2 values
r/relationships TITLE: I [25M] decided to take a month break from my GF [23F] of 2 years, and I think I'm seriously considering to end it. POST: This is my first post and fairly new to reddit so I apologize if my writing is all over the place. I'll try to keep this brief as possible. So little background: I met my girlfriend online while I was in my junior year in college. I was living with a college buddy of mine and she would come over couple times a week to spend the night. Things went real well for th
r/AskReddit TITLE: Do you think death is a good thing? POST: Lately I've had a really interesting view of death. I feel like death is the ultimate peace. No more stress, no more bullshit. People often like to point out how "lucky" we are to even exist, but what if it's actually the opposite? What if the trillions of other possible human combinations that were never born are the lucky ones? They never have to deal with any of this crap. They continue to not exist while we're down here dealing with this fuck
r/relationships TITLE: I [24M] need some help processing this. POST: My girlfriend of 5 years and my friend decided to go to the bar. We all ended up getting drunk, I ended up blacking out completely. We saw one of my girfriends friends there who is gay. I Remeber starting to talk to him then I blacked out. Apparently we talked about some things I can't Remeber anything I said. Apparently we went outside and he kissed me, then I kissed him back. Then I must have walked home. I had no recollection of any
r/relationships TITLE: Me [29/M]with a girl I'm dating [25/F] for a month, are already having communication problems POST: Me and this girl started talking about a month back and it was one of those instant connections. we would text back and forth for hours and it was good. But the negative side to it was, it was moving too fast. within a short time, we had both agreed that we liked each other a lot and wanted to see where it went exclusively. unfortunately i found out that she had recently gotten ou
r/legaladvice TITLE: Speeding tickets while working POST: Before anyone goes into a tirade about the fact that I shouldn't have been speeding. I know. I was late to a patients house and it was raining and I got pulled over. I thought I was going to get a warning and sent on my way. Nope. The police officer said I was going 53 in a 30. I did not go that fast. Radar or no, I was going 45 which is still a no no but I had been up half the night with my kid and had to go to work. I didn't make small talk becaus
r/AskReddit TITLE: I think a mutual friend of mine stole property from my university. Gathering evidence, any advice? POST: So, I work in a computer lab at my university, and another lab in another building of the school recently had a microphone stolen from their recording studio. They caught an image of the suspect (the last person to use the studio before the mic was stolen) and posted it around the school. The first thing I thought when seeing the image was, holy crap, that looks like X. I felt a litt
r/relationships TITLE: Anyone else had experience asking why you've been suddenly led on? POST: So I met this girl online, got to talking, and met up soon after. We had some great dates, we both seemed to really like each other. Then one week she cancels on me (which is fine, shit happens, no biggy) and since then we've still been talking but when I ask her out I get a "I don't know yet, I'll get back to you!" or something of that nature. And of course, I never hear a suggestion for another day to see e
r/relationships TITLE: Me [27 M] with my GF [24 F] 1 year. My gf compared herself to my favourite hobby, I don't think this is fair to either of us. POST: I am an avid skier, my gf lives in another country about 5 hours away. I have spent the last few weekends skiing and have gone way over my budget for this month. This weekend just opened up on my end that it would be a possibility for me to go see her. I told her I was quite tired and didn't have the budget ( it would cost around 200 $ to go there) She r
r/AskReddit TITLE: Today, I had a heated argument with someone, who claimed that you get practically a workout while riding them. What other stupid arguments have you gotten into? POST: NOTE: I meant to type dirt bikes, not them in the title. Sorry. I was just talking to my friend about if we could have unlimited money to spend on one website, and one website only, which website would it be. He was talking about how he would buy a 12 thousand dollar gaming computer, and I was agreeing about how that would
r/relationships TITLE: I (m19) can't get over breaking up with my ex girlfriend (f19) of almost 2 years. POST: Hey r/relationships, right now I'm just going through a really rough time emotionally and any ways to help me out would be appreciated c: Me and my now ex had been going out for 1.8 years until we broke up 3 weeks ago and since then I've been just a total wreck. I've felt nothing but just an emptiness inside myself. I've picked up alcohol for the first time in my life and I regret it so much. I'v
r/AskReddit TITLE: How can I cure my chronic procrastination? POST: I am currently a junior in High School and am taking the heaviest workload in my entire class (I know this for a fact, less than 200 people in my class). However, to top off the fact that I have more work than any of my peers, I am also the worst procrastinator I know of. Earlier this year, a project was assigned and staying true to my past, I started the night before. I sat at my computer browsing reddit, Facebook, youtube, taking "breaks
r/AskReddit TITLE: Redditors who make a living while they travel, how do you do it? POST: For the past 5 or 6 years, my life has been defined by the moments in which I was on the road. Like many of you (speculation here), these moments are all I think about... my time in Iceland, Germany, the stormy Atlantic coasts of Northern Canada, and even the Western United States (I'm from PA). I now live in New York City, work in social media (which I abhor), and write whenever I get the chance. This is not enough.
