[ "A language learning model for finite parameter spaces.", "\nThis paper shows how to formally characterize language learning in a finite parameter space, for instance, in the principles-and-parameters approach to language, as a Markov structure. ", "New language learning results follow directly; we can explicitly calculate how many positive examples on average (\"sample complexity\") it will take for a learner to correctly identify a target language with high probability. ", "We show how sample complexity varies with input distributions and learning regimes. ", "In particular we find that the average time to converge under reasonable language input distributions for a simple three-parameter system first described by Gibson and Wexler (1994) is psychologically plausible, in the range of 100-150 positive examples. ", "We further find that a simple random step algorithm-that is, simply jumping from one language hypothesis to another rather than changing one parameter at a time-works faster and always converges to the right target language, in contrast to the single-step, local parameter setting method advocated in some recent work." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
[ 0, 0.005376344086021506, 0, 0, 0.00392156862745098, 0 ]
[ "Inventive concepts relate to an image sensor, and more particularly, to an image sensor that may reduce noise during digital zooming and may reduce power consumption.", "\nAn image sensor may convert a light signal including image information of an object to an electrical signal. ", "Widely used image sensors include a charge-coupled device (CCD) image sensor and a complementary metal-oxide semiconductor (CMOS) image sensor. ", "With the development of the computer industry and the telecommunications industry, demand has increased for image sensors with improved performance in various electronic devices, such as digital cameras, camcorders, personal communication systems (PCS), game devices, security cameras, medical micro-cameras, and/or mobile phones.", "\nIn order to enlarge an image for an image sensor, optical zooming, which enlarges an image by adjusting a distance between lenses, and digital zooming, which enlarges an image by cutting out a portion of the image during shooting, may be used. ", "In digital zooming, a new pixel value is interpolated using an existing image value when a zoom function is performed, and as a result of these characteristics, digital zooming shows a less delicate image than that shown by the optical zooming. ", "Therefore, various studies are being conducted to reduce deterioration of an image during digital zooming." ]
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[ 0, 0, 0.013888888888888888, 0.0030303030303030303, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "*\n\n9 .", "\n\nHave you ever been influenced, inspired, or motivated by the graffiti you have seen?" ]
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[ 0, 0 ]
[ "---\nabstract: 'We report on performance results achieved for recently produced LAPPDs - largest comercially available planar geometry photodetectors based on microchannel plates. ", "These results include electron gains of up to $10^{7}$, low dark noise rates ($\\sim$100 Hz/cm$^{2}$ at a gain of $6\\cdot10^6$), single photoelectron (PE) timing resolution of $\\sim$50 picoseconds RMS (electronics limited), and single photoelectron spatial resolution along and across strips of 3.2mm (electronics limited) and 0.8 mm RMS respectively and high (about 25% or higher in some units) QE uniform bi-alkali photocathodes. ", "LAPPDs is a good candidate to be employed in neutrino experiments (e.g. ANNIE [@ANNIE], WATCHMAN [@WATCHMAN], DUNE [@DUNE]), particle collider experiments (e.g. EIC [@EIC]), neutrinoless double-beta decay experiments (e.g. THEIA [@THEIA]), medical and nuclear non-proliferation applications.'", "\naddress:\n- 'Incom Inc., 294 Southbridge rd, Charlton MA 01507 USA'\n- 'Argonne National Laboratory, 9700 Cass Avenue, Lemont, IL, 60439 USA'\n- 'Space Sciences Laboratory at University of California, 7 Gauss Way, Berkeley, CA 94720 USA'\n- 'University of Chicago, 5640 S Ellis Ave, Chicago IL, 60637 USA'\nauthor:\n- 'A. V. Lyashenko'\n- 'B. W. Adams'\n- 'M. Aviles'\n- 'T. Cremer'\n- 'C. D. Ertley'\n- 'M. R. Foley'\n- 'M. J. Minot'\n- 'M. A. Popecki'\n- 'M. E. Stochaj'\n- 'W. A. Worstell'\n- 'J. W. Elam'\n- 'A. U. Mane'\n- 'O. H. W. Siegmund'\n- 'H. J. Frisch'\n- 'A. L. Elagin'\n- 'E. Angelico'\n- 'E. Spieglan'\nbibliography:\n- 'mybibfile.bib'\ntitle: 'Performance of Large Area Picosecond Photo-Detectors (LAPPD^TM^)'\n---\n\nLarge Area Picosecond Photo-Detector ,LAPPD ,MCP-PMT\n\nIntroduction\n============\n\nThe Large Area Picosecond Photo-Detector (LAPPD^TM^) is a microchannel plate (MCP) based planar geometry photodetector featuring single-photon sensitivity, semitransparent bi-alkali photocathode, millimeter spatial and picosecond temporal resolutions and an active area of 350 square centimeters. ", "The“baseline” LAPPD employs a borosilicate float glass hermetic package. ", "Photoelectrons are amplified with a stacked chevron pair of “next generation” large area MCPs produced by applying resistive and emissive Atomic Layer Deposition (ALD) coatings to glass capillary array (GCA) substrates. ", "Signals are collected on microstrip anodes applied to the bottom plate.", "\n\nSince 2015 a number of early commissioning trials performed at Incom Inc. demonstrated the ability to successfully seal LAPPD , apply uniform high QE photocathodes over the full area of the window, to achieve high gain from the chevron pair of ALD-GCA-MCPs, and to demonstrate single photoelectron sensitivity with saturated pulse height distributions [@CRAVEN2018]. ", "These early trials culminated in the fall of 2017 with the fabrication of tiles that achieved all of these parameters at usable levels [@MINOT2018]. ", "In the late 2018 Incom demonstrated a capability of pilot production of LAPPDs with desired characteristics.", "\n\nSecond generation LAPPDs are also currently under active development by Incom Inc., with our university collaborators [@HENRY2016]. ", "Most notable is a next generation design that incorporates an anode capacitively coupled through a thin metal film deposited onto the inside bottom of the detector, to an application specific printed circuit board, positioned beneath the detector tile, outside of the vacuum package. ", "This innovation will allow LAPPD to be customized for either stripline or pad readout, simplify connectivity, and facilitate use of LAPPD in high fluence applications.", "\n\nWe report on performance characteristics of recently manufacured LAPPDs and discuss some of the features of second generation LAPPDs with capasitively coupled readout.", "\n\nLAPPD design\n============\n\nGeneral design features and parameters for LAPPD incude borosilicate glass enclosure with no penetrating pins, a chevron pair of ALD functionalized MCPs, borosilicate glass spacers for rigidity, a choice of borosilicate or fused silica glass front window equipped with enhanced sensitivity Na$_2$KSb photocathode with active area of 350 cm$^2$, a microstrip anode with 28 silver strips for signal readout and independent biasing of photocathode and MCPs. ", "A schematic drawing of an exploded view of the LAPPD, with MCPs, X-spacer, and anode data strips is shown in \\[fig:LAPPD:design\\]. ", "A photograph of an LAPPD can be seen in \\[fig:LAPPD:photo\\].", "\n\n[ \\[fig:LAPPD:design\\] ![", "a) Exploded view of LAPPD showing glass detector enclosure, glass x-spacers and MCPs b) A photograph of an LAPPD. []{", "data-label=\"fig:LAPPD\"}](LAPPD_design.png \"fig:\"){width=\"3.5cm\"} ]{} [ \\[fig:LAPPD:photo\\] ![", "a) Exploded view of LAPPD showing glass detector enclosure, glass x-spacers and MCPs b) A photograph of an LAPPD. []{", "data-label=\"fig:LAPPD\"}](PB140102.jpg \"fig:\"){width=\"4cm\"} ]{}\n\nExperimental methods\n====================\n\nLAPPD performance tests were performed in a dark box with a UV light source and signal acquisition hardware. ", "LAPPDs are provided with an Ultem housing that provides high voltage connections, and a backplane as shown in \\[fig:test:station\\] that connects anode strips to SMA connectors with near-50 ohm impedance. ", "Gain was measured as a function of MCP voltage, using a charge sensitive amplifier and an ADC, and subsequently measured using DRS4 [@Ritt2008DesignAP] waveform samplers.", "\n\n![", "The LAPPD in the dark box enclosed in Ultem housing with high voltage connectors, and SMA connectors for signal readout.[]{data-label=\"fig:test:station\"}](lappd_test_station.jpg){width=\"3cm\"}\n\n#### Photocathode uniformity\n\nThe quantum efficiency of the photocathode was measured across the LAPPD window by scanning a 365 nm UV LED in an X-Y pattern of 3mm steps. ", "The LED light was focused onto LAPPD window with a small lens resulting in an illuminated area of $\\sim$2.5 mm in diameter. ", "The intensity of the input light was measured with a Thorlabs SM1PD2A photodiode, and a Keithley 6485 picoammeter. ", "The photocurrent was collected and measured by connecting both sides of the entry MCP to a Keithley 2400 sourcemeter, with a 42 volt bias voltage between the MCP and the photocathode. ", "The quantum efficiency is calculated from the ratio of these two quantities, less the dark current in each.", "\n\n#### Gain measurements\n\nSingle photoelectron MCP pulses for the gain measurement were produced by directing a 405 nm 63 ps FWHM laser pulse from PiLas model PiL040-FC laser to a selected point on the LAPPD window. ", "The laser was triggered externally at various rates. ", "The trigger pulse was also used to provide a 12 $\\mu$S window for the ADC, so the pulse height analyzer could detect charge pulses from the LAPPD response from the laser, if there were any, with minimal inclusion of dark pulses. ", "A neutral density filter (NE540B from Thorlabs) was used on the laser to reduce the intensity to the single photon level. ", "Assuming the number of photoelectrons follows Poisson distribution the average number of photoelectrons per laser pulse should not exceed 0.22 [@Wang:2016xnu]. ", "In this case the probability of producing more than one photoelectron is statistically suppressed at 90% level. ", "The LAPPD responded to 4 out of every 20 laser pulses thus satisfying this condition. ", "Gain measurements were also made using waveform sampling where the time/charge area of each MCP pulse is used to infer the charge in the pulse.", "\n\n#### Dark Count Rate\n\nThe Dark Count Rate was measured by a direct readout of LAPPD dark pulses with a 1GHz bandwidth oscilloscope at a threshold of 4mV.\n\n#### Timing Resolution\n\nThe time variation between the initiation of a photoelectron and the arrival of the MCP pulse at the end of a strip is of interest for timing applications. ", "This variation represents the timing uncertainty of the LAPPD. ", "The time variation was measured as follows. ", "63 ps FWHM 405 nm laser pulse was simultaneously fed onto a fast photodiode and tested LAPPD using a beam splitter. ", "The laser intensity to LAPPD was reduced by neutral density filters to produce single photoelectrons. ", "The time difference between the monitor pulse and the corresponding pulse from a single strip was measured by analyzing waveforms from DRS4 waveform samplers. ", "There is also a $\\sim$25 ps jitter in the width of the DRS4 timesteps, which is not corrected here. ", "Hence, the quality of the measurement is somewhat environment-dependent, and the result here may not be the best achievable with the LAPPD. ", "The LAPPD transit time variation may be extracted as a sum of squared variations as $\\sigma_{meas}^{2}=\\sigma_{LAPPD}^{2}+\\sigma_{laser}^{2}$, where $\\sigma_{meas}$ being the measured time variation, $\\sigma_{LAPPD}$ is the Transit Time Spread of the tested LAPPD and $\\sigma_{laser}$ is the width of the laser pulse.", "\n\n#### Spatial Resolution\n\nDRS4 waveform samplers were also used to determine spatial resolutions for single photoelectrons scanning both along-strips as well as across-strips. ", "In the presented version of LAPPD the strips were 5.2 mm wide spaced by 1.7 mm gaps. ", "X-Y position of the MCP charge cloud deposition may be measured with the LAPPD microstrip anode as follows. ", "Along a strip, the position of the charge pulse may be inferred by measuring the relative time of arrival of pulses at each end of the strip, as the charge deposited by the MCP makes its way to ground at both ends. ", "Timing variability at a given position provides the uncertainty of the position. ", "Across-strip position is determined from a “center of mass” calculation that uses charge measured on five (or more) adjacent strips. ", "The centroids are derived using distribution of the signal between five (or more) adjacent as a function of incident laser cross-strip position.", "\n\nResults\n=======\n\n#### Photocathode quality\n\nExamples of QE scans for the four consecutively sealed LAPPD37, LAPPD38, LAPPD39 and LAPPD40 measured at 365 nm are shown in \\[fig:QE\\]. ", "The mean QE at 365 nm was measured to be 24.3%, 17.8%, 25.3% and 17.1% respectively. ", "Lower QE measured in LAPPD38 and LAPPD40 are due to non-optimal photocathode deposition (temperature, vacuum etc.). ", "At optimal deposition conditions QE values exceeding $>$20% were demonstrated.", "\n\n[ \\[fig:QE:37\\] ![", "QE maps measured for LAPPD37, LAPPD38, LAPPD39 and LAPPD40. ", "Average QE values are indicated in the figures.[]{data-label=\"fig:QE\"}](QE_37.png \"fig:\"){width=\"4.1cm\"} ]{} [ \\[fig:QE:38\\] ![", "QE maps measured for LAPPD37, LAPPD38, LAPPD39 and LAPPD40. ", "Average QE values are indicated in the figures.[]{data-label=\"fig:QE\"}](QE_38.png \"fig:\"){width=\"4.1cm\"} ]{} [ \\[fig:QE:39\\] ![", "QE maps measured for LAPPD37, LAPPD38, LAPPD39 and LAPPD40. ", "Average QE values are indicated in the figures.[]{data-label=\"fig:QE\"}](QE_39.png \"fig:\"){width=\"4.1cm\"} ]{} [ \\[fig:QE:40\\] ![", "QE maps measured for LAPPD37, LAPPD38, LAPPD39 and LAPPD40. ", "Average QE values are indicated in the figures.[]{data-label=\"fig:QE\"}](QE_40.png \"fig:\"){width=\"4.1cm\"} ]{}\n\n#### Pulse height distributions and gain\n\nAt a high gain the MCPs operate in saturation mode in which the electron-avalanche size is somewhat confined due to space charge effects. ", "This leads to a peaked pulse height distribution for single photoelectrons. ", "Detector gain at a given threshold can then be calculated as the average of the single photoelectron pulse height distribution. ", "Examples of the single photoelectron pulse height distributions and corresponding gains measured in LAPPD39 and LAPPD40 are presented in \\[fig:gain\\]. ", "To plot the pulse height distributions shown in \\[fig:gain\\] a data set of 10000 waveforms recorded with DRS4 digitizers was analyzed. ", "In the recent LAPPDs a gain of 10$^7$ was achieved at a reasonably low dark count rate (see below) and MCP voltage setting.", "\n\n[ \\[fig:PHD:39\\] ![", "Single photoelectron pulse height distributions measured in LAPPD39 and LAPPD40 at various MCP voltages. ", "The respective gain values calculated from the pulse height distributions are also shown.[]{data-label=\"fig:gain\"}](PHD_39.png \"fig:\"){width=\"4.1cm\"} ]{} [ \\[fig:PHD:40\\] ![", "Single photoelectron pulse height distributions measured in LAPPD39 and LAPPD40 at various MCP voltages. ", "The respective gain values calculated from the pulse height distributions are also shown.[]{data-label=\"fig:gain\"}](PHD_40.png \"fig:\"){width=\"4.1cm\"} ]{} [ \\[fig:G:39\\] ![", "Single photoelectron pulse height distributions measured in LAPPD39 and LAPPD40 at various MCP voltages. ", "The respective gain values calculated from the pulse height distributions are also shown.[]{data-label=\"fig:gain\"}](G_39.png \"fig:\"){width=\"4.1cm\"} ]{} [ \\[fig:G:40\\] ![", "Single photoelectron pulse height distributions measured in LAPPD39 and LAPPD40 at various MCP voltages. ", "The respective gain values calculated from the pulse height distributions are also shown.[]{data-label=\"fig:gain\"}](G_40.png \"fig:\"){width=\"4.1cm\"} ]{}\n\n#### Dark count rate\n\nThe dark count rate has been tremendously reduced compared to earlier tiles as shown in \\[fig:dark\\] on example of LAPPD39 and LAPPD40. ", "In LAPPD39 the dark rate stayed below 1000 Hz/cm$^2$ (dashed red line in the plots) within the full range of MCP and photocathode voltages up to MCP gain of $10^7$. At optimal operation conditions with 200V at the photocathode and a gain of $6\\cdot10^6$ the observed dark count rate was only 100 Hz/cm$^2$. For LAPPD40 the dark count rate was well below 1000 Hz/cm$^2$ up to a gain of $6\\cdot10^6$. The orange line on the plots represents the dark rate by MCPs only with the reversed photoelectron extraction field.", "\n\n[ \\[fig:dark:39\\] ![", "Dark count rate as a function of MCP voltage measured at various photoelectron extraction fields or photocathode voltages. []{", "data-label=\"fig:dark\"}](DCR_39.png \"fig:\"){width=\"4cm\"} ]{} [ \\[fig:dark:40\\] ![", "Dark count rate as a function of MCP voltage measured at various photoelectron extraction fields or photocathode voltages. []{", "data-label=\"fig:dark\"}](DCR_40.png \"fig:\"){width=\"4cm\"} ]{}\n\n#### Timing Resolution\n\nA key feature of LAPPD is its picosecond timing ability. ", "Arrival time jitter of photoelectron signal measured in LAPPD40 at 400V bias between the photocathode and top face of the entry MCP is shown in \\[fig:TTS:40\\]. ", "From a Gaussian fit the measured Transit Time Variation $\\sigma_{meas}$ was calculated to be 79 ps. ", "Given the assumption above that $\\sigma_{meas}^{2}=\\sigma_{LAPPD}^{2}+\\sigma_{laser}^{2}$, the LAPPD transit time variation $\\sigma_{LAPPD}$ was calculated to be about 50 ps. ", "It was also shown in \\[fig:TTSPC\\] that the measured transit time variation is a function of photoelectron extraction field. ", "At a photoelectron extraction field that corresponds to 200V potential difference between the photocathode and the entry MCP $\\sigma_{meas}$ approaches about 80 ps (that corresponds to $\\sigma_{LAPPD}$ of 50 ps).", "\n\n[ \\[fig:TTS:40\\] ![", "a) Transit Time Variation measured in LAPPD40 at 400V bias between the photocathode and top face of the entry MCP; b) Transit Time Variation as a function of photoelectron extraction field.[]{data-label=\"fig:TTS\"}](TTS_40.png \"fig:\"){width=\"4.2cm\"} ]{} [ \\[fig:TTSPC\\] ![", "a) Transit Time Variation measured in LAPPD40 at 400V bias between the photocathode and top face of the entry MCP; b) Transit Time Variation as a function of photoelectron extraction field.[]{data-label=\"fig:TTS\"}](TTS_vs_PC_40.png \"fig:\"){width=\"4cm\"} ]{}\n\n#### Spatial Resolution\n\nIn LAPPD31 the relative arrival time sigma of pulses observed at both ends of a strip was 36 ps at one position, as shown in \\[fig:XPOS:DIST:31\\]. ", "Signal transmission speed along the strip was determined by measuring differential time between two ends of a strip varying the position of the laser spot along the strip [@Wang:2016xnu]. ", "At a scale of 11.4 ps/mm this leads to a position uncertainty of 3.2 mm. ", "This result does not include 25 ps uncertainty in the DRS4 timestamps so it does not fully represent the best achievable resolution of LAPPD. ", "Reconstructed signal position along the strip as a function of laser position is shown in \\[fig:XPOS:LAS:31\\]. ", "Across-strip position determined from a centroid calculation that uses charge measured on five adjacent strips can be seen in \\[fig:YPOS:DIST:31\\]. ", "The centroids were derived using distribution of the signal between the five adjacent strip as a function of incident laser cross-strip position. ", "The reconstructed position calculated from center of mass position in five adjacent strips is shown in \\[fig:YPOS:REC:31\\]. ", "Across strip position resolution calculated as a standard deviation from the linear fit was 0.76 mm for a strip pitch of 6.1 mm.", "\n\n[ \\[fig:XPOS:DIST:31\\] ![", "Measurements of spatial resolution of LAPPD (example of LAPPD31). ", "a) Distribution of relative arrival times at a fixed laser position on the strip. ", "Position resolution can be calculated from a Gaussian fit. ", "b) Reconstructed position along the strip as a function of laser position. ", "c) Distribution of the signal amplitude as a function of the laser position measured in 5 adjacent strips. ", "d) Reconstructed position across the strips as a function of laser position. ", "Standard deviation from the linear fit defines the position resolution.[]{data-label=\"fig:POS\"}](XPOS_dist_31.png \"fig:\"){width=\"3.8cm\"} ]{} [ \\[fig:XPOS:LAS:31\\] ![", "Measurements of spatial resolution of LAPPD (example of LAPPD31). ", "a) Distribution of relative arrival times at a fixed laser position on the strip. ", "Position resolution can be calculated from a Gaussian fit. ", "b) Reconstructed position along the strip as a function of laser position. ", "c) Distribution of the signal amplitude as a function of the laser position measured in 5 adjacent strips. ", "d) Reconstructed position across the strips as a function of laser position. ", "Standard deviation from the linear fit defines the position resolution.[]{data-label=\"fig:POS\"}](POS_vs_laser_31.png \"fig:\"){width=\"4.5cm\"} ]{} [ \\[fig:YPOS:DIST:31\\] ![", "Measurements of spatial resolution of LAPPD (example of LAPPD31). ", "a) Distribution of relative arrival times at a fixed laser position on the strip. ", "Position resolution can be calculated from a Gaussian fit. ", "b) Reconstructed position along the strip as a function of laser position. ", "c) Distribution of the signal amplitude as a function of the laser position measured in 5 adjacent strips. ", "d) Reconstructed position across the strips as a function of laser position. ", "Standard deviation from the linear fit defines the position resolution.[]{data-label=\"fig:POS\"}](YPOS_AMP_31.png \"fig:\"){width=\"3cm\"} ]{} [ \\[fig:YPOS:REC:31\\] ![", "Measurements of spatial resolution of LAPPD (example of LAPPD31). ", "a) Distribution of relative arrival times at a fixed laser position on the strip. ", "Position resolution can be calculated from a Gaussian fit. ", "b) Reconstructed position along the strip as a function of laser position. ", "c) Distribution of the signal amplitude as a function of the laser position measured in 5 adjacent strips. ", "d) Reconstructed position across the strips as a function of laser position. ", "Standard deviation from the linear fit defines the position resolution.[]{data-label=\"fig:POS\"}](YPOS_REC_31.png \"fig:\"){width=\"4.3cm\"} ]{}\n\n#### GEN II LAPPD development\n\nAs mentioned above second generation LAPPDs are characterized by an alumina ceramic body and capacitively coupled readout. ", "At the time of writing several Gen II LAPPDs were successfully sealed. ", "Some test results measured in LAPPD38 \\[fig:PHOTO:38\\] are presented in \\[fig:GENII\\]. ", "A high QE photocathode was demonstrated in the ceramic package (\\[fig:QE:38\\]. ", "Single photoelectron pulse height distributions and gain as function of MCP voltage recorded directly from the anode are shown in \\[fig:PHD:38\\] and \\[fig:G:38\\] respectively. ", "Another Gen II LAPPD LAPPD36 is being installed near the beamline in FNAL to investigate its performance in the experimental environment.", "\n\n[ \\[fig:PHOTO:38\\] ![", "Preliminary test results for the second generation LAPPD (LAPPD38). ", "a) A photograph of sealed GEN II LAPPD in the Ultem housing. ", "Pad readout PCB board is shown next to it. ", "b) Single photoelectron pulse height distributions acquired at various MCP voltages. ", "c) Gain as a function of MCP voltage derived from the distributions.[]{data-label=\"fig:GENII\"}](LAPPD38_photo.png \"fig:\"){width=\"5.0cm\"} ]{} [ \\[fig:PHD:38\\] ![", "Preliminary test results for the second generation LAPPD (LAPPD38). ", "a) A photograph of sealed GEN II LAPPD in the Ultem housing. ", "Pad readout PCB board is shown next to it. ", "b) Single photoelectron pulse height distributions acquired at various MCP voltages. ", "c) Gain as a function of MCP voltage derived from the distributions.[]{data-label=\"fig:GENII\"}](PHD_38.png \"fig:\"){width=\"3.5cm\"} ]{} [ \\[fig:G:38\\] ![", "Preliminary test results for the second generation LAPPD (LAPPD38). ", "a) A photograph of sealed GEN II LAPPD in the Ultem housing. ", "Pad readout PCB board is shown next to it. ", "b) Single photoelectron pulse height distributions acquired at various MCP voltages. ", "c) Gain as a function of MCP voltage derived from the distributions.[]{data-label=\"fig:GENII\"}](G_38.png \"fig:\"){width=\"3.5cm\"} ]{}\n\nSummary\n=======\n\nIncom has brought LAPPD technology through a commissioning phase to a pilot production phase. ", "Presently LAPPDs are being supplied to early adopters (e.g. ANNIE experiment) for “real environment” testing. ", "Recently produced LAPPDs exhibit the following characteristics:\n\nhigh gain of 10$^7$,\n\nhigh photocathode QE of up to 25% ,\n\nlow noise of 100 Hz/cm$^2$ at a gain of $6\\cdot10^6$,\n\nmm scale position resolution (electronics limited),\n\ntiming resolution of 50 ps (electronics limited).", "\n\nThese features make LAPPD a good candicate to be employed in a number of applications in neutrino and rare-decay experiments, particle collider experments and others. ", "Several Gen II LAPPD tiles have been produced exhibiting similar performance as in Gen I LAPPDs.", "\n\nAcknowledgments {#acknowledgments .unnumbered}\n===============\n\nThis work supported by U.S. Department of Energy, USA, Office of Science, USA, Office of Basic Energy Sciences, USA, Offices of High Energy Physics, USA and Nuclear Physics, USA under DOE contracts: DE-SC0009717; DE-SC0011262, and DE-SC0015267. ", "We also acknowledge former Incom Inc. employee Christofer A. Craven for his significant contribution to the project.", "\n" ]
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[ "The power of Web 2.0 is in full effect over at Digg, where users are revolting over Digg's decision to pull a story (that netted over 15,000 diggs) and reportedly boot a user for posting the HD-DVD AACS Processing Key number, which would allow someone to crack the copy protection on an HD-DVD. ", "The front page (along with two and three) of Digg consists entirely of stories flaunting the number or criticizing Digg for its actions. ", "Update: Fresh screencap, gallery of first four pages and thoughts after the jump.", "\n\nWhile it might not have proven to be the best course of action in hindsight, we seriously doubt that Kevin Rose's decision to pull the story revealing the HD-DVD key was selling out or intentionally betraying the community. ", "A number of people have pointed out that HD-DVD is a Digg sponsor, and have used that fact to level such charges at Kevin.", "\n\nAdvertisement\n\nWe have sponsors too, but that doesn't ever mean we'd sell out our readers or alter our content because of those sponsors. ", "Kevin has equally shown nothing but commitment to the Digg's users, community, and site's integrity. ", "People should hear out his explanation for this move before wholesale trashing Digg's founder.", "\n\nThat said, tonight's been a watermark in social media, even just looking at the ingenious (and often hilarious) variations users have come up with to cram the key into headlines, comments and users invites. ", "Personal favorite so far: \"Digg deleted my hard drive for posting the HD-DVD KEY! ", "Now my hard drive refuses to write in binary. ", "I get Error Code: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0 . ", "Oh, noz.\"" ]
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[ "The Night Rider’s Lament\n\nThere’s an old country classic that has always resonated with me. ", "It’s one of my favorites and always touches my soul in a way few songs are able to. ", "The song, Night Rider’s Lament, is an old cowboy song about a cow hand reading a letter from a friend late at night. ", "The song talks of the things he’s given up or delayed to pursue the lifestyle he’s chosen. ", "It talks about a wonderful woman passed over, life choices, opting for a road less-traveled, and forgoing many of the things we’re culturally told we should love and define our lives by. ", "It then follows with a chorus about the beauty of nature, the glory of the seasons, the majesty of the world, and the different types of companionship we might experience.", "\n\nI like to think that, perhaps, I inherited a sliver of the old cowboy’s soul by way of my folks and had it ingrained in me as a young kid. ", "Some of my earliest memories are of sitting on my dad’s lap on an old 1940’s Ford tractor grading the road to our house in southwestern Colorado. ", "Despite these slightly more country roots, I’ve spent a majority of my life immersed in big cities. ", "These cities are also where I often view myself as most comfortable and at ease. ", "This is the opposite of another piece of my core essence, which will always view the rural valleys deep within the San Juan Mountains as the place I think of as home when I close my eyes and let my mind wander before drifting off to sleep. ", "Despite that strange contrast, I’ve chosen to prioritize travel in my life. ", "Where others invested their time and energies in passionate pursuit of a spouse, a job, a house, and a family, I’ve spent my early life chasing the horizon. ", "To the extent that when I explain my lifestyle over the last few years to people who wonder at the places I’ve been and the things I’ve seen, all I can do is shrug, smile, and explain, ‘No mortgage, no dog, no girlfriend’. ", "It’s not that I don’t value those things or that I don’t want them. ", "It’s just that for now, they’re not the thing that drives me forward. ", "It is a sentiment that many serial travelers may understand even though the nature of our relationship with discovery and the unknown is always different from individual to individual.", "\n\nEarlier tonight as I sat besides one of the lakes here in Copenhagen, enjoying unusually warm weather on a still-crisp March evening, I took in the light of the moon, the stars, and the twinkling reflections of buildings as they cast their light across the still surface of the lake. ", "Lost in the moment, listening to my music as I sat smoking the tobacco pipe I picked up in southern Turkey several years ago, Night Rider’s Lament came on and it left me reflecting on where my future lies. ", "It’s also likely no coincidence that my 29th birthday is just around the corner and with any birthday comes an added sense of introspection.", "\n\nThe song, combined with decisions about my future which I’ll likely be making in the next few weeks, left me thinking about choices, responsibility, distance, and family. ", "Some might assume that when my brother and I both chose, within three days of each other, to head abroad for three-year periods with few opportunities to return stateside or to be co-present with family, that we lacked close family bonds. ", "Yet, as I sat there staring out at the water through a small cloud of vanilla-scented smoke, I felt reunited with the rest of my loved ones. ", "Where we’ve chosen to pursue paths that have placed us on different continents, thousands of miles apart, we still share one of the closest familial relationships I’ve ever encountered. ", "We communicate with each other regularly, often daily, and when we do have the opportunity to come together – that’s been about once a year – we take to the road and travel together. ", "These collective trips allow us to break free of the monotony of sterile routine and old memories, while forging new experiences which we create and share.", "\n\nAs I sit beneath the stars and a lazy partial moon, the smoke before me isn’t something that leaves me sitting behind a wall of solitude. ", "It is a connection that leaves me partially in the moment and partially reflecting on similar evenings shared with my brother, father, and mother. ", "Sitting with our pipes, cigars, or guitars while enjoying similarly crisp spring air with views out over the Zambian bush, San Juan Mountain range, and the Scottish Isles. ", "It is a wondrously rich experience which I treasure more than anything I own or the vast majority of my more material accomplishments. ", "It also puts my spirit at rest, as I wonder if I’m making and have made the right choices and if I should press forward, continuing to pursue the path I’ve chosen.", "\n\nIt’s no easy thing to be far from loved ones without the sense of security and permanence more traditional lifestyles provide. ", "Especially when we face challenging decisions, new opportunities, or the biting sense of isolation that comes with hearing about the loss of extended family, familial health issues, or in the moments where we discuss, across great distances, our fears, our frustrations, or our failings. ", "In these moments it is tempting to pack it all in and rush back to the security and comfort that a more traditional lifestyle would offer. ", "Yet, it is also in these same moments that the most self growth, discovery, and realizations are born.", "\n\nOn that note, I’ll finish with an original song my mom gifted my brother and I which mirrors this evening’s musings and always serves as a wonderful reminder to press forward along the path I’ve chosen. ", "Even when it’s uncertain or uncomfortable.", "\n\nSkip to a destination\n\nSearch for:\n\nAlex Berger\n\nIn 2007 I set out on a three month solo trip through Europe, in 2011 I re-located to Copenhagen. ", "I've been authoring VirtualWayfarer ever since with a focus on sharing stories, musings, and advice through a visually and narrative rich format." ]
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[ "#DontKillSeanBean\n\nLife After Deaths: Sean Bean on 'Game of Thrones' Paternity and 'Legends'\n\nHe’s been beheaded, shot, blown up, hanged, buried alive, impaled, crushed, and even run off a cliff by a herd of cattle. ", "Spoiler alert: Sean Bean is really good at dying onscreen.", "\n\nSpoiler alert about Sean Bean’s acting career: He dies. ", "All the time. ", "And he does so spectacularly well.", "\n\nThe actor is most famous for a pair of spectacular onscreen deaths: going down swinging while being skewered by arrows as Boromir in The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring, and especially his shocking Game of Thrones demise as Ned Stark, who seemed to be the show’s star until his head was stunningly chopped off late in Season 1.", "\n\nBut Bean’s death toll didn’t stop there. ", "For decades, he has made his living by dying in films like GoldenEye, Patriot Games, and The Island. ", "He’s been shot, blown up, hanged, buried alive, impaled, crushed, drawn and quartered, and even, somehow, run off a cliff by a herd of cattle (in 1990’s The Field). ", "His 20-plus deaths—so many that even Bean himself has trouble remembering them (see below)—have been chronicled in the Sean Bean Death Reel, which has been viewed more than 2 million times. (", "Yes, he’s also made it through several films intact, including National Treasure, Ronin, and Troy, but what’s the fun in that?) ", "Bean is to dying onscreen what Kevin Bacon is to being connected with every other actor.", "\n\nBut TNT is giving Bean a new lease on life. ", "The actor stars in Legends, the network’s new drama (debuting Wednesday at 9 p.m. ET/PT) as Martin Odum, an undercover agent in the FBI’s Deep Cover Operations division. ", "Martin can expertly morph into his different “legends” (FBI-speak for a fabricated identity)—everything from a weapons broker to a corrupt cop—but his work has left him so psychologically scarred that he’s no longer sure whether even Martin Odum is real or just another legend. ", "The show’s clever marketing hook: #DontKillSeanBean.", "\n\nCertainly, starring in a TNT series would indicate that Bean will finally enjoy some onscreen longevity—after all, Rizzoli and Isles certainly aren’t meeting their maker anytime soon. “", "The only thing I will say is, he doesn’t die at the end of the season,” promises Legends showrunner and executive producer David Wilcox. “", "He does not die. ", "He really anchors the show, and he’s amazing.”", "\n\nSpending time with Bean is somewhat disconcerting after seeing him play so many somber, doomed roles. ", "His infectious smile is permanently plastered on his face, and he punctuates most sentences with laughter, emotions that are foreign to almost all of his characters over the years. ", "The actor talked, and laughed, about life after onscreen death, his toughest death scene to film, the time he almost died for real—and why we may not have seen the last of him on Game of Thrones.", "\n\nIt seems like you have the best of both worlds: the stability of a regular TV gig, but multiple characters to jump around to and play.", "\n\nAbsolutely, yeah. ", "When I first talked to [executive producer] Howard Gordon, his enthusiasm is infectious and when he outlined the premise, I was totally blown away by it. ", "As opposed to a regular cop show, it’s got these wonderful, psychological dreamlike qualities, which excited me very much. ", "It’s such a joy to have this opportunity as an actor, not just to be playing the part, but as you said, playing multiple parts. ", "It’s like me playing a part, playing a part. ", "I’ve never done anything like that before.", "\n\nMartin’s legends are bleeding into his real life. ", "Is that something you’ve struggled with as an actor, burrowing too deeply into a role that you can’t shake it?", "\n\nI don’t, but there’s a certain residue that kind of filters through, which you do carry on to some extent. ", "But I’ve known people who have been Method actors, and that can take its toll. ", "It can be very difficult to get out of. ", "I tried to apply that to this, but without having to be a Method actor.", "\n\nDavid Wilcox says he tapped into your wry sense of humor, which we haven’t seen much from you onscreen. ", "Has it been fun to finally show that side of yourself?", "\n\nYes, it is. ", "You don’t necessarily equate me with humor! [", "laughs] We’ve had some very good directors on this who have brought out the humor in general with all the characters. ", "Which it needs, because it’s quite brutal and quite intense, and you need that humorous intermission. ", "It’s a bit tongue-in-cheek on occasion, which I think is good. ", "We’re not treating it that reverentially and seriously. ", "It’s not all [groans] doom and gloom.", "\n\nGiven your past roles, many people will hear you’re starring in a show called Legends and tune in expecting to see a medieval drama, where you have armor…\n\nAnd a horse. ", "It’s quite the opposite!", "\n\nLegends is based on Robert Littell’s 2005 novel, and the term is used heavily throughout the show, but I can’t recall ever hearing it on TV or movies before in this context.", "\n\nNo, I hadn’t either before I began this. ", "So when I’m explaining things to people — “my legends…”—they think I’m showing off. “", "I’m legend-ary!” [", "laughs]\n\nLast month, TNT gave reporters a shirt that said #DontKillSeanBean, which was funny, but I didn’t realize they would turn into a whole marketing campaign.", "\n\nNeither did I! [", "laughs] Somebody just said, “Stick this on and we’ll take a picture of you.” “", "What?”", "\n\nWhat was your reaction?", "\n\nI thought it was funny. ", "I mean, I’m still quite bemused by it. ", "I don’t exactly know what to say about it. ", "I guess I’m flattered that people want me to stick around for a little longer. ", "So that’s good. ", "But it seems to have taken off.", "\n\nTNT has never killed off the star of one of its shows, but I guess they could skirt around that by killing one of your legends off.", "\n\nWell, that’s true! ", "I guess I put [one of his legends; spoiler redacted] to rest. ", "And that’s quite a poignant moment, because I’ve invested so much time and fondness in this character, it’s almost like putting somebody to rest. ", "So I guess you could say that I died! [", "laughs] I died!", "\n\nYou’ve had so many memorable deaths that have resonated with audiences. ", "What is it like being known for dying?", "\n\nThat’s good. ", "I think my deaths have gotten better recently, in the last few years. ", "First it was just usually like “bang,” but since I’ve become a little more of a name, they seem to take longer! ", "They stretch it out a little. ", "Like Lord of the Rings, that’s one of my favorites because there’s a pathos to it, a heroic demise. ", "But I’ve not died for awhile, actually.", "\n\nProbably because it’s hard to top how you went out on Game of Thrones.", "\n\nYeah, that was wonderful, the shock and like, “Wait a minute, we made a deal!” ", "That was pretty shocking and that was very well put together. ", "But I guess part of the reason is that I’ve played quite a lot of villains. ", "As you know, the villains usually all die.", "\n\nCan you remember what your very first death was, either onstage or onscreen?", "\n\nLet’s see…I did a lot of Shakespeare. ", "Romeo, that was a good death. ", "I did that at the Royal Shakespeare Company.", "\n\nWhich death was the toughest to film?", "\n\nI did a film called Patriot Games with Harrison Ford and we actually shot three different versions of my death. ", "And they settled on the third. ", "But they were flying me back from London to L.A. because they put it together and they would go, [shakes head] “Uh...” They drowned me first, and me and Harrison were underwater. ", "They sent me back to England, then they said, “Sean, we need you back next weekend. ", "It didn’t work, that death.” ", "That happened three times. ", "In the end, they finally settled on me getting an ice pick in the back of my head or something. [", "Editor’s Note: He was actually impaled on a boat anchor, and then blown up.] ", "That was a very long, labored death scene, which worked very well in the end. ", "And there was the one in Henry VII, with Ray Winstone, where I was drawn and quartered. ", "That was cold, and I was covered in sticky blood in winter in England, on a castle wall. ", "I quite enjoyed it, actually, looking back! [", "Editor’s note: His Henry VII death actually involved him being hung from the castle in chains; he was drawn and quartered in 2010’s Black Death.]", "\n\nHave you had any real-life near-death experiences?", "\n\nI once fell through a glass door when I was only 4 years old. ", "That was like a guillotine. ", "I always would losemy temper when I was at home, and banged on this glass door, and one day I banged straight through it and nearly took my leg off. ", "I still remember the pattern of the blood on the carpet. ", "My mom used to have to take me around in a pram for about six months, and I couldn’t walk. ", "And it just missed a main artery, apparently. ", "I was very lucky. ", "I can still remember it now, and that was 51 years ago.", "\n\nThat was your left leg?", "\n\nYeah, I have a big scar down here. [", "points to above the knee] The scar looks like a shark bite. ", "That’s what I tell people! “", "I was in Australia…” [laughs]\n\n“I once fell through a glass door when I was only 4 years old. ", "That was like a guillotine.”", "\n\nYour recent comments in interviews about Jon Snow not actually being Ned Stark’s bastard son have people buzzing that you have confirmed the \"R+L=J\" fan theory, which suggests that Jon is in fact the son of Ned’s sister Lyanna and Rhaegar Targaryen. ", "Do you have inside information?", "\n\nI didn’t, no. ", "I think Ned knows, but I don’t! ", "I always treated him, and especially my wife Catelyn, by her reactions, whenever Jon Snow is around, she’s kind of frosty, kind of cold towards him, but she thinks it’s because I had a son with someone else, that I was unfaithful. ", "And I guess that’s what everybody believed. ", "But now there’s this other theory, and I think it’s probably a very good one, that he’s really not Ned’s son. ", "I don’t know. ", "Have they said?", "\n\nThe books haven’t said anything definitive yet, but there are still two more to go.", "\n\nIt’s very clever. ", "I mean, [George R.R. Martin] keeps coming up with these things that keep people in the dark, and then it’s subsequently revealed. ", "And I think that’s part of his success.", "\n\nDo you still watch Thrones?", "\n\nI do. ", "I haven’t watched every episode but I do like to dip in and keep in touch. ", "It’s one of those things where you’re traveling, and—one day I want to get the box set and catch up and see what’s going on. ", "It’s funny because you see them now and they’re all growing up, like Bran and Arya. ", "Because it’s been four or five years now, and they’re growing into woman and men! ", "And seeing how they’ve adapted to their parts, and how the directors have adapted to them growing up. ", "It’s fascinating.", "\n\nAny word yet on whether they’ll want you for Season 5, if they delve into the flashback sequences that are coming up in the book?", "\n\nStill nothing! ", "I’d like to! ", "You could weave it in, and it’s very believable. ", "Because he was a good presence, he was a moral compass. ", "He was a man with a straight, moral principle. ", "He was the only one who was keeping them together. ", "I think that’s why people miss him.", "\n\nHow hard was it to keep Ned’s death under wraps? ", "Of course it had happened in the book, but most shows find a way to keep their leads around.", "\n\nI’m very good at keeping a secret. ", "Personally, I didn’t tell anyone. ", "I didn’t make any sneaky phone calls, not even to my family!", "\n\nSo what was their reaction?", "\n\nThey were shocked. “", "Sean, you should have told us!” ", "and “Why did you do that?” ", "Hey, I didn’t do it, it’s not my fault! ", "But it was good that it was kept under wraps, because it made it so much more shocking.", "\n\nRight until the end, viewers kept assuming you’d somehow get out of it, and then you didn’t.", "\n\nI love things like that. ", "And if you can kill Ned Stark, then you can kill anyone.", "\n\nSame with Lord of the Rings. ", "If one of the nine members of the Fellowship can go, then any of them can, except probably Frodo. ", "That’s another reason those deaths are so memorable, because they’re so surprising.", "\n\nYeah, absolutely. ", "Both of them were very good men as well. ", "Boromir was a good man apart from his obsession with the ring. ", "But he was a very good man, and you forgive him for his obsession by his death, and his redemption…And when you talk about things like Lord of the Rings and Game of Thrones, it takes me back. ", "And now I’m reminiscing. ", "They were very fond memories.", "\n\nYet both of them are still ongoing. ", "Game of Thrones will return next year, and Peter Jackson is still making films about Middle-Earth. ", "So everywhere you turn, you’re still reminded of them.", "\n\nYeah. ", "They’re good ones, aren’t they? ", "They’ve made a big impact. ", "And they’re long-lasting, quality productions that I’m really proud to have been involved in. ", "I’m very lucky." ]
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[ "I always wanted to draw Toothless and Stitch together since they were similar. ", "Then I ended up twisting them up with their owners like what if Lilo had a baby night fury and Hiccup had a giant experiment 626." ]
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[ "1. ", "Field of the Invention\nThe present invention relates to a broadcast terminal and corresponding method that provides location information about a specific place or location shown on the currently displayed broadcast to a user of the terminal.", "\n2. ", "Discussion of the Related Art\nMobile terminals are now being considered a necessity. ", "For example, mobile terminals are now being used to perform many additional functions besides a basic call function. ", "For example, users can now listen to music, access the Internet, view movies and broadcast programs, play games, etc.", "\nBroadcast terminals are now becoming very popular. ", "In more detail, mobile terminals adapted to be broadcast terminals now receive several type of broadcast programs (e.g., sports, movies, television shows, news programs, tourist attractions, information about famous restaurants, etc.) ", "from a variety of different broadcast providers. ", "Thus, there is a need for providing more information to the user about a particular broadcast program." ]
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[ "Fanambana Bridge\n\nThe Fanambana Bridge is situated at the Fanambana River on Route nationale 5a between Vohemar and Sambava in Sava, Madagascar. ", "This bridge is a cable-stayed bridge with fan system, completed in 1964.", "\n\nReferences\n\nCategory:Bridges in Madagascar" ]
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[ "Reactivity with dichotomous determinants of Ro 60 stratifies autoantibody responses in lupus and primary Sjögren's syndrome.", "\nAnalysis of B cell determinants of Ro 60 exposed on the surface of apoptotic cells (apotopes) or intracellular epitopes provides insight into the structural forms of the autoantigen that break immune tolerance. ", "This study was initiated to compare anti-Ro 60 responses in systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) and primary Sjögren's syndrome (SS) against membrane-bound and intracellular forms of Ro 60. ", "The reactivity of autoantibodies from patients with SLE and primary SS to Ro 60 apotopes and epitopes was assessed by multiparameter flow cytometry and solid-phase immunoassay. ", "Anti-Ro 60 IgG was eluted from early apoptotic cells or recombinant Ro 60 immobilized on nitrocellulose, and binding to membrane-bound and intracellular forms of Ro 60 was quantitated by flow cytometry. ", "An immunodominant apotope, which was recognized by IgG from a subset of SLE patients with anti-Ro, but not anti-La, autoantibodies, was mapped to a region forming a helix-loop-helix at the apical tip of the Ro 60 molecule. ", "Immobilization of this region to the solid phase exposed an epitope that was recognized by IgG from primary SS and SLE patients whose sera had both anti-Ro and anti-La autoantibodies. ", "Autoantibodies eluted from either the surface of apoptotic cells or the Ro 60 epitope on the solid phase were non-cross-reactive and specifically recognized membrane-bound or cytoplasmic forms of Ro 60. ", "This is the first example of a dichotomy of human autoantibody responses against mutually exclusive determinants linked to a single domain of a systemic autoantigen and supports a model in which tolerance is broken by different immunogenic forms of Ro 60." ]
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[ "Electrically conductive organic polymers emerged in the 1970's as a new class of electronic materials. ", "These materials have the potential of combining the electronic and magnetic properties of metals with the light weight, processing advantages, and physical and mechanical properties characteristic of conventional organic polymers. ", "Examples of electrically conducting polymers are polyparaphenylene vinylenes, polyparaphenylenes, polyanilines, polythiophenes, polyazines, polyfuranes, polythianaphthenes polypyrroles, polyselenophenes, poly-p-phenylene sulfides, polyacetylenes formed from soluble precursors, combinations thereof and blends thereof with other polymers and copolymers of the monomers thereof.", "\nThese polymers are conjugated systems which are made electrically conducting by doping. ", "The doping reaction can involve an oxidation, a reduction, a protonation, an alkylation, etc. ", "The non-doped or non-conducting form of the polymer is referred to herein as the precursor to the electrically conducting polymer. ", "The doped or conducting form of the polymer is referred to herein as the conducting polymer.", "\nConducting polymers have potential for a large number of applications in such areas such as electrostatic charge/discharge (ESC/ESD) protection, electromagnetic interference (EMI) shielding, resists, electroplating, corrosion protection of metals, and ultimately metal replacements, i.e. wiring, plastic microcircuits, conducting pastes for various interconnection technologies (solder alternative), etc. ", "Many of the above applications especially those requiring high current capacity have not yet been realized because the conductivity of the processible conducting polymers is not yet adequate for such applications.", "\nTo date, polyacetylene exhibits the highest conductivity of all the conducting polymers. ", "The reason for this is that polyacetylene can be synthesized in a highly crystalline form (crystallinity as high as 90% has been achieved) (as reported in Macromolecules, 25, 4106, 1992). ", "This highly crystalline polyacetylene has a conductivity on the order of 10.sup.5 S/cm. ", "Although this conductivity is comparable to that of copper, polyacetylene is not technologically applicable because it is a non-soluble, non-processible, and environmentally unstable polymer.", "\nThe polyaniline class of conducting polymers has been shown to be probably the most suited of such materials for commercial applications. ", "Great strides have been made in making the material quite processable. ", "It is environmentally stable and allows chemical flexibility which in turn allows tailoring of its properties. ", "Polyaniline coatings have been developed and commercialized for numerous applications. ", "Devices and batteries have also been constructed with this material. ", "However, the conductivity of this class of polymers is generally on the low end of the metallic regime. ", "The conductivity is on the order of 10.sup.0 S/cm. ", "Some of the other soluble conducting polymers such as the polythiophenes, poly-para-phenylenevinylenes exhibit conductivity on the order of 10.sup.2 S/cm. ", "It is therefore desirable to increase the conductivity of the soluble/processible conducting polymers, in particular the polyaniline materials.", "\nThe conductivity (.sigma.) ", "is dependent on the number of carriers (n) set by the doping level, the charge on the carriers (q) and on the interchain and intrachain mobility (.mu.) ", "of the carriers. ", "EQU .sigma.=nq.mu.", "\nGenerally, n (the number of carriers) in these systems is maximized and thus, the conductivity is dependent on the mobility of the carriers. ", "To achieve higher conductivity, the mobility in these systems needs to be increased. ", "The mobility, in turn, depends on the morphology of the polymer. ", "The intrachain mobility depends on the degree of conjugation along the chain, presence of defects, and on the chain conformation. ", "The interchain mobility depends on the interchain interactions, the interchain distance, the degree of crystallinity, etc. ", "Increasing the crystallinity results in increased conductivity as examplified by polyacetylene. ", "To date, it has proven quite difficult to attain polyaniline in a highly crystalline state. ", "Some crystallinity has been achieved by stretch orientation or mechanical deformation (A. G. MacDiarmid et al. ", "in Synth. ", "Met. ", "55-57, 753). ", "In these stretch-oriented systems, conductivity enhancements have been observed. ", "The conductivity enhancement was generally that measured parallel to the stretch direction. ", "Therefore, the conductivity in these systems is anisotropic. ", "It is desirable to achieve a method of controlling and tuning the morphology of polyaniline. ", "It is desirable to achieve a method of controlling and tuning the degree of crystallinity and the degree of amorphous regions in polyaniline, which in turn provides a method of tuning the physical, mechanical, and electrical properties of polyaniline. ", "It is further desirable to achieve highly crystalline and crystalline polyaniline and to achieve this in a simple and useful manner in order to increase the mobility of the carriers and, therefore, the conductivity of the polymer. ", "It is also further desirable to achieve isotropic conductivity, that is conductivity not dependent on directions as with stretch-oriented polyanilines." ]
