2 values
r/relationship_advice TITLE: Stuck in a corner POST: I recentley moved in with my gf(21)female, me(20) female. We've been going out for almost 8 months and everytime i want to go visit my sisters she gets really upset about it. Acting like im never going to come back. I told her that i love her but my family comes before everything. Everytime i try to talk about it with her she starts crying and saying that shes a bad gf and that shes selfish for wanting to keep me all to herself. A week ago i wanted to
r/relationships TITLE: I [24, F] suspect that my SO [30, M] is abusing Ketamine and hiding it from me. POST: He (who I'll refer to as Peter) and I have been together for 14 months. We have (had?) a wonderful relationship, and my daughter gets along with him well. Before we got together, Peter explained to me that he was an ex Ketamine addict, with a couple of minor relapses, and that this addiction had been so bad that it had cost him his bladder. As he was something special, I let it go and said that I
r/relationships TITLE: After a 9 month relationship, my gf [30] doesn't want me [32] to accompany her to any social gatherings due to me not being comfortable in social situations POST: I am a 32 year old guy from Europe who has had one serious relationship in the past that lasted 8 years and ended badly after moving to the United States. My girlfriend is 30 years old and is from India. We met through a common friend and have been in a very happy relationship for the past 9 months. She is moving to the Eas
r/relationships TITLE: double life POST: Hey all! I just am curious if any of you have been in this situation before. My(22M) partner(26F) and I recently split up due to losing ourselves to one another. We had started to lose other friends and similar things that were stressful to both of us. So we separated and told all of those close to us about it. However, we still love one another, greatly. So, no we have decided that we are going to stay together, but we don't want the relationship to define us. S
r/AskReddit TITLE: Could someone help me with my dog problems? POST: I have an 8 year old Australian Shepard mix, and up until last year, she was the most gentle thing on the planet. However, last February we bought a 3 year old Pit mix and then in June bought a Cockapoo, and her behavior turned a 180. Both the Pit and the Poo are really friendly, but Angel (the Aussie) has taken to them rather badly. Since their arrival, Angel has become more food aggressive, territorial, and all around bitchier (pun inte
r/relationship_advice TITLE: Broke up with my gf of 6 years and trying to move on. Tried to rekindle an old fire with a different ex. POST: So after some time lurking on reddit, I think it's time to come out and post. I am 28 (m) my gf is 24, we have been together for 6 years and I decided to break up with her for many reasons. Mainly because were are headed in different directions; I own a business and I am ready to start a family, whereas she is just starting law school and will not have time for that.
r/relationships TITLE: Me [23F] with my bf [24M] 3yrs. His bff [25M] is visiting/staying tomorrow and he hasn't organised anything at all. Am I right to be a bit annoyed? POST: My bf and I live together in a very small one bed flat. We generally don't have a lot of room to house or host guests. My bfs best friend of the last 8 yrs is coming to visit from several hours away since he's in the area. Bf has known of this, but not the exact time he'll turn up, for a couple of months. My bf has arranged nothin
r/relationship_advice TITLE: Need some help with recent friendzone experience POST: Hello all, I [17M] just got whacked with the friendzone title from someone [17F] I've liked and known for a while now. We went to a carnival together last week, went to a park yesterday, held hands and kissed her twice (she's the one that actually initiated all of this) (she's also my first kiss too which makes all of this kind of painful) but today I hear from her (and her best friend) that she's not ready for a relations
r/relationships TITLE: I [15 M] have lost the trust of my friend's parents [40s-50s M/F] and want to earn it back. POST: So my two best friends and I used to be able to galavant around the neighbourhood to our hearts content, and we abused it by doing drugs. Now one of my friends parents (let's call her A) tried to organize a meeting with my parents (who don't know) and my other friends parents (let's call them B & C) I called A and talked to her about why I thought it was a bad idea, how it thought it wa
r/relationships TITLE: Her dad forbid us from communicating. What can I do to make him trust me? POST: I am a 17y/o guy, senior in high school. I met a 15y/o girl over Minecraft (A year ago) and we started talking. Over time we've grown feelings for each other (After about 3mo.) She wouldn't allow a relationship because she didn't like the long distance aspect. (She lives in Arizona and I in California.) I figured this would be fine because I was moving to Arizona for college after I finished High School a
r/relationships TITLE: How do I [17F] get over this ridiculous crush [16M]? POST: So I'm a senior in high school (I skipped a year) and he's a sophomore. It's ridiculous. I've barely even spoken to the guy. When I'm around him I get like a 12 year old with a first crush - I can't think of anything to say, blush and giggle. Not to mention the butterflies and inability to think straight. Last week I even found myself going to the library to use the computers to do an assignment *when I had my laptop at schoo
r/relationships TITLE: Due to my [21 F] misguided picture, my relationship with my husband [23 M] of 2 years is spiraling out of control and I don't know what to do. POST: I like to draw. This does include nudes, sometimes. About a week ago an online male friend asked me to "draw him like one of your french girls" as a titanic joke. I thought maybe I shouldn't do that but I did it anyways for god knows why. It was a nude drawing of him laying on a couch like from titanic. About two days ago he saw the dra
