[ "Can I see pictures of a pre-owned item?", "\n\nWe understand that condition is extremely important when purchasing a pre-owned item. ", "Our figures are given a star rating which you can see below. ", "However, other items such as games may not have a condition rating. ", "In general, Japanese pre-owned products are in very good condition. ", "We also hand select the pre-owned items we sell. ", "If you'd like pictures of any pre-owned item, we can send pictures of the pre-owned item, but not before you purchase the item. ", "We apologize for the inconvenience this may cause, but we can only send pictures of a used item after you purchase it. ", "If you're unhappy with the condition, we can of course issue you a full refund.", "\n\nSolaris Japan uses the following system to rate the condition of pre-owned items:\n\n5 Star Rating: Near mint condition with little to no signs of usage4 Star Rating: Very good condition with minor signs of usage3 Star Rating: Good condition with some signs of usage2 Star Rating: Average condition with several signs of usage or damage1 Star Rating: Very used condition with obvious signs of usage or damage\n\nAll pre-owned items come complete with accessories and in box.", "Please note that any pre-order or initial release bonuses are usually not included.", "\n\nDLC codes included with pre-owned games are not guaranteed to be valid." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "GAZA CITY (Ma'an) -- A Palestinian fisherman was shot and injured by Egyptian forces deployed at the border area between Egypt and the southern besieged Gaza Strip near Rafah city on Wednesday night, according to the fishermen's union in Gaza.", "\n\nThe union told Ma'an that 26-year-old Ahmad Abu Muhsen was injured as Egyptian forces \"randomly\" opened fire at a group of fishermen\n\nMedical sources in the Gaza Strip said that Abu Muhsen suffered medium injuries and was being treated at the Abu Youssef al-Najjar Hospital in Rafah.", "\n\nWhile reports of Egyptian forces opening fire at Gazans are uncommon, Israeli military incursions inside the besieged Gaza Strip and near the “buffer zone\" which lies on both land and sea sides of Gaza, have long been a near-daily occurrence.", "\n\nPalestinians who work near the “buffer zone” often come under fire from military forces, as the Israeli military has not made clear the precise area of the designated zone.", "\n\nThe Israeli army regularly open fires on Palestinian fishermen and farmers along the border areas, despite a ceasefire agreement that ended the 2014 war.", "\n\nMeanwhile, Egypt has upheld an Israeli military blockade on the Gaza Strip for the majority of the past three years, since the ousting of former Egyptian President Muhammad Morsi in 2013 and President Abd al-Fattah al-Sisi's rise to power." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
[ 0, 0.010526315789473684, 0, 0, 0, 0.008298755186721992 ]
[ "Q:\n\nCan I trade in off-hours and if not what does the graph shows in that case?", "\n\nI new to trading and I would like to know why the graph of the stock after closing still follows a path up and down and why it is not a straight line.", "\nCan I trade using on the weekend using the gray graph shown?", "\nIs there any significance of this path/graph in the after hours? ", " Does it affect anything or offer\nanything valuable that I can use to some advantage?", "\n\nA:\n\nIn the US, pre-market trading is from 4 a.m. to 9:30 a.m. EST and after-hours trading is from 4 p.m. to 8 p.m. on weekdays. ", " Some collectively call both after hours trading.", "\nSome brokers do not offer after hours trading. ", " For those that do, it often requires that you get approval to do so, usually just a formality.", "\nAfter hours trading tends to be more volatile with larger bid/ask spreads due to illiquidity. ", " You need to be quick thinking and decisive because price can turn on a dime.", "\n\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "Q:\n\ndjango loop through model fields\n\nPossible Duplicate:\nDjango get a model's fields \n\nI have next model: \nclass People(models.", "Model):\n name = models.", "CharField(max_length=100)\n lastname = models.", "CharField(max_length=100)\n\nI want to loop through all items from People table.", "\nIn views.py \n-When I try this one:\n for each in People().objects.all():\n name=each.name\n\nI am getting that error: \nManager isn't accessible via People instances\n\n-When I try this one:\n for each in People():\n name=each.name\n\nI am getting this error:\n'People' object is not iterable\n\nHow can I fix that and how to loop through all items from my People table ? ", "\n\nA:\n\nPeople.objects.all()\nit works on the class not an instance People not People()\n\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
[ 0, 0.038461538461538464, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "We can find out great Korean power from a candlelight vigil in this time. ", "Despite a cold snap men and women of all ages and many families gathered around square and expressed their views on politics. ", "We could see fresh political satires at the square and could even feel cheerful from people singing a song together or doing the waves like a concert or a street festival. ", "There were no trash and no accident of violence during the protests. ", "Foreign news reported a peaceful candlelight vigil of Korea showed a model of democratic rule by collective intelligence.", "\n\nI think that we need the spirit of 3 Lees in this chaotic state of affairs. ", "3 Lees means that The great King of Sejong, The Admiral of Lee Sun-shin and The Scholar of Lee Hwang. ", "It is time to need 3 Lee's patriotic khraisma for cleaning up society. ", "Sejong Silok (record of King Sejong) states \"No one on this earth ought to be thrown away.", "\"King Sejong’s leadership came largely from his love for people. ", "Admiral Lee Sun-shin explained to his navy why they had to fight against all odds. ", "To Admiral Lee Sun-shin, his county was most important. ", "Admiral Lee Sun-Shin sacrificed himself in order to protect JOSEON Dynasty and its people. ", "The philosophy of Lee Hwang is based on respect for people. ", "We need New Lee's leadership with this special patriotic khraisma\n\nFrom labor productivity to industrial productivity now lives in the age of knowledge productivity. ", "This means you are living in the age of mobility. ", "We are living in the era of accumulating various knowledge with mobile in hand, producing through mobile, and making money by selling the knowledge value to mobile. ", "And I mention. ", "The next generation of cyber-productivity is coming.", "\n\nWe live in information age which is also called Mobility age. ", "We produce sales or consume something or communicate via mobile phones. ", "Korea has high technology in extensive Mobility field like IOT(Internet of Things), semiconductor, car manufacture, bio, AI(Artificial Intelligence ), Cloud, Big data and so on. ", "Korea has developed Cyworld earlier than Facebook. ", "Korea has an excellent information and communications infrastructure as well as early adopters. ", "But I mention the next generation of cyber productivity is coming, and I think Korean will solve many problems and improve their system by using their ability, so they will become a main country in Mobility age.", "\n\nThe whole world is waging economic war. ", "Lately we can find out it Governments are changing to position supporting protectionism through the experience such as Brexit or the American presidential election. ", "Uncertainty raise higher, we need to look in inside more deeply. ", "I believe that Korea will actively challenge to the future and will achieve it with passion as well. ", "However, Korean will share value and worth with global friends including fast-growing\n\nThe China has been able to grow rapidly in a short period of time because of the transfer from the Korean industrial technology.", "\n\nWe should think seriously, focus about 1.1 billion people in Africa are demanding rapid growth. ", "In Africa market, Which is growing at an average rate of 7% to industrial winds are blowing. ", "Ethiopia should be notable in Africa. (", "Solomon & Sheba Kingdom of Axum), As history the central country of Africa, Korea, Anytime opening the door to industrial technology transfer to the world other countries. ", "Please welcome to Korea" ]
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[ "These two cousins hope to build a business as unforgettable as the infographics it creates\n\nA picture, they say, is worth a thousand words. ", "But it shouldn’t cost a thousand dollars.", "\n\nAt least that’s the view of Jennifer Benz and Nick Tamm, the founders of Zanifesto. ", "Their tool makes creating data-rich, visually compelling infographics — those charts and diagrams so popular on social media — simple enough that non-designers can make them in minutes.", "\n\n“A friend of mine had told me how much it costs to pay a professional designer to create an infographic — it was a lot,” Jennifer says. “", "As an entrepreneur, my interest was piqued. ", "It seemed like a great opportunity.”", "\n\nSo Jennifer set to work, putting her ideas on paper and then reaching out to her cousin Nick to see if he would be interested in helping. ", "He was.", "\n\n“I had a mock-up that I sketched out in about 60 seconds,” Jennifer says. “", "From there, I was like ‘How do you do this?’ ", "I knew, with Nick’s expertise, that if he could just focus on building the tool, we could get it out there and get a little feedback.”", "\n\nThe two started out working remotely: Jennifer from Boise, Nick from his home in New Mexico. ", "But they quickly realized that they could get more done when they could work together. ", "Nick relocated to Boise and the two continued the project.", "\n\nFor Nick, Zanifesto would be a full-time gig. ", "But Jennifer was (and is) more than happy in her day job as a project manager for Clearwater Analytics.", "\n\n“I treated it very seriously. ", "We had a plan, but it was clearly a side project,” Jennifer says.", "\n\n“Because it is a side project, the resource restraint is time. ", "You have limited time. ", "It makes you think of ways to be really efficient.”", "\n\nAfter a few months, the two had an initial version of Zanifesto. ", "They launched, but had low expectations. ", "So low, in fact, that Jennifer didn’t bother to do much testing before making the site public. ", "Her plan was simply to have Nick make the site available online and then test it — before users had a chance to discover the new service.", "\n\n“We didn’t expect anyone to come,” Jennifer says. “", "But we had some people start to sign up and use it before I had even tested.”", "\n\nA few months later, one happy user submitted Zanifesto to Product Hunt, an online directory of up-and-coming tech companies, that’s all the rage with the startup set. ", "It was just the boost they needed.", "\n\n“Product Hunt gave us a lot of users,” Jennifer says. “", "We could see how users were using the product and adapt it appropriately.”", "\n\nThe two continued their work. ", "Nick spent his days hacking away, adding features and functionality. ", "Jennifer spent any free time she had — she was pregnant at the time — talking to users and experimenting with new ways to attract customers.", "\n\n“You can spend a lot of time and a lot of money setting the foundation for when you have a million users, but I need to spend my energy trying to get those million users.”", "\n\nWhile the company is still counting its users in the hundreds, not millions, growth continues steadily as a result of Jennifer’s commitment to learning the ins and outs of sales and marketing.", "\n\n“Marketing is totally different than product management,” Jennifer says. “", "You read [in the tech press] about people who get a million users in just a few months, but the reality for most of us is much harder. ", "I’m learning to be patient, but tempering that patience with still being ambitious and courageous.”", "\n\nFor Jennifer, Zanifesto is just one in a string of side projects that she sees as critical to leading an interesting life. ", "It’s something she says she learned early on as a child of a technologist in San Jose, California.", "\n\n“I think people grow up surrounded by people who think just having a job is normal,” she says. “", "I grew up in Silicon Valley. ", "My dad has always done projects. ", "He even hired me to do a few projects. ", "I think I’m the way I am because of my family and where I grew up.”", "\n\nWith users from as far away as Iran, the company continues to see user growth. ", "More importantly, the two are achieving their shared personal aim for the project: fun.", "\n\n“For me, it’s all about fun,” Jennifer says. “", "It’s neat to be doing this on our own. ", "We can make all of our own decisions.”", "\n\n“If we fail, it’s 100% us. ", "If we succeed, it’s us. ", "I like that.”", "\n\nNote: Create your own infographics at Zanifesto.com.", "\n\nPhotography by Chris Ennis" ]
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[ "Question of the Day\n\nWhose side of the story do you believe?", "\n\nThis week’s video of a man being dragged off an overbooked United Express flight has triggered outrage online. ", "But it’s far from the first time an airline has forcibly removed a passenger from a plane or been criticized for how it treats customers.", "\n\nThese confrontations are getting more attention now because of ubiquitous cell phone cameras and the growth of social media.", "\n\n“Everybody has a camera and everybody is using it. ", "So we’re going to see it more often,” said Dean Headley, a marketing professor at Wichita State University and co-author of the annual airline quality report that was released earlier this week.", "\n\nHere are a handful of past examples:\n\n- Last Thursday, a Lufthansa plane flying between Frankfurt, Germany, and Toronto made an unplanned landing in Manchester, England. ", "The Manchester Evening News reported the plane landed so that a drunken passenger could be removed from the flight.", "\n\n- United Airlines refused to let two teenage girls board a flight from Denver to Minneapolis last month because they were wearing leggings. ", "The airline said the issue was that the teens were flying under an employee travel pass that includes a dress code. ", "United said customers were welcome to wear leggings on flights.", "\n\n- A woman was removed from a flight in Baltimore, Maryland, following President Donald Trump’s inauguration in January after she berated a Trump supporter who sat down next to her. ", "Videos of the confrontation were posted online.", "\n\n- A University of Michigan professor was removed from a Delta flight in Detroit on Dec. 12 after a confrontation with airport security. ", "Rhima Coleman later pleaded guilty to disorderly conduct. ", "Video of her removal was also posted online.", "\n\n- Seven passengers were removed from a Spirit Airlines flight from Los Angeles to Dallas in November 2015 because the flight crew determined they were being disruptive. ", "The passengers, who were all black, raised concerns about discrimination afterward. ", "The New York Daily News reported that they were all rebooked on other flights." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
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[ "Pipes\n\nDNA Pipe\n\nBox Mods\n\nHookahs\n\nSauce\n\nFEATURED PRODUCTS\n\nFLAVOR\n\nePipeMods has 3 lines of \"sauce\".", "\n\nPipe Sauce is our premiere line featuring fine artificial tobacco blends that are not meant to mimic traditional pipe tobacco's. ", "Instead they are carefully blended to taste like what you would want a good pipe tobacco to be. ", "Steam Sauce is our sweet and savory non-tobacco flavors. ", "WTF is our Dripper line with Max thick VG and is only available in 0,3,6mg strengths.", "\n\nHISTORY\n\nOur Heritage!", "\n\nePipeMods was established in 2010 and has maintained a high standard in quality craftsmanship paired with excellent customer service. ", "We take great pride and care in every product we make and hope that you will do the same in owning one of our uniquely hand crafted mods.", "\n\nWHOLESALE\n\nYes we do wholesale.", "\n\nPlease contact wholesale@epipemods.com to learn more...\n\nAlbert Einstein (Lifetime Member of the Montreal Pipe Smokers Club)\n\n\"I believe that pipe smoking contributes to a somewhat calm and objective judgment in all human affairs,\"" ]
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[ "Q:\n\n\"Too many openfiles\" error with Glassfish on Ubuntu\n\nI am having issues with tuning Glassfish 2.1.1 on Ubuntu 10.04 LTS 64-bit (Amazon EC2). ", " As soon as I change the HTTP Service thread count from the default 5 value to 100, I get the following errors in the server.log. ", "\njava.net.", "SocketException: Too many open files\nOther errors include:\n[#|2011-05-19T15:41:38.034-0500|SEVERE|sun-appserver2.1|javax.enterprise.system.tools.deployment|_ThreadID=16;_ThreadName=Timer-20;_RequestID=1bd7cd3e-0011-4ebc-95e5-487b96c76b20;|\"DPL8011: autodeployment failure while deploying the application : null\"|#]\n\n[#|2011-05-19T15:41:39.555-0500|WARNING|sun-appserver2.1|javax.enterprise.system.stream.err|_ThreadID=20;_ThreadName=Timer-1;_RequestID=0d9630b5-2752-4ffb-ac7c-1cf51920155a;|\njava.lang.", "NullPointerException\n at com.sun.jbi.management.system.", "AutoAdminTask.pollAutoDirectory(AutoAdminTask.java:1031)\n at com.sun.jbi.management.system.", "AutoAdminTask.performAutoInstall(AutoAdminTask.java:329)\n at com.sun.jbi.management.system.", "AutoAdminTask.performAutoFunctions(AutoAdminTask.java:288)\n at com.sun.jbi.management.system.", "AdminService.heartBeat(AdminService.java:967)\n at com.sun.jbi.management.system.", "AdminService.handleNotification(AdminService.java:198)\n at com.sun.jmx.interceptor.", "DefaultMBeanServerInterceptor$ListenerWrapper.handleNotification(DefaultMBeanServerInterceptor.java:1732)\n at javax.management.", "NotificationBroadcasterSupport.handleNotification(NotificationBroadcasterSupport.java:257)\n at javax.management.", "NotificationBroadcasterSupport$SendNotifJob.run(NotificationBroadcasterSupport.java:322)\n at javax.management.", "NotificationBroadcasterSupport$1.execute(NotificationBroadcasterSupport.java:307)\n at javax.management.", "NotificationBroadcasterSupport.sendNotification(NotificationBroadcasterSupport.java:229)\n at javax.management.timer.", "Timer.sendNotification(Timer.java:1237)\n at javax.management.timer.", "Timer.notifyAlarmClock(Timer.java:1206)\n at javax.management.timer.", "TimerAlarmClock.run(Timer.java:1289)\n at java.util.", "TimerThread.mainLoop(Timer.java:512)\n at java.util.", "TimerThread.run(Timer.java:462)\n|#]\n\nand \n[#|2011-05-19T16:30:40.228-0500|SEVERE|sun-appserver2.1|org.apache.jasper.servlet.", "JspServlet|_ThreadID=16;_ThreadName=httpWorkerThread-4949-48;_RequestID=63d6908e-cc09-4fa8-aac0-241e7582c42f;|PWC6117: File \"/opt/glassfish-v2.1.1-b31g/lib/install/applications/admingui/adminGUI_war/header.jsp\" not found|#]\n\nand \n[#|2011-05-19T16:30:40.229-0500|SEVERE|sun-appserver2.1|org.apache.jasper.servlet.", "JspServlet|_ThreadID=17;_ThreadName=httpWorkerThread-4949-46;_RequestID=869579eb-887d-4dc4-b0fc-edc4e41755a7;|PWC6117: File \"/opt/glassfish-v2.1.1-b31g/lib/install/applications/admingui/adminGUI_war/homePage.jsp\" not found|#]\n\nGoogling I found the follow resources: \nhttp://felipeferreira.net/?p=873\nhttp://www.netadmintools.com/art295.html\nMy /etc/security/limits.confg has the following configuration. ", "And I have change the tcp settings as noted in http://mariosgaee.blogspot.com/2011/04/glassfish-211-on-linux-performance.html\n* soft nofile 65535\n* hard nofile 65535\n* soft stack unlimited\n* hard stack unlimited\n\n/proc/sys/fs/file-max has a value of 762655 (I did not change this) but I did add to /etc/sysctl.conf as 'fs.file-max = 762655'\nulimit output\n$ ulimit -a\ncore file size (blocks, -c) 0\ndata seg size (kbytes, -d) unlimited\nscheduling priority (-e) 20\nfile size (blocks, -f) unlimited\npending signals (-i) 16382\nmax locked memory (kbytes, -l) 64\nmax memory size (kbytes, -m) unlimited\nopen files (-n) 65535\npipe size (512 bytes, -p) 8\nPOSIX message queues (bytes, -q) 819200\nreal-time priority (-r) 0\nstack size (kbytes, -s) unlimited\ncpu time (seconds, -t) unlimited\nmax user processes (-u) unlimited\nvirtual memory (kbytes, -v) unlimited\nfile locks (-x) unlimited\n\nAny ideas what may be causing this issue? ", " Thanks in advance!", "\n\nA:\n\nTo see actual limits of running process you may use /proc , just get pid of your glassfish/java process and look at cat /proc/$PID_OF_PROCESS/limits\nIt should be \"Max open files\" there. ", "\nAlso you can monitor number of open files with \"lsof -p\".", "\n\n" ]
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[ "More Articles\n\nBY JASON KAPLAN\n\nPhotographer Jason Kaplan takes a look at Murray's Pharmacy in Heppner. ", "The family owned business is run by John and Ann Murray, who were featured in our July/August cover story: 10 Innovators in Rural Health Care.", "\n\nBY JACOB PALMER | DIGITAL NEWS EDITOR\n\nIn 2014, total revenue for camping and day use in Oregon State Parks was a little more than $17 million. ", "That figure may even higher this year \"because we've had exceptionally nice weather,\" Hughes says.", "\n\nBY STUART WATSON\n\nBY JON SHADEL\n\nThe technology industry is always in flux. ", "And this rapid rate of change poses challenges to companies ranging from nimble startups aiming to make their mark to established organizations fighting to remain relevant. ", "This is particularly true in the competitive digital display market, where an Oregon company has been at the forefront of nearly every major breakthrough in the last three decades.", "\n\nPress Releases\n\nRobert S. Wiggins has joined Lane Powell as a Shareholder in the Corporate/M&A Practice Group. ", "Wiggins is a well-known lawyer, entrepreneur, and investor with more than 30 years of experience leading and advising established and emerging companies in the Pacific Northwest. ", "Wiggins will focus his practice on offering outside general counsel services, including general corporate and board representation, business transactions and capital events." ]
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[ "package test\n\nimport (\n\t\"bytes\"\n\t\"encoding/json\"\n\t\"fmt\"\n\t\"strings\"\n\t\"testing\"\n\n\t\"github.com/davecgh/go-spew/spew\"\n\tfuzz \"github.com/google/gofuzz\"\n\tjsoniter \"github.com/json-iterator/go\"\n)\n\nfunc Test_Roundtrip(t *testing.", "T) {\n\tfz := fuzz.", "New().MaxDepth(10).NilChance(0.3)\n\tfor i := 0; i < 100; i++ {\n\t\tvar before typeForTest\n\t\tfz.", "Fuzz(&before)\n\n\t\tjbStd, err := json.", "Marshal(before)\n\t\tif err !", "= nil {\n\t\t\tt.Fatalf(\"failed to marshal with stdlib: %v\", err)\n\t\t}\n\t\tif len(strings.", "TrimSpace(string(jbStd))) == 0 {\n\t\t\tt.Fatal(\"stdlib marshal produced empty result and no error\")\n\t\t}\n\t\tjbIter, err := jsoniter.", "ConfigCompatibleWithStandardLibrary.", "Marshal(before)\n\t\tif err !", "= nil {\n\t\t\tt.Fatalf(\"failed to marshal with jsoniter: %v\", err)\n\t\t}\n\t\tif len(strings.", "TrimSpace(string(jbIter))) == 0 {\n\t\t\tt.Fatal(\"jsoniter marshal produced empty result and no error\")\n\t\t}\n\t\tif string(jbStd) !", "= string(jbIter) {\n\t\t\tt.Fatalf(\"marshal expected:\\n %s\\ngot:\\n %s\\nobj:\\n %s\",\n\t\t\t\tindent(jbStd, \" \"), indent(jbIter, \" \"), dump(before))\n\t\t}\n\n\t\tvar afterStd typeForTest\n\t\terr = json.", "Unmarshal(jbIter, &afterStd)\n\t\tif err !", "= nil {\n\t\t\tt.Fatalf(\"failed to unmarshal with stdlib: %v\\nvia:\\n %s\",\n\t\t\t\terr, indent(jbIter, \" \"))\n\t\t}\n\t\tvar afterIter typeForTest\n\t\terr = jsoniter.", "ConfigCompatibleWithStandardLibrary.", "Unmarshal(jbIter, &afterIter)\n\t\tif err !", "= nil {\n\t\t\tt.Fatalf(\"failed to unmarshal with jsoniter: %v\\nvia:\\n %s\",\n\t\t\t\terr, indent(jbIter, \" \"))\n\t\t}\n\t\tif fingerprint(afterStd) !", "= fingerprint(afterIter) {\n\t\t\tt.Fatalf(\"unmarshal expected:\\n %s\\ngot:\\n %s\\nvia:\\n %s\",\n\t\t\t\tdump(afterStd), dump(afterIter), indent(jbIter, \" \"))\n\t\t}\n\t}\n}\n\nconst indentStr = \"> \"\n\nfunc fingerprint(obj interface{}) string {\n\tc := spew.", "ConfigState{\n\t\tSortKeys: true,\n\t\tSpewKeys: true,\n\t}\n\treturn c.Sprintf(\"%v\", obj)\n}\n\nfunc dump(obj interface{}) string {\n\tcfg := spew.", "ConfigState{\n\t\tIndent: indentStr,\n\t}\n\treturn cfg.", "Sdump(obj)\n}\n\nfunc indent(src []byte, prefix string) string {\n\tvar buf bytes.", "Buffer\n\terr := json.", "Indent(&buf, src, prefix, indentStr)\n\tif err !", "= nil {\n\t\treturn fmt.", "Sprintf(\"!!! %", "v\", err)\n\t}\n\treturn buf.", "String()\n}\n\nfunc benchmarkMarshal(t *testing.", "B, name string, fn func(interface{}) ([]byte, error)) {\n\tt.ReportAllocs()\n\tt.ResetTimer()\n\n\tvar obj typeForTest\n\tfz := fuzz.", "NewWithSeed(0).MaxDepth(10).NilChance(0.3)\n\tfz.", "Fuzz(&obj)\n\tfor i := 0; i < t.N; i++ {\n\t\tjb, err := fn(obj)\n\t\tif err !", "= nil {\n\t\t\tt.Fatalf(\"%s failed to marshal:\\n input: %s\\n error: %v\", name, dump(obj), err)\n\t\t}\n\t\t_ = jb\n\t}\n}\n\nfunc benchmarkUnmarshal(t *testing.", "B, name string, fn func(data []byte, v interface{}) error) {\n\tt.ReportAllocs()\n\tt.ResetTimer()\n\n\tvar before typeForTest\n\tfz := fuzz.", "NewWithSeed(0).MaxDepth(10).NilChance(0.3)\n\tfz.", "Fuzz(&before)\n\tjb, err := json.", "Marshal(before)\n\tif err !", "= nil {\n\t\tt.Fatalf(\"failed to marshal: %v\", err)\n\t}\n\n\tfor i := 0; i < t.N; i++ {\n\t\tvar after typeForTest\n\t\terr = fn(jb, &after)\n\t\tif err !", "= nil {\n\t\t\tt.Fatalf(\"%s failed to unmarshal:\\n input: %q\\n error: %v\", name, string(jb), err)\n\t\t}\n\t}\n}\n\nfunc BenchmarkStandardMarshal(t *testing.", "B) {\n\tbenchmarkMarshal(t, \"stdlib\", json.", "Marshal)\n}\n\nfunc BenchmarkStandardUnmarshal(t *testing.", "B) {\n\tbenchmarkUnmarshal(t, \"stdlib\", json.", "Unmarshal)\n}\n\nfunc BenchmarkJSONIterMarshalFastest(t *testing.", "B) {\n\tbenchmarkMarshal(t, \"jsoniter-fastest\", jsoniter.", "ConfigFastest.", "Marshal)\n}\n\nfunc BenchmarkJSONIterUnmarshalFastest(t *testing.", "B) {\n\tbenchmarkUnmarshal(t, \"jsoniter-fastest\", jsoniter.", "ConfigFastest.", "Unmarshal)\n}\n\nfunc BenchmarkJSONIterMarshalDefault(t *testing.", "B) {\n\tbenchmarkMarshal(t, \"jsoniter-default\", jsoniter.", "Marshal)\n}\n\nfunc BenchmarkJSONIterUnmarshalDefault(t *testing.", "B) {\n\tbenchmarkUnmarshal(t, \"jsoniter-default\", jsoniter.", "Unmarshal)\n}\n\nfunc BenchmarkJSONIterMarshalCompatible(t *testing.", "B) {\n\tbenchmarkMarshal(t, \"jsoniter-compat\", jsoniter.", "ConfigCompatibleWithStandardLibrary.", "Marshal)\n}\n\nfunc BenchmarkJSONIterUnmarshalCompatible(t *testing.", "B) {\n\tbenchmarkUnmarshal(t, \"jsoniter-compat\", jsoniter.", "ConfigCompatibleWithStandardLibrary.", "Unmarshal)\n}\n" ]
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[ " SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK\n Appellate Division, Fourth Judicial Department\n\n1315\nKA 09-01799\nPRESENT: SMITH, J.P., FAHEY, LINDLEY, VALENTINO, AND WHALEN, JJ.", "\n\n\nTHE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK, RESPONDENT,\n\n V MEMORANDUM AND ORDER\n\nEVERETT M. DURANT, DEFENDANT-APPELLANT.", "\n\n\nTIMOTHY P. DONAHER, PUBLIC DEFENDER, ROCHESTER (JANET C. SOMES OF\nCOUNSEL), FOR DEFENDANT-APPELLANT.", "\n\nSANDRA DOORLEY, DISTRICT ATTORNEY, ROCHESTER (AMANDA L. DREHER OF\nCOUNSEL), FOR RESPONDENT.", "\n\n\n Appeal from a judgment of the Monroe County Court (Alex R. Renzi,\nJ.), rendered June 10, 2009. ", "The judgment convicted defendant, upon a\njury verdict, of robbery in the second degree.", "\n\n It is hereby ORDERED that the judgment so appealed from is\nunanimously affirmed.", "\n\n Memorandum: Defendant appeals from a judgment convicting him\nfollowing a jury trial of robbery in the second degree (Penal Law §\n160.10 [1]). ", "Viewing the evidence in light of the contested element\nof larcenous intent as charged to the jury (see generally People v\nDanielson, 9 NY3d 342, 349), we reject defendant’s contention that the\nverdict is against the weight of the evidence (see generally People v\nBleakley, 69 NY2d 490, 495). “", "Where, as here, witness credibility is\nof paramount importance to the determination of guilt or innocence,\nthe appellate court must give [g]reat deference . . . [", "to the]\nfact-finder’s opportunity to view the witnesses, hear the testimony\nand observe demeanor” (People v McMillon, 77 AD3d 1375, 1376, lv\ndenied 16 NY3d 897 [internal quotation marks omitted]). ", "While a\nfinding that defendant did not have the requisite intent would not\nhave been unreasonable, “it cannot be said that the jury failed to\ngive the evidence the weight it should be accorded” (id.). ", "The victim\ntestified that defendant stole his wallet during a group assault on\nhim, and the People presented evidence establishing that defendant\n“knowingly participated and continued to participate even after his\ncompanion[s’] intentions [to take the victim’s cell phone] became\nclear” and thus “shared a ‘community of purpose’ with his\ncompanion[s]” (People v Allah, 71 NY2d 830, 832). ", "Contrary to\ndefendant’s further contention, County Court properly denied his\nrequest for an adverse inference charge concerning the failure of the\npolice to record his interrogation electronically (see McMillon, 77\n\f -2- 1315\n KA 09-01799\n\nAD3d at 1375; People v Hammons, 68 AD3d 1800, 1801, lv denied 14 NY3d\n801).", "\n\n\n\n\nEntered: December 27, 2013 Frances E. Cafarell\n Clerk of the Court\n\f" ]
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[ "The Thais actually revere their King as a living Buddha, now that is something! ", "Nowhere does this become more obvious than when going to watch a movie here in the cinema. ", "I was initially startled by the event during the few minutes of advertising in the lead-up to the feature - my last encounter was prior to the epic Advatar. ", "At the start of some dated footage everyone rises for a moments reflection on some old video archive of the King and his life as he rather cumbersomely tends to a field of rice, with the farmers, common folk, takes some photographs and addresses a large crowd from his palace. ", "All lovingly edited with sound track some time back in the 1980’s. ", "Your initial feeling is of WTF, then a little embarrassment as you stumble in the dark to find your seat and popcorn, again. ", "Nevertheless, on reflection you begin to warm to the spirit of the moment, love and unity this man brings to Thai society – it just fits somehow.", "\n\nThe British similarly display such episodes; like the Queens Christmas speech. ", "Although viewed and berated by most, in secret she is our national treasure. ", "And in countries such as Australia, where bouts of media feed nationalism, like the rise and of Cathy Freeman as a sporting icon, help to take our attention from Pauline Hanson's One Nation fiasco, a pitiful attempt at right wing politics. ", "All just feel at best terribly contrived and horribly disturbing. ", "Not to mention the saga that will become Obamaism. ", "Here however, in the wonderful world of Siam, I can not help but notice how unifying their love towards the King really is, it‘s infectious, crossing over all social demographics and touching everyone. ", "My current home is one such place of worship. ", "And although my girlfriend tends to be half assed in the ritual of replacing old and rotting food stuff, that which adorns our altar on top of the wardrobe. ", "Food which sustains a constant line of ants passing via the toilet door, up the wall and feast on the rich picking aloft – it only warms my heart further to know that nature is also a happy participant.", "\n\nYesterday on the way to dinner, my girlfriend and I stopped to view an exhibition of portraiture which presently lines the entrance to Festival Mall Shopping Centre Pattaya - an exhibition devoted to his life, in a gorgeous display of oil and acrylic on canvas. ", "Having previously stopped to look at the collection of works - some epic pieces - I was also interested in taking a second look and more pictures. ", "Ang almost religiously set about taking photographs with her mobile phone - going about it in a very purposeful manor. ", "Reminiscent of Muslims rounding the pillars at Hajj, she, I might add, patiently captured each and every painting in a non violent manor – no stones were thrown. ", "Mission in full swing, I retired impatient and hungry to mill around the foot cleaning fish spa. ", "On her eager return to show me the new set of additions to her mobile phone screen saver album, I was a little shocked to see pictures of her pole dancing and these iconic images of the King in all his glory popping up at random. ", "Nevertheless, after a moment’s reflection, it seemed to fit without question or complaint the idiosyncratic nature of Thailand, and further reinforced the attachment Buddhism has in the personal lives of its followers, it doesn’t preach, legislate, persecute or dam them, it fits into their lives in a very personal and harmonious way which feels non intrusive but paradoxically ever-present." ]
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[ "If Islamophobia means fear and misunderstanding of Muslims, one could say Ismaili Muslims have suffered similar effects throughout their storied history, mostly at the hands of other Muslims. ", "After an eventful thousand years of persecution, polemics and targeted propaganda by other Muslims, Ismaili Muslims and their hereditary Imams have emerged today onto the global public sphere with a message of hope based on acts of compassion and pluralism. ", "And yet, the general public and other Muslims’ basic knowledge of Ismaili Islam remains fraught with misunderstanding and myths. ", "This year marks a milestone in the centuries-old history of Ismaili Muslims and presents an opportunity to become better acquainted with this minority branch of Shia Islam, which has made significant intellectual and cultural contributions to Islamic civilization in the past, and continues to do so today.", "\n\nIsmaili Muslims recognize His Highness Prince Karim al-Husayni Aga Khan IV as their living hereditary Imam in direct lineal descent from Prophet Muhammad through his cousin and son-in-law Imam Ali and his daughter Fatima. ", "On July 11, 2017, the Aga Khan will mark his Diamond Jubilee — commemorating 60 years of Muslim leadership as the Imam of the Ismailis. ", "He inherited the office of the Ismaili Imamat upon the death of his grandfather in 1957. ", "Shia Ismaili Muslims worldwide recognize the Aga Khan, whom they refer to as “Mawlana Hazar Imam,” as the inheritor of the spiritual authority and knowledge of Prophet Muhammad, and the rightful interpreter of Islam amid changing times and conditions.", "\n\nThe Aga Khan is also the founder and chairman of the Aga Khan Development Network, a group of international agencies dedicated to uplifting the quality of human life in the poorest countries in areas of health care, education, social services, architecture, cultural restoration, economic development, rural development, urban development and civil society. ", "Despite this record of service to humanity in the name of Islam, the history and theological beliefs of the Aga Khan and Ismaili Muslims continue to be misunderstood. ", "What follows is an overview of the origins, history and theological doctrines of Ismailis.", "\n\nBeliefs and Practices\n\nUnderstanding the beliefs and practices of Ismaili Muslims requires an appreciation of the office of the Shia Imamat as a leadership institution succeeding the Prophet Muhammad. ", "Although often misrepresented as a political disagreement, the origin of the Sunni-Shia division is about who holds divinely sanctioned religious authority after the Prophet Muhammad. ", "As a branch of Shia Islam, Ismailis are defined by their interpretation of legitimate succession to the Prophet Muhammad.", "\n\nAs reflected in the Quran, Prophet Muhammad was the recipient of divine inspiration, the proclaimer of divine recitations, and the expounder of divine guidance and religious interpretation. ", "For the earliest community of believers during the Prophet’s time, revelation was a dynamic process responsive to situations as they occurred as opposed to a scripture in writing. ", "God’s guidance was expressed in verbal Quranic recitations as well as Prophet Muhammad’s prophetic guidance. ", "His authority represented the authority of God, and his instructions and judgments were seen as divinely authorized. ", "The Prophet also served as an intermediary between the believers and God, by virtue of which he received offerings from the believers, accepted their repentance and cleansed them of their sins on God’s behalf. ", "In addition to these spiritual and religious functions, the Prophet was a political leader, heading a confederation of Arab tribes and giving guidance amid changing political situations.", "\n\nWhen the Prophet passed away, disagreements erupted as to the identity of his successor and the nature of that successor’s role and responsibilities. ", "After negotiation and strife, the Sunni tradition eventually invested the Prophet’s political authority in the Caliphate, and his religious authority in the Ulama and Sufi sheikhs. ", "On the other hand, Shia Muslims believed all of the Prophet’s spiritual and religious authority (walayah) — including to expound divine guidance, interpret revelation, purify believers and intercede before God — were inherited by Ali and would continue through Ali’s direct descendants, called Imams.", "\n\nThe Shia believe Prophet Muhammad to have explicitly appointed Ali as his successor. ", "This conviction is grounded in an interpretation of the general Quranic presentation of major Prophets being succeeded by their family members, Prophet Muhammad’s final instructions to the community to hold fast to God’s prescribed guidance and his family (Ahl al-Bayt), and his statement, “He whose Mawla (master) I am, Ali is his Mawla,” which is also narrated in Sunni sources. ", "Thus, the Shia recognize Ali as holding legitimate religious authority in direct succession to Prophet Muhammad, irrespective of the fact that Ali was actually the fourth Caliph to hold political authority.", "\n\n>Via Khalil Andani\n\nMost Shia Muslims hold that Ali’s sacred leadership and authority, the Imamat, continued via direct appointment through his descendants from Fatima. ", "The four generations of Shia Imams after Ali were his sons al-Hasan and al-Husayn, Ali Zayn al-Abidin, Muhammad al-Baqir and Ja‘far al-Sadiq. ", "The latter two Imams are also renowned in the Sunni tradition as narrators and legal scholars who instructed Abu Hanifah and Malik b. Anas.", "\n\nThese early Shia Imams presented themselves as the true spiritual heirs of Prophet Muhammad; divinely guided and infallible interpreters of revelation entitled to believers’ obedience; intercessors between God and the believers whose blessings are sought in times of difficulty; possessors of the spiritual meaning of the Quran. ", "Every Imam explicitly appoints one of his sons to succeed him. ", "This designation is seen as disclosing the person whom God has appointed to be the rightful Imam.", "\n\nUpon the death of Imam Ja‘far al-Sadiq in 765 — the Imam of Shia Muslims in the fifth generation after the Prophet — the Shia community divided over the question of which of his sons was the legitimate Imam. ", "One group followed the younger son, Musa Kazim, and recognized five more generations of Imams after him, until 874, when the 12th Imam of this line disappeared and was believed to have gone into hiding. ", "This group is known as the Twelver Shia and comprises the majority of Shia Muslims. ", "They await the return of the 12th Imam as the messianic Mahdi, and many follow the guidance of the clerical Ayatollahs, who are said to represent the hidden Imam in his absence.", "\n\nIsmailis, however, were those who recognized Ja‘far al-Sadiq’s elder son, Ismail, as the Imam. ", "Ismail was reportedly Imam Ja‘far’s appointed successor, and his supporters traced the Imamat through his descendants. ", "The Abbasid Caliphs persecuted the descendants of Ismail, forcing the next few Ismaili Imams and their followers to go into hiding for a century and a half. ", "By the beginning of the 10th century, Ismaili Imams had organized a vast esoteric teaching network and founded the Fatimid Caliphate (909-1171), a public challenge to the claims of the Abbasid Caliphate and the Sunni Ulama.", "\n\nThe Fatimid Caliphate, led by Ismaili Imam-caliphs, established several institutions of religious and scientific learning, including al-Azhar University in Cairo, which ironically serves as the center of Sunni learning today. ", "This Ismaili political and intellectual challenge to the Sunni establishment prompted an ongoing process of anti-Ismaili polemic sponsored by Abbasid Caliphs, culminating in al-Ghazali being commissioned to write anti-Ismaili treatises in 1094.", "\n\nBy the end of the 11th century, the Fatimid Caliphate faced economic and political decline, and Shia Ismailis divided again over the succession to the 18th Ismaili Imam, al-Mustansirbillah, who died in 1094. ", "The group that came to be known as the Nizari Ismailis recognized the elder son and heir-designate, Nizar, and his descendants as the legitimate Ismaili Imams. ", "Today, the Nizari Ismailis are commonly known as the “Ismailis” (this article henceforth refers to the Nizari Ismailis as “Ismailis.”)", "\n\nAnother group, later called the Tayyibis, recognized a younger son of al-Mustansirbillah as the rightful successor and their line of Imams went into hiding shortly after. ", "Today, the largest segment of the Tayyibi community are the Dawoodi Bohras led by a Chief Missionary who represents the concealed Imams of that line. ", "Nizari Ismaili Imams eventually moved from Fatimid Egypt to Persia, and ruled over an Ismaili polity centered at the fortress of Alamut. ", "During this time, the Ismaili state barely survived repeated assaults from Saljuq forces, the Turkic dynasty that effectively controlled the Abbasid Caliphate in the late 11th century. ", "Many vulnerable Ismaili towns were persecuted and Ismailis were massacred. ", "The Mongol invasions of 1256 defeated the Ismaili polity and led to the attempted genocide of Ismailis; the Ismaili Imam and his immediate family were killed. ", "Nevertheless, the Ismaili line of Imams survived, and Ismaili communities in Persia, Syria, Central Asia and South Asia endured widespread persecution.", "\n\nThe next few centuries saw Ismailis and their Imams living in obscurity as they practiced taqiyyah to survive, by outwardly presenting themselves as Sunnis, Sufis or Twelver Shias, depending on the disposition of the dynasty and the Ulama controlling the area. ", "Nevertheless, throughout this turbulent history, the lineage of Ismaili Imams continued uninterrupted, with every Imam appointing a successor from among his male progeny.", "\n\nThe Ismaili Imamat in the Modern Age: The Aga Khans\n\nAfter centuries of taqiyyah, Ismaili Imams rose to prominence during the reign of the Qajar dynasty. ", "The 46th Ismaili Imam, Hasan Ali Shah, was given the title “Aga Khan” by Fath-Ali Shah Qajar in 1818 and appointed as the governor of Kirman. ", "However, Qajar court politics and rivalries forced Aga Khan I and his retinue of family members and Ismaili followers to flee Iran and migrate to India. ", "There, he was welcomed by scores of South Asian Ismailis whose spiritual allegiance to the Ismaili Imams stemmed from centuries of Ismaili da‘wah in the region. ", "Aga Khan I and his successor, the 47th Imam Ali Shah Aga Khan II, enjoyed good relations with the British. ", "They used this relationship to help safeguard the interests of Indian Muslims. ", "It is with Aga Khan III, however, that the Ismaili Imamat and the community stepped into the public limelight.", "\n\nSir Sultan Muhammad Shah Aga Khan III (1877-1957) succeeded to the Ismaili Imamat at the tender age of 7, after his father’s premature death. ", "He embarked on modernizing the Ismaili community while also working for the betterment of the Muslim community of India. ", "He founded the All-India Muslim League in 1907 and was its first president. ", "In 1907 to 1909, Aga Khan III led a campaign to ensure that the British granted separate electorates to Muslims in India. ", "In the aftermath of the First World War, Aga Khan III interceded with the British government to ensure a fair and just treatment for Turkey, and even led an effort to preserve the Sunni Ottoman Caliphate, something hardly expected for a Shia Ismaili Imam. ", "In the 1930s, Aga Khan III led the Indian Muslim Delegation to the Round Table Conferences, which later led to the creation of Pakistan. ", "In 1932, he became India’s Delegate to the Assembly of the League of Nations. ", "In 1937, the 48th Ismaili Imam was unanimously elected President of the League of Nations, the predecessor to the United Nations.", "\n\nAga Khan III >Photo League of Nations Archive via Ismailimail\n\nAga Khan III exerted great efforts at promoting Pan-Islamic unity, stressing the unity of Muslims while affirming theological differences. ", "In an effort to reconcile Sunni and Shia doctrine, Aga Khan III explained how Shia Ismaili Muslims accept the political and worldly authority of the first three Sunni Rashidun Caliphs, and other Caliphs who have helped the cause of Islam, while still affirming Ali and the Shia Ismaili Imams as the rightful successors to Prophet Muhammad. ", "After a long and eventful Imamat of 72 years, Aga Khan III passed away July 11, 1957, appointing his grandson, Prince Karim, as the 49th Imam of the Ismailis and the fourth Aga Khan.", "\n\nImam Shah Karim al-Husayni Aga Khan IV became the 49th Ismaili Imam while still a sophomore at Harvard University in 1957. ", "He inherited the leadership of a community spread throughout Asia and Africa. ", "Over the past 60 years, Aga Khan IV has devoted his life, time and energy to guiding Ismailis in both spiritual matters and worldly matters, interpreting the faith of Islam through changing contexts while safeguarding the community’s quality of life. ", "In his own words, “My aims and ambitions have been devoted to help and guide my spiritual children in spiritual and worldly matters.”", "\n\nAga Khan IV >Photo via John W MacDonald\n\nBut the present Imam’s efforts extend far beyond the interests of the Ismailis. ", "In 1967, the Aga Khan founded the Aga Khan Development Network with the overall objective of improving the quality of human life for all communities. ", "The Aga Khan has explained his interpretation of Islam through hundreds of speeches and interviews, in which he emphasizes the importance of pluralism and cosmopolitan ethics as essential for maintaining quality of life across human societies. ", "The Imam has been widely recognized through worldwide honors and awards. ", "He has received 30 title and state decorations, 23 honorary degrees, 17 civic honors and delivered over 111 high-profile keynote addresses, including to the Parliament of Canada.", "\n\nAbout The Author\n\nKhalil Andani\n\nAbout Khalil Andani\n\nKhalil Andani is a SSHRC Fellow and doctoral (Ph.", "D) candidate in Islamic studies at Harvard University focusing on Islamic theology, philosophy, and intellectual history and holds a Master of Theological Studies degree (MTS 2014) from Harvard Divinity School. ", "His doctoral research focuses on the development of Muslim conceptions of Revelation with particular attention to Ismaili Muslim doctrines of Qur'anic revelation and hermeneutics. ", "His publications include a forthcoming article about the Ismaili influences on al-Ghazali's cosmology in the Oxford Journal of Islamic Studies, two peer reviewed articles on the Survey of Ismaili Studies in Religion Compass, a chapter on Nasir-i Khusraw’s Ismaili philosophy in the The Oxford Handbook of Islamic Philosophy, and two articles comparing Ismaili cosmology and the Christian metaphysics of Meister Eckhart in Sacred Web. ", "Khalil is also a Chartered Professional Accountant (CA-CPA) and has completed Bachelor of Mathematics (BMath) and Master of Accounting degrees at the University of Waterloo (2008)." ]
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[ "Welcome toFeed Your Spark\n\nI’m Lindsay Sparks, a registered dietitian and nutrition counselor with a passion for helping people to embrace their bodies and live a fulfilling, nourished life from the inside out. ", "I believe that there is much more to life than obsessing over calories or a number on the scale. ", "It’s why I am devoted to guiding others to cultivate sustainable and enjoyable health habits that end the need to diet, once and for all.", "\n\nGrowing up, I was exposed to a variety of foods and was fortunate to come from a family of \"foodies.\" ", "Despite this, I fell prey to diet culture, disordered eating, and poor body image beginning in my teenage and well into my young adult years. ", "I thought that food and exercise were things that I needed to tightly control to look a certain way and to be “healthy.” ", "I didn’t trust my body to live without food and exercise rules.", "\n\nOver the course of my nutrition education and dietetics career, I came to realize that health is amazingly complex and that in actuality, deprivation, restriction and body shaming causes far more harm than good. ", "I began to slowly let go of all the rules I had adhered to for so many years and to challenge the assumptions I had about health. ", "As I did, I found a way of living that is balanced, sustainable, and best of all - liberating!", "\n\nIn 2016, I started my private practice to help others discover this freedom. ", "I empower my clients to create the beautiful life they've always deserved, where the mind, body, and spirit thrive because of the value they recognize within themselves.", "\n\nThe Feed Your Spark Philosophy\n\nEating is meant to be a pleasurable, satisfying, and enjoyable experience. ", "Somewhere along the way, however, food and eating have become much more complicated than this. ", "My goal is to help you understand that eating nutritious, whole foods does not have to create more stress in your life and there is plenty of room for the foods you love.", "\n\nDiets are often unsuccessful because they come with long lists of rules that disconnect you from listening to your body's signals, don't meet your lifestyle or food preferences, or (fill in the blank). ", "You are not a failure, it's the diets that have failed you. ", "It is why when I work with you, I guide you to become the expert for what works best for your body to meet your unique emotional and physiological needs.", "\n\nWe are all born with a spark, and your spark burns the brightest when it is not stifled by constant worry over calories, exercise, and weight. ", "Feeding your spark comes from a place of self-compassion, curiosity, and wonderment in all that your body is capable of. ", "You deserve to take care of the body that you have right now, no matter it's size or shape, because you are worth more than a number on the scale.", "\n\nLet’s work together to redefine the way you view what healthy is!", "\n\nInspiration to feed your spark and ignite within!", "\n\nJoin the list to get the latest inspiration and tipsto help spark your life!" ]
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[ "Genomic Parsing of Bipolar Disorder and Schizophrenia: Studies of Large Cohorts in the U.S. and Across the Globe\". ", "The University of Southern California (USC Center for Genomic Psychiatry), the Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH)-Broad Institute (Stanley Center) and a nation-wide network of academic medical centers have created the Genomic Psychiatry Cohort (GPC). ", "This application seeks to expand the resources currently available to the field, through the NIMH Repository, with an additional sample of 10,000 well-characterized patients with schizophrenia and 10,000 controls from the same geographic regions. ", "Further, a genome-wide association study of 5,000 patients and 5,000 controls will be performed to identify genetic risks for schizophrenia. ", "The blood/DNA from the 20,000 subjects will be deposited in the NIMH repository, along with clinical and phenotypic data, and genome wide SNP data from the GWA study. ", "In addition, we plan to genotype the second 10,000 subjects for ancestry informative markers and replication of candidate genes. ", "Our intent is to ascertain and recruit a large clinical cohort of patients with schizophrenia that will be prospectively followed in order to allow ongoing careful assessment of phenotype and the possibility of future nested case-control studies. ", "We will also provide the bioinformatics and molecular infrastructure for rapid replication of specific genetic results and future potential large-scale high-throughput genomic investigations. ", "The University of Southern California (USC) and its partners have created the Genomic Psychiatry Cohort to study very large groups of patients suffering with schizophrenia treated in their health systems. ", "Members of the cohort are long-term patients that have agreed to participate in studies related to understanding the genetic and environmental risks for these disorders. ", "This type of population study is critical to understanding risk, helping develop treatments, and understanding prevention of this major illness." ]
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[ "Recent methodological advances in the analysis of protein tyrosine nitration.", "\nTyrosine nitration is a common post-translational modification affecting protein structure and function. ", "It is based on the addition of a -NO2 group at the ortho position of the phenolic hydroxyl group of tyrosine to yield 3-nitrotyrosine (3-NTyr). ", "Understanding how tyrosine nitration affects the structure and functionality of proteins is of considerable interest, as it is associated with pathogenesis in diseases related to oxidative stress in all living organisms. ", "There are several methods to nitrate tyrosine residues in native proteins. ", "Among them, nitration by the chemical agent peroxynitrite stands out for its biological relevance. ", "Recently, a genetically evolved suppressor tRNA has been developed to provide in vivo incorporation of 3-NTyr into proteins. ", "In this minireview, we discuss the advantages and limitations of these chemical and biological methods and propose a non-damaging method to analyze the configuration and dynamics of nitrotyrosine residues in native proteins by NMR spectroscopy." ]
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[ "The overall objective of this research project is to study the regulation of serum protein synthesis in cultured mouse hepatoma cells (Hepa). ", "The experimental situations to be investigated are designed to simulate physiologic changes believed to regulate serum protein synthesis in the liver. ", "Additionally, studies of the effects of specific antibodies on antigen synthesis will be conducted. ", "The objective of these latter experiments is to understand the role of antibodies in the development of hepatocarcinoma. ", "The cell line (Hepa) to be used in these investigations was derived from the mouse hepatoma BW7756 (Jackson Laboratory). ", "These cells secrete albumin, alpha-fetoprotein and transferrin into the culture medium. ", "The rates at which the proteins are synthesized and secreted depend upon growth conditions. ", "The following regulatory phenomena will be studied in Hepa: 1) autoregulation of albumin synthesis, 2) effects of essential amino acids on albumin synthesis, 3) effects of cyclic AMP on serum protein synthesis, and 4) the effects of antibodies to specific proteins on the synthesis of their antigens. ", "The experimental parameters to be evaluated are 1) cellular rate of synthesis (molecules/cell/minute), 2) polyribosome size, and 3) translation rate (polypeptides/minute). ", "These measurements will allow the calculation of two additional protein synthetic parameters: 1) the rate of ribosome initiation on specific mRNAs and 2) the number of functional mRNA molecules per cell." ]