r/relationship_advice TITLE: [21f] I'm in a relationship with [21m] but I've been having thoughts that make me feel really guilty... POST: I'm going to try to keep this short and sweet (if possible). BF and I are both college students and we've been dating officially for 7 months or so, hooking up on and off for about a year before that. Up until a month or so ago, our relationship was fantastic. He's my best friend, we never fight, we have an active sex life, he treats me so well. He's absolutely crazy ab
r/relationships TITLE: Me [21M] with my girlfriend [21F] of 5 months. She's slept with A LOT (12) guys back in college, whereas I haven't, is it normal for me to be upset? POST: She's an awesome person, smart, nice, low maintenance, etc. It makes me worried though, I keep having thoughts like, "What made her want to sleep with so many guys, so casually?" "Does she have underlying issues I don't know about?" "Does she not value sex the way I do?" Luckily, we have fantastic sex, and her "experience" doesn'
r/pettyrevenge TITLE: If you demand free shit, you'll have to work for it. POST: I work for a retail company (in our region's main office, not in a store) which means I get to deal with the "I want to speak with the manager" types who aren't placated even after they talk to the store manager. I'm pretty good at talking them off the ledge & hearing them out, so *most* of them are a little calmer & occasionally even apologize for biting my head off once I get their info & assure them an AVP will be in touch
r/AskReddit TITLE: Being unfairly charged with academic dishonesty, need advice. POST: Over the summer, I took Organic Chemistry I. On the first test I received the highest grade: a 97. I didn't do so hot on the next two tests (68 and 72 respectively), though relative to the class averages I fared pretty well. Thankfully, because a test is dropped in the class, I received a B+ in the class. Last Friday, I received an email from my TA stating that there is a discrepancy between the grade shown in their re
r/relationship_advice TITLE: Best way to end things? POST: I (24m) started to date a friend (23f) about a month and a half ago. We're both expats (from the same country) working in the same area, so naturally we hit it off. We'd known each other for about three months prior to dating. Three weeks into our dating relationship, we go on holiday. Just before leaving, she drunkenly told me that she wanted to be exclusive. I said sure and thought that was that. She reiterated this to me several times over hol
r/relationships TITLE: I (20M) am having problems with my long time girlfriend (20F). I needed to get this off of my chest, but advice is very much appreciated. POST: Well, we've been together three years. Last year she was diagnosed with lupus. I've been nothing but helpful and supportive, but my efforts seem worthless. She has to stay cooped up all the time, because she can't be out for too long without feeling sick. I feel like any complaint I have is just a whine, because I don't have any real problems
r/relationships TITLE: My [20s F] SO [20s M] let me know he has a crush on someone else. Unsure how to react. POST: My SO [22M] and I [20F] have been together for 6ish months and recently we've been having problems with him acting distance. He let me know that this is because he has a crush on a girl he works with, and has been feeling really guilty about it. He has let me know that he is still 100% committed to me, does not want to act on these feelings at all and still loves me. I trust that he won't do
r/relationships TITLE: I [18M] feel extremely good when I'm with my female friend [18F] even though we've established the relationship as platonic. POST: I've been friends with this girl for about 2 years and she's the type of friend who I can tell literally anything to. We discuss things like sex, politics, etc; nothing is out of bounds. When I first met her and got to know her a bit, I developed feelings for her and told her flat out. She said she didn't feel the same way but really wanted to remain fri
r/AskReddit TITLE: Parents are in a rough spot financially, what can I do in my position? POST: My father was laid off from his job about 2 months ago and hasn't been able to find a job anywhere, just odd-jobs here and there. They claim they've been staying afloat, but I sincerely doubt that's the truth. My father, in all honesty, made approximately 80% of the household income when he was working - and I know that my parents did not have any significant amount of money in their savings to help during a tim
r/relationships TITLE: Me [22 M] with my Partner [21 F] of 2 years, offered my dream job in another country. Don't know when to end the relationship. Break-up advice welcome. POST: I've recently been offered my (22/m) dream job in London. I have 2 months before I move to London (I'm in Australia). My SO (21/f) knew I was going for the job, however she does not know I now have an offer and am looking at going so soon. Our relationship has been great the past 2 years, however I feel I cannot pass up this opp
r/relationships TITLE: Me [20 M] with my ex [20 F] of three years, never left me alone and fucked me up emotionally during our breakup and now I get livid when people talk to me too much. POST: I dated this girl for three years, she would do very nice gestures like buy me gifts, food, clothes and was very lovey dovey but then on the other side of the spectrum she tried to change every aspect about me and used her gestures as leverage as to why I should abide to her. I wasn't aloud to see certain friends,
r/relationships TITLE: Me [26F] with guy [26M] dating 2.5 months, is it weird he has barely texted me since i left town? POST: Hello, We've been dating for about 2.5 months and overall everything seems great! I really like him and could see a future with him. I was the one who initiated the exclusivity talk and also asked him to take his dating profile down. He readily agreed but then I was wary about being the one to initiate these conversations. He's never had a gf before and is pretty naive, so I'll ch
