[ "[Treatments of ischemic cardiopathies (IC) and modalities of prescription of aspirin in the three French MONICA centers in 1990].", "\nIn 1990, the three French MONICA centres recorded comparable frequencies of myocardial infarction admitted and not admitted to hospital. ", "However, the mortality on the 28th day revealed an excess hospital mortality in Lille compared to Strasbourg and Toulouse (p < 0.001). ", "Toulouse infarct patients were younger. ", "The emergency management of coronary patients subsequently admitted to hospital also differed (16.7% patients in Lille vs 40% in Strasbourg and 24.3% in Toulouse) (p < 0.01). ", "In Lille, 41.6% of patients had known coronary heart disease vs 30.4% in Toulouse and 38.4% in Strasbourg (p < 0.05). ", "These three characteristics influenced the mortality. ", "During admission, considerable differences were observed in the therapeutic strategies in the 3 centres: in Toulouse, angioplasty was predominant (51.4%) together with prescription of calcium channel blockers (65.5%) and aspirin (82.5%). ", "In Lille, there were a high prescription (20.3%) of antiplatelets other than aspirin during the acute phase compared to Toulouse (0.6%) and Strasbourg (7.3%). ", "In Strasbourg, the cardiologists of the department rarely used angioplasty during the acute phase, but were the leading prescribers of beta-blockers. ", "Fibrinolysis was performed in 4 out of 10 patients in the three centres. ", "Aspirin was used in more than 7 out of 10 patients during the acute phase in all MONICA centres, but at a variable dosage: doses greater than or equal to 250 mg per day were prescribed in Toulouse (97.6%) and Strasbourg 82.8%), while, in Lille, only one out of 2 patients received this dosage (50.6%)." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
[ 0, 0, 0.007407407407407408, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.006289308176100629, 0, 0, 0.006644518272425249 ]
[ "“F—, this girl just got shot in the f—ing head,” Bilzerian told his 23 million followers in the first post, which was uploaded around 10 p.m. PDT. “", "So f—ing crazy.”", "\n\n“So I had to go grab a gun. ", "I’m f—ing headed back. ", "It’s f—ing so crazy – some kind of mass shooting,” he said in the second video, which was broadcast about an hour later. “", "F—ing guy had a heavy calibre or whatever.”", "\n\n“Saw a girl got f—ing shot in the face right next to me,” he said before the clip cut out.", "\n\nIn the third and fourth videos, Bilzerian said he was heading home, adding: “I don’t think there’s much I can do.”" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
[ 0.006756756756756757, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.008620689655172414 ]
[ "Q:\n\nRegexp pattern to split where clause\n\nI have a regexp pattern but doesn't work as I want.", "\nRegex re = new Regex(@\"\\w[\\w\\d]* \\s*[<>!=like]{1,4}\\s* ( \\?|\\w[\\w\\d]*|(\\w[\\w\\d]*)*((?<PR>\\()|(?<-PR>\\))|[^()])+ )\", RegexOptions.", "IgnorePatternWhitespace | RegexOptions.", "Compiled);\n\nMatchCollection mc = re.", "Matches(\"per_name !", "= 'John' && per_name !", "= 'Peter'\");\n\nforeach (Match m in mc) {\n Console.", "WriteLine(m.", "Value); \n}\n\nI want to my code's output as:\nper_name !", "= 'John'\nper_name !", "= 'Peter'\n\nA:\n\nAs suggested, I'm posting my comment:\nIt would be easier to split your where clause via Split. ", "Your delimiter can be &&,||,AND,OR, whatever. ", "Here is an example:\nstring whereClauseText = \"per_name !", "= 'John' && per_name !", "= 'Peter'\";\nstring[] operators = new string[] {'&&','||','AND','OR'};\n\nstring[] clauses = whereClauseText.", "Split(operators, StringSplitOptions.", "None);\nforeach (string clause in clauses)\n{\n Console.", "WriteLine(clause);\n}\n\nYou shoul also take a look at the String.", "Split Method, so that you can play arount with the StringSplitOptions.", "\n\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
[ 0.010752688172043012, 0.007692307692307693, 0.02564102564102564, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.021739130434782608, 0, 0, 0.009345794392523364, 0, 0, 0.015873015873015872, 0.014285714285714285, 0 ]
[ "Q:\n\nNovel about a girl who dreams the deaths of her classmates\n\nI remember flicking through a young-adult horror novel, years and years ago, but I can't remember who wrote it, or what the title was. ", "The book was like one of those R. L. Stine \"Fear Street\" books (Not Goosebumps), or like the kind by Christopher Pike.", "\nFrom what I remember a teenage girl starts having bizarre nightmares about people being murdered in strange and gruesome ways, only to find that her high school classmates are being found dead exactly the way she dreamed they would die. ", "The first nightmare I remember involved a teen boy being murdered by a hooded cult, stripped naked, a yellow stripe painted down his back and flowers stuffed deep down his throat choking him with pollen. ", "the next day she found out one of her neighbors and classmates was found dead in his room, exactly like she dreamed about, naked, yellow stripe, throat filled with flowers and pollen.", "\nDoes anyone know what book this was? ", "It's been bugging me for years!", "\n\nA:\n\nThis sounds like Dreamstalker, a novel I found in high-school. ", "After the girl finds out about each death we hear the thoughts of the one responsible (sorry if I don't give it away), how he thinks the dead person the girl dreamed about had it coming.", "\n\nA:\n\nThe book is The Dreamstalker by Barbara Steiner as identified by Nu'Daq (so please accept that answer not this one!). ", "Since I have the book I'll add some details.", "\nThe protagonist is Karen Newton. ", "The book starts with her dream:\n\nHe can’t breathe. ", "He doubles over and sucks in air, but none reaches his lungs. ", "His wheezing gets louder and louder. ", "Soon he is whistling when he inhales. ", "The boys think that is hilarious. ", "Their laughter surrounds him, echoing through his head, down into his throat, filling his lungs with their squeals and shrieks.", "\n Their leader, who is dressed in black, eggs them on. ", "They stand in a field of yellow flowers, yellow like the paint that coats his skin, drips onto his toes. ", "He starts picking flowers. ", "Everyone starts picking flowers. ", "And laughing—laughing—laughing.", "\n They stuff flowers into his mouth. ", "What little air he can draw into his lungs disappears into the flowers. ", "Yellow pollen coats his throat, making it close tighter, tighter, tighter.", "\n He struggles. ", "They laugh. ", "He falls. ", "They shriek. ", "He lies still. ", "They walk away, pounding each other on the back and bending double with hysterical laughter. ", "It is a good night’s work. ", "A deed well done.", "\n\nThe boy who dies is Gordon Anderson. ", "Karen's friend Alysia tells her:\n\n“He was lying on his stomach, and there was a huge yellow stripe painted down his back. ", "And that’s not all—get this. ", "His mouth was stuffed full of daffodils. ", "They figure he suffocated.”", "\n\nIt turns out the bad guy is:\n\nKaren's brother Kerr who has the ability to enter her dreams.", "\n\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
[ 0, 0.01694915254237288, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.014492753623188406, 0, 0.016129032258064516, 0, 0.029411764705882353, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.02564102564102564, 0.00819672131147541, 0, 0, 0, 0.021505376344086023, 0 ]
[ "package com.vk.api.sdk.objects.video.responses;\n\nimport com.google.gson.", "Gson;\nimport com.google.gson.annotations.", "SerializedName;\nimport com.vk.api.sdk.objects.", "Validable;\nimport java.util.", "Objects;\n\n/**\n * AddAlbumResponse object\n */\npublic class AddAlbumResponse implements Validable {\n /**\n * Created album ID\n */\n @SerializedName(\"album_id\")\n private Integer albumId;\n\n public Integer getAlbumId() {\n return albumId;\n }\n\n public AddAlbumResponse setAlbumId(Integer albumId) {\n this.albumId = albumId;\n return this;\n }\n\n @Override\n public int hashCode() {\n return Objects.hash(albumId);\n }\n\n @Override\n public boolean equals(Object o) {\n if (this == o) return true;\n if (o == null || getClass() !", "= o.getClass()) return false;\n AddAlbumResponse addAlbumResponse = (AddAlbumResponse) o;\n return Objects.equals(albumId, addAlbumResponse.albumId);\n }\n\n @Override\n public String toString() {\n final Gson gson = new Gson();\n return gson.toJson(this);\n }\n\n public String toPrettyString() {\n final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(\"AddAlbumResponse{\");\n sb.append(\"albumId=\").append(albumId);\n sb.append('}');\n return sb.toString();\n }\n}\n" ]
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[ "\n ______ _ _ _ _ \n | ____| | (_) | | | | \n | |__ ___| |_ _ __ ___ ___ | |__| | ___ _ __ ___ \n | __| / __| | | '_ \\/ __|/ _ \\ | __ |/ _ \\| '_ \\ / _ \\ \n | |___| (__| | | |_) \\__ \\ __/ | | | | (_) | | | | (_) |\n |______\\___|_|_| .__/|___/\\___| |_| |_|\\___/|_| |_|\\___/ \n | | \n |_| \n\nEclipse Hono Example Protocol Gateway ${application.formatted-version}\nusing Spring Boot ${spring-boot.formatted-version}\n\nGo to https://www.eclipse.org/hono for more information.", "\n\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Github" }
[ 0.0045385779122541605, 0 ]
[ "1980 Big League World Series\n\nThe 1980 Big League World Series took place from August 16–23 in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, United States. ", "Buena Park, California defeated Orlando, Florida in the championship game.", "\n\nTeams\n\nResults\n\nOpening Round\n\nWinner's Bracket\n\nLoser's Bracket\n{{11TeamBracket-TTProLeague \n| RD1=—\n| RD2=—\n| RD3=—\n| RD4=—\n| RD5=Bracket Semifinal\n| group1=\n| group2=\n\n| RD1-seed1=\n| RD1-team1= West Germany\n| RD1-score1=3\n| RD1-seed2=0–1\n| RD1-team2= Canada\n| RD1-score2=7\n\n| RD2-seed1=0–1\n| RD2-team1= Illinois\n| RD2-score1=| RD2-seed2=0–1\n| RD2-team2= Rhode Island\n| RD2-score2=\n\n| RD2-seed3=0–1\n| RD2-team3= Florida| RD2-score3=8| RD2-seed4=1–1\n| RD2-team4= Canada\n| RD2-score4=0\n\n| RD3-seed1=1–1\n| RD3-team1= Puerto Rico\n| RD3-score1=0\n| RD3-seed2=1–1\n| RD3-team2= Illinois| RD3-score2=1| RD3-seed3=\n| RD3-team3=\n| RD3-score3=\n| RD3-seed4=\n| RD3-team4=\n| RD3-score4=\n\n| RD3-seed5=\n| RD3-team5=\n| RD3-score5=\n| RD3-seed6=\n| RD3-team6=\n| RD3-score6=\n\n| RD3-seed7=0–1\n| RD3-team7= Mexico\n| RD3-score7=1\n| RD3-seed8=1–1\n| RD3-team8= Florida| RD3-score8=7| RD4-seed1=1–1\n| RD4-team1= Host| RD4-score1=6| RD4-seed2=2–1\n| RD4-team2= Illinois\n| RD4-score2=2\n\n| RD4-seed3=1–1\n| RD4-team3= Venezuela\n| RD4-score3=1\n| RD4-seed4=2–1\n| RD4-team4= Florida| RD4-score4=2| RD5-seed1=2–1\n| RD5-team1= Host\n| RD5-score1=1\n| RD5-seed2=3–1\n| RD5-team2= Florida| RD5-score2=4}}Elimination Round'''\n\nReferences\n\nCategory:Big League World Series\nBig League World Series" ]
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[ "Orthodontic and temporomandibular joint considerations in treatment of patients with Ehlers-Danlos syndrome.", "\nThe gross clinical manifestations, the classifications of the syndrome, and a summary of the pathophysiology are presented. ", "Dental manifestations are described with an emphasis on the orthodontic and temporomandibular joint problems found in the disease. ", "Finally, there are short clinical reports of orthodontic and surgical temporomandibular joint treatments." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
[ 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "Introduction {#s1}\n============\n\nUlcerative colitis (UC) is a lifelong inflammatory bowel disease that causes a continuous mucosal inflammation of the colon and occurs periodically in patients\\' life. ", "Acute severe ulcerative colitis (ASUC) is a life-threatening condition which requires hospitalization and occurs in about 25% of patients with UC ([@B1]). ", "ASUC is defined as patients with bloody diarrhea ≥6/day and any signs of systemic toxicity \\[pulse \\> 90/min, temperature \\> 37.8°C, hemoglobin \\< 105 g/l, erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) \\> 30 mm/h, or C-reactive protein (CRP) \\> 30 mg/l\\] ([@B2]). ", "In the case of ASUC, intravenous (IV) corticosteroids are the mainstay of first-line treatment, but up to 40% of the cases are resistant to this therapeutic modality ([@B3]). ", "In steroid-refractory cases, second-line therapy is advised to be introduced to avoid colectomy. ", "Cyclosporine (CYS) and infliximab (IFX) are widely used as rescue therapies.", "\n\nRationale\n---------\n\nCYS is a calcineurin and cytochrome P450 inhibitor immunosuppressant blocking the transcription of cytokine genes (interleukin-2 and−4) in activated T cells, thereby reducing the inflammation in the intestine ([@B4]). ", "In the 1990s, CYS was the first drug introduced as salvage therapy in steroid-refractory ASUC ([@B5]). ", "In general, following 2 mg/kg/day IV CYS, 5 mg/kg oral CYS is recommended for up to 3 months as a bridge to an immunosuppressive agent \\[azathioprine (AZA) or 6-mercaptopurine (6-MP)\\] ([@B6]). ", "Despite the fast response within 4--7 days and the reliable short-term effectiveness during CYS therapy, significant side effects may occur ([@B7], [@B8]). ", "A close drug-level monitoring of CYS is required to avoid opportunistic infections, renal, vascular and neurological toxicity ([@B9]).", "\n\nIn the past 15 years, IFX, a chimeric IgG1 monoclonal antibody designed to bind tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNFα) has become an alternative second-line therapeutic option in steroid-refractory ASUC ([@B10]). ", "Regularly, a standard induction regimen of 5 mg/kg IFX is used, although recently accelerated dose intensification with 10 mg/kg IFX is often applied as well to counteract the increased intestinal clearance of IFX in ASUC ([@B11]). ", "However, there is no data to support the benefit of 10 mg/kg. ", "During IFX-linked immunosuppression, opportunistic infections, reactivation on latent tuberculosis or hepatitis may occur; therefore, careful screening is recommended before the initiation of IFX.", "\n\nObjectives and Research Question\n--------------------------------\n\nIn the treatment of steroid-refractory ASUC, two randomized controlled trials (RCTs) demonstrated equal short-term efficacy and safety of IFX and CYS (CYSIF, CONSTRUCT) ([@B12], [@B13]). ", "These results were opposed by a previous meta-analysis of observational studies, where IFX was associated with significantly higher rates of treatment response and a lower 12 months colectomy-rate compared to that with CYS ([@B14]). ", "A lately reported network meta-analysis with benefit-risk analysis also suggested that there is a rank order of efficacy for colectomy-free rates favoring IFX over CYS, although the difference between the treatments was small ([@B15]).", "\n\nSince new studies have been released and long-term survival data have become available. ", "Therefore, we aimed to summarize the currently available evidence on the long-term efficacy and safety of IFX and CYS in steroid-refractory ASUC.", "\n\nMethods {#s2}\n=======\n\nStudy Design, Participants, Interventions, and Comparators\n----------------------------------------------------------\n\nThis meta-analysis was reported in accordance with the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analysis (PRISMA) statement ([Supplementary Table 1](#SM1){ref-type=\"supplementary-material\"}) ([@B16]). ", "The protocol for this study was registered in the International Prospective Register of Systematic Reviews (PROSPERO) *a priori* under number CRD42018115035.", "\n\nSearch Strategy\n---------------\n\nWe searched MEDLINE via PubMed (<http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed>), Embase (<https://www.embase.com>) and Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL) (<http://www.cochranelibrary.com>) databases from inception up to 22nd May 2019.", "\n\nOur search followed the PICO concept. ", "Studies discussed a population (P) of patients with steroid-refractory ASUC who received IFX (I) or CYS (C) as salvage therapy. ", "The primary outcome (O) was long-term colectomy-free survival rate, defined as the follow-up period exceeding 12 months after therapy initiation. ", "Secondary outcomes were adverse events (AE), serious adverse events (SAE) and mortality. ", "AE and SAE were categorized in accordance with the definitions of the International Conference on Harmonization of Technical Requirements for Registration of Pharmaceuticals for Human use---Good Clinical Practice (ICH-GCP) consensus guidelines ([@B17]).", "\n\nThe following query combining Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) and free text terms were used\\'. (\"", "colitis, ulcerative\"\\[MeSH Terms\\] OR (\"colitis\"\\[All Fields\\] AND \"ulcerative\"\\[All Fields\\]) OR \"ulcerative colitis\"\\[All Fields\\] OR (\"ulcerative\"\\[All Fields\\] AND \"colitis\"\\[All Fields\\])) AND (\"infliximab\"\\[MeSH Terms\\] OR \"infliximab\"\\[All Fields\\]) AND (\"cyclosporine\"\\[MeSH Terms\\] OR \"cyclosporine\"\\[All Fields\\] OR \"cyclosporin\"\\[All Fields\\]) AND (\"colectomy\"\\[MeSH Terms\\] OR \"colectomy\"\\[All Fields\\]). ", "We imposed only \"English-language\" and \"human\" filters on the search.", "\n\nStudy Selection\n---------------\n\nAfter the database search, one author (KS) removed the overlapping records using a reference management software (EndNote X8, Clarivate Analytics, Philadelphia, PA, USA). ", "Two investigators (KS and PS) independently screened titles, abstracts, and full-texts against the predefined eligibility criteria. ", "Consensus involving a third party (PH) resolved discrepancies in each phase of selection.", "\n\nWe included any controlled studies (observational or experimental) that met the following criteria: (a) adult ASUC patients (aged ≥18 years) being refractory to IV or oral steroid treatment; (b) CYS and IFX was used as salvage therapy after 3--7 days of steroid treatment; (c) colectomy-free survival rate was assessed at 12 months or later; and (d) cytomegalovirus infection was not verified in the patients. ", "There was no restriction for additional drugs used in UC treatment (e.g., AZA, 6-MP or methotrexate).", "\n\nData Extraction, Quality Assessment\n-----------------------------------\n\nThe following data were extracted from each study ([Table 1](#T1){ref-type=\"table\"}): first author, year of publication, study type (prospective/retrospective; randomized/non-randomized), drug regimen, the number of patients, age, gender distribution, rate of extensive colitis, concomitant, and maintenance therapy, follow-up period and the definition of ASUC. ", "Intention-to-treat data were extracted from RCTs. ", "If numerical data on long-term colectomy-free survival were not reported ([@B13], [@B23], [@B26], [@B31]), we extracted data from the Kaplan-Meier curves by identifying the values on the axes \"x\" and \"y\" with a software \\[GetData Graph Digitizer\\] according to the method proposed by Guyot et al. ([", "@B32]). ", "Data collection was accomplished by two authors independently (KS and PS). ", "Discrepancies were resolved by consensus. ", "In the case of any disagreement, a third author was involved to resolve conflicts (PH).", "\n\n###### \n\nStudy characteristics.", "\n\n **References** **Drug regimen (number of patients)** **Age (years)** **Male (%)** **Extensive colitis (%)** **Concomitant medication** **Maintenance therapy** **Follow-up period** **Definition of ASUC**\n ---------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------- -------------- --------------------------- ------------------------------- ------------------------- ---------------------- --------------------------------------\n **RANDOMIZED CONTROLLED TRIALS** \n Laharie et al. ([", "@B18])[^a^](#TN1){ref-type=\"table-fn\"} IFX (55): 5 mg/kg at 0, 2, 6 weeks 36 (26--51)[^b^](#TN2){ref-type=\"table-fn\"} 28 (51%) 31 (55%) AZA starting at day 7 AZA 7 years Lichtiger score \\>10 + Mayo score\n CYS (60): 2 mg/kg/day IV for 1 week, then 4 mg oral for 3 months 39 (26--50)[^b^](#TN2){ref-type=\"table-fn\"} 13 (22%) 34 (60%) AZA starting at day 7 AZA \n Scimeca et al. ([", "@B19])[^a^](#TN1){ref-type=\"table-fn\"}^\\*\\*^ IFX (17): 5 mg/kg at 0, 2, 6 weeks 39 ± 12[^c^](#TN3){ref-type=\"table-fn\"} not reported 13 (77%) previous use: AZA/MP, steroid AZA 1 year Truelove and Witts score\n CYS (13): 5 mg/kg/day oral 39 ± 15[^c^](#TN3){ref-type=\"table-fn\"} not reported 11 (85%) previous use: AZA/MP, steroid AZA \n Williams et al. ([", "@B13])\\*\\* IFX (135): 5 mg/kg at 0, 2, 6 weeks 39.3 ± 15.5[^c^](#TN3){ref-type=\"table-fn\"} 89 (66%) 53 (39%) AZA/6-MP started at week 4 AZA/6-MP + IFX 3 years Truelove and Witts + Mayo score\n CYS (135): 2 mg/kg/day IV for 1 week, 5.5 mg/kg oral for 3 months 39.8 ± 15[^c^](#TN3){ref-type=\"table-fn\"} 81 (60%) 62 (46%) AZA/6-MP started at week 4 AZA/6-MP \n **OBSERVATIONAL STUDIES** \n Croft et al. ([", "@B20])[^a^](#TN1){ref-type=\"table-fn\"} IFX (37): 5 mg/kg single-dose infusion 26 (20--43)[^b^](#TN2){ref-type=\"table-fn\"} 15 (41%) 27 (73%) AZA/6-MP/MTX AZA/6-MP/MTX 1 year Truelove and Witts score\n CYS (43): 4 mg/kg (1999--2003), 2 mg/kg (2003--2007), IV for 7 days, then oral for 3 months 28 (20--37)[^b^](#TN2){ref-type=\"table-fn\"} 26 (60%) 32 (74%) AZA/6-MP/MTX AZA/6-MP/MTX \n Daperno et al. ([", "@B21])[^d^](#TN4){ref-type=\"table-fn\"} IFX (6): 5 mg/kg at 0, 2 weeks Not reported Not reported Not reported Steroid AZA 4 years Truelove and Witts score\n CYS (15): oral 5 mg/kg/day Not reported Not reported Not reported Steroid AZA \n Dean et al. ([", "@B22])[^d^](#TN4){ref-type=\"table-fn\"} IFX (19): 5 mg/kg, max. ", "5 infusion 25 (16--85)[^b^](#TN2){ref-type=\"table-fn\"} 11 (58%) 10 (53%) AZA AZA/6-MP/MTX 1 year not reported\n CYS (19): 2 mg/k/day until response, then oral 31 (15--56)[^b^](#TN2){ref-type=\"table-fn\"} 12 (39%) 9 (47%) AZA AZA not reported\n Duijvis et al. ([", "@B23])[^d^](#TN4){ref-type=\"table-fn\"} IFX (22): 5 mg/kg IV at 0, 2, 6 weeks 35.5 ± 15.4[^c^](#TN3){ref-type=\"table-fn\"} 14 (64%) 10 (45%) AZA/6-MP/mesalazin IFX 8 years Mayo score\n CYS (33): 2 mg/kg/day IV until response, then oral for 3 months 37.7 ± 13.6[^c^](#TN3){ref-type=\"table-fn\"} 17 (52%) 17 (52%) AZA/6-MP/mesalazin AZA/6-MP \n Kim et al. ([", "@B24])[^d^](#TN4){ref-type=\"table-fn\"} IFX (33): 5 mg/kg IV at 0, 2, 6 weeks 44 (15--71)[^b^](#TN2){ref-type=\"table-fn\"} 25 (76%) 12 (36%) AZA AZA + IFX 3 years According to international criteria\n CYS (10): 2 mg/kg IV until response, then AZA 56 (22--72)[^b^](#TN2){ref-type=\"table-fn\"} 3 (30%) 8 (80%) AZA AZA \n Mocciaro et al. ([", "@B25])[^d^](#TN4){ref-type=\"table-fn\"} IFX (30): 5 mg/kg IV at 0, 2, 6 weeks 37 ± 16.6[^c^](#TN3){ref-type=\"table-fn\"} 15 (50%) 20 (67%) AZA AZA 3 years Truelove and Witts + Lichtiger score\n CYS (35): 2 mg/kg/day IV, if responded, switch to oral after 14 days (5 mg/kg) 34.9 ± 13.7[^c^](#TN3){ref-type=\"table-fn\"} 15 (43%) 29 (83%) AZA AZA \n Naves et al. ([", "@B26])[^d^](#TN4){ref-type=\"table-fn\"} IFX (30): 5 mg/kg IV at 0, 2, 6 weeks 38 (27--56)[^b^](#TN2){ref-type=\"table-fn\"} 30 (100%) 21 (70%) AZA/6-MP IFX 6 years Montreal severity score\n CYS (20): 2--4 mg/kg 42 (30--50)[^b^](#TN2){ref-type=\"table-fn\"} 13 (65%) 14 (70%) AZA AZA \n Ordás et al. ([", "@B27])[^d^](#TN4){ref-type=\"table-fn\"} IFX (131): 5 mg/kg IV at 0, 2, 6 weeks 40 (13--83)[^b^](#TN2){ref-type=\"table-fn\"} 76 (58%) 91 AZA AZA 5 years According to international criteria\n CYS (377): 2--4 mg/kg, then 5--10 mg/kg oral 36 (9--83)[^b^](#TN2){ref-type=\"table-fn\"} 217 (58%) 295 NA AZA \n Protic et al. ([", "@B28])[^d^](#TN4){ref-type=\"table-fn\"} IFX (54): 5 mg/kg IV at 0, 2, 6 weeks 39 (16--90)[^b^](#TN2){ref-type=\"table-fn\"} 47 (87%) 49 (65%) NA IFX 1 year Truelove and Witts + Lichtiger score\n CYS (38): 2--4 mg/kg IV for 7 days, then 5 mg/kg oral AZA AZA \n Radojcic et al. ([", "@B29])[^d^](#TN4){ref-type=\"table-fn\"}^\\*\\*^ IFX (13): not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported 1 year Not reported\n CYS (15): not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported \n Sjöberg et al. ([", "@B30])[^d^](#TN4){ref-type=\"table-fn\"} IFX (49): 5 mg/kg single-dose infusion 38 (17--60)[^b^](#TN2){ref-type=\"table-fn\"} 30 (61%) 42 (44%) AZA/6-MP/5-ASA AZA/6-MP 1 year Truelove and Witts score\n CYS (43): 4 mg/kg for 7 days, then oral 4 mg for 18 weeks 32 (17--72)[^b^](#TN2){ref-type=\"table-fn\"} 21 (49%) 30 (70%) AZA/6-MP AZA/6-MP \n Song et al. ([", "@B31])[^d^](#TN4){ref-type=\"table-fn\"}^\\*\\*^ IFX (97): not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported 10 years Truelove and Witts + Mayo score\n CYS (23): not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported \n\n*Prospective study*.", "\n\n*Median + interquartile range (IQR)*.", "\n\n*Mean ± SD (standard deviation)*.", "\n\n*Retrospective study*.", "\n\n*ASUC, acute severe ulcerative colitis; IFX, infliximab; CYS, cyclosporine; AZA, azathioprine; 6-MP, 6-mercaptopurine; MTX, methotrexate; IV, intravenous; ^\\*\\*^, abstract form only*.", "\n\nWe assessed the risk of bias of observational studies using the Newcastle-Ottawa scale (NOS) ([Table 2](#T2){ref-type=\"table\"}) ([@B33]). ", "There is a reliable \"star system\" that has three broad perspectives to secure a simple tool for quality assessment: selection and comparability of the groups, and the ascertainment of the outcome. ", "The quality of the included RCTs was assessed with the Cochrane Risk of Bias Tool along seven domains ([@B34]). ", "After the assessment, low, high and unclear risks of bias were indicated with green, red and yellow symbols.", "\n\n###### \n\nModified Newcastle-Ottawa Scale.", "\n\n --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n **Newcastle-Ottawa scale items** **High-quality items carrying a low risk of bias (green)** **Low-quality items carrying a high (red) or an unknown (yellow) risk of bias**\n --------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n Selection Item 1: Representativeness of the initial study population---acute severe ulcerative colitis (ASUC) Only patients with ASUC were included Low: beside ASUC moderately severe UC cases were included.\\\n Unclear: no data on selection process.", "\n\n Item 2: Representativeness of the initial study population (ASUC) Only patients with ASUC were included Low: beside ASUC moderately severe UC cases were included.\\\n Unclear: no data on selection process.", "\n\n Item 3: Ascertainment of severity of ulcerative colitis ASUCs was defined with objective scores (e.g., Lichtiger score, Mayo score) Low: UC was defined with no objective scores\\\n Unclear: no data about objective severity score\n\n Item 4: Demonstration that outcome of interest was not present at start of study The patients had no colectomy before and were treated with steroid as rescue therapy Low: patients had any kind of colon resection before\\\n Unclear: no statement.", "\n\n Comparability Item 5: Study controls for age, sex No significant difference was detected between patients treated with cyclosporine or infliximab regarding age. ", " Low: significant difference was detected between patients treated with cyclosporine or infliximab regarding age.\\\n Unclear: no comparison was performed based on age.", "\n\n Item 6: Study controls for extent of disease No significant difference was detected between patients treated with cyclosporine or infliximab regarding extent of disease. ", " Low: significant difference was detected between patients treated with cyclosporine or infliximab regarding extent of disease.\\\n Unclear: no comparison was performed based on extent of disease.", "\n\n Outcome Item 7: Assessment of outcome Colectomy-free survival rate or numbers of patients with colectomy were presented at least 1-year follow-up Low: colectomy rate only available from the Kaplan-Meier curve\\\n Unclear: no statement\n\n Item 8: Adequacy of follow-up At least 12 months follow-up period Low: incomplete follow-up with explanations\\\n Unclear: incomplete follow-up without explanation of the loss.", "\n --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nData Analysis\n-------------\n\nData on colectomy-free survival were extracted with IFX and CYS. ", "Odds ratios (ORs) were calculated with 95% confidence intervals using the random effects model with the DerSimonian--Laird estimation ([@B35]). ", "Results of the meta-analysis were displayed graphically using Forest plots. ", "All analyses were two-tailed and *p* \\< 0.05 was considered as significant.", "\n\nSubgroup analyses were performed to examine different effects in a 10 years interval. ", "We carried out subgroup analyses only for the first 4 years based on the study design because data from RCTs were lacking for longer follow-up. ", "Heterogeneity was tested by using the Cochrane\\'s Q and the *I*^2^ statistics, where *I*^2^ = 100% × (Q -- df)/Q and represents the magnitude of the heterogeneity (moderate: 30--60%, substantial: 50--90%, considerable: 75--100%) ([@B34]). ", "All meta-analytical calculations were performed with Stata 15.1 data analysis and statistical software (Stata Corp LLC, College Station, TX, USA).", "\n\nTrial Sequential Analysis\n-------------------------\n\nTrial sequential analysis (TSA) was performed to assess the risk of type-I error and to estimate the required information size for an adequate statistical power if only RCTs were included ([@B36]). ", "TSA was interpreted with an overall five percent of risk of type-I error (α = 0.05) and with a power of 80% ([Figures 1](#F1){ref-type=\"fig\"}--[3](#F3){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "Crossing of the constructed cumulative Z-curves (blue) and the two-sided Z = 1.96 provides a traditionally significant result. ", "To obtain reliable evidence, crossing of the trial sequential monitoring boundaries (red) is needed. ", "We conducted TSA using Trial Sequential Analysis software 0.9 (Copenhagen Trials Unit, Denmark).", "\n\n![", "Results of the trial sequential analysis of the risks of 1 year colectomy-free rate. ", "The required sample size of 1,502 patients was estimated using α = 0.05 (two-sided) and ß = 0.02 (power of 80%). ", "Crossing of the constructed cumulative Z-curves (blue) and the two-sided *Z* = 1.96 provides a traditionally significant result. ", "To obtain reliable evidence, crossing of the trial sequential monitoring boundaries (red) is needed. ", "In the case of 1 year colectomy-free rate outcome, the cumulative Z-curve (blue) did not crossed the conventional boundary and neither the trial sequential monitoring boundary nor the required sample size line was surpassed.](fmed-06-00338-g0001){#F1}\n\n![", "Results of the trial sequential analysis of the risks of adverse events. ", "The required sample size was calculated with α = 0.05 (two-sided) and ß = 0.02 (power of 80%). ", "Although cumulative Z-curve (blue) reached the conventional boundary, it did not cross through. ", "Number of participants (385) did not reach the information size (749) and the cumulative Z-curve does not cross the monitoring boundary either.](fmed-06-00338-g0002){#F2}\n\n![", "Results of the trial sequential analysis of the risks of serious adverse events. ", "The required sample size was calculated using α = 0.05 (two-sided) and ß = 0.02 (power of 80%). ", "The cumulative Z-curve (blue) did not cross the monitoring boundary (red) and not reached the required information size (4,325 patients). ", "There is insufficient information about the evidence of significance.](fmed-06-00338-g0003){#F3}\n\nQuality of Evidence\n-------------------\n\nThe GRADE system was constructed for the assessment of the quality of the evidence for the main outcomes in a review ([@B37]). ", "The rating extends from very low to high quality, wherein RCTs starting from a high, non-randomized studies starting from a low quality of evidence. ", "After the assessment of study design, outcomes were tested against five criteria including risk of bias, inconsistency, indirectness, imprecision and publication bias. ", "Finally, the overall quality of the evidence for each outcome was graded as high, moderate, low or very low. ", "Grading was performed independently by two of the authors (KS and PS) and disagreements were discussed by involving a third party (AE).", "\n\nResults {#s3}\n=======\n\nSearch Results\n--------------\n\nA total of 731 records were identified from the databases with our systematic search strategy (121 records in PubMed, 597 ones in EMBASE and 13 ones in CENTRAL) (as shown in the PRISMA flow diagram; [Figure 4](#F4){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "Two additional articles were found from the reference lists of the included studies ([@B19], [@B38]). ", "After the removal of duplicates, 594 records remained, 565 of which were excluded by titles and abstracts. ", "The remaining 29 articles were assessed for eligibility by full-text and further 10 studies were excluded due to the following reasons: three studies reported only short-term follow-up data ([@B39]--[@B41]), one study did not report on the timing and rate of colectomy ([@B38]) and two studies were uncontrolled ([@B42], [@B43]). ", "In two studies, the number of patients treated with CYS and IFX was not reported ([@B44], [@B45]), one study included patients pre-treated with either CYS or IFX ([@B46]) and one study evaluated patients with Crohn\\'s colitis ([@B47]). ", "Nineteen studies remained, but four additional studies were excluded from the quantitative synthesis because they investigated overlapping study population ([@B12], [@B48]--[@B50]). ", "Thus, 15 studies fulfilled all inclusion criteria and were included in the meta-analysis.", "\n\n![", "PRISMA flowchart.](fmed-06-00338-g0004){#F4}\n\nCharacteristics of the Studies Included\n---------------------------------------\n\nThe main characteristics of the included studies are listed in [Table 1](#T1){ref-type=\"table\"}. ", "The studies were published between 2004 and 2018 and the follow-up period ranged at least from 1 year to maximum of 10 years. ", "In the quantitative analysis, we used data from three RCTs ([@B13], [@B18], [@B19]) and 12 cohort studies ([@B20]--[@B31]). ", "A total number of 1,607 patients with steroid-refractory ASUC were included, 879 of which (54.7%) were treated with CYS and the other 728 (45.3%) with IFX. ", "The most common definitions of ASUC used in the studies were the Truelove and Witts criteria, the Mayo and the Lichtiger scores ([@B7], [@B51], [@B52]). ", "Three of the 15 articles were published only in conference abstract form ([@B19], [@B29], [@B31]).", "\n\nIn most of the studies, the standard 2 mg/kg/day IV CYS regimen was applied, oral CYS was used for induction of remission only in two studies ([@B19], [@B21]). ", "After the oral CYS bridging, AZA maintenance therapy was continued in all studies. ", "Standard 5 mg/kg dose of IFX was administered in multiple IV infusions (at 0, 2, and 6 weeks) following the induction protocol. ", "Only two studies reported a single infusion of IFX ([@B20], [@B30]). ", "In the IFX treatment groups, AZA was the most commonly administered maintenance drug, albeit recent studies continued IFX ([@B13], [@B23], [@B24], [@B26], [@B28]). ", "Due to the lack of available safety data during long-term follow-up in an RCT, the CYSIF trial ([@B18]), AE and SAE results reported in the original study were used in the meta-analysis ([@B12]).", "\n\nLong-Term Colectomy-Free Survival\n---------------------------------\n\nFifteen, eight, five, and one studies reported 1, 3, 5, and 10 years colectomy-free survival rate. ", "In the first 3 years, colectomy-free survival rate was higher with IFX compared to that with CYS (OR = 1.59, 95% CI: 1.11 −2.29, *p* = 0.012 for 1 year; OR = 1.57, 95% CI: 1.14--2.18, *p* = 0.006 for 2 years; and OR = 1.75, 95% CI: 1.08--2.84, *p* = 0.024 for 3 years), with moderate heterogeneity across the studies (*I*^2^ = 44.3%, *p* = 0.033; *I*^2^ = 0.0%, *p* = 0.74, and *I*^2^ = 42.6%, *p* = 0.093, respectively) ([Figure 5](#F5){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "From the fourth year of follow-up, no significant difference regarding the colectomy-free rates was found between the two treatment groups ([Figure 6](#F6){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "At 9 and 10 years of follow-up, only one small, retrospective study remained in the analysis, where the colectomy-free survival was higher with IFX compared to that with CYS ([@B31]).", "\n\n![", "Odds ratios of colectomy-free survival with infliximab (vs. cyclosporine) in the first, second, and third year in steroid-refractory acute severe ulcerative colitis.](fmed-06-00338-g0005){#F5}\n\n![", "Odds ratios of colectomy-free survival with infliximab (vs. cyclosporine) between the fourth and tenth year in steroid-refractory acute severe ulcerative colitis.](fmed-06-00338-g0006){#F6}\n\nHowever, separating the data of RCTs revealed that the significant association can only be seen if observational studies are included (ORs for observational studies = 1.84, 95% CI: 1.13--3.01, *p* = 0.015 in the first year; OR = 1.91, 95% CI: 1.11--3.28, *p* = 0.020 in the second year; and OR = 2.23, 95% CI: 1.00--4.96, *p* = 0.049 in the third year; ORs for RCTs = 1.35, 95% CI: 0.90--2.01, *p* = 0.143 in the first year; OR = 1.41, 95% CI: 0.94--2.12, *p* = 0.096 in the second year; and OR = 1.34, 95% CI: 0.89--2.00, *p* = 0.157 in the third year) ([Figure 5](#F5){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "The heterogeneity remained substantial in the analysis from observational studies but was negligible if RCTs were included exclusively (in the first year *I*^2^ = 52.6%, *p* = 0.016 and *I*^2^ = 0.0%, *p* = 0.466, respectively). ", "TSA indicated that the analysis on colectomy-free survival at 1 year was underpowered, since the monitoring boundaries were not crossed, and the required information size was not reached ([Figure 1](#F1){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "According to TSA, at least 1,502 patients would be required for drawing final conclusion while only 416 patients were included in the current analysis.", "\n\nBased on our strict and consistent grading, the quality of the evidence for colectomy-free survival rates at 1, 3, 5, and 10 years proved to be low for the subgroups of RCTs and very low if non-randomized studies were included as well ([Table 3](#T3){ref-type=\"table\"}).", "\n\n###### \n\nInvestigation of quality of the evidence for all included outcomes (GRADE).", "\n\n ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n **Measured outcomes** **Study design** **Risk of bias** **Inconsistency** **Indirectness** **Imprecision** **Publication bias** **Other (upgrading factors[^\\*^](#TN5){ref-type=\"table-fn\"})** **Quality of the evidence**\n --------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------\n Colectomy-free rate in the first year Non-randomized studies (*n* = 12) (starts as low quality) Data are from studies at low risk of bias Low heterogeneity (*I*^2^ = 0%) Evidence that the studies found is no more restrictive then our PICO Small sample sizes (\\<400 patients) (−1) All results come from small studies (−1) None Very low\\\n ^•^°°°\n\n RCTs (*n* = 3) (starts as high quality) Data are from studies at low/unclear risk of bias Low heterogeneity (*I*^2^ = 0%) Evidence that the studies found is no more restrictive then our PICO Small sample sizes (\\<400 patients) (−1) All results come from small studies (−1) None Low\\\n ^••^°°\n\n Colectomy-free rate in the third year Non-randomized studies (*n* = 6) (starts as low quality) Data are from studies at low risk of bias Moderate heterogeneity (*I*^2^ \\> 60%) (−1) Evidence that the studies found is no more restrictive then our PICO Small sample sizes (\\<400 patients) (−1) All results come from small studies (−1) None Very low\\\n ^•^°°°\n\n RCTs (*n* = 2) (starts as high quality) Data are from studies at low risk of bias Low heterogeneity (*I*^2^ = 0%) Evidence that the studies found is no more restrictive then our PICO Small sample sizes (\\<400 patients) (−1) All results come from small studies (−1) None Low\\\n ^••^°°\n\n Colectomy-free rate in the fifth year Non-randomized studies (*n* = 4) (starts as low quality) Data are from studies at low risk of bias Moderate heterogeneity (*I*^2^ \\> 60%) (−1) Evidence that the studies found is no more restrictive then our PICO Small sample sizes (\\<400 patients) (−1) All results come from small studies (−1) None Very low\\\n ^•^°°°\n\n RCTs (*n* = 1) (starts as high quality) Data are from studies at low risk of bias Evidence that the studies found is no more restrictive then our PICO Small sample sizes (\\<400 patients) (−1) All results come from small studies (−1) None Low\\\n ^••^°°\n\n Colectomy-free rate in the tenth year Non-randomized studies (*n* = 1) (starts as low quality) Data are from studies at low risk of bias NA Evidence that the studies found is no more restrictive then our PICO Small sample sizes (\\<400 patients) (−1) All results come from small studies (−1) None Very low\\\n ^•^°°°\n\n (No RCT in the tenth year) NA NA NA NA NA NA NA\n\n Adverse events Non-randomized studies (*n* = 5) (starts as low quality) Data are from studies at low/high risk of bias (−1) Moderate heterogeneity (*I*^2^ \\>60%) (−1) Evidence that the studies found is no more restrictive then our PICO Small sample sizes (\\<400 patients) (−1) All results come from small studies (−1) None Very low\\\n ^•^°°°\n\n RCTs (*n* = 2) (starts as high quality) Data are from studies at low risk of bias Low heterogeneity (*I*^2^ = 0%) Evidence that the studies found is no more restrictive then our PICO Small sample sizes (\\<400 patients) (−1) All results come from small studies (−1) None Low\\\n ^••^°°\n\n Serious adverse events Non-randomized studies (*n* = 5) (starts as low quality) Data are from studies at low/unclear risk of bias (−1) Low heterogeneity (*I*^2^ = 0%) Evidence that the studies found is no more restrictive then our PICO Small sample sizes (\\<400 patients) (−1) All results come from small studies (−1) None Very low\\\n ^•^°°°\n\n RCTs (*n* = 3) (starts as high quality) Data are from studies at low/unclear risk of bias (−1) Low heterogeneity (*I*^2^ = 0%) Evidence that the studies found is no more restrictive then our PICO Small sample sizes (\\<400 patients) (−1) All results come from small studies (−1) None Low\\\n ^••^°°\n\n Mortality Non-randomized studies (*n* = 2) (starts as low quality) Data are from studies at low/high risk of bias (−1) Low heterogeneity (*I*^2^ = 0%) Evidence that the studies found is no more restrictive then our PICO Small sample sizes (\\<400 patients) (−1) All results come from small studies (−1) None Very low\\\n ^•^°°°\n\n RCTs (*n* = 3) (starts as high quality) Data are from studies at low/unclear risk of bias (−1) Low heterogeneity (*I*^2^ \\>40%) Evidence that the studies found is no more restrictive then our PICO Small sample sizes (\\<400 patients) (−1) All results come from small studies (−1) None Low\\\n ^••^°°\n ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n*Including large effect, dose response, no plausible confounding factors, NA, non-applicable*.", "\n\nSafety\n------\n\nSeven studies assessed AE ([Figure 7](#F7){ref-type=\"fig\"}) ([@B12], [@B13], [@B20], [@B22], [@B25], [@B28], [@B30]). ", "Sixty-seven (18.1%) AEs were reported with CYS and 72 (18.9%) with IFX. ", "The pooled OR of AEs was 0.93 (95% CI: 0.45--1.92, *p* = 0.847), demonstrating no significant difference between groups ([Figure 7](#F7){ref-type=\"fig\"}).", "\n\n![", "Odds ratios of studies evaluating adverse events, serious adverse events, and mortality during infliximab treatment compared to the cyclosporine group in steroid-refractory acute severe ulcerative colitis.](fmed-06-00338-g0007){#F7}\n\nThe cumulative Z-curve of the risk of AE during TSA reached but not crossed the conventional boundary ([Figure 2](#F2){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "The number of participants included (*n* = 385) did not reach the required information size (*n* = 749), the cumulative Z-curve does not cross the monitoring boundary either.", "\n\nEight studies reported on SAE, such as opportunistic infections, sepsis, anaphylactic reaction and hepato- and nephrotoxicity ([Figure 7](#F7){ref-type=\"fig\"}) ([@B12], [@B13], [@B19], [@B21], [@B24], [@B26]--[@B28]). ", "One hundred and three (15.5%) SAEs were reported with CYS and 72 (15.3%) with IFX. ", "Rate of SAE was not elevated with IFX compared to that with CYS (OR = 1.27, 95% CI: 0.86--1.89, *p* = 0.236); although in the subgroup analysis of observational studies ([@B21], [@B24], [@B26]--[@B28]), IFX was associated with a higher SAE rate (OR = 1.80, 95% CI: 1.17--2.79, *p* = 0.008). ", "However, in the three RCTs ([@B13], [@B18], [@B19]), no statistically significant difference could be detected between the two groups (OR = 0.81, 95% CI: 0.47--1.41, *p* = 0.461), data proved to be homogeneous (*I*^2^ = 0.0%, *p* = 0.712; *I*^2^ = 0.0%, *p* = 0.781, and *I*^2^ = 7.2%, *p* = 0.374 for observational and randomized studies and overall, respectively).", "\n\nTSA of SAE showed that the number of patients in the analysis of RCTs did not reach the required information size and the cumulative Z-curve did not cross the monitoring boundary ([Figure 3](#F3){ref-type=\"fig\"}).", "\n\nThere was also no significant difference between treatment groups regarding mortality (OR: 0.79, 95% CI: 0.26--2.38, *p* = 0.678; *I*^2^ = 0.0%, *p* = 0.411) ([Figure 7](#F7){ref-type=\"fig\"}) ([@B13], [@B18], [@B19], [@B27], [@B28]).", "\n\nThe GRADE assessment of safety outcomes (AE, SAE, and mortality) showed low quality of evidence for the analyses of RCTs and very low quality of evidence for that of non-randomized studies ([Table 3](#T3){ref-type=\"table\"}).", "\n\nRisk of Bias Assessment\n-----------------------\n\nAssessments of the risk of bias of the included studies are shown in [Figure 8](#F8){ref-type=\"fig\"}. ", "In the observational studies, the representativeness of the exposed and the selection of the non-exposed cohort was judged to be at high risk in multiple studies ([@B23], [@B28], [@B30]). ", "In the studies of Daperno, Protic, and Radojcic, no comparison was performed between groups regarding age, sex, and extent of disease ([@B21], [@B28], [@B29]).", "\n\n![", "Risk of bias in **(A)** RCTs and in **(B)** non-randomized studies.](fmed-06-00338-g0008){#F8}\n\nAmong the RCTs, the studies of Williams and Laharie carried the lowest risk of bias ([@B13], [@B18]). ", "As they were open trials, participants and personnel were not blinded; however, in the study of Williams, outcome assessment remained blinded. ", "Because the study of Scimeca et al., ", "was only published in a conference abstract form, almost all domains were judged as carrying \"unclear\" risk of bias ([@B19]).", "\n\nDiscussion {#s4}\n==========\n\nSummary of Main Findings\n------------------------\n\nASUC is a medical emergency and should be managed in high-volume tertiary centers with a multidisciplinary approach. ", "In patients failing to respond to parenteral corticosteroids, medical rescue therapy including CYS or IFX is needed. ", "Recently, a meta-analysis has covered the short-term efficacy of the two drugs in treatment response and 12 months colectomy rates but failed to discuss long-term outcomes ([@B14]).", "\n\nIn our meta-analysis, we collected RCTs and observational studies to perform long-term statistics focusing on colectomy-free survival rates and drug safety. ", "Our combined data from all the studies showed that there was a significantly higher colectomy-free survival rate with IFX compared to that with CYS. ", "This difference was only seen within the first 3 years after rescue therapy was initiated and it disappeared after the fourth year of follow-up. ", "Additionally, we performed a subgroup analysis by study design to reveal selection bias when comparing RCTs and observational studies. ", "Higher colectomy-free survival was found in observational studies with IFX but not in RCTs. ", "It should be noted that the level of heterogeneity was moderate to substantial in the analysis from observational studies whilst data from RCTs were homogenous. ", "When evaluating safety outcomes, no significant difference was detected between CYS and IFX treatment groups regarding AE, SAE, and mortality. ", "The neutral association calculated from RCTs proved to be underpowered (indicated by TSA) and therefore insufficient to draw a final conclusion ([@B36]).", "\n\nDuring ASUC treatment, early identification of steroid refractoriness and early introduction of rescue treatments are crucial to avoid morbidity and mortality. ", "A variety of risk prediction tools have been developed to identify patients with ASUC being suitable for second-line medical therapy, these tools are used in clinical practice (such as the Oxford criteria and the Ho index) ([@B53], [@B54]). ", "In a retrospective study, older age, severe endoscopic lesions, high CRP, low albumin levels and low serum IFX levels were identified as predictors of IFX failure in ASUC ([@B30]). ", "Due to increased intestinal loss of IFX in ASUC, the serum IFX levels could be decreased; therefore, a modified IFX induction strategy can be considered ([@B55]). ", "However, the results of other studies have opposed this association. ", "Dose optimization based on IFX drug level monitoring may result in better patient outcomes ([@B56], [@B57]). ", "In a retrospective study and meta-analysis, no association was found between accelerated IFX induction therapy and lower rates of colectomy in patients with ASUC, compared to standard induction therapy ([@B58]). ", "The benefit of intensified induction regimen, i.e., shorter dosing intervals and/or higher doses of IFX is still not proven.", "\n\nLimitations and Strengths\n-------------------------\n\nHowever, we are aware that our findings suffer from several limitations. ", "First, most of the studies were non-randomized, retrospective studies, and the number of RCTs was low. ", "Second, the use of maintenance therapy after the initial response was not uniform in all studies and must have contributed to the variation in the long-term outcomes. ", "Third, the definitions of AE and SAE were often mixed together and were unclear in the reports; therefore, an internationally accepted guide has been adopted ([@B17]). ", "Fourth, in two RCTs ([@B13], [@B18]), there is switch reported in some cases between CYS and IFX or IFX and CYS as third-line rescue therapy. ", "The switch was necessary to avoid colectomy and achieve clinical remission. ", "However, this can cause a difficulty defining the effect of the drug and may affect the long-term outcome.", "\n\nWe deviated from the PROSPERO protocol regarding an important point. ", "Originally, the primary outcome was planned to be the 5 years colectomy-free survival. ", "However, we thought that investigating the same outcome at multiple time points may improve the clinical yield of!!break the results.", "\n\nLast, conference abstracts with limited information were also included in the meta-analysis, containing a high amount of unclear information and an increasing possibility of risk of bias.", "\n\nThere are several strengths of our meta-analysis that worth being highlighted. ", "Altogether, a high number of patients with ASUC was investigated. ", "Our meta-analysis is the first reporting more than 1 year colectomy free-survival rates with a high number of studies providing even seven or 10 years of colectomy-free survival data. ", "Another strength of our meta-analysis is that the certainty of the evidence was examined for all outcomes according to the GRADE approach ([@B37]). ", "Moreover, TSA was used to test whether the analyses are sufficiently powered; therefore, can be considered conclusive.", "\n\nConclusions {#s5}\n===========\n\nIn summary, our meta-analysis has shown that there is no definitive evidence for any difference regarding long-term efficacy and safety between CYS and IFX in patients with steroid-refractory ASUC based on RCTs. ", "Considering second-line treatment options in ASUC, the choice of drug depends on several factors other than efficacy and safety. ", "Since the introduction of IFX, as rescue therapy for ASUC and a proxy for CYS, the length of hospital stay and in-hospital costs have been reduced significantly ([@B59]). ", "On the other hand, the total costs up to 3 months after initiation of rescue therapy were significantly higher in the IFX group ([@B59]). ", "However, since 2013 lower-cost IFX biosimilars are available, which may result in large cost savings in the future. ", "In addition to safety and efficacy, other components of evidence-based medicine, such as the experience of treating physicians and patient preferences, should also be highlighted. ", "In thiopurine-naïve patients, CYS can be preferred as a bridge to thiopurine maintenance treatment. ", "IFX is a reasonable option for patients who have previously failed thiopurine maintenance therapy. ", "Results of TSA and the lack of high-quality evidence in our meta-analysis highlight that further large RCTs are warranted to decide which therapy is the preferable rescue therapy in ASUC.", "\n\nData Availability Statement {#s6}\n===========================\n\nThe datasets analyzed in this article are not publicly available. ", "Requests to access the datasets should be directed to KS, <szemesk@gmail.com>.", "\n\nAuthor Contributions {#s7}\n====================\n\nPS and KS designed the research. ", "PS, KS, NF, and AS performed the research and statistical analyses, analyzed and interpreted the data. ", "KS and PS wrote the article. ", "BE, EM, KM, AE, and ZS made the critical revisions related to important intellectual content of the manuscript. ", "PS and PH gave the final approval of the version of the article to be published.", "\n\nConflict of Interest\n--------------------\n\nThe authors declare that the research was conducted in the absence of any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest.", "\n\n**Funding.** ", "This study was supported by the Economic Development and Innovation Operative Programme Grant (GINOP 2.3.2-15-2016-00048) and the Grant of the Hungarian Science Foundation (FK 132834).", "\n\nSupplementary Material {#s8}\n======================\n\nThe Supplementary Material for this article can be found online at: <https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fmed.2019.00338/full#supplementary-material>\n\n###### \n\nClick here for additional data file.", "\n\nAE\n\n: adverse events\n\nASUC\n\n: acute severe ulcerative colitis\n\nAZA\n\n: azathioprine\n\nCRP\n\n: C-reactive protein\n\nCYS\n\n: cyclosporine\n\nESR\n\n: erythrocyte sedimentation rate\n\nIFX\n\n: infliximab\n\nIV\n\n: intravenous\n\nOR\n\n: odds ratio\n\nRCT\n\n: randomized controlled trial\n\nSAE\n\n: serious adverse events\n\nTNFα\n\n: tumor necrosis factor-alpha\n\nTSA\n\n: trial sequential analysis\n\nUC\n\n: ulcerative colitis.", "\n\n[^1]: Edited by: Fernando Gomollón, University of Zaragoza, Spain\n\n[^2]: Reviewed by: Juan Ricardo Marquez, Instituto de Coloproctología ICO S.A.S., Colombia; Hiroshi Nakase, Sapporo Medical University, Japan\n\n[^3]: This article was submitted to Gastroenterology, a section of the journal Frontiers in Medicine\n" ]
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[ "But the GOP hopeful defends comparing the Democratic candidate to the heiress and pop star Britney Spears\n\nBarack Obama just another Britney Spears or Paris Hilton?", "\n\nNot John McCain’s best shot, says the Democrat’s camp after the Republican likened him to the two celebrities in a new commercial.", "\n\nGet push notifications with news, features and more.", "\n\n“On a day when major news organizations across the country are taking Sen. McCain to task for a steady stream of false, negative attacks, his campaign has launched yet another,” says Obama spokesman Tommy Vietor. “", "Or, as some might say, ‘Oops! ", "He did it again.'”", "\n\nCounter’s McCain campaign strategist Steve Schmidt: “It’s beyond dispute that [Obama] has become the biggest celebrity in the world. ", "But do the American people really want to elect the biggest celebrity in the world?”", "\n\nIn the ad, images of Spears, Hilton and Obama appear on the screen as a voiceover says, “He’s the biggest celebrity in the world. ", "But is he ready to lead?”", "\n\nMcCain’s campaign manager says they chose to include Spears and Hilton in the ad because the women’s names came up second and third in a search for the top three international celebrities in the world." ]
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[ "Online News: The Canary in the Coal Mine\n\nAndrew Boardman\n\nWhat would happen if we reduced the visual clutter and code inanity of the top 10 news websites? ", "This is an investigation of the consequences of liquidating the banner ads, bloated JavaScript, fat tracking codes, lazy loaders and other detritus of a number of these sites.", "\n\nFor each site, we will reveal a visual before-and-after and then a brief study of page weight and what was lost in the process. ", "We would then have a further look at how much GHG in the atmosphere would theoretically been reduced from each nosejob. ", "Why are we doing this?", "\n\nFirst, news sites are notoriously heavy and slow in performance. ", "By being so weighty and so popular, they represent a large portion of the served web and fossil fuel usage.", "\n\nSecond, we need news websites more than ever. ", "The adverts and code that litter online news pages are distracting and not serving their audiences. ", "If newspapers fail online, we will find it much harder to understand global challenges and connect across countries.", "\n\nThe talk will present a design model as to how we might making reading easier, reduce our digital carbon footprint, and maybe even save newspapers from themselves.", "\n\nIn June 2013, Manoverboard became a Certified B Corporation, the first in the province of Manitoba. ", "The company re-certified in June 2015 with substantial improvements. ", "B Corps are a new type of company that uses the power of business to solve social and environmental problems.", "\n\nAfter working for the Rockefeller Foundation for five years he joined Oven Digital, Andrew received a BA magna cum laude in Art and English from Brown University. ", "He holds an MFA from SUNY Albany and received a Fulbright Fellowship to study visual culture in Poland. ", "He currently serves as President of the provincial chapter of the Graphic Designers of Canada and works in the community in numerous capacities. ", "Andrew runs, writes, and reads—as much as possible in that order, though it’s often the opposite." ]
