[ "(a) Field of the Invention\nThe current invention relates to a device that provides for interaction with a user during recording, playing, composing and modifying musical selections.", "\n(b) Description of Related Art\nVarious devices capable of composing a musical piece automatically have been developed, such as that described in U.S. Pat. ", "No. ", "4,399,731. ", "These devices are based on synthesizers of instrumental sounds on which are applied, for instance as per the MIDI (Musical Instrument Digital Interface) standard, “scores” of notes that are composed automatically. ", "Various devices capable of recording or playing video recordings have already been developed, such as digital or analog camcorders and other video recorders. ", "These devices can possess one or several audio inputs, which permit mixing or replacement of the sound track that was recorded originally during the recording of the image with an external audio source.", "\nFurthermore, there also exist various devices that are capable of playing recorded pieces, such as digital compact disc players, players of compressed files (for instance as per the MPEG-level 3 standard), etc. ", "Finally, there exist devices incorporating a tuner, which permit reception of radio broadcasts via electromagnetic waves." ]
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[ "The invention relates to a cooled two-part paiston.", "\nSuch a piston is known, for example, from DE 37 32 925 C1.", "\nIf an internal combustion engine having such a piston is now supposed to be used in an approximately horizontal installation position, in operation (e.g. below-floor engine, Boxer engine), there is the risk that cooling oil will collect in the lower region, on the cylinder wall, and get into the combustion chamber, going past the piston rings, particularly when the internal combustion engine is shut off and while it is standing. ", "Aside from the undesirable oil consumption, this causes stronger smoke development (e.g. blue smoke) to occur when the internal combustion engine is started.", "\nFrom the state of the art, reference with regard to smoke development when starting, in the case of an internal combustion engine having a cylinder arranged horizontally should also be made to DE 197 08 892 C1, in which it is proposed, in the case of a one-part piston not having liquid cooling, to form a labyrinth-like pressure equalization passage between the combustion chamber and the crank chamber, whereby the piston rings that face the combustion chamber are provided with recesses, in each instance, which connect the annular space between adjacent piston rings with the bottom of the ring groove, in each instance.", "\nFurthermore, in the case of a horizontal internal combustion engine, a one-part piston without liquid cooling is known from JP 3-8640 U, which piston is provided with an axially running recess on the outside of its skirt, which recess is connected with a feed-back bore in the cylinder, to the crankcase chamber, in order to drain oil that has been stripped from the piston rings." ]
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[ "Voters on Prince Edward Island will have two ballots on April 23, the province's election day — one for the district candidates and the other to settle the referendum question on electoral reform.", "\n\nThe referendum will ask voters \"Should Prince Edward Island change its voting system to a mixed member proportional voting system?\"", "\n\nReferendum P.E.I., the organization overseeing the process, said it has seen public interest increase around the debate since the election was called.", "\n\n'Everything I think we can do'\n\n\"They're hearing the discussion between the Yes and the No sides and reading all of these wonderful letters to the editor that have been back and forth,\" said Gerard Mitchell, P.E.I.'s referendum commissioner.", "\n\nUnderstand your options in the upcoming referendum 1:50\n\n\"And people are just becoming more engaged in the discussion and talking about it among themselves and wanting to learn more.\"", "\n\nThe referendum question that Islanders will be asked is a Yes or No question. ", "A No vote will be to keep the system the way it is while a Yes vote would be to change it to a mixed member proportional voting system.", "\n\nFor the result to be binding, one side needs to get a majority of the votes in 60 per cent of the 27 individual districts as well as a majority of votes across the Island.", "\n\nMitchell said his group has are worked hard to inform Islanders about their choice.", "\n\nGerard Mitchell, P.E.I.'s referendum commissioner, says his office will do what it can leading up to the election to inform people about the upcoming referendum on electoral reform. (", "Steve Bruce/CBC)\n\n\"We've done everything I think we can do.\" ", "Mitchell said. \"", "We've done 20-some meetings. ", "We've put a website together. ", "We've sent out a mailout. ", "We have brochures. ", "I can't think of anything more we could do.\"", "\n\nTwo organizations, Vote Yes P.E.I. and No What to Vote, were chosen to become registered referendum advertisers and each received $75,000 for their campaigns.", "\n\nEnough time to get informed?", "\n\nJohn Barrett with the No campaign said he has been pleased with the level of engagement, and that the timing of the election and the length of the campaign have been suitable.", "\n\nJohn Barrett of No What to Vote says the group plans to ramp up its engagement as the election and referendum date moves closer. (", "Steve Bruce/CBC)\n\n\"The referendum period began quite some time ago so we've had lots of time to get messaging out there, to get organized with signage,\" Barrett said.", "\n\n\"So we don't really see the point of it going any longer. ", "We'll be glad to see it all take place on the 23rd.\"", "\n\nIt's hard to get the word out when you're trying to compete with parties for the public's attention. — ", "Brenda Oslawsky\n\nThose with the Yes campaign said they had been counting on a May election and were delayed getting signs printed and in the ground.", "\n\nBrenda Oslawsky with Vote Yes P.E.I. said they just don't have as much time as they'd like to educate voters on the proposed mixed member proportional voting system.", "\n\n\"We find going door to door, still 30 to 40 per cent of people are unaware the referendum is happening,\" Oslawsky said.", "\n\n\"And it's hard to get the word out when you're trying to compete with parties for the public's attention.\"", "\n\nBoth sides said they have spent most of the $75,000 they were handed from the province for campaign advertising and expect to spend it all.", "\n\n'If an Islander casts a ballot, they should elect somebody with that ballot,' says Brenda Oslawsky with Vote Yes P.E.I. (Steve Bruce/CBC)\n\nThe Yes campaign plans to ramp up its efforts in the last two weeks, Oslawsky said, including knocking on as many doors as possible.", "\n\nBarrett said volunteers with the No campaign won't be knocking on doors, as they worry voters will already be getting enough visits from the candidates.", "\n\nStill need info?", "\n\nThe referendum commissioner said his office will continue to hold more information sessions on electoral reform before April 23.", "\n\n\"If people become engaged and have a good debate about the subject I will be satisfied,\" Mitchell said. \"", "We'll keep plodding on right until election day.\"", "\n\nAll four party leaders on P.E.I. say they will honour the vote in the referendum on changing the electoral system.", "\n\nMore P.E.I. news" ]
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[ "The invention relates to hair dryers in general, and more particularly to improvements in hair dryers of the type wherein an inflatable hood can be coupled to an air supplying apparatus having a housing for an electric motor which drives an impeller to draw atmospheric air into the housing and to cause the atmospheric air to flow past an air heating device in the housing and to thereupon enter the plenum chamber whence it flows through the pores of the inner panel of the chamber and into the hair of the person wearing the hood.", "\nThe commonly owned copending patent application Ser. ", "No. ", "767,413 of Mahlich et al. ", "discloses a hair dryer wherein the housing of the air supplying apparatus is formed with a large number of ports for admission of atmospheric air into the interior of the housing. ", "The ports can be provided in an end wall, in a front wall and in two lateral walls of the housing. ", "Streamlets of air which enter the interior of the housing through such ports are caused to flow into a discrete (separately produced) tubular or frustoconical guide which induces the streamlets to flow toward the impeller of an air conveying unit. ", "The impeller is driven by an electric motor and causes the air to flow into an extension of the hood on its way into the plenum chamber. ", "A suitable air heating unit is provided in the housing to raise the temperature of air to a desired level upstream of the plenum chamber.", "\nAn advantage of the hair dryer of Mahlich et al. ", "is that all of the air admitting ports are highly unlikely to become clogged simultaneously, even under the most adverse circumstances, so that the impeller can convey requisite quantities of conditioned air into the hood. ", "The large number of ports entails a reduction of the speed of the streamlets of air which flow into the housing. ", "This is desirable because the person wearing the hood is less likely to be exposed to draft.", "\nThe aforementioned guide in the housing of the air supplying apparatus of Mahlich et al. ", "extends substantially all the way from one end wall to the other end wall of the housing, namely from the wall which is remotest from to the wall which is immediately adjacent the impeller. ", "Furthermore, the bearing for the motor which drives the impeller has a rather long tubular component which is telescoped into an elongated portion of the guide. ", "In one embodiment of the hair dryer of Mahlich et al., ", "all of the air which enters the housing by way of numerous ports must enter the guide at one axial end to thereupon flow past the air heating unit and toward the impeller. ", "Certain other embodiments of the hair dryer of Mahlich et al. ", "employ a composite guide which is installed in the housing in such a way that it can admit air at one of its ends as well as at several locations intermediate its ends. ", "The making and installation of a discrete guide particularly a composite guide, contribute to the initial and assembly cost of the hair dryer." ]
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[ 0.0007022285717539489, 0.0006792700150981545, 0.0013785817427560687, 0.0007888464024290442, 0.0006344851572066545, 0.000613860844168812, 0.0006551294936798513, 0.0009878644486889243, 0.0006359480903483927, 0.0014003789983689785, 0.0006592705030925572, 0.0005958590190857649, 0.001806870219297707, 0.0005936787347309291, 0.0007907727267593145, 0.0006580486078746617, 0.0008840009104460478, 0.0006562151829712093, 0.0012499975273385644, 0.0006775860674679279, 0.0006496660062111914 ]
[ "\"So I woke up Sunday morning and saw this on my camera and am trying to figure out...what the heck??\" ", "Gomez wrote. \"", "First I saw the shadow walking from my front door then I saw this thing....has anyone else seen this on their cameras?? ", "The other two cameras didn’t pick it up for some reason.\"", "\n\nThe video has been shared widely across the internet with over five million views, and speculation regarding its veracity has run rampant.", "\n\nJust prior to the creature coming into view a second shadow is cast on the fence in the right of the frame, which Gomez stated was her front door opening and closing.", "\n\nWhile the creature is clearly physically present in the video, that doesn’t mean it’s anything unusual, and several strange qualities of the footage leave plenty of room for doubt.", "\n\nAt about seven seconds into the video, something like a short, stifled laugh can be heard, and possibly muffled speaking after that.", "\n\nAnd then, at the end of the video, the creature suddenly “disappears”—a feat easily accomplished by video editing.", "\n\n“You can hear the audio cut out when the thing disappears, that indicates the video was edited,” the Singular Fortean Society’s photography and video expert Emily Wayland said. “", "That audio pop, that says to me that’s where they cut the footage. ", "It doesn’t seamlessly flow at all.”", "\n\n“It’s actually really easy to do. ", "You can do it with your phone,” she added.", "\n\nThe appearance of the creature itself is suspect, with many wondering if it isn’t just a child wearing a costume—and the fact that at one point it does a brief chicken dance isn’t helping.", "\n\n“I suspect that the person who posted it dressed their child—or someone with the build of a child—in a costume,\" the Singular Fortean Society's lead investigator Tobias Wayland said. \"", "Also, it does the chicken dance. ", "Really???\"", "\n\nOthers have speculated that the ‘creature’ might be a puppet operated from the home’s roof, although Tobias is quick to point out that “the thing appears to walk several feet past the end of house.”", "\n\n“I think it’s someone wearing a costume and doing a silly walk, and I think the video was edited to conceal the fact that once they’d walked a certain distance, they had nowhere else to go,” he said. “", "I assume they just turned around and came back inside.”", "\n\nIf you enjoyed this article and would like to support the Singular Fortean Society, please consider becoming an official member by signing up through our Patreon page—membership includes a ton of extra content and behind-the-scenes access to the Society’s inner workings." ]
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[ "<?", "php\n/**\n * @link https://github.com/weierophinney/PhlyRestfully for the canonical source repository\n * @copyright Copyright (c) 2013 Matthew Weier O'Phinney\n * @license http://opensource.org/licenses/BSD-2-Clause BSD-2-Clause\n * @package PhlyRestfully\n */\n\nnamespace PhlyRestfullyTest\\Factory\\TestAsset;\n\nuse PhlyRestfully\\ResourceController;\n\nclass CustomController extends ResourceController\n{\n}\n" ]
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[ "Mobile\n\nZuckerberg's Facebook App Development Painkiller\n\nBy Adrian Bridgwater, September 19, 2013\n\nFocus on the front-end application user experience and less on server management and connection\n\nSelf-styled \"corporate geek\" and head Facebooker Mark Zuckerberg has been on a mission to extend the image of his \"platform\" (or is it just a website?) ", "for some time now with software application development initiatives designed to lure in the programming cognoscenti.", "\n\nZuckerberg wants to make it easier for coders to build apps on Facebook by providing back-end hosting tools that will enable third-party apps to connect to the wider community.", "\n\nThe recently staged Facebook Parse Developer Day was specifically targeted at so-termed third-party app developers. ", "Parse itself is a cloud services firm that Facebook acquired to help provide a hosted back-end infrastructure for programmers to build its mobile application upon.", "\n\nNOTE: Facebook already provides tools designed to guide developers into the process of connecting with the data that exits upon the social network itself — this plan is hoped to do more than that.", "\n\n\"What Facebook is trying to do with Parse is to give developers new tools to build and grow their apps,\" said Zuckerberg.", "\n\nSo with more than 1 billion active users on Facebook, Zuckerberg is saying that programmers should be able to focus more on the front-end application user experience and less on aspects including server management, services connection management, and building push notifications — although these functions will indeed remain crucial.", "\n\nThe analytics tools available through the Parse division will enable programmers to monitor various application attributes and activities such as whether their software creation is enjoying more user traction and interest on Android or iOS, or even whether certain human demographics are attracted to an app and therefore spending more money within the app than others.", "\n\nDr. Dobb's encourages readers to engage in spirited, healthy debate, including taking us to task.", "\nHowever, Dr. Dobb's moderates all comments posted to our site, and reserves the right to modify or remove any content that it determines to be derogatory, offensive, inflammatory, vulgar, irrelevant/off-topic, racist or obvious marketing or spam. ", "Dr. Dobb's further reserves the right to disable the profile of any commenter participating in said activities.", "\n\nVideo\n\nThis month's Dr. Dobb's Journal\n\nThis month,\nDr. Dobb's Journal is devoted to mobile programming. ", "We introduce you to Apple's new Swift programming language, discuss the perils of being the third-most-popular mobile platform, revisit SQLite on Android\n, and much more!" ]
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[ 0.0008760338532738388, 0.0006083686603233218, 0.0006444455357268453, 0.0006687313434667885, 0.0006350656622089446, 0.000529928132891655, 0.0008336115861311555, 0.0006171521381475031, 0.0005778903723694384, 0.0005789999850094318, 0.010635132901370525, 0.0007298732525669038, 0.0006501253228634596, 0.0007194599602371454 ]
[ "Measuring a viscosity of a material is an indispensable technique for quality control, performance evaluation, material control, and research and development in manufacturing process of medicines, foods, coatings, inks, cosmetics, chemicals, papers, adhesives, fiber, plastics, beer, detergents, concrete admixture, and silicon or the like.", "\nThe methods of measuring viscosity are a method using a capillary tube, a method by contacting an oscillator with a sample, a method using a rotator, and so on.", "\nThe method using a rotator, one of the above-mentioned methods, is disclosed in International Publication No. ", "WO 2009/131185 (International Patent Application No. ", "PCT/JP2009/058089).", "\nSpecifically, it is configured so as to sink a conductive rotator (sphere) into a container containing a sample liquid, and apply a rotating magnetic field to the rotator from an outside of the container.", "\nUnder such configuration, when the rotating magnetic field is applied to the rotator, Lorentz force works between the electric current generated on the rotator and the rotating magnetic field, and the rotator rotates along with the rotating magnetic field. ", "At this time, since the rotating velocity of the rotator delays depending on the viscosity of the sample from the rotating velocity of the rotating magnetic field, the viscosity can be calculated based on this relationship.", "\nThe difference between the rotating velocity of the rotator and the rotating velocity of the rotating magnetic field can be expressed by a linear equation having a specific slope. ", "The slope of the linear equation becomes the viscosity." ]
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[ 0.0006518146838061512, 0.0008426181157119572, 0.001271620043553412, 0.0006742656696587801, 0.000817077059764415, 0.0007840931066311896, 0.0008563526207581162, 0.0006300473469309509, 0.0006633286247961223, 0.0009156377054750919 ]
[ "Toward distinguishing woodsmoke and diesel exhaust in ambient particulate matter.", "\nParticulate matter (PM) from biomass burning and diesel exhaust has distinct X-ray spectroscopic, carbon specific signatures, which can be employed for source apportionment. ", "Characterization of the functional groups of a wide selection of PM samples (woodsmoke, diesel soot, urban air PM) was carried out using the soft X-ray spectroscopy capabilities at the synchrotron radiation sources in Berkeley (ALS) and Brookhaven (NSLS). ", "The spectra reveal that diesel exhaust particulate (DEP) matter is made up from a semigraphitic solid core and soluble organic matter, predominantly with carboxylic functional groups. ", "Woodsmoke PM has no or a less prevalent, graphitic signature, instead it contains carbon-hydroxyl groups. ", "Using these features to apportion the carbonaceous PM in ambient samples we estimate that the relative contribution of DEP to ambient PM in an urban area such as Lexington, KY and St. Louis, MO is 7% and 13.5%, respectively. ", "These values are comparable to dispersion modeling data from nonurban and urban areas in California, and with elemental carbon measurements in urban locations such as Boston, MA, Rochester, NY, and Washington, DC." ]
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[ "Molecular mechanisms of the initiation of oocyte maturation: general and species-specific aspects.", "\nStimulated by maturation-inducing hormone secreted from follicle cells surrounding the oocytes, fully-grown oocytes mature and become fertilisable. ", "During maturation, immature oocytes resume meiosis arrested at the first prophase and proceed to the first or second metaphase at which they are naturally inseminated. ", "Paying special attention to general and species-specific aspects, we summarise the mechanisms regulating the initial phase of oocyte maturation, from the reception of hormonal signals on the oocyte surface to activation of the maturation-promoting factor in the cytoplasm, in amphibians, fishes, mammals and marine invertebrates." ]
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[ "Divergent sexual selection via male competition: ecology is key.", "\nSexual selection and ecological differences are important drivers of speciation. ", "Much research has focused on female choice, yet the role of male competition in ecological speciation has been understudied. ", "Here, we test how mating habitats impact sexual selection and speciation through male competition. ", "Using limnetic and benthic species of threespine stickleback fish, we find that different mating habitats select differently on male traits through male competition. ", "In mixed habitat with both vegetated and open areas, selection favours two trait combinations of male body size and nuptial colour: large with little colour and small with lots of colour. ", "This matches what we see in reproductively isolated stickleback species, suggesting male competition could promote trait divergence and reproductive isolation. ", "In contrast, when only open habitat exists, selection favours one trait combination, large with lots of colour, which would hinder trait divergence and reproductive isolation. ", "Other behavioural mechanisms in male competition that might promote divergence, such as avoiding aggression with heterospecifics, are insufficient to maintain separate species. ", "This work highlights the importance of mating habitats in male competition for both sexual selection and speciation." ]
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[ "I have set up a meeting in 32C2 at 1:00 pm central time to discuss the citizens deal and booking issues associated with it. ", " Chris, we will call you from the speaker phone in that conference room. ", "Let me know if there are any conflicts.", "\n\nthanks,\n\nKim" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nSublime Text 2: How to search for every instance of an applied class?", "\n\nI was wondering if anyone knows of a plugin or a native way to search for every instance of a class applied to an element in Sublime Text 2?", "\nAn example of what I am trying to achieve:\n\nI have 20 .jsp's and I want to find every element that has the class \"sample\".", "\nI can search for class=\"sample, but that will only return every instance where \"sample\" is the first defined class on the element.", "\nIs there a way to do something like \"class=\" + \"sample\" ? ", "\n\nI imagine this may be achievable using Regex, but that is way over my head. ", "Any help or assistance would be greatly appreciated.", "\nThank you!", "\n\nA:\n\ni think the only way is a regex. ", "you would be looking for something like this\n/\\sclass=['\"][^'\"]*\\s+sample\\s+[^'\"]*['\"]/\n\nbut this is not absolutely strict (because of the ambiguous quotes ' or \")\n\n" ]
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[ "---\nabstract: 'We prove that the log canonical ring of a projective klt pair of dimension $3$ with ${\\mathbb Q}$-boundary over an algebraically closed field of characteristic $p>5$ is finitely generated. ", "In the process we prove log abundance for such pairs in the case $\\kappa=2$.'\nauthor:\n- J W\nbibliography:\n- 'bib.bib'\ntitle: F\n---\n\nIntroduction\n============\n\nWe will work over an algebraically closed field $k$ of characteristic $p>5$..\n\nThe existence of good log minimal models for klt threefold pairs in characteristic $p>5$ is proven in [@birkar_p] when $K_X+B$ is big and generalised in [@birkar_waldron] to the case where only $B$ is big. ", "For klt threefold pairs with arbitrary boundary this would follow from [@birkar_p] and the log abundance conjecture.", "\n\n\\[log-ab\\] Let $(X,B)$ be a klt threefold pair over a field of characteristic $p>5$ such that $K_X+B$ is nef. ", "Then $K_X+B$ is semi-ample.", "\n\nLog abundance is proved for log canonical threefolds in characteristic zero over a sequence of papers: of Miyaoka [@miyaoka_chern_classes], [@miyaoka_abundance] and [@miyaoka_kodaira_dim], Kawamata [@kawamata_pluricanonical_1985] and Keel, Matsuki and McKernan [@keel_log_abundance]. ", "In positive characteristic it is still open. ", "A corollary of log abundance is the following, which we prove here.", "\n\n\\[fingen\\] Let $(X,B)$ be a projective klt threefold pair over a field of characteristic $p>5$ with ${\\mathbb Q}$-boundary $B$. Then the log-canonical ring $$R(K_X+B)=\\bigoplus H^0({\\left\\lfloor{m(K_X+B)}\\right\\rfloor})$$ is finitely generated.", "\n\nFinite generation can be proved in characteristic zero by using a canonical bundle formula to reduce to lower dimension (see [@fujino_mori]). ", "This formula seems harder to obtain in positive characteristic due to inseparability and wild ramification. ", "Instead we prove finite generation via a special case of Conjecture \\[log-ab\\]:\n\n\\[GLMM\\] Let $(X,B)$ be a projective klt threefold pair over a field of characteristic $p>5$ with ${\\mathbb Q}$-boundary $B$, such that $\\kappa(X,K_X+B)=2$ and $K_X+B$ is nef. ", "Then $K_X+B$ is semi-ample.", "\n\nThe proof follows that used in the proof of log abundance in [@flips_and_abundance]. ", "Using results of Keel, $K_X+B$ is endowed with map (EWM) to an algebraic space. ", "We run suitable LMMPs with scaling to reduce to the case where this map has equidimensional fibres. ", "We then show that the algebraic space is a projective variety by comparing it to a subvariety of a Chow variety, show that ${\\mathbb Q}$-factoriality is preserved under such a morphism, and finally deduce that $K_X+B$ is the pullback of an ample divisor.", "\n\nPreliminaries\n=============\n\nAlgebraic spaces\n----------------\n\nWe need to know that some standard results about morphisms of schemes also hold for maps of algebraic spaces. ", "These are:\n\n\\[Stein\\] Let $S$ be a scheme, and $f:X\\to Y$ be a proper morphism of algebraic spaces over $S$ with $Y$ locally Noetherian. ", "Then $f$ can be factorised into a map with connected geometric fibres followed by a finite map.", "\n\n[@stacks A018]\n\n\\[ZMTfin\\] Let $f:X\\to Y$ be a quasi-finite and separated map of algebraic spaces over a scheme $S$, such that $Y$ is quasi-compact and quasi-separated. ", "Then there exists a factorisation $X\\to T\\to Y$ so that $X\\to T$ is a quasi-compact open immersion and $T\\to Y$ is finite.", "\n\n[@stacks 05W7]\n\nFor a birational map of algebraic spaces $f:X{\\dashrightarrow}Y$ we define the *total transform* of a subspace $Z$ is $p_2(p_1^{-1}(Z))$ where $p_1$ and $p_2$ are the projections from the closure of the graph of $f$. We call those points in the complement of the maximal domain of definition of $f$ *fundamental points*.", "\n\n\\[ZMTbir\\] Let $f:X{\\dashrightarrow}Y$ be a birational map of proper algebraic spaces. ", "If $P$ is a fundamental point of $f$ then its total transform $f(P)$ is connected and has positive dimension.", "\n\nThis can be deduced from Lemma \\[Stein\\] and Lemma \\[ZMTfin\\] applied to the projection from the graph of the birational map.", "\n\nChow varieties\n--------------\n\nInseparable field extensions cause complications to arise in the theory of Chow varieties, which means that the results are weaker in positive characteristic. ", "This subsection summarizes the results which still hold. ", "The subject is treated in [@kollar_rational_1996].", "\n\nAn $n$-dimensional algebraic cycle in a scheme $X$ over $k$ is a formal linear combination of $n$-dimensional reduced and irreducible subschemes of $X$ over $k$.\n\n(Well defined family of algebraic cycles, [@kollar_rational_1996 I.3.10]) A well defined family of algebraic cycles in $X$ consists of a reduced base scheme $Z$ and a closed subscheme $U$ of $X\\times_k Z$ together with the projection morphism $g:U\\to Z$ such that:\n\n- [$U=\\sum m_i [U_i]$ is an algebraic cycle]{}\n\n- [$g$ is proper]{}\n\n- [Every component of $U$ maps onto an irreducible component of $Z$, and every fibre is either $n$-dimensional or empty]{}\n\n- [A final technical condition must be satisfied: we omit description of it as it is automatically satisfied when the base is normal.]{}", "\n\nThere are two additional conditions on families of algebraic cycles which appear only in positive characteristic. ", "They are automatically satisfied in characteristic zero.", "\n\n[@kollar_rational_1996 I.4.7] A family of algebraic cycles satisfies the *Chow-field condition* if for every $z\\in Z$, the intersection of all fields of definition of the cycle corresponding to $z$ is equal to $k(z)$.\n\nA family of algebraic cycles satisfies the *field of definition condition* if for every $z\\in Z$, the cycle corresponding to $z$ is defined over $k(z)$.\n\nIf the base of a family is normal, that family satisfies the Chow-field condition.", "\n\nThese conditions lead to three attempts to define the Chow functor:\n\n[@kollar_rational_1996 I.4.11]\\[chowdef\\] Suppose $X$ is a scheme over a field $k$. For every semi-normal $k$-scheme $Z$ define the following sets. ", "$$Chow^{big}(X)(Z) = \\left\\{\n\\begin{aligned} &\\text{Well defined proper algebraic families of non-negative}\\\\ &\\text{cycles of } X\\times Z/k\\\\\n \\end{aligned}\n\\right\\}$$\n\n$$Chow(X)(Z) = \\left\\{\n\\begin{aligned} &\\text{Well defined proper algebraic families of non-negative}\\\\ &\\text{cycles of } X\\times Z /k \\text{ satisfying the Chow field condition}\\\\\n \\end{aligned}\n\\right\\}$$\n\n$$Chow^{small}(X)(Z) = \\left\\{\n\\begin{aligned} &\\text{Well defined proper algebraic families of }\\\\ &\\text{non-negative cycles of } X\\times Z /k \\text{ satisfying }\\\\ & \\text{ the field of definition condition}\\\\\n \\end{aligned}\n\\right\\}$$\n\n$Chow^{\\mathrm{big}}(X)(Z)$ and $Chow(X)(Z)$ agree when $Z$ is normal. ", "Ideally $Chow(X)$ would be a functor from the category of semi-normal $k$-schemes to the category of sets, however this is not the case. ", "$Chow^{small}(X)$ is such a functor, but $Chow(X)$ is only a partial functor as the defining condition is not always preserved under pullbacks. ", "After a choice of very ample line bundle, the partial functors $Chow_{d,d'}^*(X)$ are defined similarly by restricting the definitions to cycles of dimension $d$ and degree $d'$.\n\n[@kollar_rational_1996 I.4.13]\\[rep\\] For a projective scheme $X/k$ with a given choice of very ample line bundle, there is a scheme $\\operatorname{Chow}_{d,d'}(X)$ which coarsely represents both $Chow_{d,d'}(X)$ and $Chow_{d,d'}^{small}(X)$\n\nAlthough $Chow(X)$ is not a functor, it has a universal family in most cases.", "\n\n[@kollar_rational_1996 I.4.14]\\[univ\\] Let $X/k$ be a projective scheme with a given choice of very ample line bundle and $V$ an irreducible component of $\\operatorname{Chow}_{d,d'}(X)$ of positive dimension. ", "Then there exists a universal family $\\mathcal{U}\\in Chow_{d,d'}(X)(V)$.\n\nReduction maps\n--------------\n\n\\[nef\\] Let $X$ be a variety over an uncountable field, and $L$ a nef ${\\mathbb R}$-divisor. ", "There exists a rational map $f:X{\\dashrightarrow}Z$, called the nef reduction map, with the following properties:\n\n- [$f$ is proper over an open subset $U$ of $Z$]{}\n\n- [$L|_F{\\equiv}0$ on very general fibres over $U$]{}\n\n- [A curve $C$ through a very general point $x\\in X$ satisfies $C\\cdot L=0$ if and only if $C$ is contracted by $f$]{}\n\nThe existence of the nef reduction map was proven for nef line bundles in characteristic zero in [@bauer_reduction_2002] and it was noted that the same proof applies in the more general situation above in [@cascini_tanaka_xu]. ", "When the nef reduction map exists, the dimension of its image is called the nef dimension of $L$, and is denoted $n(X,L)$. It satisfies $\\kappa(X,L)\\leq\\nu(X,L)\\leq n(X,L)$.\n\n[@keel_basepoint_1999 0.4.1] A nef line bundle $L$ on a scheme $X$ is *endowed with map (EWM)* if there is a proper map $f:X\\to Z$ to an algebraic space $Z$ which contracts a subvariety $Y$ if and only if $L|_Y$ is not big. ", "We may always assume that such a map has geometrically connected fibres.", "\n\n\\[ewm\\] Let $X$ be a normal projective variety over an uncountable $k$ of characteristic $p>0$. Suppose $L$ is a nef ${\\mathbb Q}$-divisor on $X$ with equal Kodaira and nef dimensions $\\kappa(L)=n(L)\\leq 2$. Then $L$ is EWM to a proper algebraic space $V$ of dimension equal to $\\kappa(L)$.\n\n[@birkar_waldron 7.2]\n\nEquidimensional morphisms\n=========================\n\n\\[pullWeil\\] Let $f:X\\to Y$ be a morphism of normal varieties with equidimensional fibres. ", "For a Weil divisor $D$ on $Y$, its pullback to $X$, denoted $D_X$, is defined as follows. ", "First let $Y_0$ be the smooth locus of $Y$ and $X_0$ be its pre-image by $f$. $D|_{Y_0}$ is Cartier, so the pullback $f|_{X_0}^*(D|_{Y_0})$ is a well defined Cartier divisor on $X_0$. The complement of $X_0$ in $X$ has codimension at least $2$, and so this pullback extends uniquely to a Weil divisor $D_X$ on $X$.\n\n\\[pullback\\] Let $f\\colon X\\to Z$ be a projective contraction between normal quasi-projective varieties over $k$ and $L$ a nef$/Z$ ${\\mathbb R}$-divisor on $X$ such that $L|_F\\sim_{\\mathbb R}0$ where $F$ is the generic fibre of $f$. Assume $\\dim Z\\le 3$ if $k$ has characteristic $p>0$. Then there exists a diagram $$\\xymatrix{\nX'\\ar[r]^\\phi\\ar[d]^{f'} & X\\ar[d]^f\\\\\nZ'\\ar[r]^\\psi & Z\n}$$ with $\\phi,\\psi$ projective birational, and an ${\\mathbb R}$-Cartier divisor $D$ on $Z'$ such that $\\phi^* L\\sim_{\\mathbb R}f'^*D$. Moreover, if $Z$ is ${\\mathbb Q}$-factorial and $f$ has equidimensional fibres, then we can take $X'=X$ and $Z'=Z$.\n\nThe first statement is proved in [@birkar_waldron 5.6], see also [@kawamata_pluricanonical_1985 2.1]. ", "Here we prove the case where $Z$ is ${\\mathbb Q}$-factorial and $f$ is equidimensional.", "\n\nLet $U$ be the maximal open subset of $Z$ over which $f$ is flat, and $X_U$ the base change. ", "$Z\\backslash U$ has codimension at least $2$. Using the argument of [@birkar_waldron 5.6] (paragraph 2) and the fact that $L|_{X_U}{\\equiv}0/U$ ([@birkar_waldron 5.4]), we can find a divisor $D_U$ on $U$ so that $L|_{X_U}{\\sim}_{\\mathbb R}f|_U^*D_U$. Let $D$ be the closure of $D_U$ in $Z$. Then $L{\\sim}_{\\mathbb R}f^*D$ because $L$ and $f^*D$ are ${\\mathbb R}$-linearly equivalent in codimension $2$.\n\n\\[QCart\\] Let $f:X\\to Y$ be a morphism of normal varieties over $k$ with equidimensional fibres. ", "Suppose $X$ is ${\\mathbb Q}$-factorial. ", "Then $Y$ is also ${\\mathbb Q}$-factorial.", "\n\nLet $D$ be an irreducible Weil divisor on $Y$ which we wish to show is ${\\mathbb Q}$-Cartier. ", "Given a closed point $y\\in Y$, let $F$ be the fibre over $y$. We are free to replace $D$ with a multiple, so we can assume $D_X=\\operatorname{div}(\\phi)+ A_1-A_2$ for some very ample Cartier divisors $A_1$ and $A_2$. In particular we may assume that $A_1$ and $A_2$ do not contain any component of $F$. Then $D_X=\\operatorname{div}(\\phi)$ on some open subvariety $U$ of $X$ containing a dense open subvariety of $F$. Intersecting $X$ by general hyperplanes and shrinking $Y$ around $y$, we obtain a finite morphism $f|_Z:Z\\to Y$ from a normal variety $Z$ such that that $D_X|_Z=D_Z=\\operatorname{div}(\\phi)$.\n\nAs the problem is local we may assume $Z=\\operatorname{Spec}(A)$ and $Y=\\operatorname{Spec}(B)$ respectively. ", "We have $f:\\operatorname{Spec}(A)\\to\\operatorname{Spec}(B)$, which will be induced by a finite algebra map $\\psi:B\\to A$. ", "We may shrink further to assume $\\phi$ is an element of $A$. ", "It then defines a $B$-linear map $\\tilde{\\phi}:A\\to A$ by multiplication. ", "Define the norm $N(\\phi)$ of $\\phi$ to be the determinant of this linear map, which is an element of $B$. We now claim that some multiple of $D$ is defined by $N(\\phi)$.\n\nLet $P\\in\\operatorname{Spec}(B)$, and choose $Q\\in\\operatorname{Spec}(A)$ such that $f(Q)=P$ (so that $\\psi^{-1}Q=P$ as ideals). ", "The $B/P$ linear map $\\tilde{\\phi}_q:A/Q\\to A/Q$ induced by multiplication by $\\phi$ has determinant equal to $N(\\phi) (\\mathrm{mod}\\ P)$. Therefore if $N(\\phi)\\in P$ then $\\det(\\tilde{\\phi})=0$ so there is some $0\\neq s'\\in A/Q$ such that $\\tilde{\\phi}_q(s')=0$. This lifts to $s\\in A\\backslash Q$ such that $\\phi\\cdot s\\in Q$. As $Q$ is prime this implies $\\phi\\in Q$. Conversely if $\\phi\\in Q$ then $\\tilde{\\phi}_q$ is the zero map and so $N(\\phi)\\in P$. Thus $\\operatorname{div}(N(\\phi))$ must be supported on $D$ and hence is equal to some multiple of $D$ as $D$ is irreducible.", "\n\nThus we have shown that $D$ is ${\\mathbb Q}$-Cartier in a neighbourhood of the point $y$, and $y$ was arbitrary so $D$ is ${\\mathbb Q}$-Cartier.", "\n\nProof of main results\n=====================\n\nFirstly we can replace $X$ by a small crepant ${\\mathbb Q}$-factorialisation by [@birkar_p 1.6]. ", "Furthermore we may extend the base field to assume it is uncountable. ", "We include a proof of the following simple lemma for completeness.", "\n\n\\[n=k=2\\] Let $X$ be a normal projective variety of dimension $n$ over an uncountable field with nef ${\\mathbb Q}$-Cartier divisor $D$ such that $\\kappa(X,D)= n-1$. Then $n(X,D)=n-1$.\n\nAs $\\kappa=n-1$ there is a positive integer $m$ such that $mD$ is Cartier and $\\phi:=\\phi_{|mD|}:X{\\dashrightarrow}{\\mathbb P}^N$ has $n-1$ dimensional image $Y$. Replacing $X$ by a resolution of $\\phi$ and $D$ by its pullback, we may assume $\\phi$ is a morphism. ", "Sections $D'\\in |mD|$ correspond to hyperplanes in ${\\mathbb P}^N$ under this embedding. ", "Given a general point $y\\in Y$, such that $\\phi$ is defined on all of the fibre over $y$, let $H_1,...,H_{n-1}$ be hyperplanes intersecting at $y$. Let $D_1,...,D_{n-1}$ be the corresponding elements of $|mD|$. As $D$ is nef but not big, $D^n=0$. $D_1\\cdot...\\cdot D_{n-1}$ is an effective $1$-cycle containing in its support the closure of the fibre over $y$. By the nefness of $D$, $D\\cdot C=0$ for each curve in this fibre. ", "We have covered an open subset of $X$ with $D$-trivial curves and so $n(X,D)\\leq n-1$. The lemma follows from the inequality $\\kappa(X,D)\\leq n(X,D)$.\n\nWe may now apply Theorem \\[nef\\] to obtain an almost proper nef reduction map $f:X{\\dashrightarrow}Z$ to a smooth surface $Z$. Also by Lemma \\[ewm\\], $K_X+B$ is EWM to a proper algebraic space $V$, which we may assume is reduced and normal. ", "Let $g:X\\to V$ be the associated map.", "\n\nAs $\\kappa(K_X+B)=2$ we may choose $M\\geq 0$ such that $K_X+B{\\sim}_{\\mathbb Q}M$. $M$ is numerically trivial on a very general fibre of $f$ so it must be vertical over $Z$. Therefore by Lemma \\[pullback\\] there is a birational map $\\phi:W\\to X$, a contraction $f:W\\to Z$ and a divisor $D$ on $Z$ such that $\\phi^*(K_X+B){\\sim}_{\\mathbb Q}f^*D$. $D$ is big because $\\kappa(D)=2$ and $\\dim Z=2$. We may replace $W$ and $Z$ with higher models in order to assume $W\\to Z$ is flat. ", "Although they may now have bad singularities, replacing $D$ with its pullback still gives a well defined Cartier divisor on $Z$ satisfying the above relation.", "\n\nThe following lemma is well known and we include its proof for completeness, for example see [@moriwaki 3.2].", "\n\n\\[contract\\] There is a sequence of $K_X+B$-trivial flips and divisorial contractions leading to a model $(X',B')$ for $(X,B)$ which is also EWM to $V$, and so that no divisor on $X'$ is contracted to a point on $V$.\n\nWe have the following set-up:\n\n$$\\xymatrix{\nW\\ar[r]^{\\phi}\\ar[rd]^{f} & X\\ar[r]^{g} & V \\\\\n & Z\n}$$\n\nAs $D$ is big we may change it up to ${\\mathbb Q}$-linear equivalence so that $D=A+E$ where $A$ is ample and effective, $E$ is effective and the two share no components. ", "Also there is an effective ${\\mathbb Q}$-divisor $M$ such that $M{\\sim}_{\\mathbb Q}K_X+B$ and $\\phi^*M=f^*D$.\n\nSuppose we are not already in the situation we require, so there is some reduced irreducible Weil divisor $F$ on $X$ contracted to a point by $g$, so every curve on $F$ is $K_X+B$-trivial. ", "Let $F_W$ be the birational transform of $F$ on $W$. As $f$ is flat, $f(F_W)=\\Gamma$ is $1$-dimensional. ", "By construction $\\Gamma\\cdot D =0$. $A$ is ample so $\\Gamma\\cdot A>0$ hence $\\Gamma\\cdot E<0$ and so $\\Gamma$ is a component of $\\operatorname{Supp}(E)$. Therefore $\\operatorname{Supp}(f^*E)\\subset\\operatorname{Supp}(\\phi^*M)$ contains $F_W$, so $F$ is contained in $\\operatorname{Supp}(M)$.\n\nLet $\\Gamma_W$ be a general curve in $F_W$ which is surjective to $\\Gamma$, in particular $\\Gamma_W$ should be contained in no component of $\\operatorname{Supp}(f^*D)$ besides $F_W$. The projection formula gives $\\Gamma_W\\cdot \\phi^*M=0$, $\\Gamma_W\\cdot f^*E<0$ and $\\Gamma_W\\cdot f^*A>0$. Thus there is some component $A_W$ of $\\operatorname{Supp}(f^*A)$ such that $\\Gamma_W\\cap A_W\\neq\\emptyset$. $A_W$ is not contracted over $X$ because every divisor which is exceptional over $X$ is contained in $\\operatorname{Supp}(f^*E)$. $\\operatorname{Supp}(E)\\cap\\operatorname{Supp}(A)$ contains no divisor so as $f$ is flat, $\\operatorname{Supp}(f^*E)\\cap\\operatorname{Supp}(f^*A)$ also contains no divisor.", "\n\nThe image of $\\Gamma_W$ on $X$, $\\Gamma_X$ is $1$-dimensional as the general curves from which we chose $\\Gamma_W$ cover $F_W$ and $F_W$ is not contracted over $X$. We know $\\Gamma_X\\cdot M=0$, and if $A_X$ is the birational transform of $A_W$ then $\\Gamma_X\\cdot A_X>0$. Therefore we must have $\\Gamma_X\\cdot F<0$.\n\nRun a $K_X+B+\\epsilon F$-MMP with scaling of some ample divisor for $\\epsilon$ sufficiently small, which terminates by [@birkar_waldron 1.6]. ", "We claim that every step is $K_X+B$-trivial. ", "This holds for the first step because any curve with $K_X+B+\\epsilon F<0$ is contained in $F$ and so is contracted over $V$. This implies that $K_X+B$ is the pullback of a ${\\mathbb Q}$-Cartier divisor on the contracted variety, and hence so is the new $K_{X'}+B'$ after the contraction or flip. ", "Hence $K_{X'}+B'$ is also nef, and is still EWM to $V$. The birational transform of $F$ is still contracted over $V$. Thus the same argument applies inductively to each step.", "\n\nThe LMMP terminates on some model $(X',B')$, and $K_{X'}+B'$ is EWM to V. The divisor $F$ must have been contracted during the LMMP, as otherwise its birational transform $F'$ would be covered by $K_{X'}+B'+\\epsilon F'$-negative curves.", "\n\nAfter repeating this procedure finitely many times we arrive at the model described in the statement.", "\n\nReplace $(X,B)$ with the pair $(X',B')$ constructed in Lemma \\[contract\\] to assume $g:X\\to V$ has equidimensional fibres. ", "Next we now prove that $V$ is projective by comparing it with a subvariety of a Chow variety. ", "For an example of Chow varieties in a similar context, see [@flips_and_abundance].", "\n\n$V$ is a projective variety.", "\n\n*Step 1*: We construct a projective variety $Z^\\nu$ birational to $V$ from a subvariety of a Chow variety.", "\n\nBy [@stacks 0ADD] an algebraic space is a scheme in codimension $1$. Therefore there is a smooth open subvariety $U$ of $V$ such that $V\\backslash U$ has codimension at least $2$, for which $g_U:X_U=g^{-1}(U)\\to U$ is a morphism of varieties. ", "As $V$ is reduced, $g_U$ is a well defined family of algebraic cycles. ", "It is therefore an element of $Chow^{\\mathrm{big}}(U)$. As $U$ is normal it is also an element of $Chow(U)$, which is enough to ensure that there is a morphism $U\\to \\operatorname{Chow}(X)$ by Theorem \\[rep\\]. ", "$U$ is separated and $\\operatorname{Chow}(X)$ is proper, therefore $U\\to\\operatorname{Chow}(X)$ is separated.", "\n\nAs each point of $U$ represents a cycle supported on a different locus of $X$, the image of $U$ is contained in a component $C$ of $\\operatorname{Chow}(X)$ of positive dimension. ", "By Theorem \\[univ\\] there is a universal family $h:\\mathcal{U}\\to C$. ", "Let $Z$ be the closure of the image of $U$ in $\\operatorname{Chow}(X)$ with reduced scheme structure, and $X'$ the inverse image of $Z$ in $\\mathcal{U}$. The morphism $X'\\to Z$ has geometrically connected fibres. ", "The morphism $U\\to Z$ is quasi-finite as every fibre over a $k$ point contains either $1$ or $0$ closed points (the cycle represented by a point on $Z$ is supported on the fibre of at most one point in $U$). ", "Apply Zariski’s Main Theorem \\[ZMTfin\\] to this morphism, to factorise it as $U\\to \\hat{Z}\\to Z$ where $U\\to \\hat{Z}$ is an open immersion and $\\hat{Z}\\to Z$ is finite. ", "Let $\\hat{X}=X\\times_z\\hat{Z}$. Finally let $Z^\\nu$ be the normalisation of $\\hat{Z}$ and $X^\\nu = Z^\\nu \\times_{\\hat{Z}}\\hat{X}$. We get an open immersion $U\\to Z^\\nu$ and $X^\\nu\\to Z^\\nu$ with $1$-dimensional fibres and purely $3$-dimensional $X^\\nu$. The universal family $\\mathcal{U}$ is a subvariety of $X\\times_k C$, so comes with a natural projection to $X$. By composition we get a natural projection $\\pi:X^\\nu\\to X$.\n\n$$\\xymatrix{\nX &\\mathcal{U}\\ar[l]^\\pi\\ar[d]^h & X'\\ar[l]\\ar[d]^{h'} & X^\\nu\\ar[l]\\ar[d]^{h^\\nu}& X_U \\ar[l]\\ar[r]\\ar[d] & X\\ar[d]^{g} \\\\\n& C & Z\\ar[l] & Z^\\nu \\ar[l]^\\nu& U \\ar[l]\\ar[r] & V\n}$$\n\n$Z^\\nu$ and $V$ are birational as they both contain $U$ as an open subspace.", "\n\n*Step 2:* We apply Zariski’s Main Theorem (\\[ZMTbir\\]) to show that $V{\\cong}Z^\\nu$.\n\nAs $V\\backslash U$ is of codimension at most $2$, $Z^\\nu{\\dashrightarrow}V$ has no fundamental points as the total transform of such a point would be of codimension $1$ in $V\\backslash U$. So it is enough to show that there are no fundamental points of $V{\\dashrightarrow}Z^\\nu$.\n\nSuppose for contradiction that $P\\in V$ is a fundamental point of $V{\\dashrightarrow}Z^\\nu$ with $1$-dimensional total transform $T\\subset Z^\\nu$. Let $\\Gamma$ be a general curve through $P$. We may assume $\\Gamma$ passes through no other point of $V\\backslash U$. Let $\\Gamma^\\nu$ be the closure of $\\Gamma|_U$ in $Z^\\nu$. As $\\Gamma$ is general, the intersection of $\\Gamma^\\nu$ with $T$ consists of a general finite set of points of $T$.\n\nWe now claim that one of these points has image in $C$ representing a cycle with support contained in $g^{-1}(P)$. Pull back the universal family from $X^\\nu\\to Z^\\nu $ to $Y^\\nu\\to \\Gamma^\\nu$. $Y^\\nu$ is a geometrically connected $2$-dimensional cycle, and all but a $1$-dimensional subvariety is over $U$. Let $Y\\subset X$ be the pre-image of $\\Gamma$ by $g$.\n\nThe image of $Y^\\nu$ on $X$ via the universal family is supported on the closure of the image of $X_U\\cap Y^\\nu$, and this is equal to $\\overline{X_U}=g^{-1}(\\Gamma)=Y$. The image of $X_U\\cap Y^\\nu$ is supported precisely on the union of the supports of the cycles corresponding to the points of $\\Gamma_U$. The supports of these cycles cover all of $Y$ except for $g^{-1}(P)$. We know that the image of the projection from $Y^\\nu$ to $X$ must be supported on all of $Y$. Therefore any component of the support of $g^{-1}(P)$ must be contained in the support of some cycle represented by a point $Q\\in \\Gamma^\\nu\\backslash \\Gamma_U$. Suppose that the cycle represented by $Q$ also contains some other $1$-dimensional subscheme of $Y$ not contained in $g^{-1}(P)$. This is impossible as that subscheme could not be contained in any $2$-dimensional component of $Y^\\nu$ (as each of the cycles near it are disjoint from one another but supposedly intersect this cycle). ", "Thus we have shown that $Q$ represents a cycle supported only on the support of $g^{-1}(P)$.\n\nWe have proved the claim that when a general curve intersects $T$ in a finite set of points, one of these points represents a cycle supported in $g^{-1}(P)$. But there are only countably many $1$-dimensional cycles supported there, and these can be represented by only countably many points of $C$. ", "The pre-images of these in $Z^\\nu$ are also countably many points. ", "We can find some general curve $\\Gamma^\\nu$ intersecting $T$ away from these points. ", "This is a contradiction to the existence of the point $P$ and so $V{\\cong}Z^\\nu$.\n\n$X$ is ${\\mathbb Q}$-factorial and $g$ has equidimensional fibres so $V$ is ${\\mathbb Q}$-factorial by Proposition \\[QCart\\]. ", "Also, by Lemma \\[pullback\\], $K_X+B{\\sim}g^*D$ for some big and nef divisor $D$. $K_X+B$ is EWM with map $g$, so $D$ is big and strictly nef on a surface. ", "Therefore Kodaira’s lemma and the Nakai-Moishezon criterion imply that $D$ is ample.", "\n\nThe case $\\kappa=3$ is proved in [@birkar_p 1.3], $\\kappa=2$ follows from Theorem \\[GLMM\\], $\\kappa=1$ from Lemma \\[k=1\\] below, and $\\kappa=0$ and $\\kappa = -\\infty$ are obvious.", "\n\n\\[k=1\\] Let $X$ be a projective normal variety and $L$ a ${\\mathbb Q}$-Cartier ${\\mathbb Q}$-divisor on $X$ with $\\kappa(X,L)=1$. Then the section ring $\\oplus_k H^0(X,{\\left\\lfloor{kL}\\right\\rfloor})$ is finitely generated.", "\n\nIt is enough to show that $R = \\oplus_kH^0(X,{\\left\\lfloor{kaL}\\right\\rfloor})$ is finitely generated for any $a$, so we may freely replace $L$ with a higher power. ", "By doing so we may assume $L$ is an effective Cartier divisor and that the following natural inclusions are strict. ", "$$H^0(X,{\\mathcal{O}}_X)\\subset H^0(X,L)\\subset H^0(X,2L)\\subset...$$\n\n$\\mathcal{B}^0_0=\\{1\\}$ is a $k$ basis for $H^0(X,{\\mathcal{O}}_X)$, where $1$ is the ring identity element contained in $H^0(X,{\\mathcal{O}}_X)$. Let $1_L$ be the image of $1$ in $H^0(X,L)$ under this inclusion. ", "Let $\\mathcal{B}^0_1=\\{1_L\\}\\subset H^0(X,L)$, and let $\\mathcal{B}^1_1$ be a collection of functions completing $\\mathcal{B}^0_1$ to a basis of $H^0(X,L)$. Fix some $x\\in \\mathcal{B}^1_1$. Inductively we let $\\mathcal{B}^j_{i+1}$ be the vectors in $1_L\\cdot \\mathcal{B}^j_i$ for each $j\\in\\{0,...,i\\}$, and take $\\mathcal{B}^{i+1}_{i+1}$ to complete $\\cup_{j=0}^i\\mathcal{B}^j_{i+1}$ to a basis of $H^0(X,(i+1)L)$. We claim that we may choose $\\mathcal{B}^{i+1}_{i+1}$ to contain $x\\cdot\\mathcal{B}_i^i$. This is equivalent to saying that $$\\mathrm{Span}(\\{ x\\cdot\\mathcal{B}_i^i\\})\\cap\\mathrm{Span}( \\{{1_L}\\cdot\\mathcal{B}_i\\})=0$$ and $x\\cdot \\mathcal{B}^i_i$ is linearly independent. ", "For the first assertion, there can be no such non-zero element by comparing the order of the zero at $L$ implied by membership of the two subspaces. ", "The second assertion follows from the linear independence of $\\mathcal{B}^i_i$ and that $K(X)$ is a domain.", "\n\nBy construction, multiplication by $x\\in\\mathcal{B}^1_1$ induces an injection $\\mathcal{B}^k_k\\to\\mathcal{B}_{k+1}^{k+1}$. This implies that $|\\mathcal{B}_k|-|\\mathcal{B}_{k-1}|\\leq |\\mathcal{B}_{k+1}|-|\\mathcal{B}_k|$, and so the sequence of integers $|\\mathcal{B}_k|-|\\mathcal{B}_{k-1}|$ is increasing.", "\n\nThe condition $\\kappa(L)=1$ implies that by possibly replacing $L$ with a higher multiple there are constants $A$ and $B$ such that $$Ak\\leq H^0(X,kL)=\\sum_{j=0}^k(|\\mathcal{B}_j|-|\\mathcal{B}_{j-1}|)+1\\leq Bk$$ This implies that the sequence stabilises at an integer at most $B$, and so the injections $x:\\mathcal{B}_k^k\\to\\mathcal{B}_{k+1}^{k+1}$ are bijections for $k$ large enough.", "\n\nAcknowledgements {#acknowledgements .unnumbered}\n================\n\nThe author would like to thank Caucher Birkar for his advice and support and the referee for their helpful comments. ", "This research was funded by an EPSRC studentship.", "\n" ]
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[ "More info\n\nType III 550 Paracord is the commercial version of Mil Spec 550 Parachute Cord also known as Mil Spec Paracord or Mil Spec 550 Paracord. ", "This Poly/Nylon 550 cord is smooth and pliable which makes it nice to handle while having superior durability and a high 550 lb. ", "tensile strength. ", "It resists rot, mold, mildew and UV damage. ", "Assorted solid, multi and camouflage colors available. ", "The many uses it has includes making keychains, lanyards, belts, slings, hammocks, shoe laces, gear repairs, survival bracelets and projects only limited by the imagination." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
