited reactions I've been seeing please help well yeah that's been the big topic discussion for the last little while of course we got the first reactions for Justice League they hit online yesterday and we talked a little bit about this I'm going to go over those again today just for any of you guys who missed that video yesterday we're talking about some of those initial reactions we've seen come out just so you know I have not seen justice league yet I'm seeing it shortly but I have not seen it yet in my review I'm not going to give social media reaction though I'm going to put up my review on Wednesday which is still when the well 10 minutes short of Wednesday which is still when the review embargo lifts but I'll be putting up my review then so I haven't seen it yet haven't seen it I'm talking to several my friends who I know who have seen it and the reactions have been pretty much the same and we'll go over those here in just a second but it's now evolved beyond that now people are the question online has shifted from what are the reactions to Justice League going to be like and now that we've gotten a bunch of reactions the", metadata={'source': 'abGCYPCk294'}), Document(page_content="the reactions to Justice League going to be like and now that we've gotten a bunch of reactions the discussions I'm seeing happening online are how should we feel about these reactions because they're clearly not completely one-way nor are they the other way so how should we feel about the reactions well let's take a look at some of these reactions that we've had come up here for this we're gonna start this one off and some of these you may have seen some of you may not may not how the foutch is right solid Justice League is solid an entertainment despite some problems they pulled off a strange alchemy that works better than it should the story is lacking but the league is great and it is a blast to watch them in action together Wonder Woman is clutch obviously obviously okay well why not so peri Nemiroff writes here goes Justice League is super thin and has some very weak CG but has got heart and a positive vibe that works over I had a pretty good time and I'm looking forward to the next thing Justice League is good and I can finally talk about a Wonder Woman it's wonderful Aquaman is surprisingly cool flashes hilarious Batman is drunk the story is coherent and surprisingly funny it's not perfect but it's really enjoyable Eric Davis over there at Fandango writes Justice League is better than Batman vs Superman and Suicide Squad it's lean and mean and packed a superhero action I dug most of the lighter moments I think it is one of the best action sequences ever in a DC a moving of course Wonder Woman steals a show Paul surely rights Justice League is fun bumpy ride that succeeds in character but fails a narrative it's a mixed bag of execution that's saved by the actors who rise above the shortcomings to deliver and engaging funny hopeful yet flawed entering to the DC EU we read his yesterday Germain Lussier I think we're ready I can't remember Justice League it's ok narrative Li it's a mess the stakes don't work and the villain isn't great however the heroes are great it's funny and they're surprisingly effective character work I didn't love it but there's enough good pieces to actually keep me for the future we moved down to of course Terry Schwartz writes I am genuinely happy to report that Justice League is a lot of fun it's not perfect we're seeing that a lot it has its problems but it does the job of making you care about these characters as a team by its end it's also very funny lots of unexpected ways and of course my buddy done is n wrote Justice League was entertaining for a good portion of the time both in on storytelling and character development there's more fun humor and heart than Batman vs Superman but it also feels very rushed with some scenes given zero time to develop alright so basically here we go the basic idea here that we're getting the general consensus is this generally speaking the reactions are positive the reactions generally speaking are positive so that overall what we're seeing is a course of it's funny it's entertaining it's fun the hero characters definitely work and then we're also getting week story some poor execution weak villain not perfect okay but overall like I mentioned this on my video yesterday if you had like right down the middle it's half good it's half bad and you go over here it's a little more bad and you go over here it's more good clearly the the arrow is leaning more towards the good clearly this is a positive step in the right direction for the DCE you now I know look there were some people out there who were hoping I listen a lot of us almost all of us were hoping for the greatest movie of all time okay but I think deep down we knew we weren't gonna get that but the DCE you didn't need to completely crush Justice League that's know what they needed what they needed was to keep the positive momentum they got going with Wonder Woman going they needed to keep that positive momentum going that's what they really needed to do", metadata={'source': 'abGCYPCk294'}), Document(page_content="Woman going they needed to keep that positive momentum going that's what they really needed to do more than needing it to make it their greatest movie whenever they just at the bottom line they had to make sure they had a positive a new positive insertion into the DC EU to keep the positive momentum going that's what they needed because coming off the complete divisiveness of Man of Steel Suicide Squad Batman vs Superman they needed a couple of good films around you guys know I've been saying for months Justice League is gonna be the second film in the DC EU after one woman to score 70% or higher unwanted tomatoes I predicted that and after seeing a lot of these reviews or reactions I should say I am sticking by that I think we are going to see Justice League wind up in that 70% range which is a far cry above where we were with that right down the middle Man of Steel the more negative Batman vs Superman Suicide Squad you know look I am an odd duck in the fact that I'm one of the few people out there that I give positive reviews to every DC eeu movie I have given a positive review to every single DC EU movie yes I enjoyed Suicide Squad I know there was a hot mess in there but I thought overall the entertainment value outweighed all the problems I'm not denying the problems and if you hated it I'm not arguing with you but I think the positive fun aspects of that movie outweighed the negative I think the positive elements of Batman vs Superman outweighed the negative I obviously think Man of Steel had almost no negatives I think Man of Steel was almost flawless I think that was a terrific film but you know even we who like the DC movies we have to acknowledge they had their problems and as a result a lot of the audience has been split on especially the critics but now we're seeing positive responses and I'm sorry I talked to a friend of mine who's a die-hard DC fan yesterday and they were just crushed crushed at the reactions and I'm talking I'm like what are you talking about this is good news this is positive responses this is good stuff this shows us and this is important because I think there were some people out there thinking okay water woman was good but maybe that was a fluke okay fair enough some people were suspected that that's fine but there are a lot of people out there who thought one or one was a fluke if justice league comes out and leans more towards that positive thing and the general reaction is now from people watching it are positive that tells us that wonder one was no fluke that tells us that Warner Brothers and Justice League and and DC they are capable of consistently making films that are not divisive but that are films that generally speaking the wider audience and critics and the box office will enjoy and love and embrace this is huge news this is huge response this is a massive reason for people have been waiting for the DCU to really crack through to celebrate this is good stuff come on we didn't need Justice League to be the next Oscar winner nobody was like really honestly expecting it to be the next Oscar winner okay all I need to do was carry through that positive momentum Wonder Woman was no fluke DC and Warner Brothers have reorganized they shook things up a little bit they paused a little bit they put out a positive one or movie and now it looks like like not perfect has its problems yes but generally speaking positive Justice League movie this is terrific news this is great and I think this should excite everybody now should we temper our expectations a little bit going into Justice League yes we should temper our expectations a little bit we it's clear from all the reactions we shouldn't go in there expecting a 10 out of 10 the best movie of the year the one of the top 5 comic book movies of all time ok maybe that's not what we should expect but guess what ant-man is not top 5 comic book movie of all time and that movie's hella entertaining", metadata={'source': 'abGCYPCk294'}), Document(page_content="guess what ant-man is not top 5 comic book movie of all time and that movie's hella entertaining dr. strange is not a top-five comic book movie of all time and that movie is hella entertaining thor ragnarok is not a top-five best combo moves of all time but it is a hell of an entertaining film justice league can be a hell of an entertaining film we just need to adjust our expectations a little bit to not go in there expecting you know the greatest save the next Dark Knight we shouldn't go in there expecting the next Dark Knight and that's fine it doesn't have to be to be a great fun enjoyable movie going experience that sets up the DCU for future success and that's the takeaway I think out of this now look clearly everybody has kind of mixed feelings but leaning towards the positive that means there gonna be some of you guys to go to see Justice League they don't like it there's a possibility I may not like it it would be the first time I don't like a DC a movie but there's a possibility I may like it that's fine but at least it sounds like it's not going to be with the general movie-going audience in the critics it's not going to be the trainwreck that say Batman vs Superman was I mean I liked it but I go to admit to the rest of the critic community and a lot of the fans it was a train wreck okay fine that doesn't change my opinion but it sounds like Justice League isn't gonna be that and it feels like to me everybody who's on pins and needles about Justice League can step back take a deep sigh of relief and go you know what it sounds like basically people like this film and that is two in a row now for DC that's two in a row that are positively being received and we'll just have to see how this all pans out but and what about you guys what do you guess and I'm sure when we get to the Twitter part of the show the live show here you guys are gonna have a lot of things to say about this get those tweets ready I'll let you know when it's time to shoot in if you're not watching this live what do you guys think were you encouraged hearing these reactions to Justice League were you discouraged we're gonna talk more about a little bit near the end of the show and people start sending those lies tweets but let me know what your guys thoughts are - all right let's move on to the next question and the next question today comes to us from Rob Sanders this is a fascinating question hi John impressed with your show and making something on your own thank you so much I appreciate that Rob my question is in the wake of Hurricane Kevin Spacey do you think filmmakers slash producer slash directors will now use private investigators to look into their potential cast before they hire them to ensure there's nothing that will embarrass slash torpedo there Jex thanks a lot for the question man and it's not just hurricane Kevin Spacey him it's hurricane brett ratner it's it's hurricane harvey weinstein it's hurricane whoever else so in this whole movement in the political world when a political party is thinking about putting somebody up for election and to put somebody up to run for an election there's a process they go through that they call vetting and basically that means your own party looks very deeply in to you to go through your bank records they go through your history to go through everything just to desperately try to find if there's anything shady in your past that could come up to bite you in the ass later if an actual campaign gets started because you know once a campaign starts everybody else is gonna be looking at your history and they want to find if there's any problems first it's called vetting to some degree there is some vetting that goes on in the movie industry but you got to wonder though at this point if moving forward because look at what's happening to the movie all the money in the world from Sony being directed by Ridley Scott we just talked about this in the last couple", metadata={'source': 'abGCYPCk294'}), Document(page_content="in the world from Sony being directed by Ridley Scott we just talked about this in the last couple of days Kevin Spacey is one of the guys in the movie the movies coming out on December 22nd and Sony just decided to pull Kevin Spacey scenes out of the movie reshoot his scenes with the actor Christopher Plummer re-edit it and still have it out on December 22nd this is going to cost Sony millions to do it but they're going to lose less money doing it this way than they would have putting out a movie in theaters with Kevin Spacey right now right and I talked yesterday too about how could the whole Kevin Spacey thing possibly affect baby driver and the Oscar chances are future home video sales or all that kind of stuff and we'll have to just wait and see I mean there's only so much vetting you can do especially if you're putting out like you know oh gosh how many wide released films coming out every year and how much time do you have to actually go into it and all that kind of but I think you're right I think to some degree we are going to see this process of vetting of actors but remember it's not just actors now it's directors like Ben rat or like Brett Ratner it's it's studio executives like Harvey Weinstein but I do think when it comes down to it you are going to see an uptick in how much vetting a studio will put into their directors and their producers and their casts not a massively new big amount because I think basically soft your fellow human beings but I think you're gonna see an uptick and how much of that stuff has done great question all right let's move on now to the next question and the next question comes to us from good job Inc who writes hey John I think you're a genius Speaking wise well thank you so much good job Inc as an aspiring director my question is this why doesn't the director also get the Best Picture Oscar when the film wins said Oscar I know producers have a lot to do with the making of this movie but we all agree that the movie is the director's vision do you think this do you think that the director should get an award as well no absolutely not absolutely not and I think you're incorrect when you say the movie is the director's vision no actually the majority of the time the concept for the movie and the overall vision of the movie is determined before a director is ever even hired like a lot of times look it's it starts with a producer the movie is the producers movie because it starts with them them either recognizing they a script they think is really good or have an idea for movie and they hire writers to get a script going they then get all the pieces together they put and they're the ones ultimately who hire a director the other ones who bring in the director make sure they're on the same page with the director blow a lot now I've always said at the end of the day if you had to pick out one person that is most responsible not exclusively responsible but most responsible for the success of or failure of a movie not financially I mean quality wise okay not financially quality wise that's the director but at the end of the day this movie does not happen without that producer or that team of producers this movie simply doesn't get brought together that director doesn't even get hired without the producers at the end of the day the movie is the producers movie it was them that got the ball rolling it is them who put all the pieces together it is them who stood on the bridge of the ship and pointed the direction that they needed their ship to go and it's then the director who gets behind the wheel and takes it there but it is absolutely that now we've seen a lot in Academy Awards history at least anyway when the producers come up to accept the best picture award they will often bring the director up with them and that's that's a courtesy and that's I feel that's right because you probably wanted won Best Picture if it wasn't for the work of the", metadata={'source': 'abGCYPCk294'}), Document(page_content="I feel that's right because you probably wanted won Best Picture if it wasn't for the work of the director as well so that you offer will bring the director but no the Academy Award that statue or set of statues that go to Best Picture that belongs on the mantel not of the director it belongs on the mantel of the producer the Best Director Academy Award that belongs on the mantel of the director but otherwise it really does belong with the producers alright let's move on to the next question and the next question comes to us from one of my patreon supporters Jason Keyser who writes you mentioned that Disney was in talks to buy Fox in order to compete with Netflix if that's the case why doesn't Disney just forget about Fox and just buy Netflix all right thanks a lot for the question man and yeah so look we all the whole world turned upside down a couple of days ago when word got out that Disney and Fox had past tense had had some talks about the possibility of Disney buying some assets off of Fox they weren't buying Fox outright they weren't buying the Fox name but they were gonna they were looking at buying a bunch of Fox's assets because apparently Fox wants to lean down they want to become a sports and news primary kind of thing so they were looking at buying a bunch of assets particularly they were interested in their television assets to populate their upcoming Disney streaming service so that raises up the question apparently those talks have stopped and they've stalled that whether that they might start up again sometime who knows but right now that's not happening so the question then becomes well wait a minute and Disney said the reason we were looking into this is because our competition Bob Iger actually said this I'm paraphrasing but he said look our competition right now isn't the other movie studios our competition right now are these digital streaming services that are going into the home that's our main competition now so okay if you're looking at buying Fox assets to bolster your own digital streaming thing coming up in 2019 why not just buy Netflix if you're if Netflix is your competition just buy Netflix well there is there's a big hurdle to that and that is this the value of Netflix the value of Netflix look you can make an argument that the most valuable thing that Disney owns right now is the Star Wars IP they bought that for like four billion dollars okay keep this in mind when you're looking at selling your business and I'm not a MBA but generally speaking I've been told it goes anywhere from take the Revit what is your business worth if you want to sell it well take the revenue of your business and generally multiply that like per year then multiply that by five years some people say two or three or four but generally I've heard five but whatever whatever the Ru so let's go with five years forensic if you want know what the value of your business is take your annual revenue multiply that by five that should be generally speaking the revenue of your that should be the value of your business okay what's Netflix's revenue as of the last time I checked and it could be different number right now but the last time I checked Netflix had a hundred and three million subscribers worldwide a hundred and three million subscribers okay you take that on an average I know it's not exact but average that out to ten dollars a month per subscriber so let's just round these numbers out a hundred million subscribers at ten dollars a month that's a billion dollars with a be a billion dollars a month a month in revenue that is twelve billion dollars a year you want to extrapolate that over five years you are now talking a company that is roughly worth sixty billion dollars Disney bought Lucasfilm for four Netflix right now their general you know market value as a company right now is sixty billion dollars and that is only going up so you know Netflix wouldn't even sell for", metadata={'source': 'abGCYPCk294'}), Document(page_content="now is sixty billion dollars and that is only going up so you know Netflix wouldn't even sell for 60 billion because they know with the larger and larger share of this market they're getting and the more more they're starting to dominate the streaming space and the more and more the streaming space is starting to dominate the entertainment medium Netflix knows their values only going up next year their values gonna be even higher so Netflix wouldn't even sell for sixty billion dollars guess what it don't matter how big Disney is Disney don't have sixty billion dollars in their back pocket now on top of that you could get some FTC things that get involved there could be some League stuff involved there to where the government may view that too much as a potential monopolies and stuff like that so they might not or they might whatever they may or may not even allow some like that but the bottom line is the financials on that Disney's confront could probably buy a whole bunch of Fox's assets for like ten billion maybe twelve billion dollars in buy a whole ton of assets to put in a streaming service or think it's been five times that and not even get Netflix or five times that I mean so that I think basically comes down to the financial says why doesn't Disney just try to buy Netflix and like just in general well basically speaking because it's pretty damn expensive really damn expensive as a matter of fact okay guys we've got two more questions to go for topics and then I'm gonna live to the live questions that you guys are tweeting in to me but before we get to that I'm gonna take my daily commercial break where I do my little shameless plug this is of course my shameless plug for what makes this entire channel possible and that is of course my supporters on patreon here check this out for those of you who have followed me for any period of time you guys know that I made the decision recently to leave the corporate overlords I no longer wanted to work for corporations I wanted to be an independent content creator and the only way I've been able to do that is by the support of my patreon supporters so what I would like to do is to ask you guys who watch my shows who spend any amount of time with me every single month to consider going over to WWBT on Comm slash john campea there you'll get all the information about what exactly does it mean to be a patreon supporter of mine what does being a patreon supporter do for helping to make sure that shows like this one and all the other shows I do here on my channel can actually be produced and on top of that what benefits are there to being a patreon supporter and maybe if you guys can check that out if you decide you want to be one of my patreon supporters that would be awesome and if you don't that's perfectly fine too I'm just happy that you guys have decided to be here today and be a fellow movie fan and join us in the conversation so go check all right guys who I think I cut that off a little bit shorter who cares let's get back to the good stuff thanks guys for checking that out maybe you'll become a patreon supporter too all right let's move on now to the next question and the next question today I'll start only one last question today before we get to the big stuff and that alfred egg Koli who writes sorry if I butchered your name Alfred Aloha John big fan of your show thank you so much Alfred now that the first Justice League reactions by movie critics have come out for the Justice League do you still believe that it will become the number one compliment een and joined the billion dollar club all right thanks a lot for the question man and yeah so one of the things two specific predictions I've had for Justice League is number one it will become the biggest comic book movie financially of the year I believe it will beat spider-man homecoming and I believe it will ultimately top Thor Ragnarok as well and secondly I do believe", metadata={'source': 'abGCYPCk294'}), Document(page_content="homecoming and I believe it will ultimately top Thor Ragnarok as well and secondly I do believe it'll hit the billion dollar club it'll be the first DC EU movie now but by the way guys I've said this before and then I have a bunch of people get on my saying John do you know anything Dark Knight and the Dark Knight Rises they both made the billion dollars and I have to explain them yep but those were not DC EU movies so okay so calm down when I say that I believe Justice League will become the first DC EU movie to make a billion dollars I said DC EU bat Chris Randall and Batman films are not in the DC EU okay so I'm excluding those die Billy Justice League will become the first DC EU film that will cross the billion dollar mark it is hard to believe that it's going to be v DC EU film your 5th right the Man of Steel Suicide Squad Batman Wonder Woman and now here we go with with Justice League it's hard to believe that is the fifth one we haven't had one joined the billion dollar club yet but I do believe this one will do it I do believe it will do it now the question is okay I thought that before the reactions came out now that we see the reactions do I still believe it I absolutely believe it more right now I get and I could be wrong I could be totally wrong about this but I believe it more because I've always believed that for it to not join the billion dollar club I believe that the reactions would have to be negative and like overall negative I believe that if the overall reactions had been negative and really slanted negative remember we talked that the reviews have been slanting very positive they've even gret absolutely have been leaning positive had they been going skewing way negative then maybe I would question whether or not it would hit the billion dollar club but I believe skewing positive that means more people in advance you can see oh the critics like it okay I'll give it a chance but more than that if it is actually pretty good movie it's more likely that people will come back for repeat viewings and they'll want to come back for repeat viewings bringing new friends who haven't seen it yet and I believe all that will snowball and I believe it'll hit a billion dollars again I could be wrong about that maybe hits 900 million maybe hits 800 million maybe it does 795 something like that whatever okay fine maybe that's possible but if I had to put 10 bucks down right now I would bet that Justice League is gonna cross that billion dollar mark I really do I think it will I think it will end up being the number one comic book box office movie of the year and we'll just see how that all kind of goes fingers crossed okay guys with that stuff out of the way now it is time for me to go to you guys who are watching live and there's like almost 1500 of you in that chat board right now but I will go to you guys right now in the live chat if you guys are watching live you can start firing in your comments and questions tweet to me at John Campea just start firing those things in I am going to get my Twitter board now opened up here remember guys I do not have a crew of 23 full-time staff anymore I'm doing this all by myself on my own so forgive me if I there a little couple of a little hiccups in this let's see let's go to this one this first one comes to us from no me no me it's Assad who writes John Jessica Chastain or Amy Adams for Beverly in it - well okay generally speaking you know I basically believe whatever just getting an actress who's talented and that's fine but looking at the girl who played the young Beverly in it I could not help but think of both of these women like they I mean especially ah both of them she looks like I mean really I really thought Jessica or am i should say Amy Adams at first I love both Amy Adams Jessica Chastain if I had to pick one over the other I'd say probably I prefer Jessica Chastain but I love Amy Adams but when I was watching Beverly", metadata={'source': 'abGCYPCk294'}), Document(page_content="I'd say probably I prefer Jessica Chastain but I love Amy Adams but when I was watching Beverly in it all I could see was this is a young Amy Adams oh my god this is young Amy Adams so I mean it would physically speaking and physical looks aren't the most important thing but physical looks why she would be the best match I think for this young Beverly but look if they get either jessica chastain or Amy Adams these are both Oscar caliber actresses either way would be a win but look it doesn't have to be either one of these either I mean there's a lot of other actresses out there they could totally go as long as a talented actress to come in and do the role perfectly fine but I agree if it's either Jessica Chastain or Amy Adams that's will just mark will just mark that one down as a big win and move forward let's see this someone comes to us from algae orderin on over 3737 writes john you said you know the mother of all spoilers for the last Jedi has anyone in the fan and fan have been able to figure out those fan theories um no I haven't heard anybody throw a theory at me that is very accurate to what the big spoiler is now those who don't know I mentioned like a little gosh like six seven eight months ago that I discovered like a huge mother of all spoilers for the last Jedi and I remember I even said just I said just approved everybody and I told the spoiler to one human being and one human being only and that was Josh mokuba I told Josh mokuba the secret so that when the last Jedi comes out he can confirm that that was indeed the spoiler and so a lot of people started throwing theories at me on what that big spoiler was and I can say that nobody with any accuracy has has nailed what that spoiler so it's a big mystery I think it's gonna catch a lot of people off-guard I think it's gonna surprise a lot of people let's see next one comes to us from Harry Jay a Killick who writes John are you excited for Paddington to has it got a new u.s. distributor I live in the north of England and get to see it tomorrow well I do know this I went to go see daddy's home to the other night and in front of it played the the trailer for Paddington - I loved the first Paddington yeah it looked like it had some trouble they changed voice actors last minute all kind of stuff and how could this work blah blah Paddington charmed the hell out of me I loved the first Paddington you know what this trailer looks like it even takes it up a notch it really does i it just delighted me i watch that package and to trailer I thought it was delightful I cannot wait to see it it looks like one of those movies that's just gonna charm your socks off I cannot wait for that movie to come out I don't know about its distribution situation but clearly if they're showing trailers in North America they have a North American distributor but I have not looked into that okay let's see this next one comes to us from IO Warwick John who writes John would you consider going back and doing reviews of old movies well not not terribly old movies simply because those don't get a lot of views but what I have considered what I think we're gonna start doing is something I tried before and there was some success which is revisit reviews and basically that is hey I've reviewed I reviewed Deadpool right but then Deadpool came out on home video and I did a revisit review of Deadpool like how has our opinions changed of it now four months later since it came out in theatres now that's available for home viewing and talked about revisiting this movie now that it's not on home video and there seemed to be some interest in those actually do me a favor guys actually you know let me set up some homework for you do me a favor email me at John I need your help about this John at the John Campea show calm but don't put topic in the subject line put revisit in the topic in the topic line so email me at Jonathan John Campea show calm and put", metadata={'source': 'abGCYPCk294'}), Document(page_content="put revisit in the topic in the topic line so email me at Jonathan John Campea show calm and put revisit in the topic line and tell me if you think this notion of doing a revisit review now four or five months later now that the videos come out on home video and re review the movie again and talk about how maybe now that we've sat with this movie and lived with this move from our months have our opinions changed a little bit and what are we noticing in the movie now good or bad or whatever let me know if you think that's worth it or let me know if you think that's a waste of time I feel I want to make videos that you guys are interested in seeing so you guys let me know if it's something you're interested in or not all right let's see this one comes to us from Noemi it's a sad John can it you cross the 1 billion dollar worldwide if they make a big-budget superstar star any movie look any movie can become a billion dollar movie you never know if it captures all the lightning in a bottle any movie can become a 1 billion dollar movie so if you're asking me if it's possible if that too could become a billion dollar movie sure it's possible like any other movie it's unlikely only like 35 we're between 35 and 40 films in history of joined the billion dollar club so it's unlikely but it's possible but that'll be my answer for every movie let's see this next one comes to us from alone and in debt that's the best name oh and I feel so bad for you at the same time alone and in debt writes John now that The Incredibles 2 trailers confirm for next week what do you hope to see I hope to see kick-ass trailer I'll be honest with you I didn't hear maybe I've been disconnected for the last 18 hours or so if I did not hear that Incredibles 2 trailers confirm for next week if so super excited what do I hope to see just don't be if you're gonna say you're giving us a trailer just don't be some voice over from the first film with a logo that says Incredibles 2 just actually give us a trailer even if it's just like a 45 second one then I'm thrilled otherwise just wait longer I'm fine with waiting to okay let's go on to the next set and this one comes to us from where is it h en eb who writes john after phase 3 which actors that has ended do you think Marvel should get their contract prolonged for for new films um I mean all of them you know just look if with every actor contractually obligated them for as long as you can and when that runs out try to sign them up again if they want too much money replace the actor and get somebody new that's kind of the way I feel let's see this one comes to us from cell salic LM me one who writes John do you think Arnold will still be in shape once James Cameron gets the Terminator franchise rights back um they're already they're already making new Terminator films they've already announced them they are happening go look go look them up online they are happening they've got director lined up they've got their story lined up they got their actors coming back and never doubt if Arnold Schwarzenegger can keep himself from Shape Arnold Spohr sure he'll he'll be he'll be 90 and he'll still be in great shape so don't worry about that part let's see the next one comes to us from the Rhino City Rights John do you think Disney will have enough time to advertise a solo a Star Wars film or would December be a good time to drop the trailer um the plenty of time plenty of time look this whole notion if it's it look for Han Solo stars movie four weeks is all you need any movie with the word any live-action movie with the word Star Wars in it with those words in it Star Wars you need four weeks honestly and they will advertise more than four weeks but they could honestly start advertising the same this thing in late February if they wanted to they wanted to start advertising the same late February or early March they're fine they are totally fine this look I have to dry this on", metadata={'source': 'abGCYPCk294'}), Document(page_content="late February or early March they're fine they are totally fine this look I have to dry this on people yes a lot of studios still start marketing the things like four or five months in advance I still 100% believe you do not need to you don't need to know you put out a trailer six months in advance by the time that movie comes out no one's remembered that first trailer anyway there are very rare exceptions like that first Batman vs Superman trailer yeah we kept remembering that but that's like one in a thousand generally speaking six months later as the movies final open nobody even remembers what that first trailer was I really believe Studios can save a lot of marketing budget if they just want to or at least get better bang for their buck in their marketing budgets if they start advertising a bit later there's no need to drop trailers six months in advance five months advance there's no need so yes I believe Disney has all the time in the world to to do this I think they have all the time in the world all right next question comes to us from Mack the messenger who writes John do you think Green Lantern is in Justice League over under twenty percent okay I can honestly tell you this I have not asked anybody I know who has seen it and I had Dennis then over here the other night and I haven't asked him I guess he asked see in the movie I have not asked anybody if justice if Green Lantern is in Justice League I will take the slightly over 20% now if you were to set the line at 40% I would have said under but I will take the over on 20% if you're setting the line at 20% I'll take the over on that that Green Lantern's in it and of course there are some people I could get on the phone with right now who could answer that question for me but I don't want to know let's see this one comes to us from SM McQueen who write John with the success of the light-toned movies do you think that studios will only can making funny colorful fun films no because look there's there's lots of movies that have great success lots of them like the one horror movie comes out that does really good it's like John do you think all the studios will start doing horror movies outlook every year horror movies come out funny movies come out serious movies come out mystery movies come out sci-fi movies come out adventure movies come out dramas come out every year all these movies come out they will continue to come out you was there are very good heavy movies that make money at the bank there's some very good light two-hearted movies it's like just because one comes out is like the next thing you know there's this big dramatic piece comes out and makes seven hundred million dollars where was it allowed well everybody make dramas everybody already makes dramas everybody makes light fun movies some crack some don't but I don't expect huge to Tonique shifts in the industry when one film out of 500 that year does something that's been done before I mean so don't don't over exaggerate it don't worry about too much let's see this next one comes to us from the geeky Tocqueville writes John should Disney play the Fox logo from Star Wars if they were to purchase Fox okay look very important two very big things to keep in mind here number one there are no more talks with Fox that doesn't mean they can't start up again they might but as of right now there are no more talks but number two even if those talks continued and Fox bought the assets or sorry and Disney bought the assets off of Fox they were not buying Fox Fox was still going to exist they were just gonna lean themselves down to mainly focus on sports news and some lighter entertainment Fox was still going to exist so Fox still being a standalone company Disney just buying some of their assets on them Disney can't put the word Fox on their movies because they don't own Fox they were buying assets off Fox so let's say I come to your house and I buy your and let's", metadata={'source': 'abGCYPCk294'}), Document(page_content="own Fox they were buying assets off Fox so let's say I come to your house and I buy your and let's say what's your name let's say your real name was legally the geeky taco that was your legal name on your your birth certificate okay so I come over to your house and you sell me your bedroom suite and your car and your DVDs collection alright so you sold me your bedroom set your car and your DVD collection I can't start calling myself the geeky taco I didn't buy you I didn't buy your name I just bought some of your assets and now some of those assets even if that represented a lot of what you used to own are now mine the name is still yours because I didn't come to you and buy your name Disney is not was never looking at buying Fox they were looking at buying a chunk of Fox's assets that's what they were looking at so even if this deal does go through and even if the talks start up again and they're able to make a deal no you're not gonna see 20th Century Fox pop up in front of an x-men movie or in front of a new Star Wars movie because Disney does not own Fox they just bought some of their assets that's an important distinction to keep in mind alright I'll just take a couple more and then we'll wrap things up today um this one comes us from Blake kitty Sun nine John who do you think will have more screen time James Franco and Haley and covenant or Zachary Levi in Thor Ragnarok ah woo I think you know what I shouldn't have even taken that question that case that has a little bit of a spoiler in it so I'm not even gonna answer I can't I can't answer that question excellent question but I cannot answer that question a car G films rights Jon is there any chance we'll get a Star Trek for after beyond I really enjoyed all three of those JJ films uh yeah I still believe look I haven't heard anything about Star Trek the fourth Star Trek being canceled it's definitely on the back burner but as far as I know they're still planning on making the next Star Trek film which is great because I believe this last one Star Trek beyond was the best one of the JJ era and I know JJ didn't direct Star Trek beyond but it's still if he produces well these I call these last three Star Trek films the JJ arrow Star Trek films and I thought beyond was wonderful I loved beyond and JJ already announced that their plan for part four is to have Chris Hemsworth come back as James Kirk's father again Chris remember Chris Hemsworth before he was Thor he was James Kirk's dad in that opening scene of the first JJ Star Trek film so they were to talk about bringing him back and having some like time-travel stuff going on I have not heard that it's been cancelled so I'm just gonna assume that that thing is still gonna be happening let's see this next one Tyree hunter John how do you think jon hamm would do as Bruce Wayne if Bruce sheriff Ben stops playing him say man shall give who was any talented actor Jon Hamm is a talented actor so he would do great so what a hundred other talented actors but Jon Hamm is one of the talented actors out there I think he's fantastic if he's jumped in and played Bruce Wayne / Batman I think Jon Hamm would do great let's see this one comes out from char sharp Pierre writes a John after Batman vs Superman and Suicide Squad most critics were not excited for the future of DC films it's good to see that after the responses to Justice League they are enthusiastic see that's that's the big thing that's what I keep trying to tell people who are still trying to be like like sad about the reactions that we're seeing like there's some people like who are really verges another sad of these reactions like why are you sad this is positive yes okay they're saying the movies not perfect okay movies not perfect they're saying it has some story issues okay have some story issues but what the reactions are saying and maybe the right maybe the wrong but the reactions are saying though is that there is", metadata={'source': 'abGCYPCk294'}), Document(page_content="are saying and maybe the right maybe the wrong but the reactions are saying though is that there is more positive stuff than there is negative and then generally speaking the positive stuff outweighs the negative they weren't saying that about Batman vs Superman they weren't saying that about Suicide Squad they weren't saying that about Man of Steel but they are saying it about Justice League that the good outweighs the bad there's more positive stuff in this movie the negative stuff which overall made it for them to be an enjoyable experience watching the movie perfect that's what we wanted to hear so yeah I'm excited to hear that as well let's see let's try this Mass Effect fan X rights John what remake do you think is better than the original well the Scarface remake was better than the original John Carpenter's The Thing because remember John Carpenter's The Thing was a remake yes there was another remake after that but John Carpenter's the thing in itself itself was a remake I think the fly with go gold Jeff Goldblum was have freezing Jeff Goldblum saying the fly with Jeff Goldblum was a remake that's one that was better Lord of the Rings remember there was a Lord of the Rings animated film I believe it was better there are a number of remakes that have come out that I think were better than the original I'll say this totally unpopular I know this is totally unpopular but I don't care about saying what people agree with I just care about giving my honest opinion I thought that Jaden Smith Karate Kid was better than the original there there I said it no I don't think it'll be as remembered as that Karate Kid that Karate Kid came out it was it was very different for its time it did something other films didn't do but if I had to choose right now to walk into my living room right now and either watch that original Ralph Macchio one which I liked very much or watch the Jackie Chan one I I'm I'm probably popping in the new one that's just my thought that's not my opinion let's see this next one comes to us from 7th Venus writes John who is the nicest celebrity you have ever met Oh God lots of them lots of them the final three though would be honestly Jessica Chastain who totally mentally seduced me I mean oh my god because I met her I got together with her at a junket for the help which I you know me I love the help and I talked to her and we had a few minutes I was with her in Octavia Spencer and we had about 10 minutes to kill before we were gonna start our interview so the three of us are sitting there and we start talking about trips to Vegas and we start talking about cupcakes and all this kind of stuff okay fast forward now about six months later I go and interview Jessica Chastain again for another film and we sit down we have about thirty Seconds to chat and like remember these celebrities meet a thousand reporters a day like I never hold it against a celebrity that I don't remember you because I wouldn't remember them I mean I if they weren't celebrities I would remember if I'm meeting a thousand different people a day from this from this industry I would not remember anybody but I come in the room I go a mission a pleasure to see you and she goes she leans back and she kindness she goes did you bring me cupcakes this time and I melted I'm like oh my oh my god my part my heart's doing this I'm like Jessica Chastain remembered me Jessica Chastain remember me and almost I just wanted to melt on the floor I just wanted to melt that woman is so sweet she's the grace and then on top of that Milo Ventimiglia from this is us because of course I'm biased so I will always be indebted to Milo Ventimiglia because he's the man responsible for me meeting my wife and he brought her to a party that I was throwing for him in a little film that he was doing and he invited some people from an online fan group of his and my wife was one of them vited her to this party and that's where I", metadata={'source': 'abGCYPCk294'}), Document(page_content="an online fan group of his and my wife was one of them vited her to this party and that's where I first met my wife so yeah so I lose so Milo knows that story and he knows I'm very indebted to him and and Chris Pratt Chris Pratt just one of the best guys ever and here's this is similar to the story about Jessica Chastain so we had Chris Pratt and he came into my studio a couple of times actually he came in once for delivery man and he came in and hung out for like three hours in my office which was great and then he came into our studio one time for promoting guardians of the galaxy had a good time my wife Anne was there right so anyway fast-forward now like six months later and I'm at a press junket very similar to the Jessica Chastain situation and I walk into the room and it's Chris Pratt he's like John and I'm like oh my god you remember my name is yeah man and um he started he paused first I'm just house and doing house an you remember my wife's name I get out of that interview and I instantly text and um first thing Chris Pratt asked me was house and and she's like text backup wait a minute did he really remember my name I'm like he's just I don't asked house and and and text back to me oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god there's one of the coolest things ever but those have a look I've met many many other really nice really awesome really fantastic celebrities but those are the three that will always kind of stand out to me as being the ones that always remember anyway guys sorry for that self-indulgent story there none of you guys wanted to hear my personal stories but anyway that will do it for this install this saturday installment of the john campea show guys thank you so much like seriously guy I know I was asking for patreon support su but just the fact that you guys are here joining me and the other film fans online celebrating movies together it's really awesome that you take a part of your day o to join me here on the show and don't think I'm not cognizant of that I'm really aware of that thank you so much I'm very grateful i hey guys if you like this video click that thumbs up button that helps me out a lot leave a comment be good to each other when we're arguing and debating as well remember we're all film fans together let's not act like some of those six year olds out there who's like oh you don't like a movie I like well if you you're distant let's not be those pathetic bottom feeders let's actually be better than that because I and I love that when I see these great debates and discussions online between two people who are just happy that each one is also a film fan that's awesome so join me there guys make sure you subscribe to this YouTube channel become a subscriber to my youtube show and of course the John Candy show returns again tomorrow at 9 a.m. just in time to watch the show and then go watch some football you know that's why I do it at 9 a.m. on Sundays alright guys that'll do it for me thanks so much for joining me my name is John Campea and until the next time bye bye bye bye bye bye echo echo echo echo you", metadata={'source': 'abGCYPCk294'})]