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[ "September is National Preparedness Month which means we are doing our annual 7 Day Challenge, which just happens to be starting TOMORROW. ", "Check it out and join the fun if you haven’t already signed up. ", "It’s also a time when lots of food storage and preparedness companies have great sales. ", "Here is a summary of some of the best deals going on right now!", "\n\nThe Food Storage Made Easy 3 PART FOOD STORAGE PROGRAM contains a BabySteps Checklists Guide, Food Storage Made Easy Encyclopedia, and Recipe Appendix. ", "This full program is a roadmap for buying your food storage and learning how to use it, so that you can have confidence in knowing that you are prepared for a major emergency or any of life’s little every day inconveniences.", "Regular Price: $24\nSale Price: $10\n\nThe Thrive Q program will help you build a supply of delicious THRIVE food at your own pace and budget. ", "By following these easy steps, you will be able to create and manage a food plan that is customized to your family.", "Free shipping on first Q shipment in September\n\nHaving more than one source of food, power, and other resources will ensure greater protection and comfort when the need arises. ", "Check out some of the different ways in which you can prepare with food, water, and gear.", "Up to 65% off many food storage and preparedness products\n\nUsing your Food Storage daily is made much easier with a great mixer. ", "Bosch mixers are a bread-makers dream. ", "The mixer is still easy-to-use, multiple functions in one machine, saving money and space.", "Cookie dough paddles, dough hook extender, cake paddles, and bowl scraper for $30\n\nThe Plus mill is uniquely designed to nest compactly inside its flour canister for a 30% smaller storage footprint than the Classic mill. ", "With its patented 4-stage filtration system and included flour bagger accessory, milling at home is clean and convenient.", "Free Grain Crazy Cookbook with purchase\n\nEasily power your Wonder Junior Deluxe with the power of your bicycle to make grinding faster than using the hand crank. ", "Free bicycle adapter kit with all Wonder Junior Deluxes ordered through December 31, 2016Free Bicycle Adapter Kit with Purchase\n\nDid you know you can get A TON of great emergency preparedness and food storage related items on Amazon at great prices? ", "Add in the free shipping benefit if you’re a PRIME member and it’s even better. ", "Here is a list of 101 of our favorite things to buy from Amazon when we don’t feel like venturing out to “real” stores … because … shopping = gross.", "\n\nWe’ve posted before about the BEST whole wheat bread recipe. ", "Yes we said BEST! ", "We both make it quite frequently, sometimes doing a half batch, sometimes doing a full one. ", "In the world of kitchen mixers people have normally had two options, a KitchenAid or a Bosch. ", "Well we just recently got a new WonderMix Kitchen Mixer (produced by the makes of the WonderMill) to try out so of course I knew the real test would be in its ability to make our favorite recipe. ", "It is too large to fit in a KitchenAid so we’ve always preferred to make it in a Bosch. ", "Check out my video below to see how well it did in the WonderMix!", "\n\nMore About the WonderMix\n\nI’ve used both a KitchenAid and a Bosch so it was fun to try out another kitchen mixer option. ", "The WonderMix is not totally comparable to either one of them, it has some distinct pros and cons. ", "Here is a summary of what I found just with this first experiment. ", "I’m excited to try it out on some other baking adventures over the next few weeks.", "\n\nPros\n\nCompact size\n\nLarge capacity for big batches of dough\n\nComes with lots of attachments\n\nDough divider helps knead small batches evenly\n\nGreat price point for a powerful mixer\n\nLightweight and easy to pull in and out of the cupboard\n\nCons\n\nNoisy\n\nDough comes up over the hook when making large batches\n\nPossibly feels less rugged than a Bosch but need to experiment more\n\nThere are so many different things you can use the WonderMix to do such as: creaming butter, mixing cookie dough, whipping meringue, mashing bananas and potatoes, shredding meat, making smoothies, and much more!", "\n\nThis is the time of year where our readers, our families, and our friends all ask us for advice because they want to “get some food storage” for Christmas. ", "We love the idea of spending Christmas budgets on something useful that is a great long-term investment. ", "However, that’s sort of a hard question to answer with a one-size-fits all solution.", "\n\nA common theme we tend to see is that a lot of people who want to “get prepared” don’t want to learn a whole new system of cooking, worry about rotating, changing their family’s eating habits, etc. ", "Their strategy is more of a “get it and forget about it” mentality. ", "If this is your style, or you are buying gifts for someone who tends to think like that, the best route to go is just-add-water meals.", "\n\nEven if you enjoy following a more traditional food storage plan or like to “eat what you store, store what you eat”, we recommend keeping about a 3 month supply of easy meals on hand for a shorter term emergency or to grab-and-go in an evacuation situation.", "\n\nWe are so excited to share TWO fabulous deals we have worked out exclusively for Food Storage Made Easy readers specifically for these Christmas-time purchases people are looking to make. ", "These are the best prices you can get for this many servings.", "\n\nSHORT TERM – GRAB ‘N’ GO\n\n90 Serving Meal Bucket + Goal Zero Kit COMBO\nFor the month of December get a FREE Goal Zero Switch 8 Kit ($99 value) with each purchase of a 90 serving meal bucket. ", "These two items together are perfect for your grab ‘n’ go kits. ", "Have all the food you need for a short term disaster and charge your devices while you’re gone. ", "PERFECT for Christmas gifts!Click here to learn more or buy now.", "\n\nLONG TERM – YEAR SUPPLY\n\nLindon Farms 1 Year Supply Package\nThrough December 31st, save 35% off of individual meal bucket pricing by ordering a one year supply (12 buckets). ", "Each meal bucket features a broad variety of 19 different JUST-ADD-WATER gourmet meals and provides 3 meals a day, 4 servings per meal, 2000 calories per day for one person.", "Click here to learn more or buy now.", "\n\nCOOKING TOOLS\n\nDon’t forget that if you store these types of just-add-water meals you will need to store extra water and also have a source to easily boil water to cook the meals. ", "Here are a few items that can help with that!", "\n\nWaterBricks – Easy to store a lot of water but small enough to be able to easily access and use.", "\n\nButane Stove – Use indoors, just like a regular stove-top. ", "Must store lots of butane.", "\n\nFirebox – Can be used with a wide variety of fuels. ", "Light and small for portable use.", "\n\nInstaFire – Versatile fuel that can quickly boil water using any small stove, firepit, etc.", "\n\nAll-American Sun Oven – While useful for many things, it also will cook your just-add-water meals without using any fuel.", "\n\nOTHER GIFT IDEAS\n\nInflatable Solar Lanterns – These make great stocking stuffers or inexpensive gifts to add to 72 hour kits. ", "Never worry about having batteries on hand or candles that run out. ", "These lanterns take up very little space and charge from the sun!", "\n\nSnackies – Instead of filling up on unhealthy treats, get your kids (or kids-at-heart) some healthy snackies. ", "Our kids eat these like candy and we fell totally fine letting them do it! ", "Order these or any other Thrive goodies before Dec. 11th to guarantee arrival before Christmas.", "\n\nInstaFire Packets – A 24-pack of instafire can be split up for multiple gift recipients. ", "It is a handy fuel/fire starter for backpacking, 72 hour kits, or stove-in-a-can type gifts. ", "It’s so easy to boil water and is very safe to store and use. ", "We love InstaFire.", "\n\nFood Storage Books – Any number of these books would make a great gift for someone just getting started or for a veteran food storage pro in your life. ", "You can never have too many books on being prepared and there are always new ideas in every one.", "\n\nIf you have family, friends, or neighbors who you have been wanting to introduce to the world of preparedness, this could be a fun way to do it. ", "We’ve put together 12 days of free or inexpensive (under $1) gifts that follow along our 10 Babysteps to help someone get started and hopefully peak their curiosity to learn even more.", "\n\nFeel free to adapt this to meet your needs. ", "Spread the gifts out over 12 days, or you can do all 12 days at once as a “getting started” package. ", "Each day has some recommendations for some more advanced gift ideas if you’d like to check them out. ", "Don’t forget to download the tags and labels for each day and Merry Christmas!", "\n\n12 Days of Food Storage Christmas\n\nEmergency Preparedness is always a great place to start. ", "Print out our in depth Emergency Preparedness Plan that your loved one can fill out as a starting point for their family. ", "Roll it up and tie a pretty ribbon around it and attach the Day 1 tags and labels to it. ", "You could also include a personal note letting them know that you will be giving them some fun little gifts over the next few days to help them be more prepared.", "\n\nWe have two ideas for day 2. ", "Babystep #1 is shelves so you can build a little rotating can shelf out of cardboard and stick the day 2 tags on it. ", "Download the instructions here and you can even give them a copy so they can make their own additional units to fill their pantry. ", "If you don’t have the time or patience to do this, you can opt to print out our Small Spaces Storage Solutions handout which gives lots of ideas on sneaky places to store food storage. ", "Again, this can be rolled up with a cute ribbon tied around it and the Day 2 tags added to make it fun\n\nBabystep #2 is water, one of the most critical components of any preparedness or food storage plan. ", "For today you can either recycle a few empty pop or juice containers and fill them with clean water, or you can splurge and grab a few little water pouches that can be great for 72 hour kits or car emergency kits. ", "Depending on how many you buy they can be less than $0.50 each! ", "Whichever option you opt for, add your Day 3 tag to make it cute.", "\n\nBabystep #3 is to put together a 3 month supply of regular foods. ", "Print out these worksheets to help someone get started on their 3 Month Plan. ", "There is an Instruction Sheet, a Menu Plan Sheet and an Inventory Sheet. ", "You will need to print the Menu Plan Sheet multiple times depending on how many different meals you want to plan. ", "There is also a video tutorial to go along with these forms found here. ", "Put the printed worksheets in sheet protects or roll them up and tie a ribbon around them. ", "Don’t forget to attach the Day 4 tag!", "\n\nBabystep #4 is an introduction to long term food storage foods. ", "People often get overwhelmed with how much and what to buy. ", "Here is a handout that includes instructions and a simple food storage calculator that you can print out, tie a ribbon around, add the cute Day 5 Tags, and give to someone. ", "This will help them determine quantities of foods to purchase based on their family size.", "\n\nBabystep #5 is learning to use grains, and more specifically wheat. ", "People often have a hard time using wheat if they don’t have a wheat grinder. ", "If you haven’t tried making Blender Wheat Pancakes you are missing out! ", "This is something easy you can make that uses wheat with no wheat grinder required. ", "Put the ingredients in a baggie, tie a ribbon around it and a recipe card with instructions. ", "Don’t forget to add the Day 6 tag as well. ", "It wont cost you much, but will surely impress and motivate someone to use their food storage.", "\n\nBabystep #6 moves on to learning about beans/legumes. ", "Legumes can be very intimidating to a lot of people so this is a great one to help people realize they aren’t so bad. ", "Purchase a 1 lb bag of 12 bean soup mix from the grocery store ($1-$2). ", "Tie a ribbon around it and include the Day 7 Tags. ", "Include this 12 Bean Soup Recipe on a cute recipe card for them, it’s delicious!", "\n\nBabystep #7 covers baking ingredients that are necessary for you to be able to make a lot of recipes using your grains and legumes. ", "Salt is one of those things that you run out of, and don’t necessarily think of storing. ", "Find or buy a container of salt and make it cute with ribbons, or put it in a gift bag, and remind them Food Storage isn’t just grains and legumes.", "\n\nBabystep #8 is purchasing or preserving fruits and vegetables. ", "While not critical for sustaining life, fruits and vegetables are a welcome addition to any food storage program for the health benefits, variety, and to help you save money on your day to day grocery shopping. ", "Gardening is a great way to become more self reliant. ", "Try giving a few packs of gardening seeds to help motivate people to get going on gardening. ", "If you know the person doesn’t have a lot of space, pick herbs, or things you can grow on kitchen counters.", "\n\nBabystep #9 encourages people to store comfort foods for times of crisis. ", "This is a great day for the holidays. ", "Even just a candy bar or 2 in your storage for just in case scenarios are great. ", "Pick up the person’s favorite one and surprise them with a little treat to have in time of need (and tell them they can’t eat it right away, they have to store it 😉 Tie a cute ribbon around the candy bar and add the Day 10 Tags and you’re all set.", "\n\nBabystep #10 covers all aspects of storage that are NOT food. ", "Although Food Storage (and Christmas for that matter) are a lot about food, we can’t forget the non-food items that are important and necessary to store not only for hygiene but also for cooking, cleaning, first aid, etc. ", "Any inexpensive toiletry would be a great gift for this day (toothpaste, deodorant, etc.)", "\n\nOnce you have completed the first 11 days for a friend, or family member, it’s time for them to keep the journey going themselves. ", "To help them do that, we have our BabyStep Checklists. ", "Have the person you are giving to sign up for our free email checklists. ", "You could even sign up for them with their email address and print out the first checklist for their gift. ", "The checklists last for one year and are sent every 2 weeks. ", "After following the 26 checklists they will have a full food storage for one person.", "\n\nCLICK BELOW TO SHARE ON PINTEREST\n\nWe recently had the opportunity to meet Dale from Fortress Clothing at a preparedness expo here in Utah. ", "We knew that his products served a huge need we had been looking to fill, so when he offered to come show them to us so we could try them in action (in the freezing cold) we knew we needed to jump at the chance. ", "We tried on the entire bug out bag set and went out by the lake with a bitter wind. ", "We were thoroughly impressed and are looking forward to adding these items into our “heat storage” preparedness plans.", "\n\nPlease remember that while something like this can be critical and life-saving in cold weather, it may not be one of the first items to get as part of your preps if you have budget constraints. ", "If you have food, water, cooking, and sanitation covered look to this as a solution as you delve more into the more advance topics of protection, shelter, heating, and cooling.", "\n\nFOOD STORAGE MADE EASY READERS USE COUPON CODE FSME25 for 25% OFF YOUR PURCHASE at FortressClothing.com\n\nFortress isn’t just a coat – it’s not even just cold weather clothing. ", "Fortress is your complete HEAT STORAGE SOLUTION, and the advantages to using this to provide your warmth in an emergency are obvious. ", "Fortress RETAINS YOUR BODY’s HEAT. ", "Instead of trying to heat the space around you (your home, tent, or cabin) with traditional resources like firewood, coal or propane, FORTRESS allows you to be comfortable while heating yourself. ", "Whatever the conditions, you will be able to function!", "\n\nJacket liner is warm enough for -30 degree temperatures yet light-weight enough for a chilly day at the soccer field.", "\n\nBreathable material that is easy to maneuver in and doesn’t make you hot\n\nMittens remove the need for expensive and disposable hand warmers\n\nPant liners are perfect for sledding or snowmobiling (very versatile)\n\nHot socks (booties) act as a liner inside boots or as comfy house slippers\n\nNo need to buy multiple expensive coats, simply wear a light jacket or hoodie over the Fortress Jacket for a perfect coat solution\n\nSave money by storing less fuel for your family’s warmth\n\nComplete Bug-Out-Bag\n\nIf you opt for the complete heat storage solution the entire set fits in a handy little “stuff sack”. ", "This is perfect to attach to a backpack for your 72 hour kits to easily grab-and-go, stash in your car trunk for your car kit, or store on a closet shelf nicely compacted.", "FOOD STORAGE MADE EASY READERS USE COUPON CODE FSME25 for 25% OFF YOUR PURCHASE at FortressClothing.com\n\nWhen we first started our first storage adventures we actually didn’t even know what wheat kernels looked like. ", "The whole idea of storing wheat, grinding it, and cooking it without electricity seemed so foreign and daunting to us that we didn’t even try to tackle it for almost a year.", "\n\nOne day I was visiting a friend and she had a wheat grinder on her counter and I started asking her all about it. ", "She showed me how it worked and sent me home with a little baggie of flour and a bread recipe. ", "All of a sudden I realized that wheat was flour, and I knew how to cook with flour! ", "I borrowed her wheat grinder every few weeks until I could afford my own and when we finally purchased our WonderMills our food storage lives changed forever. ", "In fact, we even did a post titled 17 Ways to Use a Wheat Grinder a little while back. ", "Yes we use them that much!", "\n\nThe two mills we have always recommend are the WonderMill and the NutriMill. ", "You can’t go wrong with either option. ", "We preferred a few of the WonderMill features over the NutriMill when we did a side by side test so that is the model we went with at the time. ", "However, NutriMill just came out with a BRAND NEW mill called the NutriMill Plus that we are excited to try out. ", "Here are some of the details in comparison to the classic Nutrimill:\n\nThe NutriMill Plus boasts 11 new patented improvements. ", "It is 15% quieter than the Classic mill and has 20% more capacity than the classic NutriMill.", "\n\nThe Plus mill is uniquely designed to nest compactly inside its flour canister for a 30% smaller storage footprint than the Classic mill. ", "With its patented 4-stage filtration system and included flour bagger accessory, milling at home is clean and convenient. ", "We are so excited to get our hands on one of these and try it out in another little side-by-side comparison!", "\n\nWe recently had the opportunity to meet with Kris from Titan Ready USA and he showed us some of his products that we are excited to share with you. ", "These products are simple but efficient solutions to some preparedness dilemmas we know we have faced and you may have as well. ", "This post covers the Hydrant Water Storage Systems, but be sure to check out the HERC tea light ovens and the Helius Rocket Stove.", "\n\nFSME DISCOUNT: Click here to shop And enter coupon code FSME10 to save 10% on your Water Tower order. ", "This deal is exclusively for Food Storage Made Easy readers!", "\n\nThe Hydrant Water Storage Systems are 2-4 barrel towers that store 55 gallon barrels of water. ", "You can start with a 2 barrel system and add to them as your storage needs increase. ", "You rotate the water via the bottom barrel that sits high enough that you can fit a 5 gallon bucket beneath it.", "\n\nEverything you need to stack and connect two 55 gallon water storage barrels. ", "Racks are welded and powder coated here in the USA. ", "Wide base for stability in every emergency situation. ", "Assembles in minutes with aluminum bung wrench (included) and a flat head screwdriver. ", "Water rotation has NEVER been so easy!", "\n\nPlease Note: If you are just getting started in your water storage or on a tight budget, we are not suggesting is where you need to start. ", "Check out BabyStep 2: Water for lots of ideas on getting started. ", "However, having gone through lots of different options, we have found this one to be the most efficient and space-effective. ", "You can also purchase a plumbing kit and attempt to DIY if that’s more your style.", "\n\nWe recently had the opportunity to meet with Kris from Titan Ready USA and he showed us some of his products that we are excited to share with you. ", "These products are simple but efficient solutions to some preparedness dilemmas we know we have faced and you may have as well. ", "This post covers the Helius Rocket Stove, but be sure to check out the HERC tea light ovens and Hydrant Water Storage Systems as well.", "\n\nWe’ve seen a lot of rocket stoves around but this is the first one we have seen that we’ve been really excited to use. ", "This one sits high off the ground and has a great solid base you can cook on without bending over or needing a steady, safe surface to place the stove on. ", "We love that you can use this stove to pressure can, camp, or in an emergency situation. ", "Also this stove can use such a variety of fuels!", "\n\nHelius Rocket Stove\n\nCook complete meals using nothing but wood scraps and yard debris with the Helius Rocket Stove. ", "The Helius Rocket Stove is a durable, clean alternative to outdoor cooking, using readily available scraps as fuel instead of more costly alternatives like propane or briquettes. ", "The design of the rocket stove heats to cooking temperatures in only a few minutes with only as much fuel as fits in the fuel magazine.", "\n\nAbove ground, no crouching to cook\n\nCan you it to pressure can your meats if power goes out and your freezer is compromised\n\nWe recently had the opportunity to meet with Kris from Titan Ready USA and he showed us some of his products that we are excited to share with you. ", "These products are simple but efficient solutions to some preparedness dilemmas we know we have faced and you may have as well. ", "This post covers the HERC tea light ovens, but be sure to check out the Helius Rocket Stove and Hydrant Water Storage Towers as well.", "\n\nWhile butane stoves are great for stove-top cooking indoors, we have yet to find a good solution for oven cooking indoors. ", "Having a diversified preparedness plan is great to cover yourself in different scenarios. ", "For example, a Sun Oven is great if you don’t have any fuel, but not so great if it’s rainy or you’re trying to be discreet in a crisis. ", "That’s why we recommend having different options. ", "All have their pro’s and con’s." ]
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[ "Q:\n\nThe collection argument 'foreignKeyPropertyNames' must contain at least one element\n\nI have two models with certain properties:\npublic class Issue {\n public int Id { get; set; } \n}\n\npublic class Action {\n public int Id { get; set; } \n}\n\nThis was the last working code. ", "Then as I forgot to add Issue as a foreign key property to Action I did it and it became:\npublic class Action {\n public int Id { get; set; } \n public Issue Issue { get; set; }\n public int IssueId { get; set; }\n}\n\nThe solution built, migration up method created and ef update database failed with the following error:\n\nApplying migration '20180220102738_Action.issue'. ", "Failed executing\n DbCommand (20ms) [Parameters=[], CommandType='Text',\n CommandTimeout='30'] ALTER TABLE [Actions] ADD CONSTRAINT\n [FK_Actions_Issues_IssueId] FOREIGN KEY ([IssueId]) REFERENCES\n [Issues] ([Id]) ON DELETE CASCADE; System.", "Data.", "SqlClient.", "SqlException\n (0x80131904): Introducing FOREIGN KEY constraint\n 'FK_Actions_Issues_IssueId' on table 'Actions' may cause cycles or\n multiple cascade paths. ", "Specify ON DELETE NO ACTION or ON UPDATE NO\n ACTION, or modify other FOREIGN KEY constraints.", "\n\nThen I tried to change the onDelete: ReferentialAction.", "Cascade to onDelete: ReferentialAction.", "SetNull or anything else but nothing worked and btw I don't understand what could be its problem, this would be the third foreign key on this table.", "\nMy next step was to remove last migration but it started to complain about the following:\n\nSystem.", "ArgumentException: The collection argument\n 'foreignKeyPropertyNames' must contain at least one element. ", " at\n Microsoft.", "EntityFrameworkCore.", "Utilities.", "Check.", "NotEmpty[T](IReadOnlyList1\n value, String parameterName) at\n Microsoft.", "EntityFrameworkCore.", "Metadata.", "Builders.", "ReferenceCollectionBuilder2.HasForeignKey(String[]\n foreignKeyPropertyNames) at\n ISSupport.", "Models.", "ISSupportContext.<>c.b__69_7(EntityTypeBuilder`1\n b) in\n\nI could roll back to the last commit but I don't see what did I do and what should I avoid in the next round. ", "Google didn't help with this error.", "\n.NET Core 2.0\nEF Core 2.0\nSql Server 13.0.1742\nUpdate\nI had to do a rollback and added the foreign key again. ", "It complained again about multiple cascade paths and now I changed it in the migration Up() method to onDelete: ReferentialAction.", "NoAction and run update successfully. ", "I don't know what I had f*#!d up before and still need an explanation why do I have to set ReferentialAction.", "NoAction\n\nA:\n\nIn migration Up() method I had to switch the Foreign key ReferentialAction to onDelete: ReferentialAction.", "NoAction\n\n" ]
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[ "Report: John Calipari was ‘deep in discussions’ with Cavs before Kentucky extension\n\nJohn Calipari already tried coaching in the NBA once, and it didn’t go well. ", "After winning the Naismith College Coach of the Year Award in 1996, Calipari went on to compile a record of 72-112 in less than three seasons with the New Jersey Nets. ", "According to one report, he was fairly close to giving the NBA another shot last week.", "\n\nAdrian Wojnarowski and Brett Dawson of Yahoo Sports claim Calipari was “deep in discussions” with the Cleveland Cavaliers before he finalized a contract extension with Kentucky last week. ", "He had even reportedly outlined the terms of a potential agreement with the Cavs that would be worth $60 million-plus over seven years and make him president of basketball operations as well as head coach.", "\n\nCalipari, who signed a seven-year, $52 million extension with the Wildcats, was offered more than $8 million per season from Cavs owner Dan Gilbert. ", "That would have placed him among the highest-paid coaches in the league. ", "Calipari was said to be “intrigued” by the offer, but there is some speculation that he may have been concerned over how he would mesh with a hands-on owner like Gilbert.", "\n\nHad Kentucky defeated UConn and won a national championship in April, it probably would have been easier to lure Calipari away. ", "Now that the Harrison twins are returning to Lexington for their sophomore seasons and the Wildcats are easily the No. ", "1 team in the country heading into next season, Calipari probably wants to stick around. ", "It’s a shame he’ll have to settle for only $7 million-plus per season." ]
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[ "using System.", "Linq;\nusing System.", "Threading.", "Tasks;\nusing Abp.", "Application.", "Services.", "Dto;\nusing Abp.", "Domain.", "Entities;\nusing Abp.", "Domain.", "Repositories;\nusing Abp.", "Linq;\n\nnamespace Abp.", "Application.", "Services\n{\n public abstract class AsyncCrudAppService<TEntity, TEntityDto>\n : AsyncCrudAppService<TEntity, TEntityDto, int>\n where TEntity : class, IEntity<int>\n where TEntityDto : IEntityDto<int>\n {\n protected AsyncCrudAppService(IRepository<TEntity, int> repository)\n : base(repository)\n {\n\n }\n }\n\n public abstract class AsyncCrudAppService<TEntity, TEntityDto, TPrimaryKey>\n : AsyncCrudAppService<TEntity, TEntityDto, TPrimaryKey, PagedAndSortedResultRequestDto>\n where TEntity : class, IEntity<TPrimaryKey>\n where TEntityDto : IEntityDto<TPrimaryKey>\n {\n protected AsyncCrudAppService(IRepository<TEntity, TPrimaryKey> repository)\n : base(repository)\n {\n\n }\n }\n\n public abstract class AsyncCrudAppService<TEntity, TEntityDto, TPrimaryKey, TGetAllInput>\n : AsyncCrudAppService<TEntity, TEntityDto, TPrimaryKey, TGetAllInput, TEntityDto, TEntityDto>\n where TEntity : class, IEntity<TPrimaryKey>\n where TEntityDto : IEntityDto<TPrimaryKey>\n {\n protected AsyncCrudAppService(IRepository<TEntity, TPrimaryKey> repository)\n : base(repository)\n {\n\n }\n }\n\n public abstract class AsyncCrudAppService<TEntity, TEntityDto, TPrimaryKey, TGetAllInput, TCreateInput>\n : AsyncCrudAppService<TEntity, TEntityDto, TPrimaryKey, TGetAllInput, TCreateInput, TCreateInput>\n where TGetAllInput : IPagedAndSortedResultRequest\n where TEntity : class, IEntity<TPrimaryKey>\n where TEntityDto : IEntityDto<TPrimaryKey>\n where TCreateInput : IEntityDto<TPrimaryKey>\n {\n protected AsyncCrudAppService(IRepository<TEntity, TPrimaryKey> repository)\n : base(repository)\n {\n\n }\n }\n\n public abstract class AsyncCrudAppService<TEntity, TEntityDto, TPrimaryKey, TGetAllInput, TCreateInput, TUpdateInput>\n : AsyncCrudAppService<TEntity, TEntityDto, TPrimaryKey, TGetAllInput, TCreateInput, TUpdateInput, EntityDto<TPrimaryKey>>\n where TEntity : class, IEntity<TPrimaryKey>\n where TEntityDto : IEntityDto<TPrimaryKey>\n where TUpdateInput : IEntityDto<TPrimaryKey>\n {\n protected AsyncCrudAppService(IRepository<TEntity, TPrimaryKey> repository)\n : base(repository)\n {\n\n }\n }\n\n public abstract class AsyncCrudAppService<TEntity, TEntityDto, TPrimaryKey, TGetAllInput, TCreateInput, TUpdateInput, TGetInput>\n : AsyncCrudAppService<TEntity, TEntityDto, TPrimaryKey, TGetAllInput, TCreateInput, TUpdateInput, TGetInput, EntityDto<TPrimaryKey>>\n where TEntity : class, IEntity<TPrimaryKey>\n where TEntityDto : IEntityDto<TPrimaryKey>\n where TUpdateInput : IEntityDto<TPrimaryKey>\n where TGetInput : IEntityDto<TPrimaryKey>\n {\n protected AsyncCrudAppService(IRepository<TEntity, TPrimaryKey> repository)\n : base(repository)\n {\n\n }\n }\n\n public abstract class AsyncCrudAppService<TEntity, TEntityDto, TPrimaryKey, TGetAllInput, TCreateInput, TUpdateInput, TGetInput, TDeleteInput>\n : CrudAppServiceBase<TEntity, TEntityDto, TPrimaryKey, TGetAllInput, TCreateInput, TUpdateInput>,\n IAsyncCrudAppService<TEntityDto, TPrimaryKey, TGetAllInput, TCreateInput, TUpdateInput, TGetInput, TDeleteInput>\n where TEntity : class, IEntity<TPrimaryKey>\n where TEntityDto : IEntityDto<TPrimaryKey>\n where TUpdateInput : IEntityDto<TPrimaryKey>\n where TGetInput : IEntityDto<TPrimaryKey>\n where TDeleteInput : IEntityDto<TPrimaryKey>\n {\n public IAsyncQueryableExecuter AsyncQueryableExecuter { get; set; }\n\n protected AsyncCrudAppService(IRepository<TEntity, TPrimaryKey> repository)\n :base(repository)\n {\n AsyncQueryableExecuter = NullAsyncQueryableExecuter.", "Instance;\n }\n\n public virtual async Task<TEntityDto> GetAsync(TGetInput input)\n {\n CheckGetPermission();\n\n var entity = await GetEntityByIdAsync(input.", "Id);\n return MapToEntityDto(entity);\n }\n\n public virtual async Task<PagedResultDto<TEntityDto>> GetAllAsync(TGetAllInput input)\n {\n CheckGetAllPermission();\n\n var query = CreateFilteredQuery(input);\n\n var totalCount = await AsyncQueryableExecuter.", "CountAsync(query);\n\n query = ApplySorting(query, input);\n query = ApplyPaging(query, input);\n\n var entities = await AsyncQueryableExecuter.", "ToListAsync(query);\n\n return new PagedResultDto<TEntityDto>(\n totalCount,\n entities.", "Select(MapToEntityDto).ToList()\n );\n }\n\n public virtual async Task<TEntityDto> CreateAsync(TCreateInput input)\n {\n CheckCreatePermission();\n\n var entity = MapToEntity(input);\n\n await Repository.", "InsertAsync(entity);\n await CurrentUnitOfWork.", "SaveChangesAsync();\n\n return MapToEntityDto(entity);\n }\n\n public virtual async Task<TEntityDto> UpdateAsync(TUpdateInput input)\n {\n CheckUpdatePermission();\n\n var entity = await GetEntityByIdAsync(input.", "Id);\n\n MapToEntity(input, entity);\n await CurrentUnitOfWork.", "SaveChangesAsync();\n\n return MapToEntityDto(entity);\n }\n\n public virtual Task DeleteAsync(TDeleteInput input)\n {\n CheckDeletePermission();\n\n return Repository.", "DeleteAsync(input.", "Id);\n }\n\n protected virtual Task<TEntity> GetEntityByIdAsync(TPrimaryKey id)\n {\n return Repository.", "GetAsync(id);\n }\n }\n}\n" ]
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[ "\n773 F.Supp.2d 15 (2011)\nKim THOMAS, Plaintiff,\nv.\nDISTRICT OF COLUMBIA, Defendant.", "\nCivil Action No. ", "10-0680 (RMU).", "\nUnited States District Court, District of Columbia.", "\nMarch 29, 2011.", "\n*16 Douglas Tyrka, Tyrka & Associates, LLC, Washington, DC, for Plaintiff.", "\nRichard Allan Latterell, Office of the Attorney General, Washington, DC, for Defendant.", "\n\nMEMORANDUM OPINION\n\nGRANTING THE DEFENDANT'S MOTION TO DISMISS\nRICARDO M. URBINA, District Judge.", "\n\nI. INTRODUCTION\nPlaintiff Kim Thomas, on behalf of her minor son T.T., brings this action pursuant to the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (\"IDEA\"), 20 U.S.C. §§ 1400 et seq., ", "alleging that the defendant, the District of Columbia, through the Office of the State Superintendent of Education (\"OSSE\") and the District of Columbia Public Schools (\"DCPS\"), failed to provide T.T. with a free appropriate public education (\"FAPE\") while he was enrolled at City Lights Public Charter School (\"City Lights\"). ", "The defendant has moved to dismiss the complaint under Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 12(b)(1) and 12(b)(6). ", "Although the court determines that it has subject matter jurisdiction over this controversy, it dismisses the case because the plaintiff has failed to state a claim upon which relief can be granted.", "\n\nII. ", "FACTUAL & PROCEDURAL BACKGROUND\nT.T. is a child who is eligible to receive full-time special education services pursuant to the IDEA. ", "Compl. ¶ ", "11. ", "T.T. attended City Lights during the 2007-2008 and 2008-2009 school years, until the school closed in February 2009. ", "Id. ¶ 10. ", "During that time, City Lights acted as its own local education agency (\"LEA\") under the IDEA.[1] Def.", "'s Mot. ", "at 9 n. 2 & Ex. ", "3; see also Pl.", "'s Opp'n at 5. ", "On February 18, 2009, after City Lights closed, T.T. received a Notice of Placement from the DCPS to attend High Road Upper School. ", "Compl. ¶ ", "11.", "\nCity Lights had developed two Individualized Education Plans (\"IEPs\") for T.T. while he was a student there. ", "Id. ¶ 12. ", "The first IEP was in effect from March 14, 2007 until October 9, 2008, and the second IEP was in effect from October 9, 2008 to December 15, 2009. ", "Id. On December 23, 2009, the plaintiff filed an administrative complaint pursuant to 20 U.S.C. § 1415(f)(1) requesting a due process hearing. ", "See generally Def.", "'s Mot., ", "Ex. ", "1.[2] In her administrative complaint, the plaintiff asserted that the DCPS and the OSSE failed to provide T.T. with a FAPE because they failed to ensure that T.T. had appropriate IEPs while at City Lights. ", "Id. at 1-2. ", "The plaintiff further alleged that the IEPs inaccurately classified T.T.'s abilities, ordered insufficient services, contained inappropriate goals and objectives and did not prescribe necessary extended *17 school year services. ", "Id. Additionally, the plaintiff claimed that the DCPS and the OSSE failed to provide for and ensure and monitor the appropriate placement of T.T. Id. According to the plaintiff, these deficiencies on the part of the DCPS and the OSSE hindered T.T.'s education during his time at City Lights. ", "Compl. ¶ ", "14.", "\nAfter a due process hearing, a hearing officer ruled on February 1, 2010, that the OSSE was an improper party and that the plaintiff's complaint against the DCPS was outside of the scope of the hearing officer's purview. ", "See generally Def.", "'s Mot., ", "Ex. ", "2.[3] Accordingly, the hearing officer dismissed the plaintiff's administrative complaint. ", "Id., Ex. ", "3 at 7.", "\nPursuant to the IDEA, after receiving the hearing officer's decision, the plaintiff filed a civil action in this court. ", "See generally Compl. ", "The defendant has moved to dismiss the complaint pursuant to Federal Rules of Civil Procedure 12(b)(1) and 12(b)(6). ", "See generally Def.", "'s Mot. ", "The motion is now fully briefed and the court turns to the applicable legal standards and the parties' arguments.", "\n\nIII. ", "ANALYSIS\n\nA. Legal Standard for a Motion to Dismiss Pursuant to Rule 12(b)(1)\nFederal courts are courts of limited jurisdiction and the law presumes that \"a cause lies outside this limited jurisdiction.\" ", "Kokkonen v. Guardian Life Ins. ", "Co. of Am., ", "511 U.S. 375, 377, 114 S.Ct. ", "1673, 128 L.Ed.2d 391 (1994); see also Gen. Motors Corp. v. Envtl. ", "Prot. ", "Agency, 363 F.3d 442, 448 (D.C.Cir.2004) (noting that \"[a]s a court of limited jurisdiction, we begin, and end, with an examination of our jurisdiction\").", "\nBecause \"subject-matter jurisdiction is an `Art[icle] III as well as a statutory requirement[,] no action of the parties can confer subject-matter jurisdiction upon a federal court.'\" ", "Akinseye v. District of Columbia, 339 F.3d 970, 971 (D.C.Cir. ", "2003) (quoting Ins. ", "Corp. of Ir., ", "Ltd. v. Compagnie des Bauxites de Guinee, 456 U.S. 694, 702, 102 S.Ct. ", "2099, 72 L.Ed.2d 492 (1982)). ", "On a motion to dismiss for lack of subject matter jurisdiction pursuant to Rule 12(b)(1), the plaintiff bears the burden of establishing by a preponderance of the evidence that the court has subject matter jurisdiction. ", "Lujan v. Defenders of Wildlife, 504 U.S. 555, 561, 112 S.Ct. ", "2130, 119 L.Ed.2d 351 (1992).", "\nBecause subject matter jurisdiction focuses on the court's power to hear the claim, however, the court must give the plaintiff's factual allegations closer scrutiny when resolving a Rule 12(b)(1) motion than would be required for a Rule 12(b)(6) motion for failure to state a claim. ", "See Macharia v. United States, 334 F.3d 61, 64, 69 (D.C.Cir.2003); Grand Lodge of Fraternal Order of Police v. Ashcroft, 185 F.Supp.2d 9, 13 (D.D.C.2001). ", "Thus, the court is not limited to the allegations contained in the complaint. ", "Hohri v. United States, 782 F.2d 227, 241 (D.C.Cir.1986), vacated on other grounds, 482 U.S. 64, 107 S.Ct. ", "2246, 96 L.Ed.2d 51 (1987). ", "Instead, \"where necessary, the court may consider the complaint supplemented by undisputed facts evidenced in the record, or the complaint supplemented by undisputed facts plus the court's resolution of disputed facts.\" ", "Herbert v. Nat'l Acad. ", "of Scis., ", "974 F.2d 192, 197 (D.C.Cir.1992) (citing Williamson *18 v. Tucker, 645 F.2d 404, 413 (5th Cir.1981)).", "\n\nB. The Plaintiff Has Exhausted Her Administrative Remedies\nThe defendant seeks dismissal of counts three and six of the plaintiff's complaint pursuant to Rule 12(b)(1), arguing that the plaintiff impermissibly alleges new claims before this court that exceed the scope of the original administrative due process complaint. ", "Def.", "'s Mot. ", "at 7. ", "It asserts that the plaintiff's administrative complaint only alleged two violations of the IDEA: \"(1) a failure to develop an appropriate IEP; and (2) a failure to provide an appropriate placement.\" ", "Id. at 7. ", "The defendant argues, however, that counts three and six of the plaintiff's complaint allege additional claims not found in the administrative complaint—namely that the defendant \"fail[ed] adequately to monitor compliance with the requirements regarding the development of an appropriate IEP;\" and \"fail[ed] adequately to monitor compliance with the requirement regarding the provision of an appropriate placement for him.\" ", "Id. at 7; see also Compl. ¶¶ ", "26, 38. ", "The plaintiff counters that she addressed the conduct underlying counts three and six in her due process complaint; that the District of Columbia responded to those claims at the administrative level; and that the hearing officer clearly understood and denied the plaintiff's administrative claims related to counts three and six. ", "Pl.", "'s Opp'n at 3-4.", "\nJudicial review is generally unavailable under the IDEA unless all administrative procedures have been exhausted. ", "Douglass v. Dist. ", "of Columbia, 605 F.Supp.2d 156, 165 (D.D.C.2009) (citing Honig v. Doe, 484 U.S. 305, 326-27, 108 S.Ct. ", "592, 98 L.Ed.2d 686 (1988) (discussing the Education of Handicapped Act, the immediate predecessor to the IDEA)). ", "A court, therefore, does not have subject matter jurisdiction over an IDEA claim that has not first been pursued through administrative channels. ", "Id. (citing Massey v. Dist. ", "of Columbia, 400 F.Supp.2d 66, 70 (D.D.C.2005)). \"", "The controlling point of law here is that, absent a showing that exhaustion would be futile or inadequate, a party must pursue all administrative avenues of redress under the [IDEA] before seeking judicial review under the Act.\" ", "Id. (quoting Cox v. Jenkins, 878 F.2d 414, 419 (D.C.Cir.1989)).", "\nThe court is persuaded that the plaintiff's complaint does not exceed the scope of the administrative proceeding. ", "In the \"Facts\" section of the administrative complaint, the plaintiff states that the DCPS and the OSSE \"failed adequately to monitor compliance with the requirements regarding the development an appropriate IEP\" and \"failed adequately to monitor compliance with the requirements regarding the provision of an appropriate placement [for T.T.].\" ", "Def.", "'s Mot., ", "Ex. ", "1 at 2. ", "Although the plaintiff did not explicitly list counts three and six as \"violations\" in her due process complaint, she did allege facts supporting such claims and the hearing officer acknowledged and addressed these accusations in his ruling on the due process complaint. ", "Id., Ex. ", "2 at 4. ", "Indeed, the hearing officer's written decision makes clear that he considered the relevant facts underlying counts three and six in making his decision to dismiss the due process complaint. ", "Id., Ex. ", "2 at 2-3 (recognizing that the plaintiff alleged that the OSSE failed to monitor City Lights, but holding that the OSSE is, nevertheless, an inappropriate party); id., Ex. ", "2 at 4-7 (explaining that the petitioner's claims against the DCPS were identical to those against the OSSE and dismissing the complaint against the DCPS because the plaintiff articulated no problems with T.T.'s current placement or IEP). ", "Accordingly, *19 further administrative proceedings centered on the allegations in count three and six are unnecessary as all administrative remedies regarding these issues have been exhausted. ", "See J.S.K. by & through J.K. v. Hendry County Sch. ", "Bd., ", "941 F.2d 1563, 1570-71 (11th Cir.1991) (holding that the plaintiff had sufficiently exhausted his administrative remedies when the hearing officer made determinations of fact and law demonstrating that all relevant factors had been examined and evaluated). ", "Consequently, the court holds that it has subject matter jurisdiction over counts three and six and denies the defendant's motion insofar as it seeks dismissal pursuant to Rule 12(b)(1).", "\n\nC. Legal Standard for a Motion to Dismiss Pursuant to Rule 12(b)(6)\nA Rule 12(b)(6) motion to dismiss tests the legal sufficiency of a complaint. ", "Browning v. Clinton, 292 F.3d 235, 242 (D.C.Cir.2002). ", "The complaint need only set forth a short and plain statement of the claim, giving the defendant fair notice of the claim and the grounds upon which it rests. ", "Kingman Park Civic Ass'n v. Williams, 348 F.3d 1033, 1040 (D.C.Cir. ", "2003) (citing FED.R.CIV.P. 8(a)(2) and Conley v. Gibson, 355 U.S. 41, 47, 78 S.Ct. ", "99, 2 L.Ed.2d 80 (1957)). \"", "Such simplified notice pleading is made possible by the liberal opportunity for discovery and the other pretrial procedures established by the Rules to disclose more precisely the basis of both claim and defense to define more narrowly the disputed facts and issues.\" ", "Conley, 355 U.S. at 47-48, 78 S.Ct. ", "99 (internal quotation marks omitted). ", "It is not necessary for the plaintiff to plead all elements of his prima facie case in the complaint, Swierkiewicz v. Sorema N.A., 534 U.S. 506, 511-14, 122 S.Ct. ", "992, 152 L.Ed.2d 1 (2002), or \"plead law or match facts to every element of a legal theory,\" Krieger v. Fadely, 211 F.3d 134, 136 (D.C.Cir.2000) (internal quotation marks and citation omitted).", "\nYet, \"[t]o survive a motion to dismiss, a complaint must contain sufficient factual matter, accepted as true, to state a claim to relief that is plausible on its face.\" ", "Ashcroft v. Iqbal, ___ U.S. ___, 129 S.Ct. ", "1937, 1949, 173 L.Ed.2d 868 (2009) (internal quotation marks omitted); Bell Atl. ", "Corp. v. Twombly, 550 U.S. 544, 562, 127 S.Ct. ", "1955, 167 L.Ed.2d 929 (2007) (abrogating the oft-quoted language from Conley, 355 U.S. at 45-46, 78 S.Ct. ", "99, instructing courts not to dismiss for failure to state a claim unless it appears beyond doubt that \"no set of facts in support of his claim [ ] would entitle him to relief\"). ", "A claim is facially plausible when the pleaded factual content \"allows the court to draw the reasonable inference that the defendant is liable for the misconduct alleged.\" ", "Iqbal, 129 S.Ct. ", "at 1949 (citing Twombly, 550 U.S. at 556, 127 S.Ct. ", "1955). \"", "The plausibility standard is not akin to a `probability requirement,' but it asks for more than a sheer possibility that a defendant has acted unlawfully.\" ", "Id. (citing Twombly, 550 U.S. at 556, 127 S.Ct. ", "1955).", "\nIn resolving a Rule 12(b)(6) motion, the court must treat the complaint's factual allegations—including mixed questions of law and fact—as true and draw all reasonable inferences therefrom in the plaintiff's favor. ", "Holy Land Found. ", "for Relief & Dev. ", "v. Ashcroft, 333 F.3d 156, 165 (D.C.Cir.2003); Browning, 292 F.3d at 242. ", "While many well-pleaded complaints are conclusory, the court need not accept as true inferences unsupported by facts set out in the complaint or legal conclusions cast as factual allegations. ", "Warren v. District of Columbia, 353 F.3d 36, 39 (D.C.Cir.2004); Browning, 292 F.3d at 242. \"", "Threadbare recitals of the elements of a cause of action, supported by mere *20 conclusory statements, do not suffice.\" ", "Iqbal, 129 S.Ct. ", "at 1949 (citing Twombly, 550 U.S. at 555, 127 S.Ct. ", "1955).", "\n\nD. The Complaint Fails to State a Cognizable IDEA Claim\nThe defendant argues that the complaint must be dismissed because the plaintiff failed to state a claim for any cognizable injuries under IDEA for which the DCPS and the OSSE are liable. ", "Def.", "'s Mot. ", "at 9. ", "The defendant contends that the DCPS and the OSSE liable for past harms caused by City Lights notwithstanding the fact that the plaintiff is now attending a DCPS school, because City Lights was acting as its own LEA. ", "Id. Despite acknowledging that the OSSE was not the SEA at the time T.T. was at City Lights, Pl.", "'s Opp'n at 5, the plaintiff paradoxically argues that the OSSE is liable as the SEA, id. at 4. ", "Similarly, the plaintiff asserts that the DCPS acted as the SEA when T.T. attended City Lights and therefore had oversight functions that made it responsible for the City Lights's failure to provide a FAPE. ", "Pl.", "'s Opp'n at 5. ", "Additionally, the plaintiff contends that even though public charter schools are separate entities from the DCPS, and the DCPS is not a necessary party to an IDEA suit against the charter school, the DCPS can still be held liable in this instance because it is the default LEA for every child residing in the District of Columbia. ", "Id. at 6-7.", "\n\"In the District of Columbia, Public Charter Schools must elect to be treated as [an LEA (\"LEA charter\")] or a D.C. public school ... for purposes of the IDEA.\" ", "IDEA Public Charter Sch. ", "v. Belton, 2006 WL 667072, at *2 (D.D.C. March 15, 2006) (citing D.C. CODE § 38-1802.10(c); D.C. Mun. ", "Regs. ", "tit. ", "5, § 3019.1). ", "City Lights had elected to act as its own LEA, see Def.", "'s Mot. ", "at 9 n. 2 & Ex. ", "3; Pl.", "'s Opp'n at 5, and was, thus, required to provide a FAPE to disabled children, like T.T., enrolled at its facility. ", "Friendship Edison Pub. ", "Charter Sch. ", "Collegiate Campus v. Murphy, 448 F.Supp.2d 166, 169 (D.D.C.2006).", "\nAlthough typically the OSSE holds the role of the SEA, when a public charter school acts as its own LEA, the DCPS takes on the role of the SEA. ", "Belton, 2006 WL 667072, at *2; Murphy, 448 F.Supp.2d. ", "at 168 (citing D.C. MUN. ", "REGS. ", "tit. ", "5, §§ 3019.3, 3019.8). ", "But, an LEA charter still remains an independent entity for the purpose of ensuring compliance with IDEA, and is required to provide special education to the disabled children enrolled at its facilities. ", "Murphy, 448 F.Supp.2d. ", "at 169 (citing D.C. MUN. ", "REGS. ", "tit. ", "5, §§ 3019.3, 3019.8). ", "The LEA charter may only be excused from these responsibilities if it previously notified the SEA (i.e., the DCPS) that it is unwilling or unable to provide a FAPE to a child, and the SEA agreed to assume responsibility. ", "S.S. v. Howard Road Acad., ", "562 F.Supp.2d 126, 131 (D.D.C.2008); Belton, 2006 WL 667072, at * 5; Murphy, 448 F.Supp.2d at 169 (citing D.C. MUN. ", "REGS. ", "tit. ", "5, §§ 3019.3, 3019.8).", "\nBy the plaintiff's own admission the OSSE was not the acting SEA for T.T. when he attended City Lights; rather, that role was held by the DCPS. ", "Pl.", "'s Opp'n at 5. ", "The plaintiff does not provide any specific factual allegations that form a basis for the OSSE's liability where, as here, it was not acting as the SEA, nor does the plaintiff provide any legal authority for her conclusion that the OSSE can be held liable for the alleged failure of an LEA charter to provide a FAPE. ", "See generally Compl.; ", "Pl.", "'s Opp'n. ", "Accordingly, the plaintiff has not alleged sufficient facts which, accepted as true, state a plausible claim against the OSSE, see Iqbal, 129 S.Ct. ", "at 1949, and the court dismisses the claims against OSSE.", "\n*21 With respect to the DCPS, the plaintiff does not allege that she or City Lights ever notified the DCPS that City Lights was unwilling or unable to provide T.T. with a FAPE. ", "See generally Compl.; ", "Pl.", "'s Opp'n. ", "Without such notice, the DCPS, acting as the SEA, does not inherit any responsibility to provide a FAPE to T.T. Murphy, 448 F.Supp.2d. ", "at 170 (granting the DCPS's motion to dismiss and ruling that the LEA charter \"retained responsibility for providing a FAPE\" because the LEA charter did not notify the DCPS that it needed assistance and the DCPS did not agree to assume responsibility). ", "Additionally, the fact that T.T. now attends High Road Upper School and the DCPS is the acting LEA, does not transfer liability to the DCPS for any past harms allegedly caused by City Lights. ", "See Howard Road Acad., ", "562 F.Supp.2d at 130-31 (dismissing an IDEA case against the DCPS even though the student was attending a DCPS school at the time the complaint was filed because the only claim for relief was based on past harms allegedly committed by an independent LEA charter school). ", "Therefore, because City Lights was the entity responsible for ensuring that T.T. received a FAPE and neither City Lights nor the plaintiff ever notified the DCPS that City Lights could not perform that duty, the plaintiff has not stated a plausible claim against the DCPS. ", "Hyde Leadership Pub. ", "Charter Sch. ", "v. Clark, 424 F.Supp.2d 58, 59 (D.D.C.2006) (granting the DCPS's motion to dismiss because it was not a proper party to the suit because the LEA charter retained responsibility for providing the student with FAPE).", "\n\nIV. ", "CONCLUSION\nFor the foregoing reasons, the grants the defendant's motion to dismiss. ", "An Order consistent with this Memorandum Opinion is separately and contemporaneously issued this 29th day of March, 2011.", "\nNOTES\n[1] The IDEA is administered by state education agencies (\"SEAs\") and local education agencies (\"LEAs\"). ", "See 34 C.F.R. 300.608; id. § 300.200. ", "An SEA is responsible for general supervision and enforcement, see D.C. MUN. ", "REGS. ", "tit. ", "5, § 300.149, usually accomplished by apportioning and restricting funds, see 34 C.F.R. § 300.608. ", "An LEA is specifically responsible for providing a FAPE. ", "See D.C. MUN. ", "REGS. ", "tit. ", "5, § 3002.1.", "\n[2] Both parties attach a copy of the due process complaint to their briefs. ", "See Def.", "'s Mot., ", "Ex. ", "1; Pl.", "'s Opp'n, Ex. ", "1. ", "For ease of reference, the court will only cite to the defendant's exhibit.", "\n[3] Both parties attach a copy of the hearing officer's decision to their briefs. ", "See Def.", "'s Mot., ", "Ex. ", "2; Pl.", "'s Opp'n, Ex. ", "4. ", "For ease of reference, the court will only cite to the defendant's exhibit.", "\n" ]
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[ "Evidence has been obtained that an estrogen=induced chick oviduct membrane glycoprotein is the transferrin receptor. ", "Estrogen treatment elicits oviduct differentiation which includes the biosynthesis of egg white proteins. ", "One of the egg white proteins, conalbumin (ovotransferrin), serves as an iron source for the developing embryo. ", "In order to obtain the large amounts of iron necessary for conalbumin secretion the oviduct transferrin receptor is also estrogen-induced. ", "Antibodies and/or a specific oligonucleotide probe (based on N-terminal sequence analysis) will be employed to obtain a transferrin receptor cDNA from a lambda gtll expression library. ", "The cDNA will be used to obtain protein sequence and to measure steady-state mRNA levels, transcriptional activity of receptor mRNA and mRNA half-life. ", "The segregation of transferrin receptor from conalbumin (ovotransferrin) during movement from their-site(s) of synthesis to the cell surface will be studied using transferrin receptor antibodies, conalbumin antibodies and immunoelectron microscopy with gold- or ferritin- conjugated secondary antibodies. ", "Additionally, an attempt will be made to obtain the putative transferrin receptor-specific vesicles by sucrose gradient centrifugation. ", "Depending on the outcome of the segregation studies additional experiments may be undertaken to determine when the transferrin receptor acquires its binding capability and how that might affect vesicular segregation." ]
