[Document(page_content="what's up guys welcome back to another episode of the Blitz of all games here today for episode 69 there'll be no jokes today I'm a mature adult here haha yes there'll be no jokes today at all let's go scout honey that's our that's a great combination not gonna lie anyways so why want to talk about today or briefly talk about today is the Minecraft 1.9 update because holy has everyone been really angry about that and I the community is pissing me off and so that's all I have to say really so let me just talk about well I mean you guys probably know what that pace I don't have to explain it wise but basically what the community was up in arms about is removal a spam clicking which is something that I do a lot so you think I'd be pissed off or you think I would even care honestly um but no I'm actually pretty happy with the change that they it's a change that needed to happen I don't know why people were so angry about it honestly it's a change that needed to happen and the ability for sir owners to what the this guy's off center by a lot and just taking rear animal enough back well um the decision or the ability for silver owners to set the amount of nocturnal health knockbacks st know these the ability of spam click or not is a really good one that's great for some rollers good for everything so I'm actually very happy with what they did there but what bugs me about the entire system is how it all went down in the community and the community honestly should have been ignored I honestly believe that the community should have been ignored spam clicking should have been removed forever for just because of the community's reaction and I know that's a harsh thing to say I understandably but you know at the same time I think it's deserved I think it should happen it should be you know it sure my opinion isn't necessary popular with community but at the same time I believe that span clicking should have been removed simply because the way the community reacted the community stupid you know why are these people so detik that dedicated and cleaning me up is going to rinse the why don't care I will let you two fight and then I'll clean you guys up right so anyways the way the community reacted pissed me off to no end there is no reason for what the community did the PvP community was pathetic in the first place on minecraft it was always very toxic always very stupid because it's a it's a game based off of jitter clicking and ping and like that it's not even a skill-based game a skill based community so I don't know why even more so on their high horse anyways in the first place and then they remove stem clicking and this happened then evolved not even got death threats you know saying you should kill yourself for what you do to the game and what not I mean come on guys death threats what the serious guys are you kidding me there's never more of a time that I didn't want to be part of a community then now holy um yeah pissed me off to no end that reaction from the community so yeah guys please have more respect especially I can understand getting pissed off for something that you should legit get pissed off about I'm not saying that you're that it's I can understand where you guys were coming from but on a snapshot on the first release of snapshot that big of course they're gonna change things of course they're gonna change it there ah oh my god just pissed me off because there's snapshots there's nothing final about them there's literally nothing final there's no chest back in that mr. are you kidding me some Randy got a blister oh god this guy talking horse sakes are you kidding me also hack lines without spam clicking had clients are all mostly useless which is something that people should realize this guy was a hacking it was just really like it hey look at some guy with a blister you didn't use it did you nope didn't use it Rex easy flawless minecraft pvp is so skillful of", metadata={'source': '-mK40etMBLQ'}), Document(page_content="you didn't use it did you nope didn't use it Rex easy flawless minecraft pvp is so skillful of skill-based you know alright GG guys I'll see you in the next game all right here we are back on Citadel we're gonna go on i-10 so today they released a new snapshot and they added it so that way armor that's almost broken will do almost no protection and for some reason that pvp community is really pissed off about that you ever check the amount of Jubilee that you take on your armor in blitz and scours and mega walls this never really that bad it's not something that will ever affect hypixel games it's something that was only there to make survival even worse than it already is and almost no PB player pvp players play survival so i'm not sure why the pvp commute even cares about this change is there's almost no reason to h no I went for my crit in there I didn't need to use or whatever anyways guys i've been working on this server a lot lately because i'm trying to get done within a certain time frame because i have family coming up and i really wanted to have the application basically done before then so yes i've been working on a ton i have kind of hit a snag that not exactly sure i did a lot of google searches about this um right in so long since I've done this did you just jump into the larger gauge I took a bunch of fall damage to that way you can come in fight me on land but nope first anyway so I got this problem i am not sure exactly how to fix it so i have this disguise the plugin and has an API and I say it all up so that way it works with my scoreboard on my desk messages and everything and what the problem I'm having is is I want to have us the way the client reloads that player because if you typically use this geyser plugins i'm pretty sure no one he really does but if you ever use these guys are plugins you would know that you typically disappear from the screens after they cross kill each other you could do / kill now the block is nae forever to kill you if I block thank you for letting when I guess but i'm pretty sure what anyways to be honest i want to make it so that way i can reload the players on the client sent and i'm not exactly sure how to go about that I try teleporting them to far away places leaving them to fall for to ask I for a couple seconds and a top wearing them back to force why would consider it would be enough and then you know through dimensions even and nothing works you at least that's great for they guys so thank you all for watching and I'll see you all next time bye", metadata={'source': '-mK40etMBLQ'})]
[Document(page_content="that they bet these cities Chicago Illinois were getting set for the Chicago Bears listen to witness one a run against the visited Helen clippers hi everybody along with Steve Kerr hi Martha we're getting ready for the opening check but first let's take a look at tonight's starting five brought to you by losing more say fine excellent who's taking it to the rim and school five on the 24 the trial of a delay yes the pastor didn't call again he likes today South Marvin then when he backs his defender down he never really looks comfortable good penetration they get something going towards the hoop they just can't finish and go with a nice ring most of ding shot clock at 6 and we are gonna knock it down the first three of the night wolves can't lay the ball accelerate lunge to the land yes the pasture Deng was looking for the record penetrated shot clock at five Fortin again and that was his first field goal that pass intercepted their summits protected the Bulls look get it back nor finds the opening and Derrick Rose had a crew to class and let when I see it I know the pastor cabbie and we've added by Lilith bearing for offensive execution and no flow to their game right now here's the law who's sleeping in and they come up with it he was boarded yes nice take to the rim there mark and that's the way you cut in be a lead really be aggressive going into the paint he's trying to set up his own really wasn't effective mark and they're gonna switch up to the man the manager where he just controls the lane doesn't he mark Marcus can be with those long arms quick off his feet incredible anticipation can be looking to set the swing nice play Butler takes to the way the pocket that's great defense bar but that's too good nice touch around the hood we're lucky to set up Oh hold on attaboy Oh cooling in the end scores two beautiful shot there salmon with a nice pass yes summons spinning his way yes Miller out to set the screen the Spanish turn back the Porsche Cayman for the block shot the boys get the doll back shot clock that of three boys on a quick release and rebounded by candy rose with the moon cast and none but the good hands to equalize and on a token talk to the delivery to Kenan good on a quick release from downtown yes gets the three moves put into the open man the price today shot clock at three and slow Davis coming over with some help defense and Brad Miller with his first field goal Los Angeles lucky shot clock with seven seconds remaining Rose finding room good job by Miller Gordon he won't be back the score on that possession that you have to like the hustle the second-chance opportunities so important in this game here's 40 and scores den with an excellent look and the pass intercepted here's the alley you and Marcus Camby should have put that one down the past today I want to chase it down rejected I like the offense while they're doing a nice job getting to the lab they clear it out they clear it out rooms nice boys to the rim and dirt boys took back elevating the boys get it done that's a tough one there Marv you're trailing and it's late you've got to make the most of every possession in a careless turnover that could cost them the ballgame all right here's the clear out oh absolutely terrific defense something when I see it I know Noah comes out to set the pen the fires from downtown and lays with 20 points more than all the reasons are winning this game they found a nice rhythm if they're getting open looks and they're really sharing the ball and Christina able to furnish it Heinemann what's the shot and feel good offensive game are they running those sets beautifully spacing the floor getting good shots getting the ball inside they're showing it all tonight gonna lead us back the trouble and forget about the Clippers PAP come up short a final score is 48 to 29 Marv Albert along with Steve Kerr from the United Center saying so long for now", metadata={'source': '-meOqZ44ml4'})]
[Document(page_content="it's a good thing tears never show in the pouring rain as if a good thing ever could make up for all my pain there'll be no last chance to promise to never mess it up again just the sweet pain of watching your back as you walk as i'm watching you walk away and now you're gone it's like i'm echoing my head and i remember every word you said it's a cold thing you never know all the ways i tried it's a hard thing faking a smile when i feel like i'm falling apart inside and now you're gone it's like an echo in my head and i remember every no you never and you never will be mine for the first time there is mercy in your eyes and the cold wind's hitting my face and you're gone and you're walking away away and i am helpless sometimes wishing's just no good cause you don't see me like i wish will be mine will be there's a moment to cease every time that we meet but you always keep passing me by will be mine", metadata={'source': '-mCKIjf-TxA'})]
[Document(page_content='hey foreign do so so so so so so so mm-hmm so so so you', metadata={'source': '-m6bixzRSKw'})]
[Document(page_content="here and now we had uh smoke coming off the second floor and uh heavy fire on the first floor uh we made entry to line in the first floor and at that time uh my pipe guy went into the basement fell through a hole um as we're advancing he was uh screaming to get out of there all operations uh stopped at that time to remove him from that that basement area took two guys to get him out and at that time um we noticed that there was a fire in the basement with the hole burned through the first floor uh into the basement and uh i wanted to make sure all the men were outside of the building and not uh going to be caught or trapped uh by fire uh on that uh on that first and second floor first floor and then leading into the basement staircase um at that time i turned over a command to uh deputy chief frank matura uh you know you're training for a certain day but yeah yeah he's not hurt right no the the the member is uh the fireman is okay um yeah it happened to be a little bit hectic at the time there because uh i wanted to make sure my guy did not uh perish in the fire um especially in the basement of a vacant building uh so um we did all we could to uh to get him out of there and we did rescue him from the uh from the first from the basement uh level uh with uh heavy fire conditions and heavy smoke conditions uh surrounding us and uh like i said when i was coming out into that uh into the outside area i was screaming because i wanted to make sure that these guys did not get lost or trapped in that building uh coming from a different sector of the fire or um another area where i i couldn't i couldn't see him directly so that's why i wanted to make sure all members were out of the fire and then turned over command to uh deputy chief patera when he when he arrived on the scene what are you", metadata={'source': '-mL6hiGP77c'})]
[Document(page_content="hey welcome back to this week's report you know this week's been kind of a mixed bag as we get into June options open up for anglers as far as how you can fish different types of fishing today we've doing a combo package where we're pitching northland impulse plastics along with rigging you know June's just one of those months you can fish a lot of different ways and catch a lot of fish on different techniques different tactics best month to fish walleyes bar none northland impulse plastics come in a wide variety of styles whether it's jerk shad or paddle tail today we're using the paddle tails all of which work and different applications out here whether you're fishing the weeds the rocks I've been catching fish on on all different body styles but today we're just using the paddle tails rigging them on a swim jig head like a slurp swim jig head just pitching them out ripping them back to the boat that one cracked it there we go not a bad while I there we go a bad fish and that's the thing it's kind of the perfect water temp right now you know for pitching in a lot of areas of the lake whether it's gravel bars rock piles even the weed lines I tend to use a lot of natural colors on the lacs lake like the smoke color baby bass emerald shiners a really good color out here as well and then with these paddle tails I like pitching them out letting them fall and then just kind of ripping them back to the boat and I love the way they crack it you know it's really important to use a braided line I like to use a fluorocarbon leader that way there's no stretch no stretch because a lot of times they hit it on the fall hey I tell you what if you want to have a lot of fun pitching jigs pitching plastics and seeing a walleye turn really aggressive tie on the northland impulse plastics and you start putting more fish in the boat hey until next week i'm tony roche and we'll see on the water", metadata={'source': '-mvxxhiDFIQ'})]
[Document(page_content="hey guys this is that super american this video is going to show you how to get all the star coins on world 5c um a blue tail will show might come in handy on this level but you don't urgently need one you can get one from a red flying box or a mushroom house and i've put a video on to show you how to easily get a mushroom house so you can check that out um let make this ghost point through the wall then kind of step back and jump on its head and then come over here and knock these two boxes out of the way go back over here get the ghost to follow you and then it will punch through the wall to the star coin because you can't get through yourself because it's like them boxes and you can't get through it um there's a items box up here if you need an item you can kill that by slamming down on it but you can spare it to life because it doesn't really do much harm because it's really stupid um if you have a fire flower they don't kill them can't kind of cut um certainly things um now you need to go onto these platforms and then go down onto these platforms jump on this shell don't hit it that way though hit it if you do lose your show like that just wait for a sec stand on one of these platforms and stand on one of them platforms go back down and then just wait for another one and another one will come and then hit it that way and that's your second star coin um and then go up here and then there's a one-up box up here somewhere um you need to be a big mario like this um when you get the third star coin because else you can't knock these boxes up here through and it's essential that you get the boxes throughout the vine which is in this box here won't go up and if you need an item there's an awesome box just there just in case you are a little mario and you can't get through the boxes there's a vine just there you need to punch that box and then go up this spine and it'll bring you to this kind of up in the sky word thing um don't kill this um ghost make it come over here though and knock these two out of the way and then eventually it'll just fall down that hole just there so you don't need to worry about killing it and then you reach the end of the level really easily and got all the star coins um so yeah please subscribe to my channel and check out my other videos bye", metadata={'source': '-mIaZqw0UZw'})]
[Document(page_content="Oh into the civics and a moon rock thanks for saving me holy [\xa0__\xa0] Sports boxing favorite oi from the Grange in making games yourself well now the state fully wouldnít Goethe and witty welcome to Ridgewood I wrote milliseconds even Fitzroy not better Jim Hunt once another prison he's already a championship women's crews do this I said you do ready empty but you were there and it will [\xa0__\xa0] continues he's welterweight series here by transformations the earth Huntington racetrack the home of the Melbourne tap hot night Friday Night Fights six rounds of interstate welterweight boxing introducing first in the blue corner from Narellan at New South Wales father-son with Brett Gilligan in the corner the Steve Foley for the Grange in New South Wales he holds the I do Asia Pacific world away championship former Australian super lightweight championship he won that championship but a pit of a knee on a show at Hollywood he's a regular feature bucks on Fox Sports boxing at sixty six point four seven kilograms thirty fights 19 wins six losses five draws seven inside the distance would you welcome back to Melbourne we're in blue black and whites Mets holy and the grass ring the official Wayne when I started boxing hit 1314 open make hot rod civilized the weigh-in he brings decentering his man runs it's Roy not know recently grounded turning over all the way champion men it's right he's a personal trainer pimp I take witness to masses right to the bright world of boxing with three knockouts inside the distance late German white trunks with black trim he's on the prowl he tipped the scales at sixty six point four zero kilograms the same weight as his opponent briefly mother mother judges ignatius miscellaneous metal westerman Andrew Campbell here we go welcome referees instructions welcome to southern gentlemen you know the rules what kind of wood food fight I'll be myself of all days looking forward to this one Peter Manny artist Tim hunt up against that boy this is gonna be a big one Troy in that book Tim hunt easy because all ago here victorious a new boom world as they say and big things expected from Tim Hunter Matt Paulie two-time Australian professional champion and very experienced Matt Paulie Matt portly 19 wins from 35 7 inside the distance strike the work the left and right Tim hunt brings an impressive boxing credentials into this bout eight wins from ten fights three by KO I'm summer boxing fit gym in Port Melbourne under the tutelage of magic mighty Mike Hargreaves and looking after Frankie la Porto as well doing great things down at Port Melbourne residing in Fitzroy North his team hunt two months had some ink done on his back certainly has its mooring in the offseason yeah more ink there than the Sistine Chapel there and our Kiwis Tim hunt he's come a long way in his 10 fights winning a Dano lien bucks at the moment he started off really really well met Pauly's could be wondering why he made a comeback at the moment just for the the viewers at home Matt poorly in the blue trunks with the white black in silver tassels Tim hunt Collingwood colors the black and the white what are some beautiful body punching air by the hunter Tim hunt renowned trees left rips his team hunt loves to go to work inside and that totally a seasoned campaigner pay to maniatis thanks fades very very goodies put these punches together it's looking complete tonight got caught in with a straight left in it coming here can't be too careless with Paulie now as we said a seasoned campaigner is on the rise only dad on his plate that one team hot water performance and the crowd on their feet at the atrium room and Flemington Racecourse team on to taik about that Paul II was in loads of trouble they most favored for the fighter series are amazing chains here Tim had correct it was kind of help us on the ropes or the kind of sitting on the ropes too and I'm fighting back Machiavelli's finally talking I'm", metadata={'source': '-mieGFbxygM'}), Document(page_content="or the kind of sitting on the ropes too and I'm fighting back Machiavelli's finally talking I'm stopping right here Tim you can't answer got a new a doorman on you back there takes us through some of those configurations II Saints not singular sites same Tim congratulations first vault like to say a big thank you to Matthew for me it was a pleasure to fly some unlikely since I was shining champion I'd be a champion but a lot of respect for him and what he's done I thank everyone who made the effort to come and support this Mike and stress detects them we're trying to be progress who comes all the way or brother or dad", metadata={'source': '-mieGFbxygM'})]
[Document(page_content="yeah I see mom Express dad shot a Honda Costin allah essa no Toto see me show a new Arita Yujin Oh Keiko no jinda serve econia crazy oh yeah beep Oh freeze assassin Connie no chica huge' avocado boy is so sweet angel oh I see a no mom ultimatum oh no sense oh yeah mrs. L go to of kombucha mother QR Vega unruhe vehicle engine Naruto Scott you mayor medallion yo T Kokua he Tamara Georgian cottage you", metadata={'source': '-mj9CHqd-vk'})]
[Document(page_content="we hit we're a group of three we had one game that we legitimately lost in uh yeah ground war because we were going up against a full party and then it was all one game yeah we lost one game uh against a party in hard in uh uh multi-team then we joined into a game that was unwinnable so we just let ourselves get kicked for an activity and that counted as a loss then we ended up getting thrown into a game in progress and that was a loss got like three or four losses i remember there being that car here on hardpoint did they they just recently had that sorry no i don't know this car is new y'all didn't realize this right there's one in the mid oh i get i guess that's done to make it more dangerous but then also adding a level of cover i should have lost that i don't know the rotation um i've never played hard i would i've never played hardpoint on this map oh hey guys sitting in the corner how you doing hey lager behind us oh he spoke oh my god i have such a limited patience for this right now they spawn on the objective basically i got them off of it i hit markers oh wow he dropped down behind me and yeah that's what happens when we do play a full party they all leave i won't complain about this it feels good to have yeah it's a nice change of pace just i wish people could sit and take the kind of losses that we've taken tonight but they don't they just back out the next one's gonna be straight up i got hit i've gotten hit by five stun grenades in a row wow oh hello i might as well go for an almost shutout that hit marker hold it on the edge yeah there's two guys follow me because i sniped them from there oh my god he got me i probably should do a game of sniping once i still do it while we have a party what you mean on that one oh apparently he doesn't like getting quickscope does wonders for your score per minute one's connecting now or connected sniping with a pink ballista that's cherry blossom to you [\xa0__\xa0] it's so pretty and stylish i love you oh two guys in the like waterfall room we're gonna go back to the middle uh oh he got me i should have whipped out my gun he spawned yeah and he shotgunned me again after i spawned he's just bouncing back and forth up there isn't he don't let them don't let them get any more let's just win this title if they split the fawn i have a central gun behind us going up on the bridge now he's dead spawn flips again one of the quickest freaking hard points we've been in wow y'all are awesome i call bs get off my sentry you're just gonna see this please show it please show there you it yes he's like oh hey i'm going to kill this guy's sentry gun explosion that is more like it and we had some try harder than now two videos you probably missed one left is episode 38 of my road commander and the video on the right is episode 39 a link to my twitter and facebook will be down in the description in case you want to follow me or get into open lobbies make sure to hit that subscribe button if you haven't already other than that peace out", metadata={'source': '-mMga2dIMA8'})]
[Document(page_content="oh man more underwater camera fun look at that big cut in the hole he might pop off life is good now how do i get it's going to break here we go whoa that's a good one y'all measure nope come here buddy i'm going to show you guys a beautiful cutthroat check baby out big beautiful cut with the orange fins having fun today catching these things all right guy just popped out we're gonna let him go see you guys awesome so oh that was awesome we got one on here oh yeah baby using an underwater camera is so fun whoa come on buddy he's coming that's a good one oh man oh beautiful look at that fat old chunky rainbow how about that fishing with an underwater camera that's a lot of fun all right sign it off", metadata={'source': '-m8UX09IFEs'})]
