2 values
r/relationships TITLE: Me [25 M] with my ex [25 F] duration 3-1/2 years, won't send stuff back. POST: Hello, So to keep this brief I split up with my ex in September. We'd had problems and I found out she'd cheated for a second time. She instantly began a new relationship and for the first month we attempted friendship. That idea crashed when she found I had begun dating (irony I know). She flipped, saying I was bothering her all the time and proceeded to block me on Facebook/Instagram/Skype. Before th
r/relationships TITLE: Low sex drive ruining my [19 M] relationship with my girlfriend [18F] POST: I've been seeing her for just over six months now, we live in the same building as we're in halls of residence in our first year of university so we see each other all the time and it's great! The only problem is that recently my sex drive has been really low and she's been getting really upset, feeling that she isn't desirable or that I might be cheating on her (i'm not). Don't get me wrong, it's not like
r/askwomenadvice TITLE: When in a conversation can I start flirting? POST: Well, I met this girl in the club (whom is a friend's friend) and just started to talk to her via Facebook. It was the usual, "Hi, last night was fun, blah blah blah, thanks for accepting my friend invite" and she replied with "Yeah, last night was fun, hope you had fun and you're welcome". I then asked her which night clubs has she been to and I like to go to this club and what's her favorite club. The conversation has just start
r/dating_advice TITLE: Slept over at this guys house, where do I go from here? POST: So this guy (21) who has asked me (20) over many times and has liked me for awhile got locked out of his apartment after the last time we hung out. I waited with him till he could finally get in, and I stayed over because it was too late for me to drive home. I slept over, and we ended up hooking up. I wake up, he gets ready for class, and then I leave shortly after him because it was early. He texts me because I left my b
r/relationships TITLE: Having dreams about boyfriend cheating/breaking up with me. POST: Hey guys, I'm (F) 20 years old and my boyfriend is also 20. We've been together for one year and four months. I know this sounds crazy and probably the most minuscule problem, but here it goes: For the past couple of nights I've been having these horrible dreams about my boyfriend breaking up with me after college graduation because "it would be too hard to stay in a relationship", and another dream about him cheating
r/relationships TITLE: I [M/17] thought she was 16. Turns out she's [F/14]. POST: Blah blah puppy love. I've been talking to her for a few days now, I took her out to go eat today and I finally decided to get an accurate birthday to get an idea of.. her birthday. I knew she was a freshman, but I didn't know she was 14, and now we're talking and she definitely has an interest into me, and I sort of do too, but it just doesn't seem right to be talking to a 14 year old from a social-standing point of view.
r/relationships TITLE: I'm [27F] worried about my brother semi-isolated brother [24M] POST: My brother is not like the most kind of people in the negative way and he has been like this since his high school days. He almost isolated himself from everyone and has had no friends since middle school, hes never been in a relationship, he still lives in his boy room at our parents house since hes been 10 and only spends hes free time infront of the computer playing video games. That was he does everyday after w
r/personalfinance TITLE: When to decide to ditch a credit card, and go for a better one? POST: I've been wondering about this for a while now. I'm a college student, and I've held a (college) credit card through my bank for a couple years now. I've kept on top of my credit, keeping good track and always paying in full when I use it. Every six months or so, they seem to bump my credit limit. I was wondering when someone should decide to switch credit cards. I think I've more than proven my credit-worthines
r/legaladvice TITLE: (UK) Housemate won't move out - what can I do? POST: I am not 100% sure if this is the correct subreddit to be posting in, so please let me know if there is a better place to put this! I am currently a student living in the north of England. At the beginning of this year, I moved into a house on a 52 week contract with two other people. The contract we got was quite favourable to us eg. we are all accountable for our own actions, if someone chose to move out, the other two wouldn't ha
r/relationships TITLE: Things have gone stale with girlfriend and roommates exgirlfriend confessed feelings for me POST: I'm 23M dating a 20F f0r 4 years. She has begun to act pretty apathetic towards the relationship. Everything about the way she acts tells me that she doesn't really want to be with me anymore, even tough she says she does. Sex is boring, we hardly talk or see each other, it basically feels like the relationship has fizzled. I've tried to remedy this by not being clingy, working out, b
r/relationships TITLE: I [23/m] need help communicating with my [25/f] gf. (4 months) POST: I'm used to being able to talk about relationship problems in a constructive and non-argumentative way, however I am currently in a new relationship (about 4 months), and we are getting into a lot of arguments lately (starting about a month ago). Whenever I try to talk about our issues so that we can try to work them out, it always ends up as an argument, because she feels like if I don't agree with her, then I'm a
r/relationships TITLE: My (19/f) secret long distance SO (23/m) meeting my strict parents for the first time - help please POST: Almost 6 months ago, I met a guy online through a friend of mine. I live in Wales, and he lives in Norway. He and I hit it off so well, we became boyfriend and girlfriend fairly quickly but knowing that my very strict parents wouldn't approve, I kept him a secret. They disapprove of online dating, as well as long distance kind of relationships. To give you guys some additional b