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[ "1. ", "Field of the Invention\nThe present invention relates to asset evaluation and screening using price sensitivities, price elasticities, and similar indicators. ", "The evaluation techniques of the present invention may be used, for example, in a financial asset evaluation/screening tool for evaluating and screening assets in connection with asset portfolio management or financial planning.", "\n2. ", "Description of the Related Art\nInvestors and financial managers have long applied stock screening tools for the purposes of identifying companies satisfying certain pre-specified requirements. ", "For example, the Internet sites Marketguide.com, finance.yahoo.com, and Media General Corporation's CD database MegaInsight.com all allow for the identification of companies that satisfy such specified criteria. ", "To date, these criteria have primarily included: accounting data and associated calculated ratios using data from a company's balance sheets and income statements, data regarding the company's stock price and trading volume, and other information describing the company, such as location of home office, industry code, or number of employees.", "\nWhile such screening tools have been helpful to a point, the present inventors have concluded that more useful evaluation and screening tools and techniques are desirable in connection with portfolio management and financial planning." ]
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[ "\"Castile, the mid-sixteenth century.\" \"", "Valdes, the head of the Holy Office, is filling the dungeons in search of the Devil.\" \"", "The glory of the Conquest fills the tables of those in power with gold while the people live in poverty and ignorance.\" \"", "Heretics offer their naked bodies to the Lord in orgiastic liturgies.\" \"", "Illuminati, heretics, Lutherans, Huguenots...\" \"Our church is attacked from without... and grows dark within.\" \"", "Bodies are burned in the squares to save souls.\" \"", "All hearts are governed by fear.\" \"", "All... but one.\" \"", "I am Yours, for You created me.\" \"", "Yours, for You redeemed me.\" \"", "Yours, for You suffered for me.\" \"", "Yours, for You called me.\" \"", "Yours, for You preserved me.\" \"", "Yours, for I was not lost.\" \"", "What would You have me do?\" \"", "Lady Teresa insists on seeing you, Master Daza.\" \"", "She will not leave your office till you have heard her.\" \"", "The poor fool.\" \"", "These are bad times for our church.\" \"", "The last thing we need is another dose of confusion.\" \"", "No, no, Lady Teresa, this must end.\" \" ", "Can't you see the danger you're in?\" \" ", "The danger,\" \"Master Daza, is drawing away from Him.\" \"", "Please, do not take God's name in vain.\" \" ", "Who do you think you are?\" \" ", "Who am I?\" \"", "His wife.\" \"", "I beg you, cease this madness.\" \" ", "All love is madness.\" \" ", "Can't you see that this could be a thing of the Devil?\" \"", "It is not the Devil.\" \"", "The Devil does not grant such sweet love.\" \"", "My Lord is God.\" \"", "My husband, the Almighty.\" \"", "So proud thinking you've reached Him when the rest of us\" \" seek in the dark?\" \" ", "I have found the way.\" \"", "As others have before me.\" \"", "He is here, in these very books.\" \"", "In St Augustine...\" \"In Osuna...\" \"In Adolphus of Saxony.\" \"", "Certain words are poison to certain ears.\" \"", "I'm sure you're right, Master Daza.\" \"", "I am a woman and despicable.\" \"", "But what I half understand, I feel totally and nothing deceives my soul.\" \"", "There is an interior castle, here.\" \"", "That is madness.\" \"", "No more madness than abandoning life to devote the heart to seeking Him.\" \"", "There's no better reason than love.\" \"", "Love itself that without realizing I sought from the beginning.\" \"", "Love which led me astray and finally saved me.\" \"", "If it's true you're dishonored, then this family's honor is lost.\" \"", "I did not say it was.\" \"", "Not saying it wasn't is the same.\" \"", "And little does that matter.\" \"", "In affairs of honor, one rumor is enough.\" \"", "Thank God your mother is not here to see this.\" \"", "No man can love you now.\" \"", "I know of one.\" \"", "Lauds at cockcrow, lunch before the Angelus, common tasks... sewing or tending the garden, supper, then compline.\" \"", "The sisters' refectory.\" \"", "The ladies eat in their rooms.\" \"", "You'll be comfortable here.\" \" ", "I do not need so much.\" \" ", "Save your humility for greater trials, for they will come.\" \"", "I believe in God.\" \"", "In a God who calls me yet whom I do not hear.\" \"", "I tremble just thinking of Him.\" \"", "And I want to see His face so close to mine that nothing can separate us.\" \"", "I have... such an urgent need that my breath fails me.\" \"", "I am alone.\" \"", "Patience, daughter.\" \"", "You're yet a child.\" \"", "No, Father.\" \"", "I am a grown woman... and ready to be taken.\" \" ", "I'll take that, madam.\" \" ", "Let it go.\" \"", "I do not need a maid.\" \"", "But I need a mistress.\" \"", "What's that?\" \"", "I know you're a lady with a dowry, a daughter of the Ahumadas, and good.\" \"", "And I am in need.\" \"", "We're all equals here.\" \"", "No, not here.\" \"", "That's upstairs.\" \"", "Go.\" \"", "Let me do my duties.\" \"", "The kitchen's no place for a lady.\" \"", "She is in love with you.\" \"", "Every time you come, her face lights up.\" \"", "She speaks of nothing else and cannot wait to see you.\" \"", "Skinflint.\" \" ", "What are you doing?\" \" ", "Nothing.\" \"", "There's no worse nun than a procuress.\" \"", "Yes, there is.\" \"", "A hungry nun with cold feet.\" \"", "If Your love for me,\" \"O Lord, is like mine for You,\" \"then tell me why do I hesitate?\" \"", "And you... why do you delay?\" \"\"", "Soul, what do you want of me?\"\" \"\"", "My Lord, only to see You!\"\" \"\"", "And what do you fear the most?\"\" \"\"", "My greatest fear is losing You.\"\" \"", "A soul gathered to God... what more could it desire than to love and love more, and, burning in that love, love You again?\" \"", "I remain alone.\" \"", "Why such haste?\" \" ", "The Lord takes the time He needs.\" \" ", "I am afraid.\" \"", "Afraid of what?\" \"", "Afraid that my faith is no more than pride.\" \"", "Afraid of what I see, of what I do not see.\" \"", "Afraid of what I feel.\" \"", "Afraid of reaching Him.\" \"", "And of not reaching Him.\" \"", "Afraid of myself.\" \"", "Eat.\" \"", "She won't.\" \"", "She's been thus for days.\" \"", "It seems the body of Christ suffices her.\" \"", "Then she'd be better in her cell.\" \"", "She comes to the refectory to parade her renunciation.\" \"", "Eat!\" \"", "No.\" \"", "What the Lord provides suffices me.\" \"", "The Lord gives this, too.\" \"", "Eat.\" \"", "Hardly yet a nun but she wants to be a saint...\" \" Enough, for God's sake.\" \" ", "The Lord does not want me,\" \"Juana.\" \"", "I am alone.\" \"", "And alone I must stay.\" \"", "Till I'm worthy of Him.\" \"", "You can't go on.\" \"", "You're killing yourself.\" \"", "The worm dies, too, and that death's not the end, but the beginning.\" \"", "May my joy be in suffering, my rest in unrest,\" \"my peace in pain, my well-being in affliction,\" \"my love amid troubles, my reward in the wound.\" \"", "May my life be in death and my favor in contempt,\" \"my wealth in poverty, my triumph in struggle, my rest in labor amd my happiness in sadness,\" \"in the darkness my light, my greatness in lowliness, of my path the short cut, and my glory the cross.\" \"", "She is feverish and greatly so, and her heart probably ails.\" \"", "She's suffered too much chastisement.\" \"", "She only prays and works.\" \"", "So much mortification is too much.\" \"", "She seems to seek death.\" \" ", "Salcedo, saintly gentlemen.\" \" ", "God!\" \"", "May I?\" \"", "You may and must.\" \" ", "Can she hear me?\" \" ", "Probably.\" \"", "But she does not always answer.\" \"", "She's weak.\" \"", "Your father sends me to ask after your health.\" \"", "It pains me to find you so.\" \" ", "What's been done?\" \" ", "What could be done.\" \"", "Let all be done.\" \"", "It is dizziness, no more.\" \"", "I shall soon be well.\" \"", "My troubled soul walls and faints.\" \"", "Who from their love could be absent?\" \"", "Let it end, let this suffering end.\" \"", "Yearning to see You\" \"I wish only to die.\" \"", "The girl's not for burying!\" \"", "She's not for burying!\" \"", "She's not for burying!\" \"", "Leave me.\" \"", "Out of here!\" \"", "There's no way.\" \"", "The poor man's lost all reason.\" \"", "He has such love for the girl?\" \"", "It's 3 days.\" \"", "Something must be done.\" \"", "The lay sisters are here.\" \"", "Lady Guiomar, I'm pleased to see you.\" \"", "They say you hide a saint here.\" \"", "Nothing's hidden here.\" \"", "Please, come with me.\" \"", "Tell me only where to find her.\" \"", "I need no vigilance.\" \"", "Go with her.\" \"", "I'm Guiomar de Ulloa.\" \"", "I know.\" \"", "You are always in my prayers.\" \"", "There is no greater benefactress here.\" \"", "I'd do more if I could, but my income is limited and our needs great.\" \"", "I wished ardently to meet you.\" \"", "Your fame grows daily.\" \"", "To my regret.\" \"", "As it should be.\" \"", "I've no wish to tire you.\" \"", "I wanted to see for myself the miracle the world talks of.\" \"", "I'm glad to see you're well.\" \"", "It's no miracle.\" \"", "I commended myself into the hands of St. Joseph.\" \"", "Those are good hands.\" \"", "No man ever equalled him.\" \"", "Believe me, I have known a few.\" \"", "I wanted to offer you my friendship.\" \"", "You'll find my door always open.\" \"", "My heartfelt thanks.\" \"", "I hear that the wisest in matters of faith who visit Avila\" \" gather at your house.\" \" ", "That's right.\" \"", "Francis Borgia and even Peter of Alcantara.\" \"", "Father Peter's an old friend of mine.\" \"", "He gives me some of the scarce time he devotes to things of the world.\" \"", "There's no more saintly man in Castile.\" \"", "There is not.\" \"", "We look out for the interests of the church.\" \"", "Be assured that when I am able, I shall visit your house.\" \"", "She is better and walking now.\" \"", "Teresa.\" \" ", "Thank you for your invitation.\" \" ", "I'm glad to see you better.\" \"", "Maria de Mendoza, the Bishop of Avila's sister.\" \"", "Mari Diaz, a dear and old friend.\" \"", "They praise you so highly I thought you in heaven.\" \"", "There's time yet for heaven with so much to do here below.\" \"", "Excuse me.\" \"", "Father Francis Borjia...\" \"Lady Teresa de Ahumada.\" \"...", "of the Society ofJesus.\" \"", "Just returned from Rome.\" \"", "It is a great honor.\" \"", "I'm a devotee of Father Inigo de Loyola.\" \"", "I did not know you were here.\" \"", "For the school of St. Giles, with the help of the good Salcedo.\" \"", "We're all good friends here.\" \"", "And Maria de Cazalla.\" \"", "They say she's an Alumbrado.\" \"", "I think reformation would do us more good than the Holy Office.\" \"", "Only by showing rigor can we expect rigor.\" \"", "They attack us.\" \"", "The Inquisition, the Lutherans and the Huguenots.\" \"", "Reformation's the best defense.\" \"", "We are what we are and being what we are, shall be more.\" \"", "I agree, but some accuse us of wishing to go backwards.\" \"", "It is not going backwards, but remembering where we came from.\" \"", "And knowing where we are going.\" \"", "To burn their books is not to burn their reasons.\" \"", "Burning Erasmians is not to burn their cause.\" \" ", "Fire does not extinguish fire.\" \" ", "Dear friend, we come to Avila to gather a flock.\" \"", "I think we've found a good lamb.\" \"", "I've been seeking a shepherd.\" \"", "My soul's tribulations find small relief here.\" \"\"", "Commentary on the Lord's Prayer\" by Erasmus.\" \"", "In Spanish.\" \"", "May God bless you.\" \"", "He has her.\" \"", "The Lord has her in His arms.\" \"", "The Lord possesses her!\" \"", "Take me, too, Lord.\" \"", "The uproar she causes here has me concerned.\" \"", "Many now think it is a miracle.\" \"", "Her fame has spread beyond Avila.\" \"", "Miracle or not, it is the favors of the Lord, and misdirected favors can burn rather than shape.\" \"", "Keep her within this house.\" \"", "I would if I could but her company is greatly in demand.\" \"", "A convent so in need as this cannot refuse favors.\" \"", "It's important to assign her a guide.\" \"", "One who'll report to us.\" \"", "A confessor who'll tell us what she thinks.\" \"", "Her confessor is a Dominican.\" \"", "She asks for learned confessors and her thirst for knowledge is great.\" \"", "Too great for a woman.\" \"", "If she had a learned confessor, who better than...\" \"Gaspar Daza?\" \"", "Who better?\" \"", "I want no conflict with Dominicans.\" \"", "There won't be any if she asks for you.\" \"", "Let her make general confession.\" \" ", "Then we'll know where we stand.\" \" ", "It's not in my hands.\" \"", "It will be.\" \"", "You did well to call me.\" \"", "We are all alarmed.\" \"", "I want general confession.\" \"", "You must be very patient if you are to hear it all.\" \"", "I've always time for a soul.\" \"", "I know you walk a difficult path.\" \"", "I've heard of visions.\" \" ", "Nothing is secret here.\" \" ", "Nor should it be.\" \"", "Secrets are of the Devil.\" \"", "You speak true, for you are a saint.\" \"", "And yet I feel ashamed, for I know little of such mercies.\" \"", "Speak.\" \"", "We shall do what God tells us.\" \"", "And let it be between us and the Lord.\" \"", "What is there about that nun to concern the Provincial of Avila?\" \"", "She is steeped in prayer.\" \"", "I've seen few women so far gone.\" \"", "And she is in great anguish.\" \" ", "Arrogance?\" \" ", "Anguish.\" \"", "But I think there is no sin, at least not in her mind.\" \"", "She has much doubt, and with reason.\" \"", "And she is virtuous.\" \"", "Look carefully at virtue, for her father, though generous, is a new Christian and her grandfather went in procession with the scorned Jews in Toledo.\" \"", "I did not know she was a Jew.\" \"", "Her blood's not too clean.\" \"", "A convert or not, we should be concerned with her trances and visions.\" \"", "I did not know about the visions.\" \" ", "She has them?\" \" ", "Indeed.\" \"", "From Christ on the cross and... voices calling her and...\" \"The stuff of heretics.\" \"", "But asking for confession isn't.\" \"", "Heretics are beyond instruction, given up to the flesh...\" \"I don't think that is the case.\" \"", "She asked for general confession.\" \"", "Oh, Gaspar Daza!\" \"", "Your good faith moves me.\" \"", "But I knew nothing of your devotion to Illuminist nuns.\" \"", "I did not say she was that.\" \"", "Women have much imagination and little organization.\" \"", "Alumbrados, witches, Illuminists...\" \"All one and the same.\" \"", "Christ may have saved one whore, but the rest still roam free.\" \"", "It's too early for such a judgment, though it's not my place to contradict you.\" \"", "No, it's not.\" \"", "No, no, Lady Teresa, this must end.\" \" ", "Can't you see the danger you're in?\" \" ", "The danger, Master Daza,\" \" is drawing away from him.\" \" ", "Please, do not take God's name in vain.\" \"", "Who do you think you are?\" \"", "Who am I?\" \"", "His wife.\" \"", "Of my love for Him I never had any doubt.\" \"", "Of His love for me\" \" now no longer.\" \" ", "You are in great danger.\" \"", "What you've just said won't save you.\" \"", "Say no more.\" \" ", "I have no reason to be ashamed.\" \" ", "Ashamed or not, you'll have much to regret.\" \"", "Don Francis Borgia.\" \"", "Master Daza,\" \"Lady Teresa.\" \"", "Don Francis, I do not know if your presence in this matter is advisable.\" \"", "Lady Teresa's soul is confused.\" \"", "Whose soul isn't confused, Teresa?\" \"", "Don't forget we walk on very thin ice.\" \"", "Step back, then.\" \"", "Lest your weight sink us.\" \"", "Let the Jesuits take charge.\" \"", "Francis Borjia, who is besotted with her.\" \"", "The Jesuits want a hand in everything.\" \"", "Let them take a hand in this.\" \" ", "What do we gain through them?\" \" ", "Time.\" \"", "To prepare the trial.\" \" ", "Don't mention them.\" \" ", "Not the Inquisition.\" \"", "If we try her, we avoid them.\" \"", "I don't like this business.\" \"", "They won't take to exclusion.\" \"", "They're not excluded.\" \"", "They want her, too.\" \"", "There's no alternative.\" \"", "If we wish to save her... and ourselves.\" \"", "It's started.\" \"", "So I've heard.\" \"", "I have been in Valladolid.\" \"", "Alumbrados and heretics carrying forbidden books, fornicating like animals.\" \"", "It is the work of the Devil.\" \"", "The next to fall will be the Bishop of Toledo.\" \"", "It cannot be.\" \"", "Not even Valdes would dare so far.\" \"", "Carranza took away his bishopric and the Inquisitor General never forgives.\" \"", "He will fall and to dissemble so will many more.\" \"", "Alumbrados all and Lutherans.\" \"", "There's a list that includes Toledo,\" \"Seville and Salamanca.\" \"", "They'll look here as well.\" \" ", "No Alumbrados in Avila.\" \" ", "There will be.\" \"", "Your nun, Teresa, will be a fine trophy from this hunt.\" \"", "Without those books I am alone.\" \"", "There are other sacred books.\" \"", "Sacred and in Latin, whose words we women are not taught to read.\" \"", "Walls around knowledge to exclude us.\" \"", "Walls can be leapt.\" \"", "From the stake none return.\" \"", "Stop now or they'll stop you.\" \"", "I'm saying more than I should.\" \"", "Teresa!\" \"", "The fires are lit.\" \"", "The women go first.\" \"", "May God have mercy on them.\" \"", "I am afraid.\" \"", "Salcedo can no longer stop them.\" \"", "I saw them come...\" \"With a Dominican.\" \"", "You!\" \"", "Get back to work!\" \"", "Teresa, come with me.\" \"", "Speak softly and do not look them in the eye or they'll think you proud.\" \"", "Say little but say it clearly for men think we women get muddled when we speak and in that always see the Devil.\" \"", "Were you uglier, it would be much easier, for in these matters desire also plays a part, and always to our detriment.\" \"", "No, you cannot.\" \"", "What awaits me?\" \"", "I do not know.\" \"", "What do I deserve?\" \"", "I'm not judging you.\" \"", "I'm charged only with the convent.\" \"", "If I must deliver you to save it, then I will.\" \"", "Though unwillingly.\" \"", "Let's not keep them waiting.\" \"", "Teresa!\" \"", "Show no arrogance.\" \"", "But be valiant.\" \"", "Do not be afraid.\" \"", "They're all God-fearing men and here to help you.\" \"", "You must uncover your face.\" \"", "There's nothing to hide.\" \"", "Nor any way to hide.\" \"", "Who tells you it is God?\" \"", "He Himself.\" \"", "How do you know that's so?\" \"", "Why would God lie to me?\" \"", "You say He takes your hands?\" \"", "He takes my hands and puts them in His wounds, seeking consolation.\" \"", "Alumbrado stuff!\" \"", "And the trances?\" \"", "So intense they raise me a palm's breadth from the ground... and such pain runs through me, yet so sweetly, I would never have it cease.\" \"", "It is like a burning lance-point painlessly tearing my flesh, and going deep inside me to pierce my very heart.\" \"", "I see the Inquisition coming.\" \"", "The Holy Office is here.\" \"", "And thus it wounds me.\" \"", "So deep that when the lance is withdrawn my life seems to go with it.\" \"", "It is such severe pleasure, such sweet and extreme pain, that its ending shocks me\" \"and only God can fill my soul.\" \"", "Blasphemy.\" \"", "It is heresy, not blasphemy, that should worry us.\" \"", "Possessed.\" \"", "Of the Devil!\" \"", "Of the Devil, no!\" \"", "But absorbed by God whom, loving so much, I have made my prisoner.\" \"", "Devil!\" \"", "Devil?\" \"", "Devil?\" \"", "Why say the Devil's name when you could say God's?\" \"", "Are you afraid of nothing?\" \"", "I am afraid and greatly.\" \"", "But I fear those who fear the Devil more than the Devil himself.\" \"", "It is G od!\" \"", "It is G od!\" \"", "It is G od!\" \"", "Let nothing disturb you, nothing frighten you.\" \"", "Everything passes.\" \"", "God does not change, patience achieves all.\" \"", "He who has God lacks nothing.\" \"", "God alone suffices.\" \"", "The report is clear.\" \"", "It is the presence of the Devil.\" \"", "Either we purge you now, or there will be an exorcism and then trial by the Inquisition.\" \"", "Thumb your nose at the visions.\" \"", "Tell them to be gone!\" \"", "Spit at them!\" \"", "Spit!\" \"", "Why would I spit at the Almighty?\" \"", "It is not God but the Devil.\" \"", "Stop it now before it takes hold of you completely.\" \"", "We do not need more martyrs, Teresa.\" \"", "We need hardy soldiers.\" \"", "Arise now or you'll fall forever.\" \"", "How fear changes men.\" \"", "Listen.\" \"", "What matters now is avoiding the stake.\" \"", "If we do not come through this purge, there'll be a trial.\" \"", "For God's sake!\" \"", "If it is the Devil, and all coincide in that it is, out with him now, before it costs you your life.\" \"", "Come for me, Satan!\" \"", "I am the Lord's slave, you won't take me!\" \"", "Come for me!\" \"", "Come for me!\" \"", "For me!\" \"", "For me!\" \"", "Where is she?\" \"", "Lady Guiomar, I'm glad to see you.\" \"", "Where is she?\" \"", "I don't think you know how delicate her situation is.\" \"", "I don't think you know how delicate yours is.\" \"", "Have the coach taken to the garden gate.\" \" ", "What do you intend to do?\" \" ", "Take her away.\" \" ", "Without my leave?\" \" ", "With your leave, which has been well paid for.\" \"", "To Father Peter of Alcantara without delay.\" \"", "You ask me for advice, Salcedo, but it's every man for himself now.\" \"", "If she's an Alumbrado, we'll give her to the Holy Office and so show our good faith.\" \"", "They've been advised.\" \"", "They'll soon come for her, though I don't know if she deserves it.\" \"", "They've declared the Bishop of Toledo a heretic.\" \"", "We'll not all fall\" \" for one mad nun.\" \" ", "It is not only her.\" \"", "Nonsense, neither the Jesuits nor Francis Borjia nor even Rossi could save her.\" \"", "Do not underestimate Rossi, he has the Pope's ear.\" \"", "Then there's Lady Guiomar, though your sister will have told you that.\" \"", "Peter of Alcantara,\" \" the saintly man.\" \" ", "I agree.\" \"", "If the saintly man stands by her, condemning her could cost us dear.\" \"", "Father Peter!\" \"", "Come now, we are all one and the same.\" \"", "Only before God should we kneel.\" \"", "Lady Teresa de Ahumada.\" \"", "When can I speak to him?\" \"", "When he wishes it.\" \"", "It is like a great castle and all is dark\" \"with but one light which dazzles\" \"in the King's quarters.\" \"", "I see the light come.\" \"", "Sometimes it bathes my hands\" \"but when I look around, all I see is shadow.\" \"", "I am afraid.\" \" ", "How could you not be afraid?\" \" ", "I have sinned.\" \" ", "Sinned so much.\" \" ", "Let me tell you a secret.\" \"", "We have all sinned.\" \"", "And shall continue to do so.\" \"", "Until the last day.\" \"", "Not all is our fault.\" \"", "That is how He made us.\" \"", "You're on the right track, Teresa.\" \"", "But that guide you seek outside is within you.\" \"", "That light you pursue holds the Lord.\" \"", "They are your steps, Teresa.\" \"", "You must take them on your own.\" \"", "Follow your path and leave the rest in my hands.\" \"", "Stop, stop!\" \"", "There's still much to do.\" \"", "Lady Guiomar, pen and paper, please.\" \"", "Most illustrious... and reverend...\" \"lord...\" \"Bishop... of Avila... may God grant you sainthood...\" \"We'll scare those crows away.\" \"", "She's back inside.\" \"", "Don't be so sure.\" \"", "Unnecessary...\" \"Unnecessary...\" \"Unnecessary...\" \"It's all unnecessary.\" \"", "Yet nothing is enough.\" \"", "What will you do with that?\" \"", "Hang it from a beam.\" \"", "In my own house.\" \"", "A small convent, of no more than 15 nuns.\" \"", "Following the Carmelite Primitive Rule.\" \"", "Enclosure, instruction, prayer and a vow of poverty.\" \"", "With no endowment?\" \"", "Where there's endowment there's danger, rank and worldliness.\" \"", "Back into the lion's den?\" \"", "I'll go where He leads me.\" \"", "Everything has a reason.\" \"", "My suffering till now and what's to come... are not of my choosing.\" \"", "Nothing frightens me more than not doing what I must.\" \"", "There are paths, lodgings.\" \"", "Look.\" \"", "Look around you well.\" \"", "You'll see there are not.\" \"", "As naked as these was Christ on the cross, clothed only in wounds.\" \"", "Teresa...\" \"Think well.\" \"", "This will be no journey of recreation.\" \"", "Whither you go...\" \"I go far.\" \"", "I'll go with you.\" \"", "The convent we always dreamed of.\" \"", "Of purity and strict enclosure.\" \"", "No mistresses or maids, no past, no lineage, no well-dressed nuns, where all are one and equal.\" \" ", "Where all are one?\" \" ", "Yes, Juana.\" \"", "The Lord knows nothing of men or women, of lords and servants.\" \"", "For His army all men and women are good lances.\" \"", "We'll finish at the stake.\" \"", "No.\" \"", "The Lord will not leave us on our own.\" \"", "A small convent, ours, true to the old rule.\" \"", "Enclosure, poverty for all, with no endowment.\" \"", "A convent of discalced nuns, all one and equal before God, and through Him we shall have neither too little nor too much.\" \"", "Poverty's no trouble, I know all about that.\" \"", "But enclosure?\" \"", "For us the prison is the outside world and freedom is the cell.\" \" ", "Let's go then.\" \" ", "There's much to do...\" \"Our hands are strong.\" \"...", "and even greater troubles.\" \" ", "We're used to those.\" \"", "I know not if I ask too much.\" \"", "I myself am not sure if we can succeed.\" \"", "We can.\" \"", "And if we can't, we shall.\" \"", "I'll put 100 ducats.\" \"", "My whole dowry.\" \"", "I, the land and what I can for the building.\" \"", "I, almost 80 maravedis.\" \"", "But you have nothing.\" \"", "What I have or have not is my business.\" \"", "I'll put the rest.\" \"", "Shall we go?\" \"", "Let's go.\" \"", "Let God's will be done.\" \"", "Nothing special but it's cheap, and with what little we have...\" \"It is much.\" \"", "And it is ours.\" \"", "It will serve.\" \" ", "And the maintenance?\" \" ", "They have something.\" \" ", "Lady Guiomar.\" \" ", "Who else?\" \"", "Lady Guiomar will purchase the house, and the land is hers.\" \"", "They are acting in great secrecy...\" \"or so they think.\" \"", "And endowment?\" \"", "They seek a dispensation from Rome.\" \"", "A convent without endowment, cloistered, following the old rule.\" \"", "The old rule.\" \"", "That blessed reformation!\" \"", "We're going backwards.\" \"", "One never knows...\" \"Whose side are you on?\" \" ", "I look out for my convent.\" \" ", "So I see.\" \"", "Better to have the problem distant.\" \"", "Especially when the election for prioress is due.\" \"", "I did not say that.\" \"", "That small convent would be an affront at the doors to mine.\" \"", "But it's true the nun is a problem, and with her under Father Peter's wing, I cannot touch her.\" \"", "You're right, she's a problem.\" \"", "Outside or in, she's still my problem.\" \"", "You're lucky.\" \"", "I have to look out for the whole province.\" \"", "No, this cannot be.\" \" ", "What right has she?\" \" ", "It's not a question of right, but power.\" \"", "Power!\" \"", "For this, Peter of Alcantara will need more than that!\" \"", "The Society ofJesus is with her.\" \"", "Francis Borjia is arranging the papal brief of foundation.\" \"", "With Father Peter's recommendation.\" \"", "The saintly father's arm is long.\" \"", "The Society ofJesus think the world is theirs.\" \"", "No, under no circumstances.\" \"", "This must be stopped.\" \"", "Two days ago bound for the stake and now a founder?\" \"", "Have we all gone mad?\" \"", "The letters are on the way to Rome.\" \"", "Rome is very far away.\" \"", "It won't be so easy.\" \"", "Not against the Provincial of Avila.\" \"", "I shit on the Society ofJesus!\" \"", "Doesn't she see what's coming?\" \"", "I'm at your service, and abashed...\" \"There's no need.\" \"", "We're all afraid.\" \"", "What do you want?\" \"", "You have our support.\" \" ", "Who?\" \" ", "You know who.\" \"", "I know little.\" \"", "When things go wrong, I find myself alone.\" \"", "No, not this time.\" \"", "I said I hold no rancor.\" \" ", "Can I hold you to that promise?\" \" ", "You can.\" \"", "We shall stand by you.\" \"", "We?\" \"", "I will.\" \"", "I'm afraid, friend Salcedo, there's always been a problem of distance.\" \"", "You're either too far away or too near.\" \"", "The deeds are not in her name but in her brothers'.\" \"", "The land is Lady Guiomar's.\" \"", "The purchase is legally valid.\" \"", "And yet it's clear that\" \" there's deception.\" \" ", "And therefore greater danger.\" \"", "A convent without endowment!\" \"", "Do we want that for our daughters?\" \"", "Avila already has convents, nuns and even more priests than it needs.\" \"", "Who does this nun think she is?\" \"", "I'll tell you what she isn't.\" \"", "She's no saint.\" \"", "The reply from Rome!\" \"", "Approval!\" \"", "Without endowment.\" \"", "Little by little, Teresa.\" \"", "He does not want it thus.\" \"", "Patience is not a virtue He lacks.\" \"", "Patience?\" \"", "The enemies of the faith have none, so why should I?\" \"", "With no endowment.\" \"", "Vow of poverty and enclosure.\" \"", "And discalced.\" \"", "It's all or nothing.\" \"", "Send this back to Rome.\" \"", "Sometimes you frighten me.\" \"", "Sometimes I frighten myself.\" \"", "They refused me communion.\" \"", "We're together in that.\" \"", "Together in everything.\" \" ", "Are you afraid?\" \" ", "I am.\" \"", "So am I.\" \"Do you doubt?\" \"", "Didn't Christ our Lord doubt?\" \"", "But it did not stop Him.\" \" ", "I'll go see the Bishop.\" \" ", "That's not prudent.\" \"", "Prudent?\" \"", "I care little for prudence now.\" \"", "I'll walk to Rome if I have to.\" \"", "Lady Teresa, Lady Teresa.\" \"", "What is it now?\" \"\"", "Teresa\", Your Grace.\" \"", "No more \"Lady\", it's about that, too.\" \"", "So much fuss over one small convent.\" \"", "It is not I who thwarts your intentions but the Council.\" \"", "It does not depend on them.\" \"", "To a large extent, it does.\" \"", "It's all a question of harmony.\" \"", "The Provincial...\" \"The Provincial should not move the Bishop of Avila's hand.\" \"", "Take care, Teresa.\" \"", "I respect your intelligence.\" \"", "Please don't scorn mine.\" \"", "I don't mean to scorn your intelligence, nor your reasons.\" \"", "But there are greater reasons.\" \"", "And other ways.\" \"", "I do not see them.\" \"", "But they exist and are ways that offend no one.\" \"", "Elections are to be held at the convent.\" \"", "I know you have the devotion of many nuns.\" \"", "You would remain in the same convent, but as prioress.\" \"", "We would avoid suspicion and you'd have the power to do the things you want.\" \"", "I don't want to be prioress there.\" \"", "I want a new convent under the old rule.\" \"", "What I want does not require power.\" \"", "Rather it requires renunciation.\" \"", "It's all to do with power, Lady Teresa, you know that.\" \"", "Without it you wouldn't be here, and I wouldn't be listening to your demands.\" \"", "You shake the foundations while we hold up the roof.\" \"", "Go on like this\" \" and the house will fall.\" \" ", "It's already half in ruins.\" \"", "The worst thing is that your arrogance is accompanied by sound reasons.\" \"", "Why is it that faith is so often similar to madness?\" \"", "Faith is not madness.\" \"", "Madness is fear of having no faith.\" \"", "What are you writing?\" \"", "Affairs of mine.\" \"", "The Bishop told me to put it all in writing should proof of my good faith be needed.\" \"", "You were always a literary person.\" \"", "Though no man would read a woman's writings, except to use against her.\" \"", "Tread carefully.\" \"", "News from Rome?\" \"", "Not yet.\" \"", "It'll come, and soon.\" \"", "You know more than I.\" \"I know nothing.\" \"", "It's intuition.\" \"", "Isn't that a gift we have?\" \"", "What is it you want?\" \"", "What I want is not possible.\" \"", "I want to be like you.\" \"", "No...\" \"I want to be you.\" \"", "Me?\" \"", "I've often thought I deserved it.\" \"", "I've given my life to this house.\" \"", "I've raised 100 women who've waited just as I have waited.\" \"", "I also say His name.\" \"", "Again and again.\" \"", "But He's never said mine.\" \"", "He calls us all.\" \"", "No.\" \"", "Not in the same way.\" \"", "I'd like to believe in you, Teresa, but we're only women and God knows this world's not ours.\" \"", "Sometimes I see you ending at the stake.\" \"", "For Him I'd die a thousand deaths.\" \"", "Careful, you have but one life.\" \"", "I'll do what I have to do.\" \"", "But there'll be no convent without Rome's approval.\" \"", "Rome's approval is even now in the Provincial's office.\" \"", "And this very morning the Bishop granted the license.\" \"", "I thought it was all intuition.\" \"", "Intuition is being sure about things before others know of them.\" \"", "This is only the beginning.\" \"", "You have powerful people with you but also against you.\" \"", "But without the Provincial's signature, for sure there'll be a trial.\" \"", "I'll pray for you, Teresa.\" \"", "I was never your enemy.\" \"", "I never took you for such.\" \"", "But I'll stand against your house.\" \"", "I still have to fight for the little I am and have.\" \"", "Something tells me your prayers will go farther.\" \"", "God willing.\" \"", "Why you?\" \"", "Not even I understand that.\" \"", "Only your signature.\" \"", "They won't have it.\" \"", "It'll be done anyhow.\" \"", "And there'll be a trial.\" \"", "The Council is at it.\" \"", "The Bishop will support her.\" \"", "But his sister has him by the...\" \"Please.\" \"", "All Avila knows.\" \"", "It is a coven of witches.\" \"", "Tell Peter of Alcantara that.\" \"", "The old man's dying.\" \"", "Don't count on that.\" \"", "What if, in the end, I should waver when the time comes?\" \"", "You won't.\" \"", "Good luck.\" \"", "The prioress sent you?\" \"", "No.\" \"", "I sent myself... as a friend.\" \"", "What do you know?\" \"", "It's over, Teresa.\" \"", "Nothing can be done.\" \"", "It cannot be over if it hasn't begun.\" \"", "The Provincial hasn't signed.\" \"", "There's to be a trial.\" \" ", "The Council does not want it.\" \" ", "And yet it must be done.\" \" ", "They'll demolish the house.\" \" ", "We'll build another.\" \" ", "They'll demolish that, too.\" \" ", "Then another.\" \"", "Till there's one they can't destroy.\" \"", "The convent of St. Joseph survived a legal process lasting over 2 years.\" \"", "Teresa Ahumada founded 12 more convents.\" \"", "She was canonized in 1622, and proclaimed the first woman Doctor of the Church in 1970 by Pope Paul VI.\" \"", "Her writings are considered fundamental to the Golden Age of Spanish Literature.\"" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nHow to sort DataTable Rows without creating DataView?", "\n\nHow to sort DataTable rows and get it as DataTable on output? ", "I've started this way:\nvar sortExpression=\"city ASC\";\nvar rows = dt.", "Select(\"\", sortExpression);\n\nBut I don't know how to create another table with this rows and columns from original dt DataTable.", "\n\nA:\n\nUse CopyToDataTable method.", "\nvar newTable = rows.", "CopyToDataTable();\n\n" ]
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[ "Metabolism of platelet-activating factor in rat epididymal spermatozoa.", "\nA role for platelet-activating factor (PAF) in sperm function has been proposed. ", "In the present investigation the metabolism of PAF was examined in sperm and epididymal tissue. ", "The major regulatory enzymes for the synthesis of PAF via the de novo pathway have been established in spermatozoa; these include acetyltransferase and cholinephosphotransferase specific for PAF biosynthesis. ", "De novo acetyltransferase activity for PAF biosynthesis in spermatozoa was significantly higher than that of the acetyltransferase of the remodeling pathway. ", "A metabolic pathway was described for the catabolism of PAF in sperm, involving PAF-acetylhydrolase (-AH), lysophospholipase D, and a phosphohydrolase. ", "An isozyme of PAF-AH similar to that reported in sera was also demonstrated in epididymal fluid and tissue. ", "This isozyme was distinctly different from that found in the spermatozoa. ", "The partial inactivation of PAF-AH by the vaginal pH, and/or its detachment from sperm during migration to the site of fertilization, may allow increased motility and migration to the site of fertilization. ", "It is suggested that a decapacitation factor previously described may be related to PAF-AH." ]
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[ "SP Tools developed the 62020 Fan Clutch Wrench Set with Rack for Chrysler, Ford, GM, Land Rover and Mazda vehicles, especially for bolt-on pulleys. ", "This two-piece set does 98 percent of the applications of the 10-piece or combination fan clutch wrench..." ]
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[ 0.04054054054054054, 0 ]
[ "German police seize Nazi-era weapons man said to have found with detector\n\nExternal Content\n\nThis content was published on July 25, 2018 6:20 PMJul 25, 2018 - 18:20\n\nParts of World War II weapons are pictured after a police raid near Beuna, Germany, July 25, 2018. ", "Landeskriminalamt Sachsen-Anhalt/Handout via REUTERS\n\n(reuters_tickers)\n\nBERLIN (Reuters) - German police said on Wednesday they had seized about 100 Nazi-era rifles, over a dozen grenades and other munitions components from a German man who is suspected of violating gun laws by planning to clean the weapons and sell them.", "\n\nThe man, who comes from the eastern German town of Schkopau, is believed to have found the weapons - most of which were rusty and covered with dirt - using a metal detector, police in the state of Sachsen-Anhalt said in a statement.", "\n\nHe was released in consultation with local prosecutors, but faces potential charges of violating strict German laws on the possession of weapons. ", "Officials had no immediate comment on when or whether he would be charged.", "\n\nA local police official said the man was a German citizen, but gave few further details.", "\n\nPolice stopped the man, who was driving a small truck, near the town of Beuna. ", "A search of the vehicle and his home resulted in the discovery of numerous weapons dating back to World War Two, as well as a handgun that requires a permit." ]
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[ "A March 30 column by David Lebedoff (“5 good reasons ranked-choice voting is flawed”) described proponents of ranked-choice voting as “drug pushers.” ", "We’re not sure if that derogatory remark was directed at the more than 7,000 St. Paul voters who signed petitions to get RCV listed as a referendum question on the ballot, or the majority of St. Paul voters who approved RCV as the official electoral system in their capital city in 2009. ", "But no matter which citizens, voters, volunteers or activists the op-ed intended to belittle, it was an insult to every clear-minded person in St. Paul with an interest in fair and democratic elections.", "\n\nWhy are we seeing derogatory attacks on ranked-choice voting by a handful of status-quo defenders? ", "Why are they maligning the majority of St. Paul residents who support this pro-democracy electoral reform?", "\n\nIt’s simple.", "\n\nRanked-choice voting takes power from an elite few and gives it to the people. ", "And RCV is a threat to insiders who want to pull the electoral strings in small-turnout elections. ", "By eliminating an expensive and poorly attended primary in August, RCV brings together the most candidates with the most voters on one decisive day, when turnout is highest and most diverse. ", "This means traditional party bosses can’t decide who should appear on the ballot in November for an ugly “winner take all” slugfest. ", "And insiders can’t peddle their drug of choice, negative campaigning, since RCV asks voters to pick who they think can do the job better, not which candidate of the final two they really want to vote against.", "\n\nInstead, RCV provides a simple, fair and straightforward method to identify the candidates with whom most voters feel comfortable — if not as their first choice then possibly as their second. ", "This eliminates the need for strategic-voting elections in which candidates are elected without at least some measure of support from a majority of voters — and the resulting disconnection citizens experience when elected leaders do not reflect the will of the majority.", "\n\nAnother column by a game theorist at Carnegie Mellon University (“Don’t return to the democratic dark ages. ", "Keep ranked voting,” April 14) discussed the harmful effect of strategic voting on our democracy. ", "We agree with this analysis and, while the author also likes a system somewhat different from that used in St. Paul, he urges our city to stay with ranked voting.", "\n\nIt’s imperative that St. Paul leaders — particularly the un-elected members of the St. Paul Charter Commission — listen and respect the will of voters. ", "Commissioners are under tremendous pressure by a single disgruntled member who is determined to put RCV back on the ballot as a referendum question in November. ", "He and the few insiders he’s working with want to repeal RCV and replace it with the old unrepresentative primary — all the while distracting voters from the important task of electing their next mayor under RCV.", "\n\nSt. Paul voters deserve better. ", "They deserve to have their hard work respected in getting ranked-choice voting adopted as their preferred electoral system. ", "By using RCV, St. Paul is one of a growing number of cities leading the nation in providing a viable alternative to our country’s increasing political dysfunction.", "\n\nRCV gives more choice to voters, encourages candidates to reach beyond their base, fosters more civil campaigns, eliminates spoiler and wasted vote dynamics, reduces the role of money in campaigns and results in winners with broad popular support.", "\n\nThe voters of St. Paul already have said yes to ranked-choice voting. ", "The un-elected Charter Commission should not have the power to thwart their voices.", "\n\nEllen Brown is former chair of St. Paul’s Better Ballot Campaign. ", "Wy Spano is director of the Master of Advocacy and Political Leadership program at Metropolitan State University." ]
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[ "<!--", "\n\n Copyright (c) 2005, 2018 Oracle and/or its affiliates. ", "All rights reserved.", "\n\n This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the\n terms of the Eclipse Public License v. 2.0, which is available at\n http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-2.0.", "\n\n This Source Code may also be made available under the following Secondary\n Licenses when the conditions for such availability set forth in the\n Eclipse Public License v. 2.0 are satisfied: GNU General Public License,\n version 2 with the GNU Classpath Exception, which is available at\n https://www.gnu.org/software/classpath/license.html.", "\n\n SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0 OR GPL-2.0 WITH Classpath-exception-2.0\n\n-->\n\n<p><a id=\"ref-clusters\" name=\"ref-clusters\"></a><a id=\"GHCLU00001\" name=\"GHCLU00001\"></a></p>\n\n<h4><a id=\"sthref244\" name=\"sthref244\"></a>Clusters</h4>\n<a name=\"BEGIN\" id=\"BEGIN\"></a>\n<p>The Clusters page displays a list of clusters in the domain. ", "For each cluster, the following information is displayed:</p>\n<dl>\n<dt>Name</dt>\n<dd>\n<p>The name that was assigned to the cluster when the cluster was created. ", "Clicking the name opens the <a href=\"ref-clustergeneral.html\">General Information</a> page for the cluster.</p>\n</dd>\n<dt>Configuration</dt>\n<dd>\n<p>The configuration that was selected for the cluster when the cluster was created. ", "Clicking the configuration opens the <a href=\"../../../common/en/help/ref-configuration.html\">Configurations</a> page for the cluster.</p>\n</dd>\n<dt>Instances</dt>\n<dd>\n<p>The name and the status of each instance in the cluster. ", "Clicking the name of the instance opens the <a href=\"ref-clusterinstanceedit.html\">General Information</a> page for the instance.</p>\n</dd>\n</dl>\n<p>The Clusters table also contains the following options.</p>\n<dl>\n<dt>New</dt>\n<dd>\n<p>Button to create a cluster.</p>\n</dd>\n<dt>Delete</dt>\n<dd>\n<p>Button to delete a cluster.</p>\n</dd>\n<dt>Start Cluster</dt>\n<dd>\n<p>Button to start a cluster.</p>\n</dd>\n<dt>Stop Cluster</dt>\n<dd>\n<p>Button to stop a cluster.</p>\n</dd>\n</dl>\n<a id=\"sthref245\" name=\"sthref245\"></a>\n<h5>Related Tasks</h5>\n<ul>\n<li>\n<p><a href=\"task-create-cluster.html\">To Create a Cluster</a></p>\n</li>\n<li>\n<p><a href=\"task-delete-cluster.html\">To Delete a Cluster</a></p>\n</li>\n<li>\n<p><a href=\"task-availabilityservice.html\">To Configure Availability Settings for a Cluster</a></p>\n</li>\n<li>\n<p><a href=\"task-start-cluster.html\">To Start a Cluster</a></p>\n</li>\n<li>\n<p><a href=\"task-stop-cluster.html\">To Stop a Cluster</a></p>\n</li>\n<li>\n<p><a href=\"task-modify-cluster-config.html\">To Modify the Configuration of a Cluster</a></p>\n</li>\n</ul>\n<a id=\"sthref246\" name=\"sthref246\"></a>\n<h5>Equivalent asadmin Subcommands</h5>\n<ul>\n<li>\n<p><a href=\"http://www.oracle.com/pls/topic/lookup?ctx=E26576_01&id=GSRFM00017\"><code>create-cluster</code>(1)</a></p>\n</li>\n<li>\n<p><a href=\"http://www.oracle.com/pls/topic/lookup?ctx=E26576_01&id=GSRFM00068\"><code>delete-cluster</code>(1)</a></p>\n</li>\n<li>\n<p><a href=\"http://www.oracle.com/pls/topic/lookup?ctx=E26576_01&id=GSRFM00153\"><code>list-clusters</code>(1)</a></p>\n</li>\n<li>\n<p><a href=\"http://www.oracle.com/pls/topic/lookup?ctx=E26576_01&id=GSRFM00233\"><code>start-cluster</code>(1)</a></p>\n</li>\n<li>\n<p><a href=\"http://www.oracle.com/pls/topic/lookup?ctx=E26576_01&id=GSRFM00238\"><code>stop-cluster</code>(1)</a></p>\n</li>\n</ul>\n\n\n<small>Copyright &#169; 2005, 2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. ", "All rights reserved. ", "<a href=\"docinfo.html\">Legal Notices</a></small>\n" ]
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[ "Adam Schefter breaks down why the Ravens decided to release offensive tackle Eugene Monroe and examines what type of interest he'll garner on the free-agent market. (", "1:50)\n\nEugene Monroe said in a statement Thursday that his release by the Baltimore Ravens won't deter him from his campaign to get medical marijuana removed from the NFL's banned substances list.", "\n\n\"Despite the current uncertainties, one thing is for sure: whatever happens in terms of my professional football career, I will never stop pushing for the League to accept medical cannabis as a viable option for pain management,\" he said.", "\n\n\"I will do everything I can to ensure the generations of NFL players after me won't have to resort to harmful and addictive opioids as their only option for pain management.\"", "\n\nOn Wednesday, Monroe told The New York Times that he wondered if his vigorous campaign to get the NFL to take medical marijuana off its banned substances list contributed to his ouster from the Ravens.", "\n\n\"I can't say for sure whether or not my stance on medical cannabis was the reason the Ravens released me,\" the offensive tackle told the Times. \"", "However, as I've said in the past, they have distanced themselves from me and made it clear that they do not support my advocacy.\"", "\n\nIn a story posted on the Ravens' website about Monroe's release, a quote from coach John Harbaugh clearly indicated that the organization didn't support Monroe's cause.", "\n\n\"I promise you, he does not speak for the organization,\" Harbaugh said earlier this offseason, according to the team's website.", "\n\nMonroe tweeted Friday that the Ravens had been distancing themselves from his cause.", "\n\nHarbaugh insisted Thursday that Monroe's release was a football decision and had nothing to do with his strong stance on medical marijuana.", "\n\n\"Football circumstances. ", "One hundred percent football circumstances. ", "That's it. ", "That's all it ever was. ", "It's no reflection on Eugene Monroe in any way. ", "It just has to do with the circumstances with the Ravens and that position.\" ", "Ravens coach John Harbaugh, on why Eugene Monroe was released\n\n\"Football circumstances change, from the end of the season to now,\" Harbaugh said. \"", "Football circumstances. ", "One hundred percent football circumstances. ", "That's it. ", "That's all it ever was. ", "It's no reflection on Eugene Monroe in any way. ", "It just has to do with the circumstances with the Ravens and that position.\"", "\n\nHarbaugh made a point to say this organization has always allowed its players to be outspoken, and he brought up how two of his players, Matt Birk and Brendon Ayanbadejo, openly clashed on the issue of gay marriage in 2012.", "\n\n\"This organization has always been very forward thinking, very open and very in front of all kind of issues,\" Harbaugh said. \"", "We've got a really good track record for all of that, and I'm proud of that. ", "We always allow people to be who they are, believe what they believe and stand up for what they believe in. ", "And that doesn't have anything to do with any football decisions.\"", "\n\nMonroe was released Wednesday. ", "Injuries and the presence of Ronnie Stanley, the No. ", "6 overall pick in this year's draft, also factored into Monroe's exit from the Ravens. ", "Monroe hasn't practiced this offseason after undergoing shoulder surgery last season, and Stanley has been working in Monroe's left tackle spot.", "\n\nMonroe said in his statement Thursday that he is \"cleared to play and excited to get back on the field and compete.\"", "\n\nMonroe started only 17 games in two seasons since receiving $17.5 million in guaranteed money as part of the five-year, $37.5 million deal he signed with the team in 2014. ", "He has missed time because of four injuries since the start of the 2014 season: knee (four games), ankle (three), concussion (three) and shoulder (two).", "\n\nEarlier this month, Monroe said he wasn't worried about how his stance on medical marijuana would affect his future in football. ", "He is the only active player to publicly support taking marijuana off the NFL's banned substances list.", "\n\nMonroe recently donated $80,000 to researchers at Johns Hopkins and the University of Pennsylvania for studies to examine the impact of cannabinoid therapies on current and former NFL players. ", "He also wrote a first-person essay in The Players' Tribune about the need for the NFL to reduce players' use of opioids.", "\n\nThe Ravens decided to release Monroe after failed trade talks with the New York Giants, sources told ESPN's Adam Schefter. ", "The Giants have been in contact with Monroe's agent since the player's release Wednesday and remain interested in signing the veteran tackle, a source said.", "\n\nGiants coach Ben McAdoo was asked Thursday about Monroe's advocacy for medical marijuana and said \"everyone is entitled to his own opinion.\"", "\n\nEugene Monroe is the only active player to publicly support taking marijuana off the NFL's banned substances list. ", "Rob Carr/Getty Images\n\n\"I haven't done any research, so I don't have a great answer for you there. ", "That's probably more of a political question, something I'm not necessarily willing to jump into at this point, or ever. ", "But every player, every coach, every person with two feet running around has their own opinion, and they're entitled to it,\" McAdoo said.", "\n\n\"We look at all possibilities. ", "You never say never in this business. ", "If there are guys out there that can help us, we'll look into adding them to the mix.\"", "\n\nGiants running back Rashad Jennings, who played with Monroe when both were members of the Jacksonville Jaguars, called the offensive tackle \"a heck of a player.\"", "\n\n\"We're humans. ", "Everyone has opinions. ", "Every single person here might have an opinion on something I'm saying, and it could be held against me. ", "But that's why you speak what's true and what's authentic to you,\" Jennings said.", "\n\n\"If he feels he needed to say that at this time in his life, good for him, man. ", "It should not affect his game, how he carries himself. ", "He's a great dude, stays out of trouble, clean guy, works really hard. ", "I would hope no GM or club would hold that against him, speaking his opinion.\"", "\n\nThe San Francisco 49ers have also shown preliminary interest in Monroe, a source told ESPN's Josina Anderson. ", "The Seattle Seahawks have also discussed him.", "\n\nMonroe's plan is to take a couple of days to assess interest in him from around the league and potentially schedule a visit or two early next week. ", "Monroe would prefer to play left tackle but would be willing to play right tackle if that's what he's offered. ", "The Giants would likely use him at right tackle because of the presence of 2015 first-round pick Ereck Flowers at left, but that would have to be sorted out in camp.", "\n\nESPN's Jamison Hensley and Dan Graziano contributed to this report." ]
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[ "Bought & Paid For? ", "Gun Control Activist David Hogg Is Now Advocating For #FightFor15\n\nHas David Hogg become another SEIU puppet? ", "The Florida teenager-turned-gun-control-activist is now advocating for the $15 minimum wage.", "\n\nImage Source: Reddit\n\nDavid Hogg, the Florida 18-year old who has garnered national attention for his gun control activism following the February mass murder of 17 students at his high school, is now apparently advocating for the $15 minimum wage.", "\n\nOn Saturday, the controversial Hogg tweeted from Boston’s Gay Pride parade and, while there, apparently advocated for raising the minimum wage to $15 per hour.", "\n\nIn reaction to Hogg’s new-found #FightFor15 activism, twitterers engaged in skepticism over his seeming shift on his activist motives. ", "One tweet, in particular, received a response from Hogg.", "\n\nNo one is more full of sh*t than David Hogg. ", "WTF does a $15 an hour minimum wage, that he was promoting at a gay pride parade on Saturday, have to do with guns? ", "Emma cares about guns. ", "Hogg cares about making himself a star.", "\n\nThe $15 minimum wage is to help spur gun violence in lower income communities so kids don’t have to resort to crime to subsidize their income help raise their family. ", "Right now it’s right around the anniversary Pulse nightclub\n\n1 comment\n\nNothing changes. ", "You get a raise in minimum wage, the business owner has to charge more to pay that wage, which means he charges more to the customer and or products. ", "So now you groceries cost more your gas coast more you fast food cost more, so in the end you get maybe a moth we’re you can afford to live but after that your back in the same place you were in. ", "Also now you have changes tax bracket so now you owe more to Uncle Sammy so it doesn’t work out for anyone in the long run.", "\n\nYou may also like\n\nA new study on the costs of Bernie Sanders’ Medicare For All proposal states that it would require more than doubling all federal taxes on individuals and corporations. ", "Sen. Bernie Sanders has, for many years, called for a single-payer healthcare...\n\nAccording to a Columbus Dispatch analysis, Democratic Senator Sherrod Brown is ‘closer to President Donald Trump on trade’ than his Republican opponent. ", "But, there’s a catch… In a new ad by Ohio Senator Sherrod Brown, the...\n\nThis interactive map gives you an idea of just how large the federal government has become… This map, provided by OpenTheBooks.com, has a lot of data queries that the user can look up, including by zip code. ", "However, this one, which shows data..." ]
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[ "About This Game You are stuck in a dangerous area with no help. ", "You must find the radio to call for an evacuation and wait until rescue arrives. ", "A small portion of players are mutants and the rest are peasants who turn into mutants if they die." ]
