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The carbon footprint of the internet is growing exponentially, and we are proud to be part of the solution. | Mae ôl troed carbon y rhyngrwyd yn tyfu'n gyflym, ac rydym yn falch o fod yn rhan o'r ateb. | https://digitalpublicservices.gov.wales/carbon-conscious-accreditation | https://gwasanaethaucyhoeddusdigidol.llyw.cymru/achrediad-carbon-ymwybodol |
Together, we can cultivate spaces that celebrate the richness of human diversity. | Gyda'n gilydd, gallwn feithrin gofodau sy'n dathlu’r cyfoeth o amrywiaeth ddynol sydd gennym. | https://digitalpublicservices.gov.wales/blog/championing-neuroinclusion-our-events-nurologik | https://gwasanaethaucyhoeddusdigidol.llyw.cymru/blogiau/hybu-niwrogynhwysiant-yn-ein-digwyddiadau-gyda-nurologik |
As service provider, we have a role to play in making that choice as easy as possible. | Fel darparwr gwasanaeth, mae gennym rôl i'w chwarae wrth wneud y dewis hwnnw mor hawdd â phosibl. | https://digitalpublicservices.gov.wales/blog/working-together-welsh-commissioners-improve-digital-services-everyone | https://gwasanaethaucyhoeddusdigidol.llyw.cymru/blogiau/cydweithio-chomisiynwyr-cymru-i-wella-gwasanaethau-digidol-i-bawb |
The ‘net zero’ part of the title is itself, by now, relatively well used. | Mae rhan ‘net zero’ y teitl, erbyn hyn, yn cael ei defnyddio’n gymharol aml. | https://digitalpublicservices.gov.wales/tech-net-zero-so-what-does-it-mean | https://gwasanaethaucyhoeddusdigidol.llyw.cymru/tech-net-zero-beth-mae-hynny-yn-ei-olygu |
Adopted guidance and standards will be adopted into beta first, so organisations can continue to test them in practice. | Bydd canllawiau a safonau mabwysiedig yn cael eu mabwysiadu i mewn i beta yn gyntaf, fel y gall sefydliadau barhau i'w profi'n ymarferol. | https://digitalpublicservices.gov.wales/guidance-and-standards/recommended-standards/digital-standards-working-group | https://gwasanaethaucyhoeddusdigidol.llyw.cymru/arweiniad-safonau/safonau-argymhellir/gweithgor-safonau-digidol |
This cookie is used to distinguish unique users by assigning a randomly generated number as a client identifier. | Defnyddir y cwci hwn i wahaniaethu rhwng defnyddwyr unigryw trwy neilltuo rhif a gynhyrchir ar hap fel dynodwr cleient. | https://digitalpublicservices.gov.wales/use-cookies-and-other-technologies | https://gwasanaethaucyhoeddusdigidol.llyw.cymru/defnyddio-cwcis-thechnolegau-eraill |
However, the research was broader than just looking at the grants system. | Fodd bynnag, roedd yr ymchwil yn ehangach nag edrych ar y system grantiau yn unig. | https://digitalpublicservices.gov.wales/our-work/sport-wales-grants-improving-reach-and-impact | https://gwasanaethaucyhoeddusdigidol.llyw.cymru/ein-gwaith/grantiau-chwaraeon-cymru-gwellau-cyrhaeddiad-au-heffaith |
Having LTT regional as a policy area to focus on | Cael Treth Trafodiadau Tir rhanbarthol fel maes polisi i ganolbwyntio arno | https://digitalpublicservices.gov.wales/our-work/supporting-welsh-revenue-authority-become-fully-digital-tax-organisation | https://gwasanaethaucyhoeddusdigidol.llyw.cymru/ein-gwaith/cefnogi-awdurdod-refeniw-cymru-i-fod-yn-sefydliad-treth-llwyr-ddigidol |
This raises concerns that women are making decisions based on non-evidence information. | Mae hyn yn codi pryderon bod menywod yn gwneud penderfyniadau ar sail gwybodaeth nad yw'n ymwneud â tystiolaeth. | https://digitalpublicservices.gov.wales/blog/user-research-identifies-need-digital-maternity-notes | https://gwasanaethaucyhoeddusdigidol.llyw.cymru/blogiau/ymchwil-defnyddwyr-yn-nodir-angen-am-nodiadau-mamolaeth-digidol |
My previous job role has allowed me to enhance my problem-solving capabilities, develop patience, empathy, communication, interpersonal skills, and experience effective teamwork. | Roedd fy swydd flaenorol wedi fy ngalluogi i wella fy sgiliau datrys problemau, datblygu amynedd, empathi, cyfathrebu, sgiliau rhyngbersonol, a phrofi gwaith tîm effeithiol. | https://digitalpublicservices.gov.wales/blog/meet-our-apprentices | https://gwasanaethaucyhoeddusdigidol.llyw.cymru/blogiau/cwrdd-prentisiaid |
moving quickly, the show and tell is a great way of keeping people engaged in the process, it keeps things at the forefront, and you feel valued as a member of the group | gan symud yn gyflym, mae’r dangos a dweud yn ffordd wych o gynnal diddordeb pobl yn y broses, mae’n cadw pethau’n flaenllaw, ac rydych chi’n teimlo’n aelod gwerthfawr o’r grŵp | https://digitalpublicservices.gov.wales/view-frontline | https://gwasanaethaucyhoeddusdigidol.llyw.cymru/golygfa-or-rheng-flaen |
They have gained confidence from the experience and all have subsequently commissioned further squads without direct support from the Centre. | Maen nhw wedi ennill hyder o’r profiad ac, o ganlyniad, maen nhw i gyd wedi comisiynu sgwadiau ychwanegol heb gymorth uniongyrchol gan y Ganolfan. | https://digitalpublicservices.gov.wales/cdps-alpha-phase-achievements-and-lessons-learned | https://gwasanaethaucyhoeddusdigidol.llyw.cymru/cyflawniadau-cam-alffar-cdps-ar-gwersi-ddysgwyd |
About halfway through the project, we realised we had missed a trick. | Tua hanner ffordd drwy’r prosiect, fe sylweddolon ni ein bod wedi colli cyfle. | https://digitalpublicservices.gov.wales/chairs-blog-july-2021 | https://gwasanaethaucyhoeddusdigidol.llyw.cymru/blog-y-cadeirydd-gorffennaf-2021 |