r/relationship_advice TITLE: My husband's [m/30] therapist [f] is moving to a new job, and he tossed out the idea of hanging out with her. I [26/f] think this is a bad/dangerous idea. Thoughts? POST: For what it is worth, he was in counseling to deal with his tendency to control me, and because he got physically aggressive with me while drunk one day (he doesn't drink much, only two or three times a year and when he does he usually doesn't come home). He said, "why shouldn't I be able to hang out with he
r/relationships TITLE: How do I [22m] handle a girl [21f] who's nervous to get together? POST: We have talked for about 2-3 weeks now and so far things are going pretty well. She's one of several women I'm talking to (trying to date) but she's definitely the one I like the most. From what I know about this girl I can see myself going long term with her, she has a lot of qualities I like and she's exactly what I go for physically. She just finished her finals and got a summer job. She has been **super** s
r/AskReddit TITLE: Reddit, has your life been rewarded with little work and feel that it really is unfair to other people? POST: So growing up i was always a c/d student. My parents always told me that I wasn't going to make it in life because I just didn't try hard enough and did not care about school. Well after I graduated(2.1 gpa) I started at the local community college. I was working for a car wash and knew I wanted to work in computers (networking or something). Well I found a job and it happened
r/relationship_advice TITLE: Me [20 M] with my girlfriend [20 F] nearly 4 years, recently broke up, hearing some weird things for a 4 year relationship. POST: Hi everyone, My girlfriend and I have been dating since high school. It was an great relationship. We had incredible memories, we had fun together, we got along pretty well, but then distance was added. She was having such a hard time, since we were going to different colleges, she studied super hard, I was incredibly busy with basketball games and
r/relationships TITLE: Am I in the right to be annoyed? POST: So... background: Me [24M] dating her [23F]. Together for 8 months. I woke up today and went off to work, now usually around the time I arrive to work, shes waking up so I call her to say good morning. This morning I call and she says shes late so we talk for a total of a minute, that's it. Normally during the day she will contact me and we'll talk during my lunch break. Today she didn't. She then contacted me 2 hours later telling me to call
r/tifu TITLE: TIFU By Accidentally Confessing My Undying Love POST: This FU was about 4 days ago but I wasn't able to post it until now. Minor backstory: I'm 16 years and a sophomore in high school. I'm a jokester and my sense of humor is messed up and I laugh at anytime I see fit. But that's besides the point. So during the first period of the day my crush sits right next to me. It's Spanish. Our teacher is a horrible teacher who is both a bad person and a bad teacher, but this FU isn't about him. Things
r/relationships TITLE: Me [26/F] with my SO [32 M] 6mo, What would you do in my shoes? POST: Background story: J and I met 7 years ago when I was in college. We were friends with a lot of heavy flirting but never crossing the line because we were always dating other people. Last year his gf of 5 years and him broke up. J and I stayed in touch loosely through fb and random texts but none of a romantic nature. At the start of football season I decided I wanted to go up for a game and J had always told me I w
r/relationships TITLE: Me [29 M] with my Ex GF[26 F] having a hard time moving on. POST: I will try to keep this brief. My (now) ex girlfriend and I broke up about 6 months ago. It was a tumultuous relationship and breaking up was probably the correct decision. Up until this point in my life, my standard operation was to completely cut my ex out of my life. Probably not the most healthy decision, but it worked for me. Unfortunately, this was not possible this time. While we were together, I adopted a d
r/relationships TITLE: 21F feeling irrationally jealous of 23M's romantic past… [4 months] POST: I haven't really been with my boyfriend for very long, but we are both very serious about each other. We've had about the same number of romantic/sexual partners, but I've recently become extremely jealous of his past. For a long time, neither of us really talked in detail about any previous partners, but the other night (about three weeks ago maybe?) we kind of had a long discussion about our dating history,
r/relationships TITLE: Me[21F] with my SO [21M] of 3.5 years, I keep having doubts that I'm not sure what to do about POST: Hello all, trying to get some perspective on relationship doubts here. I have been with my SO since our senior year of highschool, there have been a few rough spots, but overall things have been easy and happy. We have similar interests, philosophical viewpoints, all that jazz. There are a few differences, and I have seen over the years that his parents have raised him in a very di
r/relationship_advice TITLE: Boyfriend [19m] and ex-boyfriend [20m] are confusing me. POST: So, here's the deal. My boyfriend [19m] and I [20f] have been together for around 8 months. We live a ten minute walk away from eachother, but we only see eachother once every two weeks or so. He's ignorant sometimes, and he barely talks to me even in person. He's a sweet guy when he wants to be, but he makes me feel incredibly shitty half the time as well. I have very strong feelings for him, even though he's not q
r/relationships TITLE: When is it worth it to stick through a love triangle and when do you call it quits? POST: I met this guy about a year and a half ago that's been in an on/off relationship with a girl since early high school (we're both 23 now). We were just friends for awhile and he always spoke about how unhappy he was in his current situation and how it wasn't going anywhere, he just hated confrontation and they'd been together so long that it was hard to change. About 8 months ago we started han
r/relationships TITLE: Me [24 M] with my ex [25F] met up for drinks last night after 5 weeks of being broken up. It's over, and I get it. But what's next? POST: Was a 7 month relationship, she ended it. I went a month NC and then decided to see if she wanted to get drinks. So we did last night. I had planned on playing it cool and staying relaxed, but we both ended up having more than a drink...and both cried in a public place. Ugh. We spent five hours just talking. I got too drunk and said some things I