r/needadvice TITLE: I'm 24, depressed, and need some advice. POST: I am a 24 year old video producer at a major broadcasting company. Sounds cool right?...except I wake up every morning and come in late because I have no motivation. I just found out the one thing I was looking forward to (going to a military base in Afghanistan with a field reporter) won't happen because I have diabetes. They said I was too big a liability...so now they are sending the other video guy (my "rival). They told my I'd get a
r/AskReddit TITLE: Hey reddit, how do I get my brother (25) and, to a lesser degree, my dad to stop acting like grown-ups and eat stuff that isn't potatoes and pork. POST: This is a major issue for my mom and me, but mostly my mom cuz she has high cholesterol and is on a strict diet. My brother takes pride in not eating any of the following: rice, pasta, mushrooms, beef, steamed vegetables, salads. My mom doesn't want to stand up to his stupid ass childish "aww i don't like that" attitude so we're basica
r/relationships TITLE: Why is it so hard to get over her? POST: Seven months ago me (23M) and my girlfriend(23F) of almost 4 years broke up. A few months back she had confessed to cheating on me with a co-worker, a female, she is Bisexual and I knew this before getting together. Me being so in love with her I stayed with her and we made progress into making our relationship work. A few weeks later we got into an argument and broke up. I tried to get her back but I couldn't. Her reasoning for breaking up wi
r/AskReddit TITLE: Approx $110K loan debts; I need some help/advice! POST: So after seeing this link , I realized that there might be some other great advice from reddit that could help me pay off my loan. The back story is, I made a late decision to go to college, so I was locked out of the best scholarships I could have gotten from high-school on. I never got the FAFSA information filled with the government/school - since I couldn't prove I was independent based on their requirements and my parents wo
r/relationships TITLE: Me [30 F] with my bf [30 M] of 2 years, he wants me to give him all my money to start a forex account in his name POST: My bf really wants to start investing in FOREX (foreign exchange markets), as well as some other things that he admits are ponzi schemes. He doesn't have $2000 to open an account and wants me to give him basically everything that I have in my savings to open an account in his name. He pays the majority of our monthly expenses as he works and I haven't found a job si
r/relationships TITLE: How to deal with a flake? (x-post from r/AL) POST: Edit: 25/F x2 So, I've been out of the closet for five months and I don't have any lesbians friends, except for one girl. We have a mutual childhood friend and have been acquainted most of our lives. I've always got along with her really well and since coming out we have gotten a lot closer. She's a great girl and I have an excellent time when I'm out with her, but she's a huge flake. She never returns phone calls, erratically texts
r/relationships TITLE: I (24F) love everything about my boyfriend (25M), but he never wants to have sex. POST: My boyfriend is amazing in so many ways and shares the same values with me and same sense of humor. He has made me very happy 1 yr into this relationship, but he rarely wants sex and he rarely makes an effort to do romantic things. He says the lacking sex drive is because of his medication. It's been this way from the beginning except for the first time we had sex. He has no problem getting/keep
r/running TITLE: Dealing with headaches and nausea after running? POST: Hello Runnit, So my boyfriend and I have worked out together for a while now. Last semester we started trying to run twice a week, but I had a problem. Every time I would push myself even a little I would get horrible headaches and nausea that lasted for the rest of the day after running. I always make sure to drink plenty of water so I know that that is not the problem. I have asked people about it but no one has been able to hel
r/offmychest TITLE: I could have saved my friend's life. POST: On Wednesday I lost a good friend of mine, and it could have been prevented. We were skating, and he was intoxicated, while I was not. He and another friend (Who is much better at skating) went down a steep hill, it didn't take long for him to fall and hurt himself. When he recovered, we continued to walk to burger king, but he was bleeding. We said he should wash up at burger king, and he agreed. He began asking me questions like how he
r/dating_advice TITLE: How to tell if she interested in me or just lonely and wanting attention? POST: I'm a 31m and she's a 30f. We met a few months ago on vacation, but she lives out of state. We have been talking for awhile mostly just IM and and i didn't ask her out until a month or two after we started chatting and she hit me with the following: me: i'd like to take you out on a date--and i know distance is a big issue--is there anything i could do to make this happen? her: i'm very flattered, but
r/loseit TITLE: Looking for diet advice, also soy question POST: So, 22 year old male, 5'11", 287 -> 240 over about 5 months or so now eating 1840 calories a day. Pretty sedentary lifestyle. First, I've been eating some soy products (100% Morningstar farms stuff) and tonight I've just stumbled upon a bunch of things that it may be bad for you or it may not be bad for you, so I'm kind of confused if I should stay away or what. Then I'm just thinking overall about my "diet" so far and wondering if I shoul
r/Dogtraining TITLE: Bad introductions POST: I adopted a puppy about three months ago we named loki. I knew nothing about introducing dogs and did everything wrong. The first thing I remember was she came in and peed on Sadie (our first dog 3yrs) bed. She was sick so we coddled her, and she pushed around Sadie when she got better. Now I fear she is trying to become the leader, I've been training her since I got her. She knows all her basics, but on walks she tries to lead, she has never walked behind me