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[ "Kemal Kayacan\n\nKemal Kayacan (1915, Sinop, Kastamonu Vilayet - 29 July 1992, Kadıköy) was a Turkish admiral. ", "He was Commander of the Turkish Naval Forces from 1972 to 1974. ", "He was elected to the Grand National Assembly of Turkey at the 1977 Turkish general election, serving until 1980.", "\n\nHe was assassinated at his home in 1992.", "\n\nHe was a graduate of the Turkish Naval High School.", "\n\nReferences \n\nCategory:1915 births\nCategory:1992 deaths\nCategory:People from Sinop, Turkey\nCategory:People from Kastamonu Vilayet\nCategory:Republican People's Party (Turkey) politicians\nCategory:Deputies of Ankara\nCategory:Commanders of the Turkish Naval Forces\nCategory:Assassinated Turkish people" ]
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[ "<?", "php\n\nclass Swift_Signers_DKIMSignerTest extends \\SwiftMailerTestCase\n{\n public function setUp()\n {\n if (version_compare(phpversion(), '5.4', '<') && !", "defined('OPENSSL_ALGO_SHA256')) {\n $this->markTestSkipped(\n 'skipping because of https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=61421'\n );\n }\n }\n\n public function testBasicSigningHeaderManipulation()\n {\n $headers = $this->_createHeaders();\n $messageContent = 'Hello World';\n $signer = new Swift_Signers_DKIMSigner(file_get_contents(dirname(dirname(dirname(__DIR__))).'/_samples/dkim/dkim.test.priv'), 'dummy.nxdomain.be', 'dummySelector');\n /* @var $signer Swift_Signers_HeaderSigner */\n $altered = $signer->getAlteredHeaders();\n $signer->reset();\n // Headers\n $signer->setHeaders($headers);\n // Body\n $signer->startBody();\n $signer->write($messageContent);\n $signer->endBody();\n // Signing\n $signer->addSignature($headers);\n }\n\n // Default Signing\n public function testSigningDefaults()\n {\n $headerSet = $this->_createHeaderSet();\n $messageContent = 'Hello World';\n $signer = new Swift_Signers_DKIMSigner(file_get_contents(dirname(dirname(dirname(__DIR__))).'/_samples/dkim/dkim.test.priv'), 'dummy.nxdomain.be', 'dummySelector');\n $signer->setSignatureTimestamp('1299879181');\n $altered = $signer->getAlteredHeaders();\n $this->assertEquals(array('DKIM-Signature'), $altered);\n $signer->reset();\n $signer->setHeaders($headerSet);\n $this->assertFalse($headerSet->has('DKIM-Signature'));\n $signer->startBody();\n $signer->write($messageContent);\n $signer->endBody();\n $signer->addSignature($headerSet);\n $this->assertTrue($headerSet->has('DKIM-Signature'));\n $dkim = $headerSet->getAll('DKIM-Signature');\n $sig = reset($dkim);\n $this->assertEquals($sig->getValue(), 'v=1; a=rsa-sha1; bh=wlbYcY9O9OPInGJ4D0E/rGsvMLE=; d=dummy.nxdomain.be; h=; i=@dummy.nxdomain.be; s=dummySelector; t=1299879181; b=RMSNelzM2O5MAAnMjT3G3/VF36S3DGJXoPCXR001F1WDReu0prGphWjuzK/m6V1pwqQL8cCNg Hi74mTx2bvyAvmkjvQtJf1VMUOCc9WHGcm1Yec66I3ZWoNMGSWZ1EKAm2CtTzyG0IFw4ml9DI wSkyAFxlgicckDD6FibhqwX4w=');\n }\n\n // SHA256 Signing\n public function testSigning256()\n {\n $headerSet = $this->_createHeaderSet();\n $messageContent = 'Hello World';\n $signer = new Swift_Signers_DKIMSigner(file_get_contents(dirname(dirname(dirname(__DIR__))).'/_samples/dkim/dkim.test.priv'), 'dummy.nxdomain.be', 'dummySelector');\n $signer->setHashAlgorithm('rsa-sha256');\n $signer->setSignatureTimestamp('1299879181');\n $altered = $signer->getAlteredHeaders();\n $this->assertEquals(array('DKIM-Signature'), $altered);\n $signer->reset();\n $signer->setHeaders($headerSet);\n $this->assertFalse($headerSet->has('DKIM-Signature'));\n $signer->startBody();\n $signer->write($messageContent);\n $signer->endBody();\n $signer->addSignature($headerSet);\n $this->assertTrue($headerSet->has('DKIM-Signature'));\n $dkim = $headerSet->getAll('DKIM-Signature');\n $sig = reset($dkim);\n $this->assertEquals($sig->getValue(), 'v=1; a=rsa-sha256; bh=f+W+hu8dIhf2VAni89o8lF6WKTXi7nViA4RrMdpD5/U=; d=dummy.nxdomain.be; h=; i=@dummy.nxdomain.be; s=dummySelector; t=1299879181; b=jqPmieHzF5vR9F4mXCAkowuphpO4iJ8IAVuioh1BFZ3VITXZj5jlOFxULJMBiiApm2keJirnh u4mzogj444QkpT3lJg8/TBGAYQPdcvkG3KC0jdyN6QpSgpITBJG2BwWa+keXsv2bkQgLRAzNx qRhP45vpHCKun0Tg9LrwW/KCg=');\n }\n\n // Relaxed/Relaxed Hash Signing\n public function testSigningRelaxedRelaxed256()\n {\n $headerSet = $this->_createHeaderSet();\n $messageContent = 'Hello World';\n $signer = new Swift_Signers_DKIMSigner(file_get_contents(dirname(dirname(dirname(__DIR__))).'/_samples/dkim/dkim.test.priv'), 'dummy.nxdomain.be', 'dummySelector');\n $signer->setHashAlgorithm('rsa-sha256');\n $signer->setSignatureTimestamp('1299879181');\n $signer->setBodyCanon('relaxed');\n $signer->setHeaderCanon('relaxed');\n $altered = $signer->getAlteredHeaders();\n $this->assertEquals(array('DKIM-Signature'), $altered);\n $signer->reset();\n $signer->setHeaders($headerSet);\n $this->assertFalse($headerSet->has('DKIM-Signature'));\n $signer->startBody();\n $signer->write($messageContent);\n $signer->endBody();\n $signer->addSignature($headerSet);\n $this->assertTrue($headerSet->has('DKIM-Signature'));\n $dkim = $headerSet->getAll('DKIM-Signature');\n $sig = reset($dkim);\n $this->assertEquals($sig->getValue(), 'v=1; a=rsa-sha256; bh=f+W+hu8dIhf2VAni89o8lF6WKTXi7nViA4RrMdpD5/U=; d=dummy.nxdomain.be; h=; i=@dummy.nxdomain.be; s=dummySelector; c=relaxed/relaxed; t=1299879181; b=gzOI+PX6HpZKQFzwwmxzcVJsyirdLXOS+4pgfCpVHQIdqYusKLrhlLeFBTNoz75HrhNvGH6T0 Rt3w5aTqkrWfUuAEYt0Ns14GowLM7JojaFN+pZ4eYnRB3CBBgW6fee4NEMD5WPca3uS09tr1E 10RYh9ILlRtl+84sovhx5id3Y=');\n }\n\n // Relaxed/Simple Hash Signing\n public function testSigningRelaxedSimple256()\n {\n $headerSet = $this->_createHeaderSet();\n $messageContent = 'Hello World';\n $signer = new Swift_Signers_DKIMSigner(file_get_contents(dirname(dirname(dirname(__DIR__))).'/_samples/dkim/dkim.test.priv'), 'dummy.nxdomain.be', 'dummySelector');\n $signer->setHashAlgorithm('rsa-sha256');\n $signer->setSignatureTimestamp('1299879181');\n $signer->setHeaderCanon('relaxed');\n $altered = $signer->getAlteredHeaders();\n $this->assertEquals(array('DKIM-Signature'), $altered);\n $signer->reset();\n $signer->setHeaders($headerSet);\n $this->assertFalse($headerSet->has('DKIM-Signature'));\n $signer->startBody();\n $signer->write($messageContent);\n $signer->endBody();\n $signer->addSignature($headerSet);\n $this->assertTrue($headerSet->has('DKIM-Signature'));\n $dkim = $headerSet->getAll('DKIM-Signature');\n $sig = reset($dkim);\n $this->assertEquals($sig->getValue(), 'v=1; a=rsa-sha256; bh=f+W+hu8dIhf2VAni89o8lF6WKTXi7nViA4RrMdpD5/U=; d=dummy.nxdomain.be; h=; i=@dummy.nxdomain.be; s=dummySelector; c=relaxed; t=1299879181; b=dLPJNec5v81oelyzGOY0qPqTlGnQeNfUNBOrV/JKbStr3NqWGI9jH4JAe2YvO2V32lfPNoby1 4MMzZ6EPkaZkZDDSPa+53YbCPQAlqiD9QZZIUe2UNM33HN8yAMgiWEF5aP7MbQnxeVZMfVLEl 9S8qOImu+K5JZqhQQTL0dgLwA=');\n }\n\n // Simple/Relaxed Hash Signing\n public function testSigningSimpleRelaxed256()\n {\n $headerSet = $this->_createHeaderSet();\n $messageContent = 'Hello World';\n $signer = new Swift_Signers_DKIMSigner(file_get_contents(dirname(dirname(dirname(__DIR__))).'/_samples/dkim/dkim.test.priv'), 'dummy.nxdomain.be', 'dummySelector');\n $signer->setHashAlgorithm('rsa-sha256');\n $signer->setSignatureTimestamp('1299879181');\n $signer->setBodyCanon('relaxed');\n $altered = $signer->getAlteredHeaders();\n $this->assertEquals(array('DKIM-Signature'), $altered);\n $signer->reset();\n $signer->setHeaders($headerSet);\n $this->assertFalse($headerSet->has('DKIM-Signature'));\n $signer->startBody();\n $signer->write($messageContent);\n $signer->endBody();\n $signer->addSignature($headerSet);\n $this->assertTrue($headerSet->has('DKIM-Signature'));\n $dkim = $headerSet->getAll('DKIM-Signature');\n $sig = reset($dkim);\n $this->assertEquals($sig->getValue(), 'v=1; a=rsa-sha256; bh=f+W+hu8dIhf2VAni89o8lF6WKTXi7nViA4RrMdpD5/U=; d=dummy.nxdomain.be; h=; i=@dummy.nxdomain.be; s=dummySelector; c=simple/relaxed; t=1299879181; b=M5eomH/zamyzix9kOes+6YLzQZxuJdBP4x3nP9zF2N26eMLG2/cBKbnNyqiOTDhJdYfWPbLIa 1CWnjST0j5p4CpeOkGYuiE+M4TWEZwhRmRWootlPO3Ii6XpbBJKFk1o9zviS7OmXblUUE4aqb yRSIMDhtLdCK5GlaCneFLN7RQ=');\n }\n\n // -- Creation Methods\n private function _createHeaderSet()\n {\n $cache = new Swift_KeyCache_ArrayKeyCache(new Swift_KeyCache_SimpleKeyCacheInputStream());\n $factory = new Swift_CharacterReaderFactory_SimpleCharacterReaderFactory();\n $contentEncoder = new Swift_Mime_ContentEncoder_Base64ContentEncoder();\n\n $headerEncoder = new Swift_Mime_HeaderEncoder_QpHeaderEncoder(new Swift_CharacterStream_ArrayCharacterStream($factory, 'utf-8'));\n $paramEncoder = new Swift_Encoder_Rfc2231Encoder(new Swift_CharacterStream_ArrayCharacterStream($factory, 'utf-8'));\n $grammar = new Swift_Mime_Grammar();\n $headers = new Swift_Mime_SimpleHeaderSet(new Swift_Mime_SimpleHeaderFactory($headerEncoder, $paramEncoder, $grammar));\n\n return $headers;\n }\n\n /**\n * @return Swift_Mime_Headers\n */\n private function _createHeaders()\n {\n $x = 0;\n $cache = new Swift_KeyCache_ArrayKeyCache(new Swift_KeyCache_SimpleKeyCacheInputStream());\n $factory = new Swift_CharacterReaderFactory_SimpleCharacterReaderFactory();\n $contentEncoder = new Swift_Mime_ContentEncoder_Base64ContentEncoder();\n\n $headerEncoder = new Swift_Mime_HeaderEncoder_QpHeaderEncoder(new Swift_CharacterStream_ArrayCharacterStream($factory, 'utf-8'));\n $paramEncoder = new Swift_Encoder_Rfc2231Encoder(new Swift_CharacterStream_ArrayCharacterStream($factory, 'utf-8'));\n $grammar = new Swift_Mime_Grammar();\n $headerFactory = new Swift_Mime_SimpleHeaderFactory($headerEncoder, $paramEncoder, $grammar);\n $headers = $this->getMockery('Swift_Mime_HeaderSet');\n\n $headers->shouldReceive('listAll')\n ->zeroOrMoreTimes()\n ->andReturn(array('From', 'To', 'Date', 'Subject'));\n $headers->shouldReceive('has')\n ->zeroOrMoreTimes()\n ->with('From')\n ->andReturn(true);\n $headers->shouldReceive('getAll')\n ->zeroOrMoreTimes()\n ->with('From')\n ->andReturn(array($headerFactory->createMailboxHeader('From', 'test@test.test')));\n $headers->shouldReceive('has')\n ->zeroOrMoreTimes()\n ->with('To')\n ->andReturn(true);\n $headers->shouldReceive('getAll')\n ->zeroOrMoreTimes()\n ->with('To')\n ->andReturn(array($headerFactory->createMailboxHeader('To', 'test@test.test')));\n $headers->shouldReceive('has')\n ->zeroOrMoreTimes()\n ->with('Date')\n ->andReturn(true);\n $headers->shouldReceive('getAll')\n ->zeroOrMoreTimes()\n ->with('Date')\n ->andReturn(array($headerFactory->createTextHeader('Date', 'Fri, 11 Mar 2011 20:56:12 +0000 (GMT)')));\n $headers->shouldReceive('has')\n ->zeroOrMoreTimes()\n ->with('Subject')\n ->andReturn(true);\n $headers->shouldReceive('getAll')\n ->zeroOrMoreTimes()\n ->with('Subject')\n ->andReturn(array($headerFactory->createTextHeader('Subject', 'Foo Bar Text Message')));\n $headers->shouldReceive('addTextHeader')\n ->zeroOrMoreTimes()\n ->with('DKIM-Signature', \\Mockery::any())\n ->andReturn(true);\n $headers->shouldReceive('getAll')\n ->zeroOrMoreTimes()\n ->with('DKIM-Signature')\n ->andReturn(array($headerFactory->createTextHeader('DKIM-Signature', 'Foo Bar Text Message')));\n\n return $headers;\n }\n}\n" ]
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[ "Morgiana (film)\n\nMorgiana is a 1972 Czechoslovak Gothic horror/drama film directed by Juraj Herz, based on a novel by Alexander Grin, Jessie and Morgiana (1929, Wikisource: Джесси и Моргиана). ", "The story is about two sisters, Klara and Viktoria, and the jealousy that overcomes Viktoria when her sister inherits most of their father's property. ", "When Klara becomes involved with a man that her sister loves, Viktoria begins to plot her murder.", "\n\nThe roles of both sisters are played by the actress Iva Janžurová.", "\n\nBeach scenes were shot in Bulgaria.", "\n\nCast \n Iva Janžurová - Klara / Viktoria\n Josef Abrhám - Marek\n Nina Divíšková - Otylie\n Petr Čepek - Glenar\n Josef Somr - Opilec\n Jiří Kodet - Bessant\n\nReferences\n\nExternal links\n\nCategory:Czechoslovak films\nCategory:1972 films\nCategory:Czech-language films\nCategory:Czech films\nCategory:Czech horror films\nCategory:Films set in Bulgaria" ]
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[ "Just days after the release of his Jackie EP and critically acclaimed performance at Madison Square Garden , we are absolutely chummed to get our hands on‘s ‘Top 10 Tracks Of All Time’ list. ", "Not of the moment, but of all time. ", "It’s always very interesting to see what a DJ as prestigious as Jeremy Olander thinks of music over time, and this is exactly what you’re getting here. ", "The evolution of dance music, through the eyes of one of its most beloved contributors. ", "There’s no fluff, and not much for us to add here in terms of journalism, as Jeremy has written it all himself! ", "A few usual suspects appear on this list, including Pryda, Stardust, Tiga, and old school Tiesto. ", "A surprise reading through this was the somewhat-buried project, Buy Now, from none other than Steve Angello and Sebastian Inggrosso. ", "Check out ‘For Sale and the rest of the list, straight from him to you, Jeremy Olander’s Top 10 Tracks Of All Time, in his own words:\n\n1. ", "Buy Now – For Sale\n\nMy favorite alias from Steve Angello and Sebastian Ingrosso. ", "It came out in 2005 and everyone played it back then. ", "I pretty much grew up on this track and it opened up a new sound realm of house music for me. ", "You can hear some Daft Punk influences here and there throughout the track, which is probably a reason why it stuck like it did.", "\n\n\n\n\n\n2. ", "Pryda – Aftermath\n\nVintage Pryda buildup and one of the most epic (no pun intended) 15 minutes of progressive house music there is. ", "What’s strikes me with this track every time I hear it is that despite its length, it could probably go even longer.", "\n\n3. ", "Armand Van Helden – My My My\n\nThe first Armand Van Helden record I heard and it brings out a lot of old memories from that time in my life. ", "Remember this one being on heavy rotation on commercial radio and MTV and yet you never got tired of it. ", "The sampling work from Gary Wright’s “Comin’ Apart” is spot on.", "\n\n4. ", "Roger Sanchez – Another Chance\n\nStands the test of time until today and has an infectious melody. ", "After hearing this for the first time it stuck and me and my friends found ourselves humming it everywhere. ", "We went to a record store, humming the melody to the guy working there and, to our great relief, he instantly dropped the name of it. ", "I still have the record at my place somewhere.", "\n\n5. ", "Chemical Brothers – Block Rockin’ Beats\n\nI admit I was pretty late on the Chemical Brothers band wagon. “", "Block Rockin’ Beats”, which I think came out in 1997, really struck a chord with me when every radio station played it. ", "I still listen to it a lot to this day and find the Chemical Brothers’ music and their career really inspiring.", "\n\nThis track needs no introduction. ", "Even if you’re not into dance music, you’ve probably heard this on more than one occasion. ", "One of Thomas Bangalter’s finest work and a master class in quality French house at its best. ", "Absolutely timeless.", "\n\n7. ", "Stonebridge – Put Em’ High\n\nA true funky classic with great vocals from one of the Swedish legends in dance music. ", "Not sure if this was one made it big outside of Sweden and the UK, but for me and my friends it was huge.", "\n\nTiga is someone I’ve followed for a long time and he’s got a remarkable knack for writing simple but extremely hooky vocals, and this is one that he made with Jake Shears is no exception.", "\n\nAsking someone what their favorite Daft Punk track is like asking someone for their favorite child. ", "It’s impossible. ", "Since I have to pick one, I figured I’d take one that’s slightly unexpected but still deserves on be on the list. “", "Da Funk” is a banging track!", "\n\nI was never really into Trance that much, but the little time I did spend listening to it was to the tunes of “Flight 643”. ", "It represents an era in the early 2000s when the genre was at its peak and the king was, of course, Tiësto." ]
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[ "Downloads RSS\n\nAll people are looking forward to the onset of the Christmas holidays. ", "By decorating their homes inside and outside with all the necessary attributes - ribbons, toys, colored lights, garlands and fir branches. ", "Christmas will come to you at any time of year, even in summer, when you download this wonderful screensaver and decorate it to your computer monitor. ", "Our new animated holiday screensaver consists of four stages, gradually changing each other to the accompaniment of great Christmas melodies. ", "Christmas Fantasy holiday screensaver gives you an ultimate chance to watch Santa Claus, Snowmen and lots of funny animals hastily making arrangements for Christmas celebration. ", "Free holiday screensaver takes you on a wonderful journey to the magic woodland. ", "It will help you to experience the magic and charm of this wonderful holiday!", "\n\nRelated Software\n\nHappy New Year Screensaver 1.0\ndownload by FeaturedScreensaversThe free screensaver, Happy New Year, contains 17 blow your mind images of fireworks. ", "A number of these fireworks photos are from the Lake of Annecy Festival taken by Semnoz. ", "The, Happy New Year Screensaver, is a free screensaver created by FeaturedScreensavers\n\nType:FreewareReleased: 05/24/2012;Filesize: 3.7 MB;Price: USD $0.00;\n\nNew Year Free Screensaver 1.0.1\ndownload by Mega-Screens.comDecorate your screen with this amazing New Year free screensaver. ", "You will see the New Year trees, indoor and outdoor decorations, candles and bells, gifts and sweets, etc. ", "This sceensaver will definetely please your eyes in New Year's eve. ", "Just install\n\nType:FreewareReleased: 03/12/2012;Filesize: 6.4 MB;Price: USD $0.00;\n\nNew Year Warmth Screensaver 2.0\ndownload by SaversPlanet.comChristmas and New Year holidays is the time to give gifts to the closest and dear people. ", "Here we also give you our new New Year Warmth screensaver. ", "We really hope that our new screensaver will appeal to you. ", "In the screensaver there is a scene in which\n\nType:FreewareReleased: 01/01/2018;Filesize: 39.4 MB;Price: USD $0.00;\n\nNew Year Happiness Screensaver 2.0\ndownload by FullScreensavers.comWinter has come, winter is a time of holidays! ", "We will celebrate the New Year holiday with you soon. ", "New Year holiday is merry and bright holiday. ", "The New Year is the expectation of a change for the better. ", "We have prepared a new bright New Year Happiness\n\nType:FreewareReleased: 12/20/2017;Filesize: 44.7 MB;Price: USD $0.00;\n\nNew Year Fireplace Screensaver 2.0\ndownload by FullScreensavers.comSince ancient times, fire takes a special place in our life: warms, lights, helps to prepare food. ", "We are closely associated with this element, and a craving for open flame inherent in us at the genetic level. ", "Many people would like to have a fireplace\n\nType:FreewareReleased: 12/27/2015;Filesize: 6.6 MB;Price: USD $0.00;\n\nNew Zealand Voyage Free Screensaver 2.0.1\ndownload by Savers4Free.comNew Zealand is notable for its geographic isolation and extraordinary fauna and flora. ", "Due to the low population New Zealand still looks like the unpolluted paradise with clear shores, crisp waters, pure white snow and lush green foliage.", "\nThe New Zealand\n\nType:FreewareReleased: 04/11/2015;Filesize: 5.1 MB;Price: USD $0.00;\n\nNew Year Snowfall 3.0\ndownload by SaversPlanet.comIf you like New Year holiday you will like this screensaver! ", "New nice animation at the winter snowfall background. ", "Snowflakes are falling outside your window. ", "People gather together in their houses and celebrate the holiday. ", "They congratulate each other\n\nType:FreewareReleased: 10/10/2016;Filesize: 1.2 MB;Price: USD $0.00;\n\nNew Year Buddy Icons for AIM 1.0\ndownload by AIM Buddy IconsThe year 2005 is almost upon us and you can now celebrate the new year within your AOL Instant Messenger and share the celebration with all of your AIM buddies! ", "This set includes 50 free Buddy Icons (Including animated ones) for use within AIM.", "\n\nStandard New Year Icons 2009.2\ndownload by Aha-SoftThis specially designed set of holiday icons has everything you need to get into a New Year mood. ", "All the icons have traditional bright colors and come in a variety of sizes (256x256, 48x48, 32x32, 24x24 and 16x16) and formats.", "\n\nMost popular Holiday & Seasonal\n\nHoliday Lights Designer 3.01\ndownload by HolidaysoftUse Holiday Lights Designer software to virtually place Christmas lights and holiday decorations on images of your home or business. ", "Home Users will save time trying out multiple designs! ", "All you need is a picture of your house or anything else you want\n\nType:DemoReleased: 09/03/2006;Filesize: 26.4 MB;Price: USD $29.95;\n\nWinter Train 3D Screensaver for Mac 1.2.0\ndownload by 3D SignalWinter Train 3D screensaver is a great choice for those, long, cold winter months and the countdown to the holidays. ", "With a highly detailed scenery and beautiful, colorful graphics, this train screensaver is one of the best choices of the great screensavers\n\nDX Winter Snow Screensaver 1.0.0\ndownload by JGOwareDX Winter Snow Screensaver is a stunning screensaver that is perfect for the Holidays or during the Winter season. ", "View each beautiful scene as soft, animated snow falls over each scene. ", "Custom settings allow you to control how much snow is falling. ", "From\n\nType:SharewareReleased: 02/17/2009;Filesize: 1.7 MB;Price: USD $9.95;\n\nAnimated SnowFlakes Screensaver 2.2\ndownload by Alfa GamesAnimated SnowFlakes is a 3d snowflakes screen-saver. ", "It will bring peace and quite of a winter forest to your desktop! ", "3d snowflakes slowly coming down in mysterious and snowy forest. ", "Watch the wonderful landscapes of a winter forest. ", "On-screen analog\n\nSnowy Winter 3D Screensaver 1.02.6\ndownload by Digital Minds SoftwareEnjoy the amazing atmosphere of a quiet winter night with this awesome Snowy Winter 3D Screensaver. ", "You will find yourself far away in a peaceful setting with a few houses covered with snow, with smoke coming out of chimneys and slowly rising as there\n\nType:SharewareReleased: 12/09/2015;Filesize: 4.2 MB;Price: USD $9.95;\n\nFree Military Aircraft Screensaver 1.0\ndownload by My-savers.comMilitary might of any army is inseparably linked with its military aircrafts. ", "Many things depend on an opportunity to control the air space. ", "Watch the brand new models in a warlike mission or on an air show in most unexpected forms of a flight.", "\n\nType:FreewareReleased: 07/05/2008;Filesize: 2.9 MB;Price: USD $0.00;\n\nFireworks Supreme 2.0.0\ndownload by JGOwareBring all the heart pounding excitement of a live Fireworks show to your computer desktop with Fireworks Supreme from JGOware. ", "All the sights and sounds of a firework extravaganza! ", "You'll oohh and ahhh along with the crowd as thrilling real time fireworks\n\nType:SharewareReleased: 02/17/2009;Filesize: 3.1 MB;Price: USD $9.95;\n\nSnowy Desktop Screen Saver 1.0\ndownload by OpenScreensaver.comWatch the snow flakes gently fall and cover your desktop in this soothing winter screensaver. ", "The snow slowly accumulates with an occasional snowman flying by. ", "This free screensaver is perfect to get you in the mood for the winter holidays.", "\n\nThanksgiving Scenery 3D 1.0\ndownload by LacomboCan you feel the atmosphere of holiday? ", "Let the Thanksgiving Scenery 3D screensaver help you enjoy it! ", "Leave noisy city and visit a very peaceful place for the holiday time. ", "It's very nice countryside around here, near the barn full of garnered crop.", "\n\nChristmas Holiday 3D Screensaver 1.05\ndownload by Digital Minds SoftwareTurn this animated 3D screensaver on and the holiday atmosphere of upcoming Christmas will surround you. ", "Transfer yourself in a fairy winter place. ", "Start the fireworks and dance around the Christmas Tree with Santa and his friends, a funny snowmans. ", "Enjoy\n\nType:SharewareReleased: 04/18/2016;Filesize: 7.2 MB;Price: USD $9.95;\n\nChristmas Fantasy Screensaver Author's Software\n\nFireworks 3D Screensaver 2.0\ndownload by FullScreensavers.comCome to see realistic free Fireworks 3D screensaver! ", "People enjoy fireworks on most holidays and celebrations. ", "We have developed this screensaver for you and you can use it on any holiday you want! ", "Surprise your kids, friends, relatives, classmates and\n\nType:FreewareReleased: 10/01/2018;Filesize: 1.5 MB;Price: USD $0.00;\n\n3D Rubik's Screensaver 2.0\ndownload by FullScreensavers.comWe are glad to present you our new free 3D screensaver of our own design! ", "This time you will see a multicolored 3D Rubik's cube in size of 5x5x5. ", "First of all, it is rapidly mixed in three dimensions. ", "And then starts to gently gather in the original form\n\nType:FreewareReleased: 07/07/2018;Filesize: 1.2 MB;Price: USD $0.00;\n\nFlowers Time Screensaver 2.0\ndownload by FullScreensavers.comSpecially for our users we have prepared a wonderful splash screen for a warm and sunny summer. ", "Very gentle, expressive free screensaver with digital clock. ", "The dial of the watch is made of various colorful flowers. ", "You will always know the exact time\n\nType:FreewareReleased: 04/28/2018;Filesize: 4.7 MB;Price: USD $0.00;\n\nRomantic Hearts Screensaver 2.0\ndownload by FullScreensavers.comSt. ", "Valentine's Day will come soon. ", "Specially for this day we have created our new Romantic Hearts screensaver. ", "This is a bright, festive screensaver, in which big love letters are written in big sparkling message! ", "And against the background of these\n\nType:FreewareReleased: 02/14/2018;Filesize: 50.5 MB;Price: USD $0.00;\n\nFlying Love Screensaver 2.0\ndownload by FullScreensavers.comFlying Love screensaver is for the most romantic people! ", "Stylish free animated and beautiful screensaver created specifically for the holiday of all loving people. ", "You will see neon like the hearts hovering in the air. ", "It will slowly move endlessly up\n\nType:FreewareReleased: 02/07/2018;Filesize: 2.0 MB;Price: USD $0.00;\n\nNew Year Happiness Screensaver 2.0\ndownload by FullScreensavers.comWinter has come, winter is a time of holidays! ", "We will celebrate the New Year holiday with you soon. ", "New Year holiday is merry and bright holiday. ", "The New Year is the expectation of a change for the better. ", "We have prepared a new bright New Year Happiness\n\nType:FreewareReleased: 12/20/2017;Filesize: 44.7 MB;Price: USD $0.00;\n\nChristmas Window Screensaver 2.0\ndownload by FullScreensavers.comWhat is the most favorite holiday in the whole year? ", "Of course it is Christmas Holiday! ", "We have a wonderful new free Christmas Window Screensaver for you. ", "Quality graphics and musical festive accompaniment will pleasantly surprise you. ", "You will see a\n\nType:FreewareReleased: 12/16/2017;Filesize: 19.2 MB;Price: USD $0.00;\n\nThanksgiving Evening Screensaver 2.0\ndownload by FullScreensavers.comThanksgiving Day holiday will be coming soon for everyone. ", "This is an American tradition, which is about 400 years old. ", "It is a family, cozy holiday of late autumn time. ", "To create and enjoy the atmosphere of the Thanksgiving holiday, we offer you to download\n\nType:FreewareReleased: 11/20/2017;Filesize: 45.8 MB;Price: USD $0.00;\n\nHalloween Dusk Screensaver 2.0\ndownload by FullScreensavers.comFull moon, night sky with lightning, abandoned buildings, cemetery and cast whirling somewhere in the dark ... Is it scary? ", "Do you want to see everything with your own eyes? ", "Then download our new Halloween Dusk screensaver. ", "A festive, scary screensaver\n\nType:FreewareReleased: 10/26/2017;Filesize: 39.2 MB;Price: USD $0.00;\n\nSummer Fresh Screensaver 2.0\ndownload by FullScreensavers.comIf you dream of a paradise vacation, but you do not have the opportunity to be in a tropical country with a glass of a fragrant cocktail in your hands, then the Summer Fresh Screensaver is created specially for you! ", "Right now, by setting this screensaver" ]
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[ "Comparative effects of sesame seeds differing in lignan contents and composition on fatty acid oxidation in rat liver.", "\nWe compared the physiological activities of sesame seeds rich in lignans from three varieties (Gomazou, Maruhime and Maruemon), and those from a conventional cultivar (Masekin) in rats. ", "The sum of the values of fat-soluble lignans (sesamin and sesamolin) in seeds of Gomazou, Maruhime and Maruemon varieties was approximately double the value in Masekin. ", "Seeds from Maruemon contained fat-soluble lignan most exclusively as sesamin while other varieties contained sesamin and sesamolin at about a 2:1 ratio. ", "After a 16 d experiment, sesame seeds, added at 200 g/kg to the experimental diets, increased the activity and mRNA levels of fatty acid oxidation enzymes. ", "Increases were stronger with seeds rich in lignans than with seeds from Masekin. ", "In contrast, sesame seeds lowered the activity and mRNA levels of lipogenic enzymes. ", "However, sesame seeds from all the varieties were comparable in affecting these parameters. ", "Serum triacylglycerol concentrations were lower in rats fed diets containing sesame seeds rich in lignans than in those fed a diet free of sesame seeds or a diet containing seeds from the Masekin variety. ", "Serum malondialdehyde (a marker of lipid peroxidation) was lower in rats fed diets containing sesame seeds rich in lignans than in those fed a sesame seed-free diet or Masekin diet. ", "It is apparent that sesame seeds rich in lignans, irrespective of lignan composition, more profoundly affect hepatic fatty acid oxidation and serum triacylglycerol levels and possibly attenuate oxidative stress. ", "Therefore, consumption of sesame seeds rich in lignans hopefully results in physiological activity to promote health." ]
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[ "Afferent neural activity arising from peripheral baroreceptors monitoring cardiovascular function not only produces CNS-mediated reflex adjustments of the circulation, but also activates CNS systems that inhibit pain. ", "The primary goals of this proposal are to identify medullary and spinal cord structures of this cardiovascular pain regulatory network in the rat, establish the efficacy of putative transmitters of primary baroreceptor afferents in producing hypoalgesia or a diminished sensitivity to pain, and determine the range of influence of this network. ", "The regions of the medulla and spinal cord under investigation include the nucleus tractus solitarius (NTS), nucleus raphe magnus (NRM), lateral reticular nucleus (LRN), dorsolateral funiculus (DLF), and ventrolateral funiculus (VLF) based upon their established roles in both cardiovascular and nociceptive function. ", "The importance of these regions in the production of hypoalgesia will be determined through the use of electrolytic and mechanical lesions, and pressure microinjection of pharmacologic agonists and antagonists. ", "Hypoalgesia will be induced by several peripheral cardiovascular stimulus operations including physiological (volume expansion), pharmacological (administration of veratrum alkaloids, enkephalinamide, phenylephrine, or norepinephrine), or electrical activation of cardiopulmonary or sinoaortic baroreceptor afferents. ", "Pain sensitivity will be indexed through behavioral responses in tail-flick, hot-plate, and flinch-jump tests. ", "These experiments will serve to delineate the nature of cardiovascular-pain regulatory interactions and thereby establish how physiological stimuli activate endogenous systems that inhibit pain. ", "These studies will also clarify the mechanisms which mediate a diverse range of phenomena including stress-induced analgesia, the action of peripherally circulating enkephalins in producing analgesia, and the inhibition of cardiac pain." ]
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[ "Q:\n\nWhy is one string greater than the other when comparing strings in JavaScript?", "\n\nI see this code from a book:\nvar a = \"one\";\nvar b = \"four\";\na>b; // will return true\n\nbut it doesn't mention why \"one\" is bigger than \"four\". ", "I tried c = \"a\" and it is smaller than a and b. I want to know how JavaScript compares these strings.", "\n\nA:\n\nBecause, as in many programming languages, strings are compared lexicographically.", "\nYou can think of this as a fancier version of alphabetical ordering, the difference being that alphabetic ordering only covers the 26 characters a through z.\n\nThis answer is in response to a java question, but the logic is exactly the same. ", "Another good one: String Compare \"Logic\".", "\n\nA:\n\n\"one\" starts with 'o', \"four\" starts with 'f', 'o' is later in the alphabet than 'f' so \"one\" is greater than \"four\". ", " See this page for some nice examples of JavaScript string comparisons (with explanations!).", "\n\nA:\n\nJavascript uses Lexicographical order for the > operator. '", "f' proceeds 'o' so the comparison \"one\" > \"four\" returns true\n\n" ]
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[ "Langøyene\n\nLangøyene is an island in Bunnefjorden in the inner part of Oslofjord, in the municipitality of Nesodden in Akershus, Norway. ", "It is owned by the municipality of Oslo. ", "Langøyene were originally two islands, Nordre Langøy and Søndre Langøy. ", "The islands were bought by the municipitality of Kristiania in 1902, and the strait between the two islands has been filled with garbage deposits.", "\n\nThe name\nThe meaning of the name Langøyene is 'the [two] long islands'. ", "Although today it is just one H-formed island.", "\n\nReferences\n\nCategory:Islands of Viken (county)\nCategory:Waste management\nCategory:History of Oslo" ]
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[ "1. ", "Field of the Invention\nThe present invention relates to a small-parts feed and conveying device for conveying small parts such as surface-mounted-type electronic parts and general industrial parts, to be assembled in electronic devices or general industrial products, at a high speed in series of processes and for feeding them to the next device for processing.", "\n2. ", "Description of the Related Art\nConventionally, parts feeders for arranging, and constantly and automatically feeding the parts in a specified direction are generally used to convey chip capacitors mounted on a panel and small parts mounted on a general machine and the like to be assembled in the electronic devices to a processing device disposed in the first of a series of processes, or from one processing device to the next processing device.", "\nIn the above-mentioned conventional parts feeder, when the parts to be fed include a part having a burr in shape or a part exceeding the tolerance in dimension, the parts may collide with each other to cause an obstruction on the way to the outlet of the apparatus, causing a delay, and after, the outlet itself is blocked.", "\nAccordingly, it is an object of the present invention to provide a small-parts feed and conveying device in which the above problems are solved so as to prevent delay while conveying the parts and to prevent blocking in the vicinity of the outlet, thereby enabling a high-speed and stable feeding.", "\nIn order to achieve the above object, the small-parts feed and conveying device according to the present invention includes a movable section in which trains having a plurality of separated through holes are arranged along the direction of conveying the small parts on a parts-conveying surface, parts drawing means for drawing the small parts during conveyance to the parts-conveying surface and for temporarily holding them by reducing the pressure of the air in the vicinity of the through holes opposite to the parts-conveying surface of the movable section, a conveying path cover in which open faces of spaces in which the small parts are enclosed for conveying slidably come into contact with the parts-conveying surface, and parts mixing means for blowing a pressurized air to the small parts through nozzles provided in the conveying path cover and for mixing the small parts in the conveying path cover.", "\nSpecifically, in the small-parts feed and conveying device according to the present invention, a principal composing element of the movable section is a rotor or a belt for conveying. ", "Preferably, the trains having the through holes on the parts-conveying surface of the movable section are plural and are arranged in parallel, the spaces in the conveying path cover for enclosing the small parts are divided corresponding to each of the plurality of trains, and the parts mixing means individually mixes the small parts in the divided spaces." ]
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[ "2016 Five College DataFest was a Great Success\n\nThis year’s Five College DataFest took place April 1-3 at the UMass Amherst campus. ", "In total, 140 students participated in the annual event. ", "The American Statistical Association (ASA) DataFest is a nationally-coordinated undergraduate competition where small teams of students work over a weekend to extract insight from a rich and complex data set. ", "Previous years’ data sets have included crime data from the LAPD, dating data from eHarmony, and energy use data from GridPoint. ", "The source of this year’s data set won’t be known until the last DataFest concludes in May.\n\nDataFest’s mission is to expose undergraduate students to challenging questions with immediate real-world significance that can be addressed through data analysis. ", "By working in teams, students with varying skill sets combine their efforts and expand their collective data analysis abilities. ", "The interaction between students and with outside consultants demonstrates that data analysis is a dynamic, engaging, and vibrant part of our society and is a realistic, practical, and fulfilling career path.", "\n\n“It’s exciting and rewarding to see so many talented and enthusiastic students applying what they’ve learned”, said Ben Baumer, event organizer and Assistant Professor, Statistical & Data Sciences Program, Smith College. “", "What a tremendous opportunity this is for our students to engage with their peers, industry experts, and a cross section of Five College faculty. ", "For our undergraduate students, this is an important step toward understanding what she or he can look forward to in a data science career.\"", "\n\nAt the conclusion of this year’s Five College DataFest, each of the 22 teams made a 5 minute presentation to a panel of judges. ", "The judges made seven awards to six teams in the following categories:\n\nBest in Group (3 awards)\n\nBest in Show\n\nBest Methods\n\nBest Insights\n\nBest Business Recommendations.", "\n\nKey to the success of this year’s Five College DataFest was support provided by:" ]
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[ "Looking to take your relationship to a whole new level? ", "Perhaps connect on a deeper plane?", "\n\nMeet Lovers Deep, a private luxury submarine in the Caribbean Sea \"intended for couples who want to have a private night together submerged beneath the ocean waves.\" ", "For around $285,000 per night (and a two-night minimum stay), adventurous couples can shack up in a customized sub while fish swim past the window.", "\n\nIf the deep sea isn't enough to lift the ol' \"periscope\" on its own, guests have the option of an \"aphrodisiac tasting menu,\" with dishes \"including oysters, caviar and a decadent chocolate fondant with essence of pomegranate\" designed to put you in the mood. ", "Other options include a Barry White soundtrack, scattered rose petals, and free champagne on arrival via your choice of speedboat or helicopter.", "\n\nUnfortunately, the sub will only venture to depths of 650 feet, so the true mile low club remains out of reach. ", "Then again, any vehicle going a mile down might risk offering sub par service.", "\n\n\"All of our hand picked, luxury properties have something unique and quirky about them,\" Oliver Bell, one of the brains behind the experience and the co-founder of Oliver's Travels, a luxury travel agency, told the Daily Mail. \"", "But Lovers Deep really stands out as one of our quirkiest yet.", "\n\n\"We’re always fascinated by the colorful array of requests we get through our concierge service and are looking forward to creating bespoke packages for those wanting to join the Mile-Low Club with us.\"", "\n\nThen again, if you \"suffer from claustrophobia or a fear of fish,\" Lovers Deep may not float your boat.", "\n\nPHOTOS of the sub that transports couples to the mile low club, below:\n\nOliver's Travels A rendering of the outside of the submarine. ", "Oliver's Travels The submarine houses 1 bedroom. ", "Oliver's Travels A lounge and bar on the sub. ", "Oliver's Travels Lounge seating. ", "Oliver's Travels The bathroom aboard the submarine." ]
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[ "John Byrom (disambiguation)\n\nJohn Byrom may refer to:\n\n John Byrom (1692–1763), English poet, inventor of a shorthand system\n John Byrom (footballer) (b. 1944), English footballer\n John Byrom (cricketer) (1851-1931), English cricketer\n John Byrom (swimmer) (born 1947), Australian swimmer" ]
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[ "For years the signs have been on the wall. ", "The Tea Party in the United States. ", "Golden Dawn in Greece. ", "The Alternatif für Deutschland. ", "UKIP’s inexorable rise in the UK. ", "Etc. ", "etc. ", "We saw these signs. ", "We analysed their historic and political causes. ", "We developed a cosmopolitan narrative of how ‘another’ Europe, ‘another’ world is possible.", "\n\nBut, unforgivably, we missed the most important thing about all this: that those on the bottom of the social heap are consumed by Deep Discontent that leaves them in no mood for complexity – they have no time for sophisticated, complicated analyses, or for lofty political agendas.", "\n\nWhere we failed, the Right succeeded: Right-wingers found a way to exploit the Deep Discontent. ", "And their solution was simple:\n\nSimplicity! ", "What the nationalist, nativist Right offer is exactly this: SIMPLICITY\n\nMillions of working Americans feel they are destined for the scrapheap, discarded, despised, neglected. ", "We saw how they need nothing more than a big Trumpian wave of the hand to imagine it is possible to get rid of all that is pressing them down and once again hope for the future. ", "It’s so totally understandable that they want that hope, and that they flock to anybody who says they can restore it with a simple sentence:\n\nTAKE BACK CONTROL OF YOUR COUNTRY!", "\n\nMAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!", "\n\nIn a media-saturated age, that sort of sound-bite sticks like shit to a shoe…while all the whiffle and whaffle of us liberals, democrats, Marxists, utopians etc. ", "is just too vague and too conditional.", "\n\nThings have got so bad for the bottom end of society that they feel free in Janis Joplin’s and Nikos Kazantzakis’ sense: Freedom as another word for nothing left to lose. ", "Indeed, they are prepared to lose whatever they are left with if they can, in the process, express their rage by voting for someone who will piss off those they consider responsible for their loss of control.", "\n\nIt’s a revolution all right, but not as we know it, not the one we wanted, envisaged, or have any idea how to ride.", "\n\nThe facts are simple but have never really been stated simply: For the past three decades, 80% of the people are taken to the cleaners 95% of the time by the top 20% of society. ", "Since the mid-1970s, once the first post-war capitalist phase ended (with the collapse of the New Deal-inspired Bretton Woods system), those relying on wage income to live have fallen off the escalator. ", "Most of the gains from technology, productivity, globalisation, have gone to the top 1% and none to the bottom 80%. ", "People can put up with poverty, but not with humiliation – not with having their noses rubbed in their poverty by people in yachts, golf clubs and Mercedes Benzes, telling them that their poverty is self-inflicted.", "\n\nWorse still, all conventional parties are offering slight variants of the system that has failed this 80% of the people. ", "We need to be much more radical than that to entice them back, away from the sirens of the xenophobic Right.", "\n\nWhat can we do to reach those people? ", "They are the foot-soldiers and we need their energy and anger. ", "But they’ve been corralled by lethal buffoons of the Right, like Boris Johnson, Marine Le Pen, Nigel Farage and Donald Trump, who directed their righteous anger at the wrong targets.", "\n\nHow can WE re-engage those people?", "\n\nFor now, this is an open question. ", "Not one to be answered lightly or in haste. ", "Brexit should give us pause.", "\n\nOne thing that is clear is that DiEM25 is now more important than ever. ", "Our message from the beginning was simple:The EU will either be democratised or it will disintegrate! ", "Brexit has confirmed our point.", "\n\nBut our message needs to be simplified further.", "\n\nWe need to explain exactly what we mean by democratisation.", "\n\nWe need to explain to those drawn by Trumpian/Brexiterian simplicity why democratising Europe matters to them.", "\n\nWe need to counter the Trumpian/Brexiterian simplicity with a simple (but not oversimplified) message of our own.", "\n\nIn short, we need to pitch progressive simplicityversusregressive oversimplification.", "\n\nBut, as we all know, simplicity requires lots of (often complicated) work.", "\n\nJan Hunt · 8,720 views today ·\n1. ", "We expect children to be able to do things before they are ready.", "\nWe ask an infant to keep quiet. ", "We ask a 2-year-old to sit still. ", "We ask a 3-year-old to clean his room...\n\nDaniel Quinn · 7,271 views today ·\n(Excerpted from the book, The Story of B)\nWith every audience and every individual, I have to begin by making them see that the cultural self-awareness we inherit from our...\n\numair haque · 5,061 views today ·\nOf all the great myths of contemporary life, one of the most toxic is positivity. ", "It says: there are negative and positive emotions, and only the positive ones are worth...\n\nNatural History Museum · 3,918 views today ·\nThese incredible images are a selection from of the 25 shortlisted by The Natural History Museum for the People's Choice Award from this year's Wildlife Photographer of the...\n\nKelly Hayes · 3,060 views today ·\nI’ve noticed lately that a lot of allies and accomplices I talk to about NoDAPL and other struggles will name what they are trying to contribute to the cause, and then promptly...\n\n4 min · 2,961 views today ·\nDavid Graeber on the Value of Work. ", "Does the world really need neuroadvertisers, PR researchers and branding consultants? ", "Renowned academic and coiner of the ‘we are the 99%’...\n\nTommy Lehe · 1,334 views today ·\nWe live in a world that moves faster than we do. ", "Trying to keep up can be an overwhelming task that at times feels hopeless, like we are falling further and further behind—but...\n\nWalter Fields · 1,253 views today ·\nFrom an early age Blacks are socialized to live defensively and to absorb the mental body blows that come from the day-to-day indignities that are hoisted upon us by the very...\n\n7 min · 1,096 views today ·\nThe planning permission for an exploratory oil rig near Swanage ran out on 3rd December 2016. ", "A good day all round for those campaigning against the fossil fuel industry. ", "Hear..." ]
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[ "Shear rheology and in-vitro release kinetic study of apigenin from lyotropic liquid crystal.", "\nApigenin is a flavonoid compound with diverse pharmacological functions which could develop health benefit products, but its formulation is hampered by its poor water solubility and bioavailability. ", "In this paper, in order to overcome these difficulties, apigenin was encapsulated in LLC formed by polyoxyethylene-10-oleyl ether (Brij 97) and sodium deoxycholate (NaDC) mixtures. ", "The hexagonal liquid crystalline phase (H) and the cubic liquid crystalline phase (C) were found in this system. ", "The shear rheology was used to study the structure change with temperature. ", "It was shown that C3 (Brij 97-NaDC/IPM-PEG400/H2O=36:9:55) was C at low temperature. ", "But above 35.6°C, the matrix of C3 completely transformed to polymer solution. ", "The matrix of H3 was H (Brij 97-NaDC:IPM-PEG 400:H2O=50:9:41) below 50°C, but the structural strength change was obvious. ", "Vitro release experiment was used to study drug release kinetics. ", "It was indicated that apigenin encapsulated in LLC conformed to the concentration diffusion model, and cumulative percentage of apigenin released from C3 and H3 had corresponding relationship with the shear rheology at different temperatures." ]
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[ "Just...let me catch my breath! ", "An emotional, wild ride! ", "My all time favorite book! ", "Amazingly told story with lovable characters, realistic events, and heart pounding fast paced action! ", "Five stars and two thumbs up!!! ", "I first read this at the library, and as soon as I finished, i knew I had to buy it!", "\n\nAlthough this is a modern, paraphrasing of the Bible story of Hosea, it does use a lot of 'extras' so if you ware expecting it to be the same, you might want to skip this one. ", "Like movies, there is a lot in the book that doesn't happen in the Bible. ", "It's a work of fiction, and should be read as such.", "\n\nDespite that, I loved it, and am so glad my friends recommended I read it! ", "I'm not a big fan of romance, never was, so I had my doubts going in. ", "I was shocked, that me, the girl who didn't date could find myself relating, on a profound level with this prostitute who lived a life I could never imagine! ", "I loved how both sin and redemption were handled, how God's grace was truly sufficient and no wound was beyond His power to heal! ", "This is the God I know, and although this is a work of fiction, it reminded me of why God is God, and that nothing I can do will ever change that! ", "And thank God for that!" ]
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[ "**Core tip:** Supplementation of silymarin in association with an hypocaloric diet and physical activity, can be a correct approach to treat patients with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease in clinical practice.", "\n\nTO THE EDITOR\n=============\n\nWe read with great interest the recent review by Singh et al\\[[@B1]\\] on the treatment options in alcoholic and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), including various new targeted therapies that are currently under investigation. ", "In the last decades the diagnosis of NAFLD was increasingly evoked in clinical practice, with a worldwide spread of NAFLD, with an estimated prevalence between 25%-30% of general population, not only in Western world but also in urban area of developing Countries\\[[@B2]\\]. ", "NAFLD is an umbrella term that includes different clinical pictures ranged from simple fat accumulation to steato-hepatitis, fibrosis, cirrhosis and its complications. ", "Central obesity, dyslipidemia, insulin resistance, and diabetes in a context of metabolic syndrome are the risk factors largely associated to the development and progression of NAFLD\\[[@B3]\\]. ", "Recently, studies on the mechanisms involved in the pathogenesis of NAFLD, highlight the role of genetic polymorphisms enhancing oxidative stress, pro-inflammatory cytokines production and disequilibrium in the glucose and lipid metabolism\\[[@B4]\\]. ", "The standard of care to treat NAFLD, described by international guidelines, is focused on lifestyle modifications and in particular on starting a healthy diet and increasing physical exercise. ", "However, no drugs are currently approved to treat NAFLD and its secondary complications by regulatory agencies\\[[@B5]\\]. ", "Reactive oxygen species production, including superoxide radical, hydroxyl radical, hydrogen peroxide, and lipid peroxide radicals, are involved in the pathogenesis and progression of NAFLD, in a multi-step process\\[[@B6]\\]. *", "Silybum marianum*, commonly known as Milk Thistle (MT), family of Asteraceae/Compositae, has been used since the time of ancient physicians, to treat liver diseases\\[[@B7]\\]. ", "The active complex of MT is a lipophilic extract from the seeds of the plant and is composed of four isomer flavonolignans, collectively known as silymarin. ", "Several pre-clinical and clinical studies have been carried out on silymarin and silibinin, its predominant and most active component. ", "It has been described that silymarin possesses anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory, and anti-fibrotic properties. ", "Our study group have been reported in a randomized study, the health effects of a hypocaloric Mediterranean diet in association with an antioxidant formulation with silymarin, on liver damage, glucose metabolism and anthropometric parameters in NAFLD overweight patients\\[[@B8]\\]. ", "Data on the effects of silymarin in patients with NAFLD are limited. ", "However, some studies showed that treatment with silymarin has been associated with an improvement of the oxidative profile, due to the ability of silymarin to inhibit the production of pro-inflammatory cytokines\\[[@B9]\\]. ", "In addition, our data can be explained by the effectiveness of the diet associated to silymarin to reduce the extent of fat infiltration in the hepatocytes and to modulate the mitochondrial function.", "\n\nIn accordance with the paper by Singh et al\\[[@B1]\\], we conclude that new therapeutic targets are now under investigation for NAFLD. ", "In this context, on the basis of our experience we support the role of silymarin, in association with lifestyle changes, to treat NAFLD patients, considering that it offers similar effects than some of the drugs listed by Singh et al\\[[@B1]\\] in terms of anti-oxidant (*e.g*., ", "NOX-1/4 inhibitors), anti-fibrotic (*e.g*., ", "galectin-3 antagonists, simtuzumab) and anti-inflammatory (*e.g*., ", "sirtuins) properties, but with considerably lower side effects.", "\n\nManuscript source: Unsolicited manuscript\n\nSpecialty type: Gastroenterology and hepatology\n\nCountry of origin: Italy\n\nPeer-review report classification\n\nGrade A (Excellent): A\n\nGrade B (Very good): 0\n\nGrade C (Good): 0\n\nGrade D (Fair): 0\n\nGrade E (Poor): 0\n\nConflict-of-interest statement: Authors declares no conflict of interest related to this publication.", "\n\nPeer-review started: November 9, 2017\n\nFirst decision: November 21, 2017\n\nArticle in press: December 4, 2017\n\nP- Reviewer: Hamaguchi M S- Editor: Chen K L- Editor: A E- Editor: Huang Y\n\n[^1]: Author contributions: Colica C and Abenavoli L performed research of literature data and wrote the paper; Boccuto L revised the paper.", "\n\n Correspondence to: Ludovico Abenavoli MD, PhD, Associate Professor, Department of Health Sciences, University Magna Græcia, Campus Germaneto, Viale Europa - Germaneto, Catanzaro 88100, Italy. ", "<l.abenavoli@unicz.it>\n\n Telephone: +39-961-3697113 Fax: +39-961-754220\n" ]