r/relationships TITLE: Does being jealous always mean you have feelings for someone? [22F] with [24M] POST: I've hooked up with a friend of mine (we've known each other a few years) about six times now over the past few months. We're not FWB though - it just sort of ends up happening. The thing is, I'm confused about my feelings for him at the moment. There was a period where I think I legitimately had a crush on him and was upfront about this because I didn't want things to get messy, so I know that on
r/relationship_advice TITLE: She [21/F] got fed up with me [20/M] and left. I don't know what to do can anyone help? POST: We were fine on thursday but then friday morning she seemed upset. I gave her space but then at about 12pm she broke up with me. I have been trying to talk to her since but I can't make progress. She says I need to just deal with the consequences of my actions (I have a female friend who is STRICTLY just a friend that i've know since long before I dated my girlfriend/ex and we have nic
r/relationships TITLE: Me [23f] and my mother [43f] have been noticing my grandfather [68] is missing money. POST: Okay so, back in September my grandfather had a really nasty fall in the street. He cracked his skull and had various other injuries. He temporarily went to a nursing home and they basically helped him learn how to walk again. Currently my grandfather is back at home, but is stuck in bed most of the time. Naturally my mother and I take care of him, as our family is pretty shady and doesn't see
r/relationships TITLE: My boyfriend [25 m] dumped me [25 f] because he wants to sexually explore...yet he says he still has very strong feelings for me. POST: We had some ups and downs but they were things that I thought we could get over. A little background...he considers me (and everyone else he knows) to be further along in life than him, he still lives at home but is trying to move out soon, and he hadn't much dating experience or sexual experience when he got with me. He says he would rather break
r/relationships TITLE: Me [25 M] with my GF/ex [24 F] 2 year, Living together, needs a break. POST: For our own differences about, cleaning around the house, remembering chores without being reminded constantly, how she talks to me when we argue about things little or small, lack of sex because of her own problems (birthcontrol in her arm gives her 2 1/2 week long periods); She wants a break. Terms of this breakup are: I move out in 30 days. She wants me to live close by instead of moving back home 600
r/relationship_advice TITLE: [20f] going out with a [20something m] tomorrow night and NERVOUS POST: i just got out of a three year long relationship. i'm not really torn up over it, we weren't working and i think things ended long before they really ended, if you know what i mean. however, i met this boy in one of my classes at school on thursday. i immediately thought he was cute and made it a point to strike up a conversation with him. we ended up hanging out for maybe 20-30 minutes after class and swap
r/tifu TITLE: TIFU Sleepwalking POST: This actually happened over the weekend, but here goes. I wake up very early on Saturday morning in the bathroom in the middle of taking a dump. I'm not much of a morning person, so I just figured I was too groggy to recall getting out of bed and going to the washroom. I go back upstairs to the bedroom, and there's my girlfriend looking quite confused and upset. GF: "Are you going to clean that up?" Me: "Wha?" GF: "The pee all over the air conditioner and the window
r/dogs TITLE: Halp. Dog has to come with me to work but is whining in crate- normally fine in crate. only acts this way in office. POST: Unfortunately, my dog broke her leg under my MIL's supervision. I got permission to take her to work with me and keep her in a crate next to my desk. While Eevie is normally great in a crate, sleeps there, and doesn't make a peep, while she's been with me at work- she's been freaking out. Non-stop whining, biting the crate itself, pulling the towel i use to cover the side
r/relationships TITLE: My [24/M] girlfriend [23/F] is putting me in an awful position. POST: A little backstory: My girlfriend and I were arrested last November for possession of cannabis in Florida. It was a horrible fucking experience that left me with a permanent anxiety when smoking, paranoid that I'm going to get caught again. Since then, I've been extremely careful about my smoking, never smoking outside of my house, or at the very most, in my car right outside of my house for easy access. Well, to
r/relationships TITLE: Me [21 M/] with my ex-gf [21 F] 2 years on and off, Please tell me what this girl is thinking! (Sorry if this is the wrong subreddit but my brain is breaking) POST: Ok...i just got out of a 3 year relationship with Janet. Ive been single for about 5 weeks and recently rekindled an old flame with Amanda. It is crazy, we are both experiencing the same problems in life with our families...it is scary similar. We have gone out twice and now shes acting shady. The first date went great
r/relationships TITLE: Me [35 M] with my fiancee [30 F] 1 year, who gets to decide the wedding band? POST: Basically my fiancee and I are getting married soon. She thinks I have an unusual amount of interest in planning the wedding. I like to see everything and have my opinion on basically everything except the dress. I think she was expecting to be the one making most of the decisions. Anyways the one thing I wouldn't compromise on was getting married in the UK so she relented on that one (She is from NY)
r/relationships TITLE: Me [26 M] with my [24 F], I'm interested in a relationship, but I can't tell if she's interested. POST: So me [26 M] and my [24 F] friend are in a pretty standard situation. We've known each other for a little less than a year and in the past two months we've started spending a lot of time together. I've developed feelings for her, and I can't tell what her position is. I would be interested in a relationship, but she says she doesn't want to risk the friendship. My fear is she'll me