r/AskReddit TITLE: Why the fuck are people so obsessed with finding and annihilating reposts? POST: Seriously, you guys. How many novelty accounts have been created with the sole purpose of finding/trolling/downvoting so-called "reposts"? There are new ones every goddamn day. I want new content, just like everyone else does, but sometimes a link reposted from eight months ago *is* new to me and I never would've seen it otherwise. Beyond that, I don't really give a flying fuck if some lame-ass pictu
r/relationship_advice TITLE: Ive (23F) met this guy (24M) at a party and im so confused about our relationship because of how he acts in person versus over the phone/text POST: So I haven't been in a committed relationship since 5 years ago but I've gone on multiple dates and seen some guys for a but but never as serious as the one 5 years ago. The guy I'm seeing now is a great and caring guy in person, and we act like a couple when were together but when it comes to communicating over the phone like texti
r/relationships TITLE: What am I (20F) going to be getting myself into dating a Jenhova's Witness (20M)? POST: Hi /r/relationships. This isnt your typical relationship question, as Im not in a relationship. However, I do have some questions about the possibility of one. I frequent my local gym everyday. And nearly everyday, Ill see this guy. We would work out in the same private room, on opposite sides, and slowly started speaking. Now, we flirt, we workout every other day together. Hes sweet, hes very ve
r/tifu TITLE: TIFU By Mixing Up Intersections POST: There's a series of three 3-way intersections at my local mall for reasons that are not immediately apparent, and to make them more confusing each one has a wildly different configuration for who has to stop and who gets the right of way. Today, thinking I was driving through the intersection where I didn't have to stop, I barreled right past a girl who was pulling into the intersection. We almost collided, but fortunately my steer-fu was stronger and I
r/tifu TITLE: TIFU By asking out a girl and then confessing my feelings for her over text POST: Biþ of backstory About 6 months ago, I asked a girl I was friends with out with the help of my excellent wingman. She said yes, and we tried to set a date to go out. It didn't really work, because she always had something with family going on. Fast forward to earlier today. I attempt one more shot, am go see her at our work, and we talk a little before I ask her what she is doing after work, and she says she is
r/relationships TITLE: I need to stop seeing my best friend. POST: My best mate [21F] and I [20M] have known each other for around 5 years, and through this point have become close to the point of almost being inseparable. We've stuck with each other through failed relationships and crappy friends, and she's probably the person I care about most in the world. As you can probably guess, I've fallen completely in love with her. We've gotten a lot closer physically and emotionally over the last couple of mo
r/relationships TITLE: How do I [22 M] become okay with my GF [19 F] of 3 months drinking and if I should drink? POST: Hey guys! Throw away here. I'm dating this amazing girl, and everything is going perfectly well. She drinks about once in a couple of months. She recently went out with her friends, and I had an uneasy feeling about the whole thing. Her drinking has been bugging me ever since! I don't drink, never have. How can I become okay with her drinking? It's not a deal breaker for me, but I d
r/AskReddit TITLE: My mom has social anxiety/agoraphobia...how do I get her to acknowledge this and seek help? POST: My mom has never had friends as long as I have been alive, she was a stay at home mom, she used to travel some when I was a kid, but has now gotten to the point of refusing to travel and will not drive more than 10 miles or so from the house. My brother and his wife recently had the first grand-baby, but they live 1000 miles away from my parents. My dad is facing retirement in the next y
r/AskReddit TITLE: No air conditioning in apartment for the last 8 days. What kind of recourse is available? POST: The air conditioning has not been working in my sister's apartment for 8 days now. The issue was reported and supposedly repaired on the first day. The air worked through the night but quit again the next day. We are now a week later and still waiting on the issue to be resolved. The apartment maintenance guys are the ones working to repair the unit. They refuse to call a professional A/
r/relationships TITLE: Me [15m] with my new girlfriend [16f] -- doesn't want me to tell her brother [15m] we're dating but he's my best friend POST: kind of dumb teenage drama, but i need advice and can't go to my older siblings because they'd tell everyone. basically, to start off, i've grown up with my gf -- Anna -- and best friend -- Liam. our dads are best friends and our older brothers are actually engaged. me and Liam were always hella close and we still do just about everything together now Liam kn
r/relationships TITLE: Me [28 M] having trouble deciding whether or not to hang out with ex's [25F] good friends. Wondering if it's worth it. POST: My ex and I were together for a little over three years. The breakup was mutual at the time but still very difficult for me at least, I've done well maintaining a no-contact situation so I really don't know what's going on with her. Her two closest friends [25/26F] were also good friends to me during the relationship and we all really have nothing against eac
r/relationships TITLE: My boyfriend (26m) hit me (21f) last night. How can I apologize to him? POST: My boyfriend and I have been together for a little over 2 years. We were drinking and I started talking about an ex of mine. He didn't like what he was hearing so he punched me in the back of my head and knocked me unconscious. My friend wants me to go to the police but I love him and I know he wouldn't do it again. He isn't a bad person, he may have a bad temper at times, especially while drinking, bu
r/relationships TITLE: After a month of NC we saw each other and are going to spend some time togther [M26] [F23] POST: So after an 18 month relationship with some good times and some bad times, she [F23] finally left me[M26]. It destroyed me at the time but after a while I could have a good look back and see the destructive behaviours that were ruining alot of relationships in my life. I've made some amazing changes and I can honestly say her breaking up with me was the best thing for me. After two wee
