2 values
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: I (F23) miss my boyfriend (M27) even though it was an abusive relationship POST: We had been together on and off for over 4 years and the last time we broke up was pretty bad. He wrecked my car over an argument we were having. I know he has anger issues and he has broken my stuff before but I feel like everyone has there own problems, including myself, and if people forgive me why shouldn't I forgive him? I don't know if I'm being logical or just a dumb. I've dated a few gu
SUBREDDIT: r/AskReddit TITLE: Ask Reddit: How can I get Reddit's help and love for our Videogame Museum? POST: Dear Reddit; I love you. I read you every day. Old links, new links, silly memes, dumb memes, AMAs and all the other stuff is constantly fascinating to me. I love your readers, your novelty accounts, your spirit of generosity. But I have a problem. You really can go off the handle sometimes. Let me tell you a story. Last April, I started up a non-profit videogame museum. We held a Kickstarter a
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: I [27 F] broke up with my [27 M] boyfriend of 5 months last night- not sure I've made the right decision POST: I'll keep this short. I'm very much in love with the man I broke up with last night- he's almost perfect, but we're the same age (I usually only ever date older men) and that has always bothered me. I'm very insecure and have always believed men my age will just end up leaving me for someone younger- especially if they have money. I broke up with him as a pre-empt
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: My (25/M) Fiance (23/F) is having a bachelorette party. Thats fine with me, I'm just upset I don't have friends who can do that for me. POST: My fiance is having a bachelorette party. Thats fine, its part of wedding "tradition" and doesn't bother me at all. My problem is I only have 1 close friend. I used to have more, but a crazy situation put my best friend of 18 years in prison for the rest of his life and his girlfriend of 7 years (who was a close friend of mine before
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: I [19 M] not sure if my crush [18 F] likes me POST: Hi! I've lurked around for about half a year, and I now have a question to ask. Some background information: my crush joined my secondary school during 2nd form. I was the first person she knew when she joined and we have been friends ever since. She is a studious girl, and her actions this past year has made me wonder if she shared any feelings for me, or am I just overthinking things? So here are my arguments: Reasons
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: How do I [22F] get over my jealousy problems with my fiance [22M] of 3 years? POST: Hey guys and gals! Want to.keep.this short. Basically I'm.having personal jealousy issues. My fiance has on numerous occasions hung out with female friends, people I've met. He isn't flirtatious but they turn to him sometimes for reassurance and he assures them they're beautiful and will find someone to make them happy. One of his oldest friends, a woman our age, will be attending a concer
SUBREDDIT: r/Advice TITLE: Apartment broken into. Valuables taken. What to do next? POST: Our apartment was 'broken into' yesterday while we were at work. Valuables amounting to thousands of dollars were taken - mostly cash in different currencies and the engagement ring that my boyfriend was going to give me. We've called the police and cancelled credit cards that were left in the house. Because of lack of point of entry (we're basically snowed in, no broken windows and lack), police think it's an inside
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: Me [27F] with my live in bf [28 M] of 2.5 years...break up aftermath, wants second chance, but... POST: Back story if you need it: I talked to my bf last night. Told him I wanted to break up because of the fights we've had, because the whole relationship feels like parent-child, and because I have no freedom. I laid out all of the emotional abuse without calling him abusive. He finally broke after awhile, admitted to everything and actually apologized for everything he'
SUBREDDIT: r/personalfinance TITLE: I want to switch to a Credit Union, but there's a problem POST: I want to join a credit union, but I move around a lot. Most credit unions that I see are not nationwide, so should I wait until I'm settled into a geographic region before switching? I live in Trenton, NJ and work in West Chester, PA (an hour apart). I do a lot of my in-person banking from work where there is a nearby branch. I'm worried that I'll never make it to a Credit Union in Trenton during busines
SUBREDDIT: r/askwomenadvice TITLE: Wedding Dress Drama POST: Hello, I have been a Redditor for a while now but don't often post. I'm in a current situation that I need advice and figured I'd reach out to you ladies. My wedding is in October and I just found my dream dress on eBay. I didn't even bid, just bought at their asking price, won the sale, and was floating on cloud nine for a week. After receiving no response from the seller I reached out. Nothing. I sent two more emails over the next three days, s
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: My girlfriend of almost two years [20F] broke up with me [20M] last week, because she said she couldn't be in a relationship anymore after she found out another boy liked her. POST: So i have been dating this girl for over two years. We we're never "public" though and only a few people knew about us due to a misunderstanding that we figured out after we broke up. Everything was going great. She said she loved me and that I made her truly happy. However since we were never s
SUBREDDIT: r/AskReddit TITLE: A question about Christianity and another major world religion (specifically Ramadan in the Muslim religion). POST: HOKAY. Here is a blog a Christian Minister is writing about how he's decided to observe Ramadan because basically he's a very liberal/open Christian who believes in Coexist stuff, etc. BTW, I'm atheist, but what the guy is doing is cool in my book and helps give Christians a better name I guess. Well, A Christian woman at my mothers Methodist church posted this
