[ "Agreeable Kid Twin Bedding Sets\n\nSurprising Youth Boy Bedding Sets\n\nTag Archived of Bedding Ceremony\n\nAdorable Modern Armoire Plans\n\nI would think a beautiful place such as this would be cherished for generations. ", "One might worry about storms and fires that could threaten this home with some hefty home insurance claims. ", "moneysupermarket.com should be able to help them out there!", "\n\nEnchanting Soft Headboards For Beds\n\nIf you’re looking for a distinctive design consider a round deck – place a fire pit in the middle and a rounded bench that’s perfect for a chilly autumn evening or a snowy winter day. ", "Other methods of adding a personal touch could be to install planters for an herb garden a small gazebo or interestingly shaped railing.", "\n\nScenic Headboard For Nectar Adjustable Bed\n\nNatanya in Israel might not be the place that you would be thinking about when you are dreaming of a lavish penthouse that opens up to offer you stunning views of the vast blue sky meeting the endless Mediterranean Sea on the horizon.", "\n\nGood Looking Armoire Country Of Origin\n\nHowever underground houses are known to have excellent natural insulation and climactic regulation in all seasons. ", "Situated partially beneath the tower the home opens through 4 fully glazed walls toward a sunken central courtyard.", "\n\nAppealing Wesling Nightstand Ashley Furniture\n\nIf you’ve ever wondered what it would be like to live inside of a billboard Single Hauz is the home of your dreams! ", "Designed by Poland’s Front Architects this dwelling is meant for one and one alone! ", "The single life has never been so architecturally interesting… Single Hauz is recommended for scenic spaces.", "\n\nAmusing Large White Living Room Mirror\n\nThe idea here is to create a that mixes form with function and yet stand out from the pack. ", "And to achieve this they have used a rectangular box-like template with this small house that is set 100 miles south of the city of Lima.", "\n\nDrop Dead Gorgeous Elegant Master Bedroom Furniture\n\nIn fact these contemporary dwellings can serve as ideal housing options for first-time buyers students military personnel and many others. ", "You have to give snaps to designers who prioritize making cutting edge housing available to all. ", "As the L41 website states “Small is beautiful.”" ]
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[ "Pages\n\nThursday, December 20, 2012\n\nThe illustrations of Walt Louderback are filled with an atmosphere of romance and drama. ", "Like Dean Cornwell (1892-1960), Louderback worked for Cosmopolitan magazine during the early 1900s. ", "The two men (who may have been friends) shared a painterly technique and a flair for mood, intrigue, and dramatic action in their pictures. ", "That approach came to Louderback and Cornwell honestly, for Cornwell was a student of Harvey Dunn (1884-1952), who was in turn a student of Howard Pyle (1853-1911), the father of American illustration. ", "Both Louderback and Cornwell would have studied illustration at a time when Pyle strode the earth like a giant.", "\n\nWalter S. Louderback was born on February 3, 1887, in Valparaiso, Indiana, and--like Dean Cornwell--studied at the Art Institute of Chicago. ", "He illustrated stories for Cosmopolitan, Good Housekeeping, Hearst's International, and other popular magazines. ", "Many of those stories were also printed in hardbound editions with Louderback's illustrations. ", "Readers of the 1910s and '20s would have been well acquainted with the art of Walt Louderback, as he illustrated books by one of the most popular authors of the day, James Oliver Curwood. ", "In addition to being an artist, Louderback also taught at the Art Institute of Chicago. ", "Robert Patterson (a student) and John Clymer (a boyhood admirer) were among the illustrators of a younger generation influenced by him. ", "Today, Louderback is a much under-appreciated artist.", "\n\nDuring the 1920s, Louderback lived in Europe and delivered his assignments to New York by surface vessel. ", "He also experimented with modernist and Cubist painting. ", "As war loomed, Louderback left Europe with his family in May 1939. ", "He died at a sanitarium in Socorro, New Mexico, on October 15, 1941.", "\n\nAn illustration by Louderback for an unknown story. ", "If this scene was set in Monte Carlo, Louderback may have studied his sources from life, for he lived in Europe during the 1920s and '30s.", "\n\nA typical Louderback treatment with a high vantage point and details around the edges left out. ", "Oddly, the artist's signature is on the man's clothing.", "\n\nA moody and dramatic illustration that approaches portraiture. ", "Note the Oriental motif in the background.", "\n\nAnother illustration for an unknown story. ", "The painting is called \"The Homecoming.\" ", "I wonder if Louderback would have experienced such an event upon his return to the United States in 1939.", "\n\nAn illustration for \"Tongues of Flame\" by Peter Clark Macfarlane [sic]. ", "The source for this image says: \"probably Cosmopolitan, 1923.\"", "\n\nThis illustration for an unknown story is one of the most striking I have seen by Walt Louderback. ", "Romantic, atmospheric, melancholic, suggestive of menace, it could be the cover of a Gothic romance of today. ", "Probably painted eight decades ago, this canvas is as fresh and contemporary as the day it was created. (", "Sorry for the red line through the image.)", "\n\nMonday, December 17, 2012\n\nJames Henry Cloetingh was born into a family of Dutch-Americans on July 3, 1894, in Muskegon, Michigan. ", "As a young man he worked as the advertising manager for the Muskegon Chronicle. ", "In his spare time he was secretary of the Muskegon Kennel Club. ", "In 1923, in Muskegon's first championship dog show, Cloetingh's airedale, named Guardian Trust, took home the best of show honors.", "\n\nBy 1930, Cloetingh was living in South Bend, Indiana, and operating a commercial art studio with a partner. ", "Their firm was called Cloetingh and De Man Studio. ", "I don't know who his clients would have been--perhaps businesses in northern Indiana and the Chicago area. ", "In addition to being a commercial artist, Cloetingh was a painter. ", "I have found two of his pictures. ", "Both are of boats. ", "Cloetingh's subject should come as no surprise considering he was born on and lived close to Lake Michigan most of his life.", "\n\nCloetingh exhibited in the Hoosier Salon in 1961. ", "He died four years later in June 1965 at the age of seventy.", "\n\nAn oil painting (top) and a watercolor (bottom) by Michigan and Indiana artist James H. Cloetingh (1894-1965).", "\n\nFollowers\n\nAbout Me\n\nI am an artist and writer. ", "My interests are too many to name here, but they include art, literature, history, popular culture, movies, and natural history. ", "Feel free to write to me about any of those things and more.", "\nClick on the tabs above to see other parts of my website." ]
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[ " NOTE: This disposition is nonprecedential.", "\n\n United States Court of Appeals\n for the Federal Circuit\n __________________________\n\n JOHN PAUL JONES, III,\n Petitioner,\n v.\n MERIT SYSTEMS PROTECTION BOARD,\n Respondent.", "\n __________________________\n\n 2012-3114\n __________________________\n\n Petition for review of the Merit Systems Protection\nBoard in case no. ", "DE3330100361-l-1.", "\n __________________________\n\n Decided: September 7, 2012\n __________________________\n\n JOHN P. JONES III, of Albuquerque, New Mexico, pro\nse.", "\n\n CALVIN M. MORROW, Attorney, Office of the General\nCounsel, Merit Systems Protection Board, of Washington,\nDC, for respondent. ", "With him on the brief were JAMES M.\nEISENMANN, General Counsel, and KEISHA DAWN BELL,\nDeputy General Counsel.", "\n __________________________\n\fJOHN JONES III v. MSPB 2\n\n\n Before PROST, MOORE and REYNA, Circuit Judges.", "\nPER CURIAM.", "\n Petitioner pro se, John Paul Jones, III, appeals from a\nFebruary 15, 2012 final order of the United States Merit\nSystems Protection Board (“MSPB” or “Board”) denying\nhis petition for review. ", "Jones v. Dep’t of Health & Human\nServs., ", "DE3330100361-I-1 (M.S.P.B. Feb. 15, 2012). ", "Mr.\nJones requests review of the Board’s dismissal of claims\narising under the Veterans Employment Opportunities\nAct (“VEOA”) of 1998 when the Department of Health and\nHuman Services did not select him for a public health\nadvisor position. ", "The issues on appeal are whether the\nwritten complaint Mr. Jones filed with the Department of\nLabor (“DOL”) on April 8, 2010 was untimely and filed in\nthe absence of good cause to toll the filing deadline. ", "We\naffirm for the reasons set forth below.", "\n I\n Mr. Jones served as a medic during the armed conflict\nin Vietnam and qualifies as a preference-eligible veteran.", "\nOn or about December 14, 2009, the Department of\nHealth and Human Services, Centers for Disease Control\nand Prevention (“the Agency”) posted two open public\nhealth advisor positions. ", "Mr. Jones applied for one of the\ntwo vacant public health advisor positions, which re-\nquired a year of specific GS-12 experience. ", "1 RA21-22.", "\n On January 8, 2010, the Agency posted on its\nQuickHire website a notice that Mr. Jones was not se-\nlected for the public health advisor position because he\ndid not meet the requisite qualifications. ", "Mr. Jones\nlearned he would not be selected when he visited the\n\n 1 Citations to “RA__” refer to the pages of the brief\nand appendix of the MSPB filed on June 22, 2012.", "\n\f3 JOHN JONES III v. MSPB\n\n\nAgency website on January 13, 2010. ", "Upon learning of\nhis nonselection, Mr. Jones called the Agency and learned\nof an internal re-review process after speaking with an\nAgency representative. ", "He asked that his qualifications\nbe re-reviewed.", "\n On March 12, 2010, the Agency’s human resources\ndepartment sent Mr. Jones a letter notifying him that the\ninternal re-review process would sustain the initial ineli-\ngible determination. ", "Mr. Jones then filed a VEOA com-\nplaint with the DOL on April 8, 2010 that contested the\nAgency determination that he was not eligible for the\nposition, 2 and subsequently filed a VEOA appeal before\nthe MSPB. ", "On December 23, 2010, the AJ issued a deci-\nsion that rejected the appeal as untimely because, pursu-\nant to 5 U.S.C. § 3330a(a)(2)(A), Mr. Jones exceeded the\nallotted sixty days for filing a written complaint with the\nDOL.", "\n Mr. Jones filed a petition for review with the full\nBoard wherein he disputed that his DOL complaint was\nuntimely. ", "The Board affirmed the findings of the AJ, and\nissued an order dismissing Mr. Jones’s VEOA claims on\ngrounds of untimeliness. ", "3 This appealed followed. ", "We\nhave jurisdiction pursuant to 28 U.S.C. § 1295(a)(9).", "\n\n\n\n\n II\n 2 The DOL records reflect that the complaint was\nfiled on April 13, 2010, but Mr. Jones avers the filing\noccurred on April 8, 2010. ", "The AJ determined that this\ndiscrepancy does not impact the ultimate result. ", "RA4.", "\n 3 The Board concluded that “except as modified by\n[the February 15, 2012] Final Order, the initial decision of\nthe administrative judge is the Board’s final order.”", "\nRA15.", "\n\fJOHN JONES III v. MSPB 4\n\n\n Our review of the Board’s decision is narrow and lim-\nited by statute. ", "Under 5 U.S.C. § 7703(c), we may only set\naside the Board’s decision if it is “(1) arbitrary, capri-\ncious, an abuse of discretion, or otherwise not in accor-\ndance with law; (2) obtained without procedures required\nby law, rule, or regulation having been followed; or (3)\nunsupported by substantial evidence.” ", "Substantial evi-\ndence is “such relevant evidence as a reasonable mind\nmight accept as adequate to support a conclusion.” ", "Con-\nsol. ", "Edison Co. v. NLRB, 305 U.S. 197, 229 (1938).", "\n The VEOA grants preferences to veterans who seek\nfederal employment. ", "5 U.S.C. § 3330a. ", "If the employing\nagency rejects the veteran’s request for preference em-\nployment, the VEOA vests the veteran with the right to\nchallenge that rejection before the Board. ", "The Board may\nreview a challenge only after the veteran files a written\ncomplaint with the DOL. ", "The statute requires that the\ncomplaint must be filed with the Secretary of Labor\nwithin sixty days after the date of the alleged injury to\nthe veteran’s rights:\n (a)(1)(A) A preference eligible who alleges than\n an agency has violated such individual’s rights\n under any statute or regulation relating to the\n veteran’s preference may file a complaint with the\n Secretary of Labor.", "\n (B) A veteran described in section 3304(f)(1)\n who alleges that an agency has violated such sec-\n tion with respect to such veteran may file a com-\n plaint with the Secretary of Labor.", "\n (2)(A) A complaint under this subsection must\n be filed within 60 days after the date of the\n alleged violation.", "\n5 U.S.C. § 3330a (emphasis added).", "\n\f5 JOHN JONES III v. MSPB\n\n\n In reviewing the veteran’s allegations, the Board may\nconsider that a petitioner is proceeding pro se, but the\nVEOA does not require that veterans be considered for\npositions for which they are not qualified. ", "See Jones v.\nM.S.P.B., 2012 WL 3007598, at *2 (Fed. ", "Cir. ", "July 24,\n2012) (citing Martinez v. Broad. ", "Bd. ", "of Governors, 115\nM.S.P.R. 44, 49 (Sept. 10, 2010)) (Board consideration of\npro se petitions for review); Lazaro v. Dep’t of Veterans\nAffairs, 666 F.3d 1316, 1319 (Fed. ", "Cir. ", "2012) (discussing\nveteran qualifications).", "\n III\n We first address whether Mr. Jones’s written com-\nplaint to the DOL was untimely. ", "The AJ calculated sixty\ndays from the date the applicant’s nonselection was\npublished on the QuickHire website on January 8, 2010.", "\nThe AJ concluded that the complaint should have been\nfiled no later than March 10, 2010. ", "RA4. ", "The AJ deter-\nmined that Mr. Jones filed the complaint with the DOL on\nApril 8, 2010, approximately a month after the deadline.", "\nId.\n Mr. Jones appears to argue that the sixty day time\nperiod should commence the day he received the re-review\nletter from the Agency indicating that the initial decision\nwas sustained. ", "He characterizes the re-review of his\nqualifications as a good faith attempt to exhaust his\nadministrative remedies and contends that the determi-\nnation did not become final until after the re-review\nprocess completed on the date of the March 12, 2010\nletter. ", "Using the March letter as the starting point to\ncount the sixty days, Mr. Jones argues that his written\ncomplaint was filed within the required time period.", "\n We agree with the Board’s decision that the written\ncomplaint was late in being filed with the Secretary of\nLabor. ", "The evidence of record confirms that on January\n\fJOHN JONES III v. MSPB 6\n\n\n8, 2010 the Agency published notice of Mr. Jones’s non-\nselection and there is no indication that the decision was\npreliminary or otherwise subject to reversal. ", "RA23. ", "Mr.\nJones concedes that he became personally aware of the\nAgency’s decision regarding his nonselection when he\nvisited the QuickHire website on January 13, 2010. ", "Thus,\nthe sixty day filing period set forth in § 3330a(2)(A) is tied\nto notice of his nonselection. ", " The AJ correctly deter-\nmined that utilization of the re-review process did not\nalter the date of the Agency’s rejection in January. ", "See\nAtwell v. Merit Systems Protection Bd., ", "670 F.2d 272, 282\n(Fed. ", "Cir. ", "1981) (explaining that in reviewing orders of\nthe MSPB, the judicial review provision of 5 U.S.C. §\n7703(c) requires “considerable deference”).", "\n By establishing grounds for equitable tolling of the\ndeadline, a veteran may obtain relief after missing the\nfiling deadline. ", "Roesel v. Peace Corps, 111 M.S.P.R. 366,\n370 (2009). ", "The Supreme Court identifies specific circum-\nstances that warrant equitable tolling and we agree with\nthe AJ that Mr. Jones has not presented those circum-\nstances. ", "See Irwin v. Dep’t of Veterans Affairs, 498 U.S.\n89, 96 (1990) (internal citations omitted) (holding that\nwhen claims are brought against the government, equita-\nble tolling is applicable where a defective pleading was\nfiled or when the complainant was tricked or induced by\nhis adversary’s misconduct into allowing a filing deadline\nto pass). ", "Here, there is neither argument nor evidence\nthat the complaint was defective or that Mr. Jones was\n“tricked” or “induced” by an Agency representative into\nfiling late. ", "Equitable tolling is extended “only sparingly,”\na limitation that weighs against extending the deadline in\nthis case. ", "Irwin, 498 U.S. at 96.", "\n We note the AJ’s conclusion that Mr. Jones’s argu-\nments surrounding the re-review process were barred\naccording to principles of collateral estoppel. ", "On appeal,\n\f7 JOHN JONES III v. MSPB\n\n\nMr. Jones argues the impact of the Agency’s re-review\nprocess on his untimely filing of a complaint with the\nDOL, but the AJ found that those arguments were raised\nby Mr. Jones and resolved in an earlier action. ", "4 RA6-7\n(finding Mr. Jones’s arguments based on the re-review\nprocess “identical” to the earlier action) (citing Jones v.\nDep’t of Health & Human Servs., ", "DE3330100347-I-1\n(M.S.P.B. Jul 21, 2010)). ", "We find no reason to disturb the\nAJ’s determination that the arguments before us are\nestopped as matter of law.", "\n Because the Board acted within its discretion, the de-\ncision of the Board is hereby\n AFFIRMED\n COSTS\n Each party shall bear its own costs.", "\n\n\n\n\n 4 The AJ’s decision regarding collateral estoppel is\nnot determinative since we affirm the Board’s decision\nthat the filing of the written complaint with the DOL was\nuntimely, but we note the independent basis for rejecting\nclaims resolved by a different administrative judge ac-\ncording to the same facts and allegations.", "\n\f" ]
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[ "In case you were waiting for Lena Dunham to finally weigh in on Donald Trump, here you go:\n\nLena Dunham: \"Hey Donald Trump, what about your daughter?\" ", "https://t.co/t2zkah1bJm — TIME.com (@TIME) February 10, 2016\n\nDunham delivers as expected, telling Donald Trump in an open letter that Ivanka has her “remarkable life” thanks to “family planning”:\n\nSo, Donald Trump, a few more questions for you: Do you understand that your daughter has the remarkable life she does because she had access to excellent medical care and family planning? ", "She had the choice to have two children once she was already married to a high-earning partner, her own career in full bloom.", "\n\nSo women like Ivanak can only make the right choices if they have wealthy fathers or wealthy husbands? ", "Nice try, but nope.", "\n\nAnd who the hell thinks it’s OK for Dunham to give parenting advice???", "\n\n@TIME @lenadunham Don't you dare bring up his parenting after what you did. ", "Get professional help&STFU pretty please — gm (@goutami14) February 10, 2016\n\n@TIME @lenadunham Celebs should stop posing as authorities on how ALL women should live. ", "She's an authority on herself and no other woman. — ", "M.A.C.S. (@MARS0411) February 10, 2016\n\nDunham then questioned what Trump would think if someone judged Ivanka the same way he judged women (we assume Dunham means Trump’s comments on Megyn Kelly and Carly Fiorina):\n\nDonald Trump, you seem to take pride in Ivanka’s professional achievements, and she holds a position at your company in addition to her namesake fashion lines—by the way, she makes some very chic bags. ", "Do you understand that, as a businesswoman, she will be constantly facing and may already deal with the possibility of making less for doing as good a job? ", "Would you like it if your own daughter’s merits were assessed by someone like you, someone who thought her looks and her sexual choices and the very sound of her voice were fair game?", "\n\nOver to you, Donald. ", "The response could be epic…\n\n***" ]
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[ "I have a question my pals! (", "Since this site is all about kongregate and hacking games on it.) ", "Is it possible to hack the ammount of the \"Kong Kreds\"? (", "I'm asking just for the buying method of the PREM weapons in SAS:ZA4) Thank you ^^\n\nIs it possible to hack the ammount of the \"Kong Kreds\"? (", "I'm asking just for the buying method of the PREM weapons in SAS:ZA4)\n\nSo its for sas4... There are much better ways to get premium weapons, and also that they are not much better (they are in fact worse), so why bother getting them?", "\n\nFederation top zombie killer in a not-so-legit way. ", "Inventor of the holy hand antidode that instantly kills zombies and any spawns. ", "IGN: ZombieKillSpree2, although that won't be the player you see, but its the kong profile I operate from.", "\n\nGot a little issue When playing Last Stand:Dead Zone i use all the hacks. ", "After i play a mission i restart the game and BOOM everything i did was reset What's causing this? ", "is anyone else having this Issue?", "\n\nGot a little issue When playing Last Stand:Dead Zone i use all the hacks. ", "After i play a mission i restart the game and BOOM everything i did was reset What's causing this? ", "is anyone else having this Issue?", "\n\nAnd bans are what happens when you act like an idiot and feel like posting your bullshit in the 101 thread.", "\n\nNot a way that you can do. ", "Unless you know how to force a weapon into your inventory.", "\n\nFederation top zombie killer in a not-so-legit way. ", "Inventor of the holy hand antidode that instantly kills zombies and any spawns. ", "IGN: ZombieKillSpree2, although that won't be the player you see, but its the kong profile I operate from." ]
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[ "Q:\n\nParsing XML with DOMParser works in Chrome, but not in FF\n\nI am trying to get a node from XML using DOMParser. ", "The code below works in Chrome, but not in FF. ", "Am I doing something wrong? ", "Or, is FF doing something wrong? ", "A fiddle here: http://jsfiddle.net/lborgman/D8QHT/2/\nvar zXml = '<?", "xml version=\"1.0\"?", "> <div class=\"csl-bib-body\" style=\"line-height: 2; padding-left: 2em; text-indent:-2em;\"> <div class=\"csl-entry\">The Polyvagal Theory.</div> </div>';\nvar dp = new DOMParser();\nvar zDom = dp.parseFromString(zXml, \"text/xml\");\ndocument.getElementById(\"output\").appendChild(document.createTextNode(zDom.nodeValue));\nvar divCite = zDom.querySelector(\"div.csl-entry\");\nconsole.log(divCite);\ndocument.getElementById(\"output2\").appendChild(document.createTextNode(divCite.innerHTML));\n\nA:\n\nTry parsing as text/html: the querySelector doesn't work on an XML document because XML doesn't understand CSS classes.", "\nvar zDom = dp.parseFromString(zXml, \"text/html\");\n\nAlternatively, you can use XML and querySelector, but be more explicit with your selector argument:\nvar divCite = zDom.querySelector(\"div[class=csl-entry]\");\n\nAs for the nodeValue, I'm not sure what you expect to see in that property of a document object.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nAndroid : Switch (ToggleButton) and threads\n\nIn my app targeted for Android 4.0.3, I used to have a Button working as a Switch. ", "Clicking on the button was making its resource change (switch between Play/Pause) and some tasks were performing in the background. ", "The particularity is that when the Button was pressed, I wanted the toggle to be unavailable for a short period of time (to prevent fast switching).", "\nTo do so, I created a thread that was waiting for X seconds, like this :\nvoid blockButton(){\n new Thread() {\n public void run(){\n try {\n synchronized(this){\n button_ready = false;\n sleep(5000);\n button_ready = true;\n }\n }\n catch(InterruptedException ex){}\n }\n }.start();\n }\n}\n\nand basically in my Activity/onClickListener\nif(button_ready){\n // Start background stuff\n changeButtonResource();\n button.setEnabled(false);\n blockButton();\n button.setEnabled(true);\n}\n\nSo far so good, everything was runnin smooth. ", "But I eventually wished to update it to a Switch. ", "The code is pretty much the same (except for the onClickListener that turned into a OnCheckedChangeListener). ", "\nBut now when I click the button once, clicking it again will allow changing its resource - yet the background task will not start (I tried it with a Vibrator and others already, it only changes the resource).", "\nSo I almost have the behaviour my Button used to have, but the resource gets messed up. ", "Any idea would be more than welcome ! ", "Thanks.", "\n\nA:\n\nYou don't need to create another thread. ", "View.postDelayed(Runnable) gives you a much easier way to enable buttons (or do other UI actions) after a timeout. ", "Your code should look something like this:\nclass ... extends Fragment {\n private final Runnable enabler = new Runnable() { public void run() {\n button.setEnabled(true);\n }};\n\n private View button;\n\n public View onCreateView(LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup container, Bundle savedInstanceState) {\n View result = ...\n button = result.findViewById(...);\n button.setOnClickListener(new View.", "OnClickListener() {\n public void onClick(View v) {\n button.setEnabled(false);\n ...\n }\n });\n ...\n }\n\n public void onDestroyView() {\n ...\n button = null;\n }\n\n public void onPause() {\n ...\n button.removeCallbacks(enabler);\n }\n\n public void onResume() {\n ...\n button.setEnabled(true);\n }\n}\n\nCalling removeCallbacks before your Fragment or Activity goes away is important to avoid concurrency problems caused by the user leaving during the disabled period. ", "And after disabling the callback in that case, it's important to make sure you don't then get 'stuck' in the disabled state when the user comes back to your Fragment or Activity and the View restores its saved state.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "Tag Archives: sew\n\nPost navigation\n\nI’ve been looking at lots of other blogs whilst eating and drinking way too much over this Christmas period and everyone seems to be doing a review of the year, so here is my little KSS review to add to the blogosphere.", "\n\nMOST IMPROVED\n\nMy crochet skills have come on leaps and bounds in 2013, culminating in this Retro Rainbow Granny Square blanket made for my niece back in early 2012. ", "Since then, I have managed some crochet bunting, a toy, a little amigurumi and some placements and pot holders, courtesy of Kat Goldin’s on-line, summer crochet camp.", "\n\nBIGGEST ACHIEVEMENT\n\nAnother Ava make, this time a cute ‘all in one’ cardigan. ", "This baby cardigan was my first completed knitted item of clothing. ", "Although it took quite a while to finish, I was really pleased with the result and the professional finish. ", "Just need Ava to get big enough to wear it now!", "\n\nQUICKEST MAKE\n\nCross stitch is always a quick an impressive way to add a touch of home-made handiwork to a gift and this make was no exception. ", "I had an evening to make a baby gift for my husband’s work colleague so stitched some star motifs onto this cashmere mix baby blanket, using soluble canvas.", "\n\nFAVOURITE MAKE\n\nThe Sew in my Knit Stitch Sew blog title gets constantly overlooked in favour for crafts that come more naturally to me. ", "So sewing some make-up bags using a tutorial I found on Pinterest was a highlight for me. ", "Once I’d mastered inserting a zip and correct measuring of corners, I managed to make these cute little bags which went down a storm this Christmas.", "\n\nBEST COMMERCIAL MAKE\n\nI was commissioned to stitch these keepsake vests in the summer for a friend’s children. ", "Such a simple project but a great end result. ", "2013 was a great year for me making for others, including multiple baby blankets knitted to order and a felt cuddly toy.", "\n\nBIGGEST HEADACHE\n\nI’m struggling even to type the words… ROMAN BLIND.. but no doubt this was my biggest craft induced headache of 2013. ", "Having taken on the challenge to make a roman blind for my very wide kitchen window, I wouldn’t be beaten! ", "After making it once and realising it wasn’t working, I had to unpick, re-stitch and use every ounce of my crafty willpower to get this one finished.", "\n\nSTARTED BUT NOT FINISHED\n\nTaking me into 2014, there are two things I’ve started but for one reason or another, am way off finishing. ", "My Tunnocks Tea Cake stitched picture – a combination of stitching on evenweave and a multitude of red threads means that this is something which has fallen to the bottom of my craft bag. ", "The other, my black slouchy, knitted cardigan using an Erica Knight pattern, is progressing S-L-O-W-L-Y! ", "I’m finding it tough to do if i’m not wide awake and un-distracted… kind of difficult to snatch any moments like this in my house!", "\n\nI am done. ", "Finished. ", "Complete. ", "The Roman blind is up and not looking too shabby.", "\n\nMy key mistake (and quite a fundamental one) was no dowel rods. ", "So lots of hand sewing later, and I was able to attach the dowel rods to the blind, re-string and hang. ", "Yey!", "\n\nSo I thought I’d recap for my own benefit, and anyone who may find this on the internet desperately trawling for ‘How to make Roman blind’ instructions on Google, like me. ", "Oh and for my lovely friend Jane who is currently in hospital, bored and wanting something to do… Read on friend.", "\n\nCut your blind fabric to size and set to one side. ", "Cut your lining fabric to size. ", "Cut your blind tape to width. ", "Carefully measure where you’d like your dowel rods to go and pin the blind tape. ", "I found a metal metre rule was perfect for this job, to help the lines stay straight. ", "Using the sewing machine, stitch the blind tape to the lining fabric.", "\n\nStep 3:\n\nPlace the lining fabric and the blind fabric right sides together and pin. ", "Using the sewing machine, sew together, leaving a little pocket to turn inside out. ", "Turn inside out, and give the fabric a good press with a hot iron.", "\n\nStep 4:\n\nCut the thinner wooden baton to length and place inside the bottom of the blind. ", "Hand stitch the opening closed.", "\n\nStep 5:\n\nTurn the fabric over, so the lining fabric with blind tape is facing up and insert the dowel rods into the blind tape pockets. ", "Using the metre rule, measure out where your eyelets need to go, marking with the air erasable pen. ", "I had three rows of five eyelets, evenly spaced at 30cms apart, across the blind. ", "Ideally, place one in the middle, one about 2cm from either end and then fill the gaps in between, evenly, if you have a wide blind like me. ", "You many only need three eyelets if your blind isn’t too wide. ", "Hand stitch the eyelets in place and secure tightly.", "\n\nStep 6:\n\nNow, this is the bit where you might need a bit of help. ", "Not to say that us girls can’t use a drill or saw but I can’t so this is the bit where my husband makes an appearance. ", "He cut the wider baton to length and screwed into the wall, at the appropriate height above the window. ", "Before that, he measured and drilled holes for the screw eyes which were exactly the same distance apart as the eyelets. ", "We also had an additional screw eye at the end of the baton, to feed all the cord through. ", "This needs to be at the end where you will be pulling the blind up and down. ", "Thanks husband.", "\n\nStep 7:\n\nUsing the sticky velcro, stick one side to the baton on the wall and the other to the top of the blind. ", "I draw another line with my metre rule, just to make sure the velcro was on super straight. ", "I also machine stitched the velcro onto the blind to give it some added strength.", "\n\nStep 8:\n\nStick your blind to the baton. ", "Then start threading.", "Don’t cut the cord, just thread through and only cut once it’s travelled through all of the eyelets and screw eyes. ", "You’ll be surprised how much you need. ", "Starting from the line of eyelets furthest away from the pully side, tie the cord onto the bottom eyelet, thread up through the other eyelets, through all the screw eyes along the top baton and down. ", "Leave a long cord hanging down at this point and cut. ", "Do the same for all the other eyelets.", "\n\nStep 9:\n\nPull! ", "Your blind should pull up nice and neatly into shape! ", "Hooray! ", "I twisted all the cords together and then threaded my little wooden acorn onto the end. ", "Tie the blind off onto the cleat (also drilled into the wall by Husband. ", "Thanks again Husband) and spend a little time primping and preening the folds to make sure they are lying how you need them too. ", "You may need to use a little steam from the iron to encourage them into place. ", "Ideally leave the blind folded up in position for a few days to help the fabric memorise the fold.", "\n\nIt’s gone by so quickly I almost missed it. ", "It really has been a whirlwind 12 months for me, in addition to starting my blog we’ve sold and bought a house, I’ve changed jobs and generally been all over the place.", "\n\nI can truly say that I don’t know what I did before I launched Knit Stitch Sew. ", "Watch too much TV probably. ", "The blog was on my list of things to do for yonks before I actually took the plunge and wrote my first post back in late August 2012. ", "I don’t know why it took me so long – a combination of time and focus but more overwhelmingly, the worry that people would think ‘what IS she doing? ", "Knitting? ", "Cross Stitch? ", "WHAT???’.", "\n\nMy liking of craft has always been bubbling away in the background, never something to admit to but with the launch of various craft magazines and my journey into the world of blogs as a reader my liking reached obsession status and the blog was born.", "\n\nSo what were my aims when I started? ", "I wanted to connect with like-minded bloggers and crafters. ", "I wanted to try to make my mark in the UK craft scene (not as a crafter as much as a writer/commentator – I can only follow patters, I can’t write them!). ", "I also wanted to add a focus to my crafting – by telling others what I was doing, I’d have to do it. ", "Right?!", "\n\nAnd what have I learnt?", "\n\n1. ", "I love blogging. ", "It really has added focus to my crafting adventures and its great to have a record of the work I’ve done over the past year\n\n2. ", "Bloggers are a friendly lot. ", "I joined the bloggy community with the aim of connecting with like-minded people. ", "And boy, did that work! ", "Tick! ", "Craft bloggers are a lovely lot. ", "I’ve been to a blogging conference (TOTS100 in Bristol), taken part in numerous Twitter chats and parties, attended exhibitions and generally had the most lovely reception on and off-line from the bloggers I’ve met. ", "Thank you.", "\n\n3. ", "I’m still a bloggy baby. ", "Blogging is hard work. ", "It takes time to build your page, your followers and it’s a cliché, but you really can only do it for you. ", "If you’re blogging to make money forget it. ", "I’ve been lucky and have already received invites to press events, been included on PR media lists so I receive press releases and have been sent crafty product to trial BUT there has been no money changing hands…. ", "ah well, maybe next year… 😉\n\n4. ", "It’s a great learning experience. ", "Writing my blog has motivated me to try out some new crafts – crochet which I LOVE LOVE LOVE, machine embroidery and paper craft\n\n5. ", "It’s opened up the world of commissions. ", "Far from being laughed out of the park with my revelation of being a craft addict, I have been commissioned – yes people have actually paid me money – to craft for them. ", "WOW. ", "This is something I never, ever thought would happen. ", "I’ve knitted wedding shrugs, embroidered new-born baby memory keepers, crocheted baby blankets – amazing.", "\n\nI hope my second year brings more brilliant crafty things. ", "Watch this space! ", "Here’s a quick pictorial round-up of my favourite makes from this year.", "\n\nI started my little blog after discovering a whole new world of knitting, stitching and sewing out there in the blogosphere nearly a year ago. ", "And one of the blogs I’ve really, truely fallen head over heels in love with is called The Purl Bee. ", "http://www.purlbee.com/ Do you know it?", "\n\nThe Purl Soho is a very cool shop in SoHo, New York. ", "For those of us who, sadly, can’t trot over to NY on a monthly basis, they also have a great online store http://www.purlsoho.com/purl to peruse and ponder over beautiful yarn, fabric, starter kits and more. ", "The needlepoint canvas arer really lovely and not at all twee. ", "No ye olde English cottages or Geisha girls here… AND they ship to the UK. ", "Brilliant.", "\n\nAnyway, back to the blog. ", "Each week, the team at The Purl Bee blog a tutorial – usually yarn or stitch based – with excellent photos, tutorials and handy hints. ", "And each week I find myself adding one of their tutorials to my to do list! ", "The colour and styling of the tutorials really appeals to me – the colour choice is always subtle and stylish. ", "Greys, lemons, creams, tan compliment pops of neon pink, rich blues and banana yellow. ", "This colour pallette on beautiful wool looks sumptuous and expensive. ", "I love it!", "\n\nThe stitchy projects are just as stylish. ", "Bags are usually featured and again the contemporary choice of subtle colours and trendy shapes such as totes and clutches make the projects irresistable.", "\n\nYou may have come across the Ravelry ‘Knit The Queue’ activity – whereby Ravellers who (like me) have added favourite patterns to their online queue are knitting their way through them in 2013 – well I have a ‘Knit the Queue’ going on with Purl Bee. ", "Here’s a list of Purl Bee makes on my to do list. ", "Not sure I’ll get them all done this year but I’ll try!", "\n\nAs my baby girl grows up – she was five in January – the old toddler toys and clothes are slowly making way for things suitable for a little school girl. ", "One Direction playing replaces nursery rhymes whilst the LeapPad and iPad are suitable upgrades for fuzzy felt and train sets. *", "sigh*\n\nMissy has a lovely white framed single bed too, to replace her cot bed, complete with Ikea canopy and heart fairy lights. ", "So looking at her room as we begin to pack to move house, it seemed like the old baby wooden letters spelling out her name on the bedroom door were looking a little sad and out of place.", "\n\nTogether we choose two, iron on patterns to appear on the hanger, a blonde girl on a bike and a little dog chasing a ball.", "\n\nWe chose a colour palette of reds, pinks and blues. ", "I was slightly nervous of messing it up, apart from cross stitch I haven’t tried embroidery for many years and certainly have never used anything other than a backstitch or running stitch. ", "The finished piece looked so pretty on the page! ", "Aneela’s instructions and easy to read tips made this one of the simplest and most satisfying things I’ve made in ages!", "\n\nThe stitching of the girl on the bike and the dog and ball took me one pleasant evening to complete, whilst the lettering was quickly finished the following day.", "\n\nI’ll definitely be doing something like this again soon, I already have my eyes on a couple of pictures I’d like to embroider (have a look at My Weekly Glint post) and will be making some cute gifts using Aneela’s book again.", "\n\n“Too commercial” is Hubby’s opinion and I tend to agree. ", "We exchange cards (a bit begrudgingly on his part) but other than that it goes unmarked and sometimes un-noticed!", "\nHowever, another seasonal event means another excuse to trawl blogs and Pinterest for crafty inspiration! ", "I’m determined to crack crochet and really want to make some beautiful heart themed gifts I’ve seen on favourite blogs Attic24 and Cherry Heart.", "\n\nSo last night, whilst Hubby was out on his usual Wednesday night football and pub night, I set up the iPad and arranged my hooks and wool, determined to finish at least one teeny, tiny heart. ", "Starting with Lucy at Attic 24’s pattern I completed a little heart in no time! ", "I made a second to check the first hasn’t been a fluke and a third to check I really could make them. ", "And I could! ", "Here’s my attempt. ", "Cute eh?", "\n\nSo, full of confidence I moved onto Sandra at Cherry Heart’s pattern for a granny heart (granny as in granny square for those not so au fait with crochet terms). ", "This was quite tricky for a novice like me but with a bit of a wiggle, a wing and a prayer I finished a granny heart!! ", "Here it is…\n\nBit wonky, but with Sandra’s clear instructions and photos I was able to make it. ", "I’m so pleased and am walking around with a big smile on my face now. ", "So, what did I do with my cute crochet hearts? ", "Final piece of inspiration came from Meredith over at http://onesheepishgirl.blogspot.co.uk/…\n\nHere’s hoping this special Valentine’s Day card with find a place in Hubby’s heart. ", "Happy Valentine’s Day x\n\nSo here it is! ", "One Ikea red single bed sheet, one Ikea taupe pillowcase, one old red checked tea towel, a lot of ironing, one temperamental sewing machine and a couple of hours work have created a pretty respectable shepherds costume…. ", "What do you think?", "\n\nMaking this costume brought back great memories of my childhood nativity plays. ", "I was always the narrator. ", "I think once Angel Gabriel – who was also the narrator. ", "Never, ever Mary which was gutting every year! ", "As per my last post my sisters were angels in their first ever nativity play at pre-school but after that Sister number 2 was cast as the Donkey for three or four years in a row!", "\n\nMissy’s play is in a few weeks time, so I can’t wait for us to start building family memories of our own.", "\n\nI love Christmas (haven’t you guessed that yet?!). ", "As well as the making of cards, wreaths and cakes there is the fun of children’s nativity costumes to tackle. ", "Ever the glutton for punishment, I have decided again this year to make Missy’s nativity costume for the school play. ", "I’ve only recently started attempting to sew/make costumes and have zero dress making skills. ", "My approach is ‘make it up as you go along’ and ‘hope for the best’.", "\n\nHere’s a quick photo gallery of my previous attempts;\n\nAlice in Wonderland using a Disney Cinderella dress as the base\n\nMy daughter on the right…apologies for the white blobs!!", "\n\nSo this year, Missy is a shepherd. ", "Bit of a weird one – we assumed she’d be an angel (not that we’re stereotyping our blond, blue-eyed girly girl!) ", "but she is a narrator so all the narrators have to dress as shepherds. ", "We had a look in Asda and Sainsbury’s at the ready to wear options but these were met with a resounding no. “", "They are brown, Mummy” “My favourite colours are pink, red and purple” (said with a strong little Somerset accent…).", "\n\nSo I’ve decided to attempt a tunic dress, long waistcoat and headdress using a couple of red cotton single sheets and camel pillowcases from Ikea. ", "I’ve been sourcing ideas from YouTube and using Google so am thinking I’ll make this kind of outfit – long-sleeved, long tunic with the red sheet and a shorter waistcoat type top with the pillowcase. ", "Just need to source some rope to belt the tunic together.", "\n\nWhatever happens, at least she’ll stand out from the crowd of Asda shepherds, angels and kings. ", "And can’t be any worse than my sisters who were made to do their nativity as angel’s with ‘L’ plates on their backs… gotta love my mum’s sense of humour! (", "Hi Mum *waves*).", "\n\nLearning how to knit socks – on five needles no less – after an evening course at The Bristol School of Sewing and Textiles (more on this in a later post)\n\nI’ve also managed to squeeze in swimming, manning the cake stall at said Christmas Fair (which made £98!!), ", "winning the raffle (again at the Christmas Fair), dinner with friends and some Christmas shopping.", "\n\nPhew…after all that I’m off for a large glass of wine and some Sunday night TV!", "\n\nLast night I was lucky enough to visit a gorgeous new sewing cafe in the heart of Clifton, Bristol called Cordial and Grace who were playing host to a charity sewing day. ", "The charity project, Dress A Girl Around the World, encourages sewing a simple dress from a pillowcase which can be sent to a child in a developing country.", "\n\nPicture credit: Sew Scrumptious Blog\n\nI discovered Louise (@sewscrumptious /http://sewscrumptious.blogspot.co.uk/) and her worthwhile project on Twitter so when I heard there was a free sewing workshop, I jumped at the chance to meet the Louise and try my hand on a sewing machine! ", "As you know, I’m still making friends with my machine so I wasn’t feeling particularly confident in my seamstress skills but I needn’t have worried.", "\n\nThe ladies running the sewing room were really helpful and Louise had created a very self-explanatory pattern which I was able to keep close by at all times! ", "Although there was the option of creating a dress from a fabric length, I decided to choose a pillowcase for ease (and not to mess it up!!).", "\n\nI decided on a green and pink colourway, so got started. ", "It really was unbelievably easy. ", "After chopping the top of the pillowcase off, creating an opening for the neck, I used a simple sleeve pattern to make the arm holes. ", "So far so good. ", "Next came the sewing – eeek! ", "Afer ironing a channel for the elastic, I was let loose on the machine and managed to sew the channel cleanly and thread and secure the elastic for the neck. ", "My dress was taking shape!", "\n\nNext came the bias binding for straps. ", "I ironed the candy pink bias in half and sandwiched it between the armholes, pinning all the way. ", "Thinking about it, I probably should have used a contrasting green thread but as my machine was already threaded with pink I continued with this and used a fancy criss cross stitch to secure the straps to the arm holes.", "\n\nBefore I knew it my hour and half session was up and I had to pack up my dress. ", "Before I left I managed to quickly find some contrasting pattern fabric to add some embellishment to my dress (much more in my comfort zone). ", "So I have taken my dress and one other plain dress home to finish off and decorate.", "\n\nLouise and all of the people who took part in the charity day yesterday managed to make over 20 dresses to be sent to girls across the world.", "\n\nWhat really made it for me was seeing two 10-year-old girls sat opposite me, learning how to use a sewing machine and actually make something functional and beautiful, to be sent to girls of a similar age somewhere around the world, who aren’t as lucky and privileged as they are. ", "Can’t wait until my Missy is old enough for that! ", "Until then I might practice by making her my own version of the pillowcase dress." ]
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[ "Live (Lara Fabian album)\n\nLive is Lara Fabian's first live album and fourth in total. ", "The album was released in 1999.", "\n\nTrack listing\n\n2 CDs edition\n\n1 CD edition\n\nCharts\n\nCertifications\n\nReferences\n\nExternal links\n Lara Fabian Official Website\n\nCategory:Lara Fabian albums\nCategory:1999 live albums\nCategory:Polydor Records live albums" ]
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[ 0.011627906976744186, 0, 0 ]
[ "Q:\n\nHow to get value of node in XML with namespace and not throw exception if node is not found?", "\n\nI'm using LinqToXml to get the value of notes with the name GUID. ", "So XML can look like this:\n<xml>\n <node1>\n <GUID>123948390</GUID>\n </node1>\n<xml>\n\nIt may also be nested into more nodes. ", "There is only one GUID per possible XML string.", "\nWhat I am trying to do is parse the XML to collect the GUID element. ", "The XML I am parsing may or may not contain a GUID element. ", "If it does not contain an GUID element I want it to return an empty string.", "\nWhat I tried is:\n doc.", "Elements().Where(e => e.Name.", "LocalName == \"GUID\").Single().Value;\n\nwhere doc is an XDocument, but this does not find the value and throws an exception if nothing is found. ", "How can I get the value of the GUID element and make sure no exceptions are thrown if nothing is found?", "\n/edit\n var doc = XDocument.", "Parse(xmlString);\n this.", "RequestId = (string)doc.", "Descendants(\"GUID\").SingleOrDefault() ?? ", "\n String.", "Empty;\n\nalways returns an empty string. ", "Even if there is a GUID.", "\nxmlString looks as follows: <?", "xml version=\\\"1.0\\\" encoding=\\\"utf-8\\\"?><MethodName xmlns:xs=\\\"http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema\\\" xmlns:xsi=\\\"http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance\\><GUID>blabla</GUID></Meth‌odName>.", "\n\nA:\n\nYou should use Descendants if you want to search over all document. ", "You can cast element to string to get its value without having NullReferenceException if there is no such element in document:\nvar guid = (string)doc.", "Descendants(\"GUID\").SingleOrDefault() ?? ", "String.", "Empty;\n\nOr \nvar guid = doc.", "Descendants(\"GUID\")\n .Select(g => (string)g)\n .SingleOrDefault(String.", "Empty);\n\nOr with XPath\nvar guid = (string)doc.", "XPathSelectElement(\"//GUID\") ?? ", "String.", "Empty;\n\nNOTE: If you have default xml namespace defined in your real xml document, then you should provide namespace to get element name:\nvar ns = doc.", "Root.", "GetDefaultNamespace();\nvar guid = (string)doc.", "Descendants(ns + \"GUID\").SingleOrDefault() ?? \"\";", "\n\n" ]
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[ "[Acute HIV infection].", "\nPrimary HIV infection presents a non-specific and polymorphous clinical profile. ", "We present two cases which show how a high level of clinical awareness can lead to an early diagnosis. ", "A retrospective study of all the HIV positive patients treated in Zaragoza's Miguel Servet Hospital between 1985 and 1991 was carried out. ", "Site. ", "The medical records studied concerned the hospital as regards admissions and out-patient consultations. ", "The two cases which we contributed fulfilled the serologic criteria of acute HIV infection. ", "The man-woman relationship was 1/1. ", "The only way of contagion found was heterosexual. ", "Predominant clinical symptoms were cutaneous-mucous, with a prominent condition of oesophagitis produced by Candida. ", "A high level of clinical awareness on the part of the Primary Care doctor can contribute significantly to the detection of new cases and controlling the HIV epidemic." ]
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[ "Behavioural assessment of mice lacking D1A dopamine receptors.", "\nDopamine D1A receptor-deficient mice were assessed in a wide variety of tasks chosen to reflect the diverse roles of this receptor subtype in behavioural regulation. ", "The protocol included examination of exploration and locomotor activity in an open field, a test of sensorimotor orienting, both place and cue learning in the Morris water maze, and assessment of simple associative learning in an olfactory discrimination task. ", "Homozygous mice showed broad-based impairments that were characterized by deficiencies in initiating movement and/or reactivity to external stimuli. ", "Data obtained from flash evoked potentials indicated that these deficits did not reflect gross visual impairments. ", "The partial reduction in D1A receptors in the heterozygous mice did not affect performance in most tasks, although circumscribed deficits in some tasks were observed (e.g., failure to develop a reliable spatial bias in the water maze). ", "These findings extend previous behavioural studies of null mutant mice lacking D1A receptors and provide additional support for the idea that the D1A receptor participates in a wide variety of behavioural functions. ", "The selective impairments of heterozygous mice in a spatial learning task suggest that the hippocampal/cortical dopaminergic system may be uniquely vulnerable to the partial loss of the D1A receptor." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
[ 0, 0, 0.0038314176245210726, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "Q:\n\nIs mongodb handle query one by one?", "\n\nAssume I have a mongodb instance on a remote server (1 core cpu and 8G memory).", "\nWhen I send a simple query db.table.find({_id:ObjectId('xxx')}).limit(1).explain()to the instance, I got the result show that query cost 10ms.", "\nSo can I come to a conclusion that \"my mongodb server can only handle 100 simple query per second\"?", "\n\nA:\n\n\"So can I come to a conclusion that \"my mongodb server can only handle 100 simple query per second\"\"\nIts not tht like that 1 query takes 10ms then 100 query will take 1sec\ndb.table.find({_id:ObjectId('xxx')}).limit(1) will not lock your table\nSo if your 100 client request this with 100 connections all will return in 10ms \nConcurrency Depends upon locks and connection limits\nIf a query locking collection for read and write for 10 sec then all query after that will wait for lock to cleared\nMongoDb Can Handle multiple Request \ndb.runCommand( { serverStatus: 1 } )\nwill return current status of mongo there is object in \n\"connections\" : {\n \"current\" : <num>,\n \"available\" : <num>,\n \"totalCreated\" : <num>,\n \"active\" : <num>\n}\n\nhttps://docs.mongodb.com/manual/reference/command/serverStatus/#connections\nhttps://docs.mongodb.com/manual/reference/configuration-options/#net.maxIncomingConnections\nhttps://docs.mongodb.com/manual/faq/concurrency/\nThese will give more clarity around connections and its limits\n\n" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nMake Fixed Header Scroll Horizontal\n\nso guys, if u test the code below, u can see that everything is alright, except if u size down the window, so the flash menu ( red div ) is going out of the page to the right.", "\nwell if the window is smaller then 900px, there is a HORIZONTAL scrollpane, so far so good, but it just scrolls the content of the page!", "\nI want the upper part also to scroll, but only horizontal, cuz I want them to be fixed (stay on top of the site always)...\nany suggestions? ", "I've tried so many things from google, but no one of them was the right one 4 me...\nthx & g.r. ", "ace\nhtml:\n<!", "DOCTYPE>\n<html>\n<head>\n <meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=utf-8\" />\n <title>Titel</title>\n <link href=\"main.css\" rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\">\n</head>\n<body>\n <div id=\"div_page\" align=\"center\">\n // page content goes here\n </div>\n <div id=\"div_menu\">\n <img src=\"img/logo.png\" alt=\"<Logo>\" style=\"position:absolute; top:0px; left:20px; width:225px; height:150px;\">\n <div id=\"div_flash\"></div>\n </div>\n</body>\n\n</html>\n\ncss:\n@charset \"utf-8\";\n\nbody {\n padding:0px;\n margin:0px;\n}\n\n#div_menu {\n position:fixed;\n top:0px; right:0px; left:0px;\n width:100%; height:40px;\n min-width:800px;\n overflow:visible;\n background-image:url(img/menu.png);\n background-position:top left;\n background-attachment:fixed;\n background-repeat:no-repeat;\n background-size:100% 40px;\n background-color:#333;\n}\n\n#div_flash {\n position:absolute;\n top:0px; left:250px;\n width:500px; height:150px;\n background-color:#F00; \n}\n\n#div_page {\n position:absolute;\n top:40px; right:0px;left:0px;\n min-width:800px; min-height:500px;\n}\n\nA:\n\nAs it seems to me, pure CSS can't solve this issue.", "\nBut adding a few lines of JQuery may help:\n<script type=\"text/javascript\">\n $(window).scroll(function() {\n $('#div_menu').css('top', $(this).scrollTop() + \"px\");\n });\n</script>\n\nCSS position of #div_menu should be changed to absolute.", "\nUPD:\nIn pure JS it would be:\n<script type=\"text/javascript\">\n var div_menu = document.getElementById('div_menu'); \n window.onscroll = function (e) { \n if (div_menu)\n div_menu.style.top = window.pageYOffset + 'px';\n } \n</script>\n\nA:\n\nThere is a CSS-only solution possible with position:sticky , top:0\n\nA:\n\nSee this Fiddle : Link\n$headerDiv = $('.header-wrapper');\n$rowDiv = $('.row-wrapper');\n$rowDiv.scroll(function(e) {\n $headerDiv.css({\n left: -$rowDiv[0].scrollLeft + 'px'\n });\n});\n\nIt will be helpful.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "Peripartum cardiomyopathy.", "\nPeripartum cardiomyopathy (PPCM) is a dilated cardiomyopathy in which left ventricular systolic dysfunction and symptoms of heart failure occur between the late stages of pregnancy and the early postpartum period. ", "It is relatively uncommon. ", "In this case report I describe the development of PPCM in the first pregnancy of a woman of older maternal age." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