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[ "The present invention relates to a semiconductor device provided with a built-in minute charge detecting circuit.", "\nConventionally, there has been a semiconductor device provided with a built-in minute charge detecting circuit for detecting a minute electric charge. ", "When inspecting this semiconductor device, a minute charge generating circuit that serves as an input signal source is arranged near an input terminal of the semiconductor device so as to make an input signal less susceptible to influence of stray capacitance, external noises and the like. ", "An output signal of the minute charge detecting circuit is measured with a minute electric charge given as a signal directly to the input terminal so as to measure the gain, the signal-to-noise ratio or the like of the minute charge detecting circuit.", "\nFIG. ", "7 shows a semiconductor device 40 with the built-in minute charge detecting circuit and a minute charge generating circuit 50 for inspecting the semiconductor device. ", "As shown in FIG. ", "7, this semiconductor device has a differential amplifier OP, a charge detecting capacitance C1, a charge-discharging witch SW1 and a processing circuit 44. ", "An inverted input terminal of the differential amplifier OP is connected to an input terminal 41 and a non-inverted input terminal of the differential amplifier OP is connected to a ground GND. ", "The charge detecting capacitance C1 is connected across an output terminal of the differential amplifier OP and the inverted input terminal of the differential amplifier OP. ", "The charge-discharging switch SW1 is connected across the output terminal the differential amplifier OP and the inverted input terminal of the differential amplifier OP. ", "The processing circuit 44 processes an output voltage outputted from the differential amplifier OP. ", "The differential amplifier OP, the charge detecting capacitance C1 and the charge-discharging switch SW1 constitute a minute charge detecting circuit 43.", "\nThe semiconductor device 40 shown in FIG. ", "7 is inspected by inputting an electric charge generated in the minute charge generating circuit 50 to the input terminal 41 of the semiconductor device 40. ", "An electric charge Q accumulated when a voltage V is applied to the capacitance C is expressed by:\nQ=Cxc3x97V.\nTherefore, assuming that an electric charge accumulated in the charge detecting capacitance C1 of the minute charge detecting circuit 43 is Q1, then an output voltage Vo becomes:\nVo=Q1/C1,\nand the output voltage Vo of the minute charge detecting circuit 43 is inversely proportional to the charge detecting capacitance C1. ", "Therefore, unless the capacitance value of the charge detecting capacitance C1 is reduced, the output voltage Vo becomes a minute voltage since the electric charge Q1 is a minute charge. ", "As a result, the measurement error increases. ", "For the above reasons, the charge detecting capacitance C1 of the minute charge detecting circuit 43 is required to have a minute capacitance value of about several picofarads.", "\nAccordingly, when inspecting the minute charge detecting circuit 43, a stray capacitance added to the input terminal 41 emerges as a disadvantage. ", "Specifically, if an input stray capacitance Cf is added by connecting an input section of the minute charge generating circuit 43 to the input terminal 41 as shown in FIG. ", "7, then a charge quantity Qf out of the minute charge quantity Q given from the minute charge generating circuit 50 is accumulated in the input stray capacitance Cf. ", "As a consequence, the charge quantity Q1 accumulated in the minute charge detecting capacitance C1 becomes a difference between the input charge quantity Q and the electric charge Qf accumulated in the stray capacitance as expressed by:\nQ1=Qxe2x88x92Qf.", "\nSince the accumulated electric charge Qf increases when the stray capacitance Cf is increased, the electric charge Q1 becomes significantly reduced from the input charge quantity Q. Therefore, the stray capacitance Cf becomes a factor of a reduction in measurement accuracy.", "\nWhen inspecting the semiconductor device shown in FIG. ", "7, it cannot be avoided that the stray capacitance Cf due to wiring is added to the input section of the minute charge detecting circuit 43 even if the minute charge generating circuit 50 is arranged near the minute charge detecting circuit 43 to be measured. ", "Furthermore, in order to connect the minute charge detecting circuit 43 to be measured to the minute charge generating circuit 50 that generates an input signal, it is required to provide a connection by means of a socket or probing. ", "Due to addition of the stray capacitance in the connection, the stray capacitance Cf increases to the extent of several picofarads. ", "For the above reason, the accumulated electric charge Qf increases, which decreases the electric charge Q1 accumulated in the charge detecting capacitance C1 of the minute charge detecting circuit 43. ", "Thereby, there has caused a disadvantage that a measurement error of gain is increased. ", "In order to avoid this disadvantage, it is required to provide a setting of:\nCf less than less than C1.", "\nHowever, the charge detecting capacitance C1 cannot be increased in the semiconductor device in which the capacitance value of the charge detecting capacitance C1 amounts to several picofarads in order to obtain a sufficient output voltage. ", "Therefore, the measurement accuracy cannot be increased.", "\nMoreover, when a minute electric charge is inputted as an input signal directly to the input terminal, an impedance of the input wiring portion is high with a high impedance of the input terminal and a high impedance of the input minute electric charge. ", "The above state is susceptible to the influence of external noises, which leads to a disadvantage that the measurement becomes unstable.", "\nAn object of the present invention is to provide a semiconductor device capable of improving accuracy in measurement of a minute charge detecting circuit by suppressing influence of stray capacitance, external noises and the like during test.", "\nIn order to achieve the aforementioned object, the present invention provides a semiconductor device a semiconductor device comprising: a minute charge detecting circuit for detecting a minute electric charge; and a test circuit provided between an input terminal of the semiconductor device and an input section of the minute charge detecting circuit, the test circuit having: a charge transforming capacitance for transforming a voltage signal inputted from the input terminal into an electric charge, and an operation mode switchover means for switching over between a normal operation mode in which an electric charge inputted to the input terminal is detected by the minute charge detecting circuit and a test operation mode in which the voltage signal inputted to the input terminal is transformed into an electric charge by the charge transforming capacitance and the transformed electric charge is detected by the minute charge detecting circuit.", "\nAccording to the semiconductor device having the above-mentioned construction, the charge transforming capacitance (capacitor) and the operation mode switchover means are provided between the input section of the minute charge detecting circuit and the input terminal of the semiconductor device, and the charge transforming capacitance eliminates the harmful influence of stray capacitance and external noises added to the input terminal.", "\nSpecifically, even if stray capacitance attributed to wiring from an input signal source to the input terminal or stray capacitance due to contact of a socket or a probe is added, a high voltage can be applied as a test signal to the input terminal because of the charge transforming capacitance. ", "Consequently, the electric charge accumulated in the charge detecting capacitance in the minute charge detecting circuit is not reduced by the harmful influence of the stray capacitance, and therefore the gain of the minute charge detecting circuit can be accurately measured.", "\nMoreover, the voltage signal from the input signal source of low output impedance can be used as an input signal, and therefore the impedance of the input signal line can be reduced. ", "This arrangement is less susceptible to the influence of the external noises and allows the measurement value to be stabilized.", "\nFurthermore, the minute charge generating circuit, which requires careful handling due to a signal of a minute electric charge, is built in the semiconductor device, and therefore an external inspection circuit is allowed to have a simple construction.", "\nIn one embodiment of the present invention, the operation mode switchover means comprises: a first switch that has one terminal connected to the input terminal and other terminal connected to the input section of the minute charge detecting circuit; and a second switch that has one terminal connected to the charge transforming capacitance and other terminal connected to the input section of the minute charge detecting circuit.", "\nAccording to the semiconductor of the above-mentioned embodiment, the operation mode switchover means has the first and second switches to easily switch over between the normal operation mode and the test operation mode. ", "In the test operation mode of turning off the first switch and turning on the second switch, the voltage signal inputted to the input terminal is transformed into an electric charge by the charge transforming capacitance, so that the transformed electric charge is detected by the minute charge detecting circuit.", "\nIn the semiconductor device of one embodiment, the operation mode switchover means comprises: a first switch that has one terminal connected to the input terminal and other terminal connected to the input section of the minute charge detecting circuit; and a second switch that has one terminal connected to the input terminal and other terminal connected to the charge transforming capacitance.", "\nThis embodiment has the same operational advantage as that of the previous embodiment.", "\nIn one embodiment of the present invention, the operation mode switchover means comprises: a first switch that has one terminal connected to the input terminal and other terminal connected to the input section of the minute charge detecting circuit; a second switch that has one terminal connected to the input terminal and other terminal connected to the charge transforming capacitance; and a third switch that has one terminal connected to the charge transforming capacitance and other terminal connected to the input section of the minute charge detecting circuit.", "\nAccording to the semiconductor device of the above-mentioned embodiment, when turning off the first switch and turning on the second and third switches, the voltage signal inputted to the input terminal is transformed into an electric charge by the charge transforming capacitance. ", "The transformed electric charge is detected by the minute charge detecting circuit. ", "Furthermore, input of unnecessary signals are prevented by selectively turning on the second switch under a state that the first switch is turned off and the third switch is turned on only when the voltage signal for test is applied to the input terminal.", "\nIn one embodiment of the present invention, the second switch is turned on during a period when an electric charge for test use is given to the minute charge detecting circuit and the second switch is turned off during a period when no electric charge for test use is given to the minute charge detecting circuit in a state that the first and third switches are turned on in the test operation mode.", "\nAccording to the semiconductor device of the above-mentioned embodiment, the second switch is turned on during the period under the state that the first and third switches are turned on when the electric charge for test use is given to the minute charge detecting circuit. ", "In contrast, the second switch is turned off during the period when the electric charge for test use is not given to the minute charge detecting circuit. ", "The above operation enables removal of the noises of the voltage signal during inspection." ]
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[ "Attention recently has been directed to implementing voice telephone service over the worldwide network now commonly known as the Internet. ", "The Internet had its genesis in U.S. Government (called ARPA) funded research which made possible national internetworked communication systems. ", "This work resulted in the development of network standards as well as a set of conventions for interconnecting networks and routing information. ", "These protocols are commonly referred to as TCP/IP. ", "The protocols generally referred to as TCP/IP were originally developed for use only through Arpanet and have subsequently become widely used in the industry. ", "TCP/IP is flexible and robust, in effect, TCP takes care of the integrity and IP moves the data. ", "Internet provides two broad types of services: connectionless packet delivery service and reliable stream transport service. ", "The Internet basically comprises several large computer networks joined together over high-speed data links ranging from ISDN to T1, T3, FDDI, SONET, SMDS, OT1, etc. ", "The most prominent of these national nets are MILNET (Military Network), NSFNET (National Science Foundation NETwork), and CREN (Corporation for Research and Educational Networking). ", "In 1995, the Government Accounting Office (GAO) reported that the Internet linked 59,000 networks, 2.2 million computers and 15 million users in 92 countries. ", "It is presently estimated that the growth of the Internet is at a more or less annual doubling rate.", "\nReferring to FIG. ", "1 there is shown a simplified diagram of the Internet. ", "Generally speaking the Internet consists of Autonomous Systems (AS) which may be owned and operated by Internet Service Providers (ISPs) such as PSI, UUNET, MCI, SPRINT, etc. ", "Three such AS/ISPs are shown in FIG. ", "1 at 10, 12 and 14. ", "The Autonomous Systems (ASs) are linked by Inter-AS Connections 11, 13 and 15. ", "Information Providers (IPs) 16 and 18, such as America Online (AOL) and Compuserve, are connected to the Internet via high speed lines 20 and 22, such as T1/T3 and the like. ", "Information Providers generally do not have their own Internet based Autonomous Systems but have or use Dial-Up Networks such as SprintNet (X.25), DATAPAC and TYMNET.", "\nBy way of current illustration MCI is both an ISP and an IP, Sprint is an ISP, and MicroSoft (MSN) is an IP is using UUNET as an ISP. ", "Other information providers, such as universities, are indicated in exemplary fashion at 24 and are connected to the AS/ISPs via the same type connections here illustrated as T1 lines 26. ", "Corporate Local Area Networks (LANs), such as those illustrated in 28 and 30, are connected through routers 32 and 34 and links shown as T1 lines 36 and 38. ", "Laptop computers 40 and 42 are representative of computers connected to the Internet via the public switched telephone network (PSTN) are shown connected to the AS/ISPs via dial up links 44 and 46.", "\nThe Information Providers (IPs) constitute the end systems which collect and market the information through their own servers. ", "Access Providers are companies such as UUNET, PSI, MCI and SPRINT which transport the information. ", "Such companies market the usage of their networks.", "\nIn simplified fashion the Internet may be viewed as a series of routers connected together with computers connected to the routers. ", "In the addressing scheme of the Internet an address comprises four numbers separated by dots. ", "An example would be ", "Each machine on the Internet has a unique number which constitutes one of these four numbers. ", "In the address the leftmost number is the highest number. ", "By analogy this would correspond to the ZIP code in a mailing address. ", "At times the first two numbers constitute this portion of the address indicating a network or a locale. ", "That network is connected to the last router in the transport path. ", "In differentiating between two computers in the same destination network only the last number field changes. ", "In such an example the next number field 211 identifies the destination router. ", "When the packet bearing the destination address leaves the source router it examines the first two numbers in a matrix table to determine how many hops are the minimum to get to the destination. ", "It then sends the packet to the next router as determined from that table and the procedure is repeated. ", "Each router has a database table that finds the information automatically. ", "This continues until the packets that constitute a message may not travel the same path depending on traffic load. ", "However they all reach the same destination and are assembled in their original order in a connectionless fashion. ", "This is in contrast to connection oriented modes such as frame relay and ATM or voice.", "\nOne or more companies have recently developed software for use on personal computers to permit two-way transfer of real-time voice information via an Internet data link between two personal computers. ", "In one of the directions, the sending computer converts voice signals from analog to digital format. ", "The software facilitates data compression dozen to a rate compatible with modem communication via a POTS telephone line. ", "The software also facilitates encapsulation of the digitized and compressed voice data into the TCP/IP protocol, with appropriate addressing to permit communication via the Internet. ", "At the receiving end, the computer and software reverse the process to recover the analog voice information for presentation to the other party. ", "Such programs permit telephone-like communication between Internet users registered with Internet Phone Servers.", "\nThe book “Mastering the Internet”, Glee Cady and Pat McGregor, SYBEX Inc., Alameda, Calif., 1994, ISBN 94-69309, very briefly describes three proprietary programs said to provide real-time video and voice communication via the Internet.", "\nPalmer et al. ", "U.S. Pat. ", "No. ", "5,375,068, issued Dec. 20, 1994 for Video Teleconferencing for Networked Workstations discloses a video teleconferencing system for networked workstations. ", "A master process executing on a local processor formats and transmits digital packetized voice and video data, over a digital network using TCP/IP protocol, to remote terminals.", "\nLewen et al. ", "U.S. Pat. ", "No. ", "5,341,374, issued Aug. 23, 1994 for Communication Network Integrating Voice Data and Video with Distributed Call Processing, discloses a local area network with distributed call processing for voice, data and video. ", "Real-time voice packets are transmitted over the network, for example to and from a PBX or central office.", "\nHemmady et al. ", "U.S. Pat. ", "No. ", "4,958,341, issued Sep. 18, 1990 for Integrated Packetized Voice and Data Switching System, discloses an integrated packetized voice and data switching system for a metropolitan area network (MAN). ", "Voice signals are converted into packets and transmitted on the network. ", "Tung et al. ", "U.S. Pat. ", "Nos. ", "5,434,913, issued Jul. 18, 1995, and 5,490,247, issued Feb. 6, 1996, for Video Subsystem for Computer Based Conferencing System, disclose an audio subsystem for computer-based conferencing. ", "The system involves local audio compression and transmission of information over an ISDN network.", "\nHemmady et al. ", "U.S. Pat. ", "No. ", "4,872,160, issued Oct. 3, 1989, for Integrated Packetized Voice and Data Switching System, discloses an integrated packetized voice and data switching system for metropolitan area networks.", "\nSampat et al. ", "U.S. Pat. ", "No. ", "5,493,568, issued Feb. 20, 1996, for Media Dependent Module Interface for Computer Based Conferencing System, discloses a media dependent module interface for computer based conferencing system. ", "An interface connects the upper-level data link manager with the communications driver.", "\nKoltzbach et al. ", "U.S. Pat. ", "No. ", "5,410,754, issued Apr. 25, 1995, for Bi-Directional Wire Line to Local Area Network Interface and Method, discloses a bi-directional wire-line to local area network interface. ", "The system incorporates means for packet switching and for using the internet protocol (IP)." ]
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[ "Saturday, October 30, 2004\n\nReality check for me\n\nReality checks can be a bitch to handle. ", "I was looking at Democratic Underground, and quite a few people there felt like they wanted to take Bin Laden up on his offer. ", "Not everyone by a long shot, but quite a few thought we should never interfere with any Muslim states. ", "I'm not sure if they realize that means totally abandoning Israel, because supporting Israel with money or even defending it in the UN is considered interference of the worst kind by these types.", "\n\nI'm just amazed, though, that anyone would look at a communication from a terrorist and assume that this was said in good faith and was a deliverable promise. ", "My reaction to this sort of thing is probably a Mark Steyn sort of reaction - I believe that responding to these demands is likely to make the violence more intense and continue longer. ", "What would happen, for instance, if an Islamic state wanted to invade Afghanistan? ", "Would we just say \"well, we can't interfere or we'll get bombed?\"", "\n\nI'm just overwhelmingly surprised that so many people had that reaction. ", "It doesn't make sense to me. ", "I can't believe it's more than a small minority of the US population who feel this way, but I'm still surprised. ", "The US population has always been pretty isolationist, and I have too. ", "I wasn't even in favor of the first Gulf War (I thought we should just let the Soviets sweat it), but after 9/11 I believed we couldn't end the sanctions and leave Saddam Hussein in unobstructed power. ", "It just wasn't possible.", "\n\nIf we had pulled out the Kurds would have been massacred, and we'd already left them swinging in the wind once. ", "Our intelligence was correct at least in telling us that Saddam was actively pursuing his weapons program, according to the Duelfer Report. ", "What would have happened to Kuwait, a tiny little country with all that yummy oil? ", "We needed to get out of Saudi Arabia, because that regime is unstable. ", "What would we have done when Saddam started moving again? ", "WMD aside, it just seems impossible to me. ", "And then there was a huge threat in the poison gases alone, because the regime was seeking contacts with terrorist groups, and Saddam's regime would have had the materials to give them.", "\n\nAnd that brings me to my final reaction - why would anyone believe that Osama Bin Laden can speak for the entire Islamic world? ", "He can't. ", "Even if one assumes that he started the whole movement (which he did not), he can't control it. ", "Every one of these groups is going to see the world on their own terms, with their own interests and goals in mind. ", "About a week after 9/11 I woke up with the dull sense that we had no good options left, only bad ones. ", "I still believe that." ]
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[ "Microtensile bond strength of resin composite bonded to caries-affected dentin with three adhesives.", "\nThis study evaluated the ability of two self-etching adhesives (a two-step and a one-step) and a conventional 3-step adhesive to bond composite to both intact and caries-affected dentin with and without thermocycling. ", "Thirty extracted human teeth with occlusal caries were randomly assigned to three groups according to the adhesive used: Scotchbond Multi-purpose (3M) (SBMP), ClearfilSE Bond (Kuraray) (SE) and Xeno IV (Dentsply) (XEIV). ", "The occlusal surfaces of the teeth were sectioned to expose dentin. ", "The adhesives were applied according to manufacturers' instructions, and a composite material (Herculite XRV, Kerr) was applied and cured in increments to form a core 3 mm high. ", "The teeth were stored in distilled water for 24 hours, then sectioned using a micro-slicing machine to obtain sections 1 mm thick. ", "The sections were further cut to obtain rods 6 mm long and 1 x 1 mm in thickness, with dentin/composite interface located at the center. ", "The specimens were examined microscopically to separate the caries-affected (AD) and sound dentin (SD) into two groups. ", "Half the specimens from each group were subjected to 3,000 thermocycles (5 degrees C to 55 degrees C) prior to testing. ", "All the specimens were then subjected to microtensile bond strength (microTBS) testing in a special apparatus. ", "Mean microTBS was determined for each group, and data were statistically analyzed with ANOVA and Tukey's tests. ", "Mean microTBS and standard deviation values in MPa were: SBMP-SD = 22.19 (4.6), SBMP-SD-thermocycled = 15.7 (5.55), SBMP-AD = 18.6 (2.89), SBMP-AD-thermocycled = 16.62 (6.23), SE-SD = 24.25 (5.7), SE-SD-thermocycled = 22.3 (6.7), SE-AD = 20.7 (5.55), SE-AD-thermocycled = 20.23 (6.1), XEIV-SD = 21.43 (7.6), XEIV-SD-thermocycled = 18.3 (7.11), XEIV-AD = 15.45 (6.62), XEIV-AD-thermocycled = 14.8 (3.89). ", "ANOVA revealed a significant difference among the groups (p < .0001). ", "The two-step self-etch adhesive resulted in highest mean microTBS values under all test conditions. ", "However, these mean values were significantly higher than the mean values obtained with the other two adhesives under some, but not all test conditions." ]
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[ "\"One Kiss\" from Calvin Harris and Dua Lipa was Billboard Dance's favorite song of 2018, and it looks as if lightning may strike twice. ", "The producer and singer were spotted in the studio together on social media, and they brought Tove Lo with them, too. ", "A video of the cool trio was shared to Twitter, and fans are crossing their fingers for a forthcoming collab.", "\n\nThere's no official word on whether or not music was set to tape, but it stands to reason the friends would have had some fun with something. ", "The promising video clip comes on the heels of Harris' teaser for \"Giant,\" his first single of the year featuring Rag'n'Bone Man, set for release Friday, Jan. 11.", "\n\nLipa and Lo were previously spotted hanging in the studio last November. “", "Spent two days writing in the studio with this incredibly funny, extremely talented human being @tovelo,\" Lipa wrote at the time.", "\n\nHere's to hoping we get lots of cool Harris records in 2019. ", "Watch the video of the producer hanging with Lipa and Lo below." ]
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[ "Project Abstract Cancer is driven by a complex network of genes and pathways. ", "Decades of research have discovered various oncogenes and tumor suppressors that can drive cell transformation and malignancy. ", "However, there are many genes that are essential for cancer cell survival, but are not mutated themselves. ", "These ?", "non- oncogenes? ", "can be involved in various cell-survival pathways such as the stress response, and might explain some of the heterogeneity observed among tumor cells that have the same driver mutations. ", "How can we identify and target these genes to offer alternative routes to disarm and sensitize cancer cells to therapeutic interventions? ", "One way to identify ?", "non-oncogene? ", "pathways is to evaluate how proliferating cells adjust to variable and evolving environments. ", "By examining heterogeneous transcriptional regulatory states of single cells in a 3D culture model of breast epithelial organization, our lab discovered an important regulatory pathway that had a common upstream regulator, NRF2. ", "NRF2 is a known oncogene in lung cancer, but mutations in the transcription factor are uncommon in breast cancer. ", "In this proposal, I am studying the role of the non- oncogene, NRF2, in an aggressive subtype of breast cancer, in the hopes of determining new strategies to disrupt this non-oncogene addiction. ", "This project entails three interrelated aims: 1) to determine the functional importance of NRF2 for growth, organization, and survival of triple-negative breast cancer cells; 2) to quantify and model the broader network context of NRF2 dynamics; 3) to test the impact of NRF2 on breast tumorigenesis in vivo. ", "These aims are focused on the non-oncogene NRF2, which is classically known as an antioxidant transcription factor. ", "Most cancer-related studies of NRF2 have focused on mutations in the transcription factor and the pathway associated with it. ", "Our hypothesis is that there is another layer of NRF2- driven tumorigenesis that occurs on the single-cell level without mutation. ", "A detailed understanding of NRF2 regulation could enable new strategies to disrupt this non-oncogene addiction and re-sensitize cancer cells to their environment and to chemotherapy." ]
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[ "Amadou Bakayoko\n\nAmadou Bakayoko (born 1 January 1996) is a Sierra Leonean professional footballer who plays as a forward for League One side Coventry City.", "\n\nPlaying career\nAfter beginning his youth career in Dutch football, where Bakayoko had moved to from Sierra Leone as a youngster, he moved to England in his mid-teens and soon won a scholarship at Walsall. ", "After prolific goalscoring at youth and reserve team level, Bakayoko was offered a one-year professional contract at Walsall in December 2013. ", "He made his debut for the \"Saddlers\" on 5 April, replacing Michael Ngoo 68 minutes into a 1–0 defeat to Port Vale at Vale Park.", "\n\nOn 9 October 2014, Bakayoko joined Conference Premier side Southport on a month's loan. ", "He made a scoring debut as a substitute in Southport's 2–0 victory over Braintree Town. ", "Bakayoko scored his second goal for Southport in a 3–2 victory over Nuneaton Town on 22 November 2014.", "\n\nBakayoko joined Worcester City on a one–month loan deal on 15 January 2016 and scored three league goals in the National League North for the club.", "\n\nHe scored his first goals for Walsall when he scored a hat-trick in an EFL Trophy tie against Grimsby Town on 30 August 2016. ", "He scored his first league goal in a 3–2 win over Shrewsbury Town on 15 October 2016, though he was later sent off in the same match.", "\n\nHis contact was extended by Walsall at the end of the 2017–18 season after the club exercised an option.", "\n\nOn 7 August 2018, Bakayoko joined League One side Coventry City for an undisclosed fee, signing a two-year deal.", "\n\nCareer statistics\n\nReferences\n\nExternal links\n\nCategory:Living people\nCategory:Sierra Leonean footballers\nCategory:Association football forwards\nCategory:Walsall F.C. players\nCategory:Southport F.C. players\nCategory:A.F.C. Telford United players\nCategory:English Football League players\nCategory:National League (English football) players\nCategory:1996 births\nCategory:Worcester City F.C. players\nCategory:Coventry City F.C. players\nCategory:Sierra Leonean expatriate footballers\nCategory:Expatriate footballers in England" ]
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[ "Find More Mustangs For Sale!", "\n\nExpandCollapse\n\nNew Member\n\ntitle says it all I have a 1994 cobra with only 22k on it and the car is a garage queen never seen rain or snow...you wont find a better condition set of oem leather seats any where I can guarantee you that...passenger and rear have almost no wear what so ever and the driver seat has 22k on it...they are very pillowy so it does have normal creasing for a seat with 22k on it but as I say youd be hard pressed to find a nicer one...I can get you pics upon request...im looking to get 600 for them and I live in ohio....lmk\n\nExpandCollapse\n\nNew Member\n\ni have included a pic of my car as well so u can see the type of vehicle i own and that they are coming out of...also the pics really make them appear a bit more worn than what they actually are because of the flash...just wanted to point that out...the passenger and rear seats are like I say the nicest I have ever seen and I go to a lot of shows and cruise ins....the drivers seat is the nicest ive ever seen too but like I say since they are so pillowy there is nothing you can do to prevent the creasing.", "\n\nExpandCollapse\n\nNew Member\n\nno leather treatment or touch up paints or anything other than 1-2 weekly interior detailings using armoral natural finish...non greasy...detailer spray...plus of course the fact that no one ever rides in this car with me and it only has 22k on it\n\nExpandCollapse\n\nPremium Sponsor\n\nno leather treatment or touch up paints or anything other than 1-2 weekly interior detailings using armoral natural finish...non greasy...detailer spray...plus of course the fact that no one ever rides in this car with me and it only has 22k on it\n\nClick to expand...\n\nWell I get a lot of calls so I'll keep my ears open for anyone looking for seats." ]
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[ "Repost via @wildwomansisterhoodofficial \"You’re allowed to leave any story you don’t find yourself in. ", "You’re allowed to leave any story you don’t love yourself in.", "\nYou’re allowed to leave a city that has dimmed your light instead of making you shine brighter, you’re allowed to pack all your bags and start over somewhere else and you’re allowed to redefine the meaning of your life.", "\nYou’re allowed to quit the job you hate even if the world tells you not to and you’re allowed to search for something that makes you look forward to tomorrow and to the rest of your life.", "\nYou’re allowed to leave someone you love if they’re treating you poorly, you’re allowed to put yourself first if you’re settling and you’re allowed to walk away when you’ve tried over and over again but nothing has changed.", "\nYou’re allowed to let toxic friends go, you’re allowed to surround yourself with love, and people who encourage and nurture you. ", "You’re allowed to pick the kind of energy you need in your life.", "\nYou’re allowed to forgive yourself for your biggest and smallest mistakes and you’re allowed to be kind to yourself, you’re allowed to look in the mirror and actually like the person you see.", "\nYou’re allowed to set yourself free from your own expectations.", "\nWe sometimes look at leaving as a bad thing or associate it with giving up or quitting, but sometimes leaving is the best thing you can do for yourself.", "\nLeaving allows you to change directions, to start over, to rediscover yourself and the world. ", "Leaving sometimes saves you from staying stuck in the wrong place with the wrong people.", "\nLeaving opens a new door for change, growth, opportunities and redemption.", "\nYou always have the choice to leave until you find where you belong and what makes you happy.", "\nYou’re even allowed to leave the old you behind and reinvent yourself\"\nAuthor: Rania Naim #boundaries#loveyourself#selfworth#standupforyourself#livelife#freedom#enjoylife#happiness#goodvibes#enlightenment#alignment#empoweringwomen#womenempowerment#growth#wordstoliveby#wordsofwisdom#youareallowed#healing#change\n\n✨We’re all one, all equal, all energy, all love, all connected. ", "Through our physical life, through our minds, through the energy fields we are ✨Society has shaped us into this individualistic mindset, raising us to be so self-centered, selfish, and cold. “", "It’s a dog eat dog world” “Do whatever you need to do get by” “No one is going to listen to you with all those emotions.” ", "✨We’ve forgotten that essentially we’re all the same, we all come from the same source. ", "We’ve let our ego’s get so big that we aren’t connecting on a global scale, we aren’t using our unique skills and talents for each other which takes away from the collectiveness we could have. ", "It takes away from a peaceful loving world. ", "Ego is becoming separation instead of individuality needed for a greater cause, a free life filled with harmony. ", "✨Are you doing things out of love? ", "Or manipulation for your ego? ", "Are you so prideful that you cannot connect because you don’t want to show your emotions? ", "Something all humans innately have. ", "Are you doing for all? ", "Or just for you? ", "Are you doing for love?", "\n#humanitarian#indigo#healer#lover#consciousness#lightworker#gypsy#gypsysoul#hippie#goodvibes#spirituality#enlightenment#spirtualgrowth#healing#wanderlust#thirdeye#life#love#peace#compassion#love#life#harmony\n\nMany invalid negative beliefs anchor themselves in our subconscious minds after a traumatic experience and/or reinforcement by others. ", "By doing some inner-work and acknowledging our truths and beliefs, we are able to change our reality.", "\nBy changing the belief and taking control of our inner-truths we are able to heal ourselves and our lives and create well-ness on all levels. ", "When we make the connection between what we feel, what we think, what we believe within ourselves and what we are manifesting into our lives, we fully participate in creating our own reality. ", "Begin with loving yourself first💫\n\nSo there is a class of the world that knows this is a matrix and there is a deep state regulating that matrix. ", "Yet we, to include me, have remained silent far too long! ", "How do you sleep at night knowing real world is happening yet 90 percent choose to pass around garbage on the ether, inciting inhumane treatment of the people, when ALL of you have some type of faith you are quick to claim, but run like sheep when its time to stand up to that beat even if that means you end up 6 feet deep. ", "It's whatever but I'm not built to walk pass the situation created by this deep state and turn a blind eye to hungry children, when our crops are being stolen as we fucking speak in Africa, families being turned on each other, STILL in a time of so called wokeness, men CLAIM ya thrones, we been had ya back, the deep state was in both our ways, but now we know our ways its time we undo the Willie Lynch way, its been our downfall from day one and on A1 the deep state knows this is in place and if it cripples, the majority will shift, and so will their britches and get to crying like bitches that got us here in the first place, you cant achieve World peace without the liberation of the African people, the world will no longer turn a blind eye to know what European country has power over what country by the new tongue that we speak, some call it English, maybe French, others Spanish, either way that mentality gotta vanish. #", "spirit#falsegods#Deuteronomy28#writersofinstagram#writers#growth#freestyle#truth#faith#energy#africandiaspora#africaforafricans#enlightenment#thelight#mentalslavery#mentalhealthawareness#forward#unity#standforeachotherfallfornothing\n\n\"Step into the light, Carol Ann\"... Yall remember that line? ", "🤣🤣 Anywho\n.", "\nNo new growth ayyyye!", "\n.", "\n.", "\nAfter having an #MRI#brainscan, I'm Just celebrating no new growth to the small piece of #BrainTumor left in the frontal lobe of my #brain. .", "\n.", "\nDoctor's removed the majority of the 10 they found, but couldn't quite get that last little piece due to the proximity to a very important nerve that could cause permanent #paralysis. .", "\n.", "\nI'm so #Grateful and #Blessed to be documenting my journey.", "\n#GoGreyInMay for #BrainTumorAwarenessMonth" ]
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[ "---\nabstract: |\n We give a characterization of the singular points of the free boundary ${\\partial}\\{u>0\\}$ for viscosity solutions of the nonlinear equation $$\\label{eq:abst}\n F(D^2 u)=-\\chi_{\\{u>0\\}},$$ where $F$ is a fully nonlinear elliptic operator and $\\chi$ the characteristic function. ", "The equation models the propagation of a nerve impulse along an axon.", "\n\n We analyze the structure of the free boundary ${\\partial\\{u>0\\}}$ near the singular points where $u$ and ${\\nabla}u$ vanish simultaneously. ", "Our method uses the stratification approach developed in [@DK].", "\n\n In particular, when $n=2$ we show that near a rank-2 flat singular free boundary point ${\\partial\\{u>0\\}}$ is a union of four $C^1$ arcs tangential to a pair of crossing lines. ", "Moreover, if $F$ is linear then the singular set of ${\\partial\\{u>0\\}}$ is the union of degenerate and rank-2 flat points.", "\n\n We also provide an application of the boundary Harnack principles to study the higher order flat degenerate points, and show that if $\\{u<0\\}$ is a cone then the blow-ups of $u$ are homogeneous functions.", "\naddress: 'School of Mathematics, University of Edinburgh, Peter Guthrie Tait Road Edinburgh, EH9 3FD'\nauthor:\n- 'Aram L. Karakhanyan'\ndate: '(Last Typeset)'\ntitle: Structure of singularities in the nonlinear nerve conduction problem\n---\n\n=1\n\nIntroduction {#sec1}\n============\n\nIn this paper we study the free boundary problem $$\\label{eq:F}\nF(D^2 u)=-\\chi_{\\{u>0\\}}\\quad\\ \\mbox{in}\\ \\Omega,$$ where $\\Omega\\subset {\\mathbb{R}}^n$ is a given bounded domain with $C^{2, \\alpha}$ boundary, ${\\chi_{\\{u>0\\}}}$ the characteristic function function of $\\{u>0\\}$, and $F$ a convex fully nonlinear elliptic operator satisfying some structural conditions. ", "The partial differential equation appears in a model of the nerve impulse propagation [@Feroe], [@Pauwelussen], [@Rinzel].", "\n\nIt comes from the following linearized diffusion system of FitzHugh $$\\label{FitzHugh}\n\\left\\{\n\\begin{array}{lll}\nu_t=r(x)\\Delta u+F(u, \\vec v), \\\\\n\\vec v_t=G(u, \\vec v), \n\\end{array}\n\\right.$$ where $u(x, t)$ is the voltage across the nerve membrane at distance $x$ and time $t$, and components of $\\vec v=(v^1, \\dots, v^k)$ model the conductance of the membrane to various ions [@Feroe]. ", "Mckean suggested to consider $F(u, \\vec v)=-u+{\\chi_{\\{u>0\\}}}$ [@McKean]. ", "Due to the homogeneity of the equation the linear term disappears after quadratic scaling, so we neglect it.", "\n\nThe linearized steady state equation $$\\label{eq:Lap}\n\\Delta u=-{\\chi_{\\{u>0\\}}}$$ also arises in a solid combustion model [@Monneau-W], and the composite membrane problem, see [@Kenig], also [@CK] for its variational formulation.", "\n\nA chief difficulty is to analyze the free boundary near singular points where both $u$ and ${\\nabla}u$ vanish. ", "The main technique used in [@Monneau-W], [@Kenig], [@CK] is a monotonicity formula, which is not available for the nonlinear equations. ", "The aim of this paper is to use the boundary Harnack principles and anisotropic scalings to develop a new approach to circumvent the lack of the monotonicity formula and obtain some of the main results from [@Monneau-W] and [@Lee-Sh] for the fully nonlinear case. ", "More precisely, in this paper we address the optimal regularity, degeneracy and the shape of the free boundary near the singular points.", "\n\nOne of the main results in [@Monneau-W] concerns the cross shaped singularities in ${\\mathbb{R}}^2$. It follows from the classification of homogeneous solutions and an application of the monotonicity formula introduced in [@Monneau-W]. ", "For nonlinear equations this method cannot be applied. ", "We remark that the degenerate case (i.e. when $u(x)=o(|x-x_0|^2)$ near a free boundary point $x_0$) cannot be treated by the monotonicity formula introduced in [@Monneau-W] because it does not provide any qualitative information about $u$, see Proposition 5.1 [@Monneau-W]. ", "Another approach was recently used in [@ST].", "\n\nIt is well known that the strong solutions of may not be $C^{1, 1}_{loc}$, see [@Chemin] Proposition 5.3.1. ", "However, if $F=\\Delta$ then ${\\nabla}u$ is always log-Lipschitz continuous [@Yudovich] Lemma 2.1. ", "For general elliptic operators one can show that ${\\nabla}u$ is $C^{\\alpha}$ for every $\\alpha\\in (0, 1)$, [@CC-Fully], see also Remark \\[rem:concave\\] in Section \\[sec:2\\].", "\n\nAnother approach, based on Harnack inequalities, had been developed by Tolksdorf to prove the existence of homogeneous solutions for $\\Delta_p u =0$ in cones [@Tolksdorf] . ", "We employ this approach in Section \\[sec:5\\].", "\n\nThe problem has some resemblance with the classical obstacle problem [@Caff-cpde]. ", "For the fully nonlinear operators the obstacle problem has been studied in [@Lee] for one phase and in [@Xavier] for the thin obstacle.", "\n\nThe paper is organized as follows: In Section \\[sec:2\\] we state some technical results. ", "In Section \\[sec:3\\] we prove the existence of viscosity solutions using a penalization argument. ", "We also show the existence of a maximal solution and establish its non-degeneracy. ", "Section \\[sec:4\\] contains the proof of the following dichotomy: either the free boundary points are rank-2 flat or the solution has quadratic growth. ", "As a consequence we show that if $n=2$ then near a rank-2 flat point the free boundary is a union of four $C^1$ curves tangential to a pair of crossing lines. ", "This is done in Section \\[sec:6\\]. ", "Finally, in Section \\[sec:5\\] we use a boundary Harnack principle to prove the homogeneity of blow-ups near conical free boundary points.", "\n\nTechnical results {#sec:2}\n=================\n\nThroughout this paper $B_r(x)$ denotes the open ball of radius $r$ centered at $x\\in {\\mathbb{R}}^n$ and $B_r=B_r(0)$. For continuous function $u$ we let $u=u^+-u^-$, $u^+=\\max(0, u)$, $\\Omega^+(u)=\\{u>0\\}, \\Omega^-(u)=\\{u<0\\}$, and ${\\partial_{\\rm{sing}}\\{u>0\\}}$ is the singular subset of the free boundary ${\\partial\\{u>0\\}}$, where $u=|{\\nabla}u|=0$.\n\nWe shall make two standing assumptions on the operators under consideration. ", "To formulate them we let ${\\mathcal S}$ be the space of $n\\times n$ symmetric matrices and ${\\mathcal S}^+({\\lambda, \\Lambda})$ positive definite symmetric matrices with eigenvalues bounded between two positive constants $\\lambda$ and $\\Lambda$.\n\n- The operator $F:{\\mathcal S}\\subset {\\mathbb{R}}^{n\\times n}\\to {\\mathbb{R}}$ is uniformly elliptic, i.e. there are two positive constants $\\lambda, \\Lambda$ such that $$\\label{eq:ellip}\n \\lambda\\|N\\|\\le F(M+N)-F(M)\\le \\Lambda\\|N\\|, \\quad M\\in {\\mathcal S},$$ for every nonnegative matrix $N$.\n\n- $F$ is smooth except the origin and homogeneous of degree one $F(tM)=tF(M), t\\in {\\mathbb{R}}$, and $F(0)=0$.\n\nFor smooth $F$ the hypothesis $\\bf F1^\\circ$ is equivalent to $$\\lambda \\left| \\xi \\right| ^{2}\\leq F_{ij}\\left( M\\right) \\xi_i \\xi _{j}\\leq \\Lambda \\left| \\xi \\right| ^{2},$$ where $F_{ij}(S)=\\frac{{\\partial}F(S)}{{\\partial}s_{ij}}, S=[s_{ij}]$.\n\nTypically, $F(M)=\\sup_{t\\in \\mathcal I}A_{ij, t}M_{ij}$, where $\\mathcal I$ is the index set and $A_{ij,t}\\in {\\mathcal S}^+({\\lambda, \\Lambda})$ such that $\\lambda \\left| \\xi \\right| ^{2}\\leq A_{ij, t}\\xi_i \\xi _{j}\\leq \\Lambda \\left| \\xi \\right| ^{2}$. Notice that if $w_t(x)=w(A_t^{\\frac12}x)$ then $\\Delta w_t=A_{ij, t}w_{ij}$.\n\nWe also define Pucci’s extremal operators $${\\mathcal M}^{-}\\left( M,\\lambda ,\\Lambda \\right) =\\lambda \\sum _{e_{i} > 0}e_{i}+\\Lambda \\sum _{e_{i} < 0}e_{i}, \n\\quad \n{\\mathcal M}^{+}\\left( M,\\lambda ,\\Lambda \\right) =\\Lambda \\sum _{e_{i} > 0}e_{i}+\\lambda \\sum _{e_{i} < 0}e_{i},$$ where $e_1\\le e_2\\le \\dots\\le e_n$ are the eigenvalues of $M\\in {\\mathcal S}$.\n\nA continuous function $u$ is said to be a viscosity solution of $F(D^2u) = -{\\chi_{\\{u>0\\}}}$, if the equation $F(D^2v(x_0)) = -{\\chi_{\\{u>0\\}}}$ holds pointwise, whenever at $(x_0, u(x_0))$ the graph of $u$ can be touched from above and below by paraboloids $v$.\n\n\\[rem:concave\\] If $F$ is concave and $u$ is a viscosity solution of $F(D^2 u)=0$ in $B_1$ then $$\\| u\\|_{C^{2, \\alpha}(B_{\\frac12})}\\le C\\left(\\| u\\|_{L^\\infty(B_1)}+|F(0)|\\right),$$ where $0<\\alpha<1$ and $C$ are universal constants, see Theorem 6.6 [@CC-Fully]. ", "If $F$ is convex or concave then for the viscosity solutions of $F(D^2u)=0$ we still have the estimate $$\\|u\\|_{C^{1,1}(B_{1/11})}\\le C\\|u\\|_{L^\\infty(B_1)},$$ (see (6.14) and Remark 1 on page 60 in [@CC-Fully]). ", "Theorem \\[thm:only-conc\\] is the only place where we require $F$ to be convex.", "\n\nUnder assumptions $\\bf F1^\\circ-F2^\\circ$ the classical weak and strong comparison principles are valid for the viscosity solutions [@CC-Fully]. ", "Moreover, we have the strong and Hopf’s comparison principles.", "\n\n\\[lem:SCP\\] Suppose $v\\in C^2(D), w\\in C^1(D)$, and ${\\nabla}v\\not \\equiv 0$ in a bounded domain $D$. Let $F(D^2 v)\\ge 0\\ge F(D^2 w)$ in $D\\subset {\\mathbb{R}}^n$ in viscosity sense, $v\\le w$, and $v, w$ are not identical, then $$v< w \\ \\text{in} \\ D.$$\n\nSee Theorem 3.1 [@Giga].", "\n\n\\[lem:HCP\\] Let $B$ be a ball contained in $D$ and assume that $w \\in C^1(D) , v \\in C^2(D)$ and that ${\\nabla}v \\not = 0 $, in $B$. Let $v$ and $w$ be a viscosity subsolution and a supersolution of $F(D^2 u)=0$, respectively. ", "Moreover, suppose that $v <w$, in $B$, and that $v(x_0) = w(x_0)$, for some $x_0 \\in {\\partial}B$. Then, ${\\nabla}v(x_0) \\not ={\\nabla}w(x_0)$.\n\nSee Theorem 4.1 [@Giga].", "\n\nOne of the main tools in our analysis is the boundary Harnack principle. ", "As before, we assume that $F$ is smooth, homogeneous of degree 1, uniformly elliptic with ellipticity constants $\\lambda$ and $\\Lambda$, and $F (0) = 0$. We use the following notation: $f(x'), x'\\in B_1'\\subset {\\mathbb{R}}^{n-1}$ is Lipschitz continuous function with Lipschitz constant $M>1, f(0)=0$, $\\Omega_r=B_r'\\times [-rM, rM]\\cap \\{x_n>f(x')\\}$, $\\Delta_r=B_r'\\times [-rM, rM]\\cap \\{x_n=f(x')\\}$, $A=e_nM/2$.\n\nThen we have the following Harnack principle, see [@Wang].", "\n\nAssume $\\bf F1^\\circ-F2^\\circ$ hold and $F$ is either concave or convex. ", "Let $u, v$ be two nonnegative solution of $F(D^2 u)=0$ in $\\Omega_1$ that equal 0 along $\\Omega_1\\setminus S$. Suppose also that $u-\\sigma v\\ge 0$ in $\\Omega_1$ for some $\\sigma\\ge 0$. Then for some constant $C$, depending only on $\\lambda, \\Lambda, n$ and the Lipschitz character of $\\Omega_1$, we have in $\\Omega_{\\frac12}$ $$\\label{eq:bHarnack}\nC^{-1}\\frac{u(A)-\\sigma v(A)}{v(A)}\\le\n\\frac{u-\\sigma v}{v}\n\\le\nC\\frac{u(A)-\\sigma v(A)}{v(A)}.$$\n\nFurthermore, as in [@C-1] (see also [@Wang] Section 2) one can show that the nonnegative solutions in $\\Omega_1$ are monotone in $\\Omega_{\\delta_0}$ for some universal $\\delta_0$. We state this only in two spatial dimensions.", "\n\n\\[C-mon\\] Let $w$ be a viscosity solution of $F(D^2w)=0, w\\ge 0$ in $D=\\{|x_1|\\le 1, f(x_1)<x_2\\le M\\}$, $M=\\|f\\|_{C^{0, 1}}$. Assume $\\bf F1^\\circ-F2^\\circ$ hold and $F$ is either concave or convex. ", "Then there is $\\delta=\\delta(M)$ such that $${\\partial}_{2} w\\ge 0 \\quad \\mbox{in} \\ D_\\delta=\\{|x_1|\\le \\delta, f(x_1)<x_2\\le M\\delta\\}.$$\n\nIn [@Wang] Theorem \\[C-mon\\] is stated for concave operator $F$, however the concavity is needed only to assure that locally the viscosity solutions of the homogeneous equation are locally $C^{2, \\alpha}$ regular, see Remark 1.2 in [@Wang]. ", "Since in the proofs of Lemmata 2.1-2.5 in [@Wang] one needs only $C^{1, \\alpha}$ regularity of the solutions then in view of Remark \\[rem:concave\\] we see that Theorem \\[C-mon\\] continues to hold for convex $F$, see [@Feldman].", "\n\nFinally, we give a characterization of homogeneity, see Theorem 2.1.1 [@Tolksdorf] for a proof.", "\n\n\\[lem:hom-Tolk\\] Let $w\\in L^\\infty({\\mathcal{K}}_1){\\setminus}\\{0\\}$ where ${\\mathcal{K}}_1={\\mathcal{K}}(0, 1)$ such that $$\\label{eq:hom-Tolk}\nC_Rw(Rx)=w(x), \\quad R\\in(0,1), \\ \\ C_R=\\frac1{\\sup_{{\\mathcal{K}}_R}w}.$$ Then there is a $\\kappa\\in [0, \\infty)$ such that $$w(x)=|x|^\\kappa w\\left(\\frac x{|x|}\\right).$$\n\nExistence and nongeneracy {#sec:3}\n=========================\n\nIn this section we prove the existence of viscosity solutions and the non-degeneracy of maximal solutions.", "\n\nExistence of viscosity solutions\n--------------------------------\n\nA continuous function $u$ is said to be a viscosity subsolution of $F(D^2u) = -{\\chi_{\\{u>0\\}}}$, if the inequality $F(D^2v(x_0)) \\ge -{\\chi_{\\{u>0\\}}}$ holds pointwise, whenever at $(x_0, u(x_0))$ the graph of $u$ can be touched from below by a paraboloid $v$. Moreover, $u$ is said to be a strict subsolution if the inequality above is strict.", "\n\nA viscosity solution $u$ of $F(D^2 u)=-{\\chi_{\\{u>0\\}}}$ is said to be maximal in $D$ if for every strong subsolution $v$ satisfying $v\\le u$ on $\\partial D'$ for some subdomain $D'\\subset D$ we have $v\\le u$ in $D'$.\n\nAssume $\\bf F1^\\circ-F2^\\circ$ hold. ", "Let $D$ be a bounded $C^{2, \\alpha}$ domain and $g\\in C^{2, \\alpha}(\\overline D)$. There exists a viscosity solution $u$ to $$\\left\\{\n\\begin{array}{lll}\nF(D^2 u) =-{\\chi_{\\{u>0\\}}} \\quad &\\mbox{in}\\ D, \\\\\nu=g &\\mbox{on}\\ \\partial D, \n\\end{array}\n\\right.$$ such that $u\\in W^{2, p}(D)$ for every $p\\ge1$.\n\nWe use a standard penalization argument [@Friedman]. ", "Let $\\beta_{\\varepsilon}(t), t\\in {\\mathbb{R}}$ be a family of $C^\\infty$ functions such that $$\\label{eq:beta-0}\n\\left\\{\n\\begin{array}{lll}\n \\beta_{\\varepsilon}(t)\\ge {\\chi_{\\{t>0\\}}}\\quad &\\mbox{on}\\ {\\mathbb{R}}, \\\\\n\\beta_{{\\varepsilon}'}(t)\\le \\beta_{{\\varepsilon}}(t)& \\mbox{if}\\ {\\varepsilon}'<{\\varepsilon},\\\\\n\\lim_{{\\varepsilon}\\to 0}\\beta_{\\varepsilon}(t)= {\\chi_{\\{t>0\\}}} &t\\in {\\mathbb{R}}.\\\\\n\\end{array}\n\\right.$$ Given ${\\varepsilon}>0$, there is a solution $v$ of $$\\label{eq:e}\n\\left\\{\n\\begin{array}{lll}\nF(D^2 v)=-\\beta_{\\varepsilon}(v) \\quad &\\mbox{in}\\ D, \\\\\nv=g &\\mbox{on}\\ \\partial D.\n\\end{array}\n\\right.$$ Observe that Perron’s method implies that for every ${\\varepsilon}>0$ the maximal solution $u_{\\varepsilon}$ exists. ", "Furthermore, since $\\beta_{\\varepsilon}$ are uniformly bounded then $\\| v\\|_{W^{2, p}(D)}\\le C$ with some $C$ independent of ${\\varepsilon}$, see Theorem 7.1 [@CC-Fully] and Remark \\[rem:concave\\] above.", "\n\nIf $v$ is a subsolution, i.e. $F(D^2 v)\\ge -{\\chi_{\\{v>0\\}}}$ then by we also have $F(D^2 v)\\ge -\\beta_{\\varepsilon}(v)$. Thus for ${\\varepsilon}>{\\varepsilon}'$ (using ) we get $$F(D^2 u_{{\\varepsilon}'})=-\\beta_{{\\varepsilon}'}(u_{{\\varepsilon}'})\\ge -\\beta_{{\\varepsilon}}(u_{{\\varepsilon}'}).$$ This shows that $u_{{\\varepsilon}'}$ is a subsolution to . ", "Since $u_{\\varepsilon}$ is the maximal solution then we have $$v\\le u_{\\varepsilon}, \\quad u_{{\\varepsilon}'}\\le u_{\\varepsilon}.$$ Thus $u(x)=\\lim_{{\\varepsilon}\\to 0}u_{{\\varepsilon}}$ in $W^{2, p}$. From the uniform convergence it follows that $u(z)>0$ implying that $u_{{\\varepsilon}}>0$ in some neighborhood of $z$. Thus $F(D^2 u)=-1$ near $z$. Since $D^2 u=0$ a.e. ", "on $\\{u=0\\}$ it follows that $F(D^2 u)=-{\\chi_{\\{u>0\\}}}$.\n\nNon-degeneracy\n--------------\n\n\\[thm:nondeg\\] Assume $\\bf F1^\\circ-F2^\\circ$ hold. ", "Let $u$ be the maximal solution, then there is a universal constant $c_{n, \\gamma}$, depending only on dimension $n$ and $\\gamma=\\frac{\\Lambda(n-1)}{\\lambda}-1$, such that $$\\inf_{B_r(x_0)} u>-c_{n, \\gamma}r^2$$ implies that $u(x_0)>0$.\n\nLet us consider $$b(x)=\n\\left\\{\n\\begin{array}{lll}\nC(1-|x|^2) & \\mbox{if}\\ |x|\\le 1, \\\\\n\\phi(x)-\\phi(1) & \\mbox{if}\\ |x|> 1, \n\\end{array}\n\\right.$$ where $$\\phi(x)=\n\\left\\{\n\\begin{array}{lll}\n-\\log |x| & \\mbox{if}\\ n=2, \\\\\n\\frac1{\\gamma}{|x|^{- \\gamma}} & \\mbox{if}\\ n\\ge 3, \n\\end{array}\n\\right.$$ and the constant $C$ is chosen so that $b(x)$ is $C^1$ regular. ", "It is straightforward to compute $D^2 b$ and thus $$F(D^2 b)=\n\\left\\{\n\\begin{array}{lll}\n-2C F(\\delta_{ij}) & \\mbox{if}\\ |x|\\le 1,\\\\\n-\\frac1{|x|^{\\gamma+2}} F(\\delta_{ij}-(\\gamma+2)\\frac{x_ix_j}{|x|^2})& \\mbox{if}\\ |x|>1.", "\n\\end{array}\n\\right.$$ From the ellipticity we get that\n\n$$F(\\delta_{ij}-(\\gamma+2)\\frac{x_ix_j}{|x|^2})\\le \n\\mathcal M^+ (\\delta_{ij}-(\\gamma+2)\\frac{x_ix_j}{|x|^2})=0, \\quad |x|>1.$$ Hence $$F(D^2 b)\\ge -\\frac1{|x|^{\\gamma+2}} \\mathcal M^+(\\delta_{ij}-(\\gamma+2)\\frac{x_ix_j}{|x|^2})=0, \\quad |x|>1.$$ Consequently, we see that $\\hat b(x)=\\frac{ b(x)}{2C F(\\delta_{ij})}$ is a subsolution.", "\n\nGiven $r$, choose $\\rho$ so that $\\frac 2\\rho=r$. Then for $|x|>\\frac1\\rho$ we have $$\\frac1{\\rho^2} \\hat b({\\rho}x)=\\frac1{\\rho^{\\gamma+2} \\gamma} \\left[ \\frac1{|x|^{\\gamma}}-\\rho^{\\gamma}\\right],$$ and consequently $$\\begin{aligned}\n\\frac{\\hat b(r)}{\\rho^2}\n&=&\n\\frac1{\\rho^2} \\hat b(\\frac2{\\rho})=-\\left(1-\\frac1{2^{\\gamma}}\\right)\\frac1{\\rho^2\\gamma}\\\\\n&=&\n-\\left(1-\\frac1{2^{n-2}}\\right)r^2\\frac1{4\\gamma}=:-c_{n, \\gamma} r^2.\\end{aligned}$$ Thus $u(0)\\ge \\hat b(0)>0$.\n\nDichotomy {#sec:4}\n=========\n\nIn order to formulate the main result of this section we first introduce the notion of rank-2 flatness. ", "Let $P_2$ be the set of all homogeneous normalized polynomials of degree two, i.e. $$\\label{poliu7u65}\nP_2:=\\left\\{p(x)=\\sum \na_{ij}x_ix_j, {\\mbox{ for any }}\nx\\in {\\mathbb{R}}^n, {\\mbox{ with }} \\|p\\|_{L^\\infty(B_1)}=1 \\right\\},$$ where $a_{ij}$ is a symmetric $n\\times n$ matrix. ", "For given $p\\in P_2$ and $x_0\\in{\\mathbb{R}}^n$, we set $p_{x_0}(x):=p(x-x_0)$ and consider the zero level set of translated polynomial $p$ $$\\label{spx}\nS(p, x_0):=\\{x\\in {\\mathbb{R}}^n : p_{x_0}(x)=0\\}.$$ By definition $S(p, x_0)$ is a cone with vertex at $x_0$.\n\n\\[def1\\] Let $\\delta>0$, $R>0$ and $x_0\\in {\\partial\\{u>0\\}}$. We say that ${\\partial\\{u>0\\}}$ is $(\\delta, R)$-rank-2 flat at $x_0$ if, for every $r\\in (0, R]$, there exists $p\\in P_2$ such that $${{\\rm{HD}}}\\Big({\\partial\\{u>0\\}}\\cap B_r(x_0), S (p, {x_0})\\cap B_r(x_0)\\Big)< \\delta\\, r.