[ 0.0008746888488531113, 0.0006843676092103124, 0.0010466963285580277, 0.010779466480016708, 0.0005786645342595875, 0.0007073335000313818 ]
[ "\n\nAsk HN: Slinkset or not? - ", "medianama\n\nWhat could be the potential disadvantages of choosing Slinkset to build a commercial consumer product...<p>I've tried Pligg - It attracts too much SPAM and i couldn't figure a way to avoid it...<p>I like Slinkset but not sure if its the right way to go, given that it is hosted and not completely flexible...<p>Would you try build a business that's too dependent on a provider like Slinkset?", "\n======\npclark\nwhy not just host the reddit code yourself?", "\n\n~~~\nmedianama\nDo you know if attracts spam, as much as pligg?", "\n\n~~~\npclark\ndoubt it\n\n------\nbrett\nWe're working on making things more flexible. ", "If you have any specific\nquestions about what you need please feel free to email me, brett at slinkset.", "\n\n------\nknown\nYou may consider <http://www.kubelabs.com/phpdug/>\n\n------\npierrefar\nSpam is a problem in all systems. ", "You'll have to deal with it somehow.", "\n\nAlso try Drupal and modules.", "\n\n" ]
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[ 0.0033866274170577526, 0.0010658522369340062, 0.0013943234225735068, 0.00993618369102478, 0.0006556594744324684, 0.0006686924607492983, 0.0010095488978549838, 0.0008016725769266486, 0.001161973224952817, 0.001995444530621171 ]
[ "Ouran High School Uniform (Host Club Costume)\n\nShipping to USA / AUS / EU / Rest of the World\n- Air Mail: 2 days prep + 10 to 21 days delivery\n- Express: 2 days prep + 2 to 6 days delivery\n- You will be notified if costumes need tailoring time\n\nBe a host in the esteemed Ouran High School! ", "Cosplay as Suou Tamaki, the Hitachi twins, Ootori Kyouya, Haninozuka Mitsukuni, Morinozuka Takashi or Fujioka Haruhi with this high quality Ouran High School full costume. ", "The costume is a real blazer and you can even choose this outfit in formal gatherings!", "\n\nAdditional Information\n\nCostume Size Chart\n\nOur costumes' cutting are gender-specific. ", "That means a male character has a male cutting, female character has female cutting.", "\nHowever, both male and female can dress up as cross gender characters. (", "It's like a girl wearing a guy's tshirt or vice versa). ", "Look through both gender's size chart and choose the size that is the closest to your measurement.", "\n\nMale Size Chart (cm)\n\n*Sizes XXS, XXL and XXXL are specially tailored to order. ", "We have absorbed the special tailoring fee for these 3 sizes. ", "However, orders of costumes in these 3 sizes will not be applicable for exchanges or returns.", "\n\nFemale Size Chart (cm)\n\n*Sizes XXS, XXL and XXXL are specially tailored to order. ", "We have absorbed the special tailoring fee for these 3 sizes. ", "However, orders of costumes in these 3 sizes will not be applicable for exchanges or returns.", "\n\nKid Size Chart (cm)\n\n*Fits both gender\n\nCustom Size Tailoring\n\nIf you would like us to tailor according to your size, we charge a flat $15 service fee per costume. ", "Email us at [email protected] with your measurements, the costume you are interested in, and your mailing address for the invoice.", "\nCustom size tailoring orders will not be applicable for exchanges or returns.", "\n\nGetting your Measurements\n\nFree Size\n\nFree size costumes are usually between male size L to XL. ", "Comes that come in free-size are meant to look loose fitting for both male or female. ", "Free size costumes will not fit kids.", "\n\nRelated Products\n\nBiography\n\nSuou Tamaki 須王環 Biography (Ouran High School Host Club)\n\n- Suou Tamaki Bio by Tsunade and Alexandria-san\n\nName: Suou Tamaki 須王環\nAge: 17\nBirthday: April 8th\nZodiac: Aries\nGender: Male\nHeight: 1.83m\nBlood Type: A\nOccupation: High School Student / President of Ouran High Host Club / Good Samaritan\nType: Prince Charming\nHobbies: Playing the piano, altruism, moping in a corner under a dark cloud, fantasizing about Fujioka Haruhi.", "\n\nThe handsome proclaimed ‘Lord’ of the Ouran High School Host Club, Suou Tamaki is hellava smooth talker, easily charming his way into his female classmate’s panties… erm, hearts. ", "However, unlike his host counterparts, Tamaki has little falsity behind his words, no matter how mushy or out-of-this world they may be.", "\n\nBeneath that immaculate and polished exterior lies a soft and compassionate heart, always ready to help those in need. ", "He is highly sensitive, which probably explains why he spends almost every episode of the anime sulking alone in a corner whenever his host pals poke fun at him. ", "He may be the son of the Superintendent of Ouran High School, but sadly Tamaki doesn’t seem to possess any streak of intelligence, often being the last to learn the truth of things, like the fact that Haruhi Fujioka is actually a girl, nor that his feelings towards her is that of love and not “fatherly affection” as he often deludes himself.", "\n\nDespite all these, Tamaki is a true and loyal friend indeed, who’s always ready to go the distance for his chums (though we can’t resist adding that his plans are usually too ridiculous for words!)" ]
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[ 0.0006018519634380937, 0.0010316652478650212, 0.0009913532994687557, 0.0006538317538797855, 0.004059470258653164, 0.0011588257038965821, 0.014125979505479336, 0.0007087741396389902, 0.001486544613726437, 0.0005816330085508525, 0.0006059347651898861, 0.0017463205149397254, 0.0005816330085508525, 0.0006059347651898861, 0.0007242978317663074, 0.0005982207949273288, 0.0005952734500169754, 0.008798092603683472, 0.003915305249392986, 0.002282320987433195, 0.0010074289748445153, 0.3008299767971039, 0.004649313632398844, 0.0005826064734719694, 0.036677390336990356, 0.0015764664858579636, 0.0020973372738808393 ]
[ "Comprehensive analysis of BCR-ABL transcript types in Korean CML patients using a newly developed multiplex RT-PCR.", "\nDiagnosis of chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) is based on the detection of BCR-ABL gene or Philadelphia chromosome (Ph chromosome), and fusion proteins with different sizes are encoded depending on the breakpoint in the BCR gene. ", "In general, 3 breakpoint cluster regions in the BCR gene have been described: major (M-bcr), minor (m-bcr), and micro (mu-bcr). ", "This study was designed to determine the frequency of BCR-ABL transcripts using one-step multiplex reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR). ", "Bone marrow (BM) or peripheral blood (PB) samples at diagnosis from 548 patients were obtained with a referring diagnosis of Ph-positive (Ph+) CML, and multistep RT-PCR and newly developed one-step multiplex RT-PCR were applied on each sample. ", "Compared with the previous multistep RT-PCR, one-step multiplex RT-PCR with the primers is the more rapid and accurate method to identify the BCR-ABL breakpoints. ", "Most patients (538/548, 98.18%) were found to have b3a2 or b2a2, and total frequency of occurrence of c3a2, e1a2, b2a3, b1a1, and e1a3 or coexpression of b2a2 and b3a2 was less than 2.00%. ", "No differences were observed between women and men. ", "As the multiplex RT-PCR technique distinguishes BCR-ABL transcripts in all samples with high sensitivity and specificity, it easily could be applied at early stages of diagnosis. ", "The incidence of one or the other rearrangement in CML patients varies in different reported series, and the frequency in each type of BCR-ABL transcript in Korean CML patients seems to be different from those of Western countries." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
[ 0.0005638088332489133, 0.000619696918874979, 0.0006009303033351898, 0.0006228122510947287, 0.0006221786607056856, 0.0006140577606856823, 0.0008123225416056812, 0.0009724535048007965, 0.0005231734248809516, 0.0005981443682685494 ]
[ "###\n### DO NOT MODIFY THIS FILE. ", " THIS FILE HAS BEEN AUTOGENERATED\n###\n\n###\n### DO NOT MODIFY THIS FILE. ", " THIS FILE HAS BEEN AUTOGENERATED\n###\n\nFROM circleci/golang:1.12rc1\n\n# Verify the circleci user exists before proceeding\nRUN whoami\n\n# node installations command expect to run as root\nUSER root\n## Using node installation from https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nodejs/docker-node/90043cdde5057865b94fec447ce193fb46b69e18/10/stretch/Dockerfile\n\nRUN groupadd --gid 1000 node \\\n && useradd --uid 1000 --gid node --shell /bin/bash --create-home node\n\nENV NODE_VERSION 10.15.1\n\nRUN ARCH= && dpkgArch=\"$(dpkg --print-architecture)\" \\\n && case \"${dpkgArch##*-}\" in \\\n amd64) ARCH='x64';; \\\n ppc64el) ARCH='ppc64le';; \\\n s390x) ARCH='s390x';; \\\n arm64) ARCH='arm64';; \\\n armhf) ARCH='armv7l';; \\\n i386) ARCH='x86';; \\\n *) echo \"unsupported architecture\"; exit 1 ;; \\\n esac \\\n # gpg keys listed at https://github.com/nodejs/node#release-keys\n && set -ex \\\n && for key in \\\n 94AE36675C464D64BAFA68DD7434390BDBE9B9C5 \\\n FD3A5288F042B6850C66B31F09FE44734EB7990E \\\n 71DCFD284A79C3B38668286BC97EC7A07EDE3FC1 \\\n DD8F2338BAE7501E3DD5AC78C273792F7D83545D \\\n C4F0DFFF4E8C1A8236409D08E73BC641CC11F4C8 \\\n B9AE9905FFD7803F25714661B63B535A4C206CA9 \\\n 77984A986EBC2AA786BC0F66B01FBB92821C587A \\\n 8FCCA13FEF1D0C2E91008E09770F7A9A5AE15600 \\\n 4ED778F539E3634C779C87C6D7062848A1AB005C \\\n A48C2BEE680E841632CD4E44F07496B3EB3C1762 \\\n B9E2F5981AA6E0CD28160D9FF13993A75599653C \\\n ; do \\\n gpg --batch --keyserver hkp://p80.pool.sks-keyservers.net:80 --recv-keys \"$key\" || \\\n gpg --batch --keyserver hkp://ipv4.pool.sks-keyservers.net --recv-keys \"$key\" || \\\n gpg --batch --keyserver hkp://pgp.mit.edu:80 --recv-keys \"$key\" ; \\\n done \\\n && curl -fsSLO --compressed \"https://nodejs.org/dist/v$NODE_VERSION/node-v$NODE_VERSION-linux-$ARCH.tar.xz\" \\\n && curl -fsSLO --compressed \"https://nodejs.org/dist/v$NODE_VERSION/SHASUMS256.txt.asc\" \\\n && gpg --batch --decrypt --output SHASUMS256.txt SHASUMS256.txt.asc \\\n && grep \" node-v$NODE_VERSION-linux-$ARCH.tar.xz\\$\" SHASUMS256.txt | sha256sum -c - \\\n && tar -xJf \"node-v$NODE_VERSION-linux-$ARCH.tar.xz\" -C /usr/local --strip-components=1 --no-same-owner \\\n && rm \"node-v$NODE_VERSION-linux-$ARCH.tar.xz\" SHASUMS256.txt.asc SHASUMS256.txt \\\n && ln -s /usr/local/bin/node /usr/local/bin/nodejs\n\nENV YARN_VERSION 1.13.0\n\nRUN set -ex \\\n && for key in \\\n 6A010C5166006599AA17F08146C2130DFD2497F5 \\\n ; do \\\n gpg --batch --keyserver hkp://p80.pool.sks-keyservers.net:80 --recv-keys \"$key\" || \\\n gpg --batch --keyserver hkp://ipv4.pool.sks-keyservers.net --recv-keys \"$key\" || \\\n gpg --batch --keyserver hkp://pgp.mit.edu:80 --recv-keys \"$key\" ; \\\n done \\\n && curl -fsSLO --compressed \"https://yarnpkg.com/downloads/$YARN_VERSION/yarn-v$YARN_VERSION.tar.gz\" \\\n && curl -fsSLO --compressed \"https://yarnpkg.com/downloads/$YARN_VERSION/yarn-v$YARN_VERSION.tar.gz.asc\" \\\n && gpg --batch --verify yarn-v$YARN_VERSION.tar.gz.asc yarn-v$YARN_VERSION.tar.gz \\\n && mkdir -p /opt \\\n && tar -xzf yarn-v$YARN_VERSION.tar.gz -C /opt/ \\\n && ln -s /opt/yarn-v$YARN_VERSION/bin/yarn /usr/local/bin/yarn \\\n && ln -s /opt/yarn-v$YARN_VERSION/bin/yarnpkg /usr/local/bin/yarnpkg \\\n && rm yarn-v$YARN_VERSION.tar.gz.asc yarn-v$YARN_VERSION.tar.gz\n\n\n# Basic smoke test\nRUN node --version\n\nUSER circleci\n" ]
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[ 0.0013364175101742148, 0.0008387694833800197, 0.007708310149610043 ]
[ "Abraham Lincoln (February 12, 1809 - April 15, 1865) was the 16th President of the United States. ", "He successfully led the country through its greatest internal crisis, the American Civil War, preserving the Union and ending slavery. ", "As the war was drawing to a close, Lincoln became the first American president to be assassinated. ", "Before his election in 1860 as the first Republican president, Lincoln had been a country lawyer, an Illinois state legislator, a member of the United States House of Representatives, and twice an unsuccessful candidate for election to the U.S. Senate. ", "Lincoln successfully rallied public opinion through his rhetoric and speeches, his Gettysburg Address is but one example of this." ]
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[ 0.0010325891198590398, 0.0010870668338611722, 0.007014621049165726, 0.0007864827639423311, 0.0006141250487416983 ]
[ "Q:\n\nWhat version of Internet Explorer (IE) should my web app support\n\nSince MS will stop supporting anything before IE 8 soon, I am not sure if I should make my web app compatible with those older browsers. ", " I know there are still people using them but I don't know if there are enough to make it worth while.", "\nAny suggestions as to how to decide what version to support?", "\n\nA:\n\nNone.", "\nSeriously. ", "You should not support any version of IE. ", "It is absolutely horrible.", "\n\nEdit: since I originally wrote this answer, Internet Explorer 9 has been released. ", "IE9 offers significant improvements over its predecessors and is a much more worthy competitor in the browser market.", "\nHaving said that, it still has a long way to go before I would consider using it over Chrome (my default browser of choice). ", "Since I use Ubuntu, Microsoft would need to release a Linux version of their browser - and because Halley's comet will return long before that happens, I am staying away from IE.", "\n\nFurther edit: this does not apply to Edge.", "\n\nA:\n\nIt depends on whether you need to make it work for as many people as possible. ", " I can only speak for the website I've got Google Analytics on, but about 20% of the visits are IE6, another 15% are IE7. ", " If you can afford to drop a potential 35% of your audience, go for it.", "\n(Here's a wikipedia article on browser share, with a breakdown of IE usage. ", " The official stats are strikingly similar to those I cited above.)", "\n\nA:\n\nThis question could provoke a bit of argument, there are a lot of people out there still avidly supporting IE6, and others like me who wish that older browsers would just magically disappear so we don't have to consider them.", "\nAnyway, here's an answer for your question:\nyou need to define \"web app\". ", "If you mean a web application that is used by businesses in a LOB type of way, then you should be able to dictate the minimum requirements. ", "For the web app i am currently working on, we have a minimum of IE8 or FFox 3.6. ", "In only one case have we had a client who could not upgrade from IE6 because they were still using a critical legacy app that was built for IE6, so they use FFox for our app instead.", "\nIf your web app is going to be exposed to the wider world, and any random John Q. Public can use it, then you certainly still need to consider the numbers for each browser, and then make a decision of whether the work involved in supporting that browser is worth it for the number of people using it.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "Amazingly detailed artisan lampwork beads by artist Carey O'Halloran are the feature focal of this stunning design. ", "I've combined the beads with faceted turquoise, and sterling silver discs for the perfect compliment. ", "The colors are spectacular and every bead is intricately detailed. ", "There is everything to love about the piece of art for your throat.", "\n\nPayments\n\nPayment is due at time of purchase unless prior arrangements have been made. ", "Thank you! ", "I accept paypal payments.", "\n\nShipping from United States\n\nPrices quoted are for USPS first class shipping without insurance. ", "Let me know if you prefer insurance or a different shipping method and I can get a quote for you. ", "Thanks!", "\n\nRefunds\n\nUnless the description is incorrect on an item, all sales are final sales. ", "Insured items that arrive damaged or are lost will be replace. ", "Otherwise, I cannot be responsible for losses or damage by the postal service." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
[ 0.0005939292022958398, 0.0005370339495129883, 0.0006481523159891367, 0.0031794158276170492, 0.0005726109957322478, 0.0006528116064146161, 0.0005797398625873029, 0.0005804423708468676, 0.0006952082621864974, 0.0007347135688178241, 0.0007338172872550786, 0.002052673837170005, 0.0007192912744358182 ]
[ "Q:\n\nhighlite text parts with jquery, best practice\n\ni have a list of items containig names.", "\nthen i have a eventlistener, which ckecks for keypress event. ", "\nif the user types i.g. ", "an A all names starting with an A should be viewed with the A bold. ", "so all starting As should be bold.", "\nwhat is the best way using jquery to highlite only a part of a string?", "\nthanks for your help\n\nA:\n\nHere's a function you can call during your keypress event to highlight a search string:\nfunction Highlight(search)\n{\n $('ul > li').each(function() {\n if (this.innerHTML.indexOf(search) > -1)\n {\n var text = $(this).text();\n text = text.replace(search, \"<span id='highlight' style='font-weight: bold'>\" + search + \"</span>\");\n $(this).html(text);\n }\n else\n {\n this.innerHTML = $(this).text();\n }\n });\n}\n\nTest html:\n<ul id='list'>\n <li>Bob Jones</li>\n <li>Red Smith</li>\n <li>Chris Edwards</li>\n</ul>\n\nIt's not quite as elegant as Pointy's answer, but it handles the matching strings requirement.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "Pages\n\nThursday, April 5, 2012\n\nQuick Pics: Think like a Man, Act like A Woman Movie Premiere\n\nSo what do you wear to the a movie premiere? ", "Well last night celebs were on hand in Atlanta for the premiere of book written by Steve Harvey, turned movie \"Think like a Man, Act like a Woman\". ", "Male personalities wore a lot of springs colors, comfortable pull over tops and light fabrics as the walked the red carpet and celebrated for this highly anticipated movie release." ]
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[ 0.0018212629947811365, 0.004163708537817001, 0.0005854629562236369 ]
[ "[Transformation into chronic myelomonocytic leukemia in a patient with primary myelofibrosis associated with severe hypoplasia: report of an autopsy case].", "\nA 70-year-old male was admitted because of anemia in September 1989, and primary myelofibrosis was diagnosed based on the presence of leukoerythroblastosis, a normal chromosomal analysis and pathological findings of fibrosis in bone marrow. ", "Although he was anemic, he did not require any treatment for two years. ", "Then his hematological status deteriorated to severe pancytopenia, and the marrow biopsy revealed marked hypoplasia with fatty replacement and scattered fibrosis. ", "He was treated with metenolon without success and frequent transfusion of packed red cell was required. ", "This hypoplastic status continued for seven months. ", "In May 1992 his WBC count increased gradually with monocytosis. ", "The marrow was filled with various stages of monocytes, with almost no fibrosis remaining. ", "The chromosomal analysis was repeated but disclosed no abnormalities, consistent with the negative result of BCR-ABL rearrangement investigated by the RT-PCR method. ", "One month later, when the patient died of multiple cerebral bleeding and infection, the leukocyte count exceed 90,000/microliters. ", "It is known that major causes of death for patients with primary myelofibrosis are infection, bleeding, cardiac trouble and transformation to leukemia. ", "We describe a case of myelofibrosis who developed to chronic myelomonocytic leukemia following severe aplastic phase." ]
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[ 0.0007898370386101305, 0.0022007024381309748, 0.0024434574879705906, 0.011866223998367786, 0.0014246676582843065, 0.0007438255124725401, 0.0006136444280855358, 0.002426472958177328, 0.0006145077059045434, 0.004610869567841291, 0.0012393997749313712, 0.001497480203397572 ]
[ "St. Nicholas Houses\n\nSt. Nicholas Houses or \"Saint Nick,\" is a public housing project in Central Harlem, in the borough of Manhattan, New York City and are managed by the New York City Housing Authority (NYCHA). ", " The project is located between Adam Clayton Powell Jr. Boulevard and Frederick Douglass Boulevard, spanning a superblock from 127th Street to 131st Street. ", "The project consists of thirteen 14-story buildings containing 1,523 apartment units.", "\n\nDevelopment \nThe site formerly consisted of city blocks with small attached homes in poor condition, and existing residents were removed via a slum clearance program. ", "In 1952, the first tenants began moving in and the development was completed on September 30, 1954 under the Taft-Ellender-Wagner Housing Act of 1949. ", "When the houses initially began seeking applicants, World War II veterans received priority.", "\n\nFrom 1947 to 1953, the playground at the St. Nicholas Houses on 128th Street and Seventh Avenue was the site of the Ruckers tournament until it was moved to a larger playground on 130th Street in 1954. ", "While at the playground, Holcombe Rucker developed the tournament into five divisions: girls, junior high school, high school, college and pro.", "\n\nBy the mid-1970s, violence had risen in the development and security had decreased along with repairs.", "\n\nIn 2011, NYCHA approved the sale of 3.1 acres for the demolition of a playground on the site for the construction of a charter school called Promise Academy Charter School. ", "Residents planned to sue the city and federal governments over the green space demolition, challenging that NYCHA failed to properly assess the school's impact on the development. ", "Residents also felt that they were not informed of the plan until after the deal was completed. ", "The school was designed by John Ciardullo Associates and completed in 2013.", "\n\nIn books \nThe St. Nicholas Houses is one of the main settings in the book The Stars Beneath Our Feet.", "\n\nNotable residents \nTeddy Riley (born 1967), singer, songwriter, record producer credited with the creation of the new jack swing genre\n\nSee also \nNew York City Housing Authority\nList of New York City Housing Authority properties\n\nReferences \n\nCategory:Harlem\nCategory:Public housing in Manhattan\nCategory:Residential buildings in Manhattan\nCategory:Residential buildings completed in 1954\nCategory:1954 establishments in New York (state)" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nOrigin of \"you have nothing to fear if you have nothing to hide\"?", "\n\nWhat is the origin of the phrase \n\nYou have nothing to fear if you have nothing to hide.", "\n\nI see it occasionally bounced around, sometimes as an authoritarian slogan. ", "Brief research indicates some think it was coined by Goebbels, some by Orwell. ", "\nIs the true origin known?", "\n\nA:\n\nYou have nothing to fear if you have nothing to hide.", "\n\nThe phrase - widely used in discussions of Internet security and uttered by Pius Thicknesse in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - is most commonly attributed to Joseph Goebbels in 1933.", "\nHowever, there is an earlier precedent. ", "Upton Sinclair used an inverted version in 1918 in The Profits of Religion: An Essay in Economic Interpretation:\n\nNot merely was my own mail opened, but the mail of all my relatives and friends—people residing in places as far apart as California and Florida. ", "I recall the bland smile of a government official to whom I complained about this matter: ‘If you have nothing to hide you have nothing to fear.’", "\n\n" ]
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[ "1. ", "Field of the Invention\nThis invention relates to a noncontacting measurement of the distance from an object to a reference point, and/or of the rate at which an object passes a reference point.", "\n2. ", "Prior Art\nMany methods are known for determining the position or distance of an object from a reference point. ", "Frequently, these same methods may be used to determine whether an object is present at a position (or a range of positions) or the temporal rate at which an object appears at a position (e.g., as for a rotating or oscillating object).", "\nThese methods may be divided into contacting and noncontacting types depending on whether the object, or an extension of the object, contacts the sensing element. ", "A well known contacting method involves measuring a change in electrical resistance and is illustrated in FIG. ", "1. ", "An extension 11 of an object 10 is an electrical conductor like a metal which slides on a second conductor 13 as the object 10 moves. ", "The change in contact position between the two conductors varies the length, 1, and, accordingly, the resistance of that portion of conductor 13 appearing in an external circuit 14. ", "Element 11 is joined to external circuit 14 by a flexible wire. ", "The variation of resistance with object motion affects the electrical characteristics of external circuit 14 in a manner convenient for measurement, thus providing a sensing of the position of object 10. ", "Although useful in some applications, the contact between element 11 and conductor 13 can be subject to wear, vibration (leading to electrical jitter) or chemical contamination depending on ambient conditions.", "\nOf the numerous types of noncontacting position and/or timing sensors, many involve electromagnetic energy in the form of capacitive, magnetic (e.g., linear variable differential transformer, Hall effect) or optical methods. ", "Acoustical methods (e.g., sonar, ultrasonic) are also widely used. ", "Each of these methods has its particular area of applicability arising from considerations of cost, durability, operating environment, etc.", "\nAlso, methods using a resonantly vibrating element in combination with electromagnetic techniques are especially advantageous for use in the automotive environment. ", "U.S. Pat. ", "No. ", "4,297,872 to Ikeda et al describes a vibration type transducer having a vibrator (e.g., a hollow metal cylinder) and vibration exciters (e.g., piezoelectric elements) which with suitable electrical activation cause the vibrator to vibrate in one or more of its resonant modes. ", "Vibration detection means are located on or near the vibrator to sense the motion and provide an electrical output. ", "In operation, a material or object whose property is to be sensed is suitably placed in proximity to the vibrator so that it modifies the resonant vibrational frequencies. ", "For example, a fluid whose pressure is to be sensed is introduced into the cylinder. ", "The vibrator may be so designed that the change in resonant frequency attending the introduction of this fluid is proportional to the fluid pressure. ", "Alternatively, the temperature of the fluid may alter the resonance in a characteristic way. ", "Different methods may be used so that the approach of an object ( e.g., its position) causes this resonance frequency to change in a particular way.", "\nVibration detection means can be used in two ways. ", "First, they serve as an input to feedback electronic circuitry whose output is applied to the vibration exciters to keep the vibration excited at its resonant frequencies even though those frequencies may be changing. ", "Second, they serve as an input to additional circuitry for processing the frequency information so that an electrical output related to the quantity to be sensed is produced. ", "Such a device typifies one method of operating vibrational sensors in which the quantity of interest modifies the vibrator's resonant frequency. ", "One of the disadvantages of this approach is that sensitivity can be low because the frequency does not go to zero, but rather returns to some fiducial value, as the perturbation or change which causes the frequency variation is reduced to zero.", "\nThis disadvantage does not occur in the present case, and an embodiment of this invention has high sensitivity and dynamic range. ", "In addition, the device is appropriate for low cost manufacture as well as the ambient conditions peculiar to the automotive environment." ]
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[ "A Rollins Perspective\n\nPart I: The Pioneers\n\nThe path from Rollins College’s opening celebration to the 125th Anniversary festivities planned for 2010 has not been smooth.", "\n\nRollins’ founders were trailblazers—literally and figuratively—as they struggled to preserve Florida’s first college. ", "At times, the College’s growth was phenomenal; at other times, it stood on the verge of total defeat. ", "But the founders and supporters of Rollins never lost their faith, and the College survived.", "\n\nRollins’ first four decades were years of building a foundation and establishing direction. ", "They were followed by periods of expansion and experimentation, reevaluation and rededication.", "\n\nBeginning in this issue, Rollins Magazine will present a three-part history of Rollins through its first 125 years. ", "We invite you to collect all three issues for a complete College history. ", "In the following pages, we focus on Rollins’ early years, 1885-1925, and the people—administration, faculty, and students—who believed in and were Rollins’ future.", "\n\n“The Pioneers” was originally published as Part I of “A Centennial Perspective” in the September 1985 issue of the Rollins Alumni Record. ", "In addition to the acknowledgments appearing there (Jane F. Fletcher, former Archivist; Mannee Rawa, Assistant in Archives; Donna Janeczko, freelance cinematographer and film producer; Marilyn Anderson, Reference Librarian; and Jack C. Lane, Weddell Professor of History), we wish to thank Professor Wenxian Zhang and Gertrude Laframboise of Rollins’ Olin Library Archives and Special Collections." ]
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[ "On Saturday, SV150 published its annual ranking of the top 150 public tech companies in Silicon Valley by revenue and this time, Apple topped the list again with an estimated sales of $235 billion in 2015. ", "The company was followed by Alphabet which had a sales of $75 billion and Intel which ranked third with a total sales of $55 billion.", "\n\nThe companies that make up the SV150 generated a total net profit of $133 billion, a 4.1 percent increase from the year before, and total sales were estimated to be $833 billion. ", "Apple produced the biggest chunk of net profit in the region, estimated to be $53.7 billion, which is a whopping 40 percent of the Bay Area tech industry’s total $133 billion in net profit. ", "The company also accounted for 28 percent of the region’s $833 billion in 2015 sales.", "\n\nApart from having the biggest profit gains, Apple also topped the list for generating the largest pile of cash, investments, calculated to be $205 billion in 2015. “", "The SV150 generated a combined $216 billion in cash from their operations in 2015, up from the year before by 5.5%. ", "That was about a third of the 16.2% gain produced in 2014. ", "The cash helped the SV150 fund $122.5 billion in stock buybacks and dividends, down 9 percent from the year before, and $10 billion in acquisitions, down 65% from 2014. “", "\n\nMeanwhile, the $75 billion sales from Google’s parent company Alphabet represented approximately 57% of the total for all Silicon Valley internet companies, followed by eBay and PayPal.", "\n\nApple reported a sales of 74.8 million iPhones for the first quarter of fiscal 2016, a slight increase from the year before, but Chief Executive Tim Cook said that iPhone sales in the first three months of 2016 is expected to decline compared to a year ago. ", "The question that remains is whether Apple will be able to top the list next year again?", "\n\nSupport us and stay updated on the latest Apple and Jailbreak news and guides by following our page on Facebook and Twitter.", "\n\nSource: SV150 Rankings, SV150 Top 10 Lists" ]
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[ "Search form\n\nYou are here\n\nRabbi 6/03/2006\n\nSubmitted by cbmiller on Tue, 03/06/2012 - 19:53\n\nEditor MNH:\n\nRabbi D. hears what has not been said and reads what has not been written. ", "On 11/10/1988 I attended a remembrance service of the Crystal night at the Wesley United Methodist Church. ", "In the issue of 9/13/1996 of the Wisconsin Jewish Chronicle this was written about me: “Rabbi E. D. D. …participated in that service. ", "As he descended from the pulpit, she (C. M.) grilled him on Israeli policies regarding the Palestinians. ‘", "It was this ferocious, ferocious questioning, ‘he recalled, ‘and the clear implication was, ‘Here you are memorializing the people who died in the Holocaust, but there’s this horrible event happening where Jews are in control, and how dare you!”", "\n\nThe service took place in the front of the church. ", "The pulpit was not used and I have never talked to Rabbi D.. But I did send a letter (11/24/l988) to Reverend M., and copies to some of the participants whose names I found in the program. ", "Since I did not have Rabbi D.’s address he did not get a copy. ", "But somebody must have sent him my letter from which he concocted a personal encounter under the pulpit. ", "And yes in this letter I castigated the remembrance service as pharisaical orgy of self righteousness.", "\n\nIn my letter to the MNH (4/29/2006) “Kosher proceeds benefits Israel” I did not write nor did I imply anything about an evil cabal, or illicitly gained government support.", "\n\nThe Jews are a minority. ", "Of this minority only a minority keeps a kosher kitchen I would like the Rabbi to explain how the general public benefits from the kosher certificate which caters to a minority of a minority. ", "The Rabbi however implied anti Semitism on my part. ", "If what I have written is anti Semitic, then you just have to mark me down as an anti Semite." ]
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[ "All relevant data are within the paper and its Supporting Information files.", "\n\nIntroduction {#sec001}\n============\n\nFew taxonomic groups elicit as much conservation attention as mammalian carnivores \\[[@pone.0194217.ref001]--[@pone.0194217.ref003]\\]. ", "Carnivores of various sizes play a crucial role influencing the composition and dynamics of ecological communities \\[[@pone.0194217.ref004]\\]. ", "The loss of apex predators has been linked to cascading consequences for smaller herbivores regulated by mid-order predators \\[[@pone.0194217.ref005]--[@pone.0194217.ref006]\\], which in turn can influence plant growth and recruitment via altered patterns of herbivory, seed predation, and seed dispersal \\[[@pone.0194217.ref003],[@pone.0194217.ref004],[@pone.0194217.ref007],[@pone.0194217.ref008]\\]. ", "Charismatic carnivores often serve as conservation flagships \\[[@pone.0194217.ref009]\\], and when their area and resource requirements encompass those of numerous species, they serve as conservation umbrellas \\[[@pone.0194217.ref010]--[@pone.0194217.ref012]\\]. ", "Carnivore presence may be linked positively with biodiversity \\[[@pone.0194217.ref013],[@pone.0194217.ref014]\\], habitat integrity \\[[@pone.0194217.ref015]\\], and ecological processes \\[[@pone.0194217.ref004]\\]. ", "Ironically, the very characteristics that make carnivores such effective conservation surrogates also make them extinction-prone.", "\n\nMammalian carnivores are vulnerable to extinction mainly due to habitat loss and human-induced mortality \\[[@pone.0194217.ref016],[@pone.0194217.ref017]\\]. ", "Carnivores in general occupy the higher region of ecological food webs, composing a relatively small fraction of ecological biomass and requiring a healthy prey base to maintain viable populations. ", "Large carnivores need substantial areas that support the prey they subsist on and some level of functional landscape connectivity for persistence. ", "Loss of habitat and prey renders them prone to conflicts with humans \\[[@pone.0194217.ref018]--[@pone.0194217.ref021]\\]. ", "Furthermore, carnivores are prime targets for poachers seeking valuable body parts or trophies \\[[@pone.0194217.ref022]--[@pone.0194217.ref025]\\] and their life histories often hinder recovery from population declines \\[[@pone.0194217.ref026]\\]. ", "Not surprisingly, many carnivore populations across the globe are threatened \\[[@pone.0194217.ref027]\\].", "\n\nCarnivore species richness in Peninsular Malaysia is one of the highest in the world, with 31 species representing seven families recorded to date \\[[@pone.0194217.ref028]\\] ([Table 1](#pone.0194217.t001){ref-type=\"table\"}). ", "Sixteen species are listed as critically endangered, endangered, vulnerable, or near threatened at the global level \\[[@pone.0194217.ref027]\\]. ", "The most recent local assessment of the conservation status of mammals lists 14 carnivore species as threatened or near threatened in Peninsular Malaysia \\[[@pone.0194217.ref028]\\].", "\n\n10.1371/journal.pone.0194217.t001\n\n###### Carnivores of Malaysia with 2015 IUCN conservation status, and Peninsular Malaysia conservation status in 2007 and 2009 based on percent change in area of occupancy and expert opinion \\[[@pone.0194217.ref028]\\].", "\n\nAlthough 31 species are listed, three species may not be indigenous or extant. ", "The highest threat status, based on IUCN Red List criteria A--E \\[[@pone.0194217.ref029]\\] is reported for each species. ", "EX = extinct, CE = critically endangered, EN = endangered, VU = vulnerable, NT = near threatened, LC = least concern.", "\n\n![](", "pone.0194217.t001){#pone.0194217.t001g}\n\n Family Species Common name IUCN 2015 Red List status Peninsular Malaysia 2009 Red List status[^a^](#t001fn001){ref-type=\"table-fn\"}\n ---- ---------------- ------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n 1 Canidae *Cuon alpinus* Dhole EN NT\n 2 Felidae *Panthera tigris* Tiger CE[^b^](#t001fn002){ref-type=\"table-fn\"} EN\n 3 Felidae *Panthera pardus* Leopard NT EN\n 4 Felidae *Neofelis nebulosa* Clouded leopard VU NT\n 5 Felidae *Pardofelis marmorata* Marbled cat NT LC\n 6 Felidae *Prionailurus bengalensis* Leopard cat LC LC\n 7 Felidae *Prionailurus viverrinus* Fishing cat[^c^](#t001fn003){ref-type=\"table-fn\"} EN VU\n 8 Felidae *Prionailurus planiceps* Flat-headed cat EN NT\n 9 Felidae *Catopuma temminckii* Asian golden cat NT LC\n 10 Herpestidae *Herpestes javanicus* Javan mongoose LC LC\n 11 Herpestidae *Herpestes edwardsii*[^b^](#t001fn002){ref-type=\"table-fn\"} Indian gray mongoose[^d^](#t001fn004){ref-type=\"table-fn\"} LC EX\n 12 Herpestidae *Herpestes brachyurus* Short-tailed mongoose LC LC\n 13 Herpestidae *Herpestes urva* Crab-eating mongoose LC EN\n 14 Mustelidae *Martes flavigula* Yellow-throated marten LC NT\n 15 Mustelidae *Mustela nudipes* Malay weasel LC NT\n 16 Mustelidae *Aonyx cinerea* Asian small-clawed otter VU LC\n 17 Mustelidae *Lutra sumatrana* Hairy-nosed otter EN LC\n 18 Mustelidae *Lutra lutra*[^c^](#t001fn003){ref-type=\"table-fn\"} Eurasian otter[^e^](#t001fn005){ref-type=\"table-fn\"} NT EN\n 19 Mustelidae *Lutrogale perspicillata* Smooth otter VU LC\n 20 Prionodontidae *Prionodon linsang* Banded linsang LC NT\n 21 Ursidae *Helarctos malayanus* Malayan sun bear VU VU\n 22 Viverridae *Viverricula indica* Small Indian civet LC NT\n 23 Viverridae *Viverra tangalunga* Malay civet LC LC\n 24 Viverridae *Viverra megaspila* Large spotted civet VU EN\n 25 Viverridae *Viverra zibetha* Large Indian civet NT NT\n 26 Viverridae *Cyanogale bennetti* Otter civet EN EN\n 27 Viverridae *Paguma larvata* Masked palm civet LC LC\n 28 Viverridae *Paradoxurus hermaphroditus* Common palm civet LC LC\n 29 Viverridae *Hemigalus derbyanus* Banded civet NT LC\n 30 Viverridae *Arctogalidia trivirgata* Small-toothed palm civet LC LC\n 31 Viverridae *Arctictis binturong* Binturong VU LC\n\n^a^\\[[@pone.0194217.ref028]\\]\n\n^b^IUCN changed status of tiger from endangered to critically endangered in 2015\n\n^c^Evidence for an indigenous population in Peninsular Malaysia is inconclusive \\[[@pone.0194217.ref030],[@pone.0194217.ref031]\\].", "\n\n^d^Considered introduced with records only from the west coast of the peninsular; no recent records \\[[@pone.0194217.ref032]\\].", "\n\n^e^No proof that the species existed in Peninsular Malaysia \\[[@pone.0194217.ref033]\\], but Azlan and Sharma \\[[@pone.0194217.ref034]\\] reported a road kill in Terengganu.", "\n\nCarnivores are difficult to study by direct observation because many are nocturnal and secretive, and exist at intrinsically low population densities \\[[@pone.0194217.ref035]\\]. ", "Early surveys in Peninsular Malaysia used traps, direct observation, signs, and road kills to infer species presence. ", "Technological advances such as remote cameras have made it possible for recent surveys to document a greater variety of carnivore species and make inferences about their behavior, habitat use, distribution, and community composition \\[[@pone.0194217.ref036]--[@pone.0194217.ref039]\\]. ", "All these techniques have their limitations, but collectively can provide useful information about where a species occurred, its frequency or rarity of occurrence, and its possible vulnerability or adaptability to land use change.", "\n\nThe demand for tropical forest products or land for agriculture continues to exert enormous pressure on natural forests in Peninsular Malaysia. ", "The conversion of tropical rainforest includes small-scale swidden agriculture, rural and urban expansion, and large-scale commercial agriculture \\[[@pone.0194217.ref040],[@pone.0194217.ref041]\\]. ", "A major cause of tropical forest loss has been the conversion of secondary forest to industrial plantations including oil palm and rubber \\[[@pone.0194217.ref042]--[@pone.0194217.ref045]\\]. ", "Future changes in land use are inevitable as human populations grow and the country seeks further economic development through commerce in agriculture and timber extraction. ", "Although Southeast Asia has few documented carnivore extinctions as a region \\[[@pone.0194217.ref046]\\], local extinctions of multiple forest-dependent species have presumably occurred. ", "Ranges of some species will likely shrink and fragment, predisposing those remaining populations to even greater extinction risk \\[[@pone.0194217.ref047]\\]. ", "For example, tigers (*Panthera tigris*), a valuable species to gauge the success of landscape conservation, are experiencing substantial range contraction in Peninsular Malaysia due to high rates of human-induced changes to the landscape and increased poaching pressure \\[[@pone.0194217.ref048],[@pone.0194217.ref049]\\]. ", "However, we know little about the status and ecological requirements of the vast majority of carnivores in Peninsular Malaysia, nor where the most sensitive and diverse carnivore communities are likely to persist.", "\n\nHere, we identify regions of high priority for carnivore conservation in Peninsular Malaysia and associated landscape factors. ", "Using data on carnivore species distributions from published surveys and records in combination with geographic information systems (GIS) data on landscape variables, we 1) identify priority regions for carnivore conservation and 2) determine associated environmental and anthropogenic landscape gradients.", "\n\nMethods {#sec002}\n=======\n\nStudy area {#sec003}\n----------\n\nPeninsular Malaysia (130,598 km^2^) is located within the Sundaland subregion of tropical East Asia, which includes Borneo, Sumatra, Java, and surrounding islands, including Bali \\[[@pone.0194217.ref050]\\]. ", "In December 2015, human population size was over 24 million with population densities (excluding Federal territories) ranging from 40 individuals/km^2^ in Pahang to 1600/km^2^ in Penang \\[[@pone.0194217.ref051]\\]. ", "Malaysia's climate is typical of the tropical Sundaland subregion with abundant rainfall and warm temperatures that fluctuate little throughout the year. ", "The principal vegetation of tropical rainforest dominated by Dipterocarps is floristically the richest of all the world's forests \\[[@pone.0194217.ref046],[@pone.0194217.ref052]\\]. ", "The nation's economy is based on minerals, particularly oil and tin, and agricultural produce; rice and food crops are mainly for domestic consumption, but rubber, palm oil, and timber are the principal earners of foreign exchange \\[[@pone.0194217.ref052]\\]. ", "Conversion of tropical forest to other forms of land use has been rapid in Malaysia. ", "In a 30-year period, dryland forest declined from 64% of Peninsular Malaysia's total area to less than 50% by 1990 and swamp forests declined from 14% to 8% \\[[@pone.0194217.ref052]\\]. ", "Over a 30-year period (1975--2005), 3.6 Mha of land were converted to oil palm plantations, resulting in a 20% reduction in forest cover \\[[@pone.0194217.ref053]\\]. ", "Rubber plantations that yield both latex and timber are rapidly expanding to replace natural forests designated for timber production under sustained yield, and 375,000 ha of monoculture timber are projected to replace natural rainforest habitat by 2020 \\[[@pone.0194217.ref044]\\].", "\n\nLiterature search and data treatment {#sec004}\n------------------------------------\n\nWe first obtained a species list of carnivores in Peninsular Malaysia \\[[@pone.0194217.ref028]\\]. ", "Next, we carried out a literature search for carnivores in the country using scientific and common names, and including more general search terms (mammal, vertebrate, or carnivore), for all available years up to and including 2015 and one early 2016 publication ([S1 Appendix](#pone.0194217.s001){ref-type=\"supplementary-material\"}). ", "We used Thomson Reuter's Web of Science to identify indexed papers, and the Malaysian Citation Centre (<http://www.myjurnal.my/public/browse.php>) to search journals in all biological categories. ", "For non-indexed Malaysian journals without online search capability we manually checked journal contents and excluded papers and records that were not from Peninsular Malaysia. ", "Our final data set was derived from 85 published papers and reports ([Fig 1](#pone.0194217.g001){ref-type=\"fig\"}, [S2 Appendix](#pone.0194217.s002){ref-type=\"supplementary-material\"}) in the English language with carnivore records based on live captures, direct observations, signs, remote cameras, or road kills and other reported records from oldest to the most recent (1948 to 2014). ", "Where publications did not provide coordinates of species records, we used an estimate of the center of the study area for georeferencing. ", "We recorded the date of the study, location, and principal habitat types. ", "Some studies were conducted in multiple geographic locations, thus the number of geographic locations (*n* = 89) exceeded the number of papers or reports (*n* = 85). ", "Some geographic locations were surveyed more than once. ", "We mapped recent (1991--2014) and older (prior to 1991) records by species, family, and IUCN Red List category. ", "We used 1991 as a cut-off year because most major land-use changes have occurred since then. ", "We used Kendall's tau-b to explore associations among the number of records (all years) per species, body size, global (IUCN) and Peninsular Malaysia threat status \\[[@pone.0194217.ref027], [@pone.0194217.ref028]\\], and habitat breadth (number of different habitat types where a species was recorded). ", "We weighted threat status for each species based on an interval scale of 1 (LC; least concern), 2 (NT; near threatened), 3 (VU; vulnerable), and 4 (EN or CE; endangered or critically endangered, respectively; see [Table 1](#pone.0194217.t001){ref-type=\"table\"}). ", "We tested the hypothesis that threat status was negatively correlated with habitat breadth. ", "We assessed eight broad habitat types reported in the literature ([S2 Table](#pone.0194217.s012){ref-type=\"supplementary-material\"}) and used species with ≥8 records to assess associations with habitat breadth. ", "Because riparian habitats were nested within most other habitats, they were not considered a separate habitat type for this analysis.", "\n\n![", "Procedure for the selection of studies of mammalian carnivores in Peninsular Malaysia with records collected during 1948--2014.](pone.0194217.g001){#pone.0194217.g001}\n\nIdentifying priority conservation areas {#sec005}\n---------------------------------------\n\nWe used the georeferenced species data for the period 1948--2014 to identify clusters of locations (i.e., hotspots) with carnivore assemblages for which conservation priorities were high \\[[@pone.0194217.ref054],[@pone.0194217.ref055]\\]. ", "Most studies identified in our review were suitable for this objective because they were broad-based mammal surveys. ", "However, we excluded 25 papers where carnivore species records could not be linked with identifiable locations (a study area or geographic coordinate), or where records were duplicates from other publications. ", "Thus, we used data from 60 papers for the hotspot analysis ([Fig 1](#pone.0194217.g001){ref-type=\"fig\"}, [S2 Appendix](#pone.0194217.s002){ref-type=\"supplementary-material\"}).", "\n\nOur primary aim was to identify regions in the Malay peninsula that had high concentrations of species that were globally threatened. ", "Thus, for the hotspot analysis, we weighted conservation priority for each species according to IUCN Red List status \\[[@pone.0194217.ref027]\\] based on an interval scale of 1 (LC), 2 (NT), 3 (VU), and 4 (EN or CE) as previously described. ", "Using this scale value as a weighting factor, we calculated the Getis-Ord Gi\\* statistic in ArcGIS, which is a *z* score that provides a spatial statistic of where high or low values of the weighting factor occur \\[[@pone.0194217.ref054]\\]. ", "This approach allowed us to identify areas where species of greater (high *z* scores; hotspots) or lower (low *z* scores; coldspots) global conservation concern were concentrated, which helped reduce potential bias due to where surveys were conducted \\[[@pone.0194217.ref056]\\]. ", "To calculate the *z* scores, we used inverse-squared Euclidean distances to measure spatial relationships among the values of the weighting factor. ", "This relationship allowed nearby carnivore observations to have greater influence on computations for a target location than observations further away, with the influence declining as a quadratic function of distance. ", "The largest distance between two nearest species records was 85 km so we used that distance as a search radius to ensure that any unique survey location had at least one neighboring survey location. ", "We used a kernel density estimator in ArcGIS, again with a search radius of 85 km, to create a continuous surface map of the *z* scores.", "\n\nFinally, we examined relationships between the *z* scores and the landscape variables to gain insights into which landscape gradients may be associated with areas where carnivore species with high conservation rankings were concentrated as opposed to depleted. ", "We examined whether the *z* scores were associated with the following environmental and anthropogenic landscape gradients: elevation, natural land cover, human population density, proximity to nearest town or village, and density of primary roads ([S1 Dataset](#pone.0194217.s003){ref-type=\"supplementary-material\"}). ", "We obtained elevation (m) data from the Consortium for Spatial Information (<http://srtm.csi.cgiar.org/>). ", "We reclassified land-cover data from the Global Land Cover Database (<http://forobs.jrc.ec.europa.eu/products/glc2000/legend.php>) into a binary layer to represent all natural land cover types, excluding urban, cultivated, and managed areas. ", "We then used a neighborhood analysis to calculate the proportion of natural land cover within a radius of 15 km. ", "We chose 15 km to reflect the large scale of our analysis and to ensure that values covered the full range of very low up to 100% natural land cover. ", "We obtained human population data (counts per 30-arc grid cell, or approximate density/km^2^) from a Global Population Distribution database (<http://www.ciesin.org/>). ", "We calculated proximity to the geographic center of the nearest town or village digitized from Google Maps. ", "Finally, using the line density function in ArcGIS, we calculated density of improved roads (km/km^2^; digitized from Google Maps) based on a moving window with a 15-km radius. ", "Land cover and human population data were from 2000, which was the approximate mid-point of the period during which most carnivore observations were recorded. ", "In addition to these environmental and anthropogenic variables, we considered a variable that may have affected the sampling distribution, namely proximity to the capital, Kuala Lumpur. ", "Because of logistical considerations, many early surveys were conducted in relatively close proximity (\\~100 km) to the capital (we used the GPS coordinates of the headquarters of the Department of Wildlife and National Parks as our reference point). ", "This area has relatively high densities of improved roads, therefore we added an interaction effect between road density and proximity to headquarters to every model to account for potential sampling bias. ", "Given the large spatial scale of our assessment, we set the resolution of all data layers to 30-arc seconds for Peninsular Malaysia.", "\n\nTo explore potential relationships between the Getis-Ord Gi\\* *z* scores and landscape variables, we used ordinary least squares linear regression in ArcGIS to examine a set of models with different combinations of the environmental and anthropogenic variables to assess their relative influence. ", "We used proximity to Kuala Lumpur, improved road density and their interaction as the basis for model building, to account for spatial sampling biases and reduce spatial autocorrelation \\[[@pone.0194217.ref057]\\]. ", "We used the bias-corrected Akaike's information criterion (AIC~c~) for model selection and considered models within 2 ∆AIC~c~ values to be parsimonious \\[[@pone.0194217.ref058]\\]. ", "To reduce skewness in the data, we log-transformed human population and proximity to Kuala Lumpur and square-root transformed density of improved roads. ", "We tested for normal distribution of residuals using the Jarque-Bera statistic. ", "We used Koenker\\'s studentized Breusch-Pagan statistic to determine if explanatory variables had a consistent relationship with Getis-Ord Gi\\* *z* scores in geographic space and data space. ", "If this test was significant, we calculated robust standard errors, *t*-values, and probabilities for beta values. ", "Finally, we tested whether model residuals showed spatial autocorrelation based on Moran's I statistic.", "\n\nResults {#sec006}\n=======\n\nRecords of distribution and habitat {#sec007}\n-----------------------------------\n\nObservation records spanned the period 1948--2014 with 96% collected during the last 50 years and 50% collected after 1991 ([Fig 2](#pone.0194217.g002){ref-type=\"fig\"}, [S2 Table](#pone.0194217.s012){ref-type=\"supplementary-material\"}). ", "We mapped all survey locations by family and species ([S1](#pone.0194217.s004){ref-type=\"supplementary-material\"}--[S4](#pone.0194217.s007){ref-type=\"supplementary-material\"} Figs) and by threat category ([S5](#pone.0194217.s008){ref-type=\"supplementary-material\"}--[S7](#pone.0194217.s010){ref-type=\"supplementary-material\"} Figs). ", "Recent survey records (i.e., since 1991) in largely primary rainforest in northern Perak revealed high carnivore species richness. ", "In Selangor, 75% of carnivore records preceded 1991, thus fewer surveys may have influenced the relative paucity of recent versus older carnivore records ([S1](#pone.0194217.s004){ref-type=\"supplementary-material\"}--[S7](#pone.0194217.s010){ref-type=\"supplementary-material\"} Figs). ", "Records were few (\\<5) for 10 species, almost all of which were small to medium-sized carnivores ([Fig 3](#pone.0194217.g003){ref-type=\"fig\"}) and there were no recent records of the endangered otter civet (*Cyanogale bennetii*). ", "The number of records tended to be greater with species' body size (Kendall's tau-b = 0.24, *z* = 1.78, *P* = 0.038), but not with IUCN global or Peninsular Malaysia conservation scores.", "\n\n![", "Distribution of surveys (*n* = 133) of carnivores among different states in Peninsular Malaysia with records collected during 1948--2014.