[Document(page_content="hi guys welcome back to my channel today I'm super excited because I'm gonna be trying out this crazy technique now I was watching Beauty vixen here on YouTube so she applied ice before applying makeup this is supposed to be like a pore minimizing primer and I wanna do that to my face because girl I have huge pores and if I could minimize them that would be absolutely amazing now I do use certain primers that do that for me but you know if we could do it the natural way and save some money oh why not we did two techniques so obviously I've known that to wash your face you're supposed to use warm water that's supposed to open up your pores and you're supposed to rinse it off with cold water which would close your pores and to be honest there's something that I don't really ever do like I just usually wash my face with cold water which I probably should change my routine and but that's just what I do if we're gonna be honest so I want to try out this technique today and which by the way I'm gonna have Beauty vixens video down below in the description box she did two techniques she applies it underneath her foundation the other side she actually bakes her face applies a lot of powder and she does the eyes over the powder so I'm gonna try out both techniques today I really hope you guys enjoy this video so let's go ahead and get started can we talk about this ice cube though it is the biggest thing ever I went to Walmart because I was looking for the little ice trays and they only have really huge ones and I was like what the hell is this so when I saw it I was like I guess I'll try it out and I [\xa0__\xa0] love him it just makes really huge ice cubes and I love it because you only need one for a cup this is not sponsored by the way all right so my eyes keep is melting I have to work really fast with this so I'm going to bobby pin on my hair because ain't nobody got time to get it in the way as you can see they are pretty big on my nose and right in this area right here I think we're gonna do this side just because it looks a little worse the only thing that I'm not liking is Isis legit like melting on me so here's the ice now we are going to just apply this this is really cold okay this is a dripping everywhere okay wow this is literally like freezing cold alright holy crap so I'm just gonna apply it like literally on the whole half of my face I'm just not liking that it's like literally melting on my face oh my goodness my face is so red okay let's do the forehead and let's hope my eyebrows don't fall off let's do the nose too so this is my face side by side I'm actually super surprised I mean it doesn't surprise me that much just because I know it's something so cool to my face and it is gonna minimize it but actually looking at it happen is so crazy so this side is a lot more minimized I think this side does look a lot more smooth I'm gonna go and apply foundation all over my face so one way that I think I would know is going over my pores with foundation because usually when I use a stick it kind of like possesses it so looking at the pores like this they look about the same size so right away I'm noticing this side of my nose looks a lot more smoother than this side this side of my face is still really cold though like I feel the coldness it's very refreshing I feel like my forehead I don't notice a difference because the forehead I mean the pores don't look super intense to begin with I think I'm really gonna notice more like on my cheeks which they're the most noticeable alright this is how my skin looks side-by-side with foundation on this is not concealer included yet I think it works it did minimize supporters a little bit I'm not gonna say it's like a drastic difference just overall my skin feels tight and lifted on this side is it just me or it does hmm I'm gonna apply some concealer I'm gonna try the next technique which is applying iced-over powder my face is all nice and", metadata={'source': 'OKoL852K9uA'}), Document(page_content="I'm gonna try the next technique which is applying iced-over powder my face is all nice and set so the next technique we are going to apply a bunch of powder on this side of the face it kind of reminds me of the technique where you dip your face in water and like sets your foundation that's kind of I think what it is you just apply a lot of powder and you're gonna take the ice cube and rub it all over the face so I have my powder right here and we're just gonna go hand so I'm assuming this is going to not only set my face really good but because we're using ice it's going to really minimize those pores and give you like really flawless skin but the only thing I'm concerned about is because we're using ice over foundation I would think my pores would somehow like collect some of that foundation does that make sense so I'm a little afraid of my pores are gonna get more clogged than they already are all right so we're gonna take that ice cube this thing slipped or right off my freaking hand right over oh I'm so scared I'm terrified and this fool is so cold dang if I could do this every morning it would wake me up I'm so scared for this to take off my makeup it's just so scary I would honestly say this is literally the exact same thing as like dipping your face oh okay so I think I'm done so I'm just gonna not touch this I don't want to dry it so all you're gonna do is let it air dry it's just kind of frustrating me because it's dripping a lot and once it air dries the powder is supposed to peek right through and that's when you go with your brush and blend it out and then that's when you see the final results so I'm just gonna let this air dry and I'll be right back okay so it has been about five to eight minutes so I'm actually surprised that the powder started peeking through because my face was so soaked I literally thought my powder was completely gone I'm gonna just dust off the powder I'm hoping the powder comes off because I feel like it looks so clinked on my face so what I'm gonna do now is just dust this off okay I honestly thought the powder would be so cleaned on me but it's actually dusting off really nicely this is where we're gonna see the difference looking at my face both sides look very great I think this side it's gonna really help just lock the foundation in pleased I don't know if I'm just like overthinking it well I really want to hear what you guys think in the comments down below but I feel like my face does look a lot more smooth and it feels more tight so I don't know if this eyes would actually not only minimize your pores but I do think it kind of helps to firm the skin and the only thing that kind of like I don't know feels weird is this side the fact that the pores are closing when the foundation is already on it I mean I know when I apply foundation it's already clogging my pores but I feel like I'm clogging them even more because I'm making my pores closed while my foundation on my face I'm gonna finish my face first and we will see then what side I like better and I might like both sides who knows all right you guys my face is all done this is how it looks close up so as you can see I mean it looks pretty flawless in my opinion I don't know what site to choose I don't feel like the firm face anymore so on this side where I applied the ice under the foundation I do think it minimized my pores and it did tighten my skin I don't know how I feel about applying ice over my makeup because one I could mess it up just because I applied a lot of powder it did like prevent it from getting ruined but I think if you did not do it right there is a chance that you might remove your foundation and - I don't know how to feel about your Porsche closing in on you while you have so much foundation on your face like I don't know how to feel about that it was just so messy when the foundation and powder was already on I think I was just prefer doing it overall with a", metadata={'source': 'OKoL852K9uA'}), Document(page_content="when the foundation and powder was already on I think I was just prefer doing it overall with a bare face probably would just do this side which was applying the ice underneath the foundation the eyes is so messy because it's melting everywhere I would say be ready with a napkin so you can grab the excess liquid that is dripping off your face let me know in the comments down below what you guys think would you guys try it out I would definitely do this on a day where I feel like my pores are just extremely extremely huge I really hope you guys enjoyed this video thank you so much for watching I love you guys so much and I will see you guys in the next one bye", metadata={'source': 'OKoL852K9uA'})]
[Document(page_content="[Music] forty-eight seconds of logos strolling synchronized mask lifting maybe a nice visual flourish but seasoned criminals put that down way before anyone gets a chance to spot their faces also this group of thieves are great they found the one area in Atlanta where there isn't any traffic that's some good high scouting right there I was going to go with my usual way too nitpicky observation here but seeing the obvious Joey in the scene put together by the music the actor whose name I can't pronounce and Edgar Wright I'm not gonna sit off dry wiping we would not be hearing this from outside the building you see fast in the Furious this is how you film a car doing a stunt I'm gonna knock another sent off and retroactively Lee add one to the Fast and Furious franchise somehow I mean this is probably the morning the bank was open and there were customers in there but we're in Atlanta can you speed to 80 at this hour this automotive shell game is supremely fun and clever but the chances of two other red cars that look similar from above with the exact same pink color exact same Sun roofs and exact same wear and tear happening to drive by at just the right moment is about the same as the chances no one in the comments will complain that we take this all just a tad bit too seriously sure this might work to get one car to the center exactly why did the other car slow down to stay even with them that third car would have been long gone by the time baby got back up to speed as they ditch this ride surely to be found by cops later now might be a good time to count each place baby left a beautiful on glove fingerprint as a gift for the police the steering wheel the gear ship the parking brake the rearview mirror the wiper switch the air violin side of the freaking car seriously look at that it's like he's purposely printing each finger just so the police can have a full set this building that simulates a road with a double yellow line up it is so clever and beautiful it had to be mentioned but if we stop every time Edgar Wright does something visually clever or beautiful we'd be here till the Avatar sequels come out so here's a sent off for this moment and for many moments like this to come for black hoss news media [Music] four coffees in less than five seconds movie apparently hasn't been to a coffee shop lately I'm pretty sure barista is Italian for it will be really when I say it's ready see the scar it's apparently part of baby's face except when it's not like mere seconds ago [Music] baby is addicted deaf people through some kind of magic trick Debra gets ready for work with her hair tied back in four seconds does she not hear this how did she just grab his recorder and start recording how does she know there isn't something important already on that tape I'm just saying my dad grabbed a VHS to record the Tigers winning the World Series in 84 and now my mom can't find the tape of their wedding ceremony coincidence yeah cute juice but solid Seoul raised heel shoes are another type of footwear worn by people who have jobs that keep them on their feet all day the drive is supposed to be the ass and it is I just I when Doc assembles the screws is it required to have somebody who hates baby immediately for almost no reason edgar wright calls this a double oscar shot i call it a Horrible Bosses reunion tomato tomahto he stole my Mercedes had a lot of merchants it I watched him do it too I didn't stop him though cuz I was just blinded by the balls on that kid yeah well considering what they're saying about you these days I'm not surprised this is Miss Austin Powers this is a funny cup with the Michael Myers Halloween mask that was part of the plan but why are they finding out about this just now in fact since doc is the one setting up this heist why didn't he already have the Michael Myers masks the plan is so meticulously thought-out I'm surprised doc even allows the robbers to buy", metadata={'source': 'kOnQocd799Y'}), Document(page_content="masks the plan is so meticulously thought-out I'm surprised doc even allows the robbers to buy their own masks who even is this guy we supposed to believe he's just a bystander who happens to have military experience who happens to have a loaded automatic weapon hiding in the front seat with a safety off also even if he had time to prep fine was the handgun still stow and why was he parked in the back of a parking lot like this this car seat chest buckle is already unlatched which means either bad job by mama or bad job by movie we know better than to blame mama this one's on you movie it's almost like doc picked the dumbest crew ever for this job how did these guys even get recommended wait a second let me get this straight you execute a guy for accidentally leaving a shotgun behind and in doing so you leave bloody fingerprints on the car and a bloody blanket hanging out of the trunk for any passers-by to see I already much also how do you not know that trunk didn't shut even just by sound everyone knows when a trunk is fully shut that car had more open trunk than elephant on antihistamines it's Debbie Debra damnit debbie Debra have you no boundaries keep your hands off my recorder there is no universe in which a pair of standard-issue iPod headphones stretches that far between two people except of course the universe where a romantic laundromat scene is needed Joseph wants baby to get a job delivering pizzas which is fine this is the only thing he thinks baby can do or is this the only mail spam Joseph gets that inspires job opportunities whoa that was that I get the joke that his driving skills get it there quick but the actual drive isn't really the part that takes a long unless baby is also driving the oven this is misplaced gratitude don't get me wrong Lilly James is captivating in this movie but her character is written with absolutely zero agency the women in this movie seemed to only exist in relation to what the men need and have characters as thin as CG Matt Damon in the last half-hour over the Martian oh no no no why are you telling me it's as if Edgar Wright heard that last sin and wrote one more line just to prove my point sheesh so go inside take note of the number of cameras and positions I know that doc just showed how much power he has over baby but does he seriously not have anyone else who can take notes about the post office doc made a point to say he never uses the same crew twice but I guess that doesn't mean he can't mix and match from other crews from time to time pick away buddy darling plays the that guy game so the buddy has to ask who the hell that guy is together robbed you the guy that called you a [\xa0__\xa0] the guy that looked at you funny that's funny if buddy is so prone to killing people after stuff like that then why is Darlene talking about murdering bats in front of baby maybe we should infer that she always asked him to do that I can't believe she's so Cavalier to discuss it right now just because she thinks baby won't say anything even darling here only exists in relationship to buddy her tattoo literally says his for pete's sake let's go okay so bath just killed the convenience store clerk to steal some gum something that would have been easy to do without killing anyone and it establishes once and for all that bass is a psychopath but is he stupid too the store has cameras and he was in that store without a mask and while we're at it it looks like the clickers behind some late-night bulletproof glass or whatever if Batz has the capability of shooting the clerk somehow how did nobody in the car hear it as the smoking pigs never mind that Baptist partners had no idea he's going to start shooting but once they do realize it they are outnumbered and using handguns against guys with automatic weapons yet the entire crew survives does this guy doing nobody knew he was alive and he thought the best course of action was to make a run for towards", metadata={'source': 'kOnQocd799Y'}), Document(page_content="nobody knew he was alive and he thought the best course of action was to make a run for towards the people who just killed everybody the Freeman and aren't there plenty of cars he could have gotten into that we're already running so what's your real name darling Monica okay so we were allowed to discuss news why would darling tell bats her real name didn't she want this guy killed a minute ago why doesn't she tell him Goff already that stop stop stop Oh in course of all the gin joints and all the atlanta's of the world bats wants to go into this King diner and Debra's working at this time of night haven't we seen her working day shifts all this time I guess baby has his don't talk to me or you'll get exposed as someone I care about which will put you in danger face off because Debra instinctively knows not to say anything to him as he walks in so they go through all this just to order some cokes don't even drink them and leave what kind of manufacturer plot bolt is this bat said he was super hungry I guess now he's gonna do a Southern tradition and hit up Waffle House sir crystal somehow baby is able to stop this true psycho from punching him in the face and shooting up the diner I disagree with this film's portrayal of what would have actually happened well you contacts was cops that I know they were my cops is there any reason why you wouldn't share that information with your crew and another thing if doc has these comps on the payroll then why can't he get somebody to just hand deliver the weapons to the crew why set up this whole thing in the middle of nowhere and waste everybody's time is that true they fired first despite everyone's body language in the scene and terrible poker faces doc believes the story enough to continue with the heist despite justified paranoia and why is this heist so goddamn important right now anyway it's not like the post office or the money order is going anywhere even if doc is convinced the police won't figure out who killed their boys why risk it now when you can just as easily do it next week why would you listen to this thing here of all places and man that tape recorder sure is awesome for being in his pocket and picking up doc luck he's speaking directly into the microphone baby who is a world-class getaway driver who sees every detail in front of him when he's car only notices buddy when we notice it discussed this oh you mean the recorder baby would absolutely never leave out of his possession unless it was convenient for the block yes let's discuss that also bats saw baby li and he thought I'll go to his room first trying to figure out this scenario we saw bats wake up but the first instinct was not to track baby down but rummage through his room and maybe he heard baby stupidly playing that tape recorder earlier and knew he needed to do something about it but maybe I'm so sure it would still be there maybe your new buddy was going down to catch him but buddy seemed super surprised to see bats show up so it doesn't appear they coordinated this Amy your call decision and we know this thing or not I also love how this recorder absolutely nails the start time on that phrase each and every time that brain isn't that the waitress from the diner I would believe bats remembering this name but I'm not buying darling remembering it bats was the one who bothered to check out the name tag and say the name out loud and while the movie made a big deal out of showing her nametag it's not like the whole crew was paying attention that much I'm your driver tomorrow I'm driving okay well we'll just forget all these tapes man that you were clearly trying to escape earlier we can see now that you're just a struggling musician who knows how to drive fast so sorry for the misunderstanding that's how bad guy stuff works right geez baby communicates to yet another person what he needs them to do simply by looking at them this postal clerk gets the entire", metadata={'source': 'kOnQocd799Y'}), Document(page_content="another person what he needs them to do simply by looking at them this postal clerk gets the entire message she needs from a look and a head shake and does she recognize baby from his visit the other day despite him wearing sunglasses and how convenient she's not in the post office right now and is just getting to work holy crap utility truck parked outside a post office with stabbing Ron's ex machina well wait a second what button did he just hit before sending bats to a pole dancing lesson passenger airbag off I could send it for thinking that somehow the airbag would have made any difference with his impalement but the real sin is thinking the audience would even know what button he pushed that quickly there's no way after all the [\xa0__\xa0] that the cops knew what's door baby was in the guy I hopped three escalators and totally lost them and besides even if they knew which story was in why didn't they have someone at the exit to prevent an escape in the long hallowed tradition of movie car theft baby realizes all you need is something straight and metal to get a car started darling would be amazing at cinemasins good grief little early unless the police force is now 10 feet tall or bone decided to ascend into the trees you are aiming way too high ever notice in a gunfight how no one can hit anything until it's time for a character to die and then all of a sudden everybody becomes marksmen of the year we do the last time we saw buddy he was still in a shootout with the APD and the movie cut away from it he was almost certainly going to get shot or captured in that parking lot but through film Nisha he's here now like nothing happened what diner uses the restroom key the restrooms are open right it's an eating establishment where restrooms are there for easy access oh oh oh kiss that's enough for me we don't have a car or music and as if on cue two druggies drive their amazing sports car out into the middle of nowhere to facilitate this love story vaping is the new binding and Apple the shot is done 100% practically damn for you and I are a team don't feed me any more lines from Monsters Inc it pisses me off yeah if you're gonna go Pixar do a bug's life there's nothing I can do for you kid why should I after what you done to me wait is that a cue to come in though I'll deal with the cops did someone order a heart transplant how on God's green earth did the same guy who said this could break your legs and tell everyone you love all the sudden become mr. self-sacrifice I might buy that it lets him go but put himself in danger who he gives no character motivation for that in the slightest that's not the cop so buddy knew that baby would show up to the hideout what gave him that idea the script there's no way he thinks doc would be okay with baby showing up here car survives this okay two things here either he got out and baby should have seen it or he didn't get out and he should be dead there's no scenario by which buddy gets out of this and is able to get the drop on baby but that's what the movies gonna tell us villain won't die cliche movie continues to be kind of baby whenever he needs to escape a situation just a reminder none of the bullets that made any of those bullet holes even grazed either of our leads through my purse right at me and he actually said I'm sorry you mean after he put a gun to your head and stole your car yeah seems like a great guy let's take some years off the sentence for a little apologetic purse sorry I hereby students to defend it to 25 years in the federal penitentiary subject to a parole hearing after five years served no just now the minimum sentence for armed robbery in Georgia is 10 years without parole and that's per offense which the movie has reminded us is a lot and two that if someone is killed it's an automatic life sentence whether you do the killing or not with the earliest parole being 30 years pull to the I don't want to go in there", metadata={'source': 'kOnQocd799Y'}), Document(page_content="the killing or not with the earliest parole being 30 years pull to the I don't want to go in there and sucks think of a place that's really perfect your own happy place nobody puts Baby you got 30 seconds [\xa0__\xa0] you buddy hello hello this killers are first-timers you want to pull off a brilliant murder you got to act like it's an accident if you do it right you ain't even gotta be there when it goes down I use a head detective if so you are probably the last man standing you need to sunset that ride we're going to a place called monster Joe's truck and tow no monster Jonah's daughter Raquel is sympathetic to our dilemma", metadata={'source': 'kOnQocd799Y'})]
[Document(page_content="these people are weird we're all weirdoes sure we were biking around Brooklyn and looking at basically vacant buildings and we saw this building I've got to know the owner kind of as a side note he said you know there's some tunnels below the building I've never been down there yeah so we purchased up everything from the shuttle train to Franklin Ave we were had access to all the tunnel and underground space I was very very interested in cheese and I wanted to learn how to make cheese so I thought we would make cheese down here you can't make cheese in New York City and I need animals and so we looked into how we could develop it into what would be like a Navi nagy facility the art of aging cheese and we like the model the French model of aging cheese where they often where it takes care of the cheese and the cheese maker makes the cheese and sort of it let the farmer stay on the farm do what they do best all the other cheese makers were like oh can you age my cheese you know like if there was a real like need so we mimic a cave by controlling the temperature and the humidity so the temperature is always at 52 degrees humidity is around 93% which is the condition that a cheese will spoil in a delicious way and not a gross way so the original cheese caves were were caves if you go below the frost line depending on where you are in the world you'll get a fairly consistent mid 50s temperature usually higher humidity it's musty earthy but not like damp and dingy it has a nice sort of clean smell to it the cheese is being flipped every other day it's being washed and it's actively being handled it it needs this time to grow its rind and be taken care of to bring out the the best it can be so this she's here came in last Tuesday nothing on the rind yet no yeasts no mold no bacterial growth you know that she is gonna turn in to this she's in a couple months once the cheese reaches a certain age once we get a good brand development we start brushing it with a firmer bristle brush to control mites and also to control some of them all tests are coming in I think it smells really good in here right now and when we first started you know there was not that aroma after a few years of doing this we've built up some unknown communities in here that help ripen all of our cheeses in here and that's something that only time can develop this is a wheel of go--let but we're going to be extra aging this to see what happens to the flavor to test that we have on the Trier and just this particular milk is from June so see some our milk as the cows are on grass the first thing I'm gonna do is just gonna smell it it feels really nice and sweet texture this one in particular is really pudgy which is a good thing there's always a question of what happens if you let it go longer and so that's what we're hoping to find out it's a skill and it's something that the farmer are you know that's producing the cheese doesn't have time necessarily to do with the same attention and facilities it's one reason why we try to taste every single day and just talk about what we're tasting it and that's what the offing or does and sort of decides when it's time for the cheese to be sold [Music] we have ambitions to spread out but the cave we're in right now that we're gonna keep this as sort of an educational space to have tastings but the other which would be the third one would we have potential of growing more Chi you know filling it with cheese", metadata={'source': 'wJYE0sFOteE'})]
[Document(page_content="- I'm about to exposed\neverything you won't admit. (galloping) What up everyone is your girl Superwoman, and it's a regular day, alright. So you're having that relationship talk with one of your friends. Honestly, I can't even imagine being in a relationship right now. - Totally. - It's like I'm too independent, you know? - For sure! - Also, I don't need to seek validation from someone else's love. - You don't need no validation. - I'm just too like woke\nas a person, you know? Like I'm drinking a\nkale smoothie right now. This is gluten-free,\ncruelty-free, a recyclable cup. This company, they employ\nabandoned puppies, yeah. So I can't do all of this plus be in a relationship, it's too much work. And then she hits you with. - I heard Kenny has a crush on you. (ominous music) - What? - Yeah, Kenny told me\nhe has a crush on you. - [Narrator] Kenny has a crush on you. Kenny has a crush on you. - [Friend] Kenny has a crush on you. - [Narrator] Kenny has a crush on you. - [Friend] Kenny has a crush on you. Kenny has a crush on you. Kenny has a crush on you. (upbeat pop music) - (honks) Hurry the hell up.\n- Someone has a crush on me. Ho, call me a parking ticket\n'cause I just got validated. When you find out someone\nhas a crush on you, on the outside you might\nact like you're un-phased but on the inside you're like, yo, I'm the most bomb\nperson on the planet. And for some reason it makes\nyou want to be even hotter. Like let me put in a\nlittle bit of extra effort and see who else I can\nsnatch on these streets. Let me catch these crushes like Pokemon. Just absolutely feeling myself. Feeling myself all on the 'gram. Feeling myself while staying hydrated. Feeling myself in my bed. - [Camerawoman] Lilly? - [Lilly] Get out, I'm busy! And all of this leads to phase one of someone having a crush\non you: The Lead On. Now I hate to say it, when\nsomeone has a crush on you, shut-up, shut-up you're gonna\ndeny this, shut you face! When someone has a crush on you, whether you like them back or not, you are going to lead them on. Why, because it's human nature. Why for real, 'cause it\nmakes you feel powerful. You go hit them with the mild interactions like, yo, I'ma drop this\npencil in front of you, I'ma bend over, I'ma allow you\nto look at this booty okay. Consider it a charitable donation. Wait, don't charities only\ntake non-damaged goods? Shut the eff up, zoomed in Lilly. It's like reverse flirting like you have a crush on me, okay, cool, yeah. Let me talk to you here and there, you know, make your day. Um, hey, i'm totally\nlost, can you help me? But I wasn't lost, I just enjoy the power of making someone nervous. - Uh, it's a factorial so you\njust, multiply each one by n. - Wrong, is the summation? - Yeah, they're the same thing. - Wrong, he was so wrong. Maybe he only had skills in\npicking beautiful crushes. This leads to phase two, delusions. When someone has a crush on you, you start to read into everything they do and you conclude like,\nyo, this person's life revolves around me, psh, obviously. And you throw them a pity\nparty every opportunity you have because damn it must be so hard to have a crush on someone as fine as you. Aww, look at him over there\njust crushing on me so hard. - He's literally just drinking juice. - Duh, the juice is a\nmetaphor for how he's bottling up his emotions for me. - I think he might just be thirsty. - Exactly, he's so thirsty,\nhe's practically shaking. - He's just shaking his juice. - You know, when he\ntalks to me, he chokes. (man coughs) - Oh my god, I think\nhe's actually choking. (coughs) - He literally dies over me. (coughs) - I think Kenny just died. - It's like watching an episode of South Park over and over again. Poor Kenny, he used to have a crush on me. - Are you okay? - Now for this, one of two", metadata={'source': 'jp9hK-jY6yY'}), Document(page_content="things are gonna happen alright? Number one: you like the person back and ya'll go and get jiggy with it. ♫ Na na na na na na na na Number two: you don't. And when you don't, it's just\nanother regular day except the idea of romance has been\ninfiltrated into your mind, so you're having a conversation\nwith your friend like, I can honestly imagine myself\nin a relationship these days. - Totally. - You know, it's nice to\ndepend on people sometimes. - For sure. - I even stopped recycling\nand eating healthy because I'm like what's the point,\npeople crush on me either way. I think I'm just like,\nnaturally quirky and attractive. And then she hits you with- - I heard Kenny doesn't like you anymore. - What? - Yeah, Kenny likes\nTricia now, he told me. (ominous music) - Thus entering phase three: the break up. You straight up, breaking up with someone you're not in a relationship\nwith is the worst. How dare you not be dating\nme, and be cheating on me. Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa,\nwhoa, listen, hey, hey, hey. What's all this with you\nnot liking me anymore. - Hey, well I thought you weren't into me. - So that's it, what you're\nnot gonna like fight for me? - Fight who? - Anyone, honestly is chivalry dead? - I'm sorry, I like Tricia now. - No, no you don't, listen,\nfocus, okay, I am your crush. - But you said you didn't like me. - That's irrelevant. Listen, you're supposed to have a crush on me for a really long time. Why, because it makes me feel good. God, you know nothing about girls. - Okay, fine, I like you? - Damn straight you like me. Now pull yourself together, God, you're practically drooling over me. He has a crush on me. - What? - And all of this is my cheeky way of saying that I have a huge crush. Ah, sike, go to the end card. Yo, my lipstick matches my shirt okay? For that alone, give\nthis video a thumbs up. Check out my last video right over there. Second vlog channel right over there. Yo, super 60 starts right now, which means for the next hour, I'll be responding to comments down below so go ahead and comment,\nmake sure you subscribe because I make new videos\nevery Monday and Thursday. One love, Superwoman. That is a wrap and zoop!", metadata={'source': 'jp9hK-jY6yY'})]
[Document(page_content="before his special performance at the couple's wedding reception samus sneaked into the church to meet Reverend dr. Simon woodland very well nice to meet you welcome welcome to Bloomsbury it's really good to have you thank you for coming how excited are you about today I'm incredibly excited I don't know about you you're the person that I'm doing the the stuff later the hard way it's so good I can't wait to meet them yeah and and see them what they like I've learned a really nice couple yeah we've got to know them over the last year or so that they've been coming here and they're just really nice really normal really down-to-earth quite planned about the day because oh I think this is going to be quite a surprise because I think they think they've got it all taped up this is this your first LGBT survey my first one yeah so the church has had three previous ones and they've all been men so this is the church's first females and we're sweating and it's my first one yeah it could be such a special day and as the guests arrive at the church it's time for Sam to hide away as he catches up with Katy Lisa's least and best woman as she's the only person who's in on the big surprise the hardest secret to my life [Music] [Music] marriages look different for different people some marriages have husbands and some don't some have wives and some don't but what all marriages have in common is that they make love central can you repeat after me I give you this ring as a sign of our marriage I give you this ring as a sign of our marriage Beck and Lisa I now declare you to be married the bride's may now kiss [Music] with the evening in full swing Sam is waiting nervously outside about to give Lisa and Beck a wedding present they'll never forget soon please bet it is time for the surprise of your very lives with a little bit of help from Lisa's best woman we have an evening a big secret from you please welcome [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] you miss my heart when the rest of me hit on you huge hun be even when I [Music] and God [Music] - when you walk through the door I just thought wow that is actually Sam Smith this does not happen to us all of my friends and best friends and family were really shocked it was just them you know another level who can say this sounds Smith song that we're doing but my auntie Lisa can [Music] just being a part of someone's day like that means the world to me and they're so in love it's just incredible they're so in love and it's so beautiful I just want to say a huge congratulations I saw the ceremony in London and it moves my heart so much to see you guys do this today and I truly hope you have a wonderful wonderful life together [Music] the day has been absolutely brilliant and then to have Sam Smith come and sing to us was just like the icing on the cake [Applause]", metadata={'source': 'DIU3xPdhCBI'})]
[Document(page_content="(relaxed jazz music) - Today is a laundry and cleaning day. (jazz music) Alright guys I am finished\ncleaning, for now. I vacuumed the entire house,\nI wiped down the surfaces, I cleaned the house because today I'm having some friends over. I feel like whenever we have guests it's just a good excuse\nto clean the house. But, yeah a bunch of my high\nschool friends are coming: Jon, Breann and of course\nSarah! She is in town. For those who are new\nhere, Sarah is my friend that I started the channel with for you OG subscribers, you\nalready know who she is. But, yeah she lives in\nSan Jose so every time she comes down, we try our\nbest to see each other. And it's gonna be so\nnice to just be reunited. She's coming in like 20 minutes so I'm actually removing some nail polish. So basically I got a gel\nmanicure two weeks back and I picked out this red color, thinking that it was\nmore of like a true red but it's actually more\nof a orangey-coraley red. And I just wasn't diggin' it so I went in my nail polish collection and I re-painted it this dark navy color. But now that it's chipping it's\nstarting to look kinda weird It looks like hot cheeto residue. So I'm just removing that first layer off and just making all my fingers red! It's like a magic trick. So yeah, I'm gonna do\nthe same with this hand And then I'll be ready fer,\nI'll be ready for my guests. I have the entire house to myself because Ben is in San Diego. He's at a music festival\nwith a bunch of his friends and I believe Foo Fighters are playing and that is one of his favorite bands; definitely his favorite drummer. And so, yeah he's out there\nand he's having a good time. I'm here with Chippo and I'm gonna have some company really soon. Yay, Cheers! (jazz music) Balloons, check. Hey everybody, so as you can tell I have just been rushing around town. I am gathering all the things I need for Ben's birthday weekend. His birthday's on Friday but the celebrations start tomorrow. And he has no idea. He thinks I am shopping for\nHalloween costumes right now. So, (laughs) So I got the cake, and I got the balloons and now I am dropping all\nof this off at Bern's house because tomorrow I am surprising him with a stay at the Beverly Hills hotel. I got us a room there and\nI have never stayed there. It's like one of the most iconic\nand most beautiful hotels. And it's pet friendly so\nwe get to bring Cheeki. So tomorrow morning I'm just\ngoing to tell him to like pack his bags and just drive him there so that's going to be exciting. We've got dinner plans at\nnine pm at the Polo Lounge and while we're at dinner\nI have told all our friends to go into the hotel room; Berns is gonna bring all of this stuff and they're just going to set it all up and I just can't wait to see his reaction it's gonna be so satisfying. I just, I love planning\nother people's birthdays. It's like way more satisfying\nthan planning my own. I'm just so excited to see his reaction because he is one of the most\nimportant people in my life or probably the most\nimportant person in my life. He has done so much for me\nand he's transformed my life and he's given me a love\nthat I've never had before and I've had a lot of\ngreat loves in the past but nothing can top his. It's not a competition\nbut he's just the one and something about his energy and his presence that makes me want to become a better\nperson and, I don't know if you're watching this,\nbabe I fucking love you. You are, you're the one! (laughs) (smooth jazz music) - [Jenn] Having date night with my lady - We got a Michelada, yeah - [Jenn] We got a gin and soda. We are at her favorite place, - [Both] Salazar! (jazz music) woahh! - Hello everybody - Hi guys, so we are on a mystery trip (laughs) It is my, I'm assuming,\ndo they know this by now? - Yeah, mhm they already\nknow what the surprise is - Oh you guys know - They already know it's", metadata={'source': 'x9mh-SwSKas'}), Document(page_content="know what the surprise is - Oh you guys know - They already know it's\nyour birthday on Friday - Yeah that's right - They already know where I'm taking you - I have no idea, all I know\nis we're going somewhere. I'm not even looking at the google maps. I never want to make a\nbig fuss on my birthday I don't really, especially\nnow I'm like 50-something. (laughs) Chippo, what's the surprise? I know you're in on it. You've been acting suspicious all day, don't look away from me,\nwhat is the surprise? Oh, now you're just trying to hide. - [Both] yeah! - [Ben] This is amazing! This is ridiculous. - [Jenn] So this is the\nroom, they've upgraded us - So nice! - [Jenn] Because it's his birthday! - This is the living area,\nthere's a fire place. - Look at it, there's\nlike a hundred pillows! Chippo's very happy as well - [Jen] I know Over here we have the bedroom - Ah, I know Cheeki it's\ncomfy, isn't it, I know, yeah - [Jenn] Over here we have the powder room. Then over here we have the bathroom. Look at the tub. Ah! And they even provided\na tiny chocolate cake! Do you wanna take a bite? - [Ben] Yes please - [Jenn] That gives us the\ngreen light to eat it. (laughs) (jazz music) Chug it! And you thought you\nwere doing nothing today - Yeah (laughs) - Alright we are heading off to dinner! - I'm so relaxed that\nmassaged was unbelievable Another great surprise from Jen. (calm piano music) - [Ben] Talk about fancy\nrestaurants serving not very much food. - [Jenn] But over here\nwe've got um, a beet. - [Ben] And a sixteenth of an orange. - [Friend behind camera]\nHi! Hey everybody! - [Crowd] Hi! - [Friend Behind Camera]\nWhat, what are we doing? - He doesn't even know! - We're surprising the surprise! - [Jenn] Over here we've got a crab cake - [Ben] That's better - [Jenn] Yeah - [Friend Hiding] Hey get\nover there, get over there - [Another Friend Hiding] Oh shit - [Friend Behind Camera] Cool (laughing) - [Jenn] Happy Birthday, okay make a wish! (jazz music) (laughs) (whispering) (door clicks) - [Crowd] Surprise! - Whaaaa! (upbeat jazz music) (chanting and singing) - How did you do that? - Group text (yelling and laughing) - She was like, should we go upstairs and watch a movie or something? I was like yeah I guess we'll do that. (laughing) - Thank you! ♫ Happy birthday to you ♫ One, two, three, four,\nblow it out, blow it out ♫ Make a wish, blow it out make a wish ♫ Blow it out, blow it out make a wish ♫ Blow it out, blow it out make a wish - Ehh! (clapping and cheering) - [Jenn And Ben] Good Morning! - [Jenn] Happy birthday - Thank you, babe. - I got the egg frittata - Eggs any style with\nbacon and hash browns - [Jenn] It's surprise number two! - It's surprise number 15, innit? We're at the Peninsula, this is perfect. Especially, you know,\nbeing a Brit, I love my tea and we came here once before\nand it was amazing so we have lots of tea, some champagne, scones, some sandwiches, cake, everything. (jazz music) - [Jenn] Happy birthday, dear Benjamin, happy birthday to you. (harp playing) (cheers) (jazz music) - [Crowd] Happy birthday to you (cheers) (guitar music) - [Ben] so much bigger than you - Yeah (guitar music) - We've been here about five minutes and we've already got this amount of food - [Jenn] I know, right Cheers! (gasps) (guitar music) - Tables have turned today - Mhm - Jenn is the videographer. - And I'm the model. - Yeah we're filming the I Style My Man challenge, ready? (guitar music with light vocals) I believe the last clip\nyou saw was us at the Broad at the Yayoi Kusama exhibition That was honestly one of the\nbest shows I've ever seen in a really, really long time. I love The Broad museum\nbecause they don't half-ass any of their exhibitions,\nit's freakin' nuts and I feel so blessed that\nFlaunt Magazine and The Broad invited us for their private preview it meant so much, I highly\nrecommend you go see it I can comfortably say that Kusama is probably", metadata={'source': 'x9mh-SwSKas'}), Document(page_content='recommend you go see it I can comfortably say that Kusama is probably\none of my favorite artists. Her work is so immersive, meticulous and I just really like\neverything she stands for. I didn\'t know how prolific\nshe was with her work. She started in the 60\'s and\nshe\'s always been standing up for things that she believes in whether it\'s: free love,\nwomen\'s rights, gay rights She\'s always been very vocal. I highly recommend you go see it. It is on til January 2018 so definitely go check it out if you can. Oo, I uploaded my "How\nI Lost 15 Pounds" video That video\'s doing really well and I wanna thank everyone\nwho has watched it and left such positive comments on it. I am so happy to help anyone who wants to have just\na healthier lifestyle. (jazz music) (laughs) Hello it is four days before\nHalloween it\'s Friday. James is preparing for his show where he\'ll turn into a skull! (drums, guitar and flute plays) - [Jenn] Alright, are you\nready for the big reveal? - Yes - [Jenn] Okay - I\'m scared - [Jenn] Open your eyes - Whoa! This shit looks good! - [Jenn] You like it? - Yeah looks cool (jazz music) - What\'s up guys it is Monday. I am currently on my\nway to the Eggie shoot We are shooting the product\nshots for drop number two very, very excited to see\neverything on somebody else I found this model named Jawni She was modeling for my\nfriend\'s clothing company and I was like oh my god, I\'m obsessed. And so she gave me her contact and now I\'m going to meet her! It\'s gonna be really\nawesome getting to see an entire new collection like this. This always makes it\nfeel more real for me. It\'s gonna be awesome seeing my Eggie team And just, you know, get to work. (jazz music) Hello, so from the last clip you saw that Ben and I went to The Empty Vase to look at some flowers for our wedding. Wedding planning is in full force and I honestly thing that\'s\nwhy it\'s been extra hard to vlog this month, I\'ve just\nbeen like wearing extra hats like I feel like just my responsibilities for my channel is quite hefty and now I\'ve added obviously\nEggie and now the wedding so it\'s like three different components that I\'m like splitting my brain into. So back to the flowers,\nwe went to the Empty Vase and they are my favorite florist I am so happy to be working with them because they make beautiful arrangements and the color scheme\nwe\'re going for is like white, coppers and greens so just kind of like ethereal,\nearthy and beautiful. Next week I am gonna be\ntrying on some dresses. That should be really fun. I\'ve created like a Pinterest board of different dresses that I\'m into and I\'m noticing a pattern, a\nlot of off the shoulder stuff. Honestly I didn\'t use Pinterest\nat all until like this year. Because obviously I had to\ndo some boards with Eggie and now especially for\nthe wedding, it\'s insane. I also see the appeal of Pinterest as well because it\'s so nice to see all the images that you have on your mind\nlike on an actual visual board. So I get it, I get Pinterest now. So today is Halloween and I am just going to\nbe staying in editing. I\'ve got a bunch of\ndeadlines due tomorrow. This weekend we went out so I feel like Halloween is already over because I celebrated Halloween\non Friday and on Saturday. So I\'m just like done. This is the costume that\nBen and I had for Halloween. We are Wayne\'s World and Cassandra who is the original OTP. If you guys haven\'t seen that\nmovie, please go watch it. Also, if you guys didn\'t know, Ben started his own Youtube channel. I am so proud of him. He already uploaded his second video. If you guys haven\'t\nchecked out his channel please hit on the cards\nor the description box. I will leave everything down there. Other than that, I\'m just\ngoing to continue on editing. November will be a better\nmonth because I think I\'m starting to get a better\ngrasp on everything hopefully. Okay, well I guess this is my cue to go I wanna thank you guys\nso much for watching and I will see you guys', metadata={'source': 'x9mh-SwSKas'}), Document(page_content='so much for watching and I will see you guys\nin the next one, bye! (jazz music)', metadata={'source': 'x9mh-SwSKas'})]
[Document(page_content="This does not have to be your life. Today we will teach you how to not fear\nthe squat toilet. Most case of STSD Squat Toilet Stress Disorder are caused by improper squatting technique. First, you must learn how to squat the Japanese way. American squat like this. This squat is unstable, leaving you prone to falling. stop it I'M TRYIN TO GO THE BATHROOM Japanese squat like this. To switch to flat foot squat, you must shift your center of gravity forward. This position BERY STABLE. Stop it! The most common squat toilet mistake is not squatting far enough. You may have heard that at least with squat toilet you can get thigh workout while you pee. HA HA HA SO FUNNY JOKE Squat is RESTING POSITION All the way down. It is not difficult position Unless you have BIG BUTTO Because maybe it touches the floor. You should not use squat toilet. When you use squat toilet, you must pull pants below knees. Otherwise your pockets become upside down while you use toilet. Many squat toilets are auto-flushing. Beeeeery dangerous situation. Many people every year tricked into giving sacrifice to evil squat toilet gods. Do not let them fool you. Because IDIOTS LIKE YOU is peeing incorrectly many times there is pee ALL OVER ZA FLOOR. And then some people is pressing flush with their pee shoes, too. Use toilet paper to flush. And hover above ground so that you do not touch the floor. With these three tips squat toilets are easy and relaxing to use! DON'T STOP HOVERING Many people find they enjoy squat toilets more once they know how to use them correctly because they are so quick to use and you do not have to touch anyshing. I SAID DON'T STOP HOVERING. Are you ready? Mmhmm Nope, I'm sorry. I got your boobs. Not your face. Can you hold it open until- IT'S REALLY HARD TO BALANCE ON ONE LEG One more time IN THIS TOILET yES All right fine, I'll just hold the door shut again. [gagging cough] Yeah, I am. I just choked on my own spit. Oh. I thought you were being dramatic. You can hold your own door if you want. I have to say, I feel a bit weird using the disabled toilet. Sorry, I'll say at the end it was for comedic effect! Ow, my knees. This floor is hard and my knees are so bony", metadata={'source': 'fCTKDn3Q8xQ'})]
[Document(page_content="You clean that lab,\nyou get out. She deaf? Mute, sir. She can hear you. STRICKLAND: The thing we keep\nin there is an affront. And I should know,\nI dragged it all the way here. (CRASHING) (STRICKLAND SCREAMING) (DOOR BUZZES) (GROANS) Help! It's a lot of blood. -ZELDA: What went on in here?\n-(STRICKLAND EXCLAIMS) STRICKLAND: It was you\nthat found my fingers. There was mustard on them. GENERAL HOYT: The Soviets\nwant it. We know that much. STRICKLAND:\nWe need to take it apart, learn how it works. What happened? It's an animal.\nJust keeping it tame. -(ELECTRICITY CRACKLING)\n-(CREATURE SCREAMING) (SPEAKING RUSSIAN) GILES: I can either save him or let him die. Don't do this, Elisa. Don't do this. I'm gonna be synchronizing\nour watches just like they do\nin the movies. ZELDA: Oh, woman,\nwe gonna burn in hell. (ELECTRICITY CRACKLING) GENERAL HOYT: The asset.\nDo you have it? No! STRICKLAND: \nSir, I'm getting it back. Our concern is the Russians. Unfuck this mess. You'll deliver it, right?\nRight? We didn't see nothing. What am I doing interviewing\nthe shit cleaners? GILES: He's a wild creature. We can't ask him\nto be anything else. (BOTH SNARLING) You were\nspeaking Russian, Bob! Where is it? Sit down! GENERAL HOYT:\nFinish the job, son. Elisa, honey,\nhe's coming for you.", metadata={'source': 'uiA4B5Y63IQ'})]
[Document(page_content="I need to know if the [\xa0__\xa0] pop off that you got my back that you a cop first are we clear about dope money and guns that's my job your job is to make sure I go home at night I don't like this small talk the same old small talk this is big ass top we do a real [\xa0__\xa0] out here [Music] so this is where we are it's not where we want it to be if half the world's gone mad the other half just don't care you see [Music] [Applause] but it feels like the world's gone by and there's nothing you can do about it no there's nothing you can do let it feel my then I love it you can tell know that that made you get down so tell me what's there [Music] lies [Music] - sweet [Music] you can tell another man holding a microphone China say something at all or finding himself on an empty road trying to choose which by Zika [Music] [Music] [Music]", metadata={'source': 'QOksZ8VogRw'})]
[Document(page_content="hey what is up guys mkbhd here and this is google pixel book love the name uh this thing was announced alongside the pixel 2 and it's in google's holiday season product lineup alongside the home mini and other things like that and this thing is really weird to me now i love the chromebook pixel which was the last high-end chromebook that google made but i was very careful to only recommend it to certain smaller groups of people who knew what they were getting themselves into this pixel book while it is an amazing piece of hardware is even harder to recommend to an even smaller group of people because of all its weirdness so pixelbook is a high-end laptop with a touchscreen that folds over into tablet mode and runs chrome os and it starts at a thousand bucks so okay aesthetically it is pretty nice it takes after the pixel smartphones with the glass window up top and this all metal very angular boxy design it's super thin i don't even think i've ever held a laptop this thin before and this thing feels like more like a thick tablet instead of a thin laptop it's crazy sharp so i'm honestly a big fan of the aesthetics on the outside the soft palm rest surrounding the touch pad is really cool minimal fingerprints are going to show with this design with this silver and white color combo and even the hinge is pretty sturdy and minimal the thing is flanked by two usb c ports one on either side and of course both can be used for charging and there's a headphone jack and that's it i guess that's all the i o most laptops seem to need these days so that doesn't strike me as weird at the core and inside you're looking at a seventh generation intel core i5 eight gigs of ram 128 gigs of storage really beefy specs at the baseline version and you can bump it up to an i7 and 16 gigs of ram and a half terabyte nvme ssd if you want which is nuts and then all up at the front is the 12 inch 4x3 display it's a crispy bright 2400 by 1600 touch screen display the whole thing is fanless you know all solid state no moving parts basically this hardware actually has a lot going on that wouldn't make you blink twice at that thousand dollar price tag but here's the thing and you probably saw this coming at a thousand bucks you know you can say okay this is a really nice hardware i can see that but this thing is running chrome os you know what else you can get for a thousand bucks the highest end biggest newest ipad pro you know what else you can get for a thousand bucks the microsoft surface laptop a macbook air so this thing is kind of competing with those in that price point and then my philosophy on two and ones has always kind of been when you're trying to be both a laptop and a tablet you inevitably get a little bit worse at being a laptop than dedicated laptops and a little bit worse at being a tablet than dedicated tablets so this is a decent laptop and a decent tablet but it's not fantastic at either but even more awkward about the pixel book is just all the weird quirks it has that add up these bezels around the display definitely huge like bigger than i think they'd need to be i understand you know you need some place to put your hands when you're holding a thing in tablet mode but damn that is just weird the speakers are just kind of behind the keyboard and they don't sound that great now i get that it's thin and it's probably the only place they could fit these speakers but couldn't they put a grill about the top it's weird flipping it around into tablet mode and having the keyboard behind the display like this no matter how long i use it it feels weird every time i'm constantly pressing keys on the back i know other two and one laptops do this too and it turns off the keyboard so they're not actually typing anything but still holding something like this and trying to ignore all the buttons on the back as easy as they are to press is just kind of weird and i've said for years i've always found", metadata={'source': 'Ja_GMU7-sjs'}), Document(page_content="back as easy as they are to press is just kind of weird and i've said for years i've always found using touch screen laptops a little bit awkward because of the hinge wobble this one is no exception to that rule and the screen jittering even though the performance is fast when i scroll through menus or long lists or long pages on the pixel book there's some serious ghosting and stuttering of animations that i did not expect to see on a chromebook with a core i5 and then there is the pixelbook pen this thing is a 100 accessory first of all so there's that a long metal tube with a battery inside one button and the stylus tip 100 bucks uh it doesn't come with any replacement tips like even the ipad's pencil or surface stylus do and most others do weird this thing uses quadruple a batteries what have you ever heard of these luckily they're supposed to last about a year each but wow okay that is also pretty weird and you'd think they would have thought of this but there's really just no place to keep it when you're not using it there's no magnet no clip if you don't have that it's just kind of rolling around loose and you have to press it obnoxiously hard to actually use it has anyone actually tried to use this stylus i have a hard time finding other people's reviews talking about this but maybe mine has some sort of problem because it doesn't work at all with normal pressure that i might use with apple's pencil for example the only way i can get it to work reliably is by pressing so hard that i'm literally bending the display a little like you can see it here and at that point it obviously doesn't feel natural anymore super weird and then there is chrome os so you guys already know chrome pretty well obviously it's been limited for a while by not having all of the professional apps someone buying a thousand dollar laptop might use but to be fair this is all most people really need it's all your web apps and all of your android apps from the play store but there's no doubt you can do more with a full-fledged desktop os like on a mac or a windows laptop most of the adobe suite is missing certain apps you won't find if you're a student even on the ipad the app store is much more massive and more importantly more optimized and then another weird thing is now that you have the play store and the chrome store a lot of times on this pixel book you have two options for the same service the web app in chrome or the android app so youtube for example there's two icons in my launcher a web app for youtube.com or the android youtube app and they do a good job of distinguishing between them so you never really get them confused but it's just kind of weird to sometimes open the youtube app in desktop mode when i'm using it as a laptop but then other times open it as a tablet mode when i want to kick back but look among all this weirdness don't get me wrong chrome os definitely has its advantages like some really cool features on this guy pixelbook automatically tethers to your google pixel if you have one for mobile data when you don't have wi-fi that's pretty cool it has a couple custom buttons on the keyboard that you probably won't find anywhere else my favorite probably being the assistant button to call google assistant anytime you want clearly you can see how hard google is pushing it it has a power button and a volume button on the side kind of like a normal tablet so you can hold down the power button for a second to lock it when you're going away and if you pair it to your phone you can unlock pixelbook with your phone's fingerprint sensor that is seriously cool and the stylus has of course that one button where if you hold it while circling an image it'll do a google search for that image to find what it is or where it came from but are those two things enough to justify you spending your thousand bucks on this over a surface laptop or over an ipad pro or over a macbook air i don't", metadata={'source': 'Ja_GMU7-sjs'}), Document(page_content="your thousand bucks on this over a surface laptop or over an ipad pro or over a macbook air i don't really think so and so it's really really hard for me to recommend pixelbook like i said when you make a two in one like this you inevitably get a little bit worse at being a laptop and a little bit worse at being a tablet so it's just kind of okay at both again so that's pretty much it thank you for watching talk to you guys the next one peace [Music] you", metadata={'source': 'Ja_GMU7-sjs'})]