$$\n\nHere ${{\\rm{HD}}}$ denotes the Hausdorff distance defined as follows $$\\label{defHD}\n{{\\rm{HD}}}(A, B):=\\max\\left\\{\\sup\\limits_{a\\in A}\\operatorname{dist}(a, B),\\; \n\\sup\\limits_{b\\in B}\\operatorname{dist}(b, A)\\right\\}.$$ Given $r>0$, $x_0\\in\\partial\\{u>0\\}$ and $p\\in P_2$, we let $$\\label{defflat:BIS} h_{\\rm{min}}(r,x_0,p):=\n{{\\rm{HD}}}\\Big({\\partial\\{u>0\\}}\\cap B_r(x_0), S(p, x_0)\\cap B_r(x_0)\\Big).$$ Then, we define the rank-2 flatness at level $r>0$ of ${\\partial\\{u>0\\}}$ at $x_0$ as follows.", "\n\n\\[def:flat\\] Let $\\delta>0$, $r>0$ and $x_0\\in\\partial\\{u>0\\}$. We say that ${\\partial\\{u>0\\}}$ is $\\delta$-rank-2 flat at level $r$ at $x_0$ if $h(r, x_0)<\\delta r$, where $$\\label{flatdef}\nh(r, x_0):=\\inf_{p\\in P_2}h_{\\rm{min}}(r,x_0, p).$$\n\nIn view of Definitions \\[def1\\] and \\[def:flat\\], we can say that $\n{\\partial\\{u>0\\}}$ is $(\\delta, R)$-rank-2 flat at $x_0\\in\\partial\\{u>0\\}$ if and only if, for every $r\\in (0, R]$, it is $\\delta$-rank-2 flat at level $r$ at $x_0$.\n\n\\[growth\\] Let $n\\ge 2$ and $u$ be a viscosity solution of  . ", "Let $D\\subset\\Omega$, $\\delta>0$ and let $x_0\\in {\\partial\\{u>0\\}}\\cap D$ such that $|{\\nabla}u(x_0)|=0$ and ${\\partial\\{u>0\\}}$ is not $\\delta$-rank-2 flat at $x_0$ at any level $r>0$. Then, $u$ has at most quadratic growth at $x_0$, bounded from above in dependence on $\\delta$.\n\nTheorem \\[growth\\] will follow from Proposition \\[zimbo\\] below in standard way, see [@DK]. ", "Let us define $r_{k}=2^{-k}$ and $M\\left( r_k,x_{0}\\right) =\\sup _{B_{r_{k}}\\left( x_0\\right) }\\left| u\\right|,$ where $x_{0}\\in \\partial \\left\\{ u > 0\\right\\} \\cap \\left\\{ \\left| \\nabla u\\right| =0\\right\\} $.", "\n\n\\[zimbo\\] Let $u$ be as in Theorem \\[growth\\] and $\\sup|u|\\le 1$. If $$h(r_k, x_0, )>\\delta r_k$$ for some $\\delta>0$, then there exists $C=C(\\delta, n, \\lambda, \\Lambda)$ such that $$\\label{eq:M-ineq}\nM\\left( r_{k+1},x\\right) \n\\leq \n\\max \\left( \nCr^{2}_{k},\\dfrac {1}{2^{2}}M\\left( r_k,x\\right) ,\\dots, \n\\dfrac {M\\left( r_{k-m},x\\right) }{2^{2\\left( m+1\\right) }},\\dots, \n\\dfrac {M\\left( r_0,x\\right) }{2^{2\\left( k+1\\right) }}\n\\right).$$\n\nIf fails then there are solutions $\\{u_j\\}$ of with $\\sup|u_j|\\le 1$, sequences $\\{k_j\\}$ of integers, and free boundary points $\\{x_j\\}, x_j\\in B_1$ such that $$\\label{eq:M-ineq-fail}\nM\\left( r_{k_j}+1,x_j\\right) \n> \n\\max \\left( \nj r ^{2}_{k_j},\\dfrac {1}{2^{2}}M\\left( r_{k_j},x_j\\right) ,\\dots, \n\\dfrac {M\\left( r_{k_j-m},x_j\\right) }{2^{2\\left( m+1\\right) }},\\dots, \n\\dfrac {M\\left( r_0,x_j\\right) }{2^{2\\left( k_j+1\\right) }}\n\\right),$$ where with some abuse of notation we set $M\\left( r_{k_j},x_j\\right)=\\sup_{B_{r_{k_j}}(x_j)}|u_j|$. Since $M(r_{k_j}, x_j)\\le \\sup_{B_1} |u_j|<\\infty$ it follows that $k_j\\to \\infty$. Define the scaled functions $$v_{j}\\left( x\\right) =\\dfrac {u_{j}\\left( x_{j}+r_{k_j}x\\right) }{M\\left( r_{k_{j}}+1,x_{j}\\right) }.$$ By construction we have $$\\begin{aligned}\nv_{j}\\left( 0\\right) =0, \\quad \\left| \\nabla v_{j}\\left( x\\right) \\right| =0,\\\\\n\\sup_{B_{\\frac12}}|v_j|=1, \\\\\nh(0, 1)>\\delta, \\\\\nv_j(x)\\le 2^{2{m-1}}, |x|\\le 2^m, m<2^{k_j}, \\end{aligned}$$ where the last inequality follows from after rescaling the inequality $\\frac{M(r_{k_j-m}, x_j)}{M(r_{k_j+1}, x_j)}<2^{2(m-1)}$. Utilizing the homogeneity of operator $F$ and noting that $$D^2_{x_\\alpha x_\\beta} v_j(x)=r_j^2 \\left(D^2_{\\alpha\\beta} u_j\\right)(x_j+r_{k_j}x),$$ it follows that $$F(D^2 v_j(x))=-\\frac{r_{k_j}^2}{M(r_{k_j+1}, x_j)}{\\chi_{\\{v_j>0\\}}}=-\\sigma_j {\\chi_{\\{v_j>0\\}}},$$ where $\\sigma_j=\\frac{r_{k_j}^2}{M(r_{k_j+1}, x_j)}$. Observe that $\\sigma_j<\\frac1j$ in view of . ", "Since under hypotheses $\\bf F1^\\circ-F2^\\circ$ we have local $W^{2, p}$ bounds for all $p\\ge 1$ (see Theorem 7.1 [@CC-Fully]) it follows that we can employ a customary compactness argument for the viscosity solutions to show that there is a function $v_0\\in W^{2, p}_{loc}({\\mathbb{R}}^n)$ such that $$\\begin{aligned}\n\\nonumber\nv_{k_j}\\to v_0 \\quad \\mbox{in}\\ C^{1, \\alpha}_{loc}({\\mathbb{R}}^n), \\\\\\nonumber\nv_0(0)=|{\\nabla}v_0(0)|=0, \\\\\\label{flat-fail}\nh(0, 1)>\\delta, \\\\\\nonumber\nF(D^2 v_0)=0. ", "\\end{aligned}$$ From Liouville’s theorem it follows that $v_0$ is homogeneous quadratic polynomial of degree two. ", "This is in contradiction with and the proof is complete.", "\n\nIn [@Lee-Sh] the authors proved some partial results for the problem $$\\label{potato}\nF(D^2 u)=\\chi_{\\mathcal D}\\ \\mbox{in}\\ B_1, \\quad u=|{\\nabla}u|=0\\ \\mbox{in}\\ B_1\\setminus \\mathcal D.$$ For $F=\\Delta$ this problem arises in the linear potential theory related to harmonic continuation of the Newtonian potential of $B_1\\cap \\mathcal D$.\n\nAnalysis similar to that in the proof of Proposition \\[zimbo\\] shows that the result is also valid for the solutions of .", "\n\n\\[cor-Lee\\] Let $u$ be a viscosity solution to , then the statement of Theorem \\[growth\\] holds for $u$ too.", "\n\nQuadruple junctions {#sec:6}\n===================\n\nThroughout this section we assume that $F$ is convex, satisfies $\\bf F1^\\circ-F2^\\circ$ and $u$ is a viscosity solution, see Section \\[sec:3\\].", "\n\n\\[lem:mon\\] Assume $\\bf F1^\\circ-F2^\\circ$ hold and $F$ is convex. ", "Let $n=2$ and $0\\in {\\partial\\{u>0\\}}, |{\\nabla}u(0)|=0$ be a rank-2 flat point such that the zero set of the polynomial $p(x)=M^2 x_1^2-x_2^2, M>0$ approximates ${\\partial\\{u>0\\}}$ near $0$. Assume further that $u$ is non-degenerate at $0$. Then for every $\\delta_0>0$ there is $r_0=2^{-k_0}$ (for some $k_0\\in \\mathbb N$) such that ${\\partial}_2 u(x+te)\\ge 0$ whenever $x\\in (B_{r_0}\\setminus B_{\\delta_0r_0})\\cap K^-$ and $\\delta_0\\le t\\le 2$.\n\nLet $\\theta_0=\\arctan M$ and denote $K^-=\\{x_2\\ge M|x_1|\\}$. After rotation of coordinate system we can assume that $K^-$ contains $u<0$ away from some small neighborhood of $x_2=M|x_1|$ (the green cones in Figure \\[fig1\\] represent that neighborhood).", "\n\n(-4.4, 0) – (4.4, 0) node\\[right\\][$x_1$]{}; (0, -1) – (0, 6) node\\[left\\][$x_2$]{}; (0, 0) – (2, 5) ; (0, 0) – (-2, 5) ; (0, 0.3) – (2, 5.3) ; (0, 0.3) – (-2, 5.3) ; (0, -0.3) – (2, 4.7) ; (0, -0.3) – (-2, 4.7) ; (-1.9, 0) – (-1.9, 4.5) – (1.9, 4.5) – (1.9,0); (0.5, 0) arc\\[radius = 5mm, start angle= 0, end angle= 180\\] ; (1.9, 0) arc\\[radius = 19mm, start angle= 0, end angle= 180\\]; (3.8, 0) arc\\[radius = 38mm, start angle= 0, end angle= 180\\] ; (0.7,1.6) circle (2pt) node\\[left\\] [$y_k$]{}; (0.7,3) circle (2pt) node\\[left\\] [$y_k+t_k e_2$]{}; (0.7,3) circle (12pt); (0.16,2.3) circle (19pt); (0,1.8) circle (12pt);\n\n(0,4.5) circle (2pt); at (0.5, 4.5) [$\\delta_0M$]{}; (0,0) circle (2pt); at (0.2, -0.1) [$0$]{};\n\nSuppose the claim fails, then there is $\\delta_0>0$ so that for every $r_k=2^{-k}\\to 0$ and some points $x_k\\in B_{r_k}\\setminus B_{\\delta_0r_k}\\cap \\Omega^-(u)$ we have $$\\label{cod-0}\n{\\partial}_2u(x_k+r_kt_k e_2)<0, \\quad \\mbox{for some }\\ \\delta_0\\le t_k\\le 2.$$ We can choose $\\delta_0$ so that for large $k$ there holds $\\delta_0>\\frac{h_k}{\\cos\\theta_0}\\to 0, $ where $h_k=h(2^{-k}, 0)$.\n\nIntroduce the scaled functions $$v_k(x)=\n\\left\\{\n\\begin{array}{lll}\n\\displaystyle\n\\frac{u(r_k x)}{M(r_{k})}\\quad &\\mbox{if} \\ \\eqref{eq:M-ineq}\\ \\mbox{ is true for all}\\ k\\ge \\hat k, \\mbox{for some fixed}\\ \\hat k, \\\\\n\\displaystyle\n\\frac{u(r_k x)}{M(r_{k+1})}\\quad &\\mbox{if there is a sequence } r_k=2^{-k} \\ \\mbox{such that }\\ \\eqref{eq:M-ineq-fail} \\ \\mbox{holds}.\\\\\n\\end{array}\n\\right.$$ Here we set $M(r_k)=M(r_k, 0)$. For both scalings we have that $v_k$’s are non-degenerate: for the first scaling it follows from Theorem \\[thm:nondeg\\] (our assuption on non-degeneracy), for the second one it follows that $\\sup_{B_{1/2}}|v_k|=1$.\n\nMoreover, by there is $y_k\\in (B_1\\setminus B_{\\delta_0})\\cap \\{v_k<0\\}$ such that $$\\label{}\n{\\partial}_2 v_k(y_k+ t_k e_2)<0, \\quad \\mbox{for some }\\ \\delta_0\\le t_k\\le 2.$$\n\nThere is a subsequence $y_{k_j}+t_{k_j}e_2\\to y_0+t_0e_2\\in K^-\\cap B_2, $ there is a Harnack chain $B^1, \\dots, B^N$ where $B^1=B_{\\cos\\theta_0/2}(e_2)$ and $B^N=B_{\\delta_0/2}(y_0)$, $N$ is independent of $k_j$. Let $\\widetilde K=B_1\\cup\\bigcup_{i=1}^N B^i$. Since under hypotheses $\\bf F1^\\circ-F2^\\circ$ we have local $W^{2, p}$ bounds for all $p\\ge 1$ (see Theorem 7.1 [@CC-Fully]) it follows that we can employ a customary compactness argument for viscosity solutions to infer that there is a function $v_0\\in W^{2, p}_{loc}({\\mathbb{R}}^n)$ such that we have $$\\begin{aligned}\nv_k\\to v_0 \\quad &\\mbox{in}\\ W^{2, p}, \\forall p\\ge 1, \\\\\n|F(D^2v_k)|\\le C &\\mbox{uniformly}, \\\\\nv_0<0 &\\mbox{in}\\ K^-, \\\\\n|v_k|\\le C &\\mbox{in Harnack chain domain}\\ \\widetilde K, \\\\\n{\\partial}_2v_0(y_0+t_0e_2)\\le 0. ", "\\end{aligned}$$ From Theorem \\[C-mon\\] it follows that ${\\partial}_2v_0(y_0+t_0e_2)=0$. Moreover, $w={\\partial}_2 v_0$ satisfies the equation $F_{ij} D_{ij} w=0$ in $\\widetilde K$, hence from the strong maximum principle it follows that $w=0$ in $K^-$. Consequently, $v_0$ depends only on $x_1$ implying that $\\theta_0=0$ or $\\theta_0=\\pi/2$ which is a contradiction.", "\n\n\\[thm:only-conc\\] Let $u$ be as in Lemma \\[lem:mon\\]. ", "Then in some neighbourhood of $0$ the free boundary consists of four $C^1$ curves tangential to the zero set of the polynomial $M^2 x_1^2-x_2^2$.\n\nLet ${\\partial_{\\rm{sing}}\\{u>0\\}}={\\partial\\{u>0\\}}\\cap \\{|{\\nabla}u|=0\\}$. Clearly, it is enough to prove that there is $r$ such that ${\\partial_{\\rm{sing}}\\{u>0\\}}\\cap B_r=\\{0\\}$. Suppose the claim fails. ", "Then there is a sequence $x_k\\in {\\partial_{\\rm{sing}}\\{u>0\\}}$, $x_k\\to 0$. Let $M_k^-:=M^-(2r_k\\ell_0)=\\sup_{B_{2r_k\\ell_0}} u^-, r_k=|x_k|$ and consider $$v_k(x)=\\frac{u(r_k x)}{M^-(2r_k\\ell_0)} \\ \\text{where} \\ \\ell_0=\\sqrt{\\frac\\Lambda \\lambda}.$$ Note that $F(D^2 v_k)=-{\\chi_{\\{v_k>0\\}}}\\frac{r_k^2}{M^-(2r_k\\ell_0)}$, and therefore by dichotomy (see Section \\[sec:4\\]) and non-degeneracy $|F(D^2 v_k)|\\le C$ for some $C>0$ independent of $k$.\n\nBy construction $\\sup_{B_{2\\ell_0}}|v_k^-|=1$ and since $F(D^2 v_k)=0$ in $\\Omega^-(v_k):=\\{v_k<0\\}$ it follows that there is $z_k\\in {\\partial}B_{2\\ell_0}\\cap \\Omega^-(v_k)$ such that $v_k^-(z_k)=1$. Consequently, $\\operatorname{dist}(z_k+\\delta_0 e_2, \\{p=0\\})\\ge \\delta_0/2$ and by Lemma \\[lem:mon\\] $$v_k^-(z_k+\\delta_0 e_2)\\ge 1.$$\n\nWith the notation above we have $$M^+_k\\le M_k^-.$$\n\nTo check this we first observe that $\\text{trace}(A_t D^2 v_k(x))\\le F(D^2 v_k x)$ thanks to the convexity and $A_t\\in \\mathcal S_{\\lambda, \\Lambda}$. Now consider $w_{k, t}(x)=v_k(A^{\\frac12}_t x)$ then $\\Delta w_{k, t}(x)=\\text{trace}(A_t D^2 v_k(x))\\le F(D^2 v_k (x))$. Since $w_{k, t}$ is continuous and $w_{k, t}(0)=0$ then one can easily check that $$\\label{2fgnumb}\n\\fint_{B_r}w_{k,t}=\\int_0^r\\frac1{t}\\int_{B_t}\\Delta w_{k, t}\\le 0$$ because of convexity of $F$ and the estimate $F(D^2 v_k)\\le 0$.\n\nNote that $$\\int_{B_r}w_{k,t}(x)dx=\\frac1{\\sqrt{\\det A_{t}}}\\int_{\\left|A^{-\\frac12}y\\right|<r}v_k(y)dy\\le 0.$$\n\nThus from it follows that $$\\begin{aligned}\n\\frac1{\\Lambda}\\int_{B_{\\frac r{\\sqrt\\Lambda}}}v_k^+\n&\\le& \n\\frac1{\\sqrt{\\det A_{t}}}\\int_{\\left|A^{-\\frac12}y\\right|<r}v_k^+(y)dy\\le \\frac1{\\sqrt{\\det A_{t}}}\\int_{\\left|A^{-\\frac12}y\\right|<r}v_k^-(y)dy\\\\\n&\\le &\n\\frac1{{\\lambda }}\\int_{B_{\\frac r{\\sqrt \\lambda}}}v_k^-(y)dy, \\ \\ r<2.\\end{aligned}$$ Consequently, we get $$\\int_{B_r}v_k^+(y)dy\\le \\ell_0^2 \\int_{B_{r\\ell_0}}v_k^-.$$\n\nLet $\\widehat v_k=v_k+\\widehat C|x|^2$ then $$F(D^2 \\widehat v_k)\\ge F(D^2v_k)+2\\widehat C\\lambda \\ge 0,$$ provided that $\\widehat C$ is sufficiently large.", "\n\nWe see that $\\widehat v_k$ is a subsolution, and hence so is $\\widehat v_k^+$. Consequently, applying the weak Harnack inequality [@CC-Fully] we get $$\\sup_{B_{\\frac43}}v_k^+\\le \\sup_{B_{\\frac43}}\\widehat v_k^+\\le c_0\\int_{B_{2}}(v_k^-+\\widehat C|x|^2)\\le c_0(1+2\\pi \\widehat C).$$ This completes the proof of the claim.", "\n\nThus, as in the proof of Lemma \\[lem:mon\\], we can employ a customary compactness argument in $W^{2, p}$ so that $y_k=x_k/r_k\\to y_0\\in \\{x_2=M|x_1|\\}\\cap \n{\\partial}B_1$ and $${\\nabla}v_0(y_0)=0, \\quad v_0(z_0+\\delta_0e_2)\\ge 1$$ by Harnack chain and $C^{1, \\alpha}$ estimates in the Harnack chain domain (which joins $2\\ell_0e_2$ with $z_0+\\delta_0e_2$). ", "Since at $y_0$ free boundary is a line we can apply Hopf’s lemma to conclude that $v_0^-\\equiv 0$ which is a contradiction.", "\n\nExistence of homogenous blow-ups {#sec:5}\n================================\n\nIn this section we show that if the free boundary is a cone then one can blow-up the solution at the vertex so that the limit is a homogeneous function. ", "We start with a doubling inequality which provides a bound for the rate of the scaling at the vertex.", "\n\n\\[lem:doubling\\] Assume $\\bf F1^\\circ-F2^\\circ$ hold and $F$ is concave. ", "Let ${\\mathcal{K}}_t=\\{x=r\\sigma, \\sigma\\in S, 0< r<t\\}$, $S\\subset {\\mathbb{S}}^{n-1}$ such that ${\\partial}S$ is smooth. ", "Let $v$ be the solution to the Dirichlet problem $F(D^2 v)=0$ in ${\\mathcal{K}}_1 $ and $v=v_0$ on ${\\partial}{\\mathcal{K}}_1$ where $$v_0(x)=\n\\begin{cases}\n0 & x\\in {\\partial}{\\mathcal{K}}_1\\cap B_{\\frac34}, \\\\\n16\\left(|x|-\\frac34\\right)^2 &x\\in {\\partial}{\\mathcal{K}}_1\\setminus B_{\\frac34}.", "\n\\end{cases}$$ Then there is a constant ${\\varepsilon}>0$ such that $$\\label{eq:mon-R}\nv(Rx)\\le (1-{\\varepsilon}(1-R))v(x), \\quad x\\in {\\mathcal{K}}_1, \\forall R\\in\\left[\\frac12, 1\\right].$$\n\nExistence of $v$ follows from the Perron’s method [@CC-Fully].", "\n\nConsider the barrier $b\\left( x\\right) =1+\\dfrac {1}{\\alpha ^{2}}\\left( e^{-\\alpha }-e^{-\\alpha \\left| x\\right| ^{2}}\\right)$ for some $\\alpha>0$ to be fixed below. ", "We have $$\\begin{aligned}\nb_{i}(x)\n=\n\\dfrac {2x_i}{\\alpha }e^{-\\alpha \\left| x\\right| ^{2}},\\quad D^{2}_{ij}b\\left( x\\right) \n=\n\\dfrac {2}{\\alpha }e^{-\\alpha \\left| x\\right| ^{2}}\\left( \\delta _{ij}-2\\alpha x_{i}x_{j}\\right) , \\quad 1\\le i, j\\le n. \\end{aligned}$$ Consequently, in the ring $\\frac12\\le |x|\\le 1$ we have from $\\bf F1^\\circ$ and $\\bf F2^\\circ$ that $$\\begin{aligned}\nF(D^2b(x))\n&=&\n\\frac2\\alpha e^{-\\alpha|x|^2}F(\\delta_{ij}-2\\alpha x_ix_j)\\\\\n&\\le&\n\\frac2\\alpha e^{-\\alpha|x|^2}[F(\\delta_{ij})-\\lambda F(2\\alpha x_ix_j)]\\\\\n&\\le& \n\\frac2\\alpha e^{-\\alpha|x|^2}\\lambda\\left[\\frac\\Lambda\\lambda-2\\alpha|x|^2\\right]\\\\\n&\\le& 0\\end{aligned}$$ provided that $\\alpha\\ge 2\\frac\\Lambda\\lambda$.\n\nSince $b$ is concave function of $r=|x|$ and $v_0$ is convex in $r$ such that $b(0)\\ge v_0(0)$ and $b(x)\\ge v(x), |x|=1$, then it follows that $b(x)\\ge v_0(x)$ on ${\\partial}({\\mathcal{K}}_1\\setminus K_{\\frac12})$. Moreover, by the maximum principle we have $v(x)\\le 1$ on ${\\partial}K_{\\frac12}\\cap {\\partial}B_{\\frac12}$. Thus $v(x)\\le b(x)$ on ${\\partial}({\\mathcal{K}}_1\\setminus K_{\\frac12})$, which in conjunction with $F(D^2 b(x))\\le 0, \\frac12\\le |x|\\le 1$ and the comparison principle implies that $v(x)\\le b(x)$ in $({\\mathcal{K}}_1\\setminus K_{\\frac12})$.\n\nFurthermore, for $x\\in {\\partial}{\\mathcal{K}}_1{\\setminus}S$ we have $v(Rx)=0$, hence is true for every $x\\in {\\partial}{\\mathcal{K}}_1{\\setminus}S$. On the other hand on $S$ (where $|x|=1$) we have $$\\begin{aligned}\nv(Rx)\\le b(Rx)\n&=&1+ \\frac1{\\alpha^2}\\left[e^{-\\alpha }-e^{-\\alpha R^2}\\right]\n\\\\\n&\\le&\n1-\\frac1\\alpha e^{-\\alpha}(1-R)\\\\\n&=&\n\\left(1-\\frac1\\alpha e^{-\\alpha}(1-R)\\right)v(x), \\end{aligned}$$ where the last line follows from the mean value theorem. ", "Thus holds on ${\\partial}{\\mathcal{K}}_1$ with ${\\varepsilon}=\\frac{e^{-\\alpha}}\\alpha$. Applying the comparison principle to $v(Rx)$ and $(1-{\\varepsilon}(1-R))v(x)$ the result follows.", "\n\nWith the help of Lemma \\[lem:doubling\\] we can prove the existence of a homogeneous solution of the form $r^\\kappa\\phi(\\sigma)$ vanishing on the boundary of the cone $\\mathcal K_1$.\n\n\\[thm:v-exist\\] There is $\\kappa>0$ and $\\phi\\in C^\\infty({\\overline}S)$ satisfying $F(D^2(r^\\kappa\\phi(\\sigma)))=0, \\phi|_{{\\partial}S}=0, \\phi|_{K_1}>0$.\n\nFirst we want to compare $v$ with its scalings in order to obtain two sided bounds. ", "From , the strong maximum principle and Hopf’s lemma (see [@Giga]), we derive that there is a $k > 0$ such that $$\\label{eq:doubling-5}\nkv(x)\\le v(x/2)\\le k^{-1}v(x),$$ for all $x\\in {\\partial}{\\mathcal{K}}_{\\frac14}$. This and the weak comparison principle imply that holds for all $x\\in {\\mathcal{K}}_{\\frac14}$. Consequently, we can use the $C^0$-estimate of [@CC-Fully] and (combined with the barrier argument in [@Wang]) in order to obtain a $v^* \\in C^0({\\overline}\\Omega) \\cap C^1(\\Omega{\\setminus}\\{0\\})$ and a sequence of $R_k > 0$ tending to zero such that $$\\label{eq:limit-5}\n\\frac{v(R_kx)}{\\sup\\limits_{B_{R_k}} v}\\to v^*$$ in the sense $C^0({\\overline}\\Omega) \\cap C^1(\\Omega{\\setminus}\\{0\\})$. Moreover, $v^*\\ge 0$ in ${\\mathcal{K}}_1$, $v^*=0$ on ${\\partial}{\\mathcal{K}}_1{\\setminus}S$, $\\|v^*\\|_{L^\\infty({\\mathcal{K}}_1)}=1$ and $v^*$ is a viscosity solution of $F(D^2 v^\\ast)=0$ in ${\\mathcal{K}}_1$. By the strong maximum principle (see Lemma \\[lem:SCP\\]) and Hopf’s lemma [@Giga], $v^* > 0$, in ${\\mathcal{K}}_1$, and ${\\nabla}v^*\\not =0$ on ${\\partial}{\\mathcal{K}}_1{\\setminus}\\{\\{0\\}\\cup{\\overline}S\\}$.\n\nLet $R\\in (0,1)$. By Lemma \\[lem:hom-Tolk\\] it is enough to prove the existence of a $C_R > 0$ satisfying $$\\label{eq:hom-lim}\nv^*(Rx)=C_Rv^*(x).$$\n\nIn order to prove let us define $E_{r, R}=\\{c : cu(x)\\le u(Rx), \\forall x\\in {\\mathcal{K}}_r\\}$. By $E_{r, R}\\not =\\emptyset$. Note that $E_{r_2, R}\\subset E_{r_1, R}$, if $r_1<r_2$ and thus $$\\sup_{c\\in E_{r_2, R}} c\\le \\sup_{c\\in E_{r_1, R}} c.$$ In order to show , we set $$\\begin{aligned}\nc_{r, R}\n&=&\n\\sup_{E_{r, R}} c, \n\\\\\nC_R\n&=&\n\\sup\\{c_{r, R} : r\\in (0, 1)\\}.\\end{aligned}$$ By the weak comparison principle, $c_{r, R}$ is decreasing with respect to $r\\in (0, 1]$. This and imply that $$\\label{eq:hom-fail}\nC_Rv^*(x)\\le v^*(Rx), \\quad x\\in \\mathcal K_1.$$ Let us suppose that is not true. ", "Then, we can use , the strong comparison principle and Hopf’s comparison principle (see Section \\[sec:2\\], Lemmata \\[lem:SCP\\] and \\[lem:HCP\\]) to obtain a $\\delta>0$ such that $$(C_R+2\\delta)v^*(x)\\le v^*(Rx), x\\in {\\partial}{\\mathcal{K}}_{\\frac12}.$$ This and show that\n\n$$\\label{eq:hom-fail-2}\n(C_R+\\delta)v(x)\\le v(Rx), \\forall x\\in {\\partial}{\\mathcal{K}}_{r}.$$\n\nfor some $r>0$. By the weak comparison principle, holds for all $x\\in {\\mathcal{K}}_r$. This, however, is a contradiction to the definition of $C_R$. Hence, must be true.", "\n\nThe homogeneous solutions $r^\\kappa\\phi(\\sigma)$, constructed in Theorem \\[thm:v-exist\\], provide two-sided control for the scalings of the solutions of $F(D^2 u)=0$ in the cone ${\\mathcal{K}}_1$.\n\nLet $u\\ge 0$ be a viscosity solution of $F(D^2 u)=0$ in the cone ${\\mathcal{K}}_1$. Then then for every sequence $\\{R_k\\}_{k=1}^\\infty$, $R_k\\downarrow 0$ there exists a subsequence $R_{k_j}$ such that the functions $$u_j(x)=\\frac{u(x_0+R_{k_j}x)}{M(R_{k_j}, x_0)}, \\quad M(R_{k_j}, x_0)=\\sup_{B_{R_k}(x_0)} u$$ converges locally uniformly to $r^\\kappa \\phi(\\sigma)$.\n\nLet $b=r^\\kappa\\phi(\\sigma)$ then by the boundary Harnack principle there is a constant $C>0$ such that $$\\label{eq:nd9}\n\\frac1C b \\le u\\le C b\\quad \\text{ in}\\ {\\mathcal{K}}_{\\frac12}$$ We want to prove that there is a subsequence of $\\{R_k\\}$ such that $$\\label{eq:nd10}\nu_k\\to b$$ in $C^0({\\overline}{{\\mathcal{K}}_1})\\cap C^1({\\overline}{{\\mathcal{K}}_1}{\\setminus}\\{0\\})$.\n\nDefine $$c_R=\\sup_{E_R} c, \\quad E_R= \\{c\\ge 0 : cb\\le u, \\text{in} \\ {\\mathcal{K}}_R\\}.$$ By $E_R\\not =\\emptyset$. From the weak comparison principle (as in the proof of Theorem \\[thm:v-exist\\]), one derives that $c_R$ is decreasing with respect to $R$. Consequently, the limit $$c^*=\\lim_{R\\to 0} c_R$$ exists and it is positive. ", "The $C^\\alpha$-estimates of [@CC-Fully], $C^1({\\overline}{{\\mathcal{K}}_1}{\\setminus}\\{0\\})$ regularity result and imply that there is a subsequence of $\\{R_k\\}$ and a $u^*\\in C^0({\\overline}{{\\mathcal{K}}_1})\\cap C^1({\\overline}{{\\mathcal{K}}_1}{\\setminus}\\{0\\})$ such that $$\\label{eq:nd11}\nu_k\\to u^*$$ in the sense of $C^0({\\overline}{{\\mathcal{K}}_1})\\cap C^1({\\overline}{{\\mathcal{K}}_1}{\\setminus}\\{0\\})$. Moreover, $u^*=0$ on ${\\mathcal{K}}_1{\\setminus}S$, $u^*$ solves $F(D^2u^*)=0$ in ${\\mathcal{K}}_1$ and $$\\label{eq:nd12}\nc^*b\\le u^*, \\quad \\text{in}\\ {\\mathcal{K}}_1.$$\n\nNow, suppose that $u^*$ is not identical to $c^*b$ , in ${\\mathcal{K}}_1$. Then, , the strong comparison principle and Hopf’s comparison principle (see Section \\[sec:2\\], Lemmata \\[lem:SCP\\] and \\[lem:HCP\\]) imply that there is a $\\delta>0 $ such that $$(c^*+2\\delta)b(x)\\le u^*(x), x\\in {\\partial}{\\mathcal{K}}_{\\frac12}.$$ This and show that\n\n$$(c^*+\\delta)b(x)\\le u(x), \\forall x\\in {\\partial}{\\mathcal{K}}_{r}.$$\n\nfor some $r>0$. The weak comparison principle shows that this is true, also in ${\\mathcal{K}}_r$. This, however, is a contradiction to the definition of $c^*$. Hence, $c^*b = u^*$, in ${\\mathcal{K}}_1$, and is true.", "\n" ]
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[ "[The activity of the first line enzymes of the antioxidant defence in the liver of pubertal rats during stress].", "\nThe purpose of the work was to study the activity of the first line antioxidant defence enzymes in postmitochondrial fraction of liver of pubertal rats during immobilization stress. ", "During short-term immobilization the activity of catalase and glutathione peroxidase (GPx) decreased. ", "Long-term immobilization was accompanied by activation of GPx and superoxide dismutase in the liver postmitochondrial fraction of late pubertal and adult animals, but not early pubertal rats." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
[ 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "\n196 B.R. 51 (1996)\nIn re Heidi Elise MORRIS, Debtor.", "\nBarbara A. BETO, Executrix of the Estate of Bernard Beto, Deceased, Plaintiff,\nv.\nHeidi Elise MORRIS, Defendant.", "\nBankruptcy No. ", "95-11230. ", "Adv. ", "No. ", "96-1004.", "\nUnited States Bankruptcy Court, N.D. W. Virginia, Clarksburg Division.", "\nMay 22, 1996.", "\n*52 Jerald E. Jones, Clarksburg, WV, for Plaintiff.", "\nSally C. Collins, Dellslow, WV, for Debtor/Defendant.", "\n\nMEMORANDUM OPINION AND ORDER\nL. EDWARD FRIEND, II, Bankruptcy Judge.", "\nThis case centers on the breadth of a discharge issued under § 727 of the Bankruptcy Code, and the applicability of § 525(a), in relation to West Virginia Code § 17D-4-6(b). ", "The Court has jurisdiction to hear and determine the issues presented in this adversary proceeding pursuant to 28 U.S.C. §§ 157(a) and 1334. ", "This is a core proceeding pursuant to 28 U.S.C. § 157(b)(2)(A) & (I). ", "Pursuant to the Court's scheduling order of March 4, 1996, Plaintiff has submitted a brief on the issues presented. ", "Debtor has elected not to submit a response, and stands on the pleadings currently before the Court. ", "In its present posture, this case is ripe for determination.", "\n\nFACTS\nThe relevant facts of this case are not in dispute. ", "On February 3, 1994, Heidi Elise Morris (hereinafter \"Debtor\") struck and killed a pedestrian, Bernard Beto, while operating a motor vehicle owned by her husband. ", "At the time of the accident, said motor vehicle was uninsured. ", "On April 24, 1995 Barbara Beto, as Executrix of the estate of Bernard Beto, filed a wrongful death action in the Circuit Court of Marion County. ", "Debtor filed a pro se answer to the complaint and on October 20, 1995 filed for relief under Chapter 7 of the Bankruptcy Code, listing the pending civil action in her bankruptcy schedules.", "\nOn January 11, 1996 Barbara Beto filed the immediate nondischargeability complaint. ", "In the complaint, in which Mrs. Beto seeks leave to pursue the state court action and, if a judgment in excess of $20,000 is obtained, a declaration that said balance is nondischargeable, Plaintiff does not allege DUI related issues or willful or malicious conduct on Debtor's part. ", "Furthermore, Plaintiff does not base her complaint on any plausible ground for nondischargeability established in 11 U.S.C. § 523. ", "The sole basis asserted for allowing the case to proceed is West Virginia Code §§ 17D-4-5(a) & 6(b), which call for the suspension of a driver's license when judgment has been rendered against said driver and said driver was not covered by an insurance policy at the time of the accident, regardless of whether that person has received a discharge of her debts in bankruptcy.", "\n\nDISCUSSION\nThe West Virginia Motor Vehicle Responsibility Law (W.Va.", "Code § 17D-1-1 et seq.) ", "is a comprehensive statutory scheme enacted with the intent of \"promoting the public welfare by requiring every owner or registrant of a motor vehicle licensed in [the] State to maintain certain security during the *53 registration period of such vehicle.\" ", "W.Va. ", "Code § 17D-2A-1 (1981). ", "Pursuant to W.Va.", "Code § 17D-4-4, whenever a person against whom a judgment has been rendered, and whom was uninsured at the time of the accident resulting in said damages, fails within thirty days to satisfy that judgment, the judgment creditor may, upon written request, have a certified copy of said judgment forwarded to the commissioner. ", "Upon receipt of a certified copy of said judgment, the commissioner \"shall forthwith suspend the license and registration . . . ", "of [the judgment debtor].\" ", "W.Va.", "Code § 17D-4-5(a) (1987).[1] Said suspension is to continue, \"unless and until [the judgment] is stayed, satisfied in full or to the extent hereinafter provided.\" ", "W.Va.", "Code § 17D-4-6(a) (1987). ", "Such judgment may be paid in installments pursuant to W.Va.", "Code § 17D-4-8, and is \"satisfied in full,\" for purposes of this case, when \"twenty thousand dollars has been credited upon any judgment . . . ", "rendered in excess of that amount because of bodily injury to or death of one person as the result of any one accident.\" ", "W.Va.", "Code § 17D-4-7(a)(1) (1979). ", "Of primary significance to the case at hand, W.Va.", "Code § 17D-4-6(b) indicates that \"a discharge in bankruptcy following the rendering of any such judgment shall not relieve the judgment debtor from any of the requirements of this article.\"", "\nIn direct contrast with the West Virginia statutory scheme outlined above, Section 727(b) of the Bankruptcy Code provides that a discharge in a chapter 7 case discharges the debtor from all debts that arose before the date of the order for relief, except those specifically provided for in § 523(a), as well as any liability for claims arising out of prepetition events. ", "Furthermore, such discharge, \"voids any judgment at any time obtained, to the extent that such judgment is a determination of the personal liability of the debtor with respect to any debt discharged under section 727 . . .;\" ", "and \"operates as an injunction against the commencement or continuation of an action, . . . ", "to collect, recover or setoff any such debt as a personal liability of the debtor. . . .\" ", "11 U.S.C. § 524(a)(1) & (2) (1994). ", "Even more specifically, § 525 of the Bankruptcy Code, entitled \"Protection against discriminatory treatment,\" expressly indicates that:\na governmental unit may not deny, revoke, suspend, or refuse to renew a license . . . ", "to, . . . ", "a person that is or has been a debtor under this title . . . ", "solely because such bankrupt or debtor is or has been a debtor under this title, . . . ", "has been insolvent before the commencement of the case under this title, or during the case but before the debtor is granted or denied a discharge, or has not paid a debt that is dischargeable in the case under this title. . . .", "\n11 U.S.C. § 525(a) (1994).", "\nThis section codifies that result in Perez v. Campbell, 402 U.S. 637, 91 S.Ct. ", "1704, 29 L.Ed.2d 233 (1971), which held that a State would frustrate the Congressional policy of a fresh start for a debtor if it were permitted to refuse to renew a driver's license because a tort judgment resulting from an automobile accident had been unpaid as a result of a discharge in bankruptcy. ", "See; H.Rept. ", "No. ", "95-595 to accompany H.R. 8200, 95th Cong., ", "1st Sess. (", "1977) pp. ", "366, 367.", "\nIn this case, Plaintiff seeks leave of the Court to proceed with her wrongful death suit against Debtor, with any attendant judgment being determined nondischargeable solely on the basis of West Virginia Code §§ 17D-4-5(a) & 6(b). ", "This the Plaintiff cannot do. ", "In the first instance, Plaintiff has not alleged any valid statutory basis under § 523(a) or § 727 of the Bankruptcy Code which would prevent such debts from being discharged in the underlying case. ", "Second, said action would therefore be violative of § 524(a) in that the effect of Debtor's discharge would be that she would no longer remain personally liable for any debt to Plaintiff arising out of the accident which occurred February 3, 1994, as such accident occurred prior to Debtor's bankruptcy filing and would be dischargeable under § 727.", "\nTo the extent that the underlying basis for Plaintiff's complaint sounds in state *54 statutory law contrary to that expressed in the Bankruptcy Code, it cannot be relied upon. ", "The Supremacy Clause of the United States Constitution, Article Six, provides Congress with the power to preempt state law by providing:\nThis Constitution, and the Laws of the United States which shall be made in Pursuance thereof; and all Treaties made, or which shall be made, under the Authority of the United States, shall be the supreme Law of the Land; and the Judges in every State shall be bound thereby, any Thing in the Constitution or Laws of any State to the Contrary notwithstanding.", "\nThe Constitution further provides, at Article I, section 8, paragraph 4:\nThe Congress shall have Power. . . .", "\nTo establish an uniform Rule of Naturalization, and uniform Laws on the subject of Bankruptcies throughout the United States. . . .", "\nTherefore, it is clear that when Congress promulgates legislation regarding matters pertaining to bankruptcy issues, Article I limits the power of the states to issue laws in contravention of them.", "\nIn summary, the Court finds that, as a matter of law, West Virginia Code § 17D-4-6(b), being in direct contravention of 11 U.S.C. § 525(a), is invalid and cannot be used as a basis for denying Debtor's discharge from any personal liability arising out of her operation of a motor vehicle on February 3, 1994. ", "Further, use of said section in attempting to collect any sums from Debtor would be violative of both § 524(a) and § 525(a) of the Bankruptcy Code. ", "There having been no valid assertions made as to the nondischargeability of Debtor's liability to Plaintiff pursuant to § 523(a) or § 727, Plaintiff's complaint fails to state a claim upon which relief can be granted. ", "Therefore, this case shall be dismissed, with the injunctions of Bankruptcy Code §§ 524(a), 525(a) & 727 left intact.", "\nNOTES\n[1] Said suspension can be waived by the commissioner at his discretion, notwithstanding default in the payment of the judgment at issue. ", "W.Va. ", "Code § 17D-4-5(b).", "\n" ]
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[ "Rhodopaea\n\nRhodopaea (or Gruevia) is a genus of leaf beetles in the subfamily Eumolpinae. ", "It originally contained only one species, Rhodopaea angelovi, which is paleoendemic to the western Rhodopes of Bulgaria. ", "In 2019, a second species, Rhodopaea heinzi, was described from northwestern Anatolia in Turkey.", "\n\nTaxonomy\nThe genus Rhodopaea and the type species, R. angelovi, were originally described by Gruev & Tomov in 1968. ", "In 1974, Warchałowski suggested the generic name Gruevia, believing the name Rhodopaea to be preoccupied by a butterfly genus of the same name described by Achille Guenée in 1845. ", "The name of the type species would therefore be Gruevia angelovi. ", "However, it turned out the genus described by Guenée (1845) was actually called Rhodophaea, which was misspelled as Rhodopaea by Bytinski-Salz (1938). ", "Therefore, Rhodopaea angelovi remains the valid name for the type species.", "\n\nSpecies\n Rhodopaea angelovi Gruev & Tomov, 1968\n Rhodopaea heinzi Kippenberg, 2019\n\nReferences\n\nCategory:Eumolpinae\nCategory:Chrysomelidae genera\nCategory:Beetles of Europe" ]
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[ "Clinical relevance of colonic lesions in cirrhotic patients with portal hypertension.", "\nThis prospective study was conducted in order to evaluate whether the colonic lesions previously described in cirrhotic patients may be of clinical relevance. ", "Eighty-five patients with cirrhosis of the liver, but without colonic or systemic diseases unrelated to the liver disease, underwent colonoscopy and were followed up for at least 2 years. ", "Colonic varices were observed in 31 % of the patients, portal hypertensive colopathy (PHC; defined as diffuse hyperemia, edema, spider angiomas, and spontaneous bleeding of the colonic mucosa) in 54 %, and normal colonic findings in 18 %. ", "Colonic varices and PHC were present simultaneously in 27 % of the patients. ", "Previous sclerotherapy or band ligation treatment for esophageal varices had been carried out in 27 % and 23 % of the patients, respectively. ", "Portal hypertensive gastropathy was observed in 42 % of the patients. ", "Polyps were found in 12 % of the cirrhotic patients and cancer in 3 %. ", "All of the patients were followed up for at least 2 years; 34 % of them developed upper gastrointestinal hemorrhage (81 % from esophageal varices, 19 % from the stomach), while only 6 % developed lower gastrointestinal bleeding. ", "Colonic lesions are frequent in cirrhotic patients, but statistical analysis showed that these lesions are not specific for the disease and do not correlate with the etiology and degree of cirrhosis, with the endoscopic treatment of esophageal varices, or with the risk of bleeding from the lower gastrointestinal tract." ]
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[ "Q:\n\nWin32APIでキー入力を用いた簡易タイピングソフトを作成したのですが、うまく実行されません\n\nいつもお世話になっております。", "\n只今、Windows10上でC言語とWin32APIを使用し、VisualStudioでコンパイルしながらWindowsプログラミングを勉強しています。", "\n今回、質問させて頂きたいのは、「猫でもわかるWindowsプログラミング第4版」の第5章簡易タイピングソフトを作るの回で、掲載されてあったコードを実行してみたのですが、ウィンドウが起動しても、真っ白の状態でタイピングの問題が出題されません。", "\nグローバル変数のTCHAR szMondai[32], szInput[32], szCheck[32];あたりが怪しいと思うのですが、アドバイスよろしくお願いいたします。", "\n#pragma comment(lib, \"winmm.lib\")\n#include <windows.h>\n#include <time.h>\n\nLRESULT CALLBACK WndProc(HWND, UINT, WPARAM, LPARAM);\nATOM InitApp(HINSTANCE);\nBOOL InitInstance(HINSTANCE, int);\nint TypeStart(HWND);\n\nTCHAR szClassName[] = TEXT(\"Key01\");\nTCHAR szMondai[32], szInput[32], szCheck[32];\nint iMon;\nDWORD dwStart, dwEnd;\nBOOL bStart = FALSE, bSeikai = TRUE;\n\nint WINAPI WinMain(HINSTANCE hCurInst, HINSTANCE hPrevInst, LPSTR lsCmdLine, int nCmdShow) {\n MSG msg;\n BOOL bRet;\n\n if (!", "InitApp(hCurInst))\n return FALSE;\n if (!", "InitInstance(hCurInst, nCmdShow))\n return FALSE;\n\n // メッセージ取得\n while ((bRet = GetMessage(&msg, NULL, 0, 0)) !", "= 0) {\n if (bRet == -1) {\n break;\n }\n else {\n TranslateMessage(&msg); // メッセージ変換\n DispatchMessage(&msg); // メッセージを送出\n }\n }\n return (int)msg.wParam;\n}\n\n// ウィンドウクラスの登録\nATOM InitApp(HINSTANCE hInst) {\n WNDCLASSEX wc;\n wc.cbSize = sizeof(WNDCLASSEX); // 構造体のサイズ\n wc.style = CS_HREDRAW | CS_VREDRAW; // クラスのスタイル\n wc.lpfnWndProc = WndProc; // プロシージャ名\n wc.cbClsExtra = 0;\n wc.cbWndExtra = 0;\n wc.hInstance = hInst; // インスタンス\n wc.hIcon = NULL;\n wc.hCursor = (HCURSOR)LoadImage(\n NULL, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDC_ARROW),\n IMAGE_CURSOR, 0, 0, LR_DEFAULTSIZE | LR_SHARED\n );\n wc.hbrBackground = (HBRUSH)GetStockObject(WHITE_BRUSH); // 背景ブラシ\n wc.lpszMenuName = NULL; // メニュー名\n wc.lpszClassName = szClassName; // クラス名\n wc.hIconSm = NULL;\n\n return (RegisterClassEx(&wc));\n}\n\nBOOL InitInstance(HINSTANCE hInst, int nCmdShow) {\n HWND hWnd;\n\n hWnd = CreateWindow(szClassName, // クラス名\n TEXT(\"猫でもわかるKeyプログラム\"), // ウインドウ名\n WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW, // ウィンドウスタイル\n CW_USEDEFAULT, // x位置\n CW_USEDEFAULT, // y位置\n 240, // window幅\n 180, // window高さ\n NULL, // 親ウィンドウのハンドル、親を作るときはNULL\n NULL,\n hInst,\n NULL\n );\n if (!", "hWnd)\n return FALSE;\n ShowWindow(hWnd, nCmdShow); // ウィンドウの表示状態を設定\n UpdateWindow(hWnd); // ウィンドウを更新\n return TRUE;\n}\n\n// ウィンドウプロシージャ(コールバック関数)\nLRESULT CALLBACK WndProc(HWND hWnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wp, LPARAM lp) {\n HDC hdc;\n PAINTSTRUCT ps;\n static HMENU hMenu;\n MMTIME mm;\n\n switch (msg) {\n case WM_CREATE:\n srand((unsigned int)time(NULL));\n hMenu = GetMenu(hWnd);\n break;\n case WM_PAINT:\n hdc = BeginPaint(hWnd, &ps);\n TextOut(hdc, 0, 0, szMondai, lstrlen(szMondai));\n TextOut(hdc, 0, 40, szInput, lstrlen(szInput));\n if (bSeikai)\n SetTextColor(hdc, RGB(0, 0, 0));\n else\n SetTextColor(hdc, RGB(255, 0, 0));\n TextOut(hdc, 0, 80, szCheck, lstrlen(szCheck));\n EndPaint(hWnd, &ps);\n break;\n case WM_CHAR:\n if (wp == VK_SPACE && (!", "bStart)) {\n bStart = TRUE;\n TypeStart(hWnd);\n break;\n }\n if (bStart == FALSE)\n return DefWindowProc(hWnd, msg, wp, lp);\n if (wp == VK_ESCAPE) {\n lstrcpy(szMondai, TEXT(\"\"));\n lstrcpy(szInput, TEXT(\"\"));\n lstrcpy(szCheck, TEXT(\"\"));\n InvalidateRect(hWnd, NULL, TRUE);\n bStart = FALSE;\n break;\n }\n wsprintf(szInput, TEXT(\" あなたの入力 =\\\"%c\\\"\"), (int)wp);\n if (iMon == (int)wp) {\n bSeikai = TRUE;\n\n // システム時刻をミリ秒単位で取得\n mm.wType = TIME_MS;\n timeGetSystemTime(&mm, sizeof(MMTIME));\n dwEnd = mm.u.ms;\n\n wsprintf(szCheck, TEXT(\" 反応時間[%d ミリ秒]\"), dwEnd - mm.u.ms);\n TypeStart(hWnd);\n }\n else {\n bSeikai = FALSE;\n MessageBeep(MB_OK);\n lstrcpy(szCheck, TEXT(\" タイプミス! \"));", "\n }\n InvalidateRect(hWnd, NULL, TRUE);\n break;\n case WM_DESTROY:\n PostQuitMessage(0);\n break;\n default:\n return (DefWindowProc(hWnd, msg, wp, lp));\n }\n return 0;\n}\n\nint TypeStart(HWND hWnd) {\n int n;\n MMTIME mm;\n\n n = rand() % 26;\n iMon = 'a' + n;\n wsprintf(szMondai, TEXT(\" 問題 =\\\"%c\\\"\"), iMon);\n\n // システム時刻を取得\n mm.wType = TIME_MS;\n timeGetSystemTime(&mm, sizeof(MMTIME));\n dwStart = mm.u.ms;\n\n InvalidateRect(hWnd, NULL, TRUE);\n return 0;\n}\n\nA:\n\nウィンドウプロシージャの中のcase WM_CHAR:のところを見ると、スペースキーを押して初めて問題が表示されるようになっています。試しにウィンドウが開いたら、スペースキーを押してみてください。", "\n\n" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nWhat is this in a recyclerView click handling?", "\n\nIm confused how click handling works here. ", "Why are we this from main activity to GreenAdapter constructor and set ListItemClickListener mOnClickListener to this.", "\nHow exactly is click handling working in RecyclerView. ", "\nThe NumberViewHolder is only created or called 10 times here and its recycled for the rest of the 100 item views. ", "So how is onClick(View v) distinguished between the 100 different list item views. ", "We only set itemView.setOnClickListener on the 10 item Views created.", "\npublic class GreenAdapter extends RecyclerView.", "Adapter<GreenAdapter.", "NumberViewHolder> {\n\n private static final String TAG = GreenAdapter.class.getSimpleName();\n\n final private ListItemClickListener mOnClickListener;\n\n private static int viewHolderCount;\n\n private int mNumberItems;\n\n public interface ListItemClickListener {\n void onListItemClick(int clickedItemIndex);\n }\n\n public GreenAdapter(int numberOfItems, ListItemClickListener listener) {\n mNumberItems = numberOfItems;\n mOnClickListener = listener;\n viewHolderCount = 0;\n }\n\n @Override\n public NumberViewHolder onCreateViewHolder(ViewGroup viewGroup, int viewType) {\n Context context = viewGroup.getContext();\n int layoutIdForListItem = R.layout.number_list_item;\n LayoutInflater inflater = LayoutInflater.from(context);\n boolean shouldAttachToParentImmediately = false;\n\n View view = inflater.inflate(layoutIdForListItem, viewGroup, shouldAttachToParentImmediately);\n NumberViewHolder viewHolder = new NumberViewHolder(view);\n\n viewHolder.viewHolderIndex.setText(\"ViewHolder index: \" + viewHolderCount);\n\n int backgroundColorForViewHolder = ColorUtils\n .getViewHolderBackgroundColorFromInstance(context, viewHolderCount);\n viewHolder.itemView.setBackgroundColor(backgroundColorForViewHolder);\n\n viewHolderCount++;\n Log.d(TAG, \"onCreateViewHolder: number of ViewHolders created: \"\n + viewHolderCount);\n return viewHolder;\n }\n\n @Override\n public void onBindViewHolder(NumberViewHolder holder, int position) {\n Log.d(TAG, \"#\" + position);\n holder.bind(position);\n }\n\n @Override\n public int getItemCount() {\n return mNumberItems;\n }\n\n class NumberViewHolder extends RecyclerView.", "ViewHolder\n implements View.", "OnClickListener {\n\n // Will display the position in the list, ie 0 through getItemCount() - 1\n TextView listItemNumberView;\n // Will display which ViewHolder is displaying this data\n TextView viewHolderIndex;\n\n public NumberViewHolder(View itemView) {\n super(itemView);\n\n listItemNumberView = (TextView) itemView.findViewById(R.id.tv_item_number);\n viewHolderIndex = (TextView) itemView.findViewById(R.id.tv_view_holder_instance);\n\n itemView.setOnClickListener(this);\n }\n\n void bind(int listIndex) {\n listItemNumberView.setText(String.valueOf(listIndex));\n }\n\n @Override\n public void onClick(View v) {\n int clickedPosition = getAdapterPosition();\n mOnClickListener.onListItemClick(clickedPosition);\n }\n }\n}\n\nIn mainActivity, i have\npublic class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity\n implements GreenAdapter.", "ListItemClickListener {\n...\n @Override\n protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {\n super.onCreate(savedInstanceState);\n setContentView(R.layout.activity_main);\n\n mNumbersList = (RecyclerView) findViewById(R.id.rv_numbers);\n\n LinearLayoutManager layoutManager = new LinearLayoutManager(this);\n mNumbersList.setLayoutManager(layoutManager);\n\n mNumbersList.setHasFixedSize(true);\n\n mAdapter = new GreenAdapter(NUM_LIST_ITEMS, this);\n mNumbersList.setAdapter(mAdapter);\n }\n @Override\n public void onListItemClick(int clickedItemIndex) {\n\n if (mToast !", "= null) {\n mToast.cancel();\n }\n\n String toastMessage = \"Item #\" + clickedItemIndex + \" clicked.\";", "\n mToast = Toast.makeText(this, toastMessage, Toast.", "LENGTH_LONG);\n\n mToast.show();\n }\n...\n}\n\nA:\n\nThe ViewHolder mission is to maintain your different views (100 in this case) available. ", "This is crazy for the device performance, so the RecyclerView 'recycles' them 10 by 10 (or whatever). ", "The NumberViewHolder is called for each of this 10 different elements, so the system knows which element is referred when you click on it.", "\nThis is the reason why you set the itemView.setOnClickListener(this); on it, because each View has to have his own.", "\nFrom the Android Developers Guide:\nRecyclerView.", "ViewHolder\n\nA ViewHolder describes an item view and metadata about its place\n within the RecyclerView.", "\n\nSo everything you want to set for your View has to be defined in there, then the RecyclerView will do the 'dirty job' of apply it for all the items.", "\nEdit: Here you have a similar question I asked more than a year ago about the same thing: Click an ImageButton which belongs to a CardView inside a RecyclerView\n\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
[ 0, 0, 0, 0.017857142857142856, 0, 0, 0.014492753623188406, 0.041666666666666664, 0.047619047619047616, 0.004481792717086834, 0.05714285714285714, 0.0041109969167523125, 0.004761904761904762, 0, 0.01694915254237288, 0.006944444444444444, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.02912621359223301, 0.006666666666666667, 0.012269938650306749 ]
[ "Lighting is often used to illuminate metropolitan areas in order to guide people through the metropolitan areas. ", "Typically, such lighting is static and merely turns on and off according to switches that are controlled by individuals responsible for managing the lighting. ", "Although such lighting configurations may be suitable for simply illuminating a location, the lighting may not be able to adapt to changing surroundings of the location. ", "Because certain metropolitan areas are constantly changing, there may be missed opportunities to appeal to persons moving in the metropolitan areas at different times in a day.", "\nMoreover, many communities have traditional un-connected lighting system and will continue to adopt connected solutions at the current low rates. ", "Unconnected lighting systems are not amenable to remote diagnostics. ", "Fault detection is carried out manually by citizens filing complaints and periodic inspections. ", "These maintenance operations are both expensive and slow due to their reactionary nature. ", "Proactive approaches to detecting faulty streetlights, for example, are very beneficial for cities." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "USPTO Backgrounds" }
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[ "Another miracle mentioned within the Qur’an is the barrier between the two seas. ", "Yes, both sea’s have their own temperature, salinity and density. ", "No matter how much they clash, the large Continue Reading →\n\n\"It is He Who has Let free the two bodies Of flowing water: One palatable and sweet, And the other salty and bitter; Yet has He Made a barrier between them, And a partition that is forbidden To be passed.\" (", "Qur'an 25:53)\n\n\"It is Allah Who sends The Winds, and they raise The Clouds: then does He Spread them in the sky As He wills, and break them Into fragments, until thou seest Raindrops issue from the midst Thereof: then when He has Made them reach such Of His servants as He wills, Behold, they do rejoice!\" (", "Qur'an 30:48)\n\n\"It is He Who has Created man from water: Then has He established Relationships of lineage And marriage: for thy Lord Has power (over all things).\" (", "Qur’an 25:54)\n\"And Allah has created Every animal from water.\" (", "Qur’an 24:45)\n\n\"And has sent Down water from the sky.’ ", "With it have We produced Diverse pairs of plants Each separate from the others.\" {", "Qur’an 20:53)\n\"Glory to Allah, Who created In pairs all things that The earth produces, as well as Their own (human) kind And (other) things of which They have no knowledge.\" (", "Qur’an 36:36)\n\n\"And you will see the mountains presuming them fixed whereas they will be moving like the clouds; this is Allah’s making, Who created all things with wisdom; indeed He is Informed of what you do.\" (", "Qur'an, 27:88)\n\n\"It is He Who sends out the winds, bringing advance news of His mercy, so that when they have lifted up the heavy clouds, We dispatch them to a dead land and send down water to it, by means of which We bring forth all kinds of fruit.\" (", "Qur'an, 7:57)\n\n\"And We have appointed positions for the moon till it returns like an old branch of the date palm. ", "It is not for the sun to catch up with the moon, nor does the night surpass the day; and each one of them floats in its orbit.\" (", "Qur'an, 36:39-40)\n\n\"That Day We will fold up heaven like folding up the pages of a book. ", "As We originated the first creation so We will regenerate it. ", "It is a promise binding on Us. ", "That is what We will do.\" (", "Qur'an, 21:104)\n\n“Or is like the darkness in a deep sea. ", "It is covered by waves, above which are waves, above which clouds. ", "Darkness, one above another. ", "If a man stretches out his hand, he can hardly see it. ", "For any to whom God gives not light, there is no light.” (", "Qur’an, 24:40)\n\n\"We shall soon put those who disbelieve in Our signs into the fire; whenever their skins are cooked (fully burnt) We shall change them for new skins so they may taste the punishment (again and again); indeed Allah is Almighty, Wise.\" (", "Qur’an 4:56)\n\n\"And the disbelievers said, “The Last Day will never come upon us”; proclaim, “Surely yes, why not? ", "By oath of my Lord, it will surely come upon you - the All Knowing of the hidden; nothing is hidden from Him - equal to an atom or less than it or greater - in the heavens or in the earth, but it is in a clear Book\" (Qur’an 34:3)" ]
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[ "/*\n * Copyright (c) 1996, 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. ", "All rights reserved.", "\n * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER.", "\n *\n * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it\n * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as\n * published by the Free Software Foundation. ", " Oracle designates this\n * particular file as subject to the \"Classpath\" exception as provided\n * by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.", "\n *\n * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT\n * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or\n * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. ", " See the GNU General Public License\n * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that\n * accompanied this code).", "\n *\n * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version\n * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,\n * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.", "\n *\n * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA\n * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any\n * questions.", "\n */\n\npackage java.awt.event;\n\nimport java.awt.", "AWTEvent;\nimport java.lang.annotation.", "Native;\n\n/**\n * A semantic event which indicates that a component-defined action occurred.", "\n * This high-level event is generated by a component (such as a\n * {@code Button}) when\n * the component-specific action occurs (such as being pressed).", "\n * The event is passed to every {@code ActionListener} object\n * that registered to receive such events using the component's\n * {@code addActionListener} method.", "\n * <p>\n * <b>Note:</b> To invoke an {@code ActionEvent} on a\n * {@code Button} using the keyboard, use the Space bar.", "\n * <P>\n * The object that implements the {@code ActionListener} interface\n * gets this {@code ActionEvent} when the event occurs. ", "The listener\n * is therefore spared the details of processing individual mouse movements\n * and mouse clicks, and can instead process a \"meaningful\" (semantic)\n * event like \"button pressed\".", "\n * <p>\n * An unspecified behavior will be caused if the {@code id} parameter\n * of any particular {@code ActionEvent} instance is not\n * in the range from {@code ACTION_FIRST} to {@code ACTION_LAST}.", "\n *\n * @see ActionListener\n * @see <a href=\"https://docs.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/uiswing/events/actionlistener.html\">Tutorial: How to Write an Action Listener</a>\n *\n * @author Carl Quinn\n * @since 1.1\n */\npublic class ActionEvent extends AWTEvent {\n\n /**\n * The shift modifier. ", "An indicator that the shift key was held\n * down during the event.", "\n */\n public static final int SHIFT_MASK = 1 << 0;\n\n /**\n * The control modifier. ", "An indicator that the control key was held\n * down during the event.", "\n */\n public static final int CTRL_MASK = 1 << 1;\n\n /**\n * The meta modifier. ", "An indicator that the meta key was held\n * down during the event.", "\n */\n public static final int META_MASK = 1 << 2;\n\n /**\n * The alt modifier. ", "An indicator that the alt key was held\n * down during the event.", "\n */\n public static final int ALT_MASK = 1 << 3;\n\n\n /**\n * The first number in the range of ids used for action events.", "\n */\n public static final int ACTION_FIRST = 1001;\n\n /**\n * The last number in the range of ids used for action events.", "\n */\n public static final int ACTION_LAST = 1001;\n\n /**\n * This event id indicates that a meaningful action occurred.", "\n */\n @Native public static final int ACTION_PERFORMED = ACTION_FIRST; //Event.", "ACTION_EVENT\n\n /**\n * The nonlocalized string that gives more details\n * of what actually caused the event.", "\n * This information is very specific to the component\n * that fired it.", "\n\n * @serial\n * @see #getActionCommand\n */\n String actionCommand;\n\n /**\n * Timestamp of when this event occurred. ", "Because an ActionEvent is a high-\n * level, semantic event, the timestamp is typically the same as an\n * underlying InputEvent.", "\n *\n * @serial\n * @see #getWhen\n */\n long when;\n\n /**\n * This represents the key modifier that was selected,\n * and is used to determine the state of the selected key.", "\n * If no modifier has been selected it will default to\n * zero.", "\n *\n * @serial\n * @see #getModifiers\n */\n int modifiers;\n\n /*\n * JDK 1.1 serialVersionUID\n */\n private static final long serialVersionUID = -7671078796273832149L;\n\n /**\n * Constructs an {@code ActionEvent} object.", "\n * <p>\n * This method throws an\n * {@code IllegalArgumentException} if {@code source}\n * is {@code null}.", "\n * A {@code null command} string is legal,\n * but not recommended.", "\n *\n * @param source The object that originated the event\n * @param id An integer that identifies the event.", "\n * For information on allowable values, see\n * the class description for {@link ActionEvent}\n * @param command A string that may specify a command (possibly one\n * of several) associated with the event\n * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code source} is null\n * @see #getSource()\n * @see #getID()\n * @see #getActionCommand()\n */\n public ActionEvent(Object source, int id, String command) {\n this(source, id, command, 0);\n }\n\n /**\n * Constructs an {@code ActionEvent} object with modifier keys.", "\n * <p>\n * This method throws an\n * {@code IllegalArgumentException} if {@code source}\n * is {@code null}.", "\n * A {@code null command} string is legal,\n * but not recommended.", "\n *\n * @param source The object that originated the event\n * @param id An integer that identifies the event.", "\n * For information on allowable values, see\n * the class description for {@link ActionEvent}\n * @param command A string that may specify a command (possibly one\n * of several) associated with the event\n * @param modifiers The modifier keys down during event\n * (shift, ctrl, alt, meta).", "\n * Passing negative parameter is not recommended.", "\n * Zero value means that no modifiers were passed\n * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code source} is null\n * @see #getSource()\n * @see #getID()\n * @see #getActionCommand()\n * @see #getModifiers()\n */\n public ActionEvent(Object source, int id, String command, int modifiers) {\n this(source, id, command, 0, modifiers);\n }\n\n /**\n * Constructs an {@code ActionEvent} object with the specified\n * modifier keys and timestamp.", "\n * <p>\n * This method throws an\n * {@code IllegalArgumentException} if {@code source}\n * is {@code null}.", "\n * A {@code null command} string is legal,\n * but not recommended.", "\n *\n * @param source The object that originated the event\n * @param id An integer that identifies the event.", "\n * For information on allowable values, see\n * the class description for {@link ActionEvent}\n * @param command A string that may specify a command (possibly one\n * of several) associated with the event\n * @param modifiers The modifier keys down during event\n * (shift, ctrl, alt, meta).", "\n * Passing negative parameter is not recommended.", "\n * Zero value means that no modifiers were passed\n * @param when A long that gives the time the event occurred.", "\n * Passing negative or zero value\n * is not recommended\n * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code source} is null\n * @see #getSource()\n * @see #getID()\n * @see #getActionCommand()\n * @see #getModifiers()\n * @see #getWhen()\n *\n * @since 1.4\n */\n public ActionEvent(Object source, int id, String command, long when,\n int modifiers) {\n super(source, id);\n this.actionCommand = command;\n this.when = when;\n this.modifiers = modifiers;\n }\n\n /**\n * Returns the command string associated with this action.", "\n * This string allows a \"modal\" component to specify one of several\n * commands, depending on its state. ", "For example, a single button might\n * toggle between \"show details\" and \"hide details\". ", "The source object\n * and the event would be the same in each case, but the command string\n * would identify the intended action.", "\n * <p>\n * Note that if a {@code null} command string was passed\n * to the constructor for this {@code ActionEvent}, this\n * this method returns {@code null}.", "\n *\n * @return the string identifying the command for this event\n */\n public String getActionCommand() {\n return actionCommand;\n }\n\n /**\n * Returns the timestamp of when this event occurred. ", "Because an\n * ActionEvent is a high-level, semantic event, the timestamp is typically\n * the same as an underlying InputEvent.", "\n *\n * @return this event's timestamp\n * @since 1.4\n */\n public long getWhen() {\n return when;\n }\n\n /**\n * Returns the modifier keys held down during this action event.", "\n *\n * @return the bitwise-or of the modifier constants\n */\n public int getModifiers() {\n return modifiers;\n }\n\n /**\n * Returns a parameter string identifying this action event.", "\n * This method is useful for event-logging and for debugging.", "\n *\n * @return a string identifying the event and its associated command\n */\n @SuppressWarnings(\"deprecation\")\n public String paramString() {\n String typeStr;\n switch(id) {\n case ACTION_PERFORMED:\n typeStr = \"ACTION_PERFORMED\";\n break;\n default:\n typeStr = \"unknown type\";\n }\n return typeStr + \",cmd=\"+actionCommand+\",when=\"+when+\",modifiers=\"+\n KeyEvent.getKeyModifiersText(modifiers);\n }\n}\n" ]