[Document(page_content="hello everyone this is big time the dancing trucker I'm on the dancing trucker tour you're watching the dancing truck or show only on cff nation calm we're in the beautiful estate of in the end the day what a wonderful day we've been in Kentucky we've been in Ohio my first time in Indiana stop number six on the dancing trucker tour one Petro today we're 50 miles from Indianapolis where they're having the final for the big dance is going down to naynay Annapolis and guess what the big dance is going down today in Greensburg Indiana at Petro I am the big dance I should go to Indianapolis and dance at the big dance but anyway I bet you guys are tuning in again big John's truck and Big John's dance Fitness is what this is all about this is why I'm out here dancing in front of all these truckers promoting fitness promoting health I'm on a weight-loss tour and I'm gonna dance for you again today I hope you guys follow me a home easy to follow along steps that's what I do is my own choreography the great music and I hope you join me today remember there's no excuses if I'm willing to get out here and step out of my comfort zone then you're willing to do do the same in your own way and something that you love to follow your passion okay so here we go follow me easy steps great song here we go I make it easy for you here we go it's now section there you go a fun song hey easy song to follow big John's truck and remember you can follow me on Twitter at Big John's truckin another beautiful day I hope I inspired you today to get out and follow your passion remember you're watching the dancing trucker show presented by CFS nation.com and also tallinn systems my employer the company i drive for great people and last but not least truckers United for charities org remember truckers United for charities a great organization helping out truckers and Children's Hospital raising funds for Cincinnati Children's Hospital I'm Big John the dancing trucker run stop six of the dating trucker tour look at all the people look at all the truckers you my fans that's who I'm doing it for I'm doing it for you at home to join me on this tour so remember next time rub the road a little bit further at love's palette stop off a 74 in Indiana the week after that we're at Pilate next week where loves so here we go check in next week Big John signing out thank you", metadata={'source': '-mylATiQv-c'})]
[Document(page_content="the next thing you didn't ask this one but the people say wahhabi catch yourself before you say that stop yourself the other word i told you is arabic word so is this it means to bestow to give aloha if you say al-wahab you must be very careful now you just said allah's name allah is he is the bestower the ultimate bestower so you don't take allah's name and play with it like that what really happened over 200 years ago there was a student of knowledge who memorized the quran when he was not even a teenager yet he studied all of the fake jurisprudence of the hanafi then he began to study others and his father who was a scholar told him to stop just stay with what we have he said i want to learn the others his father almost disowned him because of it it was very upsetting you know don't do that but he wanted to learn all of it so he could understand and he began to learn quite a bit he became convinced that he needed to learn more and he discovered through this learning that the people of his time were making a grave mistake i used the right word too because they were worshiping at graves they were literally going to graves and calling upon dead people to help them righteous people good people but they're dead and even if they were alive what could they do we could only make dua for you nobody's got any magic you ask allah to solve these impossible situations and he can do it and that's what he was telling the people and some of those who were making money or getting good position in the community out of these grave worship and deals took exception to his group because they came in and kicked over all of these monuments on these graves and of course they had no evidence to support what they did so instead of dealing with the rationale of why don't you look at what you're doing is wrong instead they labeled his followers as wahhabi why because they couldn't call him by his real name his name was muhammad and they would have had to said the muhammadans and no muslim would do that anyway so they call him because his father was it was abdul wahab so he was muhammad even abdul wahab and he wrote a book called kitabili man the book if you read it and take the cover off and you don't know who wrote it you say this is a great book it's very good about the belief in the law he's one and the teachings that come and it's kind of like a workbook it just has a few verses or something and then tells you to go look up the rest of it and it was given to some scholars who were attacking and saying these wahhabi people so and so on so what do you think about category man says it's a bad book don't read it it's okay so they gave him the book without the cover on it didn't tell him this is a scholar i'm not going to tell you who big scholar current he read it and he loved it he said this is the akita of a real muslim the belief system of a real muslim and when they said well here's the cover for the book and he went huh and he said i stuffed with a lot i made a mistake big mistake all of us need to understand that whenever somebody doesn't want to admit their mistake it's a lot easier to point and say he's a wahabi they're so and so they're such and such rather than admit what and we're going to go back and look again at what we said in our speech the king has no clothes oh all of us make mistakes just admit it what is the big deal only allah is free of mistakes", metadata={'source': '-mq2eU5KKLU'})]
[Document(page_content="you feel that oh [\xa0__\xa0] oh is sickness don't try to deny what you feel when you give it to me it seems that all that was good it seems you're having some trouble in dealing with these changes living up with these changes is don't do it again don't i have to be such a [\xa0__\xa0] how it feels mommy here he comes is", metadata={'source': '-mYino2pHYg'})]
[Document(page_content="Oh can't knock your taste in women good tell me what happened last night it's just a stupid prank you were tied to a stake in the middle of a field even the Romans say that for special occasion she could have died out I appreciate your help I just want to forget it ever happened hey Clark what is the holdup son mr. Kent it's good to see you Lex what we're gonna finish up good at least I got a handshake this time you you your forms good but his gates off you might want to check his shoes Lex Luthor I'm a friend of your aunts sneaking up like that go he didn't get kicked you must be Lana it's a pleasure to finally meet you we've already met I seriously doubt I'd forget meeting you you were a little preoccupied at the time I get the feeling I didn't make a great first impression when I was 10 I went to Metropolis for a riding competition your father invited us to stay over my aunt said you had an indoor pool I want to check it out I found you and a girl skinny-dipping think you were teaching her the breaststroke that was you Wow you're all grown up now very impressive tacky but it makes me unhappy that's an unusual necklace Thanks it's very special to me I coming out wearing I lend it to my boyfriend lucky guy what's his name Whitney fordman the kid that can't save today just came back from seeing him lucky Clark was there I know the feeling kind of makes you wonder if you're with the right guy 1 Chuck's footballs the other helps save lives someone had just moved into town you've got a lot of opinions you just seem more interesting than that while you're nursing your boyfriend back to health ask him what he was doing before the big game he was with me are you sure tell your aunt I stopped by you", metadata={'source': '-mJNQC6GILo'})]
[Document(page_content="[Music] foreign [Music] for me [Music] [Music] [Music] hey me [Music] last but not least mr cesk fabregas now there are fans welcoming the fc barcelona club here in thailand at the airport please say something to all your fans out there these are the press members waiting for your words uh hi good night everybody first of all i think i would like on behalf of everyone to say thank you very much for you're welcome but happy [Applause] [Music] oh trust me [Music]", metadata={'source': '-mLZUAFXbT8'})]
[Document(page_content="hi it's kip k back with another weekend project from the pages of make magazine most digital cameras from inexpensive to the higher priced models usually have a timer function where you can set it anywhere from 10 to 20 seconds and then you can run and get in the picture to take a self-portrait what if you're in a situation where there's a gap between you and the camera or it's a fairly long distance there's no way you could make it in time to get in the picture well there's a great project that'll take care of that it's called the two mile camera remote and that's what we're gonna build on today's weekend project make volume 15 is where you'll find the two mile remote project by tom rogers you'll need a simple digital camera a pair of inexpensive frs radios and an assortment of parts you can find the complete part list by clicking the link in the description of this video that takes you to the pdf for the project the first step is to take apart your digital camera every camera will be different so locate all of the screws and remove the housing completely and please pay attention to the capacitor for the flash because even if the batteries have been out for a while this cap may still be charged and it can deliver a wallop of a shock if you're not careful once you've completely removed the board it's time to locate a couple of connections by matching the camera case to the board we want to locate the power button and then also the shutter button for the camera because we're going to be accessing those contacts it's time to solder and two small wires will be soldered to the power button and then also another one will be soldered to the connection for the shutter release oh and we need one more wire soldered and that will go to ground while the project calls for using hot glue to cover the connections i kind of favor liquid electrical tape so i'll put on a generous amount to protect those connections we won't be needing the two buttons in the case one for power and one for the shutter release so you can remove those little plastic buttons and discard them then put the camera back together feeding those three wires we soldered through the shutter release hole now when your ground makes contact with the wire that we solder to the power button the camera powers up and the same will happen with the shutter release well we need something to mount the switches and the jack in and the project calls for making a small metal box so i made a little template traced it out cut it bent it drilled some holes and mounted the power and shutter release switch and the stereo jack and then used some velcro to attach it to the camera now it's time for more soldering we'll add two momentary switches and then also an eighth inch stereo panel mount audio jack and now it's time to pop open one of our two-way radios so the same process remove all the screws and open up the case in this case the antenna needed to come out before the actual circuit board could be removed and it'll reveal just two wires going to the speaker now we need to locate and tie into three different connections on the radio one is the call button the signal line for the speaker and then also another ground location and again we'll solder three more small wires to each of those connections and then also to another eighth inch stereo panel mount audio jack close everything back up securely and if there's room inside for that panel mount jack install it in my case there wasn't so i just hot glued it to the side of the radio for some reason the project called for a six by four by two project box but this seemed kind of large so i located a smaller box that fit better for this project now you'll need to assemble the time delay controller circuit and there's a link along with this video where you can find the schematic so go ahead and build that and get that ready to go in the box once it's complete install it in the box with a 9 volt", metadata={'source': '-mqrETipTPU'}), Document(page_content="that and get that ready to go in the box once it's complete install it in the box with a 9 volt battery and also add the serial adapter and then a serial cable which will be used to program the micro controller i won't go into great detail on how to do that for the sake of time but all the details are in the pdf so go ahead and program the micro controller put everything in the box and close it up and add two stereo plugs and your timer control box is ready to go here's how it all works our timer delay controller box is plugged into our radio the radio is turned on and tuned to a free channel the controller is turned on and then the other end of the controller cable is plugged into our camera box and then the camera is turned on now by using the other radio and pressing the call button that will start about an 8 second countdown before the camera shutter is released and that's how to take a remote control picture up to two miles away with the two mile camera remote we'll see you next time with another weekend project you", metadata={'source': '-mqrETipTPU'})]
[Document(page_content="welcome this edition of reckless eating shorts aka we shorts the screen zoomed in didn't it it did did i hit that it looked bigger we look bigger mats i'm checking we're trying two products that i have put off for a very very long time you know those hairs on it this is trader joe's pumpkin butter and chipotle pumpkin salsa wow you thought you were done with the pumpkin flavored yes we are back [\xa0__\xa0] we are we are far from november these have been sitting here for a long time but they're they're both good forever like this is good well into 2016. this is all set and this one's good uh halfway through 2015 so they're both they're both ripe ripe and ready to be all right yeah how young would you go give me a legit number i don't want any of this [\xa0__\xa0] 18 business um 21. good answer i mean you got to be able to drink i don't want to like have to like go on a date he's waiting for you to be like yeah 14. that rule is going to be like a pedophile yeah i got we got to be able to like have some drinks not like where we're on a date at chuck e cheese i'm drinking while you're playing in the ball pit when i was single before i met lauren ball pit before i met lori i was dating i was dating a lot like i was a part of like the dating websites and stuff and worst things ever are the dating websites that is just like it's hell on earth that is full of like [\xa0__\xa0] and women that want to get a meal and not put out so it's like the complete opposite of the spectrum but i never i i ended up meeting like a lot of more younger girls and a lot of more like 18 19 i have nothing in common with eighteen to nothing else like you'd be like you're you're really hot you're very attractive but i hate you i hate them so much they just had nothing in common with them and everything that you're talking and saying is [\xa0__\xa0] i hate it so much and i wish you would just go away or get naked i'm not sure neither one one of the other one of the other so what would pumpkin salsa taste like i'm just gonna all right okay real quick it's weird yeah i don't get pumpkin i get salsa yeah it's like a it's like a weird version of salt yeah i don't know they eat that that's the pumpkin right there that's tom's cat tom's cat is named pumpkin you know we have a lot of fans that don't even know who old man tom is i have no idea it's good it's just not what i expected yeah i mean it's just like regular salsa really um it's weird though it has a hint of brown the color brown i want to say a hint of spaghettios the sauce yeah it has nothing to do with pumpkin i get nothing pumpkin out of this oh it's always makes me laugh one of the reason why i bought this the main reason gonna make you laugh i thought of uh bailey it's made by chef rick bayless and i was like oh baby there you go yeah this isn't bad i i mean it's better way better than i expected yeah it was pumpkin flavored i'd probably be grossed out all right we're still eating it yeah i don't know what it is all right i agree with you though it has a spaghettio hint to it yeah it's very like saucy it's good i'd give it a four i would try this again if i went to a restaurant they had this sure i keep going it's good i agree it's a four all right pumpkin butter trader joe's what do you think if there's anything like apple butter it can't be that bad ah i got it oh pumpkin pie it's gonna be like pumpkin pie extract oh he's like he's getting up oh ziggler guys are suggesting back down he looked at us like you pumpkin butter probably shouldn't be doing this with uh chips maybe that's not the best solution to this problem what would you do it with i think this would go on like sandwiches and stuff yeah all right it's too sweet i don't think it's too sweet huh i think it's the right amount of sweet that is very sweet though very very sweet that might be good on a sandwich mixed with maybe some like peanut butter like do a peanut butter and jelly sandwich be doing like a peanut", metadata={'source': '-mCLH0BxC2U'}), Document(page_content="maybe some like peanut butter like do a peanut butter and jelly sandwich be doing like a peanut butter pumpkin butter sandwich i guess just weird i don't know like they were trying to infuse the pumpkin flavor into a lot of things last year that just had no business being pumpkin flavored whatsoever next year or this year it's going to be much cooled down because a lot of the problem i saw was that you'd go back into these stores in like january and they still had this stuff sitting there nobody bought it nobody buy it i mean it's just well it's it's it's nothing different than like the uh apple butter the apple butter has a sweetness to it of course no you're gross no i could i guess i'd give it like a low three but it's definitely not something that i would seek out on my own i go to middle of the road three it's still it's still pretty good for what it is it's not completely gross it's not the best yeah it's kind of yeah it's kind of thing it's below average mike sanders wcw that was just giving so there you go uh trader joe's pumpkin butter you have to wait until next year to get chipotle pumpkin salsa you'll also have to wait until next year to get mad zion for chocolate sauce would be the uh the better buy is better we'll see you next time you", metadata={'source': '-mCLH0BxC2U'})]
[Document(page_content="good afternoon i'm ben brazier welcome to brazier's post-sale report for the week of october 8 2013. it's a beautiful day today in sacramento 73 degrees is a great day to sell a bunch of cars and i've hand-picked six of them just to show you now check them out did you see that dodge ram 2500 that thing brought crazy you know what we're going to go on location now to my brother john brazier who's going to bring you the most current up-to-date report in the wholesale automotive industry john thank you ben yeah the sale today we saw the market continue to trend downward uh since labor day retail sales have been averaged to mediocre this past weekend a lot of dealers had really slow weekends of the lot some dealers did fantastic but generally it was an average to uh to lower end results weekend for most of our retail dealers and that showed in the lanes the right car still brings all the money the two or three year old car with really great miles is really attractive to most dealers but the average car that there's perhaps lots of models up in in the market tends to not bring much attention dealers still do need cars however they're just not willing to buy as many of them or pay as much for them as they have been in previous weeks hey john thanks for that report wait but didn't you have an opinion on the whole government shutdown deal that you wanted to share with us yes yes that's right ben the stats came out just this morning 70 percent of americans disapprove of the way congress is doing their job that means seven out of every 10 americans think that the government is doing a bad job my question is for the other 30 percent of you how do you have enough brain power to get out of bed in the morning i mean seriously how dumb can you possibly be who are you people that think the government's actually doing a good job at what they do i'll tell you what just do us all a favor and yourselves go find a bridge somewhere and just jump off wow john thanks that report was just beautiful now look i know all of you guys on your calendar you haven't planned to be here already in the lanes this next tuesday but we're going to break it we're going to go to rod davis who's going to give you some more details on the sale next week rod thanks ben great job next week we got a great lineup as always we're starting off with ford credit they should have about 250 cars in the sale got lots of reposts including cars from gm financial they're running a new promotion starting next week run into the middle of december every car you buy gives a chance to win a home entertainment center just in time for the holidays so you don't want to miss that in the c1 lane we've got lots of other repos in the d1 and the e1 lane as well as lots of cars from our dealers our new car dealer consignment has been strong so make sure you're here next week but we don't want you to miss our anniversary sale in two weeks so make sure on your calendar brace your celebrates 64 years of being in business so in two weeks we're anticipating 2500 cars you don't want to miss it in fact tommy who's one of our managers here is cooking his famous tri-tip we're gonna have tri-tip sandwiches on our anniversary sale so make sure here on the 22nd we'll see you then then back to you wow you know what rod thank you that was very insightful guys thanks for joining us we'll see you next week in the lanes wow john thanks that was a beautiful report thank you wow rod thank you so much wow john thank you that was a beautiful beautiful report wow rod thank you that was very very insightful wow rod thank you that was incredibly insightful i appreciate that wow john thanks that report was just beautiful thanks for joining us we look forward to seeing you next time", metadata={'source': '-mYl0TBo6YM'})]
[Document(page_content="no the heavens should be simple they are not in the last days of the roman empire at the fall of civilization one woman a legend ahead of her time stood to unite mankind whatever may be going on in the streets we are brothers where are the troops no army could contain that mob he's calling for the annihilation of women and children as long as god grants me the strength i will purify this city all these years i've been studying if i could just unravel why should this assembly accept the council of a woman if you choose to do nothing though you will continue to do the same thing over and over again until there is no one left in the city no people for this government to govern your god has not yet proved himself more merciful than his predecessors i want people to protect you any longer i wanted you to be free i am free you don't question what you believe i must you", metadata={'source': '-mIBhMYDgvM'})]
[Document(page_content="in the past couple of years we've seen the introduction of the rise of Pandora and Spotify and this streaming media that some people feel poses a threat to jazz radio what are your thoughts on that Thurston well I think it's a of course I come with data and I say that because I kind of make fun of myself but I think that we spend a lot of time guessing and my entire approach in the last two to three years is this stop guessing stop assuming and get the data so again the jacobs media guys did a public radio survey a tech survey you know and then i got a hold of another friend who who's a researcher you know they're their threats in our mind because we let them be a threat if you take a look I mean that the difference between the difference between the percentage of people that are visiting those places is there this is still a big gap that's that's there and the how we can continue to quote win the game is this not be a jukebox hey you know let me jump in here and ask Thursday the question of regarding that and that is that the difference between what we do and what Pandora and Spotify and those other services do is that we have an ability and a mission to provide a certain amount of information that they don't and so my question to you would be is shouldn't we posture ourselves as an alternative in terms of here is the place where you're going to get not an over amount of but here's a place where you going to get a certain amount of insight into what you're listening to as opposed to a simple readout of what you're listening to yeah but I wouldn't beat him over the head with it I mean no I didn't say you said that just let me have my perspective here you know yes you're right and that was my point I think but you mean because I was reading some other stuff you need to make sure that you are engaging your communities your your music community you're listening community you need to do that you know but again it doesn't matter whether you're doing it or not if you go too long you got it you've got to be you have to you know you have to you're a writer you've gotta have a beginning a middle and an end your points in a good point now the other thing that I say along with that you know there's some people like going to those and they get it and you know that's all I'm not condemning those people I'm just saying that we can't let them define us we have to do the best we can at what we do and you need to learn again or do your listeners want where do they want to hear it you know the the Jazz be at WBGO based on the quilting bees and things like that where people gather together for a purpose they're playing black it's a black radio Robert Glasper when he went out there on David Letterman and Jay Leno during that period of time between those two shows we featured Robert Glasper on the Jazz be regularly yeah you know why because we were trying to it was it was a marketing thing you gotta I was born I was born under Barnum & Bailey cloud you know I believe in marketing and promoting as much as you can and so if you're telling folks you know what you're doing you're giving them that information then you can start selling them on your blog because if that's the things you used to say on the air it's really too much to say because your listeners time span is it oh let me go see what's going over there because they're gonna go someplace else if you if you direct folks to a blogger you write that stuff you can tell them all the stuff you used to tell them in four or five minutes in a Bronto but yes but yes you know the Pandora's and all people want a warm-and-fuzzy there someplace they want to know they want to know is the world still here what's the traffic what's the weather you know what's going on around me you know now the streams were a little bit different in that way in the way that the the bgo stream the the jasny was was was was created was to keep in mind try to stay two weeks", metadata={'source': '-mk0-8JdnTU'}), Document(page_content="the the bgo stream the the jasny was was was was created was to keep in mind try to stay two weeks ahead it's a mark Ruffin it's a mark Ruffin bottle I hang out with blak a lot you know so you let folks know your play the artists who are in the New York City area or who are performing at that given time", metadata={'source': '-mk0-8JdnTU'})]
