2 values
r/relationships TITLE: I [27,M] just found out my (ex?)-GF[23,F] of almost 2 years had sex with a guy she met only a few hours earlier. We were broken up for less than a week. POST: We had been having problems lately and we were technically broken up at the time, although I thought we were planning to try to work things out. I just drove an hour to see her and gave her flowers and an apology card to show her I still want to work on our relationship. She just told me that on Friday night she picked up a gu
r/tifu TITLE: TIFU by listening to the wrong thing too loudly in my headphones. POST: I was convinced by a buddy of mine who was spotting me to push out one more rep on the bench press today at the gym. I am not particularly used to bench pressing because I do not do it often. Specifically, he said that when I couldn't do anymore, to signal him and that he would guide me along one last slow rep up. Anyways, I was wearing in-ear beats headphones and listening to the song "never satisfied" by Drake and Futur
r/Advice TITLE: 24/7 headache for 2.5 years..need some help on where to find answers POST: I'm not even sure if this the kind of thing I can post here.. But at this point I am really starting to lose my shit and my patience is wearing thin. I woke up with a headache that stems from the back of head on April 18th 2013. First I thought it was because of a sinus infection but after the infection went away I figured it was because I was doing my squats at the gym wrong and injured my neck / head somehow. I
r/jobs TITLE: Can I stop applying for jobs now? POST: I found out I am loosing my part time job in two weeks because we are going out of business. I had an interview today at a clothing store and the manager (also in charge of hiring) was very impressed with me and said I was exactly who they are looking for in a new hire. He gave me a drug test location sheet I have to go to this week and told me to come in for orientation this weekend and he will be emailing me info later. I have never done drugs so I wi
r/relationships TITLE: Me [19 M] with my GF [19 F] of 9 months, broke up after I felt she cheated on me but she's claiming she didn't POST: So I've been with my girlfriend for 9 months now, and it's honestly been amazing. Recently she went abroad and one night she got extremely drunk and made out with this other girl. (we classified making out as cheating before). Now she claims that she didn't cheat on me because she only did it to see if she was bisexual or not. The girl she made out with told her she
r/relationships TITLE: Me[26/M] struggling to comprehend a premature relationship with [24/F] POST: Be sure to explain in detail with line breaks. We met online in late July, really hit it off. First date was dinner that lasted over 3 hrs just talking after eating. I asked for a second date that night and she said yes. We were suppose to skpe on a sunday night, two days after the first date. She cancelled and said something came uo. Tells me monday that her ex had contacted her and they had to talk.
r/relationships TITLE: My boyfriend [24 M] is moving into my small townhouse with me [20 F]; general advice? POST: I have been dating my boyfriend since November 2013, and he is now going to be moving in with me completely this weekend. I am unsure about how things are going to go, though. He only just moved out in December 2013, while I bought this place/moved out in May 2014.   I am mostly concerned about the utilizing of space, equal division of work, and of not getting "sick of each other" in such a
r/cats TITLE: My outdoor cat won't come home. Need help getting him back! POST: Hi, and thank you so much for reading this! My cat has been outdoors fulltime since March of this year. He was actually doing very well. He kept to the backyard, and didn't wander off too far from the house. I could call him, and he'd come running back home looking for pets. One thing that I think helped was he could hide under the deck in our yard whenever he felt threatened. Well, my boyfriend (who isn't too fond of my cat
r/relationships TITLE: Me [20 M] with my girlfriend [21 M/F] 2 years, I found texts on her phone. POST: So me and my girlfriend were having a nice day at her place watching the last Starwars movie, she had never seen them. Well while she was setting up her laptop I lost my phone somewhere in her mattress, so I used hers to call myself to find it. Out of habit I guess I put her phone in my pocket. Skipping ahead, I got home and texted her that I got home fine , only to hear her phone chirp from my pocket.