r/pettyrevenge TITLE: Scooby snacks POST: Alright, so I've been addicted to this sub and I've been wanting to get this one off my chest. So, it's in the late 90's, I'm a kid and I'm bored. My brother just bought 007 Goldeneye for the Nintendo 64. I asked to play with him. He said "no, I just got it!" Alright, whatever. I go play outside. I come back just before dinner and he's still playing. I ask to play "no, go away". Rude as fuck. But, whatever, I'm hungry so I go eat dindin. Next day, he's playing
r/relationships TITLE: My [17 F] dad [40's] is making my graduation party about him POST: I want to start off by saying I know my dad is paying for the party and I totally appreciate him doing so. He is spending A LOT of money and I know that everything he is doing is well intended. Before I started planning he told me to pick what I wanted and just tell him what it would cost/ what he needed to get. HOWEVER, it's like he has neglected all of that, and it's like he's throwing himself a party. Here's a lis
r/AskReddit TITLE: Anyone have an explanation for this behavior? POST: So, I started at the local community college in September. During this time, I've met an interesting group of people through my history class, but lately the females from the group have been getting concerned with one of the other males (We'll call him Jim). Jim has a speech impediment and one of the girls and I have been debating if it's only an impediment or a sign of a mental handicap. Jim has been asking a lot of personal questions
r/relationships TITLE: Its been two years and I [21/f] still haven't forgotten my ex [24/m]? POST: My ex treated me poorly, but he was unbelievably romantic and touching. For a whole year after I broke up with him he messaged me 20+ times begging to just have me around in his life or be his friend, saying things I've never heard anyone say "imprinted his heart and soul, I was the one, most beautiful amazing girl he will ever meet". I tried moving on after being heartbroken with a new guy, but slowly noti
r/tifu TITLE: TIFU by illegally streaming football this entire NFL season POST: Reddit, this is a big FU for me. I feel so dumb right now. This my first season really getting into fantasy football - like actually doing research and understanding how it works (not doing too bad by the way! 5-5 currently with a ton of injuries) but I've been fucking up this whole time. How you may ask? Well I'm poor and in college, so I have basic cable, and I'm limited to watching the only 2 games each week that are shown
r/relationships TITLE: My [21F] boyfriend [23M] and his friends are disgusting when they're together. Is this normal? POST: I've been with my boyfriend for almost two months and I'm starting to get introduced to and spend time around more of his friends. When his friends aren't around, he's great. When they are around, they are crude, vulgar, and basically feed off of each other. The other day, I stuck around when my BFs best friend came over to play video games. They literally spent an hour arguing abou
r/AskReddit TITLE: Organization or cluster? Was told today that Cluster > Organization POST: I just recently started a job, which is more of an assistance/paperwork type watch position more than anything else, although this position alone provides a lot of support for our company and is highly visible. I'm still learning the job and realized that the position is very unorganized when it came to simple things. We get probably easily 50-100 emails a day, each email providing a specific input for one of our
r/dating_advice TITLE: Should I FINALLY ask this girl out or not? POST: I am a male, 18, and have been what seems to be infatuated with this girl who is also the same age as I, since freshman year of high school. It is now the end of our first year in college. During the first year we met we became really good friends, would hang out all the times, watched movies together, went to parties together, etc. I had/have a HUGE crush on her, and was actually asked by her best friend (at the time, dumb girls) if
r/Advice TITLE: Can't sleep properly. POST: Since summer break started, my sleep schedule has gotten way off track. Mostly my fault for staying up late with friends playing video games or binge watching shows. I go to sleep at around 6 AM and wake up at 1 PM. My parents don't have a problem with this as long as I get my chores done. However, my inability to sleep is becoming very pervasive in my life. I will lay down and be on my phone for a few minutes before shutting it off and then trying to sleep. I wa
r/self TITLE: Found $1200 cash and used craigslist to return it. POST: Me, the wife and my 10 year old daughter went to the Gem and mineral show in Tucson AZ last Saturday We were wandering around the mass of people and I found this on the ground The only thing in the wallet was twelve $100 bills. We were undecided what to do with it, keep it, turn it in at lost and found, give it to a cop….. We took it home and I posted an add on Craigslist in lost and found (thinking I would get hundreds of emails fr
r/AskReddit TITLE: Totally falling for my roommate. He suspects but always makes comments that we arnt compatible. I am getting ready to go on a date and shit hits the fan. POST: So I ( female ) moved in with my friend (male) as roommates. Well you know how things go when a guy and girl live together. We had dated for like a week a month before I moved in and it didn't really work but we have been friends for four years. So I moved in and over the past three months have totally fallen for him. I knew he wa
r/AskReddit TITLE: Reddit, am I in the wrong? POST: Hey, everyone. So I need opinions about this. I've been obsessive compulsive for as long as I can remember (clinically diagnosed). My roommate, who is also my best friend, thinks that, just because we're so close, that it's okay to use/eat things that are mine without asking. Now, I don't have a problem with someone asking me before they use things, but she feels like it's okay to make a meal with food I bought and then to just turn around and ask me to p
