[ "/***************************************************************************/\n/* */\n/* aflatin.h */\n/* */\n/* Auto-fitter hinting routines for latin script (specification). ", " */\n/* */\n/* Copyright 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009 by */\n/* David Turner, Robert Wilhelm, and Werner Lemberg. ", " */\n/* */\n/* This file is part of the FreeType project, and may only be used, */\n/* modified, and distributed under the terms of the FreeType project */\n/* license, LICENSE.TXT. ", " By continuing to use, modify, or distribute */\n/* this file you indicate that you have read the license and */\n/* understand and accept it fully. ", " */\n/* */\n/***************************************************************************/\n\n\n#ifndef __AFLATIN_H__\n#define __AFLATIN_H__\n\n#include \"afhints.h\"\n\n\nFT_BEGIN_HEADER\n\n\n /* the latin-specific script class */\n\n AF_DECLARE_SCRIPT_CLASS(af_latin_script_class)\n\n\n/* constants are given with units_per_em == 2048 in mind */\n#define AF_LATIN_CONSTANT( metrics, c ) \\\n ( ( (c) * (FT_Long)( (AF_LatinMetrics)(metrics) )->units_per_em ) / 2048 )\n\n\n /*************************************************************************/\n /*************************************************************************/\n /***** *****/\n /***** L A T I N G L O B A L M E T R I C S *****/\n /***** *****/\n /*************************************************************************/\n /*************************************************************************/\n\n\n /*\n * The following declarations could be embedded in the file `aflatin.c';\n * they have been made semi-public to allow alternate script hinters to\n * re-use some of them.", "\n */\n\n\n /* Latin (global) metrics management */\n\n enum\n {\n AF_LATIN_BLUE_CAPITAL_TOP,\n AF_LATIN_BLUE_CAPITAL_BOTTOM,\n AF_LATIN_BLUE_SMALL_F_TOP,\n AF_LATIN_BLUE_SMALL_TOP,\n AF_LATIN_BLUE_SMALL_BOTTOM,\n AF_LATIN_BLUE_SMALL_MINOR,\n\n AF_LATIN_BLUE_MAX\n };\n\n\n#define AF_LATIN_IS_TOP_BLUE( b ) ( (b) == AF_LATIN_BLUE_CAPITAL_TOP || \\\n (b) == AF_LATIN_BLUE_SMALL_F_TOP || \\\n (b) == AF_LATIN_BLUE_SMALL_TOP )\n\n#define AF_LATIN_MAX_WIDTHS 16\n#define AF_LATIN_MAX_BLUES AF_LATIN_BLUE_MAX\n\n\n enum\n {\n AF_LATIN_BLUE_ACTIVE = 1 << 0,\n AF_LATIN_BLUE_TOP = 1 << 1,\n AF_LATIN_BLUE_ADJUSTMENT = 1 << 2, /* used for scale adjustment */\n /* optimization */\n AF_LATIN_BLUE_FLAG_MAX\n };\n\n\n typedef struct AF_LatinBlueRec_\n {\n AF_WidthRec ref;\n AF_WidthRec shoot;\n FT_UInt flags;\n\n } AF_LatinBlueRec, *AF_LatinBlue;\n\n\n typedef struct AF_LatinAxisRec_\n {\n FT_Fixed scale;\n FT_Pos delta;\n\n FT_UInt width_count;\n AF_WidthRec widths[AF_LATIN_MAX_WIDTHS];\n FT_Pos edge_distance_threshold;\n FT_Pos standard_width;\n FT_Bool extra_light;\n\n /* ignored for horizontal metrics */\n FT_Bool control_overshoot;\n FT_UInt blue_count;\n AF_LatinBlueRec blues[AF_LATIN_BLUE_MAX];\n\n FT_Fixed org_scale;\n FT_Pos org_delta;\n\n } AF_LatinAxisRec, *AF_LatinAxis;\n\n\n typedef struct AF_LatinMetricsRec_\n {\n AF_ScriptMetricsRec root;\n FT_UInt units_per_em;\n AF_LatinAxisRec axis[AF_DIMENSION_MAX];\n\n } AF_LatinMetricsRec, *AF_LatinMetrics;\n\n\n FT_LOCAL( FT_Error )\n af_latin_metrics_init( AF_LatinMetrics metrics,\n FT_Face face );\n\n FT_LOCAL( void )\n af_latin_metrics_scale( AF_LatinMetrics metrics,\n AF_Scaler scaler );\n\n FT_LOCAL( void )\n af_latin_metrics_init_widths( AF_LatinMetrics metrics,\n FT_Face face,\n FT_ULong charcode );\n\n FT_LOCAL( void )\n af_latin_metrics_check_digits( AF_LatinMetrics metrics,\n FT_Face face );\n\n\n /*************************************************************************/\n /*************************************************************************/\n /***** *****/\n /***** L A T I N G L Y P H A N A L Y S I S *****/\n /***** *****/\n /*************************************************************************/\n /*************************************************************************/\n\n enum\n {\n AF_LATIN_HINTS_HORZ_SNAP = 1 << 0, /* enable stem width snapping */\n AF_LATIN_HINTS_VERT_SNAP = 1 << 1, /* enable stem height snapping */\n AF_LATIN_HINTS_STEM_ADJUST = 1 << 2, /* enable stem width/height */\n /* adjustment */\n AF_LATIN_HINTS_MONO = 1 << 3 /* indicate monochrome */\n /* rendering */\n };\n\n\n#define AF_LATIN_HINTS_DO_HORZ_SNAP( h ) \\\n AF_HINTS_TEST_OTHER( h, AF_LATIN_HINTS_HORZ_SNAP )\n\n#define AF_LATIN_HINTS_DO_VERT_SNAP( h ) \\\n AF_HINTS_TEST_OTHER( h, AF_LATIN_HINTS_VERT_SNAP )\n\n#define AF_LATIN_HINTS_DO_STEM_ADJUST( h ) \\\n AF_HINTS_TEST_OTHER( h, AF_LATIN_HINTS_STEM_ADJUST )\n\n#define AF_LATIN_HINTS_DO_MONO( h ) \\\n AF_HINTS_TEST_OTHER( h, AF_LATIN_HINTS_MONO )\n\n\n /*\n * This shouldn't normally be exported. ", " However, other scripts might\n * like to use this function as-is.", "\n */\n FT_LOCAL( FT_Error )\n af_latin_hints_compute_segments( AF_GlyphHints hints,\n AF_Dimension dim );\n\n /*\n * This shouldn't normally be exported. ", " However, other scripts might\n * want to use this function as-is.", "\n */\n FT_LOCAL( void )\n af_latin_hints_link_segments( AF_GlyphHints hints,\n AF_Dimension dim );\n\n /*\n * This shouldn't normally be exported. ", " However, other scripts might\n * want to use this function as-is.", "\n */\n FT_LOCAL( FT_Error )\n af_latin_hints_compute_edges( AF_GlyphHints hints,\n AF_Dimension dim );\n\n FT_LOCAL( FT_Error )\n af_latin_hints_detect_features( AF_GlyphHints hints,\n AF_Dimension dim );\n\n/* */\n\nFT_END_HEADER\n\n#endif /* __AFLATIN_H__ */\n\n\n/* END */\n" ]
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[ "//\n// HCDSubject.h\n// 9观察者模式\n//\n// Created by yifan on 15/8/13.", "\n// Copyright (c) 2015年 黄成都. ", "All rights reserved.", "\n//\n\n#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>\n#import \"HCDObserver.h\"\n@interface HCDSubject : NSObject\n//这里很不合理,不知怎么办\n//@property(nonatomic,readwrite,strong)NSMutableArray *observerList;\n-(void)attach:(id<HCDObserver>)observer;\n-(void)detach:(id<HCDObserver>)observer;\n-(void)notify;\n-(NSArray *)getobserverList;\n@end\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Github" }
[ 0, 0, 0, 0.00003101704903795453 ]
[ "// Copyright 2017 The Draco Authors.", "\n//\n// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.", "\n// You may obtain a copy of the License at\n//\n// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n//\n// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n// distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.", "\n// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n// limitations under the License.", "\n//\n#ifndef DRACO_COMPRESSION_ATTRIBUTES_PREDICTION_SCHEMES_MESH_PREDICTION_SCHEME_TEX_COORDS_PORTABLE_DECODER_H_\n#define DRACO_COMPRESSION_ATTRIBUTES_PREDICTION_SCHEMES_MESH_PREDICTION_SCHEME_TEX_COORDS_PORTABLE_DECODER_H_\n\n#include \"draco/compression/attributes/prediction_schemes/mesh_prediction_scheme_decoder.h\"\n#include \"draco/compression/attributes/prediction_schemes/mesh_prediction_scheme_tex_coords_portable_predictor.h\"\n#include \"draco/compression/bit_coders/rans_bit_decoder.h\"\n\nnamespace draco {\n\n// Decoder for predictions of UV coordinates encoded by our specialized and\n// portable texture coordinate predictor. ", "See the corresponding encoder for more\n// details.", "\ntemplate <typename DataTypeT, class TransformT, class MeshDataT>\nclass MeshPredictionSchemeTexCoordsPortableDecoder\n : public MeshPredictionSchemeDecoder<DataTypeT, TransformT, MeshDataT> {\n public:\n using CorrType = typename MeshPredictionSchemeDecoder<DataTypeT, TransformT,\n MeshDataT>::CorrType;\n MeshPredictionSchemeTexCoordsPortableDecoder(const PointAttribute *attribute,\n const TransformT &transform,\n const MeshDataT &mesh_data)\n : MeshPredictionSchemeDecoder<DataTypeT, TransformT, MeshDataT>(\n attribute, transform, mesh_data),\n predictor_(mesh_data) {}\n\n bool ComputeOriginalValues(const CorrType *in_corr, DataTypeT *out_data,\n int size, int num_components,\n const PointIndex *entry_to_point_id_map) override;\n\n bool DecodePredictionData(DecoderBuffer *buffer) override;\n\n PredictionSchemeMethod GetPredictionMethod() const override {\n return MESH_PREDICTION_TEX_COORDS_PORTABLE;\n }\n\n bool IsInitialized() const override {\n if (!", "predictor_.IsInitialized()) {\n return false;\n }\n if (!", "this->mesh_data().IsInitialized()) {\n return false;\n }\n return true;\n }\n\n int GetNumParentAttributes() const override { return 1; }\n\n GeometryAttribute::Type GetParentAttributeType(int i) const override {\n DRACO_DCHECK_EQ(i, 0);\n (void)i;\n return GeometryAttribute::POSITION;\n }\n\n bool SetParentAttribute(const PointAttribute *att) override {\n if (!", "att || att->attribute_type() !", "= GeometryAttribute::POSITION) {\n return false; // Invalid attribute type.", "\n }\n if (att->num_components() !", "= 3) {\n return false; // Currently works only for 3 component positions.", "\n }\n predictor_.SetPositionAttribute(*att);\n return true;\n }\n\n private:\n MeshPredictionSchemeTexCoordsPortablePredictor<DataTypeT, MeshDataT>\n predictor_;\n};\n\ntemplate <typename DataTypeT, class TransformT, class MeshDataT>\nbool MeshPredictionSchemeTexCoordsPortableDecoder<\n DataTypeT, TransformT,\n MeshDataT>::ComputeOriginalValues(const CorrType *in_corr,\n DataTypeT *out_data, int /* size */,\n int num_components,\n const PointIndex *entry_to_point_id_map) {\n if (num_components !", "= MeshPredictionSchemeTexCoordsPortablePredictor<\n DataTypeT, MeshDataT>::kNumComponents) {\n return false;\n }\n predictor_.SetEntryToPointIdMap(entry_to_point_id_map);\n this->transform().Init(num_components);\n\n const int corner_map_size =\n static_cast<int>(this->mesh_data().data_to_corner_map()->size());\n for (int p = 0; p < corner_map_size; ++p) {\n const CornerIndex corner_id = this->mesh_data().data_to_corner_map()->at(p);\n if (!", "predictor_.template ComputePredictedValue<false>(corner_id, out_data,\n p)) {\n return false;\n }\n\n const int dst_offset = p * num_components;\n this->transform().ComputeOriginalValue(predictor_.predicted_value(),\n in_corr + dst_offset,\n out_data + dst_offset);\n }\n return true;\n}\n\ntemplate <typename DataTypeT, class TransformT, class MeshDataT>\nbool MeshPredictionSchemeTexCoordsPortableDecoder<\n DataTypeT, TransformT, MeshDataT>::DecodePredictionData(DecoderBuffer\n *buffer) {\n // Decode the delta coded orientations.", "\n int32_t num_orientations = 0;\n if (!", "buffer->Decode(&num_orientations) || num_orientations < 0) {\n return false;\n }\n predictor_.ResizeOrientations(num_orientations);\n bool last_orientation = true;\n RAnsBitDecoder decoder;\n if (!", "decoder.", "StartDecoding(buffer)) {\n return false;\n }\n for (int i = 0; i < num_orientations; ++i) {\n if (!", "decoder.", "DecodeNextBit()) {\n last_orientation = !", "last_orientation;\n }\n predictor_.set_orientation(i, last_orientation);\n }\n decoder.", "EndDecoding();\n return MeshPredictionSchemeDecoder<DataTypeT, TransformT,\n MeshDataT>::DecodePredictionData(buffer);\n}\n\n} // namespace draco\n\n#endif // DRACO_COMPRESSION_ATTRIBUTES_PREDICTION_SCHEMES_MESH_PREDICTION_SCHEME_TEX_COORDS_PORTABLE_DECODER_H_\n" ]
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[ "# Copyright 1999-2019 Gentoo Authors\n# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2\n\nEAPI=7\n\n# ebuild generated by hackport 0.6.9999\n\nCABAL_FEATURES=\"lib profile haddock hoogle hscolour test-suite\"\ninherit haskell-cabal\n\nDESCRIPTION=\"HTTP Date parser/formatter\"\nHOMEPAGE=\"https://hackage.haskell.org/package/http-date\"\nSRC_URI=\"https://hackage.haskell.org/package/${P}/${P}.tar.gz\"\n\nLICENSE=\"BSD\"\nSLOT=\"0/${PV}\"\nKEYWORDS=\"~amd64 ~x86\"\nIUSE=\"\"\n\nRESTRICT=test # Ambiguous module name ‘Data.", "Time’: it was found in multiple packages: pulseaudio- time-\n\nRDEPEND=\"dev-haskell/attoparsec:=[profile?]", "\n\t>=dev-lang/ghc-7.4.1:=\n\"\nDEPEND=\"${RDEPEND}\n\t>=dev-haskell/cabal-1.8\n\ttest? ( ", ">=dev-haskell/doctest-0.8\n\t\tdev-haskell/hspec\n\t\tdev-haskell/old-locale )\n\"\n" ]
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[ "First Trailer For Sin City: A Dame To Kill For\n\nAfter years of speculation Robert Rodriguez is finally back with Fran Miller in toe for a second noir drenched outing in Sin City. ", "This time the new faces of Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Eva Green, Ray Liotta, Jeremy Piven, Dennis Haysber and Josh Brolin are along for the ride in linked tales that come under the Sin City 2 main title, A Dame To Kill For.", "\n\nMiller has once more adapted his narrative by tearing them from his graphic novel and seeing what best fits on screen All returning for a second shot are Bruce Willis as Detective John Hartigan, Rosario Dawson as Gail , Jamie King as Goldie and Wendy, Jessica Alba as Nancy and of course, fan favourite Mickey Rourke as Marv.", "\n\nSin City: A Dame To Kill For Trailer\n\nSin City: A Dame To Kill For opens on August 29 2014\n\nLike this: Like Loading..." ]
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[ 0.00009363003651571424, 0.00012625199898998402, 0.000102871999177024, 0 ]
[ "Share\n\nToday, we mark the 20th anniversary of the Northridge Earthquake - a 6.7 magnitude quake that killed at least 57, injured more than 9,000 and rendered about 125,000 people homeless.", "\n\nThis week, Los Angeles Mayor announced a plan to make LA \"earthquake resilient.\" ", "Chosen to lead it is long-time seismologist Lucy Jones. ", "She recently gave a presentation entitled \"Imagine America without Los Angeles.\" ", "She's long been warning that the more complex our city and society become, the more vulnerable we are.", "\n\nHow long will it take to create “earthquake resilience strategies” for LA? ", "What about neighboring communities? ", "Fault line maps of Hollywood and Sierra Madre faults have been released recently by California Geologic Survey – how should those be used? ", "An early warning system is in development? ", "Is there enough funding and political will to make it happen? ", "What’s the timeline?", "\n\nGuest:\n\nLucy Jones, Ph.D., Seismologist, U.S. Geological Survey & Caltech - who was a critical resource during the Northridge Quake in 1994; Jones is working with the City of Los Angeles to develop earthquake resilience strategies" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
[ 0, 0, 0.00031887755102040814, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.00005175715542673775, 0, 0, 0, 0.00009289536266349584 ]
[ "Protein kinase A and calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II regulate D-[3H]aspartate release in auditory brain stem nuclei.", "\nWe noted previously that after unilateral cochlear ablation (UCA) in young adult guinea pigs, plastic changes in glutamatergic transmitter release in several brain stem auditory nuclei depended on protein kinase C. In this study, we assessed whether such changes depended on protein kinase A (PKA) and calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II (CaMKII). ", "The electrically-evoked release of D-[3H]aspartate (D-[3H]Asp) was quantified in vitro as an index of glutamatergic transmitter release in the major subdivisions of the cochlear nucleus (CN) and the main nuclei of the superior olivary complex (SOC). ", "In tissues from intact animals, dibutyryl-cyclic adenosine monophosphate (DBcAMP), a PKA activator, elevated D-[3H]Asp release by 1.9-3.7-fold. ", "The PKA inhibitor, H-89 (2 microM), did not alter the evoked release but blocked the stimulatory effects of DBcAMP. ", "These findings suggested that PKA could positively regulate glutamatergic transmitter release. ", "Seven days after the ablation of one cochlea and its cochlear nerve, the stimulatory effect of DBcAMP remained evident. ", "After 145 postablation days, H-89 blocked the plastic elevations of D-[3H]Asp release in the ipsilateral CN and lateral (LSO) and medial (MSO) superior olive. ", "A CaMKII inhibitor, KN-93, produced similar blocks, suggesting that the postablation plasticities in these nuclei depended on PKA or CaMKII. ", "Both H-89 and KN-93 elevated release in the medial nucleus of the trapezoid body (MNTB) and the contralateral MSO, suggesting that either kinase could be used by endogenous mechanisms in these nuclei to downregulate glutamatergic release." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
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[ "/*\n * pxa910 clock framework source file\n *\n * Copyright (C) 2012 Marvell\n * Chao Xie <xiechao.mail@gmail.com>\n *\n * This file is licensed under the terms of the GNU General Public\n * License version 2. ", "This program is licensed \"as is\" without any\n * warranty of any kind, whether express or implied.", "\n */\n\n#include <linux/clk.h>\n#include <linux/module.h>\n#include <linux/kernel.h>\n#include <linux/spinlock.h>\n#include <linux/io.h>\n#include <linux/delay.h>\n#include <linux/err.h>\n\n#include <mach/addr-map.h>\n\n#include \"clk.h\"\n\n#define APBC_RTC\t0x28\n#define APBC_TWSI0\t0x2c\n#define APBC_KPC\t0x18\n#define APBC_UART0\t0x0\n#define APBC_UART1\t0x4\n#define APBC_GPIO\t0x8\n#define APBC_PWM0\t0xc\n#define APBC_PWM1\t0x10\n#define APBC_PWM2\t0x14\n#define APBC_PWM3\t0x18\n#define APBC_SSP0\t0x1c\n#define APBC_SSP1\t0x20\n#define APBC_SSP2\t0x4c\n#define APBCP_TWSI1\t0x28\n#define APBCP_UART2\t0x1c\n#define APMU_SDH0\t0x54\n#define APMU_SDH1\t0x58\n#define APMU_USB\t0x5c\n#define APMU_DISP0\t0x4c\n#define APMU_CCIC0\t0x50\n#define APMU_DFC\t0x60\n#define MPMU_UART_PLL\t0x14\n\nstatic DEFINE_SPINLOCK(clk_lock);\n\nstatic struct mmp_clk_factor_masks uart_factor_masks = {\n\t.factor = 2,\n\t.num_mask = 0x1fff,\n\t.den_mask = 0x1fff,\n\t.num_shift = 16,\n\t.den_shift = 0,\n};\n\nstatic struct mmp_clk_factor_tbl uart_factor_tbl[] = {\n\t{.num = 8125, .den = 1536},\t/*14.745MHZ */\n};\n\nstatic const char *uart_parent[] = {\"pll1_3_16\", \"uart_pll\"};\nstatic const char *ssp_parent[] = {\"pll1_96\", \"pll1_48\", \"pll1_24\", \"pll1_12\"};\nstatic const char *sdh_parent[] = {\"pll1_12\", \"pll1_13\"};\nstatic const char *disp_parent[] = {\"pll1_2\", \"pll1_12\"};\nstatic const char *ccic_parent[] = {\"pll1_2\", \"pll1_12\"};\nstatic const char *ccic_phy_parent[] = {\"pll1_6\", \"pll1_12\"};\n\nvoid __init pxa910_clk_init(void)\n{\n\tstruct clk *clk;\n\tstruct clk *uart_pll;\n\tvoid __iomem *mpmu_base;\n\tvoid __iomem *apmu_base;\n\tvoid __iomem *apbcp_base;\n\tvoid __iomem *apbc_base;\n\n\tmpmu_base = ioremap(APB_PHYS_BASE + 0x50000, SZ_4K);\n\tif (mpmu_base == NULL) {\n\t\tpr_err(\"error to ioremap MPMU base\\n\");\n\t\treturn;\n\t}\n\n\tapmu_base = ioremap(AXI_PHYS_BASE + 0x82800, SZ_4K);\n\tif (apmu_base == NULL) {\n\t\tpr_err(\"error to ioremap APMU base\\n\");\n\t\treturn;\n\t}\n\n\tapbcp_base = ioremap(APB_PHYS_BASE + 0x3b000, SZ_4K);\n\tif (apbcp_base == NULL) {\n\t\tpr_err(\"error to ioremap APBC extension base\\n\");\n\t\treturn;\n\t}\n\n\tapbc_base = ioremap(APB_PHYS_BASE + 0x15000, SZ_4K);\n\tif (apbc_base == NULL) {\n\t\tpr_err(\"error to ioremap APBC base\\n\");\n\t\treturn;\n\t}\n\n\tclk = clk_register_fixed_rate(NULL, \"clk32\", NULL, CLK_IS_ROOT, 3200);\n\tclk_register_clkdev(clk, \"clk32\", NULL);\n\n\tclk = clk_register_fixed_rate(NULL, \"vctcxo\", NULL, CLK_IS_ROOT,\n\t\t\t\t26000000);\n\tclk_register_clkdev(clk, \"vctcxo\", NULL);\n\n\tclk = clk_register_fixed_rate(NULL, \"pll1\", NULL, CLK_IS_ROOT,\n\t\t\t\t624000000);\n\tclk_register_clkdev(clk, \"pll1\", NULL);\n\n\tclk = clk_register_fixed_factor(NULL, \"pll1_2\", \"pll1\",\n\t\t\t\tCLK_SET_RATE_PARENT, 1, 2);\n\tclk_register_clkdev(clk, \"pll1_2\", NULL);\n\n\tclk = clk_register_fixed_factor(NULL, \"pll1_4\", \"pll1_2\",\n\t\t\t\tCLK_SET_RATE_PARENT, 1, 2);\n\tclk_register_clkdev(clk, \"pll1_4\", NULL);\n\n\tclk = clk_register_fixed_factor(NULL, \"pll1_8\", \"pll1_4\",\n\t\t\t\tCLK_SET_RATE_PARENT, 1, 2);\n\tclk_register_clkdev(clk, \"pll1_8\", NULL);\n\n\tclk = clk_register_fixed_factor(NULL, \"pll1_16\", \"pll1_8\",\n\t\t\t\tCLK_SET_RATE_PARENT, 1, 2);\n\tclk_register_clkdev(clk, \"pll1_16\", NULL);\n\n\tclk = clk_register_fixed_factor(NULL, \"pll1_6\", \"pll1_2\",\n\t\t\t\tCLK_SET_RATE_PARENT, 1, 3);\n\tclk_register_clkdev(clk, \"pll1_6\", NULL);\n\n\tclk = clk_register_fixed_factor(NULL, \"pll1_12\", \"pll1_6\",\n\t\t\t\tCLK_SET_RATE_PARENT, 1, 2);\n\tclk_register_clkdev(clk, \"pll1_12\", NULL);\n\n\tclk = clk_register_fixed_factor(NULL, \"pll1_24\", \"pll1_12\",\n\t\t\t\tCLK_SET_RATE_PARENT, 1, 2);\n\tclk_register_clkdev(clk, \"pll1_24\", NULL);\n\n\tclk = clk_register_fixed_factor(NULL, \"pll1_48\", \"pll1_24\",\n\t\t\t\tCLK_SET_RATE_PARENT, 1, 2);\n\tclk_register_clkdev(clk, \"pll1_48\", NULL);\n\n\tclk = clk_register_fixed_factor(NULL, \"pll1_96\", \"pll1_48\",\n\t\t\t\tCLK_SET_RATE_PARENT, 1, 2);\n\tclk_register_clkdev(clk, \"pll1_96\", NULL);\n\n\tclk = clk_register_fixed_factor(NULL, \"pll1_13\", \"pll1\",\n\t\t\t\tCLK_SET_RATE_PARENT, 1, 13);\n\tclk_register_clkdev(clk, \"pll1_13\", NULL);\n\n\tclk = clk_register_fixed_factor(NULL, \"pll1_13_1_5\", \"pll1\",\n\t\t\t\tCLK_SET_RATE_PARENT, 2, 3);\n\tclk_register_clkdev(clk, \"pll1_13_1_5\", NULL);\n\n\tclk = clk_register_fixed_factor(NULL, \"pll1_2_1_5\", \"pll1\",\n\t\t\t\tCLK_SET_RATE_PARENT, 2, 3);\n\tclk_register_clkdev(clk, \"pll1_2_1_5\", NULL);\n\n\tclk = clk_register_fixed_factor(NULL, \"pll1_3_16\", \"pll1\",\n\t\t\t\tCLK_SET_RATE_PARENT, 3, 16);\n\tclk_register_clkdev(clk, \"pll1_3_16\", NULL);\n\n\tuart_pll = mmp_clk_register_factor(\"uart_pll\", \"pll1_4\", 0,\n\t\t\t\tmpmu_base + MPMU_UART_PLL,\n\t\t\t\t&uart_factor_masks, uart_factor_tbl,\n\t\t\t\tARRAY_SIZE(uart_factor_tbl), &clk_lock);\n\tclk_set_rate(uart_pll, 14745600);\n\tclk_register_clkdev(uart_pll, \"uart_pll\", NULL);\n\n\tclk = mmp_clk_register_apbc(\"twsi0\", \"pll1_13_1_5\",\n\t\t\t\tapbc_base + APBC_TWSI0, 10, 0, &clk_lock);\n\tclk_register_clkdev(clk, NULL, \"pxa2xx-i2c.0\");\n\n\tclk = mmp_clk_register_apbc(\"twsi1\", \"pll1_13_1_5\",\n\t\t\t\tapbcp_base + APBCP_TWSI1, 10, 0, &clk_lock);\n\tclk_register_clkdev(clk, NULL, \"pxa2xx-i2c.1\");\n\n\tclk = mmp_clk_register_apbc(\"gpio\", \"vctcxo\",\n\t\t\t\tapbc_base + APBC_GPIO, 10, 0, &clk_lock);\n\tclk_register_clkdev(clk, NULL, \"mmp-gpio\");\n\n\tclk = mmp_clk_register_apbc(\"kpc\", \"clk32\",\n\t\t\t\tapbc_base + APBC_KPC, 10, 0, &clk_lock);\n\tclk_register_clkdev(clk, NULL, \"pxa27x-keypad\");\n\n\tclk = mmp_clk_register_apbc(\"rtc\", \"clk32\",\n\t\t\t\tapbc_base + APBC_RTC, 10, 0, &clk_lock);\n\tclk_register_clkdev(clk, NULL, \"sa1100-rtc\");\n\n\tclk = mmp_clk_register_apbc(\"pwm0\", \"pll1_48\",\n\t\t\t\tapbc_base + APBC_PWM0, 10, 0, &clk_lock);\n\tclk_register_clkdev(clk, NULL, \"pxa910-pwm.0\");\n\n\tclk = mmp_clk_register_apbc(\"pwm1\", \"pll1_48\",\n\t\t\t\tapbc_base + APBC_PWM1, 10, 0, &clk_lock);\n\tclk_register_clkdev(clk, NULL, \"pxa910-pwm.1\");\n\n\tclk = mmp_clk_register_apbc(\"pwm2\", \"pll1_48\",\n\t\t\t\tapbc_base + APBC_PWM2, 10, 0, &clk_lock);\n\tclk_register_clkdev(clk, NULL, \"pxa910-pwm.2\");\n\n\tclk = mmp_clk_register_apbc(\"pwm3\", \"pll1_48\",\n\t\t\t\tapbc_base + APBC_PWM3, 10, 0, &clk_lock);\n\tclk_register_clkdev(clk, NULL, \"pxa910-pwm.3\");\n\n\tclk = clk_register_mux(NULL, \"uart0_mux\", uart_parent,\n\t\t\t\tARRAY_SIZE(uart_parent),\n\t\t\t\tCLK_SET_RATE_PARENT | CLK_SET_RATE_NO_REPARENT,\n\t\t\t\tapbc_base + APBC_UART0, 4, 3, 0, &clk_lock);\n\tclk_set_parent(clk, uart_pll);\n\tclk_register_clkdev(clk, \"uart_mux.0\", NULL);\n\n\tclk = mmp_clk_register_apbc(\"uart0\", \"uart0_mux\",\n\t\t\t\tapbc_base + APBC_UART0, 10, 0, &clk_lock);\n\tclk_register_clkdev(clk, NULL, \"pxa2xx-uart.0\");\n\n\tclk = clk_register_mux(NULL, \"uart1_mux\", uart_parent,\n\t\t\t\tARRAY_SIZE(uart_parent),\n\t\t\t\tCLK_SET_RATE_PARENT | CLK_SET_RATE_NO_REPARENT,\n\t\t\t\tapbc_base + APBC_UART1, 4, 3, 0, &clk_lock);\n\tclk_set_parent(clk, uart_pll);\n\tclk_register_clkdev(clk, \"uart_mux.1\", NULL);\n\n\tclk = mmp_clk_register_apbc(\"uart1\", \"uart1_mux\",\n\t\t\t\tapbc_base + APBC_UART1, 10, 0, &clk_lock);\n\tclk_register_clkdev(clk, NULL, \"pxa2xx-uart.1\");\n\n\tclk = clk_register_mux(NULL, \"uart2_mux\", uart_parent,\n\t\t\t\tARRAY_SIZE(uart_parent),\n\t\t\t\tCLK_SET_RATE_PARENT | CLK_SET_RATE_NO_REPARENT,\n\t\t\t\tapbcp_base + APBCP_UART2, 4, 3, 0, &clk_lock);\n\tclk_set_parent(clk, uart_pll);\n\tclk_register_clkdev(clk, \"uart_mux.2\", NULL);\n\n\tclk = mmp_clk_register_apbc(\"uart2\", \"uart2_mux\",\n\t\t\t\tapbcp_base + APBCP_UART2, 10, 0, &clk_lock);\n\tclk_register_clkdev(clk, NULL, \"pxa2xx-uart.2\");\n\n\tclk = clk_register_mux(NULL, \"ssp0_mux\", ssp_parent,\n\t\t\t\tARRAY_SIZE(ssp_parent),\n\t\t\t\tCLK_SET_RATE_PARENT | CLK_SET_RATE_NO_REPARENT,\n\t\t\t\tapbc_base + APBC_SSP0, 4, 3, 0, &clk_lock);\n\tclk_register_clkdev(clk, \"uart_mux.0\", NULL);\n\n\tclk = mmp_clk_register_apbc(\"ssp0\", \"ssp0_mux\",\n\t\t\t\tapbc_base + APBC_SSP0, 10, 0, &clk_lock);\n\tclk_register_clkdev(clk, NULL, \"mmp-ssp.0\");\n\n\tclk = clk_register_mux(NULL, \"ssp1_mux\", ssp_parent,\n\t\t\t\tARRAY_SIZE(ssp_parent),\n\t\t\t\tCLK_SET_RATE_PARENT | CLK_SET_RATE_NO_REPARENT,\n\t\t\t\tapbc_base + APBC_SSP1, 4, 3, 0, &clk_lock);\n\tclk_register_clkdev(clk, \"ssp_mux.1\", NULL);\n\n\tclk = mmp_clk_register_apbc(\"ssp1\", \"ssp1_mux\",\n\t\t\t\tapbc_base + APBC_SSP1, 10, 0, &clk_lock);\n\tclk_register_clkdev(clk, NULL, \"mmp-ssp.1\");\n\n\tclk = mmp_clk_register_apmu(\"dfc\", \"pll1_4\",\n\t\t\t\tapmu_base + APMU_DFC, 0x19b, &clk_lock);\n\tclk_register_clkdev(clk, NULL, \"pxa3xx-nand.0\");\n\n\tclk = clk_register_mux(NULL, \"sdh0_mux\", sdh_parent,\n\t\t\t\tARRAY_SIZE(sdh_parent),\n\t\t\t\tCLK_SET_RATE_PARENT | CLK_SET_RATE_NO_REPARENT,\n\t\t\t\tapmu_base + APMU_SDH0, 6, 1, 0, &clk_lock);\n\tclk_register_clkdev(clk, \"sdh0_mux\", NULL);\n\n\tclk = mmp_clk_register_apmu(\"sdh0\", \"sdh_mux\",\n\t\t\t\tapmu_base + APMU_SDH0, 0x1b, &clk_lock);\n\tclk_register_clkdev(clk, NULL, \"sdhci-pxa.0\");\n\n\tclk = clk_register_mux(NULL, \"sdh1_mux\", sdh_parent,\n\t\t\t\tARRAY_SIZE(sdh_parent),\n\t\t\t\tCLK_SET_RATE_PARENT | CLK_SET_RATE_NO_REPARENT,\n\t\t\t\tapmu_base + APMU_SDH1, 6, 1, 0, &clk_lock);\n\tclk_register_clkdev(clk, \"sdh1_mux\", NULL);\n\n\tclk = mmp_clk_register_apmu(\"sdh1\", \"sdh1_mux\",\n\t\t\t\tapmu_base + APMU_SDH1, 0x1b, &clk_lock);\n\tclk_register_clkdev(clk, NULL, \"sdhci-pxa.1\");\n\n\tclk = mmp_clk_register_apmu(\"usb\", \"usb_pll\",\n\t\t\t\tapmu_base + APMU_USB, 0x9, &clk_lock);\n\tclk_register_clkdev(clk, \"usb_clk\", NULL);\n\n\tclk = mmp_clk_register_apmu(\"sph\", \"usb_pll\",\n\t\t\t\tapmu_base + APMU_USB, 0x12, &clk_lock);\n\tclk_register_clkdev(clk, \"sph_clk\", NULL);\n\n\tclk = clk_register_mux(NULL, \"disp0_mux\", disp_parent,\n\t\t\t\tARRAY_SIZE(disp_parent),\n\t\t\t\tCLK_SET_RATE_PARENT | CLK_SET_RATE_NO_REPARENT,\n\t\t\t\tapmu_base + APMU_DISP0, 6, 1, 0, &clk_lock);\n\tclk_register_clkdev(clk, \"disp_mux.0\", NULL);\n\n\tclk = mmp_clk_register_apmu(\"disp0\", \"disp0_mux\",\n\t\t\t\tapmu_base + APMU_DISP0, 0x1b, &clk_lock);\n\tclk_register_clkdev(clk, NULL, \"mmp-disp.0\");\n\n\tclk = clk_register_mux(NULL, \"ccic0_mux\", ccic_parent,\n\t\t\t\tARRAY_SIZE(ccic_parent),\n\t\t\t\tCLK_SET_RATE_PARENT | CLK_SET_RATE_NO_REPARENT,\n\t\t\t\tapmu_base + APMU_CCIC0, 6, 1, 0, &clk_lock);\n\tclk_register_clkdev(clk, \"ccic_mux.0\", NULL);\n\n\tclk = mmp_clk_register_apmu(\"ccic0\", \"ccic0_mux\",\n\t\t\t\tapmu_base + APMU_CCIC0, 0x1b, &clk_lock);\n\tclk_register_clkdev(clk, \"fnclk\", \"mmp-ccic.0\");\n\n\tclk = clk_register_mux(NULL, \"ccic0_phy_mux\", ccic_phy_parent,\n\t\t\t\tARRAY_SIZE(ccic_phy_parent),\n\t\t\t\tCLK_SET_RATE_PARENT | CLK_SET_RATE_NO_REPARENT,\n\t\t\t\tapmu_base + APMU_CCIC0, 7, 1, 0, &clk_lock);\n\tclk_register_clkdev(clk, \"ccic_phy_mux.0\", NULL);\n\n\tclk = mmp_clk_register_apmu(\"ccic0_phy\", \"ccic0_phy_mux\",\n\t\t\t\tapmu_base + APMU_CCIC0, 0x24, &clk_lock);\n\tclk_register_clkdev(clk, \"phyclk\", \"mmp-ccic.0\");\n\n\tclk = clk_register_divider(NULL, \"ccic0_sphy_div\", \"ccic0_mux\",\n\t\t\t\tCLK_SET_RATE_PARENT, apmu_base + APMU_CCIC0,\n\t\t\t\t10, 5, 0, &clk_lock);\n\tclk_register_clkdev(clk, \"sphyclk_div\", NULL);\n\n\tclk = mmp_clk_register_apmu(\"ccic0_sphy\", \"ccic0_sphy_div\",\n\t\t\t\tapmu_base + APMU_CCIC0, 0x300, &clk_lock);\n\tclk_register_clkdev(clk, \"sphyclk\", \"mmp-ccic.0\");\n}\n" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nConnection is not defined\n\nI have the following code \n <?", "php\n$host = \"localhost\";\n$dbname = \"hawkI\";\n$user = \"root\";\n$password = \"\";\n\n$userExist = false;\n$userIP = null;\n$userHasFinish = null;\n$userLastPage = null;\n\ntry {\n $dbh = new PDO('mysql:host='.$host.", "';dbname='.$dbname, $user, $password);\n} catch (PDOException $e) {\n echo 'Connection failed: ' . ", "$e->getMessage();\n}\n\nfunction getIPforBDD(){\n return $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];\n}\n\nfunction UpdateUserProfile()\n{\n $requete = \"SELECT * FROM users WHERE ip = \".getIPforBDD();\n $result = $dbh->query($requete);\n\n if($resultat->rowCount() == 0)\n exit();\n\n foreach($result as $ligne)\n { \n $userIP = $ligne['ip'];\n $userhasFinish = $ligne['finish'];\n $userLastPage = $ligne['lastPage'];\n }\n}\n\nfunction CheckUserPosition()\n{\n UpdateUserProfile();\n if(!$userExist)\n AddUser();\n\n return GetUserStatus();\n}\n\nfunction GetUserStatus()\n{\n $page;\n if($userHasFinish)\n $page = \"end.php\";\n else\n $page = $userLastPage;\n\n return $page;\n}\n\nfunction AddUser()\n{\n $requete = \"INSERT INTO users (ip, finish, lastPage) VALUES (\".getIPforBDD().\", \"", ".false.\", ", "questionnaire_initial.php)\";\n $result = $dbh->query($requete);\n}\n\nfunction SavePageInBDD($page){\n $requete = \"UPDATE users SET lastPage = '.$page.' ", "WHERE ip = \".getIPforBDD();\n $result = $dbh->query($requete);\n} \n?", ">\n\nBut, I have a problem when I use it \n\n( ! ) ", "Notice: Undefined variable: dbh in C:\\wamp64\\www\\HawkI\\bdd.php\n on line 66\n\nI do not understand correctly how PHP work it's the first time I use it, but I tried to make \nglobal $dbh = new PDO('mysql:host='.$host.", "';dbname='.$dbname, $user, $password);\n\nThat doesn't work too.", "\nAlso, it seems that value that are put outside of functions are not global like it would be in js, how can I make something accessible from everywhere (like file that include that file) \nThanks \n\nA:\n\nBetter way would be to do something like this:\nfunction getDB(){\n $dbh = null;\n try {\n $dbh = new PDO('mysql:host='.$host.", "';dbname='.$dbname, $user, $password);\n } catch (PDOException $e) {\n echo 'Connection failed: ' . ", "$e->getMessage();\n }\n return $dbh;\n}\n\nAnd than in your functions do this:\nfunction AddUser()\n{\n $dbh = getDB();\n if(!is_null($dbh)){\n $requete = \"INSERT INTO users (ip, finish, lastPage) VALUES (\".getIPforBDD().\", \"", ".false.\", ", "questionnaire_initial.php)\";\n $result = $dbh->query($requete);\n }\n}\n\n" ]
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[ "Here is an important composer who has something to say, knows how to say it and has fused together jazz, blues, funk and classical elements with great skill. ", "This is a major work and is totally compelling.", "\n\nThe African-American jazz trumpeter Hannibal Lokumbe (b. 1948) wrote both music and libretto for this inspiring oratorio. ", "Premiered in 2005 by the Detroit orchestra, his music is influenced by jazz (obviously, given Lokumbe’s background), gospel, blues, and African music. ", "Lokumbe’s idea was to pay homage to Rosa Parks via imaginary letters to her.", "\n\nThe use of “extra” musics in oratorio is not new. ", "Tippett’s Child of Our Time replaces the expected chorales with Negro spirituals, for example. ", "The story behind Lokumbe’s own musical journey is an uplifting one. ", "Diagnosed with antibiotic-resistant double pneumonia, he returned to his roots, to a village in Kenya, where he was cured by a tribal leader. ", "The experience widened his horizons, and he became attracted to expressing himself via the medium of the orchestra. ", "His work African Portraits (premiered in 1990) reflects his idea of depicting the plight of black Americans on orchestral canvas.", "\n\nThe music is immediately both appealing and powerful. ", "The primal rhythms, for example, of “In Sacrifice” are involving (clearly very much so, as the audience reactions in this live recording reveal), while the medium of prayer leads an immediacy to the emotions on display. ", "Most importantly, the piece contains a real, and eminently satisfying, dramatic trajectory through to the final moments.", "\n\nKevin Deas is a fine bass, whose delivery of the “First Letter to Mrs. Parks” (“Dear Mrs. Parks, I can hear the sun singing in praise of you”) reveals a firm sense of line and much vocal power. ", "Even more impressive, though, is the delicious soprano of Janice Chandler-Eteme in the Second Letter (“for the spirit of Mrs. Viola Liuzzo, in honor of her life”). ", "This whole section, titled “Songs from Heaven Falling,” is pure held-breath magic and is, for this reviewer, the clear highlight of the piece. ", "Lokumbe finds a new intimacy for the work’s final stages. ", "Mezzo Jevetta Steele declaims the Third Letter (“I was just sitting there thinking of you”) with real zeal. ", "Surely this should have been accorded a separate track number by Naxos, though?", "\n\nPerhaps most poignant is the use of a boy soprano (Taylor Gardner) for the final “Prayer for the World.” ", "His innocence serves as the perfect foil for the gargantuan, ritualistic choral gestures that follow.", "\n\nDear Mrs Parks was commissioned by the Detroit Symphony and had its premiere in 2005 under Thomas Wilkins. ", "The recording followed four years later. ", "Composer Hannibal Lokumbe describes the work as “a prayer in music and words in honor of Mrs Rosa Parks”. ", "In form, it’s a series of imaginary letters recited or sung by four soloists (including child soprano) and chorus, accompanied by a full orchestra. ", "Lokumbe cites blues, jazz, African music, and gospel music as his influences; but I also discern more than a whiff of Gregorian Chant, especially in the choruses, which are the best part of the work. ", "The child soprano, in the third ‘Prayer for the World’ (this text is repeated four times), might be reciting the old Litany of the Saints. ‘", "For We Have Walked the Streets of Babylon’ begins monotonously and repetitively, though the last word of each line is suddenly brightened by the choral sopranos. ", "About half way through, the music bursts into a frenzy of percussion and powerful rhythms— rather thrillingly. ", "The next chorus, ‘In Sacrifice’, develops likewise from a foursquare drone to a tumult of pounding cadences. ", "The solo writing, freer and more declamatory, is less interesting, but we seldom have to wait long for one of those rousing choruses. ", "A few spoken passages are not quite so effective, especially the first ‘Prayer for the World’, which is almost unintelligible in this performance, and the first part of the mezzo’s ‘Dear Rosa’.", "\n\nThe mezzo here, Jevetta Steele, has a voice more suited to pop and jazz than opera, and Lokumbe adjusts his music accordingly; but the sweet soprano Janice Chandler-Eterne and the robust bass Kevin Deas could easily step into a Messiah performance. ", "Taylor Gardner, the girl soprano, conveys the intended childlike poignancy. ", "Chorus and orchestra perform with real commitment and make a grand, exuberant noise when necessary. ", "I suspect Dear Mrs Parks would be more gripping in the concert hall, but its vigor and intensity are amply conveyed by my speakers at home. ", "Rosa Parks herself might have been nonplussed by such an elaborate, affirmative response to her simple act of defiance, but Lokumbe avoids strident sermonizing, and his music is interesting enough to transcend politics.", "\n\nThis is a major release no matter what the colour, creed, nationality, race or gender of the composer. ", "I repeat: this is a major release.", "\n\nBorn in Texas, Lokumbe is a composer and a jazz trumpeter who has worked with Gil Evans, Roland Kirk and the Jazz Composers Orchestra amongst others. ", "Dear Mrs Parks was premièred in February 2005, by many of the performers here. ", "That performance was broadcast nationwide and on the net. ", "I recorded it and thus have heard the work several times prior to receiving this new CD.", "\n\nThe story of Rosa Parks is well enough known, I think, but for anyone who doesn’t know it, briefly: on 1 December 1955 Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat on the bus for a white passenger. ", "This action sparked the Montgomery (Alabama) bus boycott. ", "Because of her actions, Rosa Parks became an important figure in the modern Civil Rights movement. ", "She has been called “The Mother of the Modern Day Civil Rights Movement”. ", "She died a few months after the première of this work, which she attended.", "\n\nWhat we have here is a celebration of Rosa Parks, using jazz, blues, funk and classical elements all fused together with great skill. ", "Nowhere is one conscious of the change from one style to the other simply because the work is written in only one style—that of Hannibal Lokumbe. ", "This is the work of an obviously very talented, and gifted, composer which makes it all the more confusing that it’s the only work of his I have ever heard.", "\n\nAs a composition it has arias, choruses, orchestral movements; everything you’d expect from an oratorio—drama, release, praise. ", "This is a very fine piece indeed. ", "It is full of good things. ", "The orchestration is brilliantly colourful. ", "Lashings of percussion drive the dance music, which is truly joyous. ", "The arias are ecstatic, declamatory, utterances and the choruses are full-blooded.", "\n\nThe performance is totally committed, but be warned both Janice Chandler-Eteme and Kevin Deas employ a very fast vibrato which becomes tiring on the ear. ", "Otherwise I have no worries about this disk whatsoever.", "\n\nAs a new look at oratorio it is vibrant and totally compelling. ", "I hope that this piece will make many friends. ", "Here is an important composer who has something to say and knows how to say it. ", "Good notes and a full text are included in the booklet. ", "Perhaps I should point out that the language is easily understood: it’s tonal and approachable.", "\n\nDon’t miss this. ", "It’s as important a choral work as Walton’s Belshazzar’s Feast or David Blake’s Lumina.", "\n\nA massive outpouring of prayer for the future of humanity expressed in a series of imaginary letters to Rosa Parks, an American civil rights leader. ", "Hannibal Lokumbe enjoyed a career as a trumpeter on the New York jazz scene for twenty-three years before he suffered a major illness. ", "A return to Kenya, the land of his heritage, brought an unexpected recovery, and set the scene for Lokumbe to put his skills to use in creating music that would communicate the message of human suffering. ", "Here he has written both words and music, expressing in letters the feelings of suffering when you are born with a black skin. ", "Those letters are interspersed with prayers to God to help bring peace and freedom to the world. ", "It is offered in a musical language that moves through many styles including classical oratorio, blues, jazz and with a strong Gospel presence. ", "He is in his most persuasive mood when highly active, In Sacrifice and Like Luminous Rain Upon the Daughters of Isis, the type of show stopping numbers that have roots in Gershwin and Bernstein. ", "There is no doubting his sincerity in the quiet and more contemplative moments, and here he has two good soloists in the mezzo, Jevetta Steele, and bass, Kevin Deas. ", "Big powerful choral moments, and the playing of the Detroit Symphony has all the impact needed for a ‘pop’ classic. ", "The audience in this ‘live’ recordings often show an appreciation that is discreetly faded so the recording can move on. ", "The sound is suitably high powered.", "\n\nHannibal Lokumbe is a classical composer and jazz trumpeter also known by his first name only: Hannibal. ", "In his classical compositions, Hannibal composes music that celebrates the African-American experience on its own terms, and in a wholly serious manner; it is not jazz-derived so much as it is Pan-African-American in spirit. ", "Hannibal’s previous effort, African Portraits (1995), was released by Nonesuch with much fanfare, but was ultimately criticized for eclecticism and over ambitiousness. ", "Dear Mrs. Parks was a 2005 commission from the Detroit Symphony Orchestra and, if anything, the eclecticism is held in check; although the instrumental forces are still very large, with four soloists, two choruses, and an expanded orchestra with an added battery of percussion, Dear Mrs. Parks (2009) has a very singular purpose in mind. ", "It is a cantata in 10 movements on Hannibal’s own text in the form of letters addressed to Rosa Parks from four different characters, portrayed by soloists Janice Chandler-Eteme, Jevetta Steele, Kevin Deas, and child soprano Taylor Gardner. ", "The chorus fulfills numerous functions; interacting with soloists, hovering as angels in the background, or assuming the foreground role of the vox populi. ", "The music is often very still and focuses on supporting Hannibal’s text, though it comes alive with rich and riotous percussion in movements such as “For We Have Walked the Streets of Babylon” and “Like Luminous Rain.” ", "Overall, the character of the music has a strong African flavor, based in modes, utilizing drones, and employing an underlying rhythmic funkiness, yet opting for a modified, Western-styled recitative in some sections. ", "Parks is celebrated as an icon rather than a person; this is in keeping with the Western tradition of honorific cantata texts written for ancient gods or noblemen, and combined with the African sound of Hannibal’s music such treatment is effective and moving.", "\n\nWhile the work was written five years ago, the timing of the Naxos release Dear Mrs Parks by Hannibal Lokumbe, is significant. ", "Recorded live in 2009 when it was performed as part of the Detroit Symphony’s Classical Roots series which features the music of African-American composers, the release of the oratorio coincides with the one-year anniversary of the presidency of Barack Obama, America’s first African-American president.", "\n\nBy its very nature, though, the work already packed huge political and emotional punch. ‘", "Mrs Parks’ is, of course, Rosa Parks, the African-American civil rights activist whose refusal in December 1955 to give up her seat on a Montgomery, Alabama, bus sparked a bus boycott that lasted more than a year. ", "Eventually, the US Supreme Court ruled racial segregation laws unconstitutional, but not before local civic leaders had deployed a range of strategies aimed at breaking the boycott, including trying to destroy the boycotters’ carpools by pressuring insurers to deny them coverage.", "\n\nAlthough she’s now revered alongside Martin Luther King, Jr., Malcolm X and others as a hero of the civil rights struggle, at the time her celebrated gesture cost Parks her job as a department store seamstress. ", "She later moved to Detroit where she lived and worked until her death in October 2005.", "\n\nOriginally commissioned by the Detroit Symphony in 2005, Dear Mrs Parks marked both the 50th anniversary of the Montgomery bus boycott and—as it happened—the year of Parks’s death. ", "While she didn’t live to hear it performed, says Lokumbe, he sang some of the libretto to Mrs Parks who ‘just gave me a smile.’", "\n\nAlthough less explicitly religious than they might have been a couple of centuries ago, the themes of oratorios tend to be more serious than some operas. ", "As such, the form of Dear Mrs Parks seems especially well-suited to its subject matter, but Lokumbe says he doesn’t think in these formal musical terms. ‘", "That’s only a problem for people who do marketing,’ he chuckles. ", "In fact, Lokumbe recalls that when he wrote African Portraits, a 1990 opera recorded by the Chicago Symphony under Daniel Barenboim, he was unfamiliar with the term ‘oratorio’ and its differences from opera.", "\n\nBut it’s precisely this looseness with form that means Lokumbe can allow what engages him emotionally and what works best to guide the creative process. ", "For instance, the track ‘For We have Walked the Streets of Babylon, Forty Thousand Strong’ on Dear Mrs Parks uses call and response, ‘a pervasive pattern of democratic participation’ brought from African cultures to some Christian congregations. ‘", "I’ve always wanted to use that in one of my works,’ he says.", "\n\nFor Lokumbe, it’s less a question of knowledge than a sensibility. ‘", "Ninety percent of my music comes to me in dreams,’ he explains. ‘", "Music is the one place where I refuse to have people to put borders around it, institutionalise it, davalue it spiritually,” he says. ", "To illustrate the point, he recounts an exchange he once had with a producer who wanted to know the genre of one of his works. “", "Do you have a category called ‘music’?” ", "Lokumbe asked. “", "Put it in the ‘music’ category,” he recalls saying with a smile in his voice.", "\n\nHow to describe Dear Mrs Parks, then? “", "It’s a prayer,” says Lokumbe. “", "It’s a cry out to people to rethink their lives and to rethink the destructive concept of the world being your oyster. ", "To be able to say no to our own weaknesses...”\n\nBut surely change has already come, lives have been re-thought? ", "After all, America has an African-American president, an idea that was surely unthinkable back in 1955. ", "On the contrary, says Lokumbe, “there’s more to do now than when Dr King and Mrs Parks were active”, citing a range of alarming statistics such as the more than 50% of black men aged 19-24 who are unemployed, not to mention their staggering rates of mortality and incarceration.", "\n\nThose numbers are one reason why Lokumbe ‘dropped out of the orbit’ of the clubbing musicians who zig-zag the country playing a different city each night. ", "Formerly a trumpeter who spent his youth backing up icons like Otis Redding and Etta James, Lokumbe went on the live in New York for more than two decades where he played and recorded with jazz stars like Gil Evans and McCoy Tyner.", "\nThese days, though, Lokumbe spends much of his time composing works for ensembles big and small, from the Kronos Quartet to the Cleveland Orchestra, and teaching young people.", "\n\n“I wanted to do something with more longevity in terms of its impact,’ he says. “", "Now, by the time I do a concert I’ve been in that city for two months, spending time in homeless shelters and schools,’ says Lokumbe. ‘", "I play a great deal in churches and prisons, too. ", "It’s about restoration, inspiration, showing the truth of it all.”", "\n\n…Lokumbe saw the release of his new work dedicated to 1959s civil rights pioneer Rosa Parks, titled, “Dear Mrs. Parks. ", "The work was commissioned and premiered by the Detroit Symphony Orchestra. ", "Previously, Lokumbe also wrote a musical piece dedicated to slain civil rights activist Medgar Evers and performed by several symphonies.", "\n\nIt is possible to admire and like the impulse behind creation of a piece of music without necessary admiring or liking the result. ", "It is also possible to admire and like both the intention and the work, without necessarily wanting to live with the piece over time. ", "That is the situation with Mark Adamo’s Late Victorians and Hannibal Lokumbe’s Dear Mrs. Parks. ", "Adamo’s half-hour work is a tribute to AIDS victims, written in 1994 and revised in 2007. ", "There continues to be much hand-wringing about AIDS and many acknowledgments of those it has affected, especially in the artistic and homosexual communities that have been hit hardest by the disease. ", "But after a while—with ways to prevent transmission of AIDS now well known and the unending drumbeat of requests (if not demands) for sympathy (and money)—the whole “tribute” field starts to seem a little overdone. ", "Adamo’s work is well crafted and cleverly titled: the name refers to Victorian houses in San Francisco, whose large gay community was hit especially hard by AIDS; the title was originally that of a magazine article that partly inspired Adamo’s work. ", "Other inspirations for Late Victorians were the poetry of Emily Dickinson as reinterpreted by Camille Paglia, and the device from Haydn’s “Farewell” symphony in which orchestra members walked offstage in the finale. ", "Adamo, best known as an opera composer, weaves these influences together skillfully: words from the magazine piece are spoken; four Dickinson poems are sung; and the works’ four movements are tied to each other with solo cadenzas by musicians who then leave the stage (an effect missing in the recording, of course). ", "But does the work…well, work? ", "Certainly the Eclipse Chamber Orchestra under Sylvia Alimena plays it well—this is an outstanding group in any music. ", "But the cleverness of the concept tends to overwhelm the emotions underlying it, drawing attention more to structure and form than to the “tribute” elements that Adamo says are his main point. ", "Furthermore, there is nothing really new in noting—however thoughtfully—that AIDS has claimed many young and worthwhile (and potentially worthwhile) lives. ", "Listeners may not have heard Late Victorians before—this is its first recording—but they have heard its sentiments before, often, and that fact tends to vitiate the effectiveness of the piece.", "\n\nThe shorter works on the Adamo CD are less fraught and more effective in their own ways. ", "Regina Coeli is the slow movement from Adamo’s 2007 harp concerto, “Four Angels,” here rescored for strings alone. ", "It is a piece of subtlety and grace. ", "Overture to “Lysistrata” (2006) is short, bright, bouncy and very much in the spirit of Leonard Bernstein’s Candide overture, which Adamo cites as a source. ", "Alcott Music, from the opera Little Women, is Adamo’s revision of his Alcott Portraits of 1999, which he composed for the Eclipse Chamber Orchestra. ", "Although it is imbued with themes from the opera, the three-movement suite stands on its own as a character piece whose emotions range from dreamy and wistful to excited and exuberant.", "\n\nHannibal Lokumbe’s Dear Mrs. Parks is a “tribute” piece in the same line as Adamo’s Late Victorians, but in even more extended form: it runs an hour and features large orchestra plus solo and choral voices. ", "In 10 movements whose length varies from one minute to 13, the work—essentially an oratorio—pays tribute to civil rights icon Rosa Parks through imaginary letters written to her. ", "This 2005 undertaking, for which Lokumbe (born Marvin Peterson) wrote both words and music, is as well-meaning as can be. ", "The imaginary letters come from a black civil-rights activist, a white civil-rights pioneer killed by the Ku Klux Klan, and a young black man whose generation has received the benefits of the struggle. ", "There is also a child soprano who represents innocence and hope, an obvious bit of typecasting that points to one of the work’s weaknesses. ", "Obviousness abounds here—in the words of the tributes; the musical mixture of blues, jazz, gospel and African music; and the tremendous adulation heaped on Rosa Parks. ", "Such adulation, although unsurprising, is singularly inappropriate for a woman who has led for decades by her modesty and self-effacement—she has always said she refused to give up her bus seat when told to do so simply because she was tired, not because she was acting in the service of a grand cause. ", "The cause was grand, and it was perhaps inevitable that it would adopt her as one of its leading symbols; but year after year, it has been Parks’ quiet fortitude that has been most impressive—more so than this extended piece of hagiography. ", "The music here is mostly well crafted…and the performers bring enthusiasm and skill to the project…\n\nIn 2005 the Detroit Symphony Orchestra gave the world premiere of Hannibal Lokumbe’s “Dear Mrs. Parks,” a sprawling, hour-long oratorio based on fictional letters of gratitude to the civil rights hero. ", "The orchestra revived the work in March for its Classical Roots concerts led by former resident conductor Thomas Wilkins, who also led the 2005 premiere. ", "The recent performances have now begat a CD…scored for orchestra, choir and vocal soloists, “Dear Mrs. Parks” had a galvanizing impact in the concert hall. ", "There was a compelling sense of ritual at the world premiere. ", "The pulsating percussion connected the dots between Mother Africa and jazz, the plaintive choral melodies tapped into a wellspring of emotion and the sheer exuberance of the performance seemed to lift the stage.", "\n\nBut recordings are different animals, and while some passages retain their power, the overall sweep of the piece doesn’t make the same impression on CD. ", "The episodic nature of the writing, the opening spoken prayer by the audience and even the applause between movements all leave a disjointed feeling that was covered up by the ecstatic nature of the live performance.", "\n\nLokumbe (born Marvin Peterson in 1948) made his reputation as a trumpeter in progressive jazz circles in the ’70s, but since 1990 he’s become known as a composer of large orchestral works on African-American themes. “", "Dear Mrs. Parks” is steeped in African and African-American idioms, from the prayerful melodic contours of spirituals and work songs to call-and-response strategies drawn from blues and jazz and an extended timpani solo—brilliantly improvised by Brian Jones—and played over a half-dozen other drums that suggest a tribal ceremony.", "\n\nThe work unfolds in cresting choral passages, simple but effective orchestration and vocal soloists who adopt various personas. ", "Lokumbe’s text is bathed in mysticism and hope. ", "Wilkins leads a strong, enthusiastic performance and the soloists and chorus—soprano Janice Chandler-Eteme, mezzo-soprano Jevetta Steele, bass Kevin Deas, children soprano Taylor Gardner and the combined Rackham Symphony Choir and Brazeal Dennard Chorale—all sing with distinction.", "\n\nWe use cookies to improve the use of our website, our products and services, and confirm your login authorization or initial creation of account. ", "By clicking \"Ok\" or by continuing to use our website, you agree to cookies being set on your device as explained in our Privacy Policy. ", "You may disable the use of cookies if you do not wish to accept them, however, this may limit the website's overall functionality." ]
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[ "Prague is justly famous for its Old Town Square, its Castle District dominated by St. Vitus Cathedral, and the Charles Bridge, majestic despite the throngs of tourists. ", "Beyond that, Prague is famous for the Defenestration of Prague. (", "Defenestration: now there’s a fine word for you.) ", "Legend has it that the ignominiously defenestrated Catholic Lords Regent survived the 21-meter fall by landing in a dung heap.", "\n\nPrague is also famous for its beer.", "\n\nPrague is one of my favourite cities in Europe, has been ever since a friend of mine borrowed my grandmother’s old Renault 5 in Switzerland, told her we were going to the German Alps for about a week — and then just kept on going. ", "By the end of it all, we had driven through Austria (via Munich, of course) to Budapest and then up to Prague before continuing on to Saarbrücken, where I had only recently discovered good beer during my first study year abroad. ", "Little did I know that it’d take a good fifteen years to get back to Prague. ", "This time around, we spent five leisurely days rambling through hidden squares, across small foot bridges, and up and down the hills of Prague in search of liquid sustenance amid museums, monasteries, and castles.", "\n\nAs I mentioned at the start of this series on Prague, I did something different from my usual city spotlights by starting at the end with beer lists and highlights. ", "We’ve now arrived at the beginning: a five-day itinerary that includes a sprinkling of restaurants and things to see with your beer tips. ", "Rather than dividing up Prague into various regions like I do when I write about large beer cities such as Munich, Berlin, or Vienna, I’ll take you along on the itinerary that we followed. ", "Pick and choose depending on how long you’ll be in Prague and how much beer culture you want to experience. ", "It goes without saying that although this is a “long read,” it’s far from exhaustive. ", "Chime in with your favourites in the comments.", "\n\nFor those who’ve had enough of reading by now, the following articles give you the short version of the goods:\n\nPrague’s Beer Scene: Highlights in the City of a Hundred Spires\n\nBeer in Prague: A List to Get You Started\n\n***\n\nQuick note: It has been ages since I contributed to the The Session, a monthly forum for beer wordsmiths the world over to gather and discuss a theme determined by the month’s host. ", "When I checked earlier in the week, no one had yet thrown his or her hat into the ring. ", "A few days ago I noticed that Alistair Reece of Fuggled fame had stepped into the breach with a call for posts on Czech beer. ", "Perfect timing for this long-form accompaniment to my earlier Prague posts.", "\n\nPrague’s Beer/Culture Scene Day-by-Day:\n\nDay 1:\n\nVinohradský Parlament. ", "Sleek interior and food to match. ", "Around the corner from the Náměstí Míru square in a vibrant area to the northeast of the main train station.", "\n\nBellavista. ", "A restaurant terrace in the shadow of the Strahov Monastery where the vista truly is beautiful.", "\n\nKlášterní Pivovar Strahov (St. Norbert). ", "A monastery brewery in the shadow of the Baroque Strahov Monastery. ", "Solid beers pair well with the excellent food on offer.", "\n\nWe left behind the beer gardens of Regensburg on the mid-morning train, arriving through hail, wind, and rain to sunshine in Prague about five hours later. ", "Hungry and thirsty after the ride, we settled on Vinohradský Parlament, a chic restaurant with an industrial-polished Art Deco interior not far from our hotel in the Vinohrady District. ", "The food — veal neck in dark beer sauce with baked squash and potato-turnip mash, along with rabbit paté with marinated rabbit loin and rhubarb jam — was a cut above your standard pork and dumplings. ", "The Staropramen Nefiltrovaný (unfiltered) deftly parried the food while showcasing what a larger regional brewery in the Czech Republic can do. (", "Interestingly, though Staropramen is from Prague, we didn’t see it on many menus.)", "\n\nAfter our late lunch we hopped the tram over to the Hradčany (Castle) District for glimpses of St. Vitus Cathedral and the town below, eventually making our way up the hill to the Loreta, a Baroque pilgrimage site designed as a replica of the Santa Casa in the Holy Land. ", "Like pilgrims of old, we, too were searching — in this case for the Klásterní Pivovar Strahov, a monastery brewery that was reopened in 2000 after closing in 1907. (", "It was founded in 1628.) ", "Across the square from the Loreta, we stumbled upon an arched doorway, rabbit hole-like, leading to a steep stairway that whisked us up to the Strahov Monastery.", "\n\nBefore sitting down to some monk-brewed beer, though, we spied a terrace bar (the aptly named Bellavista) with stunning views down to Malá Strana and Staré Město (Old Town) in the distance beyond an urban vineyard and orchard. ", "The Pivovar Klášter was refreshing after our walk up the hill, and a glass of wine from Bellavista’s list of Czech wines wouldn’t be a bad accompaniment to the view, either. ", "This place isn’t the cheapest in Prague, but that view is more than worth the few extra krona it’ll cost you for your beverage of choice.", "\n\nNow for that Strahov beer! ", "A courtyard garden separates the cozy tavern on the brewpub side from a larger beer hall with a vaulted ceiling and stuccoed Gothic arches across the way. ", "We split a four-dip platter (smoked fish, washed-rind beer cheese, spicy chicken paté, and a Liptauer-type spread) with pickles, onions, and pickled peppers, washing it all down with a variety of the house offerings. ", "Try the Pivo Norbert Tmavé, a richly malty dark lager, or the light golden Hefeweizen.", "\n\nBy now it had turned twilight behind the Baroque towers of the Strahov Monastery, so we rode the tram down the hill along the edge of the castle, through narrow streets of Malá Strana past the St. Nicolas Church, and back to our “home square,” Náměstí Míru in Vinohrady. ", "Opportunities for craft beer night caps abound in the streets that radiate off this square should you still have the energy.", "\n\nDay 2 :\n\nU Trí Růží (Three Roses) in Staré Město. ", "Top-notch food and beer in an Old Town brewpub just steps from the Charles Bridge.", "\n\nU Fleků. ", "One of the oldest drinking establishments in Prague (founded in 1499), with a courtyard beer garden surrounded by a warren of beer halls. ", "Famous for its dark lager.", "\n\nPrague Beer Museum (Vinohrady). ", "Near the Náměstí Míru square and metro station. ", "Well curated beer selection from across the Czech Republic\n\nWe walked across the Legion Bridge on this perfectly sunny day for some stunning views of the castle and St. Vitus overlooking the river, then carried on into the backstreets of Malá Strana. ", "After our morning caffeine fix at Café Kafíčko, we cut through the crowds, ducked into the solitude of the Vojan Garden hidden away just beyond the bridge, and then continued on to the Wallenstein Garden with its grotto and carp-filled ponds. ", "Our garden interlude behind us, we joined the river of humanity crossing Charles Bridge, magnificent despite the crowds, into the Old Town (Staré Město).", "\n\nWe’d been out and about now for a good four hours. ", "Definitely pilsner time. ", "We made for U Trí Růží (Three Roses) in Staré Město, which turned out to be a fortuitous choice. ", "Many of the other places were packed full of tourists, but this place all but a hundred meters from the Charles Bridge was only about three-quarters full with a lively clientele by about 4:00 p.m. The building itself claims a brewing connection dating back to 1405 when a master brewer obtained brewing rights. ", "Since then, the building has housed a printing press, among other things, before becoming a brewery yet again. ", "Caricatures and cartoons depicting the history of brewing adorn the walls of this recently renovated tavern that still manages to retain a “traditional” feel. ", "Lamps in the shape of hops round out the décor. ", "If you’re feeling the serious need for some sort of vegetable (sometimes hard to come by on Central European menus), opt for the arugula and beet salad with goat cheese. ", "As for the beers, you can’t go wrong with any of them. ", "The medium full-bodied Vídeňské červené (Vienna Red) is a classic Viennese lager, the quaffable Tmavý special unleashes a torrent of malt flavours and aromas, and the American Hop Lager is a prime example of what skilled European brewers can do with American hops. ", "Treat yourself to one of U Trí Růží‘s scrumptious desserts if you still have room.", "\n\nSatiated, we headed to the main square in Staré Město, watched the Old Town Hall’s astronomical clock do its thing at 6:00 pm, and visited the Josefov District (a once-again thriving Jewish quarter that was decimated by the Nazis) before deciding it was time for another drink.", "\n\nThis time: the legendary U Fleků. ", "Outside, the Pivovar U Fleků clock marks both time and the spot. ", "Inside, a world-class beer garden benevolently shaded by chestnut trees welcomes visitors to the inner courtyard, a precinct packed with people sitting at long wooden tables atop a wooden-plank floor. ", "Enclosing the beer garden on all four sides is a warren of dining rooms and beer halls with elaborate stained-glass arched windows, dark wood, vaulted ceilings, elaborate light fixtures casting soft cream-coloured light, and murals adorning the walls. ", "Each of the eight rooms has its own history. ", "Kufr (suitcase), the second-smallest hall, was the meeting place of Prague journalists in pre-war times. ", "A portrait of Vít Skřemenec, U Fleků’s first brewer, graces the wall of the second-largest hall, the Rytířský sál (Knights’ Hall), which once served as a chapel and also as a malthouse. ", "We opted for a table in the beer garden, amused ourselves listening to the table of rather inebriated folks behind us singing Czech folk songs, and soaked up the ambiance of one of the oldest establishments in Prague. ", "U Fleků serves one beer, and one beer only: their standard-setting dark lager, a mahogany-hued chestnut-coloured beer with plenty of mocha aromas, pecan nuttiness, and richly textured but subtle cocoa/dark chocolate notes on the palate. ", "And when you’re finished, the server plunks another one down in front of you faster than you can say U Fleků.", "\n\nOn our way back to the hotel, we stopped off at the Prague Beer Museum in Vinohrady for a night-cap. ", "Open since 2014, the dimly-lit rooms of this pub are remind me more of a brooding bohemian café than a tavern –– probably a cozy place to go on a cold night and read a book while sipping a dark and stormy beer. ", "The selection of Czech craft beers and contemporary takes on old classics is well curated and the staff knowledgeable.", "\n\nDay 3 :\n\nPivovar u Bulovky Richter Brewery. ", "An epic ride out to Liben along the Tram 3. ", "Their světlý ležák 12 was among the best Czech lagers we had.", "\n\nPivnice u Černého Vola (The Black Ox). ", "A traditional Prague watering hole in the Castle District. ", "Timeless.", "\n\nIt was time for our history fix, so we caught a tram and a subway over to the Vyšehrad district, the spot where Prague sprung up. ", "Atop the moat is a wooded park with gardens, ramparts with views north and south, the Church of Saints Peter and Paul, and the Vyšehrad Cemetery, in which several Czech luminaries are buried, including the composers Dvorak and Smetana.", "\n\nAll the walking was starting to take its toll in the heat, so we decided to do what any good beer enthusiast would do in a similar situation: check out more pubs, this time in the Zizkov area. ", "This wasn’t a bad idea on the surface of things. ", "But then the Pivovar U Bulovky (Richter Brewery) caught my eye on a list of beers and breweries I had printed off for the trip to Prague. ", "It wasn’t until we were well through Zizkov on the tram that I realized that Pivovar Bulovky was way out in Liben –– an epic Tram 3 ride to the northeast of the city. ", "But good things come to those who have been roasted in vintage trams with no ventilation. ", "Pivovar U Bulovky’s světlý ležák 12 was among the best Czech lagers that we had, and their well-crafted APA displayed a judicious use of hops that still gave off plenty of aroma to match the malt. ", "Tasty goulash too, if you happen to be hungry after 15 km of walking and an epic tram ride.", "\n\nWe made our way back in the direction of the Petřín Hill funicular in Malá Strana for a leisurely early evening outing that redeemed the tram ride out to Liben. ", "From Petřín Hill, we ambled over to the Strahov Monastery before stopping for liquid sustenance in the wonderful Pivnice u Černého Vola (Black Ox). ", "This gem of a tavern filled up quickly on this warm evening with locals and tourists alike sitting down to beers at sturdy oak tables, the buzz of conversation gently reverberating under timeless timbered ceilings. ", "A few beers at Černého Vola makes for the perfect prelude to the nearby Nový Svět neighbourhood, an atmospheric little quarter in the Castle District that has retained all of its late-medieval charm.", "\n\nDay 4 :\n\nLod‘ Pivovar. ", "A brewery and brewpub in a steamer anchored on the Old Town side of the Vlatava River. ", "Stellar beers accompany food served with contemporary flare.", "\n\nLetná beer garden. ", "A short hike up the banks of the Vlatava River and a beautiful view of the Old Town. ", "One of Central Europe’s classic beer gardens, despite the plastic cups.", "\n\nNo trip to Prague is complete without a visit to the Castle District and the St. Vitus Cathedral. ", "For the beer enthusiasts in the crowd, it’s also the perfect way to work up a prodigious thirst. ", "Don’t despair at the lineups when you arrive after your trek up the hill. ", "If you want to get past the dense crowds, splurge on the ticket that gets you into the cathedral. (", "Without a ticket, you can wander the precincts and enter St. Vitus, but you can’t walk around the whole cathedral.) ", "Highlights of the long-tour tickets (350 CZK each) include:\n\nVitus Cathedral: intricate stained glass windows, including one by Alphonse Mucha, whom we’ll meet again below.", "\n\nBasilica of St. George: a charming Romanesque basilica concealed by a striking brick-red Baroque façade.", "\n\nThe Old Royal Palace: impressive late-Gothic dining hall (the Vladislav Hall); an interesting display on coats-of-arms and the history of law in Bohemia; the Bohemian Chancellery (pay close attention to the second room: it’s from this window that the Second Defenestration of Prague took place on 23 May 1618); and the Riders’ Staircase, designed in such a way as to admit a knight on horseback.", "\n\ntook place on 23 May 1618); and the Riders’ Staircase, designed in such a way as to admit a knight on horseback. ", "The Story of Prague Castle: an informative if at times plodding city history museum that’s as much about the castle as it is about the history of Prague, the Czech Republic, and the intertwined history of the Habsburgs in Bohemia.", "\n\nYou’re probably pretty thirsty by now. ", "If you head due north out of the castle precincts, you’ll come across a pleasant path that leads down from the castle through vineyards. ", "From there, you can cross the Vlatava River in search of Lod‘ Pivovar (open since 2016), a pleasant brewpub in a steamer floating on the Vlatava. ", "The space in the keel has been retrofitted tastefully with a brewhouse, fermenters, scrubbed wooden floors, and a seating area presided over by a motorcycle installed as a decoration. ", "Our excellent duck paté with cherry compote, salad, and country bread went well with most of the beers we ordered, especially the darker ones. ", "We had the Legie 10º, Remorkér 12º with Kazbek hops, Republika 12º (a well-crafted standard-strength lager), and the Monarchie 13º, a rich, smooth, intensely flavoured dark lager reminiscent of a porter. ", "Bonus points for the uniqueness of the venue.", "\n\nAfter lunch we set off in the direction of the Letná Beer Garden on the other side of the Vlatava in Holešovice. ", "Hundreds of tables fan out under shimmering shade, a welcome respite after a day of taking in the sights. ", "The beer garden is located in a wooded area atop a bluff, so you’ll work up a thirst climbing up to it from the river. ", "You’ll be rewarded for your efforts with a view of the Old Town and the hills beyond to Vinohrady, especially if you score a front-row seat. (", "Note: there’s an easier way to get there that involves less walking. ", "We didn’t take that route, so I can’t say much about it save for the fact that it exists.)", "\n\nBack in the Old Town we got the tram to Pivovar Dům, a brewpub that looked so tempting when we walked by a few days previous. ", "We had a sampler rack of coffee, banana, cherry, and nettle beers, all made with flavour extract, and all rather unpleasant, save for the nettle beer, which tasted okay but was a ghoulish green. ", "At least the heavy food helped us sleep well.", "\n\nDay 5 :\n\nLokál in Staré Město (Old Town). ", "An airy tavern restaurant with a long row of rounded arches and white walls, with three tanks of beer in a glass case that serves as the bar.", "\n\nOur final morning’s stroll along Wenceslas Square featured fine examples of Art Nouveau architecture, especially the Hotel Central and the Grand Hotel Europa. ", "Amid the centuries of architectural history that line Prague’s boulevards and rise up over its narrow lanes, Art Nouveau has left a subtle but lasting mark on the city. ", "If the latter half of the nineteenth century was the age of historicism in European architecture, the turn of the twentieth century ushered in an age of novel architecture and design. ", "Art Nouveau (and aligned movements such as Jugendstil and Secessionism) took its inspiration from the curved lines of plants and flowers. ", "At the same time, these innovative artists, architects, and designers introduced new methods and materials that sought to obscure the line between fine and applied arts. ", "Artist and designer Alphonse Mucha (1860–1939) was one of the most prominent Czech members of the Art Nouveau movement. ", "He painted the ceiling of the Municipal House, produced a stained glass window for the St. Vitus Cathedral, and left behind numerous works of graphic art housed in the Mucha Museum, our destination for the morning. ", "You might even recognize one of his beer posters.", "\n\nAfter our museum visit, we stopped in at Lokál, a lively and airy tavern restaurant with a long row of rounded arches and white walls. ", "Three stainless steel tanks of beer surrounded by a sleek glass case serve as the bar. ", "Try the carp dish (watch out for all those tiny bones), or go for the Svíčková, a dish similar to Sauerbraten. ", "We capped off our meal and our stay in Prague with unpasteurized Pilsener Urquell and Kozel Černý (a dark lager) served oh-so-fresh from tanks delivered direct from the brewery. ", "Back to Vienna we went, passing through rolling hills, industrial towns, and low-slung mountains before witnessing a beautiful end to the day, golden sunshine splashed across the green-gold fields and stands of trees in southern Bohemia and Lower Austria.", "\n\nRelated Tempest posts:\n\nA Pivo Pilgrimage to Pilsen\n\nPictures at a Czech Beer Exhibition: Pilsen, Budweis, Český Krumlov\n\nPrague’s Beer Scene: Highlights in the City of a Hundred Spires\n\nBeer in Prague: A List to Get You Started\n\nImages by F.D. Hofer.", "\n\n© 2018 F.D. Hofer and A Tempest in a Tankard. ", "All rights reserved." ]