[Document(page_content="[\xa0__\xa0] [Music] what an airplane crash earlier and we're pretty sure we're going towards him he just crashed right here in the Gulf of Mexico is literally can't even begin to tell you this this was crazy we saw it go into the into the Gulf of Mexico literally holy [\xa0__\xa0] [\xa0__\xa0] [\xa0__\xa0] holy [\xa0__\xa0] bill slow down oh my god bro oh my god oh my god oh my god Jesus Christ holy [\xa0__\xa0] bro holy [\xa0__\xa0] holy [\xa0__\xa0] holy [\xa0__\xa0] is anybody calling 9-1-1 he's got to be in there bro oh my god bro what was he thinking or he or she oh my god from like literally shaking I know No yeah dude we saw it [\xa0__\xa0] just beer and just go right in holy [\xa0__\xa0] there he is oh my god man oh my god holy God bro this is uh I'm like shaking bro that's so [\xa0__\xa0] nuts that that just happened like how the [\xa0__\xa0] take it easy guys oh my god the Coast Guard is finally out they're looking at the plane over there we definitely a crash the Marine unit is now showing up we got to go guide them to the yeah oh my god this is crazy you", metadata={'source': 'ttf_EzEkxBk'})]
[Document(page_content="hey brother J you know how we love at Disney Princesses around here at super Carlin brothers and one of the questions we always get is why do you leave out Anastasia how come not Anastasia could Anastasia be a Disney Princess and while she does meet a lot of the necessary criteria to be a Disney Princess she fails on one very tragically and that is she's not from Disney she's actually a product of Fox so that's pretty much your answer right there although if you have been paying attention to the news you know that this very week Disney isn't talks with Fox to potentially purchase out the entire studio now if that deal does go through she would be owned by Disney so the question is would she become a Disney Princess [Music] Anastacia in case you need a refresher is a 1997 animated film by 20th Century Fox studios and was directed by Don Bluth Don Bluth who used to work for Disney until in 1979 when him and nine other key animators actually left the studio because they were tired of the churn amout attitude of Disney at the time the movie tells the story of Anastasia the lost Russian princess who in real life was believed to have survived the execution of the Russian royal family but it was only believed that she survived the execution because her specific remains were never found so the rumor that she was alive led to many people posing as her the mystery has been somewhat put to rest though after her remains were found in 2007 in any case in the movie she does survive with memory awesome of course and there is magic and a love interest and songs and talking bat Wow and man it is so easy to see why this is so frequently confused for a Disney movie that and maybe the Rose imagery that's used throughout the entire movie the reference to Cinderella inside the movie the striking similarities to Belle and Ariel the CGI clockwork from the Great Mouse Detective or even the vines from Sleeping Beauty so as much as it was trying to be at the time it might actually get its wish and become a Disney movie which means we need to get back to the very important question at hand and figure out whether or not Anastasia could be a Disney princess and as we've discussed on this channel before there are certain requirements one character must meet in order to join the elite class of Disney princess first they must meet all three of the following criteria one that they must be the female lead in an animated Disney movie - they must be human 3 they must not have been introduced in a sequel and four you must have an animal sidekick we actually created that fourth one but it holds true hashtag Snow is animals talking about a loss then if you meet all of those you must meet at least one of the following one be born royal to marry royal or three perform an act of significant heroism and finally of course the unwritten rule is box-office performance where you want to be good enough that you're not going to drag down the rest of the princesses but not so good that the princess is actually somehow dragged you down which was the case for Anna and Elsa and even if you do all that there is still no guarantee we still haven't seen a coronation for Moana yes I mean seriously Disney how can you how can you say no to this guy he's so cute and also so underused so again back to our original question how does Anastasia stack up well she starts out pretty strong she's human the lead in an animated movie and she has her own animal sidekick in the form of puka that checks off the first floor and even though it takes her the entirety of the movie to realize it she is also born royal so so far she's looking pretty solid but how did she do at the box office actually pretty dang good Anastasia did nearly a hundred and forty million dollars domestically at the box office so since she came out in 1997 we'll just compare her to the rest of the Disney Renaissance movies now that's some pretty stiff competition and she comes in", metadata={'source': 'Eg_kW5fw6qU'}), Document(page_content="the rest of the Disney Renaissance movies now that's some pretty stiff competition and she comes in sixth just behind Pocahontas but well ahead of Mulan and The Little Mermaid who are both notable Disney Princesses she also crushed Disney's own release that year Hercules both in box office and in Oscar nominations so we have a movie that was designed to imitate Disney made by a guy who left Disney to make movies the way that he thought Disney should be making them a character that fits all of the requirements and even beat out many other Disney Princesses and even beat out the Disney movie that very year and now could be owned by Disney she has to be a princess right wrong I dare say there is no way that Anastasia becomes a Disney princess at least not the version of her that we actually know now first of all even though Anastasia was a success at the box office Disney received exactly a zero dollars out of that and they were actually doing everything they possibly could to ensure that it was not a success to the point where they actually refused to advertise Anastasia during their TV program the wonderful world of Disney and banned its corporate sponsors from airing film clips during their TV programming on top of that they released four major films right around the release of Anastasia flubber George of the jungle Hercules and the re-release of The Little Mermaid now I highly doubt that Disney created these movies just to screw with Anastasia and to be completely fair to Disney they were in the pack of re-releasing their major films every seven years but that's certainly not how Fox saw it with one of their key executives saying it's a deliberate attempt to be a bully the amount they're spending on advertising is ridiculous it's a concentrated effort to keep our film from fulfilling its potential and it's possible that he had a point take for example The Lion King which came out in June of 1994 now like we said earlier Disney was in the practice at the time of re releasing all of their major films every seven years so just take a guess when you think they rereleased the lion came yes exactly it came out in June 1994 re-released in November 1994 less than six months later they released the same movie in the same year twice that would be like if cars three was coming out in theaters again like next week and why did they do this well you could say it was to give everybody a chance to see the most critically acclaimed movie of the year again or it could have been to stop people from seeing the other two animated movies that would be coming out that fall the Swan Princess and the page master and I know what you're thinking what is the page master exactly this is a very powerful technique and completely worked the Lion King buried the two other films the week of its rerelease the second time this movie had been released this year it did more than double the Swan Princess which brings us back to Anastasia and Disney possibly purchasing Fox know I do not think that she will be a princess I really think the only way for that to happen would be for Disney to completely reboot the character with a whole new animated series and I just don't see that happening because although Disney stands to gain a ton of new characters and franchises like x-men Fantastic Four predator alien Planet of the Apes and all of the rest I'm sure they would make movies from them but I don't think that's why they're potentially buying Fox the real reason is not to compete or in this case totally defeat Fox but instead Netflix Disney is currently in the process of pulling all of their properties from all of the existing streaming services with the intent of creating their own powerhouse of a subscription service slated to be released in 2019 a service that would make all of their properties available under one gigantic umbrella that would include everything from Disney to Pixar to Marvel to Star Wars and", metadata={'source': 'Eg_kW5fw6qU'}), Document(page_content="one gigantic umbrella that would include everything from Disney to Pixar to Marvel to Star Wars and potentially everything Fox owns and maybe a new Anastasia movie we'll see for my question of the day what do you think about this particular streaming service do you think you will have it and Netflix would you get rid of Netflix for it leave your thoughts in the Tao section down below also did you happen to notice our phrase of the day if you do bonus points if you can leave in a tell section down below thanks to these patrons who support super Carlin brothers on patreon speaking of patreon if you haven't yet already you should go check out our page to see all of the cool reward levels that Jay and I have available including our discord which at three dollars a month puts you in a chat room where you could just come and talk to Jay and DK and myself and we have fun all the time DK is our video editor but guys as always thanks for watching be sure to like this video and subscribe if you haven't already if you'd like to see some more Disney action from us you can click right here to see us discussing whether or not Moana would go on to be a Disney Princess or right here to have the Disney Vault explained but J that's all I've got for you today man I will see you on Tuesday", metadata={'source': 'Eg_kW5fw6qU'})]
[Document(page_content='- Welcome back to the show. By now, most\nWashington officials acknowledge that Russian hackers\nused social media to interfere with the 2016 election. Well, except the Washington\nofficial who won it. But last week gave\nus a new perspective into just how massive\nthe operation was and is. REPORTER 1: Facebook now\nadmitting 150 million Americans may have been exposed\nto Russian posts. REPORTER 2: An\noperation innocuously named "The Internet Research\nAgency" uploaded 1,100 videos to YouTube and published\nmore than 131,000 divisive messages on Twitter. Granted, a lot of\nthose videos were just Putin\'s annoying vlog posts. But still, (RUSSIAN\nACCENT) next week, I teach you how to contour\nface and poison journalists. Now I know it\'s hard to imagine\nanything these days not somehow being about Donald Trump. But Russia\'s disinformation\ncampaign wasn\'t just about the 2016 election. The Kremlin didn\'t\ncare if Americans were fighting for Hillary or Donald. They just cared that\nwe were fighting. And it turns out\nwhether we\'re Democrats or Republicans, we\'re\nas easily manipulated as Vlad\'s signature slime. The shadowy Russian troll farm\nused a number of fake accounts to promote issues\nthat would basically push our buttons as Americans. It exploited differing opinions\nover immigration, refugees, gun rights, the LGBTQ community. A social media campaign\ncalling itself "Blacktivist" and linked to the\nRussian government used both Facebook and Twitter. The bogus Facebook\naccount had 360,000 likes. That\'s more than\nthe verified Black Lives Matter Facebook page. Of course, when white people\nappropriated Black Lives Matter it got more likes. It\'s Miley Cyrus all over again. They even use these fake\nBlack Lives Matter accounts to trick activists into\norganizing and attending real life protests. And sometimes, they arranged\nthe counter-protests too. A rally is set for later today\nin front of a Houston mosque. A group called Heart\nof Texas is scheduled to protest outside the\nIslamic Dawah Center. REPORTER 1: The\ncounter-protest was organized to oppose a group\nagainst Islam who called for an armed\ndemonstration at the location. What neither side\ncould have known is that Russia trolls were\nencouraging both sides to battle in the streets\nand create division between real Americans. (CHANTING) Muslim\npeople are welcome here. White power! Its like when\nTiffany told Stephanie that Bethany called her fat. And then Tiffany told Bethany\nthat Stephanie called her fat. And then NATO dissolved. So how do trolls blow up\nan unhinged message board post into a front page story? I will tell you. The life cycle of\na Russian troll op is complex and putrid\nlike if a flower grew out of a stiff\nnightstand\'s sweat sock. Starts with a seed\nof controversy. Trolls begin by\ntargeting something Americans already hate. Mostly Americans\nhate other Americans. Trolls post about it. Bots amplify it till they\nget lots of real people to start arguing online. And we argue and\nargue and argue. And that amplification of\npain is called trending. Then Russian media reports on\nthe rumors Russians created. And they creep through\nthe media cesspool till they get on real news. Americans see the rumor they\nwere posting about on the news, which makes it true.\nWell, trueish. It feels true. And that is what matters. And this works because they\nare exploiting divisions that already exist in our society. The Russians wouldn\'t\nhave succeeded if they were trying\nto convince us all to turn on American cheese. On this we are united. You will never\nconvince us to give up our orange sandwich vinyl. But turn on each other? No problem. And as is true of literally\neverything, most of this could have been avoided\nif we listened to women. In 2014, black women began\nmarking accounts they thought were bots posing as black\nusers with the hashtag YourSlipIsShowing. And it turned out they\nhad correctly identified a Russian propaganda operation', metadata={'source': '_dhneCO4YEE'}), Document(page_content='had correctly identified a Russian propaganda operation\nthat it took researchers three more years to figure out. Oh my god! [APPLAUSE] Black women can see the future. Is that what\nblack-girl magic is? I asked Ashley to explain\nwhat\'s going to happen in 2020, and she just said burning. Oh, I hope that\'s cool slang. So what does Putin\nget out of pressing the self-destruct\nbutton on America? The Kremlin can\ncrumble democracies from the inside out,\nachieving two key milestones-- one, the dissolution\nof the European Union, and two, the breakup of NATO. How dare Russia destroy\nAmerica over two things Americans don\'t\ngive a shit about? This better not\nhave anything to do with soccer or the metric\nsystem, you sick bastards. [LAUGHTER] So what does this all mean? We don\'t yet know\nexactly how much impact Russian internet\ntrolls and bots had on the 2016 election. And I bet we\'ll\nstill have questions by the time national Vladimir\nPutin Day 2027 rolls around. Don\'t knock it. The mattress sales are\ngoing to be fantasti chiski. Getting tricked into attending\na pro-human-rights protest isn\'t the worst thing\nthat can happen to you. The worst thing that\ncan happen to you is saying goodbye to someone\nand then realize that they\'re walking the same way. But remember, while the real\nBlack Lives Matter was meeting with candidates in an\nattempt to work for change, a fake BLM account\nwith more followers was telling people to give\nup and do the most useless thing any American can do-- vote for Jill Stein. We\'ll be right back. [THEME - "FULL FRONTAL"]', metadata={'source': '_dhneCO4YEE'})]
[Document(page_content="the Tesla Model 3 launched in July but its rollout has been quite a mess Elon Musk has called it production hell but according to Business Insider's matboard it's even more dire than that last week the company reported its worst ever quarterly loss and confirmed that the major bottlenecks with the vehicle was at a giant battery plant in Nevada called the Giga Factory apparently Elon Musk has been spending a lot of time there and Tesla's main product guy their CTO has been said that it's basically his home now the problem is so much worse than if this had just been an assembly problem at their plant in Fremont because Tesla's only true point of expertise in the auto industry is battery production Tesla's never been able to build cars as effectively as Toyota or GM and skeptics anticipated that Tesla would have some production problems with the model 3 however few thought that Tesla would have battery problems now new news this week Tesla's directory of battery engineering leaves to start his own company according to his LinkedIn profile John Wagner joined the company in 2013 and was involved in developing technology for all of Tesla's cars and while Tesla's had a lot of exact turnover lately the timing here is interesting given the cause of the battery problems in the production hold up Wagner's departure may have nothing to do with the production issues he was involved in the developing the technology the current issue is producing the batteries and automating it fast enough to keep up with the production that they've promised which they clearly have not figured out yet [Music]", metadata={'source': 'PkRBTF6nt4E'})]
[Document(page_content="Hey, guys, welcome back to my, channel, today i'm gonna do the look That i had in my one chip challenge i put that look on snapchat and on instagram and obviously from the video So many of you requested to see the look it's super duper easy, and obviously the star of the show Is the red, lipstick, which so many of you wanted to know What lipstick i was wearing in that video because it withstood the test of time i hit myself with the water faucet Gallons of water rice milk which i know Wasn't gonna Do anything Because it's the lactose in milk that really helps kind of combat that burn but i don't drink cow's milk And rice milk and water were the only things that We had in refrigerator so that's what i was chugging i was even eating, like, cold, ass puddings, which Wasn't on the video it held up through all of that so the lipstick that i was wearing? Was the I love sarahii and colour-pop collab in the color arriba And i feel like it went good because i was like galloping. Through the, whole video this is the lippy that Was ride-or-die with, me that one chip, challenge you the real mvp this look is really easy, you can pare it with any color lip You, want it does not necessarily have to be a red lip i'm just gonna go with the red, lip i can bump it up if you Want with the eyes i'm not gonna do a lot on the eyes it's basically lips and lashes for this look so if you Guys, wanna hang out and do your, makeup with, me for like the next ten minutes 15 minutes or so then just keep watching Also, before we jump into the video a lot of you have asked What's up with this diamond on my tooth and so many of you i feel like Are just now seeing it and i've had this diamond on my tooth for a couple months now i got it when we were at beautycon La, no Gen beauty, no, we were at beautycon it was definitely beauty con La that i got this this is from tooth candy and it is a swarovski crystal She has a ton of different ones and it'll stay on there for about two years and if i want to get it taken off? Sooner than that i have to go to the dentist to have it removed I like it I don't even notice it's there anymore but a lot of you, were like curious, like, what's on your tooth? Its a swarovski crystal So shall, we prep the face so the first thing i'm gonna do is moisturize my", metadata={'source': 'EYkEshCOhEU'}), Document(page_content="Face and i'm using the tatcha water cream this is my favorite kind of moisturizer to prep the skin before i apply My, makeup as you can, see she is almost empty and we almost need a, new, one? This, technically is too much you're only supposed to use like a little tiny bit like Maybe that much. But I like to make sure I'm moisturized What is this? clearly halloween is trying to hang on For dear life got him halloween is over sir i want to christmas, oh wait there's thanksgiving So i'm gonna, do my, makeup the exact, way that i did it in the one chip, challenge video because i wanted to really try, the joue' foundation in the next video because i remember i told you on a vlog the next video will try it but i Didn't use that foundation in the video so i'm going with the exact, makeup that i use because that Shit, was foolproof so i'd like to let, my moisturizer sink in for a good minute or two before i move on to Priming the face because i feel like if you just slap all the products on too quickly Things can, end up like slipping and sliding all over the place and your makeup Won't stay so make sure if you put on a moisturizer that you really let it absorb into the skin before you move on to priming So, we'll just sit here i guess Okay, so i'm going, to prime the face and for this One i'm going to use this ysl primer this is a blur primer So the majority of the product is gonna go on to our cheek area and then whatever Is left over i'm just gonna kind of work around the rest of the face Just so i have like a nice smooth even canvas to work on So the foundation that i was using, was the d you are forever foundation this is a perfect? Makeup everlasting we're paw refining effect, with sunscreen. That sounds good to, me and i'm gonna use it in the shade And i'm gonna use it in the shade 25 and we are going to apply it with a beautyblender beautyblender So i like to do like two pumps on the back of the beauty blender and then just start working this like into the skin So i'm just, using light pressure What is this a breakup, what are you doing up there i Really, like this foundation, i like the coverage of it and i also like how, the skin looks when i wear this foundation Looks, healthy as you can see the difference this is no foundation foundation i have to sneeze Bless you so i do about two pumps for each side of my Face and again i just start like on the cheek i just like to do it like this Kind of working, my way out? So like the least amount of product is on the like jaw, area, make sure you blend that down i think you just gonna make his cauliflower tacos for the vlog today if i did those tacos are really true it i Like that foundation so for my, brows i've mainly just been wearing, my natural brow i'll show You, obviously, what i'm about to do i like to go in and brush all my hairs up we're getting pretty good so we just need this to fill in like a little more i Haven't touched them in weeks once how. Long's it been i don't know, but, what i've been, using is this brow conditioner primer from Benefit you got to be careful with it because it will kind of move your foundation So just use like a light hand and then just brush it through i Feel, like it's almost like a gel it kind of helps lock everything in place clearly this brow Is not gonna be for everyone if you wrote it me like, what are you, doing it's, my life let Me let it so i brush everything up and then i starts to just kind of move it all Over to the side so what you do if you have an itch pounce it out And that's all i've been doing one it's saving, me a, whole bunch of time - i'm over the fact that, my, brows look Crazy, like in the beginning i thought, my, god my, brows. No look, at them now People are like, oh, your, brows i'm like, what i'm trying to grow, them out okay, this, is what i've been doing obviously is not going to be for everybody but i like it and when i have fly-ass balls For eyeshadow. This is", metadata={'source': 'EYkEshCOhEU'}), Document(page_content="is not going to be for everybody but i like it and when i have fly-ass balls For eyeshadow. This is going to be the easiest eyeshadow Ever of life i'm using the queen of hearts palette by coloured raine And we're gonna use a one shade in this palette and it's going to be this kind of? Fleshy, tone a color right here, and we're just going to sweep that all over our lids If i go i'm british, so i'm sweeping it over the lid, and kind of up into the crease a little bit just to make sure that the foundation kind of doesn't like crease up there i Really, like it cuz, it's like a fleshy color could that have gotten any easier, no next i'm just wanting it to curl. These lashes To, prep them for our pulse ease and then i'm gonna hit them with Some mascara and i'm gonna use the l'oreal voluminous carbon black don't you hate when you have like one eyelash it's like crooked It's like, going the other, way, like can you just hang out with Your friends the right way so i really just Do like one coat of mascara and i'm gonna put falsies on because they're, gonna get covered up anyway and i'm gonna Use these guys, these are christina these are wispy lashes i get them from amazon, carli turned, me on to. These but what if i squirted this right, my eye And give them a, little push up And we have a lush, oh i just want a whole lash off Quick you, won't even have to put a, new, lash glue on kaduche it will still be tacky So i'm gonna take a, liquid liner and i'm just going it to run A straight line we're not Gonna, wing it out Or anything i'm just doing this to kind of disguise the lash man a little bit and since we used dark tone lash glue And don't have a lot of eye shadow happening on our lids i'm gonna use it to, also disguise any Lash, glue, that might be peeking up, above the lash, line so much out of that guy, looks and this guy Right here without just the thin line, and will come back and hit these lashes with Mascara towards the end of the look right now we're going to Conceal and my concealer is out up here of course, so i'm going to use my favorite concealer Ever it is the tarte shape tape i'm using it in the color light/medium honey but i'm a little more Tan i use light medium but i feel like this is just working a, little bit better these, days this I'm gonna pinch the beauty blender so that we can get in here Because i like to take this up into the inner corner of the eye as Well as down the side of the nose and then just a light pressure Make, sure you blend really good around that nose area so that there's not like a lot of product. Build-up there It's a set i'm gonna, use my laura mercier secret brightening powder Can't live without it Dab everything out one more time before, we set so we're not setting the creases into our makeup They, continue to look up and i'm gonna start from the outer corner and work? my, way in coming from the outer corner into the inner corner and then down the nose and then up and Then i kind of just sweep it away so to set My, face i'm going to use studio fix powder from mac usually i set with the Charlotte tilbury i just can't find it anywhere at the moment, so i'm just gonna set with this Studio fix powder i'm not gonna use a lot i'm just going to tap, my brush into it like this and then push the product into the skin i Stopped using it for a little bit because i thought that, was the reason i was breaking out a lot But i think it was um just A lot of iced venti soy, chai's so that picture that i had on instagram when i said i spent tea soy, chai, that was a last wish i Never gonna drink because Soy, makes me break out in soy is not that good for you. Anyway it's like, to go just back under the eye real quick there's no Extra product on here it's just product. That's left over from when We set so to contour i'm gonna use the shade And light palette from kat von d and i'm just going to use the middle shade Clearly, and then i'm gonna, do it into the", metadata={'source': 'EYkEshCOhEU'}), Document(page_content="kat von d and i'm just going to use the middle shade Clearly, and then i'm gonna, do it into the temples as, well Just kind of all the way up to the forehead and then i like to, add what's ever left, over? To, my chin i feel like it's the only blush that i use and i've been Using it for so long so long if you're, familiar with, my channel you know that i use this blush basically always this is the charlotte tilbury cheek to chic This, is the sex on fire and i'm just saying that i use this blush so much and look it's there's No, pan it doesn't even look remotely close to it i just love this blush i think complements any, makeup look I'm gonna go back in with the brush that, we used to set underneath our eyes and just kind of run that at the Of the blush just so that it melts perfectly in all right so for highlight What i've been doing is just using this, hourglass This, is the strobe lighting powder and this is in euphoric And i'm gonna, use this morphe brush i think this is a 509 but i can't really tell i like that it's like Super fluffy, and doesn't like deposit like a lot of color, so i'm just gonna run this in here be generous don't be nervous and Then i'm gonna just kind of put this here like on my apples area Go, over, my nose i basically put this everywhere and then i do here, above my brows and we're gonna take our beauty blender spray the shit out of it and Then just kind of dab over everything so it looks more melted into the skin and doesn't look like it's just Sitting on top of our skin yeah so a lot of product at the root for the beasts Closest to the lash line Is where i like to put it all And then just hit the tips so moving on to lip i'm just gonna go over this as, well with the brush So i'm just, gonna use cherry lip, liner but any red level in our will do you know it doesn't not have to be this one And then we're, gonna fill everything in with our yeah this liquid lip whatnot around So after your lip is complete this look is complete i did add a? Lower lash mascara though i don't think i've owned that but i did add it So yeah i love this look it is one of my favorites as of lately i'm really into a red lip because i feel like It just like amps up any, makeup look, and looks like, oh girl look at Her but it really is just the red, lip it's just a red lip And don't be scared to, wear a red, lip if you're scared to wear a red Lip put it on when you're in the house walk around get comfortable in it and again it's just makeup if you Don't like it you can wipe it off you can, obviously, wear this look with, any mob viously, wear this look with, any lipstick that you feel comfortable with, but i don't know the word i'm looking for Strongly recommend you try a red lip Especially for the holiday season i feel like it's a good excuse to, wear a red lip So that is it for me guys i hope you enjoyed and? I will see you in the next video", metadata={'source': 'EYkEshCOhEU'})]
[Document(page_content="[Music] [Applause] sorry if I seem impatient I'm not a fan of pleasantries see I get bored with the weather and what's in the news the topics we y'all hide beneath could not care less about your day job gossip or ordinary stress see every read listen I've ever loved [Music] starts when someone said show me where it give me something real party never Sado with me tell me your story [Music] but don't leave the good parts out and tell me all about your failure little things made you cry and tell me the ad that you preach but you're not seen the Braga's leave my show me [Music] never [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] show me and give me something real and leave me to the party you never really heels and say the words when they leave your mouth tell me your story [Music] show me where [Music] show me so me but don't leave the good parts out don't leave the good parts out [Music]", metadata={'source': '1Wk8ZRgXQnY'})]
[Document(page_content="morning guys right today is the introduction to a new series of video on my channel just ignore all the talking in the back cause my lads here I've been really busy recently and I haven't really done any fashion related videos so really easy way for me to do that is to just record my clothes everyday let you just be like an outfit diary every single week so I thought we'd start today Saturday and we'll do all the way to Friday on my head today I've got Duty scarf some simple hoops and then I'm wearing this like shiny wet look long Mac from Topshop but I nicked off my sister underneath I'm wearing this DKNY vintage jumper and then I've just got this like ribbed shiny vest for layering some H&M jeans and these splatter pin trainers that I bought from a shop in Chelsea called Elia B I've got Hannah in some gap jeans I've layered two t-shirts on her today this one is just as de and then this one is a sale from Tesco back at one then she's one of those little pill errors that you get from accessorized to wear with wedding dresses and where are your shoes and your hair go get your hair show them your hat taking the jacket off because I just got really hot all of sudden and yep there you go I cut the sides as well just so it could be a lot Lisa there's Hannah's hat guys oh well you ain't it Iger everything except for the vines of home Zara are you having my coffee phone you cheeky I didn't show you guys my new jewelry check out this gorgeous bracelet from guest they also got me earrings but knowing the earrings right now you want a picture hi guys Sunday we've been out all day but I've got to show you my outfit cuz obviously that's what we're doing now I am wearing this black sporty kind of jacket from course you also have a head look check out in the mirror they're ready with the hood duty scarf as usual underneath that jacket we have this blue sweater that I cut up actually because it's too long which is from ASOS but underneath I've just got this really thin chiffon sheer vest that I bought from boohoo years ago and I've kept it ever since just for layering and then these checker tarting kind of joggers that are also from boohoo ages ago but I've kept them for absolute years I'm wearing these blue janowski's that I also got about two years ago when we still live in Birmingham from the night outlet and Hannah is wearing her blue tracksuit which is as de boys school section what have you got in your hair today hey hey good girl you got clip and her bubble like I think it's pink blush pink cable net jumper on some jeans these red wings that I've had for about how many years now oh it's one of their classic versions you can get these here's my full look guys it's pretty slouch some pretty gross actually some guys just thought I'd show you I'm wearing obviously just to warn you it's slightly childish this outfit but it's a hoodie and I live in them some who cares anyway deucey scarf these earrings I got from a supposed to think ages ago and these are the ones they've got me from net-a-porter we've got pink H&M hoodie I've got this stripy t-shirt underneath also H&M for layering my H&M jeans I wear pretty much every day and then we've got these new boots that I picked up from ASOS actually which I thought it just perfect for the winter pretty much wear with anything and then I'm wearing some mesh socks underneath which are H&M then gets bracelet I've been wearing a lot recently then I've got my usual thin kind of gold rings this is my wedding band but this one and these two are just our goth ones they're like the cheapest gold band that you can get I think they're like 28 pounds each and I bought three because I mean I just keep them on all the time and they're very handy and then I've got this gold bracelet which is from Dubai I'm also going to be using a bag today this black rucksack that I've actually been wearing almost every day you can past seven months maybe since I stole it off", metadata={'source': 'RQDphL2MVlM'}), Document(page_content="I've actually been wearing almost every day you can past seven months maybe since I stole it off my sister how can you feel me there we go that's it it's the dull and dreary Tuesday we are spending it at home editing and tidying up the house so basically I mean nothing interesting just house clothes this yellow hoodie from Zara and then I'm wearing these flared kind of lounge pants that I got from boohoo literally like two years ago lounging today nothing interesting so I gotta be honest with you guys right basically it's Wednesday I have pretty much not gone out except for to pick up Anna from nursery and therefore I haven't really got dressed because even when I picked up Anna like it's just been said going in to get her and I'm just like waiting in the car or I've just driven him there I'm wearing this navy blue really Willie fleece kind of jumper that's slightly longer at the back there you go you can see it there and basically my sister chucked it out the other day so I was like I'll take that love for the house because it's nice and warm but I'm wearing these pull and bear lycra kind of flared trousers that I wore over the summer for a bit but they're not really that suitable to wear out because they're very very like lycra they're just good like for lounge pants only like 10 pounds I think and I don't know where this jump is from Ashley because like I said it's 2 C's old one the previous week to this I was basically like really crazy busy and I was out every day to relay basically this week I haven't been that busy which I'm very thankful for and that's why I thought I'd maybe do this vlogging outfit thing but what I found is that the last two days yesterday and today I've actually had a bit of a I've been feeling like and I think it's because I've been eating like I've been binging a lot I kind of falling back into my old eating habits which is really bad it makes me not want to get dressed to makes me not want to go out it makes me want to cancel a lot a lot of plans and it makes me very very unproductive so hopefully tomorrow you'll see me back in actual clothing all right morning guys a little crazy in fact I feel a little bit like a Kylie Jenner Jabby we all know that trend I have a look what I'm wearing this is the cat that Sid picked out from Azara ages ago I'm wearing this gingham top that's actually long but I tucked into this me mu maxi skirt these sick sock boots which are from Zara and then I've got this vintage bomber over the top monkey this mad fluffy hooded parka jacket from boohoo man I'm wearing this pink jumper which I cuts because it's too long then I'm wearing Zara checkered trousers we've got some fishnet socks on from H&M and these shoes that are from shopton boo boo in about two years I think said you wanted to show them the full outfit not yours oh my full of it Wow Zara Zara Zara Oh adidas these are cool they're the Japanese use a hypebeast boy I'm not I hope you enjoyed this weekly diary of my outfit yo daddy's gonna dis me and say all he does is wait wait what he does is wears all right yeah would you stop coming on sorry sorry sorry don't worry the Wardrobe will expand about the moment was a lie man okay also by the way I didn't tell you I'm wearing those guest suit again I love hoop earrings and it's quite nice to have a pair of good quality ones anyway I hope you enjoyed this week's outfit Diaries of our clothes Bailey mine but I'll see you at the end of next week if you would like any details of all of the outfits where everything's from in the description box is the link to my 21 button it's a profile which has all of my shop of the legs on pretty much my whole wardrobe that you can go through from once back and have a look at pretty much all my clothes click and there's really the shop so", metadata={'source': 'RQDphL2MVlM'})]
[Document(page_content="I can't believe I'm actually learning how to disarm a gun for the next month I'm going to be training like the iconic DC superhero Batman and to kick things off I'm gonna meet with Richie Citrone who is the real-life Batman my name is Richard Citrone my favorite IMDB credits are Batman dawn of Justice for sure Justice League Suicide Squad Captain America Civil War started training in 87 so you kind of say I've been I've been working my way up to this point for a long time because Batman is one of the most recognizable superheroes of all time I also know that the stakes for performing this character are incredibly incredibly high and I've got a lot to learn in just one month so for Batman in particular there's a lot going on beyond martial arts with the gadgets and everything yeah you have to really you have to train the fights the choreography like you know it like to back your hand so when you go and perform it you don't have to think about it according to the comics and my research Batman apparently knows hundreds of different martial arts but also he can handle weaponry including his custom batteries you have to you can't nail this thing this is Batman I'm going to be splitting this training into two different sections the first part I'm going to be learning the Israeli martial art of Krav Maga Krav Maga is especially important to Batman's character because of his past he doesn't want to kill any of his opponents instead he chooses to subdue them in addition I'm also going to be training with Jack dagger who is a world champion knife thrower that exists he tested the physical batarangs that were created for the Cartoon Network Batman special what are some key things you think I should keep in mind get the vibe of his movement its attitude as much as the moves are important it's the attitude behind the moves like you don't cower to anyone you're Batman all right let's become Batman so today I'm meeting Jack dagger who is a world champion knife-throwing and Sheraton expert to learn the Batarang or throwing star aspect not many people in the world know how to do this hello hi good how are you so I show up at Jack daggers house to get this Batarang throwing lesson walked through the gate and he's holding an axe I'm so excited I'm glad to have you hi I'm Jack dagger the king of fling the world champion knife thrower I was contacted by the cartoon network of all people and they wanted to have me come in and test batarangs here's your dagger Arya Stark Wow it's very heavy the reason it's heavy is just to slow you down the knife has enough mass on its bone to do the job and stretch myself like it sounds like a movie grab my knives I want you to come over here it's the in front of the target board what and then he asks me to go stand right by the target and I'm like oh no I'll bring your arms together like that so you're prepared you're ready you're ready for the coffin should this go wrong I'll leave the fire knives in my back too you have fire and ice like of course he's a world champion either err there's no way he's actually gonna hit me but at the same time there are knives we're going right past my ear and I just hear zoom to do right all around my body oh my god that's a once-in-a-lifetime experience getting knives thrown at you not many people can say they've done that around you around me hi my name is Oscar liebe I'm a Krav Maga black belt and instructor so Batman doesn't like to kill people but he does do a lot of weapon disarm Krav Maga is perfect for that first we're gonna focus on the combative techniques then we'll take it to weapon disarms so your elbows and knees or your friends in the fight Majan someone's grabbing foody hi oh just send that elbow right to the stomach right go go go woo that address is coming out of your girl I love it but I want to get that aggression even more aggression honey okay so here's what's gonna happen against of enough yes you are a", metadata={'source': '2VP846QcA_4'}), Document(page_content="even more aggression honey okay so here's what's gonna happen against of enough yes you are a little bit scary that same feeling of like walking home at night and feeling uncomfortable like comes up a little bit we're doing the drills but then I have to like get over it and like push and like be more aggressive in about two years ago I was assaulted at knifepoint when I was walking home going into the challenge I was kind of like oh this will be great this will be fun it'll be a good workout and I'll learn some things but I didn't really think about how much it would bring up for me mentally and almost triggering in a way normally this is a higher level technique I normally wouldn't show this to people who are just starting off because we got to get you going right away I'm gonna get you to start defending against a gun for now I want you to hold on your right hand I want you to point it to me so and when I had to hold the gun I was just like overcome with your paralysis I'm not just learning these things to look cool on camera or to get in shape this is a situation I could be in one day and that's really scary I hate my hands have to move first my body moves second my feet move last so when I make all of this and one go you're literally grabbing the gun yes I'm grabbing the gun what the best way to defend the gun is to grab the gun you redirect the gun boom I just shoot that's why I need to be explosive and you see me move say bang bang bang [Music] [Laughter] redirect I burst in launch control rev brakes tape doesn't do that okay I like no it's a fake gun but it's still like really it's just it's pretty stressful yeah I don't know I've never um had a gun in my face but I'm glad that I'm learning how to deal with it yeah so now aim Wow look at the middle so aim small miss small you've heard that before right so you're not just aiming for the hole 10 centimeter bull's eye you're aiming for the very middle of it so you got a second eyes in your hand stretch good perfect look at that [Music] have you ever like been presented in a situation where you've had to use Krav Maga yes against a neighbor he was basically being abusive to his girlfriend and then Oscar tells me he's actually used Krav Maga in his life before to help save his neighbor screaming he starts yelling out somehow he knew was me they called the cops and he yelled out my name I think back to my assault situation I just wonder how much differently it would have gone if I had known Krav Maga so this stuff is real this stuff is real [Music] to [Music] Oh [Music] I can't believe that I just finished an entire month of training like that man more than any other fight scene we've done before this one stems from actual self-defense techniques not to mention I got a custom super suit made for this fight it feels really good to look strong and feel strong to use an inhale just what you looking for YouTube virus that will change everything my name's Brandon by the way pretty soon I'll be hearing that name so is it true are you actually you know find a group of guys are going to break into the fire finish I don't know I can't find the driver must have fell out put it in the top right drawer oh she's trying to stop the she's on the good side how are you feeling I can see Bionic optic implants Google took quite good care of you the least we can do for what you did Tay Zonday surprising I know but sometimes life calls us into unexpected roles miscarry let me show you yours [Music] kögel needs you to track down Brandon and bring him in as long as he's out there he's a threat to creators everywhere [Music] I already told you I don't know where he is he never told me anything important yet you were the one responsible for planning the virus wait he just assumed I was good at computers because I'm Asian well what does it do it's like an instant messenger for your first virus hijacks millions of YouTube accounts at once and forces", metadata={'source': '2VP846QcA_4'}), Document(page_content="an instant messenger for your first virus hijacks millions of YouTube accounts at once and forces them to subscribe to any channel of your choice in an instant I thought you were into bugs I used to have a bug curling up actually I wasn't great with names what channel was he going to give him mind subscribers - good morning Brittany axe what's going on Bren the man here staying fit getting laid every single day [Music] well that brand the man you've heard of him yeah I called my manager last week trying to collab got like 50 subs though that guy's sucks I'm up finish your cereal okay [Music] [Music] you have arrived at your destination okay Google where the bad guys I'm sorry I don't have the answer to your question I thought you'd be a lot more like Jarvis the time is 11:51 p.m. [Music] [Music] you have a dental appointment scheduled for Wingull pay attention playing attention by Charlie just bran the Manchu here you need to chill who are you show yourself [Music] [Music] I yield where's Brandon the warehouse district to 48th Street travel time is 13 minutes in current traffic I did what you asked she's on her way I think I got goodies we got t-shirts everything you want and we just released the new brand the man double bills swag hat and hot pink a camo well anyway that's all I got for you folks today remember brainiacs stay fit get lit Brannon out whoo", metadata={'source': '2VP846QcA_4'})]
[Document(page_content="I have a human interest story it involves an LAPD cop felt's traffic what have we got [Music] first rule of police work is make no assumptions until you've seen the evidence you are out at the rail yard and when you have that proves I was there [Music] tell us what we want to know mind if I shoot this guy he's getting on my nerves but all the cops must sound crazy [Music] have you finished detective I'm just getting started rated M for Mature [Music]", metadata={'source': 'lsfzA7sWlOM'})]
[Document(page_content="You started your Presidency in 1992. Andy and I started doing this show in 1993 and so I have some appreciation for, in that span of time, how much things have changed. Now, you were out there campaigning hard last year at this time, you probably, I'm curious: did you think you saw a different America than the one that you had seen when you were campaigning back in 1992? Do you think we have profoundly changed since then? Yes and no, that is I think the good news is, and I know it's hard to see and was totally unfashionable to talk about in 2016, but, the country is much more diverse than it used to be, and I think that's a good thing. (audience applauds) We are still, compared to other wealthy countries relatively young, and having lost it, I can tell you youth matters. (audience laughs) That is, the median age of the workforce is a big deal in terms of the economic potential of a country. So in a sense, the birth rate of native-born Americans of all races is just barely at replacement level. We need immigrants to come in\n(audience applauds) and keep diversifying the country and helping us grow. (audience cheers and applauds) But that's better, now. So the thing that's not so good is that we're in the middle of--\nTrump! Of revolution, yeah,\n(audience laughs) Well there is that. (audience laughs) Excuse me, I'm sorry, sir, we know. (audience laughs) Believe me I know, especially today. But anyway, we're in the middle of this transition of how we get our information, how we communicate, and the pattern of economic growth has heavily favored people with more education and heavily favored people without regard to their education level if they live in or around cities that are growth centers. So for example in the last election, President Trump won all these rural counties. They comprised, he got 46% of the vote. They comprised 36% of the GDP of the country. The counties Hillary carried comprised 64% of the GDP of the country, even though the median income of a Trump voter was slightly higher than the median income of a Hillary voter. The people who voted for her were people who were hopeful about the future, believed in the assets of the country, believed we could grow together and go together, and we're somehow--", metadata={'source': 'X7flefV8tec'}), Document(page_content='(audience applauds) And we\'re basically more resistant to the bizarre nature of the way the election was covered. They just looked at the debates and they looked at the conventions and they made a choice, and so I think that all of us have to do is no matter how happy some of us are about what happened yesterday in the elections, we have to remember that the founders told us our job was to create a more perfect union, so we have to bridge these economic divides, just like we ask the people on the other side of the social divide to help us bridge the social divide. We have to create inclusive economics, inclusive societies, and we need an inclusive culture. (audience applauds) And then, we need to tell all these people that just make up stuff on the internet to knock it off, that we\'re voting for people who are going to do jobs, these are jobs, and as soon as somebody gets one of these jobs, you find out pretty quick that the decisions they make have consequences, that affects people\'s lives. And so it matters what you know and even more important, it matters how you think. Whether you\'re conservative or liberal, do you believe this is an interdependent age, and we can\'t escape each other, then you gotta decide, which is more important, our interesting differences, or our common humanity, and that\'s the conclusion I draw, but it is different and it\'s way better in some ways, and much more troubling in some ways. And the dictators\' club in the world, and there\'s a bunch of \'em you know, they want two things. They want nuclear weapons because they feel like they can never be dislodged no matter how much people hate \'em if they got nuclear power, and they want to abolish the line between fact and fiction and truth and lie because they figure if you don\'t know what\'s true and you don\'t think you can ever know, that pretty soon everybody will accept the fact that democracy\'s no longer possible. Right, you\'re talking about foreign countries now, or here, \'cause that\'s (laughing) (audience laughs) That shook me to the bone for a second, I thought we were in Korea. (audience laughs) Look, all I can tell you is--\nYou just said a lot by saying nothing.\nNo, but look at the effort here to disenfranchised voters, to make it harder for young people, for people of color, for the elderly, infirm, who are poor and vulnerable, for all kinds of people to vote. The reason there\'s no immigration reform is because the people who are against it are afraid it would adversely affect their electoral prospects, if more people who work and pay taxes could also vote. And when the Supreme Court gutted the Voting Rights Act, they made a terrible mistake because it unleashed all these efforts to basically try to shrink the electorate. But those of you who don\'t like it should own some responsibility if you have ever missed a midterm election. (audience applauds)\nBecause that\'s when most of the governors are elected, that\'s mhen most of the secretary or the legislators are elected, so we all got to own up, we need to just go out and start going up to people who are mad at us and say, "Look let\'s get over it, "we\'ve got to live together, "we\'ve got to share this together and if we work together, "we\'ll have better economics, we\'ll have better societies, "and we\'ll have a culture that we can all be a part of." (audience applauds and cheers)', metadata={'source': 'X7flefV8tec'})]