r/AskReddit TITLE: Ever had a narrow escape from injury or death that you didn't know about until later? POST: When I was eight or nine or so, I was at my dad's high school reunion in Iowa. We were at his buddy's house. Very large house. I was an oblivious youngster, and I apparently didn't look out any back doors or windows during daylight, or notice the landscape as we drove up. That night, I was horsing around with my dad's friend, pretending to be scared of him or whatever, when I slipped out the ba
r/relationships TITLE: Me [32M] dating [31F] for a month, getting serious but very curious about another woman, do I say something? POST: Started dating a girl about 3 weeks ago. Things moved very quickly and she's spent every second night at my place. I told her it's a bit early to start throwing around the "girlfriend/boyfriend" terms, but that I feel that's where we'll end up. She's told me she's not pursuing anyone else, and I gave kind of a vague reply. Lighting never strikes for me, so naturally at
r/relationships TITLE: Me [00 M/F] with my ___ [00 M/F] duration, short-description POST: I'm sorry for this post Reddit I am drunk and confused. My boyfriend and I have been together for over 9 years and we haven't always had the most perfect relationship. Marriage hasn't always been important to me but having children one day is something I have always thought about. Recently he told me that having kids in this world is a selfish act and that he didn't want to have a child. This is new to me because he h
r/relationships TITLE: Me [26M] with my ex [26F] 6 months, Advice on getting back together. POST: I met this amazing girl on vacation last year and she ended up living fairly close to me. We hit it off instantly and started dating when we returned home. She told me on our 2nd date that her and her best friend were planning a backpacking trip across Europe in 6 months and that she didn't want a boyfriend. We still dated exclusively for the next 6 months and ended up getting very attached to each other. I
r/tifu TITLE: TIFU by not reviewing my college app before submitting it POST: TIFU. Some backstory. It was thanksgiving break and cousins came to visit. I was trying to finish my college applications before the thanksgiving day. My cousin who was in college sat next to me and was trying to help. After I was tired with filling pages and pages of personal information, I decided that I want to skip to the end of the application- the additional comments section. My cousin thought that it would be funny if I
r/relationships TITLE: Me [16F] with my friends [13-17M/F]. Am I being 'abusive' to them? POST: Note: Ages are slightly altered, and a throwaway account is being used. Tbh I'm not sure if I'm even asking in the right place... So! I have had this habit for about five years now... That involves smacking/punching people on the shoulders/back/occasionally the stomach during conversations whenever they say something stupid/I get irritated by them. The habit is stupid and selfish, I know. But I hardly use any
r/relationships TITLE: [31M] I have been separated from my wife for over a year. Divorce was filed in January and almost finalized in April but she backed out last min. Is it wrong to start dating again? POST: We separated in June 2012 and filed for divorce in January 2013. We met with our lawyers and spent 5 hours negotiating a final settlement in April. The papers were drawn up and I signed them but at the last min she would not right after she received a phone call. She is now trying to drag it on fo
r/relationships TITLE: Me and my friends/family disagree on this. Do you think if you were in a relationship that was (somewhat) long-term, you shouldn't date someone new so soon after breaking up out of "respect" for your ex? POST: So I, 23F, broke up with 24M (let's just call him Ex) because he wasn't a good boyfriend. We were together for a year. Honestly, I checked out of the relationship MONTHS before the actual breakup and talked about breaking up a couple times, in which he manipulated me back into
r/jobs TITLE: Accepting interview offer in another state when there's another job I might take? POST: First of all, I feel the need to say that I do realize that I'm very lucky to have multiple (potential, at least) job options when a lot of people are struggling to get their resumes noticed, and that my problem is quite a FWP. Having said that, I have a bit of a conundrum. I am currently considering jobs in two different cities, both of which are in different states from where I live now. One company (le
r/relationships TITLE: I [27F] want to ask out a guy [early 20'sM] at uni. I need a male's perspective as I have been given conflicting advice. POST: Ok, I'd [27F] like to ask a guy Tim [early 20'sM] from uni out. We have been sitting next to each other for the past 3 weeks and my intuition strongly tells me he likes me. We have only spoken once last week, but I would like to get to know him better. He smiled kind of shyly when I spoke to him last week, and he shared his iPad with me when I told our group
r/tifu TITLE: TIFU by wanting to eat POST: You know how goldfish (the food) sometimes come in those big cartons? Well, today, I wanted some. Sadly, so called carton wouldn't open. After many attempts, I'm like "ALRIGHT, TIME TO TAKE A KNIFE TO THE BOX!!!" So, stupid me gets kitchen knife and tries to open carton. Knife slips, makes cut wound to side of left hand. No biggie, just a small cut, until IT DOESN'T STOP BLEEDING. Me freaks out for moment, calms down, looks for band-aid. ALL OF THE BAND-AIDS ARE T
r/relationships TITLE: My [20?] Girlfriend [20?F] of almost a year saw porn in my phone history and is upset but won't talk to me about it POST: My girlfriend and I have an amazing relationship, I've never connected with someone so much in my life and she feels the same about me. I am convinced that I would probably spend my life with her, but we both agreed that its still too early to talk about marriage. We have been through a lot in a short period, we found out she was pregnant but suffered a miscarriag