r/AskReddit TITLE: Can someone help with this small claims situation? POST: My previous roommate has owed me a sum of $500.00 since November 14th of 2012. I thought he was a good friend so let me explain a little. We made a verbal agreement that he would not pay his half the final month of rent since he was moving out early, and in return, I would keep his half of the security deposit. Fair enough. I have known him for a few years so whatever; right? Well, since then the move out inspection and security de
r/relationships TITLE: Me [32 M] with my girlfriend [34 F] 3 months, should I tell her I kissed my good female friend? POST: This evening, my girlfriend and I were talking about a trip we're going on next weekend. She said she had something to tell me, because she felt that being honest was important. One of the people that's going to be at this trip next week is a guy she made out with on new years two years ago. They've been friends before and since then. She said she just wanted me to know because she
r/relationships TITLE: I (20M) need advise on how to take dating to the next level with (20F) POST: I have been dating this girl for about 5 months now and things have been going smooth. After like 4 months of going out without much physical affection we finally kissed and made out a couple times. Things were going lovely. I've met her parents and she has met mine, all that stuff. Thing is while out last weekend I leaned in for a kiss, I figured hey, we have done this before, nothing out of the ordinary
r/Advice TITLE: Tips for getting 'zest for life' back? POST: Hey, Coming out of quite a long spell of depression, one of the hardest parts for me is feeling like I'm a much more cynical, detatched person on this side of it than I was before. I mean, I've had problems on and off since I was sixteen and I'm twenty-one now so I know that depression or not, I'm not going to be the same person I was five years ago... But I used to be that kind of easygoing, outgoing, confident fun guy that wanted to talk to ev
r/AskReddit TITLE: Is my boyfriend correct in saying it's weird for a straight girl to watch lesbian porn? POST: I've explained my reasons to him - Such as 1. It's meer fantasy, just as he probably wouldn't actually have sex with various women at a time at a bondage party - I probably wouldn't actually have sex with a girl. 2. Straight porn is aimed almost entirely at satisfying a mans senses - Gagging blow jobs, anal sex from the male POV, hideously faked orgasms. I very rarely come across a scene of a co
r/relationships TITLE: When would breaking up via handwritten letter be appropriate? (Me [21f] with my [25m] bf of 5 years.) POST: My BF and I have been together for 5 years and living together for 2. I'm not in love with him anymore. I haven't been happy for the past 2 months and I've tried to leave. He's not abusive physically or verbally but the way things go, I always end up staying. He makes me feel like my reasons to leave aren't great enough. If he's happy then there's no problem. Anytime I've brou
r/relationships TITLE: Me [20 M] with my girlfriend [19] almost 2 years, need help understanding the breakup and coping with it POST: hey reddit, throwaway because I dont want people that know me reading this. Basically, 2 weeks ago, my girlfriend broke up with me. She was everything I ever searched for in a woman, she laughed at my jokes, she loved the same food as me, the sex was great and all. But in the last 6 months we had to euthanize my dog, who was like a little brother to me, I had a pretty stres
r/relationships TITLE: Me [28M] with my GF [35F] on/off for 4 years, insecure over her male friends... POST: I think it would be wrong, and unfair, for me to ask my GF to NOT have male friends. So at this point, I no longer venture down that path. I know that she will be physically close and touching each other, as they share a passion for work-out, acrobatics, lifts, and circus-like stuff. While it goes without saying that physical intimacy is off limits, it does irk me as man, to think someone else
r/relationships TITLE: Going to hangout with my [30m] ex gf [32f] tomorrow. What are some things that I can do or say to revive interest? POST: So I've been no contact since early February. I was ready for commitment, she wasn't so rather than spin my wheels without something to work towards (....like a future. ..) we called it off. When we started dating in November last year she made sure to make it clear no sleeping with other people, which I know she faulted on at least 1 time in the first few week
r/tifu TITLE: TIFU by having an inappropriate desktop background at an important business meeting POST: So for the past 2 months I've been involved in organising this international case competition at my university. I'm the VP corporate relations and sponsorships so I go to meetings in hope of getting money for the competition. This morning I had a meeting with a faculty member who has a lot of contacts in the industry and can hook me up with useful networking channels. In the middle of the meeting, he
r/legaladvice TITLE: Damaged Rental Car POST: Hi /r/legaladvice. Story time. Last fall I rented a car from Avis Rent-a-car. I did not sign the LDW, as I have car insurance and I am a generally careful person. Fast forward to when I was driving home on the highway. Several deer ran out into the highway and I (stupidly) veered off and ended up hitting a pylon on the side of the road. I ended up knocking off a mirror and doing some damage to the front end of the car. Since I know how car insurance works and
r/relationships TITLE: Me [19F] with girl I don't know [20F] she is the reason my parents are getting a divorce and I don't know what to say to her. POST: So, my mom is from the Philippines and my dad is American. He married her so she could come to America but then they fell in love and decided to stay together, and even had children (e.g. me). They have been married for almost 30 years. Well, my dad recently went on a trip to the Philippines (without my mom) for some church stuff. My mom couldn't go beca
r/relationships TITLE: My [24 F] girlfriend of 6 months doesn't want me [22 F] to get a nose job POST: I've been unhappy with my nose for as along as I can remember. It's always had a hump on the bridge but it's gotten bigger since my nose was broken in 2011 and then again in 2015. Now my nose has a larger hump AND it's very crooked. I brought up the fact that I wanted to get a nose job a few times. The last time I brought it up with my gf was last night and she basically said she'd break up with me if I