[ 0.038461538461538464, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "Muramasa: The Demon Blade\n\nMuramasa: The Demon Blade, known in Japan as , is an action role-playing game developed by Vanillaware for the Wii, and later the PlayStation Vita. ", "The game was published in 2009 by Marvelous Entertainment (Japan), Ignition Entertainment (North America), and Rising Star Games (Europe). ", "The Vita version was published in 2013 by Marvelous AQL in Japan and Aksys Games in Western territories. ", "Using a 2D side-scrolling perspective, the gameplay revolves around a beat 'em up fighting system, while incorporating role-playing elements such as leveling and questing.", "\n\nMuramasa takes place during the Edo period on Japan's main island of Honshu. ", "Due to ruling shōgun Tokugawa Tsunayoshi's thirst for power, conflicts have arisen over ownership of the Demon Blades, samurai swords that force their wielders to kill others before bringing tragedy and madness upon them. ", "The story revolves around two different protagonists related to this conflict — Momohime, a woman who is possessed by the spirit of vengeful rōnin Jinkuro Izuna; and Kisuke, an amnesiac ninja on the run for a forgotten crime who is tied up with the tragedy that destroyed Momohime's family. ", "The Vita port includes four self-contained stories based on Japanese folklore released under the banner title .", "\n\nThe concept work for Muramasa began during the middle of development on Odin Sphere. ", "Along with improving on the action gameplay over Odin Sphere, a great deal of effort was put into making the game's setting authentic to the period. ", "Kamitani created the story based on kabuki theatre, incorporating Japanese folklore and Buddhist theology. ", "When the game released in the West, it retained its Japanese voicetrack to preserve its atmosphere. ", "It released to moderate sales and positive reviews. ", "The Vita port, released in the West as Muramasa Rebirth, released to strong sales and similar reception to its original version.", "\n\nGameplay\n\nMuramasa is a two-dimensional (2D) side-scrolling action role-playing game set on the main Japanese island of Honshu during the Edo period. ", "Players take control of two characters with similar gameplay abilities. ", "Navigation takes place through hand-drawn 2D side-scrolling environments reminiscent of Japanese artwork of the period, and can enter towns to talk with non-playable characters (NPCs) and buy items such as health restoratives and accept quests. ", "An additional cooking element allows the characters to cook meals using materials gathered during exploration: meals grant temporary character boosts, and fill a \"fullness\" meter that limits how much food a character can eat.", "\n\nCombat comes in the form of both avoidable random encounters and scripted fights where the camera is fixed within the fighting area: enemies and bosses are primarily drawn from Japanese folklore and mythology. ", "Battles are triggered only when enemies are near, with the player character otherwise keeping their weapons sheathed. ", "In combat, characters attack and guard using a single-button prompt, while another button accesses items such as healing potions. ", "Continuously attacking triggers combos. ", "Different moves include sword slashes combined with directional buttons, which have different effects such as throwing an enemy into the air with an upward slash. ", "Additional offensive items such as smoke bombs are acquired during the course of the game. ", "At the end of each battle, experience points are awarded to the player character depending on how fast the battle was finished: leveling up increases a character's health, stats, and the amount of damage inflicted upon enemies.", "\n\nWeapons are distinguished into two categories, Blade (katana) and Long Blade (nōdachi): Blades are fast, while Long Blades are slower and deal higher damage. ", "Three blades can be equipped at any one time: each blade has its own stats, determining the amount of damage that can be inflicted. ", "When blocking or using a blade's Secret Art special move, its Soul Power gauge depletes: if emptied, the sword breaks and its offensive abilities are drastically reduced. ", "When sheathed, the Soul Power regenerates. ", "Soul Power can be gathered in various locations to restore Soul Power and the character's health. ", "There are 108 blades that can be collected and forged in-game: forging blades requires Soul Power and \"spirit\", and each blade has a level cap determining when it can be forged. ", "Weapon forging is governed by a weapon-based skill tree.", "\n\nSynopsis\n\nSetting and characters\nMuramasa takes place on Honshu, the main island of the Japanese archipelago, with its overall style and setting drawing heavily upon Japanese folklore and mythology. ", "It is set in the Genroku period, itself within the larger Edo period, during the reign of the shōgun Tokugawa Tsunayoshi. ", "Tsunayoshi's thirst for power has created conflict around ownership of the Demon Blades, samurai swords forged by the legendary swordsmith Muramasa Sengo that crave blood when drawn and bring madness and death to those foolish enough to draw them. ", "Due to the chaos generated by this, the Demon Blades' powers begin summoning demons from Hell (Yomi), along with causing ancient gods to stir from long slumber.", "\n\nThe two lead characters are , a princess of the Narukami clan from the locality of Mino; and , a runaway ninja with no memories but a burning desire for vengeance. ", "For the course of the game, Momohime is inadvertently possessed by the spirit of , an unscrupulous rōnin who was trying to possess the body of Momohime's betrothed , a high-status samurai. ", "Momohime and Kisuke are each accompanied and watched over by a kitsune in human form. ", "They are , who holds affection for Jinkuro, and , who aids Kisuke in his quest against the Demon Blades' corruption. ", "A key character in Kisuke's storyline is , Momohime's sister.", "\n\nPlot\nMomohime's Story\n\nMomohime's story begins after she wakes up in Kyo with memories of being killed by the dying Jinkuro when he was aiming for her betrothed, the samurai lord Yukinojo. ", "Upon encountering the spirit of Jinkuro, he forcefully possesses her, but before the process of soul transference is finished, they are attacked. ", "In the confusion, Momohime's soul is kidnapped by the vengeful monk Rankai and Jinkuro is forced to follow Kongiku as Momohime's body will die if her soul is harmed. ", "With her soul safe, Jinkuro sets out to regain the Dark Resurrection Demon Blade so he can properly utilize his Soul Transference Technique and gain influence through a new host. ", "Encountering Yukinojo, who is searching for Momohime, the two battle. ", "Momohime forces Jinkuro to spare Yukinojo, even when she learns that Yukinojo's intentions in marrying her were part of a scheme to ruin her family as punishment for defying the shōgun. ", "Jinkuro goes to Yukinojo's compound to retrieve the Dark Resurrection, but the storehouse where it is said to be is absorbed into Hell by demons. ", "Descending into Hell, Jinkuro's soul is briefly captured by a demon, and it is only with Momohime's help that he escapes and learns that the Dark Resurrection was never in the storehouse. ", "With Momohime's body beginning to fail due to the strain Soul Transference put on it, Jinkuro attempts to ascent to Heaven so he can become an immortal demon, but is stopped by Raijin and Fujin.", "\n\nWhile willing to accept his death and allow Momohime her remaining time in her body, Kongiku shows them another way to Heaven. ", "There, Yukinojo appears and reveals that he had the Dark Resurrection all along. ", "They are then attacked by Fudo-Myoou, who is there to deliver divine justice upon Jinkuro. ", "In the first ending, Jinkuro allows himself to be sent to Hell while Momohime lives; she decides to forgo her marriage to Yukinojo and become a Buddhist nun in the hope of saving Jinkuro's soul through prayer. ", "In the second ending, Momohime and Jinkuro are intercepted by Kisuke and Yuzuruha, resulting in Kongiku being robbed of her human form as punishment for her defiance. ", "Though defeated, Kisuke delivers a fatal wound to Momohime, forcing Jinkuro to merge his soul with Momohime's to save her: this act leaves her an amnesiac but grants her Jinkuro's sword fighting abilities, which become legendary as she travels Japan in search of her missing memories. ", "In the third ending, after the battle with Fudo-Myoou Jinkuro is transported to the night he first attacked Yukinojo and Momohime with the power of the Oboro Muramasa Demon Blade, which can defy the passage of fate. ", "He chooses not to attack them, then later possesses Yukinojo's body and uses that position to ensure Momohime's safety and her family's security. ", "Momohime herself lives to be one hundred years old and bears three children, while Kongiku remains close to Jinkuro in the guise of a servant.", "\n\nKisuke's Story\n\nKisuke's story begins with him suffering amnesia and on the run from his former ninja comrades. ", "Returning to Edo to discover the truth in the company of Yuzuruha, he accidentally breaks an ancient seal keeping damned souls at bay. ", "Defeating the monsters they manifest as, he learns from his mollified ninja companions and their employer Yukinojo that he was part of a mission to steal the Kuzuryu Demon Blade from Momohime's Nakurami Clan and punish them for defying the shōguns order to surrender it, which in turn was tied in with Yukinojo's intentions in marrying Momohime. ", "Yukinojo sends Kisuke against Torahime, Momohime's sister and the shrine maiden in charge of keeping the Kuzuryu's power in check. ", "Pursuing her, Kisuke fights both Torahime and undead soldiers loyal to her family. ", "In pursuit of her, he faces agents who are preserving the flow of magic energy to Mount Fuji, including a young Yamabushi. ", "His battles awaken his memories: he was originally disguised as a servant in Torahime's household as part of Yukinojo's scheme to destroy her family, but fell in love with Torahime and attempted to betray his ninja comrades when stealing the Kuzuryu. ", "Dying from his wounds, the spirit of Senju Oboroya, the creator of the Oboro Style that controls the Demon Blades, fused with Kisuke to save his life and pass on the Oboro Style to someone who would use it for good. ", "The fusion triggered Kisuke's amnesia, but left him with the ability to wield Demon Blades without succumbing to their evil.", "\n\nRescuing Torahime from the spider demon Tsuchigumo, Kisuke learns that she died while fleeing from the shōguns forces, and that her present life is a temporary gift from Amitābha. ", "The two travel to Mount Fuji, where its native dragon god has gone berserk with rage after Japan's ley line energy is diverted to Edo, forcing a route into Heaven. ", "The true culprit is the dark deity imprisoned in the Kuzuryu, the mad god Inugami. ", "Upon being confronted, the possessed shōgun Tsunayoshi fatally wounds Torahime, who dies in Kisuke's arms: Kisuke then defeats Tsunayoshi and takes possession of the Kuzuryu. ", "In the first ending, after the battle, Kisuke asks Amitābha to return the now-enlightened Torahime to life, then commits suicide as an act of defiance when his demand is refused. ", "Torahime asks for her and Kisuke to be reincarnated so she can help him attain enlightenment. ", "In the second ending, Kisuke arrives to find Tsunayoshi killed by the Jinkuro-possessed Momohime. ", "Kisuke exorcises Jinkuro, and following Torahime's final request becomes Momohime's servant. ", "The two then set out on a personal quest to locate all the Demon Blades causing conflict in Japan. ", "In the third ending, after his battle, Kisuke is sent back in time to the day he first betrayed his employers through the Oboro Muramasa's power. ", "His warning allows Torahime to foil the plot against her family, then Kisuke steals the Kuzuryu and sets off on a journey around the world to exhaust its power by striking down evil, promising to marry Torahime upon his return.", "\n\nGenroku Legends\n\nThe Genroku Legends are split into four different stories directly inspired by Japanese folklore and set in the Muramasa universe. ", "In \"Fishy Tales of the Nekomata\", a domestic cat called Miike sees her family brought to ruin and all its members killed. ", "Possessing the dying body of the family daughter Okoi and becoming a nekomata, she vows revenge against her family's killers, assassins employed by their rival Netsuzo Wakamiya. ", "Despite succeeding, her rage remains unseated and she extends her wrath to the entire household. ", "In the end, her tails are cut off by Jinkuro when he is hired to exorcise her: before being robbed of her powers, she curses Jinkuro with illness, setting the events of Momohime's story in motion. ", "Now at peace, Miike spends time with an old priest and hosts moonlight dances with local cats. ", "In the alternate ending, Miike becomes a ravenous demon whose rage is finally quelled by the old priest.", "\n\nIn \"A Cause to Daikon For\", a local farmer named Gonbe stirs up a revolt when the local daimyō raises the taxes to the point that his village is on the brink of ruin. ", "Aided by the spirit of his deceased wife Otae, Gonbe fights through the daimyōs minions before killing him. ", "After the fight, it is revealed that he has been relating his story to Enma, the King of Hell and, due to his actions, is condemned to be tormented there. ", "Due to her love for him, Otae willingly joins Gonbe despite being a pure soul. ", "However, due to the punishment demons being overworked and Gonbe complaining to Enma, he is banished with his comrades and Otae back to the living world, where they get a chance to live in peace under a new and kinder daimyō. ", "In the alternate ending, the entire sequence is said to have been illusions holding Gonbe's spirit captive around the ruins of the daimyōs castle. ", "He, Otae and his comrades are freed by a traveling Yamabushi and ascend to heaven.", "\n\nIn \"A Spirited Seven Nights' Haunting\", the Iga ninja Arashimaru infiltrates the house of the Okabe clan, where Arashimaru steals the sacred Spear of Bishamon and kills the leader of the Okabe clan. ", "After learning that he was actually the leader's son, Arashimaru flees in disgust. ", "Taking shelter in a shrine, Arashimaru accidentally breaks a mirror sacred to the Goddess Inaraki, who becomes a Shirohebi (white snake) that curses him to die in seven days. ", "Heading to exact revenge on the Iga leader after besting his master Shiranui in combat, Arashimaru learns that his mission was orchestrated by So Xian, a Ming-era Chinese spy working to destabilize Japan's ruling classes who was indirectly responsible for the taking of the young Kisuke from his family. ", "Arashimaru kills So Xian and escapes his lair with Shiranui's aid, then goes peacefully to his death after asking the saddened Shirohebi to give his head and Spear of Bishamon to his brother Dengoro so he can restore the Okabe house. ", "Arashimaru's head is given proper burial at the Shirohebi's insistence, and Arashimaru's spirit is deified due to the grave becoming a prayer site for pilgrims. ", "In the alternate ending, Arashimaru is possessed by So Xian's spirit, who enslaves Shirohebi and takes on the name \"Orochimaru\". ", "In a desperate act of defiance, Shirohebi has Shiranui spirit away the Okabe clan's last surviving heir during Orochimaru's attack who, when grown, takes on the name \"Jiraiya\" to fight Orochimaru.", "\n\nIn \"Hell's Where the Heart Is\", an Oni girl named Rajyaki, daughter of Enma, is journeying to recover the treasures of the Seven Gods of Fortune that she lost. ", "On her journey, a womanizing ex-monk called Seikichi accidentally proposes to her and she accepts him as her husband. ", "In the end, Seikichi saves her after a grueling battle by feeding her the sacred peach of Fukurokuju. ", "Due to this, she is banished from Hell by her father. ", "In one ending, the Seven Gods of Fortune persuade Rajyaki to return to her father, while Seikichi moves to live a proper life. ", "In the end, Rajyaki returns in human form and formalizes their marriage, which continues after Seikichi dies and goes to Hell. ", "In the alternate ending, Rajyaki and Seikichi run into each other again when she is being hunted by samurai. ", "Seikichi saves her, pretending he killed her and using that to establish himself as a samurai. ", "Rajyaki takes the guise of his human wife, and they have five children who bear their mother's demonic horns. ", "The Genroku Legends conclude with the narrator detailing the locations of the Seven Gods' treasures scattered through the stories, and thanking the player for locating them and calming Enma so his demons could return to Hell.", "\n\nDevelopment\nMuramasa was developed by Vanillaware, a studio created by former Atlus staff members to create successor projects to the 2D action-adventure game Princess Crown. ", "According to sound producer Hitoshi Sakimoto, the game's director George Kamitani was laying out plans for Muramasa when Odin Sphere was in the middle of development. ", "According to Kamitani, while Odin Sphere was an evolution of Princess Crowns narrative, Muramasa provided the chance of evolving its gameplay. ", "He even went so far as to dub it \"Princess Crown III\". ", "The draft proposal was completed by the end of 2006. ", "The positive sales of Odin Sphere gave Vanillaware the capital needed to begin full development on Muramasa. ", "The game was also co-funded by their publishing deal with Marvelous Entertainment, who were sold the project after Odin Spheres publisher Atlus refused to take any further products from Vanillaware until Odin Sphere had released, in addition to delaying the game so it would not compete with their main 2007 release Persona 3. ", "In addition to Atlus, they also pitched to Capcom, but Vanillaware's untested reputation prompted them to be turned down. ", "Kamitani stated in a later interview that Vanillaware would have closed had Marvelous not accepted the project. ", " The team's style of development was identical to their strategy for Odin Sphere, although they worked to change up some aspects to make it a unique experience. ", "When developing the game, the team decided to create a vertical plain for players to explore, something which the team had needed to forego with Odin Sphere. ", "In addition, bathing sequences cut from Odin Sphere were reworked and incorporated into Muramasa as hot spring scenes.", "\n\nMuramasa was worked on by 16 people, over half the entire staff of Vanillaware, including Kamitani as the game's writer. ", "The Wii was chosen as the game's platform of release as its specs were fairly close to that of the PlayStation 2, the console for which Odin Sphere was developed. ", "This meant that the team could carry over their earlier experience rather than start from scratch learning about new hardware. ", "Kamitani did create design proposals for versions on the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360, but went undeveloped due to budget limitations. ", "Using the Wii's motion controls was tested by the team, but due to the game's old-fashioned style there was little need to implement them. ", "Part of the reason for this decision was that the precision needed to control characters was best achieved using a traditional control set-up. ", "The biggest problem when developing for the Wii was the graphics, especially how to get the various pieces of artwork in the game's scenery to interact and respond properly. ", "They also wanted to keep loading times down to a minimum, which was made possible due to the Wii's area pre-loading abilities. ", "Technical tinkering of this kind went on until the end of development. ", "The game's programmer was Kentaro Ohnishi, whose biggest challenge was creating a battle system which allowed for cancelling of attacks, while maintaining the appearance of smooth attack animation. ", "The resultant code looked so strange that another programmer thought it was a fault and deleted it, forcing Ohnishi to rebuild it. ", "The team was highly dedicated to the success of the project, putting a large amount of work to make it as good as it could be for players. ", "By the time of release, funds for the company had been drained. ", "Production overall was stressful, with an external company handling debugging due to the team being exhausted.", "\n\nKamitani wrote the story of Muramasa based on his wish to create a \"ninja Princess Crown\". ", "As Odin Sphere had drawn inspiration from Shakespearean theater, Muramasa instead used kabuki as its influence, prompting Kamitani to buy kabuki scripts as part of his research. ", "Due to this and the script's many references to classic Japanese literature, Kamitani had trouble handling the old-fashioned writing style. ", "As he was nervous about using Japanese mythology so extensively, he also incorporated Buddhist theology into the narrative. ", "In creating the game's atmosphere, which was based on Japan as it was in the Edo era combined with local folklore and mythology, the team wanted to create an air of realism within its fantasy world.", "\n\nThe game's setting was a heavy departure from Vanillaware's previous games, which had used Western-inspired settings and stories. ", "The overall atmosphere was meant to emulate those of The Legend of Kage and Genpei Tōma Den. ", "The game's central theme was \"death\". ", "Kamitani's early concept was based on the long-running television drama Mito Kōmon, but his wish for something \"stranger\" let to the kabuki influences. ", "The early story draft was based on Kanadehon Chūshingura, a kabuki play based on the history of the forty-seven rōnin. ", "Only a small amount of the initial draft survived, with Torahime being a hangover character. ", "Much of Momohime's story was based on the play Sakurahime Azuma Bunsho. ", "Kamitani was writing the game's dialogue right into February, when voice recording took place. ", "Several potential playable characters and storylines, such as narratives following Jinkuro and Torahime, had to be cut from the game. ", "Elements of the cut storylines were incorporated into Kisuke and Momohime's stories. ", "The number of protagonists in the story was dictated by the game's budget, as Kamitani's initial idea was for more characters similar to the narrative of Princess Crown.", "\n\nIn keeping with the wish for realism, Momohime and Kisuke were given distinct accents (Momohime used a cultured dialect while Kisuke spoke with an Edogawa accent). ", "Another realistic element was the game's food, which was designed based on the types of delicacies that were popular in the 17th and 18th centuries. ", "One of the folklore references was the 108 Demon Blades in the game, which was a direct reference to the 108 human vices in Japanese folklore. ", "A number of monsters and deities from Japanese mythology made appearances in the game, and the art style was intended to give a \"Japanese\" feel without consciously copying artwork from the game's period. ", "Character designs were handled by Yasuhiro Fujiwara, Yasuo Shirai, Takehiro Shiga, Kouichi Maenou and Ine Kawazu. ", "Kamitani's art style choice was influenced by the bright ink-wash style of Japanese woodblock prints. ", "He also drew inspiration from the folklore-centered anime series Manga Nippon Mukashibanashi. ", "The artwork was created at double its in-game resolution, then reduced to fit within the hardware.", "\n\nMusic\nThe music was handled by a team from sound company Basiscape, composed of multiple composers who had worked on Odin Sphere. ", "Sakimoto acted as sound producer, the sound director was Masaaki Kaneko, and the music was composed by Sakimoto, Yoshimi Kudo, Noriyuki Kamikura, Mitsuhiro Kaneda, Kimihiro Abe, Azusa Chiba and Masaharu Iwata. ", "Sakimoto was working on music for Odin Sphere when the project was first proposed, and thought Kamitani was being overambitious working on a premise-based in Japan when developing a game based on European mythology. ", "During the initial planning stage, Sakimoto thought the game would be a \"mock-Japanese\" project, with Japanese instruments inserted into techno music. ", "Once he realized how sincere Kamitani was with the project, Sakimoto and the team needed to re-identify with the roots of traditional Japanese music. ", "For Sakimoto, his approach was to reconnect with how earlier Japanese people turned their wabi-sabi philosophy and worldview into words and music: he carried over this approach into the project. ", "Each of the composers had to go through similar experiences.", "\n\nRelease\nMuramasa was announced at the 2007 Tokyo Game Show (TGS) under the title , alongside its intended platform, setting and gameplay mechanics. ", "After its announcement, information releases about the game virtually stopped, and an April 2008 report by Famitsu reported the game's development was \"struggling\", although no details were revealed. ", "Muramasa was reintroduced at TGS 2008 under its Japanese title, along with its planned release window in 2009 and details on its characters and story. ", "The game released in Japan on April 9, 2009, published by Marvelous Entertainment. ", "It was released as part of Nintendo Channel's budget game line-up in January 2010, and re-released on the Virtual Console for Wii U in July 2015.", "\n\nIt was announced for a release in North America under the title Muramasa: The Demon Blade in October 2008 for a release the following year. ", "The game was originally being published by Xseed Games, but in April 2009 they announced that they were dropping the title from their schedule. ", "Publishing rights were transferred to Ignition Entertainment. ", "Ignition Entertainment later explained that it was in competition with Xseed and Atlus to acquire the American publishing rights, and after seeing Muramasa at TGS 2008 they were encouraged to apply for the rights. ", "The change between publishers was an internal agreement between Xseed, their parent company Marvelous USA, and Ignition. ", "The situation was amicably resolved as Xseed already had a large number of Wii titles lined up, and giving Muramasa to another publisher allowed multiple titles not to be overlooked when it came to Western publicity. ", "The game released in North America on September 8, 2009. ", "The game's localization was done by external localization companies in close collaboration with Ignition Entertainment. ", "Due to the game's strong Japanese atmosphere, it was seen as a hard sell in the West, but during localization a lot of work went into preserving it rather than adjusting it for Western tastes. ", "Due to this, the game was not dubbed into English, but instead retained its Japanese voice track while text was localized. ", "An aspect Ignition worked hard with was to make sure the localization was of good quality by working closely with their chosen localization partners. ", "This was due to backlash received by fans and critics over the \"lackluster\" localization of Lux-Pain, which had been beyond their control during development.", "\n\nThe game was published in Europe by Rising Star Games alongside other Marvelous products including Valhalla Knights: Eldar Saga and Arc Rise Fantasia. ", "The English translation was carried over from the North American version, although the English language version underwent regional adjustment, and some minor faults were corrected. ", "The game was also translated into French, Italian, German and Spanish, which made using the original translation more practical than creating a new one. ", "Originally scheduled for November 2009, it was first shifted into 2010, then moved back into 2009. ", "The game released in Europe on November 6 of that year. ", "Upon release in the United Kingdom, most retailers did not stock it: this was put down to a general attitude that it would not sell like prevalent franchises or games from mainstream genres. ", "The game released in Australia on December 3, 2009.", "\n\nMuramasa Rebirth\nMuramasa Rebirth, released in Japan under its original title of Oboro Muramasa, is a port of Muramasa developed by Vanillaware for the PlayStation Vita. ", "According to its development team, the Vita was chosen as the port's platform over the more commercially successful Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 due to the Vita's OLED-based screen, which they felt better portray the game's palette. ", "While content was cut during the original version's development, the team decided against going back and restoring it, instead creating new additional content. ", "The controls were also adjusted to suit the new platform. ", "Muramasa Rebirth was published in Japan by Marvelous AQL on March 28, 2013. ", "The game's Western release was handled by Aksys Games, which also created a new localization. ", "Compared to the original version, which was described as a direct translation, Aksys Games' version was more \"flavorful\" and more faithful to the original text. ", "It released in North America on June 25. ", "It was released in Europe and Australia through PlayStation Network on October 16.", "\n\nIn addition to the main game, four self-contained stories were released as downloadable content (DLC) under the title , featuring new characters within the Muramasa universe. ", "For the new characters, swords are replaced by other weapons such as clubs and shurikens, but they otherwise play in the same way as Momohime and Kisuke. ", "New music was created for the title under Sakimoto's supervision: the four episodes were scored by Kudo, Chiba, Kaneda and Iwata respectively. ", "The Vanillaware-developed DLC launched in both Japan and the West between November 2013 and November 2014: the final DLC's Japanese release was delayed by over two months behind the Western release. ", "A special edition of Muramasa Rebirth exclusive to Japan contained all four DLC episodes alongside the original content.", "\n\nReception\n\nThe Demon Blade received generally positive reviews, garnering a score of 81/100 on Metacritic based on 58 critic reviews. ", "In its review, Famitsu praised the art style, and called the battle system \"absorbing\". ", "Their main complaints were the lack of variety between characters and the story having no proper climax. ", "Destructoid's Conrad Zimmerman called it \"a very solid title\", saying that while flawed in its story delivery and instances of repetition, its visuals were \"absolutely beautiful\" and it proved fun to play. ", "IGN's Mark Bozon was highly positive about the graphics and sound, but thought the backtracking might put some people off and said the story \"may go over people’s heads\". ", "Game Revolution writer Nick Tan enjoyed the game greatly, but admitted that its lack of depth reduced the score he could give it as a reviewer. ", "Joe Juba, writing for Game Informer, found The Demon Blade \"stunning\" despite some missteps in its pacing and depth. ", "GameSpot's Tom McShea praised the visuals, boss battles and collectable swords, but found few other activities outside combat, which itself lacked depth. ", "GamePros Andy Burt called the visuals \"gorgeous\" and praised the combat and multiple storylines, but found its linearity and occasions where combat got \"bogged down\" hampered the experience. ", "GameTrailers praised its combat and visuals, calling it \"one of the better action titles on the [Wii]\". ", "Keza MacDonald, writing for Eurogamer, noted that \"like many beautiful things, [Muramasa: The Demon Blade] is a little lacking in substance\", saying that its lack of depth undermined other aspects. ", "Michael Cunningham of RPGamer called it \"a great game\" to see and play despite its plain story. ", "RPGFan's Dennis Rubinshteyn shared several points in common with reviewers about the story and repetition, while again praising the graphics and sound design.", "\n\nRebirth also had a positive reception, with Metacritic giving it a score of 78/100 based on 26 critic reviews. ", "In its review, Famitsu praised it for being a good remake, although one reviewer was disappointed at the lack of new content. ", "Chris Carter of Destructoid said that people who had already played the original version would not find much new content, while newcomers would likely be enchanted by it. ", "Juba, reviewing Rebirth for Game Informer, said that the game was \"exactly what developer Vanillaware intended it to be: a better-looking version of the 2009 release\", while noting that this had not fixed the game's original faults as noted by him. ", "IGN's Colin Moriarty called Rebirth a \"faithful port\", praising the improved localization and generally enjoying playing despite backtracking hampering the experience. ", "Adrian den Ouden of RPGamer also praised the localization and shared points of praise and criticism with the previous reviewer. ", "Stephen Meyerink of RPGFan, who had not played the Wii original, called Rebirth \"a gorgeous, action-packed, fairly lengthy adventure that looks, sounds, and plays better than ever\". ", "Chris Holzworth of Electronic Gaming Monthly was impressed by the visuals and indifferent about the story, and recommended playing it on a higher difficulty setting.", "\n\nSales\nOn its debut in Japan, The Demon Blade reached #2 in game sales charts, coming in behind Sengoku Basara: Battle Heroes with 29,000 units sold. ", "Sales of the title were higher than anticipated, resulting in several stores in Japan being sold out within two weeks of its release. ", "The game had sold 47,000 units by November 2009. ", "In North America, NPD Group reported that the game had sold 35,000 units during its first month of release. ", "In a feature on notable video games in 2009, GamesTM stated that The Demon Blade sold \"extremely well\", besting established Western franchise releases such as Dead Space: Extraction. ", "Ignition Entertainment, the game's North American publisher, confirmed that the September sales for The Demon Blade had fallen within the NPD Group's estimates, and had met their sales expectations. ", "In a 2010 interview, publisher Marvelous Entertainment stated that, despite positive reception from both critics and players, Muramasa: The Demon Blade had suffered from low sales in Japan, North America and Europe. ", "This was put down to it being a non-traditional game and the falling relevance of the Wii hardware.", "\n\nIn its first week of release, Rebirth debuted at #5, selling 45,660 physical units. ", "Within the first month following its release in Japan, the game topped 100,000 shipments, with at least 67,800 physical retail sales, and the remainder as digital copies distributed on the PlayStation Network. ", "Muramasa Rebirth ranked as the seventh most downloaded digital Vita game on the Japanese PlayStation Network in 2013. ", "In both North America and Europe, the game ranked high on PSN download charts: it ranked as the fifth best-selling Vita title in North America, while in Europe it debuted at #5 before climbing to #4 by December 2013.", "\n\nSee also\n List of Wii games that use the Classic Controller\n\nReferences\n\nExternal links\n\nMuramasa: The Demon Blade\n\nMuramasa Rebirth\nOfficial website\n\nCategory:2009 video games\nCategory:Marvelous Entertainment franchises\nCategory:Action role-playing video games\nCategory:Video games about demons\nCategory:Fantasy video games\nCategory:Hack and slash games\nCategory:Metroidvania games\nCategory:Ninja video games\nCategory:PlayStation Vita games\nCategory:Sengoku video games\nCategory:Side-scrolling role-playing video games\nCategory:Single-player video games\nCategory:Video games based on Japanese mythology\nCategory:Video games scored by Hitoshi Sakimoto\nCategory:Video games scored by Masaharu Iwata\nCategory:Video games developed in Japan\nCategory:Video games set in feudal Japan\nCategory:Video games featuring female protagonists\nCategory:Wii games\nCategory:Wii games re-released on the Nintendo eShop\nCategory:Video games based on Buddhist mythology" ]
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[ "---\nabstract: 'We report on the discovery of SN 2014J in the nearby galaxy M 82. ", "Given its proximity, it offers the best opportunity to date to study a thermonuclear supernova over a wide range of the electromagnetic spectrum. ", "Optical, near-IR and mid-IR observations on the rising lightcurve, orchestrated by the intermediate Palomar Transient Factory (iPTF), show that SN 2014J is a spectroscopically normal Type Ia supernova, albeit exhibiting high-velocity features in its spectrum and heavily reddened by dust in the host galaxy. ", "Our earliest detections start just hours after the fitted time of explosion. ", "We use high-resolution optical spectroscopy to analyze the dense intervening material and do not detect any evolution in the resolved absorption features during the lightcurve rise. ", "Similarly to other highly reddened Type Ia supernovae, a low value of total-to-selective extinction, $R_V \\lsim 2$, provides the best match to our observations. ", "We also study pre-explosion optical and near-IR images from HST with special emphasis on the sources nearest to the SN location.'", "\nauthor:\n- 'A. Goobar, J. Johansson, R. Amanullah, Y. Cao, D. A. Perley, M. M. Kasliwal, R. Ferretti, P. E. Nugent, C. Harris, A. Gal-Yam, E. O. Ofek, S. P. Tendulkar, M. Dennefeld, S. Valenti, I. Arcavi, D. P. K. Banerjee, V. Venkataraman, V. Joshi, N. M. Ashok, S. B. Cenko, R. F. Diaz, C. Fremling, A. Horesh, D. A. Howell, S. R. Kulkarni, S. Papadogiannakis, T. Petrushevska, D. Sand, J. Sollerman, V. Stanishev, J. S. Bloom, J. Surace, T. J. Dupuy, M. C. Liu'\ntitle: The rise of SN 2014J in the nearby galaxy M 82\n---\n\nIntroduction\n============\n\nType Ia supernovae (SNe Ia) are among the most luminous transient events at optical wavelengths and extremely valuable tools to measure cosmological distances, see @2011ARNPS..61..251G for a recent review. ", "Yet, SNe Ia close enough to allow for detailed scrutiny of their physical properties are very rare, especially in a galaxy like M 82, the host of several recent core-collapse supernovae [@2013MNRAS.431.2050M; @2013MNRAS.431.1107G]. ", "At an estimated distance to M 82 of 3.5 Mpc [@2009ApJS..183...67D], SN 2014J is the closest identified Type Ia SN in several decades, possibly rivaled by SN 1972E in NGC 5253 and SN 1986G in NGC 5128 [@1987PASP...99..592P]. ", "Thus, SN 2014J is exceptionally well-suited for follow-up observations in a wide range of wavelengths, from radio to gamma-rays. ", "These have the potential to yield transformational new clues into the progenitor systems of SNe Ia, as well as the detailed properties of dust along the line of sight, key astrophysical unknowns for the study of the accelerated expansion of the universe.", "\n\nThere is strong evidence that SNe Ia arise from thermonuclear explosions of carbon-oxygen white dwarfs (WD) in binary systems [@2011Natur.480..344N; @2012ApJ...744L..17B]. ", "However, the nature of the second star remains unclear. ", "For a long time, the preferred scenario was the single degenerate (SD) model [@1973ApJ...186.1007W], where a WD accrets mass from a hydrogen or helium rich donor star, thus becoming unstable while approaching the Chandrasekhar mass. ", "The double-degenerate (DD) model involving the merger of two WDs [@1981NInfo..49....3T; @1984ApJS...54..335I; @1984ApJ...277..355W] has gained considerable observational support in recent years, see e.g., @2012NewAR..56..122W.\n\nIn this work, we search for potential signatures of a SD progenitor system, such as variable Na D lines, precursor nova eruptions, features in the early lightcurve, radio emission, or a coincident source in pre-explosion in HST images.", "\n\nDiscovery and classification {#detection}\n============================\n\nSN 2014J was discovered by @Fossey in $BVR$-band images of M 82 obtained on 2014 January 21.81 UT at UCL’s University of London Observatory. ", "We have performed image subtractions using pre-explosion data from the Palomar P60 telescope as reference, calibrated with nearby stars listed in the APASS catalog[^1] yielding a discovery magnitude of $R=10.99\\pm0.03 $mag. ", "The discovery image (S. Fossey, private communication) and the P60 reference image, as well as the difference between the two are shown in Fig.", " \\[fig:hstnir\\], along with the pre-explosion HST images (GO:11360, PI: R. O’Conell; GO:10776, PI: M. Mountain). ", "The relative position of SN 2014J with respect to neighboring stars (middle panel) was established using multiple short exposures in $K$-band with adaptive optics and the NIRC2 wide camera at Keck [@ATEL5789]. ", "In Section \\[progenitor\\] we present a detailed analysis of the pre-explosion data.", "\n\nA classification spectrum was obtained by the iPTF team on January 22.30 with the Dual Imaging Spectrograph on the ARC 3.5m telescope [@ATEL5786], and in the near-IR using the MOSFIRE instrument at Keck. ", "The combined spectra are shown in the bottom panel of Fig.", " \\[fig:hstnir\\], while the photometry collected so far is displayed in Fig.", " \\[fig:lc\\]. ", "The object shows characteristic spectral features associated with SNe Ia, e.g., similar to SN 2011fe . ", "However, the steep attenuation of the spectrum at short wavelengths is indicative of unusually large extinction by dust in the line of sight. ", "A good match to the overall SED is found invoking a pronounced color excess, $E(B-V)_{\\rm host}\n\\approx 1.2$ mag, in addition to Galactic reddening, $E(B-V)_{\\rm\n MW}=0.14$ mag [@2011ApJ...737..103S], as shown in Fig.", " \\[fig:lowres\\]. ", "For the comparison, the spectra of SN 2011fe were artificially reddened assuming a Milky-Way type extinction law [@1989ApJ...345..245C], where both the color excess and $R_V$ were allowed to vary freely. ", "The spectrum favors a low value of the total-to-selective extinction, $R_V \\lsim 2$, as also suggested by spectropolarimetry observations by @ATEL5830. ", "Low values of R$_V$ are not unusual in SNe Ia, especially in the cases of high extinction, see e.g. .", "\n\nThe iPTF-led multi-wavelength monitoring of SN 2014J in M 82\n============================================================\n\nAs a part of its continuous survey of the sky in the search for transients, iPTF has monitored M 82 since October 2009, with nearly daily cadence over the several months each year when M 82 is visible from Palomar. ", "The most recent campaign started on 2013, November 28. ", "For the periods around full moon (e.g., around the time SN 2014J exploded), not well suited for transient searches, $H\\alpha$ narrow-band imaging was conducted.", "\n\nThe current best fit of the time of explosion, $t_0$, was reported by KAIT [@2014arXiv1401.7968Z] to be January 14.72 UT ($\\pm$ 0.2 days). ", "Upon later scrutiny of the pre-discovery P48 data, the supernova was found in several observations from the iPTF $H\\alpha$ narrow-band survey, starting just hours after the fitted $t_0$. We find a relative flux increase from January 15.18 to January 16.18 of 1.6 mag, consistent with the “method 2 fit” in @2014arXiv1401.7968Z. The SN is also prominent on $R$-band photometry from the P48 prior to January 21 shown in Fig.", " \\[fig:lc\\], but remained undetected by our automated software due to pixel saturation.", "\n\nThrough an iPTF-led effort, involving also the Las Cumbres Observatory Global Telescope (LCOGT) network [@2013PASP..125.1031B], the Nordic Optical Telescope and the Mount Abu Observatory [@ATEL5793], we have secured optical, near-IR and mid-IR lightcurves carefully monitoring the rise of the supernova, as shown in Fig.", " \\[fig:lc\\]. ", "The $4.5\\mu$m observations were taken under the [*Spitzer InfraRed Intensive Transients Survey*]{} (SPIRITS; PI: Kasliwal).", "\n\nThe spectra shown in Fig.", " \\[fig:lowres\\] are consistent with those from a normal Type Ia explosion, similar to e.g., SN 2011fe, but reddened following a CCM-law [@1989ApJ...345..245C] with $E(B-V) \\sim 1.2$ mag and $R_V=1.3-2$, in addition to Galactic reddening. ", "Fig.", " \\[fig:lc\\] also shows lightcurve fits using the SNooPy fitter [@2011AJ....141...19B] of the photometric data prior to maximum brightness. ", "Best fits are found for $E(B-V)_{\\rm host}=1.22 \\pm 0.05$ mag and $R_V= 1.4\\pm0.15$. We expect the accuracy of the fitted parameters to improve, as the lightcurve shape estimate will profit from the decreasing part of the SN lightcurve. ", "However, the available data clearly puts $R_V$ well below the Galactic average value, $R_V=3.1$.\n\nWe also obtained two 1800 s high-resolution (R = 40000) spectra with SOPHIE at Observatorie Haute-Provence on January 26.0 and January 28.0. ", "Further, two 1800 s spectra (R = 67000) were obtained with the FIbre-fed Echelle Spectrograph (FIES) on January 27.3 and another on February 1.0 with the Nordic Optical Telescope.", "\n\nAll spectra reveal deep multiple component Na I D absorption and diffuse interstellar bands (DIBs), including $\\lambda \\lambda$ 5780,5797,6284, and 6614, also reported by @ATEL5797 and @ATEL5816. ", "The SOPHIE spectra further contain well resolved Ca II H & K with features matching those of the Na I D lines, shown in the co-added spectrum in Fig \\[fig:highres\\]. ", "We have not detected any significant time evolution for any of the resolved components of the Na I D doublet over the four epochs (at the $\\sim$10% level for $3\\sigma$), thus motivating the combination of the spectra.", "\n\nFollowing the procedure outlined by @2013ApJ...779...38P, we measure the equivalent width (EW) of the $\\lambda$5780 DIB to derive an independent estimate of host galaxy extinction for SN 2014J. We find EW(5780) = 0.48 $\\pm 0.01$ Å corresponding to $A_{V}^{\\rm host}=2.5\\pm 1.3$ mag. ", "Given the low recession velocity of M 82, it is difficult to separate the contribution from the Milky-Way and the SN host galaxy absorption. ", "However, the availability of H I data from the LAB survey[^2] in the direction of M 82 (see inset panel in Fig.", " \\[fig:highres\\]; ) clearly indicates which features are Galactic. ", "Hence, all the absorption features redshifted with respect to the Milky Way are due to intervening material in M 82.", "\n\nSpectral modeling {#spec}\n=================\n\nIn Fig.", " \\[fig:lowres\\] we present a time-series spectral comparison between SN 2011fe and SN 2014J starting roughly 12 days before peak brightness. ", "The SNe are remarkably similar in their spectral evolution. ", "The main differences seen are that the overall velocities are higher in SN 2014J (see the inset velocity plot) and there is a strong signature of high-velocity and in this supernova.", "\n\nTo further investigate these differences we carried out a set of SYNAPPS [@2011PASP..123..237T] fits to these two supernovae as well as to SN 2005cf, which was distinct in its pervasive high-velocity features [@2009ApJ...697..380W]. ", "We present the results in Fig.", " \\[fig:synapps\\]. ", "In our fits to the red-side of the optical spectra we have employed the ions: C II, O I, Mg II, Si II and Ca II with the latter two having both photospheric and high-velocity components. ", "We see that SN 2014J more closely resembles SN 2005cf with respect to the high-velocity and features which extend easily over the range of 20,000-30,000 kms$^{-1}$. Unlike either SN 2005cf or SN 2011fe, C II and O I are absent at this phase in SN 2014J. We searched for the presence of C I $\\lambda$ 1.0693 $\\micron$ line in our NIR spectrum, but the signal-to-noise is too low to do a meaningful fit comparable to that done for SN 2011fe [@2013ApJ...766...72H]. ", "We do note that due to the stronger than average Mg II features seen in the optical for SN 2014J, this analysis may be more challenging, even with higher quality spectra, as the presence of Mg II $\\lambda$ 1.0927 $\\micron$ should be quite strong as well.", "\n\nSeveral explanations for the origin of the high-velocity features have been presented, from density enhancements via swept up CSM [@2004ApJ...607..391G; @2006ApJ...645..470T] to mixing or more complete burning in the outer layers of the supernova [@2005MNRAS.357..200M; @2005ApJ...623L..37M] to ionization effects in the outer layers [@2013MNRAS.429.2127B]. ", "What is clear is that the features do offer a unique diagnostic for understanding properties of the progenitor system and/or the explosion mechanism and correlations between the strength of these features and the underlying colors and lightcurves of the SNe Ia [@2014MNRAS.437..338C; @2013MNRAS.436..222M].", "\n\nSN 2014J is among a class of SNe Ia where high-velocity features are present yet little to no evidence for C II exists even in very early spectra (see the broad line or high-velocity gradient examples in @2011ApJ...732...30P). ", "Since extensive UV data from HST exists for both SNe 2005cf and 2011fe, it will be interesting to see which of these supernovae SN 2014J most closely matches with respect to both the color and luminosity evolution.", "\n\nThe quest for the progenitor system {#progenitor}\n===================================\n\nM 82 has been extensively imaged by HST, thus it is possible to study the environment of the SN prior to the explosion. ", "Because of the large attenuation due to dust in the line of sight, we concentrate on the NIR bands. ", "We perform aperture photometry on the nearest sources to SN 2014J, shown in Fig.", " \\[fig:hstnir\\]. ", "The closest object (yellow circle in Fig.", " \\[fig:hstnir\\]) falls 0.2$\\arcsec$ from the current best estimate of the SN location [RA = $9^{h} 55^{m} 42^{s}.217(1)$, Dec = $69^{\\circ} 40{\\arcmin} 26{\\arcsec}.56(4)$ in J2000 coordinates with respect to the HST image, @ATEL5789], corresponding to a $4\\sigma$ spatial offset. ", "For this source, we measure AB magnitudes of $F110W = 21.4 \\pm 0.4$, $F128N = 21.9 \\pm 0.4$, $F160W = 20.6 \\pm 0.4$, $F164N = 21.2 \\pm\n0.4$. The error is dominated by the uncertain background subtraction as a result of source confusion. ", "The $F110-F160W$ color is typical of other sources near this position. ", "At a distance of 3.5 Mpc, the corresponding absolute magnitude of the nearest resolved object is $J_{\\rm AB} \\sim H_{\\rm AB} \\sim -7$ mag ($A_H<A_J<0.4$ mag). ", "This source could represent a stellar cluster, a grouping of unrelated objects or a region of relatively low dust attenuation.", "\n\nNext, we consider the possibility that the source is a donor star in the SD scenario. ", "The derived luminosity would then suggest a very luminous red supergiant. ", "However, in the case where a SN originates from a system with CSM created by a mass-loss from a donor star, the interaction between the SN ejecta and the CSM is expected to give rise to radio emission [@1982ApJ...259L..85C; @1988Natur.332..514C]. ", "The radio null-detections on January 23 and 24 [@ATEL5800; @ATEL5812] can therefore be used to derive an upper limit on the mass-loss rate. ", "Adopting a SN shock-wave velocity of $3\\times 10^{4}\\,{\\rm km\\,s^{-1}}$ (about twice the Si II velocity, see Fig.", " \\[fig:lowres\\]), and similar parameters as assumed by @2012ApJ...746...21H for SN2011fe, the upper limit on the mass-loss rate is $\\dot{M} \\leq 7 \\times 10^{-9}(w/100\\,{\\rm km\n \\,s}^{-1})\\,M_{\\odot}\\,{\\rm yr}^{-1}$, where $w$ is the mass-loss wind velocity. ", "The upper limit is comparable to the ones obtained for SN2011fe [@2012ApJ...746...21H; @2012ApJ...750..164C]. ", "Given these tight limits and the spatial displacement, we conclude that the closest resolved source in the pre-explosion HST images is unlikely to be a donor star.", "\n\nFinally, we note that the $F110W-F160W$ color map shown in the middle right panel of Fig \\[fig:hstnir\\] suggests that SN 2014J is at the edge of a dust patch, about 4 pc in projected size. ", "Light echoes may thus be expected for this supernova.", "\n\nWe have searched for possible nova outbursts in the historic P48 $R$-band data covering a period of about 1500 days prior to the detection of SN 2014J. By binning the data in bins of 15 days, we do not find any excess larger than $4\\sigma$ (calculated using the bootstrap technique, see @1982jbor.book.....E). ", "Our limiting magnitude is $R>19.5$mag for a total time span of 1000days, and $R>20.25$mag for more than 765days in this 1500days time window. ", "Assuming $A_R=2$ mag, compatible with the extinction we estimate based on the supernova colors, this corresponds to absolute magnitudes $M_{{\\rm R}} =-10.2$ and $-9.5$ respectively at the distance of M 82. ", "However, given the uncertainties on the properties of recurrent novae, see e.g. @2014arXiv1401.2426T, we refrain from drawing firm conclusions against the possibility of recurrent novae preceding SN 2014J based on these non-detections.", "\n\nSummary and conclusions\n=======================\n\nThe discovery of SN 2014J presents us with a unique opportunity to explore the physics of Type Ia SNe and the line-of-sight effects due to intervening matter. ", "Further understanding in these areas is of utmost importance for the use of SNe Ia in cosmology. ", "The early data from P48, starting as early as only hours from the explosion, and the multi-wavelength follow-up by the iPTF team covers an important range of the available windows in the electromagnetic spectrum. ", "Just as the lightcurve reaches its maximum, we have learned that the SN has suffered non-standard extinction. ", "We have searched for, but not detected, any time variation in our high-resolution spectra of the Na I D doublet. ", "Similarly, we do not detect any pre-explosion activity in the $\\sim$1500 days of P48 monitoring. ", "In a study of pre-explosion HST images in the near-IR, the nearest resolved source is found $0.2{\\arcsec}$ away from the SN location. ", "The source brightness and offset from the SN makes it unlikely as a donor star in a single-degenerate scenario.", "\n\nFurther, we make a first study of the spectral features of SN 2014J and find that it exhibits high-velocity features from intermediate mass material but lacks C and O often seen in very early spectra. ", "Otherwise, it is a very similar to several well-studied normal SNe Ia.\n\nWe thank S. Fossey for making the discovery $R$-band image of SN 2014J available to us. ", "We are grateful to S. Fossey and M. Phillips for helpful comments on the manuscript. ", "We acknowledge A. McKay, A. Bradley, N. Scoville, P. L. Capak, C. M.Carollo, S. Lilly, H. Sheth, V. Bhalerao, P. Donati, S. Geier, F. Saturni, G. Nowak and A. Finoguenov for cooperating with ToO observations. ", "AG and RA acknowledge support from the Swedish Research Council and the Swedish Space Board and A. G.-Y an ERC grant. ", "MMK acknowledges generous support from the Hubble Fellowship and Carnegie-Princeton Fellowship. ", "Based on observations made with the Nordic Optical Telescope, operated by the Nordic Optical Telescope Scientific Association at the Observatorio del Roque de los Muchachos, La Palma, Spain, of the Instituto de Astrofisica de Canarias, Faulkes Telescope North image observed by Gain Lee, the Mount Abu 1.2m Infrared telescope, India and the 1.93m telescope of Haute-Provence Observatory, CNRS, France. ", "This research used resources of the National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center, which is supported by the Office of Science of the U.S. Department of Energy under Contract No. ", "DE-AC02-05CH11231.", "\n\nnatexlab\\#1[\\#1]{}\n\n, A., & [de Groot]{}, M. 1973, , 28, 295\n\n, S., [Cappellaro]{}, E., [Mazzali]{}, P. A., [et al.]{} ", "2005, , 623, 1011\n\n, S., [Dessart]{}, L., [Hillier]{}, D. J., & [Khokhlov]{}, A. M. 2013, , 429, 2127\n\n, J. S., [Kasen]{}, D., [Shen]{}, K. J., [et al.]{} ", "2012, , 744, L17\n\n, T. M., [Baliber]{}, N., [Bianco]{}, F. B., [et al.]{} ", "2013, , 125, 1031\n\n, C. R., [Stritzinger]{}, M., [Phillips]{}, M. M., [et al.]{} ", "2011, , 141, 19\n\n, Y., [Kasliwal]{}, M. M., & [McKay]{}, A. 2014, The Astronomer’s Telegram, 5786, 1\n\nCardelli, J. A., Clayton, G. C., & Mathis, J. S. 1989, , 345, 245\n\n, C. J., & [Marvil]{}, J. 2014, The Astronomer’s Telegram, 5812, 1\n\n, R. A. 1982, , 259, L85\n\n—. 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[ "(Reuters) - Chile’s interior minister criticized French authorities on Wednesday for offering asylum to a former Chilean leftist rebel, calling it a “mistake” to link a murder he committed to politics under the dictatorship of Augusto Pinochet.", "\n\nFILE PHOTO: Chile's Interior Minister Andres Chadwick answers a question during a news conference at the Presidential Palace after a meeting with the National Security Council in Santiago, January 20, 2014. ", "REUTERS/Ivan Alvarado/File Photo\n\nAndres Chadwick said convicted murderer Ricardo Palma Salamanca should be returned to Chile, adding there was “no link” between his April 1991 killing of Senator Jaime Guzman, a former Pinochet confidant, and the dictatorship that ended in 1990.", "\n\n“Both the crimes perpetrated by Ricardo Palma Salamanca and his trial and conviction took place once democratic order had been re-established in Chile,” Chadwick said. “", "We are talking about serious terrorist attacks that took place in a democratic era.”", "\n\nFrench foreign ministry spokesman Olivier Gauvin said on Tuesday that France’s Office for the Protection of Refugees had last week offered asylum to Palma Salamanca after considering the political situation in Chile at the time Guzman was killed.", "\n\n“The case of Ricardo Palma Salamanca relates to the history of Chile under the dictatorship of Augusto Pinochet,” Galvin said.", "\n\nThe murder occurred when Pinochet, who led a bloody 1973 coup against the leftist government of Salvador Allende, had stepped down following a popular plebiscite. ", "He remained head of the armed forces, however.", "\n\nGuzman, the army general’s former adviser, founded the far-right Independent Democratic Union (UDI) and remained an influential figure.", "\n\nHe acted as mentor to several senior figures in government today, including Chadwick. ", "The UDI remains one of four parties in the present ruling coalition.", "\n\nPalma Salamanca escaped from a Chilean maximum security prison by helicopter in 1996 and lived under an assumed name in Mexico. ", "He was arrested by Interpol in Paris in February.", "\n\nChilean political leaders of all stripes have called for his return, but some Chileans have appealed to the French government to shelter him.", "\n\nPalma Salamanca’s lawyers have argued that he only confessed to killing Guzman under torture.", "\n\nIn a statement carried by Chilean media on Monday, Palma Salamanca celebrated “the right to breathe easy after more than 26 years of persecution” and praised France for “keeping alive the memory of a past we never want to live again.”", "\n\nAn extradition request sent by the Chilean Supreme Court for Palma Salamanca will be the subject of a French court hearing set for Dec. 12.", "\n\nChile and France do not have an extradition treaty and French law stipulates that no extradition can take place “when the crime has a political aspect or the request is made for political purposes.”" ]