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[ "\f a non-aggrieved party. ", "Therefore we lack jurisdiction to entertain this\n appeal and we\n ORDER this appeal DISMISSED.'", "\n\n\n\n\n r J.\n Parraguirre\n •\n\n\n Douglas\n\n\n J.\n Cherry\n\n\n\n cc: Hon. ", "Scott N. Freeman, District Judge\n Ferri11 Joseph Volpicelli\n Attorney General/Carson City\n Washoe County District Attorney\n Washoe District Court Clerk\n\n\n\n\n 1 Although appellant has not been granted permission to file\n documents in this matter in proper person, see NRAP 46(b), we have\n received and considered appellant's proper person documents.", "\n\n\n\nSUPREME COURT\n OF\n NEVADA\n 2\n(0) 1947A e.\n\f" ]
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[ "1. ", "Introduction {#sec1}\n===============\n\nHealth information systems (HISs) play a crucial role in healthcare in the 21st century. ", "Enacted as part of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, the Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health (HITECH) Act was signed into law on February 17, 2009, to promote the adoption and meaningful use of health information technology. ", "Since then, the percentage of non-United-States-federal acute care hospitals that adopted basic electronic health record (EHR) systems increased from 9.4% in 2008 to 75.5% in 2014 \\[[@B1]\\]. ", "However, even though the adoption of EHRs by hospitals is successful in the United States, the interoperability of the HISs is falling behind, hampering data exchange among healthcare organizations and meaningful aggregation of heterogeneous healthcare data. ", "As such, even though the dramatically increasing amount of healthcare data offers unprecedented opportunities for mining previously unknown knowledge, it is still challenging to properly leverage data from different sources, to overcome barriers in data analytics (e.g., missing data), and to solve real world problems such as early diagnosis of medical conditions, prediction of disease progression, and identification of patient cohorts for clinical trials.", "\n\nBiomedical ontologies and controlled vocabularies provide structured domain knowledge to support data standardization and interoperability in a variety of HISs such as EHR, healthcare administration, and clinical decision support. ", "Some notable examples include the International Classification of Diseases (ICD), which is a widely used controlled vocabulary for encoding billing diagnoses and procedures in HISs \\[[@B2]\\]. ", "SNOMED CT is used for encoding problem lists in EHRs \\[[@B3]\\]. ", "RxNorm is a medical terminology that normalizes names of all clinical drugs available on the United States market and links to many of the drug vocabularies commonly used in pharmacy management \\[[@B4]\\]. ", "Moreover, with rich concepts linked by semantic relationships, they have also been widely used in natural language processing, data mining, machine learning, semantic annotation, and automated reasoning. ", "The Unified Medical Language System (UMLS), developed and maintained by the United States National Library of Medicine, is a compendium of over 190 controlled vocabularies and biomedical ontologies, including ICD, SNOMED CT, and RxNorm. ", "In the renaissance of artificial intelligence (AI), knowledge-intensive and/or data-driven medical applications and research will directly benefit from the formalisms and rich knowledge encoded in the biomedical ontologies. ", "However, they have not yet been fully capitalized in the healthcare engineering and data analytics.", "\n\nThe main goal of this special issue is to bring together the researchers in the field of knowledge representation, data management, and health data analytics to introduce innovative semantics-based methods to address important problems in healthcare engineering, illustrate the use of biomedical ontologies and semantic web technologies to discover hidden knowledge in biomedical and health data, and showcase state-of-the-art research and development. ", "The selected papers underwent a rigorous review and revision process. ", "We are glad to see that the selected papers presented novel usage of semantics-based techniques and ontologies in pressing health-related problems such as healthcare data integration, pattern mining from EHRs, medical entity recognition in clinical text, and clinical data sharing. ", "Meanwhile, we have also seen foundational research papers that are focused on developing and curating biomedical ontologies. ", "The multidisciplinary nature of this special issue is reflected by the fact that the problems in semantics-based healthcare engineering and data analytics are being tackled by researchers in different communities, including computer science, medicine, biomedical engineering, biomedical informatics, statistics, and so forth.", "\n\n2. ", "Papers in This Special Issue {#sec2}\n===============================\n\nIn this special issue, we present 8 novel studies about semantics-powered healthcare engineering and data analytics. ", "These studies can be categorized into the following three topics: (1) natural language processing and data mining, (2) clinical data sharing and data integration, and (3) ontology engineering and quality assurance (QA).", "\n\n2.1. ", "Natural Language Processing and Data Mining {#sec2.1}\n------------------------------------------------\n\nNatural language processing (NLP), which can unlock knowledge and detailed information from semistructured or unstructured medical data (e.g., clinical narratives in EHRs and pathology reports), has been widely used to support outcome reporting, clinical research, and operations. ", "However, the free format of clinical text, which may contain acronyms (e.g., COPD, ADR, and BP), typographical errors, and polysemy (e.g., cold), poses significant challenges in text processing and understanding. ", "Basic NLP tasks such as named entity recognition (NER) and word sense disambiguation (WSD) have been widely studied in alphabetic languages such as English. ", "The abundance of controlled vocabularies in English also eases the task of NER of English text. ", "In character-based languages such as Chinese with no space between words and few controlled vocabularies, word segmentation is a particularly difficult problem. ", "In the article titled \"A Novel Approach towards Medical Entity Recognition in Chinese Clinical Text,\" using the Chinese drug name dictionaries, J. Liang et al. ", "propose a cascade-type Chinese medication entity recognition approach that aims at integrating the sentence category classifier using a support vector machine and the conditional random field-based medication entity recognition. ", "They applied this technique on a test set of 324 Chinese-written admission notes with manual annotation by medical experts and showed promising results.", "\n\nAutomated text classification has been a popular application of NLP. ", "When dealing with a large amount of text such as online forum postings, traditional manual text classification has a significant limitation with respect to scalability. ", "In the article, \"An Interpretable Classification Framework for Information Extraction from Online Healthcare Forums,\" J. Gao et al. ", "introduced an innovative and effective random forest-based model with interpretable results for classifying sentences in online healthcare forum posts into three classes: medication, symptom, and background. ", "The features used to train the model include labeled sequential patterns, UMLS semantic types, sentence-based features, and heuristic features. ", "This approach can potentially help researchers and clinicians better understand and analyze patients\\' opinions and needs toward various health topics.", "\n\nTo make an ontology useful for automated term extraction from text, it is important to assess its coverage. ", "In the article entitled \"Semantic Modeling for Exposomics with Exploratory Evaluation in Clinical Context,\" J. Fan et al. ", "introduced their research on creating an exposome-oriented semantic network from existing ontology entities and relations. ", "They then evaluated the derived semantic network in terms of literature coverage and text annotation.", "\n\nControlled vocabularies and biomedical ontologies can facilitate the task of association patterns mining in the unstructured medical data. ", "In the article entitled \"Association Patterns of Ontological Features Signify Electronic Health Records in Liver Cancer,\" L. W. C. Chan et al. ", "identified the association patterns for liver cancer patients by extracting terms from liver cancer reports and mapping them to SNOMED CT concepts. ", "They further quantified the association levels between every two features in cases of hepatocellular carcinoma or liver metastases and those with no abnormality detected.", "\n\n2.2. ", "Clinical Data Sharing and Data Integration {#sec2.2}\n-----------------------------------------------\n\nWith the increasing adoption of EHRs and various HISs in the healthcare organizations, health data are generated in an unprecedented speed and amount. ", "Data sharing and data integration can mitigate the biases of disparate data sources to support more meaningful data analytics. ", "Towards this end, national consortiums in the United States such as the eMERGE (Electronic Medical Records and Genomics) Network, Clinical and Translational Science Institutes, Patient-Centered Clinical Research Network (PCORnet), and Observational Health Data Sciences and Informatics (OHDSI) are putting concerted efforts into creating data models, resources, and tools to support sharing and integration of healthcare data from heterogeneous sources. ", "Such efforts are also being made in other countries such Italy and Thailand. ", "In the article \"A SOA-Based Platform to Support Clinical Data Sharing,\" R. Gazzarata et al. ", "introduced a service-oriented architecture-based platform to support technical interoperability. ", "The platform uses Health Level Seven (HL7) Version 3 messages combined with the LOINC (Logical Observation Identifiers Names and Codes) vocabulary to ensure semantic interoperability among HISs in Italy. ", "In the article titled \"Graph-Based Semantic Web Service Composition for Healthcare Data Integration,\" N. Arch-int et al. ", "proposed a composition system based on semantic web services to integrate healthcare data in different health organizations in Thailand and evaluated the system with respect to execution time and correctness.", "\n\n2.3. ", "Ontology Engineering and Curation {#sec2.3}\n--------------------------------------\n\nWithout a well-curated metadata standard, large health datasets are hard to manage and analyze. ", "Efforts have been made to develop metadata standards, often in the form of ontologies, to organize large health data set in a semantic knowledge base. ", "In their article \"A Granular Ontology Model for Maternal and Child Health Information System,\" S. Ismail et al. ", "presented a data access model for managing maternal and child health data leveraging Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources (FHIR), the latest data exchange standard created by HL7. ", "They targeted completeness of maternal and child-related health information systems in developing countries.", "\n\nDue to the size and complexity of biomedical ontologies, modeling errors, missing concepts, missing relationships, and inconsistencies are inevitable, limiting their utility in critical clinical applications and biomedical research. ", "Automated and semiautomated QA methods, which can highlight the errors in an ontology, will lead to high QA yields and better utilization of QA personnel. ", "In their article \"Taxonomy-Based Approaches to Quality Assurance of Ontologies,\" M. Halper et al. ", "presented a guideline for choosing and combining appropriate abstraction networks for an ontology to automatically identify sets of concepts that are expected to have a high likelihood of errors.", "\n\n3. ", "Discussion and Conclusion {#sec3}\n============================\n\nIn the big data era, the vast amount of healthcare data poses significant challenges in data management and analysis. ", "Semantics-based knowledge representations and methods, which encapsulate structured domain knowledge, play an important role in overcoming these challenges. ", "As shown in this special issue, important problems in data analytics including data mining, natural language processing, data sharing, data integration, and ontology engineering are being tackled by multidisciplinary teams with diverse expertise. ", "Moreover, new methods, platforms, and algorithms have been developed to integrate, process, and analyze diverse types of health data and transform them into actionable knowledge and wisdom for better patient care and clinical practice. ", "We envision this work will have significant impact in healthcare engineering and data analytics. ", "We are looking forward to seeing more work in this area that is motivated by this special issue.", "\n\nThe Guest Editors of this special issue would like to thank the authors and the reviewers for their scientific contribution and congratulate them for the high quality work.", "\n\n*Zhe He* *Cui Tao* *Jiang Bian* *Michel Dumontier* *William R. Hogan*\n" ]
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[ "The oldest big cat fossil ever found - which fills in a significant gap in the fossil record - was discovered on a paleontological dig in Tibet, scientists announced today.", "\n\nA skull from the new species, named Panthera blytheae, was excavated and described by a team led by Jack Tseng - a PhD student at the USC Dornsife College of Letters, Arts and Sciences at the time of the discovery, and now a postdoctoral fellow at the American Museum of Natural History (AMNH) in New York.", "\n\n\"This find suggests that big cats have a deeper evolutionary origin than previously suspected,\" Tseng said.", "\n\nThe announcement was made in a scientific paper published by the Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, on Nov. 13.", "\n\nTseng's coauthors include Xiaoming Wang, who has joint appointments at USC, the Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County (NHM) and the Page Museum at the La Brea Tar Pits, the AMNH, and the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS); Graham Slater of the Smithsonian Institution; Gary Takeuchi of the NHM and the Page Museum at the La Brea Tar Pits; Qiang Li of the CAS; Juan Liu of the University of Alberta and the CAS; and Guangpu Xie of the Gansu Provincial Museum.", "\n\nDNA evidence suggests that the so-called \"big cats\" - the Pantherinae subfamily, including lions, jaguars, tigers, leopards, snow leopards, and clouded leopards - diverged from their nearest evolutionary cousins, Felinae (which includes cougars, lynxes, and domestic cats), about 6.37 million years ago. ", "However, the oldest fossils of big cats previously found are tooth fragments uncovered at Laetoli in Tanzania (the famed hominin site excavated by Mary Leakey in the 1970s), dating to just 3.6 million years ago.", "\n\nUsing magnetostratigraphy - dating fossils based on the distinctive patterns of reversals in the Earth's magnetic field, which are recorded in layers of rock - Tseng and his team were able to estimate the age of the skull at between 4.10 and 5.95 million years old.", "\n\nThe new cat takes its name from Blythe, the snow-leopard-loving daughter of Paul and Heather Haaga, who are avid supporters of the Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County.", "\n\nThe find not only challenges previous suppositions about the evolution of big cats, it also helps place that evolution in a geographical context. ", "The find occurs in a region that overlaps the majority of current big cat habitats, and suggests that the group evolved in central Asia and spread outward.", "\n\nIn addition, recent estimates suggested that the genus Panthera (lions, tigers, leopards, jaguars, and snow leopards) did not split from genus Neofelis (clouded leopards) until 3.72 million years ago - which the new find disproves.", "\n\nTseng, his wife Juan Liu, and Takeuchi discovered the skull in 2010 while scouting in the remote border region between Pakistan and China - an area that takes a bumpy seven-day car ride to reach from Beijing.", "\n\nLiu found over one hundred bones that were likely deposited by a river eroding out of a cliff. ", "There, below the antelope limbs and jaws, was the crushed - but largely complete - remains of the skull.", "\n\n\"It was just lodged in the middle of all that mess,\" Tseng said.", "\n\nFor the past three years, Tseng and his team have used both anatomical and DNA data to determine that the skull does, in fact, represent a new species.", "\n\nThey plan to return to the site where they found the skull in the summer to search for more specimens.", "\n\n\"We are in the business of discovery,\" said Wang, curator of vertebrate paleontology at the NHM; adjunct professor of geoscience and biology at USC; and research associate at AMNH. \"", "We go out into the world in search of new fossils to illuminate the past.\"" ]
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[ "This has been one of my favorite music videos for a while. ", "The main subject of the video is named Bill Shannon and he was born with a degenerative hip condition. ", "Check out how he can bust a move, big time! ", "AMAZING" ]
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[ "From the first scene to the last, Rio Cum Hunters is filled with big dick, talented mouths, and tight holes just needing to be stretched. ", "Some newer faces and some Alexander favorites will grace your screen in non-stop sex that will have your hand in your pants and your cock in your fist as you watch them suck and fuck in a very lucky abandoned building. ", "Be careful, you’ll dump your load before you’re done watching.", "\n\nFrom the first scene to the last, Rio Cum Hunters is filled with big dick, talented mouths, and tight holes just needing to be stretched. ", "Some newer faces and some Alexander favorites will grace your screen in non-stop sex that will have your hand in your pants and your cock in your fist as you watch them suck and fuck in a very lucky abandoned building. ", "Be careful, you’ll dump your load before you’re done watching." ]
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[ "PP099. ", "Chronic hypertension: follow-up of chronic hypertension pregnant women in 2008-2009.", "\nChronic Hypertension (CH) is one of the most prevalent diseases in the world. ", "Because women are getting pregnant in late ages, the incidence of Chronic Hypertension in pregnancy is raising (2-3%). ", "As a long term disease in its essential form, with low repercussion in target-organs at reproductive age, the medical complications related to CH are not the main concern of the pregnant women. ", "However, it influences the pregnancy and may result in serious maternal-fetal complications, especially if a preeclampsia/eclampsia superimposes to pregnancy. ", "The complications may be manifested as placental abruption, acute renal failure, cardiac decompensation, and cerebral accidents in the mother and of growth restriction and unexplained mid-trimester fetal death. ", "The main goal in the follow-up of this pregnant women is to achieve controlled levels of blood pressure (Systolic - 110-140mmHg, Diastolic - 80-90mmHg) with anti-hypertensive drugs, and evaluate and early diagnose the most serious complication, preeclampsia/eclampsia(PE/E). ", "Review the cases of Chronic Hypertension followed in our institution in 2008-2009, with the analysis of population, anti-hypertensive drugs required to control HTA, fetal complications (growth restriction, preterm delivery and fetal death) and maternal/fetal complications (PE/E, Abruption placentae, Renal and Cardiac acute insufficiency, and cerebral accidents). ", "In a retrospective study, from January 2008 to December 2009, were analysed all files related with Chronic Hypertension followed in the obstetric department of Prof. Fernando Fonseca's Hospital. ", "The statistic analysis was based on Excel 2007. ", "The incidence of Chronic Hypertension was 40% of all hypertensive disorders in this period and of 1,5% in overall pregnant population. ", "The maternal mean age of this group was 33,8 years (16;44) being the most prevalent pre-existing co-morbidities the endocrinologic disorders (obesity, Diabetes and thyroid pathology). ", "38% were previous medicated with anti-hypertensive drugs, the majority of them needing only one drug to control blood pressure (BP) (64%). ", "During the pregnancy follow up, 78% were medicated with one or more anti-hypertensive drugs, requiring only one drug to control BP in the majority of cases 66%. ", "In terms of fetal complications 3 cases of growth restriction were signed (2%), preterm delivery in 26 cases (21%) and 2 interruptions of pregnancy in the second trimester before 24 weeks because of maternal complications (2%). ", "There was one case of Abruption Placentae (1%). ", "In terms of maternal complications there were 5 ICU internments (4%), and one situation of acute cardiac disfunction (1%). ", "The CH was complicated by PE/E in 22 cases (18%). ", "Chronic Hypertension is a prevalent disease, with an elevated incidence in pregnancy, and potential major fetal-maternal complications, obliging medical professionals to a straight and careful follow-up to control BP levels and early diagnose the adversely outcomes." ]
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[ "County Planners to Apply Bicycling Stress Test\n\nBicycle Master Plan will develop \"stress map\" to figure out where bicycle lanes, paths and other improvements are needed\n\nBy Aaron Kraut\n\nA bicyclists rides along northbound Wisconsin Avenue in Chevy Chase Aaron Kraut\n\nMontgomery County planners think if a bicycle trip is less stressful, more people will ride.", "\n\nIt’s that philosophy that’s guiding the Planning Department’s Bicycle Master Plan, which Planning Board Chairman Casey Anderson hopes will one day provide for more bicycle lanes, cycle tracks, pavement markings and less stress for the typical rider.", "\n\n“We’re seeing plenty of desire on the part of people, even in suburban areas, to use bikes to get around, to use it as a practical means of transportation,” Anderson said. “", "The demand has been proven. ", "We need to figure out a way to meet that desire in places where bicycling is not really very safe or inviting.”", "\n\nPlanners will create a bicycle “stress map” on which every street in Montgomery County will be assessed in terms of how stressful it is to bicyclists.", "\n\nRoads with higher speeds, more vehicles, frequent parking turnover and large or confusing intersections would be labeled high-stress. ", "Others would be designated as moderate, low and very low on the scale.", "\n\nThe stress levels will be determined via data, based on a methodology developed in a 2012 report from San Jose State University’s Mineta Transportation Institute.", "\n\nDavid Anspacher, who’s managing the Bicycle Master Plan, said that evaluation will be “the foundation” of decisions about where new bicycle facilities are recommended and what kind are recommended.", "\n\n“Usually in bike planning, it’s been much more of a gut-level exercise where planners will ask bike advocates where they want to see more bike facilities. ", "They’ll look at a map and sort of eyeball it,” Anderson said. “", "The big difference between this plan and the bike plans that people have done in other parts of the country is it’s going to be less art and more science.”", "\n\nAnderson said the goal is to create the best bicycle plan in the country.", "\n\nAn initial analysis found that three-quarters of the county’s roads qualify as low-stress for bicyclists. ", "But those areas are mostly “islands of connectivity,” effectively separated from each other by major highways, congested arterials and long distances.", "\n\nThe Planning Department cited a survey that found almost 60 percent of residents fall into a low stress-tolerant group that would be unlikely to bike to many of the county’s downtown areas and Metro stations without a more pronounced network of separated bikeways.", "\n\nAnspacher said the goal is to have the plan approved by the County Council in the fall of 2017. ", "The planning portion will officially start July 1.", "\n\nAnspacher will speak at council member Hans Riemer’s 2nd Annual Great Bike Summit June 6 in Silver Spring.", "\n\nMontgomery County’s Department of Transportation has been active recently in providing new bicycle facilities in the White Flint area.", "\n\nWoodglen Drive, which runs from the terminus of the off-road Bethesda Trolley Trail to Nicholson Lane, is home to the county’s first cycle track. ", "The two-way bike lane is 8 feet wide and separated from a parking lane by white plastic posts and delineated by road markings.", "\n\nThe pavement was painted green in driveways and intersections where bicyclists might come in conflict with drivers.", "\n\nAnderson said cycle tracks, which the county is also considering for Bethesda and Woodmont avenues in Bethesda, is an example of a treatment that wasn’t as popular when the Planning Department created its last Bicycle Master Plan in 2005.", "\n\nAnspacher and his team also will use regional transportation demand forecasting models to decide the best routes for bicycle connections between major employment centers and transit stations that are part of planned projects such as the Corridor Cities Transitway and the Purple Line.", "\n\n“For example, if you have a North Bethesda Trail and it’s very good from Woodglen Drive down to [the National Institutes of Health], but then you need to put in a better connection from NIH to the Bethesda Metro Station, how much increase in connectivity will you get,” Anspacher said. “", "It will show the potential of these bike networks and some sort of guidance as to which are the most important to do.”", "\n\nPotential bicycle improvements and stress levels that will be part of Montgomery County's Bicycle Master Plan. ", "Credit: Montgomery County Planning Department" ]
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[ "Wrap Around Pad med 3/4\"\n\n$34.99\n\nRight WRAP AROUND PAD Size MED 3/4\" Get the MAX coverage This special design is for added protection for falls that may be unexpected in training while spinning and jumping. ", "Mostly used on Axel Jumps up to Triple / Quad jumps and multi change Spins. *", "Pads help to absorb Impact force. *", "Shields body from most sports related Impact injuries. ", "Help with bruising & long term abuse to the body, keeps you training longer. *", "APPROVED BY SKATERS OF ALL LEVELS* Instruction of use: Pad just slips in to your tights, bike shorts or any tight fitting garment. ", "Easy to use & remove. ", "Wont Slip & Slide, place where you need it most. ", "If wet after use lay flat to air dry. ", "Warning: VERY POPULAR ***If left sitting alone this pad may walk away ;0) Made in the USA!!!" ]
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[ "Influence of brain gangliosides on the formation and properties of supported lipid bilayers.", "\nGangliosides are glycolipids that are enriched on the outer surface of cell membranes. ", "Gangliosides are receptors for a number of signaling molecules and toxins, and therefore are often incorporated into biosensors. ", "Many of these biosensors incorporate gangliosides into supported lipid bilayers which are formed by the spontaneous rupture of unilamellar vesicles on glass or SiO2 substrates. ", "In this work, we used quartz crystal microbalance with dissipation monitoring (QCM-D) to investigate how the presence of the four major brain gangliosides (GM1, GD1a, GD1b, and GT1b) influences the process of supported lipid bilayer formation on SiO2 surfaces. ", "We show that the rate of supported bilayer formation is dependent on both the charge and position of sialic acid moieties on ganglioside molecules. ", "Additionally, Ca2+ can accelerate ganglioside-rich supported bilayer formation, but the degree of acceleration differs for vesicles containing different gangliosides. ", "Fluorescence recovery after photobleaching measurements show that the presence of all gangliosides reduces lipid diffusion coefficients in a concentration-dependent manner, and that Ca2+ slows lipid diffusion in membranes with and without gangliosides. ", "Finally, we use ganglioside-rich supported bilayers to measure binding constants for a GD1a-binding antibody that has similar properties to antibodies present in a variant of Guillain-Barré syndrome." ]
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[ "Peripheral projections of nerve fibres in the human median nerve.", "\nElementary sensations of definable quality were evoked by intraneural electrical stimulation of sensory units through tungsten microelectrodes inserted in the median nerve of awake human subjects. ", "The most commonly reported sensations were tapping, pressure, dull pain and sharp pain, which correlated with recording from RA units, SA I units, C nociceptors and A delta nociceptors, respectively. ", "All sensations were projected more often to the fingertips than to the palm. ", "The multifocal projections of sensations recruited by excitation of small groups of neighbouring nerve fibres were significantly more scattered in space than anticipated if these fibres had preserved an orderly intraneural map, implying lack of somatotopy in the nerve. ", "Mean projected field sizes were 3.4 mm2 for sharp pain, 9.2 mm2 for tapping/vibration, 29.3 mm2 for pressure and 35.4 mm2 for dull pain, and in addition the latter two showed a rising size gradient from fingertip to palm. ", "Consideration of projected field size as a variable in discriminative touch suggests that input from RA units and A delta nociceptors may be of importance in stimulus localization, while SA I units may play an additional role in two point discrimination." ]
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[ "On Friday, the FBI busted the MAGAbomber who had allegedly sent mail bombs to prominent Democrats and to CNN.", "\n\nThe suspect, Cesar Sayoc, is a middle-aged Florida man who splits time living in his “filthy van” and at his mom’s house, has been bankrupt and who worked as a pizza delivery driver, where he insulted his lesbian boss.", "\n\nThe fact that Sayoc turned out to be a Trump supporter straight out of Central Casting tickled HBO’s Bill Maher, who opened his show by slamming Sayoc.", "\n\nADVERTISEMENT\n\n“He’s a typical Trump loser—blames everybody else because his life sucks,” Maher said.", "\n\nThe fact that Sayoc has a long criminal record and drives a “creepy van” while threatening Democrats was exactly as most people expected.", "\n\n“It turns out he is exactly what you thought—an angry a**hole in a red hat,” Maher said.", "\n\nMaher was almost in disbelief about just how much Sayoc fit the stereotype of a Trump supporter.", "\n\n“He lives in Planation, Florida? ", "Yes, I know. ", "How is that still a name? ", "Was ‘Slave Ship, Florida’ taken?” ", "Maher said.", "\n\nADVERTISEMENT\n\nMaher also mocked the Republican obsession with “civility.”", "\n\n“Is it OK to call this one deplorable?” ", "Maher said. “", "Or would that hurt Republican feelings?”", "\n\nWatch below." ]
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[ "Phosphorylation and activation of the cardiac isoenzyme of phosphorylase kinase by the cAMP-dependent protein kinase.", "\nThe cAMP-dependent protein kinase catalyzes the phosphorylation of the alpha- and beta-subunits of the cardiac isozyme of phosphorylase kinase. ", "beta-Subunit phosphorylation achieves a maximum level of between 1 to 2 mol of phosphate/mol of phosphorylase kinase, a value less than the stoichiometric content of beta-subunits in the enzyme. ", "This, less than stoichiometric incorporation, is not a result of the presence of endogenous phosphate in equivalent sites in the remaining beta-subunit moieties. ", "Pretreatment of phosphorylase kinase with phosphoprotein phosphatase, under conditions proven to dephosphorylate such sites, does not modify the observed extent of beta-subunit phosphorylation. ", "alpha'-Subunit phosphorylation is initiated at a slower rate than beta but achieves a higher maximum level of incorporation. ", "alpha'-Subunit phosphorylation, but not the extent of beta-subunit phosphorylation, is stimulated by MnCl2 and partially inhibited by NaF; neither is effected by ethylene glycol bis(beta-aminoethyl ether)-N,N,N',N'-tetraacetic acid. ", "The activation of cardiac phosphorylase kinase that occurs concomitantly with phosphorylation appears to be dependent upon phosphate incorporation into both the alpha- and beta-subunits. ", "At low levels of activation a close correlation is observed between activation and either alpha-subunit phosphorylation, beta-subunit phosphorylation, or total phosphorylation. ", "However, the cAMP-dependent catalyzed phosphorylation of alpha, at a time after which beta-subunit phosphorylation is already maximal, also results in activation of cardiac phosphorylase kinase." ]
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[ "Canadian passengers of a cruise ship that has been quarantined in Japan due to a coronavirus outbreak on board are still waiting to be repatriated as their American counterparts touched down in the U.S. on Monday.", "\n\nOn Saturday, the Canadian government said it had chartered a plane to bring home many of the 255 Canadians aboard Diamond Princess, off Yokohama, Japan, where some 3,500 passengers have been stuck for 10 days amid an outbreak of the novel coronavirus. ", "So far, more than 450 people have been infected, including 32 from Canada.", "\n\nLate Monday, Global Affairs responded to an email from a Canadian couple on board and told them the plane is expected to arrive in Japan on Feb. 19. ", "The aircraft will pick up Canadian passengers who are not showing symptoms.", "\n\nThe email reply said the departure date will be confirmed once final arrangements have been made with the Japanese government and the cruise ship company.", "\n\nThose who are transported back to Canada will be placed under quarantine for 14 days. ", "There are also 330 Hong Kong residents and 35 Italians, including crew members, on board the ship or undergoing treatment in Japanese hospitals.", "\n\nPassenger Trudy Clement, of Callander, Ont., ", "told CBC News Monday that she and her husband are still waiting for results from a throat swab they had taken two days ago to determine if they've contracted the virus.", "\n\n\"It's bad enough having to be here for two weeks but not knowing anything, it's extremely stressful,\" she said.", "\n\nWatch: Trudy Clement describes the wait for news aboard the Diamond Princess:\n\nThe Canadian government says it's chartered a plane to bring home many of the 255 Canadians aboard the cruise ship that has been quarantined for 10 days amid a coronavirus outbreak. ", "6:16\n\nThe quarantine in Canada will be good for the peace of mind of friends, family and the community, Clement said. ", "She said all the passengers she's been able to talk to agree that Canadian aid did not come quickly enough.", "\n\n\"If this had of been started earlier, it would have ended earlier,\" she said.", "\n\nIf she does test positive for the virus, she'll be removed from the ship and taken to hospital in Japan.", "\n\nIf not, the passengers will be tested for any symptoms when they disembark, then again when they arrive in Trenton, Ont. ", "Then they'll face another two-week quarantine in Cornwall, Ont.", "\n\n3/4 As we assist Canadians from the <a href=\"https://twitter.com/hashtag/DiamondPrincess?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw\">#DiamondPrincess</a> cruise ship, we are taking every precaution to keep them, and the local community, safe and healthy. ", "Thank you to the people of Cornwall for your collaboration and support. —", "@CPHO_Canada\n\nDr. Theresa Tam, Canada's chief public health officer, appeared to offer assurance on Monday that Cornwall has no worries about transmission.", "\n\nTam said Canadian health officials are \"taking every precaution\" to keep the city of about 46,000 \"safe and healthy,\" as those quarantined stay in an isolated section of the Nav Centre, a hotel and conference training facility in Cornwall.", "\n\nWatch: Health minister says Canadians to be repatriated this week:\n\nHealth Minister Patty Hajdu says the government is working to bring home a number of Canadians onboard the Diamond Princess cruise ship in quarantine off Japan. ", "0:24\n\nAmericans back home\n\nAlso on Monday, more than 300 American passengers, including 14 who tested positive for coronavirus, were being quarantined at military bases in California and Texas from Japan on charter flights overnight.", "\n\nOne plane carrying cruise passengers touched down at Travis Air Force Base in Northern California just before midnight Sunday, while another arrived at Lackland Air Force Base in Texas early Monday. ", "The passengers will remain at the bases for two weeks.", "\n\nJapan's Defence Minister Taro Kono tweeted earlier that Japanese troops helped transport 340 U.S. passengers on 14 buses from Yokohama port to Tokyo's Haneda airport. ", "About 380 Americans were on the cruise ship.", "\n\nU.S. passengers repatriated from a cruise ship in Japan disembark from a Kalitta Air flight at Kelly Field early Monday in San Antonio, Texas. (", "William Luther /The San Antonio Express-News/The Associated Press)\n\nThe U.S. said it arranged for the evacuation because people on the Diamond Princess were at a high risk of exposure to the new virus that's been spreading in Asia. ", "For the departing Americans, the evacuation cuts short a 14-day quarantine that began aboard the cruise ship Feb. 5.", "\n\nThe State Department announced later that 14 of the evacuees received confirmation they had the virus but were allowed to board the flight because they had no symptoms. ", "They were being kept isolated from other passengers on the flight, the U.S. State and Health and Human Services said in a joint statement.", "\n\nDr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases at the National Institutes of Health, said Sunday an infected person who shows minimal symptoms could still pass the virus to someone else.", "\n\nPaul Molesky, right, and Cheryl Molesky, who evacuated off the quarantined cruise ship the Diamond Princess, film a selfie video aboard a Kalitta Air plane bound for the U.S., at Haneda airport in Tokyo. (", "Cheryl and Paul Molesky/The Associated Press)\n\nIt's unclear which base the 14 who tested positive for the virus went to.", "\n\nOfficials said the evacuees who arrived at Travis Air Force Base will be housed at a different location from the more than 200 other Americans who were already being quarantined on the base, in a hotel. ", "Those people have been at the base since early February, when they arrived on flights from China.", "\n\nNo Travis officials will have contact with the passengers, officials said.", "\n\nNow that they're in the U.S., the cruise ship passengers must go through another 14 days of quarantine at the military facilities — meaning they will have been under quarantine for nearly four weeks.", "\n\nNew cases\n\nThe latest updates follow the release in China's official media of a recent speech by President Xi Jinping in which he indicated for the first time that he had led the response to the outbreak from early in the crisis. ", "While the reports were an apparent attempt to demonstrate the Communist Party leadership acted decisively from the start, it also opened Xi up to criticism over why the public was not alerted sooner.", "\n\nIn his speech, Xi said he gave instructions on fighting the virus on Jan. 7 and ordered the shutdown of the most-affected cities. ", "The disclosure of his speech indicates top leaders knew about the outbreak's potential severity at least two weeks before such dangers were made known to the public.", "\n\nThe death toll from the coronavirus outbreak in mainland China rose to 1,868 as of the end of Monday, up by 98 from the previous day, the National Health Commission said on Tuesday. ", "Across mainland China, there were 1,886 new confirmed infections on Monday, bringing the total so far to 72,436.", "\n\nA medical worker in protective suit takes a break at an isolated ward of Wuhan Red Cross Hospital in Wuhan, the epicentre of the novel coronavirus outbreak, in Hubei province, China, on Sunday. (", "China Daily via Reuters)\n\nWith fears of the virus spreading further, Chinese and residents of nearby countries and territories have begun hoarding supplies of everything from masks and other personal protective gear to instant noodles, cooking oil and toilet paper.", "\n\nIn Hong Kong, local media reported that police had arrested two men and were seeking three others who allegedly stole a load of 60 packs of toilet paper at knifepoint early Monday morning. ", "Supplies of the commodity have become extremely scarce, with often only low-quality imports still available. ", "Police were expected to discuss the matter later.", "\n\nAnother 1,200 doctors and nurses from China's military began arriving in Wuhan on Monday morning, the latest contingent sent to help shore up the city's overwhelmed health-care system.", "\n\nThe city has rapidly built two prefabricated hospitals and converted gymnasiums and other spaces into wards for those showing milder symptoms, but residents still say they are being wait-listed for beds and even ambulance rides.", "\n\nWuhan has accounted for the vast majority of mainland China's 70,548 cases. ", "Some 60 million people in that area and other parts of China are under lockdown in a bid to prevent the virus from spreading further." ]
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[ "Frontline Producer is proud to present a blockbusting collection of Electric & Acoustic Blues Guitar loops and samples, for producers of many styles looking for the sublime sound of Americana guitar.", "\n\nJohn \"Kones\" Konesky, legendary axe god with US Rock Band \"Tenacious D\", dims the lights, opens the Bourbon, flicks the switch and takes us out on to the highway, from the Beaches and Boulevards of LA to the Alabama swamps.", "\n\nThe pack aims to give maximum flexibility to producers wanting to bring a big splash of all American authenticity to any genre. ", "With picks, slides, power chords, chugs, riffs and dynamics, Americana is blazing a trail to new frontiers with this beautifully recorded, inspirational collection.", "\n\nFeaturing riffs including 4, 8 and 12 bar versions, enchanting Acoustic melodies and Slide guitar. ", "FX Riffs are also included with Delays, Echoes and Blues Distortion, Muted Notes and also plenty of riffs which move from Country to Hard Rock.", "\n\nAmericana features a wonderful range of rare and custom built guitars We bring the sounds of 1920's Martin acoustic to the latest proto type Duesenberg Starplayer electric with all the sounds in between .These are guitars that you do not find hanging around any old studio and have been specifically chosen to work with this pack\n\nAmericana weighs in at over 700MB and features 194 loops recorded at pristine 24Bit between 80 - 130Bpm.", "\n\nAmericana is a fantastically played and recorded selection of royalty free samples, with inspirational melodies and authentic blues style. ", "Suitable for TV and Film composers, Hip Hop and Downtempo and musicians working in all Dance styles.", "\n\nPlease Note: When selecting the appropriate download version for your requirements the Zip (Main) format includes Acidised Wav and Rex2 Loops – all single (non looping) sounds and Sampler Patches for Kontakt, Halion, NNXT, EXS24 soft samplers. ", "Reason Refill, Ableton Live Packs and Apple Loops are not included, and must be purchased where available as a separate downloads. ", "Apple Loops packs also include any single hits and EXS patches where applicable.", "\n\nIf in doubt we recommend you purchase the Zip(main) format which is usable with nearly all music applications and software." ]
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[ "Walnut consumption in hyperlipidemic patients.", "\nWalnut (Juglans regia L.) is described as an anticancer, tonic, blood purifier, and detoxifier agent. ", "It is said that nuts have favorable fatty acids and nutrients. ", "This study was performed to determine the lipid-lowering properties of walnut in a population in Shiraz, Southern Iran. ", "In a randomized case-control study, 52 volunteers were divided into 2 groups: Group A consumed walnuts, 20 grams per day for 8 weeks and the control group (group B) consumed no walnuts. ", "Triglycerides, total high-density lipoprotein (HDL), and low-density lipoprotein (LDL) levels were checked for each subject prior to, after 4 weeks, and at 8 weeks after the beginning of the study. ", "In group A, the mean plasma TG level dropped by 17.1% from the baseline and HDL cholesterol also increased significantly by 9%. ", "It was shown that frequent consumption of nuts in the daily diet was associated with a potentially decreased risk of coronary artery disease by decreasing the level of triglyceride and increasing the level of HDL." ]
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[ "(Jan. 18, 2015) It was a good week for American journalism. ", "To state the obvious, there is no justification for the brutal attack on the French satirical weekly Charlie Hebdo by al-Qaida-inspired extremists. ", "The fallout, however, has sparked one of the healthiest debates about journalistic rights and responsibilities American journalism has seen in recent years. […]", "\n\n(Sept. 27, 2012) The pen is mightier than the sword, but it is also far more lethal when manipulated irresponsibly. ", "Consider Charb. ", "There is a ridiculous photo circulating on the web showing the editor of Charlie Hebdo (Charlie Weekly), the French satirical magazine. ", "He goes by the name Charb, and in one hand he holds […]" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nHow to repeat local notifications every day at different times\n\nI'm working on a prayers application that enables users to set an alarm(local notification) for prayer times, i.e. the user sets the application to notify him for Fajr prayer every day, the problem is that the time for each prayer changes daily so the time the app will notify the user for fair in thursday will differ from the time in friday, i need to repeat the local notification every day but according to the daily prayer time, please, could anyone give me an idea?", "\n\nA:\n\nThere are a few possible solutions for this. ", "It might be safer to use an approach where a limited number of notifications are scheduled at a time, since iOS only keeps the 64 soonest notifications:\n\nAn app can have only a limited number of scheduled notifications; the system keeps the soonest-firing 64 notifications (with automatically rescheduled notifications counting as a single notification) and discards the rest.", "\n\nSource: UILocalNotification class reference\nIt is also not a good idea to rely on using the UILocalNotification passed into application:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:, since it is only passed when the user swipes the notification:\n\nLook at the launch options dictionary to determine why your app was launched. ", "The application:willFinishLaunchingWithOptions: and application:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions: methods provide a dictionary with keys indicating the reason that your app was launched.", "\n\nThe key value for launching in response to a local notification is:\nUIApplicationLaunchOptionsLocalNotificationKey\nSource: UIApplicationDelegate class reference\nOption 1: schedule one day at a time (Code for this is provided below)\nOne way to handle the scheduling of notifications is to present a schedule to the user, where the day's notifications are scheduled at the time of the initial opening of the app.", "\nUse a CustomNotificationManager class to handle notifications whose times are variable (code provided below). ", "In your AppDelegate, you can delegate to this class the handling of the local notifications, which will either schedule the current day's notifications plus the following day's fixed-time notification, or respond to a prayer notification.", "\nIf the User opens the app in response to a prayer notification, the app can direct the user to an appropriate part of the app. ", "If the user opens the app in response to the fixed-time notification, the app will schedule that day's local notifications according to the User's date and location.", "\nOption 2 (Slightly slimmer approach, but which provides less to the User)\nAnother approach is to simply use a prayer notification's app launch to schedule the one that immediately follows. ", "However, this is less reliable, and does not provide the ability to preview a schedule of notifications.", "\nNotification Manager Header file\n@interface CustomNotificationManager : NSObject\n\n- (void) handleLocalNotification:(UILocalNotification *localNotification);\n\n@end\n\nNotification Manager Implementation file\n#import \"CustomNotificationManager.h\"\n\n#define CustomNotificationManager_FirstNotification @\"firstNotification\"\n\n@implementation CustomNotificationManager\n\n- (instancetype) init\n{\n self = [super init];\n\n if (self) {\n\n }\n\n return self;\n}\n\n- (void) handleLocalNotification:(UILocalNotification *)localNotification\n{\n //Determine if this is the notification received at a fixed time,\n // used to trigger the scheculing of today's notifications\n NSDictionary *notificationDict = [localNotification userInfo];\n if (notificationDict[CustomNotificationManager_FirstNotification]) {\n //TODO: use custom algorithm to create notification times, using today's date and location\n //Replace this line with use of algorithm\n NSArray *notificationTimes = [NSArray new];\n\n [self scheduleLocalNotifications:notificationTimes];\n } else {\n //Handle a prayer notification\n }\n\n}\n\n/**\n * Schedule local notifications for each time in the notificationTimes array.", "\n *\n * notificationTimes must be an array of NSTimeInterval values, set as intervalas\n * since 1970.", "\n */\n- (void) scheduleLocalNotifications:(NSArray *)notificationTimes\n{\n for (NSNumber *notificationTime in notificationTimes) {\n //Optional: create the user info for this notification\n NSDictionary *userInfo = @{};\n\n //Create the local notification\n UILocalNotification *localNotification = [self createLocalNotificationWithFireTimeInterval:notificationTime\n alertAction:@\"View\"\n alertBody:@\"It is time for your next prayer.\"", "\n userInfo:userInfo];\n\n //Schedule the notification on the device\n [[UIApplication sharedApplication] scheduleLocalNotification:localNotification];\n }\n\n /* Schedule a notification for the following day, to come before all other notifications.", "\n *\n * This notification will trigger the app to schedule notifications, when\n * the app is opened.", "\n */\n\n //Set a flag in the user info, to set a flag to let the app know that it needs to schedule notifications\n NSDictionary *userInfo = @{ CustomNotificationManager_FirstNotification : @1 };\n\n NSNumber *firstNotificationTimeInterval = [self firstNotificationTimeInterval];\n\n UILocalNotification *firstNotification = [self createLocalNotificationWithFireTimeInterval:firstNotificationTimeInterval\n alertAction:@\"View\"\n alertBody:@\"View your prayer times for today.\"", "\n userInfo:userInfo];\n\n //Schedule the notification on the device\n [[UIApplication sharedApplication] scheduleLocalNotification:firstNotification];\n}\n\n- (UILocalNotification *) createLocalNotificationWithFireTimeInterval:(NSNumber *)fireTimeInterval\n alertAction:(NSString *)alertAction\n alertBody:(NSString *)alertBody\n userInfo:(NSDictionary *)userInfo\n\n{\n UILocalNotification *localNotification = [[UILocalNotification alloc] init];\n if (!", "localNotification) {\n NSLog(@\"Could not create a local notification.\");", "\n return nil;\n }\n\n //Set the delivery date and time of the notification\n long long notificationTime = [fireTimeInterval longLongValue];\n NSDate *notificationDate = [NSDate dateWithTimeIntervalSince1970:notificationTime];\n localNotification.fireDate = notificationDate;\n\n //Set the slider button text\n localNotification.alertAction = alertAction;\n\n //Set the alert body of the notification\n localNotification.alertBody = alertBody;\n\n //Set any userInfo, e.g. userID etc. (", "Useful for app with multi-user signin)\n //The userInfo is read in the AppDelegate, via application:didReceiveLocalNotification:\n localNotification.userInfo = userInfo;\n\n //Set the timezone, to allow for adjustment for when the user is traveling\n localNotification.timeZone = [NSTimeZone localTimeZone];\n\n return localNotification;\n}\n\n/**\n * Calculate and return a number with an NSTimeInterval for the fixed daily\n * notification time.", "\n */\n- (NSNumber *) firstNotificationTimeInterval\n{\n //Create a Gregorian calendar\n NSCalendar *cal = [[NSCalendar alloc] initWithCalendarIdentifier:NSCalendarIdentifierGregorian];\n\n //Date components for next day\n NSDateComponents *dateComps = [[NSDateComponents alloc] init];\n dateComps.day = 1;\n\n //Get a date for tomorrow, same time\n NSDate *today = [NSDate date];\n NSDate *tomorrow = [cal dateByAddingComponents:dateComps toDate:today options:0];\n\n //Date components for the date elements to be preserved, when we change the hour\n NSDateComponents *preservedComps = [cal components:(NSCalendarUnitYear | NSCalendarUnitMonth | NSCalendarUnitDay) fromDate:tomorrow];\n preservedComps.hour = 5;\n tomorrow = [cal dateFromComponents:preservedComps];\n\n NSTimeInterval notificationTimeInterval = [tomorrow timeIntervalSince1970];\n\n NSNumber *notificationTimeIntervalNum = [NSNumber numberWithLongLong:notificationTimeInterval];\n\n return notificationTimeIntervalNum;\n}\n\n@end\n\nAppDelegate didReceiveLocalNotification Implementation\n- (void) application:(UIApplication *)application didReceiveLocalNotification:(UILocalNotification *)notification\n{\n CustomNotificationManager *notificationManager = [[CustomNotificationManager alloc] init];\n [notificationManager handleLocalNotification:notification];\n}\n\nSuggestion for possible modification: If the CustomNotificationManager needs to maintain state, you could convert it to a Singleton.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "JERICHO (Ma'an) -- Israel prevented 50 Palestinians from traveling via the Allenby Bridge over the last week for alleged security reasons, while 31 were detained, according to a statement by the Palestinian police.", "\n\nThe statement reported that the 31 Palestinians detained were wanted by the Israeli authorities and banned from entering or leaving via the bridge between the occupied West Bank and Jordan.", "\n\nOver 34,000 Palestinians traveled through the Allenby Bridge crossing this week.", "\n\nThe Israeli authorities regularly detain Palestinians who attempt to cross the Allenby Bridge. ", "Last week, a Palestinian journalist was detained while en route to Bosnia to attend a European Union for Journalists conference. ", "His continued detention has been condemned by the international community.", "\n\nThe Allenby Bridge is the only crossing Palestinians in the occupied West Bank can take to leave or enter Jordan, while most are forced to pass through the crossing for any overseas travel via the Amman international airport." ]