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: Me [31F] feels second best to my fiance's ex wife [33M M] POST: I promise this is not a case of petty jealousy so please bare with me!!! I have been with my fiance for 3 years. Before we met he was divorced for two. His divorce was amicable and he and the ex wife remain friends although they don't see each other much. His family however have retained close ties and the ex goes over for lunches and diners and remains in what seems like constant contact on social media. I h
SUBREDDIT: r/AskReddit TITLE: How did your parents mess with your childhood ignorance? POST: When I was about 8 or 9, I fell in love with pigs. I thought they were the absolute cutest things in the world. So, in my 9 year-old mind, the best way to show my love for them was to stop eating pork. I stopped eating all bacon and pork chops that my mom made for dinner. Unfortunately, my mom made me ham sandwiches for lunch most days, and since she didn't want to figure out a new lunchtime routine for me, she made
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: [21 M] got huge crush on best friend [21 F] POST: So this is kind of a sticky situation. So freshman year of college I fell for this girl and we hung out a bunch, talked all day, ate almost every meal together and became just really really really good friends. After a while I started falling for this girl but was able to control my feeling because it was freshman year and she had a boy friend at that time. We talk all summer, she breaks up with her boyfriend which I take th
SUBREDDIT: r/tifu TITLE: TIFU by letting my little sister use my Xbox live profile on my old 360 because I have an Xbox One... POST: So for those that don't know, you can use the same Xbox live account on the 360 and the One at the same time. I don't use my 360 anymore because I upgraded to the One. So I figured I'd be a nice big bro and let my sister use my profile (because it has live on it) and the console. She likes to play cod zombies, fable games, and skyrim. Here's where the F U part comes in. Sh
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: Me [22/F]: is it possible to overcome years of weird eating habits by myself? (final update) POST: Previous post: After my last update, I went to my doctors and ended up being honest. It was very, very difficult for me to do. I spent the three days beforehand in a total panic, but I was able to do it. The end result was my doctor suggesting medication for me. She prescribed me Prozac to help with my anxiety and my purging. She also prescribed me another pill to help wit
SUBREDDIT: r/tifu TITLE: TIFU by missing my finals exam in math POST: I'm in college right now and the finals week finally came. I don't have any classes left this week so I decided to go home and just go to school for the finals. Average travel time was 1 hour and 30 mins. So the day of my finals came. I was getting ready and left home 2 hours and 30 mins before the said finals. I slept on the bus like I normally do but this time when I woke, I was nowhere near my campus. A freak heavy traffic kept the bus
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: Broke up because my girlfriend [21F] thinks my [21M] parents hate her. POST: Me and my girlfriend are of different religion and race. She has this paranoia that my parents hate her for being different. Things are actually fine between her and my parents, till the day my dad caught her sleeping over my place (we both live with our parents). Ever since that day she was convinced that we'll never have a future. Recently she just got a new gig playing with a club in town (she
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: I [26M] can't figure out how to ask out my coworker [27F] who works near me POST: I'd been in a relationship for the last several months, but grew unhappy and broke it off. During that time I developed an interest in the girl who sits next to me at work. She has always interested me and we have a lot of similar interests, hobbies, and are always laughing when we hang out. We go out for lunch runs frequently, send snaps back and forth outside of work, and just generally have
SUBREDDIT: r/relationship_advice TITLE: [19/m] I think my room mate is going to try to have sex with the girl I'm interested in [19/f] POST: I'm (19/m) in the military going through my training that's going to last at least another year and a half, and I'm interested in a (19/f) who is also doing her equally long training on this same base. We're just getting to know each other but she seems like she is interested enough, and this weekend we're going on a trip into town for the long weekend with my room mat
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: I [21 M] am having trouble communicating my needs to my girlfriend [25 F] (1 year) POST: My girlfriend and I get along splendidly, but we both have very different needs. I require a lot of alone time, she requires none at all. This conflicts a lot. She's told me that it's okay and that she understands that I have a different set of needs. She's very understanding too. However, whenever I feel I have to turn her down when it comes to spending time together, I feel like I'v
SUBREDDIT: r/dating_advice TITLE: There are 3 girls who might like me and I don't know what to do... POST: There is me [15m], lets call girl 1 Julie [15f], girl 2 Kathy [15f], and girl 3 Katie [17f]. I have know Julie for 2 years now and we were just friends, but I have started to really like her. I've been afraid to ask her out because it might ruin our friendship if she says no. I'm pretty sure she has been flirting with me, but lately she has seemed less and less interested in me. I have known Kathy fo
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: Sister [19/F] has an online boyfriend. They exchange nudes etc and are "in love". It makes me really uncomfortable and worried for her... What do I do? POST: So my sister, 19F has had an online boyfriend for about a year now. They met on an online game but never met in real life. I have found pictures of him (All of which are highly edited) and I don't know what she sees in him. I doubt she'd be physically attracted to him in person. One time I saw her take pictures of hers
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: I [22F] got together with my best friend of ten years [23M] immediately after I got out of a two year relationship, now I need help getting out. POST: My ex and I had a very civil break up and we are still friends. Right after we broke up my best friend confessed his love for me, and I admitted that I have thought about us being together and we immediately fell into dating and a relationship. We have had a lot of sexual tension over the years and he knows me better than any