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[ "# node-error-ex [![", "Travis-CI.org Build Status](https://img.shields.io/travis/Qix-/node-error-ex.svg?style=flat-square)](https://travis-ci.org/Qix-/node-error-ex) [![", "Coveralls.io Coverage Rating](https://img.shields.io/coveralls/Qix-/node-error-ex.svg?style=flat-square)](https://coveralls.io/r/Qix-/node-error-ex)\n> Easily subclass and customize new Error types\n\n## Examples\nTo include in your project:\n```javascript\nvar errorEx = require('error-ex');\n```\n\nTo create an error message type with a specific name (note, that `ErrorFn.name`\nwill not reflect this):\n```javascript\nvar JSONError = errorEx('JSONError');\n\nvar err = new JSONError('error');\nerr.name; //-> JSONError\nthrow err; //-> JSONError: error\n```\n\nTo add a stack line:\n```javascript\nvar JSONError = errorEx('JSONError', {fileName: errorEx.line('in %s')});\n\nvar err = new JSONError('error')\nerr.fileName = '/a/b/c/foo.json';\nthrow err; //-> (line 2)-> in /a/b/c/foo.json\n```\n\nTo append to the error message:\n```javascript\nvar JSONError = errorEx('JSONError', {fileName: errorEx.append('in %s')});\n\nvar err = new JSONError('error');\nerr.fileName = '/a/b/c/foo.json';\nthrow err; //-> JSONError: error in /a/b/c/foo.json\n```\n\n## API\n\n#### `errorEx([name], [properties])`\nCreates a new ErrorEx error type\n\n- `name`: the name of the new type (appears in the error message upon throw;\n defaults to `Error.name`)\n- `properties`: if supplied, used as a key/value dictionary of properties to\n use when building up the stack message. ", "Keys are property names that are\n looked up on the error message, and then passed to function values.", "\n\t- `line`: if specified and is a function, return value is added as a stack\n entry (error-ex will indent for you). ", "Passed the property value given\n the key.", "\n - `stack`: if specified and is a function, passed the value of the property\n using the key, and the raw stack lines as a second argument. ", "Takes no\n return value (but the stack can be modified directly).", "\n - `message`: if specified and is a function, return value is used as new\n `.message` value upon get. ", "Passed the property value of the property named\n by key, and the existing message is passed as the second argument as an\n array of lines (suitable for multi-line messages).", "\n\nReturns a constructor (Function) that can be used just like the regular Error\nconstructor.", "\n\n```javascript\nvar errorEx = require('error-ex');\n\nvar BasicError = errorEx();\n\nvar NamedError = errorEx('NamedError');\n\n// --\n\nvar AdvancedError = errorEx('AdvancedError', {\n\tfoo: {\n\t\tline: function (value, stack) {\n\t\t\tif (value) {\n\t\t\t\treturn 'bar ' + value;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\treturn null;\n\t\t}\n\t}\n}\n\nvar err = new AdvancedError('hello, world');\nerr.foo = 'baz';\nthrow err;\n\n/*\n\tAdvancedError: hello, world\n\t bar baz\n\t at tryReadme() (readme.js:20:1)\n*/\n```\n\n#### `errorEx.line(str)`\nCreates a stack line using a delimiter\n\n> This is a helper function. ", "It is to be used in lieu of writing a value object\n> for `properties` values.", "\n\n- `str`: The string to create\n - Use the delimiter `%s` to specify where in the string the value should go\n\n```javascript\nvar errorEx = require('error-ex');\n\nvar FileError = errorEx('FileError', {fileName: errorEx.line('in %s')});\n\nvar err = new FileError('problem reading file');\nerr.fileName = '/a/b/c/d/foo.js';\nthrow err;\n\n/*\n\tFileError: problem reading file\n\t in /a/b/c/d/foo.js\n\t at tryReadme() (readme.js:7:1)\n*/\n```\n\n#### `errorEx.append(str)`\nAppends to the `error.message` string\n\n> This is a helper function. ", "It is to be used in lieu of writing a value object\n> for `properties` values.", "\n\n- `str`: The string to append\n - Use the delimiter `%s` to specify where in the string the value should go\n\n```javascript\nvar errorEx = require('error-ex');\n\nvar SyntaxError = errorEx('SyntaxError', {fileName: errorEx.append('in %s')});\n\nvar err = new SyntaxError('improper indentation');\nerr.fileName = '/a/b/c/d/foo.js';\nthrow err;\n\n/*\n\tSyntaxError: improper indentation in /a/b/c/d/foo.js\n\t at tryReadme() (readme.js:7:1)\n*/\n```\n\n## License\nLicensed under the [MIT License](http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT).", "\nYou can find a copy of it in [LICENSE](LICENSE).", "\n" ]
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[ "Polarity (Norman album)\n\nPolarity is a studio album by American hip hop group Norman, consisting of rappers Onry Ozzborn and Barfly, both members of the Pacific Northwest hip hop collective Oldominion. ", "It was released on Under The Needle on March 4, 2003. ", "The album is a rap opera concept album.", "\n\nMusic \nThe album is mostly produced by Onry Ozzborn and Smoke M2D6, with contributions from Pale Soul. ", "Guest appearances include Pale Soul, Hyena, Sulfur, Toni Hill, and MyG.\n\nBackground \nPolarity casts Onry Ozzborn and Barfly as the mind of a young man named Norman. ", "Throughout the album, the rappers communicate as Norman's conscious, revealing him as the everyday loser, who continually faces depression and counts of aggression.", "\n\nTrack listing\n\nReferences\n\nExternal links \n Polarity at Discogs\n\nCategory:2003 albums\nCategory:Alternative hip hop albums by American artists\nCategory:Onry Ozzborn albums\nCategory:Concept albums\nCategory:Rap operas" ]
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[ "“Picking up something new in this context is a distraction from your feelings and thoughts. ", "Use the time to do what you are creatively or instinctively drawn to in the moment.”\n\nChallenge Work Vacuum\n\nDo you want to test out a Work Vacuum without taking a vacation? ", "Take a 30-day diet of no TV, movies or box sets, no news media of any kind, no social media or magazines, no reading, no networking, no drinking alcohol and no socialising or networking. ", "I would encourage you to throw in a couple of silent days each week while you’re at it. ", "This will heighten your sensitivity to your inner voice.", "\n\nReading non-fiction self-development books is allowed but a maximum of only one hour a day. ", "No eating or drinking non-alcoholic drinks more than you normally would to placate any feelings that come up during the challenge.", "\n\nMake a promise to yourself to journal and take notes about your experience, your thoughts, emotions, as and when they come up, noting the time of day. ", "Elaborate on your findings when you feel the urge, see where your thoughts will take you and what emotions come up as you write. ", "Look out for recurring patterns in your behaviour.", "\n\nBeware. ", "This part of you has very likely been drowned out and neglected for the most part of your life by mild or extreme workaholism. ", "Don’t be surprised if this aspect of you isn’t best pleased that you’ve suddenly decided to start listening to it after ignoring it for so long.", "\n\nFrom time to time engage in writing, singing, dancing, and drawing, sketching or playing a musical instrument, something that you’re already reasonably adept at. ", "Do this only when you’re inspired. ", "Don’t do this to combat boredom or frustration.", "\n\nThis is not to learn how to do these activities. ", "Picking up something new in this context is a distraction from your feelings and thoughts. ", "Use the time to do what you are creatively or instinctively drawn to in the moment.", "\n\nIt doesn’t matter if these creative outlets aren’t your thing. ", "We all write in some form so fall back to journalling as your daily ritual and moment by moment witness to your thoughts, feelings, emotions, resistance, reactions, triggers, habits and behaviours regardless of whether you deem them negative, neutral or positive.", "\n\nBe sure to track your time and the detail of the work you have been carrying out and Why. ", "Remember a Why can be as simple as ‘because my boss asked me to’ or ‘I need the money’ or it can be as deep and meaningful as ‘this is an important project, I’m learning, I’m giving and am excited to see it come to life and help people!’", "\n\nThis also counts for personal ‘Non-Work’ projects or creative moments you start or continue while experimenting and trying out this mini Work Vacuum you’ve created by rising to this challenge.", "\n\nWho is happier and more purposeful? ", "The bricklayer who when asked what he’s doing replies ‘Laying bricks.’ ", "Or the one who responds ‘Building a cathedral.’? ", "None would argue the latter’s Why is more powerful both to him and to others.", "\n\nYou’ll be amazed after 30 days how much time you have available to live and work more creatively. ", "Whether you realise and appreciate it or not you have kickstarted your Creative Feeling and enhanced your Creative Thinking in the process.", "\n\nWelcome to the Creative Loop.", "\n\nLearn more about Creative Thinking in the Work Vacuum by opting in to 'Unlock your time and creativity\" at The Creative Core. ", "You'll receive Work Life Wide Open Book #1 'Break Your Busy - Set Your Creativity Free' and Book #2 'The Seven Works - Reconfigure The Facets of Life' FREE plus other related bonuses when you sign up." ]
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[ "Testing alternative hypotheses for variation in amphipod behaviour and life history in relation to parasitism.", "\nWe tested two hypotheses concerning changes in investment in current reproduction for parasitised hosts, using amphipods (Corophium volutator) which act as second intermediate hosts for trematodes (Gynaecoyla aduncta). ", "One hypothesis requires that parasites exert control over their hosts (parasite manipulation), whereas the other predicts that hosts control decisions over investment (adaptive host response). ", "Although these hypotheses are viewed as mutually exclusive, our various results support both hypotheses. ", "For example, female amphipods infected by late-stage larvae were often found crawling at times when predation by sandpipers (Calidris pusilla), which are the final hosts for trematodes, was likely, while uninfected females typically remained in their burrows. ", "Furthermore, old females that were newly-infected by trematodes often aborted and ate their young. ", "Both of these responses seem inconsistent with female investment in current reproduction, but can be interpreted as adaptive parasite manipulation. ", "In contrast, young non-ovigerous females that were newly-infected hastened the onset of their parturial moult and thus, time to becoming receptive. ", "This response can be explained as a host adaptation to minimise the cost of parasites. ", "We contend that differences between parasitised and unparasitised hosts in behaviour or investment can be explained as both parasite and host adaptations, expressed at different times in the host's life history. ", "Such compromise will help explain the persistence of parasite-host associations in nature." ]
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[ "{\n \"id\": \"wrestler-pants\",\n \"name\": \"Wrestler Pants\",\n \"category\": \"Bottoms\",\n \"games\": {\n \"nl\": {\n \"orderable\": true,\n \"fashionThemes\": [\n \"Sporty\"\n ],\n \"set\": \"Pro Wrestler Outfit\",\n \"sellPrice\": {\n \"currency\": \"bells\",\n \"value\": 90\n },\n \"sources\": [\n \"Able Sisters\"\n ],\n \"buyPrices\": [\n {\n \"currency\": \"bells\",\n \"value\": 360\n }\n ]\n }\n }\n}" ]
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[ "“This is like the jailer has accidentally left the door of the jail open and people can see the sunlit lands beyond.”", "\n\nOr so Boris Johnson described the possibility of Brexit on the Andrew Marr Show on 6 March (watch from 38:45). ", "Now let us consider 10 important freedoms the UK might want outside Boris’ Brussels jail.", "\n\n1. ", "We want freedom to veto any stupid foreign policy initiative of the EU. ", "We have it.", "\n\n2. ", "We want freedom to choose when to go to war. ", "We have it, and are also free to do whatever with Nato, which eurosceptics seem to like.", "\n\n3. ", "We want freedom from having to join the euro. ", "We have it.", "\n\n4. ", "We want freedom to veto any tax measure from Brussels. ", "We have it.", "\n\n5. ", "We want freedom from having Brussels impose the re-location of refugees in the UK. ", "We have it.", "\n\n6. ", "We want the freedom to join, or not to join, any EU scheme that improves security cooperation over terrorism. ", "We have it.", "\n\n7. ", "We want freedom to hire Portuguese nurses to make up for shortages in the NHS. ", "We have it.", "\n\n8. ", "We want the City of London to be free to hire the best banking talent from the continent. ", "We have it.", "\n\n9. ", "We want freedom for our retirees to retire in the sun in Spain, and get free healthcare there. ", "We have it.", "\n\n10. ", "We want freedom for our scientific researchers to join European networks of excellence. ", "We have it.", "\n\nMichael Emerson is an associate senior research fellow at the Centre for European Policy Studies.", "\n\nEdited by Luke Lythgoe" ]
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[ "I’ve always preferred teaching adults to teens and young learners, though just occasionally being able to run a good teen/YL class can be a great boost to my confidence. ", "Erica Napoli Rottstock’s post has some useful tips that could make a real difference next time I head into the teen classroom!", "\n\nI am pretty sure that on seeing the heading to this article you will have immediately and unconsciously nodded your head and maybe added a decisive ‘no way’. ", "As a matter of fact, teenagers are often seen as moody and undisciplined and their lack of motivation can be a ‘nightmare’ if we are teachers.", "\n\nHowever, taking a break to teach teens can be a real boost for demotivated teachers, an unexpectedly refreshing experience that ripples through to the rest of your EFL praxis.", "\n\nI think everyone has experienced times when things don’t go as we assume; maybe you have felt tired and demotivated. ", "The first thing to do is to find the real reason why you have lost your enthusiasm. ", "If you think you need more fun and you strongly believe that connecting with people can help you, in this case a change is as good as a rest. ", "Taking time out to work outside of one’s comfort zone may bring new inspiration to routine, in this case take also some time to watch this inspiring TED talk. ", "Based on my personal experience, one year teaching in a teen class could be your solution.", "\n\nThe first thing to consider is that the so-called moody, undisciplined teens’ behaviour is strongly influenced by how teens’ brains are wired, ruled by the limbic system, since the frontal lobe, specifically responsible for controlling emotions, takes significantly longer to develop. ", "This may be the reason for their short attention span, their laziness or lack of interest, but on the other hand teens are ready to get involved very easily. ", "A trustworthy teacher with an engaging topic will soon spot ways of driving and channelling such traits.", "\n\nSecondly, allow for flexibility. ", "We can be less like control freaks and thus much more likely to enjoy the lesson. ", "Even if we have a syllabus to follow, we can still be flexible. ", "Interestingly enough, by releasing control, we gain students’ trust and attention. ", "Surprisingly, if you listen to them, you get their attention and you feel less tired! ", "I would suggest you enter the class with a multiple-option lesson plan – say a plan where you let your students decide how to develop it. ", "I have noticed that if you start your lesson with a sort of declaration of intent, teen students are happy to follow you and are extremely pro-active. ", "This environment is stimulating for their learning and also a boost for ‘tired teachers’. ", "Even classroom management can become less stressful if you can let students move freely in their class, choose their peers for their activities and decide when they need a break. ", "By respecting their pace you can have less stress indeed.", "\n\nThe third thing to consider is that teens are very curious, so when you teach them you can make your lesson very personal and arouse their interest. ", "Clearly, this doesn’t mean sharing one’s closest personal issues. ", "You can simply offer up your point of view, your personal opinions, bringing an element of humanity and showing we are far from being superheroes. ", "I can assure you that this is not only very conducive to learning but also very positive for your well-being.", "\n\nLast but not least, the environment of your class will become more relaxed and you can simply work on emergent language without wasting any opportunity for learning. ", "Besides, you will notice that students themselves will ask you to practise more if they become aware of their limits. ", "Teaching teens becomes a real boost, if you consider a more autonomous learner approach. ", "You can foster students’ autonomy by developing their awareness with self-assessment, you may guide students to be aware of their own weaknesses and strengths, with a reduction of your workload or at least less time-consuming ways to evaluate your students.", "\n\nAlso, I recommend stimulating learning beyond the class, so that you can build a deeper rapport with your students, as you can understand their needs and interests better. ", "In my experience, WhatsApp was extremely useful, not only in terms of conducting on-going class service communication and light conversations outside the classroom, but also when it came to assigning/performing and giving feedback on written, oral and aural homework (short writing/speaking tasks performed via voice and video recordings and text messages). ", "This particular means of communication provides the added value of reduced practitioner workload in terms of evaluating learner performance on a day-to-day basis. ", "We ask parents’ permission to have WhatsApp groups with students when they join the school.", "\n\nTo sum up, if you want to feel regenerated, go for a teen class; they have an extremely positive attitude provided one is prepared to embrace flexibility and promote autonomy.", "\n\nIf this is still not enough to boost you, then perhaps a good long holiday is actually in order! ", "🙂\n\nAbout the author\n\nErica is a DELTA-qualified teacher with an MA in foreign literature. ", "She has been teaching English for more than 15 years, but she likes to be considered as a life-long learner herself. ", "Previously DoS and founder of a little private language school in Milan, she then decided to become a full-time teacher at high school and she’s currently engaged teaching teens at Istituto Europeo Leopardi in Milan. ", "This article is based on her talk from IATEFL Brighton in April 2018.", "\n\nMy (e)books\n\n30 tasks for new teachers to help them learn to reflect on their teaching, as well as build up an online community. ", "Also great as a refresher for experienced teachers, or as session prompts for trainers and managers. ", "The ebook is just £5/€5.50 - less than the price of a cinema ticket! ", "Also available as a paperback.", "\nWhat are you waiting for? ", "Get your copy today!", "\n\n30 tasks for teacher trainers to help them learn to reflect on their teaching, as well as build up an online community.", "\n\nA collection of techniques for adapting speaking activities. ", "Click the image to read more and to find links to purchase it for less than 1 USD a copy! (", "Published by the round)\n\nEmail Subscription\n\nEnter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email.", "\n\n#eltpics\n\n#eltpics is a collection of photos, based on a weekly theme, taken by ELT teachers, trainers and writers from around the world.", "\nThese are, in turn, available free to others in the field of ELT under a CC license to use in their classroom and on their non-commercial materials.", "\nAnyone interested in joining in can tweet an image with the hashtag #eltpics, and it will then be added to the #eltpics Flickr group.", "\nFor a more detailed explanation of how to join in, please see this post.", "\nFor ideas on how to use some of the photos, visit the eltpics blog.", "\nIt was nominated for an ELTons award in 2013.", "\nYou can see the last 10 photos uploaded to the site below:\n\nQuizlet\n\nIATEFL Manchester 2015\n\nAmazon Affiliates (EU Associates)\n\nSandy Millin is a participant in the Amazon EU Associates Programme, an affiliate advertising programme designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.co.uk." ]
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[ "\n49 So.3d 252 (2010)\nFLOWERS\nv.\nSTATE.", "\nNo. ", "3D10-2213.", "\nDistrict Court of Appeal of Florida, Third District.", "\nOctober 6, 2010.", "\n\nDECISION WITHOUT PUBLISHED OPINION\nAffirmed.", "\n" ]
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[ "Bus will connect Dorsey and BWI stations\n\nMARC riders who need to move between the BWI Airport station and the Dorsey station will have a new option starting later this month. ", "Beginning Aug. 22, a bus will allow travelers aboard MARC trains to move from the BWI station to the Dorsey station\n\nThe bus connection will enable passengers to move from Penn Line trains 520 (12:20 p.m. departure from Washington) and 548 (9 p.m. departure from Washington). ", "Just show your MARC ticket to access MTA Commuter Bus No. ", "201. ", "This bus will wait for trains 520 and 548 in case there are any delays.", "\n\nComments our editors find particularly useful or relevant are displayed in Top Comments, as are comments by users with these badges: . ", "Replies to those posts appear here, as well as posts by staff writers.", "\n\nTo pause and restart automatic updates, click \"Live\" or \"Paused\". ", "If paused, you'll be notified of the number of additional comments that have come in.", "\n\nComments our editors find particularly useful or relevant are displayed in Top Comments, as are comments by users with these badges: . ", "Replies to those posts appear here, as well as posts by staff writers." ]
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[ "Ten of the best: fogs\n\nBleak House by Charles Dickens\n\nDickens’s opening is the foggiest in all fiction and, before we meet any characters, we follow the fog through London. “", "Chance people on the bridges peeping over the parapets into a nether sky of fog, with fog all round them, as if they were up in a balloon and hanging in the misty clouds”. ", "Fog takes us all the way to the High Court of Chancery, “the very heart of the fog”.", "\n\n“The Love Song of J Alfred Prufrock” by TS Eliot\n\nThe point about a London fog in coal-fired days was its colour. “", "The yellow fog that rubs its back upon the window-panes / The yellow smoke that rubs its muzzle on the window-panes / Licked its tongue into the corners of the evening”. ", "In the opening of Eliot’s 1917 dramatic monologue, the fog is an animal that curls itself around the poem.", "\n\n“Sheep in Fog” by Sylvia Plath\n\n“The hills step off into whiteness. / ", "People or stars / Regard me sadly, I disappoint them”. ", "Only Plath could transform a foggy encounter with sheep on a Devon hillside into a revelation of psychosis. ", "Perception is both muffled and intensified, and the poet is on the edge of “a heaven / Starless and fatherless, a dark water”.", "\n\n“The Night Piece” by Thom Gunn\n\nThe poet walks home at night through thickening fog. ", "A final chiasmus exchanges consciousness for unconsciousness. “", "Here are the last few streets to climb, / Galleries, run through veins of time, / Almost familiar where I creep / Toward sleep like fog, through fog like sleep.”", "\n\nTreasure Island by Robert Louis ­Stevenson\n\n“About three o’clock of a bitter, foggy, frosty afternoon, I was standing at the door for a moment . . . ", "when I saw someone drawing slowly near along the road.” ", "Why is the tapping of Blind Pugh’s cane so unnerving? ", "Because he comes through the fog, and our senses, like those of Jim Hawkins, are heightened. ", "Fog shrouds the Admiral Benbow inn as the bad men gather.", "\n\nFog creeps in to many of Bishop’s maritime poems. ", "Here she sits in a bus as “the fog, / shifting, salty, thin, / comes closing in”. ", "It clings and condenses, “Its cold, round crystals / form and slide and settle / in the white hens’ feathers, / in gray glazed cabbages”. ", "And suddenly a moose steps in front of the bus.", "\n\nThe Hound of the Baskervilles by Arthur Conan Doyle\n\nConan Doyle’s fog is part stage effect, part elemental malignity: “Fog-wreaths came crawling round both corners of the house and rolled slowly into one dense bank”. ", "When the dreadful hound appears, it does so, of course, “from the shadows of the fog”.", "\n\nThe Fog by James Herbert\n\nHerbert’s shocker features a kind of fog unknown even on Dartmoor. ", "Released after an earthquake, it drives all those it swathes to violent and beastly actions. ", "And the fog is growing all the time.", "\n\nHeart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad\n\nMarlowe and some mad pilgrims travel up-river in search of Kurtz and, as they get beyond the reach of colonialism, they see something strange. “", "When the sun rose there was a white fog, very warm and clammy, and more blinding than the night. ", "It did not shift or drive; it was just there, standing all round you like something solid”. ", "From its heart they hear a cry “of infinite desolation”. ", "They are entering another world." ]
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[ "There's no mention of a fine in the settlement, but that doesn't mean Uber is off the hook. ", "In addition to being barred from misrepresenting privacy and security, it'll have to implement a \"comprehensive privacy program\" and undergo third-party privacy audits every 2 years for the next 20 years. ", "That's par for the course as far as FTC settlements go, but it's a long time in Uber terms -- the company may have fulfilled its driverless car ambitions by the time the audits are over.", "\n\nIn a statement, Uber tells us that it welcomes the end of the investigation and sees this as an \"opportunity\" to prove that it has turned a corner. ", "You can read the full statement below.", "\n\nThe settlement comes right as Uber is in the midst of trying to fix a toxic corporate culture that many blame for Uber's lax approach to privacy. ", "Uber recently ousted CEO Travis Kalanick, who was frequently blamed for the company's tendency to test (and sometimes break) legal boundaries. ", "Other executives accused of dodgy behavior have also left the company. ", "The FTC-mandated reforms could still be helpful, but Uber may be better prepared to implement them than it was just months earlier." ]
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[ "Post navigation\n\nCleveland.com Highlights Howard Hanna Cleveland Heights Listing\n\nCLEVELAND HEIGHTS, Ohio — In the early 20th century, when Donald and Mary Harman McBride, each the offspring of prominent families during Cleveland’s industrial age, decided to move into a mansion of their own, they turned to Meade & Hamilton to design it.", "\n\nThe duo were the go-to architects of the wealthy back then, designing homes for some of the millionaires on Euclid Ave., ", "Wade Park and the Heights.", "\n\nIn 1916, the McBrides moved in. ", "A hundred years later, the home at 2523 Norfolk Rd. ", "has been renovated and restored to its original glory. ", "Earlier this month, it hit the market for $565,000.", "\n\n“The home is a tasteful and elegant mix of vintage architecture and modern updates, with tons of windows and natural light,” listing agent Geoffrey Hoffman with Howard Hanna says. “", "I’ve never before seen a home quite like it.”" ]
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[ "Innovation that matters to you\n\nLighting the way to a better world\n\nTo save our planet, we need to act now\n\nWe are living at a critical juncture in the history of our planet. ", "The global agreement reached at COP21 in Paris last December is an unprecedented commitment to tackle climate change before a catastrophic rise in global temperatures. ", "Now is the time to change fundamentally the way we use the world’s resources, and the opportunities are immense.", "\n\nFor the first time, governments have set clear targets, country by country, with a shared goal to limit global warming to less than 2 degrees. ", "The agreement is binding on 185 nations, and adopts an aspirational target of 1.5 degrees, although the concrete measures required to meet that goal remain the responsibility of national governments.", "\n\nNow is the time to demonstrate how we can get to where we need to go. ", "Too often, effective action on climate change has been stymied by fear: the fear that threats to our climate are already too big to manage; fear that any remedy would be too little too late; fear that doing the right thing will entail unwanted sacrifices, or a heavy cost to our lifestyles.", "\n\nMercifully, this is not the case.", "\n\nResearch indicates that we can double the rate of energy efficiency improvement from around 1.5% to 3% per year, reduce the global fossil fuel bill by more than 2 trillion dollars before 2030, and slash the average household energy bill by a third. ", "Best of all, we can achieve all this simply by making better use of technology already available.", "\n\nTake lighting. ", "Currently, lighting accounts for 19% of all electricity used globally, yet even the simplest of changes – a universal switch to LED systems – could slash this to 8%. ", "That would bring savings of EUR 272 billion and reduce global carbon dioxide emissions by about 1,400 megatons by 2030.", "\n\nA city that switches its street lighting to LED can typically realize energy savings of around 40%. ", "If planners go one step further and network a city’s lighting, including sensors and wireless connectivity to control light remotely, then for certain applications, total savings of 70-80% are possible.", "\n\nGrasping these opportunities will be easier for developing countries, since they are often creating city infrastructures from scratch. ", "By investing in energy-efficient solar-powered LED, cities can leapfrog to a zero-energy lighting solution.", "\n\nThe benefits for rural off-grid communities are just as great. ", "Today, 1.1 billion people across the world are cut off from reliable electricity. ", "That’s one person in seven, forced to rely on kerosene lamps and candles in their homes. ", "The terrible consequence is that 1.5 million people die every year from respiratory illness and fires. ", "Off-grid solar LED can end this injustice at a fraction of the cost of kerosene, bringing to communities the light they need to develop and live well.", "\n\nIn the industrialized countries, the most urgent task to achieve energy efficiency is to renovate existing infrastructure. ", "We need to make sure that all public, and private, spaces make the best use of energy-efficient technologies. ", "This investment will also reap dividends in other areas, such as making cities safer and more livable.", "\n\nFor example, Los Angeles recently became the first city in the world to control its LED street lighting through mobile and cloud-based technology. ", "Next to the big energy savings and a greatly reduced bill for electricity, other benefits include safer streets and reduced maintenance costs. ", "The city is also piloting the Philips SmartPole, connected LED street lighting with Ericsson 4G LTE wireless technology built into the street pole. ", "This combines high quality lighting with improved 4G network performance in urban areas – benefits that go beyond illumination.", "\n\nConnected street lighting is, manifestly, a win-win proposition: good for a city’s public purse, good for the environment. ", "Yet such projects are still the exception. ", "Of approximately 300 million street lights across the world, only about 10% are LEDs. ", "And just 1% are connected. ", "If nations are to make meaningful gains in energy efficiency, policymakers need to make LED street lights the norm in every city.", "\n\nOf course it’s not only city planners, nor national governments that are charged with achieving the targets set at COP21. ", "Action on climate change is something to which all of us – every company and every individual – must commit.", "\n\nWe at Philips are walking the talk. ", "In two decades, we’ve cut our usage of non-renewable sources from 92% to 45% in 2015. ", "We are adopting energy efficiency measures to reduce greenhouse gas emissions across our business. ", "At COP21, I announced our pledge to shrink our carbon footprint to zero by 2020.", "\n\nZero carbon is a bold ambition, but a step that we know we must – and want to – take. ", "The global transition to energy-efficient systems is not an ‘opt-in’ or ‘opt-out’ discussion. ", "It is not something that we ‘might’ or ‘could’ do, nor something that can be postponed until a more convenient time. ", "To save our planet for future generations, this is what we need to do – and we must do it now.", "\n\nEric Rondolat\n\nExecutive Vice President, Chief Executive Officer of Lighting and member of the Executive Committee, Philips\n\nEric Rondolat began his career with Schneider Electric (formerly Merlin Gerin) in 1990, and has been working internationally on mature and fast-developing emerging markets ever since. ", "He has held sales and marketing positions in Australia and Singapore, he was plant manager of the subsidiary Systèmes Equipements Tableaux BT in France, then General Manager of Merlin Gerin Loire from 1999-2001. ", "For two years after that, he was Country Manager of Schneider Electric Argentina, Uruguay and Paraguay, before relocating to France to become Senior Vice President in the Customers and Markets Division of Schneider Electric, where he was responsible for product strategic marketing. ", "Between 2006 and 2009 Eric was Executive Vice President, Power Business Unit at Schneider Electric, before being appointed to Executive Vice-President, Power Asia-Pacific Business for Schneider, based in China.", "\n\nEric holds an Engineering degree and a Master’s degree in International Marketing." ]
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[ "Learning Log 11/16, Part 1 Copy each sentence about the US Constitution and fill in the blank 1.Amendment __ gave women the right to vote. ", "2.Amendment.", "\n\nSimilar presentations\n\nPresentation on theme: \"Learning Log 11/16, Part 1 Copy each sentence about the US Constitution and fill in the blank 1.Amendment __ gave women the right to vote. ", "2.Amendment.\"— ", "Presentation transcript:\n\n1\nLearning Log 11/16, Part 1 Copy each sentence about the US Constitution and fill in the blank 1.Amendment __ gave women the right to vote. ", "2.Amendment ____ ended slavery. ", "3.Amendment _____ limited a president to a maximum of two terms in office. ", "4.Amendment _____ guaranteed the right to vote to every citizen. ", "5.Amendment ____ guaranteed every person born in the U.S. citizenship.", "\n\n2\nLearning log 11/16, part 2 1. ", "Go to http://www.cnn.com/studentnews/http://www.cnn.com/studentnews/ 2. ", "Find Video Achieve near the bottom of the page. ", "3. ", "Click on CNN Student News 11/16/10. ", "4. ", "Watch the video or read the transcripts. ", "5. ", "Copy the chart on the next screen and fill it in as you watch the broadcast." ]
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[ "Query\n\nYellowMist\n\nNewsletter\n\nNewsletter\n\nGet Style News, New Arrivals And The Latest Promotional Offers.", "\n\nFollow us:\n\nSarees, Salwar Kameez, Lehenga, Sherwani, Kurti & much more.", "\n\nShop Online for Women's Indian Clothing\n\nAre you on the lookout for trendy, stylish and gorgeous Indian and Pakistani suits? ", "Do you aspire to look gorgeous in the Asim Jofa, Charizma, Sana Safinaz, LSM brands and the like? ", "You so much wished to purchase the stunning looking suits, sarees, Lehenga from the comfort of your home! ", "Your search completes with us.", "\nWe at Yellowmist is a designing and trading Company. ", "And, we provide the best of ethnic apparel right at your doorstep through our online portal. ", "Shop from our exquisite collection, whether you reside in Canada, USA, US, Australia and the like! ", "We have a plethora of collection to suffice your needs. ", "Backed by talented designers and dressmakers we offer the unique and ethnic collection for you. ", "We also have the advanced search option portrayed on our portal. ", "You can pursue the search for the product of your choice with ease here. ", "All you need to do is fill up the information and the results will be ready in a jiffy. ", "After all, we understand the value of your time.", "\nAdorn your wardrobe with us!", "\n\nSarees\n\nSarees are the most sensuous and elegant ethnic wear found in the Indian Women's closet. ", "We have a melange of enchanting sarees, each one, so exotic that you can't resist yourself from adorning yourself in one. ", "At Yellowmist, we have varieties of regular and designer saree to tickle your ethnic taste. ", "We house three broad varieties of saree, which are regular sarees, half and half sarees and lehenga sarees. ", "Half and half saree are one which has two halves. ", "The first half is colored in one shade and the second half has a different shade usually contrasting to the first one. ", "Lehenga sarees are those which doesn't require to form pleats but may be simply 'tucked and draped' designed with the contemporary woman in mind.", "\n\nOur website is a melange of breathtaking ethnic pieces. ", "Sarees are available in a number of elegant and lightweight fabrics such as Silks, Cottons, Georgettes, chiffons, faux georgette, faux chiffons etc. ", "Holding strongly onto our roots we also ensure that our closet is always enriched with handlooms of our Indian soil. ", "So one can explore handloom sarees such as Tussar silks, Tussar cotton, Kancheepuram, Benarasi silks, Bengal sarees and more. ", "With the demands of current fashion trends lot of new innovative ideas are incorporated to beautify the six yards of elegance. ", "You will find bountiful examples of this craftsmanship at our ethnovogue e-store. ", "We have stunning sarees adorned with breathtaking embroideries, embellishments, prints, digitals prints, animal prints in attractive and vibrant hues.", "\n\nSalwars Suits\n\nDon’t you aspire to look like a Diva when you don those Salwar suits. ", "The embroidery, the cut, and the material the embellishments have surely taken your breath away. ", "Well, your search for the most exquisite salwar suits complete with us. ", "Our designers and brands are working round the clock to ensure you are able to avail the best of the collection. ", "Become a trendsetter with our sizzling collection of salwar suits. ", "Whether you are looking for the ethnic collection, the trendy modern collection, the patialas, the straight suits, the palazzo pant suits. ", "You have some immense choice to select from. ", "Our mélange of enchanting salwar suits are bound to charm you. ", "Search in accordance with the material, the brand or the ethnic wear and look the glamorous you.", "\n\nKurtis\n\nKurtis make for the most comfortable wear. ", "It is easy to carry. ", "It is convenient to manage. ", "And, it makes sure to provide that fashionable look. ", "You can wear it for regular office. ", "You can wear it for a get-together. ", "Team it up with churidars, patialas, pants, palazzo and even skirts. ", "Our range of kurtis in awe-inspiring designs, cuts and gorgeous prints are here, to embellish your wardrobe. ", "Ornate yourself with vibrant colors, designer collection and stand out amidst the crowd. ", "Choose your favorite from our awesome collection.", "\n\nAnarkali\n\nThe Bollywood Diva, the starlets, the fashion ramp models! ", "All have worn and worn the Anarkali time and again. ", "This is that one piece of apparel which you can never go inapt with. ", "If you are looking for excellent craftsmanship and mesmerizing hues, the Yellowmist offers the best collection. ", "Adorn them for a wedding, make your mark in the next festive occasion or simply look stunning in a party. ", "The trendsetters ankle length anarkalis, the jacket style Anarkali, the contemporary gown style Anarkali, the exquisite floor length anarkalis, are just a click away to ensure the gorgeous you. ", "The vibrant colors, the best brands and the quality material is what we have. ", "And this is not it. ", "We offer shipping at your doorstep. ", "So, all you need to do is add to the cart and proceed for the payment. ", "A stunning trousseau is awaiting your ethnic collection.", "\n\nDesigners\n\nDesigner wears and Brands-we are associated with the top notch designers and brand. ", "You have been looking in the malls for the collection. ", "You have made sure to search every market possible. ", "Your search completes with us. ", "We have the best collection just for you. ", "You dream and we create it. ", "We import the designer collection from Pakistan. ", "Hence, you will be able to avail the brands of alkaram studio, Asim Jofa, Rozina munib, Barooque, Charizma, GulAhmed, Gohar textiles and the Lal collection. ", "You think of a brand and we have it with us.", "\n\nDesign It Yourself\n\nYour apparel, your design-you might have some of your ideas to be inculcated in the apparel. ", "You can be the designer of your dress with the sketches provided by us. ", "This is a real nice and appealing concept. ", "We enable you to design a special outfit for your special occasion. ", "We keep your ideas into preference and then design the outfit in accordance. ", "With our team of experts, in-house designers, and skilled craftsman you are bound to enrich. ", "As soon as the final design is ready in consonance with your ideas, it is sent to you for approval, before stitching it. ", "Undoubtedly, the final piece is nothing less than excellent.", "\n\nCustomization Services\n\nWe at Yellowmist do understand the significance of optimizing the dress. ", "You might like a cut sleeve in a salwar suit, a skirt to go with the Anarkali or a chiffon dupatta! ", "We are right here to optimize the dress in accordance with your choice. ", "The waist size, the bust the length are all the measurements which can be optimized in accordance with the need and want of the client. ", "We make sure that the apparel belongs to you, it fits you perfectly and it adorns you the way you want.", "\n\nSo, have a look at our collection. ", "It is sure to mesmerize you. ", "You can adorn them for a regular office day. ", "You can wear them on special occasions. ", "And, you can also mix and match them for that trendy look. ", "They make sure you look gorgeous and beautiful. ", "You can be relaxing on your sofa, sipping coffee at a cafeteria, taking a break from the hectic day. ", "Simply click on the link of yellowmist and we are right here to enrich your wardrobe the way you wanted.", "\nOur festival collection, our daily wear collection and our ethnic collection are for you to embellish yourself and look stunning. ", "Enjoy shopping with our compatible online portal and have fun! ", "Look chic and stylish with the exquisite range of outfits.", "\n\nAll you need to pursue is the purchase our products for a beautiful you! ", "Come. ", "Have a look!" ]
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[ "Measurement uncertainty of 25-OH vitamin D determination with different commercially available kits: impact on the clinical cut offs.", "\nDue to \"measurement uncertainty\", the \"true\" 25-OH vitamin D (25(OH)D) of a patient (whatever the commercially available assay tested) will be >80 nmol/L if its measured concentration is >100 nmol/L. Thus, if a physician considers that a normal VTD status is a 25(OH)D level >or=80 nmol/L, he should ensure that the patient's results are >or=100 nmol/L. Many experts recommend that serum levels of 25(OH)D should be above a lower normal limit of 75-80 nmol/L. However, the value delivered by laboratories is only an estimation of the \"true\" value due to \"measurement uncertainty.\" ", "When using a cut off, measurement uncertainty around the cut off is important because therapeutic actions may differ if the measured value is below or above the limit. ", "We aimed to establish the \"measurement uncertainty\" at different levels of concentration for several commercially available 25(OH)D analytical techniques. ", "We constituted three pools of serum with different 25(OH)D concentrations. ", "Each pool was assayed in triplicate during 5 days with the DiaSorin RIA, Liaison, Elecsys, and Chromsystems-HPLC assays. ", "We report a relatively high \"measurement uncertainty\" for the measurement of 25(OH)D for the four different techniques: the mean relative uncertainties, all techniques confounded were 19.4%, 16.0%, and 11.3% for pool 1 (35.3 nmol/L), pool 2 (79.5 nmol/L), and pool 3 (126.1 nmol/L), respectively. ", "Our results show that, whatever the assay, the \"true\" 25(OH)D of a patient will be >80 nmol/L if its measured concentration is >100 nmol/L. In other words, if a physician considers that a normal VTD status is defined by a 25(OH)D level >or=80 nmol/L, he should ensure that the patients present a 25(OH)D >or=100 nmol/L." ]
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[ "Digital content (hereinafter, referred to as content) such as an on-air program has been utilized in common among electronic devices such as hard disk drive (HDD) recorders, television devices, and personal computers (PCs), by data communications performed among the devices in accordance with a digital living network alliance (DLNA) guideline. ", "In accordance with the DLNA guideline, content such as an on-air program is received by a digital media server (DMS) such as the HDD recorder and the television device, and distributed to a digital media player (DMP) such as the television device and the PC, so that the on-air program can be viewed on the DMP.", "\nWhen viewing the on-air program on the television device, for example, a user simply turns on the power source of the television device so as to start a program that user wants to view. ", "When viewing a program being broadcasted on the DMP in accordance with the DLNA guideline, a user needs to select the DMS distributing the on-air program, and content distributed from the DMS, in addition to start up an application to view the content. ", "Thus, it is cumbersome for the user to perform such a necessary procedure so as to start viewing." ]
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[ "BERLIN — Twitter waded into potentially perilous territory on Thursday when it blocked users in Germany from access to the account of a neo-Nazi group that is banned by the government here.", "\n\nThe move was the first time that Twitter acted on a policy known as “country-withheld content,” announced in January, in which it will block an account at the request of a government. ", "But the company cracked open the gates to a complex new era in which it will increasingly have to referee legal challenges to the deluge of posts that has made the site so popular.", "\n\nThe company said the goal was to balance freedom of expression with compliance with local laws. “", "Never want to withhold content; good to have tools to do it narrowly & transparently,” Alexander Macgillivray, the company’s chief lawyer, wrote on Twitter.", "\n\nA German spokesman for the company confirmed in an e-mail that it was the first time the policy had been used, although Twitter does not as a matter of policy announce government requests to block an account. ", "In a “transparency report” issued earlier this year, the company said it had received six such requests but had not, for reasons it did not specify, acted upon them." ]
