2 values
r/relationships TITLE: This girl is confusing me POST: We've been seeing each other for roughly four weeks. I'm 19 and she is 21. Both female. We've agreed to take it slow and not yet have sex. I'm fairly inexperienced with relationships and sex. She has told me that she's had a lot of casual sex. I should mention rather recently before we met. Even though I'm not ready to have sex yet, I'm concerned that she isn't ready to have sex with me. If she's been so quick with other people, why not me? I keep te
r/relationships TITLE: I (23M) am stuck in hookup zone with 24(F) that I've been seeing for 6 months. I want out. POST: I've been hooking up with this girl for 6 months. for the first couple of months it was just that - a hookup. We would occasionally go on dates and have sex but there wasn't any real emotional commitment from me. I've kind of gotten feelings for her now. We hang out 2-3x a week and go on lots of dates. She has stated in the past that she doesn't want a boyfriend. And I don't neccesarily
r/AskReddit TITLE: Once and For All POST: Reddit, I've lurked long enough that I finally came to a point at which I require your assistance. I have always had a stubborn PC bias, even since I was very young and knew virtually nothing about computers. I can't say an incredible amount has changed, but at least I can do enough research to comprehend certain differences between computers. My laptop, and HP, is in its final days after a year and a half of service to me. Unfortunately, this happens to be right b
r/tifu TITLE: TIFU by wanting to adopt a dog POST: *Obligatory didn't happen today* So I went to my local animal shelter with my SO to see about adopting a dog. I love animals, and haven't had a pet in quite some time. So we get there, and very quickly see a sweet pup we want to get a little interaction with. I ask a volunteer if we can see the dog, and she gets another volunteer to help us, as she is working on paperwork with an adopter. Low and behold, who do I see walking out of the office to help my S
r/relationships TITLE: I [29m] might have started dating an alcoholic [27f], how do I bring this up to her? POST: For about 3 months now I've been in a monogamous relationship with this wonderful girl. She's extremely outgoing and I'm falling for her more every day. When I met her it was through a bar/club scene so I knew she drank, I do too. Recently she's had some stressful things in her life and has started drinking a lot more. To the point of passing out. I'm all for drinking to have a good time but
r/running TITLE: Just signed up for my first marathon. What kind of shoes should I buy? POST: I just let a friend who is an Ironman veteran talk me into signing up for my first marathon in October. I run on occasion for fitness but my longest race was 7 miles as part of a marathon relay team on a very flat course. Now that I'm going to have to get serious about mileage, I'd love any advice from vets on how I can train up for this. I've been through the various websites and looked at their training progra
r/relationships TITLE: I [20 M] think my parents [50 F] [58 M] are getting a divorce and don't know how to ask them about it. POST: I have been on break from college for christmas these last few weeks and it has been depressing, my mum wasnt there for christmas day as she was working(which is understandable as shes a nurse) and my sister has been busing worrying about her exams coming for for school. My dad fell through a building floor and badly hurt his leg a few years ago while working, as a result he c
r/relationships TITLE: My [28F] husband [31M] 10 years refuses to see my stepdad [66M] for Christmas dinner POST: My husband and I have been together for ten years. We just had a baby, and my mother and her husband moved several states to be closer to us so she can watch the baby while we are at work. My husband does not like my step dad for a few reasons: 1. The four of us had Easter dinner together 7 years ago and my stepdad sat with his back turned towards my husband for the entirety of the meal. 2.
r/AskReddit TITLE: LG Nexus 5 vs Samsung Galaxy S4. Which is better? POST: OK. So my birthday is coming up in about a week and I am long overdue for a new phone and I've decided that I want to make the investment and get a top of the line phone that won't turn to crap in three years (which is about how often I upgrade since I try to be thrifty to a degree by paying extra for something that will last). Anyways, I would like to hear opinions from people who own either of these phones. I would also make it
r/dating_advice TITLE: [21M] senior in college falling for high school friend. how do i advance without making things weird? POST: We're both seniors in college and go to different universities. We check in on one another every so often, and whenever we see each other during breaks, we'll hang out with each other 1 on 1 at like dinner, or movies. She's a wonderful girl to hang out with, beautiful, and I really enjoy talking to her. Thing that makes things a bit more difficult is that we know each other fr
r/relationships TITLE: Me [29 F] may be entering a relationship with [28M], inappropriate to hang out with other male friends alone? POST: I [29F] recently moved to a new state and joined an online dating site to meet new people because I don't know anyone here. I met a guy [28M] that I really like and that seems to really like me, and it seems like a relationship is in the near future. Would it be inappropriate of me to hang out with guys alone once we are exclusive? I have a few friends from this same
r/cats TITLE: I have recently become responsible for two 5 week old kittens and I need advice POST: I have never owned a cat before but for some time I have had a porch cat that spends her time between outside and in my garage (I have a crawl space under my house that leads into the garage where I keep her food) and she had kittens 5 weeks ago. There are four of them and I noticed yesterday that two of them have figured out how to follow her outside of the garage and the other two were just crying in my g
