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        "link": "",
        "title": "India buying Russian oil is ok, but don't fund Putin's war machine…we need more jets, ammo…we can work with Trump",
        "detail": "It drags on. You have to assess the war in all its complexities- the situation on land, air and sea. On land, the frontline is more or less stabilised but heavy fighting continues in different areas. We dominate the seas. But Russia, unfortunately, dominates the air because of its ballistic missiles, drones and guided aerial bombs. When we have enough air defence systems, F-16 fighters etc, we'll be able to knock Russia out of the skies and dominate two of the three battlefields. If we receive enough artillery ammunition, we'll be able to take advantage on the ground.",
        "comments": [
            "India should fund Putin's warachine heavily. If Ukraine can supply arma and ammos to pakistan and support kashmiri separatists, it becomes India's duty to bleed Ukraine. That too by helping Russia is an added bonus.",
            "India insists on always being on the wrong side of history.",
            "Is Putin's war machine really that bad compared to Zelenski's war machine? Zelenski wants to join NATO to strangle Russia. Zelenski has US Congress funding his war machine. Russia has every right to hurt back Ukraine. You play geopolitical games to hurt big power and expect to get away unhurt, that is not going to happen. India has seen these kind of geopolitical wat games in its own neighborhood. Zelenski is to Russia as Muizzu of Maldives is to India. Zelenski wants to acquire nuclear umbrella against Russia similar to Pakistan acquired nuclear bombs against India. Not every power will be as docile as India is. At least, Indian foreign office is half awake in mitigating financial risk created by geopolitical games of Ukraine. We need a crazy person like Putin (Rahul Gandhi fits the criteria actually) to put these Muizzus and Rajapaksas in their place.",
            "Zelenski is a Jew, and a NATO puppet ... he is responsible for destroying Ukraine, and the death of the innocent Ukrainians and Russians ... he should be captured and hanged in public ... !!",
            "You want to continue the war to destroy rest of your country. What a joke.",
            "Our approach is soft , never aggressive, unless some neighbours on their own volition give trouble by way of skirmish.Non violence is practiced in letter and spirit.We rebut strongly when seeded and never poison any country through deeds and action.",
            "Its simple really. Putin is an aggressor and genocidal .We just don't fit in .",
            "Preach vegetarianism loudly....patronize huge slaughter industry straight forward politics or diplomacy? If our top leadership as largest democracy.....had voted in favor of initial UN Resolutions along with vast majority nations....Putin would have been put on war brake long back....37 billion USD worth crude oil imported from far off Russia....such mega bucks was believed to be used by Russian Putin ., propagate Srimad Bhagavat Gita in Russia....not a penny for ongoing Ukraine war....? Gok",
            "INDIA buying oil is purely transactional because it saves lots of fx for INDIA,nothing to do with foreign policy compulsions just as europeans buying oil from Russia.PM.MODI has publicly conveyed to both parties WAR won't help both but sofar has fallen on deaf years.So if they need a middle man to be a moderator INDIA will be ready&willing.",
            "This is Diplomacy, as a last resort Ukraine after draining out the funds of Europe now focus anyone to help them to go on the endless game of war. Anybody initiates or continues war in this century is the most stupid guy and who are all supporting are the worst guys than the stupid guy."
        "link": "",
        "title": "India-US partnership: Deeper but challenges of mutual expectations remain",
        "detail": "When PM Modi remarked that 'today the India-US relationship is broader in engagement, deeper in understanding, and warmer in friendship than ever before,' he was referring to the transformation of the relationship from the phase of mutual suspicion in the 20th century to the Special Strategic and Global Partnership in the 21st century. However, several challenges persist in furthering this partnership.",
        "comments": [
            "Actually&factually it is USA waking up to the ground reality acknowledging the strategic,vital emergance of INDIA militarily&monetarily clmbing to forth economic power able&willing to stand up to the DRAGON&its mischieves.With INDIA adequately prepared against the DRAGON&willing to strategically align with forces like THE QUAD USA needs to up its strategic co-operation&accommodation with INDIA instead of being intellectually challenged committing arrogantly stupid mistakes.",
            "Different stages of development. While the trade and investment volumes are growing, this is a genuine constraint. Reflected in divergences on important issues like concessional finance and technology for countering climate change, to name just one issue. IPR has long been an area where interests do not overlap. As America grows more protectionist, other issues will crop up. It may be a small thing, but withdrawal of GSP benefits has hurt labour intensive SMEs."
        "link": "",
        "title": "The weird weather of climate politics",
        "detail": "At the turn of the year, a Guardian headline ruefully proclaimed that the world would look back at 2023 as the year humanity exposed its inability to tackle the climate crisis. Indeed, despite intensifying real-world evidence on climate change-induced extreme weather events devastating communities worldwide, the policy response across most countries has ranged from tepid incrementalism to outright denialism.",
        "comments": [
            "Governments have to take the lead, because they take the major decisions. Supported by private businesses that make the investments in green energy and related businesses such as E lectric Vehicles. And ordinary citizens who must make more responsible lifestyle choices. 2. Cooperation on shared challenges like climate change and all out geopolitical contestation, sometimes veering into conflict, as in Ukraine, cannot be placed into neat silos."
        "link": "",
        "title": "Gold reserves and their impact on the global economy",
        "detail": "The presence of gold reserves has implications for maintaining the stability and trust of the global economy. Gold reserves play an integral part in ensuring financial stability and facilitating strategic decision-making in various countries. In the context of economic difficulties, currency volatility, and geopolitical concerns, these reserves serve as a protective measure.",
        "comments": [
            "Gross content failed to draw the alternate trading methodology and role of currency at large. moreover, the impact of crypto and digital currency to mitigate the risk and alternate parallel economic systems is sidelined by the author. it's more like a Google research page that offers various reports but fails to establish a connection between different economies."