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[ "Modder River (disambiguation)\n\nThe Modder River is a river in South Africa that forms part of the border between the Northern Cape and the Free State provinces.", "\n\nModder River may also refer to:\n\n Modder River, Northern Cape - A small town in the Northern Cape.", "\n Battle of Modder River - A battle of the Second Boer War.", "\n\nSee also \n Modder" ]
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[ "Article content\n\nThe closing of a US$900-million Colorado oil and gas asset sale is being delayed by up to six months, Calgary-based Encana Corp. said Tuesday, without saying why.", "\n\nThe Calgary-based major producer’s shares fell five per cent or 36 cents to a new all-time low level of $6.52 after it said the deal announced in October to sell liquids-rich production and 20,000 hectares of DJ Basin assets is now expected to close in the second quarter of 2016.", "\n\nWe apologize, but this video has failed to load.", "\n\ntap here to see other videos from our team. ", "Try refreshing your browser, or Encana shares fall to new low after it announces 6-month delay in asset sale Back to video\n\nThe sale to to Crestone Peak Resources, a new company 95 per cent owned by Canada Pension Plan Investment Board and five per cent by The Broe Group of Denver, was originally to close before the end of this year.", "\n\nEncana said the effective sale date of last April 1 and material terms of the deal, including price, remain the same. ", "It said Crestone has increased the size of its deposit without giving any detail.", "\n\nAt Tuesday’s exchange rate, the purchase price is about Cdn$1.25 billion. ", "The day it was announced, it would have translated to Cdn$1.16 billion." ]
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[ "Iryna Maiseyenka\n\nIryna Maiseyenka (; born 29 October 1997) is a Belarusian female acrobatic gymnast. ", "With partners Alina Ivanova and Yuliya Ardziakova, Maiseyenka competed in the 2014 Acrobatic Gymnastics World Championships.", "\n\nReferences\n\nExternal links \n\n \n\nCategory:1997 births\nCategory:Living people\nCategory:Belarusian acrobatic gymnasts\nCategory:Female acrobatic gymnasts" ]
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[ "[A case of pneumonitis due to Rikkunshi-to].", "\nWe report a case of pneumonitis due to Rikkunshi-to. ", "A 79-year-old woman was admitted to our hospital because of interstitial pneumonia. ", "She complained of dry cough and dyspnea on exertion. ", "Fine crepitations were heard on physical examination. ", "The chest X-ray film revealed diffuse reticulonodular shadows in both lung fields. ", "Under the suspicion of drug-induced pneumonitis, all drugs were stopped and she was given prednisolone. ", "Consequently her complaints, laboratory data and chest X-ray findings markedly improved. ", "Microscopic examination of transbronchial lung biopsy specimens showed interstitial pneumonia. ", "The results of lymphocyte stimulation test and lymphocyte migration inhibition test were positive for Rikkunshi-to. ", "Based on these findings, we diagnosed this case as pneumonitis due to Rikkunshi-to. ", "To our knowledge, there has been no previous case of pulmonary hypersensitivity due to Rikkunshi-to reported in the world." ]
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[ "Q:\n\nIs it possible to use same functions for every class\n\nI have multiple classes and each of them has their own methods. ", "All of these methods perform the same task, as you can see in my code. ", "The only unique thing is the values of the title, code and credit members that are defined inside the classes.", "\nIs there a way to write this code such that a single set of methods can do the required tasks (using the specific values within the class that made the request to the method) for each and every class?", "\nI'm a university student, and due to this I don't want to use inheritance since we haven't learned it yet.", "\nclass seng305\n{\n string title = \"Software design and architecture\", code = \"SENG305\";\n int credit = 4;\npublic:\n seng305();\n ~seng305();\n string get_info();\n string get_title();\n int get_credit();\n};\n\nclass comp219\n{\n string title = \"Electronics in computer engineering\", code = \"COMP219\";\n int credit = 4;\npublic:\n comp219();\n ~comp219();\n string get_info();\n string get_title();\n int get_credit();\n};\n\nseng305::seng305()\n{\n cout << '\\t' << \"Created\" << endl;\n\n}\nseng305::~seng305()\n{\n cout << '\\t' << \"Destroyed\" << endl;\n}\nstring seng305::get_info()\n{\n return (code + \"-\" + title);\n}\nstring seng305::get_title()\n{\n return title;\n}\nint seng305::get_credit()\n{\n return credit;\n}\n//--------------------------------------------------\ncomp219::comp219()\n{\n cout << '\\t' << \"Created\" << endl;\n\n}\ncomp219::~comp219()\n{\n cout << '\\t' << \"Destroyed\" << endl;\n}\nstring comp219::get_info()\n{\n return (code + \"-\" + title);\n}\nstring comp219::get_title()\n{\n return title;\n}\nint comp219::get_credit()\n{\n return credit;\n}\n\nAs you can see, the get_info(), get_title(), and get_credit() methods do the same thing.", "\nI would like for a single get_info(), get_title(), get_credit() to be able to do the task for each class.", "\n\nA:\n\nThere is no reason to use separate classes at all in this example. ", " A single class will suffice, eg:\nclass course\n{\n string title, code;\n int credit;\npublic:\n course(const string &title, const string &code, int credit);\n ~course();\n string get_info() const;\n string get_title() const;\n int get_credit() const;\n};\n\ncourse::course(const string &title, const string &code, int credit)\n : title(title), code(code), credit(credit)\n{\n cout << '\\t' << \"Created\" << endl;\n}\n\ncourse::~course()\n{\n cout << '\\t' << \"Destroyed\" << endl;\n}\n\nstring course::get_info() const\n{\n return (code + \"-\" + title);\n}\n\nstring course::get_title() const\n{\n return title;\n}\n\nint course::get_credit() const\n{\n return credit;\n}\n\nThen, you simply create instances of your class as needed, eg:\ncourse seng305(\"Software design and architecture\", \"SENG305\", 4);\ncourse comp219(\"Electronics in computer engineering\", \"COMP219\", 4);\n...\n\nI know you said that you don't want to use inheritance, but that could be the next logical step, using the above code as a base:\nclass courseSeng305 : public course\n{\npublic:\n courseSeng305() : course(\"Software design and architecture\", \"SENG305\", 4) {}\n};\n\nclass courseComp219 : public course\n{\npublic:\n courseComp219() : course(\"Electronics in computer engineering\", \"COMP219\", 4) {}\n};\n\ncourseSeng305 seng305;\ncourseComp219 comp219;\n...\n\n" ]
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[ "Since October 2011, the Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations (DLTD) provides a facility to enable registering other works produced from each thesis or dissertation. ", "If you are the author or the supervisor of a thesis or dissertation and have another work derived from it, such as a published paper, a patent, a book or others, you can register the corresponding reference, that will be available in the same page as your thesis or dissertation." ]
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[ "How To Make Money Online On Fiverr.com? ", "Fiverr Tips & Tricks For Beginners Since its inception in 2010, Fiverr has become a great website for micro jobs. ", "You can offer your services against five dollars. ", "Many young minds have earned several dollars by working through this site. ", "It is a great opportunity for the skilled, unskilled, students and those women who don’t want to leave home for any job. ", "If you..." ]
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[ "Mark and Anna had a beautiful day. ", "They were married in front of an intimate group of family and friends in the gardens of Yarlington House. ", "Following the ceremony, the guests spent a couple of hours on the lawn playing games, drinking Pimms and enjoying the mass of cakes and cupcakes provided by Mark and Anna’s close friends. ", "A very quintessential tea party for all!", "\n\nWhen the happy couple first approached me, they told me that they wanted something a bit different, something out of the ordinary, and that they loved going to their local Greek restaurant! ", "So it made sense to keep running with that theme….." ]
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[ "(Phys.org) —If you're in the business of cracking codes, it would be pretty difficult to break into a security system that you don't even know is there. ", "That's one of the advantages of molecular keypad locks, whose small sizes make them very difficult to detect. ", "As such, these locks are an example of steganography, since not only is the password hidden, but the very existence of the lock itself is concealed. ", "Another advantage of these tiny locks is that, instead of using electronic signals, they use chemical and optical signals that further complicate their cracking.", "\n\nResearch into molecular keypad locks is still in its early stages, with the first lock being developed in 2007 by Professor Abraham Shanzer and his group at the Weizmann Institute of Science in Rehovot, Israel. ", "So far, creating locks that can authorize more than a single password has been challenging.", "\n\nNow in a new study published in the Journal of the American Chemical Society, chemists from the Weizmann Institute of Science have demonstrated a molecular keypad lock that can respond to multiple password entries. ", "This ability could enable molecular keypad locks to compete with electronic keypad locks to create extremely secure systems.", "\n\nThe molecular keypad lock that the scientists developed here is based on a combinatorial fluorescent molecular sensor that essentially acts as a molecular \"nose\" or \"tongue\" by sensing different chemicals. ", "Unlike most fluorescent molecular sensors that generate discrete optical signals, this sensor can generate unique optical \"signatures\" for different chemicals, similar to the way the olfactory system operates.", "\n\n\"When an odorant enters our nose, it simultaneously binds and triggers several olfactory receptors,\" coauthor David Margulies, Senior Scientist at the Weizmann Institute of Science who also helped develop the first molecular keypad lock, told Phys.org. \"", "This generates a unique 'fingerprint' for each odorant, which enables the olfactory system to distinguish between so many smells. ", "In our system, the ability to generate a unique optical fingerprint for each chemical password enables an individual fluorescent molecule to distinguish between so many passwords.\"", "\n\nThe scientists explained that this ability to generate a unique optical pattern for each password makes this system similar to both an electronic keypad lock and a biometric lock. ", "The first can be opened by entering the right password, while the second is opened by recognizing a unique signature such as a fingerprint. ", "In the case of the molecular keypad lock, both a password and optical fingerprint are required, making this type of lock extremely secure.", "\n\nWith electronic locks, the entry keys are accessible (as they are placed on the keypad) and hence, anyone that has the right password (or stole the correct password) may enter. ", "With biometric locks, on the other hand, each user carries his own \"key\" (such as his fingerprint) and therefore the keys are, in principle, not accessible. ", "However, in this case, for each user there is only one key, which is known, but not accessible, and there have been events when fingerprints were faked. ", "In the combinatorial molecular keypad lock, not only are the lock or keys not accessible (all are chemicals), but even if one finds them it's not enough. ", "He still needs to know the right password.", "\n\nIn their paper, the researchers used different saccharides (for example, glucose, xylose, fructose, galactose, and maltitol) as the chemicals, which represent the numbers that are typically used in electronic passwords.", "\n\nUsing these saccharides, the molecular keypad lock can respond to passwords containing two, three, and four digits. ", "It can also distinguish between different sequences (e.g., between 112 and 211), which allows for dozens of unique passwords.", "\n\nBecause the system can generate a unique optical fingerprint for each password, it can also be programmed to authorize multiple users. ", "For one user, the system will be programmed to recognize one fluorescence fingerprint (using a pattern-recognition software), whereas for another user, it will be programmed to recognize another pattern. ", "In addition, to make it even more secure, one can also make the system recognize entirely new sets of patterns (thus, passwords) by replacing the chemical inputs. ", "This can be done by screening for new chemical inputs from libraries of saccharides.", "\n\nThe science behind molecular keypad locks can also be applied to other areas, such as biomedical applications.", "\n\n\"Fluorescent molecular sensors are among the most powerful tools used in cell biology due to their small size that enables them to penetrate cells and detect specific ions or biomolecules in their native environment,\" Margulies said. \"", "Therefore, we believe that beyond their potential to provide an alternative information-protection technology, molecule-sized 'nose/tongues' (our earlier Angew. ", "Chem. ", "Int. ", "Ed. ", "Paper, 2012) or in their more advanced form, keypad locks that can generate unique optical fingerprints for different analytes and their combinations, could be used in analyzing combinations and even sequences of biomolecules within cells, which macroscopic electronic noses or electronic keypad locks cannot access.\"" ]
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[ "Check out our new site Makeup Addiction\n\nadd your own caption\n\nadd your own caption\n\nadd your own caption\n\nadd your own caption\n\nadd your own caption\n\nadd your own caption\n\nadd your own caption\n\nadd your own caption\n\nadd your own caption\n\nadd your own caption\n\nadd your own caption\n\nI'll make my own subreddit with blackjack, and hookers" ]
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[ "WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican President Donald Trump’s market-jolting promise to slap heavy U.S. tariffs on steel and aluminum imports has earned him praise from an unusual quarter - Democratic lawmakers.", "\n\nSome Democrats, mainly from Rust Belt states, but from other areas too, hailed the president’s plan for tariffs of 25 percent on steel and 10 percent on aluminum.", "\n\n“This welcome action is long overdue for shuttered steel plants across Ohio and steelworkers who live in fear that their jobs will be the next victims of Chinese cheating,” said Senator Sherrod Brown, a liberal and populist Democrat from Ohio.", "\n\nSenator Bob Casey, a Democrat from neighboring Pennsylvania, said in a statement that it had taken the administration too long to act, but that Trump’s announcement on Thursday was a “welcome step.”", "\n\nThat kind of language clashed with a generalized strong worry among most Republicans, long-time free trade champions, that Trump’s move could trigger an international trade war.", "\n\nPaul Ryan, the Republican speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives, through a spokesman urged Trump to reconsider his plan and its potential unintended consequences.", "\n\nTrade is an issue where Trump has consistently bucked mainstream Republican views, instead adopting throughout his campaign and as president a strongly populist stance in which he promised to defend American workers.", "\n\nIn his stunning November 2016 election victory over Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton, Trump carried rust-belt industrial states, such as Ohio, Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin, partly by appealing to blue-collar workers’ frustrations with Washington’s free-trade orthodoxy.", "\n\nLast year Senate Democrats unveiled a trade proposal that emphasized protecting workers from foreign competition and tagged China as a “trade cheat” that threatens U.S. jobs - the sort of language Trump has used.", "\n\nOregon Democratic Senator Ron Wyden, who often criticizes Trump for one thing or another, issued a statement saying he was pleased Trump “recognizes the importance of addressing these challenges, and finally intends to take action.”", "\n\nDemocratic Representative Tim Ryan, whose northeastern Ohio district encompasses an area once known as “Steel Valley,” tweeted: “China has been eating our lunch for decades. ", "These actions will protect good-paying jobs in Ohio and across the country.”", "\n\nTrump said on Thursday he planned tariffs of 25 percent on imported steel and 10 percent on aluminum products, with a formal announcement to come next week.", "\n\nDemocratic Representative Bill Pascrell of New Jersey urged the president to move quickly. “", "Let’s get it done,” he said.", "\n\nBut not all Democrats agreed. “", "We need a thoughtful and aggressive response to China’s overproduction of steel and aluminum, but blanket tariffs are not the answer,” Colorado Senator Michael Bennet said in a statement, adding that Trump’s action “will invite retaliation and isolate us further from our trading partners.”" ]
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[ "I was just watching Senator Ted Cruz’s floor speech in opposition to the atrocious immigration bill and took note of a remarkable exchange between Senators Cruz and Chuck Schumer, the New York Democrat and mastermind of the legislation. ", "The short YouTube video is worth your time (Schumer interrupts about a minute in). ", "Cruz pointed out that the hefy 1,200-page Corker-Hoeven Amendment was dropped like a stealth bomb late Friday with supporters now pushing for an immediate vote when it is perfectly obvious that no one could possibly have read, studied and analyzed the proposal. ", "As if it were a defense, Schumer insisted that of the 1,200 pages “only” 100 pages are new, and that certainly a senator should be able to read “only” 100 pages of “important legislation” over a weekend.", "\n\n\nLet’s pretend Schumer is correct — and he’s not: Senator Corker says it is actually 119 new pages. ", "When a bill is amended in a sneaky manner, as this one has been, no responsible senator could just read 100 new pages. ", "The amendments are interspersed thoughout the bill — it’s not like you could sit and read them as a unit, even if you had the time. ", "Since the proponents are clearly trying to pull a fast one, prudence, as Senator Cruz pointed out, would dictate rereading every line of text, old and new, to search for insertions — and, indeed, news reports indicate that numerous new buy-offs and pot-sweeteners have been inserted.", "\n\nBut there is a larger point: no “important legislation” should be 100 pages long, much less 1,200 (or the even more mind-boggling girth of monstrosities like Obamacare). ", "The United States Constitution is about 4,500 words long — outfits like Cato and Heritage publish it in small pamphlets that can be read in a few minutes. ", "Nowadays, not only are the bills so gargantuan that no one could conceivably master them and predict their consequences; each page produces even more pages of regulations. ", "They can’t even be lifted, much less digested.", "\n\n\nYou cannot have a functioning democratic republic when the laws are so voluminous no one can know what the law is. ", "And that is especially the case when (a) the rationale for passing new laws — according to “reform” proponents like Senator Marco Rubio and Rep. Paul Ryan — is that we don’t enforce the laws currently on the books; (b) key parts of legislation consist of commitments to do what previously enacted law already commands; and (c) the president, notwithstanding his oath to take care that the laws are faithfully executed, claims the power to refrain from enforcing whatever laws he disapproves of. ", "Washington has made a farce of the legislative process and of the once proud boast that we are ”a nation of laws not men.”", "\n\nIn his excellent little book A Matter of Interpretation, Justice Antonin Scalia recalls that the emperor Nero would post edicts high up on the pillars — it was a pretense of having the rule of law that barely camouflaged the reality of arbitrary and tyrranical enforcement. ", "That is what we have now. ", "It is what happens when a government gets so big no one any longer recognizes either the limits or why it is essential to have limits.", "\n\n\nWhatever the merits of the legislation (and who can say with confidence what they are?), ", "the senate process alone is reason enough to vote against it. ", "World’t greatest deliberative body? ", "It is astounding that any lawmaker could vote for this beast and still call himself a conservative supporter of limited government." ]
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[ "# Tenko parser autogenerated test case\n\n- From: tests/testcases/assigns/to_keyword/autogen.md\n- Path: tests/testcases/assigns/to_keyword/gen/assign_to_paren-wrapped_keyword_in_param_default/public.md\n\n> :: assigns : to keyword : gen : assign to paren-wrapped keyword in param default\n>\n> ::> public\n\n## Input\n\n\n`````js\nasync (x = (public) = f) => {}\n`````\n\n## Output\n\n_Note: the whole output block is auto-generated. ", "Manual changes will be overwritten!_", "\n\nBelow follow outputs in five parsing modes: sloppy, sloppy+annexb, strict script, module, module+annexb.", "\n\nNote that the output parts are auto-generated by the test runner to reflect actual result.", "\n\n### Sloppy mode\n\nParsed with script goal and as if the code did not start with strict mode header.", "\n\n`````\nast: {\n type: 'Program',\n loc:{start:{line:1,column:0},end:{line:1,column:30},source:''},\n body: [\n {\n type: 'ExpressionStatement',\n loc:{start:{line:1,column:0},end:{line:1,column:30},source:''},\n expression: {\n type: 'ArrowFunctionExpression',\n loc:{start:{line:1,column:0},end:{line:1,column:30},source:''},\n params: [\n {\n type: 'AssignmentPattern',\n loc:{start:{line:1,column:7},end:{line:1,column:23},source:''},\n left: {\n type: 'Identifier',\n loc:{start:{line:1,column:7},end:{line:1,column:8},source:''},\n name: 'x'\n },\n right: {\n type: 'AssignmentExpression',\n loc:{start:{line:1,column:11},end:{line:1,column:23},source:''},\n left: {\n type: 'Identifier',\n loc:{start:{line:1,column:12},end:{line:1,column:18},source:''},\n name: 'public'\n },\n operator: '=',\n right: {\n type: 'Identifier',\n loc:{start:{line:1,column:22},end:{line:1,column:23},source:''},\n name: 'f'\n }\n }\n }\n ],\n id: null,\n generator: false,\n async: true,\n expression: false,\n body: {\n type: 'BlockStatement',\n loc:{start:{line:1,column:28},end:{line:1,column:30},source:''},\n body: []\n }\n }\n }\n ]\n}\n\ntokens (15x):\n ID_async PUNC_PAREN_OPEN IDENT PUNC_EQ PUNC_PAREN_OPEN\n ID_public PUNC_PAREN_CLOSE PUNC_EQ IDENT PUNC_PAREN_CLOSE\n PUNC_EQ_GT PUNC_CURLY_OPEN PUNC_CURLY_CLOSE ASI\n`````\n\n### Strict mode\n\nParsed with script goal but as if it was starting with `\"use strict\"` at the top.", "\n\n`````\nthrows: Parser error!", "\n Cannot use this name (`public`) as a variable name because: Cannot use this reserved word as a variable name in strict mode\n\nstart@1:0, error@1:12\n╔══╦═════════════════\n 1 ║ async (x = (public) = f) => {}\n ║ ^^^^^^------- error\n╚══╩═════════════════\n\n`````\n\n### Module goal\n\nParsed with the module goal.", "\n\n_Output same as strict mode._", "\n\n### Sloppy mode with AnnexB\n\nParsed with script goal with AnnexB rules enabled and as if the code did not start with strict mode header.", "\n\n_Output same as sloppy mode._", "\n\n### Module goal with AnnexB\n\nParsed with the module goal with AnnexB rules enabled.", "\n\n_Output same as strict mode._", "\n\n## AST Printer\n\nPrinter output different from input [sloppy][annexb:no]:\n\n````js\nasync (x = public = f) => {};\n````\n\nProduces same AST\n" ]
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[ "Cost-effectiveness of pharmacological interventions for smoking cessation: a literature review and a decision analytic analysis.", "\nTo evaluate the relative cost-effectiveness of nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) and bupropion SR for smoking cessation, the authors reviewed published studies and developed a decision analytic model from the UK National Health Services perspective. ", "Irrespective of the methods or assumptions involved, the results of published studies consistently indicated that NRT for smoking cessation is cost-effective. ", "No published studies have evaluated the relative cost-effectiveness of bupropion SR for smoking cessation. ", "The results of the decision analyses indicated that, as compared with advice or counseling alone, the incremental cost per life-years saved is about $1,441-$3,455 for NRT, $920-$2,150 for bupropion SR, and $1,282-$2,836 for NRT plus bupropion SR. ", "The cost-effectiveness of adding NRT and bupropion SR to advice or counseling for smoking cessation is better than many other accepted health care interventions." ]
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[ "function p = matrix_T_pdf(A, M, V, K, n)\n% MATRIX_T_PDF Evaluate the density of a matrix under a Matrix-T distribution\n% p = matrix_T_pdf(A, M, V, K, n)\n\n% See \"Bayesian Linear Regression\", T. Minka, MIT Tech Report, 2001\n\n[d m] = size(K);\nis = 1:d;\nc1 = prod(gamma((n+1-is)/2)) / prod(gamma((n-m+1-is)/2));\nc2 = det(K)^(d/2) / det(pi*V)^(m/2); %% pi or 2pi?", "\np = c1 * c2 * det((A-M)'*inv(V)*(A-M)*K + eye(m))^(-n/2);\n\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Github" }
[ 0.00558659217877095, 0 ]
[ "Q:\n\nNeed for Reference and Name Of Inequality\n\nSome time ago, I ran across the following inequality (if I remember rightly): $\\bigg(\\sum_{i=1}^{n}v_{i}^{k_{1}}\\bigg)\\geq n\\bigg(\\frac{\\sum_{i=1}^{n}v_{i}^{k_{2}}}{n}\\bigg)^{\\frac{k_{1}}{k_{2}}}$, for $v_{1},...,v_{n}$ positive real numbers and $k_{1},k_{2}$ real numbers, with $k_{1}\\geq k_{2}$. Where did it originate? ", "Does it have a name? ", "\n\nA:\n\nIt is a direct consequence of Hölder's inequality for a discrete probability measure. ", "In Hardy-Littlewood-Pólya it is listed as Theorem 16, and doesn't have a special name. ", "They credit the inequality to Schlömilch (1858), Reynaud and Duhamel (1823), and Chrystal (1900). ", "\nA better way to formulate the inequality is to define the $\\ell_p$ weighted mean of a finite list of positive numbers $a = (a_1, \\ldots, a_n)$ by\n$$ \\mathfrak{M}_p(a) = \\left( \\frac{1}{n} \\sum_{i = 1}^n a_i^p \\right)^{1/p}$$\nand the inequality states\n$$ \\mathfrak{M}_p \\leq \\mathfrak{M}_q $$\nwhenever $q \\geq p$. It fits in the general hierarchy of inequality of means, which also includes the inequality of arithmetic and geometric means. ", "\n\n" ]
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[ "World Freedom Day (United States)\n\nWorld Freedom Day is a United States federal observance declared by then-President George W. Bush to commemorate the fall of the Berlin Wall and the end of communist rule in Central and Eastern Europe. ", "It started in 2001 and is celebrated on November 9.", "\n\nHistory\nFor this occasion, conservative youth groups such as Young America's Foundation and the College Republicans urge students to commemorate this day (which they mark as the start of \"Freedom Week,\" thus including Veterans Day) by \"celebrating victory over communism\" through provocative flyer campaigns and activism projects. ", "Many conservative political commentators and activists use World Freedom Day as an occasion in which to acclaim President Ronald Reagan, whom they regard as being responsible for the collapse of the Soviet Union and the end of the Cold War.", "\n\nObservances\nOn November 9, 2005, President Bush proclaimed November 9 as World Freedom day. ", "On November 8, 2016, President Barack Obama proclaimed World Freedom Day as November 9, 2016. ", "On November 8, 2017, President Donald Trump proclaimed November 9, 2017, as World Freedom Day.", "\n\nSee also\n European Day of Remembrance for Victims of Stalinism and Nazism\n Freedom Day\n International observance\n\nReferences\n\nExternal links\nFirst Proclamation\nHoover Institution Description\nAmerica's Future Endorsement\n\nCategory:Public holidays in the United States\nCategory:November observances" ]
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[ "Order Michigan Supreme Court\n Lansing, Michigan\n\n January 29, 2007 Clifford W. Taylor,\n Chief Justice\n\n 132376 Michael F. Cavanagh\n Elizabeth A. Weaver\n Marilyn Kelly\n Maura D. Corrigan\n PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF MICHIGAN, Robert P. Young, Jr.\n Plaintiff-Appellee, Stephen J. Markman,\n Justices\n\n v SC: 132376\n COA: 269176\n Kent CC: 00-011664-FC\n ANTONIO GARCIA-DORANTES,\n Defendant-Appellant.", "\n\n _________________________________________/\n\n On order of the Court, the application for leave to appeal the October 11, 2006\n order of the Court of Appeals is considered, and it is DENIED, because the defendant has\n failed to meet the burden of establishing entitlement to relief under MCR 6.508(D).", "\n\n\n\n\n I, Corbin R. Davis, Clerk of the Michigan Supreme Court, certify that the\n foregoing is a true and complete copy of the order entered at the direction of the Court.", "\n January 29, 2007 _________________________________________\n p0122 Clerk\n\f" ]
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[ "City of London to Host Inaugural 'Women's Safer Cycling Day'\n\nThe City of London Corporation is to host its first ‘Women’s Safer Cycling Day’ today (1100-1600, 25 September) at the Guildhall Yard in the heart of the Square Mile.", "\n\nThe day’s activities, held in conjunction with the City of London Police, will have two primary aims. ", "The first is to engage with female city cyclists and promote safer cycling as the capital has a disproportionate number of female cyclist casualties.", "\n\nFrom January 2010 to December 2014, female cyclists accounted for 30 serious injuries in the Square Mile while there were two fatalities. ", "During the same period there were 75 male cyclists who were serious injured with two fatalities. ", "This is despite last year’s National Travel Survey statistics showing that men made three times as many cycling trips as women.", "\n\nThe second purpose is to promote cycling as a way to improve the general health and wellbeing of those who take up cycling.", "\n\nDuring the course of the day, there will be a number of attractions on display in the Guildhall Yard, including, among others:\n\n‘Exchanging Places’ where cyclists sit in the cab of a LGV (large goods vehicle) to see for themselves the blind spots that drivers have. ", "This is supported by construction firms McGee, O’Donovan and Speedy.", "\n\nDr. Bike cycle maintenance and security marking.", "\n\nA ‘mega bike’ where groups face the centre and pedal with a trained member of staff at the wheel.", "\n\nCycle taster sessions set up by City of London Police Cycle Officers.", "\n\nMarianne Fredericks, Streets and Walkways Committee Chairman, said:\n\n“Far too often we have heard about the serious incidents and dreadfully sad deaths of women cyclists across the capital over the past few years. ", "Events like today won’t solve the problem overnight but does serve a dual purpose. ", "It will not only help raise awareness of how cycling can be a great form of transport, which is free and environmentally-friendly, but also highlight that unfortunately it is not risk-free.", "\n\n“Anything we can do to help address the high proportion of women involved in cycling accidents is a step in the right direction. ", "I’d urge everyone to come along to the events we have on display.”", "\n\nPolice Sergeant Maxine Worsford, City of London Police, said:\n\n“We are grateful for the opportunity to take part in the first Women’s Safer Cycling Day. ", "It is an ideal event for us to hold ‘Exchanging Places’ where road users get the opportunity to sit in a large goods vehicle and see the roads through the drivers point of view.", "\n\n“So far this year, we have held five of these and have had over 380 pedal cyclists experience it with great feedback. ", "Our officers will also be available during the event to discuss any concerns around road safety.”", "\n\nThe City of London Corporation and City of London Police are committed to improving the safety of cycling in the Square Mile and want at least 10 per cent of people who come to the City to travel here by bike. ", "To date we have:\n\nIntroduced over 70 two-way cycling streets to make it safer and easier for people to cycle.", "\n\nIntroduced a 20 mph speed limit aimed at reducing the dangers on the City's streets.", "\n\nWill be consulting on the introduction of Quietways in the City, which less confident cyclists wanting to use low-traffic routes can use. ", "Works are scheduled to begin before Christmas 2015.", "\n\nMade changes to make it easier and more comfortable to cycle through the City at Aldgate.", "\n\nConsidered changes to Bank Junction which could include pedestrianisation or a fundamental reshaping, with an update on this at the turn of the year. ", "There is an increased City of London Police presence during rush hour, particularly the morning period when cyclists account for 50 per cent of the traffic at the junction.", "\n\nRedeveloped Holborn Circus where in the eight months prior to the workers there were ten casualties and in the eight months after this dropped to four – a 60 per cent reduction.", "\n\nCo-operated with the Mayor’s Cycle East-West Superhighway.", "\n\nIssued 502 fines to cyclists as part of Operation Atrium in the last six months. ", "The enforcement campaign aims to tackle cyclists who endanger other road users, pedestrians and their own safety by cycling on pavements and jumping red lights.", "\n\nIn the same time period has rescinded a further 308 fines to cyclists who attended an Exchanging Places exhibit.", "\n\nNotes to Editors\n\nThe City of London Corporation has also fitted side guards, to help protect cyclists from being dragged under the wheels in the event of a collision, and additional mirrors to our fleet of vehicles over 3.5 ton.", "\n\nAbout the City of London Corporation\n\nThe City of London Corporation provides local government and policing services for the financial and commercial heart of Britain, the 'Square Mile'. ", "In addition, the City Corporation has three roles:\n\nWe support London’s communities by working in partnership with neighbouring boroughs on economic regeneration, education and skills projects. ", "In addition, the City of London Corporation’s charity City Bridge Trust makes grants of more than £15 million annually to charitable projects across London and we also support education with three independent schools, three City Academies, a primary school and the world-renowned Guildhall School of Music and Drama.", "\n\nWe also help look after key London’s heritage and green spaces including Tower Bridge, Museum of London, Barbican Arts Centre, City gardens, Hampstead Heath, Epping Forest, Burnham Beeches, and important ‘commons’ in south London.", "\n\nWe also support and promote the ‘City’ as a world-leading financial and business hub, with outward and inward business delegations, high-profile civic events, research-driven policies all reflecting a long-term approach." ]
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[ "<?", "xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?", ">\n\n<!--", "\nF80-ZK-2508.zul\n\n\tPurpose:\n\t\t\n\tDescription:\n\t\t\n\tHistory:\n\t\tTue, Oct 28, 2014 6:31:49 PM, Created by jumperchen\n\nCopyright (C) Potix Corporation. ", "All Rights Reserved.", "\n\n-->\n<zk xmlns:n=\"native\">\n\t<n:h4>1. ", "Test case: forEach=\"one, two, three, four\"</n:h4>\n\t<zscript>\n\titems = Arrays.asList(new Object[] { \"one\", \"two\", \"three\", \"four\" });\n</zscript>\n\t<div id=\"d11\" style=\"border:1px solid blue\">\n\t\t<div forEach=\"${items}\">\n\t\t\t${each} Index: ${forEachStatus.index} Count: ${forEachStatus.count}\n\t\t\t First: ${forEachStatus.first} Last: ${forEachStatus.last}\n\t\t</div>\n\t</div>\n\tResult:\n\t<div id=\"d12\" style=\"border:1px solid red;color:blue\">\n\t\t<div>one Index: 0 Count: 1 First: true Last: false</div>\n\t\t<div>two Index: 1 Count: 2 First: false Last: false</div>\n\t\t<div>three Index: 2 Count: 3 First: false Last: false</div>\n\t\t<div>four Index: 3 Count: 4 First: false Last: true</div>\n\t</div>\n\t<n:h4>2. ", "Test case: forEach=\"one, two, three, four\" forEachStep=\"3\"</n:h4>\n\t<div id=\"d21\" style=\"border:1px solid blue\">\n\t\t<div forEach=\"${items}\" forEachStep=\"3\">\n\t\t\t${each} Index: ${forEachStatus.index} Count: ${forEachStatus.count} \n\t\t\tFirst: ${forEachStatus.first} Last: ${forEachStatus.last}\n\t\t</div>\n\t</div>\n\tResult:\n\t<div id=\"d22\" style=\"border:1px solid red;color:blue\">\n\t\t<div>one Index: 0 Count: 1 First: true Last: false</div>\n\t\t<div>four Index: 3 Count: 2 First: false Last: true</div>\n\t</div>\n\t<n:h4>3. ", "Test case: forEach=\"one, two, three, four\" forEachBegin=\"1\" forEachStep=\"3\"\n\t</n:h4>\n\t<div id=\"d31\" style=\"border:1px solid blue\">\n\t\t<div forEach=\"${items}\" forEachBegin=\"1\" forEachStep=\"3\">\n\t\t\t${each} Index: ${forEachStatus.index} Count: ${forEachStatus.count} \n\t\t\tFirst: ${forEachStatus.first} Last: ${forEachStatus.last}\n\t\t</div>\n\t</div>\n\tResult:\n\t<div id=\"d32\" style=\"border:1px solid red;color:blue\">\n\t\t<div>two Index: 1 Count: 1 First: true Last: true</div>\n\t</div>\n</zk>\n" ]
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[ "1957 to 1961 - The Yellow Years (USA)\n\n1957\n\n1957 ushered in a new era for Monopoly. ", "Gone were the multiple editions. ", "There was only one set available, a yellow boxed #9 with beautiful train graphics on it. ", "This game came with a red bound board with a picture of the box top on it. ", "Other than this the components are the same as the last white box. ", "This set was downsized slightly later in the year and renumbered to #12. ", "The #9 retained the size of the old white box #9 (10 3/8 x 20) and the #12 was resized to 10 1/8 x 20.", "\n\nThis was the first #9 to have Monopoly written down the long sides of the box. ", "This box design lasted for only a year.", "\n\n1958\n\nIn 1958 there was a new box design. ", "The new box was still yellow, but revived the graphics from the old white box. ", "The biggest difference was the inclusion of a picture of the board on the left side of the box top. ", "The box was still the smaller size, but was renumbered back to #9. ", "The Monopoly down the long sides was removed again as on the white #9s.", "\n\n1959\n\n1959 saw the box changed slightly. \"", "PARKER BROTHERS REAL ESTATE TRADING GAME\" was added to the left side of the box top above the board, \"MARCA REGISTRADA\" was moved from above the list of cities to below the word \"MONOPOLY\", and \"MONOPOLY\" and graphics are added to the long sides of the box.", "\n\n1960\n\nIn 1960 copyright dates were added to the picture of the board, and the slogan under the word \"MONOPOLY\" was changed from \"PARKER BROTHERS TRADE MARK NAME FOR ITS REAL ESTATE TRADING GAME&QUOT; to \"PARKER BROTHERS TRADE MARK NAME FOR ITS REAL ESTATE TRADING GAME EQUIPMENT&QUOT;.", "\n\n1961\n\n1961 saw another slight change to the box, Des Moines was added to the list of cities. ", "Other than this, this box is the same as the 1960.", "\n\nThe 1958 to 1961 games all seem to have been available in two versions, one with a black bound board and wooden tokens and one with a green bound board and metal tokens. ", "As these games were made in the days before shrink wrap only the components were sealed inside the box. ", "This meant that some of the boards could have been swapped and these games are known to exist with the tokens and boards mixed and matched.", "\n\nI have divided these sets into 5 different years. ", "Parker Brothers probably did not change the sets on January 1st of each year, but I have found this is the easiest way of dating these." ]
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[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.0038910505836575876, 0.006968641114982578, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.007407407407407408 ]
[ "Subclinical hypothyroidism in lithium-treated psychiatric patients in Tehran, Islamic Republic of Iran.", "\nWe investigated thyroid function in 46 (20 female & 26 male) psychiatric outpatients on lithium treatment by assessing triiodothyronine, thyroxine and thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) levels. ", "The presence of thyroid antibodies (anti-thyroid peroxidase and anti-thyroglobulin) was also assessed. ", "Out of the 46 patients, 8 (17%) displayed overt hypothyroidism. ", "Of the remaining patients, subclinical hypothyroidism was found in 16 patients (35%) and euthyroidism in 22 (48%). ", "Thyroid antibodies were present in 6 patients in the euthyroid group and 5 patients in the hypothyroid group. ", "The Pearsor product-moment correlation results indicated positive association between TSH level and duration of lithium use and age of the patients with subclinical hypothyroidism. ", "Duration of lithium use and age could be a reasonable indicator for screening asymptomatic patients for subclinical hypothyroidism after starting lithium treatment." ]
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[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.01818181818181818, 0.0055248618784530384, 0 ]
[ "Q:\n\nC# LINQ Multiple evaluation of the same data\n\nGiven a class that holds (and initializes once) an IEnumarable<T>:\npublic class MyClass\n{\n public MyClass()\n {\n Values = Sequence(0, 10).Select(i => Convert(i));\n }\n\n public IEnumerable<string> Values { get; private set; }\n\n private static string Convert(int i)\n {\n string iStr = i.ToString();\n Console.", "WriteLine(\"Convert: \" + iStr);\n return iStr;\n }\n\n private static IEnumerable<int> Sequence(int start, int end)\n {\n return Enumerable.", "Range(start, end - start + 1);\n }\n}\n\nWhy does every usage that requires the evaluated values of myClass.", "Values re-evaluates them?", "\ne.g.:\nstatic void Main(string[] args)\n{\n MyClass myClass = new MyClass();\n\n foreach (var v in myClass.", "Values)\n {\n Console.", "WriteLine(v);\n }\n foreach (var v in myClass.", "Values)\n {\n Console.", "WriteLine(\"Value: \" + v);\n }\n}\n\nThis will print 20 times \"Convert: \" and \"Value: \".", "\nI know that saving the Values as a list (with ToList() for example) will solve this, but it was my understanding that once Values are evaluated the values will be used from memory (as if I used Lazy<T> and then Values.value), why is this not the same case?", "\n\nA:\n\nThis is the normal behavior of IEnumerable<T>. ", "Your projection call Select is actually invoked for every item in the collection (but apparently you only called it once)when each item is called in the foreach loop.", "\nSo when you are looping with foreach loop the IEnumerable object is calling the enumerator and getting the next item if any available in the collection something similar to state machine.", "\nIt keeps track of the current item being enumerated when next item is request in the foreach loop it is called again so resulting the Convert method to be called again.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "Heterocyclic Analogues as Kinase Inhibitors: A Focus Review.", "\nRole of kinase inhibitors in various diseases is well established and discovery of imatinib opens up new paradigms in kinase inhibition. ", "Furthermore, presence of heterocyclic moiety in a kinase inhibitor seems to be essential now. ", "However, the potential of a single heterocyclic moiety was discussed in variety of reviews but a focus review considering the potential of different heterocyclic moieties is unavailable. ", "Based on this, we classify prospective kinase inhibitors on the basis of number of heterocyclic moieties present and summarize the prospective kinase inhibitors. ", "Finally, important key points, current challenges and future prospects of kinase inhibitors are also discussed." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
[ 0.03333333333333333, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "\n536 So.2d 118 (1987)\nDouglas Edward KIRK\nv.\nSTATE.", "\n6 Div. ", "278.", "\nCourt of Criminal Appeals of Alabama.", "\nNovember 10, 1987.", "\nOn Return to Remand November 23, 1988.", "\nDouglas Edward Kirk, pro se.", "\nDon Siegelman, Atty. ", "Gen., and Fred F. Bell, Asst. ", "Atty. ", "Gen., for appellee.", "\nTAYLOR, Judge.", "\nThis is a parole revocation case. ", "The appellant, Douglas Edward Kirk, was on parole when he was arrested and convicted of six counts of burglary in the third degree. ", "The facts, such as can be ascertained from the record, are as follows: On November 26, 1979, Kirk was arrested for violating the conditions of his parole. ", "Parole revocation proceedings were instituted. ", "On February 28, 1980, Kirk escaped from the Tuscaloosa County Jail. ", "On February 21, 1983, he was arrested in Harris County, Texas, for aggravated perjury, and was convicted and sentenced to five years. ", "On August 23, 1983, Kirk requested a final disposition of charges in Tuscaloosa County, Alabama. ", "On November 9, 1983, he *119 was returned to Tuscaloosa County for trial. ", "On January 9, 1984, Kirk pleaded guilty to the six counts of burglary and was sentenced to six consecutive 22-year terms. ", "On January 22, 1986, formal notice of parole revocation was sent to him. ", "Kirk petitioned for a writ of habeas corpus, claiming that the failure to hold a parole revocation hearing was in violation of the Uniform Mandatory Disposition of Detainers Act and his due process rights under the Fourteenth Amendment. ", "The writ was denied and Kirk files this appeal, upon which he raises three issues.", "\n\nI\nFirst, Kirk contends that the Uniform Mandatory Disposition of Detainers Act is applicable to parole revocation hearings. ", "In relevant part, the act states:\n\n\"Article III.", "\n\"(a) Whenever a person has entered upon a term of imprisonment in a penal or correctional institution of a party state, and whenever during the continuance of the term of imprisonment there is pending in any other party state any untried indictment, information or complaint on the basis of which a detainer has been lodged against the prisoner, he shall be brought to trial within 180 days after he shall have caused to be delivered to the prosecuting officer and the appropriate court of the prosecuting officer's jurisdiction written notice of the place of his imprisonment and his request for a final disposition to be made of the indictment, information, or complaint; provided, that for good cause shown in open court, the prisoner or his counsel being present, the court having jurisdiction of the matter may grant any necessary or reasonable continuance.\"", "\nIn Carchman v. Nach, 473 U.S. 716, 105 S.Ct. ", "3401, 87 L.Ed.2d 516 (1985), the United States Supreme Court said:\n\"The language of the [Uniform Disposition of Detainers Act] ... makes clear that ... Article III refers to criminal charges pending against a prisoner. ", "A probation-violation charge, which does not accuse an individual with having committed a criminal offense in the sense of initiating a prosecution, thus does not come within the terms of Article III.\"", "\nWe hold that there is no substantial difference between a parole revocation hearing and a probation revocation hearing insofar as the Uniform Mandatory Disposition of Detainers Act is concerned. ", "The Act does not apply to either.", "\n\nII\nSecond, Kirk contends that the state should have responded to his request for final disposition of the parole revocation proceedings, to allow him to respond to the state's charges, citing Ex parte Floyd, 457 So.2d 961 (Ala.1984). ", "This contention rests on the assumption that the Uniform Mandatory Disposition of Detainers Act applies to parole revocation proceedings. ", "As we have already determined, it does not. ", "Further, Ex parte Floyd, Id., applies to habeas corpus petitions, not parole revocation proceedings.", "\n\nIII\nFinally, Kirk contends that he has a conditional liberty interest under the Fourteenth Amendment which was denied him by not holding a parole revocation hearing. ", "Although it has been held that parolees do not have a constitutionally protected liberty interest under Alabama's parole statutes, they nevertheless are entitled to a due process hearing when an attempt is made to revoke their parole. ", "Ex parte Floyd, Id.; United States v. Tyler, 605 F.2d 851 (5th Cir.1979). ", "The United States Supreme Court set out specific due process requirements in Morrissey v. Brewer, 408 U.S. 471, 92 S.Ct. ", "2593, 33 L.Ed.2d 484 (1972), that must be met in revoking a prisoner's parole:\n\"They include (a) written notice of the claimed violations of parole; (b) disclosure to the parolee of evidence against him; (c) opportunity to be heard in person and to present witnesses and documentary evidence; (d) the right to confront and cross-examine adverse witnesses (unless the hearing officer specifically *120 finds good cause for not allowing confrontation); (e) a `neutral and detached' hearing body such as a traditional parole board, members of which need not be judicial officers or lawyers; and (f) a written statement by the factfinders as to the evidence relied on and reasons for revoking parole. ", "We emphasize there is no thought to equate this second stage of parole revocation to a criminal prosecution in any sense. ", "It is a narrow inquiry; the process should be flexible enough to consider evidence including letters, affidavits, and other material that would not be admissible in an adversary criminal trial.\"", "\nThe record is silent as to whether a due process hearing conducted in accordance with Morrisey was held. ", "Therefore, we remand this case under Rule 10(f), A.R. A.P., and direct that the trial court supplement the record by including therein any available evidence of a due process hearing on the issue of revoking Kirk's parole. ", "The court, after responding to this Rule 10(f) request, shall then wait to give this court an opportunity to review its response before proceeding further.", "\nREMANDED WITH INSTRUCTIONS.", "\nAll the Judges concur.", "\n\nON RETURN TO REMAND\nTAYLOR, Presiding Judge.", "\nPursuant to our order of November 10, 1987, the trial court inquired into the question of whether a due process hearing had been afforded Kirk. ", "The court entered an order as follows:\n\"This case was remanded under Rule 10(f), ARAP, and directed the trial court to supplement the record by including therein any available evidence of a due process hearing on the issue of revoking Kirk's parole. ", "Hearing was held on 1/5/88. ", "State of Alabama, assisted by Assistant District Attorney and counsel from the Department of Corrections, failed to comply with remand order. ", "There was no evidence presented as to whether a due process hearing was held. ", "Petitioner ordered released on cases involving parole revocation until a due process hearing can be held. ", "Costs waived.\"", "\nThis matter having been resolved, the appeal is moot and is accordingly dismissed.", "\nAPPEAL DISMISSED.", "\nAll the Judges concur.", "\n" ]