[Document(page_content="you gm3 hunts out the locos other programs fail to reach uh well that's not strictly true but it does only feature machinery built in the 1950s and 1960s which can still be found working on the british railway network in the second decade of the 21st century here for example 2302 and 301 bring the latest batch of london underground s-stock into melton mowbrik like all the others this train originated from the old dorby test track and will reverse here before 2304 and 305 continue to amisham you", metadata={'source': '-mo9waRA9YU'})]
[Document(page_content="hey guys this is iwan with the crossfire guide cage here to review the beretta ar 70 which by the way came out yesterday i apologize i didn't get my video out yesterday but i was spending a long time on crates all right so this gun personally it's very well balanced to me i i'm in love with it right now my favorite primary so far um yeah that's all all right so here at the cftc we rate guns in a five star scoring system in five categories that's categories b power maneuverability rate of fire accuracy and ammo slash reload rate all right so the power on this gun better than average but it's it's not the best uh personally i think they could if they wanted this to be a really good crate gun they should have boosted the power um maneuverability i think this is probably one of the lightest assault rifles in the game so far you're able to run pretty fast with this gun and uh and get where you need to go with your primary out which which can be helpful um rate of fire red fire on this gun is just fantastic i think it's perfect um it's pretty fast in my opinion um right accuracy accuracy on this gun probably gonna be its downfall um you know i don't i don't see this gun being a really good long long range weapon i think it's pretty accurate to medium and short and that's it but that's just me um the ammo on this gun ammo comes with 35 out of 105 which is a lot compared to most other assault rifles you know like 3 8 30 out of 90. um so that's always a plus you know if especially if you like to if you go through your ammo a lot and you have like this gun a high firing rate all right let's start scoring uh the power gonna have to give it a four out of five not that not the best but it's also better than average maneuverability gonna have to give it another four out of five because it's light it's probably one of the lightest assault rifles but it's definitely not the lightest gun in the game rate of fire rate of fire it's fast definitely gonna give it a five accuracy you have to give it a three out of five ammo definitely a five out of five that equals a 21 out of 25 which is about in 82 i'm not sure uh it's somewhere in a b as always guys please rate comment and subscribe uh i'm i wanted thanks for watching uh i had fun with this gun you know um i hope you guys i i wish you guys luck in winning the gun um bye", metadata={'source': '-mzgKE8GCrE'})]
[Document(page_content="this is my dog he is mine uniquely mine now our dog will not like him or behave like him we are using everything in our power to convince you this is a dog so he's cute my dog is cute your dog may be evil maybe a rock piler why did I buy him this squeaky ball I don't like the squeaky ball and you can teach him stuff and you can tell him off no I don't like it expressions are a little bit different in fable to their highly context-sensitive they've got a eye on themselves so if I use the same expression on the same object it modifies that expression so no notice it changes that expression I do it a third time just to be extra sure and he really gets it do you all the expressions can be used on any character in the game well and on the dog and some of those can indeed to interesting behavior for example I can I can use this expression its carriage I can even use this expression which is very funny in the UK I've found it's less funny in America which is this I want him to be alive man and he's gotta react to what I'm doing and these are little playthings okay but you will I promise you even the most die-hard adventure will more be able to resist playing around the know doc you only worst thing you have to do with your dog is healing if he's hurt now despite all our efforts and all the amount of energy we put into the dog and his mind and it's all quality we put into him you may be one of those players that simply dump they're enough you don't want a dog then you do this just run away leave him leave him leave him behind if you really don't want a dog man then just leave him and he will he loves you so much he will do everything he will drag his bleeding bloody body through the mud and through all the danger to try and find you and you may well find an hour after beating him one day this every time eventually he'll give up but for a few times I'll follow you and he'll you're here if you want a pub somewhere drinking and flirting and playing a pub game here are scratching at the door the door will open and this bloody mess of a dog will come in and everyone who would do such a terrible thing to a dog and that will have been you and that your reaction that you all just gave them means I win because he you care about this dog and you really want this point I hope that you want me to do this and I know what you wanted to be all happy again that's where I win if you end up caring about him then I've got you", metadata={'source': '-m8GcBhyAHY'})]
[Document(page_content="what's up everybody manny vargas coming to you from the eureka chilean challenge day number three of competition went down with the last heats of the trials the top seven of the trials advance on to the main event and they are i use my cheat sheet on this one just to make sure i don't leave anybody out charlie chapelle the reunion island ripper ruperto bruno renato ariano ellen munoz the two chilean guys thomas rigby and jones russell the two aussies made it through and the winner of the trials mitch rollins these seven guys jump into the main event and battle it out with the pros who are already seated check out some of the highest why is it that you only do the things you know you know i wouldn't want you to i'm beginning to rethink that look that i saw in your eyes but in the end i find that all the things that i have tried to leave behind are really just burning hoes through the pages of my memory my memory my dear the air is so there you have it el gringo delivered perfect three to five foot for the competitors to take full advantage now we move on to rounds two and three which is going down tomorrow then the top 16 will go man-to-man in the last heat of the competition so that's going to be pretty awesome so you guys stay tuned with the regular updates on facebook.com backslash iba rule tour or check out iba world tour dot com for the live action also on redbull.com so we'll see you tomorrow boom", metadata={'source': '-myEoo-f0ew'})]
[Document(page_content="hey everyone it's tina von roger here and today i'm gonna post a special video of the secrets i missed you know actually it is my aim to uh get all secrets in this walk through and secret number one i missed here in the last valley as you could see i passed oh them i am passed the bridge by and ran straightly over here here you can climb up and um get inside you know that little cave here and find secret number five yeah lara don't run into walls all the time okay here it is next level is i cut everything together you know it is late here and i don't have any time you know to do a bigger video so this is the tomb of guelph the next level and you may remember that i had no idea how to get um that secret you know below the this platform in here well i found out now by simply reading uh the solutions and yeah well it's actually not that hard you just have to move to the very left and let you let yourself fall there and then move slowly slowly through the thorns secret number two yeah well it only does little damage when you jump up but well i promise to post level five tomorrow um saint francis foley you know since it is a very long level and la and i'd like to complete it a hundred percent in one evening um i won't do it today since it is already half plus nine here well anyway i cut that other part out since there is nothing interesting to get you already know what happens but you know before you fight larsen you can swim in here and get the last secret of this level there are three in total well yeah that's it uh where do i get out over here well yeah that's it for today as promised i'll um post them saint francis foley tomorrow and yeah looking forward doing that level and thanks for watching rating commenting as usual and i say goodbye everyone bye", metadata={'source': '-m3ZnzRE8P4'})]
[Document(page_content="what is going on guys it is Austin FFA or Luna here so it's been quite the long time since I've done one of these you guys have been waiting a long time for the weed stories so it's been like a month a long month and I'm here to bring you guys a good one so this is about the time police found my weed and I this is just crazy the fact that this happened so I'm going to jump right into it this took place last year beginning of high school and you know I was [\xa0__\xa0] such a nervous wreck when I would I would always buy weed in school because I'm an idiot so this one in particular day I bought weed and it was a Thursday ok it was a Thursday that's not gonna remember this handle exact day and you know I got through the whole day filled with paranoia scared about how a teacher was gonna smell it or something so I get through the whole day and I get on the bus at the end of the day ok and the bus was really just like my I looked forward to it the most of school because I would just kick back and listen to music so you know I'm listening to music and I'm on the bus thinking I'm in the clear you know so you know and in the position that I sit in on the bus I have my phone in my lap and I listen to music and then I put my knees up on the seat in front of me and I lean back now when I lean back my jeans would always be a none angle where anything could fall into my pocket so I I'm sure you guys can guess what comes next I'm sitting in this position looking out the window not realizing that my weed falls out of my pocket slips out and hits the floor I didn't know and the material bag it was it wasn't slippery so it wouldn't slide around while we drove but I didn't know so you know I got up and my stop came along so I got up I got out of the bus and I went to my backyard to smoke and I reached in my pocket and I realized Oh like my pots not there what am I gonna do you know I'm sitting here and I'm kind of freaking out at this point you know I'm like oh it's ok I just I just put in my shoe or something I look at my shoe not there look at my backpack not there look in everything I look at my phone case not there I'm like great great Austin you [\xa0__\xa0] idiot so you know I'm scare at this point I'm just like oh god what am I gonna do so I called up my friend who goes on this bus too and I'm like I called it I'm like yo is my weed on that bus he's like no I'm not looking for your weed you're they're gonna yell at me if I stand out like can you please help me he's like no I'm not taking the fall for this and like [\xa0__\xa0] you and I hung up you know I'm not talking about dick anymore you to help me so much in this situation but hey so at this point I'm thinking I'm so [\xa0__\xa0] everyone's eating it off that bus they're gonna clean it and they're gonna see my weed and I'm gonna get [\xa0__\xa0] so you know they cleaned up the bus obviously you know everyone gets off they probably cleaned up the bus and I come on the next day then I stays a Friday I get on I'm like I'm a nervous wreck I'm like oh my god I am so scared so I get on the bus I go to the back and I immediately look for my weed and it's not there so obviously they took it and I'm like oh my god they're gonna know so you know I'm sitting there I have my headphones off the whole ride there to my school and I keep listening to the bus drivers combos and then they're not talking and when they did talk they were laughing about jokes so you know I figured I'm like hey maybe they just picked it up threw it out and didn't say anything about it because you know these ladies are pretty chill they usually they like me and you know that was my skype going off but you know they like me and they would usually wouldn't do something like this so I'm like hey they're chill we're good you know I'm thinking I'm all I'm and the clear I'm smiling I'm listen to my music and we get to my school now we get to the school she puts the parking brake on opens the doors and then", metadata={'source': '-mxBIjJIPek'}), Document(page_content="we get to my school now we get to the school she puts the parking brake on opens the doors and then stops everyone in the aisle she's like I want to talk to you guys about something and so does my friend and then as I hear her say my friend I kind of hear like stepping up onto the bus and I hear a radio go off like a police radio and I'm like [\xa0__\xa0] so the cop looked over everyone on the bus and he's like hi so don't any of you leave this here and he pulls the little baggy out from his shirt pocket and he holds it in front of everyone in the bus he's like so did I have you leave it did you leave it and he points at me and I'm like no officer I didn't leave that there and he's like are you sure cuz you're sitting in the same seat we found it and I'm like no I promise I wasn't you know I I'm good I don't have anything on me you can search me right now and he's like alright well good well I'm just here to let you guys know this is a public school where people come to learn this isn't where you can come and sit around and do drugs so go get your asses in that building and learn and he just steps off the bus and he walks away and he goes into the principal's office and does whatever he has to do I'm like freaking out my heart just thought that I'm like [\xa0__\xa0] freaking out guys and I'm just like oh my god if I would have just like if he would have came over and looked and like I'm sure there was crumbs like little shakes in my bag of weed and I'm sure he could looked in my backpack and like I don't know I'm stuttering right now because I can't even go back to that experience and think about I was scared I was so the bus driver then looks at us and goes seriously this isn't a this is a bus this is where we get you to in from school you're not supposed to be bringing your drugs on here we can get in serious trouble for that and everyone's like yeah we know we're sorry and then we all just got off and we went about our day everything was fine I am so lucky I didn't get caught I can't even explain like I said guys it's just I hope you guys never have to deal with the situations that I'm in because it's just really a terrifying experience but um my friends a dick I'm never talking that kid again and I'm just kidding but he's an [\xa0__\xa0] and I'm not helping him anymore because he couldn't help me he could have easily picked up my weed and got it for me but whatever at least I didn't get caught guys more the story is don't buy or do drugs at school just stay off it just oh my god but um anyway guys I have a double up load going up today and it's relating to my school I'm actually out of school now I'm completely done for the year I got kind of kicked out kind of I don't know guys just watch the upload in a few hours but anyway guys this has been a stuffs a failure Aluna hope you guys did enjoy peace", metadata={'source': '-mxBIjJIPek'})]
[Document(page_content="[Music] it's all well and good to have a wild Bronco on the ranch now and then but if the Bronco up in defense then gets all the other horses crazy that's bad for business we have to I'm busy my place in the morning he's twice your age son find the nerve hey now no need to be nervous just might and be yourself Joker you've asked for a chance to share your side of things I'm told you've about 600 people I want people to give me alright then that's why I'm gonna everyone in this room okay I think that's a little more insight than we had in mind what do guests get to face sure you do whatever you want with it we got a closet full of them how do you someone like that simpler than I've made it there's nothing wrong with the Joker that I can't with my you're the Joker Batman is gonna stir he's gonna have to through you first the groceries now once tonight I'm going ever a horse before you're about to learn fast for tonight you will rely on your brains and your what are we gonna do nothing he's too big but it's a noisy kind of mysterious you they have to doesn't have to be a big just count me in for all times sake he doesn't need a hospital bed to keep his in science together army troops have evacuated the downtown slum known as alley I mean you're gonna tonight or what figure I will don't feel I too seriously it must be close I can feel a kung fu chill riding up like sorry poets just me you you're mine I'll tell you what's gonna be yours my you're plus cuddly super-soft face would you guys spill the truth I was thinking", metadata={'source': '-mbSblg_vts'})]
[Document(page_content='nice shoes check out check out check out the first steps on top amazing [Applause] q a two and a man um what the [\xa0__\xa0] ER [Music] this time foreign [\xa0__\xa0] response very very nice shot around so far though [Music] and again [Music] are you doing my [\xa0__\xa0] goals this could be remaining for a while so good anything where it is okay five to four yeah thank you', metadata={'source': '-mrhpN_tzSk'})]
[Document(page_content="the applause of the crowd her name rings out well let's move on to the men's form of freestyle s12 victory ceremony this victory ceremony of course saw a superb swim by sergey pumko the defending champion the world record holder so i'm an excellent four minutes 10 for gold ladies and gentlemen the victory ceremony for the men's 400 meter freestyle s12 so there are the medalists the medals on a tray parading behind them sergio ponco from russia the champions will be presented by the deputy prime minister of the russian federation mr dimitri kosa great service to swimming in the united kingdom representing great britain for two decades almost two decades sergey clippard for the ukraine great race from lane two to take bronze 23 years of age representing spain erika fariano floriano the fastest qualifier he went in lane four representing spain but it was silver for him really couldn't stop the grace and power of punko but a great silver medal for floriano thank you very much 10.26 seconds representing russian federation applause as he steps forward to take his gold medal and quite ironic that he's been presented with the medal by this man here deputy prime minister of russia i'm sure they've met many times before a proud moment and now we can enjoy the national anthem of russia the national anthem of the russian federation well i do enjoy the national anthem for the russian federation such a jolly national anthem but also dramatic as well ponco floriano clipper at the one two three it wouldn't take much guessing that all young swimmers around the world will be looking at these great champions and be inspired by these role models to get into the water it's a sport that they love if they have passion for what they do then pursue your dreams and goals relentlessly because one day well it could be you there i've got to give the gold medal to someone and talent will only ever get you so far the work ethic of these competitors well i'll be swimming some nine miles a day most days of the week in the water for 20 hours a week doing lots of gym work as well and flexibility routines so the dry land program could see themselves achieving another 10 hours so 30 hours or more of training and preparation it's a full-time job really for these athletes totally professional in what they do to make their dreams come true wouldn't be unusual to believe that punco has swam a hundred thousand", metadata={'source': '-myE6od5W-E'})]
[Document(page_content='do you', metadata={'source': '-mWbW-pImEc'})]
[Document(page_content="should talk to me to this hey chip um we're doing a taste test and we have these from tap way pecatonica but it's the sax that should find so I don't know who they're trying to fool but anyway I know we are these are the best chips ever we are going to open these wet these are mrs. Mike's some bird your face yes with these because if you're really awesome I got with all these chips like all these look shows but everybody back and tell for you want to take them so how many neva give up we got fish well I'm going to have you got all these books and we have to make it on plane off a tus two airports without breaking a chip we thought is our thing right here hello which is very busy my photographer ok tell you why we're going to taste test so i guess i am probably do it afterwards ok mrs. mice versus mrs. bishop okay well this mrs. Fisher should be better because there are a dollar 19 for their little snack size hold this the little snack size of the missus mics for 99 cents but since we have two days left here we're going to open the big one where we get and then take monoplane cousin there's no food on the plane that's not like what what strokes a little Pringles hands like white boxers I know okay so we're going to do mrs. Mike's first well they you really smell a little different too okay this isn't mrs. fine switch hello there actually was off the factory weather made the chips here in Freeport and you could go to bring your bag your paper sack from the grocery store and scoop up the chips it would be like I don't like an hour those are really good i don't know what is really really good okay then we got mrs. Fisher's now these i believe they still making rapid i know old salty they do oh we gotta get the old salty on another taste test but anyway let's taste that mrs. Fisher's hmm okay clearly they're all kind but these are the winner this is nice oh my god you know you guys might be able to order them I haven't send them to you I don't know the address might be on here or not today where they make them oh here oh my god a product of the company in freeport illinois oh the g oh my god I dinner that was on there so it's right it's right I'm I'll look it up online oh my god there's a calm this is Mike's com see if you could order these because oh my god this is really so worth it I'm sure mrs. fishes is but these are the best", metadata={'source': '-mVOyWSgzeI'})]
[Document(page_content="the Train loans Bosma they're connected everything's changed tumor obviously it's cheap Stan leg I mean you don't want hang without some teamwork I don't care if an office manager or sealed huge the big thing they say in the seal shoot through the communicate you know reading of those things well as a team you're getting more successful everybody knows how to shoot counter know your basics you know how to move effectively and you can communicate as a team you get me unstoppable you need to be able to wrap quick to situation move shoot effectively whether to move an in do situation or moving out of one where every day guys do an everyday job it's the helo pilots it's the Intel folks to help us find the targets it's a much bigger team in just the seals very average Jews and it's just super dedicated and willing sacrifice don't get paid much and it shot out a little hottie no danger a lot there's something kind of keeps us together and drives us to continue this line would we don't think of anything more special name buddy else you know those professionals all in the world doing their thing this is just our thing you", metadata={'source': '-mQK8FyWgok'})]
[Document(page_content="hi guys broken blades here just wanted you to get a first look at the midterm meanwhile 62 I mean I know there's plenty of videos out there right now of it but this one give you a little view of it from my perspective it's it's a gorgeous knife and that stainless steel just shines know if you can see that first production 10 out of 300 can you see that in this part d2 tool steel I mean it just looks great see that 6-2 to bring that around yep be Zen pens alright I think I really like that I've only used ten pins and everything else but I like Zen pens you got your classic T latch it uh holds it in place pretty well and you got to lose a little pressure to close the handles in same with the open position you got to put a little more in the open position about uh you get there but it's just a gorgeous knife nearly excels and it flips great too I can't really show you any moves but you know I might do a video later some flipping I'm using my phone so it's really hard to film and flip at the same time but it looks great it's it's beautiful if you have any questions don't don't hesitate to PM me or comment down below you not even ten minutes up I got the knife oh man yeah that's what you get for doing an aerial", metadata={'source': '-madw62dxN0'})]
[Document(page_content="everybody's Alex here from Android headlines and we just want to take them in check out qslide on the lg g2 to go along with the article that will have a later today basically with Q slight you'll see in your notifications there's a button upgrade which opens up another toolbar there for you so basically a few site it's kind of like multi window but not quite I guess I would call it you can open up like the phone and just say okay and then you can make it bigger make it smaller you can make it transparent if you want you can also make it fullscreen now you can do more than just the phone so open that back up you can also do another one and see when you do a third one so you can have two open at a time which is still pretty cool because you can you know you can be doing something like be on Twitter you can have your messaging open you can have the dialpad open and stuff and of course you can get rid of both of them move them around on the screen you've got a few apps in here you've got videos phone messaging con calendar email notepad voice made file manager and then calculator final manager actually it doesn't look too bad of an app of course you know there's no my grassy car so you only have internal storage here but that's you can also edit what you see in there so now all the apps that work as hue slider in the tool bar of course you can move these around so you can have like here don't once you use the most up there different so you can edit it that way but that's just a quick look at a queue slide on the lg g2", metadata={'source': '-moeAcXbuZE'})]