r/relationship_advice TITLE: [19/m] Amazing friend (19/f) doesn't want to me girlfriend POST: English is not my native language, sorry if i made any mistakes/fucked grammar I fell in love with one of my best friends 5 months ago, but she didn't feel the same. We talk about everything, exs, friends, everything. We're each others goto person. We've only been friends for 7 months, which is surprising to both me and her. Feels like I've know her my entire life. She has some really serious trust issues aswell
r/relationships TITLE: Intern [20 M] with my Coworkers [25-35 Various Adults] awkward/embarrassing situation & anxiety POST: I'm currently interning at a company remotely and live in a college residential building with other people. These buildings can generally be loud, and have a lot of people going in and out. Part of my ongoing internship (worked during the summer) involves working remotely and occasionally that results in sometimes having to place calls. While I was on the phone, some people who do
r/relationships TITLE: How do I [23] prove to "the one" that I didn't cheat on her [23]? POST: Long story short, I am sharing an apartment with a few girls and a few guys while studying abroad this semester. One of the girls had a friend staying over for a few nights and since I have two beds in my room, I allowed the two girls to use my room while I slept alone in the other room. While I was skyping with my amazing girlfriend of [2 years] in my room, one of the girls came in and asked if they could take t
r/relationships TITLE: My first relationship.... I need help! POST: Okay... I will say it right now that the situation i put myself into is my fault and I have no one to blame but me. I asked a girl out for the first time in my life. First 2 weeks were great. Every time I would see her my heart would flutter. After that, things went downhill. For some reason, there are things that bug me about her. First of all, her personality. Most of it, i really really love. She's a very cheerful happy person that
r/Advice TITLE: Should I tell her how I feel? POST: So, I'm in 7th grade now and I've liked this girl Claire for about a year, and we've started talking a lot more and we have the same favorite singer (halsey). I feel like we really connect and can relate to each other and that we'd be great as a couple. There's only two problems though. A. One of her best friends was my ex-best friend after he started acting like a total douche and is now the "Fuckboy self-proclaimed 'cool' kid". I feel like that one
r/relationships TITLE: Should I (24F) break up with him (25M) for his sake? POST: I've been dating Sam for 7 months now. I adore him, I'm wildly attracted to him, and having him in my life makes me really happy. When we first met we discussed how unhealthy our past relationships were and agreed to take things slow. We've both fallen head over heels for partners and ended up miserable. He has referred to himself several times as a "hopeless romantic," or at least he used to be, but seems a little wary of
r/relationships TITLE: 21 year old male with a 19 year old female. Why does she have freak outs every month on our anniversary? POST: So my girlfriend of a year(today is our 1 year anniversary) has these freak outs, where she will freak out at me and others every month on our anniversary. Tonight we were watching TV and cuddling after a gift exchange, and she just freaked out and left. I don't know why she does this, and I in turn freak out because it feels like she just sees it as another month wasted w
r/tifu TITLE: TIFU by trying to repair my TV POST: So long story short my TV stopped working a few days ago (three months after varanty was over). I took a look inside, because when my PC monitor broke, I was able to fix it by replacing three [e-caps] After there was nothing unusual to find, I decided to let it sit there, when today I had an idea: Some years ago, I made my graphics card running again by heating it. The idea is to "fix" cold or broken soldering joints. So I put the circuit board in the o
r/loseit TITLE: Looking for advice, support -- especially from someone who has battled ED behavior. POST: My story is simple: I was overweight (5 foot 7, about 175 lbs) and through diet and exercise I dropped to 155 pounds. Then I kicked into motivated overdrive and dropped to 125 through extreme measures -- looking back, I'd say your classic case of anorexia (if there can even be a "classic case"). My lowest weight was about four months ago. My period has disappeared, my hormones are whacked, and I am, in
r/loseit TITLE: 8 weeks to lose just a touch more weight. Anyone willing to help? POST: Okay guys here's my story. I'm 18 years old and for the better part of my life I've been an extremely lazy kid. I would just sit around and do nothing (I still do but only after I work out). I decided last March that all of this would change because I wanted to go through the AFROTC at my university. Last March I set up a meeting with the Major in charge and I decided this is what I wanted to do. I could take the academ
r/relationships TITLE: I [23F] drunkenly kissed another guy, confessed to boyfriend [29M] a month later and now on a break. POST: BF [29M] and I [23F] have been together for almost 4 years. We met at university and he has since graduated and moved an hour away while I stay and get my masters. A year into our relationship he had serious health issues and was hospitalized for an entire summer and I was fully supportive of him through that. We have a really serious relationship and had been talking seriously
r/relationship_advice TITLE: I'm [26/m] on a break with my girlfriend [24/f] and we had a great night after 2.5 weeks but she still isn't ready POST: So - 2 weeks ago I called a break with my girlfriend. I got inquisitive with her about a guy she said was a sweetheart that was [in her words] acting creepy. She thought that meant I didn't trust her. Unfortunately I think the curiosity stemmed more so from my own insecurity and urge to be the alpha male in the situation. I was ready to talk a few days la