it has been badly affected by recent COVID issues and will continue to face challenges as pressure mounts on services | mae’r materion diweddar yn ymwneud â COVID wedi effeithio’n ddifrifol arno, a bydd yn parhau i wynebu heriau wrth i bwysau ar wasanaethau gynyddu | https://digitalpublicservices.gov.wales/introducing-our-squad | https://gwasanaethaucyhoeddusdigidol.llyw.cymru/cyflwyno-ein-criw |
Our information and guidance can be abstract, unconnected to users’ day to day activities. | Gall ein gwybodaeth a’n harweiniad fod yn haniaethol, heb gysylltiad â gweithgareddau dydd i ddydd defnyddwyr. | https://digitalpublicservices.gov.wales/waste-not-content-needs-hazardous-disposals-service | https://gwasanaethaucyhoeddusdigidol.llyw.cymru/dim-gwastraff-datguddior-cynnwys-y-mae-ei-angen-ar-ddefnyddwyr-yn-un-o-wasanaethau-cyfoeth-naturiol |
The work highlighted in this annual review is often the first step in a journey to making an impact. | Yn aml, y gwaith a amlygir yn yr adolygiad blynyddol hwn yw'r cam cyntaf mewn taith i gael effaith. | https://digitalpublicservices.gov.wales/looking-back-cdps-year-review-2023-2024/7-what-weve-learned | https://gwasanaethaucyhoeddusdigidol.llyw.cymru/edrych-yn-ol-adolygu-blwyddyn-cdps-2023-i-2024/7-yr-hyn-rydym-wedii-ddysgu |
The main challenge has been learning new cloud-based technology. | Y brif her fu dysgu am dechnoleg newydd wedi’i seilio ar y cwmwl. | https://digitalpublicservices.gov.wales/role-internal-testing-agile-project-delivery | https://gwasanaethaucyhoeddusdigidol.llyw.cymru/rol-profi-mewnol-wrth-gyflawni-prosiect-ystwyth |
recording the session so you can review it later, including the language | recordio'r sesiwn fel y gallwch ei hadolygu'n ddiweddarach, gan gynnwys yr iaith | https://digitalpublicservices.gov.wales/guidance-and-standards/meet-user-needs/starting-your-welsh-language-user-research | https://gwasanaethaucyhoeddusdigidol.llyw.cymru/bodloni-anghenion-defnyddwyr/cyn-dechrau-eich-ymchwil-defnyddwyr-cymraeg |
Inform the right authorities of long-term debtors to make debt collection efficient | Hysbysu'r awdurdodau cywir am ddyledwyr hirdymor er mwyn sicrhau bod y system casglu dyledion yn effeithlon | https://digitalpublicservices.gov.wales/blog/how-welsh-revenue-authority-achieving-better-debt-outcomes | https://gwasanaethaucyhoeddusdigidol.llyw.cymru/blogiau/sut-mae-awdurdod-cyllid-cymru-yn-cyflawni-canlyniadau-dyled-gwell |
There’s something almost masochistic about them – read this report, if you dare. | Mae rhywbeth bron yn masocistaidd yn eu cylch – hynny ydi, darllenwch yr adroddiad hwn, os ydych chi'n ddigon dewr. | https://digitalpublicservices.gov.wales/how-produce-annual-report-people-will-actually-read | https://gwasanaethaucyhoeddusdigidol.llyw.cymru/sut-i-gynhyrchu-adroddiad-blynyddol-fydd-pobl-yn-siwr-oi-ddarllen |
to invite you to any hospitality or networking events (physically and online) we may hold or of which we may be a party, and which may be of interest to you | i’ch gwahodd i unrhyw ddigwyddiad lletygarwch neu rwydweithio (ffisegol ac ar-lein) y gallwn ei gynnal neu y gallwn fod yn rhan ohono, ac a all fod o ddiddordeb i chi | https://digitalpublicservices.gov.wales/privacy-policy | https://gwasanaethaucyhoeddusdigidol.llyw.cymru/polisi-preifatrwydd |
Local authorities often struggle to get access to data from schools as the data is often hosted on a school's own server on their premises. | Yn aml, mae’n anodd i awdurdodau lleol cael mynediad at ddata ysgolion, gan fod y data’n cael ei gynnal ar weinydd yr ysgol sydd ar eu safle. | https://digitalpublicservices.gov.wales/blog/school-management-information-systems-what-we-discovered | https://gwasanaethaucyhoeddusdigidol.llyw.cymru/blogiau/systemau-rheoli-gwybodaeth-ysgolion-ein-canfyddiadau |
have the flexibility to adapt to future developments in models of care | yn ddigon hyblyg i addasu i ddatblygiadau o ran modelau gofal yn y dyfodol | https://digitalpublicservices.gov.wales/primary-care-pathfinder-discovery-report | https://gwasanaethaucyhoeddusdigidol.llyw.cymru/prosiect-braenaru-gofal-sylfaenol-adroddiad-darganfod |
This is something that I had achieved in my previous role within an office environment before being sent home to work due to the pandemic and restrictions. | Mae hyn yn rhywbeth yr oeddwn wedi'i gyflawni yn ystod fy rôl flaenorol mewn amgylchedd swyddfa, cyn cael fy anfon i weithio o adref oherwydd y pandemig a'r cyfyngiadau. | https://digitalpublicservices.gov.wales/blogs/how-working-centre-digital-public-services-has-opened-my-eyes | https://gwasanaethaucyhoeddusdigidol.llyw.cymru/blogiau/sut-mae-gweithio-ir-ganolfan-gwasanaethau-cyhoeddus-digidol-wedi-agor-fy-llygaid |
Eco-Friendly Alliance (EFWA) is an award-winning social enterprise with a vision to make a positive impact on the environment. | Mae Cynghrair Eco-Gyfeillgar (EFWA) yn fenter gymdeithasol gyda gweledigaeth i gael effaith gadarnhaol ar yr amgylchedd. | https://digitalpublicservices.gov.wales/carbon-conscious-accreditation | https://gwasanaethaucyhoeddusdigidol.llyw.cymru/achrediad-carbon-ymwybodol |
More standardisation of forms | Safoni mwy o ffurflenni | https://digitalpublicservices.gov.wales/nursing-records-go-digital-case-study | https://gwasanaethaucyhoeddusdigidol.llyw.cymru/cofnodion-nyrsion-mynd-yn-ddigidol-astudiaeth-achos |