\\\nData were based on 60 published papers and reports that used conventional trapping, direct observation, signs, remote cameras, or road kills. ", "Some publications compiled data from several surveys and some geographic locations were surveyed more than once. ", "Boundary layer: U.S. State Department, Humanitarian Information Unit (modified from Global Large Scale International Boundary Polygons). ", "Inset map: U.S. Central Intelligence Agency (The World Factbook).](pone.0194217.g002){#pone.0194217.g002}\n\n![", "Number of records of Carnivora species in Peninsular Malaysia.\\\nData were obtained from surveys that used conventional trapping, direct observation, sign, remote cameras, or road kills collected during 1991--2014. ", "Species are grouped by family and ranked by number of records.](pone.0194217.g003){#pone.0194217.g003}\n\nSurveys (or specimens collected) in forest reserves, wildlife reserves and national parks consisting mostly of dry-land forest comprised 75% of the reports. ", "The remaining reports were from rice fields (12%), peat swamp/mangrove forest (6%), oil palm plantations (3%), mangrove forests (2%) and human inhabited areas (2%). ", "We used carnivore species presence data from 89 geographic locations to examine habitat types associated with species records ([S2 Table](#pone.0194217.s012){ref-type=\"supplementary-material\"}). ", "Habitat breadth was associated with the number of records per species (Kendall's tau-b = 0.554, *z* = 3.03, *P* = 0.001), but not with species' IUCN global or Peninsular Malaysia conservation scores, nor with body size.", "\n\nPriority conservation areas {#sec008}\n---------------------------\n\nA region in the northeastern portion of the peninsula had the greatest concentration of carnivores with high conservation status, within which two areas were particularly prominent: the forest complex associated with Royal Belum State Park in the northern portion of this region and, southeast of it, an area associated with Taman Negara National Park ([Fig 4](#pone.0194217.g004){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "Notably, we also identified a concentrated area with carnivore observations and diversity associated with the southern half of Selangor and the adjacent region in Pahang, including Krau Wildife Reserve, but the presence of carnivores with high conservation status was much lower compared with other areas.", "\n\n![", "Locations of mammalian carnivore surveys and kernel density surface of Getis-Ord Gi\\* *z* scores of weighted ranking of IUCN red list categories for recorded species locations in Peninsular Malaysia, 1948--2014.\\\nHillshade layer derived from Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (STRM) 90-m Digital Elevation Data from Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR) and reprinted under a CC BY license, with permission from International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT), original copyright 2004. ", "Protected areas mentioned in the text are labeled; reprinted from World Database on Protected Areas (http://[www.protectedplanet.net](http://www.protectedplanet.net/)) under a CC BY license, with permission from the United Nations Environmental Programme-World Conservation Monitoring Centre, original copyright 2010.](pone.0194217.g004){#pone.0194217.g004}\n\nModel selection of ordinary least squares regressions showed the best-fitting model included elevation, proportion of natural land cover, improved road density, proximity to Kuala Lumpur, and the interaction between the latter 2 variables (adjusted *R*^2^ = 0.62; [S1 Table](#pone.0194217.s011){ref-type=\"supplementary-material\"}). ", "The second-best model was within 2 ∆AIC~c~ values and contained human population density as an additional variable. ", "However, the 95% confidence interval of that variable overlapped zero so we focused our interpretation on the top model. ", "The Jarque-Bera (*JB*) statistic indicated the residuals of the model did not deviate from normality (*JB* = 0.459, 2 df, *P* = 0.797). ", "Getis-Ord Gi\\* *z* scores were negatively associated with elevation (β = -0.00124, SE = 0.00057, *t* = -2.169, *P* = 0.042) and positively associated with proportion of natural land cover (β = 1.899, SE = 0.711, *t* = 2.671, *P* = 0.009) and distance to Kuala Lumpur (β = 1.811, SE = 0.339, *t* = 5.344, *P* \\< 0.001). ", "Thus, areas where observations of species with higher conservation ranks were spatially clustered generally coincided with areas at lower elevations, with greater proportion of natural land cover, and tended to be more distant from Kuala Lumpur. ", "Human population density and proximity of the nearest town or village did not show an association with the Getis-Ord Gi\\* *z* scores. ", "There was some evidence of spatial autocorrelation among the residuals (Moran's I = 0.461, *z* = 2.018, *P* = 0.044).", "\n\nDiscussion {#sec009}\n==========\n\nPeninsular Malaysia contains possibly the greatest number of native species of Carnivora within Sundaland, and more than half are globally threatened or near threatened. ", "Using data compiled from the first comprehensive review of publications with carnivore records, we identified two regions that overlapped with protected areas, Taman Negara National Park and Royal Belum State Park, as hotspots for carnivore species of greatest conservation concern.", "\n\nBoth these protected areas are considered priority regions for tiger conservation in Malaysia \\[[@pone.0194217.ref059]\\]. ", "Established in 1938, Taman Negara (4343 km^2^) is Malaysia's oldest national park \\[[@pone.0194217.ref060]\\] and comprises portions of the states of Pahang, Terengganu, and Kelantan. ", "It contains Malaysia's largest continuous tract of primary forest, of which nearly 60% consists of low elevation (75--300 m) rainforest. ", "Royal Belum State Park, however, was gazetted in 2007 \\[[@pone.0194217.ref061]\\] and is part of the Belum-Temengor Forest Complex (3546 km^2^) located in northern Perak; it shares its northern boundary with Thailand, where it connects with two protected areas, Hala Bala Wildlife Sanctuary and Bang Lang National Park. ", "The combined extent of protected areas and forest reserves in this forest complex, which consists of lowland and hill dipterocarp forests from 130 to 1500 m, may rival that of Taman Negara \\[[@pone.0194217.ref062]\\]. ", "The number of carnivore species reported in Taman Negara and Belum-Temengor were 19 and 22, respectively, each with eight threatened and five near-threatened species.", "\n\nA crucial finding was the relative scarcity of reports of carnivores of conservation concern in the southwestern region of the Peninsular encompassing the state of Selangor and the adjacent region in the state of Pahang, despite frequent surveys in that area. ", "The surveys were conducted within a 50- to 60-km radius of Kuala Lumpur, where several small forest reserves and areas (12--200 ha) of secondary forest have existed within the city limits for decades, with more extensive lowland and hill dipterocarp forests in peri-urban areas \\[[@pone.0194217.ref063]\\]. ", "Surveys in this region occurred over a long time span, with over half the records collected prior to 1991. ", "The distinct paucity of records of carnivores of conservation concern suggests that many of these species cannot persist in small fragmented habitats, or even in larger extents of habitats close to urbanization. ", "Krau Wildlife Reserve (603 km^2^), situated within a 1556-km^2^ forested area \\[[@pone.0194217.ref064]\\], was the largest protected area in this coldspot. ", "The forest is surrounded by agriculture and settlements, but its northeastern boundary is \\<50 km south of the large forested landscape of Taman Negara and consequently considered a secondary priority site for tiger conservation in Malaysia \\[[@pone.0194217.ref065]\\]. ", "Carnivore species richness in Krau (*n* = 20) resembled Belum-Temengor and Taman Negara, although with fewer threatened (*n* = 5) and near-threatened species (*n* = 4).", "\n\nCarnivore hotspots were associated with large extents of natural land cover, lower elevations, and greater distances from Kuala Lumpur, which is situated within the state of Selangor. ", "Selangor (800,000 ha), the most populous state in Malaysia with 5.8 million people \\[[@pone.0194217.ref066]\\], has the highest per capita GDP and has experienced the most rapid growth in the manufacturing sector in the last five decades. ", "Urban and agricultural development has been responsible for most of the state's change in land use with the expansion of oil palm plantations at the expense of peat swamp forest \\[[@pone.0194217.ref042], [@pone.0194217.ref067]\\]. ", "Considering that 75% of the surveys in Selangor were conducted before 1991 and our human population and land use data were derived more recently, the status of carnivore populations in this state may be more critical than the data suggest.", "\n\nA common consequence of urbanization and development is habitat fragmentation and the extirpation of large apex predators. ", "Laidlaw's \\[[@pone.0194217.ref068]\\] survey of seven sites (70 to \\>10,000 ha) in Peninsular Malaysia suggested that large tracts of natural forest were the most important predictor of mammal species richness and large carnivore presence. ", "Woodroffe \\[[@pone.0194217.ref016]\\] demonstrated a strong positive relationship between reserve size and the persistence of large carnivores and concluded that smaller habitat patches increased the potential for human-carnivore conflicts with subsequent extirpation of local carnivore populations. ", "Many small and mid-sized carnivores also rely on larger habitat patches suggesting that factors other than body size, such as resource specialization, behavior, and social structure, play an important role in this dependency \\[[@pone.0194217.ref016], [@pone.0194217.ref069]\\]. ", "Smaller habitat patches could mean the loss of suitable habitat, new barriers to movement, or competition with species better adapted to disturbed environments \\[[@pone.0194217.ref070]\\]. ", "Proximity to urbanization and primary roads, even where habitat is sufficiently large, limits dispersal and enhances the risk of road mortality and illegal hunting \\[[@pone.0194217.ref071]--[@pone.0194217.ref073]\\].", "\n\nLow-elevation habitats with natural forest cover may be one of the most valuable habitats for carnivores in tropical regions. ", "We found that all but two species of Carnivora were reported in lowland forests ([S2 Table](#pone.0194217.s012){ref-type=\"supplementary-material\"}). ", "Notably, the number of species of Carnivora reported in lowland swamp forests (*n* = 17) was high, considering the relatively few surveys (*n* = 16). ", "In Southeast Asia, lowland equatorial forests support the vast majority of species \\[[@pone.0194217.ref046]\\] and in Peninsular Malaysia, lowland forests support almost 90% of mammal species with 61% occurring only in lowland and hill forests below 1000 m \\[[@pone.0194217.ref074]\\]. ", "Malaysia has lost nearly 40% of its original forest cover \\[[@pone.0194217.ref075]\\] and recent annual deforestation rates in the peninsula (0.9% annually from 2000 to 2010 \\[[@pone.0194217.ref046]\\]) show little sign of abatement.", "\n\nWith the exception of the otter civet (one record in 1987), records since 1991 exist for the remaining 27 species in the peninsula. ", "Records were few for nine species, mostly small carnivores, including four species of Viverridae and the three species of Herpestidae native to the Malay Peninsula. ", "We found only one record of the Javan mongoose (*Herpestes javanicus*) and one of the small Indian civet (*Viverricula indica*) since 1991; these species are neither globally threatened nor near threatened. ", "Conversely, records were greater for larger species such as the tiger, sun bear (*Helarctos malayanus*), and leopard (*Panthera pardus*). ", "In an extensive review, Brooke et al. ", "\\[[@pone.0194217.ref076]\\] reported a strong association between body size and research effort in the Carnivora, with the Viverridae and Herpestidae among the four least-studied of the carnivore families. ", "Larger species leave more definitive signs and range over larger areas, increasing the probability of detection. ", "Also, the rarely recorded Javan mongoose and small Indian civet favor open, less forested habitats \\[[@pone.0194217.ref077],[@pone.0194217.ref078]\\]; apart from rice fields, these habitats are rare in Peninsular Malaysia. ", "The dearth of ecological studies on smaller carnivores in peninsular Malaysia may predispose them to early extinction, when efforts for their conservation are less costly than for large-bodied species, and more likely to succeed \\[[@pone.0194217.ref079]\\].", "\n\nLarge body size confers greater vagility and the ability to use a wide array of habitats, but we found no association between habitat breadth and body size. ", "Also, species that use a wide range of habitats may be more tolerant of habitat loss and fragmentation \\[[@pone.0194217.ref080]\\]. ", "Although there may be some sampling bias given that species with more records were reported in more habitats, habitat breadth was not associated with global (IUCN) or local (Peninsular Malaysia) threat status. ", "To illustrate, three small carnivores, the common palm civet (*Paradoxurus hermaphroditus*; least concern), the leopard cat (*Prionailurus bengalensis*; least concern), and the flat-headed cat (*Prionailurus planiceps*; endangered) were reported in a wide variety of habitats ([S2 Table](#pone.0194217.s012){ref-type=\"supplementary-material\"}), including small forest patches in urban landscapes. ", "The flat-headed cat is adapted for feeding on aquatic prey, thus the presence of wetland habitat, which is abundant in Peninsular Malaysia, may be more important for its persistence than forest cover. ", "Locally, the flat-headed cat is considered near threatened \\[[@pone.0194217.ref028]\\], in contrast with its global endangered status \\[[@pone.0194217.ref027]\\], which may reflect its ability to persist in a variety of habitats associated with freshwater.", "\n\nWe acknowledge several caveats in our study. ", "Despite our attempt to obtain as complete a set of published studies for our analysis as possible, at least three papers with nine additional records of leopard \\[[@pone.0194217.ref081], [@pone.0194217.ref082]\\] and one record of a flat-headed cat \\[[@pone.0194217.ref083]\\] escaped our attention. ", "Of these 10 records, including 29 recently released records of threatened and near-threatened carnivores \\[[@pone.0194217.ref084]--[@pone.0194217.ref087]\\], 82% occurred within the hotspots identified in our analysis, confirming the importance of these regions for carnivore conservation. ", "We caution, however, that despite demonstrating distinct landscape associations with the distribution of carnivores as weighted by their conservation rankings, we could not fully account for spatial autocorrelation and our data were not derived from standardized, probabilistic, or systematic coverage of the entire peninsula. ", "Thus, our inference is weaker in areas with fewer surveys and published records. ", "For example, the data included few surveys for the southern region of the peninsula, including the Endau Rompin Forest Complex (\\~2389 km^2^). ", "This area comprises substantial low-elevation rainforest with the potential to support a diversity of indigenous carnivores despite its highly fragmented surroundings and poor connectivity with large, forested landscapes \\[[@pone.0194217.ref065]\\]. ", "A recent remote camera survey reported the presence of six felid species, including tigers \\[[@pone.0194217.ref088]\\].", "\n\nConclusion {#sec010}\n==========\n\nPeninsular Malaysia supports several species of globally threatened carnivores and our study underscores the importance of natural forest cover for their persistence. ", "We show that carnivores of greatest conservation concern are less likely to persist in small, fragmented habitats or habitats close to urban areas. ", "Recent (2000--2012) changes in global forest cover indicate that Malaysia lost 14% of its forest cover, a rate of loss that exceeded any other country \\[[@pone.0194217.ref089]\\]. ", "Oil palm and industrial timber plantations replaced most of the lost forest \\[[@pone.0194217.ref090]\\] and trends point to their continued expansion. ", "Surveys and targeted ecological studies of carnivores in habitat types other than primary and secondary forests will thus be important to elucidate their status and capacity to persist in the face of progressive habitat alteration. ", "Recent studies in oil palm estates and commercial forest plantations suggest that these altered habitats may serve as ecological corridors and shelter valuable elements of biodiversity \\[[@pone.0194217.ref091]--[@pone.0194217.ref093]\\], but primarily when interspersed with large (\\>1000 ha) stands of natural, secondary forest \\[[@pone.0194217.ref094]\\]. ", "Ultimately, addressing the two key threats of poaching and habitat loss will be crucial for the persistence of Malaysia's most threatened carnivores and consequently the broader ecological communities that carnivores influence.", "\n\nSupporting information {#sec011}\n======================\n\n###### Search terms and sources for carnivore records and habitats in Peninsular Malaysia.", "\n\n(PDF)\n\n###### \n\nClick here for additional data file.", "\n\n###### Records of Carnivora by species, locations, and year.", "\n\n(XLSX)\n\n###### \n\nClick here for additional data file.", "\n\n###### Geo-referenced TIFF files for spatial data layers used in landscape analysis.", "\n\n(ZIP)\n\n###### \n\nClick here for additional data file.", "\n\n###### Recent (1991--2014) and older (1948--1990) records within the family Felidae in Peninsular Malaysia.", "\n\nBoundary layer: U.S. State Department, Humanitarian Information Unit (modified from Global Large Scale International Boundary Polygons). ", "Inset map: U.S. Central Intelligence Agency (The World Factbook).", "\n\n(DOCX)\n\n###### \n\nClick here for additional data file.", "\n\n###### Recent (1991--2014) and older (1948--1990) records of species within the families Prionodontidae (banded linsang), Ursidae (sun bear), and Canidae (dhole) in Peninsular Malaysia.", "\n\nBoundary layer: U.S. State Department, Humanitarian Information Unit (modified from Global Large Scale International Boundary Polygons). ", "Inset map: U.S. Central Intelligence Agency (The World Factbook).", "\n\n(DOCX)\n\n###### \n\nClick here for additional data file.", "\n\n###### Recent (1991--2014) and older (1948--1990) records of species within the families Mustelidae and Herpestidae in Peninsular Malaysia.", "\n\nBoundary layer: U.S. State Department, Humanitarian Information Unit (modified from Global Large Scale International Boundary Polygons). ", "Inset map: U.S. Central Intelligence Agency (The World Factbook).", "\n\n(DOCX)\n\n###### \n\nClick here for additional data file.", "\n\n###### Recent (1991--2014) and older (1948--1990) records of species within the family Viverridae in Peninsular Malaysia.", "\n\nBoundary layer: U.S. State Department, Humanitarian Information Unit (modified from Global Large Scale International Boundary Polygons). ", "Inset map: U.S. Central Intelligence Agency (The World Factbook).", "\n\n(DOCX)\n\n###### \n\nClick here for additional data file.", "\n\n###### Distribution of endangered species in Peninsular Malaysia.", "\n\nSolid icons represent recent (1991--2014) records and unfilled icons represent older (1948--1990) records. ", "Boundary layer: U.S. State Department, Humanitarian Information Unit (modified from Global Large Scale International Boundary Polygons). ", "Inset map: U.S. Central Intelligence Agency (The World Factbook). ", "IUCN changed the status of the Malaysian tiger from endangered to critically endangered in 2015.", "\n\n(DOCX)\n\n###### \n\nClick here for additional data file.", "\n\n###### Distribution of vulnerable species in Peninsular Malaysia.", "\n\nSolid icons represent recent (1991--2014) records and unfilled icons represent older (1948--1990) records. ", "Boundary layer: U.S. State Department, Humanitarian Information Unit (modified from Global Large Scale International Boundary Polygons). ", "Inset map: U.S. Central Intelligence Agency (The World Factbook).", "\n\n(DOCX)\n\n###### \n\nClick here for additional data file.", "\n\n###### Distribution of near-threatened species in Peninsular Malaysia.", "\n\nSolid icons represent recent (1991--2014) records and unfilled icons represent older (1948--1990) records. ", "Boundary layer: U.S. State Department, Humanitarian Information Unit (modified from Global Large Scale International Boundary Polygons). ", "Inset map: U.S. Central Intelligence Agency (The World Factbook).", "\n\n(DOCX)\n\n###### \n\nClick here for additional data file.", "\n\n###### Model selection results to identify landscape variables associated with spatial clustering of carnivore records based on weighted ranking of IUCN red list categories.", "\n\n(PDF)\n\n###### \n\nClick here for additional data file.", "\n\n###### Carnivora species reported in Peninsular Malaysia and associated habitats, 1948--2014.", "\n\n(PDF)\n\n###### \n\nClick here for additional data file.", "\n\nAnusha Krishnan at the Sunway University Library assisted with obtaining articles. ", "Lim Boo Liat provided a complete list of his publications on Malaysian vertebrates, and valuable opinions and insights on the occurrence of the fishing cat, European otter, and gray mongoose in Malaysia. ", "We thank the Department of Wildlife and National Parks (PERHILITAN) and Suzilawati binti Ramzan for access to the PERHILITAN\\'s Wildlife Specimen Collection at Biodiversity Institute. ", "GRC thanks the Economic Planning Unit and the Department of Wildlife and National Parks in Peninsular Malaysia for research permits. ", "We are grateful to Lisa Landenburger for helping with digitizing the maps. ", "We thank Joseph D. Clark for review comments provided as part of the U.S. Geological Survey\\'s Fundamental Science Practices. ", "Any use of trade, firm, or product names is for descriptive purposes only and does not imply endorsement by the U.S. Government.", "\n\n[^1]: **Competing Interests:**The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.", "\n\n[^2]: ‡ Joint senior authors\n" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nPulled into submodule and now have an extraneous commit in submodule\n\nProjectB is a submodule of projectA. Some development on projectB happened, and I updated projectA's submodule to point to the latest projectB commit. ", "To do so, I pulled the upstream changes to projectB into my projectA submodule. ", "I committed the change to the submodule in projectA. I coded along merrily, but have come to realize that my projectA submodule's git status is:\ngit status\n# On branch master\n# Your branch is ahead of 'origin/master' by 1 commit.", "\n# (use \"git push\" to publish your local commits)\n#\nnothing to commit, working directory clean\n\ndespite never having made local changes to the projectA submodule.", "\nMy git log for the submodule is:\ngit log --oneline --decorate\n2703249 (HEAD, master) Bugfix L148: correctly filling raw_hitmap_neig_s\n9f1db21 (origin/master, origin/HEAD) created QL2P.xml for MCgen\n1a3dfe5 Changed column name of files for DB output.", "\n...\n\n2703249 is the latest projectB commit, and none of these I did locally. ", "I would like to know how to interpret the git log in this case, and also how to get rid of the extraneous commit in my repo (without making any sort of change to projectB's remote).", "\nBased on this article, in the section, Getting an update from the submodule’s remote I believe the source of the problem has to do with the fact that I pulled into my submodule, but I don't understand why that resulted in the extra commit, or how to fix.", "\n\nA:\n\nAs noted in comments (and fixed up for this answer), you just needed to:\ncd projectB && git fetch\n\nto get the submodule's origin/master updated.", "\nThe reason for this is your particular Git version, which is quite old (Git is now on 2.26). ", " Git versions below 1.8.4—which of course includes your—have a bad habit of not updating origin/* names in various cases, specifically including the case that results from using git pull.", "\nLong\nEach Git has an independent copy of some repository. ", " This includes submodules, which are just Git repositories that will be yanked about by some higher-level superproject Git repository as needed. ", " Fortunately we can ignore most of the submodule aspect here as it has no effect on the one particular issue we're talking about.", "\nWhile each Git is independent—has its own branch names, independent of any other Git's branch names—we can always connect one Git to another. ", " We normally do this by connecting some Git repository to the repository we cloned from. ", " That is, we made this repository by running git clone url. ", " If we connect to the URL again, their Git might have new stuff we can grab. ", " Or, if we have new stuff we could give to them, we could do that, instead. ", " Obviously, though, we'll need that URL again.", "\nRemotes remember the URL for you\nA Git repository will remember a URL for you. ", " To recall that URL, we use a remote, which is just a short name like origin—and in fact, the standard name for the first remote, from which we did our git clone, is origin. ", " So most Git repositories have an origin short-name for whatever URL we actually typed in at that time—or, with a submodule, the URL the superproject used to run git clone to create the submodule Git.", "\nFor more complicated situations, you can add more remotes: each remote remembers one URL. ", " But we'll just consider the one-remote case.", "\nThe commands to connect Gits are git fetch and git push\nTo connect your Git to another one, you will run either git fetch or git push. ", " What about git pull? ", " Well, git pull is just a wrapper to do two things: it starts by running git fetch for you:\n\nThe git fetch command connects your Git to another Git and gets things from them. ", " You can give it a URL, https://example.com/some/path/to/repo.git, or the short name origin—easier to type, easy to remember, and has various benefits. ", " Or you can let Git figure out that origin is the only remote anyway, and just run git fetch.", "\n\nThe git push command connects your Git to another Git and gives things to them. ", " As with git fetch, you can give it a URL, or the nice short origin remote name.", "\n\nIn other words, we pick another Git, and the direction for the transfer—there's no bidirectional \"get things from, and give things to, another Git\" option, though such a thing could be useful. ", " If we want to do that, we have to run two separate commands. ", " The operations aren't quite symmetric either, but we're only going to look at git fetch here anyway.", "\nWhen you use git fetch, your Git connects to the other Git and has it list out all of its branch and tag and other such names, along with Git internal details about them.1 If you run git fetch yourself, your Git looks over this and takes all of their branch names, by default, and then renames them: their master becomes your origin/master, for instance.", "\nYour Git then gets any new commits they have, that you don't, and then updates all of your origin/* names. ", " These origin/* names are your remote-tracking names.2 They're your Git's memory of some other Git's branch names, the last time your Git called up their Git and brought over new stuff.", "\nFor this renaming to work, you must use the short remote name. ", " If you use a URL, Git doesn't know which remote name to stick in front of their branch names! ", " The short name is usually way easier to type anyway, so most people just use the short name, and get their origin/* names updated.", "\nSometimes you might not want everything: if you only want origin/master, for instance, you can ask your Git to look only at their master. ", " That can save a little time sometimes: perhaps their master is not updated at all, or has a small update, while their develop or experimental branches have a lot of new stuff you don't need.", "\nGit versions before 1.8.4 are different here. ", " For whatever reason—the Git folks changed their mind as of 1.8.4, and I don't really understand what they were thinking before then—they set things up so that in those version of Git, git fetch origin master didn't update origin/master, but git fetch origin did updated origin/*.", "\n\n1This is actually different in some very recent versions of Git, as some repositories have a very large number of branch and tag names and this part of the process can waste a huge amount of time and network bandwidth, if you're just trying to get one thing.", "\n2Git calls these remote-tracking branch names. ", " They aren't exactly branch names, though, and the word branch is already overused in Git, so I like to just drop that extra word and call them remote-tracking names. ", " The words remote and tracking are also overused in Git, so even this is still not great, but we have to call them something!", "\n\ngit pull\nThe git fetch that git pull runs uses the \"update only one branch\" option. ", " That is, it figures out which of their branches your Git wants to pull from, and asks only for that one branch. ", " Then it does its second step, which is to run a second Git command—usually git merge—to actually incorporate that into your own branch.3\nThis is meant to be convenient. ", " After all, just doing a git fetch only does one thing: get new stuff from them, updating (maybe, in pre-1.8.4) some or all origin/* names in the process, so that your Git now remembers what they have. ", " That doesn't help you get your own work done, as your own work normally happens on your branches. ", " So after git fetch, you need a second step: mix their work into my branch. ", " That second step might use git merge, or might use git rebase, or you might even do something entirely different—maybe create a new branch of your own—but there's almost always some second step.", "\nSo, git pull does the git fetch, and then runs a second Git command. ", " You get to—and have to—choose, in advance, whether that second Git command will be git merge or git rebase, without knowing what will come in. ", " I'm not particularly fond of git pull, but for some well-defined work-flows, it really is more convenient, and if it works for you, that's fine.", "\nAs it happens, though, in Git versions before 1.8.4, git pull runs git fetch in such a way that your origin/* names definitely don't get updated. ", " So you will hit this particular behavior every time.", "\nIf you upgrade to 1.8.4 or later, git pull will update the one remote-tracking name—origin/master, for instance—that corresponds to the branch name it fetched. ", " Or, you can avoid git pull, as I learned to do back in the days of Git 1.6,4 and just do both steps manually.", "\n\n3When using submodules, this merge operation is often not required at all. ", " The submodule support in modern Git is much better than the submodule support in these very old versions of Git, and you can now use git submodule commands to fetch updates, instead of going into each submodule one at a time manually. ", " Even then, it's still kind of rough around the edges even in modern Git, and there's a reason people call these sob-modules. :-) ", "The details can get quite messy.", "\n4In those days, git pull had some bad bugs. ", " I lost a couple of weeks of work to them. ", " As far as I know, those bugs have never come back, but since I mostly avoid git pull, I would not see them.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "Trojans shut out Panthers on goal by Rightmyer\n\nTulpehocken sophomore Casey Rightmyer let the what-if question flicker through her mind for a millisecond.", "\n\nWhat if she didn't connect on what looked like a perfect scoring opportunity? ", "On a night like Thursday, it was impossible to guess when - or if - the next chance would present itself.", "\n\nAs it turned out, there was no need to wonder. ", "Rightmyer scored off an assist from Nikki Dunlap with 8:56 remaining, breaking a tie and leading Tulpehocken to a 1-0 victory over Schuylkill Valley at Leesport.", "\n\nThe Trojans (4-0, 5-0) had a 7-1 advantage in shots and finally broke through against a stingy Panthers defense late in the second half.", "\n\n\"We were working really, really hard,\" Rightmyer said. \"", "As soon as Nicole hit me that through ball, I thought, 'Hit it far post, not to the goalie.' ", "If I didn't make it, it would have been disappointing. ", "But I made it, and it was the greatest feeling ever.\"", "\n\nEspecially given the circumstances.", "\n\nThe Trojans had several scoring chances in the second half, including a couple of one-on-one opportunities from rather difficult angles. ", "One shot sailed wide left of the goal, and another went right.", "\n\n\"They showed they're very tough defenders,\" Tulpehocken coach Paul Zerbe said. \"", "Their goalkeeper is very good. ", "It was going to take something like what we had.", "\n\n\"We played well. ", "We played a lot in their end. ", "We started moving the ball around better. ", "I started to feel our speed, our style, would get us through.\"", "\n\nAnd, just when it started to look like overtime was almost inevitable, Rightmyer scored. ", "Though it was her fourth goal of the season, she said it was the \"biggest adrenaline rush so far.\"", "\n\n\"We lost to them 9-1 last year,\" Rightmyer said. \"", "This was a huge game to us. ", "We wanted redemption, and we got it.\"", "\n\nTrojans goalie Olivia Webber made one save. ", "Her counterpart, Kirsti Bair, had six.", "\n\nSchuylkill Valley coach Jason Bagenstose said he couldn't ask for anything more from his keeper or the defenders.", "\n\n\"Our defense was under pressure the whole game,\" Bagenstose said. \"", "We haven't been able to get an attack going. ", "One mistake can do it. ", "My defense played their hearts out. ", "We're really struggling right now in our possession game. ", "I can't say anything bad about our defense.\"", "\n\nThe Panthers (2-2, 4-3) dropped their second consecutive 1-0 game and combined for just two shots in the losses. ", "On the bright side, Bagenstose said, his team is a blend of youth and experience - meaning the Panthers should improve offensively as the season progresses.", "\n\nTulpehocken, meanwhile, is off to a solid start and has given up just one goal in its first five games. ", "Zerbe said the primary goal is to work toward the postseason.", "\n\n\"We want to put ourselves in a good place and get a high seed for districts,\" Zerbe said. \"", "It's still early. ", "We're not precise enough yet. ", "It's nice to come to these away fields and win games. ", "I think we play better on the turf.\"", "\n\nTulpehocken will play Hamburg at 1 p.m. Saturday at home. ", "Schuylkill Valley will play at noon Saturday versus Oley Valley." ]
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[ "Thannenkirch tourism, attractions and travel guide\n\nVisit Thannenkirch: Highlights and Tourist Information\n\nThannenkirch is situated in the Haut-Rhin (Alsace region) in the north-east of France at 17 km from Colmar, the department capital. (", "General information: Thannenkirch is 371 km from Paris).", "\n\nPopular places to visit nearby include Ribeauville at 4 km and Bergheim at 5 km. ", "For more places to visit and local tourist attractions see the map and listings below.", "\n\nSee also:\n\nThannenkirch, France: places to visit, tourism and attractions\n\nSome places that we or our contributors have visited and reviewed and can recommend when sightseeing close to Thannenkirch. ", "Note that all distances shown are 'direct' and real driving distances will be greater.", "\n\nTourist attractions to visit near Thannenkirch, France\n\nBelow we show places with official tourist classifications and other places of interest to visit nearby that should provide inspiration if you are visiting Thannenkirch and wondering what to do next! ", "Positions of each of these attractions is shown on the map below.", "\n\nGeography and distances\n\nGeographical Information\n\nDistance to Thannenkirch\n\nfrom Colmar (prefecture): 17 km\n\nfrom Paris: 371 km\n\nfrom Calais: 496 km\n\nfrom Nice: 503 km\n\nfrom Bordeaux: 711 km\n\nfrom Strasbourg: 51 km\n\nGetting here\n\nThannenkirch is in the north-east of France. ", "Most visitors fly into Paris or drive from one of the channel port - Calais and Dunkirk are around 6 hours distance. ", "For driving distances to Thannenkirch from anywhere in France see driving distances and route planner." ]
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[ "Adams' Oilers were the first football team to play its home games at an indoor stadium, the Houston Astrodome. ", "The Oilers played there until 1997, when Adams moved the organization to Tennessee, ending a contentious relationship with the city. ", "Former Houston Oilers coach Bum Phillips, who Adams fired in 1980 amid great controversy, also passed away Friday at the age of 90. ", "John McClain of the Houston Chronicle notes that the last game Adams was able to attend was Tennessee's Week 2 overtime loss to the Texans in Houston." ]
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[ "Description\n\nThe Admin Command Palette (ACP) is a modal window in the WordPress Admin that live searches admin content, which saves you many clicks and page loads. ", "You can:\n\nSearch for and navigate to user-generated content (Posts, Pages, Users, etc.).", "\n\nSearch for and navigate to WordPress Admin Pages (All Posts, Add New Post, etc.).", "\n\nPerform WordPress Admin actions via the ACP or a keyboard shortcut (Publish, Add Media, View Post, etc.).", "\n\nThis plugin brings about a new level of efficiency to WordPress admin user interactions: it’s like the difference between going over a mountain via a pass, versus going through a mountain via a tunnel. ", "The tunnel is always more direct, more efficient, and more straightforward than the pass." ]
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[ "On the Docks\n\nOn the Docks (Chinese: 海港; pinyin: hǎi gǎng) is a Chinese revolutionary opera and one of the eight model plays available during the Cultural Revolution. ", "Also known as The Harbor, it was the first revolutionary opera with a story about working peasants eagerly accepting the responsibility of militant struggle. ", "The creation of the drama was inspired by Mao Zedong's publication Talks at the Yan'an Forum on Literature and Art, whose agenda was the development of social entertainment for workers, peasants, and soldiers. ", "His wife Jiang Qing played a significant role in devising both the words and the music, which at times led to a power struggle with Liu Shaoqi over the opera's ideological message. ", "The director Xie Jin staged the original production in the early 1960s and also filmed the story in 1972.", "\n\nSynopsis\nThe story of On the Docks originates on the Huangpu River in Shanghai where workers are preparing rice shipments to Africa. ", "It is the summer of 1963 and the loading process is overseen by Party Branch Secretary and hero Fang Hai Chen who ensures the boat leaves on time so it arrives for sowing season. ", "The villain, an undercover saboteur from the counter-revolutionaries, works as a dispatcher who manages to hide a weather forecast predicting an impending typhoon. ", "He schemes to switch the rice with similar looking glass fiber to ruin the revolution’s reputation and leave 2000 loads of wheat unprotected for the coming storm to destroy. ", "The plot is defeated when Chen finds glass fiber mixed with rice and her corresponding investigation reveals the dastardly plan. ", "Workers toil through the night and the shipments leave safely on time.", "\n\nPurpose\nThe moral of the opera is to reinforce the class struggle between peasant workers and the greedy bourgeois who have profited from the hardships of laborers during the Cultural Revolution. ", "In addition, the tale instills the values of political responsibility, revolutionary heroism, international philanthropy, and selfless service to the Chinese and international communities. ", "The idea of shipping abundant rice and grain to Africa also reflects the message of a successful and wealthy China to its audience during this era.", "\n\nReferences\n\nCategory:Chinese operas\nCategory:Cultural Revolution\nCategory:Maoist China propaganda\nCategory:Peking operas" ]
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[ "Palestinian Factions Condemn Attacks on Fateh Members in Gaza\n\nLeaders and representatives of various Palestinian factions condemned Hamas and its security apparatuses, in the Gaza Strip, for attacks against the Fateh movement, its supporters and institutions.", "\n\nSources in Gaza said that Hamas began an arrest campaign against Fateh movement members, threatening to force dozens not to participate in the 54th celebration of the movement.", "\n\nEarlier Friday, unknown assailants raided the headquarters of the Palestinian Broadcasting Corporation (PBC) in Gaza City, destroying a large amount of equipment, including that used for transmission and recording, in addition to cameras, computers and items of furniture.", "\n\nThe assailants also destroyed the archives of recorded tapes, as well as the portraits of President Mahmoud Abbas and late Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat.", "\n\nGovernment spokesman Yousef al-Mahmoud described the incident as a “barbaric attack by mercenaries and paid squads of chaos” on the official and sovereign bodies of the State of Palestine.", "\n\nMinister Ahmad Assaf, the General Supervisor of the Official Media and the chairman of the Palestinian Broadcasting Corporation (PBC), blamed Hamas, the de facto authority in Gaza, as being responsible for the attack.", "\n\nAssaf personally blamed the chairman of the Hamas politburo and Hamas’ chief in the Gaza Strip for the attack, given the fact that Hamas has been the de facto ruler of the Strip since its takeover of the enclave from the Palestinian Authority in 2007.", "\n\n“This crime comes in conjunction with the Israeli attack on the official Palestinian media. ", "A few days ago, a Palestine TV correspondent was injured [by Israeli soldiers] in Nablus while reporting on the crimes of the occupation. ", "Before that, the Palestinian News and Information Agency (WAFA) was raided [by Israeli army],” Assaf said during an aired interview with official Palestine TV." ]
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[ "# Add User\n\n![", "Add User](_media/add-user.png)\n\n> Description\n\n- `UserID`: 4-6-bit string for user login, such as zs18\n- `FullName`: Full name of the user.", "\n- `Department`: Optional\n- `Email`: Optional, contact email\n- `Own administrator privileges`: `administrator 'permissions\n" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nHow to read files from directory path in python\n\ndef serve_file(data,address):\n print sfile\n for filename in os.listdir(some/where/documents):\n print sfile\n with open(os.path.join(some/where/documents,data),\"r\"):\n s = fin.readline()\n while s !", "= \"\":\n time.sleep(3)\n\nserverSocket = socket.socket(socket.", "AF_INET, socket.", "SOCK_DGRAM)\nserverSocket.bind(('', 9090))\nprint \"\\nServer is listening...\"\n\nA:\n\nAre you looking for a way to get a list of files from a directory? ", "You might be looking for a \"glob\". ", "A glob gets a list of files matching some pattern, which may also contain a path:\nfrom glob import glob\n\n# will be a list of all files ending in .txt\nfiles_list = glob('/some/path/*.txt')\n\nfor fname in files_list:\n f = open( fname, 'r' )\n for line in f:\n print line\n\nMore info. ", "here: https://docs.python.org/2/library/glob.html\n\n" ]
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[ "Identification of IgM as the leprosy patient serum factor responsible for rapid sedimentation of formolized sheep erythrocytes.", "\nThe serum of some leprosy patients with impaired specific cellular immunity for Mycobacterium leprae causes rapid sedimentation of formolized sheep erythrocytes, a phenomenon known as the Rubino reaction. ", "The Rubino factor was precipitated from positive sera by 5% (w/v) polyethylene glycol (PEG), bound to a concanavalin A (ConA)-Sepharose column and eluted with D-mannose, and was also eluted from a Mono Q column, pH 8.0, with 0.4 M NaCl. ", "The Rubino factor was eluted in a volume which coincided with that of human serum IgM from a Sepharose 6 column. ", "IgM was present in the preparation obtained by this sequence of chromatographic procedures. ", "The correspondence of IgM with the Rubino factor was demonstrated by the following data: a) the Rubino factor was adsorbed to rabbit IgG antihuman IgM-agarose and the activity was recovered in the acid eluate of the column; b) the Rubino reaction was inhibited in the presence of rabbit antihuman IgM antibodies. ", "This behavior was not observed when the same procedures were carried out using anti-alpha 2-macroglobulin antibodies as a control. ", "The rapid sedimentation of formolized sheep red cells caused by the serum of lepromatous leprosy patients was not inhibited by phenolic glycolipid-I, suggesting that the IgM responsible for the Rubino reaction is not directed to this antigen which is specific for M. leprae. ", "There was no correlation between the positivity of the Rubino reaction and the increase in total serum IgM levels observed in 42% of the lepromatous patients evaluated. ", "The demonstration that the Rubino factor is an IgM now permits the identification of the epitope recognized by it, and this may be used as a tool to understand the specific cellular immune unresponsiveness which characterizes lepromatous leprosy." ]
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[ "/* Base16 Atelier Dune Dark - Theme */\n/* by Bram de Haan (http://atelierbram.github.io/syntax-highlighting/atelier-schemes/dune) */\n/* Original Base16 color scheme by Chris Kempson (https://github.com/chriskempson/base16) */\n\n/* Atelier-Dune Comment */\n.hljs-comment,\n.hljs-quote {\n color: #999580;\n}\n\n/* Atelier-Dune Red */\n.hljs-variable,\n.hljs-template-variable,\n.hljs-attribute,\n.hljs-tag,\n.hljs-name,\n.hljs-regexp,\n.hljs-link,\n.hljs-name,\n.hljs-selector-id,\n.hljs-selector-class {\n color: #d73737;\n}\n\n/* Atelier-Dune Orange */\n.hljs-number,\n.hljs-meta,\n.hljs-built_in,\n.hljs-builtin-name,\n.hljs-literal,\n.hljs-type,\n.hljs-params {\n color: #b65611;\n}\n\n/* Atelier-Dune Green */\n.hljs-string,\n.hljs-symbol,\n.hljs-bullet {\n color: #60ac39;\n}\n\n/* Atelier-Dune Blue */\n.hljs-title,\n.hljs-section {\n color: #6684e1;\n}\n\n/* Atelier-Dune Purple */\n.hljs-keyword,\n.hljs-selector-tag {\n color: #b854d4;\n}\n\n.hljs {\n display: block;\n overflow-x: auto;\n background: #20201d;\n color: #a6a28c;\n padding: 0.5em;\n}\n\n.hljs-emphasis {\n font-style: italic;\n}\n\n.hljs-strong {\n font-weight: bold;\n}\n" ]