r/AskReddit TITLE: Recent college grad looking for advice POST: I graduated recently with a computer engineering degree and am eager to work. Problem is I'm not sure exactly where, or what. In college I was computer science 'track', and I've always enjoyed programming but im not -that guy- who you only see coding. I've spent all day coding, I enjoy the challenge, but I've never had a job doing it all day every day. That is the reason I chose computer engineering, so that I have hardware too. With such
r/Parenting TITLE: I (f25) can't handle my defiant 4yr old son. POST: I need recommendations on parenting books or something because I am at a loss on what to do. I'm a SAHM and a first time mom with my 4 year old son. Thankfully preschool starts next week so I can catch a break. Lately he just has not been listening to me at all. He is constantly doing something he knows he's not supposed to be doing like going in the bathroom and clogging the sink with stuff, climbing the drawers in the kitchen to get
r/relationships TITLE: My father is an asshole, and I am stuck living at home. WTF am I supposed to do? POST: 22yof from US **Background**: My dad was physically abusive towards me and my younger brother and sister when we were younger (elementary school). He once tackled my brother out of the kitchen chair and spanked him while screaming, all for getting a spelling word wrong. When I was sixteen, I stood up for my mom when he was bullying her and he grabbed my throat and shoved me up against the wall. H
r/AskReddit TITLE: For those of you with birth control issues, have you ever had this issue, and how did you deal? POST: My younger sister (21) has started taking the Pill because she has the whole nine yards periods-from-hell business. She doesn't smoke and only just started taking them this past Friday/Saturday. Fast forward to yesterday (Monday) she has to go to the hospital because she wakes up having a crushing pressure in her chest. They do an x-ray and say there is a cloudy spot in her right lung. B
r/relationships TITLE: My(20/F) boyfriends (21/M) grandmother (60's) keeps falling for internet scams. POST: Not sure if there's a better subreddit, but i'm in desperate need of advice. The title pretty much says it all. His grandmother spends her entire day on Facebook. She continually 'falls in love' with men on FB that says they were in an accident and need money to come to the states, they love her and want to be with her, etc. Unlike most everyone else in the universe, she doesn't understand that the
r/relationships TITLE: I [19 M] think I'm starting to like my friend [19 F] of about 3 years. POST: My friends and I are basically a large group of girls who have been friends since childhood and guys who have been friends since childhood. Everyone is really close. Well, I feel like I'm starting to like one girl in the group, but I'm afraid of what it might do to the group as a whole which is stupid I know because I should do what makes me happy and go after what I want. Also, She isn't sexually experien
r/AskReddit TITLE: Reddit, for the past 4 months I haven't received a single job offer? What can I do to improve my chances? POST: A little background.. I am 24, a sophomore at Georgia Gwinnett College. I currently work at Home Depot. I am ready to leave Home Depot, but I have been looking for jobs online without much luck. I had my resume revised by the career center at my college and they said it was impressive, especially for the time and what I have done in the past (which are various jobs with my 6+ y
r/relationships TITLE: My ex [34 F] broke up with me [34 M]. Can I send the kids a last gift? POST: My ex broke up with me a couple of days ago and It was quite rough. I thought she was the love of my life and I envisioning a life together with her and her 2 children from previous marriage. We lived in different towns and met during the weekends. However I was contemplating taking the step to move to her town. We were together for a year, and we were happy. The kids loved me and called me step-dad. And I
r/AskDocs TITLE: 21 year old athletic male diagnosed with Low Testosterone, scared and confused. POST: Title says it for the most part. I'm a Uni student with a fairly athletic build, but about a year ago I was showing a lot of warning signs of Low-T (apathy, depression, low sex-drive). I chalked this mostly up to stress but was encouraged by my girlfriend to go get blood work done, and it came back REALLY bad. My testosterone levels were 198 ng/dL the first time, 249 ng/dL the second time, with "regular"
r/relationships TITLE: I [26M] just made it official today with the GF [23F]. How do I ask for more space? POST: I've been going on dates with this girl I work with for a month now. Today, we just made it official. Yaaaaay! We text each other almost every minute of the day. It's awesome. But unfortunately, sometimes it gets in the way of other things I want to/need to do. I really like her and am really happy to have her as my GF, but I need some space sometimes. We're past the "trying to impress each o
r/relationships TITLE: It is our 2 year anniversary today and my(18M) girlfriend(18F) has been nothing but upset for the past week. POST: For the past week following up to our anniversary my girlfriend has been very upset with her life. Lately she has been feeling, as she says, "useless". She says that because she hasn't manage to get a job because she had to turn them down since she has no way to get to them because she doesn't know how to drive and since I have been working she has to stay home all day
r/relationships TITLE: [31 M] problems with [30 F] oversharing online about her sons dads recent arrest for drug dealing. POST: About 6 weeks ago my Fiance's ex husband was arrersted for dealing cocaine and possession. Now this would be no problem for us but they have a ten year old together that we have custody of and he is taking it very hard. I've had a few encounters with the guy and hes not some drug lord king pin just your typical bottom feeder type junkie looking to make a few bucks. Probably wouldn
r/tifu TITLE: TIFU by taking off my shirt while playing tennis. POST: Ok, so this happened about a year ago. A few quick points to note: I had a fat phase in high school (23 now), but I've managed to maintain a fairly successful health routine up since then. Granted, I still have a little extra on my stomach and ass that I cannot get rid of for the life of me. Anyway, this was last Summer, and I was in the best shape of my life. I've never felt better about myself physically. A good friend of mine and I