r/relationships TITLE: I [21 M] think that my ex-girlfriend [21 F] has misdiagnosed herself with a chronic illness. Do I tell her? POST: My ex-girlfriend, who broke up with me 8 months ago and hasn't talked to me since, is sick. She found a chronic illness that matched her symptoms, and began treating for it. She never consulted a doctor on the diagnosis or the course of treatment. The treatment made her healthier, and from what I hear has continued to do so since our break-up. While doing some research (
r/relationships TITLE: Is there a way that I(21m) can stop being so clingy when it comes to my girlfriend(24f) POST: My girlfriend and I have been together for 8 months and I realized that I have become very clingy and needy. It has gotten to the point that I am no longer happy with myself. The problem is me not her. She is a very independent and secure person and she doesn't need my validation for anything. She is the kind of person that has a lot going on so she doesn't really "need me." but I on the ot
r/relationships TITLE: Me [20 F] with my boyfriend [22 M] been together three years but I don't know what to do about our lack of affection? POST: Me and my boyfriend have been together for three years and there have been ups and downs. We are currently on a down. He was recently diagnosed with depression, stopped talking to me for two weeks and asked me to not contact him, started talking again two months ago and we have suprisingly been OK since and he has seemed happy, recently got a new job and been ch
r/relationships TITLE: Me [22M] with my girl [19F] of a month and a half, says all this stuff about not having time to hang out, then hangs out with other people the same day POST: So basically we just finished up college for the semester, and now me and her live about 40 minutes away. So its been close to a week since we've spent any time together, and I asked her, hey, can we hang out today or tomorrow? So yesterday, she said, "I'm at my grandmas :(" which was fine, however she then ended up hanging ou
r/AskReddit TITLE: If all goes well, I will be moving to a completely new city far from home, completely by myself. What are some tips you guys have to help me feel not so lonely in the process? POST: Some details;I'm a 21 year old college guy who's pretty introverted and just got out of a relationship. I'm most likely moving to a new city for the college I'm transferring to in the summer. I will be moving there for good, however as I have no real family or support system here. I'm pretty much starting fro
r/relationships TITLE: My (24/F) long distance military SO (25/F) of 2.5 years cheated on me and has been for months. Don't know how to recover. POST: Edit: I'm 24/M So we met while we were both in the military and stationed overseas. We dated for 1.25 years happily together and living together for 6 months. It came to a point where I had to leave due to separation and after long talks, we decided to keep trying. Times have been better or worse since then with both of us struggling to keep at times, but
r/relationships TITLE: I [21 F] tried to talk to my boyfriend [21 M] about porn and why it makes me uncomfortable. POST: I have been dating my boyfriend for 5 years and we have been living together for 2. Our only internet source is my phone ('cause we're poor) and he uses it for porn every now and then. I've tried to discuss this with him multiple times because it makes me feel uncomfortable (because I am very self conscious, though I keep it to myself) and it makes me very upset that he is looking at ot
r/dogs TITLE: How concerned should I be about my dogs behavior? POST: I just returned home from a walk to the park with my children (2&7) and our 2 yo amstaff mix, female. My stomach is in knots, it was so stressful. She barks and growls and pulls, but most dogs are in their yards away from the sidewalk 25 feet. Until we turn the corner and the sidewalk is right next to the fence. With a small yippee dog. Fuck me! Omg, she wants to kill other dogs. She went nuts! I was tempted to leave her at the park. I
r/Dogtraining TITLE: Please, I really need help correcting Buster's (2 year old adopted beagle) bad behavior. POST: Buster is a 2 year old beagle that went through two families before being adopted by my elder sister. his last owner took terrible care of him, so much that his neighbors called the humane society (the owner had over 10 dogs, which is not legal where I live, 2 being the limit, or 3 with a special permit). Anyways, my sister told me he has the bad habit of toppling over trash cans and rummagi
r/relationships TITLE: Me [18 m] with my girlfriend [18 f] expects she might be pregnant... But I think otherwise... POST: Okay so here it goes. Me and my girlfriend have had sex obviously, she is on birth control and has been for a long time. She's very consistent with it and doesn't miss any. But last time we had sex a few weeks ago was the last time since then since we decided it would be a good idea to wait (after we had already done it) now it was a stupid thing but with out going into too much detail
r/relationships TITLE: Alright, I'm an asshole. I (27 M) snooped on my gf (27 F) POST: I'll start off by saying I'm a dick. I looked at her phone... I've suspected my gf on fucking around on me for a while now, but I've never had anything solid. She never used to be picky about her phone, but lately she's on her phone a lot and keeps it by her side at ALL times. And if she ever sets it down, she puts it face down so any new messages won't pop up. I talked to her about it and she said it was nothing and sh
r/relationships TITLE: I'm [23 M]; my roommate [22 M] of 3 years is a bit abrasive in trying to "correct my behaviour"... how should I approach this? POST: So here's the situation: I've been living with this guy for 3 years, and throughout that time he's made it pretty clear that he's picky, and wants things done his way. In the past, he's gotten angry at me over not lining up my shoes properly, not cleaning dishes right after I use them (even though he does), and more recently, interrupting people (also s
r/relationships TITLE: Me [19 F] with a friend of a friend[19 M] hooked up one night and is giving me mixed signals. POST: This guy who is a friend of a friend and I hooked up after a night of partying this previous Saturday. As I was getting dressed and ready to leave he said he would walk me back to my dorm. I thought it was a one night stand but why would he walk me back to my dorm if it was just a one time thing? I haven't heard from him since I last saw him, which was Sunday morning. I don't mind it b