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[ "TSA looks to upgrade shoe security procedures\n\nPolice state? ", "Not hardly, soon we'll be able to keep our shoes on when boarding an airplane. ", "That's the sign of a free country!", "\n\nhttp://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/8899022/\n\nTSA looks to upgrade shoe security procedures\nNew technologies could ditch need to remove shoes at airport checkpoints\nWASHINGTON - If the Transportation Security Administration has its way, wearing flip flops through airport security checkpoints will once again be a lifestyle choice instead of an attempt to avoid the podiatric strip tease now associated with airline travel in the post-9/11 era.", "\n\nAccording to a federal business opportunities web site, the TSA is inviting companies to voluntarily participate in a test program to develop technologies for “Shoe Weapons Inspection Systems (SWIS) that can inspect footwear for weapons without passengers having to remove or divest them from their feet.”", "\n\nIn other words: the TSA is looking for a technology that will scan your shoes for bombs without making you wander around airport security checkpoints in your bare feet.", "\n\nThe TSA says one of its most consistent complaints comes from people that have to walk around in bare feet on cold, linoleum airport floors. ", "And until some kind of feasible technology to scan shoes is developed, the best the TSA can offer to stem the steady stream of complaints is: wear gym socks.", "\n\nA brief history of shoe removal\nInspecting shoes has a storied history. ", "In December of 2001, just three months after the terrorist attacks on New York and Washington, Richard Reid, dubbed the “shoe bomber,” failed to blow up a plane by igniting explosives stuffed into his sneakers.", "\n\nReid’s botched attempt so soon after 9/11 rattled federal security officials who hastily drew up plans requiring all shoes to be removed at airport checkpoints. ", "That requirement was later relaxed; passengers are not required to remove their shoes today before going through checkpoints. ", "However in the 9/11-era version of a Catch-22, the majority of those who do not remove their shoes are subsequently stopped just after passing through security metal detectors and made to remove their shoes anyway.", "\n\nLawmakers have continuously complained about the shoe removal policy and questioned TSA officials at hearings about its effectiveness.", "\n\nAnd now the TSA is really looking for a few good technologies to address that problem and not just for use in aviation security, according to its published federal notice.", "\n\nThe TSA “is interested in measuring the state-of-the art, exploring advanced concepts of operation and assessing operational utility in pilot deployments at passenger checkpoints throughout the transportation security system,” says the notice.", "\n\nHowever, the TSA also cautions that any technologies it qualifies for the purposes of further testing, even if taken to the pilot stage, may not result in the guaranteed purchase contract.", "\n\nBack to the future\nThe concept of a shoe scanner isn’t new. ", "Congress was told of such a scanner in early 2002 during hearings held as a result of Reid’s shoe bombing attempt.", "\n\nAt that time Lowell Burnett, then the president and CEO of Quantum Magnetics (now a subsidiary of GE Security) testified that his company had a prototype technology used for scanning shoes. ", "It was developed as an outgrowth of the company’s landmine detection technology, he said.", "\n\nQuantum Magnetics’ shoe scanner “is essentially an ‘upside-down’ mine detector,” Burnett told Congress. “", "When you stand on it for a few seconds, it quickly and accurately scans your shoes for explosives,” Burnett said.", "\n\nAnd in fact, Quantum Magnetics’ device has already been tested in the real world, at San Diego’s Lindbergh airport, according to Steve Hill, a spokesman for GE Security. ", "In those tests the device took about five seconds to scan a pair of shoes. (", "MSNBC is a joint venture of Microsoft and NBC, which is a GE company.)", "\n\nHill said the shoe scanner, part of the company’s “checkpoint of the future,” strategy, is intended to be deployed in various kinds of mass transit systems, including rail and subway.", "\n\nIs there some reason you couldn't put the explosives in a pocket instead of shoes to avoid detection, or is there something magical about shoe explosives that kill people extra dead that I'm missing?", "\n\ncordex\n\nAugust 11, 2005, 11:17 AM\n\nis there something magical about shoe explosives that kill people extra dead that I'm missing?", "\nThink \"dirty bomb\".", "\n\nCatsDieNow\n\nAugust 11, 2005, 11:47 AM\n\nThe way most of the scanners work, is by elecrtomagnetic induction.", "\n\nThe magnetic field is strongest in the center of the scanner and weaker near the edges - like where your shoes are. ", "The scanner is less likely to detect metal articles in the corners of the device especially if it is not calibrated properly.", "\n\nDelayedReaction\n\nAugust 11, 2005, 01:18 PM\n\nExplosives are typically detected through chemical sensors in the air, not through metal detectors. ", "It wouldn't be too hard to place them somewhere on your body and get through the metal detector. ", "If the electronics were stored somewhere in the carry-on, it wouldn't be hard at all to transport a weapon onto the plane.", "\n\nThe reason they make you put your shoes through the conveyor is that their scanners can look through them and notice something of an unusual density. ", "Plastic explosive and shoe rubber look different when X-rayed.", "\n\ndolanp\n\nAugust 11, 2005, 01:18 PM\n\nAccording to a federal business opportunities web site, the TSA is inviting companies to voluntarily participate in a test program to develop technologies for “Shoe Weapons Inspection Systems (SWIS) that can inspect footwear for weapons without passengers having to remove or divest them from their feet.”", "\n\nIf you had read this four years ago, you would surely have assumed it came out of some comedy book. ", "Such a shame.", "\n\nStanding Wolf\n\nAugust 11, 2005, 09:34 PM\n\nI received a shoe catalogue earlier this week that featured shoes guaranteed to pass through airport security—but we're not a police state.", "\n\nHighVelocity\n\nAugust 11, 2005, 11:27 PM\n\nYesterday morning at DFW airport I did NOT remove my shoes when I went through the magnatometer. ", "The alarm did NOT go off. ", "However the TSA agent asked to see the bottom of one shoe so I raised my foot. ", "He then asked me to step into \"The Puffer\". ", "I have seen this on TV but I did not know that DFW had installed them.", "\nThe Puffer is a booth that you step into and whisps of air are blown all over you. ", "The air is then sucked back into the machine and analyzed for traces of explosive elements. ", "Pretty ingenious device.", "\n\nrick_reno\n\nAugust 11, 2005, 11:51 PM\n\nHowever the TSA agent asked to see the bottom of one shoe so I raised my foot. ", "However the TSA agent asked to see the bottom of one shoe so I raised my foot.", "\n\nMaybe he smelled dog feces? ", "He was probably trying to determine where the odor was coming from.", "\n\nFlyboy\n\nAugust 12, 2005, 12:06 AM\n\nThe last time I flew commercial, I had to take off my shoes and mull around on the tile floor for several minutes while the government agents worked at about half-speed (several were standing around doing nothing, as is the norm at that airport). ", "The floor didn't look like it'd been swept in weeks. ", "I mean, filthy. ", "I was glad to be wearing socks, at least.", "\n\nI thought about snapping a quick picture to send to my Congresscritter, but I didn't want to be jailed for subverting security. ", "And I'm pretty sure taking a picture of a security checkpoint (without permission, anyway) is a crime. ", "But no, we're not a police state." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
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[ "\"What should I do with this, Your Excellency?\" \"", "Yes.\" \"", "I picked it out for Daria Alexandrovna and the children.\" \"", "Bonjour, Lili.\" \"", "Bonjour.\" \"", "Bonjour, Grisha.\" \"", "Bonjour.\" \"", "Vasya.\" \"", "Who is coming to see Grand-maman?\" \"", "Me!\" \"", "Me!\" \"", "Me!\" \"", "Come along, my little ducklings.\" \"", "Be good today.\" \"", "I'm off.\" \"", "Read the chapter carefully.\" \"", "I'll come back to test you on it.\" \"", "Read it twice.\" \"", "Au revoir.\" \"", "Stiva.\" \"", "Aunt Dolly found a note from the governess.\" \"", "Well?\" \"", "Stiva wants me to come to Moscow to persuade Dolly to forgive him.\" \"", "I'm to be deprived of my wife so that adultery may be forgiven?\" \"", "I can't excuse him just because he's your brother.\" \"", "It's for Dolly's sake, too.\" \"", "Four committees today.\" \"", "I have the world waiting for me.\" \"", "There's never time to look at your exercises.\" \"", "Serozha is doing very well, Your Excellency.\" \"", "Who put this shirt on you?\" \"", "Well, never mind.\" \"", "I'll come and hear you read.\" \"", "Tomorrow, perhaps.\" \"", "Thank you, Lukich.\" \"", "Perhaps tomorrow.\" \"", "No.\" \"", "No, no, not tomorrow.\" \"", "Thank you, Your Excellency.\" \"", "Come along.\" \"", "Alexei, do you think nine years of marriage and children should count for nothing against an infatuation?\" \"", "No.\" \"", "Very well.\" \"", "But sin has a price, you may be sure of that.\" \"", "But why?\" \"", "Because that's where Aunt Dolly lives.\" \"", "But why?\" \"", "I told you, Serozha.\" \"", "She's not well.\" \"", "I must go to see her.\" \"", "But why, Mama?\" \"", "Don't make Mama cry.\" \"", "I'll be back before you know, and bring you a present.\" \"", "I don't want a present.\" \"", "I want you to stay.\" \"", "My little Kotik.\" \"", "What present?\" \"", "That's better.\" \"", "It's the first time I've left my little boy.\" \"", "So, you're leaving your son and I'm returning to mine.\" \"", "I'm Countess Vronskaya.\" \"", "I've been in St. Petersburg for the christening of a granddaughter.\" \"", "My eldest son married Princess Chirkov.\" \"", "You're a charming creature.\" \"", "Why don't I know you?\" \"", "I've never been in Moscow society, really.\" \"", "But you know my name.\" \"", "I've heard you mentioned.\" \"", "Talked about, you mean?\" \"", "Love.\" \"", "Was it love?\" \"", "Always.\" \"", "My sons are ashamed of me.\" \"", "But I'd rather end up wishing I hadn't than end up wishing I had.\" \"", "Wouldn't you?\" \"", "I don't know.\" \"", "Some man came without an appointment, Your Excellency.\" \"", "Waiting outside.\" \"", "Levin!\" \"", "Where did you disappear?\" \"", "I'm very anxious to see you.\" \"", "I need your advice.\" \"", "Well, come into my room, then.\" \"", "This is my oldest friend, Konstantin Dmitrievich Levin.\" \"", "Someone send word I'll be a few minutes late.\" \"", "That's my office, up there.\" \"", "I've been hard at it.\" \"", "Sit down.\" \"", "Hard at what, exactly?\" \"", "Well, we're overwhelmed with work.\" \"", "Paperwork.\" \"", "Paperwork is the soul of Russia.\" \"", "Farming is only the stomach.\" \"", "Now, when am I going to come and shoot some snipe?\" \"", "Look at you, in Western clothes you told me you'd never wear again.\" \"", "Something's up.\" \"", "Yes, I'm in love.\" \"", "I've come back to propose.\" \"", "Have you guessed who she is?\" \"", "I...\" \"I have a suspicion.\" \"", "Why didn't you propose when you were here?\" \"", "I decided it was impossible.\" \"", "Kitty is of the heavens, an angel.\" \"", "And I am of the earth.\" \"", "But then, I thought and thought, and there's no life for me without her.\" \"", "Do I have a chance?\" \"", "Of course you do.\" \"", "The Shcherbatskys are giving a soiree this evening.\" \"", "Get there early, before the crowd.\" \"", "And if I may suggest...\" \"Anything, what?\" \"", "New boots.\" \"", "Right.\" \"", "Anything else?\" \"", "We'd better have dinner together.\" \"", "Come on.\" \"", "We'll meet later at I'Angleterre.\" \"", "Or do you prefer the Hermitage?\" \"", "Let's say, 5:30 at I'Angleterre.\" \"", "I owe them more than the Hermitage, so it wouldn't be fair to withdraw my custom.\" \"", "So, new boots, coat, and a proper hat.\" \"", "Excuse me.\" \"", "Excuse me.\" \"", "Excuse me.\" \"", "Do you...\" \"Do you...\" \"Excuse me.\" \"", "It's so unfair.\" \"", "You marry for love.\" \"", "You're a good husband.\" \"", "Children arrive, years depart.\" \"", "And all of a sudden, your wife grows old and tired.\" \"", "And her hair is thin.\" \"", "And her body...\" \"And you yourself, you still have your vigor!\" \"", "And then you find yourself a martyr to distraction by so many women.\" \"", "Forgive me, but I find that incomprehensible.\" \"", "As though, I should leave this restaurant and steal a roll from a baker's shop.\" \"", "Well, you know, a freshly baked roll.\" \"", "I'm talking about love, and you're talking about your appetite.\" \"", "Easily confused.\" \"", "Now, do you know, um, Countvronsky?\" \"", "Who?\" \"", "No.\" \"", "Why?\" \"", "He's your rival.\" \"", "He turned up from Petersburg after you left.\" \"", "Who is he?\" \"", "You don't need to worry about him.\" \"", "He's...\" \"He's just...\" \"He's a rich, good-looking cavalry officer who has nothing better to do than make love to pretty women.\" \"", "Is that cabbage soup?\" \"", "Potage aux choux a la russe, as the gentleman ordered.\" \"", "It's what I wanted.\" \"", "Understand that, for me, tonight is a question of life and death.\" \"", "Kostya...\" \"Kostya, Kitty would be mad to refuse you.\" \"", "And Dolly's on your side, you know?\" \"", "She says her sister Kitty was always meant to be your wife, and will be.\" \"", "Dolly said that?\" \"", "I've always thought your Dolly was a gem.\" \"", "She is.\" \"", "She is.\" \"", "I loved her to distraction.\" \"", "Konstantin!\" \"", "Konstantin!\" \"", "Konstantin!\" \"", "I'm too early.\" \"", "I'll come back.\" \"", "No.\" \"", "Come up.\" \"", "Look at me.\" \"", "I'm receiving for Papa and Maman, who are late to dress.\" \"", "It's my first reception.\" \"", "Princess Ekaterina.\" \"", "Delighted.\" \"", "Delighted.\" \"", "I'm so pleased you were able to be with us, Konstantin Dmitrievich.\" \"", "Kitty, you look...\" \"You look...\" \"Stiva told us you were back.\" \"", "How long are you staying?\" \"", "I don't know.\" \"", "It depends on you.\" \"", "On me?\" \"", "What I mean to say is I...\" \"I only came with one purpose.\" \"", "I want to...\" \"Will you be my wife?\" \"", "I'm sorry.\" \"", "I'm sorry.\" \"", "Wrong moment.\" \"", "It's the wrong moment.\" \"", "But will you?\" \"", "I can't.\" \"", "I'm sorry.\" \"", "Yes.\" \"", "It was impossible.\" \"", "I'm sorry.\" \"", "Are you the brother of Nikolai Levin?\" \"", "Yes.\" \"", "He's in Moscow.\" \"", "He's staying at the Unicorn in Khitrovka.\" \"", "How do you know?\" \"", "It's the sort of thing I know.\" \"", "Count Vronsky?\" \"", "Yes?\" \"", "Princess Kitty.\" \"", "It's been so long, and yet, it seems like yesterday.\" \"", "It was yesterday.\" \"", "Excuse me.\" \"", "No.\" \"", "Sorry.\" \"", "It's Kostya.\" \"", "Good God!\" \"", "Look at him.\" \"", "You look like a capitalist.\" \"", "What do you want?\" \"", "Nothing.\" \"", "I came to see you.\" \"", "Good evening, miss...\" \"Madam.\" \"", "Don't talk to her like that.\" \"", "You sound like a magistrate.\" \"", "More vodka for my brother!\" \"", "Quick about it.\" \"", "I don't want anything.\" \"", "I'm all right.\" \"", "Who told you where to find me?\" \"", "A colonel in the Third Department.\" \"", "They're watching you.\" \"", "Good.\" \"", "They must think I'm dangerous.\" \"", "What have you got to smile about?\" \"", "Nothing.\" \"", "That's right.\" \"", "The day is coming.\" \"", "I have given up my birthright for it.\" \"", "You're on the wrong side of history.\" \"", "Not because privilege is immoral.\" \"", "But because it's irrational.\" \"", "He's sick!\" \"", "Let go, if you know what's good for you.\" \"", "I took Marya Nikolaevna from a brothel.\" \"", "But I consider her my wife.\" \"", "If her presence offends, you're free to leave.\" \"", "Are you married?\" \"", "No.\" \"", "Why not?\" \"", "Are you waiting to fall in love?\" \"", "No.\" \"", "Good.\" \"", "Romantic love will be the last illusion of the old order.\" \"", "You should marry one of your peasants.\" \"", "Yes.\" \"", "I damn well should.\" \"", "The brotherhood of man!\" \"", "Nikolai, you need to see a doctor.\" \"", "Then come and stay with me at Pokrovskoe till you get your health back.\" \"", "With my wife?\" \"", "If you.\" \"", "Or...\" \"Or go abroad to a spa.\" \"", "I'll send more if that's what you want.\" \"", "Hello, what's this?\" \"", "Austrian royalty on their honeymoon.\" \"", "I've got them for four days.\" \"", "The private carriage will stop opposite the stand.\" \"", "Bad luck.\" \"", "What do they like, art?\" \"", "Food.\" \"", "Here's the train.\" \"", "I'll come back.\" \"", "Stiva!\" \"", "Anna!\" \"", "You don't look ashamed!\" \"", "I am, I really am.\" \"", "Yes, of course.\" \"", "Oblonsky's sister, Karenina.\" \"", "Charmante, don't you think?\" \"", "There, Countess.\" \"", "You have found your son, and I have found my brother.\" \"", "Madam Karenina has a son, too.\" \"", "It's the first time they've been apart, so she frets about him.\" \"", "Excuse me for not recognizing you before.\" \"", "Au revoir, Countess.\" \"", "Au revoir, my dear.\" \"", "Let me kiss that pretty face.\" \"", "Keep your people inside until this has been cleared up.\" \"", "The sole supporter of a large family, they say.\" \"", "Well, can't anything be done for them?\" \"", "Wait for me, Maman.\" \"", "Stand back.\" \"", "Move aside.\" \"", "Stand back.\" \"", "I have you to thank for that.\" \"", "What a good fellow!\" \"", "What a good fellow.\" \"", "Have you known Count Vronsky long?\" \"", "Did you like him?\" \"", "He's in love with Kitty.\" \"", "But we should be discussing you and Dolly.\" \"", "What have you got to say for yourself?\" \"", "I've said it all.\" \"", "On my knees, in tears.\" \"", "Now I need you to say it.\" \"", "I'm going to the office, so you'll have Dolly to yourself.\" \"", "Don't be late home.\" \"", "Dear.\" \"", "Kitty's coming by to see you.\" \"", "She's all grown up and a bit frightened of you.\" \"", "The belle of St. Petersburg society.\" \"", "Is that who I am?\" \"", "Dolly.\" \"", "Stiva has told me.\" \"", "Dolly, I'm sorry.\" \"", "From the bottom of my heart.\" \"", "I don't know what to do.\" \"", "I know.\" \"", "I know.\" \"", "I can't bear to be with him.\" \"", "And he doesn't care.\" \"", "He's got what he wants.\" \"", "What he wants is you.\" \"", "He loves you, Dolly.\" \"", "You and the children are everything to him.\" \"", "Are we?\" \"", "And there is room for a governess?\" \"", "That was shameful, disgraceful, but it was not love.\" \"", "It was the animal in man not the soul.\" \"", "Stiva's remorse is from the soul.\" \"", "Well, what about me?\" \"", "Does his remorse make it easier for me?\" \"", "I know you are suffering.\" \"", "But, Dolly, you must tell me.\" \"", "Is there enough love left in your heart?\" \"", "Enough to forgive him?\" \"", "Well, when I think of them together, I can't forgive him.\" \"", "No.\" \"", "My poor lamb.\" \"", "So you would rather accept your fate?\" \"", "My fate?\" \"", "But I haven't done anything!\" \"", "It's him who...\" \"Do you love him, Dolly?\" \"", "You love him, and he loves you.\" \"", "But you can't forgive.\" \"", "So, your lives must continue like this forever, with both of you wretched.\" \"", "That's pretty.\" \"", "Is that a wedding dress?\" \"", "Yes.\" \"", "Look for the \"G\" for \"Grisha.\"\" \"", "Here.\" \"", "Can you do your whole name?\" \"", "Doesn't that look like a princess?\" \"", "No?\" \"", "I'm home!\" \"", "Home, home, home!\" \"", "Now, where are my little ducklings?\" \"", "Papa!\" \"", "Papa!\" \"", "Papa!\" \"", "Will you stay for the Bobrishchevs' ball, Anna?\" \"", "I always feel dull at a ball.\" \"", "Stiva, tell Anna she must come to the ball.\" \"", "Well, of course she must.\" \"", "And God go with you.\" \"", "You can introduce me to your new governess.\" \"", "But she's old!\" \"", "She's a hundred!\" \"", "I know why you want me to come.\" \"", "You want everyone to be there because you're quite sure it's going to be your night.\" \"", "How did you know?\" \"", "I know everything.\" \"", "To be your age again.\" \"", "Surrounded by that...\" \"That blue mist.\" \"", "I was 18, too, when I got married.\" \"", "Is the prince at home?\" \"", "He's just gone up, I believe.\" \"", "Is nobody receiving?\" \"", "I can enquire, sir.\" \"", "I don't think so.\" \"", "The princess retired early.\" \"", "Is there a message?\" \"", "No.\" \"", "Thank you.\" \"", "We thought you would come back married.\" \"", "Did you?\" \"", "But you only came back with a hat.\" \"", "A black silk hat.\" \"", "What kind of animal can you make a hat like that from?\" \"", "It's not natural.\" \"", "Next time, perhaps.\" \"", "There'll be no next time.\" \"", "Kitty.\" \"", "May I have a waltz?\" \"", "You may, Boris.\" \"", "I'll save you the third, just because it's your first ball.\" \"", "You're my first conquest!\" \"", "Where do you want to be taken?\" \"", "There.\" \"", "How are you, Stiva?\" \"", "Thanks to Anna, lam a happy man.\" \"", "Would you like to dance?\" \"", "No.\" \"", "Ask Anna.\" \"", "No, I don't...\" \"Look out!\" \"", "This vile, idiotic matchmaking of yours.\" \"", "For goodness' sake, what have I done?\" \"", "Is anything the matter?\" \"", "No.\" \"", "You look as lovely as ever, Princess Kitty.\" \"", "Don't ask me, Maman.\" \"", "Kitty, it's us next.\" \"", "Princess, I have the honor to claim my dance.\" \"", "He'll dance the mazurka with Kitty.\" \"", "You'll see.\" \"", "Lam!\" \"", "I really am!\" \"", "Dance with me.\" \"", "I'm not used to being spoken to like that by a man I met once at a railway station.\" \"", "I dare say, but if I'm not to dance with you, then I'm getting out of this operetta and going home.\" \"", "Then, for Kitty's sake.\" \"", "That's my sister.\" \"", "Next stop is Bologoyel Bologoye, next stop.\" \"", "Can I be of service to you?\" \"", "Why are you leaving Moscow?\" \"", "What else can I do?\" \"", "I have to be where you are.\" \"", "Stop, that's enough.\" \"", "Go back to Kitty.\" \"", "No.\" \"", "This is wrong.\" \"", "It makes no difference.\" \"", "You have no right.\" \"", "It makes no difference.\" \"", "You must forget me.\" \"", "If you're a good man, you'll forget everything.\" \"", "And you?\" \"", "Will you forget?\" \"", "Yes.\" \"", "Ls Serozha all right?\" \"", "Is that all I get?\" \"", "Yes, he's quite well.\" \"", "Were you a success?\" \"", "L?\" \"", "Dolly and Stiva.\" \"", "Yes, I think so.\" \"", "I'll announce myself.\" \"", "Very good, sir.\" \"", "Vronsky.\" \"", "The master himself.\" \"", "Baroness, coffee from the new coffee pot for Count Vronsky.\" \"", "I'll be off home if I'm in the way.\" \"", "You're at home where you are, Baroness.\" \"", "Pierre, you never say such pretty things to me.\" \"", "We were just discussing my husband.\" \"", "He won't divorce me, you see, and do you know why?\" \"", "No.\" \"", "Because he likes eating off my family silver.\" \"", "I want to bring an action.\" \"", "Just because I'm supposed to be unfaithful,\" \"I don't see why I have to eat off Pierre's crockery.\" \"", "Look at it!\" \"", "It's my crockery.\" \"", "How was Moscow?\" \"", "Provincial.\" \"", "Thank you for my presents.\" \"", "I'm writing to Dolly and to Kitty.\" \"", "You are good.\" \"", "Time for bed.\" \"", "What are they saying in Moscow about the new statute?\" \"", "What new statute?\" \"", "The new statute I carried in Council.\" \"", "No one mentioned it.\" \"", "Really?\" \"", "Here, it caused quite a sensation.\" \"", "Princess Betsy.\" \"", "Cousin.\" \"", "I didn't know you were an art lover.\" \"", "I'm prepared to be one.\" \"", "Countess Lydia tells me you haven't been to one of her evenings since you returned.\" \"", "The last one was to meet a missionary.\" \"", "The one before that was for a lecture on the union of the Greek and Roman Churches.\" \"", "I'm sorry.\" \"", "I know you're fond of her.\" \"", "Come on, or we'll be late.\" \"", "Here's the thing, Vronsky.\" \"", "A posting's come up, and there's a promotion in it for you.\" \"", "Thank you, sir.\" \"", "In the garrison in Tashkent.\" \"", "Tashkent?\" \"", "But...\" \"I would like to stay in Peter, sir, if you don't mind.\" \"", "Well, I don't mind.\" \"", "But your mother...\" \"It's her idea.\" \"", "Your husband is a saint, and we must all cherish him for Russia's sake.\" \"", "You didn't come to my dinner.\" \"", "I had to see my Commanding Officer.\" \"", "Well, \"she\" didn't come either.\" \"", "I do hope you can come on afterwards.\" \"", "Father Kristof's report on the Chinese mission will be with lantern slides.\" \"", "I'm expected at the Tverskoys'.\" \"", "No doubt.\" \"", "But I'm sure that Princess Betsy can wait for you.\" \"", "Yes, in fact, I don't think I will go to Betsy's.\" \"", "You're caught.\" \"", "I'm afraid I'm becoming quite ridiculous.\" \"", "Now, there's a phenomenon.\" \"", "Look, Anna's shadow has arrived before Anna.\" \"", "I'm Anna's friend.\" \"", "But all this making up one's mind to it in public is not polite to a distinguished man like Karenin.\" \"", "In my opinion, Karenin is a fool and Anna is the best of us.\" \"", "And we all love you for your contrary opinions, Princess.\" \"", "Alexei, you look desperate.\" \"", "It's not attractive.\" \"", "I'm losing hope.\" \"", "Hope of what?\" \"", "Persuading a virtuous woman to break her marriage vows?\" \"", "No, you're right.\" \"", "She won't come.\" \"", "He's gone.\" \"", "But you're just in time for the surprise.\" \"", "Turn around!\" \"", "May I have the honor of bringing you an ice?\" \"", "Ices are being served.\" \"", "I would prefer to try a cigarette.\" \"", "Courage.\" \"", "I'll try another one sometime.\" \"", "When?\" \"", "Where?\" \"", "Just as I was thinking your manners had improved since Moscow.\" \"", "You behaved badly.\" \"", "Very badly.\" \"", "And who was responsible for that?\" \"", "Give me a cup of tea.\" \"", "How nice!\" \"", "Alexei Alexandrovich has arrived.\" \"", "I'm not sure my nerves can stand another Alexei at this moment.\" \"", "Were you glad to see me or not?\" \"", "So the Schuzburgs asked us to dinner.\" \"", "The sauce was said to have cost a thousand rubles, and it was ghastly.\" \"", "I gave them a sauce that cost 85 kopeks and it was a triumph.\" \"", "This must stop.\" \"", "You make me feel as if I were guilty of something.\" \"", "What do you want me to do?\" \"", "I want you to go to Moscow and beg Kitty to forgive you.\" \"", "No, that's not what you want.\" \"", "Moscow?\" \"", "I can do better than that.\" \"", "Tonight I refused a posting to Tashkent.\" \"", "I can change my mind, and you'll never see me again.\" \"", "If you have any thought for me, you will give me back my peace.\" \"", "I have no peace to give.\" \"", "There can be no peace for us.\" \"", "Only misery or the greatest happiness.\" \"", "Your husband is impossible.\" \"", "His opinions are all wrong, but he talks so brilliantly, he wins every argument.\" \"", "What?\" \"", "I called to take you home.\" \"", "No, I'm staying.\" \"", "Send the carriage back for me.\" \"", "Of course.\" \"", "Do you want me to go to Tashkent?\" \"", "So I'll go to Tashkent.\" \"", "No!\" \"", "I don't want you to go.\" \"", "I stayed up to talk to you.\" \"", "What about?\" \"", "It's late.\" \"", "Where's Annushka?\" \"", "I sent her off.\" \"", "Well.\" \"", "If you want to talk, but we should go to bed.\" \"", "I must warn you about something.\" \"", "Warn me?\" \"", "It's really rather late.\" \"", "I wish to warn you that you may, inadvertently by indiscretion and carelessness, give the world occasion to talk about you.\" \"", "I am not a committee.\" \"", "Please say what you want to tell me.\" \"", "You and Count Vronsky attracted attention tonight.\" \"", "You don't like it when I don't talk to people, and you don't like it when I do.\" \"", "I didn't notice anything myself, but I saw everyone else noticed.\" \"", "I consider jealousy to be insulting to you and degrading to me.\" \"", "I have no right to inquire into your feelings.\" \"", "They concern only your conscience.\" \"", "But it's my duty to remind you that we are bound together by God, and this bond can only be broken by a crime against God.\" \"", "I have nothing to say to you.\" \"", "And you have a son.\" \"", "And I'm tired.\" \"", "If I am wrong, I ask your pardon.\" \"", "I don't know what you're talking about, and it's really too late for this.\" \"", "Excuse me, please.\" \"", "Too late.\" \"", "God!\" \"", "Forgive me!\" \"", "It's the end of everything.\" \"", "I've got nothing left now except you, remember that.\" \"", "How could I not remember?\" \"", "You're my happiness.\" \"", "Happiness?\" \"", "You murdered my happiness.\" \"", "Murderer.\" \"", "Murderer.\" \"", "Go on.\" \"", "Yes.\" \"", "Go on.\" \"", "Murderer.\" \"", "Murderer.\" \"", "Look out, here they come.\" \"", "Bad luck.\" \"", "Potage aux choux a la russe!\" \"", "Agafia, if you opened up in Moscow, the I'Angleterre would go out of business.\" \"", "It's true.\" \"", "Do you want news of Moscow?\" \"", "Babylon?\" \"", "No.\" \"", "You're right, what do you care?\" \"", "You love the country, you've got it.\" \"", "You love agriculturing, and, Lord knows, you've got that.\" \"", "You love shooting, you've got that.\" \"", "You've got everything you want.\" \"", "Ha!\" \"", "All right, go on, then.\" \"", "Have you stopped stealing bread rolls?\" \"", "Ballet girl, Oriental type.\" \"", "How can I help it?\" \"", "How is...\" \"How are the Shcherbatskys?\" \"", "You mean Kitty.\" \"", "Is she engaged now?\" \"", "No.\" \"", "Vronsky went back to St. Petersburg.\" \"", "Kitty will be seeing Dolly at Ergoshovo in the summer.\" \"", "You could...\" \"Yes, as if I had time in the summer.\" \"", "And I've got extra land at Kashin this year for the haymaking.\" \"", "Kashin?\" \"", "That's on the Ergoshovo road, isn't it?\" \"", "Couldn't you see Kitty when she's there?\" \"", "Especially, not then.\" \"", "I humiliated myself once.\" \"", "Damn you, Kostya.\" \"", "You love Kitty.\" \"", "You love Kitty and you can't forgive her because, first, you funked it, and then you bungled it.\" \"", "And then you ran away from an 18-year-old girl who was made a fool of by a uniform.\" \"", "It's not you I feel sorry for, it's Kitty.\" \"", "Her heart told her no.\" \"", "Did you come to shoot snipe or criticize me?\" \"", "Well, don't hold him like a parcel.\" \"", "It's Aunt Kitty, darling.\" \"", "Doesn't he make you ashamed of dwelling on your troubles?\" \"", "I have no troubles.\" \"", "That man wasn't worth the tears, believe me.\" \"", "I don't care about him.\" \"", "I don't even think about him, or her.\" \"", "Except to hate her.\" \"", "Then we'll never speak of it again.\" \"", "There are better men waiting for you.\" \"", "Stiva says...\" \"Kitty, my lamb, did Konstantin...\" \"What has Levin got to do with it?\" \"", "Anyway, I'll never get married.\" \"", "The whole business of it has become disgusting to me.\" \"", "And look what it's done for you.\" \"", "Why do they call it love?\" \"", "Because it's love.\" \"", "I want you to, I don't care about it.\" \"", "You should care.\" \"", "Anyway, someone might be watching.\" \"", "But I'm damned, anyway.\" \"", "I'm not.\" \"", "I'm blessed.\" \"", "You love me.\" \"", "Yes.\" \"", "Only me.\" \"", "No.\" \"", "Apart from Frou-Frou?\" \"", "Yes.\" \"", "But me more than your horse?\" \"", "Yes.\" \"", "Are you happy?\" \"", "Yes.\" \"", "And you love me?\" \"", "Yes.\" \"", "How much?\" \"", "This much.\" \"", "This much?\" \"", "Yes.\" \"", "This much?\" \"", "Yes.\" \"", "And this much?\" \"", "Yes.\" \"", "This much?\" \"", "Yes.\" \"", "This much?\" \"", "And this much?\" \"", "So, this is love.\" \"", "This.\" \"", "Countess.\" \"", "I thought you would be at Peterhof now.\" \"", "I've come from there.\" \"", "I'm distressed that you haven't taken your usual house this year.\" \"", "Anna wanted a change.\" \"", "Nearer to Princess Betsy at Tsarskoe Selo.\" \"", "The guards are in summer camp at Tsarskoe.\" \"", "Alexei Alexandrovich, forgive me, but...\" \"You are too tolerant.\" \"", "Your wife is...\" \"Is this about my wife?\" \"", "My wife is beyond reproach.\" \"", "She is, after all, my wife.\" \"", "Alyosha!\" \"", "Alyosha!\" \"", "A message from Maman.\" \"", "Her friend Princess Sorokina has a house here and a virgin daughter.\" \"", "Well, that's not part of the message, but they'll all be at the races and you're expected to supper afterwards.\" \"", "Gentlemen!\" \"", "Gentlemen!\" \"", "I give you the regiment!\" \"", "The regiment!\" \"", "I heard you turned down a promotion.\" \"", "That was Maman interfering.\" \"", "Yes.\" \"", "And now she's come up with a princess for you.\" \"", "Alexei, we're brothers, so don't take offense.\" \"", "Getting married puts the pack on your back.\" \"", "It leaves your hands free for climbing the ladder.\" \"", "Getting serious about a married woman is like carrying your pack in your arms.\" \"", "So, they talk about me.\" \"", "I'm leaving, Sasha.\" \"", "An assignation?\" \"", "Come on, I'll introduce you.\" \"", "Beautiful.\" \"", "A man would come to no harm.\" \"", "Do you think you'll win tomorrow?\" \"", "Makhotin's Gladiator is favorite.\" \"", "Sixteen hands.\" \"", "Frou-Frou looks dainty beside him.\" \"", "But she's got heart.\" \"", "Haven't you, my darling?\" \"", "Anna.\" \"", "Alexei!\" \"", "What is it?\" \"", "I couldn't bear not to see you before the race.\" \"", "What were you thinking about?\" \"", "Tell me.\" \"", "I'm pregnant.\" \"", "My love.\" \"", "Well, love was never a game to us.\" \"", "Here's an end to living in corners, existing day to day on lies.\" \"", "Yes.\" \"", "Now we can be together.\" \"", "How can we, Alexei?\" \"", "Tell Karenin everything.\" \"", "Do you think my husband will make you a present of me?\" \"", "Leave him.\" \"", "Leave him and be your mistress?\" \"", "Yes, run away.\" \"", "I would never see my son again.\" \"", "The laws are made by husbands and fathers.\" \"", "What, then?\" \"", "I'll never forgive myself for your unhappiness.\" \"", "Unhappiness?\" \"", "I'm like a starving beggar who's been given food.\" \"", "I, unhappy?\" \"", "No.\" \"", "This is my happiness.\" \"", "Serozha!\" \"", "Serozha, I'm coming to get you!\" \"", "Where are you?\" \"", "Serozha!\" \"", "Where are you?\" \"", "How are you, young man?\" \"", "Your tutor doesn't seem to be in evidence.\" \"", "Yah!\" \"", "Alexei.\" \"", "You got away at last.\" \"", "Can you stay?\" \"", "Why?\" \"", "Go and find Vastly Lukich.\" \"", "I have to change.\" \"", "Princess Betsy is sending her trap for me.\" \"", "Would you like to come?\" \"", "She's taking me to watch the race.\" \"", "Races, surely.\" \"", "No, I'll come on later.\" \"", "Then I must get back to town.\" \"", "Yes!\" \"", "Princess!\" \"", "Princess!\" \"", "A bet!\" \"", "Who do you fancy in the next?\" \"", "Kusolev.\" \"", "I'm on Vronsky.\" \"", "Pair of gloves?\" \"", "Done.\" \"", "Alexander Vronsky.\" \"", "You are an exquisite creature.\" \"", "You really ought to be the spoils of victory today.\" \"", "Yah!\" \"", "Yah!\" \"", "Go, Frou-Frou!\" \"", "Go!\" \"", "Go!\" \"", "Go, Frou-Frou!\" \"", "Go!\" \"", "Alexei!\" \"", "I'm here.\" \"", "I'm here.\" \"", "Get up!\" \"", "Get up!\" \"", "Her back is broken.\" \"", "You know...\" \"They say the Emperor disapproves of the races.\" \"", "The danger of injury.\" \"", "But I...\" \"What?\" \"", "I'm saying I think there's a value in manly sport, for the military.\" \"", "I don't understand.\" \"", "In my opinion, it's not the sport itself.\" \"", "It's the spectacle.\" \"", "It's making a cruel spectacle out of...\" \"What are you talking about?\" \"", "I have to tell you...\" \"Yes.\" \"", "I have to tell you, you behaved improperly today.\" \"", "How is that?\" \"", "By making plain your feeling when one of the riders fell.\" \"", "Your conduct was improper.\" \"", "It must not occur again.\" \"", "I have said it before.\" \"", "You will say my concern is unnecessary and ridiculous.\" \"", "You are my wife.\" \"", "I'm wrong to think that.\" \"", "Yes?\" \"", "Perhaps I was mistaken...\" \"No.\" \"", "You were not mistaken.\" \"", "I love him.\" \"", "I am his mistress.\" \"", "Do what you like to me.\" \"", "Wait.\" \"", "Please, move away.\" \"", "I will not have a scandal.\" \"", "Therefore, you will not see this man again.\" \"", "You will behave in a way that nothing is known against you by society or by the servants.\" \"", "In return, you will keep the privileges of a wife, and the duties.\" \"", "Tomorrow you will return home.\" \"", "That is all.\" \"", "Are you hurt?\" \"", "What's happened?\" \"", "I told him I'm your mistress.\" \"", "He thinks I can give you up and go on living.\" \"", "No.\" \"", "You cannot.\" \"", "Time for bed?\" \"", "It was pleasant to hear you being congratulated on your husband.\" \"", "Not that I care for decorations, but...\" \"Alexei, I can't.\" \"", "I'm sorry.\" \"", "But I'm his wife, now.\" \"", "I'm having his child.\" \"", "Tell me what I did to deserve this.\" \"", "Halt!\" \"", "How many mowers is it, Theodore?\" \"", "Forty-two, Master.\" \"", "In your father's time, it was work for two days for 30 men.\" \"", "Though he never picked up a scythe himself.\" \"", "The men don't like me for it.\" \"", "They like what they're used to.\" \"", "It settles me.\" \"", "How is that, Master?\" \"", "When I'm mowing, I don't ask myself why I'm here.\" \"", "You're here to be Master Konstantin Dmitrievich.\" \"", "As it's always been, by the grace of God.\" \"", "My father owned you, Theodore.\" \"", "Owned you like chattels to be bought and sold.\" \"", "Was that by the grace of God?\" \"", "It was.\" \"", "That's my youngest you were looking at, there.\" \"", "His young life is perilous now since the freedom came and work must be found.\" \"", "They look happier than I've ever been.\" \"", "Is it living simply that I'm looking for?\" \"", "I'm expected.\" \"", "No.\" \"", "I will not live like this.\" \"", "This waiting for hour after hour, not knowing when I'll ever see you again.\" \"", "Sorry.\" \"", "It's my demon.\" \"", "I can't help it.\" \"", "You wrote that you were ill.\" \"", "Don't worry, it won't be for long.\" \"", "Stop.\" \"", "No, it's true.\" \"", "I was told it in a dream.\" \"", "There.\" \"", "It was only a bad dream.\" \"", "Yes, and I'm only going to die having your baby.\" \"", "That's all nonsense.\" \"", "Tell me it is.\" \"", "Tell me it is.\" \"", "You love me, only me.\" \"", "Your note said your husband would be out.\" \"", "He was late.\" \"", "It serves him right.\" \"", "And you...\" \"Why do you call him my husband?\" \"", "He isn't my husband, he's a clock.\" \"", "But it was awkward.\" \"", "My honor.\" \"", "You made an agreement.\" \"", "Do you think of your honor when you're sharing whores with your Colonel?\" \"", "Your demon again?\" \"", "I'll be glad to die before you start to hate me.\" \"", "Anna.\" \"", "Put your hand there.\" \"", "You can feel him move.\" \"", "I respectfully ask Minister Karenin whether his proposals for the regulation of these colorful gypsy tribes of these scholarly, God-fearing Jews, and of...\" \"But I'm afraid I've lost the Minister's attention.\" \"", "Who is here?\" \"", "Only Madame, Your Excellency.\" \"", "I wanted to see him because...\" \"I do not wish to know why a woman wants to see her lover.\" \"", "What are you doing?\" \"", "I want his letters!\" \"", "Lam going to Moscow tomorrow, and then the provinces with a commission to investigate conditions among the Jews and gypsies, whose conditions I infinitely prefer to my own.\" \"", "I will not return to this house until divorce has driven you into the street.\" \"", "Meanwhile, my son will be sent to live with my eldest sister.\" \"", "No, Alexei, please.\" \"", "Please, leave me Serozha!\" \"", "Do you think I would let you have my son?\" \"", "You are depraved.\" \"", "A woman without honor.\" \"", "I thank God the curse of love is lifted from me.\" \"", "I need your advice.\" \"", "Come on, come on!\" \"", "Yes, yes.\" \"", "Right, after you, after you.\" \"", "Are we late?\" \"", "Of course, you're late.\" \"", "I'm Countess Nordston.\" \"", "We nearly met at the Shcherbatskys' last winter.\" \"", "Come into the fold.\" \"", "Come on.\" \"", "You've been waiting for me.\" \"", "Forgive me.\" \"", "Kitty is here.\" \"", "Konstantin, what a long time since we saw each other.\" \"", "Since you saw me, but I saw you not so long ago.\" \"", "When?\" \"", "You were driving to Ergoshovo.\" \"", "I was at Kashin for the haymaking.\" \"", "But why didn't you\" \"I'm so glad to see you.\" \"", "You're just the same.\" \"", "I hope not.\" \"", "I was young and silly in those days.\" \"", "Months and months ago.\" \"", "And you haven't changed.\" \"", "No.\" \"", "I haven't.\" \"", "Permit me to announce, um, soup Marie-Louise carp with asparagus and roast beef.\" \"", "I went to the market in person.\" \"", "An extra place.\" \"", "I've come to tell you our connecfion must be severed.\" \"", "I'm going to divorce your sister.\" \"", "Divorce?\" \"", "Dear me, what are you talking about?\" \"", "Well, don't be in a hurry.\" \"", "Stay to dinner.\" \"", "And later, you can talk it over with Dolly.\" \"", "Prince Oblonsky, everything is over between our families.\" \"", "Alexei, divorce is one thing.\" \"", "Dinner is quite another.\" \"", "You Petersburgers think yourselves so de bon ton compared with dull, old-fashioned Moscow.\" \"", "But we know how to do things.\" \"", "Only the other day,\" \"I hear Vasya Pryachnikov fought a duel with Kvitsky and killed him.\" \"", "Well, what...\" \"What was the challenge about?\" \"", "Pryachnikov's wife, naturally.\" \"", "It was a matter of honor, defending a woman's honor.\" \"", "Sounds like barbarism to me.\" \"", "What if the lover had killed the husband?\" \"", "Would that have preserved the wife's honor, too?\" \"", "Still, not many of us can say our lover died for love.\" \"", "Love?\" \"\"", "Thou shall not covet thy neighbor's wife.\"\" \"", "Would you die for love, Konstantin Dmitrievich?\" \"", "I would.\" \"", "But not for my neighbor's wife.\" \"", "An impure love is not love to me.\" \"", "To admire another man's wife is a pleasant thing, but sensual desire indulged for its own sake is greed, a kind of gluttony, and a misuse of something sacred, which is given to us so that we may choose the one person with whom to fulfill our humanness.\" \"", "Otherwise, we might as well be cattle.\" \"", "An idealist!\" \"", "But she will be nobody's wife.\" \"", "She'll be ruined.\" \"", "I tried to save her.\" \"", "She chose ruin.\" \"", "Alexei Alexandrovich.\" \"", "Look at me.\" \"", "You will have no peace of mind until you forgive her.\" \"", "It was Anna who taught me that.\" \"", "I do not wish to forgive.\" \"", "I'm not a cruel man.\" \"", "I've never hated anyone.\" \"", "But I hate her with all my soul for all the wrong she has done me.\" \"", "Now, it is your turn to play us something, Countess.\" \"", "I thought you'd never ask.\" \"", "Very good.\" \"", "Since we last met, there is something I have often wanted to ask you.\" \"", "What is that?\" \"", "This.\" \"", "Do...\" \"Not...\" \"Did.\" \"", "Did not.\" \"", "The last word is \"never.\"\" \"", "I know what it says.\" \"", "Then.\" \"", "But now?\" \"", "Can you forgive and forget?\" \"", "I never stopped.\" \"", "Why doesn't he come?\" \"", "He is kind.\" \"", "He will forgive me.\" \"", "Her fever is higher.\" \"", "I want Alexei.\" \"", "Why doesn't he come?\" \"", "Give me some water.\" \"", "No, I mustn't.\" \"", "It isn't good for my little girl.\" \"", "Or let her have a nurse, yes.\" \"", "Don't bring her here because Alexei is coming and it will hurt him to see her.\" \"", "He's come, my dear.\" \"", "Look there.\" \"", "Her deliverance is still in God's hands.\" \"", "You think he won't forgive me but you don't know him.\" \"", "No one knows him except me.\" \"", "I'm not afraid of him, now.\" \"", "I'm afraid of death, though.\" \"", "You poor man.\" \"", "Let him come closer.\" \"", "Alexei.\" \"", "Alexei.\" \"", "Look at my husband.\" \"", "He's a saint.\" \"", "Take his hand.\" \"", "Thank God.\" \"", "Thank God.\" \"", "You must leave now.\" \"", "I promise to send for you if she asks for you.\" \"", "I don't know what happened to me.\" \"", "I forgive you.\" \"", "I forgive Anna.\" \"", "My soul is filled with joy.\" \"", "I will remain with her and look after her forever.\" \"", "Come now.\" \"", "Come now.\" \"", "Look at you.\" \"", "You look like what you've become.\" \"", "A laughingstock.\" \"", "I fancy you will be asked to leave the regiment.\" \"", "I would like you to go, Maman.\" \"", "I'll go when I'm ready to go.\" \"", "A little affair with a married woman puts a finishing touch to a young man's education.\" \"", "But this morbid, selfish obsession...\" \"You've publicly humiliated yourself and dishonored a man who has devoted his life to Russia.\" \"", "So you'd better come back to Moscow with me.\" \"", "You're finished here.\" \"", "And there was her husband, wearing her best ball gown.\" \"", "Rouge all over his face.\" \"", "Ma chére, le scandale!\" \"", "But I'd better tell you some regimental news.\" \"", "Who is here?\" \"", "Princess Elisabeth Federovna Tverskaya, Your Excellency.\" \"", "I don't want to see him.\" \"", "But surely your husband wouldn't stop...\" \"I'm so glad to see you.\" \"", "You look feverish.\" \"", "We've been talking too much, so I'm going.\" \"", "Princess Betsy came to tell me...\" \"I don't want to hide anything from you.\" \"", "Count Vronsky asked to come to say goodbye.\" \"", "He's going away.\" \"", "I've told him that I can't receive him.\" \"", "Well, goodbye, my treasure.\" \"", "I agree with you.\" \"", "As he is going away, there's no need for Count Vronsky to come.\" \"", "I just said so, so there's no need to repeat it.\" \"", "But it is for you to decide.\" \"", "Yes, and I decided.\" \"", "Then I am very glad that...\" \"That we agree, so perhaps we can stop talking about it.\" \"", "Of course.\" \"", "Is there anything I can do for you?\" \"", "Yes, can you please, please, please stop cracking your knuckles?\" \"", "I'm a bad woman.\" \"", "But I can't breathe.\" \"", "Your kindness, which I can't repay, and your forgiveness...\" \"You begged me for my forgiveness.\" \"", "But I didn't die, and now I have to live with it.\" \"", "Then what?\" \"", "What do you want?\" \"", "Do you know what you want?\" \"", "Do you want to see Count Vronsky?\" \"", "Not to say goodbye.\" \"", "I can't hear.\" \"", "Not to say goodbye.\" \"", "You would be lost.\" \"", "Irretrievably lost.\" \"", "You would have no position.\" \"", "And worse, if we divorce, you would be the guilty party.\" \"", "That means you cannot legally remarry.\" \"", "Your union with Count Vronsky would be illegitimate, as would your daughter, who now has the protection of my name.\" \"", "And this is what you want?\" \"", "It would be a sin to help you destroy yourself.\" \"", "You forget something.\" \"", "Count Vronsky and I love each other.\" \"", "And this love sanctifies a criminal folly?\" \"", "All I know is that I sent him away and it's as if I'd shot myself through the heart!\" \"", "I see.\" \"", "And what of Serozha?\" \"", "I would die for him, but I won't live like this for him.\" \"", "When he knows of love, he will forgive me.\" \"", "Then I must choose the smaller sin.\" \"", "Vronsky has robbed me of my cloak and I will give him my coat.\" \"", "No, I...\" \"My darling.\" \"", "My darling.\" \"", "You look so pale.\" \"", "My darling.\" \"", "We'll go south to the sea air and sunshine.\" \"", "Is it all right?\" \"", "Sit down a minute.\" \"", "I want to see everything.\" \"", "A moment.\" \"", "And now I'm doing kitchenmaid's work because Nadya's parents won't let her set foot in the house.\" \"", "And who can blame them?\" \"", "It's indecent.\" \"", "It's Konstantin.\" \"", "Yes, good.\" \"", "The doctor here is useless.\" \"", "Get me one from Moscow.\" \"", "Where did you go?\" \"", "I asked for you everywhere when I was getting married.\" \"", "I'm sorry.\" \"", "I couldn't leave him.\" \"", "Yes.\" \"", "My wife...\" \"You can't stay now.\" \"", "I will nurse him with Agafia.\" \"", "The woman will find somewhere in the village.\" \"", "You won't see her.\" \"", "She knows it is impossible to meet you.\" \"", "It is a torment to me that I've brought you under the same roof as this unfortunate...\" \"As this fallen...\" \"And in your precious, delicate condition.\" \"", "Kostya.\" \"", "Good.\" \"", "A clean nightshirt and sheets.\" \"", "A towel and a clean pail of warm water.\" \"", "Wait.\" \"", "And bring the perfume bottle, in the outside pocket of my handbag.\" \"", "Twenty-one to Stremov, four to Karenin.\" \"", "The motion is carried.\" \"", "Alexei, they're back.\" \"", "Here, in St. Petersburg.\" \"", "She has written to me.\" \"", "To you?\" \"", "They think I don't have the right to refuse.\" \"", "It's the boy's birthday.\" \"", "My friend, you would be blowing on the embers of a fire which must be allowed to die.\" \"", "Let me write to her.\" \"", "I'm here to see Serozha.\" \"", "Madame?\" \"", "I beg your pardon, Your Excellency.\" \"", "No, I've come to see Serozha.\" \"", "Serozha.\" \"", "Maman?\" \"", "My dear little boy.\" \"", "I knew you would come.\" \"", "Today is my birthday.\" \"", "I know.\" \"", "Are you crying?\" \"", "No, I won't cry.\" \"", "Where did you go, Maman?\" \"", "I don't know.\" \"", "Everywhere.\" \"", "The south.\" \"", "I thought about you every day.\" \"", "And I thought about you every day.\" \"", "And you must love Papa.\" \"", "He's better than I am.\" \"", "No one in the whole world is better than you.\" \"", "No.\" \"", "Where's Anya?\" \"", "She's still asleep.\" \"", "Should I take your coat?\" \"", "Are you feeling unwell, madam?\" \"", "I'm not sleeping.\" \"", "I can send out for something.\" \"", "Yes.\" \"", "Why are you in the dark?\" \"", "Yashvin is going to call.\" \"", "You remember him.\" \"", "Are you going out?\" \"", "To where?\" \"", "To whom?\" \"", "What's the matter?\" \"", "I didn't know what happened to you.\" \"", "But I told you yesterday.\" \"", "My brother.\" \"", "Does it take all day to meet your brother?\" \"", "Does he need you more than I do?\" \"", "What's happened?\" \"", "Well, Alexander agreed to everything.\" \"", "Mother's house in Moscow will go to him, and the country estate will be our new home.\" \"", "As soon as the divorce.\" \"", "Karenin hasn't answered your letter yet?\" \"", "You're the very first person to call on me since our return.\" \"", "I received a note from Princess Betsy asking me to call on her between 6:30 and 8:00.\" \"", "Or was it 7:00?\" \"", "But perhaps you'll meet at the opera tonight.\" \"", "I would love to be there if I could get a box.\" \"", "Madame, your box is number four.\" \"", "You'll find me there with Princess Myagkaya.\" \"", "Will you come, Vronsky?\" \"", "Well...\" \"I see why Alexei is so fond of you.\" \"", "You know you can't go to the theater.\" \"", "Annushka!\" \"", "For heaven's sake.\" \"", "A bath!\" \"", "I'll come in and choose a dress.\" \"", "Anna, I implore you.\" \"", "I'm not ashamed of who I am or what I've done.\" \"", "Are you ashamed for me?\" \"", "Why don't you book a room at the hotel?\" \"", "Aren't we together?\" \"", "Have you changed towards me?\" \"", "It's because I love you and care about you.\" \"", "If that's the case, then I don't know why you aren't coming with me.\" \"", "That would make it worse.\" \"", "You're afraid.\" \"", "Well, I'm not.\" \"", "Should we visit, or stay put?\" \"", "Stay put.\" \"", "Minister!\" \"", "Congratulations.\" \"", "Come in for a moment.\" \"", "Princess Sorokina and her daughter.\" \"", "They're from Moscow, neighbors of Count Vronsky's mother.\" \"", "Quite well off.\" \"", "No sons.\" \"", "She's a widow.\" \"", "My dear, I'm a sales catalog.\" \"", "Alexei.\" \"", "You'll come up to see us afterwards?\" \"", "I'll talk to Varya.\" \"", "Will you call on Anna?\" \"", "Alexei.\" \"", "I'm fond of...\" \"For God's sake!\" \"", "Anna isn't a criminal.\" \"", "I'd call on her if she'd only broken the law.\" \"", "But she broke the rules.\" \"", "Who has made the décor?\" \"", "Haven't we got a program?\" \"", "Colonel, would you be so kind?\" \"", "Of course.\" \"", "Please, I would be honored if you would take mine.\" \"", "Thank you.\" \"", "How very...\" \"It's a disgrace.\" \"", "Hush, dean A common courtesy.\" \"", "Everyone's looking.\" \"", "Let them look!\" \"", "Fetch my cloak.\" \"", "What are we coming to?\" \"", "It's an insult to decency.\" \"", "Take me home.\" \"", "Hush.\" \"", "I beg you, my dear.\" \"", "It was only a word or two.\" \"", "I have a word or two for some people one didn't expect to be rubbing shoulders with.\" \"", "She has a nerve, flaunting herself like a slut in society.\" \"", "Yes, why don't you?\" \"", "Rescue her and put your seal on the fiasco.\" \"", "Alexei you see why she must divorce.\" \"", "Marriage will solve everything.\" \"", "When will it be?\" \"", "As far as I'm concerned, she's my wife.\" \"", "As you saw, she isn't.\" \"", "We're going to Moscow, then to my place in the country.\" \"", "That sounds like a good idea.\" \"", "But, for a day or two, Anna will be at home.\" \"", "Then\".\" \"", "I'll say goodbye now.\" \"", "Well, you had an excellent night.\" \"", "Does your mother want you to marry the widow or the child?\" \"", "Either one.\" \"", "Don't joke about it.\" \"", "If you loved me, you would have looked me in to stop me going!\" \"", "Yes, it was my fault.\" \"", "I won't sleep.\" \"", "I know how to make you sleep.\" \"", "Anna, I am very glad to see you.\" \"", "Are you well?\" \"", "How is your little one?\" \"", "Stiva wanted to invite you and Count Vronsky to the house, but it's impossible.\" \"", "No, I understand.\" \"", "No.\" \"", "No, you don't.\" \"", "Kitty and her husband are with us.\" \"", "She's in Moscow to have the baby.\" \"", "Kitty!\" \"", "Tell her how pleased I am.\" \"", "Perhaps I'll wait a year or two.\" \"", "Love.\" \"", "Yes, love.\" \"", "Don't you disapprove of me for what I've done?\" \"", "No.\" \"", "I wish I'd done the same.\" \"", "But no one asked me.\" \"", "Well, I wouldn't have been brave enough.\" \"", "Stiva, you know, he doesn't change.\" \"", "Like all men, I suppose.\" \"", "I had an inspiration.\" \"", "Why do we have to wait here?\" \"", "Why can't we wait in the country?\" \"", "I don't want to hear any more about a divorce or think about it.\" \"", "Good, I'm bored here.\" \"", "When should we go?\" \"", "If I bore you here, I'll bore you in the country.\" \"", "I didn't say you bore me, Moscow bores me.\" \"", "When should we go?\" \"", "Tomorrow?\" \"", "I can't be ready by tomorrow.\" \"", "The day after, then.\" \"", "If you like.\" \"", "No, wait, that's Sunday.\" \"", "I have to see Maman.\" \"", "That's 20 minutes away on the train.\" \"", "You could go to see her tomorrow.\" \"", "Or was it that you wanted to spend Sunday with Princess Sorokina?\" \"", "Please.\" \"", "Don't spoil everything.\" \"", "I can't see Maman tomorrow because she won't have read the papers she has to sign.\" \"", "In that case, let's not bother.\" \"", "I'll leave on Sunday or not at all.\" \"", "That's absurd.\" \"", "It's absurd to you because you have no understanding of my life here.\" \"", "Anna.\" \"", "No, you've stopped loving me.\" \"", "You've given up everything for me and it's turned you against me.\" \"", "Why lie about it?\" \"", "Stop!\" \"", "I put off our departure for a day or two and you tell me I don't love you.\" \"", "Because I've been living off your love and there's none left.\" \"", "So this is over.\" \"", "Finished.\" \"", "I'm sorry.\" \"", "I don't mind when we go.\" \"", "I'll telegraph Maman.\" \"", "We'll go on Sunday.\" \"", "I'll do anything you want.\" \"", "You should leave me.\" \"", "I don't want to.\" \"", "I love you.\" \"", "Why?\" \"", "You can't ask \"why\" about love.\" \"", "So, will you be all packed?\" \"", "I'll be out today making the arrangements.\" \"", "Is that your way of telling me you'll be at your mother's with that simpering little princess?\" \"", "No.\" \"", "I'll be at my lawyer's, waiting for some documents.\" \"", "Then I'm having dinner to say goodbye to old comrades.\" \"", "I know what that means.\" \"", "My God, this is unendurable!\" \"", "I can invite them here, if you like.\" \"", "Thank you, but if I'm not fit to dine in society, I won't eat with the band.\" \"", "Who was the telegram from?\" \"", "I didn't show you because Stiva keeps telegraphing what we already know.\" \"", "Karenin promises nothing, but will consider...\" \"I told you I don't care about the divorce, so why hide the telegram?\" \"", "Is there anything you wish to say to me?\" \"", "So it's the child.\" \"", "She brought papers from Maman.\" \"", "Anna.\" \"", "No.\" \"", "God.\" \"", "Forgive me.\" \"", "I'll be buying in feed before winter's over.\" \"", "Well, you don't press people hard, but you live rightly.\" \"", "For your soul not your belly.\" \"", "How do we know what's rightly?\" \"", "Just by knowing it.\" \"", "How else?\" \"", "But I believe in reason.\" \"", "Reason.\" \"", "Was it reason that made you choose your wife?\" \"", "I came looking for you.\" \"", "I understood something.\" \"", "What did you understand?\" \"", "He smiled at me.\" \"", "He's very advanced for his age.\" \"", "What did you understand?\" \"", "I'm so proud of you.\" \"", "LILI Night-night.\" \"", "And you, too.\" \"", "Good night, my darling boy.\" \"", "Anya!\" \"", "Anya!\" \"", "Anya!\"" ]
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0.06666666666666667, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.05555555555555555, 0, 0, 0, 0.02702702702702703, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.023809523809523808, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.013513513513513514, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.03225806451612903, 0, 0.05263157894736842, 0, 0.030303030303030304, 0, 0, 0.08695652173913043, 0.045454545454545456, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.045454545454545456, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.02702702702702703, 0, 0.037037037037037035, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.03125, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.047619047619047616, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.027777777777777776, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.04, 0, 0.043478260869565216, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.1111111111111111, 0, 0.05555555555555555, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.045454545454545456, 0.02857142857142857, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.021739130434782608, 0.043478260869565216, 0.043478260869565216, 0, 0.02631578947368421, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.038461538461538464, 0, 0.021739130434782608, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.05, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.041666666666666664, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.05263157894736842, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.016129032258064516, 0, 0, 0.02, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.009900990099009901, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.02702702702702703, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.025, 0, 0, 0, 0.05555555555555555, 0, 0, 0, 0.011627906976744186, 0, 0.011627906976744186, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.01282051282051282, 0.029411764705882353, 0, 0.018867924528301886, 0.019230769230769232, 0, 0, 0, 0.0425531914893617, 0.047619047619047616, 0.009708737864077669, 0.031746031746031744, 0.016666666666666666, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.027777777777777776, 0, 0, 0.025, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.018867924528301886, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 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0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.0425531914893617, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.02857142857142857, 0, 0, 0.024390243902439025, 0, 0, 0, 0.02702702702702703, 0, 0.1111111111111111, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.02631578947368421, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.02631578947368421, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.013333333333333334, 0.008333333333333333, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.05263157894736842, 0, 0, 0, 0.05, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "US-China Trade Deficit Grows to Record $270bn\n\nThe gap between US imports from China and what it sold to the country rose to $273.1bn (£170bn) last year, the largest trade imbalance the US has ever recorded with a single country. ", "While US exports to China grew by a third last year to an all-time high of $91.9bn, imports worth $364.9bn travelled in the other direction, an increase of 23.1%.", "\n\nSome US politicians blame Beijing for the size of the trade gap between the nations, claiming it is unfairly keeping the yuan’s value too low. ", "On Thursday a bipartisan group in Congress proposed a bill that would allow the US to impose emergency tariffs against China if its currency was found to be undervalued.", "\n\nChina, though, has long denied that it is responsible for American exports lagging so far behind its imports." ]