[Document(page_content="this this one here right here that's my lucky audience you're lucky nope let's see he's got all of his lures here all lined up we're gonna try to go for some what is it we're gonna go for it i make all these too oh you make all these wow so so he's hooking up the lures yeah get them all going and then we're going to go 40 phantoms from the shore and try to pick up some ahi bono not to be confused with yoko ono no don't do that no so as you can see we've got the live bait on that hook up there with the rubber band that's the one that gene caught we're trying to attract a bigger fish out there we haven't hit anything yet it is did you see a fish a bird yeah or he's looking for scraps this is great i'm not getting any motion sickness which is great because you're in kona man yep you know what kona means calm in hawaiian calm really i thought it means a bunch of overpriced coffee there you go this guy until my time he goes uh you wonder how to leave hawaii with a with a small fortune oh come with a big one yeah yeah true come with the big one and you'll leave with a small one there aren't any gambling places here are there no there's no gambling no gambling lots of gambling but not legal not legally yeah california has all these uh indian gaming tribes yeah that's the hawaiian one too they want the same thing no i i think it's bad they will okay can you hear me uh those little snippers up there so this was the bait that we had swimming out there for about two hours hour and a half and uh we didn't get anything from it he tried hard okay we tried hard he tried that's great yeah we're not fine let him go yep nobody got him he did a good job for us yeah yeah we still have the dead one in there yeah yeah just in case we're running into something that we need to throw a beta it's always good to have one on board yeah if you see something big you can just yeah you see something like you know you're like oh like one of those floors i was telling you about some floating down here yeah piece of date night you can chop that up in five good pieces and put a hook on it throw it in okay we're there's the airport all the planes stacked up we've got three poles out and there's the sun it's almost six o'clock here hawaii time there's gene gene say hi hi the depth meter here is showing we're at 41 fathoms 41.7 fathoms and we're going after what now oh no oh no we're going after ono there 40 fathoms they travel in water that's 40 fathoms which is relatively close to the coast there's the airport kind of hard to see you", metadata={'source': '-mjgA4M5RY8'})]
[Document(page_content="hi this is Robbie wood taking her photography I was at a wedding last weekend as a guest at an outdoor venue no walls nothing just a total outdoor venue and the professional photographer was reigning around they had a professional camera with a speed light on the camera and they were using a Omni dome on top of the speed light and that got me wondering what type of light an omni dome actually will produce when there's no walls to reflect off of so I wanted to conduct a little experiment using a speed light mounted on your camera to recreate an outdoor venue with no walls to bounce your light off of and cycle through a couple light modifiers first using the speed light mounted on the camera firing directly at the subject which will be me and second will use the built-in little bounce card on the flash pointed up again there's nothing to bounce off of so most of this light would be wasted just firing straight to the sky some of it will be bouncing off the card at me next we use an omni dome again which won't waste most of the light I'll have it pointed up so when you're using one of these your flash output power has to go up substantially because it's shooting the light all around you and only a fraction of the light is hitting the subject so we'll see if that makes any difference because there's no walls to bounce off with and I also have a little tiny speed light mounted softbox that I got a long time ago so I'll take various shots using these light modifiers without being able to reflect off anything so you're recreating the scenario when you are in an outdoor environment and all you have is your speed light on your camera you don't really have any other choices and then we'll take these into Lightroom and compare and we'll see if these actually will make a difference I know they do or I know the Omni dome will when you're inside you have walls to bounce off though it creates a much softer light but when you're outdoor and you don't let's see if you need it or not let's go outside okay or first flash we're just gonna use a make and flash on the camera directed straight out and we'll see what that looks like so that throws out a ton of light all over next I'm going to use the built-in white card and will point the flash almost straight up slightly pointed forward and we'll see if that makes any difference now we're gonna try the Omni dome still pointed almost straight up slightly forward palmito Mazon let's try this one we'll try the only go one more times pointed slightly backwards if that makes any difference and lastly we're going to try this little soft box thing so with the softbox thing it's much darker I'm not sure why you probably need to use flash exposure compensation plus maybe a full stock so let's take these into Lightroom and see what they actually look like so here are the shots we just took let's take a closer look this is the flash point directly at the subject you can see it's pushing out quite a bit of light it illuminated the background walls subject and there's the slightest bit of red eye just because when the flash is facing completely forward it's closest to the lens so you can potentially risk the red-eye effect and you can see the shadow line on my jaw the light is pretty hard it's not very soft so next this is the flash point it almost straight up one notch forward with a built-in bounce card I think this actually looks a lot better yeah you can see these harshness in the shadows on the leaves colors everything looks a little bit better these are directly from the camera but no modification if we look at my eyes they're not a hint of red shadow is still harsh but not quite as bad I like the light from this and compared back color temperature is slightly different really because it's bouncing off of that white card but that one's not too bad so next we moved to the Omni dome and this one because it's bouncing light in every direction it illuminates", metadata={'source': '-m_NMKTvDbQ'}), Document(page_content="moved to the Omni dome and this one because it's bouncing light in every direction it illuminates everything and it's not particularly that soft of a light just because of the size of light source is tiny so I just soft as you can get but it's not that soft so that was with the Omni dome facing almost straight up one notch forward the next one this one I moved the Omni dome pointed almost backwards it was one notch pointed backwards and I like the light that this produced better than when it was pointed forward it's not quite as bright in the background which we don't really want anyway the quality of light something about it's just a little bit better I like that that was a good discovery I've never tried that before and I actually my last shot was with my little softbox thing and this thing consumed a ton of light the TTL metering was not doing its job I did two test shots and it produced the same image so it was underexposed by bus stop and a half I had to raise this up otherwise it was really dark so that introduced a lot of extra noise and stuff and the light isn't particularly that much softer so my favourites from the two were the built-in bounce card and the on dome facing backwards surprisingly so if we look at our shadows the Omni dome facing backwards is a slightly softer light based on these leaf shadows based on that one but this one different it's actually very similar yeah it would be really difficult to tell the difference between the two I think these two light sources are very similar so the built-in bounce card seems to be like a really good option I think that's what I'm gonna start using or potentially the Omni dome facing backwards so I hope you found this useful if you have any questions or comments please leave them below if there's some other type of speed light light modifier you use when the flash is on camera and you're outside you can't bounce off anything let me know otherwise like and subscribe thank you bye", metadata={'source': '-m_NMKTvDbQ'})]
[Document(page_content="this video was brought to you by gameranyone.com all right let's keep trying seems to be the theme of tonight try did good all day now all of a sudden when i start uh recording all i want to do is do bad so rangers lead the way [\xa0__\xa0] he didn't even go that way anyway what a [\xa0__\xa0] douche we've taken the lead where the hell did all these guys go cover me i'm reloading reloading all right so i can assume that they're all outside or in that terminal thank you cover me i'm reloading shotgun ring horribly thrown grenade button nick the guy and i got the grenade back anyway go stunned um spawn over there or what happened there oh someone got him yeah they spawned in that bookstore which is kind of crappy but so it lag suddenly when the guy comes around the corner come on and he drop shot me on top of that gotta be kidding me nicked them a couple times i hate when drop shotting actually works oh my god this is honestly one of the most annoying things ever that was convenient oh come on i just gotta be kidding me yeah no final stand this time and you came back but you had last stand or final stand or something i don't know what you had uav recon standing by great friendly predator missile incoming awesome uav recon standing by repeating a little bit cover me i'm reloading oh my god that was stupidly funny i need to reload yeah that was stupidly funny and all in all honestly i should have been killed that should have been me dead i still had a ua videos and i didn't realize it was that close to the end of the match that was a bad time to walk around the corner wasn't it i'm 13-3 it's not so bad that guy went 28-6 that's going to town", metadata={'source': '-piQ04SJWQM'})]
[Document(page_content="few days ago was my birthday and I got some cash and I went to get to our Center and picked up a few things and I'm gonna do an unboxing for you if you haven't checked out my band's channel this stuff's gonna benefit my bands channel it's called burning fog so just look that up two separate words both lowercase in the youtube search bar and that's us we also have a song a 19-7 search burning fog search burning fog on itunes just that's it so the first thing that I got was a tube MP tube MP kind of it's like a preamp for my mic that I just got so I'm gonna set this aside and get some better thing it's called the blue spark it has it's a really nice mic and it's by blue obviously as you can see right there so let's get into the unboxing okay so here it is the packaging isn't too special you know it's just I mean it looks really cool in my opinion has like a thing over here that looks like matches striking it it has like all the info on the back good thing about this is that it has two settings so it's like you're getting two mics in one so I'll talk about that later in the video just for all the other languages let me not follow them obviously but main ones so it all opens by a tab up here and the first thing that you get is it's big wooden box and I asked the guy if it came with carrying case he said comes with a big wooden box and I was like Archive so it does come with a carrying case well he said comes with a big carrying case so I will show you how big this is it's actually really big like oops like here's my hand on it it's probably really hard to tell but it's a spark up here and slides off like that now I got the winter edition or the holiday edition so for the same price to get an extra mic cable and it comes in white I didn't like the orange cause it looked unflattering you asked me so let's set this aside this will actually okay so this is the cable that it comes with on Holiday Edition they had one at my guitar Center so I was like sweet it's kind of clearish and XLR obviously so that was pretty sweet and then here's this part here spark shows like diagram and stuff I guess how to use it I'm gonna skip past that comes with a sticker put that on the laptop fastest fast DVD offer I don't know don't really care about that and then it comes with foam and here is the mic itself and it comes with shock mount which I really needed for whichever mic I was gonna get so I figured why not bundle that in yep so there's the shock mount look at the side here is the pop filter which I was gonna need anyway so all right so it's pop filter seems very sturdy its padding right here then this is meant to screw it into the mic and then nothing else other than that and here's the actual light okay so that that little thing just says remove screw to attach pop filter obviously I want to do that there's the mic it's a nice this is all metal it's very nice this feels plastic II but it's very sturdy plastic this is metal it's cold to the touch actually this is XLR obviously this goes into this screws into the shock mount and it is a nice mics and I'm gonna do a review of it coming up so alright so here is the blue spark microphone I am talking on it right now you guys can obviously hear for yourselves how it sounds I'm recording it on GarageBand if I move my head you can see right there I really like it I'll be coming out with a cover soon of some song that I want to do a cover of and I'll test out the vocals and stuff and like I said if you hadn't seen my band yet it's called burning fog look us up on iTunes Google Play whatever we're on there Amazon even and our first single that's public is called hear me out so go check that out so like I said cover coming soon thanks for watching this video and this mic was about $200 I got the holiday version so it came with this very nice cable and it's a really long Kable I'd say probably like 20 feet maybe it's it's really long thanks for watching", metadata={'source': '-pBrHUk4uJ8'}), Document(page_content="a really long Kable I'd say probably like 20 feet maybe it's it's really long thanks for watching this video and please comment rate and subscribe if you have any questions comments or concerns about this mic put a new description thanks for watching bye", metadata={'source': '-pBrHUk4uJ8'})]
[Document(page_content="[Music] i will never go back broke [Music] like a magnificent haters put this look on their face like god damn it i might stumble out the door but trust i manage my name mate crisp but after i hit i vanish and all my dudes pop up real just i got stacks to raise to maintain lavish catch me leaning with my jewelry on higher than the attic don't view me as a target with my semi-automatic cause it'll be a wrap like a fedex package [Music] you", metadata={'source': '-pJ-AyLMxuk'})]
[Document(page_content="pat we've got some questions from our fans of twitter and facebook and are you are you all over that meeting no no no i'm old school but let's answer them let's do it i've heard of them i've heard of facebook i've heard of twitter tim wants to know how long till we get the trophy back oh timmy can you ask me a more difficult question uh mate you know listen uh we just hope that we can get five more years get back in the world group and sort of be a real um threat in the world group so until we get back in there and until we see the players performing in in that sort of in five years time we don't really know adrian do you think a seven volley player could still make it in the top 20. well we've got a guy called michael laudr out of france right now he's playing really good serpent volley tennis and he's doing very well i all the old guys which i talked to a bit we all believe we can you can still play servant volley but it's an art that has to happen when these guys you know 14 15. you can't just pick up in 20 so i'm going to serve volley now so yeah i think there's room for asks do you think uh roger federer will get back to number one or will he fade away after age 30. oh listen if i had to say uh i i you know i've had to give a definite answer i'd say he he's probably in towards his end but i think he can win another one or two slams i think that'll be more important to him than than being number one manny wants to know if you played fed or rafa in your prime could you beat i give them the right surface yeah i wouldn't like to plane a dial on clay put it that way question from camille would you ever consider coming back to the pro tour thomas muster style thomas must have style like go and play all the challenges all around the world and lose first round no that'll be a no more off court johnny wants to know how do you achieve such a luxurious beard luxurious beard rogaine and finally uh there was a lot of discussion on twitter last week that the stone davis cup bench just got hotter when you got announced as the captain do you think that was you or wrote uh philippus he's come back you", metadata={'source': '-pQ3d0IFqKs'})]
[Document(page_content="hey guys as in addition to my warrior guides I made disarms vs. fury video so when the new patch hit all warriors were like wondering what was going to be the best spike since 4.3 was arms all the way so i did some dummy tests and figured out which back is better and the reason why it is better than the other spy so I'm just going to go ahead and spoil the ending for you and say fury will be better than arms even with the one percent crit bonus wardens get from the ratio my arms warrior couldn't beat the fury and the reason for this is the following so arms is still a really good spike but really dependable on prox if you don't pro can overpower when you don't have rage the gaff like three slams or two slams in the Colossus mash you will find yourself just sitting there since mortal strike is like a six second cooldown so the thing with arms is in my opinion that it isn't guaranteed to give you solid numbers sometimes you can pull like 50k and sometimes people 30k and it's all because of brock's which would just simply do not have any control over fury is better in this since you have an extra procured blood search arms just doesn't have anything that lets you spam like slam three times quick for free and they can force their own raging blow to proc each 30 seconds with berserker rage also blood thirst only as four seconds cooldown and mortal strike has six so yeah guys that was it my opinion fury one that's my opinion of course and if you still like arms you can still play arms it's only two weeks or three weeks until the expansion it so let me know what you think about this video in the comment section below if I can do anything better just tell me and subscribe if you like this video's there will be a lot more incoming so oh I see you guys next time", metadata={'source': '-p9Mnp-twuo'})]
[Document(page_content="foreign foreign he gets tired what's up thank you thank you here Jesus foreign", metadata={'source': '-pypXgLQzNQ'})]
[Document(page_content="everybody doctrine here today I'm going to be showing you how to get the blazer lifeguard this is it yeah you can store it but you can't customize it you can't sell it you can't even insure it I think there's a way to glitch it to get it in shoot but I haven't actually looked into it but anyways let's get on and I'll show you where to find this so the area where you find this is along the beach you'll find it between 6:00 a.m. in the morning and 12:00 p.m. in the afternoon it's kind of hard to find if you don't have one already but it's not impossible I found this one by myself with nobody else in the session I know a gear gibble was in the session and we found two but he didn't have one previous so we're just gonna head down to the beach area and we'll see how to get one of these so the lifeguards on the beach show up at 6:00 a.m. and then de stop disappearing at about 12:00 at 12:00 p.m. they normally spawn on the left hand side of the lifeguard houses or in this area over here there'll be people driving them up and down so let's see if we can find one they normally parked like this on the left-hand side of these I've got shack things we're gonna go underneath the pier here there's one I can see it now ready so this is one of the place of lifeguards if you know someone that has one it spawns a lot easier if you don't you can still get it to spawn it just takes a while that guy's gonna try and punch me but we disconnect nor him I'm going to drive to the los santos customs and show you that you can't modify this Adobe you can't take it into the place at all but you can store it - the one it wants me to go to the airport one I don't want to go to the airport one I'm just gonna go to the one up here in Pinewood that's not very nice it's a bit more left on the way they you'll see that ah taking a home team you can see that this thing doesn't it doesn't handle too bad it's not very fast there you'll hit the max speed quite quickly a lot of people have been asking for my help on how to find some of these rare vehicles if you have us like if you follow my Twitter and my streaming they both doctrine then you can you'll know when I'm I'm streaming and I normally help people while I'm streaming I don't really help people if I'm not streaming because I'm normally either recording a video or doing something else so that's the best time to grab me so when I'm streaming so as you can see this vehicle can't be modified let's take it back to my place and I can show you that you can store it let's get rid of that maka but this is not that's not hard to do that's not hard to find just go to the beach between 6:00 a.m. and 12:00 p.m. and if you just drive up and down the beach eventually you'll find one it's a it's a cool thing to like show off to your friends so we're gonna remove than the Mesa that off Amissah Mesa whatever that I found lost episode replace it and you can see so that's the one I was driving on the beach and this is the new one and as you can see it's not insured and I don't know how to insure it as I said there is a glitch but I'm not sure I haven't actually tried to do it yet but anyway so that's how you find the place of lifeguard if you liked the video give me a like you want to see some more subscribe thank you for watching and I'll check you guys later Cheers", metadata={'source': '-pepHIix4eA'})]
[Document(page_content="hey guys welcome back to matlock's toy room reviews today i'm doing a marvel legends two pack this is the hand hand ninja and nick fury very cool two-pack picked up a couple of these guys got some nice artwork on each side you got nick fury artwork here of course the hand ninja stuff there very nice pretty cool got a nice little bio there on both of them and then some stats for each character it's very cool these are made by hasbro of course in 2008 to 2009 so let's take a quick break and we'll get these guys out of the package all right we're back and we have the red hand ninja and nick fury go ahead and start off with the red hand ninja very cool looking very excited about these guys it's got a nice rubber soft rubber i don't know what you call that but just over jacket overcoat whatever and he comes with his three katanas and one set of nunchucks which is actually pretty nice has the string in there it's not just made of plastic or anything very nice of course has great articulation takes weapons out real quick of course you get head movement you get a ball jointed shoulder and they rotate at the upper arm uh double jointed elbow rotate at the wrist and back and forward at the wrist and he does have some waist movement but it is a little hindered from his his shirt there and then he has a ball jointed leg and then turns at the upper thigh a double jointed knee and rotates at the ankle and then up and down that he does not have any foot bending at the toes or on his hands so but very cool figure really like him and of course nick fury very cool some of his accessories of course he has his pistol which can also be held in this little holster there it's pretty cool and just pretty cool little knife it just sits a little sheath on his around his ankle he also comes with a pretty cool rifle which is nice they actually uh painted the magazine there and an interchangeable head which i like the one he has on right now but can't switch it out it's pretty cool and go through his articulation he has a ball jointed head which is really nice ball jointed shoulders and rotate at the upper arm double jointed elbows rotate at the wrist and then his fingers he doesn't have individual finger movement but he has finger movement and then wrist movement so pretty cool and he rotates at the waist he has a ball jointed leg rotate at the upper thigh double jointed knees turn about the calf and up and down at the ankle and then bend at the toes so it's kind of weird that they gave him the foot movement and the extra hand articulation and didn't give it to the hand ninja so it's kind of strange but you know not a big deal for me yeah i like the extra articulation but it's not really a deal breaker for me so very cool so thanks for checking this out", metadata={'source': '-pfHpoFuHCo'})]