r/relationships TITLE: Me [22 F] with my boyfriend [21 M] 1 1/2 years. Can't seem to talk? POST: Hey, everyone! I have a question and I know this will come off sounding really silly but I would really appreciate your advice. My boyfriend and I are still in university and we live quite close to each other. We are very fond of each other and do lots of things together like cooking dinner, reading, playing co-op games etc. We get along great and are quite considerate of each other. I think the romantic bits
r/AskReddit TITLE: I want to play through Half Life 2 again, but without the headcrabs. Is this possible? POST: It was a while now since I played through all the Half-Life 2 episodes and I'm feeling an itch to get back and do it again. There's just one little hitch; I'm slightly arachnophobic... This makes playing through places like Ravenholm almost impossible. The first time I played through the series I had help from a less skittish friend who alternated playing the game and exclusively got to play thro
r/offmychest TITLE: She's back in my life :) POST: There's this girl I used to have a thing with, but for reasons we couldn't see each other anymore. We haven't spoken to each other in over a year, and one day I felt like texting her and so I did, only for her to tell me she couldn't be my friend. Well, over the course of time and felt totally washed away by the facts he said she didn't want to be my friend, I didn't want anything to do with her. But being a guy with attached feelings I couldn't stop th
r/Advice TITLE: I [18/F] only want physical contact with my ex bf [18/M] POST: It's been a hard couple of weeks for me and I want someone with me - someone to hold me and make out with me, etc but I can only imagine doing this with my ex bf. Problem is that he doesn't want to be with me. He doesn't hate me or anything but he prefers to not hang out with me like before. In the past, after we broke up we still had contact – it was just physical but it was fine (lowkey fwb). I ONLY want him but last time I
r/relationships TITLE: I [24m] suffer from mild depression and fear telling my girlfriend [22f] POST: I've [24m] been having phases of mild depression for probably about two years now. Six Months ago I finally talked to a psychiatrist and am now taking a low dose of an SSRI. At the same time I started a relationship with this wonderful girl [22f]. We both did not have any previous relationships. My depression is now pretty much under control and our relationship is great. But now I feel we are at a point w
r/personalfinance TITLE: Maybe a dumb question - do I actually need a separate savings account? POST: Bit of background - I'm 21, work fulltime at a call center (a little above min wage), and am planning to return to school in the near future. I currently have just around 14k in the bank plus a small 401k account. Recently I was at the bank and they told me I was pre-approved for a credit card, so I researched it a bit and went back in a week later to open one. While I was working with the banker to get
r/relationships TITLE: Me [22F] with my boyfriend[24M] of 6 months, canceled me to go with his brother instead POST: Me and my boyfriend have been together for 6 months and are doing great, we are in love and both sees a future together. I have mild autism so I sometimes makes drama but he's very understanding and tolerant. But the thing is. He's going to a huge freestyle battle in a big city about 4 hours bus trip away. It's next weekend and he has told me that he will bring me, rent us a nice room, eat
r/relationships TITLE: [Update] I (25M) spoke to my girlfriend (29F) about provocative messages. POST: Original post I casually brought up the guy in question "so how's he doing etc.." and I flat out asked her "received any inappropriate messages from him?" To which she out right lied. "Nope, not since I first talked to him." I'm a little emotionally stunted in most cases (takes me a bit to process things) so we kept hanging out and I went into headspace. Eventually it started to show and I asked her i
r/relationships TITLE: Helping the woman I love get back her bf, am I just stupid or what? POST: So: I'm 41, she's 35. We both have kids, we've known each for some years, but only in the last few months I've come to know her better and have completely fallen for her. I didn't tell her, and didn't ask her if she was seeing anyone, so I can't blame her, but it turns out she had a boyfriend. Last week she was upset, I comforted her, eventually she opens up and talks about him, and it turns out he's a complete
r/relationships TITLE: Should I (F24) be uncomfortable that my SO (M24) flirted with someone in front of me? POST: We've been together for 3 years and it has been good. I've always been very comfortable with myself and my relationship and have known from the start that my SO is a flirty person. I've never minded before and sometimes on a night out we laughed about the people that flirted with us and that we sometimes flirted back as a joke. Last night we went to a dinner party and there was a very pretty
r/AskReddit TITLE: How much should the settlement be for pain and suffering with minor injuries in a car/bike accident? POST: Hey guys I posted a thread a little while ago about this. Everyone was really helpful and we chose to just deal with the insurance company instead of lawyer up. Basically the bike is all bent up and she received somewhat painful bruising on the hip, ankles and knees. No major injuries thankfully. She was sore for about 3-4 days. The big thing is that since the accident she was very
r/dating_advice TITLE: [22M] Not sure how to proceed with a girl I'm into. POST: I'm 22M and she's a 20F. We met through a mutual friend a while back. Our mutual friend told me that she liked me. So about a month later I message her on Facebook and we talk for a bit a few days. I then ask her to hangout on Saturday. We hungout pretty much all day and when she was leaving we talked about hanging out again later in the week. She was hanging around her car for a bit talking with me and I think she was wait