r/AskReddit TITLE: I want to work in IT, please help. POST: I don't have any experience, although I am pretty good at learning computer-related things and enjoy fixing technical things. I also owe a lot of money for school for another career that didn't pan out. And it has been my dream since I was young to work in IT... I just ended up doing unrelated things for some reason. Now I can't go back to school and get a 4-year degree in computer science or something (cost, rent, time). So, I want to start a c
r/relationships TITLE: I [M/20] would like to invite a friend [21/F] to watch Netflix with me, however... POST: ...I have been hashing it out as to whether or not it's a good idea. We have a very complicated history, which I will explain right now. Met my freshman year of college, got close fast, but she had a guy, so I backed off. However, I had a few drunk moments where I vented about my feelings and she was super forgiving each time. We continued being friends until last December when she didn't want t
r/relationships TITLE: Brother [23M] wants his six-months gf/fiancé [22F] to move in our 2 bedroom apartment without paying rent. POST: My brother [23 M] and I [25 M] got an apartment together about five months ago, around the same time he met his now fiancé [22 F] and wants her to move into his room and only have to pay 1/3rd of the utilities when they get married next month. The apartment we have is pretty nice (a 2 bedroom that costs around $1,200 a month), and I just don't think that that's fair. Lucki
r/tifu TITLE: TIFU by being the scarecrow. POST: So Saturday night, my buddy had his bachelor party. We had all planned on dressing up and going to the bars but we weren't sure on what we were going to dress up as. Saturday morning comes and I receive a text saying "Dress up as the scarecrow." To which I say "Perfect, will do." So I head out to the local thrift store and bought a cheap jean jacket, cheap jeans, and a straw hat. Grabbed some straw from my Halloween decorations. I was pretty proud of my Scar
r/relationships TITLE: I[22M] with my ex [19F] am I in love? POST: My ex and I got together when i was 17 and she was 14. At the time things were difficult, the age gap meant no one supported our relationship, her parents barely allowed it at first. As time went by things got better, her parents grew to like me and trust me, to the point that they said I could stay with them amy time. This is important, my parents were very abusive so the offer was welcome, even though I personally didnt take them up on i
r/relationships TITLE: Me [23/F] with my boyfriend [23/M] of 2 years (long distance relationship) - Am I delusional? POST: Quick question! My boyfriend and I are both university students. He's from Hong Kong (Canadian and HK citizenships) and I'm Canadian living in Vancouver. He had one course left this May so he left last June to go to Hong Kong and found a full time job. In December, he visited me for 2 weeks and left. This month, he is finishing his last class and will be leaving in a few days. That's
r/relationships TITLE: Is or is he NOT into me? POST: I'm F,24 having a crush to a M,30. We've got introduced by my best friend and we've been known each other for a few months now. However, we never really date or hang out just the 2 of us. We always bumped into each other by a group of friends gathering unplanned. Every time I met him, my feelings to him grew stronger to get to know him more. I asked him twice out already - once to a concert and the other one to a horseback riding - both got turned down
r/relationships TITLE: Me [18M] with my girlfriend [18F] 2 Months, Is this commitment issues? Personal Problem POST: Hi, so I've been getting some strange feelings for my girlfriend lately. I seem to always think that it could be better with someone else when my logical part of my brain says she is the best girl for me. I always get this way with girls, after a time it just seems that I'm not making the right choice. After we break up, for other reasons, I end up missing her like crazy. I just want to
r/AskReddit TITLE: I'm motivated by fear: is it possible as a grown adult to change and instead become motivated by desire? POST: I think my situation is one that a lot of Redditors might be able to relate to on some degree… I'm currently 23 years old and playing catch up in college with 2-3 semesters remaining and a below average GPA. I was always gifted in the intelligence department but as most learn, work ethic and self-motivation are much more valuable qualities when it comes to success and happiness
r/relationships TITLE: I [23F] am very rusty at pursuing guys I am interested in. (Re) met someone this weekend, would appreciate advice on how to proceed! POST: Will try to make this as readable and succinct as possible. This weekend I visited a friend in another city. Some of her friends from college were also in town for the weekend, including several guys my friend and I went on a vacation with last year. There was a guy on the trip I was attracted to and made indications he was also interested in me.
r/personalfinance TITLE: I'm 23 years old and in over my head. PF, I would love some guidance regarding real estate sale tax implications POST: Hi everyone. Longtime lurker, first-time poster. This is a great community. When I graduated high school 5 years ago, my mother decided she would buy a place for me to live while attending college as an investment (the market was down, etc). A couple of years later, she told me that she would be gifting me the apartment (entirely paid off) as a graduation gift. So
r/relationships TITLE: My [F19]'s exboyfriend keeps harassing her, how can I go about helping with this? POST: Me [M20] and my girlfriend [19] have been together for about 7 months. Her exboyfriend [19 (I think)] texts her periodically and just harasses her. She knows he does but she keeps talking to him even though it visibly makes her upset. She told me today she texted him "Happy Thanksgiving" or some generic line of the sort and the conversation turned into him saying he wanted to find a girlfriend who
r/relationship_advice TITLE: I (21M) ended this weird and bizzare (as all my relationships are ?) with my gf (16f) yeah i know. It got weird, certain photos were posted . Massive shitstorm like always and now i'm confused af with my relationships . POST: First of all , i don't have that much time lately (had to move countries and do weird shit) If i had time to write this properly you would be in for a treat bc the relationship was amazing, good sex , good everything ; she was really smart but me pushing i