        "link": "",
        "title": "Zelensky must listen. Ukrainians want peace",
        "detail": "From both Ukrainian and Western perspectives, Ukraine-Russia war is only getting more complicated. Its economic damage is of course not being felt by the West alone, but the whole world. As the war enters its third year, people are feeling pessimistic about it ending anytime soon. But that's what everyone wants. And that can only be brought about by resuming peace negotiations.",
        "comments": [
            "Here I understand that Putin invaded Ukraine.",
            "India must not loose anything from this war.",
            "The listening should be on both sides. 70% of Americans too favour a peaceful resolution in Ukraine. Relentless expansion of NATO eastwards, in five phases, after the Soviet Union had collapsed, Russia was a diminished power. Its resource rich economy a good fit for Europeâ s. In the Asia - Pacific, a continuing effort to contain China, to the extent of seeking to reverse globalisation. Secretary Blinken said at the G 20 meeting in Brazil that conflicts such as Ukraine and Gaza would make the organisationâ s economic goals much harder, if not impossible, to achieve.",
            "Putin must first revive his conscience - listen to his Russian citizens and world voice against the 2 year plus gory war disaster.... Russia has already lost scores of its soldiers to inept poor co-ordination and equipment of war ---- Offender blatant violation master of International Laws - Invasion greed blinding sanity - Putin can't escape accountability for the ruins --- Ukraine has suffered ruins war crimes - millions displaced as Refugees to neighbor lands --- has right to fight for its sovereign Mother Land - now surrendering to Russian imperialism sinister war - would wipe out all the struggles hitherto in resisting evil dark age under Russian Putin grips....? World has to listen to both nations' citizen voices and more of sane voices of UN and democracies at larg",
            "Macho genocidal Putin does NOT .",
            "It's perpetual war, as described by Orwell. They are at war to heap misery on Ukraine and Russians who get caught up in this. No way to stop it because it has been sanctioned by all concerned.",
            "He can't as he is a slave of western powers."
        "link": "",
        "title": "Mantra for India Inc: CSR funds for Vedic chanting",
        "detail": "Globalisation has brought nations closer. But also put their cultural diversity under threat. For India, with a rich legacy of diverse cultures, it becomes important to safeguard this national heritage. Among the treasures that stand out is Vedic chanting. This is a profound tradition Unesco has rightly recognised as an outstanding form of cultural expression.",
        "comments": [
            "This S N Ananthasubramanian seems to be a graduate of the infamous RSS Madrassa talking some nonsense about CSR funds for Vedic Chantings - which this low IQ Andha Bhakt says are revelations of God. LOL! I wander if Francois Voltaire had even read the Vedas to say that it's the MOST precious gift! OMG! I am stumped!",
            "I read this about the relevance of Vedas in modern times: The Vedas remain relevant today as timeless sources of spiritual wisdom, guiding principles for ethical living, and reservoirs of profound insights into the nature of existence. Their teachings continue to inspire individuals seeking spiritual fulfillment, providing a foundation for Hindu philosophy and practices. In a modern context, the Vedas offer valuable perspectives on morality, duty, and the interconnectedness of all life, fostering a deeper understanding of the self and the universe.***********Complete MUMBO-JUMBO! Complete HOCUS-FOCUS! What spiritual wisdom? Religious HOCUS-FOCUS does not mean Spirituality! Some God-inspired thoughts on the nature of existence does not mean Wisdom! They are called as DELUSIONS - which all Theists suffer from. LOL! They don't even know the real definition of Spirituality. More LOL!",
            "I wonder if this S N Ananthasubramanian & also UNESCO have even read Vedas??!!!! What so-called Spirituality and Worldly Knowledge does he think Vedas embodies? **********Vedas mostly contains rules on rituals, ceremonies and sacrifices, hymns on deities and mantras and commentaries on Metaphysics (which are nothing but abstract thoughts, which has nothing to do with reality). Atharvaveda prescribes formulas on magico-religious rites to address superstitious anxiety, & spells to remove maladies believed to be caused by demons ********Does that graduate of the infamous RSS Madrassa want CSR funding for all such NONSENSE? Has Bharat become a Heaven due to repeated chanting of Mantras in Vedic Pathashalas, for more than 2000 years?",
            "Is it not more difficult to get eligible tender age students join Veda Patashalas? Than funds...ground realities?",
            "It is Swami Shardhanand who raised one of India's most prominent Gurukul at Haridwar in 1905, again the disciple of Dayanand Saraswati. It is Arya Samaj which has raised more than 100 Gurukuls in all parts of the country.",
            "The man who said return to Vedas way back in 19th century, Maharishi Dayanand Sarasvati, the founder of Arya Samaj, is a forgotten man in India. Does the writer know that it is he who said that Vedas has germs of all sciences and are revelations of God not written by Vyasa or any other human being.Baba Ram Dev is the disciple of Maharishi Dayanand and based on his knowledge of vedas has created a revolution.",
            "It gives immense pleasure to know that Vedic chanting is still alive in an environment corrupted by the popularity of the deluge of what Bollywood popularises as music.",
            "This will be great contribution to our ruch culture..."
        "link": "",
        "title": "Feed them, Bomb them",
        "detail": "War will make nations do foolish things. That holds for even the most powerful ones. US is currently sending food aid to people of Gaza and bombs to Israel, which will most likely drop them on people of Gaza. This is not a matter of fine strategic thinking or tactical cleverness. It's a tragic farce born out of two things in conflict: America’s seeming inability to call out Israel's aggression and its understandable concern at the human cost in Gaza. Of course, arms manufacturers are delighted.",
        "comments": [
            "Hamas to be blamed for the impasse in peace negotiations. Not even willing to share names of the hostages with Israel. Release of hostages is key to peace and cessation of hostilities.",
            "Hamas, terrorists, must be destroyed. If not, it will give wrong template to the world. Kill high number of innocent and cause immense destruction and then let liberals do political talking on their behalf. It will give legitimacy to terrorism and barbaric practices.",
            "Violence begets only violence. There is no other way, especially when you are responsible for your country and people. Therefore, Hamas should look for any opportunity for peace deal and seize the opportunity, if they really care for the people. They started the war and only they can end. No point in blaming Isreal and US.",
            "Pope Francis has urged the white flag of truce be flown in Ukraine. An end to so much avoidable suffering and loss of life. Which also holds true for Gaza, where the pain has been focused on such a small enclave. Taking the region to the trauma of 1948 and the first Naqba. There is only so much that the human brain can absorb, so have been unable to keep track of unfortunate developments in Sudan. Under the rubric of free, open, secure Indo - Pacific, a steady increase in tensions between America and China, forcing littoral states to take sides. As countries that have benefited immensely from globalisation, they would be happier if a rules based order is upheld in the WTO.",
            "India had an opportunity to work as a global peace broker. It must attempt harder to avail this rare opportunity. UN has failed miserably."