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: Me [19F] with my neighbors [30s? M/F], just had to call the police and file a domestic violence claim. POST: I have lived in my town home for about 2 weeks. I quickly noticed how thin the walls are between me and my roommates town home and the neighbors town home. I can hear just about everything they say, usually they bicker but nothing super serious. Tonight when my roommates were gone they got into a huge fight. The husband was yelling at the wife and saying super craz
SUBREDDIT: r/AskReddit TITLE: Have you ever lived next door to a hard drug abuser? POST: I recently moved to rural Colorado from across the country and have been renting a nice duplex here for about a week. Gradually, I have noticed my neighbor's habits are becoming increasingly bothersome and rather frightening. I usually work late, meaning I get home and go to bed around 12 or 1 a.m. Last night, someone was pacing around the house yelling, hitting walls and banging on doors. This continued well into the
SUBREDDIT: r/askwomenadvice TITLE: I'm [26/M] am starting to develop feelings for my friend's [28/M] FWB [21/F] POST: So I'm friends with this guy, we'll call him Frank. We've been friends for about 4 months now. Anyway, he has this female friend, who he has sex with from time to time, we'll call her Mary. I met Mary through Frank about a month ago. Frank has no intentions with Mary other than a friendship and an occasional fuck. He's even told her that directly and has even gotten onto her for trying to
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: I (18/m) would like to break up with my girlfriend (18) but I'm too worried for her. POST: I'm a bit of a terrible person because from the beginning, I wasn't completely into the relationship but here we are 6 months into the relationship . I thought feelings would grow as we're together but I was wrong. They stayed the same. But because she's over 200 miles away for school, I'm not feeling it less. I brought up the fact that I'm more of a physical experience guy who wo
SUBREDDIT: r/legaladvice TITLE: [US][PA] Question about lease agreement for apartment next school year POST: Hello /r/legaladvice, My friends and I signed a lease for a 4 bed, 2 bath apartment in Philadelphia last November. Admittedly we didn't really read the lease from top to bottom because we were stupid college kids and the rent price was the same as the dorms. About 2 weeks ago we all received emails saying the first month's rent is due the 1st of September. We aren't allowed to move in till the 17th
SUBREDDIT: r/tifu TITLE: TIFU by having a picture of a "ceiling titty" on my computer POST: So this actually happened a few days ago. I make my way home from school and see my mom and stepdad going through a memory box that my mom has kept since I was very little. Anyway, we are talking and my stepdad brings up something about a ceiling titty. I was thinking "Oh cool, he has seen that meme before!" (THIS: So I ask him where he has seen it. To give context, I usually transfer my phone photos to my compute
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: Me[16M] confused about where I stand with her [16F]. POST: So I took this chick to prom last night and we both seemed to be having a good time. We were technically friends but we were using it as a trial run because she didn't know how she feels about me. So we were dancing and all and she's grinding on me(doesn't mean anything really some girls do it on random guys, but she ONLY grinded on me(could mean something??) So anyways I ask if she wants to go on a horse drawn carr
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: I [23f] found another girl's bracelet in my boyfriend's [23m] dresser drawer POST: I have been dating my boyfriend for 6 months at this point. We've had a pretty good relationship so far. I was cheated on in the past by an ex, so I might be overly paranoid about little things. My boyfriend has done nothing to make me distrust him. In fact, he's a very loyal person, he respects me, and I'm inclined to believe he won't cheat on me. We are currently long distance and I stay
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: Me [20 F] with my ex [22 M] of three weeks, I"m trying to be friends with my ex, but I feel so lonely whenever we hang out POST: Our break up is pretty recent and we had been dating for seven months, I had instigated it, mainly because I wanted change, but it ended with a mutual break-up. I've still been making sure we stay friends though, because I still care about him and just generally like being with him. But whenever I'm with him I feel so shitty and lonely, because
SUBREDDIT: r/relationship_advice TITLE: I [27/m] have never had a real relationship -- girl is now coming over and just told me she loves me and I have no idea what I feel. POST: Met on OKC, chatted online for a week; got along super well, she's mega nerdy and her picture was cute. I asked her over, and the night lead to the bed. Was a lot of fun, and my first real non at-a-party-hookup. She came over again about a week later, was a lot of fun, but I suddenly felt weird about her being there. I don't like
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: Hi guys, the girl I've been with (21/f) for 10 months "cheated" on me (21/m). I don't know how to go forward POST: Hi guys, first post here so apologies for anything that is a bit messy/isn't traditional etiquette (also submitted the same question to relationship advice subreddit). I'm a 21-year old guy in university. The problem/question: I've been with a girl (21/F) for about 10 months, and it's been more than friends to both of us (we've been on dates, sex, spending nig
SUBREDDIT: r/dating_advice TITLE: Girl (21f) flies across country to be with me (27m) but does not want to have sex because she says she'll get too attached. POST: Am I wrong for feeling rejected? We talked so much about sex and now that she is here she says she doesn't want to get attached because she will feel terrible when she leaves. We originally met almost a year ago through fb and she's from my hometown. We've never physically met before she got here. Only Skype, text and phone conversations. I know
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: Should we break up? :( POST: I'm Female 22 and my boyfriend is 22 as well. We have been long distance for 5 months (dating 10 months total). I love him. I thought he was going to be transferring to my college next year and he promised me he was. We talked about it a lot. Yesterday he told his parents he wanted to transfer and they flipped shit. They basically came up with endless reasons why he shouldn't. Now he doesn't want to. I'm so confused. We wanted the same things in