[Document(page_content="get ready to be titillated tantalized and teased by tasseled titty temptresses but beware these kittens have claws witness naked desire naked lust naked adults only keep full hands on the controller hey everyone jacob slade with steamfirst.com back again and today i'm reviewing typing of the dead overkill a much needed sequel to one of the most beloved sega dreamcast games i guess that's actually a lie not many people know what typing of the dead is in case you're not aware it's a game that was originally released on the dreamcast and sega went all out they even you couldn't play it unless you bought this giant keyboard that plugged into your dreamcast i'm not kidding if there was no pc port that was it you had to buy a keyboard for your dreamcast and buy the game and then play it on your dreamcast i i don't know what they were thinking however it was a fantastic game and if you were lucky enough to have played the original like myself you will be a fan of typing of the dead but uh you don't need to have played the original to love typing of the dead overkill it is a it's a fantastic fan service game sega has an amazing track record grease in recent years of really pleasing fans of their more niche content they've been coming out with with new crazy taxis they just announced the other day that they are coming out with a new crazy taxi game which will be free to play on android and ios i don't mean to get too off topic but i'm just letting you know how much fan service sega has done in the past and for people who really care about retro gaming and the history of gaming and love to play the classic games everyone knows sega had a lot of classic games crazy taxi sambaday of arcadia and of course typing of the dead and many more so for the last time fantastic fan surface thank you sega for actually making this game i am in love with sega right now but that's not just what makes this game great first of all it's got a lot of humor you might be thinking how can i get a typing game i played these in elementary school how can these be entertaining to me well it has a lot of humor first of all there's a lot of humor in the actual words that makes you type this is not a game an elementary schooler could play under reasonable parenting because there's bad words but you're expected to type them out anyway and that makes the game pretty fun but another funny part about the game is the entire story i did not expect there to be voice acting and really a decent emphasis on story but there was it's essentially a parody of a buddy cop movie so you've got this stereotypical the two very stereotypical cops just going around being badasses killing zombies it's pretty hilarious there are times when it does try too hard as you might expect but there are also times where it just hits the nail on the head and really i actually laughed out loud quite a few times now it also actually improves your typing and this is key when you leave middle school in your elementary school or middle school depending on your scenario you you think okay i'm done my typing classes i'm a good typer now right i can do 60 words per minute or whatever no that is not acceptable to be good at typing of the dead overkill and if you want to become a faster typer and also play a really fun game typing in the dead overkill is a great way to learn how to type faster i improved my words per minute not a lot because i'm already a decently fast typer but i improved my words per minute by about five words per minute which is pretty good just from playing this game it's that it's it's awesome so not only is it fun it's a great way to learn who doesn't love learning and shooting zombies at the same time everyone loves that of course it also and sega is fantastic for doing this in all of their games as well it retains the classic arcade feel this game is all about combos and scoring points and beating your own high score and beating other", metadata={'source': '-pvk49k45Ks'}), Document(page_content="this game is all about combos and scoring points and beating your own high score and beating other people's i score online in fact there's even a co-op mode that you can play with a friend in this game that's really cool i actually have never tried it because i can't get many people to play this game with me believe it or not but give this game a shot it is really really fun and i assure you that the co-op mode would be fun if people if you can actually convince some of your friends to play such a weird game with you but the arcade feel is something i really appreciate in games especially games they're trying to emulate classic games or that are sequels to classic games as in the case of typing of the dead there used to be a much higher emphasis on challenge and on points in the old games it used to be not about finding secrets and beating the boss but even more so was about points for a lot of the old sega games just getting that high score and typing of the dead overkill has that as well and of course the gameplay is super fast paced very hectic very fun in general combined everything i have already said with the fact that you're never stopping your your fingers are on fire you just there's no rest period throughout the level you're constantly typing away it makes for a very very chaotic but also very very enjoyable game there's really no reason not to like this game unless you are really a pathetic typer in that case you're probably gonna hate this game but again this game can actually improve your typing so if you are pathetic typer you might want to give this game a try anyway there are only two things i i don't really like about the game one i already mentioned is it tries a bit too hard at times with the humor and you know that can be let down but every game that tries to be funny does that and also the graphics are atrocious but i don't know if they're supposed to be i think sega was going for the kind of let's make this be able to run on your dad's 2003 laptop or something it i'm pretty sure and sega please correct me if i'm wrong if you're somehow watching this video i'm pretty sure the graphics were intently low resolution and stuff so they could allow it to run on many different machines i mean it is a niche game anyway so it's not like they need to they need to appeal to everyone they possibly can however that shouldn't be the case because as i've said many times in this review the game is fantastic if you're into if you're into classic sega games at all not just typing games because that's a bit of a narrow category if you're in any type of classic sega games or really any type of classic arcade style game where it's all about racking up points and the gameplay is super fast and fun uh for example time splitters this is a fantastic game for you definitely check out typing of the dead overkill thanks for watching guys i'll see you next time if you enjoyed this reveal remember that links to my channel and everything else are in the description of this video i'm out", metadata={'source': '-pvk49k45Ks'})]
[Document(page_content="welcome to the Express setup for the Samsung SDE 5000 1:16 channel video security system by now you should have familiarized yourself with all the components of your system including all cameras wires brackets controllers the DVR and most importantly your user manual if at any point you would like to review the system setup in more detail consult your user manual so let's get started mount your cameras in the areas you want to monitor after the cameras are mounted connect each camera to the back of the DVR using the Ethernet cables next connect your DVR to a monitor or television using either RCA cables or a VGA cable connect the AC power cord into both the DVR power and camera power ports also use an Ethernet cable to connect your system to your network turn your system on and you're ready to go you will now see a video grid on your monitor with live video feeds from all your cameras you can change the grid layout by selecting the display you want on the menu at the bottom of the screen to pull up the main menu right-click your mouse and click main menu you will be asked for a password the default password is 4 3 2 1 you are now in system section of the main menu here you can set your date time and language permissions for multiple users control system management and review all system event and backup log information click the device icon here you can set detailed preferences for each camera monitor your DVR space and set connection alarms add additional remote controllers and customize your monitor display again for more detailed information on any of the steps and features we covered consult your user manual next on the main menu is the record icon here you can set a recording schedule determine your record time after an event set your recording resolution your recording storage and archiving footage options the event icon allows you to control what events will trigger your system including sensor detection motion detection video loss detection and alarm scheduling on the main menu you can also backup your video footage to an external hard drive or USB 2.0 flash drive just click the backup icon and enter your device information and the times of the footage you want to backup finally let's review how to have access to your system 24 hours a day seven days a week with the remote viewing feature remote viewing is easier than ever to setup thanks to the Quick Connect software start by making sure that both your system and PC are connected to the same network next insert the Quick Connect CD into your computer and double-click on the Quick Connect Exe file after the welcome page click Next to begin to automatically search for your router select the router you wish to use and click Next click Next again and then select the DVR of your system you wish to have remote access to click Next you will now be in the port forwarding section of the installation after you see a checkmark on the right side of TCP port and web port number click Next one final time click the finish button and you're ready in order to connect remotely to your system use your selected routers IP address so there you have it if you would like to review any of the features in more detail including camera mounting features set up remote access and product registration please consult your user manual if you have any questions or concerns contact Samsung lifetime tech support at one eight seven seven three four nine three one four nine Samsung", metadata={'source': '-p57uByynIw'})]
[Document(page_content="welcome guys to episode 566 of minecraft and i'm using the timber mod now like you saw from the beginning of the video it destroys wood in one go so it gives a more realistic sort of aspect to minecraft and that we're going to set it off to uh normal mode and survival and if you break this the whole tree breaks that's uh what's above it so it's best to break the bottom block and then the whole tree falls down and it adds a little bit of a realism into minecraft now sometimes the wood blocks actually get stuck into the leaves but the leaves also decay because every block is broken now to debunk all the myths if a tree has branches or um sort of have offshoots like this one they all go at the same time which is pretty cool but uh this mod uh if you're doing large chunks uh it does it does certainly drop your frame rate but uh only once um if you have any uh any floating basically any floating drops so this mod was one of the classic and one of the first mods ever created into minecraft and it still serves its time as a epic mod a lot of let's plays use this mod and it's really quite fun it's uh it it's very efficient and uh really gives off that nice realistic or very it's sort of like cheating yourself getting wood but in a very pleasurable way look at all them falls and uh one one block stuck there so uh i rate this mod a eight out of ten froot loops this mod has been around for ages and uh still a lot of people play and download this mod simply because of its uh basicness of of minecraft allowing you to actually extract or a lot of blocks i'm at the same at the one time and i have f8 on there we go we'll turn it off and it's really fun just going into the wilderness or into a forest and chopping down multiple sets of trees and uh wow i have a lot of trees here with me so uh thank you guys for watching don't forget to rate comment and subscribe and i'm gonna try one last thing i'm gonna actually try out and actually try this and i'm gonna break whoa okay that was that was pretty cool that was actually really wow we broke all the wood that is really amazing wow i bet you if we go down there should be a plethora of yeah i knew it well that was an awesome way to end off the video", metadata={'source': '-p-EPm6CsoI'})]
[Document(page_content="don't push your icing down then you're going to squeeze until you burp okay sometimes you have more than one burp sometimes don't okay so here we go start right here now just like I showed you in a cake decorating class down up and down squeeze release squeeze release squeeze release squeeze release squeeze release you just do this all the way around the cake okay keep your very tight and twisted okay now put some more icing in and I will go around the rest of the way and then on I'll get your wet start on the bottom boy okay now we're going to do the bottom water okay you do that the same way you want in the same direction okay sue let's see we will start what do we want to start it okay s it will start on this side here squeeze release squeeze release squeeze release please let's see how that ear bow okay squeeze release squeeze release get it okay twist back beg tight tip clean squeeze and release squeeze and release then I'm running out of ice and again I'll make my bed tight again squeezing these okay all right there you go so go ahead and do the rest of your border and fill up my bag and finish and I will be back okay here's the cake border it's all the way around okay now I decided to go with the spider-man spider-man so I'm going to put spider-man in here bow right there okay and then a happy birthday or go down there and you can do yours how you like him put spider-man in the corner or wherever okay so now I'm going to write into your happy birthday okay so you write whatever you want to write and I'll show you the cake when I'm all done okay there's finished cake dear okay let's see happy birthday ray spider-man okay let's see if I can get a better picture for you guys but I hope your cake turned out nice okay oh and by the way when you make here your border ice and make sure you make enough because if you run out it's really hard to match that color again so it's more it's more important to have more than enough that not enough okay that's the tip from princess okay here we go close-up shot you see spider-man okay now you can do an edible spider-man on with your printer I'll show you how to do that maybe next time happy birthday ray and that's my little man okay see you guys in the next class bye", metadata={'source': '-pIFg92hqNU'})]
[Document(page_content="hello and welcome to the fourth annual fire emblem e3 for those of you who don't recognize me my name is arch head admin of the fire emblem universe forums and the lead developer behind olivia knights and i'm very grateful for the chance to be able to stand here and kick off this event after many of our very traditional delays please understand four years ago at a time when the future of fire emblem series was very much influx abroad fire emblem 12 had not yet been localized and there was no word on whether awakening would ever see an international release that year we all eagerly awaited nintendo's e3 press conference for any sign of the new fire emblem game and it came and went and there was no word at all at the press conference and just in case that happened we had planned the original fire emblem e3 and that was up our sleeves and lo and behold five minutes after i post the topic for fe 3 reggie philsami confirms to some reporter by accident that awakening would indeed be getting an international release so oops but we went ahead with the show anyways and i'm incredibly glad that we did and i'm incredibly glad that it's become a tradition for our community and for me that's the most important part is the sense of community this is a hobby that we all share and there are people from all different walks of life coming together to participate in this community and this event once a year we come together to share our collective progress with one another and with anyone who might be interested in the work that we do it's an amazing and unique thing to celebrate people coming together to share their art at the end of the day that's what it is to me and that's what i know it is to so many of the people who've decided to participate and have worked very hard to make this event possible and i'd just like to thank everybody who's contributed to making this a reality from our spectacular host mageknight404 to every hacker who decided to participate in this event this is our art and we are honored to share it directly to you so without any further delays let's get this show on the road", metadata={'source': '-pg120v3Yb0'})]
[Document(page_content="hey guys this is a link that a lot of you guys have asked me about from my drop in some beats video I call it an over hand triplet bill by over hand I'm crossing over between the hi-hat and it's triplets that's an overhanging triplet bill without work I'm going to play the chop and then we'll break it down I'm going to start out with a group and then I'll throw the shopping okay so let's break it down it's triplet so I want you guys to think one seat ought to tita 3t to 4t time now there's an accent on the snare it's on the top of two pointy top twenty top 12 top Tootsie Pop 3t to 4t done and it's crossed over so think of it like this think of it as a four groups of triplets now we're using our options are options are the plate on the high hat instead of just doing it on the snare drum so the action is on the top of two now the kick plays on the downbeat of one and the top of four so it's like a pickup in to beat one Oh is a get away from the high hat and replace the high hat with the ride cymbal thing but the left hand is going to do a few of the triplet partials on the high hat like this one to top too ah so that accent stays the same okay so let's try it up the speed feel the kick drum saying let's crush it now you", metadata={'source': '-p_8iZ54jh0'})]
[Document(page_content="I wake up looking in the mirror wonder in her ways looking back I'm so lost with myself I just can't understand I say one thing and then do another my life is set without a plan if only I could live for the future instead of living and let's go back and try and do it right who said we can't let's make the time to work it out actually you can't plan ahead because you have to see you have to see which instance doesn't I would just wait well if you kill one if you've killed one all the way and then the next time they come back all dead comes back to 20% house so there's no point in killing a person as they get the point considering this is like the fifth time it's ran all right we need to go to the white the white is the one that's not no one's there there's no one on red okay got a video I'll put that on YouTube oh my god oh I gotta lose favor whoa I got Lenny's favor flinders no check this out lenders favor Dragon horde coin pouch grant grieves with grand temple our dragon Templar ropes three my score is 338 kay", metadata={'source': '-pv8UaNmZy8'})]
[Document(page_content="what's going on everyone this is Sarge and the weapon you're looking at here is the Scout elite which is the second unlock for the Recon class in battlefield 4 it is a weapon that was designed specifically around aggressively longer gameplay and I am so excited to get to share with you guys my insight on this weapon and why I think that this is probably the best weapon for an aggressive recon battlefield 4 what makes this galilee so unique assents the first bolt-action introduced to the Battlefield franchise ever that has been centered around tactical and aggressive gameplay whereas previous bolt actions such as the sv-98 and 40 shine around that type of play style the Scout elite lives up to its role in battlefield 4 the weapon itself is definitely not new to video games as those of you who are familiar with the counter-strike series know that this weapon has made its presence well known there the model that we're looking at here of the scouts tire from the counter-strike series is the robust upgraded version from it and so it does share the same characteristics as the Counter Strike version but it's not exactly the same if I were to compare it to any bolt actions that were available in previous battlefield titles I'd say it's very close to the sv-98 and that company or the m-40 or l96 from battlefield 3 now the sv-98 and the importable in battlefield 4 and initially those were the weapons I thought were going to be my go-to weapons when it came to aggressive gameplay but after spending a great deal amount of time using this weapon and comparing and contrasting it with the other bolt actions that were available in battlefield 3 I found this one to be the favorite of the aggressive tactical gameplay in battlefield 4 the chart that we're looking at here is a comparison between some of the bolt actions that are available in Mel before and I hand-picked these ones because these are the ones that I believe are center around the aggressive close quarter medium range type of play style in battlefield 4 and so for just contrasting these weapons alone that are dedicated to that play style you'll notice that the Scout elite outshines them in regards to great a fire and burst fire so you can fire your weapon block faster than the other ones that are available which is a big upgrade at 63 rounds per minute and then it has a higher muzzle velocity so the bullets actually travel farther than the other weapons the only a major hit with the Scout elite is the fact that at the end mhm there's only thirty six point six points so it has one of the lowest damage outputs when it comes to through the bolt actions that are available but you're still going to do the same damage when it comes to close quarter engagements as the hold action so it has the same start out then it just ends pretty bad and the other con is the fact that the magazine size is only six rounds so you're going to be constantly reloading your weapons more frequently compared to the other bold actions and so those are the only two major hits I would say that the Scout elite doesn't have an advantage over the other weapons but I think with the rate of fire and the muzzle velocity alone sort of gives this weapon the more ideal situation a go-to weapon for the close quarter engagements in battlefield 4 the only other alternative weapon that I'd seem using other than the Scout elite would be the F yjs because of its reload time suite or the SRR 61 which is a weapon that I don't have here in the charts I will be covering in a later video I'm a little disappointed SP 98 didn't make its comeback in battlefield 4 I was hoping that that would be the weapon that I would be using primarily as it's been a favorite of mine since bad company but battlefield 3 wasn't amazing and so about before and also you can see according to its stats alone and me actually are getting the trynna weapon itself didn't actually deliver as great as I thought it", metadata={'source': '-p-88rCF2kw'}), Document(page_content="me actually are getting the trynna weapon itself didn't actually deliver as great as I thought it would be one thing to take note of is that the Scout elite doesn't maintain a good amount of an accuracy when you're moving so if you're scoped in and strafing side to side and you want to pick off that shot that and you line that shot up it's still gonna maintain a good amount of accuracy when firing a weapon and when you're on the go same with hipfire the fire itself is also pretty decent compared to the other bullet actions that are available I do use the red laser or the laser in general as an attachment to increase that accuracy as I always want to make sure when I'm turning that corner if someone pops out I want to be able to pull off that shot and make sure it connects and so it just increases the accuracy that's already there but it's not neat and you can use whatever attachments you want with the weapon itself and overall it's just gonna be a great weapon to use in close quarter engagements and when it comes to scopes I usually would prefer the seven or eight times I like the default ones that you usually start off with is good but if you're very new to battlefield and you're starting off and you want to get into the aggressive recon scene and you're picking up bold actions for the first time or Lee skelling will be your first weapon to try out and you want a good amount of experience trying these scopes that are available I would always start off low so you can go with iron sights and then upgrade to you know the laser scopes are available like a three point four or four times and then slowly workout your way up to the seven or eight times I wouldn't go any higher than that though they do have a twelve times scope that is available also has twenty times in that case you're gonna be you know you there's no point in using the scholarly you might as well try the other bold actions that are available for those long-range shots you don't really mean anything higher than the eight I will say though with using a higher zoom such as the seven times or any times you're going to have to utilize a tactic called drag shot which I've covered in a previous video and so those are sort of the techniques that are essential when it comes to higher scope but anything lower is also decent as well it's just that with the higher scope you can actually pick off targets at a consider amount of distance so you're not limited to just close quarter alone you want to be effective in both close and medium ranges longer ranges of obviously you're gonna be wanting to stick with another bolt-action but you still can get your shots off it's just that with a thirty six point six point damage that the Scout elite has if you're getting a body shot you're probably gonna be looking up to three shots to kill your target which which is just horrible with the bolt-action so I wouldn't depend on the Scout elite to deliver when it comes to very far range shots unless you're just gonna be getting head shots so in that case just stick with the closer ranges when it comes to scopes smart gadgets is concerned I'm always running around c4 or the motion mice but it's up to you really that's not really a concern when it comes to using donnelly really if you're playing at close quarters you can use whatever you want but that's just my setup and so hopefully you guys have gotten something from this video and any information that you guys are that I have left that I apologize there's something more you would want me to cover in a later video I can but this is sort of my first impressions video for you guys and what I think of using the Scout elite give it a shot once you guys find that out let me know what you guys think about it in the comments below and I will catch you guys in the later video my name is sergeant moon bigmouth you", metadata={'source': '-p-88rCF2kw'})]
[Document(page_content="well well well they say it comes in threes right now this is my favorite buck of all this is a mongoose mountain bike but you hear that the only bad thing about it only bad thing about it the chain rings only designed for one type 1 type of chain well my chain broke here by eight months ago I wrapped around the bike go I lost it who's dark no trouble no problem I'll go out and first at first light which it did and hunt for his long the road here because it was compatible with with the chainring never found the chain again assuming do t got it never found it he's probably stretched on the road and they seen it probably thought it was sneaking really just jog they threw away I never found that it was compatible with this i bought this bike a year ago good will get 50 best bike I've ever it's a mongoose tracer mountain racer but how to use a different kind of change and it is not compatible for chain ring chain earrings already wore out guys I don't care about this but but Jane brexit got a chain tool I bring it with me but first I can go get noise it changed not compatible that's why I'm not been riding is I'm trying to hunt I'm trying to find me an old bike three piece so I can take the chain ring of it I'm on the chain ring at Universal this one ain't that is it's got to be with a certain certain kind of change it why they why it is it didn't see if the mountain bike can you read that well let me stop see this is a sons in your eyes as of mine hold on sit the rate it's a mountain it's a mountain bike rockshox nature well since is a mountain bike racer that chain ring is designed for racing too but designed for a certain i will get the name it's asinine for a certain kind of chain hi great performance chain I don't care I don't like that I like it where any chain will fit fitting because then i've been using other changes wear that ring out i never found the other chain I broke on me around that back here I didn't want to stick it in my pocket then won't get grease in my pocket which not have but it didn't as I was walking home but eight months ago five miles the chain unraveled I didn't hear it unravel and it lost it along the road here five-mile stretch I thought all go back in the morning i crack of dawn and hunt for never found the chain I'm second when unraveled it stretched like a snake and do tea or somebody seated and threw it away or thought it was good 'get or whatever never fan he was properly compatible with this this is a mongoose it simply in love with it it's a it's an amazing frame but I've been in one I've been trying to find another changing for it and I got and I'm so hard on box I got to be conservative if I could find me a good used bike with a chain ring like a brand new cherry on I want to take it off put on this I love this bike just a little low said the VA if you look at my other videos on another bike this here sets a little lower the road can't you tell that's setting directly on the handlebar this just this camera can you tell look at my other videos mother back i'm right and come back at this one can you tell this set slower than the road it does now then the reason for that when they built and designed it Mongoose less wind resistance so you're faster in theory or technically faster you see that car trying to run my ass over here in a hurry going nowhere they do it am I see them in court if they get my drift anyway I a little angry my bearings without modeling coming home last night I guess I'm just hard on bikes people well you I guess you fear item 26 miles a day you'd understand that 26 miles a day that fast as I can go i don't wanna go no faster because i don't want to hurt that you wear chain rings done gone but but grind all the teeth of it off of it i won't be able to pedal so i got to take it easy I'm hutton humming an emergency mode I'm hunting for that a good used bike I got checked my neighbor if I love is frame oh my god is awesome", metadata={'source': '-pKXFJqHEEw'}), Document(page_content="hunting for that a good used bike I got checked my neighbor if I love is frame oh my god is awesome frame dog box are awesome i love it okay i'm gonna get library cuz i think it's like two o'clock ain't really late i don't care about dad just then hello Jane ring I gotta get one come on I could just fine it use box somewhere oh well I'm hard on them", metadata={'source': '-pKXFJqHEEw'})]