Organisations such as Business in the Community are giving groups and individuals devices pre-loaded with a data allowance, so they don’t need to worry about a broadband connection. | Mae sefydliadau fel Busnes yn y Gymuned yn rhoi dyfeisiau sydd wedi’u llwytho â lwfans data o flaen llaw i grwpiau ac unigolion, fel nad oes rhaid iddynt boeni am gysylltiad band eang. | https://digitalpublicservices.gov.wales/bridging-digital-divide-wales | https://gwasanaethaucyhoeddusdigidol.llyw.cymru/pontior-rhaniad-digidol-yng-nghymru |
Synching prescriptions to limit the number of visits the patient has to make to pick up their prescription from the clinic is a headache, as the consultant and admin lead explain: | Mae cysoni presgripsiynau i gyfyngu ar nifer yr ymweliadau y mae’n rhaid i’r claf ei wneud i gasglu eu presgripsiwn o’r clinig yn gur pen, fel yr esbonia’r ymgynghorydd a’r arweinydd gweinyddol: | https://digitalpublicservices.gov.wales/how-mental-health-clinic-wales-manages-patients-and-their-prescriptions | https://gwasanaethaucyhoeddusdigidol.llyw.cymru/sut-mae-clinig-iechyd-meddwl-yng-nghymru-yn-rheoli-cleifion-au-presgripsiynau |
struggling to hire and retain individuals with software development skills, with significant loss to the private sector as a result of salary differences | anawsterau o ran cyflogi a chadw unigolion sy’n meddu ar sgiliau datblygu meddalwedd, gyda cholled sylweddol i’r sector preifat o ganlyniad i wahaniaethau cyflog | https://digitalpublicservices.gov.wales/digital-landscape-review-engaging-service-owners | https://gwasanaethaucyhoeddusdigidol.llyw.cymru/yr-adolygiad-or-tirwedd-digidol-ymgysylltu-pherchnogion-gwasanaethau |
We provide a form for you to fill in which we use to ensure that your rights are addressed in full. | Byddwn yn darparu ffurflen i chi ei lenwi ac a ddefnyddir gennym i sicrhau bod eich hawliau’n cael eu gweithredu’n llawn. | https://digitalpublicservices.gov.wales/privacy-policy | https://gwasanaethaucyhoeddusdigidol.llyw.cymru/polisi-preifatrwydd |
You need to understand the landscape you are working in. | Mae angen i chi ddeall y tirwedd rydych yn gweithio ynddo. | https://digitalpublicservices.gov.wales/digital-landscape-review | https://gwasanaethaucyhoeddusdigidol.llyw.cymru/adolygiad-or-tirwedd-digidol |
directly approaching candidates using a headhunting strategy on LinkedIn | tynnu sylw ymgeiswyr yn uniongyrchol gan ddefnyddio strategaeth recriwtio uniongyrchol ar LinkedIn | https://digitalpublicservices.gov.wales/guidance-and-standards/create-digital-teams/attract-recruit-retain-talent-digital-data-and-technology-roles/how-attract-talent-digital-data-and-technology-roles | https://gwasanaethaucyhoeddusdigidol.llyw.cymru/arweiniad-safonau/creu-timau-digidol/attract-recruit-retain-talent-digital-data-and-technology-roles/sut-i-ddenu-talent-i-rolau-digidol-data-thechnoleg |
They're scaling it back because they're [now] worried it might be two or three members of staff that someone’s coming to grab. [ | Maent yn cwtogi arno am eu bod yn pryderu y bydd y broses yn disodli dau neu dri aelod o staff. [ | https://digitalpublicservices.gov.wales/automation-and-artificial-intelligence-discovery-report/findings | https://gwasanaethaucyhoeddusdigidol.llyw.cymru/adroddiad-darganfod-technoleg-awtomeiddio-deallusrwydd-artiffisial/canfyddiadau |
Any further squad projects launched from the Centre will also work towards the standards. | Bydd unrhyw brosiectau eraill gan y sgwad sy’n cael eu lansio o’r Ganolfan yn gweithio tuag at y safonau hefyd. | https://digitalpublicservices.gov.wales/digital-service-standards-wales-whats-next | https://gwasanaethaucyhoeddusdigidol.llyw.cymru/safonau-gwasanaethau-digidol-ar-gyfer-cymru-beth-sydd-nesaf |
prepare the current infrastructure, including wifi and devices | paratoi'r seilwaith presennol, gan gynnwys wifi a dyfeisiau | https://digitalpublicservices.gov.wales/looking-back-cdps-year-review-2022-2023/22-how-we-supported-health | https://gwasanaethaucyhoeddusdigidol.llyw.cymru/looking-back-cdps-year-review-2022-2023/22-sut-y-gwnaethom-gefnogi-iechyd |
Staying safe – remote usability testing | Aros yn ddiogel – profi defnyddioldeb o bell | https://digitalpublicservices.gov.wales/blogs/usability-testing-during-covid-19-how-we-conducted-remote-representative-usability-testing-adult-social-services | https://gwasanaethaucyhoeddusdigidol.llyw.cymru/profi-defnyddioldeb-yn-ystod-covid-19-sut-y-cynhalion-ni-brofi-defnyddioldeb-cynrychioliadol-o-bell |
We can also prioritise and organise information based on specific needs, for example, if a woman has diabetes. | Gallwn hefyd flaenoriaethu a threfnu gwybodaeth yn seiliedig ar anghenion penodol, er enghraifft, os oes gan fenyw clefyd y siwgr. | https://digitalpublicservices.gov.wales/blog/user-research-identifies-need-digital-maternity-notes | https://gwasanaethaucyhoeddusdigidol.llyw.cymru/blogiau/ymchwil-defnyddwyr-yn-nodir-angen-am-nodiadau-mamolaeth-digidol |
This isn’t just about sharing good news stories; it's about sharing all stories. | Nid rhannu straeon newyddion da yn unig yw’r bwriad, ond rhannu pob stori. | https://digitalpublicservices.gov.wales/communicating-open | https://gwasanaethaucyhoeddusdigidol.llyw.cymru/cyfathrebun-agored |
