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r/legaladvice TITLE: Ex Boyfriend is threatening me POST: I met him at a party about a two weeks ago. He seemed suave, even debonair - though thats not usually the type I go for. Fast forward a few days of coquettish flirting and sly glances and we're dating. Im not usually the type to get into a relationship that quickly but his manners at the time really impressed me. I won't go into too much detail here, suffice to say I was unaware of his faith - which I later came to find out was actually something a
r/relationships TITLE: My [22F] bf [22 M] of 2.5+ yrs, made an insensitive joke about abortion. I need someone to talk to. POST: Hi, I'll try to keep this short and concise: We have found out we are pregnant and have in detail discussed our options. He has been very open in our discussions and has repeatedly said he wants to be supportive in the decision. While we both agree that we are not in a position to have a child of our own at this point, we have not made a definitive decision on abortion because
r/relationships TITLE: Me [24 M] with my girlfriend [24 F] 4 years , I reallly want to live in another country but she doesn't POST: I'll try to keep this as short as possible, We have a great relationship and i really like her, i fell like we dated long enough for us to get past the "perfect partner" illusion , and accept each other flaws. We live in Brazil but i really want to move to a country in Europe (visa is not a problem) but she's very reluctant to this idea. I am trying to make this transition
r/relationship_advice TITLE: I still have feelings for my coworker, what should I do ? POST: We used to go out years ago while working, broke up, we managed to stay friend after a rough patch and everything was swell since. We always had some feelings left for each other even after all that time, especially when we were such close friends throughout. The fire was kept at low heat and had increased lately on my side, she's not reciprocating at my level and it's making things really hard for me. Lately whil
r/dating_advice TITLE: I have been in my (17f) first official relationship (17m) with a sweet guy (17) for a week, and I need some advice! POST: Some background: We are seniors in high school, have been friends-of-friends for a while, became better friends, hit it off and quickly started to like each other about 4 weeks ago when I transferred into his math class and from our mutual participation in a rock climbing program. He has also never been in a relationship. He asked me out last weekend, and we went
r/relationships TITLE: Should I(f23) tell my bf (m28) we might have a problem or wait until I know for sure? 6 month relationship POST: So, my boyfriend is super paranoid about getting me pregnant. I have a child from a previous relationship where I was taking the pill, so I can understand. He has severe panic attacks, and he can barely even say the word pregnant without freaking out. We have talked about getting married in the future, and when we are stable even having kids. I am on depo, we use condom
r/relationships TITLE: How should M[18] feel about my girlfriend [21] being friends with the guy she cheated on her last bf with? POST: Original thread: *My girlfriend of 1 week just told me that the dude [Dude 1] she cheated on her ex bf with and her are becoming friends again. They have been friends since highschool and were sexually involved 4 months ago where she cheated on her bf with him. I met her after she broke up with her ex and stopped seeing Dude 1 for sex. I certainly don't feel threatened b
r/relationships TITLE: I [22M] thought that I had gotten over my ex [20F], but I just passed her house for the first time since the breakup & cried POST: My ex & I broke up 2 months ago. While she had already moved on in the relationship, I still had intense feelings for her. When we broke up, I was devastated but it seemed to do nothing but enhance her life. After she approached me about being friends with benefits, I agreed but quickly called it off after the first time seeing as how I would never be a
r/relationships TITLE: Me [18/M] wondering if asking a girl [18/F] to sleep over, literally, is too fast. POST: So here's the deal. We are both in college and live on the same dorm floor. I have a single room and she's been over a couple times to watch movies. We've kissed and she asked if I wanted to turn it into sex when we are more comfortable together, and I said yes. All I've done with her is go to dinner a few times so I was thinking we could get comfortable by asking her to sleep over, literally. Wa
r/relationships TITLE: I [17/m] recently learned that the girl I like [17/f], with whom I am friends, likes someone else [18/m]. What should I do? POST: So I am pretty close friends with my crush, let's call her Abby. She's funny, kind, attractive, organized and hella driven. She's a senior in hs, I'm a junior. We eat lunch at school together, we talk every day, we hangout every once in a while. Definitely friends. Recently, I found out that she likes another guy we both know (i'm 80% sure), also a seni
r/Advice TITLE: My sister wants to be a youtuber- but she's a fat girl. I don't think it's wise.Am I overreacting? Help? POST: **** TL;DR:
r/legaladvice TITLE: [MI] Canadian Hit in MI Parking Lot, Hitter Refuses to Pay POST: I'm a Canadian, from Ontario, and recently had my car hit while in a parking lot near Grand Rapids. I was in the car at the time, along with passengers, and we saw the whole thing happen. The gentleman that hit my car tried to leave but I grabbed my iPhone and got the attempted "escape" on video along with him yelling and blaming me. My car was stationary with the keys out of the ignition, his was in motion. He refused
r/tifu TITLE: TIFU by not pushing a button POST: This just happened about half an hour ago. I left my apartment in the early afternoon on sunday for a weekly meet up with my friends in an adjacent city. When I returned home, I went straight to bed, exhausted at midnight. The following afternoon, I woke up (yes I slept until 1) and went about as normal. At about 3 i started to get hungry, so I went and checked my fridge. At first I was just puzzled, because the light bulb didn't come on. I pushed the swi
r/relationships TITLE: Asked a friend to set me [m24] up with a specific person [f24]. She said the girl would like to meet me in a "group setting". Polite rejection or honest request? POST: So I asked a good friend of mine, Sarah, to set me up with a coworker of hers, Maria. I barely know Maria.. in fact the only way I know her is when she stopped by my office to drop something off. But I could tell we were attracted to each other. Anyway, Sarah said that Maria would be interested in meeting me in a gro
r/relationships TITLE: Am I (16M) crazy for being pissed that my BF (15M) totally ignores me for hours to play video games. POST: Okay okay I know we all need personal time but in this long distance relationship I swear it always ends up with me being alone for a lot of our "talking time" (time we are both free) while he plays games. I can message a few times and still get ignored until its convenient to look away from the game and message me back. It personally pisses me off that this happens and I wou
r/relationships TITLE: My [17F] slutty past is causing tensions with my [18M] by, afraid he'll break up with me POST: Before I met my boyfriend of nine months, I was really wild. I really regret that time in my life and I made many stupid decisions that I now know were triggered by mental health issues. I hooked up with two of my SO's friends, and a few days after me and my SO first hooked up (note: did not have sex with any of these guys, didn't go that far) I hooked up with another guy on vacation. I r
r/loseit TITLE: Hello /r/loseit, I am way too overweight (for personal preferences, not on a universal scale) and am seeking advice here POST: Well, hello, first I'll start with my problem, I am 14 years old, 180cm/6 foot tall, and currently weigh 110kg, or in the imperial system about 243 Pounds, and according to the Broca Index (I am not very profound in measuring ideal weight, and don't know which system is the most reliable, but I have chosen this as it is easier to achieve) I should go down to 80kgs/1