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: Me [25 M] with my GF [25 F] of 2 years, she wants me to pay for a larger share of the rent. POST: We've been living together for a year now and money has become quite a point of contention. I currently have the potential to earn more than she does, depending on whether I am awarded bonuses or not, such that our overall income disparity is around 30% tops. She's begun aggressively expressing that she feels "used" and that we should no longer split rent and utilities 50/50
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: Me [23F] with my BF [24M] 1 year, recently broke up. Didn't want to be 2nd mommy. POST: We broke up a couple of weeks ago due to a series of phone arguments (we were in a LDR). None of the arguments themselves were enough to end a relationship, but LDR was causing my feelings to fade. Anyways, I am considering getting back together with him. But first would need him to promise some things would be different-things I have never discussed with him ever. First off, he would
SUBREDDIT: r/jobs TITLE: Open invitation to work for company I'm interning for but "not an official job offer?" POST: So last night, I had dinner with my mentor (the director of graphic design) and the art director of the company I'm interning for. I had requested this meeting in order to talk about their paths after graduating, get some advice and critique of my work, and to find out where I stand with the company. When I asked, they said that everyone at the company loves me and I've been awesome to wo
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: Should I keep going after this girl? POST: So I've been talking with a girl on Facebook for some months. She was living with her boyfriend, but recently they broke up. She clearly knows that my intentions are more than just being friends, because I told her so some time ago. The thing is, I've asked her to go out with me like two or three times and she's like "hey hey, wait" or "I'll think about it..." which then becomes a nope. Today I told her "well, then just tell me wh
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: Girl I like [23F] keeps flaking on me [22M] ? POST: Hi Guys I have recently started talking to an ex colleague .(we don't work at the same company anymore). who I used to work with who I liked quite a bit and was pretty sure at the time she may have been attracted to me as well. Anyhow I used to see her a lot at the gym , which is also a hobby of mine I enjoy so we share that common interest.So after not seeing her for a while recently I asked her on facebook how she is
SUBREDDIT: r/AskReddit TITLE: When it comes to roommates, how much do you sacrifice to keep the peace? POST: Long Story short, my roommate is the type of person I would go to lengths to avoid if we weren't roommates, I don't like him and for various reasons, but despite this we've managed to get along well for the past few months. This is largely to due to my personal effort and my willingness to ignore and repress, but today we had a disagreement over a small incident and know it's taking every once of my
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: Me [30F] Crushing on someone [32?F] who is in a rocky relationship POST: Met this friend of a friend a few months ago and immediately had a crush on her. I then found out she had a girlfriend, but after hanging out with them it was very apparent they were on the rocks. Put her in the back of my mind until abouta month or so later when I hung out with her again with a group of people. Apparently they HAD broken up, but they had just recently gotten back together. -___-
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: Me [16 M] with my classmate [17 F] How should I get to know her POST: There is a girl in the grade above me who I've liked since 7th grade, but only had a huge band class with her, I've had little contact with her, but know her a little bit. This year I have two classes with her, including on with 6 people, and she's laughed at a couple of my jokes. Today she came up and talked to me and my friends in a class and I completely blew it, I could of talked about a trip she
SUBREDDIT: r/needadvice TITLE: Life is falling apart, need objective advice POST: Hey Reddit, I'm in quite a pickle to be honest. I'm 23[M] and I'm very desperate for some objective advice on how to handle my situation. - Obvious one out of the way first: extreme social anxiety and a bit of depression has left me with about 2 "friends" and I barely (want to) speak to them. To be honest, they just keep me around because they feel bad for me or something. (Overheard this.) - My parents and I barely speak a
SUBREDDIT: r/cats TITLE: Adopting a timid cat tomorrow, looking for tips when introducing her to my existing timid girl. POST: Hello everyone, I'm sure there are many of these posts around, but just to give everyone a chance to share their knowledge and stories again, I'm looking for some tips, tricks, and tales of introducing timid cats to each other. My girl, Louhi, came to me as a kitten 5 years ago. She's a very social cat with me, following me around the apartment, waiting for me at the door when I ge
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: Me [18F] with my boyfriend [19M] 4 years, each other's firsts but now he is interested in an open relationship while we are LD POST: So my boyfriend have been dating for 4 years and we are currently in our first year of college, both at different schools. This is the first time we have been long distance. This is entire school year he has brought up having an "open relationship". I put this in quotes because really it has just been him suggesting things such as FFM threesom
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: I [21M] upset my crush [22F]. How do you apologize to someone you're not in a relationship with? POST: Weird question but I haven't been in this kind of relationship for so long, I just feel a bit lost. I'm dating a girl (unfortunately long-distance) but we're not _together_. She upset me last night by wasting my time totally disrespectfully and I brought it up with her, ending with her getting upset with me. How do you apologize for this kind of thing when you're not _w