Previously I’ve enjoyed using a well-known technique called pair writing to design content with subject experts. | Yn flaenorol rwyf wedi mwynhau defnyddio techneg adnabyddus o'r enw ysgrifennu pâr i ddylunio cynnwys gydag arbenigwyr pwnc. | https://digitalpublicservices.gov.wales/blog/beyond-trio-writing-other-ways-collaborate-translators | https://gwasanaethaucyhoeddusdigidol.llyw.cymru/blogiau/tu-hwnt-i-ysgrifennu-triawd-ffyrdd-eraill-o-gydweithio-chyfieithwyr |
avoid ‘Reply all’ | osgoi 'Ateb y cyfan' | https://digitalpublicservices.gov.wales/blog/how-make-difference-world-earth-day | https://gwasanaethaucyhoeddusdigidol.llyw.cymru/blogiau/sut-i-wneud-gwahaniaeth-ar-ddiwrnod-y-ddaear |
• Simpler, more user friendly risk register that maps out inherent risk, residual risk and mitigation to be produced. | • Eisiau mynd at i lunio Cofrestr Risg symlach, fwy cyfeillgar i'r defnyddiwr sy'n mapio risg gynhenid, risg gweddilliol a lliniaru. | https://digitalpublicservices.gov.wales/about-us/how-were-run/board-minutes/audit-and-risk-committee-minutes-april-2024 | https://gwasanaethaucyhoeddusdigidol.llyw.cymru/amdanom-ni/sut-rydyn-nin-gweithio/cofnodion-y-bwrdd/pwyllgor-archwilio-risg-munudau-ebrill-2024 |
Full details of the panel membership can be found here | Mae manylion llawn aelodaeth y panel ar gael yma | https://digitalpublicservices.gov.wales/cdps-alpha-phase-achievements-and-lessons-learned | https://gwasanaethaucyhoeddusdigidol.llyw.cymru/cyflawniadau-cam-alffar-cdps-ar-gwersi-ddysgwyd |
Broad skills – and good vibes | Sgiliau eang – a naws dda | https://digitalpublicservices.gov.wales/create-psychological-safety-and-four-other-agile-content-lessons | https://gwasanaethaucyhoeddusdigidol.llyw.cymru/creu-diogelwch-seicolegol-phedair-gwers-arall-am-gynnwys-ystwyth |
As public services increasingly embrace artificial intelligence, ethical considerations must be at the forefront of any discussion around the implementation of new technologies. | Wrth i wasanaethau cyhoeddus gofleidio deallusrwydd artiffisial yn gynyddol, rhaid i ystyriaethau moesegol fod ar flaen y gad mewn unrhyw drafodaeth ynghylch gweithredu technolegau newydd. | https://digitalpublicservices.gov.wales/blog/celebrating-launch-leading-modern-public-services-programme | https://gwasanaethaucyhoeddusdigidol.llyw.cymru/blogiau/dathlu-lansiad-y-rhaglen-arwain-gwasanaethau-cyhoeddus-modern |
reduced demand on GP surgeries, for example due to individuals checking test results, vaccine records or medication histories for themselves | llai o alw ar feddygfeydd, er enghraifft gan unigolion sy’n gwirio canlyniadau profion, cofnodion brechlynnau neu hanes meddygol ar eu cyfer nhw eu hunain | https://digitalpublicservices.gov.wales/guidance-and-standards/5-what-we-found-out/54-expanding-records-access-citizens-offers-both-challenges-and-benefits | https://gwasanaethaucyhoeddusdigidol.llyw.cymru/arweiniad-safonau/5-what-we-found-out/54-mae-ehangu-mynediad-gofnodion-i-ddinasyddion-yn-cynnig-heriau-buddion |
Consider the nuances and the mental cost of switching between languages. | Ystyriwch y grefft a'r gost feddyliol o newid rhwng ieithoedd. | https://digitalpublicservices.gov.wales/guidance-and-standards/meet-user-needs/planning-your-welsh-language-user-research | https://gwasanaethaucyhoeddusdigidol.llyw.cymru/bodloni-anghenion-defnyddwyr/cynllunio-eich-ymchwil-defnyddwyr-cymraeg |
The length of this external support varies, with one local authority using an external supplier to get started, whereas other have longer term relationships. | Mae hyd y cymorth allanol hwn yn amrywio, gydag un awdurdod lleol yn defnyddio cyflenwr allanol i ddechrau, tra bod gan eraill berthnasoedd tymor hwy. | https://digitalpublicservices.gov.wales/automation-and-artificial-intelligence-discovery-report/findings | https://gwasanaethaucyhoeddusdigidol.llyw.cymru/adroddiad-darganfod-technoleg-awtomeiddio-deallusrwydd-artiffisial/canfyddiadau |
The short-term planning is liberating and lets you focus on one issue at a time. | Mae'r cynllunio tymor byr yn rhyddhad ac yn gadael i chi ganolbwyntio ar un mater ar y tro. | https://digitalpublicservices.gov.wales/blog/data-debt-what-ive-learned-working-cdps | https://gwasanaethaucyhoeddusdigidol.llyw.cymru/blogiau/o-ddata-i-ddyled-beth-rydw-i-wedi-ei-ddysgu-wrth-weithio-gyda-cdps |
Human resources: processing leavers, new starters, DBS checks, time sheets and contract expirations. | Adnoddau dynol: prosesu manylion unigolion sy'n gadael y sefydliad, prosesu manylion staff newydd, gwiriadau DBS, taflenni amser a chontractau sy'n dod i ben. | https://digitalpublicservices.gov.wales/automation-and-artificial-intelligence-discovery-report/findings | https://gwasanaethaucyhoeddusdigidol.llyw.cymru/adroddiad-darganfod-technoleg-awtomeiddio-deallusrwydd-artiffisial/canfyddiadau |
Understanding the environment: While Everest may not be the most technically challenging climb, its harsh environment poses significant risks. | Deall yr amgylchedd: Er nad Everest efallai yw'r ddringfa fwyaf heriol yn dechnegol, mae ei amgylchedd caled yn peri risgiau sylweddol. | https://digitalpublicservices.gov.wales/blog/designed-people-enabled-technology | https://gwasanaethaucyhoeddusdigidol.llyw.cymru/blogiau/wedii-gynllunio-ar-gyfer-pobl-wedii-alluogi-gan-dechnoleg |
The research used a combination of qualitative and quantitative methods. | Defnyddiodd y gwaith ymchwil gyfuniad o ddulliau ansoddol a meintiol. | https://digitalpublicservices.gov.wales/user-research-around-digital-inclusion-caerphilly-council | https://gwasanaethaucyhoeddusdigidol.llyw.cymru/ymchwil-defnyddwyr-ynglyn-chynhwysiant-digidol-yng-nghyngor-caerffili |