r/AskReddit TITLE: Reddit, what was your biggest "You're going to have to owe me big time for this" moment? POST: About 2 years ago, when I was 16, I was in a relationship my girlfriend (now ex, we'll call her J). I have a younger brother, Eric, who is a year younger than me and we get into some crazy shit trouble with each other. So one day, my parents leave to have dinner, leaving me and Eric alone for the night. This was the perfect opportunity to call my girlfriend over for some fun so I did and when s
r/tifu TITLE: TIFU by showing off in weight training class. (Highschool) POST: Well here is some background info. Im 17 and a senior in highschool, on top of that in our weight training class I am probably within the top 10 out of 35ish for lifting. So today we were just doing some casual benching with sets of 6, then 4, then2, then 1, getting heavier on each set. My bench max is currently 150 pounds and I was able to do 2 reps of 145. At that point I was feeling like a god that had fallen to earth, so I
r/relationships TITLE: My (20M) girlfriend (18F) got sent a link to Ashley Madison on her phone, what is this? POST: So, my girlfriend was in Germany for the week with her dad, and during it, she apparently got sent a message that said, in Finnish: "[Her nickname], you have received a new picture message at: [Link] " This link, for god knows what reason, takes you to Ashley Madison's login page. For those who don't know, Ashley Madison is a website specifically made for people who want to cheat in relation
r/relationships TITLE: How can I [20/F] break it to my parents that I'm dating an older man [27/M]? POST: Hi /r/relationships! I'm not sure if this is the right place, but I'm in a bit of a conundrum. I have been seeing a guy 7 years older than me for the past month and a half now, and things are going *amazingly*. Though we have a significant age gap, we are in similar places in our lives -- he is a graduate student, and I am a recently graduated working professional -- not to mention we share the same v
r/relationships TITLE: New boyfriend (29M) still initiates contact with his ex (27F). Am I right to be upset? POST: So I started dating this guy a few months ago. Over time I've learned that he dated a girl long distance for about a year. I never ask about this girl, but I know through mutual friends that they were pretty serious (meeting each other's families, spending holidays together, spending long weekends in each other's cities, etc.). From what I've gathered, they only broke up due to the distance (
r/Advice TITLE: I want to do something big for my incredible parents. Any ideas? POST: My parents are the absolute best. They are incredible people and have made innumerable sacrifices to ensure my siblings and I have the best life possible. I know there are little things I can do on the regular to show how much I love and appreciate them-- calling them, asking if they need help, visiting them, etc. I know these are the things that matter the most and I have made a plan to improve the quality of my relat
r/relationships TITLE: I [21 M] want to tell my friend [21 F] that I like her POST: Hi. So a little backstory here but hopefully not too long. I have a friend [21 F], let's call her Alisa. Alisa and I have known each other for a long time and have always gotten along well. A few months ago my friend [21 M] asked me if it was okay if he asked Alisa on a date and I realized that I wouldn't be okay with that. Alisa and I hang out a LOT and get along very well. I've realized that I want her to be my girlfri
r/relationships TITLE: Why do I [18M] Only Have Feeling for Others When They Don't Have Feelings for Me? POST: So I realize that I'm only 18, but it has seemed in the past few years that I will only have feelings for people when I don't think that I necessarily have a chance with them. For example, say that I wanted to try to get with someone totally out of my league, I would start to try my best to talk to them and form a relationship. If I think that they don't have feelings for me, it makes things so
r/relationships TITLE: I [21/M] have decided to ask out someone [20/F] only one problem. POST: I've never asked anyone out before. I've had girlfriends in the past but they went along the lines of "friends with benifits." This woman let's call her Sue. Sue is my friends sister and he already approves. He told me "it's fine with me but the final decision is up to her." I've known Sue since high school and we've always gotten along. She's tough and strong headed when she needs to be but also sweet and gent
r/relationships TITLE: Me [27/F] with [27/f&m] feeling responsible for drunk friends POST: I enjoy going out with my friends every now and then for drinks. I have two friends that seem like they cannot stop drinking when it is a good time to. They end up getting blackout drunk and I end up helping them make their way home. It isn't fun when they are that drunk. I end up feeling embarrassed to be seen with them because they can't function. I try talking to my friends but they are so gone that can't respond
r/relationships TITLE: FWB [22m] said he's in love with me [21f] POST: Hey reddit. I'll try to keep this short but I'm guessing it wont be. One drunken summer night in July 2012 I hooked up with my (male) best friend, let's call him Eric. It "just happend" so to say, but I'm guessing we've always had something between us - we find each other attractive and share the same twisted humor. After that night we continued sleeping together with out telling anyone of our other friends. Hanging out as before s
r/personalfinance TITLE: Question on pension rolled over into trust- what happens with taxes and should I withdraw? POST: Ok! So I left my company about a year ago and had believed since I wasn't "vested" I was not going to get any pension or 401k payout. Flash forward to yesterday where I get a 1099-R for about $3600, which was confusing to me. I called the former employer and they advised they had sent me a check in February (which I never saw) and since I did not do anything with it, it was rolled over
r/offmychest TITLE: Curious about my bf's last relationship POST: Throwaway account since my boyfriend is a redditor. I met my boyfriend when I entered college last semester. Before I started dating my bf, a friend of his offhandedly mentioned my bf's ex, G. A little while ago I remembered this conversation so I looked up G on the facebook. Curiosity got the best of me and I started scrolling through my bf's timeline. All throughout the last three years has been cute funny messages between G and my bf. Al