[Document(page_content='They knew we were coming. Goddammit our cover was blown! We can still get to that briefcase, okay? We just need to find a way to hit Ledlow during the day. We don\'t know where he goes between 9am and 6pm. You\'re right. We don\'t. But you know who does? Huck Taylor. A low-level courier. Every day at noon he leaves his place on Grand... Grabs two coffees from his local cafe... And picks up the dry cleaning. And always, without fail ends up... Here. Where the penthouse is rented to one, J. Rittenour. Ledlow. Alright, let\'s do this. We don\'t know where he goes between 9am and 6pm. You\'re right. We don\'t. But you know who does? Who? Wait. But- but who? Let me show you. You can just tell me. Hold that thought, I just want to show you. I just want to put a face to the name for you so- So, just come on. It\'ll be easier if I- Oh. Yeah, okay. It feels simpler. Yeah, yeah, right, okay. It\'ll just be clearer. (printer sounds) Uh, do you have a-? Oh! Yeah. Here ya go. Sweet. Yup. Nope. Huck Taylor. A low-level courier. Every day at noon he leaves his place on Grand... and then I\'ll show you where he goes next. Let\'s go. Go? Where are we going? Where Huck goes. Let\'s just hop in the car. Did I drive? No I drove. Yeah? Yeah. I\'m usually a pocket- oh. Uh, it\'s not that far. You know you could just tell me where we\'re going. I kinda just wanna- I kinda wanna show you. I just wanna get there. Alright. You know what now I\'m too cold. I asked for the AC and now it\'s like too much. So what is it a left you said? Sorry- hi, hey how\'s it going? No I didn\'t forget I\'m very excited. Um, no. I haven\'t set that up yet but I will. Okay, see you then. Love you too. Hey, do you know any good babysitters? How long is this gonna take? No, not \'cause of this. It\'s not long it\'s fine. I\'ll figure it out. I\'ll figure it out. We\'re close by the way. Great, okay. Thank God. Kay, buhbuhbuhbuhbuh. Huck Taylor. Local courier. Works for Ledlow. Yeah. Okay? So then, he grabs two coffees from his local cafe... Then he gets back in his car and heads... from here I think you would go South, right? Woah, this isn\'t the end place you were talking about? No this is just the coff- this is just his first- I\'m like walking you through his day. So. I sometimes don\'t realize how hungry I am until I\'m like actually eating food, does that make sense? Yeah, yeah like right as you\'re about- it goes like oh man- ahh. You\'re gonna kill me. We gotta turn around. You should have gotten the Twizzlers? I should have gotten the Twizzlers! Let\'s do it. Let\'s go back. Let\'s do it. Let\'s go back. Alright. How are you and Erika doing? Good. Yeah good. Yeah? Legit. Totally good. Yeah? Nothing really... Right. To report. I just- I feel us becoming my parents. Like we always had such an equal partnership, and then we have a kid and bam. I flip into this like totally insane like provider mindset. Where all of a sudden I\'m pulling way too many heists. And I\'m just like not around at all. Like today I couldn\'t even find the time to get a babysitter. Like I think of myself as a feminist but I\'m like falling back on these old-ass gender norms that are just like totally unfair to her. So much of it is falling on her, ya know? She takes care of little Mitch, and she cooks, and she pays the bills... And picks up the dry cleaning. And always, without fail ends up... Putting her two guys first. Ya know? You\'re growing up. It\'s another- it\'s another chapter. I need to be around more. Maybe we should just like scale back a little after this one last job. (singing) "Ooo ahh, just a little bit. Ooo ahh, little bit more!" You wanna give me the address and then we can get there and I\'ll see it? I\'ve got it in my phone. Like I\'m gonna navigate it\'s fine. We\'re out here now and someone\'s gonna be like \'Hey, is that my Uber driver?\' And get in the back seat.. Like uh, \'No. Sorry, this isn\'t Uber Pool.\' (laughter) I think we missed a left back there. Yeah, let\'s', metadata={'source': 'r96KpNTcog4'}), Document(page_content="uh, 'No. Sorry, this isn't Uber Pool.' (laughter) I think we missed a left back there. Yeah, let's turnaround. Kay, you remember what I was saying? Earlier? About gender roles? No, about Huck Taylor. We've been talking about a lot today man, I've forgotten most of it. Okay. Huck Taylor. Goes and he gets two coffees, right? Right. And he always brings 'em... Wait. He's a courier? Yes, he's a courier, works for Ledlow. Brings two coffees... here- His name is- what's his name again? His name is Huck Thompson- Taylor. Taylor. Now you got me confused. Huck Taylor. Huck Taylor. I remember now. Yes, okay yeah! And he gets two coffees... Gets two coffees... And he brings them... here. Where the penthouse is rented to one, J. Rittenour. Ledlow. Alright, let's do this. Right, not now though obviously. Right-right. Because they're not here on a Friday. But we'll come back. I just wanted you to see it. Appreciate that. Yeah. Yeah. I should get back anyways, I gotta babysit for my best friend. Let's go man. Did I drive or-? I think... I drove. Did I-? Now that you mention 'waxy', it does feel LIKE I could be eating a candle But like a pretty candle. A lovely, vaguely strawberry candle. Yeah. Sunsets are beautiful. Yeah. Pretty COMMON Take. When I say 'Like', you say 'SUBSCRIBE'.", metadata={'source': 'r96KpNTcog4'}), Document(page_content='"Like!" (mumbled) \'Subscribe.\' Kinda swallowed it... This like doesn\'t stay in. THIS IS A REALLY CHEAP PLUG. Clear the lint out of it. Oh. Yeah, that did it actually. I keep a toothpick just to clean the lint out of the, uh, the port in my phone. I guess I haven\'t noticed. Maybe my pockets are cleaner.', metadata={'source': 'r96KpNTcog4'})]
[Document(page_content='So we\'re gonna work with wild pumpkins today, the way you get one is you go into the forest and take a medium length cardboard tube and just want to give it a little *pumpkin mating call/roar* I\'ll just uh give this a minute and oh here comes one! Come on! Come on, buddy! See if we get him to jump right into my hand Come on little guy There we go look at this little ragamuffin Oop! Aww So we\'re gonna get the pie crust ready here. You want to take four or five slices of whole grain bread, Cut off the crust and then gently press those into a pie shell, Just keep spinning and pressing until you get a nice smooth texture, and then brush off the extra crusticles, and there\'s your shell. So we\'re gonna take our wild pumpkin and cut the top off and slide that can out. Give it a good rinse to get the guts off it and... Get that pumpkin into a bowl, we\'re gonna throw in two bagged eggs, 3/4 a cup of white sugar this will help the pie to taste just a touch sweeter. 1/2 a teaspoon of salt, and the spices... *sigh* This part\'s uh... a little bit sad for me; when I got the recipe from my mom she said it takes 1 teaspoon of cinnamon, 1 teaspoon of ground ginger, and a quarter teaspoon of cloves or and I quote, "I use two and a quarter teaspoons of pumpkin pie spice." *sigh* Just out here trying to come to terms of the fact that I\'ve been eating the pumpkin pie of shortcuts my whole life. Here I thought my mom wasn\'t afraid to get her elbows greasy and *sigh* Now I know she just likes to take the easy way out and the sad thing about it is that if you combine these spices which is super easy and then compare it to the pumpkin pie spice... *tasting sounds* So we\'re gonna use two and a quarter teaspoons of pumpkin pie spice And we just wanna wangjangle this together really good and once you\'ve got that mixed, pouring it into another bowl is totally unnecessary. In my family we usually add the cream directly from the udder of a cow but since I can\'t fit a cow in my kitchen, I\'ve got this condiment squeezer. And I\'m just gonna squeeze the udder while I slowly mix the cream until that\'s way soupier than you would ever expect. you\'re gonna be like, "no way is this a pie filling," but guess what? you\'re wrong, it\'s a pie filling. once that\'s nice and smooth, you\'re just gonna pour that in the pie shell and make sure you don\'t go too far to the top because this is basically a bowl of water. undow\'s on four twenty fundo and we\'re gonna cook that for 15 minutes at this hot temperature so that way we can get maximum crispy crustatude. and then after 15 minutes, we\'re gonna lower that to 350 and you\'ll bake that between 30 and 45 minutes. the way you\'re gonna test this by checking for the wobble you want to just give it a hit and if there\'s still a significant wobble, that pie\'s not cooked all the way through. you want some turgidity in the resistance of the wobbliness and jiggliness of the pumpkin pie filling. That\'s how you know it\'s done, and then once it\'s done you want to leave that to sit for at least an hour if not longer, And then all you have to do is decide how you want to whip cream it. You can do the mohawk, the fluffy bed cloud, the stupid. Feel free to do the rim job. You can go with the nihilist, the volcano, or the anarchist. ♪ Pumpkin, pumpkin, pumpkin pie get it in the season ♪ ♪when everything dies. Shove it in your face and try not to cry when you eat that pumpin\' pumpkin pie. My♪ ♪heart is sunken, shoulders slumping cause I can\'t get me a pumpkin♪ ♪PIE! PIE! PIE! PIE!♪ *single drum hit*', metadata={'source': 'hpapqEeb36k'})]
[Document(page_content="hey i'm bringing in groceries real quick but uh disclaimer real quick please watch the whole video try not to cringe too hard please do not try anything we tried we shouldn't have tried it but try not to comment mean stuff about how stupid we are and uh yeah enjoy well rose this is goodbye all my stuff's getting packed up right now guys all my shoes are gone all my stuff's off my dresser that big thingy my picture my stereo all my pillows are gone all i really have left is the bean bag and dom is here he's moving in when i move out yeah i'm moving in [Music] if you guys don't know dom he is from the meetup and i'm not moving gotcha i would never do that to you rose but i am getting new carpet today in my room and all this stuff's getting moved out we got to move my bed all the rest of my furniture all of my stuff is currently in my bathroom and my closet is it's so bad the entire bathroom is just completely full but you got to do what you got to do and then i'm probably never going to put this stuff back in my room i already know i'm going to be way too lazy to move all this stuff back in and we got new carpet in here they're definitely not going to know what difference why am i making a big deal about this it's softer okay it's like a centimeter longer than the other there's the old carpet here's the new carpet but dom drove here with two of his friends they both do flips they're amazing at flips they drove here in an rv they've been driving across the country the other two guys are brothers their name is jack and bailey should we go say hi let's go say hi oh my god that thing's huge feeder cold feet are cold feet are cold no what oh what's up jack she's naked don't film her either [\xa0__\xa0] clothes on dude this is a sweet rv maya master bedroom this is uh this is a flat screen tv we had guns in there um right here we got a pair of the newest gucci shoes that are out you're sick yes it's the rainbow that's for his brother right and then bailey sleeps up on the bunk bed whoa dude this is the legendary bag just like a table so you want to eat guys i want an rv now screw the lambo uh i installed a sub in here like two days ago no way your rib tattoo is almost as cool as mine oh he's got one too you're the only one jack oh this one's never going away i've had this before they've had their [Music] the table flips into a bed the couch flips into a bed and this is just sweet oh my god i didn't even say it what is going on guys today we're back and today hope you guys are all having a great day you guys already know we are back in kansas and i'm planning on staying here till christmas i want to make good vlog content for you guys throughout the holidays hi bro are we cooking up breakfast yeah bacon and eggs baby it's all about health that's why i have a red bull i wish we had the foam pit right now for these guys because they're insane they would be throwing triple backflips sadly we have like 50 foam blocks and those are covered in blood the carpet guys are here have fun i hate moving that bean bag oh my god you made it look effortless maybe i'm just push well i was going to take a shower but half of it's gone we got even more stuff in here looks like i'm going upstairs to my mom's but wait we have the same thing going on like yeah his is red mine's brown mine actually started out red and then it turned brown when i was like at the age of six dude the carpet guys are listening to some good jams this is from friends wondering what clothes to wear and they're almost done and since this isn't a mole like i'm about to put on some makeup i don't even care i'm about to own it i'm sneaking up into tristan's room i'm guessing it's just this one with this one hey guys it's tristan and welcome back to my youtube channel now we are sexy and we can carry on with the rest of the day better put this back so i don't get screamed at until tomorrow when tristan watches this luna you haven't been in the", metadata={'source': 'cmoknv58jjE'}), Document(page_content="so i don't get screamed at until tomorrow when tristan watches this luna you haven't been in the vlog come here come here come here what are you doing yeah good girl so we have big plans for today i hope you don't die about a fly over the car but right now we will get an early morning warm-up trampoline session for the day i wear my shoes yeah yeah no well actually no take them off i'm kidding i was kidding [Music] my [Music] so yeah we got this idea it was his idea not mine for bailey to actually flip over my ra like straight on he's done it from the side like right over here before and he's made it over a corvette he's super good he tells me not to worry but i don't want to kill a guy in my car today it's a big fat maybe right now like like the height comparison it probably goes up to my nipple so he's gonna have to go up like four feet this car is actually taller than my sister so it's gonna be a challenge for her to try to leap above the height that she grew from the earth we'll see he calls his brother his sister by the way fuel up so i can flip over this 8r bruh i hope you know what you're capable of we are going to eat our freddy's frozen cheeseburger luna not you not you and then we are going to the road by my grandma's house you guys know the road we will have an easy straight road perfect shot at this and no trips to the hospital today i don't think this guy knows that we're about to flip over a car well he is but still tristan's pulling up with the other two and uh i don't know if i want to drive like i'm obviously the most experienced driver it is my car dom might be driving i might be driving we'll do a ton of practice runs don't worry guys i think we're good i'm hyped for you i want to know how this is going to be an exhilarating event in this brisk cold weather she doesn't know either by the way this little one might yeah she might look at her she's happy she's like he's gonna do it you're about to head out you going somewhere just to get the mail yeah how are you good that good yeah love you love you too bailey nice to meet you young oh thank you thank you hello guess who's about to be flipping over my car i don't know it's not me it's my sister my sister's not going to flip over fly today he's got the red bull he's going to be doing a round off you know what a round off is yeah yeah he's going to do that like that's his normal standing backfield height oh there he is my buddy here is about to flip over my car yeah good good good you've been to south carolina no yeah not much to do today never been to kansas yeah we have two it's really ironic that we are doing this right by a cemetery they're actually there's people digging right now like this is actually not okay okay so we're gonna have to be careful nearest hospital about an hour we're gonna get the practice runs going let's tell your prayer real quick he's got it a marker where i should take off every time um i think well that actually was high yeah that was pretty high i've been trying bro ah i'm telling you i think you got it i'm like i'm not even scared for you we'll do more practice runs the guy in the truck's like i want to watch this he knows what we're doing good thing the graveyard's closed because then we don't have to take them very far this is going to be my takeoff marker i hope this wasn't meant to be over there yeah it probably was right here practice number two let's get it all right so uh this is sharks angle we're just checking out it looks like my sister i think i've said that oh yeah i don't think she would have made that one she better make the actual one let's uh let's do more practice more practice practice makes perfect he's done double back flips on concrete guys i think we're ready you wanna do one more just go for it yeah we're gonna go for it right now go for it all right we have 911 on call right now what was that three practice runs yeah three practice rounds and every time was", metadata={'source': 'cmoknv58jjE'}), Document(page_content="on call right now what was that three practice runs yeah three practice rounds and every time was perfect [Music] my god trust me my head didn't hit me no you are no you're good oh my gosh oh my gosh it's just my legs sore but it's not like nothing dude it's broken right now we're good lay down look at your leg that did not work [Music] oh we're good you're good good good okay you're completely fine again yeah oh no i'm done but thank you like which one hit it dude they're good you're good slide them back look at your [\xa0__\xa0] my feet are busy already as you might have guessed we're not trying that again i'm telling you i landed like best case scenario rolled out yeah you're right that was awesome i looked back in the uh the mirror and i saw you roll i was like thank god he's like wait till my mom's done my mom is literally going to cry oh my gosh dude my angle holy did like a double dude he's just laughing and we're watching this back oh i hope you know you just did basically a double layout on congress did it double lane people tell me to do it i just did it i was going straight on with him and i went off to the side because i was like nope don't call my mom back my mom just called i have to call her back no don't tell her anything follow her back but don't tell me what happened holy crap that's exactly what i said was going to happen i'm scared bro you good that's fine dude you're good it's a little bruised ain't nothing bad he's walking he's standing up he's fine maguire send me more pants oh rip just got him ripped dude i don't even want to upload this video i don't want to edit it i don't want to watch it i just want to crawl up in a ball and be like wow this is the thing though the fact that he's okay is why you can do that because if he was yeah no no no if he was hurt at all this clip would be deleted but he wants it up it should be everybody go follow bailey on instagram right now bagels underscore pain i'll put it up on the screen he says he's fine hopefully it's not just the adrenaline we're gonna go home make sure he's completely 100 fine so you do want this on my youtube channel yes this is me signing you over to the youtube rights of this clip of me dying hey maybe ari will sponsor me maybe you'll get your own all right how do you say this and be like yeah dude that was awesome grandma and grandpa weren't too freaked out right grandpa was laughing at the storm you're gonna flip am i gonna flip after i saw that yeah but not with the car moving about that life and that is what a real car front flip looks like successful game brother that one's not going as viral though okay we're driving home i guess i'll drive i don't want to drive right now guys all right so this is what should have happened that's what should've happened guys but instead bro if you were not okay i wouldn't be able to live with myself i hope you know that dude always be good see ya pray for my mental health after that hey you called yeah making sure everybody's still alive yeah we're all alive and well did you do it yeah it did something happen it's awesome mom yeah you're gonna enjoy it oh you're gonna love it we'll be back at the house and you having fun at disney world yep i just had a guy flip over my car kinda kinda nice yeah it was something he flew like an airplane mom you wanna see and roll double isn't that awesome double and yeah and we're alive isn't that awesome bro his shoes just flew off flew off if your head would have caught right there you would 100 this is why i'm happy i was growing up on trampoline because my body awareness when i'm in the air is unreal so i spotted the ground you spotted the ground you see like oh yeah there's the ground hey there's the ground okay now i need to tuck my head and land flat on my back on the road okay so i will say this the thing that i had to get used to with him is realizing that it's a sport that you guys do over and over and over again i'm", metadata={'source': 'cmoknv58jjE'}), Document(page_content="used to with him is realizing that it's a sport that you guys do over and over and over again i'm so scared people are gonna watch this video and be like tanner can killed him in his car he's stupid and every one of you is talking about that that's what i that's why i'm saying this the thing that it took me months and years to grasp is that you guys do this for a living and you understand yourself and you need to explain that in the video it's a blast oh yeah i'll sit down to an interview i'm down but that doesn't make me any less scared as a parent it's just like so that was ridiculous but on the bright side my room has new carpet i guess so bailey is icing his ankle we'll get him the massager soon and jack here wants to uh she's gonna try to flip off the top of the scaffolds into her uh little pond called a pool he wants to jump off the top floor of the scaffolding into the freezing cold pool he's not even getting paid oh my god [Applause] i don't like heights i mean i'm five eight and i'm already scared looking at the ground and we are out with the old microphone and in with this brand new one it is the new pro so hopefully it sounds good i'm gonna go help get some groceries but we are gonna go ahead and in this video here and hope you guys enjoyed it thank you so much for watching if anything he's a beast for trying it so leave a like on this video guys but yeah thank you guys so much for watching this video and don't forget to like share the video if you enjoyed subscribing and i'll see you guys next time [Music] [\xa0__\xa0] [Music]", metadata={'source': 'cmoknv58jjE'})]
[Document(page_content="[Music] in the early part of the 21st century Donald Trump had just been elected president of the United States the American Empire was in decline after decades of global supremacy the people had become lazy and stupid this country then who is going to be cleaning up the country seemed to be hanging by a thread but then a small card game company from Chicago Illinois known as cards against humanity' launched a bold campaign to save America these scrappy comedy writers would come to be hailed as saviors by the American people they stopped Trump's border wall solved the problem of fake news and ended the creeping scourge of homework the struggle was real things just kept getting worse and then it happened cards against humanity' announced this crazy holiday marketing campaign and it only cost 15 on the first day of the campaign cards against humanity' purchased acres of land on the us-mexico border and didn't build a wall on it they retained a law firm to fight the United States government and prevent them from ever building the wall everyone who signed up for the promotion was given a small portion of the land that way together they owned it the government would have to take them to court and fight in order to put up the law this was just day one of the campaign there were still five more days five more days of incredible surprises all for just $15 so how did the promotion work it was simple people used the internet a popular technology at the time and typed in ww2 ARDS against humanity saves america.com to sign up what would follow was an incredible barrage of gifts and surprises that captured the heart of the nation [Music]", metadata={'source': 'cxMvzK2OQTw'})]
[Document(page_content="Ah first dates There's nothing like getting ready feeling those butterflies in your tummy and hoping you don't make a fool out of yourself So a little something about our first date. We actually met online Yeah, we met on MySpace And we were talking for about a couple weeks on AIM my screen name was miss twisted And I was skatessta08 So my parents never really allowed me on dates And this was the first date that my dad actually allowed me to go on So the date preceded my mom actually dropped me off I drove Because I had my own car So we agreed to meet in a very public place because I didn't know if I was going to be kidnapped by a strange old man the beard Oh cupquake, wait you weren't cupquake back, then, Oh miss twisted. How are you? What better place to meet than the movies? So I continued walking and as I look up I see this Really tall, skinny guy Walking towards me Smiling creepily, and I think I smiled creepily back I remember how nervous I was, incredibly nervous, to the point where my hands were sweating So much... And I was afraid to hold her hands. I was pretty nervous, too So we continued and went to go buy our movie tickets Which we probably should have bought earlier because the movie we wanted to see was sold out So since our movie was sold out we had to choose the next best thing Anaconda JLo, big snakes, yeah, that sounds like fun! We bought tickets we walked in and I remember thinking hey. I'm hungry. I'm gonna get myself some popcorn You want some popcorn? So we grabbed some popcorn and a giant Diet Coke I walked into the theater as the movie was playing the whole time. I was thinking to myself Oh My hand is it weird. Oh my gosh. Can I I mean should I grab it his hands right there? It's it's on the thing should we hold hands and over on my side I remember thinking oh god, okay, so we're here or we're about to watch the movies previews are done. Okay, cool movie started Oh shoot. We're not holding hands yet should I hold her hand? Wait, wait, my hands are very sweaty. They're so sweaty god Wipe them. Wipe them. They're there her hands there. I'm going for it. I did it Was very excited So no not that okay. I'm holding her hand now. What do I do next? Oh wait? Maybe I could put my arm around here. Oh, yeah, I'm gonna do that let me do one of these oh Yeah, there you go, yes, I'm getting further along in this great job Mario you're doing great So we're about 20 minutes into the movie, and I'm like alright, this is going good, maybe I should kiss her now here I'm going for the kiss We did She looked away what? What oh my mind? I was thinking oh? No, he didn't he literally just went in for the kiss and it wasn't a romantic moment. I'm not gonna Let it go down like this Who does he think he is I'm not that easy He needs to work for it hmm eat some popcorn So then I thought all right Mario just collect yourself put yourself together an hour later I say to myself alright Mario. You've Mustered up the courage to do one more time. Let's see it again let's see if you go all the way come on Ready Set weed luck guys and I think this is the moment Mario 90% can I get the 10 can I get the 10? We kissed so the movie ended we headed outside still with each other hey Do you want to get some ice cream? There's a cut stone? corner Little did you know I love cold stone, and they had to contain myself We walked over to the ice cream store and Ended up getting our own We didn't share so we finished our ice cream and it's time for her to go back and I remember thinking all right I'm and really held her hand outside of the theater got a hold her hand at least one more time before she goes so I reach in to try and grab her hand as we're walking away and It was one of those awkward moments It looked like we're trying to do a handshake, but I have no idea how we're gonna grab our hands. We're gonna interlock Fingers, or we're gonna kind of just go palm it palm and the next thing that", metadata={'source': 'EEIP1YpFXrE'}), Document(page_content="We're gonna interlock Fingers, or we're gonna kind of just go palm it palm and the next thing that happened was totally unexpected I kind of giggled and laughed about it and Did this secret handshake? Squiggy wiggly Well if you're a nerd like me I used to watch a lot of cartoons and with rocket power It was a little thing that they did I was like a secret handshake And they would just twinkle each other's fingertips and say squiddy wiggity wiggity And I thought you would understand what that was But nope I didn't, but I thought it was the cutest thing ever so I was like aww, look at her She's a dork, and I like it. I was so mortified. I can't believe he didn't watch rocket power Hey, I remember you being embarrassed. Yep. You kept trying to apologize, and I said no. No that's perfectly fine I like this this Wiggity wiggity way anything of yours till this day. We still And actually he asked me to be his girlfriend right then and there hey Tiffany oh god I'm so nervous where am I gonna say how am I gonna tell hey? Well you want to be my girlfriend? Okay What she said? Yes, oh my god. I'm so excited right now like the gentleman He is he actually walked me to my mom's car where she was waiting and she met him for the first time hi, Mrs Garcia uh I'm Mario nice to meet you I was super nervous to me her mom so nervous total brownie points with the Mrs Garcia thing though You got to be proper pro tip as we go our separate ways My mom was really giddy in the car driving home asking me How it was I asked her what she thought of him, you know she said he has really soft hands And that was our first date", metadata={'source': 'EEIP1YpFXrE'})]
[Document(page_content="I really want to travel more but never again on Spirit Airlines You guys have flown on Spirit Airlines? The Motel 6 of the sky? You've experienced that?! The only airline with roaches. Except even the roaches walk on the plane and look around like...I don't need this... I feel like Spirit is so cheap they just tape a picture of clouds to the outside of the windows and drive you to your next location. I was on a Spirit Airlines flight this past summer and we were still at the gate we hadn't pushed back yet so I got on the plane and I sat down and the flight attendant comes on the intercom and she goes Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen this is your flight attendant speaking... JANICE! And I just wanna let you know we're having a bit of a WEIGHT DISTRIBUTION ISSUE on the aircraft today so if we have any volunteers that would like to move to the back of the plane we would greatly appreciate that THANK YOU! And I was like uh... a weight distribution issue?! So immediately I moved to the back of the plane and I sit down and strap myself in, and I look forward and no one else had moved! No one had moved so I'm thinking like okay do these people just want the plane to do front flips in the sky? A few minutes later I see Janice start to waddle her way toward the back of the plane she sits down next to me and she looks over and says Hey thank you so much for moving! And I was like yeah no problem, is everything ok? And she goes WE'LL SEE!!! We'll see?! Pretty sure you're not supposed to say that on an airplane, Janice! I feel like that should be their new motto Spirit Airlines...Fly With Us! And We'll See!", metadata={'source': 'YvfYK0EEhK4'})]
[Document(page_content="Justice League is finally here and you know what that means bring on the fun discussions bring on the fan discussions talking about Justice League DC Comics Marvel Comics so everybody can have fun in the discussion below and not perpetuate a very toxic environment that does reality right now [Music] Justice League so Justice League is directed by Zack Snyder who's to us directing credit in the credits it's the film adaptation among the DC Cinematic Universe of the Justice League the DC heroes coming together and forming you know pretty much DC Avengers so maybe the Avengers are Marvel Justice League expect it's just saying in this story there is a villain called Steppenwolf who's coming to earth to do you know bad guy things can't have spoilers here so Bruce Wayne and Diana Prince that would be Batman and Wonder Woman have to go around and get a team together to fight this so Earth doesn't you know die I've been looking forward to this man how can we not be looking forward to this when the Avengers happen and started a cinematic universe and we learned DC was doing theirs who didn't have a boner for Justice League that's awesome some bumps along the way among the Cinematic Universe for some fans but I'll admit it you're morbidly curious aren't you so what I liked about this movie is if there is a character that you liked in a previous movie in the DC Cinematic Universe and they're in this movie what you liked about them is generally speaking intact I mean there's some character growth in this one because this movie takes place after the other movies you can tell Batman for one has grown a bit and they address that in this movie but point is the essence of him Wonder Woman what you liked about her that's intact let the newcomers flash cyborg Aquaman I'm interested in curious about all their movies I don't know if cyborg is actually getting his standalone movie the flash was definitely the comic relief's there's more comedy tied in with him than most other characters he even says in one of the trailers he was like I don't get into fights I just run really fast and push people over can we think about the flash you're like yeah that's true what if he goes up against someone really powerful really fast he hasn't dealt with that yet but when he ran when he was Halle ass and that Speed Force is coming off of him in the form of lightning it just looks really cool I didn't actually remember that it wasn't yellow I'm used to being yellow a fan of the flash TV show and it never once bothered me I'm just saying people are entitled to their nitpicks that would have been one but it was also Arthur curry Jason Momoa as Aquaman I will say of the characters for me he's the one that kind of got left in the background a little bit he certainly has a couple of fun moments of action which you saw in the trailer I mean when it was when he's riding that parademon tide that's in the trailer and I don't like it when trailers spoil something that would have been so cool to see in the movie for the first time turns out that trailer in this movie they did that but from the trailer I thought it was just gonna be a dude with one lines like mom man yeah in the simplest way I can explain it I liked his personality the personality of the characters in this movie actually supersedes the action stage also cyborg the CGI on cyborg is the most noticeable more noticeable in some scenes more than others to dude is 90 is on percents AGI so there's no getting around it and it's not completely noticeable all the time the time and effort spent on cyborg developing his character and there's a fair amount of it he's kind of a newbie his powers are developing we can forgive those moments of noticeable CGI with cyborg character comes first and this being a mix of heroes I do enjoy that mix of heroes you have your rookies who got their powers not too long ago and you have your seasoned veterans there are some scenes where", metadata={'source': 'pgjRX9oGF7g'}), Document(page_content="got their powers not too long ago and you have your seasoned veterans there are some scenes where you're like diets it that's notice about CGI cyborg but it doesn't change the fact that in the last act when I was seeing them all fight together I was like the Justice League just happened it's really neat it's an experience that I can say I was there I was alive I was reviewing movies I was watching movies when that happened for the first time I was here asks for the flowers this movie was supposed to be something like two hours 45 minutes and it was recently sliced down to be two hours or I think if the mandate was less than two hours of clocks in it like an hour 59 minutes and it does show especially in the first act of the movie this setup you can tell it's like they're supposed to be so much more information here even going into the second act of the movie that was more noticeable in the first act there's even one scene where it's just like something's gonna it's done now like okay something's missing isn't there so the pacing in some time blocks in the movie it's a bit choppy so I'm looking forward to seeing the director's cut or extended edition special edition whatever they're gonna call it it comes out on blu-ray it'll probably happen also there are a couple of instances where they talk about certain things that given previous movies in the cinematic universe couldn't have happened the way they said it happened so the chronology is starting to get fudged up a little bit the villain Steppenwolf I thought he was fine and functional for his part you feel like you're dealing with the middleman a bit you're like okay between the Justice League and Darkseid I guess there's you can't help but have the kid inside you jump up and down into the dark side but it was fine and functional when he was on screen when he was not on screen I kind of forgot about him first and foremost the point of all of it is seeing your heroes come together and for that I felt they did a good job with that Steppenwolf can take a back seat if they heroes get a front seat guys in the end Justice League was a very good time for me so it wasn't perfect there's some tonal issues in the movies I'm pacing issues in the movie some of the hammer didn't really land some of it actually surprisingly landed one thing that happens in here especially cracked me up I know that people were getting worried like what Perry White's not gonna be in the movie Lex Luthor's not gonna be a part of the plot when you look at it though it's like where would Perry White fit in here we're with Lex Luthor really fit in here so I'm glad they took him out a comic book fan and me was pleased and the movie fan in me was entertained and that will say Justice League is a good time no alcohol required yeah the movies better than Suicide Squad but this is why I hate ratings all right guys so Justice League have you seen it what did you think about it or let's let's theorize here not that I hold Rotten Tomatoes is the end-all be-all but it does make for a fun thing what do you think the tomato meter for Justice League is going to be by the end of the weekend whatever it is whatever you think comment below let me know and as always if you like what you've seen here and you want to see more click right here to see more [Music]", metadata={'source': 'pgjRX9oGF7g'})]
[Document(page_content='Hello, I\'m Gav. I\'m Dan. We\'re the slow-mo guys. I\'m cringing slightly because Dan has a Katana sword at my throat level. I actually use this to shave. Even just joking about that makes me cringe,\nCome on. because I know how\nimmensely sharp that is. You can see it. You can see the point just\ndisappear into nothingness. Yeah. We\'re gonna slice up some water bottles. You always see those compilations of very satisfying things, especially in GIF form. And one of them is just\nslicing through bottles with a Katana. Yeah I mean I\'m sure this is sharp enough, but it depends on my skill, whether I can actually get\nall through those bottles. How would you rate your\nskills as a swordsman? Not the best. I mean you don\'t really\nlearn it in the army. I guess, unless you\'re, I don\'t know, in the cavalry or an officer or something. Yeah, and use your Katana sword, hop on the horse. Yeah yeah, off you go. All right let\'s get to the\nslicing and the dicing. Filming this on the Phantom Flex4K, thousand frames a second, I\'ve got a long trigger\ncable so I can be over there, just in case Dan lets go of the sword, or it\'s cheap and it just\nflies straight out of the hill. Who knows. Do you want goggles or anything? What, in case I get a\nsword in the eye somehow? Oh I don\'t know. Whoopsie. Just looking out for you B. Cheers B. All right. How many do you think I\'ll get through with my first swing? Because I\'ve never done this before. I think you\'ll go like and get like six. Yeah?\nYeah. Ready?\nYeah. You\'re absolutely right. I got through like four and messed it up. I\'m so bad at this. I just saw water go all over the Phantom. Oh no. Probably should move it back a bit. Yeah. Your face. I\'m just concentrating too much. It got deflected so perfectly, that it just caught this one bottle here, right on the lid, and like, made a little leaky hole. You couldn\'t have done that if you tried. Imagine that, "Open this bottle for me," Za! Thank you. All right, we\'re reducing the amount to a measly 10. Measly 10. It\'s not the blades fault, because it\'s just going\nstraight through them. You saw on that last shot.\nI think what\'s happening is, as your blade hits at this angle, it just drives that angle. Like, whatever slight angle you have is like amplified when you go through. It has to be pitch perfect on where it hits and how it hits to go through all of them. Yeah. If I\'m even slightly off on the angle, it\'s just gone. It\'s very difficult. Flipping heck. Goodness me. Got no idea how many I got through there. I think it was about seven. Seven? That\'s my record so far. That\'s not bad. Cheers. Ready to go B. Ready to go. Right, I\'m gonna hold\nthe sword at a slightly, like, downwards angle, so that hopefully when I swing, it\'s gonna just stay level\nas opposed to going up. All right B. Okay?\nYeah. You ready?\nYeah. This feels weird,\nholding it like that but, here we go. Way better. Way better. I think you\'ve found your calling there. Flip! It went through like butter. They\'re all like very similar height too. Look, this just popped off. There was water held in there. Did you see that? So wait. It was just holding water\nand it just went "oof". So wait, you chopped that,\nand it fell and landed with water inside?\nWith water in it, yeah. How did you get such a perfect seal? I didn\'t even realize it had water in it because I picked it up\nand I was just like, "Whoa!" So you angled it slightly down. Yeah, I angled it down. It just doesn\'t fit naturally in the hands. It sort of fits slightly wrong. Oh my Lord! Every bottle still has water in the top. That was perfect. I didn\'t knock anything at all. It just went straight through. Some of the bottles barely noticed, look. This one landed with water inside it. It looks like the bottle\'s\nbeen somehow trapped in the table. It\'s like Willy Wonka\'s bottle. It\'s been like, X-Men-ed into the table. Before we move onto colored ones Daniel. Yeah. Now that you\'ve discovered', metadata={'source': 'bAkEd8r7Nnw'}), Document(page_content='your true sorting method. My calling in life. Why don\'t we just put the\nrest of the bottles up, and see how many you\ncan get through, yeah? Okay, so last time it was 10, and this time I\'m gonna\ncover the entire table and see what happens. And pretty much to see if it\'s a fluke. 16, there\'s an extra six. Little bit more pressure. I\'ve also switched the camera now to 4K, because I just wanna see the\nlovely resolution on this one. Be a little bit faster, but, oh the pixels. No pressure then. No pressure. Where do I even aim? Oh God, where do I aim? It\'s just too much. Looks like it went up again. Yeah. It looks like you got one more than last time. Oh I did, yeah. It was just a fluke maybe. It was a fluke. God. Ah. What? Come over here. What is it? So I think I know what happened here. You can see where you went wrong. Go on. Oh no! I hit the table.\nYou took a chunk of the table out. I was like, "I\'m sure\nthat would work again." It\'s because right, go back, rewind it. This is the problem. I was looking at that, the last bottle, because I was like, "Well, that\'s where I\'ve got to swing to." It was just too many to concentrate on. To be fair, the fact\nthat you hit the table and then hit 11 bottles, that\'s impressive to me. I feel like the technique\ndefinitely worked though. Yeah. It\'s just, I hit the table first. Yeah. Oh man. Where\'s this bit of missing table. Whoa! I just sliced it clean off. Look at it.\nThat\'s our favorite table Dan. No, the janky table has The jankiest table.\ntaken a hit. Should we try and glue\nit back together again? Well, if we can find the little... chunk. Oh. Where\'d it damn go? Here it is. Oh yeah. Let\'s get that back. Oh. There we go. I can\'t believe I hit the table first. What a mug. Okay, the colors are ready. Yeah. Better prepare for a\nsticky mess on this one. Oh yeah. We\'ll do it twice, I\'ll go wide and tight. Slower on the closeup. Okay.\nYeah. Yeah. Whoa. What a colorful, sticky, fizzy mess. Oh, I just put this lens on too. Oh no, has it got caked. Caked, the house is caked. Oh, the house is covered in red juice. Definitely went up again then? How can you tell? No idea. I wanted to just leave them\ncompletely where they were, but, because of the pop they\nkind of bang and explode. Yeah. So they just go everywhere. We\'ll get a closer up on now. Yeah. Yes, nailed it. Nailed it. Felt so much better. Whoa! Oh! Sorry B. Damn it. Oh! Geez! That\'s how you get ants. Every video that goes by, the resale value of this place goes down. It\'s horrendous. It\'s like tainting a place. You always know the guy\nthat just taints it. It\'s cool how the empty space clouds up, as they are breached. It\'s amazing how much brighter\nit gets after the hit. Like, this is quite a dark image. Yeah. You can see on the histogram, as soon as it starts happening, all the light goes up. Oh wow, yeah. That\'s how many brighter pixels there are. That\'s cool. Is it because the water\'s\nreflecting the light? Is that what\'s going on? What it is, is that the fizz is just making the liquid\nwhiter than it was before. Oh. And also, you\'ve got the sun glistening through it once in the air. My little pan there. Yeah, nice, strong. Very strong. I figured most of the action\nwas gonna go to the right, so, I\'ll wait for you to be done, and then go, "Whoop." Did you make the noise as well? I may have done. Can\'t believe I actually managed to get through all those bottles, and it was so much easier\nwhen I angled it right. It just went through all of them, it just felt like butter, it was nothing. My favorite shot is just the\nshard of table flying away. All right, I messed that one up, yeah. It was just too hard,\ntoo many bottles there. Very satisfying footage. Very satisfying.\nVery cool. I can see that perfect one', metadata={'source': 'bAkEd8r7Nnw'}), Document(page_content='Very cool. I can see that perfect one\nbeing turned into a GIF of just like, "Oh it\'s nice to look at, and I don\'t know why." Yeah. And then someone\'s gonna end it just before it goes through the last one. Unsatisfying. Yeah, that\'ll be so annoying. Hopefully you enjoyed that video. Feel free to follow us on twitter. You can subscribe to this channel. We also have a second channel. We do. BTS and all that. And we will hopefully see\nyou in the next video, because this is what\nwe do on this channel. We continually make slow-mo videos until the end of time. Which, for our videos,\nWhich, for these cameras, is really far away.\nIs forever. Yeah.', metadata={'source': 'bAkEd8r7Nnw'})]
[Document(page_content='Florida oranges, Georgia peaches, and motherf******\ndancing California raisins. Even though all these fruits are really popular,\nnone of them are actually native to the United States. There’s actually one fruit that’s far\nmore American than any of those, but there’s a good chance that you’ve never even heard\nof it before. It’s called the pawpaw. This is Maeve Turner. She’s the herb garden curator at the Brooklyn\nBotanic Garden, and we talked pawpaws. They are native to a large portion of the\nUnited States, but they have this really tropical look. And they’re part of a plant family, Annonaceae,\nthat is mostly tropical, so they’re one of the only — they are in fact the only\ngenus in the family that grows this far north. They naturally grow along what’s called\nthe “pawpaw belt” that includes 26 states, mostly in the eastern half of the US. You can find them growing along the banks\nof rivers and in forests. And if you look up there, those are pawpaw\ntrees. And the twigs and bark on the trees contain\na natural insecticide, so they’re also really easy to grow organically. They’re also the largest edible fruit native\nto North America, which makes you wonder: What do these bad boys taste like? It’s sort of like a nutty fruit. It tastes tropical. Oh, it’s not bad. It’s very mushy. Oh, I don’t like this. It’s bitter. It’s not that good. I wish I hadn’t eaten it. They’re kind of a mess to eat, and the flesh\nsticks to the seeds a lot. Maybe you’ve heard them called by of one\nof the many nicknames they’ve had over the years: Indiana banana, fetid-bush, or bandango. No? All right, whatever, dude. There’s fossil records of pawpaws being\nin North America as long as 56 million years ago. And there’s evidence from Native American\ntribes showing that they were really prized in their ... using them for fruit and also\nusing the seeds medicinally, and even the bark from the trees they would use for rope\nor string. In May of 1541, the Spanish conquistador Hernando\nde Soto and his North American expedition reached the Mississippi River and documented\nNative Americans growing what some believe to be the first written record of the pawpaw. He wrote: “There is everywhere in the country\na fruit, the produce of a plant like ligoacam, that is propagated by the Indians, having\nthe appearance of the royal pear, with an agreeable smell and taste.” They’re often confused with the papaya,\nwhich, while sort of similar-looking, are actually totally different species. A papaya is a truly tropical fruit; it doesn’t\ngrow this far north. They’re also a lot bigger, and they have\na much brighter orange inner flesh. And you know that Australian pawpaw ointment\nyou’ve been using? It’s actually made using the papaya species. Sorry, mate. The pawpaw has a unique place in American\nhistory. The Jamestown settlement was carved out of\nwhat was likely a pawpaw patch. This is Andrew Moore. He wrote an entire book about the pawpaw fruit. The Founding Fathers of the US would’ve\nbeen familiar with the fruit. George Washington had them planted at his\nestate in Mount Vernon. Thomas Jefferson knew the fruit and had them\nplanted at Monticello. Jefferson loved them so much that he even\nsent pawpaw seeds to his friends in France, which I do every Christmas and have yet to\nreceive a single thank-you card. John James Audubon even included pawpaws in\nhis painting of a yellow-billed cuckoo in his book Birds of America. You’ll find towns named after the pawpaw\nin Illinois, Kansas, Kentucky, West Virginia, and Indiana. And there’s even a pawpaw festival every\nyear in Ohio, which can get pretty f****** crazy. There are entire towns named after the pawpaw,\nso why are you probably not going to be seeing them sold in your grocery store anytime soon? Sheri Crabtree works at the Kentucky State\nUniversity pawpaw program. A lot of the wild pawpaws are gone due to\ndevelopment. They’re native to kind of understory of', metadata={'source': '_BVAJ3PXZ1k'}), Document(page_content='development. They’re native to kind of understory of\nforests, and so a lot of them don’t exist anymore because land has been cleared for\ndevelopment, to build houses and cities and commercial developments. The United States lost almost 950,000 acres\nof forested land each year between 1990 and 2010, with the eastern portion of the US where\nthe pawpaws grow being disproportionately affected. I think people used to just be much more in\ntune with nature. People would go out and grow their own foods\nand look for foods in the woods, versus now people want to mostly just go to the grocery\nstore and buy their food. Which is another part of the problem, because\npawpaws don’t fit well within large-scale industrial agriculture. The fruit ripens really fast, so once it is\nripe enough to either be picked or fall off the tree, it’s almost too ripe within, like,\nthree to five days. Which makes it incredibly difficult to sell\non a mass scale. Contrast that with something like apples,\nwhich through a process called controlled atmosphere storage can be kept fresh for months\nat a time, making them easy to store and ship anywhere. In fact, most apples that you buy at the store\nwere probably picked over a year ago. Pawpaws, on the other hand, are inherently\nfinicky. They bruise easily, have a short shelf life,\nand don’t ripen at a predictable or uniform rate. So even though they’re delicious, nutritious,\nand native to the US, you’ll pretty much only be able to find them at farmers markets. Pawpaws thrived in a simpler time, when people\nwould go out into the forest and pick their own fruit. But as things changed and industrial agriculture\ntook over, the pawpaw didn’t really have a place in this new mass-produced modern world. But there’s almost something kind of nice\nabout it in a way. They very well maybe destined to be a niche\nor a specialty fruit. And, again, that doesn’t have to be a bad\nthing. You know, the pawpaw doesn’t have to rule\nthe market to be something that people enjoy. There’s a certain satisfaction in the journey\nthat it takes to acquire a pawpaw. It’s not an easy fix like an apple or a\nbanana, where you can just go on Amazon Fresh and have them delivered to you in an hour. You have to almost earn the pawpaw, in a way. So maybe they’ll never be as popular as\nother mass-produced fruit. And maybe that’s okay. Not everything needs to be an apple, and that\ncan be fine. The pawpaw doesn’t have to be something\nit’s not. It can just be the pawpaw, something that\npeople have enjoyed for centuries and, you know, hopefully may continue to enjoy.', metadata={'source': '_BVAJ3PXZ1k'})]