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[ "Proliferation of hepatocytes.", "\nHepatocyte proliferation may be controlled by reversible patterns of endocrine changes, monitored by the liver, involving known hormones and their receptors. ", "A two-programme model of related interactions among nutrients, specific lipoproteins, and highly phosphorylated nucleotides is postulated. ", "This hypothesis stems from in vitro studies of rat hepatocyte proliferation under chemically defined conditions and from in vivo studies using partially hepatectomized, hormone-infused, developing and lipotrope-deficient rats. ", "Certain findings are discussed with regard to receptor systems which show negatively cooperative properties; to problems of proliferative specificity; and to novel approaches for defined studies of chemical hepatocarcinogenesis." ]
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[ "Liminality in Pediatric Palliative Care.", "\nPalliative care for infants, children, and adolescents encompasses numerous transitions and thresholds of uncertainty that challenge conventional clinical medicine. ", "Palliative care clinicians have opportunities to be more comfortable amid such challenges, or perhaps even overcome them, if they are attuned to the unique times and places in which patients, their families, and caregivers find themselves throughout illness and recovery or transitioning toward the end of life. ", "Patient-clinician encounters often dwell in these liminal places. ", "The concept of liminality gives validation to the patient or family's being \"stuck in places betwixt and between\" a past life rich with relationship and purpose and an acute, chronic, or critical illness. ", "Or having resolved the acute crisis of hospitalization that place between the past bounds of illness and the uncertain path forward, perhaps even toward death. ", "Liminality provides a framework for addressing the unbound spaces that patients and families occupy: What is past is behind-the present place is tenuous and temporary, and what is ahead uncertain. ", "This place is where palliative care clinicians can offer clinicians and families guidance." ]
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[ "A Young Child with Eosinophilia, Rash, and Multisystem Illness: Drug Rash, Eosinophilia, and Systemic Symptoms Syndrome After Receipt of Fluoxetine.", "\nDrug rash, eosinophilia, and systemic symptoms (DRESS) syndrome is a severe systemic hypersensitivity reaction that usually occurs within 6 weeks of exposure to the offending drug. ", "Diagnosis is usually straightforward in patients with pyrexia, skin rash, hepatitis, and eosinophilia with a preceding history of exposure to agents often associated with DRESS syndrome, such as aromatic anticonvulsants and sulfa drugs, but diagnosis of DRESS may still be a challenge. ", "We report a 4-year-old child with probable DRESS syndrome complicated by multiple hematologic complications that developed 1 month after exposure to fluoxetine, a drug not known to be associated with such severe reactions." ]
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[ "//\n// Generated by class-dump 3.5 (64 bit) (Debug version compiled Oct 25 2017 03:49:04).", "\n//\n// class-dump is Copyright (C) 1997-1998, 2000-2001, 2004-2015 by Steve Nygard.", "\n//\n\n#import <AppKit/NSViewController.h>\n\n@interface TViewController : NSViewController\n{\n _Bool _callingLoadView;\n _Bool _loadingFromNib;\n _Bool _isViewLoaded;\n}\n\n@property(readonly) _Bool isViewLoaded; // @synthesize isViewLoaded=_isViewLoaded;\n- (_Bool)applyExtraKeyboardShortcuts:(id)arg1;\n- (id)viewNoLoad;\n- (void)viewLoaded;\n- (void)setView:(id)arg1;\n- (void)loadView;\n- (void)menuDidClose:(id)arg1;\n- (void)menuWillOpen:(id)arg1;\n- (id)nibBundle;\n- (void)awakeFromNib;\n- (void)initCommon;\n- (id)initWithCoder:(id)arg1;\n- (id)initWithNibName:(id)arg1 bundle:(id)arg2;\n- (id)initWithNibName:(id)arg1;\n\n@end\n\n" ]
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[ "Adrian Whitbread returns to Puerto Rico as a head coach, while Neil Sillett joins as the club's technical director\n\nPuerto Rico Football Club owner Carmelo Anthony, who stars for the NBA’s New York Knicks, announced Monday the appointment of Adrian Whitbread as the club’s head coach and Neil Sillett as the team’s technical director. ", "Puerto Rico FC is scheduled to begin its first season in the league, playing its home matches at Juan Ramon Loubriel Stadium in Bayamón, during the 2016 Fall Season.", "\n\n“We are extremely happy to introduce Adrian as our new head coach,” Anthony said. “", "He is a high-energy person and a high-level thinker who will work well and demand the most from our group. ", "Adrian has had success at many levels and we are looking forward to him leading our team next season.”", "\n\nWhitbread has worked with English clubs Barnet FC, Brentford FC, Milton Keynes Dons FC, and Leicester City. ", "He was with the Puerto Rico Islanders from 2008 to 2012 when the team won the USL title in 2008 and reached the semifinals of the CONCACAF Champions League in 2008-2009, losing to Cruz Azul of Mexico in a penalty-kick shootout. ", "In 2010, the club won two titles, USSF-D2 Championship and the Caribbean Regional Club competition (and repeated in 2011). ", "In 2014, Whitbread was named the coach of Bahrain’s U-23 (Olympic) team.", "\n\n“I am so honored that Carmelo, and his PRFC franchise, is giving me the opportunity to become his new head coach and am very excited to get started in putting together a team that will be successful and one that the Puerto Rican supporters can be proud of,” Whitbread said. “", "I know firsthand how passionate the fans can be and will do everything I can for Carmelo and the fans to have a team that they can be proud of. ", "We can all play a part on and off the field to build something very special and believe it’s a unique situation to be involved in. ", "I know a lot of work has gone on already, but when I knew of this opportunity, myself and Neil have been working on this 24/7 as we both have the same passion and drive.”", "\n\nSpeaking about Sillett, Anthony said: “Neil brings a wealth of experience to the club, from grassroots coaching and player development to working with high-performance athletes in the professional ranks.”", "\n\nSillett has worked at the highest level of professional sports for more than 20 years, as a former player, coach, and physiotherapist. ", "He is a third-generation professional player from a family with deep roots in the game in Britain. ", "Over the past two decades he has worked for Portsmouth FC, Coventry City FC, and Derby County FC with the likes of Terry Venables, Jim Smith, Steve McClaren, and his father, John Sillett. ", "He has a proven track record in recognizing quality players and throughout his career has helped develop many players into stars in England’s Premier League.", "\n\n“Puerto Rico Football Club is the most exciting project I have been involved with in my entire career,” Sillett said. “", "Having been on a technical team that has won an FA Cup and been involved in playoffs in the UK that underlines exactly how I feel about it. ", "Having discussed U.S. soccer with people like Craig Burley, my father, Colin Clarke, Paulo Wanchope, and in particular Sir Alex Ferguson, who convinced me it was the right move, I am sure it is where the major growth lies in soccer. ", "Carmelo and his team have shown great commitment and enterprise in getting PRFC to this position.\"", "\n\nHe added: \"I am massively proud to be given the chance to help take the club to their desired place in the North American soccer ladder. ", "Melo throughout his career has displayed enormous dedication, strength, toughness, and skill and when guiding our recruitment, our players will also have to show the same qualities. ", "I have learned from the best in the business and sincerely believe all of us together, the owner, the coaches, the players and the fans here in Puerto Rico can deliver a high quality club into the NASL next year.”", "\n\nSillett, Whitbread, and Anthony now embark on the process of identifying and signing players who will represent the club and Puerto Rico in the NASL in 2016." ]
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[ "Does curve convexity affect the surgical outcomes of thoracic adolescent idiopathic scoliosis?", "\nMajor left thoracic (LT) curve is an atypical type in adolescent idiopathic scoliosis (AIS) and showed independent clinical characteristics and natural history compared to major right thoracic (RT) curve. ", "However, it's unclear whether the convexity of major thoracic curve would affect the surgical outcomes and risk of complications. ", "A retrospective follow-up study was conducted to investigate whether the convexity of major thoracic curve would affect the surgical outcomes of patients with main thoracic AIS. ", "Twelve LT-AIS patients underwent corrective spinal instrumentation and fusion were retrieved, and twelve patients with main RT-AIS matched for gender, chronological age, curve type, magnitude and surgical strategy were selected as control. ", "All patients underwent at least 2-year follow-up. ", "The pre- and post-operative radiographic parameters, intraoperative data and functional outcome assessed by Scoliosis Research Society questionnaire 22 (SRS-22) were analyzed and compared between two groups. ", "Patients with LT- and RT-AIS presented with similar magnitudes of thoracic curves, flexibility, fusion level and correction rate. ", "Compared with RT-AIS, patients with LT-AIS showed longer operation time (average, 364 vs. 348 min) and larger amount intraoperative estimated blood loss (2,060 vs. 1,720 ml) although the differences were not statistically significant (p > 0.05). ", "With at least 2-year follow-up, patients in two groups showed comparable loss of correction, coronal and sagittal balance, and the sagittal profiles. ", "With regard to functional outcome, the scores of five categories of SRS-22 questionnaire were similar between two groups. ", "No neurological or vascular complication was observed in these patients. ", "The radiographic and functional outcomes of LT-AIS patients underwent operation were comparable to those with RT-AIS. ", "Longer operation time and more intraoperative blood loss may be expected in instrumentation and fusion for patients with LT-AIS, which might be because of the inconvenience on the surgical procedure." ]
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[ "Q:\n\nVirtual Public IP address\n\nRight now, i am working on setting a docker on azure. ", "There i stumbled on Static Virtual Public IP Address. ", "I read about it but i still have some doubts.", "\n\nHow is Static Virtual Public IP Address different from the Static Public IP Address?", "\nIf i give port access to that particular Static Virtual Public IP Address, will it work fine as in case of Static Public IP Address?", "\n\nContext: I have to access the docker using a window client in a company environment where port access can be provided to a particular IP address. ", "\n\nA:\n\nMSN Tutorial says:\nUse of reserved IP\nYou want to ensure that outbound traffic from Azure uses a predictable IP address. ", "You may have your on-premises firewall configured to allow only traffic from specific IP addresses. ", "By reserving an IP, you will know the source IP address and won’t have to update your firewall rules due to an IP change. ", "\nConclusion: It will work.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "With each passing week it is becoming more apparent that there is the Monterrey Flash and the Florida Tropics and a bunch of also-rans. ", "Oh what might have been (and what can still be).", "\n\nThe narrative would be different now if the San Diego Sockers had won their overtime game in Monterrey. ", "Or if the Milwaukee Wave had not squandered their comeback from 6-1 against the St. Louis Ambush, or had they not blown a 7-2 lead the next game against the Kansas City Comets.", "\n\nThe Harrisburg Heat could have had a 3-1 road trip if they could have scored in the first 9:59.4 of overtime in Kansas City. ", "Or they could have limped away with a 1-3 trip had they not rallied from 5-2 down in Milwaukee on Sunday.", "\n\nThe results of the last few weeks have done little to change the narrative and as a result the Power Rankings have remained little changed week-to-week. ", "A recurring admonishment on Facebook’s MASL Off the Wall group has been, “Power rankings aren’t standings!” ", "but despite little movement on our end, this week’s Power Rankings line up perfectly with the current standings, which means we have had a pretty good feel of the league’s hierarchy the last several weeks.", "\n\nThis week’s games, however, have the potential to cause some disruption starting tonight when the Baltimore Blast visit the Sockers.", "\n\nTomorrow the Mesquite Outlaws will have a chance to end their five game losing streak by pulling off an upset against Utica City. ", "Saturday the Heat visit the Blast.", "\n\nSunday, the always entertaining Comets and Ambush square off again, but the big game that day will feature the Wave hosting the Florida Tropics. ", "Florida has won eight in a row since losing to the Wave on December 28.", "\n\n1\n\nLast Week: 1\n\n16-1\n\nEverything’s going the Flash’s way. ", "Edgar Gonzalez returned to the lineup after missing 12 games and Diego Reynoso returned after missing eight games. ", "2\n\nLW: 2\n\n13-1\n\nThe road-weary Sockers were no match for the Tropics, but Florida’s win came with a price as they lost Matt Clare for the year with a torn ACL. ", "3\n\nLW: 5\n\n9-3\n\nAside from a three-minute hiccup in the third quarter, the Frank Capras had a wonderful life against Rochester. ", "4\n\nLW: 3\n\n11-4\n\nThe Sockers won’t get to enjoy their return home since they have to host the Baltimore Blast (on a Wednesday) and then go back on the road for three more games. ", "5\n\nLW: 4\n\n9-4\n\nThe Wave were getting into a nice groove and then Rafa Dias got hurt against Harrisburg and chaos ensued. ", "Backup Matt Eisold couldn’t hold leads of 4-1 and 5-2 and the Wave lost 6-5. ", "Milwaukee signed free agent veteran goalkeeper Joey Kapinos almost immediately after the game. ", "6\n\nLW: 6\n\n10-6\n\nThe Blast honed their game against Rochester and Orlando, the Eastern Conference’s tackling dummies. ", "Four wins by a combined score of 44-9. ", "7\n\nLW: 7\n\n10-6\n\nThe Heat salvaged their road trip with a furious rally in Milwaukee, traditionally one of the hardest places to win. ", "The Heat still have one road game left in nearby Baltimore, but the traveling part of Harrisburg’s 2-2 road trip started with a 6-1 run and ended with a 4-0 run, but saw the Heat outscored 29-18 in between. ", "8\n\nLW: 8\n\n8-8\n\nSonora was asked by the local government to move their game for an event at their arena, and the temporary relocation to Centro Deportivo Ana Gabriela Guevara seemed to come off without a hitch, including the win over Dallas. ", "9\n\nLW: 9\n\n8-8\n\nA nice win over Harrisburg put a 12 or 13 win season in play for a franchise that has never finished better than 10-14. ", "The Ambush have defied expectations and an 0-3 start. ", "10\n\nLW: 10\n\n7-7\n\nThe Comets beat the Heat with 0.6 seconds left in overtime, but lost four players in one night. ", "Robert Kelly had his leg broken on Patrick Thompson’s shot follow through, and three other players left to join their outdoor teams. ", "The short-handed Comets were easily blown out in Milwaukee two days later. ", "11\n\nLW: 11\n\n6-8\n\nTacoma routed the sinking Express and Micheal Ramos now has 14 points in his last three games and 23 in his last seven. ", "12\n\nLW: 12\n\n5-8\n\nThe Fury kept their playoff hopes alive by shutting out the anemic Outlaws 7-0. ", "13\n\nLW: 13\n\n4-10\n\nTheir three wins against Dallas excluded, the Outlaws are 1-10 averaging only 4.18 goals per game in their other 11 games. ", "14\n\nLW: 14\n\n4-10\n\nLosers of nine of their last 10, the Express surprisingly had not allowed more than eight goals in a game this year until Friday’s 10-3 loss in Tacoma. ", "15\n\nLW: 15\n\n2-12\n\nDallas gave up 52 goals in their four losses in Mexico this year. ", "16\n\nLW: 16\n\n1-12\n\nThe recurring theme around the MASL has been the second half collapse and Orlando somehow shut out the Blast 2-0 in the first quarter, but got outscored 11-1 in the second half, turning a manageable 3-2 halftime deficit into a 14-3 bloodbath… 17\n\nLW: 17\n\n0-15\n\n…and Rochester demonstrated it in Baltimore, trailing only 4-3 at halftime, only to lose 14-3.", "\n\nFILL THE ARENA:\n\nTweet\n\n\n\n\n\nWhatsApp\n\nEmail\n\nPrint\n\n\n\nLike this: Like Loading..." ]
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[ "Natriuretic peptide\n\nA natriuretic peptide is a peptide which induces natriuresis- the excretion of sodium by the kidneys.", "\n\nKnown natriuretic peptides include:\n Atrial natriuretic peptide, also known as ANP\n Brain natriuretic peptide, also known as BNP\n C-type natriuretic peptide, also known as CNP\n Dendroaspis natriuretic peptide, also known as DNP\n Urodilatin\n\nSee also \n Nesiritide\n Carperitide\n CD-NP\n Ularitide\n\nExternal links\n \n\nCategory:Urinary system" ]
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[ "Tuesday, January 24, 2017\n\nThe set up for the Doctor Strange premiere was a little\nweird. ", "They were using both the TCL\nChinese Theatre and the El Capitan Theatre was used for overflow. ", "The sidewalk was split with two lines of\nbarricades to create a small “fan area.”", "\nI arrived about 10 minutes after they closed off the fan area, but\nsecurity allowed us to lineup along the back barricades, but we had to have our\nbags checked in order to stand there.", "\n\nPress entering the red carpet area\n\nI got some really good pictures, but the ones I managed to\ntake of Benedict Cumberbatch weren’t very good.", "\nI happened to be directly behind autograph hunters so large boards kept\nblocking my shots. ", "Those people don’t\nstay in place, either, and they would move along as the stars made their way\ndown the line.", "\n\nDoctor Strange Director: Scott Derrickson\n\nBenedict Wong\n\nMads Mikkelson\n\nStan Lee\n\nTilda Swinton\n\nGuardians of the Galaxy Director: James Gunn\n\nBenedict Cumberbatch\n\nChadwick Boseman\n\nRachel McAdams\n\nNear the end of the arrivals, I saw Karl Urban arrive, but\nhe didn’t come across to where the fans were and was rushing towards the\ntheater.", "\n\nKarl Urban\n\nI loved Doctor Strange, which I’ll write more about in my\npost from the advance screening I attended as part of Entertainment Weekly’s\nPopFest." ]
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[ "Electronic devices typically generate heat during operation due to the flow of electricity through the device. ", "Some electronic components are susceptible to damage if this heat is not removed. ", "Consequently, various methods have been developed to remove heat from within electronic devices and/or electronic components. ", "Passive methods use natural convection to remove heat. ", "For example, the electronic device may have a housing with vents to let cool air flow into the device and hot air flow out. ", "Other electronic devices use active methods, such as electric fans built into the housing, to provide a flow of cooling air through the device.", "\nThe processors in many processor-based devices are susceptible to heat damage. ", "Consequently, at least one cooling fan usually is needed to remove the heat from the processor to prevent the processor from being damaged. ", "For example, a typical home computer has a cooling fan to remove the heat produced by the electronic components, including the processor, housed therein. ", "In other computer systems, several fans may be used to remove heat from within the device. ", "In mission critical systems, such as servers, redundant fans may be provided that are operable to respond when another fan fails, either by initiating operation or by increasing speed.", "\nSeveral different sizes and types of fans may be used in electronic devices, such as processor-based devices. ", "Unfortunately, each type of fan typically requires its own unique method of installation. ", "In addition, the securing methods may involve numerous parts, such as threaded fasteners. ", "Furthermore, these fans typically are bulky and may not be disposed in a space-efficient side-by-side arrangement. ", "Alternatively, fan connectors and finger guards may be oriented in such a manner that they interfere with the flow of air through the fan or otherwise add to the difficulty of installing the fan." ]
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[ "Takayama Hikokurō\n\nis one of \"Three Excelling Men of the Kansei Period\" (Kansei no san-kijin 寛政の三奇人). ", "His Dharma name was Shōin Ihaku Koji (松陰以白居士).", "\n\nReferences\n\nCategory:Samurai\nCategory:People of Edo-period Japan\nCategory:Edo period Buddhists" ]
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[ "#############################################################\n#\n# tvheadend\n#\n##############################################################\n\nTVHEADEND_VERSION = v3.3\nTVHEADEND_SITE = http://github.com/tvheadend/tvheadend/tarball/$(TVHEADEND_VERSION)\nTVHEADEND_LICENSE = GPLv3+\nTVHEADEND_LICENSE_FILES = LICENSE\nTVHEADEND_DEPENDENCIES = host-pkgconf host-python openssl\n\nifeq ($(BR2_PACKAGE_AVAHI),y)\nTVHEADEND_DEPENDENCIES += avahi\nendif\n\n#----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n# tvheadend is a little smuggler and thief! ;-)", "\n# During the ./configure, it downloads some files from the dvb-apps\n# package, so it has a list of pre-scanned tunner configurations.", "\n# For buildroot, we add a patch that avoids doing that, but uses the\n# scan files installed by the dvb-apps package\nTVHEADEND_DEPENDENCIES += dvb-apps\n\n#----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n# To run tvheadend, we need:\n# - a startup script, and its config file\n# - a default DB with a tvheadend admin\ndefine TVHEADEND_INSTALL_DB\n\t$(INSTALL) -D package/tvheadend/accesscontrol.1 \\\n\t $(TARGET_DIR)/root/.hts/tvheadend/accesscontrol/1\nendef\nTVHEADEND_POST_INSTALL_TARGET_HOOKS = TVHEADEND_INSTALL_DB\n\ndefine TVHEADEND_INSTALL_INIT_SYSV\n\t$(INSTALL) -D package/tvheadend/etc.default.tvheadend $(TARGET_DIR)/etc/default/tvheadend\n\t$(INSTALL) -D package/tvheadend/S99tvheadend $(TARGET_DIR)/etc/init.d/S99tvheadend\nendef\n\n#----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n# tvheadend is not an autotools-based package, but it is possible to\n# call its ./configure script as if it were an autotools one.", "\n$(eval $(autotools-package))\n" ]
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[ "Though to Western women, Muslim women in the Mid-East and Asia seem oppressed because they have no choice in wearing a hijab, the Islamic head- and body-cover common in Muslim culture, studies have shown that Muslim women have a more positive body image.", "\n\nPsychologists using a wider range of body image measures have found that British Muslim women who wear a hijab generally have more positive body image, are less reliant on media messages about beauty ideals, and place less importance on appearance than those who do not wear a hijab. ", "These effects appear to be driven by use of a hijab specifically, rather than religiosity.", "\n\nA total of 587 British Muslim women completed a battery of scales assessing their frequency and conservativeness of hijab use, body image variables, attitudes towards the media and beauty ideals, importance of appearance, and religiosity. ", "Preliminary results indicated that 218 women never used the hijab and 369 women used some form of the hijab at least rarely.", "\n\nControlling for religiosity, women who wore the hijab had more positive body image, lower internalization of media messages about beauty standards, and placed less importance on appearance than women who did not wear the hijab.", "\n\nAmong women who wore the hijab, hijab use significantly predicted weight discrepancy and body appreciation over and above religiosity.", "\n\n\"While we shouldn't assume that wearing the hijab immunizes Muslim women from negative body image, our results do suggest that wearing the hijab may help some women reject prescriptive beauty ideals,\" said Dr. Viren Swami of the Department of Psychology at University of Westminster and lead author of the paper.", "\n\nImage: Fatimah Az zahra by Ewan Jade, CC BY 2.0\n\nCitation: Swami, Viren and Miah, Jusnara and Noorani, Nazerine and Taylor, Donna (2014) Is the hijab protective? ", "An investigation of body image and related constructs among British Muslim women. ", "British Journal of Psychology, 105 (3). ", "pp. ", "352-363. ", "ISSN 0007-1269 DOI: 10.1111/bjop.12045" ]
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[ "Input devices including proximity sensor devices (also commonly called touchpads or touch sensor devices) are widely used in a variety of electronic systems. ", "A proximity sensor device typically includes a sensing region, often demarked by a surface, in which the proximity sensor device determines the presence, location and/or motion of one or more input objects. ", "Proximity sensor devices may be used to provide interfaces for the electronic system. ", "For example, proximity sensor devices are often used as input devices for larger computing systems (such as opaque touchpads integrated in, or peripheral to, notebook or desktop computers). ", "Proximity sensor devices are also often used in smaller computing systems (such as touch screens integrated in cellular phones and tablet computers). ", "Such touch screen input devices are typically superimposed upon or otherwise collocated with a display of the electronic system." ]
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[ "A flurry of second half goals eased the Sky Blues past a stubborn Belconnen outfit at a freezing McKellar Park on Wednesday night.", "\n\nSummary\n\nSydney FC 3 (72’ Simon, 85’ Tratt, 88’ Hoole) def. ", "Belconnen United 0\n\nA flurry of second half goals eased the Sky Blues past a stubborn Belconnen outfit at a freezing McKellar Park on Wednesday night.", "\n\nGoals to Matt Simon, Jacob Tratt and Andrew Hoole within the final 18 minutes overcame a resilient defensive effort from the hosts on the night in what proved a tense encounter. ", "The Sky Blues had the better of the chances though and were deserving of the win, with Parakovic in goal thwarting the Sky Blues on a number of occasions.", "\n\nThe opening half proved lively with both sides playing open attacking football and venturing forward. ", "Belconnen proved tricky with a high press that limited time on the ball and it was Bouzanis who was first called into action as he rushed off his line to prevent a quick break in the 11th minute.", "\n\nAndrew Hoole was lively in the opening 45 minutes taking on his markers, with the Sky Blues forward line forcing Belconnen keeper Perakovic into action on a number of occasions for no reward. ", "A stoppage in play saw the tempo break down as Matt Jurman was removed as a precaution with the half drawing to a close with neither side able to break through.", "\n\nThe second half saw the introduction of Matt Simon up front in place of Shane Smeltz and it proved an inspired change as the former Mariner opened the scoring in the 72nd minute. ", "Perkavic could only parry a Sky Blues free kick from just outside the area and with the ball falling into a crowded box Matt Simon was on hand to tap into an empty net.", "\n\nA flurry of substitutions broke up play in the second half and the game however the Sky Blues found a late surge as Jacob Tratt and Andrew Hoole confirmed victory for the Sky Blues with well taken strikes three minutes apart in the final ten minutes of the match.", "\n\nThe Sky Blues now prepare for their Westfield FFA Cup clash next Wednesday where they face Adelaide United in the round of 16 at Coopers Stadium (kick off 7:30pm AEST).", "\n\nWhat They Said\n\nSteve Corica – “It was a fantastic effort from Belconnen tonight, they put us through our paces tonight and it was a good hit out for us as well as we look forward to the FFA Cup and Adelaide.", "\n\n“I thought the whole team, especially in the first half, put on a good performance. ", "They pressed us well and full credit to them too.", "\n\n“This win helps us prepare for our FFA Cup match against Adelaide and it was definitely a good clash tonight.”", "\n\nGoals\n\n72’ SIMON GOAL - The keeper parries Hoole's free kick from outside the area into a crowded box and Simon is on hand to tap home for the opening goal.", "\n\n85’ TRATT GOAL - A quick break forward sees Simon flick the ball into the path of Tratt & he powerfully volleys home beyond a sprawling keeper.", "\n\n88’ HOOLE GOAL - Breaking forward Hoole is fed the ball inside the box, he takes one touch and calmly slots home for our third.", "\n\nKey Moments\n\n11’ BOUZANIS INTERVENTION - Bouzanis is forced to rush off his line to clear infront of the Belconnen forward marauding on goal.", "\n\n17’ HOOLE SHOT - Hoole takes the ball forward & forces the keeper to parry with a sharp low shot from distance.", "\n\n50’ O’NEILL EFFORT – O’Neill flashes a shot just wide of the upright as he lashes at the ball first time following a lay off from Grant.", "\n\n68’ HOOLE ATTEMPT – Hoole looks to loop the ball over the defender and run in on goal but the touch is heavy and Perakovic is quick off his line to gather.", "\n\nTeam News\n\nSydney FC 3 (72’ Simon, 85’ Tratt, 88’ Hoole) def. ", "Belconnen United 0\n\nSydney FC Head Coach Graham Arnold made wholesale changes to his squad with one eye on the Westfield FFA Cup round of 16 against Adelaide United next Wednesday night, Anthony Bouzanis deputised in goals while Max Burgess earned his first start since returning to the Sky Blues as Arnold injected a mix of youth and experience to his shape. ", "Foxtel National Youth League players Jacob Tratt, Lachlan Hughes and Nicholas Sorras earned places on the bench while Blake Ricciuto looked to impress after arriving on trial from Uruguayan club Penarol.", "\n\nGround: McKellar Park\n\nReferee: Ben Williams\n\nAttendance: 1852\n\nSydney FC: 12. ", "Anthony BOUZANIS (gk), 2. ", "Seb RYALL, 5. ", "Matthew JURMAN (40’ Jacob TRATT), 7. ", "Andrew HOOLE, 9. ", "Shane SMELTZ (46’ Matt SIMON), 11. ", "Christopher NAUMOFF, 13. ", "Brandon O’NEILL, 16. ", "Riley WOODCOCK, 23. ", "Rhyan GRANT (63’ Blake RICCIUTO), 25. ", "Aaron CALVER, 26. ", "Max BURGESS (79' Lachlan HUGHES).", "\n\nSubs Not Used: Nicholas SORRAS (gk).", "\n\nYellow cards: None.", "\n\nRed cards: None.", "\n\nBelconnen United: 1. ", "Adam PARAKOVIC (gk), 3. ", "Ben VAN MUERS (56’ Solomon MONAHAN VAIKA), 4. ", "David KEMP, 5. ", "Matthew VALERI (77’ Ross COSTANZO), 7. ", "Taylor BEATON, 8. ", "Conor NOLAN, 9. ", "Goran, MUKEVSKI, 11. ", "Alsosa IHEGIE, 16. ", "Mathew GRBESA, 17. ", "Jamal REINERS (67’ Nikolas POPOVICH), 18. ", "Danai GAPARE (52’ Peter KEKERIS).", "\n\nSubs Not Used: 2. ", "Nick RATHJEN, 6. ", "David ARRANZ, 10. ", "Matthew WHITTEAR, 12. ", "Sam SMITH, 20. ", "Ben JACKSON.", "\n\nYellow cards: None.", "\n\nRed cards: None.", "\n\nSydney FC Memberships are now on sale for the Hyundai A-League season 2015/16. ", "Click HERE to become part of the Sky Blues family" ]
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[ "Shelter #1\n\nThis shelter has water, electric and a charcoal grill. ", "You will need to bring your own charcoal. ", "A large counter with 8 electric outlets are perfect for all those crockpots and slow cookers. ", "Horseshoe pits are conveniently located nearby. ", "Our full size basketball court and sand volleyball courts are also located near this shelter. ", "Just a short walk from the restrooms, Playmill Playground and pool.", "\nCapacity: 125 people" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nWhich is the correct form for a C++-CLI copy constructor?", "\n\nI have some code like this:\nMyClass::MyClass(MyClass^ objToCopyFrom);\n\nWhich is producing an error:\n\n'type' : ref class does not have a user-defined copy constructor\n\nWhen I look up the error, it suggests my code should look like this:\nMyClass::MyClass(MyClass% objToCopyFrom);\n\nMy question is therefore, which version is correct or are they both correct?", "\n\nA:\n\nOnly your second version is correct:\nMyClass::MyClass(MyClass% objToCopyFrom);\n\nor its variant:\nMyClass::MyClass(const MyClass% objToCopyFrom);\n\nMyClass% is a so-called Tracking Reference which is the conceptual equivalence of a reference in native C++, only for CLR types. ", "\nWhile copy constructors in native C++ can have a number of different signatures, what they all have in common is that the other object that's being copied is passed in as a reference. ", "C++/CLI stays close to that principle, but uses its own type of object references, a tracking reference.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "These include anti-climb fencing and a 24-hour security system. ", "A spokesman for the firm said: “Aida takes its responsibilities very seriously” and will work with all “relevant authorities to establish the facts” of how Adam died.", "\n\nFive of the boy's closest friends laid candles in memory of the youngster (Image: Robbie Gordon)" ]
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[ "Scythris pretoriensis\n\nScythris pretoriensis is a moth of the family Scythrididae. ", "It was described by Bengt Å. Bengtsson in 2014. ", "It is found in South Africa (Gauteng).", "\n\nReferences\n\npretoriensis\nCategory:Moths described in 2014\nCategory:Moths of Africa" ]
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[ "[Anti-inflammatory and analgesic actions of artificial and fermentative Ganoderma sinense (AFGS)].", "\nBoth AFGS and natural Ganoderma sinense (NGS) have obvious anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects for arthritis in rats induced by carrageenan and the pain reaction in mice induced by hot scalding as well as HAC-induced writhing. ", "AFGS also can reduce the edematous swelling of mice's ears, reduce the capillary permeability of mice skin and obviously inhibit cotton pellets granuloma implanted in rats. ", "It can promote cytophagy capacity of the reticular endothelial cells in mice. ", "No irritation on the gastric mucosa in rats has been observed." ]
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[ "Primary Navigation\n\ncomplete Quenya pronoun table\n\n... **If you mean the _ó-_ chart, then I do not think Helge is unaware of it. ", "He is, but he does not regard it as a complete Quenya pronoun table -- I think.", "\n\nMessage 1 of 3\n, May 23, 2003\n\n0 Attachment\n\nCarl Hostetter wrote:\n\n> Helge Fauskanger writes\n> (<http://groups.yahoo.com/group/elfling/message/24909>):\n>\n> > As years and decades pass by, we cling to the hope that more material\n> > will actually be published one day; our\n> > grandchildren may yet see a complete Quenya pronoun table.", "\n>\n> Can Helge truly be unaware that a \"complete Quenya pronoun table\" has\n> already been published, in _Vinyar Tengwar_ 43 (p. 29; you can download\n> the issue of _VT_ in question at:\n> http://www.elvish.org/VT/sample.html )?", "\n\n**If you mean the _ó-_ chart, then I do not think Helge is unaware of it.", "\nHe is, but he does not regard it as a complete Quenya pronoun table --\nI think. ", "Neither do I, because what we can see on the page is a chart\nof declension of _ó-_ *\"with\". ", "By a pronoun chart I would expect something\nlike \"I, me is this and this in Quenya, you is that and that etc.\", ", "but this\nis not what we see on the page. ", "The chart is not glossed and that _-ni_\nin _óni_ is 1st person singular is just a guess. ", "Of course, in case of _-ni_\nwe can hardly doubt it is not so (though we do not know whether it is\na subject or object (resp. ", "nominative or accusative) form).", "\n\nHowever, a problem appears with _-se, -sa_ and _-te, -ta_. ", "If they are\nreally 3rd person singulars and plurals (respectively), does, for instance,\n_-se_ denotes both \"he\" and \"she\" or is it just \"he\" or just \"she\" or neither?", "\nAnd what about forms _ótar_ and _ótari_? ", "On what groups were labels\n\"3rd singular\" and \"3rd plural\" (respectively) assigned to them? ", "What\ndo they stand for? ", "Are _-tar_ and _-tari_ really pronominal forms?", "\nWhat if they mean simply *\"with a king\" and \"with a queen\", respectively?", "\nAnd what about dual forms? ", "They seem to be missing, though _-me_\ncould cover both plural and dual (along with inclusive and exclusive\").", "\n\nSo even if it was a pronoun table, it is hardly complete. ", "But it does not\nmatter whether the chart is this or that. ", "What matters to me is what\nparticular forms of the chart stand for and mean. ", "So this is not meant\nto be either a defense of Helge or criticism of Carl, it is just an invitation\nto discuss these forms (though a little bit unusual it may be).", "\n\nAles Bican\n\nCarl F. Hostetter\n\nI agree that the chart is enigmatic, as it is unglossed; but I disagree that it is incomplete. ", "To argue that it is, you must show that something is missing\n\nMessage 2 of 3\n, May 23, 2003\n\n0 Attachment\n\nI agree that the chart is enigmatic, as it is unglossed; but I disagree\nthat it is incomplete. ", "To argue that it is, you must show that\nsomething is missing from it. ", "I submit that we can't be sure of that.", "\nAnd in any event, the parts that might be considered \"missing\" are\nthose that are found in the other charts on the sheet (see VT43:36 n.1,\nnow available in convenient downloadable form!), ", "so we can even include\nthose to make the chart more satisfactory. (", "Though I still don't expect\nit to be satisfactory to Helge.)", "\n\nI greatly _encourage_ discussion of the forms and possible distinctions\nof the various pronominal forms. ", "Might I ask that we adjourn that to\nthe Lambengolmor list, where we'll get a much wider audience and\ncontribution of thoughts?", "\n\nAles Bican\n\n... **Well, what is actually missing are glosses of the Quenya forms, but this of course does not make the table incomplete per se. ", "Nevertheless, missing\n\nMessage 3 of 3\n, May 28, 2003\n\n0 Attachment\n\nCarl Hostetter wrote:\n\n> I agree that the chart is enigmatic, as it is unglossed; but I disagree\n> that it is incomplete. ", "To argue that it is, you must show that\n> something is missing from it. ", "I submit that we can't be sure of that.", "\n\n**Well, what is actually missing are glosses of the Quenya forms,\nbut this of course does not make the table incomplete per se.", "\nNevertheless, missing glosses make our understanding of the table\nmore difficult and we may say that we miss some important information.", "\n\n> And in any event, the parts that might be considered \"missing\" are\n> those that are found in the other charts on the sheet (see VT43:36 n.1,\n> now available in convenient downloadable form!), ", "so we can even include\n> those to make the chart more satisfactory.", "\n\n**Yes, other charts are of great importance. ", "However, we are speaking\nabout the specific _ó-_ tables and evidence of other tables shows that\nthe table is rather incomplete, because it \"only gives the 1 pl. ", "exclusive\nfrom _óme_, but charts for other prepositions on the same page also\nincorporate the inclusive form\" (VT43:36). ", "But no matter where the\nrelevant forms are given, the chart(s) is/are not (a) _pronoun_ chart(s)\n(as the citation itself suggests).", "\n\n> (Though I still don't expect it to be satisfactory to Helge.)", "\n\n**I cannot speak for Helge but as I tried to show in my previous letter,\nhe does not probably regard it as a pronoun table (and neither do I).", "\n\n> I greatly _encourage_ discussion of the forms and possible distinctions\n> of the various pronominal forms. ", "Might I ask that we adjourn that to\n> the Lambengolmor list, where we'll get a much wider audience and\n> contribution of thoughts?", "\n\n**I agree, this is not the best place for such a discussion. ", "However,\nif a much wider audience is desired, then I suggest it be moved to\nTolkLang which (I suppose) has more members of Lambengolmor.", "\nIt is up to you where you will answer my questions, though. ", "Or should\nI introduce it myself? ", "No problem with that.", "\n\nAles Bican\n\n--\nJag är hellre glad nu än om 25 år. (", "Agnes in _Fucking Åmål_)\n\nYour message has been successfully submitted and would be delivered to recipients shortly." ]
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[ "List of sex-related court cases in the United States\n\nThe United States Supreme Court and various U.S. state courts have decided several cases regarding pornography, sexual activity, and reproductive rights. ", " The trend has been one of courts striking down states' attempts to regulate sex.", "\n\nThe following is a list of noteworthy sex-related court cases in order by date. ", " (Note that in the legal sense, the term \"sodomy\" often applies not only to anal sex but also to oral sex and other sex acts.)", "\n\nBuck v. Bell, *. ", " A law which allowed the state to sterilize the mentally handicapped is constitutional.", "\n United States v. One Package of Japanese Pessaries, 86 F.2d 737 (2nd Cir. ", "1936). ", "The Comstock act's prohibition against birth control products or information as obscene/lewd or lascivious was held to not apply to shipments from a physician. ", "The federal government could not interfere with doctors providing contraception to their patients.", "\nSkinner v. State of Oklahoma Ex Rel. ", "Williamson, *. ", "A law punishing certain classes of criminals with sterilization is unconstitutional.", "\n Roth v. United States, *. ", "Obscenity is defined as material that \"to the average person, applying contemporary community standards, the dominant theme of the material, taken as a whole, appeals to prurient interest\".", "\n One, Inc. v. Olesen, *. ", "Applying the Roth test, the Court rules that homosexual content is not by definition obscene.", "\nPoe v. Ullman, *. ", "In the absence of an actual threat of prosecution, plaintiffs do not have standing to challenge Connecticut law making use of contraceptives illegal.", "\nMcLaughlin v. Florida, *. ", "The law prohibiting an unmarried interracial couple from habitually living in and occupying the same room in the nighttime that does not apply to couples of the same race violates equal protection clause.", "\nGriswold v. Connecticut, , 85 S.Ct. ", "1678, 14 L.Ed.2d 510 *. ", " Laws prohibiting the distribution of condoms to married persons are unconstitutional.", "\nStanley v. Georgia, *. ", "Mere possession of obscene material in one's home cannot be made a crime.", "\n Franklin v. State, 257 So.2d 21 (Fla. 1971) *. ", "Florida Supreme Court finds law against \"crimes against nature\" unconstitutionally vague in the case of consensual sodomy, thus the crime could now only be charged under a different, lesser statute, reducing the penalty from a felony to a misdemeanor.", "\nEisenstadt v. Baird, *. ", "Overturned Massachusetts law that made giving contraceptives to unmarried persons a felony.", "\nMiller v. California, *. ", "For a publication to be considered obscene, taken as a whole, it must appear to \"the average person, applying contemporary community standards\", to appeal to the prurient interest, depict sexual conduct in a patently offensive way, and lack serious literary, artistic, political, or scientific value.", "\nJenkins v. Georgia, *. ", "Theatre manager's conviction of \"the crime of distributing obscene material\" for showing the film Carnal Knowledge overturned as the film is not obscene.", "\nCox Broadcasting Corp. v. Cohn, A law that prohibits releasing the name of a rape victim is generally unconstitutional.", "\nState of Iowa v. Robert Eugene Pilcher, 242 N.W.2d 348 (Iowa 1976)*. ", " A law against consensual sodomy with someone not one's spouse is unconstitutional.", "\nDoe v. Commonwealth's Attorney of Richmond, (1976)*. ", " U.S. Supreme Court gave summary decision which sustained lower court's finding that Virginia's Sodomy statute is constitutional.", "\nState of New Jersey v. Saunders, 381 A.2d 333 (N.J. 1977)*. ", "A statute prohibiting fornication (sex between unmarried persons) is unconstitutional.", "\nCarey v. Population Services International, *. ", "Statute prohibiting sale or distribution of contraceptives to a minor under 16; for anyone other than a licensed pharmacist to distribute contraceptives to persons 16 or over; and for anyone, including licensed pharmacists, to advertise or display contraceptives, is unconstitutional.", "\nStump v. Sparkman, *. ", " A judge who ordered the sterilization of an allegedly retarded young woman was immune from civil suit even though he did not hold a hearing to receive evidence or appoint an attorney to represent the woman's interests.", "\nPeople v. Onofre, 415 N.E.2d 936 (N.Y. 1980) *. ", " A New York State law against consensual sodomy is unconstitutional.", "\nCommonwealth v. Sefranka, 414 N.E.2d 602, (Mass. 1980) *. ", "The term \"lewd, wanton and lascivious person\" used in a Massachusetts sex crime statute was unconstitutionally vague as it applied to consenting adults.", "\nCommonwealth v. Bonadio, 490 Pa.91, 415 A.2d 47 (Pa. 1980)*. ", " A Pennsylvania law against consensual sodomy is unconstitutional. ", " (The state would repeal the law 15 years later.)", "\nBaker v. Wade, 553 F.Supp. ", "1121 (N.D.Tex. ", "1982) *. ", " Federal District Court finds Texas sodomy law unconstitutional; Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit overturns and holds law to be constitutional.", "\nDronenburg v. Zech, 741 F.2d 1388 (D.C.Cir.1984) *. ", "Administrative discharge from U.S. Navy for homosexual conduct is valid because private, consensual, homosexual conduct is not constitutionally protected.", "\nBowers v. Hardwick, *. ", "Sodomy between people of the same sex in the privacy of one's home may be made illegal. ", " (The statute was later struck down on State Constitutional grounds; see Powell v. Georgia below. ", " This case was later overturned; see Lawrence v. Texas below.)", "\nState v. Henry, 302 Or. ", "510, 732 P2d 9 (1987) * The Oregon Supreme Court ruled that the concept of obscenity violated the free speech clause of the state constitution and abolished the offense of obscenity in that state.", "\nPlanned Parenthood of Southeastern PA. ", "v. Casey, *. ", " Certain abortion restrictions are valid.", "\nState v. Morales, 826 S.W.2d 201 (1992) *. ", "Texas statute that criminalizes private sexual relations between consenting adults of the same sex is unconstitutional. ", "\nCommonwealth v. Wasson, 842 S.W.2d 487 (1992)*. ", " A Kentucky law against consensual sodomy is unconstitutional.", "\nCity of Dallas v. England, 846 S.W.2d 957; 1993 Tex. ", "App. ", "LEXIS 451 (1993) * Citing State v. Morales, Texas state appellate court affirms lower court decision finding prohibition on hiring gays and lesbians as police officers unconstitutional. ", "\nState of Idaho v. Holden, 890 P.2d 341 (Idaho Ct. ", "App. ", "1995)*. ", " A statute prohibiting private consensual oral sodomy between married persons is unconstitutional, because it infringes upon the constitutional right of privacy.", "\nCampbell v. Sundquist, 926 S.W.2d 250 (Tn.", "App.1996)*. ", "A Tennessee law against consensual sodomy is unconstitutional.", "\nGryczan v. Montana, 942 P.2d 112 (1997)*. ", "The Montana State Supreme Court finds law against consensual sodomy unconstitutional.", "\nPowell v. Georgia, 270 Ga. 327, 510 S.E. 2d 18 (1998)*. ", "The Georgia State Supreme Court finds the law making consensual sodomy a crime which was upheld by the U.S. Supreme Court in Bowers to be unconstitutional as violating the state Constitution's privacy protections.", "\nWilliams v. State, 1998 Lexis 260 (Baltimore City Cir. ", "Ct. ", "1999). ", " State of Maryland agrees to court order declaring its law forbidding consensual sodomy unconstitutional.", "\nDoe v. Ventura, No. ", "MC 01-489, 2001 WL 543734 (Minn. Dist. ", "Ct 2001) Minnesota sodomy law found to violate state constitutional right to privacy, in cases where it is private, consensual, and non-commercial.", "\nJegley v. Picado, 349 Ark. 600, 80 S.W.3d 332 (2002) *. ", "Supreme Court of Arkansas finds state's sodomy law unconstitutional.", "\nGLAD v. Attorney General, 436 Mass. 132, 763 NE.2d 38 (2002) Massachusetts sodomy law declared unconstitutional.", "\nLawrence v. Texas, , 02-102 *. ", " A Texas law making sodomy with same sex partner illegal, but not with opposite sex partner, is unconstitutional. ", "This case expressly overturns Bowers v. Hardwick.", "\nState v. Limon, 280 Kan. 275, 122 P.3d 22 *. ", "The first case to rely on Lawrence v. Texas as precedent. ", "Kansas law allowing for opposite-sex statutory rape to be punished less severely than same-sex statutory rape is unconstitutional.", "\nMartin v. Ziherl, 607 S.E.2d 367 (Va. 2005). ", " The Supreme Court of Virginia rules that the state criminal prohibition of sex between unmarried individuals (fornication) is unconstitutional in light of Lawrence v. Texas.", "\nNitke v. Gonzales, (a case involving Barbara Nitke and the National Coalition for Sexual Freedom regarding internet obscenity)\nPackingham v. North Carolina, (2017)\nSee Case citation for an explanation of these numbers.", "\n\nSee also \n Landmark case\n Sodomy laws in the United States\n Timeline of reproductive rights legislation\n\nReferences \n\nCategory:Sex and the law\nsex\nSex" ]
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[ "But what about that Devil May Cry where he has black hair and looks all sick and druggy?" ]
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[ "NEWSLETTER SIGNUP\n\nSign up for more articles\n\nTestimonial\n\n\"I had a disk injury in my neck along with fibromyalgia. ", "I had lower back surgery that was not successful and knew that was not something that I wanted to do again. ", "I was looking for something better. ", "Dr. Geada has helped me to start reaching my goals of having more good days than bad. ", "I know that I will always battle fibro but since starting treatment I finally have hope.\"" ]
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[ "Intellectual property (IP) professionals such as patent attorneys, agents, law firms, search firms, corporate IP departments, technology transfer managers, asset-based lenders, and the like perform laborious tasks of searching for, retrieving, analyzing, and organizing various forms of IP, including patents, trademarks, copyrights, and trade secrets.", "\nKnown subscription-based and non-subscription-based search systems provide IP professionals with basic search and retrieval functions. ", "Database hardware and software have been developed for access by IP professionals and other users through personal computers, mainframes, and other processor-based devices. ", "Users may access and view IP information stored locally on CD-ROMs, stored on network storage devices through a local area network, or stored on remote database systems through one or more disparate network paths (e.g., the Internet).", "\nElectronic searching for intellectual property information has effectively become the preferred searching vehicle given the vast amount of information available, the complexity of the information, the geographical limitations posed, and the technically adeptness of the majority of IP professionals. ", "The known electronic searching systems, however, provide nothing more than rudimentary searching functions that require the IP professionals to formulate the content and direction of their search strategy through previous experience or trial-and-error. ", "The systems are unable to facilitate or automate the creation of search queries and criteria. ", "Nor do the known systems provide for the efficient retrieval, retention, and organization of IP information sought or resulting from the searching process.", "\nAn apparatus for and a method of searching and organizing intellectual property (IP) is provided. ", "In accordance with a preferred embodiment of the invention, an apparatus (and corresponding method) is provided for formulating and facilitating searches for intellectual property, and organizing results of such searches. ", "In an exemplary embodiment, a search and organization server is provided with one or more modules to create and process search queries to be run on local or remote database systems. ", "A class search module, for example, may be provided to provide on-line access to classification information and facilitate searching of intellectual property information using select classifications. ", "An IP thesaurus module may be provided for developing a list of elements (e.g., words, textual phrases, concepts, representations, numbers, identifications, pictures, graphics, features, etc.) ", "found in select intellectual property information (e.g., groupings of patents). ", "In accordance with an exemplary embodiment, the list of elements may be used as an aid in learning a new technology, as a search tool to refine search queries or criteria, as a drafting tool to assist in the preparation of technical or legal documents (e.g., proposals, licenses, patent applications, etc.), ", "or any other practical use. ", "A field-of-search module may be provided to create a field-of-search based on search information identified from select intellectual property information. ", "Additional modules (e.g., search engine, workspace module, alert generator, report generator, etc.) ", "may be provided in the search server to formulate, store, organize and output results achieved through operation of the search server." ]
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[ "Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is a chronic autoimmune disease characterized by arthritis and nephritis, circulating immune complexes and autoantibodies, polyclonal B-cell hyperactivity and depressed cell-mediated immunity. ", "Most patients with active SLE also have high levels of an unusual acid-labile form of human leukocyte (alpha) interferon (IFN) in their serum. ", "A similar alpha IFN has been found in patients with vasculitis, rheumatoid arthritis and the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS), but not in patients with drug-induced lupus-like syndromes. ", "Whether the specific elevation of this particular acid-labile alpha IFN is a cause or an effect of autoimmune disease remains to be elucidated. ", "Many studies have shown that IFN has diverse effects on the immune system, but the response of normal human lymphocytes to conventional human alpha IFN, which contains little if any of the acid-labile alpha IFN that predominates in SLE patients, may not accurately reflect the effects of 'autoimmune' IFN on cells from patients genetically predisposed to develop autoimmune disease. ", "The objectives of this research project are to further characterize this novel human alpha IFN and to test the hypothesis that endogenous production of IFN contributes to immune disorders in patients with SLE. ", "Specifically, Sephadex chromatography and SDS-PAGE will be used to compare acid-labile alpha IFNs isolated from serum or plasma of different SLE and AIDS patients and partially purified on an antibody-affinity column. ", "In vitro assays of immune function will then be used to compare the effects of \"conventional\" and acid-labile \"autoimmune\" alpha IFNs on mononuclear cells from both normal subjects and SLE patients. ", "Spontaneous and polyclonally activated immunoglobulin synthesis and production of autoantibodies in the presence and absence of each IFN will be quantitated. ", "The effect of acid-labile alpha IFN on in vitro sensitization of normal and autoimmune lymphocytes with TNP-haptenated particulate and soluble T-cell dependent and independent antigens will be investigated. ", "T-cell proliferation and function in response to mitogens, and IFN-induced modulation of cell surface Beta-2 microglobulin and Fc-receptors for IgG and IgM will also be studied. ", "Finally, we will compare the regulatory effects of reference and acid-labile alpha IFNs on the activity of normal and autoimmune NK cells, and determine whether autoimmune NK cells produce acid-labile alpha IFN." ]
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[ "Q:\n\nUnderstanding Compact Sets (In Complex Analysis)\n\nThe definition that I have for a compact set is that \nThe way that I interpret this is that I can pick any sequence and it should have a limit point (i.e. point of accumulation). ", "However, I can't understand a couple of things about this definition.", "\n\nWhy is it not true that all points can be points of accumulation?", "\n\nAlso, if I pick the disc of radius 1 centred at the origin of the complex plane and make a sequence say $0.7 +0.31i$, $0.8$, $0.653 - 0.74i$, $0.92 + 0.01i$ and so on of random complex numbers (members of this closed disc that is compact) how does it nesseseraly converge?", "\n\nIf anybody could shine some light on this I would greatly appreciate it.", "\n\nA:\n\nAny point in $S$ can be an accumulation point of a sequence in $S$. Let $p$ be a point in $S$, the sequence $(p)_{n \\in \\Bbb{N}}$ is a sequence in $S$, the constantly $p$ sequence, and it has one accumulation point, $p$.\n\nIt is worth remembering that a sequence can have more than one accumulation point. ", " Consider the sequence\n$$ \\left( \\begin{cases} 1 ,& n \\text{ odd} \\\\ 0 ,& n \\text{ even} \\end{cases} \\right)_{n \\in \\Bbb{N}} $$\nIt has both $0$ and $1$ as accumulation points, but converges to neither. ", " Do not conflate accumulation point with convergent. ", " It is the case that, for each accumulation point, there is a subsequence that converges to that accumulation point.", "\n\nYour \"random points\" scheme works to prevent having a convergent. ", " It does not prevent having a subsequence which converges to an accumulation point.", "\n\nSuppose you didn't select your points randomly but instead chose your points to avoid having any accumulation point. ", " Pick $\\varepsilon > 0$. Each time you put down a point, you can only ever have finitely many in a disk of radius $\\epsilon$ around any other point already in your sequence. ", " So partition the unit disk into squares, with edges parallel to the coordinate axes at integer multiples of $\\varepsilon/2$, including the upper and left edges and both upper vertices. ", " (Why \"${}/2$\"? ", " Because $\\sqrt{2}/2 < 1$, so any radius $\\varepsilon$ disk centered in that square covers that entire square.) ", " (The orientation of the grid is entirely irrelevant -- just rotat the disk to any other orientation. ", " The alignment of the disk is also irrelevant -- if you choose to offset the grid, you get the same result.) ", " There are only finitely many squares, so there are only finitely many disks.", "\nIn each radius $\\varepsilon$ disk, to prevent having a convergent, you are only permitted a finite number of points. ", " But this means your sequence is only finitely long. ", " So this can't happen, there is at least one disk that has infinitely many points in it. ", " And this is true for any choice of $\\varepsilon$, so an infinitely long sequence in the unit disk must have at least one accumulation point (and a subsequence which converges to that accumulation point).", "\n\n" ]