r/dating_advice TITLE: How should I reveal my BIGGEST insecurity? POST: So I've recently started online dating and have met a really cool girl. We have been texting for a little over a week now and IMO have really hit it off. We keep kicking around the idea of meeting up and that is awesome but at the same time terrifying to me...for one reason. I wear a ball cap 99% of the time, therefore the pics I use on my profile show me in a hat. Last night she asked me for another picture so I pull my official
r/AskReddit TITLE: Reddit, I very recently have become involved with a great woman, but there is a bit of an age gap and further more it's with a friend of my sister who's been part of the family for years. I want to hear Reddits experience/advice with this type of thing. POST: So the gap is not a generational gap, but I am 8 years her senior. I'm not even sure how it all happened. We ended up talking for hours and I found that we had so much in common that I couldn't help the attraction I felt. In the
r/AskReddit TITLE: Can someone help me with an auto insurance question? POST: I live in NC and received a quote from you for a 1982 Datsun Maxima 4dr sedan with a 2800 cc diesel engine. The car is pretty beat up I paid $700 for 2 of them, that said they are extremely hard to come by and get fantastic mileage (32-45mpg). Although these cars to someone else would be worth nothing more than what the scrap yard would give them for the metal. I feel because of the rarity and great gas mileage I would need muc
r/offmychest TITLE: I'm trying to strong for my boyfriend, but I'm really just scared. POST: This is a throwaway and I don't know if anyone will read this, but I needed to get it off my chest. Some background information to start: My boyfriend has been separated from his wife for 4 years. They were married for 7 years in which they had one girl (she is now 6). They are not divorced, as she has held up the divorce proceedings in the past, despite having a new kid and fiance. My rant: This year he and h
r/AskReddit TITLE: Okay Reddit, my friend and I had a disagreement over this. Who has an easier time sleeping around? Men or Women? POST: I'm a man and she, obviously now that I said she, is a woman. We each think the opposite sex has a much easier time sleeping around. I think women have it far easier because they are the "keeper of the keys", so to speak. A lot of guys will attempt to hit on girls, but are denied due to their friends, the guy not being up to her "standards", or plain and simple, she just
r/self TITLE: Reddit, my girlfriend cheated on me...and she is supposed to move in with me next week. POST: Back Story: We have been dating for a while but its been long distance. She flew 6,000 miles just to see me for a few days last month and (I thought) she was crazy about me. In fact, she quit her job to try and find something closer to me and is supposed to move here next week-- in with me. However, an hour ago she calls me up upset. She cheated on me....a week ago...after going out drinking with fr
r/relationships TITLE: Me [27 F] with guy I'm dating [39M]...is "fooling around" considered being a tease? POST: Quick question here: I used to be one of those girls who just didn't have sex, period, unless I was in a full-blown relationship. This was when I was younger...like, when I lost my virginity at 18, up through maybe 23. Since then I've gotten a little more "lax" with sex...to not very good results. Normally it will turn into a hookup situation where I'm confused as to where it's going, how he
r/AskReddit TITLE: Lawyers of Reddit, I REALLY Need Help On this!!! POST: Hello there, First of all, let me tell you that I am asking for help here because I am a 22 year old university student and I honestly can't afford to go talk to a lawyer on my own, so any help answering this would be great! Some things happened last year and long story short, I got beaten up by a cop and my lawyer couldn't get me (and by that, I really mean, didn't even try to get me...) anything than a plea bargain for a misdemea
r/relationships TITLE: Me [18 M] with my girlfriend(?) [18 F] maybe a month, I kissed and really like my flatmate/her best friend, want to break it off. POST: This sounds so childish and menial compared to some of the stuff on here, but it's burning a hole in my stomach. So I met this girl through my flatmate, and we sort of flirted for a while but didn't think the other one was really interested. Turned out we both were, just had to get drunk to realise it. Month on and we're hanging out a lot, seem to
r/relationships TITLE: My crush M[22] is my best female friend, who recently has a new boyfriend. Asking for an advice. POST: To make a long story short, we (me - M[22] and she F[22] have been friends for like 4 years or more, a month ago she told me about het boyfriend. It literally turned everything upside down, I cant focur work or study im just, well, existing. She is a very classy pearson, also this boyfriend is her first. Should i met her and tell bout my fellings wait, or shut up ? It's been hard, s
r/relationships TITLE: I [22F] found a naked picture of a girl I know on my [22M] boyfriend of 2 years phone. POST: Alright, so I was using his phone to look something up, I went to close all of the applications open, and see a photo of a girl I know completely naked out of the shower. I was heart broken. Asked him what it was, how it got there ect. He said it was an old photo he found in his email and that he did masturbate to it. He does have a little history with this girl from over 5 years ago. What
r/AskReddit TITLE: Sexual Assault? Advice needed ASAP... POST: My sister is a 19 year old student at university in the UK, last night she went out with a couple of friends & one of the girls boyfriend who was visiting. They went back to their halls & sat in her room chilling. They sparked up a spliff, which made my sister whitey. While she was being sick, the boy (I say boy, he's 28) was rubbing her back and comforting her. The other girls went into the kitchen, he started grabbing her bum which she moved
r/relationships TITLE: I think my [25F] live-in boyfriend of 4 years [28M] might be a narcissist and that I need to end it. POST: I love my boyfriend, but I think for my own emotional happiness I need to break away from him. When I bring up my concerns to him, which is already hard enough for me as it is, he gets defensive and makes me feel like they are not appropriate feelings, like I'm over-exaggerating it and basically just disagrees with me. I feel like he always wants to be right and he can't accept