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[ "Pages\n\nThursday, April 10, 2014\n\nOPI Orange You Going To the Game?", "\n\nOPI Orange You Going To the Game? (", "2 coats)\n\n\n\nfrom the Major League Baseball Fashion Plate Collection\n\nMy Mini Hitters set, available on Amazon for $18.25, came in yesterday and I couldn't wait to try another shade from this collection. ", "Six of the seven shades in the MLB Collection are featured in the mini set. (", "Right Off the Bat, a frosty navy blue, is not included in the mini set).", "\n\nI found Orange You Going To the Game? ", "to be sadly very brush stroke-y. So disappointed! ", "It's a really pretty springy shade, but the brush strokes ruin it for me.\n\nOPI announces the launch of seven new limited edition nail lacquers inspired by Major League Baseball (MLB), marking the first-ever professional sports league licensing agreement for the company. ", "Featuring a range of red, orange, blue and white hues, MLB Collection by OPI shades are ideal to mix, match and wear while fans cheer on their favorite MLB team.", "\n\nIn the set:\nUmpires Comes Out At Night\nGirls Love Diamonds\n7th Inning Strrretch\nShort-STOP!", "\nOrange You Going To the Game?", "\n\nDisclosures\n\nThis blog is a personal blog written and edited by me. ", "For questions about this blog, please contact Sasha (barelytogether at yahoo dot com).", "\n\nThis blog accepts forms of cash advertising, sponsorship, paid insertions or other forms of compensation.", "\n\nThe compensation received will never influence the content, topics or posts made in this blog. ", "All advertising is in the form of advertisements generated by a third party ad network. ", "Those advertisements will be identified as paid advertisements.", "\n\nThe owner(s) of this blog is not compensated to provide opinion on products, services, websites and various other topics. ", "The views and opinions expressed on this blog are purely the blog owners. ", "If we claim or appear to be experts on a certain topic or product or service area, we will only endorse products or services that we believe, based on our expertise, are worthy of such endorsement. ", "Any product claim, statistic, quote or other representation about a product or service should be verified with the manufacturer or provider.", "\n\nThis blog does not contain any content which might present a conflict of interest." ]
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[ "Stoyan Gunchev\n\nStoyan Gunchev (, born February 11, 1958) is a Bulgarian former volleyball player who competed in the 1980 Summer Olympics.", "\n\nIn 1980 he was part of the Bulgarian team which won the silver medal in the Olympic tournament. ", "He played four matches.", "\n\nExternal links\nprofile\n\nCategory:1958 births\nCategory:Living people\nCategory:Bulgarian men's volleyball players\nCategory:Olympic volleyball players of Bulgaria\nCategory:Volleyball players at the 1980 Summer Olympics\nCategory:Olympic silver medalists for Bulgaria\nCategory:Olympic medalists in volleyball\nCategory:Medalists at the 1980 Summer Olympics" ]
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[ "Corpse Princess, Vol. ", "14 - Manga\n\nAbout this eBook\n\nNone may oppose heaven's mandate. ", "That is Absolute. ", "So says Ma'en Sugami of the unclean bunch. \"\"", "Operation Sealed Deity\"\" is the mission to defeat him, but even hope is lost in the face of this king's power. ", "Takamasa is driven to despair when faced with overwhelming calamity. ", "Meanwhile, Ouri, Makina, Sadahiro, and Akasha are bound by their regret over Keisei.", "\n\n* Amount of granted coin(s) may change when purchasing multiple items. ", "Please check the settlement page for the determined value.", "\n* Boosted Coin will not be granted when using coupons.", "\n* Pre-order Coin (x5) is calculated based upon the Standard Coin.", "\n\n* This item is an eBook (digital content), not a printed book.", "\n* Please check your device (iOS, Android) supports the BOOK☆WALKER app before purchasing by downloading the app when you will use the app.", "\n* Dates and times on BOOK☆WALKER are based on PST (Pacific Standard Time)." ]
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[ "The disclosure of U.S. Provisional Application No. ", "61/527,455, filed Aug. 25, 2011, is hereby incorporated herein in its entirety by reference.", "\nContinuously variable transmissions utilizing a hydrostatic power unit, hereinafter sometimes referred to as hydro-mechanical continuously variable transmissions, are well known. ", "A variety of work machines utilize this type of transmission for industries such as agriculture, earth moving, construction, forestry, and mining. ", "In operation, the fluid displacement of the hydrostatic power unit is varied to change the output to input ratio of the transmission, that is, the ratio between the rotating output of the transmission, and the input. ", "This is accomplished by varying the angle in a swash plate of a variable displacement fluid pump or motor of the hydrostatic unit. ", "In a common mode of operation referred to as a shuttle shift, the direction of movement of the machine is changed, often under load, a common example of which being when a tractor loader moves in one direction to pick or scoop up a load, then lifts the load and reverses direction, often involving a turning movement, and unloads the load. ", "This sequence is then reversed, and is often repeated many times. ", "Sometimes, such shuttle shifting operations are performed on slopes or inclines. ", "Such movements tend to subject elements of the transmission to wear and tear, and can raise the temperature of various elements, particularly clutches, and thus raise performance, longevity and reliability concerns. ", "It is also typically desired for shuttle shifts to be completed relatively quickly and seamlessly, with little or no jerking or lurching of the machine.", "\nIn one category of the transmissions, the hydrostatic power unit is configured such that to effect movement of the vehicle in one direction, a swash plate of the unit will be tilted in one direction. ", "To effect vehicle movement in the opposite direction, the swash plate is tilted in the opposite direction. ", "When no vehicle movement is sought, e.g., no forward or rearward motion, the swash plate of the unit is moved to a zero tilt angle or near zero angle. ", "Then, to effect movement of the vehicle in one direction or the other, the swash plate is appropriately tilted in the requisite direction to the requisite angle. ", "In this category of transmission, if multiple speed ranges are provided, zero speed for each range will be the zero or near zero position, which presents no problem or limitation for shuttle shifting to move the vehicle in opposite directions.", "\nHowever, another category of continuously variable transmissions, commonly used in a variety of heavy vehicles such as work machines, including for construction, earth moving, forestry, and agriculture, wherein shuttle shifting commonly used, employs a hydrostatic power unit configured such that at zero vehicle or machine speed, the swash plate of the hydrostatic power unit is at full displacement or near full displacement, in one direction or the other, depending on the range selected, direction of travel and possibly other factors. ", "Reference as an example in this regard, Weeramantry, U.S. Pat. ", "No. ", "7,063,638 B2, issued Jun. 20, 2006. ", "When shuttle shifting this type of transmission, the common practice is to reduce the gear ratio to achieve zero vehicle speed, and then shift the transmission to move the machine in the opposite direction. ", "When zero vehicle speed is reached, some time will be required to move the swash plate to its new position, and during this time the operator can apply a brake or engage a combination of opposing clutches to hold the wheels or tracks. ", "However, a shortcoming of this manner of shifting is that a delay can result as the swash plate is moved. ", "As another possible shortcoming, repeatedly performing shuttle shifts in the same manner can raise temperature related performance and reliability issues, particularly if the brake is repeatedly used to decelerate the vehicle or the same clutch is repeatedly used to decelerate and/or accelerate the vehicle during the shifts. ", "Additionally, not all shuttle shifts are performed under the same conditions, and it can be desirable to have alternative manners of performing a shuttle shift for the different conditions.", "\nThus, what is sought is a manner of overcoming one or more of the disadvantages or shortcomings, and achieving one or more of the desired characteristics, set forth above." ]
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[ "Reaction of protonated tyrosine with electronically excited singlet molecular oxygen (a1Delta(g)): an experimental and trajectory study.", "\nReaction of protonated tyrosine with the lowest electronically excited singlet state of molecular oxygen, (1)O(2) (a(1)Delta(g)), is reported over the center-of-mass collision energy (E(col)) range from 0.1 to 3.0 eV, using an electrospray-ionization, guided-ion-beam scattering instrument, in conjunction with ab initio electronic structure calculations and direct dynamics trajectory simulations. ", "Only one product channel is observed, corresponding to generation of hydrogen peroxide via transfer of two hydrogen atoms from protonated tyrosine. ", "Despite being exoergic, the reaction is in competition with physical quenching of (1)O(2) and is very inefficient. ", "At low E(col), the reaction may be mediated by intermediate complexes and shows strong inhibition by collision energy. ", "At high E(col), the reaction efficiency drops to approximately 1% and starts to have contribution from a direct mechanism. ", "Quasi-classical trajectory simulations were performed to probe the mechanism at high collision energies. ", "Analysis of trajectories shows that, at E(col) of 3.0 eV, a small fraction of hydrogen peroxide (25%) is produced via a direct, concerted mechanism where two hydrogen atoms are transferred simultaneously, but most hydrogen peroxide (75%) is formed by dissociation of hydroperoxide intermediates. ", "According to ab initio calculations and trajectory simulations, collisions also lead to formation of various endoperoxides, and dissociation of endoperoxides may play a role in physical quenching of (1)O(2). ", "The apparatus and experimental techniques are described in detail." ]
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[ "The host specificity of enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli (ETEC) strains is conferred by the attachment mechanism of these bacteria to the small bowel mucosa. ", "This attachment has been shown to be pili-mediated in strains causing diarrheal disease in animals where binding is associated with the K88 and K99 antigens. ", "The study of the attachment of human-specific ETEC requires human small intestinal cells as an appropriate model system. ", "We have obtained small intestinal cells from healthy, long-term ileostomy patients, by lavage and scraping of the ileal mucosa. ", "Initial results using a radioactively labeled bacteria in a binding assay indicate that human ETEC strains attach to these human intestinal cells. ", "Following the establishment of optimal binding conditions, a wide variety of organisms including human ETEC, animal ETEC, and nontoxigenic E. coli strains will be tested in this adherence model. ", "Several types of pili have been implicated in bacterial attachment to eukaryotic cells: type 1 pili, CFA pili, and the attachment pili isolated from human ETEC in our laboratory. ", "Isolated and purified pili of these recognized types will be used to measure binding to human intestinal cells, to determine the relationship of these pili types and colonization of the human small intestine. ", "We will also continue to develop antisera against the attachment pili isolated from ETEC. ", "We currently find 3 serologically distinct pili types on human ETEC strains. ", "Antisera developed against these 3 types react with 56% of the human ETEC strains in our collection, but no fecal E. coli from healthy adults and animal ETEC strains. ", "The overall goal of these studies is to define the mechanism of attachment of ETEC to human intestinal mucosal cells." ]
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[ "Thank you for the Liebster award!", "\n\nBenjamin Brede nominated me for the Liebster award. ", "It was a very, very nice surprise. ", "So thank you for that, Benjamin.", "\n\nThe Liebster Award is an award that welcomes “new” bloggers that have less than 1,000 followers. ", "It’s an awesome award that brings recognition to new bloggers and also opens up an opportunity to get to know more about them.", "\n\nThe rules are:\n\n1.) ", "Link back to the person who nominated you.", "\n\n2.) ", "Share 11 facts about yourself.", "\n\n3.) ", "Answer 11 questions that were asked by the person who nominated you.", "\n\n4.) ", "Nominate 11 people who you think deserve the Liebster Award.", "\n\n5.) ", "Ask 11 questions to your nominees to answer.", "\n\nEleven facts about me? ", "Seriously? ", "You think I can come up with eleven (!) ", "facts that would be interesting enough to post here? ", "I’ll try but I can’t make any promises.", "\n\nFacts\n\n1 – I love ice cream.", "\n\n2 – When I was a teen, I watched Tequila Sunrise so many times that I knew the film by heart. ", "Like, the entire film!", "\n\n3 – I wish I lived by the ocean.", "\n\n4 – Apart from writing, my other passion is cooking (can’t you tell from all the recipes I post here?)", "\n\n5 – I want to travel to Scandinavia.", "\n\n6 – I have never in my life owned a car, an aprtment or a house.", "\n\n7 – I love airports. ", "I’d spend hours there if I could (I once did when I missed a connecting flight in Vienna).", "\n\n8 – … er, what else? ", "Out of all my friends and family, I always have the most ancient cell phone, but the newest laptop. ", "What can I say, I hate phones, love computers.", "\n\n9 – I love getting snail mail. ", "There’s nothing better than a package in my mailbox. ", "If it’s a new book, all the better.", "\n\n11 – … er … I hate having to think up facts about myself? ", "Does that count? ", "Oh, how about this: a few years back, I went bungee jumping? ", "It was sublime. ", "Kind of like surfing, only crazier and less graceful.", "\n\nOk, now on to the questions that Benjamin asked:\n\n1 – What is your favorite memory?", "\n\nEvery memory of the month spent in Australia.", "\n\n2 – What is your favorite thing to talk about?", "\n\nWriting, psychology, politics, sports …\n\n3 – What is your favorite thing to write about (this is very different than the previous question)?", "\n\nInteresting characters, angst, love.", "\n\n4 – What is your favorite thing about yourself?", "\n\nEmpathy.", "\n\n5 – If you could live anywhere for three months, where would it be?", "\n\nAustralia or Scandinavia.", "\n\n6 – Why do you write?", "\n\nIt’s who I am. ", "I don’t remember a time in my life when I wouldn’t be making up stories and later, when I learned to write, putting them down on paper.", "\n\n7 – What keeps you motivated?", "\n\nTo write? ", "See above. ", "I don’t need any particular motivation; it’s as vital to me as breathing. ", "Publishing things, that’s a different story.", "\n\nNot sure. ", "Us being the only intelligent (?) ", "species doesn’t make sense. ", "But I have yet to see evidence to the contrary.", "\n\n11 – Tell me a story.", "\n\nThere was a little girl who had a younger sister. ", "Out of the goodness of her heart, she sneaked into Mum’s pantry and nicked a piece of chocolate to give to her sister. ", "While she was at school, the younger sister followed her sibling’s steps and found the chocolate and ate it whole. ", "When the older sister returned from school, she got an earful for eating the entire chocolate. ", "It’s a true story.", "\n\nMy questions to the nominees:\n\n1 – Why or when did you start writing your blog?", "\n\n2 – What do you most often blog about?", "\n\n3 – Do you primarily write your blog for the visitors/followers or for yourself?", "\n\n4 – What is your favorite dish?", "\n\n5 – Who are you rooting for at the FIFA World Cup 2014?", "\n\n6 – If you won the lottery, how would you spend the money?", "\n\n7 – Do you prefer print or eBooks?", "\n\n8 – Your all time favorite novel is …\n\n9 – Harry Potter or Twilight?", "\n\n10 – What’s your biggest dream?", "\n\n11 – What is your guilty pleasure?", "\n\nAnd the nominees are (I didn’t make it to 11, I’m only getting to know new bloggers):\n\nPost navigation\n\n4 thoughts on “Thank you for the Liebster award!”", "\n\nThanks for the nomination Bridie! ", "You’re a gem! ", "I have to admit, I’m a fan of airports as well. ", "Airports are awesome. ", "To me they mean going somewhere, the specifics aren’t important, just means you’re going somewhere other than here 😀\n\nThanks for nominating me. ", "I bookmarked this to remind myself to share my interesting facts. ", "I’ve lived by the ocean. ", "It’s wonderful. ", "I like airports for the variety of food and time to read and write as I wait. ", "It’s also great to people watch." ]
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[ "The Best of UFO (1974–1983)\n\nThe Best of UFO (1974–1983) is a greatest hits collection by the British hard rock band UFO, released in 2008. ", "All songs were digitally remastered in 2007 and 2008.", "\n\nTrack listing\n\"Rock Bottom\" - 6:30\n\"Oh My\" - 2:24\n\"Let It Roll\" - 3:56\n\"Shoot Shoot\" - 3:38\n\"Can You Roll Her\" - 2:56\n\"I'm a Loser\" - 3:53\n\"Natural Thing\" - 4:00\n\"Lights Out\" - 4:30\n\"Love to Love\" - 7:04\n\"Too Hot to Handle\" - 3:37\n\"Only You Can Rock Me\" (7\" version) - 3:31\n\"Doctor Doctor\" (live 7\" edit) - 3:41\n\"Lettin' Go\" - 4:02\n\"Young Blood\" (7\" edit) - 3:06\n\"Lonely Heart\" (7\" edit) - 4:13\n\"Chains Chains\" - 3:25\n\"Let It Rain\" - 4:01\n\"We Belong to the Night\" - 3:59\n\"When It's Time to Rock\" - 3:46\n\nReferences\n\nCategory:2008 greatest hits albums\nCategory:UFO (band) compilation albums\nCategory:Chrysalis Records compilation albums" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Wikipedia (en)" }
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[ "Nice Our Adventure Building A Western Red Cedar Privacy Fence In Dallas Build Your Own Fence\n\nShare this post\n\nNice Our Adventure Building A Western Red Cedar Privacy Fence In Dallas Build Your Own Fence - The image above with the title Nice Our Adventure Building A Western Red Cedar Privacy Fence In Dallas Build Your Own Fence, is part of Build Your Own Fence picture gallery. ", "Size for this image is 630 × 354, a part of Ideas for Fences category and tagged with Your, Build, Fence, Own, published April 20th, 2018 09:22:01 AM by Jeremy. ", "Find or search for images related to \"Nice Our Adventure Building A Western Red Cedar Privacy Fence In Dallas Build Your Own Fence\" in another posts.", "Back to: Build Your Own Fence." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
[ 0, 0.012422360248447204, 0, 0 ]
[ "Kevin Butler: VP of Accidental Retweets\n\nFebruary 9, 2011 Written by Corey Schwanz\n\nOh that Kevin Butler. ", "He’s done wonders for Sony and the PlayStation branding. ", "Why, oh why KB would you do something like this? ", "Do you think Sony might fire the gaming demigod for something of this magnitude?", "\n\nKevin Butler is awesome. ", "We all know it. ", "After the price-drop of the PlayStation 3 a year and a half ago and the new face added to the campaign, things have been going great. ", "His Twitter personality has been even more astounding it seems with the kinds of hilarious one-liners and witty quips that he comes up with on a daily basis. ", "Unfortunately someone seems to have gotten the best of whoever runs that account last night. ", "Last night Twitter user @exiva (Travis La Marr) taunted KB with by tweeting him the PS3 Security Key. ", "Whoever was replied as KB’s account last night apparently didn’t understand what the code and actually retweeted the code. ", "Don’t believe it? ", "Here’s a screenshot, censored of course.", "\n\nNo, it’s not a Battleship reference. ", "The tweet was almost immediately taken down, but it’s hard to look past the irony of it all. ", "La Marr holds no true ill will against Sony but is one of those people who is for the public knowledge of the key. ", "Just as a matter of principal rather than malicious intent. ", "He actually doesn’t even own a PS3. ", "Sorry KB, someone seems to have gotten the best of you this time. ", "Maybe you should change your title (just for today) to VP of Epic Fail." ]
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[ "Ficus palmata\n\nFicus palmata commonly known as bedu or Punjab fig is one of the tallest wild fig commonly found in Uttarakhand in Mid-himalayan region. ", "The fruit is quite tasty and grows around villages, forest, wastelands, fields etc.", "\n\nReferences\n\npalmata\nCategory:Plants described in 1775\nCategory:Trees of Western Asia\nCategory:Flora of India (region)\nCategory:Trees of Nepal" ]
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[ 0.006535947712418301, 0, 0.006993006993006993 ]
[ "/*\n * The canonical list of T10 Additional Sense Codes is available at:\n * http://www.t10.org/lists/asc-num.txt [most recent: 20141221]\n */\n\nSENSE_CODE(0x0000, \"No additional sense information\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x0001, \"Filemark detected\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x0002, \"End-of-partition/medium detected\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x0003, \"Setmark detected\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x0004, \"Beginning-of-partition/medium detected\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x0005, \"End-of-data detected\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x0006, \"I/O process terminated\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x0007, \"Programmable early warning detected\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x0011, \"Audio play operation in progress\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x0012, \"Audio play operation paused\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x0013, \"Audio play operation successfully completed\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x0014, \"Audio play operation stopped due to error\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x0015, \"No current audio status to return\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x0016, \"Operation in progress\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x0017, \"Cleaning requested\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x0018, \"Erase operation in progress\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x0019, \"Locate operation in progress\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x001A, \"Rewind operation in progress\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x001B, \"Set capacity operation in progress\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x001C, \"Verify operation in progress\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x001D, \"ATA pass through information available\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x001E, \"Conflicting SA creation request\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x001F, \"Logical unit transitioning to another power condition\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x0020, \"Extended copy information available\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x0021, \"Atomic command aborted due to ACA\")\n\nSENSE_CODE(0x0100, \"No index/sector signal\")\n\nSENSE_CODE(0x0200, \"No seek complete\")\n\nSENSE_CODE(0x0300, \"Peripheral device write fault\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x0301, \"No write current\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x0302, \"Excessive write errors\")\n\nSENSE_CODE(0x0400, \"Logical unit not ready, cause not reportable\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x0401, \"Logical unit is in process of becoming ready\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x0402, \"Logical unit not ready, initializing command required\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x0403, \"Logical unit not ready, manual intervention required\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x0404, \"Logical unit not ready, format in progress\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x0405, \"Logical unit not ready, rebuild in progress\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x0406, \"Logical unit not ready, recalculation in progress\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x0407, \"Logical unit not ready, operation in progress\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x0408, \"Logical unit not ready, long write in progress\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x0409, \"Logical unit not ready, self-test in progress\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x040A, \"Logical unit not accessible, asymmetric access state transition\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x040B, \"Logical unit not accessible, target port in standby state\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x040C, \"Logical unit not accessible, target port in unavailable state\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x040D, \"Logical unit not ready, structure check required\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x040E, \"Logical unit not ready, security session in progress\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x0410, \"Logical unit not ready, auxiliary memory not accessible\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x0411, \"Logical unit not ready, notify (enable spinup) required\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x0412, \"Logical unit not ready, offline\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x0413, \"Logical unit not ready, SA creation in progress\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x0414, \"Logical unit not ready, space allocation in progress\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x0415, \"Logical unit not ready, robotics disabled\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x0416, \"Logical unit not ready, configuration required\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x0417, \"Logical unit not ready, calibration required\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x0418, \"Logical unit not ready, a door is open\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x0419, \"Logical unit not ready, operating in sequential mode\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x041A, \"Logical unit not ready, start stop unit command in progress\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x041B, \"Logical unit not ready, sanitize in progress\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x041C, \"Logical unit not ready, additional power use not yet granted\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x041D, \"Logical unit not ready, configuration in progress\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x041E, \"Logical unit not ready, microcode activation required\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x041F, \"Logical unit not ready, microcode download required\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x0420, \"Logical unit not ready, logical unit reset required\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x0421, \"Logical unit not ready, hard reset required\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x0422, \"Logical unit not ready, power cycle required\")\n\nSENSE_CODE(0x0500, \"Logical unit does not respond to selection\")\n\nSENSE_CODE(0x0600, \"No reference position found\")\n\nSENSE_CODE(0x0700, \"Multiple peripheral devices selected\")\n\nSENSE_CODE(0x0800, \"Logical unit communication failure\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x0801, \"Logical unit communication time-out\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x0802, \"Logical unit communication parity error\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x0803, \"Logical unit communication CRC error (Ultra-DMA/32)\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x0804, \"Unreachable copy target\")\n\nSENSE_CODE(0x0900, \"Track following error\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x0901, \"Tracking servo failure\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x0902, \"Focus servo failure\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x0903, \"Spindle servo failure\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x0904, \"Head select fault\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x0905, \"Vibration induced tracking error\")\n\nSENSE_CODE(0x0A00, \"Error log overflow\")\n\nSENSE_CODE(0x0B00, \"Warning\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x0B01, \"Warning - specified temperature exceeded\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x0B02, \"Warning - enclosure degraded\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x0B03, \"Warning - background self-test failed\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x0B04, \"Warning - background pre-scan detected medium error\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x0B05, \"Warning - background medium scan detected medium error\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x0B06, \"Warning - non-volatile cache now volatile\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x0B07, \"Warning - degraded power to non-volatile cache\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x0B08, \"Warning - power loss expected\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x0B09, \"Warning - device statistics notification active\")\n\nSENSE_CODE(0x0C00, \"Write error\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x0C01, \"Write error - recovered with auto reallocation\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x0C02, \"Write error - auto reallocation failed\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x0C03, \"Write error - recommend reassignment\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x0C04, \"Compression check miscompare error\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x0C05, \"Data expansion occurred during compression\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x0C06, \"Block not compressible\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x0C07, \"Write error - recovery needed\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x0C08, \"Write error - recovery failed\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x0C09, \"Write error - loss of streaming\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x0C0A, \"Write error - padding blocks added\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x0C0B, \"Auxiliary memory write error\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x0C0C, \"Write error - unexpected unsolicited data\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x0C0D, \"Write error - not enough unsolicited data\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x0C0E, \"Multiple write errors\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x0C0F, \"Defects in error window\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x0C10, \"Incomplete multiple atomic write operations\")\n\nSENSE_CODE(0x0D00, \"Error detected by third party temporary initiator\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x0D01, \"Third party device failure\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x0D02, \"Copy target device not reachable\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x0D03, \"Incorrect copy target device type\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x0D04, \"Copy target device data underrun\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x0D05, \"Copy target device data overrun\")\n\nSENSE_CODE(0x0E00, \"Invalid information unit\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x0E01, \"Information unit too short\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x0E02, \"Information unit too long\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x0E03, \"Invalid field in command information unit\")\n\nSENSE_CODE(0x1000, \"Id CRC or ECC error\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x1001, \"Logical block guard check failed\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x1002, \"Logical block application tag check failed\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x1003, \"Logical block reference tag check failed\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x1004, \"Logical block protection error on recover buffered data\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x1005, \"Logical block protection method error\")\n\nSENSE_CODE(0x1100, \"Unrecovered read error\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x1101, \"Read retries exhausted\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x1102, \"Error too long to correct\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x1103, \"Multiple read errors\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x1104, \"Unrecovered read error - auto reallocate failed\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x1105, \"L-EC uncorrectable error\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x1106, \"CIRC unrecovered error\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x1107, \"Data re-synchronization error\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x1108, \"Incomplete block read\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x1109, \"No gap found\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x110A, \"Miscorrected error\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x110B, \"Unrecovered read error - recommend reassignment\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x110C, \"Unrecovered read error - recommend rewrite the data\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x110D, \"De-compression CRC error\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x110E, \"Cannot decompress using declared algorithm\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x110F, \"Error reading UPC/EAN number\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x1110, \"Error reading ISRC number\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x1111, \"Read error - loss of streaming\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x1112, \"Auxiliary memory read error\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x1113, \"Read error - failed retransmission request\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x1114, \"Read error - lba marked bad by application client\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x1115, \"Write after sanitize required\")\n\nSENSE_CODE(0x1200, \"Address mark not found for id field\")\n\nSENSE_CODE(0x1300, \"Address mark not found for data field\")\n\nSENSE_CODE(0x1400, \"Recorded entity not found\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x1401, \"Record not found\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x1402, \"Filemark or setmark not found\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x1403, \"End-of-data not found\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x1404, \"Block sequence error\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x1405, \"Record not found - recommend reassignment\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x1406, \"Record not found - data auto-reallocated\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x1407, \"Locate operation failure\")\n\nSENSE_CODE(0x1500, \"Random positioning error\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x1501, \"Mechanical positioning error\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x1502, \"Positioning error detected by read of medium\")\n\nSENSE_CODE(0x1600, \"Data synchronization mark error\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x1601, \"Data sync error - data rewritten\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x1602, \"Data sync error - recommend rewrite\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x1603, \"Data sync error - data auto-reallocated\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x1604, \"Data sync error - recommend reassignment\")\n\nSENSE_CODE(0x1700, \"Recovered data with no error correction applied\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x1701, \"Recovered data with retries\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x1702, \"Recovered data with positive head offset\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x1703, \"Recovered data with negative head offset\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x1704, \"Recovered data with retries and/or circ applied\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x1705, \"Recovered data using previous sector id\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x1706, \"Recovered data without ECC - data auto-reallocated\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x1707, \"Recovered data without ECC - recommend reassignment\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x1708, \"Recovered data without ECC - recommend rewrite\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x1709, \"Recovered data without ECC - data rewritten\")\n\nSENSE_CODE(0x1800, \"Recovered data with error correction applied\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x1801, \"Recovered data with error corr. & ", "retries applied\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x1802, \"Recovered data - data auto-reallocated\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x1803, \"Recovered data with CIRC\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x1804, \"Recovered data with L-EC\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x1805, \"Recovered data - recommend reassignment\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x1806, \"Recovered data - recommend rewrite\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x1807, \"Recovered data with ECC - data rewritten\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x1808, \"Recovered data with linking\")\n\nSENSE_CODE(0x1900, \"Defect list error\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x1901, \"Defect list not available\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x1902, \"Defect list error in primary list\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x1903, \"Defect list error in grown list\")\n\nSENSE_CODE(0x1A00, \"Parameter list length error\")\n\nSENSE_CODE(0x1B00, \"Synchronous data transfer error\")\n\nSENSE_CODE(0x1C00, \"Defect list not found\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x1C01, \"Primary defect list not found\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x1C02, \"Grown defect list not found\")\n\nSENSE_CODE(0x1D00, \"Miscompare during verify operation\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x1D01, \"Miscompare verify of unmapped LBA\")\n\nSENSE_CODE(0x1E00, \"Recovered id with ECC correction\")\n\nSENSE_CODE(0x1F00, \"Partial defect list transfer\")\n\nSENSE_CODE(0x2000, \"Invalid command operation code\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x2001, \"Access denied - initiator pending-enrolled\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x2002, \"Access denied - no access rights\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x2003, \"Access denied - invalid mgmt id key\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x2004, \"Illegal command while in write capable state\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x2005, \"Obsolete\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x2006, \"Illegal command while in explicit address mode\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x2007, \"Illegal command while in implicit address mode\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x2008, \"Access denied - enrollment conflict\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x2009, \"Access denied - invalid LU identifier\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x200A, \"Access denied - invalid proxy token\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x200B, \"Access denied - ACL LUN conflict\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x200C, \"Illegal command when not in append-only mode\")\n\nSENSE_CODE(0x2100, \"Logical block address out of range\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x2101, \"Invalid element address\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x2102, \"Invalid address for write\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x2103, \"Invalid write crossing layer jump\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x2104, \"Unaligned write command\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x2105, \"Write boundary violation\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x2106, \"Attempt to read invalid data\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x2107, \"Read boundary violation\")\n\nSENSE_CODE(0x2200, \"Illegal function (use 20 00, 24 00, or 26 00)\")\n\nSENSE_CODE(0x2300, \"Invalid token operation, cause not reportable\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x2301, \"Invalid token operation, unsupported token type\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x2302, \"Invalid token operation, remote token usage not supported\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x2303, \"Invalid token operation, remote rod token creation not supported\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x2304, \"Invalid token operation, token unknown\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x2305, \"Invalid token operation, token corrupt\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x2306, \"Invalid token operation, token revoked\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x2307, \"Invalid token operation, token expired\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x2308, \"Invalid token operation, token cancelled\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x2309, \"Invalid token operation, token deleted\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x230A, \"Invalid token operation, invalid token length\")\n\nSENSE_CODE(0x2400, \"Invalid field in cdb\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x2401, \"CDB decryption error\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x2402, \"Obsolete\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x2403, \"Obsolete\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x2404, \"Security audit value frozen\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x2405, \"Security working key frozen\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x2406, \"Nonce not unique\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x2407, \"Nonce timestamp out of range\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x2408, \"Invalid XCDB\")\n\nSENSE_CODE(0x2500, \"Logical unit not supported\")\n\nSENSE_CODE(0x2600, \"Invalid field in parameter list\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x2601, \"Parameter not supported\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x2602, \"Parameter value invalid\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x2603, \"Threshold parameters not supported\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x2604, \"Invalid release of persistent reservation\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x2605, \"Data decryption error\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x2606, \"Too many target descriptors\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x2607, \"Unsupported target descriptor type code\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x2608, \"Too many segment descriptors\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x2609, \"Unsupported segment descriptor type code\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x260A, \"Unexpected inexact segment\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x260B, \"Inline data length exceeded\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x260C, \"Invalid operation for copy source or destination\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x260D, \"Copy segment granularity violation\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x260E, \"Invalid parameter while port is enabled\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x260F, \"Invalid data-out buffer integrity check value\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x2610, \"Data decryption key fail limit reached\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x2611, \"Incomplete key-associated data set\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x2612, \"Vendor specific key reference not found\")\n\nSENSE_CODE(0x2700, \"Write protected\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x2701, \"Hardware write protected\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x2702, \"Logical unit software write protected\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x2703, \"Associated write protect\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x2704, \"Persistent write protect\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x2705, \"Permanent write protect\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x2706, \"Conditional write protect\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x2707, \"Space allocation failed write protect\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x2708, \"Zone is read only\")\n\nSENSE_CODE(0x2800, \"Not ready to ready change, medium may have changed\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x2801, \"Import or export element accessed\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x2802, \"Format-layer may have changed\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x2803, \"Import/export element accessed, medium changed\")\n\nSENSE_CODE(0x2900, \"Power on, reset, or bus device reset occurred\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x2901, \"Power on occurred\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x2902, \"Scsi bus reset occurred\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x2903, \"Bus device reset function occurred\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x2904, \"Device internal reset\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x2905, \"Transceiver mode changed to single-ended\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x2906, \"Transceiver mode changed to lvd\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x2907, \"I_T nexus loss occurred\")\n\nSENSE_CODE(0x2A00, \"Parameters changed\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x2A01, \"Mode parameters changed\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x2A02, \"Log parameters changed\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x2A03, \"Reservations preempted\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x2A04, \"Reservations released\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x2A05, \"Registrations preempted\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x2A06, \"Asymmetric access state changed\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x2A07, \"Implicit asymmetric access state transition failed\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x2A08, \"Priority changed\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x2A09, \"Capacity data has changed\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x2A0A, \"Error history I_T nexus cleared\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x2A0B, \"Error history snapshot released\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x2A0C, \"Error recovery attributes have changed\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x2A0D, \"Data encryption capabilities changed\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x2A10, \"Timestamp changed\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x2A11, \"Data encryption parameters changed by another i_t nexus\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x2A12, \"Data encryption parameters changed by vendor specific event\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x2A13, \"Data encryption key instance counter has changed\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x2A14, \"SA creation capabilities data has changed\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x2A15, \"Medium removal prevention preempted\")\n\nSENSE_CODE(0x2B00, \"Copy cannot execute since host cannot disconnect\")\n\nSENSE_CODE(0x2C00, \"Command sequence error\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x2C01, \"Too many windows specified\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x2C02, \"Invalid combination of windows specified\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x2C03, \"Current program area is not empty\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x2C04, \"Current program area is empty\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x2C05, \"Illegal power condition request\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x2C06, \"Persistent prevent conflict\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x2C07, \"Previous busy status\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x2C08, \"Previous task set full status\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x2C09, \"Previous reservation conflict status\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x2C0A, \"Partition or collection contains user objects\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x2C0B, \"Not reserved\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x2C0C, \"Orwrite generation does not match\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x2C0D, \"Reset write pointer not allowed\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x2C0E, \"Zone is offline\")\n\nSENSE_CODE(0x2D00, \"Overwrite error on update in place\")\n\nSENSE_CODE(0x2E00, \"Insufficient time for operation\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x2E01, \"Command timeout before processing\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x2E02, \"Command timeout during processing\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x2E03, \"Command timeout during processing due to error recovery\")\n\nSENSE_CODE(0x2F00, \"Commands cleared by another initiator\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x2F01, \"Commands cleared by power loss notification\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x2F02, \"Commands cleared by device server\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x2F03, \"Some commands cleared by queuing layer event\")\n\nSENSE_CODE(0x3000, \"Incompatible medium installed\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x3001, \"Cannot read medium - unknown format\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x3002, \"Cannot read medium - incompatible format\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x3003, \"Cleaning cartridge installed\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x3004, \"Cannot write medium - unknown format\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x3005, \"Cannot write medium - incompatible format\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x3006, \"Cannot format medium - incompatible medium\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x3007, \"Cleaning failure\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x3008, \"Cannot write - application code mismatch\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x3009, \"Current session not fixated for append\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x300A, \"Cleaning request rejected\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x300C, \"WORM medium - overwrite attempted\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x300D, \"WORM medium - integrity check\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x3010, \"Medium not formatted\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x3011, \"Incompatible volume type\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x3012, \"Incompatible volume qualifier\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x3013, \"Cleaning volume expired\")\n\nSENSE_CODE(0x3100, \"Medium format corrupted\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x3101, \"Format command failed\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x3102, \"Zoned formatting failed due to spare linking\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x3103, \"Sanitize command failed\")\n\nSENSE_CODE(0x3200, \"No defect spare location available\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x3201, \"Defect list update failure\")\n\nSENSE_CODE(0x3300, \"Tape length error\")\n\nSENSE_CODE(0x3400, \"Enclosure failure\")\n\nSENSE_CODE(0x3500, \"Enclosure services failure\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x3501, \"Unsupported enclosure function\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x3502, \"Enclosure services unavailable\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x3503, \"Enclosure