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[ "Background\n==========\n\nThe finding of a sSMC presents a challenge in prenatal diagnosis particularly for prediction of the clinical consequences which will depend on its genetic content, familial occurrence, level of mosaicism and chromosomal origin \\[[@B1]-[@B5]\\] and parental origin of the sSMC related sister chromosomes \\[[@B6]\\]. ", "According to the review of Liehr and Weise \\[[@B7]\\] sSMC are to be expected in 0.075% of all analysed prenatal cases. ", "In case of fetal ultrasound abnormalities this frequency rises to 0.204%, which is 2.7x higher than in the general prenatal population.", "\n\nBefore the introduction of FISH for cytogenetics, identification studies involved the use of classical staining techniques such as GTG, QFQ, Ag-NOR, CBG and DA-DAPI \\[[@B1]\\]. ", "Nowadays, different molecular cytogenetic techniques have been developed for identification of sSMC, such as FISH techniques like cenM- and subcenM-FISH \\[[@B8],[@B9]\\], multicolour banding (MCB)\\[[@B10]\\], microdissection followed by reverse FISH \\[[@B11],[@B12]\\], spectral karyotyping (SKY) \\[[@B13]\\], M-FISH \\[[@B14]\\] and genomic microarray analysis \\[[@B15],[@B16]\\]. ", "These techniques are expensive and not available in all cytogenetic laboratories \\[[@B17]\\].", "\n\nIn this paper we present the use of Multiplex Ligation Dependent Probe Amplification (MLPA) (MRC Holland, Amsterdam, The Netherlands) as an alternative approach for identification of euchromatic sSMC. ", "On the basis of 29 well characterised sSMC we show that MLPA can rapidly distinguish between unique sequence positive and negative sSMC, which is the most important task when finding a sSMC prenatally. ", "However, other molecular cytogenetic techniques will remain necessary for determining the exact genetic content in case of a positive sSMC, whereas FISH techniques will still be indispensible for identification studies in case of an unique sequence negative sSMC.", "\n\nMethods\n=======\n\nSamples\n-------\n\nWe retrospectively tested the value of MLPA for sSMC identification on 29 well-defined sSMC found during prenatal diagnosis in amniotic fluid (AF)(n = 26) and chorionic villi (CV)(n = 3) (see table [1](#T1){ref-type=\"table\"} and additional file [1](#S1){ref-type=\"supplementary-material\"}). ", "For routine cytogenetics GTG-banding was used in all cases according to standard techniques. ", "Mostly, sSMC identification was done with FISH, sometimes after additional staining with DA-DAPI \\[[@B18]\\] (see additional file [1](#S1){ref-type=\"supplementary-material\"}). ", "In 23/29 cases the sSMC was present in all investigated cells. ", "In 6/29 cases mosaicism was found in cultured CV or AF cells with the level of mosaicism varying between 30 and 89% (table [1](#T1){ref-type=\"table\"}).", "\n\n###### \n\n29 well-defined sSMC in AF or CV cell cultures that were used in this study\n\n --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n Case sSMC Euchromatin (based on GTG/FISH)^1^ \\% of cultured cells with sSMC\n ------ --------------------------- ------------------------------------ --------------------------------\n 1 der(3)(:p12.2-\\>cen:)^2^ \\+ 100\n\n 2 min(4)(:p11-\\>q11:) \\- 100\n\n 3 psu idic(9)(q12) \\+ 87,5\n\n 4 i(12)(p10) \\+ 89\n\n 5 i(12)(p10) \\+ 100\n\n 6 neo(12)\\ \\+ 47\n (pter-\\>p12.3:) \n\n 7 der(13)t(4;13)(q31.3;q13) \\+ 100\n\n 8 min(13 or 21) \\- 100\n\n 9 min(13 or 21) \\- 100\n\n 10 inv dup(14)(q11.2) \\- 100\n\n 11 der(14)t(14;16)(q12;q21) \\+ 100\n\n 12 inv dup(15)(q12) \\+ 100\n\n 13 neo(15)(qtel-\\>q2?4:)^3^ \\+ 100\n\n 14 der(15)t(9;15)(p12;q14) \\+ 100\n\n 15 inv dup(15)(q11) \\- 100\n\n 16 inv dup(15)(q11.2) \\- 100\n\n 17 inv dup(15)(q11.2) \\- 100\n\n 18 min(16)(:p11.1-\\>q11.1:) \\- 30\n\n 19 min(17)(:p11.1-\\>q11.1:) \\- 45\n\n 20 r(20)(q11.21q13.12) \\+ 87\n\n 21 inv dup(22)(q11.21) \\+ 100\n\n 22 inv dup(22)(q11.21) \\+ 100\n\n 23 inv dup(22)(q11.21) \\+ 100\n\n 24 inv dup(22)(q11.21) \\+ 100\n\n 25 del(22)(q11.2) \\+ 100\n\n 26 inv dup(22)(q11.1) \\- 100\n\n 27 inv dup(22)(q11.1) \\- 100\n\n 28 inv dup(22)(q11.1) \\- 100\n\n 29 inv dup(22)(q11.1) \\- 100\n --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n^1^For identification details, see additional file [1](#S1){ref-type=\"supplementary-material\"}\\[[@B38]\\]. ", "^2^This case was previously published by Srebniak et al. ", "\\[[@B39]\\]. ", "^3^This case was published earlier by Van Opstal et al. ", "\\[[@B40]\\].", "\n\nFISH\n----\n\nMetaphase FISH was performed according to standard techniques. ", "The probes that were used for identification were whole chromosome paints (wcp\\'s)(Kreatech Diagnostics, Ankeveen, The Netherlands and Euro-Diagnostica AB, Nijmegen, The Netherlands), centromere probes (Abbott Molecular Inc., Des Plaines, USA; Resources for Molecular Cytogenetics, Bari, Italy (<http://www.biologia.uniba.it/rmc/>) and partially received from several investigators), subtelomere-probes \\[[@B19]\\], locus-specific probes (SNRPN from Cytocell Ltd, Cambridge, UK; LSI TEL AML1 from Abbott Molecular Inc., Des Plaines, USA and others like 102D10 (CES-probe), Y41 and Y11H11 (15q11), r521 (rDNA-probe) were kindly provided by several investigators) and subcentromere-BAC clones that were selected from the University of California Santa Cruz (UCSC) genome browser (<http://genome.ucsc.edu>) (see additional file [1](#S1){ref-type=\"supplementary-material\"}).", "\n\nFISH slides were analyzed using the Axioplan 2 Imaging microscope (Zeiss), and images were collected using Isis Software System (Metasystems).", "\n\nSample preparation for MLPA and SNP array\n-----------------------------------------\n\nDNA was isolated from 4 ml of uncultured AF or from cultured CV or AF cells. ", "AF cells were cultured by the in situ method and CV were cultured using trypsin-EDTA and collagenase treatment as described previously \\[[@B20]\\]. ", "DNA-isolation from uncultured AF cells was done with the Chemagic Magnetic Separation Module I (Chemagen, Baesweiler, Germany). ", "DNA isolation from cultured cells was performed using the QIAamp DNA Mini Kit from Qiagen (Hilden, Germany) or Puregene DNA Purification Kit (Qiagen, Hilden, Germany) according to the manufacturer\\'s instructions.", "\n\nMLPA-reaction and data analysis\n-------------------------------\n\n4 SALSA MLPA kits were used: two centromere kits, P181 and P182, and two telomere-kits, P036B and P070 (<http://www.mlpa.com/WebForms/WebFormMain.aspx>). ", "Between 20 and 70 ng of DNA was used in a MLPA reaction which was performed on a PCR thermocycler with heated lid (Biometra Thermal Cycler, Westburg, The Netherlands). ", "MLPA reaction and data analysis were performed as described earlier \\[[@B21]\\]. ", "In order to enable the detection of chromosomal mosaicism as was seen in 6/29 cases, we calculated own cut off values (median ± 2x SD) for the different probes on the different chromosomes for all four MLPA-kits on the basis of 95 (P181), 91 (P182), 104 (P036B) and 105 (P070) normal samples (see table [2](#T2){ref-type=\"table\"}).", "\n\n###### \n\nCut off values (median probe signal ±2 SD) for the different probes in the MLPA kits P181, P182, P036B and P070\n\n Probes P181 Cut off values (N = 95) Probes P182 Cut off values (N = 91) \n ------------------ ------------------------------ ----------------- ------------------------------ ------------- -------------\n 3p11.2 EPHA3 0,923 1,077 3p11.2 EPHA3 0,923 1,077\n 3q11.2 PROS1 0,907 1,093 3q11.2 PROS1 0,913 1,087\n 4p11 OCIAD1 0,880 1,114 4p11 OCIAD1 0,880 1,114\n 4q12 SGCB 0,946 1,054 4q12 USP46 0,919 1,081\n 9p13.2 IGFBPL1 0,902 1,098 9p11 EXOSC3 0,940 1,060\n 9q13 TJP2 0,933 1,067 9q13 TJP2 0,909 1,079\n 12p11.21 PKP2 0,888 1,112 12p11.21 PKP2 0,894 1,090\n 12q12 KIF21A 0,899 1,101 12q12 KIF21A 0,886 1,114\n 13q11 HSMPP8 0,881 1,119 13q11 HSMPP8 0,924 1,060\n 13q11 ZNF198 0,930 1,066 13q11 ZNF198 0,881 1,119\n 14q11.2 ADPRTL2 0,863 1,115 14q11.2 ADPRTL2 0,913 1,079\n 14q11.2 APEX 0,917 1,083 14q11.2 APEX 0,932 1,066\n 15q11.2 NIPA2 0,883 1,097 15q11.2 NIPA2 0,864 1,128\n 15q11.2 NDN 0,916 1,078 15q11.2 MKRN3 0,874 1,126\n 16p11.2 TGFB1I1 0,882 1,098 16p11.2 ERAF 0,927 1,071\n 16q12 ORC6L 0,914 1,086 16q12 VPS35 0,899 1,101\n 17p11.2 MAP2K3 0,934 1,064 17p11.2 MAP2K3 0,828 1,170\n 17q11.1 WSB1 0,927 1,073 17q11.1 WSB1 0,931 1,069\n 20p11.2 PYGB 0,894 1,102 20p11.21 ZNF337 0,914 1,086\n 20q11.21 DUSP15 0,912 1,088 20q11.21 REM1 0,893 1,075\n 21q11 STCH 0,911 1,089 21q11 STCH 0,896 1,104\n 21q11 SAMSN1 0,861 1,153 21q11 SAMSN1 0,889 1,111\n 22q11.2 CECR5 0,872 1,086 22q11.2 CECR1 0,877 1,083\n 22q11.2 CECR1 0,901 1,089 22q11.2 SLC25A18 0,916 1,084\n \n **Probes P036B** **Cut off values (N = 104)** **Probes P070** **Cut off values (N = 105)** \n **Minimum** **Maximum** **Minimum** **Maximum**\n \n 3p CHL1 0.890 1.110 3p CHL1 0.916 1.080\n 3q BDH 0.905 1.092 3q KIAA0226 0.933 1.067\n 4p FLJ20265 0.900 1.101 4p ZNF141 0.828 1.172\n 4q FRG1 0.744 1.239 4q FRG1 0.865 1.143\n 9p DMRT1 0.897 1.103 9p FLJ00026 0.915 1.083\n 9q MRPL41 0.847 1.148 9q EU-HMTase1 0.935 1.065\n 12p SLC6A12 0.947 1.053 12p RBBP2 0.937 1.063\n 12q ZNF10 0.858 1.126 12q ZNF10 0.909 1.091\n 13p PSPC1 0.914 1.074 13p PSPC1 0.900 1.116\n 13q F7 0.883 1.116 13q CDC16 0.923 1.073\n 14p HEI10 0.919 1.081 14p ADPRTL2 0.929 1.071\n 14q MTA1 0.859 1.143 14q MTA1 0.906 1.094\n 15p CYFIP1 0.925 1.075 15p NDN 0.908 1.092\n 15q ALDH1A3 0.890 1.110 15q FLJ22604 0.938 1.062\n 16p POLR3K 0.894 1.108 16p DECR2 0.828 1.178\n 16q GAS11/GAS8 0.894 1.106 16q GAS11 0.936 1.060\n 17p RPH3AL 0.901 1.099 17p RPH3AL 0.843 1.163\n 17q TBCD 0.888 1.108 17q SECTM1 0.890 1.096\n 20p SOX12 0.843 1.157 20p FLJ22115 0.888 1.112\n 20q OPRL1 0.866 1.134 20q FLJ20517 0.883 1.117\n 21p RBM11 0.879 1.121 21p STCH 0.894 1.132\n 21q HMT1 0.853 1.147 21q S100B 0.921 1.065\n 22p BID 0.894 1.094 22p IL17R 0.837 1.163\n 22q RABL2B 0.875 1.127 22q ARSA 0.904 1.096\n\nOnly the chromosomes from which the sSMC in this paper are derived, are indicated.", "\n\nSNP array, data analysis and interpretation\n-------------------------------------------\n\nIn two cases (cases 13 and 25) a SNP array (HumanCytoSNP-12, Illumina) was performed because of discrepancies between the results of GTG/FISH and MLPA. ", "200 ng of DNA isolated from cultured cells was used in both cases. ", "DNA amplification, tagging and hybridisation were performed according to the manufacturer\\'s protocol. ", "Array slides were scanned on the iScan Reader (Illumina). ", "Data analysis was performed using Genome Studio version 2010.1 (Illumina). ", "The HapMap control set provided by the manufacturer was used as a control.", "\n\nResults\n=======\n\nUnique sequence positive sSMC\n-----------------------------\n\nAll unique sequence positive sSMC (Table [1](#T1){ref-type=\"table\"}) were correctly identified with MLPA with the centromere kits (cases 1 and 20), telomere kits (cases 6 and 13) or both (cases 3-5, 7, 11, 12, 14, 21-25) (see table [3](#T3){ref-type=\"table\"}) confirming GTG/FISH results. ", "There were no false negative cases.", "\n\n###### \n\nMLPA results of 16 prenatal cases with a unique sequence positive sSMC\n\n -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n No sSMC DNA source for MLPA MLPA-results: copy number of sequence(s) in the kit, genes that they target and their abnormal relative probe signal(s) \n ---- ----------------------------- --------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ ---------------- ------------------------------ ---------------- ------------------------------ ---------------- ------------------------------\n **P181** **P182** **P036B** **P070** \n\n \n\n **Copy numb.** ", " **Relative probe signal(s)** **Copy numb.** ", " **Relative probe signal(s)** **Copy numb.** ", " **Relative probe signal(s)** **Copy numb.** ", " **Relative probe signal(s)**\n\n \n\n **[Mosaic cases]{.ul}**^1^ \n\n \n\n 3 psu idic(9)(q12)\\ LTC-CV 4 IGFBPL1: 2.046 4 EXOSC3: 1.9013 4 DMRT1: 1.854 4 FLJ00026: 1.835\n (87,5%) \n\n 4 i(12)(p10)\\ uAF 4 PKPR2: 1.577^2^ 4 PKP2: 1.520^2^ 4 SLC6A12: 1.718 4 RBBP2: 1.602\n (89%) \n\n 6 neo(12)\\ uAF 2 PKPR2: 1.006\\ 2 PKP2: 1.016\\ 4 SLC6A12: 1.765 4 RBBP2: 1.519^2^\n (pter-\\>p12.3:)\\ KIF21A: 1.015 KIF21A: 1.045 \n (47%) \n\n 20 r(20)(q11.21q13.12)\\ uAF 3 DUSP15: 1.461 3 REM1: 1.183^3^ 2 SOX12:1.088\\ 2 FLJ22115: 0.989\\\n (87%) OPRL: 1.000 FLJ20517: 1.004\n\n **[Non-mosaic cases]{.ul}** \n\n 1 der(3)\\ LTC-CV 3 EPHA3: 1.178^3^ 3 EPHA3: 1.226^3^ 2 CHL1: 0.974 2 CHL1: 0.965\n (:p12.2-\\>cen:) \n\n 5 i(12)(p10) uAF 4 PKPR2: 1.632 4 PKP2: 1.795 4 SLC6A12: 1.645 4 RBBP2: 1.699\n\n 7 der(13)t(4;13)\\ cAF 3 HSMPP8: 1.470\\ 3 HSMPP8:1.387\\ 3 PSPC1: 1.352\\ 3 PSPC1:1.495\\\n (q31.3;q13) ZNF198: 1.322 ZNF198: 1.534 FRG1: 1.235^4^ FRG1: 1.300\n\n 11 der(14)t(14;16)\\ cAF 3 APEX: 1.358\\ 3 ADPRTL2: 1.371\\ 3 HEI10: 1.393\\ 3 ADPRTL2: 1.462\\\n (q12;q21) ADPRTL2:1.310 APEX: 1.410 GAS11/GAS8: 1.498 GAS11: 1.381\n\n 12 inv dup(15)\\ cAF 4 NDN: 1.702\\ 4 MKRN3: 1.635\\ 4 CYFIP1: 1.714 4 NDN: 1.668\n (q12) NIPA2: 1.770 NIPA2: 1.851 \n\n 13 neo(15)\\ cAF 2 NDN: 1.007\\ 2 MKRN3: 0.879\\ 3 ALDH1A3: 1.450 3 FLJ22604: 1.485\n (qtel-\\>q2?4:) NIPA2: 0.932 NIPA2: 1.087 \n\n 14 der(15)t(9;15)\\ uAF 3 NDN: 1.324\\ 3 MKRN3: 1.493\\ 3 CYFIP1: 1.424\\ 3 NDN: 1.324\\\n (p12;q14) NIPA2: 1.406\\ NIPA2: 1.335\\ DMRT1: 1.455 FLJ00026: 1.820^5^\n IGFBPL1: 1.401 EXOSC3: 1.314 \n\n 21 inv dup(22)\\ cAF 4 CECR1: 1.831\\ 4 CECR1: 1.830\\ 4 BID: 1.825 3^6^ IL17R: 1.548\n (q11.21) CECR5: 1.572^6^ SLC25A18: 1.773 \n\n 22 inv dup(22)\\ uAF 4 CECR1: 1.789\\ 4 CECR1: 1.796\\ 4 BID: 1.907 4 IL17R: 1.881\n (q11.21) CECR5: 1.654 SLC25A18: 1.811 \n\n 23 inv dup(22)\\ uAF 4 CECR1: 1.694\\ 4 CECR1: 1.711\\ 4 BID: 1.940 4 IL17R: 2.080\n (q11.21) CECR5: 1.724 SLC25A18: 1.691 \n\n 24 inv dup(22)\\ cAF 4 CECR1: 1.840\\ 4 CECR1: 1.790\\ 4 BID: 1.693 3^6^ IL17R: 1.527\n (q11.21) CECR5: 1.819 SLC25A18: 2.098 \n\n 25 del(22)\\ LTC-CV 4 CECR1: 1.770\\ 4 CECR1: 1.760\\ 4 BID: 1.688 4 IL17R: 1.806\n (q11.2) CECR5: 1.621 SLC25A18: 1.869 \n -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nLTC-CV = long-term cultured chorionic villi; uAF = uncultured amniotic fluid cells; cAF = cultured amniotic fluids cells.", "\n\n^1^: Level of mosaicism was determined in cultured cells, whereas DNA from uncultured cells was used for MLPA in cases 4, 6 and 20.", "\n\n^2^: Although relative probe signals indicate 3 copies (\\<1.6) we interpreted these results as 4 copies because of mosaicism in the cell cultures.", "\n\n^3^relative probe signal is clearly above the normal cut off value but \\< 1.3, probably indicating mosaicism.", "\n\n^4^the relative probe signal of 4qtel probe (FRG1) is in fact below the cut off value of 1.239. ", "The FRG1 specific probes in the P036 kits were found not to be reliable by the manufacturer due to the presence of population specific SNP\\'s in FRG1 (see website of MRC-Holland).", "\n\n^5^The probe for 9p in the P070 kit was found to be duplicated in some healthy individuals (see MRC Holland-website) which may explain the relative probe signal of 1.820 indicating 4 instead of 3 copies of 9ptel.", "\n\n^6^The relative probe signal of the sequence targeting CECR5 in case 21 and IL17R in cases 21 and 24 is \\< 1.6 and therefore indicating 3 instead of 4 copies. ", "However, on the basis of the relative probe signals of the other probes in the same and/or other kits, we assume the presence of 4 copies of CECR5 and/or IL17R on the sSMC in cases 21 and 24.", "\n\na. Non-mosaic cases\n-------------------\n\nThe relative probe signals in most non-mosaic cases (see table [1](#T1){ref-type=\"table\"}) correctly discriminated between 3 and 4 copies of the investigated probes, with relative probe signals \\> 1.3 and \\< 1.5 for a trisomy and \\> 1.6 for a tetrasomy (see table [3](#T3){ref-type=\"table\"}). ", "In 3/23 non-mosaic cases a discrepancy was found.", "\n\n**Case 1**: Although amplification of EPHA3 confirmed the results of FISH and DNA marker studies (sSMC=der(3)(:p12.2-\\>cen:) in case 1, the relative probe signals of the 3p11.2 marker *EPHA3*in both centromere-kits were not above 1.3 (1.178 in P181 and 1.226 in P182) as would be expected in a full blown case. ", "However, they were clearly above the normal cut off value of 1.077 for both kits probably indicating loss of the sSMC in part of the cells and therefore mosaicism at the time that DNA for MLPA was isolated from the cell cultures.", "\n\n**Case 13**showed a full blown neo(15) in cultured AF cells (8 cell clones investigated) (see Figure [1a](#F1){ref-type=\"fig\"}), which is an analphoid sSMC with a neocentromere and consisting of two copies of the distal end of chromosome 15q. ", "However, the relative probe signals of the 15q-subtelomere probes were only 1.45 and 1.428 in respectively P036B and P070, indicative of a trisomy but not a tetrasomy as expected (Figure [1b](#F1){ref-type=\"fig\"}).", "\n\n![**", "Identification of the sSMC in case 13 with GTG and FISH (a), MLPA (b) and SNP array analysis (c)**. **", "a**. ", "GTG and FISH results: [left:]{.ul} partial karyotype of 2 cells showing a normal chromosome 15 on the left and the sSMC on the right. [", "Middle]{.ul}: partial metaphase after FISH with WCP15. ", "Three chromosomes, both normal chromosomes 15 and the sSMC (arrow), are stained, proving the chromosome 15 origin of the sSMC. [", "Right]{.ul}: Partial metaphase after FISH with probe p80, located at 15q25-qter \\[[@B37]\\], showing 2 signals on both ends of the sSMC (arrow) indicative for a neo(15). ***", "b***. ", "MLPA results with the kits P036B (left) and P070 (right). ", "The probes targeting *ALDH1A3*and *FLJ22604*(within red circle), respectively, both located at 15qtel, are clearly elevated but below 1.6 indicating 3 copies of both genes instead of four on the sSMC. **", "c**. ", "HumanCytoSNP-12 result. ", "Only chromosome 15 is depicted. ", "The upper part shows the B-allele frequency (BAF) and the lower part shows the Log2 intensity along chromosome 15. ", "Based on BAF (absence of a BAF of 0.5 at 15q26.3 while a meiotic origin is likely due to the presence of a BAF of 0.5 in a large part of the sSMC, indicating the presence of a third haplotype) and Log2 ratio (indicating 3 copies of the most distal end of 15q), the MLPA result of a trisomy at the distal q-arm at 15q26.3, is confirmed.](1755-8166-4-2-1){#F1}\n\nIn order to elucidate this discrepancy, genomic microarray analysis was performed. ", "Investigations with the HumanCytoSNP-12 indicate that this case is more complex than initially thought which may explain the MLPA results. ", "Based on Log R ratio and B-allele frequency (BAF), we expect mosaicism of different abnormal cell lines containing different sSMC. ", "However, BAF\\'s of 0, 1, 0.333 and 0.667 and absence of a BAF of 0.5 at 15q26.3 (in contrast to the region 15q24.1-q26.2) indicate a trisomy at 15qtel which confirms the MLPA results (see Figure [1c](#F1){ref-type=\"fig\"}).", "\n\nIn **case 25**of an extra familial del(22)(q11.2) the results of MLPA with the 22q11 probes in the four kits were indicative for 4 copies of this chromosomal region: relative probe signals were 1.770 and 1.621 (P181), 1.760 and 1.869 (P182), 1.688 (P036B) and 1.806 (P070) (Figure [2b](#F2){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "This contradicts the FISH results with one signal on the sSMC for two different 22cen-probes, one for the rDNA-probe and one signal with the probe from the Cat Eye Syndrome (CES)-region (Figure [2a](#F2){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "HumanCytoSNP-12-analysis confirmed the sSMC to be at least a partial duplication of chromosome 22, indicated by a BAF of 0.5, resulting in 4 copies of the sequences detected by the proximal 22q-probes in the 4 MLPA kits (Figure [2c](#F2){ref-type=\"fig\"}).", "\n\n![**", "Identification of the familial sSMC in case 25: GTG and FISH (a), MLPA (b) and HumanCytoSNP-12 (c) results**. **", "a.**[Left]{.ul}. ", "GTG partial metaphase showing the sSMC (arrow). [", "2^nd^picture]{.ul}: partial metaphase after FISH with the ribosomal DNA probe r521, showing one signal on the sSMC (arrow) and on the short arm of all acrocentric chromosomes. [", "3^rd^picture]{.ul}: partial metaphase after FISH with p190.22 (22cen) (green) and 22qtel probe (red) showing only one centromere signal and no 22qtel signal on the sSMC (arrow). ", "Both normal chromosomes 22 are positive with 22cen as well as with 22qtel probe. [", "Right:]{.ul} partial metaphase after FISH with a Cat Eye Syndrome critical region probe 102D10 showing one signal on the sSMC (arrow) and on both normal chromosomes 22. **", "b.**MLPA results with centromere kit P182 (left) en telomere kit P070 (right). ", "The relative probe signals of the sequences targeting *CECR1*and *SLC25A18*in P182 and *IL17R*in P070 (in red circle) are clearly \\> 1.6 indicating 4 copies of these sequences on the sSMC. **", "c.**HumanCytoSNP-12 result. ", "Only chromosome 22 is depicted. ", "The upper part shows the B-allele frequency (BAF) and the lower part shows the Log R Ratio along chromosome 22. ", "Based on the BAF (presence of a BAF of 0.5 in at least a part of the maternally inhereted sSMC, indicating the presence of a meiotic tetrasomy), the MLPA result of a partial tetrasomy 22q11, is confirmed.](1755-8166-4-2-2){#F2}\n\nb. Mosaic cases\n---------------\n\nIn one out of four mosaic cases (case 3), MLPA correctly identified four copies of 9ptel (P070, P036B), 9p11 (p182) and 9p13.2 (P181) with relative probe signals \\> 1.6 (table [3](#T3){ref-type=\"table\"}). ", "However, in three out of four mosaic cases (cases 4, 6 and 20), the relative probe signals of some probes were below the expected values (1.3 for a trisomy and 1.6 for a tetrasomy). ", "In these cases, the level of mosaicism, which was determined in cultured AF cells, was unknown in uncultured AF cells from which the DNA for MLPA was isolated. ", "Nevertheless, the sSMC in all three cases could be identified by making use of our own calculated cut off values (table [2](#T2){ref-type=\"table\"}) with relative probe signals of the involving probes above the normal cut off values in all kits.", "\n\nUnique sequence negative sSMC\n-----------------------------\n\nThe unique sequence negative sSMC (cases 2, 8-10, 15-19, 26-30) all showed normal MLPA results with relative probe signals between the normal cut off values 0.7 and 1.3 confirming GTG/FISH results. ", "There were no false positive cases.", "\n\nDiscussion\n==========\n\nsSMC, when detected with conventional cytogenetic banding techniques, are still a problem as they often are too small or without a specific banding pattern to be considered for their chromosomal origin by traditional banding techniques. ", "Therefore, molecular cytogenetic techniques are often needed for further characterisation. ", "Since the phenotypic consequences of a sSMC will greatly depend on its genetic content and chromosomal origin, it is of particular clinical importance to rapidly distinguish unique sequence-negative from unique sequence-positive sSMC because the former are less likely to be associated with an abnormal fetal outcome. ", "For a collection of all available reported sSMC cases, see the sSMC database \\[[@B22]\\].", "\n\nDifferent papers describe the use of genomic array analysis for identification of sSMC \\[[@B15],[@B16],[@B23],[@B24]\\]. ", "The big advantage of this technique is that the exact chromosomal content of the unique-sequence positive sSMC can be determined in one reaction, although targeted FISH is often used following an abnormal array result and is sometimes necessary to determine the structure of the sSMC \\[[@B24]\\]. ", "However, genomic array analysis is labour intensive, time-consuming and expensive. ", "The use of the MLPA technique for characterisation of some specific sSMC has already been described in postnatal cytogenetics \\[[@B25]-[@B28]\\]. ", "In this paper, we show that MLPA with centromere and telomere kits may be a quick initial approach for sSMC characterisation in prenatal diagnosis when time is limited. ", "From every AF sample that we receive in our laboratory 4 ml is used for direct DNA isolation. ", "As soon as a sSMC is found, this DNA can be used for MLPA and results are available within less than 24 hours. ", "In case of a positive result, targeted FISH and/or array on (un)cultured AF cells may be used for confirmation and further identification. ", "However, as with array analysis, MLPA will give normal results in case of an unique sequence-negative sSMC or in case of low level mosaicism \\[[@B16]\\]. ", "Therefore, other techniques such as cenM-FISH \\[[@B8]\\] or sequential targeted FISH \\[[@B29]\\], although labour-intensive and frequently time-consuming, will be necessary for determining the chromosomal origin. ", "Since such a sSMC most probably does not contain euchromatin, in the meanwhile, the parents can be karyotyped after reassurance.", "\n\nDespite the development of molecular techniques for sSMC identification, conventional staining techniques are still valuable. ", "Since 35% of the marker chromosomes with a known chromosomal origin are derived from chromosome 15 \\[[@B30]\\], the first thing to do in case of a satellited sSMC is a DA-DAPI staining. ", "If positive, targeted FISH with chromosome 15 specific probes can be applied for further identification. ", "If negative, FISH with a 13/21 and 14/22 centromere probe in conjunction with subcentromere probes for these 4 chromosomes can quickly elucidate the chromosomal content of the sSMC. ", "In case of a non-satellited sSMC, MLPA might be a rapid and rather non-expensive technique for distinguishing between an unique sequence-positive and -negative sSMC.", "\n\nThe centromere kits P181 and P182 are presented by MRC Holland as kits for identification of sSMC. ", "However, we recommend using the telomere kits in addition to these centromere kits for sSMC identification for three reasons. ", "Firstly, by using only the centromere kits, the neo(12) and neo(15) would both have been missed. ", "This type of sSMC, first described by Blennow \\[[@B31]\\] is rare. ", "Up till now about \\~90 neocentric acentric marker chromosomes have been described in patients with idiopathic mental retardation but also in cancer cells \\[[@B32],[@B33]\\]. ", "Secondly, the sSMC in cases 7 and 11 could be correctly identified as being unbalanced translocations by using centromere concomitant with telomere kits. ", "Although rare, this type of sSMC, the so-called unique complex sSMC which are derived from more than one chromosome, may be underdiagnosed as suggested by Trifonov et al. ", "\\[[@B34]\\], and MLPA with centromere and telomere kits may enhance their detection rate. ", "And finally, since most sSMC are derived from the acrocentric chromosomes, the simultaneous use of centromere and telomere kits allows for more markers to be tested in the subcentromeric region since the telomere kits also contain probes in the proximal long arm of the acrocentric chromosomes instead of a specific short arm subtelomere probe which they lack.", "\n\nIn 5/6 mosaic cases with the level of mosaicism determined in cultured cells, DNA isolated from uncultured AF cells was used for MLPA hampering the interpretation of the results. ", "For instance, normal MLPA results in cases 18 and 19 are most probably explained by absence of unique sequences on both sSMC. ", "However, due to low-level mosaicism at least in the AF cell cultures and therefore probably also in the uncultured AF cells used for MLPA, a normal result caused by low-level mosaicism can never be excluded. ", "It is known that discrepancies may exist concerning mosaicism level between cultured and uncultured AF cells with the level often being higher in uncultured cells since these are not subjected to selection, mostly in favour of normal cells as seen in cell cultures. ", "However, the reverse has also been observed in some cases of tissue specific mosaicism if the contribution of the affected organ or organsystem to the total AF cell population is small \\[[@B35]\\], but also in cases of generalised mosaicism \\[[@B36]\\]. ", "From this experience, we learned that it is important to make FISH-slides at the time of DNA isolation necessary for determination of the level of mosaicism in the DNA sample enabling a proper interpretation of molecular results.", "\n\nIn cases 13 and 25 we show that the use of molecular techniques such as MLPA and array analysis may show that some sSMC are much more complex than initially thought on the basis of conventional banding techniques and FISH. ", "At the moment we are performing further FISH studies in order to elucidate the exact structure of the sSMC in both cases. ", "Tsuchya et al. ", "\\[[@B24]\\] already published the uncoverage of unexpected complexity in the form of complex rearrangements of some sSMC when they used array CGH. ", "This will ultimately lead to a more accurate sSMC-phenotype correlation which is important for proper counselling of the prospective parents when the sSMC is found prenatally.", "\n\nConclusion\n==========\n\nIn this paper we show that MLPA with centromere (P181 and P182)-and telomere (P036B and P070)-kits allow for the rapid differentiation between unique sequence positive and negative sSMC. ", "As compared to multicolour FISH techniques and microarray analysis, MLPA is a rather non-expensive and easy to perform technique in most clinical cytogenetic laboratories for the rapid elucidation of the harmfulness of a prenatally detected sSMC with results available within 24 hours.", "\n\nCompeting interests\n===================\n\nThe authors declare that they have no competing interests.", "\n\nAuthors\\' contributions\n=======================\n\nDVO coordinated the study and wrote the paper. ", "MB performed the MLPA and microarray analyses. ", "PN performed cytogenetic and FISH analyses. ", "MIS, DVO, GH and R-JHG were responsible for the final (molecular) cytogenetic diagnoses and reports. ", "GH and DVO studied the literature. ", "R-JHG coördinated the genetic counselling of the parents. ", "All authors read and approved the manuscript.", "\n\nSupplementary Material\n======================\n\n###### Additional file 1\n\n**Supplemental Table**. ", "29 prenatal cases with a sSMC: indication, sSMC identification with conventional staining and FISH techniques, positive or negative for euchromatin and final karyotype.", "\n\n###### \n\nClick here for file\n\nAcknowledgements\n================\n\nThe authors wish to thank Dr. H. Beverloo for performing SKY in case 19, the colleagues from the postnatal cytogenetic laboratory for performing parental studies and T. de Vries Lentsch for his contribution to both figures. ", "Bert Eussen is acknowledged for the development of many FISH probes used for identification of sSMC.", "\n" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nIs a billion volt electrical transmission line possible?", "\n\nBecause\n$$\nP_{\\,\\displaystyle\\rm loss}=\\frac{P^2R}{V^2}\n$$\nin an electrical line where $R$ is the total resistance\nWhy not use a $1$ billion volt line instead of a $800\\,\\rm kv$ line? ", "Is there a maximum voltage that copper can carry?", "\n\nA:\n\nThe energy will start dissipating in the atmosphere as corona losses, also the high tension(potential difference) between the wires and the ground will make it dangerous. ", "There maybe electrical breakdowns and electric shocks which will then fry the wires along with causing damage to nearby objects and people it will also breakdown the transmission by destroying the transmission cable.", "\nAsides from these, the magnetic interaction between two lines carrying such high voltage current would be extremely high to be handled easily. ", "So yes there must be a limiting potential which would be decided by calculating all the above factors.", "\n\n" ]
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[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "Before Christmas we had the row over the 58 sectoral impact assessments, which Brexit Secretary David Davis had told Parliament were in “excruciating detail”, dragged by arcane parliamentary procedures out of a reluctant government. ", "These turned out to be rather routine briefing sheets.", "\n\nOn Monday, The Times reported secret briefing documents being shared with ministers in darkened rooms, handed back so there were no copies floating about ready to be leaked. ", "By Monday evening, those very same assessments were lighting up Twitter thanks to Buzzfeed. ", "The results won’t be a surprise to anyone who watched our recent panel on the economics of Brexit.", "\n\nIt is not surprising that the assessment shows broadly the same story as the Treasury assessment published before the referendum. ", "The Norway option that keeps us close to the EU has the least economic impact, whereas trading with the EU on World Trade Organization terms – what would happen in the case of no deal – has the most impact. ", "The worst option means gross domestic product (GDP) would be 8% lower than it would be if we stayed in the EU – cutting a bit under 0.5% off growth each year of the period. ", "By comparison, UK GDP fell by over 4% in absolute terms in 2009.", "\n\nThe new element is an assessment of the value of negotiating potential new free trade deals. ", "This matters because those trade deals are the reason the Government has turned its face against staying in the Customs Union. ", "What the assessment is reported to show is that the benefit of these deals is dwarfed by the scale of the potential losses from distancing ourselves from the EU.", "\n\nThe Government should have produced its assessment of the case for leaving the Customs Union a year ago, when the Prime Minister spoke at Lancaster House.", "\n\nThe Government has – for now – resisted demands in Parliament to formally put out the assessment. ", "Instead, DExEU Minister Steve Baker has promised that the assessment will be published when Parliament gets to vote on the final deal. ", "But, as many have pointed out, that is too late. ", "Rather than spend ages on what are likely to be futile efforts to put it back in the safe, it would be much better to publish the assessment and move on.", "\n\nThe Government points out that no option assessed in this leaked report is its preferred option: a bespoke deal. ", "Given that the Prime Minister says that option is somewhere between Norway and Canada deals, it might be reasonable to look at ending up in the range between Norway (-2% GDP) and a free trade agreement (-5% GDP).", "\n\nThe Government is still keen to say that a bespoke option is superior and avoids all the economic costs of leaving. ", "But it has not told us what a bespoke deal looks like – and therefore the modellers have been unable to assess it.", "\n\nIf the Government wants to say none of these options represent our economic future, it needs to stop the internal squabbling and set out what it thinks our future trading relationship will look like – and why it meets both UK and EU requirements. ", "We argued in December that the UK needs to take the initiative on its preferred relationship rather than wait for the EU to buckle first and offer us the bespoke deal of our dreams.", "\n\nThe next official public forecast will be at the Spring Statement in mid-March. ", "The Office for Budget Responsibility (OBR) needs to be given much greater clarity for the next forecast on the future EU trading arrangements it should be modelling.", "\n\nInternal economic assessments may be inconvenient, but government often makes policy decisions that put other objectives above the economy. ", "The migration target, to which the Prime Minister is wedded, is a prime example of where a specific priority (controlling the inflow of people) is judged to be more important than growth maximisation. ", "Indeed, OBR modelling already shows the economy taking a hit from reduced migration flows after Brexit.", "\n\nWe could have a more honest debate about Brexit if the Government stopped tying itself in knots and acknowledged that leaving the EU was likely to harm the economy. ", "Then it could focus on how to mitigate the impacts by, for example, tackling the UK’s systemically poor productivity.", "\n\nComments\n\nIf the latest leaked economic predictions post-Brexit are based on the discredited gravity model which was such a long way out in its pre-referendum 'Project Fear' predictions, then I agree we should just move on, though I wouldn't even bother to publish them.", "\n\nThe emergency budget forecasts were not actually based on the gravity model I don't think.. they were more conventional forecasts re impact on consumer/investor confidence.. They were right about a v signifncat devaluation - but assumed (implausibly) no policy response.", "\nIt was the HMT long-run predictions on future trade relations which were based on gravity model. ", "Of course nothing has yet changed on that yet as we are still trading on pre-Brexit terms with the EU. ", "but no point having a big argument about stuff noone can see.. Models only as good as their assumptions - so better to publish and discuss than conceal." ]
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[ 0.012875536480686695, 0, 0.005681818181818182, 0.010869565217391304, 0.01020408163265306, 0.007575757575757576, 0.014492753623188406, 0.005780346820809248, 0, 0, 0.007874015748031496, 0.006211180124223602, 0.01282051282051282, 0.01, 0.014814814814814815, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.004016064257028112, 0.0055248618784530384, 0, 0.012121212121212121, 0, 0, 0.019417475728155338, 0.011976047904191617, 0, 0.003676470588235294, 0, 0.01020408163265306, 0.009708737864077669, 0 ]
[ "Login using\n\nYou can login by using one of your existing accounts.", "\n\nWe will be provided with an authorization token (please note: passwords are not shared with us) and will sync your accounts for you. ", "This means that you will not need to remember your user name and password in the future and you will be able to login with the account you choose to sync, with the click of a button.", "\n\n1Institute of Arctic and Alpine Research, University of Colorado Boulder, Boulder, CO, United States\n\n2Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (U.S. Department of Energy), Richland, WA, United States\n\n3Pacific Northwest Research Station, The United States Forest Service, Olympia, WA, United States\n\n4Department of Biomedical Informatics, University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences, Little Rock, AR, United States\n\n5Department of Natural Sciences, University of Alaska Southeast, Juneau, AK, United States\n\n6Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of Colorado Boulder, Boulder, CO, United States\n\nPast research demonstrating the importance plant–microbe interactions as drivers of ecosystem succession has focused on how plants condition soil microbial communities, impacting subsequent plant performance and plant community assembly. ", "These studies, however, largely treat microbial communities as a black box. ", "In this study, we sought to examine how emblematic shifts from early successional Alnus viridus ssp. ", "sinuata (Sitka alder) to late successional Picea sitchensis (Sitka spruce) in primary succession may be reflected in specific belowground changes in bacterial community structure and nitrogen cycling related to the interaction of these two plants. ", "We examined early successional alder-conditioned soils in a glacial forefield to delineate how alders alter the soil microbial community with increasing dominance. ", "Further, we assessed the impact of late-successional spruce plants on these early successional alder-conditioned microbiomes and related nitrogen cycling through a leachate addition microcosm experiment. ", "We show how increasingly abundant alder select for particular bacterial taxa. ", "Additionally, we found that spruce leachate significantly alters the composition of these microbial communities in large part by driving declines in taxa that are enriched by alder, including bacterial symbionts. ", "We found these effects to be spruce specific, beyond a general leachate effect. ", "Our work also demonstrates a unique influence of spruce on ammonium availability. ", "Such insights bolster theory relating the importance of plant–microbe interactions with late-successional plants and interspecific plant interactions more generally.", "\n\nIn this study, we sought to understand how interacting plants influence soil microbial communities and related function in primary succession, an interaction that may underlie past research that has shown strong effects of plant-conditioned soils on interspecific plant interactions in succession (Clein and Schimel, 1995; Schimel et al., ", "1996; Kardol et al., ", "2007). ", "First, we examined how the increasing dominance of alder in early primary succession may control patterns of soil bacterial community structure. ", "Second, as leaf chemistry is known to be a plant trait that has a major influence on plant–soil microbe interactions (terHorst and Zee, 2016), we used a leaf-leachate microcosm experiment to test the effect of colonizing late-succession Picea sitchensis (spruce) on Alnus sinuata (alder)-dominated, early successional soils.", "\n\nThe Mendenhall Glacier outside of Juneau, AK, United States, provides a primary succession chronosequence over which plant community changes follow typical successional patterns (Chapin et al., ", "1994; Knelman et al., ", "2012): early succession N-fixing alder are replaced by late-successional spruce, a transition that has long been studied in terms of plant life history traits, biotic interactions, and stochastic processes (Walker and Chapin, 1986; Walker et al., ", "1986; Chapin et al., ", "1994). ", "In our study, we sought to examine how this hallmark turnover from alder to spruce-dominated plant communities at the Mendenhall Glacier forefield may also be reflected in belowground microbial community structure and biogeochemistry. ", "While past research at this site has shown that alder and spruce separately harbor unique microbial communities (Knelman et al., ", "2012), little is known about how soil bacterial communities of increasing alder dominance may respond to spruce influence in structure and function. ", "Building on ecological theory that suggests a stronger role of microbial communities in supporting late-successional species (Middleton and Bever, 2012; Abbott et al., ", "2015; Koziol and Bever, 2015) and the importance of interspecific plant–microbe interactions through succession (Kardol et al., ", "2006, 2007; Middleton and Bever, 2012; Fukami and Nakajima, 2013), we hypothesize that alder influenced soil bacterial communities and nutrient cycling in early succession will be susceptible to microbiome and nutrient changes driven by spruce effects, a late successional species. ", "More specifically, we hypothesize that (1) increasing alder dominance over the natural chronosequence will lead to directional changes in the bacterial community composition including relative abundance of known plant symbionts (Rhizobiales and Actinomycetales), and (2) interspecific plant effects, mediated by late-successional spruce leachate additions, will drive bacterial composition shifts including opposite changes in the relative abundance of major bacterial taxa and plant symbionts observed under alder effects. ", "Likewise, we expect that in altering microbial community structure of alder-conditioned soils, spruce leachate effects will also uniquely influence microbial activity as evidenced by differences in soil enzyme activity and N pools.", "\n\nMaterials and Methods\n\nSite Description and Environmental Sampling\n\nWe sampled soils from the Mendenhall Glacier forefield in July 2014. ", "The glacier forefield at the west side of the glacier terminus, where sampling took place (Figure 1), is the result of ongoing deglaciation since the Little Ice Age. ", "Exposed soils are Entisols of granitic tills (Burt and Alexander, 1996). ", "The glacier terminus is roughly 20 m above sea level with a mean annual precipitation > 2500 mm (Burt and Alexander, 1996). ", "Soils were collected from three transects of 100 m length, at increasing distance from the glacier, representing ecologically important stages of succession: before vascular plant colonization (pre-colonization: N 58° 26.667′; W 134° 26.456′), initial alder colonized soils (alder colonizer: N 58° 26.673′; W 134° 33.397′), and alder stand soils (alder dominated: N 58° 26.665′; W 134° 33.457′) (Figure 1). ", "Pre-colonization, alder-colonizer, and alder-dominated soils corresponded with approximately 7, 9, and 11 years post-deglaciation, respectively (Figure 1). ", "A total of 10 samples were collected along the pre-colonization transect in unvegetated soils. ", "A total of 10 samples were collected from the alder colonizer transect with spatially patchy alder colonizers from 45 to 60 cm tall. ", "Here, soils were collected at the base of the alder seedling trunks, with no other vegetation within a 40 cm radius of the plant. ", "This area was co-dominated by patchy fireweed. ", "A total of 10 replicate soils were collected in a dense alder stand (1–1.4 m tall). ", "Fresh clippings were collected from the alder stand plants and from young spruce in an adjacent area of > 11-year-old soils. ", "All soils were then transported back to the laboratory in Juneau, AK, United States, and sieved to 2 mm. ", "Subsamples for molecular analysis were placed in a freezer with dry ice and the remaining samples were placed in the fridge held at 4°C within 6 h of sampling. ", "Vegetation was immediately dried at 60°C for 2 days. ", "Soils were transported to Boulder on ice 2 days after collection and stored in a -70°C freezer for molecular analysis and at 4°C for soil chemistry analysis.", "\n\nFIGURE 1\n\nFIGURE 1. ", "Map of Mendenhall Glacier and forefield, sampling locations, and extent of glacial cover at various years. ", "Darkest blue color is the existing glacier, medium blue is the glacial lake, and light blue is exposed ground. ", "Soil collection sites for increasing alder dominance are marked.", "\n\nMicrocosm Experiment\n\nDried leaves from spruce and alder were ground up and 50 g of each plant was added to 800 mL of megapure water, respectively, and shaken at 350 rpm for 1 h and then allowed to sit for 14.5 h. Extracts were then filtered with burned glass microfiber GF/F 47 mm filters with 0.45 micrometer pore size. ", "Filtered extracts were then sterile filtered with 0.22 micrometer 150 mL bottle top filters (nanopyrogenic, sterile, Corning Incorporated, Corning, NY, United States). ", "Samples of each leachate were then run on a Shimadzu TOC-V CSN Total Organic Carbon Analyzer to evaluate non-purgeable organic carbon (NPOC) (e.g., total organic carbon) and total dissolved nitrogen (TDN). ", "Leachates were adjusted through dilution with sterile water to create spruce and alder leachate at equivalent ending C concentrations. ", "C:N ratios of the two leachates based on NPOC and TDN measurements were approximately equivalent. ", "Leachate pH was tested and found to be 4.8 and 4.2 for alder and spruce leachate, respectively. ", "For the microcosm experiment, 40 g of homogenized alder-dominated soils were added to 3 sets of 10 replicate sterilized Mason jars, for a total of 30 microcosms. ", "In this way, all microcosms started with alder-conditioned soil of equivalent starting microbial and edaphic properties. ", "Treatments of alder leachate, spruce leachate, and sterile H2O (control) were applied to the 3 sets of 10 replicate microcosms. ", "Alder and spruce leachates were adjusted using sterilized, megapure water to ∼680 μg C/mL and ∼8 μg N/mL of leachate. ", "A total of 5 mL of solution was added to each incubation, resulting in the addition of approximately 97 μg C/g soil and 1.1 μg N/g soil for those treated with litter leachate. ", "The addition of alder vs. spruce leachate allowed us to not only assess the different effects of spruce and alder, but also distinguish whether effects were a general C-addition effect or specific to the heterospecific plant. ", "Microcosms were arranged in a randomized block design for the incubation period at 18°C. ", "Incubations were stopped after 5 days. ", "Soils were immediately subsampled and placed in the -70°C freezer for DNA analysis as well as refrigerated at 4°C for enzyme analyses.", "\n\nSoil Edaphic Properties\n\nFor all soils from the end of the microcosm experiment, soil moisture, pH, TDN, extractable organic carbon (NPOC), and ammonium (NH4+) were evaluated. ", "A subsample of each soil was dried at 100°C for 48 h to determine gravimetric soil moisture and adjust for real soil weight in all calculations. ", "Immediately following collection of the final microcosm soil sample, 10 g of soil were extracted for 24 h in 40 mL of 2M KCl including 1 h of shaking. ", "Extracts were filtered with Whatman no. ", "1 paper (Whatman Incorporated, Florham Park, NJ, United States) and frozen until analysis. ", "NH4+ was measured on a BioTek Synergy 2 Multidetection Microplate Reader (BioTek, Winooski, VT, USA) and TDN/NPOC were measured on a Shimadzu TOC-V CSN Total Organic Carbon Analyzer (Shimadzu TOCvcpn, Kyoto, Japan). ", "pH was measured with a ratio of 1.5 g dry soil: 3 mL water. ", "Soils were shaken at 250 rpm for 1 h, allowed to equilibrate, and then tested on an Accumet Research AR10 pH meter.", "\n\nEnzyme Analysis\n\nEnzyme activities for β-1,4-N-acetylglucosaminidase (NAG), and acid phosphatase (aP) were evaluated for the microcosm experiment in order to assess microbial investment in N and P acquisition under the effect of alder or spruce litter leachate. ", "The activities of these enzymes are indicative of microbial (both bacterial and fungal) investment in the acquisition of N and P, and the limiting nature of these nutrients. ", "Thus, changes in these decomposition enzymes both indicate shifts in soil nutrient cycling dynamics as well as microbial nutrient limitation (Sinsabaugh et al., ", "2008; Holden et al., ", "2012; Knelman et al., ", "2017). ", "Enzyme activity was measured via fluorometric microplate methods (Sinsabaugh et al., ", "2002; Weintraub et al., ", "2012). ", "The methods of Weintraub et al. (", "2012) were used based on a 96-well assay plate method with 1M sodium acetate buffer titrated to a pH of 7.0 and 4-methylumbelliferone standards. ", "Approximately 1 g of refrigerated soil was used from each sample. ", "Each sample was run with 16 analytical replicates, quench corrections, standards, and negative controls. ", "Fluorescence was measured using a microplate reader (Thermo Labsystems, Franklin, MA, United States) at 365 nm excitation and 460 nm emission to calculate nmol activity h-1 g soil-1.", "\n\nDNA Extractions and Illumina Sequencing\n\nMoBio’s PowerSoil DNA Isolation Kit (MO BIO Laboratories, Carlsbad, CA, United States) was used according the manufacturer’s protocol to extract genomic DNA from each sample within the environmental and microcosm study. ", "Samples were checked for DNA purity using a NanoDrop800 and quantified using the PicoGreen method. ", "All samples were then normalized to 2.85 ng DNA/μL. Samples were then sent to The Genomic Sequencing and Analysis Facility at University of Texas at Austin for barcoded PCR using 515F/806R primers (Hyb515F_rRNA: 5′-TCGTCGGCAGCGTCAGATGTGTATAAGAGACAGGTGYCAGCMGCCGCGGTA-3′ and Hyb806R_rRNA: 3′-TAATCTWTGGGVHCATCAGGGACAGAGAATATGTGTAGAGGCTCGGGTGCTCTG-5′), and sequencing of the 16S rRNA gene V4 regions on a Illumina MiSeq platform, according to the sequencing center protocols1.", "\n\nStatistical and Sequence Analysis\n\nUsing the R statistical environment (R Development Core Team, 2013) and the pgirmess package in R, Kruskal–Wallis ANOVA contrasts were run to assess changes in dominant bacterial taxa. ", "First, we evaluated changes at the phyla level – as well as genera level for well known plant symbionts within orders Rhizobiales and Actinomycetales (Nemergut et al., ", "2011; Yeoh et al., ", "2017) – across the natural chronosequence with increasing alder dominance. ", "Within those phyla that showed significant responses with increasing alder dominance, we examined relative abundances from the microcosm experiment for all genera that constituted, on average, at least 0.1% relative abundance of communities, to better understand how spruce plant-effects impacted these alder-influenced bacterial communities. ", "We used the ggplot2 package in R to plot these results (Figure 3). ", "Using Tukey’s Honestly Significant Differences test, we examined which genera changed significantly due to alder/spruce leachate addition in comparison with control (alder-dominated) soils collected from the natural chronosequence. ", "Enzyme activity data was checked for normality and then assessed for differences across microcosm treatments using One-Way ANOVAs. ", "TDN, NH4+, and NPOC were natural log-transformed to fulfill assumptions of normality and along with pH and soil moisture were tested for differences among incubation treatments using One-Way ANOVAs and Tukey’s Honestly Significant Differences tests.", "\n\nWe examined bacterial community composition and diversity using the UPARSE and QIIME software packages (Caporaso et al., ", "2010b; Edgar, 2013). ", "Cutadapt (Martin, 2011) was used to trim sequencing primers from the forward and reverse reads. ", "When both the forward and reverse primers were not detected (allowed for 10% mismatches for primer search), read pairs were removed. ", "Paired-ends were merged, demultiplexed and stored as fastq output according to the protocol of Andrei et al. (", "2015) in QIIME (v1.9). ", "Operational taxonomic units (OTUs) were picked and an OTU table was constructed using UPARSE. ", "Using the “parallel_assign_taxonomy_rdp.py” script in QIIME, taxonomy was assigned based on the Ribosomal Database Project (RDP) classifier (Wang et al., ", "2007) against the “13_8” Greengenes database (DeSantis et al., ", "2006). ", "A phylogenetic tree was built using FastTree (Price et al., ", "2009) on masked pyNAST aligned sequences (Caporaso et al., ", "2010a). ", "This phylogeny was then manually rooted to Archaea in Dendroscope (v3; Huson and Scornavacca, 2012). ", "Based on OTU tables rarified to 8,490 sequences per sample, the lowest minimum sequencing depth for a sample, community dissimilarity matrices using the weighted UniFrac method (Lozupone et al., ", "2006, 2007) were calculated in QIIME. ", "Permutational MANOVAs and PERMDISP, a permutational test of homogeneity of dispersion, were performed in PRIMER E on the UniFrac dissimilarity matrices (Clarke and Gorley, 2006). ", "Mantel-like Spearman RELATE tests were performed in PRIMER E to assess the correlation between microbial community phylogenetic dissimilarity and NH4+. ", "Ammonium data was ranked and converted into a dissimilarity matrix based on Euclidean distance and then compared to the UniFrac dissimilarity matrix via this test.", "\n\nData Availability\n\nSequences, mapping file, and metadata have been made available via FigShare with the DOI 10.6084/m9.figshare.5278297.v1.", "\n\nResults\n\nMicrobes Associated with Increasing Dominance of Alder across Succession\n\nThere were significant differences in microbial community structure between the three successional time points of alder soil conditioning (Table 1). ", "Sequencing data showed a clear correspondence of particular microbial taxa with the increasing dominance of alder in a directional manner. ", "Increases in the prominence of Actinobacteria, Acidobacteria, Bacteroidetes, Planctomycetes, and Alphaproteobacteria occurred with increasing soil age and alder dominance (Table 2). ", "A higher resolution view of genera within a bacterial order involved with symbioses, Rhizobiales, showed that Agrobacterium and Rhizobium increase significantly in young, alder-dominated soils. ", "Outside of increases in Agrobacterium and Rhizobium, no other genera within Rhizobiales showed significant changes with the rising influence of alder across our sampling of the natural chronosequence. ", "Although there were increases in Actinobacteria, no statistically significant trends were observed in the relative abundance of genera within order Actinomycetales including that of the alder symbiont, Frankia. ", "Betaproteobacteria show decreases with increasing prominence of alder (Table 2).", "\n\nMicrocosm Experiment\n\nSequence analysis of the microcosm experiment showed distinct communities among treatments (Table 1). ", "In particular, PERMDISP analysis showed that spruce had a greater structuring effect on microbial communities of alder-conditioned soils than other treatments, resulting in significantly less dispersion in community phylogenetic dissimilarity than both the alder leachate and the control soil communities (environmental alder-influenced soil bacterial communities) (PERMDISP, S vs. A: P = 0.003; S vs. control: P = 0.019). ", "Controls and alder leachate soil communities did not show any statistically significant differences in the dispersion of phylogenetic community dissimilarity (PERMDISP, P = 0.568). ", "Principle coordinates analysis (PCoA) based on UniFrac phylogenetic dissimilarity among communities shows grouping by treatment as well as this strong selective effect of spruce leachate on alder-conditioned microbial communities in the significant reduction of dispersion (Figure 2). ", "At a higher resolution, leachate addition (both alder and spruce), in general, drove increases in the relative abundance of Acidobacteria (Figure 3). ", "A differential response between alder and spruce leachate addition in relation to the control demonstrated unique spruce-driven shifts in microbial taxa as well. ", "Out of all major taxa at the phyla level, statistically significant relative increases in Planctomycetes and Chloroflexi as well as declines in Deltaproteobacteria were associated with spruce leachate additions in comparison with microcosm controls. ", "Further, we examined all genera within the these phyla and those that responded to increasing Alder dominance in the natural chronosequence (Table 2) to examine how interspecific interactions via spruce leachate addition influenced these bacteria at a higher resolution (Figure 3). ", "This work showed a variety of genera in alder-influenced soils responded to spruce leachate in a significant, unique way. ", "Some genera showed a general response to leachate addition indicating a leachate or C effect. ", "For example, in the case of Arthrobacter, Hydrogenophaga, Polaromonas, and Sphingobium, these genera all responded with significant decreases in their relative abundance vs. control for both alder and spruce leachate addition. ", "In other cases, Spruce uniquely drove declines in relative abundance vs. controls, where alder leachate did not (e.g., Agrobacterium, Bdellovibrio, Lutibacterium, Microbacterium, Novosphingobium, Peredibacter, Rhizobium, Rhodoferax, Sphingomonas, and Zymomonas). ", "Finally, in the cases of Janthinobacterium, Planctomyces, and Thiobacillus, spruce leachate addition drove significant increases in the genera relative abundances vs. controls, whereas alder leachate addition did not.", "\n\nThe microcosm experiment, designed to assess the impact of spruce encroachment colonization on alder-conditioned soil communities, found no differences among treatments in soil moisture, pH, or TDN (Table 3). ", "Predictably, both alder and spruce leachate treatments showed significant increases in extractable organic carbon as opposed to the control (Table 3), but were statistically indistinguishable from each other. ", "Levels of NH4+ depended on the particular leachate addition. ", "While both spruce and alder leachate soils showed significant decreases in NH4+, alder leachate soils showed significantly lower concentrations of NH4+ than spruce leachate soils (Table 3). ", "No differences were found among treatment categories in NAG or aP enzyme activity and no correlations were found between bacterial community structure and enzyme activity. ", "Correlations between community shifts and extractable NH4+ were examined, revealing a significant, albeit weak, correlation between bacterial phylogenetic community structure and soil NH4+ (RELATE test, Rho = 0.129, P = 0.026).", "\n\nDiscussion\n\nAlder have long been described as an integral plant in driving primary succession, particularly because they have been shown to enhance soil N content and therein influence colonization by later successional species (Chapin et al., ", "1994; Clein and Schimel, 1995; Schimel et al., ", "1996). ", "While the importance of alders in relation to plant community turnover and succession has been examined in the past (Chapin et al., ", "1994; Clein and Schimel, 1995; Schimel et al., ", "1996), research has not taken a high resolution view of how bacterial community structure of alder influenced soil changes over succession, or how interspecific interactions between these early alder soils and late successional spruce may occur via differential selection on bacterial community structure. ", "Nonetheless, research is increasingly showing the role of plant-microbe dynamics in interspecific plant interactions and community turnover across succession (Kardol et al., ", "2006, 2007; Fukami and Nakajima, 2013; Abbott et al., ", "2015). ", "We demonstrate in this work that over time alders directionally shape bacterial communities and that these communities are strongly altered through interspecific interactions with late successional spruce plants, as presented in our leachate addition microcosms.", "\n\nAlder Influence on Microbial Community Structure in Early Primary Succession\n\nHere, we show a directional selection of alder on microbial community structure with colonization and increases in alder dominance across early succession. ", "PERMANOVA analysis reveals that overall phylogenetic composition of pre-colonization, alder-colonizer, and alder-dominant soil bacterial communities are significantly different, while a higher resolution view of particular taxa associated with alder soils demonstrates that changes are consistent with alder driven effects as observed in the past at this site (Knelman et al., ", "2012). ", "For example, increases in Actinobacteria attributed to alder colonization at this site are again demonstrated (Table 2). ", "Alder-conditioned soils, with increases in the relative abundance of Actinobacteria, are not surprising given the symbiosis between N-fixing Frankia and alder (confirmed at this site) and the fact that alder may support other Actinobacteria as well (Ghodhbane-Gtari et al., ", "2009). ", "Other strong changes are noted with increases in Alphaproteobacteria, including N-fixing Rhizobiales, which have been shown in past work to correspond with vegetation (including non-legumes) and plant-influenced carbon environments (King et al., ", "2012; Knelman et al., ", "2012; Cederlund et al., ", "2014; Yeoh et al., ", "2017). ", "Conversely, Betaproteobacteria, which have been found to dominate early in succession before plant arrival (Nemergut et al., ", "2007; Sattin et al., ", "2009), strongly decrease with alder colonization in this study. ", "In this way, our work shows how the well-documented early plant colonist, alder, drives directional shifts in bacterial community composition with increasing dominance.", "\n\nThe microcosm experiment was designed to understand the potential for spruce effects on alder-conditioned soil bacterial communities via litter inputs, such as carbon and secondary compounds (Clein and Schimel, 1995; Schimel et al., ", "1996; Bowman et al., ", "2004). ", "End communities of each treatment were significantly different from each other indicating the potential for a general leachate effect and heterospecific plant effect (PERMANOVA, P < 0.05). ", "It is important to note that while carbon increased in both leachate-addition treatment soils, % moisture, along with NPOC, TDN, and pH, which can potentially influence microbial community structure, shows no statistically significant differences between the alder and spruce leachate addition soils.", "\n\nThe overall shifts in microbial community phylogenetic structure under alder and spruce leachate treatments were reflected in significant shifts in relative abundance of major taxa from the controls. ", "Increases in the relative abundance of Acidobacteria under both spruce and alder leachate additions, for example, are indicative of a leachate effect rather than interspecific interaction. ", "Beyond this, spruce leachate addition uniquely drove differences from controls and alder treatments with relative increases in Planctomycetes and Chloroflexi and relative