r/relationships TITLE: Me [21 M] with my friend[19 F], regularly asks me to meet up one-on-one, worried about leading her on. POST: I am from the same hometown as this girl and used to attend college with her, and we are now both attending different universities. However, whenever we are both back for the holidays she will always ask to meet up with me, usually to the cinema, the park, to walk her dog with her, etc. I don't mind this at all and enjoy hanging out with her, however a mutual friend told me
r/relationships TITLE: I [23 M] had a very bad argument with my girlfriend [25F] and she blocked me on all social networks. What can I do? POST: Hello brothers and sisters! (we've been together for 1 year) So I just insulted my girlfriend because of a misunderstanding, and I did it in the worst way possible by attacking her insecurities. I was really angry, but now she won't respond to my phone calls and she blocked me on all social networking sites. I was very kind to her up to that point, but I insul
r/tifu TITLE: TIFU by resetting the counter (shit myself) POST: So, during the winter I shovel snow at commercial buildings. I was doing just this today, well someone had the bright idea to have lunch at taco bell. Bad idea, gave me the farts all afternoon, until the one fart with a surprise ending. I managed to pinch it off just in time, and was really proud of myself until I realised that the building I was working at has rediculous security and wont let anyone inside without an ID badge. Knowing my only
r/AskReddit TITLE: Don't get me wrong, I like the idea of having the Reddit Alien participate in No Shave November. But can do some good and have him/us participate in Movember instead? POST: Instead of just no-shave-november, can we have the Alien formally participate in [Movember]( From the about page: The Mo, slang for moustache, and November come together each year for Movember. Movember challenges men to change their appearance and the face of men's health by growing a moustache. The rules are s
r/tifu TITLE: TIFU by making a girl think I was proposing to her POST: So I guess you probably know by the title where half of this story is gonna end up but here's what happened. Me and this girl, who I met in college btw, are really good friends. We both are introverts so we actually feel comfortable talking to each other, hanging out etc, so that's one thing in common for both of us. We both joke about each other and our relationship, usually she says "you are just my friend I AM GOING TO FRIENDZONE YO
r/AskReddit TITLE: Tech question: How to get my wifi to be on when I start up my computer? POST: Hi reddit, I have a quick tech question that I can't figure out. Recently, I got a virus and screwed up my computer. After fixing everything up, I realized that every time I start up my computer out of standby or hibernation, or turning it on from shut down, my wifi is auto set to off. I have to press the wifi on button every time I turn on my computer. It didn't do this before, but it started after the virus.
r/relationships TITLE: I [22F] don't know how to handle my [30M] boyfriend being too busy. POST: My boyfriend is fantastic. We play soccer together, he's a trained chef, he's incredibly sweet when I'm with him, and he used to have a lot of time for me. Now though, he's not been very responsive and for a while, I thought he was pulling the "slow fade", but we talked, and he said he's just incredibly busy. His company recently merged with LG and he's the only one in his department so he's been pulling 60-70
r/relationships TITLE: Boyfriend (25m) and I (26f) are having some issues with the frequency of which we have sex. Need advice on communicating! POST: Boyfriend and I have been together a little over a year and he recently moved in with me. When we were living separately, we saw each other pretty much every day and had sex somewhere around once out of every three visits with one another. I was okay with this at the time but it has always been apparent that my sex drive is higher than his. Since we started
r/relationships TITLE: My [22 M] girlfriend [20 F] just revealed she's been faking it POST: She says oral gets her off just fine, but penetrative sex doesn't do it for her. So she just told me that she's been faking orgasms. We've been having sex for three years now, and she has "had an orgasm" at least once every time, often multiple times per session. This has been a great point of pride for me. I thought she genuinely enjoyed sex, and I thought I was good at it. I thought our relationship was great and
r/GetMotivated TITLE: Need some help guys... POST: In the recent weeks that have passed, I thought that maybe my condition was beginning to improve, but now I'm not so sure. I'll sum up the best I can about myself and lifelong struggle with procrastination. Here's the skinny: Throughout my life I've always been a fun loving guy, who struggled with doing anything largely productive. This has been evident even from a very early age (I'm talking, kindergarten years.) I can remember the first time this was re
r/relationships TITLE: My husband [26 M] is very depressed because he's going bald. How can I [25 F] help him feel better? POST: Hi reddit, I'll make this very short: my husband (26 M) has a very receding hairline that is causing him a lot of depression. He's still very young and the only one among our friends who is going bald already. This makes him really sad and distressed. He spends a lot of time trying to fix the few hair he has left to make it look less patchy as possible, but lately he got me wor
r/relationships TITLE: I (20M) need help and an unbiased opinion concerning my ex girlfriend (20F) POST: Ok so long story short I have known this girl for most of my life, we did all of out schooling together and we became close during high school, I got to really know her and I honestly began to love her once she told me about herself. We were together for about 6 months until I found out that she had been cheating on me with one of my mates, I cut him out of my life immediately because mates don't so tha