r/relationships TITLE: Me [34M ~35] just dumped, again, need some confidence boosting please POST: Just got dumped after a few month relationship, not that long, but really thought she was the one [35F]. Now I've been in the dumps and need some help to get out. I live in an isolated place, there's only a few hundred year round residents. I met the ex on a tropical island while at a wedding, things were going great, I mean really great, until they weren't. 2 hrs before NYE first time I was told (in her
r/relationships TITLE: Me (23f) with boyfriend (30m) of 14 months. Worried I may be forced to pick between him or family POST: I'm planning to marry the love of my life sometime next year. I am completely sure I want to settle down with him and start a family. Of course I would pick him we are talking about the rest of my life here. Right now we are long distance because of his job(am cool with it). In November he is coming back to meet my parents (50f, 57m) for the first time. I've always had an imperson
r/AskReddit TITLE: Hey, Reddit! I just found out my brother works at a bar in a casino two hours from where I live. I'm adopted, and I've never met him before. What is the most awesome way to introduce myself? POST: I'm a female in my late twenties, my brother is probably 24. I was adopted at birth. I recently met my biological grandmother, and she was freaking rad (she offered me a hug, a beer, and a sandwich... in that order, right after opening the door). From her I learned that: *My mom had really, r
r/relationships TITLE: Me [19 M] with my friend/crush[18 F] I recently asked this girl to meet up with me, however I'm not sure if she thinks its a date or not. POST: I recently asked this girl to meet up with me where we are going to see a movie and get dinner. I originally intended on something a little more less date like than that, but she suggested we do that. While I would love to go on a date with her, i am not sure if she thinks it is a date or not. I don't want to ask, because then she may feel a
r/AskReddit TITLE: Reddit, What Is Your Best Story about Karma Playing out in Real Life? POST: The year was 2005. San Francisco, California. I was a bright-eyed 2L, a second-year law student eager to gun for the grade and act all smarty-smart. Looking back, I was kinda lame, but that is not this story. To get a head up on your other classmates, students were encouraged to organize mini-lectures on points of law in the large lecture hall. This hall was organized theater-style, with tiered rows of tables st
r/relationship_advice TITLE: [26f] resentment towards my [29m] fiance, need advice. POST: I have a hard time expressing negative emotions that I feel towards someone I love. My fiance has been causing me to bottle up pretty much every negative feelings I have because every time I try to explain that he has upset me, he manipulates the conversation in a way that he is the victim and I am just being a bitch. This has led to me feeling so much resentment that I have a hard time being sweet towards him. We hav
r/relationships TITLE: The girl I'm dating has some bad family issues. What should I do? POST: I'm a 27 year old man. I started dating this girl (24) about two months ago. She's a wonderful person and our personalities mesh really well. The problem is (from what she's told me) that she's got major trust and abandonment issues because of her wretched family and past relationships. On top of all that she's been having some problems at work with her boss talking down to her. So this past week I've stopped he
r/relationships TITLE: I [28f] had an affair. Husband [30m] doesn't know. What now? POST: Throwaway for obvious reasons. Alright, I had an affair. It was stupid and selfish, I know. I ended it last night, it had been about 3 months. I've heard that unless it's critical they know, telling a spouse about a past affair hurts the cheated on party more. I don't think my husband needs to know. It would really hurt him. The guy I had the affair with [37m] is also crushed, said he loved me and doesn't want to
r/legaladvice TITLE: Potentially being forced to live (in Massachusetts) with Christian Scientist. Concerned about religion's medical beliefs and my rights. POST: Long story short, a real-estate agent found a potential roommate for me who I said I did not want to live with for a number of reasons (we're basically polar opposites). He decided to promise this kid a room and took his deposit and commission checks without telling me he was doing so. When I said that I don't want to live with someone who is
r/AskReddit TITLE: Can reddit make a list of Very Stressful Things to help those with social/performance anxiety? POST: A bit of background - when I get stressed, I throw up. A lot. It made me miss my graduation (what with me throwing up in the garden complete in gown and all), miss trips with friends, almost miss out on conferences for work, and makes getting on a planes a pain in the ass. When this happens I find it very hard to follow through with what I'm supposed to be doing because I know as soon as
r/AskReddit TITLE: Exploratory B.S. in Genetics Grad Landed a Teaching Gig... Teacher Advice? POST: The road to this current opportunity has been twisted and surprising, to say the least. I graduated from a Big Ten school in June 2012 with a Bachelor of Science in Molecular Genetics. After a year off back home, I entered a genetic counseling Master's Program but left the program after deciding the field was much too serious and repetitive for my "vivacious" personality. Leaving the program was hard, but re
r/self TITLE: I just need to vent... POST: It's nothing significant in the long run, I'm just feeling shitty. In high school this year, I had the opportunity to take a photography class, which I've always been interested in. The syllabus says that I need a film SLR, and the teacher says that a Canon Rebel is one of the best in her opinion. I look on Craigslist, and lo and behold, I find one for sale about 45 minutes away. It's a little ojut of the way, but I was excited. I call my aunt who is a profession
r/AskReddit TITLE: Have you ever injured somebody and lied about hurting yourself to so you don't feel as bad, ill tell you my story. POST: When I was 13 I was riding a quad bike on the sand dunes with my friend on the back, She was a girl so my manly instincts kicked in and decided to show off so i started going really fast across some pretty bumpy terrain. All of a sudden the bike flipped, I was alright. I turned to my friend and saw a lot of blood all over her leg as she was sitting on the sand crying,