[Document(page_content="all right so now we're going to do arms and if you haven't done the Tracy arms yet it looks kind of funny I guess so you're going to use your own arms as the weight as the resistance if you really connect to them connect all the way through your fingertips then then your arm weight can be really powerful and building teeny tiny arms that aren't aren't overdeveloped okay so very pretty eyes but but they you will feel it so we're going to just pretend like we're going around like a basketball or volleyball or something like that move back and forward yes and keep the shoulders down keep your nice long necks really tough good job good job already all right it's difficult you don't need big wave good good job now you're going to bend at the wrists and push out put my mac other arm push push and reach you got to really reach back with this back here now you can't you can't just do things with your arms you can't just do this because then you can get neck you have to watch my rotations you can't just make up funny arm movements and call it an arm work you have to do a time the DVD what's on a DVD the push push or you can do this out and reach tap and push good job and tap back to this getting tired yeah yeah we'll make this the last time so you should feel everything in your arms working all of your arm muscles good job tap to that tap good job push and tap keep it straight good job very good smacking snap oh yes because you're so young you want to do that this now because as we get older yeah as you get older this starts to sag but if you start keeping all the small muscles awake when you're young then everything stays together and your connective tissues keep your skin nice and tight so no fat ever gets in there yeah so so don't just think oh with younger prions I don't have to work out wrong you have to okay so we start with the right leg and let's put one right our left hand here yeah so here you're going to bend down it extend back back in here oh yes ma'am yeah keep your upper body up don't with your clubs down stay up I'm just touching good job very good good job yeah and once you learn this you can do it 40 times yeah yeah keep warm up good one more now what I want you to do is lean like this twist this foot here because all about the angles because we want the good nice little lifted bottom you know so we have to get the right angles so you're going to stay here and live here lift yep good job point your toe point your hub now you're all cut up you're also getting your arm and your oblique in this too so you're working more than gesture your leg in your bottom okay now I'm going to do one more lift up like that quit yeah and twist ended good job got a really make sure that you open the knee all the way up to the ceiling good job really good girls great this is like a class okay let's go to the other leg I like for you to always do one side do the three moves and then the other side and do the three moves okay so point that top make sure that you don't just let your leg flop don't just kick it really control it yeah no no okay Casino then here we go is next one good bring that down yeah seven eight now we're only doing ten we can do 40 of these yeah yeah for you great yeah yeah yeah", metadata={'source': '-p3brIT7rhE'})]
[Document(page_content="let's get to it youtube what is going on a beautiful guardians it is Mesa Shawn back at it with some destiny I got kind of an interesting clip and maybe a little insight into what hard mode is gonna Intel this wednesday and i can't wait because i got my three level 32 s baby new monarchy this clip comes from chimay shout out to him he's one of my Twitter followers and thank you very much sir this footage now I'm you could see here he's just going into court alone he's no this is not a cheese video or anything like that but um he's gonna clear out these ads and then when he goes up top we're gonna see gatekeepers up there and I think if you go in there right now any of you who have a checkpoint at crota he's gonna go through the middle room right to see what that that little skylight is above the crystal he's gonna spot one of those gatekeepers up there then he's gonna go outside and actually gonna see a couple more gatekeepers so now I'm wondering how the hell is that gonna play into the hard raid mode I'm just thinking well those gatekeepers are the same ones well I same ones that you face when you cross the bridge and those guys cannot be killed by anything but a sword sword so who knows how I mean how it's gonna all play out in music cuz how is one sword bearer well I'm trying to wrap my head around if one person gets the sword and they got as fuhh they have to use it against kuroda are they gonna have to use those against these other gatekeepers cuz right now watch you see he's gonna go outside those gatekeepers he's gonna spot them up top so wondering how those guys gonna come down or do we have to go up there for some reason to in what's gonna change in hard bone I gotta feel on a bungees got tricks up their sleeves I get a feeling it's not gonna be just harder enemies you know it's kind of like the vault of glass is basically the same as hard mode I'm vog is basically the same as normal except everything's harder that's it I can film bungees gonna throw a few tricks of this Leslie yeah you can see this two up there so and we just want to share this with you guys drop a like on this video only if you see fit follow me on twitter mr sean check on my stream links will be description that's it you stay beautiful Guardians", metadata={'source': '-pGsCWNW450'})]
[Document(page_content="merciless tell us a little bit about this whole process well obviously i didn't expect a uh score line the way it was today but i think you'll take it again and tonight it was just a good night for me another good one for him and i was able to close down real quick so i'm very happy that we have played i'm super excited it's always nice playing against great plays like he's uh you know hitting me in the rankings right now so that's obviously interesting and uh he's playing incredible tennis right like and now he's playing club here again so he's gonna be real hard to beat and i'm sure it's gonna be a good match all right we certainly look forward one more sentence in shanghai you don't mind which means how are you how's that in shanghai see if you can repeat it move forward again very much today", metadata={'source': '-pRcJSrTxSo'})]
[Document(page_content="what is this power all right so yesterday we got the new characters it was Captain Falcon we got Robin and we get lucida now I want to sit the first two aside and I just want to talk about Lucy me a little bit more so well whenever we saw her in the trailer we were kids yeah excuse me we were confused about if she was going to be the adult costume or shouldn't be honest if a character soccer I himself says this pic of the day a long sound of Robin lucida joins the battle her physical abilities are identical tomorrow it must be in her DNA however Mars power is concentrated in the tip of the sword while lucias is balanced throughout the weapon she is also a bit shorter than mine so pretty much what he is saying is that she is pretty much a Roy from melee except Aurorans powers from the hilt of the blade while hers is everywhere they they're cheap Wiggins pretty much say she has those specific concentrated power he also said with the Wii Fit traders the male and female Robins the villagers and little mack very their appearance invoices by just select the authoritive variations however whenever there is even a small difference whenever there's a small difference in certain detects that they do the character gets an ass patrol rostislav so for those people that were confused about issues going to be an alt but else people are confused about she was going to be all tomorrow we were all wrong she is her own fighter all right here is going to be my final take of it at first I was kind of mad because she was a close she was literally an exact Florida Marlin we got detailed I'm proud to make this statement now that honestly I'll take her if she's the only one that needs you if she's the only one that is going to be doing this because in fighting games you do have clothes you have I'll just say smash bros for example it's smash bros 64 you have Luigi being a quote of Mario even though his booze may do different stuff but in that game he was pretty much the clone of the game in super smash bros melee well that [\xa0__\xa0] self-explanatory there's like I'm [\xa0__\xa0] better clothes than that one in brawl part of the closest why I could put clone wise was to link it will heal a lot faster weaker but still I'll probably put him as closed status because everybody's hanging with a close at this game I can't say to link as a clone even though he plays exactly the same way as he did in brawl but leak actually have buff to the point where it is pretty much into closed status anymore so I can't say their clothes like I say every every fighting game has that one clone or a couple or like one or two clothes Street Fighter you have wii u Khin evil Ryu in a whole bunch of other people no I haven't play Street Fighter forever it just clones are pretty bunch of thing of fighting games because I guess they ran out ideas or whatever so like I said my final thing is I'm okay with it this time even though she is a waste of a character slot I am ok with it this time and I hope that soccer I doesn't do that again so with that being said I hope all the questions are being answered and we may actually since she is pretty much like a Roy of this game maybe we'll get you no no no no the pokemons that everybody keeps talking about you know that thing that uh a shuttle read your budget ok I'll stop it but haha but yeah like I said since she's our own character slot and she's pretty much a clone just without the tip power I'll accept it this time like I said she may be away from the character slot and I really do hate that but I'll accept it this time if it happens again I I don't want to deal with if they have is good i was out call soccer right right outside those [\xa0__\xa0] stupid but that is it for this video guys i hope i gotta explain something about this whole situation of lucida in super smash bros if you have any questions or if you have anything to say about this video don't forget to put your comments down below uh", metadata={'source': '-p10FUe7RD8'}), Document(page_content="or if you have anything to say about this video don't forget to put your comments down below uh don't forget to check out everything that's in the description don't forget to subscribe if you haven't done so already that i'll be doing super smash bros content when the game comes out thank you guys for watching this is all today Tony for hope you have a good day / night head I will see you guys in the next video take care everybody", metadata={'source': '-p10FUe7RD8'})]
[Document(page_content="I have a tricky question for you just wanna know have a question for you I want to challenge you another question for you here's the question for me and this is a question for you hi everyone I'm Sloane Stephens I got a few questions for my friend so we're gonna start he's the first questions hi Sloane I have a question for you I know from Instagram that you have a dog named teddy is that right and do you travel with him and share some funny story with us about the dog please Thomas I do have a dog named Eddie he's a puppy we just got him we got him around Christmas time he doesn't travel that much because he's very young and he was just in training for four weeks so maybe you'll see him at Wimbledon because my mom will have gotten him from training them hey max okay Sloane so I heard that coconut water to be precise cocoa Vita Coco is one of your favorite drinks it's mine too and I was wondering how many coconut waters are the Vita Coco bottles a day you drink Novak I drink like three coconut water today I'm obsessed with it like it's the only thing I drink I used to drink a lot of juice but now I'm all about the coconut water so if you have a few just thrown my way I know you probably have a lot hello Sloane how are you I know I hit hit you with a ball when you were still a ball kid and you were upset after me so I apologize the last time but I know you spoke one more time about it so I just wanted to know if you are still upset after me no I'm not upset after you I love you I always speak to you when I see you and you have the most two gorgeous kids I've ever seen they look exactly like twins but obvious or not but now of course I'm not upset with you hi Sloane so I have a question for you we know you are young and promising star in tennis so do you think you can be number one in the world one day I think I can I have to work really hard to get there but I'm obviously it's a long process and it's really tough so I'm just gonna do the best I can and obviously work as hard as I can to get there and hopefully one day I will achieve that hi Sloane have a question for you I don't smile very much but the other gears for smile would you be able to teach me how you do that oh my god I love Andy of course I can teach you how to smile you just kind of gotta open your mouth and then just be like and that's a smile that was the end guys and I loved all my questions thank you so much for all the questions they're great I hope to see you guys around soon you", metadata={'source': '-pX-XXSeM3U'})]
[Document(page_content="chibs in Paris where another glimpse into the future was provided by Kristi Yamaguchi and the ladies event a 17 year old from Fremont California had pushed Jill Trenor e to the limit at Baltimore winning the silver in the US Nationals well she's brand new to the world championship scene I guess you could consider this a solid introduction a technically clean original program delivered with confidence is sure to earn her enough respect to be a solid contender the Olympic gold in 1992 both the Emma Gucci and that effort was good for 5th place in the original program that Rollo had pushed Yul Trenor a to the limit at the US Nationals was now setting this stage to challenge the American champion at the world level but you'll Trenor a had other rivals to deal with in Paris as she came into the original program in second place till Trenor II not only had to deal with the pressure of being favored by most to win the World title she also had the misfortune of competing during practice every day with Midori Ito", metadata={'source': '-pNO8UD2j08'})]
[Document(page_content="hello darlings it's Miranda Valentine editor of the lifestyle blog everything sounds better in French and today we are whipping up a batch of classic chocolate chip cookies now this recipe is a variation on an original version first published in the Better Homes and Gardens cookbook in 1941 so classic indeed going to be tasty let's get started I have our ingredients all laid out here we're going to start with two and a half cups of all-purpose flour 12 ounces of semi-sweet chocolate pieces we have chips here 1 cup of packed brown sugar 2 eggs a half a cup of granulated sugar a half of a teaspoon of baking soda 1 teaspoon of vanilla a half of a cup of shortening and a half of a cup of butter softened so I've got a large mixing bowl here and you will want a hand mixer or some sort of electric mixer so we're going to start by creaming the butter so let's put in our butter and our shortening and we're just going to mix this together for about 30 seconds on low to medium now let's add in our sugars and it's always a good idea when you're introducing some sort of sugar or a powder to you know a liquid or a fat like this that you introduce it slowly so it has time to absorb and it doesn't get overwhelmed and the granulated sugar now and the baking soda okay let's just scrape the sides we always want to make sure that we're doing that you'll definitely have some little rogue pieces of various ingredients stuck to the side and you want to make sure everything is combined let's give it one little mix more ok now we're ready to add in now we're ready to add in the vanilla and our egg about another mix until combined why the hand mixer saves you an electric mixer imagine doing this by hand potentially 1941 what strong biceps you would need okay so now we're going to start to introduce the flower again we're going to introduce that slowly and gradually and we're going to put in as much as we can and beat it together using the hand mixer and then if we find that it's not mixing well just do it with the spoon at the end kind of any additional flour will just introduce a biscuit this is looking pretty good now we're just doing the classic chocolate chip recipe today but if you wanted you could add walnuts you could add in one and a half cups and walnuts I would chop them but for those of you with a nut allergy or you just like your chocolate chip cookies super classic we're going to follow that recipe today so we're getting to the point where I may have to switch over to a spoon let's see it's going ok maybe nice and sticky ok so this is all combined I don't want to overmix it there we go get that excess you know that trick right if you're trying to get some excess dough up take it out of the bowl put it on low and it will just spin whatever you have stuck on here off ok let's move this over to the side now we're going to add in the chocolate sugar cookies this is also when you would add in the walnuts were you to do that version now the oven behind me is preheated at 375 degrees I am also going to do the giant version today so my measurements for the cookie size is going to be a little bit different if you wanted to make 60 cookies out of this you would just do one rounded teaspoon that's ready teaspoon not a tablespoon and you would measure those out on this ungreased cookie sheet I'm you would be multiple obviously had to make 60 cookies however I'm going to do the giant cookies today i'm so i'm using a fourth of a cup dry measure and these are going to be awfully sticky so i'm just warning you there we go if you're doing just the round teaspoon you'll want to space those two inches apart so I'm guessing I'm going to be able to fit about eight on this this cookie sheet here so once i'm all done we are going to pop these in the oven 375 degrees for the giant cookie it will be about you know 11 to 13 minutes and then if you go with just that that little size we're going to make those 60", metadata={'source': '-pXVZO9y62A'}), Document(page_content="11 to 13 minutes and then if you go with just that that little size we're going to make those 60 cookies that'll be about seven to eight minutes so let's come back when they're out of the oven and classically delicious and ready to eat ok so our chocolate chip cookies cooked for about 13 minutes at 375 degrees I cook them until they were nice and kind of golden brown around the edges as you can see so I'm going to let them cool before I serve them and then definitely store them in an airtight container and enjoy them for up to a week so there you go it was super simple super delicious that's how you make chocolate chip cookies thanks for watching make sure to subscribe and if there's something that you want to learn how to make send me an email at request at Mahalo comms and don't forget to check out our other great videos", metadata={'source': '-pXVZO9y62A'})]
[Document(page_content="I you Florida a beautiful place to be but best of all it has beautiful beaches these beaches are homes to one of the most gentle animals of this world sea turtles sea turtles are one of the earth's most gentle longest living creatures but there's a problem sea turtles are unable to live the way they did 150 million years ago they are being hunted killed and collected for their meat shells and beauty and the worst part is there has been a major decline in the number of sea turtles roaming the oceans freely today sea turtles are endangered and some species even critically endangered there are seven species of sea turtles loggerhead flat bath Olive Ridley rocksville green turtle Kemp's ridley and the leatherback sea turtles you mostly see plants and fish they eat algae seagrass and their favorite jellyfish sea turtle of eating jelly fish but unfortunately many people throw plastic bags are trashed in the ocean and sea turtles was safe to trash the booth if the trash gets into their digestive tract they can get really thick and even die trash isn't the only start to sea turtle survival the engines on boats going to cut off flippers as sea turtles can get trapped in fishing nets if they get trapped in fishing nets underwater for too long they can John died and building life's confused sea turtle hatching a female sea turtle nests 2 to 10 times during the nesting season each time they lay 82 128 when it's female sea turtle lays her eggs few returns to the same Beach shoes worn off after about 60 days the sea turtles will hatch they will climb out of the nest and crawl to the ocean although 80 to 120 sea turtles may have hash only one in every 1000 sea turtles end up making it to adulthood there are so many obstacles a hatchling has to overcome in order to make it to the ocean alive if a sea turtle doesn't crawl to the ocean fast enough they could die of dehydration or get eaten by a bird crab or other predator on top of all those obstacles there is the confusion caused by condolence a sea turtle follows the brightest light hoping that it will lead them to the ocean usually that light is the moon but sometimes condos along the beach leave their lights on during the night some sea turtles follow the condo lights which leads into the opposite direction of removing sea turtles are in great danger luckily there are sea turtle hospitals out there they are designed to rescue and rehabilitate injured or sick sea turtles and I was fortunate enough to visit one I saw four different species of sea turtles that were injured or sick from that visit I could really tell that sea turtles leader health sea turtles are an amazing creature and part of an important ecosystem that includes the students ocean if sea turtles become extinct the impact could be crucial to the world's oceans for more info on the impacts of sea turtle extinction and other interesting information about these amazing creatures you can visit the following website WWF turtles org and WWE turtle hospital there's raid you can help preserve the decrease in population of sea turtles and even how boosts the population in the future who those of us who live near beach or vacation to places we feature here's how you can help don't throw trash on the beach don't release helium balloons into the air they end up in the ocean turn out like that could be seen from the beach don't touch any hatchlings when they are trying to swim into the ocean you can even add hasta sea turtle online it took some time before humans realized while we have dug the sea turtles but if we think fast and start helping us we just might be able to save", metadata={'source': '-pkbrjPCeGA'})]
[Document(page_content="so time won't stop till i reach the ocean gonna break his chains holding me uncaged gonna swim in the coldest river gonna drink from a mountain spring deep in the land of the great wide open let the water i'm so hey my face wanna get in the way way down oh gonna get me some of that oh oh gonna give me some of that oh gonna give me some oh we're gonna get me some of that oh gonna get me some oh oh i'm gonna get missiles is i got a big long point on we rock up and down the block we rock all around the clock", metadata={'source': '-pnkSiNRIx0'})]
[Document(page_content="Mickey rich back in the bunker I've been away I've been in Washington DC look Alabama's kind of a backward State I mean but they're not the most backward state I mean it look it's illegal to animals in Alabama whereas you can't say that about Florida Kenya all right so you know their progressive in that way anyway you know and the reason why dude has a shot has a rifle in his thing and he's running for agriculture minister he's making a message you know except I don't think that he's really aware of who's picking their goddamn vegetables you know I'm sure that you know it's migratory work as many people are legal a lot of people are legal but you know there's some people who are not legal on their pic and vegetables I mean that's who else is going to do it with what they're with what they're paying and the fact that they aren't going to allow unions in there not like you know the west coast you know pickers and you know protecting the illegals and all those migrant workers you know those brown people and that's what it all boils down to this is an extension of the fear of brown people I'm sorry you know you don't you you a lot of people like oh no it's not it's about you know how what we're paying for our taxes and what our tax dollars go to pay well you know what it's minuscule compared to the amount of money that you're allowing all these corporations to rape away from you because you don't have decent programs and you don't have enough money for your state to even take care of the goddamn roads and teach the kids I mean please wake the up anyway that was a language warning right there and unto itself but you know I learned all of these words my very first day ride in the damn school bus so hey anyway so I'm back at home making rich some of you you probably don't know me and anybody from Alabama's all pissed off at me now but hey I'm sorry you know and some people from other states like Arkansas and I'm sure you know my mother is going to be a little disappointed as well but regardless of any of that what I got going on now is I do have another response movie to this very news story which is a hilarious I mean it's it's it's hilarious it's not like news related its but its ass kickers incorporated it's like Alabama's number one therapist so check it out the other thing if you're in Minneapolis and and I hope you are but if you're not you know whatever come to minneapolis come to minneapolis oh you can come to pepitos Mexican restaurant and the poco loco lounge on some Tuesday if not tomorrow please race here so you can be here so tomorrow night at 8pm you will come to see the comedy showcase emceed by yours truly haven't done comedy in about like a year and a half a little nervous but you know hey I'm good at talking obviously but regardless it's going to be joemon Jarrah's he's going to be coming up there he's the owner of the restaurant and he is hilarious he's like I always been kind of a mentor my dwight yorke who's he started practically in papitos along with me back in the 80s I think fancier mikoni is going to be there but I'm not don't hold me to that I'm gonna check to make sure that he is i'm going to call he may come in Marcus oz said he's going to he's count it in he wants to be in there I'm going to give him a jingle and uh probably tomorrow morning I just got back home like two hours ago and from Washington DC for a whole week and I didn't get to do anything political or shoot that much the video I was working on my grand mother in law's house but regardless of that come in to pepitos if not this tuesday one of these coming tuesdays it's going to be a good time or building the show a lot of the comics who I had started out with because I don't know how many comics anymore I gotta hit Acme like this next Monday I gotta go to acme and I mean it's completely foreign there's like new people nobody I know but we'll see what happens anyway that's all from me I gotta", metadata={'source': '-pUyzjFnFos'}), Document(page_content="there's like new people nobody I know but we'll see what happens anyway that's all from me I gotta go to bed because I got a lot of construction jobs that are like piling up all of a sudden thank God for that and the 48 hour film contest is coming up but I'm just rambling on and it's all about Alabama and but i'm sure i hope that this is more entertaining and intelligent than alabama not that at Alabama is non-intelligent I'm sure I'll hear from some of you intelligent and probably even some of you liberal Alabamans god bless you god bless the ones who aren't liberal and the ones who are misinformed too but good night", metadata={'source': '-pUyzjFnFos'})]