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[ "Q:\n\nLink ajax pagination\n\nI have a problem with my pagination in ajax, I've tried to create a script with jQuery to generate pagination using Wordpress. ", "My script is this :\n<script>\njQuery(document).on('click', '.page a', function(e) { \n e.preventDefault();\n open_sidebar();\n scrollToAnchor('ajax_posts_home');\n jQuery('.home_load_posts').show(2000);\n jQuery('.home_load_posts').animate({\n opacity: 0.85\n }, 1000);\n\n var link = jQuery(this).attr('href'); \n\n jQuery('#home_content_posts').load(link+' #home_content_posts');\n}); \n</script>\n\n<?", "php wp_pagenavi(); ?", ">\n\nThis works perfectly and doesn't give me any problem. ", "The real problem is when I go and click on another link on the website. ", "When I do this the script loads the content of that link and i don´t understand why this happened, it should only load the pagination links.", "\nIf the class is class=\"page\", I don´t understand why the script activates and launches another page with another class \nThe only problem is that the other links must load as normal without ajax, but for some reason I don´t know, all the links load as ajax when the class name is diferent \nThe regular link format to load on front of website for pagination is like this : \n<div class=\"wp-pagenavi\">\n <span class=\"current\">1</span>\n <a href=\"http://domain.com/page/2/\" class=\"page\" title=\"2\">2</a>\n <a href=\"http://domain.com/page/3/\" class=\"page\" title=\"3\">3</a>\n <a href=\"http://domain.com/page/2/\" class=\"nextpostslink\">»</a>\n</div>\n\n<div class=\"clearboth\"> </div>\n</div>\n\nI don't understand why this happend. ", "I understand it must only load the pagination via ajax and no the other links of website\nThanks, Regards\n\nA:\n\nYou need to do a.page for the jQuery onclick callback. ", "a.page means all the <a> tags with a class of .page. ", "Doing .page a means all the <a> tags that are a descendant of an element with the class of .page. ", " So to fix your javascript you'd do:\njQuery(document).on('click', 'a.page', function(e) {\n\n" ]
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[ "msgid \"\"\nmsgstr \"\"\n\"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\\n\"\n\"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\\n\"\n\"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n !", "= 1);\\n\"\n\"X-Crowdin-Project: znc-bouncer\\n\"\n\"X-Crowdin-Project-ID: 289533\\n\"\n\"X-Crowdin-Language: el\\n\"\n\"X-Crowdin-File: /master/modules/po/autovoice.pot\\n\"\n\"X-Crowdin-File-ID: 155\\n\"\n\"Project-Id-Version: znc-bouncer\\n\"\n\"Language-Team: Greek\\n\"\n\"Language: el_GR\\n\"\n\n#: autovoice.cpp:120\nmsgid \"List all users\"\nmsgstr \"\"\n\n#: autovoice.cpp:122 autovoice.cpp:125\nmsgid \"<user> <channel> [channel] ...\"\nmsgstr \"\"\n\n#: autovoice.cpp:123\nmsgid \"Adds channels to a user\"\nmsgstr \"\"\n\n#: autovoice.cpp:126\nmsgid \"Removes channels from a user\"\nmsgstr \"\"\n\n#: autovoice.cpp:128\nmsgid \"<user> <hostmask> [channels]\"\nmsgstr \"\"\n\n#: autovoice.cpp:129\nmsgid \"Adds a user\"\nmsgstr \"\"\n\n#: autovoice.cpp:131\nmsgid \"<user>\"\nmsgstr \"\"\n\n#: autovoice.cpp:131\nmsgid \"Removes a user\"\nmsgstr \"\"\n\n#: autovoice.cpp:215\nmsgid \"Usage: AddUser <user> <hostmask> [channels]\"\nmsgstr \"\"\n\n#: autovoice.cpp:229\nmsgid \"Usage: DelUser <user>\"\nmsgstr \"\"\n\n#: autovoice.cpp:238\nmsgid \"There are no users defined\"\nmsgstr \"\"\n\n#: autovoice.cpp:244 autovoice.cpp:250\nmsgid \"User\"\nmsgstr \"\"\n\n#: autovoice.cpp:245 autovoice.cpp:251\nmsgid \"Hostmask\"\nmsgstr \"\"\n\n#: autovoice.cpp:246 autovoice.cpp:252\nmsgid \"Channels\"\nmsgstr \"\"\n\n#: autovoice.cpp:263\nmsgid \"Usage: AddChans <user> <channel> [channel] ...\"\nmsgstr \"\"\n\n#: autovoice.cpp:270 autovoice.cpp:292 autovoice.cpp:329\nmsgid \"No such user\"\nmsgstr \"\"\n\n#: autovoice.cpp:275\nmsgid \"Channel(s) added to user {1}\"\nmsgstr \"\"\n\n#: autovoice.cpp:285\nmsgid \"Usage: DelChans <user> <channel> [channel] ...\"\nmsgstr \"\"\n\n#: autovoice.cpp:298\nmsgid \"Channel(s) Removed from user {1}\"\nmsgstr \"\"\n\n#: autovoice.cpp:335\nmsgid \"User {1} removed\"\nmsgstr \"\"\n\n#: autovoice.cpp:341\nmsgid \"That user already exists\"\nmsgstr \"\"\n\n#: autovoice.cpp:347\nmsgid \"User {1} added with hostmask {2}\"\nmsgstr \"\"\n\n#: autovoice.cpp:360\nmsgid \"\"\n\"Each argument is either a channel you want autovoice for (which can include \"\n\"wildcards) or, if it starts with !, ", "it is an exception for autovoice.\"", "\nmsgstr \"\"\n\n#: autovoice.cpp:365\nmsgid \"Auto voice the good people\"\nmsgstr \"\"\n" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nHow to iterate over inputs of certain class with Prototype\n\nI want to iterate over an array of inputs that belong to certain class (eg.", "\"required\"). ", "How can I traverse it and get their values ? ", "Something like\n$$('input required').invoke(function(e){\n alert(?input value?)", "\n });\n\nthanks\n\nA:\n\nYou're close:\n$$('input.required').each(function(i){\n console.log($F(i));\n});\n\nAll inputs with the class of required will be iterated through and their value displayed to the Firefox console. ", "If you don't use Firefox just change console.log to alert to see the results.", "\n\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
[ 0.007194244604316547, 0, 0, 0, 0.004608294930875576, 0, 0 ]
[ "Analysis of the osseous/metal interface of drill free screws and self-tapping screws.", "\nAim: A comparison of metal/osseous interface and bone remodelling after insertion of different types of titanium bone screws in vivo. ", "Material: Samples of five of each of the following bone screw types were inserted into the anterior wall of the frontal sinus of five Göttingen minipigs: self-tapping micro- (1.5 mm) and miniscrews (2.0 mm) or drill free micro- (1.5 mm) and miniscrews (2.0 mm) (Martin Medizintechnik, Tuttlingen, Germany). ", "Screw length was 7 mm. ", "Methods: Sequential intraperitoneal injections of fluorochromes were performed between the second and ninth postoperative week. ", "After 6 months the pigs were sacrificed, the screw-bone-blocks resected, and microradiographic, histological and fluorescence microscopical examinations were carried out. ", "Results: Using drill free screws, mean screw/bone contact was 88.4% (miniscrews), or 93.8% (microscrews). ", "With self-tapping miniscrews it was 54.9%, but in microscrews 81%; the differences were statistically significant (t -test: p<0.05). ", "By fluorescence microscopy, the amount of bone remodelling (ratio of residual vs. newly formed bone) was measured. ", "Significantly more of the residual bone was found in the region of the screw threads using drill free screws (miniscrews: mean 71.8%, microscrews: mean 67.9%) than in the region of screw threads with self-tapping screws (miniscrews: mean 33.1%, microscrews: mean 42.4%). ", "Conclusion: The present data support the view that screw/bone contact with drill free screws was superior to that of self-tapping screws; the greater amount of original bone in the threads of drill free screws demonstrated that the insertion of drill free screws did not cause harm to the surrounding bone. ", "Both results are important for osteosynthesis in regions where thin cortical bone is present, such as the central midface. ", "Copyright 2001 European Association for Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery." ]
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[ "My son, Malik, just loves the Muppets! ", "He fell in love with them instantly. ", "Just looking at him watch the original Muppets Movie (circa 1979) brought back lots of childhood memories. ", "I remember watching the Muppet Show with my parents. ", "So a Muppets themed birthday it was. ", "The Muppet characters are so colorful & playful and I knew that I wanted to capture that in the design so I went with a rainbow pallet.", "\n\nTABLESCAPE & DECORATIONS\n\nThis party was a little challenging in the sense that I really wanted it to be “inspired” rather than character-image driven. ", "That’s where the idea came of turning the characters into the letters of my kiddo’s name and having that be the “glue” that ties the party together. ", "I came across a very talented artist, Mike Boon, who actually created a Muppet Letter Alphabet. ", "He created Malik’s Muppety name logo that was used throughout the party – from the straw flags to the cake toppers.", "\n\nThe kids tables had wooden plates and buckets that contained beautiful stamped spoons and Izzie sparkling juice, a straw and a napkin. ", "The kids loved the fact they had their very own bucket of “uten-sacles” as my son calls them {utensils + tentacles = uten-sacles}. ", "I created simple but adorable centerpieces using fresh flowers from Trader Joes and a paper embellishment that I made. ", "The white ceramic vases were decorated using washi tape.", "\n\nFor the dessert table banners, I enlisted the help of the Glitter Whisperer herself, Kristy from The Purple Pug. ", "She created the absolutely beautiful Happy Birthday Malik banner and the “mahna mahna” billboards. ", "I feel so special that she created one of her new designs for Malik’s party! ", "The Animal, Dr. Teeth & St. Pepper vintage posters were created by Nick from Retro Art Prints. ", "The quality of these prints is incredible. ", "I loved the pictures so much I have them hanging in my house. ", "The confetti garland hanging above Dr. Teeth’s candy table was created by Peas and Thank yous. ", "I just love how they look hanging above the candy table.", "\n\nFAVORS & CANDY STATION\n\nNaturally our favor station had to be themed and my son helped pick the theme. ", "We decided on a Fozzi Bear Joke Shop table filled with silly items that the kids {and} adults can enjoy. ", "I tried to really go with what Fozzi uses in the movies, little rubber chickens, over-sized glasses, mustache & eye glasses and of course whoopee cushions. ", "I think the parents may have enjoyed this item the most. ", "The kids seem to have this befuddled look on their faces and one parent was like “no worries, I’ll show you as soon as we get home”.", "\n\nDr Teeth’s Candy station was my favorite. ", "The phenomenal artwork by Nick from Retro Art Print just “made” this table incredible. ", "I knew the minute I saw this poster that I had to have a Dr. Teeth Candy station to display it on! ", "The candy was beautiful and colorful. ", "Vintage Confections’ created the most adorable filigree letters and numbers. ", "I just love them. ", "For the jar tags, I knew that I wanted to work in the “Life’s a Happy Song” Song. ", "So I created these little tags that looked like old school movie boards and wrote out the lyrics to the song. ", "What’s my favorite tag? ", "Why, “Life’s a fillet of fish” of course!", "\n\nKIDS ACTIVITIES\n\nThe children enjoyed sitting down at Kermit’s Build-a-Banjo station and creating their very own paper banjo. ", "I prepped the banjos ahead of time to save little fingers the trouble of putting it all together. ", "Assembly is so easy and inexpensive. ", "Thank you to the Home Depot for giving me a TON of these paint stirrers! ", "It was so cute watching the kids create and play their own little banjos. ", "The girls enjoyed decorating head bands at Miss Piggy’s headband decorating table. ", "The kids also enjoyed watching their very own Puppet show with Kermit and Animal stopping by to say hi. ", "The kids also really enjoyed the bouncy house and “Gozno the Great’s” obstacle course.", "\n\nSWEETS TABLE\n\nI have a little bit of a sweet tooth, okay it is a huge sweet tooth. ", "I love all things sweet so when I was sketching out the desserts table I knew I needed a really cool backdrop and a really awesome cake! ", "For the backdrop, I used beautiful fringed garlands from The The Polka dot Market and a little Gonzo being carried away by a bunch of balloons. ", "Gonzo and the balloons was a reference to the very first Muppet movie and my son’s favorite part of that movie. ", "The ruffled rainbow cake was made by my sweet cousin Reema Hafez. ", "She and her girls flew down to attend Malik’s party. ", "Reema is an incredible baker. ", "She whipped up the animal cookies and the French Macarons as well. ", "The incredible fondant work was by Brittany of Edible Details. ", "I just have to say she is a total joy to work with and so very sweet! ", "She created the Muppet letter toppers on the cake that left everyone speechless when the cake was brought out. ", "I love all of her other creations for this party especially the clock for the “Time to Meet the Muppets” push up pops. ", "The Marshmallow Studio created adorable Animal Marshmallow pops. ", "Malik couldn’t believe his eyes when he saw it. ", "They were not only super cute but delicious as well. ", "Other yummy items on the dessert table included: rainbow jello {made by cousin Amy}, popcorn, red velvet and confetti cupcakes, brownie push-up pops, sugar cookies, muppet cake pops and French macarons. ", "All the cake plates & acrylic stands, paper favor bags and straws came from Shop Sweet Lulu.", "\n\nThis party was so wonderful and a memory I will always cherish. ", "It was so nice to have family down to celebrate with Malik. ", "He ran up to me and told me that it was the best day ever and thanked me for planning his party. ", "It was the sweetest moment of the whole day. ", "Of course his face was covered in face paint, smudged cotton candy and chocolate but it was still the sweetest moment. ", "Thank you to the wonderful Lauren from Lauren Nicole Studios for capturing all of these moments!", "\n\n21Comments\n\n1\n\nSusie Lorenzini Salinas SAYS:\n\nWhat an amazing party! ", "There are a million cute details and ideas to steal/borrow. ", "I love how you used the washi tape, and the whole party had such a fun personality to it. ", "I don't think the Muppets could have thrown a better party themselves! ", "Great job.", "\n\n8\n\nSeema Lal-Chavez SAYS:\n\n9\n\nEvan Grandon SAYS:\n\nThis party is phenomenal!!!! ", "I too want to know how to contact Mike Boon. ", "What an amazing artist! ", "Also, was wondering how they created the signage for all the stations? ", "Thank you for featuring this party.", "\n\nDina - Deliciously Darling Events SAYS:\n\nThank you so much for the sweet words. ", "Mike Boone designed the Muppet Character letters (http://www.mikebaboone.com/) with my son’s name. ", "I created a lot of the signage, printables & character banner. ", "Other banners were made by The Purple Pug.", "\n\nJuly 28, 2012 at 6:20 pm\n\n10\n\nCassidie Harris SAYS:\n\nLove love love this…My son is having a Muppet themed party next month!" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nIf the row of a matrix is divided by a scalar, is the determinent multiplied by the scalar?", "\n\nRight now I'm a bit confused by my textbook. ", "Where my textbook defines that, when a row is multiplied by a scalar, then the determinant is also multiplied by a scalar\ntextbook definition\nWhere I am getting confused, is that a youtube video that I am watching, and following gives me the correct answer is giving an opposite definition.", "\nPicture of Conflicting definition \nFollowing the youtube video's definition gives me the correct answer, but seems to be the exact opposite of the website's definition.", "Example Problem where you can see that as I mulitply a row by a scalar (1/3), I multiply the determinant by (3) not (1/3), which gives me the correct answer.", "\nAnyone know what am I misunderstanding here? ", "\n\nA:\n\nIf the row of a matrix is multiplied by a scalar, the determinant is also multiplied by that scalar.", "\nThe division you're seeing happens because, when we're finding the determinant of a matrix, we don't want it to change at all.", "\nSo you might write, for example, that \n$$\n \\det \\begin{bmatrix}1 & 2 \\\\ 3 & 4\\end{bmatrix} =\\frac1{100} \\det \\begin{bmatrix}100 & 200 \\\\ 3 & 4\\end{bmatrix}.", "\n$$\nWhen we multiply the first row by $100$, we multiply the determinant by $100$, so we introduce a factor of $\\frac1{100}$ to keep the overall expression the same.", "\nThis is equivalent to writing \n$$\n \\det \\begin{bmatrix}100 & 200 \\\\ 3 & 4\\end{bmatrix} = 100\\det \\begin{bmatrix}1 & 2 \\\\ 3 & 4\\end{bmatrix}.", "\n$$\n\n" ]
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[ "Comparative in vitro activity of LY 127935 (6059-S), seven cephalosporins, three aminoglycosides, carbenicillin, and ticarcillin.", "\nLY 127935 (6059-S), a new semi-synthetic beta-lactam antibiotic was tested simultaneously with 6 cephalosporins, 3 aminoglycosides, carbenicillin and ticarcillin against 398 clinical isolates of Gram-negative bacilli and Gram-positive cocci. ", "Many of the organisms were selected for study because of known resistance to one or more of the clinically available antibiotics tested. ", "Escherichia coli, Klebsiella, Serratia and Providencia were susceptible to LY 127935. ", "Some resistant strains of Enterobacter, Proteus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Acinetobacter were also resistant to LY 127935, but many of the strains resistant to other antibiotics were susceptible to LY 127935. ", "The activity of LY 127935 against Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus pneumoniae, Streptococcus pyogenes, Streptococcus viridans and Streptococcus bovis was similar to that of cephalexin and cephradine. ", "LY 127935 was not active against methicillin-resistant S. aureus nor enterococcus." ]
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[ "Weapons legislation should be strengthened to fight against right-wing “extremists”, Germany’s Federal Justice Minister has told local media.", "\n\nTo Germany’s federal Justice Minister, Heiko Maas, “right-wing extremists,” “imperial citizens,” and “people who support U.S. President-Elect Donald Trump” are all one and the same, and he wants to disarm them all, in the face of shocking reports that “Muslim migrants committed 142,500 crimes in first six months of 2016–780 every day.”", "\n\nHeiko Maas has also defended Angela Merkel’s immigration policies, referring to criticism of it as “verbal radicalization,” so he promotes the need for a “verbal disarmament.” ", "In other words, Maas wants to disarm the German public, leaving them as sitting ducks to be victimized, and he wants everyone to shut up about it.", "\n\nDr. Johannes Thumfart — “the former philosophy lecturer at the Free University of Berlin” who “argues for a new European exceptionalism” — is in full agreement with disarming “right-wing extremists.” ", "But Thumfart takes it just a tad further, making it inconceivable to think that he could actually believe in his own blast of hot air: “America’s right to bear arms is ‘racist’ because white people tend to use their guns to commit suicide rather than murder ‘each other en masse’, which he says black people do.”", "\n\nSo while these far-left socialists aim to disarm Germany for all kinds of irrational reasons, the country is riddled with crime and is imploding from its Muslim migrant crisis. ", "It is curious also that Thumfart claims to be concerned about promoting “sexual self determination” as a moral duty, while the belief system of Muslim migrants teaches that homosexuals should be killed, but Thumfart doesn’t raise that red flag.", "\n\n\n\n“German Left Planning Weapons Crackdown on ‘Extremists’”, by Virginia Hale, Breitbart, November 29, 2016:" ]
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[ "The Chord Doctor - Expand Your Chordal Command\n\nby Clifford Carter You hear that the government is contemplating another multi billion dollar stimulus package. ", "That’s an intimidating number I can’t even digest. ", "A much kinder, gentler number is 12 — the number of notes in the chromatic scale.", "\n\nYou hear that the government is contemplating another multi-billion dollar stimulus package. ", "That’s an intimidating number I can’t even digest. ", "A much kinder, gentler number is 12 — the number of notes in the chromatic scale. ", "This month, we’ll scratch the surface of combining those notes into chord colors appropriate for different styles of music.", "\n\nThe chord chart for what I play could be the same for accompanying a number of different artists, but how I voice those chords may be radically different depending on the music. ", "To illustrate that, Examples 1-5 present the same eight-bar chord progression in a variety of contexts — proof positive that the same chord can sound completely different depending on how you voice it. ", "Example 6 gives you hands-on practice material to start expanding your chord comfort zone. ", "The ultimate goal is that regardless of whatever curve the music throws you, you can choose your next voicing without overthinking.", "\n\nOne last thing: Notice the simple left hand parts in the bass clefs throughout. ", "It’s good to practice more than one thing at a time, and you don’t want an idle hand. ", "By playing a bass line, you give the right hand a musical context, while developing hand independence. ", "You’re also working on your timing, and making what could be a somewhat tedious exercise a bit more fun and musical.", "\n\nClick the sheet music thumbnails for super-size versions suitable for playing! ", "Click the example headers for audio clips.", "\n\nEx. ", "1 - click for audio. ", "Here’s an eight-bar progression I’d play on, say, the first verse of a Patti Scialfa song. ", "It’s simple and sparse with not a lot of movement — a nice bed. ", "All chords are either triads or four-note chords with one of the triad’s notes doubled. ", "The exceptions are bars 3 and 6, where I’m just playing the root and fifth in each hand. ", "Why? ", "Because Nils Lofgren is next to me playing some fat, soulful chords unique to the guitar, and I want to get out of his harmonic space. ", "By eliminating thirds at that moment, it avoids any clashes or unnecessary doubling. ?", "\n\nEx. ", "2 - click for audio. ", "I’d play in the second verse with more character and rhythmic action. ", "By simply using the ninth of each chord, we get a new sound, moving the piano a little more to the forefront.??", "\n\nEx. ", "3 - click for audio. ", "In this variation on Example 2, I add the fourth in addition to the ninth. ", "It’s similar in style but adds new harmonic identity. ", "This style of adding fourths and ninths (or “twos and fours”) is very guitar-like, and a signature sound of guitar bands like the Byrds and Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers. ", "Many pianists have taken cues from guitar-oriented voicings when playing triad-based music. ", "Listen to Elton John, Billy Joel, Matt Rollings, and the E Street Band’s Roy Bittan to get these new sounds into your hands and ears.??", "\n\nEx. ", "4 - click for audio. ", "Here’s the same basic progression, played with a gospel or R&B style. ", "I recently played in the Baltimore Symphony Orchestra’s “Too Hot To Handel,” a jazz-funk adaptation of Handel’s Messiah. ", "If the chord progression from Example 1 appeared in this show, it would sound like this. ", "I’m using dominant seventh chords and triads that define the rhythm and connect one chord to another. ", "The late, great Richard Tee played this style masterfully, on literally hundreds of records.?", "\n\nEx. ", "5 - click for audio. ", "This is how I’d play if accompanying Betty Buckley, an interpreter of songs whose eclectic taste runs from Broadway to standards to pop to jazz. ", "She likes a pianist to re-harmonize the traditional chord structure using jazz voicings, whether she’s singing Gershwin or Joni Mitchell. ", "All 12 notes are up for grabs. ", "Now I’m using ninths, 11ths, and 13ths. ", "A thorough knowledge of the melody is essential to knowing what voicings will support the vocal. ", "In all of Examples 1-5, the chord chart may look identical, thus it’s up to me to know what voicings work for the singer I’m accompanying.", "\n\nEx. ", "6 - (sorry, no audio). ", "This exercise helps you gain command of the keyboard. ", "Each measure is a set of inversions for a different chord structure. ", "They’re written in C, but you should practice each one in all 12 keys. ", "I’ve been in situations where I was playing in G, feeling really creative. ", "If the singer or bandleader changed the key to, say, Ab, I was out of my comfort zone. ", "Expand your zone by changing keys as you play according to the circle of fifths, up in minor thirds, chromatically, or in whole steps, and so on — it’s cardio for your fingers and brain!", "\n\nSession and touring ace Clifford Carter has been one of New York City’s most sought-after keyboardists for the past three decades, anchoring the bands of James Taylor, Patti Scialfa, Betty Buckley, and Art Garfunkel. ", "Carter’s recent projects include co-producing Dallas singer-songwriter Emily Elbert, touring with Harry Connick Jr., and performing “Too Hot to Handel,” a contemporary adaptation of Handel’s Messiah with the Baltimore Symphony Orchestra. ", "Learn more at cliffordcarter.com.", "\n\nYou hear that the government is contemplating another multi-billion dollar stimulus package. ", "That’s an intimidating number I can’t even digest. ", "A much kinder, gentler number is 12 — the number of notes in the chromatic scale. ", "This month, we’ll scratch the surface of combining those notes into chord colors appropriate for different styles of music.", "\n\nNothing strikes fear into the hearts of piano players like the mention of stride piano. ", "This seemingly impossible old style is like ragtime on steroids, and pushes jazz pianists to the limit. ", "The left hand alternates a low bass, frequently played in tenths, with close position midrange chords, while the right hand provides melody, syncopations, lines, and runs. ", "The total effect is a relentless, locked-down swing eighth-note feel.", "\n\nI’ve saved the broadest application of a scale to a chord for last, because it is often used as a jumping-off point for taking a solo—from the most basic and “inside” playing to very advanced and sometimes seemingly atonal excursions. ", "This month we explore some of the many applications of the Pentatonic scale for your synth and keyboard soloing. ", "This lesson includes a ZIP file of downloadable sheet music PDFs so you can play along.", "\n\nContinuous growth has been a mainstay of Corea’s career since its inception. ", "On \"The Vigil,\" he returns with a captivating set of compositions and a ferocious band with which to bring them to life. ", "At 72 years young, Corea has never sounded more energized on record. ", "He took time to speak to us about the project, and about keeping a vigil on your own musical identity." ]
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[ "#941: PedaLs\n\nI still remember when driving a manual car for the first time, that my feet had a hard time working out where the pedals were…you tend to discover that you are braking rather than operating the clutch only by the dynamics of the vehicle as it responds…which is much too late for safety.", "\n\nToday’s invention is a set of attachable sensors, one per pedal. ", "When one’s foot hovers over say the brake, a different sound is emitted than from the accelerator. ", "The strength of each sound could be made proportional to the central positioning of the foot. ", "I’d also suggest making the noises resemble the normal sound of braking or accelerating (ie dropping in pitch or rising).", "\n\nThis allows an early-stage learner to stop trying to look at his feet and anticipate the next action required." ]
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[ "BTC seen from the temporality of 4H we can see how the current structure of candles carries an excellent count of a distribution scheme, accepting this premise, the current bullish movement should be the failed rally, this has to be confirmed even with a closure below the support located at 8200 and a subsequent test as resistance, in the chart I have drawn the possible trajectory that the price should follow in the process.", "\n\nBTC seen from the temporality of 1D we can see how the previous wing that has made the closing above the resistance has done with very little volume, see that does not convince me to go into lengths, I have the impression of being a trap for bulls, the current wing would have to give us more information about it, but at the moment does not seem a safe break.", "\n\nBTC seen from the time of 1W we can see how the previous bass sail has marked an LL with respect to its closest minimum, when this happens this is almost always a sign of new lows, the current sail still lacks a 3D candle to finish session, so we can still collect more data to indicate the price movement in the coming days.", "\n\nFinally I made this chart in 4H where we can see how the price has touched for the third time the diagonal that has been working as S / R FLIP during this structure of candles, I have also drawn the pattern of candles that has formed the movement, first on the right side when the trend was bullish the price was forming HL higher and higher, While the highs were losing strength thus producing a symmetrical triangle that has ended with a break up towards the $9000 rise, on the left side we see the opposite, the minimums have held on the same support for three times, while the highs are increasingly higher, this type of pattern I have seen them define themselves down after their third touch on the same resistance diagonally.", "\n\nIn conclusion, while we do not have a strong entry of volume above 8200, it is very possible that the price will fall again below the support and test it as resistance giving short entries, for the moment, it is advisable to wait for a confirmation, the $8200 is a key horizontal during this process, we must be very attentive.", "\n\nAs I always say, you have to be aware of the movement, invalidations can occur, there is no 100% reliable analysis, take your own precautions when trading.", "\n\nYou can follow me on Twitter: https://twitter.com/armijogarcia\n\nMy profile in TIMM: https://mentormarket.io/profile/?mrbullishsail/blogposts\n\nhttps://mentormarket.io/about/terms-of-service/" ]
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[ "De komende tijd lees je op VICE alles over studieschuld, stress, en de vraag of studeren nog de moeite waard is. ", "Lees alle verhalen uit de VICE Student Guide hier.", "\n\nStudenten die in 2020 beginnen aan een nieuwe studie zullen meer moeten gaan terugbetalen na hun studie, zo blijkt uit het nieuwe wetsvoorstel dat afgelopen week is ingediend bij de Tweede Kamer. ", "Als de regeling doorgaat, dan zullen studenten die na 2020 beginnen maandelijks zo'n 18 procent meer moeten gaan terugbetalen. ", "Als je van de maximale termijn gebruik maakt, zou je daardoor straks duizenden euro's duurder uit zijn.", "\n\nEn dat is niet het enige bittere studentennieuws. ", "Het kabinet beloofde dat er door de invoering van het leenstelsel 1 miljard vrij zou komen om te investeren in het onderwijs, maar helaas, die belofte bleek te rooskleurig. ", "Daarbij is de kansenongelijkheid onder studenten niet af- maar toegenomen, hebben afgestudeerden minder kans op een koopwoning door hun hoge studieschuld en stokt het aantal mbo-leerlingen dat wil doorstromen naar hbo.", "\n\nIn 1968 brak er in Parijs studentenopstand uit, waarbij het falende onderwijssysteem flink onder druk werd gezet. ", "Relschoppers gingen op de vuist met de politie en de stad werd volledig op zijn kop gezet, wat leidde tot nieuwe parlementsverkiezingen. ", "Afgelopen zomer is er een klein relvuurtje aangewakkerd bij de Universiteit van Amsterdam, en zijn er verschillende protesten en marsen geweest – maar zo ver als een grootschalig, landelijk straatprotest zoals toen in Parijs is het nog niet gekomen. ", "Ik was benieuwd of studenten het niet eens tijd vinden om met z’n allen alarm te slaan.", "\n\nDim Berendse (24) – Master strafrecht\n\nVICE: Ha Dim! ", "Wat vind je ervan dat het leenstelsel duurder wordt voor studenten?", "\n\nDim: Ik ben er als student totaal niet blij mee. ", "En zeker voor de nieuwe studenten die dit persoonlijk raakt. ", "Gelukkig is dat bij mij niet het geval. ", "Die 18 procent lijkt geen enorm bedrag, maar zij gaan er echt op achteruit.", "\n\nIs het daarom niet eens tijd om in actie te komen, ook voor die nieuwe studenten?", "\n\nDat zou heel mooi zijn! ", "Wat mij een beetje tegenhoudt is dat de politiek om de vier jaar verandert. ", "De ene minister belooft iets, verandert het systeem en dan gooit de ander het weer om. ", "Daardoor lijk je echt machteloos.", "\n\nIn Parijs heeft zo’n studentenrel ooit gezorgd voor beleidsverandering. ", "Dat zou hier toch ook moeten gebeuren?", "\n\nJa, dat klinkt top! ", "Laatst was er hier ook een relletje op de UvA, toen pleitte studenten en docenten tegen bezuinigingen in het hoger onderwijs en wilden ze uit protest op de campus kamperen. ", "Er kwamen agenten en shit, maar het liep niet zo goed af voor de studenten. ", "Ze werden een soort van weggeslagen door de politie en hebben straf gekregen.", "\n\nDenk je dat het wel zou werken met een enorme groep mensen die lopen te rellen met spandoeken in Den Haag?", "\n\nLastig te zeggen, een grote groep met spandoeken maakt misschien wel indruk, maar ik denk dat er uiteindelijk niks wordt aangepast. ", "De politiek zal eindeloos redeneren om het goed te praten, zoals ze altijd doen. ", "In een ideale democratische wereld komen we met zijn allen in opstand, rellen we, en verandert er iets. ", "Maar mensen durven het niet meer.", "\n\nWaarom niet?", "\n\nDat heeft denk ik te maken met de verandering van de samenleving en de digitalisering. ", "Mensen laten hun stem online horen en durven het niet meer face-to-face. ", "Dat is heel zonde.", "\n\nBen je van plan om door te studeren?", "\n\nIk heb al een flinke studieschuld, dus ik zou het nu minder snel doen. ", "Financieel gezien zou ik het misschien niet eens kunnen.", "\n\nNadia (20) – Kunstgeschiedenis\n\nVICE: Hallo Nadia! ", "Het nieuwe wetsvoorstel betekent dat het studentenleven voor nieuwe studenten behoorlijk duur gaat worden.", "\n\nNadia: Het is belachelijk veel geld, ja. ", "Studenten hebben het al niet breed en hebben amper tijd om te werken. ", "Ik kom nu al bijna niet rond, moet je nagaan hoe het voor die nieuwe studenten gaat zijn.", "\n\nIs het niet tijd om te rellen?", "\n\nJa, maar als we dat willen doen, moeten we het allemaal doen. ", "Een grote groep vormen. ", "Sociale media gebruiken ligt natuurlijk voor de hand, maar om echt iets teweeg te brengen moeten we samenkomen op de universiteit bijvoorbeeld – maar dat is makkelijker gezegd dan gedaan.", "\n\nHeb je tips voor de nieuwe studenten om hun studententijd nog enigszins door te kunnen komen?", "\n\nKoop geen onnodige dingen. ", "Deze jas die ik aanheb, kostte me meer dan driehonderd euro aan geleend geld. ", "Daar had ik achteraf gewoon m’n huur van moeten betalen, dus daar heb ik wel spijt van. ", "Je kan jezelf wel trakteren, maar doe dat dan met geld dat je hebt verdiend met werken.", "\n\nNicole (22) – Toegepaste psychologie\n\nVICE: Hoi Nicole! ", "Het leenstelsel wordt vanaf 2020 hartstikke duur. ", "Is het niet tijd om de hooivorken af te stoffen?", "\n\nNicole: Holy shit, ja dat vind ik wel. ", "Ik leen maximaal bij en mijn leven in Amsterdam is al heel duur, laat staan die van de nieuwe studenten.", "\n\nWaarom doe je dat dan niet?", "\n\nIk weet niet hóe. ", "Maar met hooivorken lijkt me wel een leuk idee.", "\n\nDenk je dat studenten er iets tegen kunnen doen?", "\n\nNou, ik denk het wel. ", "Als er een serieus plan is om het systeem te hervormen werk ik graag mee. ", "Maar ik denk ook dat de politiek dit niet zomaar doet; hun reden zal vast goed doordacht zijn. ", "Misschien zijn de hooivorken bij nader inzien wat overdreven, en moeten we het toch hebben van gesprekken met de politiek.", "\n\nMaar de politiek is niet één van haar beloften voor het onderwijs nagekomen. ", "Heb je niet juist het idee dat de politiek de nieuwe generatie studenten wantrouwt?", "\n\nJa. ", "Dat blijkt trouwens ook uit het feit dat studenten tegenwoordig geen basisbeurs meer krijgen. ", "Dat ze nu nog meer moeten gaan terugbetalen is wel heel heftig. ", "Het gaat te ver.", "\n\nMert (19) – Aviation & Dioncé (19) – Product Design\n\nVICE: Hoi jongens! ", "Studeren wordt alleen maar duurder en je krijgt er verschrikkelijk weinig voor terug. ", "Wordt het niet eens tijd om de barricaden op te klimmen?", "\n\nMert: De politiek naait ons weer keihard. ", "Maar het heeft denk ik geen zin om iets te doen.", "\n\nDioncé: Ik heb er geen last van. ", "Toen ik geld leende kocht ik kleren en schoenen en dat vonden m’n ouders niet chill. ", "Ik leen niet meer, dus dan ga ik er ook geen punt meer van maken.", "\n\nEn als er duizenden mede-studenten zijn die wel gaan rellen, zou je dan meegaan?", "\n\nMert: Ik denk het niet. ", "De politiek vertrouw ik niet, ik vertrouw alleen mezelf. ", "Ik zie het gewoon niet gebeuren.", "\n\nDioncé: Nederlandse kinderen zijn gewoon te braaf. ", "We pikken alles en dat moet eigenlijk stoppen. ", "Maar dat gezegd hebbende: ik ben ook niet van het protesteren. ", "Sorry, maar ik zou er niet tussen gaan staan.", "\n\nStel, je zit in het ministerie van Onderwijs, Cultuur en Wetenschap. ", "Hoe zou jij het dan regelen voor studenten?", "\n\nDioncé: Als ik de macht zou hebben, zou ik ervoor zorgen dat iedereen met weinig geld kan studeren. ", "Nu kunnen alleen de rijken zorgeloos studeren, en dat zal zo blijven als de VVD de grootste partij blijft.", "\n\nIs er nog hoop voor nieuwe studenten, of denk je dat ze het verlies gewoon zullen moeten accepteren?", "\n\nMert: De nieuwe studenten zijn gewoon fucked, helaas.", "\n\nDioncé: Het leven is oneerlijk en wordt alleen maar oneerlijker. ", "Ik zou dit positief af willen sluiten, maar ik weet echt even niet hoe.", "\n\nVictor (18) – Business administration\n\nVICE: Hoi Victor! ", "Onderwijs wordt bijna onbetaalbaar. ", "Is het tijd voor hommeles?", "\n\nVictor: Ja, waarom niet? ", "In Nederland kan dat enorm worden. ", "Je hebt hier genoeg studenten, ook internationals en Belgen zoals ik. ", "En wij zullen ook meedoen. ", "Wij kunnen onze visies delen uit ons land en misschien kan de politiek daar wat van leren.", "\n\nWaarom doe je dat dan niet?", "\n\nAls het stijgt naar de prijzen die ze nu hanteren in de Verenigde Staten bijvoorbeeld, grijp ik in. ", "En dat kan zomaar gebeuren. ", "Nu doet het mij nog te weinig.", "\n\nHoe zou je dat dan precies aanpakken?", "\n\nIk zou met een grote groep gaan en de volgende boodschap overbrengen: luister meer naar de mensen en focus je niet op je eigen ideeën en geld. ", "Kijk naar het echte leven van de mensen op straat. ", "Wij hebben al weinig geld, maar dat lijken ze niet eens te weten." ]
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[ "\n\nShow HN: Petridish.org, a kickstarter for scientific research - ilz\nhttp://www.petridish.org\n\n======\npossibilistic\nI was working in this space part-time but got beat to the starting line. ", "I\nstill think I have something to offer since I am a scientist. ", "I don't want to\nport the conversation I'm having in another news item here, so would anyone be\nkind enough to offer me some advice in the following thread?", "\n\n<http://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=3680207>\n\nI could also use some 1-on-1 advice via chat if it can be spared.", "\n\nedit: Thanks to everyone who has commented and emailed me thus far! ", "All of\nyour advice is wonderful and really encouraging. ", "I still appreciate new\ncomments, and I'd really love to hear from Atlanta-area Python/JS hackers.", "\n\n~~~\nirollboozers\nWe are launching Microryza, which is still differentiated enough, but is\npretty much the same thing.", "\n\n<http://www.microryza.com/>\n\nWe got beat by 4 days. ", "But, screw it, we're going to launch anyways because we\nfeel we have a better product.", "\n\nThough, of the 14 competitors in this space, these guys flew under the radar\npretty damn well.", "\n\n~~~\npossibilistic\nWow, best of luck! ", "It'll be hard to compete with VCs, but if you're a\nscientist you speak a language that isn't easy to learn. ", "That could be a\ndeciding advantage.", "\n\n------\nwgrover\nMy favorite thing about this is how it exposes non-scientists to the first\n(and IMHO most exciting and least appreciated) phase of research - thinking up\nexperiments.", "\n\n~~~\ncing\nIt also exposes your research plan to other scientists when your work is at a\nstage where it's the easiest to be scooped. ", "I have a science project idea to\nbe crowdfunded, but I'm still a bit skeptical...\n\n~~~\nwgrover\nThat's a real risk. ", "But the longer I'm in science, the more I believe that\n\"ideas are cheap, follow-through is everything.\" ", "If I'm scooped, it's not\nbecause someone else had the same idea (probably _lots_ of people had that\nsame idea); it's because I didn't reduce it to practice first. ", "If getting\nfunding from Petridish helps you reduce your idea to practice first, maybe\nit's worth the risk of getting scooped.", "\n\n------\nSamLR_66\nAre the various proposed projects vetted at all? ", "This seems like the sort of\nthing that would result in lots of pseudo science getting funded or is it\nbuyer beware in that respect?", "\n\nAlso do you envisage any way of helping fund less glamorous projects?", "\n\n~~~\npgroves\nI'd actually be more concerned about trying to define \"junk science\" than\nhaving a bunch of psychics running experiments.", "\n\nWhat is the harm in someone putting their own money into a pseudo-science\nexperiment? ", "It will fail if it's an incorrect hypothesis either way.", "\n\nIn fact, the feedback loop between a \"believer\", their money, and reality,\nseems like a feature not a bug.", "\n\n------\npsylence519\nI hope someone is working on a Kickstarter for Kickstarter clones, huge market\nopportunity there.", "\n\n~~~\nyread\nIt could be called Kickexchange!", "\n\n------\ndavedx\nAwesome idea, I'll be watching it for interesting projects.", "\n\n------\nemeltzer\nWhy is there no link to information about the team under About?", "\n\n~~~\nilz\nIt's on our todo list to add info about the team, but here are our profiles on\nthe site:\n\nMatt Salzberg: <http://www.petridish.org/users/2> Ilia Papas (me):\n<http://www.petridish.org/users/1>\n\n~~~\nevoxed\nWhere in New York are you guys? ", "Do you need interns?", "\n\n~~~\nmsalzberg\nSure, we could potentially use interns. ", "Send us a message through our contact\nform and we'll talk about it.", "\n\n~~~\nevoxed\nDone, even if potential means you weren't really considering until somebody\nasked!", "\n\n------\neli_gottlieb\nYou mean like Fundageek?", "\n\n------\ncing\nU.S. only?", "\n\n" ]
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[ "Danişment, Bayburt\n\nDanişment is a village in the District of Bayburt, Bayburt Province, Turkey. ", "As of 2010, it had a population of 472 people.", "\n\nReferences\n\nCategory:Populated places in Bayburt Province\nCategory:Bayburt District\nCategory:Villages in Turkey" ]
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[ "Identifying, appraising, and implementing medical education curricula: a guide for medical educators.", "\nAs physicians' requirements for knowledge and skills evolve, medical educators often encounter the need for new curricula. ", "This article presents an approach to identifying, appraising, and adapt-ing an established curriculum as an alternative to developing a new one. ", "A published managed care curriculum is reviewed as an educational case example." ]
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[ "[Analysis of health and life status of a urban population of Botucatu, São Paulo (Brazil). ", "IV. ", "Morbidity reported in domiciliary interviews, 1983-1984].", "\nThe objective of the study was to analyse the referred morbidity of the urban population resident in the city of Botucatu, S. Paulo State, Brazil for the period 1983-1984 was analysed. ", "Data was obtained from a sample population of 7,075 persons (12 per cent of the population) by means of household interviews using two pre-codified questionnaires applied by trained lay interviews under supervision. ", "The recall period of the events was fixed at three weeks. ", "The variables studied were: sex, age, schooling, \"per capita\" income, and referred morbidity (complaints, symptoms, common accidents, and diagnoses). ", "The results showed that 56 percent reported episodes of illness to a total of 6,649. ", "Women of 50 or more years old presented the highest frequency of complaints. ", "There was no variation of occurrence of episodes in terms of \"per capita\" income. ", "The prevalence of illness episodes was 939 per thousand persons. ", "There was a predominance of complaints relating to the respiratory system (20 per cent of complaints), mainly acute respiratory infections; on a second level was signs, symptoms and ill-defined conditions (19 per cent), followed by diseases of the musculoskeletal system, of the nervous system and of the circulatory system (about 9%) and, finally, diseases of the digestive system and lesions and poisoning (8%). ", "Specific rates of prevalence according to groups of diseases (ICD) and to the variables of study were estimated. ", "The difficulties of comparing these results with those given by other works, because of the lack of homogeneity in the criteria adopted for obtaining information, are commented on.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)" ]
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[ "Pages\n\nTuesday, December 2, 2014\n\nBook Signings from Vicki Leigh\n\nThoughts on conference signings from a debut author\n\nI don’t know about you guys, but one of the things I most\nlooked forward to as a published author was signing at book conferences. ", "I\nmean, you’re in a room with other authors—some of them famous—and readers are\nwandering around, stopping by tables and discovering new books to read.", "\n\nSo, when my agent suggested I try to sign at YALSA’s Lit\nSymposium, I jumped on the chance and emailed the foundation. ", "To my pleasant\nsurprise, they invited me to join!", "\n\nNow, I have to admit, I was pretty darn nervous. ", "The Lit\nSymposium was my first big signing; I\ndidn’t quite know what to expect. ", "I thought I’d be sitting there while readers\nwaited in lines for the big authors before wandering their way to my table when\nthey couldn’t decide who else to see. ", "I imagined carrying 25 of my 50 books on\nthe airplane with me because not enough people knew what my book was about to\nbother snatching a copy. ", "And I pictured myself stuck in the back corner of a\nroom because I wasn’t with a large publishing house.", "\n\nI was surprised—and thankful—when none of those were the\ncase.", "\n\nThere were maybe 40-50 authors seated in alphabetical order around the ballroom, and the moment the doors\nopened, the crowd rushed in, and some even stopped by my table right away! ", "It\nwas so surreal. ", "Yes, I may have signed less copies than Lauren Oliver and Julie\nKagawa, but my pen was moving at the same time. ", "It almost felt like being part\nof a team, where we authors fed off each other’s fans and just made sure the\nreaders were excited to fill their arms with books.", "\n\nAnd I didn’t have to bring home a single copy of CATCH ME\nWHEN I FALL.", "\n\nSo, what did I learn from my first signing event? ", "Here are\nfive tips for those of you who aspire to be one of those authors at conferences:\n\nFirst and foremost, remember this: You are no\nless valuable than any other author in that room. ", "So, carry yourself with\nconfidence (not arrogance) and make friends with the other authors—who are always so kind and supportive—and just\nhave a great time.", "\n\nBring swag, like buttons or pens, etc., ", "to\ndisplay on your table! ", "Readers love to pick these up, and if you run out of\nbooks, it gives them a way to remember you and your title(s)!", "\n\nMeet as many of the other authors as you can.", "\nI’m still baffled by how kind and friendly the writing community is. ", "You’d\nthink that authors would be snobby toward their competition, but it doesn’t\nwork that way at all. ", "Instead, they welcome you with open arms and encourage\nyou. ", "So, don’t be afraid to fangirl (I did; I even brought books for the other\nauthors to sign!) ", "and connect with your fellow novelists. ", "They really aren’t\nscary. ", "J\n\nAlways, always\ndouble check the spelling of people’s names when you personalize a book to\nthem. ", "Otherwise, you might be buying a copy of your book.", "\n\nSmile and interact with every reader who comes\nto see you. ", "I want to use Maggie Stiefvater as an example: When I stepped up to\nher table at BEA to have her sign a copy of SINNER (and SCORPIO RACES, ‘cause I\ncouldn’t help myself), she was genuinely friendly and getting to know me on a\npersonal level. ", "It made me feel special, like I wasn’t just another reader. ", "And when I stopped to\ntake a picture with her, she was super goofy and just having a blast. ", "I walked\naway from her signing with a huge smile on my face. ", "So, I aspire to be like\nMaggie at my signings, because, if my readers are like me, they’ll walk away\nwith such a fond memory that they’ll want to tell all their friends—and\nstrangers—to read my books.", "\n\nI’m sure I could go on and on about conference signings, but\nI doubt you want to read that long of a post. ", "So, instead, I’ll leave you with\nthis:\n\nSignings are essential, but they don’t have to be scary.", "\nHave fun, relish the moment, and remember that the readers are probably more\nafraid of you than you are of them. ", "J\n\nAnd as proof that I totally fangirled over the other\nauthors—and that they weren’t super scary—here are a few pictures from YALSA’s\n2014 YA Lit Symposium.", "\n\nWith Julie Kagawa\n\nWith Amalie Howard\n\nWith Jennifer Nielsen\n\nMeeting my\nagent—which was super cool!", "\n\nAbout Vicki Leigh\n\nAdopted at three-days-old by a onstruction worker and a stay-at-home mom, Vicki Leigh grew up in a small suburb of Akron, Ohio where she learned to read by the age of four and considered being sent to her room for punishment as an opportunity to dive into another book. ", "By the sixth grade, Vicki penned her first, full-length screenplay. ", "If she couldn’t be a writer, Vicki would be a Hunter (think Dean and Sam Winchester) or a Jedi. ", "Her favorite place on earth is Hogwarts (she refuses to believe it doesn’t exist), and her favorite dreams include solving cases alongside Sherlock Holmes. ", "Her YA debut, Catch Me When I Fall, released October 23, 2014." ]
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[ "Weekly K-Pop Music Chart 2014 – April Week 1\n\nThere is a major upset on top of the chart this week. ", "Veteran male soloist Lim Chang Jung’s “Ordinary Song” is anything but ordinary as it moves up 20 big spots and leaps over many top idol artists to No. ", "1 this week. “", "Ordinary Song” just edged out last week’s No. ", "1 2NE1’s “Come Back Home” by four points. ", "Congratulations to him.", "\n\nLim started his singing career in 1995, and reached a peak in the early 2000’s. ", "Nearly all his album title songs reached No. ", "1 on the chart back then. ", "He abruptly quit singing after releasing his 10th album in 2003 to focus on his acting career. ", "In 2009 Lim came back to the music scene and released his 11th album. ", "He regained a lot of popularity last year with the song “About Me.”", "\n\n“Ordinary Song” is the title track of Lim Chang Jung’s 12th album, his first full length album in nearly five years. ", "It is a vintage Lim Chang Jung style sad ballad in which he sings about the internal turmoil of a man. ", "The sorrowful string melody and Lim’s heart-wrenching voice increase the sadness of this song.", "\n\nRounding out the top three is 4minute’s latest hit “Whatcha Doin’ Today,” moving up 10 spots to No. ", "3. ", "This is the title song from 4minute’s fifth mini-album and refers to greetings between good friends. ", "The song was created by Brave Brothers and has an additive upbeat melody. “", "Whatcha Doin’ Today” won on M!Countdown this week and will be a serious contender for our top spot next week.", "\n\nThere are two other new songs in the top 10 this week. ", "Moving up 24 spots to No. ", "8 is Hong Dae Kwang’s “Thank You My Love,” his second top 10 song this year. ", "From his mini-album “The Silver Lining,” “Thank You My Love” is a sweet and romantic ballad about what it is like before a date. ", "Hong Dae Kwang did a good job singing about the joy of being in love.", "\n\nThere is also a surprise new entry to the top 10 at No. ", "9 this week. ", "Unheralded rapper Loco scores his first top 10 hit “Hold Me Tight.” ", "Loco was the winner of the hip-hop survival program “Show Me The Money” and subsequently made his debut in 2012. “", "Hold Me Tight” has a listener friendly melody and easy to remember lyrics that successfully crossover to mainstream. ", "This week it moves up 13 spots to No. ", "9.", "\n\nSoompi Music Chart is unlike any other music chart or television ranking. ", "It takes into account rankings by various major music charts in Korea and the airplay of each song, making it an unbiased and objective tally of what’s going on in the world of K-Pop. ", "Our chart is composed of the following sources:" ]
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[ "Paulo Graça\n\nPaulo Graça (born September 13, 1978) is a Portuguese beach soccer player who represents Portugal in international competitions. ", "His role is goalkeeper.", "\n\nHonours\n\nBeach soccer\n\nCountry\n Portugal\nFIFA Beach Soccer World Cup third place: 2008, 2009\nEuro Beach Soccer League winner: 2008, 2010\nEuro Beach Soccer League runner-up: 2009\nEuro Beach Soccer League third place: 2011\nEuro Beach Soccer Cup runner-up: 2010\nEuro Beach Soccer Cup third place: 2009\nEuro Beach Soccer League Italian Event runner-up : 2010\nEuro Beach Soccer League Netherlands Event winner : 2011\nEuro Beach Soccer League German Event runner-up : 2011\nEuro Beach Soccer League Spain Event third place : 2012\nFIFA Beach Soccer World Cup qualification (UEFA) runner-up : 2008, 2011\nFIFA Beach Soccer World Cup qualification (UEFA) fourth place : 2009\nMundialito winner: 2008, 2009, 2012\nMundialito runner-up: 2010, 2011\n\nIndividual\nFIFA Beach Soccer World Cup qualification (UEFA) Best Goalkeeper : 2011\nEuro Beach Soccer League Italian Event Best Goalkeeper: 2010\nMundialito Best Goalkeeper: 2011\nMundialito Best Goalkeeper: 2012\n\nExternal links\n\nCategory:Portuguese beach soccer players\nCategory:1978 births\nCategory:Living people" ]
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[ "There are differences in electrical potential and chemical composition between the fluid compartments of the inner ear and the inside of its cells. ", "The resulting electrochemical gradients act as a battery to power a membrane-based motor in the outer hair cell. ", "The motor differs from other biological motors because it converts a difference in electrical potential directly into a mechanical force rather than utilizing chemical energy stored within cells. ", "As a result it can generate force at very high frequencies and the outer hair cell uses its \"electric motor\" to enhance the sensitivity and frequency selectivity of hearing. ", "The goal of our multidisciplinary team is to understand the biological and physical basis of the outer hair cell motor at the molecular and cellular level. ", "The mechanism resides in the cell's novel lateral wall, a 100 nanometer thick, three-layer structure composed of two membranes with a cytoskeletal network sandwiched between them. ", "Optimal performance of the motor requires the membrane protein prestin, intracellular chloride, low membrane cholesterol and an intact lateral wall. ", "The specific objectives of this project period are to evaluate each of these features. ", "Prestin belongs to a family of membrane proteins that facilitate the movement of anions (negatively charged ions such as chloride) through the cell membrane. ", "The structure and function of prestin are analyzed and the contributions of the lateral wall membranes to the modulation and maintenance of the electrochemical gradients necessary for cell function are examined. ", "Coordinated theoretical and experimental approaches are used to identify how prestin works together with anions, other membrane components (including cholesterol) and membrane reactive agents (such as quinine) to modulate the movement of electrical charge into and out of the membrane. ", "Molecular and cellular biology, bioinformatics, biophysics, neuroscience, chemical physics, and bioengineering approaches will all be used. ", "These studies will reveal the frequency response of the motor and show how sound is amplified at high frequencies in the inner ear. ", "Understanding prestin function will provide new information on the anion transport properties of its close family members, which are implicated in diseases associated with anion homeostasis within the lung, pancreas, kidney, colon and inner ear. ", "Elucidation of the biological and physical principles underlying the outer hair cell motor will contribute to the emerging field of biological nanotechnology. ", "These studies may lead to improved therapeutic interventions for the hearing impaired. ", "The studies are directly applicable to understanding why deafness follows the loss of outer hair cells; our results will explain how inner ear vibrations are enhanced at high frequencies to improve hearing. ", "Understanding how the membrane protein prestin functions will provide new information on the anion transport properties of its close family members including pendrin, a mutation of which also leads to hearing loss. ", "In addition to potential benefits to the hearing impaired, elucidation of the physical principles underlying the outer hair cell motor will contribute to the emerging field of biological nanotechnology. [", "unreadable] [unreadable] [unreadable]" ]