        "link": "",
        "title": "Russia has opened a Pandora's Box… Putin crossed a red line with Ukraine… He is more dangerous than ever",
        "detail": "Lithuania celebrates two independence days, one of which was observed earlier this week on March 11 – Day of Restoration of Independence of Lithuania. The Baltic nation is also one of the frontline Nato states vis-à-vis Russia. Lithuania has been vociferous in demanding united European action to stop Russia’s aggression against Ukraine. Its foreign minister, Gabrielius Landsbergis, spoke with Rudroneel Ghosh, on the sidelines of the 2024 Raisina Dialogue in New Delhi",
        "comments": [
            "If a dictator Putin could wage terrible unprovoked big war on a sovereign nation Ukraine...FOR OVER 2 YEARS with enormous loss of lives war crimes in tens of thousands...max ruins in Ukraine millions displaced ran for life as refugee to neighbor lands....CHILWORST AFFECTED.....and boasts of more war fiercely...taking the world to ransom's indeed a menacing sinister trend setter for the mighty autocratic rulers in some nations....DISORDER OF WORST DEGREE....pseudo democratic nations authoritarian leaders supported Putin...feel they can bulldoze public freely with no need for conscience? War must end soon....UN democratic majors can't evade their direct roles in such relief to humanity at large",
            "What would Russia gain through further military adventures. Testing Article V. Risking an acolyptic world war. All through the Cold War, the United States and the Soviet Union were very clear that they did not want their competition to descend to direct war. NATO should of course strengthen its defensive capabilities. It now has new members in Sweden and Finland. It has prevented Ukraine from being overwhelmed. A starting point for a serious dialogue with Russia, with no preconditions and with an open mind. Trying to understand better what Russiaâ s fears and red lines are, and conveying to it what the Westâ s are. 2. Russiaâ s natural resources, led by gas and oil, were useful to keep the economies of the EU competitive. Both sides lose from trade being scaled back drastically. They gain from a dialogue."
        "link": "",
        "title": "Humanity's challenges can't be solved by fighting … but by acting together': The PM says India's G20 presidency will reflect its tradition of seeking harmony between all",
        "detail": "Today, India commences its G20 presidency. The previous 17 presidencies of the G20 delivered significant results: Ensuring macro-economic stability, rationalising international taxation, relieving debt-burden of countries, among many other outcomes. We will benefit from these achievements, and build further upon them.",
        "comments": [
            "Harmony under Modi ? He can't even get along with our neighbors. Nepal, Bangladesh, Siri Lanka, Pakistan and China. Modi has divided India and Indians. Shan leader. Highest unemployment, highest gad price, highest pollution and poverty. On top of all that highest inflation rate..",
            "Not God, what is 'Shan leader'? What is this 'gad price'? And FYKI, Pollution, Poverty and high Inflation were also there during the Congress regime. And you Ignorant fool, why mention Pakistan and China, the 2 Terrorist nations? You want Modi to be FRIENDS with them? You come across as nothing but a Keyboard Monkey! Share your useless comments with animals of your own kind!",
            "even BJP members (barring rare few at the top) need to undergo security check -- before entry to meet Modiji - despite prior appt.....?",
            "Do you have any numbers to back your claims?? According to you everything that Modi does is wrong which , logically, cannot be correct",
            "During 1947 India was poorest country in the world, during 2012-2014 India was third largest economy in the world, THANKS TO DEMOCRATIC CONGRESS PARTY, SPECIALLY MOST RESPECTED MANMOHAN SINGH. what else example you need. Mr Subramanium of BJP, The economists has confirmed that the GDP of India is 158 th, though overnight Modiji government overturned the figures.",
            "India was not the poorest country in the world in 1947. Almost all ex-colonies of UK were as poor or poorer.",
            "Pls point out something that his govt did that has benefitted us. Openly bringing down elected governments. Openly threatening minorities during election times. There is only division and destruction. The growth india is having is because of our population and ours is a big market.",
            "He is fake, 100% liar and narrow minded.",
            "YOU ARE A FAKE. a 5 re naqli converted traitor who has no shame in disowning your own ancestors as civilised. VOice of evangelical terrorists who brain wash themselves and others. I wish we get a dictator who will evict or elimibate these evangelical terrorists who are the real danger of humanity. They have no shame in using all sorts of WMDs world over",
            "PM can't do it in his home then how can he do it outside. He has preached all the time only Divide and Rule principle. If he can make peace at home than only things can be done outside.",
            "It is shocking how our PM talks BIG in international forums a but shows a different character in his own country! Under the Political Umbrella of BJP, Hindu Lynchers have killed innocent Muslims. The PM always maintained a Silence! 11 Hindu Barbarians who killed 14 innocent Muslims (including 2 babies) and raped a 5-month pregnant Bilkis Bano in 2001 were released from prison in a very, very dubious way. The PM again maintained a deafening silence (and so did the whole of BJP)!***********But, happily, Poetic Justice was meted out by Hindu Gods when BJP MP Mohanbhai Kundariya lost 12 relatives including some members of his family in the Morbi bridge collapse! **********Btw, when a flyover collapsed in Kolkata on March 31, 2016, killing many, NaMo Pakhand said it was an â Act of Godâ ! Can you believe that?",
            "Our PM has made some FALSE & DUBIOUS comments (which most people here are not conscious of) ! ********* 1- How can our PM disagree that â Confrontation and Greed are just human natureâ ? If not, are they artificially created by Humans? How can our PM be so ignorant of our Primitive traits? He counters it by saying, â what would explain the lasting appeal of so many spiritual traditions that advocate the fundamental one-ness of us all?â ! This is a totally ILLOGICAL reaction! Does the existence of spiritual traditions (mostly on Paper only) falsify the existence of Primitive traits? This man is totally disconnected from Reality! LOL! 2 â Our PM says, â With the oldest-known traditions of collective decision-making, India contributes to the foundational DNA of democracy.â . Oh really! As if the rest of the world never had collective decision-making qualities! Is he really that ignorant about great Civilisations of the world? And why then ancient India was divided into multiple Power Centers ruled by multiple Hindu Rulers of all colours? Capturing Lands and destroying Properties (including Temples) of other Rulers was the norm! Where was Democracy back then? It was all Might is Right!",
            "Educated Illiterates and brainless Andha Bhakts have Downvoted me! Not surprising! Indian society is full of such cretins!",
            "His preaching is applicable only for the world but not for he himself.",
            "PM of India? We only have a P ublicity M anager of BJP in the prime minister's office, whose only characteristic has been the use 'divide and rule'",
            "Only a few months back this man was promoting hate propaganda film 'The Kashmir Files' which was intended to spark sectarian violence. All for winning elections by polarizing the society.",
            "Is it the same person who once used to take credit for the 2002 pogrom of minority in Gujarat?Only two days ago, in an election rally his accomplice was boasting of their role in 2002 Gujarat Massacre.",
            "Very well said, Today's global problems cannot be solved by any one nation alone. A collective-approach and a proportionate-burden-sharing are the need of the hour. JH",
            "This man is a statesmen. But there is a huge difference between his 'kathni and karni'",