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[ "If you want to have a new house built then we can take care of it for you. ", "We have built a variety of new builds over the years for both domestic and commercial clients, offering a complete building service.", "\n\nOnce you've got the plot to build on, we can help you from the beginning including building regulations and planning work. ", "Whether you're after a traditional or a modern building, brick or stone, we have the experience and work force for you." ]
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[ "Sydneysiders who revelled in the sunshine over the weekend got a rude awakening on Monday morning, with temperatures well below average across most Sydney suburbs.", "\n\nCamden residents shivered through the coldest temperatures in Sydney, recording a low of minus 2.7 degrees just before 7.30am. ", "Taking into account the wind chill, however, it felt more like minus 4.9 degrees, the Bureau of Meteorology said.", "\n\nIt was a foggy and frosty morning at Richmond in Sydney. ", "Credit:Nick Moir\n\nRichmond was only a fraction better off with lows of minus 2.6 degrees - it felt more like minus 4.5 degrees.", "\n\nBadgerys Creek and Campbelltown both felt the chill with lows of minus 1.5, while Holsworthy dipped a bit below freezing with temperatures of minus 1." ]
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[ "Environmental law experts are concerned about the broader implications of a recent federal court dismissal of Canada’s application to overturn a NAFTA tribunal ruling.", "\n\nIn 2007, the Nova Scotia and federal governments nixed a proposal by Bilcon, an American company that wanted to develop a 152-hectare basalt quarry, processing facility and marine terminal at Digby Neck. ", "A joint environmental assessment panel ruled at the time that the initiative would have a significant adverse effect on surrounding communities.", "\n\nIn response, Bilcon filed a NAFTA challenge under Chapter 11, alleging Canada’s environmental regulatory regime had been applied unfairly, and in 2015 the NAFTA tribunal ruled in Bilcon’s favour. ", "Bilcon, which had already invested effort and money in the quarry proposal, could seek damages from Canada well in excess of US$300 million.", "\n\nFast forward to Wednesday: The federal government lost a Federal Court bid to overturn the ruling on the basis that the NAFTA tribunal inappropriately decided questions of Canadian law.", "\n\nAmir Attaran is a law professor and lawyer at the University of Ottawa’s Ecojustice Clinic — he assisted in the representation of East Coast Environmental Law and the Sierra Club Canada, both of whom appeared as interveners in the Federal Court legal proceedings.", "\n\nSpeaking with The Chronicle Herald, Attaran said he’s concerned about the precedent the case sets.", "\n\n“It’s very rare. ", "It actually hasn’t happened ever yet until now, that an environmental assessment has been challenged in a NAFTA tribunal, and it sets a terrible precedent where not only can a company seek to bypass Canadian environmental law, but if Canadian environmental law gives it an answer it doesn’t like, then without even bothering to challenge it in Canadian court it can get a judgment from a NAFTA tribunal that entitles it to, in this case, they’re asking for over half a billion dollars,” Attaran said.", "\n\n“If I were Kinder Morgan’s lawyer I would be dancing a jig right now.”", "\n\nWhile the particulars of this case are novel, it’s far from the first time Canada has been sued via NAFTA’s Chapter 11 investor-state protection laws — the section that enabled Bilcon to go after Canada in the first place.", "\n\nBack in January, the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives estimated that Canadian losses — a combination of awards, settlements and legal fees — through the investor-state dispute settlement system amounted to more than $314 million since the trade treaty was enacted in 1994.", "\n\nIn fact, Canada’s record is so bad, Attaran said he’s baffled why Ottawa is so adamant in keeping those sections in place in as it goes through renegotiations with the U.S. and Mexico.", "\n\n“The U.S. has never once in the decades of NAFTA, not even one time, lost an investor protection case. ", "Their win record is 100 per cent, but they’re the ones who want to get rid of it,” he said.", "\n\n“At the end of the day we are going to have to throw Trump a few bones on NAFTA. ", "Why not throw him the bone we are always choking on?”", "\n\nSara Seck, associate professor of law at Dalhousie University, said while she cannot see a situation where companies use Chapter 11 to arbitrarily propose projects in order to cash out in later lawsuits, she did say she’s concerned about the message Bilcon sent when, in seeking a judicial review of the environmental assessment, it bypassed domestic Canadian processes and went straight to the NAFTA tribunal.", "\n\n“We want anybody, Canadian and foreign investors, to actually use our systems as opposed to jumping to an international tribunal composed of members that don’t actually have expertise on the environmental and social issues that are at play,” she said.", "\n\nThe case also raised concerns about environmental jurisdiction, Seck said, and questions about whether companies ought to engage directly with communities.", "\n\n“When officials speak out in favour of a project before an environmental assessment is conducted, they may be in violation of NAFTA if they later take the advice of an independent environmental assessment that concludes the project should not be permitted to proceed because of its negative impact on local communities,” she said.", "\n\n“So governments have to be careful about what they say if we have this kind of investor protection provisions in place, and we need to make sure companies talk to communities early on to get a sense of ‘is it just the government that’s in favour of this or is the community in favour of this as well.’”", "\n\nEast Coast Environmental Law’s executive director Lisa Mitchell said while the best way to prevent these sorts of scenarios from happening in the future is to get rid of those investor-state protection provisions in NAFTA or any other trade agreements that Canada entered into, a proposed federal law that’s coming down the pipes could help.", "\n\nIf passed, Bill C-69 would put in place new environmental impact assessment regulations that allow for more defined opportunities for what’s called strategic or regional environmental impact assessment — essentially giving provinces or communities a formal process to set prior ground rules on the kinds of activities and projects they want or don’t want in a particular region.", "\n\n“These strategic assessments or regional assessments can look more at a broader policy level to maybe prevent projects like this from ever being proposed,” Mitchell said.", "\n\nThe Chronicle Herald reached out to Foreign Affairs Minister Chrystia Freeland’s office for comment on the concerns surrounding NAFTA negotiations and investor protection, but a spokesperson responded only that Global Affairs Canada is aware of the Federal Court decision and is reviewing it.", "\n\nAfter a 14-year dispute between Quiborax and the Bolivian government, the International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID) rejected Bolivia’s application to annul a US$48.6mn award in favor of the Chilean mining company.", "\n\nThe German cabinet has confirmed that two utilities operating in Germany are entitled to compensation for losses stemming from the country’s nuclear phaseout. ", "The move is in line with an earlier top court ruling.", "\n\nAbout the ISDS platform\n\nThe ISDS platform is a resource tool about the controversial investor-state dispute settlement (ISDS) mechanism in trade and investment agreements. ", "It aims to provide the latest news, campaign tools and critical analysis to groups engaged in defeating ISDS." ]
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[ "[Interprofessional education in pain management: development strategies for an interprofessional core curriculum for health professionals in German-speaking countries].", "\nThe care of patients, suffering from acute, chronic, or malignant pain, requires systematic and interprofessional collaboration between all team members to ensure a holistic approach to pain management. ", "In doing so, the different professions are often in a competitive, tense, or dependent relationship resulting from a lack of precise definitions and concepts regarding their responsibilities in the wide field of pain management. ", "Considering pain management as a whole, we can define numerous interfaces concerning competencies and tasks which may open up some new perspectives on concepts of interprofessional education (IPE). ", "Internationally, there have been many attempts to establish concepts of interprofessional education, and it is considered a great challenge to improve continuing medical education. ", "However, interdisciplinary subjects like pain management may benefit from it. ", "Apart from enhancing specialized knowledge, interprofessional education aims to consider the different roles, skills, and responsibilities as well as interprofessional strategies of decision-making. ", "In Germany, only a few efforts have been made with regard to interprofessional pain education. ", "In the following paper, different challenges, tasks, and roles within the field of pain management are discussed in the sense of potential areas of collaboration in the context of interprofessional education. ", "Against this background, the Regensburg model for interprofessional pain management education is described as one national program to enhance the effectiveness of pain management." ]
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[ "/9190 + 1/5514. ", "Calculate the common denominator of q and n + (3 - (-485)/(-165)).", "\n165\nSuppose 3*u - 17*g + 20*g = -15, 2*u + 3*g = -9. ", "Calculate the common denominator of 89/20 and 156/40 + u/(-5).", "\n20\nLet p be 5 + (-25)/5 - 0. ", "Let b be ((-1153)/44 + p)/((-18)/(-24)). ", "Let k = -157/11 - b. Find the common denominator of k and 97/60.", "\n60\nSuppose -24 = -20*a - 104. ", "Find the common denominator of -2/77 and (-3)/3 + a - (-896)/147.", "\n231\nLet w = -80200/21 + 3816. ", "Calculate the common denominator of -1 + (-4 - (-386)/48) and w.\n168\nLet k(o) = o**3 - 10*o + 1. ", "Let u = -3425/2 - -1676. ", "Find the common denominator of u and k(-3).", "\n2\nSuppose 5*p - 5 = 10*p. ", "What is the least common multiple of ((-750)/(-180))/(p/(-6)) and 25?", "\n25\nSuppose -6*x + 4*x + q - 441 = 0, 3*x + 5*q + 668 = 0. ", "Calculate the lowest common multiple of 6/(-51) - 14391/x and 15.", "\n195\nLet o = 7604 + -365029/48. ", "Calculate the common denominator of o and -99/166.", "\n3984\nSuppose u = -0*u + 2*p - 1356, 1341 = -u + 5*p. ", "Let y be (0 + 45039/6)/(22/(-4)). ", "Let b = y - u. Calculate the common denominator of -58/45 and b.\n495\nSuppose 279*g + 47*g - 182606 - 116662 = 0. ", "Calculate the lowest common multiple of g and 396.", "\n20196\nSuppose -825 = -484*p + 473*p. ", "What is the lowest common multiple of 135 and p?", "\n675\nSuppose 3*y = 5*g + 16235, g = 2*g - 2*y + 3247. ", "Let x be (20/66)/2*3323324/155. ", "Let c = x + g. Calculate the common denominator of c and -25/21.", "\n231\nLet z(v) = v**2 + 132*v + 4641. ", "What is the smallest common multiple of 93 and z(-45)?", "\n22506\nLet i = -433 + 2221. ", "Calculate the smallest common multiple of 9 and i.\n5364\nLet c be 4995154/280 - (-22)/(-77). ", "Let v = c - 17844. ", "Calculate the common denominator of v and 43/106.", "\n1060\nLet o = -9112 + 164087/18. ", "Let m = -12555531 + 150887227/12. ", "Let g = m + -18394. ", "What is the common denominator of o and g?", "\n36\nWhat is the common denominator of (-107)/78 + ((-30)/(-15))/6 and 23/178?", "\n2314\nSuppose -g = -5*o - 11199 - 9370, 3*g - 4*o - 61696 = 0. ", "Let u = g + -699089/34. ", "Find the common denominator of u and -81/8.", "\n136\nCalculate the common denominator of 127/7462 and 7/((-441)/(-42))*(-70 + -2 + 3).", "\n7462\nLet z = 20330/7 - 2906. ", "Calculate the common denominator of (4/30)/((-4)/12) and z.\n35\nLet p = 244693/12 + -20379. ", "What is the common denominator of p and 36/63 - (-1118)/28?", "\n12\nLet w = -78487613/21 - -3739388. ", "Let h = 1882 - w. What is the common denominator of h and 41/102?", "\n714\nLet l = 46000983/206 + -223306. ", "What is the common denominator of l and (-263)/(-24) + 2/(-6)?", "\n824\nLet y = -22537651/246 - -91617. ", "Let p = -83343/10 - -8342. ", "What is the common denominator of y and p?", "\n1230\nSuppose 0 = -4*r, -207 = -2*g - 2*r - 9. ", "Let t = 111 - g. Let z(c) = -c**3 + 8*c**2 + 9*c + 8. ", "Calculate the least common multiple of z(9) and t.\n24\nSuppose 4*v + 3*q - 46 = 38, -98 = -5*v - 2*q. ", "Suppose 3*l + 3 = -2*h, 0 = -5*h - 0*h - 2*l + 42. ", "What is the least common multiple of h and v?", "\n36\nSuppose 0 = y + 1, -826 = -5*m + 4*y + 978. ", "Calculate the least common multiple of 80 and m.\n720\nLet r = -46489/434 + 747/7. ", "Suppose 3*t + 57 = -3*v, v + 2*t = -15 + 1. ", "Find the common denominator of (-1)/v*(103 - (-3 - 0)) and r.\n372\nSuppose 0 = -3*v - 5*w + 1465, 2*v - 5*w = 966 - 31. ", "What is the smallest common multiple of 240 and v?", "\n480\nLet a be (-100)/60*(-1)/((-2)/18). ", "What is the smallest common multiple of (-272)/(-10) + 3/a and 5?", "\n135\nLet f = 271135/21 + -12908. ", "Let q = -6017/18 - -989/3. ", "What is the common denominator of f and q?", "\n126\nSuppose -68*u + 159 = -181. ", "Let q = -6 - -6. ", "Suppose 27 = 3*l - q*l. ", "What is the least common multiple of l and u?", "\n45\nLet n(s) = 7*s**2 + 4*s + 3. ", "Let w be n(-3). ", "Let u = -149153/170552 + -10/21319. ", "Calculate the common denominator of u and (w/128)/(2/(-4)).", "\n32\nLet y = -19448 + 19856. ", "What is the least common multiple of y and 60?", "\n2040\nSuppose -16*f + 20*f + 12344 = 0. ", "Let p = 24757/8 + f. Let z = 261029/20 - 13047. ", "Find the common denominator of p and z.\n40\nLet v be -4 - ((-14868)/(-603))/(-2). ", "Let r = 65199/7370 - v. Find the common denominator of 9/80 and r.\n880\nFind the common denominator of -3/4415 and ((-3542)/(-115) - 26)/(6/40).", "\n4415\nLet i = 10800 - 10380. ", "Calculate the lowest common multiple of 1260 and i.\n1260\nLet j = -207276377776 - -16751455022436437/80817. ", "Let g = j + 2/7347. ", "Let o = 2973/7 - 26267/63. ", "Calculate the common denominator of o and g.\n99\nLet c = 65561 - 458950/7. ", "Suppose 0*i + 90 = -5*i. ", "Find the common denominator of (86/12)/((-12)/i) and c.\n28\nSuppose 283 = 2*i - 3. ", "Let u = -75 + 192. ", "What is the smallest common multiple of u and i?", "\n1287\nLet o be -11 - 1*(1 + -4). ", "Let v(t) = -t**3 - 9*t**2 - 8*t + 4. ", "Let h be v(o). ", "Suppose 24 = 8*j - h*j. ", "Calculate the lowest common multiple of 3 and j.\n6\nSuppose -7*c + 3*c = -80. ", "Suppose c + 52 = 2*w. ", "Let a(l) = 2968*l - 11832. ", "What is the lowest common multiple of w and a(4)?", "\n360\nLet y = 4157 + -3627. ", "What is the lowest common multiple of y and 477?", "\n4770\nLet r(x) = -2*x**2 + 1. ", "Let d(f) = -10*f**2 - 7*f + 12. ", "Let p(u) = d(u) - 6*r(u). ", "What is the smallest common multiple of 25 and p(7)?", "\n275\nLet c(b) = 3*b**2 + 4*b + 8. ", "Let x be c(-6). ", "Suppose q - 2*i - 8 = 0, 3*i + 0*i = -5*q + x. What is the least common multiple of 110 and q?", "\n880\nSuppose 33*j - 4510 = -3124. ", "What is the smallest common multiple of j and 126?", "\n126\nLet l = 12710 - 177861/14. ", "Let o = 265 - 266. ", "Calculate the common denominator of l and (8379/(-418))/(-7) + (o - 1).", "\n154\nLet m(n) = n**3 - 8*n**2 + 48*n - 5. ", "Calculate the least common multiple of m(7) and 1410.", "\n1410\nLet k = -2012 - -2021. ", "What is the smallest common multiple of 63 and k?", "\n63\nSuppose -v = 5*k - 42, 28 = -3*k + 6*k + 2*v. ", "Calculate the common denominator of k - (16328/240)/13 and 107/10.", "\n30\nLet v(r) = -r**3 - r**2 + 432*r + 3015. ", "What is the least common multiple of v(-7) and 190?", "\n570\nFind the common denominator of (-5130)/(-3402)*2/(-84) and -193/1470.", "\n13230\nCalculate the lowest common multiple of 81*((-68)/238)/(6/(-266)) and 45.", "\n5130\nSuppose -17*s - 6*s = 2599. ", "Let k = 13357/4 - 3315. ", "Calculate the common denominator of k and 252/189 - s/12.", "\n4\nLet w be (6/(-28))/((-20)/(-767494)). ", "Let g = w + 8220. ", "Find the common denominator of (6741/1134)/((-1)/3) - -1 and g.\n60\nLet m = -4259 - -6705. ", "Let u = -2557191 + 25596391/10. ", "Let w = u - m. What is the common denominator of -43/4 and w?", "\n20\nCalculate the common denominator of 73/78 and -2 + ((-176)/(-156) - -5)/(130/42).", "\n5070\nLet o = 15 + -25. ", "Let g be ((-3)/(-6))/(5/o). ", "What is the lowest common multiple of 12 and -9*(g/(-6))/(1/(-4))?", "\n12\nSuppose -2*o - 147 = -427. ", "Calculate the smallest common multiple of 105 and o.\n420\nLet n(i) = -122*i + 1240. ", "Calculate the smallest common multiple of 33 and n(8).", "\n264\nSuppose 9*x + 7 + 2 = 0. ", "What is the least common multiple of 2 and x/(270/(-504) - 4/(-14))?", "\n4\nLet u = -35866 - -39354. ", "What is the least common multiple of u and 2398?", "\n38368\nLet t = 155 + -101. ", "Let b(z) = 23*z - 5. ", "What is the smallest common multiple of t and b(1)?", "\n54\nLet a = -575 + 575. ", "Suppose a = -595*k + 594*k + 84. ", "What is the lowest common multiple of 60 and k?", "\n420\nLet v(f) = -3*f**2 + 68*f + 31. ", "Let c = -17 + 25. ", "Calculate the least common multiple of c and v(23).", "\n8\nLet l(m) = -m**3 + 9*m**2 + 4*m - 9. ", "Let s(j) = -24*j + 102. ", "Let g be s(5). ", "Let y = g - -93. ", "Calculate the lowest common multiple of l(9) and y.\n675\nFind the common denominator of 86/855 and 6/(-380) - (-148)/1295*21/(-6).", "\n1710\nSuppose 0 = 5*b - 7*b - 4. ", "Let f be (-3 - -2)/2*b*2. ", "Suppose 4*y = 3*y - f*o + 15, -53 = -3*y + 2*o. ", "Calculate the smallest common multiple of 5 and y.\n85\nLet n = -95189/875840 + -19/2737. ", "Calculate the common denominator of 119/960 and n.\n960\nLet f = 23193 - 16147. ", "Suppose -2*k - z = f, 3*k - 2*z + 10569 = 2*z. ", "Let s = -21265/6 - k. Find the common denominator of 35/4 and s.\n12\nSuppose 21*l + 882 = 27*l. ", "Suppose 5*j - 3*v = l, -4*j - 3*v - v + 92 = 0. ", "Find the common denominator of 56/5 and (j/162)/(2*(-1)/(-58)).", "\n30\nSuppose -836 = -3*m - 776. ", "Calculate the least common multiple of m and 17.", "\n340\nSuppose 0 = 4*m - 3*m + 165. ", "What is the common denominator of (133/8)/((-99)/132) and (-565)/m - (0 - -1)?", "\n66\nLet f(z) = 17*z**2 + 5*z - 3. ", "Let h be f(-7). ", "Find the common denominator of 70/h*((-90)/(-8))/(-3) and 103/20.", "\n1060\nLet " ]
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[ "North Carolina Highway 28\n\nNorth Carolina Highway 28 (NC 28) is an primary state highway in the U.S. state of North Carolina. ", " The highway runs north–south through the Nantahala National Forest in Western North Carolina.", "\n\nRoute description\nNC 28 is part of a three-state highway 28, that totals , from Beech Island, South Carolina to Deals Gap. ", "Southward the road continues as Georgia State Route 28. ", " This is the sole state highway that keeps its exact number as it crosses between Georgia and North Carolina. ", "It heads southeast briefly through Georgia, enters South Carolina as South Carolina Highway 28, re-enters Georgia once more before terminating in South Carolina.", "\n\nNC 28 starts at the Georgia state line in Macon County. ", "From the state line, it follows a winding course northwards to Highlands. ", " There it begins a concurrency with U.S. Route 64 (US 64) on the way northwest to Franklin. ", "Following an interchange with US 23 and US 441, the US 64 concurrency ends and enters the downtown business district of the city. ", "NC 28 forms a concurrency with US 441 Business on the one-way pair of Main Street and Palmer Street. ", "The two roads cross the Little Tennessee River before NC 28 breaks off and heads north out of the city on Harrison Avenue. ", "Though the official routing of the highway is along Harrison Avenue, signage shows NC 28 traveling along Depot Street and Riverview Street bypassing the city downtown.", "\n\nFrom Franklin it travels north-northwest, mostly following the Little Tennessee River valley. ", " There is a concurrency with US 19 and US 74 between the unincorporated communities of Lauada and Needmore. ", " From Needmore, it follows a westerly course along the southern shore of man-made Fontana Lake. ", " A side road crosses the TVA constructed Fontana Dam; NC 28 skirts the southern boundary of the Great Smoky Mountains National Park before reaching its northern terminus at US 129.", "\n\nNC 28 overlaps with two state scenic byways: the Waterfall Byway, between Highlands and Franklin, and the Indian Lake Scenic Byway, between Almond and Deals Gap. ", " NC 28 also overlaps parts of the Mountain Waters Scenic Byway, a National Forest Scenic Byway, that traverses through the Nantahala National Forest.", "\n\nHistory\nEstablished in 1938 as the third and current NC 28, it traversed from Georgia to Highlands, where it duplexed with US 64 to Franklin. ", " Continuing northeast from Franklin, it replaced NC 286 to end at US 19, in Lauada. ", " In 1940, NC 28 was extended northeast along US 19 through Bryson City and Ela, then replaced part of NC 107, ending in Cherokee. ", " In 1947, NC 28 was truncated back to its former northern terminus; its former routing to Cherokee becoming US 19A. In 1954, NC 28 was extended southwest along US 19 to Almond and then northwest along new primary routing to Fontana, then replaced NC 288 to its current northern terminus at Deals Gap. ", " In 1974, NC 28 was adjusted to one-way streets in downtown Franklin, in concurrency with US 441 Bus, via Main Street and Palmer Street.", "\n\nThe first NC 28 was an original state highway that traversed from NC 10, in Andrews, through Franklin, Highlands, Rosman, Brevard and Hendersonville, to NC 20, in Bat Cave. ", " In 1923, NC 28 was rerouted west of Franklin on new primary routing to Elf and Hayesville, then replacing NC 109 from Hayesville to NC 10, in Murphy. ", " In 1929, NC 28 was extended west from Murphy along new primary routing to the Tennessee state line. ", " In 1932, NC 28 was extended northeast along new primary routing from Bat Cave to Old Fort, where it overlapped with US 70 to Marion; going north from Marion, in concurrency with US 221, it traversed through Linville, Boone and Jefferson (replacing NC 691 in the process) to US 21/NC 26, in Twin Oaks, reaching its high point at long. ", " Also in 1932, US 64 was assigned along NC 28 from the Tennessee state line to Old Fort. ", " In 1934, all of NC 28 was decommissioned in favor of US 64 and US 221.", "\n\nThe second NC 28 existed from 1935-1938, where it had replaced NC 21 between Fayetteville and Delco, through Elizabethtown. ", " It was renumbered as NC 87.", "\n\nNorth Carolina Highway 282\n\nNorth Carolina Highway 282 (NC 282) was established as a new primary routing from the Georgia state line to Highlands. ", " In 1938, NC 282 was renumbered as part of NC 28.", "\n\nNorth Carolina Highway 286\n\nNorth Carolina Highway 286 (NC 286) was an original state highway that began from the Georgia state line, near Otto, to NC 10, along Old Alarka Road. ", " In 1927, NC 286 was renumbered as an extension of NC 285, from the Georgia state line to Franklin. ", "Around 1938, NC 286 was replaced by NC 28 and moved to the north terminus to the community of Swain (today known as Lauada).", "\n\nNorth Carolina Highway 288\n\nNorth Carolina Highway 288 (NC 288) was a primary route that served the Fontana area from 1929-1944 and revived again from 1951-1954. ", " The first NC 288 traversed from NC 108, in Deals Gap, to NC 10, in Bryson City. ", "In 1942, construction began on Fontana Dam; which by 1944, NC 288 was decommissioned when a majority of the route was submerged. ", " Various sections of the old highway still exist on higher ground and are incorporated in hiking trails that are easily reachable from the Fontana Dam parking area. ", " The second NC 288 was a return along the western part of the highway that wasn't submerged, linking to the relocated Fontana community. ", " In 1954, new construction was completed between Fontana and Almond, and all of NC 288 was renumbered NC 28.", "\n\nNC 288 was originally to be rebuilt along the north shore of Fontana Lake by the National Park Service, an agreement that was made between the county, state, and federal government. ", " Construction of New Fontana Road (SR 1364) was completed in 1958, connecting Bryson City to the border of the Great Smoky Mountains National Park. ", " From 1960-1970, was built within the park, which was called Lakeview Drive; ending just west of a tunnel, that went through aptly named Tunnel Ridge. ", " Since then, questions about the cost of building the highway and the environmental impact of the road had stopped all further construction. ", " Known unofficially as \"the Road to Nowhere,\" it provides access to various hiking trails within the National Park. ", "After being in limbo for forty years, it was finally resolved in February 2010 when the U.S. Department of Interior signed a settlement agreement paying Swain County $52 million instead of building the highway. ", "As of September 2017, only $12.8 million of that has been paid. ", " Four million additional dollars were released by Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke, and the final installment of $35.2 million was paid on June 29, 2018. ", " However, under a 2010 agreement, the money was deposited with the state treasurer's office. ", "Swain County can spend only the interest the money earns.", "\n\nMajor intersections\n\nSee also\n North Carolina Bicycle Route 2 - concurrent with NC 28 from Cullasaja to downtown Franklin\n\nReferences\n\nExternal links\n\nCarolina Lost - The Road to Nowhere\nNCRoads.com: N.C. 28\nNCRoads.com: N.C. 282\nNCRoads.com: N.C. 286\nNCRoads.com: N.C. 288\n\n028\nCategory:Transportation in Macon County, North Carolina\nCategory:Transportation in Swain County, North Carolina\nCategory:Transportation in Graham County, North Carolina" ]
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[ "Yeah, I was thinking the same thing too when I saw the changeling at the end of the Crystaling. ", "With all the love and joy throughout the Crystal Empire, it's hard not to think that changelings wouldn't be drawn there like moths to a light, especially with a new princess to devour." ]
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[ 0.00010850694444444444, 0 ]
[ "\"Remove the scaffolds!\" \"", "And this one!\" \"", "Andrea!\" \"", "Nicola!\" \"", "Those two are always something special.\" \"", "It's finished.\" \"", "Let's get down.\" \"", "To jump down?\" \"", "A chair!\" \"", "I'm sure those who built this, after completing their job they would have stood here to admire it like I'm doing now.\" \"", "Those were great!\" \"", "A miracle!\" \"", "Here's to you, Church of the Miracles, and to our ancestors who built it a thousand years ago and to those who transmitted to us this craft of ours, made by our hands and by our imagination.\" \"", "Of course, I also drink to your health because you have restored the facade to its former glory.\" \"", "Please allow me to thank my seven sons who have been working with you\" \"but, especially, to raise my glass to these two little rascals over there the two youngest who have hands of gold, of real masters.\" \"", "Yet all you have proved skilled so you should not feel offended\" \"If I praise those two too much.\" \"", "That's fine, father... but you wanted us to reunite in order to tell us something else more important... less pleasant...\" \"Take it easy.\" \"", "A son ought not to upset his father.\" \"", "I've decided to speak later after the last dish.\" \"", "Father.\" \"", "You have started and I have to finish.\" \"", "Duccio is right.\" \"", "This is a farewell dinner.\" \"", "The work we have just accomplished will be the last.\" \"", "We are seriously struck by crisis.\" \"", "The firm is in so much debt I have to shut it.\" \"", "My seven sons will decide what to do, I will retire in the countryside, in the house where I was born.\" \"", "You do know all the rest, don't you?\" \"", "Those things were up in the air.\" \"", "No!\" \"", "I didn't know fuck anything!\" \"", "I am flabbergasted!\" \"", "This was supposed to be a feast!\" \"", "And to think that I even bought a gift!\" \"", "This is a funeral!\" \"", "And for me, isn't it?\" \"", "Forgive me.\" \"", "To our master!\" \"", "So the brothers have decided to sell off everything.\" \"", "Yes, everything.\" \"", "They'll open a great store.\" \"", "And you, the children?\" \"", "Yes, the \"children\" too.\" \"", "We are to be vendors.\" \"", "That will be enough.\" \"", "This means you're going to change profession?\" \"", "All seven?\" \"", "Even the little brothers with the hands of gold?\" \"", "Yes.\" \"", "All seven.\" \"", "We're about to recheck the accounts.\" \"", "Not so loud, you'll wake up dad.\" \" ", "We shouldn't give up.\" \" ", "We have both thought it well.\" \"", "It's not in our interest to sell off.\" \"", "The company can do without any workers.\" \"", "The seven of us are enough.\" \"", "Let's clear the table.\" \"", "For a year...\" \"For a year, we won't take any pay.\" \"", "You, Pietro!\" \"", "Don't get married right away.\" \"", "And those who have family, no more children!\" \"", "Explain this to your wives!\" \"", "Quiet!\" \"", "Are you afraid that father may hear us?\" \"", "Leave it to me.\" \"", "Duccio!\" \"", "Explain yourself!\" \"", "You're worried because today father retired.\" \"", "But we are both not!\" \"", "Nicola and I went to see our father in his house in the country, to say good buy...\" \"We had decided to leave Italy and go to America.\" \"", "We won't return until we earn enough dollars to buy our company back.\" \"", "One day we'll work together again in our cathedrals.\" \" ", "I swear to you!\" \" ", "Me too!\" \"", "But you have to wait for us, father.\" \"", "Do not die!\" \"", "I will not.\" \"", "They say if want to stay young, live like the young.\" \"", "So, I will stay a young man.\" \"", "I swear to you!\" \"", "What time is it in America?\" \"", "It is morning.\" \"", "Then, before going to sleep,\" \"I will say to you: \"Good morning Andrea, good morning Nicola\".\" \"", "And then in the evening\" \"I will say: \"Good morning Andrea, good morning Nicola\"\" \"because it will make no difference.\" \"", "You are two of you and that's your force.\" \"", "On the condition that you will always remain equal.\" \"", "Otherwise, you will become enemies.\" \"", "Keep this in mind.\" \"", "Forever and ever be equal to each other.\" \"", "This is your secret.\" \"", "A secret known only by two, is a secret kept by God.\" \"", "Father, we are a little scared.\" \"", "Good bye Italy!\" \"", "Fuck Italy!\" \" ", "It seems we arrived.\" \" ", "We're in America.\" \"", "Who said that?\" \"", "We salute you, America!\" \"", "Bloody America, you'll become ours.\" \"", "Instead, America did not become ours.\" \"", "Time past.\" \"", "We moved from state to state while our jobs were getting more temporary and more humiliating.\" \"", "I miss four pigs!\" \"", "Are they with yours, Andrea?\" \"", "Ask me in English or I won't answer!\" \"", "I'm going look for them.\" \"", "Wait!\" \"", "Where did you see them last?\" \"", "On \"rich\".\" \"", "Not \"rich\", Nicola! \"", "Ridge\"!\" \"", "It's no use, Andrea.\" \"", "It's not use at all.\" \"", "No!\" \"", "If we only had a better understanding we would not end up here.\" \"", "And we shall end up here forever!\" \"", "No, Nicola!\" \"", "Repeat after me!\" \"", "One, two, buckle the shoe!\" \"", "Three, four, knock at the door!\" \"", "Five, six, pick up sticks!\" \" ", "They fell off the cliff!\" \" ", "They eat each other!\" \"", "Take the others away!\" \"", "This is horrible!\" \"", "Horrible!\" \"", "Good morning, Andrea.\" \"", "Good morning, Nicola.\" \"", "What the hell they think they do?\" \" ", "Can you believe this?\" \"!\" \" ", "The brakes are blocked, Jeff!\" \"", "Just one moment!\" \"", "One moment!\" \"", "Sounds like foreigners to me.\" \"", "Just take it easy.\" \"", "There's no point...\" \"It's Okay, folks, we'll be off in no time.\" \"", "Just get back and sit tight.\" \"", "It'll take some time to cool off.\" \"", "No, we're not choristers in the opera.\" \"", "Just a moment of nostalgia.\" \"", "We are all craftsmen, sculptors, plasterers, masons, carpenters, and painters.\" \"", "We're going to San Francisco, to the Great International Expo to mount the Italian flag.\" \"", "He and me are foremen.\" \"", "We came directly from Italy.\" \"", "The others were already here.\" \" ", "What about the two of you?\" \" ", "We are craftsmen like you.\" \"", "From Tuscany.\" \"", "We are the ones who restored the Church of the Miracles.\" \"", "Well, then... what are you doing here?\" \"", "We...\" \"We...\" \"I can't hear you well...\" \"But what are you doing here?\" \"", "Boys!\" \"", "Come and see!\" \"", "We did ourselves proud.\" \"", "All the Italians did themselves proud that year in San Francisco.\" \"", "We were the heroes of the hour.\" \"", "Nobody talked of anything but us and our \"Tower of Jewels\"\" \"Italian Foremen With Their Workers\" \"We worked there as their laborers.\" \"", "We made some money and bought ourselves some fancy new suits.\" \"", "At the Expo, they were showing the motion picture \"Cabiria\", another great Italian success!\" \"", "There was one man in the crowd wanted to see the picture again at once.\" \"", "By himself.\" \"", "He paid for the theatre and orchestra.\" \"", "That man, destined to have a great influence over our lives, was the most famous film-director in all of America.\" \"", "D.W. Griffith.\" \"", "Send a wire:\" \"\"To Pastrone, director of 'Cabiria', Italy.\" \"", "Your picture is greater than all of mine.\" \"\"", "Tonight, you made me realize the film I am shooting is taking me off course.\" \"", "I am cancelling it.\"\" \"", "He said \"cancel\", Mr. Grass?\" \"", "We already... we already made the calls for Monday.\" \"", "That's right!\" \"", "A hundred extras, six automobiles...\" \" Won't we rehearse the actors?\" \" ", "Wait a minute, just shut up.\" \"", "Enough!\" \"\"", "And I don't know whether to be grateful or...\" \"I hate you.\" \"", "D.W. Griffith.\"\" \"", "Never mind.\" \"", "Artists communicate through their work.\" \"", "There he is!\" \" ", "Have the Italians done it again?\" \" ", "How does it compare?\" \"", "What impressed you most about \"Cabiria\"?\" \"", "Everything!\" \"", "Everything?\" \"", "Could you be a little more specific?\" \"", "A sequence?\" \"", "Or an image?\" \"", "The elephant.\" \"", "The black elephant!\" \"", "Thompson, will you bring Mrs. Griffith?\" \"", "Is it true that you plan to stop production of your present film?\" \"", "It is!\" \"", "A disaster!\" \" ", "Stroke of luck!\" \" ", "How's that, sir?\" \"", "I shall transform it!\" \"", "You write this down!\" \"", "It will become part of a fresco.\" \"", "Then you resume production along the lines of the Italian \"Cabiria\", sir?\" \"", "Three hundred times greater than \"Cabiria\"!\" \"", "Are you thinking about your old idea?\" \"\"", "Intolerance\", I can always tell when it crops up in your head.\" \"", "Get closer!\" \"", "David, what are you doing?\" \"", "It's pouring!\" \"", "Who built this?\" \"", "The Italians!\" \"", "It's the Italian pavilion, Mr. Griffith!\" \"", "Italians, M. Griffith!\" \"", "It's always the Italians!\" \"", "Those endowed Italians!\" \"", "I want them.\" \"", "They must be gone by now, Mr. Griffith!\" \"", "They finished build the expo a month or so!\" \"", "I want the man who built this!\" \"", "He'll have to go to work for me!\" \"", "I want the construction foreman, Mr. Grass!\" \"\"", "Intolerance!\"\" \"", "The two artists you want they're leaving for Italy today with most of their workers!\" \"", "I know because they are members of this Italian club.\" \"", "The two foremen who worked in the expo!\" \"", "Look!\" \"", "If you leave your number I will try to get in touch.\" \"", "You are calling from where?\" \"", "Hollywood?\" \"", "To make elephants?\" \"", "For whom?\" \"", "Griffith?\" \"", "One moment, hold on.\" \"", "No good!\" \"", "They got as many workers as they need.\" \"", "They just want the two foremen!\" \"", "Alright, if I happen to find anything, who should I call?\" \"", "Ah, sent them to Frisco...\" \" And then?\" \" ", "They want Teodoro and Amilcare.\" \"", "We can find them!\" \"", "They sail for Seattle in an hour.\" \"", "Maybe we can stop them.\" \"", "We'll be too late.\" \"", "Better.\" \"", "If they've left, we can try ourselves.\" \"", "Then my shoe came untied...\" \"Both mine are too.\" \"", "God, I'm sorry!\" \"", "But I'm glad too!\" \" ", "Well, you guys are...\" \" The foremen the director wants!\" \"", "The director's name is Griffith, right?\" \"", "Your names?\" \"", "Amilcare Martini.\" \"", "Teodoro Benvenuti.\" \"", "Okay, hop in \"paisans\"!\" \"", "The day after tomorrow you'll be in Hollywood.\" \"", "Don't forget to fill up in Salinas!\" \"", "I leave you here.\" \"", "The tram will take you straight to Mr. Grass's office.\" \"", "He's the production manager of Mr. Griffith.\" \"", "See you around!\" \"", "My sons, oh my sons!\" \"", "Yes, my sons I awaked you.\" \"", "Where are we?\" \"", "Alright, all the dead get down!\" \"", "Perfectly still!\" \"", "The King to the throne!\" \"", "Slowly, slowly!\" \"", "Get the sons on horseback!\" \"", "Alright, roll it!\" \"", "Action!\" \"", "Go, my sons!\" \"", "I shall wait for you here.\" \"", "We have been defeated\" \"but when you return you will win back my kingdom.\" \"", "Look, Andrea.\" \"", "The old king is crying.\" \"", "You kids new?\" \" ", "Have a piece!\" \" ", "Thank you!\" \"", "Please, listen, give us a chance!\" \"", "We're dancers.\" \"", "Yes, and very good ones.\" \"", "We can't be extras all our lives!\" \"", "Look girls, it's not up to me.\" \"", "Even you don't believe us.\" \"", "Well, can you do a split?\" \"", "It's Griffith!\" \"", "He's trying a new machine.\" \"", "Where's Griffith?\" \"", "It's the man upon the crane with the big white hat.\" \"", "Good morning to you, Mr. Thompson.\" \"", "We are the Italians!\" \"", "Destroy it!\" \"", "Mr. Griffith says he doesn't even want the tail!\" \"", "So you two are the famous Italian builders?\" \"", "You're here to make elephants for \"Intolerance\".\" \"", "Not one of our drawings has met with the approval of Mr. Griffith.\" \"", "But you Italians think you can do better.\" \"", "Great.\" \"", "Remember what they did up in Frisco!\" \"", "I know, I know.\" \"", "I see Hollywood agrees with you my dear architects.\" \"", "You look thirty years younger...\" \"We thought we...\" \"Can we sit down?\" \"", "Have you been in the service?\" \"", "Then on your feet.\" \"", "About face!\" \"", "Forward, march!\" \"", "Actors and extras on set!\" \"", "Take your positions!\" \"", "No, enough!\" \"", "Come on!\" \"", "Hurry up, please!\" \"", "You two, girls!\" \"", "Aren't you extras?\" \"", "Extras!\" \"", "Extras!\" \"", "I'm sorry I got you in trouble!\" \"", "I always go and open my big mouth.\" \"", "Steve, finish up here by tonight.\" \"", "Tomorrow I'm pulling it.\" \"", "I got to get the new sets for Griffith ready.\" \"", "You're still here.\" \"", "We were wrong, Mr. Grass.\" \"", "We have to pay.\" \"", "We need the job!\" \"", "Any kind of job.\" \"", "Sure.\" \"", "No, no!\" \"", "I know you \"wops\"!\" \"", "Liars, swindlers, allergic to work...\" \"Belly in the sun and hands on your belly!\" \"", "These hands have restored the cathedrals of Pisa,\" \"Lucca and Florence!\" \"", "Whose son are you...\" \"We are the sons of the sons of the sons of Michelangelo and Leonardo!\" \"", "Whose son are you?\" \"", "No, excuse us!\" \"", "We're only here to ask for jobs.\" \"", "Viva Firenze!\" \"", "Viva Firenze!\" \"", "We were in Florence once!\" \"", "It's the most beautiful place in the world!\" \"", "Viva Firenze!\" \" ", "The sun's going!\" \" ", "Will you take your places?\" \"", "You go by the train station?\" \"", "No, next car!\" \"", "After midnight.\" \"", "There those two boys again.\" \"", "It's them.\" \"", "Do you guys take care birds?\" \"", "Birds?\" \"", "Then I got a job for you!\" \"", "Hop in!\" \"", "We got a hundred birds for a scene we're shooting in a couple of weeks.\" \"", "Just feed them and clean the cages, morning and night.\" \"", "During the day I'll try to find you some more jobs around the set.\" \"", "On night you can sleep in the birdhouse.\" \"", "This is it.\" \"", "You can get out.\" \"", "The door is open.\" \"", "What's the matter?\" \"", "You're scared?\" \"", "We ain't even the time to thanks!\" \"", "What the stink!\" \"", "I'd die of pity for somebody like you and me.\" \"", "Good morning, father.\" \"", "Movies are light.\" \"", "You're not on a stage.\" \"", "When the light hits your face not from a light bulb but natural, true sunlight, when you feel it, the audience has to feel it with you.\" \"", "Now, get up.\" \"", "And take your places.\" \" ", "The sun?\" \"", "Where's going to be coming from?\" \" ", "I don't know.\" \"", "From up above.\" \"", "There are two people in front of those panels.\" \"", "Is it time?\" \"", "Roll it!\" \"\"", "Air is the thing around your head that...\" \"\"becomes... lighter when you laugh.\"\" \"", "Shut up!\" \"", "For you, it's night!\" \"\"", "You're as beautiful... as a snowy mountain.\"\" \"\"", "Beautiful as a snowy mountain.\"\" \"\"", "I'll put you in my shadow, to keep you from melting.\"\" \"", "How're we going to deliver them?\" \"\"", "Sometimes I fall in...\" \"\"Sometimes I fall in to your eyes... who knows where I end up.\"\" \"", "Oh, we're all friends...\" \"Edna!\" \"", "Oh, read another one!\" \"\"", "I should like to be the petal of a giant flower where you rest your head.\"\" \"\"", "You are as beautiful... as a snowy mountain.\"\" \"\"", "I should put you in my shadow... to keep from melting.\"\" \"", "Shakespeare!\" \"", "Two snowy mountains, coming up!\" \"", "Not the wrong color!\" \"", "Get them out of here!\" \"", "I said white horses!\" \"", "White!\" \"", "Like two snowy mountains!\" \"", "It's Okay?\" \"", "Yeah, now get down here, we will shoot it!\" \"", "David, watch out!\" \"", "You'll melt like a snowy mountain!\" \"", "Come here!\" \"", "Stay close where I am, let me keep in my shadow!\" \"\"", "Keep you in my shadow\"?\" \"", "Are we speaking in verse today?\" \"", "Eh, my dear?\" \"\"", "Andrea and Nicola invite Edna and Mabel to lunch tomorrow in the birdhouse.\"\" \"", "Remember what we promised each other...\" \"We only go out with... directors or producers.\" \"", "What a lot of laughs!\" \"", "They're here.\" \"", "Mr. Grass and company, rather on the dot.\" \"", "Listen, what if we asked them for a rain check?\" \"", "We can still get to the woods some time...\" \"Oh, forget it Mabel.\" \"", "Getting involved with Nicola and Andrea would be like... like building houses on quicksand.\" \"", "Those two are losers!\" \"", "Poor guys.\" \" ", "We're late.\" \" ", "Oh, let them wait!\" \"", "Oh, just look at those lips!\" \"", "Whenever they chap like that,\" \"I just know something is going to go wrong.\" \"", "Let me tell you, the best medicine is to laugh!\" \"", "I wish I wasn't here!\" \"", "We have the money to go back.\" \"", "Yes, but just enough to go back.\" \"", "What will we tell father?\" \"", "I wish I was back home in the square playing in the bands.\" \"", "What we do now, huh?\" \"", "G. Rossini \"The Thieving Magpie\"\" \"This is the elephant Griffith has been waiting for.\" \"", "We will build one for him, standing up, life-size!\" \"", "They build that?\" \"", "No, I can't believe it.\" \"", "It's too beautiful!\" \"", "What are you doing?\" \"", "Are you not going undress?\" \"", "I took off my vest.\" \"", "A person wants to smell skin...\" \"I know but...\" \"I'm ashamed.\" \"", "What about me, then?\" \"", "A woman's body is always beautiful!\" \"", "At least your boots!\" \"", "I told you!\" \"", "It's good to be with you, Andrea!\" \"", "You know some times I feel like I am with two people.\" \"", "You know, Edna and me, we're friends too, but it's different.\" \"", "But with you there's something more.\" \"", "You two always together, same, always equal to each-other.\" \"", "No...\" \"Now tell me what you were about to say.\" \"", "Please tell me!\" \"", "I was thinking about a time that Nicola and I were not equal as you say.\" \"", "We were about nine and ten, and both had two cents in our pockets.\" \"", "We bought a ticket apiece.\" \"", "Nicola got number 18.\" \"", "I got 50.\" \"", "18 came out!\" \"", "Nicola got his beautiful Spanish knife.\" \"", "Chance has favored just one of us.\" \"", "Our strength, our equality had been destroyed.\" \"", "Why did you tell my this story?\" \"", "To scare me?\" \"", "No!\" \"", "To make you realize how much you mean to me.\" \"", "You're the first person I told it to.\" \"", "The scar's over here!\" \"", "This is the scar?\" \"", "Yes, but don't tell Andrea that I told you this story, my love.\" \"", "He'll never forgive me.\" \"", "Those were happy days.\" \"", "Edna and Mabel introduced us to their friends people from all over the world, who had come to work in the movies.\" \"", "One evening they came to see us and we took them to see our elephant.\" \"", "Was it worthy to be shown to Griffith?\" \"", "It's a little gray, isn't it?\" \"", "An elephant is gray.\" \"", "It's true to reality, but it won't stand on a film.\" \"", "If it was lightened, Andrea, I'd shoot some test of it.\" \" ", "Then, we'll see.\" \" ", "Yeah, right.\" \"", "It'll be day soon, in a couple of hours.\" \"", "Why are we not waiting for dawn?\" \"", "Oh, yeah!\" \"", "Let's wait.\" \"", "Please, Sean!\" \"", "I've never saw the sunrise up in the woods!\" \"", "If I'm going to shoot this thing, I want it perfect\" \"So who's going to give me a hand to whitewash this monster?\" \"", "Listen, let's make a circle of candles all around it.\" \"", "A circle of candles around the elephant!\" \" ", "How's the light, Okay?\" \" ", "Yeah, just about.\" \"", "I'm sorry, folks.\" \"", "I guess I [...] to drink a little.\" \"", "Just what I wanted to say is...\" \"Oh, anyhow!\" \"", "Who knows where we'll be in ten, twenty years from now?\" \"", "Let's just promise never to forget the way we are now.\" \"", "Together, and how we are helping each other.\" \"", "Oh dear, I...\" \"What I mean is that's why... the movies for me\" \"this Hollywood of ours it's so wonderful... because you...\" \"I mean we...\" \"Isn't it lightened enough yet?\" \"", "Is it time?\" \"", "Those two degos!\" \"", "A real flop!\" \"", "It's a masterpiece.\" \"", "A masterpiece.\" \"", "Should we take it to Mr. Griffith?\" \"", "Stop it!\" \"", "You're going to leave from here for good!\" \"", "Hey you guys give me a hand!\" \" ", "We need to do something!\" \" ", "Don't worry.\" \"", "You wanted to work in the movies, didn't you?\" \"", "Well, we didn't test these chains before!\" \"", "Is he looking at it?\" \"", "I want eight of those elephants.\" \"", "They're wonderful!\" \"", "But the two Italian guys made it they have... gone away.\" \"", "Gone where?\" \"", "To jail.\" \"", "You're kidding!\" \" ", "What did they do?\" \" ", "They got in a fight.\" \" ", "With who?\" \" ", "Ask me!\" \"", "With your production man!\" \"", "Get those two delinquents out of bail at once and bring them to me.\" \"", "This is mine.\" \"", "That's yours.\" \"", "Sure.\" \"", "They are the same.\" \"", "I'll look funny sitting behind a desk like this.\" \"", "Me too.\" \"", "If our father could see us now...\" \"Now, we can bring him over.\" \"", "In a moment!\" \"", "Who told you to come in?\" \"", "I knocked!\" \"", "Were you on the service?\" \"", "Sure!\" \"", "Then, about face!\" \"", "Forward, march!\" \"", "About face!\" \"", "Forward, march!\" \"", "Are these for the bride and groom?\" \" ", "No, for Mr. Griffith and Bonani!\" \" ", "Mr. Bonani, right.\" \"", "They wanted their father to be here too.\" \"", "We got important guests, today!\" \"", "Oh, Mr. Griffith loves these boys like the apple of his eye.\" \"", "Who is this Italian father, anyway?\" \" ", "Oh, some great artist from Tuscany.\" \" ", "What's his name?\" \"", "Michael-Angelo, or, Raphael!\" \"", "Raphael?\" \"", "Yeah, I have heard of him.\" \"", "I thought he was dead.\" \"", "Here they come.\" \"", "Do you like it?\" \"", "Yes, it's beautiful.\" \"", "This is our theater.\" \"", "Let's move on.\" \"", "Come on!\" \"", "This banquet of ours is offered by our boss.\" \"", "Mr. Griffith.\" \"", "There he is.\" \"", "He is coming to welcome you.\" \"", "Hand me this stick.\" \"", "I'll go alone.\" \"", "I've never noticed he limped.\" \"", "He does it on purpose.\" \"", "On purpose?\" \"", "He wants to seem even older.\" \"", "Who's going to greet the other first?\" \"", "Good morning, maestro.\" \"", "May I make the boldest and ask your age, sir?\" \"", "How old are you?\" \"", "Ninety.\" \"", "Ninety?\" \"", "seventy!\" \"", "What's he doing?\" \"", "This is the sign of blessing of our ancestors.\" \"", "For you, Mabel.\" \"", "And for you, Edna.\" \"", "And for you, my sons.\" \"", "It's a traditional blessing.\" \"", "It's for Mabel and Edna and, of course, for the sons.\" \"", "Maybe I am a bad person but I want to tell the truth.\" \"", "I blessed my two sons.\" \"", "I should have not.\" \"", "You have not honored your promise\" \"to depart in order to return, to work in a foreign land\" \"but your earnings to help a new start in your own country in the profession of your father\" \"and your grandfather and your other ancestors who built our cathedrals.\" \"", "But this old man waited in vain for his sons to honor their promise.\" \"", "Say something.\" \"", "Maybe it's not my place to speak.\" \"", "I'm not a son or a relative nor have I ninety summers on my head like you've seen, Bonani.\" \"", "But like you\" \"I'm used to say what I think.\" \"", "I don't know whether our work, that of your sons and mine is as fine as that of those who built your Romanesque cathedrals.\" \"", "I do know that those works were born as these are born today\" \"of the same collective dream.\" \"", "I believe that your sons, Bonani, are like those obscure stonecutters who carved their masterpieces on the cathedrals you honor,\" \"who contributed and make them famous with their art and who helped their neighbor to believe\" \"and to live better.\" \"", "This is why\" \"I love movie-making... and I respect it, Bonani.\" \"", "You can tell I used to be an actor.\" \"", "I've done a little of everything in my life but I've never given a better performance than today.\" \"", "Ladies and gentlemen...\" \"The elephants!\" \" ", "How tall you think they are?\" \" ", "The elephants?\" \"", "The columns are 90 feet high, the elephants 50!\" \"", "They weigh 5 tons each!\" \"", "Thank you, Mr. Griffith!\" \"", "Stop the war!\" \"", "We want peace!\" \"", "I'm fine.\" \" ", "Where to?\" \" ", "Home, please!\" \"", "Where's that?\" \" ", "The address?\" \" ", "No, to the hospital!\" \"", "Don't lose them!\" \"", "Go faster!\" \"", "Don't laugh but I don't feel too well either...\" \"What is?\" \"", "Doctor, I'm the one with the other lady.\" \"", "How much long I have to wait?\" \" ", "The other?\" \" ", "Edna, yes.\" \"", "The other lady isn't in labor, not for the moment.\" \"", "Why not?\" \"", "She has pains!\" \"", "Maybe, sympathy...\" \"What do you mean \"sympathy\"?\" \"", "They could be sympathy pains, it happens.\" \"", "You saw a friend and consequently... you understand.\" \"", "What should I do?\" \"", "Take her home?\" \"", "No, it's that I want to be certain that's sympathy.\" \"", "Otherwise it could be at the most serious...\" \"Nicola, you know how I'm going to call him?\" \"", "Father's name:\" \"Bonnano!\" \"", "No wait!\" \"", "I thought it first!\" \"", "Mine's already born.\" \"", "Mine will be here in a few days.\" \" ", "You can take grandfather's name.\" \" ", "I prefer father's.\" \"", "We draw for it.\" \"", "Oh, Nicky, I'm so stupid.\" \"", "What people will think of me?\" \"", "They're maybe just sympathy pains but they really hurt!\" \"", "My Edna, always the actress.\" \"", "I hurt so bad.\" \"", "How bad?\" \"", "Where's Mabel?\" \"", "Your friend is in next room.\" \"", "Her bed is right to the other side of the wall.\" \"", "Any news?\" \" ", "No, nothing yet!\" \" ", "So, come on.\" \"", "Get to Mabel's room.\" \"", "Let's celebrate!\" \"", "No, later I will.\" \"", "I'm going to get a breath of fresh air.\" \"", "You're settled but not me.\" \"", "Tomorrow, it's Edna's turn.\" \"", "Bonnano Bonani.\" \"", "I'm dying!\" \"", "What a pretty picture!\" \"", "What have you done?\" \"", "Don't touch me!\" \"", "And what is this to me?\" \"", "He's your son, Nicola.\" \"", "Don't worry about him.\" \"", "Mabel will just have two sons instead of one.\" \"", "She will nurse yours too.\" \"", "She'll take care of you as she does me.\" \"", "You really think you're something, don't you?\" \"", "Don't!\" \"", "I'm leaving!\" \"", "Just sorrow.\" \"", "I know.\" \"", "I don't want to take it away from you.\" \"", "You're the lucky one.\" \"", "I don't want to end up being jealous of you.\" \"", "It's not my fault.\" \"", "But you are luckier.\" \"", "It's true, yes?\" \"", "What are you talking about?\" \"", "Not behaving like a brother.\" \"", "What does \"brother\" mean?\" \"", "I don't know.\" \"", "Let us take care of you and your son!\" \"", "I'm not leaving him with you!\" \"", "Why not?\" \"", "Not on your life!\" \"", "We're not equal any more.\" \" ", "Let's go and get him.\" \" ", "Are you out of your mind?\" \"", "My wife is nursing him.\" \"", "We're not equal any more.\" \"", "Go by yourself!\" \"", "I don't want to see you ever again.\" \"", "You don't?\" \"", "Imagine me!\" \"", "Well, when does he plan to go back to work?\" \"", "I don't know, he tries.\" \"", "He draws and draws.\" \"", "He's unhappy.\" \"", "He tears it all up.\" \"", "I try to help.\" \"", "And his brother Nicola?\" \"", "He's entrusted the baby to Marga, our old friend.\" \"", "He's sailing for Italy today.\" \"", "He's decided to join the army.\" \"", "To go fight.\" \"", "Let's go!\" \"", "Stand up!\" \"", "Lieutenant!\" \"", "The cameraman is dead!\" \"", "Where's the soldier who was in America?\" \" ", "What was the name?\" \"", "Hollywood?\" \" ", "Hollywood!\" \"", "Is it you, Hollywood?\" \"", "Do you know how it operates?\" \"", "It was not my job but I'll try.\" \"", "A FEW MONTHS LATER\" \"Slow down!\" \"", "My lieutenant excuse me, where's Tuscany's battalion?\" \"", "Farther up, near the Basilica.\" \"", "That's what I think...\" \"Who are there?\" \"", "Americans.\" \"", "They fight with us.\" \"", "You're Italian, do you know what is this church?\" \"", "I don't know how it's called.\" \"", "I'm not from around here.\" \"", "It's a beautiful Romanesque.\" \"", "Lieutenant!\" \"", "Nicola, attention!\" \"", "You know what I regret most in having to dye, Andrea?\" \"", "Our children will never see our faces.\" \"", "I know what you're thinking of and I'm in accord.\" \"", "When they'll be passing by here again, they're going to reclaim this.\" \"", "And so our children will learn how we looked like.\" \"", "Clean your face, Nicola.\" \"", "Do you want your son see you like that?\" \"", "And now... make an effort to smile.\" \"", "I smile at you.\"" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nFilter on Formatted value and not on Model binding\n\nWe have an sap.m.", "Table and in one column the value is formatted and shown in UI. ", "\nSO, lets assume the data coming from Backend is : \"EventDateTime\":\"2017-04-05T12:32:35.276Z\". ", "\nWe also receive the time zone for such a timestamp. ", "\nNow, we convert the received data using the time zone and show that data in : 06:32 04/04/2017 format. ", "\nNow, we need to apply column filter to table. ", "As you can see there is a difference in the backend value and the value which is shown on the screen ( Data visible is a day behind due to time zone conversion). ", "Now, we would like to apply the filter on formatted value shown in UI rather than the value which is present in UI.", "\nSo currently we have a basic filter for date like : \nnew sap.ui.model.", "Filter({\n path: sPath,\n operator: \"BT\",\n value1: aValue[1],\n value2: aValue[2]\n })\nConsider this dummy data :\n{ \n \"root\":[ \n { \n \"EventDateTime\":\"2017-03-14T17:04:22.856-05:00\",\n \"CreateDateTime\":\"2017-03-10T19:38:11-05:00\",\n \"WaybillId\":827xxxx330697,\n \"WaybillSerialNumber\":60xx4277,\n \"KillReason\":\"EMPTY\",\n \"KillDateTime\":\"2017-03-29T22:20:00-05:00\",\n \"WaybillNumber\":2xx71,\n \"ServiceOrderDateTime\":\"2017-03-10T19:38:00-05:00\",\n \"EventTimeZone\":\"EST\",\n \"CreateDateTimeZone\":\"EST\"\n },\n { \n { \n \"EventDateTime\":\"2017-04-14T17:04:22.856-05:00\",\n \"CreateDateTime\":\"2017-03-10T19:38:11-05:00\",\n \"WaybillId\":82784xxx0697,\n \"WaybillSerialNumber\":6033xxx4277,\n \"KillReason\":\"EMPTY\",\n \"KillDateTime\":\"2017-03-29T22:20:00-05:00\",\n \"WaybillNumber\":2xx2071,\n \"ServiceOrderDateTime\":\"2017-03-10T19:38:00-05:00\",\n \"EventTimeZone\":\"MDT\",\n \"CreateDateTimeZone\":\"IST\"\n }\n }\n ]\n}\n\nPlease help. ", "\n\nA:\n\nYou need to pass a test function to the Filter, returning true or false according to your condition:\n new sap.ui.model.", "Filter({\n path: sPath,\n test: function(value){ // value is the actual value from the cell\n return value === yourCondition; //here you check the value against your condition\n }\n});\n\nEDIT: Filtering by multiple conditions\nnew sap.ui.model.", "Filter({filters: [\n new sap.ui.model.", "Filter({\n path: sPath,\n test: function (value) { // value is the actual value from the cell\n return value === sQuery; //here you check the value against your condition\n }\n }),\n new sap.ui.model.", "Filter({\n path: sPath2, //Same or different path\n test: function (value) { \n return secondCheck(value); //different condition\n }\n })\n ], and: true //set to false for \"or\" behaviour\n})\n\nEDIT 2: Passing the root element as a sPath\nnew sap.ui.model.", "Filter({\n path: \"\", //Instead of matching \"{EventDateTime}\" we bind the entire object\n test: function(value){ \n return isEqual(value.", "EventDateTime, value.", "EventTimeZone);\n }\n });\n\nDocumentation: https://sapui5.hana.ondemand.com/#docs/api/symbols/sap.ui.model.Filter.html\n\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