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: My (22m) boyfriend (21m) broke up with me 3 months ago after over 1.5 years with little to no explanation. POST: I got a text on my second day of work at my new full time job that just said "I can't do this anymore." I called him as soon as I could but I never got a real explanation from him. Just generic "this isn't working", I haven't been happy", etc. I will say that we had our ups and downs and we were definitely at a low in our relationship with me graduating and him s
SUBREDDIT: r/relationship_advice TITLE: [24/M] Am I wrong in my convictions on jealousy? Girlfriend [23/F] thinks I should get Jealous. POST: 24,M / 23,F In two of my previous relationships, I was the jealous type and have greatly learned my lesson from being that way. I am currently in a 2 year relationship in which my girlfriend and I live together. I love her, but because of things I've experienced, I am no longer the jealous type. I won't let myself behave like that again. She gets upset with me because
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: I feel like my boyfriend is losing interest in me! [21F, 28M] POST: I started dating my boyfriend in March. He found out he had to move across the country shortly after, so we kept it casual but continued to see each other. He moved in August and after we determined if we could sustain a LDR, we officially became a couple in September. Since he moved, we've been in contact every day. Long-distance calls are pricey and he works for 21 straight days on an oil rig, then has 6
SUBREDDIT: r/AskReddit TITLE: What's the scariest thing to happen to you while home alone? POST: I want to know some stories, whether it was a real thing or just in your mind. This happened/ is happening to me right now. I've been home alone all week because my parents are on holiday, and everything has been fine so far until tonight. I just let the dog out (small, doesn't bark or bite) and back in again, and began to lock all the doors. Did this just fine, went up to my bedroom and noticed something stran
SUBREDDIT: r/relationship_advice TITLE: (M/20) Cheated on for the first time. Could use some advice...or anything really. POST: I had been in a long-term relationship with my S/O for about four years on and off, starting in high school. I moved to another city for college, she stayed home. We still saw each other and made it work as well as we could. She had never cheated on me, but the bastard that I am had cheated on her earlier in the relationship. It made me feel terrible, and I cleaned up my act. I did
SUBREDDIT: r/Parenting TITLE: crib/sleep training help POST: To start off, my little guy has bed shared with me from week 2 until now - he is almost 4.5 months. I believe he is in a sleep regression from what the internet tells me which makes sense, at night now he wakes up and screams to be fed and does it much more often - before he would just gently stir and feed. My husband and I have been trying to get him used to his crib a bit because we would like our bed back in the next few months, so we h
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: Me [27 M] with my Non-Romantic [24 F/Married] of 2 years is very possessive of me. Why? POST: Okay, so two years ago, I made a friend at work. She is very chipper, funny, and fun to be around. We became fast friends and for a while things were going quite well. I should also mention that she is married. I noticed about 8 months into the friendship she started being a bit clingy. A lot of texts and asking what/where I was. She started wanting to spend a lot or all of her ti
SUBREDDIT: r/relationship_advice TITLE: Epiphany for PC Gaming couples [30/M] POST: Has anyone else who has been in a relationship for a while with someone and you both play PC games, ever bring a second PC over to the overs place to "play together" and end up physically doing less other things together? I recall doing this to my last relationship, building a second computer, desk etc at my apartment and without even realising it, we did nothing BUT that pretty soon after (no sex, no talking, nothing). We
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: Girl [F17] I [M17] hooked up with at a party wants to be friends with benefits. How do I go about this? POST: Friday night I went to a prom after party and was talking to a girl from my Spanish class. We got drunk and high and then she whispered in my ear "we're gonna hook up" and then grabbed my hand and led me into a bedroom. Me being horny, drunk, and high I was down and we went at it. We had a lot of fun and I assumed nothing we come of it and I would just have to dea
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: Am I [19M] wasting my time with this girl [19F]? POST: I met this girl around the end of November through mutual friends and right off the bat I asked out on a date since I though she was really cute, however she cancels on me at the last minute due to family matters. I think nothing of it and we reschedule, but once again she cancels due to "family matters." At this point I'm thinking that she's just not interested and I move on. Fast forward to January and it turns out t
SUBREDDIT: r/AskReddit TITLE: I've been accused of plagiarism on a semester long investigative report and it is 100% my group members' fault. POST: At the beginning of this semester I was paired with a one other person (complete strangers) to complete an investigative report that would carry 40% of my grade in the class. Last week we submitted the final copy and gave our final presentation. I received an email today from my Professor stating that after reviewing the report she found an entire section of pl
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: I [25F] don't like my coworker[24F] and we work at a very social and event driven company POST: Hi r/relationships, new redditor here and I have really enjoyed reading your help to others. Thank you for reading this. I got a new job at my dream company. The company I work for places a LOT of emphasis and importance on team building, events, and doing good for the community we live in. That's a huge reason why I love it here. However, there is a girl I work closely with who
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: Me [19F] with my BF [19M] 5 months, his trauma is affecting him more than he will admit. How to communicate gently? POST: Charles is an absolute dream of a boyfriend, although our levels of physical intimacy have been hampered. When he was 14 he was coerced into sleeping with two older girls while another watched and his trauma over this has had a noticeable toll on his emotional well-being. Even before he told me about the abuse, our first time sitting on a park bench to