r/relationships TITLE: Married [33 F] have a giant crush on CW [31 M], we're both married to other people. Is this a healthy crush or am I getting close to crossing the line? POST: I've been married for eight years and things aren't the worst, but aren't the best. I'm notorious for having commitment issues and have been feeling very suffocated by the idea of being with one person for the rest of my life. Plus, I had some traumatic events happen right before I met my husband and I believe it affected my abi
r/tifu TITLE: TIFU by canceling my debit card for no reason POST: Background: I'm a pretty smart first year college student who lives in the dorms So today I logged onto my Wells Fargo account to transfer money from my savings account to my checking account. While online, I noticed a small charge that I didn't recognize. I looked back through my account summary and noticed $2.00 charges approximately every week since I moved away from home. I've been the victim of fraud in the past, so I immediately calle
r/relationship_advice TITLE: How do I tell them? POST: Over the summer I had a fling with a guy whom I met through some friends. And both of us like our privacy so we decided not to tell anyone. So none of my friends who know either of us know anything about it. They may have suspicions but none of them know anything for sure. It was a fun summer and cause I left for uni we broke it off but here's the kicker: I lost my virginity to him Now, I am still really close with my friends (I see them almost eve
r/AskReddit TITLE: Met an awesome girl on Omegle last night POST: Hey Reddit... first time poster here, hopefully this is the correct area to post in. Last night I met a really awesome girl on Omegle. (I'm 22 years old for reference - she is 18) Right off the bat, it sounds lame... but I regularly chat to random people on Omegle due to boredom... among other things. Anyway, we start talking... I find out she lives in Australia like myself, so he have a good connection straight away. Also find out we bot
r/relationships TITLE: Me [29/F] with my boyfriend [24 M] together two years, has developed grand mal seizures, reacting badly, not sure if i can take it. Help? POST: My boyfriend has recently been diagnosed with grand mal seizures, now I've had seizures myself but on the lesser scale, and not bad enough to need medication, so i understand where everything is coming from and the feelings that go alongside it. He experiences constant pain some days, and none other days, his parents won't help him -i don't t
r/relationships TITLE: [20M] Been with Girlfriend [20F] for 1 and a half years, get a strange text from her when she goes home... POST: So basically, my girlfriend went home a few days ago for the Easter break, as we live together at the moment in a house (6 people total) for university. We met early in the 1st year, in student halls and have been together ever since. However, there are one or two things that have seemed odd now and again, but I normally just brush them off, until the other day. The day
r/relationships TITLE: Me [18 M] with my Girlfriend [18 F] for 1 year, decided to take a break after a big fight. POST: She and I recently had a huge fight about her cheating on me at a party by kissing other guys while she was drunk. She feels bad and has apologized, but i thought it necessary to take a break. She says that she really wants to get back together, but one of her friends just told me that she said "How funny would it be it I hooked up with (insert names of two of sauceman25's friends here)?"
r/Advice TITLE: Someone knows something very personal to me, but won't tell me who they are POST: Please bare with me as this is probably going to be a wall of text. **Back Story** 7 years ago, I had a testicular torsion. I haven't admitted to this to many people. Only a very few select of my family know. I have told my 3 people outside of my family. Outside of my family, a total of 5 people that I know of, knew about what happened. **Today** A few days ago, I posted on an anonymous app, called Whi
r/relationships TITLE: (Me [21F] with my bf [20 M] 4 months) Is sex a valid argument to break up? POST: Me and my bf (both in our early 20-ies) don't have matching libidos. I believe that we should be having more sex... or sex at all! We talked about it, all he said was that for him it isn't much of a deal, it isn't something intimate and he doesn't gain any pleasure from doing it. This is hurting me deeply and I have numerous times shared it, it seems like he couldn't care less. I've tried to find out why
r/relationships TITLE: Me [18F] with my boyfriend [18M] of two years. He's upset that I went to prom without him. POST: Background: Met online, long distance relationship for over two years now. We meet in person every few months, during school breaks. My Senior prom occurred last Friday. We were planning on maybe going together, but we had to figure out transportation and lodging. I asked him to see if he would be able to make it, at least 3 weeks before the event, though we had talked about it casually
r/relationships TITLE: My (20m) downstairs neighbor (2XM) is smoking on our non-smoking property and being an Nuisance. POST: My downstairs neighbor has a deck that is directly below mine. In the lease agreement it states there shall be no smoking in the rooms, the decks, or withing 30 feet of the building or else be charged with the costs of repainting the room/area. But he still smokes at least a pack a day on his porch. This wouldnt be so bad except if i want to have my screen door open because its s
r/relationship_advice TITLE: [21/f] A question of expectations for my boyfriend (23m) POST: My boyfriend and I are used to high levels of privacy and sexual activity. We met in college, and we spent two years almost inseparable-we spent the night together as much as we wanted. This past school year, we have been a long distance relationship because he graduated and moved back home. The LDR has its own challenges but coming home has always been hard. This summer we are only about 30min away from each other.