[Document(page_content="You look fantastic. Thank you. You look fantastic. Thank you. You really do. Thank you. And to think you're\nhaving a baby any time. I mean, that-- you look-- well, I'm not pregnant. You're not. Yeah. Someone else is pregnant. So you'll have a child soon. Soon, yes, very soon. Yes, how are the\nother two thinking about this new addition to\nthe-- like Saint and North, how are they feeling? Yeah, well, I don't know\nif my son gets it yet. Especially since I\ndon't have the belly, it is a different experience. So I said to my\nsisters, I was like, would I be really\ncreepy if I just had someone dress\nup like a big stork and drop the baby\noff at the front door and, like, have to explain that? Like, isn't that what we\nheard when we were growing up that storks drop off-- Yes, you're going to\nmess him up real bad. No, don't do that. I don't know why\npeople say that. Because that's just ridiculous. I know. And then your son is going\nto be like, yeah, well, in our family, a stork comes. Because they're already\ngrowing up different. And then they're going\nto really think that just because it's y'all, a\nstork does bring a baby. Yeah. My daughter thinks\nshe's really tricky. We had a baby shower\nover the weekend. And I thought, you know what? I really do want to\nhave a baby shower. Because I want her to feel\nthat something's coming and for her to\nreally understand it. So people brought\ntoys and gifts. And she was opening them\nall up the next day. And she said, Mom, since\nbaby sister is not here, I think I need all of\nher toys in my room, and I'll play with them and\njust make sure they're all OK for baby sister. And I'm like, OK. She's the toy tester. And you just told\nus it's a girl. Oh, I did. Yeah. [AUDIENCE CHEERS] Yes, it is. It's a girl. It is, yeah. North is finally-- she's\nreally excited about that. I bet, to have a sister. She's not happy\nhaving a brother? That was a little trickier. OK. So now she has a sister. She's so excited. Let's see if it lasts. I don't know. I've tried to explain to\nher, OK, 4:00 in the morning, when you come in my room, I\nhave to be with baby sister. I have to feed her. So we'll see how it goes. Is that her name,\nbaby sister, because-- do you have a name yet? We don't have a name. And at the baby\nshower, I was like, I don't want to play any baby\ngames, measuring the belly. None of that will work\nfor this time around. I just want everyone to\nwrite a name on a little tile and see if there's\nsomething that sticks. We're freaking out. We have no name. And did anything stick? Nothing yet. OK, you know I have a\nbaby name generator. Right? OK. OK. So I have a celebrity\nbaby name generator. And I have a couple of\nnames that I picked out. They're in there. OK. And we'll just spin\nit, and we'll see. I'm excited about this. All right. So we know the\nlast name is West. Spin it right now and I'll-- [SPINNING] And Lip-Kit-- Lip-Kit West. Kylie would love that. Yeah. I mean, and it's\nhelps promote Lip-Kit. OK, little Lip-Kit. OK, let's try another one. Go. [SPINNING] And-- West West. I like West West. Yeah. No? You'll definitely know how to\nspell your first and last name really easily. Yes, and it works both ways. When they want you to\nput your last name first, you don't have to be smart. Yes. All right. Here's another one. [SPINNING] Star West. You know what's so funny? I'm not going to name her Star. But my daughter picks\nthat name all the time. Really? So she got a toy. And it's a llama. And she likes to name the toys. Baby sister got the\ntoy that she took. And I said, OK, well, what do\nyou want to name the llama? And she said Star, Star West. So she names\neverything Star West. That's a good name. You've dismissed it. I'm not vibing on it. You won't. No. I'm going to try one more. I'm not vibing on it. All right. Let me give you another one. [SPINNING] Pop West. No. Not for me. OK. OK. It's so hard. It is. And I do like different names. But short, easy to", metadata={'source': '8hKbIhrb1WU'}), Document(page_content="spell, one syllable. That's kind of my vibe. Well, because I\nknow you didn't-- even though I know Kanye\ndoesn't admit this, but Saint-- you know that was my suggestion. It was? He never told you that? No. Oh, my god. OK. Really? Yes. So-- So you named Saint. I did. But he won't admit it. So Portia and I-- I wish I had the\ntext to show you. I always erase my texts. So do I. We were texting with Kanye. Portia and I were in the car. And Kanye kept saying,\nthinking of names and all. And we were giving him tons. But Portia said--\nit wasn't Saint. It was Saint something. It's like an Australian name. It's something like Saint. And he wrote back,\nSaint, that's it. And we were like,\nyou're welcome. And then-- Was it after we had the baby? Because I remember, it\nwas like four days after. And I was like, OK, we're\nleaving the hospital soon. We have to name the baby. No, before you gave birth. And then we came up with Saint. And he's never admitted it. He just won't give-- Well, we have it on camera. I'm going to write\nit in his baby book that you and Portia named him. He knows. He'll tell you about-- tell him we were texting\nwhen we were in the car. Now, what if you name it like-- it's baby number three. So what about Three West? Three, Tre, Tre West. There's a good-- Tre West. Yeah, I don't know. It's going to take a minute. You are so difficult.\nI'm trying to help you. All right, we'll take a break. And I'll keep thinking of names. OK. If anyone has a\nname, shout it out. Right now. Shout it out. [CROWD SHOUTS] Kimberly. Kimberly. Kimberly. Elle. Elle. Elle, that's a good one. Elle West. Elle. Elle, E-L-L-E. [CROWD SHOUTS] All right, we'll take a break. Yours aren't as good as mine. Well, we'll take a break.", metadata={'source': '8hKbIhrb1WU'})]
[Document(page_content='Earlier this week, I saw\nthis video on YouTube it came up in my recommended\nsection of this guy taking his iPhone to Walmart and\nthere\'s this machine there that will buy your phone in\nany condition, you just have to answer a few questions,\nand it looked like this: - [Machine] Tap the type of device. Your device. So it got me thinking, how much would they give me for an iPhone X? Here\'s the plan right now,\nso we\'re going to pick up this iPhone hopefully we actually get it and it\'s not a scam, I\nmean less than retail after just 10 days, it\ndoesn\'t make total sense. Once we get the phone we\'re\ngonna drive all the way to Compton where there\'s\na special Walmart there, I kid you not, they have\nthe eco-ATM machines. Hopefully we\'ll get some\nmoney for this iPhone X. Maybe $900, maybe more? Dude, the people on Craigslist,\nthey all wanted like $1,300, $1,500 for the phone,\nlike the fact that I could be maybe be getting this phone\nfor $900, it\'s a steal. Is the bank open yet? - [Rob] We\'re caged in. Is this some GTA stuff\nwe gotta pull here man? (mimicking car sounds) Gotta get this guy some money. We got the funds. Let\'s hope this guy\'s\nlegit, it would really suck to drive all the way out\nhere just to have to go right back home, and\nit\'s such a good deal, like my mom always said, "If\nit\'s too good to be true, "it\'s probably too good to be true." I\'m proving that one wrong today. Mariachi band dude. Better pop a U-ey. iPhone X for a song, sounds good with me. (mariachi music) So we\'re like two minutes\naway right now, I\'m excited. Doing this at a 7/11, that\'s a first. Alright I\'m meeting the guy\nhere, he says which car, \'I\'m in orange, ya can\'t miss me.\' That\'s probably the truest\nstatement of this entire video. If I have to go walk\nin someone\'s car, Rob, you gotta get out with me dude. Got cash, my SIM card,\nSIM tool, phone, let\'s go. No, no, I\'m, no, this is\nsketchy, this is sketchy. "I\'ll be in a black BMW,\nwon\'t have my phone. "I\'ll park right outside." Dawg, why won\'t you have your phone? Scared. (organ chimes) Yo, we got that heat, we got\nthe heat, it was all legit. $900, That was the best\n$900 I\'ve ever spent. The phone\'s like 10 days\nold, let\'s go to Compton. (rapping lyrics) ("Be Humble" by Kendrick Lamar) We got a drive ahead of us. (hip hop music) Do you guys know your windshield, do you guys know the back\nwindshield is cracked? We got the windshield wipers still goin\'. They\'re filming us.\n(laughs) What\'s good, subscribe,\nturn notifications on! (laughing) What\'s good, hey! So we\'re about 15 minutes\naway from the place, we\'ve made some friends on the\nhighway, a bunch of you guys have been taking pictures of\nus, I\'m hoping the machine is open when we get there,\nthat would really suck if it\'s out of order, but\nwe\'re almost in Compton. - [Rob] It was never about the phone. Dude it was never about\nthe phone, you know this. It\'s just about the dance moves dude. We finally made it to Walmart,\nI got my iPhone X right here, the machine\'s apparently inside,\nlet\'s go sell this thing. I didn\'t do it, I\'ve never been able to click my heels, one day. So we\'re inside Walmart right now, and here is the legendary machine. Eco-ATM, instant cash for\nPhones, that\'s what I\'m about. So before we try this out with\nthe real iPhone X right here, I got a fake iPhone X, I\'m\nnot gonna go through with it, but I wanna see if the machine can recognize that this is a fake. Let\'s check this out. Alright, touch to begin, sell\nyour device, safety first. Okay, I need a photo ID, they\'re\ngoing the whole nine here. They\'re asking for my finger\nprint, my driver\'s license, Hi there.\n- [Eco] Hi there. I\'m Eco. - [Keaton] Hi Eco.\n- [Eco] Here are a few things to check before we start. - [Keaton] Okay. - [Eco] First, turn on your device and make sure you keep it unlocked. This is the fake iPhone\nX, like those settings are not on the iPhone by fault. Alright, I\'m all set.', metadata={'source': 'ItYOdWRo0JY'}), Document(page_content="X, like those settings are not on the iPhone by fault. Alright, I'm all set.\n- [Eco] Just tap when ready. Okay, I'm ready. - [Eco] Please tap the type\nof device you'd like to sell. - [Keaton] Apple iPhone. - [Eco] Tap the carrier\nthat your device was with. Unlocked, we're gonna say it's an unlocked phone.\n- [Eco] Please tell me- I would say it's pretty good, you know what, this thing's flawless. This thing is brand new, it's flawless. You'll see this video on\nFriday, the real vs. fake. - [Eco] Tap the cable type\nthat connects to your device. - [Keaton] Lightning.\n- [Eco] Now let's get your device ready for your ecoAppraisal, - [Keaton] Peeled of stickers, we're good. - [Eco] by removing any cases or stickers. I'm printing out a label\nthat will help me keep track of your device.\n- [Keaton] What? - [Eco] Please place it on\nthe back of your device. Yo, you put this label on the back of your phone so it can track it. There we go, nice snug fit. Ayyy, like a glove. - [Eco] Tell me about your\ndevice so I know what to do next. - [Keaton] It works! - [Eco] Next, I'll connect\nyour device to evaluate its electronics and condition. I wanna see how much it says\nthis fake phone is worth. - [Eco] I'm opening my drawer, where I'll do\nOh my God, look! Look at this!\n- [Eco] your full appraisal. What? - [Eco] Now, unlock your screen. It says it's charging. Oh my God, alright, whoa, that was, - [Eco] Hang on.\nEasy does it girl. Easy does it, girl, I'm\njust gonna, alright. Why is this harder than I feel? Okay, perfect, perfect.\n- [Eco] Great work. This is a pretty easy process\nso far, too bad we gotta do this a second time, this is the fake one. - [Eco] And we're off. I wanna see what it says\nabout this fake phone. This thing's running Android,\nand if we wanna cop out, 'Return my Device,' we\ncan hit the bail switch. Who owns this machine, I wanna know. Rob, how much do you think\nit's gonna give us, like $500? - [Rob] Maybe it'll give you $1000? Yeah, $200, that's what I'm thinking, they're saying $200, I'm saying (laughs). Look at this, it's saying Galaxy\nS7, not even the iPhone X. Alright, I put a fake one in there first. - [Eco] Are you sure you want to quit? Yes. - [Eco] Don't forget to grab your device. It says it's a Galaxy S7. I guess that's what the clone is saying. (buzzer) So on the fake iPhone X,\nit actually thinks it's a Galaxy S7 Edge, that's interesting. Now, we got the real iPhone X right here. We're gonna fire this thing up, we're actually gonna sell this one. I'm scared, please give me a good deal. If I turn it on, it looks\nlike it's an Apple iPhone X and the control center works on this one, on the fake one it doesn't work, make sure you check out\nthe video on Friday. Sell, you can even do an\nestimate, that's cool. The guy who sold it to\nme said it was unlocked. But I think it's Verizon. Alright, I'm gonna say it's unlocked. I'm gonna say it's flawless,\nthis thing's brand freakin new. - [Eco] Tap the cable type\nthat connects to your device. I'm printing out a label.\nGot another label, ayyy! This is the last and only\nthing that's gonna be on this phone, no case,\nit never even was dropped, didn't even see a life. I'm gonna miss you, iPhone\nX, brand new iPhone X. Goodbye sweet child. Whoa whoa whoa, check\nthis out, check this out. It says, 'Trust this computer?' I'm gonna say 'Don't trust'\nthis computer, that's whack, is it tryin' to get your data, maybe. I need to hit 'Trust this computer,' Alright, let's pull this out. Bam, now we gotta trust\nit or it won't sell. Nice Job, love compliments, wooo! Goodbye iPhone X. - [Eco] You can still get your device back It was nice seeing you.\n- [Eco] if you change your mind later.\nI'm not changing my mind later, don't\neven give me that option. Whoa, did you see how fast it's going? - [Eco] 1/3 of Android phone users don't use a lockscreen passcode. - [Keaton] No, I don't\nwant your bonus questions, unless you're gonna give me", metadata={'source': 'ItYOdWRo0JY'}), Document(page_content='want your bonus questions, unless you\'re gonna give me\nmore money for the questions, I don\'t want them. I like\'em, I like the\nquestions now, that\'s good. If you\'d asked me, "Have\nyou ever done that before?" I\'d answer honestly ... no. This machine is so loud. Hey, what\'s good man. - [Man] Hey, can I get a picture? Yeah man, what\'s up. I\'m selling the iPhone X right now. There you go guys, you\'re everywhere, Techsmartt Army is everywhere man. What\'s your name?\nAnthony. Nice to meet you Anthony, I\'ll see you. I\'m hoping for $400, vote\nup in the icard right now how much you think I\'m gonna\nget, $100, $200, $300, or $400. I\'m hoping $400. - [Eco] I can\'t offer\nyou cash for your device, but if you want I\'m still happy to recycle it for you responsibly. - [Keaton] Okay so, it\ndoesn\'t think it\'s a Galaxy, wait, what? Does it think it\'s an Alcatel\nOne Touch, wait, really? It\'s just telling me to\nrecycle my phone now, they\'re not even willing to give me cash. So like, what do we do, do I recycle it, and be a good person or\ndo I take that thing back, take that thing right on home. I\'m gonna hit \'Return my Device.\' - [Eco] Are you sure you want to quit? No I\'m not. I\'m gonna hit \'Recycle it.\' I just hit recycle it.\n- [Eco] Awesome, everybody wins when you\ndecide to help the planet and keep your devices out of a landfill. Everybody wins there guys. - [Eco] Now I check your photo\nID to make sure you\'re 18 or older and to verify\n(laughs) You need my ID? Oh wait, I can still say change my mind. It needs my ID, to make a donation. You shouldn\'t need an ID to recycle, guys. I\'m gonna give it my ID.\nlike, yes I\'m gonna give it my information, right\nhere, we got the ID son. - [Eco] Thank you, I\'m\nchecking your ID now. This won\'t take long. To finish your identity check, Now it wants a photo.\n(camera clicks) - [Eco] Looking good.\nThere we go, that was sexy. - [Eco] Now we just need\nto finalize a few things, and you\'ll be all set. - [Keaton] Can I still pull\nmy phone back from here? I\'m guessing that I can\'t. There we go, of course we can. - [Eco] Review the eco-ATM terms and conditions, and privacy policy. If you have any more devices\nto sell, we can do that now. We can pull it back, we can pull it back. Do we pull it back? We\'re too deep, we\'re too deep, no thanks. - [Eco] This is your last chance. It even wants me to\npull the iPhone X back. I\'m just upset we didn\'t get any money. There we go, How likely am I to recommend this service? Extremely likely, it was delightful. It\'s restarting, it can\'t\nhandle the iPhone X. Nice to meet you Matthew. Alright, there we go, I\njust recycled my iPhone X at a Walmart.\n- [Rob] How do you feel? Awful, oh wait, wait. Yo, yo, yo, there\'s a\nsecret slot, accessory bin. But you don\'t get any money for it. I shoulda just put the iPhone\nX in there at the start. Not gonna lie, I\'m pretty\nupset that the machine didn\'t give us anything for our iPhone X, my guess is it\'s cause the phone is so new it just hasn\'t been\nupdated in the machine. Let me know in the comments if you guys are more shocked than I am. Make sure you get subscribed\nwith notifications on so you guys don\'t miss\nanother video and follow us on our Instagram story because\nit\'s poppin\' over there, you\'ll see the whole behind the scenes. I\'ll see you guys in the next Walmart. Peace.', metadata={'source': 'ItYOdWRo0JY'})]
[Document(page_content='Give me your paw The other one. One more time. The other one. Good boy. Hey guys. So I get a lot of questions about\nhow I train my cats for my videos. Actually, the secret is I only taught them a paw trick and the rest are just something I made them get used to so I didn’t really train them. But I will explain those too\nif you want to try some of these with your cats. So, here’s how I taught them a paw trick. It’s nothing complicated. I just did this every time I fed them. First, grab their paw\nand let them get used to me doing that. Then, once they get used to it,\nthey will lift up their paw at some point. Grab it and feed them immediately. If you have more than two cats, having one watch the other one do it\nseems to help him understand what’s going on. Poki, can I have this paw? Thank you. Can I have the other one, too? Thank you. Poki! Give me your paw. Thank you. Can I have the other one? Yes! Give paw Thank you Can I have the other one? Yes Good boy. Cats are really curious, and especially living inside the house they don\'t have much entertainment aside from\nwhat you give them. So anything new in the house is exciting and\ninteresting for them and they just want to smell it and engage with it. So if you engage your kitties with your cooking\nby letting them smell the ingredients then it\'s entertaining for them to watch what\'s going on. Once they memorize the ingredient, they either lose interest... ...or go crazy for it. Since my cats like watching outside, we got them a cage so they could go outside safely. Over time they got comfortable and started\ntrying to explore outside their cage, so then I started taking them out for walks. They were kind of nervous first,\nbut they eventually got used to it. There\'s a doggie. There\'s a doggie coming! You okay? You\'re not scared? Bye bye "Excuse me."\nNot a problem. I guess you\'re not really scared of doggies, huh? Haku, what are you doing? Aghhh, come on! Who do you think is gonna clean your body?! *sigh* What\'s up? Is that cat nip or something? *cat sneezes* Of course you have to sneeze! *more cat sneezes* You okay buddy? When Kohaku got used to that,\nI put him in the basket of my bike. He\'s pretty laid back for a cat so he didn\'t mind and now he enjoys being in the basket\nand going for bike rides with me. Of course all cats have different personalities and some may not ever be comfortable going outside. Our cat Poki gets really stressed out by car rides\nso I don\'t take him with me. Some cats also startle easily and may run off\nif they suddenly get scared. It\'s important to pay attention to how your cat is acting and not push him to do something he doesn\'t want to do. Even if your cat doesn\'t like going for walks\nor watching you cook, he probably has personality quirks\nthat make him unique in other ways. Nagi likes to play fetch with plastic wrappers. *whistle*\nBring it back! Poki... is just Poki. Try playing with your cat in different ways and you might find something unique\nthat he or she enjoys! Thank you for watching! Poki, give me your paw. Okay, okay. You really want food! All right.', metadata={'source': '5530I_pYjbo'})]
[Document(page_content="Help! Shortly before 9am, fashion designer Gianni\nVersace was shot on the steps of his villa. Pronounced Versace. The singer? That's Liberace. He was a creator, he was a genius. Everything you see around us. This house, this company was his life. I will not allow that man -- that nobody, \nto kill my brother twice. So what brings you to Miami? I know people. Oh yeah? Verscace. Versace? You're creative, yes? Of course. I can be submissive. You have no idea. What do you do for work? This and that. What are your greatest attributes? I'm smart, I'm clever. I was thinking more \nalong the lines of how big? You can't do it, can you? Can't what? Stop lying. Andrew Cunanan, 27 years old. He's killed four men. This world has wasted me, and yet this world also made you, \nMr. Versace, into a star. You're not better \nthan me or the same. The only difference is \nthat you got lucky. The Assassination of Gianni Versace premieres\nWednesday January 17th on FX.", metadata={'source': 'xL_qpDkF5A8'})]
[Document(page_content="hey I'm Tony Hawk and welcome to skate support okay we go is there a skateboarding trick called the eggplant yes there is a skateboarding trick called the eggplant I'll show you how to do it right now [Music] over there I'm gonna do a regular hand plant and then here I'll do an eggplant hopefully you can spot the difference we call a hand plant or invert is done by using your front hand to grab the board on your toe side and then using your trailing hand to actually stand on the coping and that's how you balance that's a hand planet here's an eggplant an eggplant is reversing those hands so using your back hand to grab the board your front hand to actually balance your body and doing the same direction of turning bro I need some advice on how to do a 540 on a skateboard my first advice to you is learn how to skate quarter pipes preferably bigger ones because the bigger the quarter pipe the more airtime you can actually get and have to spin a full 540 rotation I'll show you a McTwist actually a version of 540 right now this is a 540 on vert I'm gonna grab my board on my toe side which we call mute around my leg we call it that tuck knee and if you do a 540 grabbing this way assuming you go upside down a little bit that's me twist it's one of the scariest things to learn because when you start to do it you're blind to landing for a half a rotation so you kind of gotta use the force so I will say just get used to that spin until you actually start to land it [Music] hey Tony how can you please make another Pro Skater video again my contract is up with Activision they own the license to that actual name Tony Hawk's Pro Skater if we can come to some new agreement absolutely yes I'm in hi Activision free agent right here let's do some more fun stuff how do you do a boardslide on a bench rail or pipe on a skateboard I can show you the difference between a boardslide on a rail and a boardslide on a ramp right now you approach some sort of ledge and then you slide using only the board the wheels are off the ground [Music] this is what a boardslide looks like on vert let's see which skateboarding trick was the hardest to learn McTwist 540's it took me nearly ten years to figure out how to do in 901 of the tricks that I've only done a couple times in my life is a kickflip McTwist we just actually like my board does a kickflip and I catch it in the middle of McTwist and there are so many things happening all at once that it's almost like the planets have to align for it to work out perfectly years of struggle with that trick only to land to on video does anyone know how to set up a skateboard I have all the stuff just none of the tools or knowledge I do know how to set up a skateboard what you need is skateboard trucks wheels bearings and hardware okay so the first thing you do get a skateboard stripper grip tape you want to take the backing off get the sticky part down push the grip tape on from the center aisle so that you don't get too many air bubbles if you do get our bubbles take a box cutter or exacto and just slice them and put them down and no one will ever know that you didn't know what you're doing place the grip tape get it flat cut it around the edges don't cut too hard in another Sun you don't know what you're doing then you want to poke holes through the grip tape if you wear all the trucks go put the hardware through on top of the grip tape take your trucks so that the kingpins are facing in next you want to attach the wheels and I'm gonna give you my little handy tip for putting wheels on take two bearings you got the outer part of the bearing and the inner part of the bearing outer part is sealed put the inner part facing up two bearings like this take your wheel face down put on one bearing turn it over put on the other bearing put your spacer on and that's it and your wheels already good to go I give away my skateboard so much for auctions for charities and people I had", metadata={'source': 'UwdLlnPaRAU'}), Document(page_content="already good to go I give away my skateboard so much for auctions for charities and people I had to learn how to break in new skateboards constantly and now that's more what I'm used to every other pro swears by their trucks and how they turn and will hold on to them at any cost I give them away this is a technical question it says three flip is that the same as a tray flip and how can you do a varial flip but not a kickflip isn't very ill a shove it kickflip that is a loaded question okay a three flip is a nickname for a 360 flip also known as a tray flip so yes all of those are the same nomenclature a kickflip is when you actually just flip your board all around right a 360 flip is when the board does a full 360 rotation and a kickflip a very flip is half that so a varial flip is a 180 kickflip can you end up with more backwards how do you even kickflip a normal board how do you even stand on a skateboard without eating well those are two very different questions I'll take the second one first how do you stand on a skateboard without eating Center your weight and anticipate the motion that's gonna be the best way to be on a skateboard without actually falling off that if you just stand the skateboard stationary it tends to be a little too wobbly and there's not much leverage that you get from that tighten the trucks cuz you wanna be super wobbly use your back foot to push off and stand with your weight centers and make sure you're anticipating the motion let's see how do you even kickflip a normal board the idea of a kickflip is using your front foot to get the board flipping so while you're sliding your front foot to level out your board you actually slide it off of the edge of the board and that gets it flipping and the ideas you want it to be flipping while you're still going up so you catch with your feet and then you put it down it should be that easy but it's not I don't know why but recently I'm tempted to get a skateboard but I think I'd look ridiculous any advice on a starter board or rig midlifecrisis okay I'm gonna guess that you're somewhere between 30 and 50 a starter board it has sort of a distinct nose you know sort of a shovel nose in a wider tail some bigger wheels maybe something a little softer so you can cruise down the street as well as riding in the parks just start slow you know I don't think it's ever too late to start and it's a great way of exercise so good luck Tony Hawk how do you do and only a nollie is the basis of most skate tricks it's the way you lift the board up in the air using your feet I can show you how to ollie on flat and I can show you how to ollie on vert like this [Music] snap the tail and it was sliding from foot simultaneously to bring the tail up that's an ollie [Music] calling on veut is a totally different technique you're lifting up from a vertical plane so you're using friction way more and you're actually like floating and putting pressure on your board a lot more to keep it in the air because you're considerably higher than you are on the flat it says why can't you skateboard when you're 40 well I'm 49 the end okay this is a good one it says dude you're the best you have inspired me to skateboard please I have one question what was your first skateboarding trick the first thing I ever learned on ski bruh where I felt like I learned a trick was going up a curb I learned how to rock my board up a curb and then put my foot closer to the nose and actually lift my back wheels up to clear the curb and I think that's what sparks my interest in getting to the skatepark and learning tricks I still love doing it [Music] alright well that was skate support with wired and this is Tony Hawk thanks for watching", metadata={'source': 'UwdLlnPaRAU'})]
[Document(page_content="47 seconds of logos also DC Comics used to one to save the world narration question for the security personnel if you're taking this much care to lock this briefcase away in the armored truck why on Batman's blue earth did you park this far away from your entry point seriously look at the shot from above here's the van here's the entry point just put on a fake beak and take a seat in the triangle pond because you just made yourself a sitting duck why is her main work desk directly in the corner of all the fabulous artifacts she and the museum have collected this is like the bank manager having his office inside the safe deposit box vault Jesus Christ this movie's gonna take me all the way back to wonder little girl times CGI Asgard and CGI and Abu got nothing on CGI Wonder Woman place also couldn't the movie have started here little girl running in an ancient city probably Wonder Woman but I'm intrigued enough to pay close attention I mean why do we need the opening intro of her in present day being a curator I thought I'd seen enough from the Zack Snyder school of slow-mo badassery but holy did you just see that 10-foot spinning flip sword toss that MO could never be too slow random daytime armadillo is random also what is it with DC superheroes and childhoods other than the very forgettable daredevil but Marvel movies can you think of that spend time on the heroes childhood anyone Bueller and yet in the DC world Superman Batman and now Wonder Woman we always have to have a childhood opening our flashback long ago help me understand this bedtime book is it just the one picture is it Potter style coming to life for Diana also three full minutes a bedtime story exposition who wouldn't I prayed will never be called to arms classic not answering the question after aging from 7 to 13 and presumably training with Robin Wright for the whole time finally her mother catches her training my point is the movie chose a poor time to rapidly age up diana only to then introduce this cut by mom seen mom was asleep at the wheel four years before this girl will train her harder than any amazon before her whoa she just a 180 faster and more flawlessly than that red headed snowboard guy everybody loved ten years ago she must never know what the truth about what she is or how she came to be meaning she will definitely know that soon in this movie Diana went from 7 years old the 13 to however old she can be with gal gadot still pulling it off guessing early twenties this movie is doing some random time jumps you're stronger than I am again hey everybody Morpheus is fighting me I mean princess Buttercup is fighting Diana this [\xa0__\xa0] crash-lands is world war one plane in a mythical basically non-existent land but thankfully for him there was a brave local rebellious princess ex machina watching the show at that very moment convenient playing pieces convenient if this is where the plane breaks through and this is where it lands unless Wonder Woman javelin to piece of the plane about 300 feet there is no way this plane part would be floating here this soon after if wherever the Diana and her kin live is this easily infiltrated then it was never really hitting at all and I'm shocked no one prior to world war 1 even accidentally found this cloaked paradise like Magellan or Vasco da Gama's some also exactly what good is this hiding field if you can actually see things through it Seuss needs to up his camouflage game discount From Here to Eternity how did these arrows all get lit so fast and honestly if you're firing out into the ocean does it even help the movie will go out of its way later to show how much they know about the outside world but they're about to fire flaming arrows at an armored German naval division there was no way this Archer in this bowl should be moving at the same speed that's neither a super slow bullet that poses a no danger or that Archer is swinging at about 700 miles an hour Wow", metadata={'source': 've3oQBjcAGI'}), Document(page_content="super slow bullet that poses a no danger or that Archer is swinging at about 700 miles an hour Wow auntie auntie Opie's got skills we've seen before Legolas would definitely swipe right is what I'm saying no no my mentors death motivates protagonist cliche somehow these ladies with fire arrows defeated a German naval battalion and somehow that German destroyer we saw earlier played no part in this battle and I guess it just disappeared where was the firepower you know but there no he fought at my side against the UM you mean hit by your side from the invaders right general Ludendorff exposition bylaw so why would any military in any war conduct this kind of experiment in full view of the general officers I mean I guess she's a psychopath but that's just a waste of a good test subject right there this plane is airborne in about four seconds after traveling 50 feet I'm not saying you need a fast and furious length runway to get airborne but I'm pretty sure even the strongest dose of aviation viagra won't get it up that quick even though Steve not Rogers blew the [\xa0__\xa0] out of this base the Germans still managed to be right behind him when he approached Wonder Woman land would you say you're a typical example of your sex boobies got dick jokes yo good thing it's still ticking you let this little thing tell you what to do we are still talking about the walnuts right deep within the Amazonian jungle there exists a species of elk so stupid and so unevolved that even the most primitive of weapons can bring her down why is this here that's outfit oh this whole thing I just found it hanging in the middle of a room while I was stealing several priceless weapons that were unguarded and it happened to not only fit me perfectly but be colored completely different than anything else the other Amazonian women where you like it huh I know or at least I know I cannot stop you I just wrote in here in the middle of the night with a dozen of my warriors to say goodbye apparently you have been my greatest love today you know where my greatest sorrow thanks for the vote of confidence so the ship will just sail itself then is it a Tesla like the original Tesla if you never met a man before then what about your father I had no father my mother has sculpted me from clay and I was brought to life by Zeus this is the DCE you essentially rolling the Greek gods into actual reality and that is just kooky enough to deserve mention think about that Greek gods from mythology actually exist in the DCE Hades might be a villain one day he'll Ares is literally the villain of this movie something did come to me last night a different type of gas for you to restore your strength let's test it right now on you without any further research for all it came to me last night which was hours ago I've had hours to perfect and test it on animals and let's do this now wait a second movie you've established that Diana has been educated in the languages and customs of humans across the world and even read all 12 volumes of some academic porn encyclopedia she doesn't know what holding hands is she can't people with worldly wise and a fish out of water at the same time no one will be seated during the Princess Diaries portion of the movie she's trying you're not fit number 226 you a movie I understand how time works you over-exaggerated this joke by a factor of 10 Wonder Woman can now graduate with honors from the Clark Kent School disguisting yet release specs suddenly she's not the most beautiful woman you've ever seen see the secretary here would be excellent at cinemasins please put the sword down Lana how did she pull it out and walk here without everyone else in the store freaking the out they're all acting like they're seeing a guy with a mohawk when in reality what they're seeing is 50 times more rare and scary this is the most telegraphed head button all of movie dome series question two the bracelets act like bullet", metadata={'source': 've3oQBjcAGI'}), Document(page_content="most telegraphed head button all of movie dome series question two the bracelets act like bullet magnets or are these morons repeatedly firing at her at shoulder level watching her block every shot with no one thinking to shoot her in the goddamn foot and in further intelligence just moments earlier this room of sexist moustaches guffaw Diana out of the room but now she's just moseying around as they discuss war intelligence she opens the book to the middle and miraculously reads about the very gas Steve saw during his mission and he goes sir that is the evidence we need and no one in the room gives any more thought to any of the other military secrets and horrifying signs that might also be in that notebook beyond the money no to signor Giovanni it's a different story Sameer loses interest in the job and goes back to his excessive fondness for Diana this is what I call gal gadot d charming ed - he could run the mission from my office you run either Melissa McCarthy turning down this role or the character description was literally act like Melissa McCarthy there's enough head a few days a few days what room and board weapons they need driving people to get them across the border the Irish sniper guys beer budget alone is probably more than what's in that envelope also thank God he knows exactly which pub the hooligans Steve might recruit for his illegal mission hang out in either that or there's only one pub in England which we all know a true we deserve I have no idea where they are right now enemy territory or friendly but on a covert non-sanctioned secret spy mission to end the war is a huge open flame and copious drinking really why's nowhere better to be than in a war where you don't take a side at least here I'm free sure I understand I'm not wanting to be in the US but why not Canada or Mexico there's no man's land diana means no man can cross but she's not a minute let's go she's taking all the fire because she's currently the only target get the Germans a few more targets and I bet some of them start taking fire but whatever it's still not sure her bracelets aren't bullet magnets so this is awesome and also if I'm being honest a bit unrealistic I mean I know Diana is quick at blocking bullets and all but with this much automatic fire if she's not completely behind that shield she's taking some led to the legs for sure I know you can't see in there but we can all assume this is a stormtrooper right I mean these shots are so off Wonder Woman gets a chance to superhero pose twice before even addressing it movie takes great pains to show us that Charlie has lost his ability to shoot and never pays it off with any kind of redemption poor charlie I like how Steve and this movie thought Wonder Woman needed a boost to make this jump I know you can't speak Flemish so let me interpret they are saying the team in which she purposely destroyed our temple she is here to eat our souls well at least they should be saying that I love acting I don't want to be a soldier he's lucky indeed if it wasn't already obvious to you that David Thewlis his character was evil this please pay attention now focus change by the camera is here to hold your hand through the foreshadowing these folks are happy the Germans are gone for sure but they witnessed a handful of legit miracles today and this seems like more of a Suzy got married again Bloc Party you did this wait did off it was all you and you know it Jesus she came here in thanks so movie has time for this as does the war and the secret mission to find and destroy the gas weapon before the Germans can use it you saw it I've been out here the way she tossed at the machine-gun nest the way she took out that towel why the bystanders talk about superheroes so casually in these movies she jumped 80 feet in the air for pete's sake she freaking tossed a tank forget trying to decide if what she says is true how are you not either questioning your", metadata={'source': 've3oQBjcAGI'}), Document(page_content="a tank forget trying to decide if what she says is true how are you not either questioning your sanity or worshipping her as a god by now so for this gag to work it needs to be common for German officers to speak English maybe it was and yes he's technically talking to his driver here but this is 1918 I'm pretty sure anyone driving German officers for a living is speaking German not English and even his driver is speaking English to the German soldier guard what could Chris Pine do a German accent but not learn to speak two lines of actual German don't worry about it we all know they'll let you in anyway because it says so in the script what I'm more concerned about is how they don't recognize Steve those guys on the street in England certainly knew him by sight shouldn't he be on Germany's most wanted by now as if it wasn't convenient enough that this right-sized attendee happened to get stopped right here now she's going to walk straight into the woods at the exact place diana is waiting I might as well have had the dress fall from the sky who are you man who'd show you appreciation and genius like yourself dessert Steve makes a huge gamble that she feels unappreciated and of course he's right because movie last we left Diana she was on the side of the road sizing up that blue dress so what happened next certainly the driver would have noticed a passenger switch or a missing passenger and what about her invite could she leave the former dress occupant unconscious and undressed by the side of the road that's Dirty Diana wow what a beautiful shoulder blade back broach thing that looks nothing like the hilt of a sword you were wearing tonight Diana shoulder back brooches are a thing right enjoying the party English the official language of World War one Germany keep in mind that diana has proven to be fluent in many dozens of languages and I'm sure German is one of them but apparently at the halfway point of the film the studio ran out of dialect trainer money or something for the record she spends a lot of time dancing with the guy she's here to kill just letting him rant [Music] gasps hmm maybe last night's snowfall dance and drunk athon not to mention the implied boning were ultimately a huge waste of time considering you miss stopping the gas by literally minutes so she had her Under Armour on that whole time under that thin blue dress and Ludendorff couldn't feel it because what is it with this movie and just assuming Diane is invincible not saying she couldn't survive this lethal gas I'm just saying we haven't been given any reason to believe she would and more importantly neither is she well here's another literal machine delivered by the hand of God what luck so not only can she deflect bullets but she can direct them with pinpoint accuracy go drunk moving your home King told you shock of all shocks also let me get Ares plans straight here spend decades as a diplomat work his way into a cabinet position so that he can influence a possible armistice in order to keep a war simmering he's a god isn't he he does have more than the power to grow a great mustache and be ignored a cabinet meetings right now are gas masks a good disguise for sneaking into a German base manufacturing a gas for which gas masks provide no protection like yeah it hides her face but why would any Germans be wearing useless gas masks in this place well she luck in this battle I guess nice to know you Wonder Woman unless you discover some heretofore unknown well of power and strength inside you here in a few minutes I did I don't want to fight but it is a superhero movie so let the endless punching commence throwing a box of grenades at a king god that explosion conveniently blew her directly into Steve Trevor's running path it's almost like Ares has a sense of humor or something this playing door opens easily from the outside during takeoff were they expecting a pizza delivery well I exactly does all", metadata={'source': 've3oQBjcAGI'}), Document(page_content="easily from the outside during takeoff were they expecting a pizza delivery well I exactly does all this God punching even matter Diana knows at this point that Stephen Ares are right about humans being weak he's barely doing anything and man is willing to go to war seems to me no matter who wins people be people but why if the gas is flammable and all you have to do is make it explode why not land the plane away from the people and set a charge I mean it's a beautiful sentiment at all but completely unnecessary magically and just in time Diana discovers a deeper well of her power she never knew existed huzzah whatever it is I can't no wait so she could hear him or she couldn't or she couldn't but now she can and remembering or she can read lips but only after 10 minutes or so or maybe she's travelling back in time so she can hear what he said or maybe forget it it doesn't matter anyway we all know where this is headed cuz this this is Wonder Woman this is more like Godzilla breath here it's a good thing the movie so clearly explain how she got these powers what they are and how to defeat a god that Zeus couldn't even kill where are they holding him we should kill him now and be done with it [Applause] what the hell is this thing lieutenant blue I wanna know this is my canoe you're stronger than this Diana you think that's air you're breathing now can you get some towels for me please I'm really losing a lot of blood you sound like you're proving that guys oh oh whipping is far deadlier than you can ever imagine I don't know I can imagine quite a bit I am Diana of thymus Kiera daughter of Hippolyta queen of the Amazons you killed my father", metadata={'source': 've3oQBjcAGI'})]
[Document(page_content='-Absolutely. -I´m such a huge fan\nof the show. Steve is one\nof my favorite characters. -Thank you. Thank you.\n-A great -- He had a great Season 2,\nI thought. -Yeah, yeah. -Really enjoyed Steve\nin Season 2. -Yes, yes, yes. -A lot of actors prepare\nfor roles. I heard you prepared\nfor six weeks for an element of Steve that maybe turned out to be\na waste of time. -At the beg-- yes, at the\nbeginning of the first season, I got the part and talked\nto the Duffer Brothers, and they´re saying,\n"Yeah, it´s gonna -- he´s gonna be kind of, like,\nthis jock character. And he´s, like, a swimmer." They had that incorporated\nin the thing. So for, you know, the first --\nI don´t know -- for like six weeks\nprior to shooting, I was training, doing all this,\nlike, you know, swimming prep, and then show up, you know -- Also, I thought I was gonna be\nin, like, a Speedo. -Yeah.\n-It´s a TV show. Like, the first thing\nI ever did, I was gonna be in a Speedo,\nso... -Yeah, so you don´t want to be,\nlike, the chunky swimmer. Yeah. -I was gonna be known\nas "Chunky Steve" for the rest of my life.\n-Yeah, exactly. -No, but then, we showed up\nthe first day, and, like -- "Oh, yeah, the swim--\nOh, no, no, we cut that. No, we cut that."\n[ Laughter ] So that was totally --\n-So you just got like six weeks of working out\nfor nothing. -Yeah, it´s, like, the most\nin shape I´ve ever been. -Yeah, although, it is good\nto be in shape because -- and I remember this, but watching the show\nreally brings it into focus -- very tight jeans in the ´80s.\nAre you in -- -They´re very tight.\n-Yeah. -They don´t tell you about that\nwhen they cast you. -Yeah. -About the jeans and how tight\nthey will make them. -Yeah.\n-Yeah. -I feel like...\n-Oh, yeah. -...when you watch,\nlike, Jane Austen, you realize how painful\ncorsets look on women. And then, when you watch\n"Stranger Things," you´re like, "Jeans were not\na good time in the ´80s." -It´s a similar thing.\n-Yeah. -Oh, yeah. Jeans were very tight\nin a lot of ways and places that you might\nnot ex-- you know. And, also,\nthe material that they have... [ Laughter ]\nThe material is, like, stretchy that they have for jeans now,\nyou know. -Yeah. It has a little give.\n-Jegging? -Yeah.\n-It´s like nothing. It´s like you´re wearing\na baseball glove. -Yeah.\n-It´s like a -- you know. Very tight.\n[ Laughter ] -It´s basically like -- like,\nyeah, denim is chain mail. -Yeah.\n-Yeah. -So you´re having to, like,\nduck and run around, but you´re trapped. -One of the other things\nis you -- The Demogorgon last year was a man in a Demogorgon suit.\n-Oh! -And these are\npretty awesome photos of -- -That´s Mark. Yeah. -That´s Mark.\n-Yeah. -Who was a Demogorgon.\n-Yeah. -And so when you had to fight\nthe Demogorgon in Season 1, you actually had somebody\nwho was in the room. -Right, yeah, yeah, yeah.\nThat was kind of the big difference between\nthe first and second season. -Because now it´s CGI.\n-Yeah, it´s CGI. ´Cause they can´t have,\nyou know, like, a person on all fours\npretending to be a little... - Yeah.\n-...dog guy. -Like, you can´t have\na person this small in a -- I mean, they can´t --\nthey won´t let children do it. -Yeah, it´s, you know.\n[ Laughter ] They´re already breaking so many\nlaws with what they´re doing. I mean, compared to last year,\nit´s like I just felt terrible having to -- you know,\nhe´s in this big, hot suit, and he´s sweating. He´s getting, like,\nwater through a tube and a fan, and he´s, like...\nbetween takes. And then, "Action!" and I literally,\nfor like eight hours, had to just, you know --\nhit, just -- smack him, like... -Just whale on him.\n-Like, in the stunt, he´s, like, sweating and hot\nand tired and... -Was he ever like,\n"I´m not a real Demogorgon"? -Yeah. He´s -- I´d be like,\n"Dude, I am so sorry." I´m trying to sell it.\nSo, you know. -Your hair receives\na lot of ink. -Yes.\n[ Scattered cheers ] -Multiple --\n-Yes. -These are multiple headlines just about your hair\non the show. -This is so crazy.', metadata={'source': 'C4YNcqNF4hg'}), Document(page_content='-Yes. -These are multiple headlines just about your hair\non the show. -This is so crazy.\n-"How to Get ´Stranger Things´ star\nJoe Keery´s Gravity-Defying Hair."\n[ Light laughter ] I like this -- "We Need\nTo Talk About Steve´s Hair From ´Stranger Things´ Again."\n[ Laughter ] We already needed\nto talk about it. We need to talk about it again. -Yeah, yeah.\n-And this -- but this -- you just brought this\nwith you, right? -This was not --\n-Yes. I mean, yeah. My -- I mean, my parents have\nkind of crazy hair. [ Laughter ]\nI guess. I don´t know. Yeah, for a long time,\nmy dad was always on me about, you know,\ncutting my hair. And you know, "Go get a haircut.\nYou got to, like, gel your -- got to do something to get your\nhair to stay down, you know? Like, it´s too big.\nGet it down, you know? It looks crazy."\n[ Light laughter ] -So when you got the part,\ndid you call your dad and give him the news\nthat you were right? -Finally, I´m right, you know.\n[ Laughter ] No. No. No. Yeah. -You play a high schooler\non the show. What were you doing --\nwhen you were in high school, what were --\nwhat were your jobs? What were you doing for -- -Um, man,\nI worked at a restaurant. I was a --\nOh, I delivered pizza for -- -I was a pizza delivery guy,\nas well. Did you enjoy that?\n-It´s okay. -Yeah.\n-Yeah. I wasn´t so great at it. I didn´t have --\nIt was before -- I didn´t have the iPhone.\n-Yeah. -So I was just like -- as we´re getting the pi--\nI don´t know. -Yeah, no, you would have\na map in the car. -You would look at the map.\nYou would look at the map. And then -- And I didn´t\neven have one in the car. I didn´t even -- So it was just\nlook at the map and then say, "Oh, I guess that´s kind of\nwhere it is," and then just go. -Oh, so you´d\nhave to memorize the map? -It was terrible, yeah. -Did you ever have any angry\ncustomers who got late pizza? -Oh, that´s one\nof my dad´s favorite stories. This old guy just --\nI had to, you know -- I was calling him, hanging up. Like, calling -- Like,\n"I don´t know where you are." He´s like, "It´s over here." You know, it´s like this\nreally kind of weird building. And I finally pulled up. And I was like, "I´m so --"\nLike, "I´m terribly sorry. Of course,\nyou don´t have to pay. I´ll pay for the pizza.\nYou know, whatever." And then he didn´t say anything. It was this old guy with his\nhat, and it was just really low. He was really short, too. I just remember\nhow short he was. I pull up in my Volvo,\nand he just takes the thing. Just writes on the thing. Looks at me, like,\njust really dead in the eyes, and then gives me back\nthe receipt and walks inside. [ Chuckling ] And on the thing,\nhe had just written, "Pizza delivery is not for you." [ Laughter ]\nIt´s like... And then I quit.\nAnd that´s when I knew. -It´s funny. That´s great.\n-Yeah. -Yeah, he sent -- It´s also -- I don´t know who reads that and\nis like, "But it´s my dream!" -Yeah, I know, like -- Who´s like that´s their main --\n-Yeah. -It´s like,\n"Are you kidding me?" -Yeah.\n-"This is what I was going for." -I like to think that that guy\nis watching "Stranger Things," seeing you,\nand a tear runs down his cheek. -Yeah.\n-He´s like, "I told him to go chase" --\n[ Laughter ] -He was the guy. Yeah.\n-Yeah. "I knew. I knew." -It was you out there.\nWherever you are, old man. Yeah, yeah.\n-Thanks so much for being here.', metadata={'source': 'C4YNcqNF4hg'})]
[Document(page_content='-It\'s good to be back, guys. Some of you know my mother,\nGloria, passed away recently, and I canceled our shows\nlast week to be with my family and make arrangements. She was the best audience.\nShe was the one I was always trying\nto make laugh, and she was such a fan\nof the show and everything I did. Um... [ Voice breaking ]\nWhen we were little, my mom would walk us\nto the store, me and my sister, and we would hold hands,\nyou know, and she would squeeze my hand three times\nto say "I love you" and I would squeeze back,\n"I love you, too." And... last week,\nI was in the hospital, and I grabbed her hand.\nI squeezed "I love you." And I just knew we were\nin trouble, you know? But I feel so grateful to be\nable to do this every single night and I\'m very\nappreciative of all the support from all of you that my family\nreceived over the past week, and we\'re going to\ncontinue to work really hard to bring some light and some\nlaughter into the world. Thank you for watching. Thank you for helping me and my\nfamily recover from this loss. Mom, I\'ll never stop trying to\nmake you laugh. [ Voice breaking ] I love you. More "Tonight Show"\nafter this. [ Cheers and applause ]', metadata={'source': 'gjXrm2Q-te4'})]