r/Advice TITLE: Do my close friends need to know this?? POST: This is pretty complicated, so I'm going to try and keep it as short as possible. I had previously had a relationship and obtained HPV (std) - I'm not some man slag, she was my first and it was a massive shame. Two years pass, I go to uni. I meet a girl there. We have sex. It had been two years and I had no symptoms, so I assumed it would be okay (**massive mistake I know, it's the worst thing I've ever done**). Surprise surprise, she gets
r/tifu TITLE: TIFU by owning a Mini POST: Bought a used Mini on a lot last year. It was the only Mini there and was excited to grab it. I quickly realize that my city has a Mini dealership and they are EVERYWHERE. Understanding this, I also quickly realize that waving to other Mini drivers is a thing (wooo club), and after some awkward moments, I join in because even though it's ridiculous, I'm a happy person and shit. Here's the FU that happened Friday. For part of my job I drive kids around in a large
r/relationships TITLE: Me (29F) and SO (31M) disagreeing politically/ethically, will this be a deal breaker? POST: Long story short--I had previously posted a few months ago in PF. My (29F) boyfriend (31M) of 1 year has 268K of student debt plus about 10K of credit card debt. He makes close to 90K a year. When I posted previously, my boyfriend had the attitude of "I'll just pay the minimums and then it'll be forgiven after 20 years". So we broke up. About a month later he came back with a big plan and we
r/Advice TITLE: Friend of a Friend - GF Situation (Ethical Dilemma) POST: I'm down here at Panama City Beach for spring break with a pretty decent sized group of friends (25 of us). The thing is their is this beautiful girl here who is dating a friend of a friend. I know them both (not well) and we danced with each other all night in the clubs and on the beach. Needless to say, their was chemistry and thoughts of poor choices shared between us. This has been acknowledged and accepted by both of us. This
r/relationships TITLE: Me (23m) want ask my ___(23f) what the hell happened 5 year ago. POST: I met this girl close to 10 years ago. We both have confessed having feelings for one another, but never at the same time. I should mention theres a lot of other complicated stuff too but I don't feel its worth going into detail about. I'm not really interested in persuing a relationship with her, but this has really been bothering me since the last time we spent time together 5 years ago. She's the first girl I
r/jobs TITLE: Facial piercings and job interviews. Do I hide my septum? POST: Wondering if I should hide my septum piercing for a job interview this week. I used to be a nanny and always wore my piercings. I am a firm believer that my piercings are part of me and I shouldn't have to hide them. I am good at my job and it's never affected my work. However, I'm now interviewing for an admin role in a mental health organisation. Should I go in there with or without? Of course, without will look corporate and p
r/relationship_advice TITLE: Boyfriend (m/27) hates my (f/20) hair POST: I hate cutting my hair. I haven't cut my hair in 2 years. Every time I have cut it a family member did it for me or I did it myself. My boyfriend also thinks it's strange I've never been to a salon especially since he was raised in a very very rich family where his mom and sisters went to a salon once a week. I grew up very poor. So even asking for $10 for a haircut at a Walmart was too much money and out of the question. I learned t
r/tifu TITLE: TIFU by speaking in hashtags POST: I'm in the middle of looking for a new job, so I'm going through phone interviews and stuff right now. I called one of the places I'm interested in and talked to the recruiting person for a little bit. The conversation went pretty well, and it left off with the woman getting back to me later to schedule a follow up. I hang up the phone and go into the other room, where my wife is sitting. I fill her in on the conversation, explaining what we were talking ab
r/relationships TITLE: Should I [18M] get a job at my girlfriend's [16F] dad's [50s] company? POST: My girlfriend and I have been together for 4 months. She's a sophomore and I'm a senior going into community college next year. Things are going well between us and I'm confident that we'll stay together at least a couple months into college. Her dad is the CEO of a large tech company and I plan to pursue a career in the tech industry. I need a job this summer and it makes sense to me to get a job at his com
r/AskReddit TITLE: Reddit, how long am I responsible for items mistakenly sent to me in the US post? POST: Backstory: I have received items from UPS (allegedly, more on that later) about three weeks ago. Strange, because I didn't order anything but it was addressed to my house to the letter so I opened it. Inside are two items for an invoiced total of around $900 with a credit going to a vendor, from someone else's name. Obviously there has been a mistake so I start looking at packing slips and invoices a
r/relationships TITLE: Me [24 F] with my SO [26 M] 2 years, who wants massages that I can't effectively give. POST: My SO likes massages. However, I am not very good at giving them. My attempt to give them inevitably leads into a fight at least 80% of them time. This makes me even less enthusiastic about giving them. The fact that is has been 2 years and I haven't gotten better at giving massages has led him to tell me recently that I don't care at all about something that is very important to him. I con
r/relationships TITLE: Please help with my 9 month relationship with gf who suffers mental health problems + dyspraxia POST: I'm 23yr old male and my gf (also 23) has decided we should be friends the reason it all started with sleazy guys texting her wanting sex, I wasn't fine with this to begin with but she told me she was scared of these guys and I know she was and didn't meet up with these, I got rid of a few of them by phoning them up and telling them I was the bf. One guy from school she did go meet
r/tifu TITLE: TIFU by trying to make my own E-fluid. POST: So, I recently quit smoking because it's an expensive habit. I started vaping, and after realizing that it is nearly as expensive as smoking, I decided I'd start making my own e fluid. First batch I made was fucking terrible. It was supposed to be root beer flavored, but it was more like....root beer mixed with acetone and water flavored. Seriously. Epic fail. It tasted like shit. So, I found an awesome youtube video explaining how to make my E-fl