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[ "Q:\n\n\"Format of predictions is invalid.\" ", "error en R\n\nEstoy intentando dibujar la curva ROC para los resultado de mi clasificador Naive Bayes.", "\nattach(TrainFactor)\n\nNB <- naiveBayes(Result~., data=TrainFactor)\nNB_pred <- predict(NB, TestFactor, type = c(\"class\"))\nNB_table <- table(NB_pred, TestFactor[,31])\n\n## ROC \nNB_predictiontest <- prediction(NB_pred,TestFactor$Result)\nNB_perftest <- performance(NB_predictiontest,\"tpr\",\"fpr\")\n\nplot(NB_perftest,col=\"blue\",lwd=2, main=\"Naive Bayes ROC Curve\")\n\nPero me imprime un error cuando intento ejecutar la función \"prediction\":\nError in prediction(NB_pred, TestFactor[, 31]) : \n Format of predictions is invalid.", "\n\n¿Alguien puede ayudarme con esto?", "\n\nA:\n\nComo dice Matias, la curva ROC evalúa un vector de probabilidades. ", "Se genera a partir de los resultados de la clasificación considerando distintos puntos de corte, entonces necesitas tener la predicción no como clase, sino como probabilidad. ", "Por defecto, devuelve las probabilidades, así que no hace falta poner nada en type.", "\nNB_pred <- predict(NB, TestFactor) \n\n(Además deberías asegurarte que TestFactor$Result sea binario)\n\n" ]
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[ "Acute effect of static stretching on power output during concentric dynamic constant external resistance leg extension.", "\nThe purpose of the present study was to clarify the effect of static stretching on muscular performance during concentric isotonic (dynamic constant external resistance [DCER]) muscle actions under various loads. ", "Concentric DCER leg extension power outputs were assessed in 12 healthy male subjects after 2 types of pretreatment. ", "The pretreatments included (a) static stretching treatment performing 6 types of static stretching on leg extensors (4 sets of 30 seconds each with 20-second rest periods; total duration 20 minutes) and (b) nonstretching treatment by resting for 20 minutes in a sitting position. ", "Loads during assessment of the power output were set to 5, 30, and 60% of the maximum voluntary contractile (MVC) torque with isometric leg extension in each subject. ", "The peak power output following the static stretching treatment was significantly (p < 0.05) lower than that following the nonstretching treatment under each load (5% MVC, 418.0 +/- 82.2 W vs. 466.2 +/- 89.5 W; 30% MVC, 506.4 +/- 82.8 W vs. 536.4 +/- 97.0 W; 60% MVC, 478.6 +/- 77.5 W vs. 523.8 +/- 97.8 W). ", "The present study demonstrated that relatively extensive static stretching significantly reduces power output with concentric DCER muscle actions under various loads. ", "Common power activities are carried out by DCER muscle actions under various loads. ", "Therefore, the result of the present study suggests that relatively extensive static stretching decreases power performance." ]
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[ "![](", "brjcancer00171-0030.tif \"scanned-page\"){.852}\n\n![](", "brjcancer00171-0031.tif \"scanned-page\"){.853}\n\n![](", "brjcancer00171-0032.tif \"scanned-page\"){.854}\n" ]
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[ "bigshooter :'Always use all the holes and enjoy all the cum. ", "That'll teach you little girls a lesson. ", "Learn from us expereinced mature grown ups.' ", "Great message. ", "The penis should awlays be welcome in a girls mouth, pussy and ass.", "\n\n• April 21 at 6:35pm •\n\nHot4pussy :Kayla is definitely one Hotpussy-buttfuck girl. ", "After 170 'favorites' or so shown above w/o a comment, I decided to let her know how much this pussy-lovin'-lickURclit, huge fuckdick admires her talent. *****" ]
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[ "# vim:ft=perl\n# Copyright (c) 2016-2016 Carbonite, Inc. All Rights Reserved.", "\n#\n# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or\n# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License\n# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2\n# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.", "\n#\n# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but\n# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY\n# or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. ", " See the GNU General Public License\n# for more details.", "\n#\n# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along\n# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,\n# 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA\n#\n# Contact information: Carbonite Inc., 756 N Pastoria Ave\n# Sunnyvale, CA 94086, USA, or: http://www.zmanda.com\n\npackage Installcheck::DBCatalog2;\n\nuse Test::More;\nuse Installcheck;\nuse Installcheck::Run qw(run run_err $diskname amdump_diag);\nuse Amanda::MainLoop qw( :GIOCondition );\nuse Amanda::Paths;\nuse Amanda::Config qw( :init :getconf config_dir_relative );\n\nrequire Exporter;\n\n@ISA = qw(Exporter);\n@EXPORT_OK = qw( create_db_catalog2 recreate_db_catalog2 check_db_catalog2 );\n@EXPORT = qw( create_db_catalog2 recreate_db_catalog2 check_db_catalog2 );\n\nuse strict;\nuse warnings;\n\n=head1 NAME\n\nInstallcheck::DBCatalog2 - interact with DB::Catalog2\n\n=head1 SYNOPSIS\n\n use Installcheck::DBCatalog2;\n create_db_catalog2('TESTCONF');\n ...\n check_db_catalog2(FILENAME);\n\n=head1 USAGE\n\n=over\n\n=item C< create_db_catalog2 >\n\nCreate the DB::Catalog2 on disk\n\n=item C< check_db_catalog2 >\n\nVerify the DB::Catalog2 is what we expect\n\n=back\n\n=cut\n\nsub recreate_db_catalog2 {\n my $confname = shift;\n\nAmanda::Debug::debug(\"recreate_db_catalog2\");\n unlink \"$CONFIG_DIR/$confname/SQLite.db\";\n create_db_catalog2($confname, 1);\n}\n\nsub create_db_catalog2 {\n my $confname = shift;\n my $drop_tables = shift;\n\nAmanda::Debug::debug(\"create_db_catalog2 $drop_tables\");\n #ok(!system(\"$sbindir/amcatalog $confname create\"), \"create_db_catalog2\")\n if (defined $drop_tables && $drop_tables) {\n\tok(!system(\"$sbindir/amcatalog $confname create drop_tables 2>/dev/null\"), \"create_db_catalog2\")\n\t or die(\"Can't create database\");\n } else {\n\tok(!system(\"$sbindir/amcatalog $confname create 2>/dev/null\"), \"create_db_catalog2\")\n\t or die(\"Can't create database\");\n }\n}\n\nsub based_on_timestamp_epoch {\n my ( $sec, $min, $hour, $mday, $mon, $year, $wday, $yday, $isdst ) =\n localtime 0;\n\n my $dumpdate = sprintf(\n '%04d%02d%02d%02d%02d%02d',\n $year + 1900,\n $mon + 1, $mday, $hour, $min, $sec);\n\n return $dumpdate;\n}\n\nsub check_db_catalog2 {\n my $confname = shift;\n my $filename = shift;\n my $diskname1_path = shift;\n my $diskname2_path = shift;\n\n my $temp_filename = \"$Amanda::Paths::AMANDA_TMPDIR/check_db_catalog2.$$\" . \"_\" . ", "rand();\n\n ok(!system(\"$sbindir/amcatalog $confname export $temp_filename 2>/dev/null\"), \"export catalog\")\n\tor die(\"Can't export database\");\n\n my $a = Amanda::Util::slurp($temp_filename);\n my $b = Amanda::Util::slurp(\"$srcdir/DB_Catalolog2/$filename\");\n my $fail = 0;\n\n my @a = split /\\n/, $a;\n my @b = split /\\n/, $b;\n my $based_on_timestampo_epoch = based_on_timestamp_epoch();\n while (defined(my $la = shift @a)) {\n\tmy $lb = shift @b;\n\t$lb =~ s/DISKNAME1_PATH/$diskname1_path/g;\n\t$lb =~ s/DISKNAME2_PATH/$diskname2_path/g;\n\t$lb =~ s/19691231190000/$based_on_timestampo_epoch/g;\n\tif ($la !", "~ /^$lb$/){\n\t $fail=1;\n\t diag(\"-,$la,\");\n\t diag(\"+,$lb,\");\n\t}\n }\n foreach my $lb (@b) {\n\t$fail = 1;\n\tdiag(\"+$lb\");\n }\n\n unlink $temp_filename;\n ok(!$fail, \"catalog: match\");\n}\n\n\n1;\n" ]
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[ "During the French Revolutionary Wars, the French army had a problem. ", "A big, smelly, potentially deadly problem. ", "It was so big that on this day in 1795, they offered 12,000 francs to anyone who could successfully solve it.", "\n\nThat problem—how to store food safely—was one shared by most of the rest of humanity, which probably explains why its solution has been so popular and lasting: canning. ", "When left out, food, as we all know, goes bad. ", "Take this issue and multiply it by the size of your average army and, well, you have a real issue.", "\n\nAlthough food could be dried, smoked, fermented or pickled before the invention of canning, none of these methods were certain to be safe and they didn’t preserve flavor, according to the City University of New York. ", "Cue Nicolas Appert, a candymaker and winner of the prize money and the title “The Father of Canning.” ", "It took him 14 years of experimentation, writes Encyclopedia Britannica, but he developed a canning process that worked.", "\n\nCanning works by placing food in jars or cans (jars, in Appert’s early work) and heating the whole set-up to a temperature that kills bacteria and other microorganisms. ", "As the jars/cans cool, a vacuum seal is formed which prevents other microorganisms from getting in.", "\n\nHere’s the thing, though: Appert could never explain why his method worked. ", "Approaching the problem (and eager for the prize money), he reasoned that if the method worked for wine, why not food, writes Brian A. Nummer for The National Center for Home Food Preservation. ", "Appert’s work was centered around the idea of removing air from food, writes Jerry James Stone for The Kitchn. ", "Appert’s method, Stone writes, started with putting food in jars, “which were then corked, much like wine, and sealed off with a wax seal. ", "The jars were wrapped in canvas and then boiled.”", "\n\nAfter years of experimentation, Appert decided, correctly, that the two most important factors in canning were \"the absolute deprivation from contact with the exterior air\" and \"application of the heat in the water-bath.\"", "\n\n“In about 1806 Appert’s principles were successfully trialed by the French Navy on a wide range of foods including meat, vegetables, fruit and even milk,” Nummer writes. ", "Then in 1810, Appert got the money and published his results, as stipulated in the award deal. ", "His book’s title translates to The Art of Preserving All Kinds of Animal and Vegetable Substances for Many Years.", "\n\nBut it was years before Louis Pasteur’s research would reveal the relationship between microorganisms and food going bad, Nummer writes. ", "Appert knew that it worked, but he had no idea why, and neither did those, like Englishman Peter Durand, who refined his idea. ", "Durand got the patent for the tin can in 1810. ", "It would be more than 50 years before Pasteur would make the innovation that bears his name—pasteurization." ]
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[ "# Copyright Iris contributors\n#\n# This file is part of Iris and is released under the LGPL license.", "\n# See COPYING and COPYING.LESSER in the root of the repository for full\n# licensing details.", "\n\"\"\"\nUnit tests for the :mod:`iris.fileformats._pyke_rules.compiled_krb` module.", "\n\n\"\"\"\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Github" }
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[ "Q:\n\nWhere should I place the comma in large numbers?", "\n\nIf writing for an exclusively Chinese audience, would the number 五萬 be written as 5,0000 or 50,000? ", " \nTo flesh out the question, we could consider:\n\n五千 5000 or 5,000\n五萬 5,0000 or 50,000\n五十萬 50,0000 or 500,000 \n五百萬 500,0000 or 5,000,000 \n\nAm curious, about both text and software which is published with only a native Chinese speaking audience in mind.", "\n\nA:\n\nIt's 50 000 or 50,000, the same as international standard.", "\nReference: 出版物上数字用法的规定 (General rules for writing numerals in publications) \n\n8 多位整数与小数: 8 Multidigit integers and decimals:\n8.1 阿拉伯数字书写的多位整数和小数的分节 8.1 Segmentations for multidigit integers and decimals written in Arabic numerals\n8.1.1 专业性科技出版物的分节法:从小数点起,向左和向右每三位数字一组,组间空四分之一个汉字(二分之一个阿拉伯数字)的位置。 ", " 8.1.1 Segmentation rules for professional scientific publications: from the decimal point, towards the left and the right, make every three digits a group; the width of the gap between two adjacent groups should be 1/4 of a Chinese character width (or 1/2 of an Arabic numeral width).", "\n示例:2 748 456 3.141 592 65\n\n8.1.2 非专业性科技出版物如排版留四分空有困难,可仍采用传统的以千分撇“,”分节的办法。小数部分不分节。四位以内的整数也可以不分节。 ", " 8.1.2 For non-\"professional scientific publications\", if it is difficult to use \"quarter space\", the traditional segment comma \",\" is acceptable. ", "Decimal part should not be segmented. ", "Integers less than 4 digits can be either segmented or not segmented.", "\n示例:2,748,456 3.14159265 8703 \n\nEdit by Stan:\nIf following 8.1.1, then the 四分空(quarter space) should be used according to the standard. ", "Unfortunately, the standard hasn't exactly defined which space should be used. ", "The list of spaces can be found in wiki. ", "And practically, when rendering NOT by a monospaced font, I suggest using\n\nU+2005 Four-Per-Em Space, or\nU+202F Narrow No-Break Space\n\nfor the \"quarter space\". ", "Specially, the \"Narrow No-Break Space\" is for the intention of not breaking a digit number.", "\nRendering results with mixed font 宋体+Calibri via Microsoft Word are as follows:\n\nand for the line-breaking case (text aligning setting: 两端对齐 Justify)\n\n*Note that in the \"Narrow No-Break Space\" case, no matter how you edit the content, the number won't be break into two lines.", "\nBTW, you can use the Alt and the numeric keypad to input the special space, like Alt+8197 or Alt+8239.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "Porous-coated cementless acetabular cups in revision surgery: a 6- to 11-year follow-up study.", "\nBetween 1986 and 1991, 65 cementless hemispherical acetabular cups were implanted in 60 patients in revision surgery. ", "Different designs were used, including PCA (29 cups), Duraloc (14 cups), Harris-Galante (12 cups), and Omnifit (10 cups). ", "The mean age of patients was 54.7 years. ", "The Paprosky types of the acetabular tone defects were type 1, 2 hips; type 2, 38 hips; type 3A, 15 hips; and type 3B, 10 hips. ", "For unrevised hips, the mean follow-up was 8.3 years (range, 6-11 years). ", "Bone allografts were used in 56 hips: Morcellized cancellous graft was used in 42 hips, structural graft for contained defects was used in 7 hips, and structural graft for uncontained defects was used in 7 hips. ", "There were poor clinical results in 14 hips (22%). ", "Re-revision was necessary in 7 hips (10.8%). ", "There was definite radiographic loosening in 18 hips and possible loosening in 4 hips. ", "Screw failure occurred in 6 hips, and a radiolucency in 1 or more DeLee-Charnley zones was apparent in 45 hips (69.2%). ", "Moderate or severe graft resorption were found in 4 of the 42 morcellized grafts, in 6 of the 7 structural grafts for uncontained defects, and in all 7 of the 7 structural grafts for contained defects. ", "The best results were obtained in hips with a bone defect of less than 30%. ", "The use of a cementless acetabular cup supplemented with screws is contraindicated in hips with a bone defect greater than 50%. ", "Hip reconstruction using structural bone-graft to stabilize the prosthesis gives the worst results." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
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[ "MP3 At 3PM: Solos\n\nSolos are an unlikely duo. ", "Made up of Spencer Seim of Hella and folk singer Aaron Ross, Solos are the most spastic glitch-rock fusion this side of the Mae Shi. “", "Carpe Diem,” off Beast Of Both Worlds (out September 11 via Joyful Noise), sounds like a messed-up collision of Dan Deacon, Figurines and even AC/DC or Van Halen. ", "Download “Carpe Diem” below." ]
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[ "#Wed Apr 10 15:27:10 PDT 2013\ndistributionBase=GRADLE_USER_HOME\ndistributionPath=wrapper/dists\nzipStoreBase=GRADLE_USER_HOME\nzipStorePath=wrapper/dists\ndistributionUrl=https\\://services.gradle.org/distributions/gradle-2.2.1-all.zip\n" ]
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[ "DEERFIELD VALLEY- Mount Snow Valley Chamber of Commerce will spearhead a long-term project next month, aimed at bringing businesses of the valley together in an effort to collectively turn around declining economic trends. ", "With the approval of a Rural Enterprise Business grant from the US Department of Agriculture, (USDA) the chamber will set out on creating a marketing plan for the valley, complete with an official name and logo.", "\n\nThe REB grant of $49,000 was approved after an eight-month application process. ", "During that time the chamber collected matching funds from the towns of Dover and Wilmington, as well as from Mount Snow and the Hermitage, bringing the grant total to $117,000. ", "The chamber’s grant application referenced the area’s 15% population decrease over the last 10 years, as well as a lack of collaboration among independent artisans, as reasons for local economic decline. ", "The chamber also highlights a lack of a cohesive name or brand for the valley. ", "According to chamber executive director Adam Grinold, this grant will allow the valley to change that.", "\n\n“Our program intends to bring valley businesses together in their marketing,” said Grinold. “", "The valley has lacked this cohesive effort for many years, according to many people.”", "\n\nThe marketing plan is open to members and non-members of the chamber, and will begin with an open meeting for businesses in July, with the goal of putting together a plan for the next 10 months.", "\n\nGrinold says the intention is to bring all businesses together into what he calls a “common language.” ", "While a quilt shop and a snowboard shop may have a different customer base, both can be brought together by the use of concurrent fonts, colors, and logos, in an effort to bring customers to the same geographic location. ", "In this case, the valley.", "\n\nOne of the first orders of business will be deciding on an official name for the marketing area. ", "Grinold says the valley has too many names, from the broad “Southern Vermont” to “Mount Snow Valley” and “Deerfield Valley.” ", "For this marketing campaign, Grinold said the businesses would need to come to agreement on a single unifying name for the logo, fonts, and language.", "\n\n“Other areas use the same logo, language, and description,” said Grinold. “", "The only way to reach outside of the valley and bring people in is to create that cohesive marketing plan that brings all the players together and creates a common language to speak to the outside world.”", "\n\nGrinold said an outside marketing firm would be hired for creation of the logo, to provide the valley with a fresh pair of eyes, an outside perspective, and a professional approach to creating a brand. ", "Such a company costs anywhere from $15,000 to $50,000, according to Grinold.", "\n\nThe chamber’s marketing plan will also work to identify a customer base, by looking at the current market of visitors and other segments the valley can target.", "\n\nThe $117,000 will also be used to help individual businesses through mini-grants, intended to help businesses with the various design costs included in coming into compliance with the new plan, like website design and making new signs. ", "Businesses will be able to apply for these mini-grants through the chamber.", "\n\nWhile getting the grant approved was a lengthy process, Grinold says implementing the plan will be a tough road, but one he’s ready to travel. “ ", "I’m very excited,” said Grinold, “because now the hard work begins.", "\n\n“The execution of this will not be easy, but the process of bringing all the valley businesses together for one goal, no one’s opposed to that. ", "This can’t be a one- or two-person-driven project, this has to have wide and broad-based support and involvement.”", "\n\nInterested business owners can contact Grinold at (802) 464 8092 or Adam@visitvermont.com." ]
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[ "Interactive cases designed to simulate the steps involved in diagnosing a patient, from take the history and performing a physical exam, to ordering and interpreting lab tests, to making a final diagnosis and following the clinical course of the disease" ]
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[ 0 ]
[ "\"Previously on \"revenge\"...\" \" Daddy!\" \" ", "when I was a child,\" \"My father was framed for a crime he didn't commit.\" \"", "You're making a mistake!\" \"", "Amanda!\" \"", "Amanda Clarke no longer exists.\" \"", "Before he died, he left a road map for revenge\" \"That led me to the people who destroyed our lives.\" \"", "Lydia's in a coma.\" \"", "Frank was trying to kill her, Victoria. ", "aah!\" \"", "Whose idea was it to make the video?\" \"", "Tell me I'm alone in this, and I won't bother you again.\" \"", "I'm seeing Daniel.\" \"", "I'm so sorry, Jack.\" \"", "Get off me!\" \"", "Uhh!\" \"", "I think we're all being set up.\" \"", "as Hamlet said to Ophelia,\" \"\"God has given you one face,\" \"And you make yourself another.\"\" \"", "The battle between these two halves of identity...\" \"Who we are and who we pretend to be, is unwinnable.\" \"", "Conrad, could you please take Victoria's hand\" \"In this next shot?\" \"", "And, Victoria, can you please show us the ring?\" \"", "Beautiful.\" \"", "Thank you.\" \"", "So if you had to sum up your quarter century of marriage,\" \"What exactly would you say is your secret?\" \"", "What keeps you two together?\" \"", "Love and respect.\" \"", "If you keep that in mind,\" \"It's impossible not to go through 25 years\" \"Without experiencing certain things\" \"That bond you\" \"And make you stronger.\" \"", "What's the one thing that has bonded you two forever?\" \"", "I would say the birth of our son Daniel.\" \"", "Oh, and Charlotte, of course.\" \"", "And you'll be very happy to hear that my editor\" \"Has promised me the front page of the life leisure section,\" \"Above the fold.\" \"", "The 25th year in the marriage\" \"Of the Hamptons' most perfect couple.\" \"", "Ashley.\" \"", "Would you mind giving Ms. Anderson\" \"A tour of the garden before brunch?\" \"", "Of course.\" \"", "I'll be along in just a minute.\" \"", "Thank you.\" \"", "Let's wrap it up.\" \"", "Let's go.\" \"", "The Hamptons' most perfect couple.\" \"", "I don't know how much more of this I can stomach.\" \"", "The timing is...\" \"Less than ideal,\" \"But the best thing we can do is go about our lives\" \"As though nothing's happened.\" \"", "Something has happened.\" \"", "Lydia was almost killed,\" \"And we don't know where Frank is or what he's up to.\" \"", "What we do know is that Frank cashed his severance check.\" \"", "Hopefully, that means that's the last we've heard of him.\" \"", "And what about Lydia?\" \"", "Well, I stationed a guard at her bedside.\" \"", "And when she wakes up,\" \"We'll be the first to know.\" \"", "Hello.\" \"", "May I see some identification?\" \"", "It's okay, Big Ed.\" \"", "She's just a former friend.\" \"", "Oh, you can take five,\" \"Just don't go too far.\" \"", "You hired a bodyguard?\" \"", "You would, too, if Frank had almost blown your kneecaps off.\" \"", "But as peculiar as it may sound,\" \"I happen to like my life.\" \"", "Oh, and so did my father,\" \"Until the Grayson's stole it.\" \"", "Where's your loyalty to him?\" \"", "Perhaps I could step back\" \"Into more of a consulting role.\" \"", "Fine.\" \"", "I need you to hack into the hospital's computer files.\" \"", "Lydia's out of critical condition,\" \"But she's still comatose.\" \"", "I couldn't help myself.\" \"", "Good.\" \"", "That buys us some time to get back on track.\" \"", "And what horrible fate do you have in store\" \"For young Daniel?\" \"", "Daniel's not a target.\" \"", "You know that.\" \"", "Hmm.\" \"", "You know how much easier your life would be\" \"If you just dropped all this\" \"And went to go live happily ever after\" \"With Jack?\" \"", "Unless...\" \"Of course...\" \"You're actually falling for Daniel?\" \"", "You're just a consultant, remember?\" \"", "So which parent spoils you the most?\" \"", "Easy.\" \"", "My dad.\" \"", "That's an understatement.\" \"", "And what about your brother?\" \"", "Is there any sibling rivalry there?\" \"", "My brother gets away with murder.\" \"", "Notice his absence this morning?\" \"", "Mm.\" \"", "He really should've been here by now.\" \"", "I can't imagine what's keeping him.\" \"", "Daniel's been doing some charity work\" \"Down at the docks in Montauk.\" \"", "Tyler Barrol, Daniel's Harvard friend.\" \"", "Melissa Andetson.\" \"", "With the \"Times.\"\" \"", "Tyler's been staying with us for the summer.\" \"", "In fact, he's practically a member of the family.\" \"", "You should really come\" \"To the anniversary dinner tomorrow night.\" \"", "Of course.\" \"", "So you're going to be having an intimate dinner\" \"Rather than one of your legendary soirees?\" \"", "Oh, well, it's become kind of a tradition on its own,\" \"Just close friends and family.\" \"", "Not to overstep, but may I bring Ashley as my date?\" \"", "Oh, tyler, I'm sure the Graysons\" \"Already have enough people.\" \"", "Mm.\" \"", "It's a lovely idea.\" \"", "Great.\" \"", "Then I'll bring a date, too.\" \"", "Last I heard, you and Adam had broken up.\" \"", "Let's keep it to tradition.\" \"", "Hey, bud.\" \"", "Well, look what the cat dragged in.\" \"", "Your mother is ready to kill you.\" \"", "She's not alone, by the way.\" \"", "I know.\" \"", "I know.\" \"", "I got this stupid interview,\" \"Which I...\" \"Hold on.\" \"", "Why are you mad at me?\" \"", "You honestly don't remember?\" \"", "Oh, my god.\" \"", "Did I do that?\" \"", "You slammed my head into a wall, Danny.\" \"", "Are you serious?\" \"", "T-ty, I-I don't remember a thing from last night.\" \"", "What... what happened?\" \"", "Well, apparently, I can't mention Emily's name\" \"Without you going ballistic on me.\" \"", "What about me?\" \"", "Nothing.\" \"", "Nothing.\" \"", "Rough night.\" \"", "So I heard.\" \"", "Is that why you've been ignoring my calls?\" \"", "I'm sorry.\" \"", "The night kind of got away from me,\" \"And I ended up crashing at work.\" \"", "Could we get a little privacy, Tyler?\" \"", "Yeah, of course.\" \"", "Ah, perfect timing.\" \"", "Hey, mom.\" \"", "How's Rio?\" \"", "I'm sorry.\" \"", "The \"Times\" is doing a profile of my mom and dad,\" \"And I gotta sit down with the reporter.\" \"", "Hey, why don't you join me?\" \"", "Mm.\" \"", "I hate these things.\" \"", "No more than I do.\" \"", "I've never trusted reporters.\" \"", "They can...\" \"Twist your words to sell any story they want.\" \"", "Call you when it's over.\" \"", "If it's okay, I'd rather you not mention me.\" \"", "Yeah.\" \"", "No problem.\" \"", "You looking for this?\" \"", "This is some serious firepower, ms.\" \"", "Thorne.\" \"", "Seems unnecessary.\" \"", "Well, that depends on what I'm up against.\" \"", "You work for the Graysons, don't you?\" \"", "No, not anymore.\" \"", "Lost my job...\" \"Due to some strange events.\" \"", "There's been a lot of that going around\" \"Since you came to town...\" \"You and your pal Nolan Ross.\" \"", "You should leave before I call the police.\" \"", "Go ahead.\" \"", "Though I suspect\" \"That you don't want 'em nosing around, do you?\" \"", "Two years at Allenwood juvenile detention,\" \"Conviction for assault with a deadly weapon.\" \"", "Those files were sealed.\" \"", "At great expense, no doubt.\" \"", "I was just a kid.\" \"", "I'm not that girl anymore.\" \"", "Well, you know what?\" \"", "You can clean yourself up,\" \"But zebras don't change their stripes.\" \"", "How much do you want?\" \"", "Yeah, it's always about money with you people, isn't it?\" \"", "At first, I thought Victoria was just paranoid about you,\" \"But not anymore.\" \"", "There's more to your story, little lady.\" \"", "And I'm gonna find out what it is.\" \"", "Warden, I have Amanda Clarke on the line.\" \"", "Amanda.\" \"", "I was hoping never to have to take this call.\" \"", "I was hoping I'd never have to make it.\" \"", "But I have a feeling I'm gonna need your help...\" \"Again.\" \"", "And funnily enough, I'm actually enjoying it.\" \"", "Bartending?\" \"", "Really?\" \"", "Yeah, it's been really humbling.\" \"", "The family that owns the stowaway\" \"Have poured their hearts and souls into the business.\" \"", "I've got nothing but respect for them.\" \"", "You know, Daniel, I was rereading the interview\" \"That we did last summer.\" \"", "You were quite the party boy then.\" \"", "Ugh.\" \"", "You know, people change.\" \"", "I've changed,\" \"And just in time.\" \"", "In time for what?\" \"", "I...\" \"What's her name?\" \"", "Uh, I'm sorry.\" \"", "She values her privacy, and I respect that, so...\" \"Oh, come on.\" \"", "Just a hint?\" \"", "Is it serious?\" \"", "Hopefully.\" \"", "Now if there's nothing else?\" \"", "Always a pleasure.\" \"", "Thank you.\" \"", "Did you get everything you need?\" \"", "Actually, he was a little cagey.\" \"", "Ooh.\" \"", "Don't tell me he gave you\" \"The whole \"Emily's a very private person\" thing.\" \"", "Actually, he didn't mention any names at all.\" \"", "Emily who?\" \"", "Off the record?\" \"", "I'll never eat oysters again.\" \"", "Hey, sorry.\" \"", "That's how we do it on the docks.\" \"", "Trying to single-handedly restart the economy?\" \"", "Ah, I find shopping therapeutic.\" \"", "My parents are making me come\" \"To their stupid anniversary dinner tonight, so...\" \"I figured the least they could do is treat me to a new dress.\" \"", "Besides,\" \"You'll need something to wear.\" \"", "To your parents' anniversary dinner?\" \"", "Please don't say no.\" \"", "To you?\" \"", "No way.\" \"", "But...\" \"I can dress myself.\" \"", "Even better.\" \"", "Why, exactly, do you need a bodyguard?\" \"", "Uh, two words, my friend...\" \"Net worth.\" \"", "Can I ask you a question?\" \"", "Friends don't have to ask if they can ask, so ask.\" \"", "Well, the friends I keep wouldn't have pushed me\" \"Towards a girl that they knew was unavailable.\" \"", "Why'd you do that?\" \"", "I never believed that Emily was serious about Grayson.\" \"", "Jack, I still don't.\" \"", "Well, maybe you guys aren't as tight as you think.\" \"", "No, you're right.\" \"", "We're like...\" \"Thick.\" \"", "You and I are tight.\" \"", "Not anymore.\" \"", "I think it's about time\" \"You found another place to hang out.\" \"", "Hello.\" \"", "Hi.\" \"", "Are you Emily Thorne?\" \"", "Who are you?\" \"", "Melissa Andetson with the \"Times.\"\" \"", "I'm doing a story on your neighbor, the Graysons,\" \"And I understand you're dating their son.\" \"", "Did he tell you that?\" \"", "No, but it's my job to dig a little.\" \"", "You know, I'm...\" \"I'm really not interested\" \"In participating.\" \"", "Oh, come on.\" \"", "My sources tell me that you're secretly anxious\" \"To let the whole world know that Daniel Grayson's yours.\" \"", "Tyler?\" \"", "Well, a good reporter never reveals her sources.\" \"", "What can I say?\" \"", "You got me.\" \"", "Please, sit down.\" \"", "Thank you.\" \"", "Your friend is a bit of a miracle.\" \"", "I've seen people fall 10 feet and not make it.\" \"", "What's the prognosis?\" \"", "Well, her vitals are strong\" \"And her fractures are healing nicely.\" \"", "If the swelling continues to recede,\" \"She could regain consciousness at anytime.\" \"", "Anything to expect when she does?\" \"", "Oh, I'd hate to speculate.\" \"", "How is she?\" \"", "Get a guard, quickly.\" \"", "Victoria, it's me.\" \"", "Forgive me if I don't find that\" \"All that reassuring.\" \"", "Well, you stopped taking my calls.\" \"", "I'm going upstate for a few days.\" \"", "If I were you, I'd go a lot farther than that.\" \"", "He's right in here.\" \"", "Escort this man out of the building.\" \"", "If he returns, call the police.\" \"", "Sir.\" \"", "Won't be necessary.\" \"", "I'm gonna redeem myself with you, Victoria.\" \"", "Or I'm gonna die trying.\" \"", "All right.\" \"", "The moment I laid eyes on her,\" \"I knew Emily Thorne didn't belong in here.\" \"", "You don't think that\" \"Stabbing her foster father with a pair of scissors\" \"Justified incarceration?\" \"", "The man was convicted of aggravated child battery\" \"Long after Emily's release,\" \"So it was self-defense.\" \"", "If that's true, I'd like to cross-check my intel\" \"With your records.\" \"", "Then get a court order.\" \"", "In the meantime,\" \"How would you like a tour of the new library?\" \"", "It's built entirely\" \"On Emily's donations.\" \"", "Sure.\" \"", "We took good care of Emily back in the day.\" \"", "Now she's returning the favor.\" \"", "You'll see.\" \"", "Hey, Jack.\" \"", "The Stowaway's in the \"Times.\"\" \"", "What?\" \"", "Yeah.\" \"", "You're kidding.\" \"", "I'm serious.\" \"", "It's this crazy article about the Graysons.\" \"", "Well, okay, listen to this.\" \"", "Uh, \"In an effort to become a more well-rounded person\" \"\"And experience the life of the other half,\" \"\"Daniel Grayson has even taken a job tending bar\" \"At local tavern the Stowaway.\"\" \"", "What else does it say?\" \"", "Uh...\" \"It's garbage.\" \"", "Hey, I forgot to tell you, I'm taking the night off.\" \"", "Oh, are you?\" \"", "Thanks, brother.\" \"", "How was your swim?\" \"", "Rough.\" \"", "This one's part dolphin.\" \"", "What you got there?\" \"", "Oh, a little gift for you two,\" \"Hot off the presses.\" \"", "Wait.\" \"", "I thought you weren't doing the interview.\" \"", "Yeah, well, the reporter showed up at my house,\" \"So I didn't have much choice.\" \"", "Well, how did she even know about you?\" \"", "Apparently, somebody told her\" \"That I was anxious to participate.\" \"", "Wait.\" \"", "Ty, is this true?\" \"", "I wanted to do something nice for you.\" \"", "Things have been bumpy with Emily and me,\" \"And I thought it would be a good peace offering.\" \"", "Sure you did.\" \"", "Excuse me.\" \"", "Danny, come on.\" \"", "I didn't mean any harm.\" \"", "Hello?\" \"", "It's getting harder and harder to believe.\" \"", "If you can't start respecting what I got going on with Emily,\" \"Then maybe you shouldn't be here.\" \"", "Did you get rid of him?\" \"", "For now, but this never should've happened.\" \"", "What's the first thing I taught you?\" \"", "Never underestimate your enemy.\" \"", "And never let your guard down.\" \"", "This one seems determined.\" \"", "Won't happen again.\" \"", "Thanks, ms.\" \"", "Stiles.\" \"", "So how do you like your article?\" \"\"", "With a strength to withstand the passage of time\" \"\"And a sparkling polish that won't quit,\" \"\"Silver is the perfect fit\" \"For the Graysons' own brand of marital bliss.\"\" \"", "I'd be happier if this couple bore any resemblance to us.\" \"", "I just hope our children have better luck.\" \"", "I thought you didn't believe in luck.\" \"", "I don't believe in good luck.\" \"", "I'm sure Lydia would agree if she were able.\" \"", "Oh, speaking of, I find it curious\" \"You took it upon yourself to pay her hospital bills.\" \"", "Why the 180?\" \"", "Well, it's easy to blame Lydia for what's happened between us.\" \"", "The truth is, we're not all that different.\" \"", "When I met you 25 years ago,\" \"You were married,\" \"And I was lonely and insecure, just like Lydia.\" \"", "That's funny.\" \"", "I don't recall you ever\" \"Being either of those things.\" \"", "And for the record,\" \"I really never have loved any woman\" \"The way I've loved you.\" \"", "Just my luck.\" \"", "I thought you might come here.\" \"", "Stop following me, Frank.\" \"", "You stop giving me a reason to.\" \"", "The feds are coming for David tomorrow night.\" \"", "What's done is done.\" \"", "Now you made your decision, Victoria.\" \"", "The sooner you start living with it, the better.\" \"", "What, no bodyguard?\" \"", "I'm right here, ma'am.\" \"", "We came over to do a...\" \"Security check on your place.\" \"", "Ed found at least seven points of entry\" \"For potential intruders.\" \"", "You really should let him install a security system.\" \"", "We also do panic rooms.\" \"", "Mm.\" \"", "I don't panic.\" \"", "Ed, would you give us a minute?\" \"", "I need to speak to the young lady.\" \"", "What happened to flying under the radar, princess?\" \"", "Tyler sicced that reporter on me.\" \"", "I had to spin it to my advantage.\" \"", "You were so effusive about Daniel,\" \"Even I swooned.\" \"", "Jack, on the other hand,\" \"Not so much.\" \"", "Now he's taking it out on me.\" \"", "Okay, you know what?\" \"", "I don't have time to deal with your problems, Nolan.\" \"", "I have too many of my own.\" \"", "What?\" \"", "Shark in the water a little too close to shore?\" \"", "Not Frank.\" \"", "Tyler.\" \"", "He is doing everything he can to come between Daniel and me.\" \"", "I need you\" \"To find something for me to use\" \"To discredit him with the Graysons.\" \"", "My first solo takedown?\" \"", "I'm on it.\" \"", "All right, two Mojitos, one Cosmo,\" \"One sugar-free Margarita.\" \"", "Enjoy.\" \"", "Jack.\" \"", "Hey.\" \"", "Hey.\" \"", "Could I talk to you for a second?\" \"", "Sure.\" \"", "Unless you're planning on ordering a shaved ice Appletini.\" \"", "I've noticed.\" \"", "The clientele's shifted a bit since the last time I was here.\" \"", "Yeah, yeah.\" \"", "Thanks, again, Daniel Grayson.\" \"", "Not that I'm complaining.\" \"", "Business has been good.\" \"", "Well, I wanted to bring you this.\" \"", "What is it?\" \"", "It's an old mariner's compass.\" \"", "You didn't have to do that.\" \"", "Well, I wanted to, to say thank you\" \"For fixing the swing.\" \"", "And about the other night...\" \"Can we pretend that didn't happen?\" \"", "I'm still pretty embarrassed about that.\" \"", "Don't be.\" \"", "Friends?\" \"", "Friends.\" \"", "I'll see you later.\" \"", "Thank you.\" \"", "Thanks again for inviting me to be your date tonight.\" \"", "Finally, I get to be on the guest list\" \"Instead of checking it at the door.\" \"", "Of course.\" \"", "You earned it.\" \"", "I've earned a new pair of shoes, too,\" \"Don't you think?\" \"", "Go.\" \"", "I'll wait out here.\" \"", "Well, well.\" \"", "Don't you two make a cute couple?\" \"", "You should probably get outta here.\" \"", "My girl can't stand you.\" \"", "Well, if Ashley doesn't want to see me,\" \"She should take out a restraining order.\" \"", "You have some experience with that, right?\" \"", "What are you talking about?\" \"", "Oh, right.\" \"", "The restraining order was against you.\" \"", "My mistake.\" \"", "Perhaps...\" \"Leslie Montgomery\" \"Could shed some light on the matter.\" \"", "What do you want, Nolan?\" \"", "I'll explain it to you tonight.\" \"", "My place, 7-ish.\" \"", "Yeah, well, uh, I won't be there.\" \"", "You will and you'll be prompt.\" \"", "I can be a very impatient person.\" \"", "Hello, Emily Thorne.\" \"", "Our wedding invitation.\" \"", "How nice.\" \"", "I tracked down the printer who did the original\" \"And had one made for you.\" \"", "With Daniel's help, of course.\" \"", "Ah, don't look at me.\" \"", "This was all Emily.\" \"", "How extraordinarily crafty of you.\" \"", "I'm glad you like it.\" \"", "Well, as long as we're giving gifts,\" \"Happy anniversary, mrs.\" \"", "G.\" \"I'm Declan.\" \"", "Charlotte invited me.\" \"", "Oh, she did, did she?\" \"", "Ah, Rose.\" \"", "How lovely.\" \"", "Charlotte.\" \"", "Mom, you remember Declan.\" \"", "He's my plus one.\" \"", "Well, I'll just have mrs.\" \"", "Johnson\" \"Set another place at the table.\" \"", "You didn't tell her I was coming?\" \"", "Must have slipped her mind.\" \"", "Tyler's not here.\" \"", "Declan can have his seat.\" \"", "Oh, he's just running a bit late.\" \"", "Well, we'll just hold the first course for him, then.\" \"", "Let's start without him.\" \"", "He can catch up.\" \"", "Yeah, you wouldn't want your food\" \"To get cold, mrs.\" \"", "Grayson.\" \"", "I'm sure you slaved in the kitchen all day.\" \"", "You're funny.\" \"", "Scotch okay?\" \"", "Just tell me what the hell you want.\" \"", "Direct.\" \"", "I like that in my negotiations.\" \"", "Well, upon some research,\" \"I noticed that all your bills last summer\" \"Were paid by one Leslie Montgomery,\" \"Kept-boy style.\" \"", "I get it.\" \"", "Older women can be so hot.\" \"", "Then I discovered that\" \"Leslie had filed a restraining order against you.\" \"", "Seems you made Leslie, uh...\" \"A very nervous man.\" \"", "Tell me,\" \"What's a gay hustler doing posing as a Harvard student?\" \"", "Gay?\" \"", "Eh.\" \"", "A hustler?\" \"", "Maybe.\" \"", "Ambiguous sexual identity.\" \"", "I get it.\" \"", "I'm about a... 3 on the Kinsey scale myself.\" \"", "Still doesn't explain what you're up to.\" \"", "Although, it's no surprise you ended up best buds\" \"With Daniel Grayson.\" \"", "Okay.\" \"", "A couple of years ago, my family lost everything.\" \"", "The Barrols went from the penthouse to the street\" \"Overnight.\" \"", "I was forced to drop out of school,\" \"And now I'm here,\" \"Edging my way into an entry-level job\" \"With Conrad Grayson.\" \"", "And I imagine your chances for landing that job\" \"Would take a nosedive if Conrad knew about your past.\" \"", "All right, Nolan.\" \"", "You got me.\" \"", "But tell me...\" \"Who gets you?\" \"", "Excuse me?\" \"", "Well, you... you'd think\" \"There'd be people crawling all over you.\" \"", "But here you are,\" \"All alone.\" \"", "Now then, I can't have you sharing all this.\" \"", "You did say this was a negotiation, so...\" \"Let's make a deal.\" \"", "Still no answer from Tyler.\" \"", "I'm sorry.\" \"", "I'll just see myself out.\" \"", "Oh, Ashley, don't be silly.\" \"", "Please.\" \"", "That doesn't sound like the Tyler I know.\" \"", "I'm sure there's an explanation.\" \"", "Always.\" \"", "The \"Times\" Piece on your marriage\" \"Was really inspiring.\" \"", "What you two have is\" \"Truly worth the attention.\" \"", "I thought it was chock-full of embellishments.\" \"", "Surely what they wrote about you and Daniel\" \"Was equally overblown.\" \"", "Oh, I couldn't bring myself to read that part about us.\" \"", "That's funny.\" \"", "Neither could my brother.\" \"", "Emily's trying to get over a case of publicity shyness.\" \"", "Well, when she's ready, she can take my spot.\" \"", "After all this,\" \"I'll be happy if I never see my name in print again.\" \"", "I'll believe that when I see it.\" \"", "Or rather, when I don't see it.\" \"", "How about a toast?\" \"", "To the Hamptons' very own William and Kate.\" \"", "Oh.\" \"", "We're not exactly royalty.\" \"", "No kidding.\" \"", "The duke of cambridge wouldn't be caught dead\" \"Working at a dive bar.\" \"", "It's not a dive bar, sir.\" \"", "Declan's right, mr.\" \"", "Grayson.\" \"", "The Stowaway is more of a local treasure.\" \"", "Oh, I didn't know you frequented such places, Emily.\" \"", "Oh, yeah.\" \"", "In fact, she was there this afternoon.\" \"", "She even gave him a present.\" \"", "What's he talking about?\" \"", "I was thanking him for fixing the porch swing.\" \"", "It was nothing.\" \"", "Yeah, it wasn't nothing to him.\" \"", "You don't know what it took for Jack\" \"To put himself out there for you on the 4th.\" \"", "You let him think he had a shot, but he never did,\" \"Because in your mind,\" \"He will never be good enough for you people.\" \"", "Now I know the feeling.\" \"", "Sorry, Charlotte.\" \"", "Excuse me.\" \"", "Daniel.\" \"", "I think I'll try Tyler again.\" \"", "Excuse me.\" \"", "Congratulations, mom,\" \"And happy anniversary.\" \"", "It's $50 for the lap dance.\" \"", "Hands to yourself, or I use the cuffs.\" \"", "Or not.\" \"", "Actually, um,\" \"I just want to talk.\" \"", "Ah, you're one of those.\" \"", "It's your money.\" \"", "What do you want to talk about?\" \"", "I want to talk about Amanda Clarke for starters.\" \"", "Great.\" \"", "Another reporter.\" \"", "Do I look like a reporter?\" \"", "You look like a cop.\" \"", "So do you.\" \"", "Okay, you caught me.\" \"\"", "Time\" Magazine's daughter of the devil, in the flesh.\" \"", "And if this is your going rate for talking,\" \"I'll tell you anything you want to hear.\" \"", "I want to hear the truth.\" \"", "Your name's not really Amanda Clarke, is it?\" \"", "It's Emily Thorne.\" \"", "One minute you're gushing about me to the \"Times,\"\" \"The next you're having a romantic night\" \"Under the fireworks with Jack?\" \"", "It wasn't like that, Daniel.\" \"", "Well, it sure sounds like that.\" \"", "And why wouldn't you tell me you went to see him again today?\" \"", "Because I didn't think it mattered.\" \"", "Jack and I are just friends.\" \"", "You know that.\" \"", "A while ago, I promised you,\" \"I'd be honest with you no matter what.\" \"", "I thought we both did.\" \"", "You're right.\" \"", "I'm sorry.\" \"", "I'm just scared.\" \"", "Scared?\" \"", "Scared of what?\" \"", "I'm falling in love with you.\" \"", "I need to take a walk.\" \"", "We're drowning in lies, all of us.\" \"", "Not even our children can escape\" \"The wreckage from this arrangement.\" \"", "Arrangement?\" \"", "What do you... you mean our marriage?\" \"", "This isn't a marriage.\" \"", "And I'm not sure it ever was.\" \"", "Clearly not for you, ever.\" \"", "I remember the way you used to look at David Clarke.\" \"", "You have never, not once, looked at me like that...\" \"Not before and certainly not after.\" \"", "You have never given me reason to!\" \"", "Well, perhaps I should count myself as lucky.\" \"", "I mean, look what happened to him.\" \"", "Get out!\" \"", "With pleasure.\" \"", "Excuse me.\" \"", "Yeah, excuse me.\" \"", "Yeah, yeah.\" \"", "I can't stand these people.\" \"", "Dinner didn't go as planned?\" \"", "Well, that depends on whose plan, you know.\" \"", "Look, I'm clearly not an expert,\" \"But I do know that you can't be certain\" \"How someone feels about you\" \"Until they tell you themselves.\" \"", "You should talk to her.\" \"", "Well, I can't go back there.\" \"", "Looks like you won't have to.\" \"", "Hey.\" \"", "So here's the way that I see it...\" \"The girl passing herself off as Emily Thorne\" \"Needed a new identity.\" \"", "And who better than her orphan cell mate,\" \"Straight outta juvie?\" \"", "I'm sure she gave you\" \"What seemed like a lot of money at the time,\" \"But money runs out,\" \"And then you end up in a place like this.\" \"", "Am I close?\" \"", "Something like that.\" \"", "So here's what I don't understand...\" \"Why keep the name?\" \"", "Why prolong the charade?\" \"", "When I became Amanda, I became somebody.\" \"", "You're not the first one to come in\" \"Looking for Amanda Clarke.\" \"", "Though most of them were perverts.\" \"", "When was the last time you had contact with her?\" \"", "Years.\" \"", "I've tried to find her at least a dozen times.\" \"", "Where is she?\" \"", "Who's Daniel Grayson?\" \"", "Heir to multibillion-dollar fortune\" \"And my employer's son.\" \"", "Does anyone else know you found me?\" \"", "Not yet.\" \"", "My shift's over in an hour.\" \"", "Meet me in the parking lot?\" \"", "I thought maybe you could use this.\" \"", "Enjoy this fleeting moment, Daniel.\" \"", "It'll be the only time I'll admit\" \"Your tending bar isn't a complete waste.\" \"", "Not exactly the anniversary dinner\" \"We had planned.\" \"", "Well, things didn't go exactly as planned\" \"For either of us, did they?\" \"", "True.\" \"", "Things with Emily haven't been easy.\" \"", "I just...\" \"I can't stop thinking about her, mom.\" \"", "Why don't you like her?\" \"", "I just don't want to see you get hurt.\" \"", "Allowing yourself to fall for someone\" \"Comes at the risk of a painful price.\" \"", "I guess it's true what they say.\" \"", "You can't really choose who you fall in love with.\" \"", "I love you, mom.\" \"", "I love you, too, baby.\" \"", "David Clarke knew exactly what he was doing.\" \"", "On numerous occasions,\" \"He told me he was working on something big.\" \"", "And th-that he wanted me to run away with him.\" \"", "No.\" \"", "David Clarke has to be completely dead to you,\" \"Or the jury will see right through you.\" \"", "Victoria...\" \"We're gonna lose everything...\" \"This house, Daniel...\" \"I mean, everything.\" \"", "David Clarke threatened my life.\" \"", "If I didn't do what he wanted,\" \"He swore he would hurt my family as well.\" \"", "I did what I had to do to protect them.\" \"", "I only wish I could've done the same\" \"For the people who died in that plane.\" \"", "Hello.\" \"", "Victoria, I'm so glad you answered.\" \"", "Where are you, Frank?\" \"", "I'm on my way back to you.\" \"", "Your suspicions were right all along.\" \"", "Emily Thorne is not who she claims to...\" \"Frank?\" \"", "Frank, are you there?\" \"", "Frank?\" \"", "Frank?\" \"", "Frank?\" \"", "One bloody rose?\" \"", "Pathetic.\" \"", "It was just a dinner.\" \"", "Not to me.\" \"", "Ever since I've got here,\" \"All I've wanted is to be a player in the scenes,\" \"Not lurking behind them.\" \"", "So the...\" \"Whole loyal employee thing is just an act?\" \"", "My loyalties lie with Ashley.\" \"", "I have to make a name for myself.\" \"", "I don't get to sit on my ass and watch my inheritance grow\" \"Like every other spoiled 20-something around here,\" \"Yourself included.\" \"", "Ash, you've got me all wrong.\" \"", "My father's company is bankrupt,\" \"And my family's been dealing with massive debt.\" \"", "I'm their only hope of rebuilding.\" \"", "Why didn't you just tell me that?\" \"", "Because I was afraid you'd tell them.\" \"", "Well, you see how these people are.\" \"", "They smell blood in the water, and you're as good as dead.\" \"", "That still doesn't explain why you stood me up.\" \"", "I went to Conrad's office in the city tonight,\" \"And I made copies of his confidential database.\" \"", "This time next year,\" \"He won't make a single decision without consulting me.\" \"", "I'll be indispensible.\" \"", "Ambitious.\" \"", "We're more alike than I thought.\" \"", "Tell me the truth,\" \"You invited me tonight just to piss off your mother.\" \"", "Okay.\" \"", "Part of me did, yeah.\" \"", "But the only reason tonight was bearable\" \"Was because you were sitting next to me.\" \"", "Is that so?\" \"", "You're just gonna have to accept that I like you.\" \"", "You're funny and you're cute\" \"And you voice your opinion.\" \"", "Well, that's not gonna change.\" \"", "Good.\" \"", "You're probably the first person under that roof\" \"To ever be completely honest.\" \"", "I thought it was hot.\" \"", "Oh, yeah?\" \"", "Tyler never showed up for dinner.\" \"", "I'm impressed.\" \"", "How'd you do it?\" \"", "Well, I can't take all the credit.\" \"", "I took a page from the angel of revenge herself,\" \"Dug up some dirt,\" \"Used it for leverage.\" \"", "What's the dirt?\" \"", "Suffice it to say,\" \"Our boy is a bit of a con man.\" \"", "What he doesn't know is, you can't con a con.\" \"", "Emily?\" \"", "Whatever you're doing, keep it up.\" \"", "Oh...\" \"I plan to.\" \"", "Sleep tight.\" \"", "Remember how we met?\" \"", "How could I forget?\" \"", "I spilled a drink all over your jacket.\" \"", "Yes, you did.\" \"", "I never had that jacket cleaned.\" \"", "Yeah, I, uh...\" \"I hung it in my closet to remind me\" \"That unpredictable moments can change your life\" \"If you're ready for them.\" \"", "I'm ready.\" \"", "I'm falling in love with you, too.\" \"", "Just as there are two sides to every story,\" \"There are two sides to every person.\" \"", "One that we reveal to the world,\" \"And another we keep hidden inside.\" \"", "A duality governed\" \"By the balance of light and darkness.\" \"", "Conrad.\" \"", "Within each of us is the capacity\" \"For both good and evil.\" \"", "But those who are able to blur the moral dividing line\" \"Hold the true power.\" \"", "Oh, god.\" \"", "It's really you.\" \"", "Amanda Clarke?\" \"", "The way they've been talking about you,\" \"I expected someone...\" \"Bigger.\" \"", "Not afraid of me?\" \"", "You should be.\" \"", "You obviously know who I am.\" \"", "Who are you?\" \"", "Emily.\" \"", "Emily what?\" \"", "Emily Thorne.\" \"", "We've got a problem.\" \"", "Some guy named Frank figured out we switched names.\" \"", "Where is he?\" \"", "Don't worry.\" \"", "I took care of him.\" \"", "This is his phone.\" \"", "Victoria Grayson keeps calling.\" \"", "You've reached Frank.\" \"", "Leave a message.\" \"", "Frank, it's Victoria.\" \"", "You officially have me worried.\" \"", "Please call me back as soon as you get this.\" \"", "What do you mean Emily Thorne is not who she claims to be?\"" ]