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[ "Beavers Bend Resort Park\n\nBeavers Bend State Park is a Oklahoma state park located in McCurtain County. ", "It is approximately north of Broken Bow on SH-259A. It was established in 1937 and contains Broken Bow Lake.", "\n\nNational Public Radio reported that the park generated $1,787,731 in 2011, excluding $414,255 in revenue from Lakeview Lodge. ", "Thus, gross earnings were around $2.3 million. ", "The report did not list the number of visitors, but stated that this had the second highest attendance of any Oklahoma state park during the year.", "\n\nAttractions\n\nBeavers Bend State Park offers a variety of individual and group activities. ", "Eagle watches are available from November through February. ", "Trout fishing, fly fishing clinics, guided horseback rides, and hayrides throughout the park are other activities offered at Beavers Bend.", "\n\nA year-round naturalist and a well-stocked nature center make possible a program lineup that includes campfire programs on the banks of the Mountain Fork River, nature hikes, arts and crafts classes, water sports, bingo, sunset hikes, nature films, and astronomy outings. ", "14,000 acre (57 km²) Broken Bow Lake is also a favorite of scuba divers. ", "Other park diversions include golfing, miniature golf, archery, tennis, jet skiing, bumper boat rides, boating, and canoeing.", "\n\nThe David L. Boren Trail offers 16 miles (26 km) of hiking trails with 4 miles (6 km) of multi-purpose trails that wander along ridge tops, over creek bottoms, through tall stands of timber, and into areas so remote one can almost experience what early-day explorers must have felt upon seeing the Ouachita National Forest for the first time. ", "The same trail can also be divided into a variety of short and long hikes for those not wishing to make the entire trek.", "\n\nForest Heritage Center\nVisitors to the Forest Heritage Center's museum will find historical documents, antique forestry tools, wood art, homestead memorabilia, and a research library filled with books, periodicals, and other materials pertaining to forestry, the primary industry of the area.", "\n\nThe Center is also home to 14 dioramas (painted by Harry Rossoll of Atlanta, Georgia, the artist who created Smokey Bear) that cover prehistoric forests, Caddo Indians, Papermaking in the South, 1940s lumbering, and forest appreciation. ", "Each diorama is accompanied by a taped narration. ", " In June 2003 an eight-foot-tall bronze sculpture was unveiled, honoring the memory of Jim Burnett and all people who risk their lives fighting wildland fires each year. ", "Burnett was the first forest firefighter from Oklahoma to lose his life in the line of duty and one of the many firefighters dispatched by the state of Oklahoma to battle an outbreak of wildfires in Wyoming during the summer of 2000. ", "Burnett lost his life on August 11, 2000 fighting the Kate's Basin Fire near Thermopolis, Wyoming.", "\n\nEach year some of lumber is harvested in McCurtain County. ", "The forest industry is the area's largest business concern, and great care is taken to ensure the prolonged health of local pine and hardwood forests.", "\n\nGeology\n\nBuilt on the site of an old Choctaw settlement, Beavers Bend State Park was named after John T. Beavers, a Choctaw intermarried citizen. ", "The \"bend\" in the park's name refers to an area of the park where a portion of Mountain Fork River meanders sharply, making an almost 180-degree turn. ", "This area is commonly known as the River Bend, and is a popular area for trout fishing, canoe rentals, and swimming. ", "Also in the River Bend area is the Broken Bow Hydroelectric Plant, which generates energy from the waters of Broken Bow Lake.", "\n\nThe local rock formations are some of the most distinctive in the state of Oklahoma. ", "Just north of Broken Bow, sedimentary rock has been thrust upward due to an ancient collision of the North American and South American Plates, forming what is now the Ouachita Mountains. ", "Evidence of what is called the Ouachita orogeny can be seen all over the park, where some layers of rock can be seen tilted up at angles of about sixty-degrees. ", "These geologic features can be easily viewed around Broken Bow Lake and Mountain Fork River, where erosion has left much of the rock exposed. ", "The unique geology of the area inspires frequent field trips by geology students from numerous colleges and universities.", "\n\nReferences\n\nExternal links\n Beavers Bend State Park - Video footage of the area and a list of local activities and resources.", "\n Aerial View of Broken Bow Lake - Video footage of the area and a list of local activities and resources.", "\nForest Heritage Center info and photos on TravelOK.com - Official travel and tourism website for the State of Oklahoma\nBeavers Bend State Park\nBroken Bow Lake\nBeavers Bend Fly Shop\nBeaver's Bend Fly Fishing Site\nBeavers Bend Lodging - Luxury Rental Cabins\nBeavers Bend Lodging - Rustic Luxury Cabins\nBeavers Bend State Park and Broken Bow Lake - Recreational and lodging information guide, including information on fishing, hiking and water sports.", "\nVacation Broken Bow Lake - Local area guide for Broken Bow and Beavers Bend, including area maps, hiking trails and restaurants.", "\n\nExternal links\n \n\nCategory:State parks of Oklahoma\nCategory:State parks of the U.S. Interior Highlands\nCategory:Forestry museums in the United States\nCategory:Natural history museums in Oklahoma\nCategory:Museums in McCurtain County, Oklahoma\nCategory:Protected areas of McCurtain County, Oklahoma\nCategory:Ouachita National Forest\nCategory:Nature centers in Oklahoma\nCategory:Protected areas established in 1937\nCategory:1937 establishments in Oklahoma" ]
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[ "Custom input:\n\nUse semicolons to separate individual bits\n\n(Doesn't save on refresh, so you'll want to keep these in a text file somewhere)\n\nPrefixes:\n\ne.g. \"Painted;Heide's;Blight|;High\"\n\nNo trailing or leading spaces, but add a | (bar) if you want to concatenate!", "\n\nPlaces:\n\ne.g. \"World;Tower;Wall\"\n\nNo trailing or leading spaces!", "\n\nSuffixes:\n\ne.g. \"of Ariamis;of Flame;of Lothric\"\n\nNo trailing or leading spaces!" ]
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[ "Dates\n\nBristol HPD CourseWeekend Courses at The Clifton Practice\nWeekend Times : Saturday – Sunday 10.00am-5.30pm.", "Details for alternative weekend course in July 2019 are on the CPHT Cardiff Website:http://cphtcardiff.co.uk/dates/" ]
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[ "SFOX: Welcome, everyone, to SFOX’s interview with Roger Ver. ", "Roger, thank you so much for taking the time to join us. ", "We really appreciate having you here.", "\n\nRoger Ver: Thank you.", "\n\nSFOX: Roger, as the first investor in Bitcoin, you really have been a part of the Bitcoin and crypto ecosystem pretty much since the beginning, and eight years have elapsed since you first started investing in it. ", "How has your perspective on the space has changed — both in terms of the technology, and in terms of the overall crypto community?", "\n\nRoger Ver: It’s changed a lot. ", "Back eight years ago, I wasn’t just the first investor: I was basically the only investor, and there wasn’t much of an ecosystem at all.", "\n\nOne example of just how far the whole ecosystem has come is that, way back then — I think was 2012, at this point — I reached out to a website called Blockchain.info, which now is probably known by more people as Blockchain.com. ", "I reached out to them and I said, “Hey, I’m interested in this Bitcoin thing. ", "Do you need any money to expand what you’re doing? ", "I like what you’re up to.” ", "They had maybe 10, maybe 30, thousand users or something at that point, whereas now, they’re over 30 million users.", "\n\nThe guy replied to me and said, “Oh, yeah, currently we’re running the entire website on a Mac Mini at home from in my bedroom, you know, living in my mom’s house. ", "I think we should probably buy a real server, so we need some money for that.” ", "I said, “Sure, no problem,” and we worked out a deal — I gave him money to buy the first server and, you know, extend it from there. ", "Now, Blockchain.com is one of the premier businesses in the entire ecosystem, whereas, back when I made my investment, they were literally running on a Mac Mini in this guy’s bedroom at home, living with his parents. ", "So, what a world of difference it’s been in just eight years.", "\n\nI guess one other really, really big difference is the philosophy within the ecosystem. ", "In the earliest days, everybody involved in Bitcoin — like, 99% of people who were involved — was involved because they wanted to see a separation of money and state. ", "They wanted to see people have choice as to what sort of money they get to use and have control over money; they wanted to see competition in the marketplace of money. ", "Just like you see better-quality products between car manufacturers competing with each other, and hamburger manufacturers, and drink manufacturers: all the competition always leads to a better-quality product at a lower price.", "\n\nWell, the same is true of currencies. ", "There’s been some competition between like the dollar and the euro and the yen and this and that — but only certain people are allowed to compete against those guys. ", "Whereas suddenly now, with the invention of cryptocurrency, anybody can go head-to-head and compete with the dollar for market share in the use case of money because these cryptocurrencies can’t be shut down or turned off or stopped, short of turning off the entire internet and the entire world. ", "So we’re seeing very, very quickly now the options that people have in terms of what sort of money to use. ", "They’re blossoming: you have all sorts of choices now for things that work much, much better than methods that we’ve had available to us previously.", "\n\nBasically, in the earliest days of Bitcoin, it was all just a whole bunch of libertarians who were super, super excited about this separation of money and state; whereas now — you know, there’s still a lot of libertarians involved, of course — but now, there’s a lot of people who just kind of see the space and say, “Hey, I can make money really, really quickly without having to do much work, and anybody who stands in my way, I’m going to attack them.” ", "And that’s kind of disappointing for me because, if you study economics, you realize that the more economic freedom the world has, the faster the rate of economic growth the entire world has, and economic growth is what makes everybody have this higher standard of living, so we should be doing everything we possibly can to increase the rate of economic growth around the world. ", "And I think permissionless, peer-to-peer cash is an absolutely amazing tool to bring more economic growth to the world.", "\n\nBut I think in the earliest days. ", "everybody was on board with that vision, and everybody was like, “Yeah, let’s do this: let’s bring peer-to-peer cash for the world that anybody can use, and do whatever they want with, and, literally, we’re gonna liberate the entire world’s economy this way.” ", "And today, you don’t hear nearly as much of that from the people who are new to Bitcoin. ", "And even hear some people actually grumbling about that — like, “Oh my god, these people are trying to do things without permission from other people.” ", "If you go back to the early Bitcoin community, that was the entire point of Bitcoin.", "\n\nBitcoin used to be the only cryptocurrency; now, there are thousands of cryptocurrencies. ", "A lot of people accuse me of attacking Bitcoin, but I have no problem with Bitcoin whatsoever. ", "I’m a fan of absolutely anything that works. ", "The BTC version of Bitcoin stopped working at the end of 2017: it was over 50 dollars in transaction fees for an average transaction — and I myself, running a business in the space, was paying thousands of dollars in fees per one single transaction over and over and over again. ", "At that point, I knew it was absolutely broken, and the part that really made me lose faith in it was when there was a bunch of people cheering, saying, “This is fantastic, the fees are so high — hooray, hooray, hooray.”", "\n\nMyself, I started using things other than the BTC version of Bitcoin and, being the owner of Bitcoin.com, our options are kind of limited. ", "BTC or BCH were the main two options, so BCH it was. ", "So we’re busy promoting Bitcoin Cash at Bitcoin.com right now because it actually works for cash reliably — month after month, year after year. ", "But I’m a fan of anything that works: if it works permissionlessly for people to send or receive money anywhere in the world, I like it.", "\n\nSFOX: As you’ve seen more money flow into the space and more investors join the ranks following your first investments, what’s your take on whether that additional capital that’s now available to people in this space is a net positive thing or a net negative thing? ", "What are the nuances of that, now that there’s so much more money to be had in the offing?", "\n\nRoger Ver: I think it’s definitely a net positive thing: there’s so much more attention and developers and stuff happening in the ecosystem as a whole. ", "At the end of the day, it doesn’t matter which cryptocurrency winds up being the dominant one, so long as it’s a cryptocurrency that actually puts people in charge of their own money and their own destiny. ", "If it’s some cryptocurrency where transactions are monitored and controlled and spied upon by the NSA and whoever else, that’s a horrible thing for the world. ", "But, if it’s a cryptocurrency in which individuals have control of their own money and privacy over their own money, that’s a fantastic thing.", "\n\nI’m working towards the version in which people have control and privacy over their own money, not the shady state spycoin. ", "We’ll see which one wins out in the end.", "\n\nSFOX: Based on your tweets and speaking with you here, that it almost seems that it’s impossible for you to speak about Bitcoin and the crypto space without going into the philosophical side of it — especially political philosophy, and your views on voluntaryism. ", "As more people and stakeholders have joined the space right, do you think there are legitimate reasons to be interested in the space that don’t have to do with that any kind of political philosophy, or do you think that once you’re down the Bitcoin rabbit hole, you’re going to, at some point, arrive at questions of politics and philosophy?", "\n\nRoger Ver: There’s absolutely nothing wrong with being involved in something for reasons that aren’t political or philosophical. ", "Nothing wrong with that at all. ", "But, for me, that’s what has me so excited about cryptocurrency: the ability to empower the individual to have more control over their own lives. ", "If it wasn’t for that, I wouldn’t have been interested in it at all; I wouldn’t have gotten involved at all.", "\n\nIt was really, really interesting: In the early days — you know, in 2011, 2012, 2013 — pretty much everybody was a voluntaryist. ", "And for those who are reading and don’t know what voluntaryism is, it’s very simple. ", "It’s the idea that all human interactions should be either on a voluntary basis or not at all. ", "And that’s pretty much how everybody lives all their day-to-day lives every day: Starbucks asks people to buy their coffee; they never force people to buy their coffee. ", "You asked me to do an interview with you; you didn’t threaten me into doing this interview with you. ", "Everybody deals with everybody on a voluntary basis all the time, with the only exceptions being robbers, rapists, murderers, and governments. ", "And we should stop and think for ourselves, “Well, if it’s wrong for a robber to use coercion against somebody to engage in a non-voluntary interaction with him, and it’s wrong for murderers, and it’s wrong for rapists, why does government get to do something that’s wrong for anybody else to do, in any other situation, anywhere?” ", "And the answer for voluntaryists is, “Well, it’s not okay when they do it, either.”", "\n\nIn the early days, pretty much all the people who were involved in Bitcoin were of that philosophical mindset, and we got involved in Bitcoin because we already had that philosophical mindset. ", "But now, pretty much daily, I get contacted by saying that they’d never heard of voluntaryism or any of these ideas before they found Bitcoin, and because they found Bitcoin, they were then exposed to the ideas of voluntaryism, and now they’re like, “I see the world so differently now and so much more clearly now,” and it just makes me smile from ear to ear when I hear about people finding out about the ideas of voluntaryism and the benefits of free markets because they found Bitcoin — whereas I found Bitcoin because I was already interested in free markets and voluntaryism. ", "So, I guess it goes both ways.", "\n\nSFOX: Especially in the last year and a half or so, there have been a lot of discussions about things like what constitutes “the true Bitcoin,” and what names we ought to call which communities and which blockchains, and things like this. ", "What do you think is the best way to go about those debates, given that (1) it seems like there’s something that people feel is worthwhile discussing there, but (2) those discussions can also devolve pretty quickly into shouting matches? ", "What do you think constitutes like “the true Bitcoin,” if that’s even a meaningful question to be asking?", "\n\nRoger Ver: I would assume that the first principle — if this can be considered a first principle, here — is to allow people to actually have discussions and have free and open dialogue and debate about what makes something Bitcoin and how you define Bitcoin. ", "Sadly, that dialogue and debate have been absolutely shut down on the main discussion platforms for cryptocurrency and Bitcoin. ", "So it wasn’t allowed to take place, and, from my point of view, if you’re busy censoring one side of the debate, you’ve already lost the debate.", "\n\n“What’s the true Bitcoin?” ", "You know, there’s BCH, and BTC, and now BSV, a couple of other ones… I guess I kind of see it like ice cream: They’re all ice cream, and then you have different flavors of ice cream. ", "Is chocolate ice cream “ice cream”? ", "Of course. ", "Is vanilla ice cream “ice cream”? ", "Of course. ", "So I guess you could make a claim that BTC is “Bitcoin,” BCH is “Bitcoin,” and even BSV is “Bitcoin,” and they’re all just different flavors of Bitcoin. ", "But at the end of the day, Vitalik made this argument — you know, Vitalik is a genius who was absolutely right on this, and I think I’ve been a little too focused and not paying attention to the big picture — at the end of the day, what makes Bitcoin valuable isn’t that it’s “Bitcoin.” ", "It’s the inherent characteristics that make Bitcoin useful as money and useful in commerce that make it valuable. ", "And so whatever cryptocurrency has those characteristics intrinsically — and I don’t even know if “intrinsically” is the right way to describe it — but you have to have certain characteristics: fast, cheap, reliable, easy to store, easy to recognize, not counterfeitable, fungible. ", "It has to have these characteristics that naturally make it useful as money. ", "And if something has those characteristics, it will start to be used as money.", "\n\nThe main thing that the BTC version, or the BTC flavor of Bitcoin ice cream, has going for it is that it has this giant network effect still, even though the transactions are slow and expensive to use. ", "This giant network effect makes it incredibly useful still. ", "And the other flavors of Bitcoin still have to catch up in terms of that network effect. ", "But Bitcoin Cash transactions are super fast, cheap, and reliable, and will continue to be so. ", "In the long term, I think that’s a much, much stronger value proposition than the BTC flavor of Bitcoin, in which they openly say that transactions should be slow, expensive, and unreliable — and that you shouldn’t even use it as money, you should just use credit cards instead. ", "Long term, I don’t think that that’s the right strategy to wind up becoming a peer-to-peer cash for the world. ", "I think Bitcoin Cash, on the other hand, has that fully within its target there.", "\n\nSFOX: Going along with this ice-cream analogy that you’ve established, do you think there’s some value in asking what the “original creator of ice cream” intended — or rather, do you feel that the functionality comes first and that, even if the “flavor” of Bitcoin needs to diverge from the letter of what was said in “the ice-cream whitepaper,” it doesn’t matter as long as it’s functional?", "\n\nRoger Ver: Well, I think the reason the fighting is so bitter over the Bitcoin name is because the branding is incredibly important. ", "If I walked to people on the street and said, “Hey, do you want to buy some ice cream?”, ", "I’d probably have some success selling ice cream because everybody knows that ice cream is — whereas, if I walked up to people on the street and said, “Hey, you want to buy some frozen cream sugary sweetened water?”, ", "they’d kind of look at me and say, “Ahhhh… I’m not so sure about that.”", "\n\nIt’s the same with Bitcoin at this point: a large percentage of the world’s population has heard of Bitcoin, and they think they know what it is. ", "And if you tell me, “Hey, you want to try using Bitcoin?” ", "Yeah, maybe I’ll give that try, I’ve heard about that. ", "Whereas, if you say, “Hey, you want to try using Zcash?” ", "I would be like, “I don’t know it’s Zcash is… Nah, I don’t need any.” ", "I think it’s kind of similar — even though, if you look at Zcash, I think it has characteristics that make it really, really awesome money. ", "The thing that it’s lacking — and falling behind on, compared to all the flavors of Bitcoin at this point — is the name recognition and the network effect. ", "It doesn’t have as many exchanges, or merchants, or wallets, and it doesn’t have the name recognition with the Joe on the street. ", "Just like if you asked them, “Hey, you want some ice cream?” “", "Sure, I’ll have some ice cream.” “", "Hey, you want some sugary frozen creamy water I froze in my freezer?” “", "No, I’m good, bro,” I think that’s what they’d say.", "\n\nWe’re seeing the exact same thing in the cryptocurrency space: the name and recognition are so important, and so that’s why what the question, I think is somewhat important: What did the original creator of Bitcoin have in mind?", "\n\nWhat he had in mind, I think, was pretty clear: He had in mind a peer-to-peer electronic cash system — it’s right there in the very title of the whitepaper he released. ", "And the fact that the BTC version of Bitcoin today isn’t even trying to be a peer-to-peer electronic cash version, and they mock people who want to use it as cash — I think that’s a pretty good indication that BTC is not Bitcoin, or it certainly isn’t the Bitcoin described in the whitepaper, even though so many people around the world are still busy referring to it as “Bitcoin” today, which is a bit frustrating for people like me or anybody who was involved in the space early on, because BTC doesn’t have the characteristics that made Bitcoin popular to begin with. ", "It doesn’t have the characteristics that were described in the original Bitcoin whitepaper, yet everybody still busy calling it “Bitcoin” and busy attacking people who call something that actually is similar to what was outlined in the whitepaper “Bitcoin.” ", "I guess that brings us to where we are today.", "\n\nSFOX: As you alluded to earlier, you are an avid reader of economics: if you go to your personal site, you have book recommendations for people. ", "You’re also active on Twitter, where you command a really large following and tweet on basically a daily basis. ", "Given that you clearly appreciate the value of long-form content like books, what do you see as the struggles with communicating in really short-form social media content, especially when the matters at hand are as complicated as something like cryptocurrency? ", "How do you approach using those more mainstream methods of communication in advocating for Bitcoin?", "\n\nRoger Ver: Yeah, pretty clearly Twitter is not the right platform for a long-form communication! ", "But I think that the even bigger problem there, at this point, is it’s really, really hard to know who’s real on the Internet, or who’s even a human on the Internet, or who’s actually saying their real opinion versus who’s just trying to cause FUD on the Internet. ", "Most people who’ve been around at this point are aware that there are lots of bots on Twitter promoting different crypto coins, and ICOs, and this and that, and you have to be careful which ones are real and which ones are not — but there are lots of other ones that are doing all sorts of stuff, and it’s hard to figure out who’s real and who’s just trying to be manipulative.", "\n\nThis isn’t something that’s new to the crypto-coin space. ", "I remember in June of 2011 — right, so this is ancient, ancient history in Bitcoin land, back when there weren’t any altcoins, only Bitcoin. ", "In June of 2011, the price of Bitcoin, in the course of just a couple of weeks, ran up from two or three dollars per bitcoin to 30 dollars per bitcoin — so it went up 10x in about two weeks, right? ", "And there were these wonderful, wonderful forums at the time over at Bitcointalk.org, and everybody was busy discussing Bitcoin there every day. ", "When the market was calm and there wasn’t a lot happening, there were really long-form, in-depth, wonderful conversations where you could learn from really smart people and exchange ideas with all sorts of really smart people all over the Internet. ", "And the forum wasn’t so busy: it wasn’t just an avalanche of stuff; you could actually read all the posts each day and keep up with what was going on.", "\n\nSuddenly, during this very first time ever in the history of Bitcoin that it started to get worldwide media attention with lots of people were looking into it, some switch flipped on the forum: the forum was absolutely overrun with bots that were just posting nonsense and made the forum completely unusable. ", "They were saying, “Buy! ", "Sell! ", "Buy low, sell high!” ", "It was just absolute nonsense, non-human replies — just a bunch of bots. ", "They flooded the entire forum and they succeeded in shutting down any sort of in-depth, long-form discussion from being able to take place, because they just flooded the forum with thousands of posts and made it unusable.", "\n\nSo “the powers that be,” or whoever it was who was behind that, since June of 2011, were keeping a really close eye on Bitcoin, and the instant people really needed that to be able to have some in-depth, long-form conversations, they shut it down. ", "That happened way back in June of 2011. ", "And the same thing happened on r/bitcoin on Reddit, the most popular discussion platform for the entire world. ", "I was just looking at a link where you can see all the things that are deleted from there last night as I was going to bed, and it was somewhere in the ballpark of 50% of all the posts are getting deleted from there today, and that’s been going on for, like… three years now, four years now?", "\n\nI invite anybody to Google “Bitcoin censorship,” and there is a fantastic article called “Bitcoin censorship” by John Blocke, which is, you know, a hat-tip to the American historical figure of John Locke. ", "John Blocke wrote this amazing article. ", "You can read about the censorship going on in the Bitcoin community and your jaw will just drop: you’ll just be amazed that this sort of thing is going on and being allowed to continue to go on to this very day. ", "And it’s really, really frustrating as a proponent of the free and open exchange of ideas and free speech who thinks that, if people are saying things that you think are wrong on the Internet, the solution to that is more people being allowed to correct those wrong ideas and say the truth — instead, we’ve had the exact opposite happen within the Bitcoin community, and it’s heartbreaking for me just to see that happen.", "\n\nAnybody who studies psychology knows that “monkey see, monkey do” is a real thing. ", "And that’s exactly what they tried to do within the cryptocurrency community: they’ve tried to have only one narrative be what everybody else is allowed to say, and anybody who says anything different has their post deleted. ", "So, all the people who have come to cryptocurrency over the last couple of years has only been allowed to hear one single narrative and then, you know, “monkey see, monkey do”: they hear everybody saying one thing, they say it too, and then there’s just one more voice to the choir of misinformation at this point, is the fact of the matter.", "\n\nI’ve done everything I possibly can to try to spread the truth and talk about what happened. ", "But there’s a lot of “monkey-see-monkey-doers” out there who are attacking me for saying the absolute truth. ", "It’s frustrating and sad, but I invite anybody out there: don’t be a “monkey-see-monkey-doer.” ", "Go look at the actual evidence for yourself and look at what’s happened. ", "Google “Bitcoin censorship” so you can see what’s happened out there and think for yourself — and I guess that’s good advice in any area of life, think for yourself. ", "Use the mind that you have. ", "That’s what you have it for: to critically think and evaluate the evidence before you.", "\n\nSFOX: You’ve you’ve done a lot of work trying to advocate for Bitcoin throughout basically any place on the Internet where it’s being discussed — which is interesting in the sense that you’ve become a public figure in a community that values things like decentralization and anonymity. ", "How do you adjudicate that very public role you have in the space, both in your professional and your personal lives?", "\n\nRoger Ver: Before Bitcoin, I was doing everything I could to keep a very private life and not be a public figure in any way whatsoever. ", "I was still funding some libertarian things, but when I would fund them, I told them, “Don’t give my name. ", "Don’t don’t give me any credit. ", "Here’s some money, and start spreading these ideas of voluntaryism — you can do it with my money, but I don’t want any attention from that” — because governments love to attack people who spread the truth. ", "Look at what’s happened to Julian Assange; look at what’s happened to Edward Snowden. ", "Don’t be surprised if governments come and attack me for spreading the message of, “Hey you don’t need a bunch of politicians to rule your life: you should rule your own life. ", "Be your own president; you don’t need another president out there.”", "\n\nBitcoin was just such a powerful tool to bring more economic freedom to the world that it’s useful for it to have a spokesperson, to have a public figure who’s not some shadowy figure. ", "And it kind of wound up turning out to be me. ", "So, for better or worse… Privacy in life is really, really wonderful to have, and I don’t have so much of that anymore. ", "But at the end of the day, if I wind up bringing more economic freedom to the world — which I already have to a large extent, but there’s a whole lot more work to be done and a whole lot more economic freedom to be brought — then, I guess, the fact that I lost my privacy will be worth it because other people will have theirs.", "\n\nMaybe I’ll get my privacy back someday. ", "Maybe I can just drift back and be a Wikipedia page about some historical figure, but not active in public life anymore.", "\n\nSFOX: Your suggestion of maybe sliding out of the public eye invites the topic of Satoshi and, namely, his decision — well, his, or her, or their decision — to ultimately leave the project. ", "Do you think that it was a good thing that they left? ", "Do you think that it was a bad thing? ", "How do you think it impacted the community?", "\n\nRoger Ver: What an amazing, fairy-tale story. ", "It’s a mystery. ", "Everybody loves a mystery: Who is Satoshi? ", "Where did he go?", "\n\nI remember in the early days of the Bitcointalk.org forum, people were talking about how, finally, when humans manage to make contact with aliens, we won’t have to be embarrassed about the type of money we’re using anymore because of the invention of Bitcoin! ", "That’s pretty true because, you know, we’ve been using little round pieces of metal for thousands of years — that’s pretty low-tech stuff! ", "So we should be kind of embarrassed about that if we ever did make contact with space aliens; whereas now, with Bitcoin, no, we don’t have to be embarrassed about the type of money we use anymore, which I thought was great.", "\n\nSome people were speculating, “Well, maybe Satoshi was a space alien: maybe this is their way of contacting us.” ", "And I don’t think that’s the case, but it was really fun seeing people speculate about Satoshi, like, “Who the heck is this? ", "Was ‘he’ an AI?” ", "And there was another fantastic thread out there that was talking about, like, “Is Bitcoin the world’s very first artificial life form?” ", "And if you think about Bitcoin: It’s consuming resources; it’s harnessing all of us humans to go around and set up more machinery to help support this Bitcoin lifeform; it’s consuming all this electricity; it’s growing; it’s expanding; it’s getting all these people to help it do its thing. ", "And if you look at it as if it’s a life form, a really strong argument can be made: it’s reproducing, and it’s going on and on, and it’s spreading. “", "Bitcoin’s the world’s first synthetic life form” was this other really interesting discussion platform out there. ", "Satoshi created the world’s first synthetic life form? ", "Wow, what an interesting, exciting way of looking at it! ", "And a strong argument could be made that that’s the case.", "\n\nTo answer your question, I think it was really, really helpful to have Satoshi be this mysterious figure because everybody loves a mystery: they start talking about it, and they start pondering it, and they tell their friends about it. ", "So it was a really, really fantastic way for Bitcoin to spread because it had this mysterious creator there, and then it was also super useful that they had spokespeople to go out there and help spread it as well. ", "In the earliest days, it was maybe a bunch of libertarians, but now, you know, Jack Dorsey, the CEO of Twitter, was on Joe Rogan’s podcast promoting Bitcoin a couple of days ago — what a powerful platform was to spread this to more people! ", "So it’s great to have public faces, but it’s also fun to have these mysterious, shadowy figures.", "\n\nI think the Dread Pirate Roberts was a huge part of that, too. ", "People wondered, “What type of person is running this website?” ", "In the early days for anybody who was around, the Silk Road was this amazing, amazing platform: It was the first platform that showed that Bitcoin could be useable as money beyond the purview of the state’s control. ", "It was because of the Silk Road that I heard about Bitcoin for the first time. ", "I wasn’t interested in drugs myself, but I thought, “Well, what the heck money are they using on this website?! ", "This must be amazing money.” ", "It was because of the Silk Road that I googled “Bitcoin” and start looking into Bitcoin.", "\n\nSFOX: One of the things that you’ve said in the past is that there shouldn’t be a block-size limit on Bitcoin because miners wouldn’t create a block that’s too large to validate since it would be against their interests to do so. ", "Is that something you still believe or not?", "\n\nRoger Ver: I’m pretty sympathetic to that argument. ", "I think that the argument that I would make today is that we don’t know what the correct block size is. ", "Nobody knows what the correct block size is. ", "And so the market participants as a whole should be what determines that block-size limit. ", "Just like we don’t know what the price of a cup of coffee “should be”: Nobody knows, and the price of a cup of coffee is different in different places, right? ", "So the size of a block that can be produced in North America, maybe, is different than the size of a block that can be produced in mainland China, behind the Great Firewall of China. ", "We don’t know: The people producing the blocks need to be the ones who decide that; the market as a whole should be what decides that.", "\n\nAnd we’ve seen that happen, right? ", "There was a limit imposed on the amount of block space that could be made on the Bitcoin blockchain. ", "Well, the market found a way to solve that, and now there are thousands of other blockchains with block space in them and people deciding which blockchain they want to buy block space in. ", "That’s kind of a tongue twister, but I think it got the point across!", "\n\nSFOX: You absolutely did! ", "In a similar vein, and maybe also tying into your views on the rights of the individual, do you feel that individuals — an ordinary person, like me — should always be able to personally validate a blockchain for themselves all the way from its genesis block, or do you not think that’s an important feature of a blockchain like Bitcoin?", "\n\nRoger Ver: No, I don’t think that that’s an important feature. ", "I think the important feature is that individuals have access to uncensorable, peer-to-peer cash, and the technological means to achieve that are not as important as the actual product that the user gets to use. ", "And even if you read the original Bitcoin whitepaper, the plan from Satoshi for Day One was that the only people who would be running full nodes would be miners and big, giant data centers — that wouldn’t be your home user at all. ", "And so the fact that there’s this mentality now that anybody should be able to run a full node on a Raspberry Pi, that’s in direct contradiction to the original roadmap for Bitcoin.", "\n\nIf you want to use a blockchain where you can validate the entire thing on your Raspberry Pi at home, that’s fine, more power to you — but you shouldn’t have crippled the original Bitcoin that was on the path to becoming money for the entire world, that had a roadmap saying, “Hey, the mining’s going to be run in big data centers and anybody would be able to use it using SPV wallets and light clients.” ", "They turned that roadmap upside-down on its head yet still want to call it “Bitcoin,” and they get mad at anybody who wanted to go down the original path for Bitcoin. ", "It seems kind of strange that that would be the case, but that’s where we’re at.", "\n\nSFOX: So, if we reach the point where an individual can’t easily operate a full node at all, would Bitcoin somehow become less peer-to-peer in that case — or do you think it would still be just as peer-to-peer as it is today?", "\n\nRoger Ver: I think it’s just as peer-to peer-today. ", "I’m using Bitcoin Cash now every day, all day; I have wallets on my phone; I have wallets on my computer. ", "I rarely, rarely, rarely use a full-node wallet: I’m busy using SPV wallets. ", "All the wallets I use, I control the private keys myself.", "\n\nI think that’s the important part: If the user has the private keys, that’s what counts. ", "You can publish your transaction to the blockchain a million different ways as long as you have your private keys that you can sign the transactions with, and being able to control private keys doesn’t require extensive hardware at all.", "\n\nAnd at the end of the day, running fully validating node — so what? ", "You validated the transactions, but you don’t have the ability to put any new transactions in the blockchain, it’s only of the miners that are able to do that. ", "So I think the mining nodes are the ones that actually count.", "\n\nSFOX: Do you think that Bitcoin gets stronger from the attacks that happen on it all the time, or do those attacks endanger its integrity?", "\n\nRoger Ver: I’m not sure, to be honest. ", "One thing is really frustrating for me. ", "My goal from eight years ago, when I first got involved in Bitcoin, was to spread Bitcoin adoption as money as fast as we possibly could, so that so many people would be using it for every purchase everywhere in their daily lives all the time, and it would be too late for the politicians to figure out what had happened: that they had lost control of the ability to issue money that people actually wanted to use. ", "It would have been too late for them to pass a bunch of laws to control it, because governments move slowly and the market can move faster. ", "Unfortunately, though, we lost years and years and years of adoption because of this stupid scaling debate, and now all the politicians are really busy passing laws and trying to figure out how to control cryptocurrency and to control the market. ", "It’s really frustrating and disappointing to have seen that happen. ", "But that’s where we’re at today.", "\n\nSFOX: According to Whois.com, Bitcoin.com was actually registered on January 4th, 2008, which was ten months before the Bitcoin whitepaper was published and eight months before Bitcoin.org was registered. ", "Do you have an explanation of how that came to be?", "\n\nRoger Ver: I wish I did, but no, unfortunately, I don’t. ", "I know who I bought it from. ", "There’s an NDA there, so I can’t really go into too many details, but I’m sure the person I bought it from was not Satoshi. ", "That person is just a really, really astute investor and a good guy — and another really, really early Bitcoin adopter, of course.", "\n\nBut one interesting thing I do have relates to that: I also bought Blockchain.com. ", "I bought that domain name in, I don’t know, 2011, or 2012, or something like that — it’s been a long time now. ", "I have no idea whom I bought that domain name from, and it was one of the strangest transactions I’ve ever made, ever. ", "It was absolutely, totally bizarre. ", "I offered to pay for the entire thing in advance in bitcoin, and the seller insisted on still using an escrow, even though if I’m paying in advance, in bitcoin, they have no risk. ", "But anyhow, the whole thing was really, really, really bizarre. ", "And if anything, that one’s much more closely related to the mystery of Satoshi, because I don’t know who I even bought it from! ", "It was, I think, probably the strangest transaction of my entire life. ", "It took months for something that should have taken an afternoon. ", "It was really, really bizarre.", "\n\nSFOX: So we’ve uncovered a whole other area of mystery in the crypto ecosystem: the mystery of domain-name registration!", "\n\nRoger Ver: And “Blockchain.com” seems like a domain name that maybe Satoshi would have had as well, I don’t know.", "\n\nSFOX: One issue that has been on the top of people’s minds for the last year and a half — certainly since Bitcoin Cash came into existence — is this issue of hard forks that split one blockchain into two. ", "And it seems that such forks could be either a positive or a negative thing for communities, in the sense of (1) empowering people who maybe have a different view of how the blockchain ought to be to go off and enact that vision, but also (2) running the risk of fragmenting communities, which might be dangerous to the ecosystem — especially when it is still so young.", "\n\nGiven that you were pretty involved in the first Bitcoin Cash fork from BTC and, more recently, the split between BCH and BSV, do you think that hard forks are a net good thing or a net bad thing? ", "What lessons, if any, should we take from the ones that have happened in recent time?", "\n\nRoger Ver: I think they’re definitely a net good thing, but they can be bad things, too. ", "It just depends on the situation.", "\n\nI think not ever, ever being willing to hard fork, ever, is a disaster, as we’ve seen with BTC. ", "They claim that we can’t hard-fork because it’ll split the community, and we have to do this SegWit thing, and this and that. ", "They argued that they couldn’t split the community by having a hard fork, so they were only going to have soft forks, and look at what the result was: They shattered the Bitcoin community into two thousand and one different altcoins at this point because they refused to hard-fork. ", "So, yeah, in the most recent BCH hard fork, where it split into the BSV and BCH, the splitting of community was definitely an issue, right — but, as we saw with BTC, not hard-forking ever was an issue, too. ", "That’s what made all these altcoins start to get traction.", "\n\nSo I think it depends on the time or the place; you know, Zcash, and Monero, and a bunch of these other coins have had dozens of hard forks and no problem at all, and Bitcoin Cash also had a couple of hard forks previously that weren’t any problem whatsoever. ", "And I think there’ll be more hard forks on Bitcoin Cash that will end up not being a problem whatsoever. ", "It just kind of depends, just like a car: a car can be a wonderful tool for transportation and do all sorts of great things to bring you and products to places around the world, but a car can also be used to mow down a bunch of people on bridges in London, right? ", "That’s a giant problem, too. ", "So, hard forks can be good and bad, depending on the situation and how they’re used.", "\n\nSFOX: So, to push that a little further, it sounds like you’re saying that there are no hard-and-fast rules or guidelines for when it might be a good idea versus a bad idea to hard-fork: you have to take it purely based on the specific individual situation you face. ", "Is that your view?", "\n\nRoger Ver: I think the libertarian in me says that people should be free to fork off any time they want, and the nice part about that is that everybody gets the version of that cryptocurrency they want after the fork. ", "More choices generally are a better thing than fewer choices.", "\n\nSFOX: Digging more into the history of BCH specifically, is there any code change of any kind that stands out to you in the past that you really disagreed with, or that you argued against, which ultimately ended up making its way into the blockchain’s code?", "\n\nRoger Ver: No, I’ve never really argued much about code changes at all since I’m not a software developer, but I’ve made really, really, really strong arguments against changes to the economic code of it — mainly when it was the BTC version of Bitcoin, even one that happened a long time ago. ", "They added this thing called “replace-by-fee” that made it so that you couldn’t safely make certain transactions instantly on Bitcoin. ", "So Bitcoin transactions went from being instantly acceptable to no longer instantly acceptable in a safe way. ", "And so I made really, really strong arguments against that. ", "And then, of course, I made arguments against the block-size production quota that was imposed.", "\n\nThose weren’t software-engineering arguments: Those were economic arguments. ", "If something is working — and working really, really well — don’t change it. ", "And that’s exactly what happened to BTC: it was working incredibly well and getting adoption all over the world, and they took that economic code that was working incredibly well and they completely turned it upside-down. ", "And now we’ve seen BTC adoption is literally reversed: You have businesses that used to accept bitcoin stop accepting bitcoin. ", "That’s the first time that’s ever happened in the entire history of Bitcoin. ", "And we saw, also, from the time the blocks became full, the first time ever in the entire history of Bitcoin that the number of daily transactions and the amount of commerce happening on Bitcoin declined: that had never, ever, ever happened before, ever. ", "That was as a direct result of them changing the economic code that had made Bitcoin a success.", "\n\nIf you change the economic code of something that was working and working well, don’t be surprised when it stops working. ", "That’s exactly what happened on the BTC version of Bitcoin.", "\n\nSFOX: Roger, I want to talk for just a moment about Bitcoin Cash versus Litecoin. ", "While they’re certainly very different blockchains that take different approaches in many regards, they do aim at the same goal of frictionless, peer-to-peer cash. ", "And I think a lot of people, even if they weren’t familiar with the ins and outs of the coins beforehand, are thinking about them comparatively ever since the debate you had with Charlie Lee last October.", "\n\nBitcoin Cash and Litecoin had very different origin stories: Litecoin was essentially a clone of Bitcoin with a few minor tweaks, but it was not launched from the Bitcoin blockchain itself, whereas Bitcoin Cash was forked from the actual Bitcoin blockchain. ", "Do you think Bitcoin Cash and Litecoin’s different origin stories have influenced the ways that they’ve developed and the differences that we now see in their communities?", "\n\nRoger Ver: There’s definitely a huge difference in the communities there. ", "And your question is, do these different origins reflect the current communities? ", "Yeah, probably. ", "I think on the Bitcoin Cash chain, you have the Bitcoin adopters: the people who wanted peer-to-peer cash for the world. ", "And I’m not deep in the Litecoin community at all, but as an outsider looking in on it, I kind of don’t know what their goal is so much.", "\n\nBut credit to Charlie, the creator of Litecoin, for being a really, really effective marketer by saying, “Hey, we need to limit the Bitcoin block size, but if the blocks ever become full on Litecoin, we’ll just increase the block size on Litecoin.” ", "Basically, Charlie told the Bitcoin community that they should change their working economic formula and Litecoin should keep the same working economic formula that made Bitcoin successful to begin with. ", "And sure enough, here we are today: Litecoin’s, I don’t know, the top-10 crypto coin in the world, and BTC no longer has its winning economic formula. ", "From a marketing perspective for Charlie, or a strategy for getting Litecoin adoption, great job; on the other hand, for somebody who works so hard to make Bitcoin peer-to-peer cash for the world, to see it undermined in such a sneaky way — it’s incredibly frustrating for me.", "\n\nI think a lot of Bitcoin Cash people feel still that way towards Charlie and his, basically, advocating sabotage: you’re advocating suicide for the economic code of Bitcoin that was successful, while at the exact same time advocating that that exact same economic code be applied to Litecoin. ", "So he said that Litecoin should use Bitcoin’s original winning economic code and Bitcoin should change its winning economic code to something that hadn’t been tried before; people like me were saying it was going to be a disaster, and it turned out to be a disaster. ", "It was pretty frustrating to watch all that happen.", "\n\nSFOX: Do you worry at all that the very kind of freedom and and decentralized aspects of blockchain technology that are so appealing to so many people also lead to, potentially, a lack of accountability for the de facto leaders of the community when they say things or do certain things that — for example, as you feel towards Charlie Lee in that instance — were, arguably, morally underhanded?", "\n\nRoger Ver: I don’t know, the internet seems to be a pretty good tool for holding people accountable for different things! ", "Mobs can appear pretty quickly on the Internet to hold people accountable — but then there are other things, like… I mean hopefully it’s online somewhere, because Charlie, on this cruise last year some time, gave, I don’t know, a half-an-hour presentation onstage. ", "I don’t know if it’s been put online, but it needs to be because he literally spent half an hour advocating Karl Marx’s labor theory of value, which, for anybody who studied any economics at all, you realize is just absolutely laughable. ", "Basically, the same argument would be that if you spend an hour making mud pies and spent an hour making apple pies, the apple pies and mud pies are worth the same because an hour worth of labor went into the both.", "\n\nCharlie spent half an hour onstage making that argument in regard to Bitcoin: that Bitcoin’s valuable because it takes a bunch of labor to make them, and it just shows Charlie has absolutely no understanding of the economic reasons that Bitcoin became successful to begin with. ", "I felt embarrassed for him to be up there onstage, droning on and on about something that he had absolutely no understanding of. ", "It’s okay not to have an understanding of something, but you shouldn’t be giving speeches about something you have no clue about: You should go and spend some time reading some books so that you can educate yourself about it. ", "So the fact that Charlie, in the year 2018 at that point, was busy still advocating for Karl Marx’s labor theory of value shows that, you know, the economic code of Bitcoin isn’t where Charlie’s understanding lies. ", "So we shouldn’t be taking advice from him on that front, yet that’s exactly what he’s been advocating on the Bitcoin chain. ", "I think I’ve probably veered off track from whatever your original question was there, but that’s where my thought process led me.", "\n\nSFOX: As you look ahead to what’s left of this new year — since, unbelievably, it’s already February — what do you see as the greatest challenges for crypto generally, but also, specifically, Bitcoin Cash? ", "And then, on the other side of it, what are you most excited about in the coming year?", "\n\nRoger Ver: What am I most excited about? ", "I think I’m more excited about adoption coming to people to be able to use cryptocurrencies in commerce without having to get permission from anybody. ", "To me, that’s a really, really exciting tool to bring more economic freedom to the world. ", "More economic freedom means more economic growth, and more economic growth means, you know, the faster we’ll have spaceships going to Mars and doing all sorts of who-knows-what amazing stuff. ", "And so that’s exciting for me.", "\n\nAnd, man, the years tick by fast — as you said, it’s already February of 2019. ", "Eight years of my life are gone that I’ve spent devoted to promoting cryptocurrencies. ", "I had zero grey hairs when I started doing cryptocurrency; now. ", "my hair’s short, but I definitely have a few gray hairs coming in on the sides here. ", "So, what’s next? ", "I hope more adoption for the world and more economic freedom for the world. ", "And that’s what I’ll keep working towards.", "\n\nSFOX: And what about the challenges: What do you think the biggest challenges will face are in 2019 for Bitcoin?", "\n\nRoger Ver: I think the biggest challenges are getting the politicians and regulators to get the heck out of the way of the entrepreneurs who are going to make the world a better place. ", "So the biggest challenges are dealing with politicians, sadly, but I hope to build the tools to make it so that the politicians no longer have control over people, and people will have control over their own lives." ]
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[ "Gruta Canabrava\n\nGruta Canabrava (BA-0261) is a limestone cave measuring long, located near the municipality of Santana, in the State of Bahia, Brazil.", "\n\nSee also\nList of caves in Brazil\n\nReferences\n\nExternal links\n Base de Dados do Ministerio do Meio Hambiente Governo Federal - ICMBIO Official Website\n\nCategory:Caves of Bahia\nCategory:Wild caves" ]
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[ "Intensification of high cell-density cultivations of rE. coli for production of S. pneumoniae antigenic surface protein, PspA3, using model-based adaptive control.", "\nThis work proposes an innovative methodology to control high density fed-batch cultures of E. coli, based on measurements of the concentration of dissolved oxygen and on estimations of the cellular specific growth rate (µ), of the yield of biomass/limiting substrate (Y (xs)) and of the maintenance coefficient (m). ", "The underlying idea is to allow cells to grow according to their metabolic capacity, without the constraints inherent to pre-set growth rates. ", "Cellular concentration was assessed on-line through a capacitance probe. ", "Three configurations of the control system were compared: (1) pre-set value for the three control parameters; (2) continuously updating µ; (3) updating µ, Y (xs) and m. Implementation of an efficient noise filter for the signal of the capacitance probe was essential for a good performance of the control system. ", "The third control strategy, within the framework of an adaptive model-based control, led to the best results, with biomass productivity reaching 9.2 g(DCW)/L/h." ]