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[ "We caught up with Zak Bagans today to talk a little bit about his upcoming projects, including “Ghost Adventures” Season 11, premiering this weekend; his film The Demon House; and his newly announced Sympathy, Said the Shark, which was accepted into the 2015 Portland Film Festival, running September 1st to the 7th.", "\n\nRead on for all the details you need.", "\n\n“I love the whole process of production,” says Bagans of his newest project, Sympathy, Said the Shark, on which he serves as executive producer. “", "My main thing has always been doing things documentary style. ", "That’s what ‘Ghost Adventures’ is, that’s what The Demon House is… but production is production. ", "It’s awesome when you can bring people’s brains together to work creatively to make something that is incredible. ", "It doesn’t matter what genre it is. ", "My director on this film, Devin Lawrence, has been working with me on ‘Ghost Adventures’ for over five years now, and we’ve been editing together for that long as well. ", "It took me a while to find out that he also writes screenplays, and he’s really good at it. ", "For the longest time he’s been showing me lots of different scripts. ", "When I got the script for Sympathy, Said the Shark, I fell in love with it. ", "I was immediately like, ‘What do you need to make this happen?’ ", "I jumped on board and… man, you know it’s just such a cool thing. ", "You know, I’m a paranormal guy; it’s who I am and what I do as a documentary filmmaker and host. ", "My anatomy is designed to do what I do in the paranormal. ", "I am a sensitive and an empath, and that’s something which nobody could ever take away. ", "I love what I do, man, but I always love to explore other creative venues, especially and ONLY if I can do so with people whom I truly care about as friends.”", "\n\nBagans continues, “I came aboard because Devin is a truly talented and gifted person. ", "We’re a lot alike in that we’ve both worked together so very long and we’re both very creative guys who love production. ", "He likes to do more traditional narrative stuff and I’m the documentary guy, but once I came aboard… wow, it was just such a fun experience. ", "We started casting and holding auditions out in Los Angeles and brought in all these different actors. ", "I have to admit I was a little nervous at times because we were bringing in people who I’ve seen on things like ‘Dexter,’ but then things started getting really serious. ", "This was as real as it was fun.”", "\n\n“Devin and our producer, Matt Mourgides, it was like we were judges on ‘American Idol’ or something,” Bagans said with a smile and laugh. “", "We would start arguing over who we liked, and it took a little while to finally narrow down the final cast. ", "We chose each role for specific purposes (i.e., how the actors would emote given certain sets of circumstances, etc.) ", "It was just great, man. ", "Such an experience and moreover something I hadn’t really had the opportunity to do before. ", "As soon as I got involved in it, I was hooked! ", "I was there for a good chunk of the production, and I can tell you these guys killed themselves for this film! ", "They were working 14-hour days and Devin was able to handle the pressure like a champ, a true professional. ", "That’s why I think he’s great… he has the same ability to handle things on the set of a film as I do when we’re filming ‘Ghost Adventures’ and things are going crazy and there’s a ton of shit to have to keep track of. ", "I see a lot of myself in him and vice versa. ", "He did an amazing job directing this film… he just killed it!”", "\n\n“We had a lot of innovative ideas on this project,” said Bagans of the film’s production. “", "I give the actors all the credit in the world. ", "They literally were filming super long scenes themselves while staying in character and wearing this special camera rig which was designed by Devin and the director of photography, Mark LaFleur. ", "Everything, including the entire set, was lit with practical lighting, but it looks so cinematic. ", "The movie literally looks like a multi-million-dollar film. ", "This was a joint effort by everyone involved… every single person was dedicated and soldiered through a very intensive and laborious production, and I’m just blown away by the end result. ", "I hope you guys will be too!”", "\n\nFans of Bagans’ album Necrofusion (review) will be happy to hear that some of the music from that ended up in the film as well. “", "Yes, some tracks from Necrofusion will be included in the film, and that’s very cool,” said Zak. “", "It really complemented some of the tracks composed by Carson Aune, who scored the film. ", "I really couldn’t be more excited about this. ", "This is just the beginning of a partnership between Devin and I making films together. ", "In fact we’re already working on the next project, which is going to be bigger! ", "The bottom line here is that if you can find people who are great, loyal, and creative, you can work together on projects that turn out great… projects that will hopefully have a great impact on the audience. ", "If you can do that, put those pieces together, that means that you’re living life the right way. ", "This was a huge effort that Devin lead valiantly. ", "It just turned out great.”", "\n\nFor more information follow Sympathy, Said the Shark on Twitter @SSTSmovie.", "\n\nZak Talks The Demon House on the Next Page!" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nPulling valid data from bytestring in Python 3\n\nGiven the following bytestring, how can I remove any characters matching \\xFF, and create a list object from what's left (by splitting on removed areas)?", "\nb\"\\x07\\x00\\x00\\x00~\\x10\\x00pts/5\\x00\\x00/5\\x00\\x00user\\x00\\x00\"\n\nDesired result:\n[\"~\", \"pts/5\", \"/5\", \"user\"]\n\nThe above string is just an example - I'd like to remove any \\x.. (non-decoded) bytes.", "\nI'm using Python 3.2.3, and would prefer to use standard libraries only.", "\n\nA:\n\n>>> a = b\"\\x07\\x00\\x00\\x00~\\x10\\x00pts/5\\x00\\x00/5\\x00\\x00user\\x00\\x00\"\n>>> import re\n>>> re.findall(rb\"[^\\x00-\\x1f\\x7f-\\xff]+\", a)\n[b'~', b'pts/5', b'/5', b'user']\n\nThe results are still bytes objects. ", "If you want the results to be strings:\n>>> [i.decode(\"ascii\") for i in re.findall(rb\"[^\\x00-\\x1f\\x7f-\\xff]+\", a)]\n['~', 'pts/5', '/5', 'user']\n\nExplanation:\n[^\\x00-\\x1f\\x7f-\\xff]+ matches one or more (+) characters that are not in the range ([^...]) between ASCII 0 and 31 (\\x00-\\x1F) or between ASCII 127 and 255 (\\x7f-\\xff).", "\nBe aware that this approach only works if the \"embedded texts\" are ASCII. ", "It will remove all extended alphabetic characters (like ä, é, € etc.) ", "from strings encoded in an 8-bit codepage like latin-1, and it will effectively destroy strings encoded in UTF-8 and other Unicode encodings because those do contain byte values between 0 and 31/127 and 255 as parts of their character codes.", "\nOf course, you can always manually fine-tune the exact ranges you want to remove according to the example given in this answer.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "U.S. court says no warrant needed for cellphone location data\n\nDustin Volz\n\nA man stands in the middle of Grand Central Terminal as he speaks on a cell phone, as passengers face limited train service on the New Haven Line between Stamford Station and Grand Central Terminal due to a Con Edison power problem in New York, September 25, 2013.", "\n\nReuters/Zoran Milich\n\nWASHINGTON (Reuters) - Police do not need a warrant to obtain a person's cellphone location data held by wireless carriers, a U.S. appeals court ruled on Tuesday, dealing a setback to privacy advocates.", "\n\nThe full 4th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in Richmond, Virginia, voted 12-3 that the government can get the information under a decades-old legal theory that it had already been disclosed to a third party, in this case a telephone company.", "\n\nThe ruling overturns a divided 2015 opinion from the court's three-judge panel and reduces the likelihood that the Supreme Court would consider the issue.", "\n\nThe decision arose from several armed robberies in Baltimore and Baltimore County, Maryland, in early 2011, leading to the convictions of Aaron Graham and Eric Jordan.", "\n\nADVERTISEMENT\n\nThe convictions were based in part on 221 days of cellphone data investigators obtained from wireless provider Sprint, which included about 29,000 location records for the defendants, according to the appeals court opinion.", "\n\nWriting for the majority, Judge Diana Motz said obtaining cell-site information did not violate the protection against unreasonable searches found in the Fourth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution because cellphone users are generally aware that they are voluntarily sharing such data with their provider.", "\n\n\"Anyone who has stepped outside to 'get a signal,' or has warned a caller of a potential loss of service before entering an elevator, understands, on some level, that location matters,\" Motz wrote.", "\n\nJudge James Wynn disagreed, arguing that users do not discretely submit their location the way they would when dialing a phone number or depositing money into a bank. ", "Location data should be exempt from the third-party doctrine that affects more traditional records, Wynn argued.", "\n\nThe Supreme Court last year declined to review a separate test case on cell-site location information rising from another U.S. court of appeals, which had also ruled in favor of the government.", "\n\nLast month, a panel of the 6th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals also held that no warrant was required to obtain such data. ", "The defendant filed a petition for a rehearing before the full court last week.", "\n\nThe Supreme Court may eventually need to rule on the issue as other plaintiffs file challenges in lower courts, said Nathan Freed Wessler, a lawyer with the American Civil Liberties Union, which filed a brief supporting Graham and Jordan." ]
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[ "Swimming at the 2014 South American Games – Women's 4 × 100 metre freestyle relay\n\nThe women's 4 x 100 metre freestyle relay competition at the 2014 South American Games took place on March 9 at the Estadio Nacional. ", "The last champion was Brazil.", "\n\nThis race consisted of eight lengths of the pool. ", "Each of the four swimmers completed two lengths of the pool. ", "The first swimmer had to touch the wall before the second could leave the starting block.", "\n\nRecords\nPrior to this competition, the existing world and Pan Pacific records were as follows:\n\nResults\nAll times are in minutes and seconds.", "\n\nHeats\nHeats weren't performed, as only eight teams had entered.", "\n\nFinal \nThe final was held on March 9, at 19:54.", "\n\nReferences\n\nCategory:Swimming at the 2014 South American Games" ]
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[ "nutria\n\nnutria (nōˈtrēə) [key] or coypu koiˈpō, aquatic rodent, Myocastor coypus, of South America, introduced in the S United States for its fur, which is similar to that of beaver but not as thick or durable. ", "The nutria resembles a small beaver with a ratlike tail. ", "It is up to 25 in. (", "64 cm) long, excluding the 15-in. (", "38-cm) sparsely haired, round tail; it has large reddish incisor teeth and partially webbed hind feet. ", "The outer fur is long, coarse, and brown; it is the soft, gray undercoat that is valued commercially. ", "Descendants of nutrias escaped or released from fur farms are now found in much of the United States, especially in swampy regions. ", "They build burrows in banks, with the entrances above water level, and feed on aquatic vegetation, competing with the native muskrat for food. ", "They have seriously damaged marshland ecosystems in southern Louisiana and, to a lesser degree, around the Chesapeake Bay. ", "Nutrias have also established themselves successfully in Europe. ", "They are classified in the phylum Chordata, subphylum Vertebrata, class Mammalia, order Rodentia, family Capromyidae." ]
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[ 0.001015172339975834, 0.00866009946912527, 0.0007317516137845814, 0.0007785470224916935, 0.011982807889580727, 0.0007932073785923421, 0.0009607853717170656, 0.0009313670452684164, 0.0008204936748370528, 0.0007059415802359581, 0.0009785150177776814 ]
[ "Lactic acidosis. ", "A presentation of metastatic breast cancer arising in pregnancy.", "\nLactic acidosis B is a rare metabolic complication of malignancy. ", "It usually is associated with advanced and extensive metastatic disease. ", "The authors report a case in which lactic acidosis was the presenting feature of a previously undiagnosed case of metastatic breast cancer in a pregnant woman and that resolved with successful antineoplastic treatment. ", "The authors review the likely cause and management of the condition." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
[ 0.011798767372965813, 0.0008771338034421206, 0.0014261140022426844, 0.0006275147898122668, 0.0011368418345227838, 0.0005452142795547843 ]
[ "Latambarcem\n\nLatambarcem is a village located in the North Goa district in the state of Goa, India. ", "In 2001, the population was 6296. ", "3217 were male. ", "3079 were female.", "\n\nReferences\n\nCategory:Cities and towns in North Goa district" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Wikipedia (en)" }
[ 0.0012067484203726053, 0.0007844750070944428, 0.04944035783410072, 0.06911357492208481, 0.0006191398715600371 ]
[ "**Abstract**\n\nNeuropathic pain is a major public health problem for which only few treatments are available. ", "Translational studies showed that melatonin, a neurohormone acting on MT1 and MT2 receptors, has analgesic properties, likely through MT2 receptor. ", "Here, we elucidated the effects of the novel selective melatonin MT2 receptor partial agonist N-{2-\\[(3-bromophenyl)-4-fluorophenylamino\\]ethyl}acetamide (UCM924) on neuropathic pain animal models and its mechanism of action.", "\n\nIn rat spinal L5-L6 nerve ligation (Kim and Chung's method) and spared nerve injury models (SNI), UCM924 (20--40 mg/kg, s.c.) ", "produce a prolonged antiallodynic effect that is 1) dose-dependent and blocked by the selective MT2 receptor antagonist 4P-PDOT, 2) superior to high doses of melatonin (150 mg/kg) and comparable to gabapentin (100 mg/kg), but 3) without noticeable motor-sedative effects in the rotarod test. ", "Using double staining immunohistochemistry, we found that MT2 receptors are expressed by glutamatergic neurons in the rostral ventrolateral periaqueductal gray (vlPAG). ", "Using *in-vivo* electrophysiology combined to tail flick, we observed that microinjection of UCM924 into the vlPAG decreases tail flick responses, depressing the firing activity of ON cells and activating the firing of OFF cells, an effect MT2 receptor-dependent. ", "Moreover, UCM 924 showed also antinoceptive properties in the hot plate model and in the formalin test. ", "Altogether, these data demonstrate, for the first time, that selective MT2 receptor partial agonists have analgesic properties through modulation of brainstem descending antinociceptive pathways and indicate that MT2 receptors may be a novel target in the treatment of neuropathic pain.", "\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Central" }
[ 0.011175917461514473, 0.0017480828100815415, 0.0007802473846822977, 0.0006621945649385452, 0.0009846006287261844, 0.0009091759566217661, 0.0006463335594162345, 0.0006301022949628532, 0.0012366987066343427, 0.001995444530621171 ]
[ "\"Offworld activation.\" \"", "Repeat, we have an offworld activation.\" \"", "We're receiving Bra'tac's IDC, sir.\" \"", "Bra'tac?\" \"", "Open the iris.\" \"", "Have Teal'c come to the gate room.\" \" ", "I mean you no harm.\" \" ", "Bra'tac.\" \"", "You've... done something with your hair.\" \" ", "Identify yourself.\" \" ", "I am Shan'auc of the Red Hills.\" \"", "Master Bra'tac opened the Chaapa-ai, but was unable to accompany me.\" \"", "Why's that?\" \"", "There is much unrest.\" \"", "He took great risk in sending me here.\" \"", "Shan'auc.\" \" ", "Friend of yours?\" \" ", "Indeed.\" \"", "Tal matte, Teal'c.\" \"", "Tal matte.\" \"", "Teal'c, how about a little introduction of some sort?\" \"", "There is no need.\" \"", "Bra'tac has told me much of the Tauri.\" \"", "You are O'Neill...\" \"Teal'c's apprentice.\" \"", "Yeah...\" \"Apprentice?\" \"", "Also a warrior of great skill and cunning.\" \"", "Apprentice...\" \"Hammond of Texas.\" \"", "A great and strong leader among humans.\" \" ", "What can we do for you?\" \" ", "Take me to the Tok'ra immediately.\" \"", "I have information that could destroy the Goa'uld.\" \"", "I have found a way to communicate with my symbiote.\" \"", "Is that possible?\" \"", "It is not.\" \"", "That is what we were trained to believe, Teal'c.\" \"", "The Goa'uld have no wish for the Jaffa to influence their young.\" \" ", "That makes sense.\" \" ", "How was this communion achieved?\" \"", "Within a deep state of kelno'reem.\" \"", "We know that the symbiote is completely isolated from the Jaffa who carries it.\" \" ", "How can there be communication?\" \" ", "The symbiote acts like an internal organ.\" \"", "They exchange hormones and electrical impulses, but on an unconscious level.\" \" ", "It's a function of their immune system.\" \" ", "It has taken years, but I have raised that primal communication to the conscious level.\" \"", "Oh.\" \"", "OK, assuming that you, um...\" \" What do you talk about?\" \" ", "I convinced it that the Goa'uld are evil.\" \"", "That its own desires for power and domination are wrong.\" \"", "It is willing to join the Tok'ra and reveal all Goa'uld secrets to them.\" \"", "Um, I know I'm just the apprentice at this table, but...\" \"Why then not instruct this symbiote to deliver these secrets directly?\" \" ", "Exactly.\" \" ", "We do not communicate in words.\" \"", "It is more feelings, images, memories.\" \"", "It'll only be capable of communicating its knowledge once it takes a host.\" \"", "And since it believes that the Goa'uld are evil, it will only take a willing host.\" \"", "It is most urgent.\" \"", "Your symbiote is ready to take a host even now.\" \"", "It has already passed its time.\" \"", "You have my word that it will harm no one.\" \" ", "I have convinced it to wait.\" \" ", "Once a Goa'uld larva leaves the body, the Jaffa's immune system stops functioning.\" \" ", "You're putting yourself at great risk.\" \" ", "I believe that risk is worth taking.\" \"", "If you will take me to the Tok'ra immediately.\" \"", "We can't do that.\" \"", "I'm sorry.\" \"", "You do not believe I speak the truth.\" \" ", "No, it's not that we don't believe you...\" \" We do not.\" \" ", "What you say cannot be proven.\" \" ", "I think what Teal'c's trying to say is...\" \"I have said precisely what I intended, O'Neill.\" \"", "OK, I guess what I'm trying to say is...\" \"we'd like to believe you, we really...\" \"You have my word.\" \"", "But that is not enough.\" \"", "Then the secrets of the Goa'uld will die with me!\" \"", "Shan'auc, please understand...\" \"I do understand, General Hammond.\" \"", "Bra'tac was wrong about the wisdom of the Tauri.\" \"", "Shan'auc.\" \"", "Shan'auc!\" \" ", "Airmen!\" \" ", "Do not!\" \"", "Taluk, mak kal'ma.\" \"", "Shal tai...\" \"Shal tai...\" \"Shal tai.\" \"", "Dr. Fraiser, you may now approach.\" \"", "We need to get her to the infirmary.\" \"", "She wasn't exaggerating.\" \"", "The symbiote is fully adult.\" \" ", "Yeah.\" \"", "Saw that.\" \" ", "Her immune system is breaking down?\" \"", "Yes.\" \"", "I'm not sure how much longer the symbiote will remain before it has no choice but to seek out a new host.\" \"", "That is its primal, instinctual behaviour.\" \" ", "I may have to recommend quarantine.\" \" ", "Well, if you think so.\" \"", "Absolutely, sir.\" \"", "No.\" \"", "I gave you a sedative.\" \"", "You should be asleep.\" \"", "Kal'ma has neutralised the sedative.\" \" ", "Kal'ma?\" \" ", "It means \"child\".\" \"", "The demon you carry within you is no child.\" \"", "Do I not carry it within me as I would my own?\" \"", "Have I not taught it right from wrong as any mother would?\" \"", "You have closed your mind, Teal'c.\" \"", "I expected more.\" \"", "May we speak privately?\" \"", "My symbiote has assured me that this will not happen again.\" \"", "Oh, well, if the snake says so, then... who are we?\" \"", "I'll be right outside.\" \"", "The others I can understand.\" \"", "But you've known me since before I went to the temple.\" \"", "How can you doubt me?\" \" ", "This is my life's work.\" \" ", "A life lived in worship of the Goa'uld.\" \"", "No.\" \"", "I believe now as you do that they are false gods.\" \"", "Words from one who became a priestess at the temple.\" \"", "One day, as I meditated in the temple with the others, I heard the thoughts of my symbiote.\" \"", "Dreams that were not my own.\" \"", "I reached out to them with my mind and I heard it answer.\" \"", "Not in words, but in grotesque images.\" \"", "And pain.\" \"", "I realised then that the being I carried was no God.\" \"", "A powerful mind, yes.\" \"", "But not that of a God.\" \"", "I dedicated my life that day to showing it the way of peace.\" \"", "It understands now that the Goa'uld are an abomination.\" \"", "Can you not see what it is that I offer?\" \"", "Bra'tac is wise.\" \"", "I do not know why he would have sent you here unless...\" \"He believes, Teal'c.\" \"", "How can I make you believe too?\" \"", "There is a way.\" \"", "How is she?\" \"", "Uh, Fraiser says she has maybe a... couple of days, tops.\" \" ", "Find anything?\" \" ", "No.\" \"", "But Teal'c knows more on the subject than I ever will.\" \"", "He sure doesn't believe her.\" \"", "Yeah, well, there may be more than meets the eye here.\" \"", "I'm thinkin' they got history.\" \" ", "History?\" \" ", "Oh, yeah.\" \" ", "She's a temple priestess.\" \" ", "So?\" \"", "So they don't do a lot of dating.\" \"", "Maybe not.\" \"", "But there was some serious sparkage when she arrived.\" \"", "OK.\" \"", "The question is...\" \"what if she's telling the truth?\" \"", "So what?\" \"", "She can't tell the Tok'ra any more than they already know, can she?\" \" ", "Actually, sir, she can.\" \"", "The Tok'ra...\" \" Consider themselves different.\" \"", "I know.\" \"", "But let's call a snake a snake, shall we?\" \"", "They are both parasitical and pass on knowledge through genetic memory, yes.\" \"", "But the majority of the Tok'ra left the Goa'uld gene pool over 2,000 years ago.\" \"", "Yeah, they probably learned a thing or two in that time.\" \"", "Which makes Shan'auc's symbiote very valuable, sir.\" \"", "To us and to the Tok'ra.\" \"", "If Teal'c doesn't buy it, I don't buy it, and there's no way to prove it, so...\" \"O'Neill.\" \"", "Master Teal'c.\" \" ", "I am in need of your assistance.\" \" ", "I'm here to serve.\" \"", "Daniel Jackson, Major Carter.\" \"", "I am in need of your assistance also.\" \"", "In the deepest levels of kelno'reem, the heart beats in extremely long intervals.\" \"", "It is even possible to meditate so deeply that one may stop the heart altogether.\" \"", "The practice is forbidden.\" \"", "Wouldn't your symbiote try to start it up again?\" \"", "That is correct.\" \"", "According to Shan'auc, it is only at this time communion between Jaffa and symbiote is possible.\" \"", "Like a... near-death experience.\" \"", "That is correct.\" \" ", "Is it dangerous?\" \" ", "Jack, he's stopping his heart.\" \"", "I mean for us.\" \"", "I am unsure of what will occur if and when...\" \"It may be necessary to restrain me.\" \"", "Well...\" \"Knock yourself out.\" \"", "I believe I saw a vision of my father.\" \"", "It's working?\" \"", "I will begin again.\" \"", "Medical emergency, Teal'c's quarters.\" \"", "That will not be necessary, Major Carter.\" \"", "Belay that last order and stand by.\" \"", "Get him up.\" \"", "What happened?\" \"", "I received a vision from my symbiote.\" \"", "It was a memory it chose to share.\" \"", "Its hatred for me is great.\" \"", "Then it is possible.\" \"", "Shan'auc is telling the truth.\" \"", "Yes.\" \"", "Yes.\" \"", "The great queen, Egeria.\" \"", "She broke from the Goa'uld over 2,000 years ago.\" \"", "Her offspring became the Tok'ra.\" \" ", "Egeria, Roman goddess of fountains.\" \" ", "Fountains?\" \"", "Also childbirth.\" \" ", "How do those two go together?\" \" ", "It doesn't matter.\" \"", "Um...\" \"She was also adviser to Numa Pompilius, a legendary ruler.\" \"", "Correct, Dr. Jackson.\" \"", "Egeria came to the Tauri to stop the Goa'uld from taking humans through the Stargate as slaves.\" \"", "Ra found her and killed her, but not before she spawned our movement.\" \" ", "Literally.\" \" ", "Yes.\" \"", "Thanks for the image.\" \"", "Then the original number of Tok'ra is all you have?\" \"", "Very few Goa'uld came over to our side, but none in the past few hundred years.\" \"", "Our numbers have diminished as symbiotes unable to find new hosts died.\" \"", "That is why Shan'auc's offer is so provocative.\" \"", "Until the symbiote is blended with the host, we cannot be sure of the outcome.\" \"", "But if what she claims is correct, we could one day increase our numbers.\" \"", "So you've decided to accept her offer?\" \"", "I will make the proposal to the council with my recommendation.\" \" ", "How long will that take?\" \" ", "It will not be an easy decision.\" \"", "There are great risks involved.\" \" ", "She doesn't have a lot of time.\" \" ", "Shan'auc's symbiote is fully mature.\" \"", "It must take a host within a day.\" \"", "Two at most.\" \"", "Then I will leave immediately.\" \" ", "I would make a personal request.\" \" ", "What is it, Teal'c?\" \"", "Shan'auc came to this world expecting not to survive.\" \"", "She needs a symbiote to replace that which she now carries.\" \"", "By the time you return it may be too late.\" \"", "There are no Jaffa within the Tok'ra ranks.\" \"", "I do not wish her to die.\" \"", "I cannot promise, Teal'c.\" \"", "But we will try.\" \"", "The Tok'ra council is considering your offer.\" \"", "My symbiote is eager to meet them.\" \"", "I hope they can reach their decision in time.\" \"", "The pain grows worse.\" \"", "Yes.\" \" ", "For what reason did you wait so long?\" \" ", "I was afraid you would not believe.\" \"", "Since word came to the temple that you betrayed Apophis, I have thought of you every day.\" \" ", "As a shol'va.\" \" ", "No, Teal'c.\" \"", "Because of you, my doubts became certainties.\" \"", "When we were children, you were always the strongest, the bravest.\" \"", "That you would be first prime was never doubted.\" \"", "But then you did what no Jaffa before you had ever done.\" \"", "You challenged the gods themselves and won.\" \"", "Among many on Chulak you are as revered as the gods once were.\" \" ", "And yet you walk away.\" \" ", "My place is here.\" \"", "Is it?\" \"", "Bra'tac cannot be expected to bear the burden alone.\" \"", "It was you who first began walking this path.\" \"", "Do not abandon those who have followed you this far.\" \"", "I have abandoned no one.\" \"", "When I die, and you are the only one capable of teaching others what I have learned,...\" \" ...what then?\" \" ", "Do not concern yourself with me.\" \"", "I have all but given my life for a cause you inspired!\" \"", "Tal shak kree!\" \"", "I will advise you when there is news.\" \"", "When you touched the mind of your symbiote, what did it show you?\" \"", "The murder of my father.\" \"", "A most slow and painful death.\" \"", "At the hand of Cronus.\" \"", "Yes.\" \"", "It wanted you to know fear.\" \"", "Yes.\" \"", "You are stronger than that.\" \"", "Why does it appear to have succeeded?\" \"", "My first communion was the same.\" \"", "It took many days before I tried again.\" \"", "But one day the images it chose to share with me began to change.\" \"", "They became sorrowful, as though my kal'ma were awakening to its own shame.\" \"", "In time the images became beautiful, even caring.\" \" ", "If that is all...\" \" There is more.\" \"", "I fear losing you a second time.\" \"", "No.\" \"", "Never again.\" \" ", "Teal'c.\" \" ", "Kel sha, Daniel Jackson.\" \"", "Morning.\" \"", "How's, uh...\" \"Shan'auc?\" \"", "The pain of carrying a symbiote past its time is extreme.\" \"", "Shan'auc bears it well.\" \"", "Listen, I was just headed off to breakfast...\" \" I am not.\" \" ", "Uh, could you stop... walking?\" \"", "Is everything all right?\" \"", "Yes.\" \"", "You see, cos I noticed that you've been preoccupied lately, obviously, and, uh...\" \"Well, I just thought if you wanted to talk...\" \"that I was here to... talk.\" \"", "Daniel Jackson...\" \"If all Jaffa can be taught to commune with their symbiotes, then the days of the Goa'uld are truly numbered.\" \" ", "And Shan'auc can teach them.\" \" ", "If she survives, I intend to be at her side.\" \"", "If she does not, I will not allow her sacrifice to be in vain.\" \"", "Teal'c!\" \"", "We just got word from the Tok'ra.\" \" ", "They've accepted Shan'auc's offer.\" \" ", "When may we depart?\" \"", "Now.\" \"", "Colonel O'Neill's waiting for us in the gear-up room.\" \"", "Shan'auc of the Red Hills, welcome to Vorash.\" \"", "It is a great honour to meet the Tok'ra.\" \"", "They're all right, if you like the type.\" \"", "It is an equal pleasure to see you, Colonel O'Neill.\" \"", "Your father asked that I shake your hand and give Colonel O'Neill a big kiss from him.\" \"", "Uh, that might have been the other way around.\" \"", "Maybe.\" \"", "Is Freya in there?\" \" ", "Of course, Colonel.\" \" ", "Then it is true.\" \"", "Host and symbiote share the body equally.\" \"", "And we are both pleased to tell you good news.\" \"", "As Teal'c requested, one of our operatives retrieved a newly-spawned symbiote to replace that which Shan'auc offers.\" \" ", "You have done this for me?\" \" ", "Not only for you.\" \"", "If you truly have turned your symbiote to the Tok'ra cause, then your life is more valuable than any of ours.\" \"", "Kal'ma, it will not be long now.\" \"", "She has carried her symbiote far past its time.\" \"", "Then come.\" \"", "This way.\" \"", "We were able to find a host both willing and eager.\" \"", "Eager too, huh?\" \"", "This is the volunteer host, Hebron of Paraval.\" \"", "Jack O'Neill, Earth.\" \"", "Um...\" \"Forgive my bluntness here, but... do you have any idea what you're getting into?\" \" ", "We have told him everything.\" \" ", "Yeah.\" \"", "Well, I've noticed the Tok'ra have a tendency to leave out minor details sometimes.\" \"", "You do know this thing's gonna be in your head?\" \"", "You only get your body part-time?\" \"", "My own people were enslaved by the Goa'uld a generation ago.\" \"", "I understand what benefit may come of this.\" \"", "All right.\" \"", "This is Shan'auc.\" \"", "What can you tell me of the one with whom I will spend the rest of my days?\" \"", "That he wishes to forswear his birthright, and desires to stop the Goa'uld from causing any more harm.\" \" ", "Then we will have that in common.\" \" ", "You will share much, much more...\" \"I have waited too long.\" \" ", "It must be done now.\" \" ", "We are not ready for the transference.\" \"", "It can wait no longer.\" \"", "Teal'c!\" \"", "It cannot wait!\" \"", "I am ready.\" \"", "Take me.\" \"", "Colonel O'Neill, lower your weapon.\" \"", "The transference is complete.\" \"", "Transference?\" \"", "That's what you call that?\" \"", "Shan'auc.\" \"", "There was no more time.\" \"", "Shan'auc's life was in grave danger.\" \"", "I had to act.\" \"", "Have you a Prim'ta ready for implantation?\" \" ", "Yes.\" \" ", "Do it now.\" \"", "She is near death.\" \"", "I am Tanith.\" \"", "It is my honour to pledge my allegiance to the Tok'ra.\" \"", "How is she?\" \"", "Shan'auc is still very weak.\" \"", "The symbiote we were able to retrieve was quite young.\" \" ", "But she's gonna be OK?\" \" ", "We believe so.\" \"", "Hello, Hebron.\" \" ", "He is here, Colonel O'Neill.\" \" ", "Actually we'd like to hear that from him.\" \"", "Of course.\" \"", "It is... true.\" \"", "It is a strange feeling, but...\" \"I am very much here.\" \"", "How do we know that?\" \"", "Tanith wants you to know we will submit to any test you wish to perform to assure you that I am speaking freely as host.\" \"", "Rest assured, Tanith is pure of heart.\" \"", "Shan'auc was indeed a great teacher.\" \"", "Good.\" \"", "Then maybe Tanith wouldn't mind sharing some of that Goa'uld knowledge.\" \" ", "Of course.\" \" ", "When the time is appropriate.\" \" ", "I think now is appropriate.\" \" ", "We disagree.\" \"", "Ah, here we go.\" \"", "Tanith has asked to join the Tok'ra, not the SGC.\" \" ", "Are you kidding me?\" \" ", "We will gladly share what knowledge we feel is useful to the furthering of our alliance with Earth.\" \" ", "Does my father go along with this?\" \" ", "I'm sure he will.\" \"", "How do I hang up with Anise and talk to Freya?\" \" ", "Why?\" \" ", "I like Freya!\" \" ", "She and I are in complete agreement.\" \" ", "How do I know that?\" \" ", "I have told you.\" \" ", "And I'm supposed to trust you?\" \"", "You know, this whole \"talking to two people in one body thing\" really sucks.\" \"", "Shan'auc.\" \"", "It is good to finally see the face of she who taught me so much.\" \"", "Oh!\" \"", "To speak with you in words...\" \"It is something I never dreamed of.\" \"", "There will be time for words.\" \"", "You must stay a while.\" \"", "We have so much to talk about.\" \" ", "I will.\" \" ", "Teal'c?\" \"", "I sense that she is still very weak.\" \"", "Her new symbiote is extremely young for the task of healing her.\" \"", "I hope that your indecision did not put her at more risk than necessary.\" \"", "I guess we should just mosey on back to Earth and tell General Hammond how the Tok'ra boned us again.\" \"", "Colonel!\" \" ", "Please take no offence.\" \" ", "Hey, we're gettin' used to it.\" \"", "Teal'c, you can come and visit Shan'auc after we've debriefed.\" \"", "That is, if it's all right with our good friends and allies.\" \" ", "He is welcome, of course.\" \" ", "Swell.\" \"", "Let's go.\" \"", "O'Neill.\" \" ", "I would like to stay a moment.\" \" ", "We'll wait at the gate.\" \"", "I must inform the Tauri of my intention to leave their service.\" \"", "I will await your return.\" \"", "We will return to Chulak and tell every Jaffa in every village of your achievement.\" \"", "Together.\" \" ", "Tal matte, Shan'auc.\" \" ", "Tal matte, my love.\" \"", "Have I disturbed you?\" \"", "The hour is late.\" \"", "You should be resting.\" \"", "I could not wait to speak with you.\" \"", "Yes...\" \"We must speak... of your audacity.\" \"", "I do not understand.\" \"", "How dare a priestess touch the mind of one who would be her God?\" \"", "You despise the Goa'uld.\" \"", "I am the Goa'uld.\" \"", "But I showed you the...\" \"You showed me the means to destroy the Tok'ra.\" \"", "Now accept your reward.\" \"", "It is with much sadness that I must take my leave of the SGC.\" \"", "Are you certain, Teal'c?\" \"", "He means leave of absence, sir.\" \"", "No, I have said what I mean, O'Neill.\" \"", "I intend to live the remainder of my life on Chulak.\" \"", "What on earth for?\" \"", "Do you not recognise the greatness of Shan'auc's achievement?\" \"", "If the whole idea was to get the secrets of the Goa'uld to the Tok'ra...\" \"And us, oh, by the way.\" \"", "Then it's done.\" \"", "Mission accomplished.\" \"", "I mean, even if you could train Jaffa to communicate with their symbiotes, the Tok'ra have a hard enough time finding hosts.\" \"", "The point is... you belong here.\" \"", "I belong where I am needed most, O'Neill.\" \"", "And that is on Chulak, at Shan'auc's side.\" \"", "Offworld activation.\" \"", "Incoming travellers, sir.\" \"", "It's the Tok'ra.\" \" ", "Here to share squat with us, no doubt.\" \" ", "Open the iris.\" \"", "Teal'c, it is with great sorrow that I return.\" \" ", "Shan'auc.\" \" ", "We found the body outside her chamber.\" \"", "The symbiote she carried is also dead.\" \"", "If we had found a more mature larva...\" \"She appeared well.\" \"", "Shan'auc's death is simply the unfortunate result of waiting too long.\" \"", "Shan'auc...\" \"Tal mek.\" \"", "Creon te shree.\" \"", "Tal ma.\" \"\"", "Our love does not end in death.\"\" \"", "I wanted Teal'c to have the body for whatever ritual he may wish to perform.\" \"", "Agh!\" \"", "Teal'c?\" \"", "Teal'c!\" \" ", "What's up?\" \" ", "Shan'auc was murdered.\" \"", "We have not yet obtained information of any value from Tanith.\" \"", "Your return is premature.\" \"", "You folks should... invest in some doors.\" \" ", "We have no secrets from each other.\" \" ", "Beg to differ with you.\" \"", "The Goa'uld Shan'auc carried was not truly convinced to become a Tok'ra.\" \"", "I believe the Goa'uld use this opportunity to spy among you.\" \"", "What evidence have you for this?\" \"", "The murder of Shan'auc.\" \"", "The System Lord Cronus murdered my father by crushing his symbiote in such a way that it allowed the symbiote's blood to mix with that of my father.\" \" ", "A method slow and immensely painful.\" \" ", "How do you know this?\" \"", "In communion with my own symbiote.\" \"", "It is a vision my symbiote chose to share.\" \" ", "Why?\" \" ", "To show Goa'uld hatred and superiority.\" \"", "Still, if that is your proof...\" \"We found Goa'uld blood in Shan'auc's bloodstream and on her hands.\" \" ", "Confirming my vision.\" \" ", "And so you have come to exact revenge.\" \" ", "I have.\" \" ", "I'm sorry.\" \"", "We cannot allow you.\" \"", "Stop him!\" \"", "Kree ton, Tok'ra!\" \"", "Togar toku!\" \"", "Kree!\" \"", "Teal'c!\" \"", "We can get the Goa'uld out of the host.\" \"", "No.\" \"", "He'll be infinitely more valuable to us if we do not.\" \"", "You knew.\" \"", "We suspected.\" \"", "But only after her death.\" \"", "Teal'c, we truly had hoped Shan'auc had succeeded.\" \"", "But if we allow Tanith to believe he has deceived us, we will be able to use that against the Goa'uld.\" \" ", "Disinformation.\" \" ", "Yes.\" \"", "If we control what he sees and hears, the Goa'uld will not know our intentions.\" \"", "We will be able to use that advantage for months.\" \"", "When Tanith no longer serves a useful purpose, we will extract what Goa'uld secrets we can in other ways.\" \"", "What about the host?\" \"", "He knew well the risks.\" \"", "When we have learned all that we can, we will try to remove the Goa'uld.\" \"", "We are fighting a war for our very existence.\" \"", "I make no apologies for the means.\" \"", "Release him.\" \"", "Hello, Teal'c.\" \"", "You must feel the pain of Shan'auc's death as deeply as I do.\" \"", "It is a terrible loss to both of us.\" \"", "It has been difficult.\" \"", "Why have you come to see me?\" \"", "To look upon you and know Shan'auc's sacrifice will not be in vain.\" \"", "You have my promise.\" \"", "I hope one day we will meet again, Teal'c, and together remember she who meant so much to both of us.\" \"", "We will meet again.\" \"", "You have my promise.\"" ]
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0.0008244946366176009, 0.0006280650268308818, 0.004841426387429237, 0.01084153726696968, 0.0008120969287119806, 0.0011180572910234332, 0.0006942969048395753, 0.0006012674421072006, 0.002927633700892329, 0.0024796014185994864, 0.0007381656905636191, 0.0012127916561439633, 0.0007934251334518194, 0.0006319242529571056, 0.001579562434926629, 0.0010669108014553785, 0.0007810016977600753, 0.0006338511593639851, 0.001046294579282403, 0.0009394478402100503, 0.012926537543535233, 0.0006352605414576828, 0.019247224554419518, 0.002302582375705242, 0.0009400912094861269, 0.0023386701941490173, 0.002914686920121312, 0.0007918113842606544, 0.004536749329417944, 0.0010835748398676515, 0.0016353240935131907, 0.0007352956454269588, 0.017006557434797287, 0.0006343542481772602, 0.004133457317948341, 0.0006315927603282034, 0.0007417044835165143, 0.0026806758251041174, 0.0015494321705773473, 0.0013607634464278817, 0.0009218938066624105, 0.00251876562833786, 0.02440139278769493, 0.001265635364688933, 0.0008337712497450411, 0.018561596050858498, 0.001683119684457779, 0.0009252536110579967, 0.037352487444877625, 0.03869874030351639, 0.0005927610909566283, 0.13671354949474335, 0.0006848439224995673, 0.0006722756079398096, 0.0014220636803656816, 0.010748382657766342, 0.005185106303542852, 0.014356563799083233, 0.00249834218993783, 0.0016353240935131907, 0.008867778815329075, 0.0008441177778877318, 0.0009700143127702177, 0.0008847058052197099, 0.0006342738633975387, 0.0026557419914752245, 0.0007499647326767445, 0.003137744264677167, 0.0008015884668566287, 0.0006974356365390122, 0.009000970050692558, 0.0005714597646147013, 0.0010436096927151084, 0.0006732720066793263, 0.0006113076815381646, 0.0022509153932332993, 0.24332432448863983, 0.0006050181109458208, 0.01914336159825325, 0.000830886245239526, 0.013997853733599186, 0.0010597874643281102, 0.0006167658139020205, 0.0008069181931205094, 0.0008037576335482299, 0.0006624843226745725, 0.0005690196412615478, 0.0006364680593833327, 0.0006886355695314705 ]
[ "The study analyzes the development processes and outcomes of the Basic, Intermediate, and Advanced Levels of Pakalongay Interpreters’ Training Courses in Fon-nan Village, Hualien from 2012 to 2014......\n\nAccording to “The Sustainable Development Strategies of Eastern Taiwan” promulgated in 2014 by the National Development Council, Executive Yuan, eastern Taiwan will follow its niche attributes in the regional contexts of economic, social, and environmental sustainable development to build up regional and local industry......\n\nThe objective of this study is to calculate ecosystem provisioning and the regulating services of the afforestation by the use of BIOME-BGC and FORECAST ecosystem process models. ", "Soil organic matter and available nitrogen will be used as state variables through which the system’s resilience will be evaluated......\n\nVia action research, the goal of the project is to help establish adaptive co-management of social-ecological systems between Danung-Dafu Reforestation Area, its neighboring communities, and the Coastal Mountain Range in order to enhance the resilience of each social-ecological system......\n\nThe joint research project “social-ecological system resilience and adaptive co-management: an experimental pioneer study in Taiwan” aims to study resilience and adaptive co-management governance of the studied focal social-ecological system......\n\nThis joint research proposal “social-ecological system resilience and adaptive co-management: an experimental pioneer study in Taiwan” aims to study resilience and adaptive co-management governance of the studied focal social-ecological system.......\n\nThis research is a joint research project to study the social-ecological systems of Danongdafu Forest Park and nearby areas in Hualien, whereby the main stress is on human to environment and ecosystem are agricultural activity and tourism activities......\n\nThe members of Hualien Farmers Market are a group of farmers using organic farming to produce fresh vegetables, fruits, rice, and other foods, selling their products face to face with customers. ", "It is a special way that might reduce the risk of food safety in our everyday life......" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
[ 0.0005404441617429256, 0.0005811252049170434, 0.0007754283724352717 ]
[ "Q:\n\nAccess scale factor in d3's pack layout\n\nI'm using d3's pack layout with the default radius function. ", "This scales the size of the circles so that everything fits into the container. ", "\nHow can I access this scale factor?", "\n\nA:\n\nThis code will display scaling factor in node's tooltip:\ntitles\n .attr(\"x\", function(d) { return d.x; })\n .attr(\"y\", function(d) { return d.y; })\n .text(function(d) {\n return ( \"Scale factor : \" + (+d.value)/(d.r*d.r) + \"\\n\" +\n \"Value: \" + d.value + \"\\n\" +\n \"R: \" + d.r); \n });\n\nas in this test example jsfiddle.", "\nIt looks the scaling factor is more or less the same for all leaf nodes in a circle pack, as illustrated in following two pictures:\n\nHowever, it may vary for all other nodes!", "\n\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
[ 0.0006191809079609811, 0.0006433878443203866, 0.0006438193377107382, 0.0007526266272179782, 0.0006304741837084293, 0.001995444530621171 ]
[ "The Russian bobsleigh and skeleton national teams will not be boycotting the 2017 World Championships according to Alexander Zubkov, the president of the Russian Bobsleigh Federation. ", "Photo: Lionel Bonaventure, AFP\n\nThe International Bobsleigh and Skeleton Federation (IBSF) has provisionally suspended four Russian athletes after they were informed by the International Olympic Committee (IOC) that investigations into alleged anti-doping rule violations from the Sochi 2014 Winter Olympic Games have been opened.", "\n\nThe athletes, all from the skeleton discipline, and the Russian Bobsleigh Federation have been informed about the provisional suspension.", "\n\nIn accordance with the provisions of WADA the IBSF is not in a position to communicate the athletes´names before the proceedings have been concluded.", "\n\nHowever, Russian website R-Sport has reported it is Elena Nikitina, Olga Potylitsina, Maria Orlova and Aleksandr Tretyakov who have been suspended, citing a source “familiar with the situation.”", "\n\nRussia won two skeleton medals at Sochi 2014.", "\n\nTretyakov won gold in the men’s event while Nikitina took bronze in the women’s competition.", "\n\nOf the six athletes to represent Russia in skeleton at Sochi 2014, four were listed in the McLaren report which suggested that more than 1,000 Russian athletes were implicated in state sponsored doping.", "\n\nNikitina, Potylitsina, Orlova and Sergei Chudinov were all listed in the findings of McLaren, but have yet to be found guilty of any wrongdoing.", "\n\nNikita Tregubov was the sixth member of the Sochi 2014 Russian skeleton team, but has not been named in any report.", "\n\n“It has been a hard time for all of us in sports after the publication of the McLaren Report,” said IBSF President Ivo Ferriani in a statement on the governing body’s website.", "\n\n“The IBSF is fully committed to ensure all necessary steps will be taken to gain back the integrity of sport – this will require joint efforts by all stakeholders.", "\n\n“The Russian Bobsleigh Federation confirmed its full support to clarify the matter related to the allegations.”", "\n\nMeanwhile the President of the Russian Bobsleigh Federation (RBF), Alexander Zubkov, has expressed his discontent at the decision in an interview with the TASS Russian news agency.", "\n\n“We have received information from the international federation that four Russian skeleton racers had been provisionally suspended,” Zubkov said.", "\n\n“We are currently in intensive talks with President Ferriani.", "\n\n“We disagree with this decision and we will be protecting our rights.”", "\n\nEvidence published in the McLaren report suggested that more than 1,000 Russian athletes were implicated in state sponsored doping, including medal winners in sliding sports at Sochi 2014.", "\n\nSince the second part of the McLaren Report was published, high profile events have been taken away from Russia.", "\n\nThese include the IBSF World Championships, which were due to take place in Sochi in February.", "\n\nThe championships will now take place in Königssee in Germany.", "\n\nThe IBSF Executive Committee duly felt that “during this difficult time it is prudent not to organise such an event in Russia.”", "\n\nWant To Contribute?", "\n\nSo you want to contribute to the Sport Digest? ", "We welcome submissions from the public and alumni alike. ", "Below are links to the information you need to know. ", "Feel free to submit a request for any additional information you may need." ]
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[ "\n2008 was the most violent year for Christians in India. ", "Daily newspaper headlines captured the senseless violence in the form of death, destruction, and displacement that unfolded in the states of Karnataka and Odisha. ", "On the ten-year anniversary of these atrocities, it’s time to explore the forms of violence against Christians in the country today and evaluate their potential effect on the 2019 general election race.", "\n\nChristians in India\n\nIndia’s 29 million Christians constitute only 2.3 percent of the country’s population, making them the second largest religious minority in the country after Muslims. ", "The origins and prominence of Christian denominations and groups vary across the country, but Christianity’s earliest tryst with India came in the first century AD when the disciples of St. Thomas arrived in the southern state of Kerala. ", "By conservative estimates, across denominations, nearly 70 percent of Christians are Dalits (formerly the untouchable caste). ", "This intersection of religion and caste is essential to understanding the issue, as Dalit Christians tend to be the victims of a majority of physical violence and, almost exclusively, the victims of structural violence among Christians.", "\n\nAnti-Christian violence is a relatively recent phenomenon, beginning to proliferate in the late 1990s. ", "Between 1964 and 1996, there were only 38 registered cases of violence. ", "However, in 1997, 27 instances occurred and then 70 cases in 1998. ", "This number has steadily risen. ", "In 2017, the Evangelical Fellowship of India documented 351 instances of violence against Christians, but activists and scholars believe that this is only a fraction of the actual violence as many cases go unreported.", "\n\nThis proliferation coincides with the social and political rise of Hindu nationalist organizations, including the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), from the peripheries to the center of Indian politics. ", "The Hindu nationalist ideology, known as Hindutva, considers Christians as foreigners, intent on destroying the integrity of the nation primarily through conversions. ", "Following the historic political victory for the BJP in 2014, which propelled Narendra Modi to the prime ministership, 600 instances of violence against minorities were recorded in the first 100 days of the administration. ", "This has been accompanied by an intensification of the political discourse of bipolarization, which reinforces the above characterization of Christians. ", "For example, a BJP member of parliament recently referred to Christians as being “angrez” (British) while diminishing their contribution to the freedom movement.", "\n\nEnjoying this article? ", "Click here to subscribe for full access. ", "Just $5 a month.", "\n\nIn addition to this physical violence, Christians (especially Dalit Christians) face structural violence in the form of denial of affirmative action and the institution of Freedom of Religion laws. ", "Both violate the spirit of Article 25 of the Indian Constitution, which provides that “all persons are equally entitled to freedom of conscience and the right freely to profess, practice, and propagate religion.” ", "This also has resonance in international law. ", "For example, the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) provides for the “right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion,” which includes the freedom “to adopt a religion or belief of his choice, and freedom … to manifest his religion or belief in worship, observance, practice, and teaching.”", "\n\nDenial of Affirmative Action Rights to Dalit Christians\n\nThe most persistent form of structural violence in independent India is the denial of rights and protections afforded to Dalit Christians, who constitute an estimated 70 percent of India’s Christian population. ", "Dalit Christians (as well as Dalit Muslims) are excluded from receiving the benefits of affirmative action from the government in the form of reserved seats in government education and employment. ", "Further, they do not come under the protection of the Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribes (Prevention of Atrocities) Act 1989, which provides greater protection and access to justice for caste-based discrimination and violence.", "\n\n\nAccording to the Constitution (Scheduled Castes) Order, 1950, only Hindus would be considered as Scheduled Castes and could avail of these benefits. ", "However, smaller-sized minorities such as Sikhs and Buddhists were included in 1956 and 1990, respectively. ", "The denial of this affirmative action to Dalit Christians is justified on two grounds. ", "The first argument is that on conversion, they do not belong to the caste system because Christianity’s egalitarian nature does not recognize caste. ", "The second suggests that their economic and social situations improve as members of Christianity and therefore, they should not receive added benefits from the government.", "\n\nThe first argument falls through because of the inclusion of Sikhism, and Buddhism, which are both also egalitarian in nature. ", "However, interestingly, Sikhism and Buddhism are both also considered Indic religions and very much under the banner of Hindutva. ", "Therefore, Muslims and Christians are the two major religious minorities who are denied these benefits.", "\n\nThe second claim — regarding a better economic and social situation on conversion — has been consistently proven to be false by several government commissions, such as the Mandal Commission in 1980, the Sachar Commission in 2006, and most recently by the National Commission for Minorities in 2008. ", "The Sachar Commission report stated that “by all available evidence we do find the caste system to be an all-pervading social phenomenon of India shared by almost all Indian communities irrespective of religious persuasions.” ", "Even upon conversion to Christianity, Dalit Christians continue to face discrimination similar to other Dalits, including being prevented from using upper-caste streets, sharing sources of drinking water and other public resources, and being made to walk around with brooms tied to their waists. ", "A recent report by the Institute for Dalit Studies concluded that “discrimination, violence and atrocities being committed on Dalit Christians are mostly on caste lines and its nature and forms are same as that of the offences and atrocities” against other Dalits.", "\n\nFreedom of Religion Laws\n\nDiplomat Brief Weekly Newsletter N Get first-read access to major articles yet to be released, as well as links to thought-provoking commentaries and in-depth articles from our Asia-Pacific correspondents. ", "Subscribe Newsletter\n\nIronically named freedom of religion laws, which are better described as anti-conversion laws, are now in effect in eight states in India. ", "Jharkhand and Uttarakhand have joined this list during the Modi administration. ", "Asma Jahangir, the UN Special Rapporteur for Religious Freedom, has expressed that she is “deeply concerned” with these laws and their implications for freedom of religion in the country.", "\n\nMost of the laws share a common template and their anti-Christian nature is evident in their stated intent and design. ", "The words “force,” “fraud,” and “inducement” are present in all the states’ bills as the means used to convert; however, their specific meaning is nebulous. ", "Can access to missionary-run education and healthcare be considered “allurement”? ", "In the Jharkhand legislation, the term “force” also includes the “threat of divine displeasure.” ", "In that case would the Christian belief in going to heaven for living a good Christian life count as force? ", "In extreme cases, some could argue that anything to do with religion could be considered “fraud.”", "\n\nThe penalties of these laws further predict their anti-Christian nature. ", "For example, the ruling Jharkhand Bharatiya Janata Party’s chief whip, Radha Krishna Kishore, spoke of the growing Christian population in the state and the Christian targeting of the poor, Dalits, and tribals. ", "This notion is reaffirmed in other legislation in the form of higher penalties if the person converted is a minor, woman, or a member of Scheduled Castes or Scheduled Tribe.", "\n\nEnjoying this article? ", "Click here to subscribe for full access. ", "Just $5 a month.", "\n\nWhile activists and lawyers will admit that very few convictions have come off of these laws, they have further created an atmosphere of hostility and intolerance and are used as a tool to incite further violence by Hindu nationalist vigilante groups in states where these laws are in effect. ", "These states also tend to be those were a majority of physical violence is observed.", "\n\nRoad to 2019\n\nChristians in the country are feeling the pressure of this ecosystem of violence. ", "For example, recently, in an open statement, the Bishop Most Revd. ", "Oommen, Moderator of the Church of South India, the second largest church in India, said, “After four years of their [BJP] rule…they have become a danger to the very fabric of the greatest Sovereign, Socialist, Secular, and the Democratic Republic.” ", "Bishop Baselios Cleemis, the president of the Catholic Bishop’s Conference of India, the apex body of the Catholic Church, following a series of violence in Satna, said, “From the point of Christian community, this whole incident… do[es] not help us to keep our confidence in the government intact. ", "We are losing our confidence in the government.”", "\n\n\nThe latest Lokniti-CSDS-ABP News Mood of the Nation Survey suggests that nearly 61 percent of Christians disapprove of the direction of the country. ", "In the context of the upcoming elections, 61 percent believe that Modi should not get a second term while only 17 percent believe he should. ", "However, while the sentiment is strong among Indian Christians, their small size and dispersed population reduces the potential of making a significant impact in the results of the elections. ", "The only states where they could potentially make a difference are the northeastern states, where Christians are in a majority in four (smaller) states, and the southern states of Kerala and Tamil Nadu.", "\n\nWhile the instances of physical violence are relatively small, its rise along with the persistence of structural violence must be seen in the larger context as fault lines within Indian democracy and secularism, and the country’s gradual move toward becoming a Hindu State.", "\n\nM. Sudhir Selvraj is a Ph.D. Candidate in the King’s India Institute in King’s College London, where his research focus on violence against religious minorities in India." ]