            "The captioned subject doctrine coined by Mr Modi is encouraging for our country in particular and for the globe in general.This gospel truth would definitely lead us to reach the plank of over all illumination for the welbeing of people in our country and other member countries in the globe.But,unfortunately,whatever Mr Modi does in any people centric approach a section of people dissect and disseminate the negative attributes in such a way that he has hardly done the good for the mass. Whenever any one does or execute any act of welbeing it could have the facets of two sides positive and negative one.But,evaluation ought to be made in an unbiased way standing on the fulcrum of right point to mark majoritarinism would be sensible and remaining grey areas might be criticized for it's due correction.But lock,stock and barrel on modi regime to be rehearsed and stamped as black hole does not hold good morally.",
            "Very well conceived and laudable objectives for the leadership of G20 that India has assumed.The narrative is a tribute to Modi's vision.No doubt, a good augury for the new role.",
            "Modi ijji and humanity?? Joke of the era. Deviding nation into religions for the sake of continuity... Indirectly distroying nation... Wah! What a humanity.. Shabazz Modiji for your day today manki baath, including 14 laka...",
            "An excellent article by our PM coinciding with India's G20 presidency . An indepth arnalysis focusing harmony within and other countries to avoid altogether fighting between one country and another. Modi has retained power with the trust of the people.There are many achievements to his credit particularly managing the pandemic with cooperation of all states is laudable.It is a fact that several developed countries struggled .Manufacturing proven vaccine and free vaccination to the entire population, crediting subsidies and grants directly in the individual account without third party intrevention,linking of Aadhar ,medical insurance,housing for poor and above all corruption free Government at higher levels conform good governance.It is a fact that we have to go a long way to ensure comprehensive growth. The stigma that the Government is against Minorities need to be removed enjoining trust of the people of the country as a whole.",
            "in post partition 1947 muslims 4%, christians 15. and rest were local faith followers. India chose to impose a bxtrd language on 64% non-speakers bit not a local religion on 5% extra terrirtorial loyalists. Today evangelial terrorists are 19% they grew 3.3 times faster than openly violent musims who grew to 23%. WHat sort of population control will work when people can bequeath their oqwn 350ccs to extra territorial loyalties . I call them terrorists because even brain washing-fooling-exploiting the gullible, laying among human greed is divisive and criminal. Who are these 350 cc braains to assume they are great aand all others are pagans. THE BIGGEST DANGER HAS BEEN FROM EVANGELICAL TERRORISTS. THEY only killed locals and usurped 50% landmass and imposed geograhical segregation and exploitation. They only colonised and looted. They only wage wars everywhere and kill people. They only make life miserable for other 7 billionb humans. They masquerade theor crimes as charity and upliftment. THE WORLD WILL BE DESTROYED BY EVANGELICAL TERRORISTS only because islamic violent terrorists ose no danger as they are OPENLY violent and they aare taagged and typeast across the globe",
            "What a PM! Thank you Modiji. Serve us for long as PM",
            "When overseas headquartered foreign Religions start attacking your own Religion...... with easy Oil money.... WAR is declared !",
            "But the followers of excusivist iexpansionist ideologies cannot live in peace as the creators of Islamist Pakistan and Communist China show in contrast to capitalist colonialism in the past.",
            "Mr. Narendra Modi, when will you practice what you preach? You can not appreciate good work done by earlier generation. You fo not take responsibility of what is happening in your tenure. You only speak your own Man Ki Baat. Your actions should be in harmony with what you talk. Best wishes for your speedy actions with what you speak.",
            "India has been good at speeches. Kids are trained well at speeches from the schools itself. It's all clear in our speeches at UN and many other occassions.. like a nerd.. like someone speaking out something by heart .. those days are over... At present speeches can't solve issues and specially with Modi at helm ajf with issues with all the neighbours i dont see a bright future fr india.",
            "The greatest challenge facing the world during Indiaâ s presidency of G 20 is the almost year long war in Ukraine. Helping bring about an early ceasefire would be a fine achievement, embellish Indiaâ s credentials for a permanent seat on the UNSC.",
            "Then how does this author account for the fact that around 40% of our people still languish in poverty?? Growth of GDP in percentages does not mean anything unless this includes poverty alleviation and uplifting the marginalized people. In fact, many of the govt policies are heavily skewed in favor of the rich and only makes them richer. The Oxfam report clearly states that 10% of our population account for 80% of the wealth. This does not show inclusive growth!!!! While slogans like 'sabka sath, sabka vikas, sabka vishwas' are touted by the govt, the only 'sabka vikas' the poor know, is that they are becoming even poorer. In fact, the so called middle class as a big percentage of the population, have been taxed to death while the rich/super rich pay pittance, in taxes. In fact our tax policies leave much to be desired. Only 1% of the population pays income tax. Out of this, the middle class pays the maximum while the rich/super rich get away paying virtually pittance.Is this any indicator of real growth??",
            "It takes 5 to 7 years for mango tree to fruit. This means, I can by a mango farm which is five-year old, get some guruji to bless and say that due to my miracle the trees started fruiting. Modi is taking credit for the 3.5 trillions economy as if he made it happen with no industrial evolution, nothing. Time Bhakths understand that it was the effort of Manmohan regime Modi is reapping the fruit.",
            "Butcher of Gujarat giving lectures on harmony",
            "Modijee is now boss of 20 countries.",
            "Namo's words, although full of wisdom and understanding, do not jive with his RSS Hindutva hate ideology. Fascist Hindutva ideology, demonizes entire sections of society based on religious identity, political leanings and language. It promotes division, hate and bigotry, as a basis for its expansion and acceptance by the majority.",
            "Why not give them a dose of Hindutva, vegetarianism in his favourite language. And, don't forget to mention all the evils of Nehru. That should do the trick!",
            "It is good that India is taking the G20 Presidency under the able Leadership of Mr Modi.He has been doing great things for the Country and also supporting Other Countries. it is an opportunity for us to show the World and work with leaders the Peace, Harmony with all and stop all Terrorism and Wars.",
            "Modiji, you are the greatest son of this country. Please clean this country of termites. Use insecticide liberally.",
            "Let G20 representive stay in india and see humanity or democracy or dictatorship or one religion or raid on only opponents or public agency working for people under pressure",
            "This person and Shah have pushed communal hate in the Country to unbelievable heights.",
            "Too many things at a time. Let us pick major items on the agenda, to just a few - protect humanity from values degradation, protect environment for better quality of life, promote Indianness (using our ancient and acquired wisdom), and promote one rule for all countries (no VETO, no NPT). Well begun, half done. Best wishes.",
            "Under Doklarsn Humanity!!! Modi already devided nation into Hindus, Muslims, Christians, Sikhs for selfish sake of continuity of HIS RAJ. In the long run probably India will be facing the results of devision of society, unless EDUCATED HINDUS REALIZE."