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[ "Harvesting energy from photons is of tremendous societal importance since it contributes to reduce the carbon footprint. ", "In common photovoltaic devices, the conversion from photons into electrical voltage is accomplished exploiting the in-built electric field at the interface of a p- and n-doped semiconductor to separate the photogenerated electron--hole pairs and originate a forward photovoltage. ", "However, the intrinsic band gap of standard semiconductors restricts the photoresponsivity of these devices to specific light bandwidths. ", "To harvest electricity over a wide range of the sun light spectrum, the multijunction design of stacked p--n interfaces tuned to different bandwidths has been proposed.^[@ref1]^ Though these *tandem* solar cells display an improved light-harvesting efficiency,^[@ref2]^ they are typically brittle, heavy, and therefore difficult to implement in future flexible electronic devices.", "\n\nUnlike conventional semiconductor materials, pristine single- and few-layer graphene (FLG) materials have no band gap.^[@ref3]−[@ref6]^ The gapless energy dispersion allows electron--hole pairs to be generated over a broad light bandwidth from UV to THz.^[@ref7]^ Therefore, the implementation of all-graphene photovoltaics, that is, a device in which both the active area and electrodes are made of graphene materials, could be able to harvest energy over the whole sun light spectrum, while offering unique properties such as ultralight weight (*i.e.*, graphene is just one atom thick), mechanical flexibility, and optical transparency. ", "Therefore, understanding the optoelectronic properties of graphene-based heterostructures is the first step for exploiting the full potential of this carbon material in flexible and transparent photovoltaic devices.", "\n\nPrevious optoelectronic studies on graphene devices have shown that the photothermoelectric effect is at the origin of the measured photovoltage in graphene p--n junctions and in single-bilayer interfaces.^[@ref8]−[@ref10]^ On the other hand, the photovoltage measured at the graphene--metal interface is due to a built-in electric field near the contact as a result of charge transfer from the metal contact to the graphene.^[@ref11]−[@ref15]^ These graphene hybrid structures are at the core of a new generation of ultrafast photodetectors with a remarkable high bandwidth (500 GHz), zero source-drain bias (hence zero dark current) operation, and good internal quantum efficiency.^[@ref13]^ However, these devices still employ opaque metallic nanostructures which would introduce significant haze caused by light scattering^[@ref16],[@ref17]^ when used in smart windows and mirrors. ", "The leap to all-graphene structures which have a high transparency would enable the development of a new generation of transparent photovoltaic devices which do not suffer from haze.", "\n\nHere we study the photovoltage generated in novel all-graphene devices based on FeCl~3~-intercalated few-layer graphene^[@ref18]^ (FeCl~3~--FLG, dubbed graphexeter) and pristine graphene. ", "The FeCl~3~ intercalation is known to dope graphene to record high charge carrier densities (up to ≈9 × 10^14^ cm^--2^),^[@ref18]^ and it drops the room temperature square resistance of graphene to just a few ohms,^[@ref18]^ making this material the best transparent conductor. ", "At the interface between FeCl~3~--FLG/graphene, we observe a dominant photovoltage comparable to the signal measured at the graphene/Au interface. ", "We observe a sign reversal of the photovoltage upon sweeping the chemical potential of the pristine FLG through the charge neutrality point, and we show that this is due to the photothermoelectric effect. ", "Our results demonstrate that FeCl~3~--FLG can replace expensive and opaque metals in photovoltaic architectures, making these structures mechanically flexible and transparent.", "\n\nThe device is fabricated as follows: pristine few-layer graphene is first deposited by mechanical exfoliation onto heavily doped Si/SiO~2~ substrate. ", "Raman spectroscopy and optical contrast are used to determine the number of graphene layers as well as their stacking order (see [Table [1](#tbl1){ref-type=\"other\"}](#tbl1){ref-type=\"other\"} and [Supporting Information](#notes-1){ref-type=\"notes\"} for a summary of the key device parameters). ", "The intercalation with ferric chloride is performed at 360 °C at 2 × 10^--4^ Torr for 7.5 h following the procedure described by Khrapach *et al.*([@ref18]) (also see [Methods](#sec4){ref-type=\"other\"}). ", "During this process, ferric chloride molecules penetrate between the layers of FLG and heavily p-dope it to record high levels of ≈9 × 10^14^ cm^--2^. Subsequently, a pristine FLG flake is transferred over the FeCl~3~--FLG flake following the methods described in refs ([@ref19] and [@ref20]). ", "Independent multiple electric contacts made by Cr/Au (5 nm/70 nm) to the bottom FeCl~3~--FLG and top FLG allow the characterization of these novel heterostructures (see [Figures [1](#fig1){ref-type=\"fig\"}](#fig1){ref-type=\"fig\"} and [[2](#fig2){ref-type=\"fig\"}a](#fig2){ref-type=\"fig\"}).", "\n\n###### Summary of the Device Parameters with Number of Layers (*N*) and Mobility (μ) Expressed in cm^2^ V^--1^ s^--1^ Calculated at a Carrier Concentration of 4 × 10^12^ cm^--2^\n\n device name *N*~FeCl~3~--FLG~ *N*~FLG~ μ~FeCl~3~--FLG~ μ~FLG~\n ------------- ------------------- ---------- ----------------- --------\n D1 3 3 ≈1000 7100\n\n![(", "a) Schematic of the device design and the experimental setup for photovoltage spectroscopy. (", "b) Crystal structure for fully intercalated FeCl~3~--FLG and for FLG flakes.](nn-2013-005704_0001){#fig1}\n\n[Figure [1](#fig1){ref-type=\"fig\"}](#fig1){ref-type=\"fig\"} shows the schematic of the final device along with the measurement setup. ", "The FeCl~3~--FLG flake is kept on the ground, while a small dc bias of 0.1 mV is applied to the pristine FLG flake. ", "The graphene photodetector is then illuminated by a 532 nm HeNe laser focused by using a 100× objective to 1.5 μm spot size at a power of 8.2 μW. The beam is chopped at 370 Hz, and the chopper is used as reference to a lock-in amplifier which measures the photovoltage. ", "The heavily doped Si substrate acts as a global back-gate which we use to tune the chemical potential of graphene, whereas the resistivity of the FeCl~3~--FLG flake is unaffected by the typical values of used gate voltage due to the high doping level.^[@ref18]^ The devices are mounted on a scanning stage which allows one to map the photoresponse of these graphene-based heterointerfaces in the *x*--*y* directions with a spatial resolution of 1 μm.", "\n\nResults and Discussion {#sec2}\n======================\n\nTo probe the homogeneity of the intercalation, we employ Raman spectroscopy (see [Methods](#sec4){ref-type=\"other\"}). [", "Figure [2](#fig2){ref-type=\"fig\"}a](#fig2){ref-type=\"fig\"} shows a map of the Raman G-band for the non-intercalated and intercalated parts for a typical device. ", "It is apparent that the pristine FLG shows the well-known strong Raman intensity at 1580 cm^--1^ corresponding to the G-band, whereas a strong Raman intensity at 1610 cm^--1^ is present over the whole area of the intercalated FLG, demonstrating the uniformity of the intercalation process. ", "The upshift of the G-band to 1612 and 1625 cm^--1^ has been previously studied and attributed to charge transfer from FeCl~3~ to graphene.^[@ref18],[@ref21]^ More specifically, the shift of the G-band to 1612 cm^--1^ is a signature of a graphene sheet with only one adjacent FeCl~3~ layer, whereas the shift to 1625 cm^--1^ characterizes a graphene sheet sandwiched between two FeCl~3~ layers. [", "Figure [2](#fig2){ref-type=\"fig\"}b](#fig2){ref-type=\"fig\"} shows the Raman G-band for the pristine (blue) and intercalated (red) FLG of the device. ", "The pristine FLG is lightly doped as indicated by the Raman G-band appearing at 1583 cm^--1^.^[@ref22],[@ref23]^ On the other hand, the Raman spectrum of the intercalated FLG shows three shifts of the G-band to 1587, 1608, and 1610 cm^--1^. These observations suggest that the peak at 1610 cm^--1^ originates from two graphene layers sandwiching one layer of FeCl~3~,^[@ref18],[@ref21]^ whereas the other peaks are due to doped pristine graphene layers.^[@ref18]^ Since the intercalated flakes which we chose for these experiments are trilayers, the structure can be understood as a layer of FeCl~3~ sandwiched between a graphene monolayer and a graphene bilayer, as schematically shown in the inset of [Figure [2](#fig2){ref-type=\"fig\"}b](#fig2){ref-type=\"fig\"}.", "\n\n![(", "a) Optical microscope images of a typical device along with the Raman intensity maps for the peaks occurring at 1580 and 1610 cm^--1^ (maximum signal is in red, and zero is in blue in arbitrary units). (", "b) Plot of the Raman scattering spectrum for the pristine FLG (blue) and the heavily doped FeCl~3~--FLG (red). ", "The plot in (c) is a graph of resistance *versus* back-gate voltage for FeCL~3~--FLG (red) and pristine FLG (blue) for device D2 measured at room temperature and zero bias (see [Supporting Information](#notes-1){ref-type=\"notes\"}). ", "The plot in the inset is a linear scale plot of the resistance *versus* back-gate voltage for the pristine FLG. (", "d) Temperature dependence of the zero bias resistance for FeCl~3~ (red) and pristine FLG (blue) at *V*~g~ = 0 V.](nn-2013-005704_0002){#fig2}\n\nTo further characterize the devices, we study the electrical transport properties of the independently contacted pristine FLG and FeCl~3~--FLG flakes. ", "Electrical measurements are preformed in constant current using an excitation current of 100 nA in four-terminal configuration to avoid the contact resistance at the interface with metals.^[@ref24]^ A summary of the back-gate and temperature dependence of the resistance of a typical device is presented in [Figure [2](#fig2){ref-type=\"fig\"}c,d](#fig2){ref-type=\"fig\"}. ", "The FeCl~3~--FLG shows no gate control of the resistivity (red curve in [Figure [2](#fig2){ref-type=\"fig\"}c](#fig2){ref-type=\"fig\"}), which is typical of heavily doped graphene. ", "On the other hand, the pristine FLG (see blue curve in [Figure [2](#fig2){ref-type=\"fig\"}c](#fig2){ref-type=\"fig\"}) exhibits the expected large modulation of resistance as a function of gate voltage and a maximum resistance at *V*~g~ = 40 V for this specific device. ", "This indicates the presence of residual p-doping probably caused by FeCl~3~ molecules present on the surface of the underlaying FeCl~3~--FLG. ", "Consistently, we observe that the FeCl~3~--FLG has a room temperature resistivity of ≈11 Ω which decreases upon lowering the temperature down to 9 Ω at 4.2 K (see [Figure [2](#fig2){ref-type=\"fig\"}d](#fig2){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "The observed metallic behavior of the resistivity is consistent with the heavy p-doping of the system induced by the intercalation with FeCl~3~, and it is contrasted by the typical temperature dependence of the pristine FLG, which shows increasing resistivity upon lowering temperature^[@ref25]^ (see [Figure [2](#fig2){ref-type=\"fig\"}d](#fig2){ref-type=\"fig\"}).", "\n\nThe optoelectronic properties of these graphene-based hybrid structures are characterized by measuring the photovoltage generated across the pristine FLG/FeCl~3~--FLG interface while rastering the laser spot over the active device area. [", "Figure [3](#fig3){ref-type=\"fig\"}a](#fig3){ref-type=\"fig\"} shows the photovoltage generated in device D1 as a function of position of the laser beam (see [Supporting Information](#notes-1){ref-type=\"notes\"} for a similar characterization of another device). ", "It is apparent that there is a strong photovoltage at the Au/FLG (blue) and FLG/FeCl~3~--FLG (red) interfaces, while the photovoltage at the FeCl~3~--FLG/Au is nearly 0. ", "To understand the origin of the generated photovoltage, we fixed the position of the laser beam on a specific location of the interfaces, and by changing the back-gate voltage, we modulated the chemical potential from holes to electrons in the pristine FLG. [", "Figure [3](#fig3){ref-type=\"fig\"}b,c](#fig3){ref-type=\"fig\"} shows the gate dependence of the resistance for the different interfaces found in the device as indicated in the graph. ", "In particular, for the pristine flake, the charge neutrality point (CNP) occurs at 20 V and the crossover from hole transport to electron transport can be studied (see [Figure [3](#fig3){ref-type=\"fig\"}b,d](#fig3){ref-type=\"fig\"}).", "\n\n![(", "a) Color-coded photovoltage spectroscopy for the interfaces of the device highlighted in the optical micrograph picture. ", "These measurements are taken for *V*~g~ = 0 V, 1 × 10^--4^ V source-drain bias and with a laser power of 8.2 μW. The blue region in the photovoltage maps corresponds to the Au/FLG interface, and the red is the FLG/FeCl~3~--FLG interface. ", "In these measurements, the Au contact connected to the FeCl~3~--FLG flake is grounded while the Au contact connected to the FLG is the source. ", "The graphs in (b) and (c) show the gate dependence of the resistance for the interfaces **A** and **B**. (", "d,e) Back-gate dependence of the photovoltage when the laser position is located at the Au/FeCl~3~--FLG (blue), FLG/FeCl~3~--FLG (red), and the FeCl~3~--FLG/Au (black) for the interfaces **A** and **B**.](nn-2013-005704_0003){#fig3}\n\nA comparison of the gate dependence (in the range of −50 V \\< *V*~g~ \\< 70 V) of the photovoltage for all interfaces shows striking differences in the measured signal depending on the interface that is measured (see [Figure [3](#fig3){ref-type=\"fig\"}d,e](#fig3){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "More specifically, experimentally, we find no detectable photovoltage generated at the Au/FeCl~3~--FLG (black). ", "This is in contrast to the photovoltage generated at the Au/FLG (blue) and FLG/FeCl~3~--FLG (red) which is nonzero (up to ±30 mV/W), it is nonmonotonous, it switches sign when the gate voltage drives the Fermi energy accross the charge neutrality point, and it decreases monotonously for very high doping levels. ", "Furthermore, we observe that the photovoltage generated at the Au/FLG is of comparable magnitude to that measured at the FLG/FeCl~3~--FLG interface but it has opposite sign, that is, negative in the hole side and positive in the electron side. ", "Finally, we note that the photovoltage generated at graphene/FeCl~3~--FLG is equivalent or larger than what has been previously reported in doubly gated graphene p--n junctions.", "\n\nThe fact that (1) the photovoltage generated at the Au/FLG (blue) and FLG/FeCl~3~--FLG (red) is nonzero, (2) it is nonmonotonous, (3) it switches sign when the gate voltage drives the Fermi energy across the charge neutrality point, and (4) it decreases monotonously for high doping levels suggests that photothermoelectric effects are at the origin of the observed signal. ", "Similar observations have been previously reported in graphene single-bilayer junctions^[@ref8]^ as well as doubly gated graphene p--n junctions,^[@ref9],[@ref10]^ demonstrating the occurrence of photothermoelectric effects later supported by theoretical studies.^[@ref26]^ In the photothermoelectric effect, after the electrons are photoexcited from the valence band to the conduction band, they form a hot Fermion distribution by relaxing back to the Fermi level. ", "When there is a difference in the density of states of the materials forming the photoactive interface, the carriers diffuse from one side to the other of the interface, leading to a photovoltage.^[@ref8],[@ref9],[@ref26],[@ref27]^\n\nIf charge transfer was responsible for the measured photovoltage, the signal should have increased upon increasing the carrier concentrations as the band bending increases.^[@ref26],[@ref27]^ This is in contrast with the observed decrease of the photovoltage for high doping of the non-intercalated flake, which is instead expected for photothermoelectric effects. ", "Finally, in our devices, we do not expect the contacts to contribute with significant photovoltaic effects since our interface material is chromium, which is known to induce a very small band bending in graphene.^[@ref27]−[@ref29]^\n\nHaving established that photothermoelectric effect is at the origin of the observed photovoltage, the measued zero photovoltage at the FeCl~3~--FLG/Au interface implies that the Seebeck coefficients of FeCl~3~--FLG are similar to that of Au. ", "This observation, together with the fact that the magnitude of the photovoltage measured at the FLG/Au and FLG/FeCl~3~--FLG is comparable, demonstrates that FeCl~3~--FLG is a good replacement for metals or local gates in future graphene photodetectors.", "\n\nThe photovoltage generated by the photothermoelectric effect is *V*~pv~ = (*S*~2~ -- *S*1)Δ*T*, where S~*i*~ is the Seebeck coefficient of the different materials and Δ*T* is the temperature difference. ", "The Mott relation gives^[@ref30]−[@ref32]^\n\nFor device D1, the top layer graphene is ABA trilayer graphene (see [Supporting Information](#notes-1){ref-type=\"notes\"}), and we approximate the *E*~f~(*n*) dependence to be that of bilayer graphene where^[@ref33]^Here, γ~1~ is the interlayer coupling strength, which we take to be 0.4 eV.^[@ref34],[@ref35]^[Figure [4](#fig4){ref-type=\"fig\"}a](#fig4){ref-type=\"fig\"} shows the dependence of the electrical conductance (*G*) as a function of the charge density (*n*), where *n* is extracted from *V*~g~ using the plane plate capacitor model. [", "Figure [4](#fig4){ref-type=\"fig\"}b](#fig4){ref-type=\"fig\"} shows the calculated Seebeck coefficient using the measured *G*(*n*) and [eqs [1](#eq1){ref-type=\"disp-formula\"}](#eq1){ref-type=\"disp-formula\"} and [2](#eq2){ref-type=\"disp-formula\"}. ", "The measured photovoltage has a similar charge density dependence to the Seebeck coefficient, and both signals cross over from positive to negative at the charge neutrality point (see [Figure [4](#fig4){ref-type=\"fig\"}c](#fig4){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "This has to be expected when the photothermoelectric effects dominate the measured photovoltage.^[@ref8]−[@ref10]^ In these devices, only the Seebeck coefficient of the ABA trilayer flake contributes significantly to the photovoltage since the Seebeck coefficient of the FeCl~3~--FLG is 0 as there is no gate modulation of the resistivity due to the large density of states---that is, d*G*/d*n* ≈ 0 for our available gate voltage range. ", "Furthermore, [Figure [4](#fig4){ref-type=\"fig\"}b,c](#fig4){ref-type=\"fig\"} shows that the Seebeck coefficient and the measured photovoltage are not exactly proportional. ", "This discrepancy can be attributed to the local differences in the magnitude of the Seebeck coefficient induced by inhomogeneous doping of the ABA trilayer graphene flake since the photovoltage is a probe of the local density of states.^[@ref8]^\n\n![(", "a) Electrical conductance for the interface **A** of device D1 (see [Figure [3](#fig3){ref-type=\"fig\"}a](#fig3){ref-type=\"fig\"}) as a function of carrier concentration. (", "b) Graph of the Seebeck coefficient calculated from the data shown in (a) using [eq [1](#eq1){ref-type=\"disp-formula\"}](#eq1){ref-type=\"disp-formula\"}. (", "c) Plot of the photovoltage measured at the FLG/FeCl~3~--FLG interface.](nn-2013-005704_0004){#fig4}\n\nConclusions {#sec3}\n===========\n\nIn summary, we show that the FeCl~3~--FLG can be used as a replacement for metal contacts in graphene photodetectors. ", "The high degree of doping in FeCl~3~--FLG makes the resistivity of this material insensitive to a global gate voltage acting on the pristine graphene; therefore, FeCl~3~--FLG is an ideal conductive interconnect material. ", "Our experiments demonstrate that FeCl~3~--FLG can replace metals in a new generation of all-graphene-based photodetectors. ", "In particular, we demonstrate a maximum photovoltage of ≈0.1 V/W at the FLG/FeCl~3~--FLG interface. ", "We attribute the measured photovoltage to the photothermoelectric effect with a maximum Seebeck coefficient of 20 μV/K for ABA trilayer graphene.", "\n\nMethods {#sec4}\n=======\n\nIntercalation with FeCl~3~ {#sec4.1}\n--------------------------\n\nThe intercalation process with FeCl~3~ is performed by placing both the anhydrous FeCl~3~ powder and the substrates with pristine few-layer graphene in vacuum (∼10--4 mbar) and at 310 and 350 °C for 7.5 h. A heating rate of 10 °C/min is used during the warming and cooling of the two zones.", "\n\nRaman Spectroscopy {#sec4.2}\n------------------\n\nRaman spectra are collected in ambient air and at room temperature with a Renishaw spectrometer. ", "An excitation laser with a wavelength of 532 nm, focused to a spot size of 1.5 μm diameter and a ∼100× objective lens, is used. ", "To avoid sample damage or laser-induced heating, the incident power is kept at 5 mW.\n\nS.R. and M.F.C. acknowledge financial support from EPSRC (Grant Nos. ", "EP/G036101/1 and EP/J000396/1).", "\n\nAddional experimental details, figures, and tables. ", "This material is available free of charge *via* the Internet at <http://pubs.acs.org>.", "\n\nSupplementary Material\n======================\n\n###### \n\nnn4005704_si_001.pdf\n\nThe authors declare no competing financial interest.", "\n" ]
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[ "Sears to shut 64 more Kmart stores: source\n\n(Reuters) - Retailer Sears Holdings Corp <SHLD.O> will close a further 64 Kmart stores in the United States, a source familiar with the matter said, in addition to the nearly 70 it announced earlier this year.", "\n\nSears, which has posted a quarterly profit just once in the last four years, said in April it would close 68 Kmart discount stores and 10 Sears department stores to cut costs.", "\n\nOnce the largest U.S. retailer, Sears has lost its standing as customers move to online shopping or rivals such as Wal-Mart Stores Inc <WMT.N>.", "\n\nSears had a total long term debt of $3.4 billion and cash balance of $276 million as of July 30, 2016." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
[ 0.00006249121217328813, 0.00009575792396820837, 0.00009512485136741974, 0.00009245562130177516 ]
[ "Q:\n\nTransfer function of double exponential smoothing?", "\n\nDouble exponential smoothing\na.k.a.", "\nHolt-Winters smoothing\ntracks level and trend of a time series in coupled IIRs:\n$\\qquad$ In: $Y_t$, t = 0 1 2 ...\n$\\qquad$ State: $L_t, T_t \\quad$ -- level and trend\n$\\qquad$ Out: estimate $\\hat{Y}_{t+1}$\n$\\qquad$ Parameters: a, b (a.k.a. ", "$\\alpha, \\beta$)\n$\\qquad$ Step equations:\n$\\qquad$ $\\qquad L_t = a Y_t + (1 - a) (L_{t-1} + T_{t-1}) \\quad$ -- level\n$\\qquad$ $\\qquad T_t = b (L_t - L_{t-1}) + (1 - b) T_{t-1} \\quad$ -- trend\n$\\qquad$ $\\qquad \\hat{Y}_{t+1} = L_t + T_t$ \nHow can I calculate the transfer function of this smoother, for given $a$ and $b$ ?", "\n(Two possible approaches:\n\nmanipulate the step equations into ratio-of-polynomials form\nbrute force iterate with input $e^{2 \\pi i f t}$: converges slowly for small $a, b$.\n\nThe first of these is beyond me, the second unsatisfactory.)", "\n\nA:\n\nI would use the $\\mathcal{Z}$-transform. ", "Let me change the notation slightly by using $n$ as the discrete time index, lower case letters for time domain quantities, $x[n]$ as the observed input data sequence, and $y[n]$ as the output sequence, which is an estimate of $x[n+1]$. With this notation, the time domain equations are\n$$\\tag{1}\\begin{align}\nl[n]&=ax[n]+(1-a)(l[n-1]+t[n-1])\\\\\nt[n]&=b(l[n]-l[n-1])+(1-b)t[n-1]\\\\\ny[n]&=l[n]+t[n]\n\\end{align}$$\nTaking the $\\mathcal{Z}$-transform of these 3 equations gives\n$$\\begin{align}\\tag{2}\nL(z)&=aX(z)+(1-a)z^{-1}(L(z)+T(z))\\\\\nT(z)&=b(1-z^{-1})L(z)+(1-b)z^{-1}T(z)\\\\\nY(z)&=L(z)+T(z)\n\\end{align}$$\nFrom the second equation in (2) we can express $T(z)$ in terms of $L(z)$:\n$$T(z)=\\frac{b(1-z^{-1})}{1-(1-b)z^{-1}}L(z)\\tag{3}$$\nPlugging (3) into the first equation of (2), we can express $L(z)$ in terms of $X(z)$:\n$$L(z)\\left[1-(1-a)z^{-1}\\left(1+\\frac{b(1-z^{-1})}{1-(1-b)z^{-1}}\\right)\\right]=aX(z)$$\nfrom which, after some algebra, you get\n$$L(z)=\\frac{a\\left[1-(1-b)z^{-1}\\right]}{1+[a(1+b)-2]z^{-1}+(1-a)z^{-2}}X(z)\\tag{4}$$\nFinally, plugging (3) into the last equation of (2) gives\n$$Y(z)=\\left[1+\\frac{b(1-z^{-1})}{1-(1-b)z^{-1}}\\right]L(z)=\\frac{1+b-z^{-1}}{1-(1-b)z^{-1}}L(z)$$\nand combining with (4) results in a relation between the output $Y(z)$ and the input $X(z)$:\n$$Y(z)=\\frac{a(1+b-z^{-1})}{1+[a(1+b)-2]z^{-1}+(1-a)z^{-2}}X(z)=H(z)X(z)\\tag{5}$$\nwhere $H(z)$ is the desired transfer function, which is of course a second order IIR filter.", "\n\n" ]
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[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 4.7106506397770163e-7, 0 ]
[ "#light\r\n\r\nnamespace Vim\r\nopen Microsoft.", "VisualStudio.", "Text\r\nopen Microsoft.", "VisualStudio.", "Text.", "Editor\r\n\r\ntype internal CommandFactory\r\n ( \r\n _operations: ICommonOperations, \r\n _capture: IMotionCapture\r\n ) =\r\n\r\n let _textView = _operations.", "TextView\r\n\r\n /// The movement command bindings which are common to both Normal and \r\n /// Visual mode\r\n static let SharedStandardMovementBindings = \r\n seq {\r\n yield (\"gd\", NormalCommand.", "GoToLocalDeclaration)\r\n yield (\"gD\", NormalCommand.", "GoToGlobalDeclaration)\r\n } \r\n |> Seq.map (fun (name, command) -> \r\n let keyInputSet = KeyNotationUtil.", "StringToKeyInputSet name\r\n CommandBinding.", "NormalBinding (keyInputSet, CommandFlags.", "Movement, command))\r\n |> List.ofSeq\r\n\r\n /// The set of commands which move the caret as a scroll operation\r\n static let SharedScrollCommands =\r\n seq {\r\n yield (\"z<Enter>\", CommandFlags.", "Movement, NormalCommand.", "ScrollCaretLineToTop false)\r\n yield (\"zt\", CommandFlags.", "Movement, NormalCommand.", "ScrollCaretLineToTop true)\r\n yield (\"z.\", CommandFlags.", "Movement, NormalCommand.", "ScrollCaretLineToMiddle false)\r\n yield (\"zz\", CommandFlags.", "Movement, NormalCommand.", "ScrollCaretLineToMiddle true)\r\n yield (\"z-\", CommandFlags.", "Movement, NormalCommand.", "ScrollCaretLineToBottom false)\r\n yield (\"zb\", CommandFlags.", "Movement, NormalCommand.", "ScrollCaretLineToBottom true)\r\n yield (\"zs\", CommandFlags.", "Movement, NormalCommand.", "ScrollCaretColumnToLeft)\r\n yield (\"ze\", CommandFlags.", "Movement, NormalCommand.", "ScrollCaretColumnToRight)\r\n yield (\"z<Left>\", CommandFlags.", "Movement, NormalCommand.", "ScrollColumns Direction.", "Left)\r\n yield (\"z<Right>\", CommandFlags.", "Movement, NormalCommand.", "ScrollColumns Direction.", "Right)\r\n yield (\"zh\", CommandFlags.", "Movement, NormalCommand.", "ScrollColumns Direction.", "Left)\r\n yield (\"zl\", CommandFlags.", "Movement, NormalCommand.", "ScrollColumns Direction.", "Right)\r\n yield (\"zH\", CommandFlags.", "Movement, NormalCommand.", "ScrollHalfWidth Direction.", "Left)\r\n yield (\"zL\", CommandFlags.", "Movement, NormalCommand.", "ScrollHalfWidth Direction.", "Right)\r\n yield (\"<C-b>\", CommandFlags.", "Movement, NormalCommand.", "ScrollPages ScrollDirection.", "Up)\r\n yield (\"<C-d>\", CommandFlags.", "Movement, NormalCommand.", "ScrollLines (ScrollDirection.", "Down, true))\r\n yield (\"<C-e>\", CommandFlags.", "Movement, NormalCommand.", "ScrollWindow ScrollDirection.", "Down)\r\n yield (\"<C-f>\", CommandFlags.", "Movement, NormalCommand.", "ScrollPages ScrollDirection.", "Down)\r\n yield (\"<C-u>\", CommandFlags.", "Movement, NormalCommand.", "ScrollLines (ScrollDirection.", "Up, true))\r\n yield (\"<C-y>\", CommandFlags.", "Movement, NormalCommand.", "ScrollWindow ScrollDirection.", "Up)\r\n yield (\"<S-Down>\", CommandFlags.", "Movement, NormalCommand.", "ScrollPages ScrollDirection.", "Down)\r\n yield (\"<S-Up>\", CommandFlags.", "Movement, NormalCommand.", "ScrollPages ScrollDirection.", "Up)\r\n yield (\"<PageUp>\", CommandFlags.", "Movement, NormalCommand.", "ScrollPages ScrollDirection.", "Up)\r\n yield (\"<PageDown>\", CommandFlags.", "Movement, NormalCommand.", "ScrollPages ScrollDirection.", "Down)\r\n } \r\n |> Seq.map (fun (str, flags, command) ->\r\n let keyInputSet = KeyNotationUtil.", "StringToKeyInputSet str\r\n CommandBinding.", "NormalBinding (keyInputSet, flags, command))\r\n |> List.ofSeq\r\n\r\n /// The set of selection starting commands. ", " These are only enabled when 'keymodel' contains\r\n /// the startsel option\r\n static let SharedSelectionCommands =\r\n seq {\r\n yield (\"<S-Up>\", CommandFlags.", "Repeatable, NormalCommand.", "SwitchToSelection CaretMovement.", "Up)\r\n yield (\"<S-Right>\", CommandFlags.", "Repeatable, NormalCommand.", "SwitchToSelection CaretMovement.", "Right)\r\n yield (\"<S-Down>\", CommandFlags.", "Repeatable, NormalCommand.", "SwitchToSelection CaretMovement.", "Down)\r\n yield (\"<S-Left>\", CommandFlags.", "Repeatable, NormalCommand.", "SwitchToSelection CaretMovement.", "Left)\r\n yield (\"<S-Home>\", CommandFlags.", "Repeatable, NormalCommand.", "SwitchToSelection CaretMovement.", "Home)\r\n yield (\"<S-End>\", CommandFlags.", "Repeatable, NormalCommand.", "SwitchToSelection CaretMovement.", "End)\r\n yield (\"<S-PageUp>\", CommandFlags.", "Repeatable, NormalCommand.", "SwitchToSelection CaretMovement.", "PageUp)\r\n yield (\"<S-PageDown>\", CommandFlags.", "Repeatable, NormalCommand.", "SwitchToSelection CaretMovement.", "PageDown)\r\n yield (\"<C-S-Up>\", CommandFlags.", "Repeatable, NormalCommand.", "SwitchToSelection CaretMovement.", "ControlUp)\r\n yield (\"<C-S-Right>\", CommandFlags.", "Repeatable, NormalCommand.", "SwitchToSelection CaretMovement.", "ControlRight)\r\n yield (\"<C-S-Down>\", CommandFlags.", "Repeatable, NormalCommand.", "SwitchToSelection CaretMovement.", "ControlDown)\r\n yield (\"<C-S-Left>\", CommandFlags.", "Repeatable, NormalCommand.", "SwitchToSelection CaretMovement.", "ControlLeft)\r\n yield (\"<C-S-Home>\", CommandFlags.", "Repeatable, NormalCommand.", "SwitchToSelection CaretMovement.", "ControlHome)\r\n yield (\"<C-S-End>\", CommandFlags.", "Repeatable, NormalCommand.", "SwitchToSelection CaretMovement.", "ControlEnd)\r\n }\r\n |> Seq.map (fun (str, flags, command) ->\r\n let keyInputSet = KeyNotationUtil.", "StringToKeyInputSet str\r\n CommandBinding.", "NormalBinding (keyInputSet, flags, command))\r\n |> List.ofSeq\r\n\r\n member x.CreateScrollCommands() = \r\n SharedScrollCommands\r\n\r\n member x.CreateSelectionCommands() = \r\n SharedSelectionCommands\r\n\r\n /// Build up a set of NormalCommandBinding values from applicable Motion values. ", " These will \r\n /// move the cursor to the result of the motion\r\n member x.CreateMovementsFromMotions() =\r\n let processMotionBinding binding =\r\n\r\n match binding with\r\n | MotionBinding.", "Static (name, _, motion) -> \r\n\r\n // Convert the Motion into a NormalCommand which moves the caret for the given Motion\r\n let command = NormalCommand.", "MoveCaretToMotion motion\r\n CommandBinding.", "NormalBinding(name, CommandFlags.", "Movement, command) \r\n\r\n | MotionBinding.", "Dynamic (name, motionFlags, bindDataStorage) ->\r\n\r\n // We're starting with a BindData<Motion> and need to instead produce a BindData<NormalCommand>\r\n // where the command will move the motion \r\n let bindDataStorage = bindDataStorage.", "Convert (fun motion -> NormalCommand.", "MoveCaretToMotion motion)\r\n\r\n // Create the flags. ", " Make sure that we set that Escape can be handled if the\r\n // motion itself can handle escape\r\n let flags = \r\n if Util.", "IsFlagSet motionFlags MotionFlags.", "HandlesEscape then \r\n CommandFlags.", "Movement ||| CommandFlags.", "HandlesEscape\r\n else\r\n CommandFlags.", "Movement\r\n CommandBinding.", "ComplexNormalBinding (name, flags, bindDataStorage)\r\n\r\n _capture.", "MotionBindings\r\n |> Seq.filter (fun binding -> Util.", "IsFlagSet binding.", "MotionFlags MotionFlags.", "CaretMovement)\r\n |> Seq.map processMotionBinding\r\n |> List.ofSeq\r\n\r\n /// Create movement commands for the text-object Motions. ", " These are described in :help text-objects\r\n /// section. ", " All text-object motions will contain the TextObjectSelection flag\r\n member x.CreateMovementTextObjectCommands() =\r\n let processMotionBinding (binding: MotionBinding) =\r\n // Determine what kind of text object we are dealing with here\r\n let textObjectKind = \r\n if Util.", "IsFlagSet binding.", "MotionFlags MotionFlags.", "TextObjectWithLineToCharacter then\r\n TextObjectKind.", "LineToCharacter\r\n elif Util.", "IsFlagSet binding.", "MotionFlags MotionFlags.", "TextObjectWithAlwaysCharacter then\r\n TextObjectKind.", "AlwaysCharacter\r\n elif Util.", "IsFlagSet binding.", "MotionFlags MotionFlags.", "TextObjectWithAlwaysLine then\r\n TextObjectKind.", "AlwaysLine\r\n else\r\n TextObjectKind.", "None\r\n\r\n match binding with\r\n | MotionBinding.", "Static (name, _, motion) -> \r\n let command = VisualCommand.", "MoveCaretToTextObject (motion, textObjectKind)\r\n CommandBinding.", "VisualBinding(name, CommandFlags.", "Movement, command) \r\n | MotionBinding.", "Dynamic (name, motionFlags, bindDataStorage) ->\r\n // We're starting with a BindData<Motion> and need to instead produce a BindData<VisualCommand>\r\n // where the command will move the motion \r\n let bindDataStorage = bindDataStorage.", "Convert (fun motion -> VisualCommand.", "MoveCaretToTextObject (motion, textObjectKind))\r\n\r\n // Create the flags. ", " Make sure that we set that Escape can be handled if the\r\n // motion itself can handle escape\r\n let flags = \r\n if Util.", "IsFlagSet motionFlags MotionFlags.", "HandlesEscape then \r\n CommandFlags.", "Movement ||| CommandFlags.", "HandlesEscape\r\n else\r\n CommandFlags.", "Movement\r\n CommandBinding.", "ComplexVisualBinding (name, flags, bindDataStorage)\r\n\r\n _capture.", "MotionBindings\r\n |> Seq.filter (fun binding -> Util.", "IsFlagSet binding.", "MotionFlags MotionFlags.", "TextObject)\r\n |> Seq.map processMotionBinding\r\n |> List.ofSeq\r\n\r\n member x.CreateMovementCommands() = \r\n let standard = SharedStandardMovementBindings\r\n let taken = standard |> Seq.map (fun command -> command.", "KeyInputSet) |> Set.ofSeq\r\n let motion = \r\n x.CreateMovementsFromMotions()\r\n |> Seq.filter (fun command -> not (taken.", "Contains command.", "KeyInputSet))\r\n standard \r\n |> Seq.append motion\r\n |> List.ofSeq\r\n\r\n /// Create the macro editing commands for the given information. ", " This relies on listening to events\r\n /// and the observable values are added to the Disposable bag so the caller may unsubscribe at a \r\n /// later time\r\n member x.CreateMacroEditCommands (runner: ICommandRunner) (macroRecorder: IMacroRecorder) (bag: DisposableBag) = \r\n\r\n // Check IMacroRecorder state and return the proper command based on it\r\n let getMacroCommand () = \r\n let name = KeyNotationUtil.", "StringToKeyInputSet \"q\"\r\n if macroRecorder.", "IsRecording then\r\n CommandBinding.", "NormalBinding (name, CommandFlags.", "Special, NormalCommand.", "RecordMacroStop)\r\n else\r\n let bindData = BindData<_>.CreateForChar KeyRemapMode.", "None NormalCommand.", "RecordMacroStart\r\n CommandBinding.", "ComplexNormalBinding (name, CommandFlags.", "Special, BindDataStorage<_>.Simple bindData)\r\n \r\n // Raised when macro recording starts or stops. ", " \r\n let onMacroRecordingChanged _ = \r\n let command = getMacroCommand()\r\n runner.", "Remove command.", "KeyInputSet\r\n runner.", "Add command\r\n\r\n // Need to listen to macro recording start / stop in order to insert the appropriate\r\n // command\r\n macroRecorder.", "RecordingStarted.", "Subscribe onMacroRecordingChanged |> bag.", "Add\r\n macroRecorder.", "RecordingStopped.", "Subscribe onMacroRecordingChanged |> bag.", "Add\r\n\r\n // Go ahead and add in the initial command\r\n runner.", "Add (getMacroCommand())\r\n" ]
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[ "Pixel Artist du mois : Octavi Navarro\n\nOctavi Navarro\n\nA propos de Octavi Navarro\n\nHi! ", "I'm Octavi Navarro, a pixel artist from Barcelona, who paints scenes inhabited by tiny characters, under the name Pixels Huh.", "\n\nThe idea behind this project comes from my love for classic video games, that I’ve been playing so much since the day my parents bought me a second hand Commodore 64 with a box full of cassette games.", "\nI remember being blown away with the rich worlds those first designers and artists were able to create with such heavy limitations.", "\n\nIn Pixels Huh, I’m mixing my own painting techniques with some of the restrictions of classic pixel art, resulting in very personal scenes that tell unique stories.", "\n\nMy work has been featured in reputed international publications, such as Die Welt, How Design Magazine, Kill Screen and ARTE Tracks.", "\n\nI’ve worked with great clients from all over the world, such as Penguin Random House, La Caixa, El Corte Inglés and Plain Vanilla Games.", "\n\nAt present, I'm working on Thimbleweed Park, the new point and click adventure game by Ron Gilbert and Gary Winnick.", "\n\nThank you so much for your visit and I hope you enjoy what you see! :)" ]
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[ "Main navigation\n\nI use Facebook's Jest to test my React applications. ", "Yesterday, I ran a test to make sure that the changes I made to my Work component passed in my Portfolio React app. ", "It did not! ", "But as indicated in the iTerm2 console, it was not because of any errors in the Work component. ", "It was because I am using a .pdf file in my About component, and Jest does not take kindly to it.", "\n[crayon-5a31e433148a7876466020/]\nI include it in my webpack configs so that webpack knows to load ... Continue Reading\n\nAs some of you who are following my posts may already know, I have been working on a React version of my Front End Developer Portfolio. ", "As much as I love my Jekyll version, I wanted to try new things. ", "I also wanted to get going on my own projects using React while continuing my deep dive into various React workflows.", "\nI'll be getting into the various changes I made to my developer toolkit related to the app's workflow in other articles. ", "Here I just want to talk about what I had to do to make ... Continue Reading\n\nReact Workflows Presentation\nMy React Workflow journey did not stop with my presentation on the topic the other day. ", "I am working on a new rendition of my portfolio site using React, and while working on it, I checked another application I have hosted on gh-pages, and noticed that it did not have production quality code. ", "I made the necessary changes to my webpack config, splitting my one original config there into two: webpack-dev.config.js and webpack-prod.config.js. ", "And then I updated them to ... Continue Reading\n\nCurrently I am working on a React version of my portfolio site. ", "I like my Jekyll version, but wanted to compare UX between React and Jekyll. ", "I also wanted to add animation and interactivity which were not present in my Jekyll site.", "\nI came across a design challenge pretty quickly into the project. ", "The \"raised footer\" issue. ", "Pages which had little or no content meant a footer which failed to stay grounded to the bottom of the page. ", "It was time to add the Flexbox \"sticky footer\" solution developed ... Continue Reading\n\nTonight I gave my first tech presentation (ever), and it was about creating your own React workflow without using create-react-app. ", "I was nervous at first, but then after a minute or two, I relaxed and rode with it. ", "17 minutes into it, I was signaled that I only had 5 minutes left, and I still had 11 minutes to go. ", "I had timed it quite a few times, and brought it down to 28 minutes. ", "Yikes! ", "Well, I was as cool as a cucumber and skipped part of it to move onto the section on configuring POSTCSS ... Continue Reading\n\nIf you read my previous post, \"My first time using React 16.0\", you know that I got the following warning when I typed npm run test in Terminal:\n[crayon-5a31e433165f3759751613/]\nNotice something different?", "\n[crayon-5a31e433165fd682453241/]\nThe React Polyfills link took me to the gist on Github entitled \"React 16 JavaScript Environment.md\". ", "There, I learned that React 16 depends on the collection types Map and Set. ", "And, that if developers\nare supporting older browsers and devices which may ... Continue Reading\n\nYesterday I started working on a new React project which I am calling for the time being React Universal Blog. ", "I set up my basic workflow, directory structure, and files. ", "I set up for Jest testing, initially mocking out stylesheets and images to make sure everything was working properly. ", "Later I'll switch over to mocking CSS Modules, because I use them with POSTCSS. ", "It's not necessary to do that unless you intend to use Jest Snapshot Testing, and I do! ", "I really want to check it out, and it just ... Continue Reading\n\nI was wrapping up my React Workflows without Create React App presentation using reveal.js for the ReactNYC meetup this Thursday, September 28, 2017, and was not pleased with the way some of my slide titles came out. ", "Many of them were made up of code, and they looked awfully funny all in caps! ", "I had never thought about changing the styling of css headers before. ", "I just passively accepted that headers were in caps. ", "But working on this presentation got me thinking, \"There just has to be a better ... Continue Reading\n\nI'm giving my first technical presentation @ReactNYC meetup this Thursday, September 28, 2017. ", "😅 And I'm using reveal.js for my slide presentation. ", "The subject is \"React Workflows without Create React App\". ", "I'm trying a fun and new approach which won't be revealed until the presentation itself, and people will be able to continue referring to it after the presentation is over!", "\nI'm sharing the stage with some really cool speakers (and topics):\nChristian Cho and Rocky Meza of Everwise, ... Continue Reading\n\nSo I just completed a todo app the other day using React. ", "This was the second time I followed the course \"Build Your First Production Quality React Application\" on egghead.io. ", "The first time I followed the course exactly, using create-react-app. ", "However, I kept on encountering errors in the console. ", "Probably some of them were due to errors on my part, but some definitely related to create-react-app. ", "And the thing is, I wasn't able to figure out what the issue was without running the eject ... Continue Reading" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nVisual Studio Online Build access denied\n\nI'm very new to TFS but am using Visual Studio Team Services... which i believe are largely the same configurations and technologies.", "\nNow its possible that VS Team Services only supports web projects but they to be the only type of project that i'm able to build. ", " I've tried several other (non-web) project types including the default console project but I always get a build error similar to one below....\nC:\\Users\\Mark\\Documents\\Visual Studio 2013\\Projects\\App1\\App1\\App.config: \nAccess to the path 'C:\\Users\\Mark\\Documents\\Visual Studio 2013\\Projects\\App1\\App1' is denied.", "\n\nI'll get a error like the one above for every file in the project. ", " \nCan someone confirm whether Visual Studio Team Services does support building other types of projects. ", "If so, is there some special permission or additional setting in build definition that needs to be set prior to triggering build?", "\n\nA:\n\nThanks. ", " Turns out all i needed to do was to switch the build template under Build Definition->Process--> Build Process file from default to 'TfvcTemplate.12.xaml'.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "HIV-1 phylogenetics and vaccines.", "\nAlthough HIV-1 diversity is a critical barrier to HIV-1 vaccine development, implementing vaccine strategies that directly address HIV-1 genetic specificities has been challenging. ", "Here, we discuss the intersection between HIV-1 phylogenetics and vaccine development. ", "We describe the vaccine regimens that are currently tested in two vaccine efficacy trials and recent research highlighting HIV-1 genetic features that were associated with the development of broadly neutralizing antibodies. ", "Compared with how widely HIV-1 diversity is recognized as a critical issue for vaccine research, relatively few genetically informed vaccine solutions have been compared, in part because the lack of correlates of protection against HIV-1 limits the ability to develop and test multiple vaccine candidates in a fully rational manner. ", "Yet, recent findings have provided a better understanding of the viral features associated with the development of broad and potent neutralizing antibodies, offering new avenues for engineering vaccine candidates. ", "Future research should also plan to address potential consequences associated with the rollout of an efficacious vaccine, including the possibility of vaccine resistance spreading in the population." ]
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[ "1. ", "Introduction {#sec1-nanomaterials-09-00265}\n===============\n\nWater pollution, arising from the discharge of sewage, is imposed as a serious threat to ecological balance in the environment \\[[@B1-nanomaterials-09-00265],[@B2-nanomaterials-09-00265]\\]. ", "The accumulation of organic micropollutants, highly toxic substances, such as heavy metals, PAHs or pesticides, were found in water and it became one of the biggest challenges to public health and ecosystems today. ", "Thus, removing these contaminants more effective by using efficient and cheap materials is highly desired.", "\n\nPoisonous metal ions \\[[@B3-nanomaterials-09-00265],[@B4-nanomaterials-09-00265]\\] is the most dangerous contaminant due to its high carcinogenicity and teratogenicity that cannot be decomposed. ", "And Chromium, a typical heavy metals containment, which mainly existing in two state: Cr(III) and Cr(VI) in the natural environment. ", "Cr(III) is recognized as a micro nutrient for human requirement at a low concentration, whereas Cr(VI), from industry effluents, only presents a poisonous performance after accumulating in human system which could have an adverse effect on people's blood \\[[@B5-nanomaterials-09-00265],[@B6-nanomaterials-09-00265],[@B7-nanomaterials-09-00265]\\], bone and nerve transmission. ", "Therefore, it is highly required to remove Cr(VI) from waste water. ", "There are various advanced treatments to reduce the harmfulness of Cr(VI) discharge, such as chemical precipitation, bio flocculation, adsorption, membrane separation and so forth. ", "But the most practical and effective approach is adsorption that based on absorbents, such as activated carbon. ", "While activated carbon is expensive non-recyclable and needs proper condition of use, the further application and utilization of adsorption method is limited for waste water treatment.", "\n\nFrom a sustainable viewpoint, the seeking for renewable carbon source is of critical importance in bringing carbon-based absorbents into practical waste water treatment \\[[@B8-nanomaterials-09-00265],[@B9-nanomaterials-09-00265]\\]. ", "However, some useful strategies developed so far for improving the adsorption capacity from naturally abundant biomass, including cellulose, hemicelluloses and lignin which represents the most promising precursor for sustainable activated carbon production \\[[@B10-nanomaterials-09-00265],[@B11-nanomaterials-09-00265]\\]. ", "The high price and low utilization still cannot implement recycle and reuse \\[[@B7-nanomaterials-09-00265]\\]. ", "On the other hand, the cheap biomass, such as chicken eggshell, prawn shells, soybeans, human hair, garlic skin and ant powder \\[[@B12-nanomaterials-09-00265],[@B13-nanomaterials-09-00265],[@B14-nanomaterials-09-00265],[@B15-nanomaterials-09-00265]\\], have also been extensively investigated as raw materials for carbon materials. ", "But it was constrained by its low adsorption efficiency and complicated synthesis process.", "\n\nSewage sludge, as a kind of hard-to-dispose yet rich organic matters \\[[@B16-nanomaterials-09-00265],[@B17-nanomaterials-09-00265],[@B18-nanomaterials-09-00265]\\], has been used mainly in landfills or directly burned \\[[@B19-nanomaterials-09-00265]\\]. ", "It will also cause great waste of resources and damage on the environment. ", "Taking account of high contents of aromatic and high carbon yield in sewage sludge, it is necessary to utilize its available advantages to fabricate high-value-add carbon adsorbent towards waste water pollution.", "\n\nHerein, we demonstrated a facile and recyclable method to synthesize nitrogen-doped porous carbon nanosheets (N-SAC) via sewage sludge through a mildly modified KOH activation process \\[[@B20-nanomaterials-09-00265]\\]. ", "Under KOH activation process, the biomass can be converted into carbon material with large specific surface area and large porosity and the adding of dicyandiamide served as soft template to form the nanosheets morphology. ", "Due to these structural and morphological merits, the N-SAC has achieved a high adsorption performance of Cr(VI) in a wide pH range (93.2%). ", "And successful regeneration process also demonstrated the high utilization of N-SAC. ", "Besides, the DFT calculation explored the mechanism of high performance of adsorption via Mulliken charges distribution, HOMO energy and adsorption energy. ", "It is not only can fabricate carbon adsorbents by a facile and recyclable way but also provides a new possibility for synergistic treatment of sewage and sludge.", "\n\n2. ", "Materials and Methods {#sec2-nanomaterials-09-00265}\n========================\n\n2.1. ", "Materials Synthesis {#sec2dot1-nanomaterials-09-00265}\n------------------------\n\nSewage Sludge (SS) were obtained from a waste water plant in Dong Ying, northeast of China. ", "KOH and dicyandiamide was bought from Aladdin Ltd. Distilled water was used throughout the experiments. ", "All other chemicals were of analytical grade and used without any further purification process.", "\n\nPreparation of sewage sludge carbon (SSC): The sewage sludge was derived from wastewater treatment plant. ", "Firstly, the sewage sludge was washed by distilled water and ethanol to remove dust and other inorganic impurities and then dried at 60 °C for 24 h. After that, it was ground and screened from 40 to 100 mesh to filtrate the appropriate size that stored for further studies. ", "The contents of moisture, volatile material, ash and fixed carbon of SS were determined according to national standard (GB/T 12496.3−1999) \\[[@B21-nanomaterials-09-00265]\\]. ", "Then, amount of 5.0 g of the SS material was introduced into porcelain crucible, which was heated in tubular reheating furnace applying a temperature program of pre-carbonized at 550 °C for 1 h under nitrogen atmosphere which named sewage sludge carbon (SSC).", "\n\nPreparation of SAC and N-SAC: The sludge-based activated carbon (SAC) and N-doped sludge-based activated carbon (N-SAC) were prepared from a step of balling with SSC and KOH and dicyandiamide at the mass ratio (1:3:0, 1:3:1). ", "Then the mixtures were heated to 800 °C for 2 h at a heating rate of 5 °C min^−1\\ in\\ N^~2~ atmosphere. ", "Finally, the carbon materials were collected through repeated washing with the dilute HCl solution (2 M) and distilled water for 10 h and then dried at 105 °C overnight. ", "After cooling down to room temperature, SAC and N-SAC were obtained.", "\n\nPreparation of N-SAC': The adsorbed N-SAC was centrifuged from solution and calcined at 800 °C for 2 h with a heating rate of 5 °C min^−1^ in N~2~ atmosphere to regenerate the adsorbent. ", "And then the products were gathered by repeated washing with high concentration of potassium hydroxide and distilled water. ", "After dried at 105 °C, N-SAC' were obtained.", "\n\n2.2. ", "Adsorption Characterization {#sec2dot2-nanomaterials-09-00265}\n--------------------------------\n\nFor the adsorption studies, a stock solution of 100 mg·L^−1^ was prepared by dissolving 50 mg of K~2~Cr~2~O~7~ in 1000 mL of deionized water. ", "The working solutions were prepared by diluting of the stock solution and the PH adjusted with HCl (0.1 mol·L^−1^) and NaOH (0.1 mol·L^−1^) solutions.", "\n\nThe pH effect was evaluated by 50.0 mL of Cr(VI) solution with initial concentration of 10 mg·L^−1^ and pH ranging from 2.0 to 8.0. ", "Aliquots were placed in contact with 0.1g of N-SAC and shaken by 2 h in a shaker incubator at 25 °C. ", "Then, Cr(VI) remaining concentrations were determined by a HASH water quality analyser (DR2800, U.S.A). ", "The maximum amount adsorbed (q~m~) was calculated by Equation (1) \\[[@B22-nanomaterials-09-00265]\\]: where C~0~ and C~r~ are initial and final concentrations of Cr(VI) (mg·L^−1^), respectively, V is the solution volume(L) and m is the mass of N-SAC(g).", "\n\nThe experiments of adsorption kinetics were performed from the mechanical stirring in time intervals ranging from 5 to 120 min, using a shaker incubator. ", "Aliquots of 50.0 mL of Cr(VI) solutions with concentrations of 5.0, 10.0 and 15.0 mg·L^−1^ (pH = 6.0) were placed in contact with 0.1 g of N-SAC. ", "After stirring, Cr(VI) remaining concentrations were determined. ", "The amount of Cr(VI) adsorbed at time t (q~t~) \\[[@B23-nanomaterials-09-00265]\\] were calculated using Equation (2): where C~0~ and C~t~ are initial and final concentrations of Cr(VI) (mg·L^−1^), respectively, V is the solution volume(L) and m is the mass of N-SAC(g).", "\n\nNon-linear equations of kinetic models of pseudo-first-order and pseudo-second-order and isotherm models of Langmuir and Freundlich were fitted to the experimental data, to assess the dynamics and adsorption capacity. ", "The model fits were evaluated from the normalized standard determination coefficients(R^2^).", "\n\nInternal diffusion model (IPD) was used to explain the adsorption mechanism and determine the rate control steps in the adsorption process. ", "IPD model was calculated using Weber-Morris formula as follow Equation (3) \\[[@B24-nanomaterials-09-00265]\\]: where Q~t~ is the equilibrium adsorption capacity of Cr(VI) (mg·g^−1^), respectively, *K*~id~ is the internal diffusion rate constant, k~0~ is a constant.", "\n\nThe effect of temperature in the Cr(VI) adsorption onto N-SAC was evaluated from thermodynamic studies. ", "Aliquots of 50.0 mL of Cr(VI) solution of 10.0 mg·L^−1^(pH = 6.0) were placed in contact with 0.1g of N-SAC, in polypropylene flasks and stirred for 6 h using a shaker incubator at temperature of 15, 25, 35, 45, 55 °C. ", "After the equilibrium time, the remaining Cr(VI)concentrations were determined and the adsorbed maximum amount calculated from Equation (2). ", "The thermodynamic parameters, such as Gibbs free energy(∆G^0^), enthalpy change(∆H^0^) and entropy change (∆S^0^) were calculated from the equations (Equations (4)--(6)). ", "$$\\ln K_{d} = \\frac{\\mathsf{\\Delta}S^{0}}{R} - \\frac{\\mathsf{\\Delta}H^{0}}{RT}$$ $$\\mathsf{\\Delta}G^{0} = \\mathsf{\\Delta}H^{0} - T\\mathsf{\\Delta}S^{0}$$ where K~d~ is the distribution coefficient, R=8.314 J·mol^−1^·K^−1^ is the constant, T(K) is the adsorption temperature.", "\n\n2.3. ", "Density Functional Theory (DFT) {#sec2dot3-nanomaterials-09-00265}\n------------------------------------\n\nDFT calculation: has been carried out to investigate the effect of N doped active sites of adsorbents on Cr(VI) removal. ", "All the calculations have employed the Gaussian 09 program. ", "The B3LYP/6-31G+ (d,p) level functional was used to calculate adsorption energies and were corrected by BSSE. ", "The adsorption energy (*E*~ad~) of the adsorbate was defined as the equation:\n\n3. ", "Results and Discussion {#sec3-nanomaterials-09-00265}\n=========================\n\n3.1. ", "Proximate Analysis and Yield of Activated Carbon (SAC, N-SAC) {#sec3dot1-nanomaterials-09-00265}\n------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nThe contents of moisture, volatile material, ash and fixed carbon of sewage sludge were measured and obtained as 4.93%, 35.80%, 14.35% and 44.92%, respectively. ", "According to results, the sewage sludge has sufficient amount of organic matter which represented by the percentage of fixed carbon content. ", "In the meantime, the content of ash in this sludge could provide a possibility for preparing activated carbon during high temperature calcination and acquire excellent adsorption capacity.", "\n\nThe preparation process of N-SAC was shown in [Scheme 1](#nanomaterials-09-00265-sch001){ref-type=\"scheme\"}. ", "Firstly, the sewage sludge carbon (SSC) was mixed with KOH and dicyandiamide. ", "Then these mixtures were balled milling for 8 hours until blended completely and be calcined in N~2~ atmosphere. ", "When the mixtures were heated approximately 550 °C, dicyandiamide was polymerized and generated g-C~3~N~4~ inside the SSC layer and the two-dimensional morphology of g-C~3~N~4~ carbon nanosheets could act as a soft template to guide and limit space of carbon mixture. ", "Subsequently, when the annealing temperature was up to 800 °C, the decomposition of g-C~3~N~4~ could release gaseous nitrogen sources to dope into the carbon framework and produce the carbon nanosheets after all the g-C~3~N~4~ evaporation \\[[@B11-nanomaterials-09-00265]\\]. ", "It is worth nothing that KOH could be easily recovered and reused to the next production of carbon nanosheets. ", "The SAC were prepared according the same procedure except adding of dicyandiamide. ", "Finally, the yields of SAC, N-SAC were as high as 54.3% and 56.1%, respectively and almost half weight loss could be assigned to the evaporation of volatile materials and ash from crude products. ", "And the little higher yields of N-SAC compared with SAC due to the sufficient doped of nitrogen.", "\n\n3.2. ", "Characterization {#sec3dot2-nanomaterials-09-00265}\n---------------------\n\n### 3.2.1. ", "Textural Properties {#sec3dot2dot1-nanomaterials-09-00265}\n\nThe textural properties of the SAC and N-SAC were evaluated from the N~2~ adsorption/desorption isotherms and Brunauer-Emmett-Teller (BET).", "\n\nThe shape of the isotherm is related to type of solid porosity \\[[@B25-nanomaterials-09-00265]\\]. ", "As shown in [Figure 1](#nanomaterials-09-00265-f001){ref-type=\"fig\"}a,b, the isotherms of SAC and N-SAC can be classified as type IV and hysteresis H4, presenting a rapid adsorption of N~2~ at low relative pressures and characteristic of microporous. ", "The adsorption hysteresis loop appeared in medium relative pressure, which associated with capillary condensation that occurs in the mesoporous pores. ", "Additionally, the narrow distribution of pore diameters for the SAC and N-SAC were calculated by DFT method in [Figure 1](#nanomaterials-09-00265-f001){ref-type=\"fig\"}c,d. As can be seen, the volumes of micropores (pore diameter \\< 2 nm) for SAC and N-SAC were similar, indicating that the chemical activation of KOH could react with active carbon framework during high temperature treatment, which gradually etched and generated the well-defined microporous framework. ", "In addition, the volume of mesopores (pore diameter 2 to 50 nm) in N-SAC were much higher than SAC which could be attributed to the evaporation and decomposition of dicyandiamide during high temperature \\[[@B21-nanomaterials-09-00265]\\].", "\n\nThe textural properties of SAC and N-SAC were also displayed in [Table 1](#nanomaterials-09-00265-t001){ref-type=\"table\"}. ", "As can be observed, a significantly increase of D~ap~ value from 1.62 nm (SAC) to 5.50 nm (N-SAC), possibly driven by the reaction between CO~2~ and carbon, evaporating volatiles and increasing the pore sizes. ", "Besides, SAC and N-SAC showed specific surface area (S~BET~) of 1235.2 m^2^ g^−1^, 2327.8 m^2^ g^−1^ respectively, which reached in this study are higher than other activated carbon (ACs) reported in literature \\[[@B26-nanomaterials-09-00265],[@B27-nanomaterials-09-00265]\\] used sewage sludge as precursor. ", "As a result, these merits of N-SAC could increase the contact area between adsorbent and waste water and expose more active sites for adsorbing Cr(VI) in solution.", "\n\n### 3.2.2. ", "Morphology Analysis {#sec3dot2dot2-nanomaterials-09-00265}\n\nThe scanning electron micrograph (SEM) was carried out to evaluate the morphology of materials. ", "As shown in [Figure S1](#app1-nanomaterials-09-00265){ref-type=\"app\"}, it showed that raw materials, sewage sludge, have a compact structure without any cavities. ", "After activated by KOH, SAC ([Figure S2](#app1-nanomaterials-09-00265){ref-type=\"app\"}) has the loose structure, where the surface of the carbon is decorated with macropores. ", "However, after the adding of dicyandiamide and calcination, N-SAC showed more open frameworks and two dimensional carbon nanosheets with wrinkled surface. ", "Herein, the modification of N-SAC by dicyandiamide played an important role for guiding and expanding space during high temperature treatment. ", "Firstly, the molecular of dicyandiamide was inserted into carbon matrix of SAC during the ball-milling process. ", "Then, g-C~3~N~4~ was formed as the pyrolysis products of dicyandiamide at 550 °C which possessed sheet-like morphology and served as a template guiding the SAC carbon framework. ", "Next, g-C~3~N~4~ were decomposition when the temperature is about 600 °C and reaction system has no residual g-C~3~N~4~ after it completely decomposed at 800 °C. ", "These results were well in agreement with textural characteristics showed in [Table 1](#nanomaterials-09-00265-t001){ref-type=\"table\"}, which surface area raised after modification, due to the activation and release of volatile compounds during carbonization process \\[[@B12-nanomaterials-09-00265],[@B28-nanomaterials-09-00265]\\]. ", "Moreover, the Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM) were test to verify the nanolattice structure. ", "As shown in [Figure 2](#nanomaterials-09-00265-f002){ref-type=\"fig\"}c, the image exhibits the sheet-like structure which well match with SEM results. ", "And in the high-resolution TEM (HR-TEM) picture, it could be observed that the surface of the nanosheets are full of micropores, which can secure large surface area and high porosity. ", "Sewage sludge presents a dense surface without cavities, whereas SAC and N-SAC both show a rougher surface with cavities of various dimensions, indicating a well-developed porous structure especially on N-SAC. ", "The pores on N-SAC surface provide suitable channels for the penetration of Cr(VI) ions into the carbon structure, allowing access to its mesopores and micropores, where they can interact with the surface functional groups.", "\n\n### 3.2.3. ", "FT-IR and XPS Analysis {#sec3dot2dot3-nanomaterials-09-00265}\n\nFourier transform infrared (FT-IR) spectra were carried out to investigate the chemical bonds in SAC and N-SAC. ", "As is shown in [Figure 3](#nanomaterials-09-00265-f003){ref-type=\"fig\"}a, SAC and N-SAC showed the characteristic of C=O and C-O stretching vibrations at 1650 cm^−1^ and 1425 cm^−1^ respectively \\[[@B29-nanomaterials-09-00265]\\]. ", "However, the new peak at 966 cm^−1^ in N-SAC verified the formation of N-H which demonstrated the successful doped of nitrogen in carbon framework. ", "In the meantime, the peak at 1020--1360 cm^−1^ can be caused by the stretching vibration and bending vibration of nitrogen-containing functional groups such as C=N and C-N \\[[@B30-nanomaterials-09-00265]\\] and the strong and broad peak at 3412 cm^−1^ in N-SAC can be assigned to the asymmetric stretching vibration of O-H bond of alcohols \\[[@B5-nanomaterials-09-00265]\\], phenols and a small number of amino groups adding with dicyandiamide.", "\n\nThen, the X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) were used to evaluate the composition and chemical bond in N-SAC carbon matrix. ", "As shown in [Figure 3](#nanomaterials-09-00265-f003){ref-type=\"fig\"}b, the high-resolution N1s spectra demonstrated the successful doping of N into N-SAC and divided into three peaks, corresponding to pyridinic nitrogen (398.2 ± 0.3 eV), pyrrolic nitrogen (400.2 ± 0.3 eV) and pyridinic N-oxide (402.9 ± 0.2 eV) \\[[@B17-nanomaterials-09-00265]\\]. ", "And in the C1s spectra, three major peaks with binding energy at 284.2 (± 0.3 eV), 285.1 (±0.3 eV) and 288.7 (± 0.3 eV) can be identified as C-C (C=C), C-O and O-C=O. The doping of N and O into N-SAC could effectively improve the electronic conductivity and stability and activate the sp2 carbon framework according to optimize the electron cloud density \\[[@B27-nanomaterials-09-00265]\\]. ", "Furthermore, the doping of pyridinic-N could bond with Cr by coming into being the Cr-N~4~ structure ([Figure 3](#nanomaterials-09-00265-f003){ref-type=\"fig\"}d), which could also enhance the accessibility of adsorption of Cr in waste water performance greatly.", "\n\nThe water contact angle measurement was implemented to investigate the impaction of N-doping on wettability. ", "As shown in [Figure S3](#app1-nanomaterials-09-00265){ref-type=\"app\"}, the contact angle of 64.81° indicates a great hydrophilicity of N-SAC, comparing with SAC (85.29°), because the introduction of C-N bonds and O-H bonds can significantly facilitate the fully wetting of the active species. ", "Furthermore, the increase of hydrophilicity could make N-SAC easy to contact Cr(VI) ions in liquor and enhance the adsorption ability.", "\n\n3.3. ", "Adsorption Studies of Cr(VI) on N-SAC {#sec3dot3-nanomaterials-09-00265}\n------------------------------------------\n\nIn order to test the performance of sludge-based activated carbon for adsorption of Cr(VI) ions from aqueous solution, the activated carbon of SAC and N-SAC were used and investigate on different pH.