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[ "PUZL — The Crypto Crypto\n\nWhat is PUZL?", "\n\nPUZL is a valueless cryptotoken with no mining or ICO/IPO. ", "Instead the total supply will be entirely given away, to anyone that can solve cryptographic enigmas and various puzzles. ", "For now, PUZL is simply a novelty score counter- and a Stellar hobby.", "\n\nPUZL is NOT an investment opportunity.", "\n\nPUZL is a valueless cryptotoken and is currently NOT for sale.", "\n\nPuzzles can play important roles in the development of many human skills.", "\n\nThe Benefits of Puzzle Solving\n\nDaily puzzle solving is very beneficial to both adults and children. ", "It can improve memory, strengthen problem-solving abilities, increase IQ and even build upon a person’s collaboration skills. ", "In early childhood, puzzles can play an important role in fine motor development, hand-eye coordination and cognitive skills.", "\n\nMany enjoy attempting the daily crossword in the newspaper, or a Sudoku puzzle now and then. ", "Those who enjoy cryptography love a good cryptogram- a substitution cipher puzzle in which a famous quote or sentence is hidden behind shifted letters. ", "Many institutions hold puzzlehunts, a competition where individuals and teams compete to solve a series of connected puzzles. ", "Perhaps the most famous example of this is MIT’s Annual Mystery Hunt.", "\n\nInternet puzzles have been popping up for decades now with some becoming hugely popular. ", "IBM’s PonderThis, David Münnich’s NotPron, and Cicada 3301 are a few notorious examples. ", "Many people are drawn by the love of a good mystery and a true puzzle solver knows the real prize lies in finding the solution itself.", "\n\nCryptographic security is invaluable in the modern world.", "\n\nPUZL Cryptography\n\nMany understand the value and importance of privacy, security and cryptography. ", "It comes down to respect, reputation, trust and the protection of freedom of thought. ", "There would be a major privacy problem in the modern technological world without cryptography- therefore it is an important science and interesting topic.", "\n\nPUZL aims to spread knowledge and awareness of the value of cryptography while providing thought-provoking internet puzzlehunts. ", "PUZL aims to build a democratic and collaborative community to inspire a new wave of beginner cryptographers.", "\n\nPUZLchain — Inspiring Cryptography\n\nPUZL Token\n\nPUZL Token lives on the Stellar Network.", "\n\n100 PUZL Total Supply. ", "7 Decimals.", "\n\n1 PUZL = 10,000,000 PUZL “PCS.” ", "PUZL is NOT an investment opportunity.", "\n\nPUZL is a VALUELESS cryptotoken with NO public ICO or private sales. ", "The entirety of the PUZL Token supply will be awarded to #PUZL solvers.", "\n\nTo be awarded PUZL, you must have a Stellar Wallet with some XLM and have a trustline with PUZLchain setup. ", "We will provide a guide on how to do this in the near future.", "\n\nPUZL will most likely be used as an access granting utility token for our decentralized applications and an updated website with interactive puzzles and games. ", "It’s possible that PUZL may someday be used or redeemed for “hints” or merchandise on the site. ", "We’re still brainstorming and fleshing out the details.", "\n\nAn enigmatic puzzle is one where the solving method is not given.", "\n\nWhat to Expect\n\nA challenge! ", "Our enigmatic puzzles may start out easy, but will become more and more difficult. ", "We are trying to build something fun, but also educational and challenging. ", "And best of all, FREE.", "\n\nLooking to build a community with us? ", "We are currently onboarding volunteers with interests in cryptography and puzzles. ", "Start by locating our Discord server, a puzzle in itself!", "\n\nHaving trouble solving our puzzles on your own? ", "Form a team and better your odds!", "\n\nOur Brand New Communities\n\nIf you’d like to get in touch, reach out to one of our social communities or email: info@puzlchain.io\n\nhttps://puzlchain.io/\n\nhttps://twitter.com/puzlchain\n\nhttps://reddit.com/r/puzlchain\n\nhttps://telegram.me/puzlchain\n\nhttps://medium.com/@puzlchain\n\nhttps://facebook.com/puzlchainIO\n\nOur very first #PUZLhunt begins at 12:00:00AM EST on 4/1/2018.", "\n\nGood luck and have fun!" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nSQL Server 2005 - Map login to pre-existing user\n\nThe short of it is that we have several databases that are synchronized between two failover instances. ", "The primary contains logins that are mapped to the users in the databases, and everything's hunky-dory. ", "However, I didn't realize that server logins didn't synchronize between failover instances, so when there is a failover to the backup, nobody can log in. ", "The kicker is that while I can create a login on the backup, I can't map the login to the DBs as a user because a DB user with that name already exists, and the login won't use the existing user, so logins still fail because the login doesn't have rights to connect to the DB.", "\nI think what I have to do is modify the login in the master DB of the backup to have the same GUID as the login from the primary, and manually create the link between the login and user on the backup side, thereby \"tricking\" the backup instance into thinking the user created on the primary is is its own mapped login as well. ", "However I have no clue how I would go about doing this, and we're having enough trouble with this issue without me flailing at it.", "\nHelp? ", "\n\nA:\n\nFor a failover-type situation, I use the handy 'sp_help_revlogin' stored procedure as published in http://support.microsoft.com/kb/918992\nThis procedure, when run on your primary server, will script out each login WITH the SID (this is the important part for making sure your logins are mapped to their respective database users) and hashed password (so the password remains the same on each server.) ", "The resulting script can then be run against your failover server to create the logins. ", "Be sure to review the output before running it.", "\nAs-is, it scripts all of the logins in the server, but could be modified to script only the logins you're interested in. ", "It could also be automated to generate a script on a regular basis.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "\n570 F.3d 1347 (2009)\nHUVIS CORPORATION, Plaintiff-Appellant,\nv.\nUNITED STATES, Defendant-Appellee, and\nDak Fibers, Inc. and Wellman, Inc., Defendants.", "\nNo. ", "2009-1021.", "\nUnited States Court of Appeals, Federal Circuit.", "\nJune 25, 2009.", "\n*1348 Michael P. House, McDermott Will & Emery LLP, of Washington, DC, argued for plaintiff-appellant. ", "With him on the brief was Raymond Paretzky.", "\nStephen C. Tosini, Attorney, Commercial Litigation Branch, Civil Division, United States Department of Justice, of Washington, DC, argued for defendant-appellee. ", "With him on the brief were Michael F. Hertz, Acting Assistant Attorney General, Jeanne E. Davidson, Director, and Patricia M. McCarthy, Assistant Director.", "\nBefore LOURIE, DYK, and PROST, Circuit Judges.", "\nLOURIE, Circuit Judge.", "\nHuvis Corporation (\"Huvis\") appeals from the judgment of the United States Court of International Trade affirming the United States Department of Commerce's (\"Commerce's\") valuation of Huvis's imports. ", "See Huvis Corp. v. United States, 525 F.Supp.2d 1370 (Ct. ", "Int'l Trade 2007) (\"Huvis I\"); Huvis Corp. v. United States, No. ", "06-00380, 2008 WL 2977890, 2008 Ct. ", "Intl. ", "Trade Lexis 82 (Aug. 5, 2008) (\"Huvis II\"). ", "Because Commerce's decision to use a constructed market price in valuing Huvis's imports was supported by substantial evidence and not contrary to law, we affirm.", "\n\nBACKGROUND\nHuvis is a Korean producer and exporter of polyester staple fiber, a synthetic fiber that is used for stuffing products such as clothing and pillows. ", "It is subject to an antidumping duty order, under which a dumping margin is applied to all of Huvis's imports. ", "Polyester staple fiber is made from terephthalic acid. ", "Huvis uses three grades of terephthalic acid in manufacturing its fiber: qualified-grade, middle-grade, and purified. ", "Huvis's importation of polyester staple fiber into the United States had been reviewed by Commerce four times in periodic administrative reviews, prior to the administrative review it now appeals. ", "During the fifth period of review, which is the subject of the present appeal, Huvis purchased all of the terephthalic acid it used from affiliated companies.", "\n*1349 Commerce assigns a \"value\" to an import to determine the dumping margin applied to it. ", "When an importer purchases a \"major input\" from an affiliated party, instead of assuming the input was purchased at arm's length, Commerce applies the \"major input rule\" to determine the value of the input. ", "19 U.S.C. § 1677b(f)(2), (3). ", "The parties agree that terephthalic acid constitutes a major input to polyester staple fiber. ", "Commerce's interpretation of the major input rule requires Commerce normally to \"determine the value of a major input purchased from an affiliated person based on the higher of: (1)[t]he price paid by the exporter or producer to the affiliated person for the major input; (2)[t]he amount usually reflected in sales of the major input in the market under consideration; or (3)[t]he cost to the affiliated person of producing the major input.\" ", "19 C.F.R. 351.407(b). ", "Thus, for the fifth period of review, as with each of the previous review periods, Commerce requested that Huvis submit three measures for its purchases of each grade of terephthalic acid made during the period of review: (1) the price Huvis paid to its affiliated suppliers (the \"transfer price\"); (2) the price at which the affiliated producer made sales of the input to unaffiliated parties (the \"market price\"); and (3) the affiliated producer's cost of production for the input (the \"cost of production\"). ", "For middle-grade terephthalic acid, Huvis submitted all three measures. ", "For qualified-grade and purified terephthalic acids, Huvis submitted only the transfer price and cost of production measures because it did not have access to market price data, as its supplier for those two products, Samnam Petrochemical Company, Ltd. (\"Samnam\"), considered that data proprietary.", "\nIn each of its three previous reviews, Huvis had similarly submitted information that was missing certain market price data. ", "Commerce had, in all cases but one, applied the major input rule for those products by comparing only the two measures Huvis had provided, transfer price and the cost of production,[1] but in the fifth administrative review, Commerce chose to include in the comparison a market price that was constructed from \"facts available.\"", "\n\"If ... necessary information is not available on the record,\" Commerce is required to \"use the facts otherwise available in reaching the applicable determination under this title.\" ", "19 U.S.C. § 1677e(a). ", "However, under 19 U.S.C. § 1677e(c), Commerce must corroborate such secondary information \"from independent sources that are reasonably at [its] disposal.\" ", "Commerce must also\nconsider information that is submitted by an interested party and is necessary to the determination but does not meet all the applicable requirements ... if\n(1) the information is submitted by the deadline established for its submission,\n(2) the information can be verified,\n(3) the information is not so incomplete that it cannot serve as a reliable basis for reaching the applicable determination,\n(4) the interested party has demonstrated that it acted to the best of its ability in providing the information and meeting the requirements established by the administering authority or the Commission with respect to the information, and\n(5) the information can be used without undue difficulties.", "\n*1350 19 U.S.C. § 1677m(e). ", "Commerce finally may not draw \"adverse inferences\" against an importer unless the importer fails to cooperate in the investigation. ", "19 U.S.C. § 1677e(b). ", "The parties agree that Huvis cooperated with Commerce in the fifth review.", "\nCommerce applied the major input rule by first constructing the missing market prices for Huvis's qualified-grade and purified terephthalic acids using facts available. ", "It constructed the market prices by first calculating an average profit rate taken from the supplier's submitted financial statements. ", "It then increased the costs of production by that profit rate to form constructed market prices for each of the qualified-grade and purified terephthalic acids. ", "Applying the major input rule, Commerce found that the constructed market prices were the highest of the three measures for both the qualified-grade and purified terephthalic acids, so it determined that the value of each of those products was its market price, as constructed. ", "For middle-grade terephthalic acid, the highest of the three measures was the transfer price, so Commerce determined that the value of the middle-grade terephthalic acid was its transfer price. ", "The following chart demonstrates the relative values for each product. ", "In the chart, \"r\" represents the profit rate that Commerce applied.", "\n\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n Qualified-Grade Middle-Grade Purified\n Terephthalic Acid Terephthalic Acid Terephthalic Acid\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nHighest Measure (QTA transfer (MTA transfer (PTA transfer\nProvided by Huvis price) price) price)\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nValue (Highest Measure (QTA constructed (MTA transfer (PTA constructed\nAfter Constructing market price) = price) market price) =\nMissing Measures, the (QTA cost of (PTA cost of\nResult of Applying production) × (1 + r) production) × (1 + r)\nMajor Input Rule)\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nHuvis challenged Commerce's application of the major input rule in the Court of International Trade, arguing that substantial evidence did not support the constructed market prices that Commerce had calculated to fill in the missing market prices for qualified-grade and purified terephthalic acids. ", "The court held that the prices Commerce had constructed were consistent with the statutory requirements and supported by substantial evidence, as Commerce had used Huvis's own data in calculating the market prices and had not applied adverse inferences against Huvis. ", "But the court held that Commerce's construction of the market prices was not consistent with Commerce's established practice, which had previously been, according to the court, to use the highest available measure rather than constructing a measure, i.e., market price, that was otherwise unavailable. ", "Thus, the court remanded for Commerce either to use only the available measures provided by Huvis, i.e., transfer price and cost of production, in applying the major input rule, or to adequately explain its reason for treating Huvis differently in this administrative review than it had in prior administrative reviews.", "\nOn remand, Commerce explained its change in treatment, stating that it had recognized for the first time that it had evidence on the record that could be used to construct a market price, providing \"a more complete analysis under the major input rule, and result[ing] in a more accurate calculation of Huvis's dumping margin.\" ", "Huvis II, 2008 WL 2977890, at *3, 2008 Ct. ", "Intl. ", "Trade Lexis 82, at *5. ", "When *1351 Huvis returned to the Court of International Trade, the court found that the explanation was reasoned, explaining that Commerce is free to change its methodology to improve accuracy and that Huvis did not detrimentally rely on the prior practice. ", "Thus, the court affirmed Commerce's application of the major input rule.", "\nHuvis timely appealed the Court of International Trade's decision. ", "We have jurisdiction pursuant to 28 U.S.C. § 1295(a)(5).", "\n\nDISCUSSION\n\"We review the Court of International Trade's judgment, affirming or reversing the final results of an administrative review, de novo.\" ", "Fag Kugelfischer Georg Schafer AG v. United States, 332 F.3d 1370, 1372 (Fed.", "Cir.2003). ", "In so doing, \"[w]e apply anew the same standard used by the court, and will uphold Commerce's determination unless it is unsupported by substantial evidence on the record, or otherwise not in accordance with law.\" ", "Yancheng Baolong Biochem. ", "Prods. ", "Co. v. United States, 337 F.3d 1332, 1333 (Fed.", "Cir.2003) (citation and internal quotation marks omitted). ", "However, \"we give great weight to the informed opinion of the Court of International Trade ..., [and] it is nearly always the starting point of our analysis.\" ", "Nippon Steel Corp. v. United States, 458 F.3d 1345, 1351 (Fed.", "Cir.2006) (quotation marks and citation omitted). ", "Substantial evidence means \"more than a mere scintilla\" and \"such relevant evidence as a reasonable mind might accept as adequate to support a conclusion.\" ", "Suramerica de Aleaciones Laminadas, C.A. v. United States, 44 F.3d 978, 985 (Fed.", "Cir.1994) (quoting Consol. ", "Edison Co. v. NLRB, 305 U.S. 197, 229, 59 S.Ct. ", "206, 83 L.Ed. ", "126 (1938)). \"[", "T]he substantiality of evidence must take into account whatever in the record fairly detracts from its weight,\" including \"contradictory evidence or evidence from which conflicting inferences could be drawn.\" ", "Suramerica, 44 F.3d at 985 (quotation marks omitted).", "\nHuvis argues that Commerce's decision to use a constructed market price in applying the major input rule was both unsupported by substantial evidence and contrary to law. ", "Huvis asserts that Commerce's standard practice was to use only the available measures, cost of production and transfer price, in applying the major input rule when market price data was unavailable. ", "Thus, according to Huvis, this practice became \"law of the proceeding,\" and Huvis reasonably expected Commerce to adhere to it. ", "Huvis argues that such law of the proceeding does not require a showing of detrimental reliance on the standard practice, and, even if Huvis did have to show reliance, it never had a chance to present such evidence to the Court of International Trade. ", "Huvis also argues that, in general, Commerce may not depart from a consistent past practice without explanation, and it did not explain what was different in this review from the four preceding reviews. ", "Huvis argues that Commerce claims only to have recognized for the first time in this review that it could construct a market price based on existing evidence, so, according to Huvis, Commerce did not actually find any new evidence that would justify a departure from past practice.", "\nHuvis also argues that Commerce's method of constructing a market price unlawfully violated Huvis's statutory rights. ", "Huvis contends that Commerce unlawfully penalized Huvis for failing to provide information that it was unable to provide. ", "According to Huvis, Commerce disregarded the cost of production, which was available information that Huvis provided and was necessary to its determination, violating 19 U.S.C. § 1677m(e). ", "Huvis further asserts that Commerce's methodology for constructing a market price was both adverse *1352 to Huvis and demonstrably inaccurate, in violation of 19 U.S.C. § 1677e(b) and (c). ", "According to Huvis, even though the record establishes that qualified-grade terephthalic acid is, on average, of lower quality and less expensive than middle-grade terephthalic acid, the relative values were switched after Commerce constructed the market price for qualified-grade terephthalic acid and applied the major input rule, resulting in a higher value for qualified-grade acid than middle-grade acid. ", "Moreover, since Commerce constructed the market price by marking up the cost of production by an average profit margin, Huvis asserts that the resulting market price will always be higher than the cost of production. ", "Thus, according to Huvis, Commerce's method effectively eliminates the cost of production from the comparison and will always be adverse to importers, contravening the statutory scheme.", "\nThe government responds that Commerce's decision to construct a market price was both supported by substantial evidence and not contrary to law. ", "According to the government, Commerce had no consistent prior practice that it was required to continue to follow, and Huvis never submitted or identified evidence of detrimental reliance on any prior methodology. ", "The government adds that Commerce had previously advised Huvis that it would use facts available to fill in missing measures, as long as there were reasonable, non-adverse data on the record to do so. ", "Indeed, according to the government, Commerce had done the same thing in reviews of other imports. ", "The government also argues that Commerce may deviate from its past practice when it reasonably explains its reasons for departure, and, according to the government, Commerce did so here. ", "The government asserts that Commerce adequately explained why it treated Huvis differently in the fifth review than it did in earlier reviews, as it only then realized that record evidence would support a constructed market price and improve its accuracy.", "\nThe government also responds that its method for constructing market prices was consistent with Congress's statutory scheme. ", "According to the government, market price data was necessary to apply the major input rule, as the rule requires a comparison of three measures, one of which is market price. ", "Because market price data were not available, the government argues that Commerce permissibly relied upon the facts available to determine market prices for the major inputs. ", "According to the government, Commerce did not ignore the submitted costs of production in violation of 19 U.S.C. § 1677m(e); indeed, it used cost of production as an element to construct a market price and it used cost of production for the ultimate comparison required by the major input rule. ", "Thus, according to the government, Commerce complied with the statute. ", "The government also asserts that the data upon which Commerce relied were reasonable, not adverse, and supported by substantial evidence, in compliance with 19 U.S.C. § 1677e(b) and (c). ", "The government argues that, to construct market prices, Commerce used verified information submitted by Huvis, including its supplier's audited financial statements. ", "Even though qualified-grade terephthalic acid is normally less expensive than middle-grade terephthalic acid, according to the government, Huvis acknowledges that sometimes the relationship between prices actually is reversed, with qualified-grade being more expensive than middle-grade. ", "The government therefore asserts that Commerce was justified in producing an outcome wherein the qualified-grade value determined by applying the major input rule was greater than the middle-grade value determined by the rule. ", "Thus, according to the government, Commerce applied a reasonable, statutorily based methodology.", "\n*1353 We conclude that the Court of International Trade correctly found Commerce's methodology for applying the major input rule to be supported by substantial evidence and adequately explained, in accordance with the law. ", "In general, an agency may deviate from a past practice when \"the new policy is permissible under the statute, ... there are good reasons for it, and ... the agency believes it to be better, which the conscious change of course adequately indicates.\" ", "FCC v. Fox Television Stations, Inc., ___ U.S. ___, 129 S.Ct. ", "1800, 1811, 173 L.Ed.2d 738 (2009). ", "Thus, Commerce need only show that its methodology is permissible under the statute and that it had good reasons for the new methodology.", "\n\nA. Commerce's Methodology Was Permissible Under the Statute\n\nWe agree with the government that Commerce's decision to construct a market price was in accordance with the governing statutes. ", "We have found permissible Commerce's interpretation of the major input rule, which uses as the value the highest of the three measures, viz. ", "transfer price, cost of production, and market price. ", "See NTN Bearing Corp. of Am. ", "v. United States, 368 F.3d 1369, 1374-76 (Fed.", "Cir.2004). ", "Huvis argues that the constructed market price always consists of adding an amount to the cost of production, meaning the constructed market price will always be higher than the cost of production, and cost of production is therefore effectively ignored. ", "That system, according to Huvis, violates 19 U.S.C. § 1677m(e) by ignoring available information that Huvis provided and was necessary to Commerce's determination. ", "However, Commerce's decision to construct a market price did not ignore the cost of production data. ", "In fact, cost of production was taken into account twice in Commerce's application of the major input rule. ", "First, Commerce used the cost of production to construct the market price. ", "Second, Commerce included the cost of production in the comparison of the three measures to calculate a value. ", "Further, we agree with the government that the constructed market price will not always be higher than the cost of production, so even the comparison of the three measures does not ignore cost of production. ", "If, for example, Huvis were to take a loss on a certain product, the profit rate would be negative, and the resulting market price would be lower than the cost of production; therefore, the value determined by applying the major input rule would be the cost of production. ", "Thus, Commerce's methodology did not violate 19 U.S.C. § 1677m(e).", "\nHuvis also asserts that Commerce's methodology for constructing a market price was adverse to Huvis and demonstrably inaccurate, in violation of 19 U.S.C. § 1677e(b) and (c). ", "The parties agree that Huvis did not fail to cooperate in the investigation, so Commerce was not entitled to use adverse inferences against Huvis under § 1677e(b). ", "Even when Commerce uses adverse inferences, it must use a \"reasonably accurate estimate of the respondent's actual rate\" when using \"facts available.\" ", "F.lli De Cecco Di Filippo Fara S. Martino S.p.", "A. v. United States, 216 F.3d 1027, 1032 (Fed.", "Cir.2000).", "\nWe disagree with Huvis's argument that the constructed market price is demonstrably inaccurate or constitutes an adverse inference against Huvis. ", "As evidence, Huvis points to the relative market prices of qualified-grade and middle-grade terephthalic acids. ", "Qualified-grade has more impurities, making it presumably of lower quality, than middle-grade acid. ", "However, the constructed market price of qualified-grade acid is higher than the verified market price of middle-grade acid. ", "Thus, Huvis argues that Commerce's *1354 method of constructing market prices is clearly inaccurate. ", "We disagree. ", "As the government points out and the Court of International Trade found, the higher level of impurities in qualified-grade acid does not necessarily mean that it should have a lower market price. ", "See Huvis II, 2008 WL 2977890, at *3-4, *5, 2008 Ct. ", "Intl. ", "Trade Lexis 82, at *7-9 n. 2, *11-12. ", "Other factors affect market price. ", "Indeed, the month-by-month transfer prices reveal that Huvis paid more for qualified-grade acid than it did for middle-grade acid in certain months, even though the average transfer price of qualified-grade acid was lower.", "\nFurther, Commerce reasonably chose to construct the market price by adding the cost of production to the profit margin, since there is no suggestion here that product sales were unprofitable or that the profit margins were unusually low.[2] At oral argument, Huvis pointed out that the profit margin that Commerce used was the average profit margin for all of Samnam's products, rather than a more precise profit margin for the particular input, e.g., qualified-grade terephthalic acid. ", "Oral Arg. ", "11:17-11:44, May 4, 2009, available at http: oralarguments.cafc.uscourts.gov/mp3/XXXX-XXXX.mp3. ", "However, Huvis never argued, and presented no evidence, that the overall average profit margin did not accurately reflect the profit margin for the particular input. ", "Huvis instead argued that \"the profit margin used, it's undisputed, was the profit margin for the supplier company as a whole. ", "That may or may not be accurate in terms of reflecting correctly the profit on this particular input.\" ", "Id. (emphasis added). ", "Thus, rather than prove the inaccuracy of the profit margin directly, Huvis argued that it had proven the inaccuracy of the profit margin as reflected in the relative market prices of qualified-grade and middle-grade terephthalic acids. ", "Id. at 9:20-9:39 (\"The basis for our position that it was unreasonable to use it for this input is the verified information that the particular input here, this QTA, qualified terephthalic acid, is the least valuable, ... the lowest quality of the three different terephthalic acids.\"). ", "As we demonstrated above, the mere fact that the relative market prices of qualified-grade and middle-grade terephthalic acids were different than might have been expected, based on their average transfer prices, does not prove that Commerce's construction of market prices was either inaccurate or adverse to Huvis. ", "We therefore agree with the government that Commerce's constructed market price is not demonstrably inaccurate and does not constitute an adverse inference against Huvis.", "\n\nB. Commerce Had Good Reason for Its Change of Policy\n\nWe also agree with Commerce that it had good reason for changing its methodology. ", "When it changes a past practice, an agency must also show that there are good reasons for its new policy. ", "See Fox Television, 129 S.Ct. ", "at 1811; Nippon Steel Corp. v. U.S. Int'l Trade Comm'n, 494 F.3d 1371, 1378 n. 5 (Fed. ", "Cir.2007) (\"[T]he Supreme Court requires us to give deference to agency decisions that embody policy changes. ", "When an agency decides to change course, however, it must adequately explain the reason for a reversal of policy.\" (", "internal citations omitted)). ", "Sometimes an agency must provide a more detailed justification than what would suffice for a new policy created on a blank slate, such as when \"its new policy *1355 rests upon factual findings that contradict those which underlay its prior policy; or when its prior policy has engendered serious reliance interests that must be taken into account.\" ", "Fox Television, 129 S.Ct. ", "at 1811.", "\nHere, Commerce stated that it changed its methodology to improve accuracy. ", "Improving accuracy is generally a good reason for a change in methodology. ", "See SKF USA, Inc. v. United States, 537 F.3d 1373, 1380 (Fed.", "Cir.2008) (affirming a new methodology that was changed to improve accuracy and stating that, \"[w]ith respect to Commerce's decision to revise [its] methodology after 14 annual reviews utilizing [a different] methodology, we have specifically affirmed changes to ... methodologies by Commerce where reasonable\"); Fujian Mach. & ", "Equip. ", "Imp. & ", "Exp. ", "Corp. v. United States, 178 F.Supp.2d 1305, 1327 (Ct. ", "Int'l Trade 2001) (\"Commerce is free to discard one methodology in favor of another, the better to calculate more accurate dumping margins.\").", "\nAlthough Commerce need not show that its \"reasons for the new policy are better than the reasons for the old one,\" Fox Television, 129 S.Ct. ", "at 1811, here, Commerce stated its reasons for the new policy as improving accuracy. ", "Thus, we address whether substantial evidence supported Commerce's belief that including a constructed market price in the major input rule would improve the accuracy of the value. ", "We agree with the government that Commerce's belief was reasonable. ", "For the same reasons that we discussed above with respect to 19 U.S.C. § 1677e(b) and (c), Commerce reasonably believed that its constructed market price would improve the accuracy of the value. ", "As market price is reasonably defined in the circumstances of this case as the sum of the cost of production and a profit margin, Commerce reasonably believed that it could accurately estimate market price, given that Huvis provided both cost of production and profit margin. ", "Commerce also reasonably believed the supplier's average profit margin adequately represented the profit margin for each specific product, as Huvis offered no evidence to the contrary. ", "Commerce further reasonably believed that including a market price measure in the comparison would improve the accuracy of the value, given the statute's requirement of a comparison of all three measures. ", "Finally, Huvis's argument concerning the relative market prices of qualified-grade and middle-grade acids is unavailing for the reasons discussed above, viz., ", "that the market prices of the two acids do not necessarily reflect their relative purities.", "\nWe also agree with the government that Huvis did not detrimentally rely on Commerce's old methodology used in multiple preceding reviews. ", "See Fox Television, 129 S.Ct. ", "at 1811; Fujian, 178 F.Supp.2d at 1327 (\"Commerce may not make minor but disruptive changes in methodology where a respondent demonstrates its specific reliance on the old methodology used in multiple preceding reviews.\"); ", "Shikoku Chems. ", "Corp. v. United States, 795 F.Supp. ", "417 (Ct. ", "Int'l Trade 1992) (overturning Commerce's use of a slightly improved methodology when the respondent demonstrated that it had set its prices in reliance on the old methodology). ", "As the Court of International Trade found, Huvis did not and could not show that it had detrimentally relied on any consistent prior practice. ", "Huvis did not report market price data to Commerce because \"Huvis was powerless to force its affiliated supplier to provide such data, or at least Huvis represented as much to Commerce. ", "Therefore, the absence of market price data from the record was not the result of Huvis's reliance on Commerce's prior practice; rather, it was due to its affiliated supplier's intransigence.\" ", "Huvis II, 2008 *1356 WL 2977890, at *4, 2008 Ct. ", "Intl. ", "Trade Lexis 82, at *14. ", "We therefore agree with the government that Commerce's change in methodology was reasonable and adequately explained and that no further explanation was required, such that Commerce was free to change its methodology.", "\nCommerce has therefore shown that its new methodology of constructing a market price was permissible under the statute and that it had good reasons for the new methodology. ", "We have considered Huvis's remaining arguments and find them unpersuasive.", "\n\nCONCLUSION\nAccordingly, the judgment of the Court of International Trade affirming Commerce's valuation of Huvis's imports is affirmed.", "\nAFFIRMED.", "\nNOTES\n[1] In the one counterexample, Commerce explained that the evidence suggested that the qualified-grade and middle-grade terephthalic acids were interchangeable, so it filled in the missing qualified-grade terephthalic acid market price with Huvis's submitted middle-grade terephthalic acid market price.", "\n[2] Indeed, the constructed market price could be too low under the Commerce methodology if it failed to take account of other costs.", "\n" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nCircular dependency resolution with bison generated file\n\nI have this code block in bison's yacc file. ", "This is the code from the flex/bison code for Flex & Bison book. ", "The yacc code can be downloaded from https://github.com/GrooveStomp/Flex-Bison/blob/master/samples/purecalc.y\n%{\n# include \"purecalc.lex.h\"\n# include \"purecalc.h\"\n#define YYLEX_PARAM pp->scaninfo\n%}\n\nThe issue is that I have a compilation error(Circular dependency resolution with bison generated file); they are circular dependent as purecalc.lex.h depends on pcdata which is in purecalc.h file, whereas purecalc.h depends on purecalc.lex.h for yyscan_t. ", "\nyyscan_t is defiend in purecalc.lex.h:\ntypedef void* yyscan_t;\n\npcdata is defined as follows:\n/* per-parse data */\nstruct pcdata {\n yyscan_t scaninfo; /* scanner context */\n struct symbol *symtab; /* symbols for this parse */\n struct ast *ast; /* an AST for */\n};\n\nHow can I break this code dependency? ", "I tried to copy the typedef void* yyscan_t; into the yacc source, but I got compilation error for duplicating typedef. ", "\n\nA:\n\nYes, some time in recent bison history, an incompatible change was made to the skeleton files, causing yyparse to be declared much earlier, in fact before the inclusion point for %{ %} sections. ", "So yyparse is being declared before purecalc.h is included, which means that pcdata is not declared yet when yyparse is declared. ", "\nA simple solution would be to move the #include purecalc.h earlier, but this creates a different problem. ", "The actual definition of pcdata requires yyscan_t which is declared in purecalc.lex.h. ", "purecalc.lex.h requires that YYSTYPE be #defined, which happens in purecalc.tab.h. ", "And purecalc.tab.h declares yyparse, which requires the declaration of pcdata.", "\nThe circularity can only be resolved by forward declaring:\nstruct pcdata;\n\nBut that has to happen before purecalc.tab.h is #included.", "\nSo one possibility would be to put these three lines early purecalc.h:\nstruct pcdata;\n#include purecalc.tab.h\n#include purecalc.lex.h\n\nand then remove the redundant purecalc.tab.h and purecalc.lex.h includes from purecalc.l and purecalc.y, respectively. (", "Also, it would be a really good idea to be an include guard into purecalc.h).", "\nAnother possibility is to put struct pcdata; directly into purecalc.y. ", "But it's not good enough to use a %{ %} block for that; it has to be inserted before yyparse is declared. ", "For that, you need a %code requires { } block:\n%code requires {\n struct pcdata;\n}\n\nI tried that, and it compiled with bison 2.7. ", "If you were to use the first solution, you'd need to use a %code requires { } block for the #include purecalc.h, so it wouldn't look that different.", "\n\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
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[ "package com.faforever.client.api.dto;\n\nimport com.github.jasminb.jsonapi.annotations.", "Relationship;\nimport com.github.jasminb.jsonapi.annotations.", "Type;\nimport lombok.", "Getter;\nimport lombok.", "Setter;\n\n@Getter\n@Setter\n@Type(\"gameReviewsSummary\")\npublic class GameReviewsSummary extends ReviewsSummary {\n\n @Relationship(\"game\")\n private Game game;\n}\n" ]
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[ "Anytime before the Ful Requirements meeting today, or after the EGM morning \nmeeting on Monday. ", " There is an all-employee EGM meeting from 3:30 pm.", "\n\nVasant\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: Kaminski, Vince \nSent: Thursday, May 03, 2001 8:08 AM\nTo: Shanbhogue, Vasant; Crenshaw, Shirley\nSubject: Re: message from Ken Rice\n\nVasant,\n\nWhen can we call this guy?", "\n\nVince\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 05/03/2001 \n08:07 AM ---------------------------\nFrom: Dorothy Dalton@ENRON COMMUNICATIONS on 05/03/2001 07:45 AM\nTo: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT@ENRON\ncc: \nSubject: Re: message from Ken Rice << OLE Object: StdOleLink >> \n\nVince:\n\nThanks for returning this call. ", " I guess it helps if I provide the contact \ninformation!", "\n\nTom Limperis\n517-423-5617\n\nThanks!", "\n\nDorothy Dalton\nOffice of the Chairman\nEnron Broadband Services\n1400 Smith Street, EB4505\nHouston, TX 77002\n713-853-6724 - direct\n713-853-9469 - fax\n\n\n\n\n\tVince J Kaminski@ECT 05/02/01 09:42 AM \t To: Dorothy Dalton/Enron \nCommunications@ENRON COMMUNICATIONS@ENRON cc: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT, \nVasant Shanbhogue/Enron@EnronXGate Subject: Re: message from Ken Rice << OLE \nObject: StdOleLink >> \n\n\nDorothy,\n\nNo problem. ", "Please, CC-mail me\nTom's number. ", "One of the members of the group has a PhD in\ncomputer science and he will join me for the call.", "\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\nFrom: Dorothy Dalton@ENRON COMMUNICATIONS on 05/01/2001 08:53 AM\nTo: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: message from Ken Rice\n\nVince:\n\nKen Rice received a call through a friend's referral from Dr. Tom Limperis (a \nprofessor at the University of Michigan). ", " Dr. Limperis has developed a \nstatistical database management system he would like to show Enron. ", " Ken \nwould like you to return this call on his behalf. ", " He feels that you are \nprobably the only person who will understand and be able to determine if \nEnron should have an interest.", "\n\nDo you mind returning this call? ", " Please let me know.", "\n\nThanks!", "\n\nDorothy Dalton\nOffice of the Chairman\nEnron Broadband Services\n1400 Smith Street, EB4505\nHouston, TX 77002\n713-853-6724 - direct\n713-853-9469 - fax" ]
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[ "THIS BLOG SUPPORT UNIVERSAL DESIGN APPROACH THAT ASK DESIGNERS TO RETHINK SOME FUNDAMENTAL DESIGN CONCEPTS TO SERVE ALL KINDS OF USERS INSTEAD OF AN AVERAGE ONE. ", "UNIVERSAL DESIGN IS THE DEMAND OF THE DAY, IT HAS ITS ROOTS IN THE CHANGING DEMOGRAPHICS AND OTHER SOCIAL, LEGISLATIVE, ECONOMIC CONDITIONS, AMONGST OLDER ADULTS AND PEOPLE WITH DISABILITIES. ", "THIS BLOG IS FOR ALL THOSE WHO WANT TO JOIN US IN OUR PURSUIT OF VISION THAT RESPECTS AND CELEBRATES INDIVIDUAL DIFFERENCES\n\nLet every one without distinction be happy. ", "Let every one be without any ailment. ", "Let every one look like Arya, noble and righteous. ", "Let there be no one to have any share of sorrow or grief.", "A Sanskrit shloka from a traditional Indian Inscription with a translation in English\n\n..........\"Welcome to the Blog\".........\n\nWe need your inputs for this blog to build a body of knowledge that would help in strengthening the Universal Design concept in design education and design practice in the country. ", "We would also like to share your related projects or experiences addressing different needs of the diverse population.", "\n\nThe following two diploma projects have been offered under the Jamsetji Tata Trust Chair for Universal Design at NID in 2009-10.", "\n• Mr Peter Alwin : Car for the Indian Youth 2020\n• Mr Mukhtiar Shaikh: Facilitating Learning Through Multi-sensory Experience\n\nThe process of short listing for next year has started, please contact Research and Publication at NID for further details OR contact us for suggestions.", "\n\nPossibilities of introducing a Post Graduate Programme in Universal Design in collaboration with German Universities are explored at NID. ", "Jamsetji Tata Chair and a few resource group members are involved in the process of the development of course with German Counterparts. ", "Prof. Birgit Weller from University of Applied Sciences and Arts visited for the purpose and after a two day intense discussion with Mr Ravi Shankar (NID-B’lore campus), Ms Marie Kuprat , Ms Katharina Kraemer and Rachna Khare (that’s me), the concept proposal was presented to the director on 7th April 2010. ", "Incorporating his suggestions, the final proposal is under preparation with finer details. ", "The 2 year PG program is proposed to start in November 2011\n\nOpen electives is one of the most exciting design and exploration sprees held at NID every year. ", "Held in all campuses of NID, it reinforces the multi-disciplinary learning model that NID propagates. ", "The electives, as is norm, are being offered to students in the 2nd year of the Graduate Diploma Programme in Design (GDPD) and the 1st year of the Post Graduate Diploma Programme (PGDPD) at NID, where the registration is done online on a first come first serve basis. ", "With this year theme of Open Elective–‘Responsibly Designed for India’ NID floated two open electives on Universal Design. ", "Out of these two, one could be conducted at NID Bangalore campus. ", "This was coordinated by Prof. Singhampalli Balram, a well known name in Design Education and Ron Mace award winner for Universal design. ", "We are publishing information on both electives in this blog, proposal of open elective that was floated in NID heritage campus and photographs of the one conducted at NID-Bangalore Campus.", "\n\nOPEN ELECTIVE ON UNIVERSAL DESIGN FOR SOCIAL SUSTENANCE at Heritage Campus , Paldi, Ahmedabad\n\nThis elective was floated by Rachna Khare (that’s me) and Praveen Nahar with an aim to popularize design strategies for universal usability and enable design students to\n\n• Understand the needs of population with diverse needs.", "\n\n• Understand and analyze the impact of design on diverse ability groups.", "\n\nThis elective was conducted by Prof. Singhampalli Balram and Mr. Divya Darshan at NID, B’lore. ", "This two-week elective started with introduction of Universal Design and exploratory field visits to local NGO’s working with people with functional limitations. ", "The students after initial research identified the problem areas and developed their designs addressing these problem areas.", "\n\nThis site is managed by Rachna Khare, School of Planning and Architecture, Bhopal, an autonomous institution of Ministry of Human Resource and Development, Government of India. ", "She can also be approached at rachnakhare@spabhopal.ac.inand khare_rachna@hotmail.com" ]
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[ "When Lewis Smith heard the news about the Humboldt Broncos bus crash, he was devastated — but he also knew that the carnage could have been minimized.", "\n\nIn his job as manager of national projects for the Canada Safety Council (CSC), Smith has been advocating for seat belts on coach buses for years.", "\n\n\"Overall despair,\" he said of his initial reaction. \"", "It's always tragic to see any kind of incident on such a large scale involve so many young lives, and definitely something we'd like to see changed sooner than later.\"", "\n\nThe CSC is a not-for-profit, independent group that advocates to prevent deaths and improve best practices.", "\n\nThough he is quick to say that he does not know all the circumstances of the Humboldt Broncos bus crash, Lewis Smith of the Canada Safety Council said that seat belts are designed to save lives. (", "CBC )\n\nAcross Canada, there are no regulations that say a coach bus must have seat belts, and even for the ones that do have belts, there are no laws requiring passengers to wear them.", "\n\nSmith is quick to say he doesn't have all the information on what happened in the Broncos bus crash near Tisdale, Sask., ", "on Friday evening.", "\n\nBut he said coach buses face many of the same safety factors as other passenger vehicles that are covered under seat belt legislation.", "\n\n\"It's hard to say without having all the facts whether seat belts would have helped in this case without having all the facts, but as a general rule, seat belts are designed to save lives.\"", "\n\nSmith said Transport Canada has looked into the issue before, but legislation changes would have to be made at a provincial level.", "\n\nWhy school buses don't have seat belts\n\nAnd even if seat belts are mandatory, would anybody wear them?", "\n\n\"On the one hand, a person on a bus might see that a social opportunity to get up, to talk with friends, to play cards and what have you,\" Smith said.", "\n\n\"The second factor that plays into it, is that from an early age we are taught not to wear belts on buses because school buses don't have belts.\"", "\n\nThe Canada Safety Council does not call for seat belts to be used on school buses however, and Smith said their design could make belts more dangerous than helpful.", "\n\nSchool buses have special safety features that make seat belts unnecessary, but coach buses do not generally have the same features. (", "Dave Gaudet/CBC)\n\nWith high-backed seats situated close together, the design is intended to compartmentalize the passengers and keep them in a small space. ", "The bus itself is designed to prevent rollovers, and the windows are small to prevent passengers being thrown from the vehicle.", "\n\nBut coach buses don't follow the same design for seating, and have windows that often stretch the length and height of the vehicle.", "\n\nWhile the CSC has been pushing for change for years, Smith said it's unfortunate it took a tragedy to get people talking about the issue.", "\n\n\"This is when people are paying the most attention,\" he said. \"", "This is when it is at its most relevant in public society. ", "So if we are going to see a change, it's unfortunately going to be reactionary rather than preventative.\"" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nHow to parse validated JSON in JAVA\n\nI am trying to parse the following JSON String, but I can't figure out how to get to the title nd href strings. ", "\nCan anyone help me?", "\n{ \n \"status\":{ \n \"code\":200,\n \"http\":\"Fetched (ring) 200 450 and parsed 1/10 entries\",\n \"nextFetch\":1418084814,\n \"entriesCountSinceLastMaintenance\":1,\n \"period\":450,\n \"lastFetch\":1418084364,\n \"lastParse\":1418084364,\n \"lastMaintenanceAt\":1418017613,\n \"feed\":\"http://www.ncataggies.com/rss.dbml?db_oem_id=24500&media=results\"\n },\n \"permalinkUrl\":\"http://www.ncataggies.com/\",\n \"standardLinks\":{ \n \"alternate\":[ \n { \n \"title\":\"North Carolina A&T Results\",\n \"rel\":\"alternate\",\n \"href\":\"http://www.ncataggies.com/\",\n \"type\":\"text/html\"\n }\n ],\n \"self\":[ \n { \n \"title\":\"North Carolina A&T Results\",\n \"rel\":\"self\",\n \"href\":\"http://www.ncataggies.com/rss.dbml?db_oem_id=24500&media=results\",\n \"type\":\"application/rss+xml\"\n }\n ]\n },\n \"title\":\"North Carolina A&T Results\",\n \"updated\":1418077800,\n \"id\":\"north-carolina-a-t-results-2014-12-8-22\",\n \"items\":[ \n { \n \"id\":\"http://www.ncataggies.com//SportSelect.dbml?DB_OEM_ID=24500&SPID=74519&SPSID=593466&Q_SEASON=2014&SCH_ID=5710847\",\n \"published\":1418077800,\n \"updated\":1418077800,\n \"title\":\"Women's Basketball: vs UMES (12/08/2014) - L (43-58)\",\n \"summary\":\"<p>at Princess Anne, Md. - 5:30 PM -\\n\\t\\t\\t\\t\\n\\t\\t\\t\\t</p>\",\n \"standardLinks\":{ \n \"self\":[ \n { \n \"title\":\"Women's Basketball: vs UMES (12/08/2014) - L (43-58)\",\n \"rel\":\"self\",\n \"href\":\"http://www.ncataggies.com//SportSelect.dbml?DB_OEM_ID=24500&SPID=74519&SPSID=593466&Q_SEASON=2014\",\n \"type\":\"application/rss+xml\"\n }\n ]\n }\n }\n ]\n}\n\nI don't have much experience with JSON, this is the JAVA I have so far:\n JSONObject obj = new JSONObject(json);\n JSONArray items = (JSONArray) obj.get(\"items\");\n System.out.println(items.get(1).toString());\n\nA:\n\nimport org.json.*;", "\n\n JSONObject obj = new JSONObject(json);\n JSONArray items = (JSONArray) obj.get(\"items\");\n\n for(int i=0;i<items.length;i++)\n {\n JSONObject item = items.getJSONObject(i);\n JSONObject standardLinks = item.getJSONObject(\"standardLinks\");\n JSONArray self = standardLinks.getJSONArray(\"self\");\n JSONObject selfItem = self.getJSONObject(0);\n System.out.println(selfItem.getString(\"href\"));\n System.out.println(selfItem.getString(\"title\")); \n }\n\nTry this. ", "I didn't compile the code. ", "Please correct the syntax error, if any.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "Employees are shelling out 28% more for workplace health benefits than just three years ago.", "\n\nMost probably realize their monthly premiums are going up because they see more taken out of their paychecks. ", "Workers are seeing their premiums rise year after year, going up by 19% on average since 2011, according to a report issued Thursday by Towers Watson/National Business Group on Health.", "\n\nThis is happening though the overall growth in health care spending has slowed in recent years.", "\n\nCompanies, meanwhile, are paying 14% more for their share of the premiums than they did in 2011, as they seek to shift more of the expense to their employees. ", "Premiums cost an average of $9,560 per worker in 2014, up from $8,364 three years ago.", "\n\nBut where workers are really being socked is how much they have to pay out of pocket to go to the doctor or get a procedure. ", "Deductibles, co-pays and co-insurance costs are all rising swiftly, soaring 40% on average since 2011. ", "Overall, employees are shouldering 37% of the total cost of their benefits, up from 34% three years ago.", "\n\nThere are two main reasons for this, explains Randall Abbott, senior consultant at Towers Watson. ", "One is because employers want their workers to be more aware of the true cost of health care. ", "If employees have to pay more themselves, the thinking goes, they may be more conservative and cost-conscious in making doctor appointments and getting tests and procedures.", "\n\nEmployers are also concerned about the looming \"Cadillac tax\" that takes effect in 2018 as part of Obamacare. ", "Companies with health plans that cost more than $10,200 per individual and $27,500 per family will have to pay a 40% tax on the amount in excess of these figures. ", "That gives companies the incentive to keep premiums down by raising employees' out-of-pocket burden because premiums are counted in the tax calculation, but out-of-pocket costs are not.", "\n\n\"As their employers get closer to hitting the excise tax, employees will have to pay more at the point of service, may see [doctor] networks narrowed and see some benefits modified or eliminated,\" Abbott said.", "\n\nWhile 95% of companies surveyed said subsidizing health care coverage is very important, almost as many said they plan to make moderate or significant changes to benefits by 2018.", "\n\nWorkers who put their spouses or children on their company health plan can expect to pay more too. ", "A growing number of companies are levying surcharges or cutting back on their subsidies for spousal coverage, especially if the spouses have access to health insurance at their employer.", "\n\nAmericans are much more likely to have trouble paying medical bills or getting a quick appointment with a doctor than their peers in 10 other high-income, industrialized countries, according to a new study.", "\n\nEven Americans with insurance are more likely to forgo care because of high costs and to struggle to pay big bills, according to the survey, conducted by The Commonwealth Fund. ", "And the United States spends far more on MORE\n\nAs lawmakers bicker over how to spend federal tax dollars, Americans have a few suggestions for them.", "\n\nAccording to a recent online survey of 1,000 consumers by TD Ameritrade (AMTD), people clearly want the government to focus even more on health care. ", "Jobs are important as well. ", "And there are some interesting differences between what men would like the government to spend more on and what women view as a priority MORE" ]
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[ "A time-traveling library of Young Adult books from the 70's and 80's with extremely lame cover illustrations.", "\n\nThursday, July 31, 2008\n\nLotsa Clues!", "\n\nClue #1: Are they brother and sister? ", "I'm gonna say yes - they sure look alike. ", "And I bet that's his hoodie she's wearing. ", "Love the overalls - so forgiving for the stockier gal.", "\n\nClue #2: The buildings in the background are distinctly of another land - Europe? ", "Russia?", "\n\nClue #3: The boy apparently is a fan of Ang Lee's Brokeback Mountain. ", "He likes Ennis!!", "\n\nHow'd I do?", "\n\nTurns out they are brother and sister (twins) and they are in Russia!! ", "Yay, I was right! ", "But since this book predates Brokeback, I am embarrassingly wrong on the last clue. ", "Does he like Dennis? ", "Dennis who? ", "It can't possibly say I LIKE TENNIS, can it? ", "That would be such a lame statement, to merely like tennis. ", "Who has such a lukewarm feeling about tennis? ", "I, for one, loathe it." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
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[ "# Copyright 2012 Noam Yorav-Raphael\n#\n# This file is part of DreamPie.", "\n# \n# DreamPie is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify\n# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by\n# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or\n# (at your option) any later version.", "\n# \n# DreamPie is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,\n# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of\n# MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. ", " See the\n# GNU General Public License for more details.", "\n# \n# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License\n# along with DreamPie. ", " If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.", "\n\nall = ['get_commit_details']\n\nfrom os.path import abspath, join, dirname, isdir\n\ndef get_commit_details():\n \"\"\"\n If there's a '.git' directory besides 'dreampielib', return the current\n commit (HEAD) id and commit time.", "\n Otherwise, return None, None.", "\n \"\"\"\n git_dir = join(dirname(dirname(dirname(abspath(__file__)))), '.git')\n if not isdir(git_dir):\n return None, None\n try:\n from dulwich.repo import Repo\n except ImportError:\n return None, None\n \n repo = Repo(git_dir)\n commit_id = repo.refs['HEAD']\n commit = repo.commit(commit_id)\n return commit_id, commit.commit_time\n" ]
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[ "Jun. 28, 2013 (TSR) – The US Army confirmed on Thursday that access to The Guardian newspaper’s website has been filtered and restricted for its personnel. ", "The policy is due to classified documents described in detail in the stories.", "\n\nGordon Van Vleet, spokesman for the Army Network Enterprise Technology Command, or NETCOM, said in an email to the Monterey Herald that the Army is filtering “some access to press coverage and online content about the NSA leaks.”", "\n\nThe spokesman said the procedure was routine part of “network hygiene” measures to prevent unauthorized disclosures of sensitive information.", "\n\n“We make every effort to balance the need to preserve information access with operational security,” he wrote, “however there are strict policies and directives in place regarding protecting and handling classified information.”", "\n\n“Until declassified by appropriate officials, classified information – including material released through an unauthorized disclosure – must be treated accordingly by DoD personnel,” Van Vleet explained.", "\n\nIn a later phone conversation he clarified that the filtering was “Armywide” rather than restricted to some US Army facilities.", "\n\nVan Vleet said NETCOM, which is part of the Army Cyber Command, does not determine what sites its personnel can have access to, but “relies on automated filters that restrict access based on content concerns or malware threats.”", "\n\nThe Guardian’s website has posted classified information regarding the NSA’s surveillance activities, including PRISM, the massive domestic spying program that has Internet companies collude with military intelligence to keep tabs on Americans’ online habits.", "\n\nThe source of the leaks is Edward Snowden, a former CIA employee and ex-staff member of a private contractor working for the NSA, who disclosed secret documents about US surveillance to several newspapers, including The Guardian.", "\n\nThe Herald inquired about the issue after staff at the Presidio of Monterey, a military installation in California, told the newspaper that they were able to access The Guardian’s US site, www.guardiannews.com, but were prevented from accessing articles on the NSA that redirected to the British site.", "\n\nSource: Russia Today" ]
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[ "Cutaneous alternariosis in a kidney transplantation recipient: report of a case.", "\nPhaeohyphomycoses are induced by dematiaceous or darkly pigmented fungi. ", "Alternaria species are the most important causative agents. ", "Factors such as immunosuppression, local wounds or systemic disease are generally present. ", "We report a case of phaeohyphomycosis induced by Alternaria alternata in an immunocompromised patient. ", "The main interest in this case is the rareness of the cutaneous alternariosis and of its clinical aspects and the good response to therapy. ", "Recognition of Alternaria spp. ", "as potential opportunistic pathogens is important for the differential diagnosis of dermatological lesions, such as granulomatous or ulcerative lesions in immunocompromised patients." ]
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[ "Ducal Red Refried Beans\n\nA cholesterol free food. ", "Good source of protein. ", "Product of Guatemala.", "\n\nPreparation Instructions\n\nHeat the opened can in a water bath for 10 minutes or fry as desired. ", "If you do not use all the product, immediately store it in a clean container and keep it under refrigeration. ", "Best if used by (see bottom lid). ", "Caution: Metal edges are sharp.", "\n\nActual product packaging and materials may contain more or different information than that shown on our website. ", "You should not rely solely on the information presented here. ", "Always read labels, warnings and directions before using or consuming a product. ", "View full Product Information Disclaimer" ]