        "link": "",
        "title": "We have friends, not lords abroad: Quader",
        "detail": "When a foreign master of BNP was plotting to foil the national election, a friendly country stood firmly by Bangladesh, said Awami League General Secretary Obaidul Quader yesterday.'We do not have any masters abroad, rather we have friends. It's BNP who has a master… who advocates for BNP. Our friend is the tested friend of 1971,' said Quader. He was speaking at a discussion marking Genocide Day held in front of the AL headquarters in the capital's Gulistan.",
        "comments": [
            "After the 2001 elections, BNP united with Jamaat to form the government and destroyed the spirit of Bangladesh's liberation war.",
            "BNP is trying to mislead the nation by continuously telling endless lies about Begum Khaleda Zia's illness in continuation of their traditional apolitical politics.",
            "BNP has been urged to abandon its 'dependency on terror' and move on the true democratic path. In the name of movement, no one will be allowed to create an anarchic situation and create fear in the public mind and do harmful activities.",
            "BNP leaders and activists are blind even if they have eyes. They will spread false propaganda after seeing the development, obstruct the development, that is their job but will not do anything for the good of the country. But still want to seize power.",
            "BNP's real intention is to create unrest within the country. Constantly trying to mislead people by saying the opposite. How much dirt they will do to achieve their goals.",
            "Bangladesh has a multi-party democracy. There is an election commission. Those who want to choose. And those who do not have the power to vote, may not vote. But the people of Bangladesh will choose. They will vote.",
            "BNP as a political party has failed completely, their top leaders are mired in corruption, convicted by court verdicts, fugitives and exiles."
        "link": "",
        "title": "Buet students cancel today's sit-in; BCL holding counter programme at Shaheed Minar",
        "detail": "Students of Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET) cancelled today's scheduled demonstration against Thursday's gathering of Chhatra League activists on campus, where political activities are not allowed. They were supposed to hold a sit-in programme from 7:00am on the premises of Shaheed Minar of Buet campus.",
        "comments": [
            "Stopping student politics not only in BUET but in all educational institutions is the demand of the hour. The nation should be united in this regard.",
            "Common students of DU should stand by BUET.",
            "We don't want to lose another Abrar Fahad.",
            "Ruined nation, Ruined student politics",
            "Should ban all type of students politics college, university producing Ghada every year by politics"
        "link": "",
        "title": "Buet turning into militancy hub in guise of banning student politics: Quader",
        "detail": "Awami League General Secretary Obaidul Quader today said the government will investigate whether Buet was being transformed into a hub of militancy under the guise of banning student politics.'In the guise of banning student politics, Buet is being turned into a factory of militancy and dirty politics. If this is indeed the case, the government will have to take action,' said Quader. He made these remarks during a meeting with the leaders of Awami League's Chattogram division at the Dhaka district AL office in Tejgaon.",
        "comments": [
            "For 15 years of continuous government, students have to do whatever they need to do. Why pay politics?? Nothing in the country is left to be destroyed. Please don't do this again considering Abrar Fahad's transformation",
            "BUET is dead without politics.",
            "Most notorious person.",
            "A female student died on a crossfire between two political entities. Later on one student was brutally murdered just on a presumption of his involvement in militancy! I think ruling party did cross a line there, in the name of law and order"
        "link": "",
        "title": "Buet protest: BCL announces counter-rally",
        "detail": "Bangladesh Chhatra League announced a protest rally tomorrow at Central Shaheed Minar, demanding the resumption of students politics at Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology campus. A press release was issued today amid the students' protest at Buet protesting the unauthorised political activities by Chhatra League leaders in the university at night.",
        "comments": [
            "Maintaining a politically neutral environment at BUET is crucial to preserving unity and harmony within the university community. Introducing politics risks fostering polarization and division among students, faculty, and staff, which could undermine the inclusive and conducive academic atmosphere. Therefore, it is imperative to uphold BUET as a politically free institution. Thank you.",
            "Kutta League free Buet, DU want"
        "link": "",
        "title": "Buet protest: BCL announces counter-rally",
        "detail": "Bangladesh Chhatra League announced a protest rally tomorrow at Central Shaheed Minar, demanding the resumption of students politics at Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology campus. A press release was issued today amid the students' protest at Buet protesting the unauthorised political activities by Chhatra League leaders in the university at night.",
        "comments": [
            "Maintaining a politically neutral environment at BUET is crucial to preserving unity and harmony within the university community. Introducing politics risks fostering polarization and division among students, faculty, and staff, which could undermine the inclusive and conducive academic atmosphere. Therefore, it is imperative to uphold BUET as a politically free institution. Thank you.",
            "Kutta League free Buet, DU want"
        "link": "",
        "title": "HC allows student politics on Buet campus following BCL leader's writ",
        "detail": "There is no bar to do student politics on the campus of Bangladesh University of Engineering Technology (Buet), the High Court said today. The bench of Justice Md Khosruzzaman and Justice KM Zahid Sarwar stayed the effectiveness of the university notice that banned student politics on the campus.",
        "comments": [
            "The judgment of the court",
            "If the Honorable High Court says that milk contains Vitamin-C, then it is right.",
            "Dalla HC be like :",
            "Good decision",
            "Ammo said",
            "The more politics, the more casualties, the more legal cases. From the business sense kinda okay",
            "HC is act by gov"
        "link": "",
        "title": "Banks to remain open on April 5, 6, and 7",
        "detail": "Bangladesh Bank has asked the scheduled banks to keep branches open on April 5, 6, and 7 under special arrangement for payment of garment workers' salaries, Eid bonuses, allowances, and export bills.",
        "comments": [
            "Banks have started syndicates with money from expatriates, so now no expatriate gives money to the bank, everyone sends money through hundi.",
            "It well be great",
            "In a poor country like Bangladesh, a weekend should be one day.It is better not to close the bank on a weekly basis, but even if a weekend is given, each area should be given a different day, in which cash will be less in people's hands and theft and robbery will be reduced a lot. And general leave should not be more than 8-10 days in a year.",
            "#Kamla Khata even on bankers' holidays and deprive them of opportunities.",
            "Don't do business with the Chinese, they are dishonest"
        "link": "",
        "title": "Our dying Padma",
        "detail": "The mighty Padma now lies as a pale imitation of its former self. Depletion in the flow of water from upstream, along with deposition of silt, has choked the riverbed, rendering it nearly unrecognisable.",
        "comments": [
            "One day it can be used as flyover."