Many organisations spoke of a desire to use Microsoft Copilot – due to the widespread use of the Microsoft Technology Stack – but find the cost of the minimum licence requirement prohibitive. | Soniodd llawer o sefydliadau am awydd i ddefnyddio Microsoft Copilot – oherwydd y defnydd eang o Microsoft Technology Stack – ond mae cost y gofyniad lleiaf am drwydded yn gyfyngol. | https://digitalpublicservices.gov.wales/automation-and-artificial-intelligence-discovery-report/ai-0 | https://gwasanaethaucyhoeddusdigidol.llyw.cymru/adroddiad-darganfod-technoleg-awtomeiddio-deallusrwydd-artiffisial/ai |
This approach doesn’t always give the same prominence to the translated version. | Nid yw'r dull hwn bob amser yn rhoi'r un amlygrwydd i'r fersiwn wedi'i chyfieithu. | https://digitalpublicservices.gov.wales/our-work/using-trio-writing-create-user-centred-bilingual-content | https://gwasanaethaucyhoeddusdigidol.llyw.cymru/ein-gwaith/defnyddio-ysgrifennu-triawd-i-greu-cynnwys-dwyieithog-syn-canolbwyntio-ar-y-defnyddiwr |
Marianne Matthews is an IT business analyst and her role in this project is to identify and input data from the Social Services Information system. | Mae Marianne Matthews yn ddadansoddwr busnes TG a’i rôl yn y prosiect hwn yw amlygu a mewnbynnu data o system wybodaeth y gwasanaethau cymdeithasol. | https://digitalpublicservices.gov.wales/role-internal-testing-agile-project-delivery | https://gwasanaethaucyhoeddusdigidol.llyw.cymru/rol-profi-mewnol-wrth-gyflawni-prosiect-ystwyth |
One possible reason farmers aren’t registering correctly is that they don’t understand the guidance. | Un rheswm tebygol nad yw ffermwyr yn cofrestru’n gywir yw oherwydd nad ydynt yn deall y canllawiau. | https://digitalpublicservices.gov.wales/our-work/waste-services-showing-value-user-centred-design | https://gwasanaethaucyhoeddusdigidol.llyw.cymru/our-work/gwasanaethau-gwastraff-dangos-gwerth-dylunio-syn-canolbwyntio-ar-y-defnyddiwr |
What works in one context may not work in another. | Efallai na fydd yr hyn sy’n gweithio mewn un cyd-destun yn gweithio mewn cyd-destun arall. | https://digitalpublicservices.gov.wales/coming-together-improve-quality-prescription-services-wales | https://gwasanaethaucyhoeddusdigidol.llyw.cymru/dod-ynghyd-i-wella-ansawdd-gwasanaethau-presgripsiwn-yng-nghymru |
Never talk about the person, only the work. | Peidiwch byth â siarad am y person, dim ond y gwaith. | https://digitalpublicservices.gov.wales/guidance-and-standards/meet-user-needs/crits | https://gwasanaethaucyhoeddusdigidol.llyw.cymru/crits |
Lee Hanford is an IT business analyst and programmer and has been building the link to connect this information to the text messaging system. | Mae Lee Hanford yn rhaglennwr a dadansoddwr busnes TG ac mae wedi bod yn creu’r ddolen i gysylltu’r wybodaeth hon â’r system negeseuon testun. | https://digitalpublicservices.gov.wales/role-internal-testing-agile-project-delivery | https://gwasanaethaucyhoeddusdigidol.llyw.cymru/rol-profi-mewnol-wrth-gyflawni-prosiect-ystwyth |
Ethics committees are more commonly used in the academic world, where a formal proposal is taken to a board of academic professionals for approval or rejection. | Defnyddir pwyllgorau moeseg yn fwy cyffredin yn y byd academaidd, lle caiff cynnig ffurfiol ei gyflwyno i fwrdd o weithwyr proffesiynol academaidd i'w gymeradwyo neu ei wrthod. | https://digitalpublicservices.gov.wales/blog/benefits-user-research-ethics-committee-your-organisation | https://gwasanaethaucyhoeddusdigidol.llyw.cymru/blogiau/manteision-pwyllgor-moeseg-ymchwil-defnyddwyr-ar-gyfer-eich-sefydliad |
Prescribing medication in mental health clinics can be very complex. | Gall presgripsiynu meddyginiaeth mewn clinigau iechyd meddwl fod yn gymhleth iawn. | https://digitalpublicservices.gov.wales/how-mental-health-clinic-wales-manages-patients-and-their-prescriptions | https://gwasanaethaucyhoeddusdigidol.llyw.cymru/sut-mae-clinig-iechyd-meddwl-yng-nghymru-yn-rheoli-cleifion-au-presgripsiynau |
This is the style sheet for the web page and so will give the HTML some “style rules” which enables the manipulation of font, colour, size, layout, and more. | Dyma'r ddalen arddull ar gyfer y dudalen we, ac felly bydd yn cynnig “rheolau arddull” i'r HTML sy'n galluogi trîn ffont, lliw, maint, cynllun, a mwy. | null | https://gwasanaethaucyhoeddusdigidol.llyw.cymru/ux-ui-and-interaction-design/ffyrdd-o-wella-eich-penderfyniadau-dylunio |
provide the full name of the team member who would be dealing with the case | rhoi enw llawn yr aelod o’r tîm a fyddai’n delio â’r achos | https://digitalpublicservices.gov.wales/words-purpose-text-service-meet-user-needs | https://gwasanaethaucyhoeddusdigidol.llyw.cymru/words-purpose-text-service-meet-user-needs |
The new email template has 6 attachments. | Mae’r templed e-bost newydd yn cynnwys chwe atodiad. | https://digitalpublicservices.gov.wales/applying-design-thinking-cdps-procurement | https://gwasanaethaucyhoeddusdigidol.llyw.cymru/sicrhau-meddylfryd-dylunio-i-gaffael-yn-cdps |