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[ "Q:\n\nSaving a Firestore object throws InvocationTargetException error\n\nIt's taken me around an hour to debug this issue so I was wondering whether someone would be able to explain what's going on here. ", "\nI'm trying to save a Firestore custom object on Android (in Kotlin). ", "Here's a simplified version - \nclass MockTransaction {\n\n val endpoint: String = \"mockTransactions\"\n\n var fromAddress: String = \"\"\n var toAddress: String = \"\"\n var amount: Double = 0.0\n\n constructor() {}\n\n constructor(from: String, to: String, amount: Double) {\n this.fromAddress = from\n this.toAddress = to\n this.amount = amount\n }\n\n fun isValid(): Boolean {\n return true\n }\n\n fun save() {\n val db = FirebaseFirestore.getInstance()\n db.collection(endpoint).add(this).addOnCompleteListener {\n Log.d(\"TX\", it.isSuccessful.toString() )\n Log.d(\"TX\", it.exception.toString())\n }\n }\n\n}\n\nval tx = MockTransaction(\"Alice\", \"Bob\", 100.0)\ntx.save()\n\nNow if I change the isValid function to throw an exception like so \nfun isValid(): Boolean {\n throw TransactionException(\"No signature found\")\n}\n\nThe save method with throw an error \n\njava.lang.reflect.", "InvocationTargetException\n\nIf I change the function name to simply fun valid() then the save works. ", "\nI'm just curious as to why the name of the function matters? ", "I've also tried changing it to something like fun isARadioactiveSpider() and you get the same error.", "\n\nA:\n\nA firebase class CustomClassMapper has a method:\nprivate static boolean shouldIncludeGetter(Method method) {\n if (!", "method.getName().startsWith(\"get\") && !", "method.getName().startsWith(\"is\")) {\n return false;\n } else if (method.getDeclaringClass().equals(Object.class)) {\n return false;\n } else if (!", "Modifier.isPublic(method.getModifiers())) {\n return false;\n } else if (Modifier.isStatic(method.getModifiers())) {\n return false;\n } else if (method.getReturnType().equals(Void.", "TYPE)) {\n return false;\n } else if (method.getParameterTypes().length !", "= 0) {\n return false;\n } else {\n return !", "method.isAnnotationPresent(Exclude.class);\n }\n}\n\nSo reflection is used to serialize methods that look like getters. ", "Later these methods will be invoked using reflection. ", "And this invocation throws some exception, which is hidden in InvocationTargetException\nSo, to avoid the InvocationTargetException, just check that methods don't throw exceptions, because they are invoked during the serialization\n\n" ]
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[ "Pages\n\nWednesday, August 1, 2018\n\nI have walked 500 miles ......and I will walk 2150 more! ", "That first part sounds like something to celebrate until you read the second part but I am still celebrating! ", "I've walked through the incredibly beautiful state of Washington! ", "The state with the most elevation changes and the steepest sections I've walked over snowfislds and gripped my trekking poles tightly as I've maneuvered carefully across steep, snowy slopes. ", "I've held my breath as I've trusted narrow sections of loose rocks not to give away along miles of a catwalk trail and watched as a giant rock fell from above wiping out the trail ten feet in front of me before continuing down the mountainside.. I've hiked through snow, hail, rain and scorching sun and come out at the other side stronger, leaner and more agile than I was twenty years ago. ", "Yes, I'm celebrating!", "\n\nWashington has absolutely blown me away with its beauty starting right from day one in the northern cascades. ", "It was so beautiful that sometimes I would listen to the music I brought to distract me on the hard ups not because I was actually on a hard up but because I was stopping every few seconds to take another picture or cry because I couldn't believe the view or start laughing because I couldn't believe my good fortune at being here and seeing this. ", "I know it's hard to believe but taking in too much beauty is so overwhelming! ", "The Goat Rock Wilderness was another gorgeous section where it was hard not to get distracted by beauty in every single direction I would look.", "\n\nAnd it's not just the trail that makes Washington so awesome but the people I have met here. ", "Every little town has it's own character and the sense of community here is something that has been missing for decades where I am from. ", "The kindness from total strangers still astounds me from the initial offer of help to pick me up at the ferry hours away and help me with my mail drops and get me to the trail to the man who just walked up to us as we were hanging out at Cascadia Inn and offered us a ride to the trail to the woman who overheard a part of a conversation and brought Moonshine to her home to shower and do laundry and then back to the trailhead. ", "Washington is full of people who help the minute they see a need. ", "Thank you Washington!", "\n\nAnd I found a hiking partner in Washington! ", "Rogue is great fun and I am so happy to be hiking with him! ", "He always has me laughing at something, is very considerate and apologises even more than most Canadians (I will cure him of this and by the end of the trail we will both be badass and not sorry). ", "And besides with trailnames like Trouble and Rogue we sound like we were destined to hike together. ", "Because I am going southbound I didn't expect to see very many hikers and certainly didn't expect to meet anyone who had a similar pace as me or hiked the same number of miles each day. ", "I have been amazed at the number of southbound hikers this year and have actually only camped on my own on three occasions. ", "Thanks for everything Washington you have given me so much more than I expected!", "\n\nSaturday, July 14, 2018\n\nExpectations.... They can ruin a hike when things don't quite turn out like you think. ", "I was so excited to start this hike. ", "And right from the start I had trail angels offering me help, how awesome is that! ", "The day I started the trail was beautiful, more beautiful than I could have imagined. ", "Blowing all of my expectations away. ", "And the ups! ", "The ups weren't that bad! ", "Easier than I thought really! ", "Again making my expectations seem irrelevant. ", "Then the weather changed and I started into a snowy section. ", "Still everything was so stunningly gorgeous that it was hard for a little bit of snow or rain or hail to change my mind. ", "I was loving It! ", "And the trail was easier than I had imagined.", "\n\nI made it back to Harts Pass where the ranger was keeping my food cashe safe. ", "And then I made it to my next resupply and was so proud of myself for managing to get in and out of a town on the same day. ", "All the while the trail was blowing my mind with how amazing it was. ", "Sure there were snow sections but I knew that going in. ", "Yes, it was hard but did I ever expect it would be easy?", "\n\nThen the snow sections turned into miles and miles of snow in the most treacherous areas. ", "There was a day where I had planned to get to a certain campsite but when I arrived it was covered in feet of snow and so I kept walking. ", "The next campsite was even worse and I knew I couldn't handle a night hike on a snowy mountain. ", "I searched for the safest place to set up camp and woke up to rain on slushy snow making that next day even harder than the last. ", "I got lost that day...a few times. ", "I fell that day... a few times. ", "I actually slid down part of a mountainside and was saved by trees. ", "None of these things were expected. ", "None of these things were welcome. ", "I knew I needed to keep moving to keep warm but I also knew I needed to eat something. ", "I sat completely soaked and dirty with my tarp wrapped around me forcing tasteless food down my throat while I tried to regroup. ", "What did I expect? ", "And does it matter? ", "I am here. ", "Right now. ", "Dealing with these conditions. ", "I wanted to be out here doing this so I had better think like I am doing this. ", "I know whati need to be doing.", "\n\nNow that I have had some.food and given myself a little pep talk it's time to keep moving. ", "Get back on trail and get off this mountain. ", "I need to get as low as possible, beyond the snow. ", "Just for a night, I tell myself. ", "The walk down is cold but the longer I walk the warmer I start to feel until I realize that I'm not cold anymore.", "\n\nAt the bottom, I still have energy and it's still raining so there is no use in stopping so soon. ", "I make promises to myself that I will stop going up and set up camp before the next snowy section. ", "I end up walking for miles in a gorgeous forest that had giant redwoods in it. ", "It soothes me and I find myself happy to be here again. ", "I set up in such a good sheltered spot that several hikers walked right by not noticing I was even there.", "\n\nThe next day I walk up into the miles of snow again but it is sunny. ", "The hikers I meet today all tell me of their misadventures from yesterday. ", "I feel better. ", "I was not alone yesterday. ", "I am never really alone. ", "We get lost again in the snow, this time together and in the sun and it is funny. ", "We laugh at our mistakes and each pull out our phones to search for the real trail. ", "We laugh at the problems from yesterday, each of us reliving yesterday's awful experiences yet today for some reason they seem funny.", "\n\nI don't know what this trail is going to throw at me. ", "The expectations I have or even the problems I expect to face might never happen. ", "I will take what I am given and try to adapt.", "\n\nSo far just in this first two hundred miles the trail has surpassed all expectation of beauty and ruggedness. ", "So far I have met more southbound hikers than I imagined and I realize that I don't have to hike alone if I don't want too. ", "There are many out here doing the same thing and going through the same struggles. ", "What will come next? ", "Who knows? ", "This time I am trying to get rid of all expectations and take what comes.\n\nThursday, June 21, 2018\n\nIn a few short weeks I will be living on a trail again and yet I am still undecided on some of my gear choices. ", "Right now, I know I have too much in my pack. ", "When I started hiking the Appalachian Trail I also had too much in my pack. ", "It took months of living on the trail and realising just how little I actually needed to survive before I felt comfortable enough to ditch the extra weight. ", "Even then the ditching process took almost the entire trail. ", "I was still stripping away my possessions in New Hampshire.", "\n\nI'd like to think that I continued that process as I returned from the trail to downsize to a bus but the truth is that I have picked up some of my old habits. ", "As I go through my gear options I can't help but think but what if I really need this. ", "What if this item is what I need to keep warm one night? ", "Will that one night of warmth justify carrying this? ", "And my miniscule repair kit, do I really need It? ", "It's so hard to think back to what I had left in my pack in Maine and be ok with just starting out with those items.", "\n\nI have a small bag of safety items that I am pretty sure is just extra weight but I can't seem to part with. ", "This is a different trail after all, and I don't really know what I'm going to need yet. ", "I may be starting out with it and if I find.i don't need it I will mail it ahead. ", "I may need it in the High Sierras.", "\n\nThe rest of the extra weight comes in the form of things that keep me comfortable and electronics. ", "I know it is extra but these things enhance my hike. ", "Knowing I have a warm albeit heavier top quilt makes me feel safer. ", "Having a larger tarp that can be used for wind, rain and sun protection makes me.feel like i can manage in any weather condition. ", "I'm even carrying a piece of a wash cloth this time as it does a better job than a bandana at getting rid of the crime and dirt at night. ", "I know I don't need it but I like the feel of clean feet when I sleep..\n\nAnd the technological stuff? ", "Prior to hiking I was never a creative person and could never keep a journal but on trail I love writing down my thoughts. ", "Having a cell phone and a way to charge it allows me to take pictures, capture memories and write down my stories. ", "I kind of use my phone as a multi purpose tool as I load it up with maps, altimeter, peak scanners and fun stuff like plant identifiers and star gazing apps. ", "If I'm carrying the weight already I might as well make use of it.", "\n\nSo this is why my pack is heavy. ", "I can't part with any of it right now. ", "I can guarantee it will get lighter as I hike down the trail but until I learn what I can part with, it's all coming!", "\n\nSunday, June 17, 2018\n\nToday brought more memories of hiking the Appalachian Trail. ", "This time it was the time Melkie decided to chase a moose and I thought the moose had turned around and was charging right at me. ", "And the time he decided to chase the bull. ", "And the many deer he sent on their way long before I had the chance to take a picture. ", "Can you tell where I'm going with this story? ", "Take those experiences and magnify the adrenaline by at least ten!", "\n\nWe were walking the dogs just outside of Duncan along an abandoned rail trail. ", "And yes we knew there were bears in the area we had seen bears and a cougar here on previous occasions and today we saw proof in the form of fresh bear scat. ", "We had gone as far as we wanted to go for the day and had just turned to head back when I spotted something black ahead of me. ", "It took me a minute to realize that it wasn't Cooper and it was a lot bigger than Cooper. ", "Of course by that time Melkie was already onto him. ", "Racing down the tracks towards the sleepy bear not listening our pleas to come back. ", "Within seconds the bear started to run which only made Melkie race faster. ", "The bear headed to the woods and although I was upset, i was pretty sure my dog would come back unharmed. ", "Until a moment later when a second even larger bear stepped out on the tracks in between us and where Melkie disappeared. ", "Oh! ", "Shit! ", "We were hanging on to Cooper who was barking loudly and I thought for sure this new big bear would attack Melkie if he reappeared especially being stuck in between two dogs. ", "Michael decided foolishly to go towards the bear which only made Cooper freak out more and within seconds he had wriggled free of his loose collar. ", "Fortunately Michael was able grab him and about this time Melkie reappeared and somehow got by the big bear without harm. ", "As Melkie was running back towards us the big bear decided to come our way. ", "The bear wasn't up on its hind legs and wasn't giving the tell tale warning sounds but was definitely giving us the message to get out of there and get out of there fast. ", "We were careful not to run but continued to move away from the area until the bear turned around and headed back. ", "Unfortunately we also had to turn around and go back that same way as that was the way back to the bus. ", "This time the dogs were on leashes.", "\n\nThis whole chasing wild animals thing just makes me feel a little better about leaving Melkie behind and I'm adding it as one more reason not to bring him on this next advent8ure.", "\n\nWednesday, June 13, 2018\n\nI flew back to Ontario for three weeks to visit family and friends and congratulate my daughter on graduating as an RN. ", "The days flew by and it feels like I was only there for a few minutes. ", "I did manage to keep up my training miles by walking all over Ottawa and there were several days that ended up being over 34km (20 miles). ", "The only problem is that Ottawa is flat so imagine my surprise when I got back to be out of breath on a short 15km hike up a mountain. ", "I'm sure I will be ready by the time.i do finally get to start the trail though. ", "Michael has been hiking with me daily and we have hiked most of the local mountains along with a huge portion of the Trans Canada Trail (they are calling it The Great Trail now) in this area.", "\n\nIn the meantime, the work Michael had been promised for the season hasn't panned out and we aren't quite sure what to do. ", "Originally when I first made plans to hike the PCT we had planned for Michael to follow along with the bus and be my support. ", "We got sidetracked with the promise of a high paying job and quickly changed our plans. ", "Now I'm wishing we had stuck to our original plan as there is no high paying job and we just don't have enough saved up for him to follow along and support me. ", "I'm not panicking or anything. ", "I know that things have a way of working themselves out but I am all of a sudden trying to come up with ways to shave the expenses on this hike. ", "And I don't like the idea of Michael having to cross the country on his own to get back to Ontario. ", "Funny eh! ", "I will be out in the wilderness with bears and mountain lions yet am more concerned about Michael driving over the mountains and across the prairies on his own.", "\n\nAwhile back a trail angel offered to help me get to Harts Pass. ", "Harts Pass is the closest pass to the border (on the American side) that is accessible by road. ", "At the time I thought Michael would be taking me with the bus but the more we thought about it the more nervous we were about crossing the border with a bus that looks like a hippie bus. ", "I recently sent this trail angel a message asking for some transportation advise and he offered.to meet me at the ferry at Anacortes, make the necessary stops I need to make and take me to the trail! ", "How awesome is that! ", "We don't have to worry about our bus being torn apart at the border. ", "We won't have to pay the extra ferry fees for the bus both ways! ", "And I won't have to figure out transportation or where to stop on roads that I'm not familiar with!", "\n\nFriday, May 4, 2018\n\nIt finally stopped raining and spring in BC is absolutely gorgeous! ", "I didn’t realize how much I was just getting used to the beautiful scenery around me and not really appreciating the beauty until I spent a few weeks near Victoria in another gorgeous spot. ", "While Michael worked on a privately owned island just off the coast I had full use of an oceanfront home right next to a big park full of hiking trails! ", "This is another one of those way too good to be true experiences we have had since giving up stable jobs and taking the chance to do what we love. ", "I mean who would have thought this could happen! ", "The anonymous multimillionaire (we don’t even know who owns it as it was the caretakers for the properties that gave us the keys and they were very tight lipped) allowed us to stay without ever even meeting us! ", "Wow!", "\n\nSo I mentioned the nice place but that isn’t the good part, the good part was the trails! ", "I enjoyed every minute of it and saw deer, bunnies and eagles every single day! ", "We saw lots of seals and a sea otter hobbled away from me as I tried to take a picture. ", "I easily logged 20km or more of training hikes daily! ", "It felt so good to be on real trails every single day! ", "While in Maple Bay I often just hike on old logging roads or a quiet lane that follows the coast (also beautiful) but it’s not the same as a real trail. ", "I was a little sad to leave such an amazing spot when the job was finished but was amazed at the changes as we drove back towards Maple Bay. ", "The flowers are all out, the leaves on the trees have grown in. ", "And the contrast in the colour of leaves here is stunning! ", "The Japanese Maple leaves are a deep red/burnt orange colour (a colour you would imagine belongs in autumn yet the leaves are so vibrant and alive) and contrast so nicely with the many shades of green and the pinks from the rhododendron, and the arbutus and the whites, pinks and purples from the peonies. ", "There are beautiful giant red flowers here that I have never seen before in my life and have no idea what they are. ", "I will find out though. ", "So it turns out that they are also rhododendrons, I have just never seen red ones before.", "\n\nSince I have been back it has been harder for me to get my hiking miles in but am getting into a good routine of taking turns walking the dogs through the nicest of places along the Bay. ", "Of course just as I get back into a routine, I will leave again. ", "This time on my own for a trip back to Ontario to visit the kids. ", "Micheal went back to visit at Christmas and now it’s my turn! ", "When I return from Ontario I will only be back for a month before I leave again for the PCT. ", "With that in mind I am clearing out my few belongings and packing them away to give Michael a little more room while I’m gone.", "\n\nI can’t believe how few personal items I have now. ", "My hiking gear is a large percentage of it but I am also eliminating the food I know he won’t eat while I am away as well and even the food items take up more space than my clothing items. ", "I hadn’t realized how much I have continued to downsize since living on the bus. ", "I guess that’s a good thing. ", "It makes me\n\nSaturday, March 24, 2018\n\nI thought it might be a good idea to give you an update to my tick incident from a few weeks ago. ", "The doxycycline is kicking my ass! ", "I feel nauseous or sick every morning and have way less energy than normal. ", "I actually wondered if I got Lyme disease. ", "Nope, it turns out it’s all a side effect of the medication.", "\n\nAlthough the bruises healed, the scab from where I gouged out the tick looked a bit infected and it made me wonder if I had got all of the tick out. ", "I ended up pulling the scab off (delaying the healing) and making sure there were no tick bits left. ", "The good news was there was no infection hiding underneath but the new scab rubs against my clothes irritating the area and will take even longer to heal. ", "I’m not worried about getting Lyme though so I guess that’s good and am looking forward to the end of the pills.", "\n\nThis whole scenario is a good reminder to always check for ticks, to always treat the clothes you wear out in tick country with permethrin and to visit your doctor before you leave for a long hike and get and fill prescriptions for things like staph infections, Lyme and other tick borne illnesses and also medication for giardia. ", "In my case I’m also adding an epipen and inhaler to my pack because of a few unknown allergies. ", "I found this video the other day and thought you might like it." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
[ 0.01098901098901099, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.01, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.017857142857142856, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.007246376811594203, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.015384615384615385, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.012345679012345678, 0, 0, 0.011111111111111112, 0.019230769230769232, 0, 0.013333333333333334, 0, 0.00819672131147541, 0, 0, 0.011494252873563218, 0.013513513513513514, 0.01639344262295082, 0.013157894736842105, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.0055248618784530384, 0.006756756756756757, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.010471204188481676, 0.008064516129032258, 0.015873015873015872, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.01, 0, 0.00625, 0, 0, 0.0053475935828877, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.01098901098901099, 0, 0.006535947712418301, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.010752688172043012, 0.007936507936507936, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.023255813953488372, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.003003003003003003, 0, 0 ]
[ "//-*- coding: utf-8 -*-\n// Scintilla source code edit control\n/** @file LexSQL.cxx\n ** Lexer for SQL, including PL/SQL and SQL*Plus.", "\n ** Improved by Jérôme LAFORGE <jerome.laforge_AT_gmail_DOT_com> from 2010 to 2012.", "\n **/\n// Copyright 1998-2012 by Neil Hodgson <neilh@scintilla.org>\n// The License.txt file describes the conditions under which this software may be distributed.", "\n\n#include <stdlib.h>\n#include <string.h>\n#include <stdio.h>\n#include <stdarg.h>\n#include <assert.h>\n#include <ctype.h>\n\n#include <string>\n#include <vector>\n#include <map>\n#include <algorithm>\n\n#include \"ILexer.h\"\n#include \"Scintilla.h\"\n#include \"SciLexer.h\"\n\n#include \"WordList.h\"\n#include \"LexAccessor.h\"\n#include \"Accessor.h\"\n#include \"StyleContext.h\"\n#include \"CharacterSet.h\"\n#include \"LexerModule.h\"\n#include \"OptionSet.h\"\n#include \"SparseState.h\"\n#include \"DefaultLexer.h\"\n\nusing namespace Scintilla;\n\nstatic inline bool IsAWordChar(int ch, bool sqlAllowDottedWord) {\n\tif (!", "sqlAllowDottedWord)\n\t\treturn (ch < 0x80) && (isalnum(ch) || ch == '_');\n\telse\n\t\treturn (ch < 0x80) && (isalnum(ch) || ch == '_' || ch == '.');", "\n}\n\nstatic inline bool IsAWordStart(int ch) {\n\treturn (ch < 0x80) && (isalpha(ch) || ch == '_');\n}\n\nstatic inline bool IsADoxygenChar(int ch) {\n\treturn (islower(ch) || ch == '$' || ch == '@' ||\n\t ch == '\\\\' || ch == '&' || ch == '<' ||\n\t ch == '>' || ch == '#' || ch == '{' ||\n\t ch == '}' || ch == '[' || ch == ']');\n}\n\nstatic inline bool IsANumberChar(int ch, int chPrev) {\n\t// Not exactly following number definition (several dots are seen as OK, etc.)", "\n\t// but probably enough in most cases.", "\n\treturn (ch < 0x80) &&\n\t (isdigit(ch) || toupper(ch) == 'E' ||\n\t ch == '.' ", "|| ((ch == '-' || ch == '+') && chPrev < 0x80 && toupper(chPrev) == 'E'));\n}\n\ntypedef unsigned int sql_state_t;\n\nclass SQLStates {\npublic :\n\tvoid Set(Sci_Position lineNumber, unsigned short int sqlStatesLine) {\n\t\tsqlStatement.", "Set(lineNumber, sqlStatesLine);\n\t}\n\n\tsql_state_t IgnoreWhen (sql_state_t sqlStatesLine, bool enable) {\n\t\tif (enable)\n\t\t\tsqlStatesLine |= MASK_IGNORE_WHEN;\n\t\telse\n\t\t\tsqlStatesLine &= ~MASK_IGNORE_WHEN;\n\n\t\treturn sqlStatesLine;\n\t}\n\n\tsql_state_t IntoCondition (sql_state_t sqlStatesLine, bool enable) {\n\t\tif (enable)\n\t\t\tsqlStatesLine |= MASK_INTO_CONDITION;\n\t\telse\n\t\t\tsqlStatesLine &= ~MASK_INTO_CONDITION;\n\n\t\treturn sqlStatesLine;\n\t}\n\n\tsql_state_t IntoExceptionBlock (sql_state_t sqlStatesLine, bool enable) {\n\t\tif (enable)\n\t\t\tsqlStatesLine |= MASK_INTO_EXCEPTION;\n\t\telse\n\t\t\tsqlStatesLine &= ~MASK_INTO_EXCEPTION;\n\n\t\treturn sqlStatesLine;\n\t}\n\n\tsql_state_t IntoDeclareBlock (sql_state_t sqlStatesLine, bool enable) {\n\t\tif (enable)\n\t\t\tsqlStatesLine |= MASK_INTO_DECLARE;\n\t\telse\n\t\t\tsqlStatesLine &= ~MASK_INTO_DECLARE;\n\n\t\treturn sqlStatesLine;\n\t}\n\n\tsql_state_t IntoMergeStatement (sql_state_t sqlStatesLine, bool enable) {\n\t\tif (enable)\n\t\t\tsqlStatesLine |= MASK_MERGE_STATEMENT;\n\t\telse\n\t\t\tsqlStatesLine &= ~MASK_MERGE_STATEMENT;\n\n\t\treturn sqlStatesLine;\n\t}\n\n\tsql_state_t CaseMergeWithoutWhenFound (sql_state_t sqlStatesLine, bool found) {\n\t\tif (found)\n\t\t\tsqlStatesLine |= MASK_CASE_MERGE_WITHOUT_WHEN_FOUND;\n\t\telse\n\t\t\tsqlStatesLine &= ~MASK_CASE_MERGE_WITHOUT_WHEN_FOUND;\n\n\t\treturn sqlStatesLine;\n\t}\n\tsql_state_t IntoSelectStatementOrAssignment (sql_state_t sqlStatesLine, bool found) {\n\t\tif (found)\n\t\t\tsqlStatesLine |= MASK_INTO_SELECT_STATEMENT_OR_ASSIGNEMENT;\n\t\telse\n\t\t\tsqlStatesLine &= ~MASK_INTO_SELECT_STATEMENT_OR_ASSIGNEMENT;\n\t\treturn sqlStatesLine;\n\t}\n\n\tsql_state_t BeginCaseBlock (sql_state_t sqlStatesLine) {\n\t\tif ((sqlStatesLine & MASK_NESTED_CASES) < MASK_NESTED_CASES) {\n\t\t\tsqlStatesLine++;\n\t\t}\n\t\treturn sqlStatesLine;\n\t}\n\n\tsql_state_t EndCaseBlock (sql_state_t sqlStatesLine) {\n\t\tif ((sqlStatesLine & MASK_NESTED_CASES) > 0) {\n\t\t\tsqlStatesLine--;\n\t\t}\n\t\treturn sqlStatesLine;\n\t}\n\n\tsql_state_t IntoCreateStatement (sql_state_t sqlStatesLine, bool enable) {\n\t\tif (enable)\n\t\t\tsqlStatesLine |= MASK_INTO_CREATE;\n\t\telse\n\t\t\tsqlStatesLine &= ~MASK_INTO_CREATE;\n\n\t\treturn sqlStatesLine;\n\t}\n\n\tsql_state_t IntoCreateViewStatement (sql_state_t sqlStatesLine, bool enable) {\n\t\tif (enable)\n\t\t\tsqlStatesLine |= MASK_INTO_CREATE_VIEW;\n\t\telse\n\t\t\tsqlStatesLine &= ~MASK_INTO_CREATE_VIEW;\n\n\t\treturn sqlStatesLine;\n\t}\n\n\tsql_state_t IntoCreateViewAsStatement (sql_state_t sqlStatesLine, bool enable) {\n\t\tif (enable)\n\t\t\tsqlStatesLine |= MASK_INTO_CREATE_VIEW_AS_STATEMENT;\n\t\telse\n\t\t\tsqlStatesLine &= ~MASK_INTO_CREATE_VIEW_AS_STATEMENT;\n\n\t\treturn sqlStatesLine;\n\t}\n\n\tbool IsIgnoreWhen (sql_state_t sqlStatesLine) {\n\t\treturn (sqlStatesLine & MASK_IGNORE_WHEN) !", "= 0;\n\t}\n\n\tbool IsIntoCondition (sql_state_t sqlStatesLine) {\n\t\treturn (sqlStatesLine & MASK_INTO_CONDITION) !", "= 0;\n\t}\n\n\tbool IsIntoCaseBlock (sql_state_t sqlStatesLine) {\n\t\treturn (sqlStatesLine & MASK_NESTED_CASES) !", "= 0;\n\t}\n\n\tbool IsIntoExceptionBlock (sql_state_t sqlStatesLine) {\n\t\treturn (sqlStatesLine & MASK_INTO_EXCEPTION) !", "= 0;\n\t}\n\tbool IsIntoSelectStatementOrAssignment (sql_state_t sqlStatesLine) {\n\t\treturn (sqlStatesLine & MASK_INTO_SELECT_STATEMENT_OR_ASSIGNEMENT) !", "= 0;\n\t}\n\tbool IsCaseMergeWithoutWhenFound (sql_state_t sqlStatesLine) {\n\t\treturn (sqlStatesLine & MASK_CASE_MERGE_WITHOUT_WHEN_FOUND) !", "= 0;\n\t}\n\n\tbool IsIntoDeclareBlock (sql_state_t sqlStatesLine) {\n\t\treturn (sqlStatesLine & MASK_INTO_DECLARE) !", "= 0;\n\t}\n\n\tbool IsIntoMergeStatement (sql_state_t sqlStatesLine) {\n\t\treturn (sqlStatesLine & MASK_MERGE_STATEMENT) !", "= 0;\n\t}\n\n\tbool IsIntoCreateStatement (sql_state_t sqlStatesLine) {\n\t\treturn (sqlStatesLine & MASK_INTO_CREATE) !", "= 0;\n\t}\n\n\tbool IsIntoCreateViewStatement (sql_state_t sqlStatesLine) {\n\t\treturn (sqlStatesLine & MASK_INTO_CREATE_VIEW) !", "= 0;\n\t}\n\n\tbool IsIntoCreateViewAsStatement (sql_state_t sqlStatesLine) {\n\t\treturn (sqlStatesLine & MASK_INTO_CREATE_VIEW_AS_STATEMENT) !", "= 0;\n\t}\n\n\tsql_state_t ForLine(Sci_Position lineNumber) {\n\t\treturn sqlStatement.", "ValueAt(lineNumber);\n\t}\n\n\tSQLStates() {}\n\nprivate :\n\tSparseState <sql_state_t> sqlStatement;\n\tenum {\n\t\tMASK_NESTED_CASES = 0x0001FF,\n\t\tMASK_INTO_SELECT_STATEMENT_OR_ASSIGNEMENT = 0x000200,\n\t\tMASK_CASE_MERGE_WITHOUT_WHEN_FOUND = 0x000400,\n\t\tMASK_MERGE_STATEMENT = 0x000800,\n\t\tMASK_INTO_DECLARE = 0x001000,\n\t\tMASK_INTO_EXCEPTION = 0x002000,\n\t\tMASK_INTO_CONDITION = 0x004000,\n\t\tMASK_IGNORE_WHEN = 0x008000,\n\t\tMASK_INTO_CREATE = 0x010000,\n\t\tMASK_INTO_CREATE_VIEW = 0x020000,\n\t\tMASK_INTO_CREATE_VIEW_AS_STATEMENT = 0x040000\n\t};\n};\n\n// Options used for LexerSQL\nstruct OptionsSQL {\n\tbool fold;\n\tbool foldAtElse;\n\tbool foldComment;\n\tbool foldCompact;\n\tbool foldOnlyBegin;\n\tbool sqlBackticksIdentifier;\n\tbool sqlNumbersignComment;\n\tbool sqlBackslashEscapes;\n\tbool sqlAllowDottedWord;\n\tOptionsSQL() {\n\t\tfold = false;\n\t\tfoldAtElse = false;\n\t\tfoldComment = false;\n\t\tfoldCompact = false;\n\t\tfoldOnlyBegin = false;\n\t\tsqlBackticksIdentifier = false;\n\t\tsqlNumbersignComment = false;\n\t\tsqlBackslashEscapes = false;\n\t\tsqlAllowDottedWord = false;\n\t}\n};\n\nstatic const char * const sqlWordListDesc[] = {\n\t\"Keywords\",\n\t\"Database Objects\",\n\t\"PLDoc\",\n\t\"SQL*Plus\",\n\t\"User Keywords 1\",\n\t\"User Keywords 2\",\n\t\"User Keywords 3\",\n\t\"User Keywords 4\",\n\t0\n};\n\nstruct OptionSetSQL : public OptionSet<OptionsSQL> {\n\tOptionSetSQL() {\n\t\tDefineProperty(\"fold\", &OptionsSQL::fold);\n\n\t\tDefineProperty(\"fold.sql.at.else\", &OptionsSQL::foldAtElse,\n\t\t \"This option enables SQL folding on a \\\"ELSE\\\" and \\\"ELSIF\\\" line of an IF statement.\");", "\n\n\t\tDefineProperty(\"fold.comment\", &OptionsSQL::foldComment);\n\n\t\tDefineProperty(\"fold.compact\", &OptionsSQL::foldCompact);\n\n\t\tDefineProperty(\"fold.sql.only.begin\", &OptionsSQL::foldOnlyBegin);\n\n\t\tDefineProperty(\"lexer.sql.backticks.identifier\", &OptionsSQL::sqlBackticksIdentifier);\n\n\t\tDefineProperty(\"lexer.sql.numbersign.comment\", &OptionsSQL::sqlNumbersignComment,\n\t\t \"If \\\"lexer.sql.numbersign.comment\\\" property is set to 0 a line beginning with '#' will not be a comment.\");", "\n\n\t\tDefineProperty(\"sql.backslash.escapes\", &OptionsSQL::sqlBackslashEscapes,\n\t\t \"Enables backslash as an escape character in SQL.\");", "\n\n\t\tDefineProperty(\"lexer.sql.allow.dotted.word\", &OptionsSQL::sqlAllowDottedWord,\n\t\t \"Set to 1 to colourise recognized words with dots \"\n\t\t \"(recommended for Oracle PL/SQL objects).\");", "\n\n\t\tDefineWordListSets(sqlWordListDesc);\n\t}\n};\n\nclass LexerSQL : public DefaultLexer {\npublic :\n\tLexerSQL() {}\n\n\tvirtual ~LexerSQL() {}\n\n\tint SCI_METHOD Version () const override {\n\t\treturn lvOriginal;\n\t}\n\n\tvoid SCI_METHOD Release() override {\n\t\tdelete this;\n\t}\n\n\tconst char * SCI_METHOD PropertyNames() override {\n\t\treturn osSQL.PropertyNames();\n\t}\n\n\tint SCI_METHOD PropertyType(const char *name) override {\n\t\treturn osSQL.PropertyType(name);\n\t}\n\n\tconst char * SCI_METHOD DescribeProperty(const char *name) override {\n\t\treturn osSQL.DescribeProperty(name);\n\t}\n\n\tSci_Position SCI_METHOD PropertySet(const char *key, const char *val) override {\n\t\tif (osSQL.PropertySet(&options, key, val)) {\n\t\t\treturn 0;\n\t\t}\n\t\treturn -1;\n\t}\n\n\tconst char * SCI_METHOD DescribeWordListSets() override {\n\t\treturn osSQL.DescribeWordListSets();\n\t}\n\n\tSci_Position SCI_METHOD WordListSet(int n, const char *wl) override;\n\tvoid SCI_METHOD Lex(Sci_PositionU startPos, Sci_Position lengthDoc, int initStyle, IDocument *pAccess) override;\n\tvoid SCI_METHOD Fold(Sci_PositionU startPos, Sci_Position lengthDoc, int initStyle, IDocument *pAccess) override;\n\n\tvoid * SCI_METHOD PrivateCall(int, void *) override {\n\t\treturn 0;\n\t}\n\n\tstatic ILexer *LexerFactorySQL() {\n\t\treturn new LexerSQL();\n\t}\nprivate:\n\tbool IsStreamCommentStyle(int style) {\n\t\treturn style == SCE_SQL_COMMENT ||\n\t\t style == SCE_SQL_COMMENTDOC ||\n\t\t style == SCE_SQL_COMMENTDOCKEYWORD ||\n\t\t style == SCE_SQL_COMMENTDOCKEYWORDERROR;\n\t}\n\n\tbool IsCommentStyle (int style) {\n\t\tswitch (style) {\n\t\tcase SCE_SQL_COMMENT :\n\t\tcase SCE_SQL_COMMENTDOC :\n\t\tcase SCE_SQL_COMMENTLINE :\n\t\tcase SCE_SQL_COMMENTLINEDOC :\n\t\tcase SCE_SQL_COMMENTDOCKEYWORD :\n\t\tcase SCE_SQL_COMMENTDOCKEYWORDERROR :\n\t\t\treturn true;\n\t\tdefault :\n\t\t\treturn false;\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\n\tbool IsCommentLine (Sci_Position line, LexAccessor &styler) {\n\t\tSci_Position pos = styler.", "LineStart(line);\n\t\tSci_Position eol_pos = styler.", "LineStart(line + 1) - 1;\n\t\tfor (Sci_Position i = pos; i + 1 < eol_pos; i++) {\n\t\t\tint style = styler.", "StyleAt(i);\n\t\t\t// MySQL needs -- comments to be followed by space or control char\n\t\t\tif (style == SCE_SQL_COMMENTLINE && styler.", "Match(i, \"--\"))\n\t\t\t\treturn true;\n\t\t\telse if (!", "IsASpaceOrTab(styler[i]))\n\t\t\t\treturn false;\n\t\t}\n\t\treturn false;\n\t}\n\n\tOptionsSQL options;\n\tOptionSetSQL osSQL;\n\tSQLStates sqlStates;\n\n\tWordList keywords1;\n\tWordList keywords2;\n\tWordList kw_pldoc;\n\tWordList kw_sqlplus;\n\tWordList kw_user1;\n\tWordList kw_user2;\n\tWordList kw_user3;\n\tWordList kw_user4;\n};\n\nSci_Position SCI_METHOD LexerSQL::WordListSet(int n, const char *wl) {\n\tWordList *wordListN = 0;\n\tswitch (n) {\n\tcase 0:\n\t\twordListN = &keywords1;\n\t\tbreak;\n\tcase 1:\n\t\twordListN = &keywords2;\n\t\tbreak;\n\tcase 2:\n\t\twordListN = &kw_pldoc;\n\t\tbreak;\n\tcase 3:\n\t\twordListN = &kw_sqlplus;\n\t\tbreak;\n\tcase 4:\n\t\twordListN = &kw_user1;\n\t\tbreak;\n\tcase 5:\n\t\twordListN = &kw_user2;\n\t\tbreak;\n\tcase 6:\n\t\twordListN = &kw_user3;\n\t\tbreak;\n\tcase 7:\n\t\twordListN = &kw_user4;\n\t}\n\tSci_Position firstModification = -1;\n\tif (wordListN) {\n\t\tWordList wlNew;\n\t\twlNew.", "Set(wl);\n\t\tif (*wordListN !", "= wlNew) {\n\t\t\twordListN->Set(wl);\n\t\t\tfirstModification = 0;\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\treturn firstModification;\n}\n\nvoid SCI_METHOD LexerSQL::Lex(Sci_PositionU startPos, Sci_Position length, int initStyle, IDocument *pAccess) {\n\tLexAccessor styler(pAccess);\n\tStyleContext sc(startPos, length, initStyle, styler);\n\tint styleBeforeDCKeyword = SCE_SQL_DEFAULT;\n\tSci_Position offset = 0;\n\n\tfor (; sc.", "More(); sc.", "Forward(), offset++) {\n\t\t// Determine if the current state should terminate.", "\n\t\tswitch (sc.state) {\n\t\tcase SCE_SQL_OPERATOR:\n\t\t\tsc.", "SetState(SCE_SQL_DEFAULT);\n\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\tcase SCE_SQL_NUMBER:\n\t\t\t// We stop the number definition on non-numerical non-dot non-eE non-sign char\n\t\t\tif (!", "IsANumberChar(sc.ch, sc.chPrev)) {\n\t\t\t\tsc.", "SetState(SCE_SQL_DEFAULT);\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\tcase SCE_SQL_IDENTIFIER:\n\t\t\tif (!", "IsAWordChar(sc.ch, options.sqlAllowDottedWord)) {\n\t\t\t\tint nextState = SCE_SQL_DEFAULT;\n\t\t\t\tchar s[1000];\n\t\t\t\tsc.", "GetCurrentLowered(s, sizeof(s));\n\t\t\t\tif (keywords1.InList(s)) {\n\t\t\t\t\tsc.", "ChangeState(SCE_SQL_WORD);\n\t\t\t\t} else if (keywords2.InList(s)) {\n\t\t\t\t\tsc.", "ChangeState(SCE_SQL_WORD2);\n\t\t\t\t} else if (kw_sqlplus.", "InListAbbreviated(s, '~')) {\n\t\t\t\t\tsc.", "ChangeState(SCE_SQL_SQLPLUS);\n\t\t\t\t\tif (strncmp(s, \"rem\", 3) == 0) {\n\t\t\t\t\t\tnextState = SCE_SQL_SQLPLUS_COMMENT;\n\t\t\t\t\t} else if (strncmp(s, \"pro\", 3) == 0) {\n\t\t\t\t\t\tnextState = SCE_SQL_SQLPLUS_PROMPT;\n\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t} else if (kw_user1.InList(s)) {\n\t\t\t\t\tsc.", "ChangeState(SCE_SQL_USER1);\n\t\t\t\t} else if (kw_user2.InList(s)) {\n\t\t\t\t\tsc.", "ChangeState(SCE_SQL_USER2);\n\t\t\t\t} else if (kw_user3.InList(s)) {\n\t\t\t\t\tsc.", "ChangeState(SCE_SQL_USER3);\n\t\t\t\t} else if (kw_user4.InList(s)) {\n\t\t\t\t\tsc.", "ChangeState(SCE_SQL_USER4);\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\tsc.", "SetState(nextState);\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\tcase SCE_SQL_QUOTEDIDENTIFIER:\n\t\t\tif (sc.ch == 0x60) {\n\t\t\t\tif (sc.chNext == 0x60) {\n\t\t\t\t\tsc.", "Forward();\t// Ignore it\n\t\t\t\t} else {\n\t\t\t\t\tsc.", "ForwardSetState(SCE_SQL_DEFAULT);\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\tcase SCE_SQL_COMMENT:\n\t\t\tif (sc.", "Match('*', '/')) {\n\t\t\t\tsc.", "Forward();\n\t\t\t\tsc.", "ForwardSetState(SCE_SQL_DEFAULT);\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\tcase SCE_SQL_COMMENTDOC:\n\t\t\tif (sc.", "Match('*', '/')) {\n\t\t\t\tsc.", "Forward();\n\t\t\t\tsc.", "ForwardSetState(SCE_SQL_DEFAULT);\n\t\t\t} else if (sc.ch == '@' || sc.ch == '\\\\') { // Doxygen support\n\t\t\t\t// Verify that we have the conditions to mark a comment-doc-keyword\n\t\t\t\tif ((IsASpace(sc.chPrev) || sc.chPrev == '*') && (!", "IsASpace(sc.chNext))) {\n\t\t\t\t\tstyleBeforeDCKeyword = SCE_SQL_COMMENTDOC;\n\t\t\t\t\tsc.", "SetState(SCE_SQL_COMMENTDOCKEYWORD);\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\tcase SCE_SQL_COMMENTLINE:\n\t\tcase SCE_SQL_COMMENTLINEDOC:\n\t\tcase SCE_SQL_SQLPLUS_COMMENT:\n\t\tcase SCE_SQL_SQLPLUS_PROMPT:\n\t\t\tif (sc.atLineStart) {\n\t\t\t\tsc.", "SetState(SCE_SQL_DEFAULT);\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\tcase SCE_SQL_COMMENTDOCKEYWORD:\n\t\t\tif ((styleBeforeDCKeyword == SCE_SQL_COMMENTDOC) && sc.", "Match('*', '/')) {\n\t\t\t\tsc.", "ChangeState(SCE_SQL_COMMENTDOCKEYWORDERROR);\n\t\t\t\tsc.", "Forward();\n\t\t\t\tsc.", "ForwardSetState(SCE_SQL_DEFAULT);\n\t\t\t} else if (!", "IsADoxygenChar(sc.ch)) {\n\t\t\t\tchar s[100];\n\t\t\t\tsc.", "GetCurrentLowered(s, sizeof(s));\n\t\t\t\tif (!", "isspace(sc.ch) || !", "kw_pldoc.", "InList(s + 1)) {\n\t\t\t\t\tsc.", "ChangeState(SCE_SQL_COMMENTDOCKEYWORDERROR);\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\tsc.", "SetState(styleBeforeDCKeyword);\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\tcase SCE_SQL_CHARACTER:\n\t\t\tif (options.sqlBackslashEscapes && sc.ch == '\\\\') {\n\t\t\t\tsc.", "Forward();\n\t\t\t} else if (sc.ch == '\\'') {\n\t\t\t\tif (sc.chNext == '\\\"') {\n\t\t\t\t\tsc.", "Forward();\n\t\t\t\t} else {\n\t\t\t\t\tsc.", "ForwardSetState(SCE_SQL_DEFAULT);\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\tcase SCE_SQL_STRING:\n\t\t\tif (options.sqlBackslashEscapes && sc.ch == '\\\\') {\n\t\t\t\t// Escape sequence\n\t\t\t\tsc.", "Forward();\n\t\t\t} else if (sc.ch == '\\\"') {\n\t\t\t\tif (sc.chNext == '\\\"') {\n\t\t\t\t\tsc.", "Forward();\n\t\t\t\t} else {\n\t\t\t\t\tsc.", "ForwardSetState(SCE_SQL_DEFAULT);\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\tcase SCE_SQL_QOPERATOR:\n\t\t\t// Locate the unique Q operator character\n\t\t\tsc.", "Complete();\n\t\t\tchar qOperator = 0x00;\n\t\t\tfor (Sci_Position styleStartPos = sc.currentPos; styleStartPos > 0; --styleStartPos) {\n\t\t\t\tif (styler.", "StyleAt(styleStartPos - 1) !", "= SCE_SQL_QOPERATOR) {\n\t\t\t\t\tqOperator = styler.", "SafeGetCharAt(styleStartPos + 2);\n\t\t\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t}\n\n\t\t\tchar qComplement = 0x00;\n\n\t\t\tif (qOperator == '<') {\n\t\t\t\tqComplement = '>';\n\t\t\t} else if (qOperator == '(') {\n\t\t\t\tqComplement = ')';\n\t\t\t} else if (qOperator == '{') {\n\t\t\t\tqComplement = '}';\n\t\t\t} else if (qOperator == '[') {\n\t\t\t\tqComplement = ']';\n\t\t\t} else {\n\t\t\t\tqComplement = qOperator;\n\t\t\t}\n\n\t\t\tif (sc.", "Match(qComplement, '\\'')) {\n\t\t\t\tsc.", "Forward();\n\t\t\t\tsc.", "ForwardSetState(SCE_SQL_DEFAULT);\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\t}\n\n\t\t// Determine if a new state should be entered.", "\n\t\tif (sc.state == SCE_SQL_DEFAULT) {\n\t\t\tif (sc.", "Match('q', '\\'') || sc.", "Match('Q', '\\'')) {\n\t\t\t\tsc.", "SetState(SCE_SQL_QOPERATOR);\n\t\t\t\tsc.", "Forward();\n\t\t\t} else if (IsADigit(sc.ch) || (sc.ch == '.' && ", "IsADigit(sc.chNext)) ||\n\t\t\t ((sc.ch == '-' || sc.ch == '+') && IsADigit(sc.chNext) && !", "IsADigit(sc.chPrev))) {\n\t\t\t\tsc.", "SetState(SCE_SQL_NUMBER);\n\t\t\t} else if (IsAWordStart(sc.ch)) {\n\t\t\t\tsc.", "SetState(SCE_SQL_IDENTIFIER);\n\t\t\t} else if (sc.ch == 0x60 && options.sqlBackticksIdentifier) {\n\t\t\t\tsc.", "SetState(SCE_SQL_QUOTEDIDENTIFIER);\n\t\t\t} else if (sc.", "Match('/', '*')) {\n\t\t\t\tif (sc.", "Match(\"/**\") || sc.", "Match(\"/*!\")) {", "\t// Support of Doxygen doc. ", "style\n\t\t\t\t\tsc.", "SetState(SCE_SQL_COMMENTDOC);\n\t\t\t\t} else {\n\t\t\t\t\tsc.", "SetState(SCE_SQL_COMMENT);\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\tsc.", "Forward();\t// Eat the * so it isn't used for the end of the comment\n\t\t\t} else if (sc.", "Match('-', '-')) {\n\t\t\t\t// MySQL requires a space or control char after --\n\t\t\t\t// http://dev.mysql.com/doc/mysql/en/ansi-diff-comments.html\n\t\t\t\t// Perhaps we should enforce that with proper property:\n\t\t\t\t//~ \t\t\t} else if (sc.", "Match(\"-- \")) {\n\t\t\t\tsc.", "SetState(SCE_SQL_COMMENTLINE);\n\t\t\t} else if (sc.ch == '#' && options.sqlNumbersignComment) {\n\t\t\t\tsc.", "SetState(SCE_SQL_COMMENTLINEDOC);\n\t\t\t} else if (sc.ch == '\\'') {\n\t\t\t\tsc.", "SetState(SCE_SQL_CHARACTER);\n\t\t\t} else if (sc.ch == '\\\"') {\n\t\t\t\tsc.", "SetState(SCE_SQL_STRING);\n\t\t\t} else if (isoperator(static_cast<char>(sc.ch))) {\n\t\t\t\tsc.", "SetState(SCE_SQL_OPERATOR);\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\tsc.", "Complete();\n}\n\nvoid SCI_METHOD LexerSQL::Fold(Sci_PositionU startPos, Sci_Position length, int initStyle, IDocument *pAccess) {\n\tif (!", "options.fold)\n\t\treturn;\n\tLexAccessor styler(pAccess);\n\tSci_PositionU endPos = startPos + length;\n\tint visibleChars = 0;\n\tSci_Position lineCurrent = styler.", "GetLine(startPos);\n\tint levelCurrent = SC_FOLDLEVELBASE;\n\n\tif (lineCurrent > 0) {\n\t\t// Backtrack to previous line in case need to fix its fold status for folding block of single-line comments (i.e. '--').", "\n\t\tSci_Position lastNLPos = -1;\n\t\t// And keep going back until we find an operator ';' followed\n\t\t// by white-space and/or comments. ", "This will improve folding.", "\n\t\twhile (--startPos > 0) {\n\t\t\tchar ch = styler[startPos];\n\t\t\tif (ch == '\\n' || (ch == '\\r' && styler[startPos + 1] !", "= '\\n')) {\n\t\t\t\tlastNLPos = startPos;\n\t\t\t} else if (ch == ';' &&\n\t\t\t\t styler.", "StyleAt(startPos) == SCE_SQL_OPERATOR) {\n\t\t\t\tbool isAllClear = true;\n\t\t\t\tfor (Sci_Position tempPos = startPos + 1;\n\t\t\t\t tempPos < lastNLPos;\n\t\t\t\t ++tempPos) {\n\t\t\t\t\tint tempStyle = styler.", "StyleAt(tempPos);\n\t\t\t\t\tif (!", "IsCommentStyle(tempStyle)\n\t\t\t\t\t && tempStyle !", "= SCE_SQL_DEFAULT) {\n\t\t\t\t\t\tisAllClear = false;\n\t\t\t\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\tif (isAllClear) {\n\t\t\t\t\tstartPos = lastNLPos + 1;\n\t\t\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\t\tlineCurrent = styler.", "GetLine(startPos);\n\t\tif (lineCurrent > 0)\n\t\t\tlevelCurrent = styler.", "LevelAt(lineCurrent - 1) >> 16;\n\t}\n\t// And because folding ends at ';', keep going until we find one\n\t// Otherwise if create ... view ... as is split over multiple\n\t// lines the folding won't always update immediately.", "\n\tSci_PositionU docLength = styler.", "Length();\n\tfor (; endPos < docLength; ++endPos) {\n\t\tif (styler.", "SafeGetCharAt(endPos) == ';') {\n\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\n\tint levelNext = levelCurrent;\n\tchar chNext = styler[startPos];\n\tint styleNext = styler.", "StyleAt(startPos);\n\tint style = initStyle;\n\tbool endFound = false;\n\tbool isUnfoldingIgnored = false;\n\t// this statementFound flag avoids to fold when the statement is on only one line by ignoring ELSE or ELSIF\n\t// eg. \"", "IF condition1 THEN ... ELSIF condition2 THEN ... ELSE ... END IF;\"\n\tbool statementFound = false;\n\tsql_state_t sqlStatesCurrentLine = 0;\n\tif (!", "options.foldOnlyBegin) {\n\t\tsqlStatesCurrentLine = sqlStates.", "ForLine(lineCurrent);\n\t}\n\tfor (Sci_PositionU i = startPos; i < endPos; i++) {\n\t\tchar ch = chNext;\n\t\tchNext = styler.", "SafeGetCharAt(i + 1);\n\t\tint stylePrev = style;\n\t\tstyle = styleNext;\n\t\tstyleNext = styler.", "StyleAt(i + 1);\n\t\tbool atEOL = (ch == '\\r' && chNext !", "= '\\n') || (ch == '\\n');\n\t\tif (atEOL || (!", "IsCommentStyle(style) && ch == ';')) {\n\t\t\tif (endFound) {\n\t\t\t\t//Maybe this is the end of \"EXCEPTION\" BLOCK (eg. \"", "BEGIN ... EXCEPTION ... END;\")\n\t\t\t\tsqlStatesCurrentLine = sqlStates.", "IntoExceptionBlock(sqlStatesCurrentLine, false);\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t// set endFound and isUnfoldingIgnored to false if EOL is reached or ';' is found\n\t\t\tendFound = false;\n\t\t\tisUnfoldingIgnored = false;\n\t\t}\n\t\tif ((!", "IsCommentStyle(style) && ch == ';')) {\n\t\t\tif (sqlStates.", "IsIntoMergeStatement(sqlStatesCurrentLine)) {\n\t\t\t\t// This is the end of \"MERGE\" statement.", "\n\t\t\t\tif (!", "sqlStates.", "IsCaseMergeWithoutWhenFound(sqlStatesCurrentLine))\n\t\t\t\t\tlevelNext--;\n\t\t\t\tsqlStatesCurrentLine = sqlStates.", "IntoMergeStatement(sqlStatesCurrentLine, false);\n\t\t\t\tlevelNext--;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\tif (sqlStates.", "IsIntoSelectStatementOrAssignment(sqlStatesCurrentLine))\n\t\t\t\tsqlStatesCurrentLine = sqlStates.", "IntoSelectStatementOrAssignment(sqlStatesCurrentLine, false);\n\t\t\tif (sqlStates.", "IsIntoCreateStatement(sqlStatesCurrentLine)) {\n\t\t\t\tif (sqlStates.", "IsIntoCreateViewStatement(sqlStatesCurrentLine)) {\n\t\t\t\t\tif (sqlStates.", "IsIntoCreateViewAsStatement(sqlStatesCurrentLine)) {\n\t\t\t\t\t\tlevelNext--;\n\t\t\t\t\t\tsqlStatesCurrentLine = sqlStates.", "IntoCreateViewAsStatement(sqlStatesCurrentLine, false);\n\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t\tsqlStatesCurrentLine = sqlStates.", "IntoCreateViewStatement(sqlStatesCurrentLine, false);\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\tsqlStatesCurrentLine = sqlStates.", "IntoCreateStatement(sqlStatesCurrentLine, false);\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\t\tif (ch == ':' && chNext == '=' && !", "IsCommentStyle(style))\n\t\t\tsqlStatesCurrentLine = sqlStates.", "IntoSelectStatementOrAssignment(sqlStatesCurrentLine, true);\n\n\t\tif (options.foldComment && IsStreamCommentStyle(style)) {\n\t\t\tif (!", "IsStreamCommentStyle(stylePrev)) {\n\t\t\t\tlevelNext++;\n\t\t\t} else if (!", "IsStreamCommentStyle(styleNext) && !", "atEOL) {\n\t\t\t\t// Comments don't end at end of line and the next character may be unstyled.", "\n\t\t\t\tlevelNext--;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\t\tif (options.foldComment && (style == SCE_SQL_COMMENTLINE)) {\n\t\t\t// MySQL needs -- comments to be followed by space or control char\n\t\t\tif ((ch == '-') && (chNext == '-')) {\n\t\t\t\tchar chNext2 = styler.", "SafeGetCharAt(i + 2);\n\t\t\t\tchar chNext3 = styler.", "SafeGetCharAt(i + 3);\n\t\t\t\tif (chNext2 == '{' || chNext3 == '{') {\n\t\t\t\t\tlevelNext++;\n\t\t\t\t} else if (chNext2 == '}' || chNext3 == '}') {\n\t\t\t\t\tlevelNext--;\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\t\t// Fold block of single-line comments (i.e. '--').", "\n\t\tif (options.foldComment && atEOL && IsCommentLine(lineCurrent, styler)) {\n\t\t\tif (!", "IsCommentLine(lineCurrent - 1, styler) && IsCommentLine(lineCurrent + 1, styler))\n\t\t\t\tlevelNext++;\n\t\t\telse if (IsCommentLine(lineCurrent - 1, styler) && !", "IsCommentLine(lineCurrent + 1, styler))\n\t\t\t\tlevelNext--;\n\t\t}\n\t\tif (style == SCE_SQL_OPERATOR) {\n\t\t\tif (ch == '(') {\n\t\t\t\tif (levelCurrent > levelNext)\n\t\t\t\t\tlevelCurrent--;\n\t\t\t\tlevelNext++;\n\t\t\t} else if (ch == ')') {\n\t\t\t\tlevelNext--;\n\t\t\t} else if ((!", "options.foldOnlyBegin) && ch == ';') {\n\t\t\t\tsqlStatesCurrentLine = sqlStates.", "IgnoreWhen(sqlStatesCurrentLine, false);\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\t\t// If new keyword (cannot trigger on elseif or nullif, does less tests)\n\t\tif (style == SCE_SQL_WORD && stylePrev !", "= SCE_SQL_WORD) {\n\t\t\tconst int MAX_KW_LEN = 9;\t// Maximum length of folding keywords\n\t\t\tchar s[MAX_KW_LEN + 2];\n\t\t\tunsigned int j = 0;\n\t\t\tfor (; j < MAX_KW_LEN + 1; j++) {\n\t\t\t\tif (!", "iswordchar(styler[i + j])) {\n\t\t\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\ts[j] = static_cast<char>(tolower(styler[i + j]));\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\tif (j == MAX_KW_LEN + 1) {\n\t\t\t\t// Keyword too long, don't test it\n\t\t\t\ts[0] = '\\0';\n\t\t\t} else {\n\t\t\t\ts[j] = '\\0';\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\tif (!", "options.foldOnlyBegin &&\n\t\t\t strcmp(s, \"select\") == 0) {\n\t\t\t\tsqlStatesCurrentLine = sqlStates.", "IntoSelectStatementOrAssignment(sqlStatesCurrentLine, true);\n\t\t\t} else if (strcmp(s, \"if\") == 0) {\n\t\t\t\tif (endFound) {\n\t\t\t\t\tendFound = false;\n\t\t\t\t\tif (options.foldOnlyBegin && !", "isUnfoldingIgnored) {\n\t\t\t\t\t\t// this end isn't for begin block, but for if block (\"end if;\")\n\t\t\t\t\t\t// so ignore previous \"end\" by increment levelNext.", "\n\t\t\t\t\t\tlevelNext++;\n\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t} else {\n\t\t\t\t\tif (!", "options.foldOnlyBegin)\n\t\t\t\t\t\tsqlStatesCurrentLine = sqlStates.", "IntoCondition(sqlStatesCurrentLine, true);\n\t\t\t\t\tif (levelCurrent > levelNext) {\n\t\t\t\t\t\t// doesn't include this line into the folding block\n\t\t\t\t\t\t// because doesn't hide IF (eg \"END; IF\")\n\t\t\t\t\t\tlevelCurrent = levelNext;\n\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t} else if (!", "options.foldOnlyBegin &&\n\t\t\t strcmp(s, \"then\") == 0 &&\n\t\t\t sqlStates.", "IsIntoCondition(sqlStatesCurrentLine)) {\n\t\t\t\tsqlStatesCurrentLine = sqlStates.", "IntoCondition(sqlStatesCurrentLine, false);\n\t\t\t\tif (!", "options.foldOnlyBegin) {\n\t\t\t\t\tif (levelCurrent > levelNext) {\n\t\t\t\t\t\tlevelCurrent = levelNext;\n\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t\tif (!", "statementFound)\n\t\t\t\t\t\tlevelNext++;\n\n\t\t\t\t\tstatementFound = true;\n\t\t\t\t} else if (levelCurrent > levelNext) {\n\t\t\t\t\t// doesn't include this line into the folding block\n\t\t\t\t\t// because doesn't hide LOOP or CASE (eg \"END; LOOP\" or \"END; CASE\")\n\t\t\t\t\tlevelCurrent = levelNext;\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t} else if (strcmp(s, \"loop\") == 0 ||\n\t\t\t strcmp(s, \"case\") == 0) {\n\t\t\t\tif (endFound) {\n\t\t\t\t\tendFound = false;\n\t\t\t\t\tif (options.foldOnlyBegin && !", "isUnfoldingIgnored) {\n\t\t\t\t\t\t// this end isn't for begin block, but for loop block (\"end loop;\") or case block (\"end case;\")\n\t\t\t\t\t\t// so ignore previous \"end\" by increment levelNext.", "\n\t\t\t\t\t\tlevelNext++;\n\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t\tif ((!", "options.foldOnlyBegin) && strcmp(s, \"case\") == 0) {\n\t\t\t\t\t\tsqlStatesCurrentLine = sqlStates.", "EndCaseBlock(sqlStatesCurrentLine);\n\t\t\t\t\t\tif (!", "sqlStates.", "IsCaseMergeWithoutWhenFound(sqlStatesCurrentLine))\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tlevelNext--; //again for the \"end case;\" and block when\n\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t} else if (!", "options.foldOnlyBegin) {\n\t\t\t\t\tif (strcmp(s, \"case\") == 0) {\n\t\t\t\t\t\tsqlStatesCurrentLine = sqlStates.", "BeginCaseBlock(sqlStatesCurrentLine);\n\t\t\t\t\t\tsqlStatesCurrentLine = sqlStates.", "CaseMergeWithoutWhenFound(sqlStatesCurrentLine, true);\n\t\t\t\t\t}\n\n\t\t\t\t\tif (levelCurrent > levelNext)\n\t\t\t\t\t\tlevelCurrent = levelNext;\n\n\t\t\t\t\tif (!", "statementFound)\n\t\t\t\t\t\tlevelNext++;\n\n\t\t\t\t\tstatementFound = true;\n\t\t\t\t} else if (levelCurrent > levelNext) {\n\t\t\t\t\t// doesn't include this line into the folding block\n\t\t\t\t\t// because doesn't hide LOOP or CASE (eg \"END; LOOP\" or \"END; CASE\")\n\t\t\t\t\tlevelCurrent = levelNext;\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t} else if ((!", "options.foldOnlyBegin) && (\n\t\t\t // folding for ELSE and ELSIF block only if foldAtElse is set\n\t\t\t // and IF or CASE aren't on only one line with ELSE or ELSIF (with flag statementFound)\n\t\t\t options.foldAtElse && !", "statementFound) && strcmp(s, \"elsif\") == 0) {\n\t\t\t\tsqlStatesCurrentLine = sqlStates.", "IntoCondition(sqlStatesCurrentLine, true);\n\t\t\t\tlevelCurrent--;\n\t\t\t\tlevelNext--;\n\t\t\t} else if ((!", "options.foldOnlyBegin) && (\n\t\t\t // folding for ELSE and ELSIF block only if foldAtElse is set\n\t\t\t // and IF or CASE aren't on only one line with ELSE or ELSIF (with flag statementFound)\n\t\t\t options.foldAtElse && !", "statementFound) && strcmp(s, \"else\") == 0) {\n\t\t\t\t// prevent also ELSE is on the same line (eg. \"", "ELSE ... END IF;\")\n\t\t\t\tstatementFound = true;\n\t\t\t\tif (sqlStates.", "IsIntoCaseBlock(sqlStatesCurrentLine) && sqlStates.", "IsCaseMergeWithoutWhenFound(sqlStatesCurrentLine)) {\n\t\t\t\t\tsqlStatesCurrentLine = sqlStates.", "CaseMergeWithoutWhenFound(sqlStatesCurrentLine, false);\n\t\t\t\t\tlevelNext++;\n\t\t\t\t} else {\n\t\t\t\t\t// we are in same case \"} ELSE {\" in C language\n\t\t\t\t\tlevelCurrent--;\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t} else if (strcmp(s, \"begin\") == 0) {\n\t\t\t\tlevelNext++;\n\t\t\t\tsqlStatesCurrentLine = sqlStates.", "IntoDeclareBlock(sqlStatesCurrentLine, false);\n\t\t\t} else if ((strcmp(s, \"end\") == 0) ||\n\t\t\t // SQL Anywhere permits IF ... ELSE ... ENDIF\n\t\t\t // will only be active if \"endif\" appears in the\n\t\t\t // keyword list.", "\n\t\t\t (strcmp(s, \"endif\") == 0)) {\n\t\t\t\tendFound = true;\n\t\t\t\tlevelNext--;\n\t\t\t\tif (sqlStates.", "IsIntoSelectStatementOrAssignment(sqlStatesCurrentLine) && !", "sqlStates.", "IsCaseMergeWithoutWhenFound(sqlStatesCurrentLine))\n\t\t\t\t\tlevelNext--;\n\t\t\t\tif (levelNext < SC_FOLDLEVELBASE) {\n\t\t\t\t\tlevelNext = SC_FOLDLEVELBASE;\n\t\t\t\t\tisUnfoldingIgnored = true;\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t} else if ((!", "options.foldOnlyBegin) &&\n\t\t\t strcmp(s, \"when\") == 0 &&\n\t\t\t !", "sqlStates.", "IsIgnoreWhen(sqlStatesCurrentLine) &&\n\t\t\t !", "sqlStates.", "IsIntoExceptionBlock(sqlStatesCurrentLine) && (\n\t\t\t sqlStates.", "IsIntoCaseBlock(sqlStatesCurrentLine) ||\n\t\t\t sqlStates.", "IsIntoMergeStatement(sqlStatesCurrentLine)\n\t\t\t )\n\t\t\t ) {\n\t\t\t\tsqlStatesCurrentLine = sqlStates.", "IntoCondition(sqlStatesCurrentLine, true);\n\n\t\t\t\t// Don't foldind when CASE and WHEN are on the same line (with flag statementFound) (eg. \"", "CASE selector WHEN expression1 THEN sequence_of_statements1;\\n\")\n\t\t\t\t// and same way for MERGE statement.", "\n\t\t\t\tif (!", "statementFound) {\n\t\t\t\t\tif (!", "sqlStates.", "IsCaseMergeWithoutWhenFound(sqlStatesCurrentLine)) {\n\t\t\t\t\t\tlevelCurrent--;\n\t\t\t\t\t\tlevelNext--;\n\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t\tsqlStatesCurrentLine = sqlStates.", "CaseMergeWithoutWhenFound(sqlStatesCurrentLine, false);\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t} else if ((!", "options.foldOnlyBegin) && strcmp(s, \"exit\") == 0) {\n\t\t\t\tsqlStatesCurrentLine = sqlStates.", "IgnoreWhen(sqlStatesCurrentLine, true);\n\t\t\t} else if ((!", "options.foldOnlyBegin) && !", "sqlStates.", "IsIntoDeclareBlock(sqlStatesCurrentLine) && strcmp(s, \"exception\") == 0) {\n\t\t\t\tsqlStatesCurrentLine = sqlStates.", "IntoExceptionBlock(sqlStatesCurrentLine, true);\n\t\t\t} else if ((!", "options.foldOnlyBegin) &&\n\t\t\t (strcmp(s, \"declare\") == 0 ||\n\t\t\t strcmp(s, \"function\") == 0 ||\n\t\t\t strcmp(s, \"procedure\") == 0 ||\n\t\t\t strcmp(s, \"package\") == 0)) {\n\t\t\t\tsqlStatesCurrentLine = sqlStates.", "IntoDeclareBlock(sqlStatesCurrentLine, true);\n\t\t\t} else if ((!", "options.foldOnlyBegin) &&\n\t\t\t strcmp(s, \"merge\") == 0) {\n\t\t\t\tsqlStatesCurrentLine = sqlStates.", "IntoMergeStatement(sqlStatesCurrentLine, true);\n\t\t\t\tsqlStatesCurrentLine = sqlStates.", "CaseMergeWithoutWhenFound(sqlStatesCurrentLine, true);\n\t\t\t\tlevelNext++;\n\t\t\t\tstatementFound = true;\n\t\t\t} else if ((!", "options.foldOnlyBegin) &&\n\t\t\t\t strcmp(s, \"create\") == 0) {\n\t\t\t\tsqlStatesCurrentLine = sqlStates.", "IntoCreateStatement(sqlStatesCurrentLine, true);\n\t\t\t} else if ((!", "options.foldOnlyBegin) &&\n\t\t\t\t strcmp(s, \"view\") == 0 &&\n\t\t\t\t sqlStates.", "IsIntoCreateStatement(sqlStatesCurrentLine)) {\n\t\t\t\tsqlStatesCurrentLine = sqlStates.", "IntoCreateViewStatement(sqlStatesCurrentLine, true);\n\t\t\t} else if ((!", "options.foldOnlyBegin) &&\n\t\t\t\t strcmp(s, \"as\") == 0 &&\n\t\t\t\t sqlStates.", "IsIntoCreateViewStatement(sqlStatesCurrentLine) &&\n\t\t\t\t ! ", "sqlStates.", "IsIntoCreateViewAsStatement(sqlStatesCurrentLine)) {\n\t\t\t\tsqlStatesCurrentLine = sqlStates.", "IntoCreateViewAsStatement(sqlStatesCurrentLine, true);\n\t\t\t\tlevelNext++;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\t\tif (atEOL) {\n\t\t\tint levelUse = levelCurrent;\n\t\t\tint lev = levelUse | levelNext << 16;\n\t\t\tif (visibleChars == 0 && options.foldCompact)\n\t\t\t\tlev |= SC_FOLDLEVELWHITEFLAG;\n\t\t\tif (levelUse < levelNext)\n\t\t\t\tlev |= SC_FOLDLEVELHEADERFLAG;\n\t\t\tif (lev !", "= styler.", "LevelAt(lineCurrent)) {\n\t\t\t\tstyler.", "SetLevel(lineCurrent, lev);\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\tlineCurrent++;\n\t\t\tlevelCurrent = levelNext;\n\t\t\tvisibleChars = 0;\n\t\t\tstatementFound = false;\n\t\t\tif (!", "options.foldOnlyBegin)\n\t\t\t\tsqlStates.", "Set(lineCurrent, sqlStatesCurrentLine);\n\t\t}\n\t\tif (!", "isspacechar(ch)) {\n\t\t\tvisibleChars++;\n\t\t}\n\t}\n}\n\nLexerModule lmSQL(SCLEX_SQL, LexerSQL::LexerFactorySQL, \"sql\", sqlWordListDesc);\n" ]