[Document(page_content="oh i'm sick of playing my gamecube i went away alfred yester get me a wii i'm sorry sir they're all out hey alfred hand me that sword yes sir ah i can get one i'm going to the store oh this ah joker hey a wii oh this is so cool my own way i can't believe i found it just sitting around on the road ah hey it's my wii out of my way no it's mine are those fools fighting over a wii i have an xbox", metadata={'source': '-pFYxa_D4Jo'})]
[Document(page_content="one two three you hello my name is Jamie kid soz and I'm going to show you a few things to do today in the kitchen one thing that I'm doing this afternoon is I'm having a little family get-together and so we're kind of doing a little theme of a bayou fish boil kind of shrimps you know fun little thing on the grill so one thing that I really wanted to do today was make some fun little cupcakes so i'm going to show you the three easy steps to do that I've already made my cupcakes they've already been chilled so I'm going to ice them then I'm going to dunk them in mice and what I call it really it's graham cracker but I actually came up with this idea because I had tried using brown sugar and it just didn't look like sand so I figured you know let's try something else so what I'm going to do is I'm going to go ahead and ice in these and this is so easy I mean I already made my chocolates they're just little chocolate molds that I did you put stick them in the freezer for about two minutes pop them out then they're done you know we did a little show we did a little crab a little starfish you know just kind of make it fun and plus we're in Florida so it's kind of fun to do a little beachy scenes so I'm going to go ahead and ice in these cupcakes this is so easy I mean you just plop the icing on the cake and this is my homemade icing is a buttercream icing I went ahead and made it it's so simple to make I mean takes literally two minutes to make and then I take it it's already isand i dunk it in the bowl spinning around and there you go you have your sand and you can dress it up put a shell on it and then you're done and then you add it to the rest of the display so I'm going to keep doing this to the rest of the two and we'll see how they look in the end okay so here we are with our three cupcakes that are completely finished and look how cute they turned out i think this crab is absolutely my favorite cupcake I mean that thing is so cute I just want to eat it right now so I'm finished with these and so the next thing that I'm going to show you how to do are the famous cupcake balls on popsicle sticks these things are so much fun to make they're so easy and everyone loves them I mean it's like a little piece of heaven and I'm going to show you how easy and simple it is to make them so what I did was I went ahead and I baked my cake I put it out I let it cool and then I used an ice cream scooper and I scooped the cake out and I made little balls and then I put them out on a cake pan and I stuck them in the freezer you can stick them in the freezer for about four hours but I let them stay in there overnight just so that they got really hard they didn't fall off or break now you don't have to do i'm on the popsicle sticks and this you can get this at any kind of craft store so i'm going to use this I have little chocolate melts that I'm going to put in the microwave for about 30 seconds and let them start melting and then this is what your cupcake ball will look like after it's been out of the freezer it's very hard it's round it's sturdy so it will work great and then I also you know you don't have to do this but I'd like to make it kind of fun and add some sprinkles in and you just kind of cover it with the top so by the way do you like my apron I did say that I was prissy and sassy so I definitely think that this shows that this was a gift that I got to get lots of gifts that's another good thing about baking as you get lots of gifts from friends once you start making them cakes i get aprons i get cookbooks my mother is nut she sends me every single clip that she sees in a magazine so that's kind of a little funny story to tell you so now it should be done and yep it's perfect and it's just so soft and so smooth so I'm just going to stir it around a little bit and what I like to do now you don't have to put them on the popsicle sticks you can just leave them out and let people eat", metadata={'source': '-pnz_RyFwG4'}), Document(page_content="you don't have to put them on the popsicle sticks you can just leave them out and let people eat them or you can put them in little cupcakes linens so I like to dip the stick in the chocolate and then I put the stick inside the ball just to make sure that it's really secure and then I take it and I dumped it in the chocolate you just kind of twist it around just so that it gets covered and you can do this with any flavor you can do it with chocolate with vanilla and red velvet I also got this recipe from bakerella if you can't tell that's probably one of my favorite websites to go to and then I just dip it in the sprinkles and there you go isn't that the coolest thing you've ever seen and this one would be great for a birthday party I think and they taste really good", metadata={'source': '-pnz_RyFwG4'})]
[Document(page_content="but right now we welcome back to the studio a man uh who was last interviewed in here by mike the can man yeah and still came back and uh did return after that john cena last time we saw you you were about to get married that's right in fact um the i believe the thursday night before your wedding i was attending a charity event at the boston harbor hotel yes and i was in the back bar there and you came in with your lovely fiancee and uh i didn't approach you because uh i'm afraid of you but i did um i did see that you uh appeared to be getting ready for the the event and yeah how did it go it went fantastic yeah what a beautiful hotel uh we had our wedding rehearsal dinner at fenway park on top of the green monster and uh the the wedding day was awesome i couldn't ask for anything better what's going on with you in uh movies what are you uh well uh 12 rounds went great 12 rounds was awesome man we did uh we did strong in the theaters and we ended up being the number one dvd in america when we came out for sale so that was uh that was awesome to see yeah uh i'll be filming another one in december it's a little bit less action a little bit more drama but kind of kind of like a rudy type thing i played kind of like a role model in a in a rudy situation really to a young kid so it will be uh that's risky it'll be pretty risky interesting yeah the key is you got to be able to cry kid guys are you um you heading over to iraq or afghanistan yeah yeah we're uh i don't necessarily know i think it's a toss-up between iraq and afghanistan but we're going over it'll be uh first week in december for our usual this will be the eighth year or seventh or eighth year we've gone over there and uh i just uh they kind of keep the details hush hush because for everybody's security but i know i know we're going over there first week of december i just don't know where well i know you love going there it's an awesome trip man it is awesome i just want to know if mickey rock was wrestling tonight i don't believe he is what did you think did you watch wrestlemania loved the movie mickey did an awesome job loved it i think uh accurate uh you know you don't know because you didn't really live that life not only that i'm not there i think if if i'm back in studio when i'm 60 and i'm broken down and i'm promoting some you know independent children staying at the amvets yeah yeah i think maybe i'll say it was you know dead accurate thank you very much who's the uh who's the the maker uh this is actually custom tailored there's a guy in jacksonville florida that does a lot of nfl major league baseball guys he's really [\xa0__\xa0] talking like 3500 5g okay sorry the north shore people won't appreciate that you're spending that much on it we uh we drove in from albany last night from raw and uh i'm on about 60 minutes of sleep but honestly when they uh they told me you guys i looked at the lineup for today and it was i was very happy to be able to come back in studio with you guys get some uppers from mickey works that character we'll go back and we'll make sure we're all set for today i know but thank you guys i do appreciate it have a great night tonight for more exclusive on-demand video keep checking in at waaf.com", metadata={'source': '-p0mIy3R-Z8'})]
[Document(page_content='[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]', metadata={'source': '-pncahSzr5o'})]
[Document(page_content="[Music] hey which one on YouTube it's Nick from nuke kill coming at you another man video today and today I was just waiting for this Taylor maze-like live event to unlock or whatever you want to call it at five o'clock Eastern Time and when I logged on I kind of looked over to the left and I'm like yeah what is that little film looking thing so this is the pain Manning's highlight film and I guess to added some new stuff I didn't even noticed that and if you go to the sets let's go ahead and go to the sets and yeah look we go under sets live events and where the road to the ring would have been them they replaced it with this season's highlights so I guess this kind of replaced the road to the ring so that kind of sucked that we're probably not gonna get a road to the ring this month because we're halfway through and but yeah we let's go ahead and look at this season highlights so you have to collect these classic collectables there's five gold ones and in two elite ones and then two gold trophies in one electro fuel need so you need passing rushing man coverage zone coverage and special teams as the gold and two elite ones are upset and record-breaking so those are the like things you need and what you get from that you get one of these season's highlight packs and in that pack it contains one full team the week or football outside players plus two silver trophies so that's a little weird you could you put in two gold trophies and an elite trophy to get one player team of the week player or it's a football outsider player to get two silver trophies so I kind of find that a little odd plus you don't always get out an elite team the weak player or football outsider players so but let's go ahead and do those this event so this one is for Payne Manning so if you guys watch this season Peyton Manning broke the touchdown having the most touchdowns in the NFL history passing Brett Favre so this one it just says past five times our past five touchdowns in seven attempts each time you complete this challenge you earn season highlight collectible so it costs five energy or stamina each and the first time you get five hundred plus the hundred and then fifty plus 25 solar the first time you do it you get six hundred coins and 75 exp but let's go ahead and see how difficult this is rated only three stars but yeah so the play I'm gonna be doing which I like doing for the touchdown one would be PA streaks and that's where your tight and kind of cuts in and it's like an easy touchdown so let's go ahead and show that to you guys and then you just want to jet pass it to him or a shotgun pass and how you do that you just hold down a but instead of just tapping it hold it down and it's a shotgun quick pass if you guys have it didn't know that so yeah just I'll just do that five times it should get a touchdown every time I click the wrong bun so we messed up there but that's fine we still got two tries to mess up and we'll just wait for him to get open and boom so he usually always catches it that's why this this play is probably my favorite play and yeah let's just keep doing that over and over again it might be repetitive but it gets us that collectible so we just need to do it two more times I think okay enough with the celebration okay let's just do that go ahead and do that again shotgun past the Grunk easy touchdown oh my goodness why is celebrating for so long okay and then last one let's get this one easy boom touchdown alright it's finished so I finished it I get my money and my exp continue and there we go we get that free pack I believe so it looks like a highlight reel that looks pretty cool it's old fashioned oh yeah so let's see if we can't that Elite collectible and we get the passing collectible so that's really cool and you can sell these so possibly this could be a good way to make some money if you want to snipe off those elite collectibles so yeah I just go ahead and do that", metadata={'source': '-px-3_hqueI'}), Document(page_content="some money if you want to snipe off those elite collectibles so yeah I just go ahead and do that but yeah we just got this new so that's pretty cool they're adding a lot of new stuff man it's so hard to keep up with the energy so we got the Payne Manning without Taylor Mays and then we got those two eagles and one and I'm waiting for another gauntlet mode to come out because I want to get that camp Chancellor but yeah that's the new highlight things guys hope you guys enjoyed this video if you guys did please hit that subscribe button leave a like on this video and I'll catch you guys soon peace", metadata={'source': '-px-3_hqueI'})]
[Document(page_content="I just wanted the glow the one that they promised you on the cover of those magazines well I'm calling it pregnancy sucks making a human being is really hard I have no control over my body or my emotions scarebear I'm sorry all I want to do is punch in the face we reserved deluxe suite this is your father Crispin he's a little cute my well done that's cute where you wanna dude she's totally doing him I knew I was gonna have a rack that's gorgeous not with a gun not that years ago dudes group you want Alex ready send them to the dudes use a true player so the honey's getting money flow your fellows like dummies oh you drop your kid of a changing taste that just happens okay last week my kid ate his cigarette I caught him playing in the dryer yesterday I picked up the wrong baby from daycare found my baby so remember toilet Oh judgy is best yes I was breastfed myself till I was six and look how good I turned out she's wearing 6-inch heels oh she's like a magical pregnancy unicorn What to Expect When You're Expecting I look at houses with Holly go we're not buying 100 when your wife says you just look at that houses you mind a house I'm not oh yes you are I'm not by now Oh check your receipts welcome to escrow", metadata={'source': '-pP3K3In6Xo'})]
[Document(page_content='so do foreign do me with oh hey bye do you', metadata={'source': '-pbT8_0MQJ8'})]
[Document(page_content="Oh hello captain Dave here I've been asked how do you make those economy Jenny anchors out of blocks that you use out there at the jetties well it can be used anywhere where you're basically throwing you know or needing to throw an anchor into someplace where you certainly don't want to throw a real anchor you just want something to hold you this is one version right here is I by two whole blocks the key feature to this is every once in a while you run into blocks that don't have this and every once in a while you run into blocks that do at least I do at my local Home Improvement Center I always get the ones with a slot and what I do is you can either use a little star drill bit like this okay or I take a pair of vise grips with the hunk of rebar and I tap this through there all right tap that through there and then like on this one I've got a plate plate with two nuts and I take this same eyeball and I put it through this hole now this anchor here sinks a lot faster of course because it goes down through the water and the water passes through the holes but this is twice what this is and thickness as you can see so what I've been doing it was experimenting around with these bad thing about this is when this goes to fall it wants to do this go into the bottom all right so when I drop it over the side of the boat I don't just let it go and forget about it I take it and I hold it sideways with my chain in my hand and I drop it over the side like this over the side like that and it goes down and then as soon as it hits the bottom I want to stay tight on the chain and I want this to tumble down and get stuck as we refer to it at the Mayport jetties as getting stuck between a rock and a hard spot and that holds the boat holds my 26 foot boat and then here is one that I just used and it didn't want to come out of the rock so easy the piece broke off so what this year I think is a dollar 29 I think I prefer this one now that I've been using this but it just takes up a little more space so you can see I just got some square washers on that one whole idea is you're pulling from the center you're pulling from the center that's the idea my first time I ever did this is I wrap chain around the center part here but the problem is the block got real floppy so this is what I do and a whole bunch of small chain a chain just some junk anchor line the reason being is you when you're in our Jenny rocks out there in Mayport you don't want this anchor line anywhere down here this because it's a little scrape and I've had the anchor line get frayed and then when you go to bust this block out by either pulling forward or pull them back or being straight up and down being straight up and down and banging on this to break it to come loose my anchor line is broke and then I lose this is all I news hunk of rebar tap it through this you can tap it through here to the center this is just a solid block and you can tap it through I use a little a little star bit or if you've got a big bit that's masonary bit and a good size drill just throw yourself a hole through there that's basically it this is what I refer to as Mayport jetty economy anchor", metadata={'source': '-p_AOYhkrF4'})]
[Document(page_content="On one hand we've already had an Assassin's\nCreed game on the iOS - your mileage may vary on how successful it was for you, but we got\none. On the other, Gameloft have decided to give gamers what they expected to see, albeit\nwith a pirate-y touch in BackStab. Henry Blake has been betrayed by his supposed\nlong-time friend Kane for crimes against his people and after four years Blake is finally\ngiven the opportunity to escape his imprisonment and seek revenge. So far, so standard, but\nif you didn't see the first twist coming immediately you're less likely to be upset at the direction\nthe game takes shortly thereafter. Suffice to say your swashbuckling hero will spend\nmost of his time brooding over his plans for revenge while spending a whole lot of time\nacting as a sort of errand boy for the citizens around him. In keeping with its assassin-ish roots, Blake\nis able to free-run over most terrain by simply running towards it. This presents some problems,\nnotably the times when it doesn't activate, requiring a jump to get things started or\nneeding to tweak a camera angle just to drop down a level. Overall the controls aim for\nsimplicity over immersion and when they work you'll find yourself flitting across rooftops,\ndropping down on foes and countering groups of enemies with ease. Sadly this doesn't allow for a lot of depth\nin the gameplay either, meaning battles can be often reduced to a simple matter of jabbing\nattack until enemies are dead. The lack of finesse and challenge in the combat leads\nto Blake being more of a brute than a dashing hero, but at least he's willing to pick flowers\nwhen the time calls for it. On the surface of it, BackStab is a pretty\ngame to look at, but the polish is lacking and at times the game engine struggles to\nkeep up with what's on screen, leading to some nasty bugs. The visuals are also backed\nup by some decent voice acting performances, but the decision to break up the dialogue\nwith odd pauses simply to fit the stiff animations renders some cutscenes as all but painful\nto experience. What should be a rich world filled with the occasional ruckus comes off\nas incredibly sterile. Without a question, BackStab aims high, but\nbetween its bland combat and somewhat scattershot approach to gameplay, the final result is\nsomething that falls short of the mark due to its lack of direction. Fans of games like\nAssassins Creed would do well to approach this one with an open mind; if all you're\nafter is an excuse to run around and smack some heads you're far more likely to enjoy\nwhats on offer in this title.", metadata={'source': '-py99T6DiFQ'})]
[Document(page_content='View of volcano Gunung Agung from Bali Hai Beach Club at Nusa Lembongan Bali Hai Beach Club Bay at Nusa Lembongan Bali Hai Tide Huts at Nusa Lembongan resort Bali Hai Beach Club Pool & Bar View from the Beach Club to Main Island Serendipity - One of our Dive Boats Manta Point - Nusa Penida Giant Manta Ray Giant Manta Ray gliding over the cleaning station Crystal Bay - Nusa Penida Schools of Redtooth Triggerfish (arched tail) Reef Fish: Fairy Basslets (Orange, Scalefin..) Pale Tail Chromis, Unicornfish School of Orange Fairy Basslets and a Bignose Unocornfish (at the front) Mola Mola (Ocean Sun Fish) with couple of Longfin Bannerfish cleaning the Molas skin Orange Fairy Basslets, Chromis, Damselfish Two Singular Bannerfish (at the front of the screen) Tulamben - USAT Liberty shipwreck Schooling Big Eye Jacks at the middle parts of the wreck Tessalata (Honeycomb) Moray Eel Hawksbill Sea Turtle Humphead Parrotfish View from the bow end of the "Gargo- hold" of the wreck Dusky Garden Eels Schooling juvenile Striped Catfish Razorfish Blue Ring Angelfish Potato Cod/-Grouper Zebra Moray Eel Reef scene: Gorgonian Sea Fans, Sea Crinoids, Leathery soft corals.. School of Fairy Basslets Gorgonian Sea Fan (Red) Dendrotha soft coral with Sea Crinoids attached to it Scribbled Pufferfish with Cleaner Wrasse Two Pacific Yellow Rabbitfish Red Sea Bass Tulamben - Seraya Secrets Thorny Seahorse Magnificent Anemone Shrimp (Periclimenes magnificus) Harlequin Crab\n00:02:49.02,00:02:48.02\nPainted Frogfish Flag-tail Shrimp Goby with its symbiotic partner, (Randall\'s) Snapping Shrimp Three Pygmy Seahorse Pygmy Seahorse Sea Urchin Shrimp (Stegopontonia commensalis) Blue Ribbon Eel Leaf Scorpionfish - yellow phase Mantis Shrimp Shelled Snail - Cowrie (subspecies of E.c.blaesa) Devil Stinger Scorpionfish Pygmy Seahorse on Gorgonian Fan Clown Frogfish Allied Cowrie - Ovulidae (Hiata brunneiterma) Clown Frogfish Nudibranch - Facelinidae Nudibranchs on Sea Star Siphonophore Hermit Crab Nudibranch - Platydorididae Nudibranch - Pleurobranchidae Harp (Harpa ventricosa) - Shelled Sea Slug Spotted Filefish Pygmy Seahorse on Gorgonian Fan Harlequin Shrimp (Hymenocera elegans) Broadclub Cuttlefish Boxer Crab (Lybia tesselata) Common Seahorse Broadclub Cuttlefish Anemone feeding with its tentacles Halimeda Ghostpipefish Harlequin Crab (Lissocarcinus orbicunalis) on Tube Anemone Nudibranch - Pleurobranchidae Nudibranch - Scyllaeidae Soft-coral Goby on a Sea Tunicate Dahlia Anemone Two Pandalid Shrimps on a Sea Star Spider Crab Elegant Squat Lobster', metadata={'source': '-pTAi3WhTZU'})]
[Document(page_content='foreign thank you I just love you', metadata={'source': '-pOe9tmQUBo'})]
[Document(page_content="if Brandon slay we've got international group in towns we've got two major international tournaments coming up here in a Springs next three weeks got the Greco at the keiki Cup and then the Dave Schultz but got a team of Indians not made of Americans but Indian Hindi ins here at the training centre what's it been like working with him it's been great having the indians in town because they brought approximately 15 freestyle guys and you know to those guys are to the best guys in the world their weight classes you know 66 kilo you have kumar he was third in the Olympics in 2008 and was India's first world champion 2010 so having him our room has been great and another guy does 60 kilo so to have those guys jump in and train and daily with our team has been a great sort of spin a win-win know what's it like for maybe you can look at it from your perspective as an athlete too now coach whenever foreign guys come into the Olympic Training Center what had it does it raise the level of training or is it more about just getting a feel and a hands on one thing cuz I think it's both of those things they raise the level training because say for example one of our guys is wrestling could more the world champion I think he you know he picks it up because he has an opportunity to wrestle guy like that but also I think you say hands-on it's great because you realize you watch these guys train you realize hey they don't train in the order that we do and they put their single just like we do so even though he won a world title like Destin one of our developmental guys for example he's 19 I mean he just caught the world champion didn't get oil-dependent another day right so Destin's going man if I can score points on this guy did I have the ability to be able the best wrestlers in the world so that's a great realization half when you train with guys from other countries the with Yogeshwara dot two-time olympian fifth in the world the Asian champion what's your teammates here have come from India to the United States to Train what do you like about the Olympic Training Center here in the United States and he very good finish and sundry number one in a lodge and this time I come in he'll tell you time and I like here turning and in room and in hopefully my Terrace will be okay and I like what is your favorite part about traveling from India to the United States imperatives that they are played in India to us a very long journey and different very different in to lort plane and good ie because we are all in India t MF p here is Olympic champion for the world champion and will be with running with him what is the best part about coming here to train before the date Schultz tournament but the tournament the Dave Schultz tournament yeah yeah yeah I didn't I may participate difficult and I brought the goat for a medal and now I try this for gold buddy I will out there I hope I mean do you like wrestling American competitors opponents yeah yeah I already time with the training and the power and very good wrestler dynamic very good and very helpful people Jewish people really helpfully and I am very happy", metadata={'source': '-phLZvLvKv4'})]