services transfer failure\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x3504, \"Enclosure services transfer refused\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x3505, \"Enclosure services checksum error\")\n\nSENSE_CODE(0x3600, \"Ribbon, ink, or toner failure\")\n\nSENSE_CODE(0x3700, \"Rounded parameter\")\n\nSENSE_CODE(0x3800, \"Event status notification\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x3802, \"Esn - power management class event\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x3804, \"Esn - media class event\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x3806, \"Esn - device busy class event\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x3807, \"Thin Provisioning soft threshold reached\")\n\nSENSE_CODE(0x3900, \"Saving parameters not supported\")\n\nSENSE_CODE(0x3A00, \"Medium not present\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x3A01, \"Medium not present - tray closed\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x3A02, \"Medium not present - tray open\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x3A03, \"Medium not present - loadable\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x3A04, \"Medium not present - medium auxiliary memory accessible\")\n\nSENSE_CODE(0x3B00, \"Sequential positioning error\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x3B01, \"Tape position error at beginning-of-medium\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x3B02, \"Tape position error at end-of-medium\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x3B03, \"Tape or electronic vertical forms unit not ready\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x3B04, \"Slew failure\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x3B05, \"Paper jam\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x3B06, \"Failed to sense top-of-form\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x3B07, \"Failed to sense bottom-of-form\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x3B08, \"Reposition error\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x3B09, \"Read past end of medium\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x3B0A, \"Read past beginning of medium\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x3B0B, \"Position past end of medium\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x3B0C, \"Position past beginning of medium\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x3B0D, \"Medium destination element full\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x3B0E, \"Medium source element empty\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x3B0F, \"End of medium reached\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x3B11, \"Medium magazine not accessible\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x3B12, \"Medium magazine removed\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x3B13, \"Medium magazine inserted\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x3B14, \"Medium magazine locked\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x3B15, \"Medium magazine unlocked\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x3B16, \"Mechanical positioning or changer error\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x3B17, \"Read past end of user object\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x3B18, \"Element disabled\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x3B19, \"Element enabled\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x3B1A, \"Data transfer device removed\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x3B1B, \"Data transfer device inserted\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x3B1C, \"Too many logical objects on partition to support operation\")\n\nSENSE_CODE(0x3D00, \"Invalid bits in identify message\")\n\nSENSE_CODE(0x3E00, \"Logical unit has not self-configured yet\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x3E01, \"Logical unit failure\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x3E02, \"Timeout on logical unit\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x3E03, \"Logical unit failed self-test\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x3E04, \"Logical unit unable to update self-test log\")\n\nSENSE_CODE(0x3F00, \"Target operating conditions have changed\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x3F01, \"Microcode has been changed\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x3F02, \"Changed operating definition\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x3F03, \"Inquiry data has changed\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x3F04, \"Component device attached\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x3F05, \"Device identifier changed\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x3F06, \"Redundancy group created or modified\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x3F07, \"Redundancy group deleted\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x3F08, \"Spare created or modified\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x3F09, \"Spare deleted\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x3F0A, \"Volume set created or modified\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x3F0B, \"Volume set deleted\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x3F0C, \"Volume set deassigned\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x3F0D, \"Volume set reassigned\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x3F0E, \"Reported luns data has changed\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x3F0F, \"Echo buffer overwritten\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x3F10, \"Medium loadable\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x3F11, \"Medium auxiliary memory accessible\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x3F12, \"iSCSI IP address added\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x3F13, \"iSCSI IP address removed\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x3F14, \"iSCSI IP address changed\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x3F15, \"Inspect referrals sense descriptors\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x3F16, \"Microcode has been changed without reset\")\n/*\n *\tSENSE_CODE(0x40NN, \"Ram failure\")\n *\tSENSE_CODE(0x40NN, \"Diagnostic failure on component nn\")\n *\tSENSE_CODE(0x41NN, \"Data path failure\")\n *\tSENSE_CODE(0x42NN, \"Power-on or self-test failure\")\n */\nSENSE_CODE(0x4300, \"Message error\")\n\nSENSE_CODE(0x4400, \"Internal target failure\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x4401, \"Persistent reservation information lost\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x4471, \"ATA device failed set features\")\n\nSENSE_CODE(0x4500, \"Select or reselect failure\")\n\nSENSE_CODE(0x4600, \"Unsuccessful soft reset\")\n\nSENSE_CODE(0x4700, \"Scsi parity error\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x4701, \"Data phase CRC error detected\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x4702, \"Scsi parity error detected during st data phase\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x4703, \"Information unit iuCRC error detected\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x4704, \"Asynchronous information protection error detected\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x4705, \"Protocol service CRC error\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x4706, \"Phy test function in progress\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x477f, \"Some commands cleared by iSCSI Protocol event\")\n\nSENSE_CODE(0x4800, \"Initiator detected error message received\")\n\nSENSE_CODE(0x4900, \"Invalid message error\")\n\nSENSE_CODE(0x4A00, \"Command phase error\")\n\nSENSE_CODE(0x4B00, \"Data phase error\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x4B01, \"Invalid target port transfer tag received\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x4B02, \"Too much write data\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x4B03, \"Ack/nak timeout\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x4B04, \"Nak received\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x4B05, \"Data offset error\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x4B06, \"Initiator response timeout\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x4B07, \"Connection lost\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x4B08, \"Data-in buffer overflow - data buffer size\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x4B09, \"Data-in buffer overflow - data buffer descriptor area\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x4B0A, \"Data-in buffer error\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x4B0B, \"Data-out buffer overflow - data buffer size\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x4B0C, \"Data-out buffer overflow - data buffer descriptor area\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x4B0D, \"Data-out buffer error\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x4B0E, \"PCIe fabric error\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x4B0F, \"PCIe completion timeout\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x4B10, \"PCIe completer abort\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x4B11, \"PCIe poisoned tlp received\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x4B12, \"PCIe eCRC check failed\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x4B13, \"PCIe unsupported request\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x4B14, \"PCIe acs violation\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x4B15, \"PCIe tlp prefix blocked\")\n\nSENSE_CODE(0x4C00, \"Logical unit failed self-configuration\")\n/*\n *\tSENSE_CODE(0x4DNN, \"Tagged overlapped commands (nn = queue tag)\")\n */\nSENSE_CODE(0x4E00, \"Overlapped commands attempted\")\n\nSENSE_CODE(0x5000, \"Write append error\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x5001, \"Write append position error\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x5002, \"Position error related to timing\")\n\nSENSE_CODE(0x5100, \"Erase failure\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x5101, \"Erase failure - incomplete erase operation detected\")\n\nSENSE_CODE(0x5200, \"Cartridge fault\")\n\nSENSE_CODE(0x5300, \"Media load or eject failed\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x5301, \"Unload tape failure\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x5302, \"Medium removal prevented\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x5303, \"Medium removal prevented by data transfer element\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x5304, \"Medium thread or unthread failure\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x5305, \"Volume identifier invalid\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x5306, \"Volume identifier missing\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x5307, \"Duplicate volume identifier\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x5308, \"Element status unknown\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x5309, \"Data transfer device error - load failed\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x530a, \"Data transfer device error - unload failed\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x530b, \"Data transfer device error - unload missing\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x530c, \"Data transfer device error - eject failed\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x530d, \"Data transfer device error - library communication failed\")\n\nSENSE_CODE(0x5400, \"Scsi to host system interface failure\")\n\nSENSE_CODE(0x5500, \"System resource failure\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x5501, \"System buffer full\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x5502, \"Insufficient reservation resources\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x5503, \"Insufficient resources\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x5504, \"Insufficient registration resources\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x5505, \"Insufficient access control resources\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x5506, \"Auxiliary memory out of space\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x5507, \"Quota error\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x5508, \"Maximum number of supplemental decryption keys exceeded\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x5509, \"Medium auxiliary memory not accessible\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x550A, \"Data currently unavailable\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x550B, \"Insufficient power for operation\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x550C, \"Insufficient resources to create rod\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x550D, \"Insufficient resources to create rod token\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x550E, \"Insufficient zone resources\")\n\nSENSE_CODE(0x5700, \"Unable to recover table-of-contents\")\n\nSENSE_CODE(0x5800, \"Generation does not exist\")\n\nSENSE_CODE(0x5900, \"Updated block read\")\n\nSENSE_CODE(0x5A00, \"Operator request or state change input\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x5A01, \"Operator medium removal request\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x5A02, \"Operator selected write protect\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x5A03, \"Operator selected write permit\")\n\nSENSE_CODE(0x5B00, \"Log exception\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x5B01, \"Threshold condition met\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x5B02, \"Log counter at maximum\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x5B03, \"Log list codes exhausted\")\n\nSENSE_CODE(0x5C00, \"Rpl status change\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x5C01, \"Spindles synchronized\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x5C02, \"Spindles not synchronized\")\n\nSENSE_CODE(0x5D00, \"Failure prediction threshold exceeded\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x5D01, \"Media failure prediction threshold exceeded\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x5D02, \"Logical unit failure prediction threshold exceeded\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x5D03, \"Spare area exhaustion prediction threshold exceeded\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x5D10, \"Hardware impending failure general hard drive failure\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x5D11, \"Hardware impending failure drive error rate too high\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x5D12, \"Hardware impending failure data error rate too high\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x5D13, \"Hardware impending failure seek error rate too high\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x5D14, \"Hardware impending failure too many block reassigns\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x5D15, \"Hardware impending failure access times too high\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x5D16, \"Hardware impending failure start unit times too high\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x5D17, \"Hardware impending failure channel parametrics\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x5D18, \"Hardware impending failure controller detected\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x5D19, \"Hardware impending failure throughput performance\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x5D1A, \"Hardware impending failure seek time performance\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x5D1B, \"Hardware impending failure spin-up retry count\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x5D1C, \"Hardware impending failure drive calibration retry count\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x5D20, \"Controller impending failure general hard drive failure\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x5D21, \"Controller impending failure drive error rate too high\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x5D22, \"Controller impending failure data error rate too high\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x5D23, \"Controller impending failure seek error rate too high\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x5D24, \"Controller impending failure too many block reassigns\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x5D25, \"Controller impending failure access times too high\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x5D26, \"Controller impending failure start unit times too high\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x5D27, \"Controller impending failure channel parametrics\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x5D28, \"Controller impending failure controller detected\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x5D29, \"Controller impending failure throughput performance\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x5D2A, \"Controller impending failure seek time performance\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x5D2B, \"Controller impending failure spin-up retry count\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x5D2C, \"Controller impending failure drive calibration retry count\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x5D30, \"Data channel impending failure general hard drive failure\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x5D31, \"Data channel impending failure drive error rate too high\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x5D32, \"Data channel impending failure data error rate too high\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x5D33, \"Data channel impending failure seek error rate too high\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x5D34, \"Data channel impending failure too many block reassigns\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x5D35, \"Data channel impending failure access times too high\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x5D36, \"Data channel impending failure start unit times too high\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x5D37, \"Data channel impending failure channel parametrics\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x5D38, \"Data channel impending failure controller detected\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x5D39, \"Data channel impending failure throughput performance\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x5D3A, \"Data channel impending failure seek time performance\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x5D3B, \"Data channel impending failure spin-up retry count\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x5D3C, \"Data channel impending failure drive calibration retry count\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x5D40, \"Servo impending failure general hard drive failure\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x5D41, \"Servo impending failure drive error rate too high\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x5D42, \"Servo impending failure data error rate too high\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x5D43, \"Servo impending failure seek error rate too high\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x5D44, \"Servo impending failure too many block reassigns\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x5D45, \"Servo impending failure access times too high\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x5D46, \"Servo impending failure start unit times too high\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x5D47, \"Servo impending failure channel parametrics\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x5D48, \"Servo impending failure controller detected\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x5D49, \"Servo impending failure throughput performance\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x5D4A, \"Servo impending failure seek time performance\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x5D4B, \"Servo impending failure spin-up retry count\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x5D4C, \"Servo impending failure drive calibration retry count\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x5D50, \"Spindle impending failure general hard drive failure\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x5D51, \"Spindle impending failure drive error rate too high\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x5D52, \"Spindle impending failure data error rate too high\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x5D53, \"Spindle impending failure seek error rate too high\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x5D54, \"Spindle impending failure too many block reassigns\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x5D55, \"Spindle impending failure access times too high\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x5D56, \"Spindle impending failure start unit times too high\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x5D57, \"Spindle impending failure channel parametrics\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x5D58, \"Spindle impending failure controller detected\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x5D59, \"Spindle impending failure throughput performance\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x5D5A, \"Spindle impending failure seek time performance\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x5D5B, \"Spindle impending failure spin-up retry count\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x5D5C, \"Spindle impending failure drive calibration retry count\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x5D60, \"Firmware impending failure general hard drive failure\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x5D61, \"Firmware impending failure drive error rate too high\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x5D62, \"Firmware impending failure data error rate too high\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x5D63, \"Firmware impending failure seek error rate too high\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x5D64, \"Firmware impending failure too many block reassigns\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x5D65, \"Firmware impending failure access times too high\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x5D66, \"Firmware impending failure start unit times too high\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x5D67, \"Firmware impending failure channel parametrics\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x5D68, \"Firmware impending failure controller detected\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x5D69, \"Firmware impending failure throughput performance\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x5D6A, \"Firmware impending failure seek time performance\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x5D6B, \"Firmware impending failure spin-up retry count\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x5D6C, \"Firmware impending failure drive calibration retry count\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x5DFF, \"Failure prediction threshold exceeded (false)\")\n\nSENSE_CODE(0x5E00, \"Low power condition on\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x5E01, \"Idle condition activated by timer\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x5E02, \"Standby condition activated by timer\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x5E03, \"Idle condition activated by command\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x5E04, \"Standby condition activated by command\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x5E05, \"Idle_b condition activated by timer\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x5E06, \"Idle_b condition activated by command\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x5E07, \"Idle_c condition activated by timer\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x5E08, \"Idle_c condition activated by command\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x5E09, \"Standby_y condition activated by timer\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x5E0A, \"Standby_y condition activated by command\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x5E41, \"Power state change to active\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x5E42, \"Power state change to idle\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x5E43, \"Power state change to standby\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x5E45, \"Power state change to sleep\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x5E47, \"Power state change to device control\")\n\nSENSE_CODE(0x6000, \"Lamp failure\")\n\nSENSE_CODE(0x6100, \"Video acquisition error\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x6101, \"Unable to acquire video\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x6102, \"Out of focus\")\n\nSENSE_CODE(0x6200, \"Scan head positioning error\")\n\nSENSE_CODE(0x6300, \"End of user area encountered on this track\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x6301, \"Packet does not fit in available space\")\n\nSENSE_CODE(0x6400, \"Illegal mode for this track\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x6401, \"Invalid packet size\")\n\nSENSE_CODE(0x6500, \"Voltage fault\")\n\nSENSE_CODE(0x6600, \"Automatic document feeder cover up\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x6601, \"Automatic document feeder lift up\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x6602, \"Document jam in automatic document feeder\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x6603, \"Document miss feed automatic in document feeder\")\n\nSENSE_CODE(0x6700, \"Configuration failure\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x6701, \"Configuration of incapable logical units failed\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x6702, \"Add logical unit failed\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x6703, \"Modification of logical unit failed\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x6704, \"Exchange of logical unit failed\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x6705, \"Remove of logical unit failed\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x6706, \"Attachment of logical unit failed\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x6707, \"Creation of logical unit failed\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x6708, \"Assign failure occurred\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x6709, \"Multiply assigned logical unit\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x670A, \"Set target port groups command failed\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x670B, \"ATA device feature not enabled\")\n\nSENSE_CODE(0x6800, \"Logical unit not configured\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x6801, \"Subsidiary logical unit not configured\")\n\nSENSE_CODE(0x6900, \"Data loss on logical unit\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x6901, \"Multiple logical unit failures\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x6902, \"Parity/data mismatch\")\n\nSENSE_CODE(0x6A00, \"Informational, refer to log\")\n\nSENSE_CODE(0x6B00, \"State change has occurred\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x6B01, \"Redundancy level got better\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x6B02, \"Redundancy level got worse\")\n\nSENSE_CODE(0x6C00, \"Rebuild failure occurred\")\n\nSENSE_CODE(0x6D00, \"Recalculate failure occurred\")\n\nSENSE_CODE(0x6E00, \"Command to logical unit failed\")\n\nSENSE_CODE(0x6F00, \"Copy protection key exchange failure - authentication failure\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x6F01, \"Copy protection key exchange failure - key not present\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x6F02, \"Copy protection key exchange failure - key not established\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x6F03, \"Read of scrambled sector without authentication\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x6F04, \"Media region code is mismatched to logical unit region\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x6F05, \"Drive region must be permanent/region reset count error\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x6F06, \"Insufficient block count for binding nonce recording\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x6F07, \"Conflict in binding nonce recording\")\n/*\n *\tSENSE_CODE(0x70NN, \"Decompression exception short algorithm id of nn\")\n */\nSENSE_CODE(0x7100, \"Decompression exception long algorithm id\")\n\nSENSE_CODE(0x7200, \"Session fixation error\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x7201, \"Session fixation error writing lead-in\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x7202, \"Session fixation error writing lead-out\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x7203, \"Session fixation error - incomplete track in session\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x7204, \"Empty or partially written reserved track\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x7205, \"No more track reservations allowed\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x7206, \"RMZ extension is not allowed\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x7207, \"No more test zone extensions are allowed\")\n\nSENSE_CODE(0x7300, \"Cd control error\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x7301, \"Power calibration area almost full\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x7302, \"Power calibration area is full\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x7303, \"Power calibration area error\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x7304, \"Program memory area update failure\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x7305, \"Program memory area is full\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x7306, \"RMA/PMA is almost full\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x7310, \"Current power calibration area almost full\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x7311, \"Current power calibration area is full\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x7317, \"RDZ is full\")\n\nSENSE_CODE(0x7400, \"Security error\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x7401, \"Unable to decrypt data\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x7402, \"Unencrypted data encountered while decrypting\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x7403, \"Incorrect data encryption key\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x7404, \"Cryptographic integrity validation failed\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x7405, \"Error decrypting data\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x7406, \"Unknown signature verification key\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x7407, \"Encryption parameters not useable\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x7408, \"Digital signature validation failure\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x7409, \"Encryption mode mismatch on read\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x740A, \"Encrypted block not raw read enabled\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x740B, \"Incorrect Encryption parameters\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x740C, \"Unable to decrypt parameter list\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x740D, \"Encryption algorithm disabled\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x7410, \"SA creation parameter value invalid\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x7411, \"SA creation parameter value rejected\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x7412, \"Invalid SA usage\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x7421, \"Data Encryption configuration prevented\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x7430, \"SA creation parameter not supported\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x7440, \"Authentication failed\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x7461, \"External data encryption key manager access error\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x7462, \"External data encryption key manager error\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x7463, \"External data encryption key not found\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x7464, \"External data encryption request not authorized\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x746E, \"External data encryption control timeout\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x746F, \"External data encryption control error\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x7471, \"Logical unit access not authorized\")\nSENSE_CODE(0x7479, \"Security conflict in translated device\")\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Github" }
[ 0.002131163421486002, 0.0015002282956102016 ]
[ "---\nauthor:\n- 'Antti P. Vepsäläinen'\n- 'Amir H. Karamlou'\n- 'John L. Orrell'\n- 'Akshunna S. Dogra'\n- Ben Loer\n- Francisca Vasconcelos\n- 'David K. Kim'\n- 'Alexander J. Melville'\n- 'Bethany M. Niedzielski'\n- 'Jonilyn L. Yoder'\n- Simon Gustavsson\n- 'Joseph A. Formaggio'\n- 'Brent A. VanDevender'\n- 'William D. Oliver'\ntitle: Impact of ionizing radiation on superconducting qubit coherence\n---\n\n\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "ArXiv" }
[ 0.025510204081632654 ]
[ "Q:\n\nGet the key of an object that a function uses\n\nLet's say I have a props object, which contains multiple keys keyA, keyB...\nAnd I have 3 functions funcA, funcB and funcC, each having one argument which is props. ", "However, each function will use zero, one or more key/values of their props argument, and I wish to know which keys have been used by each function.", "\nFor example:\nconst funcA = props => {/* do something with props.keyA and props.keyB */}\n\nconst funcB = props => {/* do something with props.keyC */}\n\nconst funcC = props => {/* do nothing with props */}\n\nAnd I wish to have a mechanism (i.e. a wrapper function, or a wrapper class...), which, when func{A,B,C} is called, will console.log the keys with which the function has been called:\n// I wish to have the following lines console.logged:\nfuncA is using keyA and keyB\nfuncB is using keyC\nfuncC is not using anything\n\nMy first step is to create a Proxy on the props object, in the following way:\nconst propsProxy = new Proxy(props, {\n get (target, key) {\n console.log(`${key} has been used.", "`);\n return target[key];\n }\n}\n\n// ...\n\nfuncA(propsProxy); // Logs \"keyA has been used. ", "keyB has been used.\"", "\nfuncB(propsProxy); // Logs \"keyC has been used.\"", "\nfuncC(propsProxy);\n\nBut then I'm stuck on how to log the function name too.", "\nEdit: After reading some comments, it seems I need to add some clarifications. ", "Let's make it more practical.", "\nI'm actually writing this lib, let's call it wrapper, which end developers would use it like:\nimport wrapper from 'wrapper';\n\n// User defines funcA=..., funcB=..., funcC=... and props\n\nwrapper(funcA, funcB, funcC, props); // Will call funcA(props), funcB(props) and funcC(props)\n// Should log:\n// funcA is using keyA and keyB\n// funcB is using keyC\n// funcC is not using anything\n\nQuestion: please write the code for wrapper?", "\n\nA:\n\nYou can define wrapper like so:\nfunction wrapper(props, ...funcs) {\n funcs.forEach(function(func) { // for each function func passed as argument\n var used = []; // this will be the array of used property names (duplicates included)\n\n var propsProxy = new Proxy(props, { // set up a new proxy of props\n get(target, key) {\n used.push(key); // ... which add the key used to used array\n return target[key];\n }\n });\n\n func(propsProxy); // call func with the proxy object\n\n console.log(func.name + \" used \" + (used.length? ", "used.join(\" and \"): \"nothing\")); // log the results\n });\n}\n\nExample:\n\nfunction funcA(props) {\r\n var result = props.propA + props.propC;\r\n}\r\n\r\nfunction funcB(props) {\r\n if(props.propA) {\r\n return true;\r\n }\r\n}\r\n\r\nfunction funcC(props) {\r\n}\r\n\r\nfunction wrapper(props, ...funcs) {\r\n funcs.forEach(function(func) {\r\n var used = [];\r\n\r\n var propsProxy = new Proxy(props, {\r\n get(target, key) {\r\n used.push(key);\r\n return target[key];\r\n }\r\n });\r\n\r\n func(propsProxy);\r\n \r\n console.log(func.name + \" used \" + (used.length? ", "used.join(\" and \"): \"nothing\"));\r\n });\r\n}\r\n\r\nwrapper({\r\n propA: 5,\r\n propB: 6,\r\n propC: 7\r\n}, funcA, funcB, funcC);\n\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
[ 0.004651162790697674, 0, 0.0014367816091954023, 0, 0.05, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.001282051282051282, 0.0017730496453900709, 0.008264462809917356 ]
[ "// Created by cgo -godefs - DO NOT EDIT\n// cgo -godefs defs_linux.go\n\npackage ipv4\n\nconst (\n\tsysIP_TOS = 0x1\n\tsysIP_TTL = 0x2\n\tsysIP_HDRINCL = 0x3\n\tsysIP_OPTIONS = 0x4\n\tsysIP_ROUTER_ALERT = 0x5\n\tsysIP_RECVOPTS = 0x6\n\tsysIP_RETOPTS = 0x7\n\tsysIP_PKTINFO = 0x8\n\tsysIP_PKTOPTIONS = 0x9\n\tsysIP_MTU_DISCOVER = 0xa\n\tsysIP_RECVERR = 0xb\n\tsysIP_RECVTTL = 0xc\n\tsysIP_RECVTOS = 0xd\n\tsysIP_MTU = 0xe\n\tsysIP_FREEBIND = 0xf\n\tsysIP_TRANSPARENT = 0x13\n\tsysIP_RECVRETOPTS = 0x7\n\tsysIP_ORIGDSTADDR = 0x14\n\tsysIP_RECVORIGDSTADDR = 0x14\n\tsysIP_MINTTL = 0x15\n\tsysIP_NODEFRAG = 0x16\n\tsysIP_UNICAST_IF = 0x32\n\n\tsysIP_MULTICAST_IF = 0x20\n\tsysIP_MULTICAST_TTL = 0x21\n\tsysIP_MULTICAST_LOOP = 0x22\n\tsysIP_ADD_MEMBERSHIP = 0x23\n\tsysIP_DROP_MEMBERSHIP = 0x24\n\tsysIP_UNBLOCK_SOURCE = 0x25\n\tsysIP_BLOCK_SOURCE = 0x26\n\tsysIP_ADD_SOURCE_MEMBERSHIP = 0x27\n\tsysIP_DROP_SOURCE_MEMBERSHIP = 0x28\n\tsysIP_MSFILTER = 0x29\n\tsysMCAST_JOIN_GROUP = 0x2a\n\tsysMCAST_LEAVE_GROUP = 0x2d\n\tsysMCAST_JOIN_SOURCE_GROUP = 0x2e\n\tsysMCAST_LEAVE_SOURCE_GROUP = 0x2f\n\tsysMCAST_BLOCK_SOURCE = 0x2b\n\tsysMCAST_UNBLOCK_SOURCE = 0x2c\n\tsysMCAST_MSFILTER = 0x30\n\tsysIP_MULTICAST_ALL = 0x31\n\n\tsysICMP_FILTER = 0x1\n\n\tsysSO_EE_ORIGIN_NONE = 0x0\n\tsysSO_EE_ORIGIN_LOCAL = 0x1\n\tsysSO_EE_ORIGIN_ICMP = 0x2\n\tsysSO_EE_ORIGIN_ICMP6 = 0x3\n\tsysSO_EE_ORIGIN_TXSTATUS = 0x4\n\tsysSO_EE_ORIGIN_TIMESTAMPING = 0x4\n\n\tsysSOL_SOCKET = 0x1\n\tsysSO_ATTACH_FILTER = 0x1a\n\n\tsizeofKernelSockaddrStorage = 0x80\n\tsizeofSockaddrInet = 0x10\n\tsizeofInetPktinfo = 0xc\n\tsizeofSockExtendedErr = 0x10\n\n\tsizeofIPMreq = 0x8\n\tsizeofIPMreqn = 0xc\n\tsizeofIPMreqSource = 0xc\n\tsizeofGroupReq = 0x88\n\tsizeofGroupSourceReq = 0x108\n\n\tsizeofICMPFilter = 0x4\n\n\tsizeofSockFprog = 0x10\n)\n\ntype kernelSockaddrStorage struct {\n\tFamily uint16\n\tX__data [126]int8\n}\n\ntype sockaddrInet struct {\n\tFamily uint16\n\tPort uint16\n\tAddr [4]byte /* in_addr */\n\tX__pad [8]uint8\n}\n\ntype inetPktinfo struct {\n\tIfindex int32\n\tSpec_dst [4]byte /* in_addr */\n\tAddr [4]byte /* in_addr */\n}\n\ntype sockExtendedErr struct {\n\tErrno uint32\n\tOrigin uint8\n\tType uint8\n\tCode uint8\n\tPad uint8\n\tInfo uint32\n\tData uint32\n}\n\ntype ipMreq struct {\n\tMultiaddr [4]byte /* in_addr */\n\tInterface [4]byte /* in_addr */\n}\n\ntype ipMreqn struct {\n\tMultiaddr [4]byte /* in_addr */\n\tAddress [4]byte /* in_addr */\n\tIfindex int32\n}\n\ntype ipMreqSource struct {\n\tMultiaddr uint32\n\tInterface uint32\n\tSourceaddr uint32\n}\n\ntype groupReq struct {\n\tInterface uint32\n\tPad_cgo_0 [4]byte\n\tGroup kernelSockaddrStorage\n}\n\ntype groupSourceReq struct {\n\tInterface uint32\n\tPad_cgo_0 [4]byte\n\tGroup kernelSockaddrStorage\n\tSource kernelSockaddrStorage\n}\n\ntype icmpFilter struct {\n\tData uint32\n}\n\ntype sockFProg struct {\n\tLen uint16\n\tPad_cgo_0 [6]byte\n\tFilter *sockFilter\n}\n\ntype sockFilter struct {\n\tCode uint16\n\tJt uint8\n\tJf uint8\n\tK uint32\n}\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Github" }
[ 0.00816326530612245 ]
[ "Q:\n\nКак программно получить все элементы из формы?", "\n\nПередо мной встала задача получить все элементы в форме, включая меню и строку состояния и другие у которых имеется свойство Text. ", "Так как у каждого контрола имеется свойство Controls (и у формы соответственно тоже), то я могу использовать нижеприведённый код для получения всех контролов формы и их потомков:\npublic static IEnumerable<Control> GetControls(Control control)\n{\n foreach (Control childControl in control.", "Controls)\n {\n foreach (Control grandChild in GetControls(childControl))\n {\n yield return grandChild;\n }\n yield return childControl;\n }\n}\n\nПроблема заключается в том, что у меню не имеется свойства Controls и для доступа к дочерним элементам необходимо использовать свойство Items. ", "На данный момент не нашёл ничего другого, как проверять тип. ", "Можно ли каким либо образом единообразно получать доступ ко всем элементам формы включая дочерние?", "\n\nA:\n\nСвойство Items содержит элементы типа ToolStripItem, а не Control. ", "Они не унаследованы друг от друга, поэтому невозможно добавить тулстрипайтем в последовательность контролов.", "\nОбщим непосредственным предком этих классов является Component, у которого нет свойства Text. ", "Ни один из интерфейсов, которые они реализуют, тоже не имеет такого свойства. ", "Поэтому в лоб ваша задача не решается.", "\nВы пишете, что не нашли ничего другого, как проверять тип. ", "Да, тип придётся проверять в любом случае. ", "Можно делать это внутри вашего метода и прямо там же выполнять необходимые действия.", "\nНо если хочется внутри метода лишь найти все необходимые объекты, а действия с ними произвести снаружи, то могу предложить следующий код:\npublic static IEnumerable<Component> GetComponents(Control control)\n{\n foreach (Control childControl in control.", "Controls)\n {\n if (childControl is ToolStrip toolStrip)\n {\n foreach (ToolStripItem item in toolStrip.", "Items)\n yield return item;\n }\n else\n {\n foreach (Component component in GetComponents(childControl))\n yield return component;\n }\n yield return childControl;\n }\n}\n\nЗдесь мы получаем последовательность типа Component, хотя с таким же успехом это могут быть object - в любом случае далее придётся проверять их тип.", "\nМожно избежать ручной проверки типов, используя dynamic:\nforeach (var component in GetComponents(this))\n{\n ((dynamic)component).Text = \"something\";\n}\n\nЭто более-менее рабочий код, но остаётся много вопросов. ", "Например, ToolStrip может содержать ToolStripDropDownButton, который не имеет свойства Items, но имеет DropDownItems. ", "Сильно подозреваю, что по ним вы тоже хотели бы пройтись.", "\nВсё это наводит на мысли, что вы не с той стороны подходите к решению некоей своей проблемы.", "\n\nА вообще, я бы сделал два (или больше, с учётом DropDownов) метода, один из которых возвращал бы Control, другой ToolStripItem, третий - ToolStripDropDownItem.", "\n\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
[ 0, 0.007518796992481203, 0.0034482758620689655, 0.006134969325153374, 0, 0.01020408163265306, 0.0136986301369863, 0.009259259259259259, 0.010526315789473684, 0.01282051282051282, 0.02631578947368421, 0.03333333333333333, 0, 0, 0.003937007874015748, 0.0078125, 0, 0, 0.00847457627118644, 0.017543859649122806, 0.021505376344086023, 0.024844720496894408, 0 ]
[ "Efforts to reduce smoking and improve health are being hampered by the black market trade of millions of illegal cigarettes filled with human excrement, dead flies, rat droppings, mould and asbestos, local authority leaders have warned.", "\n\nThe Local Government Association (LGA) said fake cigarettes posed a fire risk because they are not designed to extinguish when not actively smoked, damage honest businesses and cost the UK economy about £3bn a year in unpaid duty.", "\n\nRecent efforts to crack down on the illicit trade have led to the seizure of hundreds of thousands of illegal cigarettes in Wolverhampton, Bristol and Nottingham. ", "Sniffer dogs were deployed in Birmingham during raids on 12 premises across the city.", "\n\nThe London councils of Southwark, Bexley, Bromley, Greenwich, Lambeth and Lewisham have formed a partnership to tackle the trade of 114m illicit cigarettes which are estimated to be sold in the area each year.", "\n\nMany have much higher levels of toxic ingredients such as tar, nicotine, carbon monoxide, lead, cadmium and arsenic than genuine cigarettes.", "\n\nCouncillor Joanna Spicer, vice chair of the LGA's safer and stronger communities board, said: \"Counterfeit tobacco being sold cheaply through the black market by rogue traders is hampering council efforts to reduce smoking. ", "This illicit trade is also funding organised criminal gangs, damaging the livelihoods of honest businesses and costing taxpayers billions of pounds a year.", "\n\n\"People buying cheap cigarettes might think they are getting a great deal but the truth is that they're not. ", "If they knew what they might contain, they might think twice about buying them.", "\n\n\"Council prosecutions should serve as a strong warning to any shopkeeper thinking of stocking their shelves with illegal tobacco and not thinking twice about selling them cheaply to children and others.\"" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
[ 0, 0.008620689655172414, 0.012121212121212121, 0, 0.014218009478672985, 0, 0.008849557522123894, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "//\n// Generated by class-dump 3.5 (64 bit) (Debug version compiled Jun 9 2015 22:53:21).", "\n//\n// class-dump is Copyright (C) 1997-1998, 2000-2001, 2004-2014 by Steve Nygard.", "\n//\n\n#import \"ICPAgentServiceBase.h\"\n\n#import \"ICPSharedPhotoStreamCloudFeedManagerReceiver-Protocol.h\"\n#import \"ICPSharedPhotoStreamService-Protocol.h\"\n#import \"IDSServiceDelegate-Protocol.h\"\n#import \"MSASModelObserver-Protocol.h\"\n#import \"MSASPlugin-Protocol.h\"\n#import \"MSAlbumSharingDaemonDelegate-Protocol.h\"\n#import \"PFURLHandlingSubsystem-Protocol.h\"\n\n@class ICPFileTransferStatistics, ICPSharedPhotoStreamCloudFeedManager, ICPSharedPhotoStreamLibraryManager, IDSService, MSAlbumSharingDaemon, NSBackgroundActivityScheduler, NSDate, NSDictionary, NSMutableDictionary, NSMutableSet, NSObject, NSString, NSTimer, PFCoalescer, PFDispatchQueue;\n@protocol MSASModel, OS_dispatch_source;\n\n@interface ICPSharedPhotoStreamService : ICPAgentServiceBase <MSAlbumSharingDaemonDelegate, MSASModelObserver, MSASPlugin, ICPSharedPhotoStreamCloudFeedManagerReceiver, PFURLHandlingSubsystem, IDSServiceDelegate, ICPSharedPhotoStreamService>\n{\n BOOL _didCheckForUndownloadedContent;\n BOOL _cloudFeedManagerRebuildRequested;\n id <MSASModel> _albumSharingModel;\n MSAlbumSharingDaemon *_albumSharingDaemon;\n PFDispatchQueue *_assetPreparationQueue;\n ICPSharedPhotoStreamLibraryManager *_libraryManager;\n NSMutableDictionary *_pendingLikeComments;\n NSMutableSet *_myCommentIdentifiers;\n NSString *_personId;\n NSBackgroundActivityScheduler *_undownloadedContentCheckActivityScheduler;\n NSObject<OS_dispatch_source> *_albumSharingDaemonIdleTimerSource;\n NSDate *_lastAlbumSharingDaemonIdleDate;\n ICPSharedPhotoStreamCloudFeedManager *_cloudFeedManager;\n PFDispatchQueue *_postAssetReplyQueue;\n NSMutableDictionary *_pendingPostAssetReplies;\n PFCoalescer *_cloudFeedEntryUpdateCoalescer;\n PFCoalescer *_libraryImportCoalescer;\n NSDictionary *_cachedSharedStreamsServerSideConfiguration;\n NSTimer *_serverBackoffDateExpirationTimer;\n ICPFileTransferStatistics *_downloadStatistics;\n ICPFileTransferStatistics *_uploadStatistics;\n IDSService *_idsService;\n}\n\n+ (void)didFindDeletedAlbumWithGUID:(id)arg1;\n+ (void)didFindNewAlbum:(id)arg1;\n+ (id)delegatePluginForPersonID:(id)arg1;\n+ (id)currentAlbumSharingModelMatchingPersonId:(id)arg1;\n+ (void)clearCurrentPhotoStreamService;\n+ (void)setCurrentPhotoStreamService:(id)arg1;\n+ (id)albumSharingModelMap;\n+ (CDUnknownBlockType)assetSortingComparatorWithPropertyCache:(id)arg1 identifierAccessor:(CDUnknownBlockType)arg2;\n@property(retain) IDSService *idsService; // @synthesize idsService=_idsService;\n@property(retain) ICPFileTransferStatistics *uploadStatistics; // @synthesize uploadStatistics=_uploadStatistics;\n@property(retain) ICPFileTransferStatistics *downloadStatistics; // @synthesize downloadStatistics=_downloadStatistics;\n@property(retain) NSTimer *serverBackoffDateExpirationTimer; // @synthesize serverBackoffDateExpirationTimer=_serverBackoffDateExpirationTimer;\n@property(retain) NSDictionary *cachedSharedStreamsServerSideConfiguration; // @synthesize cachedSharedStreamsServerSideConfiguration=_cachedSharedStreamsServerSideConfiguration;\n@property(retain) PFCoalescer *libraryImportCoalescer; // @synthesize libraryImportCoalescer=_libraryImportCoalescer;\n@property(retain) PFCoalescer *cloudFeedEntryUpdateCoalescer; // @synthesize cloudFeedEntryUpdateCoalescer=_cloudFeedEntryUpdateCoalescer;\n@property(retain) NSMutableDictionary *pendingPostAssetReplies; // @synthesize pendingPostAssetReplies=_pendingPostAssetReplies;\n@property(retain) PFDispatchQueue *postAssetReplyQueue; // @synthesize postAssetReplyQueue=_postAssetReplyQueue;\n@property BOOL cloudFeedManagerRebuildRequested; // @synthesize cloudFeedManagerRebuildRequested=_cloudFeedManagerRebuildRequested;\n@property(retain) ICPSharedPhotoStreamCloudFeedManager *cloudFeedManager; // @synthesize cloudFeedManager=_cloudFeedManager;\n@property(retain) NSDate *lastAlbumSharingDaemonIdleDate; // @synthesize lastAlbumSharingDaemonIdleDate=_lastAlbumSharingDaemonIdleDate;\n@property(retain) NSObject<OS_dispatch_source> *albumSharingDaemonIdleTimerSource; // @synthesize albumSharingDaemonIdleTimerSource=_albumSharingDaemonIdleTimerSource;\n@property BOOL didCheckForUndownloadedContent; // @synthesize didCheckForUndownloadedContent=_didCheckForUndownloadedContent;\n@property(retain) NSBackgroundActivityScheduler *undownloadedContentCheckActivityScheduler; // @synthesize undownloadedContentCheckActivityScheduler=_undownloadedContentCheckActivityScheduler;\n@property(retain) NSString *personId; // @synthesize personId=_personId;\n@property(retain) NSMutableSet *myCommentIdentifiers; // @synthesize myCommentIdentifiers=_myCommentIdentifiers;\n@property(retain) NSMutableDictionary *pendingLikeComments; // @synthesize pendingLikeComments=_pendingLikeComments;\n@property(retain) ICPSharedPhotoStreamLibraryManager *libraryManager; // @synthesize libraryManager=_libraryManager;\n@property(retain) PFDispatchQueue *assetPreparationQueue; // @synthesize assetPreparationQueue=_assetPreparationQueue;\n@property(retain) MSAlbumSharingDaemon *albumSharingDaemon; // @synthesize albumSharingDaemon=_albumSharingDaemon;\n@property(retain) id <MSASModel> albumSharingModel; // @synthesize albumSharingModel=_albumSharingModel;\n- (void).cxx_destruct;\n- (void)addImageForAssetCollection:(id)arg1 toUserNotificationEvent:(id)arg2;\n- (void)retryOutstandingActivities;\n- (void)sharedStreamBackoffDidExpire:(id)arg1;\n- (void)sharedStreamModelDidUpdateServerCommunicationBackoffDate:(id)arg1;\n- (void)daemonIdleTimerDidFire;\n- (void)MSAlbumSharingDaemonDidUnidleMomentarily:(id)arg1;\n- (void)MSAlbumSharingDaemonDidUnidle:(id)arg1;\n- (void)MSAlbumSharingDaemonDidIdle:(id)arg1;\n- (void)notifyCloudFeedRebuildProgressUpdated:(double)arg1;\n- (void)notifyCloudFeedEntriesUpdated:(id)arg1 added:(id)arg2 deleted:(id)arg3;\n- (void)notifyCloudFeedChanges;\n- (void)notifyCommentChangeForMediaItemIdentifier:(id)arg1;\n- (void)notifyServerSideConfigurationChanged;\n- (void)notifyImportedMediaItemWithIdentifier:(id)arg1;\n- (void)notifyChangedAlbumMetadata:(id)arg1;\n- (void)notifyCreatedAlbum:(id)arg1;\n- (void)getServerConfigurationImageSize:(CDUnknownBlockType)arg1;\n- (void)MSASModelDidReceiveNewServerSideConfiguration:(id)arg1 info:(id)arg2;\n- (void)MSASModel:(id)arg1 didFindLastViewedCommentDate:(id)arg2 forAssetCollection:(id)arg3 inAlbum:(id)arg4 info:(id)arg5;\n- (void)MSASModel:(id)arg1 didMarkAssetCollection:(id)arg2 asHavingUnreadComments:(BOOL)arg3 inAlbum:(id)arg4 info:(id)arg5;\n- (void)MSASModel:(id)arg1 didUpdateUnviewedAssetCollectionCount:(int)arg2 forAlbum:(id)arg3 info:(id)arg4;\n- (void)MSASModel:(id)arg1 didMarkAlbum:(id)arg2 asHavingUnreadContent:(BOOL)arg3 info:(id)arg4;\n- (void)MSASModel:(id)arg1 didUnsubscribeFromAlbum:(id)arg2 info:(id)arg3;\n- (void)notifyInvitationChanges:(id)arg1;\n- (void)MSASModel:(id)arg1 didFindDeletedInvitations:(id)arg2 info:(id)arg3;\n- (void)MSASModel:(id)arg1 didFindNewInvitations:(id)arg2 info:(id)arg3;\n- (void)MSASModel:(id)arg1 didFindDeletedComments:(id)arg2 forAssetCollection:(id)arg3 inAlbum:(id)arg4 info:(id)arg5;\n- (void)MSASModel:(id)arg1 didFindNewComments:(id)arg2 forAssetCollection:(id)arg3 inAlbum:(id)arg4 info:(id)arg5;\n- (void)MSASModel:(id)arg1 didFindInvitationChange:(id)arg2 info:(id)arg3;\n- (void)MSASModel:(id)arg1 didFindNewInvitation:(id)arg2 info:(id)arg3;\n- (void)MSASModel:(id)arg1 didFindDeletedAssetCollection:(id)arg2 inAlbum:(id)arg3 info:(id)arg4;\n- (void)MSASModel:(id)arg1 didFinishRetrievingAsset:(id)arg2 inAlbum:(id)arg3 error:(id)arg4;\n- (BOOL)shouldShowNotificationsForModel:(id)arg1 andAlbum:(id)arg2;\n- (BOOL)shouldDownloadImageThumbnails;\n- (void)MSASModel:(id)arg1 didFindNewAssetCollection:(id)arg2 inAlbum:(id)arg3 info:(id)arg4;\n- (void)notifyVideoConversionFailureForAlbumGUID:(id)arg1;\n- (id)videoComplementAssetForAssetCollection:(id)arg1;\n- (void)MSASModel:(id)arg1 didRequestDerivativesForAssetCollections:(id)arg2 specifications:(id)arg3 info:(id)arg4 completionBlock:(CDUnknownBlockType)arg5;\n- (void)MSASModel:(id)arg1 didFinishAddingAssetCollection:(id)arg2 toAlbum:(id)arg3 info:(id)arg4 error:(id)arg5;\n- (void)MSASModel:(id)arg1 didFindDeletedAlbums:(id)arg2 info:(id)arg3;\n- (void)MSASModel:(id)arg1 didFindAlbumMetadataChange:(id)arg2 info:(id)arg3;\n- (void)MSASModel:(id)arg1 didFindNewAlbum:(id)arg2 info:(id)arg3;\n- (void)notifyAssetCollectionUploaded:(id)arg1 toAlbum:(id)arg2 error:(id)arg3;\n- (void)notifyMetadataChangedForAlbum:(id)arg1;\n- (void)setFocusStreamIdentifier:(id)arg1 reply:(CDUnknownBlockType)arg2;\n- (void)firstCloudFeedEntryWithType:(long long)arg1 forSharedPhotoStreamWithIdentifier:(id)arg2 reply:(CDUnknownBlockType)arg3;\n- (void)recentCloudFeedEntriesForMediaItemsWithLimit:(unsigned long long)arg1 reply:(CDUnknownBlockType)arg2;\n- (void)cloudFeedEntriesWithEarliestDate:(id)arg1 latestDate:(id)arg2 limit:(unsigned long long)arg3 reply:(CDUnknownBlockType)arg4;\n- (void)markCloudFeedContentAsViewed:(long long)arg1 reply:(CDUnknownBlockType)arg2;\n- (void)markCommentsAsViewedForMediaItemIdentifiers:(id)arg1 lastViewedDate:(id)arg2 reply:(CDUnknownBlockType)arg3;\n- (void)markSharedPhotoStreamWithIdentifierAsViewed:(id)arg1 moveLastViewedMediaItemMarker:(BOOL)arg2 reply:(CDUnknownBlockType)arg3;\n- (void)lastViewedCommentDateForMediaItemWithIdentifier:(id)arg1 reply:(CDUnknownBlockType)arg2;\n- (void)earliestUnviewedMediaItemIdentifierInSharedPhotoStreamWithIdentifier:(id)arg1 reply:(CDUnknownBlockType)arg2;\n- (void)isMediaItemWithIdentifierMarkedAsUnviewed:(id)arg1 reply:(CDUnknownBlockType)arg2;\n- (void)unviewedMediaItemCountForSharedPhotoStreamWithIdentifier:(id)arg1 reply:(CDUnknownBlockType)arg2;\n- (void)isSharedPhotoStreamWithIdentifierMarkedAsUnviewed:(id)arg1 reply:(CDUnknownBlockType)arg2;\n- (void)unviewedSharedPhotoStreamCount:(CDUnknownBlockType)arg1;\n- (void)unsubscribeFromSharedPhotoStreamWithIdentifier:(id)arg1 reply:(CDUnknownBlockType)arg2;\n- (void)markAsSpamPhoneInvitationForSharedPhotoStreamWithIdentifier:(id)arg1 reply:(CDUnknownBlockType)arg2;\n- (void)rejectPhoneInvitationForSharedPhotoStreamWithIdentifier:(id)arg1 reply:(CDUnknownBlockType)arg2;\n- (BOOL)error:(id)arg1 matchesNestedDomainsAndCodes:(id)arg2;\n- (BOOL)isPhoneInvitationNotFoundError:(id)arg1;\n- (void)acceptPhoneInvitationForSharedPhotoStreamWithIdentifier:(id)arg1 reply:(CDUnknownBlockType)arg2;\n- (void)didReceiveIDSPhoneInvitationDeletionForAlbumIdentifier:(id)arg1;\n- (void)didReceiveIDSPhoneInvitationForAlbum:(id)arg1;\n- (void)markAsSpamInvitationWithIdentifier:(id)arg1 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[ "Q:\n\n¿Por qué %2 parece ser igual a %2 ==1 en este programa?", "\n\nEste programa pide 10 enteros al usuario y arroja el valor impar más alto:\nmaxOdd = None\nfor x in range(10):\n value = int(input('Enter a value: '))\n if (value % 2 and (maxOdd is None or value > maxOdd)): #for some reason value % 2 is equal to express value % 2== 1 or value % 2 !", "= 0\n maxOdd = value\nif maxOdd:\n print('The largest odd value entered was', maxOdd)\nelse:\n print('No odd values were entered.')", "\n\nTampoco estoy seguro de la diferencia entre poner None en vez de 0.", "\n\nA:\n\nEl condiccional if evalua una operación logica, es decir una expresión que de como resultado un boleano (true o false) y ejecuta la pieza de código siguiente siempre y cuando el resultado sea verdadero.", "\nTu duda viene porque la operación módulo retorna un entero no un valor boleano. ", "La explicación es simple, un entero se considera False cuando es igual a 0 y True en cualquier otro caso. ", "Estas normas también existen para otros objetos, por ejemplo una lista/tupla/set/diccionario es considerado False si esta vacía, una cadena es evaluada como False si es una cadena vacía, etc. ", "Podemos comprobar esto fácilmente haciendo un casting a tipo boleano con bool():\n>>> bool(0)\n>>> False\n>>> bool(-1)\n>>> True\n>>> bool(0.000)\n>>> False\n>>> bool([])\n>>> False\n>>> bool([1,2,3])\n>>> True\n>>> bool('')\n>>> False\n>>> bool('HolaNundo')\n>>> True\n\nTodo objeto en Python tiene un valor boleano asociado, la norma general es:\n\nSon evaluados como False:\n\nNone\nFalse\n0 (integer, float o complex)\nColecciones vacías: “”, (), [], {}\nObjetos de clases que tiene implementado el método especial __nonzero__\nObjetos de clases que implemntan el método __len__ para retornar False o cero.", "\n\nEl resto de objetos son evaluados como True.", "\n\nEl if simplemente considera si lo que hay delante es falso o verdadero. ", "Si no es una expresión que retorne un valor boleano como son los operadores boleanos (==, >=, <=, >, <, !", "= ) se evalua según las normas anteriores, que en realidad no son más que convenciones. ", "En este caso si el entero no es 0 se evalua como True.", "\nLa operación %2 va a retornar siempre 0 o 1 ya que esos son los dos únicos restos posibles de la división entera entre 2. ", "Por eso %2 == 1 es válida también.", "\nEn cuanto al uso de None ó 0 en este caso no hay grandes diferencias. ", "None ocupa menos en memoria pero eso carece de importancia alguna en tu código realmente. ", "En lo que si hay diferencia es en que si usas 0 puedes simplificar el condicional. ", "None no permite usar el operador > pero 0 si, esto permite eliminar el or:\nmaxOdd = 0\nfor x in range(10):\n value = int(input('Enter a value: '))\n if (value % 2 and value > maxOdd):\n maxOdd = value\nif maxOdd:\n print('The largest odd value entered was', maxOdd)\nelse:\n print('No odd values were entered.')", "\n\nEl if-else final funciona igual por lo explicado al principio, si es 0 se evalua como False igual que hace con None.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "Regina Police say they aren’t pursuing any criminal investigations following reports that Roughriders receiver Duron Carter was spit on and Saskatchewan’s mascot Gainer the Gopher was roughed up by rival Winnipeg fans during a game Sunday at Mosaic Stadium.", "\n\nAnd that’s fine with Carter, who had calmed down by Tuesday after calling out Blue Bombers fans on Twitter on Monday.", "\n\n“It’s just spit, no police, none of that,” Carter said at practice.", "\n\nCarter said the incident occurred after the pre-game introductions before the Riders’ 38-24 victory, their third straight win.", "\n\n“We ran out and I do my normal thing, run all the way down the field,” Carter said. “", "I’m giving high-fives to guys and some guy just reaches over and spits on me.", "\n\n“I was pretty upset but I went and grabbed one of the security ladies and they escorted him out of the game.", "\n\n“That’s good enough. ", "I mean, everybody makes mistakes.”", "\n\nThe two regional rivals, whose fans share no shortage of bad blood, meet again Saturday in Winnipeg.", "\n\nBlue Bombers CEO Wade Miller declined to comment Tuesday but the team released a statement.", "\n\n“We ask that all fans, blue or green, behave in a way that makes us all proud,” the Bombers said.", "\n\nThere were also reports another Winnipeg supporter tried removing Gainer the Gopher’s head, but Regina police said they aren’t investigating either alleged incident.", "\n\nCarter added fuel to the fire Sunday night by ranting about the incident on Twitter, calling the Bombers supporters the “worst fans in the league.”", "\n\nBut Carter said he wasn’t reminded of the spitting incident until he went on Twitter well after the end of the game.", "\n\n“To tell the truth I played too much football I completely forgot about it,” Carter said. “", "Then I get on Twitter and I see the picture and I see the guy right there in the picture.", "\n\n“I was sitting in my bed and had a little fun with Twitter and it just got completely out of control. ", "If I met any of those people from Twitter on the street, it would be nothing but love. ", "For me, I’m just having fun, living life. ", "I think people take it just a little bit too seriously.”", "\n\nCarter expects to receive a rousing reaction from Bombers fans at Investors Group Field this weekend.", "\n\n“I guess a bunch of people yelling at me,” Carter said. “", "I love it.”", "\n\nIn fact, Carter welcomed Bombers fans to be creative.", "\n\n“Make signs,” he said. “", "Anything outside of physically touching me, go ahead.”", "\n\nCarter, the son of Pro Football Hall of Famer Cris Carter, said the spitting incident was a first for him. ", "But he also recalled another altercation with a Bombers fan last season while a member of the Montreal Alouettes.", "\n\n“I think last year I knocked over a beer from a guy from Winnipeg,” Carter said. “", "He was saying some stuff to me that I can’t repeat.”", "\n\nCarter said while he understands the passion of fans, there are clear lines that should never be crossed.", "\n\n“I understand the trash talk, I understand being fanatics,” he said. “", "I’m a fan of most sports myself.", "\n\n“But if it was any player, if it was (Winnipeg quarterback) Matt Nichols, (Bombers’ receiver) Weston Dressler, our fans shouldn’t be spitting on them. ", "It’s just classless.”", "\n\nThe six-foot-five, 205-pound Carter is in his fourth CFL season, first with Saskatchewan. ", "The 26-year-old has 47 catches for 541 yards and seven TDs with the Riders.", "\n\n– CP" ]