\n\n### 3.3.1. ", "Effect of PH {#sec3dot3dot1-nanomaterials-09-00265}\n\n[Figure 4](#nanomaterials-09-00265-f004){ref-type=\"fig\"}a showed the adsorption capacity of SAC and N-SAC in terms of removal of Cr(VI) in different pH, ranging from 2.0 to 8.0. ", "As can be seen, the pH of aqueous solution has a strong impact on the adsorption process as it can influence the charge of functional groups on the adsorbent surface and the chemical forms of chromium.", "\n\nIn different pH value solutions, Cr(VI) can existed as chromic acid (H~2~CrO~4~), hydrogen chromate ion (HCrO^4-^) and chromate ion (CrO~4~^2−^) \\[[@B31-nanomaterials-09-00265]\\]. ", "Under acidic conditions, the surface functional groups of the activated carbon combined with H^+^ in the solution to become protonated and positively charged, resulting that Cr (VI) reduced into Cr(III) via this reaction (Equations (4) and (5)). ", "As shown in [Figure 4](#nanomaterials-09-00265-f004){ref-type=\"fig\"}a, the maximum removal rate (85.8%), can be attained at pH = 2 in SAC, while it fell to 58.2% at pH = 8.0. ", "With the amount of OH^−^ increased, the decreased removal rate of Cr (VI) was the result of the surface electrostatic repulsion. ", "The as-prepared N-SAC showed similar curve pattern, it could remove almost 93.2% of Cr (VI) in waste water on lower pH, which was much higher than that of SAC, because the nanosheets structure and mesopores could increase the contact area between adsorbent and Cr-contained solution and enhance the adsorbing capacity. ", "Besides, the N-SAC suffered little impact from alkaline condition, Cr (VI) removal rate has decreased by 20.8% as the pH value varied from 2.0 to 8.0 in the solution, which was less than the decrease for SAC (25.6%) in the same process. ", "It can be ascribed to the doping of N activated the sp2 carbon, which exposed more active sites for adsorption and improved the stability of carbon matrix in strong alkaline condition. ", "Meanwhile, amino groups (-NH~2~) in N-SAC also played an important role in anion adsorption in high pH \\[[@B32-nanomaterials-09-00265]\\]. ", "All these results indicated that N-doped modification on SAC was effective in the adsorption process of Cr(VI) by N-SAC.", "\n\n### 3.3.2. ", "Comparison of Adsorption Performance {#sec3dot3dot2-nanomaterials-09-00265}\n\nThe operating condition also affected the adsorption capacity of adsorbents. [", "Figure 4](#nanomaterials-09-00265-f004){ref-type=\"fig\"}b showed the performance of SAC and N-SAC on the removal rate of Cr(VI) from different concentration aqueous at pH = 2.0. ", "When the solution concentration of Cr(VI) increased from 5 mg·L^−1^ to 15 mg·L^−1^, the removal rate of Cr(VI) on SAC has a drop from 85.8% to 66.7%. ", "However, N-SAC showed 93.2% of removal rate at 5 mg·L^−1^ and its removal efficiency was only decreased by 5.9% as the concentration of Cr(VI) was doubled, indicating the higher adsorption capacity of N-SAC than SAC at high concentrations of Cr(VI). ", "It elucidated that the nitrogen modification brought N-SAC with stable and high adsorption capacity in different conditions, which can be overcame the limitation of using condition in traditional activated carbon.", "\n\n### 3.3.3. ", "Adsorption Kinetics {#sec3dot3dot3-nanomaterials-09-00265}\n\nIn order to investigate the adsorption dynamics of Cr(VI) on N-SAC, the kinetic models of pseudo-first order and pseudo-second order were fitted to experimental data and the linear fits are shown in [Figure 5](#nanomaterials-09-00265-f005){ref-type=\"fig\"}a,b \\[[@B33-nanomaterials-09-00265],[@B34-nanomaterials-09-00265]\\]. ", "According to the results (see [Table 2](#nanomaterials-09-00265-t002){ref-type=\"table\"}), the calculated correlation coefficient value of pseudo-second-order (R^2^= 0.9984) is much higher than that of pseudo-first-order model (R^2^ = 0.9184), indicating that the pseudo-second-order model was suitable to describe the adsorption kinetic of Cr(VI). ", "As the concentration of Cr(VI) increased, the rate constant (k) of C~Cr(VI)~ = mg·L^−1^ is higher than that of 15 mg·L^−1^ \\[[@B31-nanomaterials-09-00265]\\], indicating the decreased adsorption rate of Cr(VI) as the its initial concentration increased. ", "The values of k2 were decreased from 0.0264 to 0.0186 mg.min^−1^ as the initial Cr (VI) was from 10 mg·L^−1^ to 15 mg·L^−1^, which was attributed to the lower competition for the adsorption surface sites at lower concentration and the active sites on the surface can adsorb Cr(VI) ions faster, so the pseudo-second-order kinetic rate constant is higher at lower Cr (VI) concentration. ", "The result further confirms that N-SAC possesses a high adsorption rate for Cr(VI), which is mainly attributed to its unique hierarchical porous structure combined with a high specific surface area.", "\n\n### 3.3.4. ", "Adsorption Isotherm {#sec3dot3dot4-nanomaterials-09-00265}\n\nThe adsorption isotherm, which is an important parameter for investigating the distribution of adsorbent on the surface of the adsorbent material and estimating its adsorption capacity. ", "Thus, Langmuir and Freundlich models were fitted to experimental data and the results are shown in [Figure 5](#nanomaterials-09-00265-f005){ref-type=\"fig\"}c \\[[@B35-nanomaterials-09-00265]\\].", "\n\n[Table 3](#nanomaterials-09-00265-t003){ref-type=\"table\"} shows the isothermal parameters of Freundlich and Langmuir models. ", "According to results, the Freundlich model was fitted well to experimental data. ", "The Freundlich model assumes that adsorption occurs over a heterogeneous surface in multilayer, assuming that adsorbent surface sites have a spectrum of different binding energies \\[[@B30-nanomaterials-09-00265]\\].", "\n\n### 3.3.5. ", "Intraparticle Diffusion Model (IPD) {#sec3dot3dot5-nanomaterials-09-00265}\n\nThe IPD fitting curve was shown in [Figure 5](#nanomaterials-09-00265-f005){ref-type=\"fig\"}d and the relevant parameters are summarized in [Table 4](#nanomaterials-09-00265-t004){ref-type=\"table\"}. ", "It can be seen that the fitting curve can be divided into two sections at different initial concentrations \\[[@B34-nanomaterials-09-00265]\\], which represented the adsorption process of N-SAC on Cr(VI) was dual-stage. ", "The first stage (Step I) was the macroporous diffusion adsorption of N-SAC, Cr(VI) ions diffused from solution to the adsorption sites on the surface of N-SAC macroporous surface. ", "In step II, Cr(VI) ions diffused into the internal microporous channels of N-SAC and adsorbed on the surface of micropores. ", "Among these two stage, the diffusion rate (K~id2~) of micropores was obviously slower than that of macrospores (K~id1~), indicating that the diffusion in micropores should be the rate-controlling step \\[[@B36-nanomaterials-09-00265]\\]. ", "With the increase of initial concentration of Cr(VI) from 10 to 15 mg·L^−1^, the diffusion rates were increasing, which elucidated the diffusion driving force of Cr(VI) accelerated the adsorption process.", "\n\n### 3.3.6. ", "Adsorption Thermodynamics {#sec3dot3dot6-nanomaterials-09-00265}\n\nThe thermodynamic parameters ([Table 5](#nanomaterials-09-00265-t005){ref-type=\"table\"}) showed that ΔH^0^ was 79.46 kJ·mol^−1^, indicating that the adsorption process was endothermic. ", "While ΔS^0^ was positive number that illustrated the disorder degree of the adsorbent surface increased during the adsorption process. ", "Chemisorption and physical adsorption can be judged by ΔG^0^ \\[[@B37-nanomaterials-09-00265]\\]. ", "When the adsorption was physical adsorption, −20 \\< ΔG^0^ \\< 0 kJ·mol^−1^, otherwise, −400 \\< ΔG^0^ \\< −80 kJ·mol^−1^ \\[[@B38-nanomaterials-09-00265]\\]. ", "In this experiment, ΔG^0^ is in −9.75 to −22.14 kJ·mol^−1^, indicating that the adsorption process of Cr(VI) on N-SAC was mainly physical adsorption-a reversible process, under certain temperature and pressure conditions adsorption would reach equilibrium.", "\n\n3.4. ", "Cr (VI) Adsorption Mechanism {#sec3dot4-nanomaterials-09-00265}\n---------------------------------\n\nXPS was conducted to measure the elemental species to confirm the adsorption process of Cr(VI) on SAC and N-SAC. ", "In the Cr(VI) solution, Cr(VI) can be expressed by a series of negative ions whose form conversions were correlated with the pH value, including HCr~2~O~7~^−^, HCrO~4~^−^, Cr~2~O~7~^2−^ and CrO~4~^2−^. Normally, HCrO~4~^−^ group was the predominant form in solution with pH \\< 6.5 \\[[@B39-nanomaterials-09-00265]\\]. ", "As shown in [Figure S4a](#app1-nanomaterials-09-00265){ref-type=\"app\"}, there were obviously N-SAC corresponding to C 1s, O 1s, N 1s, while the additional Cr 2p peak was found out after adsorption. ", "The spectra of the Cr 2p showed two major peaks of Cr 2p on N-SAC, which were corresponded to Cr 2p~3/2~ and Cr 2p~1/2~, respectively \\[[@B40-nanomaterials-09-00265]\\]. ", "After peak differential analysis, the Cr 2p spectrum can be divided into three peaks ([Figure S4c](#app1-nanomaterials-09-00265){ref-type=\"app\"}), corresponding to Cr(III) located at 576.3 eV (Cr 2p~3/2~) and 586.9 eV (Cr 2p~1/2~) and Cr(VI) located at 577.8 eV (Cr 2p~3/2~) \\[[@B41-nanomaterials-09-00265]\\]. ", "It indicated that a part of Cr(VI) is reduced to the low toxic Cr(III) during the adsorption on N-SAC and the residual of Cr(VI) is removed by physical adsorption. ", "It indicated that Cr(VI) adsorption including two process: a part of Cr(VI) is reduced to the low toxic Cr(III) as Equations (7) and (8) \\[[@B42-nanomaterials-09-00265]\\] and the residual of Cr(VI) is removed by physical adsorption. ", "where the most of electron donors (e^−^) are from amino groups in N-SAC.", "\n\nBesides, the N 1s peak has decreased after adsorption ([Figure S4a](#app1-nanomaterials-09-00265){ref-type=\"app\"}), illustrating that nitrogen species of N-SAC were related to the Cr(VI) reduction. ", "This result showed that the adsorption mechanism of Cr(VI) were multi step, including chemical reduction and physical adsorption. ", "In comparison, XPS spectrum of Cr(VI) adsorption on SAC only showed peaks corresponding to C 1s, O 1s and a little amount of Cr 2p ([Figure S4b](#app1-nanomaterials-09-00265){ref-type=\"app\"}). ", "The Cr 2p peak on SAC was just resolved into two peak of Cr(VI), at 577.8 eV (Cr 2p~3/2~) and 587.1 eV (Cr 2p~1/2~) \\[[@B43-nanomaterials-09-00265]\\], elucidating the Cr(VI) on SAC was merely physical adsorption ([Figure S4d](#app1-nanomaterials-09-00265){ref-type=\"app\"}).", "\n\nIn all, reduction occurred along with the adsorption processes and the reducing agent was nitrogen atom groups on N-SAC. ", "After reduction, the generating Cr(III) species were immobilized onto the adsorbent and residual Cr(VI) ions were adsorbed on the surface and pore of N-SAC, which has a higher removal rate of Cr(VI) than that of SAC. ", "This results can also be proved in DFT calculation.", "\n\n3.5. ", "DFT Calculation {#sec3dot5-nanomaterials-09-00265}\n--------------------\n\nTo further understanding the primary effect of doping of N in carbon matrix, first-principles calculation was carried out to investigate the structure of simplified pure graphene model (Gra) and N-doped graphene model based on DFT methods and XPS results. ", "Previous works demonstrated that atom with decreased charge density could serve as active sites for adsorbing. ", "As shown in [Figure 6](#nanomaterials-09-00265-f006){ref-type=\"fig\"}, Gra-N model show lower Mulliken charge with −0.816, which value is much negative than pure Gra model (−0.381). ", "These dates indicated that the doping of N could significantly decrease the Mulliken charge of adsorbent due to its high electronegativity, which may help materials to enhance its adsorption ability. ", "Besides, the electronic cloud distribution at the highest occupied molecular orbital (HOMO) were also calculated on [Figures S5 and S6](#app1-nanomaterials-09-00265){ref-type=\"app\"}. ", "According to the frontier molecular orbital theory, the narrower of the gap between the HOMO of adsorbent the lowest unoccupied molecular orbital (LUMO) of adsorbent, the easier for the charge transfer process and the lower the adsorption energy. ", "As shown in [Figure 6](#nanomaterials-09-00265-f006){ref-type=\"fig\"} and [Table 6](#nanomaterials-09-00265-t006){ref-type=\"table\"}, Gra-N presented higher HOMO energy and more negative adsorption energy than pure Gra, demonstrating the doping of N make it easier to capture HCrO4^−^ into carbon matrix during adsorption process.", "\n\n3.6. ", "Regeneration Investigation {#sec3dot6-nanomaterials-09-00265}\n-------------------------------\n\nThe study of thermal regeneration of the adsorbed carbon nanosheets (N-SAC) was carried out in one cycle(N-SAC\\`) and adsorption effect was shown in [Figure S7](#app1-nanomaterials-09-00265){ref-type=\"app\"}. ", "As it can be seen, the removal rate of Cr(VI) by N-SAC\\` still showed high adsorption capacity, at 90.8%, 88.6% and 86.19% in C~Cr(VI)~ = 5 mg·L^−1^, 10 mg·L^−1^ and 15 mg·L^−1^ respectively, which even higher than SAC in three different concentrations. ", "It suggested that N-SAC\\` has high specific surface and enough active site after regeneration. ", "As it shown in the [Figure S8a](#app1-nanomaterials-09-00265){ref-type=\"app\"}, the phase impurity of N-SAC, including the crystalline Cr~2~O~3~ and C, which could be indexed based on crystalline Cr~2~O~3~ (JCPDS No. ", "85-0869, No. ", "06-0504) and Carbon (JCPDS No. ", "75-0444). ", "After regeneration, [Figure S8a](#app1-nanomaterials-09-00265){ref-type=\"app\"} showed that N-SAC' sample only has a peak of C, suggesting that partial reduced Cr(III) in N-SAC was converted to metallic oxide Cr~2~O~3~ (Equations (9) and (10)) by carbon on high temperature and can be wiped out easily via caustic washing \\[[@B44-nanomaterials-09-00265]\\], which can be proved by XPS of N-SAC'([Figure S9](#app1-nanomaterials-09-00265){ref-type=\"app\"}).", "\n\n3\n\n−\n\nOH + Cr\n\n3+\n\n→ (\n\n−\n\nOH)₃Cr\n\n3+\n\n2Cr(OH)\n\n3\n\n→ Cr\n\n2\n\nO\n\n3\n\n\\+ 3H\n\n2\n\nO\n\nThe high adsorption efficiency of N-SAC\\` can be attributed to the reaction of Cr(VI) and Cr(III) adsorbed on the N-SAC during the thermal regeneration. ", "N-SAC\\` can elute Cr~2~O~3~ easily and reuse on adsorption of Cr(VI) ion waste water \\[[@B45-nanomaterials-09-00265],[@B46-nanomaterials-09-00265],[@B47-nanomaterials-09-00265]\\].", "\n\n4. ", "Conclusions {#sec4-nanomaterials-09-00265}\n==============\n\nIn summary, a low-cost and convenient strategy has been developed to produce activated carbon nanosheets by using sewage sludge. ", "Under the synergetic effect of KOH and dicyandiamide during the activation process, N-SAC showed good performance, such as high surface area, porous structure and high adsorption capacity of metal ions(Cr(VI). ", "As a resultant, the adsorbent N-SAC showed its good adsorption property of Cr (VI) in waste water at 93.2% removal rate. ", "Additionally, the recycled adsorbent still remained a high removal rate at 90.8% of Cr (VI) in solution after regeneration process. ", "This facile route developed here may offer possibilities for mass production of biomass-derived carbon materials for waste water treatment and greatly promising for industrialization.", "\n\nThe following are available online at <http://www.mdpi.com/2079-4991/9/2/265/s1>. ", "Figure S1: (a) and (b) The SEM images of raw materials of sewage sludge carbon (SS); Figure S2: (a) and (b) The SEM image of sludge-based activated carbon (SAC); Figure S3: Water contact angle measurement for (a) N-SAC and (b) SAC; Figure S4: (a), (b) X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) of N-SAC and SAC before and after Cr6+ adsorption, (c), (d) High resolution XPS of Cr6+ after adsorption in N-SAC and SAC; Figure S5: (a) Atom label and (b) Mulliken charge density and (c) HOMO energy of carbon atoms in Gra model. ", "Atom color code: yellow is carbon and blue is hydrogen; Figure S6: (a) Atom label and (b) Mulliken charge density and (c) HOMO energy of carbon atoms in Gra-N model. ", "Atom color code: yellow is carbon and blue is hydrogen; Figure S7: The adsorption effect of Cr6+ removing from wastewater by SAC, N-SAC and N-SAC', (a) removal rate, (b) color change of solution before and after adsorption; Figure S8: (a) XRD pattern of N-SAC after calcination, (b) XRD pattern of N-SAC' after regeneration; Figure S9: X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) of (a) N-SAC', and high resolution XPS of (b) (c) (d) N, C and Cr respectively.", "\n\n###### \n\nClick here for additional data file.", "\n\nY.W. performed experiments and drafted the manuscript; W.Z. (Weinan Zhao) calculated experimental data and drafted the manuscript, too. ", "Notably, Y.W. and W.Z. (Weinan Zhao) contributed equally to this work and should be considered co-first authors. ", "W.Z. (Wanlan Zheng) analysed the experimental data and form. ", "S.C. provided the idea for the manuscript and J.Z. edited the manuscript.", "\n\nThe work was financially supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (51473074 and 21601079) and the Doctor Start-up Fund of Shandong University of Technology (4041/416024).", "\n\nThe authors declare no conflict of interest.", "\n\nFigures, Scheme and Tables\n==========================\n\n![", "Illustration of the preparation procedure for the N-SAC nanosheets in recycled malt system.](nanomaterials-09-00265-sch001){#nanomaterials-09-00265-sch001}\n\n![", "N~2~ adsorption-desorption isotherms and pore distribution calculated by DFT method for (**a**,**c**) N-SAC; (**b**,**d**) SAC.](nanomaterials-09-00265-g001){#nanomaterials-09-00265-f001}\n\n![(**", "a**,**b**) SEM images of N-SAC; (**c**,**d**) TEM and HRTEM images of N-SAC.](nanomaterials-09-00265-g002){#nanomaterials-09-00265-f002}\n\n![(**", "a**) Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR) spectra of N-SAC and SAC. (**", "b**,**c**) High resolution X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) spectrum of N and C in N-SAC. (**", "d**) Possible hypothesis of chemical adsorption of Cr-N~4~ structure in N-SAC.](nanomaterials-09-00265-g003){#nanomaterials-09-00265-f003}\n\n![", "Kinetic model fitting at different concentrations: (**a**) Cr(VI) removal rates of SAC and N-SAC in different pH (2.0--8.0); (**b**) Cr(VI) removal rates of SAC and N-SAC in different concentration (5,10,15 mg L^−1^).](nanomaterials-09-00265-g004){#nanomaterials-09-00265-f004}\n\n![(**", "a**) Pseudo-first-order kinetic adsorption model fitting; (**b**) Pseudo-second-order kinetic adsorption model fitting; (**c**) Adsorption isotherm; (**d**) IPD fitting with N-SAC.](nanomaterials-09-00265-g005){#nanomaterials-09-00265-f005}\n\n![", "Mulliken charge distribution of Gra (**a**) and Gra-N (**b**) respectively.](nanomaterials-09-00265-g006){#nanomaterials-09-00265-f006}\n\nnanomaterials-09-00265-t001_Table 1\n\n###### \n\nTextural information of SAC and N-SAC.", "\n\n Sample D~ap~ (nm) S~BET~ (m^2^g^−1^) S~mic~ (m^2^g^−1^) V~t~ (cm^3^g^−1^) V~mic~ (cm^3^g^−1^) V~mic~/V~t~ (%)\n -------- ------------ -------------------- -------------------- ------------------- --------------------- -----------------\n N-SAC 5.50 2327.8 1736.1 1.35 0.97 71.8\n SAC 1.62 1235.2 1126.2 0.62 0.59 95.1\n\nD~ap~-average pore diameter; S~BET~-BET surface area; V~T~-total pore volume; V~mic~-micropore volume; V~mic~/V~t~-micropore percentage.", "\n\nnanomaterials-09-00265-t002_Table 2\n\n###### \n\nKinetic parameters of Cr(VI) adsorbed by N-SAC at different initial concentration.", "\n\n C~0~ (mg·L^−1^) q~e,exp~ (mg·g^−1^) Pseudo-First Order Pseudo-Second Order \n ----------------- --------------------- -------------------- --------------------- --------- ------- -------- --------\n 10 6.03 3.068 0.0263 0.9184 6.271 0.0264 0.9984\n 15 7.84 3.092 0.0167 0.08775 7.831 0.0186 0.9993\n\nnanomaterials-09-00265-t003_Table 3\n\n###### \n\nIsothermal parameters of Cr(VI) adsorbed by N-SAC.", "\n\n Langmuir Freundlich\n ------------------------ ---------------\n Q~m~ = 7.74 (mg·g^−1^) k~F~ = 4.57\n k~a~ = 0.23 (L·mg^−1^) n~F~ = 9.81\n R^2^ = 0.8773 R^2^ = 0.9710\n\nnanomaterials-09-00265-t004_Table 4\n\n###### \n\nThe IPD model parameters of Cr(VI) adsorption.", "\n\n C~0,~ mg·L^−1^ C, mg·g^−1^ Step I Step II \n ---------------- ------------- -------- --------- ------ ------\n 10 0.42 2.69 0.94 0.62 0.92\n 15 0.59 3.23 0.99 0.73 0.94\n\nnanomaterials-09-00265-t005_Table 5\n\n###### \n\nThe thermodynamic parameters of Cr(VI) adsorption.", "\n\n ΔG^0^/kJ·mol^−1^ ΔH^0^ (kJ·mol^−1^) ΔS^0^ (kJ·mol^−1^·K^−1^) \n ------------------ -------------------- -------------------------- -------- -------- ------- --------\n −9.75 −12.85 −15.95 −19.05 −22.14 79.46 0.3098\n\nnanomaterials-09-00265-t006_Table 6\n\n###### \n\nHOMO Energy Level and adsorption energy on Different Models.", "\n\n Adsorbents HOMO Energy (eV) Adsorption Energy (eV)\n ------------ ------------------ ------------------------\n Gra −5.57492 −0.1865\n Gra-N −3.39052 −0.5782\n\n[^1]: These authors contributed equally to this work.", "\n" ]
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[ "This is an archived article and the information in the article may be outdated. ", "Please look at the time stamp on the story to see when it was last updated.", "\n\nKANSAS CITY, Mo. — The Chiefs administration made clear their intention to keep Eric Berry in red for many more seasons to come.", "\n\nThe Chiefs announced on Tuesday that they placed the franchise tag on the four-time Pro Bowler.", "\n\nA franchise tag is a designation a team may apply to a player scheduled to become an unrestricted free agent. ", "The tag keeps Berry in Kansas City for one year if certain conditions are met. ", "In short, the Chiefs are hoping to nail down Berry’s spot while a long-term contract can be reached.", "\n\nThe deadline for a long-term contact to be reached is July 15 at 3 p.m.\n\n“Our goal is to keep Eric in Kansas City for the foreseeable future,” Chiefs General Manager John Dorsey said in a news release. “", "He’s a special player that means a lot to our organization, the city, and has been a critical piece in building our foundation. ", "With today being the deadline to use the franchise tag, we felt it was in the best interest of the club to place the tag on Eric.”", "\n\nBerry has played in 70 games (68 starts) in six seasons with KC (2010-15). ", "He has racked up 384 tackles (308 solo), 26 tackles for loss, 5.5 sacks (-37.5 yards), 14 pressures and 10 interceptions, including three returned for touchdowns in his career.", "\n\nHe originally entered the NFL as a first-round draft selection (fifth overall pick) of the Chiefs in the 2010 NFL Draft." ]
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[ "/*\n * The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the Common Development and\n * Distribution License (the License). ", "You may not use this file except in compliance with the\n * License.", "\n *\n * You can obtain a copy of the License at legal/CDDLv1.0.txt. ", "See the License for the\n * specific language governing permission and limitations under the License.", "\n *\n * When distributing Covered Software, include this CDDL Header Notice in each file and include\n * the License file at legal/CDDLv1.0.txt. ", "If applicable, add the following below the CDDL\n * Header, with the fields enclosed by brackets [] replaced by your own identifying\n * information: \"Portions copyright [year] [name of copyright owner]\".", "\n *\n * Copyright 2015 ForgeRock AS.", "\n */\npackage com.iplanet.dpro.session;\n\nimport com.iplanet.services.naming.", "SessionIDCorrector;\nimport com.iplanet.services.naming.", "WebtopNaming;\nimport com.iplanet.services.naming.", "WebtopNamingQuery;\nimport org.forgerock.util.annotations.", "VisibleForTesting;\n\nimport java.util.", "Map;\n\n/**\n * Responsible for dynamically updating the SessionID extensions (S1/SI) based on current\n * server configuration.", "\n *\n * When the server/site configuration changes, this layer will be able to update the requested\n * SessionID extension dynamically using the SessionIDCorrector.", "\n *\n * Importantly, the logic of how the S1/SI values are arranged is maintained as per {@link SessionID#validate()}.", "\n */\npublic class DynamicSessionIDExtensions implements SessionIDExtensions {\n private final SessionIDExtensions delegate;\n private final WebtopNamingQuery query;\n\n /**\n * Constructor with all dependencies defined.", "\n * @param query Non null, required for lookup of WebtopNaming#getSessionIDCorrector.", "\n * @param delegate Non null, required for delegation of actual operation.", "\n */\n @VisibleForTesting\n DynamicSessionIDExtensions(WebtopNamingQuery query, SessionIDExtensions delegate) {\n this.query = query;\n this.delegate = delegate;\n }\n\n /**\n * Create a default instance.", "\n *\n * @param delegate The delegate to defer.", "\n */\n public DynamicSessionIDExtensions(SessionIDExtensions delegate) {\n this(new WebtopNamingQuery(), delegate);\n }\n\n /**\n * @return Possibly null PrimaryID based on current Server/Site configuration.", "\n */\n @Override\n public String getPrimaryID() {\n SessionIDCorrector corrector = query.getSessionIDCorrector();\n if (corrector == null) { // WebtopNaming not yet configured.", "\n return delegate.getPrimaryID();\n }\n return corrector.translatePrimaryID(delegate.getPrimaryID(), delegate.getSiteID());\n }\n\n /**\n * @return Possibly null SiteID based on current Server/Site configuration.", "\n */\n @Override\n public String getSiteID() {\n SessionIDCorrector corrector = query.getSessionIDCorrector();\n if (corrector == null) { // WebtopNaming not yet configured.", "\n return delegate.getSiteID();\n }\n return corrector.translateSiteID(delegate.getPrimaryID(), delegate.getSiteID());\n }\n\n /**\n * @return Defers to the delegated instance for getStorageKey call.", "\n */\n @Override\n public String getStorageKey() {\n return delegate.getStorageKey();\n }\n\n /**\n * Defers to the delegated instance for get.", "\n * @param key Non null\n * @return Possibly null\n */\n @Override\n public String get(String key) {\n return delegate.get(key);\n }\n\n /**\n * Defers to the delegated instance for get.", "\n * @param key Non null key.", "\n * @param value Non null value.", "\n */\n @Override\n public void add(String key, String value) {\n delegate.add(key, value);\n }\n\n /**\n * @return Defers to the delegated instance for asMap call.", "\n */\n @Override\n public Map<String, String> asMap() {\n return delegate.asMap();\n }\n\n /**\n * @return A string representation of the underlying SessionIDCorrector responsible for the mappings.", "\n */\n @Override\n public String toString() {\n return WebtopNaming.getSessionIDCorrector().toString();\n }\n}\n" ]
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[ "-module(ct1_rt).", "\n\n-compile(export_all).", "\n\n\nfiles() ->\n [{create, \"ebin/a1.app\", app(a1)},\n {copy, \"../../rebar\", \"rebar\"},\n {copy, \"rebar.config\", \"rebar.config\"},\n {copy, \"test_SUITE.erl\", \"itest/test_SUITE.erl\"}].", "\n\nrun(_Dir) ->\n {ok, _} = retest:sh(\"./rebar compile ct\"),\n ok.", "\n\n\n\n%%\n%% Generate the contents of a simple .app file\n%%\napp(Name) ->\n App = {application, Name,\n [{description, atom_to_list(Name)},\n {vsn, \"1\"},\n {modules, []},\n {registered, []},\n {applications, [kernel, stdlib]}]},\n io_lib:format(\"~p.\\n\", [App]).", "\n" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nCalling an output from a function from a different file?", "\n\nThis is a very rudimentary question.", "\nI have a program that calculates the total number of fruit (apples + bananas) based on the number of days passed, which is input by the user. ", "The apple production and total fruit count is calculated in fruit.py:\nfrom bananas import Bp\n\nday_count = int(input(\"How many days have passed?\" ))", "\napple_production = day_count * 100\nfruit_total = apple_production + banana_production\nprint(\"Total amount of fruit is\", fruit_total)\n\nThe banana production is calculated in a different file bananas.py and defined as a function:\ndef Bp(day_count):\n banana_production = day_count * 200\n return banana_production\n\nSo my issue is that when I try to run bananas.py, I get the error \"name 'banana_production' is not defined\".", "\nObviously, I'm missing an important step here. ", "How do I call the output value for banana_production from bananas.py to use in fruit.py?", "\nBy the way, I realize that I could merge both into a single file but the whole point of this question is to find out how to do it this way.", "\n\nA:\n\nYou get the message banana_production is not defined because you haven't defined it anywhere in fruit.py. ", "Though the variable is defined in bananas.py you'll have to do something like this to achieve what you want:\nSo, all you have to do is add this line:\nbanana_production = Bp(day_count)\n\nafter you calculate apple_production\nThe whole package:\nbananas.py: (No change):\ndef Bp(day_count):\n banana_production = day_count * 200\n return banana_production\n\nfruit.py:\nfrom bananas import Bp\n\nday_count = int(input(\"How many days have passed?\" ))", "\napple_production = day_count * 100\nbanana_production = Bp(day_count) # Add this line\nfruit_total = apple_production + banana_production\nprint(\"Total amount of fruit is\", fruit_total)\n\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
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[ "HIV-1 blocks the signaling adaptor MAVS to evade antiviral host defense after sensing of abortive HIV-1 RNA by the host helicase DDX3.", "\nThe mechanisms by which human immunodeficiency virus 1 (HIV-1) avoids immune surveillance by dendritic cells (DCs), and thereby prevents protective adaptive immune responses, remain poorly understood. ", "Here we showed that HIV-1 actively arrested antiviral immune responses by DCs, which contributed to efficient HIV-1 replication in infected individuals. ", "We identified the RNA helicase DDX3 as an HIV-1 sensor that bound abortive HIV-1 RNA after HIV-1 infection and induced DC maturation and type I interferon responses via the signaling adaptor MAVS. ", "Notably, HIV-1 recognition by the C-type lectin receptor DC-SIGN activated the mitotic kinase PLK1, which suppressed signaling downstream of MAVS, thereby interfering with intrinsic host defense during HIV-1 infection. ", "Finally, we showed that PLK1-mediated suppression of DDX3-MAVS signaling was a viral strategy that accelerated HIV-1 replication in infected individuals." ]
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[ "1. ", "Field of the Invention\nThe present invention relates to a non-volatile semiconductor memory device using split gate transistors.", "\n2. ", "Description of the Related Art\nRecently, great attention is being paid to non-volatile semiconductor memory devices that include a Ferro-electric Random Access Memory, EPROM (Erasable and Programmable Read Only Memory) and EEPROM (Electrically Erasable and Programmable Read Only Memory). ", "In the EPROM and EEPROM, charges are stored in the floating gate electrode as data, and this data is read by detecting a change in threshold voltage depending on the presence or absence of the charges by means of the control gate electrode. ", "The EEPROM includes a flash EEPROM that can collectively erase data in the whole memory cell array or can partially erase data, block by block, from the memory cell array separated to an arbitrary number of blocks.", "\nA plurality of memory cells (or memory transistors) constituting a flash EEPROM are classified to two types: stacked gate type and split gate type. ", "In a flash EEPROM using stacked gate memory cells, each memory cell cannot self-select its own ON/OFF state. ", "If charges are excessively drained from the floating gate electrode at the time of data erasure, therefore, the channel region becomes conductive even when a predetermined voltage (e.g., 0 V) for rendering each memory cell non-conductive is applied to the control gate electrode. ", "As a result, that memory cell always becomes conductive, thus causing the so-called excess erasure by which reading of stored data is disabled. ", "To prevent this excess erasure, the erasing procedures of the individual memory cells should be controlled by a peripheral circuit of the memory device or by an external circuit connected to the memory device.", "\nAs one solution to avoid the excess erasure of the stacked gate memory cells, split gate memory cells have been developed. ", "International Patent Publication No. ", "WO92/18980 discloses a flash EEPROM that uses split gate type memory cells.", "\nFIG. ", "10 shows a cross section of a part of the memory cell array of a flash EEPROM using conventional split gate memory cells. ", "The memory cell array 152 comprises a plurality of split gate memory cells (split gate transistors) 1 formed on a P type single crystalline silicon substrate 2. ", "Each memory cell 1 has a source region 3, a drain region 4, a channel region 5, a floating gate electrode 7 and a control gate electrode 9.", "\nFormed on the P type single crystalline silicon substrate 2 are the source region 3 and drain region 4 both of an N type. ", "The floating gate electrode 7 is formed over the channel region 5, defined between the source region 3 and drain region 4, via a gate insulator film 6 formed of a silicon oxide film. ", "The control gate electrode 9 is formed over the floating gate electrode 7 via an insulator film 19 and a tunnel insulator film 8, which are formed by LOCOS (Local Oxidation on Silicon).", "\nThe control gate electrode 9 does not entirely overlap the floating gate electrode 7. ", "As one sees the gate electrodes 7 and 9 from above the substrate 2, substantially half of the floating gate electrode 7 protrudes sideways from the control gate electrode 9. ", "Projections 7a are formed at both ends of the upper portion of the floating gate electrode 7 at the same time as the insulator film 19 is formed.", "\nA part of the control gate electrode 9 is arranged over the channel region 5 via the insulator films 6 and 8 to constitute a select gate 10. ", "The select gate 10, together with the source region 3 and the drain region 4, forms a select transistor 11. ", "In the split gate type memory cell 1, therefore, a transistor, which is formed by the gate electrodes 7 and 9 and the regions 3 and 4, is connected in series to the select transistor 11.", "\nTo suppress the occupying area on the substrate 2, two memory cells 1 (which will hereinafter be denoted as \"1a\" and \"1b\" to distinguish therebetween) share the source region 3 and their floating gate electrodes 7 and control gate electrodes 9 are arranged symmetrically with respect to that common source region 3.", "\nA passivation film 12 is formed on the memory cells 1. ", "Each drain region 4 is connected to a drain electrode 17 in a contact hole 16. ", "A side wall spacer 18 comprised of an insulator film is formed on the inner wall of the contact hole 16.", "\nFIG. ", "11 shows the general structure of a flash EEPROM 151 using the split gate memory cells 1. ", "The memory cell array 152 has a plurality of memory cells 1 arranged in a matrix form. ", "The control gate electrodes 9 of a row of memory cells 1 form a single word line WLa, WLb, . . . ", "or WLz per row. ", "The drain electrodes 17 of a column of memory cells 1 form a single bit line BLa, BLb, . . . ", "or BLz per column.", "\nThe individual memory cells 1b connected to each odd word line (WLa, . . . , ", "WLm, . . . , ", "WLy) and the individual memory cells 1a connected to each even word line (WLb, . . . , ", "WLn, . . . , ", "WLz) share their associated source regions 3, which form a plurality of source lines RSLa to RSLm. ", "For example, the memory cells 1b connected to the word line WLa and the memory cells 1a connected to the word line WLb share their source regions 3, which form the source line RSLa. ", "The individual source lines RSLa-RSLm are connected to a common source line SL.", "\nThe individual word lines WLa-WLz are connected to a row decoder 153, and the individual bit lines BLa-BLz are connected to a column decoder 154. ", "A row address and a column address, which have been designated externally, are supplied to an address pin 155. ", "The address pin 155 transfer the row address and column address to an address latch 157 via an address buffer 156. ", "The address latch 157 transfers the latched row address to the row decoder 153 and the latched column address signal to the column decoder 154.", "\nThe row decoder 153 selects one of the word lines WLa-WLz (e.g., WLm), which is associated with the latched row address, and controls the electric potential on the selected word line WLm in accordance with each of the operation modes illustrated in FIG. ", "12.", "\nThe column decoder 154 selects one of the bit lines BLa-BLz (e.g., BLm), which is associated with the latched column address, and controls the electric potential on the selected bit line BLm in accordance with each operation mode shown in FIG. ", "12.", "\nThe common source line SL is connected to a source line bias circuit 162, which controls the electric potentials on the individual source lines RSLa-RSLm via the common source line SL in accordance with each operation mode shown in FIG. ", "12.", "\nExternally specified data is supplied to a data pin 158 through which the data is transferred to the column decoder 154 via an input buffer 159. ", "In accordance with the data, the column decoder 154 controls the electric potential on the selected one of the bit lines BLa-BLz.", "\nData read from an arbitrary memory cell 1 is supplied to the column decoder 154 via the associated one of the bit lines BLa-BLz. ", "The data is then transferred from the column decoder 154 to a sense amplifier group 160 which comprises a plurality of sense amplifiers (not shown). ", "The column decoder 154 connects the selected bit line BLm to the associated sense amplifier. ", "The data that has been discriminated in the sense amplifier group 160 is sent out from the data pin 158 via an output buffer 161. ", "The operations of the individual circuits 153-162 are controlled by a control core circuit 163.", "\nThe individual operation modes (the erase mode, write mode, read mode and standby mode) of the flash EEPROM 151 will now be discussed referring to FIG. ", "12.", "\n(a) Erase Mode\nIn erase mode, the electric potentials of all the source lines RSLa-RSLm and the bit lines BLa-BLz are kept at the ground level (=0 V). ", "A voltage of 14 to 15 V is applied to a selected word line WLm and a voltage of the ground level is applied to the other, non-selected word lines WLa-WLl and WLn-WLz. ", "Therefore, the electric potentials of the control gate electrodes 9 of the memory cells 1 that are connected to the selected word line WLm are pulled up to 14 to 15 V.\nThe electrostatic capacitances between the source region 3 and substrate 2 and the floating gate electrode 7 are set significantly greater than the electrostatic capacitance between the control gate electrode 9 and the floating gate electrode 7. ", "When the electric potential of the control gate electrode 9 is 14 to 15 V and the electric potential of the drain is 0 V, therefore, a high electric field is produced between the control gate electrode 9 and the floating gate electrode 7. ", "Consequently, a Fowler-Nordheim (FN) tunnel current flows between both gate electrodes, so that electrons in the floating gate electrode 7 are drained toward the control gate electrode 9, as indicated by an arrow A in FIG. ", "10. ", "As a result, data stored in the memory cells 1 is erased.", "\nAs the electrons in the floating gate electrode 7 travel toward the control gate electrode 9, the electrons jump out from the projections 7a. ", "This facilitates the electron migration so that the electrons in the floating gate electrode 7 can be drained efficiently. ", "This erasure is performed on all the memory cells 1 that are connected to the selected word line WLm.", "\n(b) Write Mode\nIn write mode, the electric potential on the bit line BLm that is connected to the drain region 4 of the selected memory cell 1 is set to the ground level. ", "A voltage of 4 V is applied to the other, non-selected bit lines BLa-BLl and BLn-BLz. ", "A voltage of 2 V is applied to the word line WLm that is connected to the control gate electrode 9 of the selected memory cell 1, and the voltage of the ground level is applied to the other, non-selected word lines WLa-WLl and WLn-WLz. ", "A voltage of 12 V is applied to all the source lines RSLa-RSLm.", "\nThe threshold voltage, Vth, of the select transistor 11 of each memory cell 1 is 0.5 V. In the selected memory cell 1, therefore, the electrons in the drain region 4 travel into the channel region 5, the conductivity of which has been inverted to an N type from a P type. ", "Accordingly, the cell current flows toward the drain region 4 from the source region 3.", "\nA voltage of 12 V is applied to the source region 3. ", "Therefore, the electric potential of the floating gate electrode 7 is pulled up by the capacitive coupling between the source region 3 and the floating gate electrode 7, thus producing a high electric field between the channel region 5 and the floating gate electrode 7. ", "Thus, the electrons in the channel region 5 are accelerated to become hot electrons, which are supplied to the floating gate electrode 7 as indicated by an arrow B in FIG. ", "10. ", "Consequently, charges are stored in the floating gate electrode 7 of the selected memory cell 1 and 1-bit data is written and stored there. ", "Unlike the erasure, this write operation can be executed for each selected memory cell 1.", "\n(c) Read Mode\nIn read mode, a voltage of 4 V is applied to the word line WLm that is connected to the control gate electrode 9 of the selected memory cell 1, and the voltage of the ground level is applied to the other, non-selected word lines WLa-WLl and WLn-WLz. ", "A voltage of 2 V is applied to the bit line BLm that is connected to the drain region 4 of the selected memory cell 1, and the voltage of the ground level is applied to the other, non-selected bit lines BLa-BLl and BLn-BLz.", "\nAs mentioned earlier, electrons are drained from the floating gate electrode 7 of a data-erased memory cell 1. ", "Further, electrons are supplied into the floating gate electrode 7 of a data-written memory cell 1. ", "Therefore, the channel region 5 directly below the floating gate electrode 7 of the data-erased memory cell 1 is conducting or is enabled, and the channel region 5 directly below the floating gate electrode 7 of the data-written memory cell 1 is not conducting or is disabled. ", "Thus, the cell current that flows toward the source region 3 from the drain region 4 when 4 V is applied to the control gate electrode 9 is greater for the data-erased memory cell 1 than for the data-written memory cell 1.", "\nAs the level of the cell current flowing in each memory cell 1 is discriminated by the associated sense amplifier in the sense amplifier group 160, the value of data in the data-erased memory cell 1 can be read. ", "For example, a data value is read with \"1\" as the data value in the data-erased memory cell 1 or \"0\" as the data value in the data-written memory cell 1. ", "In this manner, binary data having a data value \"1\" indicating the erased state and a data value \"0\" indicating the written state can be stored in each memory cell 1.", "\n(d) Standby Mode\nIn standby mode, the voltage of the ground level is applied to the common source line SL, all the word lines WLa-WLz and all the bit lines BLa-BLz. ", "In this standby mode, no operation is performed to any memory cell 1.", "\nSince the select transistors 11 are provided in the flash EEPROM using the thus constituted split gate memory cells, each memory cell can self-select its ON/OFF state. ", "That is, the select transistor 11 provided in each memory cell 1 allows the memory cell to select its own conductive/non-conductive state.", "\nEven if charges are excessively drained from the floating gate electrode 7 at the time of data erasure, therefore, the channel region 5 can be rendered non-conductive by the select gate 10. ", "Thus, excessive erasure, if it occurs, does not raise any problem because the conductive/non-conductive states of the memory cells 1 can be controlled by the select transistors 11.", "\nU.S. Pat. ", "No. ", "5,029,130 discloses another flash EEPROM in which the source region 3 of the split gate memory cell 1 shown in FIG. ", "10 is changed to a drain region while the drain region 4 of the memory cell 1 is changed to a source region. ", "FIG. ", "13 is a cross-sectional view showing a part of the memory cell array of a flash EEPROM using such modified memory cells 21. ", "FIG. ", "14 illustrates the general structure of a flash EEPROM 171, which uses the memory cells 21. ", "FIG. ", "15 shows voltages at the individual sections of the flash EEPROM 171 in individual operation modes.", "\nThe split gate memory cell 21 in FIG. ", "13 differs from the split gate memory cell 1 in FIG. ", "10 in that the source region and the drain region of the former memory cell 21 are respectively called the drain region and the source region in the latter memory cell 1. ", "That is, the source region 3 of the memory cell 21 is called the drain region 4 in the memory cell 1, and the drain region 4 of the memory cell 21 is called the source region 3 in the memory cell 1.", "\nThe flash EEPROM 171 in FIG. ", "14 differs from the flash EEPROM 151 in FIG. ", "11 in that the common source line SL is grounded. ", "In any operation mode, therefore, the electric potentials of the individual source lines RSLa-RSLm are held at the ground level via the common source line SL.", "\nIn write mode, 12 V is applied to the bit line BLm that is connected to the drain region 4 of the selected memory cell 21, while the electric potentials of the other, non-selected bit lines BLa-BLl and BLn-BLz are set to the ground level.", "\nFor each memory cell 21 in FIG. ", "13, the threshold voltage Vth of the select transistor 11 is also 0.5 V. In the selected memory cell 21, therefore, the electrons in the source region 3 travel into the channel region 5, the conductivity of which has been inverted. ", "Accordingly, the cell current flows toward the source region 3 from the drain region 4.", "\nAs 12 V is applied to the drain region 4, the electric potential of the floating gate electrode 7 is pulled up by the capacitive coupling between the drain region 4 and the floating gate electrode 7. ", "Consequently, a high electric field is generated between the channel region 5 and the floating gate electrode 7. ", "The electrons in the channel region 5 are thus accelerated to become hot electrons, which are supplied to the floating gate electrode 7 as indicated by an arrow B in FIG. ", "13. ", "As a result, charges are stored in the floating gate electrode 7 of the selected memory cell 21, and 1-bit data is written and stored there.", "\nAs the memory capacity of semiconductor memories is increasing recently, there is a demand for further miniaturization of the above-described split gate memory cells 1 and 21. ", "The miniaturization of the memory cells can be accomplished by simply reducing the dimensions of the individual sections without altering their shapes. ", "This scheme is however limited taking the processing performance of the manufacturing machines which are being developed at present into consideration." ]
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[ "Q:\n\nForce http protocol in Javascript file from local protocol\n\nWe are using HTML5 to develope an phone app, which means that our local protocol on the phone is file://. We are trying to include Opentable's widget on our page for now. ", "But their widget JS link looks like:\n<script type='text/javascript> src='//secure.opentable.com/widget/reservation/loader?rid=27763&domain=com&type=standard&theme=standard&lang=en&overlay=false&iframe=true'></script>\n\nNote that it starts with \n//secure.opentable.com\n\nSo it will get our file:// protocol automatically. ", "But even I change it to \nhttps://secure.opentable.com\n\nIt still does not work on local. ", "I noticed that in their JS source, they still used \"//\" which will somehow still get our \"file://\" protocol. ", " \nHere is the error after I change the link to https://secure.opentable.com/...\n\nFailed to load resource: The requested URL was not found on this\n server.", "\nfile://www.opentable.com/widget/reservation/canvas?rid=27763&domain=com&type=standard&theme=standard&lang=en&overlay=false&insideiframe=true\n\nI noticed that in the console it looks like:\n\nHow can I make it work for a local environment?", "\nThanks!", "\n\nA:\n\nMaybe this will work:\n$(document).ready(function() {\n $(\"iframe[src^='//www.opentable.com']\").attr('src', function(i, oldsrc) {\n return \"https:\" + oldsrc;\n });\n);\n\nIt waits until the document is ready, which should be after the new IFRAME is added to the DOM, then it replaces its src with one with the https: protocol.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "Price and Purchase\n\nIf you'd like to open a Buy Now Pay Later account please fill in the simple\nform below and we will be in touch within 15 minutes (during normal office hours).", "\n\nBeing a Dad Who Leads\n\nFull Product Description\n\nAs a Christian father, you bear a tremendous responsibility - to raise your children through both biblical instruction and personal example. ", "But how can you succeed in a society that attacks the role of fatherhood and godly family values?", "\n\nAre you sometimes tempted to give in or give up?", "\n\nThe rewards of being a dad who leads are well worth making the effort to stand firm. ", "The Bible offers clear guidance for dads on how to parent effectively.", "\n\nJoin pastor-teacher John MacArthur as he looks at:\n\nthe keys to building healthy family unity;\n\nessential character qualities to teach every child;\n\nhow to lovingly discipline children and nurture obedience;\n\ntraps to avoid in the course of parenting;\n\nand the power of a dad's example to influence future generations.", "\n\nCommit yourself to being a dad who leads, and God will enable you every step of the way. ", "There's no surer path to experiencing a lifetime of family blessings!", "\n\nBeing a Dad Who Leads by John F. MacArthur was published by Harvest House in May 2014 and is our 5487th best seller. ", "The ISBN for Being a Dad Who Leads is 9780736959315.", "\n\nParticularly impressed by Fiona on Customer Service. ", "She responded quickly to my query. ", "She provided very helpful correspondence during a previous transaction as well, which encouraged me to use you this time.- Andy, Lincoln\n\n2,800,000+\n\nVisitors in 2015\n\n400,000+\n\nValued Customers\n\n81,000+\n\nBibles Supplied in 2015\n\n35,000+\n\nBaptism Candles Sold\n\n150+\n\nCountries Delivered\n\n11+ Years\n\nServing the UK Church\n\nParticularly impressed by Fiona on Customer Service. ", "She responded quickly to my query. ", "She provided very helpful correspondence during a previous transaction as well, which encouraged me to use you this time.- Andy, Lincoln\n\nPayment Methods Accepted\n\nHow We Keep Your Information Secure\n\nWe use enterprise level encryption and 256-bit SSL to ensure your information is transmitted, stored and received securely." ]
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[ "Auto makers combined to invest nearly $18 billion US to expand their plants and increase capacity worldwide last year.", "\n\nAccording to a new report by the Office of Automotive and Vehicle Research at the University of Windsor, none of that money was spent in Canada.", "\n\n“Canada’s position in the global automotive industry is continuously declining,” said Tony Faria, one of the authors of the report.", "\n\nThe report found that automakers have invested in Canada just once in the last four years. ", "Slightly less than $1 billion US was spent in Canada in 2012.", "\n\nChina, though, has been the big winner. ", "Automakers invested $12.6 billion US there in 2013 — the most since the $13.6 billion US spent in 2011.", "\n\n“Canada was once the fourth-largest automotive assembly country in the world – it is now 10th,” according to the report.", "\n\nAuto analyst Dennis DesRosiers says his statistics and those provided from Stats Canada shows “we do indeed get some automotive investment, but radically lower than most of the last two decades.”", "\n\nHe said the University of Windsor report “is accurate in that Canada now gets a very small fraction of global assembly plant investments.”", "\n\n“We look at only investment that will increase automotive assembly capacity. ", "Either the building of a new plant or the expansion of an existing plant to produce more vehicles,” said Faria.", "\n\nThe Asia-Pacific region now accounts for 50.3 per cent of all auto production. ", "North America accounts for 19.7 per cent.", "\n\nUnion calls report 'a lie'\n\nUnifor Local 444 president Dino Chiodo, whose union represents nearly 5,000 hourly employees at Chrysler’s Windsor Assembly Plant, called the report “a lie” at first blush. ", "Chiodo was travelling when CBC contacted him and he was unable to comment further at the time.", "\n\nWhile several automakers have invested in Canada — Ford in Oakville, for example — few have built new factories or increased capacity and added jobs at existing plants.", "\n\nIn 2013, for example, Chrysler’s sales and market share were up in both the U.S. and Canada. ", "Its international deliveries also increased.", "\n\nHowever, the report found Chrysler, with three years of profitability under its belt, made one new capacity investment announcement in 2013 totalling $770 million US and 60,000 new units of capacity.", "\n\nDespite the fact Chrysler is now facing capacity issues in North America, it announced a new assembly plant to be located in Guangzhou, China.", "\n\n“With the recovery of the global and North American markets, assemblers are continuing to invest in new capacity based on each company’s sales expectations and … forecasts,” the report says. “", "An amazing 62.6 per cent of all new capacity investment announcements made over the past four years have been in China.”", "\n\nThere isn't a single silver bullet. - ", "Dennis DesRosiers, auto analyst\n\nFaria said China has received more new capacity investment in the last six years than the rest of the world combined.", "\n\n“There isn't a single silver bullet. ", "An overnight return to a sixty-cent dollar will certainly prolong the industry's slide, but the lack of innovation and generally higher cost climate may minimize whatever comparative advantages we enjoy,” DesRosiers said. “", "Second, government can't force these changes. ", "A role certainly exists for governments to play, especially in key areas such as energy cost reduction, trade policy negotiations and fostering innovation — but the Canadian auto sector needs to build its own competencies, instead of relying entirely on governments to game the investment conditions.”", "\n\nFaria said less investment in Canada affects suppliers. ", "Canadian tool and die and mold makers now have to look outside Canada for customers.", "\n\n“If you’re a Canadian auto parts maker … you’ve got to be looking toward the Southern U.S. and Mexico,” Faria said. “", "We have to hold on to what we have in Canada, right now.”" ]
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[ "Mea culpa\n\nis a Latin phrase that means \"through my fault\" and is an acknowledgement of having done wrong.", "\n\nGrammatically, is in the ablative case, with an instrumental meaning.", "\n\nThe phrase comes from a prayer of confession of sinfulness, known as the Confiteor, used in the Roman Rite at the beginning of Mass or when receiving the sacrament of Penance.", "\n\nThe expression is used also as an admission of having made a mistake that should have been avoided, and may be accompanied by beating the breast as in its use in a religious context.", "\n\nReligious use \n\nIn the present form of the Confiteor as used in the celebration of Mass, mea culpa is said three times, the third time with the addition of the adjective maxima (\"very great\", usually translated as \"most grievous\"), and is accompanied by the gesture of beating the breast.", "\n\nAccording to Adrian Fortescue, the inclusion in the Confiteor of the phrase mea culpa can be traced back only to the 16th century.", "\n\nHowever, the Latin phrase mea culpa was used, even in an English context, earlier than that. ", "Geoffrey Chaucer's 14th-century Troilus and Criseyde uses it in a way that shows it was already a traditional religious phrase: \"Now, mea culpa, lord! ", "I me repente.\"", "\n\nAlthough the Confiteor was not then part of the Mass, it was used in administering the sacrament of Penance. ", "In some forms it already included the phrase mea culpa. ", "Thus the 9th-century Paenitentiale Vallicellanum II had a thrice-repeated mea culpa (without maxima) in its elaborate form of the Confiteor.", "\n\nIn about 1220, the rite of public penance in Siena for those who had committed murder required the penitent to throw himself on the ground three times, saying: Mea culpa; peccavi; Domine miserere mei (\"Through my fault. ", "I have sinned. ", "Lord, have mercy on me\").", "\n\nSee also\n\n List of ecclesiastical abbreviations\n List of Latin phrases\n Self-criticism\n\nReferences\n\nExternal links\n\nSancta Missa – Prayers at the Foot of the Altar, Latin and English, sanctamissa.org\n\nCategory:Latin religious words and phrases" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nCan I disable auto logon on windows 10 home\n\nI recently setup a new computer for my parents with windows 10 home. ", "I made two local accounts for them - no microsoft accounts. ", "I also would like to keep them without a password. ", "Problem is now that windows automatically signs in with the last used account. ", "No lock/login screen.", "\nI tried a number of answers from similar questions here but none worked. ", "Since it's a home version there are no group policies and the method using task scheduler does not work because accounts with no password are not allowed to create such tasks.", "\nAre there other options to force windows to show a user list on startup without setting passwords for the accounts?", "\n\nA:\n\nThe following link describes how to change this behaviour in Windows 8 using a registry setting and some permissions on that registry setting. ", "It also works with Windows 10.", "\nhttp://www.eightforums.com/user-accounts-family-safety/10004-help-multiple-users-login-screen.html\n\nFirst launch the registry editor: Press WIN + R, type regedit and click \"OK\".", "\nNavigate to the following path:\n\nHKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Authentication\\LogonUI\\UserSwitch\n\nChange value of the key Enabled from 0 to 1\nThere's one more problem to solve: The user SYSTEM automatically changes the value to 0. ", "So we will disallow the user SYSTEM to change it.", "\n\nRight mouse click at registry key UserSwitch -> Permissions\nClick on Advanced and then on the Disable inheritance-button; if your are prompted with two options now, choose the first one (Convert inherited permissions into explicit ones for this object)\nAt the top of the dialog, change the owner from SYSTEM to the group Administrators (if your Windows is not in English, the name might differ a bit, e.g. in German it would be \"Administratoren\")\nSelect the group Administrators entry -> Allow -> full control\nDouble click the entry for SYSTEM, select type Deny and click on Show advanced permissions. ", "Here Clear all -> only check Set value\n\nA:\n\nA solution posted by Larry Jacobson on the Microsoft Community Q & A that I've confirmed works is to disable the automatic use of sign-in info for every single account on the system. ", "You access that option in the Settings app under Accounts > Sign-in options, in the Privacy section.", "\nMake sure to disable the option for every single account on the system, not just the account that gets signed in automatically or all accounts without a password.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "Vivus in talks to out-license ED drug Stendra\n\nStendra's speed of onset may confer an edge over older erectile dysfunction pills like Viagra—and possibly a warm reception in the marketplace—but drugmaker Vivus won't launch the drug itself. ", "The specialty firm wants another to handle marketing, an analyst says.", "\n\nVivus's Friday FDA approval for Stendra (avanafil) has drawn media focus on the pill's rapid onset of action. ", "Patients take Stendra on an “as-needed basis 30 minutes before sexual activity,” the FDA noted in a statement.", "\n\nBy comparison, patients prescribed Pfizer's Viagra are instructed to take it about an hour prior to sex. ", "Ditto for Bayer/GlaxoSmithKline's Levitra, while dosing for the Eli Lilly drug Cialis is listed as “at least 30 minutes before anticipated sexual activity.”", "\n\nBut Vivus, which also has an obesity drug in late-stage development, won't take aim at those rivals, at least not on its own. ", "It's currently in discussions with potential partners to commercialize Stendra in the US and in other territories, except Asia.", "\n\nThe firm is not only shopping for a partner; it wants to completely divest or monetize the asset, said Credit-Suisse analyst Lee Kalowski in a note to investors today. “", "VVUS is most likely to find a partner in either a mid-sized specialty pharma company looking for de-risked assets or a big pharma company with excess GP sales force capacity,” Kalowski wrote, especially “given how competitive and promotionally sensitive the ($4.3B worldwide) ED market is.”", "\n\nA company spokesperson told MM&M that its discussions with potential partners are confidential. ", "A launch is planned for late 2012, but manufacturing has yet to start.", "\n\nOver 60% of Viagra prescriptions are written by GPs, Kalowski says. ", "As such, Stendra might make a nice fit for a pharma company with an existing primary care sales force of 750-1,000 reps or more, one that could layer on an additional product without requiring much incremental sales force expense, just promotional expense.", "\n\nVivus would rather direct its promotional budget toward gearing up for its launch of obesity pill Qnexa, whose PDUFA date is coming up on July 17, especially considering the kinds of outlays typical in the ED space.", "\n\nIndeed, it would take a substantial amount of money to commercialize this asset. ", "Viagra spent $128 million on DTC advertising in 2011, according to Nielsen, while Cialis spent $144 million on consumer ads. ", "And that's not including detailing expenses.", "\n\nAs far as takers for Stendra, big pharma might be leery. ", "Levitra, which Bayer out-licensed to GSK at one point, hasn't been a great story. ", "The drug generated global sales of just $332 million last year.", "\n\nThen again, Levitra is a completely undifferentiated product vs. Viagra and Cialis, and a niche might be available for Stendra. ", "According to Leerink Swann analyst Steve Yoo, “while some prefer the longer duration of effect that LLY's (MP) Cialis offers, there will likely be a subset of patients who would welcome a faster on/faster off drug such as VVUS's (OP) avanafil.”" ]
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[ "<?", "xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?", ">\n\t<item>\n\t\t<title>form_FORM_ID_alter</title>\n\t\t<external>http://api.drupal.org/api/search/7/hook_form_FORM_ID_alter</external>\n\t\t<group>hook</group>\n\t\t<template><![CDATA[\n/**\n* Implements hook_form_FORM_ID_alter();\n*/\nfunction ${file_name}_form_${FORM_ID}_alter(&$form, &$form_state, $form_id) {\n ${cursor}\n}\n]]></template>\n\t\t<help><![CDATA[<h2>hook_form_FORM_ID_alter(&$form, &$form_state, $form_id)</h2>\n\n<p>Provide a form-specific alteration instead of the global hook_form_alter().</p>\n<p>Modules can implement hook_form_FORM_ID_alter() to modify a specific form,\nrather than implementing hook_form_alter() and checking the form ID, or\nusing long switch statements to alter multiple forms.</p>\n\n<h3>Parameters</h3>\n<p><b>\n$form</b> -- \nNested array of form elements that comprise the form.</p>\n<p><b>$form_state</b> -- \nA keyed array containing the current state of the form. ", "The arguments\nthat drupal_get_form() was originally called with are available in the\narray $form_state['build_info']['args'].</p>\n<p><b>$form_id</b> -- \nString representing the name of the form itself. ", "Typically this is the\nname of the function that generated the form.</p>\n\n\n\n]]></help>\n\t</item>" ]
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[ "/* fuc microcode for nve0 PGRAPH/GPC\n *\n * Copyright 2011 Red Hat Inc.\n *\n * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a\n * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the \"Software\"),\n * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation\n * the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense,\n * and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the\n * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:\n *\n * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in\n * all copies or substantial portions of the Software.", "\n *\n * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED \"AS IS\", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR\n * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY,\n * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. ", " IN NO EVENT SHALL\n * THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER(S) OR AUTHOR(S) BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR\n * OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE,\n * ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR\n * OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE.", "\n *\n * Authors: Ben Skeggs\n */\n\n/* To build:\n * m4 nve0_grgpc.fuc | envyas -a -w -m fuc -V nva3 -o nve0_grgpc.fuc.h\n */\n\n/* TODO\n * - bracket certain functions with scratch writes, useful for debugging\n * - watchdog timer around ctx operations\n */\n\n.section #nve0_grgpc_data\ninclude(`nve0.fuc')\ngpc_id:\t\t\t.b32 0\ngpc_mmio_list_head:\t.b32 0\ngpc_mmio_list_tail:\t.b32 0\n\ntpc_count:\t\t.b32 0\ntpc_mask:\t\t.b32 0\ntpc_mmio_list_head:\t.b32 0\ntpc_mmio_list_tail:\t.b32 0\n\ncmd_queue:\t\tqueue_init\n\n// chipset descriptions\nchipsets:\n.b8 0xe4 0 0 0\n.b16 #nve4_gpc_mmio_head\n.b16 #nve4_gpc_mmio_tail\n.b16 #nve4_tpc_mmio_head\n.b16 #nve4_tpc_mmio_tail\n.b8 0xe7 0 0 0\n.b16 #nve4_gpc_mmio_head\n.b16 #nve4_gpc_mmio_tail\n.b16 #nve4_tpc_mmio_head\n.b16 #nve4_tpc_mmio_tail\n.b8 0xe6 0 0 0\n.b16 #nve4_gpc_mmio_head\n.b16 #nve4_gpc_mmio_tail\n.b16 #nve4_tpc_mmio_head\n.b16 #nve4_tpc_mmio_tail\n.b8 0 0 0 0\n\n// GPC mmio lists\nnve4_gpc_mmio_head:\nmmctx_data(0x000380, 1)\nmmctx_data(0x000400, 2)\nmmctx_data(0x00040c, 3)\nmmctx_data(0x000450, 9)\nmmctx_data(0x000600, 1)\nmmctx_data(0x000684, 1)\nmmctx_data(0x000700, 5)\nmmctx_data(0x000800, 1)\nmmctx_data(0x000808, 3)\nmmctx_data(0x000828, 1)\nmmctx_data(0x000830, 1)\nmmctx_data(0x0008d8, 1)\nmmctx_data(0x0008e0, 1)\nmmctx_data(0x0008e8, 6)\nmmctx_data(0x00091c, 1)\nmmctx_data(0x000924, 3)\nmmctx_data(0x000b00, 1)\nmmctx_data(0x000b08, 6)\nmmctx_data(0x000bb8, 1)\nmmctx_data(0x000c08, 1)\nmmctx_data(0x000c10, 8)\nmmctx_data(0x000c40, 1)\nmmctx_data(0x000c6c, 1)\nmmctx_data(0x000c80, 1)\nmmctx_data(0x000c8c, 1)\nmmctx_data(0x001000, 3)\nmmctx_data(0x001014, 1)\nmmctx_data(0x003024, 1)\nmmctx_data(0x0030c0, 2)\nmmctx_data(0x0030e4, 1)\nmmctx_data(0x003100, 6)\nmmctx_data(0x0031d0, 1)\nmmctx_data(0x0031e0, 2)\nnve4_gpc_mmio_tail:\n\n// TPC mmio lists\nnve4_tpc_mmio_head:\nmmctx_data(0x000048, 1)\nmmctx_data(0x000064, 1)\nmmctx_data(0x000088, 1)\nmmctx_data(0x000200, 6)\nmmctx_data(0x00021c, 2)\nmmctx_data(0x000230, 1)\nmmctx_data(0x0002c4, 1)\nmmctx_data(0x000400, 3)\nmmctx_data(0x000420, 3)\nmmctx_data(0x0004e8, 1)\nmmctx_data(0x0004f4, 1)\nmmctx_data(0x000604, 4)\nmmctx_data(0x000644, 22)\nmmctx_data(0x0006ac, 2)\nmmctx_data(0x0006c8, 1)\nmmctx_data(0x000730, 8)\nmmctx_data(0x000758, 1)\nmmctx_data(0x000778, 1)\nnve4_tpc_mmio_tail:\n\n.section #nve0_grgpc_code\nbra #init\ndefine(`include_code')\ninclude(`nve0.fuc')\n\n// reports an exception to the host\n//\n// In: $r15 error code (see nve0.fuc)\n//\nerror:\n\tpush $r14\n\tmov $r14 -0x67ec \t// 0x9814\n\tsethi $r14 0x400000\n\tcall #nv_wr32\t\t// HUB_CTXCTL_CC_SCRATCH[5] = error code\n\tadd b32 $r14 0x41c\n\tmov $r15 1\n\tcall #nv_wr32\t\t// HUB_CTXCTL_INTR_UP_SET\n\tpop $r14\n\tret\n\n// GPC fuc initialisation, executed by triggering ucode start, will\n// fall through to main loop after completion.", "\n//\n// Input:\n// CC_SCRATCH[0]: chipset (PMC_BOOT_0 read returns 0x0bad0bad... sigh)\n// CC_SCRATCH[1]: context base\n//\n// Output:\n// CC_SCRATCH[0]:\n//\t 31:31: set to signal completion\n// CC_SCRATCH[1]:\n//\t 31:0: GPC context size\n//\ninit:\n\tclear b32 $r0\n\tmov $sp $r0\n\n\t// enable fifo access\n\tmov $r1 0x1200\n\tmov $r2 2\n\tiowr I[$r1 + 0x000] $r2\t\t// FIFO_ENABLE\n\n\t// setup i0 handler, and route all interrupts to it\n\tmov $r1 #ih\n\tmov $iv0 $r1\n\tmov $r1 0x400\n\tiowr I[$r1 + 0x300] $r0\t\t// INTR_DISPATCH\n\n\t// enable fifo interrupt\n\tmov $r2 4\n\tiowr I[$r1 + 0x000] $r2\t\t// INTR_EN_SET\n\n\t// enable interrupts\n\tbset $flags ie0\n\n\t// figure out which GPC we are, and how many TPCs we have\n\tmov $r1 0x608\n\tshl b32 $r1 6\n\tiord $r2 I[$r1 + 0x000]\t\t// UNITS\n\tmov $r3 1\n\tand $r2 0x1f\n\tshl b32 $r3 $r2\n\tsub b32 $r3 1\n\tst b32 D[$r0 + #tpc_count] $r2\n\tst b32 D[$r0 + #tpc_mask] $r3\n\tadd b32 $r1 0x400\n\tiord $r2 I[$r1 + 0x000]\t\t// MYINDEX\n\tst b32 D[$r0 + #gpc_id] $r2\n\n\t// find context data for this chipset\n\tmov $r2 0x800\n\tshl b32 $r2 6\n\tiord $r2 I[$r2 + 0x000]\t\t// CC_SCRATCH[0]\n\tmov $r1 #chipsets - 12\n\tinit_find_chipset:\n\t\tadd b32 $r1 12\n\t\tld b32 $r3 D[$r1 + 0x00]\n\t\tcmpu b32 $r3 $r2\n\t\tbra e #init_context\n\t\tcmpu b32 $r3 0\n\t\tbra ne #init_find_chipset\n\t\t// unknown chipset\n\t\tret\n\n\t// initialise context base, and size tracking\n\tinit_context:\n\tmov $r2 0x800\n\tshl b32 $r2 6\n\tiord $r2 I[$r2 + 0x100]\t// CC_SCRATCH[1], initial base\n\tclear b32 $r3\t\t// track GPC context size here\n\n\t// set mmctx base addresses now so we don't have to do it later,\n\t// they don't currently ever change\n\tmov $r4 0x700\n\tshl b32 $r4 6\n\tshr b32 $r5 $r2 8\n\tiowr I[$r4 + 0x000] $r5\t\t// MMCTX_SAVE_SWBASE\n\tiowr I[$r4 + 0x100] $r5\t\t// MMCTX_LOAD_SWBASE\n\n\t// calculate GPC mmio context size, store the chipset-specific\n\t// mmio list pointers somewhere we can get at them later without\n\t// re-parsing the chipset list\n\tclear b32 $r14\n\tclear b32 $r15\n\tld b16 $r14 D[$r1 + 4]\n\tld b16 $r15 D[$r1 + 6]\n\tst b16 D[$r0 + #gpc_mmio_list_head] $r14\n\tst b16 D[$r0 + #gpc_mmio_list_tail] $r15\n\tcall #mmctx_size\n\tadd b32 $r2 $r15\n\tadd b32 $r3 $r15\n\n\t// calculate per-TPC mmio context size, store the list pointers\n\tld b16 $r14 D[$r1 + 8]\n\tld b16 $r15 D[$r1 + 10]\n\tst b16 D[$r0 + #tpc_mmio_list_head] $r14\n\tst b16 D[$r0 + #tpc_mmio_list_tail] $r15\n\tcall #mmctx_size\n\tld b32 $r14 D[$r0 + #tpc_count]\n\tmulu $r14 $r15\n\tadd b32 $r2 $r14\n\tadd b32 $r3 $r14\n\n\t// round up base/size to 256 byte boundary (for strand SWBASE)\n\tadd b32 $r4 0x1300\n\tshr b32 $r3 2\n\tiowr I[$r4 + 0x000] $r3\t\t// MMCTX_LOAD_COUNT, wtf for?!?", "\n\tshr b32 $r2 8\n\tshr b32 $r3 6\n\tadd b32 $r2 1\n\tadd b32 $r3 1\n\tshl b32 $r2 8\n\tshl b32 $r3 8\n\n\t// calculate size of strand context data\n\tmov b32 $r15 $r2\n\tcall #strand_ctx_init\n\tadd b32 $r3 $r15\n\n\t// save context size, and tell HUB we're done\n\tmov $r1 0x800\n\tshl b32 $r1 6\n\tiowr I[$r1 + 0x100] $r3\t\t// CC_SCRATCH[1] = context size\n\tadd b32 $r1 0x800\n\tclear b32 $r2\n\tbset $r2 31\n\tiowr I[$r1 + 0x000] $r2\t\t// CC_SCRATCH[0] |= 0x80000000\n\n// Main program loop, very simple, sleeps until woken up by the interrupt\n// handler, pulls a command from the queue and executes its handler\n//\nmain:\n\tbset $flags $p0\n\tsleep $p0\n\tmov $r13 #cmd_queue\n\tcall #queue_get\n\tbra $p1 #main\n\n\t// 0x0000-0x0003 are all context transfers\n\tcmpu b32 $r14 0x04\n\tbra nc #main_not_ctx_xfer\n\t\t// fetch $flags and mask off $p1/$p2\n\t\tmov $r1 $flags\n\t\tmov $r2 0x0006\n\t\tnot b32 $r2\n\t\tand $r1 $r2\n\t\t// set $p1/$p2 according to transfer type\n\t\tshl b32 $r14 1\n\t\tor $r1 $r14\n\t\tmov $flags $r1\n\t\t// transfer context data\n\t\tcall #ctx_xfer\n\t\tbra #main\n\n\tmain_not_ctx_xfer:\n\tshl b32 $r15 $r14 16\n\tor $r15 E_BAD_COMMAND\n\tcall #error\n\tbra #main\n\n// interrupt handler\nih:\n\tpush $r8\n\tmov $r8 $flags\n\tpush $r8\n\tpush $r9\n\tpush $r10\n\tpush $r11\n\tpush $r13\n\tpush $r14\n\tpush $r15\n\n\t// incoming fifo command?", "\n\tiord $r10 I[$r0 + 0x200]\t// INTR\n\tand $r11 $r10 0x00000004\n\tbra e #ih_no_fifo\n\t\t// queue incoming fifo command for later processing\n\t\tmov $r11 0x1900\n\t\tmov $r13 #cmd_queue\n\t\tiord $r14 I[$r11 + 0x100]\t// FIFO_CMD\n\t\tiord $r15 I[$r11 + 0x000]\t// FIFO_DATA\n\t\tcall #queue_put\n\t\tadd b32 $r11 0x400\n\t\tmov $r14 1\n\t\tiowr I[$r11 + 0x000] $r14\t// FIFO_ACK\n\n\t// ack, and wake up main()\n\tih_no_fifo:\n\tiowr I[$r0 + 0x100] $r10\t// INTR_ACK\n\n\tpop $r15\n\tpop $r14\n\tpop $r13\n\tpop $r11\n\tpop $r10\n\tpop $r9\n\tpop $r8\n\tmov $flags $r8\n\tpop $r8\n\tbclr $flags $p0\n\tiret\n\n// Set this GPC's bit in HUB_BAR, used to signal completion of various\n// activities to the HUB fuc\n//\nhub_barrier_done:\n\tmov $r15 1\n\tld b32 $r14 D[$r0 + #gpc_id]\n\tshl b32 $r15 $r14\n\tmov $r14 -0x6be8 \t// 0x409418 - HUB_BAR_SET\n\tsethi $r14 0x400000\n\tcall #nv_wr32\n\tret\n\n// Disables various things, waits a bit, and re-enables them..\n//\n// Not sure how exactly this helps, perhaps \"ENABLE\" is not such a\n// good description for the bits we turn off? ", " Anyways, without this,\n// funny things happen.", "\n//\nctx_redswitch:\n\tmov $r14 0x614\n\tshl b32 $r14 6\n\tmov $r15 0x020\n\tiowr I[$r14] $r15\t// GPC_RED_SWITCH = POWER\n\tmov $r15 8\n\tctx_redswitch_delay:\n\t\tsub b32 $r15 1\n\t\tbra ne #ctx_redswitch_delay\n\tmov $r15 0xa20\n\tiowr I[$r14] $r15\t// GPC_RED_SWITCH = UNK11, ENABLE, POWER\n\tret\n\n// Transfer GPC context data between GPU and storage area\n//\n// In: $r15 context base address\n// $p1 clear on save, set on load\n// $p2 set if opposite direction done/will be done, so:\n//\t\ton save it means: \"a load will follow this save\"\n//\t\ton load it means: \"a save preceeded this load\"\n//\nctx_xfer:\n\t// set context base address\n\tmov $r1 0xa04\n\tshl b32 $r1 6\n\tiowr I[$r1 + 0x000] $r15// MEM_BASE\n\tbra not $p1 #ctx_xfer_not_load\n\t\tcall #ctx_redswitch\n\tctx_xfer_not_load:\n\n\t// strands\n\tmov $r1 0x4afc\n\tsethi $r1 0x20000\n\tmov $r2 0xc\n\tiowr I[$r1] $r2\t\t// STRAND_CMD(0x3f) = 0x0c\n\tcall #strand_wait\n\tmov $r2 0x47fc\n\tsethi $r2 0x20000\n\tiowr I[$r2] $r0\t\t// STRAND_FIRST_GENE(0x3f) = 0x00\n\txbit $r2 $flags $p1\n\tadd b32 $r2 3\n\tiowr I[$r1] $r2\t\t// STRAND_CMD(0x3f) = 0x03/0x04 (SAVE/LOAD)\n\n\t// mmio context\n\txbit $r10 $flags $p1\t// direction\n\tor $r10 2\t\t// first\n\tmov $r11 0x0000\n\tsethi $r11 0x500000\n\tld b32 $r12 D[$r0 + #gpc_id]\n\tshl b32 $r12 15\n\tadd b32 $r11 $r12\t// base = NV_PGRAPH_GPCn\n\tld b32 $r12 D[$r0 + #gpc_mmio_list_head]\n\tld b32 $r13 D[$r0 + #gpc_mmio_list_tail]\n\tmov $r14 0\t\t// not multi\n\tcall #mmctx_xfer\n\n\t// per-TPC mmio context\n\txbit $r10 $flags $p1\t// direction\n\tor $r10 4\t\t// last\n\tmov $r11 0x4000\n\tsethi $r11 0x500000\t// base = NV_PGRAPH_GPC0_TPC0\n\tld b32 $r12 D[$r0 + #gpc_id]\n\tshl b32 $r12 15\n\tadd b32 $r11 $r12\t// base = NV_PGRAPH_GPCn_TPC0\n\tld b32 $r12 D[$r0 + #tpc_mmio_list_head]\n\tld b32 $r13 D[$r0 + #tpc_mmio_list_tail]\n\tld b32 $r15 D[$r0 + #tpc_mask]\n\tmov $r14 0x800\t\t// stride = 0x800\n\tcall #mmctx_xfer\n\n\t// wait for strands to finish\n\tcall #strand_wait\n\n\t// if load, or a save without a load following, do some\n\t// unknown stuff that's done after finishing a block of\n\t// strand commands\n\tbra $p1 #ctx_xfer_post\n\tbra not $p2 #ctx_xfer_done\n\tctx_xfer_post:\n\t\tmov $r1 0x4afc\n\t\tsethi $r1 0x20000\n\t\tmov $r2 0xd\n\t\tiowr I[$r1] $r2\t\t// STRAND_CMD(0x3f) = 0x0d\n\t\tcall #strand_wait\n\n\t// mark completion in HUB's barrier\n\tctx_xfer_done:\n\tcall #hub_barrier_done\n\tret\n\n.align 256\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Github" }