r/relationships TITLE: Me [18 M] with my girlfriend[20F] of four months, my girlfriend won't share anything with me. POST: So I've been going out with this girl for four months now and I knew her for another four months before we started going out. I have a lot of fun with her but recently it's gotten really difficult and I've noticed things shes been doing that really bother me. So the entire relationship she never wants to tell me anything. I barely know anything about her at this point. I've tried brin
r/relationships TITLE: [relationship] I (24f) am constantly irritable with my boyfriend (22m) of 6 months POST: So I've been dating a wonderful guy "Scott" since December. Things have been going really well. We communicate amazingly and are open and honest about everything. I love him, but lately, I've been irritable with him, and only him. An example from tonight: I come home from work, and I'm looking for a lighter to smoke a bowl. Low and behold I can't find one. Now I'm a stoner, he's a cigarette smo
r/relationships TITLE: My wife [29F] just recently had our first child. Our sex live has taken a nose dive because I see her as a mom instead of my wife now. How do I get past this? POST: * TL;DR:
r/Parenting TITLE: Hey r/parenting. I need advice! What do you do if your don't agree with something for no real reason? POST: Let me elaborate. My mother in-law is diabetic, and has to test her blood sugar every morning. So she does- but while she's staying with us, she allows and encourages my daughter to be involved in testing her blood sugar- preparing the strip, helping her lance her finger, and waiting for the reading. I'm really, really not okay with it. But I have let it continue because I don't
r/relationships TITLE: I'm a [21y] male with a younger [17y] girlfriend. I try hard, but she doesn't show a sign of love. Reddit, please help. POST: Hi Reddit, Never mind, broke up with the girl. Thanks for all the advice tho. I am in a relationshop with a 17y girlfriend. We have been going for 3 months with each other. I study in the midweeks and only see her in the weekends. I am trying so hard to show her my affection, but I don't get any response. She does however says she really loves me, but she c
r/relationships TITLE: How do I (F22) tell an oblivious roommate (F22) that she is gross? POST: Not sure if this is the right place to post. My roommate just moved in a few weeks ago and I am having trouble... I already told her directly "Let's please make sure all the food is rinsed off the dishes and utensils before we put them in the rack." and "I cleaned the counters today, so let's clean up after ourselves every time we cook so we can maintain it." But every day there is meat juice, pieces of chicke
r/relationships TITLE: I (22F) am concerned with live-in boyfriend's (22M) spending habits POST: We've been together 5 years, living together for a year. I have known for over 2 years that he has credit card debt but I didn't know it was over 1k dollars until this year. He has made it sound like it's not that much and it is getting paid off however, in this month alone he has spent over 200 dollars on an online game, it's only half way thru April ! I know the real amount of debt because he's told me his
r/relationships TITLE: I[16/M] REALLY like this girl[14/F], but I haven't met her yet POST: Okay, so I have a fairly large dilemma. I'm a homeschooled 16-yea-old. I've never been in a relationship, and I've never even really liked a girl before. My family started attending this church about a year and a half ago. And that's when I first saw her. I see her twice a week; "Sunday school" and youth group. I really want to meet her, but I don't know what to do/say. To make matters worse my little sister of 1
r/relationships TITLE: (M20) My girlfriend (F18) has been really making me second think our relationship POST: So my girlfriend and I have had a pretty good relationship until this point. We both played around with each other and we've been very happy overall. Good communication, good everything. Couple weeks ago this has started to change. She wants everything to be OURS, she wants me to just share everything with her and not get upset when she wants to use my car for het business. She didn't have a j
r/personalfinance TITLE: Credit mishap, not sure if this is the place to ask... POST: I'll try to keep it as short as possible... Today, My Fiance got a letter in the mail saying they are closing her credit card account. She has had it for awhile, using to build up her credit score. Has never missed a payment and pays more than the minimum each month. After hours on the phone we figured out it was closed because a few months ago she had lost the card, got a new one (had to get a whole new account or som
r/tifu TITLE: TIFU by playing with magnets POST: Like many TIFU's, this one happened a few years ago but I might as well share because it's one of my better FU's I'm sure you've all heard of those "rare earth magnet" toys where you have two strong oval magnets and when you throw them up they snap together and make a buzzing sound. They were super popular when I was a kid and everyone I knew loved playing with them. FF a few months - I took my magnets out of my desk and was fiddling with them just for the
r/travel TITLE: PCVs traveling Argentina and Bolivia: so many itinerary problems... please help! POST: Hey everyone! Here's the deal: A friend and I are finishing our Peace Corps service in Peru at the end of this month and are planning to travel for about 3 weeks before heading back stateside (Oct 27-Nov 14 roughly). We're starting and ending in Lima, and wanted to spend a majority of our time in Buenos Aires, but also hopefully hit La Paz for the salt flats and lake titikaka, and Iguazu Falls. We
r/Dogtraining TITLE: Extremely high value treats for an extremely picky dog! Really need help! POST: Hi guys! I know this question has been asked time and time again (I have read 10+ threads just so I won't be a nuisance asking something that has already been asked) but I really do need your help! To preface, my rescue pup is extremely picky. She gets homecooked food mixed with 1 nugget of Primal Freezedried Raw every meal and even then she's super fussy. We could give her some food she really loves and
