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Named Entity Recognition for COVID-19 Bio Entities The dataset was taken from https://github.com/davidcampos/covid19-corpus

Dataset The dataset was then split into several datasets each one representing one entity. Namely, Disorder, Species, Chemical or Drug, Gene and Protein, Enzyme, Anatomy, Biological Process, Molecular Function, Cellular Component, Pathway and microRNA. Moreover, another dataset is also created with all those aforementioned that are non-overlapping in nature.

Dataset Formats The datasets are available in two formats IOB and Spacy's JSONL format.

IOB : https://github.com/tsantosh7/COVID-19-Named-Entity-Recognition/tree/master/Datasets/BIO

SpaCy JSONL: https://github.com/tsantosh7/COVID-19-Named-Entity-Recognition/tree/master/Datasets/SpaCy