[ 0.000009182736455463728, 0.000021633315305570577, 0.000013223140495867768, 0.0000010861012170307189, 0.000001983642578125, 0.000002551827618940685, 0.000005070741920533361, 0, 0.0000027049873203719357 ]
[ "Q:\n\nHow to talk to other UG researchers and/or PG researchers?", "\n\nI'm an undergraduate at a research-intensive university and I have received funding with other students to do research. ", "The other students involved in the project are all undergraduates. ", "I'd really like to talk to people outside of the project who do research - not necessarily to 'network' in a formal sense, but to share resources, discuss the progress we've made, etc. ", "We have a supervisor, but I want something more like a peer. ", "The thing is that I don't know how to find people to talk to. ", "I don't know any undergraduates outside of the project who are doing research. ", "The university has many postgraduates, but I feel like an intruder in postgraduate and academic spaces (e.g. research discussion groups, conferences). ", "\nIt isn't about age; I started my degree as a 'mature student' and I am old enough to be a postgraduate, but there's obviously a hierarchy at universities in terms of how far you are in your education or academic career, and there are some physical barriers between me and postgraduates, too (e.g. they have their own spaces that only postgraduates can access). ", "What should I do? ", "I'm aware of the existence of undergraduate conferences, but it frustrates me that I'm at a university that is very oriented towards research yet I don't feel able to talk to people about it!", "\n\nA:\n\nIn my experience, researchers who are genuinely interested in the same topics as you will be happy to discuss them regardless of whether you're at the same stage of education. ", "Push yourself to attend events that challenge and inspire you, whether they're mainly attended by graduate students or by undergrads, and don't tell yourself that you're an intruder there. ", "Most people won't be thinking about whether you're an undergrad or a postdoc; they'll just be listening to the ideas you exchange. ", "As a graduate student myself, I love working with undergrads who are motivated and excited about research. ", "Of course there will always be some people who think they're above you simply because they have more credentials, but that's their problem, not yours.", "\nAsking people about their own research can be a great entry point since everyone likes to feel that what they're doing is appreciated. ", "Check out a poster session on campus and find a few posters that you're interested in. ", "Eventually you'll start a great conversation with someone. ", "Be patient and don't give up!", "\n\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "Recently we have developed an assay for cytokines needed for the in vitro generation of primary murine cytolytic T lymphocytes (CTL) against alloantigens on tumor cells. ", "The factors which function in the assay are called CHF for CTL helper factor. ", "This assay can detect previously uncharacterized cytokines including a factor of 30,000 molecular weight (RDCHF) made by the cell line RDM4. ", "We have been able to concentrate this cytokine by adsorption to Sepralyte and to obtain a good degree of purification using reverse phase HPLC. ", "We will continue to purify this molecule to a single major protein species for use in biological experiments and for obtaining an N terminal amino acid sequence. ", "We will confirm that the protein we begin to sequence is actually RDCHF by cloning the molecule using recombinant DNA techniques. ", "We have already accomplished the key step in this procedure, the expression of the molecule in Xenopus laeis oocytes. ", "Thus we are able to assay the mRNA specific for the cytokine. ", "Our next steps are: (1) Construction of cDNA libraries. (", "2) Identification of RDCHF cDNA. (", "3) Analysis of the nucleotide sequence of RDCHF cDNA. (", "4) Expression of recombinant RDCHF cDNA in mammalian cells. ", "Once we have obtained reasonably homogeneous RDCHF, we will test it for its biochemical properties. ", "We will also test its biological properties including the binding of radiolabeled RDCHF to different cells involved in CTL generation, the addition of RDCHF to spleen cells depleted of certain cell types, and the function of RDCHF in other help deficient systems for the generation of CTL in vitro. ", "We have found novel molecules with CHF activity from not only RDM4 but also other cell lines such as EL4 and ASFTL-1. ", "We propose to repeat the studies described above with these cytokines." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "NIH ExPorter" }
[ 0.00003460207612456747, 0.00032873109796186715, 0.0000502992807202857, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.000022371114417064686, 0, 0 ]
[ "//\n// MessagePack for C++ static resolution routine\n//\n// Copyright (C) 2016 KONDO Takatoshi\n//\n// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.", "\n// (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at\n// http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)\n//\n#ifndef MSGPACK_V3_CPP03_MSGPACK_TUPLE_DECL_HPP\n#define MSGPACK_V3_CPP03_MSGPACK_TUPLE_DECL_HPP\n\n#include \"msgpack/v2/adaptor/detail/cpp03_msgpack_tuple_decl.hpp\"\n\nnamespace msgpack {\n\n/// @cond\nMSGPACK_API_VERSION_NAMESPACE(v3) {\n/// @endcond\n\nnamespace type {\n\nusing v2::type::tuple;\n\nusing v2::type::tuple_element;\n\nusing v2::type::const_tuple_element;\n\nusing v2::type::tuple_type;\n\nusing v2::type::get;\n\nusing v2::type::make_tuple;\n\n} // namespace type\n\n/// @cond\n} // MSGPACK_API_VERSION_NAMESPACE(v3)\n/// @endcond\n\n} // namespace msgpack\n\n#endif // MSGPACK_V3_CPP03_MSGPACK_TUPLE_DECL_HPP\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Github" }
[ 0.0000390625, 0.000014204430158846112 ]
[ "[Methods for the determination of the surface density of myocardial cell membranes with special regard to the mitochondrial cristae].", "\nThe possibility of using modified formulas for determining the surface density of cellular membranes of the heart muscle cell was discussed, sarcoplasmic reticulum and particularly mitochondrial cristae being used as examples. ", "By using modified formulas and different stages of magnification it could be possible to determine the surface density of critae also in such experimental conditions in which the mitochondrial cristae appear to be densely packed." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
[ 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "Tracheoinnominate artery fistula: combined endovascular and surgical management by emergency stent-graft placement followed by cryopreserved arterial allograft repair.", "\nTracheoinnominate artery fistula is an uncommon but life-threatening complication usually requiring emergency ligation of the artery. ", "The recent introduction of stent-grafts offers a new therapeutic option for emergency management of hemorrhage. ", "Stent-grafts can be used for definitive treatment or as a bridge to surgery. ", "The purpose of this report is to describe a case of hemoptysis due to a tracheoinnominate artery fistula that occurred after a single orotracheal intubation for general anesthesia and was treated by placement of a covered stent followed 12 hours later by surgical revascularization of the innominate artery using a cryopreserved arterial allograft." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "---\nabstract: 'In these proceedings we give a pedagogical and non-technical introduction to the Quantum Field Theory approach to entanglement entropy. ", "Particular attention is devoted to the one space dimensional case, with a linear dispersion relation, that, at a quantum critical point, can be effectively described by a two-dimensional Conformal Field Theory.'", "\naddress:\n- |\n Rudolf Peierls Centre for Theoretical Physics, 1 Keble Road, Oxford OX1 3NP, UK\\\n calabres@thphys.ox.ac.uk\n- 'Rudolf Peierls Centre for Theoretical Physics, 1 Keble Road, Oxford OX1 3NP, UK and All Souls College, Oxford'\nauthor:\n- Pasquale Calabrese\n- John Cardy\ntitle: |\n Entanglement Entropy and Quantum Field Theory:\\\n A Non-Technical Introduction\n---\n\nIntroduction\n============\n\nThere has been considerable interest in formulating measures of entanglement and applying them to extended quantum systems with many degrees of freedom, such as quantum spin chains, especially close to a quantum phase transition (see, e.g., several other reports in these proceedings). ", "One of these measures is entanglement entropy.[@Bennett] Suppose the whole system is in a pure quantum state $|\\Psi\\rangle$, with density matrix $\\rho=|\\Psi\\rangle\\langle\\Psi|$, and an observer A measures a subset $A$ of a complete set of commuting observables, while another observer B may measure the remainder. ", "A’s reduced density matrix is $\\rho_A={\\rm Tr}_B\\,\\rho$. The entanglement entropy is just the von Neumann entropy $S_A=-{\\rm Tr}_A\\,\\rho_A\\log\\rho_A$ associated with this reduced density matrix.", "\n\nAlthough there are other measures of entanglement, the entropy is most readily suited to analytic investigation. ", "Lack of space prevents us from discussing other measures of entanglement and for referring properly to all the works about entanglement entropy. ", "For a more complete list of references we refer, e.g., to our papers.[@cc-04; @cc-05]\n\nIn these proceedings we try to give a pedagogical and non-technical introduction to the Quantum Field Theory (QFT) approach to entanglement entropy.[@cc-04] Particular attention is devoted to the one space dimensional case, with a linear dispersion relation, that, exactly at the quantum phase transition, can be effectively described by a two-dimensional Conformal Field Theory (CFT). ", "Again, for lack of space, we will not discuss the interesting topic of the time evolution of entanglement entropy[@cc-05] and we will limit ourselves to discussion of the ground state properties.", "\n\nThe layout of the paper is as follows. ", "In the next section, we give an introduction to the concepts of renormalization group and conformal invariance. ", "In section \\[pathsec\\] we give a path integral formula for the entanglement entropy. ", "In Section \\[cftsec\\], we apply this formula to the calculation of the entanglement entropy in 1+1 dimensional CFT. ", "In section \\[noncrit\\] we relax the conformal constraint and study the more general case of a system close, but not exactly at the phase transition. ", "Several omitted (technical) details, as well as some results in higher dimensions, can be found in the original paper.[@cc-04]\n\nRenormalization Group and Conformal Transformations\n===================================================\n\nFor someone who is not familiar with the modern theory of phase transitions, the first natural question arising after reading the Introduction is what is the connection between the QFT and a many-body system undergoing a [*continuous*]{} phase transition. ", "The bridge between these apparently disconnected subjects is given by the Renormalization Group (RG) theory.[@cardybook] Let us consider a quantum model defined by an hamiltonian $H(g)$, where $g$ is a tunable experimental parameter, e.g. in the well-known Ising model in a transverse field it is the magnetic field in the transverse direction.[@sach] Such hamiltonian at $g=g_c$ undergoes a continuous phase transition ($g_c$ is called Quantum Critical Point, QCP). ", "Close to the QCP, the correlation length, that is the only relevant scale for the long-distance physics, behaves like $\\xi\\sim |g-g_c|^{-\\nu}$, diverging at the QCP. (", "$\\nu>0$ is an example of [*critical exponent*]{}.) ", "Thus, at the QCP, the system is [*scale invariant*]{}. ", "Now, the universality hypothesis states that some physical properties (called universal), close to the phase transition, do not depend on microscopic details, but only on global properties, such as symmetries and dimensionality. ", "This hypothesis has an elegant explanation in terms of RG theory: Under RG transformations (that, roughly speaking, are practical implementations of scale transformations), different hamiltonians sharing the same universal characteristics flow to the same [*fixed point*]{}. ", "This completely determines the long-distance behavior. ", "For example a model defined on the lattice is defined by an hamiltonian which is invariant under translations multiple of the lattice spacing. ", "The resulting fixed point hamiltonian, instead is generically invariant under arbitrary translations, allowing for the use of a continuum field theory. ", "For the same reason, the critical point hamiltonian is usually invariant under general rotations.", "\n\nThese transformations of rotations, translations, and scaling form a group. ", "Let us exploit the consequences of this symmetry group. ", "Consider the two-point function of a scalar observable $\\langle \\phi({\\bf r}_1) \\phi({\\bf r}_2) \\rangle$. By translational invariance it can be only a function of ${\\bf r}_1- {\\bf r}_2$, by rotational invariance can depend only upon the modulus of such vector, and for a scale transformation ${\\bf r}\\to b{\\bf r}$ it must behaves like ([**r**]{}\\_1) ([**r**]{}\\_2)=b\\^[2 \\_]{} (b [**r**]{}\\_1) (b[**r**]{}\\_2), \\[scaltra\\] where the exponent $\\Delta_\\phi$ is called scaling dimension of the field $\\phi$. These three conditions can be true if and only if ([**r**]{}\\_1) ([**r**]{}\\_2)= |[**r**]{}\\_1-[**r**]{}\\_2|\\^[-2 \\_]{}, \\[2ptsca\\] apart a normalization constant we set equal to $1$.\n\nIt turns out that a fixed point hamiltonian that is invariant under translations, rotations, and scaling transformations has usually the symmetry of the larger [*conformal*]{} group[@confbook] defined as the set of transformations that do not change the angles between two arbitrary curves crossing each other in some point. ", "The consequences under this further invariance in a two-dimensional euclidean space[^1] are extraordinary. ", "In fact, in two-dimensions, we can use complex coordinates $z=x+iy$ and $\\bar{z}=x-iy$. It is straightforward to prove that all the analytic functions $f(z)$ are conformal transformations (this is the reason such mapping are so useful to solve Laplace’s equations). ", "The resulting symmetry group is infinite dimensional, and we can calculate, in principle, everything in an analytic way. ", "For example, under a transformation of the type $z\\to w=w(z)$, we can generalize Eq. (", "\\[scaltra\\]) to a space dependent scale factor $b(z)=w'(z)$ (the prime here and in the following denotes the derivative with respect to $z$), obtaining (z\\_1) (z\\_2) = (|w’(z\\_1)w’(z\\_2)|)\\^[2 \\_]{} (w(z\\_1)) (w(z\\_2)). ", "\\[2pt\\] This equation relates the two-point function of a scalar field on the plane given by Eq. (", "\\[2ptsca\\]) to the one in any other geometry (cylinder, torus, …).", "\n\nA crucial rule in CFT is played by the so called stress tensor $T^{\\mu\\nu}$, that can be defined as follows. ", "Under an arbitrary transformation $x^\\mu\\to x^\\mu+\\epsilon^\\mu$, the euclidean action (the hamiltonian for classical systems) changes as SS+S, S= d\\^2x T\\^ \\_\\_. ", "In general for a CFT $T^{\\mu\\nu}$ can be chosen to be symmetric and traceless.[^2]\n\nOne of the most intriguing results[@confbook] of two-dimensional CFT is that the universality class (of minimal unitary models) is characterized by a single quantity called central charge, that assumes only the discrete values c=1-, m=3,4,…,. ", "\\[cunit\\] For example the Ising universality class corresponds to $c=1/2$, the free boson to $c=1$, and the three state Potts model to $c=4/5$. Cases with $c$ different from the value allowed by Eq. (", "\\[cunit\\]) are also of physical interest (e.g. the case $c=0$ is the critical percolation), but they are always pathological in some sense. ", "From the knowledge of the central change $c$ (that actually appears directly in several important physical quantities, as the entanglement entropy[@Holzhey]), we can (in principle) determine all the critical properties of the model, such as the critical exponents.", "\n\nPath integral formula for the Entanglement Entropy {#pathsec}\n==================================================\n\nConsider a lattice quantum theory in one space and one time dimension. ", "The lattice spacing is $a$, and the lattice sites are labelled by a discrete variable $x$. The domain of $x$ can be finite, i.e. some interval of length $L$, semi-infinite, or infinite. ", "Time is considered to be continuous. ", "A complete set of local commuting observables will be denoted by $\\{\\hat\\phi(x)\\}$, and their eigenvalues and corresponding eigenstates by $\\{\\phi(x)\\}$ and $\\otimes_x|\\{\\phi(x)\\}\\rangle$ respectively. ", "For a bosonic lattice field theory, these will be the fundamental bosonic fields of the theory; for a spin model some particular component of the local spin. ", "The dynamics of the theory is described by a time-evolution operator $\\hat H$. The density matrix $\\rho$ in a thermal state at inverse temperature $\\beta$ is $$\\rho(\\{\\phi(x'')''\\}|\\{\\phi(x')'\\})=\nZ(\\beta)^{-1}\\langle\\{\\phi(x'')''\\}|e^{-\\beta\\hat\nH}|\\{\\phi(x')'\\}\\rangle\\,,$$ where $Z(\\beta)={\\rm Tr}\\,e^{-\\beta\\hat H}$ is the partition function.", "\n\nThis may be expressed in the standard way as a (euclidean) path integral: $$\\label{pathi}\n\\rho=Z^{-1}\\int[d\\phi(x,\\tau)]\n\\prod_x\\delta(\\phi(x,0)-\\phi(x')')\\prod_x\n\\delta(\\phi(x,\\beta)-\\phi(x'')'')\\,e^{-S_E}\\,,$$ where $S_E=\\int_0^\\beta L_Ed\\tau$, with $L_E$ the euclidean lagrangian.", "\n\nThe normalization factor of the partition function ensures that ${\\rm Tr}\\,\\rho=1$, and is found by setting $\\{\\phi(x)''\\}=\\{\\phi(x)'\\}$ and integrating over these variables. ", "This has the effect of sewing together the edges along $\\tau=0$ and $\\tau=\\beta$ to form a cylinder of circumference $\\beta$.\n\nLet $A$ be a subsystem consisting of the points $x$ in the disjoint intervals $(u_1,v_1),\\ldots,(u_N,v_N)$. An expression for the the reduced density matrix $\\rho_A$ may be found by sewing together only those points $x$ which are not in $A$. ", "This will leave open cuts, one for each interval $(u_j,v_j)$, along the the line $\\tau=0$. See figure \\[cil\\] for a pictorial representation of this.", "\n\n\\[cil\\]\n\nWe may then compute ${\\rm Tr}\\,\\rho_A^n$, for any positive integer $n$, by making $n$ copies of the above, labelled by an integer $k$ with $1\\leq k\\leq n$, and sewing them together cyclically along the the cuts so that $\\phi(x)'_k=\\phi(x)''_{k+1}$ (and $\\phi(x)'_n=\\phi(x)''_1$) for all $x\\in A$. ", "Let us denote the path integral on this $n$-sheeted structure by $Z_n(A)$. Then $$\\label{ZoverZ}\n{\\rm Tr}\\,\\rho_A^n={Z_n(A)\\over Z^n}\\,.$$ Since ${\\rm Tr}\\,\\rho_A^n=\\sum_j\\lambda_j^n$, where $\\{\\lambda_j\\}$ are all the eigenvalues of $\\rho_A$ (which lie in $[0,1)$), it follows that the left hand side is absolutely convergent and therefore analytic for all ${\\rm Re}\\,n>1$. The derivative with respect to $n$ therefore also exists and is analytic in the region. ", "Moreover, if the entropy $\\rho_A=-\\sum_\\lambda\\lambda\\log\\lambda$ is finite, the limit as $n\\to1^+$ of the first derivative converges to this value. ", "We conclude that the right hand side of (\\[ZoverZ\\]) has a unique analytic continuation to ${\\rm Re}\\,n>1$ and that its first derivative at $n=1$ gives the required entropy: $$S_A= -\\lim_{n\\to1}{\\partial\\over\\partial n} {\\rm Tr}\\,\\rho_A^n=\n-\\lim_{n\\to1}{\\partial\\over\\partial n}{Z_n(A)\\over Z^n}\\,.$$\n\nSo far, everything has been in the discrete space domain. ", "We showed[@cc-04] that the continuum limit can be taken safely, since most of the UV divergences of the QFT cancel in the ratio (\\[ZoverZ\\]).", "\n\nEntanglement entropy in 1+1-dimensional CFT. {#", "cftsec}\n============================================\n\nNow specialize the discussion of the previous section to the case when the field theory is relativistic and massless, i.e. a CFT, with central charge $c$.\n\nSingle interval\n---------------\n\nWe first consider the case of a single interval of length $\\ell$ in an infinitely long 1d quantum system, at zero temperature. ", "The ratio (\\[ZoverZ\\]) is given by $\\langle 0|0\\rangle_{{\\cal R}_n}$, i.e. the vacuum expectation value in the $n$-sheeted surface. ", "Within CFT to obtain this expectation value is enough to know how it transforms under a general conformal transformation. ", "This is formally given by $\\langle T(w) \\rangle_{{\\cal R}_n}$, where $T(w)$ is the (holomorphic) stress tensor. ", "The reason for that will be clear (we hope) in the following.", "\n\nTo obtain $\\langle T(w) \\rangle_{{\\cal R}_n}$, we need to map the $n$-sheeted surface onto a geometry where the mean value of the stress tensor is known, and then use the transformation law[@confbook] $$\\label{schwartz}\nT(w)=(z'')^2\\,T(z)+\\frac{c}{12} \\frac{z'''z'-\\frac32{z''}^2}{{z'}^2}\\,.$$\n\nThe mapping we need is $w\\to z(w)=\\big((w-u)/(w-v)\\big)^{1/n}$. This maps the whole of the $n$-sheeted surface ${\\cal R}_n$ to the $z$-plane $\\bf C$, where by translational and rotational invariance $\\langle T(z)\\rangle_{\\bf C}=0$. In fact, the conformal transformation $w\\to\\zeta=(w-u)/(w-v)$ maps the branch points to $(0,\\infty)$. This is then uniformised by the mapping $\\zeta\\to z=\\zeta^{1/n}$.\n\nThus, taking the expectation value of (\\[schwartz\\]) and calculating the three derivatives, we find T(w)\\_[[R]{}\\_n]{}= [c(1-(1/n)\\^2)24]{}[(v-u)\\^2(w-u)\\^2(w-v)\\^2]{}. ", "Now the way of working should be clear. ", "Compare this with the standard form of the correlator of $T$ with two (primary) operators $\\Phi_n(u)$ and $\\Phi_{-n}(v)$ which have the same complex scaling dimensions $\\Delta_n=\\overline\\Delta_n=(c/24)(1-(1/n)^2)$ ([*conformal Ward identity*]{}):[@confbook] \\[TPP\\] T(w)\\_n(u)\\_[-n]{}(v)\\_[**C**]{}= [\\_n(w-u)\\^2(w-v)\\^2(v-u)\\^[2\\_n-2]{} (|v-|u)\\^[2\\_n]{}]{}, where $\\Phi_{\\pm n}$ are normalized so that $\\langle \\Phi_n(u)\\Phi_{-n}(v)\\rangle_{\\bf C}=|v-u|^{-4\\Delta_n}$. In writing the above, we are assuming that $w$ is a complex coordinate on a single sheet $\\bf C$, which is now decoupled from the others. ", "We have therefore shown that $$\\langle T(w)\\rangle_{{\\cal R}_n}\\equiv\n{\\int[d\\phi]T(w)e^{-S_E({\\cal R}_n)}\\over\n\\int[d\\phi]e^{-S_E({\\cal R}_n)}}=\n{\\langle T(w)\\Phi_n(u)\\Phi_{-n}(v)\\rangle_{\\bf C}\n\\over \\langle \\Phi_n(u)\\Phi_{-n}(v)\\rangle_{\\bf C}}\\,.$$\n\nThe insertion of $T(w)$ on each sheet is given by (\\[TPP\\]). ", "Since this is to be inserted on all the sheets, the right hand side gets multiplied by a factor $n$. Since the Ward identity (\\[TPP\\]) determines all the properties under conformal transformations, we conclude that $Z_n({A})/Z^n\\propto{\\rm Tr}\\,\\rho_{A}^n$ behaves (apart from a possible overall constant) under scale and conformal transformations identically to the $n$th power of two-point function of a primary operator $\\Phi_n$ with $\\Delta_n=\\overline\\Delta_n=(c/24)(1-(1/n)^2)$. In particular, this means that \\_[A]{}\\^n=c\\_n()\\^[-(c/6)(n-1/n)]{}, where the exponent is just $4n\\Delta_n$. The power of $a$ has been inserted so as the make the final result dimensionless, as it should be. ", "The constants $c_n$ are not determined by this method. ", "However $c_1$ must be unity. ", "Differentiating with respect to $n$ and setting $n=1$, we recover the result of Holzhey et al.[@Holzhey] S\\_A=+c’\\_1. ", "Notice that the constant $c'_1$ is [*not*]{} universal.", "\n\nThe fact that ${\\rm Tr}\\,\\rho_{A}^n$ transforms under conformal transformations as a 2-point function of primary operators $\\Phi_{\\pm n}$ means that it can be simply computed in other geometries, obtained by a conformal mapping $z\\to w=w(z)$, using equation (\\[2pt\\]).", "\n\nFinite Temperature\n------------------\n\nThe transformation $w\\to w'=(\\beta/2\\pi)\\log w$ maps each sheet in the $w$-plane into an infinitely long cylinder of circumference $\\beta$. The sheets are now sewn together along a branch cut joining the images of the points $u$ and $v$. By arranging this to lie parallel to the axis of the cylinder, we get an expression for ${\\rm Tr}\\,\\rho_{A}^n$ in a thermal mixed state at finite temperature $\\beta^{-1}$. This leads to the result for the entropy $$S_A(\\beta)\\sim\n\\frac{c}{3}\\log\\left(\\frac{\\beta}{\\pi a}\\sinh\\frac{\\pi\\ell}{\\beta}\\right)+c_1'\\,.", "\n\\label{Sbeta}$$ For $\\ell\\ll\\beta$ we find $S_A\\sim(c/3)\\log(\\ell/a)$ as before, while, in the opposite limit $\\ell\\gg\\beta$, $S_A\\sim(\\pi c/3)(\\ell/\\beta)$. In this limit, the von Neumann entropy is extensive, and its density agrees with that of the Gibbs entropy of an isolated system of length $\\ell$. Notice that the entropy given by Eq. (", "\\[Sbeta\\]) is a measure of quantum entanglement only for $\\beta\\to\\infty$. In the opposite limit $\\beta\\ll\\ell$ it is just a measure of the classical entropy. ", "Eq. (", "\\[Sbeta\\]) tells us how the crossover between these two different objects is realized increasing the temperature.", "\n\nFinite Systems\n--------------\n\nOrienting the branch cut perpendicular to the axis of the cylinder (with the replacement $\\beta\\to L$) corresponds to the entropy of a subsystem of length $\\ell$ in a finite system of length $L$, with periodic boundary conditions. ", "This gives $$S_A\\sim \\frac{c}{3}\\log\\left(\\frac{L}{\\pi a}\\sin\\frac{\\pi\\ell}{L}\\right)+c_1'\\,.$$ Note that this expression is symmetric under $\\ell\\to L-\\ell$. It is maximal when $\\ell=L/2$.\n\nFinite system with a boundary.", "\n------------------------------\n\nNext consider the case when the 1d system is a semi-infinite line, say $[0,\\infty)$, and the subsystem $A$ is the finite interval $[0,\\ell)$. At $x=0$ a boundary condition is imposed, that must be conformal invariant as well. ", "The $n$-sheeted surface then consists of $n$ copies of the half-plane $x\\geq0$, sewn together along $0\\leq x<\\ell, \\tau=0$. Once again, we work initially at zero temperature. ", "It is convenient to use the complex variable $w=\\tau+ix$. The uniformising transformation is now $z=\\big((w-i\\ell)/(w+i\\ell)\\big)^{1/n}$, which maps the whole $n$-sheeted surface to the unit disc $|z|\\leq1$. In this geometry, $\\langle T(z)\\rangle=0$ by rotational invariance, so that, using (\\[schwartz\\]), we find $$\\label{hp}\n\\langle T(w)\\rangle_{{\\cal R}_n}=\n{\\Delta_n(2\\ell)^2\\over(w-i\\ell)^2(w+i\\ell)^2}\\,,$$ where $\\Delta_n=(c/24)(1-n^{-2})$ as before. (", "\\[hp\\]) has the same form as $\\langle T(w)\\Phi_n(i\\ell)\\rangle$, which follows from the Ward identities of boundary CFT,[@confbook] with the normalization $\\langle\\Phi_n(i\\ell)\\rangle=(2\\ell)^{-\\Delta_n}$.\n\nThe analysis then proceeds in analogy with the previous case. ", "We find $${\\rm Tr}\\,\\rho_{A}^n\\sim \\tilde c_n(2\\ell/a)^{(c/12)(n-1/n)}\\,,$$ so that $S_A\\sim(c/6)\\log(2\\ell/a)+{\\tilde c}'_1$.\n\nOnce again, this result can be conformally transformed into a number of other cases. ", "At finite temperature $\\beta^{-1}$ we find $$S_A(\\beta)\\sim(c/6)\\log\\big((\\beta/\\pi a)\\sinh(2\\pi\\ell/\\beta)\\big)+\n{\\tilde c}'_1\\,.$$ By taking the limit when $\\ell\\gg\\beta$ we find the same extensive entropy as before.", "\n\nFor a completely finite 1d system, of length $L$ (with two conformal boundary conditions at $x=0$ and $x=L$), at zero temperature, divided into two pieces of lengths $\\ell$ and $L-\\ell$, we similarly find $$S_A=(c/6)\\log\\big((2L/\\pi a)\\sin(\\pi\\ell/L)\\big)+{\\tilde c}'_1\\,.$$\n\nGeneral case\n------------\n\nFor the general case, when $A$ consists of several disjoint intervals $(u_k,v_k)$, the uniformising transformation is rather complicated,[@cc-04] but the method is the same. ", "After a quite long algebra we found \\[general\\] S\\_A=c3(\\_[jk]{} -\\_[j&lt;k]{}-\\_[j&lt;k]{} )+Nc\\_1’. ", "A similar expression holds in the case of a boundary, with half of the $w_i$ corresponding to the image points (this is relevant in considering the time evolution,[@cc-05] where the boundary, in the time axis, is the initial condition).", "\n\nNon-critical 1+1-dimensional models {#noncrit}\n===================================\n\nSo far, we considered the case of a system that is exactly at the quantum critical point. ", "The natural question arising is what happens when a system is close to the phase transition, in the region where the correlation length $\\xi$ is large, but finite. ", "In this case the system is still effectively described by a QFT, that is massive, the mass being the inverse of the correlation length.", "\n\nWhen the subset $A$ is the whole negative real axis (and $B$ the positive one), we showed that the entanglement entropy is $S_A=(c/6) \\log\\xi/a$. The argument we gave[@cc-04] is quite technical and we not repeat it here. ", "However with this formula at hand, we can easily generalize it to more complicated situations, i.e., when $A$ consists of several disjoint intervals, having ${\\cal A}$ boundary points with its complement. ", "In fact, when the correlation length is large, but smaller than the length of each interval, the disjoint pieces must not interact (this is nothing but cluster decomposition in ordinary QFT), resulting in S\\_A=[A]{} . ", "\\[Snoncrit\\] When the correlation length exceeds the lengths of all the intervals we crosses over to the CFT results. ", "In the intermediate regime (i.e. $\\xi$ of the order of some interval length), we expect to see very complicated crossover scaling forms, that are still universal, but probably depending on the model in a very complicated way, not only through the central charge. ", "We emphasize once again that this result is true only when $\\xi\\gg a$.\n\nEquation (\\[Snoncrit\\]) is completely general, and, at the time of publication of our work, there was no evidence for its validity (apart from numerical results[@Vidal] suggesting the saturation of $S_A$ for finite $\\xi$). ", "For this reason we checked this formula in several models in the geometry with ${\\cal A}=1$. We considered the massive Gaussian QFT, reproducing Eq. (", "\\[Snoncrit\\]) with $c=1$. In this particular case we also calculated[@cc-04] the entanglement entropy in a finite system of total length $2L$ divided into two equal parts, showing explicitly the crossover between the CFT and the massive regimes.", "\n\nThen, relaxing even the condition $\\xi\\gg a$, we solved exactly the Quantum Ising chain in a transverse field (by means of Corner Transfer Matrix method[@pkl-99]) with hamiltonian H\\_I=-\\_[n]{}\\^x\\_n- \\_[n]{}\\^z\\_n\\^z\\_[n+1]{}, \\[HamI\\] that displays a quantum phase transition for $\\lambda=1$. The final result we obtained is given by complicated (but rapidly converging) infinite sums.[@cc-04] The resulting entanglement entropy as function of $\\lambda$ is shown in Figure \\[Fig\\], in particular it diverges at $\\lambda=1$, as it should. ", "For $\\xi=|\\lambda-1|^{-1}\\gg 1$, it behaves as $S_A\\sim 1/12 \\log\\xi$, in agreement with Eq. (", "\\[Snoncrit\\]) with $c=1/2$. We also considered the XXZ model,[@cc-04] in the vicinity of the isotropic point, confirming Eq. (", "\\[Snoncrit\\]) for $c=1$.\n\nLater, Peschel[@p-05] was able to write the infinite sums in terms of elliptic integrals and also to generalize the result to the $XY$ chain in a transverse field. ", "Then a direct comparison with the explicit formula for ${\\cal A}=2$ (obtained in the meantime by Its et al.[@ijk-04] using a completely different approach) was possible, showing also the validity of the cluster decomposition.", "\n\nAcknowledgments {#acknowledgments .unnumbered}\n===============\n\nThis work was supported in part by the EPSRC under Grant GR/R83712/01.", "\n\n[0]{}\n\nC. H. Bennett, H. J. Bernstein, S. Popescu, and B. Schumacher, [*Phys. ", "Rev.*]{} [**A 53**]{}, 2046 (1996). ", "P. Calabrese and J. Cardy, [*J. Stat. ", "Mech.*]{} ", "P06002 (2004) \\[hep-th/0405152\\]. ", "P. Calabrese and J. Cardy, [*J. Stat. ", "Mech.*]{} ", "P04010 (2005) \\[cond-mat/0503393\\]. 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Phys.*]{} [**", "A38**]{}, 2975 (2005) \\[quant-ph/0409027\\].", "\n\n[^1]: In a one-dimensional quantum system with a linear dispersion relation $E\\propto k$ (this to ensure that space and time scale in the same manner), the two euclidean coordinates $(x,y)$ correspond to the space and to the imaginary time $\\tau$, obtained by Wick rotation of the real time $t$, i.e. $y=\\tau\\equiv i t$.\n\n[^2]: Notice that in complex coordinates the traceless condition reads $T_{z\\bar z}=0$. The standard convention is $T(z)=-2\\pi T_{zz}$ and $\\overline{T}(\\bar{z})=-2\\pi T_{\\bar{z}\\bar{z}}$, called holomorphic and antiholomorphic stress tensor respectively.[@confbook]\n" ]
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[ "Cal Crutchlow has again called for MotoGP riders to undergo stricter anti-doping checks.", "\n\nThe Englishman believes it is currently possible for riders to 'cut corners' in areas such as rehydration and weight loss:\n\n\"If you think that there are people here who aren't trying to cut corners, in the biggest motorcycle sport on the planet, you're stupid,\" he said on Thursday in Qatar.", "\n\nThe solution, as far as Crutchlow is concerned, would be far more frequent testing.", "\n\n\"I think the testing is terrible. ", "I think the way that whole part of this championship is run is no good. ", "But I'm not saying anything that I've not said for the last four years,\" he began.", "\n\n\"If you think that there are people here who aren't trying to cut corners, in the biggest motorcycle sport on the planet, you're stupid. ", "Because there are people cutting corners.", "\n\n\"But the [testing] system is just shit. ", "How can you select randomly three riders into a testing pool? ", "And they get tested more than the others.", "\n\n\"I've been in that testing pool. ", "I was tested once out of the whole 365 days. ", "And you know the year after, I wasn't in it, and I was tested once as well. ", "And in the last two years, and I haven't been tested. ", "And Jack's been in it twice out of three years.", "\n\n\"I think everyone should be in the testing pool, everyone has to log on and [state] their whereabouts on the ADAMS system. ", "I'll tell you what the problem is, they're all lazy bastards, and they don't want the hassle of logging in every day.", "\n\n\"But you can log on once a month and say where you'll be. ", "Then if you make a change to your itinerary, you log on and do it. ", "But if you're telling me they don't have assistants, team managers, their doctors to do it...\n\n\"They don't want to do it, they're just lazy. ", "But if they say they don't want to do it, how do I know they're not the ones cheating?\"", "\n\nThe @FIM_live “SAY NO! ", "TO DOPING” campaign for 2018 was launched at the first #FIM @MotoGP World Championship event of the season at the Losail International Circuit in Doha, #QatarGP.https://t.co/LlHCSxltiE pic.twitter.com/WuukE7LMVi — FIM (@FIM_live) March 16, 2018\n\nBut the latest rider meeting held with the FIM to discuss the anti-doping protocol ended with mixed opinions on whether more should be done.", "\n\n\"A select amount of riders said that's what they wanted [more tests]. ", "A select amount of riders kept their mouths shut, because they either don't want any testing or the don't want the hassle of logging on and that,\" Crutchlow said.", "\n\n\"But some of the guys in this paddock are paid near on, in total, €40 million. ", "Some are paid €20 million. ", "How can you not find a way if you're a professional athlete [to log on system]?", "\n\n\"Or get one of your helpers to do it. ", "Some of them have got seven helpers! ", "I really don't understand if they're clean, why they don't put their balls on the table and say, 'test me at any time?'\"", "\n\nIn a sport where success depends on a mix of rider and machine, plus mental as much as physical skill, Crutchlow doubts anyone is taking the kind of performance enhancing medication that makes the headlines in athletes.", "\n\n\"I'm not saying that a hard drug here would help. [", "MotoGP] is not particularly about outright performance, you have one guy here who goes out smoking and drinking, but he's still able to be competitive because he's a natural motorcycle racer.", "\n\n\"But we're talking about needles, rehydration.", "\n\n\"We're not allowed needles. ", "I know for a fact there are needles here. ", "You could be taking diuretics to shed weight, because you're lazy and you don't want to put in the amount of hours that someone else does.\"", "\n\nThe double MotoGP race winner added: \"I've said to them I don't agree with the [testing] system for many years.", "\n\n\"How can we spend so much money in this paddock, have such a title up for grabs? ", "Our championship is like the Premier League.", "\n\n\"All the cyclists are in the ADAMS program, they get tested all the time. ", "All the Olympic athletes are tested. ", "Why are we just randomly testing here and there, at two races a year?", "\n\n\"I hope it changes, I think they're trying to do something about it. ", "They're listening to us, which is the main thing.", "\n\n\"But it was an interesting meeting which just confirmed what I already know…\"\n\nThe rider briefings at Qatar were attended by FIM Medical Director Dr David McManus and FIM Anti-Doping Coordinator Evelyne Magnin. ", "The dangers of doping, with regard to the health of the riders, were highlighted while some examples of prohibited substances were presented.", "\n\nThe riders were also given an explanation of the Athlete Biological Passport (ABP), Therapeutic Use Exemption (TUE) process and the Anti-Doping Administration Management System (ADAMS).", "\n\nDorna CEO Carmelo Ezpeleta commented: “The FIM and Dorna have been working very closely these past seasons on this subject. ", "It’s something that’s very important to both of us and especially to the FIM as the sporting organiser of the World Championship and the disciplinary authority. ", "As the sport has developed, the physical aspect is now one of the most significant for all classes and we feel that it’s important to give riders a good education about anti-doping both on the track and off.”" ]
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[ "TRASHCANS\n\nNovember 2014\n\nDescription\n\nThe campaign TRASHCANS is a Mackenzie UniversityProduct: Anti-drugs Message advert, born from the union between Publicis Brasil (based at Nova Nazaré, Brazil) and MACKENZIE UNIVERSITY in 2008. ", "This customer case is known in the marketing & communication market for Commercials Archive, Outdoor, Against Drugs, Mackenzie University Adverts.", "\n\nTRASHCANS\n\nNovember 2014\n\nDescription\n\nThe campaign TRASHCANS is a Mackenzie UniversityProduct: Anti-drugs Message advert, born from the union between Publicis Brasil (based at Nova Nazaré, Brazil) and MACKENZIE UNIVERSITY in 2008. ", "This customer case is known in the marketing & communication market for Commercials Archive, Outdoor, Against Drugs, Mackenzie University Adverts.", "\n\nWork details\n\nwork\n\nClient\n\nMACKENZIE UNIVERSITY\n\nplace\n\nLocation\n\nState of Mato Grosso\n\nbusiness\n\nIndustry of the client\n\nClothing & Accessories\n\nsettings\n\nService provided\n\nWorks made by other agencies\n\nCheck the latest works made by other agencies\n\nTREADMILL\n\nNovember 2014\n\nNovember 2014\n\nTREADMILL\n\nF/Nazca Saatchi & Saatchi, based at Nova Nazaré, Brazil has been asked by AB Electrolux to develop TREADMILL for their brand ElectroluxProduct: Dual Oven Stove in 2008. ", "This campaign is known in the marketing & communication market for Commercials Archive, Home electronics, Home Appliances, Outdoor, Electrolux Adverts.", "\n\nAdvertising\n\nRead more\n\nElvis\n\nNovember 2014\n\nNovember 2014\n\nElvis\n\nMaVi Brasil, based at Nova Nazaré, Brazil has been asked to develop Elvis for their brand Lexical English School in 2009. ", "This customer case is known in the marketing & communication market for Print, Commercials Archive, Consumer, Public services, Lexical English School Adverts.", "\n\nAdvertising\n\nRead more\n\nMEDICINE LEAFLET\n\nNovember 2014\n\nNovember 2014\n\nMEDICINE LEAFLET\n\nPublicis Brasil, based at Nova Nazaré, Brazil has been asked to develop MEDICINE LEAFLET for their brand Blooks BookstoreProduct: Blooks Bookstore in 2011. ", "This customer case is known in the marketing & communication market for Print, Commercials Archive, Book store, Blooks Bookstore Adverts.", "\n\nAdvertising\n\nRead more\n\n\"Pink-Green\"\n\nNovember 2014\n\nNovember 2014\n\n\"Pink-Green\"\n\nFischer+Fala!, ", "based at São Paulo, Brazil has been asked to develop \"Pink-Green\" for their brand Proyecto ArrastaoProduct: Proyecto Arrastao in 2009. ", "This customer case is known in the marketing & communication market for Public awareness, Print, Commercials Archive, Proyecto Arrastao Adverts.", "\n\nAdvertising\n\nRead more\n\nSTAMPING DOWN ON POACHING\n\nNovember 2014\n\nNovember 2014\n\nSTAMPING DOWN ON POACHING\n\nAMD MERCHANDISING, based at São Paulo, Brazil has been asked to develop STAMPING DOWN ON POACHING for their brand Pro Wildlife in 2013. ", "This campaign is known in the marketing & communication market for Commercials Archive, Charities, Foundations, Volunteers, Case study, Safety, Public Awareness Messages, Pro Wildlife Adverts, Charities, Public Health.", "\n\nAdvertising\n\nRead more\n\nLet us guide you to the best agency\n\nFrom web design to advertising campaigns, we guide you to the right agency fitting your needs and budget. ", "Then, compare and hire the one that’s right for you." ]
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[ "AP\n\nRicky Jean Francois, a starter on the Colts’ defensive line the last two years, is on the way out of Indianapolis.", "\n\nThe Colts have announced that Jean Francois was released.", "\n\nJean Francois played in all 16 games and started 13 for the Colts last season. ", "He also started all 10 games he was healthy enough to play for the Colts in 2013, the year the Colts signed him as an unrestricted free agent.", "\n\nThe 28-year-old Jean Francois was a seventh-round draft pick of the 49ers in 2009 and played his first four years in the league in San Francisco. ", "He becomes a free agent immediately and will not need to wait until the start of unrestricted free agent on March 10 to sign with another team." ]
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[ "Abstract\n\nWe study the deformation of an elastic strut on a nonlinear Winkler foundation subjected to an axial compressive load P. Using multi–scale analysis and numerical methods we describe the localized, cellular, post–buckled state of the system when P is removed from the critical load P = 2. ", "The solutions, and their modulation frequencies, differ significantly from those predicted by weakly nonlinear analysis very close to P = 2. ", "In particular, when P approaches the Maxwell load PM , the localized solutions approach a large–amplitude heteroclinic connection between an unbuckled solution and a periodic solution. ", "An asymptotic description of PM in terms of the system parameters is given. ", "The agreement between the numerical calculations and the asymptotic approximations is striking." ]
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[ "William Bass (brewer)\n\nWilliam Bass (1717 – 2 March 1787) was a British entrepreneur who founded Bass Brewery.", "\n\nCareer\nThe exact origins of William Bass, the founder of the brewery are not clear, but a scholarly account of the history of the Bass brewery shows that in the 1720s he was living with his parents, John and Ann Bass, and his two brothers, John and Thomas, in Hinckley, Leicestershire.", "\n\nHis father, a plumber and glazier, died when William was 15, after which he carried on a carrier business with his older brother John in Hinckley, Leicestershire. ", " In 1756 William married Mary Gibbons, daughter of a London publican who ran the Red Lion Inn close to the London depot. ", " They chose Burton-upon-Trent as their home because it was midway between Manchester and London, was a growing industrial-commercial centre, and was ideally positioned on the new Trunk canal, continuing his business there as a carrier of beer, his chief client being Benjamin Printon, a local brewer. ", "\n\nBy 1777, aged 60, he had saved some money, and, seeing the growing demand for Burton beer, he entered the brewing business. ", "He bought a town house in the High Street, which contained a brewery and malthouse on adjoining land. ", " Burton was already a thriving brewing town with several breweries exploiting the growing export beer trade via the Trent Navigation and Hull to the Baltic ports in Russia, mainly Saint Petersburg. ", "He established the Bass Brewery and catered mainly for the domestic market, but in 1784 he started to export ale directly to Russia. ", "\n\nAfter his death, he was succeeded in the business by his sons William and Michael, and in 1795 Michael took sole control.", "\n \nBass is buried in Burton.", "\n\nFamily\nBass married Mary Gibbons and their children included William and Michael.", "\n\nSee also\nBrewers of Burton\nBaron Burton\n\nReferences\n\nCategory:1717 births\nCategory:1787 deaths\nCategory:English brewers\nCategory:People from Burton upon Trent" ]
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[ "---\nabstract: 'Estimating the fidelity of state preparation in multi-qubit systems is generally a time-consuming task. ", "Nevertheless, this complexity can be reduced if the desired state can be characterized by certain symmetries measurable with the corresponding experimental setup. ", "In this paper we give simple expressions to estimate the fidelity of multi-qubit state preparation for rotational-invariant, stabilizer, and generalized coherent states. ", "We specifically discuss the cat, W-type, and generalized coherent states, and obtain efficiently measurable lower bounds for the fidelity. ", "We use these techniques to estimate the fidelity of a quantum simulation of an Ising-like interacting model using two trapped ions. ", "These results are directly applicable to experiments using fidelity-based entanglement witnesses, such as quantum simulations and quantum computation.'", "\nauthor:\n- 'Rolando D. Somma'\n- John Chiaverini\n- 'Dana J. Berkeland'\ntitle: Lower bounds for the fidelity of entangled state preparation\n---\n\nIntroduction {#intro}\n============\n\nHighly entangled states provide required resources for quantum information processing (QIP), a developing field advancing both the fundamental understanding of quantum systems and novel technologies. ", "Entangled states are used to encode qubits for fault-tolerant quantum computation [@nielsen00] and for more efficient quantum state readout [@schaetz05]. ", "Entangled states are used for quantum communication over long distances and teleportation protocols [@ben93]. ", "Finally, highly entangled states are central to many-body quantum simulations, whose power lies in their ability to coherently manipulate such states for later analysis [@lloy96; @ort01; @som02; @por04]. ", "Entangled-state preparation in any QIP system, and its verification, is thus of paramount importance.", "\n\nOne successful architecture for QIP is the trapped-ion system, in which qubits are encoded in the internal electronic states of ions, and laser fields can control the collective internal and external states of the ions. ", "Recently [@leibfried05; @haffner05], multi-qubit entanglement has been experimentally demonstrated in these devices. ", "In Ref.", " [@haffner05], quantum state tomography (QST) [@james01; @thew02] was employed to verify that W-type states for up to $N=8$ ions (qubits) were produced. ", "Since the dimension of the Hilbert space ${\\cal H}$ associated with a quantum system increases exponentially with the system size (as does the dimension of the density matrix), performing full QST is, in general, extremely inefficient for large systems. ", "For example, realizing QST on an ion-trap device requires on the order of ${\\cal O}(3^N)$ measurements, where $N$ is the number of qubits involved that are measured in the $x$, $y$, and $z$-bases. ", "In [@haffner05] the full QST process for $N=8$ ions required $656,100$ measurements over ten hours. ", "This extremely large data set reduced errors due to quantum projection noise [@itano93], until other sources of error (such as imperfect optical pumping, ion addressing errors, non-resonant excitations and optical decoherence) dominate. ", "Such examples illustrate a potential roadblock to practical implementation of large-scale QIP: it is impossible to exploit the speedups associated with QIP if an exponentially-large amount of processing must be performed to verify the creation of the desired states.", "\n\nIt is important then to investigate efficient methods to estimate the reliability of experimental quantum state preparation. ", "Here we point out that many useful entangled states have certain symmetries which allow fidelity determination without full QST. ", "For these states, an efficient number (polynomial in $N$) of measurements is sufficient to obtain lower bounds for the fidelity. ", "A similar technique has been used to determine a lower bound on the fidelity of several-particle cat states [@leibfried05]; we describe and generalize such methods. ", "To see this, we use the [*quantum fidelity*]{} as a measure of the [*distance*]{} between quantum states [@nielsen00]. ", "Specifically, the quantum fidelity ${\\cal F}$ between the actual state prepared in the laboratory $\\rho_l$, which is in general mixed (i.e., ${\\sf Tr}(\\rho_l^2)<1$), and the desired pure state ${|{\\psi}\\rangle}$ to be prepared is defined by $$\\label{fid1}\n{\\cal F}(\\rho_l,\\rho_\\psi) = \\sqrt{{\\langle{\\psi}|} \\rho_l {|{\\psi}\\rangle} }= [{\\sf Tr} (\\rho_l \\rho_\\psi)]^{1/2}.$$ Equation (\\[fid1\\]) can be evaluated by measuring the expectation value of the density operator $\\rho_\\psi= {|{\\psi}\\rangle} {\\langle{\\psi}|}$ over the state $\\rho_l$. For example, if ${|{\\psi}\\rangle}$ is a product state, then $\\rho_\\psi$ has only one non-zero matrix element (in the right basis) that is along its diagonal. ", "The fidelity ${\\cal F}(\\rho_l,\\rho_\\psi)$ can be simply obtained by repeatedly preparing $\\rho_l$ and then measuring the population of the state ${|{\\psi}\\rangle}$.\n\nMore generally, the density matrix of an $N$-qubit system is a linear combination of operators belonging to the $\\fu(2^N)$ algebra: $$\\label{dens-decomp}\n\\rho = \\sum_{\\alpha_1,\\cdots,\\alpha_N} c^\\rho_{\\alpha_1,\\cdots,\\alpha_N}\n (\\sigma_{\\alpha_1}^1 \\otimes \\cdots \\otimes\n\\sigma_{\\alpha_N}^N),$$ where the subscripts $\\alpha_j=0,1,2,3$ correspond to the Pauli operators $\\one$, $\\sigma_x$, $\\sigma_y$, and $\\sigma_z$, respectively. (", "The symbol $\\otimes$ represents the matrix tensor product.) ", "These operators are given by $$\\begin{aligned}\n\\label{pauli}\n\\one&=&\n\\pmatrix{ 1 & 0 \\cr 0 & 1\n} , \\\n\\sigma_x=\n\\pmatrix{ 0 & 1 \\cr 1 & 0\n} , \\\\\n\\nonumber\n\\sigma_y&=&\n\\pmatrix{ 0 & -i \\cr i & 0\n} , \\\n\\sigma_z=\n\\pmatrix{ 1 & 0 \\cr 0 & -1\n}.\\end{aligned}$$ In particular, $\\sigma_{\\alpha_j}^j= \\one^1 \\otimes \\cdots \\otimes \\one^{j-1} \\otimes \\sigma^j_{\\alpha_j}\\otimes \\one^{j+1} \\cdots \\otimes \\one^N$, with the Pauli matrix $\\sigma_{\\alpha_j}$ being located at the $j$th position in the decomposition. ", "From now on, we remove the symbol $\\otimes$ from the products of Pauli operators. ", "We also adopt the convention $\\langle \\hA \\rangle_{\\rho_l}\\equiv {\\sf Tr}[\\rho_l \\hA]$.\n\nThe real coefficients $c^\\rho_{\\alpha_1,\\alpha_2,\\cdots,\\alpha_N} $ are given by $$\\begin{aligned}\nc^\\rho_{0,\\cdots,0}&=&2^{-N}, \\\\\n\\nonumber\nc^\\rho_{\\alpha_1,\\cdots,\\alpha_N} &=&2^{-N} {\\sf Tr} [\\rho(\n\\sigma_{\\alpha_1}^1 \\cdots \\sigma_{\\alpha_N}^N ) ] \\ \\text{(otherwise)}.\\end{aligned}$$ Then, $$\\label{fid2}\n{\\cal F}^2(\\rho_l,\\rho_\\psi)= \\sum_{\\alpha_1,\\cdots,\\alpha_N} c^{\\rho_l}_{\\alpha_1,\\cdots,\\alpha_N}\nc^{\\rho_\\psi}_{\\alpha_1,\\cdots,\\alpha_N},$$ and full QST is generally needed to estimate the coefficients $c^{\\rho_l}_{\\alpha_1,\\cdots,\\alpha_N}$ required to evaluate Eq.", " (\\[fid2\\]). ", "However, if the state ${|{\\psi}\\rangle}$ can be uniquely characterized by certain symmetries, some of the coefficients $c^{\\rho_\\psi}_{\\alpha_1,\\cdots,\\alpha_N}$ will vanish and the corresponding $c^{\\rho_l}_{\\alpha_1,\\cdots,\\alpha_N}$ need not be measured. ", "Full QST over $\\rho_l$ is then no longer required, and the complexity of evaluating Eq.", " (\\[fid2\\]) or of setting a lower bound on ${\\cal F}^2(\\rho_l, \\rho_\\psi)$ can be greatly reduced.", "\n\nA straightforward example of using symmetry to simplify fidelity estimation can be seen in previous work with $N$-qubit cat states ${|{{\\sf GHZ}}\\rangle}_N=\\frac{1}{\\sqrt{2}}({|{0_10_2\\cdots 0_N}\\rangle}+{|{1_11_2\\cdots 1_N}\\rangle})$ in trapped ion systems [@sackett00; @leibfried04]. ", "The ${|{{\\sf GHZ}}\\rangle}_N$ state is uniquely defined by the symmetry operators $\\{ \\sigma_x^1 \\sigma_x^2 \\cdots \\sigma_x^N , \\sigma_z^1 \\sigma_z^2,\\sigma_z^2 \\sigma_z^3, \\cdots, \\sigma_z^{N-1} \\sigma_z^N\\}$, that leave the state unchanged after their action. ", "As we will show, the fidelity of having prepared ${|{{\\sf GHZ}}\\rangle}_N$ can be estimated by measuring the expectation values of the symmetry operators. ", "In an ion-trap setup, for example, repeated simultaneous measurements of the projections of all of the the ion spins along the $x$ axis, and of all of the ion spins along the $z$ axis, gives the fidelity of having prepared the ${|{{\\sf GHZ}}\\rangle}_N$ state [@ion].", "\n\nIn Sec.", " \\[simstate\\] we expand this idea to study certain cases in which the desired state can be characterized by different types of symmetries. ", "First, we focus on the class of rotational-invariant states (i.e., eigenstates of the total angular momentum operator) since some interesting entangled states for quantum information tasks are in this class [@bre05]. ", "Second, we study the family of stabilizer states (SSs) which provide the foundation of the stabilizer formalism used in different quantum error-correcting procedures [@gott97]. ", "Third, we study the case of generalized coherent states (GCSs) which provide a natural framework to study certain quantum simulations of many-body problems [@som04; @som06]. ", "In Sec.", " \\[trappedions\\] we apply the obtained results to estimate (numerically) the fidelity of evolving the internal states of two trapped ions with an Ising-like Hamiltonian, using the methods described in Ref.", " [@por04]. ", "Finally, in Sec.", " \\[error\\] we discuss the estimation of the fidelity of state preparation due to the statistics from a finite number of experiments, and in Sec.", " \\[concl\\] we present the conclusions.", "\n\nQuantum fidelity and highly symmetric states {#simstate}\n============================================\n\nThe density operator of a pure state ${|{\\psi}\\rangle}$, uniquely characterized by its symmetry operators $\\{\\hO_1, \\cdots, \\hO_L \\}$, can be written in terms of these operators only. ", "Thus, the fidelity of having prepared ${|{\\psi}\\rangle}$ \\[Eq.", " (\\[fid1\\])\\] can be estimated by measuring observables, over the actual prepared state $\\rho_l$, that solely involve correlations between the $\\hO_k$’s. ", "In other words, measurements in bases not related to the symmetry operators are not required because they do not provide any information when evaluating the fidelity of state preparation. ", "The purpose of this section is then to give lower bounds for estimating the fidelity of state preparation for three classes of highly-symmetric $N$-qubit quantum states, and show that these can be efficiently obtained.", "\n\nRotational-invariant states\n---------------------------\n\nFor a system of $N$ qubits, the rotational-invariant pure states are completely specified by the equations $$\\begin{aligned}\n\\label{angmom}\nJ^2 {|{\\psi}\\rangle} = j(j+2) {|{j,j_z}\\rangle}, \\\\\n\\label{jz}\nJ_z {|{\\psi}\\rangle} = j_z {|{j,j_z}\\rangle},\\end{aligned}$$ where $J^2= J_x^2 + J_y^2 + J_z^2$ is the (squared) total angular momentum operator, $J_\\gamma = \\sigma_\\gamma^1 + \\sigma_\\gamma^2 + \\cdots + \\sigma_\\gamma^N$ ($\\gamma=x,y,z$), and $\\sigma_\\gamma^j$ is the corresponding Pauli operator acting on the $j$th qubit. ", "The factor 2 in Eq.", " (\\[angmom\\]) is because we are using Pauli operators instead of the actual spin-1/2 operators. ", "Then, the quantum numbers $j$ and $j_z$ satisfy the following properties: $j^{\\max}=j_z^{\\max}=N$, $|\\Delta j| \\ge 2$, $|\\Delta j_z |\\ge 2$, and $-N \\le j_z \\le N$ (the symbol $\\Delta$ indicates the difference between the corresponding eigenvalues). ", "In particular, if $-N+2 \\le j_z \\le N-2$ the state ${|{j,j_z}\\rangle}$ is entangled and for $j=N$, $j_z=N-2$, then ${|{N,N-2}\\rangle} = {|{W_N}\\rangle}$, with $$\\begin{aligned}\n\\nonumber\n{|{W_N}\\rangle}= \\frac{1}{\\sqrt{N}} [{|{1_10_2 \\cdots 0_N}\\rangle}& +& {|{0_11_2 \\cdots 0_N}\\rangle} + \\\\\n\\label{wstate}\n\\cdots &+&{|{0_10_2\\cdots 1_N}\\rangle}].\\end{aligned}$$ Although the ${|{W_N}\\rangle}$ states are not maximally entangled for $N>2$, they are particularly useful for processes such as teleportation [@joo03].", "\n\nThe density operator $\\rho_{j,j_z}$ of an $N$-qubit rotational-invariant state with quantum numbers $j=N$ and $-N\\le j_z \\le N$, in terms of the symmetry operators $J$ and $J_z$, is $$\\label{proj1}\n\\rho_{j,j_z}=\\kappa^{-1} \\left[ \\hat{ \\prod}_{ -j \\le j'_z \\le j} \\ \\hat{\\pi}_{j'_z} \\right] \\left[\\hat{\\prod}_{ 0 \\le j' \\le N} \\hat{\\pi}_{j'}\\right],$$ where $\\hat{\\pi}_{j'_z}=(J_z - j'_z)$ and $\\hat{\\pi}_{j'} =[J^2-j'(j'+2)]$. The symbol $\\hat{\\prod}$ denotes that the term $\\hat{\\pi}_{j,j_z}$ has been excluded from the product. ", "The normalization constant $\\kappa$ is given by $$\\kappa= \\hat{\\prod }_{ -j \\le j'_z \\le j} \\ \\hat{ \\prod }_{ 0 \\le j' \\le N} (j_z - j'_z)[j(j+2)- j'(j'+2)].$$ To evaluate the fidelity of Eq.", " (\\[fid1\\]), that is ${\\cal F}(\\rho_l,\\rho_{j,j_z})=[{\\sf Tr}(\\rho_l \\rho_{j,j_z})]^{1/2}$, it suffices to obtain the expectations of the correlations between the operators $J^2$ and $J_z$ appearing in Eq.", " (\\[proj1\\]) only. ", "Although this procedure is still inefficient and an exponentially large number (with respect to $N$) of observables (i.e., products of Pauli operators) must be measured, it is more resource-efficient than performing full QST to obtain ${\\cal F}(\\rho_l,\\rho_{j,j_z})$.\n\nFor example, if one is interested in preparing the Bell state ${|{{\\sf {Bell}}}\\rangle}={|{j=2,j_z=0}\\rangle}=\\frac{1}{\\sqrt{2}}[{|{1_10_2}\\rangle}+{|{0_11_2}\\rangle}]$ on an ion-trap device, the fidelity of faithful preparation could be obtained by performing measurements over three different bases only, corresponding to the expectations $\\langle \\sigma_x^1 \\sigma_x^2 \\rangle_{\\rho_l}$, $\\langle \\sigma_y^1 \\sigma_y^2 \\rangle_{\\rho_l}$, $\\langle \\sigma_z^1 \\rangle_{\\rho_l}$, $\\langle \\sigma_z^2 \\rangle_{\\rho_l}$, and $\\langle \\sigma_z^1 \\sigma_z^2 \\rangle_{\\rho_l}$, respectively.", "\n\nTo obtain a lower bound on the fidelity of rotational-invariant state preparation, for $j=N$, we first define the operators ${\\cal S}_{J_z} = -\\frac{1}{4}(J_z -j_z)^2$ and ${\\cal S}_{J^2}= -\\frac{1}{64}(J^2 -N(N+2))$. These satisfy $$\\label{proper1}\n\\left[ {\\cal S}_{J_z} + {\\cal S}_{J^2} \\right] {|{j',j'_z}\\rangle} = e_{j',j'_z} {|{j',j'_z}\\rangle},$$ with $e_{j',j'_z} \\le -1$ for $(j',j'_z) \\ne (j,j_z)$ and $e_{j,j_z}=0$. Therefore, for a general pure state ${|{\\phi}\\rangle}= \\sum_{j',j'_z} c_{j',j'_z} {|{j',j'_z}\\rangle}$, we obtain $$\\label{lbound1}\n{\\langle{\\phi}|} {\\cal S}_{J_z} + {\\cal S}_{J^2} +1{|{\\phi}\\rangle} = \\sum_{j',j'_z} (e_{j',j'_z}+1) |c_{j',j'_z}^2 |\n\\le |c_{j,j_z}|^2,$$ where $|c_{j,j_z}|^2$ is the probability of projecting ${|{\\phi}\\rangle}$ onto the state ${|{j=N,j_z}\\rangle}$ (i.e., the squared fidelity between the states). ", "Since the actual prepared state $\\rho_l$ is in general a convex combination of pure states, Eq.", " (\\[lbound1\\]) yields to $${\\cal F}^2(\\rho_l, \\rho_{j,j_z} )\\ge \\langle {\\cal S}_{J_z} + {\\cal S}_{J^2} \\rangle_{\\rho_l} +1.$$ This lower bound can be efficiently estimated by measuring only the observables $J_z$, $J_z^2$, and $J^2$ a large number of times over the state $\\rho_l$. This corresponds to the measurement of $3N^2-2N$ expectations of different products of Pauli operators; that is, polynomial in $N$.\n\nWhen $j<N$, the subspace with quantum numbers $j,j_z$ is degenerate and Eqs.", " (\\[angmom\\]) and (\\[jz\\]) do not specify the state uniquely. ", "Then, Eq.", " (\\[proj1\\]) becomes the projector onto the corresponding subspace. ", "Nevertheless, the squared fidelity ${\\cal F}^2(\\rho_l,\\rho_{j,j_z})$ will still denote the probability of having created a pure or mixed quantum rotational-invariant state with quantum numbers $j,j_z$. When $j<N$, the operator ${\\cal S}_{J^2}$ must be redefined as ${\\cal S}_{J^2}= -\\frac{1}{64}(J^2 -j(j+2))^2$, so the properties for the coefficients $e_{j',j'_z}$ in Eq.", " (\\[proper1\\]) still hold. ", "In this case, a lower bound to ${\\cal F}^2(\\rho_l,\\rho_{j,j_z})$ can be obtained by measuring $N^4/4 -N^3 +11N^2/4 -N$ ($N$ even) expectations of different products of Pauli operators.", "\n\nStabilizer states\n-----------------\n\nAnother interesting family of states are the stabilizer states [@gott97], which are defined by $$\\label{stab1}\n\\hO_s {|{\\psi}\\rangle} = +1 {|{\\psi}\\rangle} \\ ; s \\in[1,S] \\ .$$ The stabilizer operators $\\hO_s\\in \\fu(2^N)$ are products of Pauli operators [@stab] and have $\\pm 1$ as possible eigenvalues. (", "Note that $ \\hO_1 = \\one$ is the trivial stabilzer.) ", "An immediate consequence of Eq.", " (\\[stab1\\]) is that the operators $\\hO_s$ commute with each other: $[\\hO_s, \\hO_{s'}]=0$. Here, we focus on the case when the state ${|{\\psi}\\rangle}$ is uniquely defined by Eq.", " (\\[stab1\\]); that is, the dimension of the stabilized space is one. ", "The set $G_S=\\{ \\hO_1, \\cdots, \\hO_S \\}$ forms the so called stabilizer group for ${|{\\psi}\\rangle}$. For practical purposes, we define $G_S$ in a compact way by its $L$ linear independent generators [@gott97]: $G_S \\equiv (\\hg_1, \\cdots, \\hg_L)$, satisfying $$\\hg_i {|{\\psi}\\rangle} = +1 {|{\\psi}\\rangle} \\ ; \\ i\\in [1,L].$$ Without loss of generality we can write ${|{\\psi}\\rangle}\\equiv{|{g_1=1,\\cdots,g_L=1}\\rangle}$.\n\nThe eigenstates of the stabilizer operators (associated with the stabilizer state) form a complete set of the $2^N$ dimensional Hilbert space ${\\cal H}$. Therefore, the density operator $\\rho_\\psi$ can be written within this formalism as ($\\one\\equiv \\one^1 \\otimes \\cdots \\otimes \\one^N$): $$\\begin{aligned}\n\\nonumber\n\\rho_\\psi&=&{|{g_1=1,\\cdots,g_L=1}\\rangle} {\\langle{g_1=1,\\cdots,g_L=1}|} \\\\\n\\label{dens-stab}\n&=& \\frac{1}{2^L} \\prod_{i=1}^L (\\hg_i +\\one),\\end{aligned}$$ and the fidelity \\[Eq.", " (\\[fid1\\])\\] can be estimated by measuring, over the actual state $\\rho_l$, the expectations of operators appearing in Eq.", " (\\[dens-stab\\]).", "\n\nA lower bound on the fidelity can be obtained in this case by defining the operator ${\\cal S} _{G_S}= \\frac{1}{2}[(\\sum_{i=1}^L \\hg_i )- (L-2)\\one]$. Then, $${\\cal S}_{G_S} {|{g_1,\\cdots,g_L}\\rangle} = e_{g_1,\\cdots,g_L} {|{g_1,\\cdots,g_L}\\rangle} , \\ (g_i=\\pm1),$$ with $e_{1,\\cdots,1}=1$ and $ e_{g_1,\\cdots,g_L} \\le 0$ otherwise. ", "Following the same procedure used for rotational-invariant states, we arrive to the inequality $$\\label{lbound2}\n{\\cal F}^2 (\\rho_l,\\rho_\\psi)\\ge \\langle {\\cal S}_{G_S} \\rangle_{\\rho_l},$$ which can be efficiently estimated by measuring the expectations $\\langle \\hg_i \\rangle_{\\rho_l} \\ \\forall i\\in [1,L]$.\n\nAs an example we consider the the Bell state ${|{\\sf Bell}\\rangle}=\\frac{1}{\\sqrt{2}} [{|{0_11_2}\\rangle}-{|{1_10_2}\\rangle}]$. For this state, the stabilizer group is defined by the generators $G_S \\equiv (-\\sigma_z^1 \\sigma_z^2, -\\sigma_x^1 \\sigma_x^2)$. Then, $L = 2$ and ${\\cal S} _{G_S}= \\frac{1}{2}[-\\sigma_z^1 \\sigma_z^2 -\\sigma_x^1 \\sigma_x^2]$. Another example is the set of maximally entangled $N$-qubit states ${|{{\\sf GHZ}}\\rangle}_N = \\frac{1}{\\sqrt{2}}[{|{0_1 0_2 \\cdots 0_N}\\rangle} + {|{1_1 1_2 \\cdots 1_N}\\rangle}]$. For these states, the generators of the corresponding stabilizer group are given by $G_S \\equiv (\\sigma_x^1 \\sigma_x^2 \\cdots \\sigma_x^N, \\sigma_z^1 \\sigma_z^2, \\sigma_z^2 \\sigma_z^3, \\cdots, \\sigma_z^{N-1} \\sigma_z^N )$, as pointed out in Sec.", " \\[intro\\]. ", "For $N = 3$, $L = 3$ and ${\\cal S} _{G_S}= \\frac{1}{2}[\\sigma_x^1 \\sigma_x^2 \\sigma_x^3 + \\sigma_z^1 \\sigma_z^2 + \\sigma_z^2 \\sigma_z^3 - \\one]$.\n\nGeneralized coherent states {#GCSSection}\n---------------------------\n\nThe last class of states we consider are the generalized coherent states (GCSs) [@zha90]. ", "For a semi-simple, compact, $M$-dimensional Lie algebra $\\fh=\\{\\hQ_1,\\hQ_2,\\cdots,\\hQ_M\\}$, with $\\hQ_j=(\\hQ_j)^\\dagger$ the $N$-qubit operators acting on the $2^N$ dimensional Hilbert space ${\\cal H}$, the GCSs are defined via $$\\label{gcs}\n{|{{\\sf GCS}}\\rangle} \\equiv e^{i\\fh} {|{\\sf hw}\\rangle}.$$ Here, $e^{i\\fh}$ denotes a unitary group operation (displacement) induced by $\\fh$: $e^{i\\fh} \\equiv \\exp[i(\\sum_j \\lambda_j \\hQ_j)], \\ \\lambda_j \\in \\mathbb{R}$. The state ${|{{\\sf hw}}\\rangle}$ is the highest-weight state of $\\fh$. To define it, one needs to assume a Cartan-Weyl (CW) decomposition $\\fh=\\fh_D \\oplus \\fh^+ \\oplus \\fh^-$ [@fuc92; @cor89]. ", "The set $\\fh_D=\\{\\hh_1, \\cdots, \\hh_r \\}$ is the Cartan subalgebra of $\\fh$ (CSA) constructed from the largest set of commuting operators (observables) in $\\fh$. The weight states ${|{\\phi_i}\\rangle}$, which form a basis of states for ${\\cal H}$, are the eigenstates of $\\fh_D$: $$\\label{weight}\n\\hh_k {|{\\phi_i}\\rangle} = u_k^i {|{\\phi_i}\\rangle} , \\ k\\in [1,r], \\ i \\in [0,2^N-1] \\ .