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[ "770 F.2d 1076\nU.S.v.", "Besaw\n84-1417\nUnited States Court of Appeals,Third Circuit.", "\n5/6/85\n\n1\nE.D.Pa.", "\n\nAFFIRMED\n" ]
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[ "A US Navy Super Hornet jet fighter crashed in the Pacific Ocean off the southern coast of California late Wednesday night, the US Navy said. ", "This is the second crash of a US marine jet in the area in 24 hours.", "\n\nThe Navy F/A-18E Super Hornet jet “impacted the water” as it approached the USS Carl Vinson (CVN 70) at about 10pm local time (6am GMT) Wednesday.", "\n\n“The pilot ejected from the aircraft, was recovered safely and is currently aboard Carl Vinson in stable condition,” the Navy said in a statement.", "\n\nThe jet was part of the Strike Fighter Squadron (VFA) 81 based at Naval Air Station (NAS) Oceana in Virginia. ", "The jet has not been recovered from the crash.", "\n\nAn investigation has been launched into the crash’s causes, while all operations have been halted aboard the USS Carl Vinson.", "\n\nThe remaining airborne aircraft operating in the area were diverted to NAS North Island in Coronado, California, and landed at about 11 pm local time (7 am GMT).", "\n\nThe Carl Vinson and Carrier Air Wing 17 have been conducting a Joint Task Force Exercise “to test a strike group's ability to operate in hostile and complex environments with other US and coalition forces,” the official statement of the Navy said. ", "The exercise was carried out ahead of the group's upcoming deployment.", "\n\nThis incident is the second military jet to crash in the region of South California in 24 hours. ", "Earlier on Wednesday the Third Marine Aircraft Wing AV-8B Harrier crashed into a residential area in Imperial Valley, Southern California. ", "At least two houses caught fire.", "\n\nThere were no reports of injuries on the ground. ", "The pilot successfully ejected from the aircraft and was not hurt. ", "The jet was stationed at Marine Corps Air Station Yuma, Arizona, officials said. ", "The causes are being investigated." ]
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[ "he fourth smallest value? ", " (a) 7 (b) 0.2 (c) 1 (d) 13 (e) 27 (f) -0.2\na\nWhat is the second biggest value in 2/9, -122, 7, 3, -0.03?", "\n3\nWhich is the second biggest value? ", " (a) 177 (b) -4 (c) -1/3\nc\nWhat is the fifth biggest value in -3, 3, -0.3, 2/515, 1/7?", "\n-3\nWhich is the fourth biggest value? ", " (a) 0.2 (b) 4/29 (c) 5 (d) 0 (e) 0.006\ne\nWhat is the second smallest value in 5/191, 0.1, -25?", "\n5/191\nWhich is the second biggest value? ", " (a) -5/3 (b) 5 (c) 0.01 (d) 2 (e) 2/5 (f) -12\nd\nWhich is the third smallest value? ", " (a) -1 (b) -226 (c) -6 (d) 2/9\na\nWhich is the biggest value? ", " (a) 37 (b) 5 (c) 74/63 (d) -5\na\nWhat is the third smallest value in -0.5262, -0.5, 1.2, -0.2, 3, -3?", "\n-0.5\nWhat is the second biggest value in 0.99, 10, 25?", "\n10\nWhat is the biggest value in 0, -5, 731, 6?", "\n731\nWhat is the fourth smallest value in -2146/5, -2, 0.7, -1/4?", "\n0.7\nWhich is the fifth biggest value? ", " (a) 11/2 (b) 0.2 (c) -1/7 (d) -2/55 (e) 0.4 (f) 93\nd\nWhat is the third biggest value in 0.1, -6, 11, -0.359?", "\n-0.359\nWhat is the third biggest value in 0, -2/71, 6, 2/7, 2.7?", "\n2/7\nWhich is the fourth smallest value? ", " (a) 32/3111 (b) -6 (c) 1 (d) 3\nd\nWhich is the third smallest value? ", " (a) 122 (b) -170 (c) -2/3\na\nWhat is the third smallest value in 1, -5, -0.5, -0.2, 0.073?", "\n-0.2\nWhich is the second biggest value? ", " (a) -1293 (b) -2/5 (c) 2/7\nb\nWhich is the second biggest value? ", " (a) -4 (b) -2 (c) -0.15 (d) -0.3 (e) 286\nc\nWhich is the third biggest value? ", " (a) 5 (b) -0.5 (c) -2 (d) 2 (e) 95/4 (f) -8\nd\nWhich is the sixth biggest value? ", " (a) -0.3 (b) 10/373 (c) 1/7 (d) -5 (e) -2 (f) -22\nf\nWhat is the third biggest value in -4, -2/27, -2, 1/9, -2/7, 5?", "\n-2/27\nWhat is the biggest value in 4, 50078/11, -3/8?", "\n50078/11\nWhat is the second smallest value in 0.04, -0.5, -125, -16.3?", "\n-16.3\nWhat is the fifth biggest value in -1.1, 429, 2, 1/4, 0?", "\n-1.1\nWhat is the fifth smallest value in -1/7, -4, 43, -2/9, -28?", "\n43\nWhich is the third smallest value? ", " (a) 1 (b) -381 (c) -3/7 (d) -8\nc\nWhich is the second smallest value? ", " (a) 1/2 (b) -1/3 (c) -5749\nb\nWhich is the biggest value? ", " (a) 20/283 (b) 0 (c) 4/7 (d) 7 (e) -1 (f) 4\nd\nWhich is the smallest value? ", " (a) -0.0783 (b) 0.3 (c) 2/15 (d) -0.03\na\nWhich is the fifth smallest value? ", " (a) 1/5 (b) 3 (c) -337 (d) 1 (e) -1\nb\nWhat is the second smallest value in -4.6801, 0.1, 1/4, 0?", "\n0\nWhich is the third biggest value? ", " (a) -488 (b) 0.3 (c) 0.054\na\nWhich is the second smallest value? ", " (a) 386 (b) 5 (c) -5/11\nb\nWhat is the third biggest value in -0.1, -3/4, -0.3, -4, -6, -8/29?", "\n-0.3\nWhat is the fifth biggest value in -0.042, 0, 2/799, 2, 1/4?", "\n-0.042\nWhat is the second biggest value in -3/8, 0.1381, -2/5, -3/2?", "\n-3/8\nWhich is the third biggest value? ", " (a) -7 (b) -14 (c) 0.4 (d) 5/16\na\nWhich is the fifth smallest value? ", " (a) -2 (b) -0.03 (c) -27 (d) -0.9 (e) -9\nb\nWhich is the second biggest value? ", " (a) 15 (b) -122 (c) -3/5 (d) 6.6\nd\nWhich is the fourth smallest value? ", " (a) -0.1 (b) -12.1 (c) 3 (d) 2/19 (e) -5\nd\nWhich is the biggest value? ", " (a) 0.21 (b) 1/3 (c) -1.76 (d) 0 (e) -4\nb\nWhich is the third biggest value? ", " (a) 39 (b) -12 (c) -2/7 (d) -0.3\nd\nWhat is the third smallest value in -0.1, -1094.5, -2/19?", "\n-0.1\nWhich is the second smallest value? ", " (a) 0.1 (b) -1.0022 (c) 0\nc\nWhich is the smallest value? ", " (a) -59 (b) -0.08 (c) 0.17\na\nWhich is the biggest value? ", " (a) -5 (b) -0.08 (c) -0.3 (d) 6/5 (e) 2 (f) -0.18\ne\nWhich is the second smallest value? ", " (a) 4 (b) -2 (c) 1/48576\nc\nWhich is the second biggest value? ", " (a) -4 (b) -0.5 (c) -24/5 (d) 19 (e) -3/2\nb\nWhich is the second biggest value? ", " (a) 2 (b) 0.1 (c) -1/17 (d) 4 (e) -0.4 (f) -0.15\na\nWhich is the third smallest value? ", " (a) -1 (b) -3 (c) -16020 (d) 2 (e) 0.3\na\nWhich is the fifth biggest value? ", " (a) -4 (b) -0.0569 (c) 4 (d) 3 (e) -1\na\nWhich is the smallest value? ", " (a) 3430 (b) 2/3 (c) 1 (d) 0\nd\nWhich is the fourth biggest value? ", " (a) -0.2 (b) 96 (c) 5 (d) -837\nd\nWhat is the fifth smallest value in -2/7, 1, -2/5, 1/3, -10.4?", "\n1\nWhat is the biggest value in 0.07, 3, -0.315?", "\n3\nWhich is the third biggest value? ", " (a) 0 (b) -137/5 (c) 0.1\nb\nWhich is the smallest value? ", " (a) 0.08 (b) -18.1 (c) -3/5\nb\nWhich is the smallest value? ", " (a) 78 (b) -0.13 (c) 156\nb\nWhich is the third biggest value? ", " (a) -2/3 (b) -9457 (c) 5 (d) -2\nd\nWhat is the second smallest value in 2, -0.2, -1/3, 3/131711?", "\n-0.2\nWhat is the second smallest value in -0.633, 0.066, 5?", "\n0.066\nWhat is the fourth smallest value in -1/9, 3/8, 3, -2/13, 2/15?", "\n3/8\nWhich is the fourth biggest value? ", " (a) -10 (b) 1 (c) -5 (d) 4 (e) -25\na\nWhich is the second biggest value? ", " (a) -2/5 (b) 0.3 (c) 2/23 (d) 0 (e) -2/19\nc\nWhich is the smallest value? ", " (a) 0.5 (b) 0.3 (c) -1 (d) 4 (e) 1237 (f) -0.2\nc\nWhat is the fifth smallest value in -11, 5, 4, 27/4, 2?", "\n27/4\nWhat is the third smallest value in -41, 9.4, 21?", "\n21\nWhich is the fourth smallest value? ", " (a) -0.1 (b) 8 (c) -4 (d) -797\nb\nWhich is the biggest value? ", " (a) -1 (b) 0 (c) -3 (d) 0.3 (e) 14\ne\nWhat is the fifth smallest value in 0, -4, -9, -96/545, 0.1?", "\n0.1\nWhich is the sixth biggest value? ", " (a) -9 (b) -2/9 (c) -4 (d) 24 (e) 3 (f) 2.7\na\nWhat is the fourth biggest value in -2, 0.208, -4, -29, -0.4?", "\n-4\nWhat is the second biggest value in -0.06, -25.8, -1.03?", "\n-1.03\nWhat is the second biggest value in -4, 177.2, -2/39, -3/5, -0.4?", "\n-2/39\nWhat is the biggest value in -172/3, -1, -60, -4, -2?", "\n-1\nWhat is the biggest value in -0.4, -827/5, -1, -17, -1/5?", "\n-1/5\nWhich is the third smallest value? ", " (a) 58 (b) -5 (c) 395\nc\nWhich is the third smallest value? ", " (a) -1/7 (b) 12 (c) 1/3 (d) -0.142 (e) 1 (f) 0.4\nc\nWhat is the smallest value in -2/699, -3, 39?", "\n-3\nWhat is the fourth biggest value in 2, -1.1, 1, 4/5, -0.3?", "\n-0.3\nWhich is the third smallest value? ", " (a) -16 (b) 137 (c) 19 (d) 0.4\nc\nWhat is the third smallest value in -3174, 3/2, -0.1?", "\n3/2\nWhich is the fourth biggest value? ", " (a) -4/3 (b) 23 (c) 2 (d) 0 (e) -9\na\nWhat is the biggest value in 0.2, 0.5, -154, -0.9?", "\n0.5\nWhich is the smallest value? ", " (a) 0.1 (b) 25/7 (c) -47\nc\nWhich is the second biggest value? ", " (a) 2/423 (b) 4 (c) -6 (d) -80\na\nWhich is the third smallest value? ", " (a) 2 (b) -0.749 (c) 12 (d) -0.18\na\nWhat is the third biggest value in 24, -0.5, -1.9, -0.4, -6?", "\n-0.5\nWhich is the smallest value? ", " (a) 1/7 (b) -7 (c) -2/13 (d) -3 (e) -2 (f) 0.03\nb\nWhat is the biggest value in -2/19, 5, 0.09, 0.3, -1?", "\n5\nWhat is the third biggest value in 7470/11, -3, 3?", "\n-3\nWhich is the third biggest value? ", " (a) -8.4 (b) 1/11 (c) 0.296 (d) -2\nd\nWhat is the third smallest value in 0.01, 4/13, -13, 13?", "\n4/13\nWhich is the fifth biggest value? ", " (a) -0.078 (b) -4 (c) 2/3 (d) 2 (e) 1/150\nb\nWhat is the third smallest value in 1.2, -39.7, -1/7, -4?", "\n-1/7\nWhich is the second smallest value? ", " (a) -460 (b) -171 (c) 2\nb\nWhat is the second smallest value in 1/2, -3, -6/1855, -0.1?", "\n-0.1\nWhich is the fourth smallest value? ", " (a) -11 (b) 40/9 (c) 1/13 (d) -2/9\nb\nWhich is the third biggest value? ", " (a) -12.926 (b) -0.1 (c) -0.6\na\nWhich is the smallest value? ", " (a) 42/19 (b) 2 (c) -24\nc\nWhich is the third biggest value? ", " (a) -0.4 (b) 7 (c) 14 (d) -19/3 (e) 5\ne\nWhat is the fifth biggest value in 1, 0, -9, -3/55, -1?", "\n-9\nWhich is the biggest value? ", " (a) -13/14 (b) -29 (c) 2/7 (d) 0.6\nd\nWhich is the third biggest value? ", " (a) 4 (b) 1.8 (c) 385\nb\nWhat is the third biggest value in -0.3, 2/7159, 11?", "\n-0.3\nWhich is the second biggest value? ", " (a) -3/7 (b) 4 (c) 0 (d) -8 (e) -8.7 (f) 1\nf\nWhich is the sixth smallest value? ", " (a) -3/7 (b) -0.3 (c) -359 (d) 1.65 (e) -5 (f) 3/7\nd\nWhat is the second biggest value in -5, -4/455, 0.066, 0.1?", "\n0.066\nWhat is the second biggest value in 5/16, 2/7, 10, -0.2?", "\n5/16\nWhich is the fourth biggest value? ", " (a) -0.896 (b) 8/7 (c) 1/4 (d) 2 (e) 1\nc\nWhat is the smallest value in 0.1, 40, 0.5, 4.18, -2/7, -4?", "\n-4\nWhat is the fifth smallest value in 2/13, -5, 4, 5, 6/11, -0.03?", "\n4\nWhat is the smallest value in 0.111, 12, -2, -1/6?", "\n-2\nWhich is the fifth biggest value? ", " (a) 0 (b) 1/2 (c) -7 (d) -4 (e) -0.8\nc\nWhat is the biggest value in -1, 0.5, 6, -4, 0.2, 2.3?", "\n6\nWhat is the th" ]
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[ "The GAW Quality Assurance/Scientific Activity Centre (QA/SAC Switzerland), funded by MeteoSwiss and Empa, was established in 2000. ", "Being closely linked to the World Calibration Centre also hosted by Empa, the QA/SAC mainly focuses on surface ozone, carbon monoxide, methane and carbon dioxide measurements but is also broader in scope and provides technical and scientific support in general.", "\n\nThe main tasks of QA/SAC Switzerland are\n\nscience activities fostering steady analytical progress,\n\ntraining, twinning, and capacity building, e.g. through GAWTEC,\n\ncontribution to GAW outreach,\n\nnetworking / cooperation with other programmes / projects in line with the GAW strategy.", "\n\nprevious QA/SAC activities also focussed on the development and operation of the GAW Station Information System (GAWSIS); this task was recently transferred to MeteoSwiss\n\nScience activitiesQA/SAC’s science activities have two main foci. ", "Scientific data analysis in collaboration with other GAW station operators world-wide (see also the twinning activities below) and a steady analytical assessment of the available state-of-the-art and cutting edge instrumentation for ground-based in-situ monitoring. ", "The latter includes\n\nevaluation of novel measurement techniques and their performance improvement\n\nassessment of their applicability for long-term monitoring purposes, e.g. through long-term side-by-side intercomparisons\n\ndissemination of know-how to the GAW community through publications and presentations at conferences\n\nTwinning and capacity buildingTwinning is one of the core activities of QA/SAC Switzerland since the early beginning. ", "The main twinning stations are Assekrem (Algeria), Bukit Koto Tabang (Indonesia) and Mt. Kenya (Kenya). ", "These stations were established in the mid-1990ies under the WMO/UNDOP/GEF programme. ", "It was recognized that a continuous support is key to maintaining high-precision observations in line with the GAW requirements after the end of the initial programme.", "\n\nQA/SAC also supports many other stations. ", "In general, successful twinning has many aspects, such as\n\nadvice for instrument selection and operation\n\ntechnical support / advice to set up measurement capabilities\n\nregular on-site training (along with WCC-Empa)\n\nremote support / trouble shooting\n\nfacilitating the provision of spare parts\n\nsupport for quality control, data processing and data submission\n\nsupport for (research) proposal writing\n\nsupport for scientific data analysis and publication\n\nteaching at a GAWTEC course\n\nGAWTECQA/SAC Switzerland has been a partner of the GAW Training and Education Center (GAWTEC) for a long time. ", "GAWTEC, a German contribution to GAW, provides technical guidance through twice yearly training courses, where QA/SAC Switzerland is regularly involved in teaching.", "\n\nQA/SAC Switzerland is engaged in the prepa-ration of strategic documents for the GAW.", "\n\nGAW outreachAn active participation in writing GAW reports and the promotion of the use of GAW data strive for an appropriate release of best practices and a good visibility of the GAW activities within and outside the GAW community.", "\n\nQA/SAC’s cooperation with other programmes, e.g. by sharing expert knowledge, aims at fostering the synergies between GAW and those programmes. ", "Examples are the Integrated Carbon Observation System (ICOS), the Integrated non-CO2 Greenhouse gas Observation System (InGOS) and the Aerosol, Clouds, and Trace Gases Research Network (ACTRIS)." ]
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[ 0.0005621695308946073, 0.0005214660195633769, 0.0005523280706256628, 0.000644599727820605, 0.0005431349272839725, 0.0005783606902696192, 0.0005757766775786877, 0.0005788838025182486, 0.0005407411954365671, 0.0005896099610254169, 0.0005690337275154889, 0.0005954981315881014, 0.00059153774054721, 0.0006613488076254725, 0.0005700290203094482, 0.0005598875577561557 ]
[ "The liquor taxes are paid by the wholesaler...NOT the retailer...so those are already paid. ", "That's part of the government's love affair with the middle tier...it serves as its tax collector. ", "And if it's sales taxes to which you refer, stores (at least in California and Nevada) have waiver forms if a product is being bought from a retailer for resale purposes. ", "The small merchant would then collect the sales tax when he resells the product. ", "So the tax issue is a non-issue.", "\n\nAnd a liquor license is needed to SELL wine, beer and spirits, so would still be needed. ", "And the small merchant wouldn'r bypass the wholesaler all together...only when he could buy cheaper than wholesale.", "\n\nOnce again, no argument with Costco or Safeway getting a discount on a carload drop...just don't think it's morally right that if I'm a merchant I have to buy it from a wholesaler who will charge me more than I would pay at retail. ", "Presumably the wholesaler made a profit with which he was happy when he sold that 5000 case drop, and if I buy it from Costco for resale...the wholesaler has no billing or delivery or sales costs...and presumably will sell through at Costco and get a reorder sooner.", "\n\nThe Dom thing happened in Northern California this past season (I can refer you to the merchant)at the same time Dom was on sale about $20 below wholesale at a major supermarket chain (Albertson's).", "\n\nAnd the best freestanding restaurant in Northern Nevada gets tightly allocated on Silver Oak because he doesn't use a lot of the wholesaler's booze in his well, nor buy a lot of Gallo product (though he does by quite a bit of Gallo Sonoma)...and then hurts when he sees the stuff floor-stacked at the local discounter so the wholesaler can use up his allocation to keep the supplier happy.", "\n\nCurmy, Curmy, Curmy.", "\nTenacious little bugger aren't you?", "\nI don't know exactly how many, but to my knowledge, a lot of states tack on extra taxes on the on premise guys. ", "Here in Florida, several people I know have been audited.", "\nIf these guys were to buy at retail there would be no paper trail for the state.", "\nThe distribs also regulate the license (by law) IE expired license, or someone with a beer and wine license buying Cognac. ", "The state would lose control over all this if you could buy anywhere.", "\nI know this sounds like the \"man trying to keep us down\" but we're sitting here on the wine side of things (where people do the right things and are generally good folks.)", "\nThe government is afraid to let any control of this go for fear of revenue loss and letting the liquor business go unchecked.", "\nThe wines guys like to laugh that if it wasn't for us, the liquor guys would still be driving around in cheap suits saying \"Have I got a deal fuh you\". ", "These were the people, from not so long ago, that the rules were made for. ", "Only relatively recently have we had a nice clean wine industry come along and make the laws look overly restrictive.", "\nRemember, we are highly regulated because the government saw my industry as the cashflow for the \"outfit\" in years past.", "\nPutting everything on a distribs invoice is another way to prevent tax fraud in an industry that was (until recently) cash dominated and ripe for picking from the bad guys. ", "This all sounds ludicrous in today's environment, but only because the biz has been cleaned up and the laws have not been adjusted for it. ", "We as wine people are seen as cohorts in that group.", "\nLook at the elected officials, half these guys are dead, they just haven't gotten the memo that tells them that.", "\nDom thing - wow, I can't imagine purchasing enough cases to be $20 below wholesale and still make $. ", "Sometimes on an order this large, these guys get a major chunk of free goods (of something else) and use that chunk to subsidise what would be the Dom in this case. ", "Other people simply take the loss and make it up on traffic of other non wine items.", "\nSilver Oak - I'm sure your local guys don't have any problem getting rid of the wine.", "\nThe practice of using a \"cherry\" as a wedge is a hot button right now for a lot of wineries. ", "Even though the distrib buys the wine, the wineries are getting very \"hands on\" over where the wine goes and how much.", "\nThe prestige properties are very careful to not use there stuff as a hammer for other brands. ", "The irony comes in when the topic of their less desirable (or second label) wines come up, then there are no rules. ", "The folks at Silver Oak would not be happy with your scenario. ", "The other side is why take care of someone who does little or no biz with you? ", "Tough call sometimes.", "\n\nJason, about the silver oak thing here, it is my understanding that until a couple of years ago it was available here on the shelves... not sure who made the decision to move it to the restaurant only. ", "The retailers are unhappy tho, so must have sold okay or they wouldn't really care. ", "Just my observations.", "\n\nPoint to Jason...if not the game. ", "I forgot about \"redneck\" Florida and its outrageous additional tax on on-premise accounts, over and above the already ridiculously high state tax paid by the wholesalers and mark-ed up down the line.", "\n\nIt's off on a different tangent, but all liquor taxes should be collected and paid by the retailer and not the wholesaler...and for two reasons: (sorry to propose an additional bookkeeping burden on all you retailers) 1. ", "It would save one mark-up for the public. ", "When the wholesaler pays the tax it is incorporated into the price and marked up 25% or whatever, right along with the value of the product. ", "Ditto for the taxes the producer/importer pays, except they get marked-up at least twice. ", "So consumers would save a ton, and the goods would be a lot cheaper if the taxes, state and federal, were put on at the back end rather than the front. ", "2. ", "And it would allow the merchant to show the true price of the product with and without the taxes. ", "If people actually knew what portion of every bottle price we pay is taxes, we just might get some backlash. ", "It's just like tax withholding...the government not only wants its money instantly but knows people don't notice as much how much they're paying if they never hold it in their hands. ", "That's why you always hear small business people scream louder about taxes...because they have to write a check for them every quarter...they had the money and had to pay it so they're aware of the amount.", "\n\nI'm not sympathetic the government keeping the criminal element out of the liquor business...the government put the gangsters into the alcohol business in the first place...just as they're doing now with the recreational drug industry. ", "Don't get me started on that one.", "\n\nFlorida's on-premise tax (which you are no doubt aware has a good chance of being phased out thanks to a bill sponsored by the Florida Restaurant Assoc that has flown through the house and that apparently Gov. Bush would sign if it passes the senate), does put a different spin on things in your state.", "\n\nBut concerns that if a licensed retailer buys from other licensed retailers because he can get a better price than that offered by his wholesaler, that beer and wine licensees might start selling hard spirits or other products for which they aren't licensed simply makes no sense...they couldn't get away with it anymore than a totally unlicensed premise could get away with starting to sell liquor. ", "If nothing else, his competitors would snitch on him...and probably his wholesaler!", "\n\nAnd when you get rid of your unique on-premise tax, there won't be any justification for the restriction in Florida that I can really see.", "\n\nYou know you live in Redneck Florida when you have a full set of salad bowls and they all say \"Kool Whip\" on them.", "\nSeriously though, Florida is neck and neck with NY for the second biggest market in the country.", "\nNancy - The winery probably pulled Silver Oak from retail. ", "If you can sell it all for $60 on a wine list, why let retailers beat each other up over it and drive down the going price? ", "Every winery marketer dreams of allocations. ", "Several wineries have specific ratios for on/off premise and if you don't get it right, they'll find someone who can.", "\nI've actually seen cases where the winery doesn't care if the distrib payed for the wine, they want to tell you who will be allowed to buy it from you. ", "Invariably, its a wine we could not give away 5 years prior.", "\nFortunately, these are the minority." ]
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[ "Ischnura\n\nIschnura is a genus of damselflies known as forktails in the family Coenagrionidae.", "\nForktails are distributed worldwide, including various oceanic islands. ", "The males have a forked projection at the tip of the abdomen which gives the group their common name.", "\n\nCharacteristics\nForktails are small or very small damselflies. ", "The compound eyes of mature individuals have a dark upper region and contrasting lower part. ", "The thorax is often green and may have lateral stripes and the abdomen in males is black with a blue tip. ", "Females of some species are polymorphic, some being orangish and darkening with age, while others resemble the male.", "\n\nSpecies\nThe genus Ischnura includes the following species:\n\nReferences\n\n \nCategory:Zygoptera genera\nCategory:Odonata of Oceania\nCategory:Odonata of Asia\nCategory:Odonata of Africa\nCategory:Odonata of Australia\nCategory:Odonata of New Zealand\nCategory:Odonata of North America\nCategory:Odonata of South America\nCategory:Odonata of Europe\nCategory:Taxa named by Toussaint de Charpentier\nCategory:Damselflies\nCategory:Taxonomy articles created by Polbot" ]
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[ 0.0016176075441762805, 0.0005966810276731849, 0.0014937686501070857, 0.0006859112181700766, 0.00104965316131711, 0.003382360329851508, 0.002407717052847147, 0.0008219769806601107 ]
[ "\n\nTess Vigeland: What the Hell are You Doing? - ", "stevenp\nhttps://medium.com/medium-long/21130736ce7c\n\n======\nstevenp\nI had the extreme honor of seeing former Marketplace host Tess Vigeland give\nthis speech at the World Domination Summit in Portland earlier this month.", "\nAlthough reading it isn't the same as hearing it spoken by her famous golden\nvoice, I think this community will probably find it moving.", "\n\n------\ndredmorbius\nReally wish this would have made the front page.", "\n\nIt's a serious bit of introspection from someone who came very close to the\ntop of her field, works in a creative space, and has to make and prove herself\nevery day.", "\n\nThere are a _lot_ of lessons in here, especially for the younger HN crowd\n(though us old farts might also pick up a tip or two).", "\n\n" ]
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[ 0.6534577012062073, 0.0006284155533649027, 0.0005247981753200293, 0.0008738987380638719, 0.0006619762280024588, 0.027991317212581635, 0.001995444530621171 ]
[ "Introduction\n============\n\nBackground\n----------\n\nSponsored advertising on social media as a clinical trial recruitment strategy is relatively new. ", "Informed by known barriers to successful enrollment \\[[@ref1],[@ref2]\\], Contract Research Organizations (CROs) and sponsors of clinical trials are now using Internet-based outreach to augment traditional ways of recruiting elderly subjects, such as doctor referrals, print advertising, and television advertising \\[[@ref3]-[@ref5]\\]. ", "In the last few years, there has been increasing research measuring the effectiveness of social media outreach \\[[@ref6]\\], including the use of Facebook \\[[@ref7],[@ref8]\\]. ", "Although an increasing number of published articles provide metrics of successful Facebook advertising campaigns \\[[@ref9]-[@ref11]\\], few discuss Facebook-based recruitment of older adults for participation in clinical trials \\[[@ref12],[@ref13]\\].", "\n\nThis report provides an example of clinical trial recruitment of healthy elderly people using Facebook advertising. ", "Older adults are using Facebook in increasing numbers; in 2016, of all online adults, 62% of those aged 65 years and older used Facebook \\[[@ref14]\\]. ", "In 2017, 67% of adults aged 65 years and older said they went online, with 45% of seniors under the age of 75 using social networking sites, along with 20% of those aged 75 and older \\[[@ref15]\\]. ", "There are ample and recent calls to implement social media-based recruitment strategies as an effective and cost-saving approach to clinical trial recruitment \\[[@ref16]-[@ref19]\\]. ", "The Michael J. Fox Foundation's Facebook-based recruitment of older Ashkenazi Jews provides an anecdotal success story \\[[@ref20]\\].", "\n\nThis study provides data on an outreach method targeted to healthy elderly adults (age 60 years and over) for enrollment in a Phase 1 multiple ascending dose clinical trial assessing safety, tolerability, and preliminary cognitive benefit of a compound being developed for the treatment of Alzheimer's disease (NCT02840279). ", "This report presents examples of paid (sponsored) Institutional Review Board (IRB)-approved advertising on Facebook, and the response to the recruitment effort compared to traditional methods. ", "This study demonstrates the cost effectiveness of a targeted advertising campaign over a short duration for a sponsor with no established social media presence prior to the advertising launch.", "\n\nContext\n-------\n\nThe Facebook advertising campaign was launched due to low enrollment by the CRO. ", "The CRO had begun clinical trial recruitment in early June 2016 using the following methods: (1) personal referral; (2) direct mailer (quantity of 6000) sent to surrounding postal ZIP codes, age 60 and older; (3) billboards placed near the clinical site; (4) bus advertising in the city where the clinic is located; (5) newspaper ads in three regional and free \"shopper\" newspapers; and (6) outreach events.", "\n\nThis outreach, conducted over a period of 11 weeks, resulted in 6 enrolled subjects. ", "The enrollment goal was 45. ", "Due to the low enrollment, three additional strategies for recruitment were implemented: (1) the study fee for the participants was raised from US \\$2500 to US \\$4000, (2) outreach from the sponsor increased to include personal contact with leaders of area churches and senior groups, and (3) the sponsor launched a Facebook advertising campaign to direct interested people to the CRO through completion of an online form or by telephone inquiry.", "\n\nThe social media campaign was an intense, immediate, and directed effort to enroll in the trial. ", "The comparative effectiveness of the different social media recruitment strategies against traditional media was made weekly, with adjustment as needed. ", "The Facebook advertising campaign was run by the sponsor, rather than the CRO, and the CRO controlled all contact with respondents. ", "The objective of the Facebook campaign was to enhance awareness and create a trial-unique pathway that allowed potential volunteers to discover and learn more about the clinical trial, and ultimately contact the CRO for further information.", "\n\nMethods\n=======\n\nClinical Trial Design\n---------------------\n\nThe clinical trial was a Phase 1 study of a memory drug at a single clinical site. ", "Details of the clinical trial design have been registered at ClinicalTrials.gov (NCT02840279). ", "The study protocol required a 10-day/night stay (residential) in a clinic in Michigan, with one follow-up visit. ", "Participants stayed in dormitory-style rooms, with no visitors permitted. ", "Candidates for the study were required to be nonsmokers, free from any central nervous system medications, with age-normal lab values, well managed diabetes (if diabetic), no history of cancer, healthy blood pressure, and were asked to complete a cognition battery. ", "Recruitment was planned to reflect the demographics of the region surrounding the clinical site, which for Kalamazoo County, Michigan are 51% female and 81.7% white \\[[@ref21]\\].", "\n\nApproach\n--------\n\n### Social Media Campaign \\#1\n\nThe initial social media outreach used the same words and images as the traditional campaign. ", "The advertising placed on Facebook used artwork and text that had been approved by the IRB and used for outreach in the prior three months of the recruitment period. ", "The CRO had implemented a recruitment campaign consisting of: billboards, a direct mailing of 6000 postcards sent to local area residents aged 60 years and older, regional newspaper ads, announcement of the trial on the CRO's website and Facebook page, advertising on buses, recruitment events (including talks at senior centers), and flyers and posters.", "\n\nThe sponsor had no social media presence prior to the start of the trial. ", "Day one of this Facebook advertising campaign consisted of establishing a company page for the sponsor. ", "On the second day of the campaign, Facebook posts were boosted or paid to reach a wider audience. ", "At this early stage of the social media campaign the approach reinforced the advertising already distributed throughout the region. ", "The initial post, a black and white image with text, is shown in [Figure 1](#figure1){ref-type=\"fig\"}.", "\n\n![", "Initial boosted Facebook post using black-and-white image.](resprot_v7i1e20_fig1){#figure1}\n\nTargeting \\[[@ref22]\\], a tool available to Facebook advertisers, was used to direct this post to Facebook users with the following interests: (1) Alzheimer's disease research, (2) medical research, and (3) the Alzheimer's Association. ", "Ads were targeted to individuals aged 60 years and up, with a focus on geographic communities within a 60-minute drive of the clinical site.", "\n\nThe campaign was actively managed, with staff from the clinical trial sponsor monitoring the social media engagement throughout the day and evening. ", "The initial spend was US \\$150/day for the first four days. ", "Following this initial period, advertising placements and expenditures varied relative to the CRO's capacity to follow up on inquiries in a timely manner.", "\n\nPosted comments were acknowledged, usually with a reply to contact the CRO for additional information. ", "Advertising was updated if posted questions or comments suggested that the advertising text was not clear. ", "The CRO provided Health Insurance Portability and Accountability (HIPAA)-compliant feedback to the sponsor about the reasons for failed prescreening. ", "This feedback informed the next iteration of advertising recruitment.", "\n\n### Social Media Campaign \\#2\n\nThe sponsor has a track record as an innovative startup, using lean methods \\[[@ref23]\\] to rapidly adjust and experiment as a way of solving problems. ", "In this case, the innovative approach taken was to launch advertising on Facebook and focus on the potential clinical trial participant as a *customer*. ", "The customer segments principle \\[[@ref24]\\] and the use of keywords within Facebook advertising guided the remainder of the advertising campaign.", "\n\nTwo distinct customer segments or Facebook audiences were targeted in the second iteration of the social media campaign. ", "One advertising strategy focused on older adults who would be content with the low level of stimulation a 10-day/night stay would offer and who would be healthy enough to qualify for the study; this was the \"typical\" campaign. ", "A second advertising strategy was oriented to people who would be altruistically motivated to enroll. ", "This campaign targeted older adults interested in helping to advance scientific progress regarding the treatment of Alzheimer's disease and memory loss; this was the \"altruistic\" campaign. ", "Both segments reflect known motivations for participants in clinical trials \\[[@ref25]\\]. ", "The advertising strategy hypothesized that these two customer segments had the distinct attributes shown in [Textbox 1](#box1){ref-type=\"boxed-text\"}.", "\n\nFacebook advertising provides the ability to target by age, geography, income level, and keywords. ", "These qualifiers were used to narrow the outreach to either the typical or the altruistic customer segments. ", "Keywords can also be used for exclusion. ", "The use of keywords for exclusion narrows the targeted audience even further. ", "The Facebook algorithm seeks to match only one of the keywords, not all. ", "Keywords employed in the advertising campaign are outlined in [Table 1](#table1){ref-type=\"table\"}.", "\n\nAs the social media campaign evolved, the sponsor submitted for IRB-approval of additional text and photographs more suited to social media. ", "The campaign was configured so that the sponsor paid only for link clicks. ", "All links in the Facebook ad connected to the CRO's trial-specific landing page. ", "The landing page offered a form to be completed by potential participants expressing interest in the trial. ", "An advertisement representative of the typical campaign is shown in [Figure 2](#figure2){ref-type=\"fig\"}. ", "An advertisement representative of the altruistic campaign is shown in [Figure 3](#figure3){ref-type=\"fig\"}.", "\n\n###### Description of customer segments.", "\n\nCharacteristics of the \"typical\" recruit:\n\n- Sedentary but healthy\n\n- Willing to forego exercise/outdoors for 10 days\n\n- Enjoys television or reading\n\n- Available for a 10-day/night stay with short notice\n\n- Not involved in providing daily care for another\n\nCharacteristics of the \"altruistic\" recruit:\n\n- Civic-minded\n\n- Oriented to philanthropy or religious stewardship\n\n- Motivated to give of oneself and one's time for a greater good\n\n- Engaged in Alzheimer's disease awareness or touched by Alzheimer's disease\n\n- Interested in scientific advancement, medical research, and/or clinical trials\n\n###### \n\nKeywords used for targeted advertising on Facebook.", "\n\n Parameter Typical campaign Altruistic campaign\n -------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n Geography Communities within 90 minutes' drive of clinical siteAt or just below median income level for the county (2015 census)Engagements from initial ad were reviewed for geography, with advertising concentrated in communities showing higher rates of engagement University regions within two hours' driveAffluent communities within two hours' drive\n Income Level \\$100,000 or less \\$100,000 or above\n Keywords Clinical trial, Reading, WebMD, Widow, Frugality, Fixed income, Single person, Retirement, Social security, or solitaire Neuroscience, Clinical trial, Alzheimer\\'s disease research, Philanthropy, Mind games, Costco, Altruism, Medical research, Lumosity, or Lifelong learning\n Exclusions National Cancer Survivors Day, Diabetes mellitus type 2 awareness, Hypertension Awareness, Allergy, Prehypertension, Cancer signs and symptoms, Diabetic diet National Cancer Survivors Day, Diabetes mellitus type 2 awareness, Hypertension Awareness, Allergy, Prehypertension, Cancer signs and symptoms, Diabetic diet\n\n![", "Example of advertising placed for the typical campaign.](resprot_v7i1e20_fig2){#figure2}\n\n![", "Example of advertising placed for the altruistic campaign.](resprot_v7i1e20_fig3){#figure3}\n\nResults\n=======\n\nThe Facebook advertising campaign was conducted over a period of approximately 8 weeks. ", "The campaign concluded when the trial was fully enrolled with 45 subjects.", "\n\nSocial Media Campaign \\#1 Results\n---------------------------------\n\nThe initial post, a black and white image with text, received a \"1\" relevance score on a scale of 1 to 10, with 1 being low. ", "This finding indicated that the ad was not well designed for the target audience \\[[@ref26]\\]. ", "The full set of metrics for the initial ad from social media campaign \\#1 is shown in [Table 2](#table2){ref-type=\"table\"}.", "\n\nIn this post, the result rate was 1.9%, representing the ratio of engagements to impressions. ", "Engagements are clicks, likes, shares, or comments. ", "Impressions refers to an ad appearing in a newsfeed. ", "The reach (11,052) represents the number of unique people who viewed the content. ", "Of the 126 unique clicks, approximately 30 online contact forms were completed on the CRO landing page in the first five days. ", "The initial advertising run, which included a three-day holiday weekend, resulted in 27 shares, 73 reactions, and 17 comments. ", "This run also showed cost effectiveness, with a cost per engagement of US \\$1.23, compared to an industry average for medical campaigns of US \\$1.32 per click \\[[@ref27]\\]. ", "The clinical site reported results from the media outreach on a weekly basis during the recruitment period. [", "Table 3](#table3){ref-type=\"table\"} shows the results at the end of this initial week of paid Facebook posts.", "\n\nDespite the high contact rate, most subjects failed the stringent inclusion and exclusion criteria for the study. ", "However, this first iteration of the social media campaign successfully enrolled eight subjects and two alternates in the next dose cohort.", "\n\nSocial Media Campaign \\#2 Results\n---------------------------------\n\nThe typical and altruistic campaigns shown in [Figure 2](#figure2){ref-type=\"fig\"} and [Figure 3](#figure3){ref-type=\"fig\"} produced the results shown in [Table 4](#table4){ref-type=\"table\"}.", "\n\nThe ads from social media campaign \\#2 used color images, wording specifically chosen for social media, and keyword targeting. ", "This campaign produced click-through rates of 2.79% for the typical campaign and 2.01% for the altruistic campaign.", "\n\nTotal Campaign Results\n----------------------\n\n[Table 5](#table5){ref-type=\"table\"} summarizes the metrics from the entire Facebook advertising campaign.", "\n\nThe overall campaign click-through rate of 3.37% shown in [Table 5](#table5){ref-type=\"table\"} exceeded the typical click-through rate range for clinical trial recruitment, which is 0.5-1.2% \\[[@ref28]\\]. ", "The CRO reported the following demographics for participants in the healthy elderly clinical trial, shown in [Table 6](#table6){ref-type=\"table\"}.", "\n\nWith 29 women and 16 men participating, the study enrolled 64% women. ", "The study overenrolled white subjects. ", "White participants represent 81% of the southwest Michigan population in which the clinical site was located, whereas whites comprise 76.9% of the US population \\[[@ref29]\\].", "\n\n[Table 7](#table7){ref-type=\"table\"} summarizes the total number of inquiries made of the CRO about the trial by outreach form, as reported by the CRO. ", "Of 857 inquiries into the clinical trial, Facebook outreach produced 72.5% (621/857) of them.", "\n\n###### \n\nFacebook metrics for initial boosted post shown in [Figure 1](#figure1){ref-type=\"fig\"}.", "\n\n Metric Total number\n ----------------------- --------------\n Impressions 27,496\n Reach 11,052\n Link clicks 524\n Shares 27\n Comments 17\n Click-through rate, % 1.9\n Cost per click, US\\$ \\$1.23\n Frequency 2.49\n Unique clicks 126\n\n###### \n\nSummary of responses by medium in the first week of active Facebook advertising. ", "CRO: Contract Research Organization.", "\n\n Promotional medium Responses, end of week \\#1\n ------------------------------------ ----------------------------\n CRO website 1\n Referral 2\n Word of mouth 2\n Facebook 134\n Newspaper ads (3 papers, 3 cities) 6\n Billboard 4\n\n###### \n\nFacebook advertising results for typical and altruistic campaigns.", "\n\n Metric Typical campaign Altruistic campaign\n ----------------------- ------------------ ---------------------\n Impressions 44,659 31,080\n Reach 22,288 11,488\n Link clicks 1246 627\n Shares 14 12\n Comments 10 4\n Click-through rate, % 2.79 2.01\n Cost per click, US\\$ \\$0.91 \\$1.27\n Frequency 2.0 2.71\n Unique clicks 1084 534\n\n###### \n\nFacebook metrics for advertising campaign targeted to healthy elderly people.", "\n\n Metric Total number\n ----------------------- --------------\n Impressions 454,284\n Reach 142,228\n Link clicks 15,322\n Shares 140\n Comments 87\n Click-through rate, % 3.37\n Cost per click, US\\$ \\$0.45\n Frequency 3.19\n Unique clicks 7004\n\n###### \n\nDemographics of enrolled subjects.", "\n\n Parameter Total number\n -------------------- --------------\n Enrolled subjects 45\n Age range 60-78\n Number of women 29\n Number of men 16\n White ethnicity, % 90\n\n###### \n\nTotal inquiries sorted by method of outreach. ", "CRO: Contract Research Organization.", "\n\n Clinical trial inquiries Number\n ------------------------------------ --------\n CRO website and intranet 81\n Facebook 621\n Word of mouth/referral/event 64\n Print/newspaper ads 61\n Poster/flyer/direct mail/billboard 30\n\nDiscussion\n==========\n\nThe purpose of this report is to demonstrate the effectiveness of using sponsored advertising on Facebook to recruit people aged 60 years and older for clinical trial participation. ", "Initial metrics showed that even with a low relevance score, the initial black and white ad used for social media campaign \\#1 (and shown in [Figure 1](#figure1){ref-type=\"fig\"}) was twice as effective as average health care online advertising. ", "The average click-through rate for health care marketing online is 0.83% \\[[@ref30]\\] and this result rate was 1.9%. ", "Moreover, the Facebook advertising tool proposed a potential reach of 7000, and the actual reach of 11,052 exceeded this estimate by over 50%. ", "Analysis of social media campaign \\#2 by gender shows that women slightly favored the altruistic campaign, and men favored the typical campaign. ", "Results are shown in [Table 8](#table8){ref-type=\"table\"}.", "\n\nWhen considering the whole campaign, the engagement rate of men was slightly higher than the engagement rate of women, meaning that men were more likely to click on the advertisement than women. ", "The advertising appeared to more women than men, with Facebook reporting that 71% of the impressions were to women. ", "The results in [Table 9](#table9){ref-type=\"table\"} show this distinction of click activity by gender.", "\n\nFacebook advertising can be a cost-effective method to recruit people aged 60 years and older into Phase 1 clinical trials. ", "Respondents to the Facebook advertising campaign described in this report engaged with the sponsored advertising at a higher rate than younger adults engaged with social media advertising in other clinical trial recruitment studies \\[[@ref31]\\].", "\n\nIn [Table 10](#table10){ref-type=\"table\"}, metrics for this study are contrasted to two others: one involving young adults up to age 25 for a smoking cessation intervention \\[[@ref32]\\]; and one aimed at young women, aged 16-25, regarding sexual health \\[[@ref21]\\]. ", "In contrast to people of younger ages, sponsored advertising for this campaign geared to healthy people aged 60 years and above prompted a notably high proportion of unique clicks to campaign reach. ", "This finding affirms what other researchers have shown: people aged 55-64 are twice as likely to engage with sponsored Facebook advertising than younger adults \\[[@ref31]\\].", "\n\nThe amount of commenting and sharing also exceeded typical standards. ", "This advertising campaign received positive comments (posted on more than one ad) from a person who had completed the study. ", "The effects of this are immeasurable and certainly rare \\[[@ref28]\\]. ", "The ads were monitored several times per day throughout the campaign, with most comments receiving some kind of timely acknowledgment or reply. ", "Negative comments were unusual but did occur.", "\n\nMinority enrollment in the study was not proportional to the US population and lagged behind the demographics of the population surrounding the clinical site. ", "Reasons for low enrollment are not known but may relate to the demographics of Facebook users regionally, the images used for the Facebook ad campaign (which predominantly depicted white ethnicity subjects), and the gap in recruitment rates of minorities when recruiting older people in general \\[[@ref4]\\].", "\n\n###### \n\nComparison of responses by gender, and typical and altruistic campaigns.", "\n\n ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n Response Women Men \n ------------------------- ----------------------- ---------------- --------------\n **Typical campaign** \\ \\ \n\n \\ Reach, n (%) 15,344 (69.48) 6740 (30.52)\n\n \\ Clicks, n (%) 827 (70.74) 342 (29.26)\n\n \\ Click-through rate, % 5.38 5.07\n\n **Altruistic campaign** \\ \\ \n\n \\ Reach, n (%) 10,116 (88.92) 1260 (11.08)\n\n \\ Clicks, n (%) 587 (94.22) 36 (5.78)\n\n \\ Click-through rate, % 5.80 2.86\n ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n###### \n\nEngagement and cost by gender for the Facebook advertising campaign.", "\n\n Total campaign Women Men\n ---------------------- ----------------- -----------------\n Impressions, n (%) 322,185 (71.52) 128,266 (28.48)\n Reach, n (%) 98,721 (70.04) 42,227 (29.96)\n Cost, total US\\$ (%) 5200 (76.81) 1570 (23.19)\n Cost per click, US\\$ \\$0.0526 \\$0.0371\n Engagement rate, % 3.06 3.29\n\n###### \n\nComparison of engagement rates for advertising targeted to elderly and younger adults.", "\n\n -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n Age groups Campaign reach Unique clicks Clicks per reach\\ Cost per click\\ Overall cost\\ Number of subjects needed\n (%) (US\\$) (US\\$) \n ------------------- ---------------- --------------- ------------------- ----------------- -------------------- ---------------------------\n Healthy Age 60+ 142,228 7004 4.92 \\$0.45 \\$6828 45\n\n Smokers age 18-25 961,131 5895 0.61 \\$0.34 \\$2024 230\n\n Females age 16-25 469,678 7940 1.69 \\$0.67 \\$5400 (estimated) 200\n -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n###### \n\nInquiries made of a clinical trial, with and without Facebook advertising.", "\n\n -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n \\ Number of weeks^a^ \\ Inquiries from all advertising^b^ \\\n Recruitment period Facebook advertising campaign Enrolled subjects\n ------------------------ -------------------- ------------------------------- ----------------------------------- -------------------\n June 13 - August 28 11 No 178 6\n\n August 29 - October 25 8 Yes 691 39\n -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n^a^Approximated.", "\n\n^b^Results provided by Contract Research Organization.", "\n\nOther gaps in data stem from the relationship between the CRO and the sponsor. ", "The Facebook advertising campaign was initiated by the sponsor, without extensive coordination with the CRO. ", "The recruitment process was parallel but distinct, and specific recruitment data tracked by the CRO was not shared with the sponsor. ", "In this study, the following are not known: how many people completed the online form compared to telephoning their interest, how many of the 621 responses attributed to the Facebook campaign were contacted for prescreening, the subjects' precise reasons for enrolling in the study, and how much money was spent by the CRO on more traditional forms of recruitment. ", "Data that showed how the enrolled subjects learned of the clinical trial opportunity was not provided to the sponsor, so a cost-per-compliant participant from this Facebook campaign cannot be ascertained.", "\n\nIn this discussion, a sponsor with no prior presence on Facebook completed recruitment for a single-site, Phase 1 clinical trial following a Facebook advertising campaign. ", "The Facebook advertising was used in addition to other forms of outreach and demonstrated effectiveness in recruiting qualified candidates, as shown in [Table 11](#table11){ref-type=\"table\"}.", "\n\nThis study showed that interest in (and response to) a clinical trial focused on healthy elderly participants can be increased through a targeted Facebook advertising campaign.", "\n\nConclusion\n----------\n\nResults from this Facebook advertising campaign show that a sponsor who placed advertising on Facebook targeted to healthy people aged 60 years and older prompted enough interest in the clinical trial to successfully recruit a full cohort in a period of less than two months, thereby closing the gap created by clinical trial recruitment outreach using traditional methods alone.", "\n\nThe authors acknowledge funding by the National Institute of Aging through grant AG054243 to MEG.", "\n\nAuthors\\' Contributions: JMC conducted the Facebook ad campaign. ", "MEG provided input on strategy for the ad campaign and had overall responsibility for the conduct of the clinical trial. ", "JMC and MEG coauthored the manuscript.", "\n\nConflicts of Interest: JMC and MEG own stock options in Tetra Discovery Partners, which is the sponsor referred to in this study. ", "MEG is the founder, CEO and Chairman of Tetra. ", "JMC is a consultant holding a long-term contract with Tetra.", "\n\nCRO\n\n: Contract Research Organization\n\nIRB\n\n: Institutional Review Board\n" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nStreamwriter throws a system.argumentexception\n\nI know this question seems strange.", "\nI use .NET Micro Framework to write a small program in C# that use the default emulator to emulate a flash light using 5 buttons on the emulator, using interruptport to raise events.", "\nI coded so that when i pressed the bottom button, all the records stored in an arraylist usagelog will be printed out to a txt file. ", "Very simple and straightforward, i made a Streamwriter instance\nStreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(@\"c:\\temp.txt\");\n\nBut then it throws \"An unhandled exception of type 'System.", "ArgumentException' occurred in System.IO.dll\" at this line.", "\nI can't fix this, and I can't understand why there's an argument exception here. ", "The code works fine for a console project in visual C#, but it doesn't in Micro Framework.", "\n\nA:\n\nThe problem you are having is the because the FileSystem is different between Windows and the MicroFramework. ", "I was able to get it to run on the Emulator by using some Directory Functions to determine the available directorys.", "\npublic static void Main()\n{\n string d = Directory.", "GetCurrentDirectory();\n string[] directorys = Directory.", "GetDirectories(d);\n foreach (var item in directorys )\n {\n Debug.", "Print(item);\n }\n\n try\n {\n using (StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(\"\\\\WINFS\\\\temp.txt\"))\n {\n sw.", "WriteLine(\"Good Evening\");\n sw.", "Close();\n }\n }\n catch (Exception ex)\n {\n throw ex;\n }\n\n}\n\nIn the Emulator I came up with\n [0]: \"\\\\ROOT\"\n [1]: \"\\\\WINFS\"\n\nROOT did not work but WINFS did.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nreturn only whole match word using Regex\n\nI have a string \"myname 18-may 1234\" and I want only \"1234\" from whole string using a regex.", "\nI tried using the \\b([0-9]*)\\b regex and that gave me \"18\" and \"1234\" as a result.", "\nBut i want only \"1234\" not \"18\" Please suggest the correct way to select only \"1234\" from whole word.", "\nalso string are change in sometime string appears like \"18-may 1234 myname\" or \"18-may myname 1234\"\nIs it possible - to get 1234 only, not 18?", "\n\nA:\n\nif you replace the * quantifier in [0-9]* with [0-9]{n,} where n is the number of digits you at least expect, the regexp should only return 1234 in your example if you use [0-9]{3,}\n\n" ]