decreases in Deltaproteobacteria. ", "In this way, the spruce-specific effects – beyond simply a leachate effect on alder-conditioned soil bacterial communities – demonstrate how late successional spruce may alter bacterial communities during transitions between early and late successional plant species. ", "Further, we point out that the starting soils were from alder-dominated soil samples, so the fact that alder leachate results in no significant effect in the cases of Planctomycetes, Chloroflexi, and Deltaproteobacteria (Rhizobium and Agrobacterium as well), reinforces that the shifts in the reported microbial taxa are spruce-specific, rather than relating to carbon addition in general.", "\n\nSpruce influence was observed across a variety of bacterial genera (Figure 3). ", "In some cases, these responses occurred in known plant symbionts such as Agrobacterium and Rhizobium, which show accumulation with increasing alder dominance in the natural chronosequence (Table 2) but decrease with Spruce influence (Figure 3). ", "Such changes are of particular interest given that a directional switch in the selection of symbionts can greatly implicate plant-microbe feedbacks and the turnover of early to late successional plants (Van der Putten et al., ", "1993; Bever, 1994; Van Der Heijden et al., ", "2006; Bever et al., ", "2013). ", "The spruce leachate effect specifically drove declines in these genera of Rhizobiales in contrast to the alder-conditioned control soils in the experiment and the observed pattern of increasing abundance in Rhizobiales with increasing alder-influence in the glacier forefield. ", "Although neither plant is leguminous, past work has shown the co-occurrence of Rhizobiales with non-leguminous colonizing plants in stressful environments (King et al., ", "2012; Knelman et al., ", "2012) and Rhizobiales may be involved in asymbiotic N-fix (Buckley et al., ", "2007). ", "Both Agrobacteria and Rhizobium are genera that are found in root-associated bacterial communities at global scales (Yeoh et al., ", "2017) and our work shows that interspecific effects lead to directional changes in the relative abundance of such symbiotic organisms as well as broader bacterial taxa and community structure. ", "Other genera known to associate with plants endophytically, such as Janthinobacterium (Farrar et al., ", "2014) and Sphingomonas (Khan et al., ", "2014), respond to spruce leachate with significant increases and decreases respectfully as compared to alder leachate and alder-conditioned control soils. ", "This work shows that ecologically important plant symbionts may be altered through interspecific plant interactions, though more work is needed to understand the impact on plant-microbe feedbacks.", "\n\nInterestingly, we find that spruce leachate addition communities show strong and significant decreases in dispersion of bacterial community structure among communities as opposed to both the control and the alder leachate communities, which both reflect soil bacterial communities under alder influence. ", "While we note that we would fully expect to see strong shifts in microbial community composition in response to influence by a different plant species, the change in dispersion may indicate an overall stronger structuring effect of spruce as well. ", "This finding is consistent with research that suggests a stronger relationship between later-successional species and microbial communities and the ability of late successional species to condition early successional soils (Kardol et al., ", "2006; Abbott et al., ", "2015; Koziol and Bever, 2015).", "\n\nSpruce Leachate Effects on N Pools of Alder-Influenced Soils\n\nWhile this work elucidates how interspecific interactions between early and late successional plant species may be reflected in belowground bacterial community structure, we also sought to examine functional changes in biogeochemistry associated with these community shifts. ", "Examination of microbial enzyme activity relating to N and P cycling showed no significant change among the microcosm treatments and no connection with bacterial community composition. ", "Levels of NH4+, however, depended on the particular leachate addition. ", "Alder-leachate soils showed significantly lower concentrations of NH4+ than spruce leachate soils, which were both significantly lower than controls. ", "While it is difficult to suggest a mechanism underlying these patterns due to the potential effects of N immobilization, mineralization, and nitrification (Clein and Schimel, 1995; Schimel et al., ", "1996), it is interesting that beyond a general leachate effect, species-specific effects drive significant differences in the availability of NH4+. ", "This important shift in the cycling of inorganic N may impact transitions from early to late successional plants as has been noted in past work examining transitions of alder to poplar/spruce in ecological succession (Chapin et al., ", "1994; Clein and Schimel, 1995; Schimel et al., ", "1996). ", "Such shifts in nutrient cycling can strongly impact plant dynamics and thus offers a mechanism by which alterations of microbial communities by early vs. late successional plants may drive successional patterns. ", "In this study, the changes in patterns of bacterial community structure due to spruce leachate correlate with N availability. ", "The mantel-like RELATE tests reveal a significant correlation between NH4+ and bacterial community structure across microcosm treatments. ", "It is important to note that this correlation though significant is weak, but may be obfuscated by the fact that only a subset of the microbial community may be responding spruce leachate or involved with N transformations that could impact ammonium pools, for example. ", "While further research is needed to understand how interspecific plant interactions may alter specifics of microbial community structure with implications for nutrient cycling, this research suggests it may be an important consideration in understanding the role of plant–microbe interactions as drivers of ecosystem succession.", "\n\nConclusion\n\nIn total, this work provides important evidence that interspecific interactions between early and late successional plant species may unfold in phylogenetic compositional responses of the soil microbiome and related nutrient cycling. ", "While laboratory experiments, such as the microcosm experiment herein, produce artificial settings for environmental microbial communities, this work is novel in showing that that early successional plant-conditioned bacterial communities are susceptible to effects of a later-successional plant species in terms of the microbiome composition. ", "Our work shows implications for both major taxa and symbiont relative abundances within the bacterial community.", "\n\nFinally, our work supports an emerging notion that plant feedbacks on the entire microbial community may have important effects on the integrated function of these communities, such as N-cycling, which can impact aboveground dynamics and ultimately transitions from early to late-successional plant species across succession. ", "This work points to important mechanisms by which interspecific successional plants may interact belowground: interactions may unfold via changes in the soil bacterial community structure and related function (e.g., biogeochemistry) (Van Der Heijden and Hartmann, 2016). ", "Future work may better seek to tie these mechanisms to plant performance and competition/facilitation through succession.", "\n\nAuthor Contributions\n\nJK and EG designed the study; JK, EH, and SS established the field site; JK, EG, and EH completed the fieldwork; JK completed the laboratory work; JK and JP conceived of the analyses and communication; JK, MR, and PK completed the analyses; JK wrote the manuscript with insights from EG, SS, and JP and input from all co-authors.", "\n\nFunding\n\nThis research was funded in part by the National Science Foundation of the United States via grants to SS and Diana Nemergut and a graduate research fellowship to JK (DGE 1144083). ", "Funding for fieldwork was provided in part through a University of Colorado Ecology and Evolutionary Biology departmental graduate student grant to JK. ", "A portion of this research by EBG was funded via a Pacific Northwest National Laboratory LDRD.", "\n\nConflict of Interest Statement\n\nThe authors declare that the research was conducted in the absence of any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest.", "\n\nAcknowledgments\n\nWe thank the assistance and expertise provided by Holly Hughes of the Kiowa Lab at CU Boulder with regards to the analytical chemistry and processing of these samples. ", "Diana Nemergut was central to facilitating this research and sharing this field site and transportation via Ketchikan, AK, United States, with her colleagues." ]
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[ "1. ", "Introduction\n===============\n\nThe realization of efficient and transition metal catalyzed alkyl-alkyl cross-coupling reactions poses significant challenges. ", "A metal has to activate a bulky and electron rich alkyl electrophile (*versus* sterically less encumbered and less electron rich aryl and vinyl substrates). ", "Transition metal alkyl complexes, which can be intermediates in alkyl-alkyl cross-coupling reactions, are also prone to undesired β-hydrogen eliminations. ", "Finally, it must be taken into account that alkyl halides can react with transition metals by one-electron processes affording alkyl radicals, which then must be tamed to participate in a selective reaction. ", "Despite these inherent obstacles, much progress has been made in recent years in identifying active catalysts for alkyl-alkyl cross-coupling reactions, especially based on nickel \\[[@B1-molecules-19-13603],[@B2-molecules-19-13603],[@B3-molecules-19-13603],[@B4-molecules-19-13603],[@B5-molecules-19-13603],[@B6-molecules-19-13603],[@B7-molecules-19-13603]\\]. ", "Presently, much focus is dedicated to developing new catalysts for coupling secondary alkyl electrophiles, with the hope that the coupling reactions could be rendered enantioselective \\[[@B5-molecules-19-13603],[@B6-molecules-19-13603],[@B8-molecules-19-13603],[@B9-molecules-19-13603],[@B10-molecules-19-13603]\\].", "\n\nOne interesting development in the coupling of secondary alkyl electrophiles has been the identification of well-defined amido complexes of nickel that mediate Kumada couplings with alkyl Grignard reagents \\[[@B1-molecules-19-13603],[@B11-molecules-19-13603],[@B12-molecules-19-13603]\\]. ", "It was determined that the nickel pincer complex **1** ([Scheme 1](#molecules-19-13603-f005){ref-type=\"scheme\"}) can catalytically couple primary alkyl halides with primary Grignard reagents in excellent yields \\[[@B12-molecules-19-13603]\\]. ", "However, when this same nickel pincer complex was used to carry out reactions with secondary alkyl electrophiles (Equations (A) and (B) in [Scheme 1](#molecules-19-13603-f005){ref-type=\"scheme\"}), yields of cross-coupled product were only 4 and 46%, respectively. ", "This prompted the design of the sterically less encumbered analogue **2** ([Scheme 1](#molecules-19-13603-f005){ref-type=\"scheme\"}), which exhibited much higher activity towards secondary alkyl electrophiles \\[[@B11-molecules-19-13603]\\].", "\n\n![", "Comparison of amido complexes of nickel for the coupling of secondary alkyl electrophiles.](molecules-19-13603-g005){#molecules-19-13603-f005}\n\nBased on Hu's results with the second generation catalyst **2**, we imagined that 1,2-aminophenolate ligands ([Figure 1](#molecules-19-13603-f001){ref-type=\"fig\"}) might also be active in alkyl cross-coupling reactions. ", "There are a number of attractive design features in the aminophenolate architecture. ", "The oxygen atom in such a motif is sterically less encumbered than the amido group in **2**, which could afford better accessibility towards secondary alkyl halide substrates. ", "Moreover, the arene electronics of an aminophenolate ligand could potentially be tuned by different substituents. ", "Finally, the aryl amine group could easily be rendered chiral, for instance as a 2,5-dimethylpyrrolidine ligand, for potential asymmetric reactions \\[[@B13-molecules-19-13603]\\]. ", "With these considerations in mind, we explored the synthesis of new aminophenolate complexes of nickel in order to test their competency in organic cross-coupling reactions.", "\n\n![", "The potential utility of aminophenolate ligands for cross-coupling reactions.](molecules-19-13603-g001){#molecules-19-13603-f001}\n\n2. ", "Results and Discussion\n=========================\n\nOur first efforts to attach an aminophenolate ligand to nickel involved reacting 2-(pyrrolidin-1-yl) phenol with \\[(2,4-lutidine)~2~NiCl~2~\\] as described in [Scheme 2](#molecules-19-13603-f006){ref-type=\"scheme\"}. ", "The reaction led to complex **4** plus large amounts of the bis-ligated species **5**. ", "Complex **5** was undesired as it has already been shown by Hu that bis-amido complexes like **3** were inactive in organic cross-coupling reactions ([Scheme 1](#molecules-19-13603-f005){ref-type=\"scheme\"}).", "\n\n![", "Exploring the coordination chemistry of aminophenol ligands.](molecules-19-13603-g006){#molecules-19-13603-f006}\n\nPoor solubility of \\[(2,4-lutidine)~2~NiCl~2~\\] most likely plays a role in the formation of **5** and the attachment of two aminophenolate ligands to the nickel center. ", "While dimer **4** was only formed in minor amounts, red orange crystals of **4** could be separated from the yellow/beige **5** under a microscope in order to investigate its structure by X-ray crystallography. ", "The solid-state structure of **4** is provided in [Figure 2](#molecules-19-13603-f002){ref-type=\"fig\"}. ", "The X-ray data revealed that the environment around the oxygen atom of the ligand is not bulky enough to prevent dimerization, even with coordinated lutidines remaining on both of the nickel centers. ", "Because we could not efficiently purify complexes **4** and **5** from the reaction mixture in bulk, the method for attaching an aminophenolate ligand to nickel as described in [Scheme 2](#molecules-19-13603-f006){ref-type=\"scheme\"} was ultimately abandoned.", "\n\nWith the knowledge that another coordinating ligand may be necessary to prevent dimerization of the nickel precatalysts, we explored the use of chelating amines to replace lutidine as the ancillary ligand on the nickel complexes. ", "We found that the most reliable method to generate a monomeric complex bearing aminophenolates was by adding the aminophenol ligand to \\[(TMEDA)NiBr(Ar)\\] ([Scheme 3](#molecules-19-13603-f007){ref-type=\"scheme\"}). ", "In this way, the nickel product that is obtained is a five-coordinate monomer with good solubility in organic solvents. ", "Complex **6** exhibits a magnetic moment with µ~eff~ (Evan's method) = 3.02 µB, consistent with a paramagnetic *S* = 1 ground state. ", "The electrochemistry of **6** in DMF is complicated, having multiple irreversible oxidations beginning at −0.05 V (versus Ag/AgNO~3~) and irreversible reductions beginning at −2.07 V. The latter value represents a redox potential more negative than that seen for **1** \\[[@B14-molecules-19-13603]\\]. ", "Complex **6** crystallizes from THF/pentane, and the ORTEP diagram of **6** is provided in [Figure 3](#molecules-19-13603-f003){ref-type=\"fig\"}.", "\n\n![", "ORTEP diagram of **4**. ", "All hydrogens are removed for clarity. ", "Selected bond lengths (Å): Ni(1)-Ni(1A) 3.2057(6), Ni(1)-Cl(1) 2.3084(11), Ni(1)-O(1) 1.9652(20), Ni(1)-O(1A) 2.065(2), Ni(1)- N(1) 2.211(3), Ni(1)-N(2) 2.053(3). ", "Selected bond angles (°): Ni(1A)-Ni(1)-Cl(1) 121.564(20), Ni(1A)-Ni(1)-O(1) 38.41(6), Ni(1A)-Ni(1)-O(1A) 36.24(5), Ni(1A)-Ni(1)-N(1) 119.26(7), Ni(1A)-Ni(1)-N(2) 110.21(8), Cl(1)-Ni(1)-O(1) 136.39(7), Cl(1)-Ni(1)-O(1A) 97.09(6), Cl(1)-Ni(1)-N(1) 99.93(8), Cl(1)-Ni(1)-N(2) 102.09(7), O(1)-Ni(1)-O(1A) 74.648(19), O(1)-Ni(1)-N(1) 80.86(9), O(1)-Ni(1)-N(2) 120.77(10), O(1A)-Ni(1)-N(1) 155.49(9), O(1A)-Ni(1)-N(2) 92.84(9), N(1)-Ni(1)-N(2) 100.64(10), Ni(1)-O(1)-Ni(1A) 105.35(8).](molecules-19-13603-g002){#molecules-19-13603-f002}\n\n![", "Preparation of monomeric aminophenolate complexes of nickel.](molecules-19-13603-g007){#molecules-19-13603-f007}\n\n![", "ORTEP diagram of **6**. ", "All hydrogens are removed for clarity. ", "Selected bond lengths (Å): Ni(1)-O(1) 1.9692(6); Ni(1)-N(1) 2.1465(7); Ni(1)-N(2) 2.1088(8); Ni(1)-N(3) 2.1485(7); Ni(1)-Br(1) 2.48086(15). ", "Selected bond angles (°): O(1)-Ni(1)-N(2) 101.01(3); O(1)-Ni(1)-N(1) 87.10(3); O(1)-Ni(1)-Br(1) 157.01(2); N(1)-Ni(1)-N(3) 165.56(3); O(1)-Ni(1)-N(3) 80.83(3).](molecules-19-13603-g003){#molecules-19-13603-f003}\n\nComplex **7**, where the arene ring of the aminophenolate ligand is derivatized with a *tert*-butyl group, was also prepared. ", "The protocol for the *tert*-butyl-substituted ligand synthesis is outlined in [Scheme 4](#molecules-19-13603-f008){ref-type=\"scheme\"}. ", "Although the *tert*-butyl-substituted aminophenol precursor **B** has been mentioned in the literature \\[[@B15-molecules-19-13603],[@B16-molecules-19-13603],[@B17-molecules-19-13603]\\], there are no reports of its spectral characterization. ", "NMR data for **B** is provided in this manuscript. ", "Consistent with its classification as an anti-oxidant \\[[@B15-molecules-19-13603]\\], **B** is air sensitive, and solutions of **B** quickly turn to dark red upon exposure to air. ", "We found that pure, colorless crystals of **B** can be obtained through sublimation under high vacuum. ", "The target ligand **C** was prepared in excellent yields by reacting **B** with 1,4-dibromobutane under refluxing conditions in ethanol ([Scheme 4](#molecules-19-13603-f008){ref-type=\"scheme\"}). ", "Ligand **C** can be complexed to nickel to afford **7** as described in [Scheme 3](#molecules-19-13603-f007){ref-type=\"scheme\"}, and an X-ray crystal structure ([Figure 4](#molecules-19-13603-f004){ref-type=\"fig\"}) confirmed the nature of the bonding in the monomeric species.", "\n\n![", "Synthesis of *tert*-butyl-substituted aminophenol ligand **C**.](molecules-19-13603-g008){#molecules-19-13603-f008}\n\nWith complexes **6** and **7** in hand, the aminophenolate complexes of nickel were screened for activity in Kumada-like coupling reactions ([Table 1](#molecules-19-13603-t001){ref-type=\"table\"}) using *n*-octylmagnesium chloride as the Grignard reagent in order to draw comparisons with the Hu system. ", "Hu's first generation catalyst **1** was reported to couple the primary alkyl iodide \\[Ph-C~2~H~4~-I\\] with *n*-octylMgCl to afford \\[Ph-C~2~H~4~-oct\\] in 85% yield, while his second generation catalysts afforded a maximum yield of 41% \\[[@B11-molecules-19-13603]\\].", "\n\n![", "ORTEP diagram of **7**. ", "All hydrogens are removed for clarity. ", "The one non-disordered molecule of the asymmetric unit is shown. ", "Selected bond lengths (Å): Ni(1)-O(1) 1.9584(17); Ni(1)-N(1) 2.138(2); Br(1)-Ni(1) 2.4392(4); Ni(1)-N(2) 2.091(2); Ni(1)-N(3) 2.198(2). ", "Selected bond angles (°): O(1)-Ni(1)-N(2) 103.73(8); O(1)-Ni(1)-N(1) 79.73(7); O(1)-Ni(1)-Br(1) 156.03(5); N(1)-Ni(1)-N(3) 166.55(8); O(1)-Ni(1)-N(1) 79.73(7).](molecules-19-13603-g004){#molecules-19-13603-f004}\n\nmolecules-19-13603-t001_Table 1\n\n###### \n\nEfficiency of alkyl-alkyl coupling reactions with aminophenolate complexes of nickel *^a^*.", "\n\n![](", "molecules-19-13603-i001.jpg)\n\n Entry Substrates Product Solvent Yield (%) using 6 Yield (%) using 7\n ------- ---------------------------------- ---------------------------------- --------- --------------------- -------------------\n 1 ![](", "molecules-19-13603-i002.jpg) ![](", "molecules-19-13603-i003.jpg) THF 75 *^b^* (78 *^c^*) 72 ^c^\n 2 ![](", "molecules-19-13603-i004.jpg) ![](", "molecules-19-13603-i005.jpg) Dioxane 68 *^b^* 57 ^c^\n 3 ![](", "molecules-19-13603-i006.jpg) ![](", "molecules-19-13603-i007.jpg) THF 34 *^b^* 25 ^c^\n 4 ![](", "molecules-19-13603-i008.jpg) ![](", "molecules-19-13603-i009.jpg) THF 78 *^c^* 89 ^c^\n 5 ![](", "molecules-19-13603-i010.jpg) ![](", "molecules-19-13603-i011.jpg) THF 40 *^c^* 88 ^c^\n 6 ![](", "molecules-19-13603-i012.jpg) ![](", "molecules-19-13603-i013.jpg) THF 15 *^c^* 10 ^c^\n\n*^a^* Reaction conditions: organic halides (0.2 mmol), octylMgCl (0.24 mmol) and the nickel(II) catalyst (3 mol %), THF (3 mL); *^b^* isolated yield; *^c^* GC yield.", "\n\nOur catalysts **6** and **7** were able to couple similar primary alkyl iodides in 78% and 72%, respectively ([Table 1](#molecules-19-13603-t001){ref-type=\"table\"}, entry 1). ", "THF proved to be a slightly better solvent for the reaction that dioxane ([Table 1](#molecules-19-13603-t001){ref-type=\"table\"}, entry 2). ", "Primary alkyl bromides were not good substrates for our new catalysts ([Table 1](#molecules-19-13603-t001){ref-type=\"table\"}, entry 3). ", "Gratifyingly, catalysts **6** and **7** gave excellent yields for the coupling of ethyl 2-bromobutyrate to cross-coupled product in 78% and 89%, respectively ([Table 1](#molecules-19-13603-t001){ref-type=\"table\"}, entry 4), suggesting that aminophenols are promising ligand scaffolds for the cross-coupling of alpha-bromoketones. ", "Complex **7** was also able to efficiently cross-couple benzyl bromide ([Table 1](#molecules-19-13603-t001){ref-type=\"table\"}, entry 5) although moderate yields were obtained with catalyst **6**. ", "Although Hu's second generation catalyst **2** was able to cross-couple iodocyclohexane in 77% yield \\[[@B11-molecules-19-13603]\\], our catalysts performed poorly with this substrate, only affording product in less than 15% yield ([Table 1](#molecules-19-13603-t001){ref-type=\"table\"}, entry 6).", "\n\n3. ", "Experimental Section\n=======================\n\n3.1. ", "General Information\n------------------------\n\nAll manipulations were performed using standard Schlenk and high vacuum techniques or in a nitrogen filled glovebox. ", "Solvents were purified by passing through activated alumina and/or copper in a solvent purification system supplied by Pure Process Technology. ", "Solution ^1^H-NMR spectra were recorded at ambient temperature on a Bruker DRX 500 MHz spectrometer and referenced to residual proton solvent signals. ", "^13^C-NMR spectra were recorded on a Bruker NMR spectrometer operating at 125 MHz and referenced to solvent signals. ", "^19^F spectra were recorded on the Bruker NMR spectrometer operating at 470 MHz and referenced to trifluorotoluene set at δ −63.7. ", "A Bruker D8 Quest diffractometer was used for X-ray crystal structure determinations. ", "Elemental Analyses were performed at Midwest Microlab, LLC. ", "Cyclic voltammograms were recorded with a BASi Epsilon potentiostat (USA) at room temperature in DMF solution with \\[Bu~4~N\\]\\[BF~4~\\] (0.1 M) as the supporting electrolyte. ", "The substrate concentration was 10^−2^ M. A glassy-carbon (3.0 mm dia.) ", "electrode was used as the working electrode. ", "The auxiliary electrode was a platinum rod. ", "The scan rate was 100 mV s^−1^. Crystallographic data (excluding structure factors) for compounds **4**, **6**, and **7** have been deposited with the Cambridge Crystallographic Data Centre as supplementary publication numbers CCDC 1003595, 1003594, and 1003589, respectively. ", "Copies of the data can be obtained free of charge on application to CCDC, 12 Union Road, Cambridge CB2 1EZ, UK \\[fax: +44 1223 336 033; E-Mail: <deposit@ccdc.cam.ac.uk>\\].", "\n\n3.2. ", "Preparation of \\[(TMEDA)Ni(Br)(C~6~H~4~F)\\]\n------------------------------------------------\n\nTMEDA (166 mg, 1.43 mmol) and 1-bromo-4-fluorobenzene (250.25 mg, 1.43 mmol) were dissolved in toluene (8 mL). ", "Ni(COD)~2~ (400 mg, 1.43 mmol) was then added and the resulting mixture was stirred at room temperature for 3 h. A red orange solid precipitated and was washed with pentane. ", "The product was then dried under high vacuum line to yield an orange power (yield 75%). ", "Anal. ", "Calcd. (", "found) for C~12~H~20~BrFN~2~Ni: C, 41.19 (40.90); H, 5.76 (5.82). ", "^1^H-NMR (500 MHz, THF, δ): 7.59 (d, *J* = 8.0 Hz, 2H), 7.47--7.39 (m, 2H), 6.60--6.39 (m, 2H), 2.77--1.94 (br, 16H). ", "^19^F-NMR (500 MHz, THF, δ): −127.37.", "\n\n3.3. ", "Preparation of \\[(TMEDA)Ni(Br)(2-(1-pyrrolidinyl)phenol)\\] (**6**)\n-----------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n2-(1-Pyrrolidinyl)phenol (0.142 g, 0.87 mmol) and \\[(TMEDA)NiBr(C~6~H~4~Ph)\\] \\[[@B18-molecules-19-13603]\\] (0.308 g, 0.75 mmol) were dissolved in THF (20 mL) and stirred at room temperature for 16 h. The mixture was then filtered to give a clear red orange filtrate. ", "The solvent was then removed on a high vacuum line giving a green solid. ", "The solid was washed using copious amounts of pentane and dried under vacuum. ", "Yield: (0.235 g, 75%). ", "Anal. ", "Calcd (found) for C~16~H~28~BrN~3~NiO: C, 46.08 (46.21); H, 6.77 (6.66). ", "Product is paramagnetic. ", "µ~eff~ (Evan's method) = 3.02 µB.\n\n3.4. ", "Preparation of 2-Amino-6-(tert-butyl)phenol\n------------------------------------------------\n\n2-(*tert*-Butyl)-6-nitrophenol \\[[@B19-molecules-19-13603]\\] (2 g, 10.2 mmol) was dissolved in anhydrous methanol (40 mL) in a Parr hydrogenator glass vessel. ", "To this, 10% Pd/C (0.10 g, 0.1 equiv.) ", "was slowly added. ", "The hydrogen gas pressure was adjusted to 40 psi on the Parr hydrogenator. ", "This reaction mixture was allowed to shake for 16 h, and then the volatiles were removed under vacuum. ", "The dried mixture was then taken into glovebox, dissolved in THF, and filtered through Celite. ", "The volatiles were removed under vacuum to yield white powder, which could be sublimed under reduced pressure. ", "Yield: 1.04 g, 62%. ", "^1^H-NMR (500 MHz, chloroform-*d*) δ 6.91 (d, *J* = 7.8 Hz, 1H), 6.81 (d, *J* = 7.6 Hz, 1H), 6.74 (t, *J* = 7.8 Hz, 1H), 4.22 (s, 2H), 1.42 (s, 10H). ", "^13^C-NMR (500 MHz, toluene-*d~8~*) δ C, 34.82, CH, 146.7, 138.1, 134.1, 120.4, 118.4; CH~3~, 29.5.", "\n\n3.5. ", "Preparation of 2-(Tert-butyl)-6-(pyrrolidin-1-yl)phenol\n------------------------------------------------------------\n\n2-Amino-6-(*tert-*butyl)phenol (0.165 g, 1.0 mmol) was dissolved in toluene (10 mL), followed by addition of 1,4-dibromobutane (0.215 g, 1.0 mmol) and *N*,*N*-diisopropylethylamine (1.2 g, 3 equiv.). ", "The solution was then refluxed for 36 h under the protection of nitrogen gas. ", "Then the reaction mixture was cooled to room temperature, washed with water and brine solution, and dried over sodium sulfate. ", "The volatiles were removed under vacuum to yield the desired compound. ", "Yield: 219 mg, 90%. ", "^1^H-NMR (500 MHz, chloroform-*d*) δ 7.09 (dt, *J* = 7.9, 1.4 Hz, 3H), 6.81 (td, *J* = 7.9, 1.3 Hz, 1H), 3.01 (s, 4H), 1.99 (s, 4H), 1.44 (s, 10H). ", "^13^C-NMR (500 MHz, chloroform-*d*) δ C, 34.74, CH, 151.58, 137.26, 134.91, 123.40, 119.04, 118.73; CH~2~, 50.02, 24.58; CH~3~, 29.53.", "\n\n3.6. ", "Preparation of Complex **7**\n---------------------------------\n\n2-(*tert*-Butyl)-6-(pyrrolidin-1-yl)phenol (109 mg, 0.5 mmol) was dissolved in THF (4 mL). (", "TMEDA)NiBr(4-fluorobenzene) (175 mg, 0.5 mmol) was dispersed in THF (6 mL). ", "The solution of 2-(*tert*-butyl)-6-(pyrrolidin-1-yl)phenol was then added slowly into the solution of (TMEDA)NiBr(4-fluorobenzene), and the resulting mixture was allowed to stir for 5 h. All volatiles were then removed on a high vacuum line. ", "The residue was dissolved in a minimal amount of THF and solids were precipitated with pentane. ", "The solids were filtered with a fine frit and discarded. ", "The yellow filtrate was pumped dry to yield greenish yellow solid. ", "Yield 40% of paramagnetic material. ", "µ~eff~ (Evan's method) = 2.71 µB. Anal. ", "Calcd (found) for C~20~H~36~BrN~3~NiO: C, 50.77 (48.91); H, 7.67 (7.99).", "\n\n3.7. ", "Typical Procedure for the Kumada Cross-Coupling Reactions in [Table 1](#molecules-19-13603-t001){ref-type=\"table\"}\n-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nA vial was charged with alkyl halide substrate (0.2 mmol) and nickel catalyst (3 mol %), and the internal standard undecane (0.2 mmol) in THF (3 mL). ", "OctylMgCl (0.24 mmol, 2 M in THF) was then added dropwise at room temperature. ", "The resulting solution was stirred at room temperature for 2 h. The reaction mixture was then filtered through a plug of silica gel and analyzed by gas chromatography. ", "The response factor of ethyl undecanoate calibrated to the internal standard was used to calculate product yields.", "\n\n4. ", "Conclusions\n==============\n\nNew well-defined, paramagnetic nickel complexes have been prepared and characterized by X-ray crystallography. ", "The complexes were found to be active for the cross-coupling of alkyl electrophiles (especially ethyl 2-bromobutyrate) with alkyl Grignard reagents. ", "No β-hydride elimination products were observed in the cross-coupling reactions. ", "The only other identifiable side-product in all reactions was reduced alkane, suggestive of single electron radical pathways being operative under the reaction conditions. ", "The ligand architecture in these new complexes could potentially be rendered chiral, opening up future possibilities for performing asymmetric cross-coupling reactions.", "\n\nD.A.V. thanks the U.S. NSF (CHE-1124619) and Office of Basic Energy Sciences of the U. S. Department of Energy (DE-FG02-07ER15885) for support of this work. ", "Y.H.B. thanks Russian Scientific Foundation grant 14-23-00016.", "\n\n*Sample Availability*: Samples of the compounds are not available from the authors.", "\n\nSiqi Yu, Huan Wang, Jill E. Sledziewski, Venkata N. Madhira, Cyrus G. Takahashi, and Michelle K. Leon synthesized and characterized ligands and nickel complexes. ", "Yulia B. Dudkina and Yulia H. Budnikova performed electrochemical studies on complex **3**. ", "David A. Vicic guided the research, solved the crystal structures, and wrote the paper. ", "All authors have given approval to the final version of the manuscript.", "\n\nThe authors declare no conflict of interest.", "\n" ]
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[ "Get all latest smartphone news\n\nMenu\n\nGeneral India Election 2014 results, BJP, AAP, Congress, Voting Day\n\nIndia General Elections 2014\n\nIndia General Elections 2014:So a huge day in Indian history is coming, the day when the people of India will decide their leader to lead India for the next five years. ", "All the people who are 18 or 18+ are allowed to give their valuable votes to the right candidate who can lead the country in the right direction. ", "A strong competitions is their among the different political parties for acquiring the seats by getting most of the votes in their favour. ", "Leader of different political parties are making different different promises with the people of India and are attracting them towards themselves. ", "But leader is one who fulfill their promises after their win and make the people happy by leading country in right direction. ", "So here we will discuss about General Elections 2014, India General Election 2014, Voting Day 2014, General Elections 2014 results, Bhartiya Janta Party, Indian National Congress and Aam Aadmi Party, Narendra Modi, Arvind Kejriwal.", "\n\nIndia had suffered a lot in these 5 years due to wrong leaders as there was too much corruption and rising of prices of daily use materials. ", "So this time this will not happen as India has taken the steps to spread awareness among the people to give their votes to the right one. ", "There are three different political parties being popular among these days. ", "These are:\n\nBhartiya Janta Party BJP – Lotus – Narendra Modi\n\nIndian National Congress – Hand – Dr. Manmohan Singh\n\nAam Aadmi Party – Arvind Kejriwal\n\nAll the above parties are making strong promises related to food, electricity, water, development etc. ", "General Elections 2014 in India are been held in different parts of country on different date from 7th April, 2014 to 12th May, 2014.", "\n\nBhartiya Janta Party BJP: Narendra Modi, Gujarat Chief Minister has been chosen to lead in the meeting held in Goa.", "\n\nIndian National Congress: The current leading party in India with Dr. Manmohan Singh as Prime Mnister, Sonia Gandhi as INC chairperson and Rahul Gandhi as General Secretary. ", "This party was founded in 1885.", "\n\nAam Aadmi Party AAP: The most surprising party in 2013 as they leaded in the Delhi elections in 2013 as Arvind Kejrival as the Chief Minister of Delhi. ", "They have decided to participate in the general elections 2014.", "\n\nAll these parties are trying hard and their best to achieve their goals but all depends on the results. ", "You can get all live results of General Elections 2014 of India here in the below post.", "\n\nGeneral Elections Results\n\nwill be announced soon…………\n\nSo here we had discussed about General Elections 2014, India General Election 2014, Voting Day 2014, General Elections 2014 results, Bhartiya Janta Party, Indian National Congress and Aam Aadmi Party, Narendra Modi, Arvind Kejriwal in the above post. ", "We the team of tarzan18.com request you to please give your valuable votes because only your votes can make India a powerful India. ", "If you are not giving your votes then the big leaders can misuse your name and can take your votes. ", "So keep awaring your friends, family members and your belongings to please vote and vote to the right person." ]
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[ "On Mar 20, 2012, at 10:22 PM, Harvey Friedman wrote:\nTHIS RESEARCH WAS PARTIALLY SUPPORTED BY THE JOHN TEMPLETON FOUNDATION\n*****************************************\nTHIS POSTING IS ENTIRELY SELF CONTAINED\n*****************************************\nFEEDBACK FROM FOM SUBSCRIBERS IS REQUESTED\nas to the fundamental naturalness of the\nInvariant Maximality Program\n*****************************************\nHere we present the Invariant Maximality Program of obvious\nfundamental importance. ", "This is a programmatic breakthrough.", "\nWe show how it inexorably leads to large cardinals.", "\nBut first we put http://www.cs.nyu.edu/pipermail/fom/2012-March/016337.html\ninto this numbered posting:\nIn http://www.cs.nyu.edu/pipermail/fom/2012-March/016336.html I wrote:\n> It is natural to use mappings H:Q[0,16]^32 into {0,1}^32 which are\n> M(0,16;32) invariant in the sense that for all M(0,16;32) invariant\n> x,y in Q[0,16]^32, H(x) = H(y).", "\n>> We call these T the M(0,16;32) induced restricted shift functions.", "\n>> RESTRICTED SHIFT PROBLEM (RSP) ON Q[0,16]^32. ", "For which M(0,16;32)\n> invariant equivalence relations E on Q[0,16]^32 is it the case that\n> every order invariant subset of Q[0,16]^32 has a completely T\n> invariant maximal square?", "\nI meant\nRESTRICTED SHIFT PROBLEM (RSP) ON Q[0,16]^32. ", "For which M(0,16;32)\ninduced restricted shift functions T, is it the case that every order\ninvariant subset of Q[0,16]^32 has a completely T invariant maximal\nsquare? ", "END\nWe also now make a remark about FUNDAMENTAL NATURALNESS.", "\nThere is a reasonably clear notion of fundamentally natural\nmathematics that is independent of, and transcends, the current state\nof mathematics.", "\nThis is evident as we reflect on how trivial the sum total of\nmathematics that has been done must be when comparing it with the\nmathematics of the future.", "\nTo add context to these statements, I make a further observation.", "\nThere is very little in the way of a coherent programmatic statement\nas to what mathematics is about or is trying to accomplish, of general\nintellectual interest. ", "In the absence of such coherent programmatic\nstatements of general intellectual interest, it would be absurd to tie\nfundamental naturalness to existing mathematics.", "\nINVARIANT MAXIMALITY PROGRAM\nby\nHarvey M. Friedman\nMarch 22, 2012\nThe present development of the Invariant Maximality Program lives\nentirely in the rationals, Q, with its usual linear order.", "\nThe elementary subsets of Q^k are very familiar. ", "These are the subsets\nof the Q^k defined by a Boolean combination of inequalities alpha <\nbeta, where alpha,beta are each either a variable v_1,...,v_k, or a\nconstant from Q.\nOf particular importance are the elementary equivalence relations on\nthe Q^k.", "\nPROBLEM. ", "Classify the elementary equivalence relations on the Q^k.", "\nLet E be an equivalence relation on Q^k. ", "We say that S contained in\nQ^k is E invariant if and only if for all E equivalent x,y in Q^k, x\nin S iff y in S. This is equivalent to saying that S is a union of\nequivalence classes of E.\nWe start with\nEVERY SUBSET OF Q^2k HAS A MAXIMAL SQUARE\nwhich is proved by an obvious greedy construction. ", "The proof is\nentirely constructive.", "\nTEMPLATE A. Let E_1 and E_2 be elementary equivalence relations on\nQ^2k. ", "DOES EVERY E_1 INVARIANT SUBSET OF Q^2k HAVE AN E_2 INVARIANT\nMAXIMAL SQUARE?", "\nFirst some observations about this Template.", "\nIf we fix the dimension k, and also the set of parameters used for the\ntwo elementary objects involved, then there are only finitely many\ninstances of the Template.", "\nTHEOREM 1. ", "There is an instance of Template A which is independent of\nZFC. ", "Thus a complete analysis of Template A cannot be given in ZFC. ", "In\nfact, ZFC cannot handle an instance with k = 16, where E_1 uses\nparameter 16, and E_2 uses parameters 1,...,16. ", "There are only\nfinitely many such instances.", "\nCONJECTURE. ", "SRP is sufficient to give a complete analysis of Template A.\nHere SRP = ZFC + {there is an ordinal with the k-SRP)_k. ", "The k-SRP\nasserts that every partition of the unordered k-tuples from lambda\ninto two pieces has a homogenous set stationary in lambda.", "\n***ALTERNATIVE TEMPLATE***\nTHEOREM 2. ", "Let E be an elementary equivalence relation on Q^k. ", "The\nfollowing are equivalent.", "\ni. E has finitely many equivalence classes.", "\nii. ", "There are finitely many E invariant subsets of Q^k\niii. ", "Every E invariant subset of Q^k is elementary.", "\nFurthermore, there is a decision procedure for determining whether a\ngiven presentation of an elementary equivalence relation on Q^k has\nfinitely many equivalence classes.", "\nIn light of Theorem 2, it is natural to consider the generally \"finer\"\nTemplate:\nTEMPLATE B. Let K be an elementary subset of Q^2k and E be an\nelementary equivalence relation on Q^2k. ", "DOES K HAVE AN E INVARIANT\nMAXIMAL SQUARE?", "\nTHEOREM 3. ", "There is an instance of Template B which is independent of\nZFC. ", "Thus a complete analysis of Template B cannot be given in ZFC. ", "In\nfact, ZFC cannot handle an instance with k = 16, where K has parameter\n16, and E has parameters 1,...,16. ", "There are only finitely many such\ninstances.", "\nCONJECTURE. ", "SRP is sufficient to give a complete analysis of Template B.\nNOTE: Every instance of Template B is equivalent to the satisfiability\nof a sentence in predicate calculus, over RCA_0. ", "Thus every instance\nof Template B is Pi01 in virtue of its logical form.", "\n***OTHER STRUCTURES***\nObviously, we can replace the structure M = (Q,<) by any relational\nstructure M. Then elementary means quantifier free definable, and\npurely elementary means quantifier free definable without parameters.", "\nWe naturally have the following three generalized templates.", "\nTEMPLATE C. Let M be a relational structure. ", "Let E_1 and E_2 be M\nelementary equivalence relations on D^2k. ", "DOES EVERY E_1 INVARIANT\nSUBSET OF D^2k HAVE AN E_2 INVARIANT MAXIMAL SQUARE?", "\nTEMPLATE D. Let M be a relational structure. ", "Let K be an elementary\nsubset of D^2k and E be an elementary equivalence relation on D^2k.", "\nDOES K HAVE AN E INVARIANT MAXIMAL SQUARE?", "\nYou can choose your favorite structure M, and investigate Template B.\nIf you are a logician, you might also want to use \"definable\" instead\nof \"quantifier free\".", "\nI have only looked at Template B with special K.\nYou can choose your favorite structure M, and investigate Templates\nC,D. If you are a logician, you might also want to use \"definable\"\ninstead of \"quantifier free\".", "\nThere are a large number of very tame M to investigate, not only with\ndomain Q, but also with domains N,Z,R,C, etcetera. ", "We have only looked\nat M = (Q,<).", "\n***SOME EXPECTATIONS***\nI expect a complete analysis of Template A for k = 2 within Z_3. ", "The\ncase k = 1 should be within RCA_0.", "\nThere is hope of giving a complete analysis of Template B where the\nsecond equivalence relation extends order equivalence on all\nparameters used for K and E.\nThere will be a complete analysis of Templates A,B in SRP sometime\nthis century.", "\nThere will be a complete analysis of Templates C,D using standard\nlarge cardinals, for an assortment of basic structures M, sometime\nthis century.", "\n**********************************************\nI use http://www.math.ohio-state.edu/~friedman/ for downloadable\nmanuscripts. ", "This is the 488th in a series of self contained numbered\npostings to FOM covering a wide range of topics in f.o.m. ", "The list of\nprevious numbered postings #1-449 can be found\nin the FOM archives at http://www.cs.nyu.edu/pipermail/fom/2010-December/015186.html\n450: Maximal Sets and Large Cardinals II 12/6/10 12:48PM\n451: Rational Graphs and Large Cardinals I 12/18/10 10:56PM\n452: Rational Graphs and Large Cardinals II 1/9/11 1:36AM\n453: Rational Graphs and Large Cardinals III 1/20/11 2:33AM\n454: Three Milestones in Incompleteness 2/7/11 12:05AM\n455: The Quantifier \"most\" 2/22/11 4:47PM\n456: The Quantifiers \"majority/minority\" 2/23/11 9:51AM\n457: Maximal Cliques and Large Cardinals 5/3/11 3:40AM\n458: Sequential Constructions for Large Cardinals 5/5/11 10:37AM\n459: Greedy CLique Constructions in the Integers 5/8/11 1:18PM\n460: Greedy Clique Constructions Simplified 5/8/11 7:39PM\n461: Reflections on Vienna Meeting 5/12/11 10:41AM\n462: Improvements/Pi01 Independence 5/14/11 11:53AM\n463: Pi01 independence/comprehensive 5/21/11 11:31PM\n464: Order Invariant Split Theorem 5/30/11 11:43AM\n465: Patterns in Order Invariant Graphs 6/4/11 5:51PM\n466: RETURN TO 463/Dominators 6/13/11 12:15AM\n467: Comment on Minimal Dominators 6/14/11 11:58AM\n468: Maximal Cliques/Incompleteness 7/26/11 4:11PM\n469: Invariant Maximality/Incompleteness 11/13/11 11:47AM\n470: Invariant Maximal Square Theorem 11/17/11 6:58PM\n471: Shift Invariant Maximal Squares/Incompleteness 11/23/11 11:37PM\n472. ", "Shift Invariant Maximal Squares/Incompleteness 11/29/11 9:15PM\n473: Invariant Maximal Powers/Incompleteness 1 12/7/11 5:13AMs\n474: Invariant Maximal Squares 01/12/12 9:46AM\n475: Invariant Functions and Incompleteness 1/16/12 5:57PM\n476: Maximality, CHoice, and Incompleteness 1/23/12 11:52AM\n477: TYPO 1/23/12 4:36PM\n478: Maximality, Choice, and Incompleteness 2/2/12 5:45AM\n479: Explicitly Pi01 Incompleteness 2/12/12 9:16AM\n480: Order Equivalence and Incompleteness\n481: Complementation and Incompleteness 2/15/12 8:40AM\n482: Maximality, Choice, and Incompleteness 2 2/19/12 7:43AM\n483: Invariance in Q[0,n]^k 2/19/12 7:34AM\n484: Finite Choice and Incompleteness 2/20/12 6:37AM__\n485: Large Large Cardinals 2/26/12 5:55AM\n486: Naturalness Issues 3/14/12 2:07PM\n487: Invariant Maximality/Naturalness 3/21/12 1:43AM\nHarvey Friedman\n-------------- next part --------------\nAn HTML attachment was scrubbed...\nURL: </pipermail/fom/attachments/20120322/b98afef0/attachment.html>" ]
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[ "Estimated despatch 8 October\n\nBring some liquid sunshine to your Christmas countdown with Drinks by the Dram's Rum Advent Calendar! ", "Eschewing the little chocolate squares found in regular Advent calendars, the Rum Advent Calendar features a different 30ml wax-sealed dram of rum behind each of its 24 windows. ", "Including dark rums, spices rums, rhum agricole and more, made by some of the world's most excellent producers, perfect for any rum enthusiast! ", "Just the ticket for warming the cockles on those frosty winter evenings!", "\n\nCheck out Drinks by the Dram's spectacular range of Advent Calendars right here!", "\n\nSPOILER ALERT! ", "Ideally, each of the 24 drams you uncover should be a total surprise, but we get that you might not want to wait to discover what's in your Advent Calendar. ", "If that sounds like you, feel free to click 'Look inside' below to see which drams hide within. ", "However, to keep you guessing throughout Advent, the drams are listed in a random order." ]
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[ "Kids Party\n\nGraphic pencil 2B\n\nShare\n\nThis 2B graphic pencil is an ideal basic medium to start sketching. ", "Its soft lead allows ... Read Description\n\nOut of stock\n\nDescription\n\nThis 2B graphic pencil is an ideal basic medium to start sketching. ", "Its soft lead allows you to draw and sketch lightly and then gradually build up strength and depth. ", "With an easy to hold hexagon barrel, it is the perfect tool for beginners and professional sketchers alike. ", "This pencil is by Daler Rowney, a renowned manufacturer of quality art materials.", "\n\nDelivery\n\nDELIVERY OPTIONSFREE when you spend €35 or more, €6 when you spend up to €34.99." ]
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[ "JERUSALEM/RIYADH (Reuters) - An Israeli cabinet minister said on Sunday that Israel has had covert contacts with Saudi Arabia amid common concerns over Iran, a first disclosure by a senior official from either country of long-rumoured secret dealings.", "\n\nFILE PHOTO - Israel's Energy Minister Yuval Steinitz poses for a photograph during an interview with Reuters, in Jerusalem November 16, 2016. ", "REUTERS/Ronen Zvulun\n\nThe Saudi government had no immediate response to Israeli Energy Minister Yuval Steinitz’s remarks. ", "A spokesman for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu also did not respond immediately to a request to comment.", "\n\nBoth Saudi Arabia and Israel view Iran as a main threat to the Middle East and increased tension between Tehran and Riyadh has fuelled speculation that shared interests may push Saudi Arabia and Israel to work together.", "\n\nSaudi Arabia maintains that any relations with Israel hinge on Israeli withdrawal from Arab lands captured in the 1967 Middle East war, territory Palestinians seek for a future state.", "\n\nU.S. President Donald Trump’s peace envoys, seeking an Israeli-Palestinian agreement with regional support, have visited Saudi Arabia several times since he took office.", "\n\nIn an interview on Army Radio, Steinitz, a member of Netanyahu’s security cabinet, did not characterise the contacts or give details when asked why Israel was “hiding its ties” with Saudi Arabia.", "\n\nHe replied: “We have ties that are indeed partly covert with many Muslim and Arab countries, and usually (we are) the party that is not ashamed.", "\n\n“It’s the other side that is interested in keeping the ties quiet. ", "With us, usually, there is no problem, but we respect the other side’s wish, when ties are developing, whether it’s with Saudi Arabia or with other Arab countries or other Muslim countries, and there is much more ... (but) we keep it secret.”", "\n\nIn an interview with Reuters on Thursday, Saudi Foreign Minister Adel Jubeir, asked about reports of cooperation with Israel, cited a Saudi peace initiative, first adopted in 2002 by the Arab League, as key to forging any relationship.", "\n\n“We have always said that if the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is resolved on the basis of the Arab peace initiative that Israel would have enjoyed normal relations, economic, political, diplomatic relations with all of the Arab countries, and so until that happens, we don’t have relations with Israel,” he said.", "\n\nThat plan makes those relations contingent on a full withdrawal by Israel from territory it captured in the 1967 Middle East war, including East Jerusalem.", "\n\nNetanyahu has expressed tentative support for parts of the initiative, but there are many caveats on the Israeli side.", "\n\nINTELLIGENCE SHARING\n\nHussein Ibish, senior resident scholar at the Arab Gulf States Institute in Washington, said Steinitz’s remarks “won’t surprise anyone who’s been paying attention to the budding courtship between Israel and Saudi Arabia, which is being especially pushed by the Israeli side”.", "\n\nLast week, the Israeli military chief, Lieutenant General Gadi Eizenkot, told an Arabic language online newspaper that Israel was ready to share “intelligence information” with Saudi Arabia, saying their countries had a common interest in standing up to Iran.", "\n\nSaudi Arabia has ratcheted up pressure on Iran, accusing Tehran of trying to expand its influence in Arab countries, often through proxies including the Lebanese Shi’ite Hezbollah group.", "\n\nIbish said that given the mutual threat perceptions shared by Israel and Gulf Arab countries, it is unlikely that covert ties aren’t developing.", "\n\nBut he said Israeli officials have tended to exaggerate such interactions in a bid to “drive down the price they may have to pay, especially on Palestinian issues, to expand strategic relations and ties with Arab countries”.", "\n\nIn public remarks in September, Netanyahu pointed to covert relationships with Arab states, saying, without mentioning any by name, that cooperation exists “in various ways and different levels”.", "\n\nAlso in September, Israel Radio reported that Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman had secretly met officials in Israel that month, drawing an official denial from Riyadh.", "\n\nLast month, Saudi former intelligence chief Prince Turki bin Faisal shared a stage with ex-Israeli Mossad spy agency director Efraim Halevy at a debate on Iran in a New York synagogue.", "\n\nIn 2016, former Saudi general Anwar Eshki visited Israel, where he met Israeli legislators, to promote - as he has at various academic forums - the Saudi peace initiative.", "\n\n(This version of the story corrects Saudi foreign minister’s first name in paragraph 9 to Adel, not Abdel)" ]
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[ "My colleague Janna Pellegrino is happy to be able to share news of our latest learning quests in today’s guest post!", "\n\nOne of the easiest ways to learn how you can benefit from the AWS cloud is with hands-on practice. ", "Self-paced labs provide this hands-on training in a live practice environment. ", "AWS subject matter experts have developed more than 60 topics on AWS services, and labs are currently available online through APN Technology Partner Cloud vLAB’s qwikLABS.com platform. ", "To help you navigate through a topics and solve common use cases using related AWS services, we also offer several learning paths, or qwikLABS “quests.” ", "Here are some of the paths available.", "\n\nAWS Service Area or Use Case\n\nYou can learn how to work with related AWS services with quests by Service Area or Use Case. ", "The following are available in beginner and advanced paths:\n\nYou will earn a badge each time you complete a quest:\n\nAWS Certification Exam Prep\n\nHands-on experience and on-the-job skills are the most helpful tools in preparing for certification. ", "You can get hands-on practice with AWS services addressed in exams blueprints by following these quests:\n\nAWS for Microsoft Windows\n\nWe offer a broad set of global compute, storage, database and systems management options that are optimized for Microsoft Windows-based workloads. ", "Learn how to work with Microsoft technologies running in the AWS cloud, including:\n\nHere are the badges that you can earn by completing these quests:\n\nVisit Self-Paced Labs to learn more and continue to develop your skills with AWS using on-demand, low-cost training tools.", "\n\n— Janna Pellegrino, AWS Training and Certification" ]
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[ "Ithu Nalla Thamasha\n\nIthu Nalla Thamasa is a 1985 Indian Malayalam film, directed by Kailasnath and produced by Sreekumaran Thampi. ", "The film stars Sukumari, Jagathy Sreekumar, Kalpana and Santhosh in the lead roles. ", "The film has musical score by K. P. Udayabhanu.", "\n\nCast\n\nSukumari as Kalyaniyamma\nJagathy Sreekumar as Basheer Pilla\nKalpana as Sundari/Gracy\nSanthosh as Vijayakrishnan/Kuttapppan\nAnuradha as SI Prasanna\nK. P. A. C. Azeez as SP J. Ashok\nK. P. Ummer as Meesa Vasupilla\nNylex Nalini as Lalnamani\nPoojappura Ravi as Kumaran Vaidyar\nT. G. Ravi as Ouseph Muthalali\nKailasanath as Savala\n\nSoundtrack\nThe music was composed by K. P. Udayabhanu and the lyrics were written by Sreekumaran Thampi.", "\n\nReferences\n\nExternal links\n \n\nCategory:1985 films\nCategory:Indian films\nCategory:1980s Malayalam-language films" ]
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[ "The invention relates to sheet paper separators for separating an end sheet of a stack of pliant sheets from the stack and more particularly to such separators which are generally referred to as \"reverse bucklers\" in which the end sheet is initially driven rearwardly against abutment means causing the sheet to buckle along longitudinal lines prior to a driving of the sheet in the forward direction to completely separate it from the stack.", "\nPrior hereto, such reverse buckling paper separators have commonly included a vertical abutment which is essentially normal to the horizontal plane of the end, and more particularly the uppermost, sheet of the stack; and the uppermost sheet is driven rearwardly against this abutment so as to stop the sheet and such that continued drive force on the uppermost sheet results in the sheet buckling substantially the same along all longitudinal lines. ", "Such reverse buckling separators also commonly have included sheet retainers for holding the sheets at the front edges of the sheets and which are cleared by the uppermost sheet as it is driven forwardly after this buckling action to clear it completely from the stack." ]
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[ "1. ", "Field of the Invention\nThe field of the present invention is filter processors and memory and display systems.", "\n2. ", "Prior Art\nThe most pertinent prior art in filter systems is discussed in the parent applications and is represented by the art of record therein. ", "The most pertinent prior art in filter display systems is discussed in the parent applications and is represented by the art of record therein. ", "The prior art in memory systems includes integrated circuit, core, bubble, CCD, and other types of memory systems. ", "The most pertinent prior art is integrated circuit RAM systems. ", "The prior art provides RAMs having tristate control for memory data lines to permit bussing of memory data lines and to facilitate bi-directional communication to the RAM for reading and writing of information from the bus. ", "The most pertinent prior art in memory systems is discussed in the parent applications related to memories and is represented by the art cited herein." ]