$$ The sets $\\fh^+=\\{\\he^+_{\\alpha_1},\\cdots, \\he^+_{\\alpha_l}\\}$ and $\\fh^-=\\{\\he^-_{\\alpha_1},\\cdots, \\he^-_{\\alpha_l}\\}$ are built from raising and lowering operators ($\\he^+_{\\alpha_j}=\\he_{\\alpha_j}^{-\\dagger}$), and either map weight states into orthogonal weight states or annihilate them. (", "The subscripts $\\alpha_j \\in \\mathbb{R}^r$ are the roots of $\\fh$ and are considered to be positive.) ", "Then, ${|{{\\sf hw}}\\rangle}$ is defined by $$\\begin{aligned}\n\\label{hwdefined}\n\\hh_k {|{{\\sf hw}}\\rangle} &=& v_k {|{{\\sf hw}}\\rangle}, \\ k \\in [1,r], \\\\\n\\he^+_{\\alpha_j} {|{{\\sf hw}}\\rangle} &=&0, \\ j \\in [1,l] ,\\end{aligned}$$ with $v_k = u_k^0$ (i.e., we have assumed ${|{{\\sf hw}}\\rangle} \\equiv {|{\\phi_0}\\rangle}$). ", "Note that $M=r+2l$. In many cases, ${|{{\\sf hw}}\\rangle}={|{0_1 0_2 \\cdots 0_N}\\rangle}$, where ${|{0_i}\\rangle}$ represents an eigenstate of $\\sigma_z^i$.\n\nAs shown in Refs.", " [@bar03; @som04; @som06], when the dimension of $\\fh$ satisfies $M \\le \\text{poly}(N)$, the corresponding GCSs play a decisive role in the theory of entanglement and quantum and classical simulations of many-body systems. ", "An example is given by the GCSs defined via $${|{\\psi_I(t)}\\rangle}= e^{-iH_It} {|{0_1 0_2 \\cdots 0_N}\\rangle},$$ where $H_I$ is the Hamiltonian corresponding to the exactly-solvable one-dimensional anisotropic Ising model in a transverse magnetic field and periodic boundary conditions: $$\\label{hising}\nH_I= \\sum_{j=1}^N [ \\gamma_x \\sigma_x^j \\sigma_x^{j+1} + \\gamma_y \\sigma_y^j \\sigma_y^{j+1} + B \\sigma_z^j ] \\ .$$ In section \\[trappedions\\] we will discuss this system in more detail.", "\n\nAny GCS is uniquely determined (up to a global phase) by the expectation values of the operators in $\\fh$. The state ${|{{\\sf hw}(t)}\\rangle} = e^{-iHt} {|{\\sf hw}\\rangle}$, with $H \\in \\fh$, is the highest-weight state of $\\fh$ in a rotated CW basis, and satisfies $$\\hh_k(t) {|{{\\sf hw}(t)}\\rangle}= v_k {|{{\\sf hw}(t)}\\rangle} , \\ k \\in [1,r],$$ where $\\hh_k(t) = e^{-iHt} \\hh_k e^{iHt}=\\hh_k+ i[\\hh_k,H]+\\cdots \\in \\fh$. Thus, $$\\label{proj-gcs}\n\\rho_{{\\sf hw}}(t)={|{{\\sf hw}(t)}\\rangle}{\\langle{{\\sf hw}(t)}|}= \\kappa^{-1} \\prod_{k, i \\ne 0} (\\hh_k(t) -u_k^i \\one),$$ where $\\kappa=\\prod_{k,i\\ne0} (v_k-u_k^i)$ is a constant for normalization purposes. ", "For a particular value of $t$, the operators $\\hh_k(t)=\\sum_{j=1}^M \\lambda_j(t) \\hQ_j$ can be obtained on a classical computer \\[i.e., ", "the coefficients $\\lambda_j(t)$\\] in time polynomial in $M$ (see Theorem 1 in Ref.", " [@som06]). ", "To see this, note first that $\\lambda_j(t) \\propto {\\sf Tr} [\\hh_k(t) \\hQ_j]$. Such a trace can be efficiently evaluated by working in the $(M \\times M)$-dimensional matrix representation (or any other faithful representation) of $\\fh$ rather than working in the $(2^N \\times 2^N)$-dimensional original representation. ", "Therefore, the fidelity of having prepared ${|{{\\sf hw}(t)}\\rangle}$ can be obtained by measuring the expectations of the observables appearing in Eq.", " (\\[proj-gcs\\]), over the actual prepared state $\\rho_l$.\n\nIn analogy to the previously discussed cases, a lower bound for the fidelity can be obtained by defining the operator ${\\cal S}_{\\fh_D}(t) =[-\\varepsilon ( \\sum_k \\hh_k(t) - v_k \\one )^2]+\\one$, with $\\varepsilon > 0$ a constant determined by the spacing between the eigenvalues $u_k^i$ (see below). ", "If $u_k^i < v_k \\ \\forall i \\in [1,2^N-1]$ one can consider ${\\cal S}_{\\fh_D}(t) =[-\\varepsilon ( \\sum_k \\hh_k(t) - v_k \\one )]+\\one$, instead. ", "Then, $${\\cal S}_{\\fh_D}(t) {|{\\phi_i(t)}\\rangle} = w_i {|{\\phi_i(t)}\\rangle},$$ where $ {|{\\phi_i(t)}\\rangle}=e^{-iHt} {|{\\phi_i}\\rangle}$ are the weight states in the rotated CW basis (e.g., ${|{{\\sf hw}(t)}\\rangle} \\equiv {|{\\phi_0(t)}\\rangle}$), $w_i \\in \\mathbb{R}$, and $w_0=1$. Thus, $\\varepsilon$ is chosen such that $w_i=[-\\varepsilon ( \\sum_k u_k^i - v_k )^2+1] $ (when ${\\cal S}_{\\fh_D}(t) =[-\\varepsilon ( \\sum_k \\hh_k(t) - v_k \\one )^2]+\\one$), or $w_i=[-\\varepsilon ( \\sum_k u_k^i - v_k )+1] $ (when ${\\cal S}_{\\fh_D}(t) =[-\\varepsilon ( \\sum_k \\hh_k(t) - v_k \\one )]+\\one$), satisfies $$\\label{wsign}\nw_i \\le 0 \\ \\forall i \\ne 0.$$ For a particular value of $t$, Eq.", " (\\[wsign\\]) yields $$\\label{lbound3}\n{\\cal F}^2_{\\rho_l,\\rho_{\\sf hw}(t)} \\ge \\langle {\\cal S}_{\\fh_D}(t) \\rangle_{\\rho_l}.$$ This lower bound can be obtained experimentally by measuring the expectation values of the operators $\\hh_k(t) \\hh_{k'}(t)$ and (or) $\\hh_k(t)$, which are directly induced from the expectations $\\langle \\hQ_j \\rangle_{\\rho_l}$ and $\\langle \\hQ_j \\hQ_{j'}\\rangle_{\\rho_l} \\ \\forall j,j'\\in[1,M]$ (assumed to be measurable with our quantum device). ", "If $M = \\text{poly}(N)$ (e.g., an evolution due to the Ising Hamiltonian $H_I$), Eq.", " (\\[lbound3\\]) can be efficiently estimated with ${\\cal O}[\\text{poly}(N)]$ measurements.", "\n\nQuantum simulations with two trapped ions {#trappedions}\n=========================================\n\nIn this section we use some of the results obtained in Sec.", " \\[GCSSection\\] to estimate the fidelity of evolving two trapped ions (qubits) with the Ising-like interaction $$\\label{hising2}\nH_I=J\\sigma_x^1 \\sigma_x^2 + B (\\sigma_z^1+ \\sigma_z^2),$$ where $J$ is the spin-spin coupling and $B$ is a transverse magnetic field. ", "To do so, we will model the system of two ions confined in a linear Paul trap and interacting with resonant and non-resonant laser fields as described in Ref.", " [@por04]. ", "We will estimate the reliability of having prepared the state ${|{\\psi(t)}\\rangle}= {|{{\\sf hw}(t)}\\rangle}= e^{-i H_I t} {|{0_1 0_2}\\rangle}$ (for fixed $t$).", "\n\nIn this case, the interaction Hamiltonian for the ions in the trap is given by $$\\begin{aligned}\n\\label{htrap}\nH_{\\sf trap}&=& H_{\\sf phonon} + H_{\\sf l-ion1} + H_{\\sf l-ion2} + H_{\\sf m} \\ , \\\\\n\\nonumber\n H_{\\sf phonon}&=& \\omega_{\\sf cm} a^\\dagger_{\\sf cm} a^{\\;}_{\\sf cm} + \\omega_{\\sf br} a^\\dagger_{\\sf br} a^{\\;}_{\\sf br} \\ , \\\\\n \\nonumber\n H_{\\sf l-ion1}&=&\n -[ \\eta_{\\sf cm} \\omega_{\\sf cm} (a^\\dagger_{\\sf cm}+ a^{\\;}_{\\sf cm}) +\n \\eta_{\\sf br} \\omega_{\\sf br} (a^\\dagger_{\\sf br}+ a^{\\;}_{\\sf br}) ] \\sigma_x^1 \\ ,\\\\\n \\nonumber\n H_{\\sf l-ion2}&=&\n -[ \\eta_{\\sf cm} \\omega_{\\sf cm} (a^\\dagger_{\\sf cm}+ a^{\\;}_{\\sf cm}) -\n \\eta_{\\sf br} \\omega_{\\sf br} (a^\\dagger_{\\sf br}+ a^{\\;}_{\\sf br}) ] \\sigma_x^2 \\ ,\\\\\n \\nonumber\n H_{\\sf m}&=& B (\\sigma_z^1+ \\sigma_z^2).\\end{aligned}$$ Here, the operators $a^\\dagger_{\\sf cm}$ ($a^{\\;}_{\\sf cm}$) and $a^\\dagger_{\\sf br}$ ($a^{\\;}_{\\sf br}$) create (annihilate) an excitacion in the center of mass and breathing modes, respectively. ", "The coupling interactions $H_{\\sf l-ion1}$ and $H_{\\sf l-ion2}$ are due to the action of state-dependent dipole forces, which are generated by the interaction of non-resonant laser beams with the electronic levels of the ions (see Ref.", " [@por04]). ", "$H_{\\sf m}$ is due to the action of an effective magnetic field that can be external or generated by resonant laser beams. ", "$H_{\\sf phonon}$ is the energy of the normal modes with frequency $\\omega_{\\sf cm}/2 \\pi$ for the center of mass mode, and $\\omega_{\\sf br}/2 \\pi$ for the breathing mode. ", "In the case of a single well potential in one dimension, $\\omega_{\\sf br}= \\sqrt{3} \\omega_{\\sf cm}$. The couplings (displacements) $\\eta_{\\sf cm}$ and $\\eta_{\\sf br}$ are assumed to be small: $\\eta_{\\sf i} \\ll 1$. They depend on the intensities of the laser beams and are given by $$\\eta_{\\sf i} = \\frac{F}{\\sqrt{2} \\hbar \\omega_{\\sf i}} \\sqrt{\\frac{\\hbar}{2m\\omega_{\\sf i}}},$$ with ${\\sf i}=[{\\sf cm, br}]$, $F$ the dipole force acting on each ion, and $m$ the mass of the ion.", "\n\nTherefore, for a fixed value of $t$, the actual two-qubit state prepared in the ion-trap device is $$\\rho_l(t)= {\\sf Tr_{phonon}}[e^{-iH_{\\sf trap}t}\\rho_{\\sf (ion-phonon)} e^{iH_{\\sf trap}t}],$$ where we have traced out the vibrational modes. ", "Here, the initial state is $\\rho_{\\sf (ion-phonon)}= {|{0_1 0_2}\\rangle}{\\langle{0_1 0_2}|} \\otimes \\rho_{\\sf phonon}$, and $\\rho_{\\sf phonon} \\propto e^{-\\frac{ H_{\\sf phonon}}{KT}}$ is the density operator for the initial state of the phonons, with the ion motion in a thermal distribution being at temperature $T$ ($K$ is the Boltzmann constant). ", "The fidelity of having prepared the state ${|{{\\sf hw}(t)}\\rangle}$ is then given by $$\\label{fidtrap}\n{\\cal F}^2({\\rho_l(t),\\rho_{\\sf hw}(t)} )= {\\sf Tr} [\\rho_l(t) \\rho_{\\sf hw}(t)],$$ where the trace is over the spin (i.e., two-qubit) degrees of freedom.", "\n\nFollowing the results of Sec.", " \\[GCSSection\\], we first identify the set $\\fh_D = \\{\\sigma_z^1, \\sigma_z^2\\}$ as the largest set of commuting observables in $\\fh$. This determines ${|{\\sf hw}\\rangle} = {|{0_1 0_2}\\rangle}$ according to Eq.", " (\\[hwdefined\\]). ", "A bound for the fidelity of Eq.", " (\\[fidtrap\\]) can be obtained by using the time dependent symmetry operators $$\\tilde{\\sigma}_z^j(t)=e^{-iH_I t} \\sigma_z^j e^{iH_I t} \\ \\ (j=1,2),$$ that uniquely define the state ${|{{\\sf hw}(t)}\\rangle}$ through the equations $$\\tilde{\\sigma}_z^j(t) {|{{\\sf hw}(t)}\\rangle}=+1{|{{\\sf hw}(t)}\\rangle}.$$ Choosing $\\varepsilon=1/2$ (see Sec.", " \\[simstate\\]) and considering that $v_1=v_2=1$, we obtain ${\\cal S}_{\\fh_D}(t)= \\frac{1}{2}[\\tilde{\\sigma}_z^1(t)+ \\tilde{\\sigma}_z^2(t)]$, which satisfies \\[Eq.", " (\\[lbound3\\])\\] $$\\label{lbound7}\n{\\cal F}^2({\\rho_l(t),\\rho_{\\sf hw}(t)}) \\ge \\langle {\\cal S}_{\\fh_D}(t) \\rangle_{\\rho_l(t)}.$$\n\nThe $\\tilde{\\sigma}_z^j(t)=(\\sigma_z^j-it[H_I,\\sigma_z^j]+ \\cdots)$ are linear combinations of operators belonging to the Lie algebra $\\fso(4)=\\{\\sigma_z^1, \\sigma_z^2, \\sigma_x^1\\sigma_x^2, \\sigma_x^1 \\sigma_y^2, \\sigma_y^1 \\sigma_x^2, \\sigma_y^1 \\sigma_y^2 \\}$. To obtain the coefficients involved in these combinations one needs to find the trace between the corresponding operators. ", "For example, to obtain the coefficient $\\lambda_1(t)$ that accompanies the operator $\\sigma_z^1$ in the decomposition of $\\tilde{\\sigma}_z^1(t)$, one needs to compute $\\frac{1}{4}{\\sf Tr} [\\sigma_z^1 \\tilde{\\sigma}_z^1(t)]$. Remarkably, such a trace can be efficiently computed by working in the $(2N \\times 2N)$-dimensional fundamental matrix representation of $\\fso(2N)$ rather than in the $(2^N \\times 2^N)$-dimensional original representation (see Ref. [", "@som06] for details).", "\n\nIn brief, only six correlations (i.e., the elements of $\\fso(4)$) need to be measured to evaluate the inequality of Eq.", " (\\[lbound7\\]). ", "The complexity of estimating the fidelity is then reduced since a naive approach to fidelity estimation would involve the measurement of fifteen correlations (i.e., the elements of the algebra $\\fsu(4)$). ", "Of course, the complexity of the problem is slightly reduced in this case but the difference is much greater for larger systems.", "\n\nIn Fig.", " \\[figbound\\] we plot ${\\cal F}^2(\\rho_l(t),\\rho_{\\sf hw}(t))$ \\[Eq.", " (\\[fidtrap\\])\\] as a function of time and for certain values of $F$, $\\omega_{\\sf i}$, and $B$ that could be attained experimentally. ", "We observe that, for these parameters, the fidelity remains close to one, implying that the ion-trap device can be used to perform a quantum simulation governed by the Ising-like Hamiltonian of Eq.", " (\\[hising2\\]). ", "We also plot $\\langle {\\cal S}_{\\fh_D}(t)\\rangle_{\\rho_l(t)}$ and we observe that this lower bound of the (squared) fidelity already describes much of the reliability of the simulation. ", "For the sake of comparison, we also plot the expectations $\\langle \\sigma_z^1 \\rangle_{\\rho_{\\sf hw}(t)}$ and $\\langle \\sigma_z^1 \\rangle_{\\rho_{l}(t)}$. Finally, in Fig.", " \\[figcoeff\\] we plot the coefficients $\\lambda_j(t)$, $j\\in[1,6]$, that determine the weighting of the six correlation measurements that contribute to the estimate of $\\langle {\\cal S}_{\\fh_D}(t)\\rangle_{\\rho_l(t)}$.\n\n![", "Numerical simulation of the quantum evolution of two trapped ions interacting with laser fields. ", "The parameters used are $\\omega_{\\sf cm}=100kHz$, $\\eta_{\\sf cm}\\approx 0.063$, $B=560Hz$, $-J=540Hz$, $F=25.10^{-23}N$, and $T=0$. These are expected to be attained experimentally. (", "a) Squared fidelity (probability) of having prepared the state ${|{{\\sf hw}(t)}\\rangle}=e^{-iH_It}{|{0_1 0_2 }\\rangle}$, if the dynamics of the trapped ions is dominated by the trap Hamiltonian $H_{\\sf trap}$ \\[Eq.", " (\\[htrap\\])\\], and the corresponding lower bound $\\langle {\\cal S}_{\\fh_D}(t) \\rangle_{\\rho_l(t)}$, as given by Eq.", " (\\[lbound7\\]), as a function of time. (", "b) Expectations of the Pauli operator $\\sigma_z^1$ as a function of time, if the evolution is governed by $H_I$ and $H_{\\sf trap}$, respectively. []{", "data-label=\"figbound\"}](figure1ab-color.ps){height=\"11cm\"}\n\n![", "Coefficients $\\lambda_j(t)$, where $\\tilde{\\sigma}_z^1(t)=\\lambda_1^1(t)\\sigma_z^1 + \n\\lambda_1^2(t)\\sigma_z^2 + \\lambda_1^3(t)\\sigma_x^1 \\sigma_x^2+ \\lambda_1^4(t)\\sigma_x^1\\sigma_y^1 + \\lambda_1^5(t)\\sigma_y^1 \\sigma_x^2+ \\lambda_1^6(t)\\sigma_y^1 \\sigma_y^2 \n\\in \\fso(4)$, used to obtain $\\langle {\\cal S}_{\\fh_D} \\rangle_{{\\rho_l(t)}}$ in Fig.", " \\[figbound\\]. ", "Note that, because of the symmetry under permutation of both ions, the same coefficients are obtained in the decomposition of $\\tilde{\\sigma}_z^2(t)$. []{data-label=\"figcoeff\"}](figure2-color.ps){height=\"6cm\"}\n\nStatistical contributions to measured lower bound on the fidelity {#error}\n=================================================================\n\nIn an actual experiment, expectation values can never be exactly obtained due to quantum projection noise. ", "Thus, they must be estimated after a (typically large) sequence of projective measurements performed on identically prepared copies of the system. ", "Commonly, maximum-likelihood methods (MLMs)  [@hradil97; @banaszek00] are used to estimate the most probable density matrix $\\bar{\\rho}_l$ from these measurements. ", "As with full QST, these methods are usually inefficient, and they require input data concerning every correlation in the system. ", "For example, if a MLM is used to estimate the density operator $\\rho_l$ of an $N$-qubit system, the estimation $\\bar{\\Sigma}_{\\rho_l}$ of the expectation of a particular operator $\\Sigma= \\sigma_{\\alpha_1}^1 \\cdots \\sigma_{\\alpha_N}^N$ will require ${\\cal O}[(4^N-1)X]$ identically prepared copies of $\\rho_l$, where $X$ is the number of copies used to measure a particular correlation (product of Pauli operators) [@ion2]. ", "Such a complexity would then be translated to the estimation of the lower bounds of Eqs.", " (\\[lbound1\\]), (\\[lbound2\\]), and (\\[lbound3\\]). ", "In this section we argue that to estimate these lower bounds with certain (fixed) level of confidence, the exponential complexity can be avoided.", "\n\nTo prove this, we use results regarding the binomial distribution [@taylor97]. ", "Observe first that the operator $\\Sigma$, as defined above, has $\\pm 1$ as possible eigenvalues. ", "Then, if we perform projective measurements of $\\Sigma$ over $X$ identical copies of $\\rho_l$, we obtain $$\\label{estimate}\n\\langle \\Sigma \\rangle_{\\rho_l}= \\bar{\\Sigma}_{\\rho_l} \\pm \\delta,$$ where $\\bar{\\Sigma}_{\\rho_l}=\\frac{X_+ - X_-}{X}$ is the estimated expectation (i.e., $X_\\pm$ are the number of times we measured $\\Sigma=\\pm 1$, respectively), and $\\delta$ is the corresponding standard deviation. ", "The latter is given by $$\\delta=2\\sqrt{\\frac{p_+p_-}{X}},$$ where $p_\\pm$ are the (not known) probabilities of measuring $\\Sigma= \\pm1$, respectively. ", "Then, $\\delta \\le \\sqrt{1/X}$.\n\nFor sufficiently large $X$, the binomial distribution can be well approximated by the normal distribution. ", "In this context, Eq.", " (\\[estimate\\]) guarantees that $\\bar{\\Sigma}_{\\rho_l}$ differs by at most $\\sqrt{1/X}$ from the actual expectation with (at least) $68 \\%$ of confidence [@chernoff]. ", "For example, if $\\Sigma$ is estimated from ten thousand identical copies of $\\rho_l$, then $\\langle \\Sigma \\rangle_{\\rho_l} = \\bar{\\Sigma}_{\\rho_l} \\pm .01$ with (at least) $68 \\%$ of confidence.", "\n\nWith no loss of generality, the bounds of Eqs.", " (\\[lbound1\\]), (\\[lbound2\\]), and (\\[lbound3\\]), can be rewritten as $$\\label{lbound5}\n{\\cal F}^2 \\ge a_0 + \\sum_{m=1}^R a_m \\langle \\Sigma^m \\rangle_{\\rho_l}, \\ a_0, a_m\\in \\mathbb{R},$$ where each $\\Sigma^m$ involves a particular product of Pauli operators \\[$R=\\text{poly}(N)$\\]. ", "If each $ \\langle \\Sigma^m \\rangle_{\\rho_l}$ is estimated from $X$ identical copies of $\\rho_l$, then $ \\langle \\Sigma^m \\rangle_{\\rho_l}=\\bar{\\Sigma}^m_{\\rho_l} \\pm \\sqrt{1/X}$ with $68 \\%$ of confidence, and $$\\label{lbound4}\n{\\cal F}^2 \\ge a_0 + \\sum_{m=1}^R a_m \\langle \\Sigma^m \\rangle_{\\rho_l} \\ge a_0 + \\sum_{m=1}^R a_m \\bar{\\Sigma}^m_{\\rho_l} -R/\\sqrt{X},$$ with the same confidence. ", "Of course, Eq.", " (\\[lbound4\\]) provides relevant information if $\\bar{\\Sigma}^m_{\\rho_l} \\gg 1/\\sqrt{X}$. For example, if one is interested in preparing the state ${|{{\\sf GHZ}_N}\\rangle}$, then $R=N$ and $\\bar{\\Sigma}^m_{\\rho_l} \\approx +1$. Choosing $X=10^4 N^2$, a good estimation (with error $0.01$) for the lower bound of the fidelity is obtained. ", "The method is then efficient: lower bounds on fidelity of state preparation can be obtained, with certain confidence, in $\\text{poly}(N)$ identical preparations of $\\rho_l$.\n\nWe have not considered any source of error other than the one given by the statistics of projective measurements in the quantum world. ", "Otherwise, the results obtained in the previous sections must be modified according to the specific sources of error or decoherence that can affect the state preparation.", "\n\nConclusions {#concl}\n===========\n\nWe have studied the fidelity of state preparation for three different classes of states: the rotational-invariant states, SSs, and GCSs. ", "Many interesting multi-partite entangled states, like cat or W-type states, belong to these classes. ", "In particular, GCSs are natural in the framework of quantum simulations. ", "We have discussed the quantum simulation of the two-qubit Ising model using an ion-trap device. ", "In this case we observe that a lower bound of the fidelity of the simulation can be simply obtained, and can be considered to estimate the reliability of the experiment. ", "Such a bound can also be efficiently estimated for other multiple qubit systems having Ising-like interactions. ", "Similar approaches can be considered to study the fidelity of state preparation in general qudit or fermionic systems.", "\n\nOur results provide an efficient method to estimate, with certain confidence, lower bounds on the fidelity of state preparation based on symmetries. ", "Many of the states described contain $N$-particle entanglement, so the lower bounds can also be used to verify entanglement using entanglement witnesses [@lew00; @bou04]. ", "These bounds are most accurate when the actual prepared state is not too far from the desired one, as in Fig.", " \\[figbound\\]. ", "Therefore, a consequence of our results is that instead of measuring every possible quantum correlation of a system a large number of times (as for QST), one should focus on having good estimations of certain relevant expectations.", "\n\nRS is grateful to the QiSci at the University of Queensland, G. Vidal, J. Harrington, F.M. Cucchietti, S. Boixo, and M. Boshier for discussions. 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[ "Removal of Ca2+ and Zn2+ from aqueous solutions by zeolites NaP and KP.", "\nZeolites P in sodium (NaP) and potassium (KP) forms were used as adsorbents for the removal of calcium (Ca2+) and zinc (Zn2+) cations from aqueous solutions. ", "Zeolite KP was prepared by ion exchange of K+ with Na+ which neutralizes the negative charge of the zeolite P framework structure. ", "The ion exchange capacity of K+ on zeolite NaP was determined through the Freundlich isotherm equilibrium study. ", "Characterization of zeolite KP was determined using infrared spectroscopy and X-ray diffraction (XRD) techniques. ", "From the characterization, the structure of zeolite KP was found to remain stable after the ion exchange process. ", "Zeolites KP and NaP were used for the removal of Ca and Zn from solution. ", "The amount of Ca2+ and Zn2+ in aqueous solution before and after the adsorption by zeolites was analysed using the flame atomic absorption spectroscopy method. ", "The removal of Ca2+ and Zn2+ followed the Freundlich isotherm rather than the Langmuir isotherm model. ", "This result also revealed that zeolite KP adsorbs Ca2+ and Zn2+ more than zeolite NaP and proved that modification of zeolite NaP with potassium leads to an increase in the adsorption efficiency of the zeolite. ", "Therefore, the zeolites NaP and KP can be used for water softening (Ca removal) and reducing water pollution/toxicity (Zn removal)." ]
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[ "Q:\n\ngit checkout only certain file types for entire project\n\nIs there a way to perform a git checkout for only certain file types (.xlf), which recurses down through the entire repository? ", "The results should contain the struture of the repository, meaning the folders, and the contained files of a certain extension.", "\nRepo A\nfile.xlf\nfile.txt\nlevel2/\n file2.xlf\n file2.txt\n level3/\n file3.xlf\n file3.txt \n\nAfter checkout repo B looks like:\nRepo B\nfile.xlf\n /level2\n file2.xlf\n /level3\n file3.xlf\n\nThis is what I have so far:\n$ git checkout FETCH_HEAD -- '*.xlf'\n\nThis gives all of the \".xlf\" files at the root level, but is not recursive down to subdirectories.", "\nThank you for the help.", "\n\nA:\n\nYou don't need find or sed, you can use wildcards as git understands them (doesn't depend on your shell):\ngit checkout -- \"*.xml\"\n\nThe quotes will prevent your shell to expand the command to only files in the current directory before its execution.", "\nYou can also disable shell glob expansion (with bash) :\nset -f\ngit checkout -- *.xml\n\nThis, of course, will irremediably erase your changes!", "\n\nA:\n\nUPDATE: Check Dadaso's answer for a solution that will work in most of cases.", "\nYou can try something like this, using git ls-tree and grep:\ngit checkout origin/master -- `git ls-tree origin/master -r --name-only | grep \".xlf\"`\n\nNote this expects a remote origin in a master branch. ", "Also you must provide the right filter/extension to grep. ", "\n\nBefore this command, you should have done something like this:\n\ngit init\ngit remote add origin <project.git>\ngit fetch\n\nA:\n\nDadaso's answer git checkout -- \"*.xml\" checks out all .xml files recursively from index to working directory.", "\nHowever for some reasons git checkout branch-name -- \"*.xml\" (checking out files from branch-name branch) doesn't work recursively and only checks \"xml\" files in root directory.", "\nSo IMO the best is to use git ls-tree then filter file names you are interested in and pass it to git checkout branch-name --. ", "Here are the commands you can use:\n\nBash (and git bash on windows) version:\ngit ls-tree branch-name --full-tree --name-only -r | grep \"\\.xml\" | xargs git checkout branch-name --\n\ncmd (windows) version (if you don't have \"C:\\Program Files\\Git\\usr\\bin\" in you PATH):\ngit ls-tree branch-name --full-tree --name-only -r | \"C:\\Program Files\\Git\\usr\\bin\\grep.exe\" \"\\.xml\" | \"C:\\Program Files\\Git\\usr\\bin\\xargs.exe\" git checkout branch-name --\n\nfor powershell it's still better to call cmd.exe because it's much faster (powershell doesn't have good support for native stdin/stdout pipelining):\ncmd.exe /C 'git ls-tree branch-name --full-tree --name-only -r | \"C:\\Program Files\\Git\\usr\\bin\\grep.exe\" \"\\.xml\" | \"C:\\Program Files\\Git\\usr\\bin\\xargs.exe\" git checkout branch-name --'\n\nHowever you you have small number of files you can try this in powershell (like in @aoetalks answer). ", "But I found it extremely slow for couple of houndeds files:\ngit ls-tree branch-name --full-tree --name-only -r | sls \"\\.xml\" | %{ git checkout branch-name -- $_ }\n\n" ]
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[ "Income differences in the type of antihypertensive medicines used in ambulatory settings in Finland: a register-based study.", "\nThe objective of this study was to explore income differences in the prevalence of moderate-to-severe hypertension, and among patients, in the use and costs of medicines. ", "Personal income was used to classify ≥25-year-old population in quintiles (QI-QV). ", "Patients (N = 497,560) with moderate-to-severe hypertension were identified using special refund entitlements. ", "Medicine use and costs derived from prescription register. ", "Direct standardisation and multivariate regression were used to adjust for demographics and comorbidities. ", "Low income was associated with higher prevalence of moderate-to-severe hypertension (overall 13%). ", "After adjusting for age, gender, residence, diabetes and coronary heart disease, nearly all patients purchased at least one antihypertensive medicine (93 vs. 96% in QI and QV). ", "Differences in the purchased quantities were small (mean estimates 1028 vs. 1054 defined daily doses (DDDs)/patient/year in QIV and QI). ", "High-income patients were more likely to use angiotensin receptor blockers (37 vs. 54% in QI and QV). ", "Low-income patients were more likely to use beta-blockers (59 vs. 49%, respectively) and ACE inhibitors (35 vs. 28%, respectively). ", "Higher income was associated with higher annual out-of-pocket costs (mean €66 vs. €71 in QI and QV) and reimbursements (€144 vs. €163, respectively). ", "Use of more expensive medicines contributed to higher costs among patients with higher incomes." ]
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[ "india\n\nUpdated: Mar 10, 2019 15:14 IST\n\nOdisha chief minister Naveen Patnaik on Sunday announced that his party Biju Janata Dal (BJD) would field women candidates in at least 33% of the 21 parliamentary seats from the state in the upcoming Lok Sabha elections.", "\n\nAt the ‘Mission Shakti’ convention in the politically-important Kendrapara district, Patnaik made the announcement soon after the election commission said it would hold a press conference, apparently to announce Lok Sabha election schedule.", "\n\nHe was however silent on extending the same to the 147 assembly seats in the state, where BJD is up against a resurgent BJP that is eyeing at least 7-8 Lok Sabha seats, up from the one it had in 2014 elections.", "\n\n“I would like to announce that Odisha will send 33% women to Parliament in the coming elections,” he said. “", "It was a dream of Biju babu (former CM Biju Patnaik) to empower women. ", "Biju babu showed the way to the entire nation. ", "He was the first in India to implement 33% reservation for women in the three-tier Panchayati Raj Institutions and government jobs. ", "In order to fulfill his dreams, I am making this announcement today in the land of Lord Baladevjew.”", "\n\nPatnaik said it is now incumbent on national parties like BJP and Congress to follow suit. ", "They should be true to their words and must follow what they are propagating for women empowerment, he added.", "\n\nTwo days back, Congress president Rahul Gandhi at an election rally in Koraput district had promised to get the Women’s Reservation Bill (108th Constitution Amendment Bill) passed in Lok Sabha if Congress came to power.", "\n\nLast November, Patnaik had moved a resolution in Odisha assembly seeking 33% reservation for women in state legislatures and parliament.", "\n\nIn the 2014 Lok Sabha polls, BJD had fielded 2 women candidates in Jajpur and Keonjhar. ", "Later it nominated another women candidate from Kandhamal Lok Sabha seat after its sitting MP died.", "\n\nIn the 2014 Assembly polls, BJD had fielded 14 women candidates. ", "It was followed by BSP’s 12, BJP’s 8 and 9 of Congress. ", "A total of 115 women candidates had contested in the 2014 Assembly polls, roughly 8% of the total number of contestants. ", "Only 56 women have been elected to the Odisha Assembly since 1936.", "\n\nOf the 11 women MLAs in the current Assembly, ruling BJD has 10 members while the BJP has the rest one.", "\n\nBJD sources said the chief minister may extend the same reservation percentage for women to Assembly constituencies to quell rising dissidence among the ranks.", "\n\nIncidentally, a 2017 study on women’s participation in state Assembly polls found that women electors in the Odisha rooted for men candidates and voted out women contestants quite comprehensively despite a record turnout of women voters.", "\n\nThe study by political science professor Dr Susmita Patnaik and published in International Journal of Engineering Development and Research said even strong women candidates like BJP leader Surama Padhy and the BJD’s Hema Gamang failed to carry through as they lost to male contestants despite a whopping 75% women electors voting in the 2014 Odisha elections vis-a-vis a total turnout of 74%. ", "Incidentally, 80% of the women contestants had lost even their deposits." ]
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[ "Lefferts Bones\n\nI make and sell \"rhythm bones\" in several different styles and woods. ", "I also occasionally make musical spoons.", "\nHere's some of my handiwork. ", "All of the bones are hand cut and shaped, and finished with an oil finish.", "\nClick on each picture for a closer view. ", "Included with each pair is a 10-page booklet on bones basics,\nincluding a few more advanced techniques.", "\n\nCurrently (October 2006), I'm just starting to make bones again. ", "I don't have any bones in stock,\nBut I'll put some pictures up here when I do.", "\n\nEmail:\n\nHere are some bones and stuff I've made previously:\n\nMedium sized bones, made of Cocobolo -- it really is that colorful. ", "Fairly bright sound.", "\n\nMedium-weight bones with tapered ends, made of African Sapele. ", "A good basic sound, not too loud.", "\n\nAttached spoons made from a single block of redwood burl.", "\n\nSomewhat shorter bones made of Purpleheart, bright and solid sounding.", "\n\nThick, loud, round-ended bones made of South American macacauba (maca wood). ", "Also an unfinished pair of\nmacacauba bones, and the board both came from.", "\n\nLaminated bones made of 11 layers of hardwood veneer with a Macassar Ebony face, along with an\ninstructional booklet I wrote, which I include with each pair of bones.", "\n\nBones made of Cherry, light for speed, tapered down at the grip end to save weight, and wrapped with\nleather cord for a better grip.", "\n\nSoftwood bones, thicker at the ends, with leather-wrapped grips. ", "Quiet, light, fast, and very variable\nin tone." ]
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[ "Former Uber Driver Pleads Guilty To 2016 Killing Rampage In Michigan\n\nEnlarge this image toggle caption Joel Bissell/AP Joel Bissell/AP\n\nA former Uber driver charged with killing six people during an hours-long shooting rampage in Michigan nearly three years ago, pleaded guilty to all charges on Monday, defying his attorney.", "\n\nJason Dalton was set to stand trial for fatally shooting four women in the parking lot of a Cracker Barrel restaurant, in addition to a father and son who were at a car dealership, and for wounding two additional strangers. ", "But, going against his lawyer's counsel, he surprised the judge and prosecutors by admitting that he was behind the attack, firing at unsuspecting strangers while continuing to pick up Uber fares in between the shootings on Feb. 20, 2016.", "\n\n\"I've wanted to do this for quite a while,\" Dalton told a judge, putting an end to jury selection, according to the Associated Press.", "\n\nScott Brower, chief assistant prosecuting attorney in Kalamazoo County, told NPR that Dalton \"acknowledged the facts behind each of the charges,\" including attempted murder and firearms violations.", "\n\nAs a result, the 48-year-old faces a mandatory life sentence without parole for each count of first-degree murder, Brower added.", "\n\nDalton's motive remains a mystery. ", "Kalamazoo County prosecutor Jeff Getting told the AP \"everybody wants to know\" what drove Dalton to indiscriminately kill six bystanders who had the misfortune of being in Dalton's line of sight on that terrifying day.", "\n\nGetting added it is a \"key question\" that investigators have still not answered.", "\n\n\"After Dalton's arrest, police quoted him as saying a 'devil figure' on Uber's app was controlling him on the day of the shootings,\" the AP said.", "\n\nAs NPR reported:\n\n\"The shooting spree started in the early evening outside an apartment complex where a woman was shot five times. ", "That victim was hospitalized. ", "More than four hours passed before the next shooting. ", "A father and son were shot dead at a car dealership. ", "And then about 15 minutes later, four people were killed and one injured sitting in their vehicles in the parking lot of a Cracker Barrel restaurant. ", "All told, six people killed and two were injured.\"", "\n\nDays after the shooting, Uber confirmed that Dalton had passed a company background check and that there was no evidence that any warning flags were missed. ", "Police also confirmed Dalton had no criminal record.", "\n\nA passenger named Derek, who rode with Dalton between killings on that day, told NPR he got into the Uber ride and \"jokingly\" asked, \"You aren't the shooter, are you?'\"", "\n\n\"He either shook his head or said no, and I said, 'Are you sure?' \" ", "Derek continued. \"", "And his response wasn't like you would expect, like a laugh. ", "It was just very calm and quiet. ", "It was, 'I'm just tired. ", "No, I'm just tired.' \"", "\n\nFox 17 reported Dalton's attorney, Eusebio Solis, decided not to pursue an insanity defense late last week.", "\n\nAccording to the AP, Solis advised Dalton not to plead guilty. ", "But in the end, Dalton determined he \"wanted to spare families more grief during a trial.\"", "\n\n\"We're very happy that we're able to reach this resolution,\" Getting said as reported by ABC News. \"", "Doing this is what's best for the people of this community, it's what's best for our victims.\"", "\n\nDalton's sentencing hearing is scheduled for Feb. 5, Brower told NPR." ]
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[ "Contents\n\nLandau received her Bachelor's at Princeton (1976), her Master's at Cornell (1979), and her PhD at MIT (1983).[2]\n\nIn 2010–2011, she was a Fellow at the Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study at Harvard, where she investigated issues involving security of government systems, and their privacy and policy implications.[7]\n\nLandau gave testimony in the FBI–Apple encryption dispute between 2015 and 2016.[18] She is the co-author of “Keys Under Doormats: Mandating Insecurity by Requiring Government Access to All Data and Communications,” which received the 2015 J. D. Falk Award from the Messaging Malware Mobile Anti-Abuse Working Group. ", "The Obama administration gave substantial credit to this report's analysis when it announced that it would not pursue exceptional access to phone data.[19]\n\nLandau testified that making iPhones less secure would simply send terrorists and bad actors running toward options that the FBI and Congress had no control over. ", "Compelling Apple to weaken its software would \"weaken us, but not impact the bad guys.", "\"[20]\n\n^Contemporary authors: a bio-bibliographical guide to current writers in fiction, general nonfiction, poetry, journalism, drama, motion pictures, television and other fields, Gale Research Co., 1998, p. 195." ]
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[ "Novel systemically active antagonists of the glycine site of the N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor: electrophysiological, biochemical and behavioral characterization.", "\nA series of novel tricyclic pyrido-phthalazine-dione derivatives was tested for antagonistic effects at the strychnine-insensitive modulatory site of the N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptor (glycineB). ", "All compounds displaced [3H]MDL-105,519 binding to rat cortical membranes with IC50 values of between 90 nM and 3.6 microM. In patch-clamp experiments, steady-state inward current responses of cultured hippocampal neurons to NMDA (200 microM, glycine 1 microM) were antagonized by these same compounds with IC50 values of 0.14 to 13.8 microM. The antagonism observed was typical for glycineB antagonists, i.e., they induced desensitization and their effects were not use or voltage dependent. ", "Moreover, increasing concentrations of glycine were able to decrease their apparent potency. ", "Much higher concentrations (>100 microM) were required to antagonize alpha-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionic acid-induced currents. ", "They were potent, systemically active NMDA receptor antagonists in vivo against responses of single neurons in the rat spinal cord to microelectrophoretic application of NMDA with ID50 values in the low milligram per kilogram i.v. ", "range. ", "They also inhibited pentylenetetrazol-, NMDA- and maximal electroshock-induced convulsions in mice with ED50 values ranging from 8 to 100 mg/kg i.p. ", "The duration of anticonvulsive action was rather short but was prolonged by the organic acid transport inhibitor probenecid (200 mg/kg). ", "The agents tested represent a novel class of systemically active glycineB antagonists with greatly improved bioavailability." ]
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[ "Q:\n\nIs over fitting okay if test accuracy is high enough?", "\n\nI am trying to build a binary classifier. ", "I have tried deep neural networks with various different structures and parameters and I was not able to get anything better than\nTrain set accuracy : 0.70102\nTest set accuracy : 0.70001\n\nThen I tried machine learning algorithms such as KNN and Decision Trees etc. ", "And I found that Random forest Classifier from Scikit-learn with n_estimators=100 gave me\nTrain set accuracy : 1.0\nTest set accuracy : 0.924068\n\nI tried adjusting other parameters such as max_depth, criterion But the decrease in training set accuracy also caused the test set accuracy to drop. ", "Like \nTrain set accuracy : 0.82002\nTest set accuracy : 0.75222\n\nMy question is, is this\nTrain set accuracy : 1.0\nTest set accuracy : 0.924068\n\nacceptable ? ", "Even thought the model is over fitting, the test set accuracy is better. ", "\n\nA:\n\nIf you properly isolate your test set such that it doesn't affect training, you should only look at the test set accuracy. ", "Here are some of my remarks:\n\nHaving your model being really good on the train set is not a bad thing in itself. ", "On the contrary, if the test accuracy is identical, you want to pick the model with the better train accuracy.", "\nYou want to look at the test accuracy. ", "That is your primary concern. ", "So pick the model that provides the best performance on the test set.", "\n\nOverfitting is not when your train accuracy is really high (or even 100%). ", "It is when your train accuracy is high and your test accuracy is low.", "\nit is not abnormal that your train accuracy is higher than your test accuracy. ", "After all, your model has an advantage with the train set since it's been given the correct answer already.", "\n\nAt the end of the day, training a machine learning model is like studying for a test. ", "You (the model) use learning resources such as books, past exams, flash cards etc. (", "train set) to perform well on a test/exam (test set). ", "Knowing your learning resources perfectly doesn't mean you are overfitting. ", "You would be overfitting if this is all you knew and couldn't perform well on the exam at all.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "21 comments:\n\nImpressive!thats lot of publicity,i read you are the one who picked her...i must say smart choice.coming to kareena kapoor(not my fav)but i always felt she is really the true hindi heroine and no one can beat this girl when it comes to style...she is very stylish and has certain attitude which goes well with her image....goodluck to the book,i am sure it will be superhit!!!", "\n\nLike her or hate her, you certainly can't ignore the Kapoor lass. ", "So good that she finally spills the beans. ", "I am sure the book will be on \"best-sellers\" list, from day one.", "I am sure, after the book, comes out, there will be stories of girls and women trying out the tricks\n\nI ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ you Kareena.", "I want to marry you.", "\n\nI would like to send greetings to all readers and also the publisher who write it and published it.", "Now i would like to say about Ahmedabad Packers Movers. ", "Ahmedabad packers and movers is a leading company in Ahmedabad that provides packing services,moving Services,transportation services,car carrier services,warehousing services,relocation services in Ahmedabad and all over India.", "\n\nThis lady just love media attention... and after Heroine I think she will be crowned No. ", "1 Heroine... Her wedding is already creating hype all over the country and now her book... Gosh, Kapoor ladies are just unstoppable. ", "I hope she helps her sister too in getting back on track... totally miss Karishma and Karishma is definitely far better actress than Kareena any day any time! ", "Feel bad that she got trapped in that wedding jaal n had to leave the industry...\n\nThe publisher who write it and published it is so great because of the publish of this type of Blog.", "Now i would like to say about Jaipur Packers Movers. ", "Jaipur packers and movers is a leading packers movers service provider in Jaipur. ", "We are feeling very happy to introduce our Organization as a pioneer packing and moving service provider.", "\n\nMovers Packers Mumbai is best service provider company, it is all types service like packing, moving, loading, unloading, household shifting one place to another place, this work is very difficult, but Packers and Movers make an easy all service. ", "Thanks for all sharing information...\n\nNICE INFORMATION!!! ", "It such a great difficulty shifting from one location to another because we never manage all the things and doesnt understand how to reach goods from one place to another in limited time but now with the help of packers and movers, shifting from one place to another becomes easier which provides the safest facilities with no losses like damage or broking of expensive goods etc. ", "If any people looks for packers and movers in Jaipur, they can go through www.manglammovers.com. ", "Thanks !!!", "\n\nthanks for share this information regarding packers and movers,i have seen many posts regarding this but no one prove to be best. ", "But your blog is really very informative for those who want to shift from one place to another place. ", "packers and movers madhapur\n\nthanks for share this information regarding packers and movers,i have seen many posts regarding this but no one prove to be best. ", "But your blog is really very informative for those who want to shift from one place to another place. ", "packers and movers madhapur\n\nthanks for share this information regarding packers and movers,i have seen many posts regarding this but no one prove to be best. ", "But your blog is really very informative for those who want to shift from one place to another place. ", "packers and movers madhapur\n\nthanks for share this information regarding packers and movers,i have seen many posts regarding this but no one prove to be best. ", "But your blog is really very informative for those who want to shift from one place to another place. ", "packers and movers madhapur\n\nthanks for share this information regarding packers and movers,i have seen many posts regarding this but no one prove to be best. ", "But your blog is really very informative for those who want to shift from one place to another place. ", "packers and movers madhapur" ]
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[ "\n611 A.2d 67 (1992)\nSTATE of Maine\nv.\nVictor J. LEMAY.", "\nSupreme Judicial Court of Maine.", "\nArgued June 3, 1992.", "\nDecided July 16, 1992.", "\nJanet T. Mills, Dist. ", "Atty., ", "Patricia J. Reynolds Regan (orally), Asst. ", "Dist. ", "Atty., ", "Auburn, for State.", "\nArthur J. Greif (orally), Isaacson & Raymond, Lewiston, for defendant.", "\nBefore WATHEN, C.J., and ROBERTS, GLASSMAN, CLIFFORD and COLLINS, JJ.", "\nCLIFFORD, Justice.", "\nVictor Lemay appeals from an order of the Superior Court (Androscoggin County, Delahanty, C.J.) dismissing his appeal from an order of the District Court (Lewiston, Scales, A.R.J.) denying his motion to dismiss the State's criminal complaint against him. ", "We agree with the Superior Court that this interlocutory appeal is not presently cognizable, and affirm its judgment dismissing the appeal for lack of a final judgment.", "\nIn August 1990, Officer Joseph Bradeen of the Lewiston Police Department, responding to the scene of an accident, issued a summons to Lemay for operating a motor vehicle while under the influence of intoxicating liquor. ", "A criminal complaint was filed against Lemay in District Court for violation of 29 M.R.S.A. § 1312-B (Pamph. ", "1991).", "\nLemay's driving privileges were suspended by the Secretary of State on the ground that Lemay failed to comply with the duty to submit to a chemical test to determine his blood-alcohol level. ", "See 29 M.R.S.A. § 1312(2) (Pamph.1991). ", "Following a hearing before the Secretary of State requested by Lemay, see id., on his suspension for refusal to submit to a chemical test, the administrative license suspension was rescinded and Lemay's driving privileges were restored. ", "The hearing examiner's decision was based on a finding of insufficient *68 probable cause to determine whether Lemay, or some other person, was driving the car.", "\nFollowing this administrative decision, Lemay moved the District Court for dismissal of the criminal complaint against him. ", "He argued that the hearing examiner's decision resolved the issue of operation of the vehicle against the State and that the State, therefore, should be estopped from proving Lemay's operation, an essential element of the crime of operating under the influence, in the criminal prosecution. ", "The District Court, after hearing, denied Lemay's motion to dismiss. ", "Lemay appealed the denial of his motion to dismiss to the Superior Court, which dismissed the appeal for lack of a final judgment. ", "In Lemay's appeal to this court we review directly the refusal of the District Court to dismiss the OUI complaint against him. ", "City of Portland v. Gemini Concerts, Inc., 481 A.2d 180, 181 (Me.1984); see State v. Ann Marie C., 407 A.2d 715, 721 (Me.1979) (juvenile criminal case).", "\nIt is well settled that appeals, in order to be cognizable, must be from a final judgment. ", "Department of Human Servs. ", "v. Lowatchie, 569 A.2d 197, 199 (Me. ", "1990); In re Erica B., 520 A.2d 342, 343 (Me.1987); 2 Field, McKusick & Wroth, Maine Civil Practice § 73.1 (2d ed. ", "1970 & Supp.1981). ", "Orders that are interlocutory and not final are not generally appealable. ", "State v. Maine State Employees Ass'n, 482 A.2d 461, 463 (Me.1984). ", "In this case, because the complaint charging Lemay with operating under the influence remains pending in the District court, the denial of the motion to dismiss the complaint is an interlocutory order.[1]Erica B., 520 A.2d at 343-44 (citing Allen v. Cole Realty, Inc., 325 A.2d 19, 21 (Me.1974) (trial court action is interlocutory in nature if it does not fully decide and dispose of whole matter leaving nothing for further consideration at that level and when subsequent proceedings in case may render appellate decision immaterial)).", "\nWhile the judicially created final judgment rule serves as a bar to immediate appeal from interlocutory orders, a few narrow and well-defined exceptions to this rule have been recognized. ", "Maine State Employees Ass'n, 482 A.2d at 464; see generally, 2 Field, McKusick & Wroth at §§ 73.2-73.4a. ", "This case does not fit within any of those heretofore recognized exceptions[2] nor are the circumstances so extraordinary as to warrant the creation of an additional exception to the rule. ", "See Lowatchie, 569 A.2d at 199; Maine State Employees Ass'n, 482 A.2d at 464. ", "The issue raised by Lemay, whether his operation of the vehicle has been conclusively resolved against the State by virtue of the hearing examiner's decision, will still be available for review on appeal should Lemay be found guilty. ", "Lemay's present appeal is not cognizable and was properly dismissed by the Superior Court.", "\nThe entry is:\nJudgment of dismissal affirmed.", "\nAll concurring.", "\nNOTES\n[1] On the facts of this case, Lemay's appeal from a denial of a motion to dismiss on the theory of issue preclusion is akin to an appeal from the denial of a motion to suppress. ", "The denial of a motion to suppress is not immediately appealable by the defendant. ", "See DiBella v. United States, 369 U.S. 121, 129-32, 82 S.Ct. ", "654, 659-61, 7 L.Ed.2d 614 (1962); 2 Cluchey & Seitzinger, Maine Criminal Practice §§ 37.9, 41A.8 (Rev. ed. ", "1992).", "\n[2] Contrary to Lemay's contention, his appeal does not fall within the double jeopardy exception to the final judgment rule. ", "See State v. Flick, 495 A.2d 339, 341 (Me.1985). ", "Unlike the protection afforded against double jeopardy, the collateral estoppel rule does not protect against standing trial. ", "The criminal complaint pending against Lemay is the only prosecution for the alleged offense. ", "See North Carolina v. Pearce, 395 U.S. 711, 717, 89 S.Ct. ", "2072, 2076, 23 L.Ed.2d 656 (1969).", "\n" ]
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[ "Story of the Warrior and the Captive\n\n\"Story of the Warrior and the Captive\" (original Spanish \"Historia del Guerrero y la cautiva\") is a short story by Argentinian writer Jorge Luis Borges. ", "It first appeared in 1949 in the short story collection El Aleph and later appeared in Labyrinths.", "\n\nPlot summary\nThe story compares two figures who eschewed their culture in favor of a foreign culture. ", " The narrator first tells the story of Droctulft, a barbarian who, according to the historical writings of Paul the Deacon, abandoned the barbarian Lombards to join the Byzantine Army and defend the city of Ravenna.", "\n\nThe narrator then identifies himself as Borges (one of Borges's many forays into metafiction), and recounts a story that his grandmother had told him. ", " He tells how his grandmother, an Englishwoman living in Buenos Aires in 1872, was introduced to another Englishwoman who, fifteen years earlier, had been taken captive by an indigenous tribe and wed to the chieftain. ", " Borges's grandmother offers to protect her and retrieve her children, but the woman responds that she is happy with the natives and wishes to remain with them. ", " Like Droctulft, she chose to leave the culture she was born into in favor of one completely alien to her.", "\n\nSee also\n Labyrinths\n Bibliography of Jorge Luis Borges\n\nExternal links\n Story of the Warrior and the Captive in Google Books\n Borges and His Fiction: A Guide to His Mind and Art\n\nCategory:1949 short stories\nCategory:Short stories by Jorge Luis Borges" ]
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[ "When a new player joins an MP game, they can be directed to grab blueprints from this section, rather than being told to hunt them from various other players (who may not even be on at the time!).", "\n\nHow much effort would it be and would it make sense to add a special \"chest\" where one can store their blueprints so that anyone can access them in MP even if the owner of those blueprints aren't online?", "\n\nOf course, that would mean when someone adds puts down their \"blueprint chest\", all the blueprint data has to be sent to the server and that could make it possible to grief people by having huge libraries of huge blueprints.", "\n\n\"Ready\" is probably not what you want to know, Ishobo. ", "First launch was said to be in first quarter of next year. ", "My guess would be around February. ", "It'll probably take months to go from unstable to stable from there.", "\n\nI'm still not completely convinced that this is the correct place for Game Blueprints to be. ", "Game Blueprints are somewhat special in that they are tied to a specific save, and in this sense, they don't belong to the left panel. ", "However, introducing a third panel would make the window too wide in my opinion. ", "The interface is still very much work in progress, though, and perhaps we'll figure out an even better way to do it soon.", "\n\nMy suggestion would be:\n\nLEFT SIDE - Game Blueprints (with dropdown menu that lists players and lets you access theirs)RIGHT SIDE - My Blueprints\nLets be honest big games will have 10s if not 100s of blueprints in the game section, and most people only care about personal blueprints and that current game/world blueprints.", "\nSeeing other player blueprints should be optional (through dropdown menu or similar) and only done when needed (aka when that player tells you to check it out and for some reason doesnt want to simply place it in the main game blueprint storage.)", "\n\nLast edited by Wiking on Fri Dec 23, 2016 5:55 pm, edited 1 time in total.", "\n\nWelp, prepare for a flood of posts about how gigantically wrong you are about everything and anything regarding the new UI or blueprint book.", "\n\nBut no, seriously, it's about time this got some love. ", "And get him to look at the website too, while he's still around - gray cursor on a gray textbox and a dark grey background is... well, it's kinda like using the universal \"Refresh\" icon as a renaming-button\n\nYep GUi is difficult, and one of the errors seem to be to care last minute. ", "Most mechanics are done, and the only thing you can do is rearrange GUI elements. ", "But prepare once the GUI is worked on, that new ideas evolve and become necessary.", "\n\nPersonally i would like to see the new blueprint GUI the only place to keep blueprints entirely. ", "Putting them in your inventory is just another layer ,and pretty redundant. ", "And not really user friendly, because of the sorting you got to do. ", "Because of the amount of blueprints, and expect a few dozen to hundreds, you will need to sort blueprints in the new GUI. ", "And on top of that you sort them in your inventory into books. ", "And this completely independent from each other this amounts to a lot of unnecessary work.", "\n\nAlso that both systems exists for the sole idea that your inventory is legacy and \"local\" meaning only this game, and the new GUI is global and multiplayer. ", "They do not share identical blueprints, but the system is designed to share blueprints with the drag&drop. ", "But anything else is working towards seperation again. ", "You improve a row of blueprints in your current game and you essentially have 1 outdated library. ", "You will eventually want to update the global blueprints with some, but since they share the name but no like version number this becomes rediculous.", "\n\nMy idea for a blueprint GUI was to have sections that mimic the books. ", "Helps sorting. ", "Any other players blueprints are in their own \"books\" So the GUI is essentially a list of books, yours and the other players books. ", "For the sake of having a \"current game\" list of blueprints, make another special \"book\" or even \"books\" i think the latter would make more sense, and color it nicely whatever.", "\n\nAnd mind you that with the current books you can shuffle blueprints with your mousewheel. ", "This system is so helpful dont forget that.", "\n\n1) Will there still be a way to shift-scrollwheel through your library of blueprints? ", "That feature is indispensable to me.", "\n\n2) Any chance of adding an additional tickbox to the blueprint to allow copying electrical connections to make them work like color wire connections? ", "I know in the past it's been tabled, but trying to make a blueprint where the electrical separations matter (for things like power switches and conditions) is still impossible, and it's so obnoxious designing a beautiful layout that I have to then manually disconnect and reconnect everything for anyway. ", "I feel like power control will become even more desirable once we have nuclear power (and thus might want to conserve fuel at times).", "\n\nIn 0.14, there is an icon next to the “Blueprint” title that looks like a refresh button. ", "That's how you rename it. ", "Maybe it should not have taken a UI designer to tell us that that was the wrong icon for the task, but at least someone finally told us.", "\n\nWhile we're on that, the \"refresh\" icon in the train window that you use to toggle between views should also not be a refresh button. ", "Perhaps a magnifying glass?", "\n\nMy two cents.", "\nI'd like the right half to be player and game specific so I can keep things here without sharing with others or my other saves. ", "This could actually just be a huge inventory window, where you can put blueprint *items* and books, but nothing else.", "\n\nI'm glad to see the blueprint library is getting some love!", "\nLet's start with single-player to keep things simple.", "\n\n1.", "\nI start with a fresh install of Factorio. ", "Then I create a blueprint in my local inventory. ", "Does it automatically show up as a \"game\" blueprint? ", "Can I delete it from my inventory and still keep it as a \"game\" blueprint? ", "In other words, is the \"game blueprints\" area a view of my inventory or a separate storage area from my inventory?", "\n\n2.", "\nI change the blueprint to a \"game blueprint.\" ", "Then I delete it from my inventory. ", "What happens?", "\n\n3.", "\nI copy the blueprint into player storage. ", "Then I start up a new single-player game and transfer the blueprint into my inventory. ", "Does this automatically make it a \"game blueprint\"?", "\n\nAt this point the blueprint in the \"player storage\" area is clutter, because I already have access to it in my inventory. ", "It should either not be displayed at all, or there should be an easy way to filter it out.", "\n\n4.", "\nWhen I start a new game I want to copy all my shared blueprints into the new game. ", "My first choice is a simple checkbox on the options page for \"copy all my shared blueprints into new games\". ", "My second choice would be an easy way to do a bulk-copy. ", "Bonus points if you create a \"favorite\" feature. ", "I don't really want to copy all my blueprints, just my favorites.", "\n\n5.", "\nFor my playstyle. ", "Most frequently used: inventory or game blueprints. ", "Next most frequently used: my shared blueprints. ", "Multiplayer shared are a distant third.", "\nThis is how I would design the GUI for single player.", "\nLeft column: Game Blueprints.", "\nRight column: My Shared Blueprints.", "\n\nFor multiplayer, in most cases shared blueprints belong in \"game blueprints\". ", "It should be rare that I would need to get a blueprint from a player but I wouldn't want that blueprint to be a \"game blueprint.\" ", "And if that does come up the other player can drop it in a chest for me.", "\n\nMy most preferred solution would be to make a Blueprint Portal (like the Mod Portal). ", "Or add the blueprint string mod to vanilla and let people use factorioblueprints.com.", "\n\nMy second choice would be that there's no new support for one player to transfer a blueprint to another player. ", "Let them put it in a chest.", "\n\nMy third choice is to add a \"multiplayer\" tab to the GUI I've described above.", "\n\n6.", "\nRegarding multiplayer, think about security and griefing. ", "Who gets to add a blueprint to the game blueprints? ", "Who gets to remove a blueprint from the game blueprints?", "\n\nProbably the list of players should be a pull-down menu or like the mod-selection list works by switching between different player's inventories/blueprint books... because if you have a 100 players on the server and they all have shared blueprints then the UI will freak out for sure if you try to fit everything on the left panel.", "\n\nAlso for the reworked Blueprint creation menu... isn't it problematic when the Blueprint actually uses MORE than 4 different components? ", "Will the UI stretch accordingly or only display the 4 most used items in the blueprint?" ]