r/relationships TITLE: My roommate [23F] keeps having her new boyfriend over everyday- what is roommate etiquette in terms of their SO and staying? POST: Hi reddit! I live with four girls. Hannah (24f), Sophie(23f), Jasmine (23f), and myself(20f). We all get along for the most part. Last week Jasmine started dating someone. Every single day since he has been over and/or has stayed over night. He is a nice guy it seems but doesn't socialize with us much. I've spoken to Hannah who also feels it is a bit aw
r/relationships TITLE: My SO [M25] and I [F24] are contemplating an open relationship... POST: Backstory: 4 years deep, dude was a jerk in our first year with cheating but after discussion and recovery and communication we've been pretty cool. long distance (4hrs), late college students in our mid twenties. See one another about once a month for weekend romps or holidays or family events (his family lives in the same town as me). we've done some 'open?' things like with other couples and stuff, but never o
r/tifu TITLE: TIFU by thinking it was lunch POST: This almost always happens when it's a Friday, my highschool has a "Friday" schedule where we go to 5 classes instead of 4 before lunch. Anyway I get to all of my classes then after 4th I start to walk home for lunch, and I still think that its a regular day schedule then that damn bell rings and I'm on my way on of the gate. I literally shat my pants. When I go to security they asked for my reason I was late and I said I thought it was lunch. For the next
r/relationships TITLE: My [23M] girlfriend [23F] wants me to move in with her and her roommate [29F] POST: Two of my girlfriend's roommates are moving out and her remaining roommate [29F] and her want me to move in. They're renting a house they love and don't want to move because moving sucks but also because they both have dogs and this place is pet friendly with a big yard and fence. We've been together 6 months now and have had a wonderful relationship so far, I'm just concerned that living with her
r/AskReddit TITLE: Dear Reddit, I'm tired of living in fear/under the control of my parents. POST: This probably isn't really an ask, but I really do need to vent somewhere. At the age of twenty, I am living under my parents' roof for the summer. It's not unreasonable in my opinion because I can't afford an apartment, and they expect me to live with them until I get a job. My mom says she wants me to find one within an hour or two. This is *not fucking going to happen*. We live in buttfuck nowhere, an
r/personalfinance TITLE: Need Serious Help with Finances / Car loan & negative equity. POST: Hellow /r/personalfinance I'm in a situation and I need help. Ill start by saying a few years ago I purchased a car from a used car dealership. Since I was a high risk, no credit individual they gave me a terrible rate (18%) on a 17,000 loan. 6 months after paying on that loan, I switched financial institutions to my local bank and got a much better rate of 4.9%. When I financed this vehicle, I took out an extra
r/relationships TITLE: I [21M] broke up with my girlfriend[19F] of 3 years a month ago. I love her, and I dont know how to cope. POST: I broke up with my girlfriend after being together for 3 years. She was going back to college, and another year of long distance wasnt going to work for either of us. We would have been miserable. the issues we had with her family, and how it led a large part in the demise of our relationship, piss me off greatly. Long story short, I broke up with her to save us from event
r/AskReddit TITLE: How can I be a more thoughtful person/friend? POST: I'd like to think I am a nice person. I always try to keep the interest of those around me at the forefront of my mind, partly because I want to be a nice person but also partly because I am very socially awkward. I tend to do things (however small or large) that normal people don't do. This awkwardness would, in my mind, attribute to why I have such a significantly hard time finding and maintaining friendships. I will say insensitive t
r/AskReddit TITLE: What are the most obvious signs you've missed? POST: Seeing the thread asking what people have done to get the attention of someone we're attracted to, what are some of the worst *woosh* moments you've ever had? For me, it'd have to be one of the last parties of my second semester of freshman year of college. A friend of mine had said he hooked up with a girl I kinda liked the previous night, and honestly I was happy for him because he had been going after this significantly less attra
r/relationships TITLE: Me (33/M) broke up with girlfriend (23/F). Does the ignore rule really work? POST: I was recently in a relationship. We started out as best friends because I dated her other friend first. We grew to like each other and gave it a shot. It ended within a couple months. She knew how much I liked her because I made it known. We broke up because of outside problems surrounding our relationship. Mainly because I dated her best friend before and it started a lot of problems with her at work
r/relationships TITLE: Me [00 M/F] with my ___ [00 M/F] duration, short-description POST: We were both raised in religious families and had no sex before marriage. I messed around a little with previous boyfriends. (no anal or oral, really tame stuff like getting naked and playing with each other. Gave an ex a handjob one time. Was never fingered.) the extent of my husband's experience is even less. He refused to make out on the grounds of being scared of going too far and losing our virginities. We talked
r/relationships TITLE: Me [BF] worried and somewhat annoyed at GF for drinking problem POST: Throwaway account for obvious reasons, although she'll probably know its me writing it as she uses reddit too. To put into context, we're both around 18 years old. Okay so recently we've been having problems but we've managed to sort them out... until now with a drinking "problem" she has. I'm extremely worried about her drinking habits... I'd say she goes out drinking around 3-4 times a week though it can vary.