r/relationships TITLE: My boyfriend[20M] wrote me[20F] a crummy letter, feel bad for not liking it. POST: I have been dating my SO for 19 months today. A year and a month ago I wrote him a very long love letter that I took a lot of time and effort to write. I put designs all around it and made it look perfect. Since then we've had some issues (him lying about smoking weed behind my back, lying in general) and I asked him if he could write me a letter back because I thought it would help our relationship ge
r/dating_advice TITLE: Change of heart or am I misinterpreting signs? (x-post) POST: Long story short: Me[21] Became friends with a girl (about a year), fell for the girl[21]. See signs of interest. Eventually ask girl on a date, she says no, that she isn't ready for a relationship, and that it wouldn't be fair to me. Saying she thought we were just having fun. Explains that last relationship was messy and that her ex really messed with her head. I say ok. We continue to be friends. After asking her for a
r/relationships TITLE: Me [25M], want to cut ties with my parents. POST: Ok, not really sure where to start but here we go, I am a 25 year old physicist who is happily married and has 2 kids. I am also an atheist as is my wife. My parents are semi hard line Christians who have given us a shitload of abuse in the past for being non Christian believers, however, the reason I want to cut ties with them centres around the topic of "hitting your children in the name of discipline". Now.. I take a fairly strong
r/tifu TITLE: TIFU: By Mistaking Something Innocent As Very Sexual POST: I was at work today and near the beginning of my shift, a male coworker who we'll call Matt came up to me. He's middle aged and a good 20 years older than me. (I'm 23.) We were alone in the back of the stockroom together unloading boxes when he says, "Hey, have you ever wanted a Brazilian blowout? Have you had one done before?" Me, not knowing what a Brazilian blowout was, but thinking it was some odd sexual act said, "Excuse me? Wha
r/dating_advice TITLE: awkward older brother has found himself a gold digger, what should i do? POST: so my older brother is having girl issues. well, he is usually having girl issues mainly because he has never had a real girlfriend (he's 23) and therefore thinks that something is wrong with him, BUT he has found a girl that will keep him company... for a price. keep in mind that he has been getting very little in return (both physically and emotionally) but moving on. he reunited with this girl he knew
r/tifu TITLE: TIFU by mixing up the names of diseases POST: For a little backstory I somewhat recently got my first job. I've been there only a few months and due to the fact that we handle a few different events at any given time I haven't worked with many of my co-workers more than a few times. Well TIFU. What we've been doing the past few weeks is working in a concessions stands at baseball/softball games for all age groups. Today were coach pitched and tee ball games. Since this age group tends to hav
r/relationship_advice TITLE: I [20/m] have been called "the one girls date when they're ready to get married." Is that even a thing? POST: Kind of a strange question but it caught me off-guard. I'm a 20 year old sophomore in college. I'm in a fraternity at a massive state school, so being seen as a responsible person isn't very hard to accomplish in a sea of morons. I've never had much success in the dating world, then again, I've also never really tried. At this point, I don't want to be caught up in it
r/relationship_advice TITLE: [19/m] My girlfriend (18/f) broke up with me saying she needs independence POST: So me and my girlfriend have been dating for two years now (with a 3 month break due to a bad fight) and the other day we got into a little fight and she called me saying she doesn't want to be with me right now. She said the spark was gone and things aren't like they used to be before we took the 3 month break (understandable, because it is true, although things are only slightly different). But
r/relationships TITLE: My [18M] Parents [54F] [62M] don't know how to use the Internet and it stresses me out. POST: Hi /r/relationships, anyways my parents for like the past 4 years have been constantly struggling using the Internet and its feel like they never bother to try and get better at it, when they can just constantly rely on me. My mom has me do stuff like help pay her taxes, file insurance papers, pay bills, etc, and its really frustrating because half the time I don't know what I'm supposed to
r/AskReddit TITLE: Reddit, how do you deal with constant frustration? I am about to quit my phd and don't know what to do. POST: This is a throwaway account. I am a phd student, about halfway through the program. I feel completely overwhelmed, frustrated and helpless. My project is not yielding any results, I am out of ideas what else I could try and frankly, I just don't care anymore. I would gladly take any other job if it just meant I didn't have to go back to the lab, but in my country and in my field
r/Parenting TITLE: Party invites, siblings, and fallings out. Help! POST: Awkward dilemma. I'm planning my kid's 6th birthday. Call her Alex. Hotel pool party/slumber party. I want to invite a friend for my 3 year old during the day. The obvious choice is. .. Call her Janie. Total best friends! Problem is. . Call her Helga, Janie's older sister. Helga and Alex used to be friends. Helga is one grade up and during the expected drifting apart, Helga got mean. In the interactions that she and my kid hav
r/relationship_advice TITLE: [18/m] POST: hi everyone, my girlfriend of over a year is going through some tough times. she's working to go pay for college, gas, and food, but the real kicker- her family lives on the other side of the country. she feels alone, since she doesn't have many friends in the town we're from, as she moved her a couple of years ago. basically, the issue is this: i'm going back to school in a couple of weeks, so our long distance relationship will be starting up again. naturally,
r/relationships TITLE: How do me and my roommate tell our 3rd roommate her boyfriend is here too much? [all 20F] POST: I am a junior in college and living on my own for the first time. I rent a house with 2 other girls. One girl, M, is a friend and someone I know very well. The other girl, T, is an acquaintance who I barely know. Now, things have been a little rough, as it is the beginning of the school year and all of us are "on our own" and out of the dorms for the first time. The biggest issue we've ha
r/relationships TITLE: Gf (m22) of 2 months is angry at me (m22), for the possibility of not going to her party because of work. More details.. POST: About 2.5 months ago my then friend, now gf invited me to her grad party for college (she never had one in high school). This past week I was given the opportunity to work that night for roughly 60 an hour. I explained to her that it would help a lot with bills but she's still cold and angry at me. Am I an asshole for possibly not attending her party? I ne
r/AskReddit TITLE: Shit Reddit, I need advice POST: Some background info: I'm 20, and away at college. My parents are divorced and hate each other. So recently, there was some dorm fee that had to be paid, and we weren't sure who got the check from my school to pay it, so each parent paid half, which was $500. So we found out that the money from the school loan went to my father, and now my mother is demanding the $500 from him. He refuses to pay her, saying that she already owes him lots of other fees.