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[ "Introduction\n============\n\nThe Microbiological analysis of clinical specimens has relied traditionally on cultivation prior to identification. ", "However, recent genetic innovations promise to provide dramatic advances in diagnosis and fresh insights into infections that have previously been considered well characterised. ", "The use of molecular biological approaches in clinical scenarios obviates the requirement for *in vitro*culture prior to analysis and so removes problems associated with microbial cultivation. ", "In addition, these approaches are ideal for cases such as trauma where predicting the pathogen(s) responsible is challenging.", "\n\nMolecular biological approaches have gained widespread acceptance for the study of bacterial communities in natural environments \\[reviewed in \\[[@B1]-[@B3]\\]\\]. ", "Here, nucleic acids, extracted directly from samples, act as templates for PCR amplification of phylogenetically-informative ribosomal sequences using oligonucleotide primers \\\"universal\\\" for the Domain Bacteria. ", "This means that no prior assumptions are made about the identity of species present. ", "Bacterial community composition can then be assessed through sequence analysis of cloned ribosomal PCR products and by Terminal Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism (T-RFLP) profiling \\[[@B4],[@B5]\\].", "\n\nHere, we focus on bacterial infections within the lungs of cystic fibrosis (CF) patients. ", "There are more than 5,000 registered CF patients in the UK \\[[@B6]\\]. ", "Although CF patient life expectancy has steadily increased, the mortality rate for patients aged between 26 and 30 years remains at around 50 per 1000 per year \\[[@B7]\\]. ", "Mortality is primarily determined by repeated infective exacerbations. ", "Ultimately, 80 to 95% of CF patients succumb to respiratory failure brought on by chronic bacterial infection and concomitant airway inflammation \\[[@B8]\\]. ", "The characterisation of the bacteria present in the CF lung is critical if therapy is to be advanced. ", "Moreover, we suggest that this strategy can benefit a diverse range of clinical scenarios.", "\n\nPrevious molecular biological studies have shown that the level of bacterial diversity in adult CF sputum was much higher than previously recognised \\[[@B9]-[@B12]\\] and that the communities detected were distinct. ", "This contrasts sharply with wisdom informed by traditional screening of sputa that focuses on only a few pathogenic species including *Pseudomonas aeruginosa*, *Staphylococcus aureus*and the *Burkholderia cepacia*complex.", "\n\nMoreover, many of the species detected were anaerobes -- often obligate -- from within the genera *Bacteroides*, *Eubacterium*, *Fusobacterium*, *Porphyromonas*, *Prevotella*, *Rothia*and *Veillonella*. ", "This agreed with earlier studies \\[[@B13],[@B14]\\] and may be of particular relevance given the increased recognition of the importance of anaerobic growth in CF infections \\[[@B15]\\]. ", "In addition, many of the species identified, including *Abiotrophia adiacens*, *Mycoplasma salivarium*, *Ralstonia taiwanensis*, *Rothia mucilaginosus*and *Staphylococcus hominis*, had not been reported as previously isolated from CF sputum. ", "Although the role of these species in lung pathogenesis has yet to be determined, the first step is to establish whether they are active within the CF lung. ", "Although activity does not necessarily imply pathogenicity, it strongly suggests that further study is warranted.", "\n\nHere, we assess the extent to which bacteria in sputum sampled from the CF lung were active by exploiting the difference in stability of DNA and RNA. ", "As 16S rRNA is inherently unstable, it can be used to define intact, metabolically active bacterial cells \\[[@B16]\\] with bacterial metabolic activity inferred from the level of transcription of these sequences \\[[@B17]\\]. ", "Reverse Transcription Terminal Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism (RT-T-RFLP), performed in parallel with T-RFLP provides an accepted means of determining relative metabolic activity within communities \\[[@B18]\\]. ", "T-RFLP and RT-T-RFLP analyse the same genetic sequence. ", "The single difference is that in RT-T-RFLP, complementary DNA (cDNA) copies, generated from 16S rRNA, are used as the template instead of 16S rDNA. ", "Here, we wished to test the hypothesis that the majority of the species identified in the CF lung are active. ", "To do this, two profiling approaches were used to study DNA and RNA extracted directly from the same clinical sample taken from 17 CF patients. ", "Further, the T-RFLP profiles generated from the 17 CF sputa were compared to those generated from sputa obtained from 19 healthy, non-CF individuals.", "\n\nMaterials and methods\n=====================\n\nClinical samples and preparation for nucleic acid extraction\n------------------------------------------------------------\n\nSputum samples were collected from 17 adult CF patients attending Southampton University Hospital, with ethical approval granted by the Southampton Research Ethics Committee (067/01). ", "12 patients were suffering infective exacerbation at time of sampling, whilst five were considered to be stable. ", "Ten volumes of RNA*later*solution (Promega, Southampton, UK) were added to sputum samples immediately following collection following manufacturer\\'s instructions. ", "Prior to nucleic acid extraction, samples were prepared for nucleic acid extraction, using a series of washes and sputasol treatment as described previously \\[[@B10]\\].", "\n\nDNA and RNA extraction\n----------------------\n\nAll reagents, glassware and plastics used in RNA work were DEPC-treated prior to use. ", "RNA was extracted as follows: 0.75 ml of Tri Reagent (Sigma-Aldrich, Dorset, UK) were added to approximately 0.2 ml of each sample and vortexed for 1 min. ", "Samples were incubated at room temperature for 5 min prior to the addition of 0.2 ml chloroform. ", "Samples were vortexed for 15 sec. ", "and incubated at room temperature for 5 min. ", "Phases were separated by centrifugation at 12,000 × *g*for 15 min at 4°C.", "\n\n### i) DNA extraction\n\n0.3 ml of 100% ethanol was added to precipitate the DNA from the lower phase. ", "The sample was mixed by inversion, incubated at room temperature for 3 min and centrifuged at 12,000 × *g*for 5 min at 4°C. ", "The pellet was washed in 0.1 M sodium citrate, 10% ethanol solution (during each wash the pellet was allowed to stand for at least 30 min). ", "Pellets were centrifuged at 12,000 × *g*for 5 min at 4°C and washed twice in 75% ethanol. ", "The DNA was vacuum dried, with the pellet resuspended in 100 μl H~2~O and stored at -20°C.", "\n\n### ii) RNA extraction\n\nThe upper phase was transferred to a fresh microfuge tube and 0.5 ml of propan-2-ol were added. ", "Samples were incubated for 10 min at room temperature and RNA was pelleted by centrifugation at 12,000 × *g*for 10 min at 4°C. ", "The supernatant was removed and the RNA pellet washed once in 75% ethanol and re-pelleted by centrifugation at 7,500 × g for 5 min at 4°C. ", "Pellets were air-dried for 10 min, resuspended in 30 μl distilled water and incubated for 10 mins at 55°C. ", "Purified RNA samples were stored as aliquots at -70°C.", "\n\nPrior to reverse transcription, any residual DNA was removed using DNAseI (Epicentre, Madison, USA) in accordance with the manufacturer\\'s instructions, with PCR amplification controls performed as appropriate.", "\n\nReverse transcription\n---------------------\n\nTwo universal bacterial primers were used, namely; 8f700 (5\\'-AGA GTT TGA TCC TGG CTC AG-3\\') and 920r (5\\'-CCG TCA ATT CAT TTG AGT TT-3\\') \\[[@B5],[@B10]\\]. ", "cDNA was generated from the isolated RNA using 920r and AMV reverse transcriptase (Promega, Southampton, UK) in accordance with the manufacturer\\'s instructions. ", "Double stranded DNA was generated using 1 μl of this cDNA as template in a 50 μl PCR reaction containing both primers (8f700 and 920r). ", "PCR products amplified were verified by Tris-acetate-EDTA (TAE)-agarose gel electrophoresis on 0.8% (wt/vol) TAE-agarose gels stained in ethidium bromide (0.5 mg/L) with images, viewed on a UV transilluminator (Herolab, Wiesloch, Germany), captured by using a Herolab image analyzer with E.A.S.Y STOP win 32 software (Herolab).", "\n\nDNA quantification\n------------------\n\nExtracted DNA and restricted PCR products (below) were quantified using a CytoFluor series 4000 multiwell plate reader (PerSeptive Biosystems, Foster City, USA) using the PicoGreen DS DNA quantitation kit (Molecular Probes, Lieden, Netherlands) following the manufacturer\\'s instructions.", "\n\nT-RFLP amplification and profiling\n----------------------------------\n\nPCR products for T-RFLP analysis were amplified using primers 8f700 (labelled at the 5\\'end with IRD700) and 926r from *c*. ", "20 ng of extracted DNA as previously described \\[[@B10]\\]. ", "PCR products (*c*. ", "20 ng) were digested to completion using 1 U of the restriction endonuclease *Cfo*I, with *c*. ", "0.7 μg of T-RFLP PCR products were separated by length using a LI-COR IR2 automated DNA sequencer again as previously described \\[[@B10]\\]. ", "The gels were analysed by using GeneimageIR v.3.56 (Scanalytics, Fairfax, USA). ", "When profile data were assessed, only peaks of ≥ 0.1% of the total lane signal were classified as bands for further analysis. ", "The positions of these individual bands were calculated in relation to microSTEP 15 a (700-nm) size marker (Microzone, Lewes, UK). ", "A threshold of ×2 was used as a means of identifying marked differences between T-RFLP and RT-T-RFLP band volumes.", "\n\nBand Quantification and calling\n-------------------------------\n\nThe IR signal level produced by each band was determined using Phoretix 1D Advanced v.5.10, (Nonlinear Dynamics, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK). ", "Due to the low volumes loaded, small errors could have lead to significant variations in band intensity. ", "To avoid such errors, band volumes were determined as a percentage of the total band volume detected in each profile.", "\n\nSputum from non-CF individuals\n------------------------------\n\nSputum production was induced in 19 healthy, non-CF individuals by the inhalation of nebulised saline for 5 min. ", "Following nebulisation, subjects were asked to rinse their mouths thoroughly with water and blow their noses. ", "Expectorated sputum was then collected and subjected to the same DNA extraction, amplification and profiling protocols employed for CF sputum analysis. ", "Individuals were selected at random to provide sputum samples. ", "Individuals that reported either acute or chronic respiratory problems were excluded.", "\n\n*in silico*sequence analysis\n----------------------------\n\nPublished bacterial 16S rRNA gene sequence data, stored at GenBank <http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?db_Nucleotide>, were retrieved. ", "MapSort (Wisconsin Package version 10.3; Accelrys) was used to predict the band sizes for T-RFLP analysis. ", "Mapsort, which locates the position of restriction endonuclease recognition motifs in a given sequence, was used to determine the length (in bases) from the 5\\' end of primer 8f-700IR (see below) to the first cleavage position of the restriction endonuclease *Cfo*I in each 16S rRNA gene sequence. ", "This process was performed on all of the bacterial entries in the Genbank database that spanned the amplified region. ", "In this way, it was possible to predict the length of T-RF bands generated from 853 separate phylotypes (data not shown).", "\n\nStatistical analysis\n--------------------\n\nFor each of the bands that were detected in a T-RFLP or RT-T-RFLP profile unaccompanied by a band in the corresponding RT-T-RFLP or T-RFLP profile, the frequency of unaccompanied detection was compared with the frequency of accompanied detection in the sample set as a whole. ", "The ratio of unaccompanied detection to total detection was multiplied by unaccompanied detection. ", "This was performed because relatively frequently detected bands, which were unaccompanied in a majority of instances, would otherwise appear less significant. ", "A score ≥ 2 was used as a threshold for the identification of bands that differed notably between their detection by the two techniques.", "\n\nHierarchical cluster analysis, with the Dice measure and Chi-square test using Yates correction (SPSS for Windows v.10.1, SPSS Inc., Chicago, USA) was used to construct a dendrogram representing level of similarity between the 34 bacterial community T-RFLP and RT-T-RFLP profiles studied here. ", "Further, this process was used to compare the similarity of T-RFLP profiles generated from CF sputa with those generated from healthy, non-CF sputum.", "\n\nRole of the funding source\n--------------------------\n\nThe sources of funding of this study were not involved in experimental design and interpretation. ", "No influence was exerted on the decision to publish.", "\n\nResults\n=======\n\nElectrophoretic gel images generated by T-RFLP and RT-T-RFLP profiling from five sputum samples are shown in Figure [1](#F1){ref-type=\"fig\"}. ", "An example of the identification of individual bands within a region of electrophoretic profile is shown for corresponding areas of a T-RFLP and RT-T-RFLP profiles in Figure [2](#F2){ref-type=\"fig\"}.", "\n\n![**", "Electrophoretic gel images generated by T-RFLP and RT-T-RFLP**. ", "This figure shows the profiles generated from five sputum samples within the sample set. ", "By a process of automated comparison of band positions with those in marker lanes allows their length to be determined and direct comparisons to be made between lanes.](1465-9921-6-49-1){#F1}\n\n![**", "Identification of individual bands within regions of corresponding T-RFLP and RT-T-RFLP profiles**. ", "This figure shows regions of profiles as analysed using Phoretix 1D Advanced v.5.10 (Nonlinear Dynamics, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK). ", "In each case, the region of electrophoretic profile is shown (below) next to a trace of relative band intensity. ", "The manual confirmation of correct band identification minimises the inclusion of erroneous peaks.](1465-9921-6-49-2){#F2}\n\nT-RFLP and RT-T-RFLP profiling\n------------------------------\n\nParallel T-RFLP and RT-T-RFLP analysis was performed on 17 sputum samples. ", "A total of 706 individual T-RF and RT-T-RF bands were detected in this sample set. ", "Of these, 323 were detected by T-RFLP analysis and 383 were detected by RT-T-RFLP analysis. ", "This difference in the number of bands detected was significant (P ≤ 0.001, Chi-square test, Yates correction). ", "The number of bands detected in profiles generated from each individual sample is shown in Table [1](#T1){ref-type=\"table\"}.", "\n\n###### \n\nNumber of bands detected in T-RFLP and RT-T-RFLP profiles generated from the sample set.", "\n\n **Patient** **T-RFLP bands** **RT-T-RFLP bands**\n ------------- ------------------- ---------------------\n 1 42 33\n 2 35 38\n 3 14 22\n 4 25 27\n 5 38 18\n 6 26 15\n 7 16 21\n 8 13 15\n 9 14 38\n 10 10 11\n 11 7 18\n 12 15 15\n 13 12 11\n 14 17 29\n 15 16 20\n 16 10 38\n 17 13 14\n **Total** **323** **383**\n **Average** **19.0 (± 10.4)** **22.5 (± 9.5)**\n\nThe number of T-RF bands detected above a threshold of 0.1% of the total lane signal volume is shown for both the T-RFLP and RT-T-RFLP profiles generated from each of the 17 samples. ", "Standard deviations for average values are shown in brackets.", "\n\nThe banding positions generated through T-RFLP and RT-T-RFLP analysis were compared for each sample. ", "178 bands were detected in both a T-RFLP profile and the corresponding RT-T-RFLP profile (356 bands in total), 145 bands were detected in a T-RFLP profile but were absent in the corresponding RT-T-RFLP profile, and 205 bands were detected in an RT-T-RFLP profile but were absent in the corresponding T-RFLP profile.", "\n\nWhere a band of a given length was detected in profiles generated in a sample, it was present in both T-RFLP and RT-T-RFLP profiles in 33.7% of instances. ", "In 27.4% of instances in was detected in the T-RFLP profile alone and in 38.8% of instances it was detected in the RT-T-RFLP profile alone.", "\n\nThe ratio of unaccompanied bands to total bands detected was multiplied by the number of unaccompanied bands detected. ", "This process identified 7 band lengths with a score of ≥ 2 in T-RFLP profiles, compared with 25 band lengths in RT-T-RFLP profiles. ", "The only band from either group whose length corresponded to that of a recognised CF pathogen was 209 bases (*B. cepacia*complex) had a score of 2.0 in RT-T-RFLP profiles. ", "No pattern was discerned between any of the other bacterial species whose predicted T-RF length corresponded with these bands. ", "No band length had a score ≥ 2 in both T-RFLP and RT-T-RFLP profiles.", "\n\nThe intensity of each of the T-RF bands detected was determined and placed in rank order (descending band volume) (Table 2, see additional file). ", "The five highest rank ordered bands represented 39.5% (± 21.1), 14.4% (± 6.2), 8.6% (± 2.6), 5.8% (± 1.6), and 4.5% (± 2.0) of the total band signal in T-RFLP profiles respectively. ", "For RT-T-RFLP profiles, the top five rank ordered T-RF bands represented 35.2% (± 19.4), 14.4% (± 6.9), 9.2% (± 3.3), 7.0% (± 2.9) and 4.7% (± 1.7), respectively.", "\n\nFifty five of the T-RF bands lengths detected by T-RFLP profiling were in the five most intense bands in one or more profile, compared with 53 T-RF band lengths in RT-T-RFLP profiling. ", "T-RF bands of a given length were detected within the top five rank ordered positions of intensity in an average of 1.5 T-RFLP profiles and 1.6 RT-T-RFLP profiles. ", "Of the T-RF band lengths identified in this way, 26 were detected in the top five rank positions in T-RFLP profiles but not RT-T-RFLP profiles, whereas 25 were detected in the top five rank positions in RT-T-RFLP profiles but not in T-RFLP profiles.", "\n\nIn both cases, a T-RF band of 155 bases, corresponding to that produced by *P. aeruginosa*, was the most frequently detected band in the top five rank ordered positions, being detected in 8.2% and 9.4 % of T-RFLP and RT-T-RFLP profiles respectively. ", "The second most commonly detected T-RF band length was also the same in both profiling approaches -- a T-RF band of 78 bases in length was detected in one of top five rank ordered positions in 5.9% and 4.7% of T-RFLP and RT-T-RFLP profiles respectively. ", "Computer-based band length predictions made using published sequence data indicate that a 78 base T-RF band would be consistent with that produced by *Ectothiorhodospira mobilis*, *Methylobacter psychrophilus*, *Methylomicrobium agile*, *Methylomonas rfodinarum*and *Methylomonas rubra*.", "\n\nThe prevalence of other bacterial species that have been considered traditionally to be key CF pathogens was determined. ", "In general, it was found that these were not highly represented in either the T-RFLP or RT-T-RFLP profiles. ", "A band corresponding to *B. cepacia*complex was detected in one T-RFLP profile (patient 7), and one RT-T-RFLP profile (patient 2). ", "These bands represented 2.2% and 3.3% of total band volume respectively. ", "A band corresponding to *H. influenzae*, representing 1.7% of the total band volume, was detected in a single T-RFLP profile (patient 15). ", "A band consistent with that produced by *S. maltophilia*was detected in the T-RFLP profiles generated from two patients (patients 1 and 2), representing 1.6% and 5.5% of the total band volume respectively. ", "A band was also detected in the RT-T-RFLP profile from a third sample (patient 5), where it represented 18% of the total band volume. ", "No band of a length corresponding to *S. aureus*was detected.", "\n\nHierarchical cluster analysis\n-----------------------------\n\nA dendrogram was derived by hierarchical cluster analysis using the Dice measure for all of the T-RFLP and RT-T-RFLP generated profiles (Figure [3](#F3){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "This showed that for the majority (13 of 17) patients studied, the T-RFLP and RT-T-RFLP profiles from the same sample clustered more closely than any other profile. ", "However, profiles were observed in two instances that more closely matched those of other individuals (patients 3 and 9 and patients 1 and 16, Figure [3](#F3){ref-type=\"fig\"}).", "\n\n![**", "Dendrogram constructed using T-RFLP and RT-T-RFLP profiles generated from the sample set**. ", "A dendrogram was constructed using the results of Hierarchical Cluster Analysis (HCA), using Dice measure, of the T-RFLP and RT-T-RFLP profile data. ", "HCA results in the formation of clusters in which profiles are iteratively joined in a descending order of similarity.](1465-9921-6-49-3){#F3}\n\nHealthy, non-CF samples\n-----------------------\n\nBetween 18 and 54 individual T-RF bands were detected in the T-RFLP profiles generated from the healthy, non CF sputa. ", "On average 29 (± 10) T-RF bands were detected in each profile.", "\n\nA total of 556 individual T-RF bands were resolved in the 19 samples analysed. ", "These represented 210 different T-RF band lengths. ", "T-RF bands of a given length were detected in between 1 and 18 of the 19 samples, being detected in 2.65 samples (± 3.67) on average. ", "Of these 210 T-RF band lengths, 81 were detected in both the CF and non CF sputum profiles, 129 were detected in the healthy sample set only, and 114 were detected in the CF only.", "\n\nProfiles generated from healthy sputum were more similar than profiles generated from CF sputum, with a greater level of overlap between the T-RF bands lengths detected in the profiles generated. ", "In the CF sample set, no T-RF band length was detected in more than 41.1 % of profiles, with 39% of T-RF band lengths detected in a single profile only, and 22.2% of T-RF band lengths detected in two profiles, only. ", "By comparison, only 21.9% and 12.2% of T-RF band lengths were detected in one or two healthy sputum profiles respectively. ", "Further, 14 different T-RF band lengths were detected in 50% or more of healthy profiles and 4 were detected in more that 75% of healthy profiles.", "\n\nOf the 14 T-RF band lengths detected in 50% or more of healthy sample profiles, 5 were not detected in the CF sample set at all, 3 were detected in a single sample only, two were detected in two profiles, two in three profiles, one in four profiles and one in 6 profiles.", "\n\nNone of the profiles generated from healthy sputa were found to contain T-RF bands of lengths corresponding to the recognised CF pathogens *P. aeruginosa, B. cepacia*complex, *S. aureus*, or *H. influenzae*. ", "A T-RF band of 214 bases was resolved in 5 of the 19 healthy profiles. ", "This is consistent with the T-RF band produced by both five different species (*Stenotrophomonas maltophilia*, *Fusobacterium gonidoformans*, *Aeromonas hydrophila*, *Shewanella alga*, *Vibrio wodanis*), of which *Stenotrophomonas maltophilia*is a recognised CF pathogen.", "\n\nOf the 209 band lengths detected in the RT-T-RFLP profiles, 118 (56.4%) were not detected in the profiles generated from the healthy sputum sample set whatsoever.", "\n\nHierarchical cluster analysis, using Dice similarity measure, was performed on the T-RFLP profiles generated from CF and non-CF samples. ", "The dendrogram that was generated is shown in Figure [4](#F4){ref-type=\"fig\"}. ", "It was found that there was complete separation of cluster groupings between CF and non-CF samples.", "\n\n![**", "Dendrogram constructed using T-RFLP profiles generated from sputum samples obtained from CF patients and healthy individuals**. ", "A dendrogram was constructed using the results of Hierarchical Cluster Analysis (HCA), using Dice measure, of the T-RFLP profile data.](1465-9921-6-49-4){#F4}\n\nDiscussion\n==========\n\nThis study addresses important questions about the activity of bacteria in infections. ", "Recently, it has been shown that many bacterial species not previously associated with CF lung infections, could be detected when molecular biological approaches were applied to the study of sputa \\[[@B10],[@B19]\\]. ", "These studies also showed that many species in CF sputum were facultative or obligate anaerobes. ", "This study shows that the majority of these species were metabolically active. ", "Potentially, this has important implications for treatment and it is now critical to determine what impact these species have on lung disease and to identify their clinical significance.", "\n\nThe application to clinical studies of the combined approaches used here is novel. ", "These approaches are robust and have previously been shown to be highly reproducible \\[data not shown, \\[[@B10],[@B12]\\]\\]. ", "Here it was found that, on average, each patient had more than 22 metabolically active bacterial species per sputum sample. ", "This represented a statistically significant difference over species number identified through T-RFLP alone (P ≤ 0.001). ", "This finding makes it important to determine the role of metabolically active bacteria in lung pathogenesis. ", "Some species may emerge as frank pathogens. ", "However, even active bacterial species that might be considered \\\"avirulent\\\" may play an important indirect role; for example, it has been demonstrated that avirulent oropharyngeal flora can cause an upregulation of virulence genes and consequentially pathogenicity of *P. aeruginosa*\\[[@B20]\\].", "\n\nIn certain cases, the T-RFLP profile and RT-T-RFLP profile were found by visual comparison to be similar. ", "To provide a more robust analysis, Hierarchical Cluster Analysis (HCA) was used. ", "HCA demonstrated that there was typically greater similarity between profiles generated from individual samples than any other individual. ", "This implies that each patient has an individual collection of typically active bacteria. ", "The lack of HCA clustering according to technique -- i.e. discrete groups of T-RFLP profiles and RT-T-RFLP profiles -- suggests that the same groups of species are not either \\\"present\\\" or \\\"active\\\" in different individuals. ", "This reinforces the requirement for management to be highly specific for each individual patient, a concept that up to now has been put into practice based on clinical experience without particular scientific backing. ", "Moreover, it may explain the differential response of patients, at apparently similar stages of CF lung disease, to antibiotic regimes.", "\n\nMarked differences in T-RFLP and RT-T-RFLP profiles were however observed in many cases. ", "For example, in 39.6% of banding positions, a signal was detected in the RT-T-RFLP profile, but not in the corresponding T-RFLP profile. ", "This was not artefactual -- there was no significant difference in the overall distribution of the total lane volume in the profiles generated by T-RFLP and RT-T-RFLP profiling. ", "In the case of a signal not being detected in the corresponding T-RFLP profile, it is likely that cells of an individual species were present in low numbers, but exhibited very high metabolic rates. ", "When assessing relative levels of metabolic activity, it should be noted the number of ribosomal gene operons in different bacterial species varies. ", "For example, *Rickettsia prowazekii*and *Mycoplasma pneumoniae*have only one ribosomal operon \\[[@B21],[@B22]\\], whereas *Clostridium paradoxum*has 15 ribosomal operons \\[[@B23]\\]. ", "Therefore, in a diverse bacterial community such as is present in the CF lung this variation will influence the apparent abundance of individual bands in T-RFLP profiles. ", "The impact of this phenomenon on T-RFLP profiles has yet to be determined as many bands have no species assignation currently (only \\~18% of T-RF band lengths match a band length generated from published sequence data). ", "Moreover, even if all bands were associated with individual species, currently just over one hundred species \\[[@B24]\\] have been fully sequenced. ", "Iteratively, this will become less problematic as more band-species linkages and genome sequences become available.", "\n\nIn the case of bands not being detected in the corresponding RT-T-RFLP analysis, it is likely that these bacteria were either dead or active at very low metabolic rates. ", "The identification of bands in RT-T-RFLP profiles but absent in the corresponding T-RFLP profile from the same sample therefore suggests that these species are highly active but present in numbers below the threshold of detection. ", "The most interesting such case was the identification of a band corresponding to *B. cepacia*complex, a known CF pathogen, in RT-T-RFLP profiles but not the corresponding T-RFLP profiles. ", "This suggests that *B. cepacia*complex is present in relatively low numbers, but is highly metabolically active. ", "Compared to *P. aeruginosa*, *B. cepacia*complex infects only a small proportion of CF patients, but its impact on survival is significant \\[[@B25]\\]. ", "Further, the clinical outcome of CF patients colonised by *B. cepacia*complex is much poorer following lung transplantation than their non-infected counterparts \\[[@B26],[@B27]\\]. ", "For these reasons, the detection of strains of *B. cepacia*complex using these approaches will therefore be carefully monitored in future studies.", "\n\nThe lungs of all individuals are exposed to transient bacteria both that originate both in the oropharyngeal flora and the wider environment. ", "For the detection of such a large number of metabolically active bacterial species in CF sputum to be significant it must be established that they are not due to contamination.", "\n\nStrenuous attempts were made when processing the sputum samples analysed here to remove bacteria that may have adhered to the sputum bolus during its passage through the upper airways. ", "Further comparisons between the bacterial populations found in CF sputa with those found in mouthwashes obtained from the same patients (data not shown) suggest that there is no significant cross-contamination. ", "Further, here we have analysed the bacterial communities found in sputum obtained from healthy, non-CF individuals. ", "It was found that the majority of the metabolically active bacterial species detected in the CF sputa were not detected at all in non-CF sputa and that bacterial profiles generated from healthy individuals show both a high degree of conservation, and a distinct dissimilarity to those generated from CF sputa. ", "Further, the detection of metabolically active bacterial species in both CF sputum and either CF oropharyngeal community or non-CF sputum is not necessarily an indication of contamination. ", "Bacterial species colonising the CF lung almost certainly derive from either transient bacterial species to which we are all exposed, or to oropharyngeal flora. ", "Therefore, their presence in sputum may well indicate genuine lung colonisation.", "\n\nLike any other novel approach, data interpretation must be carried out with caution. ", "However, more studies using this and complementary approaches will build upon this characterisation of the complex bacterial community colonising the CF lung. ", "Moreover, this approach can be applied to many other infectious diseases of single or polymicrobial origin. ", "Other diagnostic systems such as gene array applications have clear diagnostic potential \\[reviewed in \\[[@B28]\\]\\]. ", "By their nature however, they can only detect signature sequences for bacteria that have been deposited on the supporting matrix and are, therefore, \\\"closed\\\" systems. ", "The RT-T-RFLP approach that we describe here is an open system where no prior assumptions have been made about the species present in the clinical sample and may, as such, be more flexible. ", "For diagnosis, the RT-T-RFLP system will be developed through the construction of a large database containing digest patterns for individual species. ", "In turn, this will provide clinicians with diagnostic identifications tied to probability value scores. ", "This process translates into more rapid detection -- providing results in hours rather than days. ", "This can be equated easily to cost savings in terms of operator time and, where relevant, hospital bed occupancy. ", "Also, there are benefits in terms of more appropriate drug selection. ", "Apart from likely cost savings, this will be particularly important in reducing the impact of long term antibiotic use on patients e.g. renal damage.", "\n\nThe RT-T-RFLP system can offer flexibility in other ways. ", "By switching the PCR primers used, it has the potential to reveal diagnostic information at either the sub-species level, or for fungal or viral infections. ", "Moreover, RT-T-RFLP system can be coupled with Quantitative PCR techniques \\[[@B29]\\]. ", "With development, RT-T-RFLP has the potential to rapidly assess treatment efficacy by monitoring bacterial viability within clinical samples taken from an individual patient. ", "This monitoring would provide clinicians with data with which to make informed decisions e.g. on dosage modifications or more profound alterations in therapy. ", "Through such studies, this may provide fresh insights into the process of infection in a wide range of respiratory diseases.", "\n\nConclusion\n==========\n\nOverall, this study has shown that the majority of bacterial species detected and previously reported in CF lung infections are metabolically active. ", "Further, this suggests that the majority of species detected in samples from the CF lung may play important roles in lung infections. ", "The roles of these bacteria in the pathogenic process occurring in the CF lung are therefore worthy of much further investigation. ", "Moreover, this approach may prove very valuable clinically in the study of many other microbial infections.", "\n\nAuthors\\' contributions\n=======================\n\nAll authors participated in the conception and design of the study. ", "GB Rogers carried out all experimental procedures and data analysis. ", "Work was coordinated by KD Bruce. ", "All authors read and approved the final manuscript.", "\n\nSupplementary Material\n======================\n\n###### Additional File 1\n\n**Table 2. ", "T-RF band lengths and percentages of total lane signal volume**. ", "The length in bases and the relative proportion of the total lane signal volume (% total) of each of the T-RF bands detected in the T-RFLP and RT-T-RFLP profiles generated from the samples.", "\n\n###### \n\nClick here for file\n\nAcknowledgements\n================\n\nWe wish to acknowledge Jackie Hunt, Andy Tuck and members of the Adult CF Unit, Southampton General Hospital for their helpful advice and assistance. ", "We wish also to acknowledge the King\\'s College London and the Cystic Fibrosis Trust (CSIG grant) for funding that supported this work.", "\n" ]
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[ "Introduction\n============\n\nSince the discovery of flexirubin (**1**) ([Fig.", " 1](#fig01){ref-type=\"fig\"}) in *Chitinophaga filiformis* (previously *Flexibacter elegans* Fx e1) (Reichenbach *et al*., [", "@b20]; Kämpfer *et al*., [", "@b15]), flexirubin-type pigments have been used as chemotaxonomic markers for the bacteria of the Bacteroidetes phylum (previously called the Cytophaga--Flavobacterium--Bacteroides group). ", "Their conserved structural feature is a ω-(4-hydroxyphenyl)-polyene carboxylic acid chromophore, esterified with a 2,5-dialkylresorcinol (DAR). ", "Known derivatives differ in methylation and/or chlorination pattern at the polyene ring and the chain lengths of the DAR alkyl chains as well as the polyene chain length (Achenbach *et al*., [", "@b5]). ", "Feeding experiments with radioactive precursors combined with chemical degradation showed that tyrosine is the precursor of the polyene ring and that its methyl group is derived from methionine (Achenbach *et al*., [", "@b4]). ", "As labelled acetate and malonate were also incorporated, it was proposed that fatty acid and/or polyketide biosynthesis mechanisms are involved (Fautz and Reichenbach, [@b7]). ", "Whereas we could show previously that the DAR moiety is derived from a condensation of two fatty acid metabolism intermediates by DAR enzymes (Fuchs *et al*., [", "@b11]), the enzymes for the biosynthesis of the polyene moiety are still unknown. ", "However, mutant strains of *Flavobacterium johnsoniae* UW101 revealed that the DAR biosynthesis genes from this flexirubin producer are flanked by other genes encoding proteins involved in flexirubin biosynthesis (McBride *et al*., [", "@b18]). ", "One gene in this gene cluster encodes a putative enyzme from the aromatic amino acid lyase family. ", "This enzyme family comprises histidine ammonia-lyases (HALs), phenylalanine ammonia-lyases (PALs) and tyrosine ammonia-lyases (TALs). ", "HALs are common in bacteria and humans and deaminate histidine to urocanic acid (Michal, [@b19]). ", "PALs convert phenylalanine to *E*-cinnamic acid (CA), whereas TALs deaminate tyrosine to 4-coumarate (4-hydroxycinnamic acid, 4CA). ", "Whereas PAL and TAL are ubiquitous in plants and fungi, only a few examples were found in bacteria, such as *Streptomyces maritimus* PAL (Xiang and Moore, [@b26]), *Photorhabdus luminescens* PAL (Williams *et al*., [", "@b25]) *Rhodobacter capsulatus* TAL (Kyndt *et al*., [", "@b16]), *Rhodobacter sphaeroides* TAL (Xue *et al*., [", "@b27]), *Streptomyces* sp. ", "Tü4128 TAL (Zhu *et al*., [", "@b29]) and *Saccharothrix espanaensis* TAL (Berner *et al*., ", "2006). ", "4CA or CA can be activated by 4-coumarate-CoA ligases (4CL) or *E*-cinnamate-CoA ligases (CCL). ", "4CL are common in plants where they catalyse the last reaction in the phenylpropanoid pathway and have been extensively studied in the past. ", "Only little is known about enzymes with 4CL activity from bacteria; as to the best of our knowledge, only the enzyme ScCCL from *Streptomyces coelicolor* A3 (2) (Kaneko *et al*., [", "@b14]) and an unknown enzyme from *Pseudomonas putida* (Zenk *et al*., [", "@b28]) have been shown *in vitro* to have 4CL activity. ", "Furthermore, hints for the presence of 4CL in bacterial biosynthetic pathways were gained in works about the biosynthesis of enterocin in *S. maritimus* (Hertweck and Moore, [@b12]) or the photoactive yellow protein in *R. capsulatus* (Kyndt *et al*., [", "@b17]).", "\n\n![", "Structure of flexirubin (1) from *Chitinophaga filiformis* and *Chitinophaga pinensis.*](mbt20007-0232-f1){#fig01}\n\nHere, we describe the putative flexirubin biosynthesis gene cluster of *Chitinophaga pinensis* and the biochemical characterization of the TAL as well as the 4CL, both involved in the start of the polyene biosynthesis. ", "Furthermore, we characterized the flexirubin from *C. pinensis* by a combination of stable isotope labelling, high-performance liquid chromatography--electrospray ionization tandem mass spectrometry (HPLC-ESI-MS) and matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization mass spectrometry (MALDI-MS), presenting an alternative method for the detection of this pigment class in bacteria.", "\n\nResults and discussion\n======================\n\nWe previously reported that heterologous expression of the genes *darB* (Cpin_6850) and *darA* (Cpin_6851) ([Fig.", " 2](#fig02){ref-type=\"fig\"}A) from *C. pinensis* led to the production of a DAR, which is identical to the DAR moiety in flexirubin **1** from *C. filiformes* (Fuchs *et al*., [", "@b11]). ", "Additionally, these genes have also been found in *F. johnsoniae* UW101 where mutation of *darB* (Fjoh_1102) ([Fig.", " 2](#fig02){ref-type=\"fig\"}B) resulted in a flexirubin-negative phenotype (McBride *et al*., [", "@b18]). ", "In *F. johnsoniae*, *darA* and *darB* are part of a 37 kbp gene cluster and a spontaneous flexirubin-negative mutant was complemented by a plasmid carrying part of this cluster (Fjoh_1078 to Fjoh_1089) ([Fig.", " 2](#fig02){ref-type=\"fig\"}B), which proved that additional genes from this cluster are involved in flexirubin biosynthesis (McBride *et al*., [", "@b18]). ", "However, no further characterization of this gene cluster was reported. ", "STRING analysis (Franceschini *et al*., [", "@b9]) of the *C. pinensis* genome with the *F. johnsoniae* flexirubin gene cluster revealed a homologous gene cluster spanning Cpin_1853 (*flxA*) to Cpin_1877 (*flxY*) and the already reported DAR gene cluster ([Fig.", " 2](#fig02){ref-type=\"fig\"}A and Tables S4 and S5). ", "In the gene cluster, several putative β-ketoacyl synthases, reductases, dehydratases and thioesterases are encoded, suggesting a type II fatty acid synthase-like biosynthesis of the polyene moiety ([Fig.", " 3](#fig03){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "As the polyene-aryl and the adjacent double bond are derived from tyrosine (Achenbach *et al*., [", "@b4]), we speculated that the predicted HAL FlxA (Cpin_1853) encoded in the biosynthesis gene cluster, in fact, catalyses the deamination of [l]{.smallcaps}-tyrosine to 4CA, which might then be activated for the polyketide synthase (PKS) machinery by adenylation through the putative acyl-CoA ligase FlxY (Cpin_1877) ([Fig.", " 3](#fig03){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "4-Coumaroyl-CoA may then be used as precursor for a fatty acid-like biosynthesis of the polyene by chain elongation through the putative β-ketoacyl synthases (FlxC, FlxI, FlxL, FlxN, FlxO) followed by reduction of the β-keto function by FlxB or FlxV and generation of a double bond by a dehydratase (FlxF, FlxS). ", "The aryl-octaene moiety may then be connected to the DAR by a ligase-like enzyme (FlxW). ", "Flexirubin is found in the outer membrane (Irschik and Reichenbach, [@b13]). ", "Thus, *flxP*-*flxU*, encoding a putative polysaccharide deacetylase, a phospholipid/glycerol acyltransferase, an outer membrane lipoprotein carrier LolA, a glycosyltransferase and a predicted exporter may be involved in the export of the pigment by yet unknown mechanisms.", "\n\n![", "Known and proposed gene clusters for the biosynthesis of flexirubins in *Chitinophaga pinensis* DSM 2588 (A) and *Flavobacterium johnsoniae* UW101 (B). ", "Genes encoding proteins FlxA, FlxY, DarA and DarB are shown with black frames. ", "The blue arrow shows the region that complemented a spontaneous flexirubin-negative strain of *F. johnsoniae* (McBride *et al*., [", "@b18]). ", "Colours depict genes with the same annotation, which are connected by grey lines if their identity was ≥ 40% in a BLAST-P analysis. ", "All genes are scaled to the depicted scale bar.](mbt20007-0232-f2){#fig02}\n\n![", "Postulated biosynthesis of flexirubin in *Chitinophaga pinensis*. ", "Dashed frames mark reactions previously shown or reported in this work. ", "AT: acyltransferase; KS: ketosynthase; ACP: acyl carrier protein; KR: ketoreductase; DH: dehydratase; MCoA: malonyl-CoA; TE: thioesterase; MT: methyltransferase.](mbt20007-0232-f3){#fig03}\n\nTyrosine ammonia-lyase activity\n-------------------------------\n\nBecause two motives were identified in the past that might allow the prediction of the substrate specificity of aromatic amino acid ammonia-lyases, an alignment of the FlxA primary sequence with those of eight ammonia-lyases with known substrate specificity was performed (Fig.", " S1). ", "However, the amino acids at motive 1 (Watts *et al*., [", "@b24]) were similar to those of HAL enzymes and not TAL/PAL, whereas at motive 2 (Berner *et al*., [", "@b6]), the conserved residue from TAL or PAL enzymes was found. ", "To get experimental evidence whether FlxA has ammonia-lyase activity, it was heterologously produced in *Escherichia coli*. ", "Subsequent purification of FlxA (Fig. ", "S2) allowed its incubation with putative substrates and the enzyme assays were analysed by gas chromatography--mass spectrometry (GC-MS). ", "In assays containing FlxA and [l]{.smallcaps}-tyrosine, 4CA was detected ([Fig.", " 4](#fig04){ref-type=\"fig\"}A and Fig.", " S3A), whereas [l]{.smallcaps}-phenylalanine was deaminated to CA (Fig.", " S3B). ", "No product formation was detectable with [l]{.smallcaps}-histidine, [l]{.smallcaps}-isoleucine and [l]{.smallcaps}-tryptophane as substrates (data not shown). ", "The same results were obtained in a photometric assay (Fig.", " S4A). ", "To confirm the specificity of FlxA, photometric assays with [l]{.smallcaps}-tyrosine or [l]{.smallcaps}-phenylalanine as substrate were optimized towards pH and temperature (Fig.", " S4B). ", "The linear plots of the Michaelis--Menten kinetics (Fig.", " S5A--D) revealed *k*~cat~/*K*~M~ values of 7728 M^−1^ s^−1^ for [l]{.smallcaps}-tyrosine and 7.7 M^−1^ s^−1^ for [l]{.smallcaps}-phenylalanine. ", "Although other bacterial TALs showed a 150-to 300-fold higher catalytic activity with [l]{.smallcaps}-tyrosine (Watts *et al*., [", "@b24]), FlxA showed a 1010-fold higher specificity towards [l]{.smallcaps}-tyrosine against [l]{.smallcaps}-phenylalanine, supporting its proposed function in the flexirubin biosynthesis.", "\n\n![", "Analysis of assays with purified enzymes from the flexirubin biosynthesis. ", "GC-MS analysis (TIC, positive mode) of [l]{.smallcaps}-tyrosine containing assays with (I) or without FlxA (II) and of 4-coumaric acid standard (III).HPLC-MS analysis of assays containing 4-coumaric acid (I) or *E*-cinnamic acid (II) with (solid line) or without (dashed line) FlxY and of 4-coumaroyl-CoA standard (III).](mbt20007-0232-f4){#fig04}\n\nCoA ligase activity\n-------------------\n\nAs the polyene-aryl and the adjacent double bond from flexirubin are derived from tyrosine (Achenbach *et al*., [", "@b4]), we concluded that the 4CA produced by FlxA may be activated by the putative acyl-CoA ligase FlxY to serve as substrate for the following PKS biosynthesis of the polyene. ", "An alignment of the primary sequence from FlxY with those from ScCCL from *S. coelicolor* and three 4CL isoforms from *Arabidopsis thaliana* is shown in Fig.", " S6. ", "The alignment shows that, in contrast to ScCCL (44% identity to At4Cl2), FlxY is not closely related to plant 4CLs (\\< 12% identity to At4CL1--3) and several residues in reported conserved domains differ from those of plant 4CLs (Schneider *et al*., [", "@b23]) or ScCCL (Kaneko *et al*., [", "@b14]), preventing an accurate prediction of the catalysed reaction. ", "Therefore, we tested the acyl-CoA ligase activity of FlxY *in vitro*. ", "After heterologous overexpression in *E. coli* and subsequent purification (Fig.", " S2), its ability to perform the postulated reaction was tested in enzyme assays. ", "HPLC-ESI-MS analysis of the enzyme assay with 4CA as substrate revealed the formation of a compound with *m*/*z* 914 \\[M + H\\]^+^ ([Fig.", " 4](#fig04){ref-type=\"fig\"}BI and Fig.", " S7AIII) and the same retention time and MS^2^ as 4-coumaroyl-CoA ([Fig.", " 4](#fig04){ref-type=\"fig\"}BIII and Fig.", " S7AII), whereas in the presence of CA, a compound with *m*/*z* 898 \\[M + H\\]^+^ was formed that fragmented in MS^2^ experiments very similar to 4-coumaroyl-CoA but with −Δ16 Da mass shifts as expected for *E*-cinnamoyl-CoA ([Fig.", " 4](#fig04){ref-type=\"fig\"}BII and Fig.", " S7AIV). ", "Furthermore, *E*-3-indoleacrylic acid, indole-3-propionic acid, 3-chlorocinnamic acid and 3-phenylpropionic acid were also accepted as substrates, but other carboxylic acids were not (Fig. ", "S8 and Table S3). ", "To test the substrate specificity of FlxY, a coupled enzyme assay was used and optimized for product formation at different pH and temperatures (Fig. ", "S9A and B). ", "The Michaelis--Menten kinetics with 4CA and CA were determined and the linear plots (Fig. ", "S9C--F) showed *k*~cat~/*K*~M~ values of 52977 M^−1^ s^−1^ for 4CA and 437 M^−1^ s^−1^ for CA, giving a 121-fold higher catalytic activity with 4CA. ", "Values for the only two other biochemical characterized bacterial enzymes with 4CL activity are given in Table S6 (Zenk *et al*., [", "@b28]; Kaneko *et al*., [", "@b14]), showing that FlxY is the bacterial enzyme with the best 4CL activity reported to date.", "\n\nFlexirubin structure elucidation\n--------------------------------\n\nAs *C. pinensis* is a close relative of *C. filiformes* in the Bacteroidetes phylum (Kämpfer *et al*., [", "@b15]), we were interested whether both strains also produce the same flexirubin derivative. ", "Crude acetone extracts of *C. pinensis* cultures were yellow, and a reversible colour shift upon treatment with alkali (Fig. ", "S10A) suggested the presence of flexirubin as described (Fautz and Reichenbach, [@b8]). ", "Subsequent purification of the yellow compound and MALDI-MS analysis led to mass of *m/z* 634.40217 \\[M\\]^+^· and a sum formula of C~43~H~54~O~4~ (calculated *m/z* 634.40166 \\[M\\]^+^·; Δppm 0.8). ", "The formation of a radical cation may be explained due to direct absorption of the laser light by the polyene instead of matrix-mediated ionization mechanisms. ", "HPLC-UV-ESI-MS (Fig.", " S10B) confirmed that this compound also absorbs light at 420 nm, a characteristic of flexirubins. ", "When *C. pinensis* was grown in the presence of [l]{.smallcaps}-\\[methyl-^2^H~3~\\]methionine, an additional signal with a mass increase of 3 Da was detected in the coloured fraction, indicating the incorporation of a methionine-derived methyl group ([Fig.", " 5](#fig05){ref-type=\"fig\"}AIII). ", "Similarly, a +3 Da mass shift was also observed when L-\\[ring-^2^H~4~\\]tyrosine was added to the culture ([Fig.", " 5](#fig05){ref-type=\"fig\"}AIII), indicating its incorporation and the loss of one deuterium at the polyene ring, as expected for a methylation during the biosynthesis. ", "Fragmentation of *m/z* 634.4 \\[M\\]^+^· by MALDI-MS led to four main fragments ([Fig.", " 5](#fig05){ref-type=\"fig\"}B), already reported for fragmentation of **1** with EI-MS (Achenbach and Kohl, [@b2]), with *m/z* 343 and *m/z* 293 reflecting an ester cleavage, *m/*z 315.2 as loss of CO (Δ28 Da) and *m/z* 265.1 as loss of benzene (Δ78 Da) from *m/z* 343 respectively. ", "MS^3^ of *m/z* 293.2 resulted in a mass spectrum identical to the heterologously produced DAR (Fuchs *et al*., [", "@b11]) ([Fig.", " 5](#fig05){ref-type=\"fig\"}C). ", "The detected fragments can be explained by the loss of substituents at the aromatic ring ([Fig.", " 5](#fig05){ref-type=\"fig\"}C). ", "MS^3^ of *m/z* 343.2 gave a complex fragmentation pattern with a key fragment of *m/z* 121.1 (rearrangement to the tropylium cation is expected) and mass shifts of 26 and 28 Da ([Fig.", " 5](#fig05){ref-type=\"fig\"}D), which turned out to be a characteristic of flexirubin polyene fragments. ", "MS^3^ of *m/*z 315.2 and *m/z* 265.1 showed similar fragments and fragmentation patterns and reflect shorter polyene fragments (Fig. ", "S10D and E respectively). ", "When *m/z* 633.5 \\[M − H\\]^−^ was fragmented by HPLC-ESI-MS^2^, *m/z* 341 and *m/z* 291 could be detected (Fig. ", "S10C). ", "In addition, analytical fragments with 39 and 65 Da mass shifts to *m/z* 291 were detected. ", "To confirm the assigned fragments, MALDI-MS^2^ analysis of the labelled *C. pinensis* pigments was performed. ", "MS^2^ analysis of *m/z* 637 \\[M\\]^+^· observed in both labelling experiments ([l]{.smallcaps}-\\[methyl-^2^H~3~\\]methionine or L-\\[ring-^2^H~4~\\]tyrosine) showed a mass increase of 3 Da compared to the previously assigned polyene fragments *m/z* 343, *m/z* 315 and *m/z* 265, but no mass shift for the DAR fragment *m/z* 293 (Fig. ", "S10F, left side). ", "Subsequent MS^3^ of the labelled polyene fragments *m/z* 346 from both feeding experiments allowed the detection of the label at the expected key fragment *m/z* 124 (Fig. ", "S10F, right side).", "\n\n![", "Mass spectra of flexirubin 1 from *C. pinensis*. ", "MALDI-orbitrap mass spectra of wild-type 1 (I) and feeding experiments with d~3~-methionine (II) and d~4~-tyrosine (III) are shown.", "MALDI-iontrap-MS^2^ of *m/z* 634.4 \\[M\\]^+·^. MALDI-iontrap-MS^3^ of *m/z* 293.2 (C) and *m/z* 343.3 (D) with *m/z* 634.4 \\[M\\]^+^· as precursor.](mbt20007-0232-f5){#fig05}\n\nTherefore, from the colour of the isolated compound, positive KOH test result, incorporation of labelled precursors, and fragmentation in MALDI-MS and ESI-MS, the structure of **1** from *C. pinensis* is most likely similar to the reported flexirubin from *C. filiformes* (Achenbach *et al*., [", "@b3]). ", "A remaining task would be to elucidate by means of nuclear magnetic resonance or chemical degradation if the methylation is indeed in *ortho*-position to the hydroxyl function of the polyene aryl, which is so far the only observed substitution pattern for flexirubins. ", "As this is a time-consuming and challenging process for flexirubins (Fautz and Reichenbach, [@b8]), it would only be justified if a new derivative is expected. ", "Nevertheless, most of the structure elucidation of **1** has been achieved without radioactive labelling and circumventing large-scale fermentations as it has been necessary before (Reichenbach *et al*., [", "@b20]; Achenbach and Kohl, [@b1]).", "\n\nConclusions\n===========\n\nIn summary, we showed that the genome of *C. pinensis* contains a flexirubin biosynthesis gene cluster, in which *flxA* encodes a TAL and *flxY* encodes a CoA ligase with specificity for 4CA. ", "Only a few bacterial enzymes with PAL or TAL activity were reported before, whereas HAL are widely distributed. ", "Due to the fact that, actually from sequence information alone, the substrate specificity of these enzymes cannot be predicted, the distribution of PAL and TAL enzymes in the Bacteroidetes phylum and in bacteria in general is still unknown. ", "Even less is known about enzymes with 4CL activity from bacteria and FlxY shows a low similarity to the well-known plant 4CL enzymes. ", "The herein reported enzymes from *C. pinensis* may therefore become already characterized examples for future studies targeting the mechanisms that confer their substrate specificity and may help to develop solid predictions based upon sequence alignments. ", "Additionally, the first two steps in the polyene biosynthesis of flexirubins were elucidated, which have been unknown before. ", "Furthermore, the identification of flexirubin with nowadays widespread and established HPLC-ESI-MS and MALDI-MS methods was reported and might lead to the identification of additional flexirubin producers. ", "Its column chromatography is simple because even traces of pigment can be visually detected and less than 1 μL of enriched fraction is needed for a complete MALDI-MS^n^ analysis, enabling the characterization of flexirubins from newly described bacteria producing this chemotaxonomic marker.", "\n\nExperimental procedures\n=======================\n\nCultivation of strains\n----------------------\n\nAll strains (Table S1) were cultivated on solid Luria--Bertani (LB) medium (5 g l^--1^ of yeast extract, 10 g l^--1^ tryptone and 5 g l^--1^ NaCl) or in liquid LB medium on a rotary shaker at 200 r.p.m. ", "For feeding experiments and extraction of chromosomal DNA, *C. pinensis* DSM 2588 was cultivated at 30°C and *E. coli* strains at 37°C. ", "Where appropriate, kanamycin (50 μg ml^--1^) was added to the medium.", "\n\nMolecular--biological methods\n-----------------------------\n\nMolecular--biological experiments were performed according to standard procedures (Sambrook *et al*., [", "@b22]). ", "Polymerase chain reactions (PCRs) were performed with the Phusion high-fidelity polymerase (Thermo Fisher Scientific, Waltham, MA) according to the manufacturer\\'s instructions and with oligonucleotides (Table S2) from Sigma-Aldrich (St. Louis, MO, USA). ", "DNA extraction from agarose gels was performed with the GeneJet™ Gel Extraction Kit (Thermo Fisher Scientific) and plasmid isolations with the GeneJet Plasmid Extraction Kit (Thermo Fisher Scientific).", "\n\nConstruction of plasmids for heterologous expression of FlxA and FlxY\n---------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nThe genes *cpin_1853* (*flxA*) and *cpin_1877* (*flxY*) were amplified by PCR from genomic DNA isolated from *C. pinensis*. ", "The resulting products, 1853fragment and 1877fragment, were digested with the restriction endonucleases BamHI/XhoI and BamHI/HindIII, respectively, and ligated into the similarly treated pCOLADuet-1, followed by transformation of *E. coli* DH10B cells. ", "The plasmids pCOLA-1853 and pCOLA-1877 were isolated and the inserts were sequenced at the SeqIT GmbH (Kaiserslautern, Germany).", "\n\nOverproduction and purification of FlxA and FlxY\n------------------------------------------------\n\n*Escherichia coli* BL21 (DE3) cells were transformed with pCOLA-1853 or pCOLA-1877, resulting in strain CS1853 and CS1877 respectively. ", "Additionally, 200 ml of LB medium was inoculated 1:100 from an overnight culture of CS1853 or CS1877 and grown to a OD~600~ of 0.6--0.8 at 37°C. ", "Isopropyl-β-[d]{.smallcaps}-1-thiogalactopyranoside was added to a final concentration of 0.1 mM and cells were cultivated for 16 h at 18°C. ", "After centrifugation, the cell pellets were frozen at --20°C. ", "Cells were lysed according to the freeze-thaw method, by addition of a lysation buffer \\[500 mM NaCl, 20 mM imidazole, 20 mM tris(hydroxymethyl)aminomethane (Tris) (pH 7.5)\\], which additionally contained 0.005 volume of protease inhibitor cocktail set (Calbiochem, Merck, Darmstadt, Germany), lysozyme (10 kU ml^--1^) and benzonase (2.5 U ml^--1^). ", "The soluble fractions were filtered through 0.6 μM syringe filters and applied to a ÄKTAexplorer™ System (GE Healthcare, Fairfield, CT, USA) equipped with a HisTrap™ HP 1 ml affinity chromatography column. ", "Binding and elution buffer contained 500 mM NaCl, 20 mM imidazole and 20 mM Tris (pH 7.5), and 500 mM NaCl, 500 mM imidazole and 20 mM Tris (pH 7.5) respectively. ", "Eluted fractions were analysed by sodium dodecyl sulfate--polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) and protein concentrations were determined with a Nanovue Plus Spectrophotometer (GE Healthcare). ", "The His~6~-tagged proteins were stored at −80°C in storage buffer \\[100 mM NaCl, 50 mM Tris (pH 7.5), 1 mM dithiothreitol, 1 mM ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid and 10% glycerol\\].", "\n\nFlxA *in vitro* assays\n----------------------\n\nActivity of FlxA with [l]{.smallcaps}-histidine, [l]{.smallcaps}-tyrosine, [l]{.smallcaps}-phenylalanine, [l]{.smallcaps}-isoleucine and [l]{.smallcaps}-tryptophan was tested in 1 ml of assays \\[1 μM FlxA, 1 mM [l]{.smallcaps}-amino acid and 50 mM Tris (pH 8.0)\\]. ", "After incubation (12 h, 25°C), assay products were extracted twice with 1 volume of ethylacetate, dried and redissolved in 50 μl of CHCl~3~ followed by derivatization (55°C, 2 h) with 25 μl of *N*-methyl-*N*-trimethylsilyl-trifluoroacetamide. ", "Reaction products were detected on a 7890A gas chromatograph (Agilent, Santa Clara, CA, USA) equipped with a 5975C mass selective detector (Agilent). ", "A DB5ht column (30 m × 250 μm × 0.1 μM; Agilent) was used for the separation of the analytes, with helium as the carrier gas (1 ml min^--1^). ", "The method parameters were as follows: injection volume: 2 μl; inlet temperature: 275°C; injection mode pulsed split (10:1); oven temperature programme: starting temperature 2 min at 130°C, then 5°C min^--1^ to 240°C followed by an increase to 300°C with a rate of 30°C min^--1^ or inlet temperature: 250°C; injection mode splitless; oven temperature programme: starting temperature 5 min at 70°C, then 5°C min^--1^ to 300°C. ", "Ionization of the analyte molecules was carried out by electron impact ionization at 70 eV. For identification of the products, 'Automated Mass Deconvolution and Identification Software' (AMDIS) version 2.64 in combination with the NIST library was used.", "\n\nTo determine the substrate specificity of FlxA, photometric assays were performed in a 96-well plate using [l]{.smallcaps}-phenylalanine, [l]{.smallcaps}-tyrosine and [l]{.smallcaps}-histidine as substrates. ", "Formation of the reaction products was measured as the increase of the absorption at 275 nm (*E*-cinnamic acid), 310 nm (4-coumaric acid) and 277 nm (urocanic acid) with a SpectraMax M5 Photometer (Molecular Devices, Sunnyvale, CA, USA). ", "The pH and temperature optima were determined in 100 μl endpoint assays containing 1 μM FlxA, 50 μM [l]{.smallcaps}-tyrosine or 20 mM [l]{.smallcaps}-phenylalanine with 50 mM Tris (pH 6--10) or 50 mM Na~2~B~4~O~7~ (pH 10--12) at 45°C, 40 min for pH optima and 50 mM Tris (pH 10) at 25--60°C, 1 h for temperature optima. ", "Michaelis--Menten kinetics were measured in photometric assays as triplicate \\[1 μM FlxA, 50 mM Tris (pH 10), 45°C, 5 min, 5--1000 μM [l]{.smallcaps}-tyrosine or 4--100 mM [l]{.smallcaps}-phenylalanine\\]. ", "To calculate product concentrations, calibration curves with 4-coumaric acid (5--500 μM) and *E*-cinnamic acid (10--2000 μM) were obtained. ", "The measured data for both substrates were plotted as Michaelis--Menten kinetic and its derivations, Lineweaver--Burk and Hanes--Woolf, were used to calculate *K*~M~, *v*~max~, *k*~cat~ and *k*~cat~/*K*~M~.\n\nFlxY *in vitro* assays\n----------------------\n\nFormation of *E*-cinnamoyl-CoA and *p*-coumaroyl-CoA by FlxY was analysed by HPLC-MS as described below. ", "Therefore, enzyme assays \\[1 mM ATP, 1 mM CoA, 1 mM MgCl~2~, 50 mM Tris (pH 7.5), 37°C, 1 h\\] were performed. ", "Depending upon the experiment, FlxY (1 μM), *E*-cinnamic acid (1 mM) and 4-coumaric acid (1 mM) were added. ", "In addition, formation of CoA derivatives with other acids was tested. ", "Enzyme assays \\[9.4 nM FlxY, 4.6 mM diverse acids, 1.4 mM CoA, 2.8 mM ATP, 5 mM MgCl~2~, 200 mM NaCl, 50 mM Tris (pH 7.5)\\] were incubated overnight at 37°C, stopped by the addition of formic acid (final concentration 4.6%) and analysed by HPLC-MS and MALDI-MS. ", "For determination of the substrate specificity of FlxY, the EnzChek Pyrophosphate Assay Kit (Life Technologies, Carlsbad, CA, USA) was used. ", "The pH optimum was determined between pH 6.5 and pH 8.5 and with an endpoint assay (1 μM FlxY, 1 mM 4-coumaric acid, 1 mM CoA, 1 mM ATP, 1 mM MgCl~2~, 50 mM Tris, 37°C, 1 min). ", "To test the temperature dependence, the endpoint assay was performed between 25°C and 55°C at a pH of 7.5. ", "Michaelis--Menten kinetics were measured as quadruplicate assays \\[0.5 μM FlxY, 10--750 μM 4-coumaric acid or 50--7000 μM *E*-cinnamic acid, 1 mM CoA, 1 mM ATP, 1 mM MgCl~2~, 50 mM Tris (pH 7.5), 55°C, 2 min\\]. *", "K*~M~, *v*~max~, *k*~cat~ and *k*~cat~/*K*~M~ were calculated after plotting the data as Lineweaver--Burk and Hanes--Woolf plots. ", "4-Coumaroyl-CoA standard was obtained from MicroCombiChem (Wiesbaden, Germany).", "\n\nFeeding experiments\n-------------------\n\nFour hundred millilitres of liquid LB medium were inoculated 1:100 from an overnight culture of *C. pinensis*. ", "After 3 h, [l]{.smallcaps}-\\[methyl-^2^H~3~\\]methionine or [l]{.smallcaps}-\\[ring-^2^H~4~\\]tyrosine were fed in 1 mM portions to the cultures. ", "Feeding was repeated after 12, 24 and 48 h, resulting in a final concentration of 4 mM. As control, a culture without feeding was cultivated at the same time. ", "Cultures were harvested 12 h after the last feeding by centrifugation at 10,000 r.p.m.", "\n\nExtraction and isolation of compounds\n-------------------------------------\n\nPelleted cells of liquid cultures were shaken for 30 min with 50 mL of acetone in the dark, followed by filtration to remove cell debris. ", "The extracts were dried under reduced pressure. ", "The raw extracts were fractionated using silica gel columns with hexane/ethylacetate (4:1; 1% acetic acid). ", "Coloured fractions were dried under reduced pressure. ", "All samples were stored dry at −20°C in the dark and solved in 10--50 μl of acetonitrile (ACN) before further analysis.", "\n\nHPLC-MS\n-------\n\nHPLC-ESI-MS analysis was performed with a Dionex UltiMate 3000 system coupled to a Bruker AmaZon X mass spectrometer and an Acquity UPLC BEH C18 1.7 μm RP column (Waters, Milford, MA, USA) as described previously (Reimer *et al*., [", "@b21]).", "\n\nMALDI-MS\n--------\n\nFor MALDI-analysis, samples were mixed 1:2 with 1 μl of a 20 mM 4-chloro-α-cyanocinnamic acid in 70% ACN with 0.1% trifluoroacetic acid, spotted onto a polished stainless steel target and air-dried. ", "MALDI-MS^n^ analysis was performed with a MALDI LTQ Orbitrap XL (Thermo Fisher Scientific) equipped with a nitrogen laser at 337 nm, as described previously (Fuchs *et al*., [", "@b10]). ", "Spectra were analysed and possible sum formulas were calculated using Qual Browser (version 2.0.7; Thermo Fisher Scientific).", "\n\nGenome mining\n-------------\n\nFor identification of *DarAB* gene clusters, the primary structures of the DarAB homologues from *C. pinensis* DSM 2588 were used for a BLAST-P identification (protein-protein-BLAST) of homologues in *F. johnsoniae* UW101. ", "The reported biosynthesis gene cluster from *F. johnsoniae* UW101 (McBride *et al*., [", "@b18]) was used in a STRING analysis (version 9.0) (Franceschini *et al*., [", "@b9]) for the identification of the putative flexirubin polyene cluster in *C. pinensis*. ", "Gene colours in [Fig.", " 2](#fig02){ref-type=\"fig\"} are based upon NCBI annotation or domain-guided annotations from BLAST-P with primary sequences of *C. pinensis* genes as template (see Table S4 and S5). ", "Grey connections between genes depict an identity ≥ 40%.", "\n\nWe thank Prof. M. Karas for MALDI access.", "\n\nConflict of interest\n====================\n\nThe authors declare no conflict of interest.", "\n\nFunding Information\n===================\n\nThis work was funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG).", "\n\nSupporting information\n======================\n\nAdditional Supporting Information may be found in the online version of this article at the publisher\\*s web-site:\n\n###### \n\n**Fig. ", "S1.** ", "ClustalW multiple alignment of primary sequences of FlxA from *C. pinensis* with those of histidine ammonialyases (HALs), phenylalanine ammonia-lyases (PALs) and tyrosine ammonia-lyases (TALs) with known substrate specificity. ", "Sequences used for the alignment were abbreviated as follows (with GenBank accession numbers in parentheses): HAL *P. putida*, HAL *Pseudomonas putida* (P21310); HAL *S. griseus*, HAL *Streptomyces griseus* (AAA26769); PAL *P. crispum*, PAL *Petroselinum crispum* (P24481); PAL *P. luminescens*, PAL *Photorhabdus luminescens* sp. *", "laumondii* TT01 (NP_929491); PAL *S. maritimus*, PAL *Streptomyces maritimus* (AAF81735); TAL *C. pinensis*, TAL *Chitinophaga pinensis* (YP_003121550); TAL *R. sphaeroides*, TAL *Rhodobacter sphaeroides* 2.4.1 (YP_355075); TAL *S. espanaensis*, TAL *Saccharothrix* *espanaensis* (ABC88669); TAL *S.* sp. ", "Tü 4128, TAL *Streptomyces* sp. ", "Tü 4128 (AEV23249). ", "The selectivity switch reported by Watts *et al*. (", "2006) is boxed in motive 1. ", "The residue at the first position (here residue 140) varied between Phe (F) and His (H) in PAL sequences, whereas TAL or PAL with TAL activity have a His (H) at the first position. ", "Furthermore, a second conserved residue was reported (Berner *et al*., ", "2006), which is boxed in motive 2 (here residue 507) and was always Glu (E) for HAL and Gln (Q) for TAL or PAL. ", "The alignment was performed using Geneious 6.1.7 ClustalW default settings. ", "Coloured residues indicate a similarity ≥ 75%.", "\n\n**Fig. ", "S2.** ", "SDS-PAGE analysis of purified proteins. ", "Left side: Purified FlxA (expected size 58 kDa). ", "Right side: Purified FlxY (expected size 49 kDa). ", "Marker: PageRuler™ Unstained protein ladder (Fermentas).", "\n\n**Fig. ", "S3.** ", "GC-MS analysis of FlxA enzyme assays. ", "A. Mass spectrum of the product observed after incubation of FlxA with L-tyrosine (I) and 4-coumaric acid standard (II). ", "B. Chromatogram of an assay containing FlxA and L-phenylalanine (I), the mass spectrum of the product at 6.1 min from the above chromatogram (II) and the mass spectrum of *E-cinnamic* acid standard (III).", "\n\n**Fig. ", "S4.** ", "Photometric FlxA enzyme assays. ", "A. Endpoint assay detecting the enzymatic conversion of L-tyrosine (blue), L-phenylalanine (red) and L-histidine (green) by measuring the absorption increase of 4-coumaric acid (310 nm), *E*-cinnamic acid (275 nm) or urocanic acid (277 nm) respectively. ", "B. pH dependence of FlxA activity with L-tyrosine (I) and L-phenylalanine (II). ", "Temperature dependence of FlxA activity with K-tyrosine (III) and L-phenylalanine (IV). ", "TAL: tyrosine ammonia-lyase; PAL: phenylalanine ammonia-lyase; HAL: histidine ammonia-lyase.", "\n\n**Fig. ", "S5.** ", "Michaelis--Menten kinetics of FlxA. Substrate saturation plots of FlxA with L-tyrosine (A) and L-phenylalanine (B) and their respective linearization as Lineweaver--Burk (C, D) or Hanes--Woolf plots(E, D). ", "TAL: tyrosine ammonia-lyase; PAL: phenylalanine ammonia-lyase.", "\n\n**Fig. ", "S6.** ", "ClustalW multiple alignment of primary sequences of FlxY from *Chitinophaga pinensis* with three 4-coumarate-CoA ligases (4CL) from *Arabidopsis thaliana* and the *E*-cinnamate-CoA ligase (CCL) ScCCL from *Streptomyces* *coelicolor* A3(2). ", "Sequences used for the alignment were abbreviated as follows (with GenBank accession numbers in parentheses): At4CL1, *A. thaliana* 4CL1 (AAA82888.1); At4CL2, *A. thaliana* 4CL2 (AF106086_1); At4CL3, *A. thaliana* 4CL3 (AF106088_1); ScCCL, *S. coelicolor* A3 (2) CCL (CAB95894); Cp4CL, *C. pinensis* 4CL (YP_003121574.1). ", "Two conserved peptide boxes from 4CL are boxed in red and nine residues that are suggested to form the At4CL substrate binding pocket are marked by red triangles (Kaneko *et al*., ", "2003). ", "The alignment was performed using Geneious 6.1.7 ClustalW default settings. ", "Coloured residues indicate a similarity ≥ 75%.", "\n\n**Fig. ", "S7.** ", "HPLC-MS analysis of enzyme assays with FlxY. A. Mass spectra of CoA (I), 4-coumaroyl-CoA standard (II) and products detected in enzyme assays containing FlxY and 4-coumaric acid (III) or *E*-cinnamic acid (IV) as substrates. ", "B. Theoretical fragmentation tree explaining the above mass spectra with randomly positioned charges.", "\n\n**Fig. ", "S8.** ", "HPLC-MS analysis of the substrate specificity of FlxY. The structures of the substrates, the EIC from CoA (green) and the EIC of expected substrate-CoA thioesters (blue) are shown.", "\n\n**Fig. ", "S9.** ", "Results of enzyme assays with FlxY. pH (A) and temperature optimum (B) of the coupled enzyme assay. ", "Substrate saturation plots of FlxY with 4-coumaric acid (C) and *E*-cinnamic acid (D) and their respective linearization as Lineweaver--Burk (E, F) or Hanes--Woolf plots (G, H).", "\n\n**Fig. ", "S10.** ", "KOH test, mass spectra and HPLC traces from *C. pinensis* flexirubin **1**. ", "A. Crude acetone extract of *C. pinensis* culture (left) showing the reversible colour shift after addition of base (middle) or base and acid (right). ", "B. HPLC-MS-chromatograms of *C. pinensis* extract before (upper trace) and after fractionation by column chromatography (lower trace). ", "UV at 420 nm (blue line) and an EIC m/z 633.5 \\[M − H+\\] are shown. ", "The occurrence of an additional signal after purification may be explained by isomerization. ", "Chromatograms are drawn to the same scale. ", "C. HPLC-ESI-MS2 of 1 *m/z* 633.5 \\[M − H+\\]. ", "MALDI-iontrap-MS3 spectra of *m/z* 315.2 (D) and *m/z* 265.3 (E) with *m/z* 634.4 \\[M\\]+ as precursor. ", "F. On the left side, MALDI-iontrap-MS2 of wild-type **1** *m/z* 634.4 \\[M\\]+ (I) and *m*/*z* 637.4 \\[M\\]+ from feeding experiments with d3-methionine (II) and d4-tyrosine (III). ", "The resulting fragments *m/z* 343.2 for wild type and *m*/*z* 346.2 or *m/z* 346.3 for the feeding experiments were further fragmented and the corresponding MS3 mass spectra are depicted on the right side.", "\n\n**Table S1.** ", "Strains and plasmids used in this work.", "\n\n**Table S2.** ", "Primers and PCR products used in this study.", "\n\n**Table S3.** ", "High-resolution MALDI-orbitrap-MS of CoAthioesters from FlxY substrate assays.", "\n\n**Table S4.** ", "Predicted gene clusters for flexirubin biosynthesis in *C. pinensis.* ", "Domain-guided annotation is based on conserved domains detected by BLAST-P of *C. pinensis* DSM 2588 primary sequences against the genome of *F. johnsoniae* UW101.", "\n\n**Table S5.** ", "Gene cluster for flexirubin biosynthesis in *F. johnsoniae* UW101. ", "Domain-guided annotation is based on conserved domains detected by BLAST-P.\n\n**Table S6.** ", "Comparison of the enzymatic properties of bacterial 4CLs (4-coumarate-CoA ligase) and CCLs (cinnamate-CoA ligase). ", "Values were obtained from assays with 4-coumarate (4CA) and *E*-cinnamate (CA) as substrates.", "\n" ]
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