r/relationships TITLE: Me [18M] and my [16F] of 9 months are having communication and jealousy problems POST: So, some background to both me and my girlfriend. Both of us have abusive parents ( verbal ), when i met her last year she was dating one of my friends but wasn't happy at all, due to neglect from him and verbal abuse from her parents. I was depressed because of lack of support and verbal abuse from my parents. They broke up 4 months after i met and we got really, really close during that perio
r/tifu TITLE: TIFU by drinking too much wine POST: FIFU - Friday i fucked up. My friend got married this past Friday. Us groomsman met up a few hours before to chill and have drinks. I was drinking wine and drank what I had relatively early. We made a trip for more drinks (i wasn't the only one who got more). It was time for us to get ready and I was pretty drunk at this point, two bottles of wine cycling through me. Now onto pictures and this is the point where things get fuzzy. I barely remember pictu
r/AskReddit TITLE: I caught two teens invading my house today. What should I do about this? POST: So, two teens (both 19) invaded my house through an unlocked door. They entered the house and began to call out my younger sister's name. They came upstairs and eventually into my bedroom, where I saw both of them. They retreated and I watched them drive away. I already called the police over a home invasion when it happened. I found pictures of both teens and his vehicle on Facebook. I had my younger sister
r/relationships TITLE: I (28/f) am shattered and stuck in a relationship pattern cycle. Help. POST: Just broke up with my latest boyfriend (29/m), with whom I've been for 1.5 years. He wasn't having sex with me at all (I posted about it a few months back) and he admitted he was asexual. We tried to work it out to no avail. Last night we had a frank talk about his feelings and he confessed that before me he was very lonely and he just wanted a best friend to live with, and that's what I was to him. He's nev
r/AskReddit TITLE: can anybody help me with a diagnosis for a tv problem? POST: Hey guys I have a DLP Mitsubishi 65' TV thats only about 3 years old. I've kept it in great condition and nothing has ever damaged it (ie i've never dropped it on its side, spilled water or stuff like that). Lately the picture has become very dim on the screen, and its not a brightness problem as i've checked the settings and things like that. I was just hoping some out there who knows more about new TVs than i do will tell me
r/relationships TITLE: Girlfriend (19F) broke up with me (20m) and left for the weekend, I still want to date her POST: I have been in relationship with a girl since September. While our relationship has bad rocky times it was nice. Most of our problems stem from the fact that I'm bad at showing affection, as well as her telling me she likes at least one other man although she hasn't acted on it apperently. On thursday night I went over to hers late and she said she had some things to tell me, but it was
r/relationships TITLE: My [22F] SO[31M] is giving me mixed signals. POST: This relationship just started in the last 6 months, we started off pretty casual, as we both live busy lives with college and work. However we were starting to progress to something more serious and stable a few months ago. I spend usually 3 to 4 nights a week at his house, he was practically supporting me even though I always tried to pay for things. It was really sweet, considering I definitely fit the broke student stereotype.
r/relationship_advice TITLE: I [28/m] am considering breaking up with my [23/f] gf over lack of sex. POST: Hi R-Advice, I have been in a relationship with my current girlfriend for about 8 months now. We get along really well (never fight, occasionally debate differing opinions). We enjoy a lot of the same activities and spend quite a bit of time together. One thing that has been a hangup is not having sex. To me, sex is an important part of a relationship (though not the only one). To her, sex (specific
r/relationships TITLE: Me [21 F] how to take a timid guy's virginity? POST: I'm single but seeing this guy who I'm really really attracted to, but he has absolutely no experience with girls (we're both 21). He's genuinely a really handsome guy, and I'm quite sure he knows that he is, but he just grew up going to the most competitive magnet school in the country where you get in based on academic merit alone, no affirmative action either so he was one of a few non-asian kids, so he felt like he didn't fit
r/tifu TITLE: TIFU by asking the schwan man for blue bell POST: This happened about a month ago. I am at a friends house enjoying the patio furniture on a nice summer day. As we sit there chatting, the beloved schwan man, you know, the frozen food delivery guy that your great grandma had come around when you were a kid? Well, the guy us uber friendly and is normal stop at my buddies moms house. I proceed to ask this fine gentleman "Hey! Do you have any blue bell ice cream in there?" I had been hearing the
r/relationships TITLE: My [23M] girlfriend [21F] tells her best friend EVERYTHING. POST: So as the title says, regardless of how private it is, she tells her best friend everything that goes on between us. To be fair, I sort of do the same with my best friend. Maybe not EVERYTHING, but certainly quite a bit. But here is my issue Reddit. Recently, I have been having an issue getting it up in bed. I am a virgin and performance anxiety mixed with too much masturbation has caused issues. I recently went to vis
r/Pets TITLE: New Toy Day - How all my pets react to new toys POST: So I went by Petsmart to get some treats and toys for my pups and chinchilla. Here is the reaction of all my kids to their new possessions. Lily (Aussie Shepherd / pit bull mix, 4 years old) when presented with a new toy duck that honks and a toy ball that looks like a duck decides all the toys are hers and tries to carry them around in her mouth. All toys are Lily's. Doug (German Shepherd / Greyhound, 3 years old) runs to me and asks
r/books TITLE: The Case for rereading books, why should I? Do YOU? POST: So I consistently see redditors on here talking about reading a book once a year or, less extreme, reading a book two or three times. Now I don't read a ton and I'm sure someone that reads a book (or a few different books) each year probably reads a lot and reads a lot of other books also, they're kind of a different case probably. What I'm more interested in is the opinion of the "moderate-core" rather than the hardcore reader, why d