r/AskReddit TITLE: Hello Redditors; what is the strangest thing that has happened between a friend, you and two girls you respectively had flings with? POST: For myself, recently me and some friends headed to another town to go have fun at a carnival. We met some interesting people when we were there. I end up talking to a girl that my friend had a thing for, he's usually protective of his relationships and keeps others guys at a distance, so i was wondering what was up. turns out he was trying to get with
r/AskReddit TITLE: Need advice… Property management company stole from us POST: So we have been screwed over beyond comprehension and the shots just keep coming. I am hoping that someone on here has been through something similar or knows of a similar situation and can offer any kind of advice. I am out of options at this point. So… three years ago my husband lost his job, out of a job two months, got an offer in another state, had to relocate across the country in two weeks, had to hire a property mana
r/relationships TITLE: [22M] 5 years. What do I do? POST: We've been going out for five years. We have a wonderful thing going. Here's the problem. She has a short temper with me. I'm a very calm person. We have little fights but I think im tired of dealing with them. I am a very calm person, i always try to solve our problems asap. I do not know what to do as this is my first relationship which has gone on for five years now. I am not experienced with breaking up. and i do not know what to expect If i d
r/relationships TITLE: My boyfriend (33M) of 2 years has asked me (26F) for a threesome. POST: This is a throwaway account for a couple reasons. Okay, so I've been dating my boyfriend for the past two years and some odd change. It's been a really happy relationship and I can't even put into words how wonderful our relationship is. A couple months after we started dating, he started talking to me about threesomes. Now, I am no prude and am always willing to try anything once. At first, I was uncomfortab
r/AskReddit TITLE: Child services might be paying my family a visit not sure what steps I need to take to protect myself and my family. POST: Ok here's the situation: My Step father and my kids have a tradition that when he is off on Thursday's he takes them out, often to a park or food place or anything else construed to be kid related, often errands are involved like running to this store or that. So today he only had my youngest daughter being my son was sick from the flu and my oldest had an after sc
r/legaladvice TITLE: Help-Arrested-Posted Bail-Charges Dropped?!?!? POST: I was recently arrested for drug charges similar to meth. Here is what happened one day i went to pick up my girlfriend of four years perscription from the pharmacy she was prescribed 30 adderall a month for her A.D.D. i pick up mine and her prescriptions all the time, on the way home i got pulled over for speeding the cop asked to search the car i said sure why not. He then found her and my scripts and flipped out even though the pa
r/relationship_advice TITLE: I'm [24F] never received a Valentine's Day gift from my [26M] boyfriend. Been together 2 years. POST: As the title implies I never received a gift from my boyfriend. I'm kind of annoyed and don't know what to do. He's given me gifts for every single occasion except this one. I know he's financial situation and he's not struggling he makes good money and just received a raise. I am not expecting a huge gift but at least some flowers or a cute little trinket is all I wanted. W
r/offmychest TITLE: What I need to get off my chest is that I always need to get things off my chest. POST: The title to this was originally, "I actually have no idea where I'm going with this", and the first line was, "The first thing I want to talk about is the fact that I always need to talk about everything". I'm most definitely going to be making more of these, because as you're about to find out, I have lots to talk about. But I figured one problem per post is more than enough, right? I'm the kind
r/relationships TITLE: Me [17 M] with my GF [16 F] of six months, she recently "connected" with this guy (who is gay) and I don't know how I should feel. POST: Ok so this past weekend my girlfriend went away on a school trip. On said trip she "felt something" for one of the guys there. Long story short this guy is gay (I only found this out tonight) and now they are best friends on snapchat; bumping me down from the top. And I think they talked on the phone tonight. Now I understand that it is great for
r/relationships TITLE: My [26 M] girlfriend [22 F] of 1 yr forbids any contact with any girl I've ever been physical with, even if it was just kissing. POST: I feel like this is an extreme view but she thinks it is perfectly reasonable, and we don't know how to come to an agreement. I've dated many people and some have stayed good friends. I used to talk to them about my life from time to time and ask for advice (before I started dating my gf). There are even 2 instances where I was friends with a girl for
r/Advice TITLE: [20/m]I think a [20/f]friend of mine is interested in me POST: So today while i was at work me friend, lets call her Rebecca visited me. I also had two other guys i have know for 5+ years and call friends working with me. We happened to be in a small building about 7ftx10ft with only 3 chairs. So friend A(M), friend B(M), Rebecca where in the 3 chairs with me standing. Friend B got up at one point and sat on Rebecca joking about a lap dance. I sat down in friend b seat. After he stopped hi
r/relationships TITLE: Is this tacky/mean? (Me, 21f, my bosses 33f&m) POST: So I'm a nanny and my bosses are parents of two little children. I've worked with them for four months-ish and they are awesome! We're all getting together for Christmas next week, and I bought the kids a gift (Robert Munsch books, holla) and my bosses a really beautiful picture frame of a really nice picture of the kids together I took the other day. The mother works at home but in her office all day, so while I'm working when s
r/relationships TITLE: My SO's [M22] friends hate me[F21] Should I be concerned? POST: The title really says it all... But here is a little more info: His friends talk to me when they have to and have never really been mean to me, but I can tell they don't like me. My boyfriend and I have been dating for about 2 years... My boyfriend (We'll call him Craig) is currently in prison, so now his friends seem to talk to me more. Most times they act like they are supportive of our relationship, but when I rea