A lot of people in the roadshows were working in marketing and communications roles. | Roedd llawer o bobl yn nigwyddiadau’r sioe deithiol yn gweithio mewn rolau marchnata a chyfathrebu. | https://digitalpublicservices.gov.wales/blog/what-we-learned-about-how-welsh-public-sector-produces-bilingual-content | https://gwasanaethaucyhoeddusdigidol.llyw.cymru/blogiau/be-ddysgon-ni-am-sut-mae-sector-cyhoeddus-cymru-yn-cynhyrchu-cynnwys-dwyieithog |
These simpler documents should make it easier for smaller companies to tender for work. | Dylai’r dogfennau symlach hyn ei gwneud yn haws i gwmnïau llai dendro am waith. | https://digitalpublicservices.gov.wales/looking-back-cdps-year-review-202122/43-objective-stimulate-digital-economy | https://gwasanaethaucyhoeddusdigidol.llyw.cymru/looking-back-cdps-year-review-202122/43-amcan-ysgogir-economi-ddigidol |
Content is often put online in a siloed fashion, with teams organised around departments rather than their end-to-end services. | Yn aml, rhoddir cynnwys ar-lein mewn modd caeedig gyda thimau wedi'u trefnu o amgylch adrannau yn hytrach na'u gwasanaethau o'u dechrau i'w diwedd. | https://digitalpublicservices.gov.wales/our-work/meeting-content-design-challenges-local-government | https://gwasanaethaucyhoeddusdigidol.llyw.cymru/our-work/darganfodgwella-dyluniad-cynnwys-mewn-llywodraeth-leol |
We also need to map the net zero policy landscape, how emissions are currently measured and reported and any support that already exists. | Mae angen inni hefyd fapio’r dirwedd polisi sero net, sut y caiff allyriadau eu mesur a’u hadrodd ar hyn o bryd ac unrhyw gymorth sydd eisoes yn bodoli. | https://digitalpublicservices.gov.wales/supporting-net-zero-tech-what-good-looks | https://gwasanaethaucyhoeddusdigidol.llyw.cymru/cefnogi-net-sero-gyda-thechnoleg-sut-mae-da-yn-edrych |
When testing the structure of your website. | Wrth brofi strwythur eich gwefan. | https://digitalpublicservices.gov.wales/guidance-and-standards/meet-user-needs/card-sorting | https://gwasanaethaucyhoeddusdigidol.llyw.cymru/arweiniad-safonau/bodloni-anghenion-defnyddwyr/didoli-cardiau |
With start dates available throughout the year, learners can begin their apprenticeship journey at a time that suits them best. | Gyda dyddiadau cychwyn ar gael drwy gydol y flwyddyn, gall dysgwyr ddechrau ar eu taith brentisiaeth ar adeg sy'n gweddu orau iddynt. | https://digitalpublicservices.gov.wales/our-work/user-centred-design-apprenticeship-programme | https://gwasanaethaucyhoeddusdigidol.llyw.cymru/ein-gwaith/rhaglen-prentisiaeth-dylunio-syn-canolbwyntio-ar-y-defnyddiwr |
So how does another service manual add value alongside other well-regarded resources? | Felly sut mae llawlyfr gwasanaeth arall yn ychwanegu gwerth ochr yn ochr ag adnoddau eraill sy'n uchel eu parch? | https://digitalpublicservices.gov.wales/blog/service-manual-beta-some-lessons-learned?_gl=1%2A10kr16o%2A_ga%2ANjIxNzYwMDAyLjE3MTY1NDM1NjM.%2A_ga_HKYTNYNSKE%2AMTcxNjU0MzU2My4xLjAuMTcxNjU0MzU2My4wLjAuMA.. | https://gwasanaethaucyhoeddusdigidol.llyw.cymru/blogiau/llawlyfr-gwasanaeth-mewn-beta-rhai-gwersi-ddysgwyd?_gl=1*10kr16o*_ga*NjIxNzYwMDAyLjE3MTY1NDM1NjM.*_ga_HKYTNYNSKE*MTcxNjU0MzU2My4xLjAuMTcxNjU0MzU2My4wLjAuMA.. |
make sure these experts and the development team work together daily to understand and remove constraints | gwneud yn siŵr bod yr arbenigwyr hyn a’r tîm datblygu yn gweithio gyda’i gilydd bob dydd i ddeall a dileu cyfyngiadau | https://digitalpublicservices.gov.wales/guidance-and-standards/digital-service-standards-wales | https://gwasanaethaucyhoeddusdigidol.llyw.cymru/arweiniad-safonau/safonau-gwasanaeth-digidol-cymru |
How do we usability test remotely when we can’t use video conferencing software? | Sut gallwn ni brofi defnyddioldeb o bell pan na allwn ddefnyddio meddalwedd fideogynadledda? | https://digitalpublicservices.gov.wales/blogs/usability-testing-during-covid-19-how-we-conducted-remote-representative-usability-testing-adult-social-services | https://gwasanaethaucyhoeddusdigidol.llyw.cymru/profi-defnyddioldeb-yn-ystod-covid-19-sut-y-cynhalion-ni-brofi-defnyddioldeb-cynrychioliadol-o-bell |
Your products and services should meet the WCAG 2.2 AA standard to comply with the UK law. | Dylai eich cynhyrchion a'ch gwasanaethau fodloni safon AA WCAG 2.2 i gydymffurfio â chyfraith y DU. | https://digitalpublicservices.gov.wales/guidance-and-standards/recommended-standards/standards-catalogue/web-content-accessibility-guidelines | https://gwasanaethaucyhoeddusdigidol.llyw.cymru/arweiniad-safonau/safonau-argymhellir/catalog-safonau/canllawiau-hygyrchedd-cynnwys-y-we |
We include an external link or a nudge towards more comprehensive information for people who need it. | Rydyn ni’n cynnwys dolen allanol neu gyfeiriad at wybodaeth fwy cynhwysfawr i bobl y mae arnynt ei hangen. | https://digitalpublicservices.gov.wales/how-make-procurement-docs-people-understand | https://gwasanaethaucyhoeddusdigidol.llyw.cymru/sut-i-wneud-dogfennau-caffael-y-gallwch-eu-deall |
Tell us in the comments below how discovery shone a light on content problems – or how alpha helped shape solutions | Rhowch sylwadau i ni isod ar sut oedd y cam darganfod wedi amlygu problemau gyda chynnwys – neu sut oedd y cam alffa wedi helpu i ffurfio datrysiadau | https://digitalpublicservices.gov.wales/waste-not-content-needs-hazardous-disposals-service | https://gwasanaethaucyhoeddusdigidol.llyw.cymru/dim-gwastraff-datguddior-cynnwys-y-mae-ei-angen-ar-ddefnyddwyr-yn-un-o-wasanaethau-cyfoeth-naturiol |