r/relationships TITLE: My (20/f) got into a quarrel with my sister (22/f) and now I'm unsure what I should do now. POST: Background my sister went to college and dropped out, she became absent from family event, claimed some horrific things about my step father so on and so forth, we all move past it and I believe everything is fine. More recently my sister has a 6month year old baby and now is coming around more than usual. Well I have been going to college for three semesters now, and I work 5/7 someti
r/relationships TITLE: My[19F] boyfriend [20M] of 7 months broke up with me 2 months ago and he still wants to be friends. I need some advice. POST: Back story: So we broke up 2 months ago and it was not mutual. He wanted to break up and still be friends because he feels like we were incompatible but I didn't because I love him and I thought we can work it out. So I was quite devastated when he wanted to break up. He was firm about it. Eventually he told me that he just fell out of love for me and he said
r/AskReddit TITLE: Long term effects of a lifetime of lethargy and only eating starches? POST: My step sister ever since she was younger has refused to eat ANYTHING that wasn't a starch except for chicken fingers or chicken nuggets. Other than that she only eats mac and cheese, instant mash potatoes, french fries ramen noodles, spaghetti, and other pastas. Also not sure it's linked to this but all she does is nap all day and sleep all night. She's in her senior year of high school and she hasn't gone out
r/relationships TITLE: I [24F] really dislike my boss [60sF], intending to leave but when and how to break it to her? POST: First off, I'm not sure if this is the best place for this question, if anyone can direct me to a better sub for it that'd be great! So I started this job about 6 months ago after my contract at another company ended. Before that contract ended, I bought a one-way ticket to the other side of the world. I took this job knowing I would only be working until I leave - I didn't (and have
r/relationships TITLE: My boyfriend [21/m] and I [22/m] have an ex-boyfriend [20/m] in common. Our ex very recently found out and is aggressively upset. Is what we're doing acceptable? POST: I've been dating my current boyfriend for 3 months now, and as it happens, we share a mutual ex. This ex is very much a romantic - both of our breakups with him were fairly messy, and it wouldn't be surprising if he still hasn't fully moved on from either of us. I've since stayed in contact with him, however my boyfrie
r/relationships TITLE: My partner [26/M] is a kiwi, I [21/F] am a canadian, I have been in NZ for year, we met 9 months ago and now are moving back to Canada, we want to make the transition successful (financially/emotionally) any advice? POST: So my so and I have been dating 9 months, I have been living in NZ for year. I am originally from Canada. He is a New Zealander, we met fell in love blah, blah. I have to go back to Canada because my working holiday visa is expired. We talked about it and decided t
r/relationships TITLE: Me [16 F] with my partner [16 N] of 3 months, they've kissed their best-friend and I feel awkward around her cause she was also a bitch POST: Ok so, I've know my partner for about 2.5 years we started date just recently. We've known this friend for about a year. They kissed once and almost dated, but it never ended up happening. And then she was jealous of me after we started dating. There was an argument about that, and the friend was a bitch for a while, but everything was fine a
r/relationships TITLE: I'm [24M] in a happy relationship, but I still get interested in other women and it makes me uncomfortable POST: Is it wrong to want to have sex with someone else? Is it wrong to feel excited about someone else? When I first met my girlfriend it was like fireworks (I had never seen anyone so beautiful before and had never connected with someone that intimately or quickly before) but that excitement has faded. She's basically my best friend now and I love her, but I still look at othe
r/AskReddit TITLE: Software Engineering [QA] Contracting questions POST: Hey AskReddit, I've got a question about contracting policies in the software development industry. I'm working as a contractor for a large company that you've heard of. With my contract set to expire at the end of this month, I was offered the opportunity to convert to full-time employment with the contingency that I relocate from one U.S. coast to the other. I ended up passing on this opportunity, which led me to believe that my
r/AskReddit TITLE: I just punched myself out of a dream, So AskReddit, what are some of the weirdest reactions to a dream you've had? POST: Basically, It started with a bunch of bugs on me in a dream, so I casually pick them off one by one. Then I feel one on my face. I needed tweezers to get it off, and then some appeared in my hand. I started to pull up but the darn thing would let go, so I hatched an idea. I was going to yank my hand across my face. I did and I woke up the next second with my fist landi
r/relationship_advice TITLE: I think I just need an outside opinion. Dating a guy with a kid. POST: I'm 18 and I have been dating this guy who's 21 for about two months. A few weeks ago a mutual friend told me he had a kid. I brought it up to him, he was angry that he didn't get the chance to tell me himself, and all of that. However he was willing to talk about it, and let me ask whatever I wanted. Basically he got a girl pregnant when he was about 19...it was accidental, however they kept the baby. They
r/AskReddit TITLE: Reddit:: Do you have the passwords to your spouses accounts? If no - would you like to. If yes - do you take advantage of that? Do you care if your spouse knows your password/reads your messages? POST: Me: I am fairly confident that I know my man's passwords. I haven't checked so I'm not totally sure. I don't take advantage of it but to be honest that is just because I trust him so much. I'm not going to pretend I haven't snooped on exes or wouldn't snoop on a person I don't trust. I do
r/relationships TITLE: Impressions and effects of grandparents [75M && 70F] living with me [22M] POST: Background: While away at university, I wasn't aware of my family's situation, in particular my grandparents' struggles. I recently realized they were being strained financially, and are currently spending a large portion of fixed income on housing expenses. Looking over their budget, if this component was removed, they would lead a life with significantly less stress. I'm in the process of searching for