r/relationships TITLE: [Non-Romantic] How can I help my bf's dad's (late 40s M) new girlfriend (23f) feel more at home now that she's living with us? POST: Hi guys, I've been living with my boyfriend (22M) and his dad (somewhere in his late 40's) for a few months. Rent and utilities are split between Dad and I. Boyfriend doesn't work or drive due to a disability. It's a really awesome situation - we all have a lot in common, we're super geeky, it's great. I'm 29F, if it matters. A couple weekends ago, Da
r/relationship_advice TITLE: (23/m) Could really do with some advice regarding friendships with exes during a relationship. POST: I've being seeing this girl that is around my age for around half a year now. She's really great and we get along brilliantly. The only thing is I find myself getting increasingly uncomfortable with her relationship with her ex boyfriend. I know things like this need to be discussed between us but was hoping people could give me advice on what's 'normal' and whether I'm overreac
r/relationships TITLE: I (f/18) can't tell if a concert with a new friend (m/22) was a date or not? POST: This sounds really pathetic writing this out, but I recently was asked to a concert by a guy I met through a mutual friend a little over a week ago. We share similar taste in music, so he asked if I wanted to go, and I said yes. Up until this point, I had only met him in person once (with a group to watch a movie, so I didn't get a chance to speak to him much) but had messaged/texted him quite a bi
r/relationship_advice TITLE: [17/m] My girlfriend's [17/f] mom caught us kissing without our tops on, she broke up with me the next day. POST: We've been together for two months and things were going amazing because last week we talked about what we wanted for this relationship and we recognized things that we both need to change. But last friday we were at her house and we went to her backyard to have some time alone, things got pretty hot and her mom caught us. She proceeded to go and talk to her while
r/relationships TITLE: Just found out my (25yo) step mom (60) has secretly spent thousands of dollars on online gaming POST: First off, to clarify, my step mom is my mom's wife. I knew something was wrong. My mom needed to borrow money to cover a bill. She was really off when asking for it. I finally finagled it out of her. She had just found out the my step mom is addicted to online gaming (not gambling) and has spent over 8k in the last year on games, half of that in the last three months. They are alrea
r/relationships TITLE: My (22F) ex-bf (23M) might be logging on my Facebook POST: We have had a relationship for 5 years and have been living together, but we broke up about 4 months ago with quite a huge fight because of some reasons. We still have been living together though because neither of us were able to afford another apartment for a while. We have our separate rooms and for a long time we've actually barely seen each others or talked, but recently we have just become like "friends" again. When
r/relationships TITLE: I'm [19F] having problems with friends [21M] 'crush'. Advice? POST: Ok so me and this guy have been friends for a couple of years now. I was dating another guy when we met so we became friends. Once I split with my boyfriend of the time, this friend admitted to having an obsessive crush on me and asked me to go on a date with him. Thinking it was sweet, I agreed. We went out on a few dates and I ended up being pretty interested, until I found out he slept with his ex 2 hours before p
r/Parenting TITLE: My wife is about to quit studying b/c she wants to be the only one who raises our son POST: Me and my wife are young parents. Our relationship is great, and we get along well. I work in an office and she studies medicine. Thing is, she wants to quit her studies to dedicate herself to take care of our son. Not 'just' because she wants to raise him, but she doesn't want 'our mothers to raise him' You see, while I work and she studies, usually the grandmas come and take care of him. My mo
r/relationships TITLE: I [20M] am having trouble being around other women without thinking of my ex. POST: So a couple of weeks ago I broke up with my girlfriend of three and a half years. I honestly do feel much better now then I did when it initially happened. However, I start to revert back to being depressed and thinking about her whenever I am with other women. I don't mean sexually either. It seems like every time I am having a conversation with a girl or hanging out or whatever they will do somethin
r/relationships TITLE: Me [17F] with my boyfriend [18 M] of almost 2 years, we've been doing distance for 6 months now, and things are starting to fall apart. Should we fix the relationship, or end it? POST: My boyfriend and I met in high school, (he's a year ahead of me in school) and dated all throughout his senior year (my junior year). He went off to college this past fall, and we decided to try and make the distance work (his school is far, about 9 hours driving one way). At first we made the distance
r/relationships TITLE: Me [18 M] loosing feelings for my [18 F] GF POST: Hi, i have been dating this girl for 7 months now, she is a wonderful person, nice, caring, funny, beautiful. I don't really dislike a thing about her. However, i just have not felt the way i used to feel around her, is this just a phase? Maybe i just got excited with lust and thought i liked her? Or maybe she was just not the person i thought she was. I am also very hesitant to end it as i will constantly see her almost daily as we
r/tifu TITLE: TIFU by pitching an advertising idea. POST: I recently started college and I have been doing Btec Creative Media Level 3. We often do group work where we have to present our ideas to the lecturer and the rest of the class. This week we started a new subject, advertising, interesting right? Not really but anyway I endure it because I need to do well if I want to get a job or go to university. But anyway we had our task and this task was to come up with an advert idea that would get banned be