[Document(page_content="all right I'm done oh yeah okay I'm gonna do that right away look how big that guy is ah what's going on guys I am Matthias welcome to ten pointless tech gadgets that may waste your money today I'm joined by Connor he picked out 10 tech items that I'm gonna let you know whether they're tasteful or wasteful guys links down in the description if you do want some of these products if you do want them click the links and it helps out the channel crystal blue powers of 2 BCD and direct binary clock oh my gosh this is like this is like if you're a programmer and you're like the most hips or of all programmers and you're just like I will only tell time with binary code and just takes you like 5 minutes I don't see how it's binary though you see what I'm saying wouldn't binary be either 1 or 2 why is there a lines of for the lights display hour minute and second in binary code okay it's just a format right so this right here like if we click this and says calculate the values of the lit LEDs to derive the time oh yeah it's super fantastic I'll do that right away at the cart crystal blue classic bread we have the crystal blue all right see 10 hours 48 minutes 36 seconds okay so 10 hours how is that 10 hours so this is 1 and a 0 I see I see I can I get you I get you yeah ok so ok so hours and minutes so basically when I turn this on I should technically be able to accurately read the time as a binary nerd okay so this time right now is what it's 1 is that yeah it's 102 and 14 boom what the now we're adding its 102 so now it is do I add these two together so that's one so this 2 plus 3 so it's 5 five oh two right sure guys let me know down the comment you think this product is tasteful or wasteful I must say for me it's wasteful but for you know a binary snob if you guys decide a live Core cardia mobile ECG for Apple and Android devices fda-cleared clinical-grade mobile EKG monitor so what you put your fingers on it and it monitors your pulse all right doesn't your doesn't like your phone already do that I think it's no your Apple watch can do it too but I know a lot of phones can do it too like basically since the flash is so close nearly yeah it'll pick it up so you put your your finger over the lens and the flash at the same time and the flash will shine light and basically when your finger becomes more opaque that's your blood pulsing through what we should do it's a test it's like to see which one's more accurate all right okay so see now we have one that's completely app based see exactly literally exactly what I said you put your finger against the device so I mean this works I don't know how accurate comparatively speaking let's say that does so I mean this one's supposed to be like seriously seriously accurate and card supposed to connect it to your phone and put both of your fingers on it such as this okay so here are the results right so I'm gonna try and figure this out with you it looks like it says normal sinus rhythm unclassified um that was my rhythm that I did normal sinus rhythm okay weird it's say on that we just did 15 well yeah I mean that raises and lowers depending on the situation you know when I'm near you've Connor I'm super calm and relaxed you know dude you just put me at ease man dude hit me in the back do it do it do it do it stop stop your heart is exploding okay take it so I mean if it is able to get results it's hard to tell you know it's hard to tell if this is accurate or not because I mean I'm right next to the phone and it says no signal bad signal it's cutting in and out like I wouldn't recommend this honestly it seemed like I got a better signal from from the app that was free yeah so I said wait equalizer sound activated light up black plastic x plus y like why do they have to see plastic why couldn't they just say black tie maybe because people were getting shook that it was plastic when they bought it know what this plastic do you know anyone that", metadata={'source': 'k1cA-Wh3Tc0'}), Document(page_content="shook that it was plastic when they bought it know what this plastic do you know anyone that would be like heck yeah dude I'm gonna wear a light-up tie to work who's gonna wear that to a rave no raise that high by Studio sorry Add to Cart jeez that is heavy and what this literally is plastic it's literally just hard plastic Marv being hard plastic yeah I don't even know if this would look like a tie you know I'm saying let's try boom alright so cast oh it's actually working you can kind of see it but yeah let's turn the lights up you can kind of see the light on me you look so dead inside deep hey whoa how's it going guys play some music this feels like a real darkness situation it's so dim I'll keep the tie on for now but I have to say this is a wisdom ESCA light UV flashlight blacklight 51 LEDs wow that's a lot ultraviolet ultraviolet isn't that bad for you maybe that just means not visible to you and I oh I'm thinking of no yea UV blocks out harmful UV rays oh no I don't want to dude I don't want to add the cards oh my gosh look at that weird glow it's like a little glow of a lightsaber but let's find out if there are any creepy stains I don't really see much of anything we have a pretty clean office around here well yeah you do and what we were seeing was more just like reflection yeah I don't know what that stuff is it's like some type of like glitter reflection from probably like previous items or something yeah it could be because it looks like this I'm like glitter reflection all of them but to go to the bathroom no going on you can't handle that dude I would never ever be able to go to a hotel again I'm just I'd be much happier ignorant I seriously would I can't okay oh sit down I surprise for you oh you know what shine the light on the desk are you doing dude don't it this better not be biohazard material right now that you're messing with I will you'll and I'll and I'll end you that's crazy look at that isn't that weird oh it's whoa wow that's incredible look at that you these are so real big those are big scorpion oh they stink assume yeah I'm done oh yeah okay I'm gonna do that right away look how big that guy is mm-hmm now my heart is racing dude now get me a heart to measure I think that item is tasteful just be careful with that little scorpion there tasting too before the next product we're gonna do a little Twitter shout out today's Twitter shout-out is Bridget and Bridget ass hashtag hashtag ass Matt have you ever visited Alaska or ever want to know and I don't want to know actually I'm just kidding you really you guys is gonna be like fire like out the gate like that no I do want to go to Alaska I actually want to take a cruise up to Alaska let's not guys if you want your own Twitter shout-out make sure you follow me at Mathias I am and also give me a question using that hashtag next product M bright glow fob precision glow-in-the-dark key chain it's a glow fob hey man don't ever ask about my glow father the idea of this is that that's it it just glows in the dark so you can find your keys in the dark so maybe if you work graveyard shifts or if you like you go early in the morning to go play hockey or something like that it's always dark when you leave you know so I mean this could be very useful for a situation like that me I try to avoid being awake when it's dark just because it's a darkness situation and I avoid that entirely M bright is the brightest glow in the dark material physically achievable that's kind of interesting let's add the car all right oh it's tiny I thought it was way bigger than that all right so it doesn't look like this is glowing at all lights are just barely UV UV rays that might turn it yeah we should keep this yo do this and this is gonna be perfect for any time we have a glow-in-the-dark product check this out dude ready set dude look how bright that is that's intense I say it's pretty cool and I like the titanium so I say I", metadata={'source': 'k1cA-Wh3Tc0'}), Document(page_content="look how bright that is that's intense I say it's pretty cool and I like the titanium so I say I say wait they're tasteful Oh [Music] million-mile light battery three safety light that's powered by motion and throw something 30 lumens not super bright that being said this is like twenty four hundred lumens this light right here ipx4 rated weather and splash splash proof environmentally friendly so this is supposedly supposed to be able to do a mile a million miles a million miles so what does it mean for a million powerful go a million miles you can go a million miles and it'll still light it's not that the light can go a million miles cuz I was like how would you even the world isn't even would that work yeah that being said does light curve with the earth gravity has no effect on light I'm tripping a black hole can curve light though yeah which means light has mattes well light does have light does I'm trippin hold on it would seem that photons would be matter whereas waves wouldn't it turns out that both theories light isn't matter if photon is not matter because it has no mass but black holes can curve light they can they can absorb everything it's the absence of matter guys kind of look down on the comments below oh no down accounts below work it out figure it out figure it out Add to Cart are you ready yeah okay fine there Oh [Music] battery free safety light for runners it's powered by motion and engineered to never give up but that's not ever gonna like light up it's not ever gonna like mom maybe it does but not like really bright cuz like the amount of motion that you have it may be enough to like barely make that visible you know I mean I mean it's still it still has even if that's the case it still got a variety of other uses you know I mean like say you take this when you get lost you don't have power but you get lost you know you could just be like signaling up above if if the lights intense enough yes you might get a little tired it's still you know it's still pretty cool you know it still has a lot of practical uses besides just running so for that I'm gonna say it's tasteful yeah definitely very useful I think that's really I think that's really cool logitech washable keyboard k310 for Windows PCs ooh washable keyboard this is like perfect for you Connor I'm gonna just spill all of your keywords you guys bad all over them easy to clean and dry it with hand wash safe design suite ultra durable built to take washing and pounding alright let's test the dude Add to Cart Wow alright let's let's watch this keyboard dude let's clean it off wash it very mechanical yeah not great but obviously the purpose is to washes cool yeah let's let's dismiss it up with a dude alright so this does say in the instructions that you have to wait 24 hours before using it no yeah after you get a wet after you get away but what an accident you do that well my keyboard phone pull party dude both ends I'm gonna do is dry it a little bit just a little bit here actually I'm wearing sorry I don't want to get on the car no you're fine plug it in and test it out yeah plug it in so here's the thing we want to make sure this thing was shut I'm gonna plug this into the computer I'm nervous to understand sweet it's detected it it detected it now let's see you told me two times one time so yeah I say this is I see this is a tasteful Hexbug BattleBots arena to push activated pulverizing hammers oh I see on the side that's kind of cool there's like activated hammers there oh so if you push the other guy you can press the hammer oh yeah so Brian and I had tried them out before really yeah we've tried him out on this channel and I'm pretty sure I was like something or at least either I thought it or I said it something like I wish there was an arena so that you know it was more fun you actually seen a real battle box oh they're they're incredible it's like legit chainsaws in like oh yeah it's so cool", metadata={'source': 'k1cA-Wh3Tc0'}), Document(page_content="battle box oh they're they're incredible it's like legit chainsaws in like oh yeah it's so cool crazy I know but I would never do it just because I'm like once I built this thing and then just gets destroyed yeah you know like that's life man everything everything gets destroyed eventually just like every time cars mom shaves back it grows back dude so three and a half stars not bad not bad Connor do you think you're able to defeat me in a one-on-one b1 battle bot over lunch if I win okay but I brought my lunch today okay Add to Cart boom look at those sweet bad boys I think we haven't we tried those exact ones before so this one's the slicer this one's the Dicer I'm taking this guy okay that's fine you can have the purple one for Tina do you go and push you into a corner oh yeah yeah best out of three sure okay so I'll start over here then yeah you start over there I'll start over there for this ready three two one go [Music] wait wait wait go right - stall out where's my stall that's right wait back up back up yeah Rhea Rhea taxes oh crap I got a I got a rear-end you good dude I can't believe you actually flipped me three two one go what are you off the bumper wait wait come on bro here we go yes [Music] [Music] [Laughter] on steak good game good game so what do you think dude yeah that's fun for sure [Music] universal law enforcement reverse peephole viewer reverse people wait some type of Purdue hey Matt can I have it when you're done view real-time activity behind the door that has a peephole oh that's so creepy that this tech exists that's so creepy provides a clear discrete view into the room through a doors peephole effective on all major brands like I feel like this kind of thing shouldn't be accessible to the public maybe I'm just being crazy goodbye works better than I expected exactly as advertised crystal clear viewing perfect for any investigator Add to Cart dude let's be a perv you can carry in your pocket no will no you're a pervert a pervert oh my gosh dude this is like intense zoom check this out nothing happened dude let's get a fake door up in here and let's see if it works okay so here's the challenge all right you're right here okay you're on this side okay alright now this should allow you to see me okay yes because it's a normal people facing this way so look through it tell me how many fingers I'm holding up one you give me a thumbs up yeah I did now if I looking through here literally it's nothing I can't see anything well you're putting your head there anyways I don't even see the light honestly so let's see if this does anything right I'm gonna try it and did you block it no not at all I rejoice it's not working there's it the door I was looking through and still doesn't work thank you dearly what'd you say I don't know that it really works it's so so narrow so even even this room doesn't even work that great which is I'm kind of happy about yeah I mean I'm glad that it doesn't work great so I'm gonna I'm gonna give it a wasteful but I'm sad that it still works a little see that video right there those cups are edible cups that you can actually drink out of eat out of and then eat it's crazy you got to find out for yourself how good they taste high five", metadata={'source': 'k1cA-Wh3Tc0'})]
[Document(page_content="Hey, man, why wouldn't you start from the bottom? It's Ben, that's why. - I'm gonna get another cider. \n- All right, guys...\n- Jesus Christ... Another one, aren't you driving, I'm gonna let Paula know, You're telling, you're dead meat. Let's play another game. - .. Lets see if I can grab one.\n- Yeah. I'll see what we got. Hey, can we play Twister? I'm not playing Twister with you, bro. Chill with the Twister, bro, how old are you? Old enough? Hmm, well there's this, we do have this... What is that? Secrets can't hide from THE LIE DETECTOR. -I'm down. We're not...we're not actually gonna play this game, are we? I don't know, looks fun to me. Let's do it. No, let's play poker or something, there's no way I'm playing that game. What are you afraid of? This is a kid's lie detector game, this-- It's not a kid's game, look, read it, it's fun for all ages. We're all ages, dude... You think that thing actually works? - Who cares, dude, you got a secret or something, you're tryna hide something from us?\n- I know... I know... I'm not gonna play this game. - Are you afraid of a little bit of lie detector game?\n- No, no, no, no, no--- Look, it's this or twister or strip poker, dude. - What's with you and getting naked and twisting? No. We're just gonna play some lie detector games...\n- No... no... no ways...\n- Oh, yes, we are.\n-I'm not going to play this-- All right...? Okay. Place the lie detector helmets on your head and the magical machine will reveal your darkest secrets... - Sounds fine.\n- Whatever. Just go. Okay, I'll go first. Hector... Did you cry during the Titanic? Absolutely not.\n*lie detector buzzes* You cried during the Titanic. Look at all of this secrets poking out of his pants. This thing doesn't work, it clearly doesn't work.\n*lie detector buzzes* It was like 15 years ago.\n*lie detector buzzes* Ten years ago.\n*lie detector buzzes* Five years ago.\n*lie detector buzzes* Four days ago!\n*ding* Whatever, Larry. Do you still wet the bed? No. *lie detector buzzes* Oh God? I drink, let me explain. I drink lots of water in habits. I have a small bladder. It's a condition. Condition, what's a condition called, Larry? What we don't know what you're talking about not funny all cool ah Larry, can you lick your elbow? No\n*lie detector buzzes* Why would you lie about that anyway my turn mmm? Hector... Do you have a secret that you don't want anyone to know? Yeah, I guess...\n*ding* You do...? Okay have you ever...\nHmm... I don't know... Killed anybody?\n-Wow... Dark... You Gotta answer it. yEs, I'vE kilLed sOmEoNe bEfOrE!\n*ding* In Call Of Duty. Oh... Mm-hmm. My turn Larry... What's your favorite color?\n-Purple.\n*lie detector buzzes* Hector were you home on the night of October 3rd, 2017? Yeah.\n*lie detector buzzes*\nLarry... Ya, got'em copy. ♪ Do you believe in love after-- ♪ Do you by any chance have a job that you've kept undercover? No... Nothing comes to mind.\n*lie detector buzzes* Larry, do you like ice cream? Yes., *ding* Hector, are you a hitman for the singing of mango cartel? No. *lie detector buzzes* Hmm... Larry... Are you a narc? No. *lie detector buzzes* Hector... Do you like cupcakes? Yes. Hector... How do you feel about anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law? Feels great... *lie detector buzzes* Where did you guys get all the good cards man!? Larry... Do you think you're messing with the same man right now now? No.", metadata={'source': '9SK1I0V6U5c'}), Document(page_content="*ding* Larry, do you--- (angrily) SHUT UP BEN!!! Hector did you know that there's a team of highly trained intelligence operatives in a van outside your house has been parked there all week? Larry did you know that I got people watching your people watch me watch you watch me? Did you know I have a sniper watching you right now? *shing* Ah! Yeah, well did you know that I have seen a pingas six best marksman watching you right now? *shing shing shing shing shing shing fast* I see where this is going... Guys? Guys? can we just calm down?! I've got 600 men. *shing x600 fast* Now look at you, glowing... like one big ol red Christmas light... It's time to open gifts you have a wife named Betty right Hector. He's your best friend man stop. No, he's not!\n*lie detector buzzes* He's not my best friend! *lie detector buzzes* Am I your best friend? No! *lie detector buzzes* Maybe! *lie detector buzzes* Yes, yes... *ding* What about you? Am I your best friend? No...\n*lie detector buzzes* You're not! *lie detector buzzes* Maybe. *lie detector buzzes* Yes. *lie detector buzzes* HELL YES! *ding* But I don't love you with all my heart! *lie detector buzzes* Yeah, well it's not like you've always been there for me! *lie detector buzzes* But you were my best friend since second grade. *ding* Stand down boys...\n*lasers go away* And who's your 2nd best friend? (angrily) SHUT UP BEN!!! Subtitles by ProKameron.", metadata={'source': '9SK1I0V6U5c'})]
[Document(page_content="come on are you guys oh wow you look beautiful thank you this is mod V me am i described are you being searched yeah oh wait when you're having a conversation does mod V also record what I'm saying or just what you're saying what everybody's saying okay just curious right I mean it's kind of amazing I can look back and tell you exactly what I said there's no doubt meeting the scribe for the first time it's just strange do you really want everything documented everything all right I'm gonna make urination Sam mom do you have to pee here you're good with your diaper [Applause] I just feel like let's just make Chris Turner so uncomfortable it's fun what she queefed in our workout was bigger than she did she was queefing she did you are funny you're funny to have around me oh thanks but I will say as a child the way you used to talk to me when I thought my name was Ted and all you do is get drunk it's wild please call child services you have no idea what I go through on a nightly basis don't punish me because somebody's writing everything down it's not funny anymore [Music]", metadata={'source': 'TN5jzDgORqQ'})]
[Document(page_content="come on hey what's up guys mkbhd here and this is iphone 10 and it's my favorite iphone ever by far and there's no doubt that in the history of iphones this thing is iconic it's more modern it finally feels like a new iphone that's a big part of why i like it so much but that's also the source for a few sore spots there's a learning curve to this phone unlike any other iphone you see every other iphone ever has just been home button rectangle screen rounded corners pretty much the same thing you know what you're getting yourself into you know exactly how to use it and if there's maybe one big new feature every year it takes you two seconds to learn it and you're good iphone 10 is different with this phone there's maybe three or four big fundamental changes to the way you use the phone now it's very clearly still an iphone you still mostly know how to use it but there's a couple things that are different that you'll have to get used to so on the outside it's the shape we're used to the rectangle with rounded corners but this is the first time the display itself actually has curved corners and it's pushed right up to the edges of the phone or at least closer than they've ever been the commercials make it seem a little more dramatic than it actually is but hey it's 2017 phones have small bezels that's just the way they are now so in that way the iphone catches up and it pushes everything to the corners and keeps all the front-facing sensors in the notch that forsaken notch at the top it's actually not that big of a deal but we'll get into that soon just holding the phone though it feels great i think it's an awesome size but if there were a bigger iphone 10 plus i would totally get that right now despite the larger display the 10 is definitely closer to feeling like an iphone 8 than an 8 plus it still feels like a smaller phone compared to the others i've used and also thanks to the stainless steel sides it's definitely slippery and it's definitely going to slide out of your pocket at least once it happens to the best of them and it's crazy the silver it's so shiny and honestly we all know your phone is never going to look as good as it does fresh out the box unlike the more matte finish of the previous iphone i'm not convinced this super shiny finish on the iphone's rails is going to last like this we've seen this before in other products it definitely gets chipped and scratched you probably already know i usually go for a matte black skin here which not gonna lie still looks pretty good but dbrand's got something new for the 10 the grip so like the name implies this thing is supposed to be the best way to grip your phone look for a full review of this bumper later this month but i'll leave a link below if you want to check this one out a lot of people were asking about it when i showed it in my instagram story but overall it's a pretty complete hardware package as you'd expect from a thousand dollar smartphone you know it's the speakers even though they aren't front facing are still pretty good it's water resistant which gives you some nice peace of mind it has wireless charging there's no headphone jack welcome to 2017 but overall it's well considered and well put together uh is it now officially the most breakable iphone ever thanks to having glass on the back yes yes the one part of the hardware of this phone i actually really don't like is the camera bump but not just for the usual reason like rocking on a table i've just kind of accepted that at this point but because of the new orientation a couple times i've noticed it's easy to accidentally get your finger in the photo or video you're taking just because it's all up in the corner it might take a couple days to get used to that and stop getting your finger in the corner of your shots but what's really become the signature feature of the iphone 10 is around the front and it is that notch up at the top of the display and", metadata={'source': '9Ca8zWJOlFQ'}), Document(page_content="feature of the iphone 10 is around the front and it is that notch up at the top of the display and there are two camps with this number one is i hate it it's ugly i wish it wasn't there and number two is i actually don't notice it anymore and just like with the essential phone i tend to fall more in camp number two when you want to make a 2017 phone and you want to shrink the bezels you still have to put all the front-facing sensors all of the cameras and the ir blaster and the depth sensor you have to put that somewhere in 2017 some manufacturers keep a smaller traditional bezel to house it some try to go no top bezel and put everything in the chin some try to minimize all the bezels and use a sort of a cut out notch apple has decided to go with a notch and i don't mind it in fact i literally don't even think about it anymore in everyday use now obviously when you're focusing on it here as i'm talking about it and highlighting it on video it's really obvious you know the unibrow at the top it kind of just becomes a part of this iphone 10s character but you're never really looking at it during normal use like flipping through apps scrolling through twitter instagram whatever it disappears pretty quick now not everybody feels this way clearly like i've seen all the clever like hiding the notch stuff all the apps and the wallpapers and that i get that uh but because this is apple and because they're stubborn and will never admit that any of their solutions are anything other than perfect they've come up with the opposite solution which is embrace the notch so in all their software and all the software they'll promote is apps that wrap right around that notch and fill up the whole display that's what an optimized iphone 10 app looks like and since this is a taller aspect ratio apps will have to get updated to do this developers will have to get on their horse and actually put in the work and update their apps to get them to fill up the display like this and to be fair most of the big name apps are already upgrading and embracing the notch like apple wants but there are still plenty that haven't updated yet and they'll be obvious when you see them because they'll have these big bezels about the top and the bottom kind of like you're using them on an iphone 8 again so slowly over the next couple of weeks and months all the apps you're using will get updated to embrace that notch whether you like it or not it just takes some time probably the biggest change developers have had to make to their apps for a new iphone since the beginning so for the record the only time i really think about that notch is when i'm watching videos yes it gets kind of awkward here because when you're watching videos full screen the notch will cut off some of the display some of what you're trying to watch so if you want to avoid that you can actually double tap and it'll bring in the video you're watching on this oled display now you have some more bezels but at this point now the video you're watching is so small you might as well not be watching it on a bigger screen it feels like the same size as the iphone 8. so this whole thing is the main reason why i would actually want a plus sized iphone 10. anyway as for the rest of the display it's great apple calls it a super retina display i just call it their first oled in a smartphone ever finally and it's it's pretty awesome it's a 5.8 inch panel high pixel density it supports the p3 color gamut hdr it has true tone it doesn't get as bright and saturated as samsung's like note 8 and s8 displays but it is still bright enough not too cartoonish with the colors has a small blue shift when you tilt it off axis but so do many other oleds to varying degrees and it still has 3d touch although i pretty much stopped using that completely except for lock screen controls that i wish i could change so the screen is awesome and it's a big part of why this phone looks so", metadata={'source': '9Ca8zWJOlFQ'}), Document(page_content="that i wish i could change so the screen is awesome and it's a big part of why this phone looks so good from so many angles so uh good job samsung now of course when you go to a full screen display like this you lose the home button so that's why iphone 10 replaces that home button with a whole bunch of gestures this is the biggest learning curve of any iphone ever but it's still not that bad you swipe up from that bar at the bottom of the screen at any time to go home now anytime you see that bar it represents the home and whatever app you're in will close itself just like any other iphone hitting the home button swipe down from the top for notifications but now swipe from the right corner for your control center and then for multitasking again you have no home button so you swipe halfway up and then over to get through your recent apps that'll get you to that same card style carousel as before but overall once you get hang of this system once you get used to all this swiping which took me a couple days it felt pretty natural i actually started trying to swipe up on other phones which shows you how weird how much i got used to that the one that took me the longest was multitasking because i started off thinking you had to swipe up then wait and then the cards show up but that always felt so slow but what you really have to do to get this to work is you swipe up and over and that gets you to the cards way faster so that's a pro tip for anyone who is still swiping up halfway and waiting for the cards to show up like i was you're welcome and for those with small hands or who just really liked reachability on the bigger iphone you technically still have it here it's buried in the accessibility settings but you can do the little swipe down on the bottom of the screen to bring the top corners within reach and that makes getting the top gestures easier with one hand i leave that on it's pretty useful sometimes now of course the other big change that comes with ditching the home button on iphone 10 is he also just ditched that fingerprint reader which means as you may have heard they needed to replace that with face id facial recognition face id on the iphone works really well most of the time it's not perfect and i think touch id was closer to perfect as far as fail rate goes but it's still impressively good here i talked about how touch id is like the gold standard for quickly and securely getting into your phone in the previous video i'll link that below the like button of course and i still believe that touch id is definitely still faster but face id can get better with software updates and with time as millions of people begin to use it i think that'll happen and it still also has some physical limitations that you can become aware of and avoid just like touch id had some physical limitations that you could become aware of like when your finger is wet or it doesn't quite work because of stuff on your hands or if you have a glove on stuff like that you just know touch id is not going to work so you put in the passcode face id has some physical limitations too it works by bouncing thousands of little infrared dots off your face and back into the sensor and creating a map of your eyes nose and mouth it doesn't actually use the front-facing camera and it can learn a changing face over time it still recognizes you when you get a haircut or shave a beard or put makeup on none of this stuff has a huge effect on the dot map it made of your face it also won't be tricked by a picture of you because that doesn't have the depth of your face and i can also work through some pairs of sunglasses again the ones where the infrared light can get through but face id has been known to fail when you're backlit or when there's like a ton of extra infrared light coming in basically from the sun it's like how a dim flashlight doesn't work when it's really bright out same thing face id is gonna get", metadata={'source': '9Ca8zWJOlFQ'}), Document(page_content="like how a dim flashlight doesn't work when it's really bright out same thing face id is gonna get blinded by all that extra infrared light just gotta type in your passcode but those times for me were few and far between if touch id's success rate was 99 to me it felt like face id's success rate was like 95 percent now that can add up when you unlock your phone hundreds of times a day but again this can get better as it gets used more there's even some settings as well where you can turn attention on so it won't unlock if you're just holding the phone up to your face not only that but you have to be looking at your phone then it'll unlock and show all your notification data works pretty well for me just please don't do this while driving and even if face id is this workaround to not getting the fingerprint reader underneath the glass in time for this phone i still think that at its best facial recognition on a phone is closer to secure seamless authentication than a separate fingerprint reader ever would be because with this you just pick up the phone and it works you use it you log in you pay for stuff you download apps etc but if someone else picks up your phone it won't work it's that simple and then there is an emoji possibly maybe the most fun feature of iphone 10 but you know it's hilarious these moving facial tracking animoji are iphone 10 exclusive you can't get this on any other iphone so if you get one of these then you know the person that sent it has an iphone 10. and weirdly enough if you send this to someone with an android phone they just get a video message of this animoji but here's the thing animoji is just using the front-facing camera check this out animoji is working and continues to work even when you cover the depth sensors and the extra front-facing sensors all that stuff it'll work when you cover everything except for the front-facing camera which means they totally could have made these available for any other iphone but they didn't man animoji is the classic i have an iphone and you don't feature classic apple iphone x also has some slightly new cameras same exact sensors for both cameras as the iphone 8 plus but slightly better glass and now both are optically stabilized so this is going to get you some meaningfully better performance with the 2x telephoto lens and zoomed in photos and zoomed in videos things like that which is good to see because i avoided using it with previous iphones and as you'd expect photos from the iphone 10 look awesome i'm especially happy with how much dynamic range we're getting hdr on previous iphone cameras used to be a lot less aggressive and i kept asking over and over for a little more a little more and now photos really pop the sky is like always so blue detail is there color accuracy is tight it's not as good as the pixel 2's camera just gonna say that right up front but this is a top five smartphone camera no doubt if you want a video sample check out the tesla rap video i'll link it below that's five minutes of 4k video from the sensor right there if you want to watch that and despite its tendency to overexpose i think it might be the best front-facing camera for video for any smartphone they've also added portrait mode to the front-facing camera for portrait selfies on the 10 but it doesn't work nearly as well edges get blurred super hard almost to a comical amount when you compare it to something like the pixel 2 or even the back facing camera but the thing is pixel 2 does all this so much better because of machine learning and software so in theory iphone 10 can keep learning and get this good too plus it already has better color accuracy so i'll be on the lookout for that software update now you may have noticed we've made it all this way into an iphone review without talking about any of the specs it shows how important that is but iphone 10 is rocking the a11 bionic chip and three gigs of ram and it's", metadata={'source': '9Ca8zWJOlFQ'}), Document(page_content="how important that is but iphone 10 is rocking the a11 bionic chip and three gigs of ram and it's awesome in fact it's really really good i would say this is the most powerful mobile chipset in any smartphone right now the benchmarks are insane but this isn't for ios this is for all the things that run on top of ios the augmented reality apps the image processing the super slow motion video all that stuff but ios is still ios as you know i mean it obviously feels more modern because of all the swiping and the gestures now but as far as functionality it has all the same stuff and features you're used to has all the same quirks you're used to like ios notification system is still a mess since they don't group apps together this is still easily fixable but there's plenty of other things i wish would be different about ios too but it's apple they're stubborn you'll get used to it and battery life on the iphone 10 has turned out to be pretty great close to the iphone 8 plus i would say again iphone is a champ of standby time and it always has been so no problems there and it handles the biggest iphone display ever pretty well thanks to it being an oled i haven't had any problems getting to the end of a single day with full use if you want to use that screen on time metric it's usually around six hours so the bottom line and the question that i get the most often about this phone is so what do you think uh and if you made it this far in the video you already know what i think but in case you skip to this part this is my favorite iphone ever by far i really like it uh is it worth a thousand dollars honestly i don't think people spending the money on this phone will be disappointed now that's not to say this thing is perfect it clearly still also has its downsides you know the fact that it's all glass on the back more breakable that's a downside the notch on the front for a lot of people that's a downside no headphone jack still a downside but those are all things that i think people who are buying this phone are already used to or were expecting and for that reason it's not a deal breaker in 2017 so i'm happy to be carrying this phone so if you were thinking about going out and getting this phone go ahead i think you'll like it too until the next one this has been mkbhd thank you for watching talk to you guys in the next one peace [Music] you", metadata={'source': '9Ca8zWJOlFQ'})]
[Document(page_content='From producer Tim Burton and replacement director Joel Schumacher comes a Batman movie that replaces the 80\'s gothic look of the first two with the ecstasy soaked fever dream of the mid-90\'s. Yup, this is definitely the worst movie I\'ve seen 30 times Batman Forever After Tim Bburton made Batman cool for the main stream, then put too much kinky stuff in the sequel to sell kid\'s toys, Warner Bros. picked Joel Schumacher as the pariah-- err... director to push the franchise in a more family-friendly direction -Holy rusted metal, Batman!\n-Uh? But hey! If this was the way we had to go through to get Nolan... take it away, Joel -Can I persuade you to take a sandwich with you, sir?\n-I\'ll get drive-through. [sigh] Meet Val Kilmer\'s unique take on Batman He\'s not weird like Keaton, charming like Clooney, intimidating like Bale, swoll like Affleck, or emotional like a human. But he does contribute one major unique trait to the Batman legacy: His mouth is always open! I mean. bats do eat bugs... I guess that\'s one way to catch\'em Watch Batman face Two-Face: A man with the power of not being a threat half the time But there\'s also the onesy-wearing Riddler: Jim Carrey, at the height of his powers, brings the same manic energy he brings to his other roles Joygasm! Ssssssmokin\'! while Tommy Lee Jones makes the horrible choice to bring the same manic energy as Jim Carrey ...aand meee!!!! Watch these two actors try to one-up each other on camera ...while the real drama was apparently going down off-screen -He got up and hugged me, and said \'I hate you. I really don\'t like you\' Drill, as Batman faces his greatest danger yet, the only thing that can actually stop him for good: A therapist! Dr. Chase Meridian takes her place alongside Vicki Vale, as the latest Bat-girlfriend you\'ll never hear from again. She\'s got brains, brawn, and she\'s not using either of them Because all she does is perv out on a stranger in a rubber suit You ARE interesting Well, I wish I could say that my interest in you is... purely professional [many moans] My place. Mightnight I\'ve imagined this moment since I first saw you. Your eyes. Your lips. Your body. Experience the Bat-family grow bigger with Chris O\'Donnell\'s Robin, whose lame origin story of the Robin name I flew in like a Robin is still better than The Dark Knight Rises\' -You should use you full name: Robin\n-Thanks Witness a mid-twenties actor, who is best to play a cool teen, complete with cool motorcycle and learher jacket, giant 90s cool guy earring, and something no-one will ever make cool: Laundry Karate! Holy \'dry clean only\', Batman! This makes me wanna drink some bleach! So, witness the begining of the end of the original Bat-quadrilogy that put nipples on the Batsuit, launched Akiva Goldsman\'s career, and cut out the insane sub-plot with the giant bat, but survives today by hanging on to its three redeeming qualities: The Thumbs-up .gif The epic Seal song And the fact that no matter what you have to say it\'s not as sh*tty as Batman & Robin [Ka-ching] Never leave the cave without it Starring Hello, Reddit! I am actor and artist Val Kilmer. AMA! A chewed up Starburst! Jim Carries the movie Dr. Girlfriend The Adult Wonder Didn\'t sign up for this The world\'s craziest Laser Tag arena The "Batman! Yeah!" guy Batman! Yeah! The "Boiling acid!" guy Oh, no! It\'s boiling acid! and What\'s that, girl? Batman fell down a well? [bark] Batman Begins\n...to suck Did anyone notice Two-Face\'s lair only works if he is facing one direction? Do they have to rearrange the furniture when he turns around?', metadata={'source': 'CtBca6H6Teg'})]
[Document(page_content="hi I'm John Green welcome to my salon this is Mental Floss video and did you know that koalas have fingerprints just like humans in fact they're virtually indistinguishable from ours the only other animals that have fingerprints like humans are our relatives like chimps and gorillas anatomist believed that koalas may have evolved them as a way to help them grab and hold eucalyptus leaves and that is the first of many facts about koalas I'm going to share with you today that's right it's a koala only episode a koala tacular some sources say the word koala may have come from an Aboriginal word meaning no drink because koalas don't drink much but some say that's a myth and the term actually has Darragh origins that's a specific Aboriginal language and means animal speaking of koala linguistics there isn't a word for a group of koalas they don't actively avoid each other but they tend to be solitary creatures so it's not necessary to have a word for a group koalas also have a scientific name of course and the term for their genus comes from Greek words and means pouched bear but koalas aren't bears they're mammals with pouches which makes them marsupials it also makes them adorable so for a bit of koala history fossils have been found of their ancestors there were koalas very similar to the ones we know today as far back as 26 million years ago just for a bit of context our species has been around for about 250,000 years so one percent of koala history after the first koalas appeared there were for a time also tiny ones maybe just half as big and even more recently about three million years ago there were giant koalas double the size of the current one but back then Australia had mostly rain forests in the rain forests the eucalyptus trees were relatively scarce and yet koalas still used them for food that actually gave koalas an evolutionary advantage because as Australia became more dry many other trees receded but the eucalyptus is stayed around by the way we tend to think of koalas as a common Australian animal but they actually have 10 times more wild camels in Australia than they do koalas the reason for the strong association between koalas and Australia is partly thanks to the cartoonist Norman Lindsay at the turn of the 20th century he created a group of koala characters which were used to satirize parts of Australian culture another reason for the connection is that during World War one a contingent of the first Australian Imperial force actually brought a koala with them to Palestine as sort of a living mascot but whatever England had a lance-corporal goat in their army in 2008 Wallace moved from tree to tree but they revisit the same ones a lot their preferred group of trees is known as their home range and despite being fairly solitary like I mentioned before they do share trees and home ranges with each other but they also have a territorial side mail cool which are called bucks by the way females are dough's have a scent gland that they use to mark territory it's a brown gland on the chest that they rub on trees to inform other books you know this is my tree you can tell from my smell that's not the only weird thing Buck's do they have this low loud bellow according to experts it's similar to an elephant Rumble in pitch which is surprising considering their size this is meant to alarm other bucks and detract doze but for the record koalas rarely fight each other they also don't sweat even though of course it gets quite hot in Australia the reason they're often hugging trees is to stay cool and that's why sometimes they'll even hang on to trees that don't have eucalyptus leaves it's not that leopards primates and birds all use trees to stay cool although not all via hugging baby koalas are known as Joey's and they're very very cute but they're also kind of disgusting when they're young they don't eat eucalyptus leaves yet so they get nutrients from their mothers path", metadata={'source': '-oXybog2IuI'}), Document(page_content="they're young they don't eat eucalyptus leaves yet so they get nutrients from their mothers path which is essentially poop with a different composition like it comes out of their mothers bottoms and since I'm already ruining koalas for you they're kind of mean in 2006 The Sydney Morning Herald reported that some thieves had stolen a crocodile and traded it for illegal substances and according to a zookeeper they'd originally planned to take a koala but it quote scratched the out of them so in the end the thieves took the crocodile because it was more agreeable than the Koala in 2014 a koala named mundu escaped from his enclosure at the San Diego Zoo but he ended up finding a tree above his usual home and then just spent the whole day sleeping there the zookeepers got him back in the enclosure with some eucalyptus bribery here's some animals that would not be cute if they escaped from a zoo shark Hedgehog Aquaman bomb with feet speaking of Koala snapping the animals sleep between 18 and 22 hours per day but it's a misconception that they're always tired because eucalyptus leaves make them high they really just need to conserve their energy due to the low nutritional content of the leaves and they don't have great visions so they need their large noses to seek out the best eucalyptus leaves and they're pretty picky there are about 600 types of eucalyptus trees in Australia and they vary from area to area in a given region koalas tend to strongly prefer just one to three types although in a pinch they'll tolerate about 50 also if you're in Australia do not eat like a koala eucalyptus leaves are poisonous to humans most animals actually can't eat them either koalas have special microbes in their digestive tract to make their diet possible they also have to eat a lot due to that a fur mentioned low nutritional content they eat up to 2.2 pounds of leaves per day plus sometimes they keep some extra in their cheeks for later walls can also have heterochromia to eyes that are different colours one was found in 2016 named Bowie this is a very rare feature for marsupials unfortunately something that isn't rare for koalas is chlamydia an estimated 50 to 90 percent of the animals have it historically koalas have had very low genetic diversity and that's why so many of them are suffering from the same infection it also means it's going to be harder for them to deal with climate change and in addition to those struggles koalas are down to about 20% of their original habitat and sadly their population has dropped by about 95 percent since the 1990s and finally I return to my salon to tell you that koalas do not only eat eucalyptus they also eat dirt as I mentioned earlier the nutrition content of eucalyptus leaves isn't ideal so they get some calcium from dirt and it helps them to fully digest their eucalyptus thanks for watching Mental Floss video which is made with the help of all of these lovely people and thanks to all the koalas out there for being adorable even in hard times as we say in my hometown don't forget to be awesome [Music] [Music] you [Music]", metadata={'source': '-oXybog2IuI'})]
[Document(page_content="right taste my Mo's film site is Justice League legend waiting for Justice League it was X Friday and this is a DC Comics Code the super group and this your first could real go at being Aquaman we have sort of seen you yeah we know we haven't so it's they're all there there's the flash Wonder Woman Batman cyborg and you Aquaman and why why act man why have you all been joined together in this way the world as we know it is gonna end no yes just I hate to break the news to my friends kind of save you obviously you know in terms of the superpowers cuz obviously all superheroes you've got super powers so command water-based could breathe onto water presumably yes but what else can he do he can command the ocean so he can you know I basically talk to fish if you wanted me to I don't know make you sushi I can do that like put the plant Jonestown for fish super-strength and and you've got your hang on it's a squint kwinda agent Quinton it's not the Trident yeah we don't get to try it into a little bit later next movie so I think the Quinn don't you step back there you this is this real good reaction to a for well done this one's a nice light one oh I see I could do that I do break a lot of these okay I mean I do break a lot of them but [Applause] [Music]", metadata={'source': 'pcWKpGzhgq4'})]
[Document(page_content="there's a rumor that he might be people sexiest man alive huh oh my god oh wow they got that right I need to know I knew I was on to something you had the right if he is what's the reaction if you wake up and that's the news Wow I'm gonna look really good huh I already had scored but now I've really scored there you go and is there like what's what's the reaction if he's not oh well I still score you", metadata={'source': 'g0K5QoEj7FQ'})]
[Document(page_content='[♪♩INTRO] One of our Patreon patrons, Captain Nick,\nrecently wanted to know what the world sounds like through cochlear implants, which turned\nout to be a pretty popular — and interesting — question. Because if you don’t have the implants yourself,\nyou … can’t really know. Cochlear implants are one way for someone\nwho’s deaf or hard of hearing to hear speech, and to understand what they sound like, you\nmight be tempted to put the business end of one up to a mic and listen. But if you did that, all you’d get is silence,\nbecause cochlear implants don’t actually produce any noise. Confused? Let me explain. There are two main types of devices that help\npeople hear: hearing aids and cochlear implants. Hearing aids are basically miniaturized amps\nand speakers, meaning the world sounds a lot like it would to someone whose hearing isn’t\nimpaired. Of course, for a hearing aid to work, the\nperson has to have some amount of hearing in the first place. If they don’t, a hearing aid won’t help. Cochlear implants allow people with profound\nhearing loss or even complete deafness to hear speech by bypassing most of the ear altogether. What it puts out are electrical currents,\nnot sound waves—which is why it’s silent. Cochlear implants consist of a mic, a processor,\nand a receiver with an electrode array. The electrodes and receiver are surgically\nimplanted into the cochlea—in case the name wasn’t clear. Your cochlea is the part of your inner ear\nthat converts sound waves into electrical signals, which then travel to your brain through\nthe auditory nerve. It’s a hollow tube that’s coiled in on\nitself, which makes it look a bit like a snail shell, and it’s lined with special cells\ncalled hair cells that trigger nerve signals when they detect sound waves. If these hair cells aren’t working—because\nthey never have, or because of some kind of damage—then it doesn’t matter how loud\na speaker you put in your ear: you won’t hear sound well, if at all. So a cochlear implant kind of acts like a\nhair cell replacement. The electrode array is implanted so it can\nstimulate parts of the cochlea directly. The mic takes in sounds from the world and\npasses them to the processor, which then crunches that sound data and interprets it into about\ntwo dozen “channels”, each corresponding to a different frequency of sound. For each channel, there’s an electrode in\nthe array that zaps a certain spot in the cochlea. So what you “hear” is what your brain\ninterprets from the combination of signals. But those sounds aren’t the same as what\nthe mic picked up. There are thousands of hair cells in a fully-functional\ncochlea, which is why hearing people can pick up a whole range of frequencies. With only two dozen channels or less, the\nsounds from a cochlear implant are so different that a lot of people who get them essentially\nhave to train their brains to hear. It’s impossible to completely replicate\nwhat it sounds like without zapping your cochlea, but if you’ve ever heard one of those talking\ndolls when it’s running low on batteries … it’s a little bit like that. The channels the implant uses are specifically\ndesigned to amplify speech and make it interpretable, but they’re not great at replicating the\ncomplexity of real world sound. As one person with a cochlear implant explained\nto NPR, the implants especially fail at relaying pitch and timbre. Because of that, it can be especially difficult\nto understand tonal languages like Chinese, or to isolate individual voices talking in\na crowd. Researchers are working on ways to make cochlear\nimplants clearer, but for now, even the best implants we have make the world sound very\ndifferent. But for those who choose to get them, it’s\na way to listen to and understand speech — even if it sounds a bit strange. Thanks to Captain Nick for asking this question,\nand thanks to all our patrons, who keep these answers coming. If you’d like to submit a question to be', metadata={'source': 'lzgQrHFDNLE'}), Document(page_content='answered, you can go to patreon.com/scishow. [♪♩OUTRO]', metadata={'source': 'lzgQrHFDNLE'})]