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[ 0.0007695485255680978, 0.001014356268569827, 0.0005913892528042197, 0.000698283314704895, 0.0008288476383313537 ]
[ "This information has been obtained from sources believed reliable. ", "While we do not doubt its accuracy, we have not verified it and make no guarantee, warranty or representation about it. ", "It is your responsibility to independently confirm its accuracy." ]
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[ 0.0005593434325419366, 0.0005812073941342533, 0.0006866934709250927 ]
[ "Q:\n\nHow moment.js works with declination minutes and hours?", "\n\nTell me pls, have a number, for example 1440 and i need get or minute, or minutes, or hour or hours. ", "What can I do? ", "I do:\nvar getTimeouts = function (timeouts) {\n var timeout = +timeouts,\n timeoutValue = \"\";\n\n if (timeout > 0) {\n if (timeout % 60 == 0) {\n if (timeout == 60) {\n // timeoutValue = '1 hour';\n } else {\n // timeoutValue = '... hours';\n }\n } else {\n if (timeout == 1) {\n // timeoutValue = '1 minute';\n } else {\n // timeoutValue = '... minutes';\n }\n }\n }\n\n return timeoutValue;\n};\n\nconsole.log(getTimeouts(1440)); // 24 hours\n\nQuestion: how with momont.js I can parse a number and get minute/minutes/hour/hours?", "\n\nA:\n\nYou can only sort of do this with momentjs.", "\nmoment.duration().humanize() will give you a string that loosely represents the duration.", "\nmoment.duration(60,\"minute\").humanize(); //= an hour\nmoment.duration(1,\"minute\").humanize(); //= a minute\nmoment.duration(5,\"minute\").humanize(); //= 5 minutes\nmoment.duration(55,\"minute\").humanize(); //= an hour <-!!!", "\n\nDepending on you needs, it might be good enough.", "\nBut if you need something that is actually accurate, use the HumanizeDuration plugin.", "\nhumanizeDuration(3000) // \"3 seconds\"\nhumanizeDuration(2015) // \"2.25 seconds\"\nhumanizeDuration(97320000) // \"1 day, 3 hours, 2 minutes\"\n\nAnd if you don't need the extra language support it comes with, just manually delete those parts of the plugin.", "\nEdit:\nIn case I misunderstood and you just need a number representing the hours, minutes, seconds, etc.", "\nYou can use moment.duration().as('something').", "\nvar getTimeouts = function (timeouts) {\n var timeout = +timeouts,\n timeoutValue = \"\";\n\n if (timeout > 0) {\n if (timeout % 60 == 0) {\n if (timeout == 60) {\n timeoutValue = '1 hour';\n } else {\n timeoutValue = parseInt(\n moment.duration(timeouts, 'minutes').as('hours'), 10) + ' hours';\n }\n } else {\n if (timeout == 1) {\n timeoutValue = '1 minute';\n } else {\n timeoutValue = parseInt(\n moment.duration(timeouts, 'minutes').as('minute'), 10) + ' minutes';\n }\n }\n }\n\n return timeoutValue;\n};\n\nWorking copy: http://jsfiddle.net/slicedtoad/c90v76s9/3/\nYou could of course add the logic to make it give you stuff like \"1 hour, 2 minutes\"\n\n" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nIf a function is integrable, does it also have finite integral given any counting measure?", "\n\nIf the integral of a function $f$ is $L^1$,\n\\begin{equation} \\int f dx < \\infty \\end{equation}\nDoes the same function have finite integral under any countable counting measure,\n\\begin{equation} \\sum f(x_{i}) d\\mu(x_{i}) < \\infty \\end{equation}\nfor any sequance $\\{ x_{i} \\}_{i \\in \\mathbb{N}}$?", "\nI wanna say yes, due to the latter being the same as simple functions on point sets. ", "But also we might loose cancelation of areas when throwing away alot of stuff in this fashion.", "\n\nA:\n\nSo, first of all, please make sure you get your notation correct, otherwise it's hard to be sure what you're asking. ", " I think you mean to say that $f\\in L_1$, not $L_2$. It would also be nice to have the domain of $f$, which I assume from context is $(0,\\infty)$. Also, if you want to talk about an integral over the counting measure on $\\mathbb{N}$, the proper notation is\n$$\\sum_{i=1}^\\infty f(x_i).$$\nOf course, the answer is no. ", " Consider the function $f=\\boldsymbol{1}_\\mathbb{N}$.\nThere are special conditions under which the answer is yes. ", " By the Integral Test, if $f$ is nonnegative, continuous, and decreasing on $(0,\\infty)$ and $\\int f<\\infty$ then $\\sum_{n=1}^\\infty f(n)$ converges. ", " In fact, so does $\\sum_{i=1}^\\infty f(x_i)$, provided $(x_i)_{i=1}^\\infty$ is increasing with $\\inf|x_{i+1}-x_i|>0$.\n\n" ]
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[ 0.0008271454134956002, 0.0047600450925529, 0.0006143153295852244, 0.0012050041696056724, 0.0005976862157694995, 0.0012988470261916518, 0.0009621479548513889, 0.00506708025932312, 0.013359433971345425 ]
[ "Design of add-drop multiplexer based on multi-core optical fibers for mode-division multiplexing.", "\nA multi-core fiber coupler is proposed to extract one of the modes in a few-mode optical fiber from a light beam, leaving the other modes undisturbed, and allowing a new signal to be retransmitted on that mode. ", "Selective coupling of higher-order modes from a few-mode optical fiber can be realized by increasing the coupling length difference of the modes in the fiber using the multi-core configuration. ", "Low cross-talk and wide bandwidth operation are realized owing to the fact that only one mode can be effectively coupled." ]
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[ 0.0006775838555768132, 0.0005958850379101932, 0.0006444108439609408, 0.0006401262944564223 ]
[ "Drugs for MC Storm\n\n\"MC Storm has been told he cannot receive NHS treatment for his severe chronic laryngitis as he uses his voice to promote drug fuelled events. ", "Mr Peter Brownlow a spokesperson for Storm has accused Gordon Brown of \"incompetence\" in managing the health service.", "\nThe hardcore hero wants fair treatment for all MCâ" ]
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[ 0.012036443687975407, 0.0012207585386931896, 0.0009632872533984482 ]
[ "Qatar and Saudi Arabia register a decrease in sales of luxury Swiss watches\n\nThe UAE was the eighth biggest market in the world for luxury Swiss made watches in February, according to the latest industry data. ", "Figures released by the Federation of the Swiss Watch Industry, the country imported watches valued at 63.3 Swiss francs ($69.4m), up nearly five percent on the same month in 2010.", "\n\nOther Gulf nations also figured in the top 30 importers of Swiss watches last month although Saudi Arabia, ranked 15th, saw an 11.6 percent decline in the value of imports compared to last year. ", "Qatar also saw imports slump last month with 15.2m Swiss francs worth of imports, more than 28 percent down on the same month last year.", "\n\nThroughout the Middle East, the number of Swiss watches imported rose by more than 38 percent to nearly 248,000 units in February, the Federation data said. ", "The largest market for Swiss watches in February was Hong Kong which was worth 273m Swiss francs, up 20.2 percent on the same month last year.", "\n\nAnalysts have said some Middle East markets could be hit by lower tourist numbers in the wake of recent unrest." ]
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[ "The present invention relates to spray guns for spraying liquids such as paint or the like, and in particular to a spray gun assembly including a paint supply container having motor driven agitator means for automatically mixing the paint in the container.", "\nIn the spraying of paints and other suspensions by means of a spray gun assembly including a spray gun and an associated paint supply container, it is desirable to provide agitation of the paint in the supply container to prevent suspended pigments from settling to the bottom of the container and to produce optimum distribution of pigment in the vehicle. ", "It will be obvious that in the spraying of various liquids other than paint, it is often necessary to provide for agitation in the supply container to effect proper mixing of the various components of the liquid to be sprayed.", "\nPrior attempts to agitate paint within a supply container include the provision of movable agitator members inside of the container, whereby upon manual shaking of the container the agitator members move about within the container and produce mixing of the contents therein. ", "However, such an expedient is subject to the disadvantage that it is not automatic, and thus repeated manual shaking of the container is required to maintain thorough mixing.", "\nAnother type of prior agitator for a paint supply container of a spray gun having a manually operable trigger mechanism is described in U.S. Pat. ", "No. ", "3,412,937. ", "As taught therein, an agitator member is disposed within the paint supply container and secured to an agitator rod which projects outwardly of the container. ", "The rod is engageable by the spray gun trigger mechanism for actuation thereby, whereby each time an operator squeezes the trigger to produce a spray of paint, the resulting movement of the trigger automatically imparts movement to the agitator within the container to effect mixing of the paint supply. ", "A disadvantage of such an arrangement, however, is that if the spray gun assembly is allowed to sit idle for a period of time, and unless the gun is triggered relatively frequently, pigment tends to settle in the bottom of the container.", "\nYet another contemplated agitator comprises a rotary impeller disposed in the paint supply container and driven by motor means. ", "Although such agitators operate relatively continuously and maintain agitation of the paint, the mixing obtained with rotary impellers has been less than satisfactory." ]
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[ "Connie and Clyde\n\nYear: 1971\n\nCountry: USA\n\nLanguage: English\n\nDirector: Gene Knowland\n\nStarring: Sandy Dempsey, Jim Frost, Jim, Michael Donovan O’Donnell\n\n\n\n\n\nDescription: They rob banks, they drink moonshine, then fuck all day and night. ", "They live the life. ", "Debauchery, deviancy, lust and crime, Connie & Floyd break all boundaries in their quest for ultimate indulgence. ", "Follow them across America as they feed their sins with blood and sex. ", "This is the kind of unique classic that modern film makers do not dare create. ", "Whether it’s a good plot containing hardcore fucking or hardcore fucking with that edge you crave getting off, Connie & Floyd will invade your mind, harden your cock and pull you into it’s world of crime, moonshine and sex.", "\n\n\n\n" ]
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[ "Benefits of Resistance Training with Blood Flow Restriction in Knee Osteoarthritis.", "\nEvaluate the effects of a low-intensity resistance training (LI-RT) program associated with partial blood flow restriction on selected clinical outcomes in patients with knee osteoarthritis (OA). ", "Forty-eight women with knee OA were randomized into one of the three groups: LI-RT (30% one repetition maximum [1-RM]) associated (blood flow restriction training [BFRT]) or not (LI-RT) with partial blood flow restriction, and high-intensity resistance training (HI-RT, 80% 1-RM). ", "Patients underwent a 12-wk supervised training program and were assessed for lower-limb 1-RM, quadriceps cross-sectional area, functionality (timed-stands test and timed-up-and-go test), and disease-specific inventory (Western Ontario and McMaster Universities Osteoarthritis Index [WOMAC]) before (PRE) and after (POST) the protocol. ", "Similar within-group increases were observed in leg press (26% and 33%, all P < 0.0001), knee extension 1-RM (23% and 22%; all P < 0.0001) and cross-sectional area (7% and 8%; all P < 0.0001) in BFRT and HI-RT, respectively, and these were significantly greater (all P < 0.05) than those of LI-RT. ", "The BFRT and HI-RT showed comparable improvements in timed-stands test (7% and 14%, respectively), with the latter showing greater increases than LI-RT. ", "Timed-up-and-go test scores were not significantly changed within or between groups. ", "WOMAC physical function was improved in BFRT and HI-RT (-49% and -42%, respectively; all P < 0.05), and WOMAC pain was improved in BFRT and LI-RT (-45% and -39%, respectively; all P < 0.05). ", "Four patients (of 16) were excluded due to exercise-induced knee pain in HI-RT. ", "Blood flow restriction training and HI-RT were similarly effective in increasing muscle strength, quadriceps muscle mass, and functionality in knee OA patients. ", "Importantly, BFRT was also able to improve pain while inducing less joint stress, emerging as a feasible and effective therapeutic adjuvant in OA management." ]
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[ "Terence James Elkins\n\nTerence James Elkins (born 8 March 1936) is an Australian-born American physicist. ", "In 1960, he participated in an expedition from Mawson Station which conducted the first geological surveys of the Napier Mountains in Antarctica. ", "The highest of this group of mountains, Mount Elkins, was subsequently named after him. ", "In 1979, he received the Harold Brown Award, the Air Force's highest honour for research and development, for research he conducted that contributed to the development of the AN/FPS-118 over-the-horizon backscatter (OTH-B) air defence radar system. ", "This system, consisting of six one-megawatt transmitters and their associated horizontal linear phased array antennas, is currently the largest radar system in the world.", "\n\nEducation\nElkins earned his Bachelor of Electrical Engineering degree from University of Melbourne in 1957. ", "He earned his master's degree in Physics and Astronomy from Boston University in 1967. ", "He earned his PhD from the same institution in 1970, publishing a thesis entitled Studies of Ionospheric Irregularity Using Radio Astronomical Techniques.", "\n\nMawson Station (1960–1961)\nAfter completion of his bachelor's degree, Elkins joined the ANARE team that wintered over at Mawson Station in Australian Antarctic Territory, East Antarctica in 1960. ", "The wintering party comprised 33 expeditioners including 12 members of the RAAF Antarctic Flight; the Officer-in-Charge was Hendrick Geysen. ", "That year, Elkins was part of a mechanised and sledging field party that travelled from Mawson Station to the Napier Mountains in Enderby Land, East Antarctica. ", "The men of this expedition, led by fellow Antarctic explorer Syd Kirkby, conducted the first geological surveys of that area of the continent. ", "The highest of this small group of mountains, Mount Elkins, was subsequently named after Dr. Elkins.", "\nOther survey teams that year visited the Framnes Mountains, conducted geological and survey work in the Prince Charles Mountains, and visited the Emperor penguin colonies at Taylor Glacier and Fold Island.", "\n\nANARE has since been renamed the Australian Antarctic Program, managed by the Australian Antarctic Division, itself a division of the Department of the Environment, Water, Heritage and the Arts.", "\n\nEmigration to the United States and early career\n\nElkins emigrated from his native Australia to the United States in 1963, at the height of the Space Race, after being recruited by the scientific research program of the United States Air Force. ", "Beginning in the early 1960s, he conducted research focused mainly on the upper atmosphere and ionosphere, and improvements to ground, airborne, and space-based surveillance and reconnaissance systems, including over-the-horizon radar systems.", "\n\nIn addition to his work at Hanscom Air Force Base, much of his early research was also conducted at Sagamore Hill Radio Observatory, a ground-based solar observatory located in Hamilton, Massachusetts. ", "Sagamore Hill Solar Radio Observatory is a functional component of the Radio Solar Telescope Network (RSTN).", "\n\nIn 1980, he developed and published an auroral echo-scattering model to predict the obscuration of targets when the radar transmission path is through the auroral region.", "\n\nDevelopment of the over-the-horizon air defence radar system\nElkins was part of a team of Rome Air Development Center (RADC) engineers that developed and constructed components for frequency modulation/continuous wave (FM/CW) radars capable of detecting and tracking objects at over-the-horizon ranges. ", "A prototype radar was installed and evaluated on 15 September 1970. ", "The system incorporated a Beverage array receive antenna (located at Columbia Air Force Station), a high-power transmitter array (located at Moscow Air Force Station), and an operations center (located at Bangor Airport). ", "This prototype became operational on 30 October of that year. ", "Experimental transmissions from the Maine site covered a 60° sector from 16.5° to 76.5° azimuth and from 900 to 3,300 km in range from the radar.", "\n\nBased on the success of these early experiments, the Department of Defense proposed to deploy a fully operational radar system. ", "This radar system, covering 180° in azimuth, was built at the same locations in Maine. ", "Initial testing was conducted from June 1980 to June 1981. ", "GE Aerospace (now Lockheed Martin Ocean, Radar and Sensor Systems) received a contract in mid-1982 for full-scale development of the AN/FPS-118 program.", "\n\nThe operational system consisted of multiple OTH-B radars functioning as an early warning system, to detect incoming enemy bombers and cruise missiles. ", "The system, as initially envisioned, was to consist of four sectors:\n East Coast Sector (ECRS): facing east, including a group of three transmitters at Moscow Air Force Station, Maine, a group of three receivers at Columbia Air Force Station, also in Maine, and an operations center located at Bangor International Airport.", "\n West Coast Sector (WCRS): facing west, including a group of three transmitters at Christmas Valley, Oregon, a group of three receivers at Tule Lake, near Alturas, California, and an operations center at Mountain Home Air Force Base, Idaho.", "\n North Sector (in Alaska): facing north, cancelled prior to completion\n Central Sector (in Texas): facing south\n\nOnly months after the system became fully operational, the Cold War came to an end. ", "The military requirement for the OTH-B radar network was therefore greatly diminished. ", "The mission of the ECRS radar system was redirected to counter-narcotics surveillance and drug interdiction, and the ECRS operated in this capacity for several years. ", "The three OTH radars of the WCRS were mothballed, and the incomplete North Sector in Alaska was cancelled.", "\n\nThe Air Force currently maintains the six East Coast and West Coast OTH-B radars in a state called warm storage, which preserves the physical and electrical integrity of the system and permits recall, should a need arise. ", "It would require at least 24 months to bring these first generation OTH-B radars into an operational status.", "\n\nLater career\nDr. Elkins spent much of his career at Hanscom Air Force Base in Bedford, Massachusetts, where he conducted research at several of the tenant commands, including the Air Force Cambridge Research Laboratories (AFCRL) and the Geophysics Laboratory. ", "He also conducted research at the Rome Air Development Center, located at Griffiss Air Force Base in Rome, New York. ", "The Geophysics Laboratory is now known as the Phillips Laboratory, while the Rome Air Development Center is now known as the Rome Laboratory. ", "Both research laboratories operate under the Air Force Materiel Command (AFMC).", "\n\nOver the course of a career that spanned nearly five decades, Dr. Elkins' research focused on development and deployment of electronic systems for the gathering and dissemination of military intelligence, including command, control and communications, satellite imagery, electronic warfare, and systems for remote sensing of the environment from surface, airborne, space and undersea based platforms.", "\n\nAfter more than 20 years in research and development for the United States Air Force, he joined the Mitre Corporation in McLean, Virginia, where he continued his research for another 25 years. ", "The majority of his work at MITRE was for the Command, Control, Communications, and Intelligence (C3I) Federally Funded Research and Development Center (FFRDC) supporting the United States Department of Defense.", "\n\nAwards and recognition\nElkins was the recipient of the 1979 Harold Brown Award. ", "The Harold Brown Award is the Air Force's highest honour for research and development.", "\n\nPublications\nElkins has published many scientific journal articles, including:\n\n Ionospheric effects associated with nuclear weapon tests, July–December 1962: a scientific report, by Terence J. Elkins & Alv Egeland (Kiruna Geophysical Observatory, 63:2, 1 MAR 1963).", "\n Influence of solar protons on high-latitude ionospheric disturbance, by Terence J. Elkins (Radio Sci., ", "1: 1195–1200, OCT 1966).", "\n Frequency dependence of radio star scintillations, by J. Aarons, R.S. Allen, and T.J. Elkins (Journal of Geophysical Research, Volume 72, Issue 11, Pages 2891–2902, 1 JUN 1967).", "\n Measurement and interpretation of power spectrums of ionospheric scintillation at a sub-auroral location, by Terence J. Elkins and Michael D. Papagiannis (Journal of Geophysical Research, Volume 74, Pages 4105–4115, 1 AUG 1969).", "\n Observations of travelling ionospheric disturbances using stationary satellites, by T.J. Elkins and F.F. Slack (Journal of Atmospheric and Terrestrial Physics, Volume 31, Issue 3, Pages 421–439, MAR 1969).", "\n Dispersive motions of ionospheric irregularities, by Michael D. Papagiannis and Terence J. Elkins (Journal of Atmospheric and Terrestrial Physics, Volume 32, Issue 3, Pages 383–395, MAR 1970).", "\n\nReferences\n\nFurther reading\n\nExternal links\n Australian Antarctic Names and Medals Committee (AANMC)\n Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research (SCAR)\n PDF Map of the Australian Antarctic Territory\n Stations of the Australian Antarctic Division: Mawson Station\n Major Peaks of the Enderby Land Coast Range\n MITRE Corporation Fact Sheet\n\nCategory:1936 births\nCategory:Living people\nCategory:21st-century American physicists\nCategory:Australian physicists\nCategory:Explorers of Antarctica\nCategory:People from Melbourne\nCategory:University of Melbourne alumni\nCategory:Boston University alumni\nCategory:Australian American\nCategory:Antarctic scientists" ]
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[ "1. ", "Field of the Invention\nThe present invention relates to an actuator which starts an operation of a device to which it is attached by generating an operation gas which is a combustion gas when activated and more particularly to, for example, an actuator which is preferably used for an onboard automotive safety apparatus such as a hood pop-up apparatus which lifts up a hood panel in receiving a pedestrian as a protection target.", "\n2. ", "Description of the Related Art\nSome of conventional actuators like the one described above are used in a hood pop-up device which lifts up a hood panel, and those actuators are configured as a piston-cylinder type actuator which makes use of combustion gas generated as a result of ignition of explosive material when a gas generator is activated as operation gas (for example, refer to JP-A-2011-208738). ", "In this actuator, the piston rod includes the piston portion which can slide within the cylinder and the rod portion which extends to the outside of the cylinder from the piston portion and which supports a hood panel as a receiving member which receives a pedestrian as a protection target in such a way as to raise the hood panel as high as a pedestrian receiving position. ", "Further, due to the actuator being disposed in the hood panel, in this actuator, the packing is provided in the gap portion defined between near the distal end of the rod portion of the piston rod and the inner circumferential surface of the cylinder with a view to preventing the intrusion of rain water into the interior of the actuator. ", "In case rain water arrives at the gas generator which supplies the operation gas to the piston portion side, the ignition fails when the gas generator is activated, and therefore, the provision of the packing is necessary with a view to ensuring the waterproofness of the actuator.", "\nFurther, in this actuator, the E ring is provided in the rod portion with a view to preventing the unintentional protrusion of the piston rod before actuation, that is, the unintentional extension of the actuator which is triggered by the forward movement of the piston rod before actuation. ", "This E ring is brought into abutment with the ceiling wall portion of the cylinder to prevent the forward movement of the piston rod when in actuation while striking strongly the ceiling wall portion to be dislocated from the rod portion to allow the forward movement of the piston rod when the actuator is actuated.", "\nIn the conventional actuator, however, since the packing is provided, the packing has to be selected while considering the production tolerance in dimension, and the packing accommodation groove has to be designed accordingly. ", "In addition, the E ring and the E ring accommodation groove also need to be provided, resulting in the problem that the actuator cannot be configured simple." ]
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", " Only width 1 is guaranteed to be supported; others depend on the\n implementation.", "\n To query the range of supported widths, call <citerefentry><refentrytitle>glGet</refentrytitle></citerefentry>\n with argument <constant>GL_ALIASED_LINE_WIDTH_RANGE</constant>.", "\n </para>\n </refsect1>\n <refsect1 xml:id=\"notes\"><title>Notes</title>\n <para>\n The line width specified by <function>glLineWidth</function> is always returned when <constant>GL_LINE_WIDTH</constant>\n is queried.", "\n Clamping and rounding have no effect on the specified value.", "\n </para>\n <para>\n Line width may be clamped to an implementation-dependent maximum. ", " Call <citerefentry><refentrytitle>glGet</refentrytitle></citerefentry> with <constant>GL_ALIASED_LINE_WIDTH_RANGE</constant> to determine the maximum width.", "\n </para>\n </refsect1>\n <refsect1 xml:id=\"errors\"><title>Errors</title>\n <para>\n <constant>GL_INVALID_VALUE</constant> is generated if <parameter>width</parameter> is less than or equal to 0.", "\n </para>\n </refsect1>\n <refsect1 xml:id=\"associatedgets\"><title>Associated Gets</title>\n <para>\n <citerefentry><refentrytitle>glGet</refentrytitle></citerefentry> with argument <constant>GL_LINE_WIDTH</constant>\n </para>\n <para>\n <citerefentry><refentrytitle>glGet</refentrytitle></citerefentry> with argument <constant>GL_ALIASED_LINE_WIDTH_RANGE</constant>\n </para>\n </refsect1>\n <refsect1 xml:id=\"versions\">\n <title>API Version Support</title>\n <informaltable>\n <tgroup cols=\"4\" align=\"left\">\n <xi:include xmlns:xi=\"http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude\" href=\"apifunchead.xml\" xpointer=\"xpointer(/*/*)\"/>\n <tbody>\n <row>\n <entry>glLineWidth</entry>\n <xi:include xmlns:xi=\"http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude\" href=\"apiversion.xml\" xpointer=\"xpointer(/*/*[@role='es20']/*)\"/>\n </row>\n </tbody>\n </tgroup>\n </informaltable>\n </refsect1>\n <refsect1 xml:id=\"seealso\"><title>See Also</title>\n <para>\n <citerefentry><refentrytitle>glEnable</refentrytitle></citerefentry>\n </para>\n </refsect1>\n <refsect1 xml:id=\"Copyright\"><title>Copyright</title>\n <para>\n Copyright <trademark class=\"copyright\"/> 1991-2006 Silicon Graphics, Inc.\n Copyright <trademark class=\"copyright\"/> 2010-2014 Khronos Group.", "\n This document is licensed under the SGI Free Software B License.", "\n For details, see\n <link xmlns:xlink=\"http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink\" xlink:href=\"http://oss.sgi.com/projects/FreeB/\">http://oss.sgi.com/projects/FreeB/</link>.", "\n </para>\n </refsect1>\n</refentry>\n" ]
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[ "Wednesday, June 3, 2009\n\nWalkin' After Midnight\n\nWanna know what we do for entertainment out here on the prairie after the kids go to bed? ", "NO, NOT THAT! ", "Well that too, but that's not what I'm talking about, this is a family blog. ", "Seriously people keep it clean. :)", "\n\nMany a night, after the kids have gone to bed, GI Joe and I curl up on the couch, watch a little TV, and wait for our boys to provide our evening entertainment...while sleeping. ", "They both tend to sleep talk AND sleep walk and because we're us ,we don't just put them back to bed. ", "Oh no, we mess with them and it is oh so fun!It all started with Blade yelling in his room one night about passing the football. ", "We went in his room to see what the problem was and he was frantically trying to find the non existent football in his bed, all the while wearing a very vacant stare. ", "GI Joe very excitedly said to him \"Pass me the football Blade! ", "Pass me the ball!\" ", "Blade acted as if he were about to make the Super Bowl winning play when he picked up the imaginary football and threw it to GI Joe. ", "Then he promptly laid back down and was fast asleep. ", "Ever since then anytime Blade starts talking in his sleep (which is quite frequently) GI Joe tries to play football with him. ", "The problem is contagious as Ryder has now started doing it. ", "One night we heard crying and fighting coming from their room. ", "We stood outside the door and listened to them both adamantly telling the other to be quiet and that \"it\" was their fault. ", "We went in and after GI Joe asked them both to toss him the football (seriously) we tried asking them questions to figure out what triggered the episode. ", "We were thinking that one of them was surely awake and coherent and started the whole thing. ", "Not so much. ", "They were both totally and completely out of it. ", "We never did figure out what \"it\" was. ", "Talk about sibling rivalry, they even fight in their SLEEP! ", "They really outdid themselves recently though. ", "Blade got up and was wandering around aimlessly with that blank look in his eyes. ", "GI Joe asked him what he was doing and Blade said he had to go potty really bad. ", "GI Joe steered him in the direction of the bathroom. ", "A few seconds later he went in to check on him and Blade was standing on the stepstool PEEING IN THE SINK! ", "Ewwwww!!!!! ", "All of the commotion caused Ryder to stir because as we were dealing w/ the sink crisis he started wandering the house also sportin' the glazed over look. ", "GI Joe asked him if he also had to go potty and he just shook his head and started walking towards the front door. ", "Typically, we don't make our children go outside to go the bathroom, although given the boys' aim sometimes it's tempting. ", "But for some reason he was headed outside to go potty, so again we took the high route. ", "Which of course was to open the door and say in the voice reserved for the dogs \"Ryder go potty?!\" ", "Seriously you guys, he was halfway out the door until the cold air hit him and woke him up just enough to realize it was awfully chilly for a bathroom. ", "In an effort to redeem ourselves as parents, GI Joe and I then got up off the floor from laughing and took him to the real bathroom and then tucked him snugly back into bed. ", "We're not total monsters. ", "Almost as enjoyable as playing imaginary football with them and sending them outside to go the bathroom is teasing them the next morning. ", "They never believe us and have no memory of doing any of the things they do. ", "One of these nights I'm going to video it for proof and also to show at their graduation right next to their naked baby bathtub pictures. ", "Wonder if they'll grow out of it? ", "I did, GI Joe did NOT, but that's a post for another day. ", "I can tell you one thing, the \"I must've been sleepwalking\" just isn't gonna fly when they are 16 and we find them at a girlfriend's house in the middle of the night. ", "So fughettabout it boys. ", "I've used every line in the book and if it didn't work for me it's definitely not working for you. ", "Sleep tight and don't let the footballs bite!", "\n\nAbout Me\n\nCity girl + country boy + lil piece of land = high maintenance hick (me). ", "We have 3 crazy and wonderful country bumpkin children, Dakota, Blade and Ryder. ", "We live out in the boondocks on an acreage that we call Koons Zoo, because it's filled with various animals that are strictly for our petting pleasure and entertainment. ", "Needless to say there is never a dull moment!" ]
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[ "Thanks To The Wheel Of Life I Feel Totally Sh*T About Myself\n\n14/08/2014 16:36\n|\nUpdated\n22 May 2015\n\nEllen Stewart\nMyDaily UK\n\nThe other night I found myself sipping over-priced cocktails with a group of friends discussing the usual work, relationships, the weather, when one of the guys mentioned a life coaching exercise his boss has sent him to fill out.", "\n\n\"It's called the wheel of life, and it's actually pretty good,\" he said. \"", "It's made me think about the aspects of my life I could improve.\"", "\n\nI should probably mention this guy (along with the rest of the group) is far more successful and grown-up than me. ", "He runs marathons for charity and owns a Porsche.", "\n\n\"You divide your life into sections, career, health, relationships, spirituality, family and so on, and mark each out of 10,\" he explained. \"", "The point is to find a balance where your 'wheel' is fairly even.\"", "\n\nBy this point I'm pretty boozy and convinced \"unagi\" and drawing circles on a piece of paper is the solution to all the problems I didn't even know I had.", "\n\nThe next day, as I'm nursing a pretty sore head, I decide to sit down and draw my wheel of life. ", "Okay, okay while I'm being all honest with you. ", "I couldn't be bothered to actually draw it so I found one you could fill in online. ", "Cheers Google.", "\n\nIn my post-drunk stupor the site's instructions struck a chord. \"", "It's time to take a 'helicopter view' of your life so that you can bring things back into balance.\" ", "Hell yeah.", "\n\nFirst thing's first, home life. ", "Well I still live with my mum so that's not exactly ideal. ", "I mark that a three. ", "Next, relationship. ", "I'm seeing someone and it's all gravy, let's be positive and give that a nine. ", "Health. ", "Should probably go to the gym. ", "Five.", "\n\nThat, my friends, is my life. ", "Doesn't it look totally shit? ", "I'm not even sure why it looks shit, but it does. ", "And d'you know what? ", "It makes me FEEL shit. ", "And here's why:\n\n1. ", "Scoring\n\nIs scoring fours all round good because at least then you've a proper wheel? ", "I thought it wasn't possible to \"have it all\".", "\n\nI'd rather be having 10/10 fun than scoring as high in terms of money. ", "Money moves up the scale and fun moves down. ", "Who wants that? ", "Plus, what's this ranking stuff reminds me of being at school and deciding whether I agreed or strongly agreed with a statement. ", "I don't know. ", "This is too stressful.", "\n\n2. ", "Obsolete categories\n\nI didn't realise I had to define myself in terms of spirituality and environment. ", "I don't even understand what they mean. ", "But now, now I'm worried about them.", "\n\n3. ", "What's the solution?", "\n\nNow I've worked out what's wrong in my life how am I meant to fix it. ", "I know it's meant to be up to me wheel, but you can't just leave me out here in the cold. ", "Is there some kind of secondary wheel or flow chart to help me figure out the next steps?", "\n\nIn conclusion I've decided to tear up my wheel and sweep all my \"problems\" under the rug for now. ", "What does the wheel of life know anyway?" ]
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[ "Impacts and Innovations in Labelling Standards | Product Social Metrics\n\nLast month, PRé Sustainability Consultant João Fontes attended the ISEAL Conference in London. ", "The ISEAL Alliance is the global membership association of sustainability and labelling standards, including FSC, MSC, Fairtrade, Rainforest Alliance, and Bonsucro. ", "This year their event focused on “Impacts and Innovations”\n\nSustainability impact was the hot topic at the two-day conference. ", "The nearly 230 standards systems, sustainability experts, and professionals in attendance discussed next steps in the impacts journey, and what potential benefits could be reaped from innovations and new opportunities.", "\n\nPrecompetitive collaboration on product social metrics\n\nAt the conference, we presented our Roundtable for Product Social Metrics. ", "We showcased the drivers and the objectives of this initiative, specifically where we are in the process and where we are heading.", "\n\nWith a focus on pre-competitive collaboration, PRé initiated the Roundtable for Product Social Metrics in collaboration with proactive companies. ", "We are searching for workable solutions for assessing social impacts at the product level. ", "The overall objectives of the Roundtable are to harmonise key principles and metrics, consult external stakeholders, and develop a collaborative implementation phase.", "\n\nA positive impact at the household level: Battling poverty\n\nA central point in the discussion was, “how can sustainability standards bring about positive impacts while decreasing negative impact?” ", "Attendees learned about the “demonstrating and improving poverty impacts project.” ", "This project aims to help ISEAL members assess the impacts of their systems on poverty and well-being, at a household level.", "\n\nISEAL’s partnership with the Ford Foundation, which began in 2011, aims to develop a framework for certification systems. ", "This will allow them to assess their contribution to poverty alleviation and pro-poor development. ", "Such assessments will hopefully drive poverty alleviation and improved livelihoods through improved impacts of certification.", "\n\nTransparency and sharing are integral to labelling success\n\nAt the conference, most participants were from labelling standards, NGOs, and non-profit organisations. ", "A few large companies were also present, including Unilever, Marks & Spencer, Nestlé, Ahold, Tetra Pak, and SAP.", "\n\nConference discussions from all these different parties confirm that there is demand for assessing, understanding, and communicating the impacts of labelling standards on sustainability. ", "Developing a common language and framework for impact assessment is critical to success. ", "Also important is the willingness to share the workload involved in collecting data and information.", "\n\nThe ISEAL community seems to realize that sharing and full transparency will only be possible in a network where all the players realize a benefit for participating. ", "The way forward is to build systems where the effort to contribute rewards everyone.", "\n\nA global consensus of core values\n\nISEAL recently completed a global consultation to create a consensus on a set of credibility principles. ", "These principles represent the core values upon which effective standards are built. ", "The ISEAL Credibility Principles were launched during the conference.", "\n\nAdditional sessions addressed issues like the need for collaboration to collect data, tools for supply chain management, and truthful sustainability claims and labelling.", "\n\nIf you want to learn more of disscuss about this topic, please send me a message. ", "It will be a pleasure to provide you with more information." ]
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[ "About Us\n\nBuffalo Architecture Foundation, Inc. (BAF) is a not-for-profit, public charity dedicated to inspiring the exploration and appreciation of architecture and how it shapes our lives. ", "BAF’s mission is implemented through educational activities for school-aged children and public awareness events engaging citizens of all ages.", "\n\nBuffalo Architecture Foundation is proud to inspire the exploration and appreciation of our unique and prolific architecture through:\n\nInnovative educational activities\n\nEvents for people of all ages\n\nCommunity outreach and awareness\n\nEngaging professionals in public service\n\nEnriching personal stories\n\nEstablished with the generous support of the American Institute of Architects (AIA) Buffalo/Western New York Chapter, Buffalo Architecture Foundation is a not-for-profit, public charity committed to nurturing creative cooperation with the AIA and other regional cultural organizations to promote and celebrate architecture, design and construction." ]
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[ 0.000601337116677314, 0.0016026198863983154, 0.0005513941869139671 ]
[ "ultiple of 88 and (-22*(-510)/(-238))/((-6)/224)?", "\n1760\nLet y = 215594 + -33201599/154. ", "What is the common denominator of y and -185/924?", "\n924\nLet h = -33 - -66. ", "Let c = 1066 + -1361. ", "Let z = 310 + c. Calculate the smallest common multiple of h and z.\n165\nLet s = -1/42926 - -114773/1223391. ", "Find the common denominator of s and -61/2223.", "\n4446\nLet a = -12 - -17. ", "Let f(b) = -3*b**2 - 30*b - 27. ", "Let o = -442 - -434. ", "What is the lowest common multiple of a and f(o)?", "\n105\nSuppose -433 = -55*t + 10 + 107. ", "Let s(c) = c**3 + 2*c**2 - 2*c - 3. ", "Let y be s(-2). ", "What is the smallest common multiple of (y - 3)/((-1)/8) and t?", "\n80\nLet d = -1289 - -1294. ", "Let h be 1/7 - (-20)/7. ", "Suppose 3*y + h = 6*y. ", "What is the smallest common multiple of d and y?", "\n5\nLet h(j) = -j**2 - 3*j - 1. ", "Let q = -76 + 58. ", "Let l(x) = -2*x - 5. ", "What is the lowest common multiple of l(q) and h(-2)?", "\n31\nCalculate the common denominator of 149/36 and (-9 - 781/(-231)) + 2.", "\n252\nCalculate the common denominator of (-1 - 32/(-48))/((-544)/(-426)) and 115/952.", "\n1904\nLet l = 5313 + -10639/2. ", "What is the common denominator of l and 3 + (-1)/(518/1516)?", "\n518\nSuppose 1775*u - 1732*u - 78303 = 0. ", "What is the least common multiple of u and 33?", "\n20031\nSuppose 0 = 5*u - 6*u + 90. ", "Let b(l) = 4*l + 170. ", "Calculate the lowest common multiple of b(-20) and u.\n90\nCalculate the common denominator of ((-98)/63 - 50/(-20))*(-2)/21 and 11/60 + 15/(-10).", "\n3780\nSuppose 18*q + 39784 = -4316. ", "Calculate the least common multiple of (q/14)/(1/(-2)) and 16.", "\n2800\nLet a = -10 - -11. ", "Let y = 16/1965 - 93889/27510. ", "What is the common denominator of 2*a*(-137)/12 and y?", "\n42\nSuppose 2906 = 18*a - 460. ", "Calculate the lowest common multiple of a and 5.", "\n935\nSuppose -3*o - 7 + 1 = 0, 0 = -4*i + 5*o + 1098. ", "Calculate the common denominator of 89/12 and (-2)/i*4264/1300.", "\n5100\nLet g = -20199/30014 + 29/43. ", "Let s = g + -14317/5584. ", "Calculate the common denominator of 69/28 and s.\n112\nLet q be 828/(-30) + 1 + (-7)/5. ", "Let l = -29 - q. What is the common denominator of ((-30)/27 - -3) + l and -113/30?", "\n90\nLet f(x) = -x**3 + 16*x**2 - 29*x + 8. ", "Let v be f(14). ", "Let l = v - -22. ", "Calculate the least common multiple of l and 4.", "\n16\nLet f = -7166143/72 - -99528. ", "Find the common denominator of 35/162 and f.\n648\nLet a(q) = 10*q - 411. ", "Let h be a(41). ", "What is the common denominator of 37/192 and ((2/16)/(42/(-2268)))/h?", "\n192\nFind the common denominator of (314/310 - 1)*9/(828/(-8165)) and -61/682.", "\n682\nSuppose z - 1474 = -2*f, -5*f + 3*z - 1217 = -4935. ", "What is the least common multiple of 962 and f?", "\n9620\nSuppose -2*n + j = -3*j + 6, 5*n + 10 = 5*j. ", "Let v be (-816)/945 + (-27)/(-15) + n. Let m = -701/126 - v. Calculate the common denominator of m and 9/2.", "\n2\nLet b = -90373/30 + 9070/3. ", "Let j = 1277/32 + 19/32. ", "Calculate the common denominator of b and j.\n10\nSuppose 4*o - 376 - 108 = 0. ", "What is the least common multiple of ((-11)/132 - 23/12) + 68 + 0 and o?", "\n726\nLet q = 3/37738 - 103916/1717079. ", "Find the common denominator of q and 274/(-42) - 1/3.", "\n182\nLet z = -3/286520 + -100138611/12320360. ", "Let b = -142417/18834 - z. Let r = b - 7883/2190. ", "What is the common denominator of r and 115/18?", "\n90\nLet r = 4/4834245 - -1430163040756/53176695. ", "Let l = r + -1777705/66. ", "Let c = -239/6 - l. What is the common denominator of -26/3 and c?", "\n33\nLet p = 2944630381/2340 + -1258389. ", "Calculate the common denominator of -77/45 and p.\n2340\nLet n = 167 - 557. ", "Let z be n/(-75) - 2/10. ", "Suppose 0 = r + 5*k - 24, -z*k = -4*r - r. What is the lowest common multiple of 16 and r?", "\n16\nLet v be (9825/(-2) + -2)/(-849). ", "Let n = v - 31/1415. ", "Calculate the common denominator of (13/2184*36)/(7/((-19551)/(-54))) and n.\n60\nLet x(s) = s**2 - 152*s + 6048. ", "Calculate the lowest common multiple of x(62) and 4.", "\n468\nLet l = 250/4513 + -4386461/79428800. ", "Let f = 86267/158400 - l. Calculate the common denominator of f and 151/90.", "\n90\nSuppose 3*l + 5*u = -89, 5*u - 52 = 2*l + u. What is the common denominator of -65/9 and l?", "\n9\nWhat is the common denominator of 121/72 and (18250/(-24528))/((-36)/(-14))?", "\n432\nSuppose 0 = 5*f - 32*h + 36*h - 184, 4*h - 112 = -3*f. ", "Suppose 4*x - 96 = -3*y, -72 = -f*x + 32*x + 3*y. ", "Calculate the least common multiple of x and 9.", "\n63\nLet h be (-11)/(88/(-12)) + 1102/(-366). ", "Let f be -3 - (1 + 2190/(-549)). ", "Let t = f - h. Calculate the common denominator of -93/16 and t.\n16\nSuppose -m + 55 = 5*c, -5*m + 195 = 12*c - 7*c. ", "Calculate the smallest common multiple of 2360 and m.\n16520\nLet h(a) = -4*a - 20. ", "Let v be h(-7). ", "Let b be -3*(-87)/36 - 2/v. Calculate the common denominator of 77/4 and b/((-3)/15 + (-111)/195).", "\n20\nSuppose 9*p = 4*p + 15. ", "Suppose -3*b + 148*h - 12 = 151*h, -b - 3*h - 14 = 0. ", "What is the common denominator of (-26)/18 - b/p and 40/21?", "\n63\nLet b(f) = 11*f - 10. ", "Let n be b(-1). ", "What is the common denominator of ((6/(-36))/(-1))/(n/(-261)) and 29/190?", "\n1330\nCalculate the common denominator of 103/6318 and 6/33 + 264265/(-1211760).", "\n50544\nLet c(l) = -2*l**3 + 123*l + 48. ", "What is the least common multiple of 1380 and c(0)?", "\n5520\nLet n = 12996 - 12391. ", "Calculate the least common multiple of 2090 and n.\n22990\nCalculate the smallest common multiple of 3/(8283/828 - 10) and 40.", "\n8280\nLet p = 31 - -58. ", "Let j = p + -83. ", "Let m(a) = a**3 + 2*a**2 - 3*a. ", "What is the lowest common multiple of m(2) and j?", "\n30\nLet v be (-43)/50*1213495/(-191146). ", "Let z = -30/3083 + v. Calculate the common denominator of z and (-5)/(-20)*166/1.", "\n20\nLet i(b) = b - 8*b - 2 + 6 + 14. ", "Let u = 1153/6 + -182. ", "What is the common denominator of u and i(5)?", "\n6\nCalculate the common denominator of -43/18 and ((-6)/108)/((-22)/77 + (-249)/(-112)).", "\n558\nLet q = -839946 + 1175924331/1400. ", "Find the common denominator of q and 37/5.", "\n1400\nSuppose 0 = 3*m - 1474 + 883. ", "Find the common denominator of 1/15 and -1*(m/(-30) + 24/36).", "\n30\nSuppose 2*j - 81 = 5*d + 194, -2*j + d + 295 = 0. ", "Calculate the smallest common multiple of j and 915.", "\n9150\nLet d be (-8*1/(-11))/((-26)/16). ", "Let b = d - -8001/2860. ", "Calculate the common denominator of b and -33/40.", "\n40\nLet j(k) = -k**3 + k**2 - k + 18. ", "Let n(c) = 6*c**2 + c**3 - 3 - 86*c + 91*c + 0*c**2 + 0*c**2. ", "Calculate the least common multiple of j(0) and n(-4).", "\n18\nLet l = -63 + 96. ", "Suppose 5*g - j - 81 = j, 2*g = -3*j + 21. ", "Calculate the smallest common multiple of 688/40 + 12/g and l.\n198\nLet q = 2/1127 + -116673/333592. ", "What is the common denominator of -55/64 and q?", "\n2368\nSuppose 1294 - 6222 = -4*p. ", "Calculate the common denominator of 5480/p + 1/7 and -143/6.", "\n66\nSuppose 5*f + 89 + 127 = k, 909 = 4*k - 5*f. ", "What is the lowest common multiple of k and 231?", "\n231\nLet f = -85 - 195. ", "Let n = -256 - f. What is the lowest common multiple of n and 52?", "\n312\nSuppose 3*x + g = 0, x - 5*g - 4 = -20. ", "Let q(d) = -4*d + 8. ", "Let v be q(7). ", "Find the common denominator of -9/10 and v/(-9) + 2/x.\n90\nLet r(m) = -3*m - 33. ", "Let x be r(-1). ", "Find the common denominator of x/32 - (3 - 0)/3 and -109/6.", "\n48\nLet h(n) = -3*n - 51. ", "Suppose 140*c - 154*c = -84. ", "Calculate the lowest common multiple of c and h(-21).", "\n12\nLet l = -115 + 115. ", "Suppose -4*d + 36 = -i + 3*i, l = -d + 3*i - 5. ", "What is the least common multiple of d and 12/20 - 37/(-5)?", "\n56\nLet s(c) = -11*c**2 + 2*c - 4. ", "Let w be s(2). ", "Let l(v) = 3*v - 7. ", "Let f be l(6). ", "Find the common denominator of -59/7 and ((w/(-8))/f)/((-10)/28).", "\n35\nLet r(d) = 2*d - 16. ", "Suppose -2*k - 6 = 0, 2 - 6 = 2*v + 2*k. ", "Let a = v - -11. ", "Calculate the least common multiple of r(20) and a.\n24\nLet g = 21 - 3. ", "Let q(d) = -3*d**3 - 5*d**2 + 7*d + 6. ", "What is the least common multiple of q(-3) and g?", "\n126\nLet b = -1 + 7. ", "Suppose -b*g + 2 = 20. ", "What is the lowest common multiple of 7 and (33/9)/(g + (-30)/(-9))?", "\n77\nLet c = 508 - 519. ", "Let k(i) = i**2 + 4*i + 25. ", "What is the least common multiple of 14 and k(c)?", "\n714\nLet p(c) = 21*c - 6. ", "Let u be p(1). ", "Suppose -u = t - 25. ", "What is the lowest common multiple of t and 10?", "\n10\nCalculate the smallest common multiple of (12/(-9))/(3/2*6/(-1026)) and 18.", "\n1368\nSuppose 57 = 4632*k - 4631*k. ", "Calculate the lowest common multiple of 267 and k.\n5073\nWhat is the common denominator of (74 + -63)/(360/(-33)) and 43/22?", "\n1320\nSuppose 31 = 6*y + 19. ", "Suppose -y*l = -44 - 156. ", "Calculate the smallest common multiple of l and 200.", "\n200\nLet g(a) = -3*a**2 + 21*a - 14. ", "Let p" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nYaesu FTDX-1200 how to load band stack register\n\nI have a Yaesu FTDX-1200. ", " There is a feature that allows storage of 3 sets of frequency for each of the band selection buttons.", "\nI tried pressing store and then the band button but it does not seem to store the current frequency.", "\nHow do you program these buttons?", "\n\nA:\n\nThe Triple Band Stack will simply remember (store) the last frequency entered or tuned for that band and stack position. ", "Try this:\n\npick a band - 40 meters - by pressing [7.0]\nTune to a frequency\nPress [7.0] again and tune to a different freq on 40 meters\nPress [7.0] again and tune to yet a different freq on 40 meters\n\nNow, press {7.0} repeatedly and you will cycle through the last 3 tuned (or entered) frequencies on that band. ", "This is the triple band stack — there is no formal store command or button for the triple stack. ", "The [STO] feature is for storing frequencies in Memory/Channel Groups.", "\nThe Triple Band Stack will not only store the frequency - it will store mode such as LSB or CW. ", "Both VFO A and B have independent Triple Band Stacks!", "\nI believe this is explained in the manual under “Convenience Features”.", "\n\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