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[ "A Lorem Ipsum generating keyboard designed to help developers quickly populate\ntext fields of apps and websites from their iPhones & iPads.", "\n\nInstallation\n\nLorem Keysum is a third party keyboard so after installing from the App Store,\nyou will need to add Lorem Keysum as a keyboard before you can use it.", "\n\nTo add Lorem Keysum, follow these steps:\n\nLaunch the Settings app\n\nTap on\nGeneral\n\nTap on\nKeyboard\n\nTap on\nKeyboards\n\nTap on\nAdd New Keyboard…\n\nSelect\nLorem Keysum\nfrom the\nThird-party Keyboards\nsection.", "\n\nActivation\n\nTap and hold the globe key to bring up a list of installed keyboards.", "\nTap on\nKeysum — Lorem Keysum\nto use Lorem Keysum. ", "Alternatively, you can repeatedly tap the globe\nbutton until you get to Lorem Keysum.", "\n\nUsage\n\nTap either of the large white pads to generate text.", "\n\nCase selector\n\ntap to toggle between Sentence case, Title Case, UPPER CASE, and lower case.", "\n\nBackspace\n\ntap to delete the last letter\n\nBackword\n\ntap to delete the last word\n\nSentence\n\ntap to end a sentence (adds a '.' ", "and a space)\n\nParagraph\n\ntap to end a paragraph (adds a '.' ", "and a newline)\n\nKeyboard switch\n\ntap the globe button to switch to the next installed keyboard\n\nIpsum selector\n\nswipe left/right to switch between ipsum generators (or tap one of the arrows)\n\nFeedback\n\nDo you find Lorem Keysum useful? ", "If so, I'd appreciate it if you could take a minute to leave a review." ]
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[ "Former VA chief human capital officer John Sepulveda and four other VA officials involved in two costly conferences have left the agency. (", "Veterans Affairs)\n\nRelated Links\n\nFive Veterans Affairs Department officials involved in two costly 2011 conferences have resigned or retired since the VA inspector general faulted their roles in planning, managing and overseeing the training events in Orlando, Fla., according to a newly released congressional report.", "\n\nThe highest ranking, former VA chief human capital officer John Sepulveda, resigned Sept. 30, 2012, one day before the public release of the IG review alleging that he lied about his involvement in the production of a $50,000 parody video of the movie “Patton” shown at the conferences. ", "While the departure of Sepulveda — who in a sworn affidavit denied purposefully misleading investigators — was widely reported at the time, the other four officials have since stepped down with little or no fanfare.", "\n\nOn Wednesday, Sepulveda repeatedly assserted his Fifth Amendment right to remain silent at a House Oversight and Government Reform Committee hearing on the department’s conference spending.", "\n\nIn a statement, his lawyer, Preston Burton. ", "said he knew of no current investigation involving Sepulveda, but objected that the committee report failed to mention the affidavit, despite “parroting the IG’s rejected contentions.” ", "The committee’s partisan agenda left Sepulveda little choice but to assert his constitutional right, Burton said.", "\n\nJohn Gingrich, chief of staff to VA Secretary Eric Shinseki, retired in March, according to the House committee’s report released in advance of the hearing. ", "Tonya Deanes, previously deputy assistant secretary of human resources management, resigned earlier this year after being assigned to other duties. ", "Also resigning were Alice Muellerweiss, dean of the VA Learning University (VALU) and Timothy Pleso, a VALU event manager who was one of the lead conference planners, the House report said.", "\n\nThe inspector general had recommended administrative action against Gingrich, Muellerweiss and Deanes, while referring Pleso’s case to the Justice Department for prosecution for allegedly seeking and accepting improper gifts. ", "Justice declined to take action, according to the House report.", "\n\nIn last year’s review, the inspector general had estimated the conferences’ combined pricetag at $6.1 million, with about $762,000 in unauthorized, unneeded or wasteful expenses. ", "While VA officials have touted their efforts to strengthen oversight, the House committee’s report contains details that could further embarrass the department. ", "One conference organizer unsuccessfully sought to have the Washington Redskins cheerleaders make an appearance, while another wrote in an email that “obviously the money is not an issue,” according to the report.", "\n\nFollowing the inspector general’s review, the VA spent almost $400,000 for two contractors to review its training and conference policies and procedures. ", "More than a year after the review’s release, however, 26 of the IG’s 49 recommendations for improvement remain open, the report said." ]
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[ "Magnus Magnusson, Earl of Orkney\n\nMagnus Magnusson was Earl of Orkney from 1273 to 1284. ", "In 1284 he joined with other Scottish noblemen who acknowledged Margaret of Norway as the heir of Alexander.", "\n\nBorn circa 1235 in the Orkney islands in Scotland. ", "Died circa 1284 around the age of 50.", "\n\nReferences\n\nNotes\n\nSources\nRymer, Thomas, Foedera Conventiones, Literae et cuiuscunque generis Acta Publica inter Reges Angliae. ", "London. ", "1745. (", "Latin) \n\nMagnusson, Magnus\nCategory:13th-century mormaers" ]
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[ "R361 road (Ireland)\n\nThe R361 road is a regional road mainly in County Roscommon, Ireland. ", "South to north the route connects Williamstown to Boyle. ", "\n\nThe road starts in County Galway for the first 4km and in County Roscommon for the rest of the route, which is long.", "\n\nSee also\nRoads in Ireland\nNational primary road\nNational secondary road\n\nReferences\nRoads Act 1993 (Classification of Regional Roads) Order 2006 – Department of Transport\n\nCategory:Regional roads in the Republic of Ireland\nCategory:Roads in County Roscommon" ]
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[ "package ir\n\nimport \"github.com/llir/llvm/ir/types\"\n\n// --- [ Functions ] -----------------------------------------------------------\n\n// NewFunc appends a new function to the module based on the given function\n// name, return type and function parameters.", "\n//\n// The Parent field of the function is set to m.\nfunc (m *Module) NewFunc(name string, retType types.", "Type, params ...*Param) *Func {\n\tf := NewFunc(name, retType, params...)\n\tf.Parent = m\n\tm.Funcs = append(m.", "Funcs, f)\n\treturn f\n}\n" ]
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[ "/***************************************************************************/\n/* */\n/* ftmoderr.h */\n/* */\n/* FreeType module error offsets (specification). ", " */\n/* */\n/* Copyright 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2010 by */\n/* David Turner, Robert Wilhelm, and Werner Lemberg. ", " */\n/* */\n/* This file is part of the FreeType project, and may only be used, */\n/* modified, and distributed under the terms of the FreeType project */\n/* license, LICENSE.TXT. ", " By continuing to use, modify, or distribute */\n/* this file you indicate that you have read the license and */\n/* understand and accept it fully. ", " */\n/* */\n/***************************************************************************/\n\n\n /*************************************************************************/\n /* */\n /* This file is used to define the FreeType module error offsets. ", " */\n /* */\n /* The lower byte gives the error code, the higher byte gives the */\n /* module. ", " The base module has error offset 0. ", " For example, the error */\n /* `FT_Err_Invalid_File_Format' has value 0x003, the error */\n /* `TT_Err_Invalid_File_Format' has value 0x1103, the error */\n /* `T1_Err_Invalid_File_Format' has value 0x1203, etc. ", " */\n /* */\n /* Undefine the macro FT_CONFIG_OPTION_USE_MODULE_ERRORS in ftoption.h */\n /* to make the higher byte always zero (disabling the module error */\n /* mechanism). ", " */\n /* */\n /* It can also be used to create a module error message table easily */\n /* with something like */\n /* */\n /* { */\n /* #undef __FTMODERR_H__ */\n /* #define FT_MODERRDEF( e, v, s ) { FT_Mod_Err_ ## e, s }, */\n /* #define FT_MODERR_START_LIST { */\n /* #define FT_MODERR_END_LIST { 0, 0 } }; */\n /* */\n /* const struct */\n /* { */\n /* int mod_err_offset; */\n /* const char* mod_err_msg */\n /* } ft_mod_errors[] = */\n /* */\n /* #include FT_MODULE_ERRORS_H */\n /* } */\n /* */\n /* To use such a table, all errors must be ANDed with 0xFF00 to remove */\n /* the error code. ", " */\n /* */\n /*************************************************************************/\n\n\n#ifndef __FTMODERR_H__\n#define __FTMODERR_H__\n\n\n /*******************************************************************/\n /*******************************************************************/\n /***** *****/\n /***** SETUP MACROS *****/\n /***** *****/\n /*******************************************************************/\n /*******************************************************************/\n\n\n#undef FT_NEED_EXTERN_C\n\n#ifndef FT_MODERRDEF\n\n#ifdef FT_CONFIG_OPTION_USE_MODULE_ERRORS\n#define FT_MODERRDEF( e, v, s ) FT_Mod_Err_ ## e = v,\n#else\n#define FT_MODERRDEF( e, v, s ) FT_Mod_Err_ ## e = 0,\n#endif\n\n#define FT_MODERR_START_LIST enum {\n#define FT_MODERR_END_LIST FT_Mod_Err_Max };\n\n#ifdef __cplusplus\n#define FT_NEED_EXTERN_C\n extern \"C\" {\n#endif\n\n#endif /* !", "FT_MODERRDEF */\n\n\n /*******************************************************************/\n /*******************************************************************/\n /***** *****/\n /***** LIST MODULE ERROR BASES *****/\n /***** *****/\n /*******************************************************************/\n /*******************************************************************/\n\n\n#ifdef FT_MODERR_START_LIST\n FT_MODERR_START_LIST\n#endif\n\n\n FT_MODERRDEF( Base, 0x000, \"base module\" )\n FT_MODERRDEF( Autofit, 0x100, \"autofitter module\" )\n FT_MODERRDEF( BDF, 0x200, \"BDF module\" )\n FT_MODERRDEF( Bzip2, 0x300, \"Bzip2 module\" )\n FT_MODERRDEF( Cache, 0x400, \"cache module\" )\n FT_MODERRDEF( CFF, 0x500, \"CFF module\" )\n FT_MODERRDEF( CID, 0x600, \"CID module\" )\n FT_MODERRDEF( Gzip, 0x700, \"Gzip module\" )\n FT_MODERRDEF( LZW, 0x800, \"LZW module\" )\n FT_MODERRDEF( OTvalid, 0x900, \"OpenType validation module\" )\n FT_MODERRDEF( PCF, 0xA00, \"PCF module\" )\n FT_MODERRDEF( PFR, 0xB00, \"PFR module\" )\n FT_MODERRDEF( PSaux, 0xC00, \"PS auxiliary module\" )\n FT_MODERRDEF( PShinter, 0xD00, \"PS hinter module\" )\n FT_MODERRDEF( PSnames, 0xE00, \"PS names module\" )\n FT_MODERRDEF( Raster, 0xF00, \"raster module\" )\n FT_MODERRDEF( SFNT, 0x1000, \"SFNT module\" )\n FT_MODERRDEF( Smooth, 0x1100, \"smooth raster module\" )\n FT_MODERRDEF( TrueType, 0x1200, \"TrueType module\" )\n FT_MODERRDEF( Type1, 0x1300, \"Type 1 module\" )\n FT_MODERRDEF( Type42, 0x1400, \"Type 42 module\" )\n FT_MODERRDEF( Winfonts, 0x1500, \"Windows FON/FNT module\" )\n\n\n#ifdef FT_MODERR_END_LIST\n FT_MODERR_END_LIST\n#endif\n\n\n /*******************************************************************/\n /*******************************************************************/\n /***** *****/\n /***** CLEANUP *****/\n /***** *****/\n /*******************************************************************/\n /*******************************************************************/\n\n\n#ifdef FT_NEED_EXTERN_C\n }\n#endif\n\n#undef FT_MODERR_START_LIST\n#undef FT_MODERR_END_LIST\n#undef FT_MODERRDEF\n#undef FT_NEED_EXTERN_C\n\n\n#endif /* __FTMODERR_H__ */\n\n\n/* END */\n" ]
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[ "Menu\n\ntoddlers\n\nSitting in the petri dish of a playground at a nearby fast-food chain, I watch my grandkids jump around like just-released-into-the-wild baboons. ", "Like every other adult in the room, I hoped this stop would be a fun diversion, a place the kids could play while I read War and Peace.", "\n\nKids on playgrounds are fascinating the same way the Spanish Inquisition was fascinating: lots of violence, torture, crazy zealots and tattletales. ", "Sitting with the book I won’t be able to read, and eating cold French fries, I’m the Jane Goodall of the toddler kingdom, as I study their animal-like behavior.", "\n\nThere’s a hierarchy to the madness, with the older kids sitting at the top of the pyramid. ", "They push toddlers out of the way and block slides until little kids cry.", "\n\nThe next level down are kids between the ages of 4 and 8. ", "Not quite ready to be the bullies on the playground, they tail after the leaders hoping to be included in any dastardly plan.", "\n\nToddlers make up the lowest level of the playground food chain. ", "These cute little kids are a pain in the asset as they try to establish a presence without being trampled by oblivious 10-year-old boys. ", "I’ve witnessed several toddler smack-downs, including my granddaughter who started a fistfight with a little boy over a pretend steering wheel.", "\n\nThe fast-food playground smells like a mildewed diaper pail. ", "It also has a fine layer of mucous coating every possible surface. ", "Everything is sticky. ", "Bacteria gleefully thrives.", "\n\nThere’s a logjam of kids at the bottom of the slide, backing up traffic and causing overall mayhem. ", "Older siblings shepherd brothers and sisters through the throng of screaming and thrashing little bodies, in search of fun and excitement, while being screamed at by their mothers.", "\n\nI watch kids scramble through the maze of colorful gerbil tubes, listening for the sound of my granddaughter’s screech as she fights her way to the slide, where she refuses to go down, triggering an uproar in the playground ecosystem. ", "Her brother finally convinces her the slide is fun and they both tumble to the bottom. ", "They run back up and do it again.", "\n\nI hear snippets of conversations. “", "That boy is taking off his clothes.” “", "She put ketchup in my ear.” “", "Look! ", "I can fly!” ", "But when the Lord of the Flies Preschool bus pulls up in front of the building, that’s my signal to skedaddle.", "\n\nEasier said than done.", "\n\nAs soon as I announce it’s time to leave, my granddaughter scurries up the tunnel, refusing to come down and throwing poo at anyone who approaches. ", "I send her brother up to get her and hear his bloodcurdling scream as she kicks him in the head, and climbs higher into the hamster maze. ", "He finally drags her down, both of them crying, before she steals someone’s shoes, and runs toward the restroom.", "\n\nSecurity tackles her and wrangles her back to the playground. ", "She’s covered with either BBQ sauce or blood and tries to scuttle away as soon as I put her down. ", "Chaos has erupted. ", "We duck tranquilizer darts as we run serpentine to the exit.", "\n\nI finally wrestle them into the car, wearing the wrong jackets and without socks. ", "I spray them down with Lysol and have them take a big swig of hand sanitizer. ", "I just survived a primate attack. ", "Jane Goodall would be so proud.", "\n\nThe TV turned on and off all day. ", "No matter how often I shut the kitchen cabinets and drawers, they were always open. ", "I’d put toys and books away, and the next minute they were on the floor again. ", "I kept getting pinched and slapped, and I was even head-butted a couple of times. ", "I was pretty sure we had a poltergeist.", "\n\n(Insane teenager freaking out. ", "And a lady in a red shirt.)", "\n\nBut the psychic I hired to rid my home of this supernatural disturbance had a different idea. “", "Although teenagers attract destructive spirits because they’re basically horrible people, I don’t think it’s a poltergeist. ", "I think you just have a toddler,” she said in a really creepy voice.", "\n\nA toddler? ", "It all began to make sense. ", "My toddler had been possessed by a demon. ", "I began listing all the strange occurrences and felt she had a point.", "\n\nIf your toddler exhibits the following behavior, it might be inhabited by one of Satan’s minions.", "\n\n(Minions even look like toddlers.)", "\n\nProjectile vomiting\n\nHigh-pitched shrieking in the middle of the night (causing me to jump out of bed and run into the door frame)\n\nAppearing out of nowhere\n\nBabbling in a foreign tongue\n\nStanding by the bed watching you sleep\n\nTalking to “friends” you can’t see\n\nJumping out from behind couches\n\nRattling and slowly turning doorknobs\n\nHeavy, loud mouth breathing\n\nAn aversion to water\n\nThe disappearance of utensils\n\nAn overabundance of drool\n\nInexplicable toilet flushing\n\nRandom blood stains\n\nBoogers streaked on the walls\n\nThis is just a short list of all the demonic symptoms exhibited by my 3-year-old daughter. ", "And although I was relieved my teenage daughter hadn’t invited a poltergeist to live in her bedroom, she was still a teenager. ", "So, there’s that.", "\n\nLike this:\n\nWhen silly, old Eve chose wisdom over nudity in the garden of Eden, what was her punishment? ", "That she would be fruitful and multiply. ", "In non-biblical words, she was doomed to have children. ", "Seems like the penalty didn’t really fit the crime.", "\n\nDid she understand, as she grew rounder and larger and moodier, that a parasitic growth was stealing her nutrients, sleep and sanity? ", "When the baby started kicking, did she consider the fact she might be possessed by an evil spirit? ", "She was correct.", "\n\nThere were no childbirth magazines, no social media sites, no mommy blogs–nothing. ", "She was alone. ", "In the wilderness. ", "With a baby. (", "Yes, Adam was there. ", "Not sure what he was doing. ", "Probably renaming animals and practicing his Tarzan yell.)", "\n\nDepending on your level of belief in evolution, fast forward thousands (more likely hundreds of thousands of years) and motherhood has become a thing. ", "I guess it caught on, even though the process is brutal, bloody, hormonal and excruciating. ", "And that’s not even considering toddlers and teenagers.", "\n\nAs mothers there is only one absolute when it comes to raising children: You have NO control.", "\n\nYour kids will scheme, manipulate, scream, disobey, fight and lie right to your face. ", "They’ll make you feel like you’re the worst parent in the entire universe, and they’ll have data to back up their claim. ", "They’ll be ungrateful, unforgiving, cold, unreasonable and impossible. ", "You’ll often feel like hiding under your bed with a bag of Oreos and a warm blanket. (", "Don’t bother. ", "They’ll find you–and steal your Oreos.)", "\n\n(Daughter heading out to go clubbing? ", "Just smile and nod.)", "\n\nYou’ll seriously worry that your kids will end up on COPS or Dog the Bounty Hunter, and you wonder how they’ll tolerate you visiting them in prison. ", "You’ll get upsetting phone calls from teachers, irate emails from neighbors and you’ll start avoiding eye contact with parents at the grocery store. ", "You’ll be convinced that once your kids have left home (whether through arrest or by other means) you’ll never hear from them again.", "\n\nBut.", "\n\nOne day.", "\n\nYou’ll find yourself having an enjoyable adult conversation with this person who once threatened to call social services on you. ", "You’ll receive a text message with a smiley-face emoji and you won’t wonder if you’re being manipulated. ", "Your kids will come for dinner and no one will storm off to another room and slam the door. ", "It’s almost like interacting with humans!", "\n\nYou’ll realize these tiny terrorists who never let you have one ounce of privacy are suddenly pretty cool. ", "They talk in coherent sentences and speak without complaining or retaliating. ", "You’ll watch them try to reason with their own little toddler tyrants, and while you might have the occasional eye tic of sympathy, you’ll feel an unconditional love.", "\n\nThere’s no right way to be a mom. ", "We get up every morning with the best intentions. ", "Sometimes we succeed. ", "More often we fail. ", "There are no accolades, awards, thank-you notes, pats on the back or even an encouraging smile. ", "We all feel we’ve done it wrong.", "\n\nI’m sure every mother since Eve has experienced that overwhelming feeling of inadequacy as we teach these children how to adult. ", "We can only pray they’ll do better than we did.", "\n\nLike this:\n\nI’m a pretty happy person. ", "I’m realistically optimistic and usually expect the best. ", "But I can also be a bit moody (“What the hell does THAT mean?”) ", "and can get gloomy if I find myself doing the same thing over and over again.", "\n\nI’m also pretty good at cheering myself up. ", "I have lots of go-to activities that lift my spirits because sometimes it’s the small things that make life worthwhile. (", "That wasn’t a sex joke.)", "\n\nAlong with a box of See’s toffee, snuggling at night with my hubbie, stargazing and doing yoga, these things always bring a smile to my face:" ]
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[ "Stats\n\nOn The Web\n\nWeb References\n\nAbout Me\n\nAbout Me\n\nI have been working for five years with my partner who is also a designer. ", "We are a couple of graphic designers with a big experience in web design, UX&UI, visual identity, print and packaging design.", "\nGraphic design is our true passion. ", "We have been working in this area for longer than a decade and…" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
[ 0, 0, 0.02702702702702703, 0 ]
[ "Ratings / Reviews\n\nShare This Page\n\nFramesPeter, a young filmmaker, uses his camera to capture transform the banality of his Wisconsin hometown. ", "Distant from his family and environment, he isolates himself in an aesthetic realm, one in which filmmaking grants him control, a control that reduces, simplifies, and purifies.", "\n\nJoining him on a documentary project, Vera -- the daughter of a prominent local businessman -- attempts to become the star of his cinematic universe.", "\n\nHowever, when Vera vanishes unexpectedly, Peter's creative detachment quickly gives way to deepening obsession. ", "As Peter struggles to separate filmic fiction from reality, he uncovers a troubling explanation for Vera's disappearance..." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
[ 0.006896551724137931, 0, 0.006622516556291391, 0.008771929824561403, 0.016260162601626018 ]
[ "Impact of prosthesis-patient mismatch on tricuspid valve regurgitation and pulmonary hypertension following mitral valve replacement.", "\nMitral PPM can be equated to residual mitral stenosis, which may halt the expected postoperative improvement of PH and concomitant functional tricuspid regurgitation (fTR). ", "Aim of the present study is to evaluate the impact of mitral prosthesis-patient mismatch (PPM) on late tricuspid valve regurgitation and pulmonary hypertension (PH). ", "A total of 210 patients undergoing isolated mitral valve replacement (MVR) were investigated. ", "Mitral valve effective orifice area was determined by the continuity equation and indexed for body surface area (EOAi) and PPM was defined as EOAi ≤ 1.2 cm(2)/m(2). ", "Pulmonary hypertension (PH) was defined as systolic pulmonary artery pressure (sPAP) > 40 mmHg. ", "Clinical and echocardiographic follow-up (median 27 months) was 100% completed. ", "A total of 88/210 (42%) patients developed mitral PPM. ", "There were no significative differences in baseline and operative characteristics between patients with and without PPM. ", "At follow-up, the prevalence of fTR ≥ 2+ (57%vs.22%; p = 0.0001), and PH (62%vs.24%;p < 0.0001) were significantly higher in patients with PPM. ", "On multivariable regression analysis, EOAi (p < 0.0001) and preoperative left ventricular (LV) end-diastolic diameter (p < 0.0001) were found to be independently associated with fTR decrease after MVR. ", "In addition, EOAi (p < 0.0001) and LV ejection fraction (p < 0.0001) were independently associated with PH decrease after MVR. ", "No significant differences in mortality rates were found between patients having or not PPM. ", "This study shows that mitral PPM is associated with the persistence of fTR and PH following MVR. ", "These findings support the realization of tricuspid valve annuloplasty when PPM is anticipated at the time of operation." ]
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[ "PROSTATE HEALTH\n\nMRI Guided Fusion Biopsy could be a game changer in the field of urology and prostate cancer detection. ", "The fusion of MR/Ultrasound and Standard Biopsy is more targeted than a sole random biopsy and results in less false negatives\n\nNormally, the indication for someone to get a biopsy is either an elevated PSA level (blood test) or abnormalities were found on the prostate from a Digital Rectal Exam (DRE). ", "From there, we perform the traditional method - a random biopsy. ", "A urologist would take 12-14 samples of your prostate to indicate the presence of cancer. ", "But the keyword to remember is random. ", "We didn't have a guided direction in terms of where to sample on the prostate.", "\n\nMRI-Guided Biopsy help us detect prostate cancer faster and allows us to make a better decision regarding who should get a biopsy.", "\n\nThe new way of performing a biopsy is called MRI-Guided. ", "A full MRI of the prostate is taken and then fused with ultrasound images to find key hotspots on the prostate. ", "From there, when we perform a biopsy, we're targeting suspicious areas of the prostate, rather than random.", "\n\nThe results?", "\n\nWe're finding an increased rate of aggressive prostate cancers which need to be treated immediately and we're avoiding over treatment and over diagnosis of low risk prostate cancers. ", "It's a much more sophisticated method and helps tremendously in the diagnosis process of prostate cancer. .", "\n\nFor men on active surveillance or watchful waiting, targeted fusion biopsy plays a role as a way to follow up any change in their clinical status and need for further intervention. ", "We can detect low risk prostate cancer and from there, determine if the patient is a good candidate for definitive treatments and close surveillance.", "\n\nNew Study\n\nIn a new study from the National Cancer Institute, 1003 men with elevated PSA levels studied over a seven year period, underwent a targeted and standard biopsy. ", "Targeted MR/Ultrasound fusion biopsy diagnosed 461 prostate cancer cases and standard biopsy in 690 men. ", "The targeted biopsy diagnosed 30% more high risk cancers versus standard biopsy. ", "The result showed an increased detection of high-risk prostate cancer and decreased detection of low-risk prostate cancer. ", "In addition 17 percent fewer low-risk cancers were diagnosed.", "This study concludes the fusion of MR/Guided and Standard Biopsy can diagnose intermediate- to high-risk prostate cancer.", "\n\nNearly 1 in 7 men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer in 2015 making that a total of about 220,800 cases. ", "Prostate cancer causes nearly 30,000 deaths every year, making it the second leading cancer killer in men next to lung cancer. ", "Dr. Samadi wants to ensure there is widespread knowledge of prostate cancer being highly curable with a 94 percent 15-year relative survival rate, if detected early.", "\n\nLooking toward the future, MRI fusion-guided biopsy will continue to improve and ensure extreme accuracy during the prostate cancer diagnosis process. ", "This directly affects how we proceed to treat the disease, especially when it comes to aggressive prostate cancers" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
[ 0.008264462809917356, 0.013157894736842105, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.01694915254237288, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.011494252873563218, 0.009523809523809525, 0, 0, 0, 0.008264462809917356, 0, 0, 0.006060606060606061, 0, 0 ]
[ "Q:\n\nWho was the reporter to whom Donald Trump said \"You're fake news\"?", "\n\nIn today's press conference while Donald Trump was taking questions he told one reporter;\n\n“No, not you, your organization is terrible. ", "Quiet. ", "Quiet,” he said. ", "As the reporter continued trying to ask a question, talking over another reporter, Mr. Trump continued: “Don’t be rude. ", "Don’t be rude. ", "Don’t. ", "Be. ", "Rude. ", "I’m not going to give you a question. ", "You are fake news.”", "\n\nSource: CBS\nWho was this reporter and what organization did he work for?", "\n\nA:\n\nThe reporter was Jim Acosta\n\nA CNN reporter in the audience attempted to ask a follow-up question, but Mr. Trump repeatedly shut him down.", "\n“No, not you, your organization is terrible. ", "Quiet. ", "Quiet,” he said. ", "As the reporter continued trying to ask a question, talking over another reporter, Mr. Trump continued: “Don’t be rude. ", "Don’t be rude. ", "Don’t. ", "Be. ", "Rude. ", "I’m not going to give you a question. ", "You are fake news.”", "\n\nThe clip from the conference can be seen here, starting at about 1:06:00,\nhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SUyAk0bYps0\n\n" ]
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[ 0.014285714285714285, 0.007246376811594203, 0, 0, 0.008333333333333333, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.013513513513513514, 0.020833333333333332, 0, 0, 0, 0.008333333333333333, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.008264462809917356 ]
[ "Q:\n\nJava Server Sockets: Find an open port NOT blocked by a firewall\n\nI have a problem similar to this question which was previously asked but my problem is different. ", " I need to be able to see if the port is open and not blocked by a firewall automatically. ", " All examples I found just find ports which the server can be bound to but do not check whether the port is not blocked by a firewall or not. ", " If it is blocked by a firewall, a client not on the LAN cannot connect to the server. ", " Does anybody have any method to do this automatically? ", " I know you can use the CMD in Windows to check ports manually but I need to this automatically. ", " Thanks and sorry for any confusion.", "\n\nA:\n\nThis not manual but a bit outside of Java, but you can run NMAP and then read the results into java. ", " This will help you understand what ports are open.", "\n\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
[ 0.005952380952380952, 0, 0, 0.011494252873563218, 0, 0, 0, 0.018691588785046728, 0, 0 ]
[ "\nAsk HN: favorite HN posts? - ", "snitko\nI read HN in GoogleReader, so I often save some of the posts to the Starred Items. ", "I wonder if you do the same. ", "Please share some of your links.<p>P.S. I'm also looking for a HN post with a link to a huge multi-pages document describing how airlines set prices and handle tickets. ", "It was very interesting and I'd like to re-read it, but I can't find it. ", "Any help would be very much appreciated.", "\n======\nsnitko\nSome of the posts saved to my starred items:\n\n1\\. Ask HN: Please name two of your most favorite books -\n<http://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=875686>\n\n2\\. Talking to God - <http://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=1122706>\n\n3\\. The case of the 500-mile email -\n<http://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=1293652>\n\n4\\. Ask HN: I really don't understand node.js, could someone explain it to me?", "\n- <http://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=1447235>\n\n5\\. No One Knows What the F __* They're Doing (or \"The 3 Types of Knowledge\")\n-<http://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=1121775>\n\n------\njacquesm\nplenty of gems here:\n\n<http://news.ycombinator.com/best>\n\nPersonal favorite is RiderOfGiraffes series on coding up a simple function.", "\n\n~~~\nmambodog\nThe thing with those is, as you go back you'll notice a fair few that aren't\nnearly as interesting now, they were just topical/the right thing at the right\ntime. ", "Many of the truly great articles I've read on HN scored well, but not\n_that_ well.", "\n\n~~~\njacquesm\nAnd plenty of tripe scored way more than it should. ", "But the 'best' page is\ndefinitely a page worth visiting when you're looking for good stuff.", "\n\nsome stuff I really liked:\n\n<http://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=1373046>\n\n<http://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=1362423>\n\n<http://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=1360065>\n\n<http://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=1355977>\n\n" ]
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[ 0, 0.022222222222222223, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.007594936708860759, 0.012307692307692308, 0.005649717514124294, 0, 0, 0, 0.01834862385321101 ]
[ "/**\r\n * This program and the accompanying materials\r\n * are made available under the terms of the License\r\n * which accompanies this distribution in the file LICENSE.txt\r\n */\r\npackage com.archimatetool.editor.propertysections;\r\n\r\nimport org.eclipse.emf.common.notify.", "Notification;\r\nimport org.eclipse.emf.ecore.", "EObject;\r\nimport org.eclipse.gef.commands.", "Command;\r\nimport org.eclipse.gef.commands.", "CompoundCommand;\r\nimport org.eclipse.swt.", "SWT;\r\nimport org.eclipse.swt.events.", "SelectionAdapter;\r\nimport org.eclipse.swt.events.", "SelectionEvent;\r\nimport org.eclipse.swt.layout.", "GridData;\r\nimport org.eclipse.swt.widgets.", "Combo;\r\nimport org.eclipse.swt.widgets.", "Composite;\r\nimport org.eclipse.ui.", "PlatformUI;\r\n\r\nimport com.archimatetool.editor.diagram.actions.", "ConnectionRouterAction;\r\nimport com.archimatetool.editor.diagram.commands.", "ConnectionRouterTypeCommand;\r\nimport com.archimatetool.model.", "IArchimatePackage;\r\nimport com.archimatetool.model.", "IDiagramModel;\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n/**\r\n * Property Section for a Diagram Model's Connection type\r\n * \r\n * @author Phillip Beauvoir\r\n */\r\npublic class DiagramModelConnectionSection extends AbstractECorePropertySection {\r\n \r\n private static final String HELP_ID = \"com.archimatetool.help.diagramModelSection\"; //$NON-NLS-1$\r\n\r\n /**\r\n * Filter to show or reject this section depending on input value\r\n */\r\n public static class Filter extends ObjectFilter {\r\n @Override\r\n public boolean isRequiredType(Object object) {\r\n return object instanceof IDiagramModel;\r\n }\r\n\r\n @Override\r\n public Class<?", "> getAdaptableType() {\r\n return IDiagramModel.class;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n\r\n private Combo fComboRouterType;\r\n \r\n private String[] comboItems = {\r\n ConnectionRouterAction.", "CONNECTION_ROUTER_BENDPONT,\r\n // Doesn't work with C2C\r\n //ConnectionRouterAction.", "CONNECTION_ROUTER_SHORTEST_PATH,\r\n ConnectionRouterAction.", "CONNECTION_ROUTER_MANHATTAN\r\n };\r\n \r\n @Override\r\n protected void createControls(Composite parent) {\r\n createRouterTypeControl(parent);\r\n \r\n // Help ID\r\n PlatformUI.getWorkbench().getHelpSystem().setHelp(parent, HELP_ID);\r\n }\r\n \r\n private void createRouterTypeControl(Composite parent) {\r\n // Label\r\n createLabel(parent, Messages.", "DiagramModelConnectionSection_0, ITabbedLayoutConstants.", "BIG_LABEL_WIDTH, SWT.CENTER);\r\n \r\n // Combo\r\n fComboRouterType = new Combo(parent, SWT.READ_ONLY);\r\n fComboRouterType.setItems(comboItems);\r\n fComboRouterType.addSelectionListener(new SelectionAdapter() {\r\n @Override\r\n public void widgetSelected(SelectionEvent e) {\r\n CompoundCommand result = new CompoundCommand();\r\n\r\n for(EObject dm : getEObjects()) {\r\n if(isAlive(dm)) {\r\n Command cmd = new ConnectionRouterTypeCommand((IDiagramModel)dm,\r\n ConnectionRouterAction.", "CONNECTION_ROUTER_TYPES.get(fComboRouterType.getSelectionIndex()));\r\n if(cmd.canExecute()) {\r\n result.add(cmd);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n\r\n executeCommand(result.unwrap());\r\n }\r\n });\r\n \r\n GridData gd = new GridData(SWT.NONE, SWT.NONE, true, false);\r\n gd.minimumWidth = ITabbedLayoutConstants.", "COMBO_WIDTH;\r\n fComboRouterType.setLayoutData(gd);\r\n }\r\n\r\n @Override\r\n protected void notifyChanged(Notification msg) {\r\n if(msg.getNotifier() == getFirstSelectedObject()) {\r\n Object feature = msg.getFeature();\r\n\r\n if(feature == IArchimatePackage.", "Literals.", "DIAGRAM_MODEL__CONNECTION_ROUTER_TYPE) {\r\n update();\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n\r\n @Override\r\n protected void update() {\r\n if(fIsExecutingCommand) {\r\n return; \r\n }\r\n \r\n int type = ((IDiagramModel)getFirstSelectedObject()).getConnectionRouterType();\r\n \r\n if(ConnectionRouterAction.", "CONNECTION_ROUTER_TYPES.indexOf(type) == -1) {\r\n type = 0;\r\n }\r\n \r\n fComboRouterType.select(ConnectionRouterAction.", "CONNECTION_ROUTER_TYPES.indexOf(type));\r\n }\r\n\r\n @Override\r\n protected IObjectFilter getFilter() {\r\n return new Filter();\r\n }\r\n}\r\n" ]
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[ "“Throughout history, it has been the inaction of those who could have acted; the indifference of those who should have known better; the silence of the voice of justice when it mattered most; that has made it possible for evil to triumph.”", "\nHaile Selassie\n\nSaturday, September 6, 2008\n\nDoes a Rising Tide Raise Jill Long-Thompson's Ship?", "\n\nGiven Barack Obama's apparent insistence on investing in Indiana to try to win the state, I started thinking about how his efforts might benefit Jill Long-Thompson, Democrat seeking to oust Republican Governor Mitch Daniels.", "\n\nAccording to the recent Howey-Gauge Political Poll, Republican McCain leads Obama by 2 points while Republican Gov. Daniels sports an 18 point lead over Democrat Jill Long-Thompson. ", "If those numbers hold up it would reflect a major change in the relationship between Presidential and Gubernatorial election results in Indiana.", "\n\nIndiana is in the minority of states which has its gubernatorial election the same year as the presidentiual contest. ", "That means that outcome in the presidential race could well influence the race for Governor and other contests.", "\n\nSo let's take a look at the relationship between elections results for President and Governor since 1976.", "\n\nSo you have to go back until 1976 to find an election where the Democrat candidate for president ran ahead of the Democrat candidate for governor in Indiana. ", "The 16% spread reflected in the Howey-Gauge poll would be truly historic should those poll numbers end up being the actual results on Election Day. ", "Don't bet on that spread continuing. ", "If Jill Long-Thompson promotes herself as a conservative Democrat, starts connecting with southern Indiana Hoosiers, and raises doubts about the governor, she could come closer to parity with Obama in Indiana, and be in a position to win should a Democrat/Obama tidal wave hit the country.", "\n\n4 comments:\n\nAnonymous\nsaid...\n\nMy Dearest Mr. Ogden,\n\nIi was just curious their are many in the media who say the race for governor is already over. ", "But you do not neccessarily seem to believe that. ", "Could you give your reasons for this and state where the media is mistaken? ", "Also where do you teach?", "\n\nI teach at the University of Indianapolis, generally one class a semester. ", "This year I'm teaching American National Government.", "\n\nI'm not sure I know of any media types who say the race is over. ", "There are still two months to go which is an eternity in politics. ", "Rather they say that the odds are long for Long-Thompson because of the fracture in the Indiana Democratic Party over the Governor's race, which fracture hasn't healed. ", "They too believe she hasn't been a very aggressive campaigner. ", "Both are fair points.", "\n\nFirst, I know how a popular presidential candidate at the top of the ticket can lift the fortunes of those down on the ticket. ", "Remember 1980? ", "That year Ronald Reagan and Jimmmy Carter were virtually dead even in the polls. ", "Reagan's poople came to the polls while the Carter people stayed home. ", "As a result, a virtually unknown Congressman, Dan Quayle who trailed in the polls to the Senators Birch Bayh by double digits was lifted to an election victory.", "\n\nSecond, Governor Daniels has very low re-elect numbers in the polls. ", "That's a far more important stat than the spread between the candidates at this point. ", "It used to be below 50% was considered the death knell for an incumbent. ", "Daniel's numbers have hovered right aroudn 50%.", "\n\nThird, I think Daniels is vulnerable on economic issues, such as unemployment, jobs and gas prices. ", "The numbers are getting worse and they can be exploited by the Democrat candidate. ", "Now I'd be the first to tell you the Governor has very little real influence over the economy. ", "But a constant stream of commercials on that subject in October, could really drive down his numbers.", "\n\nFourth, I think some of the missteps by agency heads will be exploited by Long-Thompson in commercials that will drive down his numbers. ", "For example, the mess at FSSA, the problems in the BMV, etc. ", "Now opposed to the economy I think those administrative type issues are legitimate and ones the Governor has control over. ", "I've always said, and will continue to say, that the lack of strong supervision over the operation of state agencies is a major Achilles heel for the Governor.", "\n\nThose are just some reasons off the top of my head why I think Long-Thompson may well end up winning. ", "At this point, I'd say her changes are about 25%. ", "But she's hardly out of the running, especially in the event of a Democrat Presidential win in the state. ", "As I note in the blog, in Indiana Democrat governor candidates almost always run ahead of Democrat candidates for President.", "\n\nGoldie here again. ", "Thanks for the quick response it was insightful. ", "I just had one or two more questions for you. ", "Firstly, Do you think if Senator Waterman had made it onto the ballot the race would look any different now. ", "Secondly, should JLT you think have helped get Waterman on the ballot, why or why not? ", "And lastly you mentioned in an entry last month that you felt that the guv should retool his campaign message, in what way? ", "Thank you for your time.", "\n\nI'll try to answer your questions. ", "No, I don't think Waterman would have made much of a difference, a point maybe at the most. ", "He would have been a protest vote against Daniels. ", "What happens when Republicans voters have a beef with a Republican incumbent is that they cast a protest vote for the Libertarian candidate. ", "The Libertarian is already on the ballot in this race so there is that protest option for those wanting to vote against Daniels but who do not want to vote Democrat.", "\n\nThat fact may break against JLT in this election. ", "Elections like this are inevitable a referendum on the incumbent's performance in office. ", "People who are unhappy with Daniels, but don't want to vote for JLT, have the option of voting Libertarian. ", "That means that the Libertarian might scoop up votes JLT would otherwise end up getting.", "\n\nBefore I hear from Libertarians claiming they aren't a protest vote, I would point to the Gubernatorial election of 2000 between D Frank O'Bannon, R David McIntosh and Libertairan Andy Horning. ", "Horning was a terrific candidate and got a ton of publicity. ", "But when election day rolled around, the libertarian candidate for Superitendent of Public Instruction received twice as many votes as did Horning. ", "The result was because of a very large number of Republican voters who did not like Republican Superintendent Sue Ellen Reed and were voting for the Libertarian as a protest.", "\n\nNo, I don't think JLT should have helped. ", "I don't think it would have helped (see above). ", "It possibly could have been used against her and it would have diverted resources she needed devoted to her campaign. ", "Obtaining the signatures to run for Governor is a quite burdensome requirement.", "\n\nI'm not sure I went as far as saying the Governor needs to retool his message - right now JLT isn't challenging his message so he's safe. ", "I might have said he needs to be careful bragging about economic development in the state when the perception is that people are hurting and we need to do better.", "\n\nI also think he needs to be careful with the privatization issue. ", "Because of some bungled privatization efforts and poor supervision of contracts, privatization, unfortunately, has become a negative word with negative political consequences. ", "We Republicans deserve to reap what we sow. ", "Privatization is a great idea when it involves the injection of market competition into the provision of a government service. ", "However, when there is only one contractor and you give that contractor a 10 year contract, that's not market competition. ", "That's a state endorsed monopoly.", "\n\nFinally, I would in the strongest terms encourage the Governor to drop the lottery privatization idea. ", "That's a double edged sword. ", "First, you have a lot of voters who have a bad taste regarding privatization. ", "Most importantly though, you have a number of conservative Republicans who rebel at the idea of an expansion of gambling in the state. ", "Turning over the lottery to a private company would see an explosion in the marketing of the lottery that wouldn't sit well with those conservative Republican voters.", "\n\nAbout Me\n\nI have been an attorney since the Fall of 1987. ", "I have worked in every branch of government, including a stint as a Deputy Attorney General, a clerk for a judge on the Indiana Court of Appeals, and I have worked three sessions at the Indiana State Senate.", "\nDuring my time as a lawyer, I have worked not only in various government positions, but also in private practice as a trial attorney handing an assortment of mostly civil cases.", "\nI have also been politically active and run this blog in an effort to add my voice to those calling for reform." ]
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[ "Q:\n\nhow to adjust this algorithm\n\nI have an algorithm and I would like to adjust it to look good. ", "I have some matrices and some equations, so I would like to put the text in the left not in the center. ", "\n\\documentclass[11pt,twocolumn]{article}\n\\usepackage[margin=1cm]{geometry}\n\\usepackage{algpseudocode}\n\\usepackage{algorithm}\n\\usepackage{amsmath}\n\n\\begin{document}\n\\begin{algorithm}[h]\n \\caption{title}\n\n \\begin{algorithmic}[1]\n \\For {all } \n \\State{ \n \\begin{equation*}\n \\begin{bmatrix}\n a \\\\\n a \\\\\n a \\\\\n \\end{bmatrix}\n =\n \\begin{bmatrix}\n b \\\\\n b \\\\\n b \\\\\n \\end{bmatrix}\n \\end{equation*}\n \\For {aaaa}\n \\State{\n \\begin{align*}\n \\delta_{p} &= \n \\begin{bmatrix}\n e \\\\\n e \n \\end{bmatrix} \\\\\n W &= W \\\\ \n S &= S \\\\\n D &= D\n \\end{align*}\n }\n \\EndFor\n \\State{\n \\begin{align*}\n a &=a \\\\\n a &= a\n \\end{align*} \n }\n } \n \\EndFor \n\n \\end{algorithmic}\n\\end{algorithm}\n\\end{document}\n\nAlso, I'm using align which increases the vertical space between lines. ", "Is there any way to decrease the vertical space?", "\n\nA:\n\nHere is one attempt:\n\\documentclass[11pt,twocolumn]{article}\n\\usepackage[margin=1cm]{geometry}\n\\usepackage{algpseudocode}\n\\usepackage{algorithm}\n\\usepackage{amsmath}\n\n\\begin{document}\n\\begin{algorithm}[h]\n \\caption{title}\n\n \\begin{algorithmic}[1]\n \\setlength{\\lineskip}{3pt}\n \\For {all }\n \\State{\n $\n \\begin{bmatrix}\n a \\\\\n a \\\\\n a \\\\\n \\end{bmatrix}\n =\n \\begin{bmatrix}\n b \\\\\n b \\\\\n b \\\\\n \\end{bmatrix}\n $\n \\For {aaaa}\n \\State{\n $\\begin{aligned}[t]\n \\delta_{p} &=\n \\begin{bmatrix}\n e \\\\\n e\n \\end{bmatrix} \\\\\n W &= W \\\\\n S &= S \\\\\n D &= D\n \\end{aligned}\n $\n }\n \\EndFor\n \\State{\n $\\begin{aligned}[t]\n a &=a \\\\\n a &= a\n \\end{aligned}\n $\n }\n }\n \\EndFor\n\n \\end{algorithmic}\n\\end{algorithm}\n\\end{document}\n\n" ]
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[ "Studies on anti-Candida agents with a pyrrole moiety. ", "Synthesis and microbiological activity of some [(1-alkyl),(1-aryl) and (1-benzyl)-5-aryl-3-carboxamido-2-methyl]pyrrole derivatives.", "\nThe synthesis of some [(1-alkyl),(1-aryl) and (1-benzyl)-5-aryl-3-carboxamido-2-methyl]pyrrole derivatives is reported. ", "Their activity against Candida strains has been assessed and the structure-activity relationships for these compounds are discussed." ]