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[ "olve -40*a + m - 198 = 0, -68*m + 70*m - 16 = 4*a for a.\n-5\nSolve 2*t + 17 = -z, -24*z - 44760 = -3*t - 44709 for t.\n-7\nSolve 10*h = 3*f - 114, -61429*h + 61432*h + 7*f - 2*f = -46 for h.\n-12\nSolve -12*u - 2*j - 24 = -6*u - 6*u + u - j, 0 = -225*u + 4*j - 4255 for u.\n-19\nSolve -3826*g = -3824*g - 4*f + 12, g = 15*f - 19 for g.\n-4\nSolve 10*y + 63*q = 43*q + 25*q + 10, 2*y - 5*q + 14 = -0*q for y.\n3\nSolve -v - 5*o = 64, -494017*o = -14*v - 494021*o - 38 for v.\n1\nSolve 2*i + 42*w = 3*i + 23*w + 22*w + 26, 102*w = -1020 for i.\n4\nSolve 5*k - k + 25 = -5*x, -19*x - 12*x - 155 = -10*k + 13*k for x.\n-5\nSolve 4*z + 41*c - 36*c = -60, -57 + 61 = c for z.\n-20\nSolve -4*b = 310*s + 245*s - 57157, -13*s - 5*b + 154 + 145 = -10*s for s.\n103\nSolve 0 = -166*w - r - 14117 + 13269, -4*r - 67 = -w for w.\n-5\nSolve -181*l + 91*l + 89*l = -16*k + 76*k + 75, 8*l - 352 = -4*k for l.\n45\nSolve -12376*n = -s - 12378*n + 132, -3*s = -21*n + 1413 for s.\n-2\nSolve 0 = -4*h - 16, -5*h = -20897240*a + 20897236*a + 24 for a.\n1\nSolve r = -2*r + 2*d - 9 - 7, -19*r + 48 = -2*d for r.\n4\nSolve -5*b + 213 = -32, 0 = -15*l + 2*b - 128 for l.\n-2\nSolve -9*a + 59*u - 64*u + 49 = 0, 193 = a + 4*u + 129 for a.\n-4\nSolve -14*i - 29*u + 59*u = 35*u - 21, 46 = 3*i + 7*u for i.\n-1\nSolve 113932*a - 113931*a - 5*o = 11, -2*a = -3*o - 8 for a.\n1\nSolve 5*k = -5*b + 20, 18*k - 218 = b - 154 - 125 for b.\n7\nSolve r + 5*y + 0*y = -0*r + 3, 9*r + y + 0 - 71 = 0 for r.\n8\nSolve 5*l - 12*q - 75 = 0, -760*l - q - 130 = -765*l for l.\n27\nSolve 2*t - 9*x = 23, 12349*t - 12350*t + 11 = -4*x for t.\n7\nSolve -24609*d = -24623*d + 3*j + 384, -2*d - 3*j = -48 for d.\n27\nSolve r = 3*b + 19, -4*r + 8763 = b + 8713 for b.\n-2\nSolve 0 = 5*s + 4*a + 55, 305*a + 310*a - 29 = 3*s + 617*a for s.\n-3\nSolve -4*q + 126 = 59*u, 165787*u - 165792*u + 14 = 4*q - 2*q for q.\n2\nSolve -2*s = 12846*n - 12833*n - 25, s = 45 for n.\n-5\nSolve -3*b + 10401 = 10398, -5*h + 2*b - 73 = -6 for h.\n-13\nSolve -3*f + 351517*o = 351518*o - 24, 4*f - 4*o = 48 for f.\n9\nSolve -66*q - 1221*w = -62*q - 1243*w + 8, 0 = 4*q + 4*w + 8 for q.\n-2\nSolve 5*n + 44*y + 1 - 72 - 1 = 25 + 53, -60 = 5*n + 2*y for n.\n-14\nSolve 50*w = 60*w - v - 20, 5*v = -4*w + 251 - 189 for w.\n3\nSolve 13715 = -5*n + 20*c + 14200, 277 = 3*n - 5*c for n.\n89\nSolve -i + 5*m = 19, -i - 1459172 = 3*m - 1459177 for i.\n-4\nSolve 122*o + 102*o + 20 = 228*o, -9*g - 84 = 3*o for g.\n-11\nSolve -126*y - 3*r - 54 = 133*y - 256*y, -4*r + r - 1 - 53 = -3*y for y.\n0\nSolve 13*f - 17*f + 4*y = 60, -5*f - 58*y + 60*y = 39 for f.\n-3\nSolve 25*u + 1 = -x + 24*u + 6, -17 = -5*x - u for x.\n3\nSolve -o - 6 = 3*y - 5*y - 1, -3*y - 50 = 10*o for o.\n-5\nSolve 16*f + 103 = 5*w, -6*f - 95*w - 6 = -3*f - 98*w + 3 for f.\n-8\nSolve -t - 6 - 31 = 8*d, 19*t - 10 = 5*d + 17*t for d.\n-4\nSolve 2*y + 2*y = -650*g + 649*g + 86, 12*y + 0*g = -g + 254 for y.\n21\nSolve -4*n + 1754887 = -5*p + 1754924, -2*n = -2*p - 6*n - 30 for p.\n1\nSolve -3*u + 9 = 0, 6*z + 11*u + 10*u + 57 = 33*u - 15*u for z.\n-11\nSolve 14150*f - 12 = -3*p + 14159*f, 3*p - 6 = 3*f for p.\n1\nSolve -3*a + 1 - 4 = -b, -154*a + 149*a + 7 = -3*b for b.\n-9\nSolve 4*v + 22 = -794*s + 793*s, 5*v = 5*s + 60 for s.\n-14\nSolve j - w = -23, -2*w + 5710 = j + 5679 for j.\n-5\nSolve 20 = -26*z + 22*z, 5*m = 8*z + 38 + 7 for m.\n1\nSolve -30*c = -3*z - 14*c - 19*c + 15, -4*c = -9*z + 19 for z.\n3\nSolve 2*j - 3*j = -49 + 46, -2*t + 2*j - 61 = -0*j - 53 for t.\n-1\nSolve 17 = -v + 3*x - 8*x, -v + 328*x = 329*x + 1 for v.\n3\nSolve -5*t - 5*f = -10, -1440*t + 13*f + 2 = -1425*t for t.\n1\nSolve -5 = -5*p - 4*z + 56, 59*z - 21*z - 4 = 24*z + 18*z for p.\n13\nSolve n + 192*s = -965, 736*n - 368*n = 369*n + 5*s + 30 for n.\n-5\nSolve 4919*s - 4915*s - 3 = v, 2*v + 21*s = 30*s - 11 for v.\n17\nSolve 0 = 62353*v - 62367*v - 70, 4*z - 4*v = 12 for z.\n-2\nSolve 0 = 2*o + 609*z - 601*z + 18, 4*o + 44 = -8*z for o.\n-13\nSolve -4*d + 2*u = -2*u - 176, -15 = -137276*u + 137281*u for d.\n41\nSolve 96 = -2*k + 2*a + 52, -k = -3*k + 6*a - 128 for k.\n-1\nSolve 2332*y = -2*z + 1168*y + 1166*y - 28, y - 17 = -2*z for z.\n1\nSolve 20554*j - 20551*j + 75 = 4*n, -3*j - 4*n = -45 for j.\n-5\nSolve -2279*s + 2298*s = 3*h + 535, 5*s - 52 = 3*s - 4*h for s.\n28\nSolve 16*t - 6 = 3*t + 11*t, -10*l = -5*t - 445 for l.\n46\nSolve -30*v - 23*t = -43*v + 40*v - 342, -t - 13 = -3*v - 2*t + 11 for v.\n5\nSolve 3*n = 41 - 5, -48*i + 24 = -75*i + 21*i + 2*n for i.\n0\nSolve 13*c - 40 = -2*x + 23*c - 7*c, -3*c + 44 = 4*x for x.\n14\nSolve -4*p + 9*z = -7*z + 15*z + 17, 0 = -4*p - 31*z + 271 for p.\n-2\nSolve -p = 2*h - 32, -3*p + 56 = -3*h - 76 for h.\n-4\nSolve 4*t + 4*i = 3 + 93, 0 = 6*t + i - 154 for t.\n26\nSolve -20159 = 8*n - 20103, 5*b - 27 = 2*n + 22 for b.\n7\nSolve f = -4*a + 198 - 190, 32*f + 34 + 5 - 61 - 108 = -2*a for f.\n4\nSolve j - 23 = 7*y, 0 = -j - 11*y + 21*y - 14*y + 67 for j.\n51\nSolve 2*q = 2*i - 0*i + q + 20, 0 = 5*i + 1911*q - 1909*q + 41 for i.\n-9\nSolve -142*k + 66*k + 74*k = -4*j - 54, 0 = -3*j - 29*k - 0*k - 71 for j.\n-14\nSolve -3*c - 1193 = 148*g, -5*c - 1820556 = -3*g - 1820565 for g.\n-8\nSolve w = -2*d + 49, 1284*w = -2*d + 1289*w + 43 for d.\n24\nSolve 2*k - 31*m - 75 = 50, -4*k + 67 = 11*m - 12*m for k.\n16\nSolve -2*t - 28 = 2*u, -2778*u + 2784*u = 8*t - 154 for u.\n-19\nSolve -10340*w = 2*o - 10342*w - 12, -5*o + 8*w = -33 for o.\n5\nSolve -1091*t + 117 = 27*v - 517*t - 570*t, 21 = 4*v + t for v.\n3\nSolve 5*b + 5*k - 17 - 98 = 0, 3*b + 32*k = 37*k + 47 - 18 for b.\n18\nSolve 5*s - 110 = -5*l, l = 11571469*s - 11571464*s - 134 for l.\n-4\nSolve 232 = 89*r - 2*l - 927, 20*l - 3 + 8 = 15*l for r.\n13\nSolve -8*b = 4*n - 12*b - 116, 66 = 4*n - 3*b - 53 for n.\n32\nSolve 0 = 5*j + q - 5, -j - 16432*q + 1 = -16433*q for j.\n1\nSolve 0 = -13*q + 8*q - 3*p - 13 + 4, -q - 3*p + p + 4 = 17 for q.\n3\nSolve 14*y - 11 = 3*c, 1240*c = 1239*c + 3*y + 3 for c.\n15\nSolve 0 = 3*u - o - 6, 3*u - 5*o - 30 = u - 0*u for u.\n0\nSolve -2*v - 8 = 3*r - 0*r - 7*r, 0 = 11*r - 2*r for v.\n-4\nSolve -5*l - 6656*n = -6652*n + 54, -2*l - 40 = -3*n for l.\n-14\nSolve 46 = -2*n - 0*n + 19*b - 13*b, 98*n - 13 = 97*n - 31*b + 28*b for n.\n-5\nSolve 2*s + 28 = -247420*a + 247415*a, 0 = a + s + 11 for a.\n-2\nSolve 4*f + 27 + 16 = 7*s, 3342*f = 3336*f + 3*s - 57 for f.\n-9\nSolve 5*r - 141 = -7*f, -5*f - 2*r = 157 - 264 for f.\n23\nSolve -5*h + 121 = -3*l, 13*h = -12*l + 16*l + 307 for l.\n-2\nSolve -2*n - 20*m - 437 + 423 = 0, -16 = -2*n - 5*m for n.\n13\nSolve 8*y - 17*y + 7*y + 7 = 2*t - t, -2*t = -14*y + 58 for t.\n-1\nSolve k + 0*k - 86*m = 436, -6*m - 13 = 2*k + 10*m - 11*m for k.\n6\nSolve 2*w + s = 2, -3*w + 93*s - 183*s + 3 = -92*s for w.\n1\nSolve 5*n - 57 = 2*q, -57867*q + 5*n = -57891*q + 31 for q.\n-1\nSolve 5*v = l + 19, -3*l + 152570 - 152571 = -v for v.\n4\nSolve -688*h + 687*h = -4*w + w - 9, 2*h - 103 = 23*w for h.\n-6\nSolve -138*k = -237*k + 128*k - 3*x - 89, -2*k = x - 17 for k.\n4\nSolve -2*p + 3*n + 1 - 1 = n, 4*p + 68 = -4*n + 100 for p.\n4\nSolve -644 = -4*f + 3*s - 674, 139 = -15*f - 2*s for f.\n-9\nSolve 0 = -7*o + 70, k + k + 215 = 3*k - 6*k + 20*o for k.\n-3\nSolve 2*c = -8*g - 56, 44 = -3*c - 2*c + 29*g - 33*g for c.\n-4\nSolve 42*s + 12*z + 11 = 44*s - 5*z, 2*s - 5*z + 1 = 0 for s.\n-3\nSolve 30 = -n - y, 12445*n = 12444*n + 5*y - 42 for n.\n-32\nSolve -s + 30 = -3*k - 7, -120*s + 121*s = -4*k + 30 for k.\n-1\nSolve -2*a + 64 = -3*w, 0 = -7*a - 664*w + 662*w - 26 for a.\n2\nSolve 31910*f - 196 = 31911*f + 2*x, 3*f - 2*x = 188 for f.\n-2\nSolve -2 = -3*b - 12*k + 10, 61*b - 57*b = 3*k + 35 for b.\n8\nSolve 14*w - g + 3 + 19 + 22 = 8*w, 3*w - 2*g = -43 for w.\n-5\nSolve g - 2*g = 2453*h - 2451*h + 22, -h = -2*g - 19 for g.\n-12\nSolve 151*p - 881 = -5*y, -2 = -p - 5*p + 17*p - 6*p - 2*p + 4*y for p.\n6\nSolve 1621 = 2*t + 3*c + 1577, 46*c - 556 = -t for t.\n4\nSolve -4*c + 17 = 5*o, 21*o - 5*c + 4 = 25*o - 6 - 9 for o.\n1\nSolve -u + 3 = 0, -2*d + 9 + 210 = -4*d - d + 87*u - 55*u for d.\n-41\nSolve 4*w + 14 = 66*n - 60*n, -4*w = 4*n - 67 + 31 for w.\n4\nSolve -2*h - 4*w + 7*w = 6*w - 2*w + 8, -3*h - 25*w + 129 = 0 for h.\n-7\nSolve -4*b + 7*b + 2*m - 26 + 8 = 0, 2*b - 7*b - 7*m + 10*m + 11 = 0 for b.\n4\nSolve -3*a - 301276*f = -301278*f - 24, -6 - 6 = -a + 2*f for a.\n6\nSolve 0 = 4*t - 5*p - 3, 2*t - 104 = 10814*p - 10832*p for t.\n7\nSolve -5*y + 62 - 7 = 2*m + 4, 7*m = 5*y + 291 for m.\n38\nSolve 0 = -16685*v + 16688*v + 1 -" ]
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[ "Tuesday, September 02, 2008\n\n\"Irresponsible\" the powerful Keidanren shouted its stupefaction after the announcement of the sudden resignation of Yasuo Fukuda judged as senseless.", "\n\nA resignation which expresses an undisputed frustration to conduct healthy politics and drives the LDP into chaos. ", "But it was not resigning prime minister Yasuo Fukuda who said he would \"destroy the LDP\", it was his pre-predecessor, the flamboyant ex-ex-prime minister \"Jun chan\", \"Lion heart\" Junichiro Koizumi. ", "He ended his 5 years term at the top of popularity and joined the rank of the famous Yasuhiro Nakasone. ", "Both Koizumi san and Nakasone san can be credited with the quality required: \"LEADERSHIP\".", "\n\nSo who is in charge in Japan since Mr. Fukuda's downfall, seen as the erosion of the LDP's power, after he lost control of parliament's upper house in an election last year where the upper house delayed legislation and vetoed key appointments? ", "Question is: How the LDP may find a \"raison-d'etre\" after 53 years of quasi undisputed reign? ", "A record that only authoritarian countries like China or North Korea can dispute.", "\n\nThe best scenario, and LDP has to play the democratic way, is naturally to face the electorate. ", "This is what the Komeito demanded since January. ", "But the bureaucratic \"calendar events\" and international agenda denied this option. ", "Too unpopular too late. ", "Now political alternation is a risk. ", "This is the price to pay to stimulate the archipelago at a time when economy and industry are on the slow down motion.", "\n\nResigning Japanese prime minister Yasuo Fukuda at the Kantei office tonight facing the microphones of the medias.", "\n\nWhere are we now?", "\n\nIt looks like we are heading towards 3 scenarios: Taro Aso, Fukuda's number 2 as secretary general of the LDP, announces election within the LDP, and advocates himself as the natural candidate; an other option is the long in queue present Construction and Transport Minister Sadakazu Tanigaki. ", "But Koizumi's friends want to advance a woman, \"there is a possibility that former LDP Secretary General Hidenao Nakagawa along with Aso's other opponents may field former Defense Minister Yuriko Koike as a candidate for the party leadership\", the Mainichi writes, well versed into politics. ", "Last option, resourceful but hard to conceive right now: the opposition and the electorate demands a general election to be set. ", "This would be the natural democratic option in a \"normal\" country after such a succession of catastrophic policies. ", "A Coup d'Etat from the militaries is not comprehensible here. ", "This is not Thailand.", "\n\nLet's see what happened tonight during this new episode of \"Nagatacho and the City\"... with this Q&A held at the Kantei tonight, at the prime minister house when Fukuda san announces he definitely gives up. ", "It is 21h30 Tokyo time.", "\n\nQuotes: \"Media Q&A session with Prime Minister Fukuda, Courtesy of the INternet and the Mainichi Daily News. ", "The following are excerpts from the question and answer session during a press conference held by Prime Minister Yasuo Fukuda on Monday night.", "\n\nQ: When did you make up your mind to resign? ", "You seem to be following the footsteps of former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, who also abruptly resigned. ", "Don't you think that your and Abe's actions will spur the public's distrust in politics?", "\n\nA: Former Prime Minister Abe had health problems. ", "I have no particular health problem other than my eyesight has become poorer. ", "I made my decision after thinking about how the course of politics should be. ", "As to the question of when I decided to resign, I had thought about various things before, but I made my final decision last weekend.", "\n\nQ: You said the upcoming Diet session should be dealt with under a new administration. ", "On what points do you think the new administration will be able to make breakthroughs?", "\n\nA: Well, I hesitate to talk about my Liberal Democratic Party (LDP), but I think a party presidential election will take place, and a newly elected party leader will be appointed as prime minister. ", "I think things will proceed that way. ", "This is as a result of my belief that it will surely make a difference if a new person takes over, instead of me remaining in office. ", "I considered various scenarios and made a political decision.", "\n\nQ: What did you talk about with LDP Secretary General Taro Aso when you met him for an hour today? ", "Are you backing Aso, whom you selected for his current post?", "\n\nA: I had Aso and Chief Cabinet Secretary (Nobutaka) Machimura come over, and I explained my thoughts to them; we had exchanged various opinions and taken a long time to get this point, but this is how it turned out. ", "From this point, things are up to the LDP, but I asked Aso to go ahead and decide on the date and procedures for the party presidential election.", "\n\nQ: Before arriving at your decision to resign, had you thought about dissolving the Diet for a snap election? ", "You had difficulties implementing policies because the Upper House was controlled by the opposition. ", "Do you have something you want to say to Democratic Party of Japan (DPJ) leader (Ichiro) Ozawa?", "\n\nA: I really had a hard time because of this divided Diet. ", "Even though I wanted to discuss various issues, many times they did not accept dialogue. ", "They (the DPJ) flatly opposed to bills submitted by the ruling coalition, especially to important bills. ", "On many occasions, they had no ear to listen to us. ", "I want to say to Mr. Ozawa that I wish I could have talked with you more, in an open and frank manner, about what we should do for the sake of Japan.", "\n\nQ: It is often said that during your own press conferences you seem to be talking about the affairs of another person, and we got the same impression from your press conference today. ", "What influence will the way you resigned have on the LDP-led administration?", "\n\nA: Are you talking about the LDP-Komeito coalition? ", "It would be best if all runs smoothly, but I see in the foreseeable future the possibility that it may not go favorably. ", "And under such circumstances, we should not get involved in unknown situations. ", "I considered things like that. ", "You just said I appeared to be talking about someone else's affairs, however I am able to look at myself in an objective manner. ", "I am different from you in that respect. ", "Please take these things into consideration.\"", "\n\nEnd of quotes in (http://mdn.mainichi.jp)\n\nBlank statement with all ingredients of the \"mendokusai\" societal and political guideline (\"mendokusai\" = it is trouble so I am reluctant to do it) On one side, the ally of Japan, the USA might have been quite frustrated to see that Tokyo remains in political deadlock for months regarding international issues that are of importance to Washington such as the updating of the military alliance and a deeper cooperation between Japan and the Americans facing the \"wars on terror\".", "\n\nOn the good side, let's give to Mr Fukuda the only success he was chosen for: Having re-established good relations with China. ", "But his green light to hold the Parliament session for a 70 days session only from September 12th was the clear sign that, due to constitutional constrains, no major and special law would be adopted in time in such a political blockade's context imposed by the opposition, the DPJ. ", "The DOPJ Chief, Ichiro Ozawa, opposed such laws as the refueling for the Indian Ocean and Fukuda merely satisfied the Japanese in a new counter measures plan against sky rocketing prices of commodities and of the inflation (2%). ", "Mr. Fukuda last plan was a boosted budget to assist the economy and those who suffered the recent prices increases due to the deterioration of the American economy.", "\n\nOne finds one master on the way. ", "Last option, not yet verified by commentators such as Morita Minoru: \"Kitty Chan takes over Japan...!\"" ]
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[ "A liquid crystal display apparatus is typically arranged in such a manner that liquid crystal is enclosed between a pair of substrate opposing to each other. ", "That is, in a liquid crystal display apparatus shown in FIG. ", "13, liquid crystal 75 is enclosed between a TFT (Thin Film Transistor) array substrate 70 and a color filter substrate 80. ", "The TFT array substrate 70 is arranged such that a TFT circuit layer 72 including TFT elements and the like, an insulative layer 73, and pixel electrodes 74 are provided on a transparent substrate 71, and an alignment layer (not illustrated) is further provided. ", "The color filter substrate 80 is, on the other hand, arranged such that a color filter layer 83 (83a, 83b, and 83c) having three colors, a protruding structure section 84 where a plurality of color filter layers 83 are stacked, and an opposing electrode 85 are formed on a substrate 81, and an alignment layer (not illustrated) is further provided. ", "In the liquid crystal display apparatus, a predetermined cell gap is maintained between the TFT array substrate 70 and the color filter substrate 80, by a spacer (not illustrated) made of plastic bead, glass fiber, and the like.", "\nAs FIG. ", "14 shows, Japanese Laid-Open Patent Application No. ", "2003-14917 (Tokukai 2003-14917; published on Jan. 15, 2003) and Japanese Laid-Open Patent Application No. ", "2001-201750 (Tokukai 2001-201750; published on Jul. 7, 2001) have disclosed a liquid crystal display apparatus in which, instead of the spacer made of plastic bead, glass fiber, and the like, resin layers 86 formed by photolithography and the like are formed as spacers between the pixel electrodes 74 and the opposing electrode 85.", "\nIn the liquid crystal display apparatus shown in FIG. ", "13 and the liquid crystal display apparatus (shown in FIG. ", "14) disclosed by the above-mentioned patent publications, however, said at least one protruding structure section 84 made up of the color filter layers 83 being stacked is provided, so that the opposing electrode 85 on the top of said at least one protruding structure section 84 is in close vicinity of the pixel electrodes 74. ", "That is to say, a cell gap between the pixel electrodes 74 and the opposing electrode 85 on the color filter layer 83 is 3 μm-6 μm wide, except at the color filter layers 83 constituting said at least one protruding structure section 84. ", "Each color filter layer 83 is 0.8 μm-2 μm thick. ", "On this account, at said at least one protruding structure section 84 where the color filter layers 83 are stacked, the distance between the opposing electrode 85 and the pixel electrodes 74 is 0.1 μm-2 μm.", "\nBecause of this arrangement, at a space between the opposing electrode 85 on said at least one protruding structure section 84 and the pixel electrodes 74, short circuit tends to occur due to a minute conductive matter 76 adhered to the opposing electrode 85, said at least one protruding structure section 84, the pixel electrodes 74, and the like, as shown in FIGS. ", "13 and 14. ", "As described above, the conductive alignment layers are formed on the opposing electrode 85 and the pixel electrodes 74. ", "These alignment layers are very thin (each 0.05 μm-0.08 μm thick), so that these alignment layers are easily ripped by the conductive matter 76.", "\nTo solve this problem, Japanese Laid-Open Patent Application No. ", "2002-55349 (Tokukai 2002-55349; published on Feb. 20, 2002) discloses a liquid crystal display apparatus that prevents the short circuit between the opposing electrode 85 and the pixel electrodes 74 by removing either (i) an area of the opposing electrode 85 formed on said at least one protruding structure section 84 on the color filter substrate 80 shown in FIG. ", "14, the area facing the pixel electrodes 74 (hereinafter, this area will be referred to as a facing area of the opposing electrode 85) or (ii) an area of the pixel electrodes 74, the area facing the opposing electrode 85 formed on said at least one protruding structure section 84 (hereinafter, this area will be referred to as a facing area of the pixel electrodes 74).", "\nFurthermore, in order to prevent the short circuit between the opposing electrode 85 and the pixel electrodes 74, the above-identified document also discloses a liquid crystal display apparatus in which an electric insulation film is sandwiched between the opposing electrode formed on the protruding structure 84 and the pixel electrodes 74 opposing to the opposing electrode.", "\nHowever, among the liquid crystal display apparatuses disclosed by Japanese Laid-Open Patent Application No. ", "2002-55349, the liquid crystal display apparatus in which either the opposing area of the opposing electrode 85 or the opposing area of the pixel electrodes 74 is removed requires that the opposing electrode 85 and the pixel electrodes 74 are sufficiently detached from each other, in order to prevent the short circuit between the opposing electrode 85 and the pixel electrodes 74 on account of the misalignment between the TFT array substrate and the color filter substrate, when these members are laminated. ", "Moreover, in the aforesaid opposing areas, no voltage is applied to liquid crystal so that the liquid crystal is not aligned. ", "On this account, the alignment of the liquid crystal is spoiled and the leakage of light occurs, so that the image quality and display contrast deteriorate.", "\nAlso, in the liquid crystal display apparatus in which the electric insulation film is interposed between the opposing electrode 85 formed on said at least one protruding structure section 84 and the pixel electrodes 74, the insulation at the area where the opposing electrode 85 faces the pixel electrodes 74 is maintained. ", "However, as shown in FIG. ", "14, short circuit by way of a conductive matter 76 may occur between (i) a part of the opposing electrode 85 along the direction of stacking the color filter layers 83 of said at least one protruding structure section 84 and (ii) the pixel electrodes 74. ", "That is to say, the opposing electrode 85 on said at least one protruding structure section 84 in which the color filter layers 83 are stacked is closer to the pixel electrodes 74 than the opposing electrode 85 on the color filter layer 83 rather than on said at least one protruding structure section 84. ", "On this account, the opposing electrode 85 covering said at least one protruding structure section 84 is liable to short-circuit with the pixel electrodes 74 on account of the conductive matter 76." ]
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[ "BTW, Super Saiyan kid is putting on an act. ", "He's been interviewed on radio stations recently and thus revealed how he wants to become a professional comedian. ", "Well, I guess that explains one of his latest videos.. \"jackin' to your fb pics\"\n\nVery interesting! ", "What I learned is this: when you take the next step after becoming an ascended Super Saiyan, you scream a lot, glow yellow, fly and you hair gets longer and turns into bananas.", "\n\nWhat's more interesting though is the psychology behind it. ", "What do pre-teen and adolescent boys find compelling here? ", "A fantasy where they can relate to being the centre of attention and where they are all powerful. ", "In fact a world where they can scream loudly and everyone has to pay attention to them. ", "And they get muscles and banana hair.", "\n\nI like how he takes a 'leave of absence' from MIT after all the research and findings, then starts up Bluefin Labs! ", "Makes a few mentions of it in the video but next the fact that he's the founder and CEO!" ]
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[ "1. ", "Field of the Invention\nCertain disclosed embodiments relate generally to armor for protection of personnel and/or vehicles, buildings, etc.", "\n2. ", "Description of the Related Art\nCurrently known armor includes “hard” and “soft” armor. ", "Hard armor can be made very strong, but may be too rigid for some applications. ", "Soft armor has some advantages, but is generally weaker than hard armor." ]
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[ "Enjoy FREE entry to all National Heritage Board museums and heritage institutions on 10 and 11 February 2013!", "\n\nNATIONAL MUSEUM OF SINGAPORE – CHINESE NEW YEAR FESTIVITIES 10 – 12 February 2013,10am – 6pm – Don’t miss out on Chinese New Year festivities at the National Museum of Singapore. ", "Take part in special programmes like face painting, craft activities and even storytelling sessions! ", "You can also check out our latest exhibitions Being Together: Family & Portraits – Photographing with John Clang and A Life of Practice – Kuo Pao Kun. ", "There will be an additional Open House day on 12 February only at the National Museum of Singapore.", "\n\nSINGAPORE ART MUSEUM – CHINESE NEW YEAR CELEBRATIONS AT SAM 10 & 11 February 2013,10am – 7pm – Celebrate the Lunar New Year with contemporary art at the Singapore Art Museum! ", "Enjoy free entry to all exhibitions in SAM, including the President’s Young Talents and The Collectors Show: Weight of History, on both days. ", "On 11 February, 11am onwards, participate in art and craft activities suitable for the whole family.", "\n\nASIAN CIVILISATIONS MUSEUM – ENLIGHTENED WAYS: THE MANY STREAMS OF BUDDHIST ART IN THAILAND Now till 17 April 2013 – Explore over 1,500 years of Buddhist art from Thailand in this special exhibition. ", "Images of the Buddha, precious gold ornaments, gilded and lacquered furniture, and amulets are highlights of this show, which features many rare loans from Thai national museums.", "\n\nSINGAPORE PHILATELIC MUSEUM – CHINESE NEW YEAR ACTIVITIES – 10 & 11 February 2013, 9.30am – 7pm Activities on 11 February only – Usher in the Year of the Snake by visiting the “Snakes and Ladders” exhibition and join in our festive fun activities!", "\n\nPERANAKAN MUSEUM – EMILY OF EMERALD HILL: SINGAPOREAN IDENTITY ON STAGE – Now till 7 April 2013 – Explore what it means to be Peranakan and embrace the legacy of the critically acclaimed play, Emily of Emerald Hill." ]
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[ "Adam Chidell heads to Hormozgan Province to explore a new side of the country, first stop the port city of Bandar Abbas, sitting on the Persian Gulf\n\nAs I arrived by ferry into Bandar Abbas – or what the locals call just plain Bandar – I was struck first by the thickness of the hot air, heavily laced with Persian Gulf salt. ", "It was low tide and two boys played at the ocean’s edge, throwing silt and dodging rainbow coloured blotches of oil bleeding from a sputtering motorboat. ", "On the other side of a four-lane boulevard, facing out towards the sea, a mosque loomed; its two spindly minarets, much taller than the base that supported them, threw long sideways shadows across neighbouring buildings, themselves a nondescript mixture of concrete and glass, or rotting wood facades.", "\n\n\n\nFacebook Twitter Pinterest Man on a motorcycle on Qeshm island. ", "Photograph: Adam Chidell\n\n“Bandar Abbas, but why?” ", "a man in Isfahan had asked a week earlier, drawing his face into a look of slightly pained bemusement when I told him my planned route. ", "The guidebook I carried agreed: “short on both historical features and charisma” it intoned authoritatively. ", "Nevertheless, despite not quite knowing why I was drawn to Bandar Abbas in particular, I did know I wanted to see a different side of Iran, somewhere without the refined splendour of Isfahan, the cosmopolitan buzz of Tehran, or the serene beauty of the Kurdish northwest.", "\n\nI reached the roadside, flagged down a taxi and tried to agree on a reasonable price with the driver who – seeing my backpack, noting the searing heat and perhaps sensing that I had only a fairly vague notion of where the hotel was – opened the bidding high. ", "After a minute of back-and-forth negotiation, a far cry from the evasive, tarof-laden conversations I had so often experienced further north in the country, we settled on 6000 Toman (about $2), still above the odds but no longer enough to embarrass me about my haggling skills. ", "The car moved down the boulevard and turned into a narrower street. ", "A small groups of teenage boys in blue shirts wandered off in different directions, laughing and jostling each other as they passed between cars – a sign that a nearby school had just finished the day’s classes.", "\n\nI arrived at my hotel, dropped off my bag and, narrowly resisting the lure of an air-conditioned room, headed back outside with the intention of wandering gradually down towards the bazaar, taking photos on the way. ", "The city seemed half-asleep, with many roadside stalls closed during the afternoon heat, their owners dozing in patches of shade. ", "The lanky minarets were a useful reference point as they marked the centre of the city’s shoreline. ", "I walked slowly towards them, via an indirect route with palm tree lined residential streets.", "\n\nFacebook Twitter Pinterest A man in a glass-cutting shop on Qeshm island. ", "Photograph: Adam Chidell\n\nFacebook Twitter Pinterest A Sunni man prays in his workshop on Qeshm. ", "Photograph: Adam Chidell\n\nI reached the bazaar when the listless afternoon met the preparation for evening trading, the busiest time of the day, once the heat begins to fade and families emerge to buy supplies. ", "Fruit and vegetable vendors unpacked crates of ripe tomatoes and laid out forests of coriander, radishes, and spring onions; children chased each other through the narrow alleyways and wealthy women perused golden broaches and bangles in jewellery stores adjacent to the market. ", "Women donned hijabs in wild combinations of red, yellow, pink, green, blue, purple and orange, often embossed with floral patterns, rather than the plain black chadors, so ubiquitous elsewhere in Iran. ", "Some also wore a Batman-style black leather mask covering their cheekbones and nose, an incongruous contrast to their colourful clothing. ", "Many of the city’s inhabitants were darker skinned than their northern compatriots and I learned that Hormozgan Province, of which Bandar Abbas is the capital, is also home to a significant proportion of the country’s Afro-Iranian population. ", "I ate a quick meal of rice and chicken, washed down with two glasses of cold doogh, a savoury yoghurt drink seasoned with mint.", "\n\nFacebook Twitter Pinterest A Bandari woman in local hijab, which includes a mask to cover her forehead and cheeks. ", "Photograph: Adam Chidell\n\nFacebook Twitter Pinterest Two women walk through a section of the bazaar that sells mainly cloth and clothing. ", "Photograph: Adam Chidell\n\nFacebook Twitter Pinterest A girl plays on the roof of her house in a small village on Qeshm island. ", "Photograph: Adam Chidell\n\nTired and slightly overpowered by the ferocious heat, I returned to my room. ", "As I walked, a motorbike carrying two policemen rode past and despite my attempted nonchalance – I had heard and read enough about Iranian policemen to want to avoid unnecessary interactions – I inadvertently made eye contact with the driver. ", "At first I thought the two would continue up the road, but just as this hope formed in my head, the bike made a sharp U-turn and returned, stopping alongside me. ", "I noticed that the policeman riding pillion, still probably a teenager, had a rifle slung over his shoulder. ", "The more senior of the two, tall and wearing a pristine khaki uniform, black stubble and black designer shades that hid his eyes, approached me, baring unnaturally white teeth in a wide grin.", "\n\n“Welcome to Iran, what are you doing here?” ", "he said in lightly accented but otherwise perfect English. ", "He glanced down at the camera attached to my wrist. “", "I’m a tourist, on holiday, just taking pictures,” I replied, unnecessarily miming the process of taking a photo. ", "His face was still fixed in a grin of ironic amusement. “", "You are sweating – why is that?” ", "he asked, pointing at my brow, which was indeed pretty damp.", "\n\n“Because it’s very hot – it must still be 35 degrees!” ", "I protested, looking up at the sun.", "\n\n“Yes, where are you from?” ", "he continued, ostentatiously not sweating himself.", "\n\n“London”, I replied.", "\n\n“Show me your passport then”\n\n“It’s at my hotel,” I answered, realising that by rights I should have at least a photocopy with me. ", "Could he arrest me for this lapse I wondered?", "\n\n“I see,” he answered, his grin widening, “so tell me your name”.", "\n\n“Adam”\n\n“Adam. ", "And your family name…”\n\n\n\n“Chidell” I said. ", "He asked me to spell it out and he repeated each letter slowly as though testing out the sounds for the first time.", "\n\n“What do you think of Iran?” ", "he continued\n\n“It’s a beautiful country, full of very kind and welcoming people,” I said, hoping he would take the hint.", "\n\n“Yes, and what do you think of our government? ", "And what about the police?” ", "he laughed.", "\n\nI replied as diplomatically and enthusiastically as possible, but the questions kept coming, and the grin never faded. ", "The sulky teenager with the rifle didn’t utter a thing, but stood motionless. ", "I guessed he could not understand a word we were saying. ", "The policeman revealed he was originally from Shiraz and asked me what I thought of “the most beautiful city in Iran”. ", "I had not been and decided to come clean rather than try to bluff my way through. ", "For a moment I thought his grin flickered, but soon it was fixed again and after a reproachful comment he began telling me about his home city in minute detail. ", "I nodded and alternated between asking questions and politely lamenting my own stupidity at having missed out on this paradise. ", "I noticed the eyes of nearby shopkeepers on us. ", "Eventually the policeman seemed satisfied, shook my hand, pressing a little tighter than necessary and motioned to the teenager with the gun that they were leaving. ", "He sat down on the bike, kicked the engine on and just as I was about to turn to leave he looked around and said “Goodbye… Adam Chidell,” emphasising my surname and giving a final menacing grin as he raced away.", "\n\nFacebook Twitter Pinterest A man passes by a shop sign - 'Breeze' - on Qeshm island. ", "Photograph: Adam Chidell\n\nFacebook Twitter Pinterest Bandar Abbas Photograph: Adam Chidell\n\nFacebook Twitter Pinterest Two boys toss stones into a plastic can that has been washed up onto the beach. ", "Photograph: Adam Chidell\n\nFacebook Twitter Pinterest A man at the seafront in Bandar Abbas rents out waterpipes, used for smoking flavoured tobacco. ", "Photograph: Adam Chidell\n\nFacebook Twitter Pinterest An Iranian tourist visiting Bandar Abbas tries on a hat and sunglasses being sold by a vendor on the beach. ", "Photograph: Adam Chidell\n\nFacebook Twitter Pinterest A woman and her two children wait in a car outside a small grocery shop hanging with disco lights in the front. ", "Photograph: Adam Chidell\n\nAdam Chidell is a teacher, photographer and writer based in London.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nhow to calculate total using module in python?", "\n\nI have this program:\nimport display\na = int(input('1st number:'))\nb = int(input('2nd number:'))\nc = a + b\ndisplay.display1\n\nand the other with the name 'display':\ndef display1():\n print(c)\n\nIt will come out :\nNameError: name 'c' is not defined\n\nhow do I define the 'c' to find the total for a and b?. ", "Thanks\n\nA:\n\nYou need to pass the parameter c to the function display1.", "\nSo your display1 function should be like as follows\ndef display1(c):\n print(c)\n\nAnd while calling you need to give c to display1 function as a parameter as follows\ndisplay.display1(c)\n\n" ]
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[ "Commission on Science and Technology for Sustainable Development in the South\n\nThe Commission on Science and Technology for Sustainable Development in the South (COMSATS) is an inter-governmental organization, having a membership of 25 developing countries and one non-state member from three continents, Latin America, Africa and Asia. ", "Twenty two S&T/R&D institutions of developing countries are affiliated with COMSATS as its Network of International S&T Centers of Excellence for Sustainable Development in the South. ", "The organization aims at sustainable socio-economic uplift of the developing countries through appropriate applications of science and technology using the approach of South-South cooperation.", "\n\nH.E. John Dramani Mahama, the President of Ghana, is the incumbent Chairperson of COMSATS, who assumed this position on 24 July 2012. ", "The current Executive Director of COMSATS is S. M. Junaid Zaidi who succeeded Imtinan Elahi Qureshi in February 2017. ", "\n\nThe Network of COMSATS’ Centres of Excellence is governed by a Coordinating Council (comprising the heads of Network Member Institutions), the Consultative Committee (comprising the national focal points in Member States) and the Technical Advisory Committee (comprising senior scientists and technologists from the North and the South). ", "The Consultative Committee id chaired by the Federal Secretary, Ministry of Science and technology, Government of Pakistan and the Coordinating Council elects its Chairperson from among its members. ", "These positions are currently being held by Fazal Abbas Maken and Ashraf Shalan, President, National Research Centre (NRC), Egypt. ", "The Secretariat of COMSATS is permanently located in Islamabad, Pakistan and is supported by the grants from the Government of Pakistan. ", "It plays a dual role of the Secretariat and Headquarters of the Network of Centres of Excellence.", "\n\nObjectives \nCOMSATS has the following objectives, as outlined in its Statutes:\n\n•\tTo sensitize the countries of the South to the centrality of science and technology in the development process, to the adequate allocation of resources for research and development and to the integration of science and technology in the national and regional development plans;\n\n•\tTo support the functioning and activities of the Network of International Science and Technology Centres for Sustainable Development in the South established under this agreement;\n\n•\tTo support other major initiatives designed to promote indigenous capacity-building in science and technology for science-led sustainable development and to help mobilize long-term financial support from international donor agencies and from governments / institutions in the North and the South to supplement the financing of international scientific projects in the South;\n\n•\tTo provide leadership and support for North-South and South-South cooperative schemes in education, training and research; and\n\n•\tTo support the relevant programs and initiatives of major international organizations working for the development and promotion of science and technology in the South.", "\n\nHistory \nCOMSATS was established following a foundation meeting organized by the Government of Pakistan, held on October 4–5, 1994, at the behest of the world-renowned scientist and Nobel Laureate from Pakistan, Prof. Abdul Salam. ", "The Inter-governmental Agreement to this effect was signed in Islamabad, with support of the Ministry of Science and Technology (MoST), Government of Pakistan, The World Academy of Sciences (TWAS) and the Consortium on Science, Technology and Innovation for the South (COSTIS).", "\n\nMajor Programmes and Projects \nCOMSATS programmes and projects relate to the socio-economic needs of its member countries. ", "In this context, the organization focuses on:\n\nCapacity-building through education and training, seminars, symposia, workshops, fellowships and expert-exchange programs;\nResearch and development through joint projects in scientific fields, like Information and communication technologies, agriculture, environment, biotechnology, medicinal products, materials sciences, etc.", "\nKnowledge dissemination through COMSATS publications, web-sites/web-portals;\nHigher education in Science and Technology with the support of COMSATS’ Centres of Excellence and their affiliated institutions in the member countries.", "\n\nOn-Going Projects \nCOMSATS University Islamabad (CUI)\nCOMSATS Internet Services (CIS)\nCOMSATS Tele-Health Services\nSyrian-COMSATS-COMSTECH Information Technology Center (SCCITC), Damascus - Syria\nISESCO-COMSATS Islamic World Science Net (IWSN), Web-portal\n\nInternational Collaboration \nKeeping in view the common goals of building and promoting indigenous capacities in science and technology for science-led development, COMSATS has signed a number of Memoranda of Understanding (MoU) with various Ministries, International Organizations and Academic Institutions, to effectively conduct developmental initiatives. ", "Also, the organization has close working relations with various development and donor agencies, such as UNESCO, ISESCO, TWAS/TWNSO, COMSTECH, ICGEB, etc.", "\n\nFurther reading\n\nExternal links \nCOMSATS official website\nCOMSATS University Islamabad (CUI) official website\nCOMSATS Internet Services (CIS) official website\nIslamic World Science Net (IWSN) official website\n\nCategory:International sustainability organizations\nCategory:Educational organisations based in Pakistan\nCategory:Intergovernmental organizations\nCategory:Scientific organisations based in Pakistan\nCategory:Environmental organizations established in 1994\nCategory:Scientific organizations established in 1994\nCategory:TWAS" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nCan't use variable declared in Form1() in Button1_Click()\n\nI'm learning C# and got confronted with a very simple problem in other langages that make me mad here... I must be missing something obvious but after a couple hours looking and trying solutions, here I come :p\nI'm making a program simulating a Beehive management.", "\nIn the Form1() declaration I initialize 2 variables, one array of Worker objects and a Queen object that contains the array of workers bee :\npublic Form1()\n {\n InitializeComponent();\n Worker[] workers = new Worker[4];\n workers[0] = new Worker(new string[] { \"Nectar Collector\", \"Honey Manufacturing\" });\n workers[1] = new Worker(new string[] { \"Egg Care\", \"Baby Bee Tutoring\" });\n workers[2] = new Worker(new string[] { \"Hive Maintenance\", \"Sting Patrol\" });\n workers[3] = new Worker(new string[] { \"Nectar Collector\", \"Honey Manufacturing\", \"Egg Care\", \"Baby Bee Tutoring\", \"Hive Maintenance\", \"Sting Patrol\" });\n\n Queen queen = new Queen(workers);\n }\n\nNext, my \"Button1\" is used to assign a work to a bee, using the Queen object declared in the Form1().", "\nObviously, it's not in the same scope since \"queen\" is declared in Form1().", "\nSo I get an error in this code :\nprivate void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)\n {\n if(***queen***.AssignWork(workerBeeJob.", "Text, (int)shifts.", "Value))\n {\n MessageBox.", "Show(\"The job '\" + workerBeeJob.", "Text + \"` will be done in\");\n }\n\n\"The name \"queen\" doesn't exist in the actual context\".", "\nAnd if I try to instanciate a Queen object in the scope of my class (simply using \"Queen queen;\"...), I can't pass him a Workers array nor use her since her workers's array is null.", "\nIf I try to instanciante an array of workers, it seems to work to create him (\"Worker[] workers = New Worker[4];\") but not to instanciate his values (\"workers[0] = ....\"), and at this moment, all my code goes nicely underlined in red while the same code works like a charm in Form1() method.", "\nSo here are the questions :\n\nWhy do we have to initialize components in the Form1() if we can't use them in another method ?", "\nWhy do I get a looooot of errors if I do the initialisation of Workers's array in class Form1 directly ?", "\nAnd obviously, how do I can use my Queen and her Worker array in the event listener ?", "\n\nSorry if i'm not clear and for the lot of question for a problem that simple. ", "I have read many posts, in particular this post : C# referencing a variable from another method but it don't answer my problem.", "\n\nA:\n\n>> And obviously, how do I can use my Queen and her Worker array in the event listener?", "\nYou defined the queen variable as local variable. ", "This means when it goes out of scope, it will be no longer available. ", "You need to define the queen variable as field.", "\npublic class Form1: Form\n{\n private Queen _queen;\n\n public Form1()\n {\n InitializeComponent();\n Worker[] workers = new Worker[4];\n workers[0] = new Worker(new string[] { \"Nectar Collector\", \"Honey Manufacturing\" });\n workers[1] = new Worker(new string[] { \"Egg Care\", \"Baby Bee Tutoring\" });\n workers[2] = new Worker(new string[] { \"Hive Maintenance\", \"Sting Patrol\" });\n workers[3] = new Worker(new string[] { \"Nectar Collector\", \"Honey Manufacturing\", \"Egg Care\", \"Baby Bee Tutoring\", \"Hive Maintenance\", \"Sting Patrol\" });\n\n _queen = new Queen(workers);\n }\n\n private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)\n {\n if(_queen.", "AssignWork(workerBeeJob.", "Text, (int)shifts.", "Value))\n {\n MessageBox.", "Show(\"The job '\" + workerBeeJob.", "Text + \"` will be done in\");\n }\n }\n}\n\nAs you can see, i'd prefix my fields with an _. ", "This isn't required, but it's improving readability. ", "This way i always know that i'm dealing with a field instead of a local.", "\n\n>> Why do we have to initialize components in the Form1() if we can't use them in another method?", "\nThe InitializeComponent(); is defined in the Form1.designer.cs file and is generated by the form designer. ", "You can't define two (the same signature) constructors in partial classes. ", "So they implemented a method which does the initialization for the controls. ", "The controls aren't accessable before the InitializeComponent.", "\n\n>> Why do I get a looooot of errors if I do the initialisation of Workers's array in class Form1 directly?", "\nYou cannot add executable code in a class directly. ", "It needs to be in a method/property\n\n" ]
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[ "Saco Design Introduces Johanson Boatworks\n\nJohanson Boatworks\n\nFor Johanson Boatworks we provided content migration services in order to give them an updated website that fit their image. ", "We brought them from static html pages with no content management system and introduced them to our Content Management Superhero. ", "Johanson Boatworks’ image is a vital aspect of their business, and we support that with our use of Search Engine Optimization.", "\n\nSearch Engine Optimization, or SEO, is a fundamental part of our relationship with Johanson Boatworks because it is an important part of the website’s design. ", "By using proper descriptions and key words specific to their business, we have created a stronger outreach in the eye of search engines for Johanson Boatworks, in addition to the implementation of our Content Management Superhero.", "\n\nImplementing a CMS (Content Management Superhero)\n\nJohanson Boatworks wanted a website that was easy for them to manage – so we provided simple tools for them to use in order to effectively publicize their services and products. ", "Because of our CMS (Site Avenger), our client can confidently take the helm and control the content on their website.", "\n\nJBW can manage their homepage promo/slider by choosing any text/copy and image they would like, as well as up to two links; and as many promos as they need.", "\n\nThe new site allows JBW to manage boats, news articles, project updates, and all web pages, including pictures as well as content.", "\n\nQuality and Attention to Detail\n\nJohanson Boatworks has high-end customers to whom they cater to with their premium products. ", "We gave them premium tools that provide them with ways to draw attention to their content and site navigation in order to achieve ultimate attractiveness.", "\n\nWe replaced a dated graphic design with a fresh new look.", "\n\nAs a complement to the above management tools, JBW can choose the photos and images that best represent their company in the eye of their customers and the public.", "\n\nJBW has the ability to cross-post their articles from their website to their Facebook page: strengthening their image on the web as well as in social media from a single dashboard." ]
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[ "China wakes up, smells Nestlé’s ‘unique’ coffee flavor\n\nNestlé’s ‘smart investment’ in Chinese whole bean coffee is likely to consolidate its market-leading position within the category there, as it stands poised to release a local product, according to a top beverage analyst.", "\n\nEuromonitor International global beverage analyst Jonas Feliciano said in a company podcast: “Nestlé is thinking in terms of Chinese growth opportunities. ", "The coffee market there broke the $1bn mark in 2012, and is forecast for another $500m growth over the next five years.", "\n\n“By creating a coffee brand with domestic roots, Nestlé really positions itself for continued dominance of market share in China, which was already over 70% value share in 2012.\"", "\n\nThe market is under-penetrated, with AC Nielsen data from September 2012 showing that the Chinese only drink three cups per capita yearly, compared with 1,218 in Finland and 451 in the US.", "\n\n“Whichever way you shake it, coffee in China really represents a strong opportunity, and Pu’er beans as well as other regional beans are just a smart investment in today’s coffee culture,” Feliciano said.", "\n\nSubtlety and variations\n\nFeliciano said Nestlé had invested in its Pu’er, Yunnan province coffee plantation since the 1980s, and that it was now China’s largest coffee-producing province, growing high-quality Arabica beans.", "\n\n“Production levels by no means match some of the world’s top producers – for instance, Brazil, Colombia, Ethiopia and Honduras,” Feliciano said.", "\n\n“But the interest in the beans in the region from coffee giants like Nestlé and Starbucks, really illustrates some of the subtleties and variations that coffee can provide.”", "\n\nStarbucks’ interest in Pu’er related to its need for locally source beans for the continued expansion of its coffee shops across the country, Feliciano said, adding that this was top priority for the firm.", "\n\nExamining coffee on a global level, Feliciano said that the question of fresh coffee – meaning coffee brewed from ground beans, versus instant coffee – was often the first categorization people made.", "\n\n“But there is a plethora of other nuances to coffee, which go well beyond fresh and instant [usually made using Robusta variety beans]. ", "An innumerable number of instant coffee varieties,” he added.", "\n\n“3-in-1 coffees with creamer and sugar mixed in, 5-in-1s that use flavors and other functional ingredients on top of that creamer and sugar.”", "\n\nNew layer of differentiation\n\nWhen talking fresh coffee, more typically made using Arabica beans, Feliciano noted that the way people prepared the brew varied from country to country and household to household.", "\n\n“But this latest news out of Yunnan, and Nestlé and Starbucks’ interest in Pu’er, speaks to yet another layer of differentiation for world coffee drinkers, and by that I mean bean origin,” he said.", "\n\nIn a similar fashion to wine, the regions where beans grow have a direct impact on coffee flavor, caffeine content and even mouth feel, Feliciano said.", "\n\n“Saying that all coffee beans are the same is like saying that all wine comes from the same type of grapes. ", "Subtleties in flavor vary wildly, and provide consumers with a degree of customization that many soft drinks makers are envious of,” he added.", "\n\nThis content is copyright protected\n\nHowever, if you would like to share the information in this article, you may use the headline, summary and link below:\n\nNestlé’s ‘smart investment’ in Chinese whole bean coffee is likely to consolidate its market-leading position within the category there, as it stands poised to release a local product, according to a top beverage analyst." ]
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[ "Dactylosporangium siamense sp. ", "nov., ", "isolated from soil.", "\nA novel actinomycete strain, designed MW4-36(T), was isolated from tropical forest soil in Nakhon Sawan Province, Thailand. ", "Morphological and chemotaxonomic characteristics of this strain clearly demonstrated that it belongs to the genus Dactylosporangium. ", "The strain formed finger-shaped sporangia on short sporangiophores that emerged directly from substrate hyphae. ", "The cell-wall peptidoglycan contained glutamic acid, glycine, alanine and meso-diaminopimelic acid including 3-hydroxy-meso-diaminopimelic acid; arabinose, glucose, rhamnose, ribose and xylose were found as whole-cell sugars. ", "The diagnostic phospholipids were phosphatidylethanolamine, diphosphatidylglycerol, phosphatidylglycerol and phosphatidylinositol; no phosphatidylcholine was found. ", "The predominant menaquinones were MK-9(H8) and MK-9(H6). ", "Mycolic acids were not detected. ", "The predominant cellular fatty acids were iso-C15 : 0, iso-C16 : 0, anteiso-C15 : 0 and anteiso-C17 : 0. ", "The G+C content of the genomic DNA was 72.9 mol%. ", "Phylogenetic analysis based on 16S rRNA gene sequences also indicated that the strain should be classified in the genus Dactylosporangium and showed that the closest relative was Dactylosporangium maewongense JCM 15933(T) (99.4 % similarity). ", "These taxonomic data revealed that strain MW4-36(T) could be readily distinguished from its phylogenetically closest relative. ", "On the basis of these phenotypic and genotypic data, strain MW4-36(T) is considered to represent a novel species, for which the name Dactylosporangium siamense sp. ", "nov. ", "is proposed. ", "The type strain is MW4-36(T) ( = BCC 34901(T) = NBRC 106093(T))." ]
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[ "Cochylimorpha coloratana\n\nCochylimorpha coloratana is a species of moth of the family Tortricidae. ", "It is found in Saisan in south-western Siberia.", "\n\nReferences\n\nCategory:Moths described in 1899\nCategory:Cochylimorpha\nCategory:Moths of Russia" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nCreate an application's shortcut to launch it from Terminal?", "\n\nI need to launch an application created with ruby, python or perl from Terminal (without entering the directory), and keep it working.", "\nThis is an example :\nWhen I go to the sqlnuke directory and start the application, it starts without problem like you see:\n\nBut when I create shortcut with the following command:\nln -s /opt/sqlnuke/sql.rb /usr/bin/sqlnuke\n\nthen I open Terminal and run sqlnuke, I get this error:\n\nA:\n\nYou clearly have to cd to the proper directory first. ", "\n/usr/bin/sqlnuke should look like:\n#!", "/bin/sh\ncd /opt/sqlnuke && ./sql.rb \"$@\"\n\nIf \"sqlnuke\" is for your use only, adding a script into /usr/bin is overkill. ", "Add this to your ~/.bashrc:\nsqlnuke() ( cd /opt/sqlnuke && ./sql.rb \"$@\" )\n\n" ]
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[ "User reviews\n\n0 out of 5 based on 0 ratings for VQF TAG Editor 3.1beta 2\n\nFor VQF TAG Editor 3.1beta 2Publisher's description\n\nAdvertisement\n\nVQF TAG Editor is a MP3 & Audio software developed by Kim Soerensen. ", "After our trial and test, the software is proved to be official, secure and free. ", "Here is the official description for VQF TAG Editor:" ]
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[ "var test = 'abcd' + 'efg';\n" ]
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[ "With the prevalence of networks in recent years, not only personal computers but also various products such as portable phones, electronic apparatuses, and so-called digital household appliances can be connected to networks. ", "Environments in which electronic apparatuses are used in cooperation extend not only to office use but also to home use. ", "Household appliances and other products which so far have been used independently are now connected to networks.", "\nUnder these circumstances, easy connection, setting and control are required for various apparatuses to be connected to networks. ", "Particularly in ad hoc environments such as a home network and hot spot, such requirements are significant since those who connect or set various apparatuses are not always experts of networks or electronic apparatus techniques.", "\nExamples of network techniques that can meet such requirements include Universal Plug and Play (UPnP), BMLinkS, Rendezvous, Jini®, Jxta®, and HAVi. ", "These techniques facilitate setups, settings, and addition of apparatuses connected to networks, and make it possible to detect and control services and network devices such as network printers, Internet gateways, and household appliances.", "\nWith these techniques apparatuses exchange, as profile information with each other, information of a device name, manufacturer, version, ID, and the like or information of interfaces and the like for using the services, thereby enabling the detection and control (e.g., see non-patent reference 1).", "\nThere also exists an apparatus which is equipped with a conversion gateway for combining the above-mentioned various techniques based on different standards (e.g., see patent reference 1).", "\nPatent reference 1: Japanese Patent Laid-Open No. ", "2004-505360\nNon-patent reference 1: UPnP Device Architecture Version 1.0." ]
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[ "Donald Trump was clearly in some difficultly as he sought to manoeuvre those 71-year-old wrists to pull off the so-called \"Asean-way handshake\".", "\n\nApparently a tradition of such events, the move calls for world leaders to both cross and join arms in a sign of unity. ", "A photographer captured the US President grimacing before he finally managed to grasp hold of Filipino President Rodrigo Duterte to his left, and Vietnamese Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc to his right.", "\n\nYet, as Mr Trump wraps up his 11-day tour to Asia, the longest by a US president for several decades, many have been struck by his ready flexibility to deal with leaders who carry with them questionable human rights records.", "\n\nMr Duterte was hosting the summit in the Philippines, so a degree of diplomacy was clearly needed. ", "But did Mr Trump need to say he had a “great relationship” with a man who has allegedly orchestrated a war against drug users that has led to thousands of extra-judicial killings? ", "The White House said Mr Trump briefly raised the issue of human rights when the leaders met, but Mr Duterte’s spokesman was adamant he had not.", "\n\nBy contrast, when Barack Obama raised the issue, the Philippine leader called the US leader “a son of whore”.", "\n\nSimilarly, human rights did not appear to come up during Mr Trump’s conversation with the Vietnamese leader. ", "When he met Chinese President Xi Jinping, Mr Trump played a video of his granddaughter singing in Mandarin and told the Chinese leader his “people were very proud of him”.", "\n\nMr Trump did not mention human rights to Indian Prime Minister, Narendra Modi, despite concerns about mounting majoritarianism in the world’s second most populous country. ", "The US President tripped over his shoe laces to avoid criticising Russian leader, Vladimir Putin, over Russia’s alleged meddling in the 2016 election.", "\n\n“Every time he sees me, he says, ‘I didn’t do that’,” Mr Trump told reporters on Air Force One. “", "And I believe, I really believe, that when he tells me that, he means it.”", "\n\nAnd even though more than 500,000 Rohingya Muslims have fled what the UN has called a “textbook example of ethnic cleansing” inside Burma, nobody appeared to have pushed the issue with Nobel laureate Aung San Suu Kyi.", "\n\nIt would be wrong to draw too black-and-white a distinction between this US administration and previous ones. ", "US governments have always elected to use the issue of human rights when it has suited them and ignored them when it has not.", "\n\nWhile Mr Obama would press various issues with some countries, he similarly oversaw a massive expansion of America’s use of unmanned drones in places such as Pakistan, that frequently resulted in the deaths of civilians and children. ", "He all but refused to discuss the programme and did all he could to shield it from transparency.", "\n\nYet, if the issue of human rights was raised by previous administrations in a way that was self-serving and even cynical, at least it was raised.", "\n\nIt may have been the US President, ever mindful of supporters back home, was more concerned about stressing his “America First” vision for trade and geopolitics. “", "We are not going to let the United States be taken advantage of anymore,” he said in a speech at the start of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation summit.", "\n\nMessages matter. ", "In choosing to remain silent on human rights, Mr Trump has highlighted again how little concerned he is about America’s position at the centre of global affairs. ", "Time and again, from his views on Nato, nuclear proliferation and climate change, Donald Trump has shown he is willing to forego US leadership in these areas." ]