r/AskReddit TITLE: Vomited on my sleeping brother's face when I was 10. Reddit, what things have you done that were awful at the time but are funny now? POST: When I was 10 I had the flu and was terrified of the feeling of vomiting. I slept on the top bunk (twin size) and my 12 year old brother slept on the bottom (full size). The year before, when I was 9, I had the flu as well and made quiet a mess by vomiting on my bedspread at the wee hours of the night. My mom had told me that if I could make it, it w
r/relationships TITLE: My bf [24M] gets mad at me when we are talking and I [22F] don't give him my whole attention POST: We have been together for 3 years and we live together. I'm not good concentrating at something for too long. When we have a conversation, I'm the kind of start several subjects of conversations and just jump from on to the other. We have always been like that and I liked it because it showed to me that we had so many things to talk about. Now, when he gets really mad is when we are t
r/dating_advice TITLE: Should I go for it? POST: So Im off work and I go into one of my favorite bottle shops in my area to pick up a nice Stone before heading home to cook dinner for myself. When I get to the checkout counter a very attractive girl, that has rung me up before, comes over so I can pay for my beer. I usually don't initiate conversation with people Im buying things from as I usually assume they want to complete the transaction as quickly as possible so as to return to what they were doing be
r/Advice TITLE: So I found a sex tape of my girlfriend.... POST: Backstory: I've been with my girlfriend for about 1 1/2 years now and everything for the most part is amazing. We've recently moved in together for the last few months and while she was in class I was using her old laptop due to mine being broke, while I uploading a video of a party we went to over the weekend I noticed a thumbnail in her videos of her naked, after clicking on it I realized it was some type of sex tape she made with an ex. I
r/relationships TITLE: Me (21M) and my girlfriend (20M) of two years have a stable relationship. I don't have much feelings for her. Advice needed. POST: I will try to keep this short and clear. We have been in a generally stable relationship for two years, I care for her and she is really good to me. However, these months I feel like I am just treating her like a sister with no passion and enthusiasm. I know she likes me a lot and since we are in a good relationship if I tell her my feelings now the sudde
r/relationship_advice TITLE: Missing a friends wedding POST: I (f 21) have a friend that I've known for quite a few years. He, J, was best friends with my boyfriend, A, who died in 2008, after A died me and J helped each other through it and became best friends, we used to hang out weekly with all our other friends and we had a great frienship, an unspoken bond between the two of us. We talked to each other about all of our feelings and relationships and had the same sense of humor and were really just gre
r/relationship_advice TITLE: (27M) Questioning 3 year relationship with (26F). Grass is Greener? Confused. POST: I've been dating my girlfriend for 3 years and we are preparing to finally move in together (major US city) but for the past 6 months things have been different. We almost moved in over the summer but she pulled the plug on that idea last minute because she was scared and ever since then I have been questioning if we are truly right for each other. (Never had these thoughts before this happened
r/relationships TITLE: Me [25 M] with my fiancee [25 F] duration 4 years and have been engaged for 1 year, Please i need some help whether i should move forward with this relationship POST: Background details My fiancee comes from a rich family. Her parents own businesses and are millionaire. They some how agreed for our engagement thinking that i am going to school and will have a good job. I basically work my ass off paying for my tuition, car,rent etc. I will be graduating soon and already getting job
r/relationships TITLE: Boyfriends [25M] anger scares me [20F]... POST: My boyfriend of one year just got angry due to me telling my family about some of our issues in our relationship. I'm really close to my mother and I tell her almost everything. He was unfaithful and I told her...if he didn't want to ruin his "good" reputation he shouldn't have done it. After I told him that, he found something else to get angry about. He got mad about my exes and my past before him and small silly things that was so ra
r/tifu TITLE: TIFU by being in a hurry while getting ready POST: Just happened, not a big fuck up but I feel pretty stupid, so here it is. I rushed home after work to get ready to meet my SO for dinner. I just needed to shower and change clothes but my contacts have been bothering me for 3 or 4 days (left eye has been blurry) so I decided to put new ones in too. In a rush I threw my old ones in the trash and got two new ones out. My eyes have different prescriptions, the left has an astigmatism which r
r/personalfinance TITLE: Alternatives to money envelope system? POST: Looking start better cordoning off my fuel budget (I have an exceptionally long commute each day) of $200 bi-weekly into an envelope-type system but am hesitant to leave an envelope of cash in my car. I'm asking /r/personalfinance, does anyone use as system based on a plastic card that works well? I'm thinking of loading a gift card with the budgeting amount periodically and using that but am open to other options that wouldn't leave m
r/loseit TITLE: Depression lead to weight gain over three years. Now I need to LOSE IT... but how do I keep from falling into old, disordered ways? POST: I never thought I would be this big or this sad. I was always the one so adamant about eating healthy (or not eating at all), and so strict with myself and even controlling about what my family would eat. 3 years ago I suffered with extremely obsessive thoughts about eating and needing to be thin and barely there. I got close, I think. But I know it was