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[ "1. ", "Field of the Invention\nThe present invention relates to an oxide superconducting wire and a method of preparing the same, and a cable conductor which is formed by assembling such oxide superconducting wires, and more particularly, it relates to an oxide superconducting wire which can carry a heavy current in ac application and a method of preparing the same, and a cable conductor which is formed by assembling such oxide superconducting wires.", "\n2. ", "Description of the Background Art\nThe principal feature of an oxide superconductor resides in that the same is in a superconducting state also at a temperature exceeding the liquid nitrogen temperature. ", "Therefore, a wire consisting of such an oxide superconductor is expected for application to a superconducting device, as a material which can be used under cooling with liquid nitrogen.", "\nThe inventors have developed a tape-shaped Bi-based Ag-coated multifilamentary wire, which is prepared from filaments of an oxide superconductor with a stabilizer of silver. ", "A Bi-based Ag-coated wire can be prepared by charging a metal pipe with raw material powder serving as a precursor for a Bi oxide superconductor, wire-drawing the pipe and thereafter repeating rolling and a heat treatment a plurality of times.", "\nOn the other hand, a multifilamentary wire can be prepared by charging metal pipes with raw material powder, wire-drawing the same, engaging a plurality of such wires in a metal pipe for forming a multi-filamentary substance, further wire-drawing the same and thereafter repeating rolling and a heat treatment a plurality of times.", "\nAmong such preparation steps, the rolling step is effective for improving the orientation of crystal grains in the Bi superconductor having a plate-type crystal structure, strengthening bonding between the crystal grains and improving the density of the filaments, and regarded as being indispensable for attaining a high critical current density in preparation of a Bi-based Ag-coated wire.", "\nFurther, the aspect ratio of a section of the wire is increased by this rolling, whereby the aspect ratio of a section of each filament is also increased. ", "This is advantageous for growth of the plate-type crystals, and a high critical current density is consequently attained.", "\nOn the other hand, the heat treatment step for the purpose of sintering is also indispensable for forming the superconductor, attaining crystal growth and strengthening bonding between the crystal grains, since the oxide superconductor is ceramics.", "\nThe Bi-based Ag-coated wire which is prepared in the aforementioned manner is excellent in bending property and capable of preparing a long wire having a critical current density exceeding 104 A/cm2, and hence the same is expected for application to a superconducting cable or magnet.", "\nIn ac application of such an oxide superconducting wire, however, ac loss resulting from a fluctuating magnetic field in driving comes into question. ", "In a cable conductor which is formed by assembling superconducting wires, on the other hand, there arises a new problem to be solved such as a drift phenomenon resulting from ununiformity between impedances of the wires, which cannot be caused in dc application. ", "Due to a drift caused in such a manner, further, loss upon formation of the conductor is disadvantageously increased beyond the sum of ac loss values of strands.", "\nAs to such problems caused in ac application, various countermeasures have generally been studied in relation to metal superconducting wires, for example. ", "In more concrete terms, countermeasures of arranging high resistance barrier layers around or between filaments, preparing an extra-fine multifilamentary wire from superconducting filaments, increasing the specific resistance of a matrix and the like are studied in order to reduce ac loss. ", "In order to suppress a current drift by uniformalizing the impedances of the filaments or wires in a conductor for an ac magnet, on the other hand, countermeasures of twisting the filaments or wires, dislocating the wires or filaments and the like are studied.", "\nIn order to attain a heavy current, further, a countermeasure of further twisting primary stranded wires each prepared by twisting superconducting strands to attain a flat-molded multinary structure or the like is studied.", "\nWhile a countermeasure of further twisting primarily stranded wires to attain a multinary structure or the like must be taken also in employment of the aforementioned Bi-based Ag-coated wire for ac application similarly to the metal superconducting wire, however, it is impossible to implement the aforementioned multinary structure through an oxide superconducting wire by a method which is absolutely identical to that for the metal superconducting wire. ", "This is because a Bi-based Ag-coated multifilamentary wire indispensably requires rolling and sintering processes as described above, while no such rolling and sintering steps are required for preparing a metal superconducting wire.", "\nNamely, it is difficult to twist wires of a Bi oxide superconductor after sintering, since the Bi oxide superconductor is ceramics which is weak against bending distortion. ", "Even if such wires can be twisted, a high critical current density cannot be attained. ", "Further, it is difficult to twist wires in which aspect ratios of sections are increased by rolling. ", "Even if such wires can be twisted, a number of clearances are defined in the stranded wire as compared with that prepared by twisting round wires, and a high critical current density cannot be attained.", "\nIn order to solve the aforementioned problems, an object of the present invention is to provide an oxide superconducting wire which maintains a high critical current density and has a small current drift with small ac loss when the same carries an alternating current and a method of preparing the same, and a cable conductor which is formed by assembling such oxide superconducting wires.", "\nAccording to an aspect of the present invention, an oxide superconducting wire is provided. ", "This oxide superconducting wire is a flat-molded stranded wire which is formed by twisting a plurality of metal-coated strands consisting of an oxide superconductor, and is characterized in that the flat-molded stranded wire has a rectangular sectional shape, and a section of each strand forming the flat-molded stranded wire has an aspect ratio of at least 2.", "\nThroughout the specification, the term xe2x80x9caspect ratioxe2x80x9d indicates the ratio of the thickness to the width in a cross section of the oxide superconducting wire.", "\nSuperconducting filaments provided in the strands can be brought into flat shapes having a high aspect ratio by setting the strands at an aspect ratio of at least 2. ", "Consequently, a superconducting wire having a high critical current density can be obtained. ", "In particular, the aspect ratio of the superconducting filaments is preferably around 10. ", "The section of each strand preferably has an aspect ratio of not more than 20. ", "It is difficult to increase the aspect ratio of the strands beyond 20 in case of twisting and molding the same.", "\nAccording to the present invention, the strands are completely dislocated due to the twisting, whereby the impedances of the strands forming the stranded wire can be equalized to each other.", "\nAccording to the present invention, further, the stranded wire has a rectangular sectional shape. ", "Thus, the wire can be densely wound to be advantageously compacted when the same is applied to a coil or a cable.", "\nPreferably, the metal coatings of the strands consist of silver or a silver alloy, and coating layers consisting of a material having higher resistance than silver are provided on the outer peripheries of the metal coatings.", "\nDue to the presence of such coating layers, the strands can be prevented from bonding in the stranded wire, so that ac loss is effectively reduced.", "\nThe material having higher resistance than silver is prepared from a high resistance metal material or an inorganic insulating material, for example.", "\nWhen no such coating layers consisting of a material having higher resistance than silver such as a high resistance metal material or an inorganic insulating material are present, metal matrices of silver or the like are so diffused during the heat treatment that the strands are disadvantageously bonded with each other, and hence bonding loss between the strands may be increased. ", "The coating layers having higher resistance than silver effectively function to reduce such bonding loss.", "\nThe high resistance material is prepared from an Agxe2x80x94Mn alloy, an Agxe2x80x94Au alloy, or Ni or Cr having high resistance, for example.", "\nOn the other hand, the inorganic insulating material is prepared from an oxide insulating material such as MgO or CuO which is obtained by oxidizing Mg or Cu, for example. ", "Bonding between the strands can be completely prevented by the coating layers consisting of such an insulating material. ", "Further, the effect of dislocation is rendered further complete.", "\nAccording to another aspect of the present invention, a method of preparing an oxide superconducting wire is provided. ", "This method comprises the steps of preparing a stranded wire by twisting a plurality of strands each formed by metal-coating an oxide superconductor or raw material powder therefor, flat-molding the prepared stranded wire, and repeating rolling and a heat treatment of at least 800xc2x0 C. on the flat-molded stranded wire a plurality of times.", "\nNamely, a plurality of round wire type strands each formed by metal-coating an oxide superconductor or raw material powder therefor, which are not sintered as wires, are prepared. ", "Then, the plurality of strands are twisted for preparing a stranded wire. ", "As to the number of twisted strands, three, seven or twelve strands can be twisted, for example.", "\nThis stranded wire is flat-molded and thereafter further rolled, whereby superconducting filaments having circular sections which are provided in the strands can be deformed in the form of flat plates having a high aspect ratio. ", "The dimensions of the superconducting filaments are preferably within the ranges of 0.1 to 100 xcexcm in thickness and 1 xcexcm to 1 mm in width. ", "In the flat-molding, the superconducting filaments can be simultaneously deformed by application of rolling loads from above and under the wire.", "\nThereafter the step of performing rolling and a heat treatment is carried out at least twice, whereby an oxide superconducting wire in which strands are completely dislocated in order to cope with application to an ac wire can be obtained.", "\nAccording to the present invention, the respective filaments are subjected to twisting as well as rolling. ", "In the inventive wire, therefore, the impedances of the respective filaments are uniformalized by twisting. ", "Also when the wire carries an alternating current, therefore, the current can be uniformly fed to the respective filaments. ", "Further, bonding currents between the filaments are suppressed for effectively reducing ac loss. ", "When the surfaces of the strands are insulated, it is possible to further suppress the bonding currents and reduce the ac loss.", "\nAccording to the present invention, the flat-molded stranded wire rolled and heat treated. ", "Thus, a high critical current density can also be attained by strengthening grain bonding which is broken by distortion in formation of the stranded wire and regularizing disturbed orientation.", "\nAccording to the present invention, further, it is also possible to prepare a flat-molded multinary stranded wire by further twisting a plurality of primary stranded wires each obtained by twisting a plurality of strands. ", "As to the number of twisted stranded wires, nine primary stranded wires can be twisted, for example.", "\nIt is particularly important to carry out the twisting step a plurality of times, in order to attain the aforementioned effects when the number of strands which are twisted for the purpose of attaining a high capacitance is increased.", "\nAccording to the present invention, further, a stranded wire may be prepared by stacking and integrating a plurality of tape-shaped strands with each other and thereafter twisting the same. ", "Particularly in case of a silver sheath Bi 2223 superconducting wire, it is important to prepare tape-shaped strands for attaining a high critical current density. ", "Twisting is simplified by stacking the tape-shaped strands with each other for reducing the aspect ratio of sections thereof and thereafter twisting the same, and characteristic deterioration caused by bending distortion or the like can be effectively prevented.", "\nThe strands can be integrated with each other by a method of heat treating the stacked strands and bonding the same with each other by diffusion of silver, a method of performing compression molding, or a method of stacking the strands in a flat pipe, for example. ", "In case of a long wire, it is effective to wire-draw and twist the strands after integrating the same with each other.", "\nThe tape-shaped strands are preferably previously heat treated in advance of twisting. ", "It is possible to reinforce grain bonding of the oxide superconductor for attaining a high critical current density by further performing a heat treatment after forming the oxide superconductor by this heat treatment and performing the step of twisting etc.", "\nAccording to the present invention, the method preferably further comprises a step of previously coating the outer peripheries of the strands with a material having higher resistance than silver before twisting the metal-coated strands for preparing the stranded wire.", "\nThe coating layers consisting of a material having higher resistance than silver can be formed by a method of adding Ni or Cr of high resistance to the outer surfaces of the strands by plating, or a method of applying a solution in which powder of an oxide insulating material such as AlO3 is dispersed to the outer surfaces of the strands, for example.", "\nAlternatively, coating layers consisting of a metal such as Mg or Cu may be formed on the outer peripheries of the strands so that these layers are thereafter oxidized to form coating layers consisting of an oxide insulating material such as MgO or CuO. In particular, excellent workability can be attained by performing an oxidizing step after the rolling of the stranded wire. ", "Mg or Cu is richer in workability than MgO or CuO, and hence the stranded wire can be molded and rolled into a better shape by oxidizing the coating layers after performing twisting and rolling.", "\nAccording to the present invention, the method preferably further comprises a step of previously coating the flat-molded stranded wire with a metal before rolling.", "\nIf the outermost layer of a flat-molded multinary stranded wire is so thin that superconducting filaments may be exposed through the subsequent rolling step, the stranded wire is preferably coated with a metal in advance.", "\nMetal coating layers may be further formed on the outer peripheries of the strands which are coated with a metal such as silver or a silver alloy by performing metal coating on the surface of the flat-molded multinary stranded wire or engagement in a flat metal pipe.", "\nAccording to the present invention, further, each strand is preferably a multifilamentary wire which is formed by embedding a plurality of superconductors in a metal matrix. ", "Due to a plurality of superconducting filaments provided in each strand, flexibility of the wire is improved.", "\nAccording to the present invention, the strands themselves are preferably subjected to twisting. ", "Due to such twisting of the strands themselves, bonding loss and eddy current loss are reduced thereby reducing ac loss as a result.", "\nAccording to the present invention, the method preferably further comprises a step of temporarily heat treating the flat-molded stranded wire before rolling. ", "Workability in rolling can be improved by heat treating the flat-molded stranded wire at about 800xc2x0 C. for diffusion-bonding the strands with each other.", "\nAccording to the present invention, further, a step of winding strands around a core of a flat-molded stranded wire and flat-molding the same is preferably repeated a plurality of times.", "\nA wire having low loss and a high capacitance can be obtained by repeating flat-twisting/molding a plurality of times. ", "Such a wire is effective as a material for forming a compact cable conductor having low loss and a high capacitance.", "\nAccording to still another aspect of the present invention, an oxide superconducting cable conductor is provided. ", "This oxide superconducting cable conductor is formed by assembling oxide superconducting wires on a cylindrical former. ", "Each oxide superconducting wire is a flat-molded stranded wire which is formed by twisting a plurality of metal-coated strands consisting of an oxide superconductor. ", "This flat-molded stranded wire has a rectangular sectional shape, while a section of each strand forming the flat-molded stranded wire has an aspect ratio of at least 2.", "\nIn a single-layer cable conductor formed by assembling oxide superconducting wires on a former in a single layer, for example, all strands are dislocated to occupy positions which are electromagnetically completely equivalent to each other, whereby current distribution in the conductor is so uniformalized that increase of ac loss caused by a drift can be prevented. ", "When wires are spirally wound on a former, on the other hand, it is effective to form the conductor in a two-layer structure so that first and second layers are wound in opposite directions, in order to cancel a magnetic field component along the longitudinal direction of the conductor. ", "Thus, a drift between the layers caused by impedance difference therebetween as well as following ac loss can be minimized as compared with a multilayer conductor, by forming the conductor in a single- or two-layer structure.", "\nAccording to the present invention, as hereinabove described, a metal-coated oxide superconducting wire having a high critical current density which can transmit a current with los loss can be obtained.", "\nAccording to the present invention, further, it is also possible to increase the critical current per wire beyond 100 A by increasing the number of stranded wires and the degree of twisting, i.e., the number of times of twisting, so that the inventive wire is usefully applied to an oxide superconducting cable or a superconducting magnet which is employed for carrying a high capacitance alternating current.", "\nThe foregoing and other objects, features, aspects and advantages of the present invention will become more apparent from the following detailed description of the present invention when taken in conjunction with the accompanying drawings." ]
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[ "Controlled Crystal Growth of Indium Selenide, In2Se3, and the Crystal Structures of α-In2Se3.", "\nIn2Se3 has been known for over 100 years and recently attracted interest as a promising candidate for a variety of applications, such as solar cells, photodiodes, and phase-change memories. ", "Despite the broad concern for possible uses, its polymorphism and structure are poorly characterized. ", "By combining X-ray diffraction, transmission electron microscopy, and quantum-chemical calculations, we present here the crystal structures of two layered room-temperature polytypes: 3R and 2H In2Se3. ", "Both polymorphs are stacking variants of the same Se-In-Se-In-Se layers comprising two coordination environments for the In atoms, one tetrahedral and one octahedral. ", "By using chemical-bonding analysis, we look at the different In positions in α-In2Se3 and compare them to those in the metastable β-phase." ]
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[ "Lois Lerner, the former IRS official at the center of the agency’s Tea Party controversy, mentioned potentially getting a job at an offshoot of President Obama’s campaign, according to newly released documents.", "\n\nADVERTISEMENT\n\nLerner, discussing Organizing for Action with colleagues on email in 2013, said “Oh--maybe I can get the DC office job!”", "\n\nIt’s unclear whether Lerner was joking, but one of her colleagues, Sharon Light, then asked another, Holly Paz, if Lerner was considering retirement.", "\n\nOrganizing for Action is a political advocacy group that was formed from the remnants of Obama's reelection campaign.", "\n\nThe House Ways and Means Committee referenced the email chain in its letter to Attorney General Eric Holder on Wednesday, in which Republicans urge the Justice Department to investigate whether Lerner should be prosecuted for several crimes.", "\n\nCommittee Chairman Dave Camp (R-Mich.) and fellow Republicans say Lerner sought to deny tax-exempt status to Crossroads GPS, the group linked to Karl Rove, which played an outsized role in the 2010 and 2012 campaigns.", "\n\nRepublicans insist that Lerner’s actions against Crossroads were “aggressive and improper,” and they make the case that the former IRS official showed no such interest in liberal-leaning groups like Organizing for Action, despite concerns from campaign finance reform groups.", "\n\nThe Ways and Means Committee letter also accuses Lerner of misleading federal investigators and mishandling confidential taxpayer information. ", "The Justice Department, which already has an open investigation into the IRS, will make the final decision about whether to prosecute Lerner." ]
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[ "Category Archives: \"Books\"\n\nThe Final Fantasy franchise is no doubt one of the most epic video game series in history. ", "And when it comes to the franchise, Final Fantasy VII is probably the most loved of all. ", "Released in the 90s (haven’t we said repeatedly that that decade rules?!), ", "Final Fantasy VII was a breakthrough in the genre. ", "The […]" ]
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[ "Menu\n\nBig growth for Digital Comics in July (and Comic-Con hasn’t even happened yet!)", "\n\nWhile publishers are quick to remind us that digital comics sales are only a fraction of print sales, growth continues as more outlets emerge. ", "Digital comics were initially restricted to the iPhone but now they can be enjoyed on the iPad, Android, Windows 7, PSP, and perhaps most importantly, on the web using any ol’ browser you like. ", "This month in particular has seen a flurry of activity. ", "Here’s a quick rundown of what’s happened just since July 1st. ", "And there’s bound to be a bunch of big announcements during Comic-Con, which starts tonight for a special preview night and then officially gets underway tomorrow.", "\n\nDC Comics now has an app on the Android courtesy of comiXology. (", "ICv2)\n\nUpscale comics publisher Top Shelf has over 70 comics now available on iVerse‘s Comics+ app for the iPad, iPhone and iPod Touch. ", "Top Shelf publishes award winning and critically acclaimed graphic novels like the young reader series Owly by Andy Runton, the great Essex County by Jeff Lemire, the Transformers parody Incredible Change-Bots by Jeffrey Brown, a bunch from the brilliant James Kochalka and much more. (", "Top Shelf)\n\ncomiXology launches Bone and RASL apps for iPad, iPhone, iPod Touch, and online. ", "Apps and first issues are free, subsequent issues are 99 cents until 11 PM tonight. ", "Creator Jeff Smith did a Q&A on Reddit to promote the launch. (", "comiXology)\n\nPlanetary Omnibus sale on comiXology experiments with selling a massive collection of issues. ", "All 27 issues plus an 8-page introductory story were sold in one bundle for $24.99. (", "comiXology)\n\nEven small publishers like Arcana Comics are releasing their own comics apps. (", "Robot 6)\n\nA number of media crossover comics and promotions have been or are about to launch to promote Smurfs, Transformers, Planet of the Apes, Burn Notice, Mass Effect, Lord of the Rings: War in the North, and more.", "\n\nEven when it looks like bad news, it seems it’s only temporarily bad news. ", "Sony discontinued adding new comics to their PSP-based PlayStation Digital Comics store, but it appears they intend to expand the program to new devices, at least for the upcoming Playstation Vita, which is replacing the PSP, and possibly to the larger Sony tablet device. (", "PlayStation)\n\nMarvel Comics hired Peter Phillips to fill the new position of Senior Vice President and General Manager, Digital Media Group, no doubt with the hopes that he will continue to expand their digital initiative. (", "Comic Book Resources)\n\nDark Horse Comics began a 3-month test run of exclusive digital comics for brick-and-mortar retailers, releasing special download codes to be given out to customers. (", "Dark Horse)" ]
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[ "Fires in even the most modern and recently built public multi-story buildings and especially high-rises continually prove the extreme hazard to life in such structures.", "\nIn excerpts from the \"Fire Journal\" and other sources the National Fire Protection Association in Boston, Mass. has documented in a recent booklet entitled \"High Rise Building Fires and Fire Safety\", many such fires claiming hundreds of lives. ", "On pages 161 through 164 of the March 1973 issue of Reader's Digest an article entitled \"How Fireproof Are the New Skyscrapers\" as condensed from an article in the Pittsburgh Press by Warren R. Young again indicates the extreme hazard potential of the multi-story building and the need for improvements in the art to safeguard the lives of the occupants. ", "The fire need not be high in a building to cause death as evidenced by the Osaka cabaret fire (see Fire Journal for March 1973) where 118 died and 69 were injured by a fire originating on the third floor of a seven story building.", "\nThe case of the high-rise buildings is particularly bad as existing fire fighting equipment and ladders will not reach more than the lower floors of a building and access is only by interior stairs and elevator shafts. ", "In the Sao Paulo, Brazil fire of Feb. 1, 1974 the fire truck ladder could reach to the 11th floor only in a 22 story building where 176 died. ", "Rapid and safe evacuation of people of all ages and states of health down such a tall ladder is at best questionable.", "\nElevators inside a building are often found to be inadequate as power and central air conditioning systems in the building are vulnerable to fire and smoke. ", "Often the elevator descends to the floor on fire and stops at that point with the occupants unable to move it in either direction.", "\nStairways and elevator shafts become air ducts for ascending smoke and heat and thus are not dependable as a means for building occupants to either ascend or descend the building. ", "Tragic, frantic attempts are made to flee the fire by improvised ropes and by jumping to death.", "\nFire fighters as well find it difficult to get to the fire point safely and quickly by elevator or stairways. ", "Modern furnishings contain much plastic which is the source of great volumes of killing smoke in the building.", "\nIn the present stage of the art means to evacuate the occupants of a multi-story building on fire consist of the following:\n1. ", "outside steel frame fire escape stairways,\n2. ", "emergency staircases built into the building,\n3. ", "passenger and service elevators in elevator shafts,\n4. ", "passenger elevators installed on the outside wall,\n5. ", "construction elevators installed temporarily alongside buildings on their own towers, and\n6. ", "construction elevators having temporary or permanent rails attached to the outside of a building. ", "See Davis patent U.S. Pat. ", "No. ", "3,763,964.", "\nInside staricases and elevator shafts have been found hazardous because they often act as chimneys filled with killing smoke. ", "Staircases of any type are inadequate for evacuating unaided aged and crippled particularly on high rises but certainly on hospitals. ", "External staircases while usually free of smoke, are expensive to maintain, unsightly, and often a ready means to obtain access to a building by those with criminal intent.", "\nWhile the external elevator should be safer than those in elevator shafts because of more freedom from smoke, the controls in the halls of each floor and dependance upon the building power supply limit their dependability. ", "In addition, the expense involved in providing such elevators in serviceable condition on each wall so as to provide access on a safe wall or walls could easily add a great expense to the building.", "\nMany hours or even several days are required to install the conventional construction elevator therefore eliminating its usefulness in an emergency. ", "While the Davis elevator, U.S. Pat. ", "No. ", "3,763,964, sugggests an emergency device, it has fallen short of a complete apparatus needed to accomplish the task.", "\nThus the need for a dependable yet reasonably economical apparatus to evacuate the occupants of a multi-story building has been apparent and yet not met in the prior art. ", "This is especially true of the high rise where even the use of helicopters has been suggested overlooking the possible difficulty of the building occupants to get to the helicopter pad and the hazard of landing a helicopter on a building on fire." ]
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[ 0, 0.00816326530612245, 0.008450704225352112, 0.004347826086956522, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.07407407407407407, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.027777777777777776, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "Management of Bacteriuria in Veterans Affairs Hospitals.", "\nBacteriuria contributes to antibiotic overuse through treatment of asymptomatic bacteriuria (ASB) and long durations of therapy for symptomatic urinary tract infections (UTIs), yet large-scale evaluations of bacteriuria management among inpatients are lacking. ", "Inpatients with bacteriuria were classified as asymptomatic or symptomatic based on established criteria applied to data collected by manual chart review. ", "We examined frequency of treatment of ASB, factors associated with treatment of ASB, durations of therapy, and frequency of complications including Clostridium difficile infection, readmission, and all-cause mortality within 28 days of discharge. ", "Among 2225 episodes of bacteriuria, 64% were classified as ASB. ", "After excluding patients with non-UTI indications for antibiotics, 72% of patients with ASB received antibiotics. ", "When evaluating only patients not meeting SIRS criteria, 68% of patients with ASB received antibiotics. ", "The mean (±SD) days of antibiotic therapy for ASB, cystitis, CA-UTI and pyelonephritis were 10.0 (4.5), 11.4 (4.7), 12.0 (6.1), and 13.6 (5.3), respectively. ", "In sum, 14% of patients with ASB were treated for greater than 14 days, and fluoroquinolones were the most commonly used empiric antibiotic for ASB [245/691 (35%)]. ", "Complications were rare but more common among patients with ASB treated with antibiotics. ", "The majority of bacteriuria among inpatient veterans is due to ASB with high rates of treatment of ASB and prolonged durations of therapy for ASB and symptomatic UTIs." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
[ 0.03571428571428571, 0.003816793893129771, 0, 0.008097165991902834, 0.015625, 0.008771929824561403, 0.019230769230769232, 0.006329113924050633, 0.012121212121212121, 0.011111111111111112, 0.017964071856287425 ]
[ "TV Centre (Russia)\n\nTV Centre (; formerly abbreviated as ТВЦ, TVC or ТВЦ-Москва, TVC-Moskva - \"TVC Moscow\") is a state-run Russia TV station with the fourth largest coverage area in Russia, after Channel One, Russia-1 and NTV. ", " It is owned by the administration of the city of Moscow and is dedicated to programming that highlights various aspects of Moscow life. ", "The channel airs across Russian territory.", "\n\nLogo\n\nProduction\n\nInformation-analytical \nSobytiya: News programme (1997- ).", "\nPetrovka ,38: Crime news (1997- ).", "\n Postscriptum: Weekly author information and analytical program hosted by Alexei Pushkov (1998- ).", "\n Town meeting: 1999–present.", "\nSobytiya. ", "25th Hour: Nightly news programme (2000- ).", "\nMoskovskaya nedelya: Weekly news telemagazine (2000- ).", "\nV centre sobytiy: Weekly analytical program (2006- ).", "\nNews City: (2012- ).", "\n\nPublicistic \nInvites Boris Notkin: Weekly program interview (1997-2015).", "\nDocumentaries of Leonid Mlechin: Weekly documentary program of Leonid Mlechin (1998-2014).", "\nPravoslavnaya encyclopedia: Religious encyclopedic information program about Orthodox (2002- ).", "\nMarch-Brosok: Telemagazine of the life of the modern Russian army (2003- ).", "\nLine of defense: TV magazine legal issues (2007- ).", "\nSecrets of our cinema: Programme of Soviet cinema (2011- ).", "\nThe Russian Question: Konstantin Zatulin program about the fate of the Russian people (2012- ).", "\nBeware, crooks!: ", "Program scams, their victims and ways to combat scams (2013- ).", "\n\nTalk show \nTemporarily available: Weekly night program interviews with two leading (2008-2015).", "\nMissis: (2011- ).", "\nBrainstorming: Weekly program devoted to science and high technology (2012- ).", "\nPravo golosa (Vote): daily political talk show (2012- ).", "\nDr. I. ..: Program on health (2013- ).", "\nRight to know: Socio-political talk show. ", "The flagship project of the channel, which faced a different perspective on the most pressing question of the week. ", "Protagonist ask questions editors of leading Russian mass media (2014- ).", "\n\nEducational \nLife factor: Information TV magazine devoted to the problems of people with disabilities (2007- ).", "\nLady and the chef: Culinary program (2010- ).", "\n\nEntertainment \nNastroyeniye: Morning feed (1997- ).", "\nTalents and Admirers: (2007- ).", "\nLaughter for home delivery: Humorous program (2008- ).", "\nShelter comedians: Acting evening (2011- ).", "\nHurry to see!: ", "Program of cultural events (2013- ).", "\n\nChildren's \nABVGDeyka: Educational program for preschool and primary school children passing through play (2000- ).", "\n\nSports \nFootball center: Weekly football review (2011-2015)\n\nArchive\n\nInformation-analytical \nBusiness Moscow: Economic programme (1997-2012, earlier 2x2).", "\nSeventh Day: Analytical program (1997-1999).", "\n\nReferences\n\nExternal links \n\nSite of TVCI - international version of the channel\n\nCategory:Russian-language television stations in Russia\nCategory:Television channels and stations established in 1997\nCategory:Companies based in Moscow\nCategory:Culture in Moscow\nCategory:Media in Moscow" ]
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[ "216 pages. ", "Dimensions: 9.4in. ", "x 6.5in. ", "x 0.8in.", "Eddie Mackie didnt know whether they would come out alive. ", "But he had to go. ", "He put the Glock in the holster and the . ", "38 in his wait and headed for the cabin. ", "Albert figured that Mackie, and picked up the 250 grand from Warren. ", "There was an old fishermens cabin down by circle bend on the Mohawk River. ", "That hadnt been used in years. ", "Albert checked it out. ", "Cleaned it up a bit and thought it was the perfect place for the Mackie hit. ", "He starts to follow Angie around on her doings in Port City. ", "After a week of this, he makes his move. ", "On Fridays, Angie goes down to Center Mall and meets Alice for coffee and treats. ", "She always parks her car in the mall garage. ", "When she got out of the car and locked it, Albert was there. ", "Miss Cantini She turned and saw a man standing by the cement stanchion. ", "He was short, chubby, wearing a tan jacket, gray pants and white sneakers. ", "She stepped back a few feet. ", "Do I know you You do now. ", "I have a gun in my pocket and its aimed at you. ", "Dont say one more word. ", "Just step into that white Ford next to your car. ", "This item ships from multiple locations. ", "Your book may arrive from Roseburg,OR, La Vergne,TN. ", "Bookseller Inventory # 9780595746613\n\nEddie Mackie didn't know whether they would come out alive. ", "But he had to go. ", "He put the Glock in the holster and the .38 in his wait and headed for the cabin.", "\n\nAlbert figured that Mackie, and picked up the 250 grand from Warren. ", "There was an old fishermen's cabin down by circle bend on the Mohawk River. ", "That hadn't been used in years. ", "Albert checked it out. ", "Cleaned it up a bit and thought it was the perfect place for the Mackie hit.", "\n\nHe starts to follow Angie around on her doings in Port City. ", "After a week of this, he makes his move. ", "On Fridays, Angie goes down to Center Mall and meets Alice for coffee and treats. ", "She always parks her car in the mall garage. ", "When she got out of the car and locked it, Albert was there.", "\n\n\"Miss Cantini?\" ", "She turned and saw a man standing by the cement stanchion. ", "He was short, chubby, wearing a tan jacket, gray pants and white sneakers.", "\n\nShe stepped back a few feet. \"", "Do I know you?\"", "\n\n\"You do now. ", "I have a gun in my pocket and it's aimed at you. ", "Don't say one more word. ", "Just step into that white Ford next to your car.\"", "\n\nAbout the Author&colon;\n\nRolland K. Flicker grew up in Rotterdam, NY. ", "He and his wife Sally spend winters in the Voyager RV Resort Park in Tucson, AZ, and at the end of May take off for parts unknown. ", "The Factory Tour is Rolland's first novel and he is currently working on a sequel.", "\n\n\"About this title\" may belong to another edition of this title.", "\n\nStore Description\n\nBuySomeBooks is great place to get your books online. ", "With over eight million titles available we're sure to have what you're looking for. ", "Despite having a large selection of new books available for immediate shipment and excellent customer service, people still tell us they prefer us because of our prices.", "\n\nWe guarantee the condition of every book as it's described on the Abebooks web sites. ", "If you're dissatisfied with your purchase (Incorrect Book/Not as Described/Damaged) or if the order hasn't arrived, you're eligible for a refund within 30 days of the estimated delivery date. ", "If you've changed your mind about a book that you've ordered, please use the Ask bookseller a question link to contact us and we'll respond within 2 business days." ]
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[ "WHAT:The use of technology in higher education-it's an ever-changing and at times challenging landscape to navigate. ", "How are you staying on top of all the latest trends and advancements and making sure they're... Learn More>>" ]
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[ "A family with segregating triplicated alpha globin loci and beta thalassemia.", "\nIn this article we report a Sardinian family, in which a beta-thalassemia gene and a triple alpha-globin loci, counterpart of the rightward deletion type alpha-thalassemia-2, were segregating. ", "The analysis of the genotype-phenotype correlations in the different family members allowed us to give an outline of the manifestations associated with different genotype combinations. ", "The heterozygote for the triple alpha-loci showed no consistent abnormal clinical or hematologic characteristics and presented balanced alpha/beta-globin chain synthesis. ", "In the homozygous state for this lesion, the only phenotypic expression was a slightly imbalanced globin chain synthesis. ", "The combination of heterozygous beta-thalassemia with the heterozygous state for the triple alpha-globin loci produced no clinical manifestations and showed a hematologic phenotype indistinguishable from that of heterozygous beta-thalassemia. ", "On the other hand, the combination of the homozygous state for the triple alpha-globin gene loci and the heterozygous state for beta-thalassemia produced a clinical picture of thalassemia intermedia with a very mild clinical course, minor increase of fetal hemoglobin (HbF) levels, and a pronounced imbalance of globin chain synthesis." ]
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[ "[Brush-like skull and dystrophy of the brain in consequence of a complex malformation of the heart (author's transl)].", "\nA report it given on a case of transposition of the arterial trunks accompaniedby septal defect, hypoplasia of the pulomonary trunk, and valvular pulmonary stenosisin a 5 1/2 years old male child. ", "Further striking findings consisted in a partial brush-like skull and in a severe dystrophy of the brain." ]
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[ 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "A NASA-funded researcher at the University of Iowa has found “portals” where the magnetic field of Earth connects to the magnetic field of the Sun, creating an uninterrupted path leading from our own planet to the sun’s atmosphere 93 million miles away.", "\n\n“We call them X-points or electron diffusion regions,” explains plasma physicist Jack Scudder of the University of Iowa. ", "Observations by NASA’s THEMIS spacecraft and Europe’s Cluster probes suggest that these magnetic portals open and close dozens of times each day.", "\n\nThey’re typically located a few tens of thousands of kilometers from Earth where the geomagnetic field meets the onrushing solar wind. ", "Most portals are small and short-lived; others are yawning, vast, and sustained. ", "Tons of energetic particles can flow through the openings, heating Earth’s upper atmosphere, sparking geomagnetic storms, and igniting bright polar auroras.", "\n\nNASA is planning a mission called “MMS” (Magnetospheric Multiscale Mission), due to launch in 2014, to study the phenomenon. ", "Bristling with energetic particle detectors and magnetic sensors, the four spacecraft of MMS will spread out in Earth’s magnetosphere and surround the portals to observe how they work.", "\n\nX-points\n\nPortals form via the process of magnetic reconnection. ", "Mingling lines of magnetic force from the sun and Earth criss-cross and join to create the openings. “", "X-points” are where the criss-cross takes place. ", "The sudden joining of magnetic fields can propel jets of charged particles from the X-point, creating an “electron diffusion region.”", "\n\nTo learn how to pinpoint these events, Scudder looked at data from a space probe that orbited Earth more than 10 years ago.", "\n\n“In the late 1990s, NASA’s Polar spacecraft spent years in Earth’s magnetosphere,” explains Scudder, “and it encountered many X-points during its mission.”", "\n\nBecause Polar carried sensors similar to those of MMS, Scudder decided to see how an X-point looked to Polar. “", "Using Polar data, we have found five simple combinations of magnetic field and energetic particle measurements that tell us when we’ve come across an X-point or an electron diffusion region. ", "A single spacecraft, properly instrumented, can make these measurements.”", "\n\nThis means that single member of the MMS constellation using the diagnostics can find a portal and alert other members of the constellation. ", "Mission planners long thought that MMS might have to spend a year or so learning to find portals before it could study them. ", "Scudder’s work short cuts the process, allowing MMS to get to work without delay." ]
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[ "Center position takes double hit for New Orleans Saints\n\nOne position became the \"center of attention'' for Saints Coach Sean Payton at Monday's organized team activity.", "\n\nThe Associated PressNew Orleans Saints receiver Robert Meachem was limited in Monday's practice.", "\n\nUndrafted rookie free agent center Alex Fletcher of Stanford will be placed on the league's reserve/retired list because of a career-threatening kidney condition, and backup center Nick Leckey underwent right ankle surgery to remove bone spurs.", "\n\nThe Saints signed former University of Cincinnati center Digger Bujnoch, 6-5, 285, to fill Fletcher's roster spot. ", "Bujnoch last went to training camp with the New York Giants.", "\n\n\"Unfortunately, Alex will not be able to continue to play because of the medical issue,'' Payton said. \"", "He has one kidney and the one kidney he has needs some work. ", "It's pretty serious. ", "He was upset and disappointed when we talked but he knows that he has to get this thing better.", "\n\n\"Leckey was operated on and will miss the remainder of OTAs and be healthy in plenty of time for training camp.''", "\n\nLeckey said he will have the splint on his lower right ankle and leg removed Thursday and rehab will take between \"four to eight weeks,'' meaning he will spend his vacation rehabbing in New Orleans.", "\n\nOther practiced related sights, sounds and observations:\n\n• Reserve guard Jamar Nesbit worked at backup center in the absence of Leckey and Fletcher.", "\n\n• WR Marques Colston was excused from Monday's OTA.", "\n\n• WR Robert Meachem has a slightly pulled left hamstring and worked on a limited basis (walk-through and individual work).", "\n\n• DE Paul Spicer (groin) and WR Adrian Arrington (hamstring) did not work and are still battling nagging injuries.", "\n\n• The team worked on its two-minute offense and defense for the first time in OTAs. ", "Quarterback Drew Brees drove the first team offense down to a Garrett Hartley field goal.", "\n\n\"We'll work on it again this week before we finish up,'' Payton said. \"", "We need a lot of work. ", "We think it's one of the more important installations. ", "Most of the games we play come down to a team having to score or us having to score. ", "Of the 16 games, it's probably going to take place 12 or 13 times, so it's an important aspect of the game.''", "\n\n\"We've got more installations still. ", "We've got two or three more installs this week. ", "Once we instrall something we continue to practice. ", "Today it's two-minute, tomorrow we'll be working on some short yardage but we'll still come back to two minute. ", "It's both sides of the ball with the communication that goes on in the huddle calls and in a loud environment being able to get lined up and play the correct defense and execute the right play on offense.''", "\n\n• Payton called Monday's practice in suana-like conditions \"a little sloppy.'' \"", "This was a Monday after a weekend practice to me. ", "If you're not on it, if you're not paying close attention, a drill like the 2-minute drill will show itself.''", "\n\n• CB Randall Gay returned to practice after missing the past week or so with a sore knee.", "\n\n• The best hit of practice did not come on the field. ", "Twenty minutes in, the sound of a rear-end accident on Airline Drive could be heard from inside the fences.", "\n\n• LB Jo-Lonn Dunbar drew a smile from Defensive Coordinator Gregg Williams, punching the ball from tight end Buck Ortega's grasp which resulted in a scoop and return by cornerback Reggie Jones." ]
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[ "**Xamarin is not responsible for, nor does it grant any licenses to, third-party packages. ", "Some packages may require or install dependencies which are governed by additional licenses.**", "\n\nNote: This component depends on [Firebase Remote Config for iOS](https://firebase.google.com/docs/remote-config/use-config-ios), which is subject to the [Terms of Service for Firebase Services](https://firebase.google.com/terms/).", "\n\n### Xamarin Component for Firebase Remote Config for iOS\n\n**The MIT License (MIT)**\n\nCopyright (c) .NET Foundation Contributors\n\nPermission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the \"Software\"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:\n\nThe above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.", "\n\nTHE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED \"AS IS\", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. ", "IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE.", "\n\n20160910" ]
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[ "Fleet Management\n\nQuestions Continue about CSA; Logs, Lamps Top CSA Violations\n\nRob Abbott, vice president of safety policy, American Trucking Associations, discusses the CSA program during Zonar Systems' user conference May 16.", "\n\n“CSA has had an effect on safety, but people want to make sure their scores are correct and fair,” said Rob Abbott, vice president of safety policy, American Trucking Associations, during an update on the program at the recent Zonar user’s conference held in San Antonio last week. ", "Also part of the update, Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance head Steve Keppler went over the top CSA violations.", "\n\nCSA is the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration’s primary tool for identifying and targeting unsafe motor carriers and improving overall truck safety. ", "It is probably a sufficient tool to improve safety, Abbott said, but he added that it’s inappropriate for shippers to make judgments based on individual scores and how they relate to crash rates.", "\n\nBut there are problems with the system. ", "Some of these issues were addressed with changes made in December, which included:\n\nLowering the severity weight for speeding violations that do not designate how much over the speed limit the driver was driving.", "\n\nAligning the weight of paper and electronic log violations.", "\n\nCurrently the program is being audited by the Department of Transportation’s Inspector General’s office and the Government Accountability Office, the investigative arm of the U.S. Congress to access the effectiveness of the program.", "\n\nA key issue, Abbott said, is whether or not there enough data within the system at this point and if the data covers enough fleets. ", "The data for CSA comes from the 3.6 million commercial vehicle inspections performed by state and federal inspectors each year and from state crash reports.", "\n\nHe said only about 12% of carriers have scores in a least one BASIC category and only 3% have scores in all categories.", "\n\nAnd the GAO says the FMCSA only has enough data to score 5.7% of small carriers (five or fewer trucks) in any basic.", "\n\nWhile research shows a relationship between CSA scores and crash rates for some BASICs, there is no clear relationship between the HazMat scores and crash rates.", "\n\nAnother question, Abbott said, was the weighting that certain violations receive (some violations are counted higher than others based on their crash risk.)", "\n\nWhile FMCSA says the severity weights reflect crash risk of the violation, a study by the University of Michigan Transportation Research Institute said it is unknown if the weights used in CSA are appropriate.", "\n\nAnother study, by the American Transportation Research Institute, said that it’s likely the severity weighting methodology places too much weight on safety-irrelevant violations and too little on safety-critical violations in the Drug/Alcohol BASIC.", "\n\nSteve Keppler, executive director of the Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance, gives an update on the top CSA violations." ]
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[ "Q:\n\nProve, by induction, that $\\varphi^{n+1} = \\varphi \\cdot F_{n+1} + F_n$ for all natural numbers $n$.\n\nFibonacci Rules: \n\\begin{align*}\n F_0 = 0 && F_1 = 1 && F_{n+2} = F_n + F_{n+1}\n\\end{align*}\nThe first ten terms of the Fibonacci sequence are 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21,\n34.", "\nIf you pull out a calculator and compute ratios of consecutive Fibonacci\nnumbers, you'll find that the ratio tends toward 1.6180339.... This number\nis the golden ratio, denoted $\\boldsymbol{\\varphi}$ (the Greek letter\nphi). ", "Its exact value is $\\varphi = \\frac{1+\\sqrt{5}}{2}$, and $\\varphi$ is the\npositive solution to the quadratic equation $x^2 = 1 + x$.\nProve, by induction, that $\\varphi^{n+1} = \\varphi \\cdot F_{n+1} + F_n$ for all natural numbers $n$.\nWhile you can solve this problem by substituting $\\varphi = \\frac{1+\\sqrt{5}}{2}$ and doing a bunch of algebra, you might find it more useful to use the fact that $\\varphi$ is a solution to the equation $x^2 = x + 1$\nMy Working:\nP(n) = $\\varphi^{n+1}$ is equal to $\\varphi * F_{n+1} + F_n$ \nMy base case: \nP(0):\n$\\varphi^1$ = $\\varphi * F_1 + F_0$ = $\\frac{1+\\sqrt{5}}{2}$\nI assume P(k) is true so I can prove P(k+1)\nP(k+1):\n$\\varphi^{k+2}$ = $\\varphi * F_{k+2} + F_{k+1}$\nThis is where my problem main starts: \nI can't simplify this further to prove it because I don't understand how $\\varphi$ being the solution to $x^2 = 1 + x$ is suppose to help me solve the problem. ", "Can someone please explain me that? ", "I'm only asking for an explanation and hints, if possible please don't write the entire solution to the proof. ", "\n\nA:\n\nIf $\\varphi^{k+1}=\\varphi F_{k+1}+F_{k}$ then:\n$$\\varphi^{k+2}=\\varphi\\varphi^{k+1}=\\varphi^2F_{k+1}+\\varphi F_{k}\\\\\n=(\\varphi+1)F_{k+1}+\\varphi F_k=\\varphi(F_{k+1}+F_k)+F_{k+1}\\\\\n=\\varphi F_{k+2}+F_{k+1}$$\n\n" ]
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[ "---\nabstract: 'Massive network exploration is an important research direction with many applications. ", "In such a setting, the network is, usually, modeled as a graph $G$, whereas any structural information of interest is extracted by inspecting the way nodes are connected together. ", "In the case where the adjacency matrix or the adjacency list of $G$ is available, one can directly apply graph mining algorithms to extract useful knowledge. ", "However, there are cases where this is not possible because the graph is *hidden* or *implicit*, meaning that the edges are not recorded explicitly in the form of an adjacency representation. ", "In such a case, the only alternative is to pose a sequence of *edge probing queries* asking for the existence or not of a particular graph edge. ", "However, checking all possible node pairs is costly (quadratic on the number of nodes). ", "Thus, our objective is to pose as few edge probing queries as possible, since each such query is expected to be costly. ", "In this work, we center our focus on the *core decomposition* of a hidden graph. ", "In particular, we provide an efficient algorithm to detect the maximal subgraph of $S_k$ of $G$ where the induced degree of every node $u \\in S_k$ is at least $k$. Performance evaluation results demonstrate that significant performance improvements are achieved in comparison to baseline approaches.'", "\nauthor:\n- |\n [Panagiotis Strouthopoulos[$~^{\\#1}$]{}, Apostolos N. Papadopoulos[$~^{\\#2}$]{}]{}\\\n *$^{\\#}$Department of Informatics, Aristotle University\\\n 54124 Thessaloniki, Greece\\\n $^{1}$pstrouth@csd.auth.gr\\\n $^{2}$papadopo@csd.auth.gr*\nbibliography:\n- 'hcore.bib'\ntitle: Core Discovery in Hidden Graphs\n---\n\nNotes {#notes .unnumbered}\n=====\n" ]
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[ "Association between group 2 innate lymphoid cells enrichment, nasal polyps and allergy in chronic rhinosinusitis.", "\nGroup 2 innate lymphoid cells (ILC2s) were shown to be involved in the initiation and coordination of Th2-type immune responses in allergic disease animal models. ", "Recently, ILC2s enrichment was noted in chronic rhinosinusitis (CRS) patients; however, the role of ILC2s in coordinating the Th2 response in CRS remains to be elucidated. ", "Here, we characterize the ILC2 compartment in CRS by investigating the correlations between ILC2s, Th2 cells and Th2 cytokines expression in CRS patients. ", "We used flow cytometric analysis of sinonasal mucosal tissues of 29 CRS patients and 5 controls to quantify ILC2s and Th2 cells. ", "Messenger RNA expression levels of IL-5, IL-13, IL-25, IL-33, TSLP and GATA3 were determined using qRT-PCR. ", "ILC2s were significantly enriched in nasal polyps (CRSwNP) patients. ", "Multivariate linear regression showed a significant positive association of ILC2 numbers with CRSwNP and allergic CRS and a negative association with the number of previous endoscopic sinus surgeries. ", "Group 2 innate lymphoid cell numbers significantly correlated with Th2 cell frequencies. ", "Messenger RNA expression levels of IL-5 and IL-13 were increased in CRSwNP compared with controls, while mRNA levels of IL-25 and GATA3 were significantly reduced. ", "Our results characterize the complex interactions between ILC2s and other Th2 response elements in the context of CRS and suggest that ILC2 enrichment occurs in CRSwNP and in allergic CRS patients." ]