[Document(page_content="[Music] hello confetti club it is fixing and today is such an exciting day I'm so freakin excited it is a very special youtube birthday but not my actual YouTube birthday my actual YouTube birthday is August something but today is the fateful day I have received my 100,000 subscribers YouTube play button mmm and so I'm going to do a cheeky unbox for you guys I am a quaking if you look down you'll probably notice I'm a little bit past a hundred thousand that's cuz it takes like five months for these things to come I knew that going in but it still feels like an eternity because you just you're so excited to finally get this beautiful beautiful rumored illustrious it's like a unicorn it's like ooh only rumored will you ever see one in real life oh it's gonna have my name on it imagine if it like had the wrong name imagine if it was like some other random you do it'll be terrible I'm gonna open this bad boy up it says pixie locks on the box which is really exciting but I'm not gonna show you because it's by my hairdress if you don't know what these are I assume most people do but if you don't um YouTube sends out like these plaques called play buttons for different subscriber milestones so the first one is a hundred thousand which is my precious baby I have here today and the next one's a million which is the gold play button so this one's silver when millions gold ten million is diamonds and then after that is there platinum or am I crazy PewDiePie got a special Ruby one but he's the only one who's like vaguely close to 50 million so that was like special for him but yeah it was really exciting he is in there talked so snug [Music] [Music] it's just gonna be me making that sound for the video okay we got some nice styrofoam this is a real unboxing says YouTube on the box and I'm gonna try and get this on camera but also have a pure moment whoa well there's a letter oh you've just done something that very few YouTube creators accomplished how old is this you had an astonishing 100,000 people subscribed to your channel we know that numbers on YouTube can get really big but we hope that you don't lose sight of the reality behind that six digit milestone each and every person who is subscribed to your channel has been touched by what you created they were inspired challenged or entertained you achieve this milestone with hard work perseverance and probably a healthy sense of humor too what you've accomplished can't be taken away from you and we'd like to reckon if you lost if you like went down to under 100k but you already like had your play buttons unto you and you're lucky oops and we'd like to recognize you and all your hard work with a silver creator award a small token of our esteem and respect this is so cute we know that you don't do this for rewards you do it because you have a drive to create and share and because you've found an audience who cares believe us when we say that we can't wait to see what you do next a million subscribers may seem a long way off right now but you're closer than you think and we're rooting for you congratulations you're sincerely sue in watches sick CEO YouTube I'm really sorry that I can't pronounce your name Susan I know they send that to everyone but it's still really cute ever ever ever oh oh oh the back is so filthy that's my baby well that's me but it's on my baby oh I did it Oh shiny shiny shiny this is such a happy day this is such a special moment ah obviously I want to give a freaking ginormous thank you to all of you guys cuz like this is you this isn't like I did a good thing a hundred thousand times this is like a hundred thousand people were nice and like subscribed to me so like that's extra frickin amazing I'm so so so blessed and happy to have an audience that is so sweet and kind and always sweet and kind to each other and me and just so amazing I feel like the confetti club is special and I feel like every creator also says", metadata={'source': '0ANDjPQPS_Q'}), Document(page_content="just so amazing I feel like the confetti club is special and I feel like every creator also says that they're like oh like my audience is the best audience but like with a rock pretty hard every time I go down in the comments people are always like responding to each other helping each other out being sweet on Instagram there's a lot of like pixie locs fan accounts that are hilarious and I started following them and they're so funny and sweet and they're all funny and sweet to each other as well it's just like a beautiful happy community that just loves like colors and fashion and rainbows and sparkles but also it's down-to-earth and real about it you know what I mean it was crazy because my facebook like memory look back on what you did a year ago today thing was me posting about being right under 50,000 subscribers it was like I was like what do I say I was like if I hit 50,000 confetti club members before the end of 2016 I'm gonna cry and now a year later and I'm at a hundred thirty-five thousand and my silver play button and freaking crying and I just thank you I want to make it cute I don't know how I'm gonna do it but I want to make it cute so I'm gonna cut to that I don't want to do anything that would like permanently damage this because I feel like this is a sacred freakin like item that should not be tampered with so I want to find a way to make it kawaii and like fit my room and kind of fit my personality and like be a happy sparkle time but also something that is not permanent because again I don't want to I don't want to mess with this thing that I waited five nights for so we're gonna cut to me on my floor and see how I do that so I has my beautiful baby and my my plan my my beautiful brainchild is to like layer over and cut out a piece of cardstock that I can just ever so delicately scotch tape on so it doesn't actually hurt it even though I frickin put a little ding in it with my laptop when I went to go get the future confetti club member but it's fine it's and I have a large thing of fake flowers because I went through a phase where I just bought infinite fake flowers let's just see how she goes --is what color should I use this is what I got from designer Diaries I don't know if you're gonna be able to see it I feel like it should just straight up your pink though this one's really cool but or I could just like make it that should it be pink I want it to be in my background though of my videos I feel like that's like a rite of passage is to have your play button in the background of your videos I have so many purples am I gonna be okay or I can just do pink but it's on a pink background yeah [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] you know what are you doing up there what are you doing up there [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] there yay that's exactly what I had in my head oh look how happy he is oh yeah yeah yay and it's completely reversible because it's all just stuck on the paper that I Scotch taped it to so hey look it's cute but also reversible yay this videos feature confetti club member is Kelly Scott in bloom on Instagram I hope I said your name right she is looking so so cute happy belated birthday cheeky boo rockin that you look nice today TV with so many birthday themes cuz it was your birthday happy birthday again you're rockin it love you to bits you're adorable thank you for your support I love you guys so so much and I will see you in the next video which is not this one because this one is over bye [Music]", metadata={'source': '0ANDjPQPS_Q'})]
[Document(page_content="hi guys welcome back to my channel it's a girl a jackie ina thank you so much for joining me on today's review Jackie Jackie Jackie Jackie Jackie Jackie Jackie Jackie Jackie Jackie Jackie Jackie Jackie Jackie I know I'm the last person on earth to review the morphe 35o r2d2 palette I am well aware that I'm the last person talking about the morphe 405 North polit I'm kidding it's actually called the three 502 palette and this is the sister palette to be ever so famous and ever so coveted three 5-volt palette that came out like three years ago and everyone went nuts I know this is gonna be a bold student but I really kind of feel like that how it is will put the warm well yeah I mean because you have like the Urban Decay Naked series but then when morphe came out with 3500 it was really like the only really warm neutral palette that kind of hit mainstream you know so we were shocked girl we didn't know what to do with it then it kind of got to a point where was like okay more okay we get it okay we see we knew we know it exists all right it keeps coming back okay we get it all right guy so now we have a number two palette I've been noticing there's a lot of stuff going with morphe they're like rebranding everything looks different even down to the promotionals on our visitas palette it looked completely different so you can definitely tell that morphe is coming for our edges okay so today I will be reviewing in DesMoines e35 old 2 palette for you guys by the way I've got great news all this time I've been using morphe and I was not an affiliate but uh as of last week that has changed it was definitely like oh okay well let me just get undressed over here sighs just go for it so um you're not gonna believe this but the name of the code is edges you guys don't like coming up weird name so I took a Twitter poll and everyone voted that they wanted edges so my morphe code is that just use code edges at checkout if you want a discount on all more few purchases you might need your edges after you see this tutorial for like about to cook up some fire with this palette so you might need your edges before we get started I'm gonna ask nicely if you're not subscribed if you are not subscribed when I tell you I will be coming for you and your grandkids find that button and make it and square up and make it happen okay I'm subscribed do it if you don't like warm neutrals what are you doing on Sasori oh just I'm just saying you already knew what you signed up for there's another collection of fiery hot oranges earthy tones you know what I think would be a great twist but then again it would probably different the whole purpose of being in the whole three five world family is that they added in like some dual chrome eat green colors like that would be kind of nice you know it's the ocean palette the Earth Wind and Fire palette I don't know let me start giving ideas first somebody steals them this retails for $23 I'm pretty surprised on the website it hasn't sold out yet I'm assuming they made a lot of a lot of a lot I'm so bad as a plus it has 35 eyeshadows and they're supposed to be blendable and very creamy which I find that sometimes Mac's from morphe can be a little tricky for me to work with because all my skintone like the shimmers across the board if you mess up shimmers you might as well just go out of business I'm not saying more if he does this but shimmers are easy to make sometimes with the mattes that really shows you how good the quality of a shadow is so I'm curious to see if these compared to the other palettes or if they're better and upgrade or if they're worse I've been pretty much a fan of morphe stuff across the board it's not the best stuff but it's also not the worst either it's like you get what you pay for you know and I think that that's also for the longest time while I didn't want to become an affiliate because I feel like people just assumed everyone who was", metadata={'source': 'p2EY93WfBQk'}), Document(page_content="while I didn't want to become an affiliate because I feel like people just assumed everyone who was affiliate was biased and I kind of held onto that but I'm not an affiliate and I still like this stuff and I feel like I've held on to that for as long as I possibly can so nothing's gonna change it's not like it's the first time I've been an affiliate for a brand I'm still gonna be giving you my honest thoughts and Tionne products let's get that very clear I'm gonna get into my base first I'm gonna do foundation brows all this good stuff I'm gonna wake up from the dead basically we'll get right into the eyes portion what did you I'm back they've kept the packaging but they changed the fonts this is the old and this is the new which I kind of think they could still benefit from changing this this is just you know for me and then when you open it up you get the sleeve with all the names which I personally first things first just for demonstrational purposes I'll hang on to this oh I'll play the game for now first color I will take is fire I love a swatch Barbies fires a little neon and I'm not trying to go me on just yet but I'm gonna take instead is heats which is this color right here yes heat taking Heat and I'm popping her right into the crease there's still a little bit of fire on my brush but that's okay first immediate thoughts is it could just be the way that I've prepped my eye it could be all in my head but I'm definitely feeling a little kick in the matte formula with this palette most definitely I'm finding this pretty easy to blend and I'm a swirler so as I dip and and swish-swish-swish I'm not getting a ton of kickback I'm not getting a ton of fallout why I'm getting followed on my eye but that doesn't really some people don't like fallout that doesn't really bother me and you know even though there's so many warm colors in this palette like it's isn't it's still technically fall or wait when did fall in I don't know I live in California so it's damn near spring all year round but this is definitely like a really nice color palette that I think you can get you so all year round I'm just saying cuz there's like earthy tones too it's not just about bright neons and oranges and you can also judge based on when you layer your mat so let's move on to the next color I'm gonna move on to chestnut which is a pretty warm burgundy brown chestnut is giving me a tad bit more kick back to thought I would point that out this time I'm using a slightly tighter brush to get into the outer corner of my eye this is a pretty subtle color I'm not really seeing a lot of it on top of our first color I'm also quite surprised that I don't really see a deep dark in this palette because I feel like brunette can take it there but brunettes almost kind of grayish so it looks more soft yeah just not it's just not giving me a ton of color like did I see the definition added to my crease absolutely but I wish I was getting a little bit more definition and this sometimes is the problem but I have the palettes like me it's almost like the dark mattes don't show as true to color as they should oh it's takete and start blending her along the bottom lashline girl if you have brown eyes if you have hazel eyes if you have green eyes this is going to be your look for summer 18 okay the brush I'm using by the way is the Sigma small taper to eat 45 I got big old bug eyes so it's hard for me to find brushes that don't make me look like a raccoon under here just to shake the table a little bit I'm gonna take brunette which is that sketchy color I was looking at earlier hopefully it's dark enough I'm almost kind of feeling like with palettes like these I think I need to start working backwards using the darker colors first and then layering it them into lighter colors because it's just you just gotta work sometimes just gotta make do that's all i'ma say brunette she's there brunettes definitely showing still", metadata={'source': 'p2EY93WfBQk'}), Document(page_content="just gotta make do that's all i'ma say brunette she's there brunettes definitely showing still pretty soft but it's showing up for sure start tapping at the lash line and then blend you know if you're a beginner with eyeshadow it's probably going to be more beneficial to do more tapping but it is swirling because once you're sore too far north good luck so I stick to the lashline and I start feathering the shadow upwards and that way I get more control over these colors so they be trying to take over okay you got to remind them I did this all right stay in your lane I'm also going to take brunette she's real cute or whatever and Davor in the inner corner I've been loving the halo look lately don't judge we all have our thing that we light so just blend that actually don't blend it tap her show her who's boss now I'm taking Chestnut in our same bottom lashline brush and I'm blending that out and smoking it well it looks really pretty long about lashline like this whole bottom look is just feeling very amber a very exotic a very summer in Miami I'm really kind of feeding for one of these too dark yellow Eagles these are just just doing something I mean right now um I think this is this is a tough choice I'm gonna go with this one this is zippy Zippy's cute personally I find I get along just well oh my god that's popping shimmer shadows on with my finger it just never really steers me wrong firing - I don't know why I just like layering shimmers just like doing I'm gonna actually take polished and this actually looks like rose gold let's see what that does on top of this color oh my god that's pretty that turned that into like a fiery almost like a cut like a copper and this wouldn't be a Jackie ina look without an inner corner color so I'm putting fewer right on top of it to prime to kind of brighten it up which was this color here lashes that I just discovered their base that Auk it's called whiplash and so I just bought I'm up a whole book cuz that was like I don't want one I want on all of them from this lash book I'm gonna be wearing fluff this is a color that I saw on Justine Skye a couple weeks ago on Twitter and I was like I don't know what that is but I need to have 12 of them but I've been rocking this lash oh ha these past couple weeks cuz they are really really nice this lash is like fixed so after I did my full face of NARS makeup a couple videos back a few guys told me to go out and get the casino bronzer from NARS and I actually do think I kind of like it taking casino into my neck and my jawline and the perimeter of my face this here was not god-given she's bronzed I'm gonna take peach my cheeks you guys this is probably one of my favorite products to launch this season from Too Faced their cream blushes oh she's starving you always girl oh I should shoot a campaign just like this let me just stop plan and okay so it's definitely not as bright as I thought it was gonna be thank God I've been dying to get my hands on this ever since I saw on Twitter it is beauty bakery's latest launch their coffee and cocoa palette look how beautiful look how I'm lost for words I'm initech la vida mocha and use that as a highlighter look how pretty that is this is actually looking and feeling more like it's supposed to be a blush so I'm blending that down into my cheeks and then I'm gonna take your grounded and pop that into my highlight that is so pretty oh my god now I'm taking a stippling brush because I do want everything to be blended especially with this look this is the perfect cheek oh my god look how pretty that is I'm gonna finish this off from my peachy matte spray love this stuff just this is pitch from colour-pop I always use this when I want to really really sculpted lip finish off this pulp and look I'm gonna take vinyl this is my girl orphis latest collaboration with more feet she's peach and she smells amazing so you know she's right up my alley actually more of", metadata={'source': 'p2EY93WfBQk'}), Document(page_content="more feet she's peach and she smells amazing so you know she's right up my alley actually more of like a peachy pink and the dark liner was so we can get that kind of ombre look don't it look like I'm going pumpkin picking or what do people do with the pump is out there pumpkin picking pumpkin jumping I don't know I never did stuff like that when I was a kid okay so that is the demo on the 3/5 Oh are two Z's now I've seen what the morphe double XL palette looks like aka the 3/5 vote so I'm gonna just keep making up names for stuff that's what I do I really wanted to do swatches but personally I kind of feel like swatches are kind of BS like I don't know is it just be like swatches don't really except for lipsticks lipsticks I do think our the one exception cuz you actually wear them the way that you swatch them unlike shadows when you blend them out you know what I mean um anyway just to render my thoughts I do think you definitely definitely get what you pay for for twenty three dollars I mean if you're starting out as a makeup artist or if you're just exploring makeup in general don't go out and buy a bunch of high-end stuff if you can't afford it if you can by all means but I think that companies like morphe are definitely bridging the gap from making artistic stuff you know affordable and accessible to people to the everyday average person just always be mindful though you do get what you pay for a lot of times I hear people compare this is the same thing as this enosis and I feel like when your chocolate like that is what will definitely definitely measure whether or not the quality of the shadows were really delivered what will show up on someone who's super super light or maybe even more on the medium side may not show up on me and that is definitely true for shadows when it came down to some of the colors like the deeper dark colors or the colors that were supposed to be deeper dark I had a little bit of trouble getting them to as you see show up on my skin tone and I always use the same base I used I did the same preparatory step okay so was it me I always go into that with some shadows knowing that I'm gonna have to do things a little bit differently so I would say maybe start with the darker shades first the darker mattes first and then work your way up to the lighter more bolder brighter colors because I think you may be a lot more happier with your application versus what I was trying to do working the other way around but honestly all in all great value for money I really like the color selections that more if he puts out I feel like it's foolproof you don't have to make your own palette or make the selections for you I think that morphing does a pretty good job at like creatively putting all the colors together for you at $23 a pop and you know the morphe codes be floating around you know like a lot of other stuff but you know that you can get a little bit of extra points off on top of that so it makes it worthwhile to be honestly do you guys like this look yes or no oh my god this highlight is doing everything for me I feel like this was like the perfect combination of colors for this look I don't think you guys enjoyed it I have fun hanging out today I hope you enjoyed today's video thank you again for watching and I I know i'ma see you on the next one right I didn't know I did not have to say anything all I do is I just sit back okay what time is it I did my thing I leave my tutorial right here for the world to see and you know you know what to do oh and don't forget to use code edges at your morphe check out thanks Thomas", metadata={'source': 'p2EY93WfBQk'})]
[Document(page_content="[Applause] draw up in Annapolis Naval Academy it's been a huge part of my life it's always a pleasure to be here I follow you guys every week confidence is really today's confidence it's not last week it's not next month so whether you won last week or didn't win last week that doesn't have anything to do with today it doesn't have anything to do with tomorrow don't worry about the army game there's nothing to do about any of that stuff only thing you can control is what you do today in preparation for the upcoming game next week against SMU you control what your effort is you control what your performance is put the most into it and you'll get the most out of it those good luck that rest of the year behind you every day every every week every season let's go out and get one [Music] [Applause] you", metadata={'source': '4ftGS_6i7mM'})]
[Document(page_content="of going to Target to go buy the album and so we're gonna go do that she's not are you really good Tania walk we're walking we're gonna go get some magazines you know doing it we're going we're going to target we've got it's Claire it's Ellie we have arrived in the um in the well-lit parking lot just want everyone to be updated that we've already started stalking Christmas stuff at Arco oh wait wait wait we've seen it we've spotted it just gonna slowly like reveal the fashion statement happening over here hi how's it goin garden has been partially walked into now it's been fully walked into we've walked into the target we're in progress of walking still just so you guys don't keeping updated it's wrapped in shiny plastic you have in your natural element oh how can you even see me whatever what I'm wearing me now what you just showed me this was us on the fearless tour babies we're in here and we're facetiming people were facetiming cam and target is really really very it's it's very social right now so everything in them is different except for this the album is the same because I only made one else well there's what is that album cause I'm really transparent about all this I'm freaking out listen to Taylor Swift's in second grade insane huge fan why are you freaking out [Music] there's a ton intro that you [Laughter] hey I'm just act from restless present this is what happened to Nashville Oh Jonah we performed her song on x-factor about four years ago yeah now we're talking hers right babe awesome thank you my gosh you're adorable that was really sweet I mean you in Western Kentucky the word in a target Nashville I live across the street and just came [Laughter] is our tradition and you helped us and you've been dealing with the kind of the crazy lady say hi to anybody Hey really good", metadata={'source': 'vZzIS17HexE'})]
[Document(page_content="and this poop Dragon finds a pain in the ass good girl poop dragon's supposed to be hot good girl I beat it in one try if you think poop dragons hard you should never play diarrhea good good oh man you think poop dragon's bad wait until Siri how do I delete all of Twitter", metadata={'source': 'Y9nDagqKL7Q'})]
[Document(page_content="how much of a threat are these Panthers in the NFC South well I think it's legit now Molly and I think it's all because that guy on that screen behind us now has got some momentum going how many quarterbacks do you know that when they break off a big run a big design run that's what gets them going early completions they'll get cam going cam gets going because of the physicality of the football game and when he starts doing that then the passing comes then the team responds now they have one of the best defenses in the NFL offensive lines getting healthy Greg Olson is gonna come back Jonathan steward look better Christian McCaffrey all of a sudden looks more confident Devin Funchess looks better but right now they're legit the NFC South may be you know and don't maybe I don't want to limit it to that in the NFC have a third are they in the NFC forgetten oh they're there they're there now as long as he can play like that and play with that kind of momentum look they're gonna be a totally different demon when picture this Greg Olson with that Dixon at Dixon you saw last night we want to make one of the better catches you'll see a tight end make a contested catch Devin Funchess now understands there's no more Calvin Benjamin I've got to be the guy Jonathan Stewart understands I got to hold on to the ball Christian McCaffrey you think Christian doesn't hear the noise of people saying I thought you were supposed to be this electric you know Gale Sayers type of guy this kind of got this Reggie Bush type of guy where is that he hears that kind of stuff but that's the engine cams the engine and now they're legit now they're back in the mix they have seen it's it's night and day between them they've seen a listen far be it for me to disagree with you somebody I like it somebody I believe should be a general manager in this league very very soon by the way but let me be very very clear we want specialization by the way we hope so here's the deal can we really tell what have I told y'all Jay Cutler is a disease dude let's look ya'll this to any team either everybody I mean Jay Cutler you could say Jay colors the cure to anybody else's disease anytime you go against him something bounding something good is bound to happen he's the gay these guys horrible he can't galvanize anybody we're going about a 45 points we saw it dropped on Miami this is Miami do you not look at listen you know this better than me because you got that third eye here's the deal these guys look uninspired interesting anytime jay cutler's your quarterback that's usually what happened as number one number two last week what did you do the week before you dropped 20 on Atlanta it wasn't 40 week before that you dropped 17 against tip a week before that you dropped three of the loss in Chicago all I'm saying is this I think that Carolina's defense is big-time no doubt okay then what is it number four number three overall number four gets the pass to against the rush number one in yards allowed that brothers gonna play defensively I know that but offensively I don't see it yet I'm not saying it can't be that's what I don't see it yeah that's why when you say read are they a threat to make the playoffs yes are they a threat maybe to win a playoff game threaten yes because because Cam Newton is back you know the guy we've been waiting for for a year and a half I saw that guy this season you know they say in nature once is of twice as coincidence three times is pattern right well there's been a string of games now where you go whoa Cam's good again this reminds me of MVP camp so that so and now consider this he's doing all of this you mentioned he's playing the Dolphins and you're right they looked like the Giants yesterday they look like a team that didn't want to play but how long have I been saying Cam's best receiver is his tight end and the best running back is him the quarterback it's kind of still true the best", metadata={'source': 'KJ12FVmumeA'}), Document(page_content="is his tight end and the best running back is him the quarterback it's kind of still true the best receivers still Greg Olson only he's not there right at the moment and now Funchess is their best wide out because they lose because Benjamin's not there and you would think okay they got McCaffrey in the draft here comes the running back but McCaffrey's really turned out to be nice player I like McCaffrey a wideout dressed up as a running back he's a receiver a dressed up his right he's not the kind of guy to give the ball around and knew that four yards here's the thing here's the thing with Carolina though I know you know you say it's the Dolphins and you're right look the Dolphins quite honestly I think they're pathetic I think they're put together all wrong you can't build your team through free agency you can't hat look it's just it's a recipe for disaster which could be a whole nother show it could be first take four three hours about how to build build football teams but you see Carolina's going like this though it's coming I'm saying let's get out ahead of it they're gonna keep rising like this because they're getting healthy can season exactly can that you saw four weeks ago is not the can that you're gonna see over the next weeks you're gonna see him continue to improve his throwing because his arm feels better you're gonna see him continue to improve and his team improved because they're gonna run the office to him they're done with the whole we can't run camp we have to protect camp everybody's gonna get better now I can respond to that but we go back to max okay first of all the Jets have been feisty they've been playing better even though they've lost they've been playing feisty we know they've got personnel on defense yeah that's a road game yep another Road game coming up immediately after that is against New Orleans which spanked you earlier this year 3413 when we're talking about cam look I believe in cam in terms of his talents and what-have-you I hope that he stays healthy that's always the issue as his health it's not his game but when we look at him let's pay attention to something here New England he showed up and showed out even you know when they won that game 33 to 30 he showed out against Detroit held on late but showed out outside of that they only lost to the Eagles by 5 they listen I'm talking about the performance of the office I'm not saying that the team is not quality I'm saying that I think that people are elevating they're off I have no questions about the defense not that we're elevating the office a little bit I'm not sure now you want to say deep leg good - you want to offensive you want to say Dixon and Olson and a combination of those two tight ends being somebody that can will utilize I feel I'm feeling yeah that depth that improves their chances but I need to see it", metadata={'source': 'KJ12FVmumeA'})]
[Document(page_content="[Music] Kenneth and I are headed to our therapy our couples therapy session right now and I had an idea that I wanted to talk to you about and get your opinion on we're thinking about doing a podcast a Casey and Candice podcast that's like I don't know like an hour long or a half an hour long or something and calling it the title of the best part calling it therapy where it's just us talking there probably is but we can just make ours bigger and better and then crush the competition so let us know you think like that's a terrible idea just write terrible idea below if you'd be interested at all well the only thing is I'm tired of hearing the comments that I'm such a like bitching a dud I think people [Music] we're at therapy now but that's the idea let us let us know what you think we finished therapy how do you think today went today in therapy we talked about having more children and whether or not we want to move to California we should do the podcast the laws [Music] who are you taking your clothes off nice box because Joe to Billy love Billy NYC calm and by Candice's new cashmere sweater it's a little expensive for my audience honey $180 for pure cashmere bye honey great girl great girl check this out ready I want to I want to show this to you so get it got a screw here got a string here and on the other end there's like this pin that can be used to remove SIM cards I have permanently attached this to my desk now this may seem like a nothing but you know I change cell phones all the time and getting that little SIM tray out as a nightmare on my phone here oh and I want to get my memory card out to offload all the videos and stuff it's hard to get out and I can never find this thing and now look it just lives here this is exciting for me [Applause] I'm gonna be premiering a new video that I made that I've been working on for a long time I'm gonna like put it in this vlog it's like a four minute video to be part of this vlog you see one thing I want to do a lot more of on this channel is talk about creators other critters that I really like that I think you should follow that I think maybe you'll be interested in and the video that I made is about my friend Chantal who you've seen in this show before and she just started youtubing so I want to premiere her new movie on my channel even though it's gonna live on her channel I want to use in this channel and I want to use like this big audience that that this channel has to talk about smaller creators she's brand new she doesn't have any subscribers and to talk about other people that I think are doing amazing things in this platform and try to sort of elevate them a little bit shine a little spotlight on them so this is uh this is my friend Chantal Chantal is a fine artist do you go by that visual this all this find all this and the reason why I like Chantal so much as an art the reason why I like her as a person that's cuz she's cool the reason why I like her as an artist is because her only instrument her only actually have her entire art career was built with a pan just a pen look this is this is my apartment and then this is I have one of chantels paintings in my apartment that's Francine in my apartment a couple years ago had a studio here but we were friends before that yeah she had one of the best studios she had one of the studios in this feeling that has skylight you almost took it I was gonna take it it's just like four flights away I don't want to go up all those stairs I've always wanted to make a movie about Chantal and her artwork and who she is because she's such an interesting human being and we were kind of given the excuse actually from Sam are you gonna stick with that - oh yeah this is one of Chantell stickers we were given the opportunity because of Samsung you know part of their like creator creator initiative is enabling us to make movies and they were willing to sort of produce a case you nice that", metadata={'source': '2kyS6SvSYSE'}), Document(page_content="is enabling us to make movies and they were willing to sort of produce a case you nice that movie about Chantal Martin and I'm gonna premiere that movie I'm wondering where I should drop it let me finish let's finish okay let's finish an and it'll play cool I'm reviving my old youtube channel that I started probably 10 11 12 years ago right at the beginning and I forgot I had it actually one thing that I will say about Chantal is she is fearless about trying new things it's like I see everything is a blank canvas so you shouldn't be afraid of it you should flip that switch and then just use it as a challenge and create whatever you want how did you meet Kendrick Lamar still in Miami last year how did you meet Puff Daddy he came to the show I had a few years ago he probably doesn't remember okay so without further ado I'm good this is the world YouTube premiere of a Chantel by KC video it's like three minutes long but I'm really excited you're the first people to see this ever ready 3 2 1 so what's the point in making our the point is to make so you can share so you may concern your making sure you make your share I'm Chantal Martin and I draw I'm drawing on canvases I'm drawing on walls I'm going on cars and drawing on shirts and drawing on shoes 99% of that is done live when you're drawing live you have no time to think you have no time to hesitate you have no time to plan you have no time to be anyone else so this is the cover of the home and garden section and it's it's funny I didn't know it was a big deal at the time so I only bought one copy so you have an extra spare copy out there I take it I remember my art teacher telling me Chantal don't apply for art school because you're not good enough and you won't get in at that point people were only telling me what I couldn't do so I ran away I started my career in Japan in a culture that was craft based in a culture where people learn things and practice things over generations over long periods of time and I remember thinking to myself what can I master in my lifetime what could I become a family confident with what about a lie you know I draw I love drawing we all drop though with these these I'm gonna draw like this what kind of hard work and patience would it take so that when I draw a line is recognizably mine moving to york was very humbling because if no one knows who you are they don't care who you are and everyone is an artist and you start to lose your you start to lose your way and so I decided well I'm not gonna not make up because you won't show it I'm gonna draw maybe the well my canvas and I'm gonna lose any drawing tool that I can get my hand I'm gonna draw and villager on just give me a pen and I'll make something [Applause] we follow the pen and we're allowed to allow it to go wherever it needs to go wherever it wants to take you you are a William passenger [Music] and now you repeat that and you repeat that and you repeat that you repeat that but over time you get to extract what you look like over time you get to extract what your line feels like something that is recognizably yours we have this contact between our head and our pan it doesn't matter what industry you're in it comes down to drawing it comes down to that initial mark that you make and without this pen I wouldn't have traveled I wouldn't have collaborated this tool has allowed me to discover who I am [Music] did you like our movie we're good we worked really hard on that I hope you enjoyed it what are you most nervous about when it comes to being a youtuber I think what I'm most nervous about is continuously making and sharing and pulling out stuff that I'm proud of and putting out stuff that you're proud of to you make in your share and you make you gotta making sure making sure making sure making sure all right I'm gonna link Chantal shadow before below check it out she's new there's not a lot of stuff up there yet but it's happening I'm a", metadata={'source': '2kyS6SvSYSE'}), Document(page_content="below check it out she's new there's not a lot of stuff up there yet but it's happening I'm a big supporter and a huge huge fan and I hope you guys will but you should sell those stickers you could bank all your entire you sticker packs coming soon coming soon [Music]", metadata={'source': '2kyS6SvSYSE'})]
[Document(page_content="[Music] hey what's going on everybody for first we feast I'm Sean Evans coming at you from Manhattan's Little Tokyo a stretch in the East Village that's home to some of the best Japanese food in the entire city in a typical first we feast fashion we're rolling deep our good friend Frank Panello is in the building you know him from the pizza show on Vice land season two it's out now and what you might not know about Frank when he's not slinging slices in Brooklyn he's eating Japanese food when did that love affair begin do you remember for me the love of it with Japanese food and just all types of Asian food started a while ago but it really like clicked to me I had a stopover at a Narita the airport in Japan in Tokyo and I just had this bowl of udon soup and like just I don't know bells and whistles started going off and then if I have your story correct used to work in the neighborhood right I worked in Japan I read my way around the corner right in the corner right around the corner so many good spots in this neighborhood but if I walk straight down ninth Street it turned into st. Mark's and there's a bunch of little Japanese restaurants so I was always going down there for a bowl of udon noodles you know a little rice cake sushi whatever I mean whatever I could finally get my hands on in this neighborhood I was eating well that's exactly what we're doing today we're gonna be snacking through the neighborhood having some of the best Japanese dishes in New York City secure a yogi she's the CEO of TI C restaurant group she's gonna be leading the charge so you know we're in good hands Frank are you ready my man I can't wait let's go [Music] all right sorry here at the table Sakura we're having lunch and it looks like something serious is going down can you unpackage this for sure so we're at Silvia we opened in 1996 soba noodles are buckwheat noodles you can have different variations of the buckwheat noodles but what makes soba soba is definitely the buckwheat so what you have is tins under Silva so it has the cytosol ba and the tempura da and so you eat it together and it's not that serious right yours is a little bit more serious and will take a little bit more skill maybe but you're gonna scoop out the Silva from the hot liquid and then dip it in the cold side og [Music] and you slurped I did did you like my slurp how was it it was a hundred percent Javanese slurp I love it this is delicious like every bite is like a flavor bomb in the fall time in New York this time of year there's nothing better than Japanese noodles whether it's ramen food on the stove in my opinion just come in it's a little cold out and eat one of these bowls and you're just like golden I think people think of ramen is the classic Japanese noodle dish how do they differ so so by is much much older but the samurai used to eat it ramen actually originates from China and it has consi which is kind of like baking soda which gives it the yellow tint soba is traditionally made from only buckwheat sometimes flour and water and you just mix it roll it out and you just get to enjoy that buckwheat aroma it's nice for a New Yorker to kind of be able to come to a place like this like a guy like me come to a place like this and get traditional so but here in New York people call this kind of strip Little Tokyo and I think my father definitely had a hand in that my father's first restaurant was in 84 and then from there just kept taking over the block now we have 12 different dropping and 15 locations so here we are crashing the lunch rush where are we and what are we about to be we're add oats African minute I just down the street from Sofia and we're gonna try Japanese Street food so we're gonna try some takoyaki as well as Oklahoma yeah this is Tuggle yaki taco is octopus yaki is grill so it's kind of like grilled octopus the autumn bob style they're really hot so don't pop them in your mouth it has otaku sauce", metadata={'source': '815lSYphlbw'}), Document(page_content="octopus the autumn bob style they're really hot so don't pop them in your mouth it has otaku sauce mayonnaise and the green stuff is I'll know to eat which is I get to do the best part the best place to top it to top it I love the way the bonito flakes look on top of the taco balls they just look like little dancing angels so go savory funnel cake that's like octopus eppley [Music] it's mostly cabbage one has shrimp in it and the other one has pork in it I thought that was prosciutto at first I was trying to make it Italians the Python and you coming yeah you know you were always trying to make it Italian should be fluffy and crunchy at the same time definitely with the sauce and the mayonnaise all together and the Maumee bonito flakes off it's like steaming it seems like oftentimes everyone has to label something like the pizza of this the pizza of that like sometimes this is called Japanese pizza either of you have an opinion on that I think calling this Japanese pizza is doing a disservice to pizza in Japan is legit amazing amazing stories from Japan about people spending a lot of time and Napoles studying going back to Japan and doing it even better in Japan than in Italy so I'm looking forward to that trip slightly nervous because this is very filling but I know we have one more stop to go so I'm just gonna save a little bit up top because everything's been so good so far so we're gonna roll up to high collar now we're known for a key southern style coffee program and our cuts sandwich and Omer rice Sakura we're shifting gears here in a major way it would seem you've handed me this knife what do we have going on in front of us right now so that nice is to open up the belly of the own right we're going down I love a good cross-section it's a gooey situation here can you tell me what is this exactly so it's an omelet on top of a ketchup rice so this tile of food is yo chakra yo means has the character of the west and Shoku is food so you're doing western food which is very very common in Japan actually it's something you eat with your friends as well as at home your mom makes this kind of stuff this is a breakfast item or any time of the day any time of the day so good let's move on to the katsu sandwich so you just eat it with some yeah and just go in just go in and it's our tartar sauce on the side mmm was that little barbecue sauce on them it's our cuts to sauce it has a little bit of Tang a little bit of three matches really well with the fried pork means I'm Japan takes any food from anywhere else it seems like it's always better in Japan I don't know what it is but you guys just do everything good over there all right Frank I know that your bar is high when it comes to Japanese cuisine how did we do today you think this is amazing I mean for me I thought I knew this neighborhood pretty well already but we got the behind-the-scenes tour today all three spots were amazing whether it was the soba noodles I had them in different ways I've never had before delicious I mean then hitting the soccer street food it's just like that's that's a comfort food for me as well I really enjoyed it if you want the best Japanese food in New York Little Tokyo that's where you'll find it thank you if you want the best damn pizza show on cable that's Frankie nello show it's the pizza show season two on Vice land first we feast you already know [Music] guys got me thinking about my Chipotle days", metadata={'source': '815lSYphlbw'})]
[Document(page_content='- (FBE) So, what we\'re doing today\nis one of the more popular things found throughout the internet\nis a wide range of so-called life hacks.\n- Life hacks. I know what life hacks are.\nI\'ve only seen them. I\'m like, "I should do that." - Oh, okay.\nI\'ve seen some of these, though. It\'s very Pinteresty or\nthey\'re ten second videos of like, "Here\'s a quick little\nthing of how to get ice cubes under your fridge." - Life hacks I feel are always\ncool for the \'gram, but not cool for real life.\nThey look really cool on the internet.\nYou see them and you\'re like, "Whoa, that\'s so creative!"\nAnd you actually try it and you\'re like,\n"What?" - I bookmark \'em now,\nbecause it\'s like, wow, I didn\'t know\nyou could do that. Like that little loop in the pot,\nit\'s meant to hold your utensils.\nYeah. - I\'ve done the pancake\nin the ketchup bottle, you know, instead of\nladling it into the pan, you put it in a bottle\nand squirt it in. I\'ve done that one before. - Sometimes, they can just\nbe really stupid, but there are some\npretty helpful ones. I\'ve heard of some\npretty good ones. It\'s basically a better\nor easier way to do something that\'s usually pretty creative\nand it\'s supposed to help, but sometimes it just\ndoesn\'t work. - "Use dryer sheets and a fan\nas an instant air freshener." That\'s pretty g--\nI\'ve never even thought about that. Do they just stick on, I guess? - But, why?\nJust get an air freshener. - The smell of dryer sheets\nis kind of overbearing and I don\'t think I\'d want that\nin my house. I\'d rather just get a little\nair freshener like a Febreze. - I mean, I guess you can,\nbut just a regular fan is fine unless your room just smells\nso dank and bad that you need to do this.\nI think that\'s pretty fine. - That makes sense.\nYeah, definitely, \'cause every time I go\nin the laundry room in my house, I\'m like, "It smells so good\nin here. I want the whole house to smell like that." - That\'s just lazy, to be honest,\n\'cause I don\'t think dryer sheets would actually work,\n\'cause it would probably be temporary, like it would\nprobably just smell good for as long as you have the fan on,\nbut what if it\'s cold and you don\'t have an air freshener,\nbut it stinks? - "Use a coffee maker\nto cook ramen." I feel like that\'s old news.\nDoesn\'t everyone do that? No? - A lot of these college kids I\'m\nassuming are just eating ramen 24/7 as the typical people would say.\n- (FBE) Pretty much. - This could really come in handy\nin dorms and stuff just because ramen noodles is the\nfood of college students, but we don\'t really have\na place other than the microwave to cook it. - Points for creativity,\nbut the second picture looks like it\'s a brain in a jar.\nI guess if it works, but I feel like this one\nis way over complicating it with putting it in an actual\ncoffee pot. I don\'t feel like that\'s\nnecessary. - But how do I use\na cup of noodles? I get the packets.\nThat\'s not gonna help. I\'m not just gonna\nput it in the bag. It\'s gonna burn through.\nIf you really love noodles, like everyone else does,\nyou will take your sweet time to make them good noodles.\nI know I do. - Why don\'t you just microwave it?\nThis is more work. Now you have to clean\nyour coffee pot. The next person who\'s gonna\nhave coffee is gonna be like, "That\'s a weird coffee flavor."\nJust use a microwave and poke holes in the lid. - "Heat two bowls in the microwave\nusing this handy trick." Okay.\nSo that\'s kinda smart. - I already do that.\nI just put them next to each other. It\'s not a big deal\nif they don\'t move. I still put \'em next to each other. - Yeah, I mean,\nthis would definitely work. Everyone has a cup.\nOne cup, one mug, whatever it is.\nYou could probably put a paper towel roll in there\nif you had to. - That one, I don\'t know\nif I completely believe it. I still like to make things\ndifficult for myself and just warm up\ntwo separate plates in the microwave at a time. - But then, it\'s off centered.\nIt\'s not gonna cook evenly. You have to put it in', metadata={'source': 'DbJ2s_g1oDc'}), Document(page_content='It\'s not gonna cook evenly. You have to put it in\nthe center so it cooks evenly. - I would get scared that\nthey\'re gonna clash together and fall on each other\njust for a mess, \'cause cleaning a microwave\nis a lot of work. - "Heavy sleeper, tired of\nsnoozing past your alarm? Use your smartphone in a cup.\nTrick to crank the volume." I\'ve done this before.\nI\'ve never used it as an alarm, but I have\nused this as a speaker. - I don\'t do that for an alarm,\nbut I do do that for speakers. - I do that sometimes in the shower,\n\'cause my speakers died, \'cause I like to listen to music\nwhile I\'m in the shower. I\'ll put my phone in a cup,\nso the music is louder, \'cause it just amplifies. - Now this one\'s legit.\nIf you can\'t afford, or you just don\'t have an iHome\nor something to boost up the volume, yeah, put it in a cup\non your desk. That one\'s easy. - Oh, okay.\nActually, we\'ve done this before at parties when we don\'t\nhave a speaker or if the aux doesn\'t work.\nWe normally put it in a Styrofoam cup\nor just whatever plastic cup that we have and use it,\nso I\'ve used this one before and it works pretty well, honestly. - No, I\'m not gonna do that.\nWhy don\'t you just hook it up to a speaker?\nThat\'s easy. Or face it towards a wall\nso the sound can bounce off. That\'s easier as well.\nDon\'t have to waste a whole cup. - "For an easy breakfast,\nmake a scrambled egg in the microwave\nusing a coffee mug." Why? - Ew, microwaved eggs?\nI thought microwaved bacon was bad. Come on.\nI don\'t like the whole microwave breakfast thing. - Now, that is a life hack.\nI didn\'t know you could do that. I knew you could cook cake\nin a cup. That still doesn\'t taste as good. - I\'m not trying to eat\nmicrowaved eggs. If I wanted to go that fast,\nwhether you wanted a quick source of protein or something\nlike that, the amount of time it would probably take\nto heat it up, you could probably make\na protein shake, or make a peanut butter sandwich\nor something like that. - Something about just microwaving\nraw eggs doesn\'t sound too delicious.\nYou scramble them and then stick it\nin the microwave to cook it? I just don\'t think it\nwould taste very good, but I guess if you\'re in a hurry. - Me and my roommates\nhave sort of looked up mug cooking things that\nwe could do in our microwave, but I\'ve never done them\nbecause putting an egg-- and I feel like it\'s not\ngonna cook all the way and then you\'re gonna\nget salmonella and then you\'re out\nfor the rest of the semester and then what?\nAll because you cooked an egg. - "Keep chargers from constantly\nbreaking by putting an old pen spring on them."\nI\'ve seen this one. I\'ve never done it,\nbut I really should get around to probably trying this. - I should try that one,\n\'cause I know a couple of our chargers at home are\nbroken and the wire\'s sticking out. - I don\'t think that one\'s accurate,\n\'cause it\'s still gonna rip. Mine hasn\'t, though.\nYou just need to take good care of it.\nTake good care of your chargers. Be responsible. - That could work, actually.\nChargers do this so often where after you use them\nfor more than a year, they just decide to give out\nand all the wiring comes out and then you shock yourself\nevery time you try to plug in your phone. - Wires always frig and fray\nwhenever you bend them around and then you have to buy\na new charger and it\'s a whole thing,\nso yeah, I do know a lot of people and I think\nI have used this one before, but I feel like I still\nfind a way to ruin it. - There\'s two things wrong\nwith this picture. One, that\'s never\nhappened to me. Two, this is a very, very old\npicture, \'cause those chargers I haven\'t seen since \'Nam.\nthose things are old. - Hair straightener.\nCollar irons. This is a dude.\nHe\'s late on the game. Us women have been doing\nthis for decades. - If it goes faster than it does\nto take an iron, then I guess that would work. - Hair straightener, collar.\nWhoa. I\'m gonna test that theory. - I\'d probably try a wrinkle or so,', metadata={'source': 'DbJ2s_g1oDc'}), Document(page_content='Whoa. I\'m gonna test that theory. - I\'d probably try a wrinkle or so,\nbut again, not too much just because I don\'t wanna\nburn my clothes. - I guess that would work, right?\nIt\'s just heat and pressure and I guess it\'s almost\nthe right size and like he\'s doing, you can just clamp it on there\nand have it iron. - If hair straighteners can burn\nyour hair, I feel like they can burn your clothes\nand that might be bad logic, but I feel like I\'d end up\nusing it wrong and then my collar is just gonna be\nburnt off and it defeats the whole purpose\nof the thing. - "Heat pizza with a cup of water\nto keep the crust from getting chewy."\nHuh, okay, I guess. It kinda gets some moisture\ngoing in there. - I\'ll be honest, I like the chewy.\nI like tugging. - Okay, I do that with my--\nI don\'t do the cup, I put the water in my rice,\nso the rice doesn\'t stay dry when I put it in the microwave.\nThat\'s kind of smart. - I\'ve seen this before.\nI\'ve never tried it and I have no idea how\nthe science behind that works, but I mean, if it works, it works. - Isn\'t it because the way the\nmicrowave works is it heats the water in the food\nand then that ends up getting rid of it.\nSo, by having the water it\'s like ref--\nI don\'t know. That\'s my best guess\n- (FBE) I think so. Something like that.\n- Something like that. - Sure, I\'d give this one a shot,\nhonestly, to keep the crust from getting chewy.\nBut even then, I kind of like day after pizza just because\nit\'s the whole thing of getting it out of your fridge\nand warming it up and it\'s just that little taste\nthat\'s different that makes it good. - Keep buttons from falling off\nwith clear nail polish. Okay. - I don\'t see that would\nhelp, really. I don\'t know where I would\nget clear nail polish. - I feel like I\'ve used\nclear nail polish for a lot of things like\nthe inside of jewelry. I definitely trust this\nif I felt like anything was gonna fall off, I\'d be like,\n"All right, let\'s strengthen the strings and try it." - I already know I would\nnever use this just for the reason being\nbecause I hate the smell of nail polish.\nAt the same time, it\'s like I\'ve low key\nalways wanted to get a manicure. - I\'ve tried this before\nwith tights though, so you have tights and if\nyou want to prevent them from ripping, put on\nclear nail polish, but then it just leaves\nthese globs of clear gel that doesn\'t look good. - I guess it just acts like\na reinforcement or glue to keep it from falling off.\nThat\'s a good one, for sure. I mean, why wouldn\'t you\ndo it, right? \'Cause the one time I wear\na shirt, my button\'s gonna fall off, so might as well\nput nail polish on it. - "Use your iron and some\naluminum foil to make easy grilled cheese sandwiches."\nI\'ve heard of this before, but I don\'t like grilled cheese\nsandwiches. I\'m so sorry, world. - I\'m gonna assume this is more\nof a college dorm thing, but yeah, I guess it would work. - So, if there\'s any place where\nyou don\'t have a stove or anything like that,\nlike a hotel room or a dorm room, or just anywhere else,\nyou could actually do this. - Lazy!\nWhy? Why would you use something\nfor clothes for food? And why would you put it\non top of foil? Wouldn\'t that be dangerous?\nYou don\'t know what that\'s gonna do. - That one looks like it\nwould take some practice, \'cause you don\'t wanna\ncompletely-- \'cause you don\'t wanna stop\nand unwrap it every 30 seconds, like "is it cooked yet?\nIs it cooked yet?" And then you could easily\nover cook it, too. - Pretty sure I\'ve seen this\nwith waffles and stuff like, oh yeah, you turn it upside down\nand you put waffles on it or pancake mix or whatever.\nI can definitely see this being efficient and saving time,\nbut just the fact that it\'s ironed grilled cheese kinda\nalters my thought and the mindset of how\ngood of an idea this is. - I like life hacks.\nThey\'re always fun. The only useful one\nI would use is the phone one. The phone one, the fan,', metadata={'source': 'DbJ2s_g1oDc'}), Document(page_content="They're always fun. The only useful one\nI would use is the phone one. The phone one, the fan,\nthat's probably about it. There's some better ones out there. - They weren't really helpful.\nI was looking for some that were gonna be super helpful\nthat would change my entire way of living,\nbut they didn't except the scrambled egg one.\nThat might be a game changer for when I run out of cereal. - There's some of them that\nI would probably not use just 'cause of how they are\nand how they play out, but if you're short on time,\nshort on money, life hacks are perfect. - Thank you guys so much for\nwatching this episode. - Subscribe for new shows\nalmost every day. - Let us know in the comments.\nwhat we should react to next. - Bye. - Hey everybody, Derek here,\none of the React Channel producers. You may not know this,\nbut my life is a disaster. It's a mess.\nIt's awful. I can't keep anything straight.\nWhat I could use is some life hacks. If you got some,\nput them down in the comments. Make me a better person,\n'cause I could use all the help I could get.", metadata={'source': 'DbJ2s_g1oDc'})]