        "link": "",
        "title": "We are alive thanks to them",
        "detail": "As harrowing stories of the inferno at a commercial building kept coming, a few survivors yesterday expressed their gratitude to the saviours -- the fire fighters. Whenever there is a devastating blaze threatening the lives of people, the ones everyone looks to for saving the day are the fire service and civil defence personnel.",
        "comments": [
            "Exactly! It's a good gesture of Gratitude to thank the appropriate persons who rushed and risked their lives for others.",
            "As individuals, we must consider the future. We were fortunate this time, but without action, we might face similar circumstances tomorrow.",
        "link": "",
        "title": "10 FAQs about India's citizenship law",
        "detail": "Any kind of law or policy formulation is absolutely a country's internal matter. However, Bangladesh is mentioned in India's Citizen (Amendment) Act, 2019 (also known as CAA-19). Therefore, when the announcement to put the act into effect came recently, discussions erupted in Bangladesh. Afghanistan and Pakistan are also mentioned, so it's clear that the law is not bound by the borders of India. Further evidence of this is the fact that Sri Lanka and Tibet have also been brought up in discussions about the law. As a result, this has become a legal-political issue for the whole of South Asia and will become more so in the future. But it is particularly significant for Bangladesh.",
        "comments": [
            "India is ruled by far right hindu extremist ( terrorist). Their government deliberately targeting Muslim people. It’s a disgusting political policy. It’s also affecting other countries.",
            "Pakistan, Afghanistan and Bangladesh can accept muslim from non muslim countries like mynamar srilanka etc. these muslim creates problems in non muslim countries"
        "link": "",
        "title": "Rajuk seals off 4 restaurants on Bailey Road",
        "detail": "The Rajdhani Unnayan Kartripakkha (Rajuk) today took action against five restaurants and the owner of a shopping mall on the capital's Bailey Road, where a deadly fire last Thursday night left at least 46 people dead. A team from Rajuk, led by Executive Magistrate Mohammad Monir Hossain Hawlader, sealed off Nababi Bhoj, Sultan's Dine, Roaster Cafe and Pizza Mastan, and fined Swiss Bakery and the owner of Capital Siraj Centre Shopping Mall. The Capital Siraj Centre Shopping Mall owner was fined Tk 2 lakh as its documents related to fire safety have expired, the executive magistrate told reporters.",
        "comments": [
            "Thieves need money, fasting ahead. Government thieves on the road to anarchy",
            "No one is good",
            "only after people dies. it is a periodic process to do every year. if they did their duty and not take bribes then so many restaurants would not have to be closed",
            "In Bangladesh.. Rajuk.. Dudok…Titash… Wasa…govt. bank etc are just like angels",
            "Shutdown is not permanent solutions, thousands people will lose their job,everything has to bring under proper monitoring,"
        "link": "",
        "title": "Rajuk seals off 12 restaurants at Dhanmondi's Gawsia Twin Peak",
        "detail": "Tazina Sarwar, deputy secretary and director of Zone-3 (Rajuk) informed reporters of the move this afternoon, four days after a deadly fire in a building on Bailey Road left at least 46 people dead. She was overseeing a mobile court operation at the building that started this morning. The restaurants were sealed off as the building was intended for commercial use rather than housing restaurants.",
        "comments": [
            "Hope this will continue",
            "Huge income source for Rajuk peoples. Eid Mubarak to them",
            "Inconvenient, after a few days the seal will pout if the owner puts something in their stomach. By then we will forget what happened at Bailey Road.",
            "After something happens, the authority starts working. Until then they sleep.",
            "Probably went to take Eid salami",
            "Iftar party has gone!",
            "If you get the cash on time, everything will be back to normal. It is that Bangladesh.",
            "Someone's good, someone's ruin...",
            "In the middle of the gain Rajuk's thieves",
            "Why only twin peak? Why other buildings are not taken for action?",
            "After incident, that’s third world is always third world."
        "link": "",
        "title": "Reserve forest: Bid to stop soil theft costs forest officer his life",
        "detail": "A dumper truck carrying stolen earth from a reserve forest crushed a forest officer to death in Cox's Bazar early yesterday when the official tried to stop the vehicle. Sazzaduzzaman, 30, of Munshiganj's Gajaria upazila, was a beat officer of Dochhari Forest Beat of Ukhiya range under Cox's Bazar South Forest Division. Forest guard Mohammad Ali, who was also injured in the incident, was undergoing treatment at the Cox's Bazar Sadar Hospital.",
        "comments": [
            "We sould ensure the highest punishment of the criminal",
            "Will there be any judgment at all?",
            "Want justice!",
            "There doesn't seem to be any judgement",
            "It's shameful",
            "When you will try to do something for the nation, you have to price for it.",
            "We want justice",
            "How to do good work in this country? Those who do will be banished forever. It will be seen that important people are involved. But there will be no trial.",
            "RIP brother",
            "A case of murder should be filed against that driver."
        "link": "",
        "title": "More power plants than needed",
        "detail": "The government is continuing to ramp up the power generation capacity even though the electricity demand did not increase as per projection, putting an additional price burden on consumers, said energy experts. In the Power System Master Plan (PSMP) 2016, the electricity demand in 2024 was forecasted to be 20,129 megawatts. In reality, the highest projected demand for electricity this year is 17,800MW.",
        "comments": [
            "Bioenergy development & production is urgent.",
            "Then why there are load-shedding??"
        "link": "",
        "title": "Tk 10.3 lakh worth of gadgets, cash stolen from flat",
        "detail": "A flat in Dhaka's Mirpur DOHS area was robbed on March 17, with the thieves taking away cash and different valuables worth around Tk 10.3 lakh, the residents of the apartment said. The whole incident was caught on closed-circuit camera, Nasir Uddin, the owner of the flat, told The Daily Star recently. Police arrested the caretaker of the residential building the same day and he was later sent to jail by a Dhaka court in a case filed with Pallabi Police Station by Nasir Uddin' wife Mahmuda Begum, Sub-Inspector Tareq Rajib confirmed.",
        "comments": [
            "Robbery does not happen, maybe there is a family problem. So came to vandalism, the landlord filed a case of theft and robbery.",
            "He did not even open the hat with his head. oh life",
            "Where was the security of the people of the house? If this is the case with DOHS",
            "They need money for Eid ahead",
            "Alas, sneaky thief. If you knew that billions of dollars can be stolen digitally, you wouldn't have dirty your hands.",
            "Where was the security of the people of the house? If this is the case with DOHS"
        "link": "",
        "title": "AL embezzling public money in name of dev",
        "detail": "BNP Senior Joint Secretary General Ruhul Kabir Rizvi yesterday said the Awami League and their associate bodies embezzled people's money in the name of development like quick rental, Padma Bridge, Metro Rail and flyovers.",
        "comments": [
            "Akash Kusum does not make people laugh anymore by talking about imagination. The movement is not successful if it is sitting abroad, or sitting on a couch or sitting under a blanket/carpet.",
            "BNP movement is no longer possible. The proof of which is that even a few days ago they called for hunger strike and movement, but their leaders and activists can be seen crowding the bread and banana shops.",
            "Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP) was directly involved in the BDR carnage that took place on 25 February 2008.",
            "BNP has never been able to trust the masses. They recognize only power, that too through the back door.",
            "BNP does not do politics for the people, but for Khaleda Zia and Tariq Rahman. As a result people have shown red flag to BNP.",
            "Regarding BNP's repeated threats to bring down the Awami League government, I would like to say that the government is not so weak. There was a lot of talk about December 10, whether the BNP will oust the government, the government is not at such a weak stage that the BNP will fall, the people are with the government, the people are the strength of the government.",
            "BNP is a lying organization. People have seen how they killed policemen, set fire to hospitals, attacked Chief Justice's house, attacked journalists by calling for peaceful assembly. Actually BNP is a terrorist organization.",