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[ "The present invention relates to packaging an item such that the plane of at least one surface of the item to be packaged is non-parallel to the planes of the outer surfaces of a carton or similar container and in particular to such packaging of an item having a rectangular parallelepiped shape.", "\nA number of approaches have been previously proposed or attempted for packaging items to reduce or eliminate damage from dropping or other handling of the package. ", "In some approaches, the item to be packaged is enclosed in an inner container which, in turn, is positioned within an outer container. ", "This is often done in a manner to assure that the item being packaged is spaced from the walls of the outer container. ", "Although this approach has been useful for a number of purposes, it is believed that there is an opportunity for additional packaging improvement, especially when the item to be packaged has at least one planar surface and/or, when the item to be packaged has a parallelepiped shape (having six planar surfaces). ", "Without wishing to be bound by any theory, it is believed that previous approaches have tended to orient surfaces of an object parallel to outer surfaces of a carton, e.g. in order to achieve efficiency of space (i.e., packing as many packaged items as possible within a trailer, railroad car, warehouse, storeroom, retail shelf or other space, and the like). ", "For such items, there is, in general, a particular risk of damage. ", "Without wishing to be bound by any theory, it is believed that damage occurs particularly when the outer carton is dropped (or otherwise subjected to a shock) on a carton face which is parallel to (or, in some cases, perpendicular to) the plane of a surface of the item which is packaged. ", "Previous approaches involving an inner carton were typically less concerned with the direction of force vectors than with providing spacing from the outer carton walls. ", "Accordingly, little or no attention was previously given to the risks of arising from parallel or orthogonal relationships between outer surfaces of the carton and planes of the item to be packaged. ", "Indeed, many previous approaches involving an inner package were directed to protecting electronic tubes and other items having a substantially circular profile (and which, thus, did not have a parallelepiped and/or planar-surface shape).", "\nAnother approach has involved rolling an item up in an inflated or inflatable bladder device and placing assembly within a carton. ", "As with the inner-carton approach, this approach is principally directed to maintaining spacing between the item to be packaged and the outer carton and, in general, items to be packaged, using this approach, would be as likely to be in a parallel or orthogonal relationship to the carton walls as any other orientation, since there was generally no device or procedure to assure any particular orientation within the outer carton.", "\nAccordingly, it would be useful to provide a system, method and apparatus which can assist in reducing or eliminating certain types of damage arising from dropping or other shocks on a parallelepiped-shaped item or other item having one or more planar surfaces.", "\nThe present invention includes a recognition of the existence, nature and/or source of problems in previous approaches, including as described herein. ", "According to one aspect of the present invention, an item to be packaged which has at least one planar surface, is positioned within an outer carton, itself having one or more planar surfaces, such that at least one planar surface of the item to be packaged is non-parallel to any of the planar surfaces of the outer carton. ", "In one aspect, the item to be packaged is a rectangular parallelepiped defining width, height and depth axes, the outer parallelepiped carton also defining carton width, height and depth axes, the item to be packaged being positioned in the carton with at least one, and, and in some embodiments, two or three, axes tipped or angled with respect to axes of the carton. ", "Preferably foam, cardboard or other inserts provide and/or maintain such non-orthogonal orientation of the item to be packaged. ", "In some embodiments, the additional resistance to damage provided by such packaging can allow less robust (and less expensive) versions of items to be developed, such as by providing for chassis, panels or other components made of thinner and/or less expensive materials.", "\nIn one aspect, an item to be packaged which has at least a first substantially planar surface is positioned within the carton, also having at least a first substantially planar exterior carton surface such that the plane of the item to be packaged is non-orthogonal to and non-parallel with the plane of the carton exterior. ", "In one aspect, a substantially parallelepiped-shaped item is rotated about one, two or three orthogonal axes for placing in a carton which may itself have a substantially parallelepiped exterior shape." ]
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[ "Car Insurance Quotes Fiat 500\n\nBy Investing.com Studios Just as remarkable as its world-wide recognition as a stable store of value is how fiat currency has transformed the. ", "currency spread to Wall Street, with the S&P 500 and t.\n\nProof of insurance: To drive a new car off the lot you need to prove you have insurance on that car. ", "You can call ahead and set up the new insurance policy if you know which car you are buying. ", "Account number for trade-in loan: If you are trading in a car for which there is an unpaid loan, you will need to bring the loan’s account number, which is on.", "\n\nA buyer using TradeRev can receive an instant quote for transportation. ", "They can actually buy insurance where if they don’t sell the car within a specified period of time that we’ll actually take t.\n\nAn insurance group is a method to determine the cost of insuring your car based on which group they’re assigned to. ", "The Association of British Insurers (ABI) determine a car’s insurance group.", "\n\nThe Dow Jones Industrial Average rose 284 points, or 1.1%, to 25,441, while the S&P 500 index was up 19 points to.", "\n\nI want to buy a hatchback petrol car under 8 lacs which is equipped with features like good decent mileage, build quality, better engine performance and well de.", "\n\nYounger drivers would be best off snapping up a Fiat 500, Citroen C1 or Peugeot 107 rather than the top sellers if they want the cheapest premiums, data.", "\n\nThey set a telescope in an old corncrib and, between 2 and 8 in the morning,\n\nBar the latter, the Abarth 595 has benefitted from the facelift bestowed on the Fiat 500 in 2015, with new head and rear lights chief among the changes. ", "In its Competizione trim, the 595 is the closest competitor there is to the Mini Cooper S – at least in terms of conception and image. ", "But can it match it for speed and interaction, too?", "\n\nBasically, Chatham House Rules say that you cannot quote anyone without their permission. ", "our debt servicing costs will rise and so will interest rates. (", "Sidebar lesson: in a fiat currency world, i.\n\nCar Insurance Rates Montgomery County Maryland Choose from the list of topics below for overviews of key highway safety issues, along with compilations of IIHS and HLDI research, news and legal information on each. ", "Search the world’s information, including webpages, images, videos and more. ", "Google has many special features to help you find exactly what you’re looking for. ", "Choose from the list of topics below for overviews of key highway safety issues, along with compilations of IIHS and HLDI research, news and legal information on each.", "\n\nAug 13, 2018 · Get the latest headlines on Wall Street and international economies, money news, personal finance, the stock market indexes including Dow Jones, NASDAQ, and more. ", "Be informed and get ahead with our real-time stock quotes, deep tools such as currency converters.", "\n\nCar Insurance Assist Emergency Road Service also includes Horace Mann Express Service, providing prompt 24/7 assistance for educators at no additional charge. ", "Aug 31, 2017. ", "If you don't have adequate auto insurance to repair or replace your flood- damaged car, there still may be a few options for some assistance. ", "Car Insurance Rates Montgomery County Maryland Choose from the list of topics below for overviews of key highway safety issues, along with compilations of IIHS and HLDI research, news and legal information on\n\nA buyer using TradeRev can receive an instant quote for transportation. ", "They can actually buy insurance where if they don’t sell the car within a specified period of time that we’ll actually take t.\n\nBar the latter, the Abarth 595 has benefitted from the facelift bestowed on the Fiat 500 in 2015, with new head and rear lights chief among the changes. ", "In its Competizione trim, the 595 is the closest competitor there is to the Mini Cooper S – at least in terms of conception and image. ", "But can it match it for speed and interaction, too?", "\n\nIt began by offering personal loans only in Georgia, but has since expanded to 34 states and Washington D.C. LendingPoint has originated more than $500 million. ", "need funds to buy a car or need help.", "\n\nNotwithstanding such oversight, PBMs were the best performing sector in the S&P 500 in the decade of the 2000’s.", "\n\nSingapore Road Test and Car Reviews – We put the latest cars through our comprehensive road tests it and give you our unbiased opinion about them.", "\n\nThe Dow Jones Industrial Average rose 284 points, or 1.1%, to 25,441, while the S&P 500 index was up 19 points to.", "\n\nIt began by offering personal loans only in Georgia, but has since expanded to 34 states and Washington D.C. LendingPoint has originated more than $500 million. ", "need funds to buy a car or need help.", "\n\nCar Finance from AA Cars is the fast and easy way to pay for a car. ", "Simply choose your car, calculate your repayments online and get a quote in minutes.", "\n\nBasically, Chatham House Rules say that you cannot quote anyone without their permission. ", "our debt servicing costs will rise and so will interest rates. (", "Sidebar lesson: in a fiat currency world, i.\n\nThe Fiat 500X is a compact crossover extension of the 500 family that’s aiming to take the fight to the Nissan Juke, Peugeot 2008, Renault Captur, Vauxhall Mokka and retro compadre the Mini Countryman. ", "At its heart the 500X shares a platform and mechanical hardware with its cousin, the Jeep Renegade, although the Jeep carries an extra.", "\n\nNotwithstanding such oversight, PBMs were the best performing sector in the S&P 500 in the decade of the 2000’s.", "\n\nBy Investing.com Studios Just as remarkable as its world-wide recognition as a stable store of value is how fiat currency has transformed the. ", "currency spread to Wall Street, with the S&P 500 and t.\n\nCar Finance from AA Cars is the fast and easy way to pay for a car. ", "Simply choose your car, calculate your repayments online and get a quote in minutes.", "\n\nThe Fiat 500X is a compact crossover extension of the 500 family that’s aiming to take the fight to the Nissan Juke, Peugeot 2008, Renault Captur, Vauxhall Mokka and retro compadre the Mini Countryman. ", "At its heart the 500X shares a platform and mechanical hardware with its cousin, the Jeep Renegade, although the Jeep carries an extra.", "\n\nVisit NamAuto in Namibia, the number one online platform to buy new and used vehicles, and get bank financing, insurance quotes or parts & accessories." ]
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[ "The present invention provides a laser diode within a multiple quantum well structure.", "\nA conventional laser diode will be described with reference to FIGS. ", "1 and 2A through 2C. The conventional laser diode is provided as illustrated in FIGS. ", "1 and 2A. The conventional laser diode is formed on an n-type InP substrate 1. ", "A surface of the n-type InP substrate 1 is formed with a grating 9. ", "An optical guide layer 2 is provided which extends over the grating 9. ", "The optical guide layer 2 is made of InGaAs which has a wavelength composition of 1.2 micrometers. ", "An active layer is provided, which extends over the optical guide layer 2. ", "The active layer has a multiple quantum well structure. ", "An optical guide layer 4 is provided, which extends over the active layer 3. ", "A p-type InP cladding layer 5 is provided, which extends over the optical guide layer 4. ", "A p-type InP layer 6 is provided which extends over the p-type InP cladding layer 5. ", "A p-type InGaAsP contact layer 7 is provided which extends over the p-type InP layer 6. ", "A p-type electrode is provided on the p-type InGaAsP contact layer 7.", "\nThe following descriptions will focus on the multiple quantum well structure of the active layer 3 with reference to FIGS. ", "2B and 2C. The multiple quantum well structure comprises alternating laminations of electroluminescence well layers 31 and potential barrier layers 32.", "\nThe electro-luminescence (also spelled \"electroluminescence\" below ) well layer 31 comprises a +0.8%-strained InGaAs layer which has a thickness of 5.5 nanometers and a wavelength composition of 1.72 micrometers. ", "The potential barrier layer 32 comprises a non-strained InGaAs which has a thickness of 4.0 micrometers and a wavelength composition of 1.15 micrometers. ", "The electro-luminescence well layer 31 has an energy band gap E.sub.g1 of 0.80 eV, where energy band gap is defined as a difference between a ground level of electrons in conduction band and a ground level of holes in valence band. ", "The energy band gap E.sub.g1 of 0.80 eV of the electro-luminescence well layer 31 is converted into a wavelength of 1.55 micrometers.", "\nThe above electro-luminescence well layer 35 having the small energy band gap E.sub.g1 of 0.80 eV shows electro-luminescence at a wavelength of 1.55 micrometers. ", "This electro-luminescence is caused by the induced transition by electron-hole recombination. ", "This means that the electro-luminescence well layers become necessarily deficient in carriers. ", "This makes the electro-luminescence well layers be deficient in carriers for the electro-luminescence. ", "This causes a considerable variation in refractive index of a laser medium. ", "This enlarges an active wavelength chirping." ]
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[ "După articolele despre răspopit și modul în care îi atrăgea pe minori și despre slujbele sale de exorcizare din Moșuni (Mureș), Vice România face o analiză comparativă cu legislația altor state și citează opinii avizate ale magistraților, anchetatorilor, avocaților sau psihoterapeuților.", "\n\nLegislația din România stipulează că victimele infracțiunii de act sexual cu un minor au la dispoziție opt ani de când devin majore pentru a depune plângere penală împotriva agresorului. ", "Dacă o fac mai târziu, faptele sunt considerate prescrise.", "\n\nTânărul Cristian Bota, acum în vârstă de 30 de ani, a depus mărturie în octombrie 2017, la 17 ani de când s-au petrecut presupusele fapte și la zece ani de când împlinise 18 ani. ", "Cu doi ani prea târziu, potrivit Codului Penal.", "\n\n”Nu văd de ce s-ar prescrie. ", "Până la urmă, de ce ne grăbim?”, ", "spune un procuror despre nevoia ca abuzurile sexuale împotriva copiilor să nu se mai prescrie.", "\n\nÎn România, adultul agresat sexual în copilărie are puțin timp la dispoziție să vorbească despre trauma sa și toate motivele să nu o facă atunci când e încă minor.", "\n\nTotul a început în vara lui 2017, când un ziar clujean a publicat o înregistrare audio în care fostul om al Bisericii îi propunea unui minor relații sexuale contra cost.", "\n\nRecomandări Vaccinurile împotriva COVID-19 sunt tot mai aproape, dar graba producerii lor îi îngrijorează pe cercetători\n\n”Facem sex, te plătesc pentru sex”, se aude clar vocea celui care era pe atunci paroh al bisericii din satul Moșuni, județul Mureș, și avea mii de adepți.", "\n\nÎnregistrarea i-a dat curaj lui Cristian Bota, care a povestit abuzurile sexuale la care l-ar fi supus fostul preot în copilărie, în perioada în care fusese lăsat de părinți în îngrijirea lui.", "\n\nCristian Bota\n\n”Ar fi trebuit să fie închis pentru ce mi-a făcut mie. ", "E liber. ", "Eu nu înțeleg asta. ", "Legislația este greșită”, spune din Franța, prin telefon, Cristian Bota, tânărul care l-a acuzat de abuz sexual pe Cristian Pomohaci, cântăreț de muzică populară și fost preot.", "\n\nMărturia sa de acum doi ani din ziare și de la televiziuni, urmată de o plângere penală, a lovit puternic în faima de preot clarvăzător și făcător de minuni a lui Pomohaci.", "\n\nCristian Bota, plângere tardivă și pentru viol\n\nÎn plângerea sa, Bota l-a acuzat pe presupusul său agresor și de viol, infracțiune pentru care termenul de prescripție este de zece ani de la majoratul victimei. ", "Și în acest caz a fost tardiv. ", "Doar cu două luni, dar tot prea târziu.", "\n\nRecomandări Cum reacționează oamenii când se întâlnesc pe stradă cu câinele-robot Spot, folosit în spitale la triajul pacienților cu COVID-19\n\nCristian Pomohaci. ", "Foto Facebook\n\nAșa că procurorii de la Secția de urmărire penală și criminalistică din cadrul Parchetului de pe lângă Înalta Curte de Casație și Justiție care au anchetat cazul Pomohaci au închis dosarul.", "\n\nMărturiile adunate de ei, care se regăsesc în ordonanța de clasare a dosarului la care VICE a avut acces, nu au ajuns niciodată în instanță.", "\n\nDeclarațiile martorilor (…) confirmă faptul că fostul preot Pomohaci Cristian a desfășurat activități/acțiuni de racolare/ademenire ori de încercare și/sau de întreținere de acte sexuale cu minori. (…) ", "Din coroborarea celor expuse, apreciem că s-a atins standardul de probațiune necesar atribuirii calității de suspect, însă trecerea la etapa procesuală a punerii acestuia sub acuzare nu se poate realiza, întrucât a intervenit prescripția răspunderii penale Ordonanța procurorilor:\n\nCare este tendința la nivel internațional: pedepse mai mari și eliminarea prescripției\n\nDacă Pomohaci ar fi fost anchetat în țări precum Marea Britanie, Australia sau Germania, cazul său ar fi ajuns, cel mai probabil, în fața judecătorilor. ", "Din ce în ce mai multe țări cresc pedepsele și decid ca astfel de infracțiuni să nu mai aibă dată de expirare.", "\n\nRecomandări FOTO/VIDEO | Un producător de cătină din județul Gorj: „E aurul nostru!”", "\n\nUn caz aproape de noi este cel al Poloniei. ", "După scandalurile de abuz sexual din ultimii ani, în care au fost implicaţi sute de preoţi catolici, parlamentarii polonezi au amendat Codul Penal, în sensul înăspririi pedepselor (până la 30 de ani pentru pedofilie) și al eliminării prescripției.", "\n\nIar în Marea Britanie, anul acesta un preot catolic a fost condamnat la închisoare pentru nouă ani și unsprezece luni pentru abuzuri comise asupra a șase copii în anii ‘70. ", "Asta pentru că în Marea Britanie abuzul sexual contra minorilor nu se prescrie.", "\n\nCelebru caz al cardinalului George Pell, ajuns numărul 3 la Vatican\n\nCelebru în lume este cazul cardinalului George Pell, un important prelat catolic australian, care fost condamnat în februarie, anul acesta, la şase ani de închisoare pentru abuzarea sexuală a doi minori. ", "Abuzurile au avut loc în 1996, dar una dintre victime s-a plâns poliției 19 ani mai târziu, când Pell ajunsese numărul trei la Vatican și era însărcinat cu finanțele Sfântului Scaun.", "\n\nCardinalul George Pell. ", "Foto EPA\n\nÎnconjurul lumii au făcut şi marile scandaluri de abuzuri sexuale din Statele Unite – cazul fostului medic al naționalei de gimnastică a S.U.A, Larry Nassar, care a primit mai multe sentințe de până la 125 și 175 de ani de închisoare. ", "Tot aici, anul acesta un fost preot a fost găsit vinovat pentru abuzarea sexuală a unor minori, la începutul anilor 90, și riscă închisoare pe viață. ", "Abuzurile sexuale comise de preoți catolici au dus la adevărate campanii și în SUA, pentru prelungirea perioadei de prescripție a acestor fapte, iar state precum California sau Michigan au recurs, deja, la asemenea măsuri.", "\n\nAbuzurile sexuale comise de preoți catolici au dus la adevărate campanii și în SUA, pentru prelungirea perioadei de prescripție a acestor fapte, iar state precum California sau Michigan au recurs, deja, la asemenea măsuri.", "\n\nAbuzul sexual asupra minorilor poate atrage chiar sentinţa capitală în Cuba, Bahrein și Iran, dar şi India a introdus, anul trecut, o lege în acest sens.", "\n\nRomânia a îndulcit pedepsele pentru violatorii de copii\n\nȚara noastră a rămas în urmă, în ciuda cazurilor răsunătoare de copii abuzați sexual și a convenţiilor internaţionale la care a aderat. ", "Ele spun că legiuitorii trebuie să se asigure că termenele de prescripție ”continuă pe o perioadă de timp suficientă pentru a permite demararea eficientă a urmăririi, după ce victima a împlinit vârsta majoratului şi că este proporţională cu gravitatea infracţiunii respective”.", "\n\nAceste documente au în centru interesul superior al copilului şi protejarea drepturilor acestuia şi constată că ”exploatarea sexuală şi toate formele de abuz sexual pun în pericol grav sănătatea şi dezvoltarea psihosocială a copilului” (Convenția Consiliului Europei pentru protecţia copiilor împotriva exploatării sexuale şi a abuzurilor sexuale ratificată de România în 2010).", "\n\nStatelor semnatare li se recomandă să ia măsurile legislative sau de altă natură necesare pentru ca infracţiunile sexuale comise asupra copiilor „să fie pedepsite cu sancţiuni efective, proporţionale şi descurajante, ţinând seama de gravitatea lor”.", "\n\nÎn România, în schimb, noul Cod Penal le-a adus violatorilor de copii pedepse îndulcite.", "\n\nÎn urma mediatizării cazului Caracal, politicieni din România au avut propuneri de înăsprire a legislației în domeniu. ", "Premierul Viorica Dăncilă a vorbit despre închisoare pe viață pentru pedofili, iar ministrul demis al Justiției Ana Birchall a spus recent că, în opinia ei, abuzul copiilor ar trebui să intre la categoria faptelor imprescriptibile. ", "Astfel de luări de poziție au rămas doar vorbe. ", "Până vor deveni mai mult, celor care abuzează sexual copii li se aplică pedepsele mici din legislația actuală.", "\n\nNoul cod a extins prescripția în cazul acestor infracțiuni – prin introducerea calcului prescripției de la momentul majoratului victimei, și nu de la săvârșirea faptei -, dar procurorii care anchetează astfel de cazuri consideră că nu este de ajuns.", "\n\nAflă cum ademenea fostul preot Pomohaci minorii, în dormitorul lui:\n\n\n\nProcuror: ”Traumele nu se vor prescrie niciodată”\n\n”Nu văd de ce s-ar prescrie. ", "Până la urmă, de ce ne grăbim?”, ", "spune, pentru VICE, procurorul criminalist Alexandru Georgescu, fost șef al Parchetului de pe lângă Tribunalul București.", "\n\nÎn percepția sa, de anchetator în zeci de cazuri de mare violența, violul este similar cu omorul, ca gravitate, cu atât mai mult când victima este un copil.", "\n\n”Omorul nu se prescrie, nici violul și agresiunile sexuale nu ar trebui. ", "Traumele nu se vor prescrie niciodată și victimele nu se pot recupera întotdeauna” Procurorul criminalist Alexandru Georgescu:\n\nCând noul Cod Penal a redus pedepsele pentru violatorii de copii, procurorul a fost surprins: ”Nu e logic să le scazi. ", "Probabil politica penală s-a orientat spre o scădere a pedepselor, în general, dar e greșit să aplici criteriul ăsta la toate categoriile. ", "Violul nu-i furt. ", "Pedofilia nu-i furt”.", "\n\nOpiniile altor magistrați, ale avocaților, polițiștilor, psihoterapeuților, dar și ale reprezentanților ONG-urilor, în continuarea de pe vice.com.", "\n\nTotodată, Libertatea a derulat, în ultimul an, o serie de investigații referitoare la pedepsele mici și chiar la clemența pe care o primesc agresorii sexuali asupra copiilor. ", "Citește AICI toate investigațiile Libertății despre prădătorii de copii.", "\n\n\n\nCiteşte şi:\n\nÎnregistrări și reportaj de la slujba de exorcizare a „părintelui” Pomohaci, unde vin în continuare sute de oameni\n\nCultul lui Pomohaci | Cum îi ademenea pe minori fostul preot acuzat de pedofilie. “", "La părintele îi e frică să doarmă singur”\n\nPARTENERI - GSP.RO \"Vei muri de foame cu copii cu tot\". ", "Incredibil cu cine a intrat în conflict Anamaria Prodan\n\nPARTENERI - PLAYTECH BOMBA despre Gabi Firea a fost DETONATĂ cu 24 de ore înainte de alegeri. ", "Bucureștenii vor afla acum adevărul despre ea\n\nHOROSCOP Horoscop 27 septembrie 2020. ", "Balanțele au parte de un context avantajos pentru a renunța rapid la planurile păguboase\n\nScoala9.ro Primul vot din viața mea. „", "La școală prea puțin am discutat despre alegeri”" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nHow to prevent div of variable height from moving other elements?", "\n\nHTML:\n<div id=\"autocomplete\" hidden></div>\n<input type = \"button\" id = \"search\" value = \"Search\">\n\nThe autocomplete div holds various input tags generated by jQuery. ", "When the input tags are created, they shift the button down the screen in order to fit the autocomplete content. ", "What I want to do is to have the autocomplete div overlay on top of the the button rather than shifting the button down.", "\nI have tried using z-index, but it seems to only work if autocomplete is placed after the button in HTML, the using negative margin to shift autocomplete back up. ", "I don't like this solution since it messes up when viewed from other screen sizes.", "\nIs there another way?", "\n\nA:\n\nI think you have to use absolute positioning to keep the button over the inserting elements.", "\nYou can do something like this:\n\n$('#autocomplete').append($('<div>').text('WOW1'))\r\n$('#autocomplete').append($('<div>').text('WOW2'))\r\n$('#autocomplete').append($('<div>').text('WOW3'))\r\n$('#autocomplete').append($('<div>').text('WOW4'))\n#container {\r\n position: relative;\r\n}\r\n\r\n#search {\r\n position: absolute;\r\n top: 0;\r\n}\r\n\r\n#autocomplete {\r\n padding-top: 20px;\r\n}\n<script src=\"https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.3.1/jquery.min.js\"></script>\r\n\r\n<div id=\"container\">\r\n <div id=\"autocomplete\" ></div>\r\n <input type = \"button\" id = \"search\" value = \"Search\">\r\n</div>\n\nEDIT:\nHere is a link to see how CSS position works:\nhttps://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/position\nAlso I recommend you to check this stack overflow answer about relative vs absolute positioning it has a very natural response (Position Relative vs Absolute?)", "\n\nThis tells the browser that whatever is going to be positioned should\n be removed from the normal flow of the document and will be placed in\n an exact location on the page. ", "It won't affect how the elements before\n it or after it in the HTML are positioned on the Web page however it\n will be subject to it's parents' positioning unless you override it.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "Cameron Smith (rugby league, born 1998)\n\nCameron Smith (born 7 November 1998) is an English rugby league footballer who plays as a for the Leeds Rhinos in the Super League and the England Knights at international level. ", "\n\nSmith has spent time on loan from Leeds at the Bradford Bulls and Featherstone Rovers in the Championship.", "\n\nEarly life\nSmith was born in Pontefract, West Yorkshire, England. ", "He is the brother of fellow professional player Daniel Smith.", "\n\nCameron Smith attended Castleford Academy in a period from 2010 - 2015. ", "He then furthered his education at NEW College, Pontefract by taking BTEC Level 3 Extended Diploma in sport. ", "He captained his high school side Castleford Academy to win the National Cup, Yorkshire Cup and the Wakefield district cup.", "\n\nCameron's youth career saw him play for his local team Castleford Panthers where he made over 60 appearances for the club.", "\n\nLeeds Rhinos\nIn 2013 Leeds Rhinos approached Smith to join their academy team. ", "He then went on to take the captaincy band for Leeds Rhinos' Under 16's and England Under 16's\n\nSmith made his début for Leeds Rhinos from the interchange bench in their loss against the Wakefield Trinity Wildcats which ended 14-6. ", "He then later featured against the Hunslet Hawks again from the interchange bench in a thrilling 22-18 victory. ", "Smith's latest venture with Leeds Rhinos has been his trip to Florida where he gained another cap against USA Pioneers.", "\n\nInternational career\nIn 2019 he was selected for the England Knights against Jamaica at Headingley Rugby Stadium.", "\n\nReferences\n\nExternal links\n\nLeeds Rhinos profile\nSL profile\n\nCategory:1998 births\nCategory:Living people\nCategory:Rugby league locks\nCategory:Leeds Rhinos players" ]
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[ "Random thoughts on technology, business, economics, new media, politics, local affairs in the Capital Region, music, the collapse of community, the corruption of the American Dream, fighting the evil bastards amongst us and suggestions for fixing this fucking mess.", "\n\n\"I ain't here to make friends, cowboy; I'm here to tell you the ugly truth. ", "So you might as well get out of that warm bed and deal with it.\"", "\n\nOct 29, 2010\n\nIt's both World Series and election season. ", "Both pastimes evoke deep personal emotions in followers. ", "If you don't think that is true, then you weren't by my side when I witnessed people lining up to get into the cemeteries around Boston to share the Red Sox 2004 win over the Yankees with their missing loved ones the next morning or the tears shed at the Black Elks Club in Saratoga on November 4, 2008.", "\n\nThis year's Fall Classic presents an underlying sociological dynamic that plays well into the current political climate. ", "We have as opponents teams representing the the ultimate Blue City of San Francisco vs. the ultimate Red City of Dallas. ", "It's the center of urban liberalism duking it out with the center of sprawling nothingness. ", "Heck, they don't even slap the label 'Dallas' on that squad; it's called the Texas Rangers. ", "You can get to one stadium on public transportation, the other needs a car. ", "One is embedded in the city, the other mirrors the suburban wasteland of the New South, with the park located out near the airport half-way to Fort Worth.", "\n\nWhen those are the choices, which 'burgh do you think holds the strongest ties and loyalty among its citizenry? ", "Yep, you guessed it, and nothing could prove that better than the singalong that broke out in the late innings of last night's game.", "\n\nWhile we sure never envisioned the following sentence ever being written here on Nanoburgh (given they might be the worst rock & roll band in history):\n\nOct 28, 2010\n\nIn this age of guys in backwards baseball caps on their head and headphones dangling around their necks while they push the play button on their notebooks to call up some variation of music that someone else actually made -- and getting paid for it -- it's goddam refreshing to run across young kids making real music. ", "Kids like the Silversun Pickups.", "\n\nSure, they get the rap of being of bit pop'y and Smashing Pumpkins clones, but my rebuttal to that is: 1) wouldn't it be nice if this kind of music were actually the dominant genre on 'pop' radio stations; and 2)a Pumpkins clone is a whole lot better than a Madonna clone, eh?", "\n\nTo me, a sign of a great song is one that can sound good in both full blown electric mode and in scaled-down acoustic mode. ", "Take a look at the two versions of Panic Switch to see just that. ", "Also: I'm a big fan of the girl's bass lines.", "\n\nHey; who says that rock and roll drummers are the weak links in any given band? ", "That might have been true back in my glory days (yes, I was most certainly the weakest link), but it sure wasn't the case if and when Gene Parsons was involved.", "\n\nAs if his tenure in groundbreaking acts the Byrds and the Flying Burrito Brothers is not enough for his resume, Mr Parsons (not to be confused with the more legendary Gram Parsons from that very same crowd) was also a garage shop inventor. ", "His most famous creation is the StringBender (or B-Bender) device for guitars, which he co-invented with the great axeman Clarence White.", "\n\nFascinating stuff from both an engineering and a musicology POV. ", "Here's the background:\n\nNow, how many breadcrumbs do you think are hidden in that 'stache?", "\n\nSaratoga Trivia\n\nIn its final incarnation (Parsons, White, McGuinn and Battin), the Byrds performed at an old Skidmore College property on Regent Street in 1971. ", "At the conclusion of their day/nite double show, a couple of the boys hit Broadway for some liquid libation. ", "They landed at the old D'andrea's , in the basement pub whose brief life coincided with that timeframe.", "\n\nPart of the ratskeller-like decor was an Autograph Wall, on which visting personalities of the day added their script, thereafter illuminated with a glow in the dark light. ", "The pair (I believe it was Skip Battin and Clarence White) did just that.", "\n\nDecades later, that Autograph Wall hung in the D'Andreas'a Pizza shop on Caroline Street. ", "Unfortunately, it has very recently been removed, with its current whereabouts unknown. ", "We'll make an inquiry.", "\n\nHere is a lonnnnnnnnnng and live version of Eight Miles High from that final lineup of the Byrds.", "\n\nOct 26, 2010\n\nYou know the old wives tale: death comes in three's. ", "Well, the Capital Region's media universe suffered just that; three deaths last week. ", "Let's look at each one:\n\nBoom Boom Brannigan\n\nIf you are my age and grew up in the Capital Region, your music tradition and transition went like this: you started out listening to Boom Boom Brannigan on WPTR (AM radio) in early grade school, then when you got into high school you kicked into the deep shit on WRPI (FM radio). ", "Despite the consensus, music today is just as good as it was then; the real difference is simply that AM/Top 40 back then was better --- in Boom Boom's day and into the 70's --- than today's garbage. ", "The problem with today's fine and worthy music is that is just doesn't get played to the masses.", "\n\nThere is a site online somewhere of local radio clips, and you can play back some old Boom Boom shows. ", "A perfect radio voice, he had. ", "That was pre-Clear Channel, when local radio actually.....well, existed. ", "He was a big deal, and when he made a promo appearance somewhere, it was an event.", "\n\nBut to me, he was always a bit of a contradiction. ", "After all, he got big during the British Invasion, but he paraded around town looking (and acting) like Elvis. ", "But Elvis was non existent to kids my age; the Beatles blew him off the radar screen and he didn't really make an appearance in our world until the end, as a Vegas act. ", "Apparently, Mr Brannigan never got that memo.", "\n\nWhen FM kicked in, the Boomer was pretty much all done himself. ", "Sure, he bounced around the dial with his (now) oldies act, but his prime time status had long since passed. ", "I saw him at the race track one year, under the party tent. ", "Everyone in the place would steal glances at the big guy, whispering to their friends without trying to be too obvious about it. ", "But is was cool; they weren't in viewing-a-trainwreck mode. ", "Instead, you could tell that each person doing so was briefly overcome with a nostalgic whiff that transported them back to a childhood or teenage years of comfort and glee.", "\n\nAnd there sure ain't nothing wrong with that.", "\n\nBob McNamara\n\nLikewise, Bob 'Mac' McNamara was another local media fixture that was around... well, forever. ", "He was the sports guy, serving anchor terms with all three of the broadcast networks in the Albany market. ", "Remember; local news used to be a thirty-minute affair, so the five minutes allocated to sports had to be delivered quickly and succinctly, which this guy seemed to do pretty well.", "\n\nEveryone I knew that was associated with him through the years considered him to be a royal pain in the ass, with a personality that quickly and dismissively made a snap judgement on a person or a subject matter, and then moved right on to the next one in line. ", "Well, there you go: just like the on-air persona. ", "What might not have worked in the office no doubt helped him stay in the game for all those years.", "\n\nBut it all came crashing down, when Mac got into a row with a worker bee at a local PBA Bowling event. ", "A 300-game had been rolled during the tourney's early qualifying round, but the youngster had failed to ring up the Old Master to get him running over to fawn over the big deal.", "\n\nBut there lay the rub: bowling a 300-game was no longer a big deal, especially at the PBA level. ", "In fact, it often happens more than once on a daily basis. ", "But Mac was stuck in the past, and hadn't kept on top of his own game. ", "Like Boom Boom; another memo was missed. ", "He was fired, refused to apologize to get his job back, and was off the air forever. ", "No one would touch him.", "\n\nI would guess he spent all these retirement years as a not-to-happy kinda guy. ", "That's too bad. ", "I don't know if he necessarily deserved better, but that's no way to exit the bright lights of the big stage.", "\n\nThe Saratogian\n\nOK, the daily newspaper of Saratoga Springs isn't really dead – it hasn't shut down and it continues to produce a large quantity of folded paper each and every day of the week. ", "So let's instead just file them under the heading of Walking Dead. ", "Here's why:\n\nThe Saratogian, like all newspapers, is facing tremendous challenges with declining circulation, falling ad-revenues, blah, blah, blah. ", "We all know the deal here, right? ", "Right.", "\n\nBut the hometown folks have a plan: to go full blown into this Citizen Journalism thing they must be hearing a lot about, and sign-up a crew of local yokels to become subject matter experts in a wide variety of topics. ", "In other words, enlist some fresh voices to produce editorial content for the paper on a regular basis. ", "There's even some sort of revenue-sharing plan in place that will split any page revenue (Google AdSense, etc) --- this business model has been out there for awhile (Topix, Associated Content, Examiner), with modest returns being realized by the writer.", "\n\nNow, a cynic (and labor union members, no doubt) would dismiss this as nothing more than a ploy that replaces a professional journalist (or two or three or four) with a team of not-so-professional amateurs, at a small percentage of the financial compensation. ", "You know, there is probably even some merit to that argument!", "\n\nBut that's not what gets us into mourning mode here, with the realization that the Saratogian has jumped the shark / shit the bed / bought the farm / given up the ghost. ", "Instead, it is the Formal Invitation to participation in this so-called Community Media Lab (ahh) by Managing Editor Barbara Lombardo that has us taking the black suit to the dry cleaners. ", "Here is a part of it:\n\n“We’ll provide training and feedback on blogging and some of the basics of reporting and writing. ", "We’ll also invite you into the newsroom, to get to know our staff, to learn how decisions are made about news coverage and presentation – and to give you opportunities to participate in that discussion and to bring ideas to the table.”", "\n\nLet us summarize what exactly is going on here, from the Saratogian's POV:\n\n1. ", "The old model of news journalism obviously isn't working\n\n2. ", "A major part of that reason is the leveling of the playing field, where anyobody and everybody can take part in the conversation, publishing his or her thoughts on the internet in any presentation style, format, frequency or spirit that they desire. ", "All the old rules are off the table.", "\n\n3. ", "We want a piece of that action!", "\n\n4. ", "But first, anyone who wants to play with us needs to come into our terrarium and learn our Standard Operating Procedures of how we operate under the old model; you know, the one we admit doesn't work and we are trying to move away from?", "\n\nSo, Ms Lombardo wants me (and/or you) to “learn how decisions are made about news coverage and presentation” and then “help everyone hone their blogging skills”? ", "Take these new people that are supposed to lead them into the new frontier, and make them buy into the OLD business model? ", "Does this make any sense? ", "No, it does not.", "\n\nLet's try using a useful analogy:\n\n*** A telegraph company FINALLY realizes that it's decline most likely has something to do with technology advances such as the FAX machine and (ultimately) the internet. ", "So, in a last ditch effort to survive, it takes its last remaining funds in the bank and buys a Secure eMail Delivery business. ", "Now, what's the first thing it does? ", "It sends all those new software engineers to the factory to learn how this business has long made those old, shiny, copper plated telegraph keys!", "\n\nJust like Boom Boom and Mac, the Saratogian hasn't gotten the latest memo. ", "But as opposed to those two gentlemen who just went quitely into the night, the Saratogian is looking like a major league idiot by thinking it can somehow reverse the new alternate universe of democratic conversation and info-exchange and somehow bring it back into last century's failing paradigm – and make it work!", "\n\nIt brings to mind Mr Einstein's famous quote:\n\n“Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.“", "\n\nA New Memo to Ms Lombardo: Fuggetabout it!", "\n\nNow, if you want to do it right, give me a ring. ", "It ain't hard; and I ain't that expensive.", "\n\n(oh no, I used the word ain't! ", "That sure ain't gonna fly in the Community Media Lab, is it?)", "\n\nOK, it's been a month since The Social Network (a semi-fictionalized story on the founding of Facebook) hit the big screen. ", "Yeah, I'm getting headaches from everyone asking me if I saw it. ", "Yeah, I f'ing saw it!! ", "The followup, of course, is the automatic “Well, whatd'ya think?”", "\n\nHere are some free form thoughts on this buzzworthy flick:\n\n1)I actually saw the movie on its first day of release, in Boston – which is where the core of the plot takes place in both the movie and in real life. ", "Interestingly, there was NOBODY in the theater! ", "Seriously, I would guess maybe twenty-five in a room built for two hundred. ", "I think this pays tribute to Boston's place in the world, where the smart and innovative hordes there are actually doing stuff and looking towards the next big thing instead of sitting back and reflecting on what to them is yesterday's news. ", "Steve Jobs has always exhibited the same attitude, being uninterested in getting formally involved in projects that mark his historical legacy to the masses via anything other than continuing to “change the world” through his design and positioning marvel.", "\n\n2)Continuing with the 'Boston' subject, the movie highlights the cluster effect of having a high number of young, sharp and fancy-free individuals (namely college students) packed into a small, tight geographic area – the Hub's Back Bay and Cambridge areas. ", "Keep in mind, it's not all about just Harvard and MIT, either: Napster (which plays an important role in the Facebook story) was launched across the river at Northeastern.", "\n\n3)When watching a flick, we all search for a hero within it. ", "There were none to be found in this one. ", "But they all walked away as either accidental billionaires (the name of the original book) or legal eagles about to get healthy year-end bonuses. ", "This tells us something about the modern business dynamic, doesn't it?", "\n\n4)Speaking of Napster; isn't that really a more important and world-changing story than Facebook? ", "After all, it fundamentally blew up the established business model of the ever-powerful music business. ", "Has there been a movie made of Napster?", "\n\n5)The core problem between Zuckerberg/the Napster guy and the CFO was the classic (in the internet biz world at least) “do we keep building the brand” or “do we start looking for revenue?” ", "set of dueling propositions. ", "They disagreed. ", "This dilemma is nothing new; it has been a part of the industry for decades. ", "I've sat in a half dozen board/strategy sessions myself over the years, grappling with that very question.", "\n\n6)There is an “Albany” catch to the movie, but you need sharp eyes to catch it. ", "Somehow, I did, but I have yet to find anyone else who did likewise. ", "How about you?", "\n\n7) Yes, I get the whole \"real world loneliness of the guy who invented the alternate universe of virtual pals\" thing -- and how that extends to me and you and everyone else in modern life. ", "I knew, going in, that this would be a key theme. ", "But credit is due to the producers and screenwriters for doing it subtly, and not hitting us over the head with it.", "\n\n8)Bottom Line: a decent movie; interesting story. ", "I don't quite get the uber - accolades it is receiving, however – including its seeming Oscar nods. ", "Personally, I left wondering how much of it was fiction vs fact.", "\n\nOct 24, 2010\n\n\"Of course, the fact that we're even sitting here two years after Bush talking about a GOP comeback is a profound testament to two things: One, the American voter's unmatched ability to forget what happened to him 10 seconds ago, and two, the Republican Party's incredible recuperative skill and bureaucratic ingenuity. ", "This is a party that in 2008 was not just beaten but obliterated, with nearly every one of its recognizable leaders reduced to historical-footnote status and pinned with blame for some ghastly political catastrophe. ", "There were literally no healthy bodies left on the bench, but the Republicans managed to get back in the game anyway by plucking an assortment of nativist freaks, village idiots and Internet Hitlers out of thin air and training them into a giant ball of incoherent resentment just in time for the 2010 midterms. ", "They returned to prominence by outdoing Barack Obama at his own game: turning out masses of energized and disciplined supporters on the streets and overwhelming the ballot box with sheer enthusiasm.\"", "\n\nSometimes referred to as this generation's Hunter S Thompson, Mr. Taibbi has one possible disadvantage when compared to Gonzo Man: I doubt many young people are adoptees of the long-form journalistic arena in which he plays. ", "That is unfortunate.", "\n\nOct 22, 2010\n\nAppalachian moonshine music from here in the Capital Region? ", "Yesiree, Jim Bob.", "\n\nWith roots in a late-60's start as the Star Spangled Washboard Band interrupted in the 80's by a foray into the wacky world of Blotto style rock & roll, one can today enjoy the current incarnation of Albany's own contribution to this old timey genre.", "\n\nRamblin Jug Stompers, taking us into the weekend...