r/relationships TITLE: Shoud I [20 M] stop talking to someone because my girlfriend [23 F] (1 year together), tells me to? POST: Before me and my girlfriend got together, I use to language exchange with a girl. We never met but we were close, once upon a time, emotionally, but due to the fact that I wasn't prepared to go long distance, i broke the feelings off and tried to stay just friends, which the penpal was fine with. Once I got together with my current girlfriend, me and this other girl had stopped
r/AskReddit TITLE: I'm addicted to my local PBS station and a hilarious show called California's Gold with Huell Howser. It has somehow managed to air for 19 years. What is a genuinely great (or so bad it's good) public TV show, only available in your area or state, that the rest of the world needs to know about? POST: During summer break I started watching public television and I'm now addicted. So many great shows (with few commercials!) like America's Test Kitchen, Baking with Julia Child, The Joy of Pa
r/relationships TITLE: I[24/f] need help with posting something on FB and making sure quite a few people don't see it. POST: This is going to sound so lame.... I wanted to tag someone in a picture with me. I want to make it so that he and his friend list sees it. I don't want anyone else on my facebook to see him tagged except his friends (we have like 20 in common). Thing is some of those friends also have some of my friends in common. See the problem? This sounds fishy, but it's not :/ I mainly just don'
r/relationships TITLE: I [24M] just had a heart to heart with my now [21F] about our future. I need advice please. POST: We dated for 11 months. When I say our future, I mean where we stand right now... Not marriage or anything. Let me explain a few details for you. I fell in really deep with her. She opened my eyes to a ton new things and every day that we talked or went on a date was an absolute blast. My best friend(married) developed feelings for her (they were best friends too) and tried to pursue an
r/relationships TITLE: Is my [24M] boyfriend [22M] cheating on me? Found pictures in phone. POST: So he gave me his old phone to reformat and delete and send in for repairs because of a defective battery. In his recently deleted pictures were lots of pictures of him and his "ex" engaged in sexual acts. However the time-stamp on the photo says it was from 9 months ago, and we have been dating 11 going on 12 months. Is it at all possible for the timestamps on an iPhone to be wrong when you take a picture? T
r/relationships TITLE: So I [21F] joined the military and the father of my kids [20M] doesn't know... POST: So I've [21F] had this dream for years to join the military, but my kids came before my military career. At the time of was still with the father of my kids [20M] at the time, but now we aren't together but still trying to work it out. Anyway I have finally gone through with my passion to join the military, but he doesn't know and when I tell him he's going to be pissed. He never wanted me to join t
r/tifu TITLE: TIFU by pointing at my hand POST: Happened a couple weeks ago but I'll submit anyway. I should prelude that my wife is Finnish and sometime ago for me a bracelet with a copper charm stamped with the word "Rakas" So i was sitting front row of my Finnish class when the teacher asked for a definition of the word rakas. After others took some guesses I spouted out that it translates to "my love" or similar to "dearest". My teacher looks at me approvingly, and without hesitation or explanation I
r/relationships TITLE: Me 23M with my Mother 53F, Sister 29F and Girlfriend 21F trying to trip-guilt me or...? POST: So I'm going to a wedding saturday and to be honest we don't have a lot of income (me and my girlfriend), so I decided I was going to wear clean jeans (dark blue) and a pretty cool shirt (stripped black / grey with a collar something clean) for the wedding. My girlfriend bothered me oh, I don't know how many times for me to put something else and I said no, because we don't have money for t
r/relationships TITLE: [m 30] [F 23] after three years, over. POST: Hello guys, I just need some advice and to be able to get this off my chest. I have just come out of a 3 year relationship, myself a woman (23) he being a Male (30), the longest relationship I have ever had. I pictured myself being with him for the rest of my life. He had a daughter to which I made feel like my own, she called me her step mum and everything was great. Over the last couple of years though, I have been dealing with depress
r/AskReddit TITLE: I think I may be about to lose my first job for a stupid mistake, is there anything I can do to save myself? POST: So I've just started my first ever job, sales assistant, and I just got my first ever paycheck. Except it was a lot less than I was expecting, £300 less, even deducting tax that's too much and indeed when I looked at my payslip the amount of hours I worked that month did not match up with the figures on my slip. I decided to tackle this problem right away, but my manager wa
r/relationships TITLE: How do I (20F) hint to an old time friend (22M) that I'm recently single and into him? POST: I've known this guy for three years now (we're doing the same uni course). We were good friends for years 1-2, this year we haven't had classes together so we've drifted a little bit. I have recently (~6 weeks ago) broken up with my boyfriend of 5 years. I have always been attracted to this friend but of course I have never acted on it or even alluded any interest. He is just the type of guy
r/Pets TITLE: My cat seems to be going crazy. Details inside POST: I've had Addy for 4 years now and she's been living with me and my roommate since I adopted her as a kitten. She's fixed, always been super attached to me (I can't go 10 feet away without her following me) and always friendly with my RM. However, the last 2 weeks, she's all of a sudden hisses, growls and runs away from my RM, and will stay in my bedroom most of the day but treats me as the same, clingy loving cat. I know he's not abusing
r/relationship_advice TITLE: Should I (26F) be concerned about how he (27M) treated other women before me? POST: We've been together for 8 months and he's been pretty honest about his dating life before he met me. A couple stories stand out and make me seriously want to re-evaluate how I think about him: (1) he went out with a girl he met online, slept with her, then told her she was too overweight for him to date; (2) a FWB situation he had with a single mother who was clearly under the impression they w