            "Who is the leader of BNP, they are ashamed to say this. Because Tariq Rahman, who is accused of corruption in the country, is known as a terrorist in foreign countries.",
            "Bangladesh was the champion in corruption five times during BNP-Jamaat tenure",
            "BNP leaders like Rizvi are talking nonsense out of frustration as they have no existence after the 2024 election. They exist only on TV channels.",
            "BNP leaders have been threatening agitations and government downfall on various issues for more than a century, in fact these threats could not and cannot create any interest or concern in the minds of the government and the people.",
            "It was a trend of Jamaat BNP to persecute Hindu Buddhists. Why support them?",
            "BNP is doing all this because of the mistake it made by not coming to the election after being defeated in the movement. BNP's politics is now chaotic. BNP is disorientated like a wayward traveler saying and doing whatever it wants. BNP actually wants to please?",
            "Awami League is waiting to see how BNP captures Dhaka. Awami League will occupy the whole country with the red and green flag.",
            "According to multiple confidential sources based in Kingston, London, Tariq Rahman's lifestyle began to change after he came to the UK in 2008. At first, Tarek became a hard drinker, but as the days went by he drank a little. He does not sleep unless he swallows alcohol every night. Added to this is the tendency to go to bars and gamble. But the most heinous thing is adultery and adultery.",
            "In 2018, Dr. The BNP alliance led by Kamal Hossain sat in dialogue with Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina. They also participated in that election. The politics of lies started after the election as nomination trading came to the fore along with multiple candidates in one seat.",
            "When BNP-Jamaat was in power, Tariq Rahman, the son of corruption, used to do everything with the power of Begum Khaleda Zia. He was involved in corruption, extortion, tendering, nomination trade and post trade. By doing this, the eldest son of Khuni Zia became the owner of thousands of crores of rupees. And to accommodate the gathering of misdeeds, a den of misdeeds called 'Hawa Bhavan' was built.",
            "BNP leaders will never be good. Blind faith in Tariq Rahman is the cause of their political turmoil.",
            "Violent politics is one of the hallmarks of BNP. Their job is to lie from embassy to embassy.",
            "BNP is burning because successful statesman Sheikh Hasina is managing the state through efficient leadership by facing all the crises.",
            "BNP leaders are no longer acceptable to the people because of their incendiary politics.",
            "People no longer want BNP in power.",
            "BNP will have to pay for a long time for not participating in the election",
            "When you hear the BNP movement, you can see the cries of living people in the windows of the floating train. What a horrible hell it was.",
            "How long will this entertainment of BNP last? All this entertainment will not bring down the government.",
            "BNP-Jamaat anti-independence forces have started conspiracy again"
        "link": "",
        "title": "PM seeks more ADB support",
        "detail": "Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina yesterday sought further support from the Asian Development Bank (ADB) to expedite Bangladesh's endeavour for its people's socioeconomic development. She said this when ADB Vice President (Sector and Themes) Fatima Yasmin called on her. 'Our main goal is people's socioeconomic development and inclusive advancement as the government is especially prioritising rural people's development,' PM's Speech Writer Md Nazrul Islam quoted her as saying in a media briefing after the meeting at the Gono Bhaban.",
        "comments": [
            "The Awami League government has made a lot of development in Bangladesh with the construction of new Rastha Ghat Bridge all over the country. Bangladesh will go further under the leadership of Sheikh Hasina",
            "About three thousand soldiers were sentenced to death. General Zia's arbitrariness was above everything, even though the national parliament election and the parliament started. Terrorist activities intensified in educational institutions. General Zia addressed politicians and said 'I will make politics difficult for politicians'. And 'Money is no problem'. Later he fulfilled these two promises properly.",
            "Currently, more than 86 lakh Bangladeshi workers are working in 157 countries of the world. Bangladesh has set a unique example in the process of sending workers abroad. Pravasi Kalyan Bank was established with the aim of providing low interest immigration loans and its branches were established in 7 divisional cities of the country during the tenure of this government.",
            "Awami League formed the government bearing the burden of huge shortage of electricity in the country.",
            "Hon'ble Prime Minister said after coming to power that my politics is to realize the rights of the people of this country. Despite hundreds of adversities, he continues to work for the people of the country, even after trying to kill him so many times, he did not stop. She is a successful national leader, the love of the people of the country is her proof",
            "The BNP-Jamaat government created a monopoly in the mobile phone business and kept it out of the reach of the people, but the Awami government removed that barrier and opened up the market to everyone. As a result, mobile phones and internet reach everyone's hands.",
            "Bangladesh Awami League is working step by step to achieve the goals of national liberation with the help of Bangabandhu daughter and Awami League leader Sheikh Hasina.",
            "Hundreds of thousands of domestic tourists will visit Cox's Bazar every year.",
            "The boat brand brought freedom",
            "Honorable Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina has gifted us a new Bangladesh. Currently, the country is digital. Technology is now everywhere in the country. Currently, people are getting all the information of the country easily on their mobile phones through the internet. Thank you to the honorable Prime Minister.",
            "In 1996, 55 percent of people in the country were poor. The poverty rate in the country has been brought down to 12.5 percent due to some groundbreaking steps taken by the Sheikh Hasina government for poverty alleviation.",
            "Due to stubborn attitude, parliamentary system of government has been established today. He always wanted to bring the country to a stable stage.",
            "People are the main strength of Awami League",
            "With the Prime Minister's initiative, electricity has reached even remote areas. Who never imagined electricity. They are also enjoying the benefits of electricity. Thank you Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina",
            "As the next elections approach, I strongly believe that the people of our country will put aside their differences and vote BOAT in unison in honor of the visionary leaders who paved the way for development. Let us all accelerate the wheel of progress and development in accordance with the dream of our founder Bangabandhu.",
            "Global Alliance for Vaccination and Immunization (GAVI) awarded Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina the 'Vaccine Hero' award in 2019 for Bangladesh's success in immunization programs.",
            "Awami League is at the root of all the achievements of Bengali and all the development of Bangladesh, starting from protecting the dignity of mother tongue Bengal till today",
            "In 2006, the number of poultry was 186 million 22 thousand. During the current government it has stood at 52 crore 79 lakhs.",
            "Whatever institution or whatever is created, we have to develop. But it should follow the principle of nature based solution.",
            "I was surprised to see the depth of his sacrifice. What a strong minded person he is. There is really a lot to learn from him. Thank you Hon'ble Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina",
            "Voting by boat means four lane highway, metro rail, flyover",
            "We will see a developed and smart Bangladesh in 2041 under the leadership of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina",
            "Metrorail is seen as the most effective form of public transport in modern urban planning",
            "Bangladesh Awami League is a party of soil and people",
            "After Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, if there is any brave person in this country, it is Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina.",
            "And BNP's job is to beat the drum even if it gives a foot. Working on a drum of 1 rupee beats 1 crore rupees. They are the work of a group of thieves. Everyone will remember the name of Bangladesh Awami League like that. Only for the development of our country's leader Sheikh Hasina."