(performing at the much, much-missed Lark Tavern)\n\nOct 20, 2010\n\nWell, I'll tell you a story. ", "A few years back, he stopped by my office, begging for some sort of deal for some crazy real estate project he was dreaming up. ", "I was heading to a Chamber mixer out at the ball park --- you know, the one with my name on it --- so I suggested he join me. ", "He agreed, meeting me at the VIP gate.", "\n\nWe get to the shindig, which was in one of those deals up in the back where people stand around nibbling on little food and sipping wine. ", "But this Paladino character hits the room like a Hun and starts grabbing the chow by the shovel full, like a guy just released from a German POW camp. ", "Every eye in the room was on him, but he didn't give a shit.", "\n\nThe bigger problem was that he as passing gas like a Canadian transmission line. ", "I mean, he was letting them rip like a bugle, and half the joint left just to get away from the fumes. ", "Finally, the Chamber director asked him to leave. ", "By this time, he was drunk, and not too happy about this request. ", "He flipped her the bird, and told me that he'd swing by my place in the morning to continue our discussion.", "\n\nI watched him head down to the grandstand, where he grabbed an aisle seat to watch the game and keep drinking. ", "There was this disabled kid right in front of him, with some sort of noisemaker that Carl apparently didn't like. ", "So what does he do? ", "He starts pounding on the back of the kid's head, knocking him over the row in front. ", "All hell breaks loose, as security pounces on him. ", "But this Paldaino is a tough SOB, and fists and feet were flying all over the place, not to mention more F-bombs than I've heard in all my days in Albany. ", "They finally tase'd the fucker, which caused him to soil his pants. ", "It was one ugly scene, I'll tell you: kids were crying, parents were trying to shield their eyes, the action on the field came to a dead stop.", "\n\nThey finally drag him out to the parking lot and threw him up against his car, with still more profanities flying. ", "But when he gets in, the battery was dead and he couldn't get it started. ", "So he figures he'll just sit there and take a nap. ", "When the game lets out an hour later, there he was. ", "All the kids started picking up rocks and tossing them at the car, which woke him up and got him all cranked up again. ", "Back came security to intervene. ", "Finally, one of the maintenance guys jump-started him. ", "How do you think Paladino thanks the guy? ", "He call him a piece of garbage and flips his shit-stained pants at him as he sprays gravel all over on his way out the exit.", "\n\nBut that's not the end of it. ", "I get the word later that he drove down to the South End Tavern, walked into the place bare-ass naked, asking if they serve Genny beer! ", "When they refused to serve him, he sucker punched some old drunk, spit at the barkeep and asked which ladies in the room “want a little bit of this?”, ", "as if I need to paint that picture any clearer for you.", "\n\nWell, here' s the funny part of this whole thing: there he is the next morning at 8AM in my office waiting room. ", "He's all cleaned up, in a nice suit, as if nothing happened. ", "We talked about his issue, and off he went.", "\n\nI decided right then and there that this was a guy I could do some business with. ", "Oh, maybe I shouldn't have said that?", "\n\nOct 13, 2010\n\nThe setting: I'm about to sign a mini-micro contract for a (very) short engagement with a major global corporation. ", "My direct contacts have signed off on me; now I am getting kicked upstairs to a Buyer, whose job is to beat me up and negotiate my quoted fee in a downward direction. ", "We'll call him Guy:\n\nGuy: The Marketing Department is ready to proceed with you.", "\n\nMe: We'll, that's great. ", "I'm ready to roll as well.", "\n\nGuy: Your Agreement is pretty straightforward, I'll sign off on the fine print.", "\n\nMe: Good.", "\n\nGuy: Let's move on to the Contract Amount.", "\n\nMe: Oh, so you don't consider that to be the fine print?", "\n\nGuy: No, in my world, that's the headline.", "\n\nMe: Well, then; how much more would you like to pay me on this project?", "\n\nGuy: Now that's funny. ", "I suggest that we knock a thousand dollars off, so we can get this wrapped up today and let you get working on it.", "\n\nMe: I don't see that happening.", "\n\nGuy: I'd like to get some consideration from you, otherwise this thing might get pushed back until after I get back from my vacation next week.", "\n\nMe: I'd like to leave here and hook up with a couple Victoria's Secret models back at my hotel room, but I got a feeling that we're both gonna come up a little bit short today. ", "You know what I mean?", "\n\nSilence....\n\nGuy: You wont budge, even if it means walking away from the project, will you?", "\n\nMe: No. ", "I do these types of assignments more for fun and for accomplishment than for the money. ", "But I'm not having much fun right now. ", "So unless you can find me $1,000 worth of fun for my giveback, I think I'll stand firm on this one, Guy.", "\n\nGuy: My wife says that I'm no fun, so according to her I wouldn't be able to find you any fun if I set out to do it with that thousand dollars we're talking about here. ", "OK, we're done. ", "You win. ", "Counter sign here, and we're on your way. ", "Your badge for next week will be waiting for you downstairs at the Security station.", "\n\nThe Lesson: throw a little humor at 'em, and see what happens. ", "Note that this took place in NYC. ", "But: I'm not sure I'd recommend this particular dialogue in, let's say, Kentucky or Tokyo.", "\n\nOct 9, 2010\n\nThe so-called Red Sludge disaster in Hungary is pretty crazy stuff, no? ", "I mean, not only is it burying its victims, but it is also BURNING them! ", "A little science lesson to help explain all this:\n\n\"Red sludge is a byproduct of the refining of bauxite into alumina, the basic material for manufacturing aluminum. ", "Treated sludge is often stored in ponds where the water eventually evaporates, leaving behind a largely safe red clay....\"\n\nWait a minute here. ", "Keep in mind, I was a pretty poor student in the low-level hard science courses I was forced to take as part of my liberal arts education, but bear with me here with this question I have:\n\nQ: The sludge is toxic, until the water evaporates, at which time it's not so toxic. ", "Doesn't that mean that the toxicity went up in the air into the clouds; and when things go up, they tend to come back down?", "\n\nSomeone has a good bead on all this: Mr Peter Gabriel, taking us into the weekend....\n\nOct 5, 2010\n\nRemember that opening wedding scene in The Deer Hunter, where the bride and groom linked arms for their first toast together as man and wife? ", "Unfortunately, the wine dripped onto the bride's white dress, which signified a pending disaster in their future. ", "A Viet Nam shitshow surely made that prediction true.", "\n\nWith that in mind, what do we think this act portends for the happy couple?", "\n\nOct 4, 2010\n\nWhen the usual suppects on talk radio continue their rants on how the Gulf Oil spill\"wasn't that big a deal\" and how \"Mother Nature took care of it\" and so on, take the rational route and listen to the scientific community. ", "Here is a good take from our friends at EarthTalk:\n\n==================================================\n\nDear EarthTalk: A friend of mine working on the Gulf Coast oil cleanup says that at least 50 percent of the loose oil is laying on the sea floor. ", "What’s the long-term prognosis of this?-- Chris H., Darien, CT\n\nIt’s true that oil from BPs Deepwater Horizon fiasco is still sticking to and covering parts of the sea floor for some 80 miles or more around the site of the now-capped well. ", "In early September, researchers from the University of Georgia found oil some two inches thick on the sea floor as far as 80 miles away from the source of the leak, with a layer of dead shrimp and other small animals under it.", "\n\n\"I expected to find oil on the sea floor,\" Samantha Joye, lead researcher for the University of Georgia’s team of scientists studying the effects of the Deepwater Horizon spill, told reporters. “", "I didn’t expect to find layers two inches thick. ", "It’s kind of like having a blizzard where the snow comes in and covers everything,” Joye said.", "\n\nBut as recently as three months ago the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) reported finding no evidence of oil accumulating on the sea floor in the Gulf. ", "NOAA Administrator Jane Lubchenco told reporters then that the oil from the massive spill that never made it to the surface was dispersed naturally or chemically. ", "She added that only about a quarter of the 200 million gallons of spilled oil remained in the Gulf, the rest having “disappeared” or been contained or cleaned up.", "\n\nBut some researchers say NOAA misled the public by saying that much of the oil simply disappeared. ", "Ian MacDonald, an oceanographer at Florida State University, says that initial reports from NOAA about how much oil remains in the Gulf were too optimistic. ", "The oil “did not disappear,” he says. “", "It sank.”", "\n\nOne of the reasons why so much oil may have sunk was because it was broken up into tiny droplets by chemical dispersants, making the oil so small that it wasn’t buoyant enough to rise as would otherwise be expected. ", "Also, as oil still in the water column ages it becomes more tar-like in a process called weathering, and as such becomes more likely to sink. ", "And to make matters worse, oil on the sea floor takes longer to degrade than it would on the surface because of the colder temperatures down deep.", "\n\nThe new findings are particularly troubling because of the potential ripple effects the remaining oil could have on the wider ecosystem and industries that rely on a healthy marine environment. ", "Marine biologists and environmentalists worry that the oil is doing significant harm to populations of tube worms, tiny crustaceans and mollusks, single-cell organisms and other underwater life forms that shape the building blocks of the marine food chain.", "\n\n“Deep-sea animals, in general, tend to produce fewer offspring than shallower water animals, so if they are going to have a population impact, it may be more sensitive in deep water,” reports Louisiana State University oceanographer Robert Carney. “", "There is also some evidence that deep-sea animals live longer than shallower water species, so the impact may stay around longer.”", "\n\nOct 1, 2010\n\nA fine time was had by all in The Hub last night, as Big Head Todd & The Monsters ripped up the House of Blues in the Fens.", "\n\nOne of the most under appreciated bands in rock & roll, Mr Mohr and company have all the elements: great songwriting, ferocious guitar work and vocals that somehow get pushed on top of all the glorious noise. ", "The end result is one of the best live acts in the business.", "\n\nOn a side note, a few observations about the crowd:\n\n- There were many small groups scattered about that were obviously \"let's move the party down the street after work\" gatherings of work mates.", "\n\n- I talked to a few people that had walked up to the venue and paid the $25 to get in; without even knowing who the band was.", "\n\n- In a crowd of 1,500+ people, we (literally) did not see a single instance of ink that had been scratched into a person's body. ", "Tattoos seem to still be considered a no-no / liability / show of poor taste to the worldly, upwardly mobile and high flying hipster crowd of Boston.", "\n\nI'd dare say that all three of those observations would be absent in a similar gathering in Albany. ", "There's a lesson to be learned in here somewhere." ]
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[ "Mulayam Singh Yadav has been admitted at Yashoda Super Speciality Hospital.", "\n\nSamajwadi party founder and former Uttar Pradesh chief minister Mulayam Singh Yadav has been admitted to a hospital after he complained of urinary retention.", "\n\nMr Yadav, also former Defence Minister, has been admitted at Yashoda Super Speciality Hospital.", "\n\nEarlier this month, Mr Yadav was admitted to a private hospital in Gurugram for his routine check-up.", "\n\nThe Samajwadi Party leader was brought to Delhi from Lucknow in a chartered plane and was admitted in Gurugram's Medanta hospital.", "\n\nFamily sources stated that he was shifted to the hospital on the advice of Dr Naresh Trehan who has in the past also catered to Mr Yadav's health issues." ]
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[ "1. ", "Field of the Invention\nThe present invention relates to a display apparatus for use with a computer system, and, more particularly, to a process and computer monitor for supplying a power supply voltage from an internal power supply therein to computer peripherals via universal serial bus hubs.", "\n2. ", "Background Art\nA typical personal computer may have an associated monitor serving as a display apparatus, a keyboard and a printer, a light pen or a plotter. ", "The monitor associated with the computer is connected with a body of the computer via a video cable, such as a D-Sub cable or a BNC video cable. ", "The computer provides video signals, e.g., red, green and blue video signals, vertical and horizontal synchronization signals, and overall information required to control the monitor, to the monitor through the video cable. ", "Also, information indicative of the monitor-processed results from the monitor is provided to the computer through the video cable.", "\nIn addition to the keyboard and the monitor, if the other peripheral devices, such as a printer, a light pen, a plotter and the like, are connected with the conventional computer, the sheer number of cables begins to make the connections between the computer and the peripheral devices complicated. ", "Also, since conventional computers are not always provided with a plug and play function, it is difficult for a user to connect the peripheral devices with the computer. ", "A universal serial bus system has been developed in one effort to ameliorate some of these difficulties.", "\nA monitor has five main sections, a power supply, a video signal processor, a horizontal and vertical synchronization signal processor, a monitor controller and a cathode ray tube. ", "The power supply receives an alternating current voltage which is externally applied through a plug, and provides several levels of direct current voltages to respective monitor circuit components. ", "Also, the power supply has a monitor power management system for reducing power consumption.", "\nThe monitor controller receives monitor driving information through the video cable connected with the computer and generates two groups of control signals, namely a first group of control signals Cv1-Cvn necessary for processing the red, green and blue video signals and a second group of control signals Cs1-Csm used to control screen and focus, in response to the monitor driving information.", "\nThe video signal processor is provided to process the video signals from the computer via the video cable in response to the first group of control signals Cv1-Cvn. ", "The video signals processed thus are applied to electron guns of the cathode ray tube so that the electron guns can radiate beams corresponding to the red, green and blue video signals. ", "The horizontal and vertical synchronization signal processor is provided to process horizontal and vertical synchronization signals hereinafter, referred to as \"Hsync and Vsync\") which are applied from the computer via the video cable and deflect the beams from the electron guns in a direction, so that screen and focus can be controlled. ", "Other contemporary designs equip the monitor with an audio unit generating an audio signal and a voice input unit for converting an audio signal into an electrical signal. ", "I have found that there is some difficulty in using the peripheral expansion function of the computer for these features of the monitor. ", "I have also found that, since conventional monitors are not equipped with connectors for communicating with peripheral devices, plug and play functions can not be performed.", "\nFurther, contemporary designs fail to provide an adequate serial bus system required for effective peripheral expansion with these computers with such monitors. ", "Among designs representative of contemporary practice in the art, Oprescu et al., ", "U.S. Pat. ", "No. ", "5,485,458, Bus Interconnect Circuit Including Port Control Logic For A Multiple Node Communication Network, issued on Jan. 16, 1996 discusses a dominant logic physical bus that is coupled to all ports in a node. ", "This is part of a bus interconnect device including port control logic for a communication network having a plurality of multi-port nodes that are connected with point-to-point links. ", "Van Steenbrugge U.S. Pat. ", "No. ", "5,448,554, Data Communication System Based On A Serial Bus And A Monitor Station For Use With Such System, issued on Sep. 5, 1995, discusses a data communication system based on a serial bus and a monitor station for use with such system. ", "The monitor station, irrespective of the source of a particular bit, allows for sampling such bit in that it emulates an uncommitted slave station. ", "Floyd et al., ", "U.S. Pat. ", "No. ", "4,528,662, for a Multiplex Control System Having Enhanced Integrity, issued on Jul. 9, 1985 discusses a serial data communication system in which bidirectional serial data communication is effected between a central control station and one or more remote stations. ", "Einolf, Jr. et al., ", "U.S. Pat. ", "No. ", "4,395,710, for a Bus Access Circuit For High Speed Digital Data Communication, issued on Jul. 26, 1983, discusses a serial data communications network in which a plurality of stations communicate among one another on a single serial bus. ", "Means et al., ", "U.S. Pat. ", "No. ", "4,373,183, for a Bus Interface Units Sharing A Common Bus Using Distributed Control For Allocated Of the Bus, issued on Feb. 8, 1983, discusses a plurality of bus interface units (BIU) that are interconnected by the distributed system data bus and a serial bus allocation line. ", "Each bus interface unit may in turn be connected to either one or several data processing units, an I/O port, or a bridge connecting to still another similar bus network. ", "From my study of the contemporary practice and art, I find that there is a need for an effective peripheral expansion that permits effective use of the monitor of a computer, however, there is not yet even a serial bus that can produce such desired result." ]
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[ "Q:\n\nyii2 App Starting With An Error\n\nI am experiencing a strange error when I start my Yii2 app! ", "Please need your help on this. ", "Here is the what I get:\n PHP Warning – yii\\base\\ErrorException\n\nmb_strlen() expects parameter 1 to be string, array given\n1. ", "in /var/www/yii2/basic/vendor/yiisoft/yii2/helpers/BaseStringHelper.php at line 31\n22232425262728293031323334353637383940\n\n{\n /**\n * Returns the number of bytes in the given string.", "\n * This method ensures the string is treated as a byte array by using `mb_strlen()`.", "\n * @param string $string the string being measured for length\n * @return integer the number of bytes in the given string.", "\n */\n public static function byteLength($string)\n {\n return mb_strlen($string, '8bit');\n }\n\n /**\n * Returns the portion of string specified by the start and length parameters.", "\n * This method ensures the string is treated as a byte array by using `mb_substr()`.", "\n * @param string $string the input string. ", "Must be one character or longer.", "\n * @param integer $start the starting position\n * @param integer $length the desired portion length. ", "If not specified or `null`, there will be\n * no limit on length i.e. the output will be until the end of the strin\n\nA:\n\nI happened an the same error message copying an external component in my project in my case I solved the problem by running \n composer update\n\n" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nHow to get those multicolored shadows?", "\n\nI see in a lot of WIP-images people rendering their models untextured, but with a nice looking light. ", "It's like there is a multicolored spectrum in the shadows. ", "How do they achieve this? ", "I see it in almost everyones \"clay renders\" (or how you call it). ", "When I just render my model with a standard light source everything is completely monochrome.", "\nThe only way for me to achieve something like this is to add a 360-image as world background and set the light and image details to reflect in the model. ", "I don't think this is how they do it.", "\nHere is a couple of example on what I mean:\nhttps://blenderartists.org/forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=490894&d=1499709836\nhttps://cdn.dribbble.com/users/24025/screenshots/972539/canon5d_clay_2013_shot.png\n\nA:\n\nThose are not colored shadows, shadows don't have a color per-se, they are just e slightly colored light sources.", "\nJust add a slight tint to your lamp objects so one has a warmer redish tone, and the other has a cooler tone towards blueish or green.", "\nThis is generally done using a Three Point Light system, which is a well know lighting technique in photography also.", "\n\nOptionally if you want more realistic shadows or natural lighting use a sphericall environment map in your scene's World nodes, Ideally HDR based or as regular JPG image.", "\n\nA:\n\nFor regular modeling purposes, I usually have mildly colored OpenGL lights. ", " In User Preferences -> System, I'll adjust the directions a bit and set the three OpenGL lights to pale yellow, green and magenta or some such mix. ", " It helps with seeing 3D surface shapes, foreground/background distinction and staying oriented when I'm spinning the world around in edit mode. ", " \nFor rendering, I may have colored lights on their own layer just for making renderings like that. ", "Usually not. ", " Normally I'll have a few layers of lights for the final render, and maybe a layer for special other renders.", "\nFor WIPs I usually screen-cap my work in edit mode. ", "It looks more under-constructiony.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "GOVERNMENT DATA: CANDIDATES FOR PUBLIC OFFICE: Criminal history data\ncollected by city on council candidates is not private “applicant” data under Minn. Stat. § ", "13.43\n(2004). ", "Authority of city to collect such data questioned, Minn. Stat. §§ ", "13.03, 13.43, 13.601.", "\n\n 852\n (Cr. ", "ref. ", "64, 184-a)\n\n October 6, 2006\n\n\n\nMichael J. Waldspurger\nKimberly K. Sobieck\nRatwik, Roszak & Maloney, P.A.\n300 U.S. Trust Building\n730 Second Avenue South\nMinneapolis, MN 55402\n\nDear Mr. Waldspurger and Ms. Sobieck:\n\n Thank you for your correspondence of August 7, 2006 requesting an opinion of the\nAttorney General concerning the proper classification of criminal background data collected on\nbehalf of the City of Red Wing relating to candidates for election to the city council.", "\n\n FACTS AND BACKGROUND\n\n You state that after receiving written consent from candidates for city council, the City of\nRed Wing (the “City”) contracted with a private firm to conduct criminal background searches\non the candidates. ", "You state further that the City received the results of the searches, and\nutilized the information “solely to confirm the candidates’ eligibility to run for public office.", "”1\nThe City considers the data to be private under Minn. Stat. § ", "13.601, subd. ", "3 (Supp. ", "2005).", "\n\n The Red Wing Republican-Eagle recently requested that the City provide it with the\nresults of criminal background checks made on city council candidates. ", "The City denied the\nrequest, asserting that the data is private under Minn. Stat. § ", "13.601, subd. ", "3 (Supp. ", "2005). ", "The\nnewspaper has disagreed with the City’s characterization of the data as private, citing\nCommissioner of Administration, Advisory Opinion 05-036, November 18, 2005 (copy\nenclosed).", "\n\n You refer to a July 14, 2006 opinion from this Office to the Rochester City Attorney\n(copy enclosed) which you characterize as stating that, in cities where city council members are\n\n1\n The facts supplied do not indicate who has been granted access to the data for purposes of\nmaking this determination, or whether the background searches were also performed on council\nincumbents.", "\n\fMichael J. Waldspurger\nKimberly K. Sobieck\nOctober 6, 2006\nPage 2\n\nconsidered to be “employees” of the city, “candidate data” is presumptively private. ", "You do not\nbelieve that opinion to be a formal opinion of the Attorney General for purposes of superseding\nthe Commissioner of Administration’s opinion pursuant to Minn. Stat. § ", "13.072, subd. ", "1(f)\n(2004).", "\n\n Based upon the foregoing, you request that the Attorney General issue a “formal” opinion\non the following question:\n\n Are data on candidates who run for public office classified as private data, except\n as enumerated in Minn. Stat. § ", "13.601, subd. ", "3 and § 13.43, when the elected\n official is considered to be an employee of the governmental entity?", "\n\n LAW AND ANALYSIS\n\n First, while the question stated in the July 14, 2006 opinion of this Office did refer to\n“applications for election or appointment to a public body,” the opinion itself only addressed\n“data submitted by applicants for appointment.” ", "Thus, that opinion was not intended to address\n“candidate data” on individuals running for election to public office.", "\n\n Furthermore, the July 14, 2006 opinion did not conclude that data submitted by\napplicants for appointment could be classified as private pursuant to Minn. Stat. § ", "13.601,\nsubd. ", "3. ", "That subdivision lists particular data items that are public, and does not itself classify\nany data as private. ", "Our opinion agreed with the Commissioner’s Advisory Opinion 05-036\ninsofar as it stated that the listing of certain data on applicants for public office as public under\nsection 13.601, subd. ", "3 does not imply that all other applicant data is private. ", "We disagreed\nhowever with the Commissioner’s conclusion that enactment of section 13.601, subdivision 3 in\neffect classified all data on such applicants as public. ", "Our opinion concluded instead that the\nlisting of items of public data in section 13.601 did not preclude other data from being classified\nas private under another statute such as Minn. Stat. § ", "13.43.", "\n\n Second, under the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act, all government data is\nconsidered public unless classified otherwise by Minnesota statute, federal law, or temporary\nclassification. ", "Minn. Stat. § ", "13.03, subd. ", "1 (2004).", "\n\n Third, the classification of particular data may be dependent, not only upon its\nsubstantive content, but also upon the government purpose for which it has been created or\ncollected. ", "An item of data concerning an individual may be private or confidential in certain\ncontexts and public in others. ", "For example, a listing of a public official’s personal investments\nwould be private as disclosed on a personal tax return, but public when submitted with a\nmandated economic disclosure statement. ", "See Minn. Stat. §§ ", "10A.07, 13.601, subd. ", "1, 270B.02\n(2004). ", "Therefore, in order to determine the correct classification for particular data, it is often\nnecessary to determine the specific legal authority pursuant to which it has been created,\ncollected or retained.", "\n\fMichael J. Waldspurger\nKimberly K. Sobieck\nOctober 6, 2006\nPage 3\n\n Fourth, Minn. Stat. § ", "13.05, subd. ", "3 provides:\n\n Subd. ", "3. ", "General standards for collection and storage. ", "Collection and storage of\n all data on individuals and the use and dissemination of private and confidential\n data on individuals shall be limited to that necessary for the administration and\n management of programs specifically authorized by the legislature or local\n governing body or mandated by the federal government.", "\n\n Fifth, data on candidates for election to various public offices is collected in accordance\nwith several statutes. ", "These include, for example, Minn. Stat. §§ ", "10A.09 (statements of\neconomic interest); 10A.20, 211A.02 (campaign reports); 204B.06, 204B.07, 205.13 (affidavits\nof candidacy and nominating petitions). ", "Information contained in those filings is plainly public,\neither by express statutory mandate or under the presumption set forth in Minn. Stat. § ", "13.03,\nsubd. ", "1.", "\n\n Sixth, unlike one applying for appointment by a city council to a vacant council position,\ncandidates for election cannot be reasonably viewed as “applicants for employment” by the\ngovernmental units they seek to serve. ", "Candidates for election do not make application to, nor is\ntheir selection made by, officials of the governmental unit acting as an “appointing authority.”", "\nThey are instead elected by the voters,2 and all persons who meet basic qualifications specified\nin the Constitution3 and statutes4 are eligible to seek election. ", "Consequently, it is our view that\ncandidates for election to public office by the voters are not “applicants for employment” by the\nCity within the meaning of Minn. Stat. § ", "13.43, subd. ", "3. ", "Nor are we not aware of any other\nstatute, federal law, or temporary classification that would classify government data supplied by,\nor on behalf of, candidates in the course of the official election process as other than public.", "\n\n Seventh, as noted above, collection, storage and use of data on individuals is limited by\nlaw to that necessary for a government agency to carry out some specifically authorized activity.", "\nWe are aware of no authorized government program under which it would be necessary or\nappropriate for city officials to delve into the backgrounds of persons seeking election to city\noffices for purposes of obtaining information that would reflect negatively on their eligibility or\nqualifications for office.", "\n\n A filing officer, such as the city clerk, has limited authority to withhold the name of a\ncandidate from the ballot in certain narrowly defined circumstances. ", "See, e.g., section 204B.10\n(2004). ", "However, that authority does not extend to other local officials, or to undertaking of any\nindependent investigation of candidates, or otherwise passing judgment upon their eligibility.", "\nSee Ops. ", "Atty. ", "Gen. 911-j, September 15, 1970 (no authority for secretary of state to make\n\n2\n According to the facts given, however, the results of the criminal background investigations are\nnot made available to the voters, but are apparently restricted to use by unspecified city officials.", "\n3\n See Minn. Const. ", "art. ", "VII, § 6 and XII, §§ 3, 4.", "\n4\n See, e.g., Minn. Stat. §§ ", "201.014, 204B.06 (2004).", "\n\fMichael J. Waldspurger\nKimberly K. Sobieck\nOctober 6, 2006\nPage 4\n\nindependent inquiry into candidates’ qualifications); 184-I, August 8, 1940 (County auditor not\nauthorized to withhold name from ballot on basis of information concerning candidate’s criminal\nhistory). ", "Further, while a convicted felon whose civil rights have not been restored is ineligible\nto appear on the ballot,5 candidates for office must submit a sworn statement at the time they file\nindicating that they are “eligible” voters. ", "Excluded from the definition of “eligible voter” is a\nperson who has been convicted of a felony who has not had his civil rights restored. ", "Minn.\nConst. ", "art VII, § 1; Minn. Stat. § ", "201.014, subd. ", "2 (2004).", "\n\n Finally, implicit in the facts provided is the suggestion that “the City’s” intent was to take\nsome sort of action in opposition to the candidacy of any person it determined to be ineligible on\nthe basis of information revealed in the criminal background checks. ", "As a general proposition, it\nis considered contrary to public policy for the resources or authority of a government agency to\nbe used for purposes of attempting to influence the outcome of an election for public office. ", "See,\ne.g., Stanson v. Mott, 17 Cal.3d 206, 217, 551 P.2d 1, 9 (Cal. ", "1976); Op. ", "Atty. ", "Gen. 125B-21,\nMarch 19, 1921 (copy enclosed).", "\n\n OPINION\n\n For the foregoing reasons, it is our opinion that information collected by the City in the\ncourse of criminal background investigation of candidates for election to city offices would not\nbe classified as private “applicant data” under Minn. Stat. § ", "13.43, subd. ", "3. ", "Therefore, unless it\nmay be classified as private under another statute, federal law, or temporary classification, it\nwould be presumptively public under Minn. Stat. § ", "13.03, subd. ", "1. ", "We are unable to identify any\nother applicable statutory classification because we are not aware of any source of authority for\ncollection of criminal history data in the circumstances described. ", "Consequently, we answer\nyour question in the negative.", "\n\n Respectfully submitted,\n\n MIKE HATCH\n Attorney General\n\n\n\n KRISTINE L. EIDEN\n Chief Deputy Attorney General\n\nEnclosures\nAG: #1667586-v1\n\n\n\n\n5\n Minn. Const. ", "art. ", "VII §§ 1, 6; Minn. Stat. §§ ", "201.014, subd. ", "2(a); 204B.06 (2004).", "\n\f" ]
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[ "Beat Junkies\n\nThe World Famous Beat Junkies is an American hip hop crew of DJs specializing in Turntablism. ", "Established in 1992 in Orange County, California by J. Rocc. ", "As of 2014, The BeatJunkie Crew also host their own record pool, clothing line and radio station. ", " The Beat Junkies opened their own DJ School in April 2017, located in Glendale, Ca. ", "January 2018 they announced plans go online and launch beatjunkies.tv.", "\n\nThe Beat Junkies have won prestigious DJ battles and competitions like the DMC, the Supermen, and International Turntablists Federation competitions and going to world tour exhibitions. ", "They have traveled and performed across the United States as well as Japan, Germany, The Netherlands and Canada. ", " The Beat Junkies as a Crew and individually have also featured in many other acts alongside artists such as Jurassic 5, The Visionaries, The Likwit Junkies with Defari, Phil Da Agony, Cypress Hill, Invisibl Skratch Piklz, Dilated Peoples, and Peanut Butter Wolf who was so influenced by the Beat Junkies that he recruited Homeless Derelicts (Grand The Visitor and Architect currently members of Urban Umpires) who were featured on Beat Junkies Vol.1 and released them as the second ever Stones Throw Records release.", "\n\nThe group was established in 1992 by J. Rocc. ", "The original members included Curse, Rhettmatic, Melo-D, Icy Ice, Symphony, & What?!. ", "Shortkut, D-Styles, Havik, and Tommy Gun (who joined in late 1992) were later added. ", "DJ Babu joined the Junkies by late 1993; the newest member is currently Mr. Choc, who was added to the crew in early 1996.", "\n\nThe BeatJunkies have launched their own membership based record pool in the spring of 2014, curated by members of the crew, which provides exclusive cuts and edits at www.beatjunkies.com.", "\n\nFollowing the launch of the record pool, the Beat Junkies clothing line also was set into motion late 2014, which aimes at music lovers and enthusiasts alike. ", "Celebrity influencers such as comedian Russell Peters, Chef Roy Choi, Radio Personality Rikki Martinez a.k.a. ", "Letty, and artist AntiGirl have been featured in the 2014 Beat Junkie lookbook.", "\n\nAt the top of 2015, \"Beat Junkie Radio\" began airing on Dash Radio. ", "The station is curated and hosted by members DJ Babu, Mr. Choc and Rhetmattic. ", "Their live show \"Soundcheck\" goes on air every 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of each month from 7-10pm, live sets are provided by select members of The Beat Junkie crew, and a variety of musical guests such as Egyptian Lover, Hitboy, Dom Kennedy, Anderson Paak, Knxwledge, The Alchemist and many more have been featured.", "\n\nIn celebration of 25 years, the Beat Junkies have opened up their own DJ school - the Beat Junkie Institute of Sound. ", "Located in Glendale, California, the Beat Junkie Institute of Sound offers fundamental and specialized DJ courses, workshops, private instruction, and an opportunity to join their community and learn the art form of DJ'ing \"Beat Junkie Style\". ", "Their philosophy on teaching is not bound by genre, music style, or technology. ", "They authentically approach DJing as a discipline, a fine art, a passion. ", "Placing a strong emphasis on the fact that there are mechanics, techniques, and history that one must study and master to earn the title of DJ.", "\n\nDiscography\nThe World Famous Beat Junkies Volume 1 (1997)\nThe World Famous Beat Junkies Volume 2 (1998)\nRock S*** (1998) Label: Contaminated\nThe World Famous Beat Junkies Volume 3 (1999)\nChanges/Materialize (1999) Label: Second Movement\nClassic Material Volume One (2001)\n''Sick Days\" (12\") (2001)\n Dividends, DJ Rhettmatic (2004)\n\nVideos\nPrivate Stash (2003) (DVD)\nD-Styles Featuring The Beat Junkies - A Night At The Knitting Factory (2004)\n\nAlbum Appearances\n Sound Bombing II, JRocc and Babu (Rawkus Records) (1999)\n Rah Rah Various - O.L.C. (1999, 2001) \t\t\n Scratch Monopoly (2001)\n Various - The Return Of The DJ - Allstar Album (2001)\n LA-Japan Connection, DJ Yutaka - United Nations II (2001)\n\nReferences\n\nExternal links\n Beat Junkie Record Pool\n Beat Junkies Official Myspace Page\n Beat Junkie 'sound' story\n The Beat Junkie Story and Interview\n Youtube-Beat Junkies \"Word of Mouth Tour\"\n Discography\n Turntable Radio Podcast 2002, The Mr Trick Years: Show #9\n\nCategory:West Coast hip hop groups\nCategory:Hip hop collectives\nCategory:Musical groups from Orange County, California\nCategory:American hip hop DJs" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Wikipedia (en)" }
[ 0.009259259259259259, 0.01639344262295082, 0, 0.011764705882352941, 0, 0.005319148936170213, 0, 0.015473887814313346, 0.020833333333333332, 0.046511627906976744, 0.023529411764705882, 0.01639344262295082, 0.010582010582010581, 0, 0.02727272727272727, 0.02531645569620253, 0.014285714285714285, 0.02531645569620253, 0.01607717041800643, 0, 0.004098360655737705, 0, 0.013513513513513514, 0.006993006993006993, 0.008035714285714285 ]
[ "Re: Get Unlimited Text and 100 mins of Talk for $15\n\n\"Compare with Chatr $15.00 plan, no unlimited incoming call will not make $10.00 Senior users to change to this plan. \"", "\n\nI don't believe Chatr offers refer-a-friend, autopay, or community contribution bonuses- all of which may figure into the equation. ", "As well there's a .40/min charge to retrieve voicemail which would, if used, quickly cancel out any price equivalency.", "\n\nRe: Get Unlimited Text and 100 mins of Talk for $15\n\nGreat announcement to wake up to!! ", "PM is listening to the customers. ", "This will really become the goto plan for parents to get their kids as a first phone plan. ", "With these last two plan announcements it is showing PM is not just the feeder brand but still the brand for great plans at great prices.", "\n\n* I am happy to help, but I am not a MOD please do not include any personal info in a private message to me, click here to private message a Moderator *\n\nRe: Get Unlimited Text and 100 mins of Talk for $15\n\nThe Spoiler says, \"leaving a voicemail message uses up minutes.\" ", "However, with $10 50/50 plan, I tested a few days ago whether leaving a voicemail message uses minutes or not with a brand new PM number.", "\n\nWhen my friend leaves a voicemail message, it appears as an outgoing call to local voicemail number in both call history (picture 1) and my usage as 1/50 min (picture 2). ", "Then, after a second, 1 minute usage disappears, 0/50 min (picture 3). ", "It looks PM fixed it so as not to count minutes for \"leaving a voicemail message.\" ", "Can you please confirm this and update the Announcement/Spoiler if it's indeed fixed?", "\n\nStarting March 15th, we’re excited to bring you something that’s been long requested- a new Ready-Made plan at $15 with Unlimited International Text. ", "This plan is available for new and existing customers and includes:\n\n30-day plan\n\n100 minutes of Canada-wide Talk\n\nUnlimited International Text and Picture Messaging\n\n+Bonus 250 MB with AutoPay\n\nVoicemail and Call Display\n\nHow to Get This Offer:\n\nNew customers\n\nCurrent customers\n\nPurchase a SIM Card: Clickhere to order online or locate a participating retailer to purchase a SIM Card.", "\n\nVisitactivate.publicmobile.ca and follow the instructions to activate your SIM Card. ", "If purchasing from a participating retailer, the retail associate can assist you with the activation.", "\n\nDuring the activation process, select the ready-made plan “$15 for 100 minutes and Unlimited Text”.", "\n\nYes, you will get an SMS message from Public Mobile when you 10 minutes left in your plan.", "\n\nIf I don’t have any minutes left, but I have a voicemail message, how do I check my voicemail?", "\n\nThere are two ways you can check your voicemail.", "\n\nFrom a landline or another mobile phone, dial your 10-digit phone number and press the * key to interrupt the system greeting. ", "From here, you may need enter your voicemail password.", "\n\nYou can purchase a long distance Add-On such as the 200 minutes Add-On that allows you to call to Canada and the US for $8. ", "Note, the minutes in the Add-On will rollover to your next billing cycle.", "\n\nDo I have to purchase a Long Distance Add-On to get more than 100 minutes?", "\n\nYes, you need a Long Distance Add-On to get more minutes added to your plan. ", "If you often use more than 100 minutes per 30 days, we recommend one of our plans with unlimited talk.", "\n\nIf I purchase a Long Distance Add-On, will my calls use up my Add-On minutes or my in-plan minutes?", "\n\nMaking a Call to someone in Canada\n\nMaking a Call to someone outside of Canada\n\nAnswering a Call from Anywhere in the World\n\nIn Canada\n\nWill use plan minutes, before Long Distance Add-On minutes.", "\n\nRequires Long Distance Add-On. ", "The Long Distance countries we support can be foundhere.", "\n\nWill use plan minutes, before Long Distance Add-On minutes\n\nIn U.S.\n\nRequires a U.S. Roaming Add-On with talk included.", "\n\nRequires a U.S. Roaming Add-On with talk included. ", "Aside from calls to Canada, you will only be able to make calls to people in the U.S. and its territories.", "\n\nRequires a U.S. Roaming Add-On with talk included. ", "You will only be able to receive calls from people in Canada or the US and its territories.", "\n\nIf you purchase a Long Distance Add-On and you’re calling in Canada, your call will use your in-plan minutes first.", "\n\nIf you purchase a Long Distance Add-On and you’re calling outside of Canada, your call will use your Long Distance Add-On minutes (as long as the location you’re calling is accessible through your Long Distance Add-On).", "\n\nQuestionAnswerWhat does and does not use my minutes?Uses MinutesDoesn’t Use Minutes● Making a call● Answering a call● Retrieving or leaving voicemail messages● Using call forwarding● Calling *611 (the IVR)● Making or receiving calls from 911● Using wifi calling apps when connected to WifiWill you notify me when I’m almost out of minutes?Yes, you will get an SMS message from Public Mobile when you 10 minutes left in your plan.", "If I don’t have any minutes left, but I have a voicemail message, how do I check my voicemail?There are two ways you can check your voicemail.", "From a landline or another mobile phone, dial your 10-digit phone number and press the * key to interrupt the system greeting. ", "From here, you may need enter your voicemail password.", "You can purchase a long distance Add-On such as the 200 minutes Add-On that allows you to call to Canada and the US for $8. ", "Note, the minutes in the Add-On will rollover to your next billing cycle.", "Do I have to purchase a Long Distance Add-On to get more than 100 minutes?Yes, you need a Long Distance Add-On to get more minutes added to your plan. ", "If you often use more than 100 minutes per 30 days, we recommend one of our plans with unlimited talk.", "If I purchase a Long Distance Add-On, will my calls use up my Add-On minutes or my in-plan minutes? ", "Making a Call to someone in CanadaMaking a Call to someone outside of CanadaAnswering a Call from Anywhere in the WorldIn CanadaWill use plan minutes, before Long Distance Add-On minutes.", "Requires Long Distance Add-On. ", "The Long Distance countries we support can be found here. ", "Will use plan minutes, before Long Distance Add-On minutesIn U.S.Requires a U.S. Roaming Add-On with talk included.", "Requires a U.S. Roaming Add-On with talk included. ", "Aside from calls to Canada, you will only be able to make calls to people in the U.S. and its territories.", "Requires a U.S. Roaming Add-On with talk included. ", "You will only be able to receive calls from people in Canada or the US and its territories. ", "If you purchase a Long Distance Add-On and you’re calling in Canada, your call will use your in-plan minutes first.", "If you purchase a Long Distance Add-On and you’re calling outside of Canada, your call will use your Long Distance Add-On minutes (as long as the location you’re calling is accessible through your Long Distance Add-On).Will I keep the same plan forever? ", "Will my plan change?Please refer to our Terms of Service for more information about our plans." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.0036496350364963502, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.011764705882352941, 0.006578947368421052, 0.010362694300518135, 0.011494252873563218, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.002320185614849188, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.010638297872340425 ]
[ "Nonisothermal Spreading Dynamics of Self-Rewetting Droplets.", "\nWe experimentally studied the spreading dynamics of binary alcohol mixtures (and pure liquids for reference) deposited on a heated substrate in a partially wetting situation under nonisothermal conditions. ", "We show that the spreading mechanism of an evaporating droplet exhibits a power-law growth with early-stage exponents that depend strongly and nonmonotonically on the substrate temperature. ", "Moreover, we investigated the temporal and spatial thermal dynamics in the droplet using infrared thermography, revealing the existence of unique thermal patterns due to thermal and/or solutal instabilities, which lead to surface tension gradients, namely the Marangoni effect. ", "Our key findings are that the temperature of the substrate drastically affects the early-stage inertial-capillary spreading regime owing to the nonmonotonic surface tension-temperature dependence of the self-rewetting liquids. ", "At later stages of wetting, the spreading dynamics enters the viscous-capillary dominated regime, with the characteristic low kinetics mirroring the behavior of pure liquids." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
[ 0.016666666666666666, 0, 0, 0.0035971223021582736, 0, 0 ]
[ "<script type=\"text/javascript\">\n$(function () {\n\t$('#search button[type=submit]').on('click', function(event) {\n\t\taction = $('form#search').attr('action');\n\t\tdata = $('form#search').serialize();\n\n\t\t$.post(action, data, function (data) {\n\t\t\t$('#search-results').html(data);\n\t\t});\n\n\t\tevent.preventDefault();\n\t});\n});\n</script>\n{% if id %}\n\t<div class=\"tab-pane\" id=\"search\">\n\t\t<form id='search' class=\"form-inline\" role=\"form\" action=\"{% url \"search_behavior\" id %}\">\n\t\t\t{% csrf_token %}\n\t\t\t<div class=\"form-group\">\n\t\t\t\t<label class=\"sr-only\" for=\"form_search\">Search term</label>\n\t\t\t\t<input type=\"text\" class=\"form-control\" id=\"form_search\" name=\"search\" size=50 placeholder=\"Search term\" />\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t<button type=\"submit\" class=\"btn btn-default\">Search</button>\n\t\t</form>\n\n\t\t<div id=\"search-results\">\n\t\t</div>\n\t</div>\n{% endif %}\n" ]
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[ "1. ", "Field of the Invention\nThe present invention relates to an image processing apparatus for outputting an image by a printer or a display.", "\n2. ", "Description of the Prior Art\nWhen printing out an image read by a color scanner or a computer graphics, a color compressing process is performed as necessary, in which colors of the image data are converted into colors within a color reproduction range of the printer.", "\nConventionally, a parameter for realizing the optimal color compression (including incompression) is set at every input of a job to an image output device (a request for output one or more pages).", "\nIn order to decide whether the color compression is necessary or not so as to set the parameter, an appropriate time is required, which causes a delay of the image output. ", "Conventionally, there was a problem that the parameter setting causes the delay of the image output even if a reconfiguration of the parameter is not necessary. ", "For example, there is a waste of time when a user confirms the result of a trial print and then instructs a real print promptly, or when a user finds a shortage of the number of copies and instructs the print of the deficient number of copies, or when instructing a continuous output (job) of plural documents having similar colors." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "USPTO Backgrounds" }
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "// CodeMirror, copyright (c) by Marijn Haverbeke and others\n// Distributed under an MIT license: http://codemirror.net/LICENSE\n\n(function(mod) {\n if (typeof exports == \"object\" && typeof module == \"object\") // CommonJS\n mod(require(\"../../lib/codemirror\"));\n else if (typeof define == \"function\" && define.amd) // AMD\n define([\"../../lib/codemirror\"], mod);\n else // Plain browser env\n mod(CodeMirror);\n})(function(CodeMirror) {\n\"use strict\";\n\nCodeMirror.defineMode(\"commonlisp\", function (config) {\n var specialForm = /^(block|let*|return-from|catch|load-time-value|setq|eval-when|locally|symbol-macrolet|flet|macrolet|tagbody|function|multiple-value-call|the|go|multiple-value-prog1|throw|if|progn|unwind-protect|labels|progv|let|quote)$/;\n var assumeBody = /^with|^def|^do|^prog|case$|^cond$|bind$|when$|unless$/;\n var numLiteral = /^(?:[+\\-]?(?:\\d+|\\d*\\.\\d+)(?:[efd][+\\-]?\\d+)?|[+\\-]?\\d+(?:\\/[+\\-]?\\d+)?|#b[+\\-]?[01]+|#o[+\\-]?[0-7]+|#x[+\\-]?[\\da-f]+)/;\n var symbol = /[^\\s'`,@()\\[\\]\";]/;\n var type;\n\n function readSym(stream) {\n var ch;\n while (ch = stream.next()) {\n if (ch == \"\\\\\") stream.next();\n else if (!", "symbol.test(ch)) { stream.backUp(1); break; }\n }\n return stream.current();\n }\n\n function base(stream, state) {\n if (stream.eatSpace()) {type = \"ws\"; return null;}\n if (stream.match(numLiteral)) return \"number\";\n var ch = stream.next();\n if (ch == \"\\\\\") ch = stream.next();\n\n if (ch == '\"') return (state.tokenize = inString)(stream, state);\n else if (ch == \"(\") { type = \"open\"; return \"bracket\"; }\n else if (ch == \")\" || ch == \"]\") { type = \"close\"; return \"bracket\"; }\n else if (ch == \";\") { stream.skipToEnd(); type = \"ws\"; return \"comment\"; }\n else if (/['`,@]/.test(ch)) return null;\n else if (ch == \"|\") {\n if (stream.skipTo(\"|\")) { stream.next(); return \"symbol\"; }\n else { stream.skipToEnd(); return \"error\"; }\n } else if (ch == \"#\") {\n var ch = stream.next();\n if (ch == \"[\") { type = \"open\"; return \"bracket\"; }\n else if (/[+\\-=\\.']/.test(ch)) return null;\n else if (/\\d/.test(ch) && stream.match(/^\\d*#/)) return null;\n else if (ch == \"|\") return (state.tokenize = inComment)(stream, state);\n else if (ch == \":\") { readSym(stream); return \"meta\"; }\n else return \"error\";\n } else {\n var name = readSym(stream);\n if (name == \".\") ", "return null;\n type = \"symbol\";\n if (name == \"nil\" || name == \"t\" || name.charAt(0) == \":\") return \"atom\";\n if (state.lastType == \"open\" && (specialForm.test(name) || assumeBody.test(name))) return \"keyword\";\n if (name.charAt(0) == \"&\") return \"variable-2\";\n return \"variable\";\n }\n }\n\n function inString(stream, state) {\n var escaped = false, next;\n while (next = stream.next()) {\n if (next == '\"' && !", "escaped) { state.tokenize = base; break; }\n escaped = !", "escaped && next == \"\\\\\";\n }\n return \"string\";\n }\n\n function inComment(stream, state) {\n var next, last;\n while (next = stream.next()) {\n if (next == \"#\" && last == \"|\") { state.tokenize = base; break; }\n last = next;\n }\n type = \"ws\";\n return \"comment\";\n }\n\n return {\n startState: function () {\n return {ctx: {prev: null, start: 0, indentTo: 0}, lastType: null, tokenize: base};\n },\n\n token: function (stream, state) {\n if (stream.sol() && typeof state.ctx.indentTo !", "= \"number\")\n state.ctx.indentTo = state.ctx.start + 1;\n\n type = null;\n var style = state.tokenize(stream, state);\n if (type !", "= \"ws\") {\n if (state.ctx.indentTo == null) {\n if (type == \"symbol\" && assumeBody.test(stream.current()))\n state.ctx.indentTo = state.ctx.start + config.indentUnit;\n else\n state.ctx.indentTo = \"next\";\n } else if (state.ctx.indentTo == \"next\") {\n state.ctx.indentTo = stream.column();\n }\n state.lastType = type;\n }\n if (type == \"open\") state.ctx = {prev: state.ctx, start: stream.column(), indentTo: null};\n else if (type == \"close\") state.ctx = state.ctx.prev || state.ctx;\n return style;\n },\n\n indent: function (state, _textAfter) {\n var i = state.ctx.indentTo;\n return typeof i == \"number\" ? ", "i : state.ctx.start + 1;\n },\n\n lineComment: \";;\",\n blockCommentStart: \"#|\",\n blockCommentEnd: \"|#\"\n };\n});\n\nCodeMirror.defineMIME(\"text/x-common-lisp\", \"commonlisp\");\n\n});\n" ]