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[ "Alcithoe fissurata\n\nAlcithoe fissurata is a species of sea snail, a marine gastropod mollusc in the family Volutidae, the volutes.", "\n\nReferences\n\n Powell A W B, New Zealand Mollusca, William Collins Publishers Ltd, Auckland, New Zealand 1979 \n\nCategory:Volutidae\nCategory:Gastropods of New Zealand\nCategory:Gastropods described in 1963" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nGCLOUD Kubernetes in f1-micro results in (Node pools of f1-micro machines are not supported due to insufficient memory)\n\nI tried to start a new f1-micro node in my cluster using Googles UI and it silently fails. ", "So I decided to run it using gcloud to see if that one provides more details\nAnd so I ran the following\ngcloud container node-pools create my-f1-pool --image-type ubuntu --machine-type=f1-micro --cluster bcomm-sg-cluster --disk-size=10GB --enable-autoscaling --min-nodes=2 --max-nodes=6 --zone=asia-southeast1-a --enable-autorepair\n\nThis is the result I got instead\nWARNING: Modifications on the boot disks of node VMs do not persist across node recreations. ", "Nodes are recreated during manual-upgrade, auto-upgrade, auto-repair, and auto-scaling. ", "To preserve modifications across node recreation, use a DaemonSet.", "\nWARNING: Newly created clusters and node-pools will have node auto-upgrade enabled by default. ", "This can be disabled using the `--no-enable-autoupgrade` flag.", "\nWARNING: Starting in 1.12, new node pools will be created with their legacy Compute Engine instance metadata APIs disabled by default. ", "To create a node pool with legacy instance metadata endpoints disabled, run `node-pools create` with the flag `--metadata disable-legacy-endpoints=true`.", "\nThis will enable the autorepair feature for nodes. ", "Please see https://cloud.google.com/kubernetes-engine/docs/node-auto-repair for more information on node autorepairs.", "\nERROR: (gcloud.container.node-pools.create) ResponseError: code=400, message=Node pools of f1-micro machines are not supported due to insufficient memory.", "\n\nWhat does it mean by \"Node pools of f1-micro machines are not supported due to insufficient memory\". ", "if its not allowed, then why does the option exist? ", "also previously when I started toying with GCP, the first code pool I created was 3 f1-micro before I added an N1. ", "but now I cannot add the f1-micro and get this error instead\n\nA:\n\nThe GKE documentation says an the end of the machine type table:\n\nNote: f1-micro machines are not supported, because they do not have\n sufficient memory to run GKE.", "\n\nAnswering the question about why you can crete a f1-micro node pool, if you create your GKE with a 1.12.0 version, there is a note that sais:\n\nNote: Prior to 1.12.0, machines with less than 1GB of memory are\n exempt from memory reservations.", "\n\nActually, if you use a higher version, the reservation memory are 255 MiB of memory for machines with less than 1 GB of memory.", "\nThe f1-micro machines only have 0.60 GB of Memory.", "\nSo, if you use a machine with 0.60GB it can't handle the requirements of the OS, and the Kubernetes and have Allocatable memory for the pods.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "\n646 F.3d 667 (2011)\nUNITED STATES of America, Plaintiff-Appellee,\nv.\nCirilo FLORES-PEREZ, Defendant-Appellant.", "\nNo. ", "10-50246.", "\nUnited States Court of Appeals, Ninth Circuit.", "\nArgued and Submitted November 2, 2010.", "\nFiled June 21, 2011.", "\n*668 Devin J. Burstein, Federal Defenders of San Diego, Inc., San Diego, CA, for the defendant-appellant.", "\nScott M. Lesowitz, Assistant United States Attorney, San Diego, CA, for the plaintiff-appellee.", "\nBefore: J. CLIFFORD WALLACE and SUSAN P. GRABER, Circuit Judges, and RICHARD MILLS,[*] Senior District Judge.", "\n\nOPINION\nMILLS, Senior District Judge:\nIn this appeal, Defendant Cirilo Flores-Perez (\"Flores\") seeks interlocutory appellate review of the district court's denial of his motion to dismiss the superseding indictment on double jeopardy grounds.", "\nWe dismiss for want of appellate jurisdiction.", "\n\nI\nFlores was arrested on September 13, 2009, by Customs and Border Protection agents. ", "Flores invoked his right to remain silent and was charged in a one-count indictment with attempting to transport an illegal alien.", "\nFlores pleaded not guilty and proceeded to trial. ", "At the close of the Government's evidence, Flores moved for a judgment of acquittal under Federal Rule of Criminal Procedure 29, which the district court denied.", "\nThe trial resulted in a hung jury, split nine to three in favor of acquittal. ", "Flores renewed his Rule 29 motion, claiming that there was insufficient evidence of guilt. ", "The motion was again denied by the district court.", "\nOn March 24, 2010, Flores was arraigned on a four-count superseding indictment, charging him with (1) conspiring to transport illegal aliens and conspiring to bring illegal aliens into the United States for financial gain; (2) bringing illegal aliens into the United States for financial gain; (3) transporting illegal aliens; and (4) attempting to transport illegal aliens.", "\nAgain, Flores pleaded not guilty to the charges, and he also moved the district court to dismiss the superseding indictment on double jeopardy grounds. ", "The district court denied that motion, and Flores then pursued this appeal.", "\nDuring the initial stages of this appeal, the Government moved to dismiss the appeal for lack of jurisdiction. ", "The issue was fully briefed and, on July 30, 2010, Appellate Commissioner Peter L. Shaw denied the motion without prejudice to the renewal of the jurisdictional issue in the answering brief.", "\nThe Government raised the jurisdictional issue in its brief and at oral argument.", "\n\n\n*669 II\n\nA\nA district court's denial of a motion to dismiss an indictment on double jeopardy grounds is considered a final decision, because it falls within the collateral order exception to the final judgment rule. ", "See Abney v. United States, 431 U.S. 651, 657-62, 97 S.Ct. ", "2034, 52 L.Ed.2d 651 (1977). ", "However, in order to be appealable before final judgment, a double jeopardy claim must be \"colorable.\" ", "For a claim to be colorable, a defendant must show that (1) the original jeopardy has terminated, and (2) the defendant is again in jeopardy for the same crime. ", "A defendant cannot raise a colorable double jeopardy claim that relies upon an assertion that the district court erroneously denied a motion for acquittal. ", "Richardson v. United States, 468 U.S. 317, 104 S.Ct. ", "3081, 82 L.Ed.2d 242 (1984).", "\nIn Richardson, the first trial resulted in a hung jury, and the district court declared a mistrial and scheduled a retrial. ", "Id. at 318-19, 104 S.Ct. ", "3081. ", "In response, the defendant moved for acquittal, arguing that insufficient evidence was presented for conviction. ", "Id. at 319, 104 S.Ct. ", "3081. ", "The defendant also argued that retrial was barred by the Double Jeopardy Clause of the Fifth Amendment. ", "Id. The district court denied the motion. ", "Id.\nThe District of Columbia Circuit dismissed the appeal for want of jurisdiction. ", "The court reasoned that it could not hear the double jeopardy claim because it lacked jurisdiction to review the district court's denial of the acquittal motion. ", "Id. at 319-20, 104 S.Ct. ", "3081.", "\nThe Supreme Court reversed the D.C. Circuit on the jurisdictional issue. ", "Id. at 326, 104 S.Ct. ", "3081. ", "The Supreme Court held that double jeopardy is not implicated in cases involving mistrials due to hung juries, because there is no termination of the original jeopardy in those cases. ", "Id. at 325, 104 S.Ct. ", "3081. ", "The Court stated that, \"[r]egardless of the sufficiency of the evidence at petitioner's first trial, he has no valid double jeopardy claim to prevent his retrial.\" ", "Id. at 326, 104 S.Ct. ", "3081.", "\nThe Supreme Court then gave this additional guidance in a footnote:\nIt follows logically from our holding today that claims of double jeopardy such as petitioner's are no longer \"colorable\" double jeopardy claims which may be appealed before final judgment. ", "A colorable claim, of course, presupposes that there is some possible validity to a claim. ", "Since no set of facts will support the assertion of a claim of double jeopardy like petitioner's in the future, there is no possibility that a defendant's double jeopardy rights will be violated by a new trial, and there is little need to interpose the delay of appellate review before a second trial can begin.", "\nId. at 326 n. 6, 104 S.Ct. ", "3081 (citations omitted). ", "Therefore, under Richardson, double jeopardy claims asserting termination of jeopardy due to a hung jury and associated mistrial are no longer colorable.", "\nWe have adopted the holding of Richardson in several opinions. ", "In United States v. Schemenauer, we held that, regardless of sufficiency of the evidence at a first trial, the defendant did not have a colorable double jeopardy claim following a mistrial due to a deadlocked jury. ", "As a result, we lacked jurisdiction to hear the interlocutory appeal. ", "394 F.3d 746, 749-50 (9th Cir.2005) (\"Footnote 6 in Richardson squarely forecloses our interlocutory jurisdiction to consider Schemenauer's appeal.\").", "\nIn United States v. Recio, we stated the following:\n\n*670 Richardson held that a second trial following a hung-jury mistrial does not violate the Double Jeopardy Clause if, at the time the second trial begins, no court has ruled the government's first-trial evidence insufficient. ", "Richardson also held that appellate courts may no longer exercise jurisdiction over interlocutory insufficiency appeals taken before a second trial has begun.", "\n371 F.3d 1093, 1104 (9th Cir.2004) (citation omitted).", "\nFlores argues that Richardson and its progeny are not controlling because he is appealing the denial of his motion to dismiss the superseding indictment, not his Rule 29 acquittal motion. ", "Flores' argument is not convincing. ", "It is true that Flores has appealed the denial of the motion to dismiss the superseding indictment, and Flores claims that the filing of the superseding indictment creates a colorable double jeopardy claim. ", "However, the crux of Flores' argument regarding the superseding indictment relates almost entirely to the district court's allegedly erroneous denial of his Rule 29 motion. ", "Flores argues that if his Rule 29 motion had been granted, double jeopardy would bar trial on the counts contained in the superseding indictment.", "\nUnder Flores' view of the appeal, the merits of the Rule 29 motion must be reached in order to resolve the double jeopardy claim. ", "As a result, Flores has devoted a significant portion of his briefing to arguing that the district court erroneously denied his Rule 29 motion. ", "For the most part, then, this appeal is really an appeal of the district court's denial of the Rule 29 motion, dressed in the clothing of a double jeopardy claim. ", "Accordingly, interlocutory review is prohibited under Richardson.", "\n\nB\nFlores' analogy to the prohibition against the filing of a superseding indictment during trial is not persuasive. ", "The Eleventh Circuit confronted a similar contention in United States v. Corona, and rejected that argument:\nChanges in the substance of the indictment, therefore, should not be foisted upon a defendant after trial begins. ", "However, this rationale does not apply in the current context. ", "After a mistrial because the jury hung or for any other such reason, the defendant would have ample time to prepare for his defense under a superseding indictment. ", "Therefore, even though jeopardy has attached to the defendant, the practical effect of a superseding indictment after a hung jury is no different from one returned with ample time before a trial on the merits.", "\nWe now set forth the proper application of the two principles of law to this case. ", "Since the mistrial here as a result of the hung jury did not terminate the jeopardy which had attached to the defendants, the retrial of the defendants was not double jeopardy. ", "Since the superseding indictment allowed ample time for defendants' preparation prior to retrial, it was analogous to a superseding indictment before trial and was not analogous to a superseding indictment during trial.", "\n804 F.2d 1568, 1570 (11th Cir.1986) (citation omitted)\nIn Howard v. United States, 372 F.2d 294 (9th Cir.1967), we held that a superseding indictment with new charges following a mistrial does not violate the Double Jeopardy Clause. ", "Flores' attempts to distinguish Corona and Howard are similarly unpersuasive.", "\n*671 We hold that the filing of a superseding indictment after mistrial does not raise a colorable double jeopardy claim.", "\n\nC\nFlores seeks to evade the overwhelming weight of authority by raising a somewhat novel argument—original jeopardy terminated when the superseding indictment was filed. ", "However, as Flores admits, he is unable to produce any authority directly holding that the filing of a superseding indictment after a hung jury terminates the original jeopardy from the first trial.", "\nFlores has directed our attention to United States v. Vavlitis, 9 F.3d 206 (1st Cir.1993), arguing that the case indirectly supports his contention that a post-mistrial superseding indictment terminates original jeopardy. ", "However, in that case, the First Circuit explicitly stated the following regarding the effect of a superseding indictment upon the original indictment:\nIt is clear that the grand jury's return of a superseding indictment does not void the original indictment. ", "A defendant may use the Double Jeopardy Clause to prevent reprosecution following an acquittal or conviction on a superseding indictment, but may not rely on the notion that a superseding indictment instantaneously nullifies the original indictment.", "\n\nId. at 209 (citation omitted) (emphasis added).", "\nOther circuits have also rejected the argument that a superseding indictment terminates the original indictment. ", "The Third Circuit explained the following in United States v. Cerilli:\nAlthough it is difficult to discern their precise contentions, the defendants, in effect, maintain that, since the original indictment has not yet been formally dismissed, and because jeopardy had attached in the proceedings under that indictment, any prosecution under the subsequent indictment would expose them to double jeopardy. ", "We cannot, however, adopt the position advanced by the defendants.", "\n558 F.2d 697, 700 (3d Cir.1977) (per curiam). ", "The court elaborated in a footnote:\nAlternatively, the defendants appear to contend that the issuance of the \"superseding\" indictment necessarily constitutes the dismissal of the original indictment. ", "Continuing this line of reasoning, they claim that, because jeopardy attached under the first indictment, and as the first indictment has, in effect, been dismissed, no prosecution is possible under the second indictment or, presumably, under any other one.", "\nThe defendants' argument in this regard is not convincing, especially in the absence of any authority for such a theory. ", "As we understand it, there are two pending indictments against the defendants, and the government may select one of them with which to proceed to trial.", "\nId. at 700 n. 3; see also United States v. Bowen, 946 F.2d 734, 736 (10th Cir.1991) (\"We have found no authority which supports the proposition that a superseding indictment zaps an earlier indictment to the end that the earlier indictment somehow vanishes into thin air.\").", "\nFlores is unable to produce any authority to support this argument, and in the face of contrary authority from at least three circuits, we hold that a superseding indictment does not nullify an original indictment. ", "We further hold that the issuance of a superseding indictment does not terminate the original jeopardy. ", "Without the termination of the original jeopardy, no colorable claim of double jeopardy can *672 be made. ", "See Richardson, 468 U.S. at 325, 104 S.Ct. ", "3081. ", "Without a colorable double jeopardy claim, the Defendant cannot bring this claim on appeal. ", "See id. at 326 n. 6, 104 S.Ct. ", "3081.", "\n\nIII\nIn summary, we hold that we lack jurisdiction to review the district court's denial of the motion for acquittal.", "\nWe further hold that the issuance of a superseding indictment following a mistrial does not create a colorable double jeopardy claim, because the issuance of a superseding indictment does not nullify the original indictment, and because the issuance of a superseding indictment does not terminate the original jeopardy.", "\nTherefore, we dismiss this appeal for want of jurisdiction.", "\nDISMISSED.", "\nNOTES\n[*] The Honorable Richard Mills, Senior United States District Judge for the Central District of Illinois, sitting by designation.", "\n" ]
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[ "This week, Indian news outlets announced the development of a new seedless mango by scientists in Bihar, describing it as “the ultimate delicacy.”", "\n\nWhile the Sindhu mango may be palatable, it’s not seedless. ", "And, it is not new. ", "In fact, it has been around for more than two decades.", "\n\nThere are hundreds of varieties of mangoes in the subcontinent, which is the world’s largest producer of the fruit, and researchers often release new hybrids in the market. ", "The Sindhu is a cross between mango varieties Ratna and Alphonso. ", "It was created in 1992 by an agriculture university called Konkan Krishi Vidyapith, Dapoli in Maharashtra. ", "It has a very small and thin seed and way more pulp than typical mangoes.", "\n\nResearch trials on this variety have been conducted all over the country for 20 years, and many states have developed Sindhu fruit. ", "Bihar Agriculture University (BAU) planted the variety in 2011 and bore fruit this year for the first time.", "\n\nRecent media stories mislead several readers into believing that the state has created a brand new hybrid without a seed. ", "On Twitter this week, many users considered it one of India’s best scientific inventions in recent years and applauded Bihar scientists for coming up with this idea. ", "Others were horrified at the thought of an “impotent mango” and moaned the imminent death of a key ritual while eating the fruit—sucking on the mango pit. ", "Read all the reactions here.", "\n\nThe joy and concerns are both unwarranted.", "\n\n“Neither have we developed this mango nor is it seedless,” V.B. Patel, chairman of the horticulture department at BAU told Quartz. “", "We simply tested this variety.”", "\n\nIn a typical mango, the seed can be 15% to 30% of its total weight, whereas the Sindhu weighs around 200 grams and the seed is less than 10% of the total weight.", "\n\nMangoes are immensely popular in South Asia during summers. ", "A variety that is sweet and almost entirely edible will most likely rule the fruit market. ", "But consumers will have to wait before they can sink their teeth into a Sindhu. ", "While media reports suggested the variety will be available for export by 2015, Patel said that is extremely unlikely.", "\n\n“The mango will not be available commercially for at least five more years as the research trials are still underway,” he said." ]
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[ "// Copyright 2011 The Go Authors. ", "All rights reserved.", "\n// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style\n// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.", "\n\npackage template\n\nimport (\n\t\"bytes\"\n\t\"fmt\"\n\t\"io\"\n\t\"reflect\"\n\t\"runtime\"\n\t\"sort\"\n\t\"strings\"\n\n\t\"github.com/alecthomas/template/parse\"\n)\n\n// state represents the state of an execution. ", "It's not part of the\n// template so that multiple executions of the same template\n// can execute in parallel.", "\ntype state struct {\n\ttmpl *Template\n\twr io.", "Writer\n\tnode parse.", "Node // current node, for errors\n\tvars []variable // push-down stack of variable values.", "\n}\n\n// variable holds the dynamic value of a variable such as $, $x etc.", "\ntype variable struct {\n\tname string\n\tvalue reflect.", "Value\n}\n\n// push pushes a new variable on the stack.", "\nfunc (s *state) push(name string, value reflect.", "Value) {\n\ts.vars = append(s.vars, variable{name, value})\n}\n\n// mark returns the length of the variable stack.", "\nfunc (s *state) mark() int {\n\treturn len(s.vars)\n}\n\n// pop pops the variable stack up to the mark.", "\nfunc (s *state) pop(mark int) {\n\ts.vars = s.vars[0:mark]\n}\n\n// setVar overwrites the top-nth variable on the stack. ", "Used by range iterations.", "\nfunc (s *state) setVar(n int, value reflect.", "Value) {\n\ts.vars[len(s.vars)-n].value = value\n}\n\n// varValue returns the value of the named variable.", "\nfunc (s *state) varValue(name string) reflect.", "Value {\n\tfor i := s.mark() - 1; i >= 0; i-- {\n\t\tif s.vars[i].name == name {\n\t\t\treturn s.vars[i].value\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\ts.errorf(\"undefined variable: %s\", name)\n\treturn zero\n}\n\nvar zero reflect.", "Value\n\n// at marks the state to be on node n, for error reporting.", "\nfunc (s *state) at(node parse.", "Node) {\n\ts.node = node\n}\n\n// doublePercent returns the string with %'s replaced by %%, if necessary,\n// so it can be used safely inside a Printf format string.", "\nfunc doublePercent(str string) string {\n\tif strings.", "Contains(str, \"%\") {\n\t\tstr = strings.", "Replace(str, \"%\", \"%%\", -1)\n\t}\n\treturn str\n}\n\n// errorf formats the error and terminates processing.", "\nfunc (s *state) errorf(format string, args ...interface{}) {\n\tname := doublePercent(s.tmpl.", "Name())\n\tif s.node == nil {\n\t\tformat = fmt.", "Sprintf(\"template: %s: %s\", name, format)\n\t} else {\n\t\tlocation, context := s.tmpl.", "ErrorContext(s.node)\n\t\tformat = fmt.", "Sprintf(\"template: %s: executing %q at <%s>: %s\", location, name, doublePercent(context), format)\n\t}\n\tpanic(fmt.", "Errorf(format, args...))\n}\n\n// errRecover is the handler that turns panics into returns from the top\n// level of Parse.", "\nfunc errRecover(errp *error) {\n\te := recover()\n\tif e !", "= nil {\n\t\tswitch err := e.(type) {\n\t\tcase runtime.", "Error:\n\t\t\tpanic(e)\n\t\tcase error:\n\t\t\t*errp = err\n\t\tdefault:\n\t\t\tpanic(e)\n\t\t}\n\t}\n}\n\n// ExecuteTemplate applies the template associated with t that has the given name\n// to the specified data object and writes the output to wr.", "\n// If an error occurs executing the template or writing its output,\n// execution stops, but partial results may already have been written to\n// the output writer.", "\n// A template may be executed safely in parallel.", "\nfunc (t *Template) ExecuteTemplate(wr io.", "Writer, name string, data interface{}) error {\n\ttmpl := t.tmpl[name]\n\tif tmpl == nil {\n\t\treturn fmt.", "Errorf(\"template: no template %q associated with template %q\", name, t.name)\n\t}\n\treturn tmpl.", "Execute(wr, data)\n}\n\n// Execute applies a parsed template to the specified data object,\n// and writes the output to wr.", "\n// If an error occurs executing the template or writing its output,\n// execution stops, but partial results may already have been written to\n// the output writer.", "\n// A template may be executed safely in parallel.", "\nfunc (t *Template) Execute(wr io.", "Writer, data interface{}) (err error) {\n\tdefer errRecover(&err)\n\tvalue := reflect.", "ValueOf(data)\n\tstate := &state{\n\t\ttmpl: t,\n\t\twr: wr,\n\t\tvars: []variable{{\"$\", value}},\n\t}\n\tt.init()\n\tif t.Tree == nil || t.Root == nil {\n\t\tvar b bytes.", "Buffer\n\t\tfor name, tmpl := range t.tmpl {\n\t\t\tif tmpl.", "Tree == nil || tmpl.", "Root == nil {\n\t\t\t\tcontinue\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\tif b.Len() > 0 {\n\t\t\t\tb.WriteString(\", \")\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\tfmt.", "Fprintf(&b, \"%q\", name)\n\t\t}\n\t\tvar s string\n\t\tif b.Len() > 0 {\n\t\t\ts = \"; defined templates are: \" + b.String()\n\t\t}\n\t\tstate.errorf(\"%q is an incomplete or empty template%s\", t.Name(), s)\n\t}\n\tstate.walk(value, t.Root)\n\treturn\n}\n\n// Walk functions step through the major pieces of the template structure,\n// generating output as they go.", "\nfunc (s *state) walk(dot reflect.", "Value, node parse.", "Node) {\n\ts.at(node)\n\tswitch node := node.(type) {\n\tcase *parse.", "ActionNode:\n\t\t// Do not pop variables so they persist until next end.", "\n\t\t// Also, if the action declares variables, don't print the result.", "\n\t\tval := s.evalPipeline(dot, node.", "Pipe)\n\t\tif len(node.", "Pipe.", "Decl) == 0 {\n\t\t\ts.printValue(node, val)\n\t\t}\n\tcase *parse.", "IfNode:\n\t\ts.walkIfOrWith(parse.", "NodeIf, dot, node.", "Pipe, node.", "List, node.", "ElseList)\n\tcase *parse.", "ListNode:\n\t\tfor _, node := range node.", "Nodes {\n\t\t\ts.walk(dot, node)\n\t\t}\n\tcase *parse.", "RangeNode:\n\t\ts.walkRange(dot, node)\n\tcase *parse.", "TemplateNode:\n\t\ts.walkTemplate(dot, node)\n\tcase *parse.", "TextNode:\n\t\tif _, err := s.wr.", "Write(node.", "Text); err !", "= nil {\n\t\t\ts.errorf(\"%s\", err)\n\t\t}\n\tcase *parse.", "WithNode:\n\t\ts.walkIfOrWith(parse.", "NodeWith, dot, node.", "Pipe, node.", "List, node.", "ElseList)\n\tdefault:\n\t\ts.errorf(\"unknown node: %s\", node)\n\t}\n}\n\n// walkIfOrWith walks an 'if' or 'with' node. ", "The two control structures\n// are identical in behavior except that 'with' sets dot.", "\nfunc (s *state) walkIfOrWith(typ parse.", "NodeType, dot reflect.", "Value, pipe *parse.", "PipeNode, list, elseList *parse.", "ListNode) {\n\tdefer s.pop(s.mark())\n\tval := s.evalPipeline(dot, pipe)\n\ttruth, ok := isTrue(val)\n\tif !", "ok {\n\t\ts.errorf(\"if/with can't use %v\", val)\n\t}\n\tif truth {\n\t\tif typ == parse.", "NodeWith {\n\t\t\ts.walk(val, list)\n\t\t} else {\n\t\t\ts.walk(dot, list)\n\t\t}\n\t} else if elseList !", "= nil {\n\t\ts.walk(dot, elseList)\n\t}\n}\n\n// isTrue reports whether the value is 'true', in the sense of not the zero of its type,\n// and whether the value has a meaningful truth value.", "\nfunc isTrue(val reflect.", "Value) (truth, ok bool) {\n\tif !", "val.", "IsValid() {\n\t\t// Something like var x interface{}, never set. ", "It's a form of nil.", "\n\t\treturn false, true\n\t}\n\tswitch val.", "Kind() {\n\tcase reflect.", "Array, reflect.", "Map, reflect.", "Slice, reflect.", "String:\n\t\ttruth = val.", "Len() > 0\n\tcase reflect.", "Bool:\n\t\ttruth = val.", "Bool()\n\tcase reflect.", "Complex64, reflect.", "Complex128:\n\t\ttruth = val.", "Complex() !", "= 0\n\tcase reflect.", "Chan, reflect.", "Func, reflect.", "Ptr, reflect.", "Interface:\n\t\ttruth = !", "val.", "IsNil()\n\tcase reflect.", "Int, reflect.", "Int8, reflect.", "Int16, reflect.", "Int32, reflect.", "Int64:\n\t\ttruth = val.", "Int() !", "= 0\n\tcase reflect.", "Float32, reflect.", "Float64:\n\t\ttruth = val.", "Float() !", "= 0\n\tcase reflect.", "Uint, reflect.", "Uint8, reflect.", "Uint16, reflect.", "Uint32, reflect.", "Uint64, reflect.", "Uintptr:\n\t\ttruth = val.", "Uint() !", "= 0\n\tcase reflect.", "Struct:\n\t\ttruth = true // Struct values are always true.", "\n\tdefault:\n\t\treturn\n\t}\n\treturn truth, true\n}\n\nfunc (s *state) walkRange(dot reflect.", "Value, r *parse.", "RangeNode) {\n\ts.at(r)\n\tdefer s.pop(s.mark())\n\tval, _ := indirect(s.evalPipeline(dot, r.Pipe))\n\t// mark top of stack before any variables in the body are pushed.", "\n\tmark := s.mark()\n\toneIteration := func(index, elem reflect.", "Value) {\n\t\t// Set top var (lexically the second if there are two) to the element.", "\n\t\tif len(r.", "Pipe.", "Decl) > 0 {\n\t\t\ts.setVar(1, elem)\n\t\t}\n\t\t// Set next var (lexically the first if there are two) to the index.", "\n\t\tif len(r.", "Pipe.", "Decl) > 1 {\n\t\t\ts.setVar(2, index)\n\t\t}\n\t\ts.walk(elem, r.List)\n\t\ts.pop(mark)\n\t}\n\tswitch val.", "Kind() {\n\tcase reflect.", "Array, reflect.", "Slice:\n\t\tif val.", "Len() == 0 {\n\t\t\tbreak\n\t\t}\n\t\tfor i := 0; i < val.", "Len(); i++ {\n\t\t\toneIteration(reflect.", "ValueOf(i), val.", "Index(i))\n\t\t}\n\t\treturn\n\tcase reflect.", "Map:\n\t\tif val.", "Len() == 0 {\n\t\t\tbreak\n\t\t}\n\t\tfor _, key := range sortKeys(val.", "MapKeys()) {\n\t\t\toneIteration(key, val.", "MapIndex(key))\n\t\t}\n\t\treturn\n\tcase reflect.", "Chan:\n\t\tif val.", "IsNil() {\n\t\t\tbreak\n\t\t}\n\t\ti := 0\n\t\tfor ; ; i++ {\n\t\t\telem, ok := val.", "Recv()\n\t\t\tif !", "ok {\n\t\t\t\tbreak\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\toneIteration(reflect.", "ValueOf(i), elem)\n\t\t}\n\t\tif i == 0 {\n\t\t\tbreak\n\t\t}\n\t\treturn\n\tcase reflect.", "Invalid:\n\t\tbreak // An invalid value is likely a nil map, etc. ", "and acts like an empty map.", "\n\tdefault:\n\t\ts.errorf(\"range can't iterate over %v\", val)\n\t}\n\tif r.ElseList !", "= nil {\n\t\ts.walk(dot, r.ElseList)\n\t}\n}\n\nfunc (s *state) walkTemplate(dot reflect.", "Value, t *parse.", "TemplateNode) {\n\ts.at(t)\n\ttmpl := s.tmpl.tmpl[t.", "Name]\n\tif tmpl == nil {\n\t\ts.errorf(\"template %q not defined\", t.Name)\n\t}\n\t// Variables declared by the pipeline persist.", "\n\tdot = s.evalPipeline(dot, t.Pipe)\n\tnewState := *s\n\tnewState.tmpl = tmpl\n\t// No dynamic scoping: template invocations inherit no variables.", "\n\tnewState.vars = []variable{{\"$\", dot}}\n\tnewState.walk(dot, tmpl.", "Root)\n}\n\n// Eval functions evaluate pipelines, commands, and their elements and extract\n// values from the data structure by examining fields, calling methods, and so on.", "\n// The printing of those values happens only through walk functions.", "\n\n// evalPipeline returns the value acquired by evaluating a pipeline. ", "If the\n// pipeline has a variable declaration, the variable will be pushed on the\n// stack. ", "Callers should therefore pop the stack after they are finished\n// executing commands depending on the pipeline value.", "\nfunc (s *state) evalPipeline(dot reflect.", "Value, pipe *parse.", "PipeNode) (value reflect.", "Value) {\n\tif pipe == nil {\n\t\treturn\n\t}\n\ts.at(pipe)\n\tfor _, cmd := range pipe.", "Cmds {\n\t\tvalue = s.evalCommand(dot, cmd, value) // previous value is this one's final arg.", "\n\t\t// If the object has type interface{}, dig down one level to the thing inside.", "\n\t\tif value.", "Kind() == reflect.", "Interface && value.", "Type().NumMethod() == 0 {\n\t\t\tvalue = reflect.", "ValueOf(value.", "Interface()) // lovely!", "\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\tfor _, variable := range pipe.", "Decl {\n\t\ts.push(variable.", "Ident[0], value)\n\t}\n\treturn value\n}\n\nfunc (s *state) notAFunction(args []parse.", "Node, final reflect.", "Value) {\n\tif len(args) > 1 || final.", "IsValid() {\n\t\ts.errorf(\"can't give argument to non-function %s\", args[0])\n\t}\n}\n\nfunc (s *state) evalCommand(dot reflect.", "Value, cmd *parse.", "CommandNode, final reflect.", "Value) reflect.", "Value {\n\tfirstWord := cmd.", "Args[0]\n\tswitch n := firstWord.(type) {\n\tcase *parse.", "FieldNode:\n\t\treturn s.evalFieldNode(dot, n, cmd.", "Args, final)\n\tcase *parse.", "ChainNode:\n\t\treturn s.evalChainNode(dot, n, cmd.", "Args, final)\n\tcase *parse.", "IdentifierNode:\n\t\t// Must be a function.", "\n\t\treturn s.evalFunction(dot, n, cmd, cmd.", "Args, final)\n\tcase *parse.", "PipeNode:\n\t\t// Parenthesized pipeline. ", "The arguments are all inside the pipeline; final is ignored.", "\n\t\treturn s.evalPipeline(dot, n)\n\tcase *parse.", "VariableNode:\n\t\treturn s.evalVariableNode(dot, n, cmd.", "Args, final)\n\t}\n\ts.at(firstWord)\n\ts.notAFunction(cmd.", "Args, final)\n\tswitch word := firstWord.(type) {\n\tcase *parse.", "BoolNode:\n\t\treturn reflect.", "ValueOf(word.", "True)\n\tcase *parse.", "DotNode:\n\t\treturn dot\n\tcase *parse.", "NilNode:\n\t\ts.errorf(\"nil is not a command\")\n\tcase *parse.", "NumberNode:\n\t\treturn s.idealConstant(word)\n\tcase *parse.", "StringNode:\n\t\treturn reflect.", "ValueOf(word.", "Text)\n\t}\n\ts.errorf(\"can't evaluate command %q\", firstWord)\n\tpanic(\"not reached\")\n}\n\n// idealConstant is called to return the value of a number in a context where\n// we don't know the type. ", "In that case, the syntax of the number tells us\n// its type, and we use Go rules to resolve. ", " Note there is no such thing as\n// a uint ideal constant in this situation - the value must be of int type.", "\nfunc (s *state) idealConstant(constant *parse.", "NumberNode) reflect.", "Value {\n\t// These are ideal constants but we don't know the type\n\t// and we have no context. ", " (If it was a method argument,\n\t// we'd know what we need.) ", "The syntax guides us to some extent.", "\n\ts.at(constant)\n\tswitch {\n\tcase constant.", "IsComplex:\n\t\treturn reflect.", "ValueOf(constant.", "Complex128) // incontrovertible.", "\n\tcase constant.", "IsFloat && !", "isHexConstant(constant.", "Text) && strings.", "IndexAny(constant.", "Text, \".eE\") >= 0:\n\t\treturn reflect.", "ValueOf(constant.", "Float64)\n\tcase constant.", "IsInt:\n\t\tn := int(constant.", "Int64)\n\t\tif int64(n) !", "= constant.", "Int64 {\n\t\t\ts.errorf(\"%s overflows int\", constant.", "Text)\n\t\t}\n\t\treturn reflect.", "ValueOf(n)\n\tcase constant.", "IsUint:\n\t\ts.errorf(\"%s overflows int\", constant.", "Text)\n\t}\n\treturn zero\n}\n\nfunc isHexConstant(s string) bool {\n\treturn len(s) > 2 && s[0] == '0' && (s[1] == 'x' || s[1] == 'X')\n}\n\nfunc (s *state) evalFieldNode(dot reflect.", "Value, field *parse.", "FieldNode, args []parse.", "Node, final reflect.", "Value) reflect.", "Value {\n\ts.at(field)\n\treturn s.evalFieldChain(dot, dot, field, field.", "Ident, args, final)\n}\n\nfunc (s *state) evalChainNode(dot reflect.", "Value, chain *parse.", "ChainNode, args []parse.", "Node, final reflect.", "Value) reflect.", "Value {\n\ts.at(chain)\n\t// (pipe).Field1.Field2 has pipe as .Node, fields as .Field. ", "Eval the pipeline, then the fields.", "\n\tpipe := s.evalArg(dot, nil, chain.", "Node)\n\tif len(chain.", "Field) == 0 {\n\t\ts.errorf(\"internal error: no fields in evalChainNode\")\n\t}\n\treturn s.evalFieldChain(dot, pipe, chain, chain.", "Field, args, final)\n}\n\nfunc (s *state) evalVariableNode(dot reflect.", "Value, variable *parse.", "VariableNode, args []parse.", "Node, final reflect.", "Value) reflect.", "Value {\n\t// $x.Field has $x as the first ident, Field as the second. ", "Eval the var, then the fields.", "\n\ts.at(variable)\n\tvalue := s.varValue(variable.", "Ident[0])\n\tif len(variable.", "Ident) == 1 {\n\t\ts.notAFunction(args, final)\n\t\treturn value\n\t}\n\treturn s.evalFieldChain(dot, value, variable, variable.", "Ident[1:], args, final)\n}\n\n// evalFieldChain evaluates .X.Y.Z possibly followed by arguments.", "\n// dot is the environment in which to evaluate arguments, while\n// receiver is the value being walked along the chain.", "\nfunc (s *state) evalFieldChain(dot, receiver reflect.", "Value, node parse.", "Node, ident []string, args []parse.", "Node, final reflect.", "Value) reflect.", "Value {\n\tn := len(ident)\n\tfor i := 0; i < n-1; i++ {\n\t\treceiver = s.evalField(dot, ident[i], node, nil, zero, receiver)\n\t}\n\t// Now if it's a method, it gets the arguments.", "\n\treturn s.evalField(dot, ident[n-1], node, args, final, receiver)\n}\n\nfunc (s *state) evalFunction(dot reflect.", "Value, node *parse.", "IdentifierNode, cmd parse.", "Node, args []parse.", "Node, final reflect.", "Value) reflect.", "Value {\n\ts.at(node)\n\tname := node.", "Ident\n\tfunction, ok := findFunction(name, s.tmpl)\n\tif !", "ok {\n\t\ts.errorf(\"%q is not a defined function\", name)\n\t}\n\treturn s.evalCall(dot, function, cmd, name, args, final)\n}\n\n// evalField evaluates an expression like (.Field) or (.Field arg1 arg2).", "\n// The 'final' argument represents the return value from the preceding\n// value of the pipeline, if any.", "\nfunc (s *state) evalField(dot reflect.", "Value, fieldName string, node parse.", "Node, args []parse.", "Node, final, receiver reflect.", "Value) reflect.", "Value {\n\tif !", "receiver.", "IsValid() {\n\t\treturn zero\n\t}\n\ttyp := receiver.", "Type()\n\treceiver, _ = indirect(receiver)\n\t// Unless it's an interface, need to get to a value of type *T to guarantee\n\t// we see all methods of T and *T.\n\tptr := receiver\n\tif ptr.", "Kind() !", "= reflect.", "Interface && ptr.", "CanAddr() {\n\t\tptr = ptr.", "Addr()\n\t}\n\tif method := ptr.", "MethodByName(fieldName); method.", "IsValid() {\n\t\treturn s.evalCall(dot, method, node, fieldName, args, final)\n\t}\n\thasArgs := len(args) > 1 || final.", "IsValid()\n\t// It's not a method; must be a field of a struct or an element of a map. ", "The receiver must not be nil.", "\n\treceiver, isNil := indirect(receiver)\n\tif isNil {\n\t\ts.errorf(\"nil pointer evaluating %s.%s\", typ, fieldName)\n\t}\n\tswitch receiver.", "Kind() {\n\tcase reflect.", "Struct:\n\t\ttField, ok := receiver.", "Type().FieldByName(fieldName)\n\t\tif ok {\n\t\t\tfield := receiver.", "FieldByIndex(tField.", "Index)\n\t\t\tif tField.", "PkgPath !", "= \"\" { // field is unexported\n\t\t\t\ts.errorf(\"%s is an unexported field of struct type %s\", fieldName, typ)\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t// If it's a function, we must call it.", "\n\t\t\tif hasArgs {\n\t\t\t\ts.errorf(\"%s has arguments but cannot be invoked as function\", fieldName)\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\treturn field\n\t\t}\n\t\ts.errorf(\"%s is not a field of struct type %s\", fieldName, typ)\n\tcase reflect.", "Map:\n\t\t// If it's a map, attempt to use the field name as a key.", "\n\t\tnameVal := reflect.", "ValueOf(fieldName)\n\t\tif nameVal.", "Type().AssignableTo(receiver.", "Type().Key()) {\n\t\t\tif hasArgs {\n\t\t\t\ts.errorf(\"%s is not a method but has arguments\", fieldName)\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\treturn receiver.", "MapIndex(nameVal)\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\ts.errorf(\"can't evaluate field %s in type %s\", fieldName, typ)\n\tpanic(\"not reached\")\n}\n\nvar (\n\terrorType = reflect.", "TypeOf((*error)(nil)).Elem()\n\tfmtStringerType = reflect.", "TypeOf((*fmt.", "Stringer)(nil)).Elem()\n)\n\n// evalCall executes a function or method call. ", "If it's a method, fun already has the receiver bound, so\n// it looks just like a function call. ", " The arg list, if non-nil, includes (in the manner of the shell), arg[0]\n// as the function itself.", "\nfunc (s *state) evalCall(dot, fun reflect.", "Value, node parse.", "Node, name string, args []parse.", "Node, final reflect.", "Value) reflect.", "Value {\n\tif args !", "= nil {\n\t\targs = args[1:] // Zeroth arg is function name/node; not passed to function.", "\n\t}\n\ttyp := fun.", "Type()\n\tnumIn := len(args)\n\tif final.", "IsValid() {\n\t\tnumIn++\n\t}\n\tnumFixed := len(args)\n\tif typ.", "IsVariadic() {\n\t\tnumFixed = typ.", "NumIn() - 1 // last arg is the variadic one.", "\n\t\tif numIn < numFixed {\n\t\t\ts.errorf(\"wrong number of args for %s: want at least %d got %d\", name, typ.", "NumIn()-1, len(args))\n\t\t}\n\t} else if numIn < typ.", "NumIn()-1 || !", "typ.", "IsVariadic() && numIn !", "= typ.", "NumIn() {\n\t\ts.errorf(\"wrong number of args for %s: want %d got %d\", name, typ.", "NumIn(), len(args))\n\t}\n\tif !", "goodFunc(typ) {\n\t\t// TODO: This could still be a confusing error; maybe goodFunc should provide info.", "\n\t\ts.errorf(\"can't call method/function %q with %d results\", name, typ.", "NumOut())\n\t}\n\t// Build the arg list.", "\n\targv := make([]reflect.", "Value, numIn)\n\t// Args must be evaluated. ", "Fixed args first.", "\n\ti := 0\n\tfor ; i < numFixed && i < len(args); i++ {\n\t\targv[i] = s.evalArg(dot, typ.", "In(i), args[i])\n\t}\n\t// Now the ... args.", "\n\tif typ.", "IsVariadic() {\n\t\targType := typ.", "In(typ.", "NumIn() - 1).Elem() // Argument is a slice.", "\n\t\tfor ; i < len(args); i++ {\n\t\t\targv[i] = s.evalArg(dot, argType, args[i])\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\t// Add final value if necessary.", "\n\tif final.", "IsValid() {\n\t\tt := typ.", "In(typ.", "NumIn() - 1)\n\t\tif typ.", "IsVariadic() {\n\t\t\tt = t.Elem()\n\t\t}\n\t\targv[i] = s.validateType(final, t)\n\t}\n\tresult := fun.", "Call(argv)\n\t// If we have an error that is not nil, stop execution and return that error to the caller.", "\n\tif len(result) == 2 && !", "result[1].IsNil() {\n\t\ts.at(node)\n\t\ts.errorf(\"error calling %s: %s\", name, result[1].Interface().(error))\n\t}\n\treturn result[0]\n}\n\n// canBeNil reports whether an untyped nil can be assigned to the type. ", "See reflect.", "Zero.", "\nfunc canBeNil(typ reflect.", "Type) bool {\n\tswitch typ.", "Kind() {\n\tcase reflect.", "Chan, reflect.", "Func, reflect.", "Interface, reflect.", "Map, reflect.", "Ptr, reflect.", "Slice:\n\t\treturn true\n\t}\n\treturn false\n}\n\n// validateType guarantees that the value is valid and assignable to the type.", "\nfunc (s *state) validateType(value reflect.", "Value, typ reflect.", "Type) reflect.", "Value {\n\tif !", "value.", "IsValid() {\n\t\tif typ == nil || canBeNil(typ) {\n\t\t\t// An untyped nil interface{}. ", "Accept as a proper nil value.", "\n\t\t\treturn reflect.", "Zero(typ)\n\t\t}\n\t\ts.errorf(\"invalid value; expected %s\", typ)\n\t}\n\tif typ !", "= nil && !", "value.", "Type().AssignableTo(typ) {\n\t\tif value.", "Kind() == reflect.", "Interface && !", "value.", "IsNil() {\n\t\t\tvalue = value.", "Elem()\n\t\t\tif value.", "Type().AssignableTo(typ) {\n\t\t\t\treturn value\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t// fallthrough\n\t\t}\n\t\t// Does one dereference or indirection work? ", "We could do more, as we\n\t\t// do with method receivers, but that gets messy and method receivers\n\t\t// are much more constrained, so it makes more sense there than here.", "\n\t\t// Besides, one is almost always all you need.", "\n\t\tswitch {\n\t\tcase value.", "Kind() == reflect.", "Ptr && value.", "Type().Elem().AssignableTo(typ):\n\t\t\tvalue = value.", "Elem()\n\t\t\tif !", "value.", "IsValid() {\n\t\t\t\ts.errorf(\"dereference of nil pointer of type %s\", typ)\n\t\t\t}\n\t\tcase reflect.", "PtrTo(value.", "Type()).AssignableTo(typ) && value.", "CanAddr():\n\t\t\tvalue = value.", "Addr()\n\t\tdefault:\n\t\t\ts.errorf(\"wrong type for value; expected %s; got %s\", typ, value.", "Type())\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\treturn value\n}\n\nfunc (s *state) evalArg(dot reflect.", "Value, typ reflect.", "Type, n parse.", "Node) reflect.", "Value {\n\ts.at(n)\n\tswitch arg := n.(type) {\n\tcase *parse.", "DotNode:\n\t\treturn s.validateType(dot, typ)\n\tcase *parse.", "NilNode:\n\t\tif canBeNil(typ) {\n\t\t\treturn reflect.", "Zero(typ)\n\t\t}\n\t\ts.errorf(\"cannot assign nil to %s\", typ)\n\tcase *parse.", "FieldNode:\n\t\treturn s.validateType(s.evalFieldNode(dot, arg, []parse.", "Node{n}, zero), typ)\n\tcase *parse.", "VariableNode:\n\t\treturn s.validateType(s.evalVariableNode(dot, arg, nil, zero), typ)\n\tcase *parse.", "PipeNode:\n\t\treturn s.validateType(s.evalPipeline(dot, arg), typ)\n\tcase *parse.", "IdentifierNode:\n\t\treturn s.evalFunction(dot, arg, arg, nil, zero)\n\tcase *parse.", "ChainNode:\n\t\treturn s.validateType(s.evalChainNode(dot, arg, nil, zero), typ)\n\t}\n\tswitch typ.", "Kind() {\n\tcase reflect.", "Bool:\n\t\treturn s.evalBool(typ, n)\n\tcase reflect.", "Complex64, reflect.", "Complex128:\n\t\treturn s.evalComplex(typ, n)\n\tcase reflect.", "Float32, reflect.", "Float64:\n\t\treturn s.evalFloat(typ, n)\n\tcase reflect.", "Int, reflect.", "Int8, reflect.", "Int16, reflect.", "Int32, reflect.", "Int64:\n\t\treturn s.evalInteger(typ, n)\n\tcase reflect.", "Interface:\n\t\tif typ.", "NumMethod() == 0 {\n\t\t\treturn s.evalEmptyInterface(dot, n)\n\t\t}\n\tcase reflect.", "String:\n\t\treturn s.evalString(typ, n)\n\tcase reflect.", "Uint, reflect.", "Uint8, reflect.", "Uint16, reflect.", "Uint32, reflect.", "Uint64, reflect.", "Uintptr:\n\t\treturn s.evalUnsignedInteger(typ, n)\n\t}\n\ts.errorf(\"can't handle %s for arg of type %s\", n, typ)\n\tpanic(\"not reached\")\n}\n\nfunc (s *state) evalBool(typ reflect.", "Type, n parse.", "Node) reflect.", "Value {\n\ts.at(n)\n\tif n, ok := n.(*parse.", "BoolNode); ok {\n\t\tvalue := reflect.", "New(typ).Elem()\n\t\tvalue.", "SetBool(n.", "True)\n\t\treturn value\n\t}\n\ts.errorf(\"expected bool; found %s\", n)\n\tpanic(\"not reached\")\n}\n\nfunc (s *state) evalString(typ reflect.", "Type, n parse.", "Node) reflect.", "Value {\n\ts.at(n)\n\tif n, ok := n.(*parse.", "StringNode); ok {\n\t\tvalue := reflect.", "New(typ).Elem()\n\t\tvalue.", "SetString(n.", "Text)\n\t\treturn value\n\t}\n\ts.errorf(\"expected string; found %s\", n)\n\tpanic(\"not reached\")\n}\n\nfunc (s *state) evalInteger(typ reflect.", "Type, n parse.", "Node) reflect.", "Value {\n\ts.at(n)\n\tif n, ok := n.(*parse.", "NumberNode); ok && n.IsInt {\n\t\tvalue := reflect.", "New(typ).Elem()\n\t\tvalue.", "SetInt(n.", "Int64)\n\t\treturn value\n\t}\n\ts.errorf(\"expected integer; found %s\", n)\n\tpanic(\"not reached\")\n}\n\nfunc (s *state) evalUnsignedInteger(typ reflect.", "Type, n parse.", "Node) reflect.", "Value {\n\ts.at(n)\n\tif n, ok := n.(*parse.", "NumberNode); ok && n.IsUint {\n\t\tvalue := reflect.", "New(typ).Elem()\n\t\tvalue.", "SetUint(n.", "Uint64)\n\t\treturn value\n\t}\n\ts.errorf(\"expected unsigned integer; found %s\", n)\n\tpanic(\"not reached\")\n}\n\nfunc (s *state) evalFloat(typ reflect.", "Type, n parse.", "Node) reflect.", "Value {\n\ts.at(n)\n\tif n, ok := n.(*parse.", "NumberNode); ok && n.IsFloat {\n\t\tvalue := reflect.", "New(typ).Elem()\n\t\tvalue.", "SetFloat(n.", "Float64)\n\t\treturn value\n\t}\n\ts.errorf(\"expected float; found %s\", n)\n\tpanic(\"not reached\")\n}\n\nfunc (s *state) evalComplex(typ reflect.", "Type, n parse.", "Node) reflect.", "Value {\n\tif n, ok := n.(*parse.", "NumberNode); ok && n.IsComplex {\n\t\tvalue := reflect.", "New(typ).Elem()\n\t\tvalue.", "SetComplex(n.", "Complex128)\n\t\treturn value\n\t}\n\ts.errorf(\"expected complex; found %s\", n)\n\tpanic(\"not reached\")\n}\n\nfunc (s *state) evalEmptyInterface(dot reflect.", "Value, n parse.", "Node) reflect.", "Value {\n\ts.at(n)\n\tswitch n := n.(type) {\n\tcase *parse.", "BoolNode:\n\t\treturn reflect.", "ValueOf(n.", "True)\n\tcase *parse.", "DotNode:\n\t\treturn dot\n\tcase *parse.", "FieldNode:\n\t\treturn s.evalFieldNode(dot, n, nil, zero)\n\tcase *parse.", "IdentifierNode:\n\t\treturn s.evalFunction(dot, n, n, nil, zero)\n\tcase *parse.", "NilNode:\n\t\t// NilNode is handled in evalArg, the only place that calls here.", "\n\t\ts.errorf(\"evalEmptyInterface: nil (can't happen)\")\n\tcase *parse.", "NumberNode:\n\t\treturn s.idealConstant(n)\n\tcase *parse.", "StringNode:\n\t\treturn reflect.", "ValueOf(n.", "Text)\n\tcase *parse.", "VariableNode:\n\t\treturn s.evalVariableNode(dot, n, nil, zero)\n\tcase *parse.", "PipeNode:\n\t\treturn s.evalPipeline(dot, n)\n\t}\n\ts.errorf(\"can't handle assignment of %s to empty interface argument\", n)\n\tpanic(\"not reached\")\n}\n\n// indirect returns the item at the end of indirection, and a bool to indicate if it's nil.", "\n// We indirect through pointers and empty interfaces (only) because\n// non-empty interfaces have methods we might need.", "\nfunc indirect(v reflect.", "Value) (rv reflect.", "Value, isNil bool) {\n\tfor ; v.Kind() == reflect.", "Ptr || v.Kind() == reflect.", "Interface; v = v.Elem() {\n\t\tif v.IsNil() {\n\t\t\treturn v, true\n\t\t}\n\t\tif v.Kind() == reflect.", "Interface && v.NumMethod() > 0 {\n\t\t\tbreak\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\treturn v, false\n}\n\n// printValue writes the textual representation of the value to the output of\n// the template.", "\nfunc (s *state) printValue(n parse.", "Node, v reflect.", "Value) {\n\ts.at(n)\n\tiface, ok := printableValue(v)\n\tif !", "ok {\n\t\ts.errorf(\"can't print %s of type %s\", n, v.Type())\n\t}\n\tfmt.", "Fprint(s.wr, iface)\n}\n\n// printableValue returns the, possibly indirected, interface value inside v that\n// is best for a call to formatted printer.", "\nfunc printableValue(v reflect.", "Value) (interface{}, bool) {\n\tif v.Kind() == reflect.", "Ptr {\n\t\tv, _ = indirect(v) // fmt.", "Fprint handles nil.", "\n\t}\n\tif !", "v.IsValid() {\n\t\treturn \"<no value>\", true\n\t}\n\n\tif !", "v.Type().Implements(errorType) && !", "v.Type().Implements(fmtStringerType) {\n\t\tif v.CanAddr() && (reflect.", "PtrTo(v.", "Type()).Implements(errorType) || reflect.", "PtrTo(v.", "Type()).Implements(fmtStringerType)) {\n\t\t\tv = v.Addr()\n\t\t} else {\n\t\t\tswitch v.Kind() {\n\t\t\tcase reflect.", "Chan, reflect.", "Func:\n\t\t\t\treturn nil, false\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\treturn v.Interface(), true\n}\n\n// Types to help sort the keys in a map for reproducible output.", "\n\ntype rvs []reflect.", "Value\n\nfunc (x rvs) Len() int { return len(x) }\nfunc (x rvs) Swap(i, j int) { x[i], x[j] = x[j], x[i] }\n\ntype rvInts struct{ rvs }\n\nfunc (x rvInts) Less(i, j int) bool { return x.rvs[i].Int() < x.rvs[j].Int() }\n\ntype rvUints struct{ rvs }\n\nfunc (x rvUints) Less(i, j int) bool { return x.rvs[i].Uint() < x.rvs[j].Uint() }\n\ntype rvFloats struct{ rvs }\n\nfunc (x rvFloats) Less(i, j int) bool { return x.rvs[i].Float() < x.rvs[j].Float() }\n\ntype rvStrings struct{ rvs }\n\nfunc (x rvStrings) Less(i, j int) bool { return x.rvs[i].String() < x.rvs[j].String() }\n\n// sortKeys sorts (if it can) the slice of reflect.", "Values, which is a slice of map keys.", "\nfunc sortKeys(v []reflect.", "Value) []reflect.", "Value {\n\tif len(v) <= 1 {\n\t\treturn v\n\t}\n\tswitch v[0].Kind() {\n\tcase reflect.", "Float32, reflect.", "Float64:\n\t\tsort.", "Sort(rvFloats{v})\n\tcase reflect.", "Int, reflect.", "Int8, reflect.", "Int16, reflect.", "Int32, reflect.", "Int64:\n\t\tsort.", "Sort(rvInts{v})\n\tcase reflect.", "String:\n\t\tsort.", "Sort(rvStrings{v})\n\tcase reflect.", "Uint, reflect.", "Uint8, reflect.", "Uint16, reflect.", "Uint32, reflect.", "Uint64, reflect.", "Uintptr:\n\t\tsort.", "Sort(rvUints{v})\n\t}\n\treturn v\n}\n" ]
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[ "[Fundamental studies on serological diagnosis of amoebiasis. ", "1. ", "Application of amoebic antigen for CF test to ELISA].", "\nWe studied the establishment of enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) using amoebic antigen for complement fixation (CF) test. ", "Optimal dilution for ELISA of sera from patients was 1:100, and that of CF-antigen was 1:400. ", "The upper limit of the 99% critical range of the reaction of negative sera was 0.068 (cut-off level). ", "Absorbance of sera from patients diluted 1:100 to antigen and antibody titers of ELISA were strongly correlated, so it was possible to estimate antibody titers from absorbance of serum diluted 1:100. ", "ELISA and CF test were done to compare sensitivity of the tests using 63 sera from patients with invasive amoebic disease. ", "The sensitivity of ELISA compared well with CF test (62 sera were positive by ELISA and 61 by CF test). ", "Only one sample was both positive by ELISA and negative by CF test. ", "This sample had low ELISA titers, so this discrepancy was mainly due to the sensitivity of CF test in detecting lower levels of antibody. ", "These results suggested that the amoebic antigen for CF test can be applicable to ELISA, and this method was so sensitive and specific." ]
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[ 0, 0, 0, 0.007575757575757576, 0.010638297872340425, 0, 0.005, 0.008130081300813009, 0.028846153846153848, 0.014705882352941176, 0.007246376811594203, 0.007407407407407408 ]
[ "// RUN: %clang_cc1 %s -fsyntax-only -verify\n// RUN: %clang_cc1 %s -fsyntax-only -verify -cl-std=CL2.0 -DCL20\n// expected-no-diagnostics\n\n__kernel void f__ro(__read_only image2d_t a) { }\n\n__kernel void f__wo(__write_only image2d_t a) { }\n\n#if CL20\n__kernel void f__rw(__read_write image2d_t a) { }\n#endif\n\n__kernel void fro(read_only image2d_t a) { }\n\n__kernel void fwo(write_only image2d_t a) { }\n\n#if CL20\n__kernel void frw(read_write image2d_t a) { }\n#endif\n" ]
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[ 0.017391304347826087 ]
[ "Sunday, July 20, 2014\n\nLiveblog: Netanyahu press conference\n\nPrime Minister Netanyahu sends condolences to families of those killed in Gaza today.", "\n\nTalks about Israel's shared sense of responsibility for each other.", "\n\nWe're in a war for our home. ", "Soldiers fighting now in the field. ", "Fighting hard with great spirit. ", "Tells soldiers people behind them and praying for them. ", "Tells families he's aware of their concern and we all feel that. ", "We want to protect the soldiers and the country. ", "We didn't choose to enter this war, but now we must finish it and significantly damage Hamas' infrastructure. ", "We are not afraid and will continue to fight.", "\n\nLast night we exposed more tunnels, some of which already reached Israel. ", "Hamas invested years of effort in them with the goal of causing mass terror attacks and kidnappings.", "\n\nThe tunnel threat is not new, but this action is much broader than any previous attempt to control the tunnels. ", "If the tunnels were not discovered, the results could have been disastrous and deadly. ", "That was Hamas' program and that is what we are working against. ", "We cannot promise 100% success but we are doing everything to attain the maximum and to date we are achieving more than expected.", "\n\nIn the days leading up to the ground attack, we built the infrastructure for international support. ", "We agreed to cease fires which prepared the diplomatic infrastructure that has caused countries like the US, Canada, Germany [and others] to support us.", "\n\nI thanked President Obama for supporting us.", "\n\nBecause we accepted the cease fire, no one can claim we are responsible for the violence and Hamas is responsible. ", "We are sorry for any injury to the innocent but that's on Hamas' head.", "\n\nHamas has two strategic structures to hurt Israel - rockets and tunnels We have significantly damaged both of them.", "\n\nIron Dome has stopped the rockets, and the IAF is attacking launch sites, which they are still doing. ", "As to the tunnels, the current operation is severely damaging Hamas' underground capabilities against us.", "\n\nI want to thank the IDF, including the reservists who have left their families behind to join us. ", "I want to thank Chief of Staff Benny Gantz who chose to be in the south now with his men and to leave me and Defense Minister Yaalon to speak to you.", "\n\nIn every war there are difficult events and so in this war, but this war will be expanded as much as necessary until quiet returns to Israel.", "\n\nThis could be a long war, but we know from our history that the eternal people does not fear a long road. ", "We are proud of our soldiers. ", "With God's help, we will do and we will succeed.", "\n\nNow Yaalon is speaking.", "\n\nSends condolences to families. ", "Thanks country for support.", "\n\nQuestions.", "\n\nIf they knew about the tunnels five days ago, why did they agree to cease fire at the time?", "\n\nNetanyahu: This would have been the first topic we would have raised if there were a cease fire. ", "Instead we are undertaking an operation deep inside Gaza and most of the world is supporting us. ", "Says Abu Mazen can be part of the solution if he understands that Hamas cannot be part of it.", "\n\nYaalon: We've been busy with the tunnels for a long time - in the last year we have discovered four in our territory. ", "This can be dealt with diplomatically or militarily - now it's being done militarily with a lot of success.", "\n\nQ: Have you set a goal of getting rid of Hamas? ", "Is the reconciliation with Turkey dead in light of what Erdogan has said? ", "And to the Defense Minister, if there's a cease fire in a day or two, will you support it even if the tunnels aren't finished and will you insist on an international force?", "\n\nNetanyahu: We are trying to turn the clock back as best we can - the fact is that you if you don't deal with it you get Hamas, Islamic Jihad and Hezbullah. ", "We said we'd defend ourselves against the missiles and we have. ", "Hamas was shocked. ", "The only thing that has changed is the fact that we are hitting them hard. ", "They are now underground. ", "This is a multiphase war and the problem will be resolved over time whether diplomatically, militarily or some combination.", "\n\nAs to Turkey, I told Kerry that Erdogan's words were anti-Semitic and that he cannot tell the difference between a terror organization that seeks to destroy us and Israel's actions to stop a terror organization. ", "He sounds like Iran or al-Qaeda. ", "Right now I'm busy with other things aside from him.", "\n\nYaalon: We'll cross the bridge when we come to it, but within two days most of the tunnels will be destroyed. ", "Some things cannot be done in one day - they're a process. ", "The Arab street is not a partner of Hamas and does not support it. ", "There are therefore things that have to be done as a process.", "\n\nQ: Who will watch over a demilitarized Gaza and what if the 'Palestinians' oppose it?", "\n\nNetanyahu: Some of the demilitarization is happening de facto. ", "We have no intention of harming civilians. ", "But we need an international notice that the placement of missiles in Gaza against Israeli citizens is not acceptable and cannot be allowed to continue. ", "The most important thing is to force this claim into the international community as we did with Iran's nuclear weapons which are now before the international community. ", "You will hear about this subject more and more and more.", "\n\nYaalon: We gave an answer for Hamas' rockets. ", "They tried to hit Gush Dan (Tel Aviv area) and they are frustrated that they did not succeed.", "\n\nNetanyahu: Most important thing is the determination of Israel's citizens. ", "You are all of our strength.", "\n\n0 Comments:\n\nLinks to this post:\n\nAbout Me\n\nI am an Orthodox Jew - some would even call me 'ultra-Orthodox.' ", "Born in Boston, I was a corporate and securities attorney in New York City for seven years before making aliya to Israel in 1991 (I don't look it but I really am that old :-). ", "I have been happily married to the same woman for thirty-five years, and we have eight children (bli ayin hara) ranging in age from 13 to 33 years and nine grandchildren. ", "Four of our children are married! ", "Before I started blogging I was a heavy contributor on a number of email lists and ran an email list called the Matzav from 2000-2004. ", "You can contact me at: IsraelMatzav at gmail dot com" ]
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