        "link": "",
        "title": "Lifting bar on student politics at Buet: Must comply with HC order, says VC",
        "detail": "Following the High Court order staying the effectiveness of Buet's decision to ban political organisations and activities on campus, its Vice-Chancellor Prof Satya Prasad Majumder said they have to comply with what the HC order says. Talking with reporters at his office, Buet VC Prof Satya Prasad Majumder said, 'We have to comply with what the HC order says, and we cannot be accused of contempt of court. We are yet to receive the HC order', he said, adding that once they receive the order, they will go for legal procedures.",
        "comments": [
            "The rest was the University of Engineering, which was also destroyed by the subordinate court. If there is an ideal of student politics, it does not have to be practiced by force. Students join voluntarily. Is there student politics in the country? Bullying, encroachment, factionalism, tendering, hall encroachment, extortion, rape of women, robbery, line buying, any such crime is not related to the student politics of Bangladesh?",
            "Yesterday said #BUET is over. It was so quick.",
            "Earlier I heard that the law is blind, now the law is Awami League.",
            "Everyone knows who the High Court is!",
            "I see that it is like forcing the Urdu language of Pakistan. no difference",
            "High Court said nothing saying Awami League.",
            "Awami High Court has once again opened the way for murder",
            "One day it will be heard that there is no hindrance in politics even in the cemetery in Bangladesh. He who wants to go to heaven, but hell can take it as he wants",
            "BUET students want student politics to stop in BUET. On the other hand, Abul Hossain, a second year degree student of Bhajanpur Degree College, wants student politics to be started in BUET to continue the democratic progress.",
            "I doubted my grandfather at first. Dada already knew what was going to happen. Not for student politics but for teacher flattery. Hall occupation, canteen occupation, Buet's tender share is now Sholkala Hall.",
            "The high court said that I did not get involved in student politics, then what will happen??"
        "link": "",
        "title": "YouTube removes over 152K videos in Bangladesh",
        "detail": "In the fourth quarter of 2023, YouTube, the video streaming platform owned by Google, removed over 9 million videos worldwide. In the same period, YouTube removed 2.25 million videos in India, making it the country with the highest number of video removals on the platform during this period. Bangladesh ranked 8th globally with 152,051 videos removed for failing to adhere to YouTube's community guidelines.",
        "comments": [
            "If you delete all the rumor TV channels in Bangladesh, YouTube will disappear. Also some hero alum type channels must be deleted. After that, if you have to pay money to watch YouTube, people will watch it.",
            "Good initiative",
            "Delete all",
            "What time was it on TV and Rakib Hossain?",
            "And most of them are related to the IPL stream.",
            "More and more Azira stuff should be deleted. A little cleanliness is important",
            "This is needed to keep YouTube clean.",
            "Please move Tiktok's videos first!!!",
            "Rakib Hossain should be deleted",
            "Good news",
            "Boycott Indian Products",
            "Great initiative",
            "Raqib Hero Alam Boudi Bhabhi's videos of slum dwellers are garbage, just clean them up",
            "Thank you YouTube community",
            "Very good.",
            "These are sure couple blogs",
            "The platform is being cleaned",
            "Very good",
            "Good job",
            "woow! daily star using AI for their content!",
            "ok If you can block the account of the branded yutumers",
            "Need more remove video",
            "Hope videos of Rakib is among them",
            "What's the reason?",
            "Remove terrorism and fundamental radical videos please",
            "Thank you so much",
        "link": "",
        "title": "Matarbari Power Plant: Tk 93 lakh for two pipe cutters!",
        "detail": "Documents from the NBR show import cost of these products has been shown 5 to 18,545 times higher than the value recorded in NBR's export-import database.",
        "comments": [
            "Basically, It's Democracy Cutter which is usually expensive ",
            "This is the state of corruption in our country. When will we get rid of corruption?",
            "This is Bangladesh",
            "The price has not decreased!",
            "Everything gonna be alright in Bangladesh.",
            "say joybangla",
            "Life is spent by them. We have come to the world to fix birth registration, passport, certificate, NID card",
            "It's the mother of corruption",
            "and none of these will be kicked out of their job, very impressive",
            "What happens when the responsibility of the country is in the hands of a thief. Development of Jaibangla",
            "Our money, our dollars are being drained out!!! There must be a limit. Men in authority or behind must act.",
            "There is no point in condemning or regretting, maybe protest or just walk away.",
            "Let's go to the country to fill their pockets",
            "This must have an approval matrix. Those who propose to buy it and those who give approval to buy it and the supplier who is working to buy it are all equal partners in this injustice. Everyone should be brought under the law and brought under justice. These are no longer acceptable.",
            "How we survive",
            "This is Bangladesh",
            "They will never be brought to justice",
            "Unbridled corruption is everywhere. But nobody to watch! Festival of corruption is going on under this government.",
            "We are shameless at the same time blind. Right example of ethical degradation. This happens when you compromise with your conscience. Sad but this is reality",
            "People's purchasing power has tripled: Information Minister",
            "I think suspend & job leave is must. Corrupted people in this construction sectors. Government should take serious actions",
            "It's common practice in Bangladesh",
            "It's called development of the joy bangla!",
            "Must be made of gold",
            "My 10 year old daughter asking me the question - why so costly the pipe cutters, I gave her many positive points but she don't believe.",
            "A custom made item must be made of platinum or uranium, everyone should understand that.",
            "Cutter made by Diamond. May Be",
            "We need to understand why Mr. Henry Kissinger quoted Bangladesh as a -- 'bottomless basket'?",
            "Custom made look like off the shelf products.",
            "Smart Bangladesh",
            "Thus 80% of the budget of Rs 7.5 lakh crore goes into the pockets of party people.",
            "Joy Bangla! I will not give money to the bank anymore, except for hundi.",
            "Unbridled corruption is everywhere. But nobody to watch & control ! Festival of corruption is going on!!",
            "Why corruption is legal in Bangladesh",
            "Lol... Metler will give custom solution to Bangladesh? It sounds as if 'Metler' got nothing else to do."