r/relationships TITLE: Me [22 M] with my girlfriend [21 F] who wants to hang out with ex and keep his stuff despite my objections POST: My girlfriend had a hard and fast fling with a guy in the end of summer last year for a month, and then started dating me a couple months later after that ended due to "misalignment in objectives". In the beginning of the relationship, she used to always use him to make me jealous (always speaking to the amount of fun they had, etc.) This resulted in my becoming very inse
r/tifu TITLE: TIFU by stabbing myself with a knife I got from Christmas. POST: Well, its been two days since unwrapping my new knife set. Two days. The box remained sealed, as I would be returning home to school without the space or desire to carry these weapons in my suitcase. I should have left them alone, but alas, my inner child screamed for play time. So I opened the box, admired the stainless steel, the smooth surface, perfect balance and observed the particular sharpness of the blades. Having w
r/loseit TITLE: How to lose weight without triggering my eating disorder? POST: My entire life I've considered myself heavier then average. I've been 5'1" since about 12 years old, and even back when I was 115 I hated my body . I realize now that I felt that way because I lacked any muscle tone and had a lot of pudge even at that lower weight. Well after a few years of restricting and binging, I finally went to get help this fall. I was diagnosed with EDNOS, and my therapist is really about me not worryin
r/relationships TITLE: Me [21 M] and my friend [21 F] are dating and want to tell our mutual friends. POST: It's been going on for a couple weeks now and I don't think any of our group of good friends knows, we act like we did before dating when around them (it's been kind of fun sneaking a kiss quickly when something distracting happens and no one's looking at us). We're not sure how they'll react to the news, but she wants to let them know soon. We're both the quiet/awkward members of the group. The ide
r/relationship_advice TITLE: [18/M] I am part of what I like to call a love angle, don't know how to proceed. POST: This is going to take a bit of explaining, so bear with me for a moment. I am 18, kinda of average looking, but due my social awkwardness, I have only had one girlfriend for 3 months. So there is this one girl, 17 senior at the high school I went to, lets call her sally, I am a freshman at a community college. She comes and basically asks me out. Which is cool. The next day (christmas morni
r/relationships TITLE: Me [19M] with my girl I'm dating [20 F] of around 1 month, ex is back in the equation? POST: Hey, so I've been dating this girl for just around a month and things have been going amazing. We get along so well and I feel really close to her. We just spent an amazing weekend together and things couldn't of gone better. Anyway, my ex decided to message me a few days ago and wants to meet up for a date. I don't know if I can break things off with the girl I'm seeing at the moment for th
r/relationships TITLE: Ex love talks about new guys [28m] [26F] POST: So I met a girl on tinder this summer, and we fell in love, right before I was to move out of town. We only dated a few months before I left, but she's from the new city and has a career path that would lead her there, which she was actively searching was/is searching for; but we both decided to break it off because we're rational enough to know that while things were good, we didn't date long enough for either one of us to make life cha
r/AskReddit TITLE: Friend is stealing something that I loaned him and lying about it POST: I am FUMING with anger right now, not over what I stole him, but out of principal. We WERE friends. I loaned a friend a POS piano for probably a year and a half. I have hinted at getting it back the last couple of months, and he has said "aww come on, let me keep it a little bit longer." So yesterday I text him. Verbatim texts, with my thoughts in parentheses: Him: My brother broke the piano dude. He dropped soda
r/relationships TITLE: Internet Strangers, Please Help This [23 M]an, [20 W]ith This Situation POST: Hello one, Hello all! Your feedback would be dearly appreciated. Met a girl last week. She was a cashier, asked for her number to contact her later. She gave me the number and mentioned we should get together, fantastic! But then She Wouldn't text me back for the longest time, saying she was busy etc. She lives on an animal farm, so it is likely. But, I naturally called her and asked her out because I am
r/relationships TITLE: Me [22 M] my [20 F] ex told me she started dating someone 2 weeks after breaking up with me POST: I moved away for work (she still had 1.5-2 years left in college) we decided to try long distance, we had been dating for about 6-7 months. I planned on moving back to the area after about a half year - year. About 5-6 weeks ago she broke up with me. She would call me constantly after we broke up (saying she was going to visit me, send me care packages etc) for about 2 weeks and then not
r/relationships TITLE: Should we tell our boss we're together? POST: We met at work and over the course of about a year and a half fell in love and began a romantic relationship. We've been "together" for about two months. We work at a web design company, pretty small, tight-knit group of people. We're both in our late 20s, everyone likes us, almost all of our co-workers know. Everyone who we've told so far had already suspected something was going on, and has wished us well. It's caused a little bit
r/relationships TITLE: Me [23/F] with my ex-boyfriend [23/M] (dated for 3 years (1.5 was long distance), broken up for 1 week): he wants closure but I don't think I have anything left to say. POST: I broke up with him last week after a 3 year relationship (LDR). I didn't want to do long distance. He keeps breaking no-contact and saying he doesn't understand why we broke up. I have reiterated multiple times that I don't want to do long distance.. He is having a much harder time moving on than I am. I am n