[ 0.0013922076905146241, 0.0005730480770580471, 0.0006787678576074541, 0.0007827265071682632, 0.0005924103315919638, 0.0008194880210794508, 0.0008310422417707741, 0.0005965940654277802, 0.0006805319571867585, 0.0014135601231828332, 0.0005335196619853377, 0.001995444530621171 ]
[ "Related to a vehicle technology field, various shapes and configurations for a seat moving apparatus have been proposed and developed. ", "Especially, in a recent time, in the vehicle technology field including a seat technology, a lot of times and efforts are provided in the development of a technology minimizing the number of components thereof while obtaining substantially the same effects as a conventional configuration or an more improved effect therethan.", "\nEspecially, in a field related to a seat moving track assembly, technologies on a track apparatus for smoothing its movement and a locking apparatus for stably coupling the seat to a track have been widely developed.", "\nA patent related to these technologies is disclosed in Korean Patent First Publication No. ", "2004-55662. ", "A seat moving assembly according to the patent includes a lower rail having a U-shaped section and an upper rail having a reverse U-shaped section. ", "The seat moving assembly includes a separate locking plate which secures locking of the upper rail onto the lower rail. ", "At the same time, the position of the locking plate is allowed to be changed so that the lower rail and the upper rail can be easily coupled. ", "However, since the patent additionally uses the locking plate, number of components of the seat moving assembly increases, and this increased number of the components fails to satisfy the current technology development tendency for improving a function with a decreased components number.", "\nAnother patent is disclosed in American Patent First Publication No. ", "2006-22502. ", "A seat guide for a vehicle according to the patent includes upper and lower rails respectively having L shape so that the number of components can be decreased. ", "However, since the patent uses the upper and lower rails having the L shapes respectively, manufacturing cost thereof is more than that of the conventional U-shaped rail. ", "Also, since a single locking member is used, coupling stability is deteriorated." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "USPTO Backgrounds" }
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[ "ProgRock Records\n\nProgRock Records is an independent American record label that specializes in the progressive rock music genre.", "\n\nArtists with current releases on ProgRock Records label include: \n The company ceased operations in 2010.", "\n\n Steve Walsh (originally from the band Kansas)\n Nick D'Virgilio (originally from the band Spock's Beard)\n Greylevel\n Sylvan\n Mystery (Canada)\n Frameshift\n Sky Architect\n Presto Ballet\n Takara\n arK\n Ajalon\n Profusion\n Roswell Six\n\nReferences \n\nCategory:American independent record labels\nCategory:Progressive rock record labels" ]
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[ "1. ", "Introduction {#sec1-ijms-20-01555}\n===============\n\nProstate cancer (PC) is the second most common cancer in men worldwide and its incidence is especially high in developed countries \\[[@B1-ijms-20-01555]\\]. ", "Among mammals, the dog is the only animal that naturally develops prostate cancer with aging \\[[@B2-ijms-20-01555],[@B3-ijms-20-01555]\\]. ", "Moreover, by sharing the same environment, dogs have been considered a natural model for human cancer \\[[@B4-ijms-20-01555]\\]. ", "The canine disease usually displays a more aggressive behavior and is associated with a high metastatic rate and poor prognosis \\[[@B3-ijms-20-01555]\\]. ", "Furthermore, the continuous basal cell layer observed in the human prostate is not found in canine normal prostates, and no specific anatomic zones are associated with canine PC and prostatic hyperplasia development \\[[@B5-ijms-20-01555],[@B6-ijms-20-01555],[@B7-ijms-20-01555],[@B8-ijms-20-01555],[@B9-ijms-20-01555]\\]. ", "At the immunophenotypical level, canine PC commonly present loss of androgen receptor (AR), NKX3.1, and PTEN expression \\[[@B10-ijms-20-01555],[@B11-ijms-20-01555]\\]. ", "The expression levels of these three proteins are associated with the aggressive behavior of canine PC, and resembles the clinical features of human hormone-refractory PC \\[[@B7-ijms-20-01555]\\]. ", "Human PC is, androgen dependent, and only more aggressive cancers show loss of NKX3.1, and PTEN expression \\[[@B12-ijms-20-01555],[@B13-ijms-20-01555]\\]. ", "Canine PC can develop from luminal, ductal, and urothelial cells \\[[@B3-ijms-20-01555]\\]. ", "Therefore, a morphological analysis and a panel of proteins (uroplakin III, CK8/18, CK7, PSA, and AR) should be used to differentiate luminal and urothelial origins in tumors with undifferentiated patterns \\[[@B7-ijms-20-01555],[@B14-ijms-20-01555]\\].", "\n\nDespite all the differences, there are also some similarities at pathological, clinical, and molecular levels between canine and human PC. ", "The concomitant presence of prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia, proliferative inflammatory atrophy (PIA), and bone metastases as well as the deregulation of cancer-related transcripts/proteins, including MDM2, PTEN, TP53, CTNNB1, and CDH1, are common events in dog and human PCs \\[[@B10-ijms-20-01555],[@B11-ijms-20-01555],[@B15-ijms-20-01555],[@B16-ijms-20-01555],[@B17-ijms-20-01555]\\].", "\n\nThe first reports using comparative genomic hybridization (CGH) analysis to evaluate copy number alterations (CNAs) in dogs were performed in a glial tumor cell line and lymphomas \\[[@B18-ijms-20-01555],[@B19-ijms-20-01555]\\]. ", "The authors reported chromosomal imbalance similarities with human gliomas and lymphomas \\[[@B18-ijms-20-01555],[@B19-ijms-20-01555]\\]. ", "Subsequently, other neoplasms (transmissible venereal tumor, osteosarcoma, histiocytic sarcoma, and oral melanoma) were assessed through array-based CGH (aCGH), showing similar genomic alterations with the corresponding human tumors \\[[@B20-ijms-20-01555],[@B21-ijms-20-01555],[@B22-ijms-20-01555]\\].", "\n\nIn canine PC, the cell line named Probasco, derived from a mixed breed dog with spontaneous tumors, presented genomic complexity, including large deletions, and duplications mapped in various chromosomes \\[[@B23-ijms-20-01555]\\]. ", "In this context, here, we report the genomic profile of canine pre-neoplastic prostate lesions and prostate carcinomas to better understand the molecular alterations involved in canine carcinogenic process. ", "Moreover, three genes (*TP53*, *ZBTB4*, and *MDM2*) involved in regions with losses or gains were evaluated at the gene expression level. ", "We also compared the genomic alterations in canine and human PCs. ", "To our knowledge, this is the first study that has evaluated genomic imbalances in a cohort of dogs with spontaneous PC.", "\n\n2. ", "Results {#sec2-ijms-20-01555}\n==========\n\n2.1. ", "Genomic Analysis {#sec2dot1-ijms-20-01555}\n---------------------\n\nThe genomic profiling of 4 PIAs revealed 45 CNAs (40 gains, and 5 losses), with a mean of 11.25 alterations per case ([Figure 1](#ijms-20-01555-f001){ref-type=\"fig\"}A). ", "Twenty-two of 45 CNAs covered 37 known genes. ", "Only LOC40355, mapped at the X chromosome, was altered in more than one case. ", "Three CNAs (encompassing the *AZIN2*, *ADIPOQ*, *BCL6*, *CRYGS*, *MIR28*, *MIR8903*, and *SST* genes) were exclusively detected in PIA cases. ", "Furthermore, 17 genes (*ACTG1*, *AK1*, *AKT2*, *BRD2*, *CD4*, *CRYAA*, *FAM83H*, *GNB3*, *LOC403555*, *MIR221*, *MIR338*, *SCN2B*, *SGSH*, *TIMP1*, *TNNT2*, *TPI1*, and *USP11*) were covered by CNAs in both PIA, and more than 20% of PC cases (≥3 cases). ", "The detailed data are presented in [Table S1](#app1-ijms-20-01555){ref-type=\"app\"}.", "\n\nA total of 370 CNAs (98 gains, and 272 deletions) were found in 14 PC samples. ", "Particularly, three cases (8C, 8D1, and 40DM) presented more than 60 CNAs. ", "Almost all chromosomes had genomic alterations, except chromosome 19 ([Figure 1](#ijms-20-01555-f001){ref-type=\"fig\"}B). ", "Losses of large segments were distributed along several chromosomes, particularly the chromosomes 2, 5, 6, 9, 10, 24, 26, and 28. ", "Gains were also observed in numerous chromosomes but encompassing only small regions (details in [Table S2](#app1-ijms-20-01555){ref-type=\"app\"}). ", "Moreover, 14 high copy gains (average log2 ratio \\> 2.0), and 12 homozygous deleted regions (average log2 ratio \\< −2.0) were observed in six and four cases, respectively. ", "However, the majority of these CNAs covered no genes ([Table S3](#app1-ijms-20-01555){ref-type=\"app\"}).", "\n\nRecurrent alterations found in more than 20% of PC samples are depicted in [Table S4](#app1-ijms-20-01555){ref-type=\"app\"}. ", "Likewise, 989 genes were affected by common CNAs ([Table S5](#app1-ijms-20-01555){ref-type=\"app\"}). ", "Excluding the 221 microRNA genes, which involved one unique probe, 768 genes were evaluated using the Ingenuity Pathway Analysis (IPA) software. ", "The in silico functional analysis revealed 655 of 768 (\\~85%) cancer-related genes ([Table S6](#app1-ijms-20-01555){ref-type=\"app\"}). ", "Canonical pathway analysis identified several cancer-related pathways ([Table S7](#app1-ijms-20-01555){ref-type=\"app\"}), including molecular mechanisms involved with the disease ([Figure 2](#ijms-20-01555-f002){ref-type=\"fig\"}A), and many specific signaling pathways in different types of cancer (e.g., colorectal, pancreatic, bladder, melanoma, breast, and prostate). ", "Additionally, 5 of 25 networks were cancer-associated. ", "Networks 2 ([Figure 2](#ijms-20-01555-f002){ref-type=\"fig\"}B), and 6 ([Figure 2](#ijms-20-01555-f002){ref-type=\"fig\"}C) are both associated with cell death and survival, organismal injury and abnormalities ([Table S8](#app1-ijms-20-01555){ref-type=\"app\"}).", "\n\nThe interspecies cross-validation analysis performed using human PC from The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) database revealed 79 genes altered by genomic losses in both species (\\>20% of samples) ([Table 1](#ijms-20-01555-t001){ref-type=\"table\"}). ", "The synteny map, constructed with CNAs detected in more than 20% of canine PC samples, shows the genomic similarities with human PC ([Figure 3](#ijms-20-01555-f003){ref-type=\"fig\"}).", "\n\n2.2. ", "Transcript Expression Levels {#sec2dot2-ijms-20-01555}\n---------------------------------\n\nThe qPCR analysis showed a significant down-expression of *TP53* (*p* = 0.0218; [Figure 4](#ijms-20-01555-f004){ref-type=\"fig\"}A), and *ZBTB4* (*p* = 0.002; [Figure 4](#ijms-20-01555-f004){ref-type=\"fig\"}B) in PC samples compared with normal prostate tissues. ", "Significant increased *MDM2* transcript expression levels (*p* = 0.0274; [Figure 4](#ijms-20-01555-f004){ref-type=\"fig\"}C) were observed in PC cases compared with normal tissues. ", "The log2 ratio of *TP53*, and *ZBTB4* was −0.406666; −0.423839; −0.50188 (three cases presented both genes altered), and *MDM2* (three cases): 1.874149; 0.471251; 0.333158.", "\n\n3. ", "Discussion {#sec3-ijms-20-01555}\n=============\n\nA comprehensive evaluation of canine cancer has the potential to uncover molecular mechanisms common to the human disease, including tumor progression, metastasis, and diagnostic, and prognostic markers. ", "The presence of a high level of similarities opens avenues to identify combined or alternative therapies to better treat the disease in both species \\[[@B24-ijms-20-01555]\\].", "\n\nIn a limited number of PIA cases studied, we detected a small number of CNAs, which revealed a low level of genomic instability. ", "Among the seven genes exclusively identified in PIA, two (*ADIPOQ*, and *BCL6*) were previously described in human PC \\[[@B25-ijms-20-01555],[@B26-ijms-20-01555]\\]. ", "More interestingly, at least 11 (*AK1* silvia.regina.rogatto\\@rsyd.dk (S.R.R.) silvia.regina.rogatto\\@rsyd.dk (S.R.R.) silvia.regina.rogatto\\@rsyd.dk (S.R.R.) *AKT2*, *BRD2*, *CD4*, *FAM83H*, *GNB3*, *MIR221*, *MIR338*, *SCN2B*, *TIMP1*, and *TPI1*) of 17 genes affected by CNAs in PIA, and also PC samples were associated with different aspects of human prostate carcinogenesis (searched in the PubMed database using as headlines the gene name and prostate cancer, consulted in February 2019). ", "A previous report using gene expression analysis showed that *TIMP* downregulation was implicated in the progression of prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia to PC \\[[@B27-ijms-20-01555]\\]. ", "In dogs, PIA is poorly explored and mostly limited to the immunohistochemistry (IHC) of a few proteins \\[[@B11-ijms-20-01555],[@B17-ijms-20-01555]\\]. ", "To our knowledge, this is the first study showing CNAs in primary canine PC, and PIA. ", "Our findings point to a set of common genomic alterations in PIA, and PC, suggesting their involvement at the early stages of the disease. ", "In human PIA, and prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia (PIN, a well-established preneoplastic lesion), similar frequencies of 8p22 loss, and 8q24 gain were described \\[[@B28-ijms-20-01555]\\]. ", "Apparently, several imbalances of chromosome 8 occur during human prostatic carcinogenesis \\[[@B29-ijms-20-01555]\\]. ", "Our results point out the presence of common chromosomal imbalances in canine PIA, and PC. ", "Considering that PIA occurs at a higher frequency than in PIN \\[[@B15-ijms-20-01555]\\], dogs could represent an interesting spontaneous model to study prostate cancer progression.", "\n\nIn contrast to PIA, PC presented several genetic alterations, predominately large deletions. ", "The enrichment analysis revealed a large number of genes showing copy number alterations related to carcinogenesis. ", "To our knowledge, only one immortalized canine prostate cancer cell line (Probasco) was characterized by CNAs \\[[@B23-ijms-20-01555]\\]. ", "Although this cell line presented various CNAs, similar to our cases, the authors found mainly gains, particularly of chromosomes 4, 6, 8, 10, 11, 14, 15, 17, 18, 20, 23, 24, 26, 35, 37, and 38 \\[[@B23-ijms-20-01555]\\]. ", "However, no comparison was performed between the primary tumor and the cell line. ", "Although cell lines are excellent models to study several molecular aspects of cancer, it has been intensively discussed that culture conditions, cell growth time in vitro and cell immortalization can modify the DNA, and specific cells could be selected \\[[@B30-ijms-20-01555],[@B31-ijms-20-01555]\\].", "\n\nIn human PC, chromosomal imbalances are prevalent and significantly more frequent than somatic mutations \\[[@B32-ijms-20-01555],[@B33-ijms-20-01555]\\]. ", "Deletions affecting tumor suppressor genes, including *BRCA1*, *BRCA2*, *CDH1*, and *TP53*, are common in human PC \\[[@B34-ijms-20-01555],[@B35-ijms-20-01555],[@B36-ijms-20-01555]\\]. ", "Similarly, our patients presented losses in several well-known tumor suppressor genes such as *ATM*, *BAX*, *BRCA1*, *CDH1*, *MEN1*, and *TP53*. ", "Four homozygous deletions harboring genes (*LOC403555*, and *TNNT2*) were identified in three different PC cases. ", "Among them, *LOC403555* has an uncertain function, and *TNNT2* is related to contraction of cardiac muscle cells \\[[@B37-ijms-20-01555]\\].", "\n\nGains and amplifications have been associated with the activation of proto-oncogenes, which promote gain of function and contribute to cancer development or progression. ", "We detected 14 high copy number gains and only 3 covered known genes (*QK1*, *BRD2*, and *EMR4P*). ", "Among them, *BRD2* has been described as overexpressed in human castration-resistant PC \\[[@B38-ijms-20-01555]\\]. ", "Nevertheless, 6 of our 14 canine PCs also had hemizygous deletion of *BRD2*. ", "In human PC cases from TCGA, CNAs mapped at *BRD2* are rare (8.3%; 41/492), being 18 gains, and 23 losses.", "\n\nInterestingly, the synteny map showed similarities between recurrent losses detected in canine PCs with chromosomal losses described in human PCs, including 2q, 3p, 8p, 12p, 16q, 17p, and 21q.36. ", "An interspecies cross-validation analysis using TCGA database, which currently contains 492 human PC cases with CNA information, revealed additional similarities between human and canine PC. ", "At least 79 genes were altered by gains/losses in more than 20% of our cases and those from the TCGA. ", "The inactivation of the clusterin gene (*CLU*), deleted in \\~55% of TCGA cases, was associated with neoplastic transformation and tumor progression, while downregulation of *MX1* was involved in proliferation, progression and metastasis of PC cells \\[[@B39-ijms-20-01555],[@B40-ijms-20-01555],[@B41-ijms-20-01555]\\]. ", "Loss of the *ZBTB4* gene, a transcriptional repressor gene that binds to the GC-rich promoter regions of their targets, increases genomic instability (aneuploidy) and promotes tumorigenesis in human neoplasia, including PC \\[[@B42-ijms-20-01555],[@B43-ijms-20-01555]\\]. ", "In addition, *ZBTB4* overexpression is related to an increased survival time for PC-affected patients \\[[@B44-ijms-20-01555]\\].", "\n\nTo better understand the relationship among the genes covered by CNAs in canine PC, we performed the canonical pathway and network analyses using the IPA software. ", "The cancer-related canonical pathway called the molecular mechanisms of cancer revealed the involvement of genes reported as altered in several human cancers, including *TP53*, *MDM2*, *ATM*, and *BRCA1*. ", "Additionally, network analysis revealed complex interactions among the genes. ", "In particular, two networks directly related to cancer presented *MDM2*, *ICAM1*, and *FTH1* as central nodes. ", "The deregulation of both *ICAM1*, and *FTH1* was previously associated with human prostate cancer \\[[@B45-ijms-20-01555],[@B46-ijms-20-01555]\\]. ", "The well-known *MDM2* oncogene is an important negative regulator of *TP53*, commonly deleted in human PC. ", "Loss of *TP53* is involved with the transformation of prostate epithelium, and *MDM2* overexpression was associated with PC growth and metastasis \\[[@B47-ijms-20-01555],[@B48-ijms-20-01555]\\]. ", "Of interest, *ZBTB4* interacts both with *MDM2*, and *TP53* through *HIPK2*, a tumor suppressor involved in human cancer, and deleted in our cases \\[[@B49-ijms-20-01555],[@B50-ijms-20-01555]\\].", "\n\nGenomic alterations in *TP53*, *MDM2*, and *ZBTB4* were investigated at the transcriptional level in an independent cohort of PC patients. ", "We found a significant down-expression of *TP53*, and *ZBTB4* in PC cases compared with normal tissues. ", "In addition, *MDM2* was significantly overexpressed in cancer samples. ", "Previously, we reported *TP53* down-expression and increased *MDM2* proteins, and transcript levels in a different cohort of animals with PC, thus confirming the results presented here \\[[@B11-ijms-20-01555]\\]. ", "Moreover, our data also suggested that these gene expression alterations might be, at least in part, explained by the presence of CNAs.", "\n\nIn addition to the similarities, we also observed differences between canine, and human PCs. ", "Highly prevalent alterations in human PC, such as gains of the *MYC* oncogene and deletions of the tumor suppressors *NKX3-1*, *PTEN*, *RB1*, and *CDKN1B*, were absent or present in only one case \\[[@B33-ijms-20-01555],[@B34-ijms-20-01555]\\]. ", "While lacking studies of *RB1*, and *CDKN1B* in canine PC, expression of *MYC*, *NKX3-1*, and *PTEN* were assessed in our previous studies \\[[@B11-ijms-20-01555],[@B35-ijms-20-01555]\\]. ", "Using qPCR, IHC or Western blot, we reported *MYC* overexpression, and *NKX3-1*, and *PTEN* down-expression \\[[@B11-ijms-20-01555],[@B35-ijms-20-01555]\\]. ", "A plausible explanation is the sample bias or mechanisms other than CNAs involved in the *MYC* activation (translocation or mutation), and *PTEN*/*NKX3-1* inactivation (point mutations or hypermethylation).", "\n\nAn interesting difference between canine and human PC relates to the AR. ", "AR has been described as involved in the development, progression and survival of human PC cells \\[[@B50-ijms-20-01555],[@B51-ijms-20-01555]\\]. ", "In human PC, AR is an oncogenic driver and its amplification/overexpression has been suggested as a mechanism that leads to the appearance of castration-resistant PC, which hypersensitizes cancerous cells to low levels of androgens \\[[@B52-ijms-20-01555],[@B53-ijms-20-01555]\\]. ", "In our PC sample set, genomic loss involving the AR gene was observed in three cases and no gains or amplifications were detected. ", "Canine PCs have been characterized by a lack of or low AR protein levels, and the animals are not responsive to castration as a therapeutic option \\[[@B7-ijms-20-01555],[@B11-ijms-20-01555],[@B54-ijms-20-01555],[@B55-ijms-20-01555]\\]. ", "Previous reports have suggested that the initial transformation of neoplastic canine prostate cells starts from an AR-negative clone, even in intact animals \\[[@B7-ijms-20-01555],[@B11-ijms-20-01555]\\].", "\n\nAll canine PC AR-negative cases herein evaluated by CNAs presented a Gleason score of 6 and no metastasis. ", "In addition, no information on AR protein expression in TCGA dataset was available, thus limiting a more detailed comparison. ", "Although these factors are limitations of our study, we reported similar genomic alterations in both human and canine PC, addressing a gap in the literature. ", "Further studies are needed to unravel genes and pathways involved in more aggressive canine PC, including in metastatic cases.", "\n\n4. ", "Materials and Methods {#sec4-ijms-20-01555}\n========================\n\n4.1. ", "Ethics Statement {#sec4dot1-ijms-20-01555}\n---------------------\n\nThis study was performed in accordance to the National and International Recommendations for the Care and Use of Animals. ", "All procedures were performed under the approval of the Animal Ethics Committee from Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Science, UNESP, Botucatu, SP, Brazil (Protocol \\#10/2007).", "\n\n4.2. ", "Patients {#sec4dot2-ijms-20-01555}\n-------------\n\nThe total number of cases included in this study was 33 PCs, 4 PIAs, and 15 normal prostate tissues. ", "Array-CGH assays were performed in 14 PC, 4 PIA, and 5 normal prostatic tissues. ", "The necropsies were performed within an interval of 1 h from the animal's death, with the consent of the owners. ", "The mixed breed dogs were intact and had a mean age of 9 years. ", "Although they had no clinical features of PC or PIA, lesions were found in the histopathological analysis. ", "The prostatic gland was collected, fixed in 10% formalin, routinely processed, embedded in paraffin and sectioned. ", "The areas of interest were identified and the cells were obtained from macrodissected samples using a 16-gauge needle, as previously described \\[[@B11-ijms-20-01555]\\]. ", "Tumor areas with more than 85% of epithelial neoplastic cells were selected for DNA extraction ([Figure S1](#app1-ijms-20-01555){ref-type=\"app\"}). ", "The PIA cases evaluated in our study were diagnosed during necropsies and no evidence of PC was found in these animals. ", "The histopathological characterizations of PIA, and PC samples were performed according to Palmieri et al. ", "\\[[@B15-ijms-20-01555]\\], and Lai et al. ", "\\[[@B56-ijms-20-01555]\\], respectively. ", "All PC cases presented an infiltrative pattern with no measurable mass and the same tumor grade (Gleason score of 6). ", "In this set of cases, no metastasis was found during the necropsies. ", "Furthermore, all PC samples showed negativity for uroplakin III immunoexpression \\[[@B7-ijms-20-01555]\\].", "\n\nAn independent formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded (FFPE) sample set composed by 19 PC (biopsy samples), and 10 normal prostate tissues (necropsy samples) were used to evaluate the gene expression levels (*TP53*, *MDM2*, and *ZBTB4*) by qPCR. ", "The mean age was 10.2 years (8--15 years), and the mean survival time was 237.6 days (12--523 days). ", "All 19 PC patients were evaluated by X-ray, and computerized tomography (CT) for screening of metastasis at the diagnosis. ", "Thirteen of them (13/19) had metastatic disease at diagnosis in multiple sites including bone (7/13), lung (5/13), intestine (2/13), liver (1/13), and iliac lymph node (1/13). ", "All PC cases were negative for androgen receptor immunostaining. ", "In this cohort of 19 PC cases, 13 presented a Gleason score of 10, 6 a Gleason score of 6 and 3 a Gleason score of 8. ", "The metastatic cases presented Gleason scores of 10 (10 of 13 cases) and 8 (3 of 13) ([Figure S1](#app1-ijms-20-01555){ref-type=\"app\"}).", "\n\n4.3. ", "Chromosomal Imbalances Analysis (aCGH) {#sec4dot3-ijms-20-01555}\n-------------------------------------------\n\nGenomic DNA was extracted from FFPE samples using the Qiagen DNeasy Blood & Tissue Kit (Quiagen, Hilden, Germany) according to the manufacturer's recommendations. ", "A pool of genomic DNA obtained from five FFPE canine normal prostate tissues was used as reference.", "\n\nCopy number alterations were assessed using the Canine Genome CGH Microarray 4 × 44K G2519F (ID-021193, Agilent Technologies, Santa Clara, CA, USA), according to the manufacturer's instructions. ", "Data were extracted with Feature Extraction software (Agilent), and the analyses were performed using Agilent Genomic Workbench Standard Edition 5.0.14 software (Statistical algorithm ADM-2, threshold of 4.0, fuzzy zero correction). ", "Nonredundant CNAs called by at least three consecutives probes and a log2 ratio \\> 0.3 for gains and \\<−0.3 for losses were considered as significant. ", "The ideograms showing the CNAs identified in each case were constructed using the PhenoGram online software (<http://visualization.ritchielab.psu.edu/phenograms/document>).", "\n\nSynteny blocks between canine and human genomes were obtained through the Synteny Portal \\[[@B57-ijms-20-01555]\\]. ", "The SynBuilder tool was used to obtain synteny blocks between the canine canFam2 and human hg19 reference genomes, with a resolution of 150 Kbp. ", "Regions overlapping CNAs in more than 20% of PC cases were identified with the CoNVaQ web tool \\[[@B58-ijms-20-01555]\\]. ", "The Circos plot showing the altered regions and the corresponding regions in humans was generated using the OmicCircos at R/Bioconductor package \\[[@B59-ijms-20-01555]\\].", "\n\nEnrichment analysis, based on human data, was performed with Ingenuity Pathway Analysis software (IPA v.2.2.1, Qiagen, <http://www.qiagen.com/ingenuity/>), considering the genes affected by CNAs in more than 20% of PC cases. ", "In this analysis, the following parameters were used: core analysis, Ingenuity Knowledge Base (genes only) as a reference set, direct and indirect relationships, endogenous chemicals, 35 molecules per network and a maximum of 25 networks. ", "Statistical significance was considered with *p* \\< 0.05 calculated using Fisher's exact test. ", "The activation (orange lines in the network) or inhibition (blue lines in the network) was used with z-score × 2.0 or ≤ −2.0, respectively. ", "The CNA information of 492 human PCs from TCGA database, stored in the cBioPortal for Cancer Genomics (<http://www.cbioportal.org/>, accessed in April 2018), was used to explore the similarities between canine and human PCs.", "\n\n4.4. ", "Gene Expression Analysis {#sec4dot4-ijms-20-01555}\n-----------------------------\n\nA hematoxylin-eosin tissue section (PC, and normal tissue) slide to guide the tissue dissection was demarcated and isolated using a 40-gauge needle in the FFEP block. ", "Total mRNA was extracted using the RecoverAll™ Total Nucleic Acid Kit (Ambion, Life Technologies, MA, USA), according to the manufacturer's instructions. ", "cDNA synthesis was carried out as previously described \\[[@B11-ijms-20-01555]\\]. ", "The quantity and quality of RNA were evaluated using a NanoDrop ND-1000 Spectrophotometer v.3.0.1 (Labtrade, Wilmington, NC, USA), and 2100 Bioanalyser RNA 6000 Nano kit (Agilent Technologies, Palo Alto, CA, USA), respectively.", "\n\nThree genes (*TP53*, *MDM2*, and *ZBTB4*) were selected and evaluated by qPCR based on their importance in carcinogenesis, network analysis and TCGA cross-validation analysis. *", "TP53*, and *MDM2* are well-known cancer genes involved in the emergence of several human malignancies, including PC. *", "TP53* has been implicated in several cancer-related canonical pathways, and *MDM2* is a central node in the molecular network 2. ", "In addition, *ZBTB4* indirectly interacts with MDM2, and has also been related to prostate carcinogenesis. ", "Moreover, *TP53*, and *ZBTB4* deletions were cross-validated using TCGA database analysis.", "\n\nThe primer sequences of *TP53*, *MDM2*, and reference genes (*ACRB*, *HPRT*, and *PRS5*) were previously published \\[[@B11-ijms-20-01555],[@B60-ijms-20-01555]\\]. ", "The primer sequences of *ZBTB4* was forward: 5′TTGGGATTTTGCCATTTCG 3′, and reverse: 5′GGGCAAGGAGGGCACAA 3′. qPCR for *TP53*, *MDM2*, *ZBTB4*, and the endogenous genes was conducted in a total volume of 10 μL containing Power SYBR Green PCR Master Mix (Applied Biosystems; Foster City, CA, USA), 1 μL of cDNA (1:10), and 0.3 μM of each primer. ", "The reactions were performed in triplicate in 384-well plates using QuantStudio 12K Flex Thermal Cycler equipment (Applied Biosystems, Foster City, CA, USA). ", "The PCR product specificity was determined by dissociation curve for all experiments. ", "Relative gene expression was quantified using the 2^−ΔΔCT^ method \\[[@B61-ijms-20-01555]\\].", "\n\n4.5. ", "Statistical Analysis {#sec4dot5-ijms-20-01555}\n-------------------------\n\nStatistical analysis was performed using GraphPad Prism 5 v.5.0 (GraphPad Software Inc., La Jolla, CA, USA). ", "The Kruskal--Wallis or Mann--Whitney U test was applied to compare *TP53*, *MDM2*, and *ZBTB4* transcript levels between normal and PC samples. ", "Statistical significance was set at *p* \\< 0.05.", "\n\n5. ", "Conclusions {#sec5-ijms-20-01555}\n==============\n\nTo our knowledge, this is the first study to describe the genomic profile in a cohort of canine PIA, and PC samples. ", "Our results revealed that PIA cases presented a small number of CNAs compared with PC. ", "PC samples presented a large number of chromosomal imbalances, mainly deletions, which revealed a set of cancer-related genes involved in canonical pathways or networks previously described in human PC. ", "Deletions of *TP53*, and *ZBTB4*, and gains of *MDM2* were translated in down- and overexpression, respectively, at the transcriptional level. ", "Furthermore, TCGA cross-validation analysis pointed out similarities between human and canine prostate carcinogenesis. ", "Canine PC is an interesting model to use in comparative prostate cancer research; however, it is important to note the differences, including those reported for the AR gene.", "\n\nThe authors would like to thank Deborah Mundin, and Sara M Silveira for their contribution in the aCGH assays.", "\n\nSupplementary Materials can be found at <https://www.mdpi.com/1422-0067/20/7/1555/s1>. ", "Figure S1: Histopathology pattern of the canine prostate cancer (PC) samples according to the Gleason score. (", "A) PC Gleason score 6, showing a well-differentiated tubular formation (arrows). (", "B) PC Gleason score 8, presenting a high proliferation of tumor cells (arrows) and only few remaining tubular formations. (", "C) PC Gleason score 9 presenting a cribriform morphology. (", "D) PC Gleason score 10 showing solid pattern, Table S1: List of genomic alterations identified in four PIA cases, Table S2: List of genomic alterations identified in 14 PC cases, Table S3: List of high copy gains and homozygous deleted regions found in the 14 PC samples, Table S4: Recurrent CNAs in canine PCs (present in more than 20% of cases), Table S5: List of genes covered by CNAs in more than 20% of PC cases, Table S6: Cancer-related functions of genes evaluated by IPA software, Table S7: Cancer-related canonical pathways of genes evaluated by IPA software, Table S8: Gene interaction networks generated by IPA software.", "\n\n###### \n\nClick here for additional data file.", "\n\nConceptualization, R.L.-A., and S.R.R.; methodology, R.L.-A.; validation, C.E.F.-A., and M.C.; formal analysis, R.A.R.V., C.E.F.-A., F.A.M., S.J.L., and S.R.R.; investigation, R.L.-A., C.E.F.-A., R.A.R.V., S.A.D.L., and S.R.R.; resources, R.L.-A., and S.R.R.; data curation, R.L.-A., R.A.R.V., C.E.F.-A., F.A.M., and S.R.R.; writing---original draft preparation, C.E.F.-A., R.A.R.V., and R.L.-A.; writing---review, and editing, S.A.D.L., M.C., S.J.L., F.A.M., and S.R.R.; supervision, S.R.R.; funding acquisition, R.L.A., and C.E.F.-A.\n\nThis research was funded by Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo - FAPESP, grant numbers 2008/57221-0, and 2015/25400-7.", "\n\nThe authors declare no conflict of interest.", "\n\nPC\n\nProstate cancer\n\nPIA\n\nProliferative inflammatory atrophy\n\nCNAs\n\nCopy number alterations\n\nTCGA\n\nThe Cancer Genome Atlas\n\nCGH\n\nComparative genomic hybridization\n\naCGH\n\nArray-based comparative genomic hybridization\n\nIHC\n\nImmunohistochemistry\n\nIPA\n\nIngenuity Pathway Analysis\n\nPIN\n\nProstatic intraepithelial neoplasia\n\n![", "Representative copy number alterations (ideogram) showing gains (blue), and losses (red) in 4 proliferative inflammatory atrophies (PIAs) (**A**) and 14 canine prostate carcinomas (**B**).](ijms-20-01555-g001){#ijms-20-01555-f001}\n\n![(**", "A**) Graphic representation of the canonical pathway called the molecular mechanism of cancer. ", "Two cancer-related molecular interaction networks are indicated: (**B**) network 2, and (**C**) network 6, both associated with cell death and survival, organismal injury and abnormalities. ", "Genes involved in gains, and losses are depicted in red and green colors, respectively. ", "Images generated with the Ingenuity Pathway Analysis (IPA) software.](ijms-20-01555-g002){#ijms-20-01555-f002}\n\n![", "Circos plot showing recurrent copy number alteration (CNA) regions in canine prostate cancers (PCs), and the corresponding human chromosomal regions. ", "The outer circle depicts canine (grey bars), and human chromosomes (colored bars). ", "Regions of gains (blue), and losses (red) are shown between the outer and inner circles, below grey bars. ", "The colored links indicate the corresponding regions involved in CNAs in dogs and humans.](ijms-20-01555-g003){#ijms-20-01555-f003}\n\n![", "Relative expression (log scale) of *TP53* (**A**), *ZBTB4* (**B**), and *MDM2* (**C**) genes in normal and PC tissues. ", "Data are presented as mean ± SD (standard deviation).](ijms-20-01555-g004){#ijms-20-01555-f004}\n\nijms-20-01555-t001_Table 1\n\n###### \n\nList of Genes Altered by CNAs in More than 20% of Our PC Cases (*N* = 14), and in The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) Dataset (*N* = 492).", "\n\n COPY NUMBER LOSSES \n -------------------- --- ----- ------------ --- -----\n *ACTB* 4 7 *MTPN* 3 12\n *ADRA1A* 3 275 *MX1* 5 134\n *AZGP1* 4 7 *MX2* 5 130\n *CASP2* 3 11 *MYH1* 4 110\n *CCL17* 3 123 *MYH2* 3 110\n *CCL24* 4 5 *MYH3* 3 109\n *CCL26* 4 3 *MYH4* 4 110\n *CDH1* 3 143 *MYH8* 4 110\n *CFDP1* 3 187 *NIP7* 3 146\n *CHST4* 3 169 *NOS3* 3 12\n *CLCN1* 3 11 *OCLN* 2 102\n *CLDN3* 4 3 *PDGFA* 4 13\n *CLU* 3 268 *PLA2G15* 3 136\n *CNGB1* 3 118 *POR* 4 4\n *CX3CL1* 3 123 *RAC1* 4 7\n *CYBA* 3 192 *RCVRN* 3 110\n *EIF2AK1* 4 7 *RPL26* 3 119\n *EIF4A1* 3 159 *SERPINE1* 4 10\n *EPO* 4 6 *SLC12A4* 3 132\n *FAM83H* 8 12 *SLC2A4* 3 155\n *FASTK* 3 12 *SLC4A1* 3 96\n *GALNS* 3 192 *SLC7A5* 3 202\n *GP1BA* 3 103 *SSBP1* 3 9\n *GUCY2D* 3 153 *SSPO* 3 10\n *HIPK2* 3 10 *TAS2R3* 3 9\n *HSF4* 4 130 *TAS2R38* 3 12\n *HSPB1* 3 3 *TAS2R39* 3 11\n *KCNH2* 3 12 *TAS2R40* 3 11\n *LUC7L2* 3 9 *TAS2R41* 3 10\n *MC1R* 3 188 *TAS2R5* 3 9\n *MIR106B* 4 7 *TEKT1* 3 131\n *MIR140* 3 152 *TNFSF12* 3 159\n *MIR25* 4 7 *TNFSF13* 3 159\n *MIR324* 3 149 *TP53* 3 163\n *MIR328* 3 130 *TRPV1* 3 93\n *MIR490* 3 10 *WWP2* 3 153\n *MIR589* 4 7 *ZBTB4* 3 158\n *MIR590* 4 4 *ZNF252* 4 13\n *MIR671* 3 12 *ZP3* 3 5\n *MIR93* 4 7 \n\n[^1]: These authors contributed equally to this work.", "\n" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nHow to check for NaN value in Objective-C (iOS)\n\nPossible Duplicates:\nObjective-C - float checking for nan\nDetermine if NSNumber is NaN \n\nI have a problem with NaN values in CGFloat, how can I check if the number is valid?", "\nthe only way so far that works is:\nif ([[NSString stringWithFormat:@\"%f\", output] isEqualToString:@\"nan\"]) {\n output = 0;\n}\n\nwhich is not a nice solution at all! :) ... ", "and I am pretty sure that there is something else I should do instead.", "\n\nA:\n\nThere is a define for checking if a number is nan inf etc in math.h (you can use it without import I think). ", "\nisnan(myValue)\n\nif you follow the define you will end up with \n(x!=x)\n\nthere are also some other useful defines like isinf, isnormal , isfinite , ...\n\n" ]
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[ "Tag: Lyoto Machida\n\nOk, we’re starting to suspect that Lyoto Machida‘s piss-drinking habit has more to do with exhibitionism than supposed health benefits. ", "That the former UFC light heavyweight champion learned to drink urine from his father (writing that sentence just gave me the creeps) is well documented. ", "It is clear now, however, that Lyoto’s urine addiction is out of control.", "\n\nNo longer does he partake solely within the confines of secure training environments where the waste liquid he ingests can be trusted to be “clean,” as the video evidence above shows Machida is now drinking the urine of complete strangers. ", "That is, as long as they drink his urine as well. ", "Clearly, this has all just become a game to pee-pee party boy Lyoto. ", "Sad.", "\n\nAnd, no more jokes — this is just gross.", "\n\nWho could have guessed that this is what “The Machida Era” would entail. ", "We’re not saying his golden showers are directly contributing to his lackluster performances in recent years, but how could they be helping?", "\n\nWhat do you think, nation? ", "Is this more or less disgusting/erotic than Joe Rogan forcing blonde chicks to guzzle donkey semen? ", "And, will this writer ever be able to redeem himself after cashing checks for writing about both of these episodes? ", "Our answers: More disgusting, less erotic, and no.", "\n\nBy the way, the woman featured in this clip is Pânico na TV reporter Sabrina Sato whose resume includes “having her body covered with bees, lighting candles by fart, being buried alive, allowing a scorpion to sting her on her bare backside, belching the lyrics to songs/ stories, and even eating bugs.” ", "WIFE MATERIAL.", "\n\nIf you passed out shortly after staying up with our live event play by play of UFC 163 last night or missed the event entirely, make sure to check out highlights from the night’s biggest fights as well as the full post event press conference. ", "Above, you can see The Korean Zombie hang tough against Jose Aldo until an apparent dislocated shoulder spelled the end for the challenger.", "\n\nAfter the jump you can see highlights from the fight all Brazilians are bitching about this morning – Phil Davis winning a unanimous decision over Lyoto Machida. ", "Listen to Daniel Cormier break down both fights and then check out what the night’s fighters had to say about it all at the post-event presser. ", "Also, you’ll find out who won the night’s big bonus awards.", "\n\nIf you dropped upwards of $50 on UFC 163 last night, you’re probably pretty frustrated right about now. ", "This isn’t to say that UFC 163 was the worst pay-per-view in recent memory – although it certainly wasn’t the best – but that it failed to meet expectations across the board. ", "The main event saw a fairly solid fight end early after the challenger, Chang Sung Jung, dislocated his shoulder and the champion, Jose Aldo, took advantage of that fact in brutal fashion. ", "Meanwhile, in the co-main event, Lyoto Machida somehow managed to lose to Phil Davis despite landing harder, cleaner strikes, more strikes overall, dictating the exchanges, taking virtually no damage, stuffing 80% of Davis’ takedowns, and being better by virtually any acceptable metric. ", "And while there were some bright spots from the other fights, it just wasn’t enough to overshadow that feeling that what should have been simply wasn’t in the fights we really cared about.", "\n\nThe main event itself, in a way, was hampered from the get-go. ", "In the first round the Korean Zombie checked an Aldo leg kick, possibly breaking Aldo’s right foot. ", "As a result, the champion was forced to call upon his other weapons. ", "In particular, he favored the jab he developed prior to his last fight against Frankie Edgar. ", "Because he’s an exceptional fighter, Aldo was able to still take the fight to Jung without his primary weapon, but began to slow in the third. ", "Whether that’s because Aldo is getting too large for the division and was fatigued from cutting weight or because fighting on a broken foot kind of sucks, I don’t know. ", "But Jung began to gain some momentum heading into the fourth round. ", "There, as he threw a right cross, Aldo countered with a left hook over Jung’s outstretched arm. ", "As Jung’s arm was exposed to the awkward momentum generated from colliding with Aldo’s hook, his shoulder dislocated. ", "The Korean Zombie gritted his teeth and tried to pop the arm back in, but Aldo smelled blood, took him down, and unloaded with ground and pound. ", "While it may not have been enough to stop a fight against a healthy Jung, Herb Dean noticed Jung was unable to defend himself and stopped it.", "\n\nTonight, UFC featherweight champion Jose Aldo returns to his homeland to take on South Korean crowd-pleaser Chan Sung Jung — a name that has become synonymous with fast-paced brawls and insane finishes. ", "Will Aldo end the night embraced in the sweaty arms of his countrymen, or will the Korean Zombie put a gruesome end to the champ’s 15-fight win streak?", "\n\nCagePotato liveblogger supreme Anthony Gannon will be firing off round-by-round results from the “Aldo vs. Korean Zombie” main card after the jump, beginning at 10 p.m. ET / 7 p.m. PT. ", "Refresh the page every few minutes for all the latest, and please drop your own thoughts in the comments section.", "\n\nAre you ready for a behind the scenes look at recent the recent fights and training camps of Jose Aldo, The Korean Zombie (No, he does not have a real name any longer), Phil Davis and Lyoto Machida, all narrated by a gravely but comforting voice? ", "I sure as heck am!", "\n\nWatch the full Countdown to UFC 163 video above to hear UFC featherweight champion Jose Aldo talk about the thrill of fighting in his home country of Brazil, hear Mr. Zombie talk about jet lag and acculturation, see video of NCAA Division I Wrestling Champion Phil Davis get pinned in his first ever match and watch, unable to look away, former light heavyweight champion Lyoto Machida drink liter after sudsy liter of his own urine.", "\n\nThere doesn’t seem to be much buzz about UFC 163, but when you look at it deeper, it’s actually a fairly intriguing card with a number of hidden storylines buried amidst all the injuries and lineup-changes. ", "Here are five reasons why what happens at UFC 163 actually matters.", "\n\nAldo vs. Jung: A Fight That May Change The Face Of Not One, But Two Divisions\n\nNot many people are talking about this, but UFC 163’s main event featherweight title fight between champion Jose Aldo and challenger Chan Sung Jung is one of the rare fights that could have an immediate impact on multiple weight classes.", "\n\nIf Aldo wins, he’ll be on a 16-fight win streak, and it’s quite possible that he’ll make the decision to move up to 155 pounds, something that he has hinted at doing for a long time. ", "Now 26 years old, Aldo is finding it harder to make the weight cut down to 145 pounds, and if he can beat Jung in spectacular fashion this weekend, he might tell the UFC he wants to make a run at lightweight.", "\n\nIf he does go to 155, expect Aldo to receive an immediate title shot, which would mean TJ Grant would be out on the sidelines yet again as Aldo would most certainly face the winner of the UFC 164 main event between Benson Henderson and Anthony Pettis later this month.", "\n\nOf course, it’s possible that Aldo stays at 145 and keeps defending his belt against new challengers such as Ricardo Lamas, but I honestly think a move to 155 isn’t as far away as some think it is.", "\n\nAnd if Jung shocks the world this weekend and becomes the man to end Aldo’s streak? ", "Well, Aldo could still move up to 155, or he could stay at 145 and possibly get an immediate rematch since he’s been such a dominant champ at the weight. ", "It’s really his call.", "\n\nAt the end of the day Aldo is going to have some big decisions to make after UFC 163, and they’re decisions that the whole MMA world is going to be interested in. ", "Now, let’s wait and see what happens.", "\n\nYou gotta love how the UFC continues to promote Chan Sung Jung’s awesome nickname above his actual name for every event he headlines, to the point that the casual fan probably couldn’t tell you who Jung was without first being informed that he was in fact “The Korean Zombie.” ", "Who knows, maybe the UFC is hoping to reel in some last second buys from drunk shut-ins who thought they were ordering a Syfy movie On Demand — it wouldn’t be the first time that the two entities combined forces. ", "If only Wanderlei Silva was a featherweight, we would all be talking about how Axe Murderer vs. Korean Zombie made DinoCroc vs. Supergator look like Mega Shark vs. Crocosaurus* around the water cooler on Monday.", "\n\nI apparently cannot stop rambling today, so let’s wrap things up here. ", "Starting at 3 p.m. EST, the weigh-ins for UFC 163 will be going down from the HSBC arena. ", "We will be hosting a viewing party of said weigh-ins, complete with popcorn (BLAST-O-BUTTER, obvs.), ", "footy pajamas and your mom. ", "Will Jose Aldo triumphantly sprint into the crowd after making weight? ", "Will Phil Davis or Lyoto Machida do anything to convince us that their fight won’t suck? ", "Tune in and find out!", "\n\nAnd with each pay-per-view comes the best damn gambling advice you will find on the Internet (YOU SHUT YOUR WHORE MOUTH), so join us as we break down some of the undercard as well as all of the main card bouts for UFC 163. ", "All odds courtesy of BestFightOdds.", "\n\nIn lieu of Demetrious Johnson’s performance last week, -400 for Ian McCall to beat Santos is parlay bound. ", "Santos had trouble getting out of the gate in his UFC debut and will surely put up a stronger performance, but “Uncle Creepy” has fought 6 rounds (and even won a few!) ", "with the champion in the division. ", "There is always a possibility of the hometown judging playing the culprit or Ian having a mental breakdown whilst reflecting on his life as of late, but if McCall loses here, it will almost be worth losing the bet to see what happens next with him. ", "McCall to win.", "\n\nDavis is also on the heels of a less-than-spectacular (fine, let’s call it what it was, abysmal) performance — albeit in victory — over Vinny Magalhaes at UFC 159. ", "Suffice it to say, if the thought of seeing Rashad Evans try to score 50 takedowns against Hendo at UFC 161 really gets your engine revving, then you are going to need a Valium or six to make it through the spectacle that will be Davis sauntering after Machida for three rounds attempting to do the same." ]
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[ "José Razzano\n\nJosé Francisco Razzano (1887–1960) was an Uruguayan singer and composer. ", "He joined singer Carlos Gardel on a duo until 1925 when Razzano left due to vocal cord problems. ", "Since then, Razzano became Gardel's manager until 1933.", "\n\nBiography \n\nJosé Francisco Razzano born in Montevideo, near Plaza Independencia, on February 25, 1887. ", "When his father died two years later, his mother moved to Buenos Aires, establishing in Balvanera district.", "\n\nIn 1903, he performed in the National Drama Company led by Adriana Cornaro as a singer. ", "He also performed on Justicia Humana by Agustín Fontanella impersonating \"Juancho\" and singing payada with Damián Méndez in Calandria written by Martiniano Leguizamón. ", "He also formed part of gaucho centre Los Pampeanos.", "\n\nRazzano's prominent fame resulted in the signing of his first contract with Argentine filial of Victor Talking Machine Company in 1912. ", "Razzano recorded 10 songs. ", "La China Fiera (singing in a duo with Francisco Martino) was the first of them. ", "A couple of years later, Razzano signed a new contract with local label \"Era\".", "\n\nHe then joined other artists such as Francisco Martino, Carlos Gardel and Raúl Salinas. ", "The Razzano-Gardel duo signed a contract with Austro-Hungarian entrepreneur Max Glücksmann. ", "At the beginning of their collaboration, both artists signed as authors of all the compositions, although some versions refuted this statement, because there were not authors societies that could confirm that.", "\n\nThe popularity of the Gardel-Razzano duo was in crescendo, touring on Uruguay, Brazil, Chile and Spain until 1925 when Razzano left his singing career due to throat problems. ", "In October, Gardel designated Razzano as administrator of his properties.", "\n\nReferences\n\nExternal links\n José Razzano biography on TodoTango.com\n\nCategory:1887 births\nCategory:1960 deaths\nCategory:South American composer stubs \nCategory:Uruguayan composers" ]