r/relationships TITLE: I [29 M] love my GF [30 F] , but I just don't find her attractive POST: So we are together since 4 months now,we know each other since 2 years and have been hanging out a lot together, got the same friends etc.... Now we are together, it's the most intense and best relationship I've ever had, lots of deepness & fun & magic & understanding & everything. But she just doesn't turn me on. I even got erection problems because of this. I aint even hungry for sex like I normally used to b
r/relationships TITLE: Me [18 M] with my friend[20 F] three years, confusing and hurtful. POST: I met a woman years ago on Omegle by random chance, and the relationship spurred on from there. Long conversations, (This is all long distance by the way.)secret sharing, the whole bit. We had out fights, fall outs, and periods where we didn't talk. They've stretched out for months and months. But recently we began talking again. She's saying how she "loves me", doesn't want me to love anyone else, and just br
r/relationships TITLE: Three years after getting divorced, I [34 M] still have absolutely zero interest in finding a new relationship & also zero libido. Should this bother me? POST: I'm sure that my traumatic divorce - following on from the shock of finding out about my wife's recent serial infidelity when she was already 3-months pregnant with "my" child (turned out to be a 1/5 chance) - is a big part of why I feel zero interest in women. But here's the thing - I don't feel lonely. I don't ever crave co
r/relationships TITLE: Need a little advice! :/ POST: As the title says, I [20M] need a little advice...with a girl [21F] Basically she is the ex of a friend of mine which makes it a bit complicated I guess and I don't want to 'betray' our friendship. They broke up more than 2 years ago and he already moved on with an other girl shortly after (2 weeks after...) We all went to the same school together but it is after we went to different universities I started talking to her. Almost 1,5 years ago. We becam
r/relationships TITLE: [21]female needs help with new [24] male possible boyfriend. POST: Hey r/relationships, I need help! I just started seeing this guy, who is amazing. We madeout at a party earlier this summer, and he was very slow about pursuing, but we finally got together a little over two weeks ago. It has been a whirlwind romance. I feel things with him that I've never felt before, and he's (at least been saying) that he feels the same way. We are great together, and we hang out all the time and i
r/AskReddit TITLE: Reddit, I'm having some serious issues and I need advice. POST: Okay reddit, I'm having serious problems, like the title says. It all started 2 days ago, on the way back from a trip to pensacola with the family, we stopped for food at Burger King. My grandfather and I entered the restaurant first to buy food for everyone, then my brother came in 5 minutes later with $40. My mom had given him the money to pay for everyone's food. My grandfather took $20 of that and paid for everything wit
r/Advice TITLE: Want to learn a new marketable skill... POST: I'm in a unique situation at the moment. I work at home and have a lot of free time once the work is done for the day. I don't have a lot of extra income, but I would like to learn a new skill or trade from home. What would you suggest as far as a marketable skill -- something that I could eventually do to earn significant income? I'm willing to treat learning this skill or trade like a second job. I am somewhat tech savvy, but not overly m
r/relationships TITLE: Me [21 M] with my girlfriend [21 F] 1 year and 11 months: Whenever we get into a fight, she never talks to me for days. POST: I can't articulate the latest fight we've had (still processing it in my head) but I can explain this bit that I've observed with the both of us. I understand the importance of alone time and I've learned to give it to her (and me) whenever we get into a fight. If we do ever get into a fight, I back off and give her some alone time (1-3 days) and she does the
r/relationships TITLE: So, um, hi [16 M] and I view relationships very seriously and a girl I don't want to date, but lust over, thinks I want to ask her out. POST: So, hi everyone, I wanted to get an opinion on what I view on relationships. First off, I should say I have Aspergers and do definitely have trouble with friendships and ladies and all that shit. After much thinking, I thought of going into a relationship if said girl was my best friend, someone I think of with love and beauty and someone I kno
r/relationships TITLE: Me (29F) with husband (35M) who is unable to compromise. Thinks he is the one who always ends up with the short straw. POST: (Im not english and on phone, so you'll have to excuse any spelling errors) My husband and I have been together 10 years and we have two children. He is a wonderful husband in many ways but sometimes I just dont know. The issue today started with us having a discussion abuot the holiday and to sum the discussion up it ended with him saying that either we did
r/relationships TITLE: My [29 M] cheating dad [60 M] has left me emotionally scarred and it's ruining my life. POST: * My dad is a chronic cheater (and still is) with women inside and outside my family. * I knew from a young age. I've kept these secrets in fear of destroying at least 4 happy homes. * As a teen, I once confronted him and demanded he leave the family but he denied everything and life went on as normal. * Because of this I am not a whole person: I've stumbled academically. I have trust and
r/relationship_advice TITLE: My girlfriend doesn't trust me because I cheated on my ex with her. POST: I was with my ex for 2 years on and off, and it finally ended after I told her I cheated. The girl I cheated with is now my current girlfriend and when she's not with me she gets paranoid about me cheating on her. I think because of the circumstances it's fair that she should be a bit paranoid but I think I do love her and I don't have any desire to cheat. When me and my ex were still together and I wa
r/relationships TITLE: Me [21 M] and need help getting the girl [19 F] to open up to me and my friends POST: So I met a girl on tinder, we talked for a few weeks before meeting up and she seemed awesome on our first date. No one had to push for conversation but it didn't happen naturally. There were just calm not uncomfortable silences. We went on two other dates (Once for lunch and then we split a bottle of wine on the beach) and she slept over. We went to third base, but I chose not to go all the way bec