r/personalfinance TITLE: Making a budget POST: Trying to create a budget to be more responsible and track my money. Right now, I have created a spread sheet for a basic budget consisting of Income for the next month, Fixed expenses for the next month, variable necessary expenses, and a savings goal for the month. My spending budget is calculated as follows: Income-fixed expense-variable necessary expenses-savings goal (i dont like to catagorize my spending beyond necessities because non-necessities vary qu
r/relationships TITLE: Cancelled first date? Should I (23/F) give him (27/M) the benefit of the doubt? Or cut my losses... POST: Hey guys! so. I've been talking to this guy for a couple weeks through texting and a little bit on OKcupid. We knew each other from University, although he graduated when I was a freshman. We stayed in loose contact, but he went away to grad school and I got into a relationship. The timing just never really worked out. He would mostly start contact again when I freshly became
r/relationship_advice TITLE: [21/f] My potential SO (25/m) just went to jail! POST: I've been seeing this guy for about a week, and everything was going great, until he went to jail. I really like this guy, and I'm willing to wait for him until he gets out (if he wants me to), the problem is, I can't contact him. I don't want to call him and waste his one phone call a day, because I don't want to take away from him talking to his dad. He only gets three phone calls a week, and he needs to talk to his dad,
r/relationships TITLE: How do I (21F) politely tell (21M) to stop texting and calling me? POST: I've recently started a volunteer position at a mission and met another volunteer who seemed like the typical awkward boy who didn't know how to hold conversations. We spoke here and there and he seemed nice enough and the other volunteers weren't apprehensive of him. The issue started when he asked, "Can I add your to my phone contacts, I'd like to talk to you." I couldn't say no and besides he knew I had a b
r/tifu TITLE: TIFU by not sexting myself POST: Not a huge tifu, but a dumb tifu nonetheless. A few years ago I had a friend who was almost a pathological liar. In our group of guys he'd always talk about his sexual adventures, although we all knew he was the only virgin in the group. I didn't have a problem with it, except I don't really enjoy hearing crap I know to be false over and over and over again. I wanted to catch him on a lie. In this stage of my life, we'd smoke heavily, the bullshit would re
r/AskReddit TITLE: Thanks to some vandals, the only gaming shop in my town might have to close. Seeking advice. POST: Let me preface this by saying that this is not a plea for money or a request for monetary help. I am seeking advice only. I'm in a college town in western KY, and we've got a single, small gaming store near campus that caters to the D&D, M:tG, and board game crowd. The owner is a friend of mine (I actually met him through a MUD that we both played), and he has been able to make ends mee
r/relationship_advice TITLE: How to deal with a large socioeconomic gap? POST: I apologize if this sort of thing has already been addressed. Has anyone else been in a relationship with someone considerably more/or less well-off than they are? I started seeing this girl a few weeks ago, and so far things have been going really well. I love spending time with her, we always have fun, and we're incredibly compatible. So far I've made a point of hanging out at places of her choosing, her place, and with her
r/Advice TITLE: I don't understand what's going on between me and my parents. POST: My dad used to work in a another country.My brother and I went 4 years seeing him once every 2 months, and I'm not sure whether this may have kind of messed up with the way I think about him as a parent because now he's more like a brother to me. In that time, my mom took over both roles.I know this situation was hard for everyone and was a huge sacrifice from both of them and I'm really thankful for it. The thing is argu
r/AskReddit TITLE: Registering to become foster parents: a Children's Aid Society worker will be viewing our home. What is the best way to prepare for their visit? POST: My wife and I are registering to become foster parents. We have a well-behaved son under 10 years old. A case worker from the Children's Aid Society will be visiting us to "see the house" and help us fill out our paperwork. Obviously, having a tidy home and being as pleasant as possible will be important for us. However, we have a coupl
r/offmychest TITLE: May 2015: The best month in a decade! POST: May 2015 will be one of the best months I've lived. It's been a roller-coaster emotionally, but I think I grew up a lot this month alone. Let me count the ways... * Right off the bat, I confronted how I felt about someone and let them know. We're settled on being friends, which awesome and way more than I could have asked for if things went any other way. * I got a new job working among old friends and colleagues, for which I negotiated a de
r/relationships TITLE: [Serious] My BF of almost 2 years cheated and I need to vent/get advice POST: Hello. I need advice. I recently discovered my bf (m/32) of two years has been cheating on me (f/31) for a couple of months. I had a feeling for about a month but finally got proof. I confronted him. He says he wants to work on being better towards me and that he'll never do it again. He says it's nothing I did and that there wasn't anything wrong with our relationship. He just wasn't thinking. But I'm piss
r/tifu TITLE: TIFU by asking a girl if I could give her a hand POST: I am a college student. A few of months ago, I started volunteering at a nonprofit organization doing office work. There were other students there as well, a couple of which were interns. One of them was a really cute girl that I wanted to hook up with. But she never seemed interested in conversations and would always be doing work on the computer. I asked if I could give her a hand a few times, but she refused. I did this a few more time
r/relationships TITLE: I [21M] have a tendency to be possessive and co-dependent with my SO [21F] of 1 year. Advice on becoming a better person/partner in regards to this? POST: I consider myself a jealous person. I've been that way in all my relationships. Because I'm aware of it, I am able to control myself externally 95% of the time. However, jealousy is something that still kills me on the inside. I want to go beyond just controlling my external actions and work towards changing the way I think. In a