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[ "På de fleste områder ligner familien Krøyer i Mariager alle andre børnefamilier. ", "Forskellen er bare, at familiens to drenge på ét og tre år ikke kalder deres forældre mor og far, men mor og »mommy«. ", "Med andre ord er familien Krøyer en homoseksuel kernefamilie. ", "Det betyder, at familiens to voksne medlemmer må lægge ører til lidt af hvert:\n\n»Vi har begge hørt samtlige jokes om bøsser og lesbiske, for dem elsker folk at præsentere os for - især når de har fået lidt at drikke, men det har vi det helt fint med,« smiler Tulle Krøyer.", "\n\nKommentarerne har da heller aldrig været decideret ubehagelige - ikke før familien rykkede teltpælene op og flyttede fra Aalborg til Mariager, hvor Tulle arbejder som jurist.", "\n\n»Vi blev tiltrukket af Mariagers smukke natur og skænkede det slet ikke en tanke, at der er mange religiøse i området, hvoraf nogen måske har svært ved at acceptere familier som vores. ", "Men nu er vi da begyndt at overveje, om Mariager er for lille til at rumme forskellighed,« fortæller hun.", "\n\nTi sedler fra anonym afsender\n\nI løbet af de sidste to måneder har livet i rosernes by nemlig taget en noget ubehagelig drejning for den lille familie.", "\n\n»Det begyndte med en seddel i vores postkasse, hvor der var en henvisning til et afsnit i en af mosebøgerne,« forklarer Tulle Krøyer og tilføjer, at hun troede, den var en slags reklame for et arrangement i kirken, og derfor smed den ud uden at tænke mere over det. ", "Men så begyndte det pludselig at vælte ind med lignende sedler.", "\n\n»Vi må have fået i hvert fald ti,« vurderer hun og finder en bunke med de sidst modtagne sedler frem.", "\n\nPå en af dem er der tegnet et kors, på en anden står der »I besudler den historiske by Mariager«, og på flere af dem går ord som »synd« og »føj« igen.", "\n\nMadaffald smidt i haven\n\nTirsdag nåede chikanen af den lille familie dog helt nye højder.", "\n\n»Vores hund gik rundt i haven, og da den kom ind, lugtede den langt væk af makrel. ", "Det undrede mig selvfølgelig, så jeg gik ud og kiggede og kunne se, at vores have var fyldt med gammelt madaffald. ", "Det lå langs hækken, så der må have stået en på den anden side og drysset det ud på en stribe,« fortæller Tulle Krøyer.", "\n\nSe video hos Randers Amtsavis\n\nFørst troede hun, der var tale om drengestreger, men mens hun gik og ryddede affaldet op, fik hun øje på en tom pizzaæske, hvor en seddel med teksten »I lever i synd - føj« var klistret på.", "\n\n»Da vidste jeg, at det var den samme person, som står bag de mange sedler i vores postkasse, for det er præcis samme ordlyd,« forklarer hun.", "\n\nMå kende familien\n\nDerfor begyndte Tulle Krøyer straks at kigge affaldet igennem for at finde noget, der kunne afsløre, hvem afsenderen var.", "\n\n»Personen må have sorteret det virkelig grundigt, for der var intet tegn på, hvem det kunne være. ", "Jeg kunne dog se, at det var noget, der var samlet ind over en længere periode, for der var næsten en hel sort sæk fyldt med madaffald som gamle kødbakker og makreldåser,« siger hun.", "\n\nSelv om familien ikke ved, hvem der forfølger dem, er Tulle Krøyer ikke i tvivl om, at det må være en - eller flere - som de på den ene eller anden måde er stødt på.", "\n\n»Det er jo tydeligvis én, der ved, at vi bor her som et homoseksuelt par, og da vi hverken har regnbueflag i haven, skilt på ryggen eller på anden måde reklamerer med det, må det næsten være en person, vi har haft kontakt til - for vi har jo ikke en gang fornavne på vores postkasse. ", "Men hvem det er, aner jeg simpelthen ikke,« fastslår hun.", "\n\nKan ende som politisag\n\nIndtil nu har familien Krøyer valgt ikke at politianmelde chikanen, da den mener, at politiet har vigtigere ting at tage sig til. ", "Med affaldet i haven forleden nåede Tulle Krøyer og hendes kone dog deres grænse for, hvad de kan acceptere:\n\n»Sker der mere, går vi til politiet. ", "Det er vi nødt til. ", "Vi har jo små børn, så det her må stoppe. ", "Tænk, hvis det var dem, der havde været i haven, da affaldet blev hældt over. ", "Der var jo både glas og skarpe dåser blandt det,« fastslår Tulle Krøyer og fortsætter:\n\n»Derfor vil vi også have sat overvågning op for at finde ud af, hvem det er, og så har vi bedt vores naboer om at sige til, hvis de ser noget mistænkeligt.«", "\n\nIkke en kristen handling\n\nDa Tulle Krøyer bliver spurgt, om der er noget, hun gerne vil sige til den eller de personer, der i månedsvis har chikaneret hendes familie, svarer hun:\n\n»Jeg vil ikke sige, at jeg ønsker det samme for den person, for det gør jeg ikke. ", "Jeg ønsker derimod, at vedkommende får hjælp til at forstå, at homoseksualitet ikke er et valg, man træffer, og at lige- meget, hvor mange bøsser, man slår ned i H. C. Ørstedsparken eller hvor meget affald, man hælder over vores hæk, så kan man ikke ’omvende’ os.«", "\n\nDerudover opfordrer hun gerningsmanden, der sandsynligvis er kristen, til at tænke på begrebet næstekærlighed.", "\n\n»At være næstekærlig går for mig ud på, at vi skal acceptere og respektere hinanden. ", "Folk behøver ikke at bryde sig om vores måde at leve på, men de skal respektere den og lade os være i fred, for vi er jo bare en helt almindelig familie, der ønsker at leve et helt almindeligt liv - og det, vi har været udsat for, er på ingen måde kristent, men ren chikane,« understreger hun.", "\n\nSe video hos Randers Amtsavis" ]
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[ "Bolivia's indigenous people are rising up and reclaiming a new homeland.", "\nAn exciting national revolution is unfolding in Bolivia today, with its indigenous peoples at its core. ", "The movement to refound Bolivia is an inspiration to many around the world. ", "Bolivia Rising aims to bring news and analysis about this revolution to english speakers.", "\n\nBolivia expects 5,000 foreigners at climate forum\n\nAssociated Press, La Paz, Bolivia -- Bolivia's government says it expects thousands of activists, environmentalists and scientists to travel to the Andean nation for conference on climate change.", "\n\nBolivia's foreign minister, David Choquehuanca, estimates roughly 5,000 foreigners will attend the event. ", "The 3-day forum kicks off on April 20 in the city of Cochabamba.", "\n\nBolivian President Evo Morales announced in January that he would invite activists, scientists and government officials from around the world to an alternative conference following the failure of a climate change summit in Copenhagen to produce binding agreements.", "\n\nChoquehuanca said Monday that topics will include a \"universal proposal for the rights of mother earth.\"" ]
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[ "(let ((2nd (make-fbo )))\n (defun do-it (verts fbo t1)\n (g-> fbo\n (1st (first-pass verts) )\n (2nd (second-pass verts :tex t1))\n (nil ())\n (third-pass *quad* :t1 (col 1st) :t2 (col 2nd)))))\n\n;; kind of want 1st to be an exising fbo -OR- some local one\n;; I guess this is why I got confused with defpipeline as I wanted some\n;; way to have this done for me.", "\n\n;; hey... each form could have a third arg...still cant make a closure without\n;; owning the function\n\n;; ok so before I go wrong again, on the walk home I decided that g-> would be\n;; for composing pipelines unless inside defpipeline. ", "In that case it was for\n;; composing g-functions into pipelines.", "\n\n;; Now I am thinking that if you use let syntax you are combining pipelines\n;; so:\n\n(defpipeline first-pass (g-> #'a #'b))\n(defpipeline second-pass (g-> #'a #'c))\n(defpipeline third-pass (g-> #'d #'e)) ;; this is composing g-funcs\n\n(defpipeline compound\n (g-> (1st (first-pass stream)) ;; and this is composing pipelines\n (2nd (second-pass stream))\n (third-pass quad :t1 (col 1st) :t2 (col 2nd))))\n\n;; need a way of indicating where the fbos are 'from'. ", "Meaning if they\n;; are in a closure over the pipeline or are passed in as arguments\n\n;; third arg of let form could indicate the 'from' part:\n;; t meaning create a default fbo\n;; or just make fbo args... cool\n\n(defpipeline compound\n (g-> (1st (first-pass stream) t) ;; and this is composing pipelines\n (2nd (second-pass stream) (:c (v! ", "10 20)))\n (third-pass quad :t1 (col 1st) :t2 (col 2nd))))\n\n;; or use :resources\n\n(defpipeline compound\n (g-> (1st (first-pass stream) t) ;; and this is composing pipelines\n (2nd (second-pass stream))\n (third-pass quad :t1 (col 1st) :t2 (col 2nd)))\n :resources\n (2nd (make-fbo :c (v! ", "10 20))))\n\n;; may have to be specific so I can assume types\n\n(defpipeline compound (stream)\n (g-> (1st (first-pass stream)) ;; and this is composing pipelines\n (2nd (second-pass stream))\n (third-pass quad :t1 (col 1st) :t2 (col 2nd)))\n :fbo (1st :c :d) (2nd :c (v! ", "10 20)))\n\n;; thats actually very nice\n\n\n(with-bind-fbo (*geom-fbo*)\n (map-g #'first-pass (gstream *wibble*)\n :model-space-light-pos (v:s~ cam-light-vec :xyz)\n :light-intensity (v! ", "1 1 1 0)\n :model-to-cam model-to-cam-matrix\n ;; :normal-model-to-cam normal-to-cam-matrix\n :ambient-intensity (v! ", "0.2 0.2 0.2 1.0)\n :textur *wib-tex*))\n(with-fbo-slots (c) *geom-fbo*\n (map-g #'hmm-pass (gstream *bird*)\n :model-space-light-pos (v:s~ cam-light-vec :xyz)\n :light-intensity (v! ", "1 1 1 0)\n :model-to-cam model-to-cam-matrix\n ;; :normal-model-to-cam normal-to-cam-matrix\n :ambient-intensity (v! ", "0.2 0.2 0.2 1.0)\n :textur *bird-tex* :fbo-tex (slot-value c 'jungl::texture)\n :bird-tex *bird-tex2*\n :loop *loop-pos*))\n" ]
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[ "using System.", "ComponentModel;\n\nnamespace Util.", "Biz.", "Payments.", "Wechatpay.", "Enums {\n /// <summary>\n /// 微信支付签名类型\n /// </summary>\n public enum WechatpaySignType {\n /// <summary>\n /// Md5\n /// </summary>\n [Description( \"MD5\" )]\n Md5,\n /// <summary>\n /// HMAC-SHA256\n /// </summary>\n [Description( \"HMAC-SHA256\" )]\n HmacSha256\n }\n}\n" ]
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[ "Chromatography methods typically rely on exploitation of a solid surface that bears at least one chemical functionality to actively engage in interactions with biomolecules in order to sort the components of a complex sample according to that chemical functionality. ", "These methods are called adsorptive chromatography methods. ", "Surface chemistries differ among adsorptive methods, along with the chemical means to release bound components, but the operational format is the same. ", "One example is bioaffinity chromatography, in which an inert surface is substituted with a biological ligand specific for a component of interest from a complex sample. ", "The component of interest binds, the rest do not, and the component of interest is subsequently released by changing the chemical conditions. ", "Ion exchange chromatography is representative of a greater diversity of methods. ", "An inert surface is substituted covalently with a charged chemical group. ", "In the case of anion exchange chromatography, the chemical group is positively charged. ", "Sample components of sufficient negative charge bind, with the most negatively charged binding most strongly. ", "Sample components lacking sufficient negative charge fail to bind. ", "Bound components can be released in order of the strength of their interaction by the application of an increasing gradient of salt, which imposes a gradually increasing degree of disruption to the charge interactions, releasing the bound components in order of the intensity of their interaction with the anon exchanger. ", "Except for differences of chemistry, the same operational format is applied to cation exchange chromatography, hydrophobic interaction chromatography, reversed-phase chromatography, and numerous examples of so-called mixed-mode chromatography, including hydroxyapatite.", "\nAn exception to the adsorptive methods reliance upon chemical functionality is size exclusion chromatography (SEC), also known as gel filtration and gel permeation chromatography. ", "Chemical interactions between molecules and the surface of the media in such applications are effectively nil. ", "SEC works by the differential diffusion of sample components into the pores of particles packed in a column. ", "Very large components are excluded from the pores and pass only through the interparticle space. (", "Arbitrarily) mid-sized molecules diffuse into the larger pores. ", "This gives them access to a larger fluid volume that the excluded molecules that have access to only the interparticle space. (", "Arbitrarily) small molecules may diffuse into all of the pores, which gives them access to a yet greater fluid volume. ", "The greater the fluid volume with which a given size class of molecules is in equilibrium, the larger the volume of fluid required to displace them from the column. ", "Thus large molecules elute first from SEC columns, followed in order by molecules of decreasing size.", "\nPrecipitation methods are well-known throughout the field of biology, including for purification of proteins and viruses. ", "Two of the most common methods, so-called salt precipitation and PEG precipitation, exploit a force known as preferential exclusion. ", "The term began to be used widely in the early 1980s and has since become the accepted terminology for describing the interactions of dissolved molecules (solutes) with proteins [1-5]. ", "Preferentially excluded solutes interact with proteins in such a way that it leaves the proteins surrounded by a layer of water that is deficient in the preferentially excluded solute. ", "This solute-deficient zone is referred to as the zone of preferential hydration, or preferential hydration shell, or sheath. ", "When preferentially hydrated proteins encounter one another in solution, their preferential hydration sheaths merge. ", "The higher the concentration of the excluded solute, the more strongly the two proteins remain associated. ", "So-called kosmotropic salts, such as ammonium sulfate, sodium citrate, and potassium phosphate are strongly excluded from protein surfaces. ", "Nonionic organic polymers such as polyethylene glycol (PEG) are also known to be strongly excluded from protein surfaces [3-5]. ", "These precipitation methods are performed by dissolving large amounts of the preferentially excluded agent in a sample containing the species to be precipitated. ", "As the preferentially excluded agent ascends toward a threshold level, it causes target species that randomly contact one another to remain associated by sharing the water from their respective preferential hydration sheaths. ", "This leads to formation of large insoluble aggregations that eventually precipitate, after which they can be recovered by centrifugation or filtration. ", "Precipitation methods however impose undesirable limitations, chief of which is that purification performance is recognized as universally inferior to chromatography methods, and also suffers from a high degree of variability from batch to batch, especially in conjunction with variations in the concentration of the product to be precipitated. ", "Recovery is likewise variable, and can be prohibitively low when the product of interest is present at low concentrations. ", "These issues are known to derive from the dependency of precipitation methods on the interactions of highly heterogeneous surfaces, namely the proteins being precipitated. ", "Commercial applications persist, but most have been replaced by chromatography because the latter usually offers better recovery and a higher degree of purity. ", "Interest in precipitation methods remains however because they potentially offer higher productivity than chromatography, the materials are cheaper, and the equipment is simpler to operate.", "\nThe force of preferential exclusion has been used to enhance existing interactions between proteins and the surfaces of adsorptive chromatography media. ", "Salts are well known to enhance binding in hydrophobic interaction chromatography (HIC). ", "This is the standard way in which binding is achieved with this technique. ", "They have also been used to enhance binding with some affinity methods, such as protein A affinity chromatography (6). ", "Ammonium sulfate was reported to cause binding of proteins to a non-functionalized porous particle chromatography support in the 1970s (7) but was not pursued, possibly due to limitations in the method of sample preparation and application to the column. ", "Direct addition of excess ammonium sulfate to a sample creates precipitates that clog chromatography columns. ", "Addition of non-precipitating amounts of salt would be expected to support low capacities, as apparently experienced in reference 7.", "\nThe force of preferential exclusion has also been used to enhance binding of adsorptive chromatography methods with nonionic polymers such as PEG. ", "In contrast to salts, it does not work with HIC because the inherent hydrophobicity of the PEG interferes directly with the binding mechanism. ", "PEG can be used to precipitate proteins inside a HIC column, and the proteins can be subsequently resolubilized, but this is not adsorptive chromatography and it lacks utility: capacity and resolution are prohibitively limited [6]. ", "PEG has been used to enhance binding with affinity chromatography [6], ion exchange chromatography [8], and hydroxyapatite chromatography [9], and it is known to interfere with the separation achieved in SEC [10]. ", "In all these cases it retards elution, especially of large molecules such as aggregates, which sometimes aids in their separation [9], but its use is discouraged by its high viscosity. ", "High viscosity is a particular problem for all methods of chromatography on porous particles because they depend on diffusion to transport proteins to, within, and from the pores. ", "Diffusivity is directly proportional to viscosity, so column performance drops in direct proportion to the PEG concentration. ", "Viscosity also increases shear forces that occur in the interparticle space of chromatography columns. ", "These limitations are tolerated in some instances because PEG has been shown to more strongly affect the binding of large molecules in comparison to small one, thus enhancing the ability of hydroxyapatite to improve fractionation of antibody aggregates from nonaggregated antibody [7,8]. ", "Since both liabilities increase in direct proportion to PEG concentration, it is not surprising that its broader application has been avoided.", "\nFluidized particle beds provide an alternative to chromatography in packed beds. ", "In fluidized beds, particles are dispersed throughout the sample containing the target molecule. ", "After binding the target molecule, the particles are concentrated, so that unbound contaminants can be washed away, and so that the bound product can be eluted at a high concentration. ", "Concentration of the particles can be achieved by various methods. ", "Particles with density greater than water can be sedimented. ", "Iron-core particles can be concentrated in a magnetic field. ", "Particles may also be concentrated on filtration membranes. ", "Particle size may vary from less than 100 nm to more than 100 microns. ", "The surface of particles for expanded bed chromatography is normally functionalized with chemical groups that interact strongly with the intended target molecule. ", "For example, many publications report the immobilization of protein A on fluidized particles to capture and purify IgG. Other publications describe functionalization with charged groups, hydrophobic groups, metal affinity groups, and groups employing multiple chemistries. ", "These various functionalizations allow fluidized bed formats to offer the same range of chemical selectivities offered by same the functionalizations in fixed bed chromatography methods.", "\nThe importance of fluidized beds is that they offer the physical handling characteristics to overcome one of the most serious limitations of packed beds: low productivity. ", "Traditional porous particle columns require slow flow rates that impose excessive overall process time intervals. ", "These time intervals are multiplied when the chromatography media are so expensive as to force users to run multiple cycles on a reduced volume column because the price of sufficient chromatography material to run a process in a single cycle is prohibitive. ", "However, for any method to fulfill the needs of initial product capture from crude biological samples, also requires that it be able to achieve good binding capacity under near physiological pH and salt concentration. ", "Every known chromatography method has been evaluated for this application, but only bioaffinity chromatography has fulfilled this requirement to date. ", "All others require substantial modification of conditions and/or are rendered ineffective by components of cell culture supernatants." ]
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[ "Evidence for glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI)-anchored eosinophil-derived neurotoxin (EDN) on human granulocytes.", "\nEosinophil-derived neurotoxin (EDN) is one of the four basic proteins stored in specific eosinophil granules. ", "Here we demonstrate that EDN can also be detected at the surface of granulocytes. ", "Reduction of EDN membrane expression after phosphatidylinositol-specific phospholipase C treatment suggests that a glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI) anchor is involved in the membrane association of EDN. ", "The presence of a GPI anchor was confirmed by a lower expression of membrane EDN on granulocytes from patients with paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria which present cells lacking GPI anchor proteins. ", "Furthermore, metabolic labeling with GPI anchor components supports biochemical evidence of GPI anchoring of EDN." ]
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[ "Comparative evaluation of different doses of green tea extract alone and in combination with sulfasalazine in experimentally induced inflammatory bowel disease in rats.", "\nThe exact etiopathology of inflammatory bowel disease is still unclear. ", "Most of the therapies present are directed towards symptomatic improvement. ", "Surgical therapy in the form of restorative proctocolectomy is reserved for the terminal stage disease, which is unresponsive to medical therapy. ", "The present study was conducted to evaluate the effect of green tea in experimentally induced inflammatory bowel disease. ", "A total of 36 animals were included in the study. ", "The animals were divided into five groups (n = 6): Group I-Vehicle (ethanol), group II-TNBS + ethanol, group III-green tea-treated group was divided into two sub-groups on the basis of different doses: group IIIA-TNBS + green tea (35 mg/kg), group IIIB-TNBS + green tea (70 mg/kg), group IV-TNBS + sulfasalazine (360 mg/kg), group V-TNBS + sulfasalazine (360 mg/kg) + green tea (least effective dose found in group III). ", "After completion of 2 weeks of treatment, the rats were killed under ether anesthesia by cervical dislocation for assessment of intestinal inflammation, histological analysis, myeloperoxidase assay, malondialdehyde assay, and TNF-α estimation. ", "The study showed that green tea alone and in combination with sulfasalazine reduced inflammatory changes induced by tri nitro benzene sulfonic acid in rats. ", "This reduction is associated with reduced malondialdehyde, lipid peroxidation, and TNF-α. ", "This correlates well with both gross morphological and histopathological scores. ", "The authors concluded that a combination of green tea extract with sulfasalazine showed greater efficacy than single drug treatment." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
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[ "Q:\n\nIs it possible to use an existing Applet within a JavaFX application (desktop)\n\nI can't seem to find anything on this - other than it can't be embedded in a web view.", "\nI currently have an image viewing product which is accessed via an applet and controlled via JavaScript from an HTML page.", "\nI am investigating a client application using JavaFX and it would likely need to access that applet. ", " I attempted to embed it into the WebView and that didn't work. ", " Searching on this site stated that webview doesn't support plug in technology. ", " This is to build an applet with Java FX - but rather to invoke and interact with an existing product.", "\nTherefore I am left wondering if there is another way - using JavaFX 8?", "\nThanks!", "\n\nA:\n\nA quick trial with a really simple sample applet, demonstrates that it is possible to embed Swing applets into JavaFX applications (with Java 8).", "\nSample\n\nHere is the HelloWorld applet from the Oracle getting started with applets documentation:\nimport javax.swing.*;", "\n\npublic class HelloWorldApplet extends JApplet {\n public void init() {\n try {\n SwingUtilities.invokeAndWait(new Runnable() {\n public void run() {\n JLabel lbl = new JLabel(\"Hello World\");\n add(lbl);\n }\n });\n } catch (Exception e) {\n System.err.println(\"createGUI didn't complete successfully\");\n }\n }\n}\n\nAnd here is a JavaFX application which embeds it:\nimport javafx.application.", "Application;\nimport javafx.embed.swing.", "SwingNode;\nimport javafx.scene.*;", "\nimport javafx.scene.paint.", "Color;\nimport javafx.stage.", "Stage;\n\nimport javax.swing.", "JApplet;\nimport javax.swing.", "SwingUtilities;\nimport java.awt.", "Dimension;\n\nimport java.util.concurrent.*;", "\n\npublic class JavaFXSwingAppletHolderApplication extends Application {\n private JApplet applet = new HelloWorldApplet();\n private Dimension appletSize;\n\n @Override public void init() throws ExecutionException, InterruptedException {\n applet.init();\n\n FutureTask<Dimension> sizingTask = new FutureTask<>(() ->\n applet.getRootPane().getPreferredSize()\n );\n SwingUtilities.invokeLater(sizingTask);\n appletSize = sizingTask.get();\n }\n\n @Override public void start(Stage stage) {\n final SwingNode swingNode = new SwingNode();\n SwingUtilities.invokeLater(() ->\n swingNode.setContent(applet.getRootPane())\n );\n\n stage.setScene(\n new Scene(\n new Group(swingNode),\n appletSize.getWidth(), appletSize.getHeight(),\n Color.", "BLACK\n )\n );\n stage.show();\n }\n\n @Override public void stop() {\n applet.stop();\n applet.destroy();\n }\n\n public static void main(String[] args) {\n launch(args);\n }\n}\n\nNotes\nI'm not sure if the sizingTask is the above code is strictly necessary, I just stuck it in there just in case as I know little about Swing layout, so thought it best to be explicit.", "\nThis sample only embeds a basic applet, your applet will be more complex so you will need to validate a similar solution for your particular applet to ensure it works for you.", "\nRecommendation\nMost existing applets are quite small - it is probably a better idea to reimplement an applet as a pure JavaFX component implementation rather than try to embed the applet in a JavaFX application.", "\nAlso note that the applet API is deprecated as part of Java 9, by JEP 289: Deprecated the Applet API.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "web developers uk - An Overview\n\nMenu\n\nweb developers uk - An Overview\n\nFinally my aspiration will come true. ", "Now am getting orders 24x7 throughout india & from abroad. ", "This is certainly take place only by efosys webdesign with unbelievable rate.", "\n\nIt's got the opportunity to translate into 15 languages and can be screencast to chat with friends on Gmail or jabber.org. ", "Converse could be integrated with a lot of World wide web platforms, like WordPress and Roundcube, and as it’s written in Javascript, it operates straight as a result of your browser.", "\n\nHave you read or related with any of these web pages? ", "Do you may have any Other individuals to share? ", "Join the dialogue and share your views within the remark area underneath.", "\n\nEmploying Impulse to develop dynamic material functions much better than CSS such as, as there ends up staying a shorter hold off concerning once the animation is created and when it starts off playing.", "\n\nWe're self-assured that our group of web developers will create and regulate your internet site to the most beneficial conventional. ", "We want your business in Bedford to make website traffic and sales; this is why we offer a no cost session to exercise the most effective Answer for your company. ", "This free of charge session might help us understand the requirements of your online business and perform good quality exploration.", "\n\nAnother place of Internet enhancement that needs to be frequently occurring inside the background will be the checking of an internet site’s overall performance. ", "Uptime Robot does this to suit your needs.", "\n\nWe use cookies making sure that we give you the most effective encounter on our Web-site. ", "For those who go on to utilize This web site We'll think that you'll be pleased with it.", "Okay\n\nTheir aim while in the design procedure is to find a prevalent meaning that can help to link the design towards the ethos of the company. ", "This permits for there to be a deeper brand information being portrayed and one which exudes the principles from the business enterprise.", "\n\nOnce we tackle a task, we don’t just think of building the performance, or holding our workforce of designers occupied, we contemplate The full immersive experience.", "\n\nYou would like in order to give a exceptional and unique knowledge to your target market normally you would possibly reduce your audience. ", "If you are an online developer or designer, you'll want to observe these five top rated Internet sites so you're able to link having a likeminded Neighborhood, get inspired and re-conceptualize the worth of your brand and organization.", "\n\nAs an internet developer, you’ll often come upon bugs in your code and new improvement methods that you think could utilize to existing Internet sites.", "\n\nOnce the group at Arhue begins dealing with a shopper, they would like to get to understand the client as well as shopper's item. ", "From that starting, the Arhue group develops a website that is definitely eye-catching and easy to navigate. ", "Arhue always web developers bedford retains the objective in mind of properly selling the client's organization or cause.", "\n\nRemaining a startup, Colorwhistle has normally tried to exceed consumer expectations as well as eager on personnel wow! ", "proud to become a A part of the workforce." ]
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[ "---\nabstract: 'We introduce the generalized Lorentz gauge condition in the theory of quantum electrodynamics into the general vector-tensor theories of gravity. ", "Then we explore the cosmic evolution and the static, spherically symmetric solution of the four dimensional vector field with the generalized Lorenz gauge. ", "We find that, if the vector field is minimally coupled to the gravitation, it behaves as the cosmological constant. ", "On the other hand, if it is nonminimally coupled to the gravitation, the vector field could behave as vast matters in the background of the spatially flat Friedmann-Robertson-Walker Universe. ", "But it may not be the case. ", "The weak, strong and dominant energy conditions, the stability analysis of classical and quantum aspects would put constraints on the parameters and so the equation of state of matters would be greatly constrained.'", "\nauthor:\n- Changjun Gao\ntitle: Introduction of the generalized Lorenz gauge condition into the vector tensor theory\n---\n\nIntroduction\n============\n\nThe vector-tensor theories of gravity are first proposed by Will, Nordtvedt and Hellings [@will:72]. ", "Then they are used in cosmology to model inflaton [@ford:89], dark matter [@bek:04] and dark energy [@bel:08]. ", "However, it is recently found that the Lorentz invariant vector-tensor theories are usually plagued by instabilities [@bel:09] [@picon:09]. ", "On the contrary, the Lorentz violation vector field models [@kos:89] are special such that some of these models are free of instabilities [@el:06]. ", "The well-known Einstein-aether theory [@ted:00] belongs to these special models. ", "The remarkable difference of the Einstein-aether theory from the usual vector-tensor theory comes from the fact that the vector field is constrained to have constant norm. ", "This constraint eliminates a wrong-sign kinetic term for the length-stretching mode [@ell:05], hence giving the theory a chance to be viable.", "\n\nThe fixed-norm constraint in the Einstein-aether is achieved by the presence of a Lagrange multiplier field in the Lagrangian density. ", "The Lagrange multiplier method presents the constraints on the motion of some physical quantities in nature. ", "So taking into account some physical constraints on the motion of physical quantities, one can always introduce the Lagrange multiplier into the corresponding Lagrange function. ", "Actually, using this method, Mukhanov, Brandenberger and Sornborger have early proposed a nonsingular universe by limiting the spacetime curvature to some finite values [@muk:92].", "\n\nExcept for the fixed-norm constraint, are there any other constraints on the four-vector (four dimensional vector) field? ", "The answer is yes. ", "We remember that there is a unified formulation of quantum electrodynamics which has the Lagrangian as follows [@lau:67] $$\\begin{aligned}\n\\label{eq:intro}\n\\mathscr{L}&=&-\\frac{1}{4}F_{\\mu\\nu}F^{\\mu\\nu}+\\lambda\\left(\\nabla_{\\mu}A^{\\mu}\n-\\frac{1}{2}\\gamma\\lambda\\right)\\nonumber\\\\&&-j_{\\mu}A^{\\mu}+\\bar{\\psi}\\left(i\\gamma_{\\mu}\\partial^{\\mu}-m\\right)\\psi\\;.\\end{aligned}$$ Here $j_{\\mu}=e\\bar{\\psi}\\partial_{\\mu}\\psi$ and $F_{\\mu\\nu}$ is the field strength tensor of Maxwell field. ", "$\\lambda$ is the Lagrange multiplier field which has the dimension of inverse length, $l^{-1}$. $\\gamma$ is a dimensionless constant. ", "The $\\lambda$ term is the generalized Lorentz gauge. ", "$\\gamma=0,\\ 1,\\\n3$ correspond to the Landau gauge [@lan:56], the Feynman gauge [@fey:49] and the Yennie-Fried gauge [@fri:58], respectively. ", "We see the generalized Lorentz gauge condition could also be understood as a constraint on the divergence of four-vector field $A^{\\mu}$. Motivated by this point, we introduce the generalized Lorentz gauge condition into the general vector-tensor theories.", "\n\nThe paper is organized as follows. ", "In section II, we explore the cosmic evolution and the static, spherically symmetric solution of the four-vector field which is minimally coupled to the gravitation. ", "We find the field behaves as a cosmological constant. ", "In section III, we investigate the cosmic evolution of the four-vector which is nonminimally coupled to the gravitation and find it could play the role of vast matters for some appropriate parameters. ", "Section IV gives the conclusion and discussion.", "\n\nWe shall use the system of units in which $16\\pi\nG=c=\\hbar=4\\pi\\varepsilon_0=1$ and the metric signature $(-,\\ +,\\\n+,\\ +)$ throughout the paper.", "\n\nCosmological Constant from the four-vector field with the Generalized Lorenz Gauge\n==================================================================================\n\ncosmology\n---------\n\nThe most general form for the Lagrangian density with two derivatives acting on the four-vector field $A^{\\mu}$ can be written as $$\\begin{aligned}\n\\label{eq:lagr}\n\\mathscr{L}&=&-c_1\\nabla_{\\mu}A^{\\nu}\\nabla^{\\mu}A_{\\nu}-c_2\\left(\\nabla_{\\mu}A^{\\mu}\\right)^2\n-c_3\\nabla_{\\mu}A^{\\nu}\\nabla_{\\nu}A^{\\mu}\\nonumber\\\\&&+\\lambda\\left(\\nabla_{\\mu}A^{\\mu}-\\frac{1}{2}\\gamma\\lambda\\right)\\;.\\end{aligned}$$ Here $c_i$ are dimensionless constants. ", "The stability analysis of the theory and the phenomenological investigations could put constraints on the sign and value of $c_i$.\n\nFollowing the Einstein-aether theory [@carroll:2004], If we define $$\\begin{aligned}\nJ^{\\mu}_{\\ \\\n\\nu}&\\equiv&-c_1\\nabla^{\\mu}A_{\\nu}-c_2\\delta^{\\mu}_{\\nu}\\nabla_{\\alpha}A^{\\alpha}\n-c_3\\nabla_{\\nu}A^{\\mu}\\;,\\nonumber\\\\\nK^{\\mu}_{\\ \\ \\nu}&\\equiv&\\lambda\\delta^{\\mu}_{\\nu}\\;,\\end{aligned}$$ we can rewrite the Lagrangian density as follows $$\\begin{aligned}\n\\mathscr{L}&=&J^{\\mu}_{\\ \\ \\nu}\\nabla_{\\mu}A^{\\nu}+K^{\\mu}_{\\ \\\n\\nu}\\nabla_{\\mu}A^{\\nu}-\\frac{1}{2}\\gamma\\lambda^2\\;.\\end{aligned}$$ Variation of the Lagrangian density with respect to $A^{\\mu}$ leads to the equation of motion for $A^{\\mu}$ $$\\begin{aligned}\n\\label{eq:eom}\n\\nabla_{\\mu}J^{\\mu}_{\\ \\ \\nu}+\\nabla_{\\mu}K^{\\mu}_{\\ \\\n\\nu}+\\frac{1}{2}\\nabla_{\\nu}\\lambda=0\\;.\\end{aligned}$$ On the other hand, variation of the Lagrangian density with respect to $\\lambda$ gives the generalized Lorenz gauge condition $$\\begin{aligned}\n\\label{eq:gauge}\n\\nabla_{\\mu}A^{\\mu}-\\gamma\\lambda=0\\;,\\end{aligned}$$ from which we can derive the Lagrange multiplier field $\\lambda$. Acting on both sides of Eq.", " (\\[eq:gauge\\]) by $\\nabla_{\\nu}$ and using Eq.", " (\\[eq:eom\\]), we find $$\\begin{aligned}\n\\label{eq:eomA}\n\\gamma\\nabla_{\\mu}J^{\\mu}_{\\ \\ \\nu}+\\gamma\\nabla_{\\mu}K^{\\mu}_{\\ \\\n\\nu}+\\frac{1}{2}\\nabla_{\\nu}\\left(\\nabla_{\\mu}A^{\\mu}\\right)=0\\;.\\end{aligned}$$ This equation determines the dynamics of $A^{\\mu}$ subject to the generalized Lorenz gauge condition.", "\n\nThe energy-momentum tensor for the vector field is found to be $$\\begin{aligned}\n\\label{eq:stress}\nT_{\\mu\\nu}&=&2c_1\\left(\\nabla_{\\alpha}A_{\\mu}\\nabla^{\\alpha}A_{\\nu}-\\nabla_{\\mu}A_{\\alpha}\\nabla^{\\mu}A_{\\alpha}\\right)\\nonumber\\\\&&\n+2\\nabla_\\sigma\\left[J^{\\ \\ \\sigma}_{(\\mu}A_{\\nu )}-J^{\\sigma}_{\\\n\\ (\\mu}A_{\\nu )}-J_{(\\mu\\nu)}A^{\\sigma\n}\\right]\\nonumber\\\\&&+\\nabla_\\sigma\\left[K^{\\ \\\n\\sigma}_{(\\mu}A_{\\nu )}-K^{\\sigma}_{\\ \\ (\\mu}A_{\\nu\n)}-K_{(\\mu\\nu)}A^{\\sigma }\\right]\\nonumber\\\\&&+\ng_{\\mu\\nu}\\mathscr{L}\\;.\\end{aligned}$$ In the background of spatially flat Friedmann-Robertson-Walker (FRW) Universe, the nonvanishing component of the vector is the timelike component. ", "So the vector field $A^{\\mu}$ can be written as $$\\begin{aligned}\nA^{\\mu}=\\left[\\phi\\left(t\\right),\\ 0,\\ 0,\\ 0\\right]\\;.\\end{aligned}$$ Then the equation of motion, Eq.", " (\\[eq:eomA\\]), becomes $$\\begin{aligned}\n\\label{eq:eomphi}\n&&-\\left(c_{1}+c_{2}+c_{3}-\\frac{1}{2\\gamma}\\right)\\left(\\ddot{\\phi}+3H\\dot{\\phi}+3\\dot{H}\\phi\\right)\\nonumber\\\\&&-3H^2\\phi\\left(c_1+c_3\\right)=0\\;,\\end{aligned}$$ where $$\\begin{aligned}\nH=\\frac{\\dot{a}}{a}\\;,\\end{aligned}$$ is the Hubble parameter. ", "$a(t)$ is the scale factor of the Universe. ", "Dot denotes the derivative with respect to the cosmic time $t$. If $$\\begin{aligned}\n\\label{eq:cond} c_1+c_3=0\\;,\\end{aligned}$$ the equation of motion, Eq.", " (\\[eq:eomphi\\]), reduces to a very simple case $$\\begin{aligned}\n\\label{eq:eomsim}\n&&\\ddot{\\phi}+3H\\dot{\\phi}+3\\dot{H}\\phi=0\\;.\\end{aligned}$$ Solving the equation, we obtain $$\\begin{aligned}\n\\label{eq:eomLambda}\n&&\\dot{\\phi}+3H{\\phi}=\\Lambda\\;,\\end{aligned}$$ where $\\Lambda$ is an integration constant which has the dimension of $l^{-1}$. Thus under the condition that Eq.", " (\\[eq:cond\\]) is satisfied, the Lagrangian, Eq.", " (\\[eq:lagr\\]) turns out to be $$\\begin{aligned}\n\\label{eq:lagM}\n\\mathscr{L}&=&-\\frac{c_1}{2}F_{\\mu\\nu}F^{\\mu\\nu}-c_2\\left(\\nabla_{\\mu}A^{\\mu}\\right)^2\n\\nonumber\\\\&&+\\lambda\\left(\\nabla_{\\mu}A^{\\mu}-\\frac{1}{2}\\gamma\\lambda\\right)\\;,\\end{aligned}$$ where $$\\begin{aligned}\nF_{\\mu\\nu}&=&\\nabla_{\\mu}A_{\\nu}-\\nabla_{\\nu}A_{\\mu}\\;,\\end{aligned}$$ is the field strength tensor.", "\n\nIn this paper, we are interested in the case of $c_1+c_3=0$ for simplicity. ", "From the generalized Lorenz gauge condition, Eq.", " (\\[eq:gauge\\]), we obtain $$\\begin{aligned}\n\\label{eq:GLG}\n&&\\dot{\\phi}+3H{\\phi}=\\gamma\\lambda\\;.\\end{aligned}$$ Taking account of Eq.", " (\\[eq:eomLambda\\]), we find the Lagrange multiplier field is actually a constant, $$\\begin{aligned}\n\\lambda=\\frac{\\Lambda}{\\gamma}\\;.\\end{aligned}$$ So we can solve for $\\phi$ from Eq.", " (\\[eq:GLG\\]) as follows $$\\begin{aligned}\n\\phi=\\frac{\\Lambda}{a^3}\\int a^3dt\\;.\\end{aligned}$$\n\nThen the energy density and pressure of the vector field derived from the energy-momentum tensor take the form $$\\begin{aligned}\n\\label{eq:CC}\n\\rho_{A}&=&-T_{0}^{0}=\\left(-c_2+\\frac{1}{2\\gamma}\\right)\\Lambda^2\\;,\\nonumber\\\\\np_{A}&=&T_{i}^{i}=-\\left(-c_2+\\frac{1}{2\\gamma}\\right)\\Lambda^2\\;.\\end{aligned}$$ This is exactly for the energy density and pressure of Einstein’s cosmological constant. ", "To interpret the current acceleration of the Universe, we expect $\\Lambda$ to be the order of the inverse of present-day Hubble length and\n\n$$\\begin{aligned}\n-c_2+\\frac{1}{2\\gamma}>0\\;.\\end{aligned}$$\n\nIf $c_2=0$, we conclude that $\\gamma$ must be positive. ", "The Feynman and Yennie-Fried gauge satisfy this requirement, while the Landau gauge leads to a vanishing cosmological constant.", "\n\nstatic and spherically symmetric solution\n-----------------------------------------\n\nIn order to show the four-vector field theory can pass the solar system tests, in this subsection, let’s seek for the static and spherically symmetric solution of Einstein equations sourced by the Lagrangian Eq.", " (\\[eq:lagM\\]). ", "The static and spherically symmetric metric can always be written as $$\\begin{aligned}\nds^2=-U\\left(r\\right)dt^2+\\frac{1}{U\\left(r\\right)}dr^2+f\\left(r\\right)^2d\\Omega^2\\;.\\end{aligned}$$ Comparing to solving the Einstein equations, we prefer to start from the Lagrangian Eq.", " (\\[eq:lagM\\]) for simplicity in calculations. ", "Because of the static and spherically symmetric property of the spacetime, the vector field $A_{\\mu}$ takes the form $$\\begin{aligned}\nA_{\\mu}=\\left[\\phi\\left(r\\right),\\ \\psi\\left(r\\right),\\ 0,\\\n0\\right]\\;,\\end{aligned}$$ where $\\phi$ and $\\psi$ correspond to the electric and magnetic part of the electromagnetic potential. ", "Then we have $$\\begin{aligned}\nF_{\\mu\\nu}F^{\\mu\\nu}=-2\\phi^{'2}\\;,\\ \\ \\\n\\nabla_{\\mu}A^{\\mu}=\\left(U\\psi\\right)^{'}+2\\frac{f^{'}}{f}U\\psi\\;,\\end{aligned}$$ where prime denotes the derivative with respect to $r$. Taking into account the Ricci scalar, $R$, we have the total Lagrangian from Eq.", " (\\[eq:lagM\\])\n\n$$\\begin{aligned}\n\\label{eq:lagMM}\n\\mathscr{L}&=&-U^{''}-4U^{'}\\frac{f^{'}}{f}-4U\\frac{f^{''}}{f}+\\frac{2}{f^2}-2U\\frac{f^{'2}}{f^2}\n\\nonumber\\\\&&+{c_1}\\phi^{'2}-c_2\\left[\\left(U\\psi\\right)^{'}+2\\frac{f^{'}}{f}U\\psi\\right]^2\n\\nonumber\\\\&&+\\lambda\\left[\\left(U\\psi\\right)^{'}+2\\frac{f^{'}}{f}U\\psi-\\frac{1}{2}\\gamma\\lambda\\right]\\;.\\end{aligned}$$\n\nUsing the Euler-Lagrange equation, we obtain the equation of motion for $\\phi$,\n\n$$\\begin{aligned}\n\\label{eq:phi} f\\phi^{''}+2\\phi^{'}f^{'}=0\\;,\\end{aligned}$$\n\nfor $\\lambda$,\n\n$$\\begin{aligned}\n\\label{eq:lambda}\n\\left(U\\psi\\right)^{'}+2\\frac{f^{'}}{f}U\\psi-\\gamma\\lambda=0\\;,\\end{aligned}$$\n\nfor $U$,\n\n$$\\begin{aligned}\n\\label{eq:U}\n&&2ff^{''}-4c_2f\\psi^2U^{'}f^{'}-4c_2\\psi\nf^2U^{'}\\psi^{'}-2c_2\\psi^2f^2U^{''}\\nonumber\\\\&&-4c_2\\psi U f\n\\psi^{'}f^{'}+4c_2U\\psi^2f^{'2}-2c_2\\psi U\nf^2\\psi^{''}\\nonumber\\\\&&-4c_2Uf\\psi^{2}f^{''}+\\psi\nf^2\\lambda^{'}=0\\;,\\end{aligned}$$\n\nfor $\\psi$,\n\n$$\\begin{aligned}\n\\label{eq:psi}\n&&-4c_2U\\psi ff^{''}-4c_2f\\psi U^{'}f^{'}-4c_2\nf^2U^{'}\\psi^{'}-2c_2\\psi f^2U^{''}\\nonumber\\\\&&\n -4c_2 U f\\psi^{'}f^{'}+4c_2U\\psi f^{'2}-2c_2 U f^2\\psi^{''}\\nonumber\\\\&&+\nf^2\\lambda^{'}=0\\;,\\end{aligned}$$\n\nand for$f$, $$\\begin{aligned}\n\\label{eq:f}\n&&-2c_1f\\phi^{'2}-4c_2Uf\\psi^2U^{''}-12c_2U\\psi f\nU^{'}\\psi^{'}-4c_2U^2\\psi\nf\\psi^{''}\\nonumber\\\\&&-16c_2U\\psi^2U^{'}f^{'}-16c_2U^2\\psi\\psi^{'}f^{'}-8c_2U^2\\psi^2f^{''}\n\\nonumber\\\\&&-2c_2f\\psi^2U^{'2}+\\gamma f\n\\lambda^2+4U^{'}f^{'}+4Uf^{''}+2fU^{''}\\nonumber\\\\&&+2Uf\\psi\\lambda^{'}-2c_2fU^2\\psi^{'2}\\;,\\end{aligned}$$ respectively. ", "Now we have five independent differential equations and five unknown variables, $U,\\ f,\\ \\phi,\\ \\psi,\\ \\lambda$. So the system of equations is closed.", "\n\nFrom Eq.", " (\\[eq:phi\\]), we obtain $$\\begin{aligned}\n\\label{eq:phi1}\n\\phi=\\phi_1+\\phi_0\\int\\frac{1}{f^2}dr\\;,\\end{aligned}$$ where $\\phi_0,\\ \\phi_1$ are two integration constants. ", "In order to fix $\\phi_1$, let us consider the asymptotic condition, namely, for large enough $r$. We expect to have $f^2\\sim r^2$. So $\\phi\\sim \\phi_1+\\phi_0/r$. Let the asymptotic value of $\\phi=0$ when $r$ is large enough. ", "Then we conclude that\n\n$$\\begin{aligned}\n\\label{eq:phi2}\n\\phi_1=0\\;.\\end{aligned}$$\n\nOn the other hand, from Eq.", " (\\[eq:lambda\\]), we obtain\n\n$$\\begin{aligned}\n\\label{eq:lambda2}\n\\lambda=\\frac{1}{\\gamma}\\left[\\left(U\\psi\\right)^{'}+2\\frac{f^{'}}{f}U\\psi\\right]\\;.\\end{aligned}$$\n\nKeeping Eqs.", " (\\[eq:phi1\\]), (\\[eq:phi2\\]) and (\\[eq:lambda2\\]) in mind, we obtain from the difference of Eq.(\\[eq:U\\]) and Eq.", " (\\[eq:psi\\])\n\n$$\\begin{aligned}\nf^{''}=0\\;.\\end{aligned}$$\n\nSo we have\n\n$$\\begin{aligned}\nf=f_0+f_1r\\;.\\end{aligned}$$\n\n$f_0,\\ f_1$ are two integration constants. ", "We can always rescale $r$ such that\n\n$$\\begin{aligned}\nf_0=0\\;, \\ \\ f_1=1\\;.\\end{aligned}$$\n\nThen we obtain from Eq.", " (\\[eq:psi\\])\n\n$$\\begin{aligned}\n\\psi=\\frac{\\psi_0r}{U}+\\frac{\\psi_1}{r^2U}\\;,\\end{aligned}$$\n\nwith $\\psi_0,\\ \\psi_1$ two integration constants. ", "Finally, Eq.", " (\\[eq:f\\]) turns out to be $$\\begin{aligned}\n&&2\\gamma r^4 U^{''}+4\\gamma\nr^3U^{'}+9\\psi_0^2r^4-2c_1\\gamma\\phi_0^2\\nonumber\\\\&&-18c_2\\gamma\n\\psi_0^2 r^4=0\\;,\\end{aligned}$$ from which we obtain\n\n$$\\begin{aligned}\nU=U_0-\\frac{U_1}{r}+\\frac{c_1\\phi_0^2}{2r^2}-\\frac{3}{2}\n\\left(-c_2+\\frac{1}{2\\gamma}\\right)\\psi_0^2r^2\\;,\\end{aligned}$$\n\nwhere $U_0$ and $U_1$ are two integration constants. ", "Compare it with the Reissner-Nordstrom-de Sitter solution $$\\begin{aligned}\nU=1-\\frac{2M}{r}+\\frac{Q^2}{r^2}-\\frac{1}{6}Lr^2\\;,\\end{aligned}$$ we may put\n\n$$\\begin{aligned}\n&&U_0=1\\;, \\ \\ \\ U_1=2M\\;,\\ \\ \\ c_1=2\\;,\\ \\ \\phi_0=Q\\;,\\ \\\n\\nonumber\\\\&& \\psi_0=\\frac{\\Lambda}{3}\\;,\\ \\ \\\nL=\\left(-c_2+\\frac{1}{2\\gamma}\\right)\\Lambda^2\\;.\\end{aligned}$$\n\nHere $L$ denotes the cosmological constant.", "\n\nTherefore, the static and spherically solution for the Lagrangian density, Eq.", " (\\[eq:lagM\\]), is exactly the Reissner-Nordstrom-de Sitter solution. ", "The field $\\phi,\\ \\psi$ and the Lagrange multiplier $\\lambda$ is found to be $$\\begin{aligned}\n&&\\phi=\\frac{Q}{r}\\;, \\ \\ \\ \\lambda=\\frac{\\Lambda}{\\gamma}\\;,\\ \\\n\\psi=\\frac{\\Lambda r}{3U}+\\frac{\\psi_1}{r^2U}\\;.\\end{aligned}$$ We recognize that $\\phi$ is the electric potential sourced by the change $Q$. The cosmological constant is closely related to the field strength $\\partial_r(r^2U \\psi)$ of the magnetic potential $\\psi$. Since the static and spherically symmetric solution of the theory is just the Reissner-Nordstrom-de Sitter solution, we conclude that it would not violate the solar system tests on gravity theory.", "\n\nnonminimally coupled to gravitation\n===================================\n\nequations of motion and energy momentum tensor\n----------------------------------------------\n\nWhen the four-vector $A^{\\mu}$ is nonminimally coupled to the gravitation, we have the Lagrangian density as follows:\n\n$$\\begin{aligned}\n\\label{eq:lagC}\n\\mathscr{L}&=&-\\frac{c_1}{2}F_{\\mu\\nu}F^{\\mu\\nu}-c_2\\left(\\nabla_{\\mu}A^{\\mu}\\right)^2+b_1\nR_{\\mu\\nu}A^{\\mu}A^{\\nu} \\nonumber\\\\&&+b_2 R\nA_{\\mu}A^{\\nu}+\\lambda\\left(\\nabla_{\\mu}A^{\\mu}-\\frac{1}{2}\\gamma\\lambda\\right)\\;.\\end{aligned}$$\n\nHere $b_1,\\ b_2$ are two dimensionless constants and $R_{\\mu\\nu},\\\nR$ are the Ricci tensor and the Ricci scalar, respectively. ", "In the first place, varying the Lagrangian density with respect to $A^{\\mu}$, we obtain the equation of motion for $A^{\\mu}$\n\n$$\\begin{aligned}\n\\label{eq:eomC1} && c_1\\nabla_{\\nu} F^{\\nu}_{\\ \\\n\\mu}+c_2\\nabla_{\\mu}\\left(\\nabla_{\\nu}A^{\\nu}\\right)+b_1\nR_{\\mu\\nu}A^{\\nu} \\nonumber\\\\&&+b_2 R\nA_{\\mu}-\\frac{1}{2}\\nabla_{\\mu}\\lambda=0\\;.\\end{aligned}$$\n\nSecondly, varying the Lagrangian density with respect to $\\lambda$, we obtain the equation of motion for $\\lambda$\n\n$$\\begin{aligned}\n\\label{eq:eomC2} \\nabla_{\\mu}A^{\\mu}-\\gamma\\lambda=0\\;.\\end{aligned}$$\n\nFinally, varying the Lagrangian density with respect to $g^{\\mu\\nu}$, we obtain the energy momentum\n\n$$\\begin{aligned}\n\\label{eq:stressC}\nT_{\\mu\\nu}&=&2\\nabla_\\sigma\\left[J^{\\ \\ \\sigma}_{(\\mu}A_{\\nu\n)}-J^{\\sigma}_{\\ \\ (\\mu}A_{\\nu )}-J_{(\\mu\\nu)}A^{\\sigma\n}\\right]\\nonumber\\\\&&+\\nabla_\\sigma\\left[K^{\\ \\\n\\sigma}_{(\\mu}A_{\\nu )}-K^{\\sigma}_{\\ \\ (\\mu}A_{\\nu\n)}-K_{(\\mu\\nu)}A^{\\sigma\n}\\right]\\nonumber\\\\&&+b_1\\left[2\\nabla_{\\sigma}\\nabla_{(\\mu}\n\\left(A_{\\nu {)}}A^{\\sigma}\\right)-\\nabla_{\\alpha}\\nabla_{\\sigma}\n\\left(A^{\\alpha}A^{\\sigma}\\right)g_{\\mu\\nu}\\right.\\nonumber\\\\\n&&\\nonumber \\\\\n&&\\left.-\\nabla^{2}\\left(A_{\\mu}A_{\\nu}\\right)-4A^{\\sigma}R_{\\sigma(\\mu}\nA_{\\nu)}\\right]-2b_2\\left[R_{\\mu\\nu}A_{\\sigma}A^{\\sigma}\\right.\\nonumber\\\\\n&&\\nonumber \\\\\n&&\\left.+RA_{\\mu}A_{\\nu}-\\nabla_{\\mu}\\nabla_{\\nu}\\left(A_{\\sigma}A^{\\sigma}\\right)+\\nabla^2\\left(A_{\\sigma}A^{\\sigma}\\right)g_{\\mu\\nu}\\right]\\nonumber\\\\&&+2c_1F_{\\mu\\sigma}F^{\\sigma}_{\\\n\\ \\nu}+ g_{\\mu\\nu}\\mathscr{L}\\;.\\end{aligned}$$\n\nHere $J_{\\mu\\nu}$ is understood with $c_1+c_3=0$. Combining Eq.", " (\\[eq:eomC1\\]) and Eq.", " (\\[eq:eomC2\\]), we can express the equation of motion for $A^{\\mu}$ as follows $$\\begin{aligned}\n\\label{eq:eomCC} && c_1\\nabla_{\\nu} F^{\\nu}_{\\ \\\n\\mu}+c_2\\nabla_{\\mu}\\left(\\nabla_{\\nu}A^{\\nu}\\right)+b_1\nR_{\\mu\\nu}A^{\\nu} \\nonumber\\\\&&+b_2 R\nA_{\\mu}-\\frac{1}{2\\gamma}\\nabla_{\\mu}\\left(\\nabla_{\\nu}A^{\\nu}\\right)=0\\;.\\end{aligned}$$\n\ncosmic evolution\n----------------\n\nIn the background of spatially flat FRW Universe, the equations of motion, Eq.", " (\\[eq:eomCC\\]) takes the form $$\\begin{aligned}\n\\label{eq:eomC3}\n&&\\left(c_2-\\frac{1}{2\\gamma}\\right)\\left(\\dot{\\phi}+3H\\phi\\right)^{\\cdot}-3\\left(b_1+2b_2\\right)\\dot{H}\\phi\\nonumber\\\\&&-3H^2\\phi\\left(b_1+4b_2\\right)=0\\;.\\end{aligned}$$\n\nFrom the energy momentum tensor, we obtain the energy density and pressure of the four-vector field $A^{\\mu}$\n\n$$\\begin{aligned}\n\\label{eq:denC}\n\\rho_{A}&=&c_2\\left(2\\phi\\ddot{\\phi}-\\dot{\\phi}^2\\right)+6\\left(b_1+2b_2\\right)H\\phi\\dot{\\phi}\\nonumber\\\\&&\n+\\left[6\\left(c_2-b_1-2b_2\\right)\\dot{H}-9\\left(c_2+2b_2\\right)H^2\\right]\\phi^2\\nonumber\\\\&&-\\phi\\dot{\\lambda}+\\frac{1}{2}\\gamma\\lambda^2\\;,\\end{aligned}$$\n\n$$\\begin{aligned}\n\\label{eq:prC}\np_{A}&=&2\\left(c_2-b_1-2b_2\\right)\\left(\\phi\\ddot{\\phi}+\\dot{\\phi}^2\\right)-c_2\\dot{\\phi}^2\\nonumber\\\\&&+\\left(3c_2-2b_1-2b_2\\right)\\left[4H\\phi\\dot{\\phi}\n+\\left(2\\dot{H}+3H^2\\right)\\phi^2\\right]\\nonumber\\\\&&-\\phi\\dot{\\lambda}+\\frac{1}{2}\\gamma\\lambda^2\\;.\\end{aligned}$$\n\nUsing the equation of motion for $A^{\\mu}$, Eq.", " (\\[eq:eomC3\\]), and the generalized Lorentz gauge condition, Eq.", " (\\[eq:eomC2\\]), we can eliminate $\\ddot{\\phi}$ and rewrite the energy density as following\n\n$$\\begin{aligned}\n\\label{eq:denD}\n\\rho_{A}&=&6H\\dot{\\phi}\\phi\\left(-c_2\n+\\frac{1}{2\\gamma}+b_1+2b_2\\right)\\nonumber\\\\&&+9H^2\\phi^2\\left(-c_2+\n\\frac{1}{2\\gamma}+\\frac{2}{3}b_1+\\frac{2}{3}b_2\\right)\\nonumber\\\\&&\n+\\left(-c_2+\\frac{1}{2\\gamma}\\right)\\dot{\\phi}^2\\;.\\end{aligned}$$\n\nWe have verified that the energy density, Eq.", " (\\[eq:denD\\]), and the pressure, Eq.", " (\\[eq:prC\\]), satisfy the energy conservation equation\n\n$$\\begin{aligned}\n\\label{eq:ece}\n\\frac{d\\rho_{A}}{dt}+3H\\left(\\rho_A+p_A\\right)=0\\;,\\end{aligned}$$\n\nwhich is consistent with the equation of motion, Eq.", " (\\[eq:eomC3\\]) and the energy momentum conservation equation\n\n$$\\begin{aligned}\n\\label{eq:emc}\n\\nabla_{\\nu}T^{\\nu}_{\\ \\ \\mu}=0\\;.\\end{aligned}$$\n\nIn other words, the equation of motion Eq.", " (\\[eq:eomC3\\]), the energy conservation equation Eq.", " (\\[eq:ece\\]) and the energy momentum conservation equation Eq.", " (\\[eq:emc\\]) give actually the same equation. ", "Similarly, using the equation of motion for $A^{\\mu}$, Eq.", " (\\[eq:eomC3\\]), and the generalized Lorentz gauge condition, Eq.", " (\\[eq:eomC2\\]), we can eliminate $\\ddot{\\phi}$ and rewrite the pressure as following\n\n$$\\begin{aligned}\n\\label{eq:prD}\np_{A}&=&-\\left(-c_2+\\frac{1}{2\\gamma}+2b_1+4b_2\\right)\\dot{\\phi}^2\\nonumber\\\\&&\n+\\left(6c_2+4b_2-\\frac{3}{\\gamma}-2b_1\\right)H\\phi\\dot{\\phi}\\nonumber\\\\&&\n-\\frac{4\\gamma}{2c_2\\gamma-{1}}\\left(\\frac{2b_1}{\\gamma}+\\frac{5b_2}{\\gamma}+12b_2^2+12b_1b_2\\right.\\nonumber\\\\\n&&\\nonumber \\\\\n&&\\left.+3b_1^2-10c_2b_2-4c_2b_1\n\\right)\\dot{H}\\phi^2\\nonumber\\\\&&-\\frac{3\\gamma}{4c_2\\gamma-2}H^2\\phi^2\\left(-\\frac{3}{\\gamma^2}+\\frac{12b_2+12c_2}{\\gamma}\\right.\\nonumber\\\\\n&&\\nonumber \\\\\n&&\\left.+64b_2^2-12c_2^2+48b_1b_2+8b_1^2-24c_2b_2\\right)\\;.\\end{aligned}$$\n\nThen we find\n\n$$\\begin{aligned}\n\\label{eq:state}\n&&p_{A}-\\frac{{1}-\\left(2c_2-4b_1-8b_2\\right)\\gamma}{2c_2\\gamma-1}\\rho_A\\nonumber\\\\&=&\\frac{4}{1-2c_2\\gamma}\\phi\\left(\\phi\\dot{H}+2H\\dot{\\phi}+3H^2\\phi\\right)\\nonumber\\\\&&\n\\cdot\\left[\\left(3b_1^2+12b_2^2-10c_2b_2+12b_1b_2-4c_2b_1\\right)\\gamma\\right.\\nonumber\\\\\n&&\\nonumber \\\\\n&&\\left.+2b_1+5b_2\\right]\\;.\\end{aligned}$$\n\nIt is apparent if $$\\begin{aligned}\nb_1=b_2=0\\;,\\end{aligned}$$ we have the equation of state for the four-vector $A^{\\mu}$ $$\\begin{aligned}\n\\omega_{A}=\\frac{p_{A}}{\\rho_{A}}=-1\\;,\\end{aligned}$$ which is consistent with the result of Eq.", " (\\[eq:CC\\]).", "\n\nOn the other hand, if $b_1\\neq 0$ (or $b_2\\neq 0$) and $$\\begin{aligned}\n&&\\left(3b_1^2+12b_2^2-10c_2b_2+12b_1b_2-4c_2b_1\\right)\\gamma\\nonumber\\\\&&+2b_1+5b_2=0\\;,\\end{aligned}$$ namely,\n\n$$\\begin{aligned}\n\\label{eq:gamma99}\n\\gamma=-\\frac{2b_1+5b_2}{3b_1^2+12b_2^2-10c_2b_2+12b_1b_2-4c_2b_1}\\;,\\end{aligned}$$\n\nwe have the equation of state\n\n$$\\begin{aligned}\n\\omega_{A}&=&\\frac{5b_1+14b_2}{3\\left(b_1+2b_2\\right)}\\nonumber\\\\\n&=&\\frac{14+5\\frac{b_1}{b_2}}{3\\left(2+\\frac{b_1}{b_2}\\right)}\\nonumber\\\\\n&=&\\frac{14+5r}{3\\left(2+r\\right)}\\;,\\end{aligned}$$\n\nwhere we define the ratio $r$ of $b_1$ and $b_2$ as $r=b_1/b_2$. In other words, if the value of $\\gamma$ is given by Eq.", " (\\[eq:gamma99\\]), we shall have a constant equation of state for vector field $A^{\\mu}$.\n\n![", "The equation of state $w_A$ of the four-vector field $A^{\\mu}$ with the ratio $r$ of $b_1$ and $b_2$. It is not bounded both below and up, namely, $-\\infty<w_A<+\\infty$. []{data-label=\"fig:wh\"}](wh.eps \"fig:\"){width=\"8.4cm\"}\\\n\nIn Fig.", " \\[fig:wh\\], we plot the equation of state $\\omega_{A}$ of the four-vector field $A^{\\mu}$ with the ratio $r$ of $b_1$ and $b_2$. It is not bounded both below and up, namely, $-\\infty<w<+\\infty$. This is different from the quintessence which has the equation of state $-1\\leq w \\leq+1$.\n\nIn particular, when\n\n$$\\begin{aligned}\nb_2=-\\frac{5}{14}b_1\\;,\\ \\ \\\n\\gamma=\\frac{7}{2\\left(7c_2-4b_1\\right)}\\;,\\end{aligned}$$\n\nwe have the equation of state\n\n$$\\begin{aligned}\n\\omega_A=0\\;,\\end{aligned}$$\n\nwhich indicates that the four-vector field $A^{\\mu}$ behaves as a dust matter. ", "So the four-vector field could behave as vast matters in the background of spatially flat FRW Universe. ", "However, this may be not the case. ", "The weak, strong and dominant energy conditions [@wald:84], the stability analysis of classical and quantum aspects would put constraints on the parameters and so the equation of state would be greatly constrained.", "\n\nConclusion and discussion\n=========================\n\nIn conclusion, motivated by the Lagrange multiplier method in the Einstein-aether theory, we introduce the generalized Lorentz gauge condition in the theory of quantum electrodynamics into the general vector-tensor theories of gravity. ", "With the fix-norm constraint, it is found that the Einstein-aether field contributes an energy density [@carroll:2004] $$\\begin{aligned}\n\\rho_A=-3\\left(c_1+3c_2+c_3\\right)m^2H^2\\;,\\end{aligned}$$ where the constant $m$ represents the norm of the four-vector $A^{\\mu}$. In order that the energy density be positive, one should have $c_1+3c_2+c_3<0$. However, as shown by Lim, the investigations of quantum aspect on this theory require $c_1+3c_2+c_3\\geq 0$ [@lim:04]. ", "Therefore, the energy density of the aether field is nonpositive which violets the weak energy condition [@wald:84].", "\n\nHowever, with the generalized Lorentz gauge condition, we find that the vector filed could contribute a constant energy density. ", "For the minimally coupled case, in particular, when $c_1=-c_3,\\\nc_2=0$, we always have a non-negative energy density for the Landau gauge, Feynman gauge and Yennie-Fried gauge. ", "The corresponding quantum aspects have been very well studied. ", "On the other hand, the static and spherically symmetric solution sourced by the vector field is exactly the Reissner-Nordstrom-de Sitter solution. ", "This reveals that the theory may not be conflict with the solar system tests on gravity theory. ", "For the non-minimally coupled case, the vector may play the role of vast matters in the background of spatially flat Universe. ", "But it may be not the case. ", "The stability analysis of classical and quantum aspects would surely constrain the space of parameters. ", "It is a very important issue. ", "We plan to leave this analysis for future publications.", "\n\nWe thank A. L. Maroto and J. B. Jimenez for helpful discussions. ", "This work is supported by the National Science Foundation of China under the Key Project Grant No. ", "10533010, Grant No. ", "10575004, Grant No. ", "10973014, and the 973 Project (No. ", "2010CB833004).", "\n\n[99]{} C. M. Will and K. Nordtvedt Jr., Astrophys. ", "J., [**177**]{}, 757 (1972); K. Nordtvedt Jr. and C. M. Will, Astrophys. ", "J., [**177**]{}, 775 (1972); R. W. Hellings and K. Nordtvedt Jr., Phys. ", "Rev. D[**7**]{}, 3593 (1973).", "\n\nL. H. ford, [ Phys. ", "Rev. D[** 35**]{}, 2339 (1987)]{}; A. B. Burd and J. E. Lidsey, Nucl. ", "Phys. ", "B[**351**]{}, 679 (1991); A. Golovnev, V. Mukhanov and V. Vanchurin, JCAP [**0806**]{}, [009]{} (2008); T. Koivisto and D. F. 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