r/relationships TITLE: I [23M] am having chaotic thoughts regarding my girlfriend [21F] of 7 months. POST: This is mainly about me, but she is definitely mixed in now. I've come to the conclusion that I have some type of insecurity issue based on my own personal beliefs. I need major help. I know once I explain the issue, I'll probably be downvoted for simply being a piece of shit. But I am honestly looking for some type of solution here, I'm not looking for justification of my thoughts. So here it is, b
r/relationships TITLE: I made my bf cut all his friendships with females 2 years ago.. Help! POST: Two years ago, I asked my significant other to end all his friendships with platonic females. We were both 22 years old at the time. I asked him because cheating has happened twice in my past relations where my exes would cheat on me with their female friends; I just didn't want it to happen again since I am with this nice guy. I was stupid, felt insecure and as the nice guy he was... He listened and did tha
r/relationships TITLE: Me [21 M] with my [20 F] for a month and a half, not sure if she likes me POST: We text a lot back and fourth, and I don't know if she likes me back or not. The biggest hint I got was I jokingly asked if she liked me and she replied "what makes you think that? I can play anything off" which means she didn't say no. Normally if the person didn't actually like you they'd probably say no. She also drew a lot of stuff on my notebook one time and was joking around writing stuff like "I'm
r/tifu TITLE: TIFU by setting my sock on fire POST: I work at a large university campus, which—it won't surprise you to learn—has a pretty severe parking shortage. Being the new guy, my parking space is in an overflow lot about a mile from my office. And today when I pulled in it was raining buckets. By the time I got to my building my walking shoes were completely waterlogged. Fortunately, I have a spare pair of shoes in my office for occasions like this one, but what I didn't have were extra socks. So,
r/AskReddit TITLE: Alright, let's be honest: How many of us are RESPONSIBLE for the demise of Conan's show? POST: As we all know, there has been a ton of support for Conan over the past few weeks. That's great - a ton of people really love what he does, and were truly upset at NBC's decision to mess shit up. **Here's my question**: How many of us can be held accountable? NBC intervened largely due to poor ratings - enough people just weren't watching his show. I'm wondering how many of the people (myself
r/relationships TITLE: Me [25 F] getting over the unrequited love for my good friend [26 M], who is in a happy relationship POST: First, this really sucks. My situation is I have some major feelings for my coworker/friend. We have know each other for almost a year. He is an awesome guy, all around. We have fun together, and I know he enjoys my company. Sometimes, I really thought he liked me for more, and we seem really compatible. ......But he has a gf of 3 years, and they are getting pretty serious and
r/relationships TITLE: Friend's (M28) grandfather died, and is looking to me (F30) for comfort, but I don't know how to deal with it.. help? POST: If there is a better subreddit for this please let me know.. He is a very good friend of mine, we have known each other for 6+ years. He doesn't have a whole lot of friends, and is very sheltered and pretty nerdy. A lot of my friends say he is secretly in love with me or whatever.. His grandfather who was 83 passed away over the weekend after being in a medic
r/loseit TITLE: NSV: Confidence booster during a scale plateau(M/23 292-207 5'11") POST: I've been kind of frustrated with the scale lately, it's been stuck around 214-207 for the last 4ish weeks. I knew when I started wearing medium shirts again the plan was to say the hell with the scale and just focus on body fat % and how I look and feel. Still, its hard not to be a little discouraged when the scale isn't moving. Yesterday that finally rang home, after I left the gym my trainer called me as I got out
r/relationships TITLE: Me [21 M] was out tonight, and my fucking [19 F] ex of course was there... I didnt handle it well POST: So I went out for the first time at home, since we broke up, It started off good, I was talking to a few girls at pre-drinks, and she wasn't on my mind. Then the second I got into the club, who was there but her. My night was awful from then on, I couldn't stop thinking about her, every girl that walked by, I thought was her. I kissed another girl, the first time since we broke u
r/relationships TITLE: Me (21M) and ex (22F) have started talking again and I'm feeling confused POST: First time on reddit and I thought the reddit community could help me out with this. Me and my ex broke around march of last year we talk talked for a bit after that then suddenly she got really nasty towards me and we quit talking for 6 months and then suddenly out of the blue she starts messaging me again which I thought was weird. When she started messaging me again I just didn't care and took days t
r/dating_advice TITLE: Need a good way to start chatting to my facebook crush. POST: I met a girl just over a year ago at a festival. She was an acquaintance of one of my housemates and was staying with us just for a night for convenience. We didn't chat for too long, probably about 45 minutes in total, but hit it off, got some signals from her but didn't act on it as I had things just starting off with a different girl at the time. We didn't really stay in touch, but are friends on facebook, say happy bir
r/legaladvice TITLE: Red Light and speeding POST: Hi, So I just got a ticket for "running a red light and speeding". The officer was hidden in the alley parallel to the light, when the light turned orange I was crossing through it and 2 seconds into it turned red, I kept a steady pace through the light, and then get pulled over. The officer paced me for less than <.3 miles, and told me I was doing 50 mph, gave me a warning on it, then told me I ran the red light when it was already red. I told the officer
r/relationship_advice TITLE: I (24F) work with ex and current boyfriend (28Ms). Need help. POST: I work (for a private company that runs events) with my boyfriend and ex boyfriend. The big issue issue is that my ex boyfriend continuously cuts me out of projects. I asked my current boyfriend to include me or else I cannot assist and play my part. My current boyfriend, we'll call him B, has been told by me that I will need his assistance to stay in the loop since my ex has been unreliable because of our past