[Document(page_content="all right so I have to know can I take some honey that is crystallized and extract sugar from that let's find out [Music] and goes the honey does it I warm it up first this seems that just spreading the crystallized honey out on the screen works a lot better than trying to drop it into the rotating blade I just gotta be careful to keep it balanced let's see what we got don't look at that looks like sugar to me honey sugar if I open this up and pull off the screen we can see some honey in there I'm sure there's some small crystals that didn't make their way through or didn't get caught in the screen this it's mostly honey again though it's liquefied although it is chemically different now since I think it's the fructose that crystallizes out first so this is going to be fructose depleted honey there you go some sugar made from honey I just took the granules out of the granulated honey it seems to resemble brown sugar probably because it's still a little bit moist it could probably dry it out a little bit more I'm just gonna lay this out on a tray and then gently heat it in the oven dry it out oh it seems to have melted apparently it has a lower melting point than other sugars that's interesting well", metadata={'source': 'Jidk0O6uu-0'})]
[Document(page_content="hello my humming eggs out there welcome back to channels so good to see you again and can we just talk about this for a second since they sent mickey mouse to my house I mean guys he was right here so yeah I'm sure a lot of you guys saw the video on Friday that Disney sent out right now Mickey's going around to a bunch of different fans throughout the world and they're surprising them and I was one of them so if you haven't seen that video yet I will link it in the description there's comfortable place you can see I saw like a couple different places but anyways yes I wanted to talk about my side and actually share the video that they had me filming while we were doing it so this all happened like a month ago this happens like back in early October and I am so glad I can finally talk about it cuz I wasn't allowed to talk about it so uh background info on what happened so I was emailed by this company that Disney worked with in the past and they said hey we've made commercials for DC before if you ever saw the commercial with the Deaf family going to Disneyland and all the characters did sign language it was one of the sweetest courses I've ever seen they're like yeah we made that and Disney hired us again to now make a video for the internet about Disney fans can we come to your house and interview enough interview you I'm like sure come on over that's fine they're like okay this will work out fine we'll just shoot here in your house and just let you know it's gonna be a little shoot only a couple people nothing to worry about and we'll be there on Tuesday I'm like great and then I go out of my house the next day and I look all the way down the street the parking has been blocked off for this like the entire street and I'm like I thought they said I was like two people why do they need a whole street then the day of I look outside my window a little bit and there are cars lined up on this whole thing there are security right outside my front door there's these giant trailers down the block for me and I'm just like on this just to talk to me about being a fan okay so they came in they got the cameras rolling so they're like okay just tell us about some of your Disney stuff something through some of that and then they're like okay just make a youtube video I'm like well it's not that easy what don't make a youtube video they're like just just sit down doing impressions of stuff I'm like okay I just sat down and started doing impressions you'll see that in the video in a second but I was just like I know I'm going on and then lo and behold they snuck Mickey Mouse in my back door now it's just like what kind of shook me for a second because the first time like Oh Mickey okay see the park all the time wait a minute I'm not at the park I'm in right house what and on top of that the guys there said I was first on this whole going around the world and surprising people with Mickey and I was super honored by that top of that because of that I'm the first person in history to ever have that particular Mickey come to their home and here's the video clip that I recorded in its entirety walls is going on except for the parts press it up cuz that's boring to watch but uh yeah anything that we did in from the camera this is what I got so enjoy that we good welcome back to channel it's so great to see you again today and I thought today we just do some fun impressions here and there and specifically Disney because you guys know this he's my favorite other Monday's knee so let's get to it Matata what a wonderful phrase Hakuna Matata ain't no passing craze I got the characters mixed up but I don't think anyone will care but hey come on Matata ah in all seriousness that time alright do a couple more bones you'll bear it just wonderful to see you in the castle today ah but we must not tell the beast that would be completely awful yeah Mickey Donald good feeling any good oh boy hey pals it's the", metadata={'source': 'E_86MEdNsAI'}), Document(page_content="that would be completely awful yeah Mickey Donald good feeling any good oh boy hey pals it's the Mickey Mouse here join me - oh wow Minnie Mouse Oh it'll make me keep see you know uh that's funny because it's his birthday next month let's do a message for Mickey I'm a Oh Mickey friend's birthday is not in the video even last year yeah do it yeah everyone what are you believing this is whatever you want to say like a message to him to the camera whatever that would be okay a message is the camera happy birthday Mickey come on and I hope it's a real swell one something like that yeah it's right again okay oh gosh you've never been in anyone's house before so this is oh you're never too much house on the first house Mickey's ever gone to watching I can die happy man now oh thanks pal I did not I had no idea Mickey was gonna be here oh this is great oh yeah yeah this is my setup for my youtube videos Mickey where I do impressions of guys like you oh you see Mickey's face and you actually can oh we got it we're all gonna sit - okay so guys I actually got Mickey Mouse in my house talk about house of mouse right uh-huh so yeah explain what so you thought we were going to be one thing and now what happened tell us help catches up what was that good so I was told that I was gonna have the film crew come in and talk about being dizzy fan but they didn't tell me Mickey Mouse was gonna come to my house today yeah he's like I totally blew your mind tonight Mauri when I do impressions with characters I have to go to Disneyland but you guys came to me this time oh [Music] you're gonna squeeze mad oh right there right behind the ear yes all I love those scratches and I love the squirrel oh my gosh I'm so happy right now I don't really know what to say oh this is awesome so we are going about to start a tour for Mickey for his birthday you're the first stop oh starting off Mickey's birthday celebration this year oh gosh number one Oh about forever I can't I'm oh I'm good I'm gonna treasure this oh my gosh that's fantastic aren't you happy you get to take a seat for a little bit huh yeah maybe so I'm gonna feed all day yeah I get to kick back relax oh so you guys are gonna go around to like these new fans and Surprise them with Mickey yeah so we're gonna wander away so you know you're literally the first time have you noticed we were acting a little weird today because we were trying to set up the surprise I'm so glad I worried yeah I was gonna surprise whenever I look I go for a walk around my neighborhood and I saw the whole street was blocked on like they said there was just gonna be a couple people what what do they need the whole street for cuz yeah we're like oh yeah yeah it's a small shoot there's a couple of them I love it I love it so much Thank You Mickey oh my gosh and happy birthday let's do that standing up that was it stuff yeah hi one more look for the camera oh thank you Mickey on happy birthday oh this was incredible so thank you guys so much for watching I hope you enjoyed don't forget to Like comment and subscribe and I will see you guys later bye [Music]", metadata={'source': 'E_86MEdNsAI'})]
[Document(page_content='The presidency\nof Donald Trump. The man voted "Least Edible"\nby Cannibal Magazine -six years in a row.\n-(AUDIENCE LAUGHING) -A-- And I know,\nI honestly know that the prospect\nof talking about Trump yet again feels exhausting. We\'re all so tired of him,\nevery room in America should have a sign\non the wall that counts the number of minutes\nthat it\'s been since someone brought up\nhis fucking name. -(AUDIENCE LAUGHING)\n-But-- But that is the thing. Trump\'s presidency\nis like one of his handshakes. It pulls you in,\nwhether you like it or not. He\'s had so many\nterrible moments this year, you probably forgot about\nmany of them. Remember when he creepily told\nthe French president\'s wife -that she was in good shape?\n-(AUDIENCE LAUGHING) Or-- Or when his\ntacky golf resort was touted on the States Department\nwebsite? Or, when he shoved\nthe prime minister of Montenegro out of the way,\n at a NATO event. Look how proud\n of himself he is! -(AUDIENCE LAUGHING)\n-Look how proud he is! You should at least have to know\nthat Montenegro is a country before making a move that says,\n"Suck it, Montenegro." And there were also quieter\nbut no less alarming moments like when he explained how hard\nhe\'s been fighting to bring "clean coal" back\nwithout appearing to understand what that actually is. It\'s just been announced that a second\nbrand new coal mine where they\'re going\nto take out clean coal, meaning they\'re taking\nout coal, -they\'re gonna clean it,\n-(AUDIENCE LAUGHING) is opening in the state\nof Pennsylvania. -(AUDIENCE LAUGHING)\n-Listen, is it possible that Trump is well-versed\nin and is referring to flue gas desulfurization,\nfluidized bed combustion, and selective\ncatalytic reduction? Sure, it\'s possible, but let\'s agree\nit\'s considerably more likely that he thinks you just\ntake a bunch of coal and scrub-a-dub it\nwith a big ol\' sponge. -(AUDIENCE LAUGHING)\n-Oh, yeah, that\'s right. I\'m saying the president\nfundamentally doesn\'t understand what he\'s talking about,\nand you know what that means. -We got him!\n-(AIR HORN BLARING) -♪ (PRESIDENTIAL\nTHEME SONG PLAYING) ♪\n-We got him! We got him! I got him-- wha--\nI didn\'t get him? -Did I not get him?\n-♪ (MUSIC FLUBS OUT) ♪ I thought-- I thought--\nI thought we got him. I thought-- I thought we got him\nthat time. Well, that\'s fair-- okay. What? You think I don\'t\nhate myself, too? Alright! -(AUDIENCE CHEERING)\n-The point is-- The point is tonight...\nlet\'s pull back from the daily\nTrump-induced chaos and take a look at the norms\nthat his presidency has violated,\nand not the obvious ones, like the fact that he never\nreleased his tax returns, or that his own daughter\nand son-in-law work in the White House,\nalthough, admittedly, I am using the word "work"\nthere so generously that I should be able\nto deduct it as a charitable donation\non my taxes. Or-- Or that instead\nof putting his assets into a blind trust to help\nreduce conflicts of interest, he simply showed America that he has many\nlarge stacks of paper, presumable containing\nthe sentence "I can\'t believe\nI\'m getting away with this," printed 750,000 times. No, instead, we\'re going\nto talk about Trump\'s assault on something even more basic,\nthe norms governing how our leaders engage\nwith us, and how in turn,\nthat affects the way that we engage with one another. It\'s why even the notion\nof "getting him" can feel so hopelessly futile. And let\'s first stipulate\nthat it definitely doesn\'t help that so often what Trump says\nis complete nonsense. We often read transcripts\nof Trump\'s speeches, and it\'s something\nthat everyone should actually do once in a while,\nbecause when you strip away his blindly confident\nentertaining delivery and just read his words,\nit is staggering how incoherent he is. Here is a word-for-word\nreading of a speech where he talked about\nthe Iran nuclear deal. (MONOTONE VOICE READS\nON-SCREEN TEXT) -(AUDIENCE LAUGHING)\n-(READING CONTINUES) -(AUDIENCE CACKLING)', metadata={'source': '1ZAPwfrtAFY'}), Document(page_content='ON-SCREEN TEXT) -(AUDIENCE LAUGHING)\n-(READING CONTINUES) -(AUDIENCE CACKLING)\n-Holy shit. That is not a functional use\nof language, that is a drunk driver\ncrashing a pick-up truck -full of alphabet soup.\n-(AUDIENCE LAUGHING) Trump\'s actual speech patterns sound like when you write\na long text by choosing only\nthe predictive text your iPhone suggests for you. Seriously, we wrote\na message like that, starting with the words,\n"the nuclear," and here is what we got. (MONOTONE VOICE READS\nON-SCREEN TEXT) -(AUDIENCE CACKLING)\n-That makes exactly as much, and potentially more sense,\nthen Trump\'s speech about the Iran nuclear deal,\nmeaning an iPhone would be a more coherent\npresident of the United States. But with Trump,\nwe are familiar enough with his speech patterns\nthat you get the basic gist of what he\'s trying to say. The real damage isn\'t\nin how he says things, but from three key techniques\nthat he uses to insulate himself from criticism and consequence. And if we are not\nextremely careful, all three could have\nserious impacts that far outlast his presidency, and let\'s start\nwith the first one. Delegitimizing the media. Now, Trump has been\nattacking the press since he declared\nhis candidacy, and in a broader sense,\nhe\'s been waging war on the very concept of truth ever since he first\nturned to his mom and said, "Dada," and she said,\n"No, I\'m mama," and he said, "Fake news,"\nand shit his pants. -(AUDIENCE LAUGHING)\n-Now-- the difference now is,\nhe\'s crying fake news as President\nof the United States, and he is openly proud of it, to the point that he recently\ntried to take ownership of the term itself. The media is... is--\nreally the word-- I think one of the\ngreatest of all terms I\'ve come up with is "fake." I guess other people\nhave used it perhaps over the years,\nbut I\'ve never noticed it. -(AUDIENCE GROANING)\n-He just took credit for inventing the term\n"fake news," which, for the record,\nhe did not, meaning what he just said was technically\n"fake" fake "news" news. (AUDIENCE LAUGHING) A-- And you can imagine\nhim saying, "Well, I\'m not the first politician\nto criticize the press. What about Hillary Clinton? What about Barack Obama? What about Bernie Sanders? And that actually brings us\nto Trump\'s second technique, something called\n"whataboutism." It\'s the practice\nof changing the subject to someone else\'s\nperceived wrongdoing. Now, Trump does this\nall the time, most famously when he was asked why he hadn\'t forcefully\ncondemned the neo-Nazis in Charlottesville,\nand this was his response... What about the alt-left\nthat came charging at the-- as you say,\nthe alt-right? Do they have any\nsemblance of guilt? What about the fact\nthey came charging-- that they came charging\nwith clubs in their hands, swinging clubs? Do they have any... problem? Well, actually, no,\nbecause a Nazi killing someone with a car is so heinous, any other issues that might\nbe up for debate, under any other circumstances,\nkind of have to wait their turn. You can be wearing Crocs\nwith socks, but if you\'re using\nthose socked-Crocs to kick Hitler in the balls,\ndo you know what? I\'m suddenly not\nso fucking focused -on the footwear.\n-(AUDIENCE LAUGHING) Now-- Now this technique\nof saying "what about..." is actually an old Soviet\npropaganda tool, and the reason it is dangerous\nis because it implies that all actions,\nregardless of context, share a moral equivalency,\nand since nobody is perfect, all criticism is hypocritical and everybody should do\nwhatever they want. It is a depressingly\neffective tool, which is why,\non Trump\'s favorite network, you hear it all the time. The mainstream media\nfocused on the Trump campaign and allegations\nof collusion with the Russians. But what about the Democrat\'s\npossible ties to Moscow? FEMALE ANCHOR:\nFormer national security adviser General Michael Flynn, investigated for\nhis private meeting with Russia, but what about Hillary Clinton? The media wants to call', metadata={'source': '1ZAPwfrtAFY'}), Document(page_content='his private meeting with Russia, but what about Hillary Clinton? The media wants to call\ninto question the credibility, uh, and the trustworthiness\nof this administration, uh, but what about Benghazi?\nWhat about the blatant lies that the Obama\nadministration told us? What about the fact that\nBen Rhodes bragged about lying to the media\nand the public -about the Iran deal?\n-HANNITY: Great point. What about the fact that\nJonathan Gruber basically said the\nAmerican people were stupid? Okay, stop, stop, stop,\nbecause here is the thing, none of the errors those people\nmay have made in the past excuse the Trump\nadministration\'s actions. A defense attorney could not\nstand up in court and say, "Maybe my client did\nmurder those people, but I ask you this...\nWhat about Jeffrey Dahmer? -What about Al Capone?\n-(AUDIENCE LAUGHS) What about the guy from\nthe Silence of the Lambs? I rest my case here, people.\nI rest my case." The problem with whataboutism\nis it doesn\'t actually solve a problem\nor win an argument. The point is just to\nmuddy the waters which can make\nthe other side mad, and that actually\nbrings us to Trump\'s third technique... trolling. Now trolling itself\nhas been around for years. It\'s basically 80% of what\nhappens on the internet. It\'s-- it\'s when a\nYouTube commenter says something\nwillfully provocative like saying, "I\'ve aged like\nan apple core in a dumpster." or that I "look like a fucking\npickle with glasses." Now, it doesn\'t matter\nwhether they mean any of that, the point is just to\nget a reaction and to hurt my feelings\nwhich, by the way, it absolutely does. But-- But Trump... Trump may\nwell be the first ever troll to be elected president.\nAnd that\'s right, I said elected. Remember tenth president,\nSprinkles Fuzzwizard? He assumed office after\nWilliam Henry Harrison died and if you\'re thinking,\n"Hold on, Sprinkles Fuzzwizard was not\nAmerica\'s tenth president"... Really? Who was America\'s\ntenth president? Exactly. Let\'s assume\nI\'m right. The point is, as a troll,\nTrump often does things that have no effect\nother than to piss off\nhis perceived enemies. Like when he tweeted\nthis wrestling GIF of himself\nbody slamming CNN, or attacked Mika Brzezinksi\nby saying she was, "bleeding badly\nfrom a face-lift," or, as we mentioned\nearlier tonight, called a leader\nwith nuclear weapons "short and fat." And Trump even once\nretweeted a claim that he was the most\nsuperior troll on the whole of Twitter,\ncalling it "a great compliment." Which it is not,\nbecause sometimes when you do something that\nmakes a lot of people mad, it\'s because,\nand bear with me here, -you\'re a dick.\n-(AUDIENCE LAUGHING) If you-- If you sneak\ninto someone\'s house and urinate\nin every heating vent and they get mad at you,\nyou\'re not an epic troll sticking it to the\nsnowflake cucks, you\'re just\nsome fucking asshole. But the thing is,\nTrump\'s trolling is not actually without\npolitical value. Despite Trump\'s few real policy\naccomplishments to date, he has consistently achieved\none thing, and that is making\nhis enemies unhappy. And for many Trump supporters,\nthat itself counts as a major victory. Just listen to how\n Fox & Friends reacted after Trump freaked\npeople out by standing\nwith military leaders during rising tensions\nwith North Korea, and suggesting that it was\nthe "calm before the storm." I feel like he\'s trolling\nthe media. He is-- I think he\'s totally\ntrolling the media there. You do something like that--\neven the smile and the wink. Those of us that are sick\nof the status quo, the forgotten men and women\nwho voted for President Trump, want that town to freak out.\nI want those reporters going, "What do you mean?\nWhat do you mean?" It\'s beautiful to watch. Is it? Why?\nI\'m genuinely serious. Who benefits from mass confusion\nabout whether or not we\'re about to go to war? Are there thousands of\nunemployed factory workers across the Midwest going,\n"Well the plant closed down and I lost my healthcare.', metadata={'source': '1ZAPwfrtAFY'}), Document(page_content='"Well the plant closed down and I lost my healthcare.\nBut somewhere, a Washington Post reporter\nis scared of dying, so things are looking up. Mega!" Judging your political success\non how bad you make other people feel\nmakes just about as much sense as judging your success\nas a zookeeper by how many bears you fuck. Oh, wow, that is not\nyour job. I mean, I guess it\'s impressive\nin its own way, but it is definitely not what\nyou\'re supposed to be doing. And the surest proof of trolling\noften comes when a troll is confronted. Because that\'s when\nthey have to either put up or shut up. You may have heard about\ncases where people tracked down the source\nof something awful that was posted online,\nonly to find some sullen fifteen-year-old\nwho just shrugs and goes, "Well I don\'t know why\nI wrote that. I just did it. Stop asking me so many\nquestions." Well, that is basically\nour president now. I\'ll show you.\nRemember when Trump said that Obama had surveilled him\nin Trump Tower, tweeting... "How low has President Obama\ngone to tap-p my phones?" Watch what happens when he\nwas asked to justify that. Well, you saw what happened\nwith surveillance and I think that was\ninappropriate. -That\'s the way--\n-What does that mean, sir? Uh, you can figure that out\nyourself. Well I-- The reason I ask\nis you said he was-- You called him "sick and bad." Look, you can figure it out\nyourself, he was very nice to me\nwith words, but-- and when I was with him,\nbut after that there has been no relationship. But you stand by that claim\nabout him? I don\'t stand by anything.\nI just, uh... You can take it the way\nyou want. Okay, so let\'s walk through\nwhat just happened there. On the internet he claimed\nthat his predecessor committed an extremely\nserious crime. But in person, he is suddenly\nbacking down. First saying Obama was\n"very nice to me with words," then that, "I don\'t stand\nby anything." Which is one of the most frighteningly nihilistic\nsentences a president can say. I would honestly rather\nhear that from a clown holding a knife\nthan a president. Because at least when\na clown says, "I don\'t stand by anything,"\nyou think, "Yeah, that kind of makes sense.\nPlease make it quick." -And...\n-(AUDIENCE LAUGHS) And look, it gets worse, because\nthat interview kept going and Trump was explicitly\ngiven the opportunity to set the record straight\nfor the "fake news media," but he flat-out refused. I just wanted to\nfind out that-- You\'re the president\nof the United States, you said he was "sick and bad" -because he attacked you--\n-You can take it any way-- You can take it any way\nyou want. -But I\'m asking you, because you\ndon\'t want it to be fake news.\n-You don\'t-- -I want to hear it from\nPresident Trump.\n-You don\'t have to ask me. -You don\'t have to ask me.\n-Why not? Because I have my own opinions,\nyou can have your own opinions. But I want to know\nyour opinions. -You\'re the president\nof the United States.\n-Okay. That\'s enough. Thank you. Thank you very much. (AUDIENCE LAUGHS) Okay, so... There is a lot that is\ninfuriating about that clip. But Trump going back to his desk\nand pretending to work hard is an objectively funny\nthing to do. That\'s like your dog\navoiding questions by pretending to do his taxes.\nYou never do this, why would you need\nto do it now? Look, while there is nothing new\nabout any of these techniques, they are now coming out\nof the Oval Office. Which not only legitimizes them,\nit risks them spreading, and that, sadly, is happening. Last month,\nCongressman Paul Gosar used all three techniques. First, he suggested\nin an interview that the march\nin Charlottesville may have been\na false flag operation created by the left, which is\npretty troll-y behavior. And when confronted about it,\nhe deployed the other two tools. -It\'s all been debunked.\n-It\'s not been debunked. Absolutely not debunked\nwhatsoever. -So stay tuned.\n-The conspiracy theory that you have put out there', metadata={'source': '1ZAPwfrtAFY'}), Document(page_content='whatsoever. -So stay tuned.\n-The conspiracy theory that you have put out there\nhas been debunked. It has not been debunked.\nLook at-- Look at what CNN has talked about with, uh,\nwith what\'s going on with the Clinton administration\nright now with the dossier. Hardly an aspect\nin regards to debunk. You\'re not real news,\nyou\'re fake news. Sir, everything you\'ve said\nhas been debunked, why are you continuing\nto put this out there? So he\'s basically just\ncopying Trump. And if there is one thing\nworse than something terrible, it\'s a cover band\nof that terrible thing. If Trump is Nickelback,\nthat man is Bickleknack. Not as good at it\nas the original, and a horrible sign\nthat the disease is spreading. The problem is\nif that becomes the level of discourse\nin this country, we are seriously\nand lastingly fucked. And just this week,\nwe saw some of these techniques pushed to the absolute limit\nby the scandal involving Alabama Senate candidate\nRoy Moore, who has denied allegations\nof sexual misconduct with a 14-year-old\nwhen he was 32 and called them "fake news." Now, watch Sean Hannity\nthen use whataboutism to derail\na discussion about it. This 14-year old girl,\npurportedly, according to\n The Washington Post, told two of her girlfriends -what happened in real time.\n-SEAN HANNITY: Here\'s\na tough question... Do you think Bill Clinton,\nin retrospect, was a predator? But, that is not what this\ndiscussion is about. You might as well have said,\n"Here\'s a tough question, \'If you had to guess,\nhow many lobsters are there?\'" -(AUDIENCE LAUGHING)\n-"Like total? In the world?" Is that worth discussing?\nSure, but first let\'s finish talking about\nthe Senate candidate who may have made sexual\nadvances on a child. And, look, whether Clinton\nengaged in predatory behavior is absolutely a legitimate\nquestion, but it shouldn\'t really inform\nwhat we do about Roy Moore. And, even if you believe\nthe Democrats are guilty of a double standard,\nthe solution is not to have no standard whatsoever. That is why it\'s so important\nto train ourselves to identify these techniques because their\nnatural endpoint is the erosion of our ability\nto decide what\'s important, have an honest debate, and hold\none another accountable. And that erosion\ncould be so gradual that it\'s difficult to spot. It\'s like being murdered\nby a sloth. It happens very slowly\nand you might not notice -until it\'s too late.\n-(AUDIENCE LAUGHS) Now, listen, this is all\nvery bleak. I cannot pretend that it isn\'t, which is why it is so important\nto take some hope from this year\'s small victories\nlike the Muslim ban being blocked by the courts\nafter massive public protests. -(AUDIENCE CHEERS AND APPLAUDS)\n-Or, or, the attempts... to appeal Obamacare stalling, thanks in part to people\npressuring their lawmakers. And, just this week,\njust this week in Virginia, voters rejected Ed Gillespie\nfor governor after he ran a Trump-style,\ndog-whistle campaign. And that is encouraging\nbecause it\'s nice to know that if you use Trump tactics in a Virginia gubernatorial\nelection, you do not get\nto be "gubernator." -(AUDIENCE LAUGHS)\n-Now... further down the ballot there, Tuesday also marked the defeat\nof Bob Marshall, who earlier this year proposed\na so-called bathroom bill. He lost to Danica Roem,\nwho will now be Virginia\'s first openly transgender\nlegislator. And the tone that she has taken\nis already markedly different. Danica, you were running\nagainst, um, Robert Marshall, an incumbent,\nthirteen-term incumbent. He\'s also a man who referred\nto himself as "Virginia\'s chief homophobe." He refused to debate you\n during the campaign. Do you have anything\nyou wanna say to him? Come January, delegate Marshall\nwill be one of my constituents and I\'m not gonna disrespect\nmy own constituents. Wow, that is incredibly\nrefreshing. Just think about that. She beat a man who openly\ndisrespected her, but given the opportunity,', metadata={'source': '1ZAPwfrtAFY'}), Document(page_content='disrespected her, but given the opportunity,\nshe chose not to respond by tweeting... (READS TWEET) (AUDIENCE LAUGHING) It\'s nice! It\'s nice not\nto have that. And, look, Tuesday\'s results\nshould not make you complacent. They are absolutely no\nguarantee that the midterms will turn out at all well. That is why, though, you should take these moments\nof encouragement to help you keep going. Because the Trump Presidency\nis basically a marathon. It\'s painful, it\'s pointless,\nand the majority of you didn\'t even agree to run it. You were just signed up by\nyour dumbest friend. And-- And the fact is we are not even at mile six\nright now, or possibly even mile three. So, there is a long way to go, and though you\'re exhausted\nand your whole body is screaming for you to give up,\nand your nipples are chafing for some reason,\nthe stakes are too high for any of us to stop. And, I do realize that\nI\'m saying that as we\'re about to stop doing\nshows for the year. But-- But here\'s the thing, we won\'t actually\nbe going away entirely. You might remember\nearlier this year, we used our "Catheter Cowboy"\nto try and get information to the president in the\nad breaks of Fox & Friends. Well, Trump is still watching\nthat show and we know this because The Times wrote\na generally negative piece about its enormous\ninfluence on him. And because of that called it "...the most powerful TV show\nin America." A sentiment that the hosts\nwere very excited about. This program,\nthe program you\'re watching, is, according to\n The New York Times, "...the most powerful TV show\nin America." -TUCKER CARLSON: Wow!\n-AINSLEY EARHARDT:\nDo you know why Steve? Because we have\nthe best viewers. Yes. -No.\n-(AUDIENCE LAUGHING) No, you don\'t. Uh,\nyou-- you absolutely don\'t. Oh, an-- and look,\ndon\'t misunderstand, I\'m not saying that we have\nthe best viewers. -(AUDIENCE LAUGHING, CHEERING)\n-No, no. I\'m not saying that. No! I\'m explicitly\nnot saying that. You guys... are fine. (AUDIENCE LAUGHING) The best audience belongs\nto Ellen because this is how they greet her... ANNOUNCER: Here she is now...\n Ellen DeGeneres. -(AUDIENCE CHEERS AND APPLAUDS)\n-♪ (MUSIC PLAYING) ♪ None of you fuckers did that -when I came out.\n-(AUDIENCE CHEERS LOUDLY) None of you did it! But, the point is,\nthe point here is, just 45 minutes after that\ninformation was on Fox, Trump tweeted... (READS TWEET) So information goes right\nfrom that show into his brain,\nwhich is terrible. Because we would genuinely be\nbetter off if Trump was getting daily briefings\nfrom an actual fox and his friends,\na hedgehog and a weasel with its head stuck\nin a tin can. But, if Trump is going to keep\nwatching that show, we are going to spend\nour hiatus sneaking information\nthrough our Catheter Cowboy. So-- so a number of commercials\nare going to be airing on Fox News over\nthe next few months. Here is the first one... NARRATOR: Attention\n catheter patients... I\'m a professional cowboy. I use catheters and there\'s\ntwo things I know. I don\'t like pain when I "cath"\nand the term "clean coal" doesn\'t refer to the physical\nact of cleaning coal, that would be impossible. Coal is coal. Clean coal is a\nmarketing term the coal industry came up with for stuff like carbon capture\nand sequestration, an expensive process that\'s\nshown limited results at best. Also, Frederick Douglass\nis dead. -(AUDIENCE LAUGHING)\n-More tomorrow. Bye-bye. -(AUDIENCE CHEERS AND APPLAUDS)\n-That\'s good information\nfor him to know. That will be on Fox in the D.C.\narea later this week. And keep an eye out\nfor more of them, because that cowboy has got\na bunch up his sleeve. The U.S. Virgin Islands\nhas a governor, not a president. Here\'s a fun fact... There\'s actually no federal law\nagainst this, thanks to something called\nthe "First Amendment." Just because Jared Kushner\nis smarter than you, doesn\'t mean that he\'s smart. The Navy Seals\naren\'t actually seals. I know buddy.\nI was disappointed, too. There are many non-gold', metadata={'source': '1ZAPwfrtAFY'}), Document(page_content="aren't actually seals. I know buddy.\nI was disappointed, too. There are many non-gold\ndecor schemes that are actually very appealing. During an eclipse,\ndon't do this... Buddy, this can't be that hard. Nazi's... bad. One fish, two fish, red fish... Arm of the executive branch\nthat should operate free from White House\ninterference so as to avoid politically\nmotivated prosecution. -Donald, Donald.\n-(GLASS TAPPING) I don't think he's gettin'\nany of this. That's all for now, Donald.\nSee ya tomorrow. And, remember, if you're\nnot enjoying this, there's no shame in quittin'. (AUDIENCE CHEERS AND APPLAUDS)", metadata={'source': '1ZAPwfrtAFY'})]
[Document(page_content='I definitely posted a lot during launch week and a lot of you guys who have subscribed for vlogs or cooking videos More like, "What\'s happening!" but for most of you guys who know me, I\'m sure you weren\'t surprised I plan on doing the week with iPhone But I felt like I had posted so many videos within a week that I thought maybe I would just wait and do it two Weeks with iPhone so here we are, it\'s been about two weeks since I got the iPhone X It really is A beautiful device so the first week that I had it was basically filming and shooting and editing videos about the phone So I didn\'t really feel like I got a chance to try it out and use it in sort of an everyday normal Setting like I normally would so don\'t trying our testing week We tried out a bunch of things. The first thing that we tried out that I didn\'t even share on my channel because my sister post of the video is we did an underwater test, "Would face ID work underwater?" And number two, "Would your phone actually work underwater?" And the answer is no. It doesn\'t. The screen doesn\'t work on water. Since this was our video She volunteered to use her phone to do this test. Currently her phone is still working perfectly fine. The iPhone X is rated to be able To withstand at least thirty minutes underwater, it\'s recommended that you don\'t go past 3.3 feet Which thankfully the pool that we were in was about 3 feet cuz my sister dropped her phone, and we both like It for him to be quite difficult to go underwater Try to keep your eyes open while swiping up and trying to see if the phone is actually Responding to your face in this test we did conclude that the phone does not work underwater You weren\'t able to swipe up it also didn\'t recognize her face We did have some difficulties with face ID trying to recognize each of us with sunglasses on in very bright conditions so the reason for this is because if it\'s super reflective the phone is unable to see your eyes in this bright light and if You have the attention awareness on, if it can\'t see your eyes It\'s not gonna unlock your phone. The way that you can get around This is turning off the attention to awareness so basically you won\'t have to look at your phone this does make face ID a little Bit less secure so that means if somebody comes up to you They can swipe up and unlock your phone with attention awareness on if somebody tried to do that to you You would have to be looking at it for it to unlock It has been a little bit frustrating when I\'m outside walking my dog with my sunglasses on and it\'s super bright And I\'m trying to use face ID and it\'s not unlocking him, and he\'s pulling me super hard going to the bathroom And then I\'m trying to clean the bathroom up But I\'m trying to use my phone and unlock it and it\'s not working. So normally effectively I\'m going to be in a situation where I\'m gonna have sunglasses on it\'s super bright I do turn off the attention awareness, but for the most part, I have been keeping it on because it is an extra layer of security. Other than that I\'ve been pretty impressed with face ID I Know a lot of people have been saying with they\'re having problems some of my friends. They\'re saying it\'s not recognizing me It\'s taking too long Even at first my sister was having an issue where it was taking a while to recognize her And I think the reason for this is a lot of people when they first set up their phones It says hey its face ID times, set it up. and you\'re kind of in a hurry you want to set up your phone You\'re not really paying attention. You\'re just sort of moving your head around and I feel like that first set up It doesn\'t get a really good read on your face. So if you are having this problem I definitely recommend going back in Rescanning your face and seeing if that helps. Another thing that I tried was what if I looked like a zombie, what if my face was uncompletely recognizable? Well face ID recognized me. I decided to go all', metadata={'source': 'gHZ1Qz0KiKM'}), Document(page_content='what if my face was uncompletely recognizable? Well face ID recognized me. I decided to go all out I had this incredible special effects makeup artist Dan Gilbert come to my house make me look like a zombie and see, if we could fool, the face ID. Now one of the things that I read in the Comments is a lot of you guys are Suspect because you sent Justine during this whole process, you were unlocking your face from beginning to end, and the thing with face ID is It learns your face. So perhaps this entire time that I was getting my makeup done I was unlocking my phone Maybe the phone was learning my face throughout the whole process, which is of Very very very very a valid point and that I don\'t really know I don\'t know if that\'s the case. Now the reason that I decided to obscure most of the bottom of my face is because that Previous day that I\'d met Dan we did something for another shoot where I was a zombie and I obscured most of my eyes and most of my forehead so I thought I\'ve been unlocked with most of the top of my Face I\'m scared It\'s gotta be something down here One of the things that I did notice is that when you turn off the attention awareness is it\'s not actively seeking for your eyes So it doesn\'t lock your phone a little bit faster, so again if you are having some issues with it unlocking slow or it\'s out recognizing your face try turning that off try rescanning and Let me know if that works for you. Going back to the sunglasses I tested out probably like 15 to 20 pairs of sunglasses to see if they would unlock But I was right here in a controlled environment where there\'s no sunlight, it\'s my studio light. So with that I\'m not having a lot of reflection so all those sunglasses worked indoors But did they work outdoors and not so much I also heard that people were saying if they are able to unlock their phone using their reflection in the mirror Hmm, let\'s try it It unlocked Yes, it works! So it looks like face ID does work with a reflection of yourself in the mirror Interesting. But it doesn\'t work with a printed picture of yourself. One of the things that I was worried about with this phone is because It\'s so much smaller And I was so used to having the plus size phones that I wasn\'t going to like this as much as I do Surprisingly having a smaller phone is incredible I can fit it so much easier into my purses, into my pants pockets, into my yoga pants I\'ve got like a little side pocket thing when I\'m running or hiking or not really running Closely if just walking the dog around the block it\'s so great to not have such a Massive phone like I previously did. So the form factor of the X is comparable to an iPhone 8 or any of those phones that Are that size but the screen size is actually larger than the iPhone 8 plus. Which kind of puts this in the most perfect, Sweet spot for the size of a phone. I know what you\'re saying, "What about the notch?" "Do you love it?" "Do you hate it?" Honestly I am not really sure, I feel like I\'m kind of 50/50 because there are some times where I\'m like man Just don\'t trying to watch something and then as little notch is there and it\'s like why are you there just? For then other times it does fit pretty seamless with apps so I don\'t really notice it, but to say that I don\'t notice it all, I would completely be lying because It\'s there, like I don\'t know how you Can\'t see it like if you don\'t see this, then I don\'t know what you\'re looking at because it\'s there the knotch is there. But if they were to remove the knotch, I don\'t think I would be upset at all I think that I would be okay if it wasn\'t there I mean I see why they have to have the notch here because there\'s really nowhere else to put it if they didn\'t put the Notch there, then there would have to be some sort of a black bar up here Just to house everything that is inside of this notch, proximity sensor, it has the true depth camera, Speakers can\'t it\'s got so many things', metadata={'source': 'gHZ1Qz0KiKM'}), Document(page_content='this notch, proximity sensor, it has the true depth camera, Speakers can\'t it\'s got so many things inside of that little notch today I mean I get it, but how are they gonna get rid of it for the next phone, or are they not? Or is this is this the new normal I? Thought that I would be taking a ton of front-facing portrait selfies, but to be honest I really haven\'t taken very many I guess in the past week I\'ve just kind of been playing call of duty, so that\'s really not something that\'s very interesting to take pictures of. Especially a front-facing selfie My friend Joey said he\'s returning his iPhone X, No.1, because he wasn\'t a huge fan of the face ID and No.2, because The camera quality was too good And I a hundred percent get where he\'s coming from because when you take a front-facing picture now. I mean it sees everything It\'s like, "What?!" I\'ve taken tons of photos of my dog I\'ve taken what if I had been taking pictures of I don\'t even know honestly since I got through the iPhone released week I\'ve basically been playing video games, and it\'s been great, so yeah, I\'m looking through here I haven\'t really done a whole lot the past few days Here is a cute picture of My baby boy doggy and his friend Yossi. Fires picture my wine fridge while that\'s really exciting Oh, here\'s a picture of me and Alex Clark we did a fun video the whisper challenge video And we unboxed a very fun the Star Wars Jedi Challenge game What else are some wine, got a LAN party, more pictures the dog? Yeah, I basically have Done a lot. So other than taking pictures my dog. I\'ve been very very impressed with the new snapchat filters now granted I don\'t really use Snapchat as much as I used to I feel like most of the time when I\'m going to post something on snapchat I end up just posting it on my Instagram stories But I decided to hop into snapchat and test out to the face tracking features that they have now With some of their face filters, and they are very very accurate. I was very shocked. Hey guys. How\'s it going? I\'m just shooting some videos here, but I was testing out a new snapchat He\'s tracking on the iPhone 10 So like it\'s very very and it\'s like here\'s another one with glasses on like look at this like I move it and it does I\'m so impressed. I\'m impressed. Oh yeah, this is This is great One thing that snapchat did right is get in early get the face tracking features and really implement that to the max on snapchat Let\'s see what else have I been doing I mean the phone is obviously so much faster than the 7 although I did kind of have that middle phone I had the iPhone eight between the X so having the jump from the 8th to the X Didn\'t really have an overall feeling of that much difference because both of those phones the insides are basically the same thing Also the camera quality on the 8 is almost identical to the 10 being able to have the slo-mo options to go up to 240 At 1080 is pretty great although I don\'t really use it that often But I have found that I\'ve been vlogging a lot more on my iPhone because every time I go to vlog I either don\'t have my vlogging camera Or the battery is dead and a lot of you guys didn\'t really notice a difference when I went from this to the other one of course I can tell because I\'m the one filming and editing and the front-facing camera on here is obviously not as good as the 4k SONY that I used to film with, but overall the audio on this thing is great the video quality looks amazing. The photos look Incredible almost too good and too realistic. The battery life, I haven\'t really noticed That it\'s been worse than the 8 or the 7 mostly because I\'m always carrying around a movie, so I am unaware of battery life ever I don\'t know if it even gets close To being read I\'m plugging this thing in I\'ve also really loved having wireless charging pad one by my bed By my desk over there, and I even have this one over here, which has been my charger of choice the', metadata={'source': 'gHZ1Qz0KiKM'}), Document(page_content='By my desk over there, and I even have this one over here, which has been my charger of choice the Mophie Wireless charger, so I use this one of my desk and this one I kind of just move around throughout the house wherever I happen to be and in my bedroom. I have the Belkin one I\'m not really sure why I decided to do that I feel like I like the look of this one and it\'s a lot smaller than the Belkin I have some white lamps in my bedroom, so I felt like the white matched a little bit better But it really is nice. Just being able to roll over from my phone on the charger I don\'t have to worry if it\'s plugged in or if the dogs gonna jump down and knock a cord off the bed It\'s been pretty great so I know welcome Justine to wireless charging why did the pixel to? Decide not to do wireless charging. I\'m so confused I feel like they rushed the pixel to out just to be like here\'s our phone here it is It\'s ready, but it wasn\'t it wasn\'t ready. I will say the front-facing pixel to portrait mode is really really good I did a couple tests of that and I\'ll be doing a future video here Hopefully very very soon of the note 8 the pixel 2 and the iPhone X doing a little photo comparison video comparison I know a bunch of people have already done it But I\'m a little bit late either way even if I didn\'t do this video for you guys I would be doing this for myself anyway, so I just kind of want to test it out and see for myself what kind of results will I get? Stay tuned for that!! So I guess I should probably talk about some of the things that I Don\'t like about the new iPhone X, and there\'s not very many. I know what you\'re saying, "Justine! You buy this!" This is my video. I\'m telling you the things that I like and I don\'t like. one of the things that I absolutely do not like it all and it\'s been driving me insane is closing apps. Now Apple says that you don\'t have to close apps because It doesn\'t really make a difference. It\'s not gonna kill your battery. It\'s not gonna do this It\'s not gonna do that well. I like to close them I like to be able to just go and swipe right down here at the bottom see the things that I have open not Everything that I\'ve opened in the past two months. The problem now is to close apps you have to swipe up and you just hold and if there\'s a There\'s a delay now normally. You would be able to just swipe up from here to close, but now you have to hold in and then swipe up or Hit this little button right her. So, it definitely takes a few extra seconds Just to close some apps when before used to be super quick. Of course This is a software thing so that is a very very easy fix. Hopefully in a future update of iOS 11. Oh gosh, speaking of updates. Wow the biggest troll I feel like in internet history was the iOS Bug where it turned the letter I to like an A with a question mark or something there was a bunch of different things that were happening you would type a specific character whether it was an A or an I and Then you would hit Send and in that sending process between you typing it and actually hitting Send on Twitter or Instagram or wherever This would appear and most of the times when you were typing it you wouldn\'t actually see it until you hit Send Are you posted of whatever it was you\'re posting and this infected Everyone because it wasn\'t just an iPhone 10 thing it was an iOS update it took them probably like four days Maybe to fix it which I feel like is a pretty long time especially when the entire internet was just crumbling at our fingertips Most people on Android couldn\'t see the issues so a lot of them are very confused as to what we were all complaining about or What we were seeing the struggle was real Thankfully that update has been updated so if you guys haven\'t updated to the latest software update on your iphones, please Please too, It will save us all so much hassle. So I guess that\'s it I really don\'t have much more to say that I haven\'t already', metadata={'source': 'gHZ1Qz0KiKM'}), Document(page_content="so much hassle. So I guess that's it I really don't have much more to say that I haven't already said or I Haven't already posted in a previous video if you guys want to watch all of those videos I'll put a link in the description where you can check out my iPhone X playlist there's tons of fun videos there if you haven't Seen them already, and if you have seen them. Thank you I appreciate it. Be sure to subscribe because I have a bunch of fun holiday videos coming up Which I'm very excited about. Also some more fun, Tech videos, some gaming videos I know a lot of you guys have been requesting a Nintendo switch video, so yes That is coming very very shortly as well. I feel so bad I do so many things on this channel that when somebody gets super excited about something and they subscribe off of that specific video and Then I don't do that thing again for a very long time I just hope that you guys can find some entertainment in something here And that's really my my only wish, really. Well that being said, I'm gonna go and edit this video now So I will see you guys later. Bye", metadata={'source': 'gHZ1Qz0KiKM'})]