SUBREDDIT: r/Advice TITLE: Life is just tough right now. POST: Hey friends. So, I'm a senior in college, and my girlfriend recently broke up with me. We dated for 4 years, and we were madly in love, or so I thought. I've known her since high school and we had been doing long distance for a while; my school is a 1 hour and 45 minute drive from her. In December we had somewhat of a falling out and she thought about giving me "another chance". Apparently I wasn't giving enough to her and the relationship. She
SUBREDDIT: r/dogs TITLE: Advice Needed: Will getting another dog help ease dog #1's anxiety? POST: I've got a 2-year-old Sheltie, Dave, who I adopted almost exactly a year ago. At the time, I was just out of college, didn't have a job, lived with my parents, and was able to spend a considerable amount of time with him at home. If I was leaving the house for a few hours, I would usually put him in his cage but otherwise would leave him out. There were a few occasions where (less than 5) I came home and found
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: Me [28 M] with my [27 F] ex gf of an 8 year relationship. Overseas in London and now broken up. Devastated now she wants to be friends. POST: Hi all, gf of 8 years and I moved to London in Feb. She dumped me 4 days into the trip citing my depression and negativity for a few months last year as the reason she wanted to break up. (I was seeing a psychologist at the time). By the time we got here I was positive and excited to be here. But 4 days in she dumped me. Major argumen
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: [21 F] What are realistic expectations I can have of my boyfriend? [21 M] (dating 5 months) POST: My boyfriend is well aware of the fact that he's not good at or used to being communicative/keeping in touch with people well. However, since we're in a relationship, I've told him that it's important to me and makes me feel overlooked/like he doesn't care about me much when he sees but doesn't respond to my messages/texts, doesn't make any effort to keep in touch with me unles
SUBREDDIT: r/dating_advice TITLE: I think i missed my chance (M26 / F24) POST: So i've been talking to this girl for 6 months now, we both broke up at the same time in february and started talking since then. It was all cool, we talked every day via facebook or msg, and we hung out every now and then. It was cool, we were just being friendly with eachother, till one night. She came over, we ate, we saw a movie, she was sitting on my lap, we were play fighting, and since she had to go home early cause of a b
SUBREDDIT: r/relationship_advice TITLE: 2nd month in our relationship, she has already mentioned twice that she doesn't love me... why? POST: I didn't bring it up at all. She is pretty withholding about her feelings sometimes so occasionally when we are talking about more personal stuff, I want to hear her share something more personal about herself, not just tell her what I think. Anyway I asked her, "did you know you are kind of withholding about your feelings? You should tell me more about yourself," and
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: I (16/M) need advice on how to handle new relationship with girl (16/F) POST: Hello r/relationships. This is my first post on reddit so if anything is unclear or missing let me know. I know its a wall of text just bare with me... Okay i guess ill start at the beginning... We met on a year 10 ski trip about 2 months back and we hanging out during breaks and on the slopes. We flirted constantly, played pool, watched movies and talked a buttload. When we got back from the tri
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: Me [45 M] hurt by photos of ex and family but can't bring myself to destroy them. POST: In the last 10-15 years I have had some very bad experiences. I was cheated on by my ex and I loved her very much. It crushed my world and has permanently damaged my trust. My parents and siblings have also been troublesome and have all had multiple marriages and dramas and in some cases done horrible things to me and created more problems than it's been worth being around them so I have
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: Me [26 F] just began dating a person [29 M] the week before I began cancer treatment. Still seeing each other, but feeling guilty. POST: I was diagnosed with breast cancer in mid-June. Despite my diagnosis, I still pursued a guy that I've had a big crush on for a long time. We had an amazing few days together before I had surgery on July 5. I'm still in recovery mode. Throughout, he has been incredible, coming over to spend time with me, sweet make outs, get to know one an
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: How should M[18] feel about my girlfriend [21] being friends with the guy she cheated on her last bf with? POST: Original thread: *My girlfriend of 1 week just told me that the dude [Dude 1] she cheated on her ex bf with and her are becoming friends again. They have been friends since highschool and were sexually involved 4 months ago where she cheated on her bf with him. I met her after she broke up with her ex and stopped seeing Dude 1 for sex. I certainly don't feel th
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: Me [22 M] and my girlfriend [39 F] are meeting tonight to discuss whether or not the age gap is reason to end things. Hoping to get some advice POST: We've known each other 6 years, been together a year and a half, and for the most part we're really, really happy. A recent fight got pretty serious and we threw around the idea of ending our relationship, but then we got over the issues that caused the fight but the problem of ending our relationship still remained due to so
SUBREDDIT: r/AskReddit TITLE: Reddit I think my girlfriend/girl that I have a relationship is cheating on me and I'm clueless and feel terrible, help please ? POST: A little history. We've been dating on and off for the last 3 years and till a few weeks ago I thought we really had something. Now here's the story. So we're both high school seniors and yesterday she was on her facebook on my tablet during class and it was a usual day but today I opened up my tablet and realized she was still logged on. The