r/tifu TITLE: TIFU by choosing Dota 2 over family POST: Well, this happened today actually. A bit of background I've been playing Dota 2 for well over most of my teenage life, I'm 17 at the moment, live with grandparents and little sister. So I started my day as usual, came home at 5 from band practice wanted some R&R, got a lot and grandma fed me right when I got home. Cool, I say, so I had food and youtube, Ice cream truck rolls in and I get some snacks with my food and more youtube. I'm not a lazy perso
r/weddingplanning TITLE: Dress Regret and Success POST: We recently decided to get married this November so I got to work trying to find a dress I liked as I am picky when it comes to clothes. I knew it would be difficult to stay within my budget and find "the" dress. Last week I went to David's Bridal and tried on a taffeta gown (4th pic down) in my upper price range. I wasn't feeling the material until I added the petal pink sash. Then I felt like I loved it so I put the dress on layaway that day and soo
r/relationships TITLE: Am I cheating Me [26 M] on my sorta gf [28 F] if I spend a week abroad with an ex [30 F]? POST: My Girl friend told me that she's not sure where things are going in our relationship and has kept me in limbo for the past few weeks. I am trying to win back her affection by cooking gifts, but she doesn't really reciprocate her feelings back to strongly and nothing has gone past first base, but this could be due to her working 6 days a week in medical school rotations. Right now I feel l
r/relationships TITLE: I [27M] am feeling worse than expected after wife of 7 years has first open relationship encounter POST: Our bedroom has been cold over the past year (due in part to my anxiety meds, busy schedule). We both love each other very much and have a great relationship (other than the lack of sex). She has been talking about "opening" up for awhile and I finally gave in. Sex is a pretty big physical need for her and there was an opportunity for her to have sex. With concerns that the opport
r/loseit TITLE: Five years later = 170 lbs later POST: I'm a 23 year old Canadian who wants to share some optimism and self appreciation with people who are fighting the fat! I weighed 340 lbs at the end of grade 12, age 18, and now weigh 170 lbs at 23. The time tags in these are inaccurate. This is the before. Taken late May of 2009. And this is the after. Taken just about 2 weeks ago. I just started a blog recently to give support to the people that might need it. If anyone wants to check it out it
r/tifu TITLE: TIFU by trying to be a nice person POST: obligatory this didn't happen today but a few months ago, reading another post just reminded me of this and i had to post. backstory: i grew up in europe with a bit traditional parents who drilled in common norms and stuff. one of them holding the door open for the person behind you. i moved to a certain country in asia where things go a little bit different. walking out of the shopping mall there's these heavy big doors. being the nice person i am i
r/legaladvice TITLE: [KS] forcing and threatening to do a deal POST: so i asked a hypothetical question on reddit asking if there is a way to cash out large ambitcoins without being reported to the IRS. few minutes later i got a PM saying that " hey i can do that for you. you send me the bitcoins and i will buy computers, hide the money in it and send it to me from Romania or somewhere like that. it seemed sketchy, but i played along. i told him that i am a 16 year old kid (im not) and i want the money to
r/relationships TITLE: I (22 F) have no idea how to get comfortable with skype sex with my 22y.o. boyfriend. Help! POST: We've been dating about a year now but only the first couple of months we were in the same country. Now we've been in this trans-atlantic relationship for the past seven months or so (minus the Christmas holidays). He's never been pushy about it but I feel like it's something he really wants. You know, subtle hints dropped, etc. The problem I have with it is my utter lack of confidence
r/relationships TITLE: Me [16M] with my best friend [16M] and his [16F] Girlfriend are always with each other, and It makes me miss my girlfriend I had. POST: My best friend who we will call "Pal" is dating my female friend who we will call "sue" Pal and Sue are always with each other and I see them every day almost tied together at the hip. I was dating Sue's friend and I love her to death. Sue and Pal would sit together. GF and I would sit together, and the four of us being friends would hang out and t
r/Advice TITLE: First Date Went too Far... POST: Last Friday I went out with a girl on a first date. She was sweet. We were having a few drinks at the bar when she invited me over to her place. I agreed. I'll skip the gory details, but we spent the better part of the weekend together in her bed. I didn't get home until Monday morning. This would be a great success for both of us if we'd agreed it was just a fun weekend fling. Only we didn't. I'm a sucker for romance. We snuggled for hours. I
r/relationships TITLE: I [F19] need help with inconsiderate boyfriend [M21] POST: I [F19] have been dating my boyfriend [M21] for almost a year and a half. We were just taking a shower together, as we sometimes do, for fun but also because we were both going out tonight and needed some refreshing. And then I lost my shit. Why does someone lose their shit in the shower? Because the boyfriend used the girlfriend's razor in his last shower and did not clean the hair stubbles out, which means this razor (whic
r/relationships TITLE: How do I [m, 21] express disinterest in something my girlfriend [f, 21] wants to tell me about without offending her? POST: We have been dating for 1 year. I just finished an exam and am pretty exhausted. My girlfriend and I planned to play a video game when I got home, but while we were waiting for the game to start she begins this extended recount of a movie (based on a book) that I have absolutely no interest in. She is going into detail about the characters and the plot and (may