r/tifu TITLE: TIFU by listening to Adele on an Android phone. POST: So, i was waiting at the bus stop, plugged in my headset and listened to the new Adele song. I turn up the volume and just lose myself in the music, anyway, the bus comes and i step into the usual crowded morning bus, at this point the song is about halfway finished. After about a minute a lady pokes my shoulder a couple of times and i take my headset out to hear what she wants. Problem is, even after i take my own headset off the music is
r/AskReddit TITLE: What's the best way to convince an owner of an abandoned building to let me preserve/restore a classic ad on the side of it? POST: There was a restaurant in my hometown that had been around for over 70 years, but it closed a year ago and has not been reopened. At this point it's looking like it never will. Hanging on the side of the building is a big board with an early 1960s Pepsi ad on it. Below the Pepsi ad is the 1960s menu of this place. My father remembers it being there when h
r/relationships TITLE: My [22F] boyfriend [20M] 5 months, had a girl in my flat & my bed whilst I was out of town POST: As a quick backstory, we've been in a very fast moving relationship. Since week 2 we've lived together in my flat. I pay for this flat - rent, bills, tax. He will occasionally pay for food. Generally none of this bothers me as I'm working a better paid job than he is and I know he would struggle where as I do not. That said, he still considers the flat as his own and doesn't feel like h
r/relationships TITLE: My (28f) mother (60sf) makes remarks about my clothes embarrassing my father POST: I've always kind of been a person who didn't care much about my physical appearance. As long as I'm comfortable and whatever I was wearing wasn't too revealing, I didn't mind. And during the summer, I used to help my parents with their farm, which meant I would wear old clothes, sometimes with various wear and tear, sometimes with holes. Sometimes I'd wear tank tops, which would accentuate my boobs bec
r/relationships TITLE: Me [22F] broken up with by my boyfriend [21M] of almost two years--afraid of committment/wanting experience? POST: My boyfriend and I broke up about two and a half months ago, and it was on relatively good terms, really only meaning that it wasn't a fight. We have been doing total no contact for the last month, which I asked for. I really think that the seriousness of our relationship scared him. We had been dating for almost two years, the last 8ish months long distance. He told m
r/relationships TITLE: Me [22M] with my crush[23F], what should I do??? POST: Okay so for a bit of background, I had a summer job this summer and had a crush on a girl i worked with but I never made a move or anything, and last week she asked me out for drinks and turns out we've liked each other this whole time. So pretty much i went to her place, madeout, almost had sex but no rubbers :(, hung out few days later & had sex, then she tells me she thinks she really likes me and if I ask her out i have t
r/tifu TITLE: TIFU by messing around with an account security question POST: This FU happened around ~6 years ago I guess, well thats when I found out about it at least. Back when I was in grade 9 one of my buddies convinced me to start playing WoW. I had played a few times on his account and decided it would be a good medium to waste the endless amount of free time I had back then. I went out and bought the game and then got home and proceeded to install it/make my account. Being the mischievous little
r/AskReddit TITLE: Shouldn't people stop having babies? POST: Okay, I don't actually mean *everyone* should stop having babies. I've hit my mid-twenties, and my mind is starting to wander into rather frightening territory involving a job (with any luck), a house, and a family. I've always imagined this family of mine containing several children. I love kids, and I think I'd make a decent parent. But with the root of most of the world's problems being overpopulation, I'm having a hard time convincing myse
r/relationships TITLE: I'm [f/21] worried that the distance has finally killed our [m/20] relationship of 4+ years. POST: We began dating in high school after I confessed to him. He's a year behind me and so I went off to university before he did. We've been long distance for quite some time and it has been difficult for someone who's primary love language is physical touch (not implying in any way that it would not be difficult for anyone without such a need for physical affection). We used to quarrel al
r/dating_advice TITLE: Getting back together with my ex of 2 years, idea's on what to say for convo and make it memorable? POST: Me and my ex broke up a month ago, (dated 2 years, im 25 shes 21) and decided to start from scratch and "date" again and try to fall back in love again. We stopped telling each other we loved each other, kissing, sex, etc. Im planning on going to her work tomorrow day and asking her for her number and out to dinner as a way of starting over (she doesnt know this). And im going
r/relationships TITLE: Boyfriend [29M] is not comfortable that my [27F] beauty therapist is male. POST: My beauty therapist is male. I do my hair, nails, waxing, etc with him and I've been doing it for 4 years now. He's great at his job, always very professional, always gives me good rates, and always accommodates me even on very short notice since I'm now a loyal costumer. A couple of days ago I asked my boyfriend to pick me up from the place and he arrived early. When I was done we left and he asked me
r/relationships TITLE: How I tell someone I don't like them back. POST: Name = Person (Age) K = Me (17) A = Girl I like (17) P = Girl that likes me (17) K and A both like eachother. K and A would both be together but P has liked K for 5 years. K and A are both good friends with P. K isn't supposed to know about this 5 year crush. K and P are going to the movies in 2 days to see Brave. K plans to tell P what is on his mind after the movie. P is also K's ride home. What does K say to P so K and A can both b
r/AskReddit TITLE: Help me... I'm having a nightmare of a time with computer repair. POST: The problem is this: the screen on my Lenovo Thinkpad SL500 series laptop went out Dec. 3. The left hinge had been loose, and I assume that when the screen went out, a connection had finally been broken. There were multicolored lines across the screen, but I couldn't see anything else. The screen itself worked fine, turned on, was the right brightness, but nothing else was coming through. I took it to a repair shop o