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: Give me [18 M] your opinion about this. Is my [50/F] mom's parenting normal? POST: I brought this up with a friend one time and he told me that it wasn't normal, so here it goes. Ever since I was around five(which is the earliest I could accurately remember events) my mother would lock me in a cupboard whenever I misbehave. Sometimes I would be kept there for hours depending on the severity of my actions. I would usually get punished because I mess with my brother or accid
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: Two acquaintances/casual friends [21M & 22F] unfriended me [21F] on Facebook, for no apparent reason and I'm worried about it. Am I overreacting? POST: They're a couple, and they do almost everything together, so that's why I refer to them as a pair. They even have the same first name, heh. I haven't spoken to either them in a few months, because I graduated from college and moved towns (though I did write the usual "Happy Birthday/Happy Holiday"s note on their walls), but
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: I [29m] am losing the physical attraction to my [27f] wife POST: Let me begin by saying this is not a weight issue--I did search several subs for this question. We have been married for five years, and are in our seventh year of our total relationship (this is not the 7 year itch however.) I still love my wife endearingly, and she is an excellent partner and a great mom. My issue is that she has stopped taking care of herself. Her hair is disheveled, and she picks at her f
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: Me [22/F] dating [26/M], need advice on this situation. POST: So I met this guy online just before Halloween. We chatted for a few weeks and then decided to meet because he lives 3 hours away from me. The first time we met, he drove up, and we went on a date. We decided he could stay over, since he didn't want to drive back the same night. He slept in my living room and I slept in my room. We didn't do anything physical. The next day, we went on another date, and he left t
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: Me [21/F] with my boyfriend [22 M] of 4 years, He gets upset over me being a vegetarian. POST: Hello /r/Relationships, recently i've been having troubles with my boyfriend when it comes to me being a vegetarian. I have been a vegetarian for almost 5 years mostly because i feel that it is morally wrong for me to eat meat. My boyfriend usually accepts my decision on this and he eats meat and doesn't see anything bad with it so we simply just cook separate meals or order seper
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: I (24f) saw a message my bf (26m) sent essentially asking "how much" now don't know how to feel POST: I've been going through a tough time lately.. Family is falling apart, dad tried to kill himself, been adjusting to my birth control so my period has been goin for 3 weeks (sorry for tmi but it implies we haven't been having sex) and my boyfriend has been incredible through all of it.. He's always there and helps with my daughter and whatever I need really. Just now though
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: Boyfriend (20) of 3.5 years ended the relationship with me (21) heartbroken. POST: Me and my boyfriend have been together for 3 and a half years, since quite a young age. Just recently we were having trouble, and I can't help but feel this whole thing is my fault. I had some conflicting thoughts and wanted some time away from the relationship. Not for anyone else, I literally wanted space. That went on for a month or so, and I decided I loved him dearly and couldn't go with
SUBREDDIT: r/self TITLE: Spent my savings on my first car. I'm an idiot and bought it at an auto auction without looking at it. Here's my ridiculous story. POST: A few weeks back, I had acquired a refund check from my college to go along with the money I had saved up. Eager to get a car for school (which is quite far away; a daily commute), I naively bidded on a 2000 Impala and won for $1,585. Since you're not allowed to test drive the car (first warning sign) until AFTER you purchase it, I wasn't able to
SUBREDDIT: r/college TITLE: Alternative to elaborate fraud? POST: I'm 19, battling depression and anxiety, wrapping up my AA and find myself in a unique position. I have attended community college O through a combination of state-sponsored help and my own means, community college R through financial aid in the form of loans (no grants), as well as participating in an online for-credit MOOC. My transcript is plagued by poor grades, particularly from R, and I am aware of how the National Student Clearinghous
SUBREDDIT: r/legaladvice TITLE: Probate/inheritance question [IL] POST: This is a somewhat long story, so I will try and stay on track and focused as possible. My grandfather passed in 2001, but did not have a will. My mother and her sister were the only living relatives, however my mother had been named executor of his estate and had power of attorney when he passed. His estate has and still is in probate in IL. The last thing my mother did was back in 2006, and that was miss a court date. My mother p
SUBREDDIT: r/loseit TITLE: [NSV] 18 months to the day from being 440 pounds, I ran my first Triathlon. POST: This community has done so much to inspire and improve me that I had to tell you guys. I did the [Sprint Triathlon up at Wildflower]( I've lost 215 pounds. The first 150 or so came from low calorie, and the last 65 have been reduced calorie paleo eating. I weight train 3-4 days a week and do 30 minutes of cardio 5-6 days per week. Here's a [before and after] for those interested and a [post at my b
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: I [16/M] met a girl [16/F], got REALLY close within a week. Should I ask her out? POST: Hi, Reddit! So this girl (16 years old), who comes from the same country as me, arrived at our school around 5 months ago. We didn't know each other, different class, never talked, nothing. But around a week ago, we started talking on Facebook, chatting away. Through talking on Facebook, we became close in real-life as well, face to face. We got close REALLY REALLY fast, like best-friend
SUBREDDIT: r/relationship_advice TITLE: My (27/m) boyfriend won't listen to me (22/f) anymore. POST: Let me start off by saying that I am almost 8 months pregnant. Please be gentle. I'm in a fragile state. When my boyfriend and I first met we partied a lot. He still hadn't grown up yet. We had only been together 3 months before we found out I was pregnant. At first things were a little rocky. He would still go out all the time and I would get pissed. Since then things have slowed down a lot. He hardly goes