[Document(page_content='is hey yes my me oh call me oh why are you so scared me yes oh', metadata={'source': '-pxEQT5oXLQ'})]
[Document(page_content="matchup for you tonight Sheldon Hinton taking on Paul drill on a vancouver british columbia the second gun evening is scheduled for four rounds in the heavyweight division the referee for this bout is brian Bernhardt your judges at ringside are loose manali William Warwick jr. and Daniel Ishikawa introducing in the blue corner weighing in at 209 wearing the black trunks and with a professional record of zero wins and one loss from Vancouver British Columbia Paul true man introducing in the red corner he weighed in at 246 pounds wearing the black trunks which silver and gold trim with a professional record of 4 wins and 3 losses from Edmonton Alberta referee Brian burn Arsenal's give the gentlemen their final instructions so this Tyrells first the second flight and he's facing the exact same guy Tony obviously for a second professional fight Rocky's must be fully prepared because he's taking on a guy who's seen before him up Lovejoy rallies at no amateur Sheldon hidden had it had a lot of amateur fights he's very green Tyrell but he's in good shape from shell standpoint is is it smart for him to take on the guy again that he just beat recently well it isn't it isn't sometimes when you fight a guy that you fight before the thing is to stop and we went the distance the last time I'm sure the Sheldon is looking for a knockout well this fight is only scheduled for four rounds I'm James Bond see so long with Tony pet nowhere to hide is the name of the card and there's nowhere to hide for these two gentlemen tonight as they face each other for the second time in their careers right hand right there by Sheldon it's Tyrell being the aggressor which is strange Vincent's got some size on him into using a good job ha kind of typical with the heavyweights you see that both guys are being fairly patient here in round one even though it is a four rounder you had the heavy way to move a little slower but they got dynamite focus good right hand might air out good right man Rick for a guy no amateur experience he basically has had only one fight in his entire life inside the ring and that's his last fight I know it comes from your same hometown Vancouver but whatever fits also guided just to jump into the ring with no amateur background well Paul wood looking at Paul what his for his first four day was going to use a mixed martial arts fighter who got into boxing he was doing some mixed martial arts got a chance to do some boxing hoping that it would help his mixed martial art front Shelton and and and and enjoyed it he actually wanted to come back he asked for the rematch so they obliged well he got it he has his opportunity tonight Shelton good combination by anything was it below the belt no it was a good shot the fight over by knockout Palmer Tyrell wins by Daka Shelvin hidden must be disappointed it was a fantastic fantastic punch let's take a look at this Tony because I want to get a good look at it again it happened so quick right here you see Sheldon being the aggressor but there's good good left hook to the body right to the liver yeah excellent right on the button I remember that punch that was a punch that put down put down Scotty Olson when I got up to me he told me in the airplane that a left hook was his best punch I guess he showed it tonight while still on the campus of Sheldon Hinton he he took a major shot there from that gentleman right there who picks up his first novel eventually a rare shot it was a nice that took right to the liver BAM right there don't care how big you are how strong you are that is definitely an equalizer you punch a guy in the liver and y'all big how strong st. parts at knockdown Stradella holidays Bernard Hopkins exact st. punch hopefully Sheldon Hinton is okay while he's still down on the canvas they're not going to let him up until we've got a doctor in the rink and they're taking a look at Hinton and now he's heading up you know he's getting up so", metadata={'source': '-pljxT7XiXU'}), Document(page_content="in the rink and they're taking a look at Hinton and now he's heading up you know he's getting up so he's okay they've been looking him and he's a big guy but he looks a little bit soft from the midriff area and that's where he got hit I guess it's back to the drawing board you can't say anything about this fight good win for Paul Tyrell all right well let's go up to our ring announcer Dean panas he's got the official results and we'll go to Dean and he can give us all the details Oh ladies and gentlemen before we get our decision I want another round of bras for Sheldon Hinton the referee Brian Barnard stops Isbell at two minutes and 34 seconds of the first round your winner by knockout", metadata={'source': '-pljxT7XiXU'})]
[Document(page_content="i was watching tv when something caught my eye there's lex luthor trying to pick a fight he knows that superman can't take that crap tonight but he's gonna be surprised you'll see superman has got a trick up his sleeve everybody he's had enough of the crime you know what lex luthor will be doing time cause here comes superman faster than light and he gives lex a super hug who'd have thought he'd be defeated with love everybody very high but i can reach for the sky i can't fly it's very high but i can't reach for the sky very high he's i can't take it no more just too kind", metadata={'source': '-pTqKri2hGk'})]
[Document(page_content="go up all right go to five and look at that it's like like the four doesn't exist but it looks like it does so this thing is a really bad stop hold on to something it's like the other one from earlier doesn't have otis on the door track this is the newport beaches or wildwood new jersey renaissance broken those sounds do not sound good it doesn't even have a phone plastic boat is lovely no no five i got confused whoa damn it does not close and push the button 2000 capacity whoa yes recycle and on this is always right there all right here we go oh that was a drop i would do impact camp but there are people getting suspicious of me here i could tell this thing is not very good there's the convention center which i'm probably not going to be able to get into and that's it", metadata={'source': '-pLK23snuIs'})]
[Document(page_content="[Music] i know a lot of you have contacted me and said you wanted to see more on he-man action figures and that you wanted to see more of the characters from the masters of the universe toy line and to that i say patience it's all coming i promise i want to cover several different toy lines in the show but first i'm going to spend some more time talking about even more variations of the most powerful man in the universe yes there are more versions of he-man that i haven't even shown yet but i'm going to show you now [Music] in the last episode i showed you all of the versions of he-man that were available in the original masters of the universe toy line from the 1980s but there were two more characters that i did not talk about that share the exact same sculpt in 1983 mattel released faker faker was supposed to be the robotic clone of he-man built by skeletor the figure was practically identical to he-man but to differentiate him he was given blue skin an orange power sword and an orange version of skeletor's chest armor he also included a small sticker on his chest under the armor that represented a control panel the figure was an easy and inexpensive way for mattel to make a new villain and while this act is widely frowned upon by collectors today faker was a welcome addition to the line and still remains a favorite to most collectors today after the he-man cartoon series began in 1984 mattel decided to release a figure based off of he-man's alter ego prince adam adam again is the exact same mold as he-man but instead included a pinkish colored power sword a painted on white shirt covered by a red felt coat and painted on purple tights i myself always wondered how purple tights were able to hide adam's secret identity considering he looked just like he-man otherwise but as a kid that didn't really matter you saw prince adam on tv so you had to have this figure a few years after the original masters of the universe line and cartoon fizzled out mattel attempted a relaunch a new toy line debuted in 1989 simply called he-man and soon a new cartoon series debuted to accompany the toy line which was called the new adventures of he-man both the new toy line and cartoon were very short-lived this new concept sent he-man into the future and reintroduced villains like skeletor but also introduced new villains and new heroes most fans are not fond of this particular series most of them would just pretend it didn't exist the line saw three new versions of he-man the first was he-man's new look blue pants golden boots with matching removable armor and a helmet and a brand new power sword made of translucent plastic with a matching translucent plastic shield this figure looks a lot leaner in build in comparison to the original he-man figure but one thing to notice is that the face still looks basically the same however aside from that this really just didn't look like the he-man we had all grown to love in 1990 mattel released the first variation of he-man in this new line battle punching he-man included a power sword and shield both different looking than the previous figure and a more muscular build to the actual figure he didn't have much of an action feature really but he did have an odd articulation cut across his chest which allowed you to make a punching motion with the figure then in 1992 we got the final version of he-man as this line was starting to die out thunder punch he-man is a lot different than the original thunder punch he-man from the 80s this figure included a different looking power sword yet again and a different looking shield along with translucent body armor the figure did not have the cat popping feature that the original had the only action feature he actually included was that classic power punch waist twist feature [Music] the new adventures line was definitely interesting a lot of people do not even know it really existed or they just simply pretend that it", metadata={'source': '-pfP1xNaBmY'}), Document(page_content="interesting a lot of people do not even know it really existed or they just simply pretend that it didn't they felt a lot different than the original figures but to be fair they really aren't bad toys well that's gonna wrap up part two of the many versions of he-man join me for the third and final part where i'll take a look at all of the crazy versions of he-man we got during the 2002 relaunch of masters of the universe until next time take care everyone [Music]", metadata={'source': '-pfP1xNaBmY'})]
[Document(page_content="going to the Greenmarket to me and going to these places is so inspiring people always ask me about food and fashion and kind of the concept of how it goes together and it's just more being real not trying to define myself put myself in a box saying I'm a clothing designer or I'm a chef or I hate when people ask me that and it's actually just like a woman it's like making love like you just like it's you just want to embrace all of it I don't even know if I want to cook it how did you cook this kids not to like love food that's not nice I think I'm just a creative junkie and so when I see something like the piece of fabric it's it's more like wow first the initial beauty of it and then what is it going to become I mean this is going to become part of a meal that's shared by like my friends and family my wife and just like when I see a piece of cloth a beautiful piece of cashmere plaid and I remember each time when UPS is at the door and I open up a package from Scotland and Jayant role of pink and purple plaid cashmere and I just visually automatically see that as a jacket or a pair of pants and that's like my crack I'm kind of excited about this porcini and how it's going to be served and what everyone's gonna be wearing that's eating it let's look at the inside of this looks like it's pretty amazing I like how you guys are passionate about food you know that's what this is about being passionate about that's like very important to me that you guys follow you know I've never been like so into like school in the sense of doing what you're not good at you know how you're so passionate about that and you like photography too and poetry like what's that one poem that you wrote about the beautiful know that your sisters say I don't really care about the piece the end result it's the process its way", metadata={'source': '-puIKG-AtTE'})]
[Document(page_content="there was a family oh you've been in a cave ever three days is not forever hairs with this family meet the crews I call this a snapshot oh do it again I think I blink on March 22nd I'm guy guy and this is belt cook conversationalist navigator also keeps my pants up where there will lend it we delete immediately fire lava everything we're standing on will be gone I don't mean to sound too dramatic but a new one again where are we hopefully nothing banknotes we're hearing dad I'll take care of I'm loving this now to save it come with me to a place where things are better I'll have to survive each other it's my job to keep you safe wait looks dangerous dad you say that about everything careful oh really okay ah from the creators of Madagascar our whole family packed together on a long slow trip across country we come closer as a family and hug a train no dragon beautiful I did not see that coming the last pavement on earth will become the world's first modern family boys gotta have a pad I'm gonna call you Douglas can you trick roll over Nicolas Cage a Moscow rocking Reynolds I call them shoes three words the fruits I'm calling it fire hi it likes me hey it's biting me try higher you from it in the tall dry grass good deeds watch 22nd", metadata={'source': '-pdxt6mUobc'})]
[Document(page_content="I super tender boy welcome back to building an adventure map and oh boy guys it's been quite a journey um and this map is still not finished but I've come to a bit of a stopping point I finished off the first dungeon in the first two towns and I'm starting to move on to the mountain range which will extend in both directions in this way you will then curve up into a volcano around this around the shore and on this side it'll go up to a point of a snowy mountain and the reason I'm telling you this is because I want to be just talking about the future of the map pretty much and while I'm doing that I'm going to be doing a bit of terraforming here and so I might get a little out of focus here and there just because I'll be also working on this in the background but while I'm doing this I just thought I'd talk a little bit about this so I have to say you guys have been very very supportive of this series extremely farther than I could have ever imagined and this started actually is a really really small series and it's been going on for I think a little over a year probably a year in three or four months or something like that so it's been going on for quite a while and I've still kept true to just working on the map without having other people to help me majorly but one thing I've really noticed is this map has a lot of bugs mainly because it's redstone is a very condensed and it's made purposely just for you know to keep it not very laggy because it's a huge map with tons of redstone so I'm glad that you guys have been sort of supportive of this idea and went along with a lot of the bugs and speaking of bugs i thought i would i'd mentioned that the last on I'm just trying to figure out some way out here I I thought I'd mentioned that I've spent the last two days fixing bugs mostly in chin here because that was made mostly in 1.7 and even with all these bugs you guys have been really supportive a few guys have been kind of complaining about it but really I'm surprised all you guys aren't like that because let's be honest here my map is really really glitchy so I'm glad you guys are kind of supporting that and you keep supporting me on that but yeah the boss the final the boss of the last dungeon is finished here I'm trying to sorry I'm trying to work at this well um trying to figure out okay but yeah that boss is finished I gave him an ending what you guys can check out for yourself and as i said i've just been fixing tons and tons of bugs most of these are like problems with resetting the map and finding proper ways you know to make things easily receta bowl and whatnot also i want you guys in this video to give me tons of ideas for the next town and the adventure map which is actually going to be a stone axe Purnell stone a snow based sort of village this whole plateau here is going to be full of snow and it's going to be draping over here and the mountains going to go higher up and be made completely of snow towards the top but yeah it's going to be mostly snow based so I want you guys to give feedback on what you think it should look like I'm gonna try to keep it unlike fem vaak mostly stone based but it's also in the middle of you know winter like all the time so you know I have to keep it somewhat stone based obviously there's not much wood I'm probably going to have some Spurs things here and there what I'm doing right now actually is I'm trying to figure out the layout of these tunnels here to get up you'll have to instead of just climbing it you'll have to go through these and there'll be a bit maze-like and you'll have to collect items to be able to go up on to the next one and whatnot kind of like in certain zelda games and stuff so that's what i'm doing right here and I just or is it going oh yeah so obviously I've been spending all the time is fixing bugs but that doesn't mean there's not tons more and that's kind of why I'm making this just to sort of announce that", metadata={'source': '-ppSMuMpcTM'}), Document(page_content="mean there's not tons more and that's kind of why I'm making this just to sort of announce that I've made a temporary sort of ending to the map but also because I need you guys to help me iron out some bugs I've decided that I want to also stop here because I want to stop to try to figure out most of the bugs that well I can find and hopefully by you guys beta testing this newest version a bunch and I'll probably notify you whenever I've come out with a newest version and then let's see we need to go to positive Z so we want to go to 550 um so I want you guys to just kind of beta test it have fun with it but obviously there's still a lot of bugs in here so I want you guys to try to help me figure out what you know what I can kind of weed out here let's see i'm probably going to make this sort of um Oh worry about that um see ya for and we'll set that like so also I want you guys to try to give me some ideas for these little maze bits there are kind of going to be like their own little mini dungeon to getting to the top I'm just doing this because I kind of wanted something to do in the background while I'm talk to you guys but yeah pretty much there's a temporary ending I want you guys to help me find bugs so I can fix them because I know there's a ton of them but really honestly I can't fix them if you guys don't help me find them and if I if I don't fix one make sure to keep spamming me with it keep saying hey super tender boy you didn't fix that bug yet also with addition of the mountains I'm probably going to be doing some more terraforming montages or you don't and forget life already forgot what it's called um and that's speed builds I guess time lapse there we go sorry yeah I want to start doing some more terraforming time is along with that because I was I going to make the mountain rain just stretch a little farther in both direction add a lot more grass in filler terrain that you won't actually be able to go into but still that'll be pretty cool but yeah give me your ideas for the snow village here and you know kind of report any bugs you can find and besides that this has just been another taki video and for now enjoy the adventure map and as always thank you for watching", metadata={'source': '-ppSMuMpcTM'})]
[Document(page_content='Hi, I am Eugenie. Today I am going to make chocolate chip muffins, which is one of the most popular recipes at eugeniekitchen.com these days. For this recipe, you will need: 2 cups all-purpose flour (250g) 1/2 cup caster sugar (112g) 1 egg, medium-sized 1/2 teaspoon salt 3 teaspoons baking powder 2/5 cup (which is 1/3 cup + 1 tablespoon) vegetable oil (95ml) 4/5 cup (which is 2/3 cup + 2 tablespoons) whole milk (190ml) 1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract 2/3 cup semi-sweet chocolate chips (60g) Light brown sugar, for dusting First, line muffin pan with liners. In a large mixing bowl, sift flour and baking powder and whisk to combine; set aside. In a medium mixing bowl, break in an egg. Add in sugar, salt, and vanilla extract and beat until white. Now add in vegetable oil, today I used Pietro Coricelli grapeseed oil, and milk. And whisk until combined. Make a well in the center of dry ingredients. Add in milk mixture and lightly stir just until combined. Finally add in chocolate chips and stir to combine. Then distribute among muffin molds. Fill only 2/3 of each mold. Bake at 400 degrees F (200C) for 20 to 25 minutes, or until puffed and golden brown. Let cool on a wired rack for 5 minutes. Voila, Chocolate chip muffins. Sprinkle with light brown sugar and serve. Bon appetit! Oh, I finished. This was the last video of this week, get my weekly schedule at FB and Instagram. It was Eugenie Kitchen. Bye. Thank you for watching.', metadata={'source': '-pmI1iyQISs'})]
[Document(page_content="hey guys it's kirby's in japan here basically i was just um i was talking to a friend and we were talking about you know homestay versus a doormat or thing like that and then i started thinking about how a little bit i'm sorry so when i go to japan i'm going to japanese in japan so i'm going to japan and it should be actually next year um january is what i found out so you know there's a date for you so that's why i found out what's happening and i'm trying to keep this good as short as possible that's just one question i kind of want to start a discussion about this so when you're born i'm going to do global homestead basically within tokyo uh i was thinking about gorman and i was like sorry i think you know comparison okay i did a homestead you would be immersed in the language you'd be immersed in the culture you would be living like a genuine person into that however because you are in someone else's house i believe that that means that you wouldn't be living a genuine experience japan because you are an adult therefore you would be living in someone else's house building in your own house in which your apartment which in my case i mean which in that case leave that dorm where you'll be living alone or maybe someone makes you basically be able to make your own rules and do your own thing and basically have more freedom with your stay in japan in terms of in general and i think that that also like a good advantage of being a dorm as opposed to a homestead would be that homestay would be in someone else's house you have to abide by their rules and even as just a respect then you would have to be doing chores you you would probably try you're probably living more like you did in high school than you would in college because if you look at it this way when in college you usually stay in a dorm that's normal stuff when you're an adult you usually have your own house given in fact if you are an adult and you are in college i believe that studying vlog in any city even just saying they told you to understand you would probably want to stay in a dorm where you would be able to do your own thing and live like an adult experience not like a kid in japan and i do even though i do say that homestead i would if i think if it wasn't that i could not deal with being basically acting like them in high school again i probably would like be perfectly fine with hopefully don't actually prefer it because you get to be immersed in language which is really really cool and within the culture if you're living in japan you want to live in japan far out from now and you want to stay there forever maybe homestead maybe just to see how houses are how much houses are how much the house we are just to learn more from that but honestly you can learn that stuff from people on the street in the first place because you can make friends outside of your door that's the other thing i feel like i want to get lonely if i was in a um a homestead because i'll be well i'll be in a neighborhood i'd be with me myself you know and this family that you know i don't exactly know but i mean i'll mention them and they'll be my family but it'll be more like a family thing like i don't think that i would be able to have much friends unless i was actually at my university at the university i don't have friends of course but i mean i feel like it's a more opportunity to have everyone in the same building and be able to really you know talk to people and talk to everyone from different countries and because also from different countries that means more networking abilities and you'll be able to just flaunt in your entire horizon because you would have people's things there's more than not only not not only just in japan but from anywhere which is really cool as well so that's my spirit on the whole thing um whole stage versus being in a dorm i mean one's a japanese house and the other one is unidor and your own apartment tech", metadata={'source': '-pzgVStvo-E'}), Document(page_content="in a dorm i mean one's a japanese house and the other one is unidor and your own apartment tech club so i'm gonna leave up to you guys please write me a comment on the bottom and let's start this discussion because i just want to hear what you all think about why i should do it whatever y'all your um everything that seems like it's winning at the time that's what i'm going to think and that's what i'm going to do all right there you go what's up my name is", metadata={'source': '-pzgVStvo-E'})]