teams understand and support the need for bespoke Welsh standards but there was some confusion between the new set and the set currently on the Welsh Government website | mae timau’n deall ac yn cefnogi’r angen am safonau pwrpasol i Gymru, ond roedd rhywfaint o ddryswch ynghylch y set newydd a’r set sydd ar wefan Llywodraeth Cymru ar hyn o bryd | https://digitalpublicservices.gov.wales/digital-service-standards-wales-our-next-iteration | https://gwasanaethaucyhoeddusdigidol.llyw.cymru/safonau-gwasanaeth-digidol-ar-gyfer-cymru-ein-hiteriad-nesaf |
Service teams should be driven by outcomes that benefit the people of Wales, not by lists of technical requirements. | Dylai timau gwasanaeth gael eu hysgogi gan ganlyniadau sydd o fudd i bobl Cymru, nid gan restrau o ofynion technegol. | https://digitalpublicservices.gov.wales/guidance-and-standards/digital-service-standards-wales | https://gwasanaethaucyhoeddusdigidol.llyw.cymru/arweiniad-safonau/safonau-gwasanaeth-digidol-cymru |
Healthy conversations emerge from “We think we’re more at this level than that level.” | Mae sgyrsiau iach yn deillio o “rydyn ni’n credu ein bod ni’n fwy ar y lefel hon, na’r lefel honno”. | https://digitalpublicservices.gov.wales/building-digital-capability-welsh-revenue-authority | https://gwasanaethaucyhoeddusdigidol.llyw.cymru/blogiau/cynyddu-gallu-digidol-awdurdod-cyllid-cymru |
One area of focus is dispensing tokens – patients who hand their paper prescriptions to the pharmacist to collect their medicine | Un maes ffocws yw dosbarthu tocynnau – cleifion sy'n rhoi eu presgripsiynau papur i'r fferyllydd er mwyn casglu eu meddyginiaeth | https://digitalpublicservices.gov.wales/coming-together-improve-quality-prescription-services-wales | https://gwasanaethaucyhoeddusdigidol.llyw.cymru/dod-ynghyd-i-wella-ansawdd-gwasanaethau-presgripsiwn-yng-nghymru |
These tools are great for fast prototyping and testing content in a browser. | Mae'r teclynnau hyn yn wych ar gyfer prototeipio cyflym a phrofi cynnwys mewn porwr. | https://digitalpublicservices.gov.wales/guidance-and-standards/meet-user-needs/prototyping | https://gwasanaethaucyhoeddusdigidol.llyw.cymru/arweiniad-safonau/bodloni-anghenion-defnyddwyr/prototeipio |
Traffic payoff | Taliad traffig | https://digitalpublicservices.gov.wales/how-produce-annual-report-people-will-actually-read | https://gwasanaethaucyhoeddusdigidol.llyw.cymru/sut-i-gynhyrchu-adroddiad-blynyddol-fydd-pobl-yn-siwr-oi-ddarllen |
This service was an ideal candidate for our first expert squad to support as: | Roedd y gwasanaeth hwn yn un delfrydol i’n criw arbenigol cyntaf ei gefnogi, oherwydd: | https://digitalpublicservices.gov.wales/introducing-our-squad | https://gwasanaethaucyhoeddusdigidol.llyw.cymru/cyflwyno-ein-criw |
Board members noted the Conflict of Interest Register and were content that it was reflective of all current interests. | Nododd aelodau'r bwrdd y Gofrestr Gwrthdaro Buddiannau ac roeddent yn fodlon ei bod yn adlewyrchu'r holl fuddiannau presennol. | https://digitalpublicservices.gov.wales/about-us/how-were-run/board-minutes/board-minutes-may-2024 | https://gwasanaethaucyhoeddusdigidol.llyw.cymru/amdanom-ni/sut-rydyn-nin-gweithio/cofnodion-y-bwrdd/cofnodion-y-bwrdd-mai-2024 |
It allows us to collect observed data, as well as reported data. | Mae’n caniatáu i ni gasglu data wedi’i arsylwi, yn ogystal â data wedi’i adrodd. | https://digitalpublicservices.gov.wales/blogs/usability-testing-during-covid-19-how-we-conducted-remote-representative-usability-testing-adult-social-services | https://gwasanaethaucyhoeddusdigidol.llyw.cymru/profi-defnyddioldeb-yn-ystod-covid-19-sut-y-cynhalion-ni-brofi-defnyddioldeb-cynrychioliadol-o-bell |
Even though that person has the same disorder, it depends on where they are or how well they are, they might fit anywhere – they might move back and forth. | Er bod gan y person hwnnw yr un anhwylder, mae’n dibynnu ar lle mae nhw neu pa mor dda ydyn nhw, efallai y byddan nhw’n ffitio unrhyw le- efallai byddan nhw’n symud nôl a mlaen. | https://digitalpublicservices.gov.wales/how-mental-health-clinic-wales-manages-patients-and-their-prescriptions | https://gwasanaethaucyhoeddusdigidol.llyw.cymru/sut-mae-clinig-iechyd-meddwl-yng-nghymru-yn-rheoli-cleifion-au-presgripsiynau |
We use structured interviews, sharing questions with candidates seven days prior to interview, and a gender split panel to ensure candidates can maximise their performance. | Rydym yn defnyddio cyfweliadau strwythuredig, yn rhannu cwestiynau gydag ymgeiswyr saith diwrnod cyn y cyfweliad, a phanel rhannu rhywedd i sicrhau y gall ymgeiswyr wneud y gorau o'u perfformiad. | https://digitalpublicservices.gov.wales/our-gender-pay-gap-report-2022-2023 | https://gwasanaethaucyhoeddusdigidol.llyw.cymru/ein-hadroddiad-bwlch-cyflog-rhwng-y-rhywiau-2023-2024 |
If you didn’t know already, organisations or individuals who handle hazardous waste in Wales are required to interact with us: | Os nad oeddech yn gwybod eisoes, mae’n ofynnol i sefydliadau neu unigolion sy’n trin gwastraff peryglus yng Nghymru ryngweithio â ni: | https://digitalpublicservices.gov.wales/bringing-our-digital-strategy-life | https://gwasanaethaucyhoeddusdigidol.llyw.cymru/dod-strategaeth-ddigidol-yn-fyw |
general carbon literacy training | hyfforddiant cyffredinol ar lythrennedd carbon | https://digitalpublicservices.gov.wales/guidance-and-standards/tech-net-zero-discovery-report/recommendation-1-raise-awareness | https://gwasanaethaucyhoeddusdigidol.llyw.cymru/arweiniad-safonau/tech-net-zero-discovery-report/argymhelliad-1-codi-ymwybyddiaeth |