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: I [33F] lost my bff [31f] over unpaid rent. POST: I lived with my bff for almost a year. During that time, she was always behind in bills, rent, and at times just refused to pay. The financial burdens finally started catching up with me and I asked her to leave. I tried talking to her, I tried reasoning. And we ended up fighting. Now, neither of us are speaking and we likely won't be friends again. She's texting my bf messages to pass along, but she doesn't seem to care
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: I [26 M] live with my girlfriend [27/F] but am sick and tired of driving everywhere. POST: So about four months ago I moved in with my girlfriend. We live in a small city that has what is in my opinion a very mediocre public transit (buses only, no rail). She's a substitute teacher so when we moved in together she didn't really know where she would be working. We decided to move somewhere with cheaper rent and is closer to my work. Here is the problem. I'm the only one wi
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: Me [27 M] with my GF [20F] of 6 months, Ask GF if she still wants to be together, says she doesn't know what she wants, what does it mean? POST: Looking to hear what I possibly already know. She's been distant, flaking to hangout at times and taking longer to text than normal. We didn't have a Valentines due to a fight and I didn't talk to her until two days after. She tells me she was waiting for me to come after her, she thought if I really wanted her back I would have ch
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: Ultimatum over brushing his teeth? POST: I (25f) love my husband (26m) very much but he has a huge problem with extremely smelly breath. The reason is that he only brushes his teeth 3ish times a week. I have talked to him about it but he just seems to take it as me nagging him. Now it has gotten to the point that I have to hold my breath or breathe through my mouth when we are kissing or having sex. I think that it wasn't as bad until we got married (3 months ago) became he
SUBREDDIT: r/tifu TITLE: TIFU by almost dying from the cold. POST: I have a medical condition called cold urticaria. Basically, I'm allergic to the cold. Temperatures below 60F make me break out into itchy painful hives, all it takes for me to be okay, is to make sure my entire body is warm, most of the time. Luckily, I like in California, and I don't have to deal with extreme cold conditions. Today, I was brilliant enough to not wear thermal underwear. It's 44F outside! Worse off, I also didn't check pre
SUBREDDIT: r/AskReddit TITLE: How do I retrieve the audio from my YouTube video that was removed due to, what is in my mind, an idiotic copyright claim. POST: Ok so here's what happened. Back in 2008 I had an English assignment for Romeo and Juliet. I added in the "mmm watcha say" audio clip (from Imogen Heap's "Hide and Seek") when Tybalt stabbed Mercutio (I recreated Act 3 Scene 1, if anyone cares). This was before YouTube was cracking down on copyright infringement. When they did start cracking down, I n
SUBREDDIT: r/running TITLE: Accidental milestone POST: Two days ago my girlfriend and I accidentally went for the longest run of both of our lives. We are along the north shore of Minnesota and decided to take an ambitious 15 miles along the superior hiking trail. The terrain was mostly rugged (roots, stones, small hills) and the scenery gorgeous. As we were wrapping up our run we were both just stumbling along at what we thought was the 12th mile or so. Frustrated and expecting to be almost back but no
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: I want sex with other women, even though I (21m) am in love with my girlfriend (21f) POST: I am in love with my girlfriend. I honestly am, we have dated for 9 months (but have been best friends for 2 years) and I want to marry her one day. But she took my virginity and I know she has had sex with 12 other guys before we dated. I know she's never cheated on me, and she loves me more than anyone has. And although I've had a couple of random hookups before, I've never had sex
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: I'm [19 F] in a long distance relationship [20 M] and I'm torn by opinions! POST: Hi Reddit! Long time lurker here! Hopefully this is the right subbed it to post this on! I'm just writing for another opinion, I'm kind of torn at the moment. Basically I've been in a long distance relationship for 3 months now, it's extremely long distance as the next time I will get to see him is next summer. I originally planned to go university next year but he's asked me to go over there
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: I [21M] didn't understand that everybody knew I had a crush on a friend of mine [21M] POST: A little background first. My best friend's (both my same age) girlfriend has got a couple of single friends, and I recently developed a crush on one of them. Friday night we were all going out together, and by all I mean me, a friend of mine, my best friend, his gf and her friends, along with a new guy I had never seen before. Just before going home, I asked her out. She replied th
SUBREDDIT: r/relationship_advice TITLE: I've [24/M] been dating him [32/M] for almost 5 months and he hasn't made it official, but I don't want to pressure him. POST: I've been seeing this wonderful, super sweet and incredible guy for almost 5 months now. This is the longest he's seen someone in 2 years, and before that he was in a relationship for 8 years. He left the previous relationship (he ended it) without really knowing why, and I think it still kinda haunts him. Because it came up a few times a f
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: My [30F] weight is affecting me and my boyfriend's [28 M], 1 year, intimacy :( POST: I've been dating my guy for about a year and I love him dearly but I've been feeling him pull away lately when it comes to the bedroom. Talked to him about it, and sure enough as suspected, I've gained weight and he doesn't really want to have sex anymore. Other than this, our relationship has been so good. I'm obviously hurt, but I certainly wouldn't want to punish him for his honesty. I