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[ "Q:\n\nException when removing element from HashMap java.util.", "ConcurrentModificationException\n\nI am trying to write a logic to find the quickest route, the input is given in format \"1-2-30#2-3-25#3-4-30#...\" which means from station 1 to 2 it will take 30 minutes. ", "In this code when i am recursively calling searchMapKey() function, if the key is not present, then i am getting execption \"Exception in thread \"main\" java.util.", "ConcurrentModificationException\"\n import java.util.", "ArrayList;\n import java.util.", "Collections;\n import java.util.", "Comparator;\n import java.util.", "HashMap;\n import java.util.", "Iterator;\n import java.util.", "LinkedHashMap;\n import java.util.", "LinkedList;\n import java.util.", "List;\n import java.util.", "Map;\n import java.util.", "Map.", "Entry;\n import java.util.", "Set;\n import java.util.", "StringTokenizer;\n\n public class QuickestRoute {\nstatic int totalWeight = 0;\n\npublic static String outpit;\n\npublic static void main(String[] args) {\n // TODO Auto-generated method stub\n String input1[] = { \"1-2-30#2-3-25#3-4-30#4-5-45#5-6-30#6-7-15#7-8-60#8-9-40\",\n \"10-11-45#11-4-60#4-12-60#12-13-45#13-14-30#14-15-35\",\n \"1-3-40#3-4-25#4-16-30#16-17-15#17-18-20#18-19-30#19-20-25\", \"21-12-30#12-17-180#17-22-45\" }; };\n String input2 = \"12#18\";\n String[] output = quickestMetroRoute(input1, input2);\n /*\n * for(int i=0;i<output.length;i++) System.out.println(output[i]);\n */\n}\n\npublic static String[] quickestMetroRoute(String[] input1, String input2) {\n // Write code here\n Map<String, Integer> input = new HashMap<String, Integer>();\n for (int i = 0; i < input1.length; i++) {\n StringTokenizer str = new StringTokenizer(input1[i], \"#\");\n while (str.hasMoreTokens()) {\n String[] parts = str.nextToken().split(\"-\");\n String node = parts[0] + \"-\" + parts[1];\n int weight = Integer.parseInt(parts[2]);\n input.put(node, weight);\n }\n }\n Map<String, Integer> sortedMap = sortByValue(input);\n System.out.println(Collections.singletonList(sortedMap));\n String[] parts = input2.split(\"#\");\n String source = parts[0];\n String destination = parts[1];\n searchMapKey(source, destination, sortedMap);\n /*\n * for (Map.", "Entry<String, Integer> entry : input.entrySet()) { String\n * key = entry.getKey(); Integer value = entry.getValue(); // ... }\n */\n System.out.println(\"outpit: \" + outpit);\n System.out.println(\"totalWeight: \" + totalWeight);\n\n return input1;\n}\n\nprivate static void searchMapKey(String source, String destination, Map<String, Integer> input) {\n // TODO Auto-generated method stub\n for (Iterator<Entry<String, Integer>> it = input.entrySet().iterator(); it.hasNext();) {\n Entry<String, Integer> entry = it.next();\n String key = entry.getKey();\n Integer value = entry.getValue();\n // ...\n String[] nodeParts = key.split(\"-\");\n String nodeFirst = nodeParts[0];\n String nodeSecond = nodeParts[1];\n\n if (nodeFirst.equals(source)) {\n totalWeight += value;\n outpit += key;\n if (destination.equals(nodeSecond)) {\n totalWeight += value;\n outpit += key;\n return;\n } else {\n input.remove(key);\n searchMapKey(nodeSecond, destination, input);\n }\n }\n if (nodeSecond.equals(source)) {\n totalWeight += value;\n outpit += key;\n if (destination.equals(nodeFirst)) {\n totalWeight += value;\n outpit += key;\n return;\n } else {\n input.remove(key);\n searchMapKey(nodeFirst, destination, input);\n }\n }\n }\n\n}\n\nprivate static Map<String, Integer> sortByValue(Map<String, Integer> unsortMap) {\n\n // 1. ", "Convert Map to List of Map\n List<Map.", "Entry<String, Integer>> list =\n new LinkedList<Map.", "Entry<String, Integer>>(unsortMap.entrySet());\n\n // 2. ", "Sort list with Collections.sort(), provide a custom Comparator\n // Try switch the o1 o2 position for a different order\n Collections.sort(list, new Comparator<Map.", "Entry<String, Integer>>() {\n public int compare(Map.", "Entry<String, Integer> o1,\n Map.", "Entry<String, Integer> o2) {\n return (o1.getValue()).compareTo(o2.getValue());\n }\n });\n\n // 3. ", "Loop the sorted list and put it into a new insertion order Map LinkedHashMap\n Map<String, Integer> sortedMap = new LinkedHashMap<String, Integer>();\n for (Map.", "Entry<String, Integer> entry : list) {\n sortedMap.put(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());\n }\n\n /*\n //classic iterator example\n for (Iterator<Map.", "Entry<String, Integer>> it = list.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {\n Map.", "Entry<String, Integer> entry = it.next();\n sortedMap.put(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());\n }*/\n\n return sortedMap;\n}\n\n}\n\nA:\n\ntry this code i have made 2 modifications\nimport java.util.", "ArrayList;\nimport java.util.", "Collections;\nimport java.util.", "Comparator;\nimport java.util.", "HashMap;\nimport java.util.", "Iterator;\nimport java.util.", "LinkedHashMap;\nimport java.util.", "LinkedList;\nimport java.util.", "List;\nimport java.util.", "Map;\nimport java.util.", "Map.", "Entry;\nimport java.util.", "Set;\nimport java.util.", "StringTokenizer;\n\npublic class QuickestRoute {\n static int totalWeight = 0;\n\n public static String outpit;\n\n public static void main(String[] args) {\n // TODO Auto-generated method stub\n String input1[] = { \"1-2-30#2-3-25#3-4-30#4-5-45#5-6-30#6-7-15#7-8-60#8-9-40\",\n \"10-11-45#11-4-60#4-12-60#12-13-45#13-14-30#14-15-35\",\n \"1-3-40#3-4-25#4-16-30#16-17-15#17-18-20#18-19-30#19-20-25\", \"21-12-30#12-17-180#17-22-45\" };\n\n String input2 = \"12#18\";\n String[] output = quickestMetroRoute(input1, input2);\n /*\n * for(int i=0;i<output.length;i++) System.out.println(output[i]);\n */\n }\n\n public static String[] quickestMetroRoute(String[] input1, String input2) {\n // Write code here\n Map<String, Integer> input = new HashMap<String, Integer>();\n for (int i = 0; i < input1.length; i++) {\n StringTokenizer str = new StringTokenizer(input1[i], \"#\");\n while (str.hasMoreTokens()) {\n String[] parts = str.nextToken().split(\"-\");\n String node = parts[0] + \"-\" + parts[1];\n int weight = Integer.parseInt(parts[2]);\n input.put(node, weight);\n }\n }\n Map<String, Integer> sortedMap = sortByValue(input);\n System.out.println(Collections.singletonList(sortedMap));\n String[] parts = input2.split(\"#\");\n String source = parts[0];\n String destination = parts[1];\n searchMapKey(source, destination, sortedMap);\n /*\n * for (Map.", "Entry<String, Integer> entry : input.entrySet()) { String\n * key = entry.getKey(); Integer value = entry.getValue(); // ... }\n */\n System.out.println(\"outpit: \" + outpit);\n System.out.println(\"totalWeight: \" + totalWeight);\n\n return input1;\n }\n\n private static void searchMapKey(String source, String destination, Map<String, Integer> input) {\n // TODO Auto-generated method stub\n\n ArrayList<Map<String, Integer>> removeList = new ArrayList<Map<String, Integer>>();\n for (Iterator<Entry<String, Integer>> it = input.entrySet().iterator(); it.hasNext();) {\n Entry<String, Integer> entry = it.next();\n String key = entry.getKey();\n Integer value = entry.getValue();\n // ...\n String[] nodeParts = key.split(\"-\");\n String nodeFirst = nodeParts[0];\n String nodeSecond = nodeParts[1];\n\n if (nodeFirst.equals(source)) {\n totalWeight += value;\n outpit += key;\n if (destination.equals(nodeSecond)) {\n totalWeight += value;\n outpit += key;\n return;\n } else {\n it.remove();\n // input.remove(key);\n Map<String, Integer> next = new HashMap<String, Integer>();\n next.putAll(input);\n searchMapKey(nodeSecond, destination, next);\n }\n }\n if (nodeSecond.equals(source)) {\n totalWeight += value;\n outpit += key;\n if (destination.equals(nodeFirst)) {\n totalWeight += value;\n outpit += key;\n return;\n } else {\n it.remove();\n // input.remove(key);\n Map<String, Integer> next = new HashMap<String, Integer>();\n next.putAll(input);\n searchMapKey(nodeFirst, destination, next);\n }\n }\n }\n\n }\n\n private static Map<String, Integer> sortByValue(Map<String, Integer> unsortMap) {\n\n // 1. ", "Convert Map to List of Map\n List<Map.", "Entry<String, Integer>> list = new LinkedList<Map.", "Entry<String, Integer>>(unsortMap.entrySet());\n\n // 2. ", "Sort list with Collections.sort(), provide a custom Comparator\n // Try switch the o1 o2 position for a different order\n Collections.sort(list, new Comparator<Map.", "Entry<String, Integer>>() {\n public int compare(Map.", "Entry<String, Integer> o1, Map.", "Entry<String, Integer> o2) {\n return (o1.getValue()).compareTo(o2.getValue());\n }\n });\n\n // 3. ", "Loop the sorted list and put it into a new insertion order Map\n // LinkedHashMap\n Map<String, Integer> sortedMap = new LinkedHashMap<String, Integer>();\n for (Map.", "Entry<String, Integer> entry : list) {\n sortedMap.put(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());\n }\n\n /*\n * //classic iterator example for (Iterator<Map.", "Entry<String, Integer>>\n * it = list.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { Map.", "Entry<String, Integer>\n * entry = it.next(); sortedMap.put(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()); }\n */\n\n return sortedMap;\n }\n\n}\n\nyour output\n[{6-7=15, 16-17=15, 17-18=20, 19-20=25, 2-3=25, 3-4=25, 18-19=30, 13-14=30, 4-16=30, 1-2=30, 21-12=30, 5-6=30, 14-15=35, 8-9=40, 1-3=40, 10-11=45, 12-13=45, 17-22=45, 4-5=45, 7-8=60, 4-12=60, 11-4=60, 12-17=180}]\noutpit: null21-1212-1313-1414-154-124-1616-1717-1817-1811-410-113-41-31-22-32-31-24-55-66-77-88-912-1717-1817-18\ntotalWeight: 975\n\nyou are using a recursive function and removing elements in an iterator and again in another call working with them, what i have done is for each time you remove an element, make a copy of it and then forward it to the proceeding recursive call\nfeel free to ask if it doesn't clears\n\n" ]
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[ "The Shoppes at Palmilla\n\nInternational shopping center located in one of the most magnificent and secluded areas of Los Cabos. ", "The culinary tourism will find various gastronomic options. ", "In addition, art galleries, exclusive jewelry designs, home decor accessories and designer clothing collections will make your shopping day an incomparable experience.", "\n\nTalleres De Los Ballesteros\n\nCharacterized by great craftsmanship, quality and timeless pieces. ", "Their tradition in jewelry, goldsmithing and handcrafts have made of this company a reference in silver and fine jewelry creations.", "\n\nServicing downtown Cabo San Lucas since 2011, California Ranch Market opened the second location in the Shoppes at Palmilla in San Jose del Cabo in 2016. ", "This second location features the Baja Fresh Kitchen Deli, with artisan bread like sourdough, baguettes & croissants baked daily, all with organic ingredients. ", "The Deli also features fabulous sandwiches with imported meat & cheeses, along with a number of smoothies for the health conscious.", "\n\nChef Omar Laguna prepares healthy meals to take home or enjoy in the garden patio and He is ready to answer any question regarding Cheese & Charcuterie trays or any festive platters when needed.", "\n\nBoth stores stock well over 2000 items and specialize in a variety of gourmet, kosher, gluten free, dairy free and vegan products. ", "We make home deliveries in refrigerated vans in request.", "\n\nNick-san Palmilla\n\nThe location within The Shoppes at Palmilla has a more casual but elegant atmosphere with a perfectly accented Champagne Lounge Bar where you can enjoy music, including jazz, from October to June.", "\n\nExceeding customer expectations has been the mission of Nick-san since its inception. ", "The restaurant has become a favorite in Los Cabos by maintaining a team focus on excellence.", "\n\nWeddings are spectacular any time of the year in Los Cabos. ", "The colors are in harmony with the locations and inspiration has no limits here. ", "As a result, couples can plan the most memorable event down to the smallest detail." ]
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[ "Q:\n\nHow to disable the auto-postback for fixed div\n\nHTML Code:\n <form id=\"form1\" runat=\"server\">\n <asp:ScriptManager ID=\"ScriptManager1\" runat=\"server\" EnablePageMethods=\"true\">\n </asp:ScriptManager>\n <asp:UpdatePanel id=\"UpdatePanel1\" runat=\"server\">\n <ContentTemplate>\n <div>\n <table style=\"height: 40px\">\n <tr>\n <td>\n\n <asp:TextBox ID=\"t1\" runat=\"server\" ></asp:TextBox>\n <asp:DropDownList ID=\"dd1\" runat=\"server\" Height=\"24px\" \n onselectedindexchanged=\"dd1_SelectedIndexChanged\" Width=\"116px\" \n AutoPostBack=\"true\"></asp:DropDownList>\n <asp:DropDownList ID=\"DropDownList1\" runat=\"server\" Height=\"41px\" \n onselectedindexchanged=\"DropDownList1_SelectedIndexChanged\" Width=\"97px\" \n AutoPostBack=\"true\" ></asp:DropDownList>\n <asp:DropDownList ID=\"DropDownList2\" runat=\"server\" \n onselectedindexchanged=\"DropDownList2_SelectedIndexChanged\" Width=\"334px\" \n AutoPostBack=\"true\" Height=\"59px\"></asp:DropDownList>\n <asp:Button ID=\"btn\" runat=\"server\" Text=\"display\" onclick=\"btn_Click\" /> \n </td>\n </tr>\n <tr>\n <td>\n </td>\n </tr>\n </table>\n </div>\n <div id=\"PieChartExample\">\n <table>\n <tr style='vertical-align: top'>\n <td>\n <div id=\"CategoryPickerContainer\"></div>\n <div id=\"SliderContainer\"></div>\n </td>\n </tr>\n <tr>\n <td >\n <div style=\"float: left;\" id=\"PieChartContainer\"></div> \n <div style=\"float: left;\" id=\"TableContainer\"></div> \n\n </td>\n </tr>\n <tr>\n <td>\n <div id=\"table\"></div>\n </td>\n\n </tr>\n </table>\n </div>\n\n </ContentTemplate>\n <Triggers>\n <asp:AsyncPostBackTrigger ControlID=\"btn\" /> \n </Triggers>\n </asp:UpdatePanel>\n</form>\n\nIts my for drop down and chart. ", "All dropdown AutoPostBack is \"true\" so at each change of value my chart will refresh.", "I don't want to refresh .my chart should refresh only after click btn. ", "Can anyone help me to achieve.", "\n\nA:\n\nIn Page_Load put the chart loading code in if(!IsPostBack) block. ", "And use UpdatePanel for Partial PostBack. ", "So the entire page won't get refreshed.", "\nLike\n<form id=\"form1\" runat=\"server\">\n <asp:UpdatePanel id=\"upForm\" runat=\"server\">\n <ContentTemplate>\n <!-- ", "Your HTML -->\n </ContentTemplate>\n </asp:UpdatePanel>\n <Triggers>\n <asp:AsyncPostBackTrigger ControlID=\"btn\" /> \n </Triggers>\n</form>\n\n" ]
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[ "This invention relates to a detector for detecting, in real time, the failure of a real time digital clock in a modular redundant clock system, and which has the ability to self-check itself to detect an internal fault.", "\nIn the most common form of modular redundancy, three identical processors or machines are employed in a triple modular redundancy (TMR) configuration in which the processors work synchronously on the same task and their outputs are voted by hardware or software to provide a majority answer. ", "For reliability and efficiency, real time clocking of the processors is preferably provided by employing a fault-tolerant hardware clock system comprising three redundant synchronized clock circuits and a majority voter to permit continued correct system operation with the loss of less than a majority of the clock circuits. ", "This is possible because of the masking action of the majority voter. ", "However, in a TMR system, if one clock circuit fails the system cannot tolerate a second failure. ", "Accordingly, it is desirable to employ a detector for indicating that a failure has occurred so that proper remedial action may be taken. ", "Moreover, the detector should also be capable of verifying that the failure was not within itself.", "\nAlthough self-checking detectors are known, these detectors typically use special codes or special bit patterns for self-checking. ", "Error checking of majority voters in TMR systems has been accomplished by exercising the voter with specific output levels from the three redundant channels corresponding to all possible combinations of two one's and a zero, and reading the voter output for verification of correct operation. ", "This type of checking substantially increases the software overhead of the system, and is also not in real time in the sense that the checking may only be performed at specified intervals. ", "This type of checking is not feasible for the modular redundant clock system which must run uninterrupted.", "\nIt is desirable to provide a self-checking detector for a modular redundant clock system which avoids these and other disadvantages of known detectors, and it is to this end that the present invention is directed." ]
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[ "Aortic root and ascending aortic replacement.", "\nThe Ross procedure is occasionally favoured in young adults, with the implantation of a mechanical conduit remaining a competing option when simultaneous replacement of the ascending aorta is indicated. ", "Eighteen patients with replacement of the ascending aorta, in addition to the Ross procedure (Ross), and 20 patients with a mechanical composite graft (composite) were compared retrospectively. ", "The Short Form Health Survey (SF36) was used to assess quality of life (QoL). ", "There was one death due to ischemic heart disease (composite), and one reoperation due to progressive autograft regurgitation (Ross). ", "Autografts had pressure gradients of 3.1 +/- 1.9 mmHg (versus 10.8 +/- 2.7 mmHg composite; P < 0.001), and 7 autografts showed mild regurgitation. ", "LV mass and global LV function were comparable in both groups (mean EF, 65.5% in Ross versus 61.6 +/- 10.4% in composite, P = NS). ", "Four allografts in a pulmonary position had mild regurgitation (Ross). ", "Two allografts had mild to moderate, and one had moderate pressure gradients (mean, 14.4 mmHg). ", "Patients in the composite group had higher SF36 scores indicating superior QoL. No major bleeding was noted throughout the follow-up period. ", "Despite pre-OP diminished LV function, similar follow-up values and, surprisingly, a higher QoL outcome, favoured the implantation of mechanical conduits in our group. ", "These results warrant further evaluation in larger patient cohorts." ]
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[ "Russian lawmaker Valery Seleznev, father of the detained Russian citizen\n\nMOSCOW, July 14. ", "/ITAR-TASS/. A Russian consul met with Roman Seleznyov, a Russian national who was detained by the US security services and is now being kept in custody on the US island of Guam, Seleznyov’s father, Russian lawmaker Valery Seleznyov, told ITAR-TASS on Monday.", "\n\nSeleznyov Sr. ", "said he had no details of the conditions his son was being kept in.", "\n\n“The consul will give information only through his diplomatic channels. ", "There is no Russian diplomatic mission on Guam, so he will have to go back to San Francisco, at least,” Seleznyov Sr. ", "said, adding that his son’s American lawyers were in contact with his son.", "\n\nRoman Seleznyov was detained on the Maldives at the US request and transferred to Guam under the US jurisdiction. ", "The US authorities suspect him of stealing and then selling information on the credit cards of US consumers in a period from October 2009 to February 2011. ", "In March 2011, Seleznyov was charged on 29 points in absentia in the State of Washington. ", "He may face decades in jail and a fine worth millions of dollars if his guilt is proven.", "\n\nBesides, the authorities in the State of Nevada have filed a criminal lawsuit against Seleznyov on suspicion of links to a criminal group that dealt with extortion.", "\n\nValуry Seleznyov says psychological pressure is being exerted on his son at the Guam prison. ", "Moreover, conditions at the prison are awful although his son needs constant medical care.", "\n\nNonetheless, Seleznyov Sr. ", "is confident his son would not plead guilty.", "\n\n“Second hearings on the case have been appointed on July 22. ", "They are about Roman’s identification, his confessing he is the man involved in the criminal case on hacker activities - in other words, his incriminating himself,” Valery Seleznyov told ITAR-TASS. “", "But I am confident he won’t do that. ", "Despite the awful incarceration conditions, Roman is not a person to confess of what he never did. ", "He is a steadfast and unflinching man”." ]
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[ "Today In Syria: The Regime’s Supporters\n\nBSyria, a protestor and blogger, explains how the regime manages to get crowds to come out in its favor despite such brutality:\n\n[N]one of the regime tactics to force people out onto the street are fool proof. (", "I don’t think it is difficult for people to sneak out of rallies unnoticed.) ", "However, Syria is still a country ruled by fear. ", "In the early days of uprising, enthusiastic media declared that people are no longer afraid. ", "That is not accurate. ", "What has changed is people’s willingness to challenge this fear, but it is still there. ", "I know of pro-democracy persons who joined pro-regime rallies to dispel suspicions that they are anti-regime. ", "So, yes, the regime has supporters. ", "But many of the people you see in a pro-regime rally are not there completely of their own accord.", "\n\nMeanwhile, the opposition [NYT] is meeting with the British government while the latter sponsors a UN resolution condemning the crackdown, prompting an Assad minion to accuse Britain of waging \"political and media and diplomatic war\" on Syria. ", "In more international pressure news, Erdogan himself – for the first time – called directly for Assad's resignation. ", "Stephen Starr takes a look at the impacts of sanctions and domestic strikes on the Syrian economy. ", "This video from Homs shows how much damage is being done to Syrian cities by Assad's crackdown:\n\nThis protest in Idlib seems almost carnival-like:\n\nFinally, this video captures Samer Abel Mihsen's dying breaths after being shot by the army on the 19th:" ]
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[ "Product Description\n\nLight up your board from a different angle with this set of ABS keycaps. ", "Designed in OEM profile, the keycaps are made with shine-through legends etched on the front rather than the top, giving your keyboard a different kind of glow Read More" ]
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[ "Investment management company Stone Ridge is trying to register a new Bitcoin (BTC) futures offering with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC).", "\n\nThe new fund is called NYDIG Bitcoin Strategy Fund and describes itself as “a non-diversified, closed-end management investment company that continuously offers its shares,” with an objective to achieve capital appreciation by investing in BTC futures contracts, according to an Oct. 2 filing.", "\n\nCash-settled BTC futures only\n\nDetailing its investment strategy, the company noted that the fund will only invest in cash-settled BTC futures traded on commodity exchanges registered with the U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission, avoiding direct investments in Bitcoin and other digital currencies. ", "The file explained:\n\n“‘Cash-settled’ means that when the relevant future expires, if the value of the underlying asset exceeds the futures price, the seller pays to the purchaser cash in the amount of that excess, and if the futures price exceeds the value of the underlying asset, the purchaser pays to the seller cash in the amount of that excess.”", "\n\nThe proposed maximum offering price per the fund’s share is $10, while its initial capital is $25 million. ", "The fund does not provide assurance that its investments in BTC futures will appreciate in value or on average, as well as that changes in the value of the fund’s BTC futures will track the changes in Bitcoin’s price, the filing notes.", "\n\nIndustry players exploring BTC futures\n\nIn late September, Bakkt’s much-anticipated, physically settled Bitcoin futures trading went live for trading on the Intercontinental Exchange (ICE). ", "The platform was the first of its kind to receive approval from United States regulators and is a product of ICE, the operator of the New York Stock Exchange.", "\n\nThat same month, major cryptocurrency exchange Binance launched two futures testnet platforms — inviting users to participate in a 10,000 Binance Coin (BNB) trading competition.", "\n\nMeanwhile, the Chicago Mercantile Exchange Group is adding options to its Bitcoin futures contracts in the first quarter of 2020, pending regulatory review. ", "Tim McCourt, CME Group Global Head of Equity Index and Alternative Investment Products, said:" ]
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[ "Synopsis:\n\nAfter losing power from Hurricane Matthew for two days, I got inspired to make this visual novel about an alternate reality where the United States had lost power due to a series of hurricanes that struck the once-developed nation. ", "Power companies, gas companies, and energy companies had set up a small network of headquarters all across the country and the brightest energy node appears to be coming from Orlando. ", "Their overall plan is to hoard all of the electricity for themselves so that they can seize control and possibly even take over the government. ", "Maximus along with thousands of other people have decided to stage a massive uprising against the power companies after an entire year of no power, BUT will they succeed? ", "Find out after reading my FIRST CloudNovel visual novel, Energy Wars!", "\n\n\n\nKnown Issues:\n\nFor some reason, the car engine sound effect mutes or stops itself after a second of playing in some of the scenes, and there's nothing within the timeline editor itself that would cause the sound effect to perform this unusual glitch.", "\n\n\n\n\n\nCredits\n\nDark Apartment BGM - Composed by CDK\n\nSuspicious Car BGM - Composed by CDK\n\nCar Radio BGM - Composed by Dysfunction_AL\n\nElektros HQ BGM - Composed by Grapes\n\nClick Sound - Recorded by Earthcalling\n\nRadio Sounds - Recorded by SailorMoonFan\n\nPaper Sound - Recorded by Gynation\n\nTorch Sound - Recorded by Samararaine\n\nGun Sound - Recorded by Nioczkus\n\nReload Sound - Recorded by GFL7\n\nLaser Sound - Composed by Marcus Lee\n\nFemale Screams - Recorded by AderuMoro\n\nMale Screams - Recorded by Johnson Brand Editing\n\nAngry Mob Sound - Recorded by Benjamin Harvey Design\n\nDoor Sound - Recorded by Amholma\n\nCar Door Sound - Recorded by InspectorJ\n\nCar Engine Sound - Recorded by InspectorJ\n\nCar Driving Sound - Recorded by Rutger Muller\n\nFootsteps Sound - Recorded by Harriet Niamh\n\nThump Sound - Recorded by TheShaggyFreak\n\nTexting Sound - Recorded by Melliug\n\nEverything Else in the Game - Created by Paul Dela Cruz (Me)" ]
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[ "Tuesday, September 13, 2011\n\nBook of Love-Kim\n\nMorning beautiful people...my turn for a post this sunny Tuesday. ", "So...almost half way through September....scary how fast time goes as you get a little older. ", "So my song choice this month was 'The Book of Love' by Peter Gabriel. ", "If you are/where a 'Scrubs' fan you would have heard this song on the last episode...sob! ", "I first heard this song at the beginning of this year, my DD had put it on her iTunes and another of my DD's would often play it down in my scraproom. ", "It sort of got stuck in my head. ", "I really love the instrumental feel of this song, makes me feel a tad emotional.... When I looked closely at the lyrics I wasn't sure about my choice (at first )...The book of love is long and boring???...hmmm....it didn't sound very nice, even thou it's sort of true.", "Then as I scrolled down I seen the line.... I love it when you read to me....caught my eye....Perfect!!! ", "Having had 8* children my hubby and I have read many, many bedtime stories to our babies over the years, some we knew so well we just had to turn the pages and not actually read. ", "Often we would fall asleep with them all snuggled, (they are like big sleeping tablets, sometimes). ", "It's the little moments that we treasure and scrapping this special cuddle time is very precious, as I know there will come a time they won't ask for stories anymore.", "\n\n\n{Love it when you read to me}\n\n\n\n\n{a close up of my homemade flourish}I love texture paste ATM\n\n So thanks for stopping bye, hope that you are TOTALLY inspired to use one of our AWESOME SONGS to get creative and SCRAP THAT SONG.", "\nMake sure you use Mr Linky in the side panel to link your layout so the DT can see what you have come up with and be in the running for some very awesome prizes....from our sponsors.", "\n\nDon't Forget to come back later in the week to see what Mary has for you.", "\n\nHey Miss Kim What a gorgeous page and i loved being read to as a child, which i do now to Trinity. ", "I love texture paste too and never thought of a flourish.. what a FAB idea and YES! ", "there should be a tute on how to do one.. Thanks for a fantastic post !", "CheersBek x\n\nWELCOME TO OUR BLOG\n\nHi and welcome to Scrap that Song a blog dedicated to the music in our lives, around us and that which inspires us.", "As scrappers we are sure that like us somehow when you are creating you like to have music playing, either as a creative muse, company in the background or you just like to bop along.", "Here you will find monthly challenges that are music based with examples given by our gorgeous design team.", "We hope that you enjoy your time here and would love you to join in with us." ]
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[ "Particulate nature of the unoccupied uterine estrogen receptor.", "\nHomogenization of rat uteri at 25 degrees C resulted in a particulate partitioning of the estrogen receptor. ", "Homogenization at 0 degrees C, the use of frozen tissue, or the pre-exposure of the tissue to 0 degrees C prior to 25 degrees C homogenization induced soluble partitioning of the estrogen receptor. ", "Binding of a radiolabeled monoclonal antibody indicated that, in absence of estradiol, the estrogen receptor is particulate and is associated with the nuclei-enriched fraction of the target cell. ", "The presence of receptor in the soluble fraction thus appears to be an artifact of homogenization. ", "The unoccupied receptor, loosely associated with the particulate fraction (cold-sensitive) represents the \"native\" form of receptor which, upon arrival of the hormone, becomes tightly associated (cold-insensitive). ", "The transition from the cold-sensitive to the cold-insensitive status is accompanied by a modification of the electrical charge of the receptor." ]
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[ "Bengaluru: The Karnataka state transport department has put in place a rule by which taxi aggregators in the state have to obtain relevant licences or stop operations immediately. ", "The move could hurt Ola (ANI Technologies Pvt. ", "Ltd) and Uber Inc, at least temporarily.", "\n\nHere are the ten finer points of the rule which the two taxi service providers may find it hard to comply with.", "\n\n1) No person shall act or permit any other person to act as an aggregator unless he holds an effective licence issued to him under these rules:\n\nWhile both Ola and Uber have applied for the licence, they did so just a week ago, according to a senior transport department official. ", "This is a seven-week delay from the date of issue of the notification, which essentially means these companies were operating this long without relevant clearances from the government. ", "They are yet to get a licence.", "\n\n2) Every taxi should have a display board inside it containing vehicle permit and the driver’s details such as photograph, name, driving license and badge particulars and ID card issued by police authorities. ", "The display board shall be clearly visible to the passengers in the taxi:\n\nBoth Ola and Uber share driver’s name and phone numbers with the passengers. ", "However, driving license and ID card issued by the police authorities are not displayed.", "\n\n3) Every taxi should be fitted with single integrated GPS / GPRS capable vehicle tracking unit with printer, display panel and digital fare meter of certain specifications, capable of generating a printed receipts for passengers:\n\nThe calculation of the fare is an in-app exercise, while the cabs do not have a digital fare meter capable of generating a printed receipt. ", "Instead, the bill is emailed to consumers besides an SMS notifying the total fare.", "\n\n4) Every taxi should be fitted with a yellow coloured display board with word “taxi\" visible both from the front and the rear. ", "The board shall be capable of being illuminated during the night hours.", "\n\nThe cabs run by Ola and Uber do not have such display boards.", "\n\n5) A driver shall have a minimum driving experience of 2 years:\n\nThis might be difficult to verify as drivers may fudge past driving records.", "\n\n6) A driver shall be a resident of Karnataka for a minimum period of two years.", "\n\nThis might be difficult to comply with, as a number of drivers are immigrants, who have moved to the state or Bengaluru in particular in search of work. ", "These drivers are essentially employees of vehicle owners.", "\n\n7) A driver shall have a working knowledge of Kannada and any one other language, preferably English.", "\n\nWhile residents of Karnataka are fluent with the language, drivers who have migrated from the rural areas may struggle with English. ", "Again, drivers who moved in from other states may struggle to learn Kannada.", "\n\n8) In any case, the fare including any other changes, if any, shall not be higher than the fare fixed by the government from time to time.", "\n\nThis is a passive reference to surge pricing. ", "The fare mandated by the Karnataka transport department is ₹ 19.50 per km for air-conditioned cabs and ₹ 14.50 for ones without air conditioning. ", "Incidentally, the cap mandated by the state government allows both Ola and Uber to charge multiples of their fares.", "\n\nFor instance, UberGo, Uber’s cheapest option, is priced at ₹ .7 per km in Karnataka, which implies that it allows Uber to charge consumers up to 2.7 times the cheapest rate. ", "Ola’s cheapest variant, Micro, costs at ₹ 6 per km, which essentially allows surge pricing of up to 3 times the cheapest option.", "\n\n9) Ensure that the antecedents of every driver of a taxi is verified by police before the driver is allowed to use the licensee’s platform.", "\n\nThe companies may struggle to keep a thorough check on driver profiles given the fast pace at which they are brining on drivers. ", "This may lead to a few pilferages despite the best intent.", "\n\n10) The licensee should ensure that the vehicles entered in his licence do not operate independently or accept bookings directly.", "\n\nThe taxi aggregators might struggle to comply as the communication with a driver is cut off if the driver switches of the phone with the respective apps. ", "They are then free to go about accepting rides without intervention of Ola and Uber.", "\n\nSubscribe to Mint Newsletters * Enter a valid email * Thank you for subscribing to our newsletter.", "\n\nShare Via" ]
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[ "1. ", "Introduction {#sec1}\n===============\n\nType 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) is characterized by chronic hyperglycemia as a result of defects in insulin sensitivity \\[[@B1], [@B2]\\]. ", "In patients with T2DM, depletion of glucose-stimulated insulin secretion (GSIS) is a representative feature and leads to postprandial hyperglycemia, especially in the early phase, \\[[@B3]\\]. ", "In clinical therapy for T2DM, hypoglycemic agents such as metformin, a-glycosidase inhibitors, thiazolidines (TZDs), and sulfonylurea derivatives (SUs) used available. ", "However, these compounds have side effects including hypoglycemia, weight-gain, and cardiovascular problems \\[[@B4]\\]. ", "GPR119 agonist is currently receiving significant attention for its therapeutic potential as an antidiabetic agent and an appropriate treatment modality for the safe amelioration of metabolic diseases. ", "Activation of GPR119 increases glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1). ", "GLP-1 analogs increase glucose-dependent insulin secretion through the gastrointestinal mechanism, which GLP-1 release in pancreatic b cell and enteroendocrine L cell activated GPR119 \\[[@B5]\\]. ", "Mimicking these ligands induces GLP-1 secretion and glucose tolerance in normal and diabetic mice \\[[@B6]\\]. ", "Numerous GPR 119 agonists orally administered have been developed to date \\[[@B7]\\].", "\n\nHere, we report the in vivo characterization of the novel small molecule GPR119 agonist HD0471953 that had synthesized in Hyundai Pharm. ", "We specifically compared the effects of HD0471953 with the dipeptidyl peptidase-4 (DPP-4) inhibitor, sitagliptin, which also increases GLP-1 level in blood stream \\[[@B21]\\], on glycemic control and insulin secretion in several animal models.", "\n\n2. ", "Materials and Methods {#sec2}\n========================\n\n2.1. ", "Chemicals and Animals {#sec2.1}\n--------------------------\n\nHD0471953 and sitagliptin were synthesized in house at Hyundai Pharm Inc. Prior to use in assays, HD0471953 and sitagliptin were dissolved in 0.5% carboxy-methylcellulose (CMC; Sigma-Aldrich, St. Louis, MO, USA).", "\n\n2.2. ", "In Vitro cAMP Measurement {#sec2.2}\n------------------------------\n\nIncrease of cytoplasmic cAMP level by test drugs was measured in the HIT-T15 cell (KCLB, Seoul, Republic of Korea) line. ", "The cells were cultured with RPMI1640 medium (Gibco, Gaithersburg, MD, USA) containing 10% of fetal bovine serum (FBS; Gibco) and 1% of penicillin/streptomycin solution (Gibco) in 5% CO~2~, at 37°C. ", "The cells were incubated for 10 min with test medium, that is, Hanks buffered salt solution (HBSS; Gibco) containing 5 mM of 4-(2-hydroxyethyl)-1-piperazineethanesulfonic acid (HEPES; Gibco), 0.5 mM of 3-isobutyl-1-methylxanthine (IBMX; Sigma-Aldrich), and 0.1% of bovine serum albumin (BSA; Sigma-Aldrich), followed by cells seeded with 5 × 10^4^ cells/well of 96-well plate before day 2, in 5% CO~2~, at 37°C. ", "Then, test drugs in test medium were treated with 10, 2, 0.4, 0.08, 0.016, and 0.0032 *μ*M to the cells for 90 min, respectively. ", "Measurement of cytoplasmic cAMP levels afte1r drugs treatment was performed with homogeneous time-resolved fluorescence (HTRF; CISBIO, Shanghai, China). ", "All the experiments were performed in duplicate.", "\n\n2.3. ", "Animals {#sec2.3}\n------------\n\nAll procedures involving animals were approved by the Animal Ethical Committee of Hyundai Pharma Inc. All animals were housed singly under a 12 hr/12 hr light/dark cycle in free feeding condition, temperature and humidity controlled rooms. ", "Normal C56BL/6J male mice and db/db mice were obtained from NARA BIO Inc. (Seoul, Republic of Korea) and Korea Research Institute of Bioscience and Biotechnology (KIRBB; Ochang, Republic of Korea), respectively.", "\n\n2.4. ", "In Vivo Experiments {#sec2.4}\n------------------------\n\n### 2.4.1. ", "Oral Glucose Tolerance Test (OGTT), Insulin, and GLP-1 Measurement {#sec2.4.1}\n\nAcute pharmacological efficacy of test drugs was tested by oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT). ", "Eight-week-old male C57BL/6 mice were fasted overnight and then orally administered 0.5% CMC (vehicle) or 20, 100 mg/kg HD0471953 through 10 mL/kg. ", "After 30 min, glucose was given orally at a dose of 2 g/kg/10 mL, and blood samples collected. ", "Blood glucose levels were then monitored by tail snipping at −30, 0, 20, 40, 60, and 120 minutes later glucose load. ", "Plasma glucose and insulin levels were immediately determined using Accu-Chek Active Blood Glucose Meter (Roche, Switzerland).", "\n\nTo measure improvement of insulin and active GLP-1 secretion abilities by test drugs, separate experiments were performed with overnight-fasted mice. ", "Following the administration of test drugs after 30 min, glucose bolus was loaded and the plasma samples was obtained at 20 min. ", "The isolated plasma were analyzed with insulin and active GLP-1 enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISA; Millipore, MO, USA).", "\n\n### 2.4.2. ", "Efficacy of Repeated Administration {#sec2.4.2}\n\nThe studies of chronic efficacy were performed with *db/db* mice. ", "All animals were given vehicle or the test drugs bid administration and sitagliptin qd administration.", "\n\nThe vehicle groups were administered 0.5% CMC (vehicle, *n* = 7) and the test groups were administered 10, 20, and 50 mg/kg HD0471953 (*n* = 7) through 10 mL/kg. ", "During the treatment period, the casual glucose level and body weight of each animal were checked. ", "At 4 weeks after beginning the administration, measurement of overnight-fasting insulin level in plasma and OGTT were performed with the administrated mice. ", "Blood was sampled from the abdominal artery and fat fad weight was immediately removed and measured. ", "Blood samples were centrifuged at 2000 g for 10 min to obtain serum and stored at −20°C. ", "Cholesterol and lipoprotein profiles were analyzed by an autoanalyzer (Roche Cobas, Switzerland).", "\n\n2.5. ", "Statistical Analysis {#sec2.5}\n-------------------------\n\nValues are expressed as the mean standard deviation (SD). ", "Student\\'s *t*-test was used to compare two groups, and multiple group comparisons were carried out using one-way ANOVA with a Dunnett\\'s multiple comparison test. ", "Statistical analyses were conducted using \"GraphPad Prism 5\" software (Graphpad Co., La Jolla, CA, USA), and a *P* value of \\<0.05 was considered to be statistically significant.", "\n\n3. ", "Results {#sec3}\n==========\n\n3.1. ", "Increase of cAMP Level by GPR119 Agonist {#sec3.1}\n---------------------------------------------\n\nThe signaling of GPR119 was known to be triggered by elevating cAMP synthesis \\[[@B8]\\]. ", "Thus, we have tested whether HD0471953 elevates intracellular cAMP level on the pancreatic beta cell line of hamster, HIT-T15 cells. ", "In this test, HD0470471953 showed a dose-dependent increasing manner of intracellular cAMP levels ([Figure 1](#fig1){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "The intracellular cAMP level was around 1.5-fold from negative control at 0.4 nM and showed 2.5-fold at 10 nM of treatment HD0471953.", "\n\n3.2. ", "Effect of HD0471953 on Glucose Tolerance after a Single Treatment in Normal Mice {#sec3.2}\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nWe evaluated the role of HD0471953 in the acute regulation of insulin secretion in vivo by examining blood glucose, plasma insulin levels, and GLP-1 secretion during the OGTT in normal mice.", "\n\nWe also tested improved glycemic control through OGTT with single administration of drugs. ", "Sitagliptin improved glycemic control of normal mice, administration of HD0471953 with 20 mg/kg improved glycemic control, and the glucose levels at 20 min after glucose loading was decreased ([Figure 2(a)](#fig2){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "The area under the curve (AUC) of the OGTT with single administration showed significant decrease with a dose-dependent manner after HD0471953 administration, compared to vehicle group ([Figure 2(b)](#fig2){ref-type=\"fig\"}).", "\n\nWe also tested whether elevating cAMP level by HD0471953 increases insulin or GLP-1 secretion. ", "Overnight-fasted normal C57BL/6J mice were administrated 20, 100 mg/kg dose (at \"a\" in [Figure 2(c)](#fig2){ref-type=\"fig\"}) of HD0471953 before 30 min of glucose loading (at \"b\" in [Figure 2(c)](#fig2){ref-type=\"fig\"}) and then after 20 min of glucose loading to analyze insulin and GLP-1 levels by ELISA. ", "Sitagliptin, DPP-4 inhibitor, showed increase of plasma GLP-1 level ([Figure 2(c)](#fig2){ref-type=\"fig\"}, *P* \\< 0.001 versus vehicle group), and increased GLP-1 level may result in improved glucose-stimulated insulin secretion ([Figure 2(d)](#fig2){ref-type=\"fig\"}, *P* \\< 0.01 versus vehicle group). ", "At the dose of 100 mg/kg of HD0471953, plasma GLP-1 level was significantly increased ([Figure 2(d)](#fig2){ref-type=\"fig\"}, *P* \\< 0.05 versus vehicle group); moreover, plasma insulin level was also significantly increased at 20 and 100 mg/kg dose ([Figure 2(c)](#fig2){ref-type=\"fig\"}, *P* \\< 0.05 versus vehicle group).", "\n\n3.3. ", "Effect of Chronic Treatment with HD0471953 in Diabetic *db/db* Mice {#sec3.3}\n------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nTo evaluate the effects of chronic treatment with HD0471953, 6-week-old diabetic *db/db* mice were treated twice daily with 10, 20, and 50 mg/kg HD0471953 or vehicle for 4 weeks. ", "After the treatment period, the plasma glucose fasting insulin level, initial body weight, and final body weight were checked. ", "After autopsy, plasma high density lipoprotein (HDL) low density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol, plasma triglyceride (TG), epididymal fat, and inguinal fat weighed. ", "The administration with HD0471953 decreased fasting glucose level in a dose-dependent manner ([Figure 3(a)](#fig3){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "The oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT) was performed after the drug administration during 4 weeks, HD0471953 treated groups showed lower blood glucose levels than the vehicle group, and AUC values of OGTT showed lower abundances in the vehicle group ([Figure 3(b)](#fig3){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "Moreover, the groups which were administered 20 and 50 mg/kg HD0471953 showed decreased body weight at 28 days after treatment ([Figure 3(b)](#fig3){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "High density lipoprotein (HDL) low density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol and plasma triglyceride (TG) demonstrated improvement compared to the vehicle group (Figures [3(e)](#fig3){ref-type=\"fig\"}--[3(h)](#fig3){ref-type=\"fig\"}), but there is no significant. ", "Initial body weight and final body weight have changed slightly ([Figure 3(g)](#fig3){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "Treatment with sitagliptin, a DPP-4 inhibitor, resulted in an increased plasma insulin level, suggesting improved glucose-stimulated insulin secretion. ", "Sitagliptin or the 20 mg/kg HD0471953-treated groups showed lower insulin levels significantly ([Figure 3(h)](#fig3){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "Epididymal fat has no change, but inguinal fat decreased in a dose-dependent manner ([Table 1](#tab1){ref-type=\"table\"}).", "\n\n4. ", "Discussion {#sec4}\n=============\n\nVarious therapeutic strategies are available to improve glucose homeostasis in patients with type 1 or 2 diabetes. ", "Although sulfonylurea derived antidiabetic drugs show strong blood glucose lowering effects, severe hypoglycemia is considered the main problem \\[[@B9], [@B10]\\]. ", "TZD and other peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor (PPAR) activators have also been a popular therapeutic strategy for T2DM; however, these drugs have adverse effects such as weight gain, coronary heart disease, and heart attack \\[[@B11]\\]. ", "Hence, drug discovery studies for new molecular targets are needed to overcome these hurdles.", "\n\nCompared to other medications for T2DM, the advantages of incretin hormone-based therapy are the expectation of not only improved glycemic control, but also loss of body weight \\[[@B12]\\]. ", "Chronic treatment of exendin-4, a long acting GLP-1 analogue, in a rodent obesity model results in improved insulin sensitivity and loss of body weight \\[[@B13]\\]. ", "Unfortunately, all drugs based on incretin hormones do not result in loss of body weight. ", "Although selective DPP-4 inhibitors have been reported to have strong effects on improving insulin sensitivity and glycemic control, some reports have stated that sitagliptin does not decrease body weight in obese subjects \\[[@B14], [@B15]\\]. ", "Moreover, selective DPP-4 inhibitors have adverse effects related to the immune system such as rheumatoid arthritis and pancreatitis \\[[@B16]--[@B18]\\].", "\n\nGPR119 is expressed on pancreatic beta cells and intestinal L cells. ", "Its mechanism of action begins by increasing intracellular cAMP levels, and this pathway cascades to insulin or GLP-1 secretion by beta or L cells \\[[@B19], [@B20]\\]. ", "HD0471953 treatment of the HIT-T15 beta cell line resulted in elevated cAMP levels in a dose-dependent manner. ", "Acute administration of HD0471953 also increased GLP-1 and insulin secretion in normal C57BL/6J mice, which is related to improved insulin sensitivity and glycemic control in T2DM animal models \\[[@B16]\\]. ", "These data suggest that HD0471953 may activate GPR119, which regulates insulin and GLP-1 secretion in normal mice.", "\n\nChronic administration of HD0471953 to *db/db* mice, which is a recombinant gene-induced obese T2DM model, resulted in improved glycemic control as long as the treatment lasted, suggesting that HD0471953 may improve insulin sensitivity and glycemic control. ", "Moreover, mice treated with HD0471953 showed slight losses of body weight, although DPP-4 inhibitors have not shown this effect on body weight in several studies \\[[@B14], [@B15]\\]. ", "Repeated administration of HD0471953 at 28 days resulted in lower glucose levels compared to those in vehicle treated mice. ", "Glucose tolerance on the OGTT improved in the HD0471953 treated group at 4 weeks after administration compared to that in the vehicle-treated group. ", "These data suggest that HD0471953 improves insulin sensitivity and glycemic control in *db/db* mice. ", "GLP-1 agonists produce a weight loss and the DPP-4 inhibitors, conversely, appear to have a weight neutral effect \\[[@B22]\\]. ", "GLP-1 mechanism-based glucose lowering effect shows lipid profile of HD0471953, GPR 119 agonist. ", "HDL LDL cholesterol and TG demonstrated improvement compared to the vehicle group, but slightly. ", "Epididymal fat level demonstrates a slight change, but inguinal fat decreases in a dose-dependent manner. ", "This effect is minimal but still has potential.", "\n\nIn this study, obesity induced T2DM mice that received chronic administration of our novel GPR119 agonist, HD0471953, showed improved insulin sensitivity and glycemic control without severe hypoglycemia. ", "Moreover, lower body weights were observed compared to those in the negative control mice. ", "In conclusion, we have discovered and identified a novel GPR119 agonist, HD0471953, and further studies will delineate the biological functions of GPR119 and the possibility of a clinical trial.", "\n\nSo Ra Kim and Dae-Hoon Kim contributed equally.", "\n\nThis study was supported by \"a Grant of Advance Technology Center (ATC; Project license: 10042208)\" of Korea Ministry of Knowledge and Economy.", "\n\n![", "Increase in cytoplasmic cAMP level by HD0471953 in the HIT-T15 cell line. ", "Test media containing HD0471953 were added to the cells for 90 min. ", "Intracellular cAMP levels were measured after drug treatment by homogeneous time-resolved fluorescence.](JDR2013-269569.001){#fig1}\n\n![", "Effect of a single treatment of HD0471953 on oral glucose tolerance under normal and fasting conditions in normal mice. (", "a) The effect on plasma glucose levels in normal mice during an OGTT. (", "b) The area under the plasma glucose concentration time curve for 2 h (AUC0-2 h) in an OGTT. (", "c) The effect on plasma GLP-1 levels in normal mice during an OGTT. (", "d) The effect on plasma insulin levels in normal mice during an OGTT. ", "Data are presented as the mean ± SE for each group (*n* = 6). ", "\\*\\**P* \\< 0.01 versus vehicle, \\**P* \\< 0.05 versus vehicle.](JDR2013-269569.002){#fig2}\n\n![", "Effect of chronic treatment within diabetic *db/db* mice. ", "A 10 mg/kg dose of HD0471953 or vehicle was administered twice daily to diabetic *db/db* mice (*n* = 7) for 4 weeks. (", "a) The effect on plasma glucose levels in *db/db* mice during an OGTT. (", "b) The area under the plasma glucose concentration time curve for 2 h (AUC0-2 h) in an OGTT. (", "c) Plasma HDL, (d) plasma LDL, (e) plasma CHOL, (f) plasma triglyceride (TG), (g) initial body weight and final body weight, and (h) fasting insulin level. ", "Data are presented as the mean ± SE. ", "\\**P* \\< 0.05 versus vehicle group.](JDR2013-269569.003){#fig3}\n\n###### \n\nThe absolute and relative values on initial body weight, final body weight, inguinal fat, and epididymal fat after administration of HD0471953 for 4 weeks. ", "The results are mean ± SD for 7 mice in each group.", "\n\n   Initial body weight (g) Final body weight (g) Inguinal fat (g) Inguinal fat (%) Epididymal fat (g) Epididymal fat (%)\n --------------- ------------------------- ----------------------- ------------------ ------------------ -------------------- --------------------\n Normal 24.75 ± 1.26 26.75 ± 0.96 0.29 ± 0.03 1.08 ± 0.08 0.29 ± 0.07 1.06 ± 0.25\n Vehicle 33.66 ± 0.92 40.14 ± 2.67 2.97 ± 0.46 7.38 ± 0.80 1.71 ± 0.46 4.27 ± 1.11\n 1953---10 mpk 33.5 ± 1.6 39.57 ± 2.37 3.20 ± 0.35 8.10 ± 1.01 1.88 ± 0.58 4.70 ± 1.26\n 1953---20 mpk 32.75 ± 1.83 40.17 ± 1.47 2.97 ± 0.53 7.39 ± 1.22 1.96 ± 0.58 4.89 ± 1.48\n 1953---50 mpk 33.625 ± 1.41 39.5 ± 3.42 2.78 ± 0.14 7.06 ± 0.33 1.98 ± 0.63 5.00 ± 1.50\n\n[^1]: Academic Editor: Raffaele Marfella\n" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nGet User Account Status (Locked/Unlocked) from Active Directory on C-Sharp / C#\n\nI need to find a way to check if an Active Directory UserAccount has his account locked or not.", "\nI've tried userAccountControl property in a Windows 2000 AD but that property does not change a byte when I force an account to get locked (by trying to log on to a workstation providing the wrong password for that specific user) And I can tell by using ADExplorer.exe utility made by semi-god -> Mr. Russinovich\nI've seen that in the 3.5 Framework they use the method .InvokeGet(\"userLockedOut\"); but I'm trying to do this in a Enterprise Application that was written in .Net Framework 1.1 and there's no chance of using newer ones (just if you thought of suggesting so).", "\n\nA:\n\nHere is a link with all the info on Active Directory stuff...\nhttp://www.codeproject.com/KB/system/everythingInAD.aspx\n\nA:\n\nFound this, it is a little more than I have done in the past (can't find exact snippets) though the key is doing a directory search and limiting based on the lockouttime for your user(s) that are returned. ", "Additionally for a particular user, you can limit your search further using additional properties. ", "The codeproject link above has that particular logic (for search limiting) I believe.", "\nclass Lockout : IDisposable\n{\n DirectoryContext context;\n DirectoryEntry root;\n DomainPolicy policy;\n\n public Lockout(string domainName)\n {\n this.context = new DirectoryContext(\n DirectoryContextType.", "Domain,\n domainName\n );\n\n //get our current domain policy\n Domain domain = Domain.", "GetDomain(this.context);\n\n this.root = domain.", "GetDirectoryEntry();\n this.policy = new DomainPolicy(this.root); \n }\n\n public void FindLockedAccounts()\n {\n //default for when accounts stay locked indefinitely\n string qry = \"(lockoutTime>=1)\";\n\n TimeSpan duration = this.policy.", "LockoutDuration;\n\n if (duration !", "= TimeSpan.", "MaxValue)\n {\n DateTime lockoutThreshold =\n DateTime.", "Now.", "Subtract(duration);\n\n qry = String.", "Format(\n \"(lockoutTime>={0})\",\n lockoutThreshold.", "ToFileTime()\n );\n }\n\n DirectorySearcher ds = new DirectorySearcher(\n this.root,\n qry\n );\n\n using (SearchResultCollection src = ds.", "FindAll())\n {\n foreach (SearchResult sr in src)\n {\n long ticks =\n (long)sr.", "Properties[\"lockoutTime\"][0];\n\n Console.", "WriteLine(\n \"{0} locked out at {1}\",\n sr.", "Properties[\"name\"][0],\n DateTime.", "FromFileTime(ticks)\n );\n }\n }\n }\n\n public void Dispose()\n {\n if (this.root !", "= null)\n {\n this.root.", "Dispose();\n }\n }\n}\n\nCode was pulled from this post: http://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/csharpgeneral/thread/5e0fadc2-f27b-48f6-a6ac-644e12256c67/\n\n" ]
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[ 0.005555555555555556, 0.0017452006980802793, 0.002976190476190476, 0, 0, 0.004672897196261682, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.014925373134328358, 0, 0.025, 0.015873015873015872, 0.006211180124223602, 0, 0, 0.01694915254237288, 0, 0.010101010101010102, 0, 0.006172839506172839 ]
[ "Household chemicals, persistent wheezing and lung function: effect modification by atopy?", "\nThe aims of the present study were to assess the effects of maternal use of domestic chemicals during pregnancy on wheezing and lung function in children aged </=8.5 yrs and to explore the potential modifying effect of atopy. ", "In the Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children, a cohort study, a maternal composite household chemical exposure (CHCE) score was derived. ", "Wheezing phenotypes from birth to age 7 yrs were assigned on the basis of reported wheeze. ", "Lung function (forced expiratory volume in one second (FEV(1)), forced vital capacity (FVC), forced midexpiratory flow between 25 and 75% of FVC (FEF(25-75%))) was measured at age 8.5 yrs; and atopy by skin-prick tests at age 7.5 yrs. ", "Multinomial logistic and linear regression models assessed the relationship between wheezing outcomes, lung function and CHCE score, and interactions with atopy. ", "Increased CHCE score was associated with early- (<18 months) and intermediate- (18-30 months) persistent and late-onset (>30 months) wheezing in nonatopic children (adjusted odds ratio per z-score of CHCE (95% confidence interval) 1.41 (1.13-1.76), 1.43 (1.02-2.13) and 1.69 (1.19-2.41), respectively). ", "Increasing CHCE score was associated with decrements in FEV(1) and FEF(25-75%). ", "Higher domestic chemical exposure during pregnancy was associated with persistent wheeze and lung function abnormalities in nonatopic children. ", "This may result from pre-natal developmental effects or post-natal irritant effects on the developing airway, but is unlikely to be mediated through increased hygiene in the home." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
[ 0, 0, 0.013605442176870748, 0, 0.01276595744680851, 0.006172839506172839, 0.006600660066006601, 0.0125, 0, 0 ]
[ "Sar Galan, Razavi Khorasan\n\nSar Galan (, also Romanized as Sar Galān; also known as Sarkalūn) is a village in Soleyman Rural District, Soleyman District, Zaveh County, Razavi Khorasan Province, Iran. ", "At the 2006 census, its population was 484, in 108 families.", "\n\nReferences \n\nCategory:Populated places in Zaveh County" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Wikipedia (en)" }
[ 0.02, 0, 0 ]