r/relationships TITLE: My[26M] best friend[24F] was unfaithful to her bf [24M] who is also my very close friend. POST: Here is the story: these two were dating for some time, approximately 2 years, and wound up living with each other. The female of the relationship (my best friend) suddenly left her previous BF (who is now my close friend) for another feller. I suspected some foul play was involved but it wasn't my business to explore. Today shit hit the fan and both guys found out that she had been lyin
r/relationships TITLE: Me [33 F] rebounding... should I? I should. Right? POST: So I have been in a "relationship" for slightly over a year now and am currently living with him [31 M]. The whole time we've been together I've operated under the guise of a true boyfriend/girlfriend situation; he has always been non-committal and at times firm on his decision to not be with me which caused constant strife between us as despite that we continued to spend 90% of our time together. This recently came to a head
r/relationships TITLE: My (26M) Mom (61F) might have been speaking to my ex-friend (26F) for the past few years. POST: Last night I felt urge to Facebook stalk ex-friend (let's call her Judy) and found out that she tagged my mom (Martha) in a very long-winded and personal mother's day post. And not in a casual way. Roughly, "Thanks to my great mom and also my second-mom, Martha, who I can always turn to for advice and guidance." I haven't spoken to Judy in 3 years. My heart sank. I won't go into the deta
r/relationships TITLE: Me [22 M] with my ex [20 F] (3 years), Drunkenly texted me saying she doesn't want to be in a relationship POST: A little backstory - Me and my ex had been going out for 3 years and we got into an argument then she broke up with me. We spent about 3 weeks apart before talking about the whole situation and decided we'd try dating each other and see how it goes. She wanted me to know that she doesn't know how she feels right now and didn't want to lead me on, which I understand. Aft
r/AskReddit TITLE: I feel bad. Did I do the wrong thing? POST: For a university project I had to work together with someone I know fairly well. However the communication between us was bad. During the year I worked on it on my own, while he was busy with other tasks (other projects he also was enrolled in). Only on the day before the deadline did we really work together. It seems as if he wanted to put enough effort into it, but didn't have the time or the skills. I send an email to inform them that he di
r/relationships TITLE: I [38 M] am unable to love girlfriend [41 F]because I'm still in love with my Ex [37 F]....or maybe not? POST: I've dated a girl for about 9 months now, and she has a lot of great qualities. And a few not so great ones. But overall, she's a really nice girl with minimal baggage and she's very good to me. The problem is, I don't love her. She's told me she loves me several times and I can't bring myself to tell her back. So, I can't figure out if it's because I still love my ex-w
r/relationships TITLE: Me [30 M] with my [23F], 4 months. Found out some stuff about her that's made me hugely insecure not sure what to do POST: Been with my GF for a few months and we've had an amazing time up and up until now. I found out the other day that she's had quite a promiscuous past to say the least. It's made me feel so insecure for all sorts of reasons and made me extremely anxious, scared, petrified and barely unable to function. took Xanax to calm down today as I needed to come to work. Th
r/AskReddit TITLE: How Can I Sue My University? POST: Hey Reddit. Several years ago, at the end of my sophomore year, I applied to transfer out of my uni. I was unsure if I was going to get in, so I gave in a deposit for a room for the upcoming semester. (The deposit was 500.00.) After I learned that I got into the other university, I requested for a refund. They told me that I would receive word within 2 weeks, but I was going out of the country then. I gave them my parent's number and went on my trip. U
r/askwomenadvice TITLE: I [M17] don't what I have with this girl [F17] and I am pretty much lost. POST: Long story short I had been dating this girl for 8 months but due to some arguments we fell apart. She was my first girlfriend and is in the same class in school as me. After a month without talking we started to text (Whatsapp) from time to time. The time we texted started to increase, we started to make jokes etc. At the same time, in school we started to 'annoy' each other in a fun way. But we didn't
r/relationships TITLE: My (20f) boyfriend (24m) is going for coffee with another woman POST: Ok so my boyfriend, of only three months, is going for a coffee with a girl. Normally this wouldn't bother me but it seems out of character- I regularly go for coffee with my friends so its just a part of my social life but he, on the other hand, does not. What bothers me is that I don't think he is friends with this girl (at least he hasn't really brought her up) so it kind of leaves me with the impression that
r/relationships TITLE: Girlfriend [23f] said jewelry and proposing in valentines day is so bad and cheesy. I [24m] bought her a promise ring already. Help! POST: We have been together around 10 months and we love each other very much. I was talking to my girlfriend about valentines day, it will be our first valentines together, we were planning in what to do next Sunday and the gift topic came up and she was ranting on how jewelry is just plain bad during valentines day, that its not original at all and it
r/relationships TITLE: I (25f) have finally gone off the deep end about my long distance boyfriend of 6 months (24m). POST: I have problems with feeling like people will leave me. I've tried hard all my life to keep people out so it doesn't happen. My boyfriend is a loving, caring person. He seems to genuinely love me for me. We've been friends for a long, long time. He's always been that guy who never cheated on his girlfriend or even looked at other women. However, that doesn't stop the things in my hea
r/relationships TITLE: Boyfriend [M19] is getting really serious after only 6 months. How do I get him to back off a bit? POST: We were friends for 6 months ago before we got into a relationship. We've now been together for 6 months. I [F19] am his first girlfriend and I understand that it's all new to him, but I feel like he's getting too serious too fast. Last night, after we had sex, he spent like half an hour just kissing my whole body, telling me how much he loves me. It was nice, but at a certain poi