the top priority was] making it easier to get a GP appointment (48%) | y brif flaenoriaeth oedd] ei gwneud yn haws i gael apwyntiad meddyg teulu (48%)” | https://digitalpublicservices.gov.wales/guidance-and-standards/5-what-we-found-out/56-access-gp-services-remains-main-challenge-citizens | https://gwasanaethaucyhoeddusdigidol.llyw.cymru/arweiniad-safonau/5-what-we-found-out/56-mynediad-wasanaethau-meddyg-teulu-ywr-brif-her-i-ddinasyddion-o-hyd |
Others felt remote communication was not only acceptable but preferred in certain circumstances, including: | Roedd eraill o’r farn bod cyfathrebu o bell nid yn unig yn dderbyniol ond yn amgenach mewn rhai amgylchiadau, gan gynnwys: | https://digitalpublicservices.gov.wales/guidance-and-standards/5-what-we-found-out/59-citizens-preferences-accessing-services-depend-context | https://gwasanaethaucyhoeddusdigidol.llyw.cymru/arweiniad-safonau/5-what-we-found-out/59-mae-blaenoriaethau-dinasyddion-o-ran-cael-mynediad-wasanaethau-yn-dibynnu-ar-y-cyd-destun |
I often think back to the first collaborative robot (“cobot”) that I helped to introduce into a manufacturing assembly line. | Rwy’n aml yn meddwl am y robot ar y cyd (“cyd-fot”) cyntaf yr helpais i’w gyflwyno ar linell gydosod gweithgynhyrchu. | https://digitalpublicservices.gov.wales/chairs-blog-july-2021 | https://gwasanaethaucyhoeddusdigidol.llyw.cymru/blog-y-cadeirydd-gorffennaf-2021 |
Don’t allow climate change (environmental) hijack all your sustainability decisions. | Peidiwch â chaniatáu i newid yn yr hinsawdd (amgylcheddol) herwgipio eich holl benderfyniadau cynaliadwyedd. | https://digitalpublicservices.gov.wales/blog/practical-advice-starting-your-net-zero-journey-dr-hushneara-begum | https://gwasanaethaucyhoeddusdigidol.llyw.cymru/blogiau/cyngor-ymarferol-ar-ddechrau-eich-taith-sero-net-gan-dr-hushneara-begum |
understand the ‘why’: emphasise the social and economic prosperity of our residents | deall 'pam': pwysleisio ffyniant cymdeithasol ac economaidd ein trigolion | https://digitalpublicservices.gov.wales/blog/designed-people-enabled-technology | https://gwasanaethaucyhoeddusdigidol.llyw.cymru/blogiau/wedii-gynllunio-ar-gyfer-pobl-wedii-alluogi-gan-dechnoleg |
Pharmacists said they can access a summary record and that having more detail would help them in their expanding role in primary care. | Dywedodd fferyllwyr eu bod yn gallu cael at gofnod cryno ac y byddai mwy o fanylion yn eu helpu â’u rôl sy’n ehangu mewn gofal sylfaenol. | https://digitalpublicservices.gov.wales/guidance-and-standards/5-what-we-found-out/55-information-sharing-between-professionals-key-challenge-future-model | https://gwasanaethaucyhoeddusdigidol.llyw.cymru/arweiniad-safonau/5-what-we-found-out/55-mae-rhannu-gwybodaeth-rhwng-gweithwyr-proffesiynol-yn-her-allweddol-i-fodel-y-dyfodol |
CDPS would no longer be reforecasting monthly which led to the use of a rolling budget. | Ni fyddai CDPS bellach yn ail-ragweld yn fisol a arweiniodd at ddefnyddio cyllideb dreigl. | https://digitalpublicservices.gov.wales/about-us/how-were-run/board-minutes/audit-and-risk-committee-minutes-april-2024 | https://gwasanaethaucyhoeddusdigidol.llyw.cymru/amdanom-ni/sut-rydyn-nin-gweithio/cofnodion-y-bwrdd/pwyllgor-archwilio-risg-munudau-ebrill-2024 |
A good start with a well-equipped team. | Dechrau da gyda thîm llawn offer. | https://digitalpublicservices.gov.wales/blog/data-debt-what-ive-learned-working-cdps | https://gwasanaethaucyhoeddusdigidol.llyw.cymru/blogiau/o-ddata-i-ddyled-beth-rydw-i-wedi-ei-ddysgu-wrth-weithio-gyda-cdps |
A shared understanding of the benefits and risks of using AI. | Dealltwriaeth gyffredin o fanteision a risgiau defnyddio AI. | https://digitalpublicservices.gov.wales/automation-and-artificial-intelligence-discovery-report/support-ideas | https://gwasanaethaucyhoeddusdigidol.llyw.cymru/adroddiad-darganfod-technoleg-awtomeiddio-deallusrwydd-artiffisial/syniadau-ar-gyfer-cefnogaeth |
On the one hand, it’s great that there are systems in place. | Ar y naill law, mae'n wych bod systemau ar waith. | https://digitalpublicservices.gov.wales/blog/transitioning-new-team-and-project-delivery-manager | https://gwasanaethaucyhoeddusdigidol.llyw.cymru/blogiau/trosglwyddo-i-dim-phrosiect-newydd-fel-rheolwr-cyflenwi |
Balancing peaks and troughs in service demand by using bots that can carry out all types of automated tasks and be allocated to where they are needed most. | Cydbwyso brigau a phantiau yn y galw am wasanaethau trwy ddefnyddio botiau a all gyflawni pob math o dasgau awtomataidd a'u dyrannu i'r man lle mae eu hangen fwyaf. | https://digitalpublicservices.gov.wales/automation-and-artificial-intelligence-discovery-report/findings | https://gwasanaethaucyhoeddusdigidol.llyw.cymru/adroddiad-darganfod-technoleg-awtomeiddio-deallusrwydd-artiffisial/canfyddiadau |
When I think of pollution, I instantly think of rubbish dumps, plastic in the ocean and smoke in the sky. | Pan fyddaf yn meddwl am lygredd, rwy'n meddwl ar unwaith am dympiau sbwriel, plastig yn y cefnfor a mwg yn yr awyr. | https://digitalpublicservices.gov.wales/blog/how-make-difference-world-earth-day | https://gwasanaethaucyhoeddusdigidol.llyw.cymru/blogiau/sut-i-wneud-gwahaniaeth-ar-ddiwrnod-y-ddaear |