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[ 0.003484320557491289, 0.0008077544426494346, 0.0022624434389140274, 0, 0.0038461538461538464, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "Global socioeconomic inequalities in tobacco use: internationally comparable estimates from the World Health Surveys.", "\nTo produce internationally comparable estimates of socioeconomic differences in tobacco exposure within low and middle-income countries. ", "We used data from 50 countries that participated in the World Health Surveys in 2002-2003. ", "We measured two aspects of smoking: current smoking prevalence and accumulated pack-years of smoking. ", "We used an asset-based approach to estimate permanent income. ", "We measured absolute inequalities, separately by gender, across the entire socioeconomic distribution by using the concentration index and summarized the results and explored heterogeneity by meta-analysis. ", "The overall prevalence of current smoking was highest in Southeast Asia, the Western Pacific, and Europe, and lowest in Africa. ", "Pack-years among current male smokers were highest in Europe. ", "Wealthier men were generally less likely to be current smokers in all regions. ", "However, there was substantial heterogeneity within each region, and in some countries (Georgia, Mexico, Mauritania) current smoking was greater among the more advantaged. ", "Among currently smoking men socioeconomic differences for pack-years of smoking were generally much weaker than for smoking prevalence. ", "Among women the concentration index in current smoking was largest and favored the poor in Europe (1.4, 95% CI 0.8, 2.1) but favored the rich in Southeast Asia and the Western Pacific. ", "National income was generally not associated with the magnitude of socioeconomic gradients. ", "In low and middle-income countries there is substantial between and within-region heterogeneity in socioeconomic inequality in tobacco exposure that is not explained by national income. ", "Our results imply that the relationship between socioeconomic position and smoking in poorer countries is dynamic and may not reflect the historical pattern in wealthier countries." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
[ 0.008547008547008548, 0, 0.01098901098901099, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.005405405405405406, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "Oxidized low-density lipoprotein (oxLDL) triggers hypoxia-inducible factor-1alpha (HIF-1alpha) accumulation via redox-dependent mechanisms.", "\nOxidized low-density lipoprotein (oxLDL) and macrophages play a central role in atherosclerosis. ", "Here, we obtained evidence that oxLDL induced hypoxia-inducible factor-1alpha (HIF-1alpha) protein accumulation in human macrophages (Mono-Mac-6) under normoxia. ", "HIF-1alpha accumulation was attenuated by pretreatment with the antioxidant N-acetyl-L-cysteine (NAC), the nitric oxide (NO) donor S-nitrosoglutathione (GSNO), and nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NADPH) oxidase inhibitors such as diphenyleniodonium (DPI) or 4-(2-aminoethyl)-benzenesulfonyl fluoride (AEBSF), thus implicating the contribution of oxLDL-generated reactive oxygen species (ROS). ", "Whereas oxLDL did not modulate HIF-1alpha mRNA levels, experiments with cycloheximide pointed to a translational mechanism in oxLDL action. ", "HIF-1-dependent luciferase reporter gene analysis underscored HIF-1 transactivation. ", "Our results indicate that oxLDL induced HIF-1alpha accumulation and HIF-1-dependent reporter gene activation in human macrophages via a redox-mediated pathway. ", "This finding may suggest a role of HIF-1 in atherosclerosis and oxLDL-induced pathogenesis." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
[ 0, 0, 0.006172839506172839, 0.012315270935960592, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "Direct demonstration that ferrous ion complexes of di- and triphosphate nucleotides catalyze hydroxyl free radical formation from hydrogen peroxide.", "\nUtilizing an electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spin-trapping technique it was demonstrated that the di- and triphosphate nucleotides of adenosine, cytidine, thymidine, and guanosine in the presence of Fe(II) catalyze hydroxyl free radical formation from H2O2. ", "The triphosphate nucleotides in general were about 20% more effective than the diphosphate nucleotides. ", "The amount of OH produced from H2O2 as a function of nucleotide level tended to increase in a sigmoidal fashion beginning at a nucleotide/Fe(II) ratio of 2 but then rose rapidly up to a ratio of 5 at which point the increase became more gradual. ", "The monophosphate nucleotides did not cause an increase in the amount of hydroxyl free radical produced from H2O2 over the low level obtained in the buffer system only. ", "The cations, Mg2+ and Ca2+, even at much higher than physiological levels and much higher than the level of added Fe(II), did not cause a substantial diminution of the Fe(II)-nucleotide-catalyzed breakdown of H2O2 to yield OH. ", "A study of the time course of the effectiveness of Fe(II)-nucleotide-mediated OH formation from H2O2 demonstrated that Fe(II) in the presence of nucleotides remained in an effective catalytic state with a halftime of about 160 s whereas in the absence of the nucleotides the halftime was 7.5 s. All observations indicate that Fe(II) ligates with di- and triphosphate nucleotides and remains in the ferrous state which is then capable of catalyzing OH formation from H2O2; but with time, oxidation of the metal ion to the ferric state occurs, which either ligated to the nucleotide or to buffer ions, is ineffective in H2O2 catalysis to yield OH. ", "Iron-nucleotide complexes may be of importance in mediating oxygen free radical damage to biological systems. ", "The observations presented here indicate that hydroxyl free radicals will be produced when H2O2 is present with ferrous-nucleotide complexes." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
[ 0, 0.0037735849056603774, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "BLOODSTONE\n\nSynopsis\n\nEven horror writer J.P. Bloodstone is unprepared for the actual end of the world. ", "Stranded in Beverly Hills, he discovers something far worse than decomposing zombies, vampiric aliens, or infected mutant motorcycle-riding killers.", "\n\nAudio\n\nThis story is presented in audio form (thanks to Wiley Writers) and can be listened to at the link below. ", "Warning: this story includes adult themes, explicit sexual references, violence, and naughty language. ", "It's the end of the world, what did you expect?" ]
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[ "2013 World Series by Renault\n\nThe 2013 World Series by Renault was the ninth season of Renault Sport's series of events, with four different championships racing under one banner. ", "Consisting of the Formula Renault 3.5 Series, Eurocup Formula Renault 2.0, the Eurocup Mégane Trophy and Eurocup Clio, the World Series by Renault ran at seven different venues where fans could get into the meetings for no cost whatsoever, such is the uniqueness of the series.", "\n\nThe series began on 27 April at the Ciudad del Motor de Aragón in Alcañiz, and finished on 20 October at the Circuit de Barcelona-Catalunya, just outside Barcelona. ", "Round Nürburgring dropped. ", "While Red Bull Ring made its debut in the series' schedule, while Formula Renault 3.5 had two extra races on its own, in support of the and Monza Superstars Series round and Eurocup Clio had additional rounds in support of the Imola round of the Italian Clio Cup, and the Alcañiz round of the International Clio Cup.", "\n\nRace calendar\n Event in light blue is not part of the World Series, but is a championship round for the Formula Renault 3.5 Series.", "\n\nChampionships\n\nFormula Renault 3.5 Series\n\nEurocup Formula Renault 2.0\n\nEurocup Mégane Trophy\n\nEurocup Clio\n\nReferences\n\n Linked articles contain additional references.", "\n\nExternal links\n Official website of the World Series by Renault\n\nCategory:Renault Sport Series seasons" ]
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[ "Atrial fibrillation and arrhythmias are frequently caused by the presence of an arrhythmogenic substrate, such as ectopic foci, or an accessory atrioventricular pathway. ", "Therapies have been developed for treating atrial fibrillation and arrhythmias by destroying cardiac tissue containing the arrhythmogenic substrate or accessory pathway responsible for the atrial fibrillation or arrhythmia. ", "A variety of approaches have been taken, including application of electrical energy or other forms of energy to destroy the undesired cardiac tissue. ", "As examples, ablation of cardiac tissue has been accomplished by application of radio frequency electrical current, microwave energy, heat, electrical pulses, ultrasound, cryothermy, and lasers to the tissue. ", "At present, ablation using RF energy is perhaps the most widely practiced in the context of ablation procedures that can be carried out by a catheter inserted into the closed heart.", "\nRF catheter ablation is generally performed after an initial mapping procedure where the locations of the arrhythmogenic substrates or accessory pathways are determined. ", "After mapping, a catheter having a suitable electrode is introduced to the appropriate chamber and manipulated so that the electrode lies proximate the cardiac tissue to be ablated. ", "RF energy is then applied through the electrode to the cardiac tissue in order to ablate a region of the tissue that forms part of the arrhythmogenic substrate or accessory pathway. ", "By successfully destroying that tissue, the arrhythmogenic substrate or accessory pathway is destroyed so that the abnormal signaling patterns responsible for the atrial fibrillation or arrhythmia will no longer occur.", "\nThe RF energy delivered through the electrode causes tissue in contact with the electrode to heat through resistance of the tissue to the induced electrical current. ", "Proper heating of the tissue causes ablation. ", "Heating of the tissue and surrounding blood beyond a certain temperature, however, can cause desiccation or charring of the tissue, catheter adhesion to the charred tissue, and emboli development within the surrounding blood. ", "All of these problems associated with overheating of the tissue and surrounding blood at the ablation site increase the risk of complication or death to the patient.", "\nAdditionally, blood and tissue overheating may cause a coagulum to form around the RF electrode. ", "This coagulum greatly increases the impedance between the RF electrode and the return electrode, and proportionately reduces the RF energy delivered to the target tissue. ", "RF energy that is delivered to the target tissue via the coagulum is insufficient to cause heating or ablation. ", "Therefore, when a coagulum forms it must be detected so that the catheter can be removed from the patient and the coagulum cleaned off the electrode. ", "If the coagulum is not detected, the procedure may fail to adequately destroy the arrhythmogenic substrate or accessory pathway that is the cause of the atrial fibrillation or arrhythmia.", "\nOne response to the problems caused by blood and tissue overheating has been the inclusion of a temperature sensor within the RF electrode, in conjunction with feedback control of the RF signal to maintain the blood and tissue temperature at a set level. ", "The set level typically is below the temperature at which overheating is believed to occur. ", "For example, U.S. Pat. ", "No. ", "5,837,001 discloses a feedback network that controls the gain of an RF amplifier based on a comparison of the signal received from a temperature sensor to a preset temperature value.", "\nUnfortunately, despite temperature controlled ablation, blood and tissue overheating still occurs during some RF catheter ablation procedures. ", "Further, temperature controlled ablation does not detect coagulum formation. ", "When a coagulum forms around an electrode, any subsequent RF applications result in heating of the coagulum, which in turn heats the RF electrode and the included thermocouple. ", "During temperature controlled ablation, this leads to the maintenance of a high temperature with relatively low RF power output. ", "High electrode temperature with relatively low RF power output is as indicative of good electrode-tissue contact and sufficient heating, as it is of coagulum formation, making the distinction difficult.", "\nIn realization that coagulum formation increases the impedance between the RF electrode and the return electrode, some existing techniques for detecting coagulum formation involve monitoring of the measured impedance. ", "According to these techniques, if the impedance value exceeds a predetermined range, or increases at greater than a predetermined rate, an alarm may be communicated to the operator or RF power to the electrode may be reduced or suspended. ", "In either case, the operator will be alerted to the need to remove the catheter and remove the coagulum.", "\nUnfortunately, this method of coagulum detection may not be reliable. ", "For example, if the coagulum is soft, the electrical properties are similar to the blood. ", "The formation of a soft coagulum will not appreciably change the measured impedance, and will not be detected by the method of these references.", "\nFurther, coagulum detection may not reliably detect a coagulum early in the coagulum formation process. ", "It is desirable to detect a coagulum early in the formation process. ", "Occasionally, when the physician or technician removes the catheter to check for the presence of a coagulum or remove coagulum from the electrode, the coagulum breaks off of the electrode as the catheter is being removed from the patient. ", "This broken-off coagulum may become an embolus, and poses a serious risk to the patient. ", "The larger the coagulum is allowed to become, the greater the risk to the patient.", "\nCommonly assigned U.S. Pat. ", "No. ", "6,036,078, issued to Wittkampf, discloses a system and method for determining the degree to which the electrode is in contact with the cardiac tissue. ", "In general, Wittkampf describes the repeated application of RF energy of low, non cell destructing power, and the monitoring of the temperature response at the electrode to the energy application. ", "The temperature at the electrode in response to the energy application will be proportionately higher depending on the degree of electrode contact with the cardiac tissue.", "\nTherefore, there is a need in the art for a system and method for reliably detecting the formation of a coagulum on an electrode during ablation. ", "Further, there is a need in the art for a system and method for reliably detecting the formation of a coagulum on an electrode early in coagulum formation process.", "\nExamples of RF ablation techniques and devices, including those employing temperature controlled ablation, impedance monitoring, and other methods for detecting or avoiding coagulum formation, may be found in the issued U.S. Patents listed in Table 1 below.", "\nTABLE 1U.S. Pat. ", "No.", "InventorIssue Date6,063,078WittkampfMay 16, 20005,971,980ShermanOct. ", "26, 19995,957,961Maguire, et al.", "Sep. 28, 19995,931,835MackeyAug. ", "3, 19995,843,075TaylorDec. ", "1, 19985,837,001MackeyNov. ", "17, 19985,779,699LipsonJul. ", "14, 19985,755,715Stern, et al.", "May 26, 1998\nAll patents listed in Table 1 above are hereby incorporated by reference herein in their respective entireties. ", "As those of ordinary skill in the art will appreciate readily upon reading the Summary of the Invention, Detailed Description of the Preferred Embodiments and claims set forth below, many of the devices and methods disclosed in the patents of Table 1 may be modified advantageously by using the techniques of the present invention." ]
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[ "The minimal dataset contains confidential patient information that the authors do not have permission from an ethics committee to share publicly. ", "This data is available on request from the corresponding author at (<tthomasheysell@gmail.com>).", "\n\nIntroduction {#sec005}\n============\n\nTuberculosis (TB) continues to be leading driver of global morbidity and mortality, accounting for over 1.5 million deaths annually. ", "Tanzania represents one of the World Health Organization's (WHO) top-20 high-burden countries for TB, with an annual incidence of 327 (155--561)/100,000 population. ", "Although the rollout of the GeneXpert MTB/RIF (Cepheid, Sunnyvale, USA) has improved access to rapid diagnostics, undiagnosed cases persist, diagnostic delays complicate treatment outcomes, and there are still considerable gaps to fill in order to achieve WHO's ambitious global targets to \"End TB\" \\[[@pone.0169118.ref001], [@pone.0169118.ref002]\\].", "\n\nThe majority of diagnostic tests for TB rely on the use of sputum specimens; however, issues such as inadequate volume, excessive saliva, and paucibacillary or advanced disease states often limit specimen quality and subsequent diagnostic yield. ", "A biomarker for TB that relies on non-respiratory specimens would be an advance to the field, and one that retains accuracy in HIV-positive individuals is especially needed \\[[@pone.0169118.ref003]\\]. ", "The Antibody in Lymphocyte Supernatant (ALS) assay may represent one such biomarker based on promising results from adults from Bangladesh with TB, and from Ethiopia with TB/HIV co-infection \\[[@pone.0169118.ref004]--[@pone.0169118.ref006]\\].", "\n\nThe principles behind the ALS assay rely upon the activity of pathogen-specific antibody-secreting cells: during active infection, B-cell activation triggers antibody secreting cells, or immature plasma cells, which transiently migrate through the bloodstream while en route to the site of infection \\[[@pone.0169118.ref007], [@pone.0169118.ref008]\\]. ", "For TB, the ALS assay captures the spontaneous release of anti-mycobacterial IgG antibodies from peripheral blood and has been used for the diagnosis of active TB and treatment monitoring \\[[@pone.0169118.ref004], [@pone.0169118.ref009], [@pone.0169118.ref010]\\]. ", "Although this is an antibody-based assay, it differs from traditional serologic tests by discarding the serum and measuring incident antibody production directly from the lymphocytes. ", "Thus, it can serve as a biomarker of immune response to TB antigens that are present during active disease but not latent infection \\[[@pone.0169118.ref005]\\]. ", "In this study, we aim to evaluate the performance of the ALS assay in diagnosing active TB and monitoring response to TB treatment among adults with and without HIV from Tanzania.", "\n\nMaterials and Methods {#sec006}\n=====================\n\nStudy design and population {#sec007}\n---------------------------\n\nThis is a case control study involving two sites, Kibong'oto Infectious Disease Hospital (KIDH) and Kilimanjaro Christian Medical Centre Hospital. ", "KIDH is the national referral hospital for TB. ", "Between January 2014 and May 2015, adults admitted to KIDH with concern for pulmonary TB were referred to the study team. ", "Patients were recruited if they were \\>18 years of age and were imminently starting treatment for pulmonary TB. ", "Exclusion criteria included: hemoglobin level \\<7.0 g/dL, Karnofsky score \\<50, or inability/unwillingness to provide informed consent. ", "Eligible participants underwent a standardized medical interview and anthropometrics. ", "Evaluation for TB included clinical symptom review, chest radiograph, and microbiologic analysis of sputum; tuberculin skin testing is not part of the routine evaluation as per national guidelines \\[[@pone.0169118.ref011]\\]. ", "Tanzania performs routine BCG vaccination at birth with an estimated coverage of 95% \\[[@pone.0169118.ref012]\\].", "\n\nAt the time of TB treatment initiation, a blood sample and overnight pooled sputum sample were collected as previously described \\[[@pone.0169118.ref013]\\]. ", "A repeat assessment was conducted after 4 weeks. ", "Sputum specimens were transported to the Mycobacteriology Laboratory at Kilimanjaro Clinical Research Institute for processing within 8 hours, where testing included GeneXpert MTB/RIF (Cepheid), concentrated acid-fast bacilli (AFB) smear, and mycobacterial culture (Mycobacterial Growth Indicator Tubes, MGIT and Löwenstein-Jensen solid culture media, Becton, Dickinson and Company, Franklin Lakes, USA)\\[[@pone.0169118.ref014]\\]. ", "Cultured isolates were confirmed as *Mycobacterium tuberculosis* (Mtb) complex by DNA probe (Gen-Probe, USA). ", "Drug sensitivity testing was performed using the MGIT 960 system (BD and Co).", "\n\nParticipants were classified as \"confirmed TB cases\" if they had Mtb detected by Xpert MTB/RIF and/or TB culture. ", "Participants who did not have microbiologic confirmation, but were still being treated for TB, were classified as \"clinically diagnosed TB cases.\" ", "Xpert MTB/RIF results and/or drug sensitivity testing results were also used to characterize cases as having drug-susceptible or drug-resistant TB. ", "All cases were treated with first- or second- line anti-TB drugs according to their drug-sensitivity profiles and national guidelines, as per the treating physicians \\[[@pone.0169118.ref011], [@pone.0169118.ref015]\\]. ", "All patients were tested for HIV if not already being treated with antiretrovirals; HIV-positive patients were initiated on antiretrovirals within 8 weeks of starting TB treatment.", "\n\nBetween April and July 2014, adults who were admitted to Kilimanjaro Christian Medical Centre Hospital for non-infectious conditions, such as hypertension, diabetes, anemia/gastrointestinal bleeding, and abdominal pain, were recruited as hospitalized controls. ", "Patients were eligible if they were \\>18 years of age and provided informed consent. ", "Exclusion criteria included current receipt of TB treatment, a prior history of TB, or presence of signs or symptoms that could be consistent with TB. ", "Attempts were made to match controls to cases based on age (within 5 years). ", "Participants underwent a brief standardized medical interview; clinical and anthropometric data were collected. ", "A blood sample was collected at the time of enrollment; tuberculin skin testing was not performed.", "\n\nAntibodies from lymphocyte supernatant {#sec008}\n--------------------------------------\n\nThe ALS assay was conducted as previously described \\[[@pone.0169118.ref004]\\]. ", "Briefly, approximately 8ml of blood was collected in vacutainers pre-loaded with ficoll (CPT vacutainers, BD and Co.) and transported for processing within 3 hours according to the manufacturer\\'s instructions \\[[@pone.0169118.ref016]\\]. ", "The peripheral blood mononuclear cell (PBMC) suspension was isolated and cells were washed. ", "Viable cells were counted, with yields consistently \\>97%. ", "Cells were re-suspended in phosphate buffer saline at a concentration of 5x10^6^ cells/mL. Using 96-well tissue culture plates, 200μl of the re-suspended cells were cultured without antigenic stimulation in RPMI with 10% fetal bovine serum (GIBCO, Carlsbad, California, USA), 2 mM [l]{.smallcaps}-glutamine and a 1% concentration of an amphotericin B-penicillin-streptomycin mixture (Sigma-Aldrich, St. Louis, Missouri, USA) in 5% CO~2~ bags at 35°C for 72 hours. ", "Cell supernatants were collected and stored with protease inhibitors at -80°C for batch analysis.", "\n\nFreeze-dried glutamate-Bacille Calmette Guerin vaccine (BCG, Japan BCG Laboratories, Tokyo, Japan) was used as the coating antigen. ", "Microtiter plates (Nunc Maxisorp, Sigma-Aldrich) were coated with BCG (10μg/well in carbonate buffer, pH 9.8) and washed after overnight incubation at 4°C. ", "Bovine Serum Albumin (1.5% BSA) in phosphate-buffered saline (pH 7.2) was used to block non-specific antibodies.", "\n\nLymphocyte supernatants were thawed; 100μL was added to duplicate wells along with controls and the plates were incubated at 37°C. ", "Positive controls consisted of pooled serum from Tanzanian adult patients with culture-confirmed TB. ", "Negative controls consisted of PBS blanks and RPMI tissue culture media. ", "After washing, the plates were incubated with rabbit anti-human IgG-horseradish peroxidase conjugate. *", "O*-phenylenediamine was used as a developer and 2M sulphuric acid was used to stop the reaction. ", "Absorbance was measured at 492 nm optic density (OD). ", "ALS responses are reported as the normalized value after subtracting the blanks. ", "All ELISAs were performed in duplicate; the coefficient of variation was 6.4% between duplicates.", "\n\nEthical approval {#sec009}\n----------------\n\nEthical clearance was obtained from the National Institute of Medical Research, Kilimanjaro Christian Medical University College ethical committee, and University of Virginia. ", "Eligible patients underwent the informed consent process; written informed consent was obtained from all enrollees.", "\n\nData analysis {#sec010}\n-------------\n\nDescriptive analyses, simple frequencies, and distribution of results were evaluated. ", "ALS responses between cases (microbiologically confirmed or clinically diagnosed) and controls were compared using the Kruskal-Wallis test for non-parametric data. ", "Due to outliers in each of the \"case\" categories, regression analysis was used to evaluate characteristics that could be associated with positive ALS result, including age, gender, smoking status, alcohol use, body mass index, diabetes mellitus status, HIV status, prior history of TB, drug-susceptibility profile results. ", "Receiver operator characteristic (ROC) analyses were performed to assess the optimal sensitivity and specificity of the ALS assay based on the threshold for positivity. ", "Among TB cases, serial ALS responses were compared using the Wilcoxon signed rank test. ", "The change in ALS titers over time was evaluated to determine any association with favorable TB treatment outcome (cure or treatment completed) using univariate and multivariate regression analyses. ", "Data were tabulated and analyzed using Statistical Packages for Social Science (SPSS) version 22; a p-value \\<0.05 was considered significant.", "\n\nResults {#sec011}\n=======\n\nParticipant characteristics {#sec012}\n---------------------------\n\nA total of 125 patients were enrolled, including 97 participants with TB and 28 hospitalized controls without TB. ", "Of the 97 TB cases, 85 (88%) had a microbiologic confirmation, while 12 (12%) were diagnosed on clinical grounds. ", "The demographic and clinical characteristics of all participants can be seen in [Table 1](#pone.0169118.t001){ref-type=\"table\"}. ", "Cases and controls differed by gender, however this did not affect ALS responses in the regression model (data not shown). ", "Among the 22 HIV/TB co-infected participants, 17 (68%) had been initiated on HIV therapy prior to admission, and the median CD4 count was 116 cells/mm^3^ (IQR: 36--236).", "\n\n10.1371/journal.pone.0169118.t001\n\n###### Demographic and clinical characteristics.", "\n\n![](", "pone.0169118.t001){#pone.0169118.t001g}\n\n Characteristics Confirmed TB, Clinically diagnosed TB, Controls,\n ---------------------------------------------------- --------------- -------------------------- ----------------------------------------------\n **Age**, mean years ± SD 40 ±14 40 ±9 42 ±15\n **Gender** \n  Male 68 (80) 7 (58) 7 (25)\n  Female 17 (20) 5 (42) 21 (75)\n **Domicile** \n  Northern Zone 56 (66) 1 (8) 22 (79)\n  Central Zone 18 (21) 0 (0) 0 (0)\n  Southern Zone 1 (1) 0 (0) 0 (0)\n  Lake Zone 3 (4) 4 (33) 0 (0)\n  Eastern Zone 7 (8) 7 (59) 0 (0)\n  Unknown 6 (21)\n **Current or prior smoking** 16 (19) 1 (8) 2 (7)[\\*](#t001fn001){ref-type=\"table-fn\"}\n **Current or prior alcohol use** 36 (42) 3 (25) 10 (36)[\\*](#t001fn001){ref-type=\"table-fn\"}\n **Known diabetes mellitus** 3 (3) 0 (0) 3 (11)\n **HIV infected** 18 (21) 6 (50) 4 (14)[\\*](#t001fn001){ref-type=\"table-fn\"}\n  On anti-retroviral therapy (n, % of HIV infected) 12 (67) 5 (83) n/a\n  CD4^+^ T-cell count (median cells/mm^3^, range) 132 (39--239) 44 (14--260) n/a\n **Body Mass Index** \n  Normal (BMI: 18.5--24.9) 55 (65) 5 (42) 22 (79)\n  Mildly malnourished (BMI: 17--18.5) 16 (19) 3 (25) \n  Moderately malnourished (BMI: 16--16.9) 8 (9) 1 (8) \n  Severely malnourished (BMI: \\<16) 6 (7) 3 (25) \n  Unknown 6 (21)\n **Current TB type** \n  Drug susceptible TB 55 (65) n/a n/a\n  MDR TB 30 (35) \n **Prior history of TB** 39 (46) 6 (50) 0 (0)\n  **Number of episodes** (n, % with prior TB) \n  1 Episode 24 (62) 2 (33) n/a\n  \\> 2 Episodes 15 (38) 4 (67) \n **TB treatment outcome** n/a\n  Cured/completed 54 (64%) 4 (33%) \n  Died/failed 9 (11%) 3 (25%) \n  Other[^ǂ^](#t001fn002){ref-type=\"table-fn\"} 22 (26%) 5 (42%) \n\n\\*six had unknown status.", "\n\n^ǂ^ including default, transfer, or otherwise unknown.", "\n\nEvaluation of ALS as a diagnostic biomarker {#sec013}\n-------------------------------------------\n\nThe median ALS responses among confirmed TB cases (0.366 OD, IQR: 0.288--0.564) and clinically diagnosed TB cases (0.285 OD, IQR: 0.188--0.411) were higher than those from controls (0.085 OD, IQR: 0.073--0.110, p \\<0.001, [Fig 1](#pone.0169118.g001){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "After controlling for other characteristics, only the ALS responses from \"confirmed TB\" cases remained significantly different compared to those from controls; these results were not affected by removal of the outliers.", "\n\n![", "ALS response by disease status.\\\nData are shows as median values and interquartile range within the boxplots, and range within the whiskers. ", "Compared to controls, ALS responses were higher among both TB groups, p\\<0.001 by Kruskal-Wallis test.](pone.0169118.g001){#pone.0169118.g001}\n\nImportantly, ALS responses among TB cases were not diminished in HIV-positive individuals (median ALS response of 0.302 OD \\[IQR: 0.194--0.562\\] among the 24 HIV-positive individuals versus 0.362 OD \\[IQR: 0.245--0.546\\] among the 73 HIV-negative individuals, p = NS). ", "Within the HIV-positive subset, ALS responses did not correlate with CD4^+^ T-cell count (Pearson's r = 0.103, p = NS). ", "Further analyses based on use of antiretroviral therapy were not possible due to small sample sizes in the subgroups. ", "Additionally, within the entire cohort, ALS response did not differ based upon baseline smear status (positive or negative).", "\n\nReceiver operator characteristic curves were created by comparing ALS responses from microbiologically confirmed TB cases and controls, see [Fig 2](#pone.0169118.g002){ref-type=\"fig\"}. ", "Accuracy for diagnosis of TB was high with an area under the curve of 0.970. ", "The optimal threshold for positivity, 0.135 OD, would provide 92% sensitivity and 96% specificity.", "\n\n![", "Receiver operator characteristic curve.\\\nReceiver operator characteristic (ROC) curves were created using ALS responses from microbiologically-confirmed TB cases (n = 85) and non-TB controls (n = 28). ", "The area under the curve is 0.970. ", "The arrow indicates a proposed threshold for assay positivity which maximizes sensitivity (92%) and specificity (96%).](pone.0169118.g002){#pone.0169118.g002}\n\nEvaluation of ALS as a response-predictive biomarker {#sec014}\n----------------------------------------------------\n\nFollow up blood specimens four weeks after anti-TB therapy initiation were available from 61 TB cases (63%), which included 36 (59%) with drug-sensitive TB, 19 (31%) with MDR-TB, and 6 (10%) with clinically diagnosed TB. [", "Fig 3](#pone.0169118.g003){ref-type=\"fig\"} demonstrates the reduction in ALS responses over time. ", "Overall, the median values declined significantly between the measurements at baseline (0.357, IQR: 0.247--0.559) and 4 weeks post treatment initiation (0.198, IQR: 0.102--0.349, p\\<0.001). ", "When examining the reduction in ALS responses based on type of TB (drug-sensitive, MDR, or clinically diagnosed), there was a trend towards a having a greater reduction among those with drug-sensitive TB (p = 0.057, [Fig 4](#pone.0169118.g004){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "The magnitude of decline in ALS responses over time was not associated with TB treatment outcome by univariate or multivariate regression analysis.", "\n\n![", "ALS results over time.\\\nIndividual ALS responses for 61 TB cases are displayed over two time points during TB treatment. ", "The median response at baseline was 0.357 (IQR: 0.247--0.559) and after four weeks of TB treatment, the median response declined significantly to 0.198 (IQR: 0.102--0.349, p = 0.006 by Wilcoxon signed rank test).](pone.0169118.g003){#pone.0169118.g003}\n\n![", "Reduction in ALS responses over time, based on drug resistance profile.\\\nMedian ALS responses are displayed at two different time points by drug resistance profile. ", "After four weeks of TB treatment, adults with drug-sensitive TB demonstrated a greater reduction in ALS responses, although this was not statistically significant (p = 0.057, Wilcoxon signed rank test).](pone.0169118.g004){#pone.0169118.g004}\n\nDiscussion {#sec015}\n==========\n\nIn this cohort of adults from Tanzania, those with microbiologically confirmed TB had significantly higher ALS responses at the time of TB diagnosis compared to controls who were hospitalized for non-infectious causes. ", "Robust ALS responses were mounted regardless of HIV status, CD4 count, or low sputum bacillary burden. ", "These findings support our hypotheses that immune activation from Mtb can be detected through incident secretion of anti-BCG immunoglobulins from plasmablasts found in PBMCs.", "\n\nIn our longitudinal assessment of ALS measurement, we noted a significant reduction in ALS responses after the four weeks of TB therapy. ", "These declines were most pronounced among those confirmed to have drug-sensitive TB, which suggests that potent anti-TB therapy may be associated with reduced TB antigenic stimulation. ", "These trends are similar to those previously demonstrated among adults and children \\[[@pone.0169118.ref010], [@pone.0169118.ref017]\\]. ", "During the time interval tested in our protocol, the reductions in ALS responses were not associated with treatment outcome. ", "However, the evaluation of ALS as a biomarker predictive of early relapse may be relevant for studies that evaluate shorter courses of TB treatment \\[[@pone.0169118.ref018]--[@pone.0169118.ref021]\\]. ", "Therefore, further examination including multiple follow up time points among a larger cohort may be warranted to evaluate the utility of this biomarker in predicting treatment response and outcome.", "\n\nOur finding that HIV status, including patients with considerable T-cell immunosuppression, did not affect the ability to mount an equivalent ALS response is notable. ", "Similar findings have been seen by Ashenafi et al in their cohort of 84 adults from Ethiopia with TB, including 27 with TB/HIV co-infection. ", "Despite the majority of co-infected participants having CD4^+^ T-cell counts \\<200 cells/mm^3^, they also found that ALS responses did not differ significantly between those with HIV/TB compared to those with TB alone \\[[@pone.0169118.ref005]\\]. ", "In conjunction these results affirm that this assay holds potential to fill a gap in the current biomarker landscape.", "\n\nBiomarkers for TB are greatly needed to improve clinical practice and to hasten drug development research, especially among HIV/TB co-infected populations \\[[@pone.0169118.ref021]\\]. ", "Our work suggests that the ALS assay could serve as a diagnostic and response-predictive biomarker among adults by harnessing B-cell stimulation to gauge TB disease activity. ", "There is growing evidence to suggest that B-cells mediate protection for TB through antigen presentation, cytokine production, and antibody production via interactions with cell mediated immunity \\[[@pone.0169118.ref022]--[@pone.0169118.ref025]\\]. ", "When immunologic biomarkers are dependent on T-cell immunity, as is the case for the currently available tuberculin skin test and interferon-γ release assays, concern is raised about reduced performance among populations with concomitant HIV co-infection or other immunocompromising conditions \\[[@pone.0169118.ref026]\\]. ", "The ALS assay may work well in co-infected patients by leveraging the state of B-cell dysregulation that is known to occur with HIV, which includes hyperactivity of plasmablasts \\[[@pone.0169118.ref027], [@pone.0169118.ref028]\\]. ", "In HIV infection, circulating plasmablasts are found to rise early and maintain high levels in viremic states; however, the majority of plasmablasts are not HIV-specific and likely reflect non-specific immune activation \\[[@pone.0169118.ref029], [@pone.0169118.ref030]\\]. ", "We did not detect elevated ALS response among the four HIV-positive hospitalized controls (range 0.065--0.127). ", "It is possible that the magnitude of anti-BCG IgGs we detected from co-infected individuals stem from an increased overall proportion of activated plasmablasts however this requires further study.", "\n\nThe ELISA component of ALS for TB has typically used BCG vaccine as the coating antigen in order to incorporate a diverse range of antigenic epitopes from which to capture secreted antibodies \\[[@pone.0169118.ref006], [@pone.0169118.ref031], [@pone.0169118.ref032]\\]. ", "Although BCG vaccine is widely administered throughout Tanzania, effects from prior vaccination on ALS responses are thought to be non-significant based on the methodology, which allows for antibody secretion during 48--72 hours of unstimulated PBMC culture. ", "The lack of antigenic stimulation reduces the potential for ex-vivo influence from prior BCG vaccination or from latent TB disease states; the relatively short duration of cell culture minimizes the likelihood of detecting memory B cell responses \\[[@pone.0169118.ref033], [@pone.0169118.ref034]\\]. ", "The use of other TB virulence factors as the coating antigen(s), including purified protein derivative (PPD), Antigen 85 complex, lipoarabinomannan (LAM), Mtb specific antigen (TB-SA) and those from the region of difference-1 (RD-1) domain of the Mtb genome has been evaluated \\[[@pone.0169118.ref004], [@pone.0169118.ref006], [@pone.0169118.ref035], [@pone.0169118.ref036]\\]. ", "In the study by Rekha *et al* of 212 Bangladeshi adults undergoing evaluation for possible TB, the performance of ALS was compared after using various TB virulence factors singly or in combination to coat the ELISA plates. ", "The best performance from a single additive was found with BCG (sensitivity of 90%, specificity of 88%), which is why we used this. ", "The best performance from a combination of antigenic additives was found with BCG+LAM (sensitivity of 91%, specificity of 89%). ", "Interestingly, the use of RD-1 proteins in isolation or combination had reduced performance (sensitivity of 73--86%, specificity of 83--86%) \\[[@pone.0169118.ref006]\\].", "\n\nOne of the limitations of our findings included the detection of inter-individual variation in ALS responses, which manifested as outliers in both of the disease groups. ", "Regression analyses were used to mitigate any potential influence from these outliers, which demonstrated no overall effect on the associations. ", "Possible explanations for the inter-individual differences in the magnitude of ALS responses could be from differences in the duration of infection, or potentially from strain-specific effects on immune activation. ", "Different strains of Mtb including laboratory strains and clinical/circulating strains have been postulated to account for variable immune responses, although the exact effects on B-cell activation are understudied \\[[@pone.0169118.ref037], [@pone.0169118.ref038]\\]. ", "A limitation of the current methodology is that it requires considerable laboratory infrastructure for harvesting and culturing PBMCs in real time which may preclude its use in resource limited areas. ", "If further evaluation proves successful, it may be possible to incorporate an ELISpot platform for lateral flow analysis, as has been done in other settings for vaccine-induced immune responses \\[[@pone.0169118.ref039]\\].", "\n\nOur study differs from other similar studies in that our threshold for assay positivity was found to be lower than previously published: 0.135 OD compared to 0.425 OD \\[[@pone.0169118.ref004]--[@pone.0169118.ref006]\\]. ", "It is possible that these differences are due to variability in ELISA technique, or even different basal rates of anti-mycobacterial plasmablast activity among endemic \"healthy controls\" based on local TB exposure intensity. ", "Indeed the absolute numbers of incident cases would suggest that Bangladesh and Ethiopia have higher TB transmission \\[[@pone.0169118.ref001]\\]. ", "Additionally, the previously studied cohorts included patients who were found to have non-TB diagnoses as controls, including bacterial pneumonia, bronchiectasis, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, and malignancy \\[[@pone.0169118.ref004]--[@pone.0169118.ref006]\\]. ", "In our study, we used a case-control study design in which the controls included those without symptoms of infection or TB; the controls in this study were most commonly hospitalized with complications related to hypertension, diabetes, anemia and/or abdominal pain. ", "This selection of controls may predispose to spectrum bias, which has the potential to overestimate the performance of the assay and affect the calculated thresholds. ", "A cohort study design may address these issues and improve the generalizability of the findings.", "\n\nIn summary, we have demonstrated that incident B-cell responses to TB can be measured from peripheral blood and serve as a biomarker of TB disease activity among adults. ", "ALS responses did not correlate with the bacillary burden of disease, as measured by sputum AFB smear status or HIV status, thereby conferring a unique niche for an immunologic biomarker for TB. ", "Further evaluation of the assay seems warranted.", "\n\nSupporting Information {#sec016}\n======================\n\n###### Evaluation of ALS among TB cases and controls.", "\n\n(XLSX)\n\n###### \n\nClick here for additional data file.", "\n\nWe are grateful to the participants and research staff for their involvement in this important work. ", "We thank Dr. Rubhana Raqib (icddr,b, Dhaka, Bangladesh) for her technical expertise with this assay.", "\n\n[^1]: **Competing Interests:**The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.", "\n\n[^2]: **Conceptualization:** MS SM SH GK BM EH TT.**Data curation:** MS BM BSM JG TT.**Formal analysis:** MS SM SH BM EH TT.**Funding acquisition:** GK EH.**Investigation:** SM MS CA BSM JG.**Methodology:** MS CA JG SM SH GK EH TT.**Project administration:** MS JG SM.**Resources:** SM GK BM EH.**Software:** MS CA SM TT.**Supervision:** SM SH GK BM EH TT.**Validation:** MS CA BSM JG SM SH TT.**Visualization:** MS SH EH TT.**Writing -- original draft:** MS TT.**Writing -- review & editing:** MS SM SH BM GK EH TT.", "\n" ]
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[ "Devised originally in response to a challenge issued by viscount of the internet Rob Neyer, and expanded at the request of nobody, NERD scores represent an attempt to summarize in one number (and on a scale of 0-10) the likely aesthetic appeal or watchability, for the learned fan, of a player or team or game. ", "Read more about the components of and formulae for NERD scores here.", "\n\n***\n\nMost Highly Rated Game\n\nToronto at Oakland | 22:05 ET\n\nDoubront (14.0 IP, 77 xFIP-) vs. Gray (129.2 IP, 86 xFIP-)\n\nWhile the author is unable to cite any such documents specifically, reason dictates that there are probably hundreds or even thousands of tirelessly researched and scrupulously peer-reviewed scientific papers all of which conclude that human decision-making is a largely arbitrary endeavor. ", "Today, instead of continuing to ignore this difficult truth, the reader has an opportunity to embrace it — by watching Toronto left-hander Felix Doubront pitch for some reason. ", "Doubront has produced two curious starts for the Blue Jays, conceding just a single walk against 52 batters while recording a 69.0% ground-ball rate — this, however, while also allowing eight runs over just 11.2 innings. ", "A compelling blend of success and failure, that. ", "As to whether it’s a reason for watching Doubront, however — let’s regard this concern as moot for the moment.", "\n\nReaders’ Preferred Broadcast: Toronto Radio.", "\n\nTwo Brief Notes\n\nPerpetually Looping Video: Joe Ross’s Slider\n\nYesterday, as part of Tuesday’s most highly rated game, Washington right-hander Joe Ross produced a 4:0 strikeout-to-walk ratio against 25 batters over 6.1 innings (box). ", "Here’s footage of three of those strikeouts, all recorded by means of Ross’s slider.", "\n\nToday’s Free Game\n\nToday’s free game features San Francisco at San Diego, starts at 15:40 ET, and can be accessed by means of this hyperlinked text.", "\n\nComplete Schedule\n\nHere’s the complete and very sortable table for all of today’s games. ", "Pitching probables and game times aggregated from MLB.com and also the rest of the internet. ", "Note that the calculations both for team and game NERD scores have changed recently to better integrate playoff odds into same. ", "Read more about those changes here, if you’re the sort of person accustomed to making poor life decisions.", "\n\n* = Fewer than 10 IP, NERD at discretion of very handsome author." ]
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[ "914 F.2d 1490Unpublished Disposition\nNOTICE: Fourth Circuit I.O.P. 36.6 states that citation of unpublished dispositions is disfavored except for establishing res judicata, estoppel, or the law of the case and requires service of copies of cited unpublished dispositions of the Fourth Circuit.", "In re Peter James ATHERTON, Petitioner.", "\nNo. ", "90-8111.", "\nUnited States Court of Appeals, Fourth Circuit.", "\nSubmitted Aug. 27, 1990.Decided Sept. 25, 1990.", "\n\nOn Petition for Writ of Mandamus.", "\nPeter James Atherton, petitioner pro se.", "\nPETITION DENIED.", "\nBefore SPROUSE and WILKINS, Circuit Judges, and BUTZNER, Senior Circuit Judge.", "\nPER CURIAM:\n\n\n1\nPeter James Atherton brought this petition for writ of mandamus seeking review of a district court order dismissing his 42 U.S.C. Sec. ", "1983 action; he also sought to attack this Court's order affirming a previous dismissal of the same claim. ", " Atherton v. Latham, No. ", "87-1178 (4th Cir. ", " Feb. 24, 1988) (unpublished).", "\n\n\n2\nMandamus may not be used as a substitute for appeal. ", " In re United Steelworkers, 595 F.2d 958, 960 (4th Cir.1979). ", " Therefore, this Court will not use mandamus to review the district court's order.", "\n\n\n3\nFurther, mandamus is only appropriate when there are no other means by which the petitioner could obtain the requested relief. ", " In re Beard, 811 F.2d 818, 826 (4th Cir.1987). ", " Because Atherton could have challenged this Court's disposition of his appeal through a petition for rehearing or a petition for writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court, mandamus relief is not available to him.", "\n\n\n4\nWe grant leave to proceed in forma pauperis. ", " We dispense with oral argument because the fact and legal contentions are adequately addressed in the materials before the Court and argument would not significantly aid in the decisional process.", "\n\nPETITION DENIED\n" ]
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[ "Association of HLA class I antigen matching and early graft outcome in living donor kidney transplantation.", "\nHLA antigen matching often plays an important role in organ transplantation. ", "As for HLA class I antigen matching, there are differences of opinion regarding its influence on the outcome of renal transplantations. ", "The aim of this study was to evaluate the association of HLA class I antigen matching with early graft outcomes in living donor kidney transplantation. ", "We evaluated graft outcomes in the first month of transplantation. ", "Major events were slow graft function (serum creatinine > 250 micromol/L at the end of first week), delayed graft function (patients requiring dialysis in first week), and acute rejection episode. ", "Graft outcomes were compared for normal renal function (NRF, serum creatinine < or = 175 micromol/L) impaired renal function (IRF, serum creatinine > 175 micromol/L) or impaired graft function due to an acute rejection episode (IGF). ", "The 115 subjects had a mean age of 29 +/- 8 years and their donors 38 +/- 11 years (P < .01). ", "Immunosuppression included prednisolone, azathioprine, and cyclosporine. ", "Parents, siblings, and others were kidney donors in 46%, 33%, and 21%, respectively. ", "Comparisons between NRF/IRF (serum creatinine 133 +/- 24 vs 201 +/- 36 micromol/L, P < .01) and NGF/IGF (serum creatinine 146 +/- 44 vs 161 +/- 39 micromol/L, P < .05) showed no difference in number or pattern of HLA matching. ", "HLA class I antigen matching may not produce an added influence on early graft outcome among living donor kidney transplantations." ]
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[ "from typing import Any\n\nfrom .scheduledobserver import ScheduledObserver\n\n\nclass ObserveOnObserver(ScheduledObserver):\n\n def _on_next_core(self, value: Any) -> None:\n super()._on_next_core(value)\n self.ensure_active()\n\n def _on_error_core(self, error: Exception) -> None:\n super()._on_error_core(error)\n self.ensure_active()\n\n def _on_completed_core(self) -> None:\n super()._on_completed_core()\n self.ensure_active()\n" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nPreserve coloring when using Powershell's Out-Host\n\nI have a command-line executable that prints colored text to standard out. ", "When I do the following...\nmy_executable.exe | Out-Host\n...I find that Out-Host removes all colored output. ", "This is a problem when I want to display the colored output of the program without sending it through the pipeline.", "\nIs there another way that allows me to display the colored output of console programs/batch files without sending it through the pipeline?", "\nEDIT:\nIn other words, what I want is this:\n\nBut Out-Host causes this:\n\nEDIT 2:\nHere's why I can't just call my_executable.exe:\nI have a script in a .ps1 file similar to the following\nparam($someValue)\n\n# do some things\n.\\my_executable.exe | Out-Host \n# do some more things\nreturn 1\n\nNow when I do the following:\n$result = .\\my-script.ps1\n\n$result is 1. ", "If I don't use Out-Host, $result will be the output of my_executable.exe with a 1 at the end. ", "Out-Host allows me to display the output of my_executable.exe without returning it to the caller. ", "What I want is a way to display the colored output of my_executable.exe without returning it to the caller.", "\n\nA:\n\n$exe = \".\\my_executable.exe\"\n$args = \"\"\n$process = Start-Process $exe $args -NoNewWindow -Wait -ErrorAction Stop -PassThru\nif ($process.", "ExitCode -ne 0) {\n throw \"FAILED: $exe $args\"\n}\n\n" ]
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[ "Planisticus\n\nPlanisticus is a genus of beetles in the family Cerambycidae, containing the following species:\n\n Planisticus breuningi Vives, 2004\n Planisticus latesulcatus (Fairmaire, 1887)\n Planisticus nivosus (Fairmaire, 1893)\n\nReferences\n\nCategory:Dorcasominae" ]
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[ 0.007633587786259542 ]
[ "Hypotrachyna paraphyscioides\n\nHypotrachyna paraphyscioides is a species of lichen in the family Parmeliaceae. ", "Found in Colombia, it was described as new to science in 2011.", "\n\nReferences\n\nExternal links\n\nCategory:Parmeliaceae\nCategory:Lichens\nCategory:Fungi of Colombia\nCategory:Fungi described in 2011" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nchef deployment?", "\n\nI'm interested in switching from Capistrano to Chef, but am having a few issues putting all the pieces together.", "\nI've followed http://wiki.opscode.com/display/chef/Quick+Start and am able to start EC2 instances with knife. ", "As far as code deployment, it looks as though I want to be doing what's in http://wiki.opscode.com/display/chef/Deploy+Resource, the only problem is, nowhere on that page does it mention in what directory/file the deploy /to/path code block should go. ", "\nAnother issue I'm having is understanding how to deploy code changes after the server has been set up. ", "Perhaps I'm just used to my current workflow (git push && cap deploy), but the best I can tell is that after I commit my changes I'm supposed to ssh into the server and run sudo chef-client? ", "something about that feels wrong. ", "Is there no cap equivalent, i.e. chef deploy?", "\nFinally (and perhaps this is a bit more difficult), I'm looking to deploy multiple rails apps to a single server. ", "It seems prudent to keep some sort of chef config file in the repo of each app describing the particulars of its deployment, but I'm uncertain how that would then interact with the chef-repo / hosted server. ", "Would each app be a role? ", "And from my understanding of the way things work, I'm also a little uneasy with the idea that 'chef-client' would be trying to deploy all applications when run. ", "With git push && cap deploy I'm certain of what I'm deploying. ", "Whereas some of the other application repos might not be in a deployable state. ", "Would there be a way to deploy just a single app in this set up?", "\n\nA:\n\nSo knife is actually capable of doing capistrano-esque tasks - specifically, running a command across multiple servers.", "\nTo deploy your app to all of your app servers, assuming you followed the opscode rails application cookbook path, you could just do the following:\nknife ssh role:t<appserver-role> chef-client -xroot -P<pass>\n\nThat will run chef-client as root on all of your app servers. ", " It uses chef search API to find all the nodes with that role and run that command on them.", "\nIt's pretty powerful.", "\n\nA:\n\nI wrote the following article describing how to go about deploying Ruby on Rails using chef.", "\nhttp://tech.hulu.com/blog/2012/07/06/automating-system-provisioning-and-application-deployment-with-chef/\nWell... this article is not just about Rails, but the lion share of the example is about deploying Rails.", "\nThere is also a community cookbook called \"application\" cookbook which can be used to deploy Ruby on Rails. ", "Compared to that cookbook, the example in this article should be a little easier to understand for new people. ", "However, once you get used to doing it using the example in the article, you should definitely look at the application cookbook to see if that makes more sense for you.", "\n\nA:\n\nThe suggestion about using knife ssh to deploy on demand is absolutely correct. ", " If I could further elaborate on using Chef as a deployment solution (especially compared to tools like Capistrano). ", " Chef is designed as a tool for config management and systems integration, part of what that implies is that everything running on a system should be idempotent.", "\nThere's sometimes confusion when using Chef deployment about re-running everything when a Chef run takes place. ", " Keep in mind Capistrano works by telling the system \"do this\", Chef works by telling the system \"be this\", so what version of an application and what schema a database should be using will normally be defined in attributes and data bags. ", " When Chef runs if the application is already deployed and the database already has the proper schema nothing should happen, actions should only be taken if the system is not already in the desired state. ", " This is why even when deploying multiple applications re-running everything should not be a problem.", "\n\n" ]
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