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[ "1. ", "Introduction {#sec1}\n===============\n\nIt is widely accepted that bone is a dynamic tissue, because bone remodelling cells (including bone formation cells (osteoblasts) and bone degrading cells (osteoclasts)) can be activated under mechanical stimuli \\[[@B1]\\]. ", "To analyse the exterior mechanical stimulation received by bone cells and their cellular responses, various mechanical stimuli have been used in*in vitro* studies since 1970 \\[[@B2]\\], for example, strain \\[[@B3]\\], fluid shear stress \\[[@B4]\\], and vibration \\[[@B5]\\]. ", "An*in vivo* investigation of mice subjected to high-frequency mechanical signals suggested that some diseases or metabolic conditions can be inhibited or attenuated by vibrational stimuli, for example, adiposity \\[[@B6]\\]. ", "Similarly, bone formation at the implantation sites and thus the osseointegration of bone-anchored implants can be enhanced by the vibrational stimuli \\[[@B7], [@B8]\\]. ", "One*in vitro* sine-shaped vibration experiment with a displacement amplitude of 25 *μ*m and frequencies of 20--60 Hz applied to the cultured osteoblasts revealed that the vibration with an acceleration amplitude of 0.05 g and frequency of 20 Hz was optimal for cell proliferation and that the vibration with 0.13 g and 60 Hz was optimal for metabolic activity \\[[@B9]\\]. ", "In a later study, a sinusoidal inertia force (at an acceleration amplitude of 0, 0.125 g, 0.25 g, or 0.5 g and frequency of 50 Hz) applied to cultured osteoblasts caused levels of gene expression of alkaline phosphatase (ALP) (a marker of osteogenic differentiation) to increase with the acceleration amplitude \\[[@B10]\\]. ", "Furthermore, when MLO-Y4 osteocytes were exposed to low-magnitude, high-frequency vibration (0.3 g, 30, 60, and 90 Hz, 1 hour), their promoting effect on the osteoclast formation was inhibited \\[[@B11]\\]. ", "These biomechanical experimental studies clearly illustrate that mechanical stimuli including vibration can affect bone cell formation and activity.", "\n\nHuman skeleton and bone cells are frequently subjected to vibration force experienced through activities or exercise, and the vibration is described often by frequency and by acceleration (acceleration \\< 1 g as low intensity and acceleration ≥ 1 g as high intensity) \\[[@B12], [@B13]\\]. ", "While the acceleration values of human walking, running, and jumping hurdles are 1 g, 3-4 g, and 5 g, respectively \\[[@B14]\\], exercise can be considered as a repetitive vibration force with low frequency (\\~1-2 Hz) and high intensity \\[[@B13]\\]. ", "Although the above and some other studies, using either experimental methods, computational methods, or finite element (FE) methods, have suggested that mechanical vibration can affect osteoblast proliferation, differentiation, and metabolic activity \\[[@B9]\\], as well as bone formation \\[[@B7], [@B8]\\], the biomechanical responses and the mechanisms of their responses of osteoblasts are unclear in responses to vibration stimuli of different acceleration and/or frequency.", "\n\nIn the present work, we aimed to investigate the biomechanical responses (displacement, von Mises stress, and strain) of osteoblasts of various shapes to mechanical vibration of different levels of acceleration. ", "The main objectives of this study were fivefold: (1) to develop the idealized continuum FE models of osteoblasts of six different shapes; (2) to obtain the natural frequencies and mode shapes of all osteoblast FE models; (3) to determine the harmonic responses (like displacement and von Mises stress of nucleus centre) to base excitation vibration of osteoblast FE models; (4) to investigate the effect on osteoblast responses of base excitation under three levels of acceleration, that is, 0.5 g, 1 g, and 2 g, respectively; and (5) to investigate the effect factor on resonance frequency.", "\n\n2. ", "Materials and Methods {#sec2}\n========================\n\n2.1. ", "Geometry Information Used for Osteoblast FE Modelling {#sec2.1}\n----------------------------------------------------------\n\nThe shapes of osteoblasts used for the FE modelling in the current study were from the results of experimental investigation \\[[@B15]\\] and computation modelling \\[[@B16]\\]. ", "The osteoblast consists of three components, that is, the nucleus, cytoplasm, and cell membrane. ", "In this geometry, the nucleus is embedded in the cytoplasm, the cytoplasm is between the nucleus and the cell membrane, and the cell membrane is the outermost surface of the whole cell (Figures [1](#fig1){ref-type=\"fig\"} and [2](#fig2){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "The fibrous materials (including microfilament and the microtubules) of the cell were neglected/ignored in all modelling in this present study. ", "The geometry shapes and dimensions are shown in [Figure 2](#fig2){ref-type=\"fig\"} and [Table 1](#tab1){ref-type=\"table\"}.", "\n\nThe geometry of the osteoblasts is selected as part of a sphere. ", "The nucleus is modelled as ellipsoid because the nucleus is normally modelled as sphere \\[[@B17]\\] or ellipsoid \\[[@B16], [@B18], [@B19]\\]. ", "In this study, the volumes of the cell and nucleus are \\~3000 *μ*m^3^ and 104.5 *μ*m^3^, respectively, which are based on the study of McGarry et al. ", "\\[[@B16]\\]. ", "The thickness of cell membrane is 6 nm \\[[@B20], [@B21]\\], and the endothelial cell membrane thickness also varies between 0.1 and 0.5 *μ*m \\[[@B17]\\]. ", "The cell height is \\~2--20 *μ*m \\[[@B16], [@B21]--[@B23]\\]. ", "The bottom surface of the cell can be circle \\[[@B16], [@B22]--[@B24]\\] or ellipse \\[[@B18], [@B19], [@B25]\\] for the idealized models.", "\n\n2.2. ", "3D Osteoblast FE Modelling {#sec2.2}\n-------------------------------\n\nHere, the 3D osteoblast FE models were developed based on the corresponding geometry data. ", "The FE models of different shapes are shown in [Figure 1](#fig1){ref-type=\"fig\"}. ", "Using software ABAQUS 6.14 (SIMULIA, Providence, RI, USA), eight-node hexahedral elements (C3D8) were used for the solid regions, that is, the nucleus and cytoplasm. ", "Also, for the nucleus and cytoplasm, the hexahedral FE mesh was mapped according to the high quality geometries using eight-node C3D8 elements. ", "At the same time, the cell membrane was meshed as shell element S4. ", "The total element numbers of the nucleus, cytoplasm, and membrane were given in [Table 1](#tab1){ref-type=\"table\"}, respectively, for the six different models. ", "To prevent any relative movement during subsequent vibration simulation analyses, in the FE modelling, the tie constraints were used to ensure attachment of the cytoplasm to the membrane and nucleus. ", "In this study, we assumed there are no relative motions between cytoplasm and membrane and between cytoplasm and nucleus.", "\n\nIn this study, the materials were assumed isotropic/linear/elastic for the osteoblast FE models; and their properties and density for the osteoblast are given in [Table 2](#tab2){ref-type=\"table\"}. ", "The density ratio 0.4 : 1 : 1.2 (600 kg/m^3^ : 1500 kg/m^3^ : 1800 kg/m^3^) of membrane, cytoplasm, and nucleus was assumed \\[[@B29]\\]. ", "Young\\'s modulus of membrane, cytoplasm, and nucleus was chosen at 1 kPa, 1.5 kPa, and 6 kPa, respectively, and Poisson\\'s ratio was 0.3, 0.37, and 0.37 for membrane, cytoplasm, and nucleus, respectively.", "\n\nFor endothelial cells, Young\\'s modulus of membrane, cytoplasm, and nucleus was set at 775 Pa, 775 Pa, and 5.1 kPa, respectively. ", "Poisson\\'s ratio of membrane, cytoplasm, and nucleus was set at 0.33 \\[[@B26]\\]. ", "Normally, the elastic modulus of the cytoplasm is only one-quarter that of the nucleus \\[[@B27]\\]. ", "It was reported that Young\\'s modulus of the cytoplasm and nucleus was chosen at 100 Pa and 400 Pa, respectively, and Poisson\\'s ratio was 0.37 for the cytoplasm and nucleus \\[[@B16], [@B19], [@B28]\\]. ", "Previously, Young\\'s modulus of 6.5 kPa and Poisson\\'s ratio of 0.5 were assigned to the cytoplasm of an osteoblastic cell \\[[@B22]\\]. ", "Elastic modulus of cytoplasm of osteocyte-like MLO-Y4 cell was set at 1.5 kPa \\[[@B29]\\]. ", "Similarly, based on the measurements by atomic force microscopy, Young\\'s modulus of 6 kPa was assigned to the osteoblast nucleus \\[[@B30]\\]. ", "The elastic modulus of 1 kPa and Poisson\\'s ratio of 0.3 were selected for the membrane of the adherent eukaryotic cell \\[[@B16], [@B29]\\].", "\n\nDensity is an important parameter in vibration simulation. ", "The initial cellular density was assumed as 1000 kg/m^3^ \\[[@B31]\\], and 1250 kg/m^3^ was used as the density of cytoplasm, nucleus, and membrane in the endothelial cell \\[[@B26]\\]. ", "Previously, the density of an osteoblast was assumed as 125 kg/m^3^ \\[[@B19]\\], and, for osteocyte-like MLO-Y4 cell, 1500 kg/m^3^, 1800 kg/m^3^, and 600 kg/m^3^ were set as the densities of cytoplasm, nucleus, and membrane, respectively \\[[@B29]\\].", "\n\n2.3. ", "Modal Analyses {#sec2.3}\n-------------------\n\n### 2.3.1. ", "Natural Frequency Extraction {#sec2.3.1}\n\nNatural frequency extraction is an eigenvalue analysis procedure, which determines the natural frequencies and shapes of mode for a structure. ", "In this study, software ABAQUS was used to conduct the natural frequency extraction. ", "The governing dynamic equation of the response in ABAQUS can be expressed as follows \\[[@B32]\\]:$$\\begin{matrix}\n{M\\overset{¨}{u} + C\\overset{˙}{u} + Ku = P,} \\\\\n\\end{matrix}$$where *M*, *C*, and *K* (symmetric and positive definite) are the mass matrix, damping coefficient matrix, and spring stiffness matrix in the system, respectively. *", "P* is harmonic loading, and $\\overset{¨}{u}$, $\\overset{˙}{u}$, and *u* are the acceleration vector, velocity vector, and displacement vector, respectively.", "\n\nThe free vibration structure without damping may be represented as$$\\begin{matrix}\n{M\\overset{¨}{u} + Ku = 0.} \\\\", "\n\\end{matrix}$$\n\nThe solution of *u* may be expressed as$$\\begin{matrix}\n{u = \\phi{\\sin\\left( {\\omega t} \\right)}\\text{  or  }\\phi e^{i\\omega t}.} \\\\", "\n\\end{matrix}$$\n\nThen, ([2](#EEq2){ref-type=\"disp-formula\"}) may be rewritten as$$\\begin{matrix}\n{\\left( { - \\omega^{2}M + K} \\right)\\phi = 0,} \\\\\n\\end{matrix}$$where *ω* is the frequency and *ϕ* is the eigenvector (vibration mode).", "\n\nHere, the natural frequencies of the six osteoblast models (Model I, Model II, Model III, Model IV, Model V, and Model VI) were obtained through the natural frequency extraction, and the corresponding mode shapes of the six osteoblast models were presented by the FE analysis.", "\n\n### 2.3.2. ", "Harmonic Vibration {#sec2.3.2}\n\nIn this study, the free vibration of the system was considered with only one degree of freedom. ", "In the simulation, the different levels of acceleration of base excitation were applied to analyse the effect of acceleration on the cell, that is, 0.5 g, 1 g, and 2 g (g = 9.8 m/s^2^), respectively. ", "It is well known that acceleration (g forces, g = 9.8 m/s^2^) is the best term to describe vibration intensity \\[[@B12]\\]. ", "In addition, the translational directions of bottom surface of FE models were constrained, which means that zero displacement was applied for the bottom surface of the cell model due to the fixed boundary condition.", "\n\n### 2.3.3. ", "Effect Factor on Resonance Frequency {#sec2.3.3}\n\nA previous human vibration test was conducted under the acceleration of 0.04--19.3 g, and it was found that the resonant frequency values of ankle, knee, hip, and spine are 10--40 Hz, 10--25 Hz, 10--20 Hz, and 10 Hz, respectively \\[[@B33]\\]. ", "In this study, the effect of geometry on resonance frequency was investigated. ", "The relationship between resonance frequency and the effect factor can be expressed through a fitted formula. ", "The relationships of resonance frequency with cell height and with bottom area were analysed when the volume and density of the cell were assumed as constants. ", "Cell height or cell bottom area can be considered as the effect factor, and the relationships of resonance frequency with cell height or with cell bottom area can be expressed as the formula based on the data of Figures [12(a)](#fig12){ref-type=\"fig\"} and [12(b)](#fig12){ref-type=\"fig\"}.", "\n\n3. ", "Results {#sec3}\n==========\n\n3.1. ", "Natural Frequency Extraction {#sec3.1}\n---------------------------------\n\nThe natural frequencies and vibration mode shapes of the six osteoblast models were obtained after completing the FE modal analyses. [", "Figure 3](#fig3){ref-type=\"fig\"} gives the resonant frequencies of the first ten modes for the six models. ", "The first natural frequency values of osteoblasts for Model I--Model VI were 6.85, 11.35, 17.42, 21.40, 24.96, and 28.57 Hz, respectively. ", "The corresponding mode shapes of Model VI are presented in [Figure 4](#fig4){ref-type=\"fig\"}, and the natural frequencies for the first ten modes of Model VI were found at 28.57 Hz, 28.61 Hz, 33.79 Hz, 41.13 Hz, 41.22 Hz, 42.60 Hz, 42.71 Hz, 43.53 Hz, 48.68 Hz, and 48.69 Hz, respectively.", "\n\n3.2. ", "Responses to Harmonic Vibration {#sec3.2}\n------------------------------------\n\n### 3.2.1. ", "The Displacement Response {#sec3.2.1}\n\nBased on the natural frequencies and the assumed uniform acceleration of base excitation within the frequency range between 1 and 50 Hz, the harmonic responses of the six FE models were computed. ", "To investigate the responses of the different directions (*X*-, *Y*-, and *Z*-directions) to the harmonic vibration, the displacement values at the centre of the nucleus ([Figure 1](#fig1){ref-type=\"fig\"}) were plotted in [Figure 5](#fig5){ref-type=\"fig\"} for the different levels of acceleration (0.5 g, 1 g, and 2 g). ", "The frequency values of the peak displacement in *X*-direction for Model I--Model VI are 6.85 Hz, 11.35 Hz, 17.42 Hz, 21.40 Hz, 24.96 Hz, and 28.57 Hz, respectively. ", "The frequency values of the peak displacement in *Y*-direction for Model I-Model VI are 6.88 Hz, 11.38 Hz, 17.46 Hz, 21.44 Hz, 25.00 Hz, and 28.61 Hz, respectively. ", "The frequency values of the peak displacement in *Z*-direction for Model I--Model VI are 17.69 Hz, 23.38 Hz, 30.59 Hz, 34.97 Hz, 38.99 Hz, and 43.51 Hz, respectively.", "\n\nThe mode shapes of the FE models at the peak frequency under 0.5 g acceleration in *X*-direction, *Y*-direction, and *Z*-direction are presented in Figures [6(a)](#fig6){ref-type=\"fig\"}, [6(b)](#fig6){ref-type=\"fig\"}, and [6(c)](#fig6){ref-type=\"fig\"}, respectively. ", "In addition, the displacement values of the models under the different levels of base excitation acceleration in *X*-direction, *Y*-direction, and *Z*-direction are given in [Figure 7](#fig7){ref-type=\"fig\"}. ", "The order of displacement of the centre of the nucleus for the different acceleration in *X*-direction, *Y*-direction, and *Z*-direction is 2 g \\> 1 g \\> 0.5 g. The order of displacement of the centre of the nucleus for the different models in *X*-direction, *Y*-direction, and *Z*-direction is Model I \\> Model II \\> Model III \\> Model IV \\> Model V \\> Model VI. ", "The lowest displacement values of the centre of the nucleus for Model VI under 0.5 g acceleration in *X*-direction, *Y*-direction, and *Z*-direction are 0.565 *μ*m, 0.565 *μ*m, and 0.146 *μ*m, respectively. ", "The largest displacement values of the centre of the nucleus under 2 g acceleration in *X*-, *Y*-, and *Z*-direction are 12.749 *μ*m, 12.756 *μ*m, and 2.188 *μ*m, respectively.", "\n\n### 3.2.2. ", "The von Mises Stress and the Strain {#sec3.2.2}\n\nIn addition, the von Mises stress values of the centre of the nucleus under the different levels of base excitation in *X*-, *Y*-, and *Z*-directions are given in [Figure 8](#fig8){ref-type=\"fig\"}. ", "The lowest von Mises stress values of Model I under 0.5 g in *X*-, *Y*-, and *Z*-directions are 1 for all of them. ", "The order of von Mises stress values of the centre of the nucleus for the different base excitation in *X*-, *Y*-, and *Z*-directions is 2 g \\> 1 g \\> 0.5 g. The order of von Mises stress values of the centre of the nucleus for the different models in *X*-, *Y*-, and *Z*-directions is Model I \\> Model II \\> Model III \\> Model IV \\> Model V \\> Model VI. ", "The lowest von Mises stress values of the centre of the nucleus for Model VI under 0.5 g in *X*-, *Y*-, and *Z*-directions are 0.145 kPa, 0.16 kPa, and 0.094 kPa, respectively. ", "The largest von Mises stress values of the centre of the nucleus for Model I under 2 g in *X*-, *Y*-, and *Z*-directions are 3.05 kPa, 3.33 kPa, and 1.57 kPa, respectively.", "\n\nMoreover, the von Mises stress contours of the FE models under 0.5 g base excitation in *Z*-direction at the frequency of 1 Hz, peak value, and 80 Hz are shown in [Figure 9](#fig9){ref-type=\"fig\"}. ", "The peak frequency values in *Z*-direction for Model I--Model VI are 17.69 Hz, 23.38 Hz, 30.59 Hz, 34.97 Hz, 38.99 Hz, and 43.51 Hz, respectively. ", "The maximum von Mises stress values of the cell at the peak frequency for Model I--Model VI under base excitation in *Z*-direction are 590.4 Pa, 327 Pa, 197.7 Pa, 174.7 Pa, 158.9 Pa, and 129.5 Pa, respectively. ", "At 80 Hz, the maximum von Mises stress values are 1.229 Pa, 1.255 Pa, 1.363 Pa, 1.675 Pa, 1.99 Pa, and 2.175 Pa, respectively.", "\n\nSimilarly, the strain values of the centre of the nucleus under the different base excitation in *X*-, *Y*-, and *Z*-directions are given in [Figure 10](#fig10){ref-type=\"fig\"}. ", "The lowest strain values for Model I under 0.5 g in *X*-direction, *Y*-direction, and *Z*-direction are 1 for all of them. ", "The order of strain values of the centre of the nucleus for the different base excitation in *X*-direction, *Y*-direction, and *Z*-direction is 2 g \\> 1 g \\> 0.5 g. The order of strain values of the centre of the nucleus for the different models in *X*-, *Y*-, and *Z*-directions is Model I \\> Model II \\> Model III \\> Model IV \\> Model V \\> Model VI. ", "The lowest strain values of the centre of the nucleus for Model VI under 0.5 g in *X*-, *Y*-, and *Z*-directions are 19095.4, 21096.5, and 14827.6 microstrains, respectively. ", "The largest strain values of the centre of the nucleus for Model I under 2 g in *X*-, *Y*-, and *Z*-directions are 401550, 438575, and 252340 microstrains, respectively.", "\n\nFurthermore, the strain contours of the 6 FE models under 0.5 g base excitation in *Z*-direction at the frequency of 1 Hz, peak value, and 80 Hz are given in [Figure 11](#fig11){ref-type=\"fig\"}. ", "The maximum strain values of the cell for Model I--Model VI in *Z*-direction at the peak frequency are 327300, 225700, 101200, 90750, 83890, and 67010 microstrains, respectively. ", "There is a fluctuation of the maximum strain value of the cell at the peak frequency. ", "At 80 Hz, the maximum strain values are 680.3, 866, 689.7, 860.1, 1056, and 1128 microstrains, respectively.", "\n\n3.3. ", "Effects of Cell Height and Bottom Area on Resonance Frequency {#sec3.3}\n------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nThe relationships of resonance frequency with cell height and with bottom area were analysed when the volume and density of the cell were assumed as constants. ", "The results are shown in Figures [12(a)](#fig12){ref-type=\"fig\"} and [12(b)](#fig12){ref-type=\"fig\"}, respectively. ", "Moreover, the relationship between frequency and different models was also analysed and is shown in [Figure 12(c)](#fig12){ref-type=\"fig\"}. ", "These results suggest that the resonance frequency depends on cell height and bottom area. ", "If *h* (cell height) or *s* (bottom area) ([Figure 2](#fig2){ref-type=\"fig\"}) is an independent variable, the value *f* ~*r*~ (resonance frequency) is the function of *h* (cell height) or *s* (bottom area) and can be expressed through a fitted formula in ([5](#EEq5){ref-type=\"disp-formula\"}) or ([6](#EEq6){ref-type=\"disp-formula\"}) based on the data of Figures [12(a)](#fig12){ref-type=\"fig\"} and [12(b)](#fig12){ref-type=\"fig\"} as follows:$$\\begin{matrix}\n{f_{r} = p_{1}{\\log h} + p_{2}\\left( {{\\log h}} \\right)^{2} + p_{3}\\left( {{\\log h}} \\right)^{3} + p_{4},} \\\\\n\\end{matrix}$$where *h* is the cell height and the values of *p* ~*i*~ are coefficients that are given in [Table 3](#tab3){ref-type=\"table\"}. ", "$$\\begin{matrix}\n{f_{r} = p_{1}{\\log s} + p_{2}\\left( {{\\log s}} \\right)^{2} + p_{3}\\left( {{\\log s}} \\right)^{3} + p_{4},} \\\\\n\\end{matrix}$$where *s* is the bottom area and the values of *p* ~*i*~ are coefficients that are given in [Table 4](#tab4){ref-type=\"table\"}.", "\n\n4. ", "Discussion {#sec4}\n=============\n\nThere have been many previous studies using various models that were developed to reveal bone cell mechanical behaviours. ", "Some numerical computational models of cultured cells have been developed to examine the responses of cultured cells to various mechanical stimulations. ", "For example, to study the universal dynamic behaviours of osteoblasts, a three-dimensional (3D) soft matter cell model was developed using the multiscale moving contact line theory \\[[@B31], [@B34]\\]. ", "On the other hand, the finite element (FE) method has been more widely used to analyse the biomechanical behaviours of osteoblasts or other cell types, using the biorealistic or idealized cell models. ", "Based on confocal microscopy data, a 3D cell-specific FE model was created to simulate the cellular mechanics tests such as large deformation \\[[@B35]\\]. ", "For the idealized FE models, both the continuum model \\[[@B17], [@B23], [@B36]\\] and the tensegrity model \\[[@B16], [@B24], [@B28], [@B37]\\] have been developed. ", "Although the above prior studies have made significant advancements in revealing bone cell mechanical behaviours, it still remains a great challenge to understand the mechanisms of biomechanical behaviours of osteoblasts in response to vibration signals and their characteristics of deformations under various mechanical stimuli.", "\n\nIn this present study, to investigate the vibrational responses of the different shapes of an osteoblast subjected to vibration of base excitation, six idealized FE models of an osteoblast were created. ", "Firstly, cell geometry was created and FE models were developed accordingly. ", "For these models, the initial volumes of the cell were basically the same and the densities were constant in the simulation. ", "Secondly, natural frequency (resonance frequency) of the different models was extracted by using FE analysis. ", "Then, harmonic vibration of the osteoblast models was analysed with three different base excitation acceleration values, namely, 0.5 g, 1 g, and 2 g. The response results were obtained for the harmonic vibration including displacement, von Mises stress, and strain of the centre of the nucleus under different acceleration values. ", "Finally, the effects of cell height and bottom area on resonance frequency were analysed, and the fitted curves of resonance frequency versus cell height and resonance frequency versus bottom area were obtained.", "\n\nBased on the previous studies, the vibration frequency is crucial for bone cells to complete the bone resorption and bone formation \\[[@B1], [@B11]\\]. ", "Using the FE cell models developed, the natural frequency of osteoblasts was predicted in the current study, with the first ten resonant frequencies of the cells being in the range \\~6.85--48.69 Hz. ", "Previously, the vibration frequency was selected as 5--100 Hz for*in vitro* bone cell studies \\[[@B5], [@B9]\\]. ", "Similar natural frequency values were computed by other FE studies; for example, the first ten natural frequency values of bone cells were predicted at \\~9.95--211.05 Hz for the first ten modes \\[[@B18]\\] and at \\~18.11--21.05 Hz for the first five modes \\[[@B19]\\]. ", "In comparison with the experimental data and FE studies, the natural frequency of our FE models was within the range in the literatures; the difference may be caused by some factors in FE modelling, for example, the density, material property, and spreading shape. ", "Thus, the FE models developed in the current study can be validated by the data of the literatures.", "\n\nIn this study, the osteoblast models were assumed as one-degree-of-freedom vibrational system. ", "The resonance phenomenon can occur at some natural frequency and can be observed from vibrational responses like displacement, von Mises stress, and strain. ", "The cell biomechanical responses (e.g., displacement, von Mises stress, and strain of the centre of the nucleus models of osteoblasts) were obtained when the models were subjected to three different acceleration values of base excitation vibration (0.5 g, 1 g, and 2 g). ", "The current study observed that the resonance frequency does not change with the acceleration, which suggests that the natural frequency of the bone cell is determined by the intrinsic factors and is not affected by the external factors. ", "The current study has also examined the vibration responses of different FE models of the bone cell under 0.5 g acceleration in *X*-, *Y*-, and *Z*-directions. ", "It was found that the peak response frequency is the same with the first mode frequency for the acceleration in *X*-direction, and the peak response frequency is around at the second mode frequency for the acceleration in *Y*-direction. ", "While the peak response frequency varies with the models for the acceleration in *Z*-direction, the peak frequency occurs round at the fourth mode frequency for Model I to Model IV, sixth mode frequency for Model V, and eighth mode frequency for Model VI. ", "A similar resonance phenomenon was also found by one previous study \\[[@B19]\\]; it found that the resonance of the continuum model of bone cell occurred at mode 1, mode 2, and mode 3 for *X*-direction, *Y*-direction, and *Z*-direction, respectively. ", "Furthermore, it can be seen from the curves of Figures [6](#fig6){ref-type=\"fig\"}, [9](#fig9){ref-type=\"fig\"}, and [11](#fig11){ref-type=\"fig\"} that the response peak values at that frequency are remarkably larger than those at the rest. ", "Thus, this phenomenon is typical resonance.", "\n\nThe current study has investigated the displacement, von Mises stress, and strain responses of bone cell models under different acceleration values and in different directions. ", "The results showed that the values of displacement, von Mises stress, and strain increased with the acceleration. ", "The values in *Y*-direction are slightly larger than those in *X*-direction, and the values in *Z*-direction are smaller than those in *X*- and *Y*-directions. [", "Figure 7](#fig7){ref-type=\"fig\"} presents the displacement response of the different models in *X*-, *Y*-, and *Z*-directions under different acceleration values. [", "Figure 7](#fig7){ref-type=\"fig\"} further indicates the effect of the acceleration on the displacement response of bone cell for the external vibration.", "\n\nOur FE models also indicate that von Mises stress is concentrated in the nucleus and strain is basically concentrated around the nucleus for the harmonic response under 0.5 g acceleration in *Z*-direction. ", "By comparing Model I and Model VI at the peak frequency, the maximum von Mises stress value changed from 590.4 Pa (Model I) to 129.5 Pa (Model VI), and the maximum strain value changed from 327300 microstrains (Model I) to 67010 microstrains (Model VI). ", "Therefore, the maximum von Mises stress and the maximum strain values reduce by 78.07% and 78.92%, respectively. ", "They reduce with the decrease of cell height or with the increase of bottom area, and thus the cell shape has a great influence on the harmonic response.", "\n\nBased on the simulation results analysis, there is a relationship between resonance frequency and cell height or between resonance frequency and bottom area. ", "The resonance frequency can be expressed as the function of cell height (*h*) or bottom area (*s*) (see ([5](#EEq5){ref-type=\"disp-formula\"})). ", "The resonance frequency is a monotonic decreasing function of cell height (*h*) and is a monotonic increasing function of bottom area (*s*). ", "In other words, the cell volume and material properties do not vary and*h*or*s* is the independent variable, and the resonance frequency will decrease with the increase of*h* or increase with the increase of*s*. ", "The resonance frequencies in *Z*-direction are much higher than those in *X*- and *Y*-direction, and the resonance frequencies in *X*-direction and *Y*-direction are very close. ", "That is because the bottom areas are assumed as a circle, and the differences of resonance frequencies between *X*- and *Y*-direction would be larger if the bottom areas are not circle but an ellipse.", "\n\nIt must be noted that, in this study, the geometry of the bone cell was assumed to be comprised of three components, that is, membrane, cytoplasm, and nucleus. ", "In the previous studies, the tensegrity structure was used to simulate the fibres of cells like microtubules and microfilaments \\[[@B28], [@B37]\\]. ", "In those studies, the nucleus was in the centre of the cell, and the nucleus and the cell membrane were connected by the tensegrity structure (microtubules and microfilaments). ", "However, the effect of microtubules and microfilaments on the harmonic response was not large \\[[@B19]\\]. ", "For the present FE models, membrane, cytoplasm, and nucleus were assumed to be the linear elastic homogeneous materials. ", "Although the cell has viscoelastic characteristics, which can lead to the damping effect, the viscoelastic material property was ignored in all simulations in this study as the effects of damping on the osteoblast were found to be small \\[[@B19]\\]. ", "Furthermore, it is well accepted that the stiffness ratio of cytoplasm and nucleus of the cell is 1 : 4 and the elastic modulus of cell membrane is 1 kPa. ", "Further studies using the nonlinear material property and biorealistic geometries are being considered in further investigations.", "\n\n5. ", "Conclusion {#sec5}\n=============\n\nIn the current study, different osteoblast FE models were developed and were used to extract the natural frequencies and to analyse the harmonic responses under different acceleration values (0.5 g, 1 g, and 2 g). ", "It was found that the natural frequencies do not change with the variation of acceleration of base excitation. ", "The response values of displacement, von Mises stress, and strain increase with the increase of acceleration, and the response values in *Z*-direction are much higher than those in the other directions (*X*- and *Y*-direction). ", "Moreover, the model simulation predicted that the von Mises stress is concentrated in the nucleus and strain is basically concentrated around the nucleus. ", "This study also found that the resonance frequencies can be a monotonic function of cell height or bottom area when the cell volume and material properties are assumed as constants. ", "Therefore, the cell shape has a great influence on the vibrational characteristics of the osteoblast. ", "Therefore, the FE simulations of osteoblast harmonic vibration presented in this study have provided adequate description of vibrational responses of osteoblasts*in vitro*. ", "These findings could be helpful for guiding the*in vitro* cell culture biomechanical research and will help in understanding the deformation of osteoblasts under various mechanical stimuli.", "\n\nLiping Wang is supported by the Australian National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) Postgraduate Research Scholarship grant, and Cory J. Xian is supported by the NHMRC Senior Research Fellowship. ", "This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Project Grant no. ", "81671928).", "\n\nCompeting Interests\n===================\n\nThe authors declare that they have no competing interests.", "\n\nAuthors\\' Contributions\n=======================\n\nLiping Wang and Cory J. Xian were responsible for study design. ", "Cory J. Xian conducted the study. ", "Data collection was the responsibility of Liping Wang. ", "Data analysis was carried out by Liping Wang and Hung-Yao Hsu. ", "Data interpretation was done by Liping Wang and Hung-Yao Hsu. ", "Liping Wang and Cory J. Xian drafted the manuscript. ", "And Liping Wang, Xu Li, and Cory J. Xian revised the manuscript content. ", "All authors have read and approved the final submitted manuscript.", "\n\n![", "Geometry of idealized finite element models of osteoblasts of different shapes.](BMRI2016-2735091.001){#fig1}\n\n![", "3D osteoblast finite element modelling.](BMRI2016-2735091.002){#fig2}\n\n![", "Resonance frequencies of the first ten modes for the 6 finite element models of osteoblasts.](BMRI2016-2735091.003){#fig3}\n\n![", "Mode shapes of the first ten vibration modes for Model VI (from top view). (", "a) 1st mode at 28.57 Hz; (b) 2nd mode at 28.61 Hz; (c) 3rd mode at 33.79 Hz; (d) 4th mode at 41.13 Hz; (e) 5th mode at 41.22 Hz; (f) 6th mode at 42.60 Hz; (g) 7th mode at 42.71 Hz; (h) 8th mode at 43.53 Hz; (i) 9th mode at 48.68 Hz; and (j) 10th mode at 48.69 Hz.](BMRI2016-2735091.004){#fig4}\n\n![", "The displacement of the centre of the nucleus versus vibration frequency of osteoblasts. (", "a) 0.5 g acceleration in *X*-direction; (b) 0.5 g acceleration in *Y*-direction; (c) 0.5 g acceleration in *Z*-direction; (d) 1 g acceleration in *X*-direction; (e) 1 g acceleration in *Y*-direction; (f) 1 g acceleration in *Z*-direction; (g) 2 g acceleration in *X*-direction; (h) 2 g acceleration in *Y*-direction; and (i) 2 g acceleration in *Z*-direction.](BMRI2016-2735091.005){#fig5}\n\n![", "Mode shapes at the peak frequency under 0.5 g acceleration (from top view). (", "a) In*X*-direction; (b) in*Y*-direction; and (c) in*Z*-direction.](BMRI2016-2735091.006){#fig6}\n\n![", "Displacement distribution at the peak frequency under different levels of base excitation acceleration. (", "a) In *X*-direction; (b) in *Y*-direction; and (c) in *Z*-direction.](BMRI2016-2735091.007){#fig7}\n\n![", "The von Mises stress value of the centre of nucleus versus frequency under different levels of acceleration. (", "a) 0.5 g acceleration in *X*-direction; (b) 0.5 g acceleration in *Y*-direction; (c) 0.5 g acceleration in *Z*-direction; (d) 1 g acceleration in *X*-direction; (e) 1 g acceleration in *Y*-direction; (f) 1 g acceleration in *Z*-direction; (g) 2 g acceleration in *X*-direction; (h) 2 g acceleration in *Y*-direction; and (i) 2 g acceleration in *Z*-direction.](BMRI2016-2735091.008){#fig8}\n\n![", "von Mises stress contours of the different cell models in *Z*-direction under 0.5 g base excitation. (", "a) Model I; (b) Model II; (c) Model III; (d) Model IV; (e) Model V; and (f) Model VI.](BMRI2016-2735091.009){#fig9}\n\n![", "The strain value of the centre of nucleus versus frequency of the six different cell models at different levels of acceleration. (", "a) 0.5 g acceleration in *X*-direction; (b) 0.5 g acceleration in *Y*-direction; (c) 0.5 g acceleration in *Z*-direction; (d) 1 g acceleration in *X*-direction; (e) 1 g acceleration in *Y*-direction; (f) 1 g acceleration in *Z*-direction; (g) 2 g acceleration in *X*-direction; (h) 2 g acceleration in *Y*-direction; and (i) 2 g acceleration in *Z*-direction.](BMRI2016-2735091.010){#fig10}\n\n![", "Strain contours of the cell in *Z*-direction under 0.5 g base excitation. (", "a) Model I; (b) Model II; (c) Model III; (d) Model IV; (e) Model V; and (f) Model VI.](BMRI2016-2735091.011){#fig11}\n\n![", "Resonance frequency responses to the osteoblast models in different directions. (", "a) Resonance frequency versus cell height; (b) resonance frequency versus bottom area of the cell; and (c) resonance frequency versus different models.](BMRI2016-2735091.012){#fig12}\n\n###### \n\nGeometry property and element data for osteoblast finite element models.", "\n\n Models I II III IV V VI\n -------------------------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- ---------\n Cell height (*μ*m) 15.45 12.75 10.96 9.41 8.03 6.82\n Surface (*μ*m^2^) 898.98 835.24 799.52 825.35 891.97 985.89\n Bottom area (*μ*m^2^) 125.09 243.84 421.28 549.88 696.53 842.90\n Volume (*μ*m^3^) 2988.40 2998.36 3000.60 3000.49 3010.90 3019.02\n Nucleus volume (*μ*m^3^) 104.72 104.72 104.72 104.72 104.72 104.72\n Number of elements            \n  Nucleus 20472 20092 20668 25248 23424 17388\n  Cytoplasm 148020 127884 115060 130880 111808 88592\n  Membrane 7480 7288 8056 9856 10048 8932\n\n###### \n\nMaterial properties and density for the osteoblast finite element models.", "\n\n Components Young\\'s modulus Poisson\\'s ratio Density\n ------------ ------------------ ------------------ --------------\n Membrane 1 kPa 0.3 600 kg/m^3^\n Cytoplasm 1.5 kPa 0.37 1500 kg/m^3^\n Nucleus 6 kPa 0.37 1800 kg/m^3^\n\n###### \n\nValues of *p* ~*i*~.\n\n Independent variable Coefficient of *p* ~*i*~ Direction \n ------------------------- -------------------------- ----------- --------- --------\n *h* (cell height, *μ*m) *p* ~1~ 852.63 856.51 607.60\n *p* ~2~ −874.73 −878.29 −628.97 \n *p* ~3~ 275.97 277.04 190.94 \n *p* ~4~ −234.36 −235.70 −136.72 \n\n###### \n\nValues of *p* ~*i*~.\n\n Independent variable Coefficient of *p* ~*i*~ Direction \n ---------------------------- -------------------------- ----------- --------- -------\n *s* (bottom area, *μ*m^2^) *p* ~1~ −50.63 −55.41 61.23\n *p* ~2~ 10.61 12.57 −34.011 \n *p* ~3~ 1.23 0.96 7.36 \n *p* ~4~ 55.01 58.90 −29.06 \n\n[^1]: Academic Editor: Ashraf S. Gorgey\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Central" }
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[ "Chromatin structural elements and chromosomal translocations in leukemia.", "\nRecurring chromosome abnormalities are strongly associated with certain subtypes of leukemia, lymphoma and sarcomas. ", "More recently, their potential involvement in carcinomas, i.e. prostate cancer, has been recognized. ", "They are among the most important factors in determining disease prognosis, and in many cases, identification of these chromosome abnormalities is crucial in selecting appropriate treatment protocols. ", "Chromosome translocations are frequently observed in both de novo and therapy-related acute myeloid leukemia (AML) and myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS). ", "The mechanisms that result in such chromosome translocations in leukemia and other cancers are largely unknown. ", "Genomic breakpoints in all the common chromosome translocations in leukemia, including t(4;11), t(9;11), t(8;21), inv(16), t(15;17), t(12;21), t(1;19) and t(9;22), have been cloned. ", "Genomic breakpoints tend to cluster in certain intronic regions of the relevant genes including MLL, AF4, AF9, AML1, ETO, CBFB, MYHI1, PML, RARA, TEL, E2A, PBX1, BCR and ABL. ", "However, whereas the genomic breakpoints in MLL tend to cluster in the 5' portion of the 8.3 kb breakpoint cluster region (BCR) in de novo and adult patients and in the 3' portion in infant leukemia patients and t-AML patients, those in both the AML1 and ETO genes occur in the same clustered regions in both de novo and t-AML patients. ", "These differences may reflect differences in the mechanisms involved in the formation of the translocations. ", "Specific chromatin structural elements, such as in vivo topoisomerase II (topo II) cleavage sites, DNase I hypersensitive sites and scaffold attachment regions (SARs) have been mapped in the breakpoint regions of the relevant genes. ", "Strong in vivo topo II cleavage sites and DNase I hypersensitive sites often co-localize with each other and also with many of the BCRs in most of these genes, whereas SARs are associated with BCRs in MLL, AF4, AF9, AML1, ETO and ABL, but not in the BCR gene. ", "In addition, the BCRs in MLL, AML1 and ETO have the lowest free energy level for unwinding double strand DNA. ", "Virtually all chromosome translocations in leukemia that have been analyzed to date show no consistent homologous sequences at the breakpoints, whereas a strong non-homologous end joining (NHEJ) repair signature exists at all of these chromosome translocation breakpoint junctions; this includes small deletions and duplications in each breakpoint, and micro-homologies and non-template insertions at genomic junctions of each chromosome translocation. ", "Surprisingly, the size of these deletions and duplications in the same translocation is much larger in de novo leukemia than in therapy-related leukemia. ", "We propose a non-homologous chromosome recombination model as one of the mechanisms that results in chromosome translocations in leukemia. ", "The topo II cleavage sites at open chromatin regions (DNase I hypersensitive sites), SARs or the regions with low energy level are vulnerable to certain genotoxic or other agents and become the initial breakage sites, which are followed by an excision end joining repair process." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
[ 0.0006219332572072744, 0.0033127469941973686, 0.0019528628326952457, 0.0005870484746992588, 0.0006485352059826255, 0.0006035164115019143, 0.0006142734782770276, 0.0006313397316262126, 0.0006256205961108208, 0.0005599574651569128, 0.0006095709977671504, 0.000734249537345022, 0.0007073871092870831, 0.0006069216760806739, 0.0006946893408894539, 0.0006367620662786067, 0.0008615665719844401 ]
[ "Q:\n\nNew cumulative value col derived from existing col in a Pandas dataframe\n\nI am new to python and pandas, and I was wondering if there was a 'pythonic' way to accomplish the following: I have a dataframe that looks like this:\nL1 L2 L3\nX 1 50\nX 2 100\nZ 1 15\nX 3 200\nZ 2 10\nY 1 1\nZ 3 20\nY 2 10\nY 3 100\n\nAnd I am trying to order the rows and create an additional column that showscumulative values derived from L3 in ascending order. ", "The output I need is the following:\nL1 L2 L3 New\nX 3 200 0.40000\nX 2 100 0.60000\nX 1 200 1.00000\nY 3 100 0.90090\nY 2 10 0.99099\nY 1 1 1.00000\nZ 3 20 0.44444\nZ 1 15 0.77778\nZ 2 10 1.00000\n\nThe value in row 1 (0.4000) under \"New\" represents 200/500 (the sum of al L3 values for L1). ", "The second value (0.6000) is simply 300/500 and so on. ", "The 'loop' is repeated for each value of X, Y and Z.\nCan anybody help with this? ", "Thank you.", "\n\nA:\n\nYou can do it with the following line of code:\ndf.groupby(\"L1\", as_index=False).apply(lambda x : pd.expanding_sum(x.sort(\"L3\", ascending=False)[\"L3\"])/x[\"L3\"].sum())\n\nSome explanation:\n\ndf.groupby(\"L1\", as_index=False) does group the dataframe by column L1, so the following calculation is done for each value (X, Y and Z)\n.apply() applies the function to each of this groups:\n\npd.expanding_sum(x.sort(\"L3\", ascending=False)[\"L3\"]) takes the cumulative sum of column \"L3\" but first sorted down by the values in \"L3\"\n.../x[\"L3\"].sum() and then divides this by the sum of all values of \"L3\" in that group.", "\n\nThis gives:\nIn [9]: df[\"new\"] = df.groupby(\"L1\", as_index=False).apply(lambda x : pd.expanding_sum(x.sort(\"L3\", ascending=False)[\"L3\"])/x[\"L3\"].sum())\n\nIn [10]: df\nOut[10]: \n L1 L2 L3 new\n0 X 1 200 0.800000\n1 X 2 100 1.000000\n2 Z 1 15 0.777778\n3 X 3 200 0.400000\n4 Z 2 10 1.000000\n5 Y 1 1 1.000000\n6 Z 3 20 0.444444\n7 Y 2 10 0.990991\n8 Y 3 100 0.900901\n\nor sorted:\nIn [16]: df.sort([\"L1\", \"L3\"], ascending=[True, False])\nOut[16]: \n L1 L2 L3 new\n0 X 1 200 0.800000\n3 X 3 200 0.400000\n1 X 2 100 1.000000\n8 Y 3 100 0.900901\n7 Y 2 10 0.990991\n5 Y 1 1 1.000000\n6 Z 3 20 0.444444\n2 Z 1 15 0.777778\n4 Z 2 10 1.000000\n\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
[ 0.0006176222814247012, 0.001173218130134046, 0.0006744327256456017, 0.0006140483892522752, 0.0005551139474846423, 0.0007852513226680458, 0.004176820162683725 ]
[ "Touching the heart of HIV-1 drug resistance: the fingers close down on the dNTP at the polymerase active site.", "\nComparison of the recently solved structure of HIV-1 reverse transcriptase (RT)-DNA-dNTP ternary complex with the previously solved structure of RT-DNA binary complex suggests mechanisms by which the HIV-1 RT becomes resistant to nucleoside-analog inhibitors, drugs currently used in the treatment of AIDS." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
[ 0.0007672935025766492, 0.0009121677721850574 ]
[ "Equilibrium analysis of the interaction between a synthetic peptide of influenza virus hemagglutinin and monoclonal antibodies.", "\nThe affinity of interaction between two monoclonal antibodies and a synthetic peptide representing the C-terminal 23 residues of the heavy chain (HA1) of influenza virus hemagglutinin were determined using an air-driven ultracentrifuge. ", "The technique makes use of common laboratory equipment and is based on sound theoretical principles. ", "Because the method does not rely on the solid-phase immobilisation of one of the interacting species, it circumvents problems associated with ELISA-like assays, which, in the case of peptides, may involve the immobilisation of ligand through association of amino acid residues necessary for recognition by antibody. ", "The technique should be applicable to the study of a wide range of ligand-acceptor systems. ", "Because only one of the reagents needs to be pure to allow labelling, prior purification of the biological receptor is not necessary. ", "The method also lends itself to inhibition experiments in which the effects of various homologs on the binding event can be examined in a way which permits an evaluation of potential agonists and antagonists." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
[ 0.0005929311737418175, 0.0006554885767400265, 0.0005861404933966696, 0.0006570647237822413, 0.0005677154404111207, 0.0006055650301277637, 0.0006133164279162884 ]
[ "Q:\n\nWar deployed in Tomcat not showing up at URL, getting 404 instead\n\nI have a web app which Tomcat says it has deployed, but when I go to its URL, I get a 404.", "\nThe war file is called sonar.war, and is deployed in WebApps. ", "I can see in the logs that it is deploying (also by the fact that it will recreate its database tables if I drop all the tables and restart Tomcat), and by using JConsole I can see that it is in Mbeans->Catalina->Host->Localhost->Attributes->children as a webmodule.", "\nAlso on the same machine is hudson.war, which works fine - I am certain that I am connecting to the correct machine because I can remove the hudson.war and Hudson disappears from the URL.", "\nThere is nothing in the logs; I have tried changing the log level to include more information, but I still see nothing.", "\nAny ideas/suggestions? ", "I am happy to attach a debugger to the Tomcat instance if necessary in order to try and work out what is happening, but I'm not sure what the entry point is, so pointers to where I might want to stick a breakpoint would also be appreciated.", "\nI am using Tomcat 6, and there is nothing in front of Tomcat (such as Apache).", "\n\nA:\n\nNow that the pressure is off, I have been able to do a bit of investigation. ", "The following files were missing from the CATALINA_HOME/conf folder:\n\nweb.xml\ncontext.xml\n\nI assume that Sonar's configuration meant that Tomcat didn't cope with these files missing, while Hudson's included this information elsewhere.", "\n\nA:\n\nSetup a server with the manager application and deploy the war there. ", " The manager will show you what the URL path it deploys to. ", " You can try that path on your real Tomcat server.", "\nFor test deployments, I leave the manager application installed so that problems like this are easier to resolve. ", " The application could also be deploying, but having other problems causing it problems binding to its context.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "Course in French with English subtitles --\nCe cours introduit à la vie et à la pensée du réformateur Jean Calvin (1509-1564) ainsi qu’à son influence sur le monde moderne et contemporain. ", "La démarche proposée se veut critique, il ne s’agit ni de canoniser ni de condamner Calvin, mais de comprendre sa pensée avec toute la distance requise et d’en analyser les enjeux.", "\nAu cours de la première semaine, nous explorerons les principales étapes de la vie de Calvin. ", "Les semaines 2 et 3 seront consacrées à l’étude de sa pensée théologique et de son éthique. ", "Enfin, lors des semaines 4 et 5, nous nous interrogerons sur la diffusion du calvinisme dans le monde et la pertinence actuelle de la pensée de Calvin.", "\n--\nThis course is an introduction to the life and thought of the reformer John Calvin (1509-1564) and to his influence on the modern and contemporary world. ", "The approach we develop is critical: we intend neither to canonize nor to condemn Calvin or his thought. ", "Our goal, rather, is to avoid any rash evaluation in order to understand his thought and analyze the issues at stake in it.", "\nDuring five weeks, we will explore together the life and work of the Reformer. ", "During the first week, we will study the main aspects of Calvin’s life. ", "Weeks 2 and 3 will focus on his theology and his ethics. ", "During the last two weeks (weeks 4 and 5), we will ponder how Calvinism became a worldwide phenomenon and ask ourselves what kind of relevance Calvin’s thought may still have today.", "\n\nFrom the lesson\n\nLa vie de Calvin - Calvin's life\n\nBienvenue dans cette première semaine de cours ! ", "Après avoir défini le concept de réforme comme idéal de retour à un passé meilleur, et avoir situé d’une part les mouvements réformateurs en Europe (Luther, Zwingli, le réformisme français), d’autre part la Réforme à Genève, nous allons faire connaissance de Calvin: sa formation, son premier séjour à Genève (1536-1538), son étape strasbourgeoise (1538-1541), enfin l’établissement à Genève (de 1541 à sa mort en 1564). ", "Nous verrons comment Calvin entend y construire la Réforme, grâce à des instruments institutionnels propres: le Consistoire, la Compagnie des pasteurs, l’Académie notamment. ", "L’affaire Servet (du nom du médecin espagnol condamné à mort à Genève en 1553) fera l’objet d’une séquence entière, tout comme la période 1555-1564, la seule dont on puisse légitimement parler comme de la «Genève de Calvin». ", "Cette première semaine devra permettre de faire le point sur le contexte historique et d’initier les étudiant-e-s à la biographie de Calvin. ", "A la fin de cette semaine, les étudiant-e-s devraient connaître les grandes étapes de sa vie et être capables de situer Calvin au sein des mouvements de réforme du 16e siècle.", "\nWelcome in this first module of the course! ", "After defining the concept of reform, looking at it as the ideal of a return to a (purer) past, we will attempt to provide a map of various reformatory movements in continental Europe (Luther, Zwingli, French reformatory movements). ", "Only then will we begin focusing on the reformation in Geneva and the personality of John Calvin. ", "We will consider his education, his first stay in Geneva (1536-1538), his years in Strasbourg (1538-1541) and his long activity, during the rest of his life, in Geneva (1541 until his death in 1564). ", "We will see how Calvin sought to establish a reformation, through new institutional bodies, especially the Consistory (Consistoire), the Compagnie des pasteurs and the Academy. ", "The Servetus case (Servetus was a Spanish doctor and intellectual who was executed as a heretic in Geneva in 1553) will be studied, as will be the final decade of Calvin's life, during which Geneva became \"Calvin's Geneva\". ", "The goal of this first module is to introduce you to the historical context and to provide basic information about Calvin's biography. ", "At the end of this module, you will have a good sens of the main stages of his life and you will be able to locate Calvin among other reformatory movements of the 16th century." ]
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[ "Masaru Kageura\n\nwas a Japanese baseball player from Matsuyama, Ehime. ", "His team reached the final in the 1932 National High School Baseball Championship, but his team was defeated by Masao Yoshida in the final. ", "He joined Tigers and he was a good rival for Eiji Sawamura in Giants. ", "He was killed in the battle of the Philippines in World War II. ", "He was inducted into the Japanese Baseball Hall of Fame in 1965. ", "He is one of two baseball players (Eiji Sawamura is the other) who was inducted into the Hall of Fame after being killed in World War II.", "\n\nExternal links\nMasaru Kageura (Japanese Baseball Hall of Fame)\nJapanBaseballDaily.com\n\nCategory:1915 births\nCategory:1945 deaths\nCategory:Japanese baseball players\nCategory:Hanshin Tigers players\nCategory:Japanese Baseball Hall of Fame inductees\nCategory:Japanese military personnel killed in World War II\nCategory:People from Matsuyama, Ehime\nCategory:Rikkyo University alumni" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nPostgres trigger and row locking\n\nPlease help with my understanding of how triggers and locks can interact\nI bulk load records to a table with statements something like this…..\nBEGIN;\nINSERT INTO table_a VALUES (record1) , (record2), (record3)………;\nINSERT INTO table_a VALUES (record91) , (record92), (record93)………;\n…..\n….", "\nCOMMIT;\n\nThere can be several hundred records in a single insert, and there can be several dozen INSERT statements between COMMITs\nTable_a has a trigger on it defined as…. ", "\nAFTER INSERT ON table_a FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE foo();\n\nThe procedure foo() parses each new row as it’s added, and will (amongst other stuff) update a record in a summary table_b (uniquely identified by primary key). ", " So, for every record inserted into table_a a corresponding record will be updated in table_b\nI have a 2nd process that also attempts to (occasionally) update records in table_b. ", "On very rare occasions it may attempt to update the same row in table_b that the bulk process is updating\nQuestions – should anything in the bulk insert statements affect my 2nd process being able to update records in table_b? ", "I understand that the bulk insert process will obtain a row lock each time it updates a row in table_b, but when will that row lock be released? – ", "when the individual record (record1, record2, record3 etc etc) has been inserted? ", "Or when the entire INSERT statement has completed? ", "Or when the COMMIT is reached?", "\nSome more info - my overall purpose for this question is to try to understand why my 2nd process occasionally pauses for a minute or more when trying to update a row in table_b that is also being updated by the bulk-load process. ", "What appears to be happening is that the lock on the target record in table_b isn't actually being released until the COMMIT has been reached - which is contrary to what I think ought to be happening. (", "I think a row-lock should be released as soon as the UPDATE on that row is done)\n\nUPDATE after answer(s) - yes of course you're both right. ", "In my mind I had somehow convinced myself that the individual updates performed within the trigger were somehow separate from the overall BEGIN and COMMIT of the whole transaction. ", "Silly me.", "\nThe practice of adding multiple records with one INSERT, and multiple INSERTs between COMMITs was introduced to improve the bulk load speed (which it does) I had forgotten about the side-effect of increasing the time before locks would be released.", "\n\nA:\n\nWhat should happen when the transaction is rolled back? ", "It is rather obvious that all inserts on table_a, as well as all updates on table_b, should be rolled back. ", "This is why all rows of table_b updated by the trigger will be locked until the transaction completes.", "\nCommitting after each insert (reducing the number of rows inserted in a single transaction) will reduce the chance